BAA FEMALE FITNESS FRAMEWORK District: Okanagan Skaha District Number: #67 Course Proposed: Female Fitness 12 Developed By: Jenny Mitchell/Christy Bevington Schools: Princess Margaret Secondary School Date Developed: November 2012 Principal’s Name: Terry Grady Board Authority Approval Date: Board Authority Signature: Grade Level of Course: Grade 12 Number of Course Credits: 4 credits Hours of Instruction: 120 hours Prerequisite(s): Completion of Female Fitness 11 Special Training, Facilities or Equipment Required: None required Course Synopsis: This course offers female students the opportunity to experience various types of physical activity that promote a healthy lifestyle. Students will gain an appreciation for physical activity through exposure to a variety of fitness pursuits such as yoga, Pilates, and fitness training, as well as strategies for complete wellness including nutrition, goal setting and relaxation. Students will explore with the health and skill related components of fitness as they learn to create and manage personal fitness programs. Students will learn to develop individual fitness programs through exposure to a variety of activity opportunities. Rationale: Due to overwhelming popularity of Female Fitness 11, this course has been developed to meet the demand of the students. It builds upon the skills and knowledge established in Female Fitness 11 and offers more complex and higher level fitness experiences. Students are challenged to develop and assess their own fitness in order to create healthy fitness habits and routines that will last through adulthood. The goal is to give students the tools and education to make positive lifestyle and fitness choices beyond high school. It will also serve as an interdiction to those students wishing to peruse post-secondary education in health and fitness. Organizational Structure: Unit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Topic/Title Personal Fitness Evaluation Functional Fitness Training Aerobic Training Yoga/Pilates Relaxation/Mindfullness Goal Setting/Personal Programs Wellness Total Hours Time 10 hours 40 hours 20 hours 15 hours 5 hours 10 hours 20 TOTAL 120 hours Learning Outcomes: The following prescribed learning outcomes taken from the PE IRP will be incorporated into instruction. Students will be able to identify both the health-related and skill-related components of fitness. Students will be able to explain the significance of each of the health related components of fitness for overall personal health. Students will be able to describe short-term and long-term benefits of regular participation in physical activity. Students will be able to set personal goals for physical activity and healthy lifestyles. Students will be able to conduct self-assessment related to their fitness plans and adjust accordingly. Students will be able to identify personally relevant recreational and community programs for physical activity. Students will be able to identify and give examples of physically active lifestyles that extend through adulthood. Curriculum Organizers: 1. Personal Fitness Evaluation - Students will consider their current fitness level and knowledge, through review of training concepts from Female Fitness 11. They will begin to reflect upon current activity levels and lifestyle choices to create an action plan for the course. This process will serve a starting point to track progress. 2. Functional Fitness Training Students will build upon training techniques learned in Female Fitness 11 to be able to train at an increased intensity. The focus will also move towards specialization of training based on individual goal setting. Students will be able to create individualized training programs and adapt these accordingly based on achievement. Students will also begin to perform assessments of fitness and assess technique and performance. 3. Aerobic Training Students will experience various types of aerobic training with the goal that students will begin to enjoy and recognize the value of this type of training. Students will monitor progress through the assistance of tools such as heart rate monitors to achieve maximum benefits and understand the importance of aerobic training. Activities such as spin classes, interval training, kick-boxing, hiking, running, walking, and swimming will be offered. 4. Yoga/Pilates Students will work to improve flexibility, balance, coordination, core strength through exposure to yoga and Pilates. These sessions will be led by certified Yoga instructors and will also involve field trips for students to learn about local facilities that they may choose to frequent after graduation. 5. Relaxation/Mindfullness Building upon the basic active breathing techniques taught in Female Fitness 11, students will begin to engage in Mindful practice. This will combine focused breathing with awareness to the mind, body and surroundings. Students will learn how to practice breathing and mindfulness as a positive coping strategy to stress. 6. Goal Setting/Personal Programs Students will learn how to set appropriate short and long terms fitness, school and personal goals. Students will explore the SMART goal setting technique to gain skills which encourage goal setting throughout adulthood. Students will also learn how to create and adapt personal fitness programs as goals are met and new ones are set. 7. Wellness Students will reflect upon current personal wellness practices in an effort to strive for balance and holistic health. To develop a broad understanding of health literacy, topics such as mental health, stress, connectedness and substance use will be explored. Students will learn about positive coping strategies in order to practice and develop positive well being. Assessment Component: 50% Affective Domain (daily participation, attitude, effort) 30% Psychomotor Domain (fitness improvement, movement skills) 20% Cognitive Domain (tests, research assignments) Learning Resources: Certified Fitness Instructors Okanagan College Human Kinetics Community Center Facilities and Aquatic Center City Center Fitness Women’s Health Publications (fitness training programs and videos) Certified Fitness Training DVD’s Twist Academy Strength Training Resources