\SSB Tuesday March 12, 1985 Colonial Quad

March 12, 1985
UAS, for second
time in sixteen
years, will not
hike board rates
By Bette Dzamba
By Doug Tuttle
Students on Colonial Quad wrote 255
letters to their representatives in Congress
on the dinner lines Monday to protest
President Reagan's proposed financial aid
cuts, as student leaders say interest in the
issue is at a peak because of the drastic
nature of the cuts.
"In terms of a national issue, I've never
seen anything like this," said Student Action chair Steve Gawley, of the 255 letters,
which, he said, surpassed the 196 letters
written on Colonial Quad last semester in
opposition to the proposed twenty-one
year old drinking age.
"I was pleasantly surprised," Gawley
said. "Even the people that receive no
financial aid were concerned."
Student leaders cited the severity of the
proposed cuts as one reason for the increase in student opposition. "This year
i the proposal is the most devastating ever,"
said Kathy Qzer, legislative director for the'
United States Student Association (USSA)
in Washington, O.C.
The proposed cuts represent "a change
in attitude about who should receive financial aid" on the part of President Reagan
and Secretary of Education William Bennett, Ozer said.
As a result, according to Ozer, there is
more interest in opposing the budget proposals through letter writing, lobbying and
petitions. "There are clearly many more
activities going on this year as opposed to
past years," she said.
"Students are understanding the farreaching effects of these proposals. Cuts
like these would be hard felt here at
SUNYA," said Oawley.
"It's nice to see people finally uniting on
an issue," said Philip Botwinik, vice-chair
of the Student Action Legislative Subcommittee. "Students seem like they really
care. This is an issue that affects all
students. The Reagan budget proposals
have really put a flame, under the
students." All . t h r o u g h o u t the c a m p a i g n ,
organizers expressed their excitement over
the turnout. "We're getting an excellent
response. A lot of people are writing letters," said Bill McCann, Central Council
vice-chair. "Response was so overwhelming, we even ran out of envelopes."
Board rates will not increase for the
1985-86 school year, only the second time
since 1969 that no increase has occurred.
The first lime no increase was set was in
1982-83, which followed the largest annual
hike, S97, in the 16 year period.
Uo i vers sty dorm space is
made available to Greeks
By Bill Jacob
Residence halls may become the permanent home for fraternities and
sororities, said John Martone, Director
of Residential Life, or they may be used
as a stepping stone to move off-campus
in the future.
Because of the grouper law, Greek
organizations may not be able to have
traditional off-campus houses. As a
result the University is working to integrate them Into on-campus living
facilities, Martone said Wednesday.
Residential Life is planning to assign
two fraternities to dorms this fall, probably on State and Colonial Quads.
Martone declined to specify which
fraternities were being considered;
however, Barry Pollack, President of
Tau Kappa Epsilon, said he is talking'
with Residential Life about moving to
Colonial in the fall, and Howie Sonnehschein, President of Zeta Beta Tau,
said he talked with Martone about
locating on State.
According to Martone, because
Residential Life must assign regular
students to rooms by mid-April, other
fraternities and sororities will have to
wait until Fall 1986 to apply for special
housing. "In the future we can be working for other fraternities and sororities
and take applications. Next year Is the
bellwether year," he said.
Fraternities and sororities would be
spread out on campus, Martone said. "I
don't think we should have special Interest housing all on one quad. I'd like
to spread the wealth around."
BHAHI All! 1:111 UPS
Aid cuts disregard need
Colonial Quad
turns out 255
letters against
Reagan aid cuts
Donald Whltlook
When asked how living in a residence
hull will affect his fraternity, Pollack
said, "It'll be great to (live together]
because It makes things easier for us.
Everyone will be able to know each
other better than they know each other
now." TKE, with 46 members, is spread
out over campus, said Pollack.
"We need one central location to build a
fraternity system. It will build unity. A
residence hall would be nice to have,
although a house would be much better." He also said that he is expecting
more support from the University,
hopefully in the form of fraternity
houses, which might be located on the
opposite side of Indian Lake.
Martone said that fraternities will
have to follow all current residence
policies, including making normal requests for using lounges for events.
"We have to know what is going on in
the residence facilities, we have a
responsibility to students to maintain
the residence environment. Buildings
will not be turned over to the whim of a
fraternity and people will not act like
those in Animal House," he said.
Residential Life is supportive of the
Greek movement on campus, Martone
said. "Things will change for the better.
I feel they will add credibility to school
spirit and that there is potential for service to our campus," he said. "I want to
do good things with it. I would not want
to make It difficult."
The grouper law has become the main
obstacle for Greek organizations since
Albany Mayor Thomas Whaien has said
that he will enforce the law this fall. The
law allows for no more than three
unrelated people to live in one unit. As
many as 400 SUNYA students could be
displaced next September, according to
University administrators.
"We're looking Into ways around the
grouper law," Pollack said. "Once we
establish ourselves, our national
organization might be able to purchase a
In a proposal to the Board of Directors,
Norbert Zahm, General Manager of UAS,
said "I recommend that in order to provide sufficient funds for the continuation
and support of a quality residence hall
food service on the Albany campus that
the Board of Directors approve the
1985/86 board rates for all options at the
rates in effect for 1984/84."
Ross Abelow, a member of the UAS
Board explained, "Usually a proposal is
made to the Board and it is voted on at the
next meeting...This time there was no need
to wait for the next meeting. The proposal
sounded good to us."
Zahm noted that "In the major expense
categories, food costs are projected to
climb slightly as will other direct operating
expenses. However, substantial reductions
in utility fees and bad debt expenses will
offseVsome of (he increase."
In an interview with the ASP last
November, Zahm had explained that bad
debt expenses were reduced by a new cornouter system, and that the cost of the
system was being depreciated over several
years, adding to savings in the current
year. "We were anticipating savings (with
the program) but not like this," he said at
the time.
The approximate $120,000 reduction in
utility rates from last year is a result of an
agreement with the state which eliminates
certain fees and surcharges, according to
Zahm's message to the Board of Directors...
"This is great for the students," exclaimed Abelow. "We are very lucky."
Abelow credited "good management"
on the part of UAS with the maintenance
of the '84/'85 rate.
Abelow praised UAS for providing "a
lot of services." In addition to providing
food he noted the New York Times
subscription service, programming such as
Celebration, or "Mayfest," and donations
to groups such as Students Opposed to
Poverty (STOP) and Telethon.
Zahm said he had conducted a survey of
board rates at twenty other SUNY campuses, and the "top" board plans were
compared. Albany had the least expensive
rate of the twenty schools. Farmingdale
headed the list with an annual rate of
$1,460 for 19 meals per week. Albany
charges $1,0.13 for the 20 meals per week
"The UAS Hoard of Directors is made
up of 10 students and 8 faculty and administrators," said Abelow.
Look inside for
ASP Sports:
Pg, 24:
Women cagers'year
Pg. 25: Ail-American Mercurio
Pg, 26: Danes' year In review
Pg. 27: Gymnasts take fourth
12, 1985
Iran bombs Bagdad
Nicosia, Cyprus
(AP) Iran's official news agency said Iranian warplancs bombed the Iraqi capital
Baghdad on Monday, hitting a number of
"strategic points" in the city. Air raid
sirens sounded in Baghdad, but there was
no confirmation of an attack.
The Islamic Republic News Agency,
monitored in Cyprus, did not specify the
targets. It said details would be given later.
The air raid alert went off in Baghdad
early Monday morning, but was called off
30 minutes later. Iraq had no immediate
comment on the reported Iranian attack.
Ray telescope tested
(AP) Soviet and preach scientists soon will
launch into orbit a space observatory carrying a large gamma-ray telescope to try to
solve the mysteries of cosmic radiation, the
government newspaper Izvcstia reported.
It said the observatory, called the Gamma I Project, will help answer the questions of the source of cosmic rays, streams
of highly charged particles that bombard
earth from space.
"Researchers expect from the space
observatory a detailed picture of the sky in
gamma rays," Izvcstia said in a Saturday
article. "This will make it possible to
understand the so far mysterious nature of
gamma stirs, their possible relationship
with known astrophysical objects."
the 16 major banks surveyed, and then extrapolating that to U.S. banks generally,
the study said.
The bureau found that 43 percent of the
approximately 2,700 troubled transactions
it studied were potentially fraudulent, involving unauthorized use of lost or stolen
cards, overdrafts and bad deposits.
Pan Am talks resume
' New-York
(AP) A federal mediator has called on Pan
American World Airways and its. striking
mechanics to resume on Wednesday
negotiations which have been stalemated
since the strike began 12 days ago.
Federal mediator Robert J. Brown on
Sunday instructed officials of Pan
American World Airways and the
Transport Workers Union to report at 4
p.m. Wednesday to the Roosevelt Hotel,
said Meredith Buel, a spokesman for the
National Mediation Board.
John Kerrigan, chief negotiator for the
union, issued a statement saying the
TWU's negotiating committee would meet
at I p.m. Wednesday "to re-examine
outstanding strike issues and explore possible alternative strategies," and then
"every effort wiil be made" to comply
with Brown's call for a meeting with the
Union and company negotiators have
not met since 5,800 TWU workers, in-
Tax increase debated
Washington, D.C.
(AP) "Tax increase,"-the phrase President
Reagan thought his landslide re-election
victory banished from Congress' fiscal
vocabulary, has crept back.
Talk about rising taxes has returned as
budget waiters in the Senate continue to
shun the president's assertion that further
domestic spending cuts alone can
significantly reduce federal budget
Democrats increasingly are saying that
revenues must be raised also. But
Republicans are sticking to the line that
raising taxes should be considered only if
all other efforts to curb deficits fall short.
Statewide <JBSPM
Arms contracts gained
New York
(AP) Defense contractors will pull $16.7
billion into New York state in the next
fiscal year, boosting the state's take of
federal defense expenditures by $5 billion
over the past year, said Rep. Joseph P.
The Queens Democrat on Sunday said
the increase lifts the state's share of
defense contracting to third in the nation,
behing California and Texas, and marks
New York industry's rise as a competitor
for defense work.
"A lot of it is that our contractors have
proven themselves cost-effective and able
to compete in the high-tech fields," said
Addabbo, chairman of the House subcommittee on defense appropriations.
In a television interview, he ; also cited
successful lobbying to activate two
military installations in the state, Fort
Drum and an Air National Guard base at
Stewart Airport.
Cuomo proposes bill
(AP) Gov. Mario Cuomo is continuing his
bureaucratic battle for control of education and employment programs for the
On Saturday, Cuomo said he was resubmitting legislation to establish a new Office of Rehabilitation Services and take
control of one of the State Education
Department's branches — the Office of
Vocational Rehabilitation.
.The new agency within the Executive
Department would also incorporate. the
services provided by the Commission for
the Blind and Visually Handicapped, now
under the control of the Department of
Social Services.
Fraud hurts banks
Washington, D.C.
(AP) U.S. banks lost an estimated $70
million to $100 million from fraudulent
use of automated teller machines in 1983,
with customers forfeiting millions from
lost or stolen access cards, the government
Banks suffered the bulk of the losses,
however, as customers were able to limit
their liability quickly by reporting missing
or stolen cards, the Bureau of Statistics
said Sunday.
Overall, approximately $262 billion was
processed through some 43,800 automated
teller machines installed in banks in 1983.
The bureau arrived at its $70 million to
$100 million figure by comparing the $262
billion total to the ratio of fraud losses in
eluding baggage handlers and food service
workers, walked off the job. At first, four
other unions, representing pilots, flight
engineers, flight attendants, and
teamsters, honored the picket lines.
GONE FISHIN • ZBT Fraternity declared Friday "Fishing In the LC's Day" as
members took turns to see who could come up with the biggest catch of the day.
"The rehabilitation of disabled persons
has always been a top priority of New
York state," Cuomo said. "However, as
the state's many services have grown, it
has become clear that a centralized agency
is needed to better improve the coordination and efficiency of those services." The
governor has been dissatisfied with the !
Education Department's administration of
free listings
The Albany Medieval Militia
will hold Fratlcldal Medieval
Sword Fighting Practice
every Friday this semester
In the Brubacher Game
Room from 3 to 6 p.m. No
experience needed to begin,
just enthusiasm. For more
Information call Rich at
Registration will take place
March 25-28 from 10-4 p.m.
between LC's 3 and 4. Many
agencies will be visiting us
to spoak to students.
Chinese Culture Week will
bo hold at RPI from March
25 to 30 In the Union. The
avont Is sponsored by the
Chinese American Student
Association (CASA). For
more Information call Graco
Tseng at 266-7282.
Jelfery Slmonofl ol New
York University will speak
on Diagnostic Plots for
M i s s i n g Data In Least
Wednesday, March 13 at
4:15 p.m. In ES 140.
An Investors Club Meeting
will be held Wednesday,
March 13 at 7:30 p.m. In LC
2. There will be a guest
speaker from
KldderPeabody and new stock will
be purchases.
Job Interviews will be the
topic of the night at the
Chapel House Community
S u p p e r f r o m 5-7 p.m.
Wednesday, March 13.
The Rape Crisis Program of
Rensselaer County needs
volunteer counselors. Training for new volunteers will
bogln In April. For more Information call 271-3445.
H-.i.il Qeorgos Backroom
Television Show will be
shown In the Rat every
Wednesday night at 7 p.m.
on the big TV screen.
N.Y. State, A leader lor
Women's Rights, will be
discusses by Judith Azner,
a lawyer with the New York
State Division for Women.
The lecture will be Wednesday, March 13 at 6 p.m. In
Russel Sage's Kellas Formal Lounge.
The National Honor Society
In Psychology (PSICHI) w i l l '
have a general meeting
Monday, March 18 at 3:30 In
SS 254 A. Members and prospective members are asked to attend.
The Democratic Socialists
ol America presents "U.S.
Intervention — A Worldwide
Offensive" Wouth Korea
tells its plight Wednesday,
March 13 at 7:30 p.m. In HU
Thomas F. George from
University ol Rochester will
speak on " M o l e c u l a r
Dynamics and Spectroscopy at Gas-Solid Interfaces" on Friday, March 15
at 3:00 p.m. In PH 129.
UB40 will perform at the
Palace Theater on Thursday,
March 21. Tickets are on
sale now, In the campus
c e n t e r , $8 for SUNYA
students and $10 for the
general public. For more Information call Maddy at
The Gabrlell String Quartet
will perform Tuesday, March
12 at 8 p.m. In the Union College Memorial Chapel.
Jewish Medical Ethics with
Tovla Melster, M.D. will be
discussed Monday, March
18 at 8 p.m. In CC 373.
Professor Lazlo Lempurt
from Eotuos University and
Princeton University will
speak on Symetrles of the
Complex Monge-Ampere
Equation Monday, March 18
at 4:15 p.m. In ES 140.
A Bus to the St. Patrick's
Day Parade in New York City
will lealve the circle at 8:45
a.m. Round trip tickets are
on sale In the campus
center for $15, sponsored by
JSC Hlllel "Studonts lor
Israel" will meet Wednesday, March 13 at 7:30 p.m. In
CC 357.
The Italian American Student Alliance will meet
Tuesday, March 12 at 8 p.m.
In CC 361.
QAy and Lesbian Alliance
(GALA) will meet Tuesday,
March 12 at 8:30 p.m. In CC
Tha Irish Club will be sponsoring a bus trip to the St.
Patrick's Day Parade In New
York City on Saturday,
March 16. Tickets are $15
and will be on sale In the
Campus Center Thursday
and Friday.
~\ ,1 . I I M
12, 1985' D ALBANY
Women falter in state promotions
By Johanna Clancy
Women and minority men appear to be
well represented among those receiving
non-permanent promotions in New York
State Government, but were underrepresented in permanent managerial appointments said a study released in
February by the Center for Women in
According to the study "Alternative
Routes of Promotion in New York State,"
conducted by the Center's Director of
Research and Implementation Dr. Cynthia
Chertos, seventy percent of non-appointed
managerial promotions in New York State
government between 1977 and 1980 were
made through alternative routes such as
administrative transfers and noncompetitive promotions rather than the
traditional examination process.
Women and minority men, along with
The study was based on an analysis of
1,381 individual promotions in the white men, were equitably represented in
managerial ranks of 16 state agencies and receiving non-permanent promotions said
was funded through a grant from the Chertos, but these appointments are less
desirable than permanent appointments.
Robert Sterling Clark Foundation.
Secretary of State and president of the "While non-permanent appointments may
Center's Board Gail Shaffer said the board provide a 'foot in the door,' they do not
was "surprised" that seventy percent of provide a vested right to continued
the non-appointed managerial promotions employment or a right to. further promowere made through alternative routes. Of tional opportunity," she said.
this seventy percent, 63.9 percent were
"The alternative routes of promotion
non-permanent appointments and only 6.1
offer a great measure of flexibility," Nanpercent were permanent, she said.
cy Perlman executive director of the
"New York State is concerned about the Center asserted. "While this flexibility is
under-representation of women and not inherently good or bad for the system,
minority men at the managerial levels of or for the employees who work in it, what
government employment," Shaffer said matters is how the flexibility is used. It can
adding, "We first realized the importance be used to reinforce sex and race segregaof alternative routes of managerial promo- tion; it can be used equitably for all
tion while studying the impact of the tradi- employees, or it can be used as an affirmative action tool."
tional examination process."
"Women and
minority men did not
receive the number of
these promotions that
one would expect..."
—Cynthia Chertos
Perlman said, "We recommend that this
flexibility be balanced with accountability
to ensure that alternative mehanisms are
used without preference." She added, "Inan effort to increase the numbers of
women and minority managers, alternative
routes should be used for affirmative
According to Chertos, "Women and
minority men did not receive the number
of these promotions that one would expect
based upon their proportion of the State
managerial work force." In addition, said
Chertos, "Women and minority men were
not promoted through the full range of
alternative routes."
The Center recommended publication of
a manual outlining all promotion
mechanisms. It also suggested that efforts
be made to increase the eligibility of
women and minority men for managerial
By James O'Sulllvan
quad and a staff person from Residential
Life, Patty Snyder. "When something was
brought up to Advisory Board, it would
get caught up in the red tape," said Kohn.
Kohn said that last semester the RAs
had requested I.D. cards to prove to
students who they were when making
rounds each night. After two months, he
said, they were issued, "a piece of paper
with a stamp on it and five options,"
which could be circled to show the bearer's
Residence Assistants on Indian Quad
have formed a Student Association
recognized group to provide a forum for
RA gripes and suggestions, but one
University official has already told group
members that they could be fired if they attempt to use "union tactics" to try and get
changes made in the system.
The group, called Coalition of Resident
Assistants, has met three times so far, according to RA Joe Fusco, but is only in the
beginning stages of discussion and so is not
pressing for ay immediate changes. He
also said the group is seeking to include
RAs from other
Several members of the group met with
Residential Life Director John Martone
late last Friday afternon, according to
Fusco, who said that Martone expressed
disapproval of the group's methods,
specifically in their going outside of the
—Aiken Brown
department. "It was an interesting discussion, no flattering things were said,"
"This is just one of the things we felt
Fusco said, .
very strongly about," he said.
Snyder was not available to comment
"His (Martone's) exact quote was 'if
you use any labor union tactics, you will Monday, but Martone said the topic of
no longer be with staff,' " said RA Kevin Advisory Board had been broached at the
Friday meeting, but no problems were
Kohn, who attended the meeting.
Kohn, who called the statement a threat, reported to him. He also said that no
said that CORA wanted only to work with representatives from Indian Quad had
the department to better define the RA been at the last board meeting.
RA Aileen Brown stressed that the
position for future RA's, and added, "for
him to make a comment like that was group was not seeking a confrontation
with the University. "I really don't think
totally uncalled for."
that was the viewpoint of the group," she
Martone, who did not deny making the
statement, said he would have preferred
Instead, she said CORA wanted to
that the group work within the existing
spend its time "working to make condiResidential Life structure, rather than
tions better for the future RAs and future
form a group independent of the
' staff." She noted that fewer people apply
to be RAs on Indian each year, and said
"I felt the way they went about it was inthat as a result,"the quality of the RA
appropriate," he added, saying that the
staff will go down."
RAs could have gone to either the
Browrf said that CORA did not intend to
Residence Directors or Area Coordinator
take any actions such as work stoppages,
if they had problems with the existing
ever go on strike. "We don't want to
forum, the RA Advisory Board.
make any enemies or step on any toes."
The RA Advisory Board, set up this
Two issues CORA members had discussyear, is composed of two RAs from each
CORA is" working to
make conditions
better for the future
RA's and future
ed, Brown said, were remuneration and a
more specific definition of the RA position. She said that in addition to single
room cost waivers and the hook-up and
local phone service expenses, RAs receive a
$125 stipend each semester. She also said
the amount of the stipend hadn't gone up
in seven years.
Fusco said that CORA members wanted
to work in conjunction with Residential
Life, and mentioned the possibility of RAs
lobbying legislators in favor of increased
stipends, if SUNYA officials proposed it
during the budget process.
"It's well within our rights as citizens, to
attempt to get together. . .and by exercising those rights we don't feel in the least
way that we're threatening anyone else,"
he added.
CORA members have sought legal advice.said Kohn, adding that most of the
consultations had been on an informal
basis with parents of RAs who happened
to be lawyers. He also said the group has
contacted the New York Civil Liberties
Union to try and determine if any constitutional rights of RAs had been violated.
"I view RAs as at the very least quasiadministrators," said Vice President lor
University Arfars Frank Pogue, adding
that he does not consider RAs to be a student organization.
He said their job is "to assist the
Residential Life staff, so that I do not view
the RAs as a seperale entity from the administrative functions of the University."
Pogue added that there are other methods
the RAs could have used to express their
concerns."! believe that the channels are
Student Association Vice President Suzy
Auletla disagreed, saying that although
RAs are employed by the University, they
arc also students because they attend
classes and student functions.
"It looks like a good idea, having been
an RA myself I can see the reason for it,"
she said, adding that the administration
should give CORA a chance before opposingthem.
Gorbachev to
head Kremlin
after death
of Chernenko
(AP) Mikhail S. Gorbachev, a member
of the ruling Politburo, was named
Monday to replace the late Konstantin
U. Chernenko as general secretary of
the Communist Party, Tass announced.
"Mikhail Gorbachev was unanimously elected general secretary of the Communist Party at an extraordinary
plenum of the Central Committee of the
Communist Party of the Soviet Union
that was held today," an announcement
on Russian-language Tass said.
At 54, Gorbachev is the youngest
member of the ruling Politburo and his
appointment marks the first step in a
transition of power from the "old
guard" of the Kremlin to a younger
generation of leaders.
His appointment was surprisingly
swift, coming just over four hours after
Cherncnko's death was announced to
the Soviet public and the world.
The first indication that Gorbachev
might be picked came when Soviet
authorities announced that lie would
head the funeral commission for
Chernenko, who is to be buried in Red
Square on Wednesday. He died on Sunday at age 73.
The choice of Gorbachev was not a
surprise. His positioning in the Politburo lineup during public events in recent months had led Western diplomats
to label him the Kremlin's No. 2 man.
Gorbachev is expected also to be named Soviet president, but that must be
done by the Supreme Soviet, the na :
tional parliament.
Chernenko, a party activist for 55
years, had finally reached the pinnacle
of Moscow power last year, but only as
an elderly and I'ccbled figurehead. He
governed a mere 13 months, shortest
tenure of any Kremlin chief.
He died at 7:20pm Sunday "after a
grave illness," the Soviet government
announced Monday, more than 18
hours after his death. It later said emphysema, complicated by heart and liver
ailments, was the cause of death.
Chernenko had been known to be suffering from respiratory problems.
The ruddy-faced, white-haired
Chernenko, whose ill health had kept
him from public view for weeks at a
time, was the third Kremlin chief to die
in a little more than two years, part of a
revolving-door succession that has complicated U.S.-Soviet relations.
The announcement of his death came
on the eve of the resumption of
U.S.-Soviet nuclear arms-control talks
in Geneva, Switzerland. It may at least
temporarily hold up progress in the
negotiations, during a transition to new
Moscow leadership. But the Geneva
delegations announced their discussions
would open as scheduled Tuesday.
Soviet citizens, who historically have
thronged by the tens of thousands of
pay last respects to their leaders, will be
able to view the body Tuesday and
Wednesday morning in the Hall of Columns of the House of Unions, just
across from the Kremlin's lowering redbrick walls.
The White House said it was loo early
to say whether Reagan, Vice President
George Bush or some other dignitary
would lead the U.S. delegation to the
"Not too long before his passing
away, President Chernenko expressed
his hope for further good development
of Sino-Soviet relations....We hope that
these positive tendencies in Sino-Soviet
relations will further develop," said a
Foreign Ministry statement telephoned
RAs on Indian form interest group
News Editor
12, 1985 D ALBANY
12, 1985
Escort services are often ignored, short-lived Krishna affiliated club resurfaces on campus
By Ken Dombaum
Corvallis, Oregon
(College Press Service)ln the spring of 1980, a sophmore woman
was raped near Oregon State
University's Kerr Library. The
next d a y , 20 Finley Hall
volunteers organized an escort
service to help women make it
across campus safely.
Today, the service is gone. Few
people know it existed.
About 30 miles north of here,
University of Oregon female
students, outraged and frightened
by a rape on the campus last October, will launch their new escort
service in a week or two.
The object, explained Laura
Romano of Oregon's Women's
Referral and Resource Service, is
to make female escorts available
and, of course, to prevent future
sexual assaults.
But if the experiences of dozens
of other campuses over the last
year are any i n d i c a t i o n ,
Romano's service has only slim
chances of survival.
While many campuses, preparing for the increased night traffic
of warmer weather, are now forming escort servicesx, the services
in general don't work well. Most
don't last more than a few months, are usually ignored by campus women, unci often don't prevent sexual assaults anyway, campus police around the country
"Generally volunteer services
don't work very well," observed
Daniel P. Keller, police chief at
the University of Louisville and
head of the nationwide Campus
Crime Prevention Programs.
"Right after a rape or sexual
assault, everyone comes out of
the woodwork," he explained.
"They want to help, but the incident fades, and they lose
At the nation's biggest campus,
Ohio State, three escort services
typically go begging for people to
escort, despite 62 assaults and ten
rapes in the area last fall.
"We get maybe five calls a
night," said Cindi Butler, who
staffs one of the services.
At the University of Wisconsin's Reuter Hall, which began a
service after a 1980 series of sexual assaults, "we get maybe five
calls a n i g h t , " noted Jim
Whitland, the program's director.
"We're starting to advertise,
make commercials, in hopes that
it'll pick u p , " he said.
The University of MarylandCollege Park reported six rapes
and 23 assaults in 1983, and campus police expect a variety of
escort services didn't improve the
1984 statistics.
UM police Corporal Kathy
Atwell says a volunteer service,
started in the early seventies, continues, but, "because they're
volunteers, and they lack the fun- ' students in each sector, working
in conjunction with the campus
ding, they're iffy."
"We've had escort services police," he explained. "It's called
over the years, but, as with 'Night Watch' and it's highly
everything else you have to work effective."
Sexual assaults fell nearly 100
at, people get tired, bored, and
the thing falls apart," said opera- percent in the first nine months of
1984 from the same perod in
tions officer Richard Gould of
Oregon State's defunct service. 1983, although Keller added the
His department provides an number may be misleading.
"Most incidents of rape conescort service, he added, "but
they (students) have to call. I'd cern people who know each
say that we get maybe one call per other, 'date rape,' and consequently are never reported,"
night, and that's an average."
But OSU, with nearly 3,000 Keller warned. "That 100 percent
female students living on campus, drop only represents 'stranger,
needs an escort service, Gould forced rapes.' "
While volunteer escort services
maintained. Campus police investigated 10 sexual assaults last continue, many merge with other
year, a figure Gould says is high. campus organizations or are
A sense of immunity often swallowed by campus police
keeps students from caling.
. The University of Missouri-St.
"Oh, you hear stories of people
.ouis police took over the
being chased across the campus,"
said freshman Tabatha Somerville. "But it's never happened to
"There seems to be a problem
with lack of interest in the program," noted Greg Colucci of
Kent State's now-folded escort
service. "People just don't want
to get involved."
Programs with full-time paid
coordinators seem to do better,
Louisville's Keller said.
"What I've done is divide the
campus into eight main sectors
and position highly visible, paid
O F F - C A M P U S
student's thoughts turn to
where they will be living next
year, the Off Campus
Association (OCA) Is sponsoring Its first annual OffCampus Awareness Week for
those who are considering
breaking away from dorm Hie.
Rob Flshkin, coordinator of
the event explained, "The
goal of the week Is to provide
as much information about
living off campus as possible
to prospective off campus
OCA chair Dave Silk added
that he would like to "alert
people both on and off campus about the possibilities
available to them."
All ten tables in the Campus Center will be olfering
various presentations and Information related to offcampus living from 10 a.m. to
4 p.m. Wednesday, which has
been designated Oil Campus
Awareness Day.
Groups participating Include Niagara Mohawk and
the NYPIRQ fuel buyers
group with Information on
utilities, the Albany Police
department with tips on
crime prevention and Capital
Cablevlslon with Information
on special student rates.
The Off Campus Housing
Office (OCHO) wll also be
running a table and will be
providing listings of available
furnished and unfurnished
apartments as well as listings
of roommates wanted.
Director of the Code Enforcement Bureau Mike
Alvaro will be present to
discuss the grouper law and
the problems of trash pickup. OCA chair Dave Silk said
that this becomes a problem
when students put out their
garbage the day after collection, thus allowing It to sit for
a week and be strewn about.
A number of OCA staff
members will be available to
answer any q u e s t i o n s
students have about moving
off campus and will be selling
t-shlrts and buttons as well.
Thursday night a "Moving
off campus" workshop will be
presented by Director of
OCHO Karlean Karlsqn and
will cover everything "from
the basic to the more
technical" of off campus living.
— Steve Fink
volunteer campus escort service
three years ago, reported security
chief William Karrabas.
The merger produced results.
In three years "there's only been
one reported rape," Karrabas added. "That's lower than the three
to four a year that used to
L o u i s v i l l e ' s K e l l e r said
volunteer escort services will
always be around in some form.
At Oregon State, for instance,
Lambda Chi Alpha' has tried to
fill the void. But house member
Jeff Arnston admited business is
slowed by student apathy. "At
the beginning of the year, we used
to get a few calls," he explained.
"But things slack off. I'd say the
average is one a night." '".
But the house plans to maintain
the service " e v e n , " Arnston
asserts, "if it's never used."
Don't Walk Alone resumes
bringing expanded service
By Robert Simon
The Don't Walk Alone escort
service has resumed operations as
of March 3 with some changes in
its services and is "doing really
well" according to its new coordinator Cheryl Oransoff.
The service was suspended at
the end of last semester due to the
resignation of its previous
The new Don't Walk Alone
now offers student volunteer
escorts to anywhere on the uptown campus rather than just to
the library or the quads.
Don't Walk Alone is continuing to operate out of the library,
which is where Oransoff said a
majority of students want an
escort. "It seems that the middle
of the week between ten and
eleven is the busiest time," she
Students can also call the Don't
Walk Alone office from 8 p.m. to
11:30 p.m. Sunday to Thursday,
said Oransoff and an escort team
will meet them and take them
wherever they want to go.
Last semester, volunteers were
also stationed in the quad lower
lobbies, but they discontinued it
this semester because, of the 600
students escorted, 560 were from
the library.
According to Oransoff, four
volunteers are stationed in the
library each night and four additional volunteers are stationed in
the office to take incoming calls
for escorts.
Escorts work in teams of two
people, one of which is always a
female. "We really need women
volunteers," said Oransoff, who
explained, "We have a lot of male
applications we have to hold
because there are no women to
match them up with."
Don't Walk Alone volunteers
are required to submit applications and a check is made with
campus security and university
judicial board, according to
Oransoff, who added that several
fraternities are, participating in
Don't Walk Alone as part of
Community Service.
Oransoff also stressed that they
are trying to get more faculty involved. "We're here for the
university community," she said,
"not just students, if faculty are
here for late night meetings, they
should know we have the service," she added.
Don't Walk Alone is Student
Association recognized, but they
are not funded by SA, although
Oransoff said the organization
would be interested in getting SA
funding. Currently the service is
operating through funds from
Unviersity Auxiliary Services and
the administration, she said.
Oransoff is a graduate student
and is in charge of overseeing
operations for Don't Walk
Alone. The position is stipended,
although Oransoff declined to
comment on the exact figures.
Every escort is provided with a
Don't Walk alone button which
they must wear while they are on
duty and a Don't Walk Alone Tshirt. "We're getting a good
response," Oransoff reported,
adding that students have been
approaching volunteers to ask for
an escort rather than the
volunteers approaching them.,
"It's important to promote
safety on campus," Oransoff
said, stressing that Don't Walk
Alone acts "mostly as a deterrant" to dangerous situations.
Don't Walk Alone is planning
more publicity, said Oransoff
through bookmarks and table
tags as well as letters to different
SA groups. Regular office hours
have also been established Monday from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.,
and Thursday and Friday from 9
a.m. to 1 p.m. The number to call
for an escort Sunday through
Thursday from 8 p.m. to 11:30
p.m. is 457-8217
The Bhakti Yogi Club, a campus group affiliated with the International Society for Krishna
Consciousness, has resurfaced on
campus after a one-year hiatus.
"We were asked by friends to
return," said Janaka Dasa, the
spiritual leader of the group.
The group, which is SA
recognized, holds their meetings
twice a week and offers teachings
of the Bhagavad Gita as interpreted by A'.C. BhaktivedentaSwami-Prabhupada, the founder
of the Krishna movement, as well
as yoga classes, cooking classes
and a "vegetarian feast." Dasa
commutes to Albany from his
hpme at the Krishna Temple in
Brooklyn, New York.
According to Jill Lenard, president of the club, the group is
"present on.campus in order to
make. Krishna- consciousness
available to anyone who may be
interested in it."
>t " ,
The group has met with with a
variety of reactions, said Dasa,
explaining that it has a reputation
as a cult. " T o call a 5,000 year old
religion a cult is a diversionary
argument. In other words, if I can
drag someone else down, then I
can feel secure about my own
"There is no pressure to join. It
starts with the person who wants
to be the devotee," explained
Dasa. "The impetus lies with that,
p e r s o n . T h e logic o t t h e
Bhagavad Gita, the holy book, is
the attraction. If there is an act of
coercion, blame Krishna. He's the
one who is the preacher and people are attracted to H i m . "
Jay Kellman, Executive Director of the Jewish Campus Com-,
mission and member of the
Chapel House staff, disagreed
with Dasa stating that the International Society for Krishna Consciousness has a reputation for
"Luring students into their
organization and retreats. This
group advertises under Bhakti
Yoga Club rather than a name indicating a relationship with the
Krishna movement for example."
Dasa said he would like to
change the name to Krishna Yoga
Club, but due to "bureaucratic"
reasons a name change now is
unfeasible. "All our advertisements say Bhakti Yoga Club,"
lie explained. Bhakti means devotion to God, Dasa said adding
that he does not "understand all
the fuss asbout us.- There are only
2-3,000 devotees in the U.S. — a
very small number."
Priscilla Coates, Director of the
Citizen Freedom Foundation,- a
group that monitors the Krishnas,
verified Dasa's figures stating
that "their numbers have drop-1
ped in the past few years. During
the early 1980's when the Space
Shuttle landed, Krishna members
were sent to "hawk" bumper
stickers saying " I LOVE THE
U.S." Many members saw the exploitation and left the group. The
aim of this group is more to make
a profit than to teach spiritual
Lenard asserted, " I think these
accusations grow out of people's
fear of the unknown and unexplained — it's very easy to make
such claims against groups of
people you don't understand."
Coates, however also said that
the group has been involved in
various types of criminal activity.
"In Albany in 1982, two devotees
were arrested for fraud. They
pretended to be Agent Orange
victims and asked the director of
the Veterans Administration
Hospital here for a donation to
help them and others go to a
baseball game. One of these men
was arrested a year earlier in
Beloit, Wisconsin, tor the same
thing. The temple in West
Verginia .arranged these missions," she said. .
Coates added that, " I n 1977, a
whole slew were arrested in a
heroin ring. These devotees — on
orders by the hierarchy -.— were
involved in a drug-related
murder, t o o . In 1982, one
Krishna was arrested for bringing
hashish into the country in
hollowed out Buddha statues. A
temple in Northern California
was involved in collecting
weapons like grenade launchers,
semi-automatic guns, etc. They
claim to need these to protect
their deities." _:,
Elizabeth Apgar, a senior who
has attended the Bhakti Yoga • other."
Club's meetings, commented,
"Prospective devotees," said
"All religions have been involved Coates, "are not told about
in nasty things; look at the In- everything they're getting into.
quisition,'' Apgar also said that They're fed step by step informathey have good ideas that can be tion. They're not told that the
incorporated "into your organic temple may not be heated or that
they cannot wear shoes there.
Lenard explained her "1 'gion Some kids look forward to funa s o n e t h a t f o c u s c o n draising so that they can wear
vegetarianism, meditation int he' shoes and be warm inside."
form of chanting the holy name
of Krishna, reincarnation and the
Lynn Rosenthal, a SUNYA
Bhagavad Gita as translated by student and Krishna devotee
Prabhupada. Many people view responded to this by saying " I
themselves in terms of their think that until this woman comes
m a t e r i a l body whereas we to the temple, she shouldn't say
recognize that the body is just anything. She's also taking the achousing the soul and the two en- tion of an individual and judging
tities are separate . from" each the whole religion." ,
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Less stringent guidelines in
firing profs aim of AASCU
Josa Zalaya
"The only alternative is the independent Sandinista state"
Sandinista asks for peace with U.S.
By Charles Coon
A top official of Nicaragua's Sandinista
government asked that the United States, a "less
injust society," give a chance for justice to the
people who have long lived without it in his
Jose Zalaya made his plea for Nicaragua's
"independence" in an address Friday afternoon
in the Lecture Center as part of World Week.
Zalaya received his Masters degree in
Economics and Education from Columbia
University (N.Y.C.) and his Ph.D. in International Law from the University of Nicaragua arid
serves under Nicaraguan Minister of Foreign Affairs Miguel D'Escoto in the Permanent Office
of Nicaragua to the United Nations.
"The only alternative is the independent Sandinista state. The other parties propose a dependent state," that is, dependent on the two superpowers and other external forces, he said, defending the policies of Nicaragua's dominant
political party.
"The so-called state economy is far from the
present situation in Nicaragua." He noted that
the Nicaraguan economy currently consists of 30
percent cooperatives, 51 percent private ownership, and 19 percent state ownership.
Zalaya said the communist party of Nicaragua
"is complaining that the Sandinistas are not
making a communist economy" in the country.
"The reality of a controlled development is
our next goal (after independence). Should we
accept coming back to that past condition again
that had failed in the past? We have to look for
something new. Let us be our own mistake. We
are the ones who will have to pay for it," Zalaya
Graduate student David Scotchmer said
Zalaya was invited to speak at SUNYA as part of
World Week, and that his presentation was sponsored by the SUNYA. Department of
President Ronald Reagan is currently asking
Congress to approve $14 million in aid to antigovernment groups, or "contras," in Nicaragua,
These groups are working to unseat the Current
Sandinista government.
Zalaya queried "Why is this acceptance (of
contra support) happening in America? We are
establishing something that is not a threat to the
security of the U.S."
In the question of the arms buildup, Zalaya
complained that the United States is attempting
to dictate the kinds and numbers of arms with
which his country may defend itself against what
he called "U.S. - attacks" or anti-Nicaragua
governments in the area. They are making entire
nations ready to crush us, yet we cannot defend
ourselves," he said.
Friday's p r e s e n t a t i o n was e n t i t l e d ,
"Nicaragua: Friend or Foe?" In answering that
question, Zalaya said, "We want to be friends,
but we want to be free. We want a peaceful relationship with the U.S. A good start would be for
the U.S. to accept us for what we are."
(The U.S.) "is not ready to accept that we the
people have a right to an independent state. Only
then can we talk about friendship."
Asked by Communications professor Larry
Kincaid what it would.take for the U.S. to be
content with the Nicaragua situation, Zalaya
replied, "The establishment of a nonrevolutionary state is the only way the U.S. will
be happy, or in President Reagan's words, 'cry
Zalaya pointed to the beginning of the U.S.
Constitution, which reads, "We the people, in
order to create a more perfect Union, establish
justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for
the common defense, promote the general
welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to
ourselves and our posterity, do ordain,' and
establish this Constitution."
"It is a pity for the U.S. to forget jmeir
their iown
history. It is a pity because the basis of American
culture is not that kind of politics."
"The U.S. is looking for the moral backing of
the American people," he said, refering to the
covert actions being supported against the
government of Nicaragua by the Reagan administration.
conference held
Two SUNYA students attended the
Second Annual Northeast Lesbian and
Gay Student Activist Conference at
Cornell University in Ithaca during this
past weekend.
Different workshops were held, including an all day workshop on racism
and discussions on getting the New York
State Gay Civil Rights Bill passed, said'
one of the students, Jim Glenn. 173
representatives from 25 different
schools, including Rutgers and Columbia, attended the conference. A committee was formed to plan next year's conference at Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island, Glenn added.
"The community of Ithaca was very
supportive. The city of Ithaca has a gay
ordinance which is very good for a small
community," said Glenn.
Loan periods revised
The University Libraries has revised
its loan periods for books and other
materials. Undergraduale students may
now check out library materials for a 30
day loan period.
The revisions, which became effective
February 20, include an ex'tended loan
period for graduate students in master's
programs to 90 days. Fines have also
been revised, raising the fine maximum
from $3.50 to $5.00.
"These new loan periods and fine
charges will help to ensure that more
SUNYA borrowers are able to use the
library materials they need when they
need them," according to Assistant
Director Carol Anderson.
Inspections positive
Inspections were made of the University Auxilliary Services' food service
facilities in February by the New York
Stale Department of Health.
The report found thai most structural
violations that had been noted on
previous years' inspections have been
corrected, such as lighting and plumbing. Dishwashing facilities were being
maintained and operated in compliance
with requirements al most locations.
According to Senior Sunitarion
Williu'm Krumanocker, although a few
part to prepare for the next round
of college money troubles, a major college group has started a
new war of words- designed to
make it easier for administrators
to fire tunured faculty members.
The change could also keep
some college teachers, worried
about losing their jobs,, from
discussing controversial topics in
class, opponents suggest.
The change would "open the
floodgates" to wholesale firings,
warned Jonathan Knight of the
American Association of University Professors (AAUP).
But the American Association
of State Colleges and Universities
(AASCU), in offering last week a
new guideline for when colleges
can fire tenured professors, said
colleges need more flexibility in
hiring and firing if they're to survive the next decade of declining
Since 1940, colleges have-been
able to Are tenured teachers only
in times of "financial exigency."
The courts, colleges and professors themselves traditionally
have followed the AAUP's' definition of just what "financial exigency" is. Now, administrators
want to change the definition to
make it easier to trim their
payrolls if they get into money
"AAUP approaches the issue
from the standpoint of the faculty," noted Alan Ostar, AASCU's
president. "We believe that the
dialogue on governance needs an
additional perspective."
The AAUP definition inappropriately is "held up as the
gospel," added Moorehead State
University President !j Herb
Reinhard Jr.,. chairman of the
AASCU panel that drafted the
new definition. "The AAUP
definition was written at a time
when things were bright (financially)," Reihnard said.
Things aren't so bright
anymore. The federal government
has cut its funding of college programs, many states have reduced
their higher education budgets,
and tuition — campus's other major source of money — is expected to fall as the nationwide
student population declines over
the next decade.
Some predict as many of 200
campuses will close before
enrollments being to creep up
cleaning violations were noted, the total
sanitational level for all the food service
operations were extremely good.
Antiques donated
A 5,000 year-old vase, finely
sculptured limestone faces and
elongated glass vials once used to contain perfumed oils are among 33 Cypriot
antiques donated recently to SUNYA's
Institute of Cypriot Studies.
The antiques, the gift of Mr. and Mrs.
Taylor G. Belcher of Garrison, will be
added to other antiques already in the
Institute's Belcher Collection on display
at the Main Library. Belcher is the
former United States Ambassador to
Cypress and Peru.
Institute Director David Martin called
the collection a valuable study guide for
students and faculty in archeology,
classics, and an history.
High editor turnover
The Pittsburgh Stale University College Student newspaper, Cardinal
Point's, has its fifth new editor since
school began last September.
Steven Davidson, a sophomore
again in the 1990s.
More may close unless colleges
are freer to cut their costs.
But the AAUP definition of
when they can cut costs by laying
off teachers "has tied the hands
of institutions struggling with
declining or shifting enrollments,
to the detriment of educational
quality," Reinhard argued.
Even without the change, many
tenured teachers lost their jobs
during the last recession.
Since 1982, Temple, Northern
Michigan, Western Michigan,
Washington and the Brockport
and Buffalo campuses of the
State University of New York,
among others, have, fired more
than 100 tenured faculty
AAUP said firing is justified
only when "an imminent financial crisis threatens the survival of
the institution as a whole and cannot be alleviated by less drastic
- AASCU argues that a financial
emergency exists when circumstances "threaten to impair
an institution's ability to provide
high educational quality and individual opportunity."
The AAUP thinks the broader
AASCU guideline would let just
about all 3,000-some campuses in
the U.S. fire professors today.
"I don't know of any institution that cannot plausibly argue
that it has some difficulties maintaining high educational qiiality,"
Knight asserted.
"This definition would allow
broad revocations of tenure for
reasons that are hardly serious,
unusual or extreme," he said.
A substantial number of the
schools on the AAUP's list of
"censured" schools are there
precisely for laying off tenured
faculty under what the AAUP
considered fraudulent declarations of financial emergency.
Those schools include the
University of Northern Colorado,
California State UniversitySonoma and the University of
Knight acknowledged ad-,
ministrators don't like the
AAUP's failure to recognize that
one department, such as a
cooperative farm extension program that receives a separate appropriation from the state
legislature, could get in trouble
English-Journalism major, is replacing
Thom&s Riedy as editor-in-chief because
of "academic reasons," said Riedy.
There is a high burn-out rate among
Cardinal Points' editors, Riedy said.
"There were a number of reasons why
I left the paper," said Riedy. "It takes
between 40 and 60 hours each week to
put out the paper. 1 had trouble getting
my school work done," he said.
New center opened
A suicide prevention service, the
Samaritans, officially opened a new
center at 200 Central Avenue, on March
The Samaritans of the Capital District
is a brunch of an international suicide
prevention service which was founded in
England. Today there are over 20,000
volunteers working in nearly 300 branches worldwide.
Trained and supervised volunteers
staff the eleventh United States branch
and offer "befriending" rather than
counseling to those who call or visit the
center. Volunteers are available 24
hours a day at 463-2323,. •
Aid letters
DAYTONA BEACH and the Plaza
-•Front Pago
"I've seen more people here
than I've ever seen at any similar
program," added Bridget Lake, a
sophomore who wrote a letter.
"People are concerned about
this issue and we have the
resources and the know-how to
help people get involved in an
issue they're concerned about,"
explained Gawlcy.
"In past years, we let USSA in
Washington carry the load," explained Gawley. "This year we
wanted to get more campus
groups involved."
"It's more effective to work
locally with your owr egislators
than to go to Washington," continued Gawley. "We want to concentrate on a realistic goal."
On Sunday night, students on
Alumni Quad wrote eighty letters
in opposition to the proposals, according to Mike Miller, chair of
the Academic Affairs Committee
of Centra). Council. The campaign on Alumni went "very
well" and reaction was "very
positive," he said. "Everyone
was concerned when they realized
the impact of the proposal."
Students at Alumni Quad were
"very enthusiastic about writing
letters," added Mike Brocci, who
helped work on the letter writing
According to Donald
Whitlock, director of Financial
Aid at SUNYA, the proposed
cuts include reducing overall aid
by,twenty-seven percent, a $2.3
billion cut; denying Guaranteed
Student Loans to students with
family incomes over $32,000;
eliminating Pell Grants, Work
Study and, NDSL loans to all
students with family incomes over
$25,000; denying independent
status to all students under
twenty-two years of age; and imposing a $4,000 cap on total annual aid to any one student.
"One-third of all students now
(receiving assistance would no
longer be intitled to any aid, if the
'proposal were to pass," Whitlock
Another reason for the added
concern this year, according to
Whitlock, is the fact that the prov •. posals would set arbitrary cutoffs without regard to heed. "In
v the past, they've tried to, reduce
. funding. Now, they're changing
the parameters of the prograirrto
e x c l u d e p e o p l e f r o\n
Many students said they opposed the proposal for personal
reasons. "I wrote a letter because
I have a big family and depend on
a lot of aid," said'Ken Lane,'one
student who partieipated.
"For some, it means whether
they can have an education or
not," added another student who
wrote a letter! Barry Pollack.
"I have a lot of friends who depend on this aid to be \here, I
think it's stupid to cut this add increase defense spending," said
Melissa Moore, sophomore.']
"When people are in jeopardy
of losing thousands of dollars,"
said McCann, "they're more than
willing to take the time to write a '•
The letter writing campaign is
planned to continue on State and
Indian Quads on Wednesday and
Dutch Quad on Sunday, according to Gawley.
Gawley alio said that a letter
writing table will be set up at the
Financial Aid Office after the
campaigns on the quads Is completed.
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.UHliillu'flvlllk'ijvlliliKl'aiik'is 1I'ltlinrfSlltokKls laxity Ullii t l i a l l v v
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And leave the driving to us.
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These are absolutely the
Wednesday, March 13 & Thursday, March 14.
Check to see available times in CO 30.
or call Coleen:
Nathaniel: 455-6886
Telethon '85-March 22-23
University Auxiliary Services
in your quad cafeteria
Myths born of ignorance or fear
spread homophobia acceptance
Program Committee
is accepting applications
for UfiS Program Funds
for 1985-1986
Wednesday/March 13
for dinner.
until March 29,1985.
State Quad: Lasagna by Elizabeth Cutler
Colonial Quad: Chicken with lemon by Kathleen Kitson
Dutch Quad Kosher: Chicken Soup by Mark fi. Kobrinsky
filumni Quad: Chille Chicken by Robert Mills
Indian Quad: Chicken and wine sauce by Lauren Castellano
Dutch Quad: Lasagna by Francine Fudin
The Rotary Club
has offered to sponsor the
Fifth Annual Albany Rotary
Club Career Day
to be held on
Thursday, April 18, 1985.
This event is a unique and worthwhile opportunity for SUNYA students to
participate in a half-day on-the-job experience. Forty members of the
Albany Rotary Club have agreed to donate one morning, April 18th. to the
career exploration of selected Albany students. This half-day career event
will take students off the campus, and into the community where they will
spend the morning observing, Interviewing, and interacting with a local
A wide range of occupations will be
represented including:
5. Education
6. Insurance
7. Law
Social Service
After a busy morning of experiential learning, students w i l l be treated
to lunch at the Albany Ihruway House courtesy of the Albany
Rotarlans. The Keynote Speaker w i l l be Gardy van Soest, Career
Development Director.
The Center for Undergraduate Education (CUE) Is co-sponsoring this
event w i t h the Albany Rotary Club and w i l l be coordinating the selection of students.
If you are interested In participating In the Career Day, please fill out an application form available at CUB and return it to CUB no later than March IWth.
On March 19th a total of seventy-five students will be selected l>y a random
drawing within each designated area of interest.
March 18 • Application Deadline
March 19 • Drawing
April 18 -CareerDay
Got any plans for
Join the Ski Club and the IRISH
CLUB for the last Ski Trip of the
year to
Only §25 for lift ticket &
Buses leave the Gym at 7:30am
Return from Brodie at 6:30
Sign-up on Dinner lines 3-11 to 3-13 or
in the Campus Center 3-14 to 3-15
For More Info Call Lynns 457-7965
By Keith Feltman
Many myths have sprung up
over the years about homosexuality. These, as with many other
kinds of myths, have been born
out of ignorance, fear, and a
desire to : separate from the
mainstream and identify those individuals . Who
are supposedly P p n n l a
r w
different from
K , c
the- accepted L i k e U S
norm. The consequence of the
spread of these myths is a deepening of the fear of homosexuality;
also known as HOMOPHOBIA.
In order to begin to cut through
the veil of ignorance surrounding
homosexuality, this columnist
will attempt to expose some of the
myths of homosexuality.
First, let us look at the word
homosexual - HOMOSEXUAL.
It is not a dirty word. It is OK to
say it out loud and in mixed company. The words GAY and LESBIAN can also be used without
fear of offending all but the most
conservative right-wingers.
Please, the Words faggot, fern,
queer, fairy, dyke, bulldyke, lezzie and a host of other terms are
offensive, abusive, and are poor
choices when talking about or to
same sex oriented persons. They
also reflect quite poignantly on
the mentality of the person using
Do you think that you can spot
a person who is same sex oriented
simply by the way they look, the
clothes they wear, how their hair
is cut, or the friends they have? If
you do then you may be correct
sometimes, but odds are you will
be incorrect most of the time. Can
one tell who is a virgin, a
vegetarian, a biology major, or a
stickball player, simply by
Phone: 462-4058
or 462-4059
ty with respect to promiscuity.
Gays and lesbians come in all Behavior which is acceptable for
shapes, sizes, and races. They male heterosexuals is seen as
514 Washington Avenue, Albany
span the globe nationally and unacceptable and down right lewd <gun.-Wed. 11am to lam. Thure.-Sat. 11am to 3pm
culturally. They are involved in when heterosexual women and
all vocations from hairdresser to homosexuals are involved.
pro football player to coal miner
Another myth of homosexualiin coopefatioo with
to physician, and most of the time ty is that in homosexual relations
one would never know that they. only the physical is involved. This
announces its 11985
. are same sex oriented unless one is no more true than it is for
heterosexual relations. The degree
One question that people have to which the emotions are involvISRAEL
been wrongly answering for a ed in a relationship varies from
I'am up lu V luuViaiailuHtc ot CJrni'natc Clcdiu
long time is : "What causes person to person whether
I m iiiloimaiion write or call:
OUIcc or International Education
homosexuality?" The answers heterosexual or homosexual. LesSlate Uimcriily College
that people have given range from bians and gay men feel the joys
Ouconta, N Y 13120
the domineering mother theory to and pains of love just as any other
brain damage, with "he got hurt human being feels them. These
.by a girl" and "she hates men" feelings are no less valid simply
thrown in the middle. The simple because they are felt for a person
truth of the matter is theat of the same sex rather than for a
nobody has formulated a con- person of the opposite sex. Love
clusive theory on why, when, does not discriminate.
where, or how a person is
homosexual. Some things are cerAre gays child molesters? Bastain. Homosexuality is not a ed on statistics approximately
disease. One does not "get it" ninety-seven percent of all child
from living with or just talking to molestation is done by heterosex- !,
Mens or Ladies
a gay person. Homosexuality ex- ually oriented persons.
ists whether or not children are
Are gays persons who are sick,
exposed to homosexuals. demented, weak, untrustworthy, |
Includes cut and dry
and up
Remember, most homosexual and representatives of the lowest
adults were raised in households form of life which exists? These
with heterosexual parents and are all judgements based on unsculptured nails, lips, manicures, facials
with siblings who are heterosex- substantiated opinion. And opiual. Also, most homosexuals were nions are NOT facts.
raised in environments where
homosexuality was either frownThe key is this. The myths
ed upon or not dealt with. Conse- about homosexuality are based in
quently, one cannot say that irrational and illogical heresay
homosexuality is caused by ex- and conjecture. The only way to
posure to homosexuality or learn the truth about homosexhomosexuals.
uality is to recognize and cut
Tuesday: Lfi Mug
It is said that homosexuals are through the fear of homosexuali9-1 am
promiscuous. This may be true in ty. The only way to do this is
some cases, however, there are learn facts. Homosexuals are inThursday: Kronenbourg Bottle
many lesbians and male homosex- dividuals who eat, breathe, work,
uals involved in monogamous play, feel pain and feel pleasure,
relationships. There also seems to just like anybody else. There is
get a ceramic mug
be a double standard in our socie- nothing to fear.
Kim's Oriental Restaurant 2
•Precision Cut and Dry..$12.00
Washington Tavern
for only $1H
j| Independent Puerto Rican state eyed
By Charles A. Coon
Citing human rights violations and corporate rape, the
Puerto Rican Independence
Solidarity Alliance (PRISA)
and the Democratic Socialists
of America (DSA) joined
forces last Wednesday night in
a discussion aimed at helping to
achieve Puerto Rico's freedom
from U.S. colonialism and to
fight for their right of selfdetermination.
PRISA's Miguel Gomez and
DSA members said they see a
change in Puerto Rico's
political structure as the lever
needed for social change.
Puerto Rico, Gomez said, is
"just another market for the
U.S. to invest in," similar to
Hawaii, Korea and South
Africa. The structural questions to be asked, he said, are,
"What happens to a colonized
people to make them get up
and take their independence?
What happens in peoples minds
that makes them content with
the current situation?"
Gomez said "he advocates
no Puerto Rican participation
in the U.S. system, that
socialism is the most just kind
of structure," He said he
favors "a unique kind of
socialism for each situation,
each time more just, more
According to a PRISA
newsletter, Puerto Rico must
import 80 percent of its
agricultural products from the
U.S. This is partially because
13 percent of Puerto Rico's
arable land is being occupied
by U.S. military installations
for which they pay nothing.
Visquez Island, the most fertile
land in Puerto Rico, has twothirds of its land occupied by
the U.S. military the literature
In addition, the newsletter
said, many of todays birth control pills were tested on Puerto
Rican women of whom one out
of three are now sterile.
Gomez called Puerto Rico a
"full-fledged colony...They
use the U.S. dollar, the U.S.
Miguel Gomoz
Mail, the U.S. court system.
Their laws must be within the
Democratic Party (PDP),
scope of the U.S.," he said.
Rafael Hernandez Colon,
Gomez contends that only
governer, ousting incumbent
independence will give Puerto
Carlos Romero Barcelo, head
Rico the political power to of the pro-statehood New Probegin solving their problems,
gressive Party. According to
Such powers include the right
the New York Times, Herto fix tariffs to protect Puerto
nandez Colon slated that comRican products and the power
monwealth status is imperfect,
to sign trade agreements with
but is best for Puerto Rico In
other countries. Puerto Rico's
that It would preserve, the
per capita income'is currently
Sniib.li heritage of the island
half of the U.S.' poorest state,
while statehood would inMississippi, and their cost of
evitably lead to assimilation
living Is 20 permit higher than and cultural drift.
New York City's, according to
Hernandez Colon said "we
the newsletter,
will not deal with the status
On November 6, Puerto question at all. First, we will
Rico elected the leader of the dedicate ourselves to resolving
pro-commonwealth Popular jeconomic problems,"
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Credit > ;
Dennis J. Hurley Jr.'
"I felt as though I had to
escape. I was having problems in
school and I was worried about it
and I just felt really bad. I started
having trouble relating to people.
I wasn't getting any sleep - I
averaged about an hour a night. I
felt like my
logic was all
fizzled and I
started to lose a
lot of my self
confidence. I
became irritable and shouted at
my friends a lot. I knew I was
ruining everyone else's good times
because I was so depressed and
nasty to everyone around me."
"I started to drink and smoke
pot a lot just to escape reality. My
friends knew something was
wrong but they couldn't help
because they didn't know how to
help and they couldn't be objective because they were personally
involved. I felt like I didn't know
where to turn anymore."
"I didn't want people to know
1 couldn't' handle my own problems, so it was hard for me to
seek professional help. It was
hard for me to just dial the phone
and seek that help, but I'm glad I
did. It made me feel better that a
professional didn't think I was insane, because I wasn't sure
anymore. I learned to better
understand myself."
"1 realize now that everyone
gets depressed sometimes. You
can't be happy all the time. I used
to dwell on my depression and
that just made me more depressed. Now, when I feel down, I help
myself slide out of it by forcing
myself to keep active and by forcing myself to socialize with
"1 think people at this school
would be surprised that a lot of
people they know have felt very
depressed and have sought help.
People shouldn't feel embarassed,
about that."
This is a SUNY student's personal account of depression and
how he/she overcame it. Depression is a common mood disturbance which affects everyone at
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longed behavior changes are
characteristic of this degree of
depression. What delineates normal depression from more severe
depression is the extent to which
negative feelings are dwelled upon
and the extent of the level of
An individual may experience
changes in behavior and attitudes
as a result of depression. Some
examples are irritability, emotional flatness or emptiness, an
inability to find pleasure in
a n y t h i n g , f e e l i n g s of
hopelessness, a neglect of responsibilities and appearance, a
general slowing down, poor
memory, loss of sexual desire, exaggerated self blame and loss of
self esteem, which sometimes lead
to suicidal thoughts or actions.
In addition, a person suffering
from depression may experience
physical symptoms such as a
change in appetite, a change in
22 »-
Eric K. Copland
S f. f i S IiunvicE
different times and in different
ways. The most common type of
depression is usually brief and
doesn't seriously interfere with
normal activities. Most people
feel down or sad now and then as
a natural reaction to stress and
tension. A change of pace or talking with a friend are usually
enough lo brighten a temporary
down mood.
Many people have more serious
periods of depression. They may
find the responsibilities of daily
living harder to cope with and
may not be able lo stop their
unhappy feelings. Symptoms are
similar to those of mild depression, but are more intense and of
longer duration. A conversation
with a counselor may be helpful
in this case.
Some people become severely
depressed and find they can no
lonrer cope with daily responsibilities. Loss of interest in the
outside world and seriously pro-
sponsored by: CIOSS © f ' 8 7
For info, call 266-8585
By Kathleen Brencock
Nassau BaHaMas »
Student Allocation
AlSocfMlon Office
CiVnpui Center
To the depressed, life's downs outweigh ups
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12 Aspects
o n Tuesday m
IMarch 12, 1985
• Good theater uptown and downtown •
• poets, survivors, bloodsuckers.. .arid cockroaches
PAC sparks with Fifth of July
anford Wilson's Fifth of July, at SUNYA's Studio
Theater, is an assemblage of unconventional
characters set In a sleepy town in Missouri. Personalities flare up on Independence Day as these people
find themselves reunited under one root.
In the Broadway production live years ago, Christopher
Reeve played an emotionally moving Ken Talley. a
paraplegic who lost both legs in Vietnam. William
Salzmann, in SUNYA's production, is convincing in his
movements ot portraying a paraplegic, but his character
remains emotionally crippled, The lack of "oomph" in his
role makes this gathering too fragmentary in nature. The
unity of the cast is upset by indifferent pity to the
character. There is the need for a strong Ken to hold it
Roni D. Ginsberg
Wilson's script is involved and hard to follow. In Act I,
the viewer is bombarded with Ken and his horticulturist
male lover, Ken's aunt Sally, whose trying to deal with the
task of scattering her dead husband's ashes In the river, and
his sister june.who is trying to deal with her precocious il-
STAYING ALIVEs The Psychology of
Human Survival
By Roger Walsh.
Forewords by His Holiness the
Dalai Lama and Linus, PaulingNew Science Library, distr. by Random
125 pp., $5.95
Ken's lover, portrayed by John Fox, is a strong
character, but little tenderness comes (Hit between the two
men, especially in the first act, where the attempt to be affectionate seems strained. This improved somewhat in the
latter half of the play. Indeed, the first act is sensory overload; Wilson deposits a lot of unconnected material to be
digested. In the second hall, both the audience and the actors seem to get a feel of the characters and their relations
to each other. The conflicts begin to develop well, but
director William Leone failed to give the extra push that is
needed to bring the conflicts to the right intensity. Their
resolution leaves the audience wanting.
Ken Hochhauser.UPS
The play's main conflicts revolve around Ken, but they
are lacking in power. Ken has accepted a teaching job but
doesn't want to face the students and contemplates backing out. There is pain in his apprehensions and fears that
the students won't accept him as a homosexual and disabled man. but the audience isn't made to feel them. We
don't gi't the anger and frustration that came out so well in
the Broadway production. We need to understand Ken.
lo r. top to bottom: Rebecca Weitman, Randy Scon Weitman, I.eesa Markbreiter, M. Susan Peck, Trudi Bcckerich,
William Sal/man, Frank Whaley, John Fox
Wilson's script doesn't tell us about Ken's experience in
the war. We are told that Gwen, John and Ken were
against the war and did their share of protesting and partying. We also find out that although they had plans to
evade the draft and flee to Europe together. Ken stayed
behind. The others confront him on this, bringing on one
of the few truly emotional scenes in this performance, We
never really understand why he went, nor docs he or tjie
others. Even this scene had more potential than the acinar
performance delivered.
The setting of the country house is charming and neat
while effectively containing the drama. Together with the
very appropriate props, the well-finished sel focuses attention on the action as it should. Jerome Hanley's lighting
worked very well throughout the play. Kudos to the production staff and running crew.
In general the- costumes are very good, but Cwen's
seemed a bit too garish. More care should have been taken
with the make-up. One should be able to look at the performers and have an idea of Iheir character's ages, which
was hard to do with these actors and actresses. The youth
of most of the student performers was too evident in
characters who should have been in their early or midthirties. Outside of such minor lapses in. execution,
SUNYA's Fifth of July survives a weak lead to be an enjoyable evening of quality theater.
Cap Rep masters Harold
n the hotspol of Smith Africa in 1950, a poignant
drama about .1 white boy and two black servants unfolds. Master Harold and the Boys is a microcosm of
what is going on, not just in apjrthiecl South Africa, but in
the world today. It deal;, with how people talk about
equality and progress, while their actions promote racism.
Alhol Fugarcl's script is a hard-hilling and yel sensitive
story, brought to life by actor Lou Ferguson. Ferguson
plays Sam, a sort of surrogate father lo young I Lilly", the
white boy. Ferguson, who has preformed in loseph I'.ipp's
New York Shakespeare Festival presents a memorable
portrayal ol an intelligent and highly tolerant man who
reaches his breaking point when insulted and is put in his
place one too many times.
I Lilly. played by Corey Parker, is somewhat unconvincing in his remorse near the end of the play, but otherwise a
beleivable character. At times one feels that there is a lot
going on below the surface of his character that daily hints
at, but keeps secret from the audience.
Willy, portrayed by basil A. Wallace, provides a much
needed balance between Sain and llally. This true friendship supports Sam in the end of the play.
All action is complimented by the set, which is an excellent reproduction of a 1950's diner, complete with colored tile floor, hanging lights, and a jukebox that adds just
the right touch of fantasy. The jukebox and its music seem
to symbolize a part of an ideal world, while the everyday
language injected with occassional expletives creates an ex-
Survival of the psyche
legitimate teen-age daughter, Shirley. The family is
disrupted by the arrival of one-time close (rinds John and
Cwen. John is the smooth talking father of Shirley, as well
as fast-iane-living Cwen's husband and business manager.
Cwen is the brash heiress-cum-pop singer whose good
nature slilneS through her various neuroses.
Shirley (played by Leesa Markbreiter) and Cwen
(Rebecca Weitman) relate to each other on stage better
than the other characters do. Though very different personalities, both characters have a penchant for theatrical
behavior. Cwen struts around in garish costumes offering
her friends 'hides and brandishing four-letter words.
Shirley Moats about in her grandmother's faded gowns
idealistically speaking of plans to devote her life to "art"
and the sacrifices she will make. She humorously describes
visions of future stardom for the family and repeatedly
declares her opinions tor all to hear, "I never think about
men physically," she says as she slides a banana into her
mouth. Cwen, an older-sister figure whose personality
bears the marks of 33 years, an unstable mind and too
many drugs, relates well to Shirley's llakiness. These two
women" bring most of the life into the production and
nearly all of the funniest lines.
Ira dimension of reality.
The character ol llally thinks very highly of himself intellectually, especially compared to black men. Lie talks of
how the world should be, but he still calls Sam's and
Willie's ballroom dancing "primitive black culture." The
dance, we see through Sam, is really a representation of
how life should be-- "On the dance floor no one bumps
into anyone else," Sam explains thai, in reality, members
oi a family bump into each other, the U.S. bumps into
Russia, and so on. If we could all just listen to the music
and learn our steps, lite would be as beautiful as a dance.
This becomes a timely lesson for today's world.
Jusl as Rally is beginning to understand, he receives a
call from his mother telling him lhat his father is coming
home from the hospital. I lally takes all his rage and shame,
lor his lather, whose phlehm tilled pisspot he's had to
• clean daily, out on Sam. He insists that Sam now call him
"Master I larold" and insults him with a racist joke about a
"Nigger's ass", Sam drops his pants in response. The tension of the moment is increased when Daily spits in Sam's
tace. Fven after Ibis incident, Sam tries to show f lally that
things don't have to be this way. He tells him, "You can
leave the Whites Only bench any time you choose, lust
Stand up and walk away."
Director Bruce Bouchard, who leaches a theater class
here at SUNYA, has learned the steps lo his dance well,
,md the production moves with a swift grace and effectiveness. Muster Harold, by Capital Repertory Company,
will be playing at the Market Theater through April 11.
Show your student ID a half hour before curtain time for
hall price tickets.
I March 12, 1 9 8 5
o n Tuesday 13 1
I ' h e poet is herel" announced
I SUNYA English Department Chair
Eugene Garber to the audience
waiting in the Humanities Lounge. Marie
Ponsot was scheduled to give a poetry
reading on that evening, March 7, at 8:00.
When she arrived after a dinner
downtown with accompanying members
of the English Department, it was nearly
8:30 pm. Anxious not to waste any more
time, English Professor Judy Sherwin introduced the poet simply and directly.
"Here is Marie Ponsot, who has a
manuscript of poetry at the publishers now
and two previously published works. True
Minds and Admit Impediments. Let's gol"
Loren Ginsberg
Ponsot was apologetic about the delay,
explaining, "We were held by double
parkers." The poet began reading from her
new manuscript entitled Love is Not Love,
in which a third person referred to as "she"
is the central character of a series of poems.
"She" progresses through problems
associated with life's many sensitive stages,
beginning as a very young girl and becoming ' a young woman with a newly
developed sense of identity.
One .poem of this series deals with
adolescent girls practicing "squealing" at
boys on the beach and "being cute"when
they are thrown into the water. Ponsot's
"she" hates "elite girls" and sinks her teeth
into a boy's shoulder. At a later stage the
young woman has started writing a novel
which is "in trouble already" in the first
few lines of the poem. Her difficulty in
writing stems from the realization that
"people in novels have to need something
that takes about 200 words to get."
The laughter of the crowd infected Ponsot, and she had to struggle to regain her
composure as she read. The poignancy of
her selections from Love is Not Love made
it difficult to believe that the poet used an
anonymous persona to remove herself
from her works. Ponsot admits that this approach led to surprising results. "I thought 1
would be able to write things that would
be fictional. It was .very peculiar. My
poetry became more honest. It was really
me. I really did bite a boy on the shoulderl"
Ponsot read several outstanding selections from her second collection, Admit
Impediments. "On Freedom to Worship in
the Ice Age of Polar Religions" deals with
the poet's inner, debate of whether to worship a "God " of a "Goddess." Both options
prove unsatisfactory. The poet concludes
that "the face of the holy is the human
The poems "Patient" and "Coal" are sensitive tributes to the poet's aging mother.
"Hard Shell Clam" deals with the delicate
relationship of the poet to her father.
These works as well as others, succeed in
capturing the intimacy of human relationships through poelry.
When Ponsot stopped reading, audience
members asked, "Is that all?'' Encouraged to
read a few more pieces, she entusiastically
agreed. The {audience obviously appreciated the opportunity to experience
the poetry of Marie Ponsot and will be
waiting to read more of the humorous,
touching experiences of "she " with the
coming release of Love Is Not Love.
Coauthor, of Beyond Ego: Transpersonal
Dimensions in Psychology and Towards an
Ecology of Brain, Roger Walsh has recently
compiled a manual which outlines and
defines the psychology of human survival.
The premise of Staying Alive states, in no
uncertain terms, the earth's population is
doomed to genocide unless the individual
becomes aware of personal (and global)
threats to human survival, and develops a
sense of the psychology of human survival.
This relatively untouched branch of
psychology seeks to identify threats to our
continued existence, psychological
understandings and implications of global
crises, possible contributions to aid in improving these crisis situations, and global
therapy to nullify the symptoms.
thoughts; defense mechanisms; fear and
loathing; social cognizance and the media.
Keeping in mind Ihese psychological factors, Walsh exemplifies methods of
alleviating world strife.
"Clobal Threats" is somewhat of an
amibiguous, far-reaching term; Ihe threats
to the earth's populace, as explicitly considered here, concern nuclear weaponry,
population, environment, food, poverty
and energy. The Clobal 2000 Report.
prepared by the Council on Environment
Quality in 1979, offers an in-depth study
of world trends. The figures in Global
M. O. Thomas
According to Walsh, threats to human
survival are symptoms of the psyche of the
individual; the world's state of decay has
egressed from the mind of the individual.
Walsh doesn't attempt to downplay such
factors as economic forces and "conventional diplomacy," but draws attention to
Ihe psychological basis of mass society's
' "*' *
The scheme Walsh has arranged to
'emedy the world's ailments is eclectic and
presumably pragmatic; he selects useful insights first popularized by Gautama Buddha and Ihe religious values of Lao-tse in
, the sixth century B.C. The major points of
focus include: behaviorism and reinforcement; addiction, aversion and delusion; intuitive factors of beliefs, assumptions and
'l1 III.11
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2000 and similar reports is considered inaccurate to a small degree, but the prognosis
is most likely more optimistic lhan Ihe
potential results. "Drawdown." a phase
characterized by high use and low replication of natural resources, accompanies the
ecological disruption which, even now, occurs due to increasing desertification) considered the most crucial factor), exorbitant
consumption patterns caused by the
burgeoning rate of population growth, and
atmospheric pollution. Present extrapolations, notwithstanding apocryphal status
conferred upon sources by most political
figures, are held to be quite real and worth
Inevitable? Not really. Looking at public
policy and the politicians who study the art
of government, it's not difficult to find a
plausible solution in terms of choices based
on expected rewards, usually indicative of
a general behavioral pattern. It has been
suggested, for example, but few politicians
are willing to support a push toward lower
consumption of nonrenewable fuels, for
fear of immediate personal results. Evidently, threat of possible non-reeleclion
outweighs the long-term effect of
"drawdown" and equally serious consequences. This is a simple case in point
which illustrates the outcome of the
misconstrued or improper reinforcers the
politician receives from Ihe individual
(such as preferring a private means of
transport to public transportation) and the
conflict to be found in a low-synergy environment (usually a hegemony with little
connection between persons making
governmental decisions and those experiencing the widespread results).
The implications of global therapy are
only touched upon in this volume, but
subsequent books on this topic will
elaborate. Staying Alive serves well as an
Introduction to the psychology of human
survival. The sum total of Slaying Alive's
thesis attempts to advise Ihe individual of
Ihe problems facing us all, why Ihey occur,
and what Ihe individual should do, besides
seeking a potentially lucrative variable-sum
As Ihe wisdom of His Holiness The
Dalai Lama would have il, "there is no way
to overemphasize the iirrportanee ol worki n g towards greater harmony and
understanding amongst different peoples;
and of awakening a wider awareness in Ihe
world of the urgent need for peace."
Enough said.
Dracula bites
t was bound to happen sooner or later.
I was going to have lo see a bad production at Proctor's eventually. But I
never expected the touring version of
Dracula to be the one.
Ian Spelling
Martin Landau played the Count, or at
least tried. He is best known for his roles in
the television series Mission Impossible
and Space 1999. The sold-out crowd probably figured they were going to see a star
try his hand at something different, but
they were Wrong. Landau encountered
several problems in his portrayal. He looked too old for the part, because he is too
old for the part. He lacked any charisma or
magnetism, not to mention stage presence.
Most importantly, however. Dad can't act
and never could.
Unfortunately for all involved. Landau
was not the exception. Every cast member
played his or her part with the broadest of
gestures. They annoyingly jutted their
hands into the air for emphasis. These cute
little embellishments were meant to be
campy, but the thrill vanished immediately. Less than ten minutes into the play, it
was obvious the actors were eagerly
awaiting laughs lost In the mail. When
Johnny Carson cracks a |oke which doesn't
go over well, he pleadingly peers at Ihe audience. They respond with gales of
laughter, However, that neat little trick
failed all but one Friday night for the
Dracula cast.
It can't honestly be said every cast
member was floor. Humbert Allen Astredo
performed admirably as Dracula's arch
enemy, Von Helsing. And Michael
Nostrand hit all the correct corriedic notes
as the fly eating Renfleld,
A woman sitting nearby explained thai
she saw Raul Julia play Dracula during the
original Broadway run. He had replaced
Frank Langella. The sets used Ihe olher
night, she said, were the same ones used in
1977. The comedy was far more subtle,
but more importantly, Julia posessed the
"Martin Landau played the
Count/ or at least tried."
necessary charm to transform Dracula into
a frightening, romantic figure. The new
version of the play was devoid ol charm,
and the spine tingling moments proved lo
be very few and far between.
The special effects and lighting were terrific, particularly toward the show's conclusion. In it, the curtain opened lo reveal
what is described as Dracula's last hidden
coffin. The men in search of it wandered
the stage with flashlights in hand. These
were the only sources of light. Each actor
then turned his flashlight toward Ihe audience. What one man saw provoked him
to declare "What a strange place this is."
That joke earned the evening's longest
spontaneous response. Von Helsing then
opened Ihe coffin and hammered a slake
through Dracula's heart. Landau mouthed a
scream while the man operating the sound
effects depressed the appropriate button
Dracula, of course, failed to die immediately. Rather, he hung on long enough to
frighten the audience one last time before
disappearing into a cloud of mist.
The sets created by Ekward Gorey appeared campy enough. The arches of
various doorways were bat shaped. Bat
designs found their way onto Renficld's pa-
jamas. Bats were everywhere. Fven bats
flying around Ihe stage looked like bats.
The entire sel consisted ol shades of black,
white, and gray in order to create a
cartoon-like aura. Somehwere in each of
Ihe three/acts and Ihe climax a touch of red
could be found. That particular color arrived in the form of a glass of wine, a red rose
In a vase, a red flower on a dress, and a
fake looking blob of blood. Searching for
these items provided Ihe evening's
Olher than a pair of Inspired performances, there was nothing particularly inspiring about this production. The lead was
miscast, Ihe comedy was too broad, and
Ihe play itself was neither charming nor
scary. Put simply, Dracula sucked
everything but blood.
Hght for freedom
Frat halls?
At the beginning of every year, hundreds of SUNYA dorm residents find
themselves sharing bathrooms and'
lounges with students they've never met
before; students with a broad range of interests and attitudes; students who like
Led Zeppelin and students who like Bob
Marley; students who like to turn in at
dawn and students who prefer to start
their day at sunrise.
At the end of every year hundreds of
SUNYA dorm residents have learned to
live together, not necessarily in peace, but
at least in tolerance.
Many would agree that this is an important facet of their education at SUNYA.
Next year, however, it seems that some
on-campus students will be exempt from
this education; Director of Residential
Life John Martone has agreed to allow
two fraternities to have their own
residence halls, probably on Colonial and
State quads. On the positive side, these
fraternities will, no doubt, participate in a
lot of campus activities and help improve
school spirit by cheering on the Great
Danes at sporting events. Residential Life
officials are also hopeful that the fraternities will paint their dorm and take good
care of it.
But dorm living should foster integration and diversity. Fraternities pretty
much do just the opposite. The members
are selected through an exclusive process
designed to amass a group of people with
fairly similar attitudes. Then tfie members
are trained to conform.
So instead of living with the unique
cross section of students usually found in
a dorm; the fraternity members deal only
with students they 've'selected" as mirror
images of themselves.
There's also a danger that frat leadership would assume the role currently performed by quad board, making social life
on the quads heavily fraternity oriented.
Again, this may be great for school spirit,
but unlike fraternities, anyone can join
quad board, and quad boards hold events
for everyone.
And even if these fraternities offer
valuable services to the community,
should they really be entitled to special
housing privileges especially when university officials have predic, :d that next
year's housing will be in evt.i shorter supply than this year?
The plans to house fraternities on this
campus clearly has benefits for school
spirit and service. Unfortunately it may be
at the price of diversity.
Death punishment
On July 2, 1976, two days before our nation's 200th
birthday, the Supreme Court of the United States ruled
that capital punishment was neither cruel nor unusual.
Ronald Davidson
This mandate has now placed approximately 1300
men's and women's lives in acute danger.
The recurrent theme is: capital punishment is a strong
deterrent. In this writer's opinion, nothing could be further from the truth. Capital punishment never has, nor
ever will be, a deterrent in the majority of "capital
To begin with, what exactly is a capital crime? While
most people envision it to be murder alone, many other
crimes such as treason, rape and mayhem are included. It
all depends on the state the crime occurred in. The federal
government recognizes several, including: airplane hijacking, treason, and espionage in time of war and/or national emergency. There is no steadfast rule as to what
constitutes a capital crime. Many European countries —
namely Sweden, Denmark, West Germany, and Finland,
to name a few — have completely abolished the practice
of capital punishment. Our neighbor, Canada, has also
abrogated this nonreversible act without any mehtionable
increase of capital or major crime (See Studies on Sentencing, Law Reform Commission of Canada, 197.4).
In.regard to capital punishment's deterrent effect,
many studies have shown that most capital crimes,
(murder in this case) were committed on the spur of the
moment. These were formerly referred to as the' "heat of
passion" crimes. As such, the person engaging in the
crime gave little thought as to his actions, let alone to the
In the 1800's it was the common practice to hang horse
thieves, burglars, and even pickpockets. Yet, it is a wellknown fact that when such executions occurred, there
was a great deal of pickpocketing going on throughout
the watching crowd. The reason Was slmple:*the people*
were looking upward, engrossed at watching the man being executed! Obviously, a man being hung for
pickpocketing did not have much deterrent effect on the
pickpockets in the audience!
From a moral standpoint I find it difficult to justify
taking a life under any circumstances, with the exception
of protecting one's life or the life of another from immediate danger. But I cannot see the point of executing a
man for a crime committed months before, once he has
been subdued and "safely locked away." It then
becomes revenge, pure and simple; as such, it should be
so defined. It would not serve to justify such an act,
cither, for it would only provide euphemisms which tend
to blunt peoples' logic und better sense of justice.
Furthermore, if capital punishment has such beneficial
effect in preventing crime, why Is it not broadcast on network television? Could i! be that an American audience
could not bear to see such a horrible spectacle? I Feel not.
Since Jack Ruby killed Lee Oswald on millions of TV
screens, and the Viet Namese battlefronts were well
covered for public viewing, Americans for the most partare very much used to seeing-murder. ...Desensitized, if.
you will. But to show it outright, in'a pre-planned,'1
precise, economically controlled manner, devoid of any
emotion (except on the piaft of the prisoner) would be just
too much for most Americans to bear. The majority are
content to allow such murders to occur quietly in out-ofthe-way prisons, by hired or volunteer executioners. "Out
of sight, out of mind" is a very apt maxim.
Irisetad of capital punishment — or, indeed, any
punishment — I believe alternatives to capital punish-ment and incarceration must be developed, Sweeping
changes throughout the criminal justice system must be
accomplished, as well as the total restructuring of
present-day forces of crime deterrence. We must also
radically expand and modernize our court system, making jury trials a prevailing reality and rule instead of an
ideal and the exception.
We must also multiply probation and parole services
many times over, creating community based rehabilitation centers and staffing them with qualified persons. In
so doing, full legal rights should be afforded to all people.
Our government should cherish and strengthen those
rights by which individuals may defend themselves
against the. state.
, .-a....'..:",'.
. .,.
Even the most allegedly dangerous mental patient and
apparently incorrigible, violent criminal should have
every'civil right accorded him, as well as every opportunity to prove himself neither dangerous nor deserving of excessive confinement.
This .wholesale and revolutionary reconstructive process of the criminal justice system would., at best, contain
crime, but not eliminate it or even reduce it significantly
at the source. Hand in hand with a massive remodelyjng
of the criminal justice system, there must be a far greater
commitment than Americans have thus far shown in
making our country a truly open society.
There must be a wiping out of economic and political
disadvantages of being Black, Puerto Rican, Indian, or
Mexican-American; and measures must be taken to bring
minorities into the mainstream of American life. This
would take place not be means of larger handouts, increased welfare payments, etc., but by means of more
daring and difficult measures: These should comprise
massive efforts to prividc equal educational and job opportunities, and other intensive programs designed to
erase the borders of ghettos, be they physical or mental.
In short, anything and everything should be undertaken to provide all Americans equal opportunity to profit from abilities and potential; equal reason to respect
themselves; equal capabilities to protect themselves
against the might of the state; and equal cause to believe
in and to preserve liberty.
The author is an inmate at Elmira Prison
To the-Editor:
Apartheid is no longer a foreign term to most people.
The American people are waking up to the realization
that we have an obligation to defend the native African
right to freedom in their homeland. American students
have traditionally played an intricate role in the conscience of the United States. We must now carry on with
this role..
, SASU's Third World Caucus, the largest state student
Third World organization in the nation is rising to the occassion. As educated people we have the obligation and
responsibility both to educate people on the evils of apartheid and to organize people against apartheid. The student organizations on your campus will soon be circulating letters addressed to your state legislators requesting that they vote favorably on two bills. One of
these bills, A2S0, introduced by Senator Leon Bogues and
Assemblymembers Arthur Eve and Herman Farrell, is
designed to bring about an end to New York State support of the apartheid government through investments
and business dealing with South African-based companies. Bill 431 is being introduced by the two
Assemblymembers; its intent is to restrict the depositing
of state pension funds into banks which invest in South
Africa. We urge you to sign these letters.
These is an issue which even more directly relates to
students. SUNY Binghamton and Plattsburgh have food
service contracts with the Marriott Corporation; Marriott
is heavily invested in South Africa. Students attending
these SUNY schools who live on campus are forced to
purchase the meal plan supplied by Marriott. Student
money is and invested into South Africa and used to oppress native Africans. Marriott helps aid the starvation of
millions of children while SUNY students are forced to
purchase food from Marriott. We cannot allow this cycle
of pain to continue. The Third World Caucus is staging a
peaceful protest on the Plattsburgh campus on March 25,
' Heidi J o OrMmY£dHor In Chief
Do»n Cheng, John Koonan. Managing
N e w s Editor
A s o o c l a t e H e w e Editor
ASPocto Edllore
Associate ASfecte Editor
Movies Editor.......;.....
Mualo Editor
Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Editorial Pages Editor
Copy Editor
In 1916
J a m e n O'Sulllvan
Tom Kacandas.Rlna Young
Loren Ginsberg
Ian Spelling
:...Danlel Berth' ,
-Mf.ro Barman
.-.Edward Relrws.
Maura McShane
Jerry Camplone, David L.L. Luskin, Sanlor Editors
Contributing Editor* Joseph Fuaco, Michelle Kreli, Wayne Peereboom,
Judy Torel Editorial Assistants: Michelle Busher, Cathy Errlg, llene Welnateln, Stall writers: Barbara Abrahamer, Donna Altman, Leslie Chalt, Johanna
Clancy, Jacqute Clark, Ian Clements, Ken Dombaum, Belts Dzamba, Beth Finneran, Ronald Branl Gorslon, Bob Hanlon,' Erie Hlndon, Maddi Kun, J. Michael
Maleo, Christine Rollolt, Pam Schustsrman, Rich Sheridan, Michael Skolniclc,
Oavid Werthelm, 8p*clnjni Editor Brendi Schaeffer Stall Artist: Gary Palmer
Chile Blnoht, Business Manaoor
Lynn SaiavlB, Associate Business Manager
Mauris Kell.1l. nhonda Wolf, AUvtrtlslng'UilfamMike Krelmer, Salsa Uvnacer
Billing Accountant
Marsha Roth
Payroll Supervisor
j....:. :.-i..:.'.
Claialllad Manager
,,.fV....Kareri Oavls
Advertising Soles: Karen Amster, Dan Flolohor, Marc Hobormnn, Rich Utt,
Judy Torel, Advertising ProducUon: Lloa Ulrjhlar, Donloo Culrbno;Torooa
Qlacelone, Eileen Kolbaauk, Alice McDerrnotl, -JscM Mldioraky-, Amy Pcporny,.
Mike Schlllro, OMI.ee Stall: Kathy Chic hosier, Linda Delgaao, Marjorle Rosenthai, StephanieSchenaul
' Adam 8. ErtQle, Potrlcfo Cllannola, Production Uarttaen
1985. We will also have a press conference to air our
views on this and other activities which perpetuate unfairness to students in SUNY. We are counting on
students from all over the state to attend this protest.
Contact your campus cultural organization or student
association for more information on this and mark your
I urge you to support these ventures. Remeber students
have always been in the forefront of activism. The Third
World Caucus will assure that we continue to Push On
Without Ever Resting. If you would like to get involved,
write: SASU Third World Caucus, One Columbia Place,
Albany, New York 12207.
—Michale L. Edwards
Third World Caucus Chiar
Misguided criticism
To the Editor:
Ignorance is one of those aspects of the human species
which can ultimately lead to one's downfall. It is also an
attribute which leads to many misunderstandings and
misinterpretations of specific situations. One such instance of ignorance, which I would like to address is the
misguided criticism of University Auxiliary Services on
Alumni Quad.
To the Editor:
As a student-worker at UAS I feel that I am in a posiThis April, a very important referendum will be voted
tion to enlighten those who are ignorant of the facts.
on here at SUNYA. At issue will be whether or not every
While it may seem that there are more people working
student should be required to fund the New York Public
at UAS, this is simply not true. In fact, the total hours
Interest Research Group (NYPIRG). In the past, this was
worked by students has been cut and there are less people
hardly a controversy as students voted overwhelmingly in
working per meal. The new faces seen are of those hired
favor of mandatory funding. This year, however, things
to replace graduating seniors.
are different. Student awareness has arisen and NYPIRG,
There are many reasons why, occassionally, the alterfor the first time in its brief history, is on the defensive.
native dish, glasses, and kniyes run out. First of all, durWhy are so many students beginning to challenge
ing the past month or so, about a hundred less people a
NYPIRG? The answer lies in its funding mechanism.
night have shown up for dinner. This results in a lot of
Students are starting to question why they are required to
wasted food. To compensate, less food is initially
give $6.00 to a special interest group they may or may not
prepared, however, when a larger crowd comes down, it
believe in. Although many students might agree with
takes a little time to prepare additional food. No one is
NYPlRG's positions on issues, very few approve of the
ever turned away without being served a meal.
way they force students to contribute to them.
As far as knives and glasses are concerned, one could
And this disenchantment is by no means unique to
probably find a large supply of silverware and glasses in
SUNYA. Across the nation campus after campus is putthe rooms of those same disgruntled students who do all
ting a stop to this practice. Just last year alone saw
of the complaining. And why do students have to take
students at Duke University, East Carolina, the Universithree to four glassesbefbre.they sit down?'Would It be
ty of Denver, and Idaho State vote down compulsory funsuch a hassle to make a trip about thirty feet to get
ding. This year serious challenges are being levied in
something else to drink? I'm sorry, but if they want to be
Michigan, New Mexico, and California. Here in New
served hand and foot, let them go home to their momYork, no serious opposition has emerged to challenge
mies. Even so, management does and" is constantly
PIRG, but it most surely will in the near future.
reordering more silverware and glasses to replace those
NYPlRG's "great" victories in Buffalo and Syracuse
that are lost.
were in actuality very shallow and short-term ones, for
The final fact which needs clarification is that "it's not
they met only minimal opposition at best. A serious cam
my job" crack. If a UAS worker said
paign would have seen them defeated in both cases.
"it's not my job," he/she was probably justified in sayOf course, NYPIRG is aware of this and has launched
ing so. Every worker at UAS is given specific respon- a serious campaign to secure their money. Indeed, one
sibilities and if you ask someone who is doing beverages
cannot blame them as they obtain over $60,000 at Albany
to get you peanut butter, that is not their responsibility.
and over $800,000 statewide, and to lose this revenue
So long as you are directed to another worker or told, 'I'll
would surely be painful. But just as "all good things must
- tell someone to get it,' one should have a little patience come to an end," so must NYPlRG's funding scheme.
and understanding. That same worker was probably busy
Coercive fees are on the way out, and here in Albany it is
replacing milk, soda, juice or getting additional glasses
just a matter of.when.
for somebody else.
—Craig J. Rucker
One should remember that 90 percent of UAS workers
on Alumni Quad are students too, who get paid the
minimum wage (with yearly raises of 5 cents) and have to
worry about tests and computer program deadlines just
To the Editor:
like those same people who expect service equivalent to a
In a. recent ASP letter SA Vice President Suzy Auletta
fancy restuarant. If students were to treat us with a little
wrote concerning the bus service at this University: I hate
more respect and courtesy rather than like servants who
to say this but she. is wrong in condcmjng this service.
they expect to jump eve'rytime that.they complain about a
First of all this bus service wasn't set.up. to accomodate
missing item, they would find us to be very, acepm- off-campus students. It was set up to shuttle students
modating to any request. .
':':, , ,
.; I hope that I,have been able to replace ignorance with •from the Alumni campus to the uptown one. The University is doing the off-campus students a favor by letting the
knowledge, as this will prove, beneficial to all:
bus make stops along the way. The University has no
—i. Catlzone
obligation to provide this service to off-campus students.
- 't .'
. . , • ' • '
' . ' - . .
It is only fair thai the University ask these students to pay
a fare share of the costs. Miss Auletta if the University
wasn't so generous to off-campus students they would
either be forced to drive up or use CDTA transportation.
To the Editor:
Both of these alternatives arc much more expensive comIt's very easy to criticize the Student Association and its
pared to the bus service.
endeavors when one is only aware of a limited number of
Secondly most of these students have chosen, on their
facts. We would like to address Elizabeth Reich and
own free will to live at Alumni or off-campus. They knew
Thomas Ruller as to their letter of March 5, questioning
about these hassels when they made their choice and now
the "academic integrity"'of the newly formed Test Bank.
these students must live with their choice. Miss Auletta
These students believe that "vending exams diminishes
you also complain about standing out in the cold while
the value of the SUNYA diploma." Are we also to
four full buses pass you. Let me ask you a simple quesassume that a Bachelors degree from institutions such as
tion,if these buses are full where are you going to stand?
Harvard, Princeton, and Columbia are lacking merit
Do you want the bus to stop just to see that you can't get
simply because they too have successful Test Banks which
have been in operation for many years now? Highly on because they are full? 1 see no justifiable reason that
all these students already on the bus should be late just
because you want to see if you can get on and as you said
Perhaps the conditions surrounding the Test Bank are
not very clear, First of all, the Test Bank "cleans" all ex- the buses are full and you can't get on.
You can't have the best of both worlds. You chose to
ams prior to reproducing them. There are no answers
live off-campus, you must now live with your choice,,
distributed with the exams. These exams are a study aid,
—Name withheld by request
rot a study substitute. Secondly, is it unfair to make ex-
Inappropriate funding
Live by your choice
y [
Lancey Heyman
TypiellL Debora Adelmsnn, Jeannlne Dlanuuo, Sarah Eveland, Davo Jones,
Carrie Sobe, Pam strauber, Peeie-up: Chrle'fiblbniefr, E- Phillip Hoover. Judy '
Lawrence, 0. Darrel Slat, M-D.Thompaoh, Chautfeun: Warren Hurwlli,
Richard Sheridan
Photography principally aupplled by Unlverally Pholo Service, a aludent
Chlel Phologrepher: Erice Spiegel UPS stall: Sharl Albert, Amy Cohen, Maria
Culllnan, John Curry, Lynn Drallua, Cindy Galway, Adam Ginsberg, Robert
Hanamann, David Isaac, Kenny Klrach, Robert Luckey, Ezra Maurer, Mark
Medlavllla, Chris Orslnl, Lloa Slmmone, Robert Soucy, David Slrlck, Howard
Entire oontanla copyright 1vSff Albany Student Preaa Corporation, all rights
The Albany'student Press Is published Tuesdaya and Fridays between
August and June by the Albany Student Press Corporation, an Independent
notfor-prolll corporation.
Editorials ore written by the Ed,|lor In Chief with members ol the Editorial
Board: policy la sublecl lo review by the Editorial Board. Advertising policy
'Joes not necessarily retleot editorial policy,
Melting address: .
Albany Student Press, CC 329
i4uo Washington Ave.
Albany, NY 12322
{9181 inumrMMinnm
ams accessible to all students when we are well aware that
many students have an unfair advantage when they obtain previous exams through various "grapevine contacts"? This is also compounded by the fact that many
professors give the same or similar exams repeatedly. This
would encourage professors to change and update their
It is our opinion that the allegation that SA is "compromising its ideals" is highly unwarranted. We must
stress here that the Test Bank is in no way a substitution
for attending class and studying hard. There is no shortcut-to knowledge and students must realize this. Merely
knowing the questions does not guarantee one the
Having received stacks of exams and other material
from faculty members themselves, we. are led to believe
that there are many in the university community who support this endeavor.
—Bill McCann
Wee Chair, Central Council
—Lynn I.ivanos
Central Council
Academic integrity
Wanted- Experienced Bicycle
mechanic for Albany's finest cycle
shop, full or part time 459-3272.
Top. Brother/Sister camps in
Poconos of Pennsylvania- June
24/AugUst 20. Counselor positions
available. Call 215-887-9700' or
write 407 Benson East, Jenkintown, PA 19046.
Need riders to Dead Shows, share
exp. 3/24 Spring, 3/28-29 Nassau,
4/4 Prov and 4/6,7 Phllly. leave
m e s s a g e s at 4 3 4 - 2 5 7 9 . or
SI.50 tor the lirst 10 words
to cents each additional word
Any bold word is 10 cents extra
$2.00 extra lor a box
minimum charge is $1.50
Ride needed to Ft. Lauderdale.
Call Debbie 489-0589.
Classified ads are being accepted in the SA Contact Office during
regular business hours. Classified advertising must be paid In cash at
the time of insertion. No checks will be accepted. Minimum charge for
billing is $25.00 per issue.
No ads will be printed without a full name, address or phone number
on the Advertising form. Credit may be extended, but NO refunds wilt
be given. Editorial policy will not permit ads to be printed which contain blatant profanity or those that are in poor taste. We reserve the
right to reject any material deemed unsuitable for publication.
Alt advertising seeking models or soliciting parts of the human body
will not be accepted. Advertisers seeking an exception to this policy
must directly consult with as well as receive permission from the
Editor In Chief of the Albany Student Press.
If you have any questions or problems concerning Classified Advertising, please feel free to call or stop by the Business Office.
Bracelets, freshwater
call Sharon 457-1881.
1971 MOB; Engine rebuilt 26,000
miles ago; exterior reconditioned
and new top; nearly new radial
tires; shop manuals and customtitled car cover included. $1750.
Call 482-1504. Before 9 pm.
Gibson SG Electric Guitar. Excellent sound. Price negotiable.
Call Dennis 457-7704.
For sale cheap. Super quick 1975
Kawasaki 400 two-stroke sporster.
0-50 MPH In 4.5 seconds. Only
10,500 miles. Garaged. Excellent
condition. Gone to tho first person
w/money. Under $750. Call TK at
463-4998 alter 10pm or at the ASP
7-3322-or 3389 Sunday, Tuesday
and Wednesday afternoons and
COVER LETTERS individually
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Camera-ready typed. Reasonable.
Shop around then write:
Cover Letter Ltd.
2961 Hewlwtt Avenue
Merrick, NY 11566
PROFESSIONAL TYPING SERVICE.Experienced. Convient Location. IBM selectric Typewriter.
Nemesis, Suny Albany's Women's
literary magazine is still accepting
contributions through March 15. II
you have prose, poetry, graphic, '
photography, drawings, articles or
short stories, please drop them off
at the Feminist Alliance Mailbox at
the Campus Center Info desk, or
Feminist Alliance office CC 347.
Questions? Call Janice at 7-7712.
Term papers, reports, resumes
typed. Free pick up and delivery.
Dear Hope,
It hurt, but we became adults,
I'm damn proudl
your best friend-boy
Your own chalet In the mountalnsIThat's right! The Albany
State Ski Club owns a ski chalet In
Kiltington, Vermont, with plenty of
dates still open. For more info call
Lynn 7-7963.
You're the best roommate any
Chakha c o u l d ask
Affordable Word Processing (typing): papers, resumes, cover letters, editing. Call 489-8636.
Resumes printed at The Printworks two blocks North of campus
at 71 Fuller Road.(Sysco Foods
Building) Fully typeset/printed
p a c k a g e s al s p e c i a l rates.
We print for SUNY, Students
and Associations (ID required) at
10 percent off posted prices.
While-you-wait service available
on some camera ready items.
Typing- overnight. $1 per page.
Call Jane 458-2341.
Term papers typed. IBM Correcting Selectric. Reasonable rates.
Pick up and delivery available. J
and A Transcribers. 756-9491.
Counselors Association of Independent Camps seeks qualified
c o u n s e l o r s for 75 m e m b e r
children's camps In Northeast July and August. Contact: Association of Independent Camps (SUA)
60 Madison Avenue, New York,
New York, 10010 or 212-679-3230.
• • •
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SOUND I N I E r i E S r i N r , - ' WANT MOI1E I N F O '
..Program Inlerest -
Dear Melissa,
What can I say except: gotta
y a
To our favorite fans-the guys on 13
Thanks for all your cheering thru
the whole season- we love yal!
Nora and Karen
Dear Meryl "Rocky" Epstein;
Dropped your guard thanks for
being dere.
Bernard II
Class of 1985 presents a oresenior week bash at the Little
Horn. Thursday March 14. Fantastic drink specials. Check out
the Little Horn's hot new sound
system and expanded dance floor.
DJ Gordaon spins the hits. Don't
miss this senior event!II
For all the
news, read
the ASP . . .
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Your pec lorals are much lmproved See you on the beach
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Real or Ideal- You're truly a
Beware ol the Block
Beware ol the Block
Beware ol the Block
Just a warning from the beaglewomanlll
Jeff S„
See you
Dear Myra,
- Happy a n n i v e r s a r y honey,
I love you S.F.M.
For one month, it has been
referred to as the Mark and—
report. No longer. After one month
of serious soul-searching, the
other Marc is back on the air.
The return of the Mark and Marc
report. Thursday morning 9 am.
Guess whatl I The bucket Is dancing in New York City form March
2 8 - 2 9 .
C a l l
m e .
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(Students Opposed To Poverty)
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Answerl: They will all help to beat
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ame of musical chairs!! Gulness
ay April 20, 1985.
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b e i n g my b i r t h d a y w i s h .
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package to Ft. Lauderdale for Spring Break. We offer great accommodations at five motels both of
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Dear H o p e , M e l i s s a , M e r y l ,
Deres Jus one word ta describe
youz girls:
Steve Brown will not frown.
Alan is Alec
Kenny Kim s g e t t i n g t h i n .
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Mark Heady Is not steady.
Women who have had enough of
sleazy bars and exploitive men will
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If you're over 21 and ready- write
C.J.P box 22123 SUNYA Uptown,
You won't regret it!
Happy Anniversary
So when are we gonna have
Class of 1985 presents a presenter week bash at the Little
Horn. Thursday March 14, Fantastic Drink Specials. Check out
the Little Horn's hot new sound
system and expanded dance floor.
DJ Gordaon spins the hits. Don't
miss the senior event!!!
Between Fuller Rd. and Colonle
Dear Arlene,
Schwlnn Trek Panasonic Nlshikl
Klarsfelds Cyclery, 1370 Central
To M a r k " t h e
w e l s e r , B r u c e " F l u f f " Blrchenough, Kenny " S l i m " Kim,
Mark "the Love Butt" Dazzo, Kurt
"Cook" Beyer,
Mike " B a m b l "
Orohosky, Mike "Jackie" Marlow,
Mike "the cream" Krelmer, Joe
"the big cheese" Romano, and the
r e s t - t h l s Is y o u r
signed the Animal
Is It True You Can Buy Jeeps for
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Worry over lack of nuclear waste dumps rises
colleges in recent weeks have said
they're worried governmental footdragging could leave them holding a radioactive bag by the end of the year.
Rising costs and the lack of a place in
which to dump the low-level radioactive
wast they generate in campus research
could mean some colleges will have to
halt all their nuclear research after*
January 1st, 1986, some college officials
"We don't want to shut down
research," said Charles Bockelman,
Yale's deputy provost, "but it's a
About 40 campuses that have some
sort of nuclear engineering, nuclear
medicine or licensed nuclear research
are facing the same threat.
The number of students and faculty
members affected may be much larger.
Stanford, for example, has some 300
nuclear lab experiments going on at any
one lime, the Stanford News Service
Even some biology and chemistry
classes that use and need to dispose of
some low-level radioactive isotapes
could be threatened.
The reason is a new law meant to
force states and regions to set up their
own radioactive wast dumping grounds,
and to stop shipping all their wastes to
Nevada, Washington and South
Carolina, which host the nation's only
large nuke waste dumps.
But if the states and Congress don't
start moving more quickly toward
creating new dump sites, colleges conducting nuclear research will have no
place to dispose of radioactive waste.
"Universities don't have large areas
to store waste like nuclear power plants
d o , " explained Sue Gagner, 4
spokeswoman for the Nuclear
Regulatory Commission (NRC). "They
want to get rid of it as quickly as
But no one has actually established
new dumps sites for the schools.
State legislators have yet to find new
radioactive waste sites for the universities of Arizona and West Virginia,
despite intense lobbying from educators
"There's no place where people won't
be upset by (having a dump next door).
Radioactive waste is a most unwelcome
neighbor," Bockelman understated.
In Texas, where the University of
Texas system produces 70 percent of the
state's low-level radioactive waste, a
two-year legislative study has just narrowed the site location to South Texas.
Nationwide, nuclear power plants
generate about'60 percent of the waste.
College and government labs and industry produce the rest of it, Gagner
If the three current dumps in Beatty,
Nev., Richmond, Wash., and Barnwell,
S.C., do turn away waste from other
states, "states without compacts or sites
of their own will have no place to go
with their radioactive waste," Gagner
"We're concerned about what will
happen if these sites are closed to us,"
Yale's Bockelman said.
"The federal government is trying to
set up the regional pacts, but the politicians worry about it," he noted.
"Radioactivity is a frightening concept
to people."
There's a lot with which to scare people. Yale produces 500 30-gallon drums
of liquid radioactive waste and 750
drums of dry waste per year, Bockelman
said, largely through the medical school
and the biological science department.
"Disposal has been a problem since
the first radioactive experiments began
at Yale 20 years ago," he added.
"It's big business," declared William
Properzio, the University of Florida's
director of environmental health and
science. "Any research institute has to
deal with this. When a researcher
designs an experiment, the cost of
disposal has to be written into the
While the NRC regulates most campus nuclear research, it leaves disposing
of the resultant waste — and the payment for it — up to the schools, Gagner
The NRC also grants licenses to campuses, added Donald Turner, West
Virginia University's radiation health
"The licenses specify disposition of
radioactive waste, and we're sent a list
of compaines that handle the waste," he
Friday, March 15
from 5:00-8:30 p.m.
** SPECIAL: Pitcher of Beer &
Chicken Wings: $5.50
Also ask for the \REW. Telethon Burger
10 °/o off cheque if you wear
Telethon t-shirt,
hat or button.
REGULAR (and campus center
Other waste-handing companies can
process the waste for transport, Turner
commented, but, for the time being,
they can bury it only at one of the three
existing dumps.
University Cinemas
Some schools get around the current
regulations by storing certain kinds of
radioactive waste themselves.
"Wtih a half-life of 65 days or less,
we decay it here," Turner said. "After
we wait 10 half-lives, the radiation is
one-one thousandth of what we started
with, and we can just put it in the trash
without violating EPA (Environmental
Protection Agency) standards."
Nevertheless, it still costs West
Virginia $20,000 to transport and
dispose of the 68 55-gallon barrels of
radioactive waste it sends to the South
Carolina dump, Turner noted.
A SQ-H Classic
to foreign news agencies.
Leaders from around the world offered their condolences Monday on the
death of Soviet leader Konstantin U.
Chernenko, singling out for praise his
decision to return to arms negotiations
with the United States.
Pope John Paul II expressed his condolences and said he was giving "a particular thought to the memory of the illustrious deceased."
India's prime minister, Rajiv Gandhi,
said he was "deeply grieved" by the
death and praised Chernenko as having
"taken many initiatives for peace." He
said he would attend the Soviet funeral
in his first oversease trip since succeeding his slain mother, Indira Gandhi, '
as prime minister last October.
In Japan, Foreign Minister Shintaro
Abe said, "I do not foresee any major
changes in Soviet domestic of foreign
policy for the time being."
Abe said a key feature -of
Chernenko's brief tenure as Soviet
leader "was his decision to return to the
negotiations with the United States on
arms control and disarmament."
In the Soviet bloc, state-run radio and
television stations interrupted their
regular programs to announce
Chernenko's death. A woman an-'
nouncer on East Germany's television
praised Chernenko as "an outstanding
personality and a steadfast fighter for
the ideals of communism and peace."
In Warsaw, Polish radio broadcast
five minutes of funeral music at the start
of the midday news broadcast and an
announcer read the Soviet news agency
Tass's communique. There was no additional comment. • •
Thurs. March 14
Shows 7:30 and 10:00
SA Funded
Bring in. an old exam and get an equal
number of test pages FREE. (All exams
are taken confidentially and will be
returned to you.)
Mon 10:15-11:15 and 12:30-3:00
Wed 10:15-11:15 and 1:00-4:00
Fri 10:15-11:15 and 1:00-2:00
Sponsored by
The Academic Affairs Committee
For further info: Contact Mike Miller or
Bob Pacenza at 457-8087
or stop by the SA Office
nil i I..,.!,-,
' " :-H'"-"~C-'
Proudly Present
with special gaest
Pablo Moses
Tickets are $ 8 w/IP
$10 general public
on March 21 st
at the Paiges Theater,
Gorbachev elected to replace Chernenko
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This week get a chance to win a
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Earrings and to Discover SfiDE.
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S.A. Funded
Tickets on sale now in CC and
Palace Theater and
Job Search Techniques
Monday, March 18, 6:50 p:m.
Monday, March 25, 2:30 p.m.
Thursday, April 11 11:15 a.m.
. Tuesday, April 23 . 9:45 a.m.
Communication Skills
Thursday, March 21 9:45 a.m.
Wednesday, April 10 2:30 p.m.
On-Site Interviews
Wednesday, April 10 4:00 p.m.
All workshops will meet in the
Campus Center 370, except Monday,
March 18 (Campus Center 361)
For details, call 457-8251 or stop in
at ULB69.
. : - - > ; : •
— : * " ' ; ' -
Jd money is necessary
to majority of students
—Daily News
8 pm
Tuesday through Saturday
March 12-16
Madison, Wis
College Press Service)Nearly 90 percent of
II student financial aid goes to students
ho do need the money, says a new study
hich challenges the Reagan administraon's claims that many students don't
sally need their aid money.
The study, undertaken well before Presient Reagan unveiled his proposal to slash
udent aid, contradicts Secretary of
ducation William Bennett's charge that
>o much aid money goes to students
hose families don't need it, said
Iniverstiy of Wisconsin Professor Jacob
tampen, who conducted the study.
In defending the propsed cuts at a recent
ress conference, Bennett said the cuts
might require (students') stereo
ivestiture," but otherwise wouldn't hurt
Stampen dismissed Bennett's comments
"rhetoric targetted at the middle class."
The study shows very little aid money is
asted, Stampen said.
"If you run the administration recomlendations throught the study data base,"
he added, "it shows how low-income aid
recipients are hit by the cuts."
{ "We took an independent count of the
recipients and can actually represent a
more precise impact on the aid proposals," Stampen noted. "The government can't. They take aid estimates."
"Stampen did the study. Bennett talks
off the cuff," said Scott Miller of the
American Council on Education (ACE).
The study shows nearly 30 percent of all
college students recieve some type of
federal, state, institutional or private
financial aid.
And only about 10 percent of financial
aid awarded in 1983-84 came from such
"non-need" programs as Veterans' Administration funds and merit scholarships.
About 22 percent of aid money students
got came from Pell grant, Work-Study and
Supplemental Educational Opportunity
Grant (SEOG) programs. Students who
got the grants usually were the neediest
students, the study notes. To get most
other government grants and loans,
students had to pass stringent needs
analyses, which keep the money from
students who don't need it, Stampen said.
"Each time experts look at these programs, they see two things," Miller added.
"First, the money goes to the people who
need it, and second, the programs work."
"Without student aid, lots of these people wouldn't be in school," he said.
But, echoing the repeated criticisms of
campus aid directors around the country,
Stampen warned the aid system is changing even without more cuts. The reason is
that more aid money is being loaned instead of granted, leaving students deep in
debt upon leaving campus.
Poorer students get most of the grants,
he exlained. As family income rises, more
money is awarded as loans. Yet, compared
to the results of Stampen's 1981-82 financial aid study, the amount of maney
awarded on the basis of need this year has
"There's a drop in the number of Pell
recipients from 81-82 to 83-84, and a drop
in SEOG." he reported. "The WorkStudy program is up, but Guaranteed Student Loans are down."
Passover tickets on sale
at Campus Center Lobby
March 20,21,22,25,26,27
12 noon - 5 p.m.
Also available at Dutch Quad
Dinner Line
for 1985-86
If you need institutional Aid:
File the FAR both side I and side n
File the SUNYA application
Consequently, Stampen predicted lowincome students will be hardest hit'if Congress approves the latest round of aid cuts.
"With a $32,500 limit on family income,
graduate students and students from
families with more than one child in college will be affectes," he asserted. ....> El
night at the
'•Em (; g f t ^
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M i n i a t u r e Ski Races - win shots of schnapps
yog don't have to ski to win
SIKH B@WK1[I@S° W®<ffi ymit
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Everyone wear a
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and get $.40 DRAFTS!
*| WM ®@ W OKI S
SOFTBALL: Wed. March 13 at
, » • LC 20
. - _^
make reallocations and phase out programs were blocked by a court that had
only the AAUP definition of financial
emergency before it," he said.
Knight predicted insitutions that adopt
the AASCU definition of financial
emergency will antagonize faculty.
"A definition like this encourages
unilateral rather than collegial action,"
Knight suggested.
Reinhard said it is "highly unlikely" institutions will misuse the broad AASCU
definition to lay off tenured faculty
without first exploring other ways to cut
If they do, faculty can still appeal to the
courts for reinstatement, he noted.
while the campus as a whole thrives.
Knight says he does not consider that a
flaw in the definition. "Universities are
not run so that every tub floats on its own
bottom," he argued.
But AASCU's Reinhard said the AAUP
does require a campus-wide financial
catastropher before tenured faculty can be
laid off. "Institutions are going to face
financial emergencies without it amounting to a financial catastrophe," he said.
Reinhard said AASCU's broader definition will give courts more to consider when
hearing lawsuits from laid-off tenured
faculty members.
"In some cases, institutions that tried to
: Thu. March 14 at
LC 20
sleeping patterns, chronic fatigue,
digestive upsets or unexplained headaches
or backaches. Everyone experiences some
or all of these symptoms at some time, but
when these symptoms are severe or lasting,
so that pain outweighs pleasure most of
the time, professional help would be in
If you would like to know more about
depression you can call Middle Earth's In
formation tape line at 457-5279 and as!
for tape 211 "What is Depression?" ot
tape 212 "How to Deal with Depression"
In addition you can call Middle Earth':
hotline at 457-7800 or walk in at 10:
Schuyler, Dutch Quad, to discuss this oi
any other concern you may have. Counsel
ing is also available at the Univcrsitij
Counseling Center which is located in tin
Student Health Center.
Frat housing
-4Front Page
house for us." He also added that the
fraternity might take certain legal action, if possible, in the future.
Sonnenschein said his fraternity may
file for a not-for-profit corporate
charter, which could exclude it from the
provisions of the grouper law. ZBT also
wants to show the outside community
that fraternities are not what stereotypes
have made them to be, he said, adding,
"We want to show the community that
fraternities are worthwhile and
beneficial to the community, mainly,
through community service. We're not)
like the Animal House people."
Martone said he believes that some
Greek organizations will stay on campus j
permanently, while others will eventually move off-campus if given the opportunity. Those that decide to move off-i
campus will do so, he said, if they lose;
interest in life on campus, adding the^
others would most likely stay because of]
As seen in
A Full Service Beauty Workshop:*
© * (SO,®© G»
1. SCOTCH DOUBLES TOURNAMENTSaturday.March 16 at 12 NOON in Campus Lanes - One partner throws 1st ball, other picks up spare. After strike., other
bowler throws 1st ball. $5 for 3 games and 1st place trophies.
May have 1 man and" woman, 2 men, or 2 women - 15 pins
handicap/female bowler.
Saturday March 23 at 12 NOON - Leave SUNYA at 9AM.
$10/bowler - must have 2 men and 2 women - bowl 6 games.
Trophies for high single, doubles and team champs - No handicap. Entry deadline March 14 - pick up entry blanks at
Campus Lanes.
3. SUNY Bowling Championships- April 20-2i\Both
4. Irving Faber Memorial Tournament-April 2^0"YA
Qualifiers for these last 2 events will be April 14 at 2 PM
All bowlers are invited to qualify. Enter at the lanes
5. DiSCUSS B o w l i n g Club plans for next year
(men and women)
SA Funded
Dutch Quad Board Presents:
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The maintenance jobs consist of firewood cutting and hauling, brush
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improvements. The construction work will involve assisting the permanent staff in the completion of a 26' x 39' shower-washroom facility. _
PERIOD OF EMPLOYMENT: 10 week's • June 10 through August 16.
SALARY: $1.400j/summer- $3.50/hr (40 hour week), plus lodging.
WHO MAY APPLYiOnlv SUNYA undergraduates having paid student tax this
semester and returning to SUNYA in Fall. 1985.
WHERE TO APPLY:.'The SA office • CC 116. before 4PM on Friday. March 22.
INTERVIEWS: Held for top applicants March 27 and 28.
ACCEPTANCE NOTICE: Posted in SA office on March 29.
University Auxiliary
Lucky Numbers Night
Colonial Quad
Dutch Quad
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Indian Quad
Alumni Quad
Thurs., Jan 31
Wed., Feb. 13
Wed., Feb. 27
Wed., March 13
Tues., March 19
threw A.
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sezs: "start making sense and throw a
pie at your favorite prof., RA, group
leader, or buddy: at Telethon '85."
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March 15.
For more info.:
Sloan 457-5177
Marcy 482-0865
Stacy 462-6842
I* "What could b« ^1
2 4 S p O r t S
12, 1985
Women eagers' 23-4 record a dream season
By Kristine Sauer
The Albany State women's
basketball team's 23-4 record
speaks for itself.
It was the kind of season a
player wants to be part of once in
a career. And it looks like there
will be more seasons of equal
comparison in the future.
The season began with an exciting start. An easy victory over
local rival RPI was followed by a
two point edge over Onconta in a
classic game. The first loss of the
season, was handed to. the Danes
by Cortland, 56-42. This was
followed by an ll game winning
streak, during which the Danes'
beat the likes of Binghamton and
Hartwick, halted by St. Michaels.
After that the. Daijes went.,.on
another roll straight to the
SUNYAC East championship.
"I didn't expect us to beat the
teams we did,''' said -Rainny
Lesane. "All the teams wc lost to>;
by a few last year I was scared of
but then wc blew them away."
The big victories of the season
were against Onconta twice, Cortland for the championship,
Hamilton, and Hartwick.
"When we beat Hartwick,
(ranked third in the state at the
time) right then I knew we had a
really strong team," said Jill
Silverman. "We were 8-1 and I
thought 'This is a damn good
record' we're going somewhere.
Towards the end I thought we
were going to the NCAAs."
The biggest asset of the team
was its bench depth. This also was a big factor considering Nancy
drasso, Lori Bayba and Cindy
Debbie Logan, Rainny Lesane, Chris Cahatta and Donna Hughes watch from the bench during their SUNYAC finals loss to Buffalo State.
Jensen were all out with injuries:
at some time in the season.
"We never gel tired because
she plays everybody," said Diane
Fernandes. "We were in a conditioning class with the guys which
put us in great shape when the
season started."
Another factor of bench depth
was pointed out by Lesane.
"Bench depth has helped a lot.
They couldn't concentrate to the
five starters because we could go
to ten."
Silverman added, "There was
at least one backup, in every position and everyone was really eager
to play. We wore down the opponents with fresh players. It was
a continual process. In that
respect we V.ere an unstoppable
For the season, Lesane led with
17 point per game shooting, 56
percent from the field,, which
ranked her eighth in the nation at
one point. Her total of 459 points
was complimented by her 118
assists and 113 steals for the
season. Perhaps one of the best
indications of her caliber was
when she hit 1000 career-point
mark in the Buffalo State game.
Even though Lesane stands
out, the rest of the team's results
show more well-roundedness.
Lori Bayba averaged 9.3 points
per game with a 196 total. Her
high game was 21 points against
RPI in the capital district tourna-
Although the season ended on
the disappointing side with losses
to Buffalo State and Nazareth
and not getting the NCAA bid,
this 23-4 season of the woman
c a g e r s w i l l c e r t a i n l y be
remembered and perhaps with
nearly the whole team returning
they can turn some of the disappointments into successes maybe
even bettering this record by doing it.
"I think that all of us have a lot
to be proud of," said Silverman.
"Basically everyone got some
time and each person knows they '
did something. Next year we're
gonna be awesome."
(corner of Ontario and Second St.)
St. Patrick's Day on a Sunday!?
On Saturday March 16 INSANITY Will
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ment. Kim Kosalek averaged 7.9
points per game for a total of 214.
Her other contributions were six
rebounds per game and 57 steals
for the season. Ronnie Patterson
totalled 191 points by averaging
7.1. Her high game was 16 points
against Buffalo State. Donna
Hughes led in free throw shooting
with 68 percent accuracy on 21
for 31 shooting.
Bayba, a transfer' from St.
John Fischer feels the team is one
big family. "This is the best team
and the best people I've played
with. The whole team as a unit are
great individuals not just athletes,
but people as a whole."
Senior Chris Canatta predicts a
succesful season for the Danes
next year/ "Coach Warner did a
really good job on recruiting for
this season. The newcomers are
playing well. 1 think the success
we've had this year will continue
in the next couple years."
•The team still feels cheated
about the NCAAs.. "We were
definitely ripped," said Fernandes. "If we made the NCAAs
it would have been a different'
season. A different psyche."
Lesane added, "We'll be playing harder schools because; of
what happened with the bid. I
think we'll be a strong team next
year." •
• Patterson reflected on her past:
seasons and this, her final one.
"I'm just happy to be apart of 1
the • best record in the .Capital i
District. When T got here there
was only one trophy, in the^
showcase. Nowthere are a'whble''
bunch of trophies and playersand
I was part of that."
In Our Lounge
- V2 Orders of Wings
-Fried Mushrooms
-Fried Zucchini
-Chix Fingers
739 Central Avenue| - Mozzarella Stix
-Nachos and Many More
72 Wolf Road
Even The Skipper Is Dying His Beard Green
For The Bash
Please Bring Picture ID
12, 1985 D ALBANY
Sports 25
Mercurio repeats as Ail-American at NCAAs
First Albany trackman to repeat honor
By Ian Clements
Marc Mercurio became the first Albany
State athlete to repeat as a track and field
Ail-American Friday as he placed fifth in
the 35-pound weight throw in the NCAA
Division III Indoor Championships.
Despite the accolade it was a somewhat
disappointing performance for the senior.
from Burnt Hills. According to Coach Bob
Munsey, Mercurio had been ranked
among the nation's top three weightthrowers going into the inaugural meet
held at Bates College ill Lewiston, Maine.
His throw on Friday, 53'7 3/4", was his
third best ever but it was over a half foot
shorter than his school record, 54'3".
Mercurio can take solace in the
knowledge that he would have needed to
throw a foot further than his record in
order to move up one place. The fourth
place finisher heaved the ball-and-handle
55'2 3 / 4 " . The winner, Parris of
Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
three 60'7 1/4". Mercurios's local rival,
Scott Remillard of Union, placed second
with a 59'3/4" toss.
"He had good speed but he didn't get
much height on his throws," Munsey said,
"we'll be working on it this week."
"Naturally he was disappointed," said
Munsey, but "to get an All-Amcrican in
the first indoor meet (nationals) is rather
Mercurio first became an Ail-American
last May when
placed fouith in the
hammer throw in the outdoor nationals.
The only other Munsey-coached athlete to
achieve Ail-American status twice was
James Shrader, who gained that honor in
the 6-mile run and in cross-country during
the early 1970's. Mercurio will have an op-
portunity to become the Danes' first threelime track and field All-American this
May at the outdoor nationals.
He will have a chance to avenge two
consecutive finishes behind Remillard this
weekend at the state championships.
"If we finished in Ihe first seven, I'd be
happy," said Munsey of his expectations
for the team. "We're mainly lacking in the
400 and 500 area. We don't have enough
Mercurio was not in Albany and was
unavailable for comment.
Division III champ Andy Seras will head to Oklahoma
City for this weekend's NCAA Division I tournament. See
Seras profile on Friday.
finest season, averaging , 11.4
points per game arid hauling
down 200 rebounds to lead the
team in that department.
Gosule helped the Danes with
his fine outside shooting and most
noticeably, his excellent defensive
skills. Zadoorian's fourth season
on varsity was marred by a hand
injury which led to limited playing time.
But it wasn't only seniors who
contributed to the Dane's fine
season. S o p h o m o r e Adam
Ursprung had a tremendous year
despite missing several games early in the season with a leg injury.
Upsprung returned to the line-up
and went on to lead Albany in
points-per-game (14.2) and
Ursprung was also named "to
Ihe All-Tournament team at the
SUNYAC Championships and
joined Croutier on the AllSUNYAC squad.
Opposing coaches often
pointed to the'Danes' depth as a
key factor in their success. Rich
Chapman and John Mracek provided additional support up front
for Albany, while John Carmello
and Doug Kilmer helped out in
the back court.
Brian Kauppila's versatility was
an important asset to the team as |
he was equally at home in either
the guard or forward position.
But a talented team is nothing
without talented coaching and
Sailers and his assistant Barry
Cavanaugh provided that. In
fact, the SUNYAC recognized
Sauers contributions this year,
naming him co-coach of the year
along with Buffalo State's Dick
Perhaps the final factor in the
success this year was the return of
the fans to University Gym.
Several of the players noted the
importance of a big crowd and
several times, the visiting team
had to beat not only the Danes,
but their fans as well. This was a
welcome change from previous
years with sparse crowds and little
school spirit.
Despite losing five seniors this
year, Albany appears to have a
strong nucleus for next year's
squad, as Sailers will seek his 31.st
consecutive winning seasonj
The intra-v4SP
will be held at
a later date
Good friends won't leave you flat.
The moon was up, the stars
were out and-pfftt!-your tear
tire was down. Good thing there
was a phone nearby. And a few
good friends who were willing
to drive a dozen miles, on a
Saturday night, to give you a
lift. When you get back, you
want to do more than just say
"thanks:' So tonight, let it be
LOwenbrau. Here's to good friends.
26 Sports
12, 198S
Mercurio repeats
as track and field
Ail-American in
35-lb. weight throw(
See page 25
Albany's season was full of surpassed goals
By Rich Sheridan
and Jerry Camplone
Despite a defeat in the opening round of
the NCAA Division III Tournament, the
1984-85 Albany State Great Danes basketball season was a resounding success.
Coming into the season with essentially
the same squad that accumulated a disappointing 14-11 mark last year, to expect
Albany to have such a successful season
this year would have been quite a lofty
But this year's Danes came out with
plans to erase any memories of 1983-84,
and promptly rolled up an eight-game winning streak including winsover local rivals
RPI and Union.
In fact, the winning streak set a precedent for the Danes' season as they also had
five and seven-game winning streaks. In
Danny Croullor unleashes a running jumper In the WPI game.
Croutier closed out his illustrious fouryear career at Albany by leading the team
in total points scored and assists and being
named to the All-SUNYAC Basketball
Team for the first time in his career.
Adam continued to be a scoring threat,
shooting 51.2 percent from the floor and
leading the Danes, in foul shooting
Hart finished his career with perhaps his
fact, their only losses came against some of
the toughest teams in Division III, including arch-rival Potsdam and SUNYAC
champion Buffalo State.
But, improving upon their record wasn't
the only goal for this years team. Head
Coach Dick Sauers needed 21 wins to
reach the 500 win mark in his career. The
Danes set their sights on this goal early on
and methodically disposed of their opponents, finally picking up win number 21
in the first round of the SUNYACs with a
91-66 thrashing of Brockporl.
Although it was his 500th win, Sauers
pointed out that it was the team's 21st win,
showing how much they had improved in
just one year.
And improved they were. After missing
the SUNYACs in 1984, they were the
number-one seed in this year's tournament, which they also got to host for the
first time.
The Danes also received as NCAA Bid
despite losing the SUNYAC championship
game. This marked the first time since
1981 that Albany would be appearing in
the tournament.
By far, the most important win of the
season was Albany's defeat of thennumber one-ranked Potsdam before a
highly-vocal sell out crowd at University
Gym in the Dane's last regular-season
home game. The win avenged Albany's
loss in Potsdam earlier in the season and,
more importantly, gave the Danes a tie for
first place in the SUNYAC-East and the
right to host the SUNYAC championships.
In addition to outstanding teamwork
this year, the 1984-85 season was also
marked by outstanding individual contributions from many of the players.
The team's cr>captains, Dave Adam and
Dan Croutier, provided the solid leadership the team needed in its drive to the
playoffs. In addition, the experience of
fellow-seniors Pete Gosule, Greg Hart and
Jan Zadoorian was also an important factor in the Dane success.
Rich Chapman goes up for a lay-up
against WPI.
Albany gymnasts flip to fourth place in ECACs
Ithaca takes first place
By Karen Armstrong
In front of Albany's largest
crowd this year, eight teams were
represented in the Eastern Colegiate Athletic Championship title (ECAC). The fifth-seeded
Danes did their ranking one better
on Saturday in University Gym,
as they finished fourth behind
defending champions Ithaca.
Ithaca finished with 168.35
points, followed closely by Salem
State, Connecticut, Albany, with
158.9 points, breaking the old
school record of 155.10, and
Bridgewaler with 150.9 points.
There were also seven wild card
gymnasts from Ursenus, Hunter
and Rhode Island College. Championship title (ECAC).
In championship format, all
four events ran at once and
Albany drew vaulting as their first
event. Scoring their highest
vaulting total (41.45) of the
season, all-arounder Brenda
Armstrong tied for third/-By doing this, she achieved her personal
best and tied the school record set"
by Sue Leskowitz earlier this
season (8.5). Vaulting in the anchor position for the Danes,
Leskowitz scored an 8.35 to tie
for sixth.
The vaulting squad picked up
the spirit of the team as they moved into the second rotation — the
uneven parallel bars. Sophomore
Nora Bellantoni was strong for
Albany tying for the sixth place
position with an 8.1. Karen Bailey
placed second for the team with a
solid routine scoring an impressive 8.05.
The next rotation had the
Albany gymnasts watching as
they drew a bye, with Ithaca on
the uneven bars, Connecticut on
balance beam, Salem on floor and
the all-around specialists performing on vault. The rest didn't
dampen the Danes' spirit as they
remained motivated to "hit'' on
their next event — the balance
Considered to be the toughest
event by some gymnasts, Albany
hit for a strong team total on
beam. Again, Armstrong scored a
personal best (8.35) and tied for
fifth as well. Commenting on her
performance, "Stretch" said that
"although it was my best scorewise, the performance itself could
have been stronger." Coming off
a strong season for Albany,
freshman Michele Husak tied for
SUNYA despite a fall.
Albany moved to the floor excercise, and the audience watched
senior Jennifer Cleary tie for
fourth with a personal season
high of 8.25. And again, Husak
finished sixth, scoring a 7.9. On
her" farewell performance, senior
Captain Lynn Saravis gave her
Carol Bart does a stunt on the uneven bars Saturday at the ECAC
placed fourth.
all, scoring a consistent 7.25.
finishing second, and third
On the all-around competition, respectively.
the results had Sandy Picchlo
Albany's coach Duval-Spillane
from Ithaca finishing first with referred to the gymnasts' perfor34.1 points, followed by Salem's mance as "Excellent. Everyone
Wendy Gobielle and Rhode pitched in — no one held back. A
Island College's' Kathy Drizza, real team effort." Aside from the
tournament. The Danes
ECACs, Duval-Spillane gives
Captain Lynn "Sarah" Saravis a
lot of credit for team spirit and
added, "I hope the present
morale of the team carries into an
even more succesful 85-86
Dane skaters end year with 7-5 loss to MVCC Tom "Jake" Jacobs: More than meets the eye
By Marc Berman
II is on rare occasions when a hockey
coach reprimands his club for being a bit
loo physical. That unique circumstance occurred last Saturday night, when the
Albany State hockey club was trimmed by
MVCC, 7-5, in the squad's final game of
the season.
"We played with a lot of intensity, loo
much I think," said coach Bruce
Pomakoy, who took over the position in
January. "Instead of using our heads, we
were using our bodies. We were too conscious of taking the body and not conscious of making the right passes."
The club had good reason to be intense.
The Danes ended their season with
a narrow loss to MVCC.
Despite the fact this was their final game
of the season, the contest's outcome also
served to determine the winner of the
season series. Albany won the initial match
back in December while MVCC look
January's game. After Saturday night's
contest, proceeds of which went to
Telethon, the better team clearly showed
"They're definitely a better-skating
team," said team-director Paul Essner,
who was unable to suit up because of an
injured leg. "We might play more intense,
but they've got the better talent."
Said Coach Pomakoy, "You have to
give MVCC a lot of praise. They kept their
shots low, and got the rebounds. When
they carried into our zone, they drew our
wingers in too deep and they were able to
get it back to the point."
A sterling effort by John Knab kept
Saturday's game close for the first two
periods. The left winger accounted for
three of the five Dane goals as he recorded
his second hat-trick of the season.
Knab couldn't have done it without the
presence of his Uncinate Mike Cavanaugh.
Knab's first two goals, which occurred in a
three-minute span midway through the
opening period, were the result of the puck
bouncing over his linemate's stick.
Nine minutes into the game, Knab
directed the faceoff to Cavanaugh, but the
puck squirted past his stick and rested
alone seven feet from the net. Knab bolted
to the puck and snapped it past the MVCC
goalie, tying the score at one.
Three minutes later, Knab put the Danes
up 2-1 on a power-play goal. Dcfenscman
l.arry Hartman centered u pass for
Cavanaugh, but once again it hopped over
his stick onto the blade of Knab, who shot
it into the twine,
"Two lucky goals," commented Knab.
Knab failed to use his slick on his third
goal, which knotted the score at 4-4. With
II minutes to play in the middle session,
Cavanaugh sent a pass in the crease for
Knab, who stuck his skate out to stop it
and managed to direct it into the goal.
"I was just trying to stop it," said Knab.
"The players on the other team thought I
kicked it in."
That tying score came minutes after
another controversial goal. A penalty shot
was called against Albany when Dane
Mike Mulligan covered up a puck in
Albany's crease. The referees had two
choices: to hand out. a delay of game
penalty or to call a penalty shot. They
chose the latter. M VCC's Pat Webb made
the most of his breakaway opportunity,
deking right and sliding the puck past
goalie Drew Rubin on the left.
After Knab tied it, MVCC got mean,
scoring three consecutive goals in building
a 7-4 lead five minutes into the third
Pete Leskody cut the deficit to 7-5 with
9:00 to play, but that's as close as it got.
The Danes had several opportunities in the
final four minutes, but- they came up
The Dane season as a whole was far
from empty, though. Great strides were
made through the season despite their lateseason tailspin.
The club is planning on playing another
game for charity March 22 against a lesscompetitive team. The Danes hope to meet
the Capital District Mites — a team comprised of players whose age hasn't hit double digits yet.
By Jeff Mallaber
If you've been on this campus for more than a couple
of semesters and you don't know who Tom Jacobs is,
then you're not trying very hard. Most of us can
recognize him from 150 yards just by "the walk."
Tom has spent his last four fall semesters playing
guard for the Great Dane football team. In those four
years, "Jake" has more than distinguished himself on the
Albany State campus.
Beside the more obvious of his football achievements,
twice named all-ECAC and once honorable mention ailAmerican, he has come to be a symbol of the program.
Around Albany State, a lot of people use the phrase
"Bleed Purple." Tom Jacobs doesn't use it, he lives it.
For the last two years now, Tom Jacobs has been captain of the Great Dane football team. Even before then,
the players and coaches saw him as a true leader.
Sauers honored
Albany State basketball coach Dick
Sauers, who recorded his 500th win this
season, was named Co-SUN YAC Coach
of the Year.
Sauers, in his 30th year as Great Dane
coach, tied for first place in the voting
with Richard Bihr, mentor of the Buffalo State Bengals, the SUNYAC champions. The Bengals topped the Danes in
the SUNYAC finals over two weeks ago
at University Gym.
Other Danes commended for this
year's achievements were guard Dan
Croutier and forward Adam Ursprung,
both voted to the All-SUNYAC team.
Croutier, who led the team in scoring
average, will be graduating this year.
Ursprung, a former C'alskill High
School star, will be returning for his
Croutier, the team's co-captain,
finished his four-year career at Albany
State by breaking the 1000-point plateau
and eclipsing the 500-assist mark.
Tha Tailgunners captured two championships in intramural volleyball this
past weekend.
Saturday, they captured the men's
crown, led by Kurt Davis, a former
Dane volleyball club star and Cosun
learn member. The Tailgunners lopped
Eat Sh-t and Die a in strenuous threegame series. Clutch play was also turned
in by James Abernathy, the 6'5", rawboned spiker.
The next day, the Tailgunners captured the co-ed crown, nipping the
Psych-outs In the decisive match, 16-14.
The team trailed at one point 14-10
before they made their stirring
Tom Jacobs takes a breather during a Dane football
game this year.
Said Head Coach Bob Ford, "With certain atrdetes
you can tell right away — hey, he's going to be a great
one. We took one look in Jake's eyes and that's what we
thought." The eyes indeed.
When you look into Jake's eyes, you see how he was
able to cram 250 pounds of muscle mass onto a 5' 10"
frame. His eyes are literally on fire, as if he were pursuing
something or as if something were pursuing him. It's hard
to figure out what drives him to work so hard. When Jake
is sitting in your suiteroom he is one of the funniest,
calmest individuals you can imagine. When he competes
or even talks of competing he becomes an animal. Coach
Ford speaks with a certain amount of amazement and
respect when he says, "Even when we played the Ithacas
or the Hofstras Jake just dominated his opponent."
When you're the captain though, you don't just have
to play well. You have to lead. That seemed to come
naturally for Tom Jacobs. When he was a freshman, he
joined some of the upperclassmcn in shaving his head as a
display of team unity. That type of thing may seem to
outsiders like an attention-grabbing prank, but the
members of a football team have to endure so much
together that anything they shave adds to the strength of
the team. When Tom read the recent football column in
the ASP, and saw that it was critical of winter workouts,
he shook his head and said, "You just don't understand."
Now, the Great Dane days are over. All the
awards and all the pain of college football are behind
him. So, Jake just fades off into the sunset, right? Not ex
actly. On March 24, with the help of Frank Funari, the
owner of the Little Horn, he will travel to West Point to
compete in the National Collegiate Powerllfting Championships. What's more, he fully intends to win it.
This will be Jake's first big national meet and yet
Power Lifting USA ranks him number one in his weight
class. That's not too surprising given his statistics. Power
lifting is not what you see Uladimir Plsarenko engaged in
on ABC's Wide World of Sports. Power lifting Involves
three lifts, bench press, dead lift, and squat as opposed to
two. A power lifter has to display tremendous explosive
strongth In his arms, legs, chest and back. Jake's goal for
the final three lift total at the nationals is 1,950 pounds.
Thai's 475 pounds on a bench press, 750 pounds on the
squat, and 725 pounds on the deadlifi. Stuff that
shouldn't be attempted in your home.
Can he really beat all other college power lifters in the
242 1/4 pound weight class? He sure believes he can. He
said, "I'm ready for this meet. I'm going into it thinking
that I'm going to win. My total for the three lifts will
definitely be more than last year's winning total."
So, after the championships, Jake will just finish up
school and go to work coaching high school football,
right? Well not quite. Down the road, Tom Jacobs is a
name which may be appearing on a USFL roster. Yeah,
that's right. He wants to play pro ball.
You may be asking yourself where a 5'10" guy gels off
trying to play offensive line in the pros. It is a valid question. His own coach, Bob Ford, isn't overwhelmingly optimistic. On the phone last Friday, he said, "Tom's height
is going to be his major problem. He can run block with
anybody but whether he can pass block against the 6'6"
guys you sec in the pro's remains to be seen."
With Tom though, it's not a question of size. It never
has been. He sees it as a matter of wanting it enough.
Said Tom, "I've got to show my attitude about football, that I can play at 125 percent effort. I'm going to ,
prove to a lot of people that I can play at that level."
Someone thinks he has a shot at it. His agent is Los
Angeles financial consultant Bob Daniels. Mr. Daniels
also represents such other athletic underachieves as Lynn
Swann. When you talk to Jake about his height he rushes
to point out that Mike Webster of the Pittsburgh Steclcrs
Is the same size as he is.
Tom Jacobs is taking on his toughest opponent yet. It's
not a defensive tackle, it's himself. He has to break out of
his own limitations to compete in the power lifting championships and to Iry and make the grade in professional
football. He has people like Frank Funari helping him,
but this is his most lonely struggle to date. His goals are
Impressive and so is the amount of work he does to Iry
and reach them.
He was asked to sum up all of whut he wants for his
future in one seniance. His reply was, "At the end, and in
the end, dare lo dream." Tom Jacobs, "Jake," is u truly
unique individual.
28 SpOrtS
March 15, 1985
Afro studies chair quits at University's request
By Ken Dombaum
Summer Sessions '85
State University of New York at Albany
Make Summer Sessions '85 a part of
your summer! Think about it —our
short, intensive sessions let you
move ahead in your studies. You
could even graduate early. Give us
eight weeks and you'll earn a full
year of laboratory science credits. Or
work off some general education
requirements in three- or six-week
sessions. Whatever your preference,
we're offering some of the most
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disciplines, And the best part is,
summer classes are smaller and our
facilities— like computer user rooms
and tennis courts— are much less
crowded. You'll enjoy summer in tht
Capital District! Pack a lunch and
take off for the New York City Ballet,
the Saratoga races, an AlbanyColonie Yankees game, or a SPAC
concert. There's the Kool Jazz
Festival, loo. Or call it a day in
the sun around the University's
You've got a long summer vacation
^ahead of you — why not use part of it
to study?
The Courses
Scheduled courses include entry
requirements for several majors,
including business, computer
science, criminal justice, and social
welfare. And summer is the perfect
time to fulfill general education
requirements. Many courses open
only to majors during regular terms
are open to anyone during the
summer. This summer we will be
offering more courses than ever
before. Pick up a Summer Schedule
of Classes for a complete list of
courses. Talk to your advisor, or call
455-6129 for more details.
«» Summer in the Capital Distric
~ The Adirondacks, Berkshires,
and Catskills
m Swimming and camping at
Mohawk and Dippikill
~ New York City Ballet in
residence at Saratoga
*» Special SPAC concerts — the
best popular music around!
w Sun and fun around the
University fountain
For more information see your advisor
or call Summer Sessions 455-6129.
Easy Registration
Register for Summer Sessions during
Early Registration when you register
for fall semester and follow the same
procedures. Ask your advisor for
The Sessions
Session 1
June 3 - 2 1
Session 2
June 24-August 2
Module 3
June 24 - J u l y 12
Module 4
July 15 -August 2
Special laboratory
science courses
A June 3 - 2 8
B July 1 - 2 6
Enroll in any of these sessions and still have the month of August off!
Vivian Gordon, former chair of
the. African Afro-American
Studies Department, resigned
from her chairship last week on
the request of John Webb, Dean
of the School of Social Sciences.
"I requested her to step aside as
chair because I thought there were
difficulties — problems with
faculty members," said Webb.
He declined further comment on
the issue, stating that "these matters are being considered on the
university level."
According to Sheila Mahan, of
the University's News Bureau, "it
was found that it (the Department
of African and Afro-American
Studies) would benfit by new
leadership. She resigned by the
Dean's request and then requested a leave of absence."
Gordon, who is an associate
professor in the department, was
appointed to a three-year term as
chair last September. According
to Mahan, she has tenure and her
resignation as chair does not affect her position as professor.
Gordfln, said she was "riot free
id' comment at this time" about
her resignation, but explained :
that she is on "administrative
to "what happened to Vivian blems with faculty in her departGordon and what would happen ment, and the dean. "Two
to her students," said senior members of the faculty had less
than cordial relationships with
Michael Zaretsky.
, W^.j-&
Zaretsky and other students her. She also had problems with
enrolled in Gordon's classes went the dean," said Joseph Sarfoh, a
to Webb's office Thursday to de- professor in the department, ad••'•£» I W
mand that someone teach their ding that there was not tension
p-n______t^' •,>•-' ^
within the entire faculty.
classes, Zaretsky said.
Gordon came to SUNYA from
"When we got there we were
Ipsffj •' *
met by two members of ASUBA the University of Virginia, where
(Albany State University Black she chaired the Black Studies proAlliance), who said that she had gram for five years. "At the time
"* " j
been reinstated," said Zaretsky, I became director, the program
adding that the ASUBA members was in complete disrepair; there
told them that Gordon said she were only four majors with the
would prefer small groups of lowest GPAs. At I he end of this
students expressing their support, five year period," explained Gordon, "there were 19 majors inrather than a large group.
• _ _ _ B _ t , ! _ __8_PT> >. 1
But later that day, said Zaret- cluding two Echols Scholars; all
sky, a faculty member, who did the majors had very high GPAs
not wish to be identified, told him and the program was competitive
that this was misinformation and wilh all , other social science
she was not in fact reinstated.
Gordon resigned from that
Zaretsky also said that Webb
Dr. Vivian Gordon
stressed the fact that although position to pursue a full lime
Gordon was asked to resign because of problems wilh the faculty
Gordon was removed as head of position as a professor of
leave. I have to do research and
"We're working on the matter the department it was her choice sociology al UVa and to do
reach the publication deadline on of what's going on with her to leave as a teacher.
research as pari of a National Inmy book — a report on the study classes. Guest lecturers are doing
"She is a great professor, a stituic of Menial Health Research
of black women in a typical •them now," said Julius Thomp- po.werful lecturer," said one of Grant. "Two years after 1 left the
town," she said. Gordon is also son, acting chair of the depart- her'students, "The class isn't the program, there was a great
involved in another research pro- ment. "We're hoping (she'll) sarrte without her."
decline in it, causing a sizeable
ject, and said her book is due out return next week." . • .
-Among the reasons Gordon student protest," commented
13»sometime this summer.
Many students are concerned as was asked to resign were pro-
^•jj j
SA Supreme Court to rule in
Cinemas' harassment case
By Donna MaoKonzie
Charges of usurped power and sexual
harassment against University Cinemas
treasurer Rich Kunen caused Central
Council Wednesday night to refer the matter of whether or not he will remain in his
position to Student Association Supreme
Cinemas Director Lisa Feerick, who
made the allegations, said she was also in
the process of filing a harassment complaint with the University..
"This has been going on for about six
weeks. He is a competent ireasurer but interferes in other members' areas to the
point that they cannot carry out their
duties. He lias booked and cancelled films
on his own which is against the Constitution of our group," she said, adding
"there have also been (no/dents of abuse,
harassment and the use of profane
language against myself and other
members of the group."
Kunen however, said, "everything that I
have done has been for the group. 1 am doing a good job as treasurer."
Kunen said Thursday, "I violated the
Constitution only for the good of ilie
group because films were not being picked
up and we might have lost money. It was a
technical violation."
Feerick said, "I have discussed writing
up a grievance with Gloria DeSole, Director of Affirmative Action. I will write and
discuss it with her before I sign the complaint tomorrow or next week."
"Kunen has consistently used certain
derogatory sexual langauagc to me and In
from of others. I have tried to keep the
personal and business matters separate,"
she said,
Feerick took the! matter to Student
Association Programming Director Patty
Salkin, who said, "1 was made aware of
the problems with University. Cinemas
about six weeks ago when Lisa called me at
home. 1 talked with RiclrKunen and told
him about the problems. He denied them
and made countercharges about Lisa."
Kunen said that he could not comment
on the allegations because "I am not aware
that this was going to the Supreme Court
or thai there was an affirmative action
He added, "she thinks I treat her badly
because she is a female. 1 am nol sexist. 1
personally like her and do nol want her lo
According lo Kunen, "she (Feerick) is
on a vendetta to get me out of the office...I
never wanted il to go this far."
SA Prcsidem Rich Schaffcr said that he
fell he could not remove Kunen on his own
authority, and so presented the mailer lo
Council. He added, however, "1 may sign
an executive order and suspend him on my
own if (he matter is not acted upon."
Schaffcr has culled a meeting for 5 p.m.
Friday to discuss the matter.
Rob Flshkin attended the meeting and
spoke in Kuncn's defense. He said that he
is not a council member and that "I
originally went (o speak in support of Off
Campus Association's budget request.
When I found out about the University
Cinemas Issue 1 spoke up as an observer to
'something which I fell was unfair lo the
Kunen refused to discuss allegations thai
he and Flshkin were related and Fishkin
said only that "Kunen Is a friend of
However, Kunen's brother, when reached at the Kunen family home In Oceanside,
N.Y, Thursday night, said Flshkin was in
fact a cousin of the family,
Mike Miller
"It just goes to show that students oil this campus can make a difference. "
Bus. Ed. report complete
Task force unanimously endorses program
By Alicia Clmbora
The report also recommends limited
admission lo I he program to a certain
Members of the Business Education number of studenls per class year. No
Task Force unanimously agreed the specific numbers were quoted by the
Business Education program, Ihc sub- lask force, however ihe report did
ject of much dcbaic over the past few stipulate that "the numbers not exceed
months, should not be scrapped accor- the capacity of the staff to maintain a
ding to the committee's report which quality program."
will be officially made public Monday.
The report allocates one lenure-lraek
The report musi now be reviewed by line for the program and recommends
iwo University Senute committees, and thai al least iwo lull lime faculty should
will then be sent lo President O'Lcary.
oe involved, where the presort! recruited
Members of the Task Force
mould have his or her doctorate and
unanimously recommended io imple- some experience. Some purl lime help is
ment a proposed combined IIS/MS pro- also recommended.
gram, which would mcun revising the
The establishment of mi intercurrent BS program in Business Educadisciplinary advisory council made up of
tion and retaining the existing MS profaculty from oilier academic departgram, Also, ihc existing suspension on
ments was also recommended, and
admissions to the lis program, which
would acl in a supportive capacity to the
was implemented in the Fall of 1983, . Iwo faculty members, and also help in
would be lifted,