Summer Sessions

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March 20,1984
State Quad party leads to
referral over beer permit
State University
of New York at Albany
Consider staying in Albany for Summer Sessions '84.
We'll be offering some of the most sought after courses
at the University — some you may even have been closed
out of during the regular school year. And summer in the
Capital District is something special — see the New York
City ballet and John Houseman's Acting Company, spend
a day at the Saratoga races, catch a SPAC concert,
camp out at the Kool Jazz Festival, or stay home and
catch some rays around the fountain. Summer's
great time at the University, too. All facilities,
from computer rooms to tennis courts, are
less crowded and class sizes are also
smaller, more personal.
Take advantage of this chance
to move, ahead in your studies —
maybe even to graduate early
and save some living ex
R CrJ 200
Introduction to the Nature of Crime
penses. Summer Sessions
and Its Control
R CrJ 201
Introduction to the Criminal
'84 makes sense in a lot
Justice Process
of ways!
R Ssw 421
Community Organization and
Community Development
The Courses
Scheduled courses Include
entry requirements for
several majors, including
business, computer science,
criminal justice, and social
welfare. And summer Is the
perfect time to fulfill general edur
' cation requirements. Most courses
open only to majors during regular
terms are open to anyone during the sump-et. This summer we will be offering more
courses than ever before. Pick up a Summer
Schedule of Classes for a complete list of
courses. Talk to your advisor, or call 455-6129
for more details.
A sampling of our offerings
A Art 105a
Drawing 1A
A Art 244a
Fundamentals of Photographic Art
A Art Z90
Introduction to the Cinema
A Clc I33w
History of Ancient Greece
A Chi 101 y
Elementary Chinese I
A Eng 100
English Composition
A Eng 102
Introduction to Creative Writing
A Eng 121 e
Reading Literature
A Eng 309
Practical Writing
A Fre 11ly.
Beginning French
112y. 113y
(Individualized Instruction)
A Fre 307A
Business French
A Fre 307B
Business French
A Eng 311y
History of the English Language
A Eng 300
Expository Writing
A Hum ISOw
Cultural Diversity and the
Human Condition
A Ita lOOy
Elementary Italian I
A Jrl 300
Introduction to Journalism
A Lin 220
Introduction to Linguistics
A Mus I00L
Introduction to Music
A Mus 215
A Phi I14p
Morals and Society
A Phi 210y
Introduction to Logic
A Pic 414L
Literature of the Hispanic Caribbean
A Spn lOOy
Elementary Spanish
A Thr 210L
World Drama I
A Thr 235
Design and Technical Elements
of the Theatre
A Wss 262m
Sociology of Sex Roles •
A Wss 399q
Gender and Writing
L Lib 666s
Censorship: Preventive Strategies and
Policies for Public and School Libraries
A Aas 150w
Life in the Third World
A Ant 181
Workshop in Archaeology
A Com 201
Interpersonal Communication
A Com 203
Speech Composition and Presentation
A Com 204
Group Communication
A Com 214
Communication through Mass Media
A Eco 100m
Principles of Economics (Macro)
A Eco 101m
Principles of Economics (Micro)
A Eco 350
Money and Banking
A Eco 320y
Economic Statistics
A Gog 102n
Introduction to the Cultural Environment
A His 100m
American Political and Social History I
A His 130m
History of European Civilization I
A His 311b
History of American Foreign Policy
History of the Middle East I
A Psy 101m
Introductory Psychology
A Psy 203
Psychology of Child Development
A Psy 204
Applied Psychology
A Psy 210
. Statistical Methods in Psychology
A Psy 211
Introduction to Experimental Psychology
A Psy 270
Social Psychology
A Psy 340
Psychology of Human Sexuality
A Rus 256L
Dissident Russian Literature
A Sbs 300
Data Processing for the Social Sciences
A Soc 115m
Introduction to Sociology
A Soc 180
Social Problems
A Soc 223
Introduction to Social Research
A Soc 352p
Sociology of Religion
A Soc 359p
Medical Sociology
A Soc 383m
Juvenile Delinquency
A Bio 201
General and Organic Chemistry
A Csi 101 y
Elements of Computing
A Csi 201 y
Introduction to Computer Science
A Csi 202
Assembly Language Programming
A Csi 203
Data Processing Principles (COBOL)
A Scl 410
Database Management
Systems Applications
Planet Earth
A Geo 100n
College Algebra and Trigonometry
A Mat 100
Survey of Calculus
A Mat 106y
Elementary Statistics
A Mat t08y
Calculus 1
A Mat 112y
Calculus 2
A Mat 1l3y
Calculus 3
A Mat 214
Discrete Probability
A Mat 361
General Physics
B Acc 211
B Acc 222
B Fin 300
B Fin 333
B Law 200p
B Law 220p
Financial Accountlnq
Managerial Accounting
Financial Management
Investment Management
Legal Environment of Business
Business Law
said Abelow. He said he had submitted the special events form to
Running the Suite Quad Air band Ldngendykc Without signing it and
party without the required tem- said he would gel the permit to
porary beer permit has resulted in a l.ongendyke later.
referral tor dishonesty lor former
"I couldn't go down to gel it
Special Events Chair Ross Abelow, Tuesday (before the parly). I called
said Vice-President for Student Af- the Albany County Liquor Authorifairs Frank Pogue.
ty Wednesday and they was
According to Pogue, Abelow loo short nol ice. At that point I was
failed lo comply with the University left with a choice of telling the
policy of obtaining a temporary directors I had no license. They
beer or wine permit for any alcohol- would nol have let us have alcohol
related function in accordance with (ai ihc party), Thai's their j o b , "
ihc Albany city open container law. Abelow said.
Abelow had told Residence
"I didn't wain to cancel. I knew I
Director Alan Lbngcndyke I hat he had 13 acts signed up. Lasi
had a permit for the March ID par- semester's air band party made
ly, bin ufler the party was over ii $1,300 and I figured ihis would be
was discovered that no permit had just as big," Abelow said.
been obtained, Pogue said.
According to Abelow, Longen"It was my understanding ol dyke had asked him several hours
what John (Martonc, Director of before the party if he had the perResidential Life) said that a permit mit. "I said I'd get il lo him laier,"
bad been granted for the party. Abelow said. "I never gave il to
After ihe parly was over, they him... he said alter talking to
(Residential Life) found out there Howie Woodruff (Residential Life
Area Coordinator) I hat he had no
was no permit," Pogue said.
According lo Abelow, in order choice but lo refer me," he added.
for a Quad Board-sponsored party
President of State i)uad Board
lo he approved, a special function .Inn Harrison said, "I think that we
application wilh a temporary beer should have had a liquor license but
or wine permit attached to it must 'we didn't. The director did nol do
be submitted to the OfhVe of his job in checking to sec'If1 there
Residential Life for approval.
was a liquor license."
The permit must he obtained
According to Harrison, he receivfrom the alcoholic beverage control ed a letter dated March 13 from
board of the Albany County Liquor Longendyke related lo the party
Authority, Abelow said. Il is the and special function procedures.
responsibility \.i( the Special Events The letter outlined specific proChair and life Residence Director blems with ihc parly including that
that ihcpcrmii and form he approv- there was no real proofing at ihc
ed before the activity takes place, door and that there were too many
Abelow said.
people ju the llagroom.
"I agree that there were a lot of
"Every parly in the llagroom or
U-loungc which wc charge admis- problems with the party but I feel
sion to musi have it (the permit),"
By Lisa Strain
B Mgt 341
Mkt 310
Mkt 3S1
Mkt 476
Msl 215y
Behavioral Science for
Organizational Administration
Marketing Principles and Policies
Buyer Behavior
International Marketing
Computer Applications in Business
R Pad 505
Research and Computer Usage
R Paf 240m
Introduction to Public Policy
R Paf 300a
The Political Economy
and 300b
of New York
R Paf 340
American National Priorities
R Pos 101 m
American Politics
R Pos 102m
Comparative and International Politics
p Pos 324
Community Politics
E Cpy 120
E Cpy 204
E Psy 200
E Teh 400y
Psychology of Academic and
Personal Effectiveness
Principles of Career and Life Planning
Introduction to the Psychological
Processes of Schooling
Computer Literacy for Teachers
D Pec 120
Swimming: Beginning
D Pec 1.62
Modern Dance: Beginning
D Pec 165
Ballet: Beginning
Easy Registration
Register for Summer Sessions during Early Registration
when you register for fall semester and follow the same
procedures. Ask your advisor for details.
The Sessions
Session 1
June 4 - 2 2
Session 2
June 25-August 3
Module 3
June 25-July 13
Module 4
July 1 6 - A u g u s t 3
Special laboratory
science courses
A June 4 - 2 9
B July 2 - 2 7
Computer Science
June 4 - J u l y 27
Summer in the Capital District
The Adirondacks, Berkshires,
and Catskills
Swimming and camping at
Mohawk and Dippikill
New York City Ballet in
residence a t Saratoga
Special SPAC concerts — the
best popular music aroundl
Sun and f u n around t h e
University fountain
For more information see your advisor
or call.Summer Sessions 455-6129.
Enroll in any of these sessions and still have the month of August offI
Students lobbying last year; Inset: Jim Tierney
Smaller groups are lobbying this year, Tierney said.
Mass lobbying termed ineffective
Full knowledge of issues difficult for large groups to attain
By Bob Gardlnier
rasrtmiuiiMi EbirdR
In a show of Influence by numbers, over 3,000
SUNY students and professors flooded the Albany
Legislative Office Building (LOB) one year ago in
hopes that their mass lobbying effort would sway
legislators lo reverse tuition hikes and
layoffs SUNY-widc. Hut, sludenls
paid more for luition and dorm rem
this year — whal happened?
.Student leaders thai day were excited, determined and opinionated. They rushed
around organizing sludenls and leading information
sessions in Ihc various conference rooms. Sludenls, as
I hey chatted and ga/ed at the interior of the LOB, were
directed into information conferences and later divided into smaller groups lo visit the upstairs offices of
their legislator.
As former Student Association (SA) President Mike
Corso stood amidst the milling crowd of lobbying
students thai day he said, "It is obviously very successful and there is talk around the legislature that they
are overwhelmed by the number of sludenls."
Later, students returning from legislative offices
however, were no so c.xhilcraicd and may have given
Corso's term 'overwhelmed' a different meaning.
"Nol many assemblymen were available; it was
frustrating and wc fell we weren't accomplishing
anything," said a SUNYA student. "We don't know
Ihc issues too well so they could gel away with being
vague," she said.
"The reception was nol thai greal. They knew wc
were coming and most of them were gone
somewhere," said a SUNY Brockporl student.
The experience of lasl year's mass-.studenl lobby and
ils results raise questions about effective lobbying —
whal works and whal doesn'i? Mass lobbying is one
facet of the constiiulional right to redress gricvenccs
and as such is always welcome by the legislature, said
Assemblyman James Tallon, (D-Binghaniton), "but il
basically has liille impact." Groups uften pack
busloads of people inlo the LOB lo try and influence
Ihc legislature but this mclhod is "ouiside the process
of legislative decisions," he said.
As an example Tallon cited whal he called a "yearly
spring ritual" beticr known as Motorcycle Bay.
Motorcyclists yearly come cn-masse to Albany to prolesl the helmet law. "It has little influence," said
Tallon, "there is a lot more impact if a small informed
group comes inlo our office and lalks to us ahoul the
Tallon tidded that somehow interest groups have ihc
feeling thai they can "force us, bill we are nol going to
fund a project jusl because some group sends its
iroops to Albany."
The Sludenl Association of the Slate University
(SASU) litis a core of highly professional lobbyists, according 10 Tallon, and are accepted as legit itnalc and
informed and relied upon by the legislature for informal ion, he'added. A SASU lobbyist, Mope Cieisler, is
registered with the stale of New York here in Albany
and a recognized lobbyist, according to Donald
Schtun, Deputy Director for Administration at ihc
New York State Temporary Commission on Lobbying,
It is a combination Of elements that arc attractive to
the legislators and as such are very effective for lobbying, according to Schum. Lobbyists who arc credible,
honest, reliable and informed will be most influential
with Ihc legislature, he said. Legislators like informed
lobbyists because, with Ihc increased number of bills
that they have lo deal with on a daily basis, they need
the information thai good lobbyists can provide, added Schum.
Powerful lobby efforts are not necessarily associated
with big money inlercsls cither, he said. Power lo influence is nol in the hands of a few select well financed
lobbyists, he commented. "Lobbying concerns preliy
much run liic gamut and depend on issues before the
legislature," said Schum.
. In tiis proposed budget, released January 17, Governor Mario Cuomo has called for yet another tuition
and dorm rem increase for SUNY — $200 more for
tuition and $150 increase in dorm costs — for Ihc
1984-85 school year. Bui there is more money around
this year says SASU President Jim Tierney and "We
(SUNY) will probably gel something back," he added.
In an effort to change sludenl lobbying luetics
SASU has organized small groups of between 50 to 70
informed sludenls who have been visiting Ihc
legislature every Tuesday since (he stale budget was
released, according lo Tierney. There will be no
massive one day lobbying this year, said Tierney. "If
we had a big blowout like lasl year we would not be as
effcclivc," he said.
The only event approaching the lurnout of lasl
year's SUNY-wide lobby effort will lake place today
with approximately 200 sludenls organized by
NYP1RO and the Student Action Commit ice visiling
Ihc legislative offices. This is a crucial lime according
to Tierney, and a decision is imminent on Cuomo's
budget proposals to meet the April 1st deadline.
Il was necessary for SUNY to have ihc big
demonstration last year according to Tierney. Because
Ihc Governor slated then that New York Stale was faced wilh a $1.8 million deficit both democrals and
republicans agreed Ihal cuts hud lo be made
Campus questions safety
in NYPIRG survey results
By Jim O'Sullivan
UHIOHI.U. .l.SY/.S/vt.vr
Only 72 out of 207 women
surveyed said they always feel
sale on campus in response to a
New York Public Interest
Research Group (NYPIRG)
| survey released Monday.
, In addition, an impressive 93
'percent, of the women said ihey
would like lo see the "Don'i
Walk Alone" Escort Service
Out of 328 respondents to the
survey, 207 were women and 116
were men, NYPIRG's wonicns
Issues Chair Theresa Knorr said.
She added Ihal 84 percent of the
men surveyed also supported lite
"Don't Walk Alone" program.
Referring lo the widespread
support for Don't Walk Alone,
Knorr said, " thai was astounding, the numbers on that amaze
me, we're very pleased."
The Don't Walk Alone Escort
Service proposal underwent a
month long pilot program lasl
semester, during which over 400
sludenls were csconed from
Dutch Quad lo the library and
from the library to all points on
the uptown campus.
The proposal is to be con-
sidered by the Women's Safely
Task Force starling Tuesday,
although members of the commiiiee have said that ihc proposal, containing an 85 page
report, will probably be
delegated lo a sub-committee for
Knorr also said that sludenls
had called for the abolishment
"They (Student
Patrol) make
the students
— Theresa Knorr
of the current .Student Patrol
escort service. "They (Student
Patrol) make the students nervous,"Knorr said, adding that
sludenls "want them lo gel rid
of I he current escort service and
reinstate Don't Walk Alone."
79 percent of the men
surveyed said iliev always felt
University heads encourage reform
"baseless insinuations."
Police protect miners
(AP)Police rclnloreenient.s moved into the
Itrilish Midlands Monday and N.OOO officers
were pill I'll alert nuiionwideio protect working miners from pickets arriving from strikebound pits in definitce o f a court order.
Hie police operation, at the stall of the second week of a pnnial sirikc In miners, is jhe
largesi .xjnee llriiui'n's, .bittei l'J2(i General
• Sirikc.
" l i v i n g pickers" trying io ehlei the Nutlingliumshire conlliclds faced J.txtti police,
including officers ttaitictl in riot eoniiol.
rhc .1-1,INK) miitcrs ai Noliiiighiunsliiie in
central England, Itritnin's. second most prod(te[l\;e coal region, voted 3-1 Snlutdti) l o g o
in work, ditimtlli/ilig i l t e b i i t c r divisions in
the IS.'.lXK) member', leftist-led National
Union ot Mlncworkers.
Union members in I tinciisliire, the
Midlands, Derbyshire, Ciiiiiberlaiid and
North Wales also voted io work despite ;(
siiikc call In millets in Scotland and in
Yorkshire, the cinnuis's largest mining tircti,
u» protest the siaic-iiw'iicd National Coal
Hoard's tinhoiincciiicni that 21) i m p o r t a b l e
mines would be closed. I he closures will
force 20,fXXi bill ol work in the next 12 months.
EEC debates reforms
Brussels, Belgium
(APJLeadprs iif the Common Market met
Monday to debate financial reforms which
many experts believe are essential to save the
10-nation trade bloc from golpy bankrupt by
the end ol' the year.
Officials said lite two-dnv Mininiii must
agree on wavs io raise new income, assess
membership dues more lairlv and limit farm
spending. The issues aie linked, and agreement on one was not considered likely
without an accord on the Others.
The 27-\cai.-old European Economic
Communli) is running out of money, in pan
because of its generous price' supports loi iis
S million farmers, a program thai has created
immense .surpluses, especially of cereals and
dairy goods.
" I .welcome this inquiry by the Justice
Department," Meesc said in a statement
made shortly after the inquiry was announc-- ed late Sunday* " I intend lo continue my effort to be confirmed as attorney general of
the Un|led States."
T|ie Justice Department decision came
alter lop officials*participating in an extraordinary scries of weekend meetings, said they
would open an Inquiry lo determine if a
special prosecutor should investigate an
SI5.000, interest-free loan Meesc received
J'liitn a former While Mouse aide.
AWACs sent to Egypt
' ' Washington, D.C.
(AP).Thc Kenyan administration has decided
io send A\VACS uidar planes to Egypl
following charges In neighboring Sudan Mini
U l n a was responsible for bombing Sudan's
largest oily, adininisiraion sources say.
The sources, speaking on the condition
they inn be idemilicd h> name, said Siiridrij.
ihai one ot more1 of the sophisticated
A W A C S jets would be sent to provide support for the Igyptian Air Force,
The United Stales lasi year dispatched
A W A C S aircraft to llgypi ami Sudan to help
counter a perceived I ihyan threat against
Sudan as well as io monitor fighting In
Trjpoli-hacked forces in Chad.
Sudanese officials have charged that Friday's bombing raid, which killed five people
in Omdurman, was conducted by a single
Soviet-built lti-22 owned In Libya. The
lighter dropped live bombs on Omdurman, a
cii\ ol .1(H),(XH» across the Nile River from
Khartoum, according to die Sdanese Foreign
Minis! ry.
Second trial begins
Fall River, Mass.
( A I ' ) A defense lawyer says'if's a "different
j u r y and a different t r i a l " for four men
charged with raping a young mother on a
barroom pool table, despite the conviction of
two other defendants in Ihe ease.
The defense for the four men opens its case
Monday in the shadow of the guilty verdicts
handed down Saturday in the case o f Daniel
Silva and Joseph Vieira.
Ii look a jury o f eight men and four
women 5.5 hours - including an hour lunch to find Silva, 27, and Vieira, 28, guilty o f aggravated rape in the March 6, 1983, attack on
a woman in a New Bedford bar.
The two Portuguese Immigrants- face up to
life in prison and possible deportation,
Sentencing has been scheduled lor Friday.
Alvarado may resign
New York City
(Al')Schools Chancellor Anthony Alvarado
appears lo be giving serious consideration to
quilling as head of Ihe nation's largesi school
system after a series of damaging financial
Alvarado was closeted today with his
private attorney, former Abscam prosecutor
Thomas I'uecio, and sources close lo
Alvarado said he would make a statenicnl
later " i l he decides to step d o w n . "
Alvarado met for nine hours Sunday with
his close advisors without reaching a decision. A spokesman for the chancellor, Steve
Mangionc, said his options were to resign,
slay on the j o b or lake temporary leave o f
Settlement criticized
(AP)The city manager and vice mayor of
Yonkers have angrily criticized the Board of
Education for its tentative settlement of a
school integration suit with a plan estimated
lo cost the school system $18 million.
But Yonkers Mayor Angelo Martinclli.said
Sunday he supported the out-of-court settlement of the federal suit, adding, " I f people
still believe we can go to court and win this,
they're w r o n g . "
After negotiations with lawyers for the
Jiisijcc Department and with the National
Association lor the advancement of Colored
People - which brought Ihe suit, the board's
action in accepting a settlement drew the ire
of City Ma'nager Rodney Irwin and Vice
Mayor Bernicc Spreckmnh.
Diana Riehburg does not run for the
Albany Stale Great Dane Track team as
was printed in Ihe March 6 issue ol' the
ASP, She runs for a private club and is
also a student at S U N Y A .
In the March 16 issue of the ASP, it was
incorrectly reported that Dwaync Sampson rah for Central Council vice chair,
Sampson did not run, although he received one write-in vole.
At a recent conference held in New York
City, S U N Y A President Vincent O'Leary
cited a decline in Ihe number o f students
enrolled in our " f i n e teacher education prog r a m " and emphasized Ihe need to expand
and improve teacher education programs
throughout New York State.
Joining O'Leary and Dean of Education
Robert K o f f at the conference were
presidents and deans from nine other universities throughout New York Stale which offer
docloral degree programs in professional
. In addition 10 calling for reforms in Ihe
training of teachers, Ihe presidents and deans
called for stale and federal governments to
j o i n them in making a committment towards
strengthening schools in the slate of New
York, according to a stalemenl issued with
the press release of the conference.
The conference was in part a reponse to
several reports issued in the past year which
called attention 10 problems in the nations
schools, the statement said.
" W h i l e Ihe conditions of public and
private schools at all levels has always been a
concern of the presidents and deans, Ihe conference represented Ihe first unified committment by public and independent institutions
to work together actively lo improve teacher
training, contribute lo curricular reform, and
develop Ihcsc institutions'' capacity to meet
the educational needs of the state," Ihe statement explained.
In a later Interview, O'Leary said that
among the planned activities that will be pari
of the committment arc scholarship programs for talented education students, programs among the schools o f education to
share and exchange their resources, and
cooperative ventures between universities
and schools to develop curricula in mutually
beneficial ways.
Such programs, added O'Leary, will be
carried out with primary and secondary
schools, as well as with other universities.
The statement noted that because education reform requires recognition that teachers
arc central 10 the effort, the presidents and
deans, besides calling for better working conditions for teachers (up 10 date textbooks and
institutional materials, sound testing p r o - '
grams and effective discipline procedures)
emphasized the importance o f increasing
teacher salaries.
In calling for the slate and federal governments to help bring about educational
r e f o r m , Ihe statement explained, the
presidents and deans attending the conference, though lauding New York Stale as
being ahead of other slates, called for an increased state role in implementing financing
reform and increased general aid.
In addiiion, the statement said that in
order to attract tile most qualified students
into Ihe teaching profession, Ihe presidents
counler, " b i l l I do think there's a dramatic
difference in ihe inteiisily, Ihe commitment,
I he effort undertaken to move this process
forward toward true opportunity for all
But Hart, whose sudden emergence from
Needed to norr inate
Telethon '84 auditions will be
held through Thursday, March
22. Signups are in Campus
Center 130. Telethon will be held
from Friday, March 30 to Saturday, March 31.
C.A.R.P.'s g e n e r a l Interest
meeting will be held Thursday,
March 22 at 7 p.m. in Humanities
125. A free film entitled "Coming
out of the Ice" will be shown.
C.A.R.P. Is the C o l l e g i a t e
Association for the Research of
principles, and is committed to
"global patriotism and a creative
alternative to Marxism."
The Debate Society Is sponsoring a series'of debate workshops
this week. On Tuesday, March 20
at 3:30 p.m. Prof. Katherlne Kendall will discuss cross examination techniques. On Wednesday,
March 21 at 3:30 p.m. debate
theory will be discussed by Prof.
Richard Wilke. Both will be held
in HU 354, the Humanities
The Archaeology Field School
will have an interest meeting and
slide show on Wednesday,
March 21, at 5:30 p.m. In Social
Sciences 260. Students can fill
out applications at the meeting
for a summer program in which
they can earn eight credits in anthropology.
A Career Day will be held Thursday, April 12. Students Interested in participating in this
event may pick up Information
and an application In the Center
for Undergraduate Education
(CUE). The application deadline
Is Wednesday, March 28.
International Games lor the
Disabled will be held from Saturday, June 16 to Saturday, June
30 at Elsenhower Park in Long
Island. Volunteers are asked t o ,
contack Rhoda W h i l e at'
Eisenhower Park, E. Meadow,
N.Y. 11554.
A Legislative Fellows Program
of the New Y o r k State Senate
will run from Sept. 19, 1984 to
Aug. 7, 1985. The program is
designed lo provide students
with a knowledge of state
government. For Information
contact Prof. Joseph Zimmerman at 455-6186.
Liz Story, an improvlsational
pianist, will appear at the Troy
Savings BAnk Music Hall on
Saturday, March 24 at 8 p.m.
Tickets are on sale at the Music
Hall Box Office.
Nadir is accepting contributions
In poetry, writing, photography,
and art for the 1984 Issue until
Thursday, March 22. Call Mike
Benson at 463-2388 or Lori Coppola at 463-1003 for Information.
Student aid, in the form o f fellowships,
work study programs, and loan programs
must be maintained, according to the
presidents and deans attending the conference.
Also emphasized was the need for the
federal government 10 continutc lo support
the efforts of state and local governments to
meet the needs of gifted students, those from
backgrounds, as well as minority and bilingual students. There is ample evidence, according to ihe presidents and deans that such
" W i t h o u t that black and brown support in
ihe city of Denver and across ihe slate of Colorado I wouldn't be here today," he said.
Mondale easily won ihe Puerto Rico
primary on Sunday, taking W percent of the
vote. Mart did noi eoniesi Mondale in Puerto
the pack has dethroned Mondale as front-. Rico.
runner, retorted: " I ' m noi willing lo lei Vice;
Both Mondale and Hart were campaigning
Presidcnl Mondale or anyone else in this' Monday in downstalc Illinois.
country gauge my intensity of commitment
Over ihe last week — amid intense public
to civil rights. I I It ink it's as broad and deep scrutiny — Hart and his campaign officials
as his or for ihai matter anyone else's."
have made a number of mistakes, all of them
in Illinois, which probably cost some voles
and gave Mondale political ammunition lor
his claim thai the 47-year-old Colorado
senator is loo inexperienced and naive to
become president.
Today Is t h e first day of s p r i n g
John Cougar Mellencamp will
appear In the University Gym on
Monday, April 2 at 9 p.m: Tickets
will be sold in the Campus
Center f o r $ l 0 . 0 0 w i t h a tax card
and $12.50 without. UCB is sponsoring the event.
Allernoon at Ihe Bars will be
held Thursday, March 22 from 3
p.m. to 6 p.m. Tickets cost $5.00
and are available In the Campus
Center lobby. The event is sponsored by Telethon '84, Student
Association, and Classes of '84,
'85, and '86.
Claiming that federal support for education, while providing opportunity and support for quality education, has perhaps not
received as much emphasis as il should,
O'Leary and the other presidents and deans,
outlined, al the conference, three forms o f
federal participation in the education process
which arc crucial.
Note: "Others' ' Includes those pledged to candidates who have dropped out- Sen. John Glen i, former Florida Gov. Reubin Askew and
former South Dakota Sen. George McGovern.
Jawbonewlll "present Acija
AlflrevlJ reading her own work in
the English and Serbo-Croatian
languages Thursday, March 22
at 12 noon in Humanities 354.
She is a visiting Fulbrlght prolessor in the Slavic Language
Deparmenl. .
••Mid-East Update" will be the
topic of a speech by Ehud Gol on
Wednesday, March 21 at 9 p.m.
in Campus Center 373. The talk
Is sponsored by J.S.C.-Hlllel.
The Ramones and
guest" will appear in the Campus Center Ballroom Friday,
March 23 at 9 p.m. Tickets are on
sale Monday through Friday
from 11:30 a.m. lo 3:30 p.m. and
cost $6.00 with a tax card and
$9.00 without. The concert is cosponsored by UCB and WCDB.
and deans urged that new State scholarship
and loan programs be established. Special attention, they added, should be paid to the
recruitment and support of talented minority
T o insure thai any efforts would be a.permancnt and ongoing process, rather than a
one time response to signs o f trouble, the
presidents and deans called for the establishment o f regional education centers in the
stalemenl, which would join representatives
from all levels of ihe education system, and
all sectors o f society, including business, industry and labor.
S U N Y A P r a i l d w i t Vlncwit O ' L w r y
Advocated more government
students benefit from programs designed to
assist them.
In this age of changing technology, said
O'Leary, local school teachers will come t o
depend heavily on universities to provide
them with much o f the raw material out o f
which lo fashion courses and curricula.
O'Leary, and attendees o f the conference
therefore support federally funded programs,
such as those carried on by the National Institute for Education and the National
Science Foundation, and are calling for increased federal support and attention to the
teaching of science and mathematics. They
arc also urging that international and educational programs be strengthened to improve
instruction in foreign languages and cultures,
Ihe said.
Democrats fight for delegates in Illinois primary
There were several barbs directed at President Reagan, whom Mondale called " o n e o f
the most gified baloney artists "in modern
Mondale used the locally lelevised debate
Sunday night to claim a "dramatic dif- (
ference" between himself and ihe Colorado i
senator on civil rights.
" I ' m not arguing about Gary's nominal
record," Mondale said in Ihe 60-minute cn-
Meese faces inquiry
Wtisitiitfittm; />. (".
(AP)The Deparimenj ol Justice is investigating wholhei a special prosecutor ineeded io probe I d w i n Mcesc"s finances, bur
ihe candidate lot aiioincv general savs he'll.
io win coiiftimillion tlcspiio the
(AP) Democratic presidential survivors,
debating two days before an Illinois
showdown, clashed Sunday night over civil
rights, Chicago polities and new ideas.
" I n the race for new ideas, I w i n , " Walter
F. Mondalc said in an assault aimed at the
core o[ Gary Hart's campaign.
Mondalc and Hart argued over ideas while
the third contender, the Rev. Jesse Jackson,
said his campaign has brought him lo ihe
"apex of the triangle" in the presidential
fights, assuring that his black and other supporters will not be taken for granted when
the Democratic party selects a nominee next
Many officials predict l i t col'fcis will go
dry by this sununci oi curly fall.
O'Leary, others discuss education in New York State
By Eric Hindin
Cheese B l o t t o belts out a s o n g d u r i n g the " S t . Patrick's Day Dance Party w i t h
B l o t t o " S a t u r d a y in the C a m p u s Center B a l l r o o m .
The A l b a n y - b a s e d b a n d kept the c r o w d j u m p i n g for m o s t of their 90-mlnute
s h o w , p l a y i n g s u c h f a v o r i t e s as " M e t a l h e a d , " " I Q u i t , " a n d " I W a n n a Be a
The c o n c e r t , w h i c h a t t r a c t e d several h u n d r e d s t u d e n t s w a s s p o n s o r e d by
University C o n c e r t B o a r d a n d I n t e r q u a d C o u n c i l .
—Jerry C a m p l o n e
l.ale last week in Chicago, Ihe Han campaign ran ads attacking Mondalc lor accepting ihe endorsement til' Cook County
Democraiic chairman Edward R. Vrdolyak.
On ihe day before ads were aired, I Ian said
he thought the candidates should slay om of
Chicago politics.
Han laier ordered Ihe ads pulled o f f ihe
air. IHu while they were slill being broadcast,
Han defended litem, " I think people have a
righi io know who is supporting which candidate and make I heir decision based on that.
That's noi to say I prefer one side or the
There were also contradictory accounts
from press secretary Ka'lhy Uushkiu and Han
on how much he knew aboul I he commercials
before the decision was made to put them on
the air.
Earlier in ihe week, Han charged Mondale
with using a television commercial lo make
personal aitucks focused on l i n n ' s age, his
name change from llaripencc to Hart and
dropping Winien as ihe middle name from
his official Senate signal inc.
Indignant, Hail said Mondale "knows in
his heart there is no blemish on my character
ihai would prohibit me from governing litis
country in litis decade.,"
Il turned mil ihfl.l the ui'i'eiiillng ml did mil
'exist, or If il did exisl thai il was never broadcast. A senior staff member bad reported the
ad to the traveling campaign staff, and Hart
decided lo attack it without.confirming that
il did indeed exisl.
Later, David Landau, the deputy campaign manager, claimed that although the information aboul Ihe ad actually being used
was faulty, the Mondale advertising agency
had prepared commercials noting that M o n dale had not changed his name.
To some extern, the errors can be explained by a primary election system devised by
Democratic leaders that requires candidates
to compete in a large number o f important
states in under a month.
Mondale's well-financed, well-organized
campaign was built for Ihe early rush of
primaries and party caucuses, which will
determine over half the 1,967 delegates needed to win the nomination in July,
H a n ' s Illinois campaign manager, Wayne
Kooncc, said over I he weekend that the need
'to expand the campaign so rapidly has "placed an enormous amount of stress on ihe cand i d a l and his organization."
" T h e reality of the Han campaign is a
relatively small number of people stretched
beyond all limits o f endurance," Kooncc
For Hart himself, continuous 15 or
16-hour campaign days, including four o r
five airplane nights daily, are beginning lo
lake I heir physical l o l l .
His voice cracks, iher
are occasional
breaks in ihe cadence of Ins standard slump
speech and he bus had ai least iwo arguments
u i i l i reporters in ihe midst of interviews.
In Sunday night's candidate debate,
however, Han appeared rested, and even
displayed an uncharacteristic bit o f theater by
handing Mondale a copy of his book, " A
New Democracy," lo counter Ihe former vice
president's' charge ihai his campaign ol' " n e w
ideas" lacks real substance.
The debate was Ihe only l'acc-to-facc confrontation in the Illinois campaign, a light
lor 171 convention delegates in Tuesday's
election and momentum going into other
primaries in lite next several weeks in Connecticut, New York, and Pennsylvania.
With just over iwo weeks (.villaining until
the New York primary, Waller Mondale has
picked up New York City Mayor Edward
Koch's endorsement in the Democraiic
presidcnlial primary, according to sources In
the Koch administration.
The mayor was scheduled io hold a news
conference Mondas to announce his decision.
"/ feel everyone should have Cod in their
life. God is very important in my point of.
view. I don't tltink enough people support
Cod • a lot of people are atheist because they
were brought up that way. People should
have their own point of view. "
Loren Coleman
View from the Podium
What do you think of President Ronald Reagan's
attempt to push through Congress prayer in
public schools as a Constitutional Amendment?
Attitudes changing toward women
who choose math, science fields
By Judy Geshwlnd
"In America, there is a different altitude
about women working ... it's how the woman
views herseir, but I sec this altitude
changing," said Nadya Lumelsky, a graduate
student in Biology at SUNY Albany, and a
Russian immigrant.
Vice President
Academic Affairs Judith
Ramaley addressed the
changing altitudes about
women working, and the reasons behind the
lack of women studying sciences in an interview in her office Monday.
Ramaley said that in high schools and in
junior high schools, young women are being
encouraged to take more science and
mathematics courses. She said that in order
to enter the sciences, "long preparation is
needed." Women are being encouraged to
keep their options opened," she added.
Compiled by Patricia Mitchell, managing
editor.'Pholos by Dave Aslicr, UPS.
'The basic separation of church and stale. I
don 'I Ihink kids should be pressured directly
or indirectly for prayer. I think he (Reagan)
would have done it anyhow. It's one of the
reasons I didn V vole for him in the first
Michael Schwalberg
Graduate Sludenl
"/ don 'I agree with it because the prayer they
would come up with wouldn 'I be beneficial
for all religions. Younger kids also wouldn 'I
have the courage lo just walk out of the
classroom if they do not wish to pray. "
Mike McGovcrn
"If you 'd like to say a prayer it's optional. I
don 7 think you should have to stand up and
say it collectively. If you don'I choose to you
don 'l have to. I think it's geared for the conservatives and the liberals will move aguinit
At llie college level, women are now
"smart" as to knowing how they can best
present themselves as a "strong" candidate
for entering graduate school, They know
how important it is to participate in such activities as community service and to do
research, said Ramaley. She added that
graduate schools are now "actively
recruiting" women students who arc talented
and qualified.
Ramaley commented that things are even
changing at the kindergarten level. "The piclures around the kindergarten room used to
show a man in a white coat with the label
"doctor" and other pictures, such as a man
who was an "engineer", and perhaps a
woman who would be a "teacher." This attitude is changing, she maintained. Now,
through the Education Supply House,
teachers "are able lo get pictures of women,
and also of minorities engaged in various occupations." These new role models are "sublie hinis thai let the younger children know
thai they have different careers opened 10
litem," she said.
Ramaley said that when she spoke wilh
" / think it's thoroughly against the Constitution. It makes me kind of sick inside. It goes
against my beliefs. It's ridiculous outside of
the fact that I 'm not getting any Financial aid
from the guy."
Steve Pcisl
Richard Wilson
' 7 don 'I think it should be in the schools and
be forced. I think it should be optional. I
don't know if it's going to help hint (Reagan)
Melody Hunt
• J T
A ^
For Students Whose Program Is Already Figured Out^
Come For Immediate Action And Program Card
Or Do You Have Questions?
For Full Explanations Of Programs And Requirements
young women at the high school level, "they
arc surprised thai there is an issue at
all...What they want 10 know is "How do
they do it?" But young women also realize
thai the female slill gets the majority of the
household chores as her responsibility,said
There arc other problems to cope with,
citing pregnancy as an example, she said that
when a woman goes back 10 active scientific
research after having a baby, she loses touch
with what is going on in the field. When she
returns the woman must "retool" and catch
up on the new ideas, Ramaley said.In addition to the physical problem of not being in
loucli with new ideas, there is slill the attitude
problem of many people."In our society,
when you have a career you have to show
thai you arc fully dedicatcd-you have 10 prove thai you are serious, such as working overlime," said Ramaley. "Women who want 10
work on a career on a part-time basis arc
criticized for not being serious," she added.
JSC-Hillel for an evening at
5f Sunday March 25 ^
Leave Circle 4:45 pm
Tickets on Sale
More info
Ramaley said that many universities are
not receptive 10 hiring part-time women
teachers who arc raising children. It is harder
for a woman to teach part-time in order to
raise a family than for a woman 10 leach
part-lime because she already has another
career, she said.
Ramaley continued, saying thai ii had been
"acceptable for women to work for
economic necessity, but not because they loved their careers."
Ramaley, who serves on various government and scientific committees, said she sees
more women scientists applying for grants.
She also feels thai this is "evidence for the
growing number of women in the scientific
fields." More women are doing research
work as "independent scientists" as well, she
Ramaley feels thai the greatest change over
I he years is that women arc now able 10 be
"passionate about Iheir careers, they know
that they have a contribution to make, and
ihey arc permitted to invest their time and
energy inlo I heir career."
with Dustin Hoffman
Anne Bancroft
(with music by Simon and Garfunkel)
Wednesday, March 21
SA Funded
Women can now be "passionate about their
careers, they know they have a contribution
to make."
—Judith Rumalev
proudly presents:
CC 'obby
Student Commencement
Speaker being sought.
"The lost student who asked me about courses In this university
Is now graduating Stanford Lawl"
Due March 23
Dlackstone, Commentaries
\ _
Callahan joins Chapel House staff
as SUNYA's first black clergyman
Senior cards will be distributed
March 19-23
additional hours:
March 21 7pm-9pm
May 21 to July 2
July 3 to August 10
3rd floor ticket window
One week only.
Child. Family & State
Commercial Paper
Conflict of Laws
Criminal Procedure
Family Law
Law and Medicine
Secured Transactions
Unfair Trade Practices
Commercial Transactions
Federal Courts
Federal Estate and Gift Ta> ;
Labor Law
Law and Public Education
Real Estate Transactions
Wills. Trusts and Estates
you must have a Senior card
with a pre-assigned number.
SCHOOL OF LAW Hempstead. Long Island, New York 11550
Hotsva u-ve-5'iy :» a.-, ea-a) M j c a i o r * cccc--Tur.!y nsMaon
State University Theatre
Theresa Knorr
Petition drive ends
The Rotary Club has offered to sponsor the Fourth Annual Albanv
Koiary d u b Career Day to be held on Thursday April 12 1984 This
event is a unique and worthwhile opportunity for SUNYA students lo
participate in a half-day on-the-job experience. Forty members of the
Albany Rotary d u b have agreed to donate one morning. April 12th lo
the career exploration of selected Albany students. This half-day career
event w,ll take students off the campus, and into the community where
iney will spend the morning observing, interviewing and interacting with
a loeal professional.
A wide range of occupations will be represented includ:ing:
by J o h n Ford N o o n a n
to W ^ K
, T TL™"
Keynote t ^ L
Social Service
° ' ^
n s
" ' ° ' '<* R««l =nd Ad-
access experiences In Your Career."
directed by J. Hanley
8:00 P.M.
at door
[Laboratory Theatre
(Performing Arts Center
'' H.
to all
> i s " - s p o n s o r i n g this
of s t e n t s 1 ^
^ ^ ^ u b a " d * * b e coordinating the selection
pck u P i n T o r m a M 0 n » ' r r e S ' G d , i n ^ ^ 3
"n >he Career Day may
ThanM M
r « PHu P " " , i 0 n * « * f i l 1 " ° u ' - a " d return I, to
S .ude^T^ le c "d bfa ra°d" "T
A pctiiion drive in suppori of ihe " D o n ' l
Walk A l o n e " cscori service has collected
over 1,01)0 signatures, according l o New
York Public Interest Research Group
Womens Issues Project Chair Theresa Knorr.
The drive will end Tuesday al noon so lhai
Dan Altaian can present the petitions to the
Women's Safely Task Force, which is considering Ihe " D o n ' t Walk A l o n e " proposal.
All man was a director of lasi semester's
piloi program, and one of Ihe authors of ihe
85 page proposal being considered as an
alternative to ihe current escort service.
^ ' ""*' * **«»*»
« « of interest to Z J U Z ^ L ^ ^ ' " 9 W " h i n e a c h ^signa.ed
CUE UlB-afc « M M T ^ ***—***
ooota* NANCY M. N A H M O
PMA scholarships
To encourage cnllcgc siuclcn'ls lrit crest ocUn
Business Administration and related fields to
consider careers in ihe area of Purchasing,
ihe Purchasing Management Association of
Eastern New York will award iwo $650,00
scholarships for the 19S4-85 academic year.
Students must be enrolled on a full-time
Plans for a Civic Cenler in downtown
basis in a local college or university and al a
Albany were presented by Canadian
developer Nalhan Sniilli Thursday at a Junior level or higher at thai school lo be
meeting of a Civic Cenler Commission. The
Applications may be obtained from ihe
Commission is studying various proposals,
Office o\ financial A i d or by contacting Carl
according lo an article in The Times Union.
E. Gardner, C P M , Albany Steel and Iron
the center, which has not yel been
Supply, Inc. P.O. Box 4(X)6, Albany, N.Y.,
specifically designed, would cosi $25 million
and scat 15,000 people. Plans for Ihe proposal will be submitted within 45 days, Smith
said, There are two possible sights tor ihe
cenler, he added.
Ihe plan is one of several to be considered,
A demonstration against the closing of the
including one advanced by SUNYA PresiHumanities Lounge is being planned for Frident Vincent o'l.eary for a civic center lo he
day, March 23 at 11:29 a.m. by Sludcnls
(mill on University property at Fuller Rd. and
Against Totalitarian Enactments (SATE),
Washington Ave.
SATE President Kurt Schrakcnhcrg said
the demonstration is planned for 11:29
because the lounge is closed each day at
Sclinakcnbeig said over .100 signatures had
Rich Seiuiffcr Will Hill McC'nnn are the only candidates who have qualified to run for been colleclcd in an on-going petition drive,
that mans student organizations had
student Association President in the upcoming elections, according IO Information signed letters of support io keep the lounge
posted in Ihe SA office.
Sit-in planned
SA hopefuls register
March 2 8 . Application Deadline
March 2 9 - Drawing
A p r i l 12 - Career Day
In order lo accommodate riders lo ihe new
Crossgates Mall, ihe Capital District Transit
Authority has started a route that encompasses the area's four major shopping
centers: Sluyvesanl Plaza; Colonic Center,
Wc'slgntc Shopping Cenler, and Crossgates
Rome 16, which runs between Stuyvesant
Plaza, S U N Y A , and Colonic Center will be
placed on a new schedule also, according lo a
C'DTA spokesperson. Starling March 26 Ihe
tome will operate on Saturday only, he said.
Washington Avenue buses have been ex-'
tended as well, lie said. C'DTA information
may be obtained by calling 482-8822.
New Civic Center plan
P e r i m e n ' a l learning, students will be treated
5? 1 > " U W " y H ° U S € 'OU"e^
C Andmon D i f
^ 7
Currently Callahan serves as Pastor of the
Pineview Baplisl Church and Associate
Paslor of Ihe Macedonia Baplisl Church in
Albany in addition to his new position al
Callahan has worked in several capacities
as counselor, serving as a family resource
director* counseling families on different
problems; he also headed tip a jail-release
program where he look first-lime offenders
into custody and found ihcni employment.
He has also seised as employment counselor
at the Trinily Institution.
One of his main goals, Callahan stressed, is
to attain a dialogue between ihe different
ethnicities on the campus and ihe surrounding eomnitinilliy,
Bus service expands
although Callahan is ihe first black minister
al Chapel House, he will be available to help
all students.
Sister Danielle, o f Chapel House, said lhai
she was looking forward l o working with
Callahan, and was pleased thai he was j o i n ing ihe staff o f Chapel House. She explained
lhai Callahan will, "play a role in Ihe inlerfaiih programming and suppori groups, as
well as lake pari in Ihe day-io-day running o f
Chapel House." She added lhai he will be
there lo counsel students, specifically black
The only candidate registered for Vice
President is Sti/y Auleita, and only tine'person has been nominated l o he a SUNYA
delegate to Sludciu Association o f Stale
University, according to the posted signs.
Oilier offices lo be decided in April are all
Central Council Seals, Siudent Representatives lo the Univerisly Senate, Class Councils o f 1985, 1986, 1987 and the O f f Campus
Hoard of Directors.
Nominations for all positions close T i l e s - ,
day at 5 p.m. and elections will he held April
9 and 10.
For F u r t h e r I n f o r m a t i o n W r i t e or C a l l :
(516) 5 6 0 - 5 9 1 6
You must pay all past duesCASHONLY
S U N Y A ' s Chapel House has gollen its
first black minister, and according to ihe
Reverend William V. Callahan, " I ' l l do
anything lo help anyone."
Callahan has been appoinled, on a partlime basis, as a minister lo Chapel House,
where he will serve as a liaison between, the
conimunily and ihe campus. Al a welcome
reception, Callahan staled lhai he has many
goals he would like lo attain and thai he will
Iry l o be as accessible as possible l o ihe
university conimunily.
" I ' m here l o help people with similar
ethnic backgrounds as myself. Anyone
human 1 would be glad lo speak lo,
who are noi I will have some trouble w i t h , "
said Callahan. He added thai he would like
lo start a Chapel House Rcpclory program
I hat would perform Christian plays.
Callahan noted thai he sees litis as a springboard for communication anil as a unifying force between Ihe community and the
According to the Director of Affirmative
Action, Dr. Gloria DeSole, Callahan has had
extensive experience in Ihe areas of career,
persona] and family counseling, "l-le is enormously congenial, personable ami accessible
lo students," she added- DeSole noled lhai
-Precision Cut and Blow Dry
-Mens $10 Ladies $14
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Manicure $6
Pedicure $15
Beard and Mustache $3
Stuyvesant Plaza Mohawk Mall
Colonic Center
Amateur Nlte at the RAT
Saturday, March 24th
News Updates-
In order to purchase Senior Week tickets
By Eileen Keefe
Is pteatad to
announce that
ha will soon be
the father of a
new Trandaettar 8400 due in
lata May. Look
for detail* of
ahower coming
SUNY Student Special
call Gary 457-7774
Sue ° r 457-5194
for your act by
Thursday, March 22
Air bands welcomel
Sponsored by Indian Quad Board
SA Funded
has been postponed
until THURS.3/22 3-6pm
tickets available in
CC lobby -$5.00
limited number available
I.D. required to purchase
• O'Heaneys * W T 'S *
Sonsored by: Telethon '84,
SA Classes of 84,85,86
with help from- E&D Beverages
Ruch Distributers
_MARCH 20, 1984
—- Vinyl Views
Madness Is Still Moving
n 1979, when Madness released their
first album. One Step Beyond, they
took their place as one of (he main
bands in the new "ska" movement. Ska is
more or less a faster type of reggae, although
reggae Itself -was a branching out of the
original ska movement of the sixties. The
name Madness was derived from the Prince
Buster song of the sanr' name. Prince
Buster, by the way. was the heart of the
original ska movement, along with the
Skatalltes. Don Drummond, and Rita
Marley. Though Madness was grouped witli
such other bands as Bod Manners. The
-Specials. The Selector, and The Engli
Beat, they saw their sound as something ui
que, despite the fact that their songs "One
Step Beyond" and "Night Boat to Cairo" are
ska benchmarks. Sax player Lee Thompson
coined the phrase "nutty sound" to refer to
Madness' brand of music.
(sax). Graham McPherson (vocals), and
most importantly, Carl Smyth (vocals).
Smyth, formerly known as Chas Smash, had
been the trademark of the Madness nuttiness. with his various shouts and fancy
footwork, The name changes, and the
song split 50 percent of the royalties, and the
rest of the band members split 50 percent.
Since the songwrlting chores ate shared out
pretty evenly among the band, this has been
a successful formula.
The LP begins with the title cul. "Keep
Back in those early days, the seven band
members were known as "Monsieur Barso."
"Chrissy Boy." "Suggs," "Bedders," "Kix,"
"Woody Woods," and "Chas Smash.'^They
were, and still are. a very comical and enjoyable band, and a nicer bunch of guys
you'll never meet. Their next two albums.
Absolutely and Seven, kept up that "nutty
sound" Madness was famous for with such
to j
M a d n e s s a n d n o t have the uncont r o l l a b l e urge to b o u n c e a l l a r o u n d
t h e r o o m must have b e e n d e a d for a
few years."
songs as "Baggy Trousers" and Cardiac Arrest." Why the term nutty? Guitarist Chris
Foreman answered, "'cos our music sounds
like fairgrounds and organs and things. It
sounds nutty."
I'd have to agree with that assessment.
Anyone who could listen to Madness and
not have an uncontrollable urge to bounce
all around the room must have been dead
for a few years.
On the Seven album, though, such songs
as "It Must Be Love." and "Grey Day." a
couple of slower, more subdued numbers,
signalled an upcoming change. The release
of a compilation album. Complete Madness.
seemed to be a turning point in the musical
life of the band. Other bands in the general
"ska" movement were either breaking up or
changing their style, and Madness also saw
the need for change.
The change came with their next album. The
Rise and Fall of Madness. The songs were
much more controlled, low-key productions,
and. aside from one or two real gems, the
album was generally flat, The boys had gone
a little too far in the opposite direction from
their previous style. The nicknames were
dropped, and the band members were now
known as Mike Barson {keyboards). Chris
Foreman (guitar). Mark Bedford (bass).
Daniel Woodgate (drums), Lee Thompson
movement of Smyth to co-vocalist marked a
general push to integrate the vocal sound of
the band to a smoother, more melodious
one. Rise and Fall also marked a commercial
breakthrough for the group with the top 40
single "Our House."which landed them a
contract with Geffen records.
Moving," which is one of the better cuts, a
slower paced, smooth number with a catchy
chorus, which is what much of Rise and Fall
lacked. Lee Thompson and guest artist TKO
provide some great hornwork. and the bass
of Dan Woodgate is .flawless.
After a domestically released compilation,
Madness, we arrive at the present, and the
bands seventh and latest release Keep Moving.
They certainly have done so. Their music
has moved from ska to nutty to subdued,
and they have now reached a happy
medium, with an even more polished
sound. The album has its flashes of nut*
tiness. laced with the more controlled sound
of Rise and Fall, and is highlighted
throughout by outstanding vocals. The instruments meld together better than they
ever have before, and the band has matured
still further in it's sound. One of the reasons
that Madness has managed to remain intact
so long, after so many style changes. Is that
not only do they work well together, but the
band members are genuine friends. They
also have a financial agreement that works
quite well for them. The composers of each
Next up is the previously released import
single, "Wings of a Dove." This is the best
cut on the album, a very upbeat, bouncy
number highlighted by the backing vocals of
the "Pentecostal First Born Church of the
Living God Inspirational Choir." and
Woodgates drums. " C r e i g h t o n Steel
Sounds" add steel drums which, coupled
with Foreman's island guitar riffs, give the
song some Caribbean flavor.
Tlie domestic single from the album. "Sun
and the Rain,"is the third cut. and another
potential hit off the LP. It begins with a nice
piano solo by Barson, and then breaks into a
very catchy song that makes you ,vant to get
up and go. Smyth and McPherson sound
great together, with Smyth providing the
harmony for MacPherson's lead, The cut
also features strings arranged by David Bedford, and a rare guitar solo by Foreman. The
band sounds very tight and professional thus
10TIS ANt> DAMMIT,I'M N 0 f \
In -Vodiay'S Comic strip, Jim ^ HELLO MO-BEARD. ARFr/l
••he Tfroe Traveler has taken
Otis back in time to meet a
Pirate. How's tha+ for a plot?
far, each member doing his share and no
one trying lo shine alone in llie llmellglij
My favorite song is "March ol ih'j.
Gherkins," and that comes fifth on th»
album. I| Is by far the nuttiest cut on the new
record, almost reminiscent of the cloys of
Chas Smash and Monsieur B.irso It is Un.
dated, though, In that It is produced much
belter, and sounds more polished The production work was done by Clivc Langer and
Alan Wlnstanley, who deserve credit lor an
excellent job. This particular vmq is
highlighted by dreamy strings. Bedford's
bass, and Thompson's horns
Next up is a very comical number,
"Mlcheal Calne." which features the actor
himself saying "My name Is Michael Cainc."
It Is a very melodious tune, with
McPherson's excellent vocals, bached by
Smyth's, as well as a couple of ladles known
as "Afrodlzlak." This song is a prime example of the concerted effort to upgrade and
emphasize the vocal aspect of Madness.
Side Two begins with "Prospects." a
slower, subdued number similar in the type
of song on Rise and Fall though it is
nowhere near flat. Barson's keyboards give
the aura of walking through a citcus
fairground, as Lee Thompson blows a mean
sax throughout the track.
"Victoria Gardens" follows next, and is a
very English Beat sounding tune, with good
reason. General Public (a.k.a. Dave Wakeling and Ranking Roger, formerly of the
Beat) sing along with McPherson, and
Thompson sounds remarkably like the Beat's
former sax player, "Saxa," The sony is also
reminiscent of the earlier days of the linglish
ska movement. The next cut. "Samantfia,"
Is the sleeper on the album. It is a moderately
paced, funky love song with a great bassllne
courtesy of Mark Bedford's plucking linyets
This is followed by one of the most experimental songs on the album. "One Bettet
Day." No matter how you slice it. this track
still sounds like tango music that you'd heat
in some ritzy nightclub.
Joe Romano
MARCH 20, 1984
The back cover of the album features a
multiple choice lest about the twelve songs
on the album, afler each song listed, you gel
a choice of three answers to a question concerning its lyrics. A i the end, you send all die
answers to an address in London The
reward for accomplishing this feat is
unknown, but ii just goes to show you lhal
Madness' sense of humor is siill iniact. and
no matter what changes the band
undergoes, one live concert will attest to die
fact that they are as nutty as ever.
Overall, Keep Mouina is an excellent
album. It is an LP which will please Madness
fans, both new and old. It Is also possibly
their best complete effort since thelt ilebut
album, five years ago. Ii is a well-produced,
well-written, well-performed album which
reasserts the dominance and bright future "I
this relatively young band, who have
escaped both the doldrums of monotony
and the route of the quick sell-out. Mote importantly, any listener will thoroughly enjoy
it. jump around to It, and put it back in the
record cover with a ear-to-ear grin on his or
her face.
Just remember.
Madness is all i" ihe
Sitting Through The Spin Cycle
'here she Is — that Inconsiderate slob In
the lime green sweats, returning to the
laundry room to continue her dirty work.
Half an hour ago she yanked some poor sod's
wet clothing out of washing machine to make
room for her fithly stuff, oblivious to the fact
that clean underwear and socks were falling to
the scummy, lint-covered floor. Oh no — she
doesn't notice — she gives no thought to her
fellow human beings, much less a fellow
SUNYA student. She'd probably sell her own
grandmother to the circus for a . . .
« — * :
Jeanne Canavan
Oh lovely. Just wonderful. Some big jock is
checking for empty dryers. Doesn't he know
that when you open the doors the motors stop
and you have to press the button to start them
up again? Does it really matter? After all, when
you come downstairs after an hour and your
laundry is still soaking wet and you have to go
to class and . . .
Now what Is the lime woman doing? She's
taking clothes out of a dryer so she can put her
own stuff in. Ten to one those clothes are still
damp. Isn't it great to come down and find
that your clothes have been removed from the
dryer before they have been dried? We're talking mildew here! But, you know, there is one
thing you can do about it. You know for a fact
that the guilty party's clothing is in "your"
'dryer, and you can open that door and took
around for a second, and then go upstairs. Silly of you to forget to push that little button,
wasn't it? Oh well.
Now who does this nitwit think she is? She's
flapping her arm like a deranged . . . Oh —
she's cleaning off the lint filter from her dryer.
How nice of her to share her lint with
everybody in the room. She's not one for
discreetly placing it in back of the dryer, or
stranger yet, in the garbage can — she wants
to make sure thai it is evenly dispersed
throughout the room. Of course, we all appreciate the gesture. 1 think I feel an allergy attack coming on.
That does it — the lime green wench has
committed the ultimate crime; she left that
damp load of wash in a crumpled heap on top
of the dryer. She has dropped to the lowest
cateqory of laundry room creeps — (soap)
set, n. There is no horror comparable to finding your freshly cleaned laundry in this
abominable condition — you might as well
start all over again! Each article of clothing has
now been granted its own distinct set of unattractive wrinkles, which can be eradicated only
by rewashing and drying, or worse yet, Ironing. I know that most people have nothing betler to do than spend six or seven hours ironing
sweatshirts and jeans.
Here comes a decent looking young
woman. 1 doubt she'll find a washing machine,
though, it's pretty packed down here. O h ,
she's taking wet clothes out of a machine. 1
hope she proves more responsible than that
green woman . . . Oh, how sweet. She's actually putting them into a dryer. Now that's
considerate. It kind of gives you faith In the old
human race again . . .
Now here is a guy who obviously has not
done his laundry in a long while — everything
seems to be a sort of washed-out greyish color
and kind of limp. Gross. I'll bet he hasn't even
changed his sheets all semester — they're probably all stiff and . . .What on earth is he doing? I believe he is removing his socks and
throwing them into the washer! It's already
stuffed to the brim and . . . Oh! His feet are
disgusting. They've got corns and things on
them and he obviously hasn't cut his toenails
in abcut six months and there are lint and soap
granules and dirty water all over the floor and
he's stepping in it! Sickening. I hope he
doesn't intend to wash his underwear, too.
Oh — there's the owner of the clothes so
gracefully put in the dryer by the decentlooking young woman. She does not look
pleased. She found her clothes, alright, but
she doesn't seem too happy about It; Now
she's digging furiously through the dryer, snatching up some of them, and marching out in a
huff. I believe she's upset.
Watch out — she's back. 1 hope she's not
planning to do something nasty, like pouring
bleach In the woman's wash. I might be forced
to Intervene, and considering the look on her
face, the idea does not thrill me. Oh good —
she's just taping a note to the washing
machine. I'd be willing to bet it's not a thank
you note, though. 1 think I'll just meander over
and check . . . Correct. !t Is nor a note of
gratitude. In fact, it's downright insulting! Apparently this woman is not in the habit of drying her sweaters in the machine. Now. I can
see her point, but I find that comment about
L ihe woman's mother unnecessary.
Oh no. Here comes the poor woman.
Maybe she won't see ihe note (how can she
miss it? I can practically see smoke rising from
it). She saw it — now she's reading ii. Now
she's looking hesitiantly from side to side.
Boy. is her face red. She's unloading that
washer wiih lightning speed, Look at those
hands go! Don't want to get caught unloading
that machine! Now she's running out of the
room. I'd slow down sister, ii's slippery
in . . . Oh lord, please don't let me laugh at
the sight of this poor girl sprawled out on the
floor. 1 really do not want to laugh. Good,
she's gone.
And here comes some guy looking for a
dryer — he's feeling the tops to check for heat.
Enjoying yourself, buddy? You're not feeling
this dryer, that's for sure, because I'm silting
right on top like a buddha, guarding my property. Last week one of my friends had a
brand-new pair of Levi's stolen. We put our
note on the dryer, mentioning ihe fact that she
had an infectious skin disease on her legs. (Let
the creep suffer). I don't allow anyone to mess
with my siuff — no way. Anyone who comes
near my dryer gets a glare from me. I' ve been
silting in this hot, stuffy r(
for 50 minutes
(except for a quick irip upstaii to get a soda),
and my clothes will be dry in 10 more
minutes, and . . , wait a second. This dryer
doesn'l feel very warm — in fact, it's stone
cold! Oh lord, ii isn't even running! My clothes
are still soaking wei! Somebody must have
sabotaged ii while I was upstairs! All this lime
in this suffocating sweatbox (or . . . All right,
that does it, Revenge. 1 think I'll stop the limewoman's dryer.
She deserves it.
All The Changes, Always
uzz buzz" buzz — why do the lights in
the library have to buzz? Girls are at
the next table whispering, snickering
— 1 hate people who snicker. "What is It
now? No, I don't have a pencil."
C.M. Kaplan
Constant Interruption. I can't concentrate.
I can't think straight! Gibber gabber gibber
gabber. How can they concentrate? There is
so much work to do. 1 work and work and
read and read and the wind is howling outside. I wonder how long it'll be before the
leaves change? Fall is such a pretty time —
the reds and oranges of the leaves. A time of
change. Change is all over. Look at my life
changing, my thoughts changing, my mind
changing, always changing. 1 can't write
anymore. My mind. "Mind if you leave? No.
go ahead."
That's the name of a candy bar that my
brother likes. My brother, I love you.
Shhhhhhhh! Obnoxious girls. I can't concentrate. Books. Best sellers. I love best sellers.
He said to me "Best sellers are trashy." Do
you know I still remember that? 1 can see his
face as I described a scene from a novel.
They're trashy. Classics — we must read
classics for college and for our SAT's. SAT's:
their scores branded on my record. Oberlin,
Cornell: faded dreams. "We're sorry," they
said, "We're so sorry." False smiles with big
white teeth. Gleem-gleem. I'd have never
made it; low IQ, you know. Nol their kind of
college material. What does it take? Please
take a number. Number 24. Just an insignificant number. The bells are ringing. Summer
nights. Where did they go? What happened?
The hair cut was totally different. Curled and
so, so neat. The dress so perfect, the figure
tanned and lean. The dew Is on the grass. I
mashed a bug on my new sandal. Apprehension. It is 3 a.m. The bells rang. What
are we doing walking around here at such a
late hour? Bye! Bye! The rain is coming
down. I can't cry. Why can't I cry? I just lost
my life. See? There he goes in brown pants
and a red plaid shirt. What do I care if it
doesn'l match, Mom? The irim really does
go alright on the dress. Laughter. Peach tis
peach. It's beautiful. .Peach with lace. My
favorite. My favorite was you and you're
gone. The rain fell and the water washed
away the me 1 knew and loved. Yeah, down
the sidewalk into the gutter. I'm there now.
Groping and groveling around. Yes. yes you
can come down and we can make the cherry
pie and no, my Dad isn't mad about the
other night and will your Mom let you have
the car and can you bring more cherries and
why are we cut off? Heart beat. What happened? Heart beat. Beat. The line is dead!
Stillness. No feeling, no response. Would
you look this way please? Thank you. Just
one more imprint in my mind — thanks.
Hey, have a nice life. We must be inquisitive.
I stopped wondering. I'm crying. Wow! Is the
lifeless fish feeling something? "Number
twenty-four? Number twenty-four? May I
have your attention please, who is number
twenty-four? We're waiting for number
twenty-four. Does anyone know where
number twenty-four is? Who is number
twenty-four?" 1 don't know. I'm sorry I can't
help you, but 1 can't, because 1 honestly
don't know.
Slamming the door
decision lo cul thai office o f f f r o m the eyes and cars o f
the following is a simulation:
the ASP. Everyone f r o m R A ' s u p t o university o f Albany Student Press: H e l l o , c o u l d y o u . tell us
ficials have been singing the same fruitless tune: " n o
a n y t h i n g about incident X ?
Resident Assistant:
N o . Speak to my superior.
The latest r o u n d o f f r u s t r a t i o n has sprung f r o m o u r atAlbany Student Press: Could you tell us
tempts to provide t h o r o u g h , balanced coverage o f the
a n y t h i n g about incident X ?
controversy s u r r o u n d i n g a recent Stale Q u a d p a r l y
Residence Director.
N o . Speak to someone at
(see story, p . I ) . A l every level, we were greeted w i t h
Residential L i f e .
the same broken record, the wasteful non-response.
Albany Student Press: Could you lell us
a n y t h i n g about incident X ?
Last semester, Residence s t a f f on A l u m n i Q u a d
Someone at Residential Life: N o . Speak to my
w o u l d nol say a w o r d lo us as we Iried l o report o n a
lire in Ihe Saylcs d o r m .
Albany Student Press: Could you tell us
The only result o f Ihis absurd and i r r a t i o n a l
a n y t h i n g about incident X ?
behavior is to undermine ihe balance and accuracy o f
Director of Residential Life: N o .
ihe ASP's coverage o f many campus events. Resident appears that Residential L i f e has set o f f on some . lial L i f e has become a dead end for ASP reporters,
sort o f vendetta against the ASP. As the doors o f w h o become exiled into a frustrating w o r l d o f onec o m m u n i c a t i o n are slammed l i m e a f l e r l i m e in the dimensional j o u r n a l i s m . Even the most basic factual
faces o f our reporters, an u n p r o v o k e d and u n - i n f o r m a t i o n is denied us.
necessary antagonism Is being b o r n , whose real and
T h e significance o f this absurdity is much greater
f i n a l v i c t i m is Ihe student body o f this university.
than an annoyance l o ASP reporters. T h e policy is
It is now clear that someone at the l o p o f ihe ladder
clearly a f o r m o f censorship. I n f o r m a t i o n is being c o n at Residential L i f e has made a conscious and a r b i l r a r y sistently and consciously w i t h h e l d which r i g h t f u l l y
belongs i n the p u b l i c d o m a i n . A n administrative i>ro
is c o n t r o l l i n g b o t h the f a d a n d o p i n i o n which -m im
ihe newspaper.
This p o l i c y is a n a t t a c k o n the freedoms orcxDresion a n d the press. S u c h an a t t i t u d e hurls ihe cainnu
a n d every student o n i t . I n f o r m a t i o n which sludenit
have a right l o is being denied t h e m .
W h y Residential L i f e feels compelled l o censor and
cheat ihe students is a m y s t e r y . But it is a shame lhai
f o r n o a p p a r e n t r e a s o n , the effectiveness of ihis
newspaper is being u n d e r m i n e d .
T h e ASP o n l y wishes t o p r o v i d e the most proless i o n a l , accurate a n d c o m p l e t e coverage o f the university. T h i s stale o f a f f a i r s is serving no one's interests
w h i l e h u r l i n g e v e r y o n e ' s . T h e r e must be a belter way
f o r b o t h Residential L i f e a n d the ASP l o escape this
needless c o n f l i c t a n d p e r f o r m their jobs
operal i o n , not a n t a g o n i s m . L e t ' s f i n d i t .
Trying to please all
Doug Kahan
Why ihcn do people complain? One cuuld say lhai in
dividual! have different music laslcs and thai everyone
would prefer llieir favorite band, no mailer how big they are,
lo play in Ihe campus center ballroom. Maybe people arc nol
satisfied with shows lhai are small enough to til into the
Palace Theatre, such as Joe Jackson, The Pretenders, The
Band, Santana, Jerry Garcia, and John Cougar Mellencamp,
just to name a few. Whal are people interested in seeing? I
can noi believe that people will always complain unless UCB
presents The Who or The Rolling Slones or Bruce Springsteen. What Ihen is UCB supposed lo do? The Concert Board
is a campus organization thai is here lo benefit ihe students.
Without UCB Joe Jackson and ihe Slray Cats would not
have been sold out lo students only. UCB presents Celebration. Where else could one altend a U2 or a Squeeze concert
and drink beer and eat all day. W i i h all these; accomplishments I can only believe that students must appreciate UCB and Ihe people lhai spend countless hours promoting such large-scale entertainment. But there is always
the complainer. The one who whines and pules because his
favorite band is nol playing al SUNY. 1 hope thai these lew
individuals realize Ihe scope o f UCB's work and the many
siudenis who are happy with the concerts they have attended.
On Tuesday March 13th a letter was written in the ASP
about U C B . I would like lo address some of "name withheld
by request" concerns and Ihe rationale behind Ihe University
Concert Board and its inner workings.
Yes, ihe University Concert Board is here at SUNY for the
benefit of the entire sludent body, the 14,000 siudents consist
of individuals with different interesis, different hobbies, and
certainly different musical tastes'. The University Concert
Board tries lo entertain as many students as possible. This
means that a variety o f entertainment is needed on our
diverse campus. We try very hard to satisfy ihe interests of
Reggae, Jazz, Contemporary, and Rock as well as that small
• diverse group that enjoy new music. New Music is all good
and well but in the past two years upcoming groups such as
Aztec Camera and Ihe Bongos, which were featured by UCB,
only attracted small audiences. The 200 students' who
witnessed that show saw two great new bands, bin whal
about the other 13,800 students here at SUNY Albany? It
would seem quite unfair lo do another small show in this
vein. We arc nol a club trying lo maintain the same audience
every show. I fail to see how any reasonable person could
agree with additional concerts specifically Tor this minute audience. We are trying to bring to the Universily whal people
already prefer. Wc can nol entertain this small minorily at
Ihe expense o f the oilier 90 percent or our student body.
In November o f 1983 the Universily Concert Board had a
survey filled out by siudenis. The resulls are based on a poll
o f 5,000 students. 60 percent o f ihe students favored bigger
more well-known musical groups. 30 percent of the siudenis
requested more diversity, including Reggae, Jazz, and Conlemporary. Over Ihe past iwo years UCB has attempted t o ,
eater concerts lo as many students as possible. Out past six
Jiows have shown enormous musical diversity. 250 siudenis
attended ihe Hooileg licailes, 1,000 Pat Meihenv, 1,200 Hilly
Idol, 1,500 The Hand, 4(X) Eddy Grant, and 200 Aztec
Camera and Ihe Bongos. I find ihe new music show lo be in
the lowest demand. As for our upcoming concerts, SIX)
siudenis will attend ihe Ramones and 2,000 will altend the
WPYX-106 genre show o f John Cougar Mellencamp. I
sincerely believe lhai this displays concens for as many difIcrenl siudenis as possible.
Oui survey also indicaied that 50 percenl of our sludeni
body listens lo WPYX-106, more than any other station,
while 91 I M , 92 Ply, 99WGPM, and WQBK-104 share equally the other hall of our siudenis. Most siudenis only go lo
one or Iwo concerts a year and they overwhelmingly prefer
shows held in the Palace Theatre or the Gymnasium to
smaller, less popular club lype concerls. As for Joe Jackson
and Ihe Slray Cats, both were highly popular shows and certainly do not fit into the Aztec Camera/Bongos or Echo and
Ihe Bunrtymcn/Lci's Active category. I am cerlainly aware
ol what Union College is presenting. But ihe facts show thai
Ihey held Eddy Grant and Billy Idol concerls afler UCB and
arc only featuring Echo and Let's Active, Madness, and the
Thompson Twins because ihey can nol altract enough
students,to support shows like UCB's upcoming John
Cougar Mellencamp or a Pat Metheny or a Band concert
would a i i r a c . personally enjoy the new music very much,
bill reality displays lhai Ihe demand is nol quiie as high as
other more established hands.
, i ° a . n , s w t r ""•' 1 u c s l i ° n "t>»"' funding put forth by "name
withheld upon request," I can only say lhai we have to make
65 percent ol what we spend. This is nol undue pressure from
SA but only ,he facls of life. Besides a.iracling more than Iheusual.number of students, The Band and Billy Idol shows'
To the Editor:
Election lime is here again al SUNY Albany. Very soon the
candidates for Ihe many offices available for next year will
bring Ihe might of their campaign publicity down upon their
fellow students. Speeches will be made, debaics will be held,
and o f course the awesome poster war will begin. In pasl
years some candidates inevitably find it necessary to tear
down and cover up the posters of other candidates. But
before Ihe familiar pallcrn is sel this year I would like lo appeal lo the candidates to re-lhink their strategy. Lei us as
"Sludent leaders" rise above these unethical practices that
have consistently left a black mark on our pasl elections. I
urge students lo become involved and run for office. But lets
make this year's election free from Ihe controversy lhai has
become the rule, not the exception for our sludeni cleciions.
As candidates let us nrcscnl our ideas and uoals in an ethical
way; as "student leaders" let us now begin lo erase the
black marks o f Ihe pasl.
A n d the height o f the i n s a n i t y is thai ihis oppressiv
p o l i c y comes f r o m the p e o p l e w h o are most closely t u
l o p u r d a i l y lives. T h e people w h o should be worklni
l o e n r i c h the awareness a n d activities o f the students
T h a i ' s what t h e y ' r e p a i d f o r . Instead, they have been
forced b y some a b s u r d decree l o retreat behind a wall
o f silence a n d secrecy, t a k i n g w i t h them facls which
belong o n the p u b l i c r e c o r d f o r all students lo see
The University Concert Hoard is questioned daily us lo upcoming hands and why can't we gel (lie
? Who's coming for Celebration 1984? Why can't you gel anybody good?
rllcs'e and oilier problems are laced by one o f life largest SA
funded groups on ihis campus, u c i i anracks over'25,000
people lo iis events over Ihe course of one school year. Ii
would appear qdile evident that many individuals altend
UCB sponsored events.
Clean election
look in 90 and 95 percenl o f ihe expenses incurred. John
Cougar Mellencamp should also lake in 95 percenl ol iisnpenses. The reason is nol financial problems bin one nl
grealer patronage to II more desired concert. I can nut agree
wiih spending $10,000 on a new music group that attracts 400
siudenis versus a $20,000 show lhai attracts 2,000 siudenis,
Priorites and quantify have lo go jo the grenlei iiuinhei ul
siudenis. O f course, nol all ihe lime, bin more often ihan
My friends, new music is nor in thc.mujorits iusi yet, I
hope you realize Ihe concerns of the University Conceri
Board lo the entire student body and not just lo your 10-15
percenl. People here al UCB do nol get paid and work extremely hard pulling on concerls for SUNY Albany. We wish
to cnlcrlain as many o f our fellow students as possible. I
hope "name withheld upon requesl" will come talk lo me.
UCB wants input from as many students as possible, f here is
nothing more annoying than someone criticizing an
organization and hiding behind a pen. Wc are open-minded
and can only improve by hearing opinions up front. Out
meetings are held in Ihe Campus Center Assembly Hull al 10
p.m. every Monday. Please come and participate and open
your ears to more than your friends' opinions. Yom negative
aliunde is unjustified and shows lack o f knowledge about (lie
music industry, SA, your fellow students, and the Universily.
Conceri Board. Please gel in touch with us dirccll) il you
have concerns about U C B . Being afraid lo be up from does
not help UCB or yourself in any way.
The author is finishing
his second term as chairman of UCB.
—Tim Mullock
Gross inaccuracies
To t tie Editor:
In response to Jason Friedman's March, 16th column in
lite ASP wc would like to point oul some gross inaccuracies
dial were presented.
Mr. Friedman referred lo Gary Marl as coming " o u t of
virtually nowhere lo challenge Waller Mondale," Obviously
Mr. Friedman is making a judgement without adequate
knowledge of Senator Han's on island inc. career 111 public
service. Senator l-lart worked on the John 1\ Kennedy campaign, and worked with Robert Kennedy in the Justice
deparimcnl during Ihe I960's. In 1974 he was elected to Ihe.
United Stales Senaie, and lias served on many imporiani
committees including ihe Armed Services Committee.
Mr. Friedman claims " ( H a i l ' s ) message is so broad and
iinspecific that voters interprcl it 10 sail themselves." This
suggests lhai Mr. Friedman did not bother to do much
research before writing his article. Senator Hail has proposed a specific agenda for the future of ibis country which he
Established In 1918
David L.L. Uskln, Editor In Chief
Patricia Mitchell, Managing Editor
News Editors
Assoclnto News Editor
*SPact« Editor
Aiaoclata ASPacli Editor
Sound Editor
Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editors
SPORTS Magatlna Editor
Editorial Paget Editor
Copy Editors
Photography Editor
Steve Fox, Holdl Gralla
..Jerry Camplono
John Keenan
Stephen Marks
Jonas Nacrisln
Tom Kacandes
Marc Berman, Keith Murder
Marc Schwarz
Edward Relnes
Kelly Grover, Annette Perot
Ed Maruaslch
Contributing Editors: Dean Betz, Bob Gardinler, Mark Gesnor, Debblo Judge,
Mark Levlne, Gait Merroll, Wayne Peereboom, Holly Prnstl. Anthony Sllbor,
Lisa Strain, Editorial Assistants: Jane Anderson, Doan Chang, Ian Clements,
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Joanne Canavan, Alicia Clmbora, Kevin Clarke, Joe Fusco, Ronald Brant
Gemton, Adam Goodman, Ben Gordon, Bob Hanlon, Robert Hayes, Eric Hlndln, Norma Koe, Michelle Krell, Alice McDermott, Caryn Mlske, Suzanne Murphy, John Parker, Maddy Pascucci, Chrlatlno Refielt, Joe Romano, David
Singer, Michael Skolnick, Alan Somkln, tan Spelling, Megan Gray Taylor,
Perry Tlschler, Kolth Van Alien, Hone Welnsteln, Doug Weiss. Mark Wilgard,
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Chlsf Photographer: Ed MarusslchUPS Stall: Amy Cohen, Sherry Leo Cohen,
Cindy Galway, Philip Hack, Kenny Klrach. Rachol Lltwln, Robert Luckoy, Lois
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Siller, Robert Soucy, Erica Spolgol, Warren Stout, James Valentino. Jason
Entire contents copyright
1984 Albany Student Preis Corporation, nil
right* reserved.
The Albany Studonl Prnss Is published Tuesdays and Fridays botween
August and Juno by thn Albany Sludeni Pross Coinoiotiun, an Independent
nnt-lot'profll corporation.
Editorials aro written by the Editor In Chiol with mombora ot (ho Edilorlal
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Alhany Sludeul Press, CC 320
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(51AH57 BB92/3322/MI10
has outlined" in his book A New Democracy, Some o f
Senator Hart's innovative ideas are: Individual training accounts for industrial workers, military reforms, restructuring
the present tax laws, proposing the American Defense
Education Act, and ihe Comprehensive" Equity Act to
remove sex bias in pensions, tax laws, and insurance.
Just because the media picks up on central themes does no!
mean thai the Hart campaign is without substance. In
speeches across this country Senator H a n has clearly stated
his positions over and over again. Senator Hart received little
or no media exposure unlit his second place finish in the Iowa
caucus, and since then he has used ihis media exposure to encourage debates Of issues between the candidates.
Il is the utmost in presumptuousness and arrogance for
Mr. Friedman lo predict the outcomes of several primaries.
We suggest lhai Mr. Friedman refrain from careless predictions and let ihe voters ihemselvcs decide who the best candidate is.
Wc invite Mr. Friedman to learn aboui Senator Han's
positions and proposals, and we wish he had done so before
attacking Senator H a n .
—Iltse l.evine
—Michael Sclumill
SUNY A Coordinators
Americans with Hart
Invasion of privacy
To llic Editor:
'Students should nol have lift right o f privacy in their own
rooms. Siudenis should nol he able lo decide how much
alcohol they wish to consume al a parly because Ihey are noi
responsible enough lo know iheir limits.' These are some ol
Ihe decisions presently being made by the S U N Y A li.ilminisi ration.
l.asi semester, a committee or" siudenis, faculty and adniinistiainis worked on establishing a p o l i o lo provide
guidelines foi ihe usage ol alcohol hereon campus. While the
policy we came up with was only a iccuinmendaiion, main
ol us fell that ihe comnnlice's input would be seriously considered. This does nol appeal lo be the case.
Among olljer things established, we decided lhai kegs and
bceiballs wnuld he allowed in sludeni suiles on a proyisonal
basis. Siudenis would have the right lo give keg parlies unless
Ihey abused these rights. II a given parly became disruptive
and problems occurred then that suite would not be able to
give another party. However, il no problems came up, Ihen
Ihe suite would be free Io give as many parlies as they saw fit.
Now, two months afler ihe alcohol review commitlee submilled iis final report lo the Vice President of Sludent Affairs, Dr. Frank Pogue, we find oul thai our 'proposed
policy' has been changed. It seems thai Ihe Universily
doesn't want siudenis to be able lo have kegs in Iheir suites.
They claim il docs nol foster a " s a f e " environment. Sludeni
behavior will be regulated. This is a major injustice to
Albany's sludeni body.
Students will continue lo lose Iheir rights until Ihey stand
up for whal Ihey believe in. All sear long we have faced voter
disenchantmenl, tuition increases, cms in programs, less
leaching professionals and more leaching assistants and now
this. Whal will Ihey lake next?
On April 91 h, ihe alcohol policy will be to the
University Senate for a vole. I encorage all siudenis to stand
up for Iheir rights before Ihey have nothing left lo stand for.
If you'd like ID help please call ihe Sludeni Association, office
ai 457-.8087.
Siudenis who have reached Iheir I9lh birthday have obtained lift right lo drink. However, il seems I hat if we wish to
keep Ihis right here al SUNYA we musl speak up before Ihe
'Friday night suite parly' fades into the pasl along with lift
library hours, gym availabilly and other .services.
It's oui school and our future, I f w c d o n ' l fighl lor i l , w h o
— l e r r Schneider
SA Vict' President
Peaceful solution
To the Editor;
I am wriiing in response to the letter entitled "Freedom
Fighters" which appeared in Friday's /ISP.Thc ignorance of
so many " I r i s h Americans" wiih regard to Ihe IRA is
frightening. I've lived and Iravclcd extensively in Ireland. I
have family living in Bclfasi and I've talked with many Irish
people, especially ihe Northern Irish about lift situation dial
exists in iheir country, The majority of I hem were tired of Ihe
senseless, violent killings and not pro-IRA,
The I K A had iis noble beginnings many, many years ago;
the cause for which il fought was a good one. Over the years
" t h e cause" has been misconstrued and misunderstood by
many, mosl especially the Americans. I agree lhai the British
governmeni has suhjugaied and practically destroyed many
nations on ihis carl It. It has left many nations divided and
weak because of iis imperialism.
8(H) plus years of violence and haired between the Irish and
the Brjllsh has only engendered more haired, violence and
prejudice, three evils thai go hand in hand.
There is never any justification for violence and murder nol in Ireland, nol in ihe Middle Easij nol in 1:1 Salvador, nol
The only kind of solution lhai will be feasible, will be a
peaceful solution.
—Shirley I., Mercer
Never again
To Ihe Editor:
Yesterday afternoon a very disheartening event occurred.
Around 40 or so energetic students, oul of the possible hundreds, assembled In front of the Campus Center for an RZA
sponsored protest on behalf of the Soviet Jewry, but that was
Where were Ihe hundreds! Where were those same hundreds who petition in peace rallies and human rights rallies
and why were iheir hearls dormant lo ihe cries of Soviel
Jewish prisoners of conscience?! Were they too uninformed
to understand, or loo apathetic to bother?
Where were you — you Who pride yourself in Ihe wonderful edeuation you are receiving here? Here, unlike in oilier
nations, you have many human rights, including thai which
our ancestors and founders of this great nation came here lot
— religious freedom!
Soviel Jews are nol as fortunate. The Soviel Union forbids
those same liberties,-and while many are persecuted there,
Soviet Jews arc harassed because Ihey are Jewish. They are
prohibited any religious education, while religion is taught.
They arc imprisoned and lose their jobs because Ihey plea for
rights lhai now exclude only them!
There is no room for indifference here, and do nol think
lhai you arc nol needed, cither. Oct involved! Wc must succeed! God-forbid we should fail and there should befall on
the Soviet Union a similar horrifying catastrophe comparable
only lo the Holocaust of World War Two itself. Doh'l be
silent! .S7A' MILLION
—inline uiililh-li! upon requesl
Holiday observance
To the Editor;
In response 10 James Sluniey's lellc'i concerning the
necessity 10 return to SUNYA on fiaslcr Sunday, I feel that
several misconceptions must be cleared up.
(.lasses begin at 12:21) on Monday, April 21, allowing sufficient lime lo navel Monday tnoining, alicr the observance
of Faster Sunday. SUNYA's fall lei in does not begin line ill
in (let to accomodate observance ^\ Rush llashanah. flic fall
1983 term began before the Jewish High Holy Days, and
classes were suspended lo allow observation of Ihe holidays.
Yom Kippur is ihe most holy day on the Jewish calendar,
(.'lasses were suspended hue Friday afternoon this pasl Fall,
while Yom Kippur began al sundown of that day. While
Christians' may find travelling on their most holy day demeaning, Jews are prohibited from travelling on (heir's*. My
home is a three hour drive from Albany, and I was faced with
the choice of travelling on Yom Kippur, or remaining in
Albany. Incidentally, the lale hour at which classes were
suspended caused me lo miss the Kol Nidre service (llic
holiest o f Jewish services), while I waited in traffic at the
George Washington Bridge.
I cannot agree more wiih Mr. Stanley, Ihe students al
S U N Y A deserve more consideration. I must however lake
offense at suggestions ihat the Universily makes concessions
for iis Jewish students (also sec Ihe letter concerning UAS
and the observance of Lent), and ignores ihe needs of oihers.
—Michael Olin
Appalled reader
To the Editor:
We're writing in response lo Joe Fuseo's article "Leave It
To Ihe Fools and the Irishmen." M r . Fuseo's aricle was
nothing more Ihan an ethnic slur against the Irish, and in our
opinion, very poor journalism. We are also appalled at llic
ASP for printing such prejudicial and unsubstantiaicd
material. A n article like this, if anything, belongs on a
slander sheet not a supposedly objective newspaper such as
the ASP.
To imply that no one famous has ever emerged form
Ireland is far from correct. Many heroes of American society
have Irish roots. May wc suggest M r . Fusco look up ihe
backgrounds iA many of our American presidents,
legislators, musicians, actors, authors, etc. With ihe help of
Ihe Irish people, as well as llic Italians and all the oilier immigrants, ihis nation has become what it is today. Joe's
defamation of Si. Patrick is uncalled for. By legend, St.
Patrick chased the snakes from Ireland. Factually, he is
known for spreading Christianity lliroughoul thai land. The
latter is what earned him his sainthood and his reverence
among the Irish people. This reverence is displayed on March
St. Patrick is not ihe only Irish hero. Bobby Sands and his
fellow patriots are contemporary heroes. These men loved
their country enough to give Iheir lives for it. Ireland meant
more lo ihcni than green beer and kissing a stone. ,
We agree with Mr. Fusco that the true meaning o f St.
Patrick's day has been twisted ill its transition from Irish lo
American culture. Whal is a religious holiday in Ireland (ihe
pubs are closed) is nothing more Ihan excuse to gel drunk' lot
The author's, right to free speech should noi include the
right lo defame an ethnic group and their traditions.
Joe, may wc suggest that next time you write an article you
gel your facts straight and put your prejudices aside. It's all
right lo knock a practice, but not a people.
—Christopher Ken
—Kevin Slmnley
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Class/tied ads are being accepted In the SA Contact Office during
regular business hours. Classified advertising must be paid In cash at
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given. Editorial policy will not permit ads to be printed which contain
blatant profanity or those that are'ln poor taste. We reserve the right to
reject any material deemed unsuitable tor publication.
II you have any questions or problems concerning Classified Advertising, please leel tree to call or stop by the Business Office.
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Springtime Opening Day
Air band party leads to student's referral over permit
• * F r p m Page
most other parties have the same
problems," said Harrison. *±lt was
a tough position for Quad B o a r d , "
he added.
" O u r parties are campus-wide.
We get guys that just hang out at
kegs and drink, we had a fighl going o n . . . as far as having a security
system, there were loo many peop l e , " Harrison said.
According lo Abelow, he resigned on Sunday, March 11 and was
informed Ihc next day by Longendyke thai he was being referred. " I
wanted to show thai il had nolhing
lo do with Quad Board. I had told
Alan I resigned before I gol referr e d , " he said.
Abelow received a Idler Monday,
March 19 from Longendyke which
described the events o f the parly,
Abelow said. The letter staled lhal
as Ihc parly progressed there were
problems with ils management, and
lhal .ihc flagroom was packed
beyond capacity, Abelow added.
" 1 think lhal Idler would never
have been written If 1 had had ihc
license," Abelow said. "They said
we should have shm the tioors (lo
keep more people from coming in).
People would have crawled through
Ihc windows. I hail Mi or 40 people
working. I coukln'i ask litem lo do
m o r e , " lie said.
According lo Abelow, ai I he iasi
air hand party in November, "there
were more people at lhal party and
the only complaint we got was that
the floor hadn't been vaeciiumed."
" I guess Alan (Longendyke) was
trying lo be flexible with Quad
Hoard. II does lake a long lime to
gel permits. I know lie's worked
with them all year and developed a
relationship with t h e m , " said Student Association President Rich
" I think that Alan should have
maybe dealt with Quad Board at a
personal levei. They're trying to
make an example o f Ross. I think
Ross has done a lot for the quad.
The benefits o f referring him are
not there, too many minuses go
a l o n g , " he added.
Schaffer said, " T h e parly was
ok. It did get a little crowded but
Ihc people on Stale Quad have
nowhere else to go. I think they
tried to blow up Ihc situation."
When reached for comment,
M a r l o n e said he h a d " n o
c o m m e n l " on ihc issue.
Assistant Dean o f Residential
Life John Murphy was not aware
lhal Abelow was being referred,
and said he was nol in a position to
discuss the case.
Longendyke said, " W c arc nol
supposed lo discuss t h i s , " when
reached for comment. Abelow said
he was told by Longendyke thai " i t
was Residential Life policy not to
talk t o l h e < 4 S / > "
Abelow is being referred oh the
charge o f violation o f Section 7, 13
and 17 o f the Student Guidelines.
The regulations prohibit " k n d w i n g ly furnishing false information IO-J
the University, failure l o comply
with policies or reguations governing
of, and violation of
University regulations governing
Ihc use of alcoholic beverages."
91FM Sports brings them all together on March 24th
at 6pm, with Part One of the First Annual
Baseball Trivia Contest.
All dorms .and OC Houses can enter.
Part Two will be held on April 8. 'Just call in with the
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According to Pogue.'Albany ciiy
law requires thai a group serving
alcohol musl have a liquor permil
"displayed conspicuously" because
of ihe open cohiainer law. "There
are a couple o f occasions where
students are allowed to have a parly
wilhoul a p e r m i l , " Poguc said.
" T h e ciiy will probably nol lake aclion against ihc students," he added.
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•+ Front Page
safe on campus while 56 percent of
ihc women and I I pereeni of Ihc
men said Ihel sometimes feel safe
on campus.
" T h e Blue Light Phones (result)
were kind of surprising," Knorr
said, adding lhal the phones arc not
well publicized.
" I ' m really not sure whose fault
this i s , " Knorr added, saying she
was nol really sure of the original
intent of the phones, either. 54 percent of the respondents said they
did nol know of the Ulue Light
Emergency Phones located on campus, and (inly 42 percent said they
knew where at least one was
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43 percent of the women said
they did not feel confident with the
existing safely programs on campus,while 64 percent of Ihc men and
34 percent id the women said llicy
felt ihc existing safely programs
were sufficient.
Knorr pointed out thai most of
the respondents lisied better
lighting as their first suggestion for
improving campus safely. Fool
patrols by campus security,
awareness, altitude change, and self
defense courses were also suggestcd.
Out o f those surveyed, HX) people said they fell Itiglitened going lo
the gym. Oihei places people said
they did nol feel sale traveling to " f
l i o m in order ol popularity) arc:
home from the library, to quads
from the podium, to the Downtown
Campus, to parking lots, home
from ihc Computer Center, and to
bus slops.
" I was really glad because people
wrote in Iheir own things, " Knott
said. She mentioned Chapel House
and Ihc sculpture garden between
the Biology building and Performing Arts Center as areas people had
said llicy didn'l feel safe in.
For info, on any program call
JSC Hillel at: 457-7508 or
stop by at CC320.
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'Vacuum' in mid-management jobs predicted
New York, NY
caliber" college grads apparently
have (urned down enough low-level
and middle-level managemenl job
offers recently lo cause some
employers to worry about a "midmanagement vacuum" during the
next few years, an employment consulting firm says.
In "ari informal phone study of
50 of our corporate clients,"
Goodrich and Sherwood Co., a
New York consulting firm, round
the corporations arc having trouble
convincing some graduating seniors
to accept jobs that may take them
to factories in non-metropolitan
areas, may leave them with "loo
many bosses" over Ihem, or that
threaten to conflict wilh "favored
lifestyles," explained Jack Oow,
Goodrich and Sherwood's public
relations consultant. "Mosl of
these guys," Gow said, "warn to
start al the lop, and then work up a .
little higher."
Gow says his firm's clients —
which he describes as "all Fortune
500 companies" — are finding even
higher salaries aren't luring top
grads lo jobs "al plants in
geographic areas where ihcy can't
go sailboaling or golfing or skiing."
The only companies nol "finding
il difficult lo lake these midmanagcmeni jobs that arc now
opening again," Gow pointed out,
arc some high-tech industries.
"High tech is Ihc glamour industry
now." he explained, "like plastics
was 20 years ago."
Despite companies' complaints,
other officials who help place
students in jobs after graduation
haven't noticed students turning
down many'job offers.
"I'm nol aware of that happening," said Linda Pcngilly of the
College Placement Council, a
Bethlehem, Pa., association of
campus placement officers from
around Ihc country. "Il could be
ihat it's not happening, or il could
be Ihat it is happening and people
just haven't starlcd grumbling
about il," she said.
In its most recent survey, released
in Oclobcr, the CPC "found jusl
Ihc opposite," she pointed oul.
"Students were accepting recruiting
offers earlier in ihe year" to allay
the insecurities of the recessionary
job market.
Pcngilly said SPS's hard dale
about this year's job market won't
be available until late March.
Sludents haven't been turning
down jobs in at least one rural area,
Knowledge of issues important for effective lobbying
•4 Front Page
somewhere, he commented. "Bui
we got the students down there once
and Ihcy thought Ihey were all
through," said Tierney.
The legislators did nol like it
when they were pressed wilh thai
number of students flooding ihc offices according to Tierney. "If a
legislator was for ihc tuition hike
last year he did nol like 3,000
sludents pressuring him lo eliminate
il," said Tierney.
This year SASU has laken a different approach and il is concentrating on consistent lobbying
pressure, according to Tierney.
"Wc are going down ihis year wilh
smaller groups on a consistent basis
and who are knowledgeable and
forceful," said Tierney.
Even though SA President Rich
Schaffer commented ihat he considered last year's mass lobbying effective "...those 3,000 students
could go to Ihc polls," he admitlcd
thai there seemed to be a sense of
ineffectiveness when it was all over.
"I turned around to Mike Curso
and said, 'so now whal do wc d o . ' "
11 was difficult to keep a sustained interest by the students, according lo Schaffer. "You gol people
excited lo go all out one day but
there was no follow-up," he said.
Last June the question was raised
by Schaffer and SASU as to
whether ihc student lobbying approach should be changed. Schaffer
said that it was decided thai if ihcy
could gel 5-6 sludents lo sit down
wilh legislators, especially sludents
who were 'intellectually' informed
il could be more effective;. Another
risk witli the mass lobbying approach, said Schaffer, is that there
is a possibility (hat no one would
show up; "we would look like
idiots," said Schaffer,
Still another problem with the
mass influx o f students to the
legislature last year, according to
Schaffer, was educating students
about what they were faced wilh
and the specific issues they were
lobbying about, "Of the 3,000
students there we might have had
200 that really knew Ihc specifics of
the issues. Tile uneducated groups
of students did not Impress the
legislators and as such the
legislators had problems inking
Ihem seriously," he said.Students
just went upsiairs at Ihc I.Oli and
stormed the legislative offices and
nil Ihcy could say was thai Ihcy did
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not want to pay more lo attend
SUNY, commented Schaffer.
A total of $12.3 million was spent
in 1983 by groups lobbying the stale
legislature in Albany, according to
Schum. This was a 28 percent increase from the previous year when
$9.6 million was reported to have
been spent, he said.
This increase is ihc result of a
more aggressive program by I lie
unregistered lobbyists, according to
Schum. Once a lobbying concern
reaches a $2,000 I hrcshold on spending, il is mandatory for them lo
register with the NYS Commission
on Lobbying and efforts to identify
unregistered lobbying concerns are
made by talking to Ihc legislators
inquiring what groups have approached them, he said.
"Our recruiting year has been
magnificent, considering our governor is Irying to make our campus
into a prison reported Jim Keltar,
placemen! counselor al Ihe University of South Dakota-Springfield:
"Most of these
guys want to
start at the top. "
— J a c k Gow
To reduce Ihe state's budget
deficit and lake care of prison overcrowding problems at the same
time, Gov. William Janklow has
put USD-Springfield's campu* up
for sale. If nol sold by May I, Ihe
stale will convert il into a prison,
I : TUESDA Y, MARCH 20, 1984
Trackmen eighth at States
Coach Lau dead at 50
••Back Page
Said McGill, " I ' m Mill learning liow
to race indoors and I'm siill making
misiakes. I was more concerned
wilh Irying l o win ihc race, bin
breaking I he record was nice
anyway." The lime was McGill's
besl by almosl lour seconds. Coach
Marathon, Fla. o f Max D u g a n . "
(AP) Charley Lau, who spent1
A second volume of Lau's
most of his life unraveling the writing is l o be published soon,
mystery behind hitting a ball with entitled, " T h e Winning H i t l e r . "
a bat, is dead at the age o f 50.
Before signing with the White
The Chicago White Sox coach, Sox, Lau spcnl 1979-81 as a
considered the finest baiting in- member o f Ihe New York Yankees
structor in the major leagues, died coaching staff and 1971-78 with
al his home Sunday after a the Kansas City Royals.
months-long bout with cancer, a
Lau, a catcher, broke into
team spokesman said,
baseball in 1952 with the Detroit
" I believe he was a genius," Tigers organization, making his
Chicago Manager Tony LaRussa first appearance in Ihc big leagues
said Sunday. " N o t many people in 1956. He went on to play wilh
Ihe Milwaukee Braves, Baltimore
changed this game, but he d i d . "
Lau look a leave of absence Orioles and Kansas City Athletics,
from the White Sox in June, when retiring as a player wilh Ihe Allanmedical tests revealed he had la Braves in 1967.
cancer o f Ihe colon, said Roland
His best major league season as
H e m o n d , C h i c a g o ' s general a hitler was a .295 campaign with
manager. Lau was subsequently the Orioles in 1965,
h o s p i t a l i z e d and
In 1986, he guided Shrevcporl
surgery twice before returning to lo a second-place finish in Ihc
his home, he added.
Texas League during his only
Lau joined the While Sox season as a manager. He ihen
organization in 1981, signing a six- spent one season each as a coach
year contract that was thought to wilh the Orioles and Oakland A's
be Ihc longest and most lucrative before moving lo Kansas City as a
pact ever negotiated by a coach.
batting instructor.
He may also have been the mosi
In his 14 seasons as a coach,
famous hilling instructor in the Lau's teams took pari in Iwo
game, having authored a book, world Scries, Iwo A L pennants,
" T h e Art o f Hitting .300," and he seven division lilies and finished
played himself in a movie wrilten > in second place on four oilier ocby Neil Simon called " T h e Return casions.
Mnnsey commented, " W h n l can
you say about Ed? He's improved
so much and he keeps going. He's a
coach's dream and he deserved lo
gel. Ihc record."
" T h e season and Ihc.Stale meet
were all I could cxpeel from this
learn,'' said Munsey summing up,
"They always tried their best,
despite all the injuries and illnesses,
I hey never gave up, what else could
I ask of I hem?" The trackmen now
enter a two-week training period in '
preparation for the outdoor season.
There will be a mandatory interest meeting
for anyone who wants to be a part of the'
1984 outdoor track toam
this Wednesday at 5:15 pm in room 125 In the gym.'
Contact Coach Munsey at 457-7585.
$75 million Cowboy sale probable
(AP) A vole on Ihc sale of Ihc
Dallas Cowboys lo a group of 12 investors appeared probable as ihc
annual winter meeting of ihc National Football League club owners
The group, headed by Dallas
businessman H.R. " B u m " Bright,
reportedly has offered around $75
million lo Cowboys owner Clini
Jim Francis, an official in
Bright\s company, said Sunday liiai
he hoped Ihc formal proposal lor
ihc sale would be made by Cowboys
officials Monday, wilh the owners
voting on il shortly afterward.
The potential buyers lace one
hurdle, since no one person would
own as much as 51 percent of the
Bui while N i l . rules require ihat
one individual own al least 51 percent of a club, ihe rule docs not apply if one man is given a voting
trust. Tex Schramm, ihc current
Cowboys president, reportedly
would be given ihat voting riglil
wilh ihe new owners.
There are a number of NIT.
learns thai presently operate in thai
The sale needs Ihe approval of 21
of ihc league's 28 owners, and il appears likely that it will pass.
Brighi, 63, would own a reported
15 percent interest in the Cowboys,
with the purchase price lo include a
30-acre tract where ihe team's new
headquarters is being built, and ihe
remaining 65 years on ihc Texas
Stadium lease.
Murchison, who is selling ihe
franchise to help settIc his family's
state and because of failing health,
paid $550,000 to bring ihe expansion Cowboys i n i o i h e NIT. in I960;
The Cowboys' sale may noi he
ihe only franchise discussions ai Ihe
o\\nerx' ineeiings.
Halliniore Colls owner Robert l i say has been talking ahoui niiisiuu
his club lo either Indianapolis or
M e a n w h i l e , tin Indianapolis
b u s i n e s s m a n , Robert
reportedly has met wilh New
Orleans Sainis owner John MoC'ont
lo discuss buying ihc Saints and
moving them to Indiana,
Olhei subjects expected lo he
Catch features on
tennis captains Dave
Ulrich and Rob Karen,
as well as Coach
Lewis, in Friday's
discussed d u r i n g the owners'
meeting this week include ihe impact of Ihe Uniled Slates Foolball
League on Ihe N F L .
The NFL's response lo ihe
USFL. now in ils second season,
ihus far has been muled.
Also likely to be considered is the
recent court ruling against the
underclassmen. That decision, if it
siands up through Ihc appeals process, also would make unlawful Ihe
N F L rule that bans signing
Albany indoor soccer club trips in tournament
By D e a n C h a n g
final r o u n d . " The team beat Orange Community College in their last game, 4-0.
Albany While played Fulton Montgomery
Community College in their Firs! game Friday
night, and the result was a scoreless lie. H a r l wick Ihen defeated the team, 2-0, despite
some excellent defensive work. Albnay While
edged Monroe Community College in their
last game Friday, 1-0.
On Saturday, Albany While once again
opened up with a scoreless deadlock, this
time lo Rockland. Their next game was
against Albany A l u m n i ; and this too, appeared Ihat it would end up tied al zero. With
only 20 seconds left, Albany A l u m n i scored
to win ihe game, 1-0. II Albany White had
.preserved ihc lie, they would have advanced
to the final round. In Iheir filial game, Ihe
team defealcd Kcan College b> Ihe score of
'. • •
After' winning the RPI tournament and
finishing third in the Southampton tournament in their last two outings, expectations
were high for the Albany State indoor soccer
club to give a strong showing at last
weekend's Albany Stale Indoor Soccer Tournament, the club's last tournament of ihe
year. Those hopes were dashed as ihc club's
two splil squads failed lo place in Ihe lop
Oneonia came out victorious lor the second straight year, defeating Rockland Community College in ihc finals, 3-0. Prelournatneni favorite Hartwlek look third
place in ihe consolation game against Albany
A l u m n i , a group o f former Albany standouts
and graduating seniors, by Ihe identical score
of 3-0.
Harlwick lived up lo its hilling as one of
the top Division I soccer teams in Ihe nation,
noi allowing any goals throughout ihe lournamenl. They lost- lo Oneonia in Ihe
semifinals in an Indefensible manner: ihe
shootout. In fact, many of Ihc games were
decided by shootouls, including the other
semifinal game thai Rockland look over
Albany A l u m n i .
" I t fell bad l o lose in a s h o o l o u i , " said
Albany Alumni's Mike Miller. "Especially
since 1 had lo lake one of the shells and I
missed. We were Ihat close lo w i n n i n g . "
Several people though! Ihal Oneonia
wasn'i ihe best team in the lournaineni. " I
thought ihal Ihc ihrcc besl teams were Harlwick, Rockland and Ulster Coniiminiiy College," said Albany Blue's .lens Isaacs.
"Ulster was definitely belter lhan Oneonia;
Ihcy moved the ball heller. I was surprised
ihal Oneonia won overall, because ihcy losl
lo Ulsicr earlier in ihe preliminary games."
Luckily for Oneonia, Ulster was upset by
Rockland in Ihe quarterfinals 1-0, in Iheii only loss of Ihe tournament.
"Oneonia seemed lo pick up momentum
as lire lournaineni wore d o w n , " said Head
Coach Bill SchielTclin. " W h e n Oneonia beal
Harlwick in ihc shooloui, they had il Iheir
way from I hen o n . "
As for Ihc Iwo split teams, Albany Blue
and Albany While, neither could break
through and score the goals when Ihcy needed lo. " T h e competition was very good anil
as a result, we didn'l fare as well as I had
hoped," said SchielTelin. " I was disappointed hul satisfied. Regardless of mil making lite playoffs, I saw a lot of positive things
mil I hero, We accomplished a lot of our objectives,"
The Iwo learns just missed qualifying for
the playoffs, its one more lie game would
Albany White's problem was a lack ol
scoring; in six games, ihe team could only
manage two goals. Oh the positive side, Ihe
I oath only gave op ih'tec goals ihe entire l o u i namenl, bin il wasn'1 enough lo make Ihe
playoffs. In cimtiasi, Isaacs scored five of
Albany Blue's eighi goals, hul ihc leant gave
up seven Ltoals.
Albany A l u m n i also had a problem finding
lite net. Said delenseninn Miller, "There
weie loo many defensive players so we played
a l i i l l e h i t ion conservatively. There were four
defensive-minded players on ihe field, and I
was told not lo take any chances."
Nevertheless, Albans Alumni was Ihe only
team to make Ihe final round. " I ' m not
upset," said Miller. " W e did a prelty good
j o b . We had our chances, but by the end nl
Ihe loiirnameni I was dead tired. 1 svislt sve
w o n . " Miller will he giaduaiing Ibis year and
is looking forward in playing in nexi year's
loiirnameni as a true alumnus.
Action last weekend at the 11th annual Albany State Indoor Soccer Tournament
w h i c h w a s won for the s e c o n d year in a row by Oneonia.
have pul either leant in Ihc playoffs. Albany
nine, considered In he I he si longer of ihc I wo
teams, was hurt by the absence of ferry Bacchus. Bacchus, one of I he club's besl players,
was only able in play in his team's last Iwo
games. Albany Blue won one o f ihose games
and lied Ihe oilier,
" W e missed Terry a l o i , " said Isaacs. " H e
made a big difference on Saturday when he
came hack. We needed someone lo control
ihc ball in the middle tind in disirihutc il
when Ihe forwards made I heir runs."
Albany Blue opened up Friday nighi losing
in Ulster; 3-1. They later lied Oneonia al one
and played Nassau Community College in a
scoreless draw. On Saturday, Albany lilac
suffered iheir only loss of ihe day against
Nazareth, 2-1. "That was a real disappointing loss," said Scliiel'felin. " W e hit the
crossbar a couple o f times anil a few o f uur
shuts jusi missed."
Ihe nexi game agninsl Clniksiown marked
ihe return of Bacchus, hul Albans Blue could
only manage a l-l lie. "lateralis nothing
would w o r k , " said Schielfelin. " I h e hall
jusi wnuldn'l go inlo Ihc net. Il just one ul
our shots went in. we syould'ye made ihc
If Coach Schielfelin didn't splil up his
players inlo tsvo teams, perhaps Ihe results
might have been different, But svinning isn't
everything, according in Schielfelin. " I
divided Ihe teams evenly," said Schielfelin.
"Obviously, you svaul lo play and you want
lo svin. Splitting I lie players gave them sonic
lough competition and il enabled m c j o find
nul boss cei lain players respond lo pressure.
I can't tell unless ihes're in there playing."
Scliiel'felin svas satisfied ssiih sshai he sass
over ihe sveekend. " B o t h learns played very
ssell, and I ihink it prosed Ihat sve're scis
competitive," said SchielTelin. " H a l f of the
sinning members nl Ihe Isvo teams svere
freshmen, so I think vse base Ihe Illicit! lo llliprnve on nut ,500 record Ittsl sear. 1 was
pleased ssiih how Ihe snung guss played as a
I cam."
Albany State bowlers in a class by themselves
By M a r c B e r m a n
•\sstlrh\ri spouts i nimit
Snnieiimes n team's superiority over oihefs
results in a hindrance rather than a benefit.
Thai is ihe case ssiih the Albany Stale
bowling club, which after perpetually
dominating iltcir opposition in the nosv
defunct Thursday night hnssling league, find
ihemselscs wiihnui any opponents ssilliiiLi in
compete- ssiih them anymore.
claimed the tnttlch was played uiidei less lhan
perfecl hnssling conclitlons, The lanes svere
noi oiled before lite match and the variance
seemed in baffle ihe R l ' l bowlers,
Pcrcdnln is expecting a closer meet than
ihe previous one. " f l i e s had an off day and
couldn't adjust in Ihe unolicd lanes," he
For a span of eigln sveeks, from late
November lo mid-February, Albany Stale
svas a member of ihe league ihal I canned
clubs such as Albany Business College,
Junior College of Albany, and Siena. Bui lasl
month Ihe league svas dissolved due in pari to
Albany Stale's reigning supremacy. Each of
the eight sveeks, Ihe Albany Sluie " A " leant
finished first,
" W e jusi can'i gel ihe learns to come down
anymore," said bawling club president
Salvamrc I'erednia, teller known lo bowling
fans as Sal " l i t e k i n g p i n . "
Formed by Perednia lasl spring, the club is
presently al a siandsiill, searching for fresh
opponents lo bowl against. There is one club
which has agreed to a rematch against
Albany Slate, the Tri-Slnle champion RPI
F.ngineers al RFI's lanes.
Slated for A p r i l 7, the remalch will serve as
son of a grudge match lot RPI. Earlier this
season, ihe Unites crunched the llngineeis ai
Ihc Albany Campus Lanes; however, R l ' l
Sal Perednia often smiles as his bowling club breeds tear.
said, " f h e s should do heilet on theii lanes so
; ii should he a loi closer."
Club member Sieve Sllvn was mine severe
nl ihe cross-town lisah. " A team of their
ssinning status should he able In ssin on nil)
type of lane conditions," said Silsa, svhu is
known to many as " I h c liny Wonder."
"Grained, il svlll be closer; I don't sec boss
we can heal them any svorse than we d i d , "
Albans Suite is still looking for new- competition and one'possibility is in join ihe
16-icam league consisting o f clubs from Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusclis,
It is also ihe league Rl'l finished on lop of
litis season.
However, there arc a multitude o f problems ihal make the chances somesvhai
unrealistic. The essential one is getting up
sulT'icicni funds lo pay for ihe abundant
number of road trips. TlieSA currently allots
the club $800 of which half must he relumed.
Travelling expense money would requite in
excess of ihe money already allotted.
Anoiher roadblock is ihal Albany State
would have lo find one loam to enter the
league svith so as to keep il balanced. As of
nosv, no such leant exists.
Bui the financial mailers is whai worries
Percgniu the most. " I f sve svere accepted to
ihe league I'd probably go in SA and ask for
a loan, I figure sve could pay il back front
Tito sophomore president plans on wailing
until next year, I hough, before going I In'
ssiih ihe idea. Ills present concern Is trying in
roplnco Ihe hnsslers who aie grnduaiine.
Ihe chili will lose iheir lop Isvo bowlers,
Glen Goldman (187 tis'g.) and Tom Cundulis
(190 nvg,). Goldman howled Ihe league's
highest game registering a 28s). He cnnneeled
mi icn siiaiehi ciinsceiuiyo strikes before
leasing nne sianiling nn his final ihrnss. Condulls is considered hs mans as ihe school's
most consistent howler.
Oilier key losses in graduation ssill he Dave
l.echner, Dennis llewiit. Bill Seehold, and
Jeff Tunnen, all o\' whom qualified for this
year's ACUs (American College Unions).
Unfortunately for ihe Danes, ihe returnees
are fewer lhan ihe departccs, I'erednia and
Silva are ihc only ones hack from ihe " A "
leant. Sih'tt also qualified lor the ACUs.
Sophomore Rich llaricru (178 nvg,) is
anoiher prospeel in lookout I'm next season.
The lack of returnees is why I'erednia is in
ihe midlsi of a. heavy rccruiiing period. " I
know there's a loi of great howlers on campus," he said. " I f s jusi a mailer of finding
them and lolling Iheill knosv there is a bosvling club. We're going In begin a publicity
campaign s o o n . "
Perednia ol'icn docs his rccruiiing while
winking nights at ihe Albans Campus Lanes.
" I f I see a good howler, I'll go up lo hint and
tell him aboul the club.
"There's I2,000 people pn campus; I know
there's a list of good boss lets mil there. I jusi
ssiini ihem to knnss if they're interested,
we're Interested."
March 23,1984
Records broken, trackmen take eighth at States
By Mike furkady
Si range things always happen
when the indoor irack season winds
down to the Stale Championships,
and I his year's meel was no exceplion. Bui the Albany Slalc men's indoor irack loam gave I heir bcsl effort, just 'as i hey have all season.
The irack men finished eighth of the
:23 icams pariicipitlip'g, mailing .13
points in 'he iwo-day compciiiion
held ai Hamilton College lasi Friday and Saturday. The meel winner
was Frcdonia Slate with 129 points
and Buffalo Slalc was second with
52 poinis. The Danes once again
heal on i area-rival and nimh-place
finisher RPI, as well as fourlccnlhplacc Union.
Head Coach Hob Munscy praised
his learn: "thegreat thing' ihai scis
[his season and I his team apart is
the all-mil cfforl ihey give every
lime Ihey pin their uniforms on.
They've goi pride, and ihis season
litis been one ihey can be proud
.The school records set and
broken by sprinters John Reilly and
Pal Saccocio were Iwo dramatic examples of i he leant cfforl Munscy
praised. Forced by I he meel
schedule of events lo run several
races each dny.-Rcilly and Saccocio
ran best-ever or near-best limes
both Friday and Saturday in all of
the ten races ihey compiled between
In the trials of ihe 400-meier
dash, Reilly goi off lo a good start
in his heat by blasting through the
200 mark in about 22.7 and holding
on to win it in :51.4. He explained,
"1 passed (Bob) Francis of
Fredonia just before the finish line
and he gave me a look like 'Go'
ahead, linn's dumb', Inn by running a faster lime 1 got into the semifinal heat I wanled and I didn'i
have ID run (Si. Lawrence siar Kenny) Dixon until ihe finals." Dixon
dominated all Ihrce of his races and
won the final in a shocking lime of
48,95 seconds.
Apparently, Rcilly's laclic work-,
cd. He came back in his semi-final
heat lo run :5I.I4, break Eric
Ncwlon's 1982 school record, and
finish second qualifying him for the
finals on Saturday. Dixon pulled
away from the crowd very early
while Reilly fought for position
through 2IX) meters and made a laic
move thai gave him fourth place
overall. The lime was 151.711 In Ihe
lust event of ihe competition, Reilly
Craig Patluto starts to kick In
finished eighth overall. Kacandcs
led off with a 2:01.7 leg thai had ihe
Danes lied for first, but a bod handoff put Hans at a disadvantage,
and McDonagh's scason-besl split
of 2:02.1 could not make up ihe
ground. Then Erwin look over and
ran very smartly to move Ihe team
up inlo second place.
The distance medley relay fared
somewhat belter. Freshman David
Blette ran a smart, well-controlled
800-meler lead leg to put Ihe relay
inlo second place as long-jumper
Bill Waring look over, in Ihe
400-meicr leg. Never having run the
distance before, Waring held up
very well and ran a split of :54.6 lo
keep the learn in third. Kacandcs
went out very hard in ihe
1,200-meier leg lo re-establish contacl with ihe front-runners, but was
unable lo move inlo the lead. Once
again Erwin look over (he race and
ran intelligently picking his moves
with care and walking away from
his rival milcrs in ihe final 200
meters with authority, winning the
heat and crossing the line in 4:24 for
his 1,600-mcler leg. The relay's
final lime of 10:36.90 earned litem
fifth-place medais.
Freshman David Blette makes a move to Ihe front in the distance medley relay that finished fifth
overall at the State Championships held at Hamilton last weekend.
led off Albany's 4x4O0-meicr relay Mercurio that he can have an off seconds and slipping in among 'the
McGill breaks 3,000 record
wiih a split of 51.95 seconds tind day throwing ihe 35-lb. weight and big boys' lo snag sixth place. Said
Junior captain Ed McGill finally
finished his excellent'series of faces) still finish second in Ihe Slalc. Parialo, "Il was a big surprise at
Saccocio tried lo reach Ihe finals Throwing oulside in Saturday's first, bin now I'm thinking 'why made good on his promise to break
in both the 60-meler dash and the brisk, cold wcalher, Mercurio was not?'. I wasn't thinking anything Ihe school record in the 3,000-mcicr
500-meter run only, to be knocked in third place until his last throw during the race, of course."' Coach run formerly held by Scolt James.
out of the exceptionally tough dusli when he popped a 49'11.5" loss lo Munscy lenned Ihe sophomore's The old record of 8:36.0, set when
field in Ihe quarter-finals. Thai cf- lake second. The. wcighl throw performance a "very, very pleasant James won Ihe Slale meel in 1981
on ihe same Hamilton track, would
forl left him tired and more able lo became one of iho "big surprises" surprise."
Disappointed after his perfor- have gotten only fifth place in ihe
concentrate on the 500. Friday ihai accompany every Slale meet.
sudmance on Friday, Erwin came back very, very fast race Saturday,.
night, Saccocio ran the dash I rials,
cruised through his trial heal of the denly wcnl animal and popped Iwo sirong Saturday to lead boih the McGill led most of Ihe way, bul did
500, and then ran the dash quarter; superior iprows including Ihe winn- 4x800-mcler relay and ihe fifth- not keep Ihe pace quite hoi enough
placc dislanoc medley relay with lo lire out Siena's Paul Hiirieau,
finals. He must have been lired ing toss of 52-10",
when he gol lo ihe 500-meier run
Senior Rej Jamcrson cleared sirong anchor-leg performances. who passed McGill in a bla/ing kick
semi-finals, bin il was in thai race 13*6" in ihe pole vault competition The 4x800-melcr relay leant of over Ihe lasi 110 meters. McGill
Iluu Saccocio outdid himself.
after bouncing off the cherry picker junior Tom Kacandcs, freshman ended up third in the race with his
used lo rescl Ihe crossbar during an Mike' Hans, freshman Jim lime of 8:34.22 more lhan a second
McDonagh, and Erwin ran a and a half under the old record.
"I find il pretty easy jo gel psych- earlier aiicmpi, but was nudged out
season-bcsl lime of 8:10.03 and
18*ed up ai a big meel like Slates, so in of sixth place by Iwo oilier vaullers
the semi's, I was running full om who had cleared ihe same height on
just lo make sure I wouldn't gel
knocked [Hit of ihe finals/' he explained. The effort paid off as SacParlalo a 'pleasant surprise'
cocio's second-place finish assured
Surprises worked boih ways in
him of making Saturday's finals the 1,500-meter run. In Ihe semiand his lime of 1:06.61 (Fully finals on Friday, Ihe race leaders
By John Parker
automatic liming) broke Ncwlon's • wcnl out excruciatingly slow, hitSTAFF It HITtR
500-mclcr school record set • last ling the 400-mctcr mark in 70
In Ihe very exciting NCAA
year at Copland. In the finals, Sac- seconds. Said junior Jim Erwin,
Women's Gymnastics Regional
cocio sifted inlo the middle of the "Everybody was holding back so
Championships held at Keene
pack that ran ai a distance behind ihey could kick lo the finish without
Slale College lasi Friday evening,
winner Winston Brinon of Union' gelling lired oui." Unfortunately,
Albany Slate's Brenda Armstrong
and held off John Light of Cor- Erwin spoiled the stratagem loo
and Karen Bailey each represented
tland lo finish fifth in 1:06.9. Sac- late. He look over at 440 meters and
ihe Danes in splendid fashion.
cocio also ran the third leg of ihe began lo force ihe pace, but soon
The meel, which was narrowly
4x400-mcier relay in an excellent thereafter, RPI's Scott I.eMay
won by Ithaca College, featured
time of 51.06 seconds.
moved up and impeded Erwin ilmany lop-class performers from
legaly, forcing him off the inside of
around Ihe northeast, and
ihe irack and boxing him in. The
Field events scoring
Albany's Iwo representatives were
officials overlooked the incident
no exception.
Team captain and triple-jumper and Erwin was forced inlo poor
Paul Mance pulled himself out of a position when il came time lo make
Using new twists in both her
serious mid-season nil lo finish his a bid for Saturday's finals. Despite
vault and balance beam routines,
lasi indoor season with an im-, a very strong last-quarter cfforl, ErArmslong finished with a fine
prcssivejumpof 45'.5" that earned ! win was caught off guard and failed
overall score of 31.95. Bailey inhim second place overall. Mance lo make Ihe finals.
some new innovations into
began lo sharpen his competitive
her uneven parallel bar perforFor
edge last week at the Union open
mance and managed lo also
meel where he leapl 45'II" for a however, Ihe race was made lo
record a very sirong overall score
season-best mark. In Saturday's
of 30.95. Neither score was quite
compciiiion, that jump would have
high enough to qualify for Ihe nabealen Slale Champion Kym Orr's wicked kick in ihe last few weeks,
tional championships, but Ihe iwo
Albany performances guvc ihe
winning jump of 45MO", yet il is Parlalo swung lo I lie outside during
Danes' gymnastics program tlie
notable that Mance was able to hold the lasi lap and outkicked Erwin
fine recognition il deserves.
up under ihe pressure of Ihe among several others lo qualify for
season's biggest meel. He
The powerhouse Ithaca College
A wildcard entry who did noi
noted, "My biggest problem has
leant scored an overall 165.60,
been pulling off Ihe big jump when meel ihe qualifying standard during
just barely enough lo lop un.
the pressure's on, bin sometimes I he season, Parlalo was a dark
nlmosi as equally-impressive
Karen Bailey recorded an
It's jusi ion important to screw horse in Ihe race on Saturday, but
Southern Connecticut squad, who "JV"",',
i hat did not keep him from running
finished with a 165.50.
' overall
" score of 30.95 In the
Il says something about Mure his faslesl 1,500 by a full seven
Albany gymnasts falter in
NCAA Regionals at Keene
Tuition increase unlikely next year
Fink, Anderson say no to Cuomo's proposed $200 hike
By Steve Fox
In what student leaders termed a
"major student victory" Assembly
Speaker Stanley Fink and Senate
Majority Leader Warren Anderson
came out against Governor Mario
Cuomo's proposed 1984-85 $200
tuition increase for SUNY. The two
also supported an increase in TAP
The announcement came alter
legislative leaders had been meeting
for several weeks on Cuomo's proposal, according to Anderson's
press secretary Dick Matthew. "It is
his intention and the assembly's intention not to increase tuition," he
added. Matthew noted that the
budget details are still being worked
on and that complete figures will be
coming out in a "day or two."
Neither Fink nor his press
secretary Dave Langdon could be
reached for comment.
"Things are looking very good,"
said President for the Student
Association of the State University
(SASU), Jim Tierney. He added
that Ihe statements by the two
leaders are "top budget priorities."
He noted lhat the final budget will
not be passed until April 3.
Tierney praised the lobbying efforts of students from across the
SUNY system, saying, "Students
kicked in and pushed hard." Informed students have been lobbying
legislators in groups of fifly since
Cuomo proposed his budget
January 17. He added Ihai SASU is
a coalition and lhat everybody
helped out.
Student Action -Committee
(SAC) Chair Steve Gawley called
the announcement a "clear cut student victory." He called the announcement, "basically a final
decision." No decision has been
made on dorm rent increases, he added.
Gawley claimed the consistent
lobbying efforts headed by SAC
and Student Association jSA) was
more effective than Ihe mass lobbying effort put forth last year.
Gawley credited the effectiveness
with having, "smaller, better
educated lobbyists."
He noted that these informed
students saw more than half the
Senate and assembly in its lobbying
efforts. "People in Ihe assembly
complimented us because we came
armed with the facts," he added.
He explained that SAC and SA
knew the budget issues and intelligently discussed proposals with
legislators. "NYPIRO (New York
Public Interest Research Group)
then came in and proposed alternative funding," he added. He
praised NYPIRG's efforts, saying
that they helped a lot in educating
legislators. She said that legislators
were "feeling the pressure," from
lobbyists, adding that, "We could
really tell they were harassed by the
"I was really impressed by the
people who were down there," Rotimann said. She added that lobbying had something to do with the
leaders' actions but noted that the
"It is his (Anderson's)
intention and the Assembly's
intention not to increase
—Dick Matthew
Senate Majority leader Warren Anderson
students as lobbyists. "What
separates students from lobbyists is
information and technique," emphasized Gawley.
NYPIRG project coordinator
Paul Herrick said thai he was "real
confident" that Ihe tuition increase
is not going to happen this year. He
added that he was pleased with ihe
.success of Ihe student lobbying. He
noted lhat the belter organization
and smaller groups helped, saying
that, "Ihis is the way NYPIRG has
done it before.".
Lisa Roltmann, a NYPIRG
member, was one of the organizers
in NYPIRG, who along wiih SASU
and SA coordinated efforts in sending 200 students Tuesday from
campuses across Ihe state lo lobby
legislators "realized that Ihis would
have been the fourth increase in a
row," Another reason she gave for
Ihe legislators siding with the
students was that some of them
were mad at Cuomo for sanctioning
•llcgal culbacks last year.
SA President Rich Scnaffer
claimed thai the "legislature has
reaffirmed what SUNY really
stands for...low-cost, quality
education." He also stressed Ihe effective lobbying procedure used Ihis
year, "Ihey were prepared for us
because we knew wlial we were lalking about," he slated,
Scnaffer explained lhat the personalized lobbying laclic proposed
by SASU was effective because
Banned poster causes SA candidate to file suit
By Jane Anderson
Student Association presidential hopeful
Bill McCann has filed suit with SA Supreme
Court charging that one of his campaign
posters was unfairly disqualified by SA Elections Commissioner, Tom Busby.
SA Supreme Court Chief Justice Steve
Perrin has scheduled a hearing for Sunday
McCann's poster, Busby contended, is
The poster refers lo inlcral struggles
reportedly taking place in SA between SA
President Rich Scnaffer and Vice President
Jeff Schneider.
The poster, according lo McCann, said
"Rich vs. Jeff/Jeff vs. Rich. Who wins?
Nobody. Who loses? The students. Who
needs power struggles? Vole for Bill McCann."
McCann said in his petition that he followed election guidelines when writing the
poster, and that the poster did not conflict
SA Supreme Court Chief Justice Steve Perrin
He has not yet seen the poster In question.
with election regulations. He asked lhat the
court allow him lo display the posters, and
Ihai they establish a committee to clarify Ihe
election regulations.
The sequence of events leading up to the
banning of McCann's poster is under dispute
by almost everyone involved.
"The poster isn't up yet," said McCann.
"There is no legitimate way" Busby could
have seen it, contended McCann. "He's just
going on the word of other people," McCann
said. "Busby was approached by several people who told him the poster was slanderous,"
McCann continued.
Busby concurred that he did not see the
poster prior to banning it. "I asked Bill (McCann) what it said, and he read it to me,"
over the telephone, Busby explained.
According to McCann, however, Busby informed him lhat Ihe poster would be banned,
and McCann then told him whal was on it.
Busby said he banned the poster because
he "didn't want other people's names
slandered." He emphasized thai he had to
"draw Ihe line somewhere."
The SA Election Regulation Act states,
"No person shall...unfairly or unethically attack a candidate or any part of his
McCann's poster is "not that harmful,"
noted Busby, but it "could only lead to worse
things" being used during the campaigns.
"The poster was supposed to bring out
what I'm running against, which is the petty
politics in SA," asserted McCann. He contended that the poster was not slanderous.
"1 don't know what the poster said," Vice
President Jeff Schneider maintained. "If it
said 'Rich Scnaffer (SA President) can't
communicate' it's no good (according to SA
Election Regulations). If It said 'We need
communication' then it's fine," explained
"There is some question" in the election
rules about using an incumbant candidate's
record againsl him, said Schneider, and this
is what Perrin should concentrate on in his
decision, Schneider added.
Schneider said that in his opinion, "a candidate should be praised or criticized for his
The posters "were approved (for podium
posting at the Campus Center Information
Desk) last Thursday," said McCann.
McCann maintained that his posters had
been approved by Ihe correct methods, as
staled by the election guidelines.
Busby said that he is in charge of deciding
the rules regarding election posters.
"Schneider put Ihe decision (about whether
lo disqualify McCann's poster) in my
hands," he maintained.
"Nowhere in the election regulations does
It slate lhat my posters have to meet the approval of the election commission," said McCann's petition.
Busby stressed lhat the decision lo ban the
poster was "completely" his, but said that he
had discussed Ihe issue with Schneider "just
to okay it with him." Busby said lhat
Schneider is "more or less my boss" in his