For College Procedure Committees
MINUTES FOR 2015-2016
(Note: The chair must email the approved minutes to the IE Office for placement on the College web page.)
September 30, 2015
with Dr. Kay-Tracy will follow up with Dr.
Kay. Tracy first made a motion for student to
not skip courses between developmental
courses, but withdrew the motion at this time.
Blayne suggested not to make
recommendation at this time until
clarification on numbers completed. Tracy
will invite Institutional Research staff, Sal
Moreno, to next committee meeting.
Members in attendance: Maria Lopez, Patricia Saenz,
Tracy Von Maluski, Raul Lerma, Francisco Carrasco, Blayne
Primozich, Lorena Gonzalez, Darcy Traffansted and Mary
Helen (Nena) Fabela
Guest: Clarissa Maldonado, New Student Orientation
Members not in attendance: Susana Rodarte, Belinda
Quinones, Carla Cardoza, Michael Coulehan (excused-has
class), Rick Webb, Cynthia Velasco, and Olga Chavez
The meeting was called to order by Tracy Von
Maluski, Committee Chair, at 3:10 p.m.
Approval of minutes -- Minutes from 4/5/15 meeting
distributed/reviewed (minutes not taken at 6/4/15
meeting). Darcy made a motion to approve the
minutes; Raul seconded; all present in favor-minutes
Tracy went through the list of 2015-2016 Committee
Members; Darcy stated that Jesse Garcia will be SGA
First order of business is to elect a new Chair for the
year. Tracy nominated Darcy Traffansted. No one else
expressed interest in running; Darcy elected by
acclamation. Blayne outlined some of the duties and
mentioned that the Chair Person also gets placed on a
steering committee that meets about once or twice a
Another position open is that of Secretary. Tracy
nominated Maria Lopez; Francisco seconded. All
present in favor. Mary Helen Fabela will be alternate
Secretary when Ms. Lopez is unable to attend meetings.
Blayne provided an overview of what this
committee’s duties are for new committee
members and explained how this will all
connect to the Pathways Project.
New Business: Darcy asked if any new business at
this time. Blayne presented an idea: possibly
tracking the Early College student in cohorts of
strictly Early College versus those Early College
students mixed with college students. Discussion
held about this-consider requesting data on this with
specific courses at least 2 or 3, on same students.
Blayne suggested any relationship to Early College
cohort size to success in a section. Raul made the
motion, Patsy seconded. All present approved;
motion carried.
Next meeting: October 19, 2015 (Monday) at
3:30pm in B241 (Darcy will reserve the room).
No other business to discuss- motion to adjourn
meeting made by Maria; Tracy seconded. Meeting
adjourned at 4:20 p.m.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Mary Helen Fabela
Old Business:
Darcy took over the agenda at this time to
discuss the research of studies on ENGL
1301 and EDUC 1300. Committee looked
at/discussed data provided and the totals did
not match; Blayne recommended that
committee go back and inquire about this
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
For College Procedure Committees
MINUTES FOR 2014-2015
(Note: The chair must email the approved minutes to the IE Office for placement on the College web page.)
September 23, 2014
Members Present: Blayne Primozich, Belinda Quinones,
Patsy Saenz, Marta Olivares, Raul Lerma, Charlie Miller,
Carla Cardoza, Doroteo Franco, and Mary Helen (Nena)
Revisit recommendation for success of enrollment.
There is a common thread with counselor, Carlos
Armendariz, recommendation to provide more options
for courses and course availability in shorter semester
(mini-mesters). Discussion about attempting to get data
collection behind it for MM I and MM II in fall and
spring semesters. Blayne mentioned that the data
collection could maybe be funneled through student
success or Institutional Research could assist.
Blayne stated that this committee was in need of a
“Chair” person and “Secretary”. It was suggested that
maybe tenure staff could assume these roles. Patsy
Saenz agreed to be the “Chair” and Mary Helen (Nena)
Fabela agreed to be the “Secretary”. All present were in
favor. Blayne briefly went over each position’s
EDUC 1300 should be mandatory first or second
semester and this should be highly recommended by
Members Not Present: Susana Rodarte, Jamie Isaac, Tracy
Von Maluski, Cynthia Velasco, Darcy Traffansted, Michael
Coulehan, and Rick Webb
Meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m.
Introductions: Everyone introduced themselves.
New Business:
Blayne informed everyone of meeting for the “Start
Right” Kick-Off. It will be scheduled for Monday
(10/20/14) at ASC. He explained that four committees,
including this one, make up “Start Right”. The four
committees are: Admissions, Retention/Early Alert,
Transitions, and Instructional Strategy’s. “Start Right” is
an initiative for student success to piece together
student’s pathways. “Start Right” is set to be in full
force by the spring semester 2015. There has been
discussion in the past about merging committees, but for
now they will stay as is.
Meeting ended at 4:30 p.m.
Next meeting will be Monday, 10/20/14 at ASC at 2:00 p.m.
Blayne discussed Early Alert headed by counselor,
Sandra Lujan, which is part of Texas Completes. He
talked about the software and that this has a $100,000.00
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
March 5, 2015
New Student Orientations and suggested that
maybe only the FTIC students take the career
assessment & exploration. Michael made the
motion that all FTIC students under an
Associate of Arts degree plan take the career
assessment and career exploration by the end
of their first 18 credit hours. Tracy seconded;
all in favor-motion carried. Tracy will take
this to Ms. Gonzalez and Ms. Cardoza.
Discussed doing a comparison on retention
from prior students that didn’t know what
degree they wanted to pursue.
Members Present: Belinda Quinones, Freddy Ali, Mike
Coulehan, Raul Lerma, Darcy Traffansted, Tracy Von
Maluski, Blayne Primozich, Carla Cardoza and Mary Helen
Members not in attendance: Susana Rodarte, Marta
Olivares, Patricia Saenz, Charlie Miller, Jamie Isaac, Rick
Webb, Cynthia Velasco, and Marvin Reynolds.
The meeting was called to order by Tracy Von
Maluski, Committee Chair, at 3:10 p.m.
Approval of minutes-tabled at this time; will be
forwarded by Darcy as she took minutes at the
last meeting.
Data Questions were
distributed/reviewed/discussed. Tracy has
sent the data questions to Dr. Kay. She will
get us results and report to the Committee
after Spring Break.
Old Business:
Carla Cardoza-Career Services
Ms. Cardoza provided an overview of the
services provided by the Career Services
Program. She informed committee that the
“Career Cruiser” takes about 25 minutes for
the student to complete while the Kuder
Journey takes 40 minutes. There are
currently 20 employees; only 10 staff districtwide due to one grant ending. After a student
completed the assessment, then career
exploration ensues which can take from 1-2
hours. This is available online, but the
student has to have a password. Some
instructors (for example-Irma Camacho),
assign student to do an assessment and the
career exploration throughout the whole
semester. A case management log is
maintained at Career Services and they can
check if the student has a career plan on file.
This committee is considering having all new
students doing the assessment. Carla does
not recommend this for every new student as
may cause a bottle-neck. There are about
6,000 first time in college (FTIC) students.
Blayne mentioned that the transitions
committee is also working on faculty
advising models. Discussion about this and
it was brought up if EPCC would support
hiring more staff to assist with this. Mary
Helen mentioned that the counseling
department goes over degree plans during the
Review Data Questions
New Business:
Brainstorm Idea: Eliminate waiting lists
to get into degree plans
Future -- Possible new data question -- How
can we look at data for people on waiting
lists for health programs? How many are
dropping courses or retaking courses?
Article: City University of New York
This was distributed and will be discussed at
next meeting; has to do with retention.
Next meeting will be April 9, 2015
Meeting adjourned at 4:36 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
April 9, 2015
Members Present: Marta Olivares, Patricia Saenz, Tracy
Von Maluski, Raul Lerma, Cynthia Velasco, Blayne
Primozich, Rick Webb, and Mary Helen (Nena) Fabela
Members not in attendance: Susana Rodarte, Belinda
Quinones, Carla Cardoza, Charlie Miller, Jamie Isaac,
Michael Coulehan, Ali Freddy, Marvin Reynolds, and Darcy
The meeting was called to order by Tracy Von
Maluski, Committee Chair, at 3:35 p.m.
Approval of minutes-Minutes distributed/reviewed.
Raul made a motion to approve the minutes; Marta
seconded; all present in favor-minutes approved.
New Business:
Blayne brought up Distance Education
retention-discussion. He mentioned that Luz
Cadena had workshops for best practices
Article: City University of New York
This article has to do with retention; Tracy
read the article out loud and there was
discussion about it.
Next meeting: To be announced at a later date
Motion to adjourn made by Cynthia; seconded by
Tracy. Meeting adjourned at 4:59 p.m.
Old Business:
Dr. Kay will review Data Research Questions
on 05/02/15. If we have the data, we will try
to meet again possibly the first week of May.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Mary Helen Fabela,
Carla Cardoza showed career
cruising/assessment at another meeting
discussing the New Student Orientation
(NSO) Committee. Discussed maybe using
those students on AA Degree (no field of
study specified) or AS General Studies
Degree Plan. Blayne mentioned that currently
Title 5 grant application being worked on.
The theme for the grant is “Getting students
on a structured path”. Early Alert has a
career navigator tool-this is only applied to
students who place in
remedial/developmental courses. Early Alert
“First Time in College” (FTIC) students who
are unsure of their major must take the career
cruising assessment during their first
semester and meet with career services staff
member. Blayne reminded us that we will
still need to follow-up with research.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
MINUTES FOR 2013-2014
September 9, 2013
Members Present: Irene Gurany-Garcia, Marta Olivares, Raul Lerma, Olga Chavez, Blayne Primozich, Tracy von Maluski,
Irma Hoy, Julie Bustamante, and Patty Ortega
Members Absent but called: Rick Webb, Lorena Chavez, Charlie Miller, Cynthia Velasco, Pat Duran, and Susana Rodarte
Meeting was called to order at 3:15 p.m.
Motion to approve minutes from May 2013: Olga. Second: Irene. Motion passed unanimously
Old Business:
Recommendation #1: Blayne explained the unresolved technical issues of faculty’s ability to use a running grade book for
the use of midterm grades. Since Banner is not yet ready for midterm grades, recommendation #1 was modified to omit
“Banner input” and to change “not passing” to a more general “academic progress”.
New Business:
Julie described the new late registration system that was used Fall 2013. Although enrollment decreased, contact hours
Students pursuing a 1 year certificate that does not require math, reading, and writing pre-reqs are not required to test
however since students do not know how to declare certificate as major on application sometimes, they end up testing
New recommendation: Tracy recommended that all instructors take attendance. Marta seconded and motion passed. The
use of them in Financial Aid and Records was discussed. Julie will check with Daryle to see how attendance records might
be collected and stored. The related new ‘WF’ grade proposal was also discussed.
Motion to Dismiss: Tracy. Second: Raul. Meeting ended at 4:30 p.m.
Next meeting will be Wednesday Oct. 9 at 3:00 p.m. at VV B241.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
October 9, 2013
Members Present: Carla Cardoza, Olga Chavez, Irma Hoy,
Tracy von Maluski, Susana Rodarte, Ramon Jimenez, Jamie
Isaac, Marta Olivas, Richard Webb, Cynthia Velasco, Patty
Members Absent: Irene Gurany- Garcia, Charlie Miller, Julie
Bustamante, Raul Lerma
Meeting called to order at 3:20 PM
Tracy moved to accept minutes as corrected and Olga
research paper that is worth the bulk of their grade and that is
due later in the semester so this recommendation may not
work for many.
This is still not verified because there was discussion that
Banner currently does not have the capabilities.
It was suggested an internal research be done in which
instructors provide midterm grades or some form of progress
record and see if that is a motivational factor. Send a survey
around to faculty was brought up.
Steve Smith has been encouraging faculty to intervene with
students. It was stressed during the General Session.
Cynthia volunteered to serve as Secretary.
Recommendation 1
Discussion with Blayne last month regarding submitting a
grade book. It was discussed that in the Developmental
Education Council Committee meeting, there is a pilot that
will involve math faculty submitting grades during mid- term
Last semester it was presented to Faculty senate and it was
voted down.
Patty spoke with Gary Chacon from IT regarding Banner
support for implementing midterm grades and he mentioned
it is something that can be done but a pilot needs to be done.
Regarding the English discipline, they give students a
Some members discussed the importance for faculty to record
attendance since that is an early indicator for student success.
Not all faculty do and it is not required. Some instructors feel
it is time consuming to record attendance.
Carla will research UTEP and Jamie will research Dona Ana
CC on their grade electronic rosters via Banner and if they
have attendance record policies.
Tracy will be sitting in DE Council as proxy. He will ask the
DE Council if there is an attendance policy in all DE courses.
Is it enforced? Do all instructors follow it?
Next meeting: Tuesday, November 5th at 3:15 PM
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
November 5, 2013
Members Present: Cynthia Velasco, Tracy Von Maluski,
Patty Ortega, Raul Lerma, Irene Gurany-Garcia, Charlie
Miller, Irma Hoy, Julie Bustamante, Blayne Primozich
knew how to run course histories. Students’
retention rates were high; 85%. It was
successful but it was a lot of work.
Members Absent but Emailed: Jamie Isaac and Richard
Julie suggested another recommendation that
pertains to the absolute enforcement of
following the degree plan. Patty brought up a
degree plan software in a webinar that she
participated in. If a student registers for a
class that is not in degree plan, it would send
triggers. According to Raul, the new Banner
system will send errors (like pre-requisite
errors). It will be implemented this summer.
The name of the software that will be used in
Banner is called CAPP (Curriculum Advising
Program Planning).
Meeting Called to Order: Meeting called to order 3:15 PM
Approval of Minutes: Quorum was not met.
Old Business
Steering Committee Report
Patty attended the Steering Committee
meeting and it was very informational. Patty
reported our recommendations. The
Transitions Committee reported on
recommending Faculty Advising by
discipline. It was implemented in the past.
Faculty member can take a semester off and
then be an advisor for another semester. It
died because of TASP. The Transitions
Committee wants to bring it back to the
College. The question was brought up by our
committee as to who would advise Associate
of Arts majors.
Cynthia suggested that we gear our
recommendations toward what faculty senate
will like and that will ease their workload. A
recommendation that may appeal to Faculty
Senate would be mandatory consecutive
enrollment in math, English, and
government. Students tend to hold off from
registering for next math or English course
which makes it more challenging for the
student to pass the class.
Suggested for Counselors to do a preorientation before taking placement test and
include Noel Levitz survey on student
Patty suggested a similar recommendation
but there is question of duplication. Does it
relate to retention? In theory, yes, because
students are being advised on their career.
Steve Smith is looking for recommendations
on retention that will not eat up the budget.
Ten percent of our institutional budget is on
Patty will bring a report from the Transitions
Committee on faculty advising for the next
From the meeting Patty attended, she was
advised that our recommendation have an
assessment plan.
Another recommendation was suggested by
Irene that the Counseling department bring
back Case management for students; she
learned about many academic programs; she
Developmental Council Report: nothing to
report. DE Council meeting will take place
the following day.
Banner midterm grades (Reports): was
released and not well received by Faculty
Attendance Recommendation: discussed
Early Alert will be doing something similar.
Still something our Committee wants to see
approved and implemented.
New Business
Next Meeting: meet beginning of spring semester
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
February 10, 2014
Members Present: Patty Ortega, Charlie Miller, Ramon
Jimenez, Irma Hoy, Tracy Von Maluski, Marta Olivares,
Susan Rodarte, Blayne Primozich, Cynthia Velasco
Members Absent but emailed: Julie Bustamante, Carla
Cardoza, Raul Lerma, Richard Webb, Irene Gurany-Garcia
Meeting Called to Order: Meeting called to order 3:05 PM.
Approval of Minutes: Ramon approved and Tracy
Old Business
It was brought up to get contact Carol Kay to
provide data on Pass/Fail rates on
consecutive enrollment. There is already data
available for the English discipline regarding
completion of English 1302 and graduation
rates. We need to request for Math and
Steering Committee Report
Mid-term grades did get approved in a way
since an ongoing online grading system is
being piloted this semester. Instructional
strategies committee recommendation of
online warehouse to share ideas with other
faculty was approved. There are concerns and
questions of the “WF” grading procedure. It
will go against student’s GPA. Census date
still exists; anything before that,
reimbursements are supposed to be made to
the students but might not be happening.
If this recommendation is decided on, the
question was brought up on how it would be
In response, it was brought up to have
Counselors visit all English, reading, and
math classes and encourage them to register
the next sequence of courses. Or, perhaps,
identify a section for each discipline with the
Registrar’s department and identify those
students and enroll them in those sections.
Also, we would need to ensure that each
enrolled student take the next sequence of the
course the following semester.
DE Council Report: There will be
registration fairs (similar to a resource fair)
coordinated district wide to encourage
students to register early for the upcoming
semester. Representatives from PREP, TRIO
Student Support Services Program, ESOL,
Library, Admissions and Registration, Career
Services, Counseling, Scholarships, Tutorial
Services, Campus Life, and Testing will have
information for students.
Before taking it to a vote, Patty will send an
email to all committee members to get their
thoughts and vote on one of these two
New Business
Recommendation goes to the steering
committee, then to Leadership, then to
Need to decide on recommendation and spend the
next two meetings to get it in writing and submit.
Mandatory attendance by faculty. We need to
look at the policy before we make that kind
of recommendation especially with the new
“WF” policy. Currently, there is an
attendance policy but it is stipulated by the
instructor. There was some discussion with
some members that it may not be a favorable
recommendation by faculty. Others
suggested not to rule out this
Mandatory/highly recommended consecutive
enrollment in Math, Reading, and Writing.
For example, this would encourage students
to register English 1301 and English 1302
sequentially. Ramon brought up if we can
invite counselors to the English 1301 class
and promote and encourage students to
register for English 1302 for the following
semester. We can do something similar for
Math and Reading disciplines. There is a
pilot being done of certain English 13011302 sections in which the maximum
capacity of the section is lower but there is
more intervention (more work) done by the
instructor. Results are still pending.
Meeting adjourned 4:45 PM
Next Meeting: TBA
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
March 20, 2014
Members Present: Irene Gurany-Garcia, Julie Bustamante,
Ramon Jimenez, Irma Hoy, Marta Olivares, Blayne
Primozich, Patty Ortega
Members Absent but emailed: Cynthia Velasco, Charlie
Miller, Carla Cardoza, Raul Lerma, Richard Webb, Tracy
Von Maluski, Susan Rodarte, Olga Chavez
Recommendations: Charlie is still
working of retrieving the data from
Dr. Kay’s office. Four resources to
strongly encourage consecutive
enrollment were discussed and added
to the recommendation form.
Offer more sections of
particular math, reading, and
writing courses in certain
Offer majority of math,
reading, and writing courses as
Have math, reading, and
writing faculty explain benefits
of moving on to the next level
immediately. Universal
PowerPoint presentation can
be created to educate students
on statistics reflecting benefits.
Have Banner message pop-up
when a student finalizes
schedule that does not reflect
registration into next level of
math, reading, or writing.
Meeting Called to Order: Meeting called to order 3:20 PM
Approval of Minutes: Ramon approved and Irma
Old Business
Steering committee report
Summary of Start Right committee projects
was presented. Ed Astra was discussed as a
planning tool not only for current student
Banner schedule building but also as a
possible planning tool for our consecutive
enrollment recommendation.
DE council report: D.E. council rep was
New Business
Meeting adjourned 4:30 PM
Next Meeting: TBA
Recommendation for consecutive enrollment
in math, reading, and writing:
Mandatory/highly recommended: It
was discussed whether ‘mandatory’ or
‘highly recommend’ should be used in
our recommendation and due to what
appears current concerns about dip in
enrollment, motion was made and
passed to use “strongly encourage” in
our recommendation.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
MINUTES FOR 2012-2013
September 4, 2012
Opening of Meeting
Present: Pat Duran, Cristina Sharp, Marta
Olivares, Irma Hoy, Pablo Rivera, Susana
Rodarte, Julie Bustamante, Lorena Chavez,
Carmen Thorp, and Patty Ortega
New Business
Cristina informed the group that Completion by
Design turned in to Texas Completes, which is a
similar model with intrusive advising.
Due to lack of grant funding, the Early Alert
program has ended.
Recommendations for committee to consider as
this year’s priorities:
Meeting called to order at 3:20
Approval of Minutes
Motion to approve the minutes: Lorena
Second: Irma
 Create a college policy that does not allow
Read 0309 classes to be cancelled since it
causes students’ reading intensive courses to
be dropped.
Secretary and Representative Appointments
A volunteer for secretary is still needed.
Volunteer will be solicited at the next meeting
since so many members are absent.
Pat Duran will be the Developmental Education
Council representative
 If Read 0309 is cancelled, have Testing
center have emergency testing available for
these students.
 Continue to look for new ways, such as the
expanding the “C or better” list, to meet
reading requirement.
Old Business
 Create college policy that will no longer
prevent students from registering if they owe
the college less than $50.00, such as
property or library fees.
Pat met with Dr. Kay and Daryle Hendry to
discuss the developmental drop survey. The
same reasons kept arising year after year and
they concluded that it is not necessary to
continue to survey students anymore.
 Fix the incongruences between TSI met vs.
ACCUPLACER met and between course
history vs. test score inaccuracies that affect
students to enroll into college level courses.
Patty and Tracy met with the Faculty Senate last
May, however there was no quorum, therefore
were not able to get support for the committee’s
recommendations to discuss the course prerequisite the first day of class and to encourage
students to meet with instructors before they
drop. The recommendations were shared with
the Senate, however there was no consensus and
diverse feelings about the recommendation.
In relation to our midterm grade
recommendation from last year, Irma informed
us that the Reading discipline wants to provide
grades every 3 weeks and that ESL requires
students to have a 70 or above in order to sit for
the exit exam by the 14th or 15th week
Julie informed us that the development of the
new Drop form is still in progress, not ready for
use yet.
 Add more MM2 and late start class options.
 Color code classes at the different campuses
in the semester schedules to help prevent
student registration errors.
Invite student representative via Arvis Jones.
Close of Meeting
Motion to Adjourn: Pat
Second: Julie
Meeting ended at 4:45
Respectfully submitted by Patty R. Ortega
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
November 6, 2012
Present: Julie Bustamante, Pablo Rivera, Marta Olivares,
Pat Duran, Irene Gurany-Garcia, Charlie Miller, Carmen
Thompson, Irma Hoy, Raul Lerma, Susana Rodarte, Cristina
Sharp, Rick Webb, Tracy vonMaluski.
Absent but called: Lorena Chavez, Patricia Ortega, Olga
Chavez, Cynthia Velasco.
Start Right Initiative Recommendation Form (draft) was
disbursed and reviewed.
Discussion centered on whether committee can propose or
make a recommendation--determined that it would be
recommended; how it would be done through Mr. Smith's
This information is not on the draft itself as of yet, it was
discussed that be left up to Mr. Smith's office.
Form #1 was reviewed:
Summary of recommendation--discussion centered on midterm or what time frame might be followed; Pablo suggested
that it read somewhere between week 7 and week 9 in order
to provide lee way for the instructor; question was called as
to the way the statement would be written with follow up
discussion on the variety of semester lengths as well. The
statement of "no later than the academic week after the
midpoint of a semester" the only issue with this statement
was highlighted in terms of the 5 week mini-mesters.
Tracy captured a second writing more reflective of the
committees concerns in terms of the midterm.
Discussion settled on the idea phrase would be the "midpoint
of the semester"; there is a concern on behalf of the English
department in terms of the efficacy of the form--the
recommendation is that this should be directed from above
(Mr. Smith's office)--there will be resistance to this from the
Faculty. The form had gone before a non-quorum Faculty
Senate where it met a half and half approval rating.
Pablo points out that students are used to receiving feedback
on a regular basis (6 weeks--typically from high school). The
question was posed why the grades are not provided back to
the students with more regular feedback. Students are, at
times, confused as to where they stand within a particular
course. Without that regular feedback, there are challenges
that cause the students frustration.
The point was made that students under 30 hours have to be
provided with feedback (indication was that this is state
understanding of where they stand within the particular
The question had been posed that should this be taken back to
the Faculty Senate? It was decided that it should be
recommended to come from Mr. Smith and Dr. Serrata-regarding the form itself.
Rationale, supporting research and data statement--(This
form has been worked on for the past 3 years)
Question was posed as to when this would need to be
submitted--was pointed out that the timetable for
implementation was indicated as Fall 2013.
Question was posed--how much data would be required to
determine the need and end results of the use of such a form.
Point was made to make the form as simple to complete as
possible; rationale for the form included the fact that it has
been reported that both UTEP and NMSU are already doing
something similar to this. It was recommended that Celina
Gomez be contacted as she had done previous research on
this particular facet. Paul was asked to contact: NMSU re. the
effectiveness of what they are utilizing.
The rationale should also include why this form is being
pursued and how effective it has been for them.
Question was called as to whether this was a formation of the
draft or the recommending of the particular draft.
Pablo indicated that one rationale that should be showcased is
what impact it has had on other institutions in terms of their
drop rates.
Addition of Financial Aid was suggested as well as the entire
institution as a whole.
Reminded that this is just a draft--agreed upon that the fall
2013 is okay for now
Resources required
Addition to read "Deans, Leadership Team and Cabinet"
Which areas of the College are involved? Have they been
Financial Aid was suggested to be added.
Suggestion was made that a progress report (universal) be
utilized. Student accountability was cited as well as a lack of
participation which inflected upon the student and their
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Which area(s) of the College are involved? Have they been
Evaluation Plan
Remove the word "simply"; plan was suggested to be
adequate; "increase" was to be rewritten as "any change in
student retention".
Question was posed--might this actually increase drop rates-point being that the grade at the midpoint might be low
enough that causes the student to drop and that the form
might well cause the student to think of dropping.
Discussion centered on this topic; with a survey quoted that
indicated that students dropped without speaking to the
instructor. Carmen was caught up to speed in terms of weeks
7 through 9 as the ideal period of time for this form to be
reviewed by instructor and student.
Consensus was that Recommendation form #1 was just about
Form #2
Summary of recommendation--statement was reviewed with
discussion on "any student who is considering dropping a
class..." recommended as a change. “Conference" to be
changed to confer. Discussion centered on timeline of when
the recommendation would be followed upon. Point was
made that many students might wait till the last minute in
order to facilitate the drop, having avoided meeting or
speaking with the instructor.
Discussion of the drop form, and the timeline involved in the
creation of that form, along with the adoption of said form
ultimately failing through the various offices involved. It was
pointed out that that form, the Drop Form, was in discussion
and review for over 5 years.
Point was made that the first statement "Any student who is
dropping a class..." should be dropped from the statement
entirely and to focus upon the second statement "...if a
student is not passing as the Drop Date approaches..."
Conversation centered on the progress report (suggested use
of existing form from Counseling was made)
Committee discussed the first part of the statement--vote was
called and all in agreement.
Addition of the Curriculum Office
Evaluation Plan--"Simply" to be removed; increased to be
modified to "any change"
Committee summarized the forms and discussion centered on
the charge of the committee and how it is a simple
recommendation on the part of the committee that is directed;
Christy pointed out that this mindset has somewhat changed,
due to changes within the college (i.e. Mr. Smith, Linda
Gonzalez, Dr. Tena, Director Camacho, etc.)
Pablo mentioned uniformity of tutorial services district wide
(problem tends to center on VV as a campus--the issue is not
as prevalent at other campuses)--tutors are limited to 15
minutes per student, no matter what circumstances may exist
at that moment--this impacts how students are retained
because the students cannot get tutoring that fits their needs;
mention was made about conflicting committees and Tracy
indicated that this will be changed. Discussion centered back
on the tutorial services and the issues predominant to that
area and how it impacts retention. Question was posed in
terms of how students and whether they have the opportunity
to evaluate the tutors on a regular basis--this was suggested as
a new business item for the next meeting. Tracy suggested
that Irma be contacted to see if she might provide insight into
this particular issue. Suggestion was made that any
recommendations be based on data; IR may have some data
on this--it was suggested that Dr. Kay be contacted for this
data. Pablo shared how the tutoring has worked in the past,
particularly in terms of study groups (at TM). Suggestion was
made that faculty become more involved in recommending
tutorial services, particularly in terms of group study.
Concern was discussed that if something is suggested to be
district wide, it needs to take into account that each campus
has unique circumstances, populations and needs (not to
mention budgets) that need to be taken into account.
Tracy suggested that he can make a call to Director Camacho.
Committee agreed, and he will make the call and then bring
that information back to the committee.
Motion was made to adjourn, seconded and approved
Rationale, supporting research and data--Statement was
reviewed by committee, discussion centered on the last
statement "An informed student is more likely to persist"
with the suggestion that said statement be removed
Stakeholders--should reflect the same as Form #1
Timetable--approved as written
Resources required--removal of the word "and" prior to "the
support of the Deans..."; Registration to change to
"Registrar"; include Cabinet and Leadership Team
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
December 4, 2012
Attending: Tracy vonMaluski, Lorena Chavez, Pat Duran,
Irene Gurany-Garcia, Rosa Irma Hoy, Raul Lerma, Charles
Miller, Marta Olivares, Susana Rodarte, Christy Sharp,
Carmen Thompson, Cynthia Velasco, Ernest Webb and Julie
Absent but called: Olga Chavez, Patricia Ortega, and Pablo
The Chair called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m.
The meeting notes taken by Mr. Webb were read and
approved as the minutes for the November 2012 REIC
meeting. Raul Lerma so moved, Irene Gurany seconded.
REIC members voted to accept.
Agenda item 2 presented by Tracy was the Student Drop
form as a new form, sent to him by Lorena Chavez. Julie
Bustamante clarified that it is not a new drop form rather the
current form in use with an update requested by Counselor
Coordinators. A statement in bold print was added under the
Student Signature to make students aware that the completed
form must be submitted to the Admissions and Registration
office to be processed. Lorena commented that while the
change seems minor it is a big improvement since many
students believed they had dropped their courses never
having taken the form to the Admissions and Registration
office to be processed.
To clarify any confusion of whether this was a new form or
not, Pat Duran reminded the committee of the previous work
done by the REIC regarding the student drop form. Last
year's REIC members approved the recommended form
changes and submitted to Mr. Daryle Hendry, Registrar. The
form included "Steps" a student was to follow which included
a place for Financial Aid staff to sign off on. The intent of
the committee's recommended changes to the student drop
form was to make sure students understood the consequences
of dropping courses, especially the dollar amounts they
would be liable for if they received financial assistance. The
REIC believed it was the responsibility of well-trained, front
desk Financial Aid staff to be able to explain exactly what
this means, including dollar amounts, to each student who
chose to drop.
Pat spoke to Daryle Hendry who informed her he was
working on updating both the Student Add/Drop form used to
correct registration prior to census date and the Student
Initiated Drop Form used for course withdrawal after census
date. He was working on creating a multi-purpose form. Pat
was hoping a draft of the new form would be forthcoming
during the Summer but that did not happen. Later, both
Daryle Hendry and Linda Gonzalez spoke to Pat about the
REIC form. They explained how even Financial Aid staff do
not know what the dollar amount will be that a student will be
liable for. Only Tuitions Staff can calculate that amount
which is charged to the students some time later -- after the
drop has occurred. What Pat was asked to consider instead
was to look at changing the process instead of the form. Pat
understands to consider the whole process of students
dropping and how retention is affected but that was not her
initial charge. It was to look at the form itself.
There was much discussion still on who is responsible for
making sure students understand the consequences of
dropping since the current Financial Aid pamphlet and
printed materials do not appear to be sufficient. Suggested
was a FA orientation, better trained district-wide up-front
staff instead of referring or sending students to Valle Verde,
and a way to determine or a best guesstimate tool so students
receive instant feedback on what they can expect to re-pay.
Raul Lerma shared that students are told at many different
points in the process what they can expect if they drop
courses. Admissions and Registration staff also ask students
if they have checked with Financial Aid prior to accepting
their drop forms reminding students they may end up owing
A review of the current student drop form brought up
additional concerns about all the information included in the
form, the small font and the possibility of reformatting it to
make it easier for students. Lorena shared how Counseling
piloted the REIC form and students responded favorably to
the REIC form compared to the current drop form we use
now. Susana, Lorena and Charles agreed to work on
reformatting the student drop form, adding the steps back in,
making it easier for students, bringing it back to the REIC for
approval to then re-submit to the Registrar for consideration.
Raul Lerma did request assistance from Counselors and any
staff who work with the form to support the inclusion of the
Last Date Attended since this makes a difference when
calculating the dollar amounts students must re-pay.
Agenda item 3 presented by Tracy was the research
document on midterm grades and faculty/student
conferencing. During the review, comments included how
providing students their mid-term grade may already be too
late. Agreement and a preference to providing students
instructor feedback earlier in the semester were made by
faculty REIC members. Four weeks was most preferred.
Lorena shared how their use of the Instructional Progress
Report form has been very helpful. This form was initially
intended for use with students on academic suspension but
now, at least at Valle Verde, it is used to have students speak
to their faculty and get input on their course progress prior to
proceeding with course withdrawal.
Tracy shared how the research on mid-term grades shows this
is mostly a practice used at universities. Raul Lerma shared
how his contacts at Austin CC and Tarrant County told him
they do not provide mid-term grades. Charles Miller asked if
we know about Doña Ana CC and Central New Mexico CC,
two institutions closer to EPCC. Do they provide mid-term
grades? Irma Camacho will be helping with a little more data.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Agenda item 4, 5, 6 and 7 started with feedback from the
Start Right Steering Committee meeting on 12/3/12. Steve
Smith said the two REIC recommendations will need to go to
Faculty Senate for approval. Doing so, it is expected the
senate will not vote to approve. Tracy also shared how Steve
Smith was more comfortable if the recommendations were
revised & used for DE & ESL courses, in order to evaluate
and compare those drops rates to what is true now.
Pat's comments that DE faculty are already doing this and
Irma Camacho's statement that the pilot program for
providing mid-term grades is voluntary and proceeding in DE
and ESL were questioned. Even though the Developmental
Ed council voted to do this, (included in our minutes from
last year) REIC faculty present shared how no one has told
them to do this and as far as they know, no one is doing this,
not in DE or ESL and certainly not in the academic courses.
Tracy made a motion to revise Recommendation 1, restricting
it and making it mandatory for DE and ESL. Seconded by
Lorena and approved by the REIC. Discussion also included
changing the recommendation from a mid-term grade to a
progress report, no later than the 1/4 of the way into the term
(this takes into account mini-mesters, summer terms, etc.).
Ernest Webb commented how the request from Dr. Serrata is
to have faculty provide earlier feedback to students, to initiate
a protocol between instructor and student, interfacing with
students. Changing it from a mid-term grade to a progress
report and earlier in the term is the first step. Susana asked
where this revised recommendation would go to next. It
would be back to the Steering Committee. Raul Lerma made
a motion to accept with the changes, seconded by Carmen
Thompson and approved by the REIC.
Discussion on Recommendation 2 included it being too late
"as the drop date for W grades approaches" to have
instructors confer with students who are not passing. Lorena
felt the language was not right as we want students to also
take responsibility for knowing what their progress in class is
earlier than the last days to drop. It was felt that being able to
implement Recommendation 1 will allow time to pass,
provide data to evaluate and compare with what is true now.
Lorena made a motion to table Recommendation 2 till next
semester, seconded by Julie and approved by the REIC. The
approved language to Recommendation 2 for Agenda item 7
was to change it from "instructor should confer" to "instructor
is strongly encouraged to conference". Charles commented
that this is something he practices with his students but
experiences that many students will still not take the time to
conference with him. Rosa Hoy shared that not even with the
offer of extra credit will some of her students still take
advantage of conferencing with their instructor.
Agenda item 8 was Tracy's recommendation that if
implemented, the four disciplines of DE Reading, Writing
and Math, plus ESL compare retention rates for a year from
before and after. Tracy motioned with Lorena seconding.
Approved by the REIC.
Agenda item 9 had no new business. Old business Tracy
shared was a request from Irma Camacho requesting, in
writing, comments regarding Tutorial Services, especially at
Valle Verde. Pablo had the most to share regarding Tutorial
Services at the last meeting, and the consensus seems to be to
have students and faculty comment on what is experienced.
With no further business or discussion, Tracy made a motion
to adjourn, seconded by Rosa Hoy. Approved by the REIC.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
MINUTES FOR 2011-2012
September 13, 2011
Valle Verde, Room A201
Present: Leticia Urenda for Julie Bustamante, Lorena Chavez, Olga Chavez, Pat Duran, Celina Gomez, Irene Gurney-Garcia,
Rosa Irma Hoy, Raul Lerma, Patty Ortega, Pablo Rivera, Susana Rodarte, Cristina Sharp, Cynthia Velasco, Tracy Von
Maluski, Joyce Whiteside
Absent: Julia Bustamante (sent Leticia Urenda), Sandra Gutierrez, Carmen Thompson
Welcome to our new members: Irene Gurney-Garcia, Rosa Irma Hoy,
Raul Lerma, and Tracy Von Maluski
Approval of Minutes
The motion to approve the minutes was made by Lorena Chavez. The
minutes were approved.
Chair and Chair in Waiting
Lorena Chavez commented that Sandra Gutierrez might be interested in
the position.
We Want You Back Report by Lorena
Lorena reported that in the Fall of 2010, there were 1,293 students on
the list, but in the spring/summer 2011, there were 1,394.
Students get a letter, e-mail, and a personal phone call.
There are only two people doing this work: Lorena and her assistant.
Pat pointed out that right now, this job is a volunteer job- no extra pay is
being received.
Lorena is waiting for the report to see the % we got back. The last
report showed 1-2%, which is typical of the national survey.
Drop Form Report by Patty Ortega
Patty gave distributed the latest draft of the drop form. Changes that
were recommended during the meeting include:
Further Editing
Bold I understand
Take out the colon
Add Course Prefix with Course Number
Take out Course Name
Limited change to limit
Under Financial Aid Office, take off clearance.
Put if you receive grant s or loans or are a work-study, you must…
Leticia moved that the form be e-mails to all the committee members
and that they be given 24 hours to add any further comments. Patty will
e-mail this form to everyone for any additional changes they see are
After everyone has the 24 hour time period to comment, the form will
be considered complete and will go to the Steering committee.
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Target time to start using
This semester
A concern was expressed that this form is not handled uniformly among
our different campus site. Pat will take this issue to the Steering
committee; the procedure needs to be uniformly followed.
Drop Survey
Pat will follow up with Jose Baltazar and Carol Kay in regard to the
Target time to start using
This semester
DEI Representative
Patty Ortega volunteered to be our new DEI Representative.
Student Success Workshops
Pat handed out the booklet of workshops as well as a handout with
sessions instructors can request to have in their classrooms.
Pat mentioned that counselors are pressed for time. Joyce asked if
Master CRLA tutors could become involved in giving some of these
Other Concerns
Pat emphasized that we need better communication between
counselors and student services.
We need to look into late registration. It’s not about the money,
but students succeeding.
We will add to our agenda: a discussion of more interventions
and changes for registration.
Currently there is no recommendation to prevent late
registration. We may need to do this. This semester, late
registration continued through the first two days of classes and
into the third day with the dean’s approval. Suzanna pointed out
the lack of rooms and instructors.
Online classes are increasing, but instructors who can teach online are
Financial Aid Concerns
Mr. Lerma gave an update on suspension and the petition to waiver it.
This also applies to Dual Credit students.
As of July 1st, all appeals have to be documented. Changes are coming
from the Feds.
Mr. Lerma distributed a handout on these changes.
Pat requested a report on students being wiped out so we can learn from
studying this report.
The counselors pointed out the need for increased communication
between them and financial aid to keep them briefed on changes.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Next Meeting
First Tuesday of the Month
Tuesday, October 1, 2011
3:00-5 p.m.
ASC Building
Room A210
Pat will try to get room A210 again. If there is a room change, she will
inform the committee.
Faculty Task Force
How we can convince faculty to:
Look at prerequisites the first two days of classes
Meet with students who are considering dropping
Provide a mid-term grade
Carmen Thompson
Celina Gomez
Joyce Whiteside
Tracy Von Maluski
Pat is inviting Carina Ramirez to join this subcommittee and will notify
members what is happening and when they should meet.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
October 4, 2011
Valle Verde, Room A201
Present: Mercedes Dominguez for Julie Bustamante, Lorena Chavez, Olga Chavez, Pat Duran, Celina Gomez, Gloria Corona
for Raul Lerma, Patty Ortega, Cristina Sharp, Irma Craver-Castillo, Tracy Von Maluski, and Joyce Whiteside
Absent: Sandra Gutierrez, Carmen Thompson, Susana Rodarte, Irene Gurney-Garcia, Rosa Irma Hoy, Raul Lerma, Pablo
Rivera, and Cynthia Velasco
Welcome to our visitor, Irma Craver Castillo.
Approval of Minutes
The motion to approve the minutes was made by Lorena
Chavez ad seconded by Celina Gomez to approve the minutes
as corrected to change nominated to commented: Lorena
Chavez commented that Sandra Gutierrez might like the Chair
in Waiting Position.
Chair and Chair in Waiting
Sandra Gutierrez informed Pat that she cannot take on this
position at this time.
Patty Ortega nominated Cindy Velasco and Celina Gomez
seconded it.
Darcy Traffansted, a Transmountain student, has submitted a
request to return to this committee. If approved by Arvis, she
will be returning.
New Member
Early Alert Systems
Student Success Workshops Options
Workshops on Line
Workshops Attendance Problems
The Early Alert Systems has workshops scheduled for
September and October and online workshops that students can
access at their convenience.
It is discouraging when the attendance is low.
Members offered the following suggestions:
Drop unpopular workshops and increase those most in
Give the workshop schedule early like in Mary for August
and in November for Jan. This will help instructors to add
a class presentation or workshop assignment into their
Ask teachers to include at least one class workshop.
Be sure the workshop schedule booklet is in the
Counseling Web Site and e-mailed promptly. In
September, the spring schedule was the one listed in the
Counseling Web Site.
Our counselors carry a heavy load. They cannot conduct
workshops after October. The group agreed that
workshops are best in September and October
Put the link for the workshop schedule on the website in an
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
easy to find place.
Look at what students are interested in.
Offer points that lead to gifts for workshop attendance.
Add the schedule to the Early Alert Website.
10. Celina and Pat will discuss these ideas with the
Coordinating Board and get their ideas.
Drop Form
Pat presented our drop form to the Start Right Committee.
They want recommendations and justifications for our
recommendations rather than the completed work. Pat will re-write our
recommendation and attach our form with it as an example of what we
would like to see.
A lot of time was dedicated to creating the drop form and appropriate
offices were notified that we were doing this. Our initial assignment
was not well clarified. The current Start Right Committee clarified that
once our recommendation with the form as a sample is submitted,
others will make the final determinations.
We want to hear back from the core team what happens with our
recommendations and other work we have submitted. Pat will followup on getting this feedback.
Pat will ask Early Alert how they are using the case management
model we recommended.
The Start Right Committee just wants the recommendation form and
not the leg work we have been dedicating to this initiative.
Title of Drop Form
Suggested: Student Initiated Registration change.
The form we developed has a built in section where students have to
receive information about the consequences of dropping. Many
students drop using the online drop. There are too many students to
not utilize this method. It was suggested that a flashing notice come on
the screen to alert students they might owe money if they drop.
Students are not often aware they might owe money if they drop until
last in the semester.
Patty suggested that students need financial aid information early in the
semester. An online program could be developed—a mandatory on-line
Lorena suggested a video could be put on a monitor outside of
counseling too and in the kiosks.
Add Drop the First Week of School
Pat wants to recommend the late registration will be the week before
Faculty Development and that Faculty Development Week be the
add/drop week. After that, students could enroll for the following
semester or a mini semester.
Joyce mentioned that some add/drops the first week of school are from
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
administrative errors.
Pat would like to have sub committees to work with Financial Aid.
Financial Aid
Pat also wants a report from Financial Aid so we can study it and make
Pat also wants clarity about Dual Credit and the why the ten year
reasons are no longer acceptable circumstances for petitions.
Gloria clarified that the request for the report has been sent by financial
aid; however, the report will only show who got dropped, but not why.
She also clarified the other points for Pat and specified that there is
federal policy that is controlling all this. Up to ten years, the student
has to have an extenuating circumstance and the circumstance has to be
during that period that affected them. Dual Credit students have not
been well informed. There has to be a letter about what happened and
support documentation.
Change of Major
This is not an appeals process. It’s being revamped now. The rules
here are not required by the feds, but we do it for students. The
requirements are published. Once they are updated, they will be on the
web. The biggest problem regarding change of major are student who
do not have a major and wait too long to declare it. If within the
allowed time to change this to a major, the student does not decide on a
major, the undeclared major is considered the major.
Drop Survey
We did not have time to look at this in detail.
Next Meeting
First Tuesday of the Month
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
3:00-5 p.m.
ASC Building
Room A210
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
March 6, 2012
ASC, Room A201
Committee Members Present: Pat Duran, Patty Ortega, Joyce Whiteside, Celina Gomez, Rosa Irma Hoy, and Tracy Von
Maluski, Darcy Traffansted, Juliana Bustamante was represented by Mercy Dominguez, Irene Gurney-Garcia was represented
by Jose Baltazar, and Cristina Sharp
Committee Members Absent: Pablo Rivera, Olga Chavez, Irene Gurney-Garcia, Cynthia Velasco, Juliana Bustamante,
Lorena Chavez, Sandra Lujan , Raul Lerma, and Carmen Thompson
Approval of Minutes
Tacit approval. Pat Duran asked the group to look at the minutes. No
comments were made, and the meeting moved into the first point.
Recommendation Update
Pat Duran distributed a handout showing the status of our
Presentation of Edited Drop Form
Pat reported taking the edited drop form to the Steering Committee. The
committee recommended changes which returned the form to most of its
original state.
Since every change in the editing process has a student-centered
significance, the group would like a discussion in which the steering
committee hears the reasons for the changes. Our committee would also
like to hear the reasons for not making these changes.
Tracy Von Maluski moved we invite the section of the steering
committee that rejected our drop form to meet with us at a future
meeting. Darcy Traffansted seconded the motion. The motion passed.
Task Force for Recommendation 1
Regarding the Involvement of faculty
Before Dr. Brown left a task force was started. The group still needs a
representative from financial aid and one from Registration.
Changes to Recommendation #1
It was moved by Darcy Traffansted and seconded by Tracy Von
Maluski that Pat would ask Susana if the task force had met or
started their work yet, and then if not, we would ask Susana and the
task force to just let us take that ball and try to run with it.
The group reviewed parts a, b, and c of recommendation #1 and agreed
on the following modifications:
Change course Histories to Course Prerequisites.
In a. Course Prerequisites, have faulty specify and discuss
prerequisites on the first day of class and state prerequisites in the
Eliminate b. Drop Process, but add for faculty to strongly
encourage students to meet with them before dropping the course to
a, Course Prerequisites.
Modify c. Midterm Grades. Have faculty provide students their
progress status between the 6th to 8th weeks of class.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
New Recommendation
Proposed Recommendation to be
Discussed and Formulated at the Next
Next Meeting
After much research, in conjunction with the Developmental
Education Committee and with the support of the Faculty Senate,
we recommend no registration after class has met for the first time.
Research: Southwest Texas’s self- study and research on this topic
that was given to Yvette Chuca.
We will discuss formulating a recommended that admissions for
new entering students be completed by two weeks before classes
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
ASC A201
3 to 5 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
MINUTES FOR 2010-2011
September 22, 2010
Valle Verde, Room C-428
Present: Pat Duran, Joyce Whiteside, Celina Gomez, Ingrid Cardena, Elena Madrid, Patty Ortega, Cynthia Velasco, Juliana
Bustamante, Carmen Thompson, Lorena Chavez, and Cristina Sharp
Committee Members Absent: Gloria Corona, Olga Chavez, Jose Baltazar, Pablo Rivera, Sandra Gutierrez, Susan Silva,
Valentin Guereque, and Darcy Traffansted
Approval of Minutes
Minutes from the last meeting were not presented for approval.
Welcome to New Members
Cynthia Velasco, Juliana Bustamante, Carmen Thompson, and out new
liaison, Cristina Sharp
Approval of Minutes
Celina Gomez moved that the minutes be accepted. All approved.
Our History as a Committee
Pat Duran recalled out history as a committee. This committee started
as a committee under the Developmental Education Council. It then
was taken under the Start Right umbrella and is now a standing
committee under Start Right.
Clarifications We Need
Pat Duran reported that she will clarify what our role is now as a
standing committee and whom we report to.
Status of Out Recommendations
“We Want You Back” recommendation.
Lorena Chavez that this program now has a budget under Dr.
Brown. Dora Soto works with her. This semester outreach will go
to 1,395 students. This is the group of new student who attended
during the Spring 10 semester but did not return in the Fall 2010
semester. Outreach consists of three parts: (1) mail-outs signed by
Dr. Rhodes and Dr. Brown directing students to contact Lorena
Chavez, (2) first time calling, (3) follow-up calling. The majority
of outreach is done by phone and on line; however, when
appointment are needed, Lorena has students meet with her.
Many problems for students are created by our institution policy
that starts the financial aid year in the fall through the summer
instead of three consecutive semesters. For example, students who
start in the spring or summer semesters and have problems are more
likely to have financial aid impact than students who started in the
fall and had problems. Making it 3 consecutive semesters starting
with the semester the students enrolled would help a lot of students.
Banner does not catch all meeting prerequisite situations. Some
students can still register for a class in spite of the fact they have
not completed the prerequisite. Pat would like us to recommend
students must show a course history or test score to instructors the
first week of classes to verify they have met the prerequisite.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Survey for students withdrawing from courses.
We need permission from Developmental education to edit the
form since the target group for this survey is developmental
education students. If they do not want us to edit it, we can edit the
form we have to use with all other students. There is a possibility
an outdated form is still be given to students. Pat will check on this
since we do not want unnecessary duplications and outdated
material being used.
The results from the drop survey are used by our committee to gain
insights that can help us create intervention strategies to increase
student retention.
Drop Form Update. Patty Ortega reported that we want it
mandatory that the instructor sign the drop form. There are some
problems with this that need to be resolved: (1) Some students
procrastinate and drop at the last minute -- too late to get the
instructor’s signature. (2) Some instructors might not average
grades till late in the semester. We also need to address how to
present this idea to faculty and implement instructor involvement in
signing the drop form.
The recommendation for enhancing the “We Want You Back”
Case Management and Start Right Center. The Bill Gates
Foundation specifically targets the developmental level, which
includes all student situations that are not college credit. The pilot
group now consists of about 1500 students at our Valle Verde and
Northwest campuses.
The Student Services Core Team accepted the majority of our
recommendations and created their own case management system
which they delegated to the Prep Program to spearhead.
Student Success Workshops
Financial Aid. The recommendation involve financial aid is on
hold. This one did not go through committee.
The listing of workshops went out again at the start of the semester.
There are many good workshops offered, but they are not well attended.
Mission Del Paso is piloting having the instructor invite a counselor into
the classroom to give a presentation. To date, fifteen of these have been
done. This works well. We would like to see this piloted at Valle
Verde. Joyce Whiteside mentioned that she switched to having a
counselor present early in the semester. Although wildcard credit was
offered to students who attended workshops, many did not attend them.
This way all the students get at least one workshop. She found a
problem in making a workshop mandatory and graded because she has
so many percentage areas that are now graded such as paragraphs, tests,
the final tests in grammar and paragraph, participation, assignments, and
the journal. There aren’t any percentage points left for workshop
attendance. It would have to share a small percentage with assignments,
lessening its value as a mandatory activity. She recommender we start a
plan of action at our next meeting to find instructors willing to allot at
least one class for a Student Success Workshop relevant to their class.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Early Alert System
Pat Will Do
The Early Alert system will be piloted at Mission del Paso. This is a
system in which an instructor and a counselor work together, keeping in
close communication regarding an identified at risk student in the
instructor’s class. The EPCC Counseling Website has Early Alert
information and the Student Success Workshops posted.
Pat will meet with the steering committee for more direction
for our committee.
Jose Baltazar will meet with the Developmental Education
council regarding the drop survey.
Plan on our addressing at the next meeting the way we will
work with faculty regarding their signing the drop forms.
Plan on our addressing at the next meeting a pilot at VV in
which instructors include on their calendar a Student Success
Workshop conducted in the classroom.
The second Thursday of the month at 3 p.m. was suggested; however,
too many members will not be able to attend at that time in October.
The next meeting is October 7th at 3 p.m. at the ASC.
Room: TBA- Watch your e-mail for the room number.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
October 7, 2010
Valle Verde, Room A-201
Present: Pat Duran, Joyce Whiteside, Gloria Corona, Celina Gomez, Ingrid Cardena, Elena Madrid, Patty Ortega, Pablo
Rivera, Darcy Traffansted, and Cristina Sharp
Committee Members Absent: Cynthia Velasco, Juliana Bustamante, Carmen Thompson, Lorena Chavez, Olga Chavez, Jose
Baltazar, Sandra Gutierrez, Susan Silva, and Valentin Guereque
Welcome to New Member
Pablo Rivera
Approval of Minutes
Pat Duran pointed out a couple of corrections to the minutes. Darcy
moved they be approved as corrected and it was seconded by Patty. All
accepted the minutes as corrected.
Committee Member Review
Pat Duran reviewed our membership and checked each person stint as a
member. She asked if everyone was comfortable with the stint of
his/her assignment.
Pat pointed out the importance of attending meetings. She mentioned
that a member cannot resign, but that she as the chair can recommend a
member be removed.
Our Official Name
Retention and Early Intervention Committee
Meeting Times
The group present decided the first Monday of each month from 3:30 to
5 p.m. is the best time for the majority of the members.
• Room
Pat will schedule and announce through e-mail.
• Schedule
Monday, Nov. 1st at 3:30 p.m.
Monday, December 6th at 3:30 p.m.
January 2011: No Meeting
Monday, February 7th at 3:30 p.m.
Monday, March 7th at 3:30 0p.m.
Monday, April 4th at 3:30 p.m.
Monday, May 2nd at 3:30 p.m.
Pat would like to have a little celebration at the Dec. meeting.
As a committee, out duty is to make recommendations to the Start Right
Steering Committee. They will channel our recommendations
Our Duty
Pat will continue following-up on our recommendations and will report
back to our committee.
Where are we now?
“We Want You Back”
Case Management and Start Center
The Prep program is using a lot of the ideas we recommended and
overseeing this.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Drop Form
We need to write a formal recommendation and develop a model form.
We want to have instructors and financial aid sign these forms. This
will be given to Linda Gonzalez-Hensgen, VP of Student Services and
member of the Start Right Steering Committee.
Student Success Workshops
The counselors are already highly recommending that students on
suspension attend these; however, it has been noted that these
workshops are not well attended.
There is a pilot at MDP in which a monthly e-mail and flier goes to
instructors inviting them to invite counselors to give a workshop in their
classroom. Workshop for the month, the counselors giving the
workshops, their e-mail addresses and phone numbers are included in
this information.
Pat would like to see this extended to other campuses next semester.
Drop Survey
We would like one survey for all students. Jose Baltazar is presenting
our idea to the Developmental Council. This conversation with them is
needed before clarifying if there will be one survey or is we need to
recommend another survey for students not covered by the current one.
New Recommendations to Work On and
We want to recommend that faculty check their students’ course
histories or test scores during the first week of the semester to be sure
students meet the prerequisites of their courses.
Pat Duran will write this recommendation.
Early Notification of Not Passing
Darcy pointed out the Noel Levitz survey found students not receiving
information about not passing in a timely manner. We want to
recommend that a progress report be giving by week 7 of the semester
so student who are not passing will have time to remedy their situation.
Celina Gomez will write this recommendation.
Need for More Counselors
The Noel Levitz Survey indicated that students were not receiving
sufficient counseling support.
We want to recommend that counseling staff be increased in accordance
with the Noel Levitz ratio.
Has not yet been assigned.
The Drop Form
Patty Ortega will write this recommendation.
Patty, with the help of Darcy and Celina, will create a model form.
These recommendations need to be ready for the next meeting.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
The group discussed various study skill, basic knowledge about
College, and student success behaviors and various ways to help
students attain these skills. It was noted that many areas are already
assigned and working on these issues.
Topics for Next Meeting
Tutors and instructors: ways to bring them together for the
benefit of students
English Language Proficiency students - those with linguistic
Staff/Faculty to Student mentoring
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
December 6, 2010
ASC, Room A-201
Present: Pat Duran, Joyce Whiteside, Jose Baltazar, Cynthia Velasco, Juliana Bustamante, Cristina Sharp, Sandra LujanGutierrez, Darcy Traffansted, and Susana Rodarte
Committee Members Absent: Ingrid Cardena, Elena Madrid, Patty Ortega, Celina Gomez, Gloria Corona, Olga Chavez,
Carmen Thompson, Lorena Chavez, Pablo Rivera, and Susan Silva
Approval of Minutes
Darcy Traffansted moved that the minutes be accepted. It was
seconded by Susana Rodarte. All approved.
Meeting with Dr. Brown
Pat Duran and Christina Sharp met with Dr. Brown in reference to the
recommendations from our committee:
Faculty check prerequisites during the first week of school.
Faculty meets with student and sign drop form.
Faculty provides mid-term grades for students.
Dr. Brown wants a Faculty Task Force to look at these
recommendations. Pat has invited Carina Ramirez, and she has agreed
to serve on this task force.
Early Alert and Risk Factor Assessment
Sandra G. will make corrections to the Early Alert and Risk Factor
Assessment and the Start Right Newsletter.
In piloting the early alert system, all developmental areas
Are included in the risk factor assessment.
Start Right Newsletter
At this time, there is no Start Right newsletter or logo online, but work
is in progress for a logo.
Other Efforts in Retention/Intervention
Early Alert will be piloted at MDP.
Pat challenged the committee to think of more things we can
recommend to foster retention and early intervention.
Pat encouraged committee members to become mentors for the special
cohort of students under the Bill Gates project. Contact Debbie
Aguilera if you are interested in becoming a mentor.
Student Success Workshops
Be thinking of topics to add to our workshop offerings.
The workshops have not been well attended. Therefore, a pilot
was done at Mission del Paso.
Mission del Paso did a pilot in which faculty in developmental
education and Dual Credit received information about the
workshops available, the counselors giving them along with
their contact information. They were encouraged to schedule
in-class workshops. This proved to be successful.
While we will continue to offer scheduled workshops for students, we
want all faculty now to know they can have an in-class workshop.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Darcy moved that all campus sites provide not only the list of
workshops and counselors giving them but contact information for
the counselors with an invitation to schedule workshops in the
classroom. Joyce seconded this motion, and all approved it.
Jose pointed out that Valle Verde is already providing the contact
information with an invitation to instructors to schedule a workshop in
their classrooms.
Drop Survey
A concern was brought up that not all the campuses are being
cooperative about doing all the drop surveys. Maybe there are fewer
drops. We need to compare surveys with the drop numbers.
Discussing Drops
Pat pointed out that not all counselors are talking about drops and the
consequences with students. They are just signing the forms. She sees a
big reason for this is the gigantic number of students they are seeing.
Susana Rodarte expressed a concern that many committees have been
created some because of grants that are looking at similar issues related
to retention and early intervention. She feels there is not enough
communication among these different committees and that some efforts
might be unnecessarily duplicated.
Christina said she is aware of the Start Right committees and that what
our committee is doing is unique. However, there are committees not
under the start right umbrella that are working on this topic too.
It was suggested that under the Smart Start Logo on the Web site, all
the minutes from the different committees be posted so they can be
easily found and reviewed.
Workshop Attendance
Two Recommendations
Jose brought up that all campuses doing workshops need to report the
attendance and send the surveys for the success workshops to him. He
is not getting all this information now. He is the one who does the final
These recommendations were approved by the members present:
(1) Counselors at all campus sited do the drop survey
(2) Workshop surveys and attendance be turned in to Jose.
Next Meeting
February 7th, which is the first Monday in February
3:30 - 5 p.m.
ASC Room 201
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
March 7, 2011
ASC, Room A-201
Present: Pat Duran, Joyce Whiteside, Patty Ortega, Darcy Traffansted, and Cristina Sharp, Carmen Thompson, Lorena
Chavez, Jose Baltazar, Jose Baltazar, Celina Gomez, Sandra Gutierrez, Juliana Bustamante
Committee Members Absent: Gloria Corona, Ingrid Cardena, Elena Madrid, Olga Chavez, Cynthia Velasco, and Pablo
Approval of Minutes
Darcy Traffansted moved that the minutes be accepted as corrected.
Motion was seconded by Jose Baltazar. All approved.
DEI Report
Presented by Jose Baltazar
Jose presented the recommendations that DEI students not be allowed
to drop without the instructor’s approval. The DEI council agreed with
this recommendation.
The revised drop survey will be given to all students. DEI also
requested a yearly report for drop results, which was forwarded.
Drop Survey
In regard to the drop survey, an academic bubble with a blank line will
be added as well as an indicator whether instructor required student to
drop the course.
Pat requested that the coordinator strongly encourage counseling
departments to give the drop survey to students. The results are used to
inform the steering committee.
Patty and Celina distributed the results of the drop survey.
The group decided the major and degree plan should be added to the
Math Emporium
The pros and cons of the Math Emporium were discussed. It was
determined that it works best with students who are independent
Cristina will report back on the data supporting the Math Emporium
and will report on who is evaluating it.
Drop Form
For homework, please review and give Patty and Pat your comments.
Pat will e-mail this form to committee members.
Faculty Task Force/Recommendations
A task force is needed to complete the resolutions we started involving
Faculty checking pre-requisites the first 3 weeks of school to
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
be sure students are meeting requirements
Faculty meeting with their students and signing the drop
Faculty providing mid-terms grades
Current members of this task force are: Carina Ramirez (ESL), Claudia
Chacon (history), and Rose Galindo (Reading). This task force needs
two members from our committee.
Joyce Whiteside and Carmen Thompson volunteered to join this group.
Pat will meet with the deans, and she will oversee the arrangement of
the task force meeting and will announce when and where the meeting
will be.
Start Right Logo
All present examined the Start Right Logo and voted to keep the name
and logo.
Conferences on Retention and E.I.
Sandra went to an Early Alert conference. Jose has ticket for a
conference pending. The conference has to be related specifically to
retention. There was a time conflict in his attending the one targeted.
If you know of a good conference, please let Pat and Jose know about
Call for Assistant
Please notify Pat if you would like to be her assistant next year in
preparation for taking over as the chair of this committee the following
Next Meeting
Monday, April 4, 2011
3:30-5 p.m.
ASC Building A
Room A210
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
April 4, 2011
Valle Verde, Room A-201
Present: Pat Duran, Joyce Whiteside, Patty Ortega, Cristina Sharp, Jose Baltazar, Celina Gomez, Sandra Gutierrez, Juliana
Bustamante, Gloria Corona, Pablo Rivera, and Cynthia Velasco
Committee Members Absent: Darcy Traffansted, Carmen Thompson, Lorena Chavez, Ingrid Cardena, Elena Madrid, and
Olga Chavez
Approval of Minutes
Drop Survey
Minutes are on hold pending corrections. A section from the early part
of the meeting did not get represented in the minutes.
The drop survey is now in the research office being modified.
Patty and Celina distributed a more comprehensive report of the results
of the drop survey
Report on the Math Emporium
Cristina communicated with Lucy Michal, who is in charge of the Math
Emporium, and received the following information. From the Spring of
2009 through the summer of 2010, 560 students in developmental math
used the Emporium. The encompassed a fifteen month period. They
did as well as tradition students who did not use the Emporium. There
was a 66% success rate and a lower drop rate of 9% in comparison to
traditional students who had a drop rate of 13%. There were two
campuses that used the Emporium for five week sessions. Two
developmental education courses were finished within that time frame.
We would still like to see data for the adult (mid-thirties up) learner
Faculty Task Force/Recommendations
A task force was formed to complete the resolutions we started
involving instructors:
Faculty checking pre-requisites the first 3 weeks of school to
be sure students are meeting requirements
Faculty meeting with their students and signing the drop form
Faculty providing mid-terms grades
Current members of this task force are: Carina Ramirez, Claudia
Chacon, Rose Galindo, Joyce Whiteside, and Carmen Thompson. This
group will start meeting next semester, the Fall of 2011.
Pat is meeting with Dr. Brown regarding this task force.
Drop Form
Currently we have a TSI form for the Registrar’s office and a half-page
add/drop form.
Julie recommended we keep the two forms but rename them.
The group felt this was a good idea to keep the two drop forms but to
rename them in order to avoid confusion: 1) Schedule Change Form,
2) Drop Form
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Celina, Darcy, and Patty will look again at the drop form and will
communicate with the counseling coordinators for their input. We will
look at the forms again when the drafts are ready.
Video Clips for Student Success
Next Meeting
Joyce introduced the idea of including short video clips on our website
to supplement the Student Success Workshops. Some workshops that
are handled sufficiently by the videos could be eliminated. Sandra
Gutierrez from Early Alert said we already have researched and found
many good clips that could serve this purpose. She will demonstrate
these in the fall at our first meeting so we can add these links to our
web sites.
Monday, May 2, 2011
3:30-5 p.m.
ASC Building A 201
Room A210
Pat hopes to have an assistant identified at this meeting who will work
with her next year and take over the leadership of this committee the
following year.
Three members, whose terms are completed, will be leaving at the end
of this year: Jose Baltazar, Patty Ortega, and Gloria Corona. Pat will
be meeting with Ron Stroud to identify new members to replace those
Since this is the last meeting of the semester and some members are
leaving, we will include a little party.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
May 2, 2011
Valle Verde, Room A-201
Present: Pat Duran, Joyce Whiteside, Patty Ortega, Cristina Sharp, Jose Baltazar, Celina Gomez, Pablo Rivera, Cynthia
Velasco, Lorena Chavez, Gloria Corona, Susana Rodarte
Committee Members Absent: Darcy Traffansted, Carmen Thompson, Ingrid Cardena, Elena Madrid, Olga Chavez, Sandra
Gutierrez, and Juliana Bustamante
Approval of Minutes
Jose moved to accept the minutes. Patty seconded it. The minutes were
As a show of appreciation to the committee and to those members
leaving the committee, Pat prepared a lovely luncheon for all to enjoy.
Thank you, Pat.
Chair and Chair in Waiting
In September, our committee needs to elect a Chair in Waiting to work
with Pat. Next year is her last year as Chair. The Chair in Waiting will
become the Chair the following year. It was decided to wait till
September for two reasons: 1) some of the members leaving might
reapply to stay with this committee, and 2) We will know who the new
members will be by that time.
Members can re-apply and serve up to two terms. They are not
automatically re-assigned. They have to complete the paperwork.
Members can serve in two standing committees per academic year, but
not more than that.
Susana Rodarte will continue as our Administrative Liaison.
We Want You Back Campaign
Lorena reported that contacts will continue through the summer,
working ten hours a week with 1400 students. Every semester
increases by 100 students. Some students require more outreach than
others to get back. She gave an example of a situation involving some
social work. Normally, a phone call, e-mail, and a letter are the
instruments of contact. Lorena reported that she researches each
student before calling them. Financial aid is a big reason for many not
coming back.
Changes in Financial Aid
Gloria reported that counselors will receive information about changed
in financial aid that will affect the fall semester. The changes will be:
Students can appeal if they do poorly, but they have to have a
mitigating circumstance.
Student Academic Progress (SAP) is critical for an appeal to
be approved. Students have to raise their GPA up to 2.0
within one semester.
If a student gets an F, he/she can repeat as many times as
needed to get a passing grade.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
If students pass but want to take a course again to get a better
grade, they can repeat that course only once. For example, a
student wants to get rid of a D by repeating the course to get a
better grade.
PELL Grant
This summer, students can get a second Pell. They have to take six
hours and have completed twenty-four hours from the Fall and Spring
semesters together.
Need for Mandatory financial Aid
Workshops for New Students
Celina suggested a mandatory workshop in Financial Aid, not as part of
new student orientation, but around the same time.
Gloria mentioned more employees are needed to do workshops. Right
now financial aid sends e-mails and calls and gives brochures.
Jose suggested that maybe technology could be used for an online
training, but with conditions. This has to be separate from the NSO.
Pat said that the suggestion of financial aid workshops can be stated as
a formal recommendation that there be mandatory financial aid
Lorena recommended adding a notice to students that they might owe
money if they drop and to have student’s signature or initials to show
they understand this.
Drop Form
It was also recommended the drop form include the direction to please
take the drop form to the Registrar Admission’s Office.
Pat said she writes self-pay on those forms where the student does not
receive financial aid. Joyce said this would be good to have on the
form where that comment could be checked.
Patty said the form should have a step-by-step process showing the
different offices to visit.
There will be just two forms: the drop for and the schedule change
Lorena volunteered to join the drop form task group this summer to
continue the work on the revision.
There is money for a conference for Jose to attend, but it has to be spent
before September.
Jose’s Report
There was not time for Jose to give a report today. He will prepare his
report for the first meeting in September.
Next Meeting: Tentative Date
Tuesday, Sept. 6, 2011
3:30-5 p.m.
ASC Building
Room A210
Pat will try to get room A 201 again. She will confirm the meeting time
and room when the fall semester begins.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
MINUTES FOR 2009-2010
February 17, 2010
ASC, Room A400
Present: Pat Duran, Jose Baltazar, Joyce Whiteside, Ingrid Cardena, Gloria Corona, Sandra Gutierrez, Celina Gomez, Elena
Madrid, Patty Ortega
Committee Members Absent: Olga Chavez, Lorenz Chavez, Brenda Meza, Susana Rodarte, Tonie Badillo, Pilar Gimbel,
Ramon Jimenez, Susan Silva, Christy Ponce, Dora Soto, and Darcy Traffansted
Approval of Minutes
Minutes from the last meeting were not presented for approval.
Dr. Boylan’s Workshops
The group presented had members who had attended the 2/17th morning
session and the afternoon session. The majority of meeting time was a
discussion of Mr. Boylan’s ideas and how they related to our charge.
Ideas from Dr. Boylan
Pertinent ideas from his workshop:
Case Management Model – involves many departments.
Academic coaching: Students need more information on
services and what it means to be a college student. The need
information and assistance for registration, mentoring,
advocacy, and referral, not just for support services but also for
community services.
Target group should be the students who are the most difficulty
to work with.
Those who test just below cut off scores on the ACUPLACER
should be allowed to enroll in courses, but with the
understanding of getting support services
The message: 5 things students should know posted through
the College, on syllabi, and presented by instructors
Student Advocacy Center
The big message is students take charge, assume responsibility
for learning. Make attendance mandatory (as opposed to the
concept of excused absences) and make-up work mandatory.
Make the target group the most difficult group to work with.
Case management models—involves different department; a
College team effort
Peer and faculty mentoring
The charge of teachers is to inform students how College is
different from high school and to be a source of information.
Teachers should listen and be able to provide referral
information within the College and the community. For
example, if a student is having problems with health care, give
him or her information about where to call for help.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
We should keep an attendance record of those who attend
NSOs and target students who miss these.
Students should be required to take ACUPLACER Prep.
Before taking the test.
We don’t want enrollment of a new student after the first day.
IF the student is returning, an exception could be made since
they have some awareness of being a college student. It was
brought up that students pay a $25.00 late registration fee and
that the College might add a $50.00 add/drop fee.
Keep an electronic record of workshops students attend.
Students could have a copy to add to their portfolios.
Our criteria for student to target for early intervention:
Our Ideas
Target development education students especially those who
have the following characteristics:
Those who did not attend the NSO
Students on probation
Students not completing 2/3 of their classes
Students who register late
Students referred by faculty
Students who are a little under on the ACUPLACER
Look closely at those that came from alternative
Students who drop
Students who fail
We don’t need to depend on a data base per se to identify the target
population. If there is a Best Start Center, that Center will be proactive
in contacting different areas to identify at risk students. Banner might
still serve us sufficiently. The group felt Banner could do more than
what it is doing now.
Documentation -- Target Group
Our Recommendations
Pat will ask Carol Kay for the following information.
Drop/fail rates for Developmental Education students at each
campus – a sample based on those who scored lowest on the
Analysis of late registration and fail/ drop rates -- percentage of
students who register late who actually drop and the percentage
who fail.
2009 drop surveys -- percentage that dropped according to
each of the risk factors on the survey.
Best Start Center at each campus to oversee the following
Oversee NSOs-counselors still critical in participating
Academic Intervention Model
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
and presenting
Take-in referrals from instructors, route, schedule,
and track them
Mentoring training and scheduling: student and
faculty mentors
Oversee student contacts: calls, letters
Student Advocacy- a place where students can get
help in making their concerns heard
Our Best Start Center would not be a welcome center per se since it
would be for our cohort of at risk students to facilitate retention and
intervention during the semester; whereas, a welcome center would
serve all new students.
Joyce compared the director or this proposed center to a conductor
overseeing an orchestra.
First Week of School in classes for the target students should
be dedicated to building relationships and providing
information they need to know about College.
We could develop a simple book and guide on what students
should know and provide some activity ideas to give to
instructors to use in the classroom.
The Best Start Center could also have booklets of What
Students Should Know available for students to take.
Reality Checks
We will always be a high risk college because of our open door
policy. Our aim should be a reasonable % decrease in students
who drop out.
Students have to know the consequences of dropping.
We cannot solve all problems.
Sungard SCT Summit
Gloria Corona who be attending this summit where she will learn more
about what others institutions of higher learning are doing. She will
possibly be able to network with Banner representatives to learn more
about Banner’s capabilities.
Next Meeting
Pat will survey the group. If this time works well, our meetings will be
the second Wednesday of the month from 3 to 5 p.m. at the ASC in
room 400.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010, 3 to 5 p.m.
Pat will confirm if we will still meet at the ASC in Room 400.
Report by Joyce Whiteside
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
April 14, 2010
ASC, Room B460
Present: Pat Duran, Joyce Whiteside, Jose Baltazar, Olga Chavez, Celina Gomez, Sandra Gutierrez, Darcy Traffansted, and
Susan Silva
Committee Members Absent: Ingrid Cardena, Brenda Meza, Tonie Badillo, Lorena Chavez, Gloria Corona, Pilar Gimbel,
Patty Ortega, Elena Madrid, Dora Soto
Approval of Minutes
Susan Silva moved the minutes be accepted. It was seconded by Celina
Gomez. All approved.
Gloria Corona’s Recommendation
Pat Duran read a recommendation she received from Gloria Corona
recommending the hiring of additional financial aid professions staff to
advise students concerning financial aid consequences of dropping a
class. After discussion, the group felt that cross training is what is really
needed, but the training needs to be developed as a plan that includes
the initial training, follow-up monitoring, and evaluation to assure
effectiveness and efficiency.
Our Recommendations
Pat Duran reported that the following recommendations from our
committee are complete and ready to submit:
Best Start Center
Report from Jose Baltazar:
Student Success Initiative Core
Committee’s sub-committee
The recommendation regarding the use of one survey for all
students withdrawing from courses.
The recommendation regarding the revision of the withdrawal
The recommendation for the Start Right Center
The recommendation for enhancing the “We Want You Back”
There is no money for adding personnel from the Gates Foundation.
The Start Right Committee is the group that would request funding for
additional personnel.
There is a target number set at 1,500 students to help get off to a good
start in college.
This committee would like to have some facets of a plan of action in
place by the Fall 2010 semester.
The following idea is being discussed, but has not yet been adopted: a
welcome program the week before classes start which would include
tours, a reception, and the involvement from different programs. This
would be separate from the NSO.
Universal Design Workshop
(handout given) by Kirsten Behling
This workshop is a wonderful opportunity. Pat encouraged every to
attend if at all possible.
Date and Time: Thursday, April 22nd from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Friday April 23rd from 9 a.m. through noon.
Where: ASC Auditorium
CB Credit #3
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.
Risk Factors for Student
Persistence in Online Education
(handout given)
Pat encouraged our committee members to watch this, if possible.
Date: Tuesday, April 20th
Time: 11:45 welcome; 12 noon webinar; 1 pm Discussion
Where: VV C202
Call 831-2183 for reservations.
Pat Duran reviewed the composition requirement for our committee.
Committee Size and
Since we need a RG counselor to replacement Ramon Jimenez on our
committee, Pat recommended we invite Robert Pandy. The group
Valentine Gurereque, a student representative, will be added to our
Next Meeting
The second Wednesday, June 9th
3:00 p.m.
EPCC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, gender, age, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.