51 (2), 102-lr2 (199s) SwissJournal of Psvchology Influence of ProcessingSpeedOn Adult Age Differences in Learning Timothy A. Salthouse measures,might be med working memon. In tr signed to assessthe rper mentary processlns opc ministered to examine I speedas a potential med encesin thesetasks. Institute of Technology, Atlanta,USA Schoolof Psychology, Georgia Study 1 Two studies were conducted with adults from a wide range of ages to investigate the mechanisms by which a slower processing speed contributes to adult age differences in short-term learning. Although statistical control of measures of perceptual speed substantially reduced the age- related variance in measures of associative leaming and of maze leaming, there was little evidence that speed exerted its effbcts through processesof forgetting previously correct responsesor perseveratingwith the same incorrect resDonses. racy, and when the forgetting and speed measures were statistically controlled, the relation between age and associative learning performance was no longer significantly different from zero. More detailed analysesof the data across successivetrials were reported by Salthouse & Dunlosky (in press).These analyses identified forgetting and perseverations,which were operationalizedas the continued use of a response already disconfirmed for the current stimulus, as important correlates of adult age differences in trial-by-trial improvement. The current project consists of two studies designed to replicate and extend the earlier findings. Study I examined familiar (digits and letters) and unfamiliar (symbols) stimulus materials in associativelearning. The contrastwas not pure becausethe familiar stimuli were presented before the unfamiliar stimuli for all research participants,but the comparison should still prove informative. Study 2 examined the effects of repeatedexperienceswith the sametype of stimuli (but different items) across three blocks of trials. Generalizability was investigated with another learning task designedto be amenableto a similar type of process decomposition in terms of forgetting of previously correct responsesand perseverationof previously incorrect responses. In addition, two working memory testswere administeredin Study 2 to investigatewhether the age-related Iearning differences, either in the Institute onAgThisresearch wassupported by National percentage correct measure or in the overall ing GrantR376826.I wouldlike to thankJohnDunlomore detailed forgetting and perseveration on an earlierdraft. sky for helpfulcomments Adult age-related differences in learning are well-establishedin a variety of learning situations. For example, there are reports of slower learning by older adults in maze learning (Baddeley & Brooks, 1976;Husband,1930;Wright, 1957),minor tracking(Wright & Payne,1985), reading degradedor inverted text (Hashtroudi, Johnson& Chrosniak, l99l), identificationof stimuli from fragments(Russo& Parkin, 1993), verbal paired associates(Kausler & Puckett, 1980; Monge, 1971; Winn, Elias & Marshall, 1976), and remembering lists of unrelated words (Crook & West. 1990: Macht & Buschke, 1983;Mueller,Rankin & Carlomusto,1979; Query & Megran, 1983; Rankin & Firnhaber, 1986;Worden& Sherman-Brown,1983).However,despitethe robustnessofthe phenomenon, the reasonsfor age differences in learning are not yet understood. A recent project (Salthouse, 1994) identified two factors that appear to contribute to adult age differences in associative learning; the probability of forgening previously correct responses,and the speed with which simple operations could be executed. That is. increased age was associatedwith greater forgetting of responsesthat were correct on the prior trial, and with slower performancein simple perceptual comparison tasks. Both of these measures were correlatedwith associativelearnins accu- t02 @ VerlasHansHuber.Bem 1995 Method Subjects. The particrpan formed the currenttarl. ory tasksinvolving rerfu tion (reported in Sahhou 170 adults complered ho study. The subjecrsuere paper ads, communrl\ r tances of researchasrl\ul rized in three age group characteristicsare \umm ?"asks.The t\r'o pap€rspeed tasks. Letter Cor Table l: Demographre :har+rr pantsin Studv I ,'\ l( fg Age Mean SD Vc Female Years of Education Mean SD Health Mean SD : Letter Comparison Mean SD il:e PatternComparison Mean SD lb ,1ll 4nr Note: Education refers to \car\ pleted, and health is a self-ran ging from I for excellent ro 5 measures, might be mediatedby relationswith working memory.In both studies,tasks designedto assessthe speedof carryingout elementaryprocessingoperationswere also administeredto examinethe role of processing speedas a potentialmediatorof the agedifferencesin thesetasks. Study I Method Subjects.The participantsin this study performed the currenttasksafter a seriesof memory tasksinvolvingverbaland spatialinformation (reportedin Salthouse, in press).A total of 170adultscompletedboth tasksin the current study.The subjectswere recruitedfrom newspaper ads, community groups,and acquaintancesof researchassistants, and were categorized in threeage groupswhosedemograplic characteristics are summarizedin Table l. Zasts. The two paper-and-pencil perceptual speedtasks, Letter Comparisonand pattern Table I: Demographic characteristicsof research participants in Study I I 8-39 64 Age 10-59 55 60-88 5l Age Mean SD 25.3 6.5 47.9 5.1 70.I 6.1 VoFemale 51.5 60.0 5l.0 Yearsof Education Mean SD 14.3 2.0 14.5 2.3 Health Mean SD 13.2 Comparison,required subjectsto decide whether pairs of letters or pairs of line patterns were the same or different. The test forms consisted of pairs of 3, 6, or 9 letters (Letter Comparison) or line segments (Pattem Comparison) with a line between the members of each pau. Subjectswere to write an S on the line between the two members of the pair if they were the same, and to write a D on the line if they were different. The measures of performance were the number of correct items minus the number of incorrect items produced in 30 sec. Trials in the associative learning task contained a single stimulus item on the left, and the set of responsealternativesin a column on the right. The subject selectedthe appropriate responseby using the arrow keys on the keyboard to position an zurow in front of the designated response item. After the subject selected the responseand pressedENTER, feedback was presentedin the form of an auditory tone to indicate correct or incorrect, and visual highlighting of the correct response.The responsealternativeswere then re-orderedand a new stimulus term was presented.Three practice trials with two stimulus pairs (i.e., I-X, II-Y) were presented,followed by two sets of five pairs each. The first set consistedof pairs of digits and letters (i.e., l-C, 2-A,3-D, 4-8. and 5-B), and the second set consistedof pairs of unfamiliar symbols. (SeeSalthouse,1994 for an illustration of the symbol stimuli). Trials continued until the subject reached a criterion of three trials with all pairs correct, or until a maximum of l0 trials had been presented. Resuhs L.) ) o ) 1 0.9 1.0 ) .1. i:0 LetterComparison Mean SD I 1.59 3.02 9.53 3.21 ? ir 3:o; PatternComparison Mean SD r8 . 3 0 4.04 15.69 3.40 t2.33 a.z I Note: Education refers to years of formal education completed, and health is a self-rating on a 5-point scale ranging from I for excellent to 5 for poor. Percentagecorrect across successivetrials for the three age groups is illustrated in Figure l. Notice that all age groups begin at rhe same level, but that the amount of improvement is inverselyrelatedto age.It can also be seenthat the pattern was very similar with both sets of stimuli. An Age (18-39, 40-59, 60-88) x Stimuti (Familiar,Unfamiliar)x Trial (1 through lO; ANOVA revealedsignificant(i.e.,p <.01) effectsof Age, F(2,167)= 22.24,MSe = 0.67; Trial, F(9,1503) = 114.04, Age x Trial, 103 F ( 1 8 , 1 5 0 3 )= 4 . 9 1 , M S e = . 0 4 5 ,a n d S t i m u l i x Trial, F(9,1503) = 2,79, MSe = .037. The laG ter interaction reflected slightly greater improvement with familiar stimuli. Becausemany subjectsreached the criterion in fewer than 10 trials and did not continue in the task, values of lo07o were usedto replacetheir missing values in this initial analysis. A similar analysis was conducted with only data from trials I to 6 in which no missing observationshad to be replaced.The same general pattern was apparent in this analysisas there were significant eff e c t s o f A g e , F ( 2 , 1 6 7 ) = 1 7 . 7 3 ,M S e = . 3 1 ; Trial, F(5,835) = 82.00, and Age x Trial, F(10,835)= 3.93, MSe = .046. Only the Stimulus x Trial interaction was not significant in the analysisrestrictedto trials I through 6, suggesting that the advantage of familiar stimuli occurred primarily in later trials. The pattern in Figure l, and the significant Age x Trials interaction, indicate that there were significant age differences in the rate of learning. The learning data were therefore examined with path analysis techniquesto determine where distinct age-relatedeffects occur. Figure 2 illustratesthe path model usedto guide the analyses.Notice that performance on each trial was assumed to be affected by performance in the immediately preceding trial, and possibly also by age. Age-related effects were not expectedon the first trial becausethere was no prior opportunity to learn since it was the initial exposureto the materials fbr all subjects. The interesting question was where in the sequencedo unique age-relatedeffects occur. If age-relatedeffects occur only on early trials, then all of the agerelated influences on later trials can be presumed to be mediated throush the effects on Digit - Letter Table 2: Path coefficienr! tor cessive trials, Study I Path possible from Figure2: Pathdiagram illustrating relations ageto performance on successive trials. the first few trials. However, if there are independent age-relatedeffects on later trials, then distinct age-relatedinfluences can be inferred to be operating on processesat several different stagesof learning. The standardizedpath coefficientsfrom these analysesare presentedin Table 2. As expected, there were strong relations between the measures of performance on successivetrials, particularly after the first trial (lower half of table). Significant age effects were found on trials 2 and 4 with familiar stimuli, and on trials 2, 3, 5, and 6 with unfamiliar stimuli. The pattern is somewhatvariable,but it is clear that the agerelated influences are not restricted to the first one or two trials on the task. Instead,there appear to be independent age-related effects at s e v e r a lp h a s e si n l e a r n i n g . The processesinvolved in the age effects in learning were next investigated by computing measuresof forgetting and perseveration.The former is the number of forgets (correct on trial n followed by incorrect on trial n+1 for a given stimulus) divided by the total number of correct responseson the previous trial, and the latter is the number of perseverations(the same incorrect responseto a given stimulus on two Symbol - Symbol 1@ s o o s o m o & 6 o I o (L Trial 104 Figure ): Percentagecorrect in associative learning with familiar and unfamiliar stimuli across successivetrials in three age groups, Study L a b c d e f Age -l Age -2 Age -3 Age -4 Age -5 Age -6 h 2-3 | 5-4 j k 4*s 5*6 D r g r t sL- . ' t 1 t 08 -:l' -.l6 -.08 .19 ..19' .-i6, .5li' * Different from zero br m.'rr successivetrials) divided of errors on the previous each case the relevant r a percentageof the possible type of response. The overall meansfor rl were 38.4Vofor the tamih for the unfamiliarsrimulr. severationmeasure\ \\ ere iar stimuliand l-5.1? tt'r uli. The same type of Ar ANOVA conducted on th measurewas conductedc perseverationmeasurei el only 5 trials becauseneirh severationcan occur untrl prior trial. With the forsen F ( 2 , 1 6 7 )= 5 . 3 0 .\ l S e = l = 3 . 6 3 ,M S e = . 1 - 5 .e t i - e c no other main effect. or I nilicant. With the perse\c t h e A g e , F ( 2 . 1 6 1 t= - i . f > l . uli, F(1,167= ) l - 1 . 8 1\.l S significant. Both foreerrrn were more frequent urth r ting decreasedacrossrnal occurred more often u rth with unfamiliar stimulr Becausethe onll srgnr with the forgetting measun eraged across the first srr to improve reliabilitr. Tt Letter Comparison and paper-and-pencilspeed rn thus a composite speed rne averagingthe two z-scorfi Table 2: Path coefficientsfor influencesof ase on successivetrials,Study I Path a b c d e f Age -l Age -2 Age -3 Age -4 Age -5 Age -6 o l-) h 2-3 i 3 4 4-5 J k 5-6 Digits-Letters Symbols-Symbols -.14 -.24* -.08 -.21* -.16 -.08 -.07 -.24* -.29* -.04 -.lg* _.26* .19 .39x .41* .56* .58* .27* .49* .58* .60* . 5 5* Figure3: Pathdiagram possible illustrating relations from andmeasures of associative learningperforl%:"..r0".0 * Different from zero by more than 2 standarderrors. successivetrials) divided by the total number of errors on the previous trial. Notice that in each case the relevant value is expressedas a percentageof the possibleopportunitiesfor that type of response. The overall meansfor the forgetting measure were 38.4Vofor the familiar stimuli and 36.6Vo for the unfamiliar stimuli, and those for the perseverationmeasureswere lJ.67a for the familiar stimuli and 15.2Vofor the unfamiliar stimuli. The same type of Age x Stimuli x Trial ANOVA conducted on the percentagecorrect measure was conducted on the forgetting and perseverationmeasuresexcept that there were only 5 trials becauseneither forgetting nor perseverationcan occur until there was at leastone prior trial. With the forgetting measure,the Age F(2,167)= 5.30, MSe = .28: and Trial, F(5,835) = 3.63, MSe = .15, effectswere significantbut no other main effects or interactions were signiiicant. With the perseverationmeasure,only the Age, F(2,16'l)= 5.64, MSe = .10, and Stimuli, F(1,167) = 13.82,MSe = .07, effectswere significant. Both forgetting and perseverations were more frequent with increased age, forgetting decreasedacrosstrials, and perseverations occurred more often with familiar stimuli than with unfamiliar stimuli. Becausethe only significant trial effect was with the forgetting measure,the values were averaged across the first six trials in an attempt to improve reliability. The correlation of the Letter Comparison and Pattern Comparison paper-and-pencilspeed measureswas .57, and thus a composite speedmeasurewas createdby averagingthe two z-scores.Interrelationsofthe measureswere then examined in path analyses with the path model illustrated in Figure 3. Path coefficients for both sets of stimuli for the model illustrated in Figure 3 are presented in Table 3. The following points should be noted about the results in this table. First, as expected, there were strong negative relations between age and speed. Second, age and percentage conect were negatively related, although with both sets of stimuli the direct effects were smaller than the total age-relatedeffects (i.e., the path coefficients were -.14 and -.21 compared to the correlations of -.34 and -.42, respectively).The reduced age relations Table3: Pathcoefficients for interrelations of age,perceptual speed, percentage forgetting, percentage perseverations, and percentagecorrect, Study I Path a b c d Age Age Age Age - Speed PercentageCorrect Forget Perseveration e Speed- PercentageCorrect f Speed- Forget g Speed- Perseveration h Forget- PercentageCorrect - Percentage i Perseveration Correct Correlations Age - Percentage Correct Age * Forget Age - Perseveration Forget- PercentageCorrect Perseveration- Percentage Correct DigitsLetters SymbolsSvmbols -.59,k -.14* .04 .l 8 -.59* -.21x .14 .03 .07 .06 la 1?* -.06 *.09 -.41* -.54* -.51* -.36* -.34* .l I .21* -.45* -.59* -.42+ .30* .08 -.65* ,.47* * Different from zero by more than 2 standarderrors. 105 Table4: Demographicand performancecharacteristicsof researchparticipantsin Study 2 2o-39 38 Age 4o-59 42 60-79 Age Mean SD 30.8 6.0 48.0 5.8 68.9 51t VoFemale 68.4 42,9 +r'z Yearsof Education Mean SD 1 5I. 1.5 l6.l t: Health Mean SD 1.7 0.7 5t 2.4 I 2.3 1.2 ? l^ l'0 PatternComparison Mean SD t7.'tI 3.64 r6.60 2.67 tr.,|? Letter Comparison Mean SD 10.62 3.01 9.89 1.43 6^19 2'90 Digit Digit RT Mean SD 624 t04 689 t49 Digit SymbolRT Mean SD 1243 270 t425 318 ii9 ,?11 ReadingSpan Mean SD 2.68 |.28 2.92 1.22 I ]q l'00 ComputationSpan Mean SD 4.42 1.63 4.64 2.tl 3.34 1.48 for that task. Each task was administeredtwice with different stimulus items to increase reliability. The two computer-administered reaction time tasks each involved the presentationof a pair of items in the middle of the screen and a code table with nine pairs of items at the top of the screen.In the Digit Digit task the code table containedidentical pairs of digits, and the decision concerned whether the two digits in the middle of the screen were physically identical. In the Digit Symbol task the code rable contained pairs of digits and symbols, and the decision concerned whether the digit-symbol pair in the middle of the screen matched according to the code table. Ninety trials were presented in eachof two administrations of the tasks, and becauseaccuracyaveragedover 95Vo,medianreactiontime in millisecondswas used as the measureof reaction time oerformance. The associativelearning task was very similar to the version with symbols used in Study I except that three sets of six trials each were administered, with six different stimulus pairs in each set. The maze leaming task also involved six trials on each of three different mazes.In the computer-administeredmaze task the subjects used the arrow keys on the keyboard to move a cursor through a grid in which obstacles(i.e., the 7o symbol) blocked many of the possible paths. Only a 3x3 portion of the 10x10 grid was visible at any given time, but the goal was to find the end point (designated by the digit l) in the minimum number of moves. Each maze contained six choice points with three options each (e.g., if moving down, the options were left, right, and straight or down). The associative learning and maze learning trials were presented in alternating blocks, with six trials of one set of associative learningstimuli, six trials of one maze,six rrials of a second set of associativelearning stimuli, six trials of a secondmaze,and finally, six trials of the third set of associativelearning stimuli and six trials of the third maze. Because the sessions were limited to 2.5 hours in length, some researchparticipants did not complete all of the tasks. Furthermore, the attrition was not random becausethe fastestand most efficient subjectswere more likely to finish every task. These were disproportionately the young subjects because 35 of 38 young adults completed all three setsin the maze task, but only 16 of 37 older adults completed all three maze sets. Only results from subjects completing all three sets will be emphasizedin the discussion,but results are reported from the subjectscontributing data to each set. Results Two possible measures of performance were available in the maze task, the number of keystrokesand the percentageof correct choices at the three-alternative choice points. The two 107 measureshad moderatenegative correlations with one another,as the numberof keystrokes decreased from 122on trial 1 to 51 on trial 6, and the percentagecorrect values increased from 327oon trial I to 67Voon trial 6. The median correlationbetween the two measures acrosstrials was-.47, with a rangefrom -.27 to -.63. Neithermeasureis optimalbecause the number of keystrokes measure is highly skewed,andthereareonly six choicepointsfor the percentage correctmeasure.However,becausethe percentage correctmeasureis more comparableto the measurein the associative learningtask, and is amenableto decompositions into forgettingand perseverations, it was usedin subsequent analyses. Percentage correctby trial and agegroup for the threesetsof trials in the associative learning and mazelearningtasksare illustratedin Figure4. Noticethat the patternwith the associativelearningdatais very similar acrossthe threesuccessive setsof stimuli,and resembles that observedin Study l. The datain the maze learningtaskswere more variable,but trial-bytrial improvementand age differencesare still apparent. An Age (18-39,40-59, 60-79) x Set (first, second,third) x Trial (l through6) ANOVA was conductedwith eachlearningtask for the subjectswith completedata.In the associative learningtaskthereweresignificantmain effects of Age, F(2,86) = 6.00, MSe = 0.41; Set, F(2,172) = 63.31, MSe = .09; and Trial, F(5,415)= 82.76,and a significantinteraction of Age x Trial, F(10,830)= 3.19,MSe = .04, with Set.In the mazelearnbut no interactions ing task there were significant main effects of Set, F(2,1661= 40.36, MSe = .06; Trial, F(5,415)= 92.80,MSe = .03;anda significant F(10,830)= 2.35,MSe Setx Trial interaction, = .02,but no interactions with age.Neitherthe maineffectof Age,F(2,83)= 2.17,nor theAge x Trial interaction,F(10,830)=2.09), weresignificantin the mazelearningdata. SeparateAge x Trial ANOVAs were also conductedon the datafrom eachset to exam- Maze PairedAssociates ^ - gl4287 70 & 50 ao s 20 ine patterns with the gre: of subjectsin each compa interactions were signific except the Age x Trial rn 1.44,for the first maze.T indicate that, as expecred evident in the measure tasks. Path analyseswere ne\ the path diagram illusrra path coefficients are pr where it can be seen thal ilar to that in Studl l. Thi erate to large relations trt rect on successivetrials.a age effects on later tnals er, these latter results sue tinct age-relatedinfl uencc independent of the eft-ecr Age x Set x Tnals A\r ducted on the percenrae centage perseveratronrnc getting measurein the ass the following effecrs rr F ( 2 , 1 6 6 )= 1 9 . 3 . 1N. { S e= 8 . 4 9 ,M S e = . 1 3 . b u r n o r M S e = . 2 1 ,n o r a n v i n r e r Forgetting percentagesd c e s s i v es e t s ( i . e . . - l : . 8 . . acrosssuccessivetnals l 30.5, and 26.8). r*'irh tk perseveration measure tl w e r e A g e , F ( 2 . 8 6 r= 6 . 1 1 x Set, F(4,166) = -3.66.! o Table5. Parh..*rTr C) q) o) G o o (L s Path 20 10 1m ^ - 351371t7 m & 70 60 $ 40 s 10 3 4 Trial 108 5 6 Figure 4: Percentagecorrect ln associative learningand maze leamingacrossthreesuccessive trials in three age groups,Study 2. Successive setsof stimuliare representedin the panelsfrom top to bottom. a b c d e f A g e- l Age -l Age --1 Age{ Age -5 Age -6 g h i I-l 2-3 3-4 i 4-S k 5-6 *p<.ol ine patternswith the greatestpossiblenumber tions were more frequent with increased age of subjectsin eachcomparison. All Age x Trial (i.e., 10.6, 12.6, and 17.6), but this trend was interactionswere significantin theseanalyses less pronounced in the third set. The only sigexceptthe Age x Trial inreractionF(10,570)= nificant effects on the forgetting measurein the 1.44,for the first maze.Theseresultstherefore maze learning task were Set, F(2,166) = 25.67, indicatethat,asexpected,agedifferenceswere MSe = .08; and Trial, F(5,415)= 4.07, MSe = evident in the measuresof learning in both .05; but not age (F < 1) or any interactions. tasks. These effects were attributable to lower levels Pathanalyseswerenext conductedbasedon of forgettingin set 2 (i.e., 19.7,8.1, 19.6),and the path diagramillustratedin Figure 2. The a slight decreasein forgetting percentageacross path coefficientsare presentedin Table 5, successivetrials (i.e., 19.0,18.0,14.9,12.4.and whereit can be seenthat the patternwas sim- 14.8).No significant effects were evident in the ilar to that in Study 1. That is, thereweremod- maze leaming perseverationmeasures. erateto largerelationsbetweenpercentage corCorrelations between similar speed and recton successive trials,andseveralsignificant memory measures were .63 between the two age effectson later trials.As mentionedearli- paper-and-pencilspeed measures,.69 between er, theselatterresultssuggestthattherearedis- the two reaction time speedmeasures,and .39 tinct age-related influenceson learningthat are between the two working memory measures. independent of the effectson early trials. The correlation for the working memory meaAge x Set x TrialsANOVAs were alsocon- sures was not very high, but it increasedto .53 ducted on the percentageforgetting and per- after adjusting for the reliability of the meacentageperseveration measures. With the for- sures.Compositemeasureswere formed for use gettingmeasurein the associative learningtask in subsequentanalyses by averaging z-scores the following effects were significant: Set, for the relevant measures. F(2,166)= 19.34,MSe = .01;Trial,F(5,415)= The age-relatedvariance in the averageper8.49,MSe = .13,but norAge,F(2,86)= 3.34, centagecorrect measuresacrossall 6 trials was MSe = .21,nor any interactions involvingage. computed before and after control of the speed Forgettingpercentages decreasedacrosssuc- and working memory composite measures.Recessivesets(i.e.,42.8, 31.3,and 28.1),and sults of these analysesare presentedin Table 6, acrosssuccessive trials(i.e.,45.9,35.1,31.9, where it can be seenthat there was large atten30.5, and 26.8).With the associativelearning uation of the age-relatedeffects after statistical perseveration measurethe significanteffects control of the speed measures.For example, wereAge,F(2,86)= 6.12,MSe = .07,andAge control of the perceptual speed composite rex Set,F(4,166)= 3.66,MSe = .04.Persevera- duced the age-relatedvariance in set I accuraTable5: Pathcoefficientsfor influencesof aqeon successive trials.Studv2 t (n) Age -l Age -2 Age -3 Age -4 Age -5 Age -6 a b c d f o a h i j k . 3 l-') - 2-3 4 4-s 5-6 Paired Associates Set ) ? (lr7) -.t5 -.30x -. l8* -.21x *.32* -.24* (lll) -.15 -.32* -.24* -.04 -. l6* -.15* -.03 -.24* -.f8* -.07 -.l l -.10 .07 .35* .38* .30* .49* .20* .59* .69* .68x .69* .t2 .61* .64* .64* .73* (89) Maze Learning Set A i (89) -.04 -.33x -.14 -.03 -.10 - . 1l * .30x .69x .78* .84'k .84* l I (rr7) 2 3 A (86) (e8) -.05 -.20* .02 -. 13 -.07 -.21* .15 -. l6 -.29* .08 -.28* -.01 .21* .51* . 51 * .6f* .50i .19 .45* .71* .54* .'ll* -.05 -.14 -.16 *.21* -.10 -. l0 .16 .36* .60* .68* .69* i l (86) .0s -.t9 -.15 -.04 -.0'7 -.05 .24* .65* .7'7* .78* .83x *p<.ol r09 Table6: Proportionsof age-relatedvariancein averagepercentagecorrectbeforeand after control of speedand working memory, Study 2 Set Age Alone PSpd RTSpd After Control of: WMem PSpd WMem I 2 3 All (n=117) (n=ll1) (n=89) (n=89) .238* .204* . 10 7 * .152* AssociativeLearning .049* .095* .153* .043 .081* .169* .021 .024 .068 .035 .064 .l 11* I 2 3 All (n=ll7) (n=98) (n=86) (n=86) .058* .070* .ll0* .061 Maze Leaming .000 .008 .017 .010 .003 .019 .055 .075* .069 .01l .02t .030 RTSpd WMem PSpd RTSpd WMem .014 .029 .076* .078* .019 .057 .038 .038 .006 .024 .000 .003 .042 .005 .002 .001 .064 .015 .000 .001 .051 .007 .037 .u2 *p<.ol Note: PSpd refers to the perceptualspeed(Letter Comparison,Pattem Comparison)composite, RTSpdrefersto the reactiontime speed(Digit Digit, Digit Symbol)composite,andWMem refersto the working memory(ReadingSpan,ListeningSpan)composite. cy by 79.4Vofor associative learning, and by l00%ofor maze learning. It is also apparentin Table 6 that the reduction ofthe age-relatedvariance was only slightly greaterwhen both speed and working memory were controlled than when only the speedmeasureswere controlled. The age-related variance in the composite working memory measure was also examined after control of the composite speedmeasures. The R2 associatedwith age was reduced from .141 to .031 (78.0Eo)after control of the perceptual speed composite, and to .029 (79.4Va) after control of the reaction time speed composite. The initial values were clearly significantly greater than zero, but neither of the residual values differed significantly from zero. Furthermore, when the order of the variables was reversed, there was a much smaller percentagereduction of the age-relatedvariance in the composite speed measure after control of the composite working memory measure. These results are consistent with the results of several earlier studies (e.g., Salthouse& Babcock, l99l; Salthouse,l99l1'1992), and help explain why there is little additional reduction of the age-related variance in the learning measures when working memory was controlled after speed.That is, most of the age-related variance in the working memory measures appears to be shared with the speed measures. 110 Path analyseswere next conductedto examine interrelations among the variables accoroing to the path model in Figure 5. Coefficients with the perceptual speed composite are presentedin Table 7. The pattern with the RT speed composite was very similar, and thus only results with the perceptualspeedmeasureare presented. The following points should be noted about the data in Table 7. First, the relations of age to the measuresof speed,working memory, and percentage correct are weaker in successive blocks, which may partly be a consequenceof selective attrition in which progressively more lower-ability older adults fail to continue in successivesets. Second, as in Study l, there were moderate to large paths between age and Table 7: Path coettl.-r forgetting, percenrarc Path a b c d e Age Age Age Age Age - f g h i SpeedSpeedSpeedSpeed- j k I W M e m .- P e r ( WN{em. Ftrrrc WMem. - Per.cr m n Forget- PcrC,r P e r s e r-. P e r C , v Speed tA'\lem Per.Ct'r Forger Perrer \\'\terr. PerCrv Forscr Per.er Correlations Age - Per.Cor Age - W\tem Age - Forger Age - Perser *p<.ol speed (a), betueen percr percentagecorTectI m r. a age perseveratlon\ and F However, there ua: lrttle between age and Frer between age and percent between age and percenu (e). This pattern \usseil! effects may' be medrarcd and working memon rnfl ting and perseverattonm l. however. t'eu parh. i working memory ro thc pr getting, or perse\erarl(rn cantly different from 1er' General Discussion Figure5: Pathdiagramillustratingpossiblerelationsfrom age to speed,working memory,and measuresof associative leaming performance. The results of these irudt tence of adult age differer with different kinds of . learning, and in a new ma thermore, the age-related simply restrictedto the i Table 7: Path coefficientsfor interrelationsof age, perceptualspeed,working - memory, percentage forgetting,percentageperseverations, and percentagecorrect,Study 2 Paired Associates Set Path t (nl z - f MaTe Learning Set Ail (8e) I (rl7) 2 (98) 3 A i l (86) (86) (l17) (lll) -.65* _.23x .10 -.05 -.68* -.13 -.1I .12 . 3 1* .22* .18 -.09 -.35x .31x .20 .20 .15 .06 .06 -.06 -.0'7 -.07 -.t7 - . 3 7 * -.49* .22* .28,k .02 .09 -.30* -.06 -.22 -.00 .14* .t2 . 0 5 .l 0 -.03 -. l8 , . 1 0 - . 0 8 -.r3 -.18 -)6* _))* (8e) a b c d e Age Age Age Age Age - f g h i SpeedSpeedSpeedSpeed- j k I WMem.- Per.Cor. .13 WMem. - Forget .10 WMem. * Persev. -.12 -.05 -.1'7 .14 m n Forget- Per.Cor. Persev.- Per.Cor. -.21* -.21* -.53x -.59* -.58* -.3-5* -.40* -.3'7* -.5I * * . 5 1* -.49* -.39* .t2 .22 -.45* -.33* -.39x -.35x ,.26 -.26 .23 .30* . 3 3 * .38* .lI .35* -.24* -.26* -.33* -.38* -.36* -.26 .23 .t'7 . t 4 .16 . 2 2 .30x Speed WMem. Per.Cor. Forget Persev. WMem. Per.Cor. Forget Persev. Correlatktns Age - Per.Cor Age - WMem Age - Forget Age - Persev. _ )5* </* -.54* -.15 -.15 * . 0 8 -.05 .20 -z-) -.12 .0'l -.01 -.26* -.12 -.02 .\a* -.08 <2* <l* -.65* -.65x -.23* -.18 - . 1 5 - . 1 5 .02 .03 -.07 .02 .02 .01 .12 .0'7 -.03 .1 5 .23 .12 .2t .21 .08 .05 .03 -.t'7 .0t -.13 -.53* -.50* -.47* - . 4 7 * ,.41* -.59* -.26 -.26 .18 .25 *p<.ol speed (a), between percentage forgetting and percentagecorrect (m), and between percentage perseverationsand percentagecorrect (n). However, there was little or no direct relation between age and percentage correct (c), between age and percentageforgetting (d), or between age and percentageof perseverations (e). This pattern suggeststhat rhe age-relared effects may be mediated through small speed and working memory influences on the fbrgetting and perseverationmeasures.As in Study l, however, few paths fiom either speed or working memory to the percentagecorrect, forgetting, or perseverationmeasuresare significantly different from zero. General Discussion The results of these studies confirm the existence of adult age differences in learning, both with different kinds of stimuli in associative learning, and in a new maze learning task. Furthermore, the age-relatedinfluences were not simply restricted to the initial learning trials, and thus they represent genuine effects on learning rather than merely effects on processes involved in the first one or two exposuresto the stimuli. Speed,and to a lesserextent, working memory, appearsto be involved in the age difference in learning because the age-related variance in the percentage correct measures was considerably reduced after statistical control of measuresof speedand working memory. Findings by Salthouse& Dunlosky (in press) were also replicatedin the discovery that learning is poor when the subjectsfail to retain feedback as reflected by forgetting (i.e., not repeating correct responses),and perseverations(i.e., continuing to repeatincorrect responses).Howeveq it is not simply the case that the age effects in learning occur becauseof a greaterproportion of forgetting and perseveration responsesbecausethe relations between age and these measures were relatively small. Moreover, the weak and inconsistent relations between the speed measuresand the presumably more detailed measures of associative learning performance indicate that the mechalll nismsresponsible for the speedinfluenceshave not yet beenidentified. 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Jozrtracking proficiency.Journal of Gerontologv,40, nal of Gerontology, 34,375-380. t79-184. Address oJ correspondence : Timothy A. Salthouse, School of Psychology, Georgia Institute of Technologl,, USA-Atlanta, GA 30332 112