copyrisht ree4 byth€Amsi€."r"n,"d6liffi;?$ffdr,ffi Derelqmental R)rcholoS/ 1994.Vol. 30. No. 2. 2rl0-259 The Nature of the Influence of Speedon Adult Age Differencesin Cognition Timothy A. Salthouse Two studieswere conducted to determine the relations among age,motor speed,perceptual speed, and 3 measuresof cognitive performance: study time, decision time, and decision accuracy. Each study involved over 240 adults between I 8 and over 80 yearsof agewho all performed a battery of tests,including computer-administered testsof memory,reasoning,and spatialability. The results indicated that (a) increasedagewasassociatedwith lower accuracyaswell aswith longerstudy time and decisiontime and (b) someofthe relations betweenageand decision accuracyand betweenage and decisiontime appearto be mediated by a slowerrate ofexecuting cognitive operations. A convincing argument that a construct is involved in the mediation of the relationsbetweenageand cognition could be basedon the followingcombinationof evidence:(a) demonstration ofa negativerelation betweenageand measuresofthe hypothesizedmediator,(b) demonstrationof a positive relation betweenmeasuresof the mediator and measuresof cognition, and (c) substantialattenuationofthe relationsbetweenageand cognition after measuresof the mediator are statisticallycontrolled.Severaltheoreticalconstructshavebeenproposedaspotential mediaton of the relations betweenage and cognition, with reducedattention(e.g.,Stankov,I 988)and failure ofinhibition (e.g.,Hasher& Zacks, 1988)amongthe most prominent at the current time. Most of the researchconcerningtheseparticular constructshasbeenfocusedon establishingrelationsbetween age and measuresof the hypothesizedmediators.The linkagebetweentheseconstructsand cognitivefunctioning has seldombeendirectly investigated,and little or no evidenceis availableconcerningthe magnitudeofthe attenuationofthe age differencesin cognition when the variancein the measuresof the hypothesizedmediatoris held constant. Two theoreticalconstructsin which eachtype of evidenceis availableareworkingmemory capacityand speedof processing (e.g.,Salthouse,1991,1992a,1992b,1992e: Salthouse & Babcock, I 99 I ). However,thereis alsoevidencethat the attenuation of the age-cognitionrelationsis greaterafter measuresof processingspeedare controlled than after measuresof working memory are controlled,and that the relationsbetweenageand working memory are substantiallyattenuatedwhen processing speedmeasuresare controlled(Salthouse,1991, 1992a,1992qSalthouse& Babcock,1991).Thkentogether,theseresultssuggestthat processingspeedmaybe more fundamentalthan working memory asa mediatorof age-cognitionrelations. This researchwassupportedby National Institute on Aging Grant AG06826. I thank Vicky Coon, Jane Crawford, Jennifer Davidson, Alan Kersten,Elinor Nixon, JamesRieder,Judi Rieder,and Jocelyn Thomasfor assistance in data collectionand Julie Earlesfor comments on an earlierversionofthe manuscript. Correspondence concerningthis article shouldbe addressedto Timothy A. Salthouse,SchoolofPsychology,GeorgiaInstitute ofTechnology,Atlanta,Georgia30332-0170. Considerableevidencenow existsindicatingthat a largeproportion ofthe age-relatedvariancein many different cognitive variablesis sharedwith a measureof perceptualspeed.Among the most pertinent resultsare the findingsthat the age-related diffbrencesin various measuresof cognitive functioning are greatlyreducedwhen statisticalcontrol proceduresare usedto adjust for differencesin perceptualspeed.As an illustration of this phenomenon,Thble I in Salthouse(1993b)contains44 comparisonsacrossa wide rangeof cognitivevariables.Agewas associatedwith a mean of l6.2Voof the total variance in the variables,but after the varianceassociatedwith measuresof perceptualspeedwas held constant,age was associatedwith only 3.6Voofthe variancein the cognitivevariables. One interpretation of this pattern of resultsis basedon the assumptionthat the well-documentedfinding that increased with lowerscoreson many measuresof speeded ageis associated performancereflectsan age-relatedreductionin the speedwith which many cognitiveoperationscan be executed.All cognitive processesare not necessarilyaffectedby this age-relatedslowing, and theremay be more than one distinct speedfactor operating. However,it is assumedthat when the requiredoperations are very simple,asin many perceptualspeedtasks,much of the variation in performance is associatedwith the speedwith which many elementarycognitiveoperationscan be executed. It is alsohypothesizedthat this slowerprocessingimpairs higher orderprocesses suchasintegrationand abstractionbecauseless relevantinformation is simultaneouslyavailablewhen needed. This argumentwasillustratedabstractlyin a computersimulation describedin Salthouse( I 988),andthe ideashavebeenelab(1992a)andSalthouse oratedin Salthouse andBabcock(1991). A basicpremiseis that ifdecay rate remainsconstantacrossage but thereis an age-relatedslowingofthe rate ofactivation, then someof the early information will no longerbe availableby the time that later information has been processed,and that this will be true to a greaterextent in older adults than in young adults.A fundamentalimplication of this interpretationis that slowerprocessingleadsto an impairment in the quality of deci sionsand not simply in a longertime to reachand communicate decisions. The presentproject had three major goals.The first goal was to determinewhetherthere is comparablespeedmediation of 240 24r SPEED INFLUENCE the agerelationson cognitivemeasuresobtainedwithout time limits. Most of the previousstudieshaveusedtimed paper-andpenciltests,andthus it is possiblethat the attenuationofthe age relationsaftercontrol of measuresof perceptualspeedmight be smaller with power tests in which there are no external time limits. There is someevidencethat this is not the case,but the relevantdata are basedon only a few small-scalestudies(e.g.' 1993a). Salthouse. The secondmajor goal ofthe project was to investigatethe type of speedmediation involved in the relationsbetweenage and cognition. One theoreticallyinterestingdistinction is between motor speedand perceptualspeed.Motor speedtasks typically haveminimal cognitiverequirementsand can be postulatedto primarily reflectthe speedof sensoryand motor proIn contrast,perceptualspeedtasksinvolve varioustypes cesses. of cognitive operations,such as comparison,substitution, or transformation,in addition to sensoryand motor processes. (1993b;alsoseeSalthouse,1992b)recentlyreported Salthouse that the attenuationof the age-cognitionrelationswas larger when perceptualspeedmeasureswere controlled than when motor speedmeasureswere controlled. One purpose of this project wasto attempt to replicatethis pattern with the same paper-and-pencil speedmeasuresusedearlier and to extendit to new speedmeasuresderived from computer-administered tasks. The degreeof cognitiveinvolvement in computer-administeredspeedtaskswasvariedby alteringthe numberofcognitive operationsrequiredto perform the task.That is, the number of digit-symbolpairswasmanipulatedin a digit-symbolsubstitution test,andthe numberof memory setitemswasmanipulated in a memorysearchtest.Cognitiveinvolvementwasassumedto be minimal in the simplestversionsof the taskbut progressively greaterin tasksrequiring multiple comparison,association, memory search,or substitutionoperations.The degreeof cognitive involvementwas also postulatedto be minimal in the interceptparameterof the regressionfunctionsrelatingnumber of operationsto reactiontime, but substantialin the slopeparameterof thosefunctionsbecausethe latter can be presumed to reflectthe duration ofcognitive operationssuch as association or memory search. A third major goal of the project wasto examinethe relation amongage,various measuresof speed,and three measuresof performancederived from computer-administeredcognitive tests,namely,studytime, decisiontime, and decisionaccuracy. There are severalpossiblewaysin which thesevariablescould be interrelated,and eachhasdifferentimplicationsfor the manner in which a slowerspeedof processingmediatesthe relations betweenageand measuresof cognitivefunctioning. For example, increasedagemight be associatedwith longerstudy or solution time and with longerdecisiontime, but not with lower decisionaccuracy.A pattern ofthis type would suggestthat despite an age-relatedslowing of certain types of processing, adults of all agesmay be equallyable to achievethe samelevel of decisionaccuracywhen allowedsufficienttime. Conversely, negativerelationsmight exist betweenageand decisionaccuracy independentofany relationsbetweenageand study time or decisiontime. An outcomeof this type would obviouslybe consistentwith the theoreticalperspectiveoutlined earlier becauseage-relatedeffectswould be evidentin the quality ofthe decisionsin addition to effectson the time to reachor communicatedecisions. Relationsmight also exist among the study time, decision time, and decisionaccuracyvariables.For example,a speedaccuracytrade-off might be evident in the form of a positive relation (higheraccuracyassociatedwith longertime) between decisionaccuracyand eitherstudy time, decisiontime, or both. Alternatively,the relation could be negative,indicating that peoplewho are slow are also not very accurate.Finally, it is alsoof interestto determinethe nature of the relationsbetween variousspeedmeasuresand both studytime and decisiontime. If a common speedfactor influenceseverytime measure,then strongrelationsmight be expectedamongall measures. Becausethe pattern of relationsamongthe variousmeasures could vary acrosstests,it is important that analysesof the tlpe just describedbe conducted with severaldifferent cognitive tests.Moreover,it is alwaysdesirableto examinethe reliability of the major findingsby attemptingto replicatethem in an independentsampleofsubjects.This project thereforeconsisted oftwo separatestudies,both containing paper-and-penciland speedtests,andthreecomputer-admincomputer-administered isteredcognitivetests.Within eachstudy,the computer-administeredcognitivetests,which wereassumedto require memor!. reasoning,or spatial ability, were designedto yield separate measuresof study time, decisiontime, and decisionaccurac)'. Three analytical methodswere used:hierarchicalmultiple regressionto determinethe amount ofage-relatedvariancebefore and after control of the variancein different speedmeasures: commonalityanalysisto partition the age-relatedvarianceinto portionsunique to ageand sharedwith motor speed,perceptual speed,or both; and path analysisto examinethe interrelations amongthe age,speed,study time, decisiontime, and decision accuracyvariables. Study I Method Subjects. Table I summarizesthe characteristicsofthe 246 adults betweenI 8 and 84 yearsofage who participatedin Study l. (Adults in their 70sand 80sare reportedtogetherbecauseofthe small number of individuals in each of theseagedecades.)The subjectswere recruited clubs,orgafrom a variety ofsources,such as personalacquaintances, and eachwaspaid for particinizations,or neighborhoodnewspapers, pating in a singlesessionlastingapproximately2 to 3 hr. None of the subjectswascurrently attendingschoolon a full-time basis. "How Two backgroundquestionsconcernedthe subject'seducation: "Which of many yearsof formal educationhaveyou completed?"and (<12,12, 13-15, 16, >16) best describesthe highest five categories grade(or degree)you havecompleted?"The correlation betweenresponsesto theseitems was .93. The entry in Thble I representsthe resultsfrom the questionofhow many yearsofeducation had beencompleted.This variablehad a correlationwith ageof -.20 (p < .0 I ). health' One quesSix backgroundquestionsweredesignedto assess rangingfrom I = a scale health on ofone's for an evaluation asked tion excellentto 5 : poor. Three additional questionsalso used a 5-point scaleandaskedfor ratingsofoverall health,satisfactionwith health,and degreeof limitations of daily activitiesowing to health status.Correlationsamongthesemeasuresweremoderateto high (.47 to .78). Two yes/noquestionsaskedwhetherthe individual had had surgeryfor cardiovascularproblemsor wastaking medicationfor high blood pressure. 242 TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE Thble 1 D emographic Characteri stics of Research Part icipants Eduation (years) Age (yean) Decade Vo female M Health' SD M SD Study I 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s+ 48 43 48 40 44 Total z) 23.4 33.9 44.2 54.7 64.6 75.0 46 58 69 72 6l 65 14.7 15.5 14.8 t4.r 14.0 l3.l 2.1 1.6 2.1 2.2 2.6 2.2 1.8 2.2 2.0 2.6 2.0 2.4 0.'l 0.9 0.9 1.2 1.0 0.8 246 46.6 6l 14.5 2.2 2.t 1.0 Study2 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s+ Total 35 58 50 46 36 25.t 34.0 44.6 54.2 64.5 75.8 46 59 66 73 52 69 15.0 15.8 r 5.6 14.9 15.7 14.3 t.7 2.3 2.3 2.2 2.5 2.4 t.8 1.8 2.0 2.0 1.9 2.0 0.7 0.8 0.9 0.8 0.9 1.0 258 48.7 60 15.3 2.3 1.9 0.8 JJ ' From | = excellenl and 5 -- poor. Responses to theseitemshad very low correlationswith the other items (.04 to .27). The health variable in Table l refersto the first overall healthrating,which had a correlationwith ageof. I 3 (p > .0 I ). Procedure. Subjectsweretestedin groupsof I to 4, and for the computer-administered testsa separatepersonalcomputerwasprovidedfor eachsubject.All subjectsperformed the testsin the following order: Boxes,PatternComparison,Number SeriesCompletion,Name Numbet CubeAssembly,Letter Comparison,Digit Copying,Digit Symbol, PaperFolding,Matrix Reasoning,and AssociativeMemory. The abilities postulatedto be assessed by the testsweremotor speed(Boxesand Digit Copying),perceptualspeed(PatternComparison,LetterComparison, and Digit Symbol), reasoning(Number SeriesCompletion and Matrix Reasoning),spatial visualization(Cube Assemblyand Paper Folding),and memory(Name Number and AssociativeMemory). The first seventestswerein a paper-and-pencil format. The Boxestest wasfrom Salthouse( I 993b).The form for this testconsistedof l0 rows of l0 three-sidedsquareswith the top, bottom, left, or right sideopen. The task for the subjectwasto draw a line acrossthe opensideto make a closedbox, and the measureofperformancewasthe number ofboxes drawn within 30 s. The Digit Copy test was also from Salthouse(1993b).The form in this testconsistedof l0 rowsof l0 pairsofboxes with a digit in the top box and nothing in the bottom box. The taskwasto copythe digit from the top box in the box immediatelybelowit, and the measureof performancewasthe numberof digitscopiedwithin 30 s. The Letter Comparisontest wasfrom Salthouse(1991, 1993b)and Salthouseand Babcock(1991), and it required the subjecrto inspect pairsofthree, six, or nine lettersand then write an S ifthe two pairsare the sameand a D if they are different. The test form consistedof a singlecolumn of 2l pairsof letterswith a blank line betweenthem. The measuresof perflormancewere the numbersof correct and incorrect producedwithin 30 s. responses The PatternComparisontest wasalsofrom Salthouse( 199I, I 993b) and Salthouseand Babcock( I 99I ). Subjectsin this test wereaskedto inspectpairs ofline patternscomposedofthree, six, or nine line seg- mentsand then to write an S if the pair of patternsis the sameand a D ifthey are different.The test form consistedoftwo columnsof 15pattern pairs,eachwith a blank line betweenthe two membersof the pair. The numberofcorrect responses and the numberofincorrect responses producedwithin 30 s servedasthe measuresofperformancein this test. Threeofthe paper-and-pencil testswereadministeredfor 2 min each. The Number Seriestest wassimilar to the Number SeriesCompletion testdescribedby Salthouseand Prill ( 1987).The test form consistedof 20 problems,eachinvolving a seriesof five elements.First-orderproblemswerebasedon a simplecontinuation(e.g.,2-4-6-8-lO-?),secondorder problemswerebasedon a relationamongthe differencesbetween elementsratherthan amongthe elementsthemselves(e.g.,2-4-7-l l-16?), and alternating-orderproblems consistedof two interleavedrelations (e.g.,2-13-4-l l-6-?). Each successive set of 5 problemshad I first-orderproblem, 2 second-orderproblems,and 2 problemswith alternatingrelations.Subjectsansweredthe problemsby writing the best continuationofthe serieson the testform. The Cube Assemblytest wasoriginally basedon a task describedby Shepardand Feng( I 972), and it hasbeenusedpreviouslyin Salthouse ( I 99I, I 992d).Problemsin the testconsistof a patternof six connected squaresrepresentingan unfoldedcube.One ofthe squaresis markedas the baseofthe cube,and two squarescontain arrows pointing to one sideofthe square.The task is to decidewhetherthe arrows would be pointing at one anotherifthe squareswereassembledinto a cube.The testcontains24 problems,with an equalnumberof problemsin which one,two, or three folds wererequiredto assemblethe cube.One problem ofeach type waspresentedbeforeanotherofthe sametype. Decisionswerecommunicatedby placinga checkin a column labeledYES (indicatingthe arrows would touch) or in a column labeledNO (indicating they would not touch), locatedadjacentto the problem on the testform. The Name-Number test consistedof the presentationof l0 first names(5 male and 5 female),eachpaired with a number betweenl0 and 99. The pairswerepresentedtogetherfor I min, and then the subject was presentedwith the list of namesin a reorderedsequenceand was allowed I min to write the numbersassociatedwith the names. Performancewasassessed in terms ofthe numbersofcorrect and incorrectname-numberpairs. All computer-administered testswere precededby written instructions and severalpracticetrials, and all exceptthe first test had a primary emphasison accuracyrather than speed.The Digit Symbol test wasbasedon the test describedin Salthouse(1992c\.Nine. 6. 3. or 0 digit-symbolpairswerepresentedin a codetable in the top of the computer screen,and a pair of items, either a digit and a symbol or two digits, appearedin the middle of the screen.The subjectswere instructedto respondwith the rightmost slash(/) key on the bottom row of the keyboardif the items were physicallyidentical or matchedaccording to the codetable,and with the leftmost(Z) key on the bottom row of the keyboardif the items did not match. One practiceblock of l8 trials waspresentedwith nine digits and nine symbols,followedby eight experimentalblocks of 90 trials each.The number of symbols acrossthe eight blocks were 9, 6, 3, 0, 0, 3, 6, and 9, respectively.In conditionswith either3 or 6 symbols,oneof the blockshad the symbols pairedwith the first n digits (wheren is 3 or 6), and the other block had the symbolspaired with the last n digits. The remainingdigits had the symbol in the codetable replacedwith identicaldigits (e.g.,2 with 2, 4 with 4, and soon). Trial selectionwasbasedon all nine digits regardless of condition, and thus approximatelyone third and two thirds of the involvedcomtrials in the conditionswith 6 and 3 symbols,resp€ctively, parisonsof pairsof digits ratherthan a digit pairedwith a symbol.One halfofthe trials in eachblock requireda positiveresponse(becausethe membersof the pair matched),and one half required a negativeresponse(becausethe membersofthe pair did not match).Subjectswere instructedto respondasrapidly and accuratelyaspossible. 243 SPEED INFLUENCE The computer-administered PaperFoldingtest wasbasedon the test ofthe samename describedin severalearlier articles(i.e., Salthouse, Babcock,Mitchell, Palmon,& Skovronek,1990;Salthouse,Babcock, Skovronek,Mitchell, & Palmon, 1990;Salthouse,Mitchell, Skovronek, & Babcock,I 989).Trials in this taskwereinitiated by pressingthe ENTER key on the keyboard.This led to a dynamicdisplayof the fint fold, and subsequentlolds or the location ofthe hole punch weredisplayed pressofthe ENTER key.After the displayofthe after eachsuccessive punch location,anotherpressofthe ENTER key resultedin a display ofa patternofholes accompaniedby the words NO on the lowerleft of the screenand YES on the lower right of the screen.Decisionswere communicatedby pressinglhe Z or slashkey,respectively. Three trial typesweredistinguishedon the basisofthe number offolds (one,two, or three)presentedbeforethe displayofa hole punch. Subjectscould inspecteachdisplayofthe product ofa fold or the holepunch aslongas desiredand couldtakeaslongasnecessary to makea decision.The total time inspectingthe foldsand examiningthe position of the holepunch servedas the measureof study time, and the time to respondto the patternofholes servedasthe decisiontime. A practiceblock of3 trials containeda detailedexplanationofthe task, and it could be repeated as often as desired.This wasfollowedby two blocksof24 trials each, composedof 8 trials with eachnumber of folds arrangedin a random order. The Matrix Reasoningtest wasbasedon the test describedin Salthouse( I 993a),which in turn wasbasedon the RavenProgressive Matricestest.Problemsconsistedof a 3 X 3 matrix with geometricpatterns in eachof eight cells and a set of eight patternsrepresentingpossible completions of the missingcell in the matrix.The matrix andthe completion alternativeswere presentedsuccessively in separatescreenson the computer.Studytime wasmeasuredasthe time to inspectthe matrix, and decisiontime wasmeasuredasthe time from the presentation of the answeralternativesto the registrationof the numeric response indicatingwhich ofthe answeralternativeswasselected.Subjectscould inspectthe matrix and the setofalternativesaslongasdesiredbut could not return to the matrix after advancingto the display of the answer alternatives. The practiceblock of 3 trials wasrepeatable,and it wasfollowedby two experimentalblocksof I 8 trials each.Threetrial typesweredistinguishedby the number of relevantrelationsamongthe elementsin the matrix(ci Salthouse, I 993a).Sixtrialsin eachexperimental blockcontained eachnumberofrelations, and they werepresentedin a random order. The AssociativeMemory test wasa continuouspaired-associate task designedto measurethe ability to remember associationsbetween words and digits. The test involved the presentationsof either a word pairedwith a digit (from the setofone, two, or three)or a singleword. When a word and a digit were presented,the subjectwas allowedto inspectthe pair for aslongasdesired.Whena word waspresentedalone, the subjectwasto type the digit that had beenpreviouslypresentedwith that word. The time devotedto the initial inspectionof the word-digit pair wasusedasthe measureof studytime, and the time to entera digit in responseto the testword wasusedasthe measureofdecisiontime. A practicelist of 6 pairswaspresented,followedby an experimental list of90 pairswith 24 tests(8 eachat lagsofzero, two, or four intervening items).The stimuluswordswerenounsbetweenfour and eight letters in length with Kucera-Francisfrequenciesof l0 or greaterwith aboveaverageratingsin concreteness and imagery,from the Toronto Word Pool(Friendly,Franklin, Hoffman,& Rubin, 1982). Resultsand Discussiort Because of the manystatisticalcomparisons and the relativelylargesamplesize,analphalevelof .01wasadopted for all statistical significance testsreportedin thisarticle. Table2 Summary StatisticsforPrimary Depmdmt Variables,Study I R2 Variable Boxes Digit Copy Letter Comparison PatternComparison Digit Symbol-O(s) Digit Symbol-9(s) Intercept(s) Slope(s) Correct- incorrect Number Series CubeAssembly Name Number Eocorrect PaperFolding Matrix Reasoning AssociativeMemory Decisiontime (in s) PaperFolding Matrix Reasoning AssociativeMemory Studytime (in s) PaperFolding Matrix Reasoning AssociativeMemory M Est. Rel, Linear age Quadratic age .78" .84" .38" .52' .94b .95b .86b .44b .290* .28I i . 2 5l i .374+ .262| .374i .294* .ll5i .006 .030r .018 .001 .046* .02I r .027* .001 4.23 .67" 4.70 .70" 3 . 8 1 .46 .It8* .09I | .070* .004 .012 .006 .215] .t49* .07I | .007 .009 .001 .336' .241i .2314 .005 .009 .050r SD 50.5 l3.l 51.5 tt.2 9.4 3.4 t5.4 3.9 0.'16 0.23 1.50 0.40 1.05 0.30 0.05 0.03 2.49 4.02 l.l5 69.7 57.5 67.5 I 1.9 21.9 t2.2 .72. .88" .45" 2 . 4 1 0 . 8 2 .89' 6.00 3.94 .93" 2 . 8 8 t . 4 6 .93' 6.24 3.55 .93" .057' 26.89 14.42 .90" . 0 6 1 t | . ' 7 6 l . t 1 . 9 6 ' .023 .001 .017 .007 Note. Est.Rel.= estimated reliabilities. " Alternate-forms correlationfrom a sampleof 2 l2 collegestudents. bCorrelationbetweenscoreslrom first and secondadministrations formula. " Computedfrom correboostedby the Spearman-Brown lationsacross with formulain Kenney( 1979, threelevelsof complexity p. 132):Reliability= n(average r)lll + (n - l)(average r)1. *p<.01. Table 2 contains the means,standarddeviations,estimated reliabilities,and R2 valuesfor the linear and quadratic agerelations for the primary dependentvariables.Quadratic trends wereevaluatedby an age-squared term enteredafter the linear ageterm in a multiple regressionequation and after both the variableshad beencenteredto means ageand the age-squared of zero to reducepotential multicollinearity problems(Cohen & Cohen, 1983). Becausethe quadratic trends were always small in relation to the linear trends,they wereignoredin subsequentanalyses. Most reliabilities were in the respectablerange, although those for the Name Number measureand for the measureof decisionaccuracyin the AssociativeMemory test were much lowerthan desirable.In both casesit appearsthat the tasksmay have been too difficult for many of the researchparticipants becausethe averagelevelsof performancewerequite low. Reliability estimatesfor the Letter Comparisonand PatternComparison variableswere low in the pilot sample of collegestudents,perhapsbecauseofthe restrictedagerangein this group. However,thesevariableshad correlationswith other variables in this samplethat were higher than the estimatedreliability, and thus the reliability in the presentsamplewaslikely greater than that derivedfrom the studentsample.As an example,the 244 TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE correlationsof the LetterComparisonand PatternComparison variableswith agewere-.50 and -.61, respectively, andthe correlationbetweenthe two variableswas.55. pmcil tests. Performancein the paper-and-penPaper-andcil testswasinitially analyzedin terms of the number of correct responses, the number of incorrect r€sponses, and the number of correct responses minus the number of incorrect responses. The age relationswere weak with the measureof number of incorrect responses, as the agecorrelationswere -.03 for Pattern Comparison,.09 for Letter Comparison,.13 for Number Series,. l8 for Cube Assembly,and .06 for Name Number Association.Only the correlation for Cube Assemblywassignificantlydifferentfrom zero.The agerelationsweresimilar for the measuresof number correct and number correct minus number incorrect, and the correlationsbetweenthe two measures weregenerallyhigh: PatternComparison,r : .96; Letter Comparison,r : .96; Number Series,r = .86; Cube Assembly,r : .71; and Name Numbe4 r = .86. To providean adjustmentfor guessing,all subsequentanalysesusedthe variable of number correctminus number incorrect for the paper-and-pencil tests. Preliminary Age(by decade)X Complexity Level analysesof variance(ANOVAs)wereconductedon the data from the three computer-administeredcognitive tests to determine whether the agerelationsvariedaccordingto taskcomplexity(i.e.,number of folds in PaperFolding, number of relationsamong elementsin Matrix Reasoning,and presentation-testlag in AssociativeMemory). Perhapsbecauseof the small number of trials at each complexity level, the Age X Complexity interactions werenot significantwith the decisionaccuracymeasurein any of the tests.Moreover,this wasalsotrue in restrictedsamplesof subjectswho all had accuracyin the simplest condition (i.e., one fold, one relation,or lag 0) abovethe meanfrom the entire sample.Only the meansacrossall three complexity levelsare thereforeconsideredin subsequentanalyses. Scoresfrom the paper-and-pencilspeedtestsand the mean responsetimes in the Digit Symbol test with zero (DigSym-0) and nine (DigSym-9)symbolswereconvertedto standarddeviation units on the basisof the entire sampledistribution and were plotted as a function ofdecade in Figure l. Becausethe . Digit Symbol measuresare expressedin units of time per item rather than number of items in a fixed period of time, higher scoreson thesemeasurescorr€spondto poorer performance. Inspectionof Figure I revealsthat the patternswith eachmeasureare very similar in that the averagein the decadeofthe 20s is about *.5 (or -.5 for the Digit Symbol measures)and the averagein the decadeof the 70s is about - I .0 (or * I .0 for the Digit Symbol measures).The tendencyfor the function for the Digit Symbolmeasuresto be positivelyacceleratedaccountsfor the presenceofthe significantquadraticagetrendsin thesemeasuresreportedin Table2. The sametype of conversionto standarddeviationunits was conductedfor the measuresof number correct minus number incorrect in the three paper-and-pencil cognitivetests,with the meansby decadeplotted in Figure 2. As in Figure 1, the age trendsarenearlymonotonic,with meansthat rangefrom about +.5 in the decadeof the 20s to between-.5 and -1.0 in the decadeofthe 70s. Digil symbol. Mean reaction time and mean percentageof errors in the Digit Symbol test are plotted asa function of num- .|.5 Boxes --.l- Dlglgtv LetCom ...4... o .€ c f, c t 0.5 PatCom DigS;m-0 aF-: .o -"-l E o o DigSIm-g .-:-'l'. \ 1 1 _ . 0 E (6 o {.5 c .l- t'ot' u--. (u a ^ .1.5 2 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 Age Chronological Figurel. Meanstandarddeviationscoresby decadefor the speed measures, Studyl. DigCopy: DigitCopy;LetCom= LetterCompariDigSym-0= Digit Symbolwith son;PatCom: PatternComparison; zerosymbols; DigSym-9: DigitSymbolwith ninesymbols. ber of symbolsand agedecadein Figure 3. Both variableswere analyzedby separaterepeatedmeasuresANOVAsin which age wascategorizedby decadeand numberof symbolswasa withinsubjectsvariable.Only the main effectof number of symbols wassignificantin the analysisof errors,F(3,720): 19.38,MS" = 3.21. All three effectswere significantin the analysisof re- CubsAssm --aNumSsr o c l c NameNum . .t. o'5 "'\ r. -.\ '.. \ . \ . ' ">r k "- " ' . X . . " o l (E A o o P -tl. R x t .:r.-.. *. i.. ij {.5 c ct fl -ra t..'r a * -1 -1.5 2 0 3 0 l m 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 Chronological Age Figure 2. Mean standard deviation scoresby decadefor the number correct minus the number incorrect scoresin three paper-and-pencil cognitivetests,Study l. CubeAssm: CubeAssembly;NumSer: Number SeriesCompletion;NameNum : Name-Number test. 245 SPEED INFLUENCE DigitSymbol PaperFolding os€bols .t 6 15m o) o g o E -.1 " *"-+ r '. l .' t ......-r ..r' ' .l ..t I 3 Syq$olsT-t 6 sJlbols I A 9 Symbols & =o 0.5 \ o --ll" - \ r a_.\ (E 1"-"" A F l m o) tn c o o_ lt, o) (E soo o o s R 6 g --]- StutIImo f c .L' Porcsnta6 --a- Core{ Dscision'Iime I o E r '0.s € c(U a -1 f' L .. ,,,\ , ...;)-----'t' , \ \ r $ z p 20 30 70 8o U Chronological Age c#onorolor n?" Figure3. Meanreactiontime andmeanpercentage of errorsin the Digit SymbolSubstitution testas a functionof the numberof digif symbolpairsby decade, StudyL sponsetimes:agedecade,F(5,240) : 28.79,MS": 24g,ttDt numberof symbols, F(3,720) = 1,799.20, MS" : 14,100;and Age DecadeX Number of Symbols,F(14,720) : 9.O2,MS. = 14,100.The patternin Figure3 suggests that the significant interaction in the responsetime variable is a consequenceof largeragerelationson trials with more symbols.The agecorrelationswereconsistent with this interpretation,astheywere.51 for zerosymbols,.59 for threesymbols,.59 for six symbols,and .61for nine symbols. Onemannerin whichthe Digit Symboltestcanbe conceptualizedis to assumethat performancein the nine-symbolversion ofthe testreflectsprocesses ofencoding,responding,and search of the codetable,and that performancein the zero-symbolversionofthe testonly requiresprocesses ofencodingand responding. Accordingto this interpretation,the slopeofthe function relatingthe numberof symbolsto responsetime representsthe time to decideto searchthe code table and to carry out the search.One or both of theseprocessesshould occur on one third. two thirds. or all of the trials whenthe codetablecontains three, six, or nine symbols,respectively.Regressionequations relating number of symbols (betweenthree and nine) to responsetime were therefore computed for each subject. The mean of the correlationswas .95, indicating that the fit of the regressionequationswasgenerallygood. The meanof the slope parameterswas 5l ms per symbol. The intercept of theseregressionfunctions can be hypothesizedto representthe time neededto respondwhen no searchprocesses are required.The meanof the interceptparameterswas 1,049ms, which wassubstantiallygreaterthan the mean responsetime in the DigSym0 condition (i.e., 760 ms). One possibleinterpretation of this discrepancyis that the additionaltime in the interceptparameter in relation to the actual time to respondwith zero symbols representsuncertaintyaboutwhen,and hoq to searchthe code table. Both the slopeand the interceptparameterswerelargerwith Figure4. Meanstandarddeviationscoresby decadefor the study time,decision time,anddecision accuracy measures in thePaperFoldingtest,Studyl. increasedage(cf. Table 2), as was the differencebetweenthe intercept and the DigSym-Otime (i.e., agecorrelation : .22). Theseresultssuggestthat increasedageis associated with slower encoding and responseprocesses(DigSym-0 and intercept), slowersearchof the codetable (slope),and a longertime to decide to searchthe codetable (diffbrencebetweenthe intercept and DigSym-0). Computer-administeredcognitive tests. For each of the computer-administered cognitivetests,meanstudy time, mean decisiontime, and meandecisionaccuracyacrossall complexity levelswereconvertedinto z scores,and the meanswereplotted asa function ofdecade.Resultsfrom the PaperFoldingtest are illustrated in Figure 4, those from the Matrix Reasoning test in Figure 5, and thosefrom the AssociativeMemory test in Matrix Reasoning Por€ntaos Correct + DecisionTime --]- stu-d.f,Ire o -_ I c o .E A o o -q o 0.5 -t. o -o.5 c (! a z J 3 0 , O 5 0 6 0 7 O e O ChronologicalAge Figure 5. Mean standard deviation scores by decade for the study time, decisiontime, and decisionaccuracymeasuresin the Matrix Reasoningtest,Study l. 246 TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE AssociativeMemory Series,Matrix Reasoningdecisionaccuracy,and PaperFolding accuracy.In all cases,the effectswerein the direction ofgreater Docbi$Tlmo educationassociatedwith higher scores.More educationwas Stud\limo alsoassociatedwith longerstudytimes in the Matrix Reasoning o .E test but with shorter decisiontimes in the PaperFolding and :) AssociativeMemory tests and with shorter DigSym-0 times. 0.5 c o Better self-reportedhealth wasassociatedwith higher scoreson r! '5 Boxesand Matrix Reasoningdecisionaccuracyand with faster o o o DigSym-0 and Digit Symbol intercept scores.Women pertt formed at significantlylowerlevelsthan men on Number Series, tU p {.5 Cube Assembly,and PaperFoldingdecisionaccuracy,but they (t performedsignificantlybetterthan men on Letter Comparison. a Most important for subsequentanalyses,none of the interactions betweenageand thesepredictorsweresignificant,indicating that the agetrendswerenot moderatedby thesefactors. m 30 ' 80 A confirmatory factor analysisspecifyingtwo correlatedfac"ilono,ln,o,L" tors was conductedon the four paper-and-pencilspeedmeasures(i.e., Boxesand Digit Copy as measuresof motor speed Figure6. Meanstandarddeviationscoresby decadefor the study and Letter Comparisonand Pattem Comparisonas measures time,decision time,anddecision accuracy measures in theAssociative ofperceptual speed)to verify the proposeddistinction between Memorytest,Studyl. motor speedand perceptualspeed.The fit ofthe modelwasnot impressive,x20, N : 246) : 5.02,adjustedGFI = .900,adjusted RMS - .142, and the correlation betweenthe motor Figure 6. It is apparentin each figure that the agetrends are speedand perceptualspeedfactorswasquite high (i.e.,.913). generallymonotonic and that there are substantialageeffects However,when the correlationbetweenfactorswasfixed to 1.0 on the measureof decisionaccuracyaswell as the measuresof and the analysiswas repeated,the fit of the model was signifidecisiontime and study time. Theseresultsthereforeindicate cantly poorer,differenceX2(I, N = 246) : 4.94),implying that that, in conditionsin which accuracyis emphasizedand subalthoughthe correlationbetweenthe two factorsis very high, it jects are allowedto proceedat their own pace,increasedageis is lessthan 1.0. associated with lessaccuratedecisionsaswell aswith more time Although the resultsof the confirmatory factor analysisdid usedto reachand communicatethe decisions. not provideconvincingsupportfor the distinction betweenmoRegressionanalyses. A seriesofmultiple regressionanalytor speedand perceptualspeedin this study,the resultsofother ses was conducted to evaluate the relative contribution of analysesthat werebasedon the sameor very similar measures different factorsto the agedifferencesin the primary perfor(e.g.,Salthouse,1993a,1993b)and the resultsofan identical mancevariables.To determine whethereducationand health analysisconductedon the data of Study 2 wereconsistentwith could be adequatelyrepresentedby compositevariables,I conthe hypothesizeddistinction.I thereforedecidedto treat the two ducteda confirmatory factor analysisspecifyingtwo factorson setsof variablesas representingdistinct constructsdespitethe the two educationvariables(number of yearsof formal educaweakresultsfrom the conlirmatory factor analysis.Becausethe tion and the classificationofthe highestgradeor degreecomstandardizedweightsfor the variableson their respectivefactors pleted)and on four healthvariables(two ratingsofthe individweresimilar (i.e.,Boxes: .80, Digit Copy : .90, LetterComual'sown health,onerating reflectingdegreeofsatisfactionwith parison= .74,and PatternComparison: .74),the average of one'shealth,and one rating indicatingdegreeofhealth-related the relevantz scoreswasusedas a compositevariablefor each limitations). The fit of the model wasgood, as revealedby the construct. followingindices:x2(8,N : 246) : 10.46,adjustedgoodnessTwo variablesfrom the Digit Symboltest-DigSym-O repreof-fix index (GFI) : .964, and adjusted root-mean-square sentingminimal cognitivedemandsand DigSym-9representing (RMS) : .036. The correlation betweenthe education and greatercognitiveinvolvement-were also used as speedmeahealthfactorswas-20. Becausethe standardizedweightsofthe suresin the regressionanalyses.Although I originally planned variableson their respectivefactorswere similar (i.e., .94 and to usethe slopeand interceptofthe functionsrelatingresponse .98for educationand .8 I to .90 for health,except.56 for healthtime to number of digit symbol pairs as additional speedmearelatedactivity limitations), compositescoresfor the education sures,the low reliability of the slopeparameterand its weak and health constructswere createdby averagingthe relevantz relation with age (cf. Table 2) diminished the value of these scores. analyses,and consequentlythe intercept and slope variables Each of the variablesin Thble 2 was examinedfor the preswere not included as predictors in the subsequentregression enceof main effectsof gender,health, and educationand for analyses. interactionsofthesevariableswith age.The predictorvariables Two separatesetsofanalyseswere conductedto yield inforwereall centeredto meansof zero to avoid problemsof multimation about both the moderatingand the mediatingeffectsof collinearityand to facilitateinterpretationsofany interactions. speed.One type of analysiswasdesignedto examinemoderatSignificantmain effectsof educationwereevidentin the following effects,as revealedby significant interactions of age and ing variables:Boxes,Digit Copy,Letter Comparison,Number speed.Interactionsofthis type would indicate that the age-rePtrcrnb8'Corec't L 247 SPEED INFLUENCE wereasfollows:Digit Copy(.0 16),PaperFoldingdecisronaccuracy (.023),Matrix Reasoningdecisiontime (.028),Associative Memory decision time (.080), DigSym-O (.068), DigSym-9 (.028),and Digit Symbol intercept (.038).Interactionsinvolving age and DigSym-0 were significant with Cube Assembly (.035),Matrix Reasoningstudytime (.035),DigSym-9(.010), and Digit Symbol intercept (.011). Finally, two variableshad significantinteractionsbetweenageand DigSym-9:Associative Memory decisiontime (.026) and DigSym-0 (.045). Note that all but two (i.e.,PaperFoldingdecisionaccuracyand CubeAssemblycorrect-minus-incorrect)of theseinteractionsinvolved time or speedmeasuresasthe criterion variable. The assessment of mediationaleffectswas basedon a comparisonofthe proportion ofvariance(asreflectedin increments in R2 correspondingto squaredsemipartialcorrelations)associated with age before and after the varianceassociatedwith the measureof the hypothesizedmediator was controlled.For example,the influenceof variationsin healthand educationon the agedifferencesin the primary variablescan be determined by comparing the proportion of varianceassociatedwith age before(column 4 in Thble2) and after(column I in Table3) the compositemeasuresof health and educationwere controlled. Examination of thesevaluesrevealsthat there wassomeattenuation ofthe agerelations,particularly for the reasoningmeasuresof Number Series(i.e., R2 of .l l8 to .059)and Matrix (i.e.,R2of .149to .080).However, it is alsoapparent Reasoning lated influencesvary accordingto the levelofspeed,and hence that speedmoderatesthe influenceofage. The secondtype of analysiswasintendedto examinemediatingeffects,as revealed by contrastsofthe magnitudeofthe age-relatedvariancebefore and after control of the measureof speed.To the extent that statisticalcontrol of a speedmeasureresults in a substantial attenuationofthe age-relatedvariancein a criterion variable,it can be inferred that the speedmeasureprobably playsa mediatingrole in the relationsbetweenageandthe criterion variable. In the analysesofthe interactionterms, both the ageand the speedvariableswerecenteredto meansofzero, and the crossproduct interactionterm wasenteredin the regressionequation after both the age and speedvariables.If the interaction was statisticallysignificant.the R2 associated with the interaction was then determined.All but two of the interactionswere in the direction of smallerage-relatedinfluencesat fasterlevelsof speed(or equivalently,largereffectsof speedat older ages).The two exceptionswerewith the Cube Assemblyand Matrix Reasoning study time measures,in which the age-relatedeffects were larger among subjectswith faster DigSym-0 scores.The variableswith significantinteractionsbetweenageand the composite motor speedvariable,with the increment in R2 associatedwith the interactionpresentedin parentheses, wereas follows: AssociativeMemory decision time (.056), DigSym-0 (.049),and DigSym-9(.018). Variableswith significantinteractions involving ageand the compositeperceptualspeedvariable Table3 R2for Age After Control of Demographic and Speed Variables,Study I R2 for aee after control of: Criterion Boxes Digit Copy Letter Comparison PatternComparison Digit Symbol-O Digit Symbol-9 Intercept Slope Correct- incorrect Number Series CubeAssembly NameNumber 9ocorrecl PaperFolding Matrix Reasoning AssociativeMemory Decisiontime PaperFolding Matrix Reasoning AssociativeMemory Studytime PaperFolding Matrix Reasoning AssociativeMemory Health. education. motor speed Health. education. perceptual speed Health, education. Svmbol-O Health, education. Digit Svmbol-9 .321* . 18 7 * .299* .21l* .l05r .000 .000 .034i .093* .054* .105+ .0'17+ .032* .030 .01l .005 .005 .026* .049* .o47+ .008 .108r .075r .063r . 1 73 ' .075* .035r .02'7* .094i .001 .058i .022* .04'7+ .001 .002 .059* .062* .048* .028r .045* .025 .003 .018 .007 .033i .036* .014 .009 .009 .016 .l6l+ .090r .047* .078* .028* .016 .041* .010 .004 .073* .024* .ot4 .033* .007 .009 .268t .lg6r .168* .136* .078+ .065* .080* .o43* .036r .l12+ .088r .044* .070+ .063+ .080r .020 .045* .039* . 0 1l . 0 31 * .026+ . 0l 0 .048* .069r .01I . 0 51 * .036* .007 Health, education .212* .197* . l 9 l* Note. Dashes indicate no data. *p<.01. .055i .021r 248 TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE from the entries in the first column of Table 3 that the residual agerelations are still significanfly greaterthan zero for most of the variables. TWotypesofcomparisons are of interest in Table 3. One consistsofcontrasts ofthe valuesin the secondthrough the fifth columns with the valuesin the first column, and the other consistsof contrasts of the values in the columns representingthe two types ofspeed. The overall pattern can be describedquite simply by stating that the age-relatedvariance is smaller after control ofa speedvariable in addition to the health and education variables(columns2 through 5) than only after control of health and education (column l), and that the residual age-related variance is smaller after control of speedmeasureswith greatercognitive involvement than after control of speedmeasureswith minimal cognitiveinvolvement(columns3 vs. 2 and columns5 vs.4). As an example,the averageR2associatedwith agefor the three paper-and-pencilcognitive measureswas .056 afterhealthand educationwerecontrolled,but it was.033(4 l Zo attenuation) after motor speedwas also controlled, and it was only .009 (83.9Voattenuation)after perceptualspeedwas controlled in addition to health and education.The averagevalue for the measureof decisionaccuracyin the computer-administered cognitive tests was .096, and this was reduced to .041 (57.3Eoattenuation)after control of motor speedand to .0lg (8l.3Voattenuation)after control ofperceptualspeed.For every variable except the two used to create the composite motor speedindex (i.e., Boxesand Digit Cqy), the residual age-relatedvariancewassmalleraftercontrol ofperceptualspeedthan after control of motor speed.Comparisonof the valuesin the fourth and fifth columns revealsthat a similar pattern existed with the Digit Symbol measuresin that the attenuationof the age-relatedvariancewas largerwith the measurepresumedto havegreatercognitiveinvolvement(i.e.,DigSym-9). Note that the influence ofperceptual speedactually appears to be larger on the accuracy mqrsures than on the measuresof study time or decisiontime. For example,the attenuation of the age-relatedvariance in averagedecision accuracy after control ofperceptualspeedwas8 1.37o,but the correspondingvaluefor the averagestudy time measurewas 6l .37oand that for the averagedecisiontime measurewas74.4Vo. Theseresultstherefore suggestthat, ifanything, the relations betweenperceptualspeed and decision accuracy may be strongerthan those betweenperceptualspeedand eitherstudy time ordecisiontime. The residual age-relatedvariance in DigSym-9 after control ofperceptual speedwas significantlygreaterthan zero, as was the age-relatedvariance in the perceptual speedmeasures(Letter Comparison and Pattern Comparison) after control of DigSym-9. This is somewhatsurprising becausethese measures werepresumedto involve very similar typesof comparisonprocesses. Methodologicaldifferencesassociated with the format of administration (i.e., paper-and-pencilvs. computer-administered) may be responsiblefor the significantresidualagevariancein thesemeasures. The R2in the cognitivevariablesassociated with the composite perceptualspeedvariable and with the DigSym-9 variable was also examinedbeforeand after control ofage, health,and education to evaluatethe magnitude of the speedinfluence when other sourcesof individual differenceswere controlled. The top portion of Thble 4 summarizesthe resultsfor the correct-minus-incorrectmeasurein three paper-and-pencil cognitive testsand for the decisionaccuracy measurein the three computer-administered cognitivetests.The resultsindicatethat a significantrelation existsbetweenperceptualspeedand some measuresof cognitiveperformance,evenamongindividualsfor whom the variation associatedwith age,health,and education is controlled. However,the magnitudeof the relation is much Table4 R2Associated With PerceptualSpeedand Digit Symbot Before and After Control of Other Variables Perceptualspeed Criterion Alone After age, health,and education Digit symbol Alone After age, health,and education StudyI Correct - incorrect Number Series CubeAssembly Name Number .207* .088* .085* .053* .01I .023 .15'7+ .125* .063* .031* .036* .008 .224* .2t4* .l05r .038* .044+ .035* .257* .239+ .088* .065* .068* .021 .l3gi .054+ .l6g* .100* Vo cOfi€,Cl PaperFolding Matrix Reasoning AssociativeMemory Study2 %,COrIeCt SpatialRotation Matrix Reasoning AssociativeMemory *p < .ol. .141* .166* .134* .049* .100* .040r .202* .196* SPEED INFLUENCE Table5 Resultsof CommonalityAnalysesConductedon Decision AccuracyMeasuresin Study I Predictor variable Variable Age MSpd PSpd PaperFolding accuracyascriterion Uniqueto age Uniqueto MSpd Unique to PSpd Common to Ageand MSpd Common to Ageand PSpd Common to MSpd and PSpd Common to Age,MSpd, and PSpd Total effects ,038 .002 .030 .007 .044 .007 .t26 .024 .t26 .044 .024 .t26 .2t5 .159 -zz+ Matrix Reasoningaccuracyascriterion unique to age Uniqueto MSpd Uniqueto PSpd Common to ageand MSpd Common to ageand PSpd Commonto MSpdand PSpd Commonto Age,MSpd,and PSpd Total effects .009 .035 .006 .024 .006 . ll 0 .045 . ll 0 .024 .045 . rl 0 .t49 .t'10 .214 AssociativeMemory accuracyascriterion Uniqueto age Uniqueto MSpd Unique to PSpd Commonto ageand MSpd Commonto ageand PSpd Commonto MSpdand PSpd Commonto Age,MSpd,and PSpd .005 Total effects .002 .022 .001 . 0 13 .001 .052 .018 .052 . 0 13 .0r8 .052 .071 .073 .105 Note. MSpd= motorspeed; PSpd= perceptual speed. smallerthan that evident when the age-relatedvarianceis included, suggestingthat the age-relatedvariation in speedis a major contributor to the overall relationsbetweenperceptual speedand cognitionobservedin this study. Commonalityanalyses. Another analytical procedure applied to the decisionaccuracymeasureswascommonalityanalysis (Pedhazur,1982). The method describedby Salthouse ( I 993b)wasused,in which the total effectsofage on a criterion variableweredecomposedinto a unique influenceof ageand into common influencessharedwith either motor speed,perceptualspeed,or both. Measuresofspeedin theseanalyseswere the compositespeedmeasuresthat were basedon the paperand-pencilspeedtests. Summary information for the commonality analysesconductedon the decisionaccuracymeasuresin the three computer-administeredcognitivetestsis presentedin Table 5. Because the entriesin the first column representthe partitioning of the variance,they areofgreatestinterestin this context. age-related Three points shouldbe noted about the information in this table. First, the varianceuniquely associatedwith ageis only a small proportion ofthe total age-relatedvariancein the crite- 249 rion variable.This is consistentwith the resultsofthe hierarchical regressionanalysesbecauseit indicatesthat much ofthe agerelatedvarianceis sharedwith one or more measuresof speed. Second,the proportion ofage-relatedvariancesharedwith perceptualspeedis substantiallygreaterthan the prqortion of agerelated variancesharedwith motor speed.This is also consistent with the hierarchicalregressionresultsbecaus€it indicates that perceptualspeedhasa greaterinfluenceon the age-cognition relations than does motor speed.And finally, one of the largestproportions of varianceis that common to age,motor speed,and perceptualspeed.This finding extendsthe earlier analysesby revealingthat a considerableamount of the agerelated variance is not uniquely associatedwith one type of speed. Path analyses. The initial step in the path analyseswas a confirmatory factor analysison nine cognitivevariables:study time, decisiontime, and decisionaccuracyfor eachof the three computer-administeredcognitive tests. Three factors (study time, decisiontime, and decisionaccuracy)werespecified,with correlationsallowedbetweenfactors.The fit of the model was ratherpoor: y2124,N : 246) : 117.43,adjustedGFI : .828 and adjustedRMS : .123. Examinationof the residualsrevealedthat the poor fit wasattributableto relativelyhigh correlations among the variablesfrom the sametest. Becausethis pattern implies that the relations among the variablesmight differ acrosstests,separateanalyseswereconductedon the data from eachtest. Two setsofanalyseswere conductedon the data from each test,one with the compositemotor speedand perceptualspeed variables,and the other with the DigSym-Oand DigSym-9variables.The model determinationprocedurebeganby postulating pathsfrom ageto all variables:from motor speedto perceptual speed,from perceptualspeedto study time, decisiontime, and decisionaccuracy,and from both study time and decision time to decisionaccuracy,with a bidirectional path (correlation) betweenstudytime and decisiontime (seeFigure 7). Paths with coefficientsdifferent from zero by lessthan two standard errorsweredeleted.Pathsbetweenmotor speedand study time and betweenmotor speedand decisiontime werethen addedif the resultingpath coefficientdiffered from zero by more than two standarderrors.Coefficientsfor thosepathsin Figure7 that were significantand three measuresofthe fit ofthe final path model for eachtest are reportedin Thble6. Four points shouldbe noted with respectto the resultsofthe path analysessummarizedin Table6. First, the modelswith the two setsofspeed measures(basedon paper-and-pencilproceversionsof the Digit Symbol duresand computer-administered test)werequite similar and did not differ in any substantialrespect.(Note that the differencein signsis due to high scores representingbetter performancein the paper-and-pencilspeed measuresbut poorer performancein the Digit Symbol speed measures.)Second,therewerelittle or no relationsbetweenmotor speedand any ofthe cognitivevariables(seePaths7, 8, and 9 in Table 6). This is consistentwith the inferencethat motor speedis not a very important mediator of the age-cognition relations.Third, perceptualspeedhad a consistentinfluenceon both decisionaccuracyand decisiontime but no effecton study time. Theseresultsimply that the variation in study time is attributable to different factors than those responsiblefor the I I I t 250 TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE I I Figure 7. Structural diagram illustrating possiblepaths among variablesin the computer-administered cognitivetests. rate personalcomputerswereprovidedfor eachsubjectfor the computer-administeredtests.The testswereperformedin the following order by all subjects:Boxes,PatternComparison,Letter Comparison,Digit Copying,Digit Symbolwith zerosymbols,Digit Symbolwith nine symbols, AssociativeMemory, SpatialRotation, Matrix Reasoning,Memory SearchWith Digits, and Memory SearchWith Letters.The Boxes motor speed,and and Digit Copyingtestswereagainpostulatedto assess the PatternComparisonand Letter Comparisontestswerepostulatedto perceptualspeed.The Digit Symbol test with zero symbolswas assess usedas an additional measureof motor speed,with the Digit Symbol test with nine symbolsrepresentingperceptualand motor speed.The AssociativeMemory,SpatialRotation,and Matrix Reasoningtestswere Study 2 intendedto assessmemory, spatial visualization,and reasoningabiliThe primary purpos€of Study 2 wasto replicateand extend The two memory searchtestsweredesignedto yield ties, respectively. the resultsof Study l. Computer-administeredcognitivetests measurescorrespondingto encoding and response(intercept) and search(slope)processes. with lowerlevelsof difficulty than thoseof Study I wereexamThe paper-and-pencil speedtests(Boxes,Digit Copying,Letter Comined to avoid a possiblemeasurementfloor in older adults,and parison,and PatternComparison)wereidenticalto thoseusedin Study new computer-administered testswereincludedto provideadDigit Symbol I, aswerethe two versionsof the computer-administered ditional measuresof speed. test. Unlike Study l, however,eachversionof the Digit Symbol test in this study was presentedfor only one 90-trial block after an l8-trial Method practiceblock. Two new computer-administered speed tests were memory search Subjects.Thecharacteristics ofthe 258adults,age20 to 87,who taskswith digits and with letters.For both typesof stimulusmaterial,8 participated in thisstudyaresummarized in Tablel. Subjects in this in a major metropolitan practicetrials werefollowedby two blocksof48 trials each,with 6 posstudywererecruitedfrom advertisements newspaper in a singlesession ofapprox- itive and 6 negativetrials at each set size between one and four. The andwerepaidfor participating memory set items weredisplayedfor 2 s in the top middle of the comquestions were imately2 to 3 hr. Background askedofall participants identicalto thosedescribed in Studyl. Correlations amongthealterna- puter screen,and after a 0.5-sdelay,the targetstimulusappearedin the were communicatedby pressingthe middle of the screen.Responses variables were.89for education tivemeasures ofthe background and .48to .78for health.Thecorrelations between ageandthe measures slash key for yes and the Z key for no. Both speedand accuracy were emphasized. reportedin TableI were-.08 for education and. I 0 for health(bothps The AssociativeMemory testwasidenticalto the test usedin Study I >.10). exceptthat the lagsbetweenpresentationand test ofthe stimulusitems Notethatthesamplein thisstudyhada higheraverage levelofeduwere 0, l, and 2 pairs instead of 0, 2, and 4 pairs. This changewas cationthanthesamplein Studyl, particularlyfor adultsin theolder implementedbecauseaccuracywasrather low, and nearly equivalent, in whichtheaverage isnearlyI yeargreater for decades thantheaverage with lagsof 2 and 4 pairs in Study l. A practiceblock o[ 9 items was in Studyl. thoseageranges weretestedin groupsof I to 6 each,andsepa- followedby 90 items consistingofeight testsat eachofthree lags. Procedure.Subjects variationin perceptualspeed.And finally,negativerelationsbetweendecisiontime and decisionaccuracywereevidentin each test, indicating that peqle who are lessaccuratealso tend to takelongerto make their decisions(or that more accuratepeoplearefasterin theirdecisions). BecauseStudy 2 was very similar, further discussionof the resultsof this study will be deferredto the GeneralDiscussion, wherethe resultsof both studiescan be intesrated and interpretedtogether. I I 251 SPEEDINFLUENCE Table 6 SignificantPathCofficientsfor PathsIllustrated in Figure 7, Study I Paper Folding Path P&P DigSym MatrixReasoning P&P AssociativeMemory DigSym P&P DigSym I (Age-MSpd) 2 (Age-PSpd) 3 (MSpd-PSpd) -.58 -.34 .51 .51 .29 .64 -.58 *.34 .51 .51 .29 .64 -.58 -.34 .51 .51 .29 .64 4 (Age-Study Time) 5 (Age-DecAcc) 6 (Age-DecTime) .24 -.25 .39 .24 -.26 .34 .26 -.t9 .30 .26 -. l8 .30 .23 -.16 .17 7 (Mspd-Study Time) 8 (MSpd-DecAcc) 9 (MSpd-DecTime) l0 (PSpd-StudyTime) I I (PSpd-DecAcc) l2 (PSpd-DecTime) l3 (StudyTime-DecTime) l4 (StudyTime-DecAcc) l5 (DecTime-DecAcc) Model fit indices x2ldf AdjustedGFI AdjustedRMS .19 .; -.31 -.zs .39 .26 .36 .29 .34 -.24 .985 .000 7.95/4 .945 .068 .15 .28 -.33 -,, -.31 .29 .39 -.18 .31 .39 -.17 .33 .52 -.21 .33 .52 -.18 .t 6.0814 .957 .051 --5I 4.'t913 t2.9t16 .94r .9s5 .o7l .057 .44 20.381s .889 .l14 Note. P&P = composite measuresof motor speed(MSpd) and perceptual speed(PSpd) from the paporand-penciltests;Digsym = Digrt Symbol4 (for motor speed)and Digit Symbol-9(for perceptualspeed) variables;DecAcc : decisionaccuracy;DecTime : decisiontime; GFI : goodness-of-fitindex; RMS : Dashesindicatethe coefficientswerenot significant. root-mean-square. The Matrix Reasoningtest differedfrom that usedin Study I by replacingthe contentsof the matrix cells with setsof lettersand digits insteadof geometricpatternsand by presentingonly four answeralternativesinsteadofeight. The cell contentswerechangedto try to make it easierfor subjectsto identify the relationsamongthe elements.Three typesoftrials weredistinguishedby containingone, two, or three elements (digits or letters)per cell. Relationsamong the elementswere determinedby addition or subtractionin either the numeric or alphabetic sequencein stepsof one, two, or three. For example,one of the two-elementproblemsconsistedof 22R, l8T and l4V in the first row, 20O, l6Q, and l2S in the secondrow, and l8L and l4N in the third row, with answeralternativesof l6K, l8L, l0B and 6Q. Six practice trials werepresented,followedby two blocksof30 trials each, l0 with eachnumberof elementsper cell. The Spatial Rotation test wasbasedon a task usedby Salthouse,Babcock, Mitchell, et al., (1990) and consistedof same-differentrecognition judgmentsofsix-segmentline patternsafter rotationsofO", 90", or I 80".The initial stimuluspattern could be inspectedfor as long as desired,andthen two flagsrepresentingthe orientationofthe secondstimulus in relation to the first stimulus were presented.The left flag was alwaysvertical, and ifthe right flag wasalso vertical then the orientation discrepancybetweenthe initial and teststimuluswas0'. Ifthe right flag washorizontal, then the orientation discrepancywas90", and ifthe right flagwasinverted,then the orientationdiscrepancywas 180".The duration that the subjectviewedthe initial patternand the duration that he or sheviewedthe display ofthe flagsindicating the relative orientations of the initial and test stimuli werecombinedto representstudy time, and the time to respondto the test pattern was usedas the measureof decisiontime. Responseswere communicated by pressingthe slashkey for sametrials and by pressingthe Z key for different trials. A practice block of six trial3 wasfollowedby two blocksof 30 trials each.Within eachblock, there were five sameand five different trials at eachorientation, presentedin a randomarrangement. Results and Discussion Means,standarddeviations,estimatedreliabilities,and R2for linear and quadratic age relations for the primary dependent measuresare reportedin Table7. As in Study 1,the age(linear) and age-squared(quadratic)terms were centeredto minimize collinearity.The correlationbetweenthe number correct score and the number correct minus the number incorrect scorewas .95 in both PatternComparisonand Letter Comparisontests, and thus the number correct minus the number incorrect m€asurewasusedin subs€quentanalysesto adjustfor guessing. Scoreson the four paper-and-p€ncilspeedt€stsand the DigSym-0and DigSym-9m€asureswereconvertedto z scores,and the meanswereplotted asa function of decadein Figure 8. It is apparentthat the generalpatternis similar to Figure 1,although the agerelations in this study are somewhatsmaller than those of the previousstudy,perhapsbecausethe older adults in this samplewere more selectwith respectto amount of education (cf. Table l). Memory search. Mean responsetime and mean percentage of errors as a function cf number of items in the memory set areplotted for eachdecadein Figure9. Both variableswith each type of stimulus material were analyzed by separaterepeated measuresANOVAs in which agewascategorizedby decadeand set size was a within-subjects variable. Only the age decade 252 TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE 1.5 Table7 Summary StatisticsforPrimary DependentVariables,Studv2 Boxes --l- O R2 Variable Boxes Digit Copy Letter Comparison PatternComparison Digit Symbol-0(s) Digit Symbol-9(s) Memory Search Digits, intercept Digits, slope Letters,intercept Letters,slope VoCOrTeCl SpatialRotation Matrix Reasoning AssociativeMemory Decisiontime SpatialRotation Matrix Reasoning AssociativeMemory Studytime SpatialRotation Matrix Reasoning Associative Memory M SD Est. Rel. Linear age Quadratic age 47.t 50.7 10.5 16.0 0.75 1.5l t4.0 10.8 3.1 4.5 0.21 0.42 .78" .84. .38. .52" .94b .95b .074* .116r .t29* .265* .l3l* .291t .004 .054* .027* .004 .015 . 0 1g * l o c c i F o'5 .9 (U A o o € a {.s DigSlm-9 1/ a - i ,..4--..-.._ *..-*". LetCom . 4.. Patoom DigS.lm-o o,/ ,/z - i;;-'+' Dlglgtv t. * ,t'-.a'''''-'* 'i' \ E 0.92 0.06 0.85 0.06 0.48 0.06 0.41 0.06 79.0 88.8 80.0 t2.4 16.8 t3.9 .92. .59" .88" .23" .164* .002 .132* .004 .016 .000 .010 .000 .8ld .g4d .079r .009 .071+ .008 .079* .007 1 . 5I .g4d 1 . 9 7 .94d 1 . 7 7 .g7d .325* .231* .201r .014 .055* .038i 7 . 9 5 4 . 5 7 .g7d 23.55 tt.73 . g g " 2.t9 L 3 8 .g6d .120* .244* .028* .005 .001 .000 2.66 3.30 2.57 .66" Note. Est.Rel.= estimated reliabilities. 'Alternate-forms correlationfrom a sampleof 212 collegestudents. bValuefromStudyL " Correlation betwienscores fromlirstandsecond administrationsboosted formula. dComputedfrom correlationsthe by Spearman-Brown acrossthreelevelsof complexitywith formulain Kenney = n(average'r)lU ( 1979, p. I 32):Reliability + (n I )(average r)1. *p<.01. effectwith the leuerstimuli,F(5, 252): 5.53,MS" = 123.9n, wassignificantin the analysesofthe error data. In the reaction time analyses,the effectofage decadewas significantfor both digits,F(5, 252)= 14.25,MS,: 592,253, andletters,F(5,252) = 12.75, MS,: 479,505,aswastheeffectof setsize:digits, F(3, 756): 126.91,MS, = 12,864,and letrers,F(3, l.56)= 130.44, MS" = 12,621.The Age Decadex Set Sizeinteractionwasnot significantwith eitherdigits or letters(both Fs < 1.20). The absenceof a significantAge X Set Sizeinteractionwith either stimulus material was unexpected,but it is consistent with the lack ofa significantagerelationon the slopesofthe Set SizeX Response Time functionsreportedin Table7. This failure to detectsignificantage-relatedeffectson the slopesdoes not app€arto be causedby unsystematicrelationsbetweenthe numberof items in the memory setand responsetime, because the mean correlationsbetweenset sizeand reactiontime were .73 for both letten and digits. Moreover,the slopeparameters werenot completelylacking in reliability, becausethe correla_ tion betweenthem was .46, a value significantlygreaterthan zero. One possibleexplanationfor the failure to find significant Age X SetSizeinteractionsmaybe that someof the slowestand, likely amongthe oldest,subjectsmight haverespondedin the o U' a? -1 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 Chronological Age Figure8. Meanstandarddeviationscoresby decadefor the speed measures, Study2. DigCopy: DigitCopy;LetCom= LetterCompari= Digit Symbolwith son;PatCom= PatternComparison; DigSym-O zerosymbols; DigSym-9: DigitSymbolwith ninesymbols. samemanner to all trials regardlessof set size.The analyses werethereforerepeatedaftereliminatingthe data from subjects with mean responsetimes greaterthan 1.5s, which is approximatelyone standarddeviationabovethe meanresponsetime of the entire sample.The correlationsbetweenageand the slope measuresin this restrictedsampleof 228 adultswerestill very low (i.e., .05 for digits and .12 for letters),despitea moderate correlation (.47) betweenthe two slopes.Finally, the Age DecadeX SetSizeinteractionswerestill not significantwith either the digit or letter stimuli in this restrictedsample(i.e., both Fs < 1.4). Computer-administered cognitivetests. Only meansacross the threecomplexitylevels(i.e.,angulardisparity in SpatialRotation, number of elementsper cell in Matrix Reasoning,and presentation-testlag in AssociativeMemory) are reported for the computer-administeredcognitive tests, becauseonly one Age (by decade)X Complexity interactionwassignificantin either the entire sampleor in subsamplesof subjectswith means in the simplestcondition abovethe sample mean. The single exceptionwasan interactionfor the decisionaccuracymeasure in the SpatialRotation test,F( 10, 504): 2.44,M& = .009,but this was difficult to interpret becauseit was not monotonic as the agecorrelationswere-. I 8 for 0" rotations, -.29 for 90" rotations,and-.24 for 180"rotations. The meanz scoresfor studytime, decisiontime, and decision accuracyare plotted by decadefor the Spatial Rotation test in Figure 10, for the Matrix Reasoningtest in Figure I l, and for the AssociativeMemory test in Figure 12.The ageeffectswere significantin every variablein the Spatial Rotation and AssociativeMemory tests.The linear agetrend wasnot significantin the decisionaccuracymeasurein the Matrix Reasoningtest,but the quadraticagetrend wassignificant(cf. Thble7). 253 SPEED INFLUENCE Digits SoatialRotation s$.1 1.5 I ---- Psffitaoe Cortrt Set8la2 n Msion Tims --l- stPff.3e o S€!sF6 4 g 15o l c o 5 o 0, o g (l, E F (, o c o ct o o cE Studllime o '= d e 1m0 o E (! E tr C' -0.5 u) e & Eoo o a 8 8 r B 2 x E U $ 3 3 o € 5 0 @ 7 50 0 60 g) 70 Ghronological Age Age Chronological l'igure 10. Meanstandarddeviationscoresby decadefor the study measures in theSpatialRotime,decision time,anddecision accuracy tationtest,Study2. L€tters ."ll- t I S€lr,:a 2 SSGIEOl?| 6. ot o S€tsla 4 E 1s00 g q) E F q, o g 1000 o o. U' 0) E g tr soo 8 E 6 oe 4 L z p U m 3{t 40 50 8{l 70 fit of the model was significantlyworse,differencex2(1,N: 258) : 3 1.I 3. Becausethe standardizedfactor weightingswere similar (i.e., .73 for Boxes, .84 for Digit Copy, .72 for Letter Comparison,and .86 for Pattern Comparison),the averagez scorefor the Boxesand Digit Copymeasureswasusedto representmotor speed,and the averagez scorefor the PatternComparisonand Letter Comparisonmeasureswasusedto represent perceptualspeed. Eachof the l9 variablesin Table7 wasexaminedfor the presenceof main effectsofgender, health, and education,and for interactionsofthese predictorswith age.The significanteffects in the regressionanalysesand the direction ofthe effectswereas follows: for health, better self-reportedhealth was associated 80 Age Chronological MatrixReasoning Figure9. Meanreaction timeandmeanpercentage of errorsasa functionof memorysetsizebydecade fordigits(top)andletters(bottom)in theMemorySearch test,Study2. t.5 Pd6niao6 -t- Corr*l Dsision Timo --]- Studv lime ...1... at, 'E Regressionanalyses. A confirmatory factor analysisconductedon the four healthand two educationvariablesrevealed a goodfit: 1218,N: 258) : 12.83,adjustedGFI : .959,and adjustedRMS : .049. The correlation betweenthe education and health factorswas -.23. Becausethe standardizedfactor weightsweresimilar (i.e.,.92 and.97for the educationvariables and .79 to .92 for the healthvariables,except.56 for the healthrelatedactivity limitation variable),the constructswererepresentedby the averageofthe relevantz scores. A confirmatory factor analysiswas also conductedon the measuresfrom the four paper-and-pencilspeedmeasures.In contrastto the resultsofstudy l, the fit wasfairly good: x2(I , N : 258): 1.44,adjustedGFI: .972,andadjustedRMS : .063. The correlationbetweenthe motor speedand perceptualspeed factorswas .75, but when this correlationwas fixed at 1.0,the l s o 0.5 '16 A o o E !".'l''"''1"-"''' (u o -o.5 E (tt a ,l .1.5 m 3 0 , o 5 0 6 0 7 0 8 0 ChronologicalAge Figure 11. Mean standarddeviation scoresby decadefor the study time, decisiontime, and decisionaccuracymeasuresin the Matrix Reasoningtest,Study2. 254 TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE Associative Memory (.028),Matrix Reasoningdecisiontime (.023),and Associative Memory decisiontime (.094). Finally, interactionsof ageand DigSym-9 were evident in Pattern Comparison (.024), Digit sqqnm6 Memory Searchintercept (.015), Matrix Reasoningdecision o E time (.048), and AssociativeMemory decisiontime (.026). As f, in Study l, most of the Age X Speedinteractionswereon mea0.5 c o suresof time ratherthan measuresof accuracy. (6 The proportionsofvariance associatedwith ageafter control o 0 o of health, education,and the four speedvariablesare summalf rized in Table 8. It is apparentthat the generalpattern is very aU ! o.5 similar to that of Study 1 in that the attenuation of the age.U U' related variancewas greaterwhen speedmeasureswere controlled in addition to healthand education,and the attenuation wasgreatestafter control of the speedmeasureswith the most .t.5 cognitiveinvolvement. m e' " 80 The R2valuesassociatedwith the perceptualspeedmeasures c#onor[i""rln" in the prediction ofdecision accuracybeforeand after control ofage, health,and educationare reportedin the bottom ofTaFigure12. Meanstandarddeviationscoresby decadefor the study ble 4. The resultsaregenerallyconsistentwith thosefrom Study time,decision time,anddecision accuracy measures in theAssociative I in that the amount of varianceassociatedwith the speed meaMemorytest,Study2. suresis reducedbut not eliminated when the other sourcesof varianceare controlled. Commonalityanalyses. Resultsfrom the sametype of comwith higherscoresin Digit Copy and SpatialRotation decision monality analysesthat wereperformedin Study I are summaaccuracy;for education,greateramountsofeducation wereasrized in Thble9. Note that the earlierresultsare replicatedwith sociatedwith higherscoreson Boxes,Digit Copy,Letter Comrespectto (a) a small portion of varianceuniquely associated parison, PatternComparison,Spatial Rotation decisionaccuwith agein relation to the total age-relatedvariance,(b) a larger racy,Matrix Reasoningdecisionaccuracy,AssociativeMemory proportion of variance shared between age and perceptual decisionaccuracy,and longerSpatial Rotation study time, but speedthan betweenageand motor speed,and (c) a relatively with shorterMatrix Reasoningdecisiontime and shorterDiglarge proportion of variancesharedamong age,motor speed, Sym-0 time. The only significantinteraction was betweenage and perceptualspeed.The only exceptionsto thesepatternsare and the compositeeducationvariableon Matrix Reasoningdein the Matrix Reasoningtest in which therewasvery little agecisiontime, in the directionoflargereffectsofeducationat older relatedvariancein the measureofdecisionaccuracy. ages. Path analyses. As in Study l, the initial step in the path Womenwere significantlyslowerthan men in Spatial Rotaanalyseswas a confirmatory factor analysison the nine cognition decisiontime and Matrix Reasoningstudy time. Age and tive variablesspecifyingfactorsof studytime, decisiontime, and genderinteractedon Matrix Reasoningdecisionaccuracyand decisionaccuracy.Consistentwith the resultsof the previous on Matrix Reasoningdecisiontime (in both cases,the advanstudy,the fit of the modelwaspoor: y2124,N: 258),:, tagefor menwaslargeramongolderadultsthan amongyounger adjustedGFI : .724,and adjustedRMS : .169, and correadults). lations among the residualsfor measuresfrom the same test Moderatingeffectsof speedwere investigatedby examining werehigh. The testswerethereforeexaminedseparately, followinteractionsofage and speedafter the predictorshad beencening the sameprocedural stepsdescribedin Study l. The sigteredto a meanof zeroand the main effectswerepartialedout. nificant path coefficientsand the goodness-of-fitindicesfor the All interactionswerein the direction of smallerage-relatedinfinal path modelsare summarizedin Table 10. fluencesat fasterlevelsofspeed (or greaterinfluencesofspeed In general,the resultsin Thble l0 are quite similar to those at older ages).Significant interactions involving age and the from Study I (summarizedin Thble5). That is, as in the previcompositemotor speedvariable,with the incrementin R2assoous study,there weresmall or inconsistentinfluencesof motor ciatedwith the interactionpresentedin parentheses, wereevispeedon the cognitive variablesand tittle or no influence of dent in Letter Memory Searchintercept(.026),Letter Memory perceptualspeedon study time, but therewasa consistentrelaSearchslope(.043),Matrix Reasoningdecisionaccuracy(.038), tion betweenperceptualspeedand both decisiontime and deciMatrix Reasoningdecisiontime (.079),and AssociativeMemsion accuracy. ory decisiontime (.049). Significantinteractionsbetweenage and the compositeperceptualspeedvariable were evident in General Discussion Digit Copy(.021),Digit MemorySearchintercept(.020),Letter Memory Searchintercept(.024),Matrix ReasoningdecisionacThe initial sectionof the GeneralDiscussionfocuseson the curacy (.049),Matrix Reasoningdecisiontime (.077),and Asthree goalsofprimary interestin this project: (a) Is there evisociativeMemory decisiontime (.023). Variableswith signifidenceofspeedmediationofthe age-relatedeffectson cognitive cant interactionsinvolving ageand DigSym-0wereDigit Memmeasureswithout time limits? (b) What is the nature of the ory Searchintercept (.026), Letter Memory Searchintercept speedprimarily responsiblefor mediating age-cognition rePdmtaog Correcl + D€dsion lime --+- 255 SPEEDINFLUENCE Table 8 R2for Age After Control of Demographic and SpeedVariables,Study 2 R2for ageafter control of: Criterion Boxes Digit Copy Letter Comparison PatternComparison Digit Symbol-O Digit Symbol-9 Memory search Digits, intercept Digits, slope Letters,intercept Letters,slope Mreaction time Health, education Health, education, motor speed Health, education, perceptual speed Health. education. Digit Symbol4 Health. education. DBrt Symbol-9 .038' .o47| .064* .005 .01I .00s .063r .000 .063* .096* .l 14| .239* .125* .2'15| .001 .001 .048* .ll7r .076* .164| .003 .007 .007* .008+ .037* .076* .154i .002 .120* .004 . 1 74 * .076* .000 .049+ .007 .086i .039* .000 .022* .006 .042* .039* .001 .024r .002 .041' .000 .000 .000 .004 .000 .062r .003 .056* .034i .002 .041i . 0 13 .01I .01l .o29| .005 .01l .008 .030* .001 325r .205i .188r .263* .132* .ll8r .166* .086* .073* .223i .125+ .057t .l l5i .136* .233* . 0 31 r .125+ .086* .122* .218* .019 .088r . 15 9 * .006 .l4li .093r Vo COfieCt SpatialRotation Matrix Reasoning AssociativeMemory Decisiontime SpatialRotation Matrix Reasoning AssociativeMemory Studytime SpatialRotation Matrix Reasoning AssociativeMemory .l l4f .023 .008 .053* .019* nodata. Note. Dashesindicate *p<.01. lations?and (c) How are measuresof speed,studytime, decision time, and decisionaccuracyrelatedto one anotherand to age? Speed Mediation on Measures Without Time Limits Before describingthe evidencerelevantto the influence of speed on the age differences in cognitive measuresobtained without time limits, it is first desirableto review the evidence indicating that age-relateddifferencesdo exist in measuresof decisionaccuracyunderconditionsof little or no time pressure. This evidenceis provided in Tables2 and 6, in which the R2 associatedwith agewas significantlygreaterthan zero for all of the percentagecorrect measuresexceptthat for the Matrix Reasoningtest in Study 2. The significantagetrends for these measures,togetherwith the nearlymonotonic patternsevident in Figures4 through 6 and FiguresI 0 through I 2, indicatethat age-relatedeffectsare definitely apparentin measuresofdecision accuracy,in addition to other measuresof performance suchasdecisiontime. The resultsof both Studies I and 2 indicate that theseage differencesin decisionaccuracyare substantiallyreducedwhen measuresof perceptual speed are statistically controlled. In Study I the mean R2 associatedwith agewas .096 after health and educationwerecontrolled and .018 after perceptualspeed wascontrolled, valueswhich are equivalentto an attenuation of valuesin Study 2 were .040 and .012, 81.37o.Corresponding This magnitudeof attenrepresentingan attenuationof 70.0Vo. uation is about the sameas that observedin paper-and-pencil cognitivetests,asthe attenuationofthe age-relatedvariancefor the Number Series,Cube Assembly,and Name-Number tests in Study I was83.97o.Moreover,the proportionalreduction of the age-relatedvariancein decisionaccuracywasactuallylarger than that observedwith measuresof decisiontime. That is, the averagepercentagereductionsin the age-relatedvariancein decision time after control of perceptualspeedwere 74.5Voin Study I and54.8Voin Study2. The answerto the first question addressedin thesestudies thereforeseemsquite clearin that the resultsindicatethat there is apparently as much speed mediation of the age-related differencesin decisionaccuracyasofthe age-relateddifferences in decisiontime or ofthe age-relateddifferencesin performance measuresobtained from timed paper-and-penciltests.It can thus be concludedthat the involvementofspeedin the relations betweenageand cognition is not restricted to timed or speeded measuresof cognitivefunctioning. Type of Speed Mediation The key distinction betweenmeasuresofspeed investigated in thesestudieswasbasedon the relative cognitive requirements 256 TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE Table9 Resultsof CommonalityAnalysesConductedon Decision AccuracyMeasuresin Study 2 Predictor variable Variable Age MSpd PSpd SpatialRotation accuracyascriterion Unique to age Unique to MSpd Unique to PSpd Common to ageand MSpd Common to ageand PSpd Common to MSpd and PSpd Common to age,MSpd, and PSpd .010 Total effects . 0 1l .034 .003 .025 .003 .041 .041 .o4l .025 .041 .o4l .079 .096 .l4l Matrix Reasoningaccuracyascriterion Uniqueto age Uniqueto MSpd Uniqueto PSpd Commonto ageand MSpd Common to ageand PSpd Commonto MSpdand PSpo Common to age,MSpd, & PSpd Total effects .019 .039 -.005 -.017 -.005 .070 .0t2 .r 0 l .012 -.017 .t 0 l .012 .009 .147 .166 AssociativeMemory accuracyascriterion Uniqueto age Uniqueto MSpd Uniqueto PSpd Commonto ageand MSpd Common to ageand PSpd Commonto MSpdand PSpd Commonto age,MSpd,and PSpd .010 Total effects .000 .054 .000 .032 .000 .029 .019 .029 .032 .019 .029 .07| .048 .tJ4 Note. MSpd= motorspeed; PSpd= perceptual speed. in the tasks used to measureprocessingspeed.Cognitive demandswerepresumedto be low when the subjectonly needed to draw lines, copy digits, or decidewhether two digits were physicallyidentical,but the demandswere hypothesizedto be much greaterwhen the subjectwasrequiredto comparesetsof lettersor patternsor to associatedigitswith symbols.I originally intended to use the slopeand intercept parametersfrom the functionsrelatingreactiontime to the hypothesizednumber of cognitiveoperationsin the visualsearch(Digit Symbolin Study l) and memory search(in Study 2) tasksas additional speed measures.However,I abandonedthis plan afterdiscoveringthat the slopeparametershad weak relationswith ageand low reliability,becauseit would havebeenunreasonableto expectthese variablesto mediate age relations with other variableswhen they had very small relationswith ageand when only a small proportionof theirtotal variancewassystematic. The distinction betweenmotor speedand perceptualspeed in the paper-and-pencil testswas somewhatequivocalbecause compositemeasuresof theseconstructswerehighly correlated with one anothet particularly in Study l. Although this indicatesthat conclusionsregardingtypesofspeedmust be consid- eredtentative,the pattern ofresults wasnevertheless consistent acrossnumerouscomparisonsin the two studies.Furthermore, it seemslikely that evenlargerdifferencesbetweenthe influence ofmotor speedand perceptualspeedwould be expectedifmeasuresof theseconstructscould be identified that were not as highly correlatedasthosein the presentstudies. Three typesof analyseswereconductedto evaluatethe relative importance of motor speedand perceptualspeedin the age-cognitionrelations.One analysisconsistedof the examination ofthe residualage-relatedvariancewhen the speedmeasure was statisticallycontrolled. The reasoningwas that the smaller the residual age-relatedvariance,the larger the presumed influence of speedin the age-cognitionrelations.The resultsin Thbles3 and 7 indicate that the residualage-related variancewas nearly alwayslargerwhen motor speedmeasures were controlled than when perceptualspeedmeasureswere controlled, thus suggestingthat the influence of perceptual speedwasgreaterthan that ofmotor speed. Commonality analysisconductedon the decisionaccuracy measuresfrom the computer-administeredcognitivetestswas the secondtype of analysisrelevantto the comparisonof motor speedand perceptualspeed.The resultssummarizedin Tables 5 and 9 indicatethat the variancecommon to ageand perceptual speedwas nearly alwayslargerthan that common to age and motor speed.The only exceptionwaswith the Matrix Reasoningmeasurein Study 2, in which the total ageeffectswere very small. Pathanalyseswerethe third type ofanalysisusedto evaluate the relative importance of motor speedand perceptualspeed in the age-cognitionrelations.The resultsin Thbles6 and l0 indicate that there were no significant paths betweenmotor speedand decisionaccuracybut that the pathsbetweenperceptual speedand decisionaccuracywere significant in the final modelsfor all tests. When consideredtogether,the resultsof thesethree different typesofanalysesseemto providea compellingcasethat perceptual speedis more important than motor speedasa mediatorof age-cognition relations. Becausethe primary difference between the two types of speedmeasuresappearsto be in the amount of cognitiveinvolvement,it seemsreasonableto infer that it is the speedofcognitive operationsthat primarily contributes to the relations betweenase and measuresof cosnitive functioning. Relations Among Measures Tables2 and 6 and Figures4 through 6 and l0 through 12 indicatethat, with only two exceptions,significantagerelations wereevidentin the study time, decisiontime, and decisionaccuracymeasuresin everytest.Relationsamongthesemeasures and among ageand the two types of speedwere examinedby meansof path analyses. The path analysisresults,6asedon an integrationofthe findings reported in Thbles6 and 10, are first consideredwith respectto the significantpaths leadingto decisionaccuracy.The negativepath from decisiontime to decisionaccuracyindicates that longertime to make a decisionwasassociatedwith lessaccuratedecisions.This is oppositeto the pattern expectedfrom a speed-accuracytrade-offbecausethis finding indicatesthat 257 SPEEDINFLUENCE Table l0 Significant Path Coeficientsfor Paths lllustated in Figure 7, Study 2 Spatial Rotation Path P&P DigSym I (Aee-MSpd) 2 (Age-PSpd) 3 (MSpd-PSpd) -.34 -.33 .46 .36 4 (Age-StudyTime) 5 (Age-DecAcc) 6 (Age-DecTime) .35 -. l8 .35 -.19 .41 .JJ .57 7 (MSpd-Study Time) 8 (MSpd-DecAcc) 9 (MSpd-DecTime) MatrixReasoning P&P AssociativeMemory DigSym P&P DigSym .36 -.34 -.33 .46 .36 .33 .57 -.34 -.33 .46 .JJ .57 .49 .20 .28 .17 -.37 .38 .27 -.24 .19 -.35 .25 -.53 -30 -.5l .24 .38 -.3'l .24 .37 -.27 | 1.56/4 .924 .089 5.80is .970 .026 8.92/s .952 .060 3.9914 .9'73 .000 .49 .16 .Jt .33 .t7 -.17 l0 (PSpd-StudyTime) I I (PSpd-DecAcc) l2 (PSpd-DecTime) .26 -.20 I 3 (StudyTime-DecTime) l4 (StudyTime-DecAcc) l5 (DecTime-DecAcc) .58 .48 -.25 Model fit indices x'/df AdjustedGFI AdiustedRMS 4.49/4 .970 .025 ; .31 .60 .47 -11 t.0214 .993 .000 .34 -.zJ .JJ Note. P&P = compositemeasuresof motor speed(MSpd) and perceptualspeed(PSpd)from the paperand-penciltests;DigSym = Digit Symbol-O(for motor speed)andthe Digit Symbol-9(for perceptualspeed) variables;DecAcc = decisionaccuracy;DecTime : decisiontime; GFI = goodness-of-fitindex; RMS = root-mean-square. Dashesindicatethat coefficientswerenot significant. peoplewho are lessaccuratein their decisionsalso take longer to make thosedecisions.The positivepath from study time to decisionaccuracyindicatesthat a longertime working on the problemswas associatedwith a higher level of accuracy.The path from perceptualspeedto decisionaccuracywasin the direction offaster perceptualspeedassociatedwith higheraccuracy. This relation is independentof that betweenperceptual speedand decisiontime, which was in the direction of faster perceptualspeedassociatedwith fasterdecisions. In light ofthe precedinginformation, severalinferencescan be maderegardingthe age-relatedinfluenceson decisionaccuracy.First, thereappearsto be somedirect' age-relatedeffecton decisionaccuracy,although this effectwas inconsistentacross the two setsof speedmeasuresin the AssociativeMemory test in Study I, and the relevantpath coefficientswere not significant in the modelfor the Matrix Reasoningtestin Study2. Seceffectwasapparentlymediated ond,very little ofthe age-related throughthe studytime variablebecausealthoughincreasedage was associatedwith longer study time, longer study time was associatedwith higher accuracy,and yet increasedagewasassociated with lower accuracy.This pattern raisesthe possibility that the agedifferencesmight havebeenlargerif studytime had not been positivelyassociatedwith age,but unfortunately no independentevidencerelevantto this issueis availablein these data.Third, it is possiblethat someof the age-relatedinfluences are mediatedthrough slowerdecisiontime, but it seemsmore likely that both slowerdecisionsand lessaccuratedecisionsare a consequence of a common third factor ratherthan that slower decisionscauselower accuracy.Finally, it seemsprobablethat there is somemediation of the age-relatedeffectson decision accuracythrough slowercognitiveoperationspeedbecauseof the negativerelation betweenageand perceptualspeedand the positiverelation betweenperceptualspeedand decisionaccuracy. The net result ofthese two relationscould be that older adultsare lessaccuratein their cognitivedecisionsbecausethey are slowerin executingrelevantcognitiveoperations.The speed influenceis presumedto be largelya result of cognitiveoperations becausethere was no significantrelation betweenmotor speedand decisionaccuracy. Miscellaneous There are a number of additional resultsfrom StudiesI and 2 that warrant somediscussion.First, significantinteractions betweenageand speedwere evident with severalof the performance measuresin both studies.Interactionsof this type are theoreticallyinterestingbecausethey indicatethat fasterspeed is associatedwith smallerage-relatedinfluences.However,the fact that interactionsof ageand perceptualspeedwerenot significant in four previous studiesreported in Salthouse(1991, I 993)suggests that the resultsofthesestudiesshouldbe considt Note that direct in this context doesnot mean unmediatedby any facton, but merely not mediatedby other measuresincluded in this analysis. 258 TIMOTHY A. SALTHOUSE is also important to note that most of the interactionsin the presentstudy were evident with other speed measuresor with the study time or decisiontime measures,as the only interactionswith accuracymeasureswerewith the Paper Folding test in Study I and the Matrix Reasoningtest in Study2. One possibleinterpretationoftheseresultsis that moderatingeffectsofspeed,in the form ofAge X Speedinteractions, are simply anotherconsequence of age-relatedslowingin which peoplewho are slow in somemeasuresare also slow in other measures. A secondinterestingresult from the presentstudiesis that the age-relatedeffectsin the Matrix Reasoningtestsweremuch smaller in the versionof the test with lettersand digits in the matrix cellsthan in the versionwith geometricpatternsin the cells(i.e..the R2for agewas.009in the versionwith lettersand digits but .149 in the version with geometric patterns).It is tempting in view of this pattern to suggestthat there may be a specialage-relateddifficulty in identifying relations involving geometricpatterns.However,such a conclusionwould be premature becausetherewerenumerousotherdifferencesbetween the two versionsofthe test that could havecontributed to the differentpatternof results(e.g.,only two typesof relativelysimple relationswereusedwith lettersand digits,whereasa variety of relationswere usedwith geometricpatterns,the letter-digit problemsvariedin terms of the numberof elementsand not necessarilywith respectto the number of different relations, and choiceswere made among four alternativesin the letterdigit versionof the testbut amongeight alternativesin the geometric patternversion). Another noteworthyfinding in thesestudiesconcernsthe resultsin Table4. which indicatedthat the relationsbetweenperceptualspeedand cognition weresignificantevenafter the age variationhad beencontrolled.This is consistentwith the results ofotherresearchers suchasJensen(e.g.,I 987)andVernon(e.g., 1983).However,it is important to note that the influenceof perceptualspeedwasmuch largerwhen agewasnot controlled becauseofthe substantialrelation betweenageand perceptual speed.The role ofage variation in the relationsbetweenspeed and cognitionis alsoevidentin the commonalityanalyses becauseentriesin the third column of Thbles5 and 9 indicatethat a substantialproportion of the variancein decisionaccuracy associated with perceptualspeedis alsosharedwith age. Finally, the effectsofpresentation-testlag in the Associative Memory testsin the two studiesdeservesomecomment.Ofparticular interestis the existenceofsignificant age-relatedeffects in decisionaccuracyat Lags | , 2, and4 when the analyseswere restrictedto subjectswith 1007oaccuracyAt Lag 0.2The existenceof a significantmain effectof agein theseanalysesimplies that increasedagemay be associatedwith a fasterlossofinformation oververy short intervals,evenas short as one intervening item. However,the fact that the interactionsbetweenage and lag were not significantsuggeststhat most of the loss of information occursalmostimmediately,becausethereis apparently little additional lossbetweenone and two or betweentwo and four interveningitems. Conclusion The resultsof this study confirm earlierfindingsthat a large proportion ofthe age-relatedvariancein cognitiveperformance is sharedwith measuresof the speedwith which simple operations can be executed.Moreover,previousresultsare extended by the discoverythat the influenceofspeedwasasgreaton measuresofdecisionaccuracyobtainedunderconditionsofno time pressureas on measuresof decisiontime or of the number of producedwithin a specifiedtime. And, as in correct responses earlier studies(e.g.,Salthouse,1993b),the relevantspeedappearsto be relatedto the rate at which cognitiveoperationscan be executed,and not merely to the time required for sensory and motor processes. The resultsofthesestudiesare consistentwith the interpretation that a slowerspeedofprocessingaffectsthe quality ofcognitive performanceby reducingthe amount of simultaneously availableinformation (cf. Salthouse,1988, 1992a;Salthouse& Babcock,199I ). That is, the evidencenow seemsfairly compelling that slowerprocessingspeedmay function as a proximal mediatorof the relationsbetweenvariousmeasuresof cognitive functioning and age during adulthood. However,further researchis necessaryto distinguishthis interpretation from alternativeexplanations ofthe speed-cognition relation(e.g.,on the basisofconstructs suchas inhibitory control or attentional selectivity).Additional researchis also required to identify the causesofthe relationsbetweenageand speeddocumentedin theseand in numerousother studies.Although many questions remain, there now seemslittle doubt that processingspeedis a major factor in the age-relateddifferencesin severaltypes of cognitivefunctioning. ' Resultsfrom the analysisof varianceon the data from I 54 subjects in StudyI wereasfollows:agedecade, -F(5,I 48) = 5.3I, M.S": 474.8'1, p < .01;lag,F(1, 148): 3.60;andAgeDecadex Lag,F(5, 148)= 1.67, MS" = 271.rU. 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