CS 7810 • Paper critiques and class participation: 25% • Final exam: 25% • Project: Simplescalar (?) modeling, simulation, and analysis: 50% • Read and think about the papers before class! Superscalar Pipeline BPred I-Cache PC B T B Rename Table IFQ checkpoints in2 in1 out op D-Cache Regfile LSQ FU FU FU R O B FU Issue queue Rename A lr1 lr2 + lr3 B lr2 lr4 + lr5 C lr6 lr1 + lr3 D lr6 lr1 + lr2 RAR lr3 RAW lr1 WAR lr2 WAW lr6 A ; BC ; D pr7 pr2 + pr3 pr8 pr4 + pr5 pr9 pr7 + pr3 pr10 pr7 + pr8 RAR pr3 RAW pr7 WAR x WAW x AB ; CD Resolving Branches A: lr1 lr2 + lr3 B: lr2 lr1 + lr4 C: lr1 lr4 + lr5 E: lr1 lr2 + lr3 D: lr2 lr1 + lr5 A: pr6 pr2 + pr3 B: pr7 pr6 + pr4 C: pr8 pr4 + pr5 E: pr10 pr7 + pr3 D: pr9 pr8 + pr5 Resolving Exceptions lr1 lr2 + lr3 lr2 lr1 + lr4 br C lr1 lr2 + lr3 D lr2 lr1 + lr5 A B pr6 pr2 + pr3 pr7 pr6 + pr4 br pr8 pr7 + pr3 pr9 pr8 + pr5 Resolving Exceptions lr1 lr2 + lr3 lr2 lr1 + lr4 br C lr1 lr2 + lr3 D lr2 lr1 + lr5 pr6 pr2 + pr3 pr7 pr6 + pr4 br pr8 pr7 + pr3 pr9 pr8 + pr5 A B ROB A pr6 pr1 B pr7 pr2 br C pr8 pr6 D pr9 pr7 LSQ Ld/St Address Data Completed Store Unknown 1000 -- Load x40000000 -- -- Store x50000000 -- -- Load x50000000 -- -- Load x30000000 -- -- LSQ Ld/St Address Data Completed Store Unknown 1000 -- Load x40000000 -- -- Store x50000000 100 Yes Load x50000000 -- -- Load x30000000 -- -- LSQ Ld/St Address Data Completed Store Unknown 1000 -- Load x40000000 -- -- Store x50000000 100 Yes Load x50000000 100 Yes Load x30000000 -- -- LSQ Ld/St Address Data Completed Store x45000000 1000 Yes Load x40000000 -- -- Store x50000000 100 Yes Load x50000000 100 Yes Load x30000000 -- -- can commit LSQ Ld/St Address Data Completed Store x45000000 1000 Yes Load x40000000 10 Yes Store x50000000 100 Yes Load x50000000 100 Yes Load x30000000 1 Yes Instruction Wake-Up p2 p1 p2 p6 add p2 p6 p7 add p1 p2 p8 sub p7 p8 p9 mul p1 p7 p10 add Paper I Limits of Instruction-Level Parallelism David W. Wall WRL Research Report 93/6 Also appears in ASPLOS’91 Goals of the Study • Under optimistic assumptions, you can find a very high degree of parallelism (1000!) What about parallelism under realistic assumptions? What are the bottlenecks? What contributes to parallelism? Dependencies For registers and memory: True data dependency RAW Anti dependency WAR Output dependency WAW Control dependency Structural dependency Perfect Scheduling For a long loop: Read a[i] and b[i] from memory and store in registers Add the register values Store the result in memory c[i] The whole program should finish in 3 cycles!! Anti and output dependences : the assembly code keeps using lr1 Control dependences : decision-making after each iteration Structural dependences : how many registers and cache ports do I have? Impediments to Perfect Scheduling • Register renaming • Alias analysis • Branch prediction • Branch fanout • Indirect jump prediction • Window size and cycle width • Latency Register Renaming lr1 … … lr1 lr1 … pr22 … … pr22 pr24 … • If the compiler had infinite registers, you would not have WAR and WAW dependences • The hardware can renumber every instruction and extract more parallelism • Implemented models: None Finite registers Perfect (infinite registers – only RAW) Alias Analysis • You have to respect RAW dependences for memory as well – store value to addrA load from addrA • Problem is: you do not know the address at compile-time or even during instruction dispatch Alias Analysis • Policies: Perfect: You magically know all addresses and only delay loads that conflict with earlier stores None: Until a store address is known, you stall every subsequent load Analysis by compiler: (addr) does not conflict with (addr+4) – global and stack data are allocated by the compiler, hence conflicts can be detected – accesses to the heap can conflict with each other Global, Stack, and Heap main() int a, b; call func(); func() int c, d; int *e; int *f; global data stack data e,f are stack data This is a conflict if you had previously done e=e+8 e = (int *)malloc(8); e, f point to heap data f = (int *)malloc(8); … *e = c; d = *f; store c into addr stored in e read value in addr stored in f Branch Prediction • If you go the wrong way, you are not extracting useful parallelism • You can predict the branch direction statically or dynamically • You can execute along both directions and throw away some of the work (need more resources) Dynamic Branch Prediction • Tables of 2-bit counters that get biased towards being taken or not-taken • Can use history (for each branch or global) • Can have multiple predictors and dynamically pick the more promising one • Much more in a few weeks… Static Branch Prediction • Profile the application and provide hints to the hardware • Dynamic predictors are much better Branch Fanout • Execute both directions of the branch – an exponential growth in resource requirements • Hence, do this until you encounter four branches, after which, you employ dynamic branch prediction • Better still, execute both directions only if the prediction confidence is low Not commonly used in today’s processors. Indirect Jumps • Indirect jumps do not encode the target in the instruction – the target has to be computed • The address can be predicted by using a table to store the last target using a stack to keep track of subroutine call and returns (the most common indirect jump) • The combination achieves 95% prediction rates Latency • In their study, every instruction has unit latency -- highly questionable assumption today! • They also model other “realistic” latencies • Parallelism is being defined as cycles for sequential exec / cycles for superscalar, not as instructions / cycles • Hence, increasing instruction latency can increase parallelism – not true for IPC Window Size & Cycle Width 8 available slots in each cycle Window of 2048 instructions Window Size & Cycle Width • Discrete windows: grab 2048 instructions, schedule them, retire all cycles, grab the next window • Continuous windows: grab 2048 instructions, schedule them, retire the oldest cycle, grab a few more instructions • Window size and register renaming are not related Simulated Models • Seven models: control, register, and memory dependences • Today’s processors: ? • However, note optimistic scheduling, 2048 instr window, cycle width of 64, and 1-cycle latencies • SPEC’92 benchmarks, utility programs (grep, sed, yacc), CAD tools Simulated Models Aggressive Models • Parallelism steadily increases as we move to aggressive models (Fig 12, Pg. 16) • Branch fanout does not buy much • IPC of Great model: 10 Reality: 1.5 • Numeric programs can do much better Aggressive Models Cycle Width and Window Size • Unlimited cycle width buys very little (much less than 10%) (Figure 15) • Decreasing the window size seems to have little effect as well (you need only 256?! – are registers the bottleneck?) (Figure 16) • Unlimited window size and cycle widths don’t help (Figure 18) Would these results hold true today? Memory Latencies • The ability to prefetch has a huge impact on IPC – to hide a 300 cycle latency, you have to spot the instruction very early • Hence, registers and window size are extremely important today! Branch Prediction • Obviously, better prediction helps (Fig. 22) • Fanout does not help much (Fig. 24-b) – not selecting the right branches? • Luckily, small tables are good enough for good indirect jump prediction • Mispredict penalty has a major impact on ILP (Fig. 30) Alias Analysis • Has a big impact on performance – compiler analysis results in a two-fold speed-up • Later, we’ll read a paper that attempts this in hardware (Chrysos ’98) Instruction Latency • Parallelism almost unaffected by increased latency (increases marginally in some cases!) • Note: “unconventional” definition of parallelism • Today, latency strongly influences IPC Conclusions of Wall’s Study • Branch prediction, alias analysis, mispredict penalty are huge bottlenecks • Instr latency, registers, window size, cycle width are not huge bottlenecks • Today, they are all huge bottlenecks because they all influence effective memory latency…which is the biggest bottleneck Questions • Weaknesses: caches, register model, value pred • Will most of the available IPC (IPC = 10 for superb model) go away with realistic latencies? • What stops us from building the following: 400Kb bpred, cache hierarchies, 512-entry window/regfile, 16 ALUs, memory dependence predictor? • The following may need a re-evaluation: effect of window size, branch fan-out Next Week’s Paper • “Complexity-Effective Superscalar Processors”, Palacharla, Jouppi, Smith, ISCA ’97 • The impact of increased issue width and window size on clock speed Title • Bullet