Sporte Dane pitchers bombarded by Dutchmen, 18-6

By Keith Marder
was 6-3 in the fourth inning.
The Danes must put this loss in
the past as they have a double
header against conference rival
Oswego today.
" T o m o r r o w is a big d a y , " said
Zaloom aflcr the game. "Oswego is
in our conference. It would be best
for us i f we could forget about this
game and gel it out o f our minds.
" O u r pitchers didn't have any
A graphic example o f the game
c o n t r o l , " said Albany Manager Ed
was in the lop o f ihe seventh inning.
Union College scored IS runs on Zaloom. " T h e y started gelling wild
Union scored four runs on no hits.
10 hits l o defeat Ihe Albany Slate
and then they were pulling anything
The Dutchmen were helped by ihrec
Great Danes yesterday on Universiover there. That is when they got inwalks, one hit by pilch, two Albany
ty Field. That statistic is not as io t r o u b l e . "
errors and three wild pitches.
misleading as it may appear i f you
When liiey wercn'l scoring on erconsider that five o f their hits were
Albany used five pitchers, none
rors and walks, Union .settled for
home runs. The Danes also scored a
o f whom could find the plate. A l l the long ball. Their first three hits
lot from relatively few hits as they
five o f them combined lo give up 14
were home runs. Albany's starting
scored six runs on as many hits.
walks in the nine inning game.
pitcher, Warren Miker, walked A n dy Markopolos, Jerry Cainpinclli
and Dave Usher to load the bases.
Miller then threw a high fastball l o
Union's lead o f f hitter Rinehcrl
Walker, who then hit a grand slam.
I l was not an ordinary home run
though, as Walker's shot hit the top
o f Ihe fence before bouncing over.
We have to put It all behind u s . "
F R O M L E F T F I E L D : Tomorrow's
double header is scheduled t o begin
at 1:00 p . m . o n U n i v e r s i t y
Field...Chris Fletcher and Rob
Tobias are slated as Albany's
starters...The loss opened Ihe
Danes record at 2-2 wllh a l - l
In Ihe S U N V A C
In Ihe third inning, Union came
with more o f the same. Alex Rila
and Pete Cohan hil back to back
home runs. This made tJie score 6-1
U n i o n , as they had scored six runs
on three hits al Ihe lime.
Albany then went l o the bullpen
but none o f the next four pitchers
they used were successful. I n ihe
sixlh inning, John Kalinski gave up
three walks to load the bases. Right
fielder Joe Wood then hit Union's
second grand slam o f a blustery
afternoon. It was another typical
Union inning: four runs and one hit
(a home run).
The Dutchmen's last home run
came in the ninth inning when
Cohan'hit his second o f the day.
t h e Danes did j u m p out l o an
early lead as freshman Fred Saccocio walked and stole second and
third. He was driven in on a Bob
Conklin sacrifice fly to give Albany
a 1-0 lead aflcr one inning.
A f l c r that it was all Union as they
jumped out t o a 6-1 lead on the
three home runs and never looked
..Overpowering the Dane arms.
back. The closest the Danes came
Stickmen stage fourth quarter rally to top Siena
By Mark Wilgard
The Albany Stale lacrosse team rallied
from deficits o f 5-0 and 8-4 and defeated the
Siena Indians by a score o f 12-9 last Friday
afternoon o n University Field. The Danes
now have a 3-0 record heading into today's
game against nationally ranked Cortland.
" I t was a big win f o r u s " , remarked
Albany Head Coach Gary Campbell. " I f we
want lo be in Ihe national picture, we had lo
have this w i n . " Siena is a Division I Icam.
Albany was led by Rick Tri/ano, who had
four goals and one assist, and Dave Ccrny,
who recorded Ihe double hal trick in netting
three goals and three assists. Alan Cornfield
played well in goal as he turned aside 20 Siena
groundballs, put Siena guys on their backs,
and cranked the ball in ihe g o a l . " After the
Indians scored twice midway through the
third quarter, Trizano netted his third goal of
the day at 11:22 to make il 8-5. Rich Stance's
goal al 13:15 gave the Danes the momentum
ihcy needed leading inlo Ihe final slanza.
Ccrny came alive in thai fourth quarter
and scored all o f his goals. Trizano,
Casadonie and Bob Venlcr also tallied as
Albany pulled away to a 12-9 victory. Campbell was happy with the play o f Ccrny.
"Siena had their I wo best defenscmen on
Casadonie and Vcnier," said Campbell,
" b u t Dave is every bil as good as Ihcy are. He
look I heir worst defenseman and had him for
A key in Ihe game for Albany was the fact
that they were running four midfielders while
Siena was running only two. The Indians had
lo ullilize their Iwo second half time-outs early in the hall' in order to gel their middies
some well needed resl. When ihe game was
lurning around in Albany's favor in the
fourth quarter, Siena couldn't gel organized
April 27, 1984
— C o a c h Gary
Tha laeroasa team upped the record to 3-0 with a 12-9 victory over Division I Siena.
By Jim O'Sullivan
2 1
By Heidi Gralla
AssociAn:M n.sinimn
Celebration '84 tickets went on sale Thursday despite the fact that no headline act has
been booked since The Pretenders canceled
their appearance.
According to University Concert Board
President Doug Kalian, iliree bands, New
Rhythm and Blues Quarter (NRBQ), Grandmasler Flash, and Todd Rundgrcn arc
scheduled l o appear, although only Grandmaster Flash had signed a contract as o f
Thursday night.
The Pretenders, who wuld have received
$50,000, according lo Kalian, will not appear
because ihcy decided to go to Scandinavia,
he said.
UCB Treasurer Marc Bowdcn said tickets
for Ihe event, also known as Mayfest, eosl $7
for Ihe first ticket and $10 each for Iwo additional tickets. There is a limit of ihrec tickets
per lax-card. He added tlint tickets would be
$15 each on Ihe clay of the eonccrl.
Mayfest will be held Saturday, May 5 al
the SUNYA upiown campus on Ihe grounds
between Dutch and Indian Quads, the Campus Center, and the Gym.
Kalian said that although UCB had signed
the contract, Ihe Pretenders hadn't, and so
ihcy arc noi legally obliged,,play«-a*>
Vnaytei. Kalian said up lo $1,000, although
he was noi sure how much, had been spent
for publicity and equipment related to The
Pretenders' appearance.
Due to the preliminary oral agreement
reached with The Pretenders' agent, Kalian
said thai UCB may be reimbursed by Ihe
band for any financial losses in publicizing
the concert.
Kalian said a fourth act was being sought
for the evcnl; liddic Money was being considered but decided noi to play. The fourth
act is budgeted at approximately $20,000, all
three other acts will be paid a total o f less
than $16,000.
UCB is looking for a popular act to
headline the show, Kalian said, "Somebody
that people would l i k e , " he added.
Conlracis have not ycl been signed for
NRBQ and Todd Rundgrcn, who is appearing wilhotti Utopia, Kahan said, pointing oui
that he must sign the contracts, send them l o
Ihe bands, and then wail for litem l o be
rclurned to UCB.
" I probably won't have signed contracts
on the day of the show," he added.
Kahan said that several hundred tickets
were sold Thursday, despite ihe fact that
there was no advertising for the sales.
N o b e l Prize-winning author Saul Bellow
"We give our souls lo the outside world. "
Bellow kicks off Writer's
Institute to packed crowd
By Rick Swanson
Distinguished writer and Nobel Prize
winner Saul Bellow formally launched the
SUNYA Writers Institute at Albany
Thursday night with a lecture entitled
" T h e Wrilcr and Ihe W o r l d . "
"Writers and criminals have much in
c o m m o n , " said Bellow, because like
tawles criminals, the fantasies o f writers
arc also lawless, thai is, without bounds.
Speaking before a standing room only
crowd in the Campus Center Ballroom,
Bellow suggested thai a writer's world is a
solitary one, removed from the resl of the
world. " I l is a great strain to become like
others who lead normal lives," he said
referring l o what he considers the
unrestrained, or "lawless" imagination of
"Writers spend a lot o f lime alone- a
writer is a solitary beast," said Bellow. He
asserted that although his work has been
widely acclaimed throughout the world,
he is comfortable by himself.
Bellow began his speech by reading a
portion o f his soon to be released book
titled Him With His Foot In His Mouth.
He then answered questions from a panel
of professors from SUNYA's English
The panel consisted of SUNYA professors William Kennedy and Sarah
Cohen, as well as associate director of the
Writers Institute Tom Smith. Cohen, who
has followed Bellow's writings for the past
twenty years, has.wrillen a biography on
him. Kennedy, a former student o f
Bellow, was the recipient o f the 1984
Pulitzer Prize for Fiction for his reeeni
work Iron weed.
Indicating that America is still a niching
pot of different cultures, Bellow told the
audience ihat there are "Americans that
arc aliens and al the same lime aliens I hat
are Americans."
"Nationalistic ideas of pure culture arc
historically u n t r u e , " said Bellow. He
pointed out that there is no such thing as a
typical American, rather, this is " a hybrid
w o r l d " and everyone's culture makes
them slightly different.
Responding to a question from Kennedy about the " n o i s e " or distractions o f
Ihe modern w o r l d , Bellow said that people
should try " t o sec through Ihe noise" in
order lo gel a better grip on reality.
Student Association presidential candidates Rich Schaffer and Tim Hallock will
fight it out in a runoff election this Monday
and Tuesday after a lighi race on April 16
and 17 in which neither candidate drew the
required majorily of more than 50 percent of
ihe voters.
Schaffer, the incumbent, garnered 856
voles, or 46 percent, narrowly edging
Hallock, who received 800 voles, or 43 percent. Bill McCann gol 139 voles while Willie
Jones trailed with 79.
In the runoff, ihe candidate who receives a
majorily (if ihe voles wins the election.
Suzy Aiilcllfi won the SA Vice Presidential
race with 1,057 voles, easily defeating
Dwaync Sampson, who received 417 votes
ant] Bill King, who finished Wllh 223 voles.
The reTerenduitis to fund United Slates
Siudenl Association and approve SA's new
constitution boili passed. Students also voted
• l o continue lite mandatory student activity
The until voter lurnoul was 1879 out o f
about I2,(K)0 undergraduates, according to
SA ejcclioiis^oniniissioner Tom Uusby.
C'eniral Council elections for students living on'Colonial Quad and off-campus were
Invalidated'. Both ejections will be rerun I his
Monday and Tuesday. Regarding the Colonial Quad election, Busby explained he accidentally left Felicia Stanley's name off Ihe
ballot. In the off-campus election, Busby
said he inadverlcnlly included Jackie Swingle's name for Central Council although
she was not running for thai office.
Busby said that no one has contested any
of the oilier races. There have, however, been
several complainis about Ihe way elections
were run. " L i k e any oilier election in Ihe
past," Busby said, " w e had our share of problems, menial errors on my pari, and, as
always, on ihe pari of ihe candidates."
Some candidates complained thai ihe Indian Quad polling area opened 45 minutes
laic on the Tuesday night of elections. Busby
said I his occurred because there was only one
set o f keys to open the voting booths so he
" h a d l o be al all four quads al once."
Several Hallock supponers were reported
to have violated SA's elections policy by
campaigning on the Colonial Quad dinner
line on an election night. "What Ihcy (the
campaigners) did, Hallock said, "was totally
independent of anything I said and I had no
knowledge o f whal wenl on until well alter it
happened." He declined to comment any
" W c give our souls to the outside
w o r l d , " said Bellow. But he also warned
that unless one is careful, one can be
manipulated and " I h e world can do what
il wants with our souls."
Bellow suggested that reading is a way
o f spending time with yourself, and a way
to evade the " n o i s e . " People musl all try
to fight " t h e increasing dehumanizaiion
of our w o r l d " and develop their inncV
selves more, he added.
Saul Bellow was born in Quebec and
later moved l o Chicago. He received his
bachelor's degree in sociology and anthropology from Northwestern University. He has published many books; his
most recent work is Ihe Pulitzer Prize winning
SUNYA professor wins Pulitzer
Poster lor Mayfest
UCB is looking for a fourth
Auletta wins
vice presidency;
Schaffer faces
Hallock in runoff
Pretenders out
as UCB seeks
three new acts
for 'Mayfesf
and back on track because " w e had l o depend on running people inlo the g r o u n d , "
slated Campbell.
The Danes host Corlland loday al 3:30,
and Campbell hopes his leant plays as well in
the first half as they have been playing in the
second half. " W e don't want l o label
ourselves as a second half I c a m , " said Campbell. " W c would like l o play four good
quarters, bin no one is going lo heal us in the
fourth quarter."
Today's game against Ihe Red Dragons will
be a real lesl for the Danes. Campbell noled,
"This game will show a lot on where we
stand. We'll know how we stand nationally,
and i f we can gel inlo the playoffs. I f wc
come up with a good showing, we'll be
"He took their worst
defenseman and had
him for lunch."
The Danes started the game ihe same way
ihcy began their two previous matches: slow
and tentative. The Indians capitalized on
several Albany mistakes and walked away
with a 5-0 lead aflcr Ihe first quarter. Campbell noled,"Siena has some real good slicks,
and ihcy took advantage o f our slow start.
We didn't come oui ready lo play and found
ourselves down 5-0."
Trizano broke Ihe ice in the second quarter
with two goals sandwiched around a Siena
tally. Don Casadonie and John Nofris nclled
late period goals, as Ihe Danes Toughl back
and only trailed 6-4.
" T h e second quarter showed that we could
play with t h e m , " slated Campbell. " W e
knew wc weren't five goals worse than
The second half belonged to Albany. According to Campbell, it was Trizano " w h o
look mailers into his own hands. He got Ihe
APRIL 10, 1984
Dane pitchers bombarded by Dutchmen, 18-6
It was tha Union bate..
(atory, page 3)
Suzy Auletta
"Very easy transition"
FRIDA Y APRIL 27, 1984
Kennedy wins
Soviets capture valley
New Delhi, Intlia
(AP)AI'ghan and Soviet troops overran the
bases o f a major guerilla group lucsday and
captured the strategic Panjshcr valley, which
controls vital supply routes in Afghanistan,
Radio Kabul reported, ,
The claim followed Western diplomatic
reports that Soviet and Afghan forces had
launched a new offensive against Panjshcr,
where rebel forces resisted six previous
assaults in Ihe past four years.
In Washington, U.S. government sources
had also reported that an offensive was under
way. They said the reblcs, who are trying to
topple the Soviet-installed regime in
AFghanistan, had dealt a severe blow to the
Soviets' supply line by blowing up the Mullock Bridge.
A Western diplomat, speaking in New
Delhi on condition he not be identified by
name or nationality, said Soviet aircraft on
kSaiurday began high-altitude bombing of
the Panjshcr, a 70-mlle long valley north of
Kabul, the Afghan capital.
A year-long truce between Ihe Soviets and
Masud expired in January and a spicing offensive was anticipated.
Sis largcj-scalc Soviet campaigns over the
past three years have failed to wrest control
o f the valley, which Masoud uses uses as a
base for guerilla strikes in olher regions.
Buffer zone disputed
" W e journey to China in a spirit o f peace
and friendship, realistic about our differences, hut desiring to build upon our common interests," Reagan said in a prepared
departure statement.
Reagan planned to spend Wednesday night
in Guam before continuing onto Peking on
The president said the United Slates "must
work with our friends lo keep ihe Pacific truly peaceful — an ocean for commerce, no
Quake hits California
Murium Hill, California
( A P I A powerful earthquake jarred a widearea of Northern California on Tuesday, trig-,
gering a $1 million lire, knocking houses
from their foundations and shaking San
Francisco skyscrapers. At least 21 people suffered minor injuries.
scismographic station in Berkeley said the
earthquake struck at 1:16 p.m.. PST and
registered 6.2 on the Rleliler scale. It was
centered on I In) Calaveras fault 12 miles east
of San Jose and 50 miles south of San Francisco.
The quake wits fell for hundreds o f miles,
even liilo western Nevada, but most o f Ihe
damage appeared minor and centered in
Morgan H i l l , about 10 miles squill of San
Nippon-National join
( A P ) f h e giant Japanese steelmaker Nippon
Kokan gained a strategic foothold in the prozed inidwestern steel market under a joint
venture announced with National Steel
Corp., the seventh-ranked U.S. producer.
The $292 million deal, paralleling General
Motors Corp.'s venture with the Japanese
carmaker Toyota, also gives National access
to technology and expertise that has left left
American steelmakers hard-pressed lo match
the quality of Japanese Imports, siad James
E. Haas, president of Nalinal's parent, National Intergroup, Inc.
National weathered a steel industry decline
over ihe last few years by tailoring itself lo
provide the resurgent auto industry with flatrolled products.
Fare increase possible
New York
(AP)The city's taxi czar says Mayor Edward
Koch plans a three-stage effort lo beef up
regulation of the city's 47,000 laxicabs and
the proposals would add 10 cents to the cost
of the ride.
Jay f Draff, chairman of the City Taxi and
Limousine Commission, said proposals lo be
announced by Ihe mayor Thursday include a
hike in the commission's budget from $5.4
million lo $11 million a year, enabling the
agency to nearly double the number of enforcement agcnls.
To offset Ihe increased budget, he said, the
mayor will propose increasing registration
and license fees in Ihe industry.
And lo offset the additional cost to taxi
owners, ihe first drop o f the meter would
cost $1.10, instead of the current $ 1 , Turoff
Koch reveals budget
New York
(AP)Mayor Edward Koch says the city
budget for the next fiscal year should be the
best of the seven annual budgets he has
fashioned — which is why he just couldn't
wail for Thursday's official release to
dispense with the good news.
Beginning with an April 19 announcement
that he would hire an additional 1,000 police
officers, the mayor has been steadily doling
out details o f his expense budget for (he fiscal
year beginning July 1.
One day it was news of 300 new si reel
sweepers, another day it was 329 more parks
workers and yet another day was expansion
o f the city's capital budget, which pays for
major repairs to streets, bridges, tunnels,
sewers and Ihe like.
(AP)Exxon Corp. denies that il illegally
dumped polluted water and removed fresh
water from the Hudson River, as the state
alleges in a lawsuit seeking more than $16
million from ihe company.
Exxon, the world's largest oil company,
has acknowledged dumping salt water ballast
from oil tankers into the river and removing
fresh water for tranporlation lo ils refinery
on Ihe Carribbcan island o f Aruba.
H o w e v e r , E x x o n spokesman Chel
Bushnell reaffirmed the company's position
Wednesday Ihal it violated no stale, federal
or local laws and regulations.
(AP)Prcsidcnt Reagan, who left Tuesday for
Guam and ihe final slop before lie traveled lo
China on Thursday, said his trip is aimed at
building support lor opposing Ihe Soviet
Union's "expansionist aggression."
New S c o t l a n d Ave. Registration
Is $30 for the general public a n d
special rates are available for
s t u d e n t s . For m o r e Info contact
Fuerza Latlna w i l l hold Its annual s p r i n g d a n c e Sat. April 28
from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. In the CC
Ballroom. T i c k e t s are $6 for
singles and $11 for c o u p l e s .
Telethon '85 Staff A p p l i c a t i o n s :
w h i c h are available In the S.A.
office are due by 4 p.m. on Tues.
May 1. A p p l i c a t i o n s s h o u l d be
returned to the
mailbox In the SA office.
U l t i m a t e Frisbee Northeast Col-
lege Reglonals will be held at
SUNYA, April 28-29 o n the soccer fields. Teams participating
Include A l b a n y S t a t e , Yale,
Syracuse. Games start at 9:30
a n d will c o n t i n u e all day rain or
" G e n o c i d e " on April 30, at 7
p.m. In LC 7. A d m i s s i o n Is tree
w i t h tax c a r d and $1 w i t h o u t .
A Walkathon for Peace find
J u s t i c e will be held on Sat. April
28, beginning at noon. The walk
will begin and end at the Social
A c t i o n Center In Albany. For
more I n f o r m a t i o n and sponsor
sheets call t h e S o c i a l A c t i o n
Center at 434-4037.
The M i l i t a n t Labor F o r u m w i l l
present the program " V i o l e n c e
Against W o m e n , " on Fri. April
27 at 8 p.m. at t h e M i l i t a n t Labor
Forum Headquarters at 23 Central Ave. In A l b a n y . The program
Is open to the public.
A M a r k e t i n g Seminar, " S t a t u s
a n d Credibility: The Keys to
Marketing S u c c e s s " will be held
on M o n . April 30 at 7 p.m. In the
CC B a l l r o o m . The speaker will
be Phillip Boos, Jr. of C o m p t o n
Before receiving the Pulitzer for
f i c t i o n , Ironweed
w o n the
prestigious National Book Critics
Circle Award as the best novel o f
1983 and for all his Albany novels
he received the New York Governors Arts award.
Kennedy's books have put
Albany on the map, according to
Mayor Thomas M . Whalen I I I .
" H e probably has done more than
any other resident to give the City
of Albany national and international recognition."
While speaking Thursday night at
noting the impressive turnout at the.
Campus Center Ballroom. He add-!
cd that he does not know when ha
will have the cohesive state o f mind
to start leaching again, but that he
will remain connected lo S U N Y A
through his position as director of
the Institute.
The Institute, which was formed
in February o f this year was made
possible through a $264,000 tax-free
grant awarded to Kennedy through
the MacArthur Foundation.
Kennedy said in February that he
feels Ihe Institute will attract some
— William Kennedy
the inauguration o f the S U N Y A
Writers Institute (see story p. 1),
Kennedy described the past week as
"very crazy."
Kennedy said he was especially
glad to have his friend and mcnior
Saul Bellow ihe guest speaker for
the night present to celebrate with
him. " I would have given my back
teeth to have a conversation with
Saul Bellow when I was a young
w r i i e r , " Kennedy said in a press
conference earlier litis year.
" T h i s is an auspicious slarl for
the I n s t i t u t e , " said Kennedy,
Division I sports
Sludent governments SUNY-wide would
loscf control of the funds for, intramural and
intercollegiate athletics, but could parlicipalc
in Division I sporls, if the SUNY Board of
Trustees adopts a task force recommendation. The recommendation has, however,
been met with unified opposition from sludent leaders who claim that Ihe move is " a n
administration power g r a b . "
At a meeting o f the Board of Trustees
Wednesday, S U N Y Chancellor C l i f t o n
Wharlon stressed thai "specific aspects of
the proposal still require more w o r k , " and
added Ihal no decision is likely lo be made
until this is done.
The 27 members o f the Sludent Life Task
Force, four of which are students, have proposed Ihal Ihe student activity fee be lessened
by approximately 25 percent, and a separate
athletics fee be charged lo cover Ihe eosi of
intramural and intercollegiate athletic programs.
Reagan visits China
for acclaimed Ironweed
Winning the Pulitzer was a
"spectacular time."
By Jane Anderson
Nationwide C^2/
Albany Stale Olympic Hopefuls
are having a r u n a t h o n o n Sun.
A p r i l 29. D e t a i l s are available In
the SA o f f i c e .
The Red C r o s s B l o o d m o b l l e w i l l
be in the CC B a l l r o o m o n Monday, A p r i l 30 f r o m 10 a.m. to 4
p.m. Interested d o n o r s . a r e urged t o a t t e n d .
The S o c i o l o g y D e p a r t m e n t w i l l
h o l d Its 14th a n n u a l Theodore
G. S t a n l e y l e c t u r e o n T u e s . May
1 at 2 p.m. In the P A C Recital
H a l l . T h i s year's lecture, " D i l e m m a s o f M a s c u l i n i t y : Gender
literature, the Pulitzer Prize.
a bum's look at
Albany, is Ihe third in a series o f
books being dubbed " T h e Albany
Cycle." The Iwo olher books in the
cycle arc Legs and Billy Phelan's
Greatest Came.
A security committee ntel again lo try lo
work out details of ihe disengagement plan,
police said. The committee represents the
Lebanese army and Christian, Druse and
Slilitc Moslem militias.
Disengagement of ihe combatants, which
began Thursday, has been completed along
Ihe rest of the three-mile "green l i n e " in.
Beirut, the southern suburbs and around the
inouniainiop lown of Souk cl-Cihi\rh east of
the capital.
Roles In T r a n s i t i o n , " will be
delivered by Professor Myra
Komarovsky of Barnard College.
A C o m p u t e r Users Groups Fair
will be held f r o m 10 a.m. to 4
p.m. o n April 28 at the Schenectady County Library. All popular
p e r s o n a l c o m p u t e r s w i l l be
represented & presentations Include
d e m o n s t r a t i o n s of various hardw a r e a n d software.
A H o l o c a u s t Conlerence sponsored by the C o m m i t t e e of
H o l o c a u s t Survivors and RZA
w i l l b e held A p r i l 27-29 at 600
The n e w - f o u n d success o f
S U N Y A Professor William Kennedy reached a high point last week
when his novel Ironweed received
one o f the most coveted awards in
Exxon denies charges
Beirut, (.ehuiioii
( A P ) O b s e r v e r s assigned l o
Lebanon's fragile cease-fire came under
sniper fire Tuesday at a disputed building
along ihe line dividing Beirut's, Moslem and
Christian seeolors.
Disputes over buffer /ones at the building
and at a now-closed elevated highway between' Ihe Iwo sectors have been holding up
completion o f a plan to separate warring
militias and establish a coalition government
that would more accurately represent the nation's religious and ethnic makeup.
Free listings
By Steve Fox
Under the new proposal, the athletic
budget would be instituted by a "board of
athletic c o n t r o l . " Faculty and administrators
would comprise a majority on each campus
board, in order to comply with Nalional Collegiate Athletics Association ( N C A A )
guidelines, the Task Force reporl slated.
The proposal, if implemented, would permit campuses lo award athletic scholarships
not based on need, and could lead lo a move
to N C A A Division I for some SUNY campuses, possibly including SUNYA.
Student Association of the Stale University
(SASU) President Jim Tierney stressed Ihal
"students will fight this toolh and n a i l . "
Tierney called the proposal " a n administration power grab."
" 1 don't feel that's the case at a l l , " said
Acting Assislanl Vice Chancellor for Student
Affairs William Murabilo. The Task Force
submitted a "reasonable recommendation
after deliberating," he explained.
Allocation of the athletic fee funds would
be handled by a "Board of Athletic
C o n t r o l , " comprised of a minimum o f 33
percent students and a minimum o f 51 percent faculty and administrators, the report
The board of athletic control would have
the power to raise the athletics fee by 10 percent each year, according to the report,
Tierney expressed fears Ihal an athletics fee
could lead lo "fees for everything."
" N o b o d y thinks we can a f f o r d " Division I
sporls, maintained Tierney. He said thai an
athletic fee controlled by the administration
would most likely go up, and added thai a
school would need at least $350 per student
each year to parlicipalc in Division I
sporls.Through the mandatory student activity fee, each student currently pays approximately $25 per year lo fund athletics.
Murabilo said that there is no way lo fund
Division I sporls through the current or proposed fee structures. " I l would lake a great
influx of money," he said.
Division I sporls teams would be funded
through a combination o f many different
sources, including ticket sales and media
coverage, explained Murabilo.
Murabilo stressed thai i f the new policy
was approved, "just a few campuses" would
move up lo Division I sporls. " 9 0 percent o f
the campuses will stay just the way l l i c y a r e , "
he declared.
Each campus will decide for themselves
whether they will sponsor Division I learns,
said Murabilo.
Murabilo said thai S U N Y A would be a
candidate for Divison 1 sporls because of ils
location and the proposed building o f a new
Civic Center.
The Task Force recommended changing
ihe Board of Trustees policy to allow
"grants-in-aid based primarily on a student's
athletic ability," according lo the report.
"Should a needy student be forced to subsidize a non-needy student's education?"
asked Tierney.
Tierney called Ihe proposal a "band-aid
solution" to mask cuts in faculty and
resources" in Ihe SUNY system. He asserted
ihal programs such as health services and
women's safely should be higher priorities
for SUNY, rather than ' " b i g lime athletics."
Tierney, w h o i s a full voting member o f the
Board of Trustees, said ihal he has the support o f student leaders SUNY-wide, as well
as many o f the 13 Board members.
Murabilo said that Board opinion on ihe
issue was "difficult lo assess." He said Ihal
many SUNY athletic directors supported the
Tierney said the recommendation was a
response lo pressure from certain legislators,
and some SUNY presidents, coaches and
The Task Force report staled that the present SUNY policy is not in compliance with
N C A A guidelines. Tierney maintained that
of the best writers in the world and
put Albany on the writers beat.
The Institute is interested in
hosting well known as well as new
and emerging writers, and would
ultimately like to get writers from
around the world.
Kennedy said Ihal his winning o f
the Pulitzer lasl week is a "spectacular time" in his life. The author
noted that in the frantic days after
winning the prize he was forced lo
leave lown for a few days lo avoid
the flood of phone calls he was
For the past fifteen months, Kennedy has been involved in a whirlwind o f activity, receiving awards
and grants for his writings that
culminated lasl week with the
The 56-year-old S U N Y A professor has been on leave from the
University since January 1983,
when he received Ihe MacArthur
grant, allowing him to devote all his
efforts to his writing.
Last September S U N Y A appointed Kennedy, then a part-time
creative writing lecturer, to be a
tenured full professor o f English.
S U N Y A President
O'Lcary said in a Times Union article that, " W e are absolutely
delighted that a member of our
faculty has been awarded the
Pulitzer Prize."
Kennedy is presently working on
screenplays for his novels, but he
noted Ihal he wants to " g e l out o f
the movie business, and get back to
Kennedy grew up in Norlh
Albany, the setting of many of his
novels. He worked as a reporter on
the Albany Times Union and in San
Juan, Puerto Rico, where he was a
sludent under Bellow. He rejoined
Ihe Times Union in 1963 and
published his first novel in 1969.
The history o f Ironweed shows
that persistence does pay off- the
novel was rejected thirteen limes
before il was published.
under new proposal
the policy docs comply with N C A A
The Task Force cited abuses in the present
athletics program, said Tierney, but he contended that Ihe report didn't mention " a n y
specific abuses."
"Abuses don't exist," maintained Tierney.
Murabilo said he could noi remember exactly what the abuses were.
The Quality of Student Life Task Force
was appointed in the Fall of 1982 by Wharlon, and undertook a review o f sporls al
SUNY as ils first projeel, according lo the
GSEU members vote to affiliate
with Communications Workers
By Alicia Cimbora
The SUNY Graduate
Employees Union (GSEU), following a
recommendation in March from the
GSEU Affiliation Committee, voted in
favor of becoming affiliated with the
Communications Workers o f America
( C W A ) , according lo GSEU member
Connie LaPorta.
The vole was held on Wednesday and
Thursday in Ihe Campus Cenier and
Draper Hall at S U N Y A , as well as at Ihe
other three University centers, Buffalo,
Stony Brook and Binghamlon.
At SUNYA, 19 members voted in favor
of affiliation, and 4 against. LaPorta said
Ihe votes al oilier schools were also in supporl of affiliation, but she didn't have
specific numbers.
The GSEU is a SUNY-wide organization which represents the 3500-4000
G r a d u a t e , Teaching and Research
throughout the SUNY system.
According to Mark Pellilt, a GSEU
statewide organizer, GSEU is seeking affiliation because " i t ' s good lo have the
support of a larger union. The C W A has
experience and can offer us financial support and the best background training."
The political influence of a larger union
is also very important, Pellilt said. " W e
want more bargaining power with the
state,' LaPorta added.
When asked why the C W A was chosen,
Pellilt said, " W e talked with Tour different unions, and chose Ihe C W A
because we felt il was the best run union
internally and they offered us the best deal
with regard to autonomy." According to
LaPorta, "(Under the C W A ) we'll be
fairly independent and able to make our
own decisions."
With Ihe backing of the C W A , Ihe
GSEU plans lo set up committees lo
discuss issues such as obtaining uniform
pay rales and working hours, health
b e n e f i t s , j o b s e c u r i t y and u n i t y
throughout the SUNY system.
Physics Teaching Assislanl Kcilh Inglis
said that "money is not the major reason
we are organizing. We're trained and
we're educated and we want the professional status we deserve. We want to be
able to contribute to the educational
LaPorta explained the poor voter turnout by calling Albany "one of the more
poorly organized campuses."
She explained that there was poor
advertisement of the vote because of spring break.
Informational forums were held al Ihe
four university centers lo help members
make an educated choice, according lo
The GSEU, which will now be known
as ihe GSEU-CWA, is currently staling its
case to the Public Employment Relations
Board (PERB). A submission of a petition
with the signatures of 30 percent of the
members is required to enable the GSEU
lo represent ils members in collective
bargaining. The GSEU has surpassed this
requirement and submitted this lo PERB,
according to Pcttitl.
" W e ' r e gearing up now for Ihe certification election" which will be held
sometime next fall, Pcttitt said.
This election will mark the official certification o f the GSEU with the C W A , if
graduate student employees throughout
ihe SUNY system vole to approve the
Make a good buy
before you say goodbye.
Dutchess struggling to find market at SUNYA
By Rick Swanson
Despite heavy on-campus promotion, the Dutchess restaurant, " i s
not making money" and may be
closed i f business docs not pick up
next fall, according to manager
Lester Heines.
The Dutchess recently closed
after its first year in operation, having failed to make its break-even
point even once.
Heines said the Dutchess needed
100 patrons a night to suceed, but
that Ihe greatest number o f diners
ever attending in one night was 91.
The restaurant, which was
located in Ihe Patroon Room Friday evenings, provides an alternative to dining oul o f f campus,
and is managed by University Auxiliary Services (LIAS).
Though the first year o f Ihe Dutchess' opening " d i d not bring as
much business as expected," Heines
hopes that the restaurant will gain
popularity next year.
The Dutchess is a restaurant complete with waiters, waitresses, a
hostess and a bar. Patrons arc
treated as though they were at any
high class restaurant. Heines said,
they arc greeted, seated and then
have their order taken.
"Most customers come during
the first h o u r , " said Heines. He
speculated that many students like
lo cat early on Friday nighls, and
then go out.
I M S General Manager
Norbcrt Zahm said he hopes that
next semester will be more successful for The Dutchess. Afler extensively advertising in the Albany
Siudenl Press and table tent ads in
cafeterias, Zahm said he Is "puzzled why the attendance is so l o w . "
" W e hope to build our customer
base for next year,' said Zahm,
p o i n t i n g out that he thinks
customers enjoyed themselves while
eating at the Dutchess.
Before the Dutchess, I M S ran
the Mouse Trap, a wine and cheese
shop which was open Friday and
Salurday nights until I A M in the
Patroon Room.
Heines said, however, that the
Mouse Trap's business "interfered
somewhat with the R a t , " S U N Y A ' s
on-campus bar, also located in the
campus center.
Students granted $300 rent abatement
after suing landlord for heat shortage
A f t e r its first year of o p e r a t i o n s , the D u t c h e s s , l o c a t e d in the
C a m p u s Center Patroon R o o m , has f a i l e d t o draw the b u s i n e s s
UAS o f f i c i a l s had hoped for. Unless sales improve, o f f i c i a l s
m a y be forced t o c l o s e the restaurant next year
By Susan Milligan
Three S U N Y A students have won $300 in rent
abatement because their landlord failed to provide
adequate heat.
Albany City Court Justice E. David Duncan determined afler a March 2.1 trial that Ihe students!
landlord, Ajay K. Sanghi, had violated the "warranty
of habitability." That law requires landlords to ensure
that no conditions exist in their rentals that arc
dangerous lo the life, safety or health Of the tenants.
The students, Frannic Fiss, Boh Dunleavyand Leslie
Adlcr, claimed their Delaware Ave. apartment was Inadequately heated during November and December of
198.1, and January through March of 1984.
According lo Student Legal Services attorney Mark
S. Mishlcr, who handled the case lor Ihe students,
Sanghi was repeatedly informed of Ihe heal problem
by Ihe lenanls and Ihe Albany Cily Bureau of Code
The lack of heat was due lo " a n aniiqiiaicd healing
system which does not cope well with the Albany
wlnlcrs," Duncan said in his decision. Sohfihl al one
point gave Ihe tenants three electric space healers, bin
they did not provide enough heal for the apartment.
The Ihrce students withheld March 1984 rail lo
force Sanghi lo fix Ihe furnace or otherwise provide
heal lor ihe apartment.
Sanghi sued ihe lenanls for failure lo pay rem. Ihe
sludeiils filed a counterclaim against Sanghi lor $200
per month for each monih ihe healing problem existed. The lenanls also demanded reimbursement for
heating bills paid lo Niagara Mohawk during ihose
Duncan ordered the students to pay March rent, but
also granted them partial rent abatement for the first
three months o f Ihe year.
Duncan determined thai the " w a r r a n t y o f
habilabilily" was violated only during Ihe months of
January through March, and awarded the lenanls $ 100
a month compensation for a total of $300.
The lenanls arc now only responsible for the $250
difference between their March rent and the abatement
awarded Ihcm by Ihe court.
In addition, Snnghi's warrant of eviction was set
" A l t h o u g h the lack of heal was not so drastic as to
he life-ihreaiening," Duncan said, " i l would appear
from the evidence that for Ihe months o f Jnnuaty,Fcbruary and March of 1984 the lack of heat was
enough to adversely affect Ihe lifestyle of the tenants
who lived in Ihe apartment."
And while Sanghi demons!rated " g o o d f a i l h " a l the
Irial, Duncan said, " g o o d faith alone is not sufficient
lo tree a landlord from a breach o f warranty of
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Council cuts OCC's pay, approves SA budget
By llene Welnsteln
STAFF iiwmi
At a 10 hour mccllng Wednesday Central
Council unanimously approved nexl year's
Sludcnl Association budget; after
eliminnllng Ihc stipends for Ihe positions of
Off-Campus Coordinator (OCX')'and the
proposed Affirmative A'ciion Coordinator
for Ihe 1984-85 year. Only 13 of Council's 33
elected members were actually preseni when'
the budget was passed. This constitutes a lack
o f quorum, so ihc Council's approval of Ihc
budget can be appealed.
SA President Rich Schaffer, who must sign
the budget, it goes lo the SA President lo he
The decision lo eliminate the positions Of
OCX' and affirmative action coordinaior was
made by Council as pari of tin effort lo cul
down on the "fatly areas" in order lo
balance Ihc budget, said SA Com roller
Adam linrsky.
Off-campus representative Neil Shapiro Introduced Ihe proposal lo cut Ihe (OCCj postlion, saying the relationship between the
OCX'and the Chair of Ihe Off-campus Hoard
Of Directors is similar lo a "two -headed
monster." Uoih positions are lioi needed, he
The relationship
between the OCC and
the Chair of OffCampus Board of
Directors is similar to
a "two-headed
BOB soucv UPS
ihc budget lor it lo be officially approved by
SA, has said lie may veto i l . Council can
override his velo by a majority vole,
The SA groups budgcl totals $570,000,
which is approximately Ihc same size as lasi
year's budgcl.
The budgetary process begins with SA's
Budget Committee, headed this year by Steve
Sinatra. They draft a proposed budgcl which
is sent lo Ihe President and Controller for approval. The proposed budget is then passed
lo Central Council where SA recognized
groups may appeal for changes, and amendments may be added. Once Council passes
— N e i l Shapiro
contended, adding that ihe Oil -campus
Association's Hoard of Directors can do
more than Ihe OCX' because there arc 15
members on Ihc board. Shapiro was the chair
of Ihe Off-campus Association's Hoard of
Directors this year.
Cheryl Kahncr, Vice Chair of OCA's
Hoard of Directors, appealed lo Council,
stressing thai Ihe money spent to stipend the
OCC Is unnecessary. "The main argument
for denying (groups) budgets has been ihc
duplication of services," she said, adding
that ihe OCC and Ihe Off-campus board of
directors are duplicating services. The board
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C r i m i n a l Justice
represents ihe 6IXK) off-campus siudenis ai
boards, which have COIISIHIICIICIK
SUNYA, she said.
1,100-1,350 siudenis.
"Off-campus students need a voice in Ihe
The Social Welfare Association, vV|,jc|u
executive branch," countered newly elected originally placed under the Social Scicn
Vice President Su/y Aulelia, Ihc former offStudent Associalion, was allowed lucuhl'
campus coordinaior. Aulelia said thai
lis own niter lenders of both groups npneale
SUNVA I'resideni Vincent O'Lcnry feels the
for the separation, The group was given
OCC Is necessary lo "legitimize off-campus
budgcl of $600.
The Anthropology Club, which »«
This past year was the first lime SA had a
originally a separate organization, m
stipended off-campus coordinaior.
denied funding and their budget svnslia'ltiitec
A $250 stipend for the chair of the offIn Ihc budget for Social Science Sludcnl
campiis hoard of .directors was added lo the
Association. The money will he used lo pro.
budgcl. The chair will act as a liason for offvide programming in the iiniluapology field
campus siudenis lo ihc SA executive branch.
Nadir, an on-campus lilerary mayuzine
Off-campus representative l.auri Cole inappealed their denial of funding mul »ij
troduced Ihc amendment lo cul ihe proposed
given a budgcl o f $2,171). A rider wns Mined.
position of Affirmative Aeiion Coordinaior,
ed lo its budgcl which slated Ihal lis biota
saying she fell the job should be performed
would reveri lo SA's General l-und unless
by Ihe Minority Affairs Coordinaior. The
their conslilulion is revised lo provide |bi ide
Minoriiy Affairs Coordinaior should know
selection of the editorial board by Novcmbct
lite Affirmative Action policy anyway, she
W C D B , the campus radio slalion, »»
Off-campus representative Dwaync Samp- denied additional funding.
son, who left the meeting before ihe amendThe Revisionist Zionist Alternative (RZA)
ment was proposed later opposed Ihe change.
"Nexl year will be a testing ground and if and Camp Dippikill, which were debated
were given budgets of $3,4il and
lliere is an overburdening on lite Minoriiy
Affairs Coordinaior, I'll push a b i l l " lo $83,626, respectively. DipplklU's budgcl nil
reinstate Hie AITirmaiivc Action Coordinaior cul $10,800 from lasl year, bin is Mill ik
largest budgcl of all groups. This was Ihc tint
position Sampson said.
year RZA asked for a budget,
"The Minority Affairs Coordinaior canThe Debate Society, a new orgtinr/nllon,
not handle bolli offices," maintained SA
and Middle Earth, which were debated an
Presldnl Rich Schaffer.
Monday, were given budgets ol $3,632 anil
Council heard appeals of several groups
$14,731, respeclively. Middle I anil hltdbccn
for changes in ilieir funding al Ihe meeting.
given a $2,450 stipend Increase.
The Social Alternative, which was denied
The, income lines of tunny culiuiiil group]
funding, tried lo appeal the decision but lost.
have been reduced to little ot nothing, exRepresentative Sieve Russo explained Ihal
plained Barsky, "These groups are usiiflllj
ISA was a duplication of services. Its main
small, and we ean'i expect litem toraiselitrje
purpose is social Interaction, he combined,
income lines," he said.
adding thai SA has plenty of parlies. " I l ' s a
The figure for the total budgei does not,
luxury we can't a f f o r d , " he said.
according lo liarsky, Include $l!),000 fui
Off-campus Association appealed for
Dippikill development, $57,(XX) for Ihe New
more funding, which il received. Its original
York Public Interest Research Ciruiip
budgcl was $3,826 and il was raised lo $5000.
(NYPIRG) and $28,500 for ihe Sludcnl
Kahner, who presented the appeal, explained
Associalion of ihe Slate University (SASUl,
ihal OCA has more expenses than Ihe Quad
These are funded through sludcnl referenda.
Union Station to be revitalized by $8.5M plan
' By Bette Dzamba
arc expected to cost eight million
I STAFF itwraw
dollars and take one and a half
Il has been sixteen years since
years to complete. The building will
Union Station was the stage Tor ihe
be purchased from Ihe stale al a
sad departures and joyous reunions
cost of $500,000 bringing Ihc total
o f rail travelers but now the granite cost of ihe project lo eight and a
cavern will once again resound with
half million dollars, said ihe times
the foolstcps and voices. The
Union report.
Norslar Bcncorp corporation, a
In addition to Ihe reuovalion of
holding company, plans lo convert
ihc slalion itself the times Union
Ihc station into offices for its 300
reported ihal Ihc cily plans lo build
a four million dollar public parking
According to a report in the garage behind the slalion. Albany
Albany Times Union Stale and
Mayor Thomas VVhalen III said
Bank officials unveiled Ihe plans jtitat the garage will have two levels
for the station's rebirth al a press Willi spaces for 900 cars. According
conference al ihc station on Broadlo VVhalen it will be operated by the
way on April I I . The renovations
Albany parking authority.
Researchers find sexual
fantasies commonplace
By llene Welnsteln
! The average person engages in
seven or eight sexual fantasies a
day, but some people have as many
as 40 or even more, according lo
Psychology Professor
Barlow, who is the co-direclor
for Ihe Clinic for Stress ad Anxiety
Disorders, emphasized that "these
are only rough estimates." He
asscrled thai some sexual thoughts
included in ihis approximation are
not " f u l l - b l o w n " and last only a
few seconds.
Musi people who engage in sexual thoughts arc normal, said
Barlow. " A l l people have different
kinds of sexual fantasies," he explained and added Ihal Ihe frequency and intensity of these fantasies
are important lo study.
The frequency of a fantasy can
indicate a psychological problem,
said Barlow. Among rapists and
child molesters, ihc frequency of
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fantasies is very h i g h , and
sometimes sexual thoughts arc a
constant obsession throughout Ihe
day. Barlow said he believes Ihal If
someone has a recurrent fantasy 70
lo 80 percent of Ihc lime, he or she
will act on it.
The content of fantasies does not
make t hem abnormal, Barlow said,
adding thai Masters and Johnson,
Ihc leading researchers on sexual
behavior, sludicd boll) homosexual
and helcrosexuals' and heterosexuals' sexual thoughts.
" I l used lo be that a heterosexual
who had a homosexual fantasy
would be diagnosed as a latent
homosexual," he said. Today, it is
considered "perfectly n o r m a l " for
heterosexuals lo have homosexual
fantasies and vice versa.
However, this lypc of fantasy is
u n c o m m o n , asserted B a r l l o w .
" T h e arc accidental," he said, and
added thai these ihoughls can be
iriggcred by movies or suggestions.
Barlow also researched ihe sexual
fantasies sexual deviants for the
Sexuality Research Program, a
branch o f the clinic lhat he heads.
Subjects were referred lo Ihc clinic
for study and assessment by menial
health professionals according lo
The clinic docs have a treatment
program for sex offenders, and
'sometimes refer lis patients to the
New York Slalc Psychialirc Insiiiuic al Columbia University,
which is closing down this summer.
"There arc few Ircalmenl in Ihe
correctional system or outside il for
sex offenders," Barlow said.
Barlow and his staff arc currently
studying the problems of male Impotence and female sexual dysfunction, he said. Barlow said the clinic
works primarily lo decide if a problem is psychological or physical, or
some combination of both.
The psychological causes vary
grcally among both men and
women, Barlow explained, bin the
factors thai maintain impotence are
more specific. Men who are impoIcnl will focus on other things
rather than sexual cues during
lovemaking, he said, adding, "ilieir
minds will jump from one topic 10
another, hoi all of ihc'ni sexual."
Among women, the predominant
factors are stressful or tnnunalic experiences involving sex and negative
attitudes concerning sex.
Organic factors maintaining impotence range for bolli men and
women from side effects of various
m e d i c a t i o n s , such as a n t i hypertensive drugs, 10 a hidden
vascular Insufficiency, which
prevents bipod from flowing lo the
genitals, explained Barlow.
The patients, who range ill age
from 30 to 60, are referred lo Ihe
clinic by private physicians, usually
urologists. Control subjects are,
also, used, according lo Dan
Abrahamson, Ihe Chief Graduate
Student on staff, to compare the
difference in subjective and
physical arousal. SUNYA students
have been used as control subjects
for several semesters, Abrahamson
Paticnis, Barlow said, arc given
physical exams, deiaild inlcrvicws,
psychological and physiological
testing of sexual responses lo arrive
al accurate assessments of ihcir problems.
Hardware and equipment are important in dala collection, explained Abrahamson. Sirnin gauges and
polygraphs are used lo record difI'erenl body responses, he said.
Success rales in curing impotence
vary grcally depending on Ihe problem, said Barlow, adding that the
ratio reported by Maslers and
Johnson are cxaggeraicd. While
Maslers and Johnson have reported
a rale of aboul 75 percent, ihe
figures "are more like 40 to 50 pcrc e n i , " he said.
The cily, according to Ihc article,
will further contribute to the
renewal of Ihc area by building a
park across the street from Ihc
building's entrance. VVhalen said
that plans for the park have nol yel
been formulated.
Whalcn maintained ihal Ihc plans
for ihe slalion will have a significant effect on Albany. " I Ihink il
will have a dramatic impact on Ihc
rcvilatization of Braodway and
North Pearl to Clinton Avenue. I
ihink il will trigger substantial new
c o n s t r u c t i o n in Ihc c o m i n g
inomlis," ihc mayor suid.
Conimisioncr of the Slate Office
of General Services, John Egiin,
spoke optimistically about die project. " I l ' s great," said Egan. " I .
think it's going to do greal I lungs
for downtown Albany and urban
renewal in general," he added.
Egan speculated ihal some of Ihc
state offices, now located in Colonic, may eventually move lo Ihc
downtown area. " A l the moment
nothing is cast ill bronze," cautioned Egan, " i t ' s all speculative. You
want what will work out best for Ihc
agency and ihc people involved."
According lo Whalcn, construction on Ihc slalion will begin as
soon as Ihc title can be transferred
from Ihc stale lo Norstar. " I n as little as 30 days," speculated Ihc
The renovation plans, according
lo the Times Union, were designed
by Steven Einhorn of the architectural firm Einhorn, Yaffc, Prcscolt,
and Krouner. Einhorn was quoted
in Ihe times Union as saying " W e
will build a new building inside this
building and keep wilhin Ihe
historical fabric of the sitilion."
According 10 the Times Union
Ihe Beaux arts classical style
building was erected 84 years ago by
the New York Central Railroad,
The renovated slalion will have a
public meeting room, corporate offices, a data processing unit, and
other Norslar units. Two mezzanine
floors will increase ihc total usable
office space from 56,000 to 86,000
square feci. " A n open multilevel
lobby will provide a view of the ceiling will) ils recessed panels and ornate cast
structures,'' reported Ihe Times
T h e Knickerbocker
reported thai the Norslar-Bencorp
corporation will sell ils Western
Ave. headquarters and Stale St. offices and move into the newly
renovated station by Ihc spring o f
The Norslar Bcncorp plan initiated by bank president, Peter
Kicrnan, is Ihc least expensive o f
several plans which have arisen
within Ihc past few years.
According lo Ihe Times Union,
Lewis Swycr planned to spend 100
million dollars lo build shops,
restaurants, a hotel and a 30 lloor
Office building wilhin Ihe slalion
and Ihe surrounding area.
When Ibis plan was thwarted by
financing problems it was scaled
down to include a 20 lloor office
building to be used by Ihe slalc.
Laic in 1982 this second plan was
laid lo rest because the office rent
would have been too expensive for
Ihc slalc.
In late 1983 I B M planned lo
spend 10 million dollars to convert
the slalion into a corporate headquarters. In January, however,
I B M decided thai the historic status
o f the edifice presented preservation problems which did nol fit In
witli Ihc corporation's plans. The
times Union said Ihal Kicrnan
decided to lake a look at the station
after hearing aboul IBM's failed
plan on a late-night T.V. newscast.
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Buy your tickets at the Contact Office
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News Updates
Trustees order hike
(AP)Ou(-of-slale students of the State
University of New York are expected to pay
$550 more for tuition in the next school year
as a result or actions taken by SUNY
The Board of Trustees on Wednesday
directed Chancellor Cllflon Wharton to
prepare the revised tuition and fee schedules
and lo raise dormitory rales by $150 a year.
Final action on the tuition and dorm rates
by Ihe board is not expected until June, and
the new fees would lake effect starting the
fall semesters of the SUNY campuses. Fee
hikes must first by published in Ihe stale's official register before the board may formally
No tuition increases were proposed for
New York slate residents attending
undergraduate or graduate programs al
SUNY's 29 state-operated campuses.
SA-AV may be sold
ding to SA controller Adam Barsky.
Negotiations were discussed recently, and
the university cited the purchase to enable
them to "fix u p " the Performing Arts
Center, said Barsky.
Once the university goes through Ihe pro. per state offices to finalize the transaction,
and providing no unforscen difficulties, the
university will plan lo buy the equipment,
Barsky added.
Office remodeled
High quality services are still being provided lo students in the Students Account office, despite extensive remodeling being
done, said Associate Director of Student Accounts Kaihlccn Wakcman.
Electrical work, ventilation changes, new
lights and a new ceiling arc among the extensive changes currently being undertaken in
the Billing and Accounts maintenance office.
While the employees arc unconvinced,
Wakeman stressed Ihnl services to students
The univcrsily is planning lo buy Student have been "remarkably ell'ieienl," and have
Association's audio-visual equipment, accor- not been inconvenienced at all.
Senate to vote on ( W
been awarded a $19,000 fellowship from Ihe
John Simon Guggenheim Foundation for.
studies in organosulfur chemistry. Block is
The " W " grade proposal will go before one out of nine SUNYA faculty members 10,
the University Senate on Monday, May 7, ac- receive ihe fellowship this year.
cording to the chair of the Senate's
The fellowship will finance Block's travel,
Undergraduate Academic Council, Cathy research and writing about organosulfur
If the senate approves the proposal, a
" W " will appear on the transcripts of
students who drop courses ten days after the
start of a semester. The proposal would also
lengthen Ihe add period from six days lo ten.
If approved, the new policy will go into efThe television news service which was carfect in September, 1985.
ried throughout the university is no longer
The proposal was developed for two operating, according to director of the
reasons, said the assistant dean for the Center Educational Communications Center Grant
for Undergraduate Education, Dick Collier. Van Patten.
Rcuiers News Service, which has been carHe said ihe " W " is designed lo prcveni overrcgisiraiion and to give a more accurate pic- ried on the campuswidc television distribution
system, has been discontinued by
ture of a student's academic record.
Capilol Cablcvision, which was the local
source for the SUNYA television system,
Van Patten said.
He said thai he is looking for a replacemeni for Reulers.
The television news service appeared in Ihe
Eric Block, professor of chemistry al t h e lecture centers and in Ihe Administration
Stoic Univcrsily of New York al Albany, has Building, among other places.
TV news service ends
Block wins fellowship
Capitalism, socialism debated
liccs and institutions thai are fundamcnlally essential lo our way of
life. These institutions cannot be
tampered wilh," he said.
Schoolman explained ihal it is
more a question of lo what degree
socialism can be admitted. He
argued that ii can be beneficial to
Introduce some aspects or socialsim
lo our society. "Socialism can be
used to purge capitalism of some of
iis ncgaiivc features," explained
Schoolman also argued that one
of Ihe fundamental differences
separating capitalism and socialism
was the issue of privale property.
Schoolman argued lhal ihe reason
why privale properly is an essential
instiiuiion of capitalism is that it is
Irnporlanl in our dcvelopmcni of
"the self."
"Privale properly and privale
ownership establish boundaries between the individual and ihe stale
and helps to establish individual
righls," Schoolman said. "A society which encourages private property encourages the individual lo
identity possessions with self. The
self shoulcin'i belong lo another,
and the privale self should nol be
determined by some outside force,"
maintained School man.
Schoolman advocated I lie
assimilation of socialism wilh
capitalism. "Socialism," he said,
"should be used lo mitigate the harshest realities of capitalism, but
should not tampci with its fundamental institutions. Wc can admil socialism al ihe "periphery, as
long as capitalism remains at the
Following Ihe introductory
statements from both sides of the
panel, debate between panel
members and questions from the
audience were allowed.
Questions focused on Ihe
socialists, asking how society would
be affected and changed under a
socialist form of government. Questions asked of the capitalists focused on justifying the exploitive
aspect of capitalism, and its emphasis on greed and competition,
Birn answered lhal socialism
would aid society by increasing
equality and allowing for greater
social participation in politics.
"Socialism would break down tile
decisions we arc making and look at
their basis. We can have greater
equality without sacrificing productivity. Our basic social needs are not
being met," he responded.
In response to a question regarding exploitation of the Third
World nations by capitalists]
Schoolman asserted I hat litis is a
tradeoff we are forced to make in a
capitalistic society. "II is a notion
wc have to live wilh" Schoolman
said. "We all have Exxon credit
cards, or loans with hanks that arc
lenciing money lo countries in Central America. It is something we
have to live with," he said.
In response lo the same question,
Birn asserted lhal il is a question of
making a decision thai wc arc comfortable with. "There is the theory
thai the pie is getting bigger, and
lite question wc must ask ourselves
under capitalism is if wc arc comfortable with tlic notion that in
order to keep our dominant share
of ihe pie, we have to repress
The forum attracted approximately 75-80 people.
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Pretenders not coming to Mayfest
-«Front Page
Student Association Controller
Adam Barsky said thai UCB, which
sponsors Mayfest, was budgeted for
$134,000 this year, and is expected
lo put $80,000 of lhal back inloSA.
The $54,000 difference was to be
used to hold down the cost of ticked
prices at UCB concerts, particularly
Mayfest, Barsky explained. "We're
trying to throw Ihe besl event we
can at the lowest cost lo students,"
he said.
Last year U2 headlined Mayfest,
but Barsky said Ihe cvcnl lost
money because 1,500 fewer people
attended the event than were needed to break even.
UCB went over its budget by
scheduling the recent Clash concert
before spring break. Barsky said
lhal UCB!s expected income will be
raised to cover the costs of thai concert. "They'll make their income
line but they'll also spend more
money than their budget," he explained.
Laic Thursday night Kalian said
.38 Special was being considered for
the fourth act. "Wc put in an offer
for Ihem," he staled, adding that
an answer was expected sometime
Friday. He said the band was offered "around $20,000" to appear.
A different act which Kalian said
was possible, but not likely, would
be the band founded by Chris Difford and Glen Tilbrook, two exSqueeze members.
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Political experts debate
socialist, capitalist ideals
By Aileen Brown
Capitalism, nol socialism, is incompalible
wilh democracy, according lo SUNYA
Political Science Professor Bruce Miroff.
Miroff participated in a forum Wednesday
night which pilled professors defending the
"freedom" oT capitalism against those promoting the "democracy" of socialism.
The forum, which was sponsored by the
Democratic Socialists of America and
mediated by group member Brian Van Cirol,
began wilh a statement from history professor Donald Birn, who defended the theory
of a democratic socialist government, which
would combine all the democratic ideals in a
socialist government.
"Socialism lo me is a method to back
democracy" Birn began. "I'm concerned
with increasing freedom, nol in an esoteric
sense, but in the very real sense in which we
understand freedom lo mean today."
Birn went on to explain the backgrounds
of socialism, and how certain events
developed the idea and theory of socialism.
According lo Birn, Iherc are two basic nolions of socialism which were indicated by
two major revolutions, the French Revolution, and the Industrial Revolution. "The
French Revolution was a bailie for freedom
and democracy," he said, "And the Industrial Revolution was one of technological
promise. These two revolutions, lo an extent,
reconstructed polities. We have lo grapple
wilh Ihc inpact of these two revolutions."
Birn ended his initial statement by stressing
the impact and effects socialism has on society. He emphasized the benefits to be derived
from a socialist form of government- the increased freedom of choice in certain areas, a
greater ability to plan govcrnmenl, and more
benefits for a greater number of people.
"We have to sec socialism as an extension
of democracy" Birn staled. "Socialism can
extend democracy while keeping democratic
freedoms. There is a choice before us in the
ncxl century, and we have to ask ourselves if
the choices we make are ones thai will increase our freedom and enhance our lives.
Socialism, like democracy, is Ihc appropriate
response for Ihc century ahead."
Speaking in opposition to Birn was History
Department Professor Richard Kendall. Kendall defended capilalism in terms of Ihe opportunity it offers. Kendall based his theory
defending capitalism on the adage "ifil ain't
broke, don'l fix it," saying that capilalism
had worked for our society successfully in Ihc
"I'm primarily intcrcsled in freedom,"
Kendall began, "freedom, and mobility.
America is a place of mobility, you can starl
al Ihe bottom and move up. In terms of
freedom and mobility, this sociely has provided a great deal of bolh. These are primarily economic questions, but mosl of them arc
also part of a larger social and political
Kendall also talked about capitalism and
sociely saying thai capitalism is an imponant
outlet for social energy. "It seems lo me lhat
it is important to Ihc system and our
economic functioning lhat capilalism is compcliiivc. To me, competition is important. It
produces belter goods and service, and
enables us to give vcnl to our energies. This
provides for a healthier society," he explained.
In terms of Ihc future, Kendall cautioned
lhat we should learn from our mistakes and
proceed slowly. "In looking ahead, 1 think
we should proceed cautiously, and very slowly. Any adjustments we make should be
made slowly and wilh caution," he said also.
Miroff advocated socialism, stressing the
tics bclwcen socialism and democracy.
"There is a strong relationship between
capitalism, socialism and democracy" Miroff
said. "To link socialism wilh democracy is
considered unusual, odd. Mosl Americans
equate socialism wilh undemocratic and
authoritative rule. It is nol. It is also nol
socialism that is incompatible with
democracy, it is capitalism thai is incompatible. Capitalism was once compatible with
democracy, when it used 10 be small scale
and genuinely competitive, wilh numerous
Miroff asserted lhat capilalism as a competitive systcrm no longer exisls, thai it has
been replaced by a non-compeiilive form of
corporale capitalism. "We now have a
system of corporale capitalism," Miroff
"It is dominated by large corporale entities
which have a stranglehold over democracy,"
he explained. "Corporations in America enjoy a privileged position in bolh business and
politics. Corporations in our society make
the critical decisions. Our modern government is forced lo be solicitors of Ihe corporate sector," said Miroff.
Miroff said that nol only docs business
have a structural bias in society, it also controls society in indirect ways by contributing
to campaigns, lobbying and controlling the
mass media. It is this domination of business,
said Miroff, that prevents capilalism from
being democratic, since the people's interests
arc not primary.
"The key problem is lhat the primary
questions of society such as work life,
technology, distrlblion of income, wealth
and properly are not part of Ihe public agenda under capitalism" Miroff said.
"Capitalism daocs not allow these decisions
to be made by Ihe people."
Miroff concluded his introductory statement by advocating Democralic Socialism in
response lo Ihe problems of government and
scoiely today. "Democratic Socialism is taking the idea of democracy seriously," he said.
"It is not a regime to control everything, it is
a way to open up deomcracy in all areas
where it has been driven out. It is taking the
public control over investmenl decisions out
of the hands of Ihe capitalist elite. It is new
forms of economic life such as cooperatives
and employee ownership of the means of
produclion. It is more freedom, more equal
rights," Miroff contended.
To conclude the introductory statements,
Political Science Professor Morion
Schoolman argued for the Capitalists side.
Schoolman said lhai the debale is not between capilalism and socialism, it is a chance
lo break away from the dichotomy between
the Iwo theories.
"Socialism and capitalism can be
assimilated," Schoolman asserted. "It is imperative, however, that we rclain Ihc prac9*-
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Socialism called "a method lo hack democracy.
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Life after Mayfest
ext week there will be a special runoff
election for SA president between Rich
Schaffer and Tim Hallock. The turnout
at the first election was ridiculously low, and
runoffs are known to be even worse. If people don't take an interest and turn out to
vote, the big victory will go to apathy and
disenchantment, and the big losers will be the
SA affects every aspect of life on campus.
Almost $1 million of our mandatory student
activity fee goes into the SA budget. This
money funds over 80 student groups, from
WCDB and Concert Board to ASUBA JSC-
Hillel and Middle Earth. It also goes to funding intercollegiate athletics. SA is the avenue
for almost all student activities, and the president is the person in charge of it.
Aside from heading SA, the president is the
leading student representative and advocate.
In this role s/he works on issues ranging from
alcohol policy, bus fee, women's safety and
dorm robberies to fighting against tuition
hikes and for polling places on campus.
There is hardly any area of our lives that goes
unaffected by the work of the SA president.
Yet over four-fifths of us did not,bother to
step off the dinner lines or into the campus
center and cast a vote for who will lead our
pervasive student government next year,
As always, SA has had its share of political
problems this year. Many people see "petty
politics" or "student apathy" on campus and
turn away in cynicism. But the solution, like
the problem, begins with us, and there is no
better place to start than in the ballot box,
Listen to the candidates, find out where
they stand. Talk to people. And cast a vote.
There is life on this campus after "Mayfcst,"
Be a part of it!
Defining our national interest
Human suffering. As a result of political conflicts such
suffering has become an everday reality. In many instances
our nation, Ihc United Slates of America, has played a role,
often an important role, in the suffering brought about by
these conflicts. How we arc concerned says a lot about the
potential outcome for foreign cultures, often we define our
involvement in terms of our "interests." Just what our "interests" arc has been a dormant question with an evasive
Alexander F. Ross
We who hold the concept of democracy sacred often turn
our face to nations that admire our system and wish to
become democracies. Instead of taking the time to forge
strong allies and strong democratic nations, with the opportunities and rights we possess, we support regimes who in
turn will support our "interests." Often, this means not a
democratic structure but individual rulers, and dictators.
Moreover, while our nation indeed benefits from the cheap
labor and raw materials of other nations, the people native to
those lands go uneducated, malnourished and often risk their
lives if they protest these conditions. In many instances our
constitutional laws which provide the cornerstone of our
domestic democracy arc disregarded in Ihc foreign policy and
practice of our government. Frequently, our government
takes these nonhumanilarian, nondcmocraiic actions, in the
name of our national "interest," in ihc name of the domestic
practice we value so dearly.
Examples of these phenomena are many, but some arc in
need of immediate review. As Ihc American public remains
on the sideline, unaware of our government's activities, people in countries on every continent are living under oppressive systems and conditions. South Africa, for example.
How have we helped influence representational democracy?
South Africa enjoys a strategic location on the African continent with rich natural resources, a strong distaste for communism, and a large segregated black population-whom Ihc
while minority exploits. We are one of Ihc very few nations
which support South Africa: can we limit our democratic
principles 10 our internal policy?
Up until this spring our current government was directly
involved with Lebanon's civil war. Our president and his
secretary of stale told the American public that the reason
our youth were positioned in Lebanon was lo preserve the
current Lebansc government and lo serve our "interests." It
subsequently became apparent that the Christian minority
would lose power in the future. We pulled out of there leaving over 200 American dead, without a political solution, and
without a peace for the people of Lebanon.
Currently, we are deeply involved in the internal affairs of
many nations in Central America none of which send
military or political advisors to our nation to solve our internal problems. America has, for over 60 years, exploited Central America. We have done so with corporations and by implanting dictators and giving aid in a fashion that preserves
our "interests" but not benefitting the pooplc in any extensive manner. Our ideas for creating democracy in Central
America have only led to the financial betterment of a few
companies and individuals. There arc few countries in the
area with working democracies; we must understand the
crucial role American governments have played throughout
the twentieth century in forcing Ihc revolutions and civil wars
in progress today..
We have had our chance to help form democracies, yet we
have not taken Ihc opportunity lo do this. Our government
claims that the communists are suppressing the democratic
processes there. It is not because the people of Nicaragua, El
Salvador or Guatemala want totalitarian governments, since
they have been living that way for decades. The people expect
the democracy their leaders have promised them, the
democracy our government in America pledged to create. We
should not be so quick as lo label Nicaragua's government as
communist; can there only be two possibilities — com' munislic or democratic? With what lypc of government were
they living under before the revolution? It was dictatorship,
whole-heartedly supported by the American government.
The way our government has dealt with ihc successful and
popular revolution in Nicaragua has been with military
counterattacks. We have refused lo negotiate; we have refused to listen lo the rest of the world. The political initiatives of
the Conladora group, consisting of countries within the
region, have been ignored by our government. The possibility of ruling from the world court have recently been
disregarded beforehand by our president. The first action
will certainly bewilder Ihc Central American nations that
strive to attain our democratic values. The second will be a
sign to the resl of Ihe world thai we view Central America impcrialisticaily, as ours to deal with as we sec fit. However, Ihe
resl of Ihe world is concerned, and does not necessarily sec
Ihc changes in Nicaragua as communistic but rather as an attempt at undoing years of inequality and exploitation.
Our government has cenlcred all its efforts on changing
Nicaragua with force, yet ihe people of Nicaragua will fight
for Ihcir new opportunity at democracy. It will lake more
soldiers than the Coniras can mass to overthrow ihc current
government. The most likely allies in such a war manocvcr
would be Honduras and the United Stales. In the end we
would probably attain our goal, the securing of our "inleresls." Multitudes of Nicaraguans, Americans and other
peoples would die. We would risk intcrnaiional repercussions, and it is questionable if democracy as we believe in
America would be implimcntcd.
We arc afraid thai the model or Nicaragua will spread lo
other Central American nations, that communism will take
hold so close to our own soil. We should not use Ihe mask of
communism as our excuse for subversion of Cenlral
America's freedom to choose its own direction. For, if we
had offered these nations to our south Ihc same democracy
we offer our own citizens, there would be no communislic
threat. Instead many in El Salvador are waging a strong bat-
tle for change, and they do not appear lo be fading away in
ihc near future. There was a political problem In Guatemala
which has been dealt with by force. The Indians who wauled
change have been all bin killed off. American-backed dictators wilh American arms and American military advisors
slopped Ihe pleas for change. It was done in a ver)
nondcmocraiic manner and it served our government's "in
The Central Intelligence Agency has supervised Ihe laying
of mines by Coniras in Nicaraguan harbors, keeping this activity covert. The presidem defended the action as a prohibitive measure lo slop ihc shipping of arms by Nicaragua
lo El Salvador. The three ports mined have littlo Involvement
wilh Ihe shipment of arms. There is one body of water thai
could be used by Nicaragua for such activity, Ihe Gull of
Fonseca. It was not mined. The Coniras wilh the direel aid of
Ihe CIA are moving from Costa Rica through the southern
border of Nicaragua and taking small areas in that region.
This in turn, will force Nicaragua lo defend its territory.
Possibly soon there will be a heated battle and America with
its weapons and young people will be there to defend out
"interests," as we did in VietNam and Lebanon.
It is time young people asked what our "interests" are in
other nations. As the guardians of democracy, arc we working towards attaining the same rights for other peoples that
we enjoy here in America? Our interests should be sirong
allies who can trade with us and share in the positive changes
in health care and education — this we can offer to our
neighbors. For, while some Americans enjoy a high standard
of living, health, education and political freedom, it is ai lite
expense of others. Moreover, while we live lives thinking thai
in other nations they live as we do, we musl take lime to
become informed and make the decisions of a democracy.
Wc musl decide what our "interests" really are. For ihe
world does nol slop at Lark Street or the Longbranch or at
Ihe border with Mexico. America's interest should include
Ihc needs of those people in other lands, our neighbors, our
friends and our fellow human beings. We will live together or
perish alone.
APRIL 27, 1984 I
In Memoriam
iJowmuch love, sex, fun and
mendshlp can a person take?
They te eight old (riendi *tnj h n m i Men tach c4l»i
xz?r, Saw ,o * iomdhin9 ® $ *
And Ondmo ail ih,y n
m J tl
Dance, Dance, Dance
| H . m i l i C I I M s - | " " " • » • > WAN REfTMAN
Here^j to good friends
William "Count" Basie
SA Funded
Indian Quad.
C'est Moi
Themes: 1999
%>Mh of Border
Toga & Wings
Friday April 27,1984 9:30 PM - 2 0 0
SA Funded
Double ID
When 1 was younger, say about seven. I used to want to be Peter Pan. Now
I'm nineteen. and most of the time 1 want to be John Keenan. but there are times
— midterms, finals, tuition, pre-registration. and especially when the stat
machine Is busted (for those of you who don't understand ASP lexicon, saying
"the stat machine is busted" is just another way of saying "I'm screwed") —
when I feel a small, guilty twinge Inside of me that wants to be Peter Pan again.
No heavy tuition bills, no term papers, just Captain Hook and the Indians.
Simplicity Itself.
I was never a responsible person, unfortunately, and adulthood landed on me
like the proverbial (and cllched. sorry) ton of bricks. Suddenly I was faced with a
myriad of decisions I'd never had to give a thought to before. Depressing. But
you get used to it. everybody does, you learn to cope, to adjust, to assimilate.
No more catching Jrogs. boy. Time to grow up.
Sure, there are perks to adulthood; tonight, for example,I indulged in my firstever legal beer at the Rat, a monumental event (so monumental. In fact, that 1
managed to stick Steve Marks with the tab.) A beer at the Rat. . .1 mean, if that's
not the good life what Is?
But there's one phrase, as I get older, that begins to bother me more and
more; Think seriously.
Vou're an adult. John. Think seriously.
You're nineteen. Don't be so freshmany.
You have to think seriously about a job for the summer, because unless you
make $1,500 this summer, you can kiss Albany good-bye.
Think seriously? You mean. 1 can't fly anymore? 1 can't stand and look up at
the sky. then close my eyes and pretend I can feel the world revolving under
You mean I have to learn how to fill out an IRS W-1040 short form? How to
"schedule my time?" How to grow up?
And thirty years later you're an old. fat balding man sitting on your porch
wondering where it all went. Well, "it" Is leaving me now (somewhat belatedly, I
admit), and that's a scary feeling.
Childhood is safe. Even being a teenager is safe. Adulthood.
with all of it s
perks and pleasures. . is frightening.
So there are times. . .despite all my plans to get an apartment with a friend
next semester, despite my ambition to be a journalist, despite even my overwhelming need to be taken seriously. . .that a small voice inside me seems to
say. "Who needs II?"
I do. I know.
But tonight ,1 don't.
Second star on the right. And straight on 'til morning.
ootworks, at SUNY's Performing Arts Center tlvs weekend {April
27-2H). is a montage «»f dance, ranging from classical forms to modern,
popular music to no music al all. The Dance Council's annual showcase
of student lalent. Including production and well as dance, is an
exciting and visually stimulating way to spend an evening,
The cast of Footworks has been hard at work on this year's production since
the fall. The months of effort come to fruiton tonight and tomorrow, as the
dancers get the opportunity to show SDNYA just what they've been working so
hard to do.
One of Footworks ensemble. Rachel Goldberg, who will be seen in the pieces
F.uphoria, Grand Wu/tz. Born To Grow a Shell, and Rebellion (as well as having
choreographed yet another piece. The Process) has recieved a summer scholarship with the Lamone Dance Company, a well-known modern dance troupe,
Rachel's dancing is most brightly displayed in the show's opening number.
F.uphoria, and her choreography in The Process is an effective demonstration of
why she recieved the recognition she did.
Another interesting note to this year's production is the increasing number of
participants, especially among the male members of the show, who, at seven,
are significantly more than the number of males who performed last year.
Howeyer, overall interest itself has increased a good deal, guaranteeing to make
this year's Footworks one of the best ever.
Footworks will be shown on the main stage of the Performing Arts Center
tonight at 8 p.m.. and tomorrow al S p.m. Tickets are on sale now. prices ranging from $4.50 for students with cards. fi.TiO for students without lax cards,
and ft; 5.0 for general admission
Inside • ••
Here on Introspects we have a memoriam in honor of Count
Basie, who passed away Wednesday, and a preview ofFootujorks,
a dance performance to be held at the Performing Arts Center this
weekend. Also. John Keenan reflects on the process of growing
older, becoming maudlin, crashing from the emotional high of consuming his first legal Bud draft at the Rat as the stat machine
busted. . .
Ian Spelling presents the legacy of Srar Trek — the eternally
popular series, the Emmy Award-winning cartoon, and the motion
pictures. Ian gives us a preview of the second Star Trek sequel. In
Search of Spock, which is scheduled for release in June.
•6aPerspectives: Auditioning for a role in a play requires as much
rehearsal and causes as much stage fright as the production itself
does. C M . Kaplan relates the story of one actor's performance for
three judges. Also, Michelle Krell presents a rather chilling piece of
Vinyl Views: Before the Clash concert-April 11th, WCDB's David
Singer interviewed the band's lead singer. Joe Strummer. Here,
recounted in Aspects wondrous pages (and in stunning black and
white), are the pithy gems of wisdom Joe let cfrop during his visit to
•8aRetrospect: Let Spectrum be your, guide to the colorful world of the
Capital District. Fun for the whole suite, and underaged freshmen
can get Spectrum free! And be sure to catch the conclusion of the
Tales of Joe Strummer. . .
Searching For Spock In Star Trek I
by Ian Spelling
n the annals of television history
there have been only a handful of
p r o g r a m s able to completely captivate a n d enrapture a viewing a u dience.
I n c l u d e d on this list
luminaries are / Love
Twilight Zone, Bonanza, The
Honeymooners, and Star Trek.
Lucille B a l l , • R o d Serling. L o m e
G r e e n e , a n d Jackie Gleason singularly
e n j o y e d the success of their respective
shows a n d reaped the benefits which
are Inherent w i t h popularity. This was
not the case for the crew of the Enterprise. T h e y were a g r o u p of performers
w o r k i n g in u n i s o n , an ensemble. Cer
tainly. William Shatner and Leonard
N l m o y firmly grasped the leads, but
subtract James D o o h a n . DeForest Kell y , G e o r g e T a k e l . Walter K o e n l g , and
adventure In space on Star T r e k . "
T h e headstrong fans w o n l Star Trek
lived! Unfortunately, w i t h the June 3,
1 9 6 9 airing, of the episode
Intruder, Star Trek faded into Nlelson
ratings oblivion and vanished from the
screen. Drained f r o m the first effort to
rescue the p r o g r a m , the organizers of
the letter-writing campaign were either
t o o weary or t o o involved with other
things t o launch another. T h e show was
not t o return again. Or was It?
W h a t soon followed presented the
television establishment and especially
the N B C
hierarchy with an u n precedented p h e n o m e n o n . Star Trek
actually gained
p o p u l a r i t y In s y n d i c a t i o n . It was
defeating first-run, major network fare
in the all-important ratings. Star Trek
N l m o y , the legendary V u l c a n , Mr.
Spock, w o u l d not be beaming up to the
Enterprise to join his mates 'for their
latest adventures. T h e Broadway show
required Nlmoy's constant
presence. Producer Gene Roddenberry
develped a n e w character named
Lieutenant X o n (pronounced Z o n ) .
another V u l c a n , to fill the gap left by
Nimoy's untimely departure.
O n N o v e m b e r 2 1 , 1977. just eight
days before p r o d u c t i o n of Star Trek II.
the television series, was t o c o m m mence, Paramount halted everything.
The top brass apparently recognized the
dollar signs suspended a m o n g the
planets, satellites, a n d starships roaming
the universe of science fiction fantasy.
With Star Wars a n d Close
leading the w a y . Star Trek w o u l d attempt to cash in on the sci-fi film bandwagon.
The cast and crew lived the life of a
y o - y o . Star Trek was going to be a
television s h o w , then a l o w budget picture, then a middle budget televlson
f i l m . back to a series, a n d finally a major
m o t i o n picture w i t h a multlmillion dollar
budget. T h e final decision to produce
Star Trek • The Motion Picture came as
a suprise to the cast.
Star Trek
• the
boasted n o scripl. n o director, and most
importantly, n o Mr. Spock. Writers filled reams of paper with proposed plot
outlines. Names of possible directors
a b o u n d e d ; Steven Spielberg. George
Lucas. George Roy H i l l . Francis Ford
C o p p o l a , Robert Wise, and William
Friedkin a m o n g t h e m . A n d still, n o
even Nichelle Nichols, and the show
w o u l d lose m u c h of its luster. Not until
long after the demise of the original
series did the members of the cast
secure proper recognition or even their
W h e n Star Trek was threatened with
cancellation (after t w o year's on the air)
a massive letter-writing campaign saved
the s h o w . O n March 1 , 1 9 6 8 Paramount
Studios p r o u d y added the
f o l l o w i n g message t o the credits of the
season's finale: "And
now an announcement
of interest to all uiewers of
Star T r e k . We are pleased to tell you
that Star T r e k will continue to be seen
on NBC-Television.
We know you will
be looking forward to seeing the weekly
s o m e h o w achieved greater success after
its cancellation than most series receive
at the height of their popularity.
Beginning in 1973. conventions, with
cast members as guest speakers, culled
a n e w generation of fans. T w e n t y - t w o
half h o u r episodes of an animated Star
Trek thrilled audiences. H o w e v e r , the
cartoons suffered the same fate as the
series. T h e ultimate death blow turned
out t o be a p o s t h u m o u s E m m y . It seems
that any s h o w w o r t h y of being watched
disappears, leaving only an E m m y on
the producer's desk to show for his
Years later. Paramount stunned the
w o r l d by a n n o u n c i n g that Star Trek
w o u l d return as a series. Leonard
T h e n came a day w h i c h m a n y fans
were not soon to forget. O n March 2 8 ,
1978 a press conference took place. At
this meeting Robert Wise (The
Strain, The Day the Earth
Stood Still) entered the twilight zone of
media history. H e h a d signed on t o
direct the 15 million dollar production of
Star Trek • The Motion Picture. Wise
became the man w h o controlled the
destiny of one of America's favorite
pastimes, quite a large responsibility
even for a director of Wise's stature.
More important to the fans of Star
Trek. L e o n a r d N l m o y attended the c o n ference. H e had signed a contract the
previous afternoon. Said N i m o y . " I certainly w o u l d n ' t want anybody else to
play Spock. or Star Trek happening
without S p o c k . " Spock had not yet
been written into the scripl; In fact. Star
Trek • The Motion Picture still lacked a
script. Many were io joke that the film
never f o u n d one.
O n January 2 6 . 1979. afler 125
days, principal p h o t o g r a p h y e n d e d .
Special effects f o u n d their w a y onto the
celluloid later, after m u c h haggling over
high costs. W h e n the film debuted to a
critical lashing Paramount Studios shudd e r e d . At stake were the loss of a potentially lucrative future audience and
countless millions of dollars.
A somewhat disappointed legion of
fan's nevertheless purchased tickets two
and three times each. T h e repeaters
w h o could not get e n o u g h were the
saviors of the f i l m , a n d , whether or not
they realize it, m a y have been the hand
that forced Paramount to clean up their
act and p r o d u c e m o r e quality Star Trek
fare. T h e film cost in the fifty million
dollar range, a n d needed to earn a
sleep hundred million just to break
even. Incredibly e n o u g h , thai number
was reached and quickly surpassed.
Star Trek's world-wide popularity enabled It to j u m p from deep in Ihe red to
i-i'lh" the black.
ni lint knew it sill o w n e d live
rlgl. io a red-hot c o m m o d i t y ami also
that they owed loyal fans something
betler. In 1982 Star Trek II • The Wrath
of Khan swepl across the screens of
America. Finally, the pallenl fans had
something they could proudly call (heir
o w n ; a wonderful story enhanced by
uniformly solid and sympathetic performances and several biltersweel Ironies.
Fantasy Island's Insipid Mr. Rourke
Inlo Ihe
superhuman rogue. K h a n . Rlcardo
Maltalban magnificently reprised Khan
f r o m his role In the episode Space Seed
(February 16. 1967).
Leonard N l m o y has said, "the most
important thing 1 can tell y o u about Star
Trek III Is that It is a very p o w e r f u l story
about friendship a n d what friends will
do for each other.
"This film goes to tile very heart of
Ihe relationship of these people - Kirk.
Scotty. Sulu. M c C o y . C h e k o v . a n d
Uhura.,.all of I h e m . . . will be asked to
make sacrifices in the h o p e thai they
can help Ihe man w h o was their f r i e n d . "
Concerning whether or not Spock Is
Indeed alive. N i m o y has said " w e are
not discussing-Ihe question of whether
or not Spock returns in Ihe f i l m , or even
if we find h i m , w h a l f o r m he may lake.
The title suggests something. Il suggests
thai there is something about Spock's
Little War. A n d fantasy fanciers fancy
an episode which c o m bines all of the elements that make Star
Trek a classic, even eighteen years after
Its inception.
Logically. Star Trek will continue in
syndication and hopefully on film.
Whether or not a Star Trek IV is In the
offing will not be k n o w n for a while.
Walter Koenlg Insists that there will be
another, with p r o d u c H n " commencing
as early as June 1984. This is quite
unlikely, although a fourth picture Is being considered. Leonard Nimoy is kicking around scripl Ideas and has offered
his services as director again. Even if a
Star Trejc IV does not come to pass, the
show and ils ensuing m o t i o n pictures'
legacy to society will be their humanity
and deep-rooted meaning. Star Trek is
a business venture, but in the process of
Since Ihe first episode. The Man Trap
(Sepl. 8, 1966). Star Trek has spawned
While Star Trek II was actually a
bloated televison episode, il handily
saled the hunger of its ravenous fans.
But the afbrrnehtloned bitter Ironies
frightened many of the faithful. Mr.
Spock. w h o had seemed to wisen. even
mellow, and become more h u m a n than
ever. died. W i l l i the belief that the
needs of Ihe many outweigh the needs
of the few, or even the one. Spock
perished saving the crew of Ihe Enterprlse.
Spock's lifeless body was placed in a
sarcophagus a n d jettisoned from the
starshlp. The film ended with the long,
shiny black coffin resting peacefully
a m o n g the foliage of Ihe beautiful planet
inadverlenly brought Io life by Project
Genesis. (Genesis allowed Inanimate
objects to live; il created life where there
was none before.)
Nicholas Meyer (who later directed
the controversial Day After) successfully
directed Star Trek II. but he w o u l d not
be back at the helm of the second sequel. T o the surprise of m a n y . Leonard
N i m o y was signed to direct Star Trek III
• The Search For Spock . Most people
felt that N i m o y agreed t o appear In Ihe
•new film only if he were handed the
directorial reins. This may well be true,
but w h o better to direct? Nimoy's vast
knowledge of Star Trek lore is obvious.
Also, he has had some experience
directing (he direcled an episode of
friend William Shalner's police dramaadvenlure series T.J.
Mr. Spock shall return, although his
appearance will directly
anything possibly imagined.
Waller Koenig's C h e k o v received the
largesl a m o u n l of screen time and
character deptli he had ever been given
during The Wrath of Khan. In Star Trek
III. DeForest Kelly's Dr " B o n e s " McC o y will become the central focus of
Nimoy's cameras. Mark Lenard. who
played Spock's father, Sarek, on the
series, returns to aid the search for his
son. Christopher Lloyd (Reverend Jim
on Taxi) disappears behind a face full of
makeup in his role as an evil Klingnn.
James B. Slkking ( L l . H o w a r d Hunter
on Hill Street Blues) has a small pari as
a starshlp C o m m a n d e r . Expect to setseveral other familiar (aces in small roles
or q u i c k i e c a m e o s a n d lots of
throwbacks to the series.
According to a spokesman for Param o u n t Studios. Star Trek III • The
Search For Spock took only 49 days to
shoot and was brought in on time and
was underbudget. ($16 million.)
millions of fans, clubs, dollars, and also
many careers. Bui Ihe business end of
the Star Trek p h e n o m e n o n concerns n o
real fail. Emotional payoff, be It a smile
or a tear, is what matters. Crealor Gene
humanitarianism transfers beautifully to.
the screen, even the screens of the m i n d
and imagination for which il was intended.
Each viewer enjoys a particular
episode more than another (or reasons
thai are purely personal. Those w h o enjoy the h u m o r of the show usually select
The Trouble
With Trlbbles as their
favorite. Serious irekkers choose The
City on the Edge of Forever or A Private
earning its backers millions of dollars il
always d i d . does, and will look to Ihe
future optimistically, with a c o m m m i t menl Io love a n d peace even in limes as
troubled as today's.
S o . in conclusion, it must be said that
Star Trek was more than just a series o n
T V and film. Il is one of those rare
p h e n o m e n a that makes points as valid
today as they were years ago. A n d will
slill be valid in Ihe 23rd century.
Star Trek 111 • The Search for Spock
opens June 1. 1984.
T h e series can be seen on W X X A
Channel 23 weekdays at 6 : 3 0 p . m .
Special thanks to Ed Egan at Paramount for all of his help.
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APRIL 27, 1984
Vinyl Views'
Improvisational Me
h my cold and sweaty palms! I'm sitting
In the waiting room and Just managed
. to splatter ketchup all over my leg Instead of my hamburger, and there is no place
to wash It off. I hate ketchup. It Is nearly time
for me to audition.
C. M. Kaplan
"Fiice the back wall and describe yourself."
lie sold
Al this very moment I am standing In a long
empty room about to begin the audition.
There Is a patch of green calling out to me
through the windows I'm facing and I think Instantly of summer. Goosebumps are on my
bare arms, my bare feet. I notice a callous on
my ankle.
"What would you like to know?" I stand facing the white wall. If I could only.see their
"Tell us what you look like. Please be
1 have rehearsed for this audition for three
.veeks. 1 read the play and reread the play, In
fact I've been playing the main character for
three weeks of my life. I brush my teeth the
way Ben Dawson would. I walk the way Ben
Dawson would, I try to screw up my mouth
the way he would when having a long conversation, I want this part.'
1 had tried to answer any question they
would ask me -- things like:
"Why do you want to be an actor?"
"What is your goal as an actor?"
"Recount the happiest moment of your
Yet I didn't think of this one. And such a
simple question. Stupid fool! Describe yourself
they said. Describe yourself!
"I have elfish features: upturned nose,
twinkle eyes, high cheek bones, freckles.
Think of Pan running through forests. I'm
nimble athletic and young. I'm 23 years old
but there are few lines on my face to show It. I
could be 14...16...18...1 am a boy-man
caught In transition."
There Is no response. I'm listening for the
rustling of papers, for the sound of pencils
scratching on clipboards. I want to hear some
noise. Ask me another question. Nothing.
I hear the orchestra playing I can see the
middle aged woman In the peacock blue
velvet gown sawing away at the violin that
looks as If it is attached to her chin, She always
plays first violin in these high school shows. It
Is somesort of warped tradition. The conductor counts out the time with his baton: 12 3 4
2 2 3 4...the ladles waiting look awkward
moving about out there on the stage. They
remember each blocked move: pointed toes,
forced smiles, stiffness. The girls carry plastic
flowers in their hands. They are waiting for the
boy-knights In their levi Jeans and tinfoil ar. mour.The cardboard castle and plywood
white horses stand downstage. One of the
damsels is wearing her Tlmex. They don't
really believe in this: they're just playing. They
know that at this point In the show they arc on
page 43. line 36. I look for the spark, for fire,
for life on stage. Not parts, or lines, entrances,
and exits: I strive for genuine feeling.
/ want to be an actor.
"and sometimes 1 look like a huge dinosaur.
No. no 1 mean this. Ten feet tall and one Inch
thick made of heavy black cardboard, A
cookie cutter mouth and a blank hole of an
eye. I have mechancial arms that are raised
slowly up and slowly down: up and down, up
and down In the same routlnized manner all
day long. 1 raise my arms as a lumber jack
does when chopping wood....and then bring
them slowly slowly down. People stare at me,
I'm still facing the wall. 1 wait for a reaction.
Any sort of feedback. I want to go on with the
audition. Let me read Ben Dawson, damnit!
"Thank you."
9PM-2AM (Free BEER 9PM- 10PM)
$ 6 s i n g l e $ 1 1 c o u p l e s (w / tax)
$ 9 single $ 1 6 c o u p l e s ( w / o / t a x )
to open up my mouth as wide as It opens and
SCREAM I worked three weeks on this. !
drove six hours to get here to do this. I deserve
this. I am so damn good and you gave me
three minutes to describe myself. Ha. You
don't know me at all.
"When will you be letting me know?" I ask
1 6 7 3 Central A v e n u e . C o l o n i c
1) 2 c o u p o n s at t h e GROUND ROUND o n Central
A v e n u e , Albany
2) O n e record from STRAWBERRIES
3) B o t t l e of LIQUOR from Madison A v e n u e Liquor
4) Bottle of LIQUOR from SABATINO'S o n 2 1 0
Quail Street
5 ) T h e Perfect Cut" 4 5 2 Madison A v e n u e
4 3 4 - 3 2 7 7 Free Haircut a n d Blowdry
6) ' T h e Perfect Cut" 4 5 2 - M a d i s o n A v e n u e
4 3 4 - 3 2 7 7 Free Haircut and Blowdry
Strummer Looks
bwards The Future
them politely. The fat woman tn the third chair
over grunts *'ln about a week." I smile at them
all. I am walking tall and carefully towards the
door, still smiling.
"Thank you," I turn and pleasantly nod tc
oe Strummer, the Clash's lead singer
and guitarist, and Cosmo Vinyl, the
Clash's manager, came out of the
In the lobby of the Albany Hilton
I black leather jackets; Joe's mohawk
ed orange.
I am an actor.
avid Singer
through my window
leaves of newspaper
tumble through streets,
stray dogs
weave between parked cars.
beneath the ledge
i hear her rising in slinking instep
as glowing coals burn
amid blazing circles of green
as a kitchen knife from a table
i know
has the taste
of blood on her breath,
i feel her claws
in my pulse . . .
by Michelle J. Krell
je walked up State street to my car. I
)t to stare at Joe too much, and I began
glne that this was all part of a Clash
j I was excited when Joe asked If he
kit up front, and supressed a smile when
|jan to play with the little toy airplane on
ndshleld that everyone who sits In the
eat of my car plays with. For the duraf the ride, he remained very quiet and
awn as he stared at out the window at
He occasionally responded to
comments or commented on the
i but otherwise drab scenery. He was
feted by Casey's, the orange, white and
| luncheonette with the "White Castle"
|rchltecture, which Is located on Central
Just past where Central and
ngton meet,
u don't see something like that much
Joe blurted. "Yeh, everything's a
/ one hour photo," answered Cosmo as
ssed the nearby One Hour Photo,
en we arrived at WCDB, where the In' was going to take place, Joe looked
| d and walked in on the DJ, who was
tig at the time. "Right on!", Joe yelled
the blaring music, and said to me, "
're sure having fun."
ving fun Is what Joe Strummer Is all
:, and the lack of it Is what he cites as the
n for the recent split up of the Clash:
imer kicked out original band member
! Jones last September. "It's golta be fun
II this kind of thing," Strummer said. "No
| forcing you to do It. If It isn't fun then il
>e a real sag on the spirit, and It ceased to
n when Mick began to get very awkward
t everything and lost his enthusiasm for
asks such as touring."
ummer and Jones had been members of
>rlginal Clash, a band whose passionate
pal message caused considerable critical
and culminated in a great deal of
lar excitement. Their first LP, The Clash
bassist Paul Slmonon, and drummers
Chimes and Topper Headon, who
|ced Chimes, was released In England in
and made it to the States in 1978. By
the Clash had three albums out, and
! critics were calling their first album the
lest record of the decade. As Joe Strum1 describes the albums,'The Clash was
Ih and raw. Glue 'em Enough Rope was
'y metalled up, thousands of guitars. It
In the album London Calling that the
id ceased to be savage, and became inting." The sound was Interesting enough
it the Clash a moderate amount of airplay,
they continued to develop a following.
:h was now coming out of the
Michael Maccari
Thank you?! What? Turning and staring at
those three cold faces 1 want to scream. I want
Featuring from NYC:
17, 1984^
Sign up sheets outside CC 305
April 30 (Monday)
The Clash's fourth album was a threerecord set called Sandlnlsta. At the lime of Its
1980 release, the popular rumor was that the
Clash had made Sandlnlsta three records long
because they thought that It could get them
out of their record contract, which they were
supposedly unhappy with, and which called
for three more albums. According to Strummer, "We were playing mind games with the
record company. We put out London Calling
Iwo for one (a two-record set). Bruce Springsteen called up Epic and said, 'How come
those damn limeys can get it? Well, I demand
the same.' So they said all right to Bruce, so
he came out with The River, two for one. So
we said, all right, here's three for one. Gel a
load ol thai. Bruce."
Willi Sand/nislsa. the Clash's sound had
become much more soulful, even funky, and
had gotten them considerable airplay In dance
clubs. If not on Ihe radio. While louring for
Sandlnlsta, the Clash reinforced their new
soulful Image, playing with opening acls such
as Rappers. Kurtis Blow, and Grandmaster
Flash and Ihe Furious Five. The crowds didn't
lake very well to the opening acts; they were
still used to a Clash thai was rough, raw, and
violent. But the Clash's popularity grew steadily.
In 1982. Ihe Clash's popularity peaked with
the release of Combal Rock, their fifth album.
The Clash used the hoi new video market as
effectively as anyone, and soon had their first
million-selling album. Combal Rock contains
Ihe hlls "Should 1 Stay or Should I Go," and
"Rock Ihe Casbah," and according to Slrummor. "50 percenl of it was a lot more rocky
than Sandlnlsta or even some of London Call-
.were used to playing in small places, this was a
radical change. "My first gig was in a broom
closet," quipped Strummer. He feels that the
best place for a show is an arena that seats
about 3000 (like Albany's Palace Theater), but
May 1st (Tuesday)
The Clash in 1978
Ing, like "Know Your Rights," or "Should I
Stay." but balancing that is the Saigon God-'
knows-what-abllly of "Sean Flynn" and the
1925 luncheonette number "Death Is a Star.'
The Clash's success climaxed in October of
1982. when they opened for the Who at Shea
stadium in New York City. For the Clash, who
explained why they opened for the Who at
Shea: "You can't go on about it If you haven't
done it. You can't complain about a restaurant
if you haven't tried the food. Also, we figured
we would tike some of their audience If they
were gonna retire, and they invited us. The
Stones once Invited us to play a show in New
Orleans, and we said okay, but we wanted the
poster billed like a boxing fight. "The champions of the world. The Rolling Stones, vs.
The Contenders, The Clash." Get a bit of fun
into It. And they just put the phone down."
Playing with the Who also enabled Strummer to check up on a band that had been
through the mill, which he says encouraged
him to sack Mick Jones. "They couldn't stand
the sjght of each other. They'd go on stage
and do the old pals act In front of the 90,000
people, but they weren't buddies, and I didn't
wanna gel like that with Mick, and I thought to
hell with It. I didn't care which way it went,but
I couldnt go on like this. I didn't care If we hod
to take a big dive, it would be much more fun
than going on like that," he explained.
So In September of 1983, Strummer, with
Paul Simonon backing him up, kicked Mick
Jones out of (he Clash. Drummer Topper
Headon had left the band voluntarily about a
year earlier, and was replaced by Peter
Howard. Guitarists Vince White and Nick
Shephard also joined the band. "It Just takes
the whole weight off," contends Strummer,
"Now we've got a team."
Shortly after,, the split up. controversy arose
regarding the band's name, as both the Jones
and Strummer (actions claimed to be the
Clash. Strummer feels that. "What Mick wants
is all the money, but he's given up on the
name, because he realizes that you can't just
have the Clash as a free thing, because you're
open to all the things you started out against.
We didn't see the necessity to become an egotripping God, surrounded by an entourage of
*. • •
Jones and Strummer were the songwritlng
core of the Clash, which leaves speculation as
to the direction that the Clash's music will
•ake, "We've got this feeling that we want to
strip it back down. All we take on the road are
guitars, drums.and shouting." Strummer
asserted, "and if that isn't good enough, they
why are we only just bringing that. So I wanna
record with that and see If it's still something
continued on 8a
.v,\ .W";".'*,*•*"/' ""H
APRIL 2 7 , 1984
ver forget
H u d s o n River School
Painters, Paintings f r o m the Institute's
C o l l e c t i o n , People of the Great Peace.
Naw York City Cafe I I
T h e H y d e C o l l e c t i o n (792-1761)
Steiglitz: T h e Lake George Years.
" p h o t o g r a p h y exhibition. Glen Falls.
Y e s t e r d a y ' s (489-8066)
A p r i l 2 7 & 2 8 Inner Space
L a r k T a v e r n (463-9779)
A p r i l 2 7 & 2 8 J o h n Folby a n d Rob Matthews
every T u e s n l t e — O p e n stage for
anyone for 15 minutes: every W e d
nite—game night; May 4 Michael
Catalano; M a y 5 Lorelei
S k i n f l i n t s (436-8301)
A p r i l 2 7 & 2 8 Fabulous Newports,
Jeannie Smith and the Hurricanes
Palace Theatre
2 8 8 L a r k (462-9148)
H a l f m o o n C a f e (436-0329)
S k y w a y (399-4922)
R P I F i e l d H o u s e (783-1333)
P a u l e y ' s H o t e l (463-9082)
April 28 T h e Jets 10:30
S c h i c k A r t G a l l e r y (584-5000)
David S m i t h / D o r o t h y Dehner: Their
Decades of Struggle a n d fulfillment.
A p r i l 19-May 13.
The New Y o r k Landscape. Poems and
visual responses by writers and artists of
the State University. Until May 20
S U N Y A A r t G a l l e r y (457-8390)
Master of Fine ArlS Thesis Exhibition.
Opens May 3 r d .
T h e A l b a n y G a l l e r y (4§2-5374)
19th and 20th C e n t u r y
Jacobsen. M o r a n , Lever, and others.
A l b a n y Institute of History a n d
A r t (463-4478)
Seventeenth Century Dutch Majolica.
As Y o u Like It. Shakespeare c o m e d y .
A p r i l 2 6 - 2 8 , May 2-5.
ESIPA (473-3750)
H a l f M o o n C a f e (436-0329)
Guatemalan Clothing a n d Gabrics.
Finale: Sculpture,
p h o t o g r a p h y . W o r k s by Larry K w o l e l
B o b M c G r a t h w i t h the Empire State
Y o u t h Orchestra. A p r i l 2 8 at 2 and 8
A l b a n y C i v i c T h e a t e r (462 1297)
Hamm / Brickman
Original w o r k s in varied media by area
artists. Also fine art jewelry by Lorelei
H a m m . Lori L a w r e n c e : Recent paintings incorporating collage and scratchthrough drawing elements.
13-May 2 6 . K e n r o 120: Black and
W h i l e Landscapes. A p r i l 13-May 2 6 .
Russell Sage College
Pal Joey. Rogers & Hart musical. A p r i l
2 6 - 2 8 . M a y 3 - 5 . 8 p . m . ; T r o y Music
Arts Spring Concert. W o r k s by Mozart.
Kodaly & others. A p r i l 2 8 . 8 p . m . Bush
Memorial Center
D i e t e l G a l l e r y (274-4440)
L e n Becker. Paintings
Center Theater
One-Act Festival.
A p r i l 2 9 - 3 0 & May
Student Directed.
1. 8 p . m .
S a l s a E x t r a v a g a n z a presented by
Fuerza Latlna. A p r i l 2 8 . C C B a l l r o o m
9-2 am For i n f o - 4 5 7 - 8 6 5 1
D i l e m m a s o f M a s c u l i n i t y : Gender
Roles In Transition. M a y 1 , 2 p . m . P A C
Recital Hall
D o r m P a r t y N i g h t Indian Q u a d . 6
parties for the price of 1 . A p r i l 2 7 , 9-2
am. $1.50 w / t a x , $2.25 w / o u t .
Springiest April 2 8 . $ 3 w / t a x ,
$5.50 w/out. Squareone
P a r t y i n t h e P a r k presented by
O C A . In W a s h i n g t o n Park. A p r i l 2 8 .
Tickets In C C L o b b y . $ 3 . 5 0 w / t a x ,
$4.50 w / o u t .
C i n e 1 - 6 (459-8300)
1. Terms of Endearment 1:20. 3 : 5 0 .
6 : 3 5 . 9 : 3 0 ; 2. Friday the 13th Part IV
1:40. 4 : 0 0 , 7 : 0 0 , 9 : 4 5 , 1 0 : 0 0 ; 3.
Foolloose 1:45. 4 : 2 0 , 7 : 0 5 , 9 : 5 0 ; 4 .
Moscow on the H u d s o n 1:50. 4 : 3 0 .
6 : 4 5 , 9 : 1 5 5. Racing W i t h the M o o n
2 : 1 5 . 4 : 3 5 , 7 : 1 5 . 9 : 3 0 ; 6. Up the
Creek 5 : 3 0 . 7 : 4 5 . 1 0 : 0 0
Senior Art S h o w . April 2 5 - M a y 3.
A n t h o n y & Joseph Paratore.
pianists. A p r i l 2 8 . 8 p . m .
P o s t e r s P l u s G a l l e r i e s (434-4280)
C o h o e s M u s i c H a l l (235-7669)
Rose (454-5185)
S U N Y A P A C (457-8606)
choreographed and directed,
2 7 - 2 8 , 8 p . m . $ 4 . 5 0 with tax c a r d ;
J o h n B r o w n ' s B o d y . By Stephen V i n cent Benet. Dramatization with c h o r a l '
music sung by University Chamber
Singers. A p r i l 2 6 - 2 8 , 8 p . m . ; Bent and
the Son of the C o m m a n d m e n t s . T h e
Arena T h e a t r e , A p r i l 3 0 & May 1. 8
p.m.; Emmanuel Borok,
F i n d l a y C o c k r e l l , pianist.
Frank. Debussy, D v o r a k , Ravel. April
30. 8 p . m .
Albany Institure of History
A r t . (463-4478)
S p e c t r u m T h e a t r e (449-8995)
Heat a n d Dust. El N o r t e , L a Balance
U A C e n t e r 1 & 2 (459-2170)
1. Swingshift 2 : 0 0 . 3 : 5 5 , 5 : 4 5 , 7 : 4 5 ,
9 : 4 0 ; 2 . Splash 2 : 0 0 , 7 : 2 0 , 9 : 3 0
RPI Playhouse. (266-6503)
Camelot. April 26-28. 8 p.m. $2.50
U A H e l l m a n 1 & 2 (459-5322)
Police A c a d e m y 2 , 4 , 6 . 8, 10
T h i r d S t r e e t T h e a t r e (436-4428)
April 2 7 - 2 9 Danton at 7 & 9 : 4 0
M a d i s o n T h e a t r e (489-5431)
S i l k w o o d 7 : 0 0 and 9 : 3 0
p r e s e n t e d by
Council. P A C . A p r i l 2 7 - 2 8 . 8 p m $ 4 . 5 0
U n i v e r s i t y C i n e m a s (457-8390)
T h e Big Chill, L C 7; Stripes, L C 18
K i n g —In
C o n c e r t Page H a l l . May 4 at 8 p m
Tickets in C C L o b b y . $ 5 w / t a x , $6
T h e Age of Robin H o o d . C C Assembly
Hall. May 2 , 8 p . m .
The Continuing Adventures Of Joe Strummer
continued from 7a
you can be creative with. To be honest, I'm
frightened of machines."
If Strummer feels this way about machines,
one has to wonder why the Clash's music hod
gone the other way, but Strummer explains,
"We got bedazzled by the studio, and the 24
tracks all saying, 'feed me, record on me. what
about me?"
By replacing Jones with two guitarists, it
was thought that Strummer would be concentrating on his singing, but Strummer jokec
that, "I play as well, I'm afraid. It's very loud,
extremely annoying."
He says that instead of arranging a brass
section or violins, they will be arranging
guitars, and trying to use some sounds from
the guitars like more of a percussive Instrument. "I'm very good at that bit." claimed
As to what the band will play in concert, the
Clash Is working on 7 or 8 new songs Interspersed with what Strummer calls, "all of
the best moments of the Clash. The times that
we really hit well, like "London Calling" or
"Armeglddeon Time." Strummer said that his
favorite moments with the Clash tend to be
obscurities, such as, "If Music Could Talk,"
from Sandinlsta, and "Straight to Hell," from
Combat Rock, but observed that, "on stage
you're In a different frame of mind. I get very
violent and very aggressive and 1 want to get
my teeth into something. I want to bang a
song around like "Brand New Cadillac" (London Calling) or "Career Opportunities" (The
When asked about the violence thai occurs
at a Clash concert. Sturmmer responded. "At
the front of one of our shows, it is a physical
contact sport, but very rarely do any bones get
broken. I've always fetf that It was a release,
and that people were less inclined to do
something violently evil after one of our concerts, than immediately before."
Strummer doesn't hesitate to do any of the
Strummer-Jones compositions, declaring.
"The more the merrier. I'm sure if he (Jones)
ever gels going, he'll do the same." Jones is
reportedly working with drummer Topper
Headon with a new group called Top Risk Action Company In London,
The Strummer-Jones combination was
another thing that was causing a falling out
between the two men. "I don't believe In a
Jagger-Richards ghetto," claimed Strummer.
"where they keep the writing to themselves,
they keep all the dough to themselves, and
they sort of pay off the other guys like the
three stooges. I'd rather have an open team
where there's no one sulking because he feels
left out."
On the Clash's first two albums,
the songs are credited to Strummer-Jones, but
starting with/.ondon Calling, the third album,
the songs are credited to the Clash, which
Strummer forced through in an attempt to
create more of a team feeling. Jones was
always against the idea. Strummer contends.
Playing by the rules, The Clash should have
rushed out and recorded an album b,»k in
September, and be touring behind it now. but
Strummer contends. "We're interested In getting to know each other, getting to know an
audience with a new group, and getting some
common experience."
When asked about the Clash's plans to
record. Strummer joked. "We're gonna attempt to record naked to see If It brings the
primeaval spirit back to things." and added.
"I'd like to record livish In the studio, because I
think there's something to be said between
human's playing together." Presently when an
album Is recorded It Is done one instrument at
a time • first the drums, then the guitars, etc.
" I ' m very bored with this laboratory
approach," said Strummer, who Is not sure
when the band will make It into the studio.
The Clash has always been known to be
politically outspoken and socially conscious,
and this Is one aspect of the band that will not
change. "The Thatcher situation Is much the
same as the Reagan one; tremendously
popular guy. very right wing, beating the
patriotic drum, gonna get In for another four
— Mclindu Miller
'ling faces
the Editor:
his letter is being written to remind those of you who
w and to inform those of you who don't know about the
kly trips to the Daughters of Sarah Nursing Home. These
s arc sponsored by the Social Action Committee of JSCcl. Wc visit Daughters of Sarah almosl every Tuesday
1. Transportation is provided. Cars leave the circle at
p.m. and return at approximately 8:00 p.m.
peaking from experience, 1 can tell all of you that nothing
es those elderly people at the nursing home smile more
n seeing some young faces, who are noi there because
're getting paid to be there or have lo be there, but rather
because (hey want lo be there. These people begin to feel
ly cared about. Even those who are sick and/or senile can
sc the caring and love of those who visit them. Al times,
nursing home can be depressing, especially when seeing
e older people who can no longer fend for themselves,
the gratification one derives from helping these people is
rwhelming and certainly outweighs any depression felt
orchand. There is great response form the residents to the
1. Ruben Ruben 7 : 3 0 . 9 : 3 0 ; 2. Risky
Business 7 : 4 0 . V a c a t i o n 9 : 3 5
Troy Savings Bank Music Hall
Picotte G a l l e r y , C o l l e g e of Saint
C a p i t a l R e p (462-4534)
S k l d m o r e C o l l e g e ( 5 8 4 - 5 0 0 0 . ext.
R P I G a l l e r y (266-6640)
C h r i s t o p h e r ' s P u b (459-7757)
P r o c t o r ' s T h e a t r e (382-1083)
Patricia M c B r i d e w i t h the Berkshire
Ballet. A p r i l 27 8 p . m . ; Hello Dolly.
Schenectady Light Opera C o m p a n y ,
May 3-5, 8 p . m . & May 6 , 2 p . m .
e Editor:
Monday, A p r i l 30lh at 12 p.m. the bell tower will not
music after the chimes r|ng. This silence commemorates
emory of six million Jewish martyrs, victims of Hitler's
campaign against world Jewry,
trongly urge the entire campus community to honor the
cnt of silence and to listen. Listen lo the shrieks and
of the six million as they went to their pitiful deaths; the
ds will echo in the winds. Wc must always remember
Hitler did to the Jewish people or Europe, not lor his
and not even for the sake of the martyrs but for our own
. If the day should ever come that we fail to remember
wc loo, will be victims of the Holocaust. NEVER
years, no real opposition, opposition divided
amongst Itself. Thatchers's in till 1988 now, so
it's heads down over there, and we have to
urge people to even register to vole. It's the
global youth attitude, a 6()'s cynicism. I'm not
into that anymore, it hasn't gotten us
anywhere. We're trying to get people to vote,
and we're encouraging them to vote Labor,
which is the direct Socialist alternative to Thatcher, even though when they get Into power
they'll probably become indistinguishable from
the others and we'll go roundabout again."
Because of the popularity of Combat Rock
the Clash )ust might be able to pass on their
message. "We know It's a gamble. We are trying to be Incredibly successful and incredibly
radical." contends Strummer. "To be brutal
about It, to make Michael Jackson, they
whlteifled him. They fixed his nose, they gave
him a white manager. Is he a man or Is he a
woman? Is he a black man or Is he a white
man? Nobody quite knows."
ONe final change for the Clash Is their attitude towards drugs.
"Nobody In the group goes near drugs.
We're trying to encourage people that there Is
a life after drugs and It's not some kind of
downer. In fact It's the opposite, It's an
upper," Strummer said. " A n d I feel my
memory Is coming back, which could be a
greal help."
Established in 1916
David L.L. Laskln, Editor In Chlel
Jerry Campion*, Patricia Mltcholl, Managing Editors
aw* Editor
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Tho Albany Studenl PrOBS Is published Tuesdays and Fridays bolwoon
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ol-for-prollt corporation.
Editorials aro written by the Editor in Chief with niomtmfs of the Edllorlnl
oard; policy Is Sub|ocl lo tovlow by tho Ediioiinl Board Columns aro written
y members ol trio university community .and do not nouossarlly reprosoni
editorial policy. Advertising policy does noi necessarily IOHOCI editorial
Mailing, addross
Albany Sludonl Proas, CC 320
1.100 Washington Ave.
Albany, NY 12222
(SlB)457 8a92/33Z2<33B9
thoughtful attention shown to them.
On Sunday, April 8, there was a Talent Show scheduled at
Daughters of Sarah. Due to the unfortunate circumstance of
last minute cancellations, the Talent Show had to be cancelled. These last minute cancellations wouldn't have made
much of a difference If the original response from students
willing lo perform had been greater. I must say that my cochair, Jane Stein and I worked very hard on this Talent Show
and were both very disappointed to sec the low turnoul. To
compcnsaic for not having a talent show, a friend of mine
and I danced for the residents and Passover songs were .sung
with them. Aderwards, the Tew of us that showed up Sunday
spoke with and visied these residents. As has always been my
experience with visiting the Daughters of Sarah Nursing
Home, the response was very positive from these residents
and very beneficial to those of us who were ihcrc.
For the remainder of this year and through next year us
well,, 1 would like to see a greater turnout of people who will
go to the Nursing Home and attend and participate in events,
such as a Talent Show. I f anyone would like more information, you may call the Hillel ONICC at 457-7508 or visit the
Hillel Office in CC 320. If you would like to speak lo Jane or
I personally, our telephone numbers are available in the JSCHillel Office, Think twice about saying no to those "smiting
laces." All il takes is giving a little care and warmth to those
who appreciate it immensely,
— Melissa Sterman
Social A ctiori Chairperson
Good Friday
To Ihc Editor:
People ofien overlook the facl iliai college is noi jusl a
place lo grow academically, bin lhal college is a slopping
slonc lo aciing responsibly in an aduli community, This
responsibility requires an awareness and a sensitivity toward
the beliefs of others. In a diverse environntent such as
SUNYA, one would expect this lo be Ihc case. Apparently, it
Is not.
Wc are addressing the "Have a Good Friday" at the Red
Parrol Night planned by Delta Sigma Pi. We are appalled
that this organization would make a mockery of the mosl
solemn day of the Christian year.
What is mosl upsetting is the play on I lie words " G o o d
Friday." By doing this, they arc making a sham of Christian
religious convictions.
A SUNY Night should be an event in which all students
can participate. This celebration is insensitive lo the beliefs
of a large segment of the sludcnl population who are Christian.
In order to understand our outrage one must grasp the
significance of this day. According lo Sr. Danielle Honctti,
Catholic campus minister: " G o o d Friday is the most solemn
day of our Christian Church calendar. II is the day set aside
to commemorate the passion and death of Jesus Christ. Il is
marked by fasting and prayer. It is a day which should be
centered on a eonciousness of God's overwhelming goodness
lo us."
We are equally shocked at the lack of sensitivity which
allowed the saying "Have a 'Good Friday 1 at the Red
Parrot" to be approved for podium posting and a Campus
Center sheet sign. Wc are assuming that this incident was
unintentional but the fact that it was ignored by the
authorities who should be representing everyone, is to put it
simply, wrong.
We believe it is in very poor taste to plan a university-wide
event, with this slogan, on Good Friday, the mosl solemn
Holy Day in the Christian calendar.
— Laura llrczorky
— Gary Caldcrnne
Irresponsible actions
T o Ihe Editor:
This letter is addressed to Ihc editor, however it should he
addressed to the enlire university community. As any intelligent student should be made aware of Ihc irresponsible
actions taken by the Albany Studenl Press (ASP) editorial
staff in their rationale for their endorsement for S.A. president.
Throughout my enrollment at the Stale University al
Albany, I have been made aware, and am increasingly
reminded of the ASP'a racist, sexist, and biased history, past
and present. It is ever so apparent in their endorsement supplement.
The editorial staff gave its highest praise and endorsement
to one candidate who lacked not only a commitment, but
also lacked concern for, or even the slightest awareness of,
minority or women's issues. At the same time the ASP,
within the same issue, it (the ASP) cites lack of awareness for
these same issues, as a major weakness in the platform of
another candidate.
Are we, the students of the SUNYA campus, to believe
and accept Ihc written word of a newspaper which defies Ihe
laws of reason, common sense, and journalistic efficiency or
coherency? Since this is the farthest reaching newspaper on
this campus, almost a monopoly informationwisc, is it noi its
duly or obligation to al least attempt to uphold some level of
journalistic aptitude? Amaieiir writers you may be, but standards for journalism have been built over Ihc course o f its
history, and are established. Do you noi feci il necessary to
abide by them?
The students on this campus are deserved of an objective,
informally? newspaper. As long as the ASP is to remain on
campus, occupy space in the campus center, disperse
newpapers and function for the best interest o f the students
o f the State University at Albany, it should do just that, be
objective and informative. This has not been the protocol exemplified by the ASP, in the past or present. Let us hope and
pray that it can be'achieved in the future, the near future
— E. Paul Stewart
Central Council
Indian Quad
Successful event
To Ihe Editor:
We would like to take litis opportunity to thank everyone
for their crucial supporl during Telethon '84. First of all, we
would like lo thank .vow, the university community for your
moral and financial supporl. It is you who make Telethon
the fun, monumental and successful event that it is each year.
A special thanks must go to all of ihosc talented students
who offered their time and services lo make Telethon as
entertaining as il was.
With our thanks to all o f ihe acts, there arc a few acts
whose spirit, cooperation and tremendous supporl made
Telethon the success it was. Many thanks lo Barry Manilow
and Ihc Manilets, Ladies & Gentlemen, Buzz and the Buttercups, Andy " R o d n e y " Goldberg, The Show, Reynold
"Michael Jackson" Camejo, Bill Krauss, Carolyn Cervcllo,
Mike Fedclc, David Schocn, and Ihe Kazoo Brothers for all
their continual enthusiasm and performances Ihroughoul the
In addition, we would like to thank "The B r i n k , " a local
professional band for donating their lime and services at 6
As successful and entertaining as Ihc show was, it would
have been impossible without the support and services of
Bob Shea and Ihe Education Communications Center staff,
Ihe S.A. audio-visual team, especially Woody, Gary and
Chris, and the 24 hour fireside and stage managers.
A special thanks to WCDB for their coverage and spirit.
Thank's to anyone else wc may have forgotten.
— Judy Turner
— Allison Grant
Co-Chairs, Talent — Telethon '84
T o Ihe Editor:
This letter concerns Central Council's decision to pass
retroactive pay raises for three members of the executive
branch. I was the primary initiator of the Student Association's present Non-Discriminaiion Policy and a vocal advocate for Ihe rights of minorities and women.
This orientation has allowed me to sludy Ihe subjeel of
discrimination and comparable pay for comparable work. Il
is my understanding that four members of the executive
board were stipended al $2250 and Ihrcc were stipended al
$1375. The former being white males, the latter females and
minority. My question: SO W H A T ? Those facts do not, in
and of themselves, constituic a Title VII suil . . . (contrary
to opinion).
This is probably news lo the members of Central Council.
The subsequent information may also be surprising:
1. A stipend is not a salary; il is not taxable.
2. A l l stipends are $250 for each semester, regardless of the
position held.
3. All stipends were calculated on I he same pro-rata sum of
$4.37 per hour for the summer.
4. The former executives arc required to put in twice as
many hours as the latter.
5. The media director issued two Studenl Voice during the
summer and was not required to slay in Albany during
6. The Off-Campus Coordinator and the Minority Affairs
Coordinator were in the office 20 hours a week and could
hold additional jobs during Ihe summer. This was the first
year for that present organization of each office.
7. Last year the Programming Director and the Council
Chair had similar hours and similar stipends — they did not
receive retroactive pay — they were white males. The media
director was also'stipended at a simitar rate — the position
was held by a while female.
8 Pasi presidents and vice-presidents have been female or
minorities and received a stipend for their positions. Stipends
are based on time requirements, not sex or race.
9. SA has not (in al least the pasi five years) approved any
retroactive bill.
10. The above information can be found in past Central
Council minutes and would be admissible in a Title V I I law
The present Council is not responsible for the existing
stipends but will be for those included in the 84-85 budget. I
sincerely hope thai Ihey make a responsible decision based on
ihc facts and refuse lo read to threats and subtle insinuations
of racism and sexism.. A review of the history of Student
Association will indicate lhal it has made substantial progress
regarding the placement of women and miuorilies in this
year's agenda. Consequently 1 urge the Council members to
consider each stipend, and ihe responsibility, and time requirements o f the office holder, noi the possibility of ihe individual's sex or race. Only then will Sludcnl Association actively be conforming Willi the concept of N O N DISCRIMINATION.
— April A . Gray
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regular business hours. Classified advertising must be paid In cash at
the time of Insertion. No checks will be accepted. Minimum charge tor
billing Is $25.00 per Issue.
No ads will be printed without a lull name, address or phone number
on the Advertising lorm. Credit may be extended, but NO relunds will be
given. Editorial policy will not permit ads to be printed which contain
blatant profanity or those that are in poor taste. We reserve the right to
reject any material deemed unsuitable lor publication.
II you have any questions or problems concerning Classified Advertising, please leel tree to call or slop by the Business Ottlce.
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75 Honda CVCC 1200
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You rent the size space you need on a month-to-month basis.
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Wanted-one person to complete a
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Call 449-5461 Mike or Lynn
Wanted Male non-smoker to com-
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Call 457-7972 Harvey or
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(Membor: Federation ol Jowl9h Phllar.thtoDleal
On Campus Interviews lor General Counselors and Specialists In Campus Center 356 •
From: 9:00AM • 4:00PM on April 27. 1983
(Watorlronl, Tennis, Arts & Crafts, Drama. Sports, Camping & Hiking)
$550-1800 Salary
Earn College Credit
Dietary Laws Observed
Best preparation
Male looking for studio, one or
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for summer In residential area
Call Donna 449-1031 between 5:30
and 9:30 PM
Surprise Lake Camp
B0 Fifth AvenuB
Ne» York, NY 10011
Possible for
\ow lor $100 Early enrollment D/i'COl
or contact your SUNYA Rep
Dennis Murphy
Lori Manning
Mike Nango
Tania Pietrzack
Try a little Change of Pace
Set off on a quiet
a view and atmosphere that
just minutes f r o m
will add a special C h a n g e of
this fully furnished, beauti-
Pace to any event.
ful Ion h o m e can be
the perfect
tion for visiting parents:
much more pleasant and
E a r n $ 1 8 5 to V i ; > u c c l l y u ^ i n g w i t h M C L
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a small.yet r a p i d l y ejypan<liii(i i .ai I r t i n g r e s e a r c h
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For c o m p l e t e d e t a i l s a n d an a p p l i c a t i o n , please
s e n d a s t a m p e d , self-add>i".&i-d e n v e l o p e t o M C L
a n d A s s o c i a t e s . Post Off... < BOM 5 7 9 . I t h a c a ,
New Y o r k . 1 1 8 . . I
less e x p e n s i v e
than a
Please call or w r i t e for o u r
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full bath, solar sun porch,
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Feura Bush, N Y 12067
uu». v *j.r*.\\*''X
4 ' M V V I V \A). t* u
The Sharks
Steven Clyde Band
Washington Park
Saturday, April 28
| m house on busline one
i Lamp Post.
nth, Call«57-7759
Brooms available at the
Central II for the summer.
Ji9 from the busline at
•lose to downtown. Living
•rooms, big kitchen, two
Rent Includes
lg, are negotiable,
ask us: Tom or Jim
I.A. Presidential Runofll
f The Big Debatel
J Sunday at 8 p.m.
JEE BEER 9p.m.-10p.m.
i Sixteen
| A Free Block Party \ 7:45
Center j£ J
on Hudson Avenue
r,(l E A R L Y B I R D
between Quail & Ontario
<W • * SHOWS * •
|0lt)Mlt HEAR Or MACV'S 450 7173
*2r VS;" PLAZA 1*2
LATHAM 7851515
May 6, 1984
4 / 2 7 - 4 / 2 8 - 4 / 2 9 ONLYr"
(Party all
Celebration weekend)
Tickets on sale
in the Campus Center Lobby
and at the entrance
to the Park
The Fimt Chapter
-•nd- MY TUTOR
$3.50 with tax sticker
$4.50 without tax sticker
Tickets entitle bearer to
nParty in the Park" mug, beer,
and soda all afternoon!
-•nd- MV TUTOR
M O H A W K ...puiiDm
1814 CENTRAL AVE • 4B6 2551
AH off-campus students
please come join us!
I.D. Required
S.A. Funded |
It's a Runoltl
Catch Schallsr and Hillock
SUNDAY AT 8 p.m.
Tonlte 9:30 INDIAN QUAD
The S.A. Presidential Runotll
The Big Dabatel
Sunday at 8 p.m.
Live on WCDB 91 FM
The S.A. Presidential Runotll
The Big Debate!
Sunday at 8 p.m.
Live On WCDB 91 FM
TOMORROW NIGHT 9p.m.-2a.m.l
Dear Guack, Val, Dennis, Butch, &
We were some suite, huh?
Adirondack 204 will never be the
same without usl
Don't ever
lorgel the great times we had
together. Good luck Butch & Val
(lucky graduatesl) We've all gotta
keep In touchl O.K.?
Luv, Pug
CALL 445-6734 FOR INFORMAFound: In Campus Center on April
8: one ring. To claim see Jessica
Casey CC130
BUTCH 7-5299
Albany State needs programming
not petty politics
Sexy Slacey, Bobble Sue, Tommy,
and Prince Charming,
Myrtle Beach was like a wlrel
Tnanks-you guys are the best I
Love Kathleen
Bill McCann
Tim Hallock
lor S.A. President
Senator Wlgler
We had •
great campaign
Vols Tim Hallock
S.A. President
Leadership Communication
p.s. ASP was little slow In printing
this message I'm sorry.
BUTCH 7-5299
C.F.N, you are critical, oplnlated,
lazy and complaining. XXX
Dear Mike,
Happy Birthday!! Sure, Sure I
Love You-Western-Myrtle-LondonLove,
Mike Butler urges you to vote for
Tim Hallock In Monday &
Tuesday's runoff election
Maybe Later!
Just to let you know that the
past six months have been truly
special. There la no ons else I'd
rather share chicken wings, Llebfraumllch, baby oil and most of all
my love with than you. Thanks for
all that amazing times looking
toward to many more.
Love, Nancy
p.s. Isn't Egypt the largest country
In Africa?
Happy Birthday to you!
Now you're 21
Go and have a lot ol fun
Love and a wink.
Your beloved Stink
Tonlte 9:30 INDIAN QUAD
Finish the Job
Vote Tim Hallock
S.A. President
Happy Birthday!
Hope you
have a super day.
*% »«
Prof studies the rights of mentally ill inmates
tions in Boulder, Colorado.
Statistics, which have been compilSTAFF WHITER
Mental illness in prisons around ed from a natin-wide survey of corthe country is on the upswing, ac- rections departments, have revealed
cording to S U N Y A Criminal that six percent of today's inmates
are mentally ill and two-and-a-half
- Justice Professor Fred Cohen.
Cohen, who is studying the con- percent are mentally retarded, according
to McCarthy.
stitutional rights of mentally ill and
Cohen said that mental hospitals
mentally retarded convicts, explained that overcrowding is a primary have deinstitutionalized their pareason for the increase in this il- tients by about 50 percent in recent
lness. "The noise level, victimiza- years, which leads to fewer people
tion by other prisoners, and being put into mental hospitals. In
idleness" contribute to the unstable turn, Cohen said, "they are showconditions of many prisoners, said ing up in prisons."
The reason for this deinstituCohen.
Cohen's research is part of a state tionalization, according to Cohen is
Department of Corrections pro- ihe general belief that mental
gram to review professional stan- hospitals don't do much good. It is
dards lhal should be maintained by very difficult, legally, lo get people
people who work with mentally ill admitted lo these institutions, he
inmates, according to Brian McCar- said. Cohen explained lhal the law
thy, a program specialist for the is lhat a person "must be mentally
ill and extremely dangerous" in
corrections department.
New York Slate has received a order to be placed in a hospital.
A symptom of menial illness in
gram from Ihe National Institute of
Corrections, an agency of Ihe prisons is "acting out", according
Justice Department, to develop a lo Cohen. "There seems to be a
research manual for corrcciions of- great deal of dala about selfficers, mental health workers, and mutilation and self-violence"
policy makers nation-wide, explain- among prisoners, he added.
ed McCarthy.
According lo McCarthy, variaAdministrative and programmatic tions in programming exist nationwide.
"Some stales keep mentally
practices arc being studied, in addition to legal perspectives which arc disturbed people in prisons and
being researched by Cohen, said some stales transfer them to menial
offices," he said. He noted lhal
The manual, which will be there are-few services for mentally
published this summer, will simply retarded people, and thai few
be a resource for individual stales to retarded people are transferred.
help them run their corrcciions "They usually slay in corrcciions,"
departments. "The N.I.C. (Na- he added.
tional Institute of Corrections) does
Cohen, on Ihe other hand,
not have any legal mandates," ex- argued lhal New York Slate is a
plained McCarthy.
leader in the field of inmale treatPreliminary results have been ment. "There are more varied
presented by Cohen and McCarthy resources and programs for mentalto the National Academy of Correc- ly disordered prisoners," he ex-
By llene Welnsteln
Eight prisons in New York have
community mental health programs
and satellite programs which provide drugs and treatment. Intermediate care units also exist to
service people with less serious mental illnesses, said Cohen.
He explained that the con' •
tional basis for prisoners' 4.11
isl in Ihe eighth and the fourlec in
amendments in the U.S. Conslii
The eighth amendment protects
prisoners from cruel and unusual
punishment while the due process
clause of the fourteenth amendment
protects pre-trial prisoners.
These constitutional guarantees
"spawn ancillary requirements,"
said-Cohen. Prisoners are entitled
to the rights of treatment, health
care, diagnosis, and confidentiality,
he said.
The right to confidentiality led to
the Tarasoff problem, which Involves the conditions that make it
necessary for psychotherapists to
breach the confidential relationship. "Its significant in prisons
because if a prisoner threatens so]
meone (during therapy) I h i ]
therapist has to take steps to protect
Ihe victim," said Cohen. "Prison}
are small communities an<:,
prisoners are always makini
threats. Sometimes it's not alway
clear what a therapist should do,'
he added.
The Tarasoff problem was nam
ed after a patient in California whi
told a therapist he planned 10 kit
his former girlfriend. The docio
did not act 10 prolccl the victim,am
the woman was later killed.
Runoff scheduled for position ofSA president
••Front Page
Busby said lhat the elections
commission would have disqualified Hallock, had they had Ihe
names of the campaigners and more
evidence to go on.
Another dispute centered around
a section of SA's election policy
lhal forbidss any "stockpiling of
(campaign)supplies" in ihe SA office. Helium tanks lhat were stored
in the SA office were apparently used 10 inflate balloons for SchalTer's
Schaffer said the tanks were left
over from an Olympic Hopefuls
committee event, and were purchased by him as he removed them from
the SA office on Ihe day Ihey were
used. Schaffer asserted lhal Gregg
Slackcl, who works on Schafl'er's
campaign and runs the Olympic
Hopefuls commiltcc offered the
helium tanks lo him Sunday nigh:,
April 15, and he boughl them Monday April 16.
Although ^chaffer narrowly beat
him in the first election, Hallock
Graduate Students
The deadline for ordering Academic
Attire for Commencement is Monday
April 16, 1984.
Undergraduates may purchase caps and
gowns at the bookstore
beginning May 7th, 1984.
said he was "cautiously confident"
thai he would win the runoff. " I
certainly feel that the small margin
would have been more than made
up if the polls had opened at the appropriate time," Hallock asserted.
Schaffer, who defeated Hallock
on Indian Quad, where the polls
opened late, disagreed with
Hallock. " I f the polls were open
earlier on Indian Quad I'd have
done even belter," Schaffer said.
McCann has said he plans to
campaign with Hallock on dinner
lines and is urging all McCann supporters to vote for Hallock. McCann, who drew 7 percent of Ihe
vole, said he had "no regrets"
about running for SA president.
Aulclla officially look office as
SA Vice Prcsidcnl Thursday morning. "It was a very easy transition,"
she said, adding, " I hope to
upgrade Ihe position of Vice President next year. I don't plan on taking a back scat to Ihe president."
She declined lo express suppori for
either presidential candidate.
Both Schaffer and Hallock have
'put up new posters and said tlul
plan to intensify their campaign]
Schaffer said he hopes to campaii.l
heavily on Slate Quad, which is il I
only polling area where Halkxl
received a higher' number of voli
than Schaffer.
Schaffer said he'd expected
runoff, but was somewhat surprisil
lhal he'd beaten Hallock by m » |
than 50 voles in the first elcclioil
"1 was a little surprised thai
finished oil lop. I thought i l l
negative publicity would hurt n|
more," Schaffer said.
Hallock said he is "disappoiniij
wilh Ihe performance of Ihe clcj
lions commission so far,"
Schaffer praised Busby and i3
election commission.
(Busby) wilh all Ihe pressure
him, handled himself well," SchtJ
fcr said.
Busby said he expects ill
presidential runoff do-over couitl
10 run smoothly. "Since Ihciif
such a limited number of candidal
in this election, I anticipate no pt|
blcms," Busby added.
SA Funded
C e n t r a l Council
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6) Sal Perednla
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1) Thomas Allen
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4) Mitch Feig
5) Frank Zappala
6) Maddy Hirsch
7) Eric R. Bowman
8) Mike Slrlgnahu
9) Paul Antonelli
10) B.J. Keane
11) Greg Stackel
12) Steve Appelson
13) Lesia Graham
14) Liz Chestnut
15) Melissa Sterman
16) Marissa Donnellan
Voting will take place
on the 4 uptown quads between 11:30 am-1:30 pm and 4pm*7am
Campus Center Lobby 9 am * 6 pm
Alumni 11:30am-1:30am and 5am*7 pm
Campus divestitures of South African
holdings declining despite protests
PRESS SERVICE) Organizers say recent
diriatcd nationwide demonstrations calling for more
universities to sell
their holdings itf companies that
do business in segregationist South Africa were " t h e
largest anti-apartheid mobilization in several years."
The actual pace o f campus administrators divesting
their portfolios of shares in the firms has fallen o f f in
the last few years, however.
Called " T w o Weeks o f Anti-Apartheid A c t i o n , "
the protests, organized by the American Committee on
Africa ( A C O A ) , stretched across scores of campuses
from lite last week o f March through the first weeks of
Demonstrations took place at Florida State, Duke,
the University of the District o f Columbia, Columbia,
Harvard, Kalamazoo College, Oregon and Southern
Cal, among many other places, reports Joshua Nesscn,
who coordinates campus activities from the A C O A office in New York City.
Nesscn estimated the events involved "thousands"
of students.
They "sent a strong message of opposition to U.S.
investment in South A f r i c a , " he said.
The demonstrations " p u t our administration and
other university administrators on notice that the
m o v e m e n t is b r o a d - b a s e d a n d
permanent," said Brooke Baldwin of the Yale Coalition Against Apartheid.
Judging just how this spring's protests measure
against those of the past is difficult because the ACOA
has lumped efforts with those o f the nuclear freeze
movement in 1982 and 1983.
But protests, while usually not as large as those surrounding other causes, have been almost constant.
Since last spring's major campus push, for example,
students at the State University o f New YorkBinghamton boycotted a Ray Charles concert because
Rules tightened in attempt to control students
Charles had recently performed in South Africa.
A Northern Illinois University student effort l o
mount a boycott o f the universily's alumni fund,
which holds slock in firms thai do business in South
Africa, failed lasl fall when Operation PUSH, Jesse
Jackson's organization in Chicago, refused lo endorse
the boycott.
Iowa Slate's student government asked its governors
lo sell $7(X),(XX) worth of shares in certain companies,
while minority faculty at Michigan Slate petitioned to
erase the name of John McGoff, a Michigan publisher
on the South African government payroll, from a campus slage.
Mosi o f the efforts, however, have fallen on deaf
While scores o f colleges and university divesled
themselves o f their interests in South Africa form 1978
through 1982, very few schools have done so in recent
Most prominently, Minnesota toughened its South
Africa policy in January, prohibiting university investments in firms that don't endorse the Sullivan
Principles, a list o f 14 civil righls for South African
workers in Atncrican-conirollcd companies.
In February, Wesleyan University sold its shares in
Ncwmoni Mining when Newmoni refused lo sign an
agreement lo observe the Sullivan Principles.
No other campus administrations have sold o f f
shares this school year, however.
Ferris Stale college and the Universily o f Michigan,
moreover, are now challenging in court a 1982 stale
law thai requires all stale agencies to sell o f f their
South African interests.
Nevertheless, " t h e reality on Ihe student level is thai
the divcslmeni campaign has grown significantly over
the lasl i w o years," claims Richard Knight, the
ACOA's literature director.
Holslra University announces the availability of several Buslnesship awards lor the 19B4-85 academic year. Businesship
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Springfield Mo.
annunccd they're considering toughening
(COLLEGE PRESS SERVICE) Southwesl Missouri
And this school year, a surprising number
their student conduct code.
happening because o f efforts by students
Slate Universily senior Jim McWilliams got a
o f colleges has begun handing out stiffer
then-aclves," Bingaman said.
In recent months, colleges have gone to
big suprise several weeks ago when campus
penalties l o fraternities for a range o f
" I think there is definitely a more consersecurity officers abrupty cornered him, and court to try to reinforce their rights to punish misdeeds, some of which used to be routinely
vative trend and more concern for students t o
and suspend students, invalidate diplomas,
announced they were charging him with a
dismissed with a "boys will be boys" atbe treated like adults and act like adults,"
withhold transcripts and impose disciplinary
observed Mary Anne Bcstebreurtje, who is
penalties without providing students with (he
Ohio Stale has become so strict in enforc- overseeing Florida's conduct code review.
same due process they'd get in public courts.
The crime: he'd helped a friend distribute
ing its student conduct code thai the student
Pennsylvania, Kent State and Michigan,
But regulating students' behavior in their
"The Southwest R a g , " an offbeat paper the
judicial review board now has cases backed
among many others, are also reviewing and
rooms, recreations and even reading matter
campus officials claim contained defamatory
up into nexl summer.
looking to toughen their student conduct
isn't often confused with being treated like
and obscene remarks about administrators
A l Western Illinois, administrators last
codes in meetings this month.
adults, and some administrators worry proand students.
month banned overnight guesls o f the opspective
students might be offended by It.
Notre Damei Southern Methodist, Idaho, posite sex from campus dorms.
While the McWilliams case might be an ex' ' There's real conflict in clamping down on
Haylor and Washington, to name just a few
treme example o f how administrators on
The crackdowns and rules, o f course, are
campuses, have banned or plan lo ban all
discipline and making the campus as attracmany campuses are moving aggressively lo drinking as a way l o help control student reminiscent of-thc days when colleges actively
tive as possible foi students," Goodalc says.
control students' behavior more closely than behavior.
regulated all kinds o f student behavior, from
" B u t ihe problem (of liability) is progressing,
any time since the early 1960s, it is rar from
sex to how
. . ^ • • w ; u>vaJi.u,
IgllOri' iItt .. "
and jyiiUUIS
schools L'UIl'
can'tI ignore
Over the lasl year, countless ythcr schools
the only one.
have lightened rules on student drinking by
Last week, for instance, administrators at
requiring students to register and get apthe nine-campus University o f Florida system proval before throwing parties.
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Nachos 'N
"There arc still a lot o f administrators
Students shouldn't ignore the impact the
who'd like to return lo Ihe days when Ihey national crackdown could have on their conruled campuses with an iron hand, and you stitutional rights, added Alan Levine, codidn't breathe without them knowing i t , " author o f the American Civil Liberties
said Bob Bingaman. field director o f (he Union's "Handbook on the Rights o f
United Stales Student Association.
Administrators themselves say fear, not
" O f t e n , there is a tendency to put due prohunger for power, is what's driving them lo cess aside in order to gel on with discipline,"
rein in their students.
he said.
W i t h more judges holding schools '1 " N o l just in college administrations, but in
themselves liable for student drinking ac- hospitals, prisons, anywhere someone is
cidents, rapes and other crimes, many col- charged with discipline (violations), Ihey
leges are just trying lo make sure their always find it difficult lo enforce (conduct
students don't gel (hem into legal trouble, codes) when you have t o observe due
said Tom Goodale, vice-chancellor for stu- process," he said.
dent affairs at the Universily o f Denver.
Levine, however, doesn't sec all the efforts
A former student currently is suing Denver lo control student behavior as a return to " i n
over an injury he received in an accident at a loco parentis," Ihe legal doctrine that gave
campus fraternity house.
colleges Ihe right lo act " i n (he place o f the
"Schools are very scared by the cost o f parent" through the 1960s.
liability, about pressure from the public," . The doctrine, he explained, has been
Goodale explained.
discredited, and probably couldn't withstand
" A lot of concern over student discipline is , a lawsuit today.
To help yourselves and future generations of SUNYA students deal
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know how many students are potentially affected by it.
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Universities angered by research censorship
the results of classified research, and many justify it. You can understand their fears the
(COUEOE PRESS sERficE) Three universities that
make millions of dollars by performing schools, particularly in the late sixties, Russians will steal our weapons, but we're
research for the Pentagon say they'll drop all adopted policies not to do it," Chalk ex- talking about science, not weapons."
their Pentagon research contracts if the plains.
The official says "we profit from publicaReagan administration goes ahead with its
"Now, they want to call some of the tion of their science as much as they profit
plans to censor professors' publications of unclassified research they fund 'sensitive', from ours."
certain research results.
and apply the same censorship rules to it that
Young contends that "less than one perIn a letter to administration officials, the they used for the clasified research," she cent" of the Pentagon research contracts
presidents of Cal Tech, the Massachusetts In- says.
would be affected by the rule.
stitute of Technology and Stanford — which
An official at the National Academy of
Asked if it was possible that the Pentagon
together do about $400 million a year in Sciences (NAS) who asked not to be named could one day decide to classify a majority of
Dcpt. of Defense research — last week said because he's not an official NAS spokesman, its research contracts as sensitive, Young conthey'd have to slop doing all military research calls the proposed censorship "an exercise in cedes that "nothing can stop thai in princiif the rules are implemented.
paranoia. It's a way for the Pentagon to ple. But these arc reasonable people. It's a
"Major universities," said David Wilson, make more projects secret without having to danger, but a very small danger, I believe."
a University of California official and cochairman of the committee that is trying to
hammer out the research publication rules,
"do not sign contracts that give someone else
the ultimate authority to decide whether the
material is published."
tcoiLEai MESS SERVICE) The threat by some Jerome Frank, author of "Sanity and Suruniversities to drop out of Pentagon-funded vival in the Nuclear Age," at a recent Johns
The new rules would give the Pentagon the campus research projects is just the latest ex- Hopkins meeting to protest campus involvright to approve and censor the scientific ample of a seemingly-deepening uneasiness meni in military and nuclear research.
reports of certain kinds of research on cam- over colleges' cosier relationship with the
Johns Hopkins's recent re-chartering of a
puses, says Dr. Leo Young, director of the military.
ROTC program "might not have happened if
Defense Dept.'s Research and Laboratory
Military funding of campus and university the university didn't have this big investment
Management Office.
research has increased rapidly during the in the military."
"We want the right to approve what you
Reagan administration.
publish," he explains.
The Pentagon is paying campuses $894
When the staff of a Stanford lab balked at
million to do military research this year. X-ray research related to nuclear weapons,
The reason is "that we've got to slow the
President Reagan has asked for a $996 the university agreed to tke on only the
flow of all this good technology stuff going
million campus military research budget for aspects of the research not related to
to the Soviet Union," he says. "The Russians
thetfext year.
come here and buy all the stuff they can in
With the funding increases have come proHarvard students helped put a measure on
Radio Shack, and most of the leakage comes
tests, physical and otherwise, this school last November's ballot that would have turnfrom businesses. But some of it comes from
ed Cambridge into a "nuclear free zone." If
universities, and we have to slow it down."
Most dramatically, 27 University of passed, the law effectively would have kept
In essence, the administration proposes to
Michigan students occupied a research lab Harvard out of nuclear weapons research
create a new category of research, points out
last November for two days to protest their contracts.
Rosemary Chalk, spokeswoman for the
schbol's involvement in secret military
In February, Cal Tech faculty members
American Association for the Advancement
asked the administration to drop plans to add
or Science (AAAS) in Washington, D.C.
More typically, major university "defense a U.S. Army policy center to existing
"For the 40 years that the government has
contractors have held extensive forums and federally-financed research labs because the
been funding military research on campuses,
debates over their military connections.
policy center had more to do with military
there's been classified research and
"Having such huge military spending (on matters than scientific matters.
unclassified research," she says.
campus) may have some influence on the rest
"When a prctigious university does
"There were strict rules about publishing
of the university as to policy," worried Dr. research in nuclear weapons," Frank reason-
Yoking adds the censorship proposal is "an
opening negotiating position" in a "constructive" effort to limit the flow of
technological research to the Soviet Union
while doing "as little as possible to abridge
the rights of universities,"
Wilson is also confident a rule palatable to
both the Pentagon and the universities can be
formed. "It's not impossible that we can find
a resolution to it. This is a very big issue, but
there is no sense of real panic."
The committee of university and Pentagon
officials will meet to try to work out the differences sometime later in 1984, Young
I'm sure many of you are asking "Why is Rich running for reelection? Is he crazy?" Sometimes I think I am. But let me tell
you, I love this job. It means more to me than anything.
Increased military funds spur protesters
ed at the John Hopkins forum, "it very
powerfully reinforces the dangerous illusion
that a nuclear war can be won by the side that
has the greatest technology."
Not ail campus officials oppose the growing college ties to the Pentagon, of course.
"The university has slated through its
trustees that national security is a part of its
public service mission," contends Edward
Cochran, spokesman for Johns Hopkins's
Applied Physics Lab, which is currently doing almost $275 million worth of research for
the Pentagon.
Weapons research is "a necessary evil,"
says Johns Hopkins graduate student Bill
Saunders. "There is a need for defense in
society, and it doesn't conflict with education."
"If they offered mc a job with a defense
contractor," added Johns Hopkins student
Mike Burke, "I'd probably take it. Most of
the materials engineers I know are interviewing with defense contractors."
At MIT, another major wepaons resear- •
cher for the government, "students around
here aren't interested in military spending,"
reported student Martin Bickau.
The Student Association has so much potential with many projects in the works, battles still to be won and issues that haven't
even reached the surface yet. This is why re-electing me would be
beneficial to SUNYA. My proven committment and dedication has
led us on to many successes this year. With a second term as SA
President, I could really put a dent in the University regarding the
areas of students' rights, minority affairs, programming, athletic
spirit and women's safety.
I have done my best to fight for your rights all this past year.
Now I need your help and support - Please vote and re-elect me
on April 30 and May 1.
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MAY 1st i s Carnival Day
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Rich Schaffer
P.S. You need your Spring '84 tax sticker to vote!
.Sports 27
Trackwomen finish at 5-1
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Thursday, May 3rd at 8:00p.m.)
By Jim Erwin
The Albany Stale women's track and field
(cam has been busy Ihe past Iwo weeks, compciing in lour meets in that span. The period
was also a successful one, as the Danes
wound up their dual meet season with a S-l
The Danes first competed in the Blnghamlon Invitational, held on A p r i l I I , where ihey
placed sixth oui of nine teams with a total or
36 points. Division I Cornell won Ihe meet
with a total o f I30 points. " A l l in all il was an
average meet as we finished right where we
should have been," commented Coach
Mary Carmody was named the Danes'
outstanding performer o f the meet as she
placed second in the 400-niclcr dash with a
time o f 1:00.7 and fourth in the 200-meicr
dash in a lime of 28.2. Carmody also anchored the 4xl00-melcr and 4x400-metcr
relays which both placed fourth, wrapping
up quite a day by the talented freshman.
In what Coach White called " I h e real
break through o f the meet," Karen Kurlhy
ran a personal best in Ihe 1500-meter run with
a fine time o f 4:56.5. Kurlhy could only
manage a seventh place finish in an extremely
strong field, but Ihe very quick race pulled
her under ihe five minuic mark for ihe first
lime, a goal thai had eluded her for quite
some lime.
" I was very pleased for Karen," said
While. "Five minutes had been a menial barrier of sons, and now thai she is past il I feci
her lime will continue lo come d o w n . "
Versatile Ginny Griner had a line day for
Ihe Danes, as she look three filh places in (lie
long j u m p , triple j u m p and high j u m p .
Griner's marks were I 5 ' 5 " in the long j u m p ,
31'10.75" in Ihe triple j u m p , a n d 4 ' 6 " in ihe
high j u m p .
Other notable performances included
Maura Mahon's personal best of 5:03.5 in ihe
1500-meter run; Lynn Jacobs' fourlh place
finish and personal best in the 5000-mclcr run
in 18:43.3, and Kitty Sullivan's two personal
bests in ihe 1500-melcr run and 3000-melcr
run wiih limes o f 5:47.4 and 12:43.7, respectively.
For Ihe nexl meet, Ihe Danes hosted their
own Albany Inviiaiional, held A p r i l 14.
Powerhouse Corland look Ihe meet wiih 151
points, while the Danes finished a very
respectable fifth out o f nine learns with a
total o f 54 points. Coach While fell good
about his team's performance, saying, " I was
very satisfied with our team place."
Sophomore' distance ace Jacobs was
Albany's siar performer of the meet, as she
first placed second in Ihe 10,000-meicr run
wiih an awesome lime of 38:06.4. The lime
was a track personal besl and only 1.4
seconds o f f of qualifying for Division I I I Nationals. Jacobs ihcn came back in the
3000-meter run lo place Ihird wiih a personal
besl and school record lime o f 10:42.5,
Carmody provided Albany with their lone
first place finish, winning the 400-mcler dash
with a lime of 1:00.1. Carmody also provided
slrong performances in Ihe 4xl00-mclcr relay
which placed fourlh, and the 4x400-meter
relay which placed ihird.
There were many more fine performances
from Dane compeliiors, starting wiih an
Albany first in the hcptathalon. Barb Shipley
placed fifth, with a point total of 3215,
followed by Griner in sixth with a poinl tula]
of 3134. This was Ihe first lime any Albany
hepiaihlelcs had placed in a major competilion. Mary Ban also had a fine day, placing
in both hurdle races. Ban placed sixth in Ihe
100-meicr hurdles wiih a lime of 20.8, and
placed fourth in the 400-melcr hurdles with a
lime o f 1:16.2. Olher Danes placing in the
meet were Dorccn Hutchinson, fourlh in ihe
400-mcler dash; Griner, fourlh in Ihe triple
jump; Andrea DcLauricr, fifth in the discus,
Mary Randies, sixth in the shotptil; Shipley,
sixlh in the javelin; and Chris Varlcy, sixlh in
Ihe 10,000-meler run.
Nexl the Danes traveled lo Harlwick lo
compete against both H a r l w i c k and
Hamilton. The meet was held April 18, righi
in Ihe middle of Albany's spring break, and
the Danes had only ihirteen compeliiors.
Those Ihrilcen competitors were enough on
this day, though, as the Danes prevailed with
26 points to Hamilton's 68 and Hanwick's
32. " I was really surprised we look this meei,
I didn'l think with such a depleted team we
would be able lo pull il o f f , " said Coach
Jacobs lead the way with a first In Ihe
3000-melcr run and a second in Ihe
1500-meter run. Her time of 10:48.8 in the
3000-melcr run was a good one, but her
1500-melcr lime o f 4:54.5 just missed ihe
school record and smashed her previous besl
lime by fourteen seconds. Jacobs was named
Albany's outstanding performer for her efforts.
Other notable performances included
DcLauricr's first place in the discus with a
Ihrow o f 101' 6 " , Ban's season besl
400-meicr hurdles o f 1:15.9, and Shipley's
Ihird place in the shot wiih a throw of 32' 5 " .
Coach White termed Shipley's effort a " m a j o r b r e a k t h r o u g h , " as she improved
dramatically in the event during the meet.
Coach While described the Danes' effort
ihis past Tuesday as a "super meet." Albany
came away with wins over both Binghamton
and Union, scoring 89.5 points to 67.5 points
for Binghamton and 20 points for Union.
The two wins wrapped what Coach White
called, " a very satisfying dual meet season,"
wiih a fine 5-1 record.
Karen Robinson pulled o f f a rare (riplc win
effort and was named the Danes' outstanding
performer o f the meet. Her first win came as
part of Ihe 4xl00-tneler relay, which posled a
season besl lime o f 52.7 seconds, She then
look first in the long j u m p wiih a tremendous
leap o f 16*4.5", a personal best and new
school record. Her Ihird winning effort came
in Ihe 100-metcr dash, where she was limed in
a season besl 13.7 seconds.
In what Coach While termed, "one of Ihe
besl efforts o f the d a y , " Varlcy finished second in ihe 5000-meter run with a time of
20:30.7, a whopping 38 seconds better than
her previous besl. She then came back lo lake
another second in the 3000-melcr run in
Said While, "There were olher notable
performances, people who may have laken
Firsts, but Chris just had a super meet, and I
feel she deserves some credit. Her effort was
one of ihe besl by any individual all season,
and such efforts should not go unnoticed."
Both Shipley and Jacobs were double winners for the Danes. Shipley won the
100-metcr hurdles in 18.0 seconds, and look
the high j u m p wiih a leap of 4 ' 8 " . Jacobs
won both Ihe 5000-mcier and 3000-meter
runs, her lime o f 18:45.7 being close lo her
best in the 5000-mclcr.
Randies was also a winner for Ihe Danes,
placing first in Ihe discus wiih a throw of 101'
3 " . Randies also placed scond in the shot put
wiih a fine loss o f 3 3 ' 0 " .
The Danes arc now lefi with the ihree biggest meets of ihe season: ihe SUNYACs, Ihe
New York Slate meet, and Ihe Easterns. They
will be traveling to Brockporl Ihis weekend to
compete in the SUNYACs, a meet Coach
While feels ihey should do well i n .
Danes batter RPI
•« Back Page
Perimeter Road if ihe game was being played
on University Field. Instead, Ihe hii turned
into a double that drove in iwo more runs
thai added to Albany's already safe lead.
F R O M L E F T F I E L D : For senior pitcher McCarthy, the six and two-thirds innings was his
longest outing in his collegiate career...Both
Zaloom and pitching coach Dennis Elkin
were thrilled that McCarthy went as far as he
d i d ; Ihey were able to real Ihe other Imrlers
Tor Ihe big four game weekend against
Oneonta...Last year RPI erased a 9-0 deficit
and beat Albany 12-10.
Sports this weekend
The men's baseball team will lake on
S U N Y A C rival Oneonta Red Dragons on
Salurday the first game will slart ay 1.00
p.m. on University Field...The women's
softball team will host the Albany Invitational on Friday and Saturday. The action
will start at 3:30 p.m. Friday and will
resume at 10:00 a.m. Saturday...The
women's lennis team will lake on visiting
St. John's al 1:00 p.m. on University
Courts...The lacrosse team will travel lo
Buffalo Slale lo play Saturday afternoon
al 2:00 p.m....The trackmen will go lo
Binghamton for a meet with the Lakers
and Hamilton College at 1:00 on Salurday...The irackwomen will compete in the
SUNYACs at Brockporl on Friday and
Women netmen overwhelm Red Dragons, 8-1
By Dean Chang
The Albany State women's tennis learn
lurned in an impressive outing last Wednesday and overwhelmed Oneonta, 8-1. I f nol
for a freak injury suffered lo first singles
player Mindy Hartslein during Ihe first
doubles match, the Danes would have swept
the Red Dragons o f f Albany's courts.
Albany dropped only one set Ihe entire
match, that being in Hartslcin's match
against'Ellsc Rcuter. Harlstcin won 4-6, 6-1,
6-0, in a malch that had Ihe appearances of
being close until Ihe second set. In ihe First
sel, Hartslein got o f f lo a fasl start and caplured the first Ihree games. With the score 3-2
in ihe fourth game and Hartslein serving,
Hartslein double faulted Iwice lo give Rculer
ihe game and a second life.
"When I double faulted, I losl my conceniraiion," said Harlstcin. " I lei her gel back
into Ihe match. In the second set, I knew thai
I had lo lake the offensive. I couldn't jusl
chip il back lo her (Reutcr). For me lo win, I
had lo take Ihe malch lo her. I hit my shots
harder, and I wen! for a big first serve." The
change in tactics enabled Hartslein lo hold
her opponent lo one game ihe nexl Iwo sets.
Second singles player Joan Phillips had a
much easier lime o f It, bcaiing Michelle
Brown by ihe score of 6-0, 6-2. A l Ihird
singles, Lauren Isaacs beat her opponeni,
6-3, 6-4. Isaacs had Ihe unique experience of
playing someone with Ihe same cxacl style o f
play thai she had.
" I had to ihink how I would play myself,"
said Isaacs. "She played the same game that I
did. Usually I hit short and make my opponeni come in and then I would lob il over
ilicir heads. The difference between ihe iwo
of us was Ihai I was a lillle more patient."
Fourlh singles player Hclene Tishler won
her malch, 6-2, 6-2, while al the fil'ih singles
position Geri Chiodo look her malch, 6-4,
6-3. A l sixlh singles, Ellen Yun easily handled
her opponent, 6-1, 6-1.
The First doubles team of Hartslein and
Phillips were on their way to being Albany's
seventh point when Hartslein sprained her
ankle in a slrangc manner.
• " T h e ball went over my head," recalled
Hartslein. " I weni after it, but the ball got
tangled up in Ihe curtain (that separates ihe
indoor courts). I don't remember running into the curtain, but I fell and I landed on ihe
ouiside of my ankle. Then I goi up and fell
on il again."
The injury was severe enough lo make
Albany forfeit ihe malch and ruin Ihe
shuloul. The second doubles icam of Isaacs
and Tishler look their malch by ihe score of
6-1, 6-2, while Ihe ihird doubles tandem of
Chris Cassaro and Lisa Valins won, 6-4, 6-4.
The icam will be trying, lo use ihis malch as
a springboard lo victories against upcoming
opponcnis Concordia, S i . Johns and
Binghamton. The women will travel lo Concordia loday lo play al 3:30. Tomorrow, Ihe
Danes will lake on St. Johns, a slrong Division I icam, al home al 1:00.
"We're going lo have our work cm oui for
us against Si. Johns," said Head Coach Mari
Warner. " I anticipate ihem being very
slrong. We played West Poinl and wc
managed lo cxlcnd a lol of those matches lo
three sets, I f we can go lo Ihree sclsagains St.
Johns and give them a malch, I'll be
Despite St. Johns' credentials, the Danes
will be playing lo win. " W e always go in wiih
a positive altitude and iry lo w i n , " said
Isaacs. "Since ihey'rc Division I, ihey can
give scholarships and gel a lol of ihe lop
Hartslein will be ready lo play this
weekend, regardless of her physical condition. " I l might nol be line lomorrow, bill I'll
play anyway," said Hartslein. " I t ' l l make
things easier oni the team."
I i
" • • * = < - , - .
-; •
• ",';:'•••£• jrjroa
The w o m e n ' s tennis t e a m s m a s h e d O n e o n t a , 8-1. They w i l l face C o n c o r d i a this
afternoon and St. J o h n ' s t o m o r r o w .
Dane tracksters having their ups and downs
By Tom Kacandes
The last Iwo weeks have nol been kind lo
the Albany Stale men's track and field learn.
After winning a close contest wiih rival RPI
in ihe season opener, Ihe Irackmcn came oui
on the short end of their nexl three matchups
before blowing oui Ihe Dutchmen o f Union
College last Wednesday al home. The learn
will lake ils 2-3 record lo Binghamton Ihis
weekend hoping lo gel back on irack lo a
winning season.
Twenly days ago Ihe Danes losl a close
dual meet lo Brockporl i hai left a bad taste in
most icam members mouths. The otherwise
unemotional contest was marred by what
*some Albany runners lenned " d i r t y , bushleague running" on Ihe part of Brockporl's
middle-distance slar Oscar Heath who commitled four fouls in the course of Ihe 1,500
and 800-meter runs, bin was nol disqualified,
allowing Brockporl lo score eighl unearned
points. Missing llic services of hurdle-aec
Bruce Van Tassel, high-jumper A l Neil, and
captain Pal Saccocio, Ihe Danes were unable
lo make up thai disadvantage and losl Ihe
meet narrowly,
Three days later, the Danes played host lo
the Red Dragons of Cortland in a lopsided
contest on University Track. Albany losl the
meet 64-99 wiih only a few especially good individual performances lo speak of. Conspicuous among Ihese was Marc Mcrcurio's
winning hammer ihrow of 158*2". John Rcilly was a double winner. He look the
400-mcler dash :50.3 and Ihcn won Ihe
200-meier dash in 22.4 seconds.
11. of Rochester
Things looked good going into Ihe Danes
meel wiih Ihe Rochester yellowjackcts and
Ihe conlcsl was so close Ihal il came clown lo
the last evenl, Ihe 4x400-meler relay, which
Rochester won,
Mercurio started o f f a triple win on i he day
Wilh an Impressive loss of I 4 7 ' 2 " in the
discus. He Ihen won the shot put and came
back lo lake Ihe hammer wilh a lowering
Ihrow measured at I 6 2 ' 7 " . Rej Jamerson
school-record lime of 14:56.9 al'lcr going
through 1,600 meters in 4:37 and 3,200
meters in 9:25.
Van Tassel and Rcilly were boih double
winners. Rcilly's lime of 49.8 seconds in Ihe
400 meter was a particularly outstanding effort. Saccocio won the 100-meler dash, bill
could noi pull Albany's 4x400 relay oui of a
four second defied al mcci's end. Albany losl
Missing the services of supcr-sprinlcr
Winston Briflpn and several other key team
members, llic Dulchnien concentrated on
having Individuals qualify for States and conceded a number of events to the Danes.
Mercurio had a grcal day winning ihe hammer in I69'3" and Ihe discus In 1 4 7 ' I " for
two close wins over his Union rival Scon
Rcmillard, The field evenls effort was solid
all around, but undefeated A l Neil overcame
an uncooperative crossbar to break his own
school record and win the high j u m p wilh a
The Dane track team w i l l lace B i n g h a m t o n tomorrow.
mark of 6 ' 7 " . Ron Massaroni and Don
Blcasdalc also weni 2-3 in llic javelin ihrow.
Van Tassel won ihe 110-mcicr high hurdles
and ihcn came back lo win the 400-mcler inmade his contribution on ihe field by winning
Ihe pole vault with a mark of 13*6".
Freshman A l Neil ran bill his unbeaten streak
wilh a win in ihe high j u m p . His mark o f
6 ' 6 " broke llic school record.
On Ihe irack, sophomore Ian Clements
surprised everyone bin his teammates when
he look off in llic last mile of the very fast
10,000-nictcr run. Clements ran even splits
on the way lo a personal-best lime of 32:04.7
and first place.
Albany's distance squad kept up the hot
pace wilh a 1-2 finish in Ihe 3,000-mclcr
steeplechase; Sophomores Chuck Bronner
and Craig Parlaio showed drastically inprovcd form as they pushed each other to record
limes of 9:47.3 and 9:50.4 respectively qualifying boih runners for Ihe Stale Championships. Later caplain Ed McGill went wild in
ihe 5,000-incier run .which he won in a
lermediaics in a very fasl lime of :55.8.
McGill led a sweep of Ihe 1,500 and Ihcn won
the 5,000 later on. Jim McDonagh led a
sweep of llic 800-mcler run and Rcilly led Ihe
Dane's sweep o f the 400. Albany's
4x4(X)-nieler relay of Paul Fauly, Rcilly, Sac- .
;ocio, and McDonagh capped off 1 he Danes'
J9-64 win by inking llic relay evenl in 3:28.8.
RIT dumps stickmen, 16-6
By M i k e S k o l n i c k
BliizkrieK — a lightning strike backed
up by heavy artillery. This is what the
lacrosse team faced yesterday as RIT
scored four goals al Ihe end of Ihe firsl
half lo break open a close conlcsl which
turned inlo a I6-6 loss for Ihe Danes.
The loss brought their record 10 5-4;
more imponanlly, ihey are a disappointing 0-3 in conference play. The game
against RIT, who is ranked sixth in Division I I , began on a sour nolc as RIT
scored Ihe firsl Ihree goals before Don
Cassodanie scored at Ihe eight minute
mark. 11 was a good day for Cassodanie,
who has been one of ihe Grcal Dane's
most consislcm scorers iji his four-year
career. This made ihe score, 3-1 in RIT's
favor. Cassodanie scored again later in
llic firsl quarter and cut the defied lo Iwo
The turning poinl in ihe game occurred
when RIT ouiseored the Danes 4-1 in Ihe
second quarter lo take a 9-3 lead al Ihe
half. In Ihe second half Ihe Danes played
well bin Ihey couldn't come back.
Coach Gary Campbell said, " W e
played even with Ihem after the half but il
vasn'l enough:"
During the vacation, Ihe Danes played
against Vermont, a Division I school and
Oswego, a conference rival. Vermont was
7-0 going inlo the game and was ranked
first in the ECAC. Albany obviously
wasn't overly impressed wilh Vermoni's
credentials, as Ihe squad beat them convincingly by the score of 16-6.
Coach Campbell remarked, " I l was
definitely our lasl all-around effort ihis
year. Our problem has been thai we
haven't played consisienlly well all year."
Again Ihe leading,scorer was Cassodanie
who had three goals and one assist. Bally
Vcnicr and Rick Fri/nno each chipped in
wilh two goals and one assist apiece.
Iji Ihe game against Oswego, the Danes
were hampered by playing on a wel and
muddy field. The poor playing conditions
didn'l bother Oswego Ihoiigh, as ihey
defeated Albany by the score of 10-7.
Venier and Cassodanie led the scoring for
the Danes wilh one goal, three assists, and
two goals, one assist, respectively.
On Saturday, Ihe Danes will take on
conference rival Buffalo Slate in an important match-up. Albany must be able lo
defeat I he learns in I heir conference,
Danes belt RPI; gear up for clash with Dragons
By Marc Berman
Dane b a t s clobbered three RPI p i t c h e r s In their 16-6 rout o l the
Engineers yesterday.
If I heir slogan, "The Road lo Respccl", Includes
healing up on leams lhal had defealcd them lasi year,
I lie Albany Siaie baseball (cam mighi have one fool on
ihc path.
The Danes clubbed oul 17 hits off of Ihrce RPI pitchers cnroule lo a 16-6 thrashing o f Ihc Engineers,
yesterday on Troy High School field, across ihe slreei
from Ihe RPI campus.
In terms of respect, Ihe Danes lately have been
treated almost as poorly as Rodney Dangerfield.
Albany Stale dropped four out o f six games during
spring break as their record plummet led lo 4-9. But
yesterday, on a sunbaked baseball diamond in Troy,
everything seemed lo come logclher, for Ihe Danes —
Ihe hitting, Ihe fielding, and Ihe pitching — namely
Tom McCarthy, who pitched six and two-thirds,
brilliant innings of relief lo pick up his first win of the
year. " W e had our heads in Ihe game," said iliird
baseman Howie Hammond, who had Ihrce hiis, iwo
RBI's and Iwo walks lo keep his Icam-leading balling
average over .400. " I t was our best offensive performance of ihe year."
The Danes are hoping lhal yesterday's romp will
serve as a confidence builder for I his weekend's crucial
four game series againsl S U N Y A C rival Onconia — a
cloublehcadcr Saturday at University Field and a
clouhlelicader Sunday at Onconia. Ill the unlikely occurrence lhal Ihe Danes sweep ihe lour games, they
would he back in Ihe running for a SUNYAC playoff
berth. Presently, Albany Stale's conference record is a
dismal 2-5-1.
Things didn'l slarl off loo promising for Ihe
visitors. Even before Ihe game, there were fateful signs
lhal litis wasn't going lo be Albany's day. Head Coach
Ed Zaloom was struck in the forehead by a hard-hit
line drive while he was pitching balling practice.
Zaloom was not seriously hurl; lie had a severe
headache bin was able to coach the Squad, And what
probably made Zaloom's headache worse was Ihc way
RPI opened up lite game, scoring three runs in the first
on four singles.
A f l c r Albany cut Ihe margin to .1-2 in Ihc lop of ihc
second, lite Engineers proceeded to send slatting pit-
cher Mike Plynn lo Ihc bench in the bottom of the inning by increasing Ihe lead to 5-2 on a two-run double
hammered by T i m Albert. •
Into the contest for Ihe Danes came McCarthy and
suddenly Ihc Engineer offensive attack was stilled.
Mixing up his hard curve and fastball effectively, McCarthy baffled thePRI hitters allowing just one run on
four hits before being replaced with one oul in the
" I was very pleased with his performance," said
Zaloom, who seemed in good shape following the
game despite a small bruise on his upper forehead.
" C o n t r o l was Ihc main thing going for him. He threw
strikes, something our pitchers haven't done for us
While McCarthy was hurling his masterpiece, Ihc
Dane bals started lo come alive, chipping away slowly
at RPI's lead until overtaking them in the fifth inning
on freshman Steve Anlico's single that drove in junior
Mike Vosburgh, who had doubled.
The Danes never looked back aflcr that. In Ihe nexi
inning, Albany raised their lead lo 7-5 on aid from two
wild pilches. Dave Hennessey led off the inning with a
walk and he reached third following two wild pilches
thrown by Doug Bladccki, RPI's lltird pitcher of the
day. He scored on a nubbcr 10 first base hit by
designated hitter Joe Phreell.
If Ihe Dane offense production in Ihc first seven innings was like scoring in steady droplets, ihcir final Iwo
innings they scored in tidal waves. Nine Danes crossed
the plate in the eighth and ninth innings as a close
healed battle quickly turiicd into a laugher.
" W e got Ihe hits when Ihe runners were on base,"
said Zaloom. "Usually, we scatter the hits."
Hammond accounted tor one of the timely hits
Zaloom was referring lo. In ihe eighth inning, the third
baseman knocked home Iwo runs when he cleared lite
bases on a triple lhal bounced one loot inside Ihe righi
field foul line. Tile Ihrce-baggcr scored Dave
Thclcman and Bob Conklin who had readied base on
back lo back singles. Jeff McEuchron then drove in
Hammond with a line single to center.
In the ninth inning, Albany erupted for six runs
sparked by a monstrous shot to center field by Antico
lhal would've endangered vehicles traveling on
By Dean C h a n g
The Albany Sluie men's lennis
team knew lhal they could play
under par and Mill beat Onconia, a
leam short in talent. Yesterday's9-0
whitewashing proved lhal point.
After a iwo-wcck layoff, Ihe
Danes needed lo gei a match in to
return to their outstanding level of
play. With lough weekend matches
against Binghamton and Concordia
coming up, Onconia would have lo
" I t was a good warm-up match
for u s , " said Head Coach Hob
Lewis. " W e jusi played as well as
wc had lo. Considering that wc
haven't played for iwo weeks, I'm
pleased with their performance,"
Albany defeated Onconia handily in Ihc fall, despite turning in a
subpar performance. Knowing lhat
Onconia was such a bad team
didn'l help the Danes get mentally
" W h e n you know that the opposing team isn'l as good as us, it's
hard to gel psyched," said Dave
Grossman. "Beallng them doesn't
mean anything because we're supposed lo shut them out. It's a different altitude when you play someone you know you should beat.
You go oul there and instead of
playing l o w i n , you play not lo
Albany's domination of the Red
Dragons was so thorough lhal the
Danes didn'l lose a set. First singles
player Dave Ulrich set ihc tone lot
the day by defeating Joel Galchallan, 6-2, 6-2.
" I jusi wanted lo hit ihe hall
h a r d , " said co-captain Ulrich.
" T h i s match loosened us up aflcr
ihc layoff. I didn'l concern rule on
placing ihc ball at a l l . "
flic second, iliird and fourth
singles positions have been tilled by
Tom Scltmil/, Rob Karen and
Grossman, with each player trying
lo move up on the team's ladder via
challenge mulches. Karen fought
off Grossman to retain the iliird
position and then beat Scliniii/ lo
lake over the number Iwo slot.
" I really think that you could put
any of Ihe three of us in any order,"
said Grossman, the current fourth
singles player. " R o b ' s playing good
lennis right now. He beat mc and
then he beat Tommy, so he deserves
to be second. None of us will lose at
fourth singles, and probably not at
May 1,1984
2 2
Top SA executives take pay cuts in new budget
By Jon Wlllmott
A l l the members of Student Association's
executive brunch arc Inking pay cuts next
year as pari of Ihc 1984-85 budget which SA
President Rich Schalfcr signed Monday.
A new, two-licrcd stipend system has been
implemented with Ihe President, Vice President, Controller and Central Council Chair
forming the upper tier and earning $2,000 per
year. The Minority Affairs Coordinator, Ihc
SA Media Director and Director of Student
Programming form Ihc lower tier, earning
$1,500, said Schiiffer.
This past year, till seven executives were
paid $2,250 for I lie year.
The busis for Ihc new two tier system was
lhat with the exception of the Council Chair,
tile upper Met is legally responsible and can be
named in suits thai involve SA.
" U n t i l this year, we always picked stipends
haphazardly," said Schalfcr.
The one year old position of Off-Campus
Coordinator was eliminated from the upcoming year's budget, because council felt Ihe
chair o f the off-campus board of directors
could do Ihe j o b .
The reasons for the cutbacks were
budegtary, said Scliaffer.
Newly installed SA Vice President Suz.y
Auletta said, "everyone took cuts and wc
have lo also. Il is more Important to have the
j o b anyway."
A dispute over stipends arose earlier this
year after the Director of Student Programming was placed on the same level as the upper tier members while the SA Media Director, Minority Affairs Coordinator and OffCampus Coordinator, were not.
During a recent meeting, Central Council
grained buck pay equaling thai of SA's top
executives, to Ihe Minority Affairs Coordinator, Ihe Media director and the Ol'fCnmpus Coordinator.
This was done, according lo Scliaffer,
because Director of Student Programming
Richie Goltibow had already received his full
$2,250 stipend and " I was not going to force
him lo give back money."
Minority Affairs Coordinator Vivian Vazquez and then Off-Campus Coordinator
Suzy Auletta were originally slipened at
$1,375, and Ihe position of SA Media Director, which was held by l.ihhy Post until intercession and has been held by Siaccy Young
since the, was originally budgeted til $1,675.
Vazquez., at last month's controversial
meeting, said she was lo deal with rnclsm
every lime she walks into the SA office.
Schalfcr, who is up lor rc-clcclion, said
Monday that Ihc charges are bnsicnlly irtic.
" W h e n Eddie Edwards, who is Ihe black
president of A S U B A , walks Into the SA office people heal him differently than lltcy do
Doug Kalian of University Concert H o a r d , "
Schalfcr said. Kuban is President o f UCB.
Schalfcr also noted lhal Central Council
lias usually been made up of while males, and
this, lie said, hits resulted in fewer opportunities for minorities.
Auletlu, who was recently elected Vice
President, said women have Ihe lowest positions in SA. She also said the controversy ul
Ihc Council meeting, " w o u l d nol have gone
lo such proportions had Goltibow not been
put on Ihc upper level."
Stipends were decided lost year, mainly by
a Council stipend committee of six or seven
people and then Council passed thorn without
Minority Aflairs Coordinator Vivian Vazquez
.•i.ijiurs i iwrmnuior
win now earn tt.juu
u year
Albany netmen shutout Oneonta in subpar effort
iliird singles either."
Karen heal Neil Floyl by the score
of 6-1, 7-5. The second sel was a lol
closer than il should have been, due
lo an apparent lapse of concentration on Karen's part. But when the
possibility of a third set arose,
Karen got down lo business and
disposed of his opponent.
Making his first appearance at
Iliird singles, Schmitz downed
Number 4 s i n g l e s Dave G r o s s m a n was v i c t o r i o u s over Oneonla's Mark Buddie, 7-6, 6-3. The Danes
shut out the Dragons overall, 9-0.
Adam Silber, 6-4, 6-4. A l fourth
singles, Grossman defeated Mark
Buddie by the score of 7-6, 6-3.
" N o mailer how poorly I played,
I still would have beat h i m , " said
Grossman. " M y mind really wasn't
into the match. I knew lhat I
shouldn'l lose to h i m . "
Fifth singles player Mike Dermansky beat Mike Hughes, 6-3,
7-5. The match was not one of Dermansky's best efforts. " H e ' s
(Hughes) alright," said Dcrmansky. " T h i s wasn't one of my most
memorable matches." Sixth singles
player Jay Eiscnbcrg overwhelmed
Oneonla's George DioGuardo, 6-3,
The first doubles team o f Ulrich
and Grossman waltzed through
their match against Gatchalian and
Keith Sludnick, 6-0, 6-1. The
Albany duo held their opponents to
less than 10 points in Ihe first set "
and the game won by Oneonta was
a bit of surprise,
" W e just wanted to get out of
there fast," said Ulrich. " W e
wanted lo prove lo Oneonta that we
were a belter learn." The win kept
Ihe pair in contention for a bid to
Ihc Nationals.
The second doubles combination
of Karen and Schmitz topped
Oneonla's entry of Buddie and
Hughes, 6-2, 6-2. The third doubles
tandem o f Eiscnbcrg and Mitch
Gcrber overwhelmed the leam' of
Silber and Dioguardo by Ihc score
or 6-2, 6-0.
The win gave the Danes a 5-1
record, Ihc only loss coming to Cornell.
SUNYA gets $5,000 grant to fight homophobia
3v Aileen
A i l e e n Brown
si AIT \vmn:R
To combat ignorance of homosexuality, a Chicago bused
research foundation has granted S U N Y A $5,000 lo establish
a gay and lesbian center on campus.
The one-time grant will be used for research and the
development of outreach programs on campus to educate the
university community about homosexualitv.
homosexuality, according to
Dr. David Jenkins, program director for Middle Earth and
associate Director of Residential Life for Student and Stuff
Development, who will supervise the center.
Activities for ihe center' are scheduled to begin ininiediaiely and continue throughout Ihe summer.
According to Jenkins, Ihe Chicago Resource Center is a
research foundation which works to develop awtircness
awareness cof
certain issues, including homosexual issues,
" T h e (Gay and Lesbian) center will primarily focus-on
research and educating the university community," said
Jenkins. "There is a lot o f ignorance about the homosexual
community, We want to sensitize the hcicroscxunl community ubotti the problems of homosexuals and the effects of a rejecting environment on ilieni, and how a rejecting environment limits human development and g r o w t h , " said Jenkins.
Instead of concentrating on the development of new and
increased services for the lesbians and gays, a major priority
for the center will he researching and developing new programs to educate members o\' the university community, according to Vice President for Student Affairs Frank Pogue.
" T h e grant was designed lo identify those educational programs lhal are necessary, and lo raise and answer questions
many students have about guy and lesbian issues. It will focus
on educational studies and commentary about those issues,"
Pogue said.
Assisting the center will be a Hoard ol" student, faculty and
staff volunteers who will provide input und assistance in the
urea of program developirtenl and research, according to
Jenkins. The volunteers, representing a broad spectrum of
campus groups und inleresis, will include heterosexual as well
us homosexual members, he said,
A n e s t i m a t e d 800 s t u d e n t s t u r n e d out t o vote Monday, the first day o l S t u d e n t A s s o c i a t i o n e l e c t i o n s . O n
the b a l l o t Is an SA p r e s i d e n t i a l r u n o l t b e t w e e n Rich S c h a l l e r a n d Tim H a l l o c k . The C e n t r a l C o u n c i l elect i o n s for C o l o n i a l q u a d a n d o f f - c a m p u s are a l s o b e i n g re-run b e c a u s e the list of c a n d i d a t e s w a s Incorrect in
the f i r s t e l e c t i o n s .
SA e l e c t i o n s c o m m i s s i o n e r T o m B u s b y r e p o r t e d that this w e e k ' s e l e c t i o n s have r u n s m o o t h l y so far. P o l l s
are o p e n o n T u e s d a y , the last day of e l e c t i o n s , u n t i l 7 p.m. on a l l five q u a d s a n d u n t i l 6 p.m. in t h e C a m p u s
" T h e Board will combine people from various organizations representing ihe campus as a w h o l e , " Jenkins said.
" Fhcy will iissisl in determining ihc best upprouch for selecting a director for the center, and also in determining the
focus and direction of the research and program development," he said.
Jenkins added thai the rationale for selecting such a broad
directorate was that since ihc center will have tin impact on
tiie entire university, they wanted to involve as great a range
o f organizations as possible.
" W e are working with a very sensitive t o p i c , " explained
Jenkins, " a topic which many people in tile university arcvery sensitive to and fearful of. Wc fell it would be best to
have a very broad based group of people overseeing the
center. We wanted a Board that would be representative of
all the groups we are trying to reach. Wc hope that through
their work with the center it will encourage the participation
o f the responsive groups," Jenkins added.
One o f Ihe campus-based groups which would be effected