BAA [Theatre Troupe 12] Framework
District Name: Okanagan Skaha
District Number: 67
Developed by: Linda Beaven
Date Developed: September 29, 2005
School Name: Summerland Secondary
Principal’s Name: Bill Bidlake
Board/Authority Approval Date:
Board/Authority Signature:
Course Name: Theatre Troupe
Grade Level of Course: 12
Number of Course Credits: 2 for 50 hours work (minor commitment); 4 for 100+ hours work (major
Number of Hours of Instruction: 100 – 140
Prerequisite(s): Audition required
Special Training, Facilities or Equipment Required: Theatre Degree
Course Synopsis: This course is designed for serious acting students to develop and practise acting skills which
lead to public performance. The emphasis is on personal and artistic growth for actors. The course encourages the
development of creativity, imagination, concentration, commitment, collaboration and knowledge of the skills and
effort required for performance. Classes meet outside of the regular timetable set in advance by instructor. The
course culminates in a series of public performances for school and community.
BAA [ Course Name and Grade Level ] Framework
Organizational Structure:
Roles in a production
5 hours
The audition process
10 hours
Blocking, motivation, memorization
20 hours
Vocal warm-up and voice production
10 hours
The rehearsal process
50 hours
How to perform
20 hours
Total Hours
115 hours
Unit/Topic/Module Descriptions:
Unit 1: Overview – Students will learn the roles & responsibilities of all members of a production.
Curriculum Organizers and Learning Outcomes – They will use this knowledge to become part of the
production team.
Unit 2: Overview – Actors will prepare a proper professional audition which may lead to being cast in a play.
Curriculum Organizers and Learning Outcomes – They will demonstrate their expertise in a casting
Unit 3: Overview – Students will learn the basics of Blocking, voice production & movement.
Curriculum Organizers and Learning Outcomes – Will demonstrate this knowledge in the final production.
Unit 4: Overview – Students learn proper vocal warm-up, articulation and projection, so voices are not damaged.
Curriculum Organizers and Learning Outcomes – Students will be clearly understood and heard in
Unit 5: Overview – Students learn the etiquette and expectations of actors during a rehearsal.
Curriculum Organizers and Learning Outcomes – Students will have used their knowledge of the process to
get a full length play to production.
Instructional Component:
- Direct instruction
- Indirect instruction
- Interactive instruction
- Modelling
- Practical creativity
- Individual creativity : Solo and within an Ensemble
- Brainstorming
- Group work
- Analysis of video for correction, instruction
- Analysis of commercial film and video works
- Analysis of Production for examination, reflection
BAA [ Course Name and Grade Level ] Framework
Assessment Component:
1/3 Mark for Rehearsal Period
 Demonstrates responsibility to the group
 On time to rehearsal
 Prepared with lines and script
 On task – engaged with character
Demonstrates creativity in the Acting process
 Takes risks
 Listens and adapts to direction
 Applies a creative process of exploration, selection refinement and reflection
1/3 Mark for Performance Skills
 Demonstrates performance etiquette
 On time to call
 Properly warmed up
 Performs what is practised
 Costumes and make-up cared for
 Helps in clean up
Demonstrates performance skills
 Vocal projection and articulation
 Physically developed characterization
 Lines memorized
 Gives appearance of first time
1/3 Mark Self Evaluation
 Demonstrates in written form an understanding of the rehearsal process
 Demonstrates in written form an understanding of the development of a character and how that character is
manifested on stage.
 Articulates in written form the personal growth which participation has promoted.
Learning Resources: A wide cross section of theatrical scripts, theatre production and management resources, a
fully equipped theatre with sophisticated sound and light systems.
Additional Information:
BAA [ Course Name and Grade Level ] Framework