Document 14065521

4 Sports AprilALBANY
23. 1985
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!••!•!••••• • • •
tion is sparse.
"He's in a great position to move up."
said Foote. "I would say compared to the
other positions, the Yankee catching position is weak."
' With Butch Wynegar and Ron Hassey
almost past their prime: the Yanks are
desperately seeking a phenom to emerge.
Scott Bradley, who is on the N.Y. Yankee
roster, hopes to play spot duty as a catcher, but, according to Foote.-he's better
suited for first base.
"Bradley isn't a natural catcher." said
Foote bluntly. "But you got Mattingly at
first, so where are you going to put him?"
Columbus' starting catcher. Mike
O'Berry. who is in his late 20s, came close
to making the Bronx team.
"Lombardi's got much more talent than
O'Berry." said Foote, in his matter-of-fact
Jimmy Riggs should see some time as
designated hitter and as a utility player.
In Fort Lauderdale last year. Riggs hit .270
with 10 home runs and 58 RBIs in 337 atbats.
Tony Russell will play occasionally in
the outfield, spelling one of the starters.
He batted .229 for Fort Lauderdale last
Brad Arnsberg. Tim Byron, Doug
Drabek. Bob Tewksbury and Stefan
Wever should make up the starting rotation, while Randy Graham and Scott Patterson should be the Yanks' stoppers.
"Arnsberg Is a rigluy. a young kid w h o
throws well,'-' said I.aRoche. "He was
with Greensboro last year, and it was
assumed he'd be with Fort Lauderdale
this year. Hut he had a great spring and
Due to the shortage
of last Tuesday's
ASP, we are
reprinting the April
Sports Supplement
in this issue
made our club."
Byron, one of ten righthanders on an
11-man pitching staff, was 11-4 with a 3.50
ERA with Fort Lauderdale last year.
Drabek was picked up from the White
Sd'x organization last year. For the Glens
Falls Sox. Drabek was 12-5 with a 2.24
KRA. He was to start opening day against •02
"You get a chance to live on your own,"
Tewksbury pitched 172 innings for said Destrade. "I've grown up in a hurry.
Nashville last season, recording II wins Otherwise, I'd be in college somewhere.
This way. I get to meet people and see a
against nine losses with a 2.83 ERA.
I.aRoche was unsure of the fifth starter, lot of the country."
Besides, as Manager Barry Foote puts it.
but said that it would probably be Wever.
who's been on and off the disabled list for "It's tough, but it beats working. It's a
tough job, but you're getting an opporthe past two years. The 6 7 " righty is comtunity to do something you love doing.
ing off arthroscopic surgery on his
For all the tough parts, the positives
shoulder, and is responding well.
outweigh the negatives. It's the only way
"We're pleased with his progress." said to reach the big leagues."
I.aRoche. "If he's healthy, he should
But baseball is a numbers game. a n d .
bounce back. If he's 100 percent, he pro- Destrade realizes it. There are too many
bably won't be with us very long."
players and too few positions open in the
When O'Berry's name w a s mentioned
to I.ombardi. a seemingly confident smile
creased his dark face. "When I reach
O'Berry's age. I hope I've already made
the major leagues."
Lombardi inquired about the weather in
Albany and seemed stunned when h e
was told that it was snowing there now.
Born in Texas and raised in California,
Lombardi is not used to playing in cold
weather. He should be in for a culture
shock this spring living in Albany.
"Actually I w o n ' t mind playing in the
cold." said Lombardi. "It'll be a good
change for a while."
As he spoke, you could tell he was expecting his stay in Albany to be a curt
one. It's supposed to b e that way when
you're a top minor league prospect on the
8pm to CLOSING
'/a'PRICE APPETIZERS - T u e s d a y N i g h t s
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Over 400 gather in fervent
protest of Muslim minister
By Matthew Qaven
••H..MH.H.II • ! • • ! • • !
April 26, 1985
majors, especially for t h e Yankees. If h e
did make the Yanks, it would be a dream
come true for the Cuban-born Destrade.
"The Yankees are big in Cuba." said
Destrade. "You associate baseball with
the Yankees there, not the Padres."
When Destrade was four, h e moved to
New York where he got a chance to see
the fabled Bronx Bombers in person. As a
child, Destrade could only dream about
playing in Yankee Stadium. As an
Albany-Colonie Yankee, the dream is in
"With more experience, I know I can
play with them," said Destrade. I'll do my
best and let the chips fall where they
. D
THE d B ' s
Graham led t h e Southern League in
saves last year for Nashville, posting a
2.16 ERA. The 26 year-old Patterson saw All photos were taken by Debora Adelmann of the Albany Student Press except
time at Nashville and Columbus last year, for the inset of Orestes Destrade on page two which appears courtesy of the
recording six wins against seven losses. ! I Albanv-Colonie Yankees.
••!•••••!• •
Students protesting against Farrakhan
"We do not protest him coming here to SUNYA, we protest him as a human being,"
In what was probably ihe largest and
most spirited dcmostralion ever held in recent'years at SUNY Albany, over 400
students gathered Wednesday evening outside Lecture Center 7 to protest the appearance of Minister Louis Farrakhan on
Farrakhan, the leader of Ihe Nation of
Islam, Ihe smaller of two factions of the
American Black Muslim Movement,
sparked a strong reaction from Jewish
groups on campus because of anti-scmitic
statements attributed to him in the past.
The minister was invited to speak by the
Albany State University Black Alliance
When it was announced that Farrakhan
was being brought here, an immediate call
to action was initiated by the Jewish
organizations on campus.
At 6:00 Wednesday evening Ihe first
demonstration began when 25 members of
Revisionist Zionist Alternative (RZA) led
by President Gady Buiumsohn held a
prayer session in front of Ihe Performing
Arts Ceijter.
"Farrakhan to us is equal to a Nazi. We
are opposed to everything he stands for as
far as Jews are concerned," said Buium-
sohn. "We do not protest him coming here
to SUNYA, we protest him as a human
Mordechai Levy, leader of the Jewish
Defense Organization (JDO), which is the
militant branch of the now disbanded
Jewish Defense League (JDL) joined RZA
members. Levy said that he and oilier
members of the JDO had flown in from
New York City to express (heir opposition
and lend their support.
"Louis Farrakhan is a klansman with
black skin, there is no difference between
his ideas and that of Ihe klan," said Levy.
"We have no fear of standing up to our
enemies, and Farrakhan is a proven enemy
of the Jewish people," he said.
Buiumsohn stressed that RZA was in no
way affiliated with the JDO, although they
believe in their cause and support Ihem.
The RZA demonstrators moved down to
the I.C area at 7 p.m. As people gathered,
Ihe protest turned vocal with chants of
"Who do wc want...Farrakhan, how do
we want him...dead," and "Jews united
will never be divided."
As the line of people waiting to get inside LC 7 to sec Farrakhan speak grew, so
did ihe furor and the numbers outside.
"We arc one," said Buiumsohn. "We
Twenty-six arrested in SUNY sit-in
minimum 15 day jail term which he
The' 25 students, who were must serve beginning May 9, the
Twenty-five SUNY students, in- charged with criminal trespass, Associated Press reported.
cluding one Albany junior, were were released without bail and reMichael Pon, who layed on Ihe
arrested for criminal trespass and a quired to appear in Albany Police ground to prevent the police van
twenty-sixth for disorderly conduct Court Thursday morning. A $100 from moving the other students at
after an 11 hour sit-in demonstra- fine was accepted by 18 of the the time of the arrests, was
tion at the downtown SUNY Ad- students, who pleaded guilty, ac- originally charged with obstructing
ministration Building, Wednesday. cording to the Associated Press.
governmental administration and
The students, calling for the
Michelle Legendre, an Albany . faced a maximum one year jail
SUNY Board of Trustees to fully student from Alumni Quad, was term, Capt. H. John Damino said.
divest its interests in companies among the students who were ar- A police spokesperson said Thurswhich do business in South Africa, rested, Amy Barker, a SASU Com- day that the charge was reduced to.
vowed to remain as long as munications intern, said. She disorderly conduct with a fine of
necessary, said Student Association traveled with other students to sup- $250.
of the State University Com- port protestors at Columbia
Those students who must pay
munications Director Eveline Mac- University in New York on Thurs- fines will be attempting to raise
Dougall. They were removed and day and could not be reached for money at their campuses, said
arrested by SUNY Campus Police comment.
at 8 p.m. and taken to the Division
According to Damino, " N o one
Richard Scott Palmer, a SUNY
II Police Station, after having oc- Buffalo student, refused to pay the was resisting. We had no procupied the office since .9:30 that fine, instead accepting the blem." He said ihe Albany Police
By Bill Jacob
APRIL 25th
8pm : Alumni Gym
$4 Union Students
$7 General Public
Tickets available at Union College Box Office,
Drome Sound, all Strawberries & CBO'S
SASU President Sue Wray
The sit-in was an el fort to promote divestiture.
Deparlmcnl only asistcd the SUNY
Public Safety Offices.
SASU held a press conference
Wednesday morning, before the
Board of Trustees discussed the
issue of divestiture. "Six years ago
students called for full divestment
of SUNY," said Susan Wray,
President of SASU and a student
Trustee on the Board. " T h e
Trustees responded by endorsing
the Sullivan Principles, (but) wc
find this to be a grossly inadequate
In 1979, Ihe Board of Trustees
adopted the Sullivun Principles,
which calls for companies to promote equality for blucks in South
Africa through a set of six
guidelines designed primarily for
Ihe workplace.
SUNY currently has approximately $14 million invested In
companies which do business in
South Africa, said Chairman of the
Board of Trustees, Donald M.
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Minister Louis Farrakhan
"Jews, I am your friend."
Farrakhan denies claim
that he is anti-Semitic
By James Thomas
"I never called Judaism a gutlcr religion," claimed
Moslem minister Louis Farrakhan in a speech madeWednesday night as hundreds of mostly Jewish students
chanted in protest outside the door. "It is Christianity
that is Ihe dirty religion," he declared.
"Jews, I am your friend," said Farrakhan, "anyone
who can straighten out the truth is your friend," he said.
"If a Jew follows the scripture of Moses then he is a
righteous brother or sister and must be considered my
brother In faith."
"The Pope never opened his mouth for us or Ihe Jews
Albany landlord sentenced to 45 days
in j a i l o n G r o u p e r L a w v i o l a t i o n s
—See page 3
Minority Columnist Patrice Johnson
s p e a k s o n L.ouis F a r r a k h a n
— S e e p a g e 11
Israel withdraws
(AP) Israel's withdrawal from a confrontation with Syria's army in eastern
Lebanon has created new uncertainties
that could lead to Syrian-Israeli clashes.
As part of its ongoing withdrawal from
Lebanon, Israel's army on Wednesday
pulled back about 12 miles from the line
that zig-zagged across the farm fields of
the Bekaa valley.
The major question is whether Syria's
50,000-man army in Lebanon backed by
1,000 tanks will try lo move into areas
evacuated bj the departing Israeli troops
or send in a proxy force of guerrillas. If so,
at what point will Israel react?
WW II vets reunite
Torgtui, Lust Germany
(AP) U.S. and Soviet war veterans
gathered Thursday at this drab factory
town to recall the day 40 years ago when
they joined 'ones in their final drive
against thi
ambling Nazi Third Reich.
About 20,000 people gathered for
ceremonies during which Horst Sindcrmann, an official of East Germany's Communist Party, laid a wreath at a war monument and bands played Ihe U.S., Soviet
and East German national anthems.
U.S. officials boycotted the reunion
because of Ihe death last month of U.S.
Army Maj. Arthur Nicholson, shot by a
Soviet guard in East Germany. But 100
American veterans, determined to
remember a better lime, came anyway.
mant they should go.
While the cemetery visit is definitely on,
the While House says, plans for a wreathlaying ceremony at Bitburg are still being
discussed with the West German
Implant patient dies
Louisville, Ky
(AP) Jack C. Burcham, a retired train
engineer who pinned hopes for an cxlended life on an experimental artificial heart,
died 10 days after his implant when a large
amount of blood in his chest cavity inhibited his heart's pumping, his doctors
said Thursday.
Dr. Allan M. Lansing, medical
spokesman for the Humana Hospital
Audubon implant team, said Burcham's
Washington, D.C. condition had deteriorated rapidly beginn
(AP) President Reagan, rebuffed by West
ing late Wednesday afternoon. He died at
German Chancellor Helmut Kohl when he 9:48 p.m. after his left lung filled with
pleaded for a change in plans, will go blood, Lansing said.
through with his
visit, to a German
Doctors initially did not know the
military cemetery, White House officials specific cause of death, he said, but an
autopsy identified a large "jelly-like" clot
A senior White House official, speaking around the artificial heart.
privately, said Wednesday night that.
The upper chambers of his heart were
Reagan had appealed directly in a
remnants of his own natural organ. The
telephone conversation with Kohl to cancel lower chambers were made up by the
the cemetery visit bui that Kohl was ada- plastic and metal device.
Nation wide C~~ *""/
Reagan visit still on
Cop brutality probed
New York
(AP) Mayor Edward I. Koch has asked the
FBI and the United States attorney's office
to conduct " a full and complete investigation" into charges by three men that they
were beated and tortured by police in the
106th Precinct in Queens to force drug sale
Four officers have been arrested and
another suspended in a widening police
department investigation into charges that
officers tortured suspects with an electrical
device known as a "stun gun." Police
Commissioner Benjamin Ward has said
the attacks may have been racially
In addition, Koch announced Wednesday that all 18 supervisors were being
transferred from the 106th Precinct.
Coke maker nabbed
Albany,* N.Y.
(AP) A North Carolina man is accused of
involvement in what federal employees say
was the largest cocaine laboratory ever
discovered in North America.
Thomas Warren Hall, 54, was arraigned
before a federal magistrate Wednesday
just after being released from Veterans
Administration Medical Center here. The
hospital would not say why Hall had been
Hall is charged with conspiracy to
manufacture and traffic cocaine. Linda
Blumenstock, public relations officer at
the veterans hospital, said Hall was
discharged from the hospital about 11
a.m. Wednesday and was arrested by officers of the federal Drug Enforcement
Agency. .
An article in last Tuesday's Albany Student Press about the impeachment of
Young College Democrats' president Andrew Gelbman incorrectly attributed two
statements to John Attanasio.
Gelbman was removed for failing to
"carry out the aims of the Young
Democrats" was actually said by Joel
Rothman while reading from the group's
Further it was the consensus of those attending that Gelbman had'violated several
articles, and was not just Altansio's belief.
The First Albany landlord convicted of
violating the city's anti-grouper law,
Jasmine See, was sentanced Thursday to
serve 45 days in jail and pay a $5,500 fine,
according to Albany Director of Codes
Enforcement Mike Alvaro.
See was convicted on three countrs of
violating the anti-grouper law in residences
she owns at 563 Washington Ave and 715
State St.
Alvaro offered an explanation for the
severity of the sentance, saying that every
effort is being made to give offenders a
hearing and assess a moderate fine. See,
however, "was uncooperative, didn't respond to inquiries and refused to admit
guilt," Alvaro said:
See disagreed, claiming that Alvaro
wanted her to plead guilty without any
notice, hearing or legal process. "There's
supposed to be some judicial process," Sec
said, "not just calling someone up and
asking them to plead guilty."
See said she informed the st udents of the
grouper law and told them that if they
choose to live in violation of the law, they
s h o u l d ' be p r e p a r e d to bear the
Cathy Russo, a student tenant in See's
building at 563 Washington Ave and a
witness at See's trial, denied this and said
that in fact, See had only warned the
residents of the house to "fix it so it look-
Fro0 listings
Party in the Park 85 will be
held on Saturday April 27 at
12:00 in Washington Park. The
event is sponsored by the Off
Campus Association and is
part of the Miller High Life
Rock series features three
b a n d s , the S h a r k s , the
Kingpins, and the Newports.
Beer and soda will be available
all day, and the event Is expected lo last until 5:00 p.m.
Mayfest will be held on Saturday, May 4 at 12:00. The event
will feature three bands, The
Tubes, Todd Rundgren and
Utopia, and Oils Day and the
"Animal House" band. Tickets
are, one at $7, one at $10 per
tax card, three lax cards per
Albany Rape Crisis Center
director Judith V. Condo will
plications to digital filters. Tea Physics Colloquium presents
will be served at 3:30 In ES Apostolos G. Doukas speak152.
Ing on
" U l t r a f a s t
Meditation will be held on Photophysical Processes of
Sunday, April 28 at 4:00 p.m. In the Visual Pigments" on FriCampus Center Room 373. day, May 3 at 3 p.m. in PH129.
The event, sponsored by the Nuclear Power is Safer than
Flame, Is being presented by We Thought is the title of a
the Center for Jewish Medita- physics colloquium to be held
tion and Healing.
in LC6 on Thursday, May 2 at 8
Spring Career Day will be held p.m.
at Russell Sage College from
9:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturpresents " T e s t a m e n t " on
day, April 27.
Tuesday, April 30 at 7:30 p.m.
Troy Musical Arts presents a In the Rathskellar.
concert at Bush Memorial Nuclear Freeze Referendum
Center on Saturday, April 27 at will be discussed by Jim Mur8 p.m. Admission Is $4.50 for phy at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesthe general public and $2.50 day, May 1 in HU131.
for students.
Graduating Recitals will be
Statistics Colloquium Series given by Martha Mooke and
presents C. Odoroff from the Ellen Young on April 27 at 3
Unlversityof Rochesterat4:15 p.m. and April 28 at 3 p.m. In
p.m. Wednesday, May 1.
the Recital Hall.
The Flame
p r e s e n t s "Chamber Music" a dramatic
" U n d e r s t a n d i n g J e w i s h comedy will be presented May
Prayer" every Wednesday 2, 3, and 4 at 8 p.m. In Arena
Irom 7:15-8 p.m. In CC320.
Student apartments In Albany
Jasmine See is the first landlord convicted of violating the Grouper Law
ed like only three people lived there."
Russo also said that Alvaro came to the
house and said See had denied knowing
that five people lived in the house.
"They have been intimidated by the city
officials," See said of the students who
testified at the trial.
According to Russo, Alvaro said that
See had the option to pay a fine or appear
in court.
"If 1 was her, I would have paid the
fine," Russo said. "She got herself into
more trouble as it turned o u t . " She added,
"we didn't want to see her put in jail."
Prior to her sentancing, See said she
plans to sue the city and Alvaro for
"violating her civil rights."
"It's unfair for the city 10 single me
out," said See, who also said she plans to
appeal her sentance.
"It was the students who entered into
Ihe agreement and found the people to live
there," See continued. "It was Ihe
students who violated the law," she
"We're not trying lo disrupt everyone's
lives," Alvaro said. "We're just going
after the flagrant violators."
"If kids want 10 get out of hand, they'll
receive a visit," he asserted.
Alvaro said no steps to evict sludcnis illegally will be made as long as they are
cooperative and make efforts not to be
disruptive to the neighborhood.
"If we agree that we're going 10 Id them
continue to live in violation, they beiier
uphold their end of Ihe bargain," he said.
"That may mean cancelling the party for
50 people."
"Let the kids be careful and they
shouldn't have trouble," Alvaro said.
"We will do anything we can to help the
"It's our problem, but SUNYA's
responsibility," Alvaro said, adding "we
have a responsibility to enforce our ordinance, but I think they have a responsibility 10 house their students."
Week's events lift Gay and Lesbian awareness
will be an edited version shown locally in May and in the
Albany area in late June.
The week started off wilh "Gay blue jeans day" MonAlthough the people protesting Louis Farrakhan were
day. Although many people wore shorts, the day was succhanting loud enough to disrupt a planned discusson
cessful despite the warm weather, said Glenn.
Wednesday night, most of the events of Gay and Lesbian
Virginia Apuzzo, the former Executive Director of the
Awareness Week were held without problems.
National Gay Task Force, spoke Monday night arid
According to Jim Glenn, a former president of the Gay
Glenn said she "set the tone for the week." He feels that
and Lesbian Alliance (GALA), a follow-up discussion of
she is an excellent role model and an "eloquent
the film "Pink Triangle" was not held because of the
spokesperson for Gay and Lesbian rights and civil rights
noise of the demonstrators outside. The film deals with
in general."
the experiences of homosexuals in the Nazi holocaust.
Glenn paraphrased Apuzzo, saying "the path for sucAccording to Glenn, "the single most successfu event
cess to gay and lesbian civil righls is the coalition building
(of the week) so far ws the showing of the film "Silent
with other oppressed groups, (but) we don't want to be
Pioneers." An audience of almost 120 came to see it, and
guilty of oppressing other groups if we become successful
a follow-up discussion was conducted by Patrice Giniger
in achieving our civil rights."
Snyder, the executive producer of the movie.
Gay and Lesbian Awareness Week has also sparked a
The audience saw a 42 minute version of the film, and.,
reaction from people other than homosexuals, according
Glenn said that for those who were unable to see it, there
By Andrea Corson
to both Glenn and Russ, who requested that only his first
name be used. He is currently co-chair of GALA.
Using the formal of the week's poster, Ross said, an
anti-gay poster was designed and posted by someone.
Glenn said GALA is "reluctant to make an issue out of
Ihe ami-postcr," because it could disturb people presently
dealing wilh their sexuality.
Glenn said the week has been successful because "we
are gelling a reaction, it may be a bad one, but it's a
Chris Mayo, coordinator of the Lesbian and Gay
Center added, "In a sense I am pleased at the negative
response due to their ignorance — because of the reaction
we must be doing something right."
"I'm saddedned that people can be so ignorant and so
uncomfortable wilh Iheir own sexuality as to encourage
violence against people who are different," said Russ,
Statewide ' 2 1 ' rally marked
by meager SUNYA turnout
By Pat Paul
door, $7.00 and $9.00. For
ticket information call
Muslca Femlna will perform In
concert at RPI's Chapel and
Cultural Center on Burdett
Avenue in Troy, at 8:00 p.m. on
'Friday, April 26. Admission Is
$1 with RPI ID and $3 lor the
general public.
1986 Health professions applicants must attend a
meeting on either Wednesday,
May 1 at 4:00 In LC 11 or
Thursday, May 2 at 4:00 In LC
13. Application procedures,
choosing schools and interviewing techniques for
medical, osteopathic, dental,
chiropractic or veterinary
schools will be discussed.
A Mathematics colloquium
will be held on Tuesday, April
30 at 4:15 p.m. In ES 140. Professor Roger Barnard of Texas
Tech University will speak on
zeros of polynomials with ap-
"Where the hell does the city get the
right to go after the landlord this year and
not the tenant?" See asked. "Definitely,
the student has to have some of the responsibility," she said.
Alvaro denied that anyone was being
singled out. He explained that any actions
taken against offenders were in response to
complaints from neighbors. Most commonly, he said, the complaints involve
problems with noise, parking or garbage
By Doug Tuttle
STAI-l- WKiriiK
speak on the need lor prevention of child sexual abuse, and
its underlying causes and effects. The talk will take place
on April 30, at 7:00 p.m. In LC
21. The talk Is sponsored by
Sigma Delta Tau.
The Bloodmobilo will be at the
SUNYA C a m p u s Center
Ballroom on Monday April 29
from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Alrband Auditions for Colonial
Quad's Quadstock '85 will be
held Sunday April 28 from 12
to 5 p.m. In the basement of
Morris Hall. There Is a $5.00
entry fee per group. You must
be signed up before auditions.
The First Annual Hispanic
Feast will be held on Saturday,
April 27 from 9:00 p.m. lo 3:00
a.m. at the Campus Center
B a l l r o o m . The event,
presented by Fuerza Latlna,
will feature DJ Gordon and
free beer all night. Tickets In
advance are $5.00 with tax
card and $7.00 without. At the
Landlord sentenced in Grouper Law violations
Less than 100 SUNYA students showed up for a planned statewide rally by
college students from all over New York
Stale Tuesday at ihe Capitol against
raising the stale's alcohol purchasing
age lo 21.
Representatives from Syracuse
University, Skidmore College, and
SUNY units at Binghamton, Buffalo,
Cortland, Oneonla, Oswego, Slony
Brook and Albany attended, but
SUNYA's turnout was considerably
smaller lhan the 1,000 people expecled,
according lo c o o r d i n a t o r Larry
After Ihe rally sludcnis wenl lo lobby
againsi the hike, but aides lo lawmakers
seeking to raise the age said Tuesday
that ilicit was no guarantee lhai it
would come up for a vole. Leaders of
the Assembly, they said, are likely to
wail for ihe decision in Ihe lawsuit
South Dakoia filed againsi the federal
government's decision to suspend
highway funds If a slate fails to adopt
"I thought as a student representative
1 was fighting for something that they
wanted but maybe I was wrong, it's very
disappointing," said Hattman, cxplain-
ing that many factors may have contributed to the small turnout.
"People don'l want to miss class
because finals arc coming up and many
students believe they are fighting a lost
cause," said Student Association Vice
President elect Ross Abelow. One thing
that did not contribute to the sparse turnout was lack of publicity, said Hartman. "There were posters all over campus, and we even wenl door lo door in
the quads. If thai won't gel the sludcnis
out, nothing will," he said.
Only one bus run was needed of the, that were planned from two buses
rented by SA to carry demonstrators.
Student protestors gathered at Alumni
Quad and from there marched to the
legislative building to voice iheir opinions. The march lo the capital was not
silent, beginning wilh some support
from a group of pre-school children
who were enjoying the cheers thai Ihe
students gave them after they hung a
"Stop 2 1 " sign from Ihe porch they
were playing on.
Once they reached ihe capitol, Ihe
marchers joined sludcnis from other
colleges, but were dwarfed by a rally of
doctors protesting malpractice Insurance fees. One reporter from the
Students at the State Capitol protesting alcohol purchasing hike to 21
SUNYA had a disappointing turnout at the statewide rally.
Phone: 462-4058
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Wilson reward fund established
By Bette Dzamba
A reward fund to help in the
search for missing SUNYA student Karen Wilson has been
established according to Doug
Lankier a friend of Wilson's.
"The fund stands at $5,000
now," said Lankier.
"The fund was set up by
Assemblyman Sam Colman" and
was donated by members of the
Assembly, said Lankier.
Beth Stevens, a resident assistant in Seneca Hall on Indian
Quad, said money being raised by
Sena'ca Hall would probably be
donated to the reward fund, also.
According to Lankier, Wilson' Karen Wilson
mother will be in Albany on Tues- Reward being offered
day to announce the reward at a tion for the case. The petition,
signed by 2,000 students, calls for
press conference.
Nancy Loux, an administrative "the speedy establishment of a
aid in SUNYA's Public Safety National Communications NetDepartment, said that there have work to aid authorities coast to
been no new developments in the coast in their investigations." It
case. "The case will be open until appeals "in particular to the resome determination is made," she cent disappearance of our fellow
said. "Leads do trickle in still but student and friend Karen
fewer people are working on the Wilson," said Norman.
case since there is less to do," adEfforts to present the petition
ded Loux. The State Police also to state government officials are
reported no new developments.
"pretty much at a standstill,"
Sloane Norman, a sophomore said Norman, because "we decidat SUNYA, wrote a petition in an ed to do things locally first."
attempt to solicit national attenA list of approximately 35
private schools was given to SA
President Rich Schaffer, said
Norman. Schaffer sent packets
containing posters of Wilson to
these schools and all of the SUNY
Mark Foti, Wilson's boyfriend,
said that he supplied Schaffer
with 5,000 posters to be
distributed to the campuses.
Norman said that she and her
roommate Marlene Thebien attempted to get the NBC television
network to announce the disappearance coast to coast. "They
couldn't because they get so many
requests to announce missing people every day," she added.
Wilson is believed to have been
last seen walking south on Fuller
Road towards Washington
Avenue on March 27.
Wilson is about 5'3" tall. She
weighs 115 pounds and has light
sandy brown hair and light brown
eyes. Oh the night of her disappearance, she is believed to have
been wearing blue jeans, a blue
short sleeved shirt, a white rain
coat, and white tennis shoes. It is
possible that she was wearing
large rimmed glasses.
Anyone who may have any information is urged to contact the
SiJNYA Public Safety Department at 457-7770.
GALA week
since the poster advocated
violence against homosexuals.
For now, Russ said, neither'
GALA nor the SUNYA administration have any evidence of
who started the poster.
Over 100 people turned out for
Tuesday's gay and lesbian lobby
day, Glenn said, adding he was
really thrilled because people
from all over the state came to
Although both the Assembly
and the Senate were being lobbied, more emphasis was placed
on the Assembly, Glenn said,
because the Lesbian and Gay
Civil rights bill will mostly make
it to the floor in that house.
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Survey investigates students'. drinking habits
"Student Affairs picked up the
stitution which gives us a concern terested in the drinking patterns drinking is a fascinating
for our student's performance. of the students, and what affect phenomenon because it is quite nominal cost of the mailing of the
Some SUNYA students, who We have made a conscious effort the change in local legislation peer-oriented and socially surveys to the students," added
molding," he said.
might have otherwise had empty to set up alcohol awareness pro- might have on them."
The data will be compiled by
The survey will have no bearing
mailboxes one night a few weeks grams. Hopefully, the data Proago, instead received a student fessor Smith provides us with on the possible change in the The survey is being funded by Smith over the next few months
drinking survey.
from his survey will increase our drinking age, Smith said, adding an award given to Smith by the and should be available for public
The survey contains 202 ques- understanding of the situation that this is purely a research pro- SUNYA small grant program. access in early September. Smith
ject. "I am a social scientist with Smith received the grant last year said he feels the problem of stutions which probe into a variety and help the programs."
of different areas such as drinking
According to Pogue, if the data an interest in public policy," ex- so that he could look into the dent drinking is overblown. "The
habits, drinking preference, and produced from the survey will plained Smith. "I am, curious to drinking behavior patterns and statistics gathered should add
the frequency that students drink. help improve the services offered know why students drink and reactions of the students at some clearity to the situation,"
'said Smith.
This research project is the'by SUNYA, then it is a wor- what the effects are. Student SUNYA.
creation of Professor Christopher thwhile undertaking.
Smith of the Department of
"Student Affairs has been very
Geography and Regional Planning. The survey is being co- cooperative," Smith said. "They
amount of drinks is left to the individual.
sponsored by the office of Stu- supplied me with a list of 1,000 By Beth Finneran
Taube said that the intention is to discourage inrandomly picked students to STATE WRITE*
dent Affairs.
Not only are SUNYA's three other university toxication and added that the policy also requires a
Smith explained that his reason receive the survey."
centers all reconsidering alcohol policies in light of proportionate amount of food and non-alcoholic
for the survey comes from a basic
curiosity. "I've been at SUNYA
"1,000 students, from 6,000 on the possible purchase age hike to 21, but an increas- beverages to be served.
However, Stony Brook's Student Association
for five years now. I've often campus, gives a sampling percen- ed need for alcohol awareness has become apparent
President, Rory Aylward, said problems with the
been told that if you don't drink, tage which should prove to be at campuses also.
you're considered a social out- fairly accurate, assuming a five
At SUNYA, an "Effect of 21" Task Force has policy do exist.
"We're kind of coping," he said, adding that the
cast," he said. "I'd like to ex- percent margin of error," said held several hearings already, following the imamine that feeling closer and see Smith. "We don't anticipate all plementation of an alcohol policy last year designed one drink per hour guideline" sets very conserhow it would be affected by the surveys to be returned. If we to deal with the problems of the 19 purchase age. vative limits." He also said that the limit resulted in
public policy changes."
get back 500, we'll be fortunate."
Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs at a shortage of alcohol at times, causing parties to
According to Smith, "I assumAccording to Smith, people SUNY Stony Brook Samuel Taube, commenting on end earlier.
"Once a committee's formed it will change,"
ed that Student Affairs would usually downscale thefigures,on the effectiveness of their program, said it had been
know a lot about student drink- this type of survey, anywhere successful "because our goal has been to really raise Aylward noted, stressing that "the intent was to
ing. But I found that their from 25 percent to 50 percent. consciousness and promote responsible drinking." promote responsible drinking," but that the
Taube continued, saying that Stony Brook's University administration was "naive on the whole
knowledge was anecdotal and "We assume students will underquite general."
estimate. This accounts for the policy was a "comprehensive alcohol policy that issue."
SUNY Binghamton's Student Association PresiDr. Frank Pogue, Vice Presi- margin of error. Hopefully the covers faculty, staff, and students."
dent for Student Affairs explain- students will be as honest as possiAccording to Taube, Stony Brook's policy was dent Margie Leffler said that at her school parlies
ed that he took the opportunity to ble on the survey," he said.
enacted in January, following an interim policy must have food and alcohol permits must be obuse Smith's survey to gather more
which had been in place for the previous two years. tained. No decision had been made as to whether
information about student
"In addition to the questions
Stony Brook, Taube said, uses a formula to the campus would go dry if the twenty one year old
that Professor Smith provided us determine the amount of alcohol allowed to be serv- drinking age passed, she added.
"My gut feeling is thai if we go 21 we're going to
"Alcohol has been proven to with, some were added by the ed at parties, which includes estimating the number
be a depressant," said Pogue. " 2 1 " Committee. The committee of legal age drinkers and providing enough alcohol go dry," Leffler said.
Vice President of Student Affairs at SUNY
for each drinker to have one drink per hour. He em"Naturally, this could have an af- is concerned with the impact of
fect on a student's academic per- the possible 21 year old drinking phasized that this was only used in the planning of Binghamton Raymond Dye, reflecing on possible
11*formance. We are an academic in- age," said Pogue. "They are in- the party and not at the party itself, where the
By Matthew Gaven
Responsible drinking goal of SUNY
31 AT 7:30 p.m.
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Lawyers have traditionally played a role in arms
control negotiations. On May 1, Law Day will be
commemorated with a series of arms control
forums, sponsored by the Lawyers Alliance for
Nuclear Arms Control.
In Albany, one of 19 cities holding a forum, the
Lawyers Alliance, along with the Student Association of the College of St. Rose, will sponsor "Arms
Control: Negotiating With the Russians" at 7 p.m.
at St. Rose Student Center.
John Downs, former president of the Vermont
Bar Association, and Anne T. Sloan of the SUNYA
Political Science department will be speaking. Admission is free.
Awards to be presented
Awares for excellence in teaching, advising and
administration will be given out at the SA
Academic Awards Banquet on May 2.
Those under consideration for excellence in
teaching are Donald Birn, History; Robert J. Donnelly, Theater; Albert C. Higgins, Sociology; and
John E. Sarkissian, Classics.
Up for excellence in advising are Kendall A. Birr,
History; Joseph A. Jarvis, EOP; and Joseph F.
Zimmerman, Political Science. Tickets should be
reserved in advance.
Fuerza elects Niyrka Pion
With the fall 1985 semester will come new offices
of Fuerza Latina. Elections were held on Wednesday, with Niyrka Pion landing the office of
The Vice President will be Luis Rivera and Rosa
Ramos will be treasurer. Those taking office will
receive full year terms.
Birnbach speaks at Sage
Lisa Birnbach, an unmentionable name for many
at SUNY Albany, spoke at Russell Sage College in
Troy on Wednesday night.
Birnbach spoke of preppies and yuppies and
such, but reserved her strongest sarcasm for SUNY
Albany's record breaking spirit.
"The students obviously agree with me and this
proves it," Birnbach said, following her address at
the senior convocation. "They're obviously very
defensive and sensitive about the matter of school
spirit. This was more retaliation than school
Birnbach said that she was never contacted by
any SUNYA students, according to a Thursday
Timet. Union article.
Whalen cuts class
The Honorable Thomas Whalen, Mayor of The
City of Albany, was scheduled to speak to a Communications 336 class on Wednesday April 24, but
was unable to appear. The topic of his lecture was
to be press relations.
"I don't know why he didn't make it," said a
spokesman from the Mayor's office, "We had a
terrible day. 1 just couldn't pinpoint the reason,
aside from the fact that we were backed up all
Kelly night raises funds
Ed Kelly night was held at the SUNYA
Rathskellar last night in memorial to him and to
raise money to help his mother pay for his funeral.
Kelly, a senior, died January 26 of a brain
"If you knew Ed, this would have been what he
wanted," said Steve Isaacs, his former roommate.
"He would have liked the idea of this. He never
would have wanted his friends to mourn."
Isaacs added that money raised will also go to
dedicate the weight room in honor of Kelly. "Ed
was very into athletics and played rugby," he said.
So far, six thousand dollars have been raised.
Reagan asked for aid
Cornell students who need financial aid are not
wasting their time with red tape. They are asking
President Reagan for a personal loan.
David Moss, a spokesman for the "Mr. Reagan,
HELP US" campaign, said Wednesday that the
Cornell students for Progressive Action group has
sent forms of the letter to students at more than 35
American colleges and universities.
"I am asking you, Mr. Reagan, to personally
help me...and I will gladly repay the loan after my
graduation," said the letters, 500 of which are to be
Hallock gets rewards for managing long hours
By Johanna Clancy
sr.w «wm>
According to the Puritans of
colonial times, long hours and
preserverance bring their own
rewards. For the manager of Student Association's Contact Office, hard work has paid off with
a $300 stipend increase and the
doubling of some of the office's
Central Council raised Tim
Hallock's stipend from $1,000 to
$1,300 several weeks ago, in
recognition of the turn around
the Contact Office has overgone.
Hallock "has been the best
manager we have ever had," said
Suzy Auletta, SA Vice President.
In his year as Contact Office
manager, G r e y h o u n d and
Trailways ticket sales have doubled. November sales, before
Thanksgiving break, went from
$8,000 to $16,000, according to
Hallock, who attributed the increase to greater publicity and to
an efficient and competent staff.
"I was underpaid from the
b e g i n n i n g , " Hallock said.
Previous stipends were $1,800,
but in the past two years the
amount had decreased to $1,000.
"He worked far over the
number of hours. He found
bonuses and worked out great
deals. He made the office run
professionally, the way it should
be run," said Auletta.
The Contact Office sells
Greyhound and Trailways bus
tickets to any destination. It also
gives out tax stickers to students
who don't pick them up at
The main services, though, are
two SA owned copying machines,
one of which has the capacity, according to Hallock, to reduce,
double-side print, collate and
staple copies. The Contact Office
charges 6 cents a copy, as compared to 10 cents a copy at the
machines in the library.
"We operate on a priority
level, though basically we do
things as they come in. We're sensitive to SA needs and student
emergencies," said Hallock. "On
a typical day the copy machine
never stops," he added.
According to Hallock, the
Contact Office is a service branch
of SA.
"I've been involved with SA
for years. 1 feel I have a good
working knowledge of campus
groups and their leaders," said
Hallock. "The SA is very happy
with me and this office," he
Hallock. put in extra hours last
fall when new workers were being
trained. "When there's a need, I
have to be here," he said.
Many people see the results of
the Contact Office's work, stated
Hallock, noting how his office
prepared all senior cards, registration forms and over 1,000 packets
for Senior Week. "It gives us
pride in our work and job
s a t i s f a c t i o n when we see
something we've created like the
Guiness Day posters," he added.
As Contact Office manager,
Hallock handles all daily office
preparations. "I make sure
there's enough paper and bus
tickets; I handle deposits, make
the schedules and do the monthly
bus reports."
Through increased copying and
decreased turn over time, the
Contact Office has contributed
more to SA than ever before,
Hallock said. "Largely due to a
very efficient, competant staff the
Tim Hallock
Contact Office is very financially evaluations of each candidate,"
successful," he added.
slated Hallock.
Hallock was appointed by
Hallock has also helped with a
Auletta, then approved by Coun- new SA venture, the Test Bank.
cil. The hiring policy, according He handles financial matters, cost
to Hallock, has since changed. analysis and deposits. "The Test
Applicants must be interviewed Bank was very successful for its
by a committee consisting of the first semester. It covered its costs,
SA Vice President; Rita Levine, and had accumulated enough
Operations Manager of SA; and tests to get through finals. It may
the Minority Affairs Coor- even make a profit," said
dinator. The Contact Manager Hallock. "It is forcing professors
has input on future managers to create new tests and gives equal
also. "I write basic outlines and access to students," he added. II
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Odell Winfield, who introduced
Reverend Farrakhan, said "virtually every
Afro-American has faced some form of
racism. It appears that our Jewish brothers
and sisters are misguided." He added,
"When we talk about racism they forget
about history."
"Tonight," Winfield said, "we come to
learn, tomorrow we put in practice what
we learn."
Farrakhan, addressing the audience,
said "You have showed great courage,"
speaking of students efforts to bring him
to Albany. "It shows that a new generation, a strong generation" is arising. "It
shows that you're strong enough to win the
freedom because you're strong enough to
pay the price."
"I did not choose to be controversial. 1
would feel better if everybody loved me,"
said Farrakhan. "I have not stopped any
Jewish person from doing what they
want," he said.
He also said "There can be no peace as
long as there is injustice." In explaining
the oppression of blacks he said, "Most
white students don't understand why
blacks feel the way they do." To the whites
21 ft
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have to keep this demonstration going."
Members of JSC-Hillel also staged a rally in front of the Campus Center Wednesday evening. The rally was designed to be
"non-violent and non-confrontational,"
according to Elliot Fromm president of
JSC, who added that he hoped the rally
would serve to "educate the people on
campus to realize who Farrakhan is and
what he stands for."
Student Association Vice President Suzy
Auletta also spoke to the JSC-Hillel rally,
explaining that she was there to express her
opposition to Farrakhan and appologize
for SA President Rich Schaffer, who was
absent from the evening's events.
Schaffer was advised to spend the evening away from the campus area and in the
presence of an FBI agent due to death
threats he had been receiving since Monday night.
"I don't know who there threats are
coming from," said Schaffer. "I am in a
neutral position between those bringing
Farrakhan here and those opposed to him
coming. This leaves me open to threats
from both sides."
Before any SA funded organization
books a speaker it must file a voucher to
draw money from its account in order to
pay the speaker.
ASUBA's voucher was cancelled by
Schaffer after it was shown that ASUBA
and Pan Carribean Association, who had
offered to help ASUBA financially, "did
not have enough money in their remaining
budgets to cover the cost of the voucher,"
said Schaffer.
In addition, the voucher was rushed and
did not fall into the proper time requirements SA uses to prepare for guest
jpeakers or any performers, he said.
"Dwayne Sampson went and planned
the event months ago without telling
anyone in SA. He finally presented the
proposal to me eight days before the day
he wanted Farrakhan to appear," said
"This didn't allow us to make the proper arrangements. If we would have
known further in advance there wouldn't
have been a time factor problem, but
that's the way Dwayne Sampson
operates," Schaffer said.
Sampson was unavailable for comment.
According to ASUBA president Laurie
Midgett, "Minister Farrakhan was
ultimately funded by donations from the
public and a percentage of the gate." No
SA money was spent, said Schaffer.
"We've never had to go through SA for
approval in the past" for the many
speakers that ASUBA has brought to
SUNYA, said Midgette.
While Farrakhan spoke to a packed lecture center, Levy and RZA continued their
demonstration outside.
"Those who brought Farrakhan here
will be treated as enemies of the Jewish
people and will (be) punished accordingly," said Levy. "If they think we don't
mean business, they'll soon find out otherwise. We have the names, phone numbers
and addresses of those involved and they
will be punished."
There were several shouting matches
between the protesters and the members of
the audience as they left. There were no
outbreaks of any violent acts, however.
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' PRESS* fa
Farrakhan's message containedCapital District Classical Debut
inspiration for the battle-weary
By Patrice Johnson
Minister Louis Farrakhan: A
Man Cries Aloud For All
"To reach the rainbow, is
the dream of many,
It is this final destiny where
they can Find contentment
My consciousness have been
i m u s t beyond
the rainbow,
' "«•
and make my
own heaven
Then shall I know peace and
taste true freedom."
I still remember my great
grandmother baking apple and
blueberry pie in her southern kitchen in Orangeburg, South
Carolina. With sweat dripping
from her dark beautiful head being absorbed by the bottom tip of
her apron, and tears flowing from
her deep brown eyes, she would
sing, "The Lord will make a way
somehow...The Lord will make a
way somehow."
And I still can hear the little
hispanic boy on the corner of the
ghetto (when he's supposed to be
in school) saying, "What's the
use. I'll never have nothing in this
society," until he believed it. All
his motivation became crippled
and his faith, paralyzed. And I
remember so clear how a few
nights ago angry Jewish students
hung up signs equating Minister
Louis Farrakhan with Hitler
while they banged on the doors
and windows of the lecture
centers chanting, "Death to Farrakhan," as I stood on line
waiting to hear this much hated
man speak.
As Farrakhan spoke, in spite of
the mass Jewish protest and Student Association's attempt to
undermine this moment, my heart
began to bleed. I believe that my
heart will bleed for a long
time...Farrakhan had even warned the audience that by the time
he finished speaking both blacks
and whites "will never be the
same" as long as we live.
For this man did not hate Jews
nor was he a racist. He wanted to
amend all that we have been stripped of — both blacks and whites,
both Jews and Gentiles. Farrakhan addressed his present and
absent adversaries when he asked,
"If you hate me, ask yourself
why? Why, if I have not lynched
anyone? Why, if I have not stopped a Jewish person from doing
anything that he wants to do?"
Farrakhan paused, and then
utilized powerful intonation when
answering these questions, "if quality. He is dangerous to racial
you ask yourself why do you hate dependency and self-hatred. He is
me, because I am a black man progress and strength. He is
that you do not control." The au- emergence and change. He is
dience awakened as they applaud- truth.
ed and shouted words that surfacFarrakhan stated that "they
ed their confirmations of this amend the constitution, but they
do nothing to amend the condiFarrakhan, in an attempt to tion." Nevertheless we must not
demolish the fabrications that cir- continue to blame white people
culated concerning his hatred for for our condition. We must study
Jews added, "You may disagree who we are and then demand who
with me, but that's o.k...but we are.
"The lime is right for you and
don't say that I hate Jews because
Program: Works by J.S. Doch,
I disagree with the state of me to do for ourselves. We need
Handed and Scarlatti
Israel." Farrakhan said he hoped black integration. We need to fall
that instead of the Jewish in love with one another. We need
students protesting him outside unity. The blacks and hispanics
the lecture center, they would must come together and ward ofl
John Rockwell THl NEW YORK TIMtS
have come inside to hear him oppression...we should stop
speak. He wanted to end the smoking, stop partying, and stop
Saturday, May 4, 8 pm
distorted rumors and let the using drugs. We must speed up
Jewish students know that he car- America...We can help America
ried no hatred in his heart for save herself from herself," are the
words that sent my heart pumping
Troy Savings Dank Music Hall
Nevertheless, Farrakhan has for they had nourished me.
33 Second St., Troy
Farrakhan asked that the
not let opposition or the possibility of assasination attempts cease whites divorce themselves from
for ticket information, coll
him from daring "to speak" all the past and to learn about all
that blacks have contributed to
he "believes to be true."
"I am not a man who can be civilization. We need mutual
swept under the rug as though I
"8:05. You slept right through your very|
don't exist," charged Farrakhan.
[first class."
Indeed, his presence was felt and
Farrakhan's message was a
received with warmth, although powerful one. It was one that
outside the lecture center the at- reflected the beauty and power of
mosphere was one of hate and courage and brilliance. "Are we
living in a human society? Are we
Farrakhan's character was nak- living in a just society," asked
ed and genuine. He didn't sugar- Farrakhan. " N o , " he said as he
coat his knowledge nor did he shook his head and continued,
suppress it. The man is no ""
coward. "Professors do not enIt was at this point that 1 recallcourage students to think beyond ed my great grandmother singing,
them...the educational system of "The Lord will make a way
America is in stagnation. It is somehow" and the little boy on
repressive and oppressive...Har- the corner saying, "What's the
vard has produced lightweights use" and the Jewish students
with a heavyweight drama...they chanting "Death to Farrakhan."
have produced economists that I knew that just as Farrakhan had
can not even solve the problems stated, our time has come "we Here's How It Works:
of the economy...students are want the substance of human W h e n y o u respond t o this a d y o u will be oilced to fill out o CAPS Profit*
which Q O O I directly into the system. Then a t our employer clients' n e w posieducated to serve a system and living."
tions g o into the system, they a r e matched to your qualifications I N S T A N T I Y I
not to challenge it — this is
Farrakhan stated, "If my life
detrimental to whites and can be in some service to my . . . It's Reliable
blacks," fired Farrakhan as he struggling brothers and sisters Completely p r o g r a m m e d so you N e v e r Miss o Job O p p o r t u n i t y — N o mispoured out his wisdom to a then my living shall not be in p l a c e d j o b applications or resumes, no overlooked jobs. You a r e " A c t i v e "
hungry and satiable audience.
vain." Your living is not in vain, until y o u o r e H i r e d .
The minister went on to address my great minister. I wish my great . . . It's Free
the administrative faculty who grandmother could have heard CAPS performs this v a l u a b l e service a t N o Cost To You Ever. O u r client comknow that there are many in- you. I wish the little hispanic boy panies a b s o r b the m o d e r a t e cost. It took $ 5 0 0 , 0 0 0 a n d 2 years to d e v e l o p
justices in the educational system, could have been rained on by CAPS — Your o w e it to yourself to see it a n d take a d v a n t a g e of the O p p o r
but are silenced in fear for their, your wisdom and that the pro- tunilyl
own jobs. He compared them to a testers could have put down their
"prostitute who sells progress for signs just for a while to hear you
speak. Perhaps there would be no
personal profit."
Many will perceive Farrakhan more division, but unity. We SECRETARIES
as dangerous. Y e s ; -he "Is . coujd have all found some unity ADMIN ASSTS
dangerous to a stilled and stag- Wednesday night, some hope;
Call Monday
nant educational system. He is Grandma, we must make a way
dangerous to stability and ine- somehow.
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Alcohol policy
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changes In the event "21" is passed, said "I see not
very much changing in terms of rules and
"Policy would not change," Dye said, adding
that there would just be a "shift in terms of age."
The focus of Binghamton's alcohol policy was to
encourage responsible drinking. Dye noted. "I
don't know if something magic happens between 19
and 21," Dye said, adding "education is key in this
whole issue."
SUNY Buffalo Dean of Student Affairs Dean
Lorenzctti said that Buffalo tries to discourage
events that promote drinking. Lorenzelti said that
Buffalo requires permits for dispensing alcohol,
limits amounts, und prohibits drinking specials at
the school pub.
Because of the exienslvencss of the Buffalo campus, policy differs at different locations, he said,
overall leading to a flexible policy.
Lorenzettl said he realized drinking was "part of
the process of socialization." adding that "it is
allowable within our policies."
He also said the school's policy was educational
in nature because the permit process required applicants to have an understanding of the effects of
Vice President of Buffalo's Student Association
Dave Grubler expressed dissatisfaction with Buffalo's alcohol policy primarily because of a 12 keg
limit for outdoor parlies and about regulations saying alcohol must be purchased only from the food
service, making costs go up.
Lorenzettl also said it was hard to project what
kind of policy changes would result from the passing of 21, saying that the policy would have to be
Grubler said the administration is "preparing us
for a dry campus, but they haven't Implemented
any policy yet."'
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Admittedly, for blacks, there's something
inspirational about Farrakhan's rhetoric and
for Jews, there's something very reassuring
about a defense organization that's ready to
do whatever it takes to protect their people.
Sure, most of us know hatred and violence
are morally wrong, but somehow Farrakhan's
hatred seems almost rational in light of the
oppression blacks face daily in this country
and the JDO/RZA violence seems almost
justifiable: Farrakhan's anti-semitism, and all
the support he seems to have built for his
racist ideologies are frightening and threatening to Jews.
But ultimately, hatred or violence toward
the Jewish population or toward Farrakhan
and his followers is more than just morally
wrong. It's a dangerously simple solution to a
serious and complex situation. If Louis Farrakhan turned up dead tomorrow, it would
not be the end of his ideology; to wjpe'that
out, we've got to wipe out the oppression in
this coutry that creates hatred and anger. As
long as we have oppression we'll have fanatics
like Farrakhan.
The solutions Farrakhan offers are deceptively simplistic as well. History has proven
lime and again that preaching hatred toward
Jews (or any one group) provides a convenient
scapegoat, but it isn't the "final solution" to
While violence and hatred offer immediate
satisfaction, the longterm changes Farrakhan
seeks would best be achieved if he stopped
emulating Adolph Hitler and adopted the
values of Martin Luther King, instead.
here, impersonating a SUNYA student. STAFF'S chair, what were they doing, going ahead and destroying a
Craig Rucker, claims Rothbard came to SUNYA in a homosexuals right to be gay. Is this not oppression, too?
"strictly advisory role," however, Rothbard campaigned
—Name Withheld By Request
acvtlvely for STAFF in the Campus Center. Rothbard
To the Editor:
Just a short note to say how great I think it is to have
USAF personnel were present at SUNYA. His very
people like Rabbi Kahane and Louis Farrakahn speaking
presence reveals this to be a boldfaced lie. Even STAFF'S
name was a deception: Students Against FORCED FunNo rcally.'I think its terrific to bring speakers to our
ding. NYPIRG is the only SA group on campus whose To the Editor:
campus whose sole claim to notoriety is religious and/or
funding is put up for a vote every two years. In short,
Last week the Young Democrats (YD) of SUNYA imracial intolerance. All this hate really gels the blood flowSTAFF and their campaign were based on deception.
peached Andy Gelbman from the chairmanship due to
ing; a great diversion, especially with finals coming'up.
following claims:
This is a free country. Freedom of speech was imporRepublicans (CR), an SA Recognized group. Rather than
1. He held no meetings.
tant enough to rate in the first ten amendments. While
representing the Republican Party, it would seem that CR
2. He did not care about the Young Democrats.
nothing was mentioned about having to listen to every
is more akin to a conservative Political Action Committee
3. He used the Young Democrats name in supporting
idea thai came along, without regard for its actual quali(PAQ. CR is the only SA group on campus to spend STAFF.
ty, I'm sure this was just an oversight on the founding
money against another. Is this in the best interest of
If claims number one and two are true, then by all
fathers part.
SUNYA students? It is my contention that CR is no rights the impeachment was proper. However, claim
I think we should increase the number of speakers who
longer a valid part of the SUNYA community, serving to number three is not true. He never said that the Young
advocate hate next year. I'm sure someone from the Ku
a greater part as a conservative PAC.
Democrats supported STAFF in anyway. He personally
Klux Klan or one of those neo-Nazi parties would stop by
NYPIRG's campaign was notable. Unlike their detrac- endorsed STAFF and helped STAFF with some field
if we asked nice. Who knows, with any luck, we might
tors, they did not resort to sleazy tactics to achieve their work. So, the conclusion must be drawn that claims
have a riot or something. Violence always did go well with
own ends. We might not be so lucky next time. The "New number one and number two were brought up because his
Right" will no doubt retreat, reorganize and be back
personal philosophy and claim number three was bent in
—Howard Eissenslat
again next semester. As Craig Rucker said in Friday's order to increase the support for his impeachment.
ASP (4-19-85), "we'll be back in two years," when
As chairman of the College Republicans on campus, I
NYPIRG's funding is again on the ballot.
stand on some issues that a lot of College Republicans
Rucker speaks of "obtaining your rights." It is my
may disagree with. There is no way all members of a
belief that the rights he speaks of are the rights of the
political party can agree on all the issues all the time. DurTo the Editor:
privileged few to distort the truth to further their own
ing the Reagan campaign and STAFF/NYPIRG camHave we seen the last of Students Against Forced Funideology, the right to put special interests over those of
paign I met numerous Young Democrats and I found that
ding (STAFF)? Despite last week's overwhelming support
the entire SUNYA community, the right to restrict human
they have moved so far to the left that they no longer have
for NYPIRO's continued existence at SUNYA, we should
freedom. The time has come for those of us who still love
a constituency.
not forget about STAFF and their ultra-conservative
and respect our freedom to stand up and be noticed, to
Andy Gelbman is a JFK Democrat and there apparentbias. STAFF was only one in a series of attacks against
fight fire with fire if we must. Human freedom is the very
ly is no more room left for non-Marxists or non-Jesse
campus NYPIRGs across the state; and each time
basis of the university experience — the freedom to
Jackson types in the Young Democrats. The JFK
NYPIRQ was soundly supported by student voters. The
choose classes, freedom of speech, freedom to podiate —
Democrats like Andy Gelbman are more than welcome to
campaign against PIRGs (Public Interest Research
in short, the freedom of choice.
join the College Republicans because of their honest
Groups) is being led, albeit a covert leadership, by the
Freedom of choice is the basic principle underlying a
belief in the merits of the free market system and a strong
Washington D.C.-based United Students of America
newly formed student group, Students Against Political
national defense.
Foundation (USAF), which is in part funded by another
Hypocracy (STAPH). The reason for the similarity to
—Chris G. Christopher, Jr.
ultra-conservative organization. USAF's program direcSTAFF'S name is to remind us all that the forces bahind
Chairman, College Republieans
tor, David Rothbard, was involved in STAFF'S campaign
STAFF have not disappeared, they are merely in hiding.
And like a STAPH infection, if it is not dealt with it can
destroy the body.
The purpose of STAPH is to provide a base for student
activism whenever basic freedoms are attacked on campus. Currently, our major project is to present an open
To the Editor:
debate on the priority of CR's status at SUNYA, to probe
Thanks both to Tamara Richman and John F. Klein
the question of whether or not CR or certain members
for their views on public perception of homosexuality
thereof have violated the guidelines for SA Recognized
('letters' section, April 23). Hostility towards homosexgroups.
uals, which tends to be male-generated, has been reinforcLook for further notices from STAPH in the near
ed in recent years by the increased acceptance of lesbian
Eslebllehod In t>H
sex as subject matter for the popular pornography of the
H«ldl Jo Qralla, Editor In Chlel
the annoyance of STAFF'S propaganda.
last decade. In magazines and videocassettes produced by
D i m Clung, John KMIUHI, Managing Editors
—Jon Drinker
Playboy, Hustler, and Penthouse, the portrayal of sex
Students Against Political Hypocrisy
News Editors
Alicia Clmbora, James O'Sulllvan
between women has become practically a staple feature.
Assoctste News Editor
Michelle Buitiar
ASPecte Editor*
Tom Kacandea. Hln« Young
How do most males justify a fascination with lesbian sex
AseoclaleASPacts Editor
• Loran Ginsberg
while viewing lesbian lifestyles, and all aspects of male
Moirloe Editor
Ian Spoiling
homosexuality, as things quite separate.
Music Editors
Danlal Sarin. Mlcnalla Krull
Sports Editor
.Marc Barman
We are often told in popular media that, because of
Associate Sports Editor
....Krlallna Sauar
some miraculous Sexual Revolution, men are now much
To the Editor:
Editorial Pugs! Editor........
Joseph Fusco
Jerry Campion*, David l.L. Laaaln, Stnlor Editor*
freer to go beyond the restrictions of their traditional role
On April 24, at 7 p.m., I was amongst the several hunmodel. We are asked to believe that close male frienddred Jewish students demonstrating in a rally against
Contributing Edltora Wayne Poaraboom, Editorial Asalatanla: Kan Qornbiium, Betto Drarnba, Eric Hlndln, Robyn Slain, liana Walnsloln, David Warships are now possible between heterosexual males
Louis Farrakahn. Never before on this campus have I
thelm Start wrltora: Barbara Abrahamer. Donna Altman, Karan Back, Rachel
because expression of emotion and feelings is no longer
seen such a unity among fellow Jews. As I looked through
Brastow, Loslta Chalt, Johanna Clancy, Oorean Clarh, Ian Clamanta, Mike Oarmansky, Mike Eok, Bath Flnnoran, Malt Gevon, rtonl Ginsberg, Sob Hanlon,
the crowd of demonstrators, it was quite touching to see
Lisa Jackal, Stecoy Korn, Maddl Kun. John Labate, Carey Levllan. Donna
I find that a doubtful premise. In a society where men
students showing such pride in their religion. We were
MaoKonzle, Jail Mallebor, J. Michael Melee, Pal Paul. Karan Schlomy, Pom
Schualorman, Rich Sheridan, Jamas Thomas, M.o. Thomas. Doug Tullle,
must continue to compete in order to lead and maintain a
there together for a cause and when we shouted "Never
Spectrum Editor Brenda Sohaaller Stall Artist: Gary Palmer
male power structure, the association of emotion with
Again" and "Am Yisroel Chai" it really almost seemed
vulnerability, and thus with social and economic failure,
as if "We Were One."
Chris Blnghl, Buslnaaa Manager
Lynn Sarovle, Associate Business Manager
is not likely to die overnight. The increased acceptability
Unfortunately an Incident happened at the rally which I
Maura Kallall, Advartlalng Manager
of lesbian sex in popular porn is a curious reinforcement
feel the need to mention. At the rally, students were
Mike Krelmer, Salaa Managat
of most men's tacit fear of being, or of being called,
holding signs reading, "Louis Farrakahn is an enemy to
Billing Accountant
Marsha Roth
Israel," "Farrakahn .= Hitler: Never Again," and many
Payroll Supervisor
Classified Manager..
Karen Davis
The typical premise for lesbian sex in such material,
more of this type. I also happened to notice a male and a
Advartlalng Sales: Karen Amster, Dan Flelsher, Marc Hobarmsn. Rich LIU.
when accompanied by dialogue or narration, is that the
female holding a sign, "Gay Jews Against Farrakahn."
Judy Torel, Advertising Production: Lisa Blehlar, Denlso Cutrone. Teresa
featured women are insatiable and, in the unfortunate
Although one might say that this rally was nol the place
Glacalone, Eileen Kolbaauk, Alice McOermotl, Jaokl Mldlsrsky, Amy Paperny,
Mike Schiliro, Oltloo Stall: Kethy Chichester, Linda Delgado. Morjorle Rosenabsence of a man, must get their penetration in some
for such a sign, the man and woman holding it obviously
thal, Stephanie Schensul
other form. In effect, they must 'settle' for the supposedfelt it was. They were proud to be Jewish, as their sign
Adsm S. Engle, Patricia Olannola, Production Managers
ly distasteful but necessary act of homosexuality. It is
depicted, and equally proud lo be gay. Mr. Farrakahn
Chrla Coleman. Associate Production Manager
portrayed, 1 believe, as a survival skill with the assumpcalls Judaism the "Gutter Religion," and has described
Chief Typesetter
Lancey Hoymsn
tion that penetration is absolutely necessary to the surIsrael as a "Criminal Conspiracy." Jews of all types
Typists: Debora Adelmenn, Jeannine Dlanurro. Sarah Eveland, Carrie Sube.
Pain sir,iuh,!i. Paate-up: E. Phillip Hoover. Judy Lawrence. Maura McShane.
vival of horny women. This not only perpetuates a
gathered, the religious and the non-religious, the studiers
Ellon Roavls, D, Oarret Slat, M.D.Thompson, Chsuftsurs: Warren Hurwlli,
centuries-old sick notion of what women must want in
and the parliers, the heterosexuals and the homosexuals.
Richard Sheridan
life, it really harms the possibility that males could ever
We joined together because we shaied a common cause,
Photography principally supptlsd by University Photo Service, a sludsnl
experience close friendships in which emotion and
the survival of our religion.
Chlel Photographer: Erica Spiegel UPS Stall: Sharl Alborl, Amy Cohen, Maria
touching arc not equated with homosexuality,
For the Jewish/Gay protestors, they suffered u double
Culllnan, John Curry, Lynn Orellus, Cindy Oalway. Adnm Ginsberg. Robert
By introducing homosexuality in lesbian guise, today's
jeopardy in WWII, with millions of homosexuals falling
Hansmann. David Isaac. Kenny Klrscn, Robert Uckey. Erra Maurer. Mark
Mediavlila, Chris Orslni, Lisa Simmons, Robort Soucy, David Slrlck, Howard
popular porn reinforces the idea that all its forms are tied
victim lo Hitler's SS, loo. At the rally, they suffered
tc femininity, vulnerability, and uncontrollable Itoragain. Their signs were torn up, and several people
nincss. As this kind of material becomes increasingly acEntire contents copyright 19BS Albany Student Press Corporation, all rights
shouted, "If you're gay, you're not part of our religion,
ceptable in today's middle-class homes, especially with
get out."
The Albany Sluilenl Press is published Tuesdays and Fridays between
the advent of thai respectable 'pornograph,' the VCR,
Jews who gathered outside this lecture center protested
August and Juno by the Albany Student Press Corporation, an independent
notlor-proflt corporation
the kind of public perception described in last week's letagainst Jewish oppression, something that we have been
Editorials aio wrljlen by the Editor in Chlel wllh members ol the Editorial
ters will become increasingly perverted and hateful.
victims of for decades. It was disgusting to see this antiHoard, policy la subject lo review by the Editorial Board. Advertising policy
loea nol necessarily rslloct editorial policy.
—Kurt Conklln
gay behavior lake place.
Melting address:
Unfortunately, homophobia is a part of our society. It'
Albany Student Press. CC 329
HOC- Washington Ave.
seemed so hypocritical for those few members of the
Albany. NY 12923
crowd who displayed this anti-guy behavior. Here we
were as Jews, fighting against our own oppression, and
A 'hate' letter
The final
The campus battle lines were set Wednesday
night. Inside LC 7 stood haired. Outside
stood violence and anger. (And somewhere,
far from the scene stood SA President Rich
Schaffer, who, on the advice of the FBI, remained in hiding that night, after he'd received death threats during the past few days.)
Our campus took on a frightening dimension that night; one most of us have never seen
before. Tension was so thick that campus officials worried that it could only end in a
bloody confrontation.
Why? Mostly because ASUBA and Minister
Louis Farrakhan wanted to exercise their free
speech rights to advocate hatred while the
Jewish Defense Organization (JDO) working
with the Revisionist Zionist Alternative (RZA)
wanted to exercise their free speech rights to
advocate violence.
So inside LC 7 stood Louis Farrakhan, a
man who's said he doesn't mind being
equated with Hitler, spouting his hateful
rhetoric and charging that Jews and Christians
practice lying, thievery, deceit, and murder, in
the name of religion. In the past he's called
Judaism "a dirty religion," and he's threatened the life of a journalist who reported an
anti-semitic remark Jesse Jackson once made.
All in all, Farrakhan's lecture was tamer
than the outspoken insulting rhetoric he's
known for. But, his inexcusably racist,
hateful, ideology was still there, only better
Outside the LC stood the JDO and RZA
menacingly shouting, "Death to Farrakhan!", and banging on the glass windows
in the LC area. They circulated intimidating
flyers declaring war on Farrakhan, saying that
he and his followers will be "wiped out"
within 90 days. The flyer went on to warn,
"Those who brought Farrakhan here will be
treated as e n e m i e s . . . ( a n d )
' ' 4 -.;<?*••>*{
A GOP welcome
STAFF infection
*mm *\%m amm mmm u MWmwM
Women in a bottle?
In response to last month's issue of Campus Newsweek
regarding the Edge Shaving Gel advertisement, 1 should
say one of the artists pen went awry. I make this conviction for among the foamy folds of shaving cream are four
naked female bodies, seemingly floating in erotic ecstacy.
Unfortunately, the artist did not think this a sufficient
enough display of the arbitrary availability of the female
form because below the man's ear-to-ear-guess-what-1want grin is a suspicious looking mountain. Incognito is
yet another naked woman, posed with legs spread ready
for sexual encounter, between her legs is conveniently
drawn a fiery setting sun.
Debunking a myth
Maryjill Swanson
Understandably, since the product advertised is for
male purchase one must attempt to capture a man's attention, however, such an appeal is a severe exploiting of the
female form as well as a personal afront. What exactly is
being sold here, a shaving gel or women's bodies? Does
this imply that if a man buys Edge, he is also entitled to
the use of women's bodies? In this advertisement women
are depicted within the same commercial realm as the initial product, to be used only as a commodity, evoking
pleasure from the user. Commodities are disposable, temporary objects in the world of people, which obviously
warrant no respect.
Unfortunately, this particular advertisement is not an
isolated case. Using women's bodies as if in prostitution
is a typical mode of advertisement. A wide scope of vision
reveals a myriad of products which offer women in addition to that which is being sold. I think we need to examine what is seemingly an innocuous form of advertisement and what in reality such methods stand for.
I believe there to be a crisp causal relationship between
this country's attitude toward women and the way in
which we are depicted throughout the media. The cause
of displaying women's bodies in an attempt to sell
material goods of any kind, within a sexual content, is
due to the thick vein of sexism pulsing through this country's vitals. Women are continually objectified as sexual
beings, severed from our intellects. Perhaps this would
not be a great consequence if the sexuality defined within
advertisements was our own, because we may comfort
ourselves with the knowledge that at least we have our
bodies. However, such is not the case for not only are we
divorced from our psyche but we are shown as not owning the sexuality portrayed. Women are seen as products
possessing not even their own bodies. The effect this has
on consumers is chilling. I believe it to foster a mentality
thai women are obligated without question and without
recourse to pleasure at the whim of the lucky buyer.
Women become the product whose only destiny is one of
consumption. This is truly a dangerous mixture because
our societal structure resls upon a competitive, dog-eatdog technique of personal satisfaction. Man's determination 10 wring what he wants out of life and the purported
availability of women's bodies are unfortunately not immiscible dynamics. What if a man does read this message
of "free women" loud and clear? Obviously, women are
not free 10 any man with an appetite. Certainly, America
encourages, perpetuates, and maintains this hunger.
Perhaps a brief scencrio would further elucidate what
may and indeed what in actuality occurs. Men receive the
message that women are free, reality professes an entirely
different script, He wanders in search of this free woman,
only to find her unwilling and even combative. But he
swears because of his relentless conditioning that he is in
the right theater, yet the actress is not obliging. What
does he do, rape her?
In short, naked women are irrelevant to shaving; thus
such a depiction should not be utilized in an advertisement concerning a shaving product, Just as rucist speech
Is a racial discrimination, this genre of advertising is sex
discrimination, even ir It is only a whisper among the bubbles of shaving cream splendor.
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Classified ads are being accepted In the SA Contact Office during
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the time of insertion. No checks will be accepted. Minimum charge tor
billing Is $25.00 per issue.
No ads will be printed without a full name, address or phone number
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All advertising seeking models or soliciting parts of the human body
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must directly consult with as well as receive permission from the
Editor in Chief of the Albany Student Press.
II you have any questions or problems concerning Classified Advertising, please leel tree to call or stop by the Business Office.
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212B89-6800 exl. 677.
Office cleaning positions- We hav
e permanent part time openings
for office cleaning at various locations throughout the Capital
District. Convenient evening hours
are ideal lor college students and
supplementary income. A neat appearance and a car are necessary.
Call 449-5454 bet. 9 am and 4 pm
for further information.
counselors for 75 residential
children's camps In Northeast July and August. Contact: Association of Independent Camps(SUA)
60 Madison Ave., NY, NY 10010 or
call 212-679-3230.
COUNSELORS^ WANTED: trimdown physical fitness coed NYS
overnight camp. All sports, WSI's,
theatre, crafts, piano, guitar,
dance, aerobics, computers,
rocketry, general, needle craft, kitchen, tent camping, rlflery. Camp
Shane Ferndale NY 12734.
PARK, KS 66204.
Activist-- Work for environmental
preservation and consumer protection in Albany this- summer.
Join N Y P I R G ' s community
outreach staff. Call 436-0876 for
Help WantedrCooks-WartreiTeiTFor summer employment Experience nocces3ary. Apply Skippers Tavern Corner Ontario and
Second. Call 436-9603.
Typist: Preferably wilh word processing skills. For 10-15 hours per
week during summer. Please Call
Prof Tedeschl at 7-8259.
leader In the entertainment industry and the fastest growing
theatre circuit in the east Is hiring
Cinema construction underway or
planned in New York Slate, Mass.
and Maine. Excellent advancement opportunities for career
minded Individuals. Send your
resume to RJ Lapointe CCM
Cinemas 1-6 Box 2160, Clifton
Country Mall Clifton Park NY
12065 Local interviews will be held
Live in Mothers Helper
May-Aug. Light housekeeping,
laundry and care for 6 month baby
| girl. Own room, board and salary.
Summer lob opportunities-Jewish
Center overnight camp In W.N.Y.
seeks skilled instructors In swim,
athletics, drama, camping, boating
and crafts. Excellent opportunity
to gain teaching experiences.
Send information to Camp
Lakeland, 2640 N. Forest Rd. Getzv l l l e . NY 1 4 0 6 8 or c a l l
For Sale. Super quick 197S
Kawasaki 400 two-stroke sportster. 0-50 MPH In4.5 seconds. Only
10,500 miles. Garaged. Excellent
condition. Gone to the first person
w/money. Under $750 . Call TK at
463-4993 after 10 pm or at the ASP
7-3322 or 3389 SUN.,Tues„or Wed.,
afternoons and evenings.
7 7 VW Rabbit, 2 dr., fuel injection,
new brakes, runs wall, $1800 Call
FOR SALE: Used furniture-good
condition-call 434-4494.
1 single bed frame for your mattress. I bought it new In
September for $125. Yours lor $60.
Call Liz 434-2460.
State Quad Board
2 to 2 DAY
Sat. April 27th. Olympics, mud
wrestling, party with live band.
DESIGN, ART HISTORY. Highly Individualized study and apprenticeships wilh British artist in London. SUNY accredited semesters.
Rockland Center for International
Studels, 145 College Road, Sulfern NY 10901.
I dcn't want you to start giving
me a hard time about a personal,
so here's one to keep you happy.Aren't I considerate? Besides, I
won't be hero next year to give you
any, so take it while you can got It
bud. YlaSuBudl
1 or 2 tickets wanted Jot Booze
Cruise on Wed. May 15. Please call
483-1796 ask for Linda.
So, there I was "sitting in the office, with nothing to do, so I decided to write some personals. HI!
Your Roommate
p.s. Hope your teeth are better.
Hey Alrbandal
r b
n d
r b a n d a l
r b a n d a l
p N
Need extra money? I need help
with spring cleaning on Saturday
and/or Sundays, evenings. Phone
evenings for specifics. $5/hr.
To Dale from WT's,
Old you get the whipped cream
off yet?
Maddi Koon and Su-san
Yo Little Brother,
You were the best little brother
that anyone could ever hope for.
You have always made me proud.
Zeta PsI Eddie
I just checked my watch. You
have 20 minutes...
We love you! Thanks for all your
help and support, we couldn't
have done It without you.
The Seven Wonders
Only 3 more weeks with me- and
then Lleberland moves back to the
farm In Jersey-See you soon?
Happy B-Dayl! Now that its
finally stopped snowing, we'll
have to hang out sometime.
luv ya,
May 3rd
The Tradition Continues....
Kent Street Kids,
Before I forget and before we
raduate let me just say:
HANKSI for everything. It's
worth a lot to have someplace to
go where I know I'll be abused and
What are brothers for! Keep up
the tradition when I'm gone.
Eric Rubin,
Sixth In the- world-of musical
chairs, number one in my hoartl
in the Colonial Quad Office for Airband Auditions for
Quadstock '85
Auditions will take place Sunday
April 28 form 12 pm to 5 pm In the
Morris Pit on Colonial Quad
$5 e n t r y f e e p e r g r o u p
You must sign up for an audition.
For more Info rmation..Cal (Brain at
To my Sands,
the day we dlel
Big Red
Madonna Tlx
At Radio City
June 6,7
On Sal*
Call 7-5208.
Bicycles Bicycles Blcyclos
Trek Schwlnn Panasonic Wlshiki
Best repair Service, low prices,
Klarsfolds Cyclery 1370 Central
Ave. 459-3272.
State Quad Boards
2 to 2 DAY
Sat. April 27th, Olympics, mud
wrestling, party with live band.
What do you get when you put a
Poutan from Liberty, a spaz from
Rachacha, a clown lorm Canarsle,
a mommy from Merrick and a
country girl from Nassau In the
sickest suite on campus??
FRIENDSIIHow much do I love
you guya?
TJ in Herkimer,
i have been watching you, I
know where you live, I know who
you're friends are and I'm after
you 11
The Psycho In Paine
To All My Friends In Waterbury
and Alden,
Thanks for bieng there and for
all your help!
love always!
To Mike's Mousekoteers,
Here's to a great day at Quad
Dear POO,
Egg and You, Raspberry
Coolers, Mom and Pops, You've
made this year something.
Zoom Friend
To the cast of West Side Story
who's s t i l l wasted from
Fame and Glory
You took the challenge that it
couldn't be done and In that fightYOU WON! May friendships formed continue to grow stronger, and
last a whole lot longer!
Tom, this rivals your toast on
Adam, you're right the ending
Betty, you're great, thanx
Bairb, it was fun
Ronitt, you owe this to Lori
Lorl, the way you talk I'll be playing for the president
Pat, its been real.
After playing MAMBO and RUMBLE AD-LIB took on a new
I want everyone to know that
you're the greatest and I tove you 3
weeks Is all it took for an entire
cast to grow on me. When's our
next practice? Stop by anytime.
State 1803.
Subletters Needed: Modern 3 bdr.
house. 257 Western-across from
WT's. (June-Aug) $100/mo plus
electric per person. Call Sharon or
Maureen 7-1881.
The bunny who made me sexually
You're lunny looking
You're kinky, I love It
When the world spins backward
I'll be there
I'll always care
Mr. Devious
Dear Scott,
Do you think I'd let you go
through 4 years without a personal. This semester has been the
greatest all because of you. Don't
worry, we'll make it to the library
befroe the semester end3-l
Laura and Paula,
We've had some great times
especially the nights with no
vacancies. I'll always remember.
Mr. Nice Guy(Davej7~
Remember nice guys finish last.
Hope you en)oy living on L.I.
love always,
The girl from D.C.
Quadstock '85
See Long Islands hottest band
Pregnant? Need Help?
Free pregnancy test counseling
and other help. BIRTHRIGHT
cares. Call 24 hours 463-2183 or
Need extra money? I need help
with spring cleaning on Saturdays
and/or Sundays evenings. Phone
evenings tor specifics. $5/hr,
889-6184. .
Dear Rlchiei
It's )ust the moody ono
apologizing. I'm sorry.l don t know
what else to say and I don't blame
you for not wanting to make an effort, If anythlng-l love yall-even If I
am a bitch.
Wishing you the happiest birthday ever. Tove you.
JSA- A great friend and roomie
can't wait until '86 Toby
6 rooms and bath. June 1st. 1/2
block to bus, Washington and
Western.Lake Ave. $4307month.
422-2878, leave name and number
on answering machine.
Available May 25-August 25. $165
Includes hot water, low elec, A.C.,
parking. Nice neighborhood. Call
482-8218, ask for Cecil or leave
Tuesday, April 30 •
Student Talent Showcase, 11:30 - 1:30 Near
the small fountain
Wednesday, May 1
"Podiate with a Prof" then have lunch in
the Patroon Room (10 percent discount for
students and faculty dining together.)
Thursday, May 2
Carnival on the podium 12pm - 4pm. Come
down and test your skill at over twenty
carnival booths. (Sponsored by the Class
of ;^6)
SA Academics award banquet
Friday; May 3
Let's stay together
May 3rd: Wake the kids-call the
nignborsland don't forget to bring:
Your bathing suit
feed for sheep and goats —Toothbrush
and Crash helmet!
Be there!
Registration begins Thurs. May
2nd at Le Fat Cat
Felice sel mesel
Can we go to Greece Instead; I'd
really like To meet your relatlvesl
Happy Anniversary! Can you
believe we made It thru a year
together? Well, I can. Thanks for
being there all those times I really
needed you. I love you.
(Human Awareness Program)
You have been terrific. Good
luck at Inflation. With affection.
Your loving Big Brother,
Zeta Psi 429
Hopefully, after Saturday, you
will be a brot her. I am glad that you
will be an extension of my tree
because, I think that you will be
Zeta Psi Ed
Summer Subletters; 3 rooms avail.
Beautiful, Wlllett St. Large, clean
overlooking Washington Park.
Laundry room, 5 mlnutess from
Price Chopper. $125/mo.462-4806.
Spring '86 subletter wanted
I will sublet from you Fall '85 Call
Jeanette 458-8060.
Wanted:1 or 2 tickets to canoeing
for Thursday, May 16. If you have
some extras, please calLSarah
455-6970 or Ruthanne 455-6968
Need one person lor 3 bedroom
apt. P r i m e l o c a t i o n . 455
Washington Ave. $135fmo plus
g a s / e l e c t r i c . Call Larry or
Dear 7-Layer,
You truly are the most delicious
desert I've ever had.
Get out your frisbees "and shades...
save $s.oo
Precision HalrcuJ
I complete wltiiriainpoottfytlng
Fountains go on at noon
Play Simon Sez with professional Bob
Schaffer, "Mr. Simon Sez"(as seen on
Wide World of Sports) Prizes, t-shirts,
trophies for winners.
Listen to live music by Mark Rabin
Limited supply of free "Fountain Day *85"
Balloons, soda, and ice cream
now only 1
m i,m
^ <Msmi
6«>,03 I H r a t T n t t t f U .
Coloruo Coda
Saturday, May 4
l.tilvm CUdo Mill
Make the right
Otis Day and the Animal House Band
Utopia with Todd Rundgren
The Tubes
Froo brochure on rosume preparation
available throuQh us or placement
ollico. Wo'ro just around the block on
the cornor ol Colvln & Lincoln Ave.
26, 1985
Protest planned for showing of 'Body Double'
By Cnrlstopher Brady
Continuing to display a mood of activism and dissent reminiscent of the 60's,
students will demonstrate again Saturday
night to protest University Cinema's showing of Brian DePalma's "Body Double."
Members of ihe Coalition Against Pornography (CAP) will begin their protest
against University Cinema's showing of
the movie at 7:00 p.m. in the area near
Lecture Center 7, where Ihe film is being
"Body Double" is the story of a
psycotic man who kills a woman. In one
particularly violent scene a pornographic
model and actress is killed by means of a
power drill. The scene shows the man using the drill by placing it against his groin
area as he repeatedly uses it to stab the
"Movies like this legitimize acts of
violence against women," said Wendi Ccrvi, co-chair of CAP. "People become
desensitized to Ihe violence portrayed in
these movies. Movies are a part of life, and
these things happen in real life. We want to
make a statement opposing violence
against women."
CAP is the same group that protested
the showing of "The Opening of Misty
Beethoven" and "The Last Tango in
Paris," two x-rated films shown on campus in the past year. They also led the fight
to have the bookstore remove pornographic magazines from its shelves.
"Just because a movie has a big director
doesn't mean thai it will not promote
violence against women and will not sexually subordinate them," said Ken Dornbaum, co-chair of the group.
"We had originally warned the University Cinemas lo show a short film before the
movie called "Killing us Softly;" an anti-
porn film that depicts the subliminal uses
of pornography in advertising, television,
"In the scene where the woman is killed
by the man with the drill held to his groin,
the drill is being used as a phalic symbol.
That's not art! Even the New York Times
has said that it's not a r t , " said Dombaum.
"Why would Brian DePalma want to
shoot a film glorifying the killing of
women, or of hating women?" he asked.
"We hope the University Cinemas will
have no porn on its schedual next year,"
he added.
"This is a film that promotes violence,
sexual and otherwise, against women. We
find this film to be pornographic despite
the 'R' rating," said Cervi. "This campus
is not safe for women and showing this
film is irresponsible," she added.
"Where do we draw the line on what is
pornographic?" asked Lisa Ferrick, director of University Cinemas. "In the eyes of
the law this film is not pornographic,"
said Ferrick.
"The film is not rated 'X', not that an
'X' rating is the only qualification for
what is pornographic," said Ferrick. " I
think that what they are protesting is that
this film is the latest in a scries of Brian
DePalma's mosuganistic films," she said.
"Should we not show a film just becaue
a woman is murdered?" asked Ferrick.
"That would mean that we would disqualify the showing of 'Psycho'," she
"In the murder scene the woman is fully
clothed and you never sec the drill enter
her body, you think you do, but it's never
shown," Ferrick said. "But the scene is
unrealistic because she (the woman)
doesn't even try to run away."
"(All in all) the film has great camera
and technical work," said Ferrick. Some
critics, she noted, have said that " t h e
movie should be seen for that reason alone
579 New Scotland Ave.. Albany
($10.00 minimum purchase)
Delivery Area:
Campus Center Information service
student assistant applications for 1985-S6
will close May 3rd at 4pm.
Applications are available from and
must be returned to the office of Campus
Life CC. 130.
Applications from minorities and handicapped persons are especially welcome.
All applicants must be willing to
work some weekends and be able to conduct campus tours.
though they didn't out and out endorse
"The protest should have no effect on
the audience turn out and we expect a
peaceful demonstration," said Ferrick.
"Some people at the last protest were
definitely not cool," she said, referring to
how some of the protesters got out of hand
and started shouting and grabbing at the
customers. "We don't want any thing like
that to happen again," said Ferrick. " I
can't let my customers get harrassed."
When asked about pornography on next
year's schedule, Ferrick replied that "as of
now we have no porn on the schedule."
She said, "We have a really great season
without it. Porn films are usually shown
because they traditionally draw a lot of
revenue, but this year they did only
average," she added.
"With elections coming up I can't be
sure," said Ferrick, "because who knows
what the next director may d o . "
" I ' m surprised that CAP isn't protesting the showing of " A Clockwork
Orange," which was rated ' X ' when it
came out," said Ferrick. "There are two
separate rape scenes in the movie along
with innumerable scenes of violence."
"I guess that there is a qualitative difference in the movies because " A
Clockwork Orange" redeems itself in the
end and makes a statement about society
as a whole," Ferrick added.
University Cinemas would have shown
"Killing us Softly" she said, but members
of CAP were not able to get the film.
UCB and UAS Present
Tickets on sale CC 343
Ticket Policy:Tax Sticker only Day of Show (If Available)
ADVANCE: 1 Ticket at $7
Tickets will be $15
1 Ticket at $10 PLEASE BRING
only 3 taxistickers per person PROPER I.D.
The First Annual
Hispanic Feast
And Introducing, Direct from N.Y.C.
East to Delaware Ave. & Lark St.
South to Whitehall Rd.
West to Tampa Ave.
North to Washington Ave. & SUNY Albany Uptown Campus
Delivery Hours:
Mon.-Thurs. 5-10 P.M. • Fri. 5-11 p.m.
Sat. 3-11 p.m. • Sun. 3-10 p. m.
"Specializing in Cantonese, Mandarin andSzechuan cuisine"
Saturday, April 2 7 , 1985
In the Campus Center Ballroom at
Albany State University
9:00 PM — 3:00 AM
In Advance
$5.00 w/laxcard
$7.00 vv/o taxed
| n c Door
$7.00 w/loxeurd
$9.00 Vilo taxed
For Ticket Info:
Call F u e r z a Latina
Office al 4 5 7 - 8 6 5 1
SA I united
The National Honor Society in Business
April 20th, 1985
Make up a course
or get ahead
start on next year
at one of Suffolk's three campuses.
Day and evening courses will be offered in 4 different sessions.
Day (June 3-July 3)
Day (June 10-August 1)
Evening (June 10-August 1)
Day (July 8-August 7)
Send for a Summer brochure or call the
campus of your choice.
[Crooked Hill Road
533 College Road
SELDEN, 11784
Speonk-Riverhead Rd.
Robert S. A u t o r
Lisa N . Bitcnbaum
Russ A . Cashdan
Mai-Wah C h e u n g
Ronald A . Cowit
Mark J. Dazzo
Linda M . Delorenzo
Jonathan L. Green
Cynthia L. Haasnoot
Karen L. Heldberg
John L. Hurst
Evan S. Klein
Alan Kowalsky
Graig S. Lowenthal
Helen M . M u r p h y
John P. Redding
Valerie A. Suga
Thomas J. Weyl
Janelle D . Z u b e
Michael P. Barocas
Seth I. Brett
A n d r e V. Brison
Victor C Bushell
Karen S. Ferreira
Robin M . C e n s e r
Eric S. Holzberg
Steven M . Kaplan
Howie S. Krooks
Brian Lacks
David C. B. Light
Michael S. Lustbader
Deborah B. Rimland
Jacquelyn A . Schubert
Gavin D. Solotar
Scott D. T o t h
William M . Barnes
Richard D . Brokaw
Alane A. Butler
Mary A . Chaput
Ruth E. C o h n
Dennison P. Coltrell
Deborah L. Crane
C a r y W . Dansfield.
James F. Dorn
Richard A . Fcrdman
Melanic D . Fischer
Susan M. Greggo
Joanne M . Leunig
Chau Yew Lin
Barry D . M c C a b e
Carole C. M c D o n a l d
Karen A. M c G r a t h
David B. M o n t g o m e r y
Leslie C . N e e l y
C a r m e n J. Nicastro
Peter A . Pasqualino
Linda L. Pierce
Bradley C. Prill
James P. Q u a i l e
Melinda C. Reed
Kathleen M . Sasdowsky
Carol A. Spiak
David W. Taylor
Steven R. Wointraub
Jealousy is major factor in courtship violence
Congratulations to the
New Inductees of
Eric Rubin
Jason Friedman Laura Neldner
Vice President
Faculty Inductees:
Frank Pogue Barbara Schoonmaker Walter Knotts
Student Inductees:
Lisa Alford
Robert Berkenbilt
Sharon Brennan
Victor Bushell
Randall Calistri
Randy Delcore
Sarah Durston
Anne Ferguson
Joseph Ferrara
Karen Ferreira
Lawrence Friedman
Robin Censer
Zachary Hester
Noreen Jenkins
Dianne Kearney
Gary Lachow
Scott Landman
Hilary Lane
Michael Lustbader
Sally Morse
Carl Patka
Suzanne Pecore
Kathleen Proszenyak
Deborah Rimland
Ronald Sanders
Lauren Schneider
Randi Schapiro
Gavin Solotar
Laura Staff
Deborah Steinhilb
Valerie Suga
Blake Taylor
Lori Trigiano
Glykeria Vassiliou
David Vollaro
Experience Colonie's
Newest and Most Unique Cafe
Gourmet Pizzas, Huge Salads and Fresh Pastas.
All major credit cards accepted
Corner of Wolf & Metro Park Road (518) 458-7845
Congratulations from the New Officers:
Victor Bushell Sally Morse
Laura Staff
Vice President
and Faculty Advisor Dr. Cannon
practices will be Mon. & Tues.
April 29th and 30th 3-5 pm
Selections will be Thurs. May 2nd
in the gym 3 pm
Guys and Girls Welcome
SA funded
Unsold tickets for
21 rally
will be going on sale Monday, April 29,
from 10am - 4pm in LC 23
New York Times said, "these kids
don't have a chance, the real story
is the doctors on the other side of
the building."
A local bar owner added,
"these kids just don't have the
whack that kids in the '60's had,
they have to learn to come
together." He also said that half
the' alcohol related industries in
I he area, and especially in resort
towns like Saratoga, would close
down if the bill passed.
Anyaaa can buy - you don't
even have to be a senior!!!
Tickets still available for:
By Caroline Daz
of argument and violence.
" Between 100 and 400 SUNYA Alcohol abuse in a dorm atstudents are at risk of being mosphere, therefore, is a breeding
threatened with a knife, gun, or ground for all types of aggresor being seriously beaten in a sion, whether it be vandalism or
year, statistics show. This risk can throwing a beer mug at a seemingnot be diminshed by the "Don't ly flirtatious date. Carlsori further
Walk Alone" campaign because explained, "if we want to do
the incidents will happen in a something about dating violence,
bedroom, or at a party, or in a we must do something further in
suite, or in an apartment, and the this school's alcohol policy."
perpetrator will be your dating
Couple violence seems to be an
partner rather than a stranger.
increasing problem this year.
Bewteen 12 percent and 22 per- After Patrica Snyder, Assistant
cent of high school and college Director of Residential Life,
students have admitted to engag- spoke with some of the dorm
ing in a violent act with their part- staff, she invited Carlson to conners — the acts ranging from duct a workshop March 8. Accorthreats and slaps to actually being ding to Carlson, the staff
choked — the less serious acts, of members were not surprised at the
course, being more common. numbers. Carlson also found that
Considering not all the students in there are some couples on campus
the sample may have been dating; for whom violence is a chronic
the proportions could be as high problem.
as 50 percent, according to some
Violence often follows a patresearchers. These were typical tern, she said, and once one has
students, and there are no reasons been slapped across the face,
I to believe that Albany students there is a greater likelihood that
! are any less typical.
he/she will be slapped again.
SUNYA Social Welfare ProNancy Smith, a Middle Earth
t fessor Bonnie Carlson, an expert staff member, said that inquiries
' in the area of couple violence, about couple violence are "not a
defined violence as a behavior huge category of calls." It was
that is intended to hurt. Jealousy, more likely that people around
she said, is a major factor con- the violent couples would call
tributing to violence. People no than the couples themselves.
longer have to get married to have "Most of the time a couple went
sex, so dating relationships are through a disciplinary process
lasting longer and are more and was referred for counseling,"
. variable, she added. With the ad- she said.
ded insecurity there is jealousy,
Howard Woodruff, Area
anger, and finally violence. Of Coordinator on Dutch and Colcourse, this is not to say that mar- onial Quads, was surprised at the
riage will act as a deterrent to rather high statistics on couple
violence, research has shown that violence. "There have been inviolence in a dating relationship is cidents on both Colonial Quad
a good indicator for violence in a and Dutch Quad, but it wasn't a
marital relationship.
huge problem," he said.
Carlson also stated that alcohol
James Williams, Director of
tended to "grease the wheels of Public Safety also stated that couviolence." In a study on physical ple violence, was not a big proinjury from couple violence there blem. Occasionally Public Safety
was no instance that wasn't gets a cal, but it happens only
preceeded by alcohol abuse. Ap- rarely, he said. However, "if it
parently, the disinhibiting affect happens once it is a problem," he
of alcohol escalated the likelihood added.
Jai - Alai
N.Y. Mets (How bout those Mets?)
Great Adventure
Boston Day Trip
The Clambake
Saratoga Race Track
Montreal Day Trip
Canoeing (Monday only)
Atlantic City Day Trip
sa recognized
Student Association of the
Slaje University (SASU) President Sue Wray was the first to
spcjtk at the rally. "We have
con)c to our state capitol today to
send a message to our representatives. The message: 21 won't
work." She stressed "education
not discrimination" and urged
legislators to "get down to the
business of saving lives."
Assembly member Vincent
Oraber, Chair of the transportation committee and an opponent
of "21," motivated the crowd so
much that they were calling for
him to be the next governor with
chants of "Oraber '86."
"Let's not give in to this
federal raw I n t i m i d a t i o n ,
blackmail might be a better word.
We can tread water until October
of '86, let's see what happens in
South D a k o t a , " lie urged
legislators, in reference to the
South Dakota suit. "You're not
second class're old
enough to vote, marry, own your
own property, serve in the armed
forces and pay taxes," he added.
Senator John J. Marchi, chair
of the finance committee, added,
"we face a serious challenge to
the integrity and self-respect of
the state of New York. The
disgraceful attempt by the federal
government to blackmail and
bludgeon the people of this state
into passing what we believe is a
bad law is simply unreasonable."
He stressed support for an 18
year old drinking age and appeared angered by the threat of
the federal regulation. "We New
Yorkers are not a malignant alien
enemy, we are Americans arid arc
saddened by your threats of
blackmail." He urged students to
"let your voice ring out."
Class of '87 president Jackie
Bernstein, who marched to the
capitol, said she believes the
legislation will pass despite the
protest, as did many other
students who attended,
Scott Wexler, President of the
Coalition for Alcohol Reform,
said "today isn't the end of this
battle, we must stop this inherent
prejudice against young people,"
The rally ended with singers performing Stop 21 and antl-Cuomo
The first step in ending violence
in a relationship is ending the
relationship, before more serious
incidents occur. Violence follows
a pattern and probably won't end
with a threat or push. Jealousy
and anger arc not signs of love.
If a more serious incident docs
happen, however, don't be afraid
to go to the Student Health Service and seek medical attention.
In order to gain a clearer
understanding of how the victim
would actually have been treated,
I called there under the pretense
of having been beaten by my
boyfriend. The person I spoke to,
name withhelp upon request, was
kind and receptive. After I expressed concern about discussing
my problem, she said that I
"didn't have to press charges"
and that I "could be vague" if I
wanted to. She also arranged an
appointment with a female doctor
to relieve me of discomfort, her
main concern being to get me in
for proper treatment.
Several counseling agencies will
also help in dealing with your
specific problem with dating
—Middle Earth, 102 and 103
Schulyer Hall, 457-7588
—Counseling Center, Student
Health Service, 457-8652
—Project Equinox Domestic
Violence Program, 214 Lark St.
Albany, 434-6135
—Mercy House, Albany,
—Men's Coalition Against Battering, 438-4550.
M-CAB works specifically with
males who have, or have had in
the past, a problem with using
violent tactics.
Most of all, people must
remember that being hit, pushed,
or threatened by someone you
love is not acceptable. No one
should have to be subjected to
physical harm as a form of resolving conflicts.
The author prepared I his article
as part of a class project for the
course Sexual and Psychological
Abuse, (Psychology 450).
Hear and speak with representatives from business and government,
and from the graduate program in communication, about career oppurtunities in communication-related fields, and the courses and degrees
that will help make you competitive.
Got T h e
We Can Help With:
2 Q
Student Association & UAS present
Council passes '85-'86 budget at final meeting
By Donna MacKenzie
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sponsored by SA and UAS
(Courtesy of Lite Beer)
Central Council passed a budget for Student Association for the 1985-86 year by a
vote of 15-0-0 in its last meeting of the year
Wednesday night.
The Intercollegiate Athletic budget passed by unanimous consent at the meeting.
Steve Landis, the Legislative Budget
Committee Chair, introduced changes in
group budgets made by the committee.
Any group who disagreed with the changes
was allowed to address Council as their
group's budget was proposed.
The committee requested that the
literary magazine "Nadir" be written out
of the budget, because, Landis said, "last
year "Nadir" said they would have the
magazine out this year at an early date and
it has not come out yet." Landis also cited
a possible duplication of services with the
"Albany Review."
Joe Heithaus, speaking on behalf of
"Nadir," said that the leader of "Nadir"
"had made promises last year that I realized we could not keep." He also denied that
there was a duplication of services.
Gary Generun, from the "Albany
Review," said that he was disturbed about
"Nadir" being cut from the budget, citing
a need for two literary magazines on
After discussion, the amendment to take
"Nadir" out of the budget failed by a vote
of 0-9-0.
Russo and John Markous then proposed
a rider stating that "'Nadir' has to be
delivered to the printer by March 17, 1986
or its budget would be frozen for the
1985-86 year on that d a t e . "
Mark Mishler, SA Legal Services director, came before the Council to request an
additional $3,650 to hire a professional
secretary for his office. Mishler said he has
seen about 1,200 students this year and
that he does some of the typing and copy-
ing himself because his student secretary
has had to work around her class schedule
and also because of the need to respect
privacy. A professional secretary would be
much more efficient, he maintained.
Council voted to appropriate money for
the hiring of the professional secretary
Jewish Students Coalition (JSC-Hillel)
came to protest cuts in its services and
educational lines. Elliot Frome, JSC-Hillel
President, told Council "JSC-Hillel merg-
-^Front Page
Blinken, as he addressed the board.
"That's all it would be — a symbolic
g e s t u r e , " said Trustee D. Clinton
Dominick. "Were we to divest our
holdings they would be sold to someone
else." Those companies might not follow
the Sullivan Principles if SUNY were not
overseeing them, said Dominick.
The Board of Trustees approved a
policy which directs SUNY to use a private
evaluation of firms in which SUNY invests
restored; however, the cut in the education
line passed.
ed with the Flame which has $150 and we
cannot cut the mailings."
Landis explained that "JSC-Hillel has
110 members and expects 60 more
members, so we feel we can cut their mailings from 350 to 175."
Frome also protested against cuts in the
educational line because " w e have a potential constituency of 4,000 who have different interests and want t o hear different
The cut in the support services line was
The Scuba Club was taken out of the
budget because it was disorganized and the
m e m b e r s d i d n o t seem to be
knowledgeable about managing a group,
according to Landis.
John Seyour noted it is hard to start up a
group, and said that the club deserved a
chance, but the amendment to delete the
group passed 10-5-2.
to ensure that the principles are followed.
Companies which fail to follow the principles will not be supported by SUNY, the
report filed by the Committee on Budget,
Investment, and Capital Programs said.
Andrew Chin, a SUNY Stony Brook
senior, was a member of the sit-in but was
not allowed to return after he left to visit
the men's r o o m . ' 'Spirits were really up, so
no one is very hungry, even though they
won't let us have any food," Chin said.
"We'll last as long as it takes."
"I never thought it would be so easy to
get press or be a P.R. person," said MacDougall as the students were being booked
at the Division II Police station. "We are
taking a much less passive role from here
on i n , " she added, saying, "We've been
submitting resolutions and having debates
for six years," with little result.
The protest was planned in coordination
with a nation-wide effort by student
groups to promote divestiture, MacDougall said.
black and white are "Exposed to ideas that
are in the world and you have to deal with
when you leave" the university.
In adressing the educational system, he
said, "these universities...train you to
serve an order by the few for the many, by
the rich and not the poor and not to
challenge (it)."
he said. " T o be human means you have
mastered this flesh (which is from the
earth) to be superior to the flesh," said
in the room he said, "You don't understand our pain."
"They have robbed you of your own
mind and have given you their mind," he
"Farrakhan can't be swept under the
rug and ignored," he said. "I won't go
away, no power can frighten me," he
To all those who expressed their hatred
for him he said: "Ask yourself
hate me. It is because I'm a black man that
you do not control. I'm hated because I
dare to speak what I believe is true."
He said it is necessary that students
" A government is in Washington that is
not a government of men but of beasts
struggling to be human," he said. "The army is made up of 40 percent blacks
"If you do not see further than the peo- fighting for a country that don't give a
ple who teach you then you cannot make damn about u s . "
progress." He said he feels that in this
He added that there is a "conspiracy"
education system "you don't challenge the going on against the black man. "They
reader to (look) beyond the writer."
amend the constitution but do nothing to
"The earth and the sun gives you color amend the condition." Farrakhan sugand if you can't look beyond your color gested that present day whites must
than you haven't reached humanity yet," "divorce the past and act justly."
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22 Sports
Danes split with Binghamton
•* Back
Joe DeMeo's ATWA squad head to Nationals
game, Uinghanu.iii I'ebij'inded with a
4-0 victory. This game wa* scoreless until the sixth inning when the Colonials
broke loose scoring all lour of their runs
in the bottom of the sixth inning.
"Here's the deal," said Baiter, "we
have,to pray that Oneotita can win one
game against liinghamton. If they split,
we'll be tied for first place. In the
tiebreaker, they complin' head to head
competition, which vie split both
The next criteria/according lo Halter,
is the conference record for road games.
"So far this is our first loss; Binghamton has one loss here so if they gel one
loss at Oncoma we lake l.hc conference," said Halter.
There are a lot of assumptions in the
Danes' hopes for the playoffs; assuming
they lake Oncontu, whom ihey beat on
Against Oneonta, Dave Theleman
had three hits including a three run
homer. Howie Hammond and Hob Martilla also collected three hits.
"For us a liomerun is a big thing,"
tcrnational competition," DeMeo said. In
the Soviet Union, he said, there are
450,(XX) Greco-Roman wrestlers in the
"When our guys are just reaching that
competitive level, around 23 or 25 years
old, that's also when they're faced with
having to make huge sacrifices to continue," DeMeo said.
In the Soviet Union, where DeMeo has
taken two American teams, the wrestlers
worry about wrestling and the coaches
worry about coaching and that's it, he
said Baiter. "That was our third of the
year; our opponents have 17 against
So it looks like Oneonta can make a
difference in who makes the playoffs.
They don't have to worry about jobs, or
what their wives will say, or falling behind
in school, just wrestling, said DeMeo,
Even though Oneonta is 0-8, Baiter feels
they can pull o f f an upset.
" O n e o n t a ' s t o u g h ; ihey look
Binghamton into extra innings onee and
Cortland once also," said Baiter.
who's married and has two boys, one 9
and the other I Vi.
This article was written by Randolph
Picht, an Associated Press Writer
Dermansky and Sanders improve fornetmen
•• Back Page
Outstanding, improving players, according to Lewis are Dermansky and Sanders.
"Dermansky played a good match and is
coming along," said Lewis. "Sanders has
been playing better than everyone at his
position up until yesterday when he ran into a tough competitor."
The Danes travel to Oneonta today, for
a match that was rained out yesterday.
Next Tuesday they face Williams away and
on Wednesday Colgate away.
"Oneonta is poor. They have barely
enough guys to fill out a team," said
Sanders. " W e ' l l easily beat t h e m . "
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( A P ) The atomic drops, body
slams and eye gouges that make
up professional wresting don't
scare Joe DeMeo.
" M y heavyweights against their
heavyweights. Any place. Any
time. Any rules," he says, scowling and fixing his brown eyes into
a stare. " A n d we'd w i n . "
coach of the
W r e s t l i n g
one of the most successful
amateur wrestling clubs in the
country and the defending national, champion in Greco-Roman
" I think professional wrestling
is good theatre, well-staged. Hulk
Hogan is great," the stocky
stockbroker said. " A n d I must
admit that when I went to watch I
enjoyed myself, even though I
knew there was no real wrestling
going o n . "
Real wrestling, according to
DeMeo, is the purest form of
sport. " I t ' s one ; on-one and it's a
real test of courage and nerve and
athletic ability," he said.
A n d Greco-Roman, a style in
which the legs cannot be attacked
or used to pin an opponent, "is
the closest thing to a strectfight
there is in sport," DeMeo said.
"Greco-Roman wrestling is a
violent, physical, crushing sport.
Done at it's best it is nasty —
usually not much blood, but
there's a lot of hammering going
o n , " he said.
A coach for more than 15
years, DeMeo has trained over 50 DeMeo said. " W e know it's a war
wrestlers who have appeared on and other guys think it's a wrestlnational, world and Olympic ing match."
Greco-Roman squads including
This year the club has about
1984 Olympic Gold Medal winner
125 members, from age 10 to 28,
Jeff Blatnick.
all of whom are taught by
This weekend the Adirondack
DeMeo, a national champion in
club defends its national tide in
1966 at Cornell University and
the U S A Wrestling champion- former coach at Stanford.
ships in Ann Arbor, Michigan
The backbone of the club is its
and D e M e o says it will be a high school and college-age
wrestlers, DeMeo said. At 1983's
The chief competition will national championship for the
-come from the Sunkist Kids, a na16-20 age group, Adirondack won
tional club sponsored by Sunkist. nine o f the ten weight classes,
" W e lovingly call them the with several seconds and a few
Moneykist k i d s , " DeMeo said. " I thirds.
would say their budget is around
"That even made the New
$350,000, easily 10 times more
York Times," DeMeo said.
than ours."
Andrew Seras, a senior at
Usually the Adirondack team Albany State, was one of those
raises between S I 5 , 0 0 0 and winners. He began wrestling for
$30,000 annually from area
DeMeo when he was 12 and has
businesses and other sponsors, won seven national Greco-Roman
said DeMeo.
"This year so far we've raised
Dale Oliver, 25, began Grecoabout 100 bucks," he said. The Roman wrestling two years ago
club meets twice a week for 10 and placed third in the national
months a year and uses the wrestl- championships last year. Isaac
ing room on the campus of the Anderson, 27, has been with the
State University of New York at
Adirondack club for several years
Albany, where DeMeo also serves and is an Empire State Games
as wrestling coach.
About 60 to 80 percent of the
They're all eyeing the 1988
instruction is in Greco-Roman, Olympics.
although freestyle and collegiate
" I ' d be teaching school right
wrestling area also handled, now if it weren't for Coach
DeMeo said. Freestyle or Olympic D e M e o , " said Anderson. Instead
style differs from collegiate,
he wrestles and holds down two
which high school and college part-time jobs as a fitness
wrestlers use, primarily in holds instructor.
allowed and point-scoring.
" T h e sacrifices these kids have
" W e like Greco-Roman best
to make is tremendous and that's
because it's a war and I think
what hurts us when it comes to inthat's why we're so good at i t , "
Jolting Joe DeMeo and his ATWA club will travel to Ann Arbor,
Michigan (or the grecoroman Nationals.
Dane softballers split twinbill with NewPaltz
By Nick Shields
This past Tuesday the women's Softball team
travelled to New Paltz to play the Lady Hawks in a
doubleheader. The Danes lost the first game by a
narrow margin, 4-3. After regrouping, they came
back strongly with a convincing 7-1 defeat over
New Paltz in the second game.
The Danes started out quickly in the first game.
A n RBI single by Sheila Littleton put Albany oul in
front 1-0 after the first inning. New Paltz answered
Albany with one run in the bottom of the inning.
Albany did not give up as they came back in the
second inning by quickly loading the bases. Two
additional runs came across with an RBI each by
Monique Romano and Wendy Williams, the pitcher, to make the score 3-1 in favor o f Albany.
New Paltz scored another run to narrow the
margin to 3-2. Then in the fourth inning, New Pallz
came up with their final iwo runs. Williams hit the
first three batters in the inning to load the bases. A
wild pitch followed by a fielder's choice allowed the
last two runs to score. In the remaining innings,
Albany was unable to capitalize on their opportunities enabling New Paltz to hold on to a 4-3 win.
Leaving the previous game behind them, the
'«• W
CENTER 1s2 Sfff"
Danes came back with higher intensity to capture
the win in the second game.
"The second game was more intense because we
were disappointed that we lost the firsl game," sais
sophomore Terri Sokol.
The pitching by Williams, along with the amazing defense, aided to hold New Pallz to a single run.
Albany's bats came alive in the second game.
After hits by Williams, Littleton and Beth Wolf,
the Danes took advantage of the opponents errors
lo lake a 5-0 lead. Albany shut down the New Paltz
offense for the remainder of the game to secure I he
victory and raise their season record to 7-5-1.
The next five games are crucial for Ihe Danes,
hosting Stony Brook Saturday al 1:00, and at
Russell Sage on Wednesday.
"Even though we arc out of the S U N Y A C ' s , we
need to play our best for each game so we can make
it to the N Y S A I A W Championships," said
freshman firsl baseman, Kathy Chichester. When
asked how she felt about the remaining games,
Carmen Guyman slated, " W e ' v e been running into
some problems, but I am confident that we will do
Netwomen crush Oneon
By Donna Altman
won in two easy sets, 6 - 1 , 6-2,
Third singles player Lisa
Valins was also victorious,
beating her opponent 6-4, 6-4.
"Lisa played a nice match,"
commented Warner.
TRI CITY 1&2 « » , ; , . „
Wendy Williams (Ires Ihe ball to the plate. She pitched both
games In the Oneonta split.
The Albany State women's
tennis team held their own,
playing a strong match against
Oneonla this past Wednesday,
topping their S U N Y rival, 6-2.
" I wouldn't say we played
our best tennis, but we'll take
the w i n , " said Coach Mari
Warner. " W e shouldn't have
gone to three sets in a lot of
matches, but considering our
tough schedule, it's a nice
At second singles, a
dominating performance was
turned in by Gcrri Chiodo, who
Ellen Yun had a tough
match but grabbed the win in
three sets 6-4, 3-6, 6-2.
A l sixth singles, Nina Chung
also had a challenging match.
Chung took the firsl set by
storm, winning 6-2, losing in
Ihe second 1-6, and finally
snatching her victory, 6-3.
t h e doubles team as usual
played with style und.finesse.
The duo of Aronin and Chiodo
had a close match, nipping
their opponents, 7-5, 7-6.
" W e played very well
together considering that we've
never played together before,"
said Betty Aronin.
Ellen Katz and captain
Hclene Tishler also had a fine
day, beating their competitors
in two sets, 7-5, 6-3.
"Our doubles team came
through very nicely," stated
Coach Warner,
The team's next match is this
Saturday. The women will bt
. hosting Concordia al 1 p.m. D
iTijrrnr-rrrr-"i rmrr'i
APRIL 26, 1985
Desperately Seeking Friday, April 26, 1985
a lot of credit to Amherst."
At number five singles, Jeff Hall conquered Mitchell Gcrbcr, 6-3, 6-1. Albany's
sixth singles player Mark Sanders lost to
Lyle Wilpon6-l, 6-1.
"These guys had a lot more money than
us," said Sanders. "A lot more lessons.
Amherst is a private college; that's why we
lost. I never want lo play them again."
Sanders doesn't have to worry about
that because he's graduating (his May.
"The kid I played against, his parents own
the NY Mcts," continued Sanders.
First doubles Schmiu and Grossman
were Albany's only victorious doubles
team, defeating Jochnick and Raphling,
Up from third doubles, Gerber and
Sanders lost to Amherst's second doubles
players Gray and Wilpon, 10-4. David
Zobler and Steve Grecnberg lost to
Shepherd and Hall, 10-4.
"Amherst is the best team we have
played," said Coach Bob Lewis, "they arc
a strong Division III team and they just
outplayed u s . "
When asked if he was satisfied with the
players performances, Coach Lewis
replied, "Schmitz, Gerber and Grossman
aren't playing up to their capabilities.
Eiscnberg also is losing close matches, fail- Dave Grossman, the Danes' number one singles player, slices a backhand. He lost
ing lo win big points."
lo Amherst's John Raphling, 6-2,6-4.
22 *•
Albany stickmen back in control, defeat Siena
By Cathy Frrig
They've been claiming all season their
ability to play an intelligent game of
lacrosse. On Wednesday night, against
Division I Siena, the stickmen of Albany
State finally did so.
"In every other game we've been
frustrated and made mistakes," said assistant coach Chuck Priore, "this time out,
we frustrated them and sat back, letting
them make the mistakes."
The frustration that Siena experienced,
which resulted in a 13-6 Dane victory, their
first since April 4, was caused by the success of the zone defense used by the Danes.
"The defense was the key to the victory," said Dane attackman Gary Friedman, who collected three goals in the
game. "Instead of playing man-to-man
defense, each player controlled a part of
the field, and it really stopped their
"We had used zoning before in the
season against teams that we knew were
better than us one-on-one," said Priore.
"We used it against R1T and Cortland, but
we had to stop it when the score got out of
" You can't play a zone when you're
losing. The score was 0-0 ten minutes into
the Cortland game, then they went ahead.
We had to come out and try to beat them
man to man."
The temptation to do the same against
Siena was present in the first quarter when
Siena took an early 2-0 lead three minutes
into the game with a pair of goals by Dave
The zoning then became effective for the
Danes, enabling the Danes to control the
ball for the remainder of the half. At six
minutes into the first quarter, Friedman
scored, and 30 seconds later Dane attackman Dave Cerny tied the score. Five
minutes later, Cerny scored again, giving
the Danes a lead they would not lose. Jim
McPartlin, assisted by Cerny, added
another goal 20 seconds later, to end the
quarter at 4-2, Albany.
The second quarter was total Dane
d o m i n a t i o n . Brad Rabinowitz and
McPartlin both scored twice, Friedman
and Cerny each scored once and Cerny had
Iwo assists. Halfway through the game,
the Danes were leading 10-2.
Third quarter action was quieter for the
Danes, as Siena's Tom O'Connor scored
twice. Twelve minutes into the quarter,
Friedman, assisted by Cerny, scored for
the Danes, giving the game an 11-4 score
going into the final quarter.
Both Siena and Albany scored twice in
the final quarter, Rabinowitz, assisted by
Gary Weisner, and Rick Trizano, assisted
by Cerny, cementing the Dane victory.
"The whole team was very excited with
the win," said midfielder Trizano.
"They're a very good Division 1 program.
We went into the game with a new attitude, to just play and have fun. There
was no pressure out there. And the attitude
in the locker room was unbelievable, we
were so psyched."
"We play with confidence," said head
coach Rick Flanders. " W e got ahead and
had a lot of fun. We needed that. But that
was just one win. Now, we need four
The Danes' next challenge will be Saturday at home against Buffalo State, a team
they lost to last year in overtime. But the
team had been without Alan Cornfield,
their senior goalie who had 19 saves,
against Siena and presently leads the
stickmen in game mvp points.
"If we play as well as we did today, we
should have no problem with Buffalo,"
said Priore. "If we play as well, there's no I
question that we'll win. If we don't, :
there's no question that we'll lose."
"This was the first.time the whole team
played up to their potential," said Fried-,
man. "About Buffalo, well, I hate com-,
paring games. You have to just go in
anes' playoff hopes dim
By Kristine Sauer
The Albany Stale lacrosse team finally got their act together In their 136 victory
over Siena.
Jolting Joe DeMeo's
ATWA wrestlers look to
hammer the "Moneykids"
in the Nationals
Overmatched Dane netmen
pummeled by Amherst, 7-2
By Lisa J a c k e l
sr.\n wHintt
The Albany Stale men's tennis team lost
to Amhersl 7-2 on Tuesday, bringing their
record down 10 5-3. They lost five out of
six singles and iwo out of three doubles.
"We were surprised that they were as
good a leant as I hey were," said Dave
Zobler. "We were expecting a tough
. match, but we weren't expecting a power
The only victorious singles player for the
Danes was Mike Dermansky. The Great
Neck native nipped Chris Jochnick at
fourth singles, 6-4, 7-6.
"Dermansky has been playing well lately," said Zobler. "He's been attacking a
lot more and putting away a lot of shots at
the net."
Amherst's number one singles player
John Kaphling, defeated Albany's Dave
Grossman, 6-2, 6-4. At number two
singles, Spencer Gray beat Jay Eiscnberg,
7-5, 7-5. Fred Shepherd overcame
Albany's third singles player, Tom
SehmltZ, taking it to three sets, 7-5, 2-6,
"Jay just got a little unlucky, he lost a
couple of close matches, said Zobler.
"He'll bounce back."
"1 don't think we played poorly," said
Zobler. "It's rare that we get knocked out
before we gel lo doubles. You have to give
- *T~~mrr- -n iirjrr
By splitting a doublchcadcr yesterday
at Binghamton, the Albany State
baseball team remained in second place
behind the Colonials in the SUNYAC
conference. But the playoffs are still
within reach for the Danes.
The current SUNYAC standings show
Binghamton leading with only ihree
losses while Albany has four.Corlland
and Oneonta have all ready been
mathematically eliminated.
The Danes face the winless Oneonta
Red Dragons on the road Saturday in a
doublehcader, a team they swept in a
twin bill earlier in the week. If the Danes
sweep both again, which is likely, they
will have to play the game of scoreboard
watching. Binghamton will play a
doublehcader against host Oneonta on
Monday, with the Danes' fate resting on
an improbable upset,
"No ifs ands or buts, we have to take
both on Saturday," said Assistant
Coach StU Baiter. "By winning two
against Binghamton, we would have
taken the pressure off."
The Danes didn't pull out two victories In Binghamton yesterday. They
did win the first game, 5-I. Keith
Zuckcrman pitched the whole game
striking out twelve batters. In the second
I April 26, 1985
2a Aspects t
• we haven't- cotne a long way%
His and Hers
id you know a Catholic marriage ceremony tor homosexuals
was discovered recently? The man
who did the research, prof. John Uoswell ot
Yale University, author ot Chtixtnmity.
Sodol TnlcnuKc. am/ Htuinwwuility. was
a featured speaker during N ale's Cay and
Lesbian Awareness Week this month. He
explained that the Catholic homosexual
rite anticipated (he present straight marriage ceremony and lent several features to
it. The homosexual ceremony appearently
was performed in Europe all the way into
the W4U's.
Why is this significant? Besides the obvious reasons [the CJI/JO/H Chunh?!). this
discovery dramatically underscores the fact
that the configuration of society's intolerance of homosexuality has .changed
much more than we normally assume. In
earlier times, the heterosexual -homosexual
dichotomy was not as big a deal as it is
now. With the rise of Hitler in Germany,
intolerance became a priority: homosexuals. Jews, political opponents, they .ill
died in the camps. There were phony
scientific rationalizations and economic
motives, but it was a relatively arbitrary]
thing. Hitler killed whomever he disliked.
The idea was that a selected segment of the {
population (Ayran archetypes) could run
the world.
Of course, very few people nowadays
still believe that blond Ayrans are any better than the rest of us. Yet, myths of all
sorts come down to us from the past. The
problem is that as the world becomes more
complex, "good ole boy" thinking just
makes it harder for us to solve the big problems we face that tunvof-the-eenUiry
Hit the
Where the Cirls are Toifoy is the kind of
guide book 1 like to see. I can remember
days back in high school when I anxiously
scanned through the )\i!e Student ftvss
Guide to Colleges and the New York
Times Guide, both thick, respectable
paperbacks that attempt to rank the universities of the world oil the basis of
academics; student involvement arid the
like. In fact I can recall Albany being referred to as the 'poor man's Harvard.' I rest
my case. Where the Girls are Todjy
unknowingly makes fun of this entire
grading system by only looking at all girls'
colleges in the United Stales, judging them
on the chances ot a road tripper meeting
and forming a bond with one ot these elite,
female undergraduates,
Scth R.uhlin anil George Van
Hoomissch; two gung-ho guys "lit of
Princeton University travelled across our
w i d e c o u n t r y to c o m p i l e t h i s
reference travel guide. They build up the
book as the the book "that every redblooded American male needs to fully enjoy his college years." The assumptions
they make about the American male coed:
that he is horny, bored with the university's social lite, friendly, sociable, and willinn to travel, are 'indeed bold and questionable. Still. Rachin and f loornissen don't
take themselves too seriously, They
stereotype all girls into six categories!,
locks, preps, nerds, JAPs, southern belles,
and the cosmopolites: announcing that
stereotypes are fun. Giving a hjstpry of the
road tripper, they declare that during the
CD's protest marches replaced road trips as
road trippers were seen as lacking social
consciousness. However, they write, Uv
day's issues just aren't pressing enough to
occupy the spirits of the girls' schools, so
we males must road trip as quickly and
often as possible. (For girls' schools may
become extinct. Theie were 259 in 1965
and there less than 100.)
The greatest thing about this book is it
can actually be a helpful guide to the red
blooded American male. It tells you where
the schools are. it they have good foliage,
and your chances of getting arrested. Then
Rachlin and Van Hoomissen explore the
best places to meet girls: the campus
center, the library, the cafeteria, a concert,
a field, a bar. or even parties, whichever is
appropriate. They also give necessary survival pointers, such as never plan a road
trip during a vacation, because chances arc
they are on vacation also. Never drink
your liquor briskly, because it is a social
mixer, not a drug. Also, leave your drugs
at home: today's women don't want them,
(though that could be debateable). Finally,
if you are pre-med you shouldn't plan on
too many road trips, they'll take away
your energy anil enthusiasm for academics.
The New York Times Guide judged colleges using a scale of one to four stars.
Where the Cirls are Totlay judges their
schools with a system of daisies, four
daisies being the highest rating. I decided
not to lake these ratings for law and get
some of the undergraduates' feelings on
their school's rating and the fact that they
I called the top rated schools of the
Pioneer Valley, a region north of Springfield Massachusettcs which the guide
called "a road tripper's paradise." Kathey
Calley, a student attending Smith said she
was aware ol the high rating and was not
surprised by it. In fact, she said that her
school does not have to advertise social
lunlions, the school's name is a big
enough draw: I asked her il going to a girls'
school was a social detriment, First off, she
corrected me, as she hail several times during the Interview, "Mike, il is an all
women's school," and went on to say that
Smith was really no different from a coed
school, for men do attend their classes
through a live school exchange program.
On a more negative note she informed me
that it was not as easy to get into a dorm
party as the book made it sound. Guests
are not allowed in unless someone is expecting thorn,
At the other lop rated school of the area.
Mount Holyoke. I got a less agreeable
response. I spoke with Kim Collins, a
senior, who said she was aware of the
rating and was very upset by it, and went
on to ask me if the article was the same one
that was in the Playboy issue. It seems
W-: •".•.-'•'
• 'i«
The soil and toil of Heaney
author-lecturer William Dumbleton. Both
men later praised him in their introductions. William Kennedy and.his wife were
also on hand.
Professor Smith opened the evening,
saying, "It's a great day for the Irish." And
indeed it was a great evening for all things
Irish. The soil of Ireland clings to the roots
of Heaney's poetry. The flavor of spoken
Irish, Irish Gaelic and Irish English, is like
music to the American ear. The living
history of the Irish race is brought to light
in his poetry through his scrutiny of
There are certain key things to remember in selecting and luring a GouchBe impressed. The Goucherette s first goal in making a new friend is to
impress him beyond belief. Play along. Agree when told that Goucher's admissions
process is very competitive and that its studies are challenging. Agree that the job
market for psychology majors is large and open. Act impressed when she tells you
what suburb she's from. Example: "I know, Scarsdale is quite beautiful." Remark
on her clothes. She probably spent hours choosing what to wear. Don't go overboard
and remark on her makeup, though. It's supposed to look natural.
Impress her. The Goucherette wants someone she can brag about to all her
Iriends, and she wants someone who, if she should choose to marry, could support"
her in the manner to which she has become accustomed. Two tactics are in order
here. First, embellish your present accomplishments: any teams you play on,
organizations you run, mountains you've climbed; If you come from a prestigious,
school, substitute it for your name when you introduce yourself.
Second, make sure your chances for future wealth are certain. If there is
the remotest chance you will go to law or medical school, make it seem certain,.,
Subtly bring up anything you stand to inherit. Under no-circumstances should ytiu
suggest that money isn't important to you.
Show you share the same interests. Tell her you enjoy all the things she
does. You too play tennis, swim in the Bahamas, ride horses, eat Chinese food,
and shop at Bloomingdale's.
If you get the chance, use a credit card and you will have your Goucherette
bagged, monogrammed, and fully gift wrapped.
Playboy found this guide a good medium
for tickling their readers' fancies: what an
image, a. whole school of young, willing
girls. Kirn-said it was degrading and does
not reflect the,attitude of the students.
When I read to her this quote from the
book, "So far as road tripping is concerned.
Mount Holyoke is a fairly easy nut to
crack,'" she said-Jhe context is obvious, that
they feel men can come here to get laid.
The women at Mount Holyoke so disliked
this tone that there was an organized protest lead by Betty Powell.
The final four daisy school I spoke to
was Wheaton College, in Norton,
Massachusettcs, located a little west of
Boston. Nancy Hallet said, "Yes, you can
meet a lot of people, depending on what
you want." I asked her about the school
mollo, which is emphasized in the book:
f '
& • •:.-..•:jffl
'Women at their Best.' She replied that it
was fine depending on what context one
takes it in. I asked her, "What if a reader
takes it in the wrong context?" She replied,
"Who cares. Most of the guys (road trippers) expect the wrong thing. I haven't met
a decent guy yet. They can't even carry
on a conversation. They just go to their
beers. I don't know what they'd do
without beer."
What should a potential SUNY at
Albany road tripper conclude from these
quotes from three of the highest rated
schools7 Maybe it isn't as easy as it is made
to seem, girls (oops), women aren't pleased
with our attitudes, and they are wise to our
game and wish we were more articulate. It
doesn't seem too promising. However,
there is a ray of hppe, a silver lining, a girls'
school in the area. It's not a'four daisy
school. No, it is a two and one half daisy
school, but two girls who are members of
the student government had- some encouraging words. They said they encourage guys to visit them, saying, "it is a
plus to be seen as attractive as well as
scholarly, if it promotes the college." I asked them why I'd never heard of Russel
Sage mixers or the like. They told me they
do advertise on our campus. In fact, they
advertised having a hypnotist on campus
recently. It seems promising, if not different. However, one side note; their local
Suiters, which is frequently referred to as
"Slutlers", Is not called this because of the
reason the guide gives, that It Is an overly
'aggressive pick-up bar'. No, it is called
"Stutters" merely because this rhymes with
Sutlers, I just thought potential road trippers and the general public should be
aware of the real truth.
• a day in the life of-
Tom Kacandes, Rina Young,
Aspects editors
below is classic sexist thoughf.-lf one were
to follow the directions, there would be no
real conversation. Just bullshit going both
ways. The bottom line is that sexism is
useless. It doesn't even make men happy.
Do men want lovers/wives who are "bagged" or "giltwrapped"? Would you really
want to know someone who is stupid
enough to believe lies?
The prejudice that excludes homosexuals from social and economic opportunities is just as useless and unproductive
as sexism. Gay people are people just like
straights. They have a lot to contribute, not
just good poetry. If you don't want to read
our centerfold because gay people wrote it,
then you're the one who's losing out. Unfortunately, as the world gets smaller, your
loss becomes my loss. We cantr be simpleminded in a complex world, Fjfom here on .
out, if we don't' all work together,
everybody loses.
How to Snag a Goucherette
April 26, I98SI
Klan members did not, Looking toward the
future he helped shape, Einslein said: "We
shall need substantially new ways of thinking in order to survive." No joke. Our.
generation seems to be singled out" to catch
the falling ax; environmental disaster?political chaos? Falwcll for President?
nuclear war? We have our choice.
The alternative: we can also choose to
change our thinking. Einstein was no dummy. America needs to be smarter in the
80's and here on out. The slakes are higher
and it's our future on the line. On a very
basic pragmatic, practical level, we need all
the new ideas and intelligent people we
can get. Not just the white males. So far, '
they haven't done well. on their own.
Mainstream thinking is slowly absorbing
the fact that women have as much to contribute to society as men. We can't afford
to exclude fully half of the intelligent
minds we need to help solve our problems.
We can't afford to treat women as objects, though the authors of Where the
Girls Are Today tell men they should. The
"How to Snag a Goucherette" excerpt
eamus Heaney is a natural poet who
reads his poetry in the same style as
he writes: without theatrics or artifice. When he reads, his soft baritone
brogue is all the complement a poem could
wish for. As one droll Irishman at last
Thursday's reading observed, "He's the
first poet I've heard who didn't get in the
way of his own poetry!"
Mr. Heaney read his poetry on the evening of April lath at the State Museum as a
guest of the New York State Writer's Institute. Before the reading he stood in the
foyer of the Museum auditorium chatting
with SUNYA's professor Tom Smith and
Death of a Naturalist, Heaney's first major work, opens with the poem Digging' in
which he writes: "Between my finger and
i my thumb/ The squat pen rests/ I'll dig with
j it." In all of his work there is digging, exposing of roots, and a kind of personal archeology. His poetry does not resound
with the clash of arms in Northern Ireland.
To an American reader his subtle commentary is nearly undetectable. Of the fifteen
or twenty poems he read, only three dealt
with the suffering in Northern Ireland. His
• peoms speak not to the supposed heroes or
villians, but to the victims of indiscriminate
violence. He reserves his anger for those
who righteously condemn the barbarity of
"the other side" and the spirit of revenge
which perpetuates the killing. At one point
he reflected sadly, "if people were allowed
to be a little more cowardly and
dishonorable this world'd be a happier
His first selection was "The Barn," a
remembrance of the farm on which he was
raised in County Derry, Ireland. Heaney
explained that this poem echoes the ideas
of Gaston Bachelard, a French author and
physicist, who believed that the spaces we
grow up in shape and define us. Heaney's
poem recalled the barn, with its smell of
hay and the cling of cobwebs on his face,
and he confessed with a smile that, "a part
inside of me will always be a scared kid in
a big barn."
In each of the four or five poems with
which Heaney began the evening there
wcretlements of what he called, "the little
mythology I invented about the place
where I was born." In "A Drink of Water"
an old woman from a neighboring farm
was transformed into a muse by his fond
remembrance. Heaney combines this personal mythology with Ireland's heroic
literary tradition and elements of classical
mythology, the resulting blend is uniquely
Heaney's and has earned him the accolades: 'modern successor to William
Butler Yeats' and the best poet now
writing in Ireland.' Heaney shrinks from
such comparisons, saying, One doesn't
compare oneself to Yeats, he is taken for
granted in Ihc same way that a mountain
is. One is aware of Yeats as a volcanic
event in literature.'
The third and last part of Station Island is
called Sweeney Redivivus. Heaney also
' read several of the poems which tell the
story of the legendary King Sweeney who
was transformed onto a bird. In "The
Scribes," Heaney speaks through the person of the Bird-King as he tells of the
medieval monks who transcribed and
preserved ancient lore. Heaney shows us
the human side of these pious, unselfish
men when he reveals the petty, "myopic
angers" which they "herded" in the
margins of their scrolls: "the ink is too dry,"
or Jhe ink is too oily" and the day is too
d a r f I can not write.' One has only to picture these petulant, 'bitches of men' scratching away at a parchment page to appreciate the full wit and insight of Seamus
Heaney. His audience unquestionably did,
In his most recent collection of poems,
Station Island. Heaney skillfully crafts an
autobiography of his own poetic evolution. The first section of the book is a collection of loosely connected poems from
which he selected "The Railway Children."
In this poem Heaney again explored
children's perceptions of their world.
The book lakes it's name from the second section of poetry. For centuries
pilgrams have travelled to the shrine of St.
Patrick at Station Island, a small island off
the coast of Donegal, To hear Heaney
speak of Station Island is to begin lo
understand the role of the Catholic faith in
Irish life and literature, past and present.
Desperately seeking something
esperately Seeking Susan is a whimsical, fastpaced tale of forgotten
identity and intertwining relationships. It spans the dull luxery of Fort Lee,
New Jersey to the exciting street life of the
East Village. This bright,colorful film
dwelled too heavily on a predicatble,
unoriginal plot which eventually smothers
what started as a fresh contrast of suburban
and metropolitan lifestyles.
By the movie's end, I was not anxious to
see the epilogue or even the words. The
END, which never appeared. I was really
annoyed that I bothered to travel to a
theatre, as I wondered if I should leave during the credits or stay for Madonna's little
used theme song, "Get Into the Groove." 1
can best parallel my feelings to what any
American with a credit card can experience '•
at his or her local T.G.I.Fridays. This
restaurant chain has book-like menus,
super-friendly, well-trained help, and each
resaurant Is sharply decorated with stop
signs, traffic lights, cute graffiti and other
restrained pop art touches. When there are
thousands of restaurants just like the
original, one can easily get annoyed with
this familiarity and build up a little
Desperately Seeking Susan seems to
have evolved from movies such as Tootsle,
Romancing the Stone, and NBC's TV
show, Miami Vice, The director, Susan
Sledclman, provides wonderful stories,
striking compositions, articulate, well planned dialogue and interesting, biggerthan:
life characters; all supported with upbeat
background music. The picture is well
edited. Jokes are set up and then built
upon. Unfortunately, the movie strays Into
the contemptuous realm of familiarity
when. It abandons its characters (their
respective backgrounds, wardrobes) and
personal desires for a story line built on
coincidence after coincidence.
Roberta Glass (Rqsanna Arquette) is a
polite, ambitionless suburban housewife.
Gossiping with her husband's sister under a
bubble hair dryer, she reveals her interest
In the newspaper personals. Her favorite
concerns an ongoing romance between a
man named Jim, and Susan, the woman he
is "desperatrely seeking." In fact, she actually kept a journal of their escapades
which Susan, played by Madonna, finds
towards the end of the moive and says, "I
didn't think anybody's life could be this
Amidst the domestic demands placed on
Roberta by her husband, the capitalistic
hot-tub salesman, and the role she's
adopted as a homemaker, her curiousity
compels her to spy on one of Susan and
Jim's meetings. She follows Susan and
gradually is propelled Into Susan's world of
used clothing, port authority lockers, hidden apartments, and temporary jobs; until
she actually loses her memory and takes on
Susan's role where she discovers an exciting new perception of New York City
and its citizens.
Roberta's unplanned, compulsive actions
are the most enchanting aspect of this
movie, she represents the millions of
Americans who envy the exciting lives of
fictional soap-opera stars oyer their,own
life, llvoivwhlch they at* uUlm4tely4c«*v
sumed with and haven't actively chosen. It
is easy to identify with Roberta's interest in
this traveling romance. The viewer
becomes anxious for her to enter this
world of fantasy which is real in the movie.
Roberta appears to be an alien being when
taken from her Fort Lee home. She is not
accustomed lo the aggressive interactions
and the expectations of independent pco.
pie who aren't part of an immediate family
network. A glaring, example of this
naivete occurs when a single man in a barren third floor flat asks her if she wants a
drink, She replies, "apple juice, mile, Per.
rier," totally unaware that typical New
Yorkers don't posses those things in their
Madonna plays a role which she seems
to have created for herself through her
videos, of a big-shouldered, strong-willed,
promiscuous woman who will wear a thousand rubber bracelets if she so chooses. Her
presence is welcomed, although she isn't as
dirty, impolite, or mischevous as Susan
could have been. In fact, she even comes
off as an all-knowing, expert social worker
when she explores Roberta's world.
Madonna's tone throughout says, "I am
awesome!" yet her limited screen time
allows her one-dimensional character to
come off effectively.
Madonna's wardrobe is refreshing, artistic array of gloves, tights, heels, nail
polish, and a fantastic jacket with a
pyramid on the back, which she claims was
once owned by Jimi Hendrix. This is one of
many keen touches. Still, the film was not
as challenging as its parts. Rosanna Arquette created a picture of untouched
beauty, just as Daryl Hannah did in Splash.
There are enough hot and bothered men
being fulfilled, or rather teased, with these
images. Roberta's romance is too cliched
and shouldn't have been focused upon so
strongly. When her thin male picks her up,
carrying her in an embrace lo his bed, this
should be thought of as a good time to get
popcorn (though his seeing her naked
through his fish tank was a little unusual).
The art form isn't taken to its limit.
Madonna, Arquette, and their desperate
travels are upbeat, crazy and unusual. We
should join them.
Poetry from the Invisible Population
azel wakes up at seven o'clock in the morning. Her Swiss cuckoo clock hasn't
chirped. Its metal pinecones are still a tew inches away from the basement of the
tittle colorful chalet with the cooped-up electronic bird. Ha/el finds her eye
passes under her pillow ^m^l waits a lew moments for her vision to return; N o w that her
Hazel smiles at everyone. "I'm sorry for m y outburst, ladles." She looks t o the kitchen
for relief.
" W h y did you come here?" says Hazel. The other women at the table slop what
they're doing and suddenly take great interest i n Hank. As if only now Ihey realized
the ik\u\ woman that used it only a few days w*. t fa/el brushes tier dentures. She hasn't
that he was a man.
well-done the cook makes them.
Good Atorning
Hank notices that all three women have wedding rings on their fingers. Hank's hand
has black hairs across the fingers.
"It's been a very unusual morning," says the English lady, breaking her silence as she
slips her teacup into the depression of her saucer. "I wasn't expecting a man after Mrs.
The lady before I la/el had a medicine chest full til vitamins, arthritis pills and aspirins.
Hazel places Ihe sports section on Hank's empty metal plate. Hanks picks it up and
Their expiration dates weren't for another six months, but Hazel couldn't cope with
presses a picture of a save at first base against his face. "I can-tell y o u smell very good,"
having a dead woman's medicine hollies in her room. Afler filling the Irash can half way
says Hank.
Again In Venice
with the dead woman's pills. Ha/el closes the door to her vestibule and walks down Ihe
"Aren't men terrible, even the older ones?" says the English lady.
hall with her dead husband's old-fashioned silver plated razor. She'll shave her legs
Hazel's face cake can not conceal the natural blush in her cheeks. "Mrs. O'Brien
before breakfast while a nurse hovers near, towel and respirator in the same hand.
As she passes what used to be Mrs. O'Brien's door, Ha/el hears the chime of a cuckoo
clock. Strange, considering Mrs. O'Brien's body was moved out last week. A n d the
W e arrive a t the Jewel f o r sunset.
wasn't such bad company after all," admits Hazel.
I n the h o t piazza, s l u r p i n g ice cones.
"Even if she was Irish," concurs the English lady, her complexion blossoming not. with,
V i o l i n s p l a y f o r us, b u t t h e guitarist frets,
painted flowers but broken blood vessels.
room was dismantled shortly after the funeral. True, this cuckoo doesn't sing like Mrs.
"I'm sorry lhat Mrs. O'Brien had to die so I could get into this resl home," says Hank.
Every day
O'Brien's bird did. Hazel remembers the nurses unhinged Ihe Swiss chalet from the wall
"May she rest in peace," utters the tiny woman in the Japanese bathrobe. "She didn't
We go out
Into the world
Where we once belonged
and wrapped Ihe dusty house in gauze. Hazel had suggested a memorial for Mrs.
O'Brien and the nurses agreed. The heavy metal pinecones were taken from the clock
and used for ballast for the birdfeeder that was allowed to stay outside Mrs. O'Brien's
former window in her memory.
After her bath Hazel hurries to the breakfast room where she is sure to find a quiet
spot this early in Ihe morning. Except for an old English lady the eating room is quiet.
rest here."
"Finally." says Hazel when the cook comes to the table w i t h their breakfasts. O n e for
each woman; but not one for Hank.
" W h y don't y o u share m y eggs?" says Hazel. Before Hank can say no. Hazel slips half
of her breakfast across the table and onto his t i n . The English lady notices but doesn't
The English lady is loudly sipping her tea while she waits for the sunshine t o reach her
Hank opens the sports section and reads. Hazel smiles as she pats his well-worn sleeve
w i t h a plump hand-the one without a wedding ring. "Eat, because you know I've never
The English lady has survived everyone w h o has eaten at her table. Hazel is not afraid of
gone out w i t h a skinny guy."
A l l the ladies at the table laugh as if they were sisters sharing a joke.
As Hazel takes her seat across from the loud sipper she is aware, once again, of
Bernie's memory. Her deceased husband haunts her mind at breakfast when she has to
remember his poorly knotted tie and grease-stained sports section. If the Mets had won
he would kiss her.
A n old man, his eyes blurred by thick glasses, creeps into the dining room. After an
ancient woman moves out of his way, he picks up his pace and heads in a straight line to
(but n o w w e are shunned)
A n d p l a y at queer bashing
( W e play t h e queers)
I smell the b u r n i n g hairs o f instruments.
T h e singer's g o l d t o o t h glitters l i k e a d o m e
A n d I'm feeling y o u n g a m o n g o u r m o n u m e n t s .
W e kiss. But y o u ' r e s h i v e r i n g l i k e fishing nets
T h a t w a v e above the y o u n g g o n d o l i e r s g o i n g h o m e .
T h e i r voices hoarse f o r lovers. H o w I f o r g e t
raise her eyebrows this time.
shoulders. The sun is still t w o tables away and coming through the o n l y other window.
the challenge.
" A m I the only man?" Hanks takes a quick glance at the room and a deep breath of
world is exactly as she left it the ni^ht M o r e , Ha/el makes her bed, irons her outfit and
Toddy they're serving porkihops and Ua/el knows how
o u might be w o n d e r i n g w h y this centerfold is titled " P o e t r y f r o m the
Invisible Population." T h r o u g h o u t history, the g a y c o m m u n i t y has been
practically invisible. Invisible --but n o t nonexistent. A p p r o x i m a t e l y ten
percent o f the population is gay. W e as gay people cannot a f f o r d t o remain
invisible a n y longer. W e are a diverse g r o u p , made u p o f b o t h sexes and f r o m
all races and all socioeconomic classes. W e have a variety o f interests, as our
• lives d o not just revolve around our sexuality. T h e purpose o f this centerfold is
to g i v e us a chance to share w i t h b o t h straights and gays some o f o u r thoughts
in the f o r m o f photograph y, a r t w o r k , p o e t r y and f i c t i o n .
perfume. "I guess I am."
^oes into her private bathroom. It is a iloset-si/ed room, pink and small, andsinellinj; of
worn them for three days.
by David W a g g o n e r
N o t always bruises
O r cracked ribs
N o - m o r e subtly
They play the game:
" H e y ! W a n n a hear a great fag joke?"
" A n d , y o u k n o w , m y roommate...! think she's a d i k e ! "
" W h a t a lezzie, m y C o d ! "
"Was y o u r m o t h e r d o m i n a n t o r was y o u r father just too permissive?"
" Y o u ' r e t o o p r e t t y t o be a d i k e ! "
"What a waste!"/*
" A l l y o u need is o n e g o o d man..."
M y o w n ardor f o r l o v e afar is n e v e r ' s p e n t
I n this c i t y , b u i l t o n waves a n d n o t o n l o a m .
T h e past w i l l rise u p : t h e cursed, i n l o v e , w e n t
Across this b r i d g e , m y l o v e . Sighing, necks bent,
T h e i r kisses sealed their p r i s o n ; their passion—stone.
T h e h a n g m a n couldn't snap t h e m ; their chorus they kept.
O u r f a v o r i t e stones once b r i g h t e n e d o u r l o o k at death.
Hear the echo o f y o u r o l d laughter? T h e waves everafter r o a m :
Reflecting, r e t u r n i n g , f l o a t i n g , c h u r n i n g y o u r regrets.
Y o u shiver:
"Good morning, m a m . " says Ihe old man. "I'm Hank, how do you do? Isn't this the
A r e y o u so c o l d at sunset?
best morning ever?"
"I haven't been up long enough to tell." says Ha/el. "Once again, the orange juice isn't
freshly squeezed." The English lady tips her teacup back and.slurps.
"Does a good morning depend on orange juice?" Hank asks and then smoothes his
white moustache as if ironing it.
"Please, I'm reading the newspaper," says Hazel when Hank takes Ihe third seat at Ihe
" I don't read the sports section," says Hank. " A t least nol when I want t o talk to
someone." The English lady's eyebrows look like caterpillars on the top of her cup. She
stares at the bottom of her bone china cup as if she were looking Into a kaleidescopc.
" I ' m sorry, b u t the job's been taken.'
T i n y bruises
T o the e g o Q u i c k stabs
In the heart.
I t h i n k real bruises
w o u l d h u r t less.
by D a v i d Waggoner
To My Father
Y o u asked m e
W h y I had t o be so openW h y d i d I need t o f i g h t
For m y rights a n y w a y ?
N o b o d y w o u l d bother us queers
I f w e ' d just shut u p
A n d hide.
Hazel looks down al her folded newspaper. Its rubber band is still unbroken. " D o you
read the obituaries much? They're gelling more Interesting the more I get on."
" W h y do you read about Ihe dead?" says Hank as he turns around when another old
lady crosses Ihe room. The cook swings open Ihe door and Ihe room fills tip with the
Y o u said that t o meY o u r o w n daughter!
I trusted y o u
smell of eggs, loast and porkchops - - for Ihe hearty ealers. The smell brings a smile to a
A n d y o u just patted me on m y head
very thin woman whose bones press against her black skin like Ihe spokes of a broken
A n d said " d o n ' t w o r r y -
umbrella. She moves Into Ihe sunlit room and sits at Ihe table for collage-cheese ealers.
Y o u ' l l g r o w out o f i t . "
Hazel ignores Hank ami opens Ihe newspaper. She intuitively reaches Ihe right page.
Before looking down she decides it's Hank's glasses lhat she doesn't like. They remind
her of the horn-rims that were buried with Bernie,
You'll have to introduce me lo your friends," says Hank as Ihe table for four becomes
filled when a very small woman — made as large as an empress in her silk robe —
hovers around Ihe table, then bends her knees and elbows and holds onto the table's
edge for the descent into the plastic chair.
"I don'l know them well enough to introduce yon to them," says Hazel.
Hank dusts off his shoulders as if his polished'doinc would shed dandruff. "Ladies,
how do you do?"
The English lady takes her face out of the teacup and lowers her lips i n such a manner
G r o w out o f itl
It's n o t a stageIt's m y lifeIt's m e .
I can't g r o w o u t o f m e .
W h e n y o u kissed m e
I saw
T h a t I h a d n ' t even scratched
Y o u r hard surface.
that it might be a frown. She and the empress wait out their existence, darting their eyes
Y o u left
l o the kitchen and Ihe other ladies.
W i t h o u t understanding m e
"I'm Hank ami this is Hazel." Hank leans forward. "Were w e bothering you? I'm new
O r wanting to.
here and don't know Hie rules yet."
"Listen, here," says Hazel as she fixes her eyes o n Hank's right shoulder. "I came l o
It was t h e n
have a quiet breakfast. A n d so did these ladies. So, i f you don't mind, w o u l d you look at
T h a t 1 saw
Ihe sports section?"
Y o u never w o u l d .
Hank slops brushing his shoulders. The other ladies at the table mumble l o
themselves. In the bright sunlight, their faces have Ihe appearance of dropped fruit,
Their diaphanous cheeks show shadows, declivities and decay beneath. O n l y their high
I hate t o say this
cheekbones speak of firmness. Hank's ruddier than usual complexion matches the red
kimono of Ihe empress of Ihe table. O n l y a liny woman, her pouting red lips overpower
It doesn't matter.
her face.
by Tamara Rlchman
April 26, 19851
6a Aspects fummiimun
tAspects !'a
yesterday's. tomorrow *
m PAGE FROfimt TuruRE
T o c t u i 0->J<UA i A am o-f -tKt doJ~lctsV c o m e r s
of- &oji-Qf> uj&b a. brc-zxn {o-rvtasy wauti*-« 1T> Ue
T k » siqrv r e a d , "po.lhj rcoxi, A / r u m - W d .
Mrs. Telb no. kiuiw;, n i l '"
T'aSS-a.r^by Pe~«r in~\-o ^M u i r t d o u i , ^ ^ ! MI "Vo
The Tradition Continues...
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NYPIRG State Board
of Directors
2 Positions Available
Forward letters of self-nomination
to the NYPIRG office in CC 382.
Daddy, could you tell me a bed lime
Sure, Mikey. How about Gulliver's
'Oh Dad, I'm sick of that one. Tell me a
real scary one.'
'How 'bout Frankenstein?'
'No, that's stupid. Who'd ever believe
that? Tell me one you made up. Those are
always the best.'
'All right.'
'Once upon a time there was a land with
many farmers.. .and the farmers had a lot
of land... so much land to farm that they
weren't able to do it. Unless they had help,
that i s . . . but since most people were
farmers, there was nobody around to help
them and they didn't know what to d o . . .
Until one day. . . people started shipping
in other people that they had captured in
foreign land and they began to sell these
people to the farmers to help them with
their work.
But the captured people didn't always
like to "do the other people's work, so
sometimes they complained, sometimes
they ran away, and other times they just
refused to do it at all. So the farmers started
to punish the other people... they'd whip
them, scold them, sometimes even cut off
their feet or sell them to another farmer to
separate them from their families...'
'Oh, come on Dad, people would never
do that to other people, just because they
needed someone to help them with their
work. There are so many easier, nicer ways
to do it. Tell me a better story.'
All right.. .here goes.
Once upon a time there was a real crazy
man who thought he was like a god. He
thought that he was better than all people
and only the people, that he thought were
best fit to live in his world. . .so he created
a race of what he thought were perfect
people and tried to rid his world of all
other people. He stole them out of their
houses and sent them away to a place
where they were stripped, showered in
poisonous gases, and cooked in ovens. . .'
'Dad, no real person would do that.
Make up another one.'
'One more t r y . . .
Once upon a time there was a world in
which every country feared the other.. .so
they built these devices that would protect
them from each other. . . these devices
became so complex that they could not only destroy the enemy, but also the world.
Satellites and laser beams were sent into
space hoping to stop the creation of these
weapons, but in fear more and more were
developed. . .with tensions increasing. . .and then one country who had
become so afraid of all the others activated
their devices...'
'Oh , Dad, that would never happen!'
'Yeh... you're right. I guess I'm just not a
good storyteller...'
'Next lime it's your turn.'
. H
"Uken. yoo re. "ii", yo^ OAd your mi Ce aji(( kav-<
y o u r szcmd. c^ti,a.
boy. Uiksn yoo'rt W&,y°-,r oupQAy
ul»il QD WxAcr-up+. UiiuLnyou'rc, , , '
VOJ qxi +ka. icCitQ.. 0tJ> of ^-ka nosl uocdarAj '
•r^'Wl^ o-\iojt Ufc \i VW&.4 you « u c r k(\oco wked ' j
0.01 KD,+o kj>op«i> /VJI«+ Ah .ycs ,+k«. buxad f.,pl<'rwi
o* U f t . T l u ' joy of courvHa" -KiHorrtJuii cdukjid by
Hr-s.Tellma, 0. tiiuil U O M M UJLO r u t o / i i l i t H j .
X pa5S«!d by H f b T e U i o a s skop 1/es^rd.ay
0.-?Vri\ooO | pCtaiiAjJ +^ <jliKO><. a-V kflr cjxrti-CJi/
U)i^dloio ( aj\d VV-iun LCK.v'1^, My -fVrk,K_t«-hiM^ K«
TK« s o n jknoUo-i-tcl r\y e u t r p 'ft3'^i't<p, r fMifJliMi
iv\a o*f -VoKjorrxj^i ^vo c*r-c« .
Lo-A-cj- A W i (MCJU-V, H r i T e l U n c b o l - W k t r
-firoAj dlior a-Ksk siGM-J a. ivvoumfol 519"
''Hoaik* rf'l •&*• Cur^<Xiri3.~.
University Cinemas
': -
J t Z L OC |^<
'••'•.':'•••' A'MURDER. ••':•
Shows T30 & 10:00
ItejjjQD' fcioa &s®® !?«K)« ®ro
„„-^ T i
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,'• •.•..r i T i -• '
' "'
ii mil '!• m i l l
Election si will be held on May 2 in the
Campus Center from 9:00 - 5:00. S [ j p
i/coiinJI black. cuftoiins ko-lt-H-tu. sligKrly t o n u s ,
i e n d > « ^ -VUOH Vjuck H3 +kj! ^ c U ^ a l t , back t-o +KJ?
p rf is.cft.
Hrb.TeUino. sas iiviicU.a 'c«ly C rco_+urt '
Kj>ptJLft -£or.S^""-*<i*^. to cbnul if\ .fe,o+ *ji ate. tu-cJ"
do«5,<«.cckUi-<. j k * i i a f><dnttadjLr wi+-K a. r a r - t
quaAiVy — h r i TeM.rxa co-n -Vruly -fuieteU 4ka-A/k/rc.
''Cor«~&- in ,^u/ Son G>IKJ t o a/^U J.w.11 <e_((
y o u your tKrkiit'.
ik* fuKjrc . UJUJ rctuly uJO-nMs 'to kiujui
f o ' K i i t 1 JJc^ t-oHairOvAor" e^jrrv <U).ir+ yeQ-r lOe'r^
YOU C A N I IU1 .ll-VI- I V l K Y r i t l N C Y O l ' S l l v
' .: IU)W i K i i n t i r . .
VVVsvlS I'.IUl'iii I I I N H V M l
i M I IKIl II '.M'INcf l>ON.\(.
, 8 a Aspects
Crossgales 1-12 (45c>-5ci7tf)
I Fraternity Vacation I :-1L1 -1:40. 7:30. 10:10. 12:10
2.Beverly Hills Cop 1:20.4:15, 7:40, 10:05. Ft .Sat.. 12:10. 3. Witness.
12:30. 3. 6:20. ''.05
. IT Sal.. I 1:25.
•I. Slick 1:15. 4:10. l\?0
'>:45, IT.,Sal. 12:00.
5. Lost In America 1:45, 4 20. 7:10. 9:45, I T . Sat.. I I 20.
0. The Breakfast Club 12:15. 3:20, o:IO. 1.0:10, IT ..Sal.. Sneak I'review:
Colcha 8:00.
One ( ) | The Guys 12:20, 3:50, o:40 7 O n e O l I he Guys 12.20. 3:30
.0:45 'MO. I 1:15.
8. Laily Hawk 12:15. 3:40, p:30. *>:20. I 1:40
9. M o v i n g Violations 1:30, 4:30. 7:15.0:40,
10. Desperately Seeking Susan I 00. 4, 7. 9:2.5, 11:50.11. Tomboy
12:40, .1:20. 7, 0:25. I l:.U).
12. Flic Cods Musi Be Crazy 12:40. .VI5. o. 8:50, 11:45
3rd Street Theater (430-4428)
La Truite 7. o-.iS.
Spectrum Theater W - S * ^ )
A Sunday in Ihe Country 7. 9: 10, Man ol Flowers 7:15. i>;25. Sun. 4
Albany Institute o f History and A r t (463-4478) New York Stale Barns:
Form and Function. River Moods, Steel... The Show From the Institutes
Collection. There Had to be a Better W a y : Inventors and Inventions o f
the Upper Hudson Region
N e w Y o r k State M u s e u m (474-5842) Disarming Images: A r t for
Nuclear Disarmament. The Sound I Saw: t h e jazz Photographs of Roy
DeCarava. The F.dui ated Eye: A r t Collections from Slate University of
New York campuses.
Center Galleries (445-6640) A Capital Idea.
Hamm/Brlckman Gallery (463-8322) Original works by area artists.
Die'tel Gallery (274-4440) David Coughlry and Anthony Nazzaro-Painlings. Opening reception April 26.
H a l f M o o n Cafe ('4.^6:0329) Melissa Edmunds and Robert Durlak. Multimedia exploration of toxic chemicals,
politics and women. Paintings and drawings about babies.
I larmanus Bleeker Center (4o5-2D44) A poly-media installation by Jan Callingan and Robert Durlak.
Posters Plus Galleries (482-N84) Ko/o: M o n Jardin des Fleur. Silkscreens,
University Arts Gallery (457-3375) Master of Fine Arts Thesis exhibition. Painting, sculpture, printmaking and
The Albany Academy (465-1461) Prints Ensuitc. From the Pratt Institute.
A r t Gallery, Rental and Sales (463-4478) Spaces: Within/Without. Personal visions Landscapes/Interiors.
Rensselaer Country Council f o r the Arts (273-0552) Sculptures by John Townscnd, paintings by Lillian
Mulcro, and collages by David Brickman.
Proctors(346-6204) A l Hirt, April 26, Izch'ak Perlman, April 27. Leland
Faulkner, M a y 1-14
T r o y Savings Bank Music Hall (2730038) Albany Symphony 6 r :
cheslra, May 4,5.
S U N Y A Performing A r t s Center (45 78608) O u r T o w n A p r i l 26,27,
8pm..Maude Baum and Co., A p r i l 29. 8 p.m., University Percussion
Ensemble and University Symphonic Band, M a y 2. 8 p.m.'.Centennial
Tribute To Actress Rulh Draper, May I. 8 p.m..
N e w Y o r k State Museum (474-5842) "Spring-lnlo the Museum" April
H a l f M o o n Cafe (4360329)
Russel Sage College(270-2000) "They Might Be Giants," A p r i l 26 27
M a y 2-4.
ESIPA (474-1448) Handy Dandy A p r i l 26,27,30, M a y 1, Findlay
Cockrell, M a y 2.
Cine 1-8 (45S1-8.UUII
1. Desperately Seeking Susan 2. 4:20, 7. *A5. 11:50.
2. Just One O f The Guys _ 1:40, 4:10, o:45. 9:15, Fr..Sat.. 11:20.
.V Amadous 1:30, 4:45, 8] I I .
4. Purple Rose of Cairo Fr-Sun. 12:15, 2:15, 4:15. 6:15, 8:l5.(MonThurs. 10. I 1:55).5. The Care Bear M o v i e Sal. Sun. I 2. 2, 4, Mon-Thurs.
2, 4.
0. Beverly Hills Cop 1:50. 4:40. 7:10. 0:30. 11:45.
7. M o v i n g Violations Fr. Sal, 12:30. 2:30. 4:30. o:30. 8:30. 10:30, MonT h u r s . 2 : 3 0 .
4 : 3 0 .
o i 3 0 .
8 : 3 0 .
8. Tomboy 1:30, 3:30. 5:20. 7:30. 9:40, Fr. Sal, 11:40.
9. Witness Fr, Sat, 6:40. 11:10. Sneak Prieview: Gotcha, Sun-Thurs.
6:40. 9.
Madison (489-5431)
The Killing Fields 7. 9:30.
U A Hellman (459-5322)
1. Mask 7:15. 9:30,
2. Police Academy II 7:20. 9:10.
Clvhs i
Young Filmmakers
A Splash
Cohoes Music H a l l (235-7969)
Capital Reperatory Company (462-4531) The Wonderful Tower of Humbert Laviognet, April 26-May 12,
Side Effects. April 20.27
Palace Theatre (465-3333)
RPI Tina Fabrique, April 26, 8:30 p.m.. "Music From RPI-New Pieces For.Synclavier, " A p r i l 29.
Skidmore Camino Real A p r i l 26,27,May 1-4.
8lh Stop Coffee House Judy Polan, A p r i l 27.
£ j.
Albany Civic Theatre (462-1297)
A l b a n y Academy For Girls Sound O f Music, April 26,27.
288 Lark (462-» 148)
Joy Pop. A p r i l 30. Kevin Barlett, M a y 1.2.
Poor Boys. April 2d, Joey and The Nighllrains. April 26.27.
Pauley's H o t e l
Kingpins, April 2o. Downtime, A p r i l 27. Wolfgang and The Demcms, „
A p r i l 28.
„ Newsweek
The Mad Hatter
On the Shelf
Mike Canonico, April 26.
Post 1019 VFW (465-9475)
Silver Dollar
Bovine, A p r i l 28: Jack's Village Tavern
H a l f M o o n Cafe
General Eclectic, April 26, Terri Roben, A p r i l 27.
General Public 'They've got the Beat
until Ihe t w o vocalists bounced onto the
stage. The crowd noise lowered as people
got busy with their dancing, but came back
in a rush when Ihe band played "Save It
For Later", a Beat classic. W i t h the exception of "Tenderness", the audience seemed
to single out the more familiar Beat tunes
from the new band's compositions.
However,. it seemed that, like myself,
many people w h o were less familiar with
the General Public material became convinced of its w o r t h in Ihe course of the
f you missed the show General
Public put on d o w n at the gym last
Sunday night, you really missed out.
Former English Beat vocalists. Dave
Wakeling and Ranking Roger hopped up
on stage with their new band ami rocked
through an excellent mix of tunes from
their debut album. All the Rjge. several
new songs from the upcoming (Jan.) album,
and a couple of the best Beat numbers as
A half-decent warm-up band called
Charlie Peacock opened up Ihe wellattended show with a set about 45 minutes
long. Peacock's sound in no way resembled
that of General Public, but it was difficult
to tell what it actually did sound like
because Ihe vocals were very badly mixed
and the band was too loud as a whole. The
lead singer made the mistake of telling the
crowd: "It's lime to raise your hands and
fingers" at which point the crowd gave him
a lol of fingers good-naturedly.
After a long wait for the stage to be
changed, Ihe lights finally dimmed and Ihe
other band members came on while Dave
and Roger waited Just offstage. When Ihe
band started into " A r e You Leading M e
On7", the crowd's roar of anticipation built
Diva Isanr. UK'i
Above: Ranking Roger had the crowd rocking at the Qonoral. Public concert
Like the Beat, General Public's music
features real verve and generous doses of
wit. Though didn't really catch my ear
listening to the album, the live renditions
of "As A Matter of Fact", "General Public",
"Anxious", "Hot You're Cool", "Day toDay" and the anti-nuclear anthem "Burning
Bright" were simply marvelous to dance to,
even w i t h the C y m acoustics. Thf- new
tunes were also very hot. Before the very
witty "Come Agai. . Wakeling asked the
crowd:"How many of you think there's a
difference between sex and religion?"
From what I saw at this sliow. General
• Public needs only a bit more work to
match the level' at which the Beat once
operated. Hopefully, Ihe band will return
occasionally lo their ska/reggae roots. Pop
music will be a far better thing when they
Fil m
trossgatcs 1-12 (45o-5o78)
I Fraternity Vacation !;40. -I.-40 7:30. 10:10 12:10
2.Beverly Hills Cop 1:20 4:15 " 1 0 , 10:0? Fi 12:10. .'.Witness,
12 30. >. o : o . J-OS
. l-'r .Sol , I 1:25
-I Slick I 15 I 10. o 50 -' 15 I r. Sjt 12 00
5 Lost In America 1:45 I 20. 7 10. >': 15. I i 11-20
o I'lii' Breakfast Cluh 12 15 <:20.o:l0. 10:10 I i Snrak Preview:
C o k h a 8:00
One (11 The Guys 12-20 5:50, e>:-IO 7. One O l Ihe Guys 12 20.5:50
,0:45 ft 10. I 1:15
8 l a d y Hawk 12.45 5 10. o 50. " 2 0 . I 1,10
0 M o v i n g Violations I <0. 4:50. 7:15. °:40,
10. Desperately Seeking Susan 1 00. 4. 7. >>:25 I I ^0 I I . Tomboy
12 40 5:20. 7, J:25 I I 50
12 ihe Clods Musi Be Cro/y 12 40 5 15, o. t<:50. I I 45
3rd Strcel Theater (43o-4428)
l..i Truilc 7. " 15
Spectrum Theater (4-|o-8005)
A Sunday in Ihe Counlry 7, ft 10. ol Mowers " 15, " 25. Sun. I
Cine 1-8 (45O-8300)
1 Desperately Seeking Susan 2 . 4 : 2 0 . 7 , 0 : 4 5 . 1150.
2 |usl t i n e O l Ihe Cuys 1:40. 4:10. o:45. 0:15. I T Sal., I 1:20.
5. Airudeus I 50, 4:45. »'. I I .
4. Purple Rose ol Cairo Fr-Sun, 12:15. 2:15. 4:15. 6:15. 8:IS.(MonI'hurs. 10. 11:55)5 The Care Bear M o v i e Sat. Sun. 12. 2, 4, Mon-Thurs.
2. 4
o Beverly Hills Cop I 50 4:40. 7:10. o : 30. 11:45.
7. M o v i n g Violations Fr. Sat, 12:50. 2:50. 4:50. o:50. 8:50. 10:50. M o n T h u r s
. 2 : 5 0 ,
4 : 5 0 .
0 : 5 0 .
8 : 5 0 .
8 Tomboy 1:50. .'••W. 5:20. 7:50. ":40. Fr. Sal, I 1:40.
0. Wilness Fr. Sat. o:40. 11:10. Sneak Prieview: Colcha. Sun-Thurs.
6:40. o.
Madison (489-54.51)
The Killing Fields 7, o : 30.
U A Hellman (450-5322)
1. Mask 7.15. o.H).
2. Police Academy II 7:20. ft 10.
Albany Institute of History and A r t (4o3-4478) New York State Barns:
Form and Function; River Moods, Steel... The Show From the Institutes
Collection, There Hail to be a Better W a y : Inventors and Inventions of
Ihe Upper Hudson Region
New Y o r k State Museum (474-5842) Disarming Images: A r t for
Nuclear nisaimamcnl. The Sound I Saw: The Jazz Photographs of Roy
OcCarava. Ihe Rili'iialed Rye: A r l Collections from Slate University of
New York campuses.
Center Galleries (445-oo40) A Capital Idea.
Hamm/Brickman Gallery (463-8322) Original works by area artists.
Dictel Gallery (27-4-1-140) David C'oughlry and Anthony Nazzaro-Pain lings. Opening reception A p r i l 26.
Half M o o n Cafe (436-0329) Melissa Edmunds and Robert Durlak. Multimedia exploration of toxic chemicals,
politics and women. Paintings anil drawings about babies.
Ilarmanus Bleeker Center (4o5-2044) A poly-media installation by Jan Callingan anil Robert Durlak.
Posters Plus Galleries (482-1°8 l> Kozo: M o n Jardin des Fleur. Silksueens.
University Arts Gallery (4 57 5575) Master of Fine Arts Thesis exhibition. Painting, sculpture, printtnakingand
The Albany Academy (465-1461) Prints Ensuitc. From the Pratt Institute.
A r t Gallery, Rental Aiui Sales (4o5-4478) Spaces: Within/Without. Personal visions Landscapes/Interiors.
Rensselaer Country Council for the Arts (275-0552) Sculptures by John Townscnd. paintings by Lillian
Mulero, and milages by David Brickman.
Proctors (346-6204) A l Hirt. A p r i l 2o, Izchak Pcrlman, A p r i l 27, Leland
Faulkner. M a y 114
T r o y Savings Bank Music H a l l (2750038) Albany Symphony O r :
chcslra. May 4.5.
S U N Y A Performing Arts Center (45 7-8608) O u r T o w n A p r i l 26,27,
8pm..Maude Baum and Co., A p r i l 29, 8 p.m., University Percussion
Ensemble and University Symphonic Band, M a y 2, 8 p.m.'.Ccntcnnial
Tribute T o Actress Ruth Draper, M a y I, 8 p.m..
N e w Y o r k State Museum (474-5842) "Spring-Info Ihe Museum" A p r i l
H a l f M o o n Cafe (436-0329)
Russel Sage CoIlcge(270-2000) "They Might Be Ciants," April 26,27,
M a y 2-4.
ES1PA (474-1448) Handy Dandy A p r i l 26,27,30, M a y I, Fincllay
Cockrell, M a y 2.
Young Filmmakers
A Splash
Cohocs Music H a l l (235-7969)
Capital Reperatory Company (462-4531) The Wonderful Tower of Humbert Laviognet, A p r i l 26-May 12,
Side Effects, April 2o,27
Palace Theatre (465-3333)
RPI Tina Fabrique, April 26, 8:30 p.m., "Music From RPI-New Pieces For Synclavier,"April 29.
Skidmorc Camino Real April 26,27,May 1-4.
8th Stop Coffee House luily Polan, A p r i l 27.
Albany Civic Theatre (4621297)
Albany Academy For Girls Sound O f Music. April 26,27.
288 Lark (462-0148)
The M a d H a t t e r
Joy Pop. A p r i l 30. Kevin Barletl, May 1.2.
O n the Shelf
M i k e Canonico, A p r i l 26.
Poor Boys. A p r i l 2o, Joey and The Nighttrains. April 26.27.
Post 1019 V F W (465-9475)
Pauley's H o t e l
Silver D o l l a r
Kingpins. April 2 i \ Downtime. April 27. Wolfgang and The Demons., . Bovine, A p r i l 28. Jack's Village Tavern
A p r i l 28.
• J* •• - i i H a l f M o o n Cafe
General Eclectic. April 26, Terri Robert, A p r i l 27.
General Public 'They've got the Beat
until the two vocalists bounced onto the
stage. The crowd noise lowered as people
got busy with their dancing, but came back
in a rush when the band played "Save It
For Later", a Beat classic. W i t h the exception of "Tenderness", the audience seemed
to single out the more familiar Beat tunes
f r o m the new band's compositions.
However,, it seemed that, like myself,
many people w h o were less familiar w i t h
the Ceneral Public material became convinced of its worth in the course of the
t you missed Ihe show General
Public put on down at the gym last
Sunday night, you really missed out.
Former English Beat vocalists. Dave
Wakeling and Ranking Roger hopped up
on slage w i t h their new band and rocked
through an excellent mix of lunes from
their debut album. All the r?a#e, several
new songs from the upcoming (Jan.) album,
and a couple of Ihe best Beat numbers as
A half-decent warm-up band called
Charlie Peacock opened up Ihe wellattended show w i l h a set about 45 minutes
long. Peacock's sound in no way resembled
that o( General Public, but it was difficult
lo tell what it actually did sound like
because the vocals were very badly mixed
and ihe hand was too loud as a whole. The
lead singer made the mistake ol telling the
crowd: "It's time In raise your hands and
lingers" at which poinl the crowd gave him
a lol ot fingers good-naturedly.
Alter a long wait tor the stage to be
changed, Ihe lighls finally dimmed and Ihe
other band members came on while Dave
and Roger wailed just offstage. When Ihe
band started into "Are You Leading Me
On7". Ihe crowd's roar of anticipation bull!
Like the Beat, Ceneral Public's music
features real verve and generous doses of
wit. Though didn't really catch m y car
listening lo the album, the live renditions
of "As A Matter of Fact", "Ceneral Public",
"Anxious", "Hot You're Cool"-, "Day to
Day" and Ihe anti-nuclear anthem "Burning
Bright" were simply marvelous to dance to,
even with the G y m acoustics. The new
tunes were also very hot. Before the very
witty "Come Again", Wakeling asked the
crowd:"How many of you think there's a
difference between sex and religion?"
Above: Ranking Roger had the crowd rocking al lha Qonoral Public concert
From what I saw at this show, General
Public needs only a bit more work to
match the level at which Ihe Beat once
operated, Hopefully, the band will return
occasionally to their ska/reggae roots. Pop
music will be a far letter thing when they
le Class
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_ Newsweek®
Published by Newsweek. Inc-
The Washington Post Company
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COVER: Robert V. Enile, Ron Meyerson, Ted Russell, Bob
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MANUFACTURING: Fronk Holland. Vicki
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MAY 1985
A Straight-Shooting Star Behind the Camera
Is Ron Howard too good to be true? He doesn't smoke or use
drugs. He's married to his high-school sweetheart. He has been a
movie and television star almost since infancy. "Splash" made
him one of Hollywood's hottest directors, and "Cocoon," about
to be released, could seal his reputation at 31. An accompanying
story describes the training offered at the nation's thriving film
schools. (Cover photo by Jonathan Exley—LGI.)
Page 4
Education: Honor Codes, Cliffs Notes
Honor—and the codes by which it is enforced—continues to bedevil colleges. Controversial cases at the
University of Virginia and the U.S. Air Force Academy, among others, have caused schools to reconsider
how students who commit academic offenses should be
accused, tried and punished. But both faculty and
students consider the codes to be valuable. Page 28
The NEWSWEEK ON CAMPUS Pollfindsthat most
students are content with their colleges.
Page 31
There is a Cliff behind Cliffs Notes, and he'll
sell nearly 5 million of the study guides this year.
Cliff contends the books are not really academic
College Baseball: Hitting a Hot Streak
College baseball isfinallysnapping its long slump.
Some tough new teams have emerged, the quality of
play has improved and promotional stunts like the
wedding of Miami's Maniac as well as increased TV
exposure have attracted the attention of the fans—
and the major leagues.
Page 20
The Hulk on Wrestling, Fame, Prayer
Pro wrestling is having a slam-bang revival, and part of the
reason is Hulk Hogan, the 6-foot 8-inch, 305-pound beach
boy who is World Wrestling Association champ and sweetheart of the rock-and-roll set. In a talk with NEWSWEEK'S
Neal Karlen (left), Hulk ruminates on his sport. Page 22
Gumshoes and Guffaws
In June Robert Parker will publish his 12th
novel about the cool, classy private eye
known only as Spenser. John Kassir is an
up-and-coming comedian, Jean Shepherd
a veteran raconteur.
Page 34
Bad Debts: The Big Crackdown
The government is cracking down hard on
student-loan defaulters. Since December,
15,000 lawsuits have been filed, and U.S.
attorneys are issuing press releases naming
the alleged deadbeats.
Page 15
Is Cramming Worth It?
Whenfinalsloom, all-night cram sessions
bloom. But recent research on sleep patterns suggests that staying up may be counterproductive^—and that stimulants can
hurt more than help.
Page 26
The New Face of the Clergy
As religious institutions change, so do careers in the clergy. Today's clerics are likely to be older, better prepared and better
paid than ever—and there are many more
women of God.
Page 23
Multiple Choice
A backyard bonanza at Texas A&M; a
student investment fund at Franklin &
Marshall; Vassar's study trip to Nicaragua; the latest spring fling—Aerobie;
Hunter's junior year in New York; making
a suntan more livable.
Page 24
My Turn: "Sophomore Slump'
Of all the agonies suffered by college students, one of the most common and most
trying is the "sophomore slump." Seth
Rachlin describes how the slump struck
him, how he dealt with it and how his solution turned out.
Page 36
© \'m Nl'.wswiiliK. Ine.. 444 MailiMHi Avenue, New York. N.Y. 10022. All right, reserved.
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Conservative Students
Your cover story on conservative students (NATIONAL AFFAIRS) was a chilling
portrayal of the current university scene.
The prevailing attitude of smug complacency equates success with morality, wealth
with happiness and the lack of an American
shooting war with world peace. This Yuppie paradise cannot last forever, and I want
to be around for the reaction when the
BMW-and-condo bubble bursts.
erty, runaway militarism and technology
that is transforming our lives, it appears
that our generation has chosen instead the
materialistic complacency of Yuppie consumerism and religiously inspired myopia.
State University of New York
Buffalo, N.Y.
Why do you identify fitness, good clothes
and an up-to-date image with reactionary
political views? I study engineering, dress as
stylishly as money permits and uphold femJAMES A. D U N L A P III
University of South Carolina inist, pacifist and liberal ideals. If only all
Columbia, S.C. students realized that being selfless and humanitarian doesn't force them to fade their
"The Conservative Student" is unfair jeans and grow long hair, maybe the '60s
to the philosophy of conservatism in the would be left to rest in peace.
broader sense. To equate the New MaterialD A V I D L. BONNER
ism with conservatism is an insult to true
University of Wisconsin
conservatives who oppose abortion and
Madison, Wis.
support a strong defense against the Soviet
Union. Many of your so-called conservative
It is ironic that so many conservative
students who voted for President Reagan student groups wave flags in celebration of
would never take up arms for the nation. the American way. Indeed, these students
I voted for Reagan out of principle, not should not be labeled "conservative" at all.
True conservatives want to conserve the
traditional ideals of America: opportunity,
University of Chicago equality and justice for all, together with
for the less fortunate. On the
Chicago, 111.
other hand, the only thing "Reagan Youth"
It is a sadly ironic sign of the times that seem to want to conserve is their own finanthe conservative cause finds its strongest cial well-being.
support on college campuses when PresiPETER M. M O O R E
dent Reagan seems determined to weaken
Boston University
higher education by restricting student aid
Boston, Mass.
and reducing tax deductions for gifts to
educational institutions. It's another examYour article accurately depicts the curple of this administration's uncanny ability rent values of most students in the United
to elicit support through blind patriotism States today. However, there are still those
rather than reasoning.
among us who, because of our moral comJOHN J. G A R D I N E R
mitment to a pervasive good in the world,
University of Vermont are determined to look beyond pragmatism
Burlington, Vt. and shape our lives according to broadminded liberal values so essential for rationYour story was on target in depicting al decision making. I find it disturbing that
students as materialistic, but way off in the present conservative tide is moving totrying to attribute some philosophy, politi- ward a value system measured in terms of
cal or otherwise, to this phenomenon. Stu- one's degree of affluence.
dents today are trend followers, not trend
University of Montana
Missoula, Mont.
University of Georgia
Athens, Ga.
I demand the immediate release of the
penguin known as Opus from your captivLet us see how patriotic the "conserva- ity. Holding Opus hostage and forcing him
tive students" are when Reagan sends them to pose for your March '85 cover as a lead-in
to fight a senseless war in Central America. for your article on "The Conservative StuThey'll be squealing like stuck pigs.
dent" was disgusting and misleading. Steve
Dallas should have been the obvious choice
Northridge, Calif. for your cover, but of course you'd have had
to pay him!
Your deeply troubling survey of the
American campus mood confirmed my
University of California
worst fears: selfishness, me/us-versusBerkeley, Calif.
them mentalities and a zealous flocking to
easy, absolutist religious platitudes. Rather
As one of the few liberals left on campus,
than accepting the challenge of dealing I've found increasing ignorance and apathy
with the real world of overpopulation, pov- concerning any sort of politics among my
peers. Most of the people I talked to voted
for Reagan, but few could identify his position on any of the relevant issues. Most of
them did not know who either Jesse Helms
or Jerry Falwell was, and some could not
even name the vice president of the United
States. However, all of them jumped on the
"Ronnie Bandwagon." I find that as a generation, we tend to be self-serving, moneyoriented, naive and lacking in conviction
and spirit. I am ashamed.
A Comprehensive Gi
Survival After College
Ohio State University
Columbus, Ohio
The Suicide Pill
Jason Salzman posits that the suicide
pill would "demonstrate to the Soviet
Union that people in the United States are
absolutely serious about preventing nuclear war" (MY TURN). What the suicide pill
would actually alert the Soviet Union to is
the fact that they can strike with no fear of
retaliation. Personally, I'd rather face the
horror of a protracted death from radiation poisoning than face the horror of
watching my friends systematically put
themselves to death.
SAM E. K I N N E Y Jr.
Dartmouth College
Hanover, N.H.
Congratulations to Jason Salzman for
having the intelligence and insight to see the
nuclear-war issue for what it is and for
having the guts to talk publicly about it by
suggesting the suicide-pill option. As a middle-aged woman who has returned to college, I am appalled at the ignorance and
apathy of the conservative majority on college campuses today and say bravo for anyone who dares to voice a knowledgeable but
different opinion. There is much more at
stake in our world than a "good job after
graduation," and it is time we pull our heads
out of the sand, face the issues and start
working for peace.
Camillus, N.Y.
Once universities begin to "stockpile suicide pills," as suggested by Mr. Salzman
and Brown students, what is to prevent
other institutions and organizations from
doing likewise? This would not only create a
high degree of availability but would be a
hugely regrettable mistake, and one that
unfortunately would only be realized as
such after the fact.
University of Kansas
Lawrence, Kans.
Letters to the Editor, with the writer's
name and address and daytime telephone
number, should be sent to: Letters Editor,
Newsweek On Campus, 444 Madison
Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10022. Letters
may be edited for reasons of space and clarity.
Beginning in the September 1985 issue of
Newsweek On Campus, The American
Express® Real Life Planner will tackle
some of the myths about life after college.
You will find reliable information on getting
started in your first job, networking, office
politics, managing your money, investing,
and continuing your education.
Look for the introductory installment of The
American Express Real Life Planner in
this issue. Don't miss it.
"ij 1 T
•^6 IStraight
utside the door to Ron Howard's $575-a-night New York
hotel suite sits a greasy pizza box. It seems incongruous in a
place where most folks would rather havea slice of Chateaubriand, but the anomalies are just beginning. Inside the suite, on the
living-room floor, Hollywood's hot young director is scuttling
around with his four-year-old daughter, Bryce, while wife, Cheryl,
looks on. It's just about 8 p.m.—more than 12 hours since he got up
and went to work on his latest film, "Cocoon." Today he's been
rerecording dialogue, and everything went well. Now, with the
charms of Manhattan beginning to twinkle 28floorsbelow, will the
Howards go out to celebrate? No way. This million-dollar moviemaker would much rather spend the time watching his kid play with
her mermaid toy. For someone who's been in show business for 29 of
his 31 years, Ron Howard sure comes on like the middle-class guy
next door. And in many ways, he is.
Where did this man go right? Just about everywhere he could. As
the older of two sons in a showbiz family, he had an impossibly
normal upbringing in southern California. Somehow he never got
around to developing an oversize ego, but instead became an
easygoing, genuinely nice guy who seems to have made no enemies.
"In a town that takes pleasure in knocking people," says producer
Roger Corman, "no one knocks Ron Howard."
Of course, in a town that loves a winner, Howard's also got a lot of
clout. As an actor, he played in two No. 1 television series—"The
Andy Griffith Show" and "Happy Days"—and a smattering of
successful movies from "The Music Man" to "American Graffiti."
In recent years Howard has applied his golden touch behind the
camera. His veryfirstfilm,"Grand Theft Auto," cost $500,000 and
brought in more than $7 million. His third film, "Splash," was a
financial triumph: at $35 million in rentals, it was among the top 15
movies of 1984. Much the same is expected of "Cocoon," a sentimental science-fiction fantasy that could make him one of the top
directors of the generation. "If 'Cocoon' hits," says Wall Street
analyst Lee Isgur, who follows the movie business for Paine Webber,
"there will be people saying he's another wunderkind—another
Steven Spielberg or George Lucas."
Hollywood needs all the young geniuses it can get, and it's
increasingly willing to listen to young filmmakers. In recent years
the motion-picture industry has developed a blockbuster complex;
studios attempt to make one or two megahits per year to pay the bills
for everything else. Out of the anxiety about hitting big has come a
desperate attempt tograb younger audiences. The fact that 16- to 20year-olds constitute the prime moviegoing audience explains the
current acne rash of teen-exploitation movies, many of which flop
spectacularly. No wonder that "Splash," with its widely appealing
story and characters, stood out, and catapulted Ron Howard to the
directorial forefront. Says Isgur, "It was a sign that he's capable of
producing movies that are unique on a creative basis and that have
worldwide commercial appeal."
s a basically decent man who makes basically decent films,
Ron Howard may be the perfectfilmmakerfor his time. He
creates conservative movies—touching stories with strong,
middle-class values and an old-fashioned sensibility that harks back
to such masters as Frank Capra and Preston Sturges. "To make a
movie," says Howard, "I feel that I should really believe in its theme.
It should be something that I can identify with and relate to." If that
sounds a bit heavy, remember the wry touch Howard brought to the
theme of love in a "Splash" discussion between Allen Bauer (Tom
Hanks) and his brother Freddie (John Candy).
FREDDIE: SO, how is she?
ALLEN: How is she? She's ah . . . she's a mermaid. I don't understand. All my life I've been waiting for someone, and when Ifindher,
she's... she's a fish.
FREDDIE: Nobody said love's perfect.
"Cocoon," Howard's next warmhearted fantasy, is scheduled for
release June 21. It tells the story of a group of young, attractive,
humanoid aliens whocome to earth to retrievesome magical objects
from the Gulfof Mexico. In the course of their visit to Florida's west
coast, they encounter a down-and-out pleasure-boat skipper—who
begins to fall in love with one of the extraterrestrials —and a group of
senior citizens who begin to feel and act much younger. The movie
sparkles withfineensemble performances from a large cast, including such veterans as Hume Cronyn, Jessica Tandy and Maureen
Stapleton, plus such bright young faces as Steve Guttcnberg, Raquel
Welch's daughter, Tahnee, and Tyrone Power Jr. In its knack of
seeming simultaneously magical and believable, "Cocoon" resembles Steven Spielberg's "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and
the best work of author Ray Bradbury. "With 'Cocoon,' I tried to
create an environment which makes total sense, reactions which are
very believable," says Howard. "In doing that, you earn the right to
be as fanciful as you want without people wincing. It allows the
audience to participate in the fantasy."
Twentieth Century-Fox, the studio releasing "Cocoon," hopes
there will be a lot of audience to participate. The studio has had a
rocky past few years—including a shift in ownership, a new management team and a well-publicized cash-flow problem. Originally
planned for release next Christmas, "Cocoon" was shifted to
summer in what many industry analysts see as an attempt to pump
some fresh money into the company. "The studio not only needed
product, they convinced us that it was really a summer picture,"
says Richard Zanuck, one of three "Cocoon" producers and part of
the production team that brought us "Jaws" and "The Sting."
Such faith didn't come automatically. To get his first shot at
directing, Howard had to resort to a mild form of extortion: in
exchange for acting in the phenomenally popular drive-in movie
"Eat My Dust!", he got the go-ahead from producer Roger Corman
to make his own car-crash spectacle, "Grand Theft Auto." After
this breakthrough, Howard was determined to keep on directing,
even in the anonymous world of TV-movie production. There,
much in the same way thatfilm-schoolgraduates learn their craft
(page 8), Howard made threefilms,including the highly praised
"Skyward" (1980) with Bette Davis for NBC. Yet in that same year,
ABC refused Howard's request for directing assignments when his
contract for "Happy Days" was up for renewal, so he left the series.
"They offered me a lot of money instead," says Howard, "but that's
not what I wanted. I had committed myself to being a director."
oward has become a remarkably democratic filmmaker,
willing to listen to cast and crew. "What I enjoy is that
moment of creation, whether it's from an idea of mine or
someone else," he says. "Movies are made up of thousands and
thousands of little steps that need to be taken correctly. Each of
those little steps feels pretty good, and over the course of the day
there are lots of little payoffs." As an actor, he brings a special
sensitivity to character
portrayal and casting.
"Characters are the most
important thing to me,"
he says—and it shows.
In "Night Shift" Howard coaxed wonderful—
and very different—performances out of Henry
Winkler and Michael
Keaton. In perhaps his
finest work as an actor,
Winkler made an engaging transition from nebbish factotum to selfconfident, normal guy,
and Keaton shot offconiic sparks as a jivey
hustler. Steve Guttenberg of "Cocoon" says
Howard is "an actor's director," who "gives people a lot of room and
guides them in a way that
is more mature than his
chronological age."
In one way or another, Howard's been
preparing to direct all his life. "At the
age of seven or eight," he recalls, "when
people would ask me, 'What do you want
to be when you grow up?', it was my
stock answer to say, 'I want to be
an actor-writer-producer-director-cameraman-and-baseball player'." He clearly
13 remembers his satisfaction, at seven, when
| the director of "The Andy Griffith Show"
i used one of his suggestions. He started
| making home movies at nine and won a
J national contest at 17withaonc-reelerhe
| submitted as "R. W. Howard."
"1 The would-be director was learning,
even as he stood around television and movie sets during the endless
delays between takes. His father, actor-writer Ranee Howard, says
Ron absorbed much ofhis knowledge by osmosis: "He knows things
he doesn't even know he knows." Working with George Lucas on
"American Graffiti" was an epiphany, Ron says. "He was the first
director I worked with who didn't shoot it by the numbers. That was
real interesting to me—and a revelation." Lucas returns the favor by
saying, "Ron is terrific. He was a talented young actor in 'American
Graffiti' and now he's a great director."
Although Howard attended film school at Southern Cal, he
dropped out after two years with few regrets. Acting commitments,
largely "Happy Days," kept interfering with his studies, and he
thought he could accumulate the credentials forfilmmakingoutside
the classroom. "After a while I didn't look back, especially when
directing opportunities began developing for me," he says. And
when he took advantage of them, Howard made movies in a way that
drew upon all his formative influences—the imagination and creativity of a Lucas, the rock-hard realism ofclassic TV sitcoms. "The
confines of having to develop a character on TV and tell a story in 26
minutes," says Tom Hanks, who starred in ABC's "Bosom Buddies," "instills a lot of discipline in you."
Howard's discipline and showbiz instincts may have come naturally. His father and mother were touring together in a dual production of "Cinderella" and "Snow White" when they decided to
wed. "Ranee and I were married in Winchester, Ky.," recalls Jean
Howard, "at midnight with six dwarfs doing a tap dance to 'Here
Comes the Bride'." While Mom and Dad did summer stock, little
Ronny would "watch rehearsals for hours on end," says Ranee. "If
you did something funny, he would laugh. He was a great audience
at two." By that time, in fact, Ronny had already trod the boards—
sort of. At 18 months his mother carried him across the screen in a
long-forgotten Western called "Frontier Woman." And while only
two, he earned his first rave in Dad's production of "The SevenYear Itch": "He is on stage less than a minute," exclaimed the Baltimore Sun, "but during that time opening night he stole the show."
t was only the beginning. From watching his father perform in a
summer-stock production of "Mr. Roberts," Ronny somehow
absorbed most of the lines spoken by the inept Ensign Pulver.
When he and Dad performed a scene from the play in front of a
casting director, three-year-old Ronny landed hisfirstpaying job as
an actor, in the movie "The Journey" (1959). This led to a series of
parts on live television and his big break, "The Andy Griffith
Show," in 1960. As Opie, the son of widowed Sheriff Andy Taylor,
Howard created the modern television equivalent of Huck Finn—a
wide-eyed, fresh-faced charmer learning about life from Paw, Aunt
Bee and Barney Fife. It was the perfect match of character and actor,
and, thanks to continuing reruns, people still associate Howard
strongly with the character.
During his eight years with Griffith, Howard also managed to
become a very popularfilmactor. In "The Music Man" (1962), he
played the lisping little brother of Marian the librarian—and
showed a boisterous ability to belt out a tune in "Gary, Indiana."
The following year, in "The Courtship of Eddie's Father" with
Glenn Ford, he managed to be alternately precocious and vulnerable—but always very appealing. After the Taylors departed Mayberry, Howard worked sporadically before getting another series,
"The Smith Family," with Henry Fonda in 1971. "Leading up to MMII'BSMpr. 811MM*
that," Howard says, "there had been nine months where, for the first
time in my life, I was losing out on parts. It's the first time I
remember not working when I wanted to—and I missed it."
amm sfc» i ' .
Although "The Smith Family" was canceled after a year,
Howard's career stayed on course, thanks to two nostalgic projects:
the pilot for "Happy Days," which aired that year, and "American
Graffiti" in 1973. For both, he portrayed a naive, earnest young man
coming of age. In "Happy Days" his decidedly straight Richie
played off the awesomely cool Fonzie of Henry Winkler. As the
Fonz gradually eclipsed Richie as the focus of the show, Howard,
typically, buckled down to become an effective second banana. "I
-. ^tt-. • :.^,
The sign on the door reads "Reality Ends
Here"—but in fact, the tough realities of
moviemaking are basic to the curriculum at
New York University's film department. In
the editing lab, students hunker in isolated
cubicles, painstakingly cutting pieces of
celluloid. Nearby, their classmates may be
stitching costumes or building film sets,
wheedling grants out of corporate chieftains or checking the bulletin boards—desperate for a fog machine or a production
job. "You come in thinking that right away
you're going to become George Lucas or
Martin Scorsese," says sophomore Christine Sacani, "and what you realize right
away is that it's not like that at all."
Both of those directors were trained at
Hollywood is an obvious draw. Classwork
occasionally proves commercial: the first
script Greg Widen, 26, an M.F.A. candidate at UCLA, wrote for his screenwriting class got him an A—and $300,000
from Twentieth Century-Fox. Screenwriting Prof. Richard Walter says that while
few ever strike so big so soon, students can
often use scripts to open studio doors. Walter also dismisses the frequent criticism
that film-school students are unreasonably
cocky. "Huge egos are real useful," he says.
"Moviemaking is a wonderfully arrogant
notion." At USC, well-connected alumni
often provide key introductions; distinguished graduates also contribute to its extraordinary facilities, including a mini-stu-
••••••••i— w
- a — — — ^ M M
film schools—and the mere possibility that
other young moviemakers might rise that
high has given these programs new glamour.
According to the American Film Institute,
nearly 41,000 students are now enrolled in
about 1,100 college film programs around
the country. For years Hollywood scoffed at
this hothouseapproachtolearningthe craft,
but the huge successes of such alumni as
Lucas (USC), Scorsese (NYU) and Francis
Coppola (UCLA) changed the picture, and
now studio executives scout fresh talent
among recent graduates. "They need us,"
boasts Eleanor Hamerow, head of NYU's
graduate program. Authorities praise many
film departments, including those at Boston
University, MIT, Columbia (where "Amadeus" director Milos Forman teaches), the
University of Texas and the California Institute of the Arts. The three schools that
currently rate most of the limelight, however, are UCLA, USCand NYU.
The California universities were pioneers
in film education, and their proximity to
diocomplex of five buildings, made possible
by such donors as Lucas ($6 million) and
Steven Spielberg ($ 1 million).
In recent years, as audiences have begun to savor small, independent features,
NYU's film program has inspired more
and more applause. Such currently acclaimed young directors as Susan Seidelman ("Desperately Seeking Susan"), Jim
Jarmusch ("Stranger Than Paradise"),
Joel Coen ("Blood Simple") and Martin
Brest ("Going In Style," "Beverly Hills
Cop") are all graduates of NYU's Tisch
School of the Arts, which stresses the mastery of all trades and the importance of
working within a budget.
Teamwork: NYU favors a hands-on approach. Both undergraduate (980) and
graduate students (160) start with still photography and progress to short black-andwhite silent films. Then they learn to add a
sound track andfinallysynchronized sound
and color. Students produce at least five
short films a semester—longer ones at the
graduate level—while working as crew on
others' projects. Teamwork is crucial. "A
few years ago, people emerging from film
schools had the reputation of walking onto a
set and wanting to take over," says department chairman Charles Milne. "We decided we had to drive home that film at its best
is a collaborative medium."
Periods of study (directing, camera technology, writing, editing, sound, etc.) alternate with periods when students shoot their
own films; in their final year, grad students
produce a full-length thesis film. "We don't
say, 'OK, if you're going to be a director,
then you don't need to learn to shoot or
edit'," says Prof. George Stoney. "We even
make them act so that they have the experience of knowing what it's like." Undergraduates are also required to take a core
curriculum of liberal-arts courses and encouraged to venture beyond the requirements. "The liberal arts are very important
in making great filmmakers," says Milne.
"You can't be a great filmmaker unless you
have something substantive to say."
Parlays: Atypically, NYU students own
the rights to the films they create and say
these are their most valuable credentials.
Director Seidelman, a 1976 graduate, won a
"student Oscar" from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences for a short,
satirical film. On the strength of that
achievement, Seidelman obtained a grant
for a longer movie. She parlayed this into an
$80,000 kitty to make "Smithereens," a feature about punk rockers that aroused the
interest of big-time producers who took her
to Orion Pictures, which just released the $5
million "Desperately Seeking Susan."
The production process can be costly,
however. NYU's annual tuition is $8,450,
and the expense of filming can add heavily
to the burden. Although the school provides facilities and equipment, it offers
limited film budgets—a minimum of $600
for a graduate thesis film, for example. Most
students try to raise additional funds themselves; they discover that the salesmanship
effort can be one of the most valuable lessons of all. "It gets you to go out and sit
down with a bigwig from Pepsi or Xerox,"
says sophomore Sacani. "You learn to be
able to go out fighting."
The fight promises to get somewhat easier in the near future. "The studios are
searching," says Seidelman. "Everybody's
trying to figure out what's new." Her success, and that of other graduate filmmakers,
is starting to reverberate through the movie
business, according to NYU's Stoney.
"They've made money for the industry," he
says, "and more and more of the people in
control are those who came out of the film
schools." As long as their alumni continue
to star at the box office, college programs
will probably be playing ever-bigger roles.
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used to call him the Bob Cousy of comedy,"
says the show's creator, Garry Marshall,
"because Bob Cousy was such a versatile
basketball player, he could feed the ball to
others or when you really needed him to, he
could score himself."
Since establishing himself as a director,
Howard has put acting on hold. "I do like to
act," he says, "and once I get my directing
career under control I might want to ease
back into it." Actually, now that he's begun
to work more behind the lens than in front of
it, Howard has begun to enjoy his celebrity
for the first time. "A wonderful thing has
happened in the last four or five years," he
says. "People have stopped making a real
big deal out of meeting me. They don't come
up and say, 'Opie, how's Aunt Bee?' They
say, 'I hope "Cocoon" does real well'."
Fame hasn't always been that easy to
handle. Ronny Howard learned how to
write so he could sign autographs in 1960
when "The Andy Griffith Show" became a
smash. Separating his screen life from his
homelifewasn't hard ("Acting wasn't being
natural. It wasn't a game. It wasn't play."),
but being a child celebrity did cause some
conflicts. "It was confusing when I went
back to school and would have to get into
fights and stuff to prove I was an OK kid.
But I always enjoyed it." Howard and his
brother, Clint—also a successful child actor, who starred on the TV series "Gentle
Ben"—did most of their growing up in middle-class Burbank and always attended public schools when not working.
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mpossible as it may seem, Howard had
a fairly normal childhood. "When kids
would come up to me and say, 'What's it
like to be a movie star?' I'd never really have
an answer because I didn't know anything
about it except working," he says. "I had
two very separate lives. I didn't know any
Hollywood kids and I didn't hang out with
any of them." Ranee and Jean Howard told
Ron hedidn't have to act if hedidn't want to,
andonlyoncedidhe feel pressured to take a
job. Asked if he wanted to be in "The Music
Man," Ronny said he didn't want to miss
any of public-school first grade. "I remember the vibes in the car," he says. "They said,
'Oh, OK,' but clearly they thought it was a
neat opportunity. Later, they asked me
again and I said, 'Yeah, yeah'."
While the protectiveness of Ranee and
Jean Howard kept little Ronny untarnished
by glitz, it sometimes grated on the adolescent Ron. In particular, he remembers being
"a little bit impatient" to marry a girl he met
in his 11 th-grade English class. Now his wife
of 10 years, Cheryl Howard, a budding
screenwriter, remembers that Ron was"real
shy and nice when he talked in the classroom." The product of a Southern Baptist
upbringing, she hadn't seen his acting when
they began to date: "My dad wouldn't let
me watch much TV." The couple had to
overcome his parents' tight reins and her
lather's initial distrust of show-business
people. "But my dud ended up liking
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Ron," says Cheryl, "because he got me home from a date by 9:30.'
By and large, Ron Howard has remained true to his conservative
upbringing. He neither smokes nor drinks hard liquor, although
he's been known to put away a few beers. Although he's always
earned good money—$ 1 million for directing "Cocoon"—he and
his wife live modestly by Hollywood standards. They both wanted a
family but waited until they'd been married five years to have their
first child. Howard considers his "straight arrow" reputation accurate and concedes that, in an industry known for conspicuous
substance abuse, "I am not and probably never will be socially in
tune. I wasn't as a kid, not when I was on 'Happy Days' and not now.
People don't invite me to those kinds of parties." Howard admits
that he used to feel uncomfortable denying drug use in the past but
now, he says, "not drinking and not taking drugs is starting to
become kind of hip."
o what does Ron Howard do for a good time? Well, he goes to
a lot of movies. He likes to play a little basketball, and he loves
to watch sports on TV. A big Los Angeles Dodgers fan,
Howard collects baseball memorabilia—including a 1927 contract
Babe Ruth signed to appear in a movie called "Lily of the Laundry"—and he owns 2l/i percent of the Portland Beavers, a minorleague farm team of the Philadelphia Phillies. More often than not,
hesimply spends time with friends like Winklerand, especially, with
his family: "I now enjoy going to the zoo, and the trips to Knotts
Berry Farm can be heaven."
Most people will tell you that Ron Howard is a very nice man—
and he is. Dressed in oxford-cloth shirt, crew-neck sweater, blue
jeans and running shoes, he looks just about the same as he did on
"Happy Days," except for some additional hair on his upper lip and
a little less on the top of his head. But don't be fooled into thinking
he's Richie Cunningham; he's much smarter, if not as funny.
("Personally, Ron's not a funny guy," says Tom Hanks. "When you
sit in a room with him, you don't get bowled
over.") And he's so earnest that you believe him
completely when he says, with customary directness, "I consider myself to have been extremely
fortunate, but I also consider myself to be a
person who is pretty good at taking advantage of
good fortune by working hard."
Maybe a little too hard. "It's a constant footrace between family and work," says Howard. "I
love to work and get a great deal of gratification
and security out of it." While on "Happy Days,"
Howard would write screenplays at night and
make 16-mm movies on the weekends—and his
first theatrical feature was prepared and edited
while he was working on the series. While he
claims to be a "reformed workaholic," during a
I recent lull in "Cocoon," Howard flew toOhiofor
1 a few days to scout locations for "Gung Ho," a
« movie that hasn't even been signed yet by a
studio. Says Cheryl Howard, "He said to me,
'Babe, after "Happy Days" we're going to have much more time.'
Well, 'Happy Days' is over and it's still crazy."
Which is why the Howards will be moving to the East Coast this
summer. By leasing a house in Greenwich, Conn., they hope "to
separate business from family. If you're in show business and in
L.A., you can't get away from it all," says Cheryl in the family room
of their overcrowded West Coast house. (Even with three bedrooms
in the main house and an additional two in the attached guest
quarters, there is barely room for Ron and Cheryl, Bryce, their
three-month-old twins, Paige and Jocelyn, a nanny, four dogs, two
goats and three rabbits.) "Some people feel it's a real mistake," says
Howard, "because everything is going so well and Los Angeles is
where all the decisions get made." Considering, his box-office
record, however, odds are that the Hollywood decision makers will
be only loo happy lo come to Ron Howard.
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November 1985
Office Politics
September 1985
Getting Started
October 1985
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Commonly held myth #1:1 must be certain of my career path before I leave
Not true; in fact, most college graduates
don't remain in their first jobs lor more than
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alter graduation.
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Not true; unfortunate or not, many onmyth #2: I'm better oil finding a job on my the-job promotions are as much promotions
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Not true; networking of this sort is not
it's up to you to figure
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it's so prevalent you'll
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of The Real Life Planner, American Express will provide an
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Managing Money
March 1986
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April 1986
Continuing Education
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for recent graduates,
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says Hugh Blanchard, an assistant U.S. attorney in Los Angeles. "He might be telling
people at parties that he isn't paying and the
government will never know. That might
make others who are paying feel foolish."
One large federal claim has been filed
against two doctors who graduated from
practice isvery effective," says Robert Ford, Michigan State in 1980. According to court
a Justice Department deputy attorney gen- papers, Millicent Dudley, a psychiatrist,
eral. "I don't see anything wrong with let- and her husband, Dale, an internist, together owe $152,488. A major part of their
ting the public know what is on file."
The pay-or-publish tactic has indeed paid money came through a program under
off. A woman in Washington brought in a which they would owe work time to the U.S.
certified check for $2,500 the day after the Public Health Service; a violation of the
first press release. In New Haven, an archi- agreement currently requires the recipient
tect named Wendell Harp turned over to pay back three times the grant including
interest. The Dudleys concede
that they have not fulfilled all of
the agreement, but contend that
their residency at an inner-city
hospital should count toward their
debt. The government position is
that this residency was training,
not service. Their lawyer, Lawrence Abramczyk, says that "they
acknowledge responsibility for repayment. They're not trying to run
away from their obligation."
Chasing the Defaulters
The Feds get tough with students who don't pay up.
raduating seniors may think that
they have left all the worries of college life behind them. But after a
grace period of nine months, many will
come face to face with a rule that is more
than academic: there is no such thing as a
free loan. After tolerating an epidemic of
defaults on federally guaranteed student
loans, the United States government has
launched its most severe crackdown yet on students who leave
school magna cum loan. Since December, 15,000 lawsuits have been
filed against ex-students aimed at
collecting nearly $45 million in
back debts. And federal officials
pledge to keep the pressure on.
William Weld, the U.S. attorney in
Boston, sums up the new federal
attitude: "It is inexcusable that a
student who was lucky enough to
get a federal loan should now refuse to pay it back."
sing publicity to collect
money is more like wieldInexcusable, but increasingly
ing a bludgeon than a scalcommon. "The fact is," says Richpel. While federal prosecutors inard A. Hastings, director of debt
sist that they don't go to the press
collection for the U.S. Departuntil private efforts have failed,
ment of Education, "there is a
some debtors complain that the
flood tide of loans coming into
process is abusive. "It was dirty
default this year." His figures
pool," says Hazel Bright, who
show that this year alone, loan
found herself on the U.S. attordefaults could reach as high as
ney's "Top Ten Wanted List"
$800 million, raising the total of
Boston last February. "The
outstanding bad paper to $3 bilamount quoted in the papers
lion. That is a small fraction of
[$7,812.39] didn't even reflect
the $42.4 billion in federally guar| payments made." In New York,
anteed loans granted by 1984, but
8 social worker Marjorie Morales
it is more than enough to stir
1 hasfileda countersuit against her
the Reagan administration; in an
S federal pursuers, charging imera of record budget deficits, stu| proper debt-collection practices.
dent deadbeats are an unpopular
I She had fallen behind on a $5,300
I loan; since her default was publiThe federal crackdown has taki cized, she says that she has been
en two forms. First, the White
harassed with calls and letters. "I
House has proposed tighter new Facing reality: 15,000 lawsuits and lists naming names
worry about my job," she says. "I
rules restricting federally backed
don't find it funny. Ifindit embarrassing."
loans to families that earn less than $32,000. $1,700 to cover a debt he claimed had been Morales is willing to resume bimonthly paySecond, the Education and Justice depart- paid a few years earlier. And in New York, ments, she says, but the government insists
ments in Washington now funnel default- Deryck Palmer, a young associate at a thatfirstshe admit that she has been del'ers' cases to local U.S. attorneys who, armed prominent law firm, paid $28,000 in loans quent(tosavefuture paperwork ifthoclaimwith more staff, computerized dunning let- within 20 days after his name and debt were ant is delinquent again).
ters and an unforgiving public mood, are published in the New York Daily News.
tracking down delinquents with a new greet- Palmer blames his arrears on a misunderThe vast majority of overdue debts are
ing from their Dutch Uncle Sam.
standing, claiming he had every intention of resolved after an exchange of letters. Most
With so many defaulters at large, the Feds paying. "Can you imagine being sued over a debtors spread back payments over two or
can't sue them all. Instead they've adopted a matter that you thought had been resolved," three years. "It's difficult to argue with a
policy of publicly shaming a few of them in he says heatedly. "To have tremendous dis- signed promissory note," says Cheryl Sullithe hopes of inducing others to settle up. In ruption or dislocation in your life—tell me van, chief of collection in southern Texas.
Sometimes the Feds have to be patient. "If
practice, this has led U.S. attorneys to file how it's easy to forget that."
dozens of suits at a time while issuing press
Young professionals in general are high- there's a reason—like unemployment—we
releases that give the names and addresses of profile targets. "I feel good when we catch a wait until they've got a job," Sullivan says.
the alleged defaulters being sued. "This well-to-do doctor or lawyer able to pay," "Then we go after them." But they can't
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wait too long. An ex-student who declares
bankruptcy live years after a loan comes due
can be discharged from the debt, says Doris
Ann Duffy, who heads the debt-collection
unit for the U.S. attorney's office in northern Texas. But, Duffy adds, "most of the
time we will have sued them before it reaches
the five-year point."
Bankruptcy hardly offers a free ride. Besides harming a fledgling credit rating,
bankruptcy can have professional repercussions. William Gahan's application to the
Minnesota bar was rejected in 1979 because
he had declared bankruptcy, a move which
freed him from $14,000 in student loans.
Gahan, now a practicing lawyer in San
Francisco, blames his problem on loan officers who "refused to give me a break." Back
on his feet, Gahan reaffirmed his debts one
year ago and has begun to pay them back.
he government and cooperating
banks deserve some of the blame for
the loan-collection problems. Despite periods of interest during the Nixon
and Carter administrations, collecting bad
debts has rarely been a high federal priority.
At the same time, eligibility requirements
for loans were eased in 1979 and tuition bills
jumped—two related phenomena that increased student loans. Some observers suggest that during much of this period banks
wrote loans for students as freely as they did
for shaky Third World nations. "With student loans, the banks will give money to
practically anybody because under federal
law the government will pay them back if
they are not paid off by the debtor," says
Blanchard in Los Angeles. "So you get people with dubious backgrounds getting loans
of as high as $20,000." Some never finished
school, and some took only correspondence
courses of one form or another that did not
yield much income potential.
W h e t h e r y o u ' r e on the. b r i d g e of
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And somesimply didn't understand what
they were doing. A young woman who now
works at the University of Houston remembers her loan checks as the functional equivalent of manna. "It was so great to get them
in the mail—I never thought about the future," she says. After she graduated in 1980,
her father made the payments on her $7,955
loans. When he stopped last year, she was
left with a $ 1,250 monthly salary which she
uses to pay her rent and car payments but
not the $63.86 that the government wants
for her loans. "I said I'm sorry but I can't
afford it," she recalls. That excuse won't
stall the creditors for long. But whether she
pays or not, perhaps the Feds ought to be
concerned with just what she learned with
her college money. "I feel kind of ignorant
about the whole thing," she says. "It was a
treat to get a check to pay for school, but I
just didn't think about what would happen
when it was time to pay it back."
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Miami's marriage of the mascots: Just another promotional stunt, like giving away cars, tax advice and open-heart surgery
obviously causes problems for northern
schools. College baseball also suffered from
a lack of support staff, spring competition
from tennis and track—and even the
stronghold that professional baseball has on
the American public.
he night was balmy, the stadium Maine went on to upset top-ranked Miami,
Now more colleges arefieldingbaseball
full and the Hurricanes of Miami 3-2, after 10. The defeat ended the Hurri- teams than ever before, and the traditional
led the Maine Black Bears 1-0 after canes' 24-game winning streak, leading one powerhouses, like Southern Cal, Texas and
four innings. Suddenly the Miami ground fan to comment, "Wedding nights are never Arizona State must share the spotlight with
crew unrolled a white carpet, and a "wed- what they're cracked up to be."
upstarts from Mississippi State, Wichita
ding" broke out in the infield. Public-adSuch elaborate stunts are hardly com- State, Miami, Michigan and, of all places,
dress announcer Jay Rokeach, in a white monplace, but the fact that they occur Maine. With the talent spread across the
dinner jacket and yarmulke, intoned the at all suggests that college baseball may country, today's stars include Oklahoma's
be emerging from a long slump. ace pitcher Bobby Witt, Michigan shortIn the last decade, beautiful stop Barry Larkin and first baseman Will
new ballparks have sprouted up Clark of Mississippi State, all of whom figaround the country and attend- ure to go early in the 1985 draft. The higher
ance has soared: better coach- level of play could lead to revenue-producing and longer seasons have ing programs at more universities. It might
improved the quality of play, also tempt major-league clubs to use the
which in turn attracts the atten- colleges as "farm teams" the way pro foottion of professional scouts. Last ball and basketball teams long have.
year 73 percent of the players
selected in the major leagues'
iami head coach Ron Fraser—the
June draft came from the college
"Wizard of College Baseball Proranks, compared with 39 percent
motion"—isn't surprised. "It's
in 1971; more than 40 percent of just a question of marketing the prodall current major leaguers played uct,"hesays. Fraser, 48, took over at Miami
college baseball. With the enor- in 1963. "They had nothing," he rememmous success of amateur baseFraser with James (left). Davits: 'A goad product ball as an exhibition sport at the bers, and he knew they needed three things:
lights, scholarships and spectators. Fraser
Los Angeles Olympics and five seasons of started with spectators. "Kids want to play
vows for Miami's mascot, the bright orange national
in front of people," reasons Fraser, a native
Miami Maniac, and his fuzzy green bride
New Jerseyan who coached the Dutch Nabefore4,200 cheering fans, a national televi- sports fans are beginning to notice.
sion audience and an all-mascot wedding
While football and basketball have tional Team to three European championparty that included Hinleah Park's Freddie long been highly visible, heavily promot- ships. So, in true Charlie Finley fashion, he
the Flamingo and the Hamburglar from ed and often lucrative college sports, painted the bases green, white and orange.
McDonald's. The newlyweds left on their baseball has attracted little more attention Then he started using bat girls, "hoping that
honeymoon after the eighth inning, and than water polo and lacrosse. The weather dirty old men would come to the games."
Big-League Baseball
Better play, marketing, TV help colleges woo the fans.
One season Fraser equipped his Hurposure is a big thing," explains the
ricanes with Kelly green gloves. He
Michigan native about his decision
finally started charging admission
to play ball for the Hurricanes.
and branched out into promotions
"You've got to market yourself."
that included giveaways after every
None of this has gone unnoticed
inning: cars, money, diamonds, inby major-league executives. "Many
come-tax advice, mystery vacations,
clubs are already concentrating
even open-heart surgery.
more heavily on college players,"
says Bob Wirz of the commissioner's
Nothing is too wacky if it gets peooffice. "There are more good prople into the ballpark. Take the Manigrams, coaches are doing more
ac's wedding. "You could jet around
teaching and the teams are playing
the country, and you'll never see
more games." Miami's star right
4,000 people at a college baseball
fielder Calvin James has no regrets
gameon a Sunday night," says Fraser
about his decision to play for the
of the Miami-Maine contest. "You
Hurricanes rather than in the farm
couldn't draw flies on a Sunday night.
system of the Cincinnati Reds, who
Those people were out there to see a
drafted him out of high school.
ballgame. But they were also out
"College offers so many more exthere to see the Maniac get married."
periences," says James, a senior maMiami got lights in 1973, scholarjoring
in international finance and
ships in 1974. That was the year that
marketing. "You get a chance to mathe Hurricanes made their first trip to
ture and grow and learn the game."
the College World Series. But the real
coup for Fraser—and college baseball—came in 1979 when he went to
oaches and athletic directors
ESPN, the sports TV network, with
are learning the marketing
the idea for an "East-West Classic."
game. Maine's ticket sales
The series would pit the Hurricanes Mississippi State's Clark in the Olympics: New power havesoared from $4,000 to $57,OOOin
against the Trojans of Southern Cal, a
the TV era, despite the fact that the
college baseball dynasty whose graduates an especially rainy season, 10 million fans Black Bears play thefirst30 games of every
include Fred Lynn, Dave Kingman and turned out. This year, ESPN expanded its season in sunnier climes. Tofillits 80,000Tom Seaver, to name a few. "I told them coverage to include 15 Sunday-night tel- seat stadium, Texas, which ranked fifth in
that college baseball is a good product, and ecasts in addition to the College World attendance last year, works hard to bring in
they should cover it," Fraser shrugs, as if Series, which will be played in Omaha national powers like Arizona State and
intoning the obvious. He also mentioned during the first week of June. "There's no Oklahoma. Later this year college officials
that the series would be played in February, substitute for exposure," says Southern are planning to talk with ESPN about a
when folks were sick of football and cold Cal's 70-year-old head coach, Rod De- College All-Star game. So far, the majority
weather and would be longing for palm deaux, the closest thing college baseball of colleges still operate in the red, but Fraser
trees and sunshine and baseball.
has to a grand old man and the skipper of insists that baseball programs, well operatcan become profitable. The $550,000
In 1979, the year before college base- the U.S. Olympic team. "Fred Lynn was ed,
that Miami's program pulled in this year
ball's debut on ESPN, total attendance was just as exciting at USC, but nobody knew says
he's right.
5.8 million. By 1983 it had skyrocketed he was playing." Miami pitcher Dan Dato a record 12.8 million; in 1984, despite vies couldn't agree more. "Television exMARY BRUNO in Miami
Michigan's Larkin: A farm system like pro football's and basketball's? Oklahoma's Witt: An early-round selection in the draft
confirming women as priests, nuns have
assumed significant new responsibilities.
Most orders now look for recruits with two
years of college or work experience, and
their nuns may serve as assistant pastors,
campus chaplains, directors of religious
education, foreign missionaries or social
workers. Says Sister Lora Ann Quinonez,
executive director of the Leudership Conference of Women Religious: "A woman
entering a community is able to do any thing
that her community's goals, her own talents
and the needs of any local church group
would direct her to do."
Hulk's Rock-and-Roll Wrestling Revival
"Hulkamania." the worship of a baldish,
305-pound beach boy named Hulk Hogan,
took religious root in Madison Square Garden on Jan. 24. 1984. That afternoon, the
6-foot 8-inch Hogan took the World Wrestling Association championship from "the
Madman of Iran," the infamous Iron
Sheik. Last month an estimated 40 million
pay-TV viewers worldwide watched Hogan
and Mr. T destroy the notorious bad-guy
team of Rowdy Roddy Piper and Paul (Mr.
Wonderful) Omdorff. The numbers aren V
surprising—wrestling shows now outdraw
even dirty movies on cable TV. But Hulk
wants more. Already he has portrayed
Thunderlips in "Rocky III," cut a No. 1
song in Japan and, with the help of Cyndi
Lauper, melded the constituencies of pro
wrestling and rock music.
I was into drinking beer and fighting. And
now I've found that just working out and
staying straight is the ultimate natural high.
I don't need nothin' else, and I tell people
that. And after they watch me, they realize
that's who I am.
Q. You started off as a bad guy not afraid
to wrestledirty. Nowyou 'rea hero. Have you
changed your fighting style at all?
A. No. When I started in Minneapolis, I
always went into the ring and tried to wrestle fair. But when other wrestlers started
taking shortcuts, I'd go ahead and give them
a nice receipt. The people in Minneapolis
loved that. And when I came to New York, I
Hulk—unlike most pro-wrestling idols—
is no goody two shoes in the ring. When
provoked by cheaters, his response is to take
no prisoners, even if it means breaking the
rules. Sometimes he forgets his strength outside the ring. Three days before Hulk teamed
with Mr. T., comedian Richard Belzer asked
the champ to demonstrate a front chin lock
on his cable talk show. Belzer went limp,
passed out and was taken to the hospital. The
next day Hulk talked with NEWSWEEK ^
Neal Karlen:
KARLEN: Pro wrestling used to appeal
almost exclusively to an audience of bluehaired grandmothers and fans of polka music. Suddenly, the sport is hip. Why?
HOGAN: The main reason wrestling has
become so popular is that there is now a new
breed of wrestler. A lot of these guys could
play any sport they wanted. The reason
most of them wrestle is that it's a one-on-one
type of situation—there's no padding, no
helmets. A lot of guys would rather have a
physical confrontation than be somebody's
teammate or sit on the bench for half the
game. So part of the reason wrestling is
getting so popular is the dedication of this
new breed. I also like to think that I have
something to do with it. Being the world
champion means I've got a heck of a following. So all I do now is come out and tell the
truth. And you know what? A lot of people
can't handle it when I talk the truth.
Q. What kind of truth?
A. The truth—the stuffthat really comes
out of my life. Most people can't handle the
fact that at S o'clock this morning I was up
training. Or they can't handle all the things
I tell kids about the importance of training,
saying your prayers, eating vitamins and
not smoking or drinking. When they listen
to me, some people say, "Oh, come on, that
big goof." But that's the way it is, I play it
straight. When I first got out of high school,
With Lauper: Training, vitamins, prayer
just kept doing the same thing. If somebody
kicked me in the guts, I'd do the same thing
to them. And the fans still liked me.
Q. What is the connection between rock
music and wrestling?
A. People who follow rock and those who
follow wrestling are the same type of fans.
They are real energetic. Rock and wrestling
is a great combination. They're almost the
same thing.
Q. How did you meet Cyndi Lauper?
A First I made friends with her manager,
Dave Wolf. He lives up in Connecticut
where I have an apartment. We had a lot of
things in common. He's a wrestling fan, and
I played bass guitar several years ago in
some rock bands. Anyway, me and Duve
Wolf started talking about music, and all
of a sudden Cyndi Lauper started hang-
ing around. Dave talked her into watching
wrestling, and she loved it. Then she got
interested in the girl wrestlers and approached [then contender, now women's
champ] Wendy Richter and asked her if she
needed help. Wendy discovered Cyndi is
into diet and nutrition. One thing led to
another, and Cyndi ended up managing
Wendy. And they've become real successful. I don't know how much Cyndi herself
trains, but she manages to take care of herself even with the crazy schedule she's got.
Q. How does it feel to be treated like a
rock star?
A. Well, you know, before wrestling became so popular, a lot of people were embarrassed to come to the matches. Now
that wrestling has gotten so big, a lot of
movie stars and celebrities are jumping on
the bandwagon. Now I don't mind people
jumping on the bandwagon. It's nice to see
Liberace or Geraldine Ferraro sitting in the
crowd. But. I know that for those kind of
people it's just a fad. I just want to see if
they're going to hang around.
Q. Was it hard for you to make the transition from local wrestling hero to international star?
A. Not really, because I made sure to keep
living the same way I always had. When
people ask what it's like to be a celebrity, I
say, "What the hell's that?" I mean, I'm still
wearing my tennis shoes and cowboy boots
and training and doing the same things that
I did when nobody knew me. You know, it's
just my personality to pick my opponents
apart, and if that's what being a star is all
about, then I've been a star for a long time. I
haven't changed a bit. Right now, people
are watching me and catching on. They say,
"Hey man, this guy's a heck of a role model
because he tells the truth about things."
Q. You became a symbol of American
patriotism after you beat the Iron Sheik. Do
you feel you symbolize anything?
A I don't know. I do know that 200 times a
day parents come up and ask, "Hey, Hulk,
would you sign this autograph? My kid
really loves you and the things you say." I
may sound a little repetitive, but I'm always
telling the kids to train, say your prayers and
eat your vitamins. I'm not laying a heavy rap
on them about God, because sometimes
that'll turn people oft". But they get the
message. And like I said, after they watch
me long enough they realize that I'm
straightforward. They know I'm not out
there hyping and then going home and
drinking and snorting coke in the back
room. I'm playing it straight all the way. I'm
just telling them what I do for a living and
what my life is like. And people get offon it.
omen serve even morecentrully in
Reform und Conservntive temples, the two wings of Judaism
that ordain female rabbis. Females now
make up one-third of the students at Hebrew Union College (HUC), the Reform
seminary. Enrollments in general are rising—and authorities see a resurgence of
religious feeling. "There was a time when
you could caricature Jewish students us
heading toward a few professions, und being
a rabbi was at the bottom of the list," says
Rabbi Stanley Schachter of the Jewish
Theological Seminary in New York. "Now
we're finding u lot of interest." Rabbi Robert Hirt of the Orthodox Isaac Elchanan
Seminary at New York's Yeshiva University sees a new kind of student. Today's rubbinicul candidates, Hirt suys, "come from
places like Yale and Dartmouth. They were
touched by someone in college or took a
yeur or u semester in Israel, und they feel
they huve a great responsibility to repay."
Protestant seminaries huve boosted enrollment 20 percent since 1979, purtly by
developing increusingly sophisticated programs: Emory's Candler School of Theology, for example, offers a dual Master
of Divinity/M.B.A. for those who aspire
to church management. At Southwestern
Baptist in Ft. Worth—the world's largest seminary, with 5,086 students—one
can major in Christian Communications. Ministeriul openings vury. They
ubound in the thriving evungelical
churches but are rare in the more affluent, suburban precincts of established Protestant denominations. For
all their progress, women may still
find opportunities limited by congregations that resist hiring them us pustors. Yet this, too, shall puss, suys
Elizubeth Eisensladt, unother new
womun of God. Ordnined an Episcopul deucon lust June und now un ussistant in a Philadelphia church, she
hopes to become u college chaplain.
"Often the best way to get a job is
a word of mouth—the old-boy net1 work," Eisensladt concedes, and then
£ adds with a laugh, "or, more und
I more, the young-girl network."
Episcopal deacon Eisensladt serves communion: From the 'old boys' to the 'new girls'
The New Face of the Clergy
he new face of the clergy belongs to
Rafael Aledo, 23, an erratic highschool student and drug user from
New York's Spanish Harlem. Aledo found
God, he says, after his girlfriend returned
from a religious retreat and coaxed him to
attend mass. Now he is preparing to enter
the Roman Catholic priesthood—at an
open-door seminary that permits its students to date women. The new face of the
clergy belongs also to Amy Eilberg, 31, who
graduates this month from the Jewish Theological Seminary as the first female Conservative rabbi, and to Tim Tune, 31, who
entered the Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary after eight years as a newspnpermun. "It took about half my lifetime for
God to lead me here," Tune says, "but now I
know that this is where I should be."
Meet today's congregation of clerics—
older, better educated and more worldly-wise. Faced with a shortage of people who are willing to commit their
lives to religion, some denominations
are easing old strictures. Others, hoping to extend their reach, are welcoming women, minorities and midcareer
converts. Religion-related opportunities have expanded beyond the pulpit to
finance, broadcasting and technological fields. And, while few would choose
a cleric's career for material reasons,
salaries and benefits are finally moving
beyond church-mouse penury. A minister's average starting salary in major
Protestant denominations, for example, is now $18,000, while the chief
minister or rabbi of a large church or
temple might command us much as
$75,000 in pay and perquisites.
Some of the biggest adjustments are
being made by the Roman Catholic
Church, which faces a severe shortage of
priests. Only 57,891 priests now serve a
growing population of 52 million American
Catholics; those ranks are expected to
shrink by half before the year 2000, and
seminary enrollment has plummeted 74
percent since 1969. Aware that the demands of celibacy, obedience and poverty
discourage many would-be priests, some
seminaries are trimming their restrictions.
One of the boldest is New York's Neumann
Residence, where 35 students from local
colleges live while mixing religious and secular studies. They can dress us they like and
date cusuully—not steadily—in an ntmosphere that resembles an internship.
Catholicism is also offering ways to serve
short of the priesthood—as lay teuchers,
counselors and administrators. And despite
the Vatican's continuing resistance to
IIVCpresident Alfred (lottschalk ordains a rabbi
A Capital Alliance
Of Young Investors
Tiblier (left) and his Texas A&Mfrat brothers toast their oil well: From rush to gush
A Backyard Bonanza for the Sigma Chis
College fraternities often go to great
lengths to attract new members, but the
Sigma Chis at Texas A&M inadvertently
came up with a gimmick that might make
even J. R. Ewing tip his Stetson. Last
September, a chapter rush party turned
into a gush party, when drillers struck oil
in the fraternity's backyard—as impressed
rushees looked on. Since then, the backyard rig has been producing more than 400
barrels of black gold a day—and has
helped the Sigma Chis capture a record
pledge class.
The fraternity bought the five-acre plot
of land behind its house last July as
an investment and a possible sile for expansion. Two weeks later, the Inexco Oil
Co. asked permission to drill for oil. "I
thought it was a joke," says chapter president Christopher Tiblier, who is now
laughing all the way to the bank. The
Sigma Chis stand to earn about $ 100,000 a
year, which they hope to use for a bigger
and better house.
The bonanza has caused some ill feeling.
"Some other fraternities said we were just
setting it all up for rush," says Tristram
Harper, the house treasurer. "1 think there
could have been a little jealousy." That
envy may soon turn to gratitude. The new
oil barons are talking to real-estate agents
about using their newfound income to buy
enough land to create a real fraternity row.
That could bring A&M's now scattered
Greeks closer together—and make campus
sweethearts of the Sigma Chis.
A college chapel may not seem like the
most appropriate place to preach the gospel
of capitalism. But when business majors
Lawrence Kaplan and Richard Abramson
called a meeting last fall in the Nevin Chapel at Franklin and Marshall in Lancaster,
Pa., they filled the pews with potential
converts to a new extracurricular activity.
Kaplan and Abramson were offering shares
in the Franklin and Marshall Investment
Alliance (FMIA). Unlike most college-operated mutual funds, which students and
professors run as classwork, the FMIA was
entirely student-backed and managed—
and it quickly signed on the legal limit of 99
shareholders, who raised a kitty of $3,000.
The FMIA is an offshoot of a similar
fund begun two years ago at the University
of Pennsylvania. Business students at Penn
wanted to invest on their own but didn't
have either the $100,000 or the professional management required to start a mutual
fund. Instead, with only $4,000, they were
able to register as a limited partnership
with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Word spread to other Eastern
campuses, and alliances sprouted at
Georgetown and Union in Schenectady,
N.Y. Penn's organizers hope to form a national clearinghouse that would advise
schools on how to start up.
The FMIA members, meanwhile, have
already learned a lot—maybe more than
they've earned. The fund bought G. Heileman Brewing Co. stock at $42 when beer
seemed to beagrowth industry; it promptly
nose-dived to $20. Now members pore over
research on key industries more carefully
be/ore they buy—and last semester, the
fund managed to outperform the Dow
Jones industrial average 2 to 1.
Here's Spring's New Fling
What flies farther than a Frisbee, faster than a Skyro and made its
way into the Guinness Book of World Records after just a few weeks
on the market? Answer: the Aerobic, the latest in a line of aerodynamic toys created by Silicon Valley engineer Alan Alder. Introduced last December by Superflight, Inc., in Palo Alto, Calif., the
bright orange ring is fast becoming the new campus craze. Adler
says that he has to keep a mold running 24 hours a day just to keep
up with the demand. The Stanford bookstore has sold about 2,000
of the $6.95 Aerobies in less than five months, and rings have also
been spotted wafting over the greens al Dartmouth, Duke, Berkeley, the University of Colorado and the University of Hawaii.
"The Aerobie is fun because it goes so far," says Scotl Zimmerman, the Pasadena City College student—and four-time world
Frisbee champion—who threw the ring 1,046 feel, 11 inches to
establish the Guinness record. "Even beginners can throw it 50 to
60 yards." Frisbee may remain everybody's favorite flying object
for now—but spring's new fling is coming on fast.
Duke student pursues At'iahW: lilfntifml flying object^
A Vassar Study
Trip to Nicaragua
To try to sort through the din of conflict
over U.S. policy toward Nicaragua, 25 Vassar students and faculty went there on their
spring break. After a semester of seminars
sponsored by the college's American-culture department, they spent 10 days in Managua. Most paid for the $900 trip themselves; a few got financial aid. "We wanted
to see for ourselves what was taking place,"
says Obika Gray, an assistant professor of
political science.
The Vassar contingent met with officials
of the Sandinista government and opposition leaders; they attended mass, visited a
newspaper office and watched a National
Assembly debate on a new constitution.
They also had an opportunity to see Sandinista doctrine in practice; on a visit to a
government-sponsored day-pare center, the
Hunter's New York guests aboard the Stolen Island ferry: Abroad at home
Take Manhattan, The Bronx and Staten...
If you're longing to study in some exotic
spot—but you can't quite afford a year
abroad—try a world capital that's closer to
home: Manhattan's Hunter College offers a
"Junior Year in New York" program that
provides work experience, education and
cultural opportunities for eight months at a
cost of less than $2,000. Hunter, a liberalarts college within the City University of
New York, provides dormitory housing, a
full roster of classes, an array of cultural
activities including trips to the ballet, opera
and theater, sightseeing with student hosts,
and for-credit internships (among them: administrative aide in the mayor's office and
production assistant at an off-Broadway
Vassar visitors with Nicaragua!! kids
group listened as preschoolers sang songs
praising the revolution. Even at their tender
age, the children seemed well aware of the
pressure applied by the contra guerrillas,
who are frying to topple the government.
"The kids understood that there was a war
going on around them," says sophomore
Allison Abner.
The trip shattered many preconceptions
about Nicaragua and its people. The pluralism in political opinion, both left and right
of the Sandinista party line, surprised some
students and faculty members. Professor
Gray noted "a certain degree of press censorship"; others were struck by the fact that
they met almost no one who supported the
contras, who are backed by the Reagan
administration. "Nicaragua is not a totalitarian state, not a police state, but neither is
it the Utopia that many of its friends would
have you believe," says Gray.
Most "graduates" of the Hunter program
rave about their bite of the Big Apple. "I
grew up a lot just living in the city," says
Beth A. Marecki of Wesleyan College in
Macon, Ga., who worked in a women's
experimental-theater group. Visiting students may, of course, learn something about
the downside of urban existence—grimy
subways, the crime threat and occasional
bursts of loneliness on the decentralized
campus. Despite the drawbacks, says Marecki, "I would not have given up this year
for anything." Several of the junior-year
students have accepted full-time jobs after
graduation at their intern businesses, and a
few have transferred to Hunter to finish
their degrees. Program director Lucy Holland says that Hunter can accept 30 visitors
next fall; applications are due by June 15.
Less Sun, More Fun
Bagging rays used to be no sweat—just
grab a towel, stretch out and "power tan."
But the health-conscious sun worshiper
now faces a dilemma: the beams that bronze
can also cause skin cancer and premature
aging. To help, cosmetics companies are
introducing new moisturizers, lip balms
and stay-on hair conditioners with sunscreens for the beach season. One firm is
even trying to cut beach-bag clutter: those
who don't want to lug along numerous bottles with different sun-protection factors
might try Dial-A-Tan by Jovan, which provides a range of SPF's in a single lube.
Dermatologists warn, however, that even
the best sunscreen can't protect against the
ravages of overexposure.
Dial-a-xunscrwn: A Ian for all seasons
The Dangers of Cramming
Giving up sleep could do more harm than good.
idnight, and the spiral notebook
is barely half full. The rest of its
pages, scribbled with organicchemistry equations, litter the dorm-room
door. Every few minutes the figure
hunched over the desk tears away another
page, having memorized as much as he
can, and passes it on to his friend. And
thus the two roommates continue all night,
dropping the pages to the carpet after each
has absorbed his fill.
Welcome to the all-night cramming session, which most students resort to at some
desperate point in their college careers.
varies so widely. "Some people are markedly impaired by even a small decrease in
sleep time," says David Buchholtz, a neurologist and sleep therapist at The Johns
Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, "while
others can go without sleep for a few nights
without any demonstrable loss of performance." People also have vastly different
minimum requirements: a full night's rest
can range from 4 to 10 hours. It is critical,
experts stress, for each person to know
how much sleep he needs.
Heavy use of stimulants can compound
the problem. Many students assume that
can hit them after only 2 to 3 cups. Speed is
far more hazardous. Overdoses can lead to
auditory hallucinations and paranoia. In
addition, according to Larry Alessi, assistant professor of psychiatry at The Johns
Hopkins Medical School, "if someone uses
speed for many weeks and then stops, he
may 'crash' into severe depression."
Unless a person abuses his body
with stimulants, he should be able to snap
back fairly quickly from an all-nighter.
One full night of rest will usually produce complete recovery from up to 48
hours of sleep deprivation; normal, healthy
people have been known to stay awake for
as long as a week without lasting ill effects.
On the second night, there is usually an
increase in REM (rapid eye movement)
sleep, the phase in which dreaming occurs.
Normally, REM sleep is beneficial, but
some people report particularly graphic
and disturbing nightmares
associated with a sudden increase in REM.
hen there are the problems of students who
want to get a good
night's sleep before an exam
but just can't. Stress often
promotes insomnia. It may
cause the reticular activating
system, the structure in the
brain that is responsible for
alertness, to stay on too long;
this prevents sleep-inducing
mechanisms from doing their
job. What do experts advise a
student who finds himself
tossing and turning for a half
hour or so on the eve ofa test?
He should get up and try an
ordinarily relaxing activity,
like snacking or watching
television, until he is tired.
Some peoplefindthat making
about what's worrying
Stages of a prefinal all-nighter: When rest goes out the window, does last-minute learning slip in? notes
them can exorcise those concerns until the morning.
Armed with the energy of youth, they large quantities of coffee or a few amphetsimply ignore their bodies' cries for sleep, amines will increase alertness; they don't.
Sleeping too much, authorities agree,
trying to fend off fatigue with doses of In fact, stimulants merely disguise—brief- should not worry most people. Even after
coffee or, occasionally, drugs. Teachers ly—a reduced capacity to grasp, retain and an extended night of "rebound" sleep, the
and parents have long argued that cram- retrieve information. "Caffeine does not brain arouses itself when its needs have
ming does more harm than good—and the correct the cognitive impairment caused been fulfilled. Clinically depressed people
latest research into sleep needs and pat- by lost sleep," Buchholtz says. "A person do often retreat into slumber to avoid the
terns suggests that they are right.
may be awake, but he'll have to deal with waking hours, but true clinical depression
For some people, disruptions in the reg- an intellectual deficit, and his concentra- is accompanied by other noticeable sympular sleep cycle can cause temporary intel- tion won't be there. He can actually have toms such as loss of appetite, decreased
lectual lapses—and stimulants can set off 'microsleeps' and stare at the same word self-esteem and even thoughts of suicide.
severe side effects. Thus, for every student forfiveminutes."
In the end, the best formula to follow
who manages to memorize the chemical
whenfinalsarrive is one that students have
synthesis of buna-S-rubber at 5 a.m. and
or are unpredictable naps the only been taught for years—moderation. There
then triumphantly finds that precise quespenalty of substance abuse. Coffee will surely be times when excelling, or
tion on his test at 9, there are more than a
drinkers should watch out for Caf- perhaps just passing, requires pushing bedfew who lament the "obvious" answers feine Intoxication Syndrome, an onset of time back, but any major changes in sleep
they blew on a multiple-choice exam bo- anxiety, panic, headaches and a frustrating patterns should be made cautiously. As
cause they "just couldn't focus."
inability to sleep. Most people would have Buchholtz suggests, "The key is keeping
The outcome of all-nighters is unpre- to drink about 10 cups to fall into this perspective and not ever overdoing it."
dictablo because the impact of sleep loss I condition, but some are so sensitive that it
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Making the principle work: A large measure of freedom—and with it the obligation to report, judge and sentence one's peers
Honor and the Codes
Students like the system, but it may not always be fair.
Last spring Rudy Beverly, formerstudentcouncil vice president for appropriations at
the University of Virginia, pleaded guilty in
state criminal court to a charge of embezzling $3,000 In student funds, which he
agreed to pay back. The university's honor
system acquitted him, on the ground that, in
light of his record of campus service, his
misdeed was not "reprehensible " enough to
warrant the code's single sanction—
Virginia sophomore Monique
u Last fall
eawcett was tried by the honor system for
altering her grade on a calculus exam. The
jurors did not actually prove that she had
changed the grade, but Fawcett was convicted on the theory that no one else would have
altered il—and she was expelled.
Two months later basketball player Olden
Polyiiice was triedfor turning in an English
paper thai he did nol write. Polynice admilted the act but claimed extenuating circumstances: pressure from the hectic team
schedule, lie was acquitted.
The public attention attracted by these
cases helped prompt the Honor Committee to
•xamine some of the inconsistencies.
onor" is nol usually one of the first
words associated with college life,
yet as the recent cases at Virginia
suggest, honor remains very much an issue
on campuses throughout the country. Collegiate honor codes may be central to the very
it prepares people for responsibility but
doesn't give them responsibility."
The experience, for the accused, can be
frightful. "When you enter U.Va., they tell
you all this vague stuff about the honor
system, but they never orient you about
what to do if you're ever accused," says
Monique Fawcett, now enrolled at Longwood College in Farmville, Va. She first
learned that she was under investigation
when an honor adviser called her at 1 a.m.
She was told not to worry because 9 out of 10
cases are dropped, but 10 days later she was
presented with the formal charges and told
to leave the university or face trial. The trial
itself, she says, "gets kind of ugly. People
aren't just telling you that you did something wrong. They were trying to expose a
flaw in my character."
life of the institution, as at Washington and
Lee, or more perfunctory affirmations of
good intentions, as at Stanford; they can be
part of a ritual for grooming Southern gentlemen or extensions of basic religious beliefs. Whatever their form or purpose, honor
codes seem to be here to stay. The question is
not whether to keep the codes but how to
make them practical and fair.
For the most part, honor codes cover
lying, cheating and stealing; the bulk of
cases involve plagiarism or cheating on exams. At some schools the code is strictly
academic; at others it extends to every area
of student life. At all-women Hollins Colawcett may have exposed a flaw in
lege in Virginia, for example, the code was
the system itself. She opted for an
changed last year so that violations of social
open trial—a right rarely invoked—
regulations, such as drinking and after- and so provided an unusual glimpse into the
hours male visitation, are handled by a sepa- workings of the honor court. The secrecy
rate committee; students took those infrac- issue grew even larger with the subsequent
tions less seriously and were not inclined to Polynice case, a closed trial the details of
report them to the honor court.
which were leaked to the press. As a result,
Honor pledges are variously signed by some U. Va. studen ts have begun to urge that
honor-code trials be open, arguing that
freshmen, by all students at the beginning of
each semester or every time a student takes the process should undergo public scrutiny
an exam. They often confer a large measure and that juries should have the benefit of
of freedom—unproctored tesls and take- precedents to correct what is generally conhome exams—plus the painful obligations ceded to be a very erratic dispensation of
that go with them: the duty to report, try and justice. "If it's u student-run-and-adminissentence one's peers. "An education ought tered system, then st udents should be able to
to enable people to be responsible for their see how it's run," says Phillip Steele, execuown actions," says Len Clark, provost and tive editor of The Cavalier Daily.
academic dean al Earlham College in IndiThe Virginia cases also called into quesana. "It's not a very educational system if tion the wisdom of the school's tradition-
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al single sanction: anyone convicted by
the honor court is permanently expelled.
Changes in that rigid system have been
proposed 8 times in the last 12 years, each
lime failing to muster the 60 percent student
vote required for passage. Fawcett, in fact,
voted to keep the single sanction the year
before she fell victim to it. The problem is
that the penalty is so extreme that it discourages students from bringing charges or voting to convict. Law students at Virginia have
called for a separate disciplinary board to
handle their cases, on the ground that expulsion from law school is too severe a penalty
for most offenses. But so far, the recent cases
have led only to a more modest change.
Proving "reprehensibility" is no longer required of the jury, and extenuating circumstances are not allowed as evidence.
That is more of a change than is likely at
Washington and Lee, which has had a single-sanction honor system since the 1860s;
the idea of "graduated" penalties was debated in the 1970s but rejected. Most colleges do have a sliding scale of retribution.
At Hollins, which has a relatively laid-back
code, the debate is whether to give students
who cheat an F rather than a no-credit
withdrawal—a major hardship only for
last-semester seniors. Students found guilty
at Vanderbilt may be expelled, suspended or
given a failing grade. "We base the penalty
decision on threecriteria: the truthfulness of
the student during the hearing and investigation, the premeditation of the act and the
flagrancy of the act," says Honor Council
president Richard Newsome.
The Newsweek Building
P.O. Box 414
Livingston, N.J. 07039-9965
Student With His Own Proctor
Every undergraduate who enters Prince- to persuade Randlett to sign the pledge, but
The Newsweek Building
P.O. Box 414
Livingston, N.J. 07039-9965
At Reed College in Oregon, the honor ond-year cadets. Maj. Mike Oonk, comprinciple is pervasive but not punitive. menting on the honor code and pilot train"We're not like Virginia," says Paula ing, says: "You can make mistakes early in
Rooney, vice president of student services. your training, and yet if that same thing had
"Our students do not sign anything before been done later you'd be removed from the
an exam. The students just agree to this program."
trust." That trust is made easier by the
The Air Force system is still too strict to
relative lack of importance attached to good suit Prof. David Finley at nearby Colorado
grades at Reed. "Students are more con- College, who attended a military academy
cerned with personal academic standards than
the competition to receive good grades," says
senior Brian Boyl.
Leniency is also part of
Force Academy, whose
code states: "We will not
lie, steal, or cheat, nor
tolerate among us anyone who does." Last
spring 30 cadets were
caught in a cheating
scandal involving a physics exam. Nineteen were
suspended, and a fulldress review of the honor
system ensued. Cadets V. Va. 's Fawcett (left), Polynice: Public and private trials
were given amnesty to
confess to any violations, and the faculty as an undergraduate. "I saw individuals
resumed control ofthesystem for a year. But whose lives were damaged to a degree
the penalties for honor violations were not incommensurate with the fault," he exincreased. Under the concept of "discre- plains. At Colorado College, thefirsthontion," which replaced single sanction in the or violation gets a warning; the second, a
1960s, sentences range from confinement to recommendation to the president for
quarters to expulsion. Upperclassmen are suspension.
dealt with more harshly than first- and secNo matter what the penalties, honor
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Randletl: 'It's up to the individual'
ton University must first submit a signed
statement explaining the honor system in
his or her own words and pledging to uphold it. Almost every undergraduate, anyway. Last fall sophomore Wade Randlett
transferred from the University of California, Berkeley, and was allowed to register
without an honor statement. It was a mistake on Princeton's part, but not Randlett's.
He had deliberately declined to sign a statement because he did not agree with the
Princeton honor system, which covers examinations and obliges students to report
anyone who cheats. The code, in place since
1893, "is a contract between the faculty and
students whereby students agree to proctor
examinations themselves," explains Honor
Committee chairman Jocelyn Russell.
Randlett says he "wanted to work out a
compromise in which I would pledge that I
would not give or receive help, with no
commitment about turning people in."
First Russell, then the entire Honor Committee, then president William Bowen tried
he steadfastly refused. And since he had
already matriculated, the university could
not force him to agree. So Princeton worked
out a unique arrangement: Randlett takes
exams in a room apart from his classmates,
under the watch of a graduate student.
A politics major from Lafayette, Calif.,
Randlett does not mind the special treatment and makes it clear that he does not
oppose the idea of an honor system. He just
doesn't think Princeton's is honorable
enough. "What Princeton has now is not
really an honor code," he says. "It's a selfproctoring code. Under a real honor code
it's up to the individual's honor not to
cheat." Randlett's fellow students seem to
like their system, to a point: in a Daily
Princetonian poll two years ago, 80 percent
of the respondents approved it over having
faculty proctor the exams—and 90 percent
said they had never cheated. But 55 percent
said they would not report a friend they saw
cheating—and 33 percent said they would
not report anyone.
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codes are effective only if the students
believe in them. That seems to be the case
most often at smaller schools like Earlham,
a Quaker college with 1,000 students. "The
attitude here is if you cheat you're only
hurting yourself," says junior Melissa Toll,
who was amazed at the difference after
transferring from much larger Purdue.
Most of the cases that reach the honor
court at Hollins are reported by faculty because, observes junior Stuart Morris,
"friends don't turn friends in." Reluctance
to report a violation is also a problem at
Vanderbilt, where 22 percent of students
surveyed last year admitted that they had
knowingly violated the honor code. "Most
of the students who call would like to turn
someone in," says Newsome, "but they
don't want to have to go to the hearings."
The students may not want to be identified
as "squealers," but without a direct accusation, no case can be pursued. One Reed
student insists she has no such qualms,
having confronted and reported a classmate she saw cheating. "It doesn't matter
that I am not liked by the other student,"
she says. "It was my job. You must be
willing to sacrifice for the benefit of the
entire community."
What good does an honor code do? The
answer varies according to the institution
and the individual. "You learn to value
learning for what it is, rather than where it
will take you," says Earlham junior Ana
Sanchez. At Virginia, the code is welded
into theschool's tradition: it cameinto being
in 1836, after a professor was mortally
wounded by a student rioter. The professor
had reportedly recognized his assailant but
insisted to his death that it was up to the
student's peers to adjudicate. "The honor
system is the one thing that makes the university different from other places," says
Raymond Bice, secretary of the Board of
Visitors. But most of all, the code stands for
clear-cut personal standards in a world
where they have often grown blurry around
the edges. Vanderbilt honor adviser Sandlin
recalls a recent graduate who asked the
university to take back his diploma because
he had cheated on an exam. No action was
taken. "Someone who is bothered enough to
bring back his diploma has had ample punishment," explains Sandlin. "A lot of people would say he was crazy. It's obvious,
though, that he's got a lifelong conception of
honesty that I think will serve him well."
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"Come to think of it,
I'll have a Heineken"
president of the James Joyce Society, Edward Kopper Jr., wrote the Cliffs Notes
for "Ulysses," and the guide to Emily
Dickinson's poems was reviewed by editors
of the two major scholarly journals
Cliffs Note interpretation, he believes that
most aren't sufficiently "independent of devoted to her work. Hillegass says that
mind to know what to accept or reject." the guides allow professor-authors to disHillegass argues that there's nothing wrong seminate their lecture notes to a wider
with using the notes as an aid to understand- audience. And the academics may have
ing the text or for review purposes. His other reasons. James Roberts, a consulting
guides, he insists, are not meant for cheat- editor to the series and a professor of
ing: "There's nothing in a Cliffs Note that English at the University of Nebraska,
you couldn't find infiveor six books in the observes: "Sometimes the famous scholar
library. The interpretation is just there in a needs a new roof on his house."
concentrated fashion." And each booklet
The notes themselves serve as a dipstick
contains this disclaimer: "These notes are for the national curriculum. Last year, as
not a substitute for the text itself or for usual, "The Scarlet Letter," "Macbeth,"
classroom discussion of the text..."
"Hamlet" and "Huckleberry Finn" sold
Editors at Cliffs Notes claim that they best, about 100,000 copies apiece. Com-
A Cliff Behind the Notes
es, there really is a Cliff at Cliffs
Notes, but they really aren't his
notes. That's why they dropped the
apostrophe from Cliff's Notes back in 1975.
Mind you, publisher C. K. (Cliff) Hillegass
loves books and always has—he's a voracious reader and a collector of rare first
editions. But the most impressive thing that
Cliff does with a book is sell it. He was a
Nebraska book salesman back in 1958,
when a Canadian textbook jobber asked
Hillegass to distribute a line of Shakespeare
study guides. Bookstore managers were persuaded to stock them at a time when cribs
were almost unheard of. Recalls Hillegass:
"They said, 'It'll never sell, but since Cliff's
putting it out, I'll take lOcopies'."Time has
rewarded those trusting booksellers and
proven C. K. Hillegass profitably astute;
this year insecure students will buy nearly 5
million copies of the "notes," and it's nearly
impossible tofinda bookstore that doesn't
stock the yellow-and-black booklets.
Success didn't come easily. The notes had
to overcome what Hillegass calls "a fair
amount of resistance" from educators. "It
wasn't unusual," he recalls, "to hear of a
teacher getting up in front of class and
saying, 'I don't want to hear of you getting a
Cliff's Note.' It was great advertising for
us." Still, for five years after starting the
business, Hillegass continued to work as a
textbook jobber while his wife ran the Notes
operation from the basement of their house.
Then, in the early '60s, sales began to double
each year. In 1985 the Cliffs Notes line,
offering more than 200 titles, will gross an
estimated $7 million. Hillegass, 67 and
semiretired, calculates that about half of
those purchases will be madeby high-school
students, 40 percent by college students and
10 percent by other readers. And he still
contends that use of the notes has often been
misunderstood. "The more serious a student is," Hillegass says, "the more likely a
student is to use Cliffs Notes, and the less
likely a student is to misuse them."
Misuse. Almost everyonehas a tale, apocryphal or not, about innovative adaptations
of Cliffs Notes. A retired English professor
at Iowa State remembers the time a student
chose the word "intercalary" to describe the
structure of John Steinbeck's "The Grapes
of Wrath." Only after someone handed the
professor the Cliffs Notes for the novel did
she learn what the word meant ("interpolated or inserted"). Faculty attitudes may have
softened a little, but professors are still wary.
"I'm afraid what really happens is that students use them as a substitute for reading the
texts," says Prof. Donald Morse, chairman
of the Department of Rhetoric, Communication and Journalism at Michigan's Oakland University. While Morseconcedes that
some students can benefit from reading a
Hillegass and his study guides: Teachersare wary, butstudenls will buy 5 million thisyear
have made it increasingly harder to use the
guides as shortcuts. "We place far less
emphasis on summary," says chief editor
Gary Carey. "Now we assume that students have read the novel." The booklets,
which ordinarily run from 70 to 80 pages,
include a brief description of the life and
times of the author, substantial chunks of
information about characters and styles,
questions for review and a bibliography.
But most of each guide is devoted to interpretation: 95 of the 125 pages in the notes
for "Ulysses" analyze the meaning of the
book, with only enough plot thrown in to
glue the package together.
he notes have changed, in part, because their authors have changed.
Instead of graduate students, scholars and critics now produce most of the
work. Novelist John Gardner wrote three
guides before his death—for "The Canterbury Tales," "Le Morte D'Arthur" and
"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight." The
pleting the top 10 were "The Great
Gatsby," "1984," "A Tale of Two Cities,"
"The Grapes of Wrath," Homer's "Odyssey" and "Julius Caesar." Times and tastes
change. Notes on Joseph Conrad novels
have fallen sharply in sales since the '60s,
while science-fiction guides have soared.
And the notes are continually updated to
reflect new mores. In "To Kill a Mockingbird," for instance, the references to "Negroes" have been changed to "blacks," and
the issue of race is faced directly in an
essay entitled "Prejudice in the Novel."
The company has even updated itself into
the electronic age, with a new line of Cliffs
Cassettes. The 12 offerings, including "Romeo and Juliet" and "Great Expectations,"
are not meant to be study guides, but a new
entertainment option for the Walkman generation. Each tape runs about an hour and
offers details about plot, characters and the
author, plus something you never got from
the notes: dramatized excerpts.
RON OIVENS in Lincoln, Neb.
romantic and a loner. He has few friends; the
closest is Hawk, a black strong-arm artist.
Like Marlowe, Spenser is tough. "The guy
likes to bang," says Parker. "If he were a
running back, he'd be John Riggins." He is
also smart and drop-dead cool.
Author Robert Parker: Runner, weight lifter, best-selling former literature professor
English looked at me with his eyes
narrowed for a minute, and then he
said, "you 'd better leave. "
"Okay by me, "/said, "but remember what I told you. If you are holding
out on me, I'll find out, and I'll come
back. If you knowsomethingand don V
tell me, I will find out, and I will hurl
He stood and opened the study door.
"A man in my position has resources, Spenser. "He was still squinting at me. I realized that was his tough
"Mot enough," / said, and walked
off down the hall and out the front
—"Looking for Rachel Wallace"
The Story Behind Spenser
ife imitates art, but only up to a point. Example: Robert B.
Parker, the author behind the Boston private eye known as
Spenser, is sitting in a restaurant across theslreet from Boston police
headquarters. The irony seems too good to be true, and of course it is.
TheOrill 23 is not the kind
is the kind of place thai has white linen on the tables and wellpolished stemware. Further irony: Parker is drinking a light beer.
Spenser wouldn't be caught dead drinking light beer. He is, to use a
phrase Parker cribs from D. H. Lawrence, "hard, isolate, stoic and
alone." Heisalso something of a food snob, and Parker isn't. But this
is precisely the point, the one Parker tired of making eight years ago:
he is not Spenser, and Spenser is not he.
Unfortunately, identification with one's character is the price of
fame—and fame is what Spenser has brought to his 52-year-old creator. Parker has, in his own words, "broken through the ceiling"
that separates mystery wrilers from the mass market. Spenser has
been called "the very exemplar of the species" by The New York
Times. Kirkus Reviews says that Spenser is "as tough as they come
and spiked with a touch of real class." There is a Spenser TV movie
and prime-time series in the works, and the 12th Spenser novel, "A
Catskill Eagle," is coming out in June. Spenser has arrived, and
dragged Parker along.
Parker likes this, mostly. He's proud of the work, and grateful for
itssuccess, but he chafes a little at the comparisons between author
and character. "I know better than anyone that Spenser's not a real
person," he says. "But I identify very strongly with the people to
whom he mattersa great deal. Phillip Marlowe meant a great deal to
me when I was growing up. The first time I went to Los Angeles—I
was in my 30s—I looked up Phillip Marlowe in t he phone book just
to see if there was one. I knew there wasn't, but I did it anyway."
It was the kind of gesture Spenser would appreciate—a small
homage to the great American private eye created by Raymond
Chandler. There'sa lot of Marlowe in Spenser. Like Marlowe, he Is a
Finally, this: like Marlowe, Spenser is a
man of honor in a dishonorable world.
When he says he will do something, it is
done. Period. The dialogue zings and there is plenty of fist-crunching action in the Spenser novels, but it is this moral element that sets
them above most detective fiction. Says Parker, "Spenser sees a
random universe, so he tries to make his segment of it as orderly as
he can. There are no codes of behavior available to guide him—to
guide any of us, by implication—so hechooses a system of behavior
arbitrarily, and he sticks to it when it's tough. If you do it in the
face of danger, we know you're serious. We may not know that
you're right, but we know you mean it." In this, Parker says,
Spenser is pretty close to "theclassic American hero—from'Leatherstocking' on—who, finding society somewhat corrupt, has to
remain outside of it."
It is a measure of Parker's erudition that this kind of talk doesn't
sound silly. His conversation is peppered with references to Faulkner, Twain and Herman Melville (the phrase "A Catskill Eagle"
comes from "Moby Dick"), and it's
easy to picture him as the college-lit
teacher he once was. It is harder to
see him as a writer of ad copy for an
insurance company, which he also
once was. He took that job after
graduating from Colby College and
soldiering two years in Korea. It
didn't lust long. ("I resign," he
wrote one day. "Looking back over
my years with the company, I note
there have been three of them.") At
st 30, Parker enrolled in a doctoral
if program at Boston University. By
£':*%m*-ilt| the time he was 39, he had taught
':'; English at three schools, finally
8 coming to rest at Northeastern.
M'H' novel: Drop-dead cool
The students there liked him—a
poll in the campus paper in 1973
named him one of the school's
best teachers—but Parker was
not crazy about academia. "I
found my colleagues to be distasteful, and there weren't that
many students who wanted to
learn anything," hesays. "I used
to work out at the weight room
at Northeastern, so a lot of the
kids there thought I was one
of them. In my class on 'The
Mythic Nature of the American
Hero,' there were 18 guys who
looked like pilot whales."
t 41, bored and cranky, lifelong Chandler fan Robert
Parker decided to try his hand at
a detective novel. He thought up
a mystery called "The Godwulf
Manuscript," set it on a campus
not unlike Northeastern's, and
named his hero David Spenser
(he dropped the first name after
his wife pointed out that their
adolescent sons, David and
Daniel, were likely to disagree
about whether or not it was a
good choice). "The Godwulf
Manuscript" was sold to a publisher in 1974 in just three
weeks. As Parker recalls, he got
a S2.000 advance and no royalties. The book sold about 6,000
copies. He wouldn't quit his
teaching job for another four
years, but it was a start. Mystery
fans began passing his books
from hand to hand. A yearlong
series of paperback reissues in
1983 added to his reputation. By
1984, with "Valediction," Parker had broken through the ceiling. He was profiled in People
magazine. He was a star.
For the most part, though,
fame has not changed Robert
Parker. He still lifts weights,
runs several miles and writes
live pages every day, takes pleasure in his family. His two sons
arc grown—one is an actor and
the other a dancer—so Parker
and his wife, Joan, recently
moved from suburban Lynnfield into a Cambridge condominium. He still writes on a battered old Royal typewriter and
has no plans to buy a word processor. He also has no plans to
send Spenser to the old detectives' home. "I'm proud of the
books," hesays firmly. "I think
they're terrific. I think they're
art. I plan to do this until I die.
Or until they stop paying me for
it, whichever comes first."
Kassir: A tragicomic talent
Comedy Champ
Makes Good
It's a strange odyssey for an
aspiring comedian. John Kassir
had been working as a stand-up
comic for only six months when
a talent scout spotted him and
asked him to appear on Ed
McMahon's new amateur-hour
TV show, "Star Search." A few
months later he was the show's
comedy champion, holding a
$ 100,000 check in his hand. Today Kassir, a 1980 graduate of
Maryland's Towson State, is
costarring in an oft"-Broadway
musical called "3 Guys Naked
From the Waist Down," a show
about the tribulations of professional funny men. In his first
three trips across stage, Kassir
doesn't say a word. Yet he manages lo bring down the house
every time.
Kassir looks like a cross between Gene Wilder and Saint
Francis of Assisi. His hair falls
in brown ringlets, his ivory skin
accents a fine-boned nose and
large dark eyes, his manner is
gentle, sensitive. Yet when he's
onstage, he's a natural comic.
Kassir's forte is physical humor.
His body is as loose as a rag doll,
and his limbs often betray him,
as in a sketch where a gloved
hand suddenly appears up
through his parka, in front of his
face. His character in "3 Guys,"
Kenny Brewster, is reminiscent
of Harpo Marx. He seldom
speaks but communicates a sad
desire to be part of the world;
during the show, he hysterically
and desperately portrays characters ranging from Godzilla to
a frigid cat in heat, thecrew from
"Star Trek" and Marlin Perkins
from "Mutual of Omaha's Wild
Kingdom." For the part of
Brewster, "I had to tap a part of
my childhood," says Kassir,
who grew up in Baltimore. "Asa
kid, 1 was better understood
when I joked around."
Since "3 Guys," Kassir has
been offered a variety of stage,
screen and TV roles, but there
are drawbacks to his sudden
popularity. "It's easy to become
very lonely in this business," he
says. "People start putting demands on you that you can't
fulfill, they crawl out of the
woodwork and say you owe
them this or that." At the moment Kassir still hasn't decided
on his next move. "One hundred
thousand dollars in no way
makes you rich," he points out.
" 'Star Search' gave me a lot of
exposure, and this show has given me credibility. I'm just looking forward to steady work."
and cruise aboard a yacht—"i
boat that doesn't do anything.'
In one segment, the camera
pans across a $10,000 bill.
"Why don't you just reach out
and touch the screen," Shepherd gently urges. "Get down
on your knees, Friend, and just
kiss the screen if you have to."
Each half-hour episode explores a place (Indianapolis, Death Valley, Okefenokee
Swamp)whereShepherd playsa
role (car lover, desert wanderer,
swamp man), often in costume.
"Thelocalesets up a whole train
of thoughts about what you're
going to do," he says. The show
may offer too many neon signs,
but it deftly celebrates Shepherd's quirky humor, which he
aptly distinguishes from comedy. "Comedy is manufactured,"
he says. "You can have joke
writers write comedy. But humor is something that conies out
of your own particular viewpoint." That viewpoint has
been honed in novels, one-man
shows and most popularly in
his impressionistic, free-form
Shepherd on TV: Recalling the past, laughing at the present
A Fun Tour
Of America
"Jean Shepherd's America,"
a 13-part series now airing on
PBS, is the TV equivalent of a
provocative survey course given
by a folksy professor. Part
Charles Kuralt, part Monty Python, Shepherd forges a vision
of America that chronicles the
country's grease, glory and
glitz. We see tourist shops overflowing with plastic toys, contemplate the vastness of Alaska
monologues that were heard on
late-night radio for 20 years.
As always, Shepherd writes
all his material, which probably
explains its occasional uncvenness. But it also testifies to his
commitment to TV. "Public
television could use a few
laughs," says Shepherd, and the
viewers seem to be laughing
along with him. The first edition
of "Jean Shepherd's America"
was repeated an uncommon
three times on PBS—a schedule
equaled only by Julia Child.
MARK D. Ill-Ill IN(i
Curing 'Sophomore Slump5
othing ever changes. At least it
seemed that way to me last year at
about this time as I sat in my dorm
room, planning a course schedule for what
was to be the fall term of my junior year.
My third year of college offered me really
nothing at all to look forward to. Same
old courses; same old tests and papershow many compare-and-contrast numbers
would I crank out next year?—same old
parties, rotten food. It all seemed so bleak.
The schedule I created was the perfect
testament to my malaise. I allotted myself a
whopping 10 hours of classes, all of them in
the afternoon, with Thursdays and Fridays
off. To make matters even less taxing, I
chose courses that had nary a midterm or
final. It was perhaps the easiest term a student at my school could schedule for himself—a way of staying in college without
really being a student.
I was burned out. Fourteen years of readin', writin' and 'rithmetic had taken their
toll. I had had enough, at least for a while. I
needed to do something else, to get away
from endless piles of reserve reading and
noisy dorms. I was clearly wasting my time
at college. And at $ 15,000 a year, time is, as
the saying goes, a terrible thing to waste.
The alternative, a year's leave of absence,
didn't seem very inviting. I would be disrupting my education. I would no longer be
a member of the class of'86. Would I like
my timeoll'so much that I wouldn't want to
return to school? I weighed this question
seriously. One day I had decided to take the
year off. The next day I had decided to stay
and hope that things would get better.
mine went off to Paris to model; a couple of
others, to Boston to sell computers; a few
more, to Europe to study or travel. Meanwhile, I was busy setting up shop in my own
studio apartment where I had proclaimed
myself, at least for the duration of the year, a
free-lance writer. Whatever we were doing,
it sure beat microeconomics.
In the past year I have both succeeded
and failed. I've written several articles
that have been published in national
and local magazines, and I've written
several that have found a home only in
the deep recesses of my files. I have started
work on three different novels. The first
two didn't make it through the outline
stages; the third I hope to finish by the time I
go back to school in September.
The dean said that
student burnout was
common and wished
me the best of luck
in my year off.
ance, the demands of a campus job, free time
is treasured and reserved for such luxuries
as sleep.
As a nonstudent this year, I have had
more free time than ever before. I have been
able to read the books I've always wanted to
read but never had time for. I've been able
to see the movies that never seemed to come
to campus. And after all the years of resolving to get in shape and doing nothing about
it, I havefinallymanaged to work out this
year on a regular basis.
hat is not to say that my experience
this year has been all fun and frolic.
Though free from academic pressure, I have faced the continuing crisis of
staying afloat financially. Faced with a
monthly barrage of bills, I've learned that
throwing out one set of worries—in this
case, those of the academic variety—just
clears the road for others to come your way.
Another unavoidable consequence of
being college age in an adult world is a
certain degree of loneliness, a feeling of
isolation from friends and acquaintances.
Big-city life did not offer me streams of
college-age people dying to make my acquaintance. Coming from an environment
where I was always around people, where I
always had parties to go to, people knocking at my door and roommates who would
listen whenever I felt like talking, I found
the "I'll leave you alone" attitude of the
city a bit disheartening.
I 'm well aware that taking a year offis not
the right answer for everyone. But there is
little doubt that this leave of absence has
been a positive experience for me. I've had
the chance to meet people and do things that
I used to sit in the reserve room daydreaming about. I've had the free time to explore
new interests and rediscover old ones that I
had been forced lo put aside while at school.
The most important result of this ycur off
is much more simple: I want to go back
and finish college. There is no more anxiety, no more desire to escape, no more
sense of impending boredom. I'm cured of
burnout. Who knows, maybe I'll even take
a Friday class.
I've also had many experiences that can't
be classified as successes or failures, but for
which I'm glad. I've done promotion tours
in association with one of my projects,
lunched with various editors, agents and
lawyers. For articles, I've interviewed interesting and not-so-interesting people.
Educationally speaking, I consider this
year off as valuable as any I've spent hitting
n the end, 1 made what I think was the the books. My writing as well as my business
logical choice. The risk that I might not acumen has developed. I've had the opporreturn to school was well worth taking, tunity to gel a hands-on view of what may be
set against the probability that I would my future profession—with the advantage
continue being miserable. The dean of the of two more years in college to better precollege helped me make up my mind. Me pare for it. And I've learned better how to
explained that burnout was common deal with the many failures as well as the
among students, especially toward the end successes that come with any endeavor.
of their sophomore year. He said that most
Apart from llie opportunity to pursue my
students who lake lime oil'because of burn- career as a writer, this year has also afforded
out do return after a year. He wished me the meanothcr luxury I was unable to enjoy as a
best of luck in my year oil'.
student; free lime. For a student, free lime is
And so, after my last liual in May, I was scarce. Between the demands of attending
for the fust time in my memory no longer a classes, the demands of various assignSeth Rachlin, who will be a junior next
student. It felt strange but, as the dean had ments, llie demands of organizations whose fall at Princeton, is the coauthor of "Where
predicted, I was not alone. One friend of meetings anil events require loyal attend- the Girls Are Today. "
April 30,1985
2 l\
Updike exercises artful wit with warm audience
By llene Weinstein
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Henry James may have been booed off a New York
Stage a century ago for outdistancing his audience, but
noted author John Updike hit all the right buttons Thursday night as his SUNYA audience warmly applauded.
There are many horror stories like James in the annals
of modem writing, said Updike, speaking at the first annual Herman Melville Lecture on the Creative Mind, Updike was brought to the University's Page hall be the New
York Writer's Institute.
SUNYA professors and administrators packed the
auditorium to hear the author of such books as The Centaur and Rabbit Run, and many short stories.
William Kennedy, who founded the Writer's Institute,
was rejected 13 times for his Pulitzer Prize wining novel
Ironweed, and James Joyce had to wait 10 years to have
his short stories collection, Dubiiners, published said Updike. "We here in Albany can feel superior becasuse we
would not have boded Joyce,'' he added.
The "bourgeoisie audience," which arose during the
19th century when the novel achieved public appeal, has
created a tension between the artist and his audience, said
Updike. "The artist pursues and improves his art at the
expense of leaving his patronage behind," thereby
alienating his audience, added Updike.
"Art is associated with refinement, refinement is
associated with wealth and wealth is associated with
power," said Updike. For the bourgeosie, "art became a
relief from life and an implement of social improvement," he added.
One of the charms of going to the movies in the 30's
and 40's was how the rich live," said Updike.
In the 1980's, comic books, girlie magazines and television soaps hold the public's attention, he said, adding
John Updlko at Page Hall
like a toilet-training child, and seeks the admiration of the
audience like a child seeking parental admiration, said
Updike, as the audience chuckled.
No style or form is abstract and no writing is abstract
either, said Updike. "Audiences have a deluded sense of
the things that are authentic," he said, adding that
authentic things arc fresh to the writer.
An artist's raw materials are his or her thoughts and
feelings, said Updike. The writer manipulates and,
"Transfers with lively accuracy," memories into fiction.
he said, adding that the writer "must do justice to the
Updike, who is 53, used the experiences of his youth
during the 30's and 40's as material for his early novels
and short stories. "To run out of material from one's
youth takes you to about the age of 37," he said, adding
that his writing now involves "the big adult things of
"A writer must keep his imagination his own and risks
being offensive and absurd," said Updike.
Herman Melville, who was raised in Albany, was turned on by the sea and also male friendships, said Updike.
"The vast land of America and family life depressed him
rather than fired him," he added.
Although Melville suffered professional defeats, his
imagination remained his own, stressed Updike, "his
material brimmed with the exotic material of his travels,"
said Updike of Melville, who was once described as the
man who lived among cannibals.
Melville's first novel Tj/pce won him a great deal of
popularity with both critics and his audience. The novel
was "brimming with exotic material of his travels and indelicate sexual passages," said Updike.
Melville's later novels, Marty and Moby,Dick were un-
"Creative images do not live in a vacuum"
that the public is shaped by the technology around them.
Artists, too, arc shaped by the technology in their daily
lives. "Creative images do not live in a vacuum," said
Updike. "A great pianist needs a piano in the house and
today even records and tapes," he said.
According to Updike, writers share nothing less than
their digested lives. "It's like breaking through a thin
sheet of glass to what had been bottled up inside," he
The writer "excretes his or her art while sitting down
Gordon challenges official story of resignation
By Ken Dornbaum
Rawlclgh Warner, Jr., Chairman, Mobil C<orp.
Earl G. Graves, Editor & Publisher
Black Enterprise Magazine
Walter F, Williams, President & Chief
Operating Officer Bethlehem Steel Corp.
John G. Breen, Chairman, President & CEO
Sherwin-Williams Company
In a series of long, often painful interviews, Vivian Gordon, former chair of the
African and Afro-American Studies
Department said she was forced to resign
by the SUNYA administration and denied
her rights to due process in the affair.
College of Social and Behavioral
Sciences Dean John Webb, however,
adamantly denied the charges.
Gordon, who was hired as chair of the
Department last September was asked to
resign by Webb March 11. She was asked
to step down due to problems that had
"arisen in the department, resulting in a
decline of faculty morale. . .."said Webb.
Webb said in a memo that other problems at the time involved "open hostility
between the chairperson and members of
the faculty, the airing of problems and of
internal difficulties to external constituencies instead of discussing them and resolving them at faculty meetings, the resignation of the long-term secretary of the
department, and inability to follow requirements to maintain a collegia!
"A major criticism of the administration was the Afrocentric point of view,"
said Gordon. "One of the faculty
members felt that it was imposed upon
"In a Jewish studies program, do you
teach from a non-Jewish, point of view,
asked Gordon. "You may read some nonJewish works, but the ideology is Jewish,"
Gordon explained, adding, "I consider the
same to be true for Black Studies. . . to
raise this issue Is an insult to Black
Studies," she said.
"I feel that this all has attacked my professionalism," said Gordon, explaining
that for three years she was a member of
the National Council for Black Studies.
This same group has been asked to consult
with the Afro-American Studies Advisory
7+ -
"Maybe I was too
strong. . . for a
program that was to
die slowly."
—• Vivian
Damages from '81 State Quad fire settled
By Peter Sands
After three years of skirmishing, a
settlement has been reached in a lawsuit
stemming from a 19SI fire on the fourteenth floor of Stale Quad's Eastman
Madelyn Kclstein, Dianne Pine, Tina
Levy, and Ellen Binder sued the University for more than $20,000 for damages
incurred in the fire. Individual settlements have been reached, but only
Kelstein's has been disclosed. She was
awarded $800.
SA lawyer Mark Mishler, who
represented the group, said that only
two of his clients have given him permission to speak with the press. Only Kelstein was available in Albany; the others
all having graduated and moved on.
Kelslein is a graduate student.
"I think It's outrageous that it look so
"My resignation was not requested; it
was demanded," said Gordon. "I was told
specifically by Dean Webb that he spoke
individually to each member of the faculty
and the situation necessitated my immediate resignation," she said. "I will
state under oath that he said every member
was dissatisfied with me," she said.
"The main problem that was destructive
was a conflict with two mwmbiers of the
faculty," said Gordon, adding that,
"former chairs have also had problems
with whesc same two."
Department sources identified George
Levesque and R.A. Obudho to be the two
faculty members with whom Gordon had
strained relations. Webb later confirmed
long," said Mishler, adding that he
great deal of damage was sustained. "I
didn't know why such time was needed.
had a $250 dry cleaning bill."
"I feel I was treated bureaucratically,"
"It took so long because the school
said Kelstein.
was not willing to discuss any sort ofsetThe fire is officially listed as being
tlerncnl until this lime, and I think that's
electrical, but of undetermined origin.
outrageous," said Mishler. The fire
According to Kclstein, the fire began
took place in December of I98l, and in
with a short in a standard university
March of I983, Mishler and his clients
floor lamp. ThS lamp was located in the
filed suit to force the University lo
room where the fire began and the side
of the room where the lamp stood was
Damage was originally assessed for
the first to be engulfed in flames.
Binder at $7,122, for Levy at $5,776,
Kelstein was "happy" that a settleand for Kelstein at $1,580.30. Out of
ment was reached out of court, but was
court settlements lowered the damages
still upset about the length of time inand Binder was reportedly assessed at
volved. Originally, "we had joked
$2,500, Levy at $2500, with Kelstein at
about getting it settled by the time we
$800. Additional damages for pain and
graduated," said Kelstein.
suffering were dropped from the suit
"Most of the stuff I lost, you really
couldn't put a price on, grades and
"The main thing we were looking for
time," said Kelslein. Her room was adwas property damage, said Mishler.
jacent to the room with the fire, and a
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