To: The North Penn School Board Finance Committee From: Pamela Gallagher, SNS Coordinator, School Nutrition Services Date: 5/26/2015 Re: Executive Summary SNS Budget 2015-2016 Revenues Decrease in local revenues (6510-6695) o Increase in Sales to Pupils ($65,550). More students are purchasing the full lunch meal due to limited variety in al a carte items. o Decrease in breakfast projections (-$14,673), due to overzealous projections for 14-15. o Decrease in Al a Carte Sales (-$71,739) largely due to Smart Snacks in Schools. o Decrease in Adult Sales (-$17,234). This has been a trend; is a result of continued economic pressures. o Increase in Special Affairs ($11,778); met target and expecting to further market catering within and outside the district. o Increase in Extended Care revenue ($23,611), due to increase in enrollment. Increase in state/federal/other funding (7600-9500) o Increase in state funding ($10,350) due to increase in overall participation. o Increase in federal subsidies ($345,702) due to the continued PA Direct Certification initiative which has the potential of capturing newly eligible free students. o Increase in Summer Food Service Program; program is expanding with mobile feeding van ($40,000). o USDA commodities increased ($26,956) due to SNS serving more free/reduced eligible students in 2014-2015. Expenditures Personnel Salaries and Benefits (100 and 200) o Increase in SNS Workers ($58,945); filled vacancies along with scheduled salary increase. o Increase in Café Monitor salaries ($37,799); filled vacancies. o Increase in PSERS ($42,883) due to expected annual % rate increase. o Salary continuation increase ($10,000) due to a TL benefit. o Decrease in medical expenditures (-$120,437) due to overall district costs and decrease in benefit bearing employees. Purchased Professional Technical Services (300) o Technical and Professional increase ($11,050) due to proposed new online menu system (district-wide) and digital menu board (NPHS). 401 East Hancock Street, Lansdale, PA 19446 (215)368-0400 Food and Supplies o Increase ($172,511) overall due to general increases in food and supply costs. Equipment o Increase ($189,943) replacement equipment; much needed for efficient operations. Freezer for Knapp $ 30,000 Serving Line for Penndale $140,000 Ovens $ 30,000 School Nutrition Services respectfully submits this summary for the North Penn School Board review and budget approval. I am available to address questions and concerns. Thank you. 401 East Hancock Street, Lansdale, PA 19446 (215)368-0400 Date: 5/21/2015 NUTRITION SERVICES REVENUE BUDGET Budget Year 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Budget Unit 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 51 Revenue Account R6510 R6611 R6612 R6620 R6621 R6630 R6690 R6691 R6692 R6693 R6694 R6695 R6991 R6999 R7500 R7600 R8531 R8532 R8533 R8534 R8535 R9500 TITLE INTEREST ON INVESTMENTS SALES TO PUPILS DAILY SALES BREAKFAST PRO ALA CARTE SALES-STUDENTS SALES TO ADULTS INCOME FROM SPECIAL EVENT EXTENDED CARE INCOME VEND SALES NPHS VEND SALES PD VEND SALES PB VENDING SALES ESC GAINS/LOSS ON FIXED ASSET REFUNDS REVENUE FROM LOCAL SOURCE EXTRA GRANTS STATE SUBSIDIES FEDERAL SUBSIDIES NON-FOOD SUBSIDIES VALUE DONATED COMMODITIES CASH IN LIEU DON COMMODIT USDA COMMODITY REFUND REFUNDS/PRIOR YR EXPEND 15-16 BUDGET 14-15 BUDGET 905.00 1,827,950.00 75,327.00 738,761.00 42,766.00 43,778.00 155,611.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 150,350.00 2,078,702.00 0.00 310,956.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 1,762,400.00 90,000.00 810,500.00 60,000.00 32,000.00 132,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 140,000.00 1,693,000.00 0.00 284,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5,425,106.00 5,004,400.00 14-15 YTD 888.89 830.41 1,539,325.25 1,753,449.75 63,432.45 81,749.35 622,110.68 950,598.11 32,995.60 61,542.59 38,759.51 34,850.42 112,960.85 138,383.40 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 427.00 2,953.77 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 29,200.00 0.00 126,381.06 146,898.02 1,666,276.40 1,695,451.82 0.00 0.00 0.00 238,537.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,152.41 0.00 5,105,244.85 4,235,910.10 Page 1 13-14 ACTUAL Date: 5/21/2015 Location: 06 Budget Unit 5131000000106000 NUTRITION SVS 15-16 Budget by Location and Note NUTRITION SVS Account 11-12 ACT 12-13 ACT 13-14 ACT 14-15 BUD 14-15 YTD 15-16 BUD 110-00 SALARIES ADMIN 88,218.00 91,578.00 93,867.00 95,510.00 96,214.00 115-00 LEAVE PAY-OUT 2,760.00 287.84 25,403.13 0.00 37.73 0.00 116-00 EMP INS OPT OUT 16,763.94 13,728.96 10,757.54 10,748.40 9,720.83 8,204.40 150-00 CLERICAL SALARIES 81,156.34 81,335.82 84,277.20 85,752.08 85,567.55 1,384,475.44 170-02 SALARIES CAFETERIA WORKER 1,440,978.72 1,428,007.72 1,409,684.00 1,366,792.94 3,267.10 2,411.91 1,814.09 0.00 1,647.22 252,123.61 244,569.52 112,691.80 107,030.03 112,077.47 173-02 CAFETERIA OVERTIME 190-00 SALARIES AIDES Note 98,619.00 PERSONNEL BUDGETING IMPORT 88,521.34 PERSONNEL BUDGETING IMPORT 1,468,629.28 PERSONNEL BUDGETING AMNT Total for Account: 1,828,764.43 1,708,724.51 1,756,818.48 120,828.77 PERSONNEL BUDGETING IMPORT 4,848.96 4,334.82 2,610.00 3,717.44 4,473.00 214-00 INCOME PROTECTION 361.03 385.40 456.74 500.00 323.84 325.00 67,209.53 69,573.24 63,999.45 65,358.73 58,614.44 68,345.17 PERSONNEL BUDGETING IMPORT ADD FICA FOR SUBS AND OVERTIME FICA AT 50% 76,618.10 112,980.43 139,863.62 1,468,629.28 101,328.77 19,500.00 1,672,057.74 565.13 230-00 RETIREMENT 88,521.34 1,776,598.39 1,786,802.79 213-00 LIFE INSURANCE 220-00 SOCIAL SECURITY 98,619.00 2,000.00 ADD AMOUNT FOR SUBS 1,874,890.77 Note Amt 180,264.00 172,419.03 227,275.50 PERSONNEL BUDGET IMPORT ADD PSERS FOR OVERTIME PSERS @50% 240-00 TUITION 500.00 500.00 100.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 250-00 UNEMPLOYMENT 193.80 637.64 458.82 0.00 129.42 250.00 260-00 WORKERS COMP 10,498.68 25,256.76 16,579.72 1,500.00 818.72 1,000.00 271-00 SELF INS MEDICAL BENEFITS 0.00 0.00 545,836.32 567,104.22 499,818.30 272-00 SELF INS DENTAL BENEFITS 0.00 0.00 30,618.77 42,060.00 38,992.14 41,283.48 275-00 SELF INS - VISION BENEFIT 0.00 0.00 2,278.36 2,299.00 2,133.40 2,124.62 276-00 SELF INS - RX BENEFITS 0.00 0.00 107,646.44 112,121.48 103,155.20 106,552.32 Page 1 135,045.64 1,644.70 -68,345.17 454,034.20 516.80 -227,275.50 526,255.86 ORIGINAL PERSONNEL BUDGETING AMOUNT 646,696.00 REDUCE FOR MKC4,MKC5 ERROR -79,592.00 Date: 5/21/2015 Location: 06 Budget Unit 5131000000106000 NUTRITION SVS 15-16 Budget by Location and Note NUTRITION SVS Account 11-12 ACT 290-00 SALARY CONTINUATION 2,426.37 Total for Account: 158,372.64 12-13 ACT 0.00 13-14 ACT 6,993.04 214,182.43 14-15 BUD 1,500.00 14-15 YTD 9,779.14 975,817.43 919,166.10 15-16 BUD 575.00 356.25 1,000.00 71.00 250.00 330-12 EMPLOYEES MEDICAL EXAMS 890.00 600.00 1,395.00 0.00 75.00 800.00 340-00 TECH SVS 12,195.64 330.00 6,346.35 8,000.00 130.00 20,000.00 390-00 PRO SVS MISC 35,670.82 11,586.24 330.00 1,000.00 7,735.61 0.00 432-00 REPAIRS EQUIP 12,624.36 13,091.24 10,000.00 8,427.60 23,448.30 24,185.72 862,724.67 988,384.95 582.50 49,338.96 21,050.00 8,011.61 15,000.00 12,200.29 15,000.00 ORIGINAL AMOUNT REDUCE PER P GALLAGHER Total for Account: 12,624.36 23,448.30 15,000.00 24,185.72 2,706.36 2,500.00 1,408.66 167.30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,200.00 ORIGINAL AMNT 530-06 CELLULAR PHONES 0.00 0.00 0.00 1,500.00 0.00 2,700.00 550-00 PRINTING/BINDING 0.00 0.00 0.00 500.00 0.00 500.00 478.46 137.89 1,202.05 500.00 226.77 3,621.23 3,812.60 1,760.93 2,200.00 1,347.02 ADD PER PG 580-00 TRAVEL 500.00 ORIGINAL BUDGETED AMOUNT REDUCE PER P. GALLAGHER 580-01 MILEAGE Total for Account: 606-00 PAPER SUPPLIES 607-00 EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES 5,565.21 5,731.69 7,200.00 5,669.34 500.00 2,000.00 1,300.00 -300.00 2,000.00 3,500.00 6,900.00 2,982.45 87,854.62 105,388.45 100,108.54 90,500.00 89,000.00 92,378.00 9,528.40 16,887.16 18,782.13 17,100.00 20,566.55 19,668.00 ORIGINAL BUDGETED AMOUNT 394.26 4,761.18 466.24 1,000.00 1,268.91 REDUCE PER P. GALLAGHER 609-00 PROMOTIONAL SUPPLIES -7,000.00 12,200.29 1,781.20 530-02 TELEPHONE 27,000.00 20,000.00 15,000.00 1,298.22 530-01 POSTAGE Note Amt 889,901.07 320-03 CONF REGISTRATIONS Total for Account: Note 10,000.00 Page 2 1,500.00 25,000.00 -4,500.00 Date: 5/21/2015 Location: 06 Budget Unit 5131000000106000 NUTRITION SVS 15-16 Budget by Location and Note NUTRITION SVS Account 11-12 ACT 610-00 GEN SUPPLIES 8,541.92 11,464.50 14,029.85 10,000.00 13,565.10 15,540.00 915.66 550.99 633.76 1,000.00 384.99 1,000.00 0.00 30,253.75 0.00 2,500.00 0.00 0.00 1,630,308.99 1,488,245.50 1,505,872.88 1,500,515.00 1,544,853.94 1,625,566.00 631-01 FOOD REBATES -11,765.61 -4,085.31 -7,758.31 -10,000.00 -5,542.56 -12,000.00 632-00 MILK 313,579.81 298,970.21 295,553.85 290,000.00 318,352.91 304,519.00 633-00 DONATED COMMODITIES 251,369.21 231,618.11 238,537.21 284,000.00 0.00 310,956.00 0.00 179.60 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 610-14 OFFICE SUPPLIES 618-00 TECH SUPPLIES 631-00 FOOD 640-00 BOOKS AND PERIODICALS Total for Account: 741-00 DEPRECIATION EXPENSE 2,290,727.26 12-13 ACT 13-14 ACT 2,184,234.14 14-15 BUD 14-15 YTD 2,186,615.00 2,166,226.15 15-16 BUD Note 20,500.00 2,359,127.00 1,982,449.84 11,493.40 16,378.70 18,717.00 27,000.00 13,300.00 17,733.00 750-00 NEW EQUIP 0.00 0.00 1,437.59 0.00 0.00 0.00 760-00 REPLACEMENT EQUIP 0.00 0.00 3,999.00 71,443.06 2,625.72 761-00 NON-CAPITAL REPL EQUIP 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 796.95 0.00 AMNT FROM P GALLAGHER ADD FOR MEDICAL SAVINGS Total for Account: 810-00 DUES AND FEES Total for Account: Total for function: Total for Location: 11,493.40 1,743.00 1,743.00 16,378.70 98,443.06 24,153.59 1,278.50 2,685.75 1,278.50 4,358,629.26 2,600.00 2,271.25 71,443.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 2,271.25 5,004,400.00 4,907,332.73 5,397,997.74 0.00 4,586,596.92 5,004,400.00 4,907,332.73 61,386.00 200,000.00 217,733.00 2,600.00 4,333,235.77 4,358,629.26 10,057.00 16,722.67 2,685.75 4,333,235.77 Note Amt 5,397,997.74 4,586,596.92 Page 3 0.00 0.00