BAA Nutrition 10 Framework

BAA Nutrition 10 Framework
District Name: Okanagan Skaha
District Number: 67
Developed by: Marnie Mennell
Date Developed: November 23, 2012
School Name: Summerland Secondary School
Principal’s Name: Chris VanBergeyk
Board/Authority Approval Date: December 10, 2012
Board/Authority Signature:
Course Name: Nutrition 10
Grade Level of Course: 10
Number of Course Credits: 2 (Applied Skills)
Number of Hours of Instruction: 60
Prerequisite(s): none
Special Training, Facilities or Equipment Required: Home Economics
foods lab, television, DVD, computer lab, and overhead projector.
BAA Foods and Nutrition 10 Framework
Course Synopsis: This course is a hands-on course that will provide students with the
opportunity to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that will have immediate and
future applications in their personal and family lives, as well as in local and global
environments. Through their participation in Nutrition 10, students will be encouraged
and enabled to develop the skills necessary to use a variety of food-preparation techniques
to prepare nutritious, tasty, attractive foods in a cost- and time-effective manner, access
information and support relevant to Foods and Nutrition topics, apply the principles of
nutrition to their own food preparation, and understand global issues related to food
production and consumption and how they affect their food choices.
Rationale: The aim of Nutrition 10 is to allow students the opportunity to apply
knowledge, skills and attitudes which will enable them to gain a basic understanding of
nutrition, sanitation, food styles and cooking techniques employed in their community as
well as throughout the world. The skills acquired through practical lab work and cooperative learning will enhance the student’s ability to care for themselves and their
families. Students also have an opportunity to develop teamwork skills and at the same
time this course allows for individual creativity and independent work.
Organizational Structure:
Unit 1
Food Preparation Foundations
20 hours
Unit 2
Nutrition and Healthy Eating
20 hours
Unit 3
Social, Economic, and Cultural Influences
15 hours
Unit 4
Career Opportunities
5 hours
Total Hours
60 hours
Instructional Component:
direct instruction
videotape/DVD’s, internet
group work
practical lab work
independent instruction
analysis of own and
classmates projects
Assessment Component:
70% of the grade will be based on practical lab work which will be teacher, peer and self
assessed. This will reflect the practical nature of this course.
30 % of the grade will be based on daily attendance, effort and achievement on a variety
of projects, group activities and tests. This will encourage students’ active daily
participation in the course.
BAA Foods and Nutrition 10 Framework
Unit/Topic/Module Descriptions:
Unit 1:
Food Preparation Foundations
Time: 20 hours
Students will consider safety and the prevention of food-borne illnesses as they handle
equipment and food supplies, and use appropriate cooking and storage methods. They
learn to evaluate and follow recipes using a variety of food preparation techniques and
equipment as well as demonstrate organization, time management skills, and co-operation
in partner and group work. They examine and apply a variety of ingredients and cooking
methods to affect nutrition, flavor, texture, taste, and quality of a product.
Curriculum Organizer – Lab Procedures
It is expected that students will:
 use kitchen tools and equipment in a safe manner
 understand the relationship between personal hygiene and safe food handling
 become aware of safe food handling techniques
 understand the importance of co-operating with others
 identify and evaluate areas of concern in preparation and storage of food
 maintain an orderly and safe environment when preparing, cooking and serving food
Curriculum Organizer – Principles of Food Preparation
It is expected that students will:
 understand the importance of research, planning and purchase of foods and how they
relate to the preparation and presentation of their products
 demonstrate an understanding of the importance of time and temperature in food
preparation and storage
 be able to use a variety of cooking methods to prepare nutritious dishes and meals,
incorporating presentation and budgetary considerations.
Curriculum Organizer – Self and Society
It is expected that students will:
 be able to select and follow recipes and apply healthy cooking principles that will have
immediate and future applications in their personal and family well-being
 demonstrate an understanding of the impact safe food handling has on their self and
 demonstrate an ability to follow safe work guidelines when working with food service
equipment in order to keep themselves and others safe
BAA Foods and Nutrition 10 Framework
Unit 2:
Nutrition and Healthy Eating
Time: 20 hours
Students will explore a variety nutritious menus for dietary and budget needs , relationship
between food intake and physical activity, comparison of recipes to identify healthiest
choices, evaluation of commercial food products .
Curriculum Organizer – Lab Procedures
It is expected that students will:
 use kitchen tools and equipment in a safe manner
 understand the relationship between personal hygiene and safe food handling
 become aware of safe food handling techniques
 understand the importance of co-operating with others
 identify and evaluate areas of concern in preparation and storage of food
 maintain an orderly and safe environment when preparing, cooking and serving food
Curriculum Organizer – Problem Solving
It is expected that students will:
 understanding the principles of healthy eating to plan and create nutritious foods for
individuals, groups, and family members
 increase knowledge of the nutritional, social, and economic factors that affect food
selection and preparation
 demonstrate an understanding of nutrients and their relationship to healthy living
 practice and think critically about principles and techniques related to acquisition,
production, and consumption of foods
 use appropriate criteria when evaluating foods prepared in class
Curriculum Organizer – Self and Society
It is expected students will:
demonstrate knowledge of nutrition and appropriate healthy food choices and the
affect these choices have on personal health and well being
demonstrate a willingness to seek out alternative cooking methods and ingredients to
improve the nutritional quality of a recipe
BAA Foods and Nutrition 10 Framework
Unit 3:
Social, Economic, and Cultural Influences
Time: 15 hours
Students will assess global issues related to food production and consumption by analyzing
the effect of food marketing practices on consumer behavior and by identifying related
environmental and health issues. Food, preparation methods, eating practices, and table
etiquette of various cultures in Canada and around the world are compared. Students will
examine the history and geography of various regions and explore the impact each has had
on the development of regional cuisine
Curriculum Organizer – Lab Procedures
It is expected that students will:
 use kitchen tools and equipment in a safe manner
 use appropriate safe food handling techniques
 understand the importance of co-operating with others
 maintain an orderly and safe environment when preparing, cooking and serving food
Curriculum Organizer – Principles of Food Preparation
It is expected that students will:
 understand the importance of research, planning and purchase of foods and how they
relate to the preparation and presentation of their products
 be able to use a variety of cooking methods to prepare nutritious dishes and meals,
incorporating presentation and budgetary considerations.
Curriculum Organizer – Problem Solving
It is expected that students will:
 describe a variety of food marketing techniques
 identify factors that affect food production and supply, especially in Canada today
 describe the cultural origins of menus, recipes, ingredients, and meal etiquette of a
variety of ethnic, regional, and local cuisines, as represented in Canada
 Use appropriate language when discussing ethnic food and be able to identify some
common equipment used to prepare ethnic dishes.
Curriculum Organizer – Technology
It is expected that students will:
Use the appropriate tools, techniques and methods when creating ethnic dishes
Identify various budgeting websites offered on the internet to help with meal planning
and money saving techniques.
BAA Foods and Nutrition 10 Framework
Unit 4:
Career Opportunities
Time: 5 hours
Students will investigate the training required and working conditions of various
occupations and career opportunities related to foods and nutrition.
Curriculum Organizer – Problem Solving
It is expected that students will:
identify food-related occupations and careers
 describe food-related occupations and careers
 investigate food-related career opportunities and working conditions
BAA Foods and Nutrition 10 Framework
Learning Resources:
Variety of cookbooks and Internet sites
Food for Life textbook
Foods for Today textbook
BAA Foods and Nutrition 10 Framework