SENIOR VISIONS FOR SUCCESSFUL AGING PLANNING REPORT Senior Adult Tree El Paso Community College Senior Adult Program August, 2004 Table of Contents I. Executive Summary ...........................................................................................3 II. Agenda ..............................................................................................................5 III. Guiding Questions .............................................................................................6 IV. Topic I: Services ..........................................................................................................8 V. Topic II: Communications/Marketing Programs & Services .......................................11 VI. Topic III: Incorporating Baby Boomers/Younger Seniors .............................................14 VII. Additional Notes...............................................................................................17 VIII. “Thoughts on Growing Older” poem by Vernon Haverstick ...........................22 IX. Participants List ................................................................................................23 X. Evaluation Form................................................................................................24 2 Senior Visions Planning Session Executive Summary The Senior Visions Planning Session was held during the fall of 2004 to engage community residents, faculty and staff, and support and advocacy agencies in an active dialogue about the future of the El Paso Community College Senior Adult Program. The El Paso Community College (EPCC) Senior Adult Program, in conjunction with the Office of Institutional and Community Planning Office at EPCC, planned and hosted the day-long session with approximately 150 participants. Needed area and college services and programs were discussed, with the overarching theme of successful and healthy aging. Community achievements in the field of aging, challenges, and opportunities in our culturally and geographically unique region were discussed. What follows is a blue-print of ideas and actions to be addressed by EPCC and the El Paso area within the next 5 to 10 years. Key topic discussion findings from the session are highlighted below, and contained in detail in this report. In the area of Services Transportation was raised by every participant group. Transportation to increase access to programs and events for active seniors, and lack of evening transportation for seniors was discussed. City, county and private support is needed and encouraged. Health and wellness activities were greatly desired Legal assistance for seniors was also desired Seniors proposed a “seniors helping seniors” program to help match skills with needs, in such areas as home repair, tax assistance, etc. Avenues to form connections between seniors to eliminate isolation, allow seniors to build friendships, encourage volunteerism, and promote education and life-long learning are sought An “understanding your household technology” program is desired for quickly changing technologies, such as DVD players, cellular and cordless phones, universal remotes, and other household gadgets newer to seniors 3 A program for seniors to meet and share their expertise and knowledge with each other is desired, utilizing their work skills to help each or to ultimately obtain part-time employment In the area of Communication The need for seniors to be able to connect with others, both peers and young people was emphasized Creative use of media to promote senior activities was discussed Ways in which to target homebound and harder to reach seniors were explored Use of unique locations, incorporating fun, giveaways for seniors or discounts, and more diverse marketing locations were discussed, such as Dr.’s offices, grocery stores. Development of neighborhood outreach programs was discussed, and the ongoing need for bilingual materials. In the area of “Changing the Mindset” about Aging Participants discussed how to further engage seniors in activities that stimulate creativity, such as arts and culture events, recreational workshops, and workshops on emerging topics of interest to younger seniors, such as the growing number of “baby boom” seniors Holistic Health and Fitness was of great interest. Foods and natural healing, addressing stereotypes and image issues about aging, and life-long fitness were topics/program areas desired. A distinct home for the EPCC Senior Adult Program was greatly desired by participants, who would like a place to visit, form connections, attend classes, have special topic workshops, performances, a senior garden, to use the internet and explore technology, and perhaps have some coffee and regular discussion groups--a “senior’s cyber café”. For further information about the El Paso Community College Senior Adult Program, please contact Mary Yanez, Director, at 831-2703. 4 Agenda August 18, 2004 8:00-8:30 Participant Registration, Table Assignments and Coffee 8:30-8:40 Welcome and Opening Remarks, Dr. Ernst Roberts Executive Assistant to the President, EPCC 8:40-8:45 Overview of Day’s Process, Dolores Gross, Director, Institutional and Community Planning, EPCC 8:45-8:50 Introduction of Speakers, Mary Yanez, Director, EPCC Senior Adult Program 8:50-9:10 Visions- Robert Salinas, Social Services Administrator, City of El Paso Leadership- Adan Dominguez, Director, Area Agency on Aging Partnerships- Rosemary Neil, Director, Family and Community Services, County of El Paso 9:10-9:25 Visions for Successful Aging, Mary Yanez, Director, EPCC Senior Adult Program 9:25-10:05 Topic 1- Services 10:05-10:45 Topic 2- Communications/Marketing Programs & Services 10:45-11:25 Topic 3- Incorporating Baby Boomers/Younger Seniors 11:25-12:20 Group Reports 12:20-1:00 Lunch & Closing Remarks, Ruth Tabor, Advocate for Aging World Traveler, Columnist for The El Paso Times, and Instructor, UTEP Center for Lifelong Learning 5 Guiding Questions Guiding Topics: 1. Services- What do we provide that is unique, important, and that we can expand upon? What do we need to add to our program offerings? What segment of the Senior population are we leaving out? 2. Communications/ Marketing of Programs & Services- How do communicate with the public better about EPCC’s offerings of programs and services? What can we do to market our programs in the community more effectively? What types of materials and locations would reach the Senior population most effectively? 3. Incorporating Baby Boomers/ Younger Senior in to our Programs- How do we include “baby boomers” and emerging Seniors into our program offerings? What new services and programs should we offer that will interest younger seniors? Overall Facilitator Thought Questions: Services1. What do we need to do to ensure that the EPCC Senior Adult Program is moving toward the future and is providing what our community expects? 2. How do we continue to address the needs of our growing Senior population? 3. What are the most frequently desired programs or services that EPCC can provide? Communications/ Marketing Programs & Services4. How do we continue/ improve our outreach and better market our programs? 5. How do you get information about EPCC programs? 6. What strategies would help the community become more involved in Senior Adult programs at EPCC? Incorporating Baby Boomers/Younger Seniors7. How can we be more inclusive of the younger Senior in our programs? 8. What types of services or programs do you think would be interesting to young seniors approaching age 55? 6 9. How to interest the boarder community in working with the Senior Adult program to create an inter-generational approach? **Facilitator Note: 40 Minutes Have Been Scheduled for Each of the 3 Major Topics; At 25 Minutes, An Announcement will be made so that facilitators may begin working with the group to begin Prioritizing some ideas, and Identifying some Strategies/Actions the may help Implement the Prioritized ideas. As you know, this is very challenging to do in 40 minutes per topic, but should challenge the group to work quickly and come up with its Ideas, Priorities and Strategies in a lively discussion timeframe. 7 VISIONS FOR SUCCESSFUL AGING PLANNING SESSION August 18, 2004 GROUP PRESENTATIONS Topic 1: Services What do we provide that is unique, important, and that we can expand upon? What do we need to add to our program offerings? What segment of the senior population are we leaving out? *Group I Identified needs: Nutrition Workshops Have a building/theater for Seniors Make equipment available for Music or other performances Accessibility for Seniors with disabilities Create list of partners for disabled Seniors that are honest/reliable to help with multiple tasks Workshop on negotiating skills for Seniors Committee to assist in negotiating needs/activities, presentations Improve transportation Help with legal aid Create pool of students as volunteers for nursing homes, senior retirement communities, and other services *Group II How can we ensure the El Paso Community College Senior Adult Program provides what our community needs? Legal - provide free seminars with local lawyers on different topics (bilingual) Health care – provide free seminars with counseling, medical, meds, etc. Isolation and Loneliness – Create a Senior adopt a Senior program, e.g., high school Seniors adopt a Senior Explore using Job Corps – as volunteers and transportation Transportation – explore for grants to purchase vehicles, and recruit volunteer drivers, e.g. faith based organizations Financial Planning – Offer free seminars which give seniors financial options, e.g. reverse mortgages, equity loans, and financial planners 8 *Group III Provide transportation; discounts, e.g. vouchers for Sun metro, minivans, and taxis Make available services such as: Home maintenance Appliance repair Find services that will offer discounts for medical, optical, recreational activities, utilities, including phone services, and fitness centers for seniors Explore partnering with public schools to share facilities for offering: i.e. classes in education, exercise, mentoring children/grandparents, and use of weights Promote Seniors helping Seniors in everything - handyman (repair) maintenance, etc. Strategies: Informing adults through newspaper, radio, TV Nutrition centers/meals on wheels Work with utility companies, mail out flyers Ensure information is available in English and Spanish Work with current programs Involve faith-based organizations Doctor’s Office Involve community personalities arts, media, radio *Group IV Access – more locations – Partner with faith communities Transportation Education Increase availability Include training in resources and services available Inform case managers from public & private agencies about services and resources Develop training in Changing the Mindset Improve self-esteem Work to eliminate depression Encourage advocacy Healthy Lifestyles/Fitness Access City Area Agency on Aging Explore for EPCC to provide services through interns Carpenters Beauticians Dental All related – change one – others are impacted 9 *Group V Create Car Maintenance Clinics Provide monthly car (preventive) checks Refer to honest, reasonable mechanics Hold workshop on basic car care Explore possibility of issuing referrals to the students of the EPCC automechanic’s program, or to the students of Job Corp Provide Wellness Programs in far, far East Side (Remote Areas) Offer them classes in Tai Chi and exercise geared for seniors Partnerships with health clinics to provide fitness programs Establish Legal Advise Clinics Advocacy when harassed Refer to legal services Make available at Senior centers Announce and promote legal clinic to the community surrounding the Senior centers Build partnerships with attorneys Transportation Negotiate discount Taxi Services *Group VI Improve Transportation Classes Traditional (now offered) Non-traditional Vocational – electrical wiring, home repairs, financial management, mechanics Encourage Volunteering Inter-generational Health Fairs Utilize EPCC Allied Health Programs Health Programs needed Screenings Tests Health Management Nutrition Promote awareness of and referral to social services *Group VII Survey services offered now and future needs Expansion of services to include rural areas-education geared towards area personalities/attributes Alliances-Meeting at fun places for day meetings or gatherings-this needs to include programs that will attract Baby Boomers Transportation improvement needed 10 Establish mentoring program – Seniors age with Baby Boomers Continue wellness/Inter-generational activities *Group VIII Better Transportation needed Provide medication Resources (seminars) Educate Seniors – health issues, benefits, effective communication Educate family members Appropriate housing for Seniors Get the younger population involved with the Senior population Grandparents classes that involve (include) children (educate) Provide Distance Learning geared for Seniors Topic 2: Communications/Marketing Programs & Services How do we communicate with the public better about EPCC’s offerings of programs and services? What can we do to market our programs in the community more effectively? What types of materials and locations would reach the Senior population most effectively? *Group I Continue radio and television programs Create newsletter/informational flyer and distribute (monthly) at: Senior centers Provider organizations Community service organization Foster services Promote community involvement from 35-55 age group Develop partnership with AAA to expand community knowledge of AAA services Neighborhood watch promotions (Partnership to form direct marketing opportunity through neighborhood watch meetings) Direct influences in media in a more positive direction, increase P.R. involvement Provide training/workshops for (young) potential volunteers and related programs pertaining to Seniors (Targeting homebound/inactive) On-going feedback from community to EL Paso Community College’s Senior Adult program *Group II Create a bilingual newsletter and place in different places – e.g.,. restaurants, churches, medical offices, government and private agencies dealing with Seniors, retirement homes, public schools Create a website for senior citizens T.V. and Radio Spots, billboards, bench ads, for seniors 11 Develop catchy slogan and put on all advertising Use demographic data to develop door-to-door marketing plan Marketing Outreach Partnership among agencies Recruit volunteers to handout flyers on the streets Bumper stickers Use Police and Fire Department as a Marketing Tool *Group III EPCC can develop classes where Seniors can teach Seniors: Medicare Social Security Health programs Legal aid Aging Expand Seniors calling Seniors (phone-bank) Senior Companion program – encourage more male participation (make programs “sexier” to entice) Talk to neighbors; get to know neighbors/ relatives who can participate and help Nag your legislators to show clout of older citizens and their importance Enlist corporate help to provide funds to distribute information Encourage and use seniors to help get out the vote because you can’t complain or expect services if you don’t vote! Expand neighborhood watch programs using our Senior community *Group IV Make use of: Church Bulletins Senior Centers Grocery Stores Laundry Mats Bingo Parlors Casino Case Managers Doctor’s Offices Hospital Discharge Information Ensure materials are bilingual *Group V Outreach/Get the Information Seasonal promotions Develop 32 month activities calendar Send out post-card reminders (follow-ups) Send Via Mailing lists Newspaper 12 Channel 13 community calendar TV, radio Grandchildren at schools Walking Seniors at malls Faith-based organizations Doctor’s offices Health fairs EPCC website Senior Bazaars Bring them “strategies and Motivation Provide transportation via: Metro Buddy transport Provide gold cart shuttles at large campuses Provide refreshments Bring a friend/activity buddy Mentorship with younger adults Encourage the “What can you give?” (not take) Conduct telephone poll- what will get you to go to a Senior Adult Programs course? Provide workshops on clinics (legal issues, health, home appraisal advise) *Group VI Market Senior Adult Programs at Dr’s Offices Flyers & brochures in waiting area Develop bilingual Senior Adult Programs – information (accurate translation) Establish consistent communications with mass media outlets Have active Seniors promote Senior Adult Programs Sponsors: Work on getting corporate/local business Have fundraising events Walk-a-thon (Seniors) Golf tournament (Seniors) Huacha tournament (Seniors) *Group VII More media advertising and programs: “Mature Living” (TV) “Southwest Senior” (newspaper) radio – extolling Senior and Baby Boomers success stories Gear articles to both Seniors and Baby Boomers – include information on over age 50 programs to churches, schools, and shopping malls Reasonable charges for the non-free EPCC classes Media – EPCC – Community – Agencies 13 *Group VIII Any information generated needs to be short and simple (Newsletter, Mature Living TV Show, Senior Junction Radio, News Media, Newspaper, Word by Mouth) How do we identify Baby Boomers? Campaign in schools and churches Visual Aids in Education Programs Marketing campaigns in Community Centers to add activities and incentives Accessibility of information to hospitals Topic 3: Incorporating Baby Boomers/Younger Seniors How do we include “baby boomers” and emerging seniors into our program offerings? What new services and programs should we offer that will interest younger seniors? *Group I Develop program to inspire, motivate and empower this age group to fight apathy Promote Community awareness and education To teach someone to sail, do not teach them to build a boat, teach them to love the sea Establish mentoring program Develop arts and culture programs incorporating the young and old together to prevent losing these skills to history Promote ethics and respectful care of the elderly workshop or seminar offered by EPCC (philosophy/values/culture/etc. Create slogans to promote services *Group II Let B.B. know that there are opportunities for volunteering in programs Hold a focus group – (to find out what they want) Research & Development (What do seniors want and how do we talk to them) Information areas of interest/need for all subsets of population in El Paso area: i.e., Women, Ethnic Groups, Men, Sexual Orientation, Disabled & others Retirement: Social ramifications of lack of purpose, too much time, having spouse/partner at home 24/7 *Group III Change language: e.g., Seniors, retirement, gizzards, old fart - those are dirty words! Change mindset about aging – it’s time to be creative, be beautiful/sexy Invite Baby Boomers into activities that foster inter-generational activities Publicly recognize volunteers and other activities relating to community and older citizens 14 *Group IV Teach or train Seniors on Computer skills – /Internet/Communication/EBay shopping & selling Performing Arts – enrich our lives Policy Politics – provide education, encourage advocacy Disseminate information on changes in sexuality – STD, HIV prevention New Age Topics – Yoga – Tai Chi Educate in Holistic Health – prevention – herbal supplements Health & Fitness – Sports & Changing Bodies Work toward Senior Friendly City Promote Spirituality, and educate on healthy nutrion *Group V Inclusive Get rid of ageism Change the mindset of aging Change “Senior” to “mature adult” Types of Services and classes – Free or Discounted Offer different dance classes e.g., Flamenco Automotive electronics (auto-technicians) Pilates, Yoga Tai Chi Self-Defense Design – Interior/Clothes/Flower Starting Small Business Computer Services Peer Teaching, (no cost involved) Share Information Peer Advocates – Business discounts, network, exchange services Intergenerational Approach Seniors mentoring to younger adults Be active with elementary, middle and high school students Joint activities, i.e., dances *Group VI Incorporating into Senior Adult Program activities that Baby Boomers are already doing, fitness, exercise, weight training, wellness and nutrition Create intergenerational classes/events for boomers and grand kids to take/do together Lower age limit for Senior Adult Program participants Market to local employers the Senior Adult Program (to the not yet retired baby boomers) Billiard (Pool) Tournament (Seniors) Events like Senior Idol contest…(minimal admission fee) 15 *Group VII Increase/create “Inter-generational activities/programs including relaxation activities Offer Financial planning and credit/debt counseling Better uses of resources Better financial education Provide help with tax issues Raise awareness of available resources Baby Boomers are a “sandwiched” group – commonly caregivers to multiple generations – Provide family counseling for this group Need to cultivate interest in the community Provide daycare for children and elderly parents *Group VIII Health Issues Adapt & cope when children leave and refocus on your marriage Careers Investments Fitness Relationships Care giving for your parents Social Activities/trips 16 Additional Notes *Group I Topic 1: Services Work with city to improve transportation for disabled, poor, and limiting Advocate for more flexibility Promote and raise awareness of the El Paso Legal Aid services Topic 2: Communications/Marketing Programs & Services Create a more extensive marketing effort promoting information about EPCC and triple AAA Develop a one pager/flyer about all services and market to everyone EPCC Marketing department needs to work more extensively with media Topic 3: Incorporating Baby Boomers/Younger Seniors Offer workshops for baby boomers in order to educate and encourage involvement in the community Target baby boomers to instill passion and interest in Senior issues Take baby boomers to all sorts of “Seniors” environments (field trips) Use education, arts to make baby boomers aware of contributions of our older generation Use performances to get Seniors to reach out to younger ones Seniors can have demonstrations of quilting, knitting and cooking *Group II Topic 2 Communications/Marketing Programs & Services Use and involve Federal Agencies as a marketing tool 17 *Group III Topic 1: Services Make transportation more accessible and affordable to include health, recreation (daily living) Explore the use of vouchers for travel Find and promote services that offer discounts Develop a database – Seniors helping Seniors in everything Fitness Utilize Dr’s Offices and Clinics to promote services Involve credible or outstanding community personalities for motivation of service use Topic 2: Communications/Marketing Programs & Services EPCC develop classes for Seniors to teach Seniors on programs: Local health programs and services Legal aid services Adult protective services Social agencies aiding Seniors Topic 3: Incorporating Baby Boomers/Younger Seniors Incorporating Baby Boomers/younger Senior into our programs (Approaching 55) Get rid of obsolete terms Time to be creative and fun Involve Baby Boomers early – foster inter generational activities *Group IV Topic 1: Services Access churches Information Community Building Topic 2: Communications/Marketing Programs & Services Hospitals Free Pictures of Peers Reader Friendly Media 18 Have success testimonials as marketing tool Build strong networks Us bill stuffers in marketing services Topic 3: Incorporating Baby Boomers/Younger Seniors Computers – email exchanges Develop intergenerational activities *Group V Topic 1: Services Offer a Moving to the Future transitional class Establish Partners in Education Make legal advice available Less expensive Create group partnerships Ensure that good publicity is made available to everyone in the community Transportation Mechanical Aid Legal Aid Transportation Aid Set-up Wellness Clinics at: Senior centers Nutrition Good Health Lower Valley Partnerships – Rural areas Topic 2: Communications/Marketing Programs & Services Marketing Outreach Use more advertising Involve the Public Relations department more Create outreach programs Use doctor’s offices by showing videos and having flyers available – also place at malls Use phone banks and post cards Friends/mentors Establish partnerships with schools Use the web as a source Explore the possibility of using the Post office a source Use more outreach, promotions, and marketing 19 Explore partnering with the Native Americans for use of their resources Have federal agencies give presentations/workshops on their services Outreach by using: incentive, transportation, refreshments, friends, poll, services we offer Topic 3: Incorporating Baby Boomers/Younger Seniors Target those individuals born between 1946-1964 Health issues Address the “fear” of aging More varied activities Inspiration Encourage using it or losing it (bridge program) Promote being more welcoming and user friendly: Services geared for seniors Automotive repair Computer training Peer teaching : Class/workshops Theatre Auto mechanics Dance Physical fitness Self-defense classes *Group VI Topic 1: Services Include seniors in Activities that Boomers are currently active in Keep in mind issues like: Car pooling Isolation Depression/Health Topic 2: Communications/Marketing Programs & Services Develop ideas of the “Volunteer Wagon” (VW) to promote volunteering/activity Marketing to increase volunteering/staying active Provide financial education, counseling, and abuse of seniors Mentoring/motivational programs between Seniors and children Lower age limit for Senior Adult Programs in order to include baby boomers Develop bilingual Senior Adult Programs information – ensuring translation is accurate Increase community partnerships Fundraising Events 20 Charge admissions fee to performance programs Pool tournament (Seniors) Consider special events like - Senior Idol contest Market Senior Adult Programs to local employers Educate employers on “value” of keeping Seniors in workforce Encourage part-time employment Improve transportation Topic 3: Incorporating Baby Boomers/Younger Seniors Classes in aging for younger generation Address problem of: Lack of staff Money Tuition Encourage corporate sponsorships to supplement program costs *Group VIII Topic 1: Services Educate seniors on voting Topic 2: Communications/Marketing Programs & Services Offer free lunch Utilize churches, television, and radio Educate people in hospitals Use video aids Topic 3: Incorporating Baby Boomers/Younger Seniors Offer health programs for younger seniors Use women expo ideas Create singles programs 21 Poem “Thoughts on Growing Older” By Vernon Haverstick My opinion on aging can be very simply stated: The rewards of growing older may be highly over-rated. If you’d like me to expand upon the subject, I’ve no doubt That the people who extol them; don’t know what it’s all about. Oh, you wake up in the morning feeling glad that you’re alive, Though you can’t get out of bed until the Paramedics arrive; And there’s happiness in feeling you’re surviving every test, But there’s not much fun in watching all your friends Laid down to rest. Your eyes and ears don’t work so well, Your teeth come out at night, And then, your hair, what’s left of it, is either gray or white. Your legs and feet remind you they no longer like to walk; And then you do, try not to fall; your bones have turned to chalk. So grab a cane, a walker or a wheelchair if you must; There are lots of great contraptions that you’d really like to bust. Growing older means more aches and pains, So long as you may live, But when you think about it, ponder the alternative….. 22 Participants List First Name Rosario Liliana Arturo Elena Jose Beverly Ramona Leon Jame Rosa Maria Jane Yolanda Refugio Ray Donna Joyce Rose Consuelo Gabriella Jenny Michael Amelia Sergio Sandra Vernon Arlene Elna Ofelia Ralph Helen Martha Trish Julian Marie Zulema Last Name Aleman Aranda Areonale Austin Baltazar Barragan Barragan Blevins Bright Burgos Burr Castillo Cerruto Collins Cude-Islas Davidoff De Leon Diaz Edwards-Holguin Estrode Flores Flores Gonzalez Gonzelez Haverstick Hernandez Holder Huante Kern Kern Kinderman Laskowske Lawler Lawler Lazarin Margarita Rebecca Irma Ruby Jesse Gloria Crmen Letty Myra Margret Cornelia Irene Esther Laura Jame Laura Ruben Mary Rosie Jesse Lucy Gilbert Olga Gilbert Maria Ruth Luz Cynthia Jose Joan Bob Bertha Eileen Martha Lozano Luevano Mart Martin Martin Martinez Martinez Morachiz Murillo Palmer Patterson Perez Perez Ponce Ratzliff Renovato Rodarf Rodriguez Saldivar Salomon Sanchez Sanchez Scott Silva Silva Taber Taboada Trejo Trevizo Warwick Welch White Yanez Astrop Zamora 23 Evaluation Form District-wide Planning Session with College Administrators Please mark the choice that best applies: Very Helpful Somewhat Helpful Helpful Not Helpful I found this session overall to be The session content was The session format was The session length was Additional Suggested in Goals: (In any category) Comments: 24