PUBLISHED AT THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT ALBANY BY THE ALBANY STUDENT PRESS CORPORATION Friday March 23,1984 Records broken, trackmen take eighth at States By Mike furkady Si range things always happen when the indoor irack season winds down to the Stale Championships, and I his year's meel was no exceplion. Bui the Albany Slalc men's indoor irack loam gave I heir bcsl effort, just 'as i hey have all season. The irack men finished eighth of the :23 icams pariicipitlip'g, mailing .13 points in 'he iwo-day compciiiion held ai Hamilton College lasi Friday and Saturday. The meel winner was Frcdonia Slate with 129 points and Buffalo Slalc was second with 52 poinis. The Danes once again heal on i area-rival and nimh-place finisher RPI, as well as fourlccnlhplacc Union. Head Coach Hob Munscy praised his learn: "thegreat thing' ihai scis [his season and I his team apart is the all-mil cfforl ihey give every lime Ihey pin their uniforms on. They've goi pride, and ihis season litis been one ihey can be proud of." .The school records set and broken by sprinters John Reilly and Pal Saccocio were Iwo dramatic examples of i he leant cfforl Munscy praised. Forced by I he meel schedule of events lo run several races each dny.-Rcilly and Saccocio ran best-ever or near-best limes both Friday and Saturday in all of the ten races ihey compiled between them. In the trials of ihe 400-meier dash, Reilly goi off lo a good start in his heat by blasting through the 200 mark in about 22.7 and holding on to win it in :51.4. He explained, "1 passed (Bob) Francis of Fredonia just before the finish line and he gave me a look like 'Go' ahead, linn's dumb', Inn by running a faster lime 1 got into the semifinal heat I wanled and I didn'i have ID run (Si. Lawrence siar Kenny) Dixon until ihe finals." Dixon dominated all Ihrce of his races and won the final in a shocking lime of 48,95 seconds. Apparently, Rcilly's laclic work-, cd. He came back in his semi-final heat lo run :5I.I4, break Eric Ncwlon's 1982 school record, and finish second qualifying him for the finals on Saturday. Dixon pulled away from the crowd very early while Reilly fought for position through 2IX) meters and made a laic move thai gave him fourth place overall. The lime was 151.711 In Ihe lust event of ihe competition, Reilly TOM KACANDES ASP Craig Patluto starts to kick In theiSOO-moterrun SARAH CAWLEY finished eighth overall. Kacandcs led off with a 2:01.7 leg thai had ihe Danes lied for first, but a bod handoff put Hans at a disadvantage, and McDonagh's scason-besl split of 2:02.1 could not make up ihe ground. Then Erwin look over and ran very smartly to move Ihe team up inlo second place. The distance medley relay fared somewhat belter. Freshman David Blette ran a smart, well-controlled 800-meler lead leg to put Ihe relay inlo second place as long-jumper Bill Waring look over, in Ihe 400-meicr leg. Never having run the distance before, Waring held up very well and ran a split of :54.6 lo keep the learn in third. Kacandcs went out very hard in ihe 1,200-meier leg lo re-establish contacl with ihe front-runners, but was unable lo move inlo the lead. Once again Erwin look over (he race and ran intelligently picking his moves with care and walking away from his rival milcrs in ihe final 200 meters with authority, winning the heat and crossing the line in 4:24 for his 1,600-mcler leg. The relay's final lime of 10:36.90 earned litem fifth-place medais. Freshman David Blette makes a move to Ihe front in the distance medley relay that finished fifth overall at the State Championships held at Hamilton last weekend. led off Albany's 4x4O0-meicr relay Mercurio that he can have an off seconds and slipping in among 'the McGill breaks 3,000 record wiih a split of 51.95 seconds tind day throwing ihe 35-lb. weight and big boys' lo snag sixth place. Said Junior captain Ed McGill finally finished his excellent'series of faces) still finish second in Ihe Slalc. Parialo, "Il was a big surprise at Saccocio tried lo reach Ihe finals Throwing oulside in Saturday's first, bin now I'm thinking 'why made good on his promise to break in both the 60-meler dash and the brisk, cold wcalher, Mercurio was not?'. I wasn't thinking anything Ihe school record in the 3,000-mcicr 500-meter run only, to be knocked in third place until his last throw during the race, of course."' Coach run formerly held by Scolt James. out of the exceptionally tough dusli when he popped a 49'11.5" loss lo Munscy lenned Ihe sophomore's The old record of 8:36.0, set when field in Ihe quarter-finals. Thai cf- lake second. The. wcighl throw performance a "very, very pleasant James won Ihe Slale meel in 1981 on ihe same Hamilton track, would forl left him tired and more able lo became one of iho "big surprises" surprise." Disappointed after his perfor- have gotten only fifth place in ihe concentrate on the 500. Friday ihai accompany every Slale meet. In litis case, Dan Rich of RPI sudmance on Friday, Erwin came back very, very fast race Saturday,. night, Saccocio ran the dash I rials, cruised through his trial heal of the denly wcnl animal and popped Iwo sirong Saturday to lead boih the McGill led most of Ihe way, bul did 500, and then ran the dash quarter; superior iprows including Ihe winn- 4x800-mcler relay and ihe fifth- not keep Ihe pace quite hoi enough placc dislanoc medley relay with lo lire out Siena's Paul Hiirieau, finals. He must have been lired ing toss of 52-10", when he gol lo ihe 500-meier run Senior Rej Jamcrson cleared sirong anchor-leg performances. who passed McGill in a bla/ing kick semi-finals, bin il was in thai race 13*6" in ihe pole vault competition The 4x800-melcr relay leant of over Ihe lasi 110 meters. McGill Iluu Saccocio outdid himself. after bouncing off the cherry picker junior Tom Kacandcs, freshman ended up third in the race with his used lo rescl Ihe crossbar during an Mike' Hans, freshman Jim lime of 8:34.22 more lhan a second McDonagh, and Erwin ran a and a half under the old record. "I find il pretty easy jo gel psych- earlier aiicmpi, but was nudged out season-bcsl lime of 8:10.03 and 18*ed up ai a big meel like Slates, so in of sixth place by Iwo oilier vaullers the semi's, I was running full om who had cleared ihe same height on fewer Iries. just lo make sure I wouldn't gel knocked [Hit of ihe finals/' he explained. The effort paid off as SacParlalo a 'pleasant surprise' cocio's second-place finish assured Surprises worked boih ways in him of making Saturday's finals the 1,500-meter run. In Ihe semiand his lime of 1:06.61 (Fully finals on Friday, Ihe race leaders By John Parker automatic liming) broke Ncwlon's • wcnl out excruciatingly slow, hitSTAFF It HITtR 500-mclcr school record set • last ling the 400-mctcr mark in 70 In Ihe very exciting NCAA year at Copland. In the finals, Sac- seconds. Said junior Jim Erwin, Women's Gymnastics Regional cocio sifted inlo the middle of the "Everybody was holding back so Championships held at Keene pack that ran ai a distance behind ihey could kick lo the finish without Slale College lasi Friday evening, winner Winston Brinon of Union' gelling lired oui." Unfortunately, Albany Slate's Brenda Armstrong and held off John Light of Cor- Erwin spoiled the stratagem loo and Karen Bailey each represented tland lo finish fifth in 1:06.9. Sac- late. He look over at 440 meters and ihe Danes in splendid fashion. cocio also ran the third leg of ihe began lo force ihe pace, but soon The meel, which was narrowly 4x400-mcier relay in an excellent thereafter, RPI's Scott I.eMay won by Ithaca College, featured time of 51.06 seconds. moved up and impeded Erwin ilmany lop-class performers from legaly, forcing him off the inside of around Ihe northeast, and ihe irack and boxing him in. The Field events scoring Albany's Iwo representatives were officials overlooked the incident no exception. Team captain and triple-jumper and Erwin was forced inlo poor Paul Mance pulled himself out of a position when il came time lo make Using new twists in both her serious mid-season nil lo finish his a bid for Saturday's finals. Despite vault and balance beam routines, lasi indoor season with an im-, a very strong last-quarter cfforl, ErArmslong finished with a fine prcssivejumpof 45'.5" that earned ! win was caught off guard and failed overall score of 31.95. Bailey inhim second place overall. Mance lo make Ihe finals. serted some new innovations into ' began lo sharpen his competitive her uneven parallel bar perforFor Albany's Craig Parlalo, edge last week at the Union open mance and managed lo also meel where he leapl 45'II" for a however, Ihe race was made lo record a very sirong overall score order. A 6 ' 0 " 140-pound season-best mark. In Saturday's of 30.95. Neither score was quite sophomore who has developed a compciiiion, that jump would have high enough to qualify for Ihe nabealen Slale Champion Kym Orr's wicked kick in ihe last few weeks, tional championships, but Ihe iwo Albany performances guvc ihe winning jump of 45MO", yet il is Parlalo swung lo I lie outside during Danes' gymnastics program tlie notable that Mance was able to hold the lasi lap and outkicked Erwin fine recognition il deserves. up under ihe pressure of Ihe among several others lo qualify for I he finals. season's biggest meel. He The powerhouse Ithaca College A wildcard entry who did noi noted, "My biggest problem has leant scored an overall 165.60, been pulling off Ihe big jump when meel ihe qualifying standard during just barely enough lo lop un. UPS the pressure's on, bin sometimes I he season, Parlalo was a dark nlmosi as equally-impressive Karen Bailey recorded an It's jusi ion important to screw horse in Ihe race on Saturday, but Southern Connecticut squad, who "JV"",', i hat did not keep him from running ov,ra up." finished with a 165.50. ' overall " score of 30.95 In the NCAAs Il says something about Mure his faslesl 1,500 by a full seven Albany gymnasts falter in NCAA Regionals at Keene VOLUME L X X I NUMBER 15 Tuition increase unlikely next year Fink, Anderson say no to Cuomo's proposed $200 hike By Steve Fox NEWS EDITOR In what student leaders termed a "major student victory" Assembly Speaker Stanley Fink and Senate Majority Leader Warren Anderson came out against Governor Mario Cuomo's proposed 1984-85 $200 tuition increase for SUNY. The two also supported an increase in TAP funding. The announcement came alter legislative leaders had been meeting for several weeks on Cuomo's proposal, according to Anderson's press secretary Dick Matthew. "It is his intention and the assembly's intention not to increase tuition," he added. Matthew noted that the budget details are still being worked on and that complete figures will be coming out in a "day or two." Neither Fink nor his press secretary Dave Langdon could be reached for comment. "Things are looking very good," said President for the Student Association of the State University (SASU), Jim Tierney. He added that Ihe statements by the two leaders are "top budget priorities." He noted lhat the final budget will not be passed until April 3. Tierney praised the lobbying efforts of students from across the SUNY system, saying, "Students kicked in and pushed hard." Informed students have been lobbying legislators in groups of fifly since Cuomo proposed his budget January 17. He added Ihai SASU is a coalition and lhat everybody helped out. Student Action -Committee (SAC) Chair Steve Gawley called the announcement a "clear cut student victory." He called the announcement, "basically a final decision." No decision has been made on dorm rent increases, he added. Gawley claimed the consistent lobbying efforts headed by SAC and Student Association jSA) was more effective than Ihe mass lobbying effort put forth last year. Gawley credited the effectiveness with having, "smaller, better educated lobbyists." He noted that these informed students saw more than half the Senate and assembly in its lobbying efforts. "People in Ihe assembly complimented us because we came armed with the facts," he added. He explained that SAC and SA knew the budget issues and intelligently discussed proposals with legislators. "NYPIRO (New York Public Interest Research Group) then came in and proposed alternative funding," he added. He praised NYPIRG's efforts, saying that they helped a lot in educating legislators. She said that legislators were "feeling the pressure," from lobbyists, adding that, "We could really tell they were harassed by the budget." "I was really impressed by the people who were down there," Rotimann said. She added that lobbying had something to do with the leaders' actions but noted that the "It is his (Anderson's) intention and the Assembly's intention not to increase tuition." —Dick Matthew Senate Majority leader Warren Anderson students as lobbyists. "What separates students from lobbyists is information and technique," emphasized Gawley. NYPIRG project coordinator Paul Herrick said thai he was "real confident" that Ihe tuition increase is not going to happen this year. He added that he was pleased with ihe .success of Ihe student lobbying. He noted lhat the belter organization and smaller groups helped, saying that, "Ihis is the way NYPIRG has done it before.". Lisa Roltmann, a NYPIRG member, was one of the organizers in NYPIRG, who along wiih SASU and SA coordinated efforts in sending 200 students Tuesday from campuses across Ihe state lo lobby legislators "realized that Ihis would have been the fourth increase in a row," Another reason she gave for Ihe legislators siding with the students was that some of them were mad at Cuomo for sanctioning •llcgal culbacks last year. SA President Rich Scnaffer claimed thai the "legislature has reaffirmed what SUNY really stands for...low-cost, quality education." He also stressed Ihe effective lobbying procedure used Ihis year, "Ihey were prepared for us because we knew wlial we were lalking about," he slated, Scnaffer explained lhat the personalized lobbying laclic proposed by SASU was effective because 11»- Banned poster causes SA candidate to file suit By Jane Anderson iOITOKML ASSISTANT Student Association presidential hopeful Bill McCann has filed suit with SA Supreme Court charging that one of his campaign posters was unfairly disqualified by SA Elections Commissioner, Tom Busby. SA Supreme Court Chief Justice Steve Perrin has scheduled a hearing for Sunday night. McCann's poster, Busby contended, is slanderous. The poster refers lo inlcral struggles reportedly taking place in SA between SA President Rich Scnaffer and Vice President Jeff Schneider. The poster, according lo McCann, said "Rich vs. Jeff/Jeff vs. Rich. Who wins? Nobody. Who loses? The students. Who needs power struggles? Vole for Bill McCann." McCann said in his petition that he followed election guidelines when writing the poster, and that the poster did not conflict SA Supreme Court Chief Justice Steve Perrin He has not yet seen the poster In question. with election regulations. He asked lhat the court allow him lo display the posters, and Ihai they establish a committee to clarify Ihe election regulations. The sequence of events leading up to the banning of McCann's poster is under dispute by almost everyone involved. "The poster isn't up yet," said McCann. "There is no legitimate way" Busby could have seen it, contended McCann. "He's just going on the word of other people," McCann said. "Busby was approached by several people who told him the poster was slanderous," McCann continued. Busby concurred that he did not see the poster prior to banning it. "I asked Bill (McCann) what it said, and he read it to me," over the telephone, Busby explained. According to McCann, however, Busby informed him lhat Ihe poster would be banned, and McCann then told him whal was on it. Busby said he banned the poster because he "didn't want other people's names slandered." He emphasized thai he had to "draw Ihe line somewhere." The SA Election Regulation Act states, "No person shall...unfairly or unethically attack a candidate or any part of his campaign." McCann's poster is "not that harmful," noted Busby, but it "could only lead to worse things" being used during the campaigns. "The poster was supposed to bring out what I'm running against, which is the petty politics in SA," asserted McCann. He contended that the poster was not slanderous. "1 don't know what the poster said," Vice President Jeff Schneider maintained. "If it said 'Rich Scnaffer (SA President) can't communicate' it's no good (according to SA Election Regulations). If It said 'We need communication' then it's fine," explained Schneider. "There is some question" in the election rules about using an incumbant candidate's record againsl him, said Schneider, and this is what Perrin should concentrate on in his decision, Schneider added. Schneider said that in his opinion, "a candidate should be praised or criticized for his record." The posters "were approved (for podium posting at the Campus Center Information Desk) last Thursday," said McCann. McCann maintained that his posters had been approved by Ihe correct methods, as staled by the election guidelines. Busby said that he is in charge of deciding the rules regarding election posters. "Schneider put Ihe decision (about whether lo disqualify McCann's poster) in my hands," he maintained. "Nowhere in the election regulations does It slate lhat my posters have to meet the approval of the election commission," said McCann's petition. Busby stressed lhat the decision lo ban the poster was "completely" his, but said that he had discussed Ihe issue with Schneider "just to okay it with him." Busby said lhat Schneider is "more or less my boss" in his 12*- 2 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS 0, FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1984 fJBSSM FRmAY, MARCH 23:1984 XTAtRANrSTVDENTfREi vw Discussion focuses on rape law bias NEWS BRIEFS Worldwide Russia hit by quake Moscow (AP)Thc central Asian town of Gazli, hardest hit by a pre-dawn earthquake, that struck three Soviet republics this week, was virtually flattened by the powerful tremors' that left thousands of people homeless, newspaper reports indicated today. . The youth newspaper Komsomblskaya Prayda said Ga/ti was now a " ent c i t y " with almost 3,000 lenjs and 48 mobile kitchens flown in In house and fed Ihe homeless. Gazll was destroyed by a 1976 earthquake and the trade union newspaper Trud said the quake litis week w;us worse than ihe one eight years ago, measuring 9.5 on ihe Soviet Intensity scalc*pf. 12, Nine points on the scale is said to he a ''devastating'" earthquake, and the reports thus suggested this week's quake was among I he mosl powerful in Soviet history. Memorial postponed Development Corp., of which the prince is a director. Brightly dressed African dancers were among the hundreds of people jostling for a royal handshake at Lusaka International Airport on Wednesday as the 35-year-old heir to Ihe British throne flew in to ihe capital from Tanzania. " I s n ' t he super?" exclaimed Kairina James, 15, after she told ihe prince her brother attended an Australian school where Charles spent a year. Nationwide^ X-car owners sue GM Washington, D.C. (AP)Disgninl'led owners of 1980 X-cars are following [he federal government into court wilh claims I hat Cicnctal Motors Corp. showed "callous disregard for life and l i m b " in selling |hem minis ii knew had faulty braking sysiems. Sonic 127 individuals or couples who bouglu Ihe quips filed a class-action lawsuit Wednesday in U.S. District Conn secki damages from G M on behalf o f all I . I . million owners of 1980 X-cars. G M currently is on trial in a lawsuit that -the federal government initiated to force the automaker to recall and repair the 1980 X-cars. The government also wants G M fined $4 million for putting cars on the market that it allegedly knew were defective. NORAID must register New York (AP)Unlessit registers as an agent of the Provision! Irish Republican Army, the Irish Northern A i d Conimillce should be fined $5,000 a day, the Justice Dcparimcnt say. The conimillce, that says it raises money and clothing lot "oppressed people" in NorIhern Ireland, was ordered in November 1981 to report under the Foreign Agenis registration Act that il represents lite IRA provisional wing. Judge Charles S. Ilaighl, Jr., who issued Ihe order, reserved decision on tile new government request after hearing both sides argue at U.S. Disirici Court in Manhattan. Lawyers for the conimillce countered Wednesday that Ihe Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination protects the group Tom filing the required forms. San Salvador (AP)The Roman Catholic Church, a steady critic o f the extremist violence wracking El Salvador, has postponed a memorial for its slain archbishop creating additional tension on the presidential election. Monsignor Oscar A r n u l f o Romero, archbishop of San Salvador, was assassinated by a lone gunman while he officiated at an evening Mass in a hospital chapel on March 24, 1980. Church leaders here said, without elaborating that they believe it would noi be appropriate to commemorate the anniversary on Saturday, the day before the election. UN building burns Lennon honored New York City (AP)Yoko Ono, tears in her eyes as she looked skyward, joined city officials in breaking ground for Strawberry Fields, a 2'/i acre "garden of love" in Central Park honoring her slain husband John Lennon. " T h a n k you, J o h n , " Ms. Ono said Wednesday, looking into the cloudy skies, ai the ceremony for the teardrop-shaped park. The ex-Bealle's widow then told an audience of several hundred, " T h i s is John's memorial, and you made it happen." The memorial, named after the LcnnonMcCarlney song, was built wilh plants and money donated by more than 80 countries. The land will be upgraded and then maintained with a $1 million gift from Ms. Ono. Lennon was gunned down outside the Dakota Apartments on Central Park West and 72nd Street on Dec. 8, 1980, by Mark David Chapman. Correction By J i m O'Sulllvan EDITORIAL ASSISTANT BOB SOUCV UPS R i c h Schaffer a n d Mark M i s h l e r "The university has a responsibility. SA demands university pay back classes9 money would be "inappropriate to offer any further comment at this lime, because of the potential legal aspect o f the issue." The First semester, according to Schaffer, SA worked wilh the university to recover the money. In the spring billing a notice was attached, citing the mistake and inviting students to pay their class dues. The revenue obtained, said By C h r i s t i n e Reffelt STAFF WRITER The classes or 1984-7 arc each demanding a $3,000 reimbursement from the S U N Y A administration to replace voluntary class fees not solicited on student bills for the fall 1983 semester, according to Student Association officials. Last fall, explained SA President Rieh Schaffer, the university "We just want the classes to get the money owed to them." —Rich neglected to offer students the opportunity to pay their class dues, costing each class an estimated $3,000. SA has filed a notice o f claim against the university and the 1 state, according to SA attorney Mark Mishler. This, Mishler said, gives SA more time to decide whether or not they will file suit if the university does not replace the funds. Schaffer emphasized that " t h e university has a responsibility lo the classes to do this. We are not interested in fighting the universit y , " he said, " w e just want the classes to get the money owed to ihcm." " T h e university is liable for any mistakes," explained Schaffer. Director of Campus Life Jim Docllefeld said Thursday that he had not received any notice of claim yet, and therefore felt it Schaffer Schaffer, "was minimal, because ihe notice did not gel much of a response." He added, " T h e university should be aware of Ihe claim soon. Right now we are all waiting f o r ' a response." The claim was filed last week. " W e are not suing the universit y , " Schaffer stressed. Instead, he said, he hopes to gel in contact to meet with the administration lo find a way to gel back Ihe money. The university has an agreement with the students to put these optional fees on the semester bills, Mishler said. The voluntary fees are requested f r o m students, faculty, and friends of the university according to a written agreement with S U N Y A . The three dollar fee is an optional fee, Mishler said. However, " a lot of students do choose to pay Ihe fee," he added. • Although strides have been made towards fairer laws, rape statutes in New York arc still biased against victims, according to Margaret Clemens, a student at Albany Law School. Clemens, who spoke at a Women's Studies Colloquium Wednesday afternoon, pointed put that in 1975 there were only 17 convictions for rape In the" stale, put of 2,000 reported rapes. The reason for such a low figure, she said, was because the law required that witnesses sec the actual attack occur. "They didn't believe a w o m a n , " Clemens explained. The rule was abolished in 1975. New York is one o f two slates that still requires corroboration when a rape victim is under 17, but Clemens said Ihe legislature is expected to vole on a bill that would abolish the rule this week. Such laws, Clemens said, were "left-over for the sense that a woman's testimony on rape was not trusted." Until two years ago, Clemens noted, slate law required that women "earnestly resist Iheir attacker for it lo be rape." The altitude of many lawmakers and judges was that if a woman couldn't show thai (resistance) she must have enjoyed i l , " Clemens said. " T h e rape laws were never originally designed to protect women from violent c r i m e , " she stressed. The laws regarding rape were based on common law, where a wife was considered property, she said. Clemens, a graduate of SUNYA's Womens Studies Program, addressed Ihe crowd of 25 people, all but 2 of ihem female, and asserted that lawyers can and do make implications during a trial that have no bearing on Ihe actual assault. For example, Clemens said, questions are raised as lo the victim's past, how much she'd had lo drink, did she "want i t , " and did, she say " n o " when she meant " y e s . " Such fallacies, she said, still influence courts. " B y definition in New York you cannot be raped by your husband, " Clemens said when asked by an audience member about marital rape. She said there were two theories behind the law's reason; first, thai women consented to sexual relations when they became married, or second, women are properly, and, Clemens said, it is argued that if a man cannot sleal his own property how can he rape his own wife? " I t sounds like they're justifications from the past, bul it's still there," she added. Marital rape is especially difficult lo prosecute because a woman must prove force was used by the husband, she explained. In addition, a husband will know when his wife will be alone or when Ihe neighbors are away, so there are rarely witnesses, she said. Clemens added that Florida was a national leader in marital rape laws because several well-publicized particularly brutal marital rapes occurred over Ihe past few years. In New York, Clemens said, a man can be prosecuted for marital rape only if a couple is living aparl by court order and the husband has signed an agreement that he can be prosecuted for the crime. " B y definition you're noi female if you're married in New Y o r k , " she said. S u m m e r ' s right a r o u n d the b e n d . lecture Saturday, March 24 at 10:30 by Dr. Yngvar Isachsen at the New York State Museum as part of the Spring Lectures Series. Career, Resume, Educational, and Financial Aid Counseling will be ottered Tuesday, March 27 from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Albany Public Library's Main Branch at 161 Washington Avenue. Call 4493380 for details. SUNY-lreland Exchange over the summer Is being offered by SUNY-Oneonta In Limerick, Derry, and Dublin. Write to Dan Casey, Director, Irish Studies Intersesslon, SUNY-Oneonta, Oneonta, NY 13820 for details. Yolanda King, daugher of Dr. Martin Luther King, will speak Tuesday, March 27 at 8 p.m. In CC Ballroom. Tickets will be available Tuesday; sponsored by Speaker's Forum. The Steven Clyde Band will open for the Ramones Friday March 23 at 9 p.m. In CC Ballroom. Tickets are $6 with tax sticker; presented by University Concert Board. Amateur Night sponsored by Indian Quad Board. Saturday, March 24 from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. al the Rat. Feminist Therapydssues Ii Clinical Praclce will bi presented at the March 2' meeting of the Northeast Nev York division of the National Association of Social Workers at Ihe Italian American Center, STAFF WHITER The ASP reported lasi Friday thai President Vincenl O'Lcary had made one n i p lo China in 1979, bul O'Lcary actually made two trips to China, one in 1979 with Ihcn Dean of Humanities John Shuniakcr and one in 1983 wilh Charles Hariman and Alex Shane. ' W a s h i n g t o n Ave. Ext. Call 482-5680 evenings tor details. Professor Donald Cushman will discuss argumentation Monday, March 26, at 3:30 In the Humanities Lounge as part o l a series of workshops held by the SUNYA Debate Society. A Debate Competition will be held Saturday March 24. If interested call Vic Bye In the Communications Department. The Ramones will perform In the CC Ballroom Friday, March 23. Tickets are $6 with a tax sticker, $9 without. Presented by 91FM, WCDB, and UCB. Israel Program Fair will be held Friday March 23 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. In the CC Assembly Hall. Sponsored by JSC-Hlllel. Class Council of '86 meets Sundays at 7:30 In the Fireside Lounge. All sophomores are welcome. John Cougar Mellencamp will perform Monday April 2 in the gym. Tickets are $10 with a tax sticker and $12.50 without. Sponsored by University Concert Board. Class ol '87 Council meets Sundays al 5 p.m. at the Fireside Lounge, all freshmen are Invited. Financial A i d Deadline for 1984-85 Is April 23. Contact Financial Aid Office, AD 152, for information. 1984 Class Council meets Sundays at 5 p.m. In the Physics first floor lounge, all seniors are Invited. LYNN DKEIFUS UPS Margaret Clemens Rape fallacies still influence courts. Rape laws should be designed across the country in such a way that victims do not have to prove they fought back and were then overpowered by the atlacker. Laws should " p u t the burden on what did the person do, not what was the response," she said. Clemens asked the audience i f this was fair since no resistance on the victims part is required for an assailant to be tried for robbery, mugging, or assault cases. Race, said Clemens, is another problem because o f prejudices against black and minority women. One member o f the audience suggested the slate delete all laws about rape from its books and treat all cases as if they were assault crimes. Clemens said thai a few stales had already done that, bul that it is too early to judge the results. " I ' m not sure what it's going to come down lo in a few years when they've been on the books, il might be the way to g o , " she said. ^ "A woman's testimony on rape was not trusted" —Margaret Clemens A big problem, Clemens noted, was that " m o s l women don't have access to information unless they call a rape crisis center." She said a woman, if assaulted and raped, should gel medical help before showering so that no evidence would be destroyed. Several workers from area rape crisis centers said that all area medical facilities arc equipped with rape evidence kits, bul only a few hospitals will ask a woman i f she wants to speak with a rape crisis counselor or report the incident lo police. • Campus coalition sought for registration drive By J o n W l l l m o t t PREVIEW OF EVENTS free listings Statewide Albany (AP)Governor Mario Cuomo's "perfect t a x " on real estate deals worth more than SI million has been upheld by a stale judge. The decision, by stale Supreme Couri Justice Burton Sherman, was issued two weeks ago in Manhattan, but became public only after Cuomo mentioned il lo reporters on Wednesday. The lawsuit stemmed from a challenge of the lax filed by New York City real estate developer Donald Trump, who also owns the New Jersey Generals of the United Slate Foorball Leagues. The tax amounts lo 10 percent of the capiial gains realized on any real estate transaction in Ihe slate of more llian $1 million. Charles tours Zambia Chlckin Wing Eating contest will be presented Sunday, March 25, at 9 p.m. In the Dutch Quad Flagroom by Harpo's Pub and Dutch Quad Board. A lee of $1.50 is required to enter, and tickets will be sold Friday and Saturday on the Dutch Quad dinner lines. A Statistics Colloquium will feature Dr. Nan Laird of Harvard University on Monday, March 26 at 3:45 p.m. In ES 140. Laird will speaK on the topic "Estimation of Aerosol Particle Size Distributions: A Novel Application of the EM Algorithm." The Adlrondacks—Whare Rock Abound will be Ihe subject of a Dallas (AP)A black engineer imprisoned for a robbery he insisted he did not commit says he can s'ee " t h e bright clouds o f justice" now that prosecutors have promised to drop the charge after arresting another suspect. District Attorney Henry Wade announced Wednesday that the aggravated robbery charge would be dismissed sometime today because four of five who identified Lcnell Geter as the robber have now identified another man, who is in custody in Houston. Geter, who claimed his conviction was the result of racism and shoddy police work, was released from prlftin in December after newreports raised doubts about his guilt. The 26-year-old had served 16 months of the life sentence and was scheduled to he retried A p r i l 9. 'Perfect tax'upheld Parts (AP)The director-general of UNESCO said Thursday that a fire that gutted a wing of his o r g a n i z a t i o n ' s Paris headquaters was " c r i m i n a l " in origin and asked employees to cooperate in a police investigation. Amadou Mahlar M ' l i o w , the lop official o f the United Nations agency, told assembled members of his staff he had requested a "painstaking inquiry" by French police, firemen and prosecutors into Ihe Wednesday night blaze. The fire, which caused no injuries but destroyed an undetermined number of documents, occurred just a few weeks before the expected siart of a U.S. review of the financial and administrative operation of the U . N . Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. Lusaka, '/.ainhiu (AP)Drums and a 19-gun salute greeted 111itain's Prince Charles on his arrival for a lour . of projects supported by the Commonwealth Dallas drops charges RACHEL LITWIN UPS Project c o o r d i n a t o r Paul Herrlck NYPIRC Is working to facilitate registration. In an attempt to force legislators lo respond lo Ihe needs of the silent majorities, Ihe SUNYA chapter of Ihe New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) is driving to register more of the community's young people, women, and minorities lo vote. NYPIRG is also seeking to form a coalition of campus organizations to create a chapter of Ihe National Student Campaign for V o i e r Registration according to Jane Hawksley, NYPIRG voter registration project coordinator and chapter secretary. Hawksley said NYPIRG is working wilh 30 community health, social and human service organizalions in an effort lo register two to three thousand more voiers during Ihe spring and summer and will concentrate on siudenl registration and voiing in ihe fall. NYPIRG legislative representative Urenda McMahon testified before the Joint Senate and Assembly Election Law Committees on voter registration. She stressed student voiing rights, oncampus polling places and voter registration grants. She cited a grant program in Idaho, which paid 50 cents to regisirars for every new voter registered door to door. This incentive resulted in a 90 percent registration rale of Idaho's voting age population. She also cited the cumbersome absentee ballot system, mail registration, Jhc printing of registration forms in newspapers, and election day regislralion. Claiming lhai registration up to and including election day increases turnout, she noted Minnesota which has implemented this system, as having a 71.9 percent turnout, which is well above the national rale. Currenlly, in New York State, one must register 30 days prior lo cleclion day. NYPIRG is working to facililale regislralion by aiiaching instruction sheets to the forms and placing them in c o m m u n i t y outreach centers such, as the Trinity Institution, Jewish Community Center, Y W C A and many of the area hospital's outpatient service offices said N Y P I R G project coordinator Paul Herrick. They w i l l also be helping residcnls at the Good Samaritan Lulhcran Home v iih their absentee forms, as well as having a table during Career Day at the Capital District Educational Opportunity Center, according lo Lori Sing o f N Y P I R G Community Service, Hawksley said the. project has had good response and that il is really starling to come together. Campus organizations involved in the project include (he Gay and Lesbian Alliance ( G A L A ) and Ihe Young Democrats. She also noled the possibility of summer internships which would be available for work on ihe project. According to N Y P I R G , if you haven't voted in four years, or have moved, you must re-register. This even includes a move on-campus, and Hawksley advised coming up to the N Y P I R G office in the Campus Center if students have any questions. She also stressed thai Ihe deadline for registration for the November elections is October 6. Q 4 ALBANY87VPENTPRESS a FRIDAY. MARCH23. 1984 FRIDAY. f. Disabled praise SUNYA's access Graduate Student Employees to facilities on podium, quads By Marissa Donnellan Union QA—TA— RA'S An Organizational Meeting of^H (Albany heal) will be bald life. 5:30 PM Wed. March 28-ES 135 tq^ form a local organization - elect officers -discuss affiliation with a nat'l union bring- pnoi you are a funded grad. student (pay stub, appt. latter and SUNYA I.D.) Info- 43B-173S, 457-8450 or 457-4645 «J WANTED: News tipm Ideas for stories and features Any leads that could help us cover theASPneimrxMm (CT329) Or call Steve and Heidi al 457-3389 "The ASP never sleeps " JOHNNY EVERS CO. SPOUTING GOODS 330 Central Ave. 463-2211 (Located next to Le Fat Cat) - T-SHIRTS & JERSEYS FOR SOFTBALL IN STOCK - LETTERING DONE ON PREMISES BALLS-BATS-GLOVES-SHOES - RACQUETBALL EQUIPMENT - SHOES AND CLOTHING • We have all your intramural sports needs. • ALL AT DISCOUNTED PRICES 9-5:30 MON.-FRI. / THURS. TILL 8:00 / SAT. 9-5 Saturday, A p r i l 7 BUNK Y HOP •WW PERIMETER - SK Sponsored by Intramurals PRIZES1st, 2nd and 3rd place for Men and Women LOOK FOR MORE DETAILS SA Fundetf Tony Ferretti sees his role as graduate assistant to the Disabled Student Services office as "basically to make life for a disabled student run as smoothly as possible" and finds that the SUNYA campus rates highly in its facilities for handicapped students. SUNYA is a "fairly good campus" for the disabled student, said Ferretti. " F o r one thing, the campus is very flat which makes it easy to get around...I really think they've made a lot of advances architecturally," he noted. He noted the accessible rooms on Stale Quad that feature ramps, lower level sinks, and T-knobs on door handles among other modifications. " I would say the Plant Administration is very helpful...They generally remove snow on State Quad first and there are certain people to call to make repairs," said Ferretti. Ann Magill, a freshman living on State Quad, said " i n general, facilities on campus are some o f Ihe best I ' v e seen anywhere...sometimes more accessible than my own home...I can gel anywhere on Ihe quad if I wanted t o , " adding lhat, "people are ready lo help" if needed. Magill said lhat winlcr conditions have not unduly restricted her ability to gel arounc campus. " T h e only thing about being handicapped — which literally means having things harder — is having to depend on machinery that breaks d o w n . " Physical Plant Director Dennis Stevcr.s said he is attuned to the problems of the disabled which is reflected in the "special attention" given the mechanisms o f State Quad. There is quite a bit o f "person-toperson" interaction that provides on-going services such as charging batteries and fixing broken wheelchairs, he explained. There is also a " t w o person special crew to insure access (around State Quad) throughout the day," Stevens added. service rendered to persons with disabling,, i . ^ U n i v e r s i t y and C o m m u n i t y ^ Stevens also said there are nun,c,„ u s o r , jects underway ranging from additional Z Ironic doors o n the podium and State r C which both Magill and Waters m e n S would be helpful, to smallcr-scafc " 2 such as painting black stripes about ihe wh ^ parking cement blocks to aid Ihe visuallvll paired. ' "' Ferretti mentioned other areas of concern for the physically handicapped. Durlni in winter many students rely on Ihe tunnels get around campus to avoid i|, e s n o w and cold, but it can be dangerous lo maneuver with the threat of speeding cushmans. Another problem arises In Ihe even) of fire A person in a wheelchair faces greal danger if above ground level because elevators arc shin off. Ferretti suggested lhat a person be specially designated to be aware of ihls so that arrangements can be made lo locale and remove Ihe disabled from buildings in emergencies. p r53S In her three years living on State Quad, Anita Waters said she finds facilities for the disabled "fairly adequate...better than most campuses." She said she had seen only one elevator break down, and lhat it was repaired quite rapidly. In recognition o f their efforts, the Physical Plant Departmenl last A p r i l became the first recipienl of a "Certificate of Merit presented by Disabled Student Services for Outstanding Disabled s t u d e n t on S t a t e Quad More projects are underway. Potholes pose problems for winter drivers, workers By Alleen Brown STAFF HftiriiK Poiholes on SUNYA roadways arc a problem every year, according lo a SUNYA grounds departmenl official, who said thai in one day ihcy used over eight ions of a gravelly mixture lo fill in poiholes. "The problem," said Dick Polcare o f Ihe grounds department, " i s thai there is actually nothing that has been scientifically found yet thai can fix ihem (potholes) permanently during the winter." Polcare added that the problem with repairing the potholes during the winter months is thai there is too much moisture in the ground and the patch will not last for any extended period of time. The temporary solution which the Grounds Department is forced lo resort lo is called cold patch, a gravelly mixture which is used lo temporarily fill the poiholes until spring, when a hot asphalt blacktop solution is used lo repair ihe holes permanently, Polcare explained. Department lias been fixing the poiholes all winlcr, and in a one day period litis month, ihey used over eight tons of cold patch on repairing the roads. " T h e money for repairing the roads is jus! another part o f the grounds departmenl budgel" said Meg Bcidl, the Assislanl loilte Director of the Physical Plant. "The allocations for maintenance for Ihe roads come from the year long budgel for our departm e m , " she added. Beidl further noted that Ihe University has requesled funds frorri the Capital Budgel °f SUNY-Cenlral. These funds would be totally separate from the money allocated to SUNYAlbany. " T h e capital budget runds would he used for repairing and extensive repaving of the university roads." said Beidl. "As of now, however, Ihe request has not been approved. The grounds department however will continue lo palch the spots as best as they possibly can. We are always trying to make Ihe campus roads as smooth as possible" she maintained. "During the later winter months and the early spring months, Ihcrc is no permanent Although complaints from drivers regar solution lo the pothole problem" said ding the roads can be heard occasionally Polcare. " T h e frost is in and out o f the around campus, the Departmenl of Public ground since it will be warm during Ihe day Safely said they have not received any comand thaw oul the ground, bul then al night it plaints about l b : roads causing a severe pr«freezes again." Polcare asserted.II is this blem or accident, according 10 Nancy Lottx, rapid change in Ihe weather lhat causes the an administrative aide for the Public Safety moisture in Ihe ground to freeze and expand, departmenl. She said there have been no accausing Ihe ground lo buckle and heave, cidents or specific complaints from the ofPolcare said." Once the ground .starts lo ficers. " O f course, we all have lo drive over break up like l h a t , " said Polcare " i h e cars the roads like everybody else" said Loux. going over it all Ihe lime just cause it lo break " W e arc all aware of ihe condition they are up even more, creating a pothole." In, bul to my knowledge Ihcy have " o l Polcare pointed oul thai Ihe Grounds resulted in any serious problems as of y e l . " I ' MARCH 23. 1984 a ALBANY STUDENT PRESS 5 Schaffer says Pogue plans to OK kegs in suites By Ian Clements EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Student Association President Rich Schaffer announced at Wednesday's Central C o u n c i l meeting thai Vice President for Student Affairs Frank Pogue w i l l not recommend that kegs be banned from campus suites. Central Council Pogue refused to confirm what Schaffer said. Pogue said thai he would not discuss his policy recommendation until after he has given his proposal to University President Vincent O'Lcary. Schaffer said lhat Pogue changed Ihe proposal following a meeting of the Student Affairs Council, a U n i v e r s i t y Senate c o m m i t t e e . Pogue's original proposal allowed beer balls, but not kegs in dorm rooms. According to Schaffer, the student, faculty and administrative members of the Council asked Pogue 10 allow kegs in dorm rooms. One professor, said Schaffer, mentioned lhat the University docs not interfere in faculty offices and therefore should not interfere in students' rooms. Pogue said thai he would not comment on the alcohol policy " o u t of respect t o " O'Lcary and because " t h a i is the way (Pogue feels) about doing things." Council also passed two major pieces of legislation at the meeting. A new Constitution, which requires Ihe approval of twenty percent of Ihe entire student body 10 become Ihe law of Student Association, was approved, and an interview; policy for the hiring of SA workers was passed. Students will approve or reject the new Constitution when it is the Subject of a referendum to be held in April. If passed, it will not lake effcci Until ihe 1985-86 school year. Council members were asked by O f f campus representalive Neil Shapiro 10 sit on dinner lines lo explain ihe proposed new Constitution to students. SA cannonl campaign in favor of the proposed new Constitution, said Council chair Bob llelbock. tion o f the Supreme Court justice's term, (a justice remains in office for his/her academic life at S U N Y A ) ; Council's override o f a presidential veto, (the same amount of voles needed to pass legislation will also be required lo override a veto) and a new amendament policy (two-thirds of the students who vole in SA elections must approve amendments). The Constitution proposal was passed 21-1-0. Interview Policy The interview policy establishes committees which will cither recommend applicants, write lists of available applicants or hire applicants for SA jobs. Th interview policy is especially concerned with affirmative action. In its general statement, it pledges " l o provide equal opportunity as well as to prohibit discrimination because of age, race, color, disability, religion, sexual preference, gender or national o r i g i n . " According lo SA Minorily Affairs Coordinator Vivian Vazquez, Ihe interview policy was drawn up in response to a controversy which occurred earlier this semester when students were interviewed for Contact Office positions. Some students had been inter- viewed under a rating syslcm which gave bonus points to disadvantaged groups, whiic others had been interviewed when Ihe syslcm was not in effect. Bul Hclbock disagreed. He mentioned that the problems began last semester when a controversy developed over the hiring of an offcampus coordinator. Some offcampus students had criticized the selection procedure for the position at a Council meeting held last September. They said thai students had 1101 been given enough time to apply for ihe j o b . Council approved the policy 18-1-2. Schaffer also announced thai SA is considering a lawsuit against the University to compensate students who had possessions stolen from their dorm rooms during the Intersession. In addition, Schaffer said lhat the head of ihe Stale Liquor A u t h o r i t y is r e v i e w i n g Ihe Alcoholic Beverage Controls. One proposal under consideration, Schaffer said, would allow SA lo purchase a yearly alcohol permit. Currently, each lime lhat an SA funded organization sponsors an event at which alcohol is served it must secure a permit. D BOB LUCKEV UPS Minority Affairs Coordinator Vivian Vazquez New interview policy concerned with affirmative action. The new police recruits. Call them slobs. Call them jerks. Call them gross. Just don't call them when you're in trouble. According 10 A l u m n i Quad representative Sieve Russo, who seised on ihe Constitution Committee along willi a bait' dozen oilier Council members, a new Constitution was wr|lteh because the preseni document, which was passed in l'J73, isouidaied, "unamehdable," and 100 lengthy, It is outdated, he said, because it refers 10 groups which no longer exist. That is also one reason svhy he considers it 100 long. II is unamendable, he said, because it requires a vole of twenty percent of lotal students in order to be amended. Since SA elections don't attract much student participation and many students are unfamiliar wilh the Constitution, amendment proposals do not pass, Russo noled. The new Constitution would be nearly half the length of the preseni one. It specifies the duties of the vice president, whereas the preseni Constitution only vaguely defines Ihe duties of that position. It gives him/her control over SA programming, bul allows him/her 10 appoint an assislanl 10 handle programming duties. Currently, a programming director handles those responsibilities and reports to the president. Other changes include: specifica- Register to vote! ll^UEl.iEMlMf What an Institution! "POLICE ACADEMY" A PAUL MASLANSKY PRODUCTION" STARRING STEVE GUTTENBERG • KIM CATTRALL • BUBBA SMITH • AND GEORGE GAYNES AS COMDT. LASSARD STORY BY NEAL ISRAEL & PAT PROFT • SCREENPLAY BY NEAL ISRAEL & PAT PROFT AND HUGH WILSON R RElTIMCTtO PRODUCED BY PAUL MASLANSKY • DIRECTED BY HUGH WILSON g% A IADD COMPANY mix* OPENS AT THEATERS EVERYWHERE ON MARCH 23. 5 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS a FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1984 FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1984 a ALBANY STUDENT PRESS J Gol addresses Middle East problems in speech By Rick Swanson STAFF WKITHK Touchlng.on a variety of issues ranging from Israeli victories and defeats in Lebanon to a "double standard" applied by the American media to Israeli and Arab nations, Ehud Col addressed a small group Wednesday night. Gol, Israel's Consulate General in New York titled his talk, a "Middle East U p d a t e , " which was presented as part of SUNYA's Israel, week. Gol said Israel achieved two objectives after Torcing the P L O out of Southern Lebanon in 1982, but also failed to achieve two objectives. Once the P L O was ousted from Lebanon, Israel was able t o establish a long-awaited peace in Ihe regions of Southern Lebanon arid Northern Israel, said Gol. "Before, people were afraid to go outside," said Gol of the residents of Northern Israel, " b u t now, even women are not longer afraid to walk their children in the streets." Israel was also able to accomplish the " o n e thing we have in common with the government of Lebanon," namely, to crush the infrastructure of the PLO, the organization led by Yaiir Arafat, Gol said. However, amidst these successful ventures, Gol noted, the Israeli crusade failed in two goals: to establish a strong central Lebanese govermenl and to oust all foreign powers from Lebanon, in particular Syria. The PLO has been forced out of Lebanon, Gol said, but Syria's presence still threatens Israel's security. According to Gol, within the last ten years, Syria has doubled their number of aircraft and tanks, receiving most of their military aid from ihe Soviet Union. At present, Syria hosts 7,000 to 8,000 Soviet military "advisors" and possesses conventional warfare weapons equal to almost all of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization alliances' forces combined, Gol said. Gol said that Americans must feel a "sense of emergency" before they will act in aid of Israel. When asked to comment on the low turnout at the recent Soviet Jewry day of protest here at SUNYA, Gol said, he could only attribute it to a feeling of "apathy and cynicism" by students. Goj said "it's a pity" more Jews on campus did not take part in rallying for justice for Jews around the world. Gol said that Americans' sympathy for Israel diminished in the last few years due largely to the American media's "double standard" it applies to Israel. "When an Arab kills an Arab or an Arab kills a Jew, it docs nol make Ihe front page,'' said Gol, "but when a Jew kills an Arab, that makes news." Tor example, Gol said, Israeli forces, after overthrowing PLO rebels in Lebanon, found a huge stockpile of Soviet made weapons hoarded by the P L O . The American press however, neglected lo report the find of the arms, said lo be enough to arm an army of 7,000, Gol noted. Israel may have numerous external problems, but its government must now face a growing internal problem, of economic stability, said Gol. Now suffering 191 percent inflation, Gol said Israel needs to revise its governmental expenditures. According to Gol, one third of Israel's total GNP is spent on defense, compared to only six percent spent on military expenditures by Ihe United States, and 13 percent by the Soviet Union. Gol said that each government office hopes to cut its budget by 10 percent in order to help curb runaway deficit spending. According to Gol, Israel also hopes lo stabalizc its faltering economy by taking advantage of the extraordinary growth in technological fields. In the 36 years of ils existence, Israel has developed fields in science, computers and solar energy systems able to compete well with world trade, said Gol. Gol said he is a third generation, Jerusalem born "Sabra," which is a commonly used term for an Israeli born citizen. A Sabra is a kind of cactus; thai, like Israeli citizens are said to be, is coarse on the outside, yet sweel and soft on the inside. Gol studied International Relations and Political Science at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and continued his studies at City University of New York's Hunter College. He has served in various Israeli defense department offices, and in 1980 was appointed Consul Ehud Gol for Press and Information in Chicago and then in New York. • Israel is developing technology. I Russian student notes U.S.-Soviet similarities By Judith Geschwlnd Igor Fcklisov stepped into the Ten Eyck dormitory room at SUNYA which has been home for him since his arrival from the Soviet Union a month ago. " D i d you ever hear of the movie Frankenstein?" asked Feklisov, as he slipped off his scarf and FriuSV look off his coal. "Did you hear of Frankenstein's assisPrnf ilo tant, Igor?" riUIIIB In Feklisov's Public Speaking class, he had lo write a speech making an analogy between his name and something or someone well known so it would be remembered by the audience. He was checking whether saying his first name was Ihe same as Frankenstein's assistant would go over with his American classmates. Then he revealed how he planned to present his last name to the class: by explaining lhat il is similar to Felix in 77ie Odd Couple. "Felix is neal and dressed s o o o , . . . " said Feklisov as his fingers pointed lo his chest, and ran up and down his tan wool sweater. "When I was in the library, I saw a book with a picture where Oscar (Ihe oihcr half of The Odd Couple) was rieat..." His fingers ran up and down his sweater again for emphasis, "...and Felix was n o l . " This lime Feklisov waved his hands next to his face. n 1886,followinga shipwreck off the west coast of Africa3 an infant child became part of a family of apes who raised and protected him. As he grew, he learned the laws of the jungle and eventually claimed the title, Lord of the Apes. By Bob Hanlon ST.-W/- HK//LK Yet, years later, when he was returned to civilization, he would remain uncertain as to which laws he should obey... those of man... or those of the jungle. Now, the director of "Chariots of Fire" captures this epic adventure of a man caught between two different worlds. *j f , _ \ THEATHES v v " Igor Feklisov Studying'to bean interpreter. PP reports student attendance rising Bll BIRD $l 0O^r 5' l f0l EARLY *»SHOWS . • * He soon settled onto his bed, the white language, in this case English. In addition, walls in the room missing the posters normal- the students must pass an exam in Soviet ly hung by SUNYA students. On the dressers history, he said. and the desks lay far dictionaries with red Fcklisov, 20, is in his fourth year of the covers. Russian five-year program as are the other Fcklisov explained his English ' accent, Soviet exchange students. which he said was a result of the " g o o d " exFcklisov said that interpreting is something change program between Russia and Great he had always been interested in because he Britain. "Russian teachers go lo England and enjoys languages and history. *e have tapes of English professors," he He began learning German at age 11. In said. Soviet schools, he explained, students begin " I could have cither gone to sludy in Great learning their second language in the fifth Britain or the United Stales," said Fcklisov, year of schooling. It was not until Fcklisov who pointed out that Ihcrc were advantages was 17, however, that he studied English in school. in studying in both countries. Fcklisov, along with Ihe other Russian exFcklisov picked up a book on Finnish and change students at SUNYA, is from Ihe said that if he has time, he would like lo Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign study that language. Complimented on his Languages in Moscow. Maurice Thorez serv- speaking English so well, Fcklisov shrugged ed as the General Secretary of Ihe French his shoulders and said, " N o — No...I'm just Communist Parly, Fcklisov explained. pretending." At the Institute of Foreign Languages Feklisov is taking six courses at SUNYA. there arc four "faculties" of sludy, " T h e The public speaking course is his only class biggest, over half, is interpreting," he noted. with American students. Other courses inThe other faculties are for siudcnis who plan clude an English writing course, language to leach French, German, or English. courses and a German course in which he is Fcklisov and Ihe other exchange students the only Russian student. The other exchange ai SUNYA are training lo be interpreters. To students lake French. sludy at the Institute and lo qualify for Ihe In his English writing course, Expository exchange program, Ihe siudcnis must show Writing 300, with Professor Daniel Odcll, proficiency in Russian and in Ihcir second 12* I . . M M I M I •..>, » ., CENTER 1&2 COUJNIE REAROFMACY'S 4S9 2170 TOM HANKS • JOHN CANDV SPLASH JAMES GARNER .SHIRLEY JONES TANK UPS Planned Parenthood Office Convenient for students. -X- *2r V l i ' PLAZA 1 & 2 About five hundred students are making ng appointments at the campus Planned Parennthood clinic, located at the Student Health tli Center; according lo Ruth Klepper, Exxecutive Director of Upper Hudson Plannedd Parenthood Inc. (UHI'P). Planned Parcnihood's overall experience ce ai Ihe campus has been positive, according to lo Klepper. " T h e program has worked so so well," she said, and there has been such aa "spirit of cooperation" bclwcen staff and id students. " W e ' r e proud to be here," Klepper cr said. Planned Parenthood has operated on camnpus since 1978. They increased their visitaations to twice a week during the 1982-83 13 school year. Klepper, who has been ExXecutive Director of U H P P for ten years, s, pointed out lhal ihcrc's been an increased deemand for their services on campus and aa more lhan a week's wail al limes for an apppoinlmcni. Two visits each week relieved •d much of ihe congestion for their services, she le added. le Each first-time visitor, cither ai Ihe satellite "i clinic on campus or the Planned Parenthood er Lark Slreel office. office al Lark Slreel, receives what Klepper Of Klepper said lhal men need lo come lo the calls a "well woman" exam. This consists of a full physical and gynecological exam, a lark Street office for any counseling or scrn- vices I hey require. The demand for male sercheek of ihe heart and lungs, cancer screcnre vices is nol sufficient lo warrant services for ing, and a brcasl exam. Contraceptives arc available, if desired. Klepper estimated lhal ai men al the SUNYA satellile clinic. ihis iniiial exam costs around $20-25 for a' a Prior to 1978, a "physician's group," conic sisling of doctors from Albany Medical college siudcni, about sixty percent of the rCenlcr, had a clinic at the University for exregular fee. "We've Iricd to make il afforams and other gynecological services, accordablc," she added. in ding lo Klepper. However, too many proKlepper staled lhal "we're Ihe experts in le blcms arose. If a young woman had a qucshealth care — reproductive health care." She ;n lion during Ihe week, she would call the parsays lhal the misconception lhat most women n- licular physician and be told that her charl come lo Planned Parenthood for birlh eonlo Irol is incorrect. Many women "want lo was al Ihe campus, Klepper added. ilc Klepper said Ihe University was very supmaintain their health" and come lo the clinic al portivc of Planned Parenihook coming to for preventive health care and an annual lc c a m p u s . H o w e v e r , Ihe idea of a health exam. " W e relate lo queslions lhal Ihe re student/University run, co-op lype arrangewoman is afraid lo ask a docior. We're M ment was soon abandoned, Klepper claimed, prepared lo give ihe answer." She said lhal ic because "siudcnis felt anxious about Univcrniosi young women come away with the !y sily records and birlh conlroi records being in thought lhal it's "not as bad as I hoy the same folder." She said lhal many ihoughi." lsiudcnis would nol wanl Ihe record of a Al Ihe SUNYA clinic, Planned Parenid sprained ankle and a request for conlracepI hood does nol perform pregnancy or blood ic lives lo be on the same shcel of paper, tests. Klepper says lhat Ihose tests musl be iPlanned Parcnlhood maintains confidendone in Ihe morning, and women arc enle 12V coura'ged to make an appoinimeni al Ihe TOM HANKS • JOHN CANDY News Updates SPLASH A TOTALLY SPACED ADVENTURE. ICE PIRATES Budget attacked TOWNE1&2 IMILENO.TR* ._ LATHAM 7ISISIS JOHN LITHGOW The National Education Association has called President Ronald Reagan's 1985 education budget request "inadequate" and said that il is "not responsive to achieving excellence in schools," according to a NEA communication, The communication slates lhal "some $7.6 billion" more is needed "jusl lo restore educalion programs to 1980 levels," and that Ihe new budget "just shifts money around — mostly away from the poor and minorities!'-' The federal educalion budget is "already critically underfunded" the NF.A maintained. FOOTLOOSE SHIRLEYMacLAINE OEBRAWINOER T E R M S O F N.m.iiAc.d.A...a, ENDEARMENT HELLMAN WASHINGTON AVf ALBANY <SBSj» _ POLICE _ ACADEMY ^ C E i ^ E R 1&2 S1PAHATI AOMISSION fRI&SAT LEOZEPPELIN THE SONG REMAINS THE SAME HELLMAN M PAHA 1 I ADMISSION AHUOHI.riKONKM.M^ iiuiUIKISTOI'lUCKI.AMIlKR-l AM)IK M.uDOUI-.l.l. Minn l.v JQIINSCOI I Produced I)) III !C',|I lllllsoN .md SI \ \ i I \ s r w i n Screenplay by R II. VA/.AK and MICHAEL Al'STIN BascdoiillR'siury'TARZANCir I III- AIMS' >„ i n<; \RIKIU illJRRQl <;ns [p'Gfrwiritt eumio maam!<«»] WSW™."" Dim led by HUGH HUDSON ISHMVI, >IUIM\ U wvmt n Bitos o i I DAWN OF THE DEAD PINK FLOYD THE WALL Excellence Awards LORD OF THE APES At theaters everywhere Friday, March 30. The University is presenting Excellence in Supporl Service awards 10 three members of ihe suppon staff, according to University News. The award winners will receive S.t(X) cheeks from Presidcnl O'Lcary at a reception in May. The winners arc Joan Charnews, Ronaline Dyson and Muriel Hauslcr. Charnews has worked in the Office of Career Planning and Placement for 16 years, "She assists in Ihe preparation and organization Oi campus recruitment visits and supervises work sludy siudcnis in her office,'.? stated ihe news report. Dyson, a stenographer in ihe Affirmative Action Office, is the coordinator of the office's operations and of ihe "Black Women A c h i e v e m e n t s A g a i n s t All O d d s Exhibition,'* staled the article. Hauslcr, secretary in the Physics Depart; ment, is the editor of an international newsletter. Also, she organized a 1977 seminar on ion implantation between the United States and ihe Soviet Union, according to University News, SASU displeased Student Assoeialion of the State University (SASU) leaders have voiced displeasure al Ihe U.S. Supreme C o n n ' s reccnl ruling which does nol permit !l cut Pf all federal aid lo a college which discriminates against women in one of ils programs. "This lype Of ruling, which allows for selective discrimination within an institution is a set-back in civil righls," said SASU Executive Vice President Lars Isaacson in a SASU reporl. In Ihe case involving Grove Cily College of Pennsylvania, Ihe Court ruled six to three to narrowly interpret Title IX which banned sexual discrimination al colleges. The justices ruled lhat if a university program discriminates against women, funds can be cut only from lhat program and nol from ihe entire institution, "This ruling is a blow lo accessibility, " said SASU Women's Caucus Spokesperson Sharon Mahar. "This is yet another example of ihe Reagan adminislralion's anti-civil rights stance,',! she said. The Reagan administration supported ihe ruling. Graduate fee report The Committee on Graduate Student Organization has released its report on ihe activity fee for graduate, pan-lime and non-matriculated students lo Presidcnl Vinceni O'Lcary, said ihe commiiiee chair, Kendall Birr. Birr, a history professor, said Ihe comniiliee had been divided and did nol make a specific recommendation. He said I hey proposed three options for Ihe vole on the fee proposal. The csscniial question is whether all siudcnis, only full-lime undergraduates, or non-full-time undergraduates should participate in Ihe aeiivily fee referendum, said Birr. The final decision will be O'Leary's, he said. The referendum will be held ihis spring, according to Birr. SA nominations Nominations closed Tuesday, March 20 al 5 p.m. for Student Association offices. Timothy Hallock, .William Jones, Bill McCaiiri, and Rick 'Sclia'ffcr are running for SA Presidcnl. Suzy Aulelia, Bill King, and Dwayhc Sampson are running for SA VicePresident. SA elections will be held Monday, April 9, and Tuesday, April 10. In addition to ihe presidcnl and vice-president positions, two S.A.S.U, delegates, a University Council representative, Central Council members, University Senate members, class council and O.C.A. representatives will be chosen. On the Friday, March 9th issue of ihe ASP, il was incorrectly staled lhat Dwayne was running for SA President, and has since decided lo run for vice-president. Rotary Career Day Tlie Center for Undergraduate Education and the Albany Roiary Club will cosponsor ihe Fourth Annual Roiary Club Career Day Ihis year on Thursday, April 12, according lo CUE spokesperson Roz Burrick. Selected university students will spend the morning with one of 40 members of the Roiary Club, and will have the opportunity lo observe j o b situation first-hand, said Burrick. 75 students will be selected al random for Ihe program, she added. Applications for the free day are available in the CUE office, said Burrick, and are due on Wednesday, March 28, • EDITORIAL — Budget victory? T uition should not be going up next year, and cultivating a more sophist ich.ed and effective core group of lobbyists. financial aid will be. Since January, trained student lobbyists have been What have we done to deserve this miraculous meeting several times a week with many state budgetary miracle? Plenty. Last year, to fight Cuomo's budget hikes and service .lawmakers. They have proven themselves more percuts, student leaders organized a massive lobby day suasive in their professionalism than the sheer force of down at' the legislature. It was an impressive, even in- last year's mob. On this intimate level they have been spiring display of student unity and power. By the able to intelligently discuss the issues and present the thousands we poured into the LOB, storming into student view. lawmakers' offices, demanding justice and shouting And ihey seem to have won this year's budget battle. "Fight the hike!" This stunt left us saddled with a tuiBut the war is still waging. tion and dorm room hike totalling $450 for this year. From behind our apparent victory a few political An editorial in last year's Albany Student Press realities shine through. This is an election year for many legislators. Their praised the turnout but criticized organizers for unleashing throngs of uninformed students into the of- acquiescence to our views must be seen in part as comfices of responsible legislators. We suggested that a ponents of their bids for reelection. How agreeable more professional lobbying effort would yield us more will they be to our arguments next year when, safe and respect and success. secure in their reelected seats, Cuomo unveils his To prepare for this year's budget battles, student newest cost increases and service cuts for SUNYA? leaders from SA, NYPIRG and SASU adopted this apAnd sure as the sun is rising over the podium this proach; Instead of rounding up students for a one-shot morning, so too will our tuition climb skyward in extravaganza, they have been organizing and Cuomo's next budget. After p r o m i s i n g " l o w - c o s t , high-quality education," Governor Cuomo has consisitenly attack. cd both these aspects of the SUNY system. His original plan last year called for a $250 tuition increase every year for four years. He explained thai students loo miist bear some of the burden of running the slate for example, by swallowing the widespread faculty and staff cuts he had planned. The organizing and training on which this apparent budget victory was achieved must not be allowed to fade. The same kind of effort, like the one made by Student Action Chair Steve Oawley, will be needed in tremendous proportions to register SUNYA students and get them out to vote in November. We must prove that the student vote, and student issues, will count in the ballot box. And our presence must not be forgotton in the halls of the Legislative Office Building. Issues such as the 21 year-old drinking age, taxation and the environment will be plenty to keep the lobbying effort going until the big budget battles next year. This latest round of student activism has planted seed on campus and at the capitol. If SA, NYPIRG and SASU can nurture this seed, the awareness and influence of students in government could blossom into many victories such as this one. COLUMN— You are entitled to know Excerpts from the preamble of the SA Const it ut ion: . . .to promote a clear and continuing exchange of ideas among individuals and groups of the University Community. . . . . .to provide for student expression of moral, political, and social concerns. . . . . .to assume the fullest degree of responsibility and power of self-government. . . . . . The intent of the form of government herein established is to provide an organization representative of and responsible to the students. . . The paragraph you have just read is the Preamble to the Student Association's Constitution here at the State University of New York at Albany. It clearly calls for an organization responsive to student rights and student needs — an organization as diverse as the student body here at SUNYA — an organization representative of ALL students. You, the taxpaying students arc paying $92 a year to finance the funded groups on campus, but also your lax dollars pay the stipends of a group of individuals who have infected S A wit h immature political eiclusivism. Lauri Cole Throughout Ihe year, I have become increasingly aware of ihe realities of an "inner political faeiion" of the Student Association, and some four months after my election to Central Council, I am writing to lei you, the taxpaying students, know that this situation within the SA should be actively qucsiioncd, for you arc not gelling those things the above written Preamble guarantees. I am alerting you as a student resprescnlalive frustrated and angered at the current stale of affiars within Ihe Executive Branch of SA, and you are entitled to know. At this point, I musi stress ihe fact thai there are those student leaders within SA who arc honestly committed to doing a good job. These representatives have remained open-, minded and objective. They arc the few student representatives who acl according to conscience rather than political affiliation or aspiration. I respect and admire these students for ihe pcrscvcrcncc they've demonstrated despite insurmountable political game playing in boih the Executive and Legislative Branches. Representatives like these are few and far between. The resl have, In one way or another sold out in allowing themselves to be manipulated into believing that sides must be taken, that the party system must exist and that SA, as it stands right now is acceptable. The ideals of the Student Association arc healthy and positive ideals; whereas, ihe realities are certainly noi the same. The Executive Branch of SA includes the Presidcnl, VicePresident, Off.Campus Coordinator, and Sludcni Programming Direclor (amongst other positions). These executive members have often served their constituents admirably, fighting for sludent rights, planning campus wide events, and budgeting student tax dollars. These sludcni leaders are bright, talented and energetic rcprcsenlalivcs; however, quite often these members have managed their time and energies inappropriately. I have been witness lo an executive branch clique which has sought lo divide and alienate fellow workers. I question Ihe maturity and dedication of a President and Vice-President who've virtually closed all doors of communication between them — political war games of sorts, which include active recruitment of allies at every level within the organization. Their lime would certainly be better spent working toward unity and affiliation within their own branch. I find it difficult lo believe thai Ihe Presidcnl and Vice-President actively supported each oilier during election time last April. Perhaps il is lime for the student body to question their motives. Who arc your elected representatives this year? And who arc Ihe presidential appointments ibis year? While some Executive Branch members, including the Media Director and Controller, seem highly qualified and above such petty games, it is fair lo inform my fellow students thai currently the Executive Branch is slacked Willi the close personal or political friends of the President, including his former campaign manager (presently serving as Sludent Programming Direclor) and a close personal friend (now serving as ihe Off-Campus Coordinator). Although your Sludent Association President promised an "open door policy" lo the entire student population during lasl April's election, Ihe above listed Executive Branch members are all loo quick lo shun and close oul Ihose sludcnls who may have been the "opposition'during campaign lime lasl year, citing a lack of "trust" as their main reason for excluding their adversaircs. Perhaps a much more constructive idea would have been lo put these sludcni leaders righl back lo work through appointments or special committee delegations rat her t han alicnaling those who seem so willing and desirous Of an opportunity lo serve fellow sludcnls. Nepotism runs rampant and demoralizes otherwise unknowing students who come to Ihe Sludent Association seeking employment only lo fall victim to favoritism extended lo ihose ihe Vice-President (t he executive member in charge of hiring for the office) may know well or owe a debt to. The current SA Vicc-Presideni « " • * • " openly admits to never having conducted official interviews for certain secretaries currently employed by the SA. Arc you, the sludcni body willing lo stand by and allow litis logo on? Do you think this method of hiring employees is fair and equitable? Central Council will hopefully soon pass legislation lo remedy unfair Interview practices for all appointincuts or job openings; however, you musi question the authority which has allowed this to take place. Ii is written that we, as Student Association members arc all working lot the good of the sludcni body on litis campus, although' think certain members have forgotten this main objective, not lo mention their campaign promises. The problems which have affected SA's inner sanctum have also left Central Council (the Legislative Branch ol'SA) riddled with similar political divisivenc'ss. It would be irresponsible for this Council member lo neglect Legislative Branch problems; however, the primary focus of Ihis column musi address Ihe unique siluation within the Executive Branch this year which has only served lo muylliply the inherent conflicts which sludcni leaders face year alter year. There will be some (in fact, many) who feci Ihis column a personal attack; however, Ihe fruslration and anger 1 feel at my own lack ofconstructiveness stems from current inability (as a Council member) lo prevent the continuation of these problems facing SA. I have Iried, relentlessly, lo work toward changing this situation, but am unable lo make others listen, for although many agree with what I have spoken of, most seem unable or unwilling lo speak out, I am asking you, the sludent body here at SUNYA lo lisien and then speak oul yourselves. You arc not aware of many of ihcsc problems by virtue of Ihe fact that your sludcni newspaper sees SA from Ihe "outside." There should be no "ou(sidc" or "inside" within a sludent government thai Irttly works for students. You need lo question whal takes place in SA each day — investigate for yourselves, speak lo your reprcscr. Hives. Get involved! spectS ^ ^ March 23,1984 , tm ASPECTS JSSLi • V. . . * . - . . - :',., ' • ' T ' I I ' L I i i i T i i M - ' i l i i i: • • P L MARCH 2 3 , 1984 • ••• • ^Mipipspecp^ C'est Moi S U N Y Albany's campus concert board, U C B , has been doing a really good job this semester. It doesn't hurt me to write this at all, contrary to what some people seem to believe. v - • E Inside* • i Tanks, Police, Sri Lankan*, Ramones, and Ugly Guys I should point out at the very beginning of this column that, I Feel rather sheepish that Doug Kahan felt that he had to write a column in defense of his organization in Tuesday's ASP. Hell, that's m y job. Apparently, since Aspects was so stridently"vocal In it's criticism of the choice of Billy Idol for December's major feature (a criticism I firmly believe was warranted) , the belief that U C B has absolutely no supporters up here at Aspects has arisen; due In part to ill-feeling over the Idol preview, and in part to my o w n decision not to pre-or-review any of UCB's minor features (such as the recent Bootleg Beatles concert) because of their own publication. Rock News, a four page, fold-over pamphlet which was a direct result of Aspects' decision to pan Billy Idol. If they can't get glowing previews, they'll make their o w n , right? •3aLook for yourself. I mean, seriously, it is right on the next page. • centerfold America is the land of opportunity, but not for everyone. Gregg Stevens relates his experiences in a Yugoslavian youth hostel, where he met a tired Sri-Lankan called Jig-Jig who desperately wanted to reach the "land of opportunity". . .but will never get the opportunity to. N o w , in spite of Rock News, It seems to me that perhaps Aspects has been a little more vocal with it's criticisms of U C B than it has with it's compliments, which is unfortunate. N o t to say that w e will consistently give glowing reviews to every U C B feature, because In a magazine such as this, the right to be critical, and even overly critical (which is what U C B accused us of being), is an established prerogative. But. . . •6a< But there has been a lot of interesting and well-planned U C B activity this semester, the Pat Metheny concert, the Blotto in the Ballroom concert, and the upcoming Ramones concert, to name just a few of the more wellknown. There have also been several very Interesting rumours floating about the campus center about just who might be signed to play at Mayfest this year. So maybe Aspects owes U C B a small a p o l o g y , if o n l y for lack of attention. But I never apologize. See you in Rock News. Perspectives : Aspects presents a^-pair of poems by Mary Beth Aniano, and previews a pair of concerts this weekend in the Albany 7aFarces and Faces : Ian Spelling investigates the farcial comedy of Police Academy, a new film just opening in the Albany area, and Jim Lally investigates the facial tragedy of ugly guys, in the first of a series. Look Below This Line For Deep Symbolism) Crossword ACROSS 1 Brown kiwi 4 Tense 8 Vast throng 12 Sea eagle 13 River islands 14 Poker stake 15 Kind of firecracker 17 Everyone 19 Conjunction 20 Strike 21 Worthless leaving 22 Obstruct 23 Pronoun 25 Harvest goddess 26 River in Italy 27 Male sheep 28 Exist 29 Ventilated 32 Three-toed sloth 33 Trapping 35 Negative 36 Beg JWJTMlNMIMf... flW.TMrTOUT MMJO McKWMKrs. Batoa ftiuncz-nin*. imrnu Dtmritr usiesr temat Tm tnxtnsunt:sum... iwe HOK He w m mar w«n ant nasi ** s tub. fortftEADlAteToi&roYit 38 Perform 39 Paid notices 40 Symbol for silver 41 Suffix: follower of 42 Church part 43 River island 45 Peer Gynt's mother 46 High mountain 47 Beholdl 48 In music, high 49 Spirited horses 9 Preposition 10 Portico 11 Fixed period of time 57 Kiln 16 Goal 58 Verve 18 Army officer: 59 Grain abbr. DOWN 21 Manage 1 Corded cloth 22 Click beetle 2 Native metal 23 Snare 24 Call 3 National song 25 Anglo-Saxon 4 Fruit cake money 26 Hog 5 Succor 6 Guido's low 28 Conjunction note 29 Emmet 7 Former Rus- 30 Goals sian rulers 31 Portion of 8 Man's medicine nickname 33 Sink in middle 34 Frozen water 37 Dine 39 Come on the scene 41 Fiber plant 42 Beverage 43 in addition 44 Greek letter 52 Play leading role 54 Unaspirated 56 Exist 1 2 3 12 15 !• Ir.r 5 45 Man's nickname 46 Solar disk 48 Skill 49 Nahoor sheep 50 Arid 51 Diocese 53 Conjunction 55 Spanish article 6 17 |8 19 10 11 14 17 118 19 20 27 32 35 TO" 40 • 47 52 57 1 56 'SB I 59 •• IT Podiating In Spain O kay, I'll admil It, I don't miss thi. weather in Albany, the food of U.A.S.. the library, the classes or the lines, but on warm, sunny afternoons like this • one, when I have nothing too particularly pressing to attend to, my heart and mind drift back to Albany - not to the Long Branch or Pop's Pizza, but to the Podium. Since I started school at Albany, podiating has become something I take for granted. Then, seemingly all of a sudden, I found myself in a big city in a foreign country for^a whole semester, and I had to find a substitute. Karen Pirozzi Don't get me wrong. I'm not missing H A P Day and Mayfest for nothing, but I still need my own place to ppdlate, I found that Madrid, like all old European cities, is full of parks and squares, or "plazas". Hanging nut in any of them is a little like podiating; just bring along some books, with no Intention of opening them, start watching people, and you're all set. But I've found a couple of places that stand out for podiating purposes, each bearing it's own resemblance to our own beloved podium, The Plaza del Colon has the concrete, although it's not arranged in such a charmingly symetrical manner, but then, Rockefeller had nothing to do with it's construction. The plaza is a square, about the size of a city block, complete with grass and concrete benches. At one end it boasts several mountainous concrete squares, with a pool of water in front, forming a monument to Christopher Colombus (or Colon) of whom the Spanish are exceedingly proud. Here we have the concrete and water requirements fulfilled, although the only fountains that actually shoot up into the air are across the street. There are all sorts of people to watch, from beggars to well dressed families. The parks are a favorite spot for blossoming young love, which at first seems strange. It's surprising that in a comparatively conservative country, such ardent public displays of affection should be so common (much more so than in the U.S.). But it seems that in Spain people lend to live with their parents until they're married, and since its not accepted to bring boy/girlfriends home they're forced to take it lo the streets. The poor things have no place else to go. Sometimes, though, l have lo go some place else, cause all the culeness makes me sick. On the weekends there are lots of children, running all around Colon. They're well dressed and perfectly adorable... for 0 while. But sometimes you're just not in the mood for children. It's particularly annoying to hear the liltle brats spouting off Spanish when I'm 21 years old and I can't even do it! So for a change of pace - the park Retire park, to be exact. It's absolutely huge, and full of gardens and statues, pools and bridges. It used to be-the royal gardens. There's a lake where people can rent row boats. Overlooking that lake is a big monument, with huge steps leading down to the water. We're talking prime podiating ground. And if you're lonely for Americans, have no fear. They can be spotted wearing their Nikes and writing blue alrgrams to the folks back home, everywhere you turn. English is spoken here as much as Spanish. (No matter how we try, Americans lend to stick otil like Stars and Stripes forever.) But even with all those American college students hanging out, It's most refreshing not to see a single book on a single lap that has anything to do at all with accounting. The constant presence of yuarda civil and at limes policia naclonal with machine guns, tends to dampen the spirit which leads the average podlnler to jump into the water, I've witnessed many threatened throw-ins, but never have I seen one completed. But I. for one, don't intend to leave without a! least one fountain frolic to make me feel at home. Of course, the Rose-man isn't here, but old gypsy women fill his shoes just fine, selling all types of flowers with a much more persistant flair. A whole slew of street vendors are fine substitutes for the ones left behind on the podium. You can even bargain with the ones here, although I'll always miss the 3 for $5.00 earring man In Spanish parks Irisbee is unheard of, and hacky sack hasn't ranched the Penhipsula. I guess Spaniards don't feel the need to justify their Inactivity With pseudo-activity. They tire unabashedly lazy, and content to just sit, talk or maybe read a newspaper; looking up occasionally to comment on the female population. (The "old country" is in dire need of some feminist Influence),. As for liquid refreshment. Spalrilards seem It) drink mopiing. noon and night, but they lend to confine it fo the bars and cafes that abound here. In as much, you don't see people hanging out. drinking pitchers around Plaza del Colon, as at U. of A . , but never you mind there are plenty of outdoor cafes, where you can get a glass of wine or beer all day long, and which provide a very pleasant substitute form of podiation. All in^all it makes a most unproductive way to spend a few hours. Bui anti-productivity, no matter where, .s the whole point of podiating, si? • Garner Is All Tanked Up With No Place To Go S ergeant Major Zack Carey and his family have arrived at Fort Clemmons, the career soldier's newest, and hopefully last. post. As most families do, the Carey's have taken all of their possessions with them, including Zack's baby, a fully reconditioned and operational World War II Sherman tank. Ian Spelling Why would anyone want to possess his own Sherman tank, you might ask. The answer, according to Zack, is simple; "It's hard to shoot yourself when you are cleaning it." So begins Tank, a comedy-dramaadventure which is a perfect vehicle for its two stars. James Garner and a tank. Also included in the cast are Jenilee Harrison as a prostitute, named Sara, G.D. Spradlin as the nasty Sheriff Buelton, Shirley Jones as Zack's wife LaDr.nna, and C. Thomas Howell as Zack's son Billy. Together they embark on one of the most unintentionally bizarre races ever run in the United States. That the chase ever takes place and looks as real as it does is a tribute to James Garner. He plays the 52-year-old Zack with appropriate flesty comedic touches, and a flare for the dramatic. Zack loves his family, his job (to a lesser degree), and yearns to be a good and honorable person. It is his desire for peace and quiet that causes him Irouble. After going to an officer's club disco, a dejected and disappointed Zack takes off (or a "real" bar. a joint which suits his plaqein time as "an old fart." Zacfc.Jumps into his station wagon and drives to a bar in neighboring Clemmonsville. where he can put away a few cold brews unmolested. After several moments of small talk, Zack begins to warble (an awful song sung awfully) to Sara, a seventeen-year-old prostitute. He has no interest in her, he just needs someone to ta|k to. However, Zack's singing interrupts Deputy Sheriff Baker's game of pool and he takes offense. He can't stand the fact that Zack is only chatting with the girl when she could be turning tricks. He slaps the girl several times and when he persists. Zack finally decides to butt in forcefully. He beats the feathers out of the Deputy;a mistake he will soon regret, ft weems Baker and his boss, the Sheriff, are also pimps. The next morning, Sheriff Cyrus Button, the man who wields all the power in the small town, views the battered face of his deputy and demands an explanation. Declaring that any mark on one of his men is a blemish on himself, the sheriff wants lo put Zack behind bars. When the sheriff shows up at the army base to arrest Zack, however, he is told in no uncertain terms that he can't. In fact, he is threatened with a boycott of his town. It will be offlimits to all soldiers — no use of stores, bars, or whorehouses. Having lost the battle, but not the war. the sheriff turns his attention to Zack's son. who is arrested for dealing marijuana after an impromptu search of his locker in school reveals a large quantity of the drug. The fact that the boy's lock had been replaced is totally irrelevant. Faced with the possibility of his son spending three years in jail, and unable to hire a lawyer because the sheriff's brother is the judge. Zack takes what he sees as the only way out; and the next morning, a juslawakened Deputy Baker pulls open the doors only to look straight down the barrel of a tank. With a smlik on his face. Zack sneers. "I do believe I've got you covered." When he learns that his son Is no longer being held in the jail, an angry Zack proceeds to blow up a police car and run the tank through the jailhouse. He then wheels down to the "farm," where his son is quickly saved. It Is here that the actual pursuit begins. When Billy questions his father's motives, he is quickly reprimanded — "We're not running away from the law, we're running towards it." So it's off to the Tennesee border where they stand a chance for a fair trial and some justice. The incredible chase that encompasses the final third of the film is similar to the comedy and action of Smokey and the Bandit and/or The Cannonball Run. Unlike these others, almost everything in Tank, save for the ending, seems plausible. At times Tank is a trifle corny, but never at the expense of quality. Tank really belongs to Garner. It's his picture from beginning to end and he is wonderful in the lead. During the emotional scenes he helps to keep depressing dialogue from becoming maudlin. James probably will not garner an Oscar for the portrayal, but the potential box-office gross of a rousing crowd pleaser such as Tank certainly will aid in the recovery from any post-Oscar blues. Almost all of the other lead performances are on par with Garner's. You'll absolutely despise Spradlin's sheriff because he Is so good. Jenilee Harrison, minus the make-up and the light clothes I he fans of Three's Company were used to, ploys the reluctant hooker perfectly. She's sweel but tough. C. Thomas Howell plays Billy just right; wide eyed Innoncence countered by harsh realities. . L~ Aspects Wants Writers! If You . Are Interested In Writing For Aspects, Call John or Steve at 457-3322 The American Dream by Gregg Stevens I T i i' I vmmm he guy from Sri Lanka hadn't moved in five days. When I woke up in the morning he would be there, legs in a lotus, lying on his back staring at the celling. Or when he was sitting up — during one of his rare changes of position that I never actually saw, I would only notice that he was In a different position — he would gaze absently at the trees through the window of our hostel room. Every morning I would get up early to begin agaij my search for an apartment in downtown Belgrade and he would be there, In one of those two positions, watching me out of the corner of his eye. And In the evening when I returned he would be there, doing his impersonation of Tito, lying motionless on the bed. I didn't even notice he was there the first day. It reminded me of a Japanese friend from third grade who, when we played dodgeball, stood perfectly still and everyone, being used to moving targets, found it Impossible to hit him. Life can be like that. If you stand absolutely still and quiet you can watch the world go rushing by without being Hinhac by any of it. After a while you either • M H M Invisible or they lock you up. I finally noticed him the second day and tried to communicate. So did the others in the room: Raza, an Iranian who speaks Pharsis, Turkish, English, a little Arabic, and less Serbo-Croation; Housam, an Iraqui refugee from Syria did his best too; and the Jordanian, whose name I never caught but whose first words I'll always remember: "Aren't you ashamed of your country's foreign policy?" gave It a try. By the time the Jordanian asked me that question I had been on the road for six months discussing essentially the same topic With Danes, Swedes, Soviets, Germans, Italians, and more recently, Iranians, Syrians, Lebonese, and Yugoslavians. I was really tired and didn't want to go through the same shit again but he was insistent and so I decided to play around with him for a while. Being the only native English speaker in a room full of people who are not, but are trying to argue In it anyway is a weird experience. They go really hard on each others language skills and not only do you have to make the usual pronounciation and gramatical calls but everything you say has an extra aura of authority carried over from your linguistic, expertise. It gives an added edge that can be particularly helpful during sticky political arguements. And when the Jordanian told me that Israel was a cancer to be removed at any cost, I knew I needed an edge. For a while I considered telling him I was Jewish just to confuse him a bit, but I wasn't sure, if I did, If I'd wake up In the morning. At the rate we were going, though, I was doubtful I'd ever get to sleep. He said if the U.S. would only leave the Middle East alone they could solve all their problems. I pointed out that Iran and Iraq were not doing too well in settling their differences, brought In the Soviet Union, threw a lot of semantic gibberish at him , explained that the present administration was not particularly responsive to public opinion anyway, and went to sleep. I was glad he didn't get a chance to bring up Grenada. I was in Moscow during the invasion and the only news I could get was from the U.S. Embassy official teletypes. Stacks of them. All were official political statements and speeches. It is amazing how little you can find out about something with nothing but governmental policy statements to go on. The Russians seemed to be worse off than I was, they didn't seem to be aware anything was happening until I got to Leningrad three days later. Thanks to the U . S . I S . I knew enough now to know that something was seriously wrong, but not enough to know exactly what. Not being a frequent reader of official statements, I had no idea if they were always overdramatic or if something was really amiss. It wasn't until I got back to Copenhagen that 1 began to get a clear picture of what had happened. And then I was really horrified. From my vantage point there was no difference between the American invasion of Grenada and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The circumstances leading up to each Invasion were the same. The Irony of a country that had so vigorously opposed the invasion of Afghanistan behaving In the same reckless paranoid manner was incomprehensible to me. The only difference was that the Americans were promising to leave quickly and the Russians still have over 100,000 troops in Afghanistan more than half a decade later. But none of the American Journalists I could get a hold of (figuratively) even w h i s p e r e d the word Afghanistan. And when the Newsweek issue about the Incident finally made It to Europe I was outraged by the lack of any critical perspective Surely there must be someone on the Newsweek staff who thought the Invasion wasn't such a ho, iked again, but we were laughing too hard at him Idea. If a democratic republic is incapable ol even try to answer. It was at that moment a guy generating opposing ideas then It might as well be | ho seemed to know Jig came Into the room. As a Totalitarian state. It is a fundamenlal corturns out, he spoke English and after nearly a nerstone of not only democracy but of good jourreek of speculation we began to unravel Jig-jig's nallsm to present a wide variety of viewpoints || ry. everyone agrees, then either it is a very unimpottant issue or something is very wrong But the Jordanian guy never go! to ask me about Grenada, and the conversations In out room drifted towards other things. One day Ran and 1 were discussing how easy it was to maki money driving trucks from the Tiergarden near Munich to the Iranian border through Turkey and how you could make even more money smuggling electronic watches Into Bulgaria when Jig-jig came to life. The only word the Sri Lankan guv knew that we did was the Hindu word for lucking; jlg-jlg, so that's what we called him. "That jig-jig guy" or "Jig-jig", or just "Jig" if we were talking quickly. It was the first time I'd seen him move and It startled me. He had a big smile, his eyes shone, and suddenly he was the most animated person in the room. We had stumbled across the only English word he understood. "Smuggling? Smuggling?" he asked. Raza told me that the Sri Lankans fancied themselves excellent smugglers and took great pride in it. "Smuggling?" Jig-jig For 28 years he had endured the poverty of SriLanka. Finally he decided his only future lay somewhere else. Jig-jig's first thought was for that great land of opportunity, the United States, but that's as far as he got, a thought. Knowing well full the U.S. doesn't Issue visas to people like him, he sfcjftled on Greece. But the Greeks didn't want him either and Jig's entire life began to revolve airiound, not how he could earn his fortune, but how he could get into a country where he could work, " '"'Jig-jig had what seemed to be a foolproof plan foe getting a Greek visa. It seems that Romania does not have diplomatic relations with Sri Lanka. But Britain does, and because Sri Lanka is part of ! commonwealth, assumes responsibility for Sri Inkan citizens In Romania. Jig's plan was to get l o Romania and lose his passport, forcing the (itish Embassy to Issue him a brand new British jjssport. With a British passport he would be able get into Greece. But he had to get Into pmanla first. t h e only European country that would let Jigjig in from Sri Lanka was Yugoslavia. He made it into Belgrade with no trouble at all. But he soon ran Into serious difficulties. The Romanian Embassy was quite courteous when Jig paid for his visa in Belgrade. But apparently they have two types of visas at the Romanian Embassy: the type they let you pay for, and the type they let you into the country with. Three times Jig boarded a train from Belgrade to Bucharest and three times they turned him back at the border. Jlg-jlg didn't have a plan B and now he was turning to us for suggestions. Well, he had come to the right place anyway, the room was filled with people whose lives revolved around which countries they could get into. Except for me of course. I sal there with my U.S. passport, the American Express card and travel documents, in my pocket; occasionally supplying a needed word or two but generally keeping my mouth shut. This plotting to get into a country just lo lose a passport more resembled a terrorist activity than a travel agency. Raza, who has a wife and two children in the U.S. he can't get a visa to visit, hit upon Ihe most direct solution. If Jig were to (ly (roni Belgrade lo Bucharest the customs people at Ihe airport would be less likely to send him back because it was much more difficult for them to do. The next day Jig-jig had a ticket. It was a Saturday morning when I saw him at the tramstop. There had been a blizzard Ihe day before, leaving two feet of snow on the ground. Jig had been waiting an hour for the tram lo the bus to the airport but nothing seemed to be running. He was worried he'd miss his plane. 1 was worried he would freeze to death. Jig was wearing sneakers, a sweatshirt, and thin polyester pants. I guess noone had told him the world climate tended to be a little colder than his native Sri Lanka. Or maybe It was because he had expected to be in Greece by now. At any rate, after standing like that for an hour and a half in two feet of snow he told me, through an interpreter friend, that If the tram didn't come soon he would fall over. Jig was still shivering when I saw him that evening In his usual position at Ihe hostel. The blizzard had closed the airport and someone there had told him the customs officials in Bucharest would have no qualms about sending him back. In disgust he had cashed In his ticket. Plan C involved a rumor that it was much easier to get a Greek visa from the Greek Embassy In Hungary than anywhere else. Jlg-jlg abandoned his plans to lose his passport and thought he'd give It a shot In Budapest. There was only one problem, the Hungarian Embassy In Belgrade wouldn't give him a Hungarian visa. Plan D wwas a modification of plan C. Jlg-jlg had bought a train ticket to Prague and had somehow managed to gel a Checkloslovaklan visa. He had done Ihis not because he wanted to go to Prague, but because to get lo Prague from Belgrade one had to pass through, you guessed It, Hungary. The plan now was to show the Hungarian Embassy in Belgrade the ticket, get a transit visa for Hungary, and get off the train a few stops early, in Budapest. Once there he could get his Greek visa and finally head south (passing through Belgrade again) where he hoped lo get a job on a ship. Well, Jig made It lo Budapest but, rumors being rumors. Ihe Greek Embassy in Hungary did the same as Greek Embassies everywhere else and Jig-jig wound up back in Belgrade. I've since found an apartment but I go back to Ihe hostel occasionally lo see how things are going. Jig-jig is still lying there, trying to figure out what lo do next. He has $600 left. His bed at the hostel costs $3 a day including breakfast, and his meals at the student mensa cost him another HO cents. At $3.80 a day he has about three months to figure out what to do. If he waits any longer he won't be able to afford lo gel back to Sri Lanka. And so he waits for an opportunity or a rumor, for some vague chance of getting to a country where he can work. His possibilities are limited, but what else can he do? Jig-jig believes In Capilalism, the free market system, and the American Dream. He believes what he hears on Voice of America broadcasts. He longs to make the American way his, but they won't let him in. I hear they're rennovallng the Statue of Liberty In New York this year. While they're at It; while Reagan does his best to spread embarrassing propaganda about the greatness of American Democracy; I think they should turn Miss Liberty : around to face New Jersey and, with her back to ihe rest of the world they should hang a sign around her neck that says in big, bold, Red, White, and Blue letters: LAND OF OPPORTUNITY: NO VACANCIES • MARCH 23. 1984 •§m A§?fiCTS Pmpectioet MARCH 23, 1984 i Farce* and Fmcet oWPtefrs^HfTi *> ^'.^•FU*- tJSRECTSim yM An Unarresting Comedy f the hit motion picture Airplane had a soul sister in a blue uniform, her name would surely be Police Academy. While the new film does not quite stand up to its illustrious counterpart, it Is nevertheless an amusing farce which unmercifully pokes fun at the Institution of Law and Order. / Ian Spelling Rather than being a straight, out and out, gagfest, Police Academy wears itself thin attempting to either imitate or lampoon Stripes, An. Officer and a Gentleman, Private Benlamin, and of course, the aforementioned Airplane. Surprisingly enough, the Interweav ing of the various films, plots, and even specific Images comes across as somewhat fresh and original. That the final product Is as enjoyable as it Is is due in part to the free-wheeling plot. The woman mayor of an unidentified city requests that all restrictions concerning eligibility for joining the Police Department cease to exist. Age, sex, weight, height, and even educational background are to be overlooked. Not wishing to breach the guidelines set by the Mayor, Commandant Lassard (George Gaynes) takes it upon himself to make sure that no one receives the boot. To this end, he orders Sergeants Harris (G.W. Bailey) and Callanhan (Leslie Easterbrook) to work the new recruits Into the ground. Better they should quit than get canned. Unfortunately for all involved, a young man named Carey Mahoney (Steve Guttenberg) reluctantly finds himself in a precarious catch 22 situation. It seems he has a choice; spend time in prison for crimes against an obnoxious customer at the parking lot where he previously worked, or join the Police Academy and become a cop like his father before him. If Mahoney should quit voluntarily, he will immediately be placed behind bars. But unbeknownst to him, he may not be expelled. In other words, the harder he attempts to get himself kicked out, the more pressure is exerted to force him to voluntarily withdraw from the training program - which he can't do. All of the training, or lack thereof, leads to the climax during which the recruits are put to the test. A riot has broken out in the town and everyone is called upon to do his or her share. The crew of would-be cops that dropped out were smart. Harris' tough drills had sent many a recruit packing, although the unwanted Mahoney stayed the course. Now they had to face real, life-threatening situations. ] MY BLUE WORDS Feeling sit, my for poetic 1 pen lazed between fingers, waiting the poems. Seeing them, knowing too that my blue words will never paint what I envision. I wonder What the point is. Why try to explain a mere hue from the vast colorations of sentiment. Where do I come off thinking that my blue words are better than yours; my almond peace purer than yours? Nevertheless, my pen awaits, and 1, sitting, feeling poetic, wait for the poems expectantly. Mary Beth Aniano • Concert Previews • Liz Story Is Just Plain Folk This Saturday at 8:00 p.m., improvisational pianist and Windham Hill recording artist Liz Story will apprear at the Troy Savings Bank Music Hall. Story, whose recent album, Solid Colors, has received universal critical acclaim, is a bright and rising star in the field of folk music, and has been heralded by many critics as Windham Hill's next major performer. Tickets for Saturday's performance are still available. For information, students should call 273-0038. These leftover men and women form the backbone of Police Academy. Each of the ten supporting players has his or her moment to shine on the screen. Bubba Smith, Michael Winslow, and Marion Ramsey really wring the rope of their respective characters in order to draw out every last drop of personality. Bubba plays a huge softie; In fact he's a florist. A what? "A florist, you know, flowers and shit." He can sell flowers, but he can't drive. Mahoney offers to help Bubba pass the policeman's road test. They "borrow" a small vehicle which cramps Bubba's style and legs. Mahoney jokingly suggests removing the front seats, which Bubba seriously proceeds to do. Michael Winslow is Doctor Monslgnor Larvelle Jones, master of the art of mlmlckry. He transforms himself into a walking P.A. system, helicopter, video game, or whatever else he feels necessary. Talk about stealing the show; this guy was cheered every time he appeared on the screen. Marion Ramsey has the distinct pleasure of being the only women with something better lo do than cater to men. She makes the most of her role as Laverne Hooks, a timid young woman who speaks too softly to be forceful. George Gaynes (Mr. Smith on General Hospital) also has a supporting role, but his is larger than that of any recruit. Gaynes' ability to facially express pain and joy simultaneously comes in handy when he stands before a podium to narrate a slide show for a group of VIPs. Commandant Lassard meets real-life porn star Georgina Spelvin (The Deuil In Mrs. Jones) the hard way. By the time the scene is eventually reprised it becomes a little hard to swallow. In the leads, both G.W. Bailey and Steve Guttenberg succeed. Bailey (Rizzo on MASH) plays the grizzled drill sergeant with a viciousness that, at limes, seems too farfetched. But credit must be given where credit is due; he does not turn to mush as the credits roll. Harris is a bastard from beginning to end. Gutlenberg's role is tailor made. He has nothing to do but smile, be cute, and give a wfnk-in-the-eye performance. All of which he does well. However, there Is no meat on the " Mqhoney character. He learns nothing, nor does he become a better person from his experiences. Guttenberg remains one of America's most promising young actors. Remember Diner? He was the sports freak who would not tie the knot with his fiancee unless she could pass a difficult quiz. Although fluff such as Police Academy probably will not harm his career, Guttenberg should realize that It will earn him little respect. Police Academy has its moments, several of them in fact. The picture is replete with profanity, chases, gunfights in which no one gets hurt, and the usual assortment of sight gags which are common place In this type of sophomoric fare. No matter, Police Academy still manages to rise above the teen-marketed junk which is generally released during spring and summer. Despite being about as prediclable as a film can be. Police Academy will do on a day when you simply want a smile or a laugh with no strings attached. • My Life As An Ugly Guy Are You An Ugly Guy? The Ramones' Rapid Rock Fellow Plnheads. Headbangers. and Blitzkrieg Boppers, gather 'round: The Ramones are hitting the Capital District once again. For those who really don't have a clue as to exactly what The Ramones are all about. It's really not hard to understand. The Ramones first appeared In 1977 as America's answer to Punk Rock, along with such groups as Talking Heads, Television, Blondle, and the Pattl Smith Group. The difference between The Ramones and most of the early English punk groups, though, was that as the punks banded together to spout off angry political statements. The Ramones sang about trivial issues like glue-sniffing and beating young tikes with baseball bats. Ten years and seven albums later, Joey Ramone Is still screaming the same incredibly funny lyrics, Johnny Ramone is slill banging out the same exact chords every song, and Dee Dee Ramone still preludes many of their two and a half minute barrages with the classic "1-2-3-4!" The Ramones play loud, rapid-fire rock-'n-roll, sometimes exceeding thirty songs In a concert. To add to their self-inflicted authenticity, they even still wear holey jeans and leather jackets. For those who don't gel the joke it's just too hard 16 explain by now; lake The Ramones literally and/or seriously, and you're a narrow-minded rock critic. Enjoy their Inherent sense of humor, and you'll have an Incredibly good time at the concert. The Ramones want the airwaves, so give 'em a shot; their an extravaganza everyone should experience at least once In a lifetime. ' After reading this preview, my editor got the Impression that I was trying to spile or ridicule The Ramones. So as not to mislead the reading public of Aspects, I think this time I'll just wade through the bullshit and musical phraseology gibbledy-gook and come right out and say what I feel about The Ramones. I like them a lot and they make me laugh. Jonas Nachain Are you an ugly guy? Do people get physically ill at the sight of your features? Do you? Aspects very own ugly guy. Jim Lally, speaks frankly about the trials and tribulations of his life as an ugly guy. m I gly. It's an ugly word. As an actual ^ J physical condition (especially if you happen to be the poor slob afflicted with it) it goes well beyond the realm of mere phonetic displeasure. JimLaUy Okay, so now all you ugly guys out there (and I know there are at least two of you, because they both room with me), you're saying "Yes, we know It's a lousy deal. Geez, we hardly heed the ASP to tell us that!" You're right, you don'I need the ASP to tell you thai, and we won't, because that would be a nasty thing to do, and hey! we're nice people here. Far be It for us to tell you (hat you're a dog. But let me remind you that, nice as we are, even If Dave Laskin becomes a Saint tomorrow and the rest of the editorial board ascends 40 days later, you'll still be walking home from the Mount without a date. Ready to listen? Good. ' The problem that bothers a great many potentially ugly guys the most is that they can never really be sure whether or not their facial features are as bad as everyone else's reactions would seem to indicate. So how lo find out whether or not you are. indeed, an ugly guy. The techniques are many and varied, but there are two things that you absolutely cannot do to determine the quality of your features. They are: Also remember; Your'frlends are not honest enough to judge your own features. So now that we've determined how not to figure out whether or not you're an ugly guy, let's move on to the more practical methods. Of course, there is really only one meter for determining whether or not you're an ugly guy — pretty girls. A Word About Pratty Glrla They don't usually date ugly guys. 1: Look In a mirror — In my long career as an ugly guy, I've tried this many times, and it simply remains a jarringly Ineffective way to gauge your own looks. No matter how long the average ugly guy scrutinizes the high, domed forehead, the eyebrows that meet over the nose, and the huge purple circles where his lower eyelids should be — In short, that amalgam of disjointed features that his peers laughingly call his face — the image received by his brain Is still some sort of cross between Robert Redford and Tom Selleck. Remember; you are not qualified to judge your own features. 2: Ask a friend — Obviously, whenever we get depressed or insecure,"" our first reaction Is to run to our friends for reassurance (I.e. lies.) Now, In most cases, we can manage to convince ourselves that what they tell us Is Gospel. However, If you slop to think about it, could you ever really see a conversation like this taking place between two friends Jim, am I ugly? Oh God, you found out; did you? or Jim, am I ugly? Yes, but hey, you're a nice person. Of course, I don't mean to be unfair to pretty girls, as there have been many documented cases of pretty,girls dating ugly guys. There Is even a kernel of truth to the old fable that girls tend to look below the surface, and tend to give more credit for personality over appearance than even the ugliest guys do. Still, pretty girls remain the best yardstick by which to measure your appearance. If you really want to know whether or not you're an ugly guy, ask one out. If she laughs at you, you're ugly (or something equally unappealing). If she looks scared, you're really ugly. If she tells you she would rather be your friend, you're ugly, but nice. And If she tells you to drop dead, you have absolutely no redeeming factors whatsoever. Nam Weak: Dating Tipa For The Gay! ™ LETTERS IMARCH 23, 1 8a ASPECTS I Retrospect Spectrum MUSIC N a w York CHy C a f e II (459-9580) Y«a««r<Uy'« (489-8066) Vapor Lock, March 23-24 B o g i a ' a (482-9797) Square One, March 23-24 American Landscape, Prints from the 1920s and 1930s. Twentieth Century American Watercolor: An exploration of the mastery and variety of e x p r e s sion of forty American artists. Richard Stankiewicz Memorial: A small exhibition of sculpture arid photographs in honor of this distinguished American artist. Also, works by students Out of our hands P r o c t o r ' s T h e a t r e (382-1083) Robert Merrill with the Octavo Singers, March 3 1 , 8 p . m . C a p i t a l R e p (462-4534) Premiere of a New American Play. March 24-Aprll 15. S k l d m o r e C o l l e g e (584-5000, ext. 344) C e n t e r G a l l e r i e s (455-6640) Lark T a v e r n (463-9779) Yours Truly, March 23-24 T h e A l b a n y G a l l e r y (482-5374) 19th and 20th Century American Marine Painters. Buttersworth, Jacobsen, Moran, Lever, and others. Eighth S t e p C o f f e e H o u a e (434-1703) every Tues nite—Open stage for anyone for 15 minutes; every Wed nite—game night; March 23; Sue Elberger; March 24: Helderbergh Madrigal Singers; T h e C h a t e a u L o u n g e (465-9086) S k i n f l i n t s (436-8301) Albany Institute of History and Art (463-4478) Seventeenth Century Dutch Majolica, Hudson River School Landscape Painters, Paintings from the Institute's1 Collection, People of the Great Peace. At the Gallery: Black and White Plus. A multimedia study of contrast. T h e H y d e C o l l e c t i o n (792-1761) Steiglitz: The Lake George Years, photography exhibition. Glen Falls. Palace T h e a t r e 2 8 8 Lark (462-9148)March 27: Lupen Proles; March 28: B.T.V.'s; March 29: Operation Pluto H a l f m o o n C a f e (436-0329)March 2 3 : Rudy Gabriglson; March 24: John O'Conner; Naomi Peterkin; March 25: John O'Conner S c h i c k Art G a l l e r y (584-5000) Skldmore College Faculty Exhibition; Patterns in Art. Contemporary. March 8-April 15. Half M o o n C a f e (436-0329) Guatemalan Clothing and Gabrics. S k y w a y (399-4922) H a m m / B r i c k m a n Gallery (463-8322) C h r i s t o p h e r ' s P u b (459-7757) RPI F i e l d H o u a e (783-1333) D i e t e l Gallery. (274-4440) P a u l e y ' s H o t e l (463-9082) March 23 Himalaya; March 24 The Jets; March 25:Jeannie Smith and the Hurricanes RPI Gallery (266-6640) Art & Architecture at Rensselaer. Exhibition of Student Work. March 27-April 6. ART N e w York S t a t e M u s e u m (474-5842) The Humnities Experience: The Subject is You.; Exhibit: The World of' Gems SUNYA Art Gallery (457-8390) Rural Vistas: Rediscovery of the THEATRE A N D D A N C E S U N Y A P A C (457-8606) A Coupla While Chicks Sitting Around Talking. Labratory Theatre, March 22-24. 8 p.m., $1.00 C o l i s e u m T h e a t r e (785-3393) OTIS Serving T>W m RA eel. Public since LOOK AT THIS WASTE OF A LIFE &0& SUCKING DOWN BCE*5. WHV DON'T YOU pO SOMETHING PRODUCTIVE 7 BY GUM YOU'RE RIGHT RIGHT) h I'LL CLIMB THE HIGHEST MOUNTAIN ' ESIPA (473-3750) The Threepenny Opera. March 24 at 8 p.m., March 27 at 4 p.m. Also, April 3,6,8,11,12, and 14. special student discount March 27 at 5 p.m. $5.00, Sleeping Beauty. Inspired by Japanese Kabuki and Noh theatres, March 25-Aprll 13, Jacob's Pillow on Tour. America's oldest Dance Festival, April 1, 2:00 p.m. 1. Blame It on Rio 7:15, 9:30; 2. Sllkwood 7:00, 9:45 S p e c t r u m T h e a t r e (449-8995) Experience Preferred . . . But Not Essential, Testament, La Balance UA C a n t e r 1 A 2 (459-2170) l.Tank 2:00, 7:30, 9:40; 2. Splash 2:00, 7:20, 9:30 UA H e l l m a n 1 & 2 (459-5322) 11 Unfaithfully Yours, 7:20, 9:20; 2. Lassitor, 7:30, 9:30 T h i r d S t r e e t T h e a t r e (436-4428) March 23-25 Carmen 7 & 9:15; March 27-29,Eraserhead, 7 & 9:15 M a d i s o n T h e a t r e (489-5431) Yentl 7:15 and 9:00 Russell Sage College T h e a t e r (465-9916) U n i v e r s i t y C i n e m a s (457-8390) American Graffiti, LC 7 Fri. and Sat 7:30 , 10:00; Raiders of the Lost Ark LC 18, Fri. and Sat. 7:30 and 10:00 S c h e n e c t a d y Civic P l a y h o u s e (382-9051) I n t e r n a t i o n a l Film G r o u p (457-8390) S i e n a C o l l e g e —Foy C a m p u a C e n t e r T h e a t e r (783-2527) MISCELLANEOUS T h e R a m o n e s March 23, CC Ballroom, $6.00 with tax card, $9.00 without. A l b a n y Civic T h e a t e r (462-1297) Troy S a v i n g s B a n k M u s i c Hall (465-4755) Albany Symphony Orchestra. Works by Rlmsky-Korsakov, Schuman, and Carpenter. March 23, 8:30 p.m., Liz Story, Solo Piano, March 24, 8 p.m. C o h o e s M u s i c Hall (235-7669)How to Succeed in Business Without Really Tryingi. 8 p.m.. March 30-31, April 5-7. FILMS C i n e 1-6 (459-8300) 1. Terms of Endearment 1:20, 3:50, 6:35, 9:30; 2. Broadway Danny Rose 2:00. 4:00, 6:00, 8:00. 10:00; 3 . Footloose 1:45. 4:20, 7:05, 9:50; 4. Against All Odds 1:30, 4:00, 6:40, 9:30 5. The Dresser 2:05, 5:50, 7:30, 9:50; 6. Never Cry Wolf 2:15, 4:30, 6:50, 9:05 RKO Fox C o l o n i e 1 & 2 (459-1020) i To Ihc Editor: In regard to Ihc letter about Communication 238: The ! Department of Communication has made a judgment call that two exceptionally talented undergraduates can assist an experienced teacher in Communication 238. Of course we'd I all love to have more faculty and more graduate assistants to I meet the high interest in communication courses. That Is a I matter in Ihc hands of the university administration and J ultimately the stale of New York. — Kathleen E. Kendall Chairperson, Communication Department U n d e r g r a d u a t e D r a w i n g s March 9-April 13, 1984. University Art Gallery, SUNYA. Drinking age I To the Editor: 1 would like to congratulate NYPIRG on ninety percent of I their Student Bill of Rights. I sa'y nincly percent of the Bill of Rights because lo me there seems lo be glaring injustice in the I bill. According to the ASP Jim Ticrney emphasized opposiI lion to the proposal for a hike in the drinking age. My big question is why? In what way docs thai proposal I have to do with being a student? Is ihc reason we are alicn| ding school lo drink. Or is il to receive a quality education. I have seen many fails and figures saying both, thai a 21 | drinking age helps and does not help. Who cares! That alI liludc has goi lo be replaced. The mosl common argument I I have heard is "ll does not substantially reduce ihc amount of |deaths caused by drunk drivers." My question lo those pcojjple is what in terms of human life is subianiial? Mr. Ticrney stated thai ihe "Answer is nol an increase in 5 ihc legal drinking age bin an awareness of I tic problem," I •disagree, I believe thai people today are more aware of lite | problem I ban ever before. Thanks lo Ihe likes of groups such ijas R.I.D., and oilier such organizations, Ihere is a much •greater awareness of ihe problem. Yel youthful drunk drivers Jiarc still killing people each year. "Does nol substantially reduce ihc iimounl of deaths," [amazing how we classify human life. Is nol one person A n Electrifying F a s h i o n S h o w ! March 24 at 8:00 p.m. In the Carnpu.' Center Ballroom. Donation $5. For in fo call Tim 455-6630 or 439-1777. oybspectS established In 1016 J o h n C o u g a r M e l l e n c a m p At the University Gym, Mon. April 2, 9 p . m . $10.00 with tax card, $12.50 without. P o s t M i d t e r m Party. March 2 3 , 9 p.m.-2 a.m., $1.00 with tax card, $2.50 w / o u t . Bru Ballroom. The Two D i m e n s i o n a l Electron G a s in S e m i c o n d u c t o r s Heterostructures: The Potential for E l e c t r o n i c D e v i c e s . F r i d a y , March 23, PH 129, 3:00 p.m. Children Without Eyes Catch Their Latest Album: David LL. Laskln, Editor In Chief Patricia Mitchell, Managing Editor : News Editors Associate News Editor ASPects Editor Associate Aspects Editor Sound E lilor Sports Ediior Associate Sports Editors SPOHTS Magazine Editor Editorial Pages Editor Cupy Editors Photography Editor Sieve Fox, Heidi Gralla Jerry Camplone John Keonan Stephen Marks Jonas Nachsin Tom Kacandes Marc Barman, Keith Marder Marc Schwarz Edward Relnes Kelly Grovor, Annette Perot Ed Marusslch Contributing Editors: Dean Betz, Bob Gardlnior, Mark Gesner, Dabble Judge, Mark Levlne, Gall Morrell, Wayne Peereboom, Holly Prestl, Anthony Sllber, Lisa Strain, Editorial Assistants: Jane Anderson, Dean Chang, Ian Clemonis, Jim O'Sullfvan, Stall writers: Atloen Brown, Steve Bryson, Michelle Busher, Jeanne Canavan, Alicia Cimbora, Kevin Clarke, Joe Fusco, Ronald Brant Garston, Adam Goodman, Ben Gordon, Bob Hanlon, Robert Hayes, Eric Hindin, Norma Kee, Michelle Krell, Alice McDermott, Caryn Mlske, Suzanne Murphy, John Parker, Maddy Pascuccl, Christine Rolfoll, Joe Romano, David Singer, Michael Skolnick, Alan Somkln, Ian Spelling, Mogan Gray Taylor, Perry Tlschler, Keith Van Allen. Ilene WelnatBln, Doug Weiss, Mark Wllgard, John Wlllmotl, Spectrum Editors: Ellen Fitzgerald, Rlna Young Judy Torel, Business Manager Lynn Saravls, Associate Business Manager Jane Hlrach, Rhonda WQU,Advertlslng Managers Mlkt Kroimer, Sales Manager Billing Accountants Randee Bohar Payroll Supervisor Gay Peresa Classified Manager Joanna Hamilton Composition Manager Mark Catalano Advertising Sales: David Daniels, Rich Golden, Susan Klein, Steve Lelberman, Mark Sussman, Advertising Production: Lee Erickson, Debra Freeman, Elaine Frioder, Jeanne Gllberg, Julie Mark, Ellyn Muio, Sharon Okun, Lynne Siogol. Charolelte Shube, Ellen Wiseman, Office Staff: Christine Binghl, Linda Delgado, Marjorie Rosenthal Sue Pachlnsky, Production Manager George Tatto, Associate Production Manager Chief Typesetter Lancey Heyman Paste-up: Eileen Keeffe, Susan Kont, Susanna Jacoby, Deb Stekl, Typists: Jim Capozzola, Cheryl Kaplan, Nancy Ktlllan, Phyllis Lelkowltz, Rena Lowarv braun, Chauffeurs: Eric Dorl, Sloven Mankoff Photography principally supplied by Unlvorslty Photo Service, a student group. Chief Photographer: Ed MarusslchUPS Staff: Amy Cohen, Sherry Lee Cohan, Lynn Drelfus, Cindy Galway, Adam Ginsberg, Kenny Kirsch, Rachel Lilwln, Robert Luckoy, Lois Mattabonl, Susan Elaine Mlndlch, Joe Schwendner, Lisa Simmons, Robert Soucy, Erica Spelgel, Warren Stout, Davo Slrlck, James Valentino, •^nouubLind Entire contents copyright © 1984 Albany Student Press Corporation, all rights reserved. The Albany Student Press is published Tuesdays and Fridays between August and Juno by the Albany Student Press Corporation, an independent not-for-profit corporation. Editorials are written by tho Editor In Chief with members of the Editorial Board; policy la subject to review by the Editorial Board. Columns are written by members of Ihe university community and do nol necessarily represent editorial policy. Advertising policy does not necessarily redact editorial policy. Mailing address: Albany Sludonl Press, CC 329 1400 Washington Ave. Albany, NY 12222 (516)457-88923322/3389 substantial? Arc we going to say that the eighty or so lives we saved this year in New York State are not substantial? I agree that we should all write our congressmen, to appeal for a nationwide 21 drinking age. I realize that this proposal is not a popular one. Daniel Broderick, William King, and Marc Bcrman propose support of Senator RolisoiVs bill which would suspend drivers licenses until 21 of anybody convicted of drinking and driving offense. This to me seems perfect hindsight. Why give them the chance. All this is doing is taking away the weapon after il has been used. This is not a solution. In closing I issue my proposal to everybody who has been harrassingmeonpoint of view. My proposal is this. Those of you who arc against the 21 year old drinking age I say fine, that is your right. However when somebody is killed by a drunk driver under the age of 21, I propose that you people try to explain that their loved one is not a substantial reason for raising the drinking age. —James K. Symufa Bad bus service To the Editor: The bus service ihis weekend has been horrendous. On Friday (3/16), my apartment male and I noliecd a bus driver selling Ihe clock on the bus five minutes ahead of lime. On Saturday (3/17), I was riding on Ihc 12:10 Wellington uptown which hit a parked car. On Sunday (3/18), I was wailing at Draper lor ihc 12:10 Wellington uptown, bul this lime il never showed causing me lo be laic for an appointmcnl (I was ai Draper al 12:05) This isn'l Ihc first lime Ibis lias happened. I have lived on Alumni Quad lor iwo years and off campus for one year. Il is gelling lo Ihc poini of being unbearable. Tor example: classes gel oul al 5:35 bul ibere are Ihrec empty buses leaving Ihe circle al 5:30 (Iwo Alumni, and one Wcllingion)! Everybody ihen has lo pile on Ihc 5:40 bus. Lack of planning seems lo be Ihc major problem. The limes of ihc buses are planned haphazardly bin even thai doesn'1 matter anymore because some drivers leave when ihey want Id anyhow: I am nol blaming all bus drivers, just Ihe feu Iliai make a hard lo run system aliuosi useless. Another ihing thai bolIters me is Ihe way some drivers like lo wai cli people run 10 ihe bus. In ill is icy weal her. I believe il is a stupid practice! Don'l they realize this university is already being sued by someone who slipped on ihc ice and was injured here? Il appears Dial ihc quality of drivers has decreased since Ihcy increased ihe use of part-time drivers. 1 feel ihal Arthur Burl;, Karl Scharl, and Dennis Slevens, along willl ihe ViccPrcsldenl lor Siudcnl AITiars and Ihe Campus Safely .'oitimiitec nctjii lo work on ibis problem. — Raymond .1. Dow ling Stop the contradiction To the Ediior: On Thursday, March 15, as I approached ihe Campus Center, a small bin vocal groups of people caught my atlcnlion. Il was a rally for Soviel Jewry presented by RZA/Tagar. As I slopped lo hear I Heir chains, one in particular hil a sore spot. The leader would yell "Auschwitz!" and ihc crowd would respond "Never again!" This often beard phrase has become louder now and again especially during limes of high prdscmelic emotions such as during Ihc showing of ihc TV miniscries Holocaust a few years ago. I fully agree Ihal the slaughter of six million Jews and millions more Christians and other groups by the Nazis was wrong. However, maybe Ihc Jews should open iheir eyes lo ihc preseni day Auschwitzs. In Ihc years surrounding Ihe viewing of Holocaust, millions of Cambodians were murdered in much ihc same way as Ihc Jews by Hitler. Al that lime 50,000 people were imprisioned in Laoswilh many dying in jail. At thai lime, the communists in Viclnam held belwecn 100,000 and 300,000 people in camps where brulal conditions caused many deaths. Whal arc ihcse groups (RZA/Tagar) doing aboul ihe Salvadoran dcaih squads, not lo mention ihe Ayatiolah Khomeini and company. Appcnlly ihc chant "Never Again" applies only lo Jews and nol to all of humanity. Stop ihe contradiction. — Jon Willmnlt Poster problems To Ihe Ediior: ll seems lhat never a year goes by thai a question of political squabbling is noi raised. On March 20th in a phone conversation with ihe election commissioner Tom Busby, I was informed lhat one of my campaign posters was banned from being used. The reason given for ihis was lhat my posler contained slanderous statements. I would like to note ihal not one of my posters had been posted prior lo ihis lime. Mr. Busby informed me ihal he and Jeff Schneider decided in a meeting that my posler would be banned because of ils "supposed" slanderous slaicmcnls. Mr. Busby also informed me Ihal he had been approached by several people who said my posler contained slanderous slaicmcnls and iherel'ore should nol be allowed. I was told thai ihcy were opposed lo the allegedly slanderous content of ihe posler; which in facl is an accurals depiction of the internal conflict ihal cxisis in our student governmeni between the two highest executives: the president ad vice-president. The election commission acted on the word of others and banned my poster before ever seeing it. It should also be noted lhat the poster was approved for posting by the proper authority. Nowhere in the clectin regulations which I received form SA does il state that posters have to be approved by the election commission. The regulations slate that they are to be posted in accordance of University and Residence hall posting policies. I had my poster approved accordingly. I therefore did not violate any regulation. The question should be asked as to why I was not invited lo participate in Ihis meeting as to defend myself? For that matter, why was I not informed of the meeting in the first place? Consideration should have been taken in lhat between the time of Ihe meeting on 3/20 and the time of my notification on Ihe evening of 3/21, Ihcse posters could have been posted. I would therefore been required to remove them. This is only a part of Ihc picture. The fact remains that the commission acted without having concrete evidence to come to such a decision, let alone without consulting me on the issue. If they felt Ihal such a meeting was necessary, I should have been allowed lo attend and make a case. It is my opinion that this is a clear case of irresponsible action on the part of the election commission. They arc appointed by the president of the Student Association to make sure the elections are handled properly. As a member of the siudcnl community, a serious question comes lo mind. Is Ihis son of irresponsible action on Ihc pari of ihe election commission characteristic of how student government should be run? 1 preseni ihis editorial in (he hope Ihal my fellow students will question Ihc actions of Ihc present siudcnl administration. It is Ihis son of thing which gives student governmeni a bad name. — William J. McCann Candidate for SA President Happy medium To Ihe Ediior: In last week's issue of the ASP Tom Irwin of ihe "new" QBK expressed his feeling lhat college radio (specifically mentioning WCD1J) should remain "100 percent avantgarde," whatever thai has come lo mean, and should nol be concerned 11' listeners find ils programming loo "weird." Mr. Irwin wriies "...if people find (college radio) 'weird' tough luck, lurn ihe dial, no one is going to broke al college radio from bad ratings;'! True, we are nol In it for the money al WCDB, however most of the lutullj new and very creative acts we feature in our programming aie- al Icasi enough lo survive- and If we followed Mr. Irwin's: advice and went "100 percent avant-garde" these new talents would be the ones going "broke" since WCDB would he "100 percent" unlislcnablc. College radio is nol a forum for acis whose singular mcrii lies in the dubious honor of being too "weird" for commercial programming. Pan of college radio's responsibility is lo entertain its siudcnl audience while introducing litem to new lalcni in music as well as new forms of music. Mr. Irwin's assertions are a reflection of a romantic and for the most part detrimental view of college radio as tin elitisl institution insensitive to ihe Interests of its college audience and unwilling to formulate programming which is accessible, educational, and finally, even something as "commercial" as entertaining. Mr. Irwin complains in Ihc same letter ihal American Listeners (as compared lo ihe apparently ultra-hip Britishers) are nol interested enough in the music scene and are reluctant lo accept new talent. I don'l know if British Audiences arc more receptive lo new music than say, dreary Americans. I do know, however thai an Intelligent Programmer can find a way to interest anyone in new musical lalcni which is whal we are all about al WCDB. Yes we do play tired old drivel like "Springsteen, The Siones, or Moiown" at WCDB in the hope our audience will trust us enough lo slick around to hear, Ihe "next U2 or REM." In saying that WCDB "has Ihc nerve locall itself an alternative," Mr. Irwin only shows thai he doesn't understand what he's saying about college radio. WCDB now plays and always has played music that is not heard elsewhere, especially now thai WQBK has changed! Bul, when wc play music that isn't heard elsewhere, chances arc Ihal our listeners haven't heard this music yel. When we play The Rolling Stones or Moiown, the reason is simply because it would be unreasonable for us to assume that there is anybody oul then who would tolerate listening lo new unknown songs oneaflet the other. While wc do care aboul playing music Ihal isn't elsewhere available, mostly because these bands do deserve ihc exposure we are giving Ihcm, wc can'i be doing anybody any good if no one is listening. Our formal is designed lo lurn people on lo music they don't know by alternating il with music thai ihcy do know, Wc also play as many request • as we can, mosl of which lo no one's surprise are popular known songs. If we in college radio became loo "avant-garde" for bill audience everyone loses: the record companies because no one will be buying records, ihe bands because no one will be hearing ihem, and uiimaiely, college radio because no one will be listening to it. —Kevin Clarke Program Director, WCDB Michael Greenfield \fu,slc Director, WCDB David Singer General Manager, WCDB FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1964 D ALBANY STUDENT PRESS 10 ALBANY STUDENT PRESS CLASSIFIED Professional Typing Service. Accurate, experienced. IBM Selectrlc Typewriter. Call 477-5964. PERSONALS Affordable wordprocesslng (typing): papers, resumes, cover letter, editing. Call 489-8836, 9-B. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING POLICY "COME TO THE MOUNTAINS" Top Brother/Sister camps in Poconos of Pennsylvania - June 25-August 21. Counsellor positions available: Tennis, arts and crafts, photography, rock climbing, computer, scouting, waterfronllWSI), all land sports, and drama. Call (215J 887-9700 or write M. Black, 407 Benson East, Jenkintown, PA 19046. ONCE A YEAR SPECIAL. Halfprice hairstyles with SUNY I.D. Allen's. 869-7817. HOUSING Deadline*: Tuesday at 3 PM tor Friday Friday al 3 PM tor Tuesday Subletted Wanted - for Summer months. Large modern 3-bedroom apartment. Furnished -1 block off busline. Rent negotiable. 457-8781. Rates: S1.50 tor the first 10 words to cents each additional word Any bold word Is 10 cents extra $2.00 extra tor a box minimum charge Is $1.50 Four bedroom furnished apartments available June 1, year lease, security deposit, on SUNY busline, $460. Includes water only. 482-6437 before 9 p.m. Classified ads are being accepted In the SA Contact Office during regular business hours. Classified advertising must be paid In cash al I he time ot Insertion. No checks will be accepted. Minimum charge for billing Is $25,00 per Issue. No ads will be printed without a lull name, address or phone number on the Advertising lorm. Credit may be extended, but NO refunds will be given. Editorial policy will not permit ads to be printed which contain blatant profanity or those thai are In poor taste. We reserve the right to reject any material deemed unsuitable lor publication. It you have any questions or problems concerning Classified Advertising, please leel free to call or stop by the Business Office. Community Service Registration now going on through Thursday between LC 3 & 4,10-4. A.C.M. Computer Club will hold elections In LC 24 at 8 p.m. on Tuesday March 20. Spring • Baseball trivial and Rafters Tomorrow • Don't Miss III I Build your credit rating! Get Mastercard/Visa In the CC Monday March 26-Tuesday March 27. Subletters wanted: $85./month Including utilities for summer. Off busline by Price Chopper, Madison. For more Information call Nancy: 457-4053. One female, non-smoker wanted to complete house on Wlnthrop Ave. $110 plus utilities. CallMlml, Lauren, Jill 457-7773. Bates Motel-Rooms Available Many Vacancies MEN ONLY NEED APPLY Curious? Call 438-2792 Amateur Night in the Rat: Saturday, 9:00-1:00. - $1.75 $3.50 w/o ._ Enough Is enough, sometimes Here's mud In your eye, llene W.I To Pierce Third Floor (and Mark, Bruce, Martin and Todd) How can I ever thank you enough for all you've done for me? Your concern and suppori helped me through a rough time this pasl weekend. I honestly don't know what I would have done without you. Thanks again lo the most fantastic group of people I've ever, met. Much love, Ellen JOBS FOR SALE CAR STEREO FOR SALE: Clarion am/fm cassette, automatic reverse, presets. Brand new. In box. $100. Call 458-2752. SERVICES No Turn Downs Immediate Insurance I.D. Cards No policy or Service Fees Sale Driver Discounts Young Insurance Agency 66 Everett Rd., Alb. 438-5501 438-4161 GUITAR LESSONS IN YOUR OWN HOME OR IN MY STUDIO. ELECTRIC AND/OR ACOUSTIC GUITARS. BOB PINNOLA 434-0742. WHEELS PLUS IS OFFERING A SERVICE TO ALL SUNY STUDENTS ON MARCH 29, THURSDAY NIGHT FROM 7 PM • 11 PM. WHEELS PLUS WILL PROVIDE ROLLER SKATING, SNACK BAR AND THE MUSIC OF DJ GORDON FOR ONLY A TWO DOLLAR ADMISSION. DON'T MISS ITIII Seeking Sunday School teachers (or Youth of St. Peter's, Stale St. Call Laman Bruner 434-3502. Campus Representatives Wanted. Organize a trip lo Ft. Lauderdale and travel free. Contact LUV Tours at 800-368-2006. TO MY ROOMMATE • BUZZ, BOOGIE, MARK, GUISEPPE, PETOOT, UNI-BUN, AND JABBA THE BUTT, YOU'RE THE BEST ROOMMATE I EVER HAD. THANKS. YEAAAAHIIII. -THE OTHER KREIMER BROTHER No, Don't stop, Jlmlll Dawn, you Sexual Dynamo COUNSELORS - Seeking qualified counselors lor 75 children's camps In Northeast • July & August. Contact: Association of Independent Camps, 60 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10010. (212) 679-3230. Stock clerk part-lime. Must live locally year round. Stuyvesant Liquors. Physical Care Attendant needed to work nights and/or mornings. Inquiries call 457-4991. Phone after 6:00. Part-time telephone work Monday through Friday from 5:00 to 8:30 for sharp student. No experience necessary. Call 456-2666 for Interview. WANTED - Aggressive, usponslble, entrepreneurial person to run local branch of large start-up business. April 15-June1. Earnings potential Into the thousands. Please rush resume or personal letter about yourself to: American Student Moving, Inc. 20 Sturtevanl St. Scimerville, Mass. 02145 Have a great, fine and terrific SUNYA weekend. Guys here are better than those In Brooklyn or SUNYB. llene r TIM HALLOCK FOR S.A. PRESIDENT Leadership-Communicationorganizatlon FESTERING JITBUCKETS PLUS THREE OTHER BANDS AT EBA HUDSON AND LARK 3/24 6 PM. Elizabeth, 22 days till vacation. HANG IN THERE! MINDY Where's the beef? Cheer up! Qossaga— Queen's Knight to King's pawn 00. Matel How about some Yahtzee? Care to snooker (a little heavy syrup, perhaps...) A floral hat, A peach blazer, and a little seersucker! I MISS YOU!!! —Vardebaldlan Register to vote! Dear Pig, Happy 20th - Hope you had the best evert You'll always be my best friend, even if you do start turning grayl I love yaPlckle Community Service Registration, March 26-29, between LC 3 & 4, I0-4. BE THERE. The" AccountantHappy Birthday Big Boy! Also, Congrats on the |ob. Look out Manhattan 11 The Banker PLEDGES We know when you are sleeping We know when you're awake We know when you've been bad or ood he hunt continues... ? Cindy K. Hope you had a great blrthdayl We haven't finished partying yet. Get ready to win yourT-shlrtl! We love you!I Linda and Ellen DEAR DINA, '. HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY. I LOVE YOU. Accused professor given $50,000 to leave MSU Tampa, Ft. secrel agreement between DcRusha and MSU. ihrough normal procedures, [he DcRusha agreed to leave the University of South Florida school without suing over what he routinely hired Stanley DcRusha as saw as MSU's unjust denial of its new band director in December. tenure lo him. But a month later, USF officials Michigan Slate, on the other found they had hired a man who hand, agreed lo drop the six charges left his last job — as Michigan of sexual harassment against State's band director — under a DcRusha and guarantee no one else cloud of administrative suspicion would find out aboul them, accorthat he had sexually harassed some ding lo court documents. MSU women. Michigan Stale also agreed lo pay It found out, moreover, strictly DcRusha $30,000 to conclude the by accident. matter. And last week, DcRusha sued As the agreement demanded, Michigan State for allegedly letting M S U never told South Florida word of the sexual harassment aboul the charges then pending charges reach South Florida. against DcRusha while USF officials were deciding whether to hire In what appears to be the biggest controversy surrounding the way DcRusha, says Steve Wenzel, USF's colleges hire faculty members since vice-president for employee relalast year's Paul Crafton caper — in tions. which a professor taught al six colWenzel is now openly annoyed by leges under six names, without the MSU's "expunging" of certain secother schools knowing aboul it — lions of DcRusha's employment the DcRusha case has left DcRusha file, and that M S U still won't talk and South Florida officials feeling to him about it. like victims, confused the women "They lake the position that they who originally filed the harassment can't release any information under charges, and put Michigan Slate adMichigan law," Wenzel explained ministrators in a full retreat. wearily, "Especially with the nobody's saying At the controversy's center is a l a w s u i t , (COLLEGE PRESS SERVICE) After going Student quality upheld LOVE, YOUR BOYFRIEND CARMINE Credit extended to students! Mastercard/Visa In the CC Monday March 26-Tuesday March 27. TIM HALLOCK FOR S.A. PRESIDENT Leadership • CommunicationOrganization Amateur Night In the Rat: Saturday, 9:00-1:00, $1.75 $3.50 w/o PRINCESS I WANT TO HOLD YOU IN MY ARMS. CHARMING Terets, 1-2-3 Bonnerdud, Bonnerdud, Bonnerdud! Ames Do You Know Your Baseball Trivia? Does your Dorm/House want to 25nTICKETS TO ROCK NIGHT? Tune in to 91 FM tomorrow at 6 p.m. Washington, D.C. (COLLEGE PRESS SERVICE) Contrary to recent studies which claim American education is in a state of national decline, the quality of college students in science, engineering, and the humanities is at least as good as it was live years ago, according to two new reports. Based on two just-released American Council on Education (ACE) surveys of senior academic officials al 486 colleges and universities nationwide, the majority of officials have seen "no significant change" in Ihe quality of iheir science, engineering a n d humanities students. "Some people will probably feel the reports arc conlradictory (to other studies) showing that American education is going to hell in a hsndbaskcl," noted Charles Anderson, one of the ACE resear- anything." Most of Ihe other concerned parlies — DeRusha, his attorney, and MSU lawyer Leland Carr — have stopped talking to the press since DcRusha filed suit in Grand Rapids, Mich., on February I3th. DcRusha contends MSU violated the agreement by letting word of its existence out, and that the school exposed him to "public scorn, humiliation and ridicule." He's asking for $3 million in damages. . Word of the agreement apparently became public because "nobody ever bothered to tell the six women who charged (DcRusha) with sexual harassment" that they should keep quiet, or that their copies of a university investigation into the charges were confidential, says Renee Villenucve, city editor of the Slate News, the student paper that subsequently discovered the pact. O n e . o f the women called Ihe paper in December, asking why THE 1984 TRI-CITY COMIC CONVENTION i I SAT.&SUN. MARCB24-25 | I | j j 9a.m. to 7 p m . S a t . / Noon to 5 p.m. Sun. I N N 1 6 1 4 C e n t r a l Ave. C o l o n i e 30 TABLES MOTIONS GUESTS John S. lavarone 7 Forest Ave. MOVIES Albany, N.Y. 12208 (518)489-4508 FRIZES MORE! For more info, call: LOCATION Albany Student Press Classified Advertising Form I Circle appropriate heading: I For Sale Housing Services I , No. Jobs Wanted Lost/Found Rides Personals -4 Front P a g * students were able to speak directly lo legislators instead of their aides. He added that election year politics probably, "influenced it a little bit." Schaffer noted that, if done corchers who compiled the reports. rectly, student lobbying can be ef"But our study results indicate fective. " W c have to increase our the education is not in as much efforts and get started earlier," lo trouble as all the reports have inbe consistently successful, he said. dicated," he said. Among humanities officials, 62 Tierncy stressed lhat sludenls percent reported that today's have to back up Ihe legislators with students are at least of the same Ihcir suppori. This support will quality as students five years ago, come at the polls, Tierncy pointed according to the studies. out. "Out nexl major goal is to Of the remainder, 22 percent of the humanities officials reported significant declines in student quali- I ty over the last five years, while 16 percenl noted significant improvements in quality. Likewise, 61 percenl of the engineering and science officials surveyed said they detected no significant change in student quality in Ihe last five years, while 25 percenl reported significant improvements and 15 percent signifi| LIMIT ONE PER CUSTOMER cant declines in quality. -" have a larger voter turnout," he stressed. We have to "reward our friends," stated Tierncy. One of Ihe "friends," Tierney said, is Fink. " W e owe him a lot of thanks, he is a very good friend," he asserted. Herrick was very happy with Ihe announcement, but said that his, "concerns are for Ihe future." He questioned Ihe sincerity of the legislators, explaining that it may have been a short-term political decision. "There was no structural decision as to how to fund SUNY. The problem will still confront us," he added. —COUPON-— [Taco PpoRfeo BETWEEN LC 3 AND 4 10:00AM TO 4:00PM A COMPLETE SPORTS FACILITY UNDER ONE ROOF f Q •DRIVE THRU WINDOW-INDOOR DININGAMPLE PARKING 1249 WESTERN AVE..ALBANV (ACROSS FROM SUNYA) ^ SAME OWNERSHIP • 7 DVNA-TURF TENNIS COURTS • a RACKETBALL COURTS INDOOR RUNNING TRACK • OVMNASTOS > " D U " T " KARATE • LIFE CVCLES • SUN-TANNING BOOTHS SAUNAS • AEROBICS • SWIMMING POOL •WHIRLPOOL SUPERVISED NURSERY • DANCE STUDIO • REST « BAR .Ibany Shakar E 19 HOLE INDOOR MINIATURE S3* Albany Rd. LoudMivWt. GOLF COURSE N.Y. SPECIAL STUDENT RATES 1-MONTH 3-MONTH 6-MONTH OR 1 YEAR MEMBERSHIPS 458-7400 I Print ad exactly as you wish it lo appear: m WITHOPEN THIS COUPON DAlLY.10:30am-11:00PM-438-594fl Including: NAUTILUS, POLARIS • OLVMPIC WEIGHTS OVER (2,000 SO FT OF EOUIP * PERSONAL INSTRUCTION^ • -7^ Reg. Price $1.54 ^ ° SUPER GYM • • • • • Tierney pointed out that the present student voter turnout is 24 percent. I f this could increase to 50 percent, he noted, it could provide a "direct confirmation" with legislators and the governor. C « . — — . _ COl.ONIK A T H L E T I C 1CLUB LARGEST MOST COMPLETE HEALTH CLUB ,_ IN THE EAST &A& Herrick noted that if students don't use their vole this year, "there is a good chance that there will be another tuition increase next year." Schaffer agreed with Herrick, saying that Cuomo will probably try another hike next year. Cuomo, according to Schaffer, takes advantage of students because they are not a high voting constituency. Tostada Deluxe l i j Expires I 3-30-84 I COMMUNITY ^ SERVICE REGISTRATION WIB March 26-29 Date(s) to be run Box? Yes No Enclose $1.50 for the first 10 words, adding ten cents for each word In bold Enclose ten cents for each additional word; twenty cents for each additional bold word. Circle words to be set in bold.Boxes are $2.00 extra Minimum charge is $1.50 quid forever, no one would know. They just wanted him out of the sialc, so Ihcy paid him off to go uway." "Originally," said C. Patrick Larrowc, an M S U economics professor who knows DeRusha well, "it was a cheap way for M S U lo avoid a lawsuit over the harassment charges themselves." "DeRusha said he could prove his innocnccc," Larrowc recalled, " A s a trustee," complained but DcRusha's attorney Joseph Trustee Peter Fletcher, who learned Rcid supposedly convinced him to of the payments in Ihe newspaper, sign the secret agreement. " I feel some responsibility for this, Involved in a court fight, Laryet I didn't know it happened." rowc said DeRusha "wouldn't be " I do not appreciate having to be able to conduct the symphony, and in the position of having people call he wouldn't be able to use his me asking about my responsibility talents for two years. It would just in pawning off some fornicator, be better to leave." and I don't know what they're talkSouth Florida, however, feels it ing about," he said bitterly. just would have been better to have But Ihe a d m i n i s t r a t i o n , known. Villenucve speculated, "fell if his Meanwhile, Michigan State has case (was public) it would make the 90 days to answer DcRusha's suit in school look bad. I f they kepi it court. D DcRusha was still on campus even after the school's investigatory panel had recommended Ihe band director's dismissal, Villenucve said. In fact, M S U lawyer Carr apparently neglected to tell the investigatory panel itself — which went on to find DeRusha guilty of 14 counts of sexual harassment — or even some M S U trustees about the payments and pact. Tuition Increase unlikely next year A AT T H E H O L I D A Y ^ Q FRIDAY. MARCH 23, 1984 Low cost auto A cycle Insurance! No turn downs! Barry teett lns.Ce. 811 Central Avenue (Next to orange Ford) Albany, N.Y. 12208 Te.e:4«9-74S)5 I ADMISSION: TayloR & VAdwEy Albany'Spring Break Trip $ 2 . 0 0 Per D a y $3.00 Both SpoRriNq Goods "</vrp\^ 1414 Control Avonuo, Albany. Ten mlnutoo from downtown Albany and Alb.-my Airport, Eauy accuaa to all porta of Capital olatrlct and H.B. NY, Soaton, Bufralo, Montreal and Now York city. Intaratate 90-Exit 24, Interstate •7-r«it 3H. *; J l I Address '. I FOR • Receipt - IOVE rh£ ourdooRS CAMPING EQUIPMENT! No ad will be printed without name, address, or phone number, Credit may bo extended but NO refunds will be given. Editorial policy will not permit ads to be printed that contain blatant profanity, slander, or those that are In poor taste. Wo reserve the right to reject any material deemed unsuitable for publication. Amount enclosed. ASP Signature rhosE who . Date. 70% off all camping equipment with SUNY ID 303 Central Ave 472-9183 Between Quail & North Lake Streets to Lauderdale from $129 oceanfront. Roundtrip transportation available on video equipped bus for $95^ Contact'Annette at 800-368-2006. ^ i LOnCBRflnCH lip ^fl Days advanced tickets are avaiLabLe if ' FIM) GOLD Ft. MOLSON (iHLDIvN PARTY IlKAF!'.50 l'lTC'HKKS-ria.SO HOTTI.liS- .75 MON. Mar. 26 9-12 SVV''TI «?V''Si \ * V ' H I A T S , T-SHIRTS; » ^ ^ ( Mid more lo he ruffled off. COME AM) IiNJOYI ^ IBS North l.ukc Ave. S&Allmiiy, | N.Y.iaatHi^ 1 2 ALBANi'STUDENTPRESS FRIDAY, MARCH 23, 1984 D ALBANY STUDENT PRESS f fl n FRIDAY, MARCH23, 1984 FOURTH ANNUAL ROTARY CLUB CAREER DAY Banning of poster causes candidate to raise suit •4Front Page position as elections' commissioner, " T o m spoke to me regarding election guidelines," said Schneider. " I l was his decis i o n " to disallow the poster, he said. The controversy over the poster will not result in McCann being disqualified from the election, said Busby. Busby said he informed McCann that the poster had been outlawed during a phone conversation Tuesday night. ' McCann said that Busby had decided to ban the poster " I n a meeting on March 19. He met with Jeff and some other people" and then made his decision, according to McCann, who was not asked to attend the meeting. " I was not Immediately informed by Ihc commission o f their decision," said McCann. " I called him (Busby) about some election flyers on March 2 0 , " said McCann. Busby informed him of the decision on the posters then, said McCann. Busby said he spoke to Schneider on March 20, "as soon as I found out about the poster." He maintained that he spoke to McCann " s o o n " after he spoke to Schneider on March 20. Schneider said he was not sure if he spoke with Busby on Monday or Tuesday. Busby said that "someone from another prcsidcniial campaign" had informed him about the poster. Schaffcr said that Pally Salkin, who is a judge on the Supreme Court, had "been in the (SA) Contact Office dropping something o f f " and had seen the poster. "She pointed it out to m c , " he explained. Salkin said McCann showed her the poster when she " r a n into him sometime last week" near the Contact Office. " I approached someone else" with the information, said Salkin. She declined to give the person's name, but said that the person possibly."had an interest" in Schaffcr's campaign. Schaffcr stressed that she is not a member of Schaffcr's campaign staff, and that she brought the poster to the attention of others because she is a "concerned student." " I discussed it (the poster) with a few people helping m c , " including his campaign manager Dave Light, said Schaffcr. He added that he was " u p s e t " that the poster portrayed him as a " b a d g u y . " Light explained that he, Schaffcr, and Planned Parenthood visits rise tial records for each patient at its Lark Street location, and they're brought to campus each Monday and Thursday. Kleppcr said that a student having a question during the week could call downtown for an answer, because the "charts are all together" there. A feeling of goodwill is apparent among those using the service. One young woman summed up the feelings of many of those leaving the clinic, "Yes, I'm pleased. It's very convenient for people living on campus." She added that she had visited Planned Parenthood before she came to campus, and had been satisfied by their services then. Valerie Fahey of Middle Earth is also pleased. She said that Middle Earth "feels comfortable with Planned Parenthood!' because they "attempt to make the service easy" for students. She said that Middle Earth counselors often refer " H o t l i n e " callers to Planned Parenthood i f the callers fear they're pregnant or have other sexual concerns or questions that Planned Parenthood is able to answer. Fahey, who worked lor Planned Parenthood for nine years, said that student feed- back about the clinic and Planned Parenthood services has been positive. S U N Y A Nurse Audrey Thompson said that Planned Parenthood does not use University supplies or personnel for their clinics. "They use our building," said Thompson, who added that it's " f o r the convenience of the students, so they don't have to go d o w n t o w n . " Klcpper said that the Lark Street office has a library for general information and research, and a staff educator available for dorm and guest programs on campus. Although well received on campus, Planned Parenthood did not fare well in the Albany community when il was organized by I I people 50 years ago as the "Albany Birth Control Committee." During the 1930s and 1940s it encountered resistance, until, in 1947, il became a Planned Parenthood affiliate. Tlie primary opposition during these early years came from the Catholic Bishop and Catholic Churches in I he area. The late 1950s, the 1960s, and the 1970s witnessed a growing sexual awareness In the nation, and, according to Klcpper, Planned Parenthood gathered both friends and enemies by the millions. Russian finds similarities " U . . . U . . . U . . . Unsatisfactory... In Russian, we use a lot of commas, not like In English.'' On the blue blanket on Beklisov's bed lay a copy of The New York Times. " I thought we would see more stories about Russia," lie said. " T h e Times seems to be critical about Russia and didn't seem to describe its cultural side," he added. He told of a weekly in Russia called U.S. and Canada, which describes happenings in those two countries. " W c have movies from here and France," in the Soviet U n i o n , he said. Dustin Hoffman, Fcklisov noted, is popular in Russia for his roles in Tooisie and Kramer vs. Kramer. The rock group A C / D C , and Nina Hagen, a well-known German singer, have received a lot of attention in the Soviet Union, as well, he said. As in Ihc United States, he said, " W e have detective stories on T . V . , westerns with cowboys and Indians...but no commercials." As he held an imaginary cup of coffee to his puckered lips and said, " I like it!... I like i l l , it was obvious that he had watched at least one American commercial. He went on to draw more parallels, and differences, between the Soviet and American cultures. School is mandatory from the ages of 7 to 17, except in the eighth grade, when some go to technical college, which is "vocational training school for skilled workers," he said. The eight-hour work day with an hour for lunch is the norm in the Soviet Union, as in the United Slates, he said. There arc many women in the work force. For many women it is " d i f f i c u l t " to survive without the " w o r k e r ' s collective." When a woman has a child, he -aid, -he is given a year and a half o f f willi pay and then her previous employer "cannot refuse her" in future employment. Many women have prestigious jobs. There are many women physicians, lie said, holing that his mother works for, the Ministry of Textile Federation. She has been an engineer in textile work previously. His father is a mechanical engineer. Housing often presents a problem, as il does in the United Stales, yet Ihc way il Is dealt with is quite different, he said. Fcklisov held an imaginary book in his hands as he described Ihc housing situation in the Soviet Union. There is a " b i g b o o k " with the names of each family and where they live, he said. When a couple gets married, he explained, their name is entered in Ihe book and Ihcy must wail for an available apartment. The couple usually lives in the home of ihcir parents while ihcy wail. Fcklisov said the " m e t e r " or size or ihc apartment is based on ihe number of people in the family. On political issues, Fcklisov said lhat "Jie docs not want to offend; we are guests here." Questions posed on political issues by reporters have, he said, made him feel pushed into a corner. He was willing to answer a few political questions. He said il is because of "strategic interests" that the Soviet government will not let certain people leave the country, adding that 1,000 people were recently allowed to leave the Soviet Union. On the issue of nuclear war and world peace, Fcklisov said, "Nuclear war would be a catastrophe..wc must work that this does not happen." He added that " i t is good we have exchange programs like lliis between Russian and American students." f I founcr SA Media Dircclor Llbby Post had discussed Ihc issue, and he had then approached Busby with It. Light said he called the poster to Busby's attention because of its "slanderous connotation." "Dave Light contacted Tom (Busby)" and said that he and Schaffcr were "concerned with Ihc poster," according to Schaffcr. Schaffcr said he later reversed his opinion on allowing Ihe poster. " A l t h o u g h I don't agree," he said, " I shouldn't dictate the campaigning (policies) in the race. I don't want to gel into the question of freedom of speech." McCann spoke to Pcrrin over the phone on Tuesday to " f i n d out h o w " to file a petition with Ihe Supreme Court, said Perrin. Perrin said lhat he had not seen the poster in question and had not spoken to Busby since Ihc suil was filled on Wednesday. H I <§* 1 \ Z This WEEltENd AT UNIVERSITY TCINEMAS The Rotary Club has offered to sponsor Ihe Fourth Annual Albany Rotary Club Career Day to be held on Thursday, April 12, 1984. This event Is a unique and worthwhile opportunity for SUNYA students to participate In a half-day on-the-job experience. Forty members of the Albany Rotary Club have agreed to donate one morning, April 12th, to the career exploration of selected Albany students. This half-day career event will lake students off the campus, and into the community where they wilt spend the morning observing, Interviewing and Interacting with a local professional. HUh* icaSWft. *?4.,4."4>"4''4'"4?$4?4?4?4?4'4?4H MERICAN i* t A wide range of occupations will be represented Including: 1, 2. 3. 4. 5. Citizens! Tell the ASP about any news story lips you may have. Call 457-3322 with Ihe in- fo. Advertising Banking Business Communications Dentistry Education Insurance Law Social Service GRAFFITTI After a busy morning of experimental learning, students will be treated to lunch at the Albany Thruwny'House courtesy of Ihc Albany Rptarlaris, Keynote Speaker- Thomas C. Anderson, Director o( Fiscal and Administrative Services (or the School o( Business will talk about "Creating Success Experiences In Your Career." SEEKS WOMEN'S SOCCER TEAMS AND/OR INDIVIDUALS FOR INTRAMURAL PLAY. and RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK The Center (or Undergraduate Education (CUE) is co-sponsoring this event with the Albany Rotary Club and will be coordinating Ihe selection of students. Sudents interested in participating in Ihe Career Day may pick up information and an application at CUE. (ill II o u l . and return it to CUE no later than March 28th. On March 29th. a total of sevenly-five students will be selected by a random drawing within each designated area of interest. For more information contact NANCY M . MAHMOCUE U I B - 3 & 457-8331. • • • • • • • For more information, call Peg, 457-8043 or come to our weekly meetings Monday nights, 7:30, CC 371 DATES T O REMEMBER: M a r c h 2 8 - Application Deadline March 2 9 - Drawing A p r i l 12 - Career Day SA FuNdcd -^ v. Submit the best design for "3I UAS w i l l be Selling Celebration '84 t-shirts and win three free shirts! -Submit entrees to the Pep Band mailbox in the SA Office Deadline: April 13 On Sale Monday April, 2nd through Thursday April, 5th For information call 457-8943 11:00a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Only OPEN HOUSE School of Library and Information Science Campus Center Lobby Draper Hall 113,135 Western Avenue, S a t u r d a y , March 3 1 , 1984 1:00 - also Tickets on Sale on Dutch Quad Kosher Line Wednesday April 4th and Thursday April 5th 3:00p.m. 4:00-6:00 p.m. only EVERYONE WELCOME RSVP 1455-6288 HL 2H FRIDAY. MARCH 23, 1994 o ALBANY STUDENT PRESS **• .<.3m...*.,•» j,t.•'•;-*' >'v"?in\)•;.'•••;»' 0.''<r " »-**>« •& n traM* -• : • >••"* • Al&ANYSTUDEmiPRESS~TTl'RIDAY, MARCH~23;1984~ *H Ulrich and Karen leading the tennis team in style — In presents *16 A DREAM DEFERRED and this job, perhaps more lhan any, carries a grcal deal of practical responsibility. Brusco is responsible lor overseeing all the financial endeavors of our intercollegiate teams. lour, you can imagine how much fun giving a tour would be. Fun, that is Ihe key for Mike Brusco. That is where the motivation arises. Mike puts it all in perspective, "I do it all as a hobby. Each job is a hobby. I couldn't doit for a living or get paid Tor it. That would take the fun out of it." Mike also works at Ihe Campus Center Information Desk, doling out phone numbers Of course we all can't be as involved as and guiding tours. "Giving lours is always Brusco has been, but the message Ihal lots or fun," Mike remarked, ir you've ever seen a tour in progress and chuckled, perhaps . perhaps emlnates from his legacy is simple. I' humorously recalling Ihe lime you took the Have fun. All-American YOLANDA KING (Daughter of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.) Tuesday March 27th 8pm CC Ballroom $1 w/ tax sticker . SA Funded, t£ <CDBJ 91 2F0 •« Back Page strokes." Another swimmer ilint considered the Nationals a learning experience was Pearl. "We were a littIc bit oui of our league, and that's good for us to learn from," said Pearl. "The talent was so much bctler-ihan usi Our learn was only Iwo-ienths slower lhan our entry lime (lime needed lo qualify for ihe Nationals), so I think we did fairly well." Pearl was almost glad ihal the relay team didn't place. Said Pearl, "It's good lor us lo get blown oui ai the end of ihe season. That way, it doesn't make us satisfied with what By Keith Marder ASSOCIA TE SPOK TS CltlrOK At the end of last year Ihe Albany State men's tennis team graduated four of their lop six singles players including Captain Fred Gaber and number one singles Barry Levine. Those losses caused people lo lose confidence in the team lhat had won Ihe SUNYAC championship Ihe previous four years and had many skeptics fearing Ihe end of the "dynasty." But Dave Ulrich and Rob Karen who played numhci one and number three singles respectively this pasi fall proved lo be everything this young squad needed to win their fifth SUNYAC championship. They we did. Losing will give me motivation and inspiration to work harder for ncxi year." An added bonus is that Elic and Pearl are just freshmen and Monahan is still a junior. "To have two freshmen wilh Nationals experience is really something," said Shore. "They saw people go faster, and ihey realize what can be done wilh proper training." The Nationals were a seemingly unattainable goal that became a reality. Next year's team can set their sights on the premier meet, knowing that several of iheir teammates have already lasted the fruits. Perhaps the main dish, becoming Alt-Amcrlcahs, is yet lo come. Time will fell. • Jury's turn in Ernie Cobb's $2.50 w/out hoop point shaving trial Tickets Available Tuesday in CC Lobby and at Door Union College% Concert Board Proudly Present ECHO AND v. • THFBUNNYMEN ?v\S toe Union College Gym on March 29 Win a Tent and Sleeping Bag for Two courtesy of Andy's Sporting Goods Listen to 91FM for the ECHO...... 15 Perla was one of five men, including New York, NY former BC player Rick Kuhn, convicted in Boih sides have laken their final shots in the scheme in 1981. Four of ihem, including the trial of former boston College basketball Kuhn, testified at cobb's Irial in an cfforl lo star Ernie Cobb, and now a Brooklyn federal gel their prison sentences of four to ten years court jury must decide whether he look part reduced. in a plot lo fix games in the 1978-79 season. Under questioning from his own attorney Cobb, 27, of Stamford, Conn., a 5-foolon Tuesday, Cobb maintained that he never 11-inch guard who became BC's thirddid anylhing for Ihe money except predict in highest career scorer, won tryouts wilh Ihe November 1978 thai h'is team would win an New Jersey Nets and Ihe Utah Jazz of the upcoming game against Stonchill, a small National Basketball Association. local college lhat was no maich lor BC. He and his co-defendcani, Peter Vario — the 47-year-old son of a reputed Brooklyn On Wednesday, however, Cobb said the organized crime eapiain — lace up to five money was "lo cover Ihe spread" in a game years in prison if convicted of conspiring to againsi Beniley, anoiher small school. The commit sports bribery. Vario, who allegedly money was paid on the night of the Harvard was one of several New York bookmakers game, more lhan Iwo weeks after the brought into Ihe scheme, also laces five years Stonchill and Beniley contests, for interstate travel in furtherance of a crime. Bcrnsiein contended that Cobb and other The case was expected lo go to ihe jury toBC players were to he paid lo keep their day alter U.S. District Judge Leonard Wexteam's score down in key games against big Icr issued his final instructions. schools, and lhat Vario and olher gamblers Justice Department prosecutor Jerry Bernwho were bribing Ihem would make money siein coniended during closing arguments Wednesday ihal Cobb, who look ihe witness by belling on BC's opponents. Cobb said Wednesday lhat he had mcl stand in his own defense, in effect admit led Perla in November 1978 and Ihal Perla had his won guilt by saying he look $71,000 to told him he planned to bet on BC games, in"cover the point spread" in a BC game early cluding Bentlcy. thai season. He also said Cobb's explanation for ihe paymenl — that it was for him to play - "1 agreed lo win the game, yes," Cobb said. "I don't know aboul agreeing lo cover well, raihcr lhan deliberately play badly — the spread." was "preposterous." Berslein asked moments later: "He (Perla) Cobb's lawyer, David Golub, said ihe $1,000 his client admitted laking "was ihe just walked up and said, 'I'm going lo give come-on, Ihe lure," inlended to draw him in- you $1,000 if you beal the point spread on Ihe Beniley game?' " to a gambling plot but Ihal he resisted. "Yes, s i r , " Cobb replied. As for the government's charge thai the Cobb said he n o w heard aboul any poinimoney was a payoff for deliberately Idling shaving plot until laic in the season, when he Harvard keep the score close, and ihus allow gamblers belting on Harvard lo use the said Kuhn and Perla asked him to allow HC "poini spread" lo win, Golub said: "It's not lo lose 10 Si. John's by a wide margin. a crime lo have a bad game." "I said absolutely noi," Cobb testified. Berslein had charged Ihal Cobb helped Cobb changed his siory somewhat Wednesday as he was cross-examined on ihe shave points in Iwo earlier games, a Jan. 10 $1,000, which Rocco Perla senl via Cobb's loss to Rhode Island and a Lcb. 3 victory over Fordham, girlfriend, Lavcrne Moselcy. Co-captain Rob Karen has complied a 60-22 record here at Albany State. Co-captain Dave Ulrich lunges with his backhand (or a low shot in action this (all. Ulrich is playing number one singles this year. The fact thai the two work so well together comes as no surprise to those who know ihem. They base been close 11 iends since Day One at Albans Slate. "We svere roommaies for Iwo and a half years," said Karen. "Dase is a great person in general: we work well together." Although they base both enjoyed illustrious careers ai Albany, one thing has alluded ihem boih up lo now: a trip lo ihe nationals. "Dave and I have yet to go (to the nationals)," said Karen. "It has been my goal since freshman year. I warn to taste the limelight, I want it bad." Added Ulrich, "I don't want lo go out on a low note, I want to go oui on a high noic. My goals for I he season arc playing number one singles, having a good season, going lo ihe nationals and for Ihe leant lo do well." Coach Lewis summed up the careers of Ulrich and Karen perfectly when he said, "It is a joy lo have ihose guys on Ihe leant for four years. They have been very much a reason for our success. They base jusl been great." WCDB Sports Director Mike Brusco's many hats By Adam Goodman STAFF; WHITER The immense academic pressures fell by moslly every lull-time SUNYA student can sometimes seem unbearable. Many of these students find that participation in some form of extra-curricular activity provides an enjoyable diversion from the grind of academic life. However, for one Albany student, involvement in various groups outside the lecture eenler has become so iniense ihal his schoolwork has provided a necessary diversion from his extra-curricular respon- sibilities. In his four years ai SUNYA, Mike Brusco has probably held more executive positions than any student who ever donned an Albany Stale T-shirt. To say lhat Mike was involved in Intramural Council, ihe WCDB sports department and athletic administration would the grossest of understatements. Me, in fact, was simultaneously chief o\ each of these organi/alions. Brusco also works as a lour guide for ihe Campus Center Information Desk and participates in every conech able in- SPORTS BRIEFS Lesane honored Three members of Ihe Albany Slate women's basketball learn received postseason honors this week. Dane sophomore guard Ralnny Lesane was named lo Ihe I98J-H4 Women's AllSUNYAC Basket ball Team. Lesane led the Danes in scoring wilh a 14.2 average, scvcnih in ihe SUNYAC Conference. The 5"2' guard ranked fourth in total poinls, sinking 341. Selected lo Ihe honorable mention list was Albany's junior guard Veronica Palterson and sophomore center Jean Pollack. The 5" 10' center ranked eighth in t.hc conference in rebounds wilh a 6.3 average while scoring 6.4 a game. The Ihree Albany Stale players svere also tabbed to ihe All-Eastern Division of ihe SUNYAC conference. tramural spori. In his spare time, he hosis a lest, which will air at 6 p.m. tomorrow night. weekly sporls television show on Rensselaer "I am ihrilled about this show. It's cable. He is also a member of his Class Counsomething I've wanted to do since I joined cil. ilie station," Brusco said. In high school, Mike was noi involved in His involvement in broadcast journalism many activities, so he intended to become docs noi stop with the campus radio station, fairly involved in college. As a freshman, he livery Monday night Mike appears on Cable was elected to ihe AMIA Council. It was Channel 21 in Rensselaer on a sports talk there lhat he met facilities coordinator Denny show which he also writes and produces, Hlkin, who was also ihe Intramural Coordinator, Flkiu immediately recognizee] lhat II you have noi noticed by now, Brusco is a Mike was unique* "About every five >ears big spurls fan. His favorite sport i* college somebody would come along who you knew basketball and he has written several,-ISP arright awa\ had ihe potential lo run ihe ticles on the subject. He has combined his inOrganization, Mike was one o\' ihem," said terest in spoils with his administrative talents Elkin. (Brusco ii also a member of ihe business Mike rose quickts in ihe Council, in terms school) to earn himsell the position ol of job responsibility and stature. By his Athletic Controller for the university. He sophomore year he was appointed as Head works vers closely with the varsitv coaches. Official in spflball and basketball. "Running 14»the leagues was prohahb ihe most enjoyable responsibility I've had here ai SUNY," said Mike. Mike was elected AMIA president in his junior year. "1 feel proud of ihe fact thai as '"'ir5l|r « E president I helped transform ihe AMIA into a student-run organization," Mike said. C3. .••( Brusco was re-elected in his senior year, „U| bul his reign was short lived, as he resigned on October 1. According to one Council r 4 i * member, Brusco became over/ealous, wanling to do too much. This alienaied some of ihe Council members, causing a good deal of friction between Brusco and his Council. Regardless, Brusco felt that the Council was, as he put it, "heading in the wrong direction," and he left. According to Elkin, ^ Mike was an unbelievably hard worker and sioodoul among ihe long list of presidents he had seen during his (enure. Leaving his position left no void in Brusco's schedule. He was voted imo the position of Sports Director for WCDB radio '-"V"l sialion, which he stilt holds. He is responsible •'f for securing phone lines for the broadcast of I'm sporting events, scheduling sporiseasters and engineers, and producing sports shows. His BOB LUCKEY UPS latest venture is a two-part sports trivia con : (Sports Director Mike Brusco of WCDB. yj s s II 1 H • Basketball tourney 1st SUNY Outdoor Basketball Tournament RULES: 1. No more than 8 people on a team. 2. Teams must be entered before March 31. 3. Tournament will be double elimination. For more Information call: Kurt Walton at 438-7636, before 7 p.m. played impeccably on the court, and showed leadership before, during and after the game. The caliber of their play did not come as a surprise lo anyone who has followed the team. Since their freshman year both have contributed to the success of the team. At last count Karen's record at Albany was 60-22 while Ulrich has compiled a 52-29 record. In addition, Karen has won the SUNYAC championship in all four of his tries and Ulrich his last three after being slopped as a freshman. "Rob and Dave are the epitome of captains," said teammate Jay Eisenberg. "They are an awesome example of composure and talent, They have won the respect of everyone on the team." Right before the outset of Ihe fall campaign, Head Coach Bob Lewis was kept (iff Ihe sidelines because oi a had. injury. It was then Ihal Lewis had to call on his two leaders to aid his replacement, .Mm Scibalik, however possible. They responded terrifically as ihe Uhich-karen-Scrhalik combo led the Danes to iheir fifth straight SUNYAC crown. "They made my yeat a peicc of cake," said Serhalik. 'Those guys mote ot less led by example. The chemistry on ihe team in ihe fall was good because the underclassmen saw thai Ulrich and Karen had faith in what I was talking aboul." According to Ulrich, it lakes more than good captains and coaches lo win a conference title, "They arc all good players," he said. "Rob and I jusl had lo lake ihe lead and show them the way. "We just had to keep their confidence up. When a learn has confidence Ihey usually play well." "We are definitely ihe leaders of the team," said Karen speaking aboul himself and Ulrich. "The whole team Is solid and Ihey know Ihey can count on us. We are an extremely close group. "We jusl try to keep Ihe leant spirit up. It is really Important noi lo be wild and to play the right kind of lennis. We base lo sci a consistent example for the team," Karen explained. Albany's Ralnny Lesane was honored by the SUNYAC this week. The Albany Slate Basketball Program will be sponsoring (he first Albany Slate Outdoor Basketball tournament. No more than eighi people will be allowed on a single team. Teams must be entered before March 31st. The lournament will be double elimination and will start on April 6th weather permitiing. For more information, call Kun Walion at 438-7636 before 7 p.m. ill ^ PUBLISHED AT THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK AT ALBANY BY THE ALBANY STUDENT PR Tue March 2 VOLUME Diver Klotz nails Ail-American honors at NCAAs Sophomore is first Dane swim team member to achieve such status By Dean Chang EDITORIAL ASSISTANT To attain the lofty status of All-American would require a combination o f talent, hard work and determination. Going into Ihc Nationals held at Emory University in Atlanta, none o f Ihc five women nor their coach of Albany Slate's women's swim team expected thni much from themselves. The Nationals would be a solid learning experience for Ihc groups, and would improve them for next year. That was Ihc thinking uniil diver Jane Klolz proved everyone wrong and became Ihc first member of an Albany swim team (men's or women's) 10 become an N C A A A i l American. Klolz finished ninth o f 28 divers competing in the Ihrcc-meler dive; ihe lop 12 finishers became Ail-Americans. The sophomore from nearby Burnt Hills didn't expect lo finish in the lop 12, despite her first-place finish al the recent SUNYACs. But after her five preliminary dives in the first round, she realized Ihal what was once thought impossible, was now easily within reach. Those dives put Klolz in fifth place, hardly ihc posiiion Ihal she envisioned herself being in. " W h e n 1 found oul Ihal I was in fifth, I was really surprised," said Klolz. " W h e n Ihcy (her teammates) told mc, 1 had lo go check for myself." Her posiiion was a little misleading; the lop four divers were far ahead while Klotz led a tightly bunched group o f four that were separated by only 10 points. One poor dive and Klolz could have easily fallen several notches. "There were three or four really good divers Ihal no one else could l o u c h , " said Head Coach Joe Shore. " T h e rcsl of I hem were all pretty even." Although the standings surprised Klolz, it did not make her nervous. " T h e only lime that I was nervous was when 1 came lo my first practice down there," said Klolz. " I couldn't do any of my dives then, but 1 got used to ihc surroundings." The semifinal round of three dives was held the next morning as Ihe top 24 divers coniinued in Ihc compclilion. It would be understandable if Klotz approached Ihe rest o f her dives in a conservative manner, but no such action was forthcoming. Klotz stuck with her original routine and ended up ninth after ihe semifinal round, making her one of 16 divers that advanced lo the finals. Jane Klotz became Ihe American Dane swimmer. first Ail- The final round o f three dives was held later that night, and Klotz was confident that she would succeed. " I wasn't too impressed with the competition," said Klotz. " I thought they were going to be better. As the evening went o n , I realized that I was going lo make i t . " As it turned out, Klotz was correct. She held her ground to finish ninth overall and gained the immediate respect of those around her. Said Shore, "Jane concentrated on the Ihree meter and worked at it all year. With diving coach Jim Serbalik helping her, she really came t h r o u g h . " The group traveled to Atlanta by plane and arrived on a Wednesday morning. The weather was typical o f a Southern city: warm, sunny and inviting; appropriate for the light-hearted bunch. " I I was like a minivacalion," said freshman Carole Elie. " W c got in Atlanta and it was beautiful. I had a good,time." Tne meet began the next day for Albany, as senior Janet Bowman participated in the 100-yard butterfly. She finished 19th oul of 34 entries with a lime of 1:01.68. The 22-year-old was completing her first year o f swimming since high school, and having reached the Nationals was an achievement in itself. The following day saw Ihc successful 200-yard freestyle relay team of Bowman, Elic, Kris Monahan and Carpi Pearl finish a respectable 18lh oul o f 26 teams in a lime o f 1:44.3. " T h e y did as well as they c o u l d , " said Shore. " T h e i r best just wasn't good enough for them to w i n . " Despite failing to achieve All-American slalus, Ihe women weren't disappointed. " W c weren't oul there to place," said Elie. " W c just went to have Ihe experience of being in the Nationals. Wc got a chance to see a lot of good swimmers, and it's good to watch people. I got a lot out o f seeing their L X X 1 NUMBER Humanities Lounge reopened after group sit-in Students meet with Dean Wallace; agree to clean up regularly By Jane Anderson ASSOCIATE NEWS EDITOtt The Humanities Lounge, which had been closed during afternoon hours earlier this semester, reopened Monday following a sit-in and a meeting between several students and Dean of Humanities Paul Wallace last Friday, The room has been closed at 11:30 a.m. each day since Ihe beginning of Ihc semester, said Wallace, because there was no one responsible for cleaning it after 11:30 a.m. Students Against Totalitarian Enactments ( S A T E ) , which organized Ihe sit-in, and Wallace agreed upon a plan in which a slu- 14*- Bailey and Armstrong: Two all-around athletes By J o h n F. P a r k e r I f youth, consistency, flexibility and maturity arc what you're looking Tor in a gymnast, then look no further than University Gym where you'll find Albany State's Kitrcn Bailey and Brenda Armstrong going through another day's long, grueling Workout, These two dedicated athletes were Albany's representatives at the N C A A Eastern Regional championships and were a big factor in Ihc great successes of Ihe 1983-84 Great Danes women's gymnastics program. Although boih arc only sophomores, their performances would indicate a lot more. They arc Ihc last of a dying breed, the " a l l a r o u n d " gymnast. In a world where spccializtion has taken over virtually every aspect o f life, including gymnastics, the allaround competitor's dedication is rarely surpassed. As Albany's coach Pat Duval-Spillanc put it, Karen Bailey is a girl with " a n abundance of talent, an instinct for hard work, and a future filled with plenty o f promise." A high school stand-out at East Minora High in Syracuse, Bailey has developed immensely since coming to Ihe University at Albany. She had a tremendous second season that consisted of many record-breaking feats. The accounting major's first memorable mark was recorded at King's College when she set the all-time Albany Stale record for the vault with a score of 8.45. The record was not merely surpassed, but shattered, and we may sec the same thing happen again in her years to come. A l Ihe Universily of Vermont, her floor execisc routine scored an 8.65, breaking the old school record. Although her uneven parallel bar and balance beam routines may not have set records, Ihcy arc nothing to laugh at cither. •OB LUCKEY UPS Karen Bailey s t r u t s her stuff on the balance beam. She and Brenda Armstrong represented A l b a n y S t a t e at the N C A A s . Bailey's highesl all-around score for the season was 32.2, just 0.1 off Elaine Glynn's record mark set last season. That fact indicates thai if a major weakness exists, il has thus far gone undetected. Bailey was ranked sixteenth in Ihc state in the all-around competition and eighteenth in Ihe floor exercise. Guildcrland Central High School's varsity gymnastic learn was blessed for five years with Brenda Armstrong. The sophomore from A l t a m o n l , New York was as good in high school as she Is In college, but on a less sophisticated level. The four-time Adirondack Region Empire State team member's consistency has just been phenomenal. With a possible coaching or sports writing career on the horizon, Armstrong becomes more and more of an expert every clay. Her outstanding talent in all of Ihc evenls finally paid o f f I his season. The uneven parallel bars, possibly the toughest event in gymnastics today, is A r m strong's favorite event. She sci the all-time Albany record this year in Ihe meet against Westfield State by recording an impressive 8.3. She shared ihe season record on the balance beam, w i t h leammatc Elicia Steinberg, by registering an 8.05. More imporianlly however, was her consistency in each event, which, in effect, brought her the most success. "Both girls really produced for us..." — Pat DuvallSpillane While ranking thirteenth in New York in ihc vault, thirteenth on the balance beam, and fifteenth on the bars, Armstrong was ab|e lo finish ninth in the all-around competition's ratings. W i l h so much space yet lo be conquered, il is no wonder Ihal she is becoming known as one o f the best ever here at Albany. " B o l h girls really produced for us this year and our expectations for next season will be even higher. Hard work, innovation, and Creativity will all be keys to the amount of increased success the girls will receive. Pressure will certainly be on them, but I'm sure they will handle it as they usually do, like winners," commented the Albany Stale coach. They cerainly arc winners and no one can deny that. W i l h plenty of mileage left to go, these young competitors will dcfinilley be bringing even more recognition to Albany Stale gymnastics. With all eyes upon them, Bailey and Armstrong will continue lo come through, like the classy competitors Ihey are. Q 16 BOB LUCKEY UPS H u m a n i t l e s Lounge sit-in The 45-mimite protest attracted 30-40 students. deni committee would assign members lo temporarily check the lounge. Wallace said he would meanwhile look inio assigning a work/study student lo watch the lounge each afternoon. The -sit-in, which began al 11:29, one minute before Ihc lounge is normally locked, tttlractcd 30-40 sludenis. S A T E leader Kurl Schnakenbcrg ran Ihe protest, which ended al 12:15 p.m. He and four other representatives of ihc group i hen ihci with Wallace, and worked out Ihc agreement, The sil-in "served lo bring the issue 10 a head" and to "galhcr Interested sludenis together," said Schnnkenbcrg. Wallace said thai ihe sil-in was "hardly earth-shaking" bill Ihal il did serve lo "indicate interest" in Ihe lounge. " I f sludenis are willing lo lake rcsponsibiliiy (for cleaning Ihe lounge), I'll be delighted" to leave it open afternoons; said Wallace. Schnakenbcrg opened Ihe sil-in by poinling to Wallace and proclaiming Ihal Wallace was " I h e person responsible" for closing (he lounge. "We've got to convince the D e a n " of Ihe need lo re-open the room in Ihc afternoons, declared Schnakenbcrg. Wallace insisted ihal " i h e decision was no! entirely mine." He explained thai, ai certain times of Ihc day, Ihere has been " n o one responsible for what happens in the lounge." " T h e room is occasionally d l r l y , " reported Wallace. " T h e students (there) must be supervised," he added. Wallace I hen said Ihal he would reconsider his decision lo close the lounge al 11:30 a.m. each day if Ihc problems could be pinpointed and solved. " I ' d be delighted lo come down anil lalk about the problem," said Wallace. He added ihal SATE should,form a committee to discuss ihc issue with him. Jean Gracn, a siudcni unending ihc sil-in, proposed Ihat a list be made up of people willing lo come ill one day a week and spend a few minutes cleaning up. Michelle Krell. another siudcni wlio participated in the deinonslralion, suggested Ihal 0 work/study siudcni be assigned lo check Ihe room each day and slraighlen il up when necessary. Several other suggcsiions and questions were raised during Ihe 45 minute protest, including a proposal lo post signs lo dissuade sludenis from littering. Schnakenbcrg laterSaTd'lHaf'SATE" would provide Ihe signs. Schnakenbcrg explained nl'lcr ihc sit-in that ihe clean-up commltice would only provide a "temporary solution. Il will lasi as long as il has lo." "Everyone (who uses Ihe lounge) will have ihcir consclenciousncss raised" and will begin lo pay more intention 10 keeping the lounge clean, now Ihat il will stay open, stressed Schnakenbcrg. Since early this semester; SATE has been circulating petitions among sludenis and faculty in an cffori lo show support for reopening the lounge, according to Schnakenbcrg. Schnnkenbcrg claimed ihat 675 sludenis had signed SATE's petitions lo keep ihe lounge open. " A loi of people Want the room lo remain o p e n , " he asserted, adding ihal 16 faculiy members had signed ihc faculiy petition, which had noi been in circulalion as long as ihc student petition. Severn! siudcni groups also backed SATE on litis issue, according to Schnakenbcrg, including N Y P I R G , Telethon, ihc Feminist Alliance, and Siudcni Association (SA). Wallace said he originally decided to close ihe Humanities Lounge during uflcrnoqn hours because he'd requested new furniture for the room which he said is really intended for group meetings. " I l ' s not really a student -tewHjifSff!-'"*Wttflaee' s t a teH"Win February', " W e ' r e just using it Ihal way," he had said. The lounge had been closed in order lo "keep the place looking presentable',' lor ihe many meetings and Icciures ihal are held Ihere, ac- 14»- SA Supreme Court lifts ban on campaign poster The Siudcni Association (SA) Supreme Court, Sunday night, overruled Elections Commissioner Tom Busby's decision to disqualify an SA presidential candidate's campaign poster. Busby had banned SA Prcsidcnlial hopeful Dill McCann's poster last week becuase he said it was slanderous. McCann filed a petition wilh Ihe SA Supreme Court because he said he fell ihe disqualification was unfair. He said in his petition ihal he had complied wilh ihe official eleclion regulations when writing the poslcr, and he asked ihe courl ihal he be allowed lo use ihc poster. The Supreme Courl decided, in a five to two vole, Ihal the poslcr be allowed. The poslcr refers lo internal snuggles reportedly laking place in SA between SA President Rich Schaffer and Vice President Jeff Schneider. The poster reads " T h e Big Fight] Rich vs. Jeff/Jeff vs. Rich. The obvious winner: nobody! The big loser: you! Who needs power snuggles? W i n ! with Ihc objective man. Voic Bill McCann, SA president," " A political candidate," said Chief .luslice Sieve Perrin, "docs not necessarily fall under Ihc proIcciion Ihal a privale citizen would in a situation such as this." Perrin explained thai in a political campaign, "things that are privaic" can become public. The SA Supreme Courl will also request Ihal Central Council revise the procedure by which a poslcr may be reviewed or disallowed, said Perrin. Busby was "trying lo stem ihe tide" of "name calling" in campaigning, maintained Perrin. " T o m Busby was looking for a l i m i t " where slogans could begin lo be called slanderous, asserted Perrin. " Y o u can draw the conclusion ihal ibis is noi ihc l i m i t , " he said. Supreme Court .luslice Pally Salkin said last Thursday Ihat she had originally brought Ihe poster lo ihc Hi lent Ion of someone who could have " a n interest" in Schaffer's campaign. Several SA officials said Salkin should not have voted al'ier her early involvement in ihe case. Perrin said ihal he believed Salkin " c o u l d maintain a nonbiased" view. He said following the hearing Ihal he thought Ihal she had remained fair. .luslice Owen Carragher said ihal the seven justices had discussed the issue of Salkin's involvement in ihe case. He said ihai they were "more than satisfied" Ihat Salkin would noi be biased when voiing in Ihe case. According lo McCann's opening Statements to Ihe courl, his campaign is based on opposition lo Ihc " p c l l y politics in S A . " To say the poster is slanderous, McCann said, would say Ihal " I am engaged in this (the pclly politics)." Busby said in his opening statements' that he had made the decision lo ban ihe poslcr because he " f e l l il could lead lo namecalling and would only gel worse." McCann maintained ihal ihe SA Ejection Regulations " d o not slate lo support his claim. The statements on the poslcr were "just unnecessary," said Busby. He said he believed Ihc slaicmcnls fell under Ihc " d e f i n i tion of unethical," "They were noi necessary or BOB LUCKEY UPS -THE BIG FIGHT! 7FIF va RICH Ihe obvious WINNER NOBODY / fc BIG LOSER: Yout During the SA Supreme Court Hearing (above) t h e j u s t i c e s voted 5-2 t o permit presidential c a n d i d a t e Bill M c C a n n to use his c a m p a i g n poster (left), w h i c h w a s b a n n e d last week by the SA Elections C o m m i s sioner. WHO NtEItt POWfR STRUmiTS ? ihal ihe Ejection Commissioner has Ihe pover lo regulate" whai goes on poslcrs. "There is something wrong going on in S A , " asserted McCann, who used several quotes of SA officials which had been printed in Ihc ASP ethical," said Busby. " I l ' s like saying 'Vote for me 'cause ihe oilier guy's a schmuck'," he argued. The seven justices announced I heir decision after recessing for over an hour. Perrin noicd Busby's "limited rebuttal" when announcing ihc conn's decision. " T h e Election Commission did noi present a good case," said .luslice Eric Dubbs. He said lie fell McCann's case was " m u c h hencr." "1 was mentally prepared" for liie hearing, said Busby. " 1 simply knew whai I warned lo say," he added. .luslice Mike l.evine saitl il was " i r t t e " ihai Bushy had presented a very limited case, hut ihal il had noi affected his vole', which was in favor of McCann. Busby "niighi iusi have warned lo present the f a d s " and let Ihc courl decide, he said. McCann said ihal he had spent a greal ileal of lime preparing for the case, and thai he had expected to win. " I personally don'l waul to see my name all over campus" on Ihe poslcr, said Schneider, -"but I believe ihc poslcr should go u p . " If Busby had okayed ihe poslcr, and il had been posted, asserted Schneider, Schafl'cr would have brought ihe case to the court himself. This could have resulted in Dill McCann being disqualified from I lie race, Schneider contended. "Neither Tom Busby or Bill McCann could define whai 'unfair or unethical' m e a n i , " said l.evine. " T h e poslcr was noi slanderous. There was no slander involved," he conlcndcd. —Jane Anderson