Sports Tuesday Danes end season with 48-7 romp over Marist

Sports Tuesday
Danes end season with 48-7 romp over Marist
November 18,1983
Greyhound buses roll as angry strikers protest
By Keilh Murder
I.VSf« 7.1 II: SI'flH n IIIITOH
By Bob G a r d i n i e r
The Albany Stale foolball learn bombarded Ihe hapless Marisi Red Foxes on (heir way
10 a 48-7 vielory al Marisi College in
Pougllkccpsic lasl Saturday, lo finish up
their season with a disappointing 3-7 record,
Usually when a team wins so decisively
they outplay Ihelr opponents in every aspect
of the game. This is precisely what happened
on Saturday, except there was one unit thai
played head and shoulders above the rest.
Trial unit was the offensive line. I'hey are
comprised of freshmen, sophomores, and
Senior running hack John Dunham
pointed out the Improvement of ihe offensive
line. " T h e whole line has been coming along
game after game. Toda> they pul il logclher
and It wns really easy running behind
t h e m , " he said.
Mead Coach Hob Ford also cited the
domination of the offensive line as Ihe reason
for vielory, "They did a super job. Thai was
a young offensive line; there isn't a senior in
the hunch. The difference in ihe game was
Ihal we had lime lo throw Ihe ball and they
didn't. If you give most good quarterbacks
Ihe time to throw they are going to pick you
The first two Dane scores were sparked by
Bob Jojo picked off a Jim Cleary pass
which set up a one-yard run by Victor cion/ale/. Ihis touchdown set the lone for Ihe
game as ihe offensive line opened up a large
hole for him.
1:16 later, a Tom Fngarty fumble recovery
pul Ihe Danes back on the offensive. This
time Albany went lo Ihe air as Hob Brien's
six-yard grab gave Ihem a 13-0 lead al Ihe end
of one quarter.
In Ihe second quarter ihe Danes picked up
right where I hey lefl off.
Starting al their own 35 Dane quarterback
Mike Milano hit llrien for a 14-yard gain.
Then Ihe Danes wenl to ihe air again; this
sTAtr umwn
Defensive tackle Rick Punzone pressures Marist quarterback Jim Clearly In the Danes 48-7 demolition o l the Red Foxes.
The victory capped Albany's troubled 3-7 season.
lime il was Milano IO McOralh for a 411-yard
connection. To cap o f f ihe drive Dunham ran
behind a beautiful display of blocking and
went in For Ihe score.
Milano commented, " O u r receivers were
loo quick for their secondary. I had Ihe lime
lo ihrow and laid il right in there."
Dunham also fell the offensive line made
the score possible. " I ' v e got to give Ihem
c r e d i l , " said Dunham, who then added,
"Halfback Dana Melvin made a grcal block
on the corner to seal o f f the linebacker."
O n Ihe extra-point conversion attempt
Kicli Jones jitood up out of his holder position to rifle a pass lo Dunham which was
good for two points.
Dunham then showed his versatility by catching a 27-yard touchdown pass from a roll-
ing Milano. This gave Albany a 27-0 advantage.
A Melvin run and a McGrath catch coupled wilh two exlra-poinls by Charlie Ciiknis
gave the Danes a commanding 41-0 halftime
In Ihe second half Albany, refusing to run
up (he score, went lo a controlled running
22 «*
Men harriers qualify for NCAA Championship
After running through ihe snow and freezing winds of Cortland for a half hour,
members of Ihe Albany Slate men's cross
country leant sal together in ihe team van
wearing long faces. As soon as Ihe 153 runners of Ihe Division III New York Regional
Championships had crossed Ihe line, both Ihe
winning team, from Ihe Rochester Institute
of Technology, and Ihe second place University o f Rochester team began celebrating their
having,qualified for Ihe NCAA Division I I I
National Championships in Newport News,
Virginia next weekend.
Lawrence's fifth man, rounding their score
out to 121 points.
The heavily predicted meet winner was Ihe
hapless Frcdonia Stale (cam thai finished
fifth overall. The Blue Devils were hampered
by ihe snow and cold more than most learns
because of Ihe large number of big-stride
track runners on Ihelr squad. Said Erwln,
" T i l e snow was a big equalizer and Ihe
speedslers had a hard time gelling much out
Dane captain Jim Erwln explained. " W e
all assumed that Frcdonia had gotten ihe
third spot for Nationals, We were so cold and
tired, no one realized thai we'd done i t . "
After a lime Head Coach Hob Munsey danced out into the paikiug loi will) ihe news, and
seeing him, Ihe Danes spilled out of the van
lo scream and j u m p on each other in celebration of their first Irip as a team lo lite National championship since 1977,
Albany was very definitely a hungry learn.
After having sal out ihe snowy Stale championships in Buffalo Ihe weekend before, Ihe
Danes were rested and ready. Said Dane caplain Chris Callaci, " W e were so psyched up,
we would have run through brick walls to
The hungriest of the Danes was McCiill,
who hung back during Ihe very slow first mile
and surged inlo Ihe top-10 during mile Iwo.
McCiill ran lough through the remainder o f
Ihe race to finish in 26:39 and take I l i b
Running strong and very determined,
Callaci finished second for Albany in 26:59
and was 17th overall. Sophomore Ian
Clements continued to improve as his guisy
IHIh place finish behind Callaci showed. Erwin, who normally finishes wilh Ihe other top
Dane runners, was one of the track-runner
types hurl by the snowy conditions. Improving dramatically upon his 148th place finish
lasl year, Erwln crossed the line 31st overall.
RIT finished first among ihe 26 teams
entered with ihe low score of 79 points. The
University of Rochester team bounced hack
from a late-season slump lo run their .best
race of Ihe year and lake second with 95
points. The Danes ran well ill winlcry conditions, l e d by Ihe strong I l i b place finish o f
junior l i d McCiill, Albany placed three runners in Ihe top-20 and put all five scorers
among the lop-40 finishers lo score 113
Si. Lawrence University placed fourth on
the strength of Mark Cosselin's amazing
first-place finish. Despite that, the Saints
couldn't heat Albany's spread as all seven
Albany runners finished well ahead of St.
o f Ihe bad f o o t i n g . " Fredoma has
represented Ihe New York Region al Nationals for ihe past five years in a row.
Albany's finish ahead of Frcdonia was the
lirsl lime in live years that a SUNY team has
beaten them.
That upset was definitely the biggest surprise of ihe meet, but R I T runner Jim Pasquali didn'i seem surprised. " I actually
predicted Albany l o squeeze into third place.
1 had Frcdonia second and Albany third will)
Rochester in fourth, but (Frcdonia) wasn't
mentally willing lo do il in Ihe snow and Ihe
hungry learns were."
The Albany team: I. to r. (back) Ed McGIII, Jim Erwln, Ian Clements, Coach Munsey;
(front) Chris C a l l e d , Cralfj Parlato, Chuck Bronner, and Tom Kacandes.
Another Dane who's come a long way this
21 »-
The ongoing Greyhound bus
strike came to a quarrelsome head
Thursday morning as Iwo buses
departed from the Albany terminal
at 8:30 a.m. amidst boisterous,
Amalgamated Transit
members who blocked buses wilh
their bodies, and threw colored liquid at them.
Albany police soon Intervened
allowing Ihe buses l o pass while
strikers ran alongside shouting al
drivers, calling Ihem " d i r t y scabs."
Local union representative Tom
Hart, dressed in a blue drivers
uniform like many o f the olhcr
strikers, stood al the side of the fray
answering reporters questions. He
insisted dial Ihe union will no! bend
to company pressure. "They have
not broken our sirike. We will be
here until icicles hang from our
picket signs," lie said.
Greyhound buses moved nationwide, Thursday for the first time
since the strike began Iwo weeks
ago. Reaction to Ihe sirike break
varied across the country reaching
violence in some places.
Forty demonstrators were dragged away to police vans in Boston
after delaying a bus for an hour, according lo wire reporls.
In Philadelphia, wire reports
said, hundreds of strikers joined by
sympathetic unionized plumbers,
cat penlers, subway workers and
Teamsters burst through a police
line, surrounded a bus, and pounded il like a drum, keeping il at the
The only passengers on Ihe
bus were
reporters and photographers. A
brick was thrown through an empty
bus in a garage.
No injuries or violence was
reported there or elsewhere against
Greyhound workers or passengers.
Pickets shouted "Scab bus, scab
b u s ! " in Mobile, A l a . , as the company resumed partial service, wire
reporls said.
Four people were arresled in
Washington according l o wire
reporls, for disorderly conduct.
One pulled his cur into the path of a
bus and the others barged through a
police line, police said. Nevertheless, Greyhound said its buses
departed Ihe nation's capital on
A w o u l d - b e passenger i n
Philadelphia, Pamela Matthews,
39, round herself surrounded by
angry strikers as she tried l o boaid
(he bus lliere. Tile woman, an
employee of a nursing agency in
Cherry H i l l , N.J., said she hail lo
get to Washington, but police finally lold her the bus wasn't leaving
and she was causing a disturbance.
I'hey siiid they would lake her
somewhere else where she could gel
a ride.
In Detroit, two gasoline bombs
sparked a lire in a Greyhound yard
Wednesday and slightly damaged
Iwo buses. Pickets delayed, but did
mil slop, Iwo buses from leaving
Ihe downtown depot there, wire
reporls said.
Dorolhy l.orant said ridership on
the first buses was "light to
moderate," but said site had no
Pickets for the most pan outnumbered passengers on Ihe lirsl
buses leaving Ihe bigger cities, ap-
W o r k e r s a t t e m p t t o halt b u s e s
.•I dozen iinmiis were present in solidarity wilh the .sinkers.
parenlly because bus riders feared
violence and because Greyhound's
main competitor, Trailwuys, matched ihe low fares being offered
T h u r s d a y , according l o wire
T w o more buses arrived at Ihe
Albany terminal at noon with
security escorts and local police
clearing ihe way for Ihelr departure
as strikers yelled and spil at the
T h e strike., which
November 3, is Ihe result of contract disputes over wages and parttime employees according lo Mike
Bachicda of Scotia, a driver with sis
and one half yeais on Ihe road for
Greyhound. " O n e lliing Ihey (the
company) want is a spill shift, four
hours o n , four hours off. W i l l i this
ihey can hire part-time drivers that
would not have l o join the u n i o n , "
said llachlcda. " I ' v e already found
anoihcr j o b , " he said, " I am just
waiting lo see what happens."
Liie first contract talks, since the
sirike officially began, took place
between union and management,
Students increasing caution in college choices
By C h r i s t i n e Reffelt
Prospective students are shopping around
for colleges and wailing until much later in
the year before making their final choices, according lo Rodney Hart, Ihe director of admissions at S U N Y A .
The students are taking more lime, said
Hart, because Ihey want lo gel Ihe most for
Iheir money. "Recently, we've noticed thai
students are submitting reservation deposits
to more lhan one school, attending summer
orientations, and then making a decision."
Students used lo apply early and make Iheir
choice by May, slated Hart,
" b u t now they apply in
January," he added.
• According to Hart, the
key factor in Ibis trend is
that most colleges only require a $50 deposit.
He said he sees this figure as a problem. " F i l ly dollars is not enough," he noted, "because
il doesn't discourage students from sending
$50 deposits l o several schools." This leads
lo no-shows, added Hart, "because f i l l y
dollars is not a loi lo lose svhen you're talking
about spending $20,000 for an education,"
lie said.
student they're ill around J u l y , " he said.
Marci Levin, a prospective student visiiing
Albany, said she planned to leave more lhan
one deposit on a school. " I need lo know
more about the schools," she said, " b u l I
also will like the feeling that 1 tlefinalcly am
in the schools and lliere is a place for me, It's
really a kind o f insurance," she asserted.
Suzanne Demutle, also a prospective siu-
denl, agreed wilh Levin, and added Ihal
"leaving more lhan one deposil gives me Ihe
freedom lo check oul the schools more
carefully and make Ihe right choice. Education is loo expensive now not lo do i h a l , " she
The over-all concensus of Ibis is that the
majority "shopped a r o u n d " before making
their decision l o come lo S U N Y A . Dave Rcil-
Similarly, Scott l l o r a n , also a freshman
(his year, wauled to leave more than one
deposil as insurance. " I t ' s too important not
lo make the right choice," he slated. " A fifty
dollar deposil isn't very much compared to
the cost of schools. So it was worth i l , " he
added, "because I felt confident in my final
University officials are also noticing that
more freshmen arc inking advantage of the
university's academic advising services, an
occuriancc which also reflects (he students'
desire lo be more informed about the univcrsily and Ihe courses, said Hart.
I he Center for Undergraduate Education,
( ( T I L ) , provides academic advisement to all
freshmen and undeclared majors. CUE advised 1,940 freshmen last summer, according
lo Director Stanley Schwartz, " T h e freshmen
want l o register and gel more classes they're
This year, " a high number" of students
did not show up, l l a r l said. Out of 2,400
students who were accepted, 108 never came
to summer orientation, and anothet 72 did go
lo oricnlalion but never attended classes.
" T h i s is also a problem," said Hurt,
"because we are not aware of no-shows until
it is loo lale l o tell wait-listed students they've
been accepted. It's a little ridicotts lo tell a
l\-, 18, who lives on Colonial Quad, said he
was scry choosy before making his decision.
" I weal lo Iwo orientations, one at Rutgers
and Ihe one here. I liked Albany better, so
here I a m , " Reilly said. " 1 layed down more
than one deposit because il gave me more
lime to make a decision. It was also a safely
salve, o f sorts," he added.
interested In," said Schwartz. "They seem to
be shopping around more and comparing
more also," he said. " A n d since the deposit
is so low, the price is really rigltt for i t . "
Prospectlve students touring the campus
Education is too expensive not to check out schools.
Schwartz continued by adding thai " i t is
not uncommon for parents to set aside as
much as $1,000 in 'pin money' lo pay for applications and deposits. This really shows the
direction parents and prospective students
are t a k i n g , " he added.
I E:- F SJ;
Soviets may walk out
The Daily Express said the Brezhnevs "are
reported to have nursed a bitter grudge
against Andropov because they believe that
when he svas head of the KCiB he tried to implicate them in allegations o f moral and
financial c o r r u p t i o n . "
Arafat fights on
Geneva, Switzerland
(AP) U.S. and Soviet arms negotiators were
scheduled t o resume medium-range missile
talks Thursday, two days after their shortest
bargaining session ever, but France's president said the Soviets are on the verge of a
Moscow has threatened to withdraw from
[he talks if N A T O began deploying new U.S.
cruise and Pershing 2 nuclear missiles in
Western Europe.
Leader rumored shot
(AP) The Daily Express said Thursday there
are reports that Soviet President Yuri V. A n dropov has noi appeared in public for three
months because he was shot in the arm by
Leonid Brezhnev's son, who was icporied
furious over KCill allegations of moral and
financial corruption.
Quake rocks Hawaii
Hilo, Hawaii
(AP) Windows shattered, celling plaster fell
and more than 20 houses were rocked off
their foundations in a strong, minute-long
earthquake that frightened Hawaii Island
residents but caused only minor injuries, officials said.
Cypriots stop work
Nicosia, Cyprus
(AP) Greek Cypriots staged a work stoppage
Thursday to protest a declaration o f independence by the Turkish-occupied north.
The government said it would rely on
diplomacy, not force, i n dealing with the
The strike call, issued by trade union
federations, was for "complete inactivity"
for one hour, including the closure o f all
shops, offices and schools i n the Greek
Cypriot sector o f the divided Mediterranean
The unions said the work stoppage svas
designed " l o strengthen the unanimous" opposition tc the Turkish Cypriots' declaration
The Daily Express said it based its article
on reports that emanated from Moscow KCiU
sources, and that these reports had spread
through intelligence circles in London and
elsewhere in Europe. The article was headlined, "Was Andropov Shot?"
There was no comment from Soviet officials, but Yuri Brc/hncv's office in Moscow
said he still held his job as first deputy
foreign trade minister, which tended lo cast
doubt on the report.
Tripoli), Lebanon
(AP) Palestinian rebels Thursday declared
victory in their war against Yasser Arafat,
but he sowed to light on as a pocket of his
besieged loyalists held out north of Tripoli.
Lebanon's state radio reported that Arafat
had ordered his troops in northern Lebanon
to cease fire, but the chairman o f the
Palestine Liberation Organization told
reporters Thursday he would continue
" I t is difficult. Hut we have no choice,"
Arafat said in a brief news conference at his
headquarters in Tripoli. One of his hands was
wrapped in a bandage, but he said it was
" n o t a w o u n d . " He gave no further explanation.
Arafat and his aides said there were still
some loyalist lighters in positions on the
southern edge o f the Daddawi Palestinian
refugee camp, taken by the rebels in fierce
hand-to-hand lighting Wednesday. The
camp was Arafat's last Middle East
President Francois Mitterrand o f France
predicted Wednesday the Soviets will walk
out o f talks in Geneva when the first Pershing 2s are deployed in West Germany nest
month. He said, in a national television interwcw, he did not think " t h e rupture would
'as! a long t i m e " and promised that France
would "use all o f its means" l o help the
negotiations resume if they are broken off.
Tuesday and lo consolidate support for " t h e
government's measures against the Turkish
decision." On Wednesday about 10,000 high
school students participated in a peaceful
anti-secession demonstration in Nicosia.
" T h e damage will run into the millions.
We have homes and businesses that were
totaled," Harry K i m , administrator of the
Hawaii County Civil Defense Agency, said
after Wednesday's quake, which struck at
6:13 a.m., 11:13 a.m. EST.
The quake, Hawaii's strongest in eight
years, registeredfi.7on the Rlchter scale of
ground motion and was centered on the
southwest flank o f Mauna Loa volcano,
about 70 miles southwest o f Hilo, said the
Pacific Tsunami
Warning Center i n
It was felt on all major islands in the chain,
but damage was limited to Hawaii Island,
where authorities said only six minor injuries
were reported.
Foat is acquitted
Gretna, La.
(AP) Feminist Ginny Foat says her acquittal
on an 18-ycar-old murder charge Is a "symbolic victory" for women who arc battered
and abused, adding that she hopes to " g o
back to California and put my life together."
The six-man, six-woman jury look only
two hours o n Wednesday t o reject the
testimony o f Foat's former husband, John
Sidotc, who was the prosecution's key
Sidotc claimed that he and Foat, then a
barmaid in a seedy Canal Street bar, had
lured 62-year-old Moises Chayo to the outskirts o f New Orleans. He testified they clubbed Chayo with a lire iron after robbing him
of $1,400 he was carrying lo pay his son's
hospital bills.
However, Foat testified that Sidote's accusations were born of malicious vengeance
because she left him after enduring five years
o f physical and psychological abuse.
Congress debates bill
Washington, D. C,
(AP) Purchase of a $96 million radar system
from the General Electric plant in Syracuse
has been included in the compromise defense
spending bill being considered by House and
Senate conferees, an aide l o Sen. Alfonso
D ' A m a l o , R-NY, said Thursday morning.
The total procurement calls for $105
million, including $9 million for spare parts,
Ed Martin, D'Amato's press secretary said.
The radar would be for the Atlantic coast,
Martin said, and other units were being considered for the southern, northern and
Pacific orders.
Conferees, Including D ' A m a l o ;iml
Democrat Joseph Addabbo o f Ozone Park,
met Wednesday and were to meet again
Thursday on the approximately $250 billion
••'•:•;••'• wiuVitawwiUPs
Tha Camous Canter TV lounaa W M ovtniowlna (hi* w»»k « • SUNYA stutfcmta awaited liw anewore ft pressing questions
W t f t W rrturo to U * 2 ? Will U»fc* ratum to Holly? Will Holly stay with tfeorpte? WW L i f e »t»y with
General(Hospital? Qfnte Frarwla, ».(*>•. Laura, raturna to A8C"iijmp ©par* thla waak after a two yaar abaanoa,
• - ' • — -
.M&i \'JM
University Theatre will present Look
Homeward Angel at 8 p.m., Friday
and Saturday, Nov. 18 and 19, al the
Performing Arts Center. Admission
will b e $5 general, S3.S0 l o r
students and senior citizens, and $3
for tax card holders.
Varsity Baseball Meeting for all Interested In playing lor Albany State
will be held Monday, Nov. 21 at 6:30
p.m. In Room 126 of the Physical
Education Building.
i J i l - Sli
A Oance Marathon will be sponsored by Telethon '84 Friday and
Saturday, Nov. 18-19 trom 8 p.m. lo
8 p.m. Sponsor sheets are available
at the SA office, all quad olflces,
WCDB, and the Telethon table In
the CC Lobby. Proceeds will go to
the Capital Area Speech Center and
Wlldwood School.
Biological Sciences will present a
seminar Tuesday, Nov. 22, at 4:10
p.rp. In the Biology Building, Boom,
• * '
. . .
248. Steven Zottoll of Williams College will speak on "Structural and
Electrophysiological Correlates o l
the Axon Reaction."
Landlords — Tenants Legal Obligations will be the sub|ect ol an Oft
Campus Association Workshop on
Monday, Nov. 21 at 6:30 p.m. SA Attornoy Mark Mlshler will be the
featured speaker at the workshop
which will be presented In the Oft
Csmpus Lounge.
Festival o l Sslnt Cecilia, leaturing
an organ recital by Albert Melton
and a performance by the Albany
Pocket Opera, will be held Sunday,
Nov. 20, at 4 p.m. at the All Saints
Cathedral, 62 South Swan SI.
, . i .
By M i c h e l l e Busher
Dan A l i m a n , a director of Don't Walk Alone, has said
that response has been tremendous to the new pilot program escort service and, if it is approved by the University,
Altman hopes l o implement it on all quads uptown, as well
as expanding to Ihe downtown campus.
The program, headed by Altman and three other student
directors, was helped on its way by the President's Task
Force for Women's Safety. Lisa Donahue, Don't Walk
Alono's staff representative along with the task force came
up wnh a possible program over the summer which was incorporated with ideas from the University al Buffalo's
Anti-Rape Task Force.
1 .,c pilot program, which is on a trial period until al least
the end of the semester, consists of two stations, one in the
lobby of ihe library and Die other in Dutch Quad. Women
may be escorted from the library to any place on campus,
while Dutch Quad escorts only go lo Ihe library. This service operates from 8:00 p.m. l o 12:00 a.m. Sunday thru
According to Keith Marder, a student escort, " T h e service is averaging at least 35 people a night." Both A l i m a n
and Maggie Auer, Iwo o f Ihe program's directors, agree
that the program is doing very well. They claimed lo have
escorted about 170 women the first week and ihey have
received about 107 applications from students who wish to
volunteer. Altman pointed out however, that all applicants
are cleared through Judicial Board and must go through an
orientation which lasts about 10 hours. Marder saiil (hat as
far as he knows, no one has been turned down.
According to Marder, the orientation was divided Into
several different sections, "First, we attended a seminar on
(AP) Attica State Prison Supl. Harold J.
Smith said he has agreed to some of the
changes called for in a September sit-in protest at the maximum security facility and has
denied other requests.
Smith told The Buffalo News he has
denied amnesty to some inmates accused " I
breaking rules during the protest and that he
couldn't take night sticks away from corrections officers as inmates requested.
He said requests for eliminating Attica's
rule book and on-the-job training for guards
were also denied.
Smith did say he told officers lo be aware
that inmates feel threatened when the clubs
are held in a menacing manner.
He said inmates being transferred to the
Special Housing Unit will be videotaped in
response to prisoners' requests to end
assaults on inmates.
(AP) Stale Sen. John March), R-Stutcn
Island, unveiled legislation, Thursday, lliai
would be the first step towaids allowing
Stalen Island to secede from the test ol New
York City.
March), the chairman o f the Senate's
powerful Finance Committee, has been
leading a movement to study the feasibility ol
separating Stalen Island from I he rest ofNew
York City. The senator's effort increased
after the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals titled
in May that the constitutional "one person,
one v o l e " rule be applied to the city Hoard of
Marchi said the ruling, which has been sent
hack l o a lowci court for further action,
would give Stalen Island virtually no voice on
the board, which largely determines how the
eily spends its money.
International Student Association
will hold an International dinner at
Alumni Quad's Brubacher dining
hall on Saturday, Nov. 19 at 6 p.m.
Tickets can be purchased In the
Campus Center Lobby and CC 344
for $6 with a lax sticker and $7
without. Tickets will be sold at the
door for $7.
University Counseling Center will
sponsor an informal discussion on
nuclear holooaust on Monday, Nov.
21, at 9 a.m. In the Business Administration Building, Room 112.
The discussion will be based on the
film The Day Alter, whloh Is to be
aired Sunday, Nov. 20, on ABC-TV
Norman Dlttz, a prominent
religious storyteller, will be perform
Ing In the Performing Arts Canter on
Saturday, Nov. 19, at 8 p.m. Admls
slon will be $2 tor the gonora1
public, and $1 for Chapol House
students. Tickets are available al
Chapel House.
A Statistics Colloquium featuring
Mitchell Gall ol the National Cancer
Institute will be held Monday, Nov.
21 at 3:40 p.m. In the Earth Science
Building, Room 152. Qail will speak
on "Biased selection of controls lor
casecontrol analyses o l cohorl
studios measuring time l o
response." Tea will be served
belore the program at 3:15 p.m.
Escort service debuts with energetic support
Prison okays changes
Secession considered
18,1983 D ALBANY
Don't Walk Alone escort team
Escorts always consist of two people; one or both of which are female.
sevcrl different topics," he said. Ihe topics ranged from
lighting on campus, the campus judicial system, and selfdefense, to the counseling center and sexual harassmenl on
Following this, Marder said, Ihey look groups of 10-15
students and asked them why they were interested, " T h e )
discussed what we'd have lo do and answered any questions
we had. A "rape q u i z " was then given lo point out what
tile victims go t h r o u g h , " Murder said.
After these steps, the applicants were then interviewed individually and told more fully of their responsibilities,
One of the factors, which has been o f interest lo students
is the possibility of offering credits to escorts in Ihe future,
Aliman claims that i f the pilot program is approved, ihey
hope t o Initiate an independant study type program,
possibly through Women's Studies', which would be more
educational and include some form o f term paper.
One of Don't Walk Alonc's purposes, added Donahue,
is to educate people on women's safely. They hope lo have
information available at ihe slations in the future. This
would include pamphlets on rape and a questionnaire asking where the lighting on campus should be improved and
comments on campus trouble spots.
The program is lo he reviewed at the beginning of spring
semester by Ihe Campus Life Committee. Vice President of
Student Affairs Frank Poguc claims that he has received no
report thus far as lo how the pilol program is doing. He
said Ihal he doesn't know how much it's going lo cosl or
what it will involve. When it is reviewed it will be done by a
campus life committee composed of members from several
administrative offices.
Rich Schaffer, SA president and a Sunday escort, said
(he response to ihe program has been great. He said he
thinks that Poguc will definitely recommend it l o the
university for approval, SA is ready to stand behind their
e l l o i i s , he staled, and Ihe Women's Safety Task Force
should be commended for their quick actions.
According to Marder, the people whom he has escorted
have had very good things to say about it. " O n e girl told
me it's really cute," he said, " but comments have ranged
from ' I ' m really scared lo walk alone' lo 'this is a great
idea.' "
As for the students, Scott Rubinstlen, another student
director, said that a lot o f people o f the escorts find thai it's
full and ihey meet people. "They're having a really good
Business Education degree program
future uncertain; admissions ended
By Ailcen Brown
T e l e t h o n Co-chalr A m y Z i m m e r m a n
Telethon '84
B y Sue G o r y e b
and Kalhy B o y t i m
Telethon '84 is underway, with "beller participation
and support than ever" from the campus community,
said Telethon co-chair Cindy Kulz.
"Participation has really improved this year," said
Kalz. " W e have more support from student groups,
especially S A . "
This year, Telethon will be supporting the Wildwood
School for developmental!)' disabled and autistic children,
ulong with Ihe Capital Area Speech Center for children
wiih speech impairments, which will be receiving the maiorily of funds ibis year, according lo Amy Zimmerman,
also co-chair,
Last year Telethon sponsored three local groups:
Wildwood School, Camp Opportunities for children, and
New York Northeastern Chapter of Neurofibromatosis,
which works for more public awareness o f Ihe disease,
Zimmerman said.
According l o Arlen Weslbrook, Social Worker at tlu
Capital Area Speech Center, u non-profit institution,
" W e handle speech and language therapy with children
and adults," She said thai the center provides services foi
a six county area. " T h i s year we will be working with I3f
children, with varying degrees o f speech impairments."
The Wildwood School, which is a chapter o f the New
York Association for Ihe Learning Disabled, provide
camp and recreational opportunities for children " w i t h i
wide range o f disabilities," said Dennis Lake, Recrea
tional Services coordinator for the School.
" W e needed assistance to pick up where Telethon '8:
Incoming students inlerested i n ihe Business Teacher
Education undergraduate degree program may find
themselves surprised since the future o f the program is
uncertain and admissions l o the program have been
.suspended indefinitely.
The Business Teacher Education program is a very old
and distinguished one at S U N Y A , with a history stemming
back to Albany's Teacher College rools, A t one lime the
program had sixteen full time faculty members. Currently
there are only four, according to Robert Koff, Dean o f Ihe
Business School.
" T h e suspension o f admissions lo Ihe program stemmed
from our inability to augment Ihe program as was necessary
in order to maintain a quality program, said Kill'. He added
that Ihe program is presently being reviewed.
" W e felt it was better to phase out the undergraduate
degree program and possibly replace it with a combined
B A / M S or US/MS program. The faculty is working on a
proposal which examines our options, " he snid.
The suspension of admissions lo the program is Ihe first
step towards possible discontinuance o f Ihe program, according to Judith A . Ranialey, S U N Y A Vice President for
Academic Affairs. The second step, called program discontinuance, involves an amendment through SUNY-Central.
" W e have simply suspended admissions to Ihe program in
order to make sure we can honor our commitments l o
students presently In the p r o g r a m , " Ranialey said. " W e
want to make sure we can allow these students to complete
Ihe program, while al the same time give ourselves the opportunity to terminate the program in a few years should
that be the adminslrntive decision."
The suspension of admissions lo Ihe program is only applicable to those students that have less than 24credits as of
Seplcmbcr, 1983, "Those students who have completed
more than 24 credits before the beginning of (his semester
arc still eligible to apply l o enter the p r o g r a m , " said Harry
Hamilton, Chairman o f the Atmospheric Sciences Department. Hamilton's office is responsible for all notifications
which concern a change i n academic affairs. " W c lire all
concerned also about any freshmen that arc possibly interested in the program.
They should see their advisors i n the C U E (Center for
Undergraduate Education) office and inform them about
their Interest in this program." K o f f said that the suspension was mainly due to the allocation o f resources. " W e
had lo look al our priorities and our needs. The state is not
providing the university with any additional resources and
there are other programs in the university that need to be
developed." " T h e program would suffer i f we could not
support i i as necessary," he said.
Among the possibilities being reviewed for Ihe future o f
Ihe program are: a combined bachelors/masters degree,
with the bachelors degree in another concentration and the
masters degree in Business Education; a masters degree only; or a masters program in cooperation with an area school
which offers an undergraduate degree in Business Education. " T h e faculty in the Business Education department
must examine the possibilities for the graduate p r o g r a m , "
said Ranialey. She added that it would be difficult to maintain both programs with Ihe faculty and resources
available. " I I seems likely thai Ihey would instead have to
investigate cither redesigning the program or developing
one of the alternatives on the graduate level," she explained.
Opinion in the Business Education department is
somewhat different from the administrative perspective
however. There is concern about whether Ihe possibilities
of redesigning the program on a graduate level will fill the
void left by the discontinuance of the undergraduate degree
program. " I have a personal and professional concern
about the supply of business and distributive education
teachers for the high shcools of New York State," said
Associate Professor R. Blodgctl o f the Teacher Education
department, He expressed concern us to where the teachers
o f the future will come from. " I n the past, Albany has been
a major supplier of this type of faculty for the high schools.
The program was a high quality one, which was proven to
be very solid over the years. The demand for this type o f
' training is there. I am concerned that there will be a void in
programs in the stale Ihat will prepare these type o f
" T h e question o f where you allocate funds and what you
sustain is a difficult o n e , " said Ramulcy, " T h e Business
Education department was one thut offered us some flexibility in restructuring the program. The recommendations
wc had received from consultants was that we had to at
least sustain the program on its current level, i f not augment i t . "
NO VEMBER 18, 1983
SUNYA students work among Appalachian poor
Council votes down Busby dismissal proposal
operations in terms of physical presence in
these small towns." He meniioned various
towns in which huge old factories had been
laken over and put inlo use as sen ice centers,
one of which was used entirely as an enormous warehouse of used clothing distributed
to 16 satellite centers.
By J i m O'Sullivan
Several members of a group or S U N Y A
studcnls recounled Iheir experiences working
for a week in one o f Ihe poorcsl areas in Ihe
nation al Chapel House's weekly community
supper Wednesday evening.
Eastern Kentucky is a "scry poor area wilh
Father Bill Ryan and Sister Danielle Donlittle, local coal mines" which Ryan said were
ctti led a group o f seven students from
simply "backyard operations".
S U N Y A ' s Catholic community to ApYet Ihc area can be deceiving because there
palachia, a mining center in Eastern Kenare no /oning laws, Ryan continued. ' T h e
poor can live anywhere . . . little shacks of
The group left on Graduation night last
ihe poor to beautiful houses . . . the)
May to work for a week on various projects
don't isolate the poor like we do in Ihe
sponsored by the Christian Alliance Project,
an interdenominational program working to
Senior Ken Johnston, one of Ihe students
relieve Ihc dire poverty of the rural area.
who made the Irip, agreed wilh Ryan. " W e
Ryan started Ihe discussion by noting that
expected lo find the whole area poor, hut we
C A P was the only service agency in Ihc
saw mansions here and there and shacks in
region. He said that C A P had "enormous
Ihe h i l l s . "
Father Bill Ryan d i s c u s s e s Ihe Irip
"They don V isolate ihe poor like we do.
Ellen Tower, w ho is a senior, also wenl on
Ihe irip. She was assigned, along wilh Ryan
and another studenl, lo paint a house lhal
had been used by a homeless woman and her
children lor some lime.
However! Tower was able lo spend some
of her lime meeting the people who lived in
Ihe area. She recounted one of her experiences lo Ihe group. " W e went lo visil Ihis
one old man, he was 87 . . . his house was
scry poor, he mainly lived in one r o o m . "
Ryan continued Tower's story, saying Ihc
man lived in "abject poverty, it smclled . . .
there were blankets over the windows."
Tower said one of Ihc things lhal surprised
her was i h a f ' a l l Ihe old people were sharp."
Ryan agreed, saying lhal Ihe group "met a
lot of people who were very old, very selfsufficient, and seemed very healthy."
Ryan wondered aloud if Ihc fact lhal Ihe
elderly in Appalachia knew they would be
responsible for iheir own survival helped
I hem to remain independent, whereas in our
society il is the custom to institutionalize Ihc
Yvonne Nyberg, another student who
made ihc trip agreed, but also attributed il lo
the rclavcd way of life in Ihe South, and ihe
fact lhal Ihey were in a community where
I hoy knew everyone and were already accepted.
Ryan also noted lhal ihe young people o f
Ihc area leave as soon as Ihey can. He said
lhal many go lo Cincinnati, Ohio, which is
seen as an area where jobs arc readily
When a member of Ihe audience asked
what happened to ihcse people in light of ihe
economy and Ihc facl lhal there are scry few
jobs available in industry today, Ryan could
only say hopelessly lhal he did nol know.
Joe Scrio, a sophomore, worked in a day
care center and was able lo meet some of ihe
area's children. " T h e y were different from
kids up here in Ihe way ihat they really looked happy and ihey had the childhood innocence, ihey really cared aboul what you
were doing, and Ihey were really s m i l i n g . "
come H O M E
Honelti asserted thai Ihc poverty | s not ,„
much on a level we can'l imagine, but rath
" i l s dire poverty in condiiions nc can't i m
agine, in the midst of affluence"
She described Ihe people as mountain „
pie who live in " h o l l e r s " and in clans <>-fw,
have iheir own culture" she lotcl ihc au'
dience, " w i l h their own crafts and musk"
d e s c r i b e d , them
as a v c ,
underdeveloped, non-capiialisi society «.,!
much a part o f the seventeenth century until
"coal mining took over and ihe people were
jolled into modern society."
Their culture "wasn't equipped to „ ani] | (
the slrains and stresses of modern life," |)„n.
elti finished.
Nyberg pointed out that there were fa
young people in Ihe area. Those in their iliir.
lies had IcR lo try and find jobs while the
"people in iheir twenties were jusi hanging
oui wilh nowhere lo w o r k . "
Yet Nyberg was surprised al ihc lack ul
resentment the poor had. "One thing n u ,
really impressed me was ihesc people wr«
really happy . . . more than ihe urban poor,
ihcse people smiled and laughed."
Ilonelii staled what she fell was ihi
philosophy of the Appalachian poor, "Sum..
people arc born poor and that's Ihc iva) God
wants il and some arc bom rich and that'sihg
way God wants i l . "
A l l ihe people who wenl on ihc Irlploldol
ihc great Influence religion hudonthclivctol
ihe people. Ilonctti and Nyberg bolh mm
lloncd how ihe churches fulfill social and
charitable as well as religious functions fni
ihe people o f ihc area, functions the slate
docs nol provide.
Ryan noted lhal one of ihc problems faced
by the poor is Ihat Ihey have .in "uneven
economy, when money is coming III till') bit]
things and gel credit and when ihc nionc]
slops coming in Ihey have no moiiL's .in,
Ihey'rc in d e b t . "
One of the problems, according lo Ryan, Is
thai as the oil supply Increases Ihc demand
for coal decreases, and Ihe lust ones lo feci
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Internal Affair's criticized " B u s b y ' j attitude" as being a
" m a j o r p r o b l e m . " Shapiro explained, " H e look complaints from people who ran In the election wilh a grain of
Internal Affairs Committee Co-Chair Maureen Ryan
said, " I don't sec this as a problem o f attiludc, but as a
matter o f diplomacy." She said Ihat Busby's reply to
Shapiro's complaint should have been more diplomatic.
The final complaint against Busby made by Internal Affairs was that he didn't fully train Ihc members of the Election Commission. This "left Ihc elections open to many
potential problems," the memorandum stated.
SA Vice President Jeff Schneider admitted that the Election Commission was not selected until shortly before Ihc
election. Consequently Ihc members of the Election Commission did not receive as much training as he had hoped
for, he said.
The Issue of Busby's recall was hotly debated within
Alumni Quad representative Nathaniel Charney, who
won his position on Council in the do-over election on
A l u m n i , after losing 10 his opponent Sieve Sinatra in the
first election which was invalidated, said, " B y recalling him
(Busby) a precedent should be sei that elections are done
right. To drag people out 10 vole twice when Ihey don't
wunt to vole in the first place is ridiculous."
Off-Campus Representative Mitch Fcig said, " I don't
think changing ihc Flections Commissioner will change the
way elections are r u n . "
SA Controller Adam Barsky said, " A n y mistake he
made was nol done maliciously. We're placing all the blame
on his shoulders. Maybe we can be more patient."
" T w o of the members of Inlemal Affairs who are calling
for his resignation were running on Alumni Quad. I see it as
a personality conflict," said Council member Andrew
In other Council business, a bill to establish a referendum allowing Ihe imposition of a student activities fee on
graduate and part-time students was withdrawn.
Ryan, chair o f the committee on graduate and part-lime
fees said, " W e had a problem gelling approval from Presi-
^ j r \
SA President Rich Schalter
University Is reviewing graduate fee.
dent O ' l . c i i r y , " According to Barsky, " T h e adminslration
is I It) percent in favor o f the fee. They think it will increase
Ihe attractiveness o f the s c h o o l . "
Ihe problem, said SA Prcsidenl Rich Schaffer, is thai
" t h e fee is being rushed. Vice presidents don't like lo rush
things." He said lhal graduate students wanted more Input,
"so lhal Ihe undergraduates won't lake Ihc money and
According 10 Council Chair Bob Hclbock, " T h e administration suggested that wc go to the graduate students
in a direct manner. Instead of rushing Inlo i l , Ihey suggested Ihat wc wait until Ihc A p r i l elections lo give everyone
left o f f , " he said. " W e ' r e working
on a project lo make community
based recreational services more accessible" for learning disabled
children in Albany,
T e l e t h o n '83 grossed over
$35,(KX). According lo Zimmerman
who said Ihey want lo raise even
more Ihis year wilh Telethon '84, lo
further Telethon's efforts to help
local organizations,
Telethon is nol funded by Student Association, although Ihey are
recognized by SA, explained Kalz.
In order to keep Telethon running,
Ihe organizers must sponsor many
events each year, she said.
This year, Telethon has sponsored donut sales, Ihe Stride for
Strolls running marathon, Halloween candy-grams, a racquelball
tournament, and a spoof on Saturday Night Live called "Weekend
L i v e " , said Kalz.
Telethon is sponsoring a returnable can drive, in which the dorms
on each quad will compete " t o win
a p a r t y , " Zimmerman explained.
" W c also have planned an o f f campus can drive, which will pit house
against house, for December 4 , "
she said.
(Smithhaven Mall by A&S)
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Ticket Sales in Campus Center - Nov i n * • » • *?
P r O O K l y n
Central Council voted 7-13-1, Wednesday nighl, against
dismissing Thomas Busby from his position as student
association elections commissioner.
Council also voted lo postpone a pending referendum on
a part-time and graduate student activity fee because the
administration wants more time to review the matter.
Council's Internal Affairs Committee, which voted 7-0
to dismiss Busby, said in a memorandum, lhal they objected to Busby's "general lack of knowledge and/or
disregard of election regulations."
However, Busby and several members of Council charged thai the Internal Affairs committee had asked for his
resignation because of "personality conflicts" between
Busby and Ihe committee's chair, Neil Shapiro.
Shapiro contended, "There was no personality conflict.
We were both doing our jobs. Council made a responsible
decision. Internal Affairs made their recommendation and
Council decided 10 do what was best for SA, and that's why
they voted Ihe way Ihey d i d . "
" T h i s job needs 10 be done right. Internal Affairs does
not have confidence in Thomas Busby," Shapiro added.
Internal Affairs Committee's dissatisfaction wilh Bushy
centers around a failure to have the elections commission
approved before SA's October elections, a misplaced
voting booth on Alumni quad, and charges thai Busby did
nol choose Ihe order of candidates on the ballot in Ihe required random fashion.
The Alumni elections were rescheduled and held Iwo
weeks ago.
According 10 Busby he randomly selected names from an
alphabetical listing of the candidates which had been
printed in Ihe ASP. He said lhal Shapiro objected to such a
listing, because his "name was dead last."
Busby contended lhal Iwo members of the Internal Affairs committee, Shapiro and Off-Campus Representative
I a m i Cole, complained to him about how they were listed
on Ihe ballot. Cole denied that she made such a complaint.
In Iheir memorandum calling for Busby's resignation,
Neil Brown, Dean of Students,
will also be featured in a jazz band
performance during the marathon,
according to Zimmerman. " W e
wanted to generate more faculty involvement" in this Telethon, she
(Marshall's Shopping Ctr.)
Tha annual Dance Marathon will
occur November 18 and 19, and will
feature music by Fantasies, a video
lech show. " I t will be sponsored by
University Concert Board as well as
Telethon," said Zimmerman.
By Ian Clements
" W c are also sponsoring a nighl
at Zenon's (a club in New York City) for over Thanksgiving break,"
said Zimmerman.
Telethon began in I966, and
"there has been one every year
since," said Zimmerman.
According to Lake, " t h e facl
Ihat they're Involved with Telethon
all year through, the events Ihat
take place means so much to the
kids we h e l p . "
s»;.5'::- -
T" , ,,,,>, with Ihe ««n(
"Seven Up" and "?UP" are trademarks of Ihe Seven Up Company
Superpower nuclear weapons
strategies are subject of debate
Edwards shows diversity as ASUBA chair, D.J.
The event, which is being cosponsored this year by the PanCaribbean Association, will feature
movies, discussion groups, and a
dinner-dance which will highlight
different types o f music such as reggae, calypso, and African music.
This year Edwards promised that
the committees would play more o f
a role In planning events, "Last
year i think I as chairman o f the
organization took on too much o f
the coordination o f events," he explained.
This year Edwards said he will
leave everything possible up l o each
committee in recognition o f the fact
that it's just too much for one person to handle. " A l l I do Is give
guidance to Ihe committees," he
Looking l o the rest o f the year,
Edwards snmmizcd, " I think most
o f our plans arc pretty much in
place but whal we have to do . . . is
make the events a little bit belter.
That's always hard to do wilh a sludenl organization."
By Jim O'Sullivan
general nuclear war occurred, com- successful treaties wilh Ihe Russians
By C a r y n M l s k e
m u n i c a t i o n a n d d i s t r i b u t i o n are possible. She added thai a comsystems would disintegrate, she mon ground can be reached, and
Opposing views on the nuclear
said. Those lucky enough lo survive the Russians will abide by the treaty
question were discussed at a
Speakers Forum November 15. The the blast would probably freeze or because it serves their own self inslarvc to dcalh, according lo terest. " W e shouldn'l expect Iheir
effects o f nuclear war, Ihe disarmafriendship or a change in national
ment question, and the identity o f a
There has also been some conjec- character," said Hcnrikson. The
possible leader i n . the arms race
ture, by people like Carl Sagan, thai treaties can be verified by our
were among the topics touched
dust storms would block the satellites and planes, she said.
upon in the debate.
sunlight, causing the temperature lo Hcnrikson added thai it's doubtful
Retired A i r Force Colonel and
plummet to 13 below, Hcnrikson thai the Russians could upgrade or
expert on high tech U.S.S.R. insaid. This Is merely the effect of one develop new weapons without our
telligence, Raymond Sleeper, and
knowledge. What Ihe Soviel Union
bomb; Ihe effects o f an all oul
Dr. Katie Hcnrikson, a medical
nuclear war are incalculable, she would gain by cheating is not worth
researcher and member o f Physithe risk lo them, Hcnrikson exnoted.
cians for Social Responsibility,
Hcnrikson claimed thai (he plained.
debated the problems and possible
Some o f these points were
Soviets are not ahead o f Ihe
effects o f nuclear war.
e x p l a i n e d t h e Americans in the arms race. disputed by Sleeper. He said that
Russians cannot be (rusted lo
disastcrous effects o f a nuclear explosion. A one megaton bomb, accurate weapons, she said, bin the adhere lo any treaty. "There is no
way for us to verify whether Ihe
Soviet Union has more land based
which is not considered large by
Russians adhere lo a treaty," said
modern standards, would obliterate weapons and arms which arc larger
98 percent o f the population within bin less accurate, "There arc Sleeper. "Detailed photos of missile
silos provide us with no informaone and three quarter miles of im- enough missiles u> iiii every possible
pact immediately by fire storms and object al least 15 limes. And once a tion of what's inside the silo," he
said. According 10 Sleeper Ihe Ruslethal radioactivity, she said. Five target is hit, It's unnecessary lo hit ii
sians have violated the S A L T I Ircamiles from Ihe blast, 50 percent o f again," Hcnriksonj>aid.
ly 72 limes.
the population would die, she said.
Sleeper expressed a different
In order to be safe from the im- point of view. He slated, " t h e Rus"Since there is no trcatmcnl afier
mediate effects an individual would sians are ahead o f us technologicala nuclear war we must work for
have to be al least 15-20 miles away, ly, having five limes ihe throw
prevention, mostly through public
according lo Hcnrikson,
weight our bombs d o . "
o p i n i o n , " Hcnrikson declared. The
" T h e arms race is motivated by
U.S. should pledge not to use
The secondary effects of a
nuclear weapons first, as ill'' Soviets
nuclear blast are jusl as detrimen- Ihe need people have lo feel
have, and there should be a
tal, Hcnrikson noted. The
freeze and reduction o f nuclear
destroyed materials turn itno dusl, try lo accumulate the biggest and
arms, according lo Hcnrikson.
which then composes a radioactive besl weapons they can afford lo
Lastly, there should be a change in
mushroom cloud. Seventy percent protect national security. After a
attitude toward the Russians, she
of Ihe fallout from ihis cloud falls certain point, however, Ihis method
close lo Ihe bombed site. However, o f security becomes dangerous, she said. "Although we don't agree
wilh iheir system, we must com30 percent spreads and falls later, said. The best way to improve our
promise with them in order l o surcovering 400 square miles with security now is by reducing rather
vive because they aren't going lo go
radiation. A food shortage would than increasing our a r m s , " .site addaway," Hcnrikson observed.
then ensue since both fuod and ed.
Sleeper said he doubts Ihe surwater would be contaminated. If a
Hcnrikson said she believes llial
Nuclear w e a p o n s a d v o c a t e R a y m o n d Sleeper
Soviets can't he trusted to adhere to treaties.
vival of Ihe U.S., but his fear isn't
due to nuclear warfare. According
lo Sleeper, the Ihrusi o f Soviet
world strategy is expansion and Ihe
spread of communism, " T h e Russians believe that our capitalistic
system must be destroyed i l l order
lo propagate their socialistic o n e , "
said Sleeper. These Iwo world
systems conflict In various ways, including scientifically, ideologically,
and sociologically, he said.
There arc five steps the Soviets
use l o seize power, according lo
Sleeper. They organize a communist parly, then proceed into the
workings o f society, and assemble a
unified from, wl ll Ihe to
munists have nlrcaid) tried to
five limes iinsucciessrully in
U.S., said Sleeper, Next ilia ,
nouncea takeover, whichraneitl
be covert or overt, ic .killed. I ,n
they seize the count i> and elimin;
anti-communists, I: c said. "I w
for Grenada, no ciuinlri has bi
freed from a Ma
y e t , " Sleeper staled
As a W C D B disc jockey and
Albany Stale University Black
Alliance Chairperson, Eddie Edwards mixes his diverse interests
with his classroom work and yet remains a modest but charismatic student leader.
Edwards got Involved first with
W C D B when disc jockey Bruce Jctt
convinced him to lake a tour or the
station.. " W h e n f first came to the
University I was looking for
something to gel involved in on
campus . . . I liked what I saw at
Eddie E d w a r d s
the station and
t h e Friday
, Edwards, a senior, is now serving
semester I was on
his second term as chairperson, a tithe a i r , " he re- Profile
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ tle he assumed when the two posts
o f c o - c h a i r p e r s o n were c o n Jell was involved with ihe prosolidated into one.
duction o f ASUUA's newspaper
" A S U I I A is set up to meet the
Unity Press, l i e invited Edwards l o
educational, social, political, and
attend a production night lor the
cultural needs o f SUNYA's black
paper where
he met many o f
community," replied Edwards to a
A S U U A ' s leaders and future
question about ihe organization's
leaders who urged him lo gel in- purpose.
l i e explained that a committee
With their encouragement lie run for each need has been set up to
for the position o f A S U B A
program events dealing wilh its
freshmen representative, His bid
for the office failed, A year later he
Edwards pointed to Kwau/i,
tried for sophomore representative
Week, a cultural alternative l o
with the same result.,
Christmas developed in the l°70s
" I prclly much always kept
for black Americans. The week is
abreast o f what was happening, and
officially scheduled from December
I hen last y e a r . . . 1 decided why not 26-January 1, but A S U B A will
go for the gusto and run for the co- celebrate it from December 1 — 11
due lo Ihe semester break.
The event was joinllv sponsc-ri
by the New Vok Public Inim
Research Group disartnamenl pi
jeel and by Sludenl Association,
State Quad Board
Will be recruiting on campus
Recruiting Day- Tues., December 6
to JADE FOUNTAIN and return
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Edwards said time is a major factor. A l l the students, including
himself, involved in planning an
event could not always put as much
time as they would like Into i l
because they had t o put effort into
class work as well.
One thing Edwards would like to
sec is a calendar for Black History
M o n t h made u p i n coordination
with ihe black and latin organizations on other area campuses such
as Siena and Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute. .
The recent f o r m a t i o n o f a
S U N Y A chapter o f the National
Association for the Advancement
o f Colored People ( N A A C P ) has
helped to expand A S U B A ' s involvement with political Issues, Edwards said.
" W o r k i n g with N A A C P we
realize we have to put some energy
into recruiting minority students to
Ihe Universlly," he said.
Edwards also mentioned that he
was working with ihe Student
Association's M i n o r i t y A f f a i r s
Coordinator Vivian Vazquez and
Carl M a r t i n , associate to the president f o r M i n o r i t y A f f a i r s to
develop programs to encourage
minority enrollment
Elected First Vice President on
the S U N Y A N A A C P ' s staff, E d wards resigned from the position
because he could not contribute the
time necessary t o f u l f i l l the obligations o f the j o b .
He did say however that A S U B A
and N A A C P will work together,
and that they share the same office.
Edwards invited N A A C P to use the
office because " w e have more than
enough r o o m . "
" O u r goals arc pretty much the
s a m e , " Edwards explained.
"They've really pointed us i n the
right direction, we're jumping o n
the b a n d w a g o n " o f m i n o r i t y
There arc still differences between the organizations, Edwards
maintained. A S U B A concentrates
more, snecifically with planning
Black feminist outlines problemsCatch-22 leaves campus
By Alicia Clmbora
Noted black lesbian feminist and
author Barbara Smith drew a
diverse crowd of nearly 200 to her
lecture last Wednesday on the
feminism of lesbians of color.
" F o r women of color, even in
1983," she asserted, " i t is a lot
harder to be feminists than it is for
while w o m e n . " She clarified that
women of color includes not only
black women, but all women o f color such as Asians or LatinAmericans.
The lecture was attended by both
men and women, some o f who were
affiliated with the various groups
sponsoring the lecture. Sponsors included the feminist
O A I . A , ASUI1A, and the offices o f
Women's Studies and Affirmative
In an Extraordinary
One-man Performance
of Theatre Pieces
and Unique Fables.
Speaking as she might lo a group
of friends, Smith talked about one
of the major differences between
black and white feminists us it Is
discussed in her recently published
book Home Girls. She said that
while feminists lend to "ignore
basic human needs like family and
connections lo h o m e . "
w o m e n , " she continued) " w o n ' t
rebel or reject I heir roots because
most learn their feminism at home.
Our feminism sprang from how we
were raised at home and from I he
women who raised u s , "
movements are learning from the
movement of women of color.
Smith contended thai oppres-
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"Racism has been so cosmetically
handled by the (white) women's
m o v e m e n t , " explained S m i t h ,
because they don't wunt to face
how much harder it is for black lesbian feminists. "Racism in the
women's movement has to be dealt
w i t h , " she declared.
Smith slated that the movement
of women o f color includes some
"serious politics" regarding global
•jssues. She explained thai people
must be concerned with everything
that is going on uround them not
just one particular issue such as
O n the recent invasion of
Grenada, she commented that "the
U.S. used Grenada as a testing
ground for bigger things, and they
used black English-speaking people
as their testers."
homosexuality over the head toi
keep itself g o i n g . "
The response of the near-capacity
crowd was apparently positive.
Karen Sebastian, who attended the
lecture, commented that "she was
wonderful. She touched a lot o f
topics that many speakers shy away
from. She made you realize that
racism and sexism arc inseparable
issues and you have to fight all oppressions at o n c e . "
Kulin Nello, who also attcnlcd
the lecture, said that "being a
woman of color, it addressed the
problems relevant to me and other
women of color that many lecturers
don't. I was glad to sec such a large
turnout of women of c o l o r . "
Cris Mayo, a member of the
feminist alliance, commented that
"this is an exceptional time to start
thinking about forming coalition
groups. I wus very pleased to see so
many people at a lesbian issue."
Jim Glenn, who also attended,
said thai " t h e first step in accepting
feminism is to learn about i l " and
that lie " w o u l d like lo see more programs like that, considering lite
number o f sponsoring groups on
Sinilh also addressed the problem
Smith is currently working on
of homophobia. She commented writing short stories in addition to
that "homophobia has undercut her work with Kitchen
the work o f f e m i n i s t s "
and Women of Color Press which she
"hetcrosexuallty has bludgeoned co-founded.
mailroom positions open
By Christine Reffelt
On August 24, 1983, two workers in the S U N Y A post-office were arrested on charges of falsifying business records, official misconduct,
and petty larceny. As arcsult, the uptown campus mail room has nol
been able to re-open, according to the Director of the SUNY Physical
Plant Dennis Stevens.
The Vice President for University Affairs Lewis Welch, reported thai
Ronald J. Kelly, 35, of Avcril P a r k a n d Carmen Francclla, 50, o f Anthony Lane, Albany, were arrested in August following a three month
investigation which involved stale and federal metered mail.
According to a statement issued by Welch earlier Ihis year, the men
nad been arraigned and were released on ball. The workers were then
"suspended from their duties with a disciplinary process pending the
finding of criminal charges." Stevens said, the two men contested the
termination, which as employees of the state o f New York, they hav<
the right to do.
" T h e y have protection under their contract," said Stevens.
"Therefore, Ihe postal department cannot hire new employees until the
former ones have been officially terminated," he added.
" T h i s leaves us in a Catch-22 p o s i t i o n , " said Stevens, "because we
can't fill their positions simply because they still occupy their positions.
The stale post office will nol train two new employees until two permanent positions can be h i r e d , " Stevens added.
The Inability to rc-open the mailroom hasn't in any way affected Incoming or out-going mail service, said Stevens.
Purchasing stamps, sending registered letters, postal money orders
and sending out packages has been halted on campus, according to
Stevens. However, he added it is possible to send some packages and
buy stamps In the campus center.
Stevens said money orders and registered mail are an exception
Yoxxvt just become
a better
Hi S A N D R A ' D l E T 2
sions "cannot be addressed one at a
t i m e " but that they must be all
looked at simultaneously. She
stressed that other issues, such as
racism and world affairs, are intertwined with the women's movement. White feminists, she maintained, are realizing that they have
lo address other issues and how
others are affected.
Saturday, November 19th at 8:00 pm
PAC Recital Hall
Admission: $2.00
Tickets available at the door
Sponsored by Lutheran Campus Ministry,
Christ Our Brother, Newman Association.
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Toxic victims deserve justice
In New York Stale, there arc over 100,000 DLS mothers.
These mothers look DES so thai Ihey could have a fulllerm healthy baby. Today, many of their children have
developed rcprodueiivc problems or have developed cervical or vaginal cancer.
In factories, mines, shipyards and other industrial sites
there are large numbers of working people who have beer
exposed to asbestos. These workers have an overall cancel
incidence of 300 percent above the expected rale and an
overall lung cancer incidence of 700 percent above the ex
peeled rale of the general population.
Robert Davis
In Love Canal, the residents who were exposed to a vas
array of toxic chemicals are suffering a greater niimbet 01
miscarriages as well as an increased incidence of birth
defects in their newborn. The well-publicized case of l.ove
Canal residents marks only the beginning of the toxic
chemical dangers in New Vork Stale. Our stale has the
dubious distinction of being the seventh lurgesl generator
of hazardous wastes, and we already have over I,.100
known or potential hazardous waste dump sites.
In neighborhoods across the state we are risking the
future development of serious health, problems because of
these toxic dump sites. Sadly, the potential number of victims is destined lo increase.
What do these victims and potential victims have in com-
mon? first, the companies responsible for pioducing these
chemicals (ie. [ill Lilly & C o . , Johns-Manvillc Asbestos Co.
and Hooker Chemical Co.) ail knew of at least some of the
hazards posed by these chemicals, and failed to inform people who were al risk. Second, ihese victims will be
denied access lo the courts lo seek compensation for personal injury.
These victims are presently barred by an out-daled
Statute of Limitations Law which fails to lake into consldcrallon Ihc cancer causing by-products of technological
advancement. I he original Statute of I imitations Law was
enacted in 162.1 when injuries were detectable al Ihc lime ol
wrongdoing. Lor example, if a person was run over by a
horse and buggy, the resulting injury would lie readily apparent to both the victim and driver, rills area of New York
Slate I aw has progressed Mule in three hundred and fifty
years, It still requires the plaintiff to file suit within three
years of the dale of wrongdoing. Such a requirement Is
unreasonable in suits involving Ihc effects of toxic
chemicals, because there is often a significant lapse between
contact with carcinogens and (lie manifestation of injury.
This law should be amended lo have ihc limitation period
begin to run at the lime of discovery of the illness or the injury. This would allow people who did noi learn of their illness until 20 or more years alter their exposure to havi
their day in court.
Currently, 4.1 other slates have this "discovery rule" and
New York passed a law in IS»81 for jusl such a rule in cases
involving victims o l Agent Orange exposure in Vietnam,
This past legislative session a bill was proposed that
would have remedied this injustice. Il was passed
unanimously by the assembly but did not even come up loi
a vote in the Senate.
The main reason it did not reach the floor in Ihc Senate
was that il was looked upon with disfavor by Ihc Senate
Majority leader, Warren Anderson. Senatoi Anderson
claimed thai such legislation would set a dungeroir ptccc
dent. In fact, Ihc precedent had already been set when the
Legislature passed a law in 1981 allowing victims ol Win
Orange to sue.
The real reason for Anderson's refusal lo mmi: the hill
had III lie lo do Willi precedent, Instead, il was Hie sluing
opposition from Ell Lilly and other companies thai would
have lo pay any valid claims. Only when the cost ol paying
off valid claims is internalized as pan of the price • >: doing
business will decisions begin lo reflect tile Hue ..'-i ol .i
business' operations to society.
fhe Senate's opposition lo the "Toxic Victims Access to
Justice Act" was just anoihci example of blg-busines? bias
in polities.
This coming legislative session there will again he ,i lull lo
change the Statute of Limitations. This lime I I ,pe I he
legislature will slop protecting inonied interests c id stari
supporting New York State citizens who arc sul
These toxic victims should not be denied theii liglu t
I NOVEMBER 18, 1983
NOVEMBER 18, 1 9 8 3 |
Opening Act'
W h e n I was little, I decided that my favorite holiday was Thanksgiving. I loved
all of the turkey, the sweet potatoe pie, the cranberry sauce. Just one whole day
of food, food, food, food.
M y mother had this really bad habit of smothering our turkey with cranberry
sauce, w h i c h besides turning the turkey p i n k y - r e d . makes It taste sweet a n d
disgusting. Year after year the same thing w o u l d h a p p e n ; Robby and I w o u l d
defend our meat from all enemy berries, carefully constructing a solid fort with
our cutlery and our hands. W e were no match for the wicked sweet red fruit and
Its oozing sauce, h o w e v e r , a n d In no time our turkey w o u l d be r u i n e d . M o m m y
was very g o o d about letting me, Robby and Daddy get all of the white meat
t h o u g h . T h e n again she loved dark meat.
Sweet potatoe p i e was a w h o l e other story. That's m y mother's specially.
because It's really easy t o cook. W e ' d o p e n u p Iwo cans of yams and mash 'em
up a lot. Next we'd t h r o w in a can of 3 D i a m o n d crushed pineapples (on sale at
F o o d t o w n — three for a dollar) a n d mix It a r o u n d . W e ' d d u m p it In a pie tin and
then It was m y Job t o cover the mixture w i t h tiny marshmallows. O n e year I was
really p r o u d of myself, having made a smiley face with the marshmallows. M o m my told me that It was really beautiful. It must be hard to be a parent sometimes.
After a while w e started having all of our holiday dinners at my A u n t Gloria's,
my mother's t w i n sister. It was a real problem getting the pie there because w h e n
we left It w o u l d still be hot. so w e ' d have to put it in a carton from the garage and
h o p e that we didn't make any sharp turns Rob and I used to giggle a lot as the
pie slid back a n d forth in the b o x . O h , those times w e h a d .
In the early days, scores of relatives w o u l d gather on my aunt's orange carpet
and eat nuts and cheese while w e waited for Gloria and her maid Ruth to bring
out the m e a l . But as the years progressed, more and more of the family either
migrated t o M i a m i B e a c h , or passed away, leaving a scant nine of us lo carry on
the slothful face-stuffing tradition.
T h e n , four years ago we added five more dinner members. M y cousin Jeff hil
the jackpot w h e n he married Debbie, getting her parents and grandparents as a
part of the package deal. The new blood gave us more jokes, more good times,
more g o o d desserts t o eat.
O u r Thanksgivings have changed personnel, but basically remained the same
t h r o u g h o u t t h e years. Turkeys, h o w e v e r , have not. As little as 3 0 years ago,
turkeys were strong e n o u g h t o nest in trees and reproduce by themselves, an
ability I w o u l d hope most species posess. N o w . due to inbreeding, baby turkeys
are b o r n with the help of artificial insemination, while their 'parents' are
deanlmated and turned into f o o d receptacles by witless farmers.
T h e r e are a few wild turkeys left. Give t h e m a fighting chance. Invite one l o
dinner, but d o n ' t forget to leave out the cranberry sauces.
"The Rolling Stones"
Melodic Murmurs From XTC
Does Anybody Really Read These Preheads?The reports of XTC's
demise have been greatly exaggerated, as they prove with their
new LP Murmur, and Joe Romano tells you all about it. Surviving
the freshman year of college Is no mean trick, and John Keenan
reviews two books which claim to make it all much easier.
Cenerics coming at you: Jim Capozzola takes a no-frills look at the
possibilities of a generic society, where name brands are unneeded, and speculates on some of the virtues of a world where
everything is a "money-saving brand."
Between The Lines: John K. Is
back again, just to remind us that
there's no use crying over spilt
milk, and Michelle Krell poetically challenges the frosty fate of an
oncoming winter.
m M .. AN.'
he verdict Is In. XTC Is alive and
well and they have Just released
their latest LP, entitled Mummer.
M l h this album, their seventh to date, XTC
erases the many rumours which circulated
about the band's supposed demise.
Ai •'•? -m '' *• N Krai
Joe Romano
Chuckles and China: Like il says.
Ian Spelling takes in George
Carlin's latest show (but won't tell
us the seven words), and Steve
Marks talks about Zhao Xiao
Jian, a young Chinese woman
who has witnessed the great problems and possibilities of China's
cultural revolution.
-8aWant to do something cultural this weekend? Something crazy?
Or just plain fun? Spectrum unfolds the wonders of Albany's
weekend activities before your very eyes. The Freshman, meanwhile, Is preparing for his own weekend by going to the
Moneymatic, and Otis gets held up...or stuck up.
This Friday and Saturday at
University Cinemas
Let's Spend the
Might Together
"Does Anybody Really Read These Preheads?'
The Year of Living
by Lowenbrau
See f HE Y E A R OF L I V I N G
Lowenbrau at the Rathskellar after the show.
Also, movie goers are eligible for FREE
T-shirt and hat giveaways!
Shows: 7:30 and 10:00 p.m.
Price: $1.50/tax $2.00w/out
SA Funded
They released their first album Go2, In
1977. with Andy Partridge on lead vocal!
and guitar. Colin Moulding on backing
vocals and bass, Barry Andrews o r
keyboards and synthesizers, and Terry
Chambers on drums. After their second
release, "While. Music", Andrews left to join
.eague of Gentlemen first, and, more
recently, Shrlekback. He was replaced by
Dave Gregory, the new lead guitarist, and
that line-up remained Intact throughout their
last album. English Setttetnent.
Following that lasl sludlo album, the
group cancelled their entire lour for uncertain reasons. Their management claimed it
was due to lead singer Andy Partridge's
severe stomach disorder and subsequent
hospitalization. It was believed though, that
the Irue reason was Partridge's lack of desire
lo keep up XTC. and lhat they had disbanded. There was also a lol of signals thai they
were no more. They released "Beeswax", a
greatest hits L P , and their other albums
began appearing at greatly reduced prices In
record stores. Mummer, however, is proof
lhat XTC Is still with us.
The music on Mummer Incorporates the
typical X T C "sound" lhat they have
developed over the years, though it Is a bit
mellower. Their earlier material was very
quick paced, up-beat music. The pace suddenly slowed down dramatically on English
Settlement, and has continued In lhat direction on Mummer as the guitar-bass Interplay
seems to have been seml-squelched. The
songs are very solid musically. They are carled by the strong lead and backing vocals of
Cartridge and Moulding respectively, and the
leady, pounding drums of recent addition,
Peter Phlpps. Former drummer Chambers
plays on two cuts, and Phlpps plays on the
remainder of the album. In Phlpps, they
' vt
' M WtVww
•in.'M w\f' JmW- fiflir '
•»; . , » i p -
lies In the droning bass tines, the drumming,
and the catchy chorus. Gavin Wright's and
Nigel Warren-Green's strings also aid trje
iong. It Is another track about the fires of
love: "No round of drinks can extinguish this
feeling of love and engulfing bliss. I've been
n love before, but never like this." This track
certainly has the potential to climb the music
Where Andy Partridge's lyrics seem to
deal with love and/or "antl" sentiments,
Colin Mouldlng's two compositions are of a
'more religious and merciful nature, In
'Deliver Us From the Elements", he asks for
he Lord's help, as "we're as helpless now as
we've ever been before." Where Partridge
turns to man to help change the world.
Moulding turns lo G o d . In " I n Loving
Memory of a Name", an upbeat, George
rfarrisonlsh tune with nice piano work. Colin
Joes a tribute to the British soldiers killed In
the Falklands: "England can never repay
j/ou. Y o u gave your life to be burled
alongside the place you loved. The sermons
yiou attended when you were young still
icho round these churchyard walls."
iv -Mm, ^ . ;
9* cVw
WSk * wm
louder than the thoughts of dictators, rattling
swords, loading rifles, screaming warlords.
bombers in flight, and most Importantly,
louder than the noises of hatred,
Next up Is one of the better cuts on the LP,
"Wonderland". It Is a very pretty love tune
olayed at a mellow pace, which is
:haracterlstlc of most of the album. Parrldge's vocals are excellent, and producer
Steve Nye makes a guest appearance on the
mlnl-korg, The lyrics tell of a girl "wrapped in
her mysterious wonderland; caught In her
superficial non-existent wonderland." Andy
promises her: "one day you will break out of
your spell, and some day you will want mo
for your own, and I'll say welcome to
Some of the best tracks Include
Ladybird", "Me and the Wind", and "Funk
Pop a Roll", "Ladybird" is a very pretty love
song with sweet vocals, "Me and the Wind"
is a personal favorite of mine, though it probably Isn't likely to become a hit. I particulary like the way the tempo keeps speeding up
ind slowing down throughout the number.
Partridge pulls no punches In "Funk Pop a
Roll", as he rips the music industry apart all
through this very dancy, upbeat song
characterized by strong drums and great
guitar riffs. He accuses record companies of
spoonfeeding us music that keeps us complacent, and he even admits that he too has
been affected: "The music business is a hamper to keep your pegs In your holes. But
Dlease don't listen to me; I've already been
loisoned by this Industry; Funk pop a roll
)eats up my soul."
The best song on the album has to be the
single, "Great Fire". A l l of the instruments
are finally unleashed into an upbeat, dancy
tune, very similar to their last hit single,
"Senses Working Overtime". This similarity
Overall, Mummer Is another well produced, solid effort by XTC, but I feel that the
nafn future function for the band will be to
nalntaln their large following, rather than to
win them any new fans.
Wi... JUttipf v L. f l w n >
have found the perfect replacement for
Chambers, as he keeps up the XTC "tradition" of great drumwork. His playing Is also
very reminiscent of Chambers' style in thai
although he does nothing fancy, he keeps
up one of the strongest beats around. The
laid back guitar of Gregory, and the bass
work of Moulding hold the songs together
tightly. XTC also like to highlight the songs
with heavy use of Partridge's acoustic guitar,
and they accent the sound with a mfni-korg
The album starts off with "Beating of
Hearts", a pro-love, anti-war tune, as are
many of the other tracks. The lyrics are certainly one of XTC's strongest points. The
opening cut conjures up an aura of Arabia,
with a mandolin sounding guitar, as Partridge croons: "For a heart without love Is a
song without words, and a tune to which no
one is listening." He claims that this love is
I' iW^HrrAl
College By The Book
although it contains a great deal of useful Information that
can no doubt be of great help to the success-oriented
freshman, it suffers from its "textbook" feel.
Brown, on the other hand, looks at college as a thing to be
survived, and hopefully enjoyed. Although he too spends
time on success in the classroom, he seems more at home
describing what brand of beer tastes best, and which drugs
are the safest to use when you're planning an all-nighter.
Naturally, How To Survive Your College Dnze Is more fun
thari Milking College Pay Off. However, both books are fine
works, and both are recommended. The difference appears
lo be in solely what you want. If you want serious tips on the
serious business of using college to secure you future,
Scheele's work is for you, If you're merely out for a fun book
however, and are interested in precisely why you should
NEVER register for a class lhat begins before 11 a.m., How
• To Survive Your College Daze Is the book for you.
o here you are at Albany Slate, As that noted
philosopher and observer of humanity. Garfield,
puts it, big fat hairy deal. So now what? The first year
of college can be a traumatic experience for some freshmen,
fraught with heavy emotional upheaval and stinging
'oneliness. It can also be a total plsser, If you know the right
way to go about It.
John Keenan
In his book. How to Suru/ue Your College Daze, author
G. Brown, graduate of the University of Chicago, offers
some Insights to and advice on college life. With chapter
headings like "Dormitory Food." "Drugs," and the everpopular "Sex," the book is a hodge-podge of alternatively
hilarious and useful information (for example, did you know
thai Gleem toothpaste repairs tack holes In the wall much
more cheaply than stucco?). The book Is filled with stuff that
any college frosh Is going lo pick up before his first year ends,
but it gives you Ihe knowledge right away, with a pleasant bit
of humor thrown (ji to boot.
The book is divided Into four sections, entitled "Gelting
There," "Being There," " A Giant Slumber Party," and
'Staying There." All of them are lust chock-full of Informalon that any college freshman would be glad lo pick up, such
is the right and wrong ways lo cheat, the right and wrong
vays to drink, and Ihe right and wrong ways to have sex.
Mthough this sounds Insufferabley condescending, Brown
nanages to handle his prose adeptly enough so lhat all this
advice seems to be coming from a friend who's been there.
And the book is very, very funny.
On Ihe other end of the spectrum Is Making College Pay
Off, by Adele Schcele, Ph.D.The difference between the two
handbooks to college Is obvious at first sight. Brown's colorful cover seems more at home in the humor section of a
bookstore, while Scheele's book seems lo say, "Take me
home. Read me. I'll change your life."
Unfortunately, II seemed to me that the only people who
would actually contemplate sitting down and reading Dr.
Scheele's book through are people who will already do well
at college. It's a fine piece of writing, helpful and Informative,
and, like most books you hear characterized as helpful and
Informative, more than a bit dry.
However, while Brown's book deals more with school
from a coping point of view, Dr. Scheele looks at it in a
success-oriented light. In the chapter 2 0 / 2 0 Hindsight, Dr.
Scheele interviews several successful people on how they
went through college. She advocates "Making the Most of
Student-Professor Relationships" by using your professor In
a manner that most freshmen would scorn as brown-nosing,
Scheele takes this into account however, by detailing the
career of one college student, called Claude, who "courted"
his professor throughout his matriculation, and was rewarded with glowing references and an " i n " to the professor's
business contacts. "Claude chanced being called a brownnoser," Scheele states, "and succeeded far beyond any of his
disdaining peers." Whoopee for Claude.
In a purely technical sense, Dr. Scheele's book Is far
superior to Brown's, as might be expected. However,
a -t
A new concept was born In the mid-seventies.
During the " W I N " generation, as prices for even
the most basic necessities Increased beyond the
range of the average consumer, a new
phenomenon entered the American market. Big
business began selling grocery products In
generic, that Is, untrademarked, form.. By
avoiding the high costs of packaging design and
advertising, standard quality products could be
offered at very low prices, marketed in starkly
labelled containers, void of unnecessary ornament and detail.
The first of these products were canned
vegetables, with cut wax beans and sweet peas
leading the way. Slowly but surely, however, the
Idea spread to Include a myriad of other grocery
and household goods. Soon we were to see
generic elbow macaroni, cocktail peanuts, paper
towels, dishwashing liquid, dog food — the list Is
endless. Even cigarettes and beer have been
made available in generic form, though with
limited success so far.
In recent years, generic products have begun
to move beyond the realm of supermarkets, and
Into other stores, beyond the dinner table and Into our dally Interactions, We've seen the Inception of generic postcards, for Instance. My own
collection Includes Philadelphia and Cape Cod.
Short and sweet, they save you a great deal of
your valuable vacation time. Generic books are
beginning to find their niche in the market.
Notable examples Include western, romance,
science fiction, and mystery novels. Generic
novels come complete with plot, major
characters, and usually a happy ending, without
the glossy covers and the unbearable $14.95
price tag of a hardcover best seller. Major writers
haven't yet caught onto the trend, though The
Stories of John Cheever came close. Generic
bumper stickers are also a reality now.
Despite the advancements made In the world
of generics, there have been several setbacks.
For example, as each major supermarket began
to put generic products on Its shelves, they felt a
need to differentiate theirs from theirs. This was
a tragic defilement of the generic concept. With
this differentiation, the consumer was forced to
choose from "Valu-Pak Crushed Tomatoes,"
"Econo-Buy Crushed Tomatoes," and "Money
Saving Brand- Crushed Tomatoes," thus
defeating the generic principle of relieving the
consumer of the burden of choice.
The telephone serves as an example of a turnabout from the principles of generics. For
years, the standard black dial phone was the
norm. Then AT&T developed pastel colors, wall
phones, the princess phone, and touch-tone
dialing. Could Mickey Mouse be far behind?
Then of course there's the reversion Irom the
generic family. In the fifties and sixties, television for spontaneity or exuberance, have maintained
unknowingly promoted this concept. The the basic design for decades. Renault caught on
Nelsons and the Cleavers symbolized the subur- when' it labelled LeCar, but the Infiltration of
ban goal of domestic bliss and perfection. Then French was somewhat pretentious.
came the Bradys. A true watershed in TV family
Aside from groceries and other products, four
history; second marriages all around, and all American institutions stand In need of generic
those children!
counterparts: fast food restaurants, the evening
So where do we go from here? What I pro- news, fashion, and higher education.
pose Is the proliferation of generic products and
Institutions throughout society. What can we
Generic f a s t Food Restaurants
gain from a generic society? Simpler lives,
freedom from choice, less advertising, lower
Certainly the time has come for generic fast
prices, and the ability to buy things previously
food. The name brands aren't that good
beyond our means.
anyway, and we're certainly paying too much for
Let's take breakfast cereal — something rarely
them. Have you seen the price of a Super Burseen In supermarkets In generic form — as an
rito or a Big Mac lately? The great expense of
example. Let's put an end to sugar coated puffpackaging and promoting these products Is
balls, secret toy surprises, single serving without question the major reason for their expackages, and mail-away offers. Corn Flakes cessively high prices. I'm sure the restaurants
came close to the ideal, Shredded Wheat even aren't paying out a lot for Ingredients, and I can't
closer, but the packaging is all wrong. The soluimagine paying fast food workers more than the
tion Is to simplify these products, both Inside and
minimum wage.
out. And I don't care if Mikey likes It or not.
Think about it for a minute. Golden arches??
We could even generlcize cars. Just Ihlnl'
Isn't that Just a bit ostentatious? And aren't you
what a renaissance Detroit would go through
getting tired of paying for that clown? Generic
Naturally, a generic car would be available In on
fast food would end all this, Including those Inly one color, white, with a black interior, pro
cessant "burger wars."
bably rather boxy In appearance' The Volvo
When I'm out for a. quick burger or another
comes quickly to mind. The Swedes, not known
form of carbohydratlc sustenance, I'm generally
Couer and centerfold ohotot by Ed Marusslch.
of Calvin Klein jeans, you know what I'm talking
about. Then there's the matter of a certain pro
hockey team with a penchant for Sasson I'd also
like to know who gave Izod the copyrights and
trademarks for little cloth alligators.
Thankfully, there are some stores which have
attempted to protect the consumer from the
price-gouging of the major department stores.
NBO, Marshall's, Cohoes, Loehmann's, and
others, claim to offer "name brands for less." But
herein lies the problem. They're still pushing t h *
name brands.
All we need is a reasonable assortment of the
basic elements of the standard wardrobe. While
this drastic change from the current preoccupation with a dazzling wardrobe and "dressing for
success," will take a great deal of getting used to,
the amount of time saved from not having to
pick out your clothes In the morning and the
eradication of those feelings of low self-image
when you're not as "dressed-up" as social
demands require, will more than compensate for
the lack of color and variety in your wardrobe.
T h e Generic University
1104503 1732WMI1
"The State University of New York at Albany is perhaps the most generically
oriented institution of higher leaning in America. The university is
practically prefabricated. Imagine ho^v easy it would be to quickly build
the same campus over and ovtir again across the country."
When I sit down to watch the evening news, I
want to be informed, not entertained, though
real life can be quite entertaining. In a generic
society, the evenlnq news would be delivered by
a graying, rather elderly anchor, conservatively
dressed, and quite serious about the duties Involved In the job. The studio would be void of
excessive color and decoration, and even those
screens behind the anchor could be eliminated.
And we really only need one anchor. I'm pretty
confident that the person who reads the news is
capable of reading the sports and weather.
Generic Fashion
not looking for a full course meal. I can't even
remember my family going out to dine on Big
Macs and fries. So let's trim the fat, so to speak.
In a generic fast food restaurant, you walk in,
order your food (sorry, no more drive-thru windows), and when It arrives, it's wrapped in plain
me It's not that special. The Ingredients are probably In your own rufrigcr itor. Pita bread really
Isn't all that big a Ireal elih ir. And come to think
of it, special orders do upsif me, they're an aberration of the basic premises of generics.
"ufLnrT,! Wh"e
whatever. After all, do you really need your
hamburger served to you In an earth-tone cardboard box? And anyway, when I order a hamburger, all I really want Is a hamburger. What exactly Is Big Mac" or "Whopper" supposed tc
mean anyway? And how many of you knov.
what s In the "special sauce?" I do, and believe
Generic Everting News
A necessity. Gone are the clays of the older
gentleman, delivering "he news from his simply
furnished studio. Gone are Walter Cronkite,
David Brinkley. ami Erkj Servareld. now we
have "celebrity news I ersonallty culls surround the major anchormen and action-packed
news shows are the order of the day. As If cur-
rent events weren't interesting enough, some
stations have to add excitement by offering at
least two anchormen, foreign correspondents,
and startling visual effects.
ABC's "World News Tonight" went far overboard with three mediocre, overpaid anchormen
bringing us the news from all corners of the
world. Apparently the producers felt that international news coming from a studio on Sixth
Avenue just didn't cut it. With three news desks,
the "more is better" concept was played to the
hilt. I guess the theory was to make the news
more dynamic, however, being from the "old
school," I lound the globe-trotting rather unsettling.
I've even given some thought to generic
clothing. As one who Is known for spending a
great deal of his extra money for the output of a
certain clothing manufacturer located along the
coast of Maine, I have to say that good quality
clothing at reasonable prices — becoming ever
harder to find — would certainly be a valuable
asset. While the heyday of designer jeans has
come and gone, the fashion-conscious still
abound among us. It's hard to go far without
seeing some little red or white tag on someone's
denim backside, and naturally they take great
pains to neuer take it off. If you remember
Brooke Shields and her closet full of seven pairs
As students, we're all aware of how much college costs have risen In the past several years. A
year at Harvard, Yale, or some other such
school, with all the frills Included, now costs upwards of $18,000 a year. Obviously ivy and
tradition don't come cheap. We need generic
universities and we need them now. We need
high quality education at a reasonable price.
Suprlslngly, we're close to making this Idea an
actuality. Just look around you. The State
University of New York at Albany is perhaps the
most generically oriented institution of higher
learning In America.
First of all, it's fairly cheap. As far as the national average goes, SUNYA's price Is hard to
Second, It's black and white and all the
buildings look the same, from the dormitories to
the library. But after all, there Is no reason why a
university should go out of Its way to make Its
science buildings look futuristic or polytechnlcal.
These buildings are for educating, so why should
a physics building look any different from a
humanities building? The labelling of SUNYA's
academic buildings couldn't be more generic.
When you walk by the Biology building, you
know exactly what's being taught there. The
same holds for the Education building, and so
forth. Sure, we could name the buildings after
distinguished alumni or prominent benefactors
(If there were any), but that would defeat the
purpose. Of course, naming the dorms was a
tragic slip-up.
Third, the university is practically prefabricated. Imagine how easy it would be to
quickly build the same campus over and over
again across the country.
Fourth, note the subtle attempts by
anonymous administrators and faceless
bureaucrats to simplify the university's name to
"The University at Albany."
Fifth, notice the huge black and white signs at
. the entrances on Washington and Western
Avenues, symbols of our approaching generic
Finally, SUNYA's homogenous student body
— the narrowness of their academic Interests
and the standard geographic base — adds to the
generic atmosphere of the university.
3o the next time you buy DelMonte or
another pair of Jordache, eat at Wendy's, watch
Dan Rather, or contemplate transferring to
Princeton, think about the generic society. Think
about the false allure of the name brands and
how you've been bought by Madison Avenue.
Granted, the generic society will be much less
:olorful, dynamic, and multifarious. But think of
now much simpler our dally lives will be and how
easily we'll separate the black from the white,
without the shades In between.
by Jim Capo
NOVEMBER 18, 19831
Play It Again, George
Accidents Will Happen
Comedians crave laughter.
These men who stand alone on a
bare stage do it for one reason: attention.
by John Keenan
he glass shatters, a n d
the noise
a r o u n d h i m , the w o r l d
dissolving Into noisy, Jagged
shards. T h e pain jolts up his left
leg. shocking, this can't be happening to m e , what's w r o n g ? He
doesn't consciously steer, can't
consciously steer, )ust finds>
up on
shoulder, the old F u r y buckinc
and wheezing u n d e r n e a t h h i m .
his left leg afire.
H e looks t h r o u g h the remains
of Ihe windshield at the smoke
rising f r o m the radiator and
shudders. Got to get o u t , the
car's gonna explodel
It's a stupid t h o u g h t , brought
o n by too many old c o p movies,
hut he doesn't realize this, just
grabs the edge of ihe broken
driver's w i n d o w a n d heaves
himself o u l . landing hard o n the
cold m o r n i n g grass. H e rolls over
on his back, sucking air, a n d
looks u p at his car.
It's totaled, the left side c o m pletely caved In. O h . G o d . I
could've been driving
Chevelte. I'd be d e a d . A wave of
sick fear washes over h i m . a n d
he starts to shake violently.
Fuckup. fuckup, fuckup, a
gigantic mistake has been m a d e ,
he Is sure that he is Ihe one w h o
made it.
A m a n runs over to stand
above h i m , and he grabs frantically at h i m , b a b b l i n g , I'm
sorry, I'm sorry. T h e m a n Is
Ian Spelling
everything's all right, the a m bulance is c o m i n g .
A m b u l a n c e . He Iwisls a r o u n d
lo look at the other car, just as
bad as his, he sees the other
driver slumped against the dash
as people gather r o u n d Ihe car.
A m b u l a n c e . He grabs at Ihe bic
man's shirt, this isn't right. I can'i
be going lo Ihe hospital, I have
lo go to school!
Is Ihe other guy all right? he
:isks pleadingly, and Ihe m a n
(miles, she's fine, she. a n d that
w o r d rebounds t h r o u g h o u t his
m i n d . she. o m l g o d , I'm sorry,
sorry, sorry, and he's babbling as
Ihe man starts t o . l e a v e but he
grabs h i m again. Don't leavel
" H e ' s over h e r e , " the m a n
calls, a n d as he turns his head he
sees the ambulance and then
closes his eyes so he doesn't
have t o see a n y m o r e . I'm sorry,
Ihe w o r d spins t h r o u g h his h e a d ,
and he is gasping it w h e n the
firemen arrive, sorry, as they
raise h i m u p in a stretcher and
slide h i m into the a m b u l a n c e ,
sorry as they close the d o o r a n d
ride a w a y . H e lays back a n d
his a r m
eyes.This can't be h a p p e n i n g .
H a v e I just r u i n e d m y w h o l e life?
T h e y are cutting o p e n the
w o m a n ' s car as the ambulance
drives off.
" M a ? " Later, in Ihe hospital
lobby, tear'-slreaked a n d m u d d y ,
T h e y ' v e cut o p e n his new pants
to look at his leg, a n d he can feel
the people's eyes o n h i m as he
stands al Ihe p h o n e . " M a . I'm at
'he hospital. I've been In an accld e n t . " He looks at Ihe d o o r of
Ihe X-ray r o o m , w h e r e they'd
wheeled Mrs. Zlmmer
minutes before. Please be all
right. " Y o u m a d at m e ? "
H e feels Ihe fear, Ihere was a
ed light, I never even saw II, I
swear I never saw It, o h g o d .
everything's f u c k e d u p ,
sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. . .
H e wakes up al h o m e Ihe next
day a n d rolls over to look out Ihe
w i n d o w . His car Isn't In the
d r i v e w a y . H e lays back in his
again, clutching
darkness of the r o o m l o h i m .
Almost time for school. H e
needs s c h o o l , needs to tell people about the accident, it's a fact,
It gets less horrible every time
y o u tell It, every time he says
" a n d I swear, I never saw the
fucking t h i n g , " a n d all his friends
laugh, II gels that m u c h easier to
forget he almost d i e d . N o p r o b l e m . H e starts to shake again,
but controls himself, can't get
hysterical again, m o m ' l l keep
h i m h o m e a n d today he needs
school, needs n o r m a l i t y fiercely,
needs the s y m p a t h y he's going
to get. The Electra was w h i t e ,
really big, -arid he had seen II
c o m i n g , It hadn't c o m e slowly al
all, afterwards his father h a d asked h i m , Didn't It seem to be going real slow, taking a real l o n g
time to reach you? H e h a d
shaken his h e a d emphatically,
Nossir, the car h a d h o n k e d
twice, he'd seen It c o m i n g a n d
bangl it was there. H e shivered
in bed a n d d r e w the covers
a r o u n d h i m . S o r r y , the w o r d
whispers faintly at the edges of
his m i n d , but he pushes it away
firmly. It was an accident, that's
what everyone had said, insurance w o u l d take care of Mrs.
Zimmer's car, a n d n o b o d y was
h u r l . N o t h i n g to be sorry for.
u n d e r a r m s , a n d he smiles for the
first lime In t w o days. L u c k y he
got off thai easy, a " r a t t l e d "
k n e e , n o sweat. H e grins again,
Imagining his friends' reactions,
a n d as he turns the hall, he sees
t h e m all lined u p In front of
English class w a i l i n g for the class
Inside to e n d . H e smiles as they
c o m e over a n d says softly,
"Guess what
The funnier Ihey are, the more attention
they receive.
No comedian cares whether or not It Is
they, themselves, or their Joke which has
elicited Ihe audience's signal of approval.
Laughter, after all, is laughter.
George Carlln appreclales laughlcr, and In
order for him lo hear it, he lours Ihe country
making people laugh. Between heart attacks. Ihe comedian finds lime lo play to
small theaters in small towns. On November
11. in his only local appearance. Carlln performed at the beautiful and newly renovated
Proctor's In Schenectady. He took the stage
at nine o'clock and it was for Ihe night.
During Ihe performance, Carlln rarely used elhlc or racial jukes; rather, he told stories
about embarrassing situations which occur In
everyday life. He opened the show by asking
the audience in Join him for a ride in his car.
He pointed out the fact thai anyone driving
slower than you is an Idiot, and that
everyone going faster than you Is a maniac.
Al all costs, he told the crowd, avoid "Ghost
Cars"any car In which Ihe only thing visible
Is the top of a woman's head, or in some
cases, just a pair ol hands that barely reach
lire lop of the steering wheel. Carlln begged
ns to have a little fun- It is your car and your
road (You pay taxes, right?), but, he warned, Iry lo tell Ihe cop thai after he catches
you doing 112 In a 55 M.P.H, zone.
Without missing a beal, Carlln proceeded
to tell Ihe audience about his dally breakfast
(he recorded his cereal- "The Best of Rice
Krlsples Volume 1", so he could eat his
beloved Raisin Bran while listening lo Ihe
Krlsples), and about New Jersey (II should
be called Ihe Toll Booth Slate- you can't
hao Xiao Jian was pulled out of
school al Ihe age of fifteen and
ordered to work In factories and
rice fields for ten years.
Steve Marks
,^be;iToze$__«tiff .. j * j
Vnjhering cteas
;e»sing trwhrja
ossy hone;,
and to sh
| will not wear my wt
until the last'lahfce of snowV
has broken Its brittle bones
under a warm glove of sun;
I will fight you winter
because I don't like the way'your-blue lips
graze the sides of my cheeks.
It's City Swing Meets C o u n t r y a w i n g w h e n the area's top swing-Jazz a n d
Western swing bands p e r f o r m together for the first time ever o n Friday,
N o v e m b e r 18, 8 p . m . at Page Hall
T h e Fabulous Armadillos a n d T h e R h y t h m Boys combine their sharp musicianship to benefit the Regional Emergency F o o d Taskforce (REFT). REFT
works with area f o o d companies to salvage surplus a n d cosmetically damaged
f o o d for distribution to programs feeding people In need in a n d a r o u n d the
Capital District. Proceeds will help continue this project.
leave your driveway without some schmuck
In a hat asking for 50 cents).
Carlln wrapped up Ihe show by enacting
Ihe routine on which he has buili his career:
"Tile Seven Words You Can't Say on
Television.". These words rocked the
establishment In 1973, when a man traveling
wllh his thirteen-year old son objected to
hearing profanities over the radio and
brought Ihe case before Ihe Supreme Court.
The Justices ruled that il was legal for the
Federal Communication Commission (FCC)
to restrict radio stations from airing Indecent
material during the hours In which children
might be listening. However, the Court
never defined "obscene." nor did they
establish how old a "child" actually Is.
Therefore, communities set their own standards as lo what could or could not be
broadcasted. Undaunted. Carlln has been
adding many a dlrly word lo Ihe original
seven over the years. As of November,
19H3. the list contained nearly 150 words.
For the same reasons that these words' can
not be spoken on television or radio they can
not be written in the newspaper.
Carlln Is a funny man. He doesn't just gel
on stage and utter one liners. Like Pryor,
Williams, and Dangerfleld, his comedy Is
physical: he refuses to stand still. Jokes or
stories that might not have received a hardy
response are enlightened by Carlln's use of
body language. During the car routine, for
Instance, the comedian sat In a chair and
pretended to check and adjust Ihe mirrors,
open and shut the doors, etc. For Carlin,
though, motion alone was not enough; he
also executed the various noises one hears
while traveling one the road. He Is a complete comedian, a real one-man band.
Although Carlin is one of a kind, his act Is
not. Il had been done before by Carlln
himself. All of Ihe material had been
previously performed, either on The Home
Box Office (HBO) special " Carlln al
Carnegie" or during the summer leg of his
tour In Atlantic Cily. People may nol mind
paying lo see a good motion picture the second time, but a comedian reharshlng his
material Is nut as humorous the second time
around, nor is it worth the admission price.
In all fairness, one must sympathize with
Ihe man standing alone on a stage; he faces
many hardships nol encountered by other
types of performers. A comedian must
possess a higher degree of stage presence
lhan a rock group, (or instance, because
comics perform in theaters rallrer lhan in
large arenas He must have a good audience
rapporl to be succssful, whereas lire band
needs only lo be loud. Another advantage
thai Ihe band enjoys is Ihal their fans anticipate ami look forward lo them playing live
versions of their most popular studio
material. Simultaneously, comedians are expected nol lo use old jokes because
everyone has heard them before (Calch-22);
their fans want fresh and better material each
lime out.
Given tills quasl-allbl, Carlln can nol be
condemned (or Ihe lack of new material.
However.his legions of fans have a right to
expect Carlin In return to Proctor's next year
armed with an arsenal of new jokes.
Youth In Communist China
olds cold
, . is falling I
— Chuckles And China-
Between The Lines-
Speaking before the history department's
Youth and Modern Culture class last
Wednesday, Zhao discussed her experiences
while growing up during the Chinese cultural
revolution of 1966. She Is here as a graduate
student studying Ihe American Civil War and
Ihe Reconstruction period as part of Ihe ex
change program between SUNYA and the
People's Republic of China.
"In 1966, we were taught by the revolution thai the ideas we had learned In the pasi
were useless," Zhao said. "In 1968, city
students were told to go to the countryside
and work."
Born and schooled in Shanghai, Zhao was
sent to Xiafang, "a small village surrounded
by mountains," where she worked planting
rice from morning to night. "I was only fifleen," she said, "and I had lo earn my own
way, living in primitive conditions."
Beginning in 1966, students were sent to
work In underdeveloped areas as part of a
cultural movement carried out by Red
Chinese leftists. Mao Tse-lung launched this
revolutionary attack in order to reinforce and
preserve Ihe Ideals of Ihe Chinese Communist Parly.
Tile Red Guard, a national mobilization of
Chinese youth, was conceived lo expose,
criticize, and even seize power from alleged
"bourgeois power holders." Intellectuals and
ureaucrals were persecuted during the
Accordingly, Zhao's parents, both
eaclrers, were "criticized" by the leftists, and
osl their positions at a Shanghai university.
People no longer had classes," said Zhao.
Instead, people came to teach them how lo
Zhao said Ihal bur brother, caught up In
e fervor of Maoist Idealism, was
"unhappy" wllh her mother, causing lenslon
within the family.
Asked about Ihe differences between
Chinese and American youth. Zhao said that
the main difference lies in the fact that
American students have not experienced
such a painful period as the Chinese have.
Zhao pointed out that "American students
have had relatively smooth educational experiences," whereas the Chinese people of
her generation have endured years of
political and social upheaval.
Professor I.l-Hua Yu of SUNYA's Chinese
Studies department attended Zhao's discussion, and elaborated on Ihe educational ex-
periences ol Chinese youth. "In China there
are very few colleges and too many people.
, Only four to five percent of college-age people are enrolled in school."
Yu also said that jobs In China are assigned by Ihe government, and that many eighteen lo twenty year olds do not get Ihem.
"Therefore." she said, "many young people
end up doing nothing for four years."
For these reasons, according to Yu. some
young Chinese have become disillusioned
wllh the government and its policies.
However, she said, most people have faith
In the government and are intensely Idealistic
about the future.
Zhao echoed this feeling, "I saw myself as
a pioneer of my age." As a laborer during Ihe
revolution, she said, she was eager to make
changes, to improve China.
In May 1977. she was allowed to apply lo
-udan University In Peking, and was accepted. Her enthusiasm for Ihe future of
China has been re-channeled through
.'ducation as a history teacher.
Zhao appeared to exemplify the optimism
of Chinese youth, who seem to be the
vanguards ol change in China. She said, "I
know Ihe problems, I have seen changes,
and I have hope for the f u t u r e . "
End Game*
N a w Y o r k C H y C a f e I I (459-9580)
Nov. 18-20-Monareh •
lother perspective
RPI Held House
Mausoleum 7:30, 9:30
A l b a n y A c a d e m y (462-0318)
Larry Kagan through Nov. 11
Nov. 23-27—Sesame Street Live
U A H e l l m a n 1 * 2 (459-5322)
1. Zellg 7:30, 9:20; 2. The Right Stuff
H i s t o r i c a l Society f o r Early
American Decoration, Inc.
Y M t a r d a y ' s (489-8066)
Nov. 18-19—Rnder
Until June '84—The Ornamental Painter,
The Flowering of Tin
Bogte'a (482-9797)
Nov. 18-19-Sharks
G a a l n t J a n C a f e (462-0044)
Nov. 18-19—Fats Jefferson (downstairs);
Katz-n-Jammers (upstairs)
L a r k T a v e r n (463-9779)
Nov. 18—Glna Dlmagglo
N a w Y o r k S t a t e M u s e u m (474-5842)
Oct. 15 to Jan 4 — Community Industries
of the Shakers . . . A New Look;
Adirondack Wilderness, New York
Metropolis, World of Gems, Fircfighliug
S U N Y A A r t G a l l e r y (457-3375)
Art Faculty Exhibit. Oct 18 - Dec 16
E i g h t h S t e p C o f f e e H o u s e (434-1703,
every Tues nlte—Open stage lor anyone
for 15 minutes; Nov. 1 8 - B I I I Staines;
19—Joan Kosby and Paul Mercer;
25—Contradance with Debbie Gray and
friends; 26—Nick Plaklas-ln concert
R a t h b o n e G a l l e r y (JCA)
Paintings by Chuck Maglslro. Exhibit
continues through Nov. 18. (270-2240 or
T h e C h a t e a u L o u n g e (465-9086)
Posters P l u s G a l l e r i e s (434-428(1)
Drawings and prints by Marcus Uvllevsky
Nov. 5-30
S k i n f l i n t s (436-8301)
Nov. 18-19—Downtime
Union College (370-62(11
P a l a c e T h e a t r e {465-3333)
Nov 1 8 - D o n Williams; 2 0 - O p e n Mime;
Dec 5—Eddie Money
2 8 8 L a r k (<h,;; »148)
D.l on weekends
Faculty exhibit and student photography
exhibit until Nov 18.
Cathy's W a f f l e S t o r e , 292 Lark Street
Nov. 28-December—Eileen Daley,
Dei I—Buddy Rich
C h r i s t o p h e r ' s P u b (45'.) 7757)
r.vt'ry Wednesday night Downtime
Proctor's (Schenectady)
Albany Institute o f History a n d Art
Industry along the Hudson until Nov 27.
17th Century Dulch Majolica, Hudson
River School Landscape Paintings. People
of the Great Peace
P l c o t t e Gallery (College o( St. Rose.
324 State St.. Albany, 454-5185)
Faculty Exhibition
1. Let's Active
2. Bob Dylan
3. Stones
Undercover of the Nigh
4 3 O'Clock
Sixteen Tambourine
5. Culture Club
Colour By Number:
Mow Fun in the New World
7. Rain Parade
Emergency Third World
8. Big Country
The Crossiitg
9. XTC
10. Bongos
Numbers W/Wings
C i n e 1-6 (459 8300)
I Richard Pryot Hare and Now 1:30, ,
3 30, 5 30 7 30. 9:40, 11:30','.The Rig
Chill 1 50, 4 1(1 ( K 4 5 . 9 1(1. 11 25; 3.
Educating Rita 1 55, 4:20, 7:20, 9:50,
I I 55 4 Under Fire—6:30, 9 J 2 0 ; Golden
Seal- 1:45. 3 50 6 Dead Zone 2:10,
4:30. 7:15, 9 45, 12 mid
R K O F o x C o l o n i c 1 & 2 (459-1020)
1 All the Right Movus Man-Thus 7 3 0 ,
9:30; Frl-Sun 2:20, 4:20; 6:20, 8:20,
10:20 2 Mil? Oslerman Weekend- 7:20,
9 30
S p e c t r u m T h e a t r e (449-8995)
Modern Times Nov 19 1:00 and 3:00
Top Twenty
Nick Heyward
Long Ryders
T-Bone Burnett
I rio
Style Council
Positive Noise
Green on Red
The Neats
North oj a Miracles
Like Gangbasters
Proof ol the Night
Trio, in Error
Introducing Ihe Style
When Lightning Strike's
Gnwity Talks
In Heat
The Neats
i n t e r n a t i o n a l F i l m G r o u p (457-8390)
Nov. 1 8 - L e s Drabollques LC 1, 7:30 and
10; Nov. 19-Mallresse LC 1, 7:30'and
S U N Y A P A C (457-8606)
Nov. 1 8 1 9 — L o o k Homeward, Angel;
Nov. 21-22—One Flew Over the Cuckoo's
C o h o e s M u s i c H a l l (235-7969)
Nov. 4-19: Once Upon a Mallrcss; Nov.
3-20—Across the River
OH uAnn
iv«vv faint'
jjotu hi i w VL mi--
Jawbone Series:
Dec. 1—Cheryl Nelson and Sylvia CaraMonica; Humanities Lounge at 12 p m .
Fireside T h e a t e r (457-8390)
x|ov. 30—Moby Dlbk 8 p.m. In AssemblV
Hall. All movies free
Dracula: The Movie
Nov. 18 LC 2 7:30-9:30. $1 w/tax care
$1.50 w / o . Presented by ASUBA
Sandra Bouden Paintings and
Nov. 14-Dec. 3 1 - C e n t c r Galleries
Stories Your Mother Never T o l d
Nov. 28-Dec. 16-Plcotte Gallery. Colle
of Saint Rose. 454-5111
The International Dinner 1 9 8 3
Nov 19, d p.m . Brubacher Dining I lull
$6 general. $5 w/lax card, $7 at Ihe dot
Tickets In CC 344 and CC lobby.
Presented by International Students
Association. 458-7496.
C o l i s e u m T h e a t r e (785-3393)
C a p i t a l R e p (462-4534)
The Glass Menagerie Oct 29-Nov 20;
Nov. 26-Dec. 18—Happy End
R P I Players
West Side Story- Nov. 18. 19
Sienna College
T h e a t r e - N o v . 18-19—Gemini
Colonic Acting Troupe
Nov. 18-19—Guest In the House
S k i d m o r e C o l l e g e (584-5000, exl.
Nov. 18-19—The Marriage Proposal
Nov. 1 8 - 2 0 - N e w York Stale New Music
Nov. 19 in Sayles I [all. Alumni Quad
Heei Pretzels and Sausage Fot more ml
call Marjorle pennee al 455 6969
The D a y Alter
Nov. 21 at BA 112 at <> n m. Informal
discussion about TV movie to be .liied
Sov 2(1 l-'or Info, call Judy Stanley al
Dance Marathon
Telethon '84 dance marathon. Friday ,nu
Saturday 8 p.m. to 8 p.m. In CC Ballron
A I D S Panel Discussion
Dec. 3 at 1 p.m. LC 7. Representatives i
Gay Men's Health Crisis, Including AIDS
patient. For more Info, call G A L A al
NYPIRG Toxics Forum
Nov 30, 7:3(1 In LC 20. For Inlo call
Invalid teach-in
j to the Editor:
Regarding your editorial of Tuesday, November 15,
J1983: You began by staling thai " A l Albany Slate Students
I did nol even feci strongly enough about the Central
I America issue to attend a teach-in." We find ii difficult to
I believe thai even the AM' editors would think dint because
• students did not turn out in large numbers to view a proIpiigandii dissemination event staged by a lew fringe groups
I means ihai (he students arc disinterested. Perhaps, Instead,
ii means that those students are Intelligent enough lo see
I beyond code-words such us " t e a c h - i n " and realize that
[ there are belter, more neutral sources of Information such
its The New York Titties or even Ted Turner's news netl-work. And perhaps those students have the Inlellcclunl
I capacity to use that Information lo form their own opinions
I rather than recite the cunncl rhetoric of Ihe (long past)
I IWid's so common at these "icuch-ins".
There was one, and we think only one, valid poinl conI mined In your editorial — " w e are all sick o f hearing how
Igieal the students of the 'fid's were." Nol only are we sick
I of hearing this cllchcd falsehood but we think that it is a
I very good thing that the majority of college students have
I managed to rise above the Immaturity, random destruction,
Idisruption of classes and disregard I'or established channels
| o f communication, and for accepted vehicles o f change thai
I was characteristic of the student groups of the 1%0's.
To add lo the general inanity of your editorial, you said
|"Maybc we need to see our draft numbers come u p . " Since
Jan one in a position o f even the slightest amount of respon-
Established In 1B1B
Mark Qflsner, Editor in Chief
Patricia Mltchoil, LIBB Strain, Managing Editors
University C l n e m a a (457-8390)
Nov. 18-19 1. Let's Spend the Night
Together LC 7, 7:30 and 10; 2. Year of
Living Dangerously LC 18, 7:30 and 10
ESIPA (473-3750)
U A C e n t e r 1 & 2 (459-2170)
1. The Deal of the Century 7:20, 9:20 2.
CHRP] /i/ow
/'/f GOING
M a d i s o n T h e a t r e (489-5431)
Trading Places 7 and 9:10
Proctor's T h e a t r e (382-1083)
Nov. 17 —Mass Appeal
H a l f m o o n C a f e (436-0329)
T h i r d S t r e e t T h e a t r e (436-4428)
Nov. 18-20—Pauline at the Beach 7 and
9:10; Nov. 2 2 - 2 3 - T h e Misfits 7:00;
Some Like It Hot 9:25
I , the Kdilnr:
11 write in response to the article published on November
(in the ASP entitled " A Man's Perspective," by Hamilton
|)ulh. 1 l o o would like to offer a man's perspective.
11 share with South his expressed indignation of the men
t interviewed regarding their definitions o f feminism; that
Itch definitions were limited and revolved "around (the)
IRA and equal wages for w o m e n . " I accept this evidence,
1 is not inconsistent with my own experiences.
1 He says rightfully that " t h e feminist movement has
liallengcd almost every aspect of social organisation in our
\ ^ • i l l u r c " and that it " i s determined in the reorganization of
^ l e power equations in our society." But unfortunately, his
•nderslanding ends here, lor he does nol comprehend the
leaning of his own words.
1 He says that "fcmlnlsn is for women, by women, in
lumen. Men are not, and will nol ever be able to truly
Indcrsland feminism." There is a tremendous conlradic| u n and error here and it needs to be corrected.
The focus of the feminist movement is against the oppression of a patriarchal society. But iis goals also included
l i e elimination of racism, ageism, ableism, and many other
[onus of oppression. The point is, that all these oppressions
l i e inherent in a patriarchal society. T o say thai tt man cannot understand feminism, is Itself a class distinction, If not
As a Gay man, I know ihe oppression o f a patriarchal
|ucivty. Likewise, 1 believe a black man knows this oppression when he is called " b o y " . Oiu pin pose as feminists is to
fight privileges, not establish them, As the saying goes,
"'Whether Gay or Lesbian, straight, black or while; it's the
lame old struggle, same old f i g h t , "
-Brian I'. ViinCriil
I ll„, l,w,„i,l <„„il^„h,l„>.' KLii„,.,,.i,t|.,..'
I Nnwi Editors
Stove Fox, Anthony Sllber
Aisocialt Ntwa Editors
Jorry Campione, Heidi Gralla
| ASPicts Editor
Gal' Worrell
Associate ASPects Editor:,
Dave L.L Lashin, John Koonan
Sound Editor
Jonoa Nachsln
Vision Editor
K°n Dornbaum
j Sports Editors
Tom Kacandofl. Mafk Levlne
Aisociila Sports Editors
Marc Herman, Keith Marder
| Editorial Pagta Editor
Edward Roinos
Copy Editors
, . . , Virginia Hubor, Annotle Perot
Photography Editor
Contributing Editors: Dean Bel;, Dobulo Judge, Wayne Poereboom, Editorial
Asslslanti: Jano Anderson, Dean Chang, Steve MarKs. Jim O'Sullivan. Stalt
Wrllirtj Ian Clements. Dolsy Eckel, Ronald Brant Qersten, Bon Gordon,
I Robert Hayes, Eric Hlndln, Nicole .Keys, Maddi Kurt. David Mlchaelson,
[ Christine Hellolt, Liz Reich, Shoilnh Sable, Fran Sllvorman, Alan Somkln, Ian
I Spelling. Mike Taublob. John Thorburn. Perry Tlschlef. Keith Van Allen, Mark
I Wizard, Adam Wllk, John Willmoll. Spectrum Edllors: Ellon Filzgerald, Ronl
I Ginsberg
Hady Broder, Dusinoss Manager
Judy Toral, Associate Business Manager
Jana Hlrsch, Advertising Manager
Mlks Kralmtr, Sales Manager
s i b l y has advocated an actual return to the draft in connection with the situation in South America and considering the fact that should such a situation arise it will be a
time calling for, above all else, national unity, (his statement seems at best irresponsible. I r the ASP editors need to
rely upon this type of appeal to base emotionalism for support of their editorial stance we can conclude that the
editors realize, as we d o , that their stance is completely
without a substantive base.
—Gordon K. IMulsky
Kenneth D. Necvcs
77ie ASP editors did not eonsider the Central America
Teach-in lo he "propaganda, " nor do we think
is a code word. And, on the contrary, we believe that the irresponsibility lies with those who unquestioningly
dubious American interventions in Latin America.
A Feminist view
To the Editor,
In my own way, I am a femlnlM. I do nol accept all of the
aspects o l ' i i , hut I have incorporated many of its ideals into
my lite. Hamilton Smith's article " A Man's Perspective"
was an innocnlons piece ol'diibhlo lor lie said very little in a
very vet hose way.
I.el mi' explain further. I le lacks a depth within i i ; he still
views women as property and objects, He says "having a
girlfriend " a s t o u g h , " I am sure it was not a bed of roses
lor her either. In a boyfriend uirlfriend relationship, It is
almost always (he woman who gels the short end. He
benefits. A n d , lie says being a man and a feminist Is impossible.
Perhaps men will always oppress women within a male
society, y d with ideas of martyrdom like his there will be
more oppression. There is nothing chic about women's oppression and recognizing it. Maybe ii is hard for him to be
feminist because he latches on so strongly to his male
beliefs and has an interest in feminism only because it is so
fashionable. T o say you oppress women is fine but you
have to do something more than that l o correct It, Male
privilege dominates women. Capitalism. Pornography,
Rape. Kncism. These arc all male institutions oppressing
Somehow I cannot empathize with his guilt and bis so
called "accomplishment" in recognizing his status as an
oppressor. If Mr. South wants a pat on the back, he doesn't
deserve it. Men can be feminists If they surrender, their
privileges and nol gloat in self pity. Men must do more than
"recognize theli privileges" as superiors,
— I.nri Spamirelli
It's not too late
To the Editor:
Ii is time Ihal we lake a serious look at the slate of affairs
of undergraduate education :u this university.
While Ihe quality of ihe students is steadily increasing,
the qualils of Ihe education they are receiving is constantly
eroding, There are several reasons I'or this erosion and we
as students must fight I'ot our right to obtain a quality
cducal ion.
One of the major problems at Albany as well as the other
schools of Ihe SUNY system is the "dcinrichmeni
p r o g r a m " ; thai is leaching more students with less faculty
and less support services.
Billing Accountants
Lisa dayman. Randoe Bohat
Payroll Supervisor
Gay Pnross
Oltlce Coordinator
Susan Moskowlti
Classified Manager
Composition Manager
Mickey Frank
Advertising Sales: Mark Suns man, Bob Curoau. Rich Golden. Stove Lciberman, Danielle Karmol. Advertising Production Managers: Julio Mark, Rhonda
Woll Advsrtlslng Production: Amy Allersohn, Jackie Donate. Lee Enckcon,
Mickey Frank. Elaino Frloder, Lisa Kerr, Lina Malalesta. Paige Marcus. Ellyn
Muto. Sharon Okun. Cathie Ryan, Lynne Siogol. Steven Zelgor
Holly Preitl, Production Manager
Chief Typssellar
Cathie Ryan
Pasla-up: Donna Aguiar. Susan Kent, Shaion Maytian, Sue Pachlnshy. Dob
Stekl, Heather Sandner, Rlna Young, Typists: Jim Capozzola, Joanne
Gllderslenve, Lancey Heyman, Virginia Hubor, Felice Klass, Sue Mllllgan
Chauffeur: Eric Dorf
Photography principally supplied by Unlvorslty Photo Service, a sludent
Chitf Photographer: Susan Elaino Mlndlch. UPS Stall; Amy Cohen, Sherry
Lee Cohen, Cindy Galway, Philip Hack, Kenny Klrsch, Rachel Lllwln, Robort
Luckoy, Ed Marusslch. Lois Matlaboni, Barry Relcher, LIBB Simmons, Lauren
Siller, Robert Soucy. Erica Spuigel. Warren Slout, James Valentino. Jason
Entlra contents copyright
1983 Albany Student Pieaa Corpoiallon, alt
rights roserved.
The Albany Siudenl Press is published Tuesdays and Fridays betweon
August and June by tho Albany r,iudont Pross Corporation, an Indopendenl
nol-forprofit corporation.
Editorials are written by the Editor In Chlof with members ol tho Editorial
Board; policy Is subject to rovmw by Ihe Editorial Board, Columns nro wrillon
by members of the university community and do not necessarily ropreeont
editorial policy. Advertising policy does not necessarily rolled editorial
Mailing address:
Albany Student Press, CC 320
1400 Washington Ave.
Alhfiny, NY 12222
(5111) 45/8092/3322/3388
However, there are major problems which pertain l o this
university individually. Although the reputation o r the
faculty at Albany has increased over the years it has been at
the expense of undergraduate education. This university
has become a research center where the rule of survival for
faculty is "publish or perish" and the quality o f the
teaching is considered unimportant. There is a definite need
for this university to seriously reevaluate its position on the
responsibility it has to the education o f the undergradute
population. However, and I cannot overemphasize this
poinl, what is necessary is not rhetoric but action. The
situation cannot be remedied immediately, the process
takes time. But, the time l o begin the reversal o f this trend
is now, before it is too late!
— name withheld by request
We're here to learn
T o Ihe Kdilnr:
I have come to SUNYA lo learn, and I think that it's
necessary lo study, nol only during finals week, hut all
semester. Hut when the lecture centers close at 10 p.m. (except LC 19) and all other buildings on campus close at 11
p.m., I tend to think that someone out there is trying to
slop inc from doing so,
I feel that the policies of Ihe university are in opposition
to the entire ideal of a university. I understand Ihal funding
is light, bill why nol leave two or three lecture centers' open
till 2 Is it i ai Ihe administration doesn't trust us
students lo bo there without guidance? We arc here to
learn, aren't we?
—John t Inn liiirn
After the night
I n the Editor!
On Sunday evening, November 20, A B C T V will ah the
controversial film, " T h e Day A f t e r " . This TV movie
graphically portrays a nuclciu holocaust. Persons who have
previewed the movie einpliasi/c its dramatic emotional effects on viewers.
I suggest that you make an informed decision about
viewing this film. The following is presented fot your eonsidciatiiin.
Most Americans bold ihe perception thai nuclear wat is u
real Mucin. IMiiniilcs are that 50 tu 75 percent of us expect
a nuclear war in the foreseeable future l o destroy our
civilization as we know i i . M O M of us cope with ibis stark
" r e a l i t y " by disbelief I c y . , ' I t ' s too horrible lo think
about. I just block ii o u t . " ) or resignation (e.g., " I I ii happens, it happens. I just hope it's q u i c k . " ) .
The disruption ol a preferred coping strategy can have •
positive ttnd/ot negative effects. Usually one experiences an
' acute increase in eithei anxiety or some lorm o f
psychological pain (e.g., fear, anger, despair) which can be
accompanied by ritthet marked reductions in normal dayto-day " c o p i n g " behaviors (e.g., ability to concent rate),"
Given a solid baseline of cuiT'. ill coping and sufficient Internal (personal) and external (interpersonal) support, most
people can move through ihis disruptive and stressful
period lo create a more personally satisfying method of
An Informed decision regarding exposing oneself to an
experience which could disrupt current methods of coping
should lake into account the personal resources available
I'or facing additional stress. Most people have a fairly accntaic "barometer" of current physical and emotional
strain. Tins may or may not be a good lime for you to view
an emotionally challenging film. Take some time lo assess
how you are feeling. A second important consideration is
availability of lime and support for digesting Ihe film and
processing reactions lo it. I hose who have previewed " T h e
Day A f t e r " are unanimous — don't watch it alone. Do
plan l o spend sonic time talking with those to whom you
arc close about your (and I heir) reactions to the film.
Ill Ihe case of gauging children's readiness, parents are
urged to show caution in allowing their children to view this
film. Some authorities arc suggesting that teens arc too
young lo cope with this presentation; even the more liberal
are encouraging extreme discretion for children younger
than 12.
Should you decide to watch " T h e Day A f t e r , " keep in
mind that when people can no longer cope by a " n o t think
about i t " approach they often experience a need to " d o
something about i t . " I f you feci this need, be aware that
there arc numerous viable options regardless of your parlicular political persuasion. These can range from deciding
10 seek more Information to dedicating one's life work to
this issue. Resources which can help people generate options include; local clergy and anti-nuclear groups such as
Campaign or Nuclear War (800-528-6050, Ext. 47) and concerned family and friends.
Staff of the University Counseling Center (B. A. 112) will
hold an informal discussion group Monday morning
(November 21) between 9-11. Students, faculty and staff
will hove a chance to talk with UCC staff and one another
about their reactions l o this film and the psychological
issues it may stimulate.
— Gary W . Hobbs, P h . D
University Counseling Center, BA 112
photographer. Hourly rate • Contact
P.O. Box 99, Rensselaer, N.Y. 12144.
Tuesday at 3 PM lor Friday
Friday al 3 PM lor Tuesday
Very muscular, 18-25 yrs„ wanted
by local photographer for figure
studies. Some nude work required
$20 per hour. Name, Phone
Description (Picture advised) To
Box 2169 ESP Sta„ Albany, N.Y
$1.50 lor the llrst 10 words
10 cents each additional word
Any bold word Is 10 cents extra
$2.00 extra lor a box
minimum charge Is $1.50
Classified ads are being accepted In Iho SA Contact Olllce during regular
Classified advertising must be paid
In cash a l the time pi InsertlonrNo
checks will be accepted. Minimum
charge lor billing Is $25.00 per
No ads will be printed without a
lull name, address or phone number
on the Advertising lorm. Credit may
be extended, but NO refunds will be
given. Editorial policy will not permit ads to be printed which contain
blatant profanity or those that are
In poor taste. We reserve the rlghi
to reject any material deemed unsuitable lor publication.
It you have any questions or problems concerning Classified Advertising, please feel free to call or
stop by the Business Olllce.
ORIENTAL Women needed lo
modeling. No experience necessary
although preferred. Please call Jen
nller at 355-2118 between 7-9 p.m.
OVERSEAS JOBS - Summer/yeai
r o u n d . E u r o p e , S. A m e r i c a .
Australia, Asia. All Fields.
$500-$1200 monthly. Sightseeing.
Free Information. Write IJC box
52-NY-1 Corona Del Mar, CA 92625.
Camping Equipment - $50
Blond desk with shelves - $200
Cabinet with shelves • $100
Assorted books and records
Floor Chair • $50
8-Track Recorder • $50
PHONE: 489-1306
Is It true you can buy jeeps for $44
through the U.S. Government? Get
the tacts todayl Call (312) 742-1142
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Now Hiring. Your Afea.
Call 805-687-60O0 Ext. R-3106.
GOOD PAY Processing mall frorr
homel No experience. Start Immediately. Information send self
addressed stamped envelope. W.S.
Distributors, Box 1587, Rahway,
New Jersey 07065.
Of your present housing situation?
Would you like to find someone new
to live with? It you are, and you
would, bo you male or lemale call
me at 465-7114. Serious Students
Only. Mitch
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Beachcomber Tours Inc. 1326
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Apartment, 3 bedroom • clean, newly decorated olt-bus line. Nice
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Call 459-3779.
Apartmentmate wanted- 1 male to
(ill 3 room apt. $140 and sec, inc.
utilities. Available 11/21 438-8273.
TYPING - Fast - Accurate. Can pickup and deliver at $5.00 charge.
Personalized Singing Telegram
Delivery by men and women...Tuxedo. Belly Dancers, Bikini Man,
Gorillas, Clowns, Hula Dancers.
Dolly Parton...Even a 'Chorus Line.
Call 462-1703
Great Halrstylesl Great Prlcesl
Student D i s c o u n t at A l l e n ' s
Halrstyllng. Call 869-7817.
Algebra and trigonometry, calculus,
probability, statistics. Call Andrew
Christian Worship Service.
10:30 a.m., Sundays
McKnownvllle United Methodist
1565 Western Ave. just west of the
Special program: "The Challenge ol
Peace: God's Promise and Our
Response." Discussion of the
Catholic bishops' pastoral letter. By
Sister Cecelia Holbrook, Catholic
education College of St. Rose, and
Dr. DeWItt Elllnwood, Methodist
historian, Department ol History,
6:45 p.m., Sunday, November 20th
Preceded by a congregational
covered dish supper at 5:30 p.m. For
I n l o r m a t l o n , call 438-4358 or
NEW CREDIT cardl Nobody refusedl
Also Visa/Mastercard.
Call 805-687-6000 Ext. C-3106
Ski For Free This Winter
From the beginner to advancec
skier. Let my brochure tell you how.
Send $1 to: Box 783 Quechee, Vermont 05059
Affordable Word Processing (Typing): Papers, Resumes, Cover Let
ters, Editing. Call 489-8636, 9-9.
The College Bureau collects high
school directories and published
lists lor educational recruitment
purposes. We are Interested In
receiving material published during
the 1983-84 school vear. This oiler
Is open to anyone Interested in
making money. Please call toll-free
at I-800-528-2200 for more Inlormatlon.
CSI 210 Please call Rich 457-7942.
Telethon &
in CC Ballroom
will be
Nov. 22.
The next
will be
Dec. 2.
Fri., Nov. 18
IBM Selctrlc Correcting Typewriter.
Experienced. Call 477-5964.
Pierce Hall Daycare Center, on the
downtown campus, offers nurturing
care for your children In a rich learning environment. Immediate openings for 2,3,and 4 years olds. Call
436-0184 for Inlormatlon.
Auto Insurance
No Turn Downs
Immediate Insurance
I.D. Cards
No policy
Service Fees
Sale Driver Discounts
Young Insurance Agency
66 Everett Rd., Alb.
Dear Rick (from Oneonta),
Happy 21st Birthday! 11 Glad we
could celebrate together. I hope
your birthday Is as special as you
I love you,
• Karen'
Pro! D.,
Let's have lunch again soon.
Dear Mr. Hart,
You'd f— lor fortune,
You'd I— for fame
And the way you'd I - anything lo i
goddamn snamelll
You guys are dynamite. I m looking
forward to calling you my Brothers.
Looks like things have turned out
better than either of us expected.
Thank you for lust being my friend.
How's about Coco's sometime?
Dear HC,
I hate you so much I love you. Happy Birthday big brother.
Happy 25th Anniversary.
P.S. The capital of Wisconsin Is
WARNING: DBAs Rock This Town
This Weekend!II
Put On Your Red Shoes And Dance You've made me very proud to be
At Dance Marathon 8:00 p.m. your big brother. You are the
Tonight In CC Ballroom
To Mouse,
We've been friends lor so many
P.S. Good Luck! 11
years and sometimes I forget to say
thanks. You're my best friend Sue.
Let's enjoy our last year at SUNYA. btart saving now for your Spring
Break vacatlonl Call me for details
It's going to be the best.
Love, Bob on Bermuda, the Bahamas, and Ft.
Dear Bill,
Nancy • 457-7943
I love macaroni and cheese and I
love you. Oh boy Is this great!
Love, The Uptown lies Downtown party
S.S.T.J. was terrific. We all had a great time.
From one 45 to another,
Your friends on Alumni
Happy Birthday I!! - I know you'll
knock 'em dead at Yale!I!
To Residents of Fulton Hall,
Love, C En|oy Sunday's Thanksgiving dinner and have a great vacation! 11
—your RAs, Linda and Brian
Now that you've gotten It's time to
llene (a.k.a.H.R.H.S.K.)
and Jim
I'm so excited for you, I know that
you'll be a fantastic brotherl! I Good
Thanks lor changing my grumbles
Love, to giggles. I hope! put a little nice in
Zeta Psi 417 your everyday.
•Funshlne Bear
Count • That's Two
To 'Ian 'Ch,
Telethon '84 T-Shlrt Designs for
theme "Join Hands — Join Hearts"
Remember me in 'bany.—'Nnv
accepted in SA office now.
Night of Roller skating at
K. Kauflman,
Wheels Plus
Now that I saw you again • In the
Located In Westgato Shopping
campus center • I don't know what
20, Admission $3. Sponto say except can we have a sober
conversation? (Answer In the ASP)
Tonight - 8 p.m.
CC Ballroom
Telethon '84 T-Shlrt Designs lor
"Join Hands — Join Hearts"
accepted in SA office now.
I bet you never thought you would
be celebrating all day AND night
You are (we're thlnklnq) the bright
star In our dull existence. Without
So what's the real story on Prof D.?
you, the world wouio stop turning.
Subject o l Gossip
Our miserable lives are enlightened
Dearest Hedy,
and e n h a n c e d by your very
I miss you. I'll never forget the way
presence on this earth. Thank-you
you tawked to me that night. I shaw
for existing.
hope to see ya soon.
A.S.C.Your MEs
I hope you have a FANTASTIC birthP.S. Now, why don't you say
day and an even better year, 'cause
something nice about us???
I want only the BEST lor my baby.
Happy 20th
Dear MEs.
All My Love,
You're swell.
International Film Group
Tickets $2.00
On sale in CC Lobby
Northeast Coca-Cola
Natural Motions
E & D Beverages
* the effects o f lower demand arc
Ihose who can afford it least — the
poor in Appalachia.
The reasons the students made
he trip varied with each individual,
jut all expressed a desire to sec one
of America's sub-cultures. They
also saw the trip as an opportunity
to do service work with the poor.
A l l found the trip a success, as
Johnston expressed it, " W h a t
satisfied me most was knowing that
I made a difference in their lives for
tile week 1 was there."
Bonetli summed it up for
everyone when site said " I feci it's
very important to have an experience o f a poverty culture." She
also said it was a good trip because
she learned a little bit about what it
was like to be a missionary. The
fact that " t h e students got a chance
to learn about living in a Christian
community" was also very important, she added.
Other students who made the trip
were Jeanne Tower, Steve Modicn,
and Angela Lambruso. Tower is
spending the semester in England,
Modlca graduated in June, and
Lambruso could not make it to
Chapel House Wednesday night.
" T h e trip was extremely successful," Bonetli udded,"it was a
broadening experience for all of
| |
Happy Birthday Adam Bond
8pm - midnight
Fri. 18
Appalachian trip
Les Diaboliques
505 Washington Ave.
(Corner ol Wash, end Quail)
Albany, NY 12200
Council moating
an opportunity to voice their opinion. We thought this was a
reasonable request."
Ryan said
that the bill will probably return for
consideration in April.
A proposal to make Chris McC o r m a c k A u d i o - V i s u a l Sales
Manager passed 26-0-2. Prior to hiS
approval there was a debate on the
need for Ihc $125 stipend that he
will receive.
Schneider said that a December 1
deadline has been established for
bids on the audio-visual equipment
that SA plans to sell. He said that a
deadline "gives us a chance to get
rid or i t , " but he doesn't think that
all of the equipment will be sold by
Ihc end of the fall semester.
Vivian Vazquez, Minority Affairs
coordinator for SA showed a film
entitled " A Tale or O " to the
Council. The film showed how
minorities are often stereotyped.
All Work Guaranteed
Coupons expire 11/30/83
Piosiurs tut, vliual In•paction of hoaai and
bulla, drain, flush and
replenish up to 2 gallon! ol
7:30 & 10:00
$1.00 w/ tax sticker $1.50 w/out
SA Funded i
October 29-November 20
A tender, autobiographical classic.
Chocking all lluldi, ilr
inter. HroB, luipanslon, I
oil Hilar, up toSqli. of oil.
Corporate Sponsor: Key Bank N.A.
Performances: Tuesday-Saturday 8 : 0 0 p m ;
Sunday 2:30pm; Wednesday, November 2nd 2:30 pm
Non student Tickets *8-$ t3
Students with I.D. Yt price Tuesday-Thursday evenings, and
Sunday Matinee. Limited availability 30 minutes before curtain.
Drain and rallll pan, renaw
gasHat and Hilar,' Inspect
lor tasks, ad|utl linkage &
bonds. II needed.
111 North Pearl Street. Albany, Now York 5 1 8 - 4 6 2 - 4 5 3 4
Tickets availablo at Tho Market Theatie and Community Box Offices.
M jsterCard and VISA acceptod. (No rotunds or exchanges.)
Post office
"because the individual has to sign
them over to send them o u t . " To
do this students can go the
Rocssclvillc Post Office at 35 Fuller
Road, according lo Dill Gathcn,
o f the
Meanwhile, the cases must go into arbitration, in the Albany county
courts, under grievance procedures,
before new employees can be hired
to replace Kelly and Francclla.
A third party will hear the
grievance, and will then make a
decision regarding the status or the
two workers.
Stevens stressed that it's not the
post office's decision to have this
disservice occur. The matter will be
handled as soon as possible, Stevens
maintained. The eases have not
been scheduled yet, he said adding
that, " T h e issue can only be settled
in this way, and it takes t i m e . "
tewuoxt S
w i A R I closiR ro yoij
weekly specials Ion
•uqi/tu • (Kir • IH)|r.i
4 W
A side splitting comedy for anyone who
longs for the pleasures of irresponsibility
t i m e , " added A u c r . David
Goldman, one of Don't Walk
Alonc's student coordinators had
one rearct. He thinks women are
by Tennessee Williams
Escort service
thealass .
10% Discount with student or faculty ID.
Watch tor our monthly specials.
A spine chilling thriller that will have you'
on the edge of your seat
Sat. 19
Schaffer said that the Mohawk
Campus may soon go up for sale.
The issue will be discussed at the
next meeting o f UAS this Friday, he
The elections to fill the Central
Council scats on Indian Quad and
OTf-Campus have been pushed
back from December 5 and 6 to
February. This bill and a bill to reopen nominations for those seats
were passed by
afraid to use it. T o combat this,
said Marder, escorts are approaching the women and asking i f
they want to be escorted.
The nightly program is divided
into two shifts, 8:15-10:00 p.m. and
10:00-12:00 p.m. There is one coordinator at each escort sight and the
coodlnator has eight escorts per
According to Auer, escorts can
be identified by a special s(icker on
their I D . Escorts always consist of
two people, one or both or which
arc rcmale and In the ruture they
hope to have some kind or visual
identification such as a hat or coat.
Ed Grcenbcrg, another student
escort, said "Women's safety is a
very important issue that should be
taken seriously." He added that " I
personally would go out o f my way
if 1 know it would help someone in
' H
Vazquez asked the members to
reflect on their own stereotypes of
others. ' She also invited the
members to attend a race relations
workshop in December.
12 oi. — 12 pk.
12 oi. — 12 pk.
2 • TMMO
(Neither oner availablo in Vermont)
Stuyveaant P U »
» R E G . m o o
NAILS $25.00
Special $ 6 0 . 0 0 Perm
ASP Newswriters Workshop
Sunday, Nov. 20 at 8 p.m. in the newsroom.
All newswriters required to attend.
Topic: writing a news story start to finish.
Instructor: Deb Judge, Contributing Editor
Shi Fest Dates: December 18-23, 1983; January 1-6, 8-13, 15-20, 22-27, 1984
Killington's Intercollegiate Sbi Fest, co-sponsored by Lite Beer from Miller, combines
the greatest skiing experience you'll ever have with non-stop fun at a very special
Explore all 6 mountains on one lift ticket. 90 trails served by 16 lifts offering the
greatest diversity of terrain In the Eastern United States! All 6 mountains are
interconnected by a network of easier trails, which means that even novice skiers
can enjoy all of what Kiliington has to offer. 35 miles of snowmaking terrain assures
all skiers of the most reliable skiing found in the East.
Kiliington Ski Area offers special rales on lift tickets, lodging, and nightlife activities
for all college students who participate in the Intercollegiate Ski Fest. Students
compete with each other for thousands of dollars worth of trophies, prizes, and
special offerings from Lite Beer from Miller, Rossignol and Kiliington area nightclubs
and restaurants. ID booklets provide even greater savings at area restaurants, stores
and nightclubs.'
Kiliington is well known for it's nightlife—readers of SKI Magazine rated Kiliington
as number one for "best apres ski entertainment." The fun of the Intercollegiate Ski
Fest begins as soon as you check in on Sunday evening. Don't miss out!
Packages i n c l u d i n g skiing, l o d g i n g
a n d meals are available F R O M
Sbl Rally
Peak to Peak Race
Relay Race
Intercollegiate Race
(All events are open to novice ability sblers and
are based on various skills In addition to skiing.)'
Awards Ceremony
Wine and Cheese Party
Contests with Prizes
Hawaiian Party
Wobbly Party
"Improv" at the Wobbly Barn
Instructor's Party
(quad o c c u p a n c y )
Don't miss Killington's Intercollegiate Ski Fest! Reserve now by calling
the Kiliington Ski Fest Headquarters at (802) 422-3711.
Alternatives to prison
sentences examined at
statewide conference
By L i s a Mirabella
STAIT n«;;*«
The criminal justice system came
under the scrutiny of 200 law enforcement officials, correction and
parole officers and representatives
of private counseling agencies at an
"Alternatives lo Incarceration"
conference on Wednesday.
Keynote speaker Mark Corrigan,
Director of the National Institute
for Sentencing Alternatives, said
"Overcrowded jails are symptoms
of a completely
criminal justice system."
However, overcrowded jails are
not the only reason authorities arc
searching for alternatives lo keeping convicts inside prison walls,
William M c M a h o n , Deputy Commissioner of the NY Stale Division
• of Criminal Justice Services told the
crowd, " I firmly believe Mario
Cuomo is Interested in alternatives
because that's what he believes in,
it's his philosophy."
M c M a h o n was recently appointed to the State Alternatives to
Incarceration Task Force by Governor Cuomo. The Task force was
formed Inst year and stalled with a
$4.5 million budget to initiate
specific programs for convicts serving in stale or county prisons.
W. Douglas Call, Sheriff of
Genesee County, shared the details
of his Community Service/Restitution Program with the conference
participants. He said llie 307 people
who have been involved in the program in the last year have done
25,000 hours of work that is worth
over $15,000 lo the community.
"People don't want these offenders in their community," said
Martin H o r n , Assistant Commissioner of the NY Stale Department
of Correctional Services. He stressed that there must be a strong commitment to an alternative program
... " o r it will erode in the face of
Sheriff Call said lie did not have
opposition to Genesee County's
program. " I ran on thai (the program) as part o f my p l a t f o r m . " he
said, " a n d I was jus! re-elected lasl
Corrigan suggested the community benefits much more from various
community services and rehabilitation programs than from keeping
all convicts in j a i l . " T h e community doesn't learn from someone going to jail after the slory is out of
the media. With community based
penalties the community sees what
happens (to the offender)."
William McMahon
"Interested in alternatives."
Avoidance of costs for the community was also on Corrigan's list
of benefits secured by alternative
programs. " T h e r e ' s
maintenance of offenders, valuable
services rendered, and we can often
avoid costs on capital investment
construction.'' Corrigan said that
lire community also benefits from a
program that brings a convict back
into the society in a productive and
positive way.
Richard MacDonald of the
Capital District Regional Planning
Conference, and a conference
organizer said, " I t ' s a wonderful
turnout — all facets ol slate and
local government arc here," Also
represented were several private
agencies including Project liqtilnox,
I lie Alcoholism
Center and Hope House, and
members ol the clergy.
A representative of the Department of Correctional Services,
Clark Wilson, pointed out that the
speakers were "playing to a receptive crowd. We're all Interested in
alternatives and different approaches to t h e m , "
News UpdatesCDTA awarded
The Capital District Transportation Authority has been awarded
the Urban Mass Transportation
Administration's Administrator's
Award for Outstanding Public Service for the second time in three
The award was granted for
management operations and transit
planning in the Capital District.
The Administrator's Award is the
highest external award granted by
March canceled
A march in opposition to U.S. Intervention in Grenada was canceled
November 12 by SUNYA's Puerto
Rlcan Independent
Alliance when only six participants
showed up. The group had planned
lo march from Drupet Hall to the
Albany Armory on Washington
Avenue lo climax a I luce-day leachin on the subject.
l i m a S u a i e / , secretary
I'ltlSA, attributed the poot turnout
bitter cold weather ;
apathy of S U N Y A students. " I
think if we had the march in the
summer it would have been much
more successful. Students do not
get involved in politics because they
arc busy with their studies," Suarez
explained sadly. " W e should have
sent information about the march
lo more people outside the university."
Mohawk sale
The U A S Board o f Directors will
begin a discussion on a proposal to
sell the Mohawk Campus to the
town o f Clifton Park at Friday's
Last year the campus, which is
owned by UAS, lost 151,000. The
PRISA decided lo cancel the Board had held o f f any discussion
march because they didn't want the until the properly tax asscsment was
media to think that students didn't received from Clifton Park.
care about what's happening In the
SA President Rich Schaffer said
Caribbean, Snare/ said.
if the campus Is sold students could
still use the facilities because it
would become a public park.
SA-AV proposals
Student Association Vice President Jeff Schneider said Thursday
that there are II) possible buyers for
the SA Audio Visual system which
is valued somewhere between
Central Council decided lo sell
the equipment last month when it
was decided the system was a
financial drain on the SA budget,
Schneidet said some of the
groups Interested were Speeluli/cd
Audio, Sttirfiru I ightlng, and the
AV group from RPI. A deadline lor
all bills has been set for Deeeinbei
Student referred
Forum Chtiirperson
Michelle Schwartz reported that
S U N Y A student Steve Greenbaum
was referred lo the University
Judicial Hoard last Wednesday.
Circcnhautn has been accused of
scalping his complimentary tickets
lo the October 22 David Mi inner
Schwartz said thai ihcy wauled to
press as many charges as possible,
but that there was a delay with tin
official forms being turned in
because Tuesday was an administrative holiday.
Telethon '84
Tonight - Tomorrow
This Sunday
91 £FD Public Affairs Presents:
An Interview with
Courtesy of Speakers Forum
Sunday, Nov. tO, 1983 -It Noon
8pm - 8pm
CC Ballroom
"Put on Your
Red Shoes and
Dance "
; t) ' I 1 (•> •-?? i '-¥> p 'V <-:
Entrance fee — $1.00.
Sign up in the CC Nov.
16-18 from 10-2 pm.
Anyone can sign up at the
race until 10:30.
The entrance fee is then
Everyone will meet in
front of the gym.
A N Y Q U E S T I O N S CALL CATHY A T 4 3 6 - 4 9 0 9
Can wo ash yon
a question?
Do you have problems with
l/our landlord?
We can help Come and learn the "ins" &
"outs" and perhaps why you are
being "screwed" over.
Como t o
is expeNSivo/'
"Legal Obligations"
with S.A. Attorney
Mark Mishler
Monday, Nov. 21, 6:30pm
Off Campus Lounge
ffejyttnlutrBrtq AlwiUanj «>«nitct« vpoiuortM
^ ^
* Front Page
Wednesday. Held in Phoenix,
Arizona, the talks continued pasl
midnight and recessed shortly
before the Thursday morning
dispatch of buses. Participants
foresee little hope for a quick
resolution to the dispute, according
lo wire reports.
Hart could not comment in detail
regarding the stage talks are in, "I
don't know for sure but Ihc company has no new proposals," he
Asked what concessions Ihc
union is willing to make to expedite
talks Hart said, "There is v a
possibility that wc may lake a pay
cut to get negotiations going."
flan expressed, with calm confidence, that he believed the company could not operate without the
union drivers, some of who have
fourteen years of experience. "They
do nol have I lie work force lo move
these buses, One of the buses they
used this morning was even
rented," he said.
One of ihc two drivers, Anthony
Cohen, a four year veteran,
defected and crossed picket lines according to Hart. "He's just a scab
now," said Hart, "when wc gel
back lo work he will nol have a
Until Thursday, Greyhound had
been shut down for Ihc duration of
lite strike forcing commuters lo find
oilier means of transportation, The
company offered half priced tickets
lo commuters Thursday lo encourage customers lo start using
Greyhound again, Inn only two
people were on Ihe first buses thai
leii the Albany terminal Thursday
To date there have been no comments lo ihe press from Greyhound
officials regarding ihe strike or the
conditions of Ihe negotiations,
Al a rally held Wednesday at
noon in front of Ihc Albany terminal, Hart, speaking to the crowd,
emphasized "The company is
charging half priced tickets lo bust
our union." And he urged the people present to spread Ihe word lo
relatives and friends lo boycott
l * f f £ \ THEATRES
^ ^
• * SHOWS * •
S T O R Y ni
Edwards has diverse Interests
events for Ihc University, while
NAAC'P works on relations between Ihe University and ihe outside
"Wc can be A and they can be
/.," he asserted.
Edwards is currently one of Ihe
disc jockeys on WC'DH's Third
Woi Id program. I lis lime slot is T'riday nighis from 5-K p.m. I bird
World plays what lidwards
describes as "urban contemporary
music" including Khyihm and
Hlues, Disco, Calypso, and Salsa.
"I did a couple of jazz spots . . .
ml they have limited spots and
here are some really diehard jazz
il.j.'s who deserve those spots,"
saiil Edwards while explaining how
he became a Third World disc
Joy Rnsbcrry, a director of ihe
I bird World Programming for
WCDIJ, speaking of Edwards,
noted iluii "he's very determined,
and once he makes up his mind it's
hard lo change il." She said that,
While lie works under her al Ihc
radio siaiion, she is his subordinate
ill ASllltA and that "Eddjc is a betlei leader than a follower."
Rnsbcrry, who served as
freshman representative last year,
mentioned ihai Edwards sings in a
gospel choir. "He's a follower
about Christ and everything, that's
the way he Is," she finished,
jr*<r\ <?
Phone directory due
By Suzanne Murphy
After a delay of about two and a half weeks, the Albany Student
Directory is expected lo come out November 22nd, the day before
Thanksgiving break, according lo Vice President for University Affairs
Sorrell Chesin.
Chesin, who is also chairperson of the Student Directory Committee,
cited three major reasons for Ihc delay. First, he said, since school
started a week later this year, the usual early November printing was
I le explained t hat yet another obstacle was the delay In Ihe "running"
of names and addresses. That is, the committee waited longer to compile Ihc direciory in order to make it more accurate. "With triples
breaking up, students changing rooms and students coming and going,
Ihe delay enabled us lo assemble more accurate information," said
The third factor in the delay was a move to a new publishing company, said Chesin. "In previous years wc tried to put out the directory
ourselves. This year wc moved lo a local, commercial company," he
According lo Chesin, ihe move was needed because in Ihe past UAS
ibsorbed an expense of $l5tX) lo $2(XX) on the direciory every year.
'Now, Ihe commercial firm runs ihc risk. They go out on a limb, so to
•peak, hoping to make a profit," said Chesin.
"This company does other,directories, but this is their first college
one," Chesin said. Rather Mian dealing with huge manufacturers who
inlglil advenisc in a regional directory, they had to deal with small com.
panics that atlrtlcl college students, like 'Pom's pizza' and so on. This
[again added lo ihc delay," Chesin said.
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HOW THE i l i u m , IIII.AU,
Jreyhound buses.
The Wednesday rally was siaged
is a .show of support by oilier
mions for Ihc plight of the
Greyhound drivers. Approximalely
ane dozen unions were present with
heir union banners and picket signs
,n support of the sinking bus
"Wc arc here in solidarity," said
Newspaper Guild representative
Tim Schick, "these workers face
demands on give backs In salary.
Wc could gel faced with Ihc same
the next time we go lo the bargaining table," he said.
The largest union banner
lisplaycd was United University
'rofessions, that represents
SUNYA professors. Holding up a
pole al one end of ihe approximately j5 fool blue banner was Tim
Reiily, SUNY at Albany UUP
representative. "We a.skcd and got
support from them (Amalgamated
Transit Union) during budget time,
that's why we're here," said Rcilly.
"Their struggle for decent working
conditions and wages is our struggle
loo," he added.
As various union representatives
approached a microphone lo state
their support and deride Greyhound
bus company a dog walked through
Ihe crowd with a cardboard poslcr
covering his back which read "I
358 IBDO
| «•< OK"f» > i h r) rifl ( ' ril-srf>Y-i h rXj cj cr„>
Greyhound strike
18,1983 li ALBANY
For details and Appointment:
Orange Motors
799 Central Ave.
Mbany, NY 12206
Ask for Joe Bruno or Vince Crlstaldi
This Saturday afternoon at
University G y m , Ihc Albany State
men's swimming team will open
their season by hosting the I4lh annual Great Dane Relays.
Saturday will also mark Ihc
beginning of the team's second
season under Head Coach Joe
Shore is a graduate of
S U N Y A (class of '81), and was one
o f only six swimmers in Albany
history to qualify for the N C A A
Championships. After Inhcriling a
team in disarray after several
coaching changes, Shore guided the
Danes to an 8-6 mark last year.
Even though the Danes lost only
four swimmers to graduation last
year, the team is still extremely
young. Of the 35 swimmers on the
squad, only three arc seniors, and
11 are freshmen. Due largely in part
lo Shore's hard work during the offseason, Albany may, in fact, be
blessed with its strongest freshman
Tho Albany Slate men's swimming t e a m will make their season debut when they host the 14th annual
Groat Dane Relays on Saturday at 1:00 p.m. The Danes boast possibly their best freshman class ever.
class ever.
Leading the list or first year
swimmers is Ted Ober from WappIngers Falls, whose current time In
the I00 meter brcastroke is under
the currcnl school record, which incidents was set by Coach Shore. In
fact, his currcnl lime for this event
is only two seconds off the lime
necessary lo qualify for Ihe N C A A
Championships, a feat thai would
place him among Albany's swimming greats.
Another f r o m the powerful
freshman pool is sprinter Fred
Grecnbaum. "Fred is a real good
sprinter. We're looking for good
things from him. He has a chance
o f breaking Ihe school record,"
said Shore. Other newcomers include frecslylcr Richard Gells,
backslroker Winsrar Kuo, and
frccstyler Jim Wlcland. Another
good prospect is diver Mike Vardy.
Although the freshman class is
Ihc First thing that meets the eye
about this team, there is Mill a solid
group of upperclnssmen who will
not only be Shore's main swimmers
at this point in lime, bin will provide Ihe necessary experience to
guide the strong, but highly impressionable group of freshmen,
-Senior Hill Meirc and Junior
Frank Parker arc co-captains. " H i l l
is in great shape, and is looking
really g o o d , " said Shore. He added, "Frank is the hardest worker on
Ihc team, l i e will set a great example for our younger swimmers."
Metre and Parker swim both the
freestyle and butterfly.
Also returning for Albany arc
school record holders Jeff Kennedy(400 meter individual medley)
a n d T o m M a n d y ( l 6 5 0 meter
Saturday, a field of 12 strong
teams will vIsilAlbany for the Great
Dane Relays. Last year, Albany
finished fifth, behind Ihc U.S.
Coast Guard Academy, Vermont,
New Pallz, and archrival RPI.
Although Coach Shore would certainly like to get out of the blocks
fast with a good performance
Saturday, the Relays are basically
just a scrimmage, a chance for
Shore to evaluate the status of his
top swimmers, as well as psyche his
team up for Ihe upcoming dual
meet season.
Shore's main goal is for a good
showing in the S U N Y A C Championships, which will be held from"
March 1-3 in Oswego. Eleven teams
qualify for Ihc postseason tournament, and Albany should easily be
one o f them. However, Albany has
finished in seventh place for two
straight seasons. Three years ago,
Albany enjoyed ils finest showing
ever, finishing third, That was in
Coach Shore's senior year, and he
would like nothing more than lo
reach that mark again with ibis
young Icam.
Potsdam lias won the Championships for two straight seasons, and
although dethroning the Hears
seems unlikely for the Danes,
equalling their third place finish of
three years ago is not out of the
question. Ihc Insertion of vibrant
freshman blood Into the team will
definitely add to ihe team spirit,
" O n e thing for sure; we will not
give up. This team lias lots of
spirit," said Ober, the lop of the
freshman bunch.
The recipe for the '83-'84 men's
swimming team is quite simple. Mix
one part strong freshmen class with
t w o parts s o l i d , experienced
veterans. II could turn out to be a
great-lasting season.
JV Danes face Albany Pharmacy in 83-84 debut
legitimate threat under the boards. Holand doesn't
agree. " O f those five starters, four o f them are going
to be hilling the boards al all lit
" said Boland. " I f
As a Tirst-year coach of Albany Stale's men's junio we're getting beat badly underneath, I can always brvarsity basketall team, Jim Holand realizes thai hi ing in my bruisers." Scolt Newmann and John Sailer,
capacity as a coach is primarily restricted to the role ol both standing at 6 ' 4 " , will provide the needed muscle
down low. " I think we'll hold our o w n , " said Boland.
a teacher.
" M y j o b is to develop these players for the varsity " O u r kids arc t o u g h . "
learn," said Boland. " I ' m here lo familiarize them
When Ihe learn needs some speed on Ihe court,
with Doc's (Dick Saucrs, coach of Ihc varsity squad) Boland will turn to 5 ' 8 " Charles Storey. " W h e n I put
system. Wins and losses per se arc not that important this guy into the game, something will happen," said
in the overall picture; if I can gel these guys ready for Holand. " H e is definitely the quickest guy on the
varsity, I'll have done my j o b . "
There is no conference to play in, nor will there be
Rounding out the Icam will be forwards John Gore
any post-season games for the J. V. tear The satisfac- and Mike Dunn, who is out with an injury; guards
tion of winning will have lo be enough lor now. "Just Steve D'Agali and Scott Jankcs; and center Gerald
try l o tell the players that Ihe victories don'l rcaly mat- Sweeney. " Y o u can never really tell who's going to be
ter," said Boland. " W h e n you gel on Ihe court, that good at this lime of the year." said Holand. " S o many
things can change during Ihc course of ihe year."
instinct lo win just takes over."
The learn starts its season with a tournament at
Defense is a trademark of Doc Saucrs' teams;
Schenectady Community College this weekend. They Boland will try to instill thai into Ihe freshman squad.
will play Albany Pharmacy tonight, with the winnet " W e ' l l be playing man-lo-man for most o f Ihc year."
going up against Ihc victor of ihe Schenectady CC-RPI said Holand. " I believe thai you've got to play man-toman if you want to win games. We'll be attacking Ihc
Leading Ihe team will be co-captains Chris Jones ball quite a bit, using some presses and some traps.
and Duane Corley. At 6 ' 4 " , Jones is the tallest player Our defense isn't ready yet, but it will gel there."
By Dean Chaw;
on Ihe starling, five. "Chris is our niosl physical
player," said Holand. " A s our power forward, Chris
will have to be tough under Ihe boards." Jones will be
taking all Ihe jump-balls because Ihc team doesn't really have a starling center.
Corley, a product of Rensaelaer, will spearhead the
offensive attack from Ihc point guard position.
" D u a n e runs Ihc offense very w e l l , " said Holand.
" H e ' s a good shooter who gets everyone going in Ihc
right d i r e c t i o n . "
Playing Ihc o f f guard will be 6 ' 2 " Andy O'Counell.
" W e ' l l be looking for him to score for u s , " said
Boland, " H e ' s a verv good shooter; when teams play a
zone against us, Andy can break it with his shooting."
A l small forward is 6 ' 3 " Curtis Oliver. "Curtis
won'i overwhelm you i f you watch him play, but he
gels Ihc j o b d o n e , " offered Boland. " H e hits Ihe open
shot and can take il to the hoop well. Curtis is a solid
team player who will produce."
Filling out the starting five wiJI be 6 ' 2 " swingman
Kevin Mann. " K e v i n is a really good jumper who will
be an asset on ihe hoards." Rebounding might be a
problem for Ihe ccntcrless starters; Jones Is Ihe only
This year's schedule is not an easy one; ihc Icam will
have lo work lo improve on lasl year's 13-6 record.
Among the tougher teams, Union, West Point and Ihe
Junior College o f Albany will present Ihe sliffest
challenges. The team will face all three teams on the
road (it also faces Union al home), a fact dial's not
lost on Boland.
" W e play twice as many road games as we do home
games," said Boland. " T h a t could hurl us, since
pluyng on the road is lough on freshmen."
Boland is looking forward lo this season for several
reasons. "There's only so much you can learn as a
player," said Boland. "being a coach is a great learning experience, especially when you're working under a
knowledgeable man like D o e . "
Boland graduated in 1982 from Onconta Stale where
he played varsity basketball for three years. " W h e n I
played with Onconta, I really wanted to beat Albany.
Now I guess it's Ihe other way around. Bui I'm not
looking past tonight's game against Albany Pharmacy.
We have Ihe kind or talent where we still have to work
hard to win; they're certainly not going to roll over and
die for u s . "
Sports 19
Women swimmers begin season with two wins
Men swimmers debut with Great Dane Relays
By A d a m G o o d m a n
By Michael Skolnlck
Coming off victories in their first two meets over Skldmore and Russell Sage the
women's swimming team will host St. Rose tonight at 8:00 p.m.
The Albany women's swimming team had
a successful week in which they won their
first two meets against Skidmorc and Russell
Sage. The score against Skidmorc was 82-56
and 75-60 against Russell Sage.
In the meet with Russell Sage on Tuesday,
the Icam had no difficulty despite I he absence
of four lop swimmers. Nancy Smith, a
freshman, won the 500 yard freestyle in a personal best lime o f 5.48:49. In addition, she
won ihc I00 yard backstroke. Wendy Cedar,
another freshman won the 50 yard
backstroke and got nosed out in the 50 yard
freestyle. Coach Joe Shore noted, " Wendy
hasn'l swum competitively in nearly two
years but I feel she is rapidly approaching her
old f o r m . "
Ellen Gottlieb has been swimming well and
she continued to impress, winning the 200
yard individual medley in a time of 2.36:34.
Also turning good performances were Jewel
Rambo, Mary Anne Schmidt and Mary Daly.
The meet against Skidmorc, held last
Saturday, was an impressive opening dual
meet for the team, beginning wilh the 200
yard medley, which the Danes won in a lime
o f 2.06:74. The medley team consisted o f
Kristine Monahan, Linda Cerky, Carole Elie
and Gottlieb. Coach Shore was very pleased,
saying, " I t was important immediate advantage in points." Overall the team captured
first place in 12 out o f 16 events, an impressive performance by anyone's standards.
Additionally, there were many outstanding
individual performances, a sure sign o f a
strong team. Smilher won the 100 yard
freestyle in a school record lime of 12.04:82.
Carol Pearl won three individual events, ihc
50 yard freestyle, 100 yard freestyle ».nd '.he
200 yard rreestyle in limes of 26.93, 58.77
and 2:13,88, respectively. " I t ' s a driving
force lo have the other girls cheering and encouraging y o u , " Pearl said. " I t makes you
want to perform beyond your limitations.
The season Is young, but I feel we have ihe
potential to be a top t e a m . "
Up next for the squad is a meet tonight at
home against the College of St. Rose. Coach
Shore is confident thai his swimmers arc
ready lo meet the challenge and can exceed
his expectations. " S o far the times have been
very good and our new swimmers have performed exceptionally well. If we continue our
good performances we should be a force l o
be reckoned w i l h , " he said.
Cagers take on Saint Rose to tip off campaign
By M u r k Wilt-urtl
STAFF irmri-K
II all begins tomorrow night for the Albany
Stale women's basketball team, as they open
up their 1983-84 campaign at Ihe College of
SI. Rose.
The game signals Ihc start o f a long and arduous 24-gamc season, in which the women
cagers are looking to qualify for post-season
The first-ever women's S U N Y A C is set up
in the following manner: there are five teams
in both Ihc Eastern and Wcslcrm Divisions of
the S U N Y A C . And wilh Ihc top four teams
in each division making the playoffs, Albany
has an excellent opportunity to qualify. The
Danes had a superb year in 1982-83 under
Mead Coach Mari Warner, compiling a 14-6
For Ihe second straight year, Albany will
open up their season against St. Rose. And
for Ihc second straight year, the Danes must
contain CSR's Dcann Greco.
Greco poured in 27 points lo lead Si. Rose
to a 60-52 victory over Albany right here at
University Gym lasl season. The Danes must
contain Greco in order to win. "She shoots a
lot from Ihe outside," commented Assistant
Coach Palti Becker. "She has a very good
percentage shot from there. We'll be looking
out for her."
team had an inirasquad scrimmage ih.u
"went pretty w e l l , " according to Becker.
" W e did alol of things we will do against St.
Yesterday, Warner and her staff were out
scouting their opening day opponents.
Tomorrow, the preparation all comes into
focus as llic women cagers begin Ihcir quest
loward the SUNYACs.
FAST BREAKS: Game lime against SI. Rose
is al 6:00pm...Home opener Is Tuesday versus RPI...An example of Albany's lough
schedule: all four S U N Y A C East Conference
games are on Ihe road. It will not be until
next year when Ihe Danes play each Eastern
Division learn twice, once al home and once
Albany met Si. Rose again in lasl year's
Capital District Tournament. This lime Ihc
Great Danes came away witli a 57-49 victory
thai enabled them to get to the finals of ihe
tournament, which they eventually won.
The Danes have been preparing for St,
Rose this entire week. On Wednesday, Ihe
Upcoming events
The men's basketball season here al
SUNYA gets underway tonight wilh Ihc
Capital District Tip-Off Tournament held
this year here al University Gym. The opening game at 6:31) will pit defending champion Union against RPI, while ihc Greal
Danes host CCNY at 8:15...'Ihe women's
basketball team visits Saint Ruse tomorrow
night in their season opener al 6:(X)
pin...The men's j . v . basketball team navels
lo Schenectady Community College for the
SCC Championships, beginning wilh a
game against Albany Pharmacy lonlghl at
6:30 pm...The women's swimming and diving Icam has a home meet lonlghl al 8:00
pin against the College of Saint Rose...The
men's swimming and diving team opens
their season by hosting the Great Dane
Relays tomorrow afternoon beginning at
1:00 pm...The men's cross country team is
leaded lo Virginia to compete in the
NCAAs this weekend.
Racquetball club
An Albany Stale racquetball club has
been formed under the direction of Garret
Thompson, Ihc club's president. Thompson
is a four-time Nationals competitor.
i ho men's J.v. basketball team opens Its season at
Community College tonight. Tip-off Is 6:30 p.m.
The purpose o f the club is lo give players
here at SUNYA a chance to improve Ihcir
skills. Players of all levels arc welcome, and
'lie club is still open and looking for new
Team practices are held twice a week. In
Hie Icam's first match of the year, Albany
was beaten by RPI 8-3 this past Wednesday
at Ihc Court Club in Colonic.
Anyone interested in joining Ihe club
should contact Thompson or Ellen Fit
zgcrald, Ihe club's secretary,
Bowling results
In ihe Cupilnl District Collegiate Howling
Conference last night Ihe Albany men's A
team beat Siena 4-0 on a forfeit, Dennis
Hewitt led the men will) a 570 series including games of 211 and 20U Glenn
Goldman also rolled a 56.1 scries.
The Albany men's (1 leant splil its intrasqiiad scrimmage against Albany's C leant
The Albany women's A team losi lo The
College of Saint Rose 3-1. lite women's H
team was shutout by Albany Business College 4-0.
Track sign-up
Men interested in signing up for lite
Albany Stale irack and field leant must attend one of two interest meetings to be held
on Monday, November 21 and Tuesday,
November 22 al 5:00 pm in room 123 al
University Gym. Those coming out for Ihe
Icam must gel a physical al ihc Student
Health Service. Any questions should be
addressed lo Coach Mttnsey, room 326 al
the gym, telephone 457-7585.
$2 admission
Admission lo this weekend's Capital
District basketball tournament will be $2
for each night. SUNYA ID cards will be invalid, as all proceeds raised go toward the
funding of the tournament.
The Albany State women's basketball t e a m will open their 24-game season Saturday night against the College of Saint Roae on the road. G a m e time Is 6:00 p . m .
shooting guard to point guard.
" W e ' r e experimenting with
lhal," Scanlon said on Monday.
"We're going lo have to ask an
AI Monday afternoon's press
awful lot of Joe, especially now
lunehcon Tor this weekend's Capital
with I'ete Injured. Bul he's a great
Dislrict Basketball Tournament,
alhlele, and he's responding well to
the atmosphere was strictly friendly
Ihe challenge."
and informal. Coaches and players
Wood's jumpshol with four
from the three area learns were preseconds remaining sent last year's
sent, and they spent lime together
game into a second overtime. He is
discussing topics ranging from last
an ouisianding leaper and scorer,
year's tournament to Devil's Bag
and must be controlled if the Dutbeing scratched from the Remsen.
chmen are lo be beaten.
But when the ball goes up for the
Another key member of this
opening tap tonight al University
lalenled Union learn is center Ken
Gym the atmosphere will be
D'Ora/io (14.0 ppg, 9.3 rpg, 56.1
anything but friendly. College
percent field goal shooting).
basketball will be underway.
For the host Albany Great
Dicckelman in lasl year's final, and
Danes, who will face CCNY in
his fine shooting touch can wreak
tonight's second game, revenge will
havoc on an opposition's big man.
certainly be in their thoughts. Last
"I think lhat's one of his major
year the Danes entered the tournauttrlbutcs-hc has Ihe ability lo
ment at Union as the prcscore inside as well as outside,"
lournament favorite, at least in
Scanlon noted. "I Ihink it's a big
their minds. Bul after narrowly
if you can bring a big guy
defeating Rl'l In the opening
uway from Ihe basket with his
round, they were knocked off by
shooting. He's gol greal range;
Ihe host Dutchmen in a classic 79-74
you're talking 18-20 feel. He's protriple overtime thriller of a final.
bably the best shooter I've got."
This year the Danes enter the
D'Ora/io says he is looking fortournament as more of an underward 10 a possible rematch with the
dog, according lo Albany Head
Coach Dick Sauers.
"I always like lo play Albany,"
"I felt last year we came into the
he said. "I like lo gel up fur
tournament as a team and we felt
Albany. Especially now that (John)
we were the team that should win
Mracek's on the learn and he used
the tournament," Sauers said.
lo be wilh us. He's a good guy and
"When we lost that triple overtime
we like lo gel pumped up against
game that was kind of a blow to our
ego. I think this year we're coming
Union's opponent, Ihe Engineers
in a little more uncertain, We feel
of RPI, will be led by first year
that we have as good a learn as
Head Coach John Quatlrocchi, a
anybody, bul I don'l think any of
former player and assistant coach
my players classify themselves as
here al Albany under Sauers.
For the first lime in 30 years RPI
won't be under Ihe helm of Bill
Kalbaugh, who stepped down at the
end of lasl year. Quatlrocchi will
have a difficult lime trying lo
replace Kalbaugh and al the same
lime rebuild a team that went 7-17
lasl year and hasn't had a winning
season since 1977-78. He thinks he
will be up to the task,
"1 ihink I'm ready," he said Monday. "I'mjusl nol sure how I'll respond. I feel I can do Ihe job; I just
want lo gel started."
The Engineers have also been set
back by injuries recently, most
seriously lo sophomore forward
John Mahoncy (6.1 ppg), who is
out 6-8 weeks wilh an illness. This
has caused Quatlrocchi lo throw his
starting forward position up for
"In Mahoney's absence we've
been juggling people in and out,
We're nol sure yet (who will
start)," he said.
The backcourl is set, wilh senior
Eric Wcinbergcr(l 1.5 ppg, 54.1 percent field goal shooting) and
sophomore Mike Giannaecini returning. Weinberger is ihe integral pari
of the offense. According lo Quatlrocchi he has an excellent shot, and
"We expect him lo shoot whenever
he wants lo."
Senior co-caplain Kelly Collins
(8.6 ppg) is Ihe likely slarler al
For certain, one thing Quatlrocchi has brought in is an air of enthusiasm. RPI held its first practice
al 12:01am on October I5lh, the
earliest possible practice session
permitted by NCAA regulations.
Albany tuned up for the Capital
Dislrict most recently wilh a scrimBOB UJOKIY UPS
mage against Division II Springfield
Jan Zadoorlan will play a key rola lor Albany al small lorward and College lasl Sunday.
shooting guard.
NOVEMBER 18,1983
Albany hosts CCNY tonight in Capital District
the pre-tournament favorite."
Thai role would appear to belong
to the defending champion Dutchmen, of whom Sauers said at the
luncheon, "I think Union's got by
far the most talented group returning and the best record last year.
Obviously, Ihey'vc gol lo be the
Union, who will open ihe tournament against RPI lonighl al 6:30,
had Iheir best basketball campaign
ever in 1982-83, finishing al 21-5
and gaining Ihe first NCAA bcrlh in
ihe school's history, where they
were knocked off by Harlwick in
Ihe first round or the Easl Regional.
Head Coach Bill Scanlon has four
out of live starters returning and,
up until a few weeks ago, Union
seemed lo be on the verge of
another big year. But recent injuries
have set them back somewhat, and
it appears ihe Dutchmen are nol as
ready as anticipated.
The graduation of polnl guard
Joe Clinton (14.6 points per game,
7 assists per game last year) left a
huge void, bul one that seemed lo
be more than adequately filled by
junior Peler Tornccllo. Bul lorncello, an excellent shooter and
ballhandler who transferred from
division 1 Rhode Island and thus
had lo sil out last year, recently injured ligaments in his thumb. According IO Scanlon he will be out
anywhere from two to six weeks. In
addiiion, swingman Jim Doherty
hurl his knee in Ihe preseason and is
out indefinitely.
This has forced a bit of reshuffling, according lo Scanlon, including moving Joe Wood (19.1
ppg, 3.7 rpg, 3.6 apg) from
By Mark Levine
and Kellh Murder
November 22,1983
'The Day After' sparks strong campus reaction
By Heidi Gralln
ASSOCIArt .vttr.s toiroit
Dave Adam and the Great Danes will be shooting for the Capital
District Championship beginning tonight.
"We needed il very badly," said after the Springfield scrimmage. "If
Sauers of Ihe team's First scrimmage we keep up Ihe intensity lhal we had
against another school. "We gol al the end of Ihe game I ihink we'll
off lo a very slow start, but once we do really well — we've jusl gol lo
got moving 1 was very pleased wilh get the intensity level up in Ihe
beginning of Ihe game. I'm very
what we did."
Albany under Sauers has tradi- ready for this."
"I Ihink Ihe game (Springfield) is
tionally played mostly man-lo-man
defense, bul Ihe Danes showed going lo be lo our advantage,"
mostly /one against Springfield, commented Mracck, who is oband this trend should continue as viously geared up for a possible
Ihe season progresses, and most matchup with Union, his former
school. "Springfield has a quick
definitely lonighl.
"I think we might be a little bet- learn, and CCNY is going lo do a
ter in a /one righl now," said lot of running and we gol back well
Sauers, "because of inexperience of on defense. Springfield is a lot bigsome people and Ihe lack of a real ger and stronger inside and we still
quality person inside — they lend to worked our offense pretty well."
foul when they get out of position.
As far as the matchups litis
weekend go, on paper the Dut"1 think we're going to start in a chmen seem logical favorites. Bul
/.one against CCNY lor Iwo the recent injuries and reshuffling
reasons. One is lo keep out of early have pui litem somewhat behind
foul trouble and sec if Ihcy can lasl year's schedule.
shoot, and second to get a belter
"Lasl year we had a very, very
idea of how lo match up if we have good preseason," Scanlon said,
lo go man-lo-man. It's pretty hard "one of Ihe reasons being we had
to do that —- we haven'l seen ihcm. more defined roles. This year we
I only had them scouted once, and don'l enjoy lhal luxury. Guys are
thai was al the end of last year."
finding themselves in grey areas and
From whatever other limited in- as a coaching staff we're experiencformation Sauers had available, he ing Ihe same thing. I think il's going
also said lhal CCNY has about half to take us longer this year to perof lasl year's 9-17 learn reluming form as a cohesive unit."
and he expects them to play a /one
defense and zonepress. They are
"If they're playing people oul of
coached by Floyd Lane, a former position because of lhal (injuries)
player in CCNY's glory days when lhal could be a big factor in Ihe
they won the NCAA and NIT tournament," Sauers said. "I Ihink
Championships in Ihe same year. In they have quality inside people and
addiiion, Ihcy had won four of the a quality shooting guard in Joe
previous nine CUNY Champion- Wood. Bul If Joe Wood is forced lo
ships prior lo lasl year, so ihcy cer- play poinl guard and rearrange all
tainly will be no pushover.
Ihe positions lhal can be a big facAs far as the Dane players tor. The point guard is a key man."
themselves, the general feeling is
II all gels underway lonighl, and
lhal Ihe learn is ready,
if Ihe ait ion is half as exciting as last
"I ihink we're ready," com- year's Capital Dislrict Tournament,
mented poinl guard Danny Crouticr il's going to be a great weekend. II
"I have lo gel going," a SUNYA student said casually
Sunday nighl, "I'm going lo watch the end of civilization."
An hour later two dark mushrooms flashed across
millions of T.V. screens around the nation as more than
100 million people wilnesscd the residents of Lawrence,
Kansas become instantly transformed into ashes in ABC's
fictional depiction of a nuclear war.
The two and a half hour movie, "The Day Aflcr" cost
ABC seven million dollars lo produce and attempted lo
graphically depict some of the scientifically predicted effects of a nuclear attack.
The network advised parents to exercise discretion in
allowing Iheir youngslers lo watch the movie, many
psychologists and counselors across Ihe nation warned
viewers nol lo watch alone.
At SUNYA, many students packed themselves into Ihe
Campus Center and some residential lounges lo view the
highly publicized movie.
SUNYA Student Ellen Murray reported that her lounge
and suite room were filled wilh students watching Ihe
movie. "There was total silence," she said, "even during
John Curry, a freshman, said he fell the movie was effective in raising Ihe public's consciousness, bul, as many
other critics have also argued, il presenled a modified version of whal a real nuclear war would be like. "I thought il
was unrealistic because an actual nuclear war would be
much more severe and there would never be lhal many survivors," he asserted.
Many students said they fell the movie was too hyped
and over dramatized by the media, prior to ils airing.
Several members of Ihe New York Public Interest
Research Group (NYPIRG), which publicly supports a
nuclear freeze, said Ihe movie was disappointing because il
did nol illustrate enough of the predicted outcome of a
nuclear war. The movie did serve some functions they
stressed, because il did make Ihcm wanl lo work even
harder for disarmament.
"For people who hadn't studied the issue at all it's a really good starling poinl," said Ephram Kann, a NYPIRG
"I expect thai il raised Ihe general level of awareness on
Ihis campus. It'll be a lot easier lo speak lo classes on Ibis
issue," added NYPIRG coordinalor Paul Herrick.
Hcrrick noted, however, lhal he has read several books
lhal were much more frightening than Ihe movie.
"I expect that it
raised the general
• '
>•• -
level of awareness h
Ky^th(s campus. It'll be )
V, >K
J- ^^(hjL<$^bprrtd speafc
to classes' on this
The NYPIRG disarmament group meets every Thursday
at 5:30 p.m. in the NYPIRG ofrice.
The movie was discussed in several classes on campus,
and a channel 13 news learn laped a in a U.S.-Soviel relations honors seminar.
"Il's important lo know whal the effects of nuclear
weapons are, bul the problem is thai you don'l wanl lo
base your decision making on emotionalism because there's
no easy answer," contended Ed Rclncs, a student in Ihe
SUNYA professors expressed a variety of reactions,
ranging from praising Ihe movie for raising some imporlani
questions to criticizing Ihe movie as a "pointless horror
History professor Donald Ilirn said Ihe movie "serves Ihe
function of a crystal ball because we can see whal people in
earlier wars eoidd nol see," which is Ihe impact of a war
before il happens,
He said he saw "very lilllcoverl propagandizing" in the
Richard Kendall, also a history professor al SUNYA,
disagreed wilh Dim.
Kendall said ihe movie was "leftist unilateral disarmament propogunda." He didn't watch the movie, he said,
"because ever since I was a kid I never liked horror
movies." The movie, he explained, was written by someone
wilh leftist motives and aired by people whose only inleresl
was lo make money.
Il was unnecessary, he said, because jusl aboul
everybody already believes that nuclear war would be the
"Il was lite underside of liberalism and Ihe underside of
capitalism cominu loeelhcr to give you a pointless excrcis'-
Professors challenge SUNYA system of tenure
By Jim O'Sullivau
In a dramalic condemnation of SUNYA's tenure and
promotion system, English professor Myron Taylor has
charged thai professors are promoted nol for their teaching
skills bul for Iheir research abilities.
Several professors have challenged Taylor's charges and
both Ihe University President and the Vice President for
Academic Affairs have defended the system against Ihe
English professor Myron Taylor
Enraged over SUNYA tenure policy.
Taylor said lhal he was making his charges public in lighl
of Ihe current debate and public concern over education in
Ihe Unilcd Slates.
"If there's any place in America where the contempt for
leaching is absolutely pronounced and strident it's in the
university, and nowhere is lhal more true lhan here" at
SUNYA, he said.
Taylor made his most serious charges againsl Ihe tenure
and promotion process.
The only way to gel promoted, asserted Taylor, is lo get
good evaluations from peers outside Ihe community,; "At
every single level letters musl be solicited from outside
cvaluators... who know nothing about the teaching,
nothing about local responsibilities" of ihe person being
In order to get good evaluations, you must make a name
for yourself in your field, and Ihis, Taylor believes, leads to
teachers ignoring their responsibilities to their students.
Addressing Talyor's charges, SUNYA Vice President for
Academic Affairs Ramaley said lhat "for a while we
overstated research because we were growing into a University from a teacher's college... people overestimated and
overemphasized scholarship in order lo gel us staffed in a
way which seemed to fit our new mold."
She said Ihe institution is maturing, and research and
education were becoming equally emphasized, bul lhal
tenure and promotion should nol be granted unless original
research or scholarship had been made by a leacher. This
comes wilh being a pari of a University center, she explained.
Taylor maintained, "Within the system everything is
done to encourage you to ignore all of your local responsibilities in order lo make sure you gel a name" in your
field. Taylor talked about his own experience, "like every
other person coming through the mill I was told essentially
to do just exactly lhat,"
"I couldn't gel il (tenure) now, I wouldn't have tl\
slightest chance," Taylor said. Ramaley declared that
"SUNYA's mission is research and leaching " and Ihe two
arc "inseparably linked."
She said lhal tenure and promotion decisions are made
through guidelines developed by Ihe University Senate,
which can then be accepted or modified by the President,
who musl also lake inlo account union contracts and Ihe
policies of Ihe SUNY Board of Trustees. These arc formulated together and aflcr Ihe Presidcnl's approval, given
10 the Vice Presidenl for Academic Affairs for implementation.
The Guidelines for the Preparaiion of Recommendations
for Promotion and Continuing Appointment for 1983-84
define scholarship as "original scholarly contributions or
artistic works which constitute significant advances or major contributions lo the individual's discipline and which
serve as a basis for major professional awards or distinctions in the discipline."
The Guidelines, which Ramaley called a "cookbook"
because Ihcy tell exactly how to evaluate a applicant, also
said thai "Scholarship and teaching will nol be traded off,
one againsl the other. Excellence in one area will nol compensate for deficiency in another."
Taylor explained how a 1974 SUNYA Select Committee
on Educational Priorities was, he believes, a major factor
in giving research such weight in tenure decisions. That
committee was chaired by Ihe current University President,
Vincent O'Leary.
"While this particular committee defined University
priorities, there was not one undergraduate teacher on it,
nor anyone concerned with undergraduate education,"
Taylor charged.
He went on to say lhal Ihe document written by the committee said, in effect, lhal "Undergraduate education will