Sports Seras' loss ends successful year for grapplers

15, 1983
Seras' loss ends successful year for grapplers •
March 18, 1983
Bus driver and Health Service layoffs revealed
By M a r c S c h w n r z
ASSOCIA n: sriiii i s union
Andy Seras was unsuccessful in his bid to
become Albany's first Division I A i l American since Warren Crow accomplished
that real in 1967.
Competing at the N C A A Division I national championships in Oklahoma City,
Oklahoma, for the first lime, Seras won one
match and lost his second.
He pinned Drexcl's Phil Goltlick at 1:50 of
the first period to win his first round match.
In the second round, Seras fell behind early
to Tony Arena o f l l o f s l r a . Trailing the
Atlantic Coast Conference champion 8-1
after two periods, Seras' comeback fell short
as he lost the match, 10-8.
In order for Seras to advance in the lottrnamcni following the defeat, Arena needed
lo defeat his next opponent, Darrel Burlcy o f
Lehigh. Hurley was the defending national
champion and is one of only five wrestlers in
N C A A history to make il lo the finals, four
consecutive years. Hurley defeated Arena
12-3 knocking Seras out of the tournament.
By virtue of his pin of Cioltlick, Seras
amassed two team points for Albany.
By Steve Fertlg
" I just didn't wrestle well at a l l , " Seras
said. " I l was just an off weekend."
" A n d y did a real good j o b . Il was a good
tournament for him. It's a big event, probably very lough on a guy wrestling there for
the first l i m e , " Albany Slate wrestling coach
Joe DcMeo commented, " W e are disappointed ihal he didn't make All-Amcrican,
bin he didn't have a good match againsl
Arena, The first two periods lie wus off, but
he did a good j o b in the third p e r i o d . "
Scias' performance completed what could
arguably be called the finest season ever by
an Albany State wrestling learn, The team
finished seventh in the nation, their highesi
making ever and had lour Division I I I A l l Amcricans, another team record. The Danes
recorded a 13-4 dual meet record against
what DcMeo termed verj lough competition.
" T h i s was probably lite best team I coached in terms o( Individuals," DcMeo said.
The Danes entered litis season trying to top
last years record breaking season. In 1981-82,
Albany placed |2th in the nation and had
ihree All-Americans.
S e n i o r c o - c a p t a l n Vic H e r m a n , s h o w n here d e f e a t i n g B o s t o n U n i v e r s i t y ' s Dave K o p l o v l t z e a r n e d D i v i s i o n I
I All-American
h o n o r s . He h a s the m o s t career w i n s In A l b a n y h i s t o r y .
Albany began the season where they left
off the year before by capturing die Great
Dane Classic lor the second year in a tow.
The Danes overwhelmed the 25 other Division I, II and I I I schools by sending nine
wrestlers lo the finals out of a possible 20
finalists. Seras easily defended his title, and
Rob Spagnoli won his first Classic champion-
ship by defeating Icammalc Harvey Siaullcrs
ai 126-pounds.
Following a three week layoff, the Danes
began their dual nieel season. Albany crushed their early season opponents including impressive vielories over S U N Y A C
Blnghamlon, 40-6, Potsdam, 31-8, and Cortland, 32-9, in the same day. DcMeo viewed
those triumphs as the besl in any one day b
an Albany team. The vicunies avenged tw
o f the Danes I luce losses ihal ihey had sul
fered the year before in compiling a 17record.
Albany was home for the first lime oi
December 10, as Ihey put they perfect 5-'
Layoff notices were distributed to 35 nonacademic S U N Y A
employees Wednesday
resulting from cuts dictated by Cuomo's 1983
budget, according to Vice President of
University Affairs Lewis Welch.
Of the 35 positions cut throughout the
campus, six Student Health Services positions and 9 bus drivers will be eliminated,
said Welch. The other positions cut have
been scattered throughout the university and
will not effect students, Welch added.
Layoffs in health and bus services will take
effect lifter May commencement, he said,
while the other layoffs become effective as
early as A p r i l 7.
Welch admitted that "there is going to be a
change" in health and bus services, but could
not say whallhosc changes would be.
The specific cuts in positions were recommended by a 20 member budget panel which
includes student representatives, faculty, and
university staff) according lo Dean of Student Affairs Neil Brown,
Student Health Services Director Dr. Janet
Hood explained that two physicians and four
nurses have been cut from her staff. " I don't
know how lo handle I b i s , " she said.
Hood predicted health services will not be
as adequate as this year. She is parllcularly
upset about the elimination o f the in-patient
service. The Health Service, said H o o d , will
no long be able lo serve "acutely ill kids who
arc not sick enough to spend $150 in a
hospital but too sick to go to d i n n e r . "
Efforts are being made by the administration to try lo work out some way to save the
Student Health Service, but it will have to be
funded in a different way than before, Hood
said. She described these past few months as
a "terrible p e r i o d . "
Brown said thai the health service cuts
were originally lo become effective on April
7, bul Ihc university requested and received a
May 22 extension by the Division of Budget.
Brown explained that he has reviewed local
hospital costs which are often $130-$ 175 per
night, and believes the Health Service could
provide ihc same care for 25 percent less than
Students line up tor b u s ; Inset: Dean ol Student Allairs Nell Brown.
Willi driver ails "there would mil he the capabilities In service all off-campus
Ihal. With the current number of health
staff, Brown said the university could run " a
skeletal bin responsible service pretty responsively." Right now, specific plans have nol
been formulated, he said.
Physical Plant Director Dennis Stevens
said he is attempting lo discern how culling
roughly half the number of bus drivers would
effect the students. However, Brown said
Ihal he forsees a bus fee being Instituted.
Brown added thai he is pressing administration hard " f o r some kind o f service
to the Wellington, bul he acknowledged Ihal
wiili the driver cuts, there would nol be lite
capabilities to service all off-campus
A n attempt lo rcsiore bus and health ser-
vices will be made, said Welch, bul he could
not specify any specific plans. The restoration may be attempted on u fee basis from a
revenue nol as of yel discovered. Also, if the
$12 million deficit causing the layoffs is
grained back by Ihc stale legislature, the
positions may be restored, he said.
According lo Co-Director of the University News Bureau Mary Fiess, when the directions for the cms first came from the governors office, President O'Lcary had hoped lo
postpone considering Ihc number of posilions lo be cut until lite new slate budget was
revealed on April I. In the past, said Fiess,
money has often been restored to the State
University by the legislature after Ihc budget
proposal was made. O'Lcary wished to wait
for the chance of receiving more funds,
which would cause fewer positions lo be lost.
However, said Welch, Cuomo ordered that
SUNY layoff action be taken immediately.
Welch said that the state budget originally
proposed that 3,000 positions across the state
campuses be cut. SUNY-Central trustees
then decided thai $33 million in energy cosls
and deferred maintenance could be saved
throughout the SUNY system, saving 1,247
positions! In addition, said Welch, 428 jobs
would be saved through a $10 million pledge
of the SUNY Central truslees..The 35 layoffs
on ihis campus represent Albany's share of
The NCAA road to Albuquerque gets underway University striving to meet needs of minorities
By Biff Fischer
Tonight al 7:00, two virtually unknown teams, Roberl
Morris and Georgia Southern, will lip off one o f
America's premier sporting events, the N C A A basketball
tournament. As seems the case each season, this year's extravaganza promises to be the most exciting yet. There
really is no standout team which stands above the other
fifty-one, but come A p r i l 4 in Albuquerque, someone
I j
The controversy thai was present last season really
never materialized lllis year. Sure, teams like T C U and
South Carolina had legitimate claims lo N C A A bids, bin
ihey really did nol gel cheated, as Bradley did a year ago.
So, we go into this year's tournament with the highest
quality most evenly matched tournament yet, and picking
winners is none loo easy.
The East region is probably the weakest of the four
even Ihough il is probably strongest during the season,
bin Virginia, Boston College and Villanova are elsewhere.
It seems strange that St. John's, the Big Easl champ, got a
harder draw than Syracuse, the fifth place team in Ihal
league. Both Rutgers and SW Louisiana, one of which
will play St. John's, are probably better than Ohio St., the
team Syracuse will play after they dispose o f mighty
Morehead St. A n d if Syracuse can get by the Buckeyes,
they'll be playing the rest o f the regional in their own Carrier Dome. Quite a reward for being the fifth-best team in
your conference.
Most observers would probably j u m p on N o r l h
Carolina or Si. John's as regional champ, hut I think this
is where an unexpected team can come through and gel a
trip to Albuquerque. The learn? How about the Rutgers
Scarlet Knights, a learn Ihal anonymously grabbed
twenty-two wins. The Knights were in the Final Four in
1976, and their coach, T o m Young, is one of America's
best. I think Rutgers will play in Albuquerque.
The Mideast region is very, very lough. Louisville is the
lop seed, but I think their first game will be the longhesl
of the four seeds; with the Cardinals facing either Marquelle or Tennessee. Indiana has looked awesome al
various limes, but without Ted Kitehcl, I don't Ihink Ihey
can do i l , especially if ihey have lo play 23-ganic winner
Oklahoma in their first game. I look lor the Kentucky
Wildcats lo emerge victorious ill the Mideasl, as Melvin
Turpin has developed Into one of America's finesl big
men; so much so Ihal Sain Bowie lias hardly been missed.
Kentucky will j o i n Rutgers in Albuquerque.
I.ousiville fans were upsel that the Cardinals did nol
play in the Midwest, so that their first iwo games would
be at Freedom Hall. Bui the Cardinals are In Evansvlllc,
leaving the Midwest as the most abstract of regions.
Georgetown is always a threat, but the Hoyas have a
distinct weakness inside as soon as Pat Ewing sits down,
and w i l h big men like Keith Lee, Sieve Slipanovich, John
Plnone and Akeem Olajuwon in the region, Georgetown
seems an unlikely candidate, Houston Is now number one
in America, bill that's a hindcrance in Murch. The
Cougars will run, run, r u n , bill Ihey won't run lo A l b u querque. Neither will Villanova, or inconsistent Alabama,
or overrated Memphis State. That leaves the lowa-
Missouri bracket. I firmly believe that the winner o f this
game, assuming that Iowa beats Utah St., will win the
region, and I'm picking Missouri lo do it. They've been
close for four years, and led by seniors Jon Sundvold and
Slipanovich, I Ihink Missouri will win the Midwest.
Just as the Easl region dipped in talent, the Wesl has
risen, joining the West's three good teams, U C L A ,
U N I . V and Washington State, are Virginia, Illinois,
Boston College, Big 8 champ Oklahoma State and A C C
Champ NC Slate, This is the most Interesting region, with
a tremendous variety o'f philosophies. N C Slate is totally
dependent on the 17 fool 3 pointer, and will lose quickly,
since there is no gimmickry in the N C A A tournament.
Hopefully, U N L V will play U C L A , in whal has turned
out lo be the west's version o f Louisville-Kentucky. That
would be a super ballgame, wilh the winner meeting
Virginia in the regional final. The key here, for me, is Ihal
the regional final is in the high altitude o l ' O g d e n , Utah,
where stamina is a little harder lo come by. So, in the
finals, when all those jnckrabbits are wearing down
physically, Ralph Sampson will still be 7 fool 4, and the
Cavaliers will round out the Final Four in Albuquerque.
Rutgers. Kentucky, Missouri. Virginia. You can come
up wilh logical reasons lo pick almost any combinations
of learns for the Final Four, there are ihal many good
leams, Clubs ihal reach the Final Four are experienced,
poised and smart, You can't gel thai far if you're nol.
The most questionable at-large bid was given lo Utah
Si., a learn that won only six games lasl year, and finished
third behind U N L V and Cal-Fulcrlon in the F C A A this
year. It would seem that both T C U and South Carolina
Cal-Fullerton. . . This weekend had to be a great one for
By .Indie Eiscnbcr|>
Lasl purl of a series.
Alongside university efforts to increase
minority enrollment, S U N Y A administrators
and student leaders are working to make Ihc
campus more responsive to the needs o f its
minority students,
The university community is sponsoring
workshops, lecture series, inter-group comtnunicntlon and more responsive programming lo counter racist attitudes and promote
sensitivity towards minority concerns.
S U N Y A Director for Affirmative Aciion
Dr. Gloria DeSole said the campus is "still a
Carl M a r t i n
Campus white ami middle class.
traditional structure — an upwardly mobile,
middle class, while Institution,"
In ihis kind of atmosphere many minorities
feel thai there isn't sufficient reason for Ihcm
lo feel al home, said DeSole.
F'or Instance, as Admissions Director
Rodney Hart noted, minority students are
often mistakenly assumed to be pari of the
Educational Opportunity Program (FOP), a
program established lo help economically
and educationally deprived students of all
racial backgrounds obtain a college education,
.t lecture series to educate Ihc campus on the
effects of racism, sexism and discrimination
againsl the handicapped.
DeSole and Associate 10 the Dean 'lor Siudent Affairs Carl Martin, who heads lite Office of Minority Student Services, hope lo
develop a workshop on race relations soon.
While workshops ami lectures serve an important purpose, Martin feels the biggest
need and concern of minority students on
campus now is gelling information — on
everything from employment lo academics lo
extra-curricular work opportunities.'
EOP Director Vernon Buck said while 25
percent of (he students enrolled through
i U N Y A ' s FOP are while, in oilier schools
almost everyone in Ihc program is white,
"There's resentnieni by Blacks and Puerto
Ricans who are nol E O P , " Buck said.
"They're Immediately tabbed thai w a y . "
DeSole said that there are " a lot of
misunderstandings about distribution of
goods and benefits, There is slill a perception
that Blacks and Hispanics gel a free ride.
This comes from a lack of information and a
kind of easy racism that's a r o u n d . "
" i t ' s poison, bul it's a r o u n d , " DeSole
people k n o w what
discrimination Is, but d o n ' l know about
discrimination," said DeSole. "They know
how Ihc system can be abused, bul not how
Ihc system w o r k s . "
DeSole has given lectures lo increase
awareness of campus insensiiivily towards
minorities, and the university has sponsored
Martin said minority students are often left
" o u t of the mainstream How of information.
They are not aware of facilities, opportunities and programs ol Iters are aware o f . "
Martin attributes minority students' lack
of awareness to the fact that " n o t many arc
in the Student Association or as RA's In Ihc
dorms. The Albany Student Press is not effective as a source of Information to some
groups. Programming is not gparcd towards
minority needs."
" I i is a lit I Ic harder for minority students
lo gel i n f o r m a t i o n , " said Albany Stale Unviersity Black Alliance (ASUBA) Chair Eddie
Edwards. "People d o n ' l realize black
students may have some apprehensions abuot
joining a club. If Ihey have lo approach someone dial's while they may gel nervous."
Edwards feels the main function of campus cultural groups such as A S U B A , F'uer/a
l.aiina and Ihc Pan Caribbean Association is,
" f i r s t of all, just gelling students more involved —- period. Students thereby go on lo
j o i n oiher groups, nol jusl minority groups.
Martin feels minority Involvement In campus groups and activities is crucial lo minority retention, "Studies.indicate that students
peisisi longer al a univesily if ihey are involved, if school is 'more than jusl going lo classes
and going h o m e . "
A n added benefit lo minority Involvement
would be obtaining a minority voice In iradl.ionally while groups. In Ihc past, Martin
>aid, " i h c taste left in minority students'
mouths is thai Ihey have nol been
"Americans arc so into liieir own culture
and needs ihal Ihey don'l consider anything
else," said Pan Caribbean Association clinir
Philippe Abraham. Lasl year ihal group had
trouble getting Student Association funding
to bring Michael Manlcy, former Prime
Minister of Jamaica, lo speak at S U N Y A .
One of the problems ihey faced lasl year,
Abraham said, was that "Americans weren't
aware o f who he is. We had to battle and
make sine Ihey heard us. We weni through
all h e l l . "
" W h e n a person's needs arc not considered, that person feels left out, nol a pari
of il — whether it's Intentional or n o t , " Martin said.
Abraham noted thai only a small number
of Caribbean students — people from places
such as Haiti, Barbados, Trinidad, Santa
Domingo, Aruba — actually make it through
all lour years at S U N Y A .
" T h e majority of students on campus arc
B Rl J E- F S
quoted the chief of the Soviet General staff,
Marshal Nikolai V. Ogarkov as saying in an
interview that if U.S. missiles in Europe were
used against the Soviet Union, Moscow
would directly sirikcihe United Stales.
Threats anger Marine USSR orbiter crashes
Washington, D.C.
lAP) An American general has accused
Israeli soldiers of deliberately threatening
md insulting U.S. Marines in Lebanon and
isked the United Stales to prevent further
•onfronlnlions, according to a report
mblishcd Thursday,
The report, a copyright dispatch from the
Washington bureau of Knighl-Riddcr
tewspapcrs, appeared u day al'ler five U.S.
Marines were slightly wounded in a grenade
iiinck in Beirut, gunmen wounded eight
Italian soldiers nearby and a landmine killed
iwo Israelis east of tile Lebanese capital.
In Washington, President Reagan said
Wednesday he would press fur the
withdrawal of Israeli, Syrian and Palestinian
forces front Lebanon, anil an administration
official suld chances have Improved on
breaking the 10-wcck diplomatic impasse on
, reaching a pullout agreement.
Soviets warn US
(AP) A lop Soviet official said ycslcrday that
if the United Slates and its allies deployed
medium-range nticcar missiles in western
I in ope, Moscow would have to set up its
own rockets "near American borders" to
achieve equality.
It was believed to be the first lime any
Soviet official was that specific about how
the Kremlin could read to NATO plans to
begin deploying 572 new Pershing 2 and
cruise missiles in Europe by the end of the
Meanwhile, The New York Times today
Washington, D.C.
(AP) A Sovlel satellite came down in the Indian Ocean Wednesday less than 12 hours
after it was launched, defense officials said
. These officials, who spoke only on condl
lion Ihey nol be named, said the satellite was
a miniature space shuttle-typo vehicle.
They dismissed us inaccurate speculation
dial the Sovlel satellite lllght involved a lesl
of some kind of new space-borne nuclear
Salvador rebels gain
San Salvador
(AP) Leftist Insurgents entrenched on the
slopes of Ihc battle-scarred Ounzapa volcano
blew up Iwo primary electrical lowers and
plunged most of the capital into darkness.
The Wednesday night blackout came hours
after an appeals judge said he had delayed a
irial of four national guardsmen id the l')S()
slayings of four American churchwomen.
The judge told a lower eourl lo produce more
The rebel dynamite attack was the latest
sabotage in an intensified assaull this week
on Ihc country's power grid. Guerrillas
periodically have wrecked power Installations
In their 41-inonlh-old war lo overthrow the
U.S.-backed rigluisl government.
Repair crews restored power to most of
San Salvador al'ler 15 minutes, but about a
third of ihc country continued without electricity because of sabotage attacks ihai began
B R I E F S__
Nominee is criticized
Washington, D.C.
(AP) A Senate report says Kenneth Adclmnn,
President Reagan's choice lo head the Arms
Control and Disarmament Agency, appears
lo have "a greaier concern with the politics
of arms control than with its substance."
The report also says Adelman may "ally
himself with those in the administration who
would establish impossible standards in
negotiations with the anticipation of
The rcpori was produced by a majority ol'
the Senate Foreign Relations Commillee,
which recommended by a 9-8 vole last month
thai the full senate reject the nomination,
However, President Reagan has said that
he will seek Adelman's confittnation by the
lull Senate.
Legislation is stalled
Washington, D. C.
(AP) The Senate, already stalled in ils consideration of anli-recession jobs legislation
because of an amendment, Is facing a long
list of amendments to another major bill —
the Social Security rescue plan.
Meanwhile, House action on a nuclear
weapons freeze resolution has been delayed
al leasl until Monday, but supporters insist it
will pass by a wide margin when It finally
comes up for a vole.
Members of ihc Senate have indicated they
will try lo attack more than two do/en
amendments to the version of the Social
Security builoul plan drafted last week by the
Senate Finance Committee. The Committee
bill was basically the same as the version approved lust week by the House.
Aid redistributed
lo end basic steel making al the plant this
Williams met with local and international
officials of I he United Sleelworkers here and
later issued a statement saying it would be loo
cosily for Bethlehem lo keep Ihc aging mill's
basic steel facilities in operation.
The shutdown, announced in laic
December, will mean the loss of 7,300 jobs.
Another I,.101) employees will be kept on ihc
job al a modem galvani/ing line and 13-Inch
bar mill thai Bethlehem will keep in operation,
Irish parade is held
/Veil1 York
(AP) Despite a boycott of Thursday's Si.
Patrick's Day parade by the Irish government, 23 bands and some politicians, because
of ils controversial grand marshal, officials
vowed Ihc event would be held "with dignity
and pride."
The 23 bands, Irish government, 26th U.S.
Army band and such politicians as Sen.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan and former Gov.
Hugh Carey planned lo boycott Ihc parade
because of Ihc election as grand marshal ol
Michael ITannery.'an Irish Republican Arm)
"We're nol going lo lei them hijack llirj
parade," said Mayor Edward Koch, as final
preparations were made for New York's
221 si annual celebration of Ireland's patron
Godfrey dies at 79
New York
(AP) Fans mourned Arthur Oodrcy, ihc
ukelcle slrummer whose gill of gab made him
a radio and television favorite for five
Godfrey, who liked lo call himself Ihc Old
Redhead and who was once dubbed "Ihc
lluck Finn of radio" for his folksy wil, died
Wednesday al age 79 al'ler being hospitalized
13 days for emphysema and pneumonia al
Mount Sinai Hospital.
From his signature greeting of "Ilowu'ya,
llowa'ya," lo his public battle against lung
cancer, Godfrey did everything With his own
brash style. He liked lo say that you "gel as
much out of life as you put into it."
(AP) Gov. Mario Cuomo has presented his
proposed plan to reduce the local share of
Donald Wilson Prakken, 68, chairman ol
Medicaid lo II) percent by 1988 — a plan he ihc Classical Studies Department at SUNYA.
says will save counties $6 billion.
died Monday al Albany Medical Ccnlei
Cuomo said Wednesday he was sending Hospital after a long illness.
the Legislature a bill lo gradually reduce the
Dr. Prakken had been a professor of
local share of Medicaid from the current 26.5 Classical sludics al SUNYA since 1966.
percent to It) percent.
Before coming lo SUNYA he laugltl for Iwo
Currently, I he federal government picks up years al Pennsylvania Slate University and
50 percent of Medicaid costs with the stale for 17 years ai Franklin and Marshall Coland localities splitting the resl. Under
Cuomo's plan, ihc stale would gradually
He received his bachelor's degree from
assume more of the stalc-locnl share.
Whitman College in 1936, his master's degree
in 1937 from Johns Hopkins University and
his doetornlc in 1942 from Columbia Univei
Lackawanna sily.
(AP) Prcsicni Walter F, Williams of the
The professor was a member ^' 'I'1'
Bethlehem Steel Corp. said ycslcrday Ihc
Classical Association of the Einplrc Stale, Ihc
company cannoi accept a cosl-cutllng proAmerican Philological Society and I he
posal offered by ihc unions for ihc
Lackawanna plain and will cany out ils plan American Institute of Archnclogy.
Classics Prof dies
Steel plant closes
It's that time again! Year-long efforts by a staff of 47 will culminate tonight In
the annual 24-hour Telethon. Events will Include: student entertainment, auctions, pie-throwing, food, beer and more.
The festivities, dedicated to "Special Children, Special Dreams," will commence at 8 p.m. in the Campus Center Ballroom. Admission at the door Is $1.50
with a Telethon t-shlrt, $2 without.
H e b r e w and J u d a i c s t u d i e s
I students can apply lor a position on
I the educational staff of one of the
I Ramah Camps In the U.S. and
Canada. For Information or an ap. plication, write: Amy Kagedan, Personnel Coordinator, National
Ramah Commission, 3080 Broadway, New York, N.Y. 10027
(jlgnum Laudis, SUNYA's academic
honor society, is accepting new
nombors. If you are a junior with a
cumulative grade point average of
1.78 or higher and have completed
it leasl 50 credits ol coursework al
SUNYA, you may be eligible. II you
meet those and havon't recolved
and Invitation to join, contact Diano
at 457-8814.
A forum on Palestine, ontltled "The
Suppression ol an Idoa," sponsored
by tho Arab Student Association
and Committee lor Palestinian
Rights, will bo hold on Saturday,
March 19, at 2:30 pm in LC 2.
A Spiritual Commemoration ol the
Sharpullle Massacre In South Africa
will be held on Sunday, March 20, al
4 pm in the Ml. Ploasanl Baptist
Church, 441 Washington Ave,
Albany, N.Y.
The Albany School of Business announces this year's Annual Awards
Banquet and Beta Gamma Sigma
Induction, to be held on April 23 at
tho Americana Inn. Tho reception
begins al 5 pm followed by dinner al
6 pm. Tickets cost $13 and can bo
purchased In Ihe Campus Center
beginning March 21. All students
and laculty are welcome to altond.
The TAP tiling deadline Is Thursday,
March 3 1 . A p p l i c a t i o n s are
available in AD 152. Don't miss the
Telethon begins this Friday, M a r c
18, at 8 p.m. and will continue lor 24
hours, In Ihe Campus Center
Ballroom. Tickets are $1.50 with a
Telethon T-shirt, and $2.00 without.
Proceeds go to Wlldwood School
A Gorman language and culture lor tho Developmental^ Disabled,
study program Is being olfered, this Camp Opportunities, and Ihe N.Y.
summer, through SUNY- at the N o r t h e a s t e r n
U n i v e r s i t y C a r o l o - W l l h o l m i n a , Neurofibromatosis.
B r a u n s c h w e i g , Germany. One
somester ol college level Gorman SUNYA Black Alliance Is sponsorand an above average scholastic ing a pro-Easter festival, with enterrecord are required for this pro- tainment, music, and refreshments,
gram. For lurther Information, con- on Saturday, March 19, In Ihe Indian
tact the Olflce of International Quad U-loungo,
E d u c a t i o n . The
deadline Is April 15.
A $400 theater fellowship in
Low Income homeowners ana
renters living In Albany Counly who
are finding II difficult to pay home
healing bills may qualify lor a grant The Department of Mathematics
of $165-230 through tho Home and Statistics Is holding a seminar
Energy A s s i s t a n c e
P r o g r a m In Ergodlc Thoory. Daniel J .
(HEAP). Find out more by attending Rudolph will speak on "Restricted
a special outroach program on Orbit Equivalence, a Now View of
Wednesday, March 23, from 1-5:30 tho Ornsloln Thoory", on Friday,
Parent of a deaf child, Ann Sayors,
p.m. at Human Resource Contor March 18"; Monday, March. 21;
will speak on her experiences dealand Old School 25,198 Morion Avo., Wednesday, March 23; and Friday,
ing with her child, on Monday, Albany.
March 25; at 4 p.m. in ES 108.
March 21, at 8 p.m., In HU 128.
momory of Agnes E. Futloror will bo
awarded to a sludonl who has attended SUNYA lor at loast two
years as an undergraduate and
holds a bachelor's degree Irom
SUNYA. The lellowshlp may bo used (or fjraduato sludy In Iheator or
Ihoalor rolalod Ileitis. Applications
are avallablo In Alumni House. Tho
doadllne Is April 1,
JSC-Hillol and GALA present
"Jewish Identity as Gays and Los
blans" with guest speakers Irom
Am Tlkva, a gay and losblon
synagogue In Cambridge, Mass., on
Sunday, March 20, at 1 p.m. In CC
375. A d m i s s i o n I s , Iroe and
refreshments will bo served.
UUP says Albany cuts may harm local economy
By Nancy Crowfoot
Proposed SUNYA budget cuts will lead to a $5.4 million
decline in local business volume in the Albany area, according lo a report by Ihc United University Professions.
This projection, estimated for Ihe first full year following
Ihc budget cuts, describes two lypcs of spending effects thai
will hurl local business volume.
Initial effects include reduced spending by faculty, staff,
students and the university Itself.
Generated by these reductions would be what UUP
Albany Chapter President Tim Rcilly refers to as "second
order effects." These include fewer sales by local vendors
supplying goods lo the university, as well as a spending
decline by residents employed outside the university. Both
arc direel results of income reductions caused by lower
university generated spending.
"Making substantial cuts in SUNYA is like closing a major manufacturing plum in Ihe eily of Albany," Rcilly
observed. "The entire community is affected."
UUP estimated that reductions directly attributable lo
retrenchment will exceed $2.7 million. This includes a $1.5
million decrease in spending by faculty and staff laid off as
a result of Cuomo's estimated new budget. Rcilly claimed
ihai ibis is u conservative figure, which assumes thai all
retrenched faculty and staff remain in the Albany area, and
spend approximately $8,000 a year, a figure that roughly
corresponds to Ihc level of unemployment insurance
benefits. There is no guarantee, however, thai those laid off
will continue to reside in ihe Albany area, he said.
"Given ihe current tightness in the local labor market, I
assume that retrenched faculty and staff will find it difficult, if not impossible lo obtain jobs in Ihe Capital
District al their current sulary level," predieled Reilly, adding that this would result in an even further drop in spending in the local economy.
In Ihe report, UUP also estimated a $1,016,000 reduction
in local spending by students resulting from the budget
cuts. This includes an anticipated drop in enrollment by
1000 students next year due to increased tuition, According
lo Reilly, the non-luitivc eosis of unending ihe university
will approach $2,300 per person in the coming year.
Albany UUP Chapter President Tim Reilly
Compares cuts lo closing a major industry in Albany.
figure of approximately $150,000. This would include a
substantial reduction in spending by UAS, as a result of the
cut in student enrollment.
Reilly added that second order effects, which would
.-ituse a $2,642,346 total reduction in indirect local spending, area result of laying off faculty and staff. "If a faculty member, or the member of Ihc staff, or a student spends
less, local residents receive less income, and consequently
spend less," Reilly explained.
There are more lhan local economic benefits provided by
SUNY, Reilly maintained.
"The advantages of SUNY are greal in Ihe New York
Slate economy," he said. "The long term economic advantages of having well educated graduates contributing to the
slate is of greal Importance."
Commenting on Wednesday's proposal by legislative
leaders lo resiore some $304 million to ihc state budget, $20
million of which would go lo the SUNY/CUNY system,
Reilly said that it was an improvement, but that it would
nol be enough. He also said that more money should be requested by SUNY Central. "Wc appreciate the
Chancellor's effortslo save SUNY, but we need more aid,"
explained Reilly.
UUP President Nualla Drescher commented, "The
Chancellor's proposals are like chemotherapy; ihey provide
immediate release lo the patient, hut the side effects can be
UUP is still strongly advocating the implementation of a
uncharge on personal Income lax in the slate as a way of
,neeiing Ihe budget delicti.
"It (the siuehaige) is neat, clean, and would go away in a
few years," said Drescher, "unlike other forms of taxation, which never go away." The surcharge proposal has a
"sunset" stipulation, she explained, which would
limit the duration of lasaiion lo under five years.
UUP is hopeful I lull ihe resolution will receive greater
support as legislators become more conscious of the importance of SUNY. Reilly nulcd that legislative support has
been increasing.
"It's nol a question of whether or not to gel revenues,
hut how lo gel litem," maintained Reilly. "II just doesn't
make sense for New York lo HI lack one of ils more valuable
Jewish groups will protest Arab lecture series
By Ben Gordon
Campus Jewish groups have vowed to protest a scheduled lecture series Saturduy which has been co-sponsored by
ihc Arab Students Association (ASA) and Ihe Capital
District Committee on Palestinian Rights in LCI, according to President of Jewish Student Coalition—-I lillcl,
Melinda Miller.
Revisionist Zionist Alternative (RZA) Vice President
Steve Smith said ihe protest is being coordinated by ihe
Student Coalition Against Terrorism (SCAT). The proiest
is in response to the tentative lecture by Palestinian Liberation Organization representative Dr. Haiem Hussaini,
Deputy Observer lo the PLO Mission lo Ihe United Nations. The ASA has announced Ihai Dr, Mohammed
Hallaj, Director of ihe Institute of Arab Sludics, and Dr.
Carol Berrigan of Syracuse University will also speak.
Miller explained Ihe prolesi is to lake Ihe form of Ihe
group repealing the Mourner's Kaddish, a Jewish prayer of
mourning. Miller said Ihe prayer will be "for all Ihe people
felled by PLO terrorists."
Smith said Hussaini is "trying to lake the tarnish off
Ihc PLO, that they're nol as bad as Ihe press makes them
out to be. He's using his speaking ability lo make the PLO
look better in Ihc public's eves."
The Women's Studies Program ol
SUNYA presents "Critical Stages:
Women In American Theater", a
conference to be held on Ihe
SUNYA downtown campus, on
March 18, 19, and 20. Conlerenco
activities Include film and vidoo
presentations, discussions, and
workshops. For more information
call Susan Chast at 457-8428.
Nominate a toacner or advisor lor
|ho Fourth Annual Excollonco in
Teaching and Advising Awaids.
Nomination lorms aro available In
Ihe SA olflce (CC 116) and must be
roturnod by Friday, March 25.
A Chemistry colloquium entitled
H y d r o d o s u l l u r l z a t l o n " w i l l be
presented by Mr. Tzo-Chon HBieh,
on Tuesday, March 22, al 4:30 p.m.,
in CHM 151.
This estimated reduction in spending, said Rcilly, may
also be much smaller lhan Ihe actual, as It is assuming thai
students from Ihe local area would be paying room and
board costs al their current off-campus addresses, even if
Ihey will not be enrolled al the university. It is likely that
this will nol be Ihc ease for many students, he said. .
A decline In university spending will also be detrimental
to Ihe local economy, according to Reilly, who estimated a
Professor Frank Pogue
New confrontation came as a surprise.
"I think that there is
nothing wrong with this. I
don't believe there is any
intimidation. I don't think
the dialogue between our
two groups is to stop these
activities on campus.''
— ASA President
Zaki Saleh
President of ihe ASA Znkl Saleh said "I think. Ihai there
is nothing wrong with this. 1 don'l believe thai iherc is any
Intimidation, I don'l think I hat the dialogue between our
two groups is lo slop these activities on campus." He added
Ihai Ihe speaking engagements were scheduled on March 3,
before Ihe dispute at ihe World Week festival.
The dispute during World Week focused on ihc question
of whether ihe ASA could display material which ihc RZA
found offensive al an event which was intended lo emphasize Ihe positive aspects of various cultures.
This new confrontation between campus Arab and
Jewish groups came as a surprise lo Dr. Frank Pogue, who
jonvened a forum between the groups lasi Friday in order
lo prevent a repeat of similar disputes as ihe recent World
Week Filmic Block Parly. "I know nothing ahoul It,"
Pogue said, and refused lo comment unlit he could learn
more about ihe situation.
Dean of Student Affairs Neal Brown said he met with ihe
presidents of ihe ASA and ihe RZA early Thursday morning in "a very congenial meeting." lie added that both
groups "pledged their cooperation in Idling each others'
evenis occur wilhoul interference." Because of this
meeting, Brown said lie felt "nol al all sure thai ihc actions
of this weekend are related lo the discussions. " I h e university, he added, is letting both events occur bused on Ihc
belief of freedom of speech and the freedom lo assemble.
The campus Jewish groups feel a necessity to respond,
according lo Smith, lo demonstrate lo the community
"that Iherc are Jews on campus who are unhappy with the
PLO." He added thai the RZA intended a peaceful
demons! ration "staling our view while Ihey slate I heir view.
We'll fill ihe vacuum."
Smi|h does not feel that a breakdown in talks will occur
if ASA holds Ihc event, "The talks are siill going through,
no mailer whai happens Saturday. The talks are lo make
lliings more workable."
Saleh pointed out Ihai the speakers are being brought lo
SUNY to educate Ihe public about Ihe Arab position on
Issues concerning the Middle East, The .lews in America, he
said, have long aired their opinions, and Ihe ASA warned to
present Ihc other side of Ihe argnmeni. Saleh maintained
that he would like lo see "Americans and officials from Ihc
university see for themselves what Ihe speakers' opinions
are on: the Jews, Israelis, and on the Middle Fast in
According to Pogue, one possible long term objective of
Ihc talks between lite ASA and Ihe Jewish groups might be
lo "plan fit lure activities, hopefully sponsored jointly."
Saleh explained ihai ii was suggested hy Ihe RZA lo
cosponsor such evenis as, perhaps, an organized debate,
bill said Ihai "Ihc ASA discussed it, and we feci lhal it is
nol appropriate ai this lime, especially al'ler...ihe attack on
our table," referring to the removal of a poster front titer
ASA display by an RZA member, The RZA returned Ihc
posier the next day,
"We don'l feel thai Ihe RZA represents Ihe Israeli polnl
of view or Ihc American Jews' polnl of view cither," Saleh
said, adding "so, whai's the poinl of having an argument
or debate wilh a person who does not represent the other
side of Ihc dispute?"
Smith responded I lull Ihe RZA represents Ihc "SUNYAlbany Jews." I |e claimed lhal any debate would be lo gel
students involved, and lo ail opinions publicly.
Man attacks student
A female SUNYA student was accosted Thursday al
12:40 on Myrtle Avenue in Ihc vicinity of the Price
Chopper, with her aiiaeker cutting her hair, according to
Albany police.
The student, whose name has been withheld, was walking along Ihe dark Pine Hills slreel when a man passed her
then attacked her from behind, and began culling her
hair. She screamed and the man ran off, police said.
There was no oilier bodily injuries lo the woman and
no signs lhal litis was an attempted rape, reported ihe
police. Still, no suspects have been arrested and detectives
have been assigned lo ihe case, according lo Lieutenant
Nicholson of the Albany police.
Two similar attacks, that police refer only as "hair culling incidents" have occured over the past two years in the
Pine Hills area, police said. The most recent occured three
months ago and one person has been apprehended in connection with these previous attacks,
The Pine Hills area was plagued by the "Pine Hills
Slasher" Iwo years ago. The allacker, who slashed three
woman in lite Richfield Park area, was arrested and
charged with attempted murder for the attacks, according
lo police.
—Robert Gurdinler
Shabbot Services
Any currently registered student may apply to select Room
Assignment and Board choice for 1983-84 by following these
procedures and deadlines:
Ex-Albany professor creates television series
5:45 pm • Orthodox Mingon
6:30 pm - Conservative Mingon
STEP 1 (Deposit, Meal Card Photo)
By Kllcn Suntusiero
"Ethical and Moral Value,lnherent
in Judaism"
Office of Residential Life, State Quad,
Eastman Tower Lower Lounge
April 11-15 and 18-22
STEP 2 (Room Selection)
Quad on which you wish to reside April 18-22
From Albany 10 Hollywood — " T h e American D i u r y , "
u six-purl television series tracing American History from
the turn of the century to the Hoover Period, has been
developed by a former S U N V A professor.
Bernard K. Johnpoll, a former Political Science professor who left S U N Y A in August 1982 after 18 years,
researched and collected rare and unused newsreel footage
over several years to complete his creation, at a cost of
" I ' m an old newspaper man and I noticed that we
weren't making proper use of newsreels" said Johnpoll. T o
collect the films, he explained that he traveled extensively
around the country and acquired films from twenty-four
slates. The project was financed through small grants and
out of Johnpoll's pocket. Most of the film, said Johnpoll,
was found in standard public ai chives. "There are huge archives with unused film. It's priceless footage," he said, adding, " i t ' s just as important 10 give a visual view as well as
an oral view of history."
speaker Rabbi Leib Tropper
STEP 1 must be completed prior to STEP 2 and total process must be
completed by 5:00 p.m., April 22. There are changes in the materials
80 - Watch for Posted Materials:
7:00 pm
Tonight Friday, March 18th
Chapel House
Pick up some materials prior to April 11 on your Quad.
Sponsored by JSC • Hlllel
MARCH 1819
Public Affairs
Sundays at 4p.m.
gi IFO
A n Exclusive I n t e r v i e w With:
Bernard Johnpoll with E. Q. Marshall
A visual view of history just us important as oral view.
ST/IFF iinm:n
9PM -2AM
$3.00 w-out
i f the anti-nuclear movemenl does not face
up to some hard questions and compromises,
il may revert into something that is merely
" f u n 10 do while the weather is nice," according 10 Moorehead C. Kennedy, Jr.,a former
hostage in Iran, who spoke at l.inlon High
School in Schenectady.
Kennedy, a founder of the Cathedral of
Peace Institute in New York City, addressed
a group of aboul 100 on a " N e w View
of Peacemaking."
Saying thai "slogan has lo be answered
with substance,"Kennedy asserted, " I l (the
nuclear threat) is not so simple 10 resolve.
The peace movemenl has lo confront lite
highly technical nature of civilization. They
could learn a lol from Ihc environmental
movemenl, which has had 10 come 10 terms
with ihc fact that transportation and corporations are necessary. The political process
of dialogue and compromise has to be laken
advantage o f , " he said.
If Ihis question is not faced, Kennedy said,
the leaders of die peace movement may find
iheir constituent elements "answering different questions in different ways." Fracture
within Ihc movemenl will be very hard 10
avoid, he added.
In the spring of 1982 the anti-nuclear protests peaked witli the Central Park rally, Kennedy said. There was a great deal of optimism
about how easily the threat of a nuclear
holocaust could be lifted by a " m u t u a l and
verifiable freeze," he said. This simple for-
inula, according lo Kennedy, "has Ihc meiil
of being Ihc lowest common denominator,"
The rally attracted a wide variety of groups,
including ihc Communist Party, Gay Liberation, may other single issue groups a n d church groups. Hundreds o f thousands of
nonaffiliated citi/eus also attended.
Kennedy staled that one question the peace
movemenl must ask ilself is what is really
meant bv the word "peace."
There Is inner.peace, peace In our hearts,
the peace which'Ihc Bible says 'passcth all
understanding.' If this is to be the goal for
the world, il doesn't mean mere reduction on
conflict) violence and w a r , " he asserted.
Kennedy stressed thai peace is a process,
and thai If the goal is a world where force is
not necessary, negotiations must he backed
lip by force, though force does nol play n
primary role. He cited as an example the incident of the U.S. Marine who challenged an
Israeli lank in Lebanon, saying I lull the incident was a lest of American resolve.
Kennedy stressed, h o w e v e r ,
Americans musi change Iheir "auisl w i n " aililadc. " I n life there are no real v Iclorlcs, Wc
need lo give in order to gel. We have lo
realize lhal we can'i be in Ihc riglil all Ihc
lime. Americans arc bronchi up to be winners; il produces a basis of excellence in our
society, but when the drive to win is applied
to International affairs it can get us into
serious [rouble," he said.
Ihc loose use o f the word " p r e v a i l " is
dangerous, according 10 Kennedy. " I f either
side persists wild the idea thai it can prevail,
il could lead 10 nuclear holocaust."
By Amy Kiluus
MARCH 21,1983
The first segment, said Johnpoll, will cover the time
period between I'XX) and 1912, is slated for Monday, April
4th. The rcsi of the scries will he aired April 5th, I l i b , and
I 2 l h , he said explaining that he hopes lo complete 2fi
segments of " I he American D i a r y . "
rile scries, according lo Johnpoll, will be narrated by
l-.Ci. Marshall, whose television and film Credits include,
" The Lawyers," " I h e Defenders," and lhe"C'rcepsho\v."
Mary Pickford, Busiet Kcaton and Charlie Chaplin are
some o f the celebrities highlighted ia the series.
Johnpoll said-tils favorite segment is the itiiid one, dealing with World War I, l i e added thai he w r o l e i l entirely by
himself, " I tried to show how crazy the war was and ai the
end I said it was a war with no reason, but the editors cut
my ending Dill and wrote a new o n e , " he said. "They were
afraid tm conclusion would affect sales,"Johnpoll added
lutt he plans 10 donate copies of the series 101 he university,
Currently leaching Journalism at Florida Aliunde
University, Johnpoll s.iid he is also working on a sciies of
historical segments that run from two 10 fifteen minutes to
be shown on PUS culled " A Year T o Remember."
lohnpoll plans 10 he in Albany dining the first segment of
the " D i a r y " scries in A p r i l .
I"hc point of peace, said Kennedy, is lor
mil ions lo develop themselves as far as possible, without impinging on ihc fights of
others, and "peace doesn'i mean 'leave me
alone'." he added.
Bui disarmament, said Kennedy, does not
mean lhal we have lo be friends with the
Soviet Union. " A hard-lined matrix is the
k e y . " Wc can still learn, he said, 10 irade
what we least need in order 10 niiniu what we
mosl desire. " O n ihc basis of fear and selfiuleresi there is very Utile 'lhal can'i be
negotiated," lie added.
flic peace movemenl of today, according
10 Kennedy, has a much deeper focus than
simply the unit-nuclear protest, l l i c i c is a
general feeling I hat institutions of tiil sorts Including govel mucin are not up 10 coping with
Iwciiiiclh-ccnltiiy problems, litis feeling,
said Kennedy, was generated "by Vicinnip,
and is fed by a suspicion that (US) industry
can't keep up willi other countries."
People aic no longer willing 10 relocate for
companies, Kennedy added. " W c ' i c talking
about a diminished respect and feeling I Mill
out insiiiuiioiis aren't dealing Willi our problems. Iheie's a feeling lhal it's nol w o i i h il
anymore. It's aol worth sacrificing I'oi
What Americans want is a world where
they feel comfortable, Kennedy said. Problems which wc can'i solve on 0111 own iciius
we avoid, according to Kennedy, and ihis
son of Isolationism is deep in I lie American
character, 1
Americans try to export iheir own country
abroad, Kennedy said, bin they do nol put
.'Hough lime and effort into ilicir foreign experience, and do nol gel enough out of other
cultures, a criticism he said that was true of
foreign sen ice personnel as well as tourists.
Kennedy said lie would like 10 see a great
deal mine International education. His
Cathedral of Peace Institute wants lo have
classes on how 10 develop greater sensitivity
to oilier cultures,
" W e need 10 instill a feeling that we have
something 10 learn from.01 her people," Kennedy said."We need 10 gel rid of the
American sense o f Imperialism."
M o o r e h e a d C. Kennedy
Peace is a process.
Local government bears brunt of budget cuts
$.50 off If wearing
a predominantly
green article of
Double Proof of 19
American National Enterprises ( A N I i ) tl Hollywood producer of Syndicated I V Programs, agreed to present the
ieiies witli Johnpoll's help, and has been marketing the
show for the pasl year, explained an assislani editor al
A N I i . The editor added ilia " t h e scries only look about six
months 10 physically produce, which is much shorter than
the lime put inio research and development." A lot o f
television stations have bought the syndicated series, including W O N in Chicago, K I T . A In l.os Angeles, and
vVTFN in Albany, according lo a I lollywood news release.
Political Science Chairman Alvin Magid said he
remembers Johnpoll as having a long interest In.political
journalism and was aware of the "large and ambitious proj e c t " that he was undertaking. " I t was first r a l e , " commented Magid after previewing a one hour rough draft segment of the series. I hough the preview was only a draft, he
claimed, " l o a layman's cinematic eye, it was excellent—first rale." Johnpoll showed ihc preview in
Magid's home to several colleagues when il was first completed, Magid said.
Former Hostage prescribes a course for peace
By Amcy Adams
Sunday, March 20 at 4 p.m.
tl MUM
President Reagan's first scl of budgcl ems hit New York
Stale residents and local governments harder than the slate
ilself, according lo a New York Slate Sludy by Irene l.urie,
a professor al SUNY-Albnny, and Sarah' l.iebsliulz, a
political science professor al SUNY-Broekpon.
The study cites three reasons why ihc cuts hit residents
and local governments hard. First, the largest expenditure
cuts were made in lite programs administered, from the
federal government directly lo Ihc residents and local
governments rather than in programs administered by the
federal government to ihc slate, Second, the state passed
the cuts il did receive on 10 local govcrnmcni and residents.
T h i r d , the Smile Old nol increase its expenditures lo replace
cuts in federal aid.
'I'be report, which was done as purl of a larger national
stiuly, funded by the Ford Foundation, is to lie released in
the future by Richard Nathan o f the Princeton Urban and
Regional Research Center. The study provides 11 detailed
look at the impact of federal budget cuts on NYS govcrn-
menl and the local governments of Ihc City of Rochester
and Ihc Town of Greece,
According 10 the report, cuts in programs in which the
funds are given directly to local government or the individual participants themselves, included a $.109 million
cut for Comprehensive Employment and Training Aci
(CETA) programs (a 59 percent cut), an estimated $195
million cut for Food Slumps (an 18 percent cut), and $84
million lor Trade Adjustment Assistance (an 87 percent
cut). Claims for Trade Adjustment Assistance, which gives
aid to workers who are unemployed due 10 import competition, dropped from 33,000 10 5,000.
Local governments received Iho C E T A fund cuts since
iliey are its prime sponsor. The culs, the study said, resulted
in tile termination of over 60,(XX) program participants.
New, stricter eligibility rules for Food Slumps directly
eliminated 8,(XX) households, and other changes in the
eligibility rules reduced benefits for almost all the remaining 750,000 households receiving the aid, it said.
" T h e unemployed and I lie working poor were most affected by these federal changes," the professors claim in
lite report.
T w o o f the largest cuts - CETA 'find Irade Xdjiisluicn
Assistance — had a quick and direct e f f e c t ' o n the
unemployed. Program changes in Food Stamps and Aid to
Families with Dependent' Children (AFDC) were designed
10 reduce benefits given to families with earnings — the
working pooi. Reduced Availability of daycare, funded
' under the Social Services block gram, also directly affected
Ilie working poor, I hey said.
In general, slate government was less burdened by the
federal culs than were residents of New York and local
governnienis/aulhoriiics, according 10 Luric ana
l.icbschutz. Cuts to ilie Suite itself having the greatesi effect were ihc $59 million cm in federal funds for Title X X
Social Services (a 24 percent cut); cuts totaling approximately $100 million over (he two-year period Federal Fiscal
Year ( F I T ) 1981 and FFY 1982 (a 15 percent cut) to
elementary and secondary education; and $7 million reduction in funds for employment service activities (a 10 percent
cut). Smaller cuts were also made in AFDC, and child
nuirilion and health programs, according lo the sludy.
Lurie and l.iebseliutz, also said the $550 deficit in the
12>- I
SUNY night
83 Hudson Avenue
124 West 43rd St. New York, N.Y.
Wednesday, March 30th
with the
Tickets on sale at the
Delta Sigma Pi
donut table starting
Monday, March 21st
Saturday, March 19,1983
Advance Ticket Sales at:
$8 per person
$15 at the door
World Records, 131 Central Ave.
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Sponsored by Delta Sigma PI pledge class
•^Fronl Pago
white, and there arc not many
Caribbeans. Many students don't
know what our problems are. They
also don't try to find out, and that
doesn't help," Abraham said.
"Many end up dropping out."
Abraham feels the situation is
getting better, and credits this
year's Students Association (SA)
with becoming more responsive to
minority concerns.
Although funding for Michael
Manlcy was denied lost year, SA
alollcd money to bring him to campus this past fall. And, in general
Abraham said the communication
between SA and the Pan Caribbean
Association has Improved.
SA Vice President Ann Marie
LaPorta said that while the Student
Association has been a primarily
white organization, attempts are being made to cover the needs of
minorities and encourage their involvement.
This past year has seen some
minority students run for office in
at the
Join The Combined Protest
7:30p.m. L C 18
Anyone interested in playing Varsity Tennis
in Spring '83 should contact Coach Serbalik
at 457-4638 or stop in AD-B5 by
by Tuesday March 22.
I've just received an invitation from the Dean to
discuss my grade point average over dinner. I've always
been told dinner guests should bring a gift. Would it
be appropriate to bring a bottle of Cella?
Our Drama Department's production of "Mourning
Becomes Electra" got some pretty rude reviews. Do you
think if we served your chilled Cella Lambrusco, Bianco,
and Rosato during the intermission, the audience
would stay?
* HARP UR6ER* «*«<
FRIDAYMARCff 1 8 t e
3 P M . ,AM
Uniueraltn Atucilinrti »irut«a ttymuiarri
Editorial Director of the B A R / B R I LSAT Course
and the nation's leading authority on the New LSAT
D e a r Mourning,
Maybe. If you promise them a little more of my
light, refreshing Cella Lambrusco, Bianco, and Rosato
after the final curtain.
ni£D lWk
Syracuse, N.Y
Saturday, March 19th, 2:15 p.m.
S ? & " J o i " us for the GREAT 8$>
Student Coalition Against Terrorism
Dircjtor of affirmative action
Dr. Gloria DcSolc said that while
university altitudes and programming is only slowly starting to rcflcc
minority concerns, people shouli
"take pleasure from what changi
they can effect and keep at it." CI
Sponsored by SCAT
WCDB record library, but the station has limited funds with which to
do that.
Presently, WCDB officials arc
meeting with univeristy administrators and deejays Involved in
the Third World program to resolve
differences they have had.
I'd suggest a case.
IHHHI H O • H O J ^ P ^ + O
Outside Lecture Center 1
students on campus."
Betz. feels the ASP still doesn't
cover minority affairs adequately.
"We're still a white paper," he
said. "That's something we haven't
rectified yet, although we're working on It."
Changes arc also being implemented at the campus radio station, WCDB 91-FM, which has
been criticized for its lack of
minority programming.
Program Director Joe Trelln said
there is a need to broaden the station's selection of "Third Worldtype music" by expanding the
Dear 1.4,
Against TheP.LO.on Campus
was meant to show how Broadway
both capitalizes on Harlem revivals
and "lakes a successful musical
idea and beats it to death."
The second, Betz. said, was "a
SA's legislative branch, Central direct quole from last year's (CenCouncil, and at least one minority tral Council) Financial Committee
appointment to an SA committee. chair, who at the lime was harassWithin SA, as with the university as ing people from Pan Caribbean
a whole, conditions arc improving over funding lor Michael Manlcy,
— slowly.
and who had a reputation for being
Roth Edwards and Martin reel a racist. This person was quoted as
the campus has become more saying at a parly " I ' m glad there are
responsive as an after-effect of the no niggers here.'"
protest sparked by last year's April
Betz said the ASP was Irying to
Fools issue of the Albany Student expose the person by printing his
quole, but others fell the paper was
ASP Editor in Chief Dean Betz endorsing racist altitudes.
explained that the April 2 and April
Fools issue was a parody of the New
Three weeks after the publication
York Post. "We were trying to br- of the April Fools issue, approxing attention to how they try to imately 75 minority students, callcapitalize on base instincts, some ing themselves the Firsl World
Coalition, held a sit in at the ASP.
being racism," said Betz.
Two items In particular incensed offices.
Edwards feels the ASP, and the
the campus minority community.
Betz said a mock advertisement for university In general, have become
Fat Black Women Who Sing, from more sensitive to minority concerns
the people who brought you Dream since the sit-in. But, Edwards addGirls, Porgy and Bess, Raisin in (he ed, "It's unfortunate that minority
Sun . . . with a picture of the students had to go thai far before
woman starring in One Mo' Time, people realized there were minority
Boston, Mass.
Editor of The Insiders' Guide To Law Schools; a
guide by students, for students
President of the B A R / B R T Professional Testing
Center and Law Lecturer
Ifuou have a question, send it to me, care of:
DearAldo, Post Office Box 639, New York, N.Y. 10018.
9 ^ _ , - » # If I use it in my column, I'll send you a Cella T-shirt.
The light, refreshing wine with Sass.
i i
"•"•'•" ""tiirnum mruiffl
Date Saturday, March 26th
Time : 1:00 p.m.
Place : The New York Statler Hotel
401 7th Ave, N.Y., N.Y.
(opposite Penn Station)
'I think it would be fun to run a newspaper'
felt a cold wetness oozing into my left leg. Reaching
down and touching the wet pant leg, I was relieved to
find a mashed-up lime and some crushed ice in my
left pocket. "Hell ofa lot better that wetting my knickers,"
-1 mumbled, satisfied at finding most of someone's drink In
' my pocket.
Four generations of Albany Student Press editors were at
the crowded Soho parly. Four years of having the same
thoughts and the same headaches. The four of us had at
least one thing in common — like the protaganisl in Citizen
Kane, wc all thought it would be fun to run a newspaper.
Between dancing and drinking I had a chance to talk with
some of the alumni of this student rag. One pulled me over
to the snack table, where it was somewhat quieter. He congratulated me on surviving a year and a couple months as
editor. Between contests to see who could shove the most
pretzels in their mouth without choking, he told me how exciting it was to watch Ihc changes the paper went through in
I lie past year.
It's hard to find someone who appreciates a good
newspaper. I don't mean to whine, but how many people at
this university realize what they've got going here? This
paper is the only one in the Stale University with Ihc guts to
become financially independent, free from the fickle
budgeting of student pols or public relations minded administrators. It's gol balanced, fair reporting, excellent
features, and diversity. It's a greal learning laboratory, and
best or all, ihc ASP answers only to Ihc high ethics of the
people who put it together.
Shit. I-Hopped back up on that high horse wc like to call
Ihc editorial "we". Thai's one of the drawbacks of writing
iwo editorials a week for over a year. Anyway, it was good
lo talk lo someone who appreciated Ihc kind of work people up here do. For Ihc first lime In over year, the typesetting computer is working without a hitch. Even the film
cover door I dropped ray second semester on Ihc paper has
been replaced, after ruining many rolls of expensive
typesetting paper through light leaks. The writing is sharp,
and damn it if the paper doesn't look good.
Back lo the party. I hit Canal with another newspaper
alumnus to find a few coldies because the party ran out of
beer. Wc found a dirly bar resplendent with winos and got
a few bottles. We'd worked side by side a few years ago,
and my imminent deparlurc from Ihe paper meanl Ihc end
of an era for Ihc both of us. Between a sleeping bag man
and the TV set wc tried to figure out a way lo describe my
three year old relationship with a newspaper.
The only word that worked itself out was contradiction
. . . Ihe more we thought about it Ihc more sense it made. If
anything, I am a contradiction. A progressive taking over
Ihc "eslabli hmenl" student paper . . . civil libertarian
restricting military advertising . . . feminist running sexist
advertising . . . serious humorist . . . lousy student
ing academic excellence . . . humanlsl without ramiXT
lo give attention to close humans . . . displaced I
alhicst most people think is a Lawn Quwiland j c w "*'
writer who can't spell. . . objective propagandist
I've been at Ihe ASP for three yeat s. and this Is my |„|
issue as editor in chief. As I sit behind ihis video screen
sci tjp.
ing the traditional sclf-indulgcni last editorial I'vt
to miss the excitement and emotion of this place.
It'll be bizarre to come up to campus on Tuesdays and
Fridays and pick up a newspaper I haven'l memorized ytt
Some things I read will piss me off; others will pleasanl|'
suprisc me. The folks taking Ihis paper over have got ihe
most ability I've seen in years or college journalism, and
they're going to make the ASP or my years look likcl
garden club newsletter.
As I washed Ihe gin out or my chinos, I thought that OIK
day I'll probably be pouring a drink in Ihc pocket of my
successor. There have been about 70 editors oUfoAUmi
Student Press and its direct predecessors since 1916, anil
was just one in a scries.
Only time will tell
For the first time in its twcnly-two year existence, OPEC
rolled back the price it charges for crude oil.
With the combination of external competition and an
abated consumer demand, Ihe once potent oil cartel had little choice but to lower Ihe price il charges for crude oil or
race an all-out price war which could have (and still might)
destroy its unity.
Robert Martiniano
After weeks or inftghting, OPEC members simultaneously agreed to lower its price per barrel by five dollars lo
twenty-nine dollars a barrel and lo set OPEC-wide production quotas.
These compromises by no means signal an end of
[roubles ror the beleaguered OPEC. Non-OPEC oil producing nations could still unilaterally lower the prices they
charge for oil, recreating the price war, and conservation
measures could still lower Ihc demand Tor oil products.
Oil conservation may or may not be a major factor in
OPEC's rail ftom omnipotence.
Debate continues within economical circles as to the
relative effectiveness of conservation measures. Economists
believe the world-wide recession has a much nrcalcr influence on the abated demand for oil, rather than sporadic
conservation measures.
Yel, downplaying conservation efforts only diminishes
the collective enbrts Ihe Western world has produced lo
lessen its dependence on OPEC oil.
Detroit is not about to retool to again produce gas guzzling dinosaurs. Our efforts to produce more energy efficient
homes and businesses will not abate even with the decrease
in ftiel costs. These short term conservation initiatives have
long term consequences.
Whether these conservation measures contributed more
to OPEC's situation than did the recession, that is for
historical speculation.
Speculation notwithstanding, Ihc recession also had an
impact on OPEC's oil prices and consumer demand. With
American factories working at sixty percent capacity, the
amount of oil America failed to import is significant. Again
we cannot downplay Ihc significance or Ihc recession in
OPEC's problems. Vet, to note every aspect or the recession and its impact or oil importation would be a bore.
Even with Ihe recession and conservation, OPEC's biggest problem came ftom non-OPEC oil producing nations.
With nations such as Mexico, Norway, and and Great Brilian selling oil just as cheaply with much less aggravation,
oil importing nations are switching trading partners.
Over the last three years, while total consumption
world-wide is down by nine million barrels or oil a day, the
consumption of OPEC oil is down twelve million barrels a
Applying basic math to this economical situation, while
OPEC oil production is down that previously mentioned
twelve million barrels a day, non-OPEC oil producing nations have increased their oil production by three million
barrels a day.
OPEC's lion's share or Ihe oil market no longer exists,
and for so long OPEC had a huge appetite. With the dominant role in oil production, OPEC could dictate its rules to
the rest of the world. That is no longer true.
With the onset of the recession and conservation
measures, and with competition from non-OPEC nations,
oil usage abated. With Ihe need for steady revenues, countries had to decrease prices lo increase sales and hopefully
steady total revenues.
It is this need for price dccrcase(s) which tore OPEC
apart. Iran, in its need lo fund its war with Iraq, needed to
undercul OPEC's official benchmark price of thirty-lour
dollars a barrel lo keep a steady revenue flowing.
For nations such as Nigeria and Venezuela, who arc Indebted to American and European banks, income had lo be
steadied to keep debt service payments up or risk bankruptcy.
For other OPEC nations, Ihe revenue is needed just lo
exist day to day. Within OPEC, Ihere exists a dichotomy
based on riches. Rich Persian Gulf slates and Libya bring in
ninety percent of OPEC's revenues for only three percent
or OPEC's population. The other ten percent of Ihc
revenue supports ninety-seven percent of OPEC's populalion. Obviously these poorer stales have a greater slake in
keeping revenues steady. Any drop in revenues could spell
economical disaster.
Only time will tell whether OPEC can survive Ihe current
world situation wilh respect lo oil consumption.
Yet, OPEC is not the only loser in Ihis game. The Soviet
Union perpetually in need of hard currency and also the
largest oil producer in the world is hurling from iliisptict
Several days before OPEC announced Its price reductions, the Soviet Union announced ii would charge only
twenty-nine dollars a barrel for its mule oil. With
economic problems within ihc Soviet Union, andllsneedlo
use hard currency to buy rood from Ihc West, any price
reduction hurls ils trading position within the inlcraalloml
Great Britain is in a similar position with that of the
Soviet Union. Though Great Britain does not need Ihe food
supplied Russia does, it is in the recession « hlch is affecting
us all and any price reduction on ils North Sea oil would
hinder or delay a national recovery.
Oil companies in America are also being affected In the
price reduction on crude oil. Most major oil companies
have reported subslanlial decreases in Inch profits for Ihii
year and a few smaller oil companies have filed fa
For twenly-two years we have suffered from the whims
of an oil cartel and oil companies which tried lo milk ilit
consumer dry. Now Ihe consumer is in the driver's scat. Ltl
us not wail at Ihe troubles oil barons currently have, for
too long we have suffered and made do, Now ll's I
College Press Service
i s m TCM TO mxm mm MD m.. w> m^mm..m>
i I n t r o a p a c t f M 3a
Pre-preregistration for
The Albany Rotary Club lias offered lo sponsor the " T h i r d Annual
Albany Rotary Club Career D a y . " This is a worthwhile opportunity
for S U N Y - A students to participate in a one day on-the-job
experience. Here are just a few of the responses C U E received in
reaction to last year's event:
"an excellent learning experience"
W h o : Economics majors with a program card sionort
by their advisors in the Economics Department
W h e r e :Corrider between BA 110 and BA 111
W h e n : March 22 and 23, 1983
" I t wasi real 'Hands on' experience rather than 'show and t e l l ' . "
Tuesday, March 22, 1983
8:30 • 9:30 a.m. All Seniors
" T h e kind of knowledge we got yon won't get In a hook or from
friends and advisers"
Students whose surname begins
A - C 9:30a.m. • 11:00 a.m..
D-G 11:00 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
H - M 12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
" I t allowed me 10 make some valuable contacts in the field."
" I never learned so much in just a few h o u r s l "
" H a l s off to Career Day I "
I ills year approximately 33 area professionals and members of Ihc
Albany Rotary Club have agreed lo donate the morning of April
21st to the career developmcnl of Albany students. This half-day
venture will lake students off the campus and into Ihc community.
Students will spent the morning with their ussigned professional
contact at his pluce of busincs. A wide range of occupations will be
represented including:
t omniunieaiuins
_. , ,
Wednesday, March 23,190.3
N • R 8:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m. • 11:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m. • 1:00 a.m
1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m.
'ondorlng where you
fit In....
Worried about your
birth control...
_ .„ _
. . .
Public ScrvicuAdniinislninon
Real Estate
After a busy morning students will be treated to lunch at the
Albany Thruway House • courtesy of the Albany Rotary Club.
The Center for Undergraduate Education (CUE) is cosponsoring this event with the Rotary Club. CUE will
coordinate the selection of students. Individuals Interested in
participating may pick up an application at CUE, fill it out
and return it to CUE no later than March 25. At least 58
students (possibly more) will be selected. Selections will be
made according to designated areas of Interest. Selections
will be made on April 7. For more Information contact Dina
Meliti at CUE (457-8331).
Sexuality Resource
105 Schuyler Hall
Mon.-Thurs.Eve.: 7:00-10:00p.m.
Editor's Inside* ••
Young Carroll: The PizzaVideo Years
T.V. etiquette and HubertKenneth on the same page?
eah lady I use da go
I was da star a dot
place. . .
The taxi driver pointed to the navel
academy on Washington Avenue.
Those were da o\e days, you know?
I nodded.
What da matter, doll, cat got ya
N o , I replied.
Oh, ya just a little shy, hunh?
I didn't know what lo say.
Well, I was da star over dere. I played
ball, and I was da best. Nobody beat mein dose days. So tell me where ya goin'?
O'Heany's, please.
Oh, yagoln'out
ta party, are ya- ain't
It a little late. . . who ya meetln'ya
I smiled.
There ya g o , got ya ta smile.
W e rode In silence after that, until he
dropped me off at the bar.
Well, there ya g o , doll. Thats
I gave him $ 2 . 0 0 .
Thanks honey. You haue a nice
night, ya here.
Y o u too, I said.
You know I really was a star dere. It
was great.
Yes, the future of education
continues. This week's
-eport from the battle front
shows the sciences of mind
and matter are holding the!
own. Charmak looks at
psyc. while Taylor takes the
natural route.
S o , I lost. Y u p , the good ole Yahzlee
tournament Is now over and yours truly
is the loser. Third place! I can hardly
face myself. Well at least Stripes is playing tonight, and there will be something
I can laugh at. I'd like to sincerely thank
W C D B for broadcasting us live yesterday, the coverage of this Important
event will not be forgotten. A n d as for
Jefferson the D J , well, all we can say Is
that we love him. Thanks, Jeff.
A sarvlco provided by
Studanl Affairs and Student Association
sound and
Friday & Saturday March
Cinema • - i_C7
Debbie Millman
First Annual Aspects
Yahtzee Tournament
The Final Rolls
Cinema •• • LCia
. A n d the w i n n e r is R o b O ' C o n n o r
Midnight Show in LC 18
$ 1 . 5 0 w / tax card
..? L
30 h
SA Funded
I louse
95 QH ,->b
Site blinded me with science
And failed me in geometry
-Thomas Dolby
. . .To know that what is impenetrable
to us really
manifesting itself as the highest
wisdom and the most radiant beauty. . .
-Albert Einstein
Word On A Wing
Sfl O
What are you doing March
27? Schneider has a
suggestion; Peereboom
becomes a Member; Craig
Marks presents . . , the
Bongos; Lisanne finds living
ambiguous, at best; it's
Telethon time again as the
CC Ballroom goes on a 24
hour shift.
squared. . .
,E equals
I p e r a p e c d v e s 5a
bMarinff Grace
Andy Carroll: Pizza, PaoMan & Power Dots
that a good Ms. game combines elements
of both: the ruthless determination of the
ripper and the sublimated aggression of the
waiter. I explain that I'm neither, and not
only do I score poorly at Ms., but I usually
end up ordering another slice at the bar.
John Isn't sure, and tries to convey In
words the technique that has become Instinct after a year of play. "I always wait for
a fruit. You hate to miss a fruit."
John drops Ihe quarters In the machine,
and as he plays admits lhat my analogy has
some strengths. "My brother and I play differently. Andy's Impatient, where I'll wait
and wait until all four ghosts are lined up. I
guess he's more of a ripper than I am, If
that's what you mean."
Ripping into the maze
in search of fruitful results
or a year I lived with a sports buff
who never minded the nickname
we had chosen for him — The
3 Ripper — because he thought he'd been
named after a local sportscaster.'and not,
as was the case, after his eating habits. It
was an understandable misconception,
and one that might never had to have been
cleared up If It weren't for an afternoon I
spent recently at The Fountain restaurant
on New Scotland, where three of us —
me, Mr. Guilt, and The Smoker — had
driven for pizza and Ms. Pac-man. Ignorance may or not be bliss, although I'm
pretty sure The Ripper will be happier with
his nickname If he doesn't read past this
point. For It's here I reveal that "ripping" Is
Ihe act of sharing a pizza and tearing Into its
middle, Gordlan-knot style, to expose the
largest piece.
You're right If you don't consider this the
most serious of transgressions, nor the
rudest. I've seen hcuse-mates lick the remaining Freihofer's to claim them as their
own, (or Instance. But ripping remains unique In the sheer audacity of the act, a
technique of eating pizza which slates, "I've
finished my slice before you, and feel I am
entitled to the largest remaining piece,
even il it means skipping Ihe familiar
courtesy ol leaving the size of the piece up
to fate by going, In order, around Ihe pie."
Even If ripping weren't the most ruthless of'
acts, it would certainly remain one of the
All this came up again (The Ripper having graduated last year) when Mr. Gulll
reached for ihe largest slice on a cheese
and three-quarter onion pie Monday night,
and balked when 1 called him a ripper. He
reminded me that he hadn't torn into the
pizza, but had waited until the largest slice
had been exposed by The Smoker and me.
I didn't see the difference, and said there's
Utile distinction between ripping and
waiting — they both achieve the same end.
although one may be slightly more covert,
and therefore, I argued, almost worse.
Mr. Guilt would have none ol it, and
defended himself (weakly, I (eel) on Ihe
grounds that those who ait and wait do so
at a considerable risk o( having less than
anyone else, being that eight slices do not
go into three people evenly. Indeed, not
only shouldn't we have accused htm of
greediness, we should have applauded his
How this all relates to Ms. Pac-man may
not be apparent, but trust me — we're getting there. It's been a tradition of ours of
late to follow our pizza with a few goes at
the game. In fact, it's become a tradition to
follow anything with a few goes at the
game, although I don't think we've raised It
to the level of obsession that the
newsmagazines keep talking about. Mr
Guilt has his manic phases, and The
Smoker has dumped enough quarters In
the game to score in the 50- to 70 thousand point range, but I think I balance this
with an approach that borders on the
academic. High scores aren't enough for
me, especially as I've yet to achieve one. I
want to understand the game, and confirm
a few theories I've had about the type of
personalities It rewards, and those It
Ms. Pac-man has been called the most
popular video game spin-off In the industry's short history, designed by The
Midway Manufacturing Company to appeal to women arcade players and as a further challenge to those who already
mastered the original Pac-man. The yellow
Pac-man disc has been given a set of
Revlon lips, a pink and blue bow In Its hair,
and, If you look closely, a liny dimple In Its
cheek. Like Pac-man, Ms. Is a maze game,
the object of which Is lo guide your disc
through a series of twists and turns, and
earn points by gobbling "dots," enemies,
and loud, bouncing fruits. In pursuit are
four "ghosts," who can only be eliminated
when Ms. eats a flashing "power dot" and
turns them blue, and even then are resur-
rected from the "monster pen" In the middle o l the board. When Ms. has successfully eluded the ghosts or eaten Ihem Into
submission (earning up lo 1600 points per
power dot for her troubles) and cleared the
maze of all those dots, she Is rewarded with
a new maze, faster ghosts, and a shortened
duration of "munch-time," — Ihe period In
which Ihe ghosts remain edible.
Unlike Pac-man, the four ghosts in Ms.
— Ihe red, Ihe orange, Ihe green, and Ihe
pink — cannot be relied upon to do
anything predictable. Thus memorization
of patterns Is no longer effective, and Ihe
good player must learn Ihe personalities of
each of the ghosts, which are as erratic as
the player's. The orange ghost, for Instance, Is reknowned for his cowardice, but
Is Inspired to attack on occasion.
There Is also a quite literal sense of
drama In Ms. that is missing from Pac-man
"I'm gutsier," says Andy. "1 do the same
amount of boards In a third of Ihe lime It
takes John."
John continues. "You have to know the
ghosts pretty well. The green one Is shy.
but likes to predict what you'll do. The red
Is nicknamed 'Shadow,' and he'll go
wherever you do. The orange has a set
pattern, which he'll stick to sometimes no
matter what you do. The pink Is the
hardest. I don't know what he's all about. A
Si .1
n. •.»••'
Andy Is critical of John's slopplness, and
talks of "g-factor," which I think has
something to do with someone's portion of
good luck. John admits lhat pretzel eating
"often takes an educated guess."
"Andy Is critical because he sees his |>ac
regime going d o w n . "
"I told you. Anytime you want lo play
for money. . . "
The games go on and on, Ihe everiin ;
most symbolic tableau lhat of a man and
woman slumped against the bar, wailing
their turn to play. They've reserved
next game, but never counted on the Flco's
40 minute duel. It's less lhan a duel, really,
with Andy playing poorly, and John plowing o n . 64,200 going Into ihe sixth maze,
97,000 points Into the ninth. The com
menls become more random as he bears
down. " Y o u don't have lo see Ihe gliosis
change — you 'hear' It." "Attack Ihe pink,
he'll slide on b y . " "Fucking cherries and
random fruits!"
I've never seen the tenth board In my
life, and John admits he's not as [omlllai
with It as he'd like to be. The points are
coming fewer and farther between, but he
•'•»'•« Mil
— ^ (^
The View From The Couch
TV Etiquette: Should Talking Be Tolerated?
he scene: Irving Hall, 2nd Floor
lounge, Freshman year. Young
Albany State students, Jordan,
Alan, Vlnnie, Karen, Sue, Rob, Chris,
Lisa, Elizabeth, John, etc. are gathered
around the lounge television, passing a
pleasant evening of viewing.
In a situation like this, as we're sure
you're well aware, there Is bound to be
some conversation. Here Is where conflicts
arise. Some of the participants are serious
viewers while others are there for the social
aspect. Sooner or later, several of the
social viewers are bound to engage In some
form of light-hearted conversation. As you
cap well imagine, the serious viewer may
take umbrage (to quote our good buddy
Felix) to this uncalled for and amateurish
behavior. At this time one may expect to
hear an emphatic "Shhh, you're destroying
my concentration and ruining the whole effect of the movie" from the Alan Kaplans of
your viewing circle,
Who is right? Are Lisa and Elizabeth free
to discuss their cigarette shortage In the
middle of the bonus round of "Face the
Music" or should there be complete silence
until Ihe next commercial? Even this may
Infuriate the commercial aflclanados In the
audience. There are several schools of
thought. There are the arch-conservatives,
a la Steve Stone, who feel ihal absolutely
no talking should be tolerated whatsoever,
Then there are those who feel talking Is acceptable, Within this group there are two
sub-divisions, those who feel that intelligent, well-placed and illuminating Insights can enhance the viewing experience,
and anarchists whose inane, irrelevant and
ill-conceived comments contribute nothing
but heartache to the viewing public.
has the
The rangers are playing the Islanders
and Chris has just bought a box of French
Vanilla Creme Cookies, a gallon of milk,
and has Invited some of his uptown buddies over for the big event. Unbeknownst
lo him, Jay and his cronies have planned
an evening around their umpteenth viewing of "Up in Smoke" To complicate matters furiher, Michael, who has been watching TV all afternoon, has his heart set on
another viewing ol that modern classic,
"The Good, The Bad. and The Ugly." starring Lee Van Cleet. What we have here Is a
failure to communicate. Oops! Sorry, we
got a little carried away there for a second.
What we really have here is a potential
What will be watched? Again, there are
several ways of looking at this. Should Ihe
one who has control of Ihe box at that mo
ment have Ihe last word? Should the one
who has the besl argument, I.e. "I've only
seen 7 Ranger games this year and I moved off to walch 8 0 , " win out? Or should the
owner of the set exercise complete control
and threaten to move the TV into his own
room if he does not get his way (running
the risk of seeing cable wires pulled oul ol
walls-- "the horror, ihe horror")-' Who's to
Perhaps uur deprived oifrqmpUS
readers (although campus TV has become
almost bearable since the advent of WX
XA) are wondering what exactly is meant
by the term "box control" or "control of the
box". Although a difficult task, we will try
our darndest to explain it.
The box is that joyful plastic (if you have
ClneMax, wood If you don't) device by
which you can enjoy your day It allows the
viewer lo select any channel he wishes
white only having to move oho arm, This
eliminates needless commercial viewing,
dlsco.nforr alia wTreWfl energy Tmr-pcir
son In possession, "control" of the box die- S
tales what Is watched. Herein lies the importance of the concept, "box control." ^
Control of the box carries with It much «
responsibility. The controller must entertain
himself, please his fellow viewers, and 1
have a nose (or Just when to turn. Il Is both "
a privilege and an honor to gain control of
the box. However, It can also turn Into a y
nightmare. Think of those times whn you „•
are all set for'many loyous hours of T V ab- 3
sorption when, no matter where you turn,
there Is nothing but educational programriilng. serious documentaries, long movies,
or news broadcasts. What Is a viewer to
do? Forfeit control and let someone else
give it a try? Which leads us to our next
Does anybody like anybody else's control of Ihe box? Although we all applaud
those rare excellent displays of control, this
Is the exception. Haven't there been
countless times when you )usl wanted lo rip
Ihe box out of someone's hands during a
particularly poor performance? And
haven't there been other limes when you
couldn't wait fot the controller lo go to Ihe
bathroom, get a phone call, or have a fatal
hearl attack so that you could gain Ihe
much coveted control ol the box. We feel
thai the best approach, whenever possible,
is an honest one. Tell the controller that he
terrible and expect him lo abdicate possession Incidentally, how come girls have no
clue whatsoever as lo how lo control the
These are |usl a lew ol ihe many lads of complex, yet, ever Important concept,
TV Etiquette. We sincerely hope lhat
you've pondered these question, searched
your souls, and become better TV viewers
in the process.
FUTURVISION: We'd jusl like to lake this
opportunity lo thank Norm of "Cheers" lor
existing and bringing |oy Into our lives.
Next week we will further conceptualize
and try to discover the Ideal TV Viewing
The Game Of Love
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ y ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ y j ^ ^
— In the form of the "Acts," or romantic
Interludes which mark Ihe completions of
two pink mazes, three blue mazes, and four
orange mazes. In Act 1, "They Meet," Pacman greets his Ms. with a dainty kiss. The
second Act Is "The Chase," In which our
little feminist pursues her man as he streaks
across the screen. Act III Is "Junior," In
which the Ms. presumably becomes a Mrs.,
when a stork flys across the screen to
deliver a liny Pac-Baby.
Like many marriages, that of the Pacs
occurs only after a long and difficult wooing, and considering the level of expertise
•reached by my friends and me, Act III remained a virtual rumor. Until yesterday,
lhal Is, when 1 approached the Fico
brothers of Tarrytown to help me confirm
some of the theories 1 was beginning to
form about the game.
Freshman John Fico recognizes that he
Is no championship player, nor even the
best player In his family. That honor goes
lo older brother Andy, who's topped
160,000 points while clearing 17 mazes.
Both are more than mildly Impressed by
Ihe national record of 347.400. which I
confirmed yesterday by calling the National
Scoreboard, located in the Twin Galaxies
Arcade In Ottumwa, Iowa (515-684-6421
i - don't ask for Radar) .But John has often
recorded the highest totals on Ihe machines
In area bars, and when we visited Sutter's
on a muddy Tuesday It was his 109,260 at
the top of Ihe machine.
Before I watch John play his brother, I
try to explain my pizza theory and how it
relates to high scores. 1 describe ripping
and walling, and asks If he doesn't agree
correct (Iggle will send him running, but
sometimes not. I'll show y o u . "
John has eaten all but one power dot,
and he's trying to "Induce" the ghosts to
bunch up for a complete kill. But by
demonstrating the characteristics of the
ghosts he loses concentration, and gets
caught "pathetically" early. Still, he's earned an extra man, and has 11,470 points
without having cleared the first maze.
keeps pressing, 117,000. 126,060 He
passes his personal high and no one says
anything. With one man left he lops
130,000, and is finally eaten at 131,870
for his highest score to date.
John Is smiling but restrained at the end
of his game, saving his celebrallon as he
would a power dot, for when it is deserved
and handiest. "If I hadn't lost those men
early, I would have gotten into the Ill's."
1, on the other hand, am exhausted, and
have enjoyed the game as much as I would
have playing. I feel he's done il for me.
Andy takes over while John muses on
his mistake — a muffed "grab and go." "1
don't care, as long as I have three guys going into the blue boards."
Andy's game more nearly resembles my
I give Mr. Guilt the report at dinner ol
own scrambling pursuit of dots and ghosts.
He is munching a hamburger with a nonthe Flcos' prowess, and he doesn't let on
chalance that is disarming, but he does apthat he's impressed. He even goes so far as
pear more aggressive, often chasing ghosts
to say that their notion of the ghost's peracross the entire board, instead of waiting
sonalities seems far-fetched. The Smoker
for them lo come to him. Like John, he
doesn't agree, and says Mr. Guilt is too
has trouble concentrating In these early, «busy eating up dots and running away lo
slow rounds, and he drops a man early.
notice these things (too much rippi"!j and
not enough waiting, I think)
The pace begins lo pick up, and John
begins lo clear boards quickly and conThen The Smoker starts In on "profidently. Mishaps are few and far between
grams," and I protest. I tell them thai to talk
- he takes too long to munch an orange
about Ms. Pac-man In terms ol programs
and Is nearly devoured himself - but
and circuitry kills the game's allure I tell
where I would panic, Ihe brothers barely
them lhat I'd be happier II whal I've always
flinch. A mistake to the Flcos, rather, Is
suspected turned out to be true: lhal the
missing a shot at four ghosts and 1600
ghosts pursued me more tenaciously
points - a "four-bagger" In Andy's terms.
because they were antl-semlllc. This gels a
John Is unhappy with Ihe behavior of the
laugh, but deep down I'm serious. Like
green ghost, and wonders why he's being
John and his pink ghost, I don't want lo
such a "pest." Finally he gets It to fall In
know what It's "all about." The ranline, and he retains his perfect score — all
domness of Ms. Pac-man Is a safe haven
ghosts eaten, all fruit consumed. Only by
from those who have all the angles figured,
his fourth board does he miss a ghost, but
and have memorized all Ihe pallerns, when
he makes up for It with Ihe grab of a 700
II comes to something as basic as sharing a
point pretzel.
' '
Whosoever shall be found
Without the soul for getting down
Must stand and face the hounds of hell
And rot inside a corpse's shell
Rod Temperton
odern man. the modern mind,
wants to possess everylhing and
not be possessed by anything.
Modern man wauls to be the master of
everything, and we can only be Ihe master
of things - not ol happenings. We can be
the master of a house; we can be the
master of a mechanical device. You cannot
be the master of anything which is alive.
Life cannot be mastered; you cannot
possess it. On the contrary, you have lo be
possessed by it.
deceived Infinitely, only then can you
beleive in lire hearl. II you are calculallve.
cunning, clever, loo much clever, then you
will miss the hearl. and modern man Is so
educated, so sophisticated, so clever; that
is why he has become incapable of love.
A great i risis Is here. It is difficult now lo
prevent women all over Ihe world from copying man and his nonsense because man
seems lo be so successful. He is successful
In a way; he has become Ihe master of
things. Now he possesses the whole world.
Now he feels he has conquered nature.
Now women leel lhat man has succeeded and has become the master, so they
copy him. But look also at Ihe thing In
which man has failed completely: he has
lost his heart; he cannot love; Reason
alone is not enough, and reason in control
Is dangerous. The heart must be higher
than reason because reason is just an instrument and the heart Is you.
Hubert-Kenneth Dickey
Life is love, and It Is greater than you:
you cannot possess it. We can only allow
ourselves to be possessed by it; it cannot be
controlled. The modern ego wants to control everything, and we become scared of
whatsoever we cannot control. We become
afraid; so we close the door. We close that
dimension completely because fear enters.
We will not be in control. Love will not
allow us to control and that flies in the face
of the whole trend which has led to this
century being based on how to control.
We master the things around us - of
course, only those things which are possible to possess, and side by side we also
have been developing an incapacity (or
those things which cannot be possessed.
You can possess money; you cannot
possess love. Because of this we have been
turning everylhing into a thing. We even
attempt to turn people into things because
we can possess things. We can love, but we
cannot be Ihe master; no one is Ihe master
of love.
Possessiveness, ihe attitude to posses,
has killed our capacily lo love. One should
not think In terms of possession. Ralher,
we should think in terms of being possessed. This is what surrender means - being
possessed; for we allow ourselves to be
possessed by something greater than you.
We are not In control. A greater force will
take control. The direction will not be ours.
We cannot choose the goal. The future Is
always unknown. Our minds cannot be
secure now. Moving with a greater force
than ourself, we become Insecure, afraid.
If you are afraid and Insecure, it Is better
not to move with great forces. Just work
with Ihe lorces lower lhan you; then you
can be the master, and you can decide Ihe
goal beforehand. Then you will achieve the
goal, but you will not get anything out of It.
You will have Jusl wasted your life.
The whole misery ol modern Hie Is lhat
life Is useless, unless we love, we cannot
(eel any meaning In our lives. Life begins lo
look hopeless, meaningless. Love gives il
meaning; love is the only meaning. Unless
you are capable of love you will be meaningless, and you will feel lhat you are ex-
isting without any meaning, futilely, and
suicide will become attractive. Then you
will like to kill yourself, to end. because
what Is the use of existing?
Mere existing cannot be tolerated; existence must have a meaning; otherwise
what Is the use? Why go on prolonging
yourself unnecessarily? Why go on
repeating the same pattern every day? Getling out of the bed and doing the same
thing, and falling asleep and the next day
Ihe same pattern; Why?
With the head you feel protected; with
the heart you become vulnerable, open.
Anything can happen.
That is why we have become closed.
The fear is there: If you are vulnerable,
anything can happen to you; someone can
deceive you. With the mind no one can
deceive you; you can deceive others. Bui I
tell you be ready lo be deceived, but don't
close the heart. That vulnerability lo be
deceived is of worth because you will not
lose anything by It. If you are ready to be
Given the human need for love it would
seem lhat we have failed to obtain It, We
have come to mistake love and happiness
for success and money. Security will never
come with money or a Job. The sexual
games lhal we all play oul In bars and halls
or holel rooms that we visit, Is at bottom
the most human of all the things that we
Plastic studs and pseudo-whores sit
upon bar stools pulling each other's puds,
looking oh so silly In the process.
We are children come of age looking for
Mommy and Daddy to give us some head.
Dreamers lost In Ihe lies lhat every culture
feeds Its young. The people we fill our lives
with are people who are useless where love
is concerned. Love has become a web that
guys and girls use to entrap their prey; a set
o l values by which to torture anyone stupid
enough not to cover their ass.
So we luck over and fuck with those lhal
we claim lo care for. The bottom line ain't
so pretty lo look at, but tint's why we call
this "love" a game.
Aspects Centerfold'.
Aspects Centerfolc
Psychology Today
In the ever tightening job
the sciences are holding their own.
credit hour requirements, due to the fact
that the goal of most doctoral programs Is
the dissertation. Upon entrance to a doctoral program, the student may be required
to take a preliminary examination prior to
receiving admission candidacy. In addition
to minimum grade point averages and
Gradute Record Examination scores, the
student is usually required to show a
reading knowledge of one, If not two,
foreign languages. The most common
languages are French, German, and Russian, Upon the completion of the doctoral
course work, the student develops a dissertation proposal (usually with assistance
from faculty mentors), The disssertatlon Is
then written and submitted to a faculty
counsel. Following the submission of the
dissertation, the doctoral student usually
takes an oral examination based on the
topic of his or her thesis; hence an oral
defense, .
Both the master's and doctoral degrees
require a large commitment, In addition to,
of course, much determination. Generally,
a master's program can be completed In
two years of full time study, whereas the
doctoral degree can usually be completed
within four or five years.
With a master's degree one can enter the
fields of Industrial psychology, Guidance
and Psychological Services, Community
psychology and School Psychology. Once
an Individual has completed a master's
program he cannot take on the title of
"psychologist", though he or she can call
themselves a "therapist," The title of
psychologist only can come with the
credentials of a doctoral degree,
he Psychology major, according
to Dr. Gordon G. Gallup Ji .
chairman of .the Psychology
Department, contains more undergraduate
majors than any other department In the
university The department In total con
tains approximately 800 majors, which is
roughly two to three-hundred more majors
than the next most popular course of
study I >i Gallup further elaborated on this
fact by stating thai one out of every seven
undergraduates (by the time they hove
reached their junior year,) will declare
themselves a psychology major. Although
few undergraduate majors originally
entered as psychology, many of the people
in the department were pre-medical or prebusiness majors,-
William D. Charmak
With these fairly surprising statistics, one
may ask the reasons surrounding the
department's popularity. Does the department (major) designate a minimal
workload?. Are most of the courses typically easy " A " couses? Are there many opportunities in the job market, when one holds
a bachelor of arts In psychology? The
answer to all of these questions Is no.
Then, why Is this the most popular major In
the university? Dr. Gallup explained that
the psychology major Is simply not the
sterotype of the "easy major" that so many
-.indents have labeled it. He stated that the
program is demanding, and that the
psychology department awards fewer of
the grades " A " and " B " than any other
academic department. Why then do
students choose to declare themselves
psychology majors and not majors of
another academic discipline?
Perhaps, because Its
Psychology as a course of study literally
cuts across every academic subject, giving
the student a well-rounded background.
The university's c o u r s e . listings In
psychology are quite extensive; one can
choose to study the environmental aspects
of behavior and study topics In the
psychology of human sexuality.
Moreover, psychology (more so than
any other course of study), gives one the.
necessary skills and training to understand
the facets of human behavior Hence with
this Invaluable background one may gain a
fiim advantage in the working world,
especially* il that occupation involves some
soil of public relations work. Since a
background in psychology is such a useful
Instrument, many undergraduates use the
psychology majoi as the basis for prcmedlcal or prelaw major. Such students
will declare themselves as psychology majors while simultaneously fulfilling the requirements for medical school or another
professional school, In addition to these
types of majors there are those students
that have declared themselves as double
majors in conjunction with psychology. In
addition to the psychology department's
numerous majors there are also m a n y '
minors within the department; for again,
psychology makes an excellent combination with virtually any major, thereby confirming Its diversification and relative flexibility.
psychology, according to Dr. Gallup, Is
limited In terms of pursuing employment In
an occupation that Involves psychological
service, It Is just about Impossible to gain
some sort of employment that entails
psychological duties with the bachelor of
arts degree. If one chooses to pursue a
career in some aspect of psychology,
graduate training Is absolutely Imperative.
Minimally, a masters degree Is needed.
The majority of master's programs, in
psychology require the completion of thirty
credits for'a semester calendar and fourtyfive for a quarter calendar. Part of this total
usually must be spent at the institution
granting the master's degree. Most students
complete these requirements through
course work and a thesis and extensive
research project. Admission to a master's
program varies with each institution. Most
of the schools require results from the
Gradute Record Examination, extensive
recommendations, a minimum grade point
average and sometimes the knowledge of a
foreign language.
Ideally, a doctoral degree (PhD or PsyD)
is needed. Doctoral programs vary fromprogram to program in the number of
According to Dr. Gallup the most
popular doctoral program Is In clinical
psychology. Presently, clinical psychology
Is one of the most difficult graduate programs to gain entrance to. Dr. Gallup
stated that the university's clinical doctoral
graduate program (which is accredited by
the American Psychological Association).
receives on the average of Iwo-hundred
ami iifty to three-hundred applications
^' '
which only approximatly nine
to ten candidates are dioscn
One can easily see that to eutei a pro
gram in clinical psychology is just about as
difficult (If not inure difficult) than medical
school. Dr. Gallup further elaborated on
the fact that the employment outlook for
clinical psychologists (with the doctoral
degree) Is quite good; it is less favorable for
those who only hold the master's degree
There is a strong demand for qualified individuals in psychiatric hospitals, correctional institutions, mental hygiene clinics,
V.A. hospitals, and cummunlty health
centers. Practicing psychologists can expect to earn within the range of $100,000
In addition to the program in clinical
psychology, there is an Increasing
popularity In Industrial and Organteatlonal
psychology. At the present time there Is an
increasing market for qualified professionals-to utilize their psychological skills in
large corporate settings and in ad-
Science: The Job Frontier?
ministrative posllldns. Starting salaries for
those who hold the doctoral degree in Indusrtlal and Organizational psychology on
the average range from approximatly
$30-35,000 annually. In addition to the
demand for such qualified individuals,
there is also a rapidly Increasing need (or
Individuals to devote their services in labot
and Industrial relations.
Besides the clinical and industrial
psychology programs, other somewhat less
popular programs are In educational
psychology, community psychology, and
counseling psychology; but these proyiams
as well are gaining their own popularity
with considerable speed.
The university psychology department
contains thirty-two full time faculty
members. According to Dr. Gallup the
department Is research oriented, receiving
In the range of a half million dollars annually In federal grants, from which the department produces approximatly one-hundred
and twenty scholarly publications a year. A
.large percentage of the faculty Is affiliated
with nationally reknowned organizations
and psychological committees, On the
whole the department boasts a prominant,
internationally reknowned faculty; one
which Dr. Gallup confidently called the
best psychology department within the
SUNY system, The department can be
sub-dlvlded Into four clusters: a clinical
cluster, a blo-psychology cluster, a social
personality cluster and a cognitive and
developmental cluster.
Presently, the psychology department
does not require a minimal grade polnl
average to declare an undergraduate maji u
within the department though the Idea has
been considered. Presently the majoi i f
quires a minimum of fifty-one credits
twenty-seven credits of those fifty-one
credits must be in psyeholotjy and musl in
elude psychology courses in Introductory
psychology, experimental psychology, and
statistical methods,
In addition to the general lecture type i
courses, the deportment also offei, thi ip >
portunlty for research and Independent J
study, which can he extremely beneji*»w'1 [•
ujiic'ciallv for those wh 1 are plain
teiwl a gTaaudn |
also sponsors an honor i program in vh
the student can excel] i idexpan, - tin
jot beyond the norn al depths of tin
designated course load
The p s y c h o l o g y
cooperation with the department of cdu< a
tional and counseling psychology
presently in the process of designing a new
major in which one will be able lo obtain n
bachelor's degree in addition to a master's
degree in counseling psychology in a com
bined program. Hence the program will Include four years of undergraduate study,
with the expectlon of one further yeat " '
study for the master's degree. Dr. Gallup
commented upon the (act that this program
will make the ordinary bachelor of arts
degree In psychology more marketable, but
there will be stringent admission quotas lo
the program. This program will take effect
next fall.
he news Is filled with the wonders
of modem technology, leading
many people lo believe the best
potential for their future Is In the sciences.
Aspects went to Dr. Shelton Bank, professor of Chemistry and Dr. Richard Kelly,
professor and undergraduate advisor In
Biology for their impressions of the future
of science education and the )ob market.
Megan Gray Taylor
Science has a reputation for "weeding
out" undergraduates. Both Bank and Kelly
deny this. Batik pointed out that "nationally about 33 percent of all Incoming
freshman declare science majors, yet 11
percent actually graduate as such.
SUNYA's statistics are comparable". Bank
postulates several reasons for the attrition.
"Science Is a very Inner-directed major,
You can't bull-shlt about a chem lab over a
cup of coffee." People come to realize the
genuine difficulty of science requirements
and also may have the opportunity to take
courses they were never exposed to
And what about graduate study? Here
the two divide on necessity, but not on advice. Kelly believes there is a market for the
B.S. In Biology If you have a teaching certificate, otherwise the prospects are bleak.
Molecular biology Is clearly the strongest
field, but the state health labs and others
are laying off people and in general jobs are
hard to find. Industry Is snapping up the
molecular graduate degrees. Salaries In Industry .ire two limes that of academla, but
graduate study Is essential. (This also accounts for good university faculty leaving
teaching for Industry).
The picture in Chemistry is more positive
lor the four year degree holder, hut Bank,
too, advises graduate study. "The decision
level, that of design and analysis, is only at
the PhD level." Bank was quick to add,
though, that graduate study In Chemistry
'ikes tremendous commitment (as much
lias 7 0 hours ,l Week), while
majors, research is extremely competitive
"The staff doesn't have lime and doesn't
want to take them o n " especially with the
added pressure lo publish and thereby
secure grant funds Which brings up the
point thai undergraduate research is not
funded by lite school, but must come out
SUNYA's Biology department has never
a p p e a l e d on Ihe list Kelly leels strongly that
"a kid can gel a good education if he she
wants it." "We hava a really good fat ully."
especially sluing in in,ik'i ul,ii genetics II
ihe department has a weakness, it's plants
"We hava no uood basic balcuiu ,-quisc-.,
even 101 doesn't deal effectively with il
science majors lace the problem of
industry lo
Meady and willing i " snap up B.S. and M S
™9'»j with starting salaries in the $29 •
$32,000 n,
l Clr i'(',''ii!n' l :'ii>,''i!;, ,iiisi
MI,-, si INY7
percentage i
(certified by
tyl >l,ii V s i . I I schoi
behl 1 Kl'l •d Cornell
Unlike hi.
study c m I"' crucial lo securing employ
ment, the chemical industiv seems in
prefer training their own people "C )vut half
the people In Industry are working in
polymers, yet there are no specific
undergraduate courses In Ihc field " Both
organic and analytic chemistry ptovlde
good bases for this kind of work. Of
SUNYA's Chemistry majors about half go
to graduate school (with acceptance In to
some of the best schools In Ihe country Including Harvard and Stanford), a quarter
go to medical school and the rest go directly to Industry.
Kelly made the point thai there Is no
such thing as a pre-med major at SUNYA.
The excessive number of
undergraduates Is often the result of this
misnomer. Although SUNYA has good
placement records In medical schools, the
major really doesn't matter, "as long as you
take the basic required courses you can
major In anything". SUNYA offers a 5 year
B . S / M . S , degree program In which
research for the master's is started during
the senior year, with awarding of the
degree at the end of Ihe 5th year. Although
there is only one student currently pursuing
this course (II was just Instituted last year),
there Is hope that more serious biology
students will choose this degree program.
The Importance of undergraduate
research Is obvious given Ihe competitive
job market. In Chemistry there are 110
declared majors of which 27 are doing
research. Bank (eels that this research is a
lough experience, "There's not that much
direction, they have to rely on themselves
and some aren't comfortable with this,"
The opportunity, however, is there and the
statistics on student publications from these
projects are Impressive (1 out o( every 0
co-author a paper).
Because of the high number ol Biology I
. I'M.mi funds ,m' Ihe determiningfoctot In
many of those Issues ITw
• , - ' " " > " has
................ ,,-n m i d . even well known
funds Bank staled lhal "li usi .1 lobe 1 out
of 2.oi 3 lhal got lunded now ih
Ms are
1 o u t o l l e u worse " The added pressure
io apply loi every available grant and lo
keep publishing leaves much less inn,' fot
Involvement wllh students
Both Kelly and Bank have a hard lime
understanding ihe government's position
low,mis science Kelly finds It Incom
prehensible lhal Reagan lias managed lo
"dlsmantlo" ihe I PA and lhat Wall con
llnues to liesiioy ihe environment Both
recognize the overwhelming need fot
science teachers on Ihe high school level.
and yet both are aware that these |obs are
not being.made more attractive fot Ihe
science graduate. In contrast. Ihe chance of
yetting a job at the University level Is slim.
Like many scjiools. SUNYA is In a position
where If a professor leaves, he or she cannot be replaced. Budget cuts and the
general state of the economy only add to
the competitiveness of these jobs.
Aspects asked about SUNYA's graduate
programs and got mixed responses. Bank
feels our department stands strong among
the competition, There are stipends (approx. $6,200) available (chem labs have to
be taught), and we have a really strong
placement record. He stresses, however,
his belief that those who have done their
undergraduate work here should go
elsewhere for their advanced degrees, "if
not for Ihe masters, definitely for Ihe P h D . "
Admissions are competitive and the standards are high.
The picture In Biology Is somewhat different. Although there has been an overall
Increase In the number of graduate applications there has been a significant decrease
In Ihe number of applicants lo certain concentrations. The cell/developmental seclion has no new graduate students this
semester, neurophysiology has one, while
ecology and molecular remain slrong both
In applicants tmi\ those attending. The New
York Times annually rates schools by
department and publication. Although
sldeiably. SUNYA's department is slrong
but understated.
Unfortunately, upper division class size
remains very large (as many as 250 people
in 30(1 level courses ami over a hundred In
sel Ibis
'100 I, el courses) Altec
.en m a d e bv ihe
,,l . l ussl, ill
thai lite,'I , i l u e .
rhere is ,i definite "lock step" • u r n . , .
You can't lake Biochemistry without
Organli. lust as you can't lake Baclerli
wllhoul basli gondii -. fills lends r<. mal ••
(you see Ihe same pe,
and more often than
share a commitment to
Kelly a n d H a n k
irking hard Both
distribution re
,'in,'ins Bank slroi giy
i.iKiiig evt iv < oins,' viHI can
This brought up anolliet point ol si ieni e
education As technology Invades our dally
life more and mine each day. can .mil
should the non-science he reached?
Kelly feels strongly thai the Biology department has succeeded to a large extent in this
avenue. "We have Bio 102. which is a prerequisite for social welfare, and which is a
very popular course Willi non-majors. We
also have Nutrition. Oceans, and next year
Marine Mammals." all of which will fill
distribution requirements and draw good
In contrast. Chemistry has not. so far,
succeeded in overcoming non-science malor Intimidation of the subject. To try and
deal with this problem, Bank and others
are designing a course for non-majors
(hopefully for next year), that will tackle
those areas that tend to scare off nonmajors such as 3-d chemistry and talk
about the chemistry of everyday life like
cleaning agents, and Ihe chemistry of cooking ("any feedback would be helpful").
Like Kelly, Bank believes "we do well by
our kids. They're super and they know It."
There is no hesitation about the absolute
lop quality education for majors.
Obviously, Chemistry and Biology are
not the only frontiers of new technology.
Computer Science, an essential tool
language for the other sciences, has come
Into Its own with graduate applications far
exceeding any other science department.
Although Jobs for the B.S holder are
available they are not at all at the salary
levels one might expect ($1K,000 range).
In this burgeoning fluid, a B.S. can get you
a good Job, while an advanced degree
or any experience ups that con
' ,'f this Interest,
I graduate admlss of this overci
imor, ihe require
...ill he i h .
led so lhal
I L'.', Ill l.n
. like Biology
ime getting lo
he olhet,
In,, also like
Ih, Ih,
greal deai .,1
,n prof, ni i in keep up with
Dutslde odd ih,
ia], i
daily O I'll II IS I
ihe professors cholci
get lo know i student. Ihe sheei
jmbeis in class a .' overwhelming. Haul'
commented on thi: II you have 150 or sc
students you can r ake ihe effort in reach
Ihein one-to-one. whether thai contact is
negative or positive, but with 300 or more
studenis one can't even wave hello to that
many people.
Physics and Earth Science (geology, atmospheric science, etc) and Mathematics
are also promising fields. Physics, allhough
one of the most obscure fields in terms of
number of majors, has tremendous
marketability and an ever increasing
number of graduate applicants. SUNYA's
undergraduates are recruited for summer
positions with firms like GE giving them excellent 'in-field' work experience. Here too,
large firms recognize Ihe strength of
SUNYA's graduates and actively recruit
In c o n t r a s t
undergraduate research is very available
wllhin the physics department.
One major reason students have pursued the sciences with such a vengenance
is that promise of a marketable degree. We
have seen from these comments that that Is
not always the case. CSI, Biology and
Chemistry majors all seek lhat practical experience thai looks good on a resume.
Aspects asked if education in the future
might alter Its approach to accomodate
these goals. I.e. make science education
more of a technical training ground. The
overwhelming response was no. Theory is
the background of education and there is
no evidence that that approach will
Music For The Hard Of Hearing
bunch of Canadians with a
strange, potentially revolting
name have Just released a new
album with a strange, potentially tunny
name. As a matter of fact, this very group
will be headlining a bill at the Palace on
March 27th. What Is the name of this
strange group, and what do they call their
new record? The group Is known as Doug
and the Slugs, and they have just given us
Music for Ihe Hard o/ Thinking.
Robert Schneider
These guys have been together since
December, 1978. when lead vocalist Doug
Bennett left his advertising-cartoonist
career and formed the Slugs. They tried to
play local clubs around Vancouver, British
Columbia, although It was difficult for a
non-disco act. to receive any major bookings In those days. So Instead, they played
basement parties, church halls, and community centers. The locals loved Ihe Ihcme
parlies that the band would play. If you
were around Vancouver In I'M), you
might be invited to a "Ricky Rlcardo
Romp" or maybe even a "Beach Blanket
Bongo." Around this lime, a single, "Too
Bad." was released, and It helped to
spread Ihe Slugs' repulallon outside Vancouver. Their first album, Cognac and
Bo/ognosold 80,000 Canadian copies in Us
first 3 months. Last year saw Ihe release of
Wrap /(/, which also did very well. Both
records are approaching Ihe Canadian
standard for platinum status. With any luck
al all, Music For the Hard of Thinking will
aid the group in its search for popularity In
the Lower 18.
It Is difficult, if not impossible, to describe
exactly what Doug and the Slugs sound
like. Doug himself has described It as
"...your basic rock and roll but with a certain kafkaesque, grass roots Pavlovian existential. New York liberal Jewish Intellectual kind of slant to It..." What the hell does
thai mean. Doun? Ariuallv.,Dnuu is a funny sort of fellow, one who says his greatest
musical influence Is... Walter Malhau?!
What else can I say?
Music for the Hard of Thinking Is a happy, upbeat album that never (alls to elicit a
When this record is compared with the
last one, Wrap It! we find the same novelty
tunes, but now there Is a much belter sense
of musical arrangement. For example,
"Operator," has the standard cutesy lyrics,
but also features a smooth keyboard,
beautibrllu nlaved bv Simon Kendal. Interacting with resonant drums and bass. It
all adds up to a great song. As siaioj
before, Doug and the Slugs are reputed to
be a great live band. We get a sense of this
on "Nobody But Me", an old Isley ditty
most recently by
George Thorogood. Doug and the Slugs
do a much better job. It was recorded In
front of a live audience, and from the
sound of II, they loved It. Lead guitarists
Richard Baker and John Burton provide
smoky leads for Bennett to play with.
Again, we can't seem lo find any lyrics, but
we now find "get a case of beer and 27
friends and sing no no no til you're so
drunk that everyone thinks they're singing
In tune".
It's definitely not hard to find bouncy,
happy songs on this record. One of Ihe
funnier tunes Is, "She's Looking At Me."
The setting of this song is a sleazy singles
bar, where Doug and keyboardist Simon
Kendal argue over which one Is being eyed
by a beautiful woman. To top it off. Rennett Is squat and stocky, while Kendal Is as
tall anu =I,I„„„ ,ns a t r e e -yne t w o exchange
Insults, which are maue runnip; i>y ihe
(leepness of Kendal's voice. With a little Im-
agination, It almost sounds like an argument between Popeye and Blulo. .
It's a shame that the weakest song on the
record should be a slow love song. "St.
Laurent Summer" )usl doesn't manage lo
match the quality of all the other songs.
Lyrically the song is pretty, and musically
it's almost haunting. Despite this, we can't
take Doug Bennett seriously when he sings
It, It may be that Bennett Is doomed to
croon happy songs.
Last year, when Doug and the Slugs
played the now-charred J.B. Scotls, over.
100 people were turned away from the
door. On the basis of Music for the Hard of
Thinking alone, an evening with Doug and
ihe Slugs will be Interesting, to say the (
least. The only problem is that we are on
,..... ,fi..., on March 27th. But don't let mat
stop you. Forget Palm Sunday, post"*" 5 '
the Seder, lell your dorm director i" J °
hell. I'll lake Ihe Slug Music over a long car
or bus ride any day.
Members Only
ey, I'm In love with a working
The song never inspired me to
go out and buy the album. It Is a blatant attempt for thai big hit single — with a bullel
Nevertheless. I find it less caustic than
some of the tcchno-pop that Is Invading
"progressive" stations with heavy airplay.
Besides, the song has a subtle humor lo It.
But what's wrong with a hit, especially If
It draws attention to a good band? Nothing,
' the musicians In the Members would probably tell you. A minor hit In England back
In 1981 "I'm In Love Wlih a Working Girl"
has gotten some attention for the London
'ure Pop For Very Now People
n this age of the New Wave, fads
pop up and fade out at a blinding
pace. Some rock dinosaurs still
I this a basis for their dogged criticism •
kt New Wave shit Is Just a phase" - but
(that very sense of fleeting style that Is so
Igral to the kitschy glamor of It all - the
jidless fun of dressing up and playing out
jir chosen musical role/style, whether It
J rockabilly doll, Brideshead Revisited,
Brcut 100 prep, or the newly formed,
progynous, Boy George type.
ir. Craig Marks
smile (rum a listener. .For example, "Who
Knows How To Make Love Slay." leading
o(f side two, is a pretty, breezy little tune
that defies you not to sing along with it.
The only problem is that only this song
doesn't have lis lyrics printed.In their place,
we (ind "read my lips." Very funny. Doug
sinus in his usual nasallone, but he also
throws in some sections of Incredibly deep
singing, reminiscent of the gutsy baritones
of ihe late Fifties.
based band.
While many are probably hearing about
the Members for the first time. Ihe band has
been around for five years. Alter playing
Ihe London club circuit for a while, they cut
their firsl album, Chelsea Nightclub, which
was released in the U.S. as an import. This
was followed up by a world tour and a second album. The Choice is Yours. Bassist
Chris Payne said last week's appearence at
the Chateau was part of a seven week torn
of the U.S. which began In Clnncinall.
When they took the stage I found a
larger band than I expected
guitars, bass, drums, two horn players and
a lead vocalist. Besides sheer number, the
band's attire was a bit unconventional.
This created a commanding stage presence
Nick Tesco and Nigel Bennett of The Members
at the outset.
They wasted no lime tearing Into some
heavy, driving tunes. The rhythm section
provided a strung lower end which alternated between a rock and reggae while the
horns added funk. The outcome was unique, danceable and energetic. Guitarist
Nigel Bennelt threw in some fast licks but
never really had a chance lo take off.
The musicians say the Members have no
one leader but they do have a front
person — vocalist Nick Tesco. Nick doesn't
appear to have a great voice but what he
lacks there, he makes up for In sheer
energy. He sweats, dances and generally
absorbs himself In the music. His only
drawback Is that during a couple of the
photographs by Leslie FrnlWn
slower songs he slipped Inlo the lower
class, lover boy. South Side Johnny im
age. While there Is nothing wrong with this
Image per se, it just doesn't work for him or
the band. Anyway, that only lasted for a
couple of songs. The rest was full tilt
The full house got their money's worth
as the band played for an hour and a half
with two encores. Some of those who
didn't try to make their way up front contented themselves sitting on the edge of the
long bar.
To the band's credit Is the fact that they
played "Working Girl" early In Ihe set. It
showed they didn't feel they had to hold off
on the song in order to keep the audience's
attention. When they did perform the
song, there were obvious differences from
the album version. It became apparent that
the background vocals had been heavily
doctored In the studio. There was also
other sloppiness that had probably been
eliminated in the studio.
However, this was probably the only
case where the album version was superior
to the live. Not unlike many newer bands,
the Members have not been able to capture
their excitement on vinyl. Payne himself
admitted, "our forte has been the live gig."
It seems that It may be more time and
money in the studio to turn out the raw live
sound than it Is to put out a polished
While they wait for an album that can do
Justice to their reggae funk-rock sound, it
seems the Members may have lo rely on
Working Girl to sell albums and more Importantly, bring people to their live shows.
However, there Is hope — Payne said the
band hopes to put out another album by
the fall.
A vision 9a
Musically, though, this high turnover
> does tend to Indicate a lack of genuine
bstance or feeling, and that's why popIk-punk Is so Invaluable, and also so IgVed. The trends are fun, and thankfully,
1 always come and go, but melody, baronies, and hooks have always been and
are the bread and butter of a good
fig, There's a batch of relatively new
Jierlcan bands that are steadfastly
lldlng to these musical tenets best expplifled by the Beatles, and are adding
subtracting their own styles Just
ough to keep the music fresh yet romanally regressive,
) n e of the most promising
velopments in this music Is Ihe overt i m i n g acceptance of bands not from En
hy and El Lay. Out of Hoboken, New
(rsey come the Bongos, and band
embers Richard Barone and James
pstro; out of the equally unlikely town of
tiapel Hill, North Carolina come Milch
pster, and Chris Stamey (of the best of all
pop bands, the DB's); and out of
fthens, Georgia comes R.E.M. To conJse matters even futher, the very busy
|ltch Easier has produced In his garageInied-studio R.EM.'s Chronic Town EP,
l e recent Barone-Mastro duet LP Nuts
jid Bolts,and Chris Stanley's new solo
tiling It's o Wonderful Life,as well as being
bnlmen for his own band, Let's Active.
•.Ive. all these bands are uplifting and
^ s o' fun, a recent example being a show
! weekend In Washington D C . starring
.M. and Let's Active. Starting
bthernmost, I had seen and been thrilled
lb R.E.M. at their earlier Albany show at
| Chateau Lounge, and once again they
jhtfully reminded me of the pure
wcr of pop music (R.E.M. fans can look
«ard to Iheir firsl full length LP, entitled
Jrmur, being released In early April!.
lading to N. Carolina, Mitch Easter's Let'
(tlve were one of the most pleasant sur-
prises I've come across In years, using a
three member set-up (Mitch on guitar and
thin pop vocals, two women on bass and
stand up drums) (or a rockln', stripped
down sound. The key to any group such as
this Is their songwrltlng, not so much
lyrically as structurally and melodlcally,
and this Is where Let's Active sparkled.
Hopefully Mitch will soon find time In his
own garage lo produce a Let's Active
Staying In Chapel Hill, DB Chris
Stamey's It's a Wonderful Life strays the
(arlhest (rom pop, opting (or a Beatles
sound circa Revolver more than, let's say,
Something New. Heavy on the slow, big
beat (thanks to something called the
Goovegate System and the OmnlCraft
GT4), I.A.W.L.
connects mostly
subllminally, Interweaving the beat with
psychedelia-looped guitar and Stamey's
60'lsh whlney, drawn out vocals. On
"Never Enters My Mind" and especially
"Face of the Crowd," things (It together
best, resulting In a distinct, grooved sound,
more subtle and Intellectual than the DB's
all out exhlllratlng rave-ups.
Traveling up 1-95 all the way to
Hoboken, N.J. there Is Ihe Nuts and Holts
LP from Richard Barone and James
Mastro, both (rom longtime (aves the
Bongos (who incidentally have recently
been signed lo RCA records. Yeah!). The
record Is split up inlo Richard's side and
James' side, and although the best song on
Ihe album Is "I've Got a Secret," a pop
masterpiece lound on Richard's side,
James' side Is Ihe better of the Iwo, more
ronsistenl and directed. Mastro proves
himself a terrific songwrller, from the hooks
and harmonica of "Time Will Tell," lo the
beautiful acoustic guiiar and vocals of "No
One Has to Know." On Ihe Bongos'
previous releases It has been Barone who's
stolen most of the spotlight, so Maslio's
-•mergence Is a very positive sign that the
Bongos are dually ready to realize their
tremendous potential.
Lastly, going up the Thruwuy to our own
beloved Albany, you can put everthing I've
said aside this Saturday night and enjoy the
golden opportunity to actually not have lo
lake a critic's word for everything. Tills
Saturday evening, 91 l-M and Ihe Chateau
Lounge (Hudson and Pearl Slreels) are
proudly presenting, from Hoboken, the
Bongos, (eaturlng the very same Richard
Barone and James Mastro. Being a secure,
and even, dare I say, smug reviewer, I dare
you not to enjoy the Bongos In person.
See you there.
Line at the Chateau, The Bongos, Saturday night
iving Is Dangerous
ake one part h a n d s o m e
Australian journalist. Generously
add several ounces of anogynous Eurasian dwarf. Simmer with
i sultry beauty of a long-legged female,
favor heavily with clips of starving Indonebn children clamouring for rice on the
Beet, and baste in the steamy tropics pepp e d with political Intrigue. Walt two
burs, take It out, and you have a new
s called A Year of Living Dangerous. But don't try to Judge the movie by Its tiEverything Is so low key and sporadic
hat Two Years of Existing Ambiguously
pay be more apprpriate.
j The two most coherent plots are of social
Bsponsibillty and romance. Mel Gibson
•lays the Idealistic cub journalist out to
|over the political lime bomb of potential
I war. The Communist party is preparpg to overthrow the ruling order and while
s partners spend most of their time balancing press passes on Ihe lips of martini
glasses, Gibson meets a dwarf
photographer who gets him to the Inside of
i political circle, The dwarl, Billy Kwan.
> no Billy at all, but Is played, with Incomparable Insight by a young Broadway ac5 named Linda Hunt. Hunt Is the whole
novle, outshining Slgnourey Weaver as
most outstanding "woman" In the
Imovle. She Is sensitive, driven, and at 4'9"
(including the crewcut) hideously androgynous. Hunt's character Is the social
voice of Ihe movie- a Kwan tries to relieve
the poverty of his Asian neighbors.
A Year of Living Dangerously Is more a
story of manipulation lhan espionage.
Kwan, In an effort to find a journalist who
report on the Indonesians' plight,
befriends Mel Gibson. To further enmesh
him, Kwan crosses Gibson's path with
Slgnourey Weaver's and the Inevitable
romance Is created. There Is a 1940's
flavour to Gibson and Weaver- an Innocent suggestibility that never oversteps Its
PG boundaries, and may be an Indicator
that Hollywood Is retracing lis steps after
several years of substituting blatancy (or
Unfortunately for the movie, no one plot
Is expanded enough to give a feeling of
continuity. Scenes jump from the decadent, disillusioned journalists that Gibson
travel with, to Wcaverand Gibson eyeballIng each other at a cocktail party, to Billy
Kwan hunched over his photographs of
poverty saying "What then must we do?"
Regrettably, good plots were melted Into a
half-hearted movie. Many characters were
sacrlflcled for the sake of quantity to
| becoming flat space fillers. Even the stars
give reactions without displaying any genuine motivations. This is acllng? This is
scriptwrltlng? Too much of the movie relies
on overdubbed biblical passages from Billy
Kwan like "We must give with love to
whoever God put In our path", and the
often-repeated "What then must we do?"
The questions of fighting poverty, of
human dignity, deserve a better vehicle
than A Year of Lining Dangerously. At
best, II should serve as a jumpolf point for
the potentially fascinating career of Linda
Hunt, If Ihe movie-going audience will appreciate her as an actress and not a freak
character. Special applause to Alison Barret, the film's casting director, for finding a
gem-like Hunt. But otherwise, all I can say
Is that A Year of Living Dangerously, like
any bad recipe, falls flat.
10a s o u n d A v i s i o n , ;
Telethon: A Special Tradition
pick up your 'senior cards'
[ \i&
W?j '
Guest Speakers from Am Tlkva,
a gay& lesbian Synagogue
campus center 343 (ticket window)
-M • X ^ W I ^ H r
In Cambridge,Mass.
p u r p o s e You jnuat have a 'SENIOR CARD '
Io~purchase 'SENIOR TICKETS' this APRIL!
e l i g i b i l i t y Those seniors who have paid class dues for
the past 4 semesters. The payment of past
class dues is possible at this time.
1:00 pm in CC375
For mora Info call:
Refreshments will be served
GALA 457-4078
SA funded
% ,n|A ':' i
The laughter and the joy - the many laces
of Telethon. You can share the magic.
ex, drugs, and rock and roll •• is
that all college students are made
' of? Close, but not quite. There
appears to be more c o n s t a n c y to this
breed than meets the eye. We can be
motivated by more than the kind o()ob we
will obtain, our salary, and the proximity of
the nearest bar.
At some point, the realization that there
is more to life than ourselves. Maturity sets
in as we shed our Individual narcissism and
take notice of those around us. Other people do exist and matter. They can even
have real feelings, emotions, and needs.
Deb Profeta
Alter experiencing this awareness, we
begin to learn ways with which to meet
these needs. Exhibiting this awareness Is
what Telethon Is all about. It Is an annual
SUNYA student event raising money to
benefit local organizations. Yes, college
students do care and are willing to pitch In,
When we go for It, we go all the wayl
Albany has the largest student run telethon
In the country.
This year's Jerry Lewis equivalents are
Co-chairs Eileen Kozln a n d Betsy
Kwasman. Kozln, a worker and planner,
compliments her spontaneous counter
part. They are quite a pair; both admitting
they would be nowhere without the other.
Along with a staff of 45, the chairs selected
three area organizations to be the
beneficiaries of their efforts. The decision
was difficult, one which entailed soliciting
organizations, and conducting a lengthy
selection process with the entire staff.
In past years, the orgalnzatlons chosen
needed Telethon's money to survive. This
year, however,.the staff did not find any
group In that position. The funds of the
event will be used for "special programs."
They will provide the children with other
facets besides studying: "some fun stuff,"
explained Kozln
Upon first glance they appear to be like
any other kids, but these are "special
children with special dreams." Perhaps the
biggest problems for most of us are
midterms, a date for Friday night, or a
hangover Sunday morning; (or these kids,
some of the tasks we find commonplace
can prove almost Impossible. Actions and
experiences we may lake for granted are
non-exlstant for many of these kids,
This year's recipients are the Wlldwood
School, the Neurofibromatosis Foundation, and Camp Opportunities, Inc. The
money will be divided among the groups
60-20-20 percent respectively
Wlldwood, located In Schenectady, is a
school that serves children, 3-21 years old,
with combinations of handicapped conditions: neurological disorders, emotional
disturbances, learning disabilities, speech
and language problems, autism, and
seizure disorders.
The funds Wlldwood receives will be used to develop an after-school recreation
program. In an attempt to bring the kids Into the mainstream. II will provide these
children with alternatives to occupy thelt
leisure time.
Kozln explained that Wlldwood was a
"sentimental favorite" with the staff this
year, as the money has been given to the
school on various occasions in the past.
She added that the New York Northeastern Chapter of Neurofibromatosis
Foundation (Von Rickllnghausen's
Disease), was chosen because it "touched
us." This organization had a valid need for
the money; to put together pamphlets for
parents and kids explaining the disease and
Its affects.
Neurofibromatosis Is a disorder of the
nervous system by which tumors can form
on the nerves anywhere In the body at any
time throughout the Individual's life span. It
Is a progressive, complex disorder which Is
gentle, affecting all body systems. Furthermore, It Is linked to learning disabilities,
epilepsy, mental retardation, cancer and It
can cause disfigurement. It has no known
cure or effective treatment other than
surgery on the tumors (which may grow
back and can cause early death, as was the
case of Joseph Merrick, In the movie "The
Elephant Man'
The third recipient Is Camp Opportunities, Inc., of Albany. It attempts to
assist with the problems of Juvenile delinquency, prevention and rehabilitation,
while upgrading Ihe quality of family living
and Improving Ihe youth's general
character. The organization provides day
camp activities in addition to a year-round
operation serving not ony Inner-clly
youths, but also children from the country,
senior citizens and the handicapped. The
camp facilities are used year round for outdoor education, recreation, and conferences conducted by various groups In
Ihe community.
C np Opportunities will utilize their
funds to Include more kids In their program, purchase additional buses, and
bolster existing programs. The chairs explained that this organization was chosen to
provide underprlvlledged kids with the
camp experience that many of us were fortunate enough to have.
Telethon, is trying to help people outside
the university who are less fortunate than
us. To do this, the group has been active all
year In fundraislng, and working with the
children of the selected organizations. The
various fundraislng functions Included:
Run for the Gold, Dance Marathon, Le Fat
Cat Night, Afternoon at the Bars, T-Shlrt
and hat sales, along with numerous other
Last year's Telethon grossed over
$46,000. Both co-chalrs would like to surpass that sum, as Is traditional. However,
Kozln explained that any money raised
tonight will be helpful to the organizations,
but feared that the currently weak
economy may stll! take Its toll. Helping
others and the smiles on the kids' faces will
be the biggest payoff, admitted Kwasman.
In a few hours, the year-long efforts,
planning and organization for tonight will
culminate In a 24-hour Telethon. It will
open with the gleaming smiles of two starstruck women, Eileen and Betsy, as their
faces flash across the screen for " T . V .
hour." We will see our friends and
classmates entertain us with talents we
never knew they possessed. The beer will
be flowing and food distributed as every
"Twiggy" feasts on a Chlpwlch. (Before last
year's Telethon, I never even knew what a
Chlpwlch uias). Collection buckets will be
passed around as all present leel a "special
something" this night.
For a few hours, maybe more, students
will forsake whatever they had planned,
turning out en masse to pack the Campus
Center Ballroom. Some will be present to
see just what all the "hype" has been about
• why all those videos have been playing In
the C.C. lobby, and why all those people
have been trying to get us to buy
something. Others know; they arc there
every year.
This Is a university event, one which
everyone can appreciate. And every year
we are packed In Ihe ballroom to
demonstrate. This Is one activity where the
students, for one weekend, truly come
together, which helps the university
become accepted and appreciated within
the community. It cannot be done without
everyone's help. Telethon Is what It Is
because of a staff of 47, Advisor Scott
Blrge, ECC members, local businesses, the
student body, and numerous others.
Eileen expressed it best, "I think Telethon
24 hours a day."
All week, the staff ran around like
chickens without heads. If they thought
they could make money on something, It
was sold. It Is hard to believe this Is
Telethon weekend already.
Regardless of whether or not last years
total Is broken, Telethon '83 will be a success. The money raised will be contributed
to make the lives of some children belter.
W h e n making plans for tonight,
remember h'ow special this night Is, and
that It Is an annual event. Before heading
d o w n t o w n , stop In for a while, bid during
the auction, grab a bite to eat, be entertained, and have a good time. Hey, while you
are there, think of the kids, dig deep down
Into your pockets and put some money in
the buckets. A n d give, give 'til It hurts.
Saturday & Sunday, April 9&10
Sign up in Intramural office in gym
no later than Fri. March 25.
(Each semester owed Is $3.00 which should
be paid in cash only.)
Any questions call Lori 482-1713.
The area's oldest and
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largest computer dealer
Capital District: 1492 Central Avenue, Colonle • (518) 869-3818
Glens Falls: 28 Ridge Slreet • (518)798-1446
/I G e m i n i Jazz C a f e (462-0044)
"Thurs-Sat — • Fals Jefferson. Waller
• Young; Sunday & Monday — Martha
g Gallagher, Ian Hunter
N u l l a B a l o o (436-1640)
1 March 1 8 - 8 0 5
9 March 19 — Poetry (tribute to Journey).
° Destroyer
Y e s t e r d a y ' s (489-8066)
March 18&19 - U X B
S k i n f l i n t s (436-8301)
March 18&19 - The Sharks
L a r k T a v e r n (463-9779)
March 18&19 - Glna DIMagglo
Every Tues. nite- - OPEN STAGE - 15
minutes for anyone, beginning at 8:45 p m ;
March 18 — Fred & Jenny Armstong:
March 19 - Wlckl Sears; March 26 Kenneth Be
Cagney's (463-9402)
March 18-19; AD's; March 20: The Klemz
T h e C h a t e a u (465-9086)
March 19 - The Bongo's; Mar 24: Jim
Carroll Band
B J Clancy's (462-9623)
March 18&19-The Jets
2 8 8 Lark (462-9148)
DJ on weekends
S e p t e m b e r ' s (459-8440)
March 18-22 — Skyway
Bogart's (482-9797)
Downtime on Weds, nites;
J u s t i n M c N e i l ' s (436-7008)
March 18 & 19 - Bonnie Schullz
P a l a c e T h e a t r e (465-3333)
March 19 — Jerry Lee Lewis; March 21
Joe Jackson; March 27 — Doug & The
G l e n s Falls Civic C e n t e r
March 18 - Hall & Oates
ES1PA (474-1199)
March 22 — Capital Chamber Artists
Albany Symphony
March 25.26 featuring Pola Baytelman.'
pianist .and works of Argento, Liszt, and
T r o y M u s i c H a l l (273-0038)
March 25 — Albany Symphony Orchestra;
26: — The Kalichstein-Laredo-Roblnson
March 20 — Albany Pro Musica featuring
Proctor's Schenectady (382-1083)
Mar 22: Sergio Franchi; Mar 29: James
Good for the whole
New Life Academy, Schenectady
Leon Patlllo, ex-Santana member, free
Cafe Lena, Saratoga
Mar 25-27: Cathy Winter; Apr 11-12
Robin & Linda Williams
T h e H o m e s t e a d e r s (462-4534)
Capital Rep. Comp. Market Theatre 8:00
p.m. Sunday at 2:30
Tlir.iu.ay H o u s e (458-7530)
The Comic Book - March 10, 24,.31 9&12p.m.
T h e O p e r a H o u s e 826 State St..
Schenectady (393-5732)
I Love My Wife. March 10-13
March 15-19: Miss Julie. For more Info call
8:45. 10:20, Sat & Sun: 2:00, 3:45, 5:15.
7:00. 8:45, 10:20.
C i n e m a 1-6 (459-8300)
1. 48 Hours; 1:50, 4:30, 7:35, 10:00.
11:55; 2. Tootsie: 1:40, 4:15, 7:00. 9:45.
12:00; 3. Trench Coat: 1:30, 3;45, 6:30.
8:30, 10:30; 4. Year of Living Dangerously: 1:25, 3:55, 6:45, 9:15, 11:25; 5.
Lords of Discipline: 2:05, 4:25, 7:05,
9:30, 11:40; 6. E.T.: 1:20, 3:50. 6:40,
9:10, 11:20; Late Shows Friday & Saturday only.
UA H e l l m a n (459-5322)
Gandhi; Friday 8:00 p.m.. Sat & Sun: 12
noon, 4 p.m., 8 p.m.. Mon-Thurs: 7:30
Hellma'n's C o l o n i c C e n t e r T h e a t r e
1. Missing: 2:15, 4:45, 7:30, 9:45; 2.
Sophie's Choice: 1:30,4:30,7:30. 10:20.
Proctor's S c h e n e c t a d y (382-1083)
March 19: Hal Holbrook In Mark Twain
March 20: l'MOs Radio Hour
ESIPA (473-3750)
March 16-19: You Can't Take It With You.
A l b a n y Civic T h e a t r e (462-1297)
March 16-20, 23-27: The House of Blue
I n t e r n a t i o n a l F i l m G r o u p (457-8390)
March 18-19: Game of Death, 7:30,
10:00, LC 1.
University C i n e m a (457-8390)
1. March 18&19 World According to
Garp, 7:30 10:00. LC 7. 2. Stripes. 12:00
LC 7. a Mar 18-19: Pink Floyd-The Wall,
7:30, 10:00 LC 18
F i r e s i d e T h e a t r e (457-8390)
March 23: On Her Majesty's Secret Service. 8 p m , CC Assembly Hall
T h i r d S t r e e t T h e a t r e (436-4428)
March 18-20: Veronika Voss (Fri & Sal 7
St 9:20, Sun 4 : 3 0 , 7:00); March 2 1 :
Resurrection, 7 & 9:20; March 22-24:
Amacold, 7 & 9:35; March 25-27, 29-31:
Time Stands Still 7 & 9:15, except Sun,
4:30 & 7:00.
M a d i s o n T h e a t r e (489-5431)
Sting I I : 7:00 & 9:00
March 23 & 30, April 6 & 13: Flash Gordon Serials, noon.
Fox C o l o n i c (459-1020)
1. The Verdict: Fri, Mon-Thur: 7:00 &
9:30, Sat & Sun: 2:00. 4:30, 7:00. 9:30;
2. Eating Raoul: Fri. Mon-Thur: 7:00.
Schenectady Museum (382-7890)
Amazing World of Video & Electronics
(until April 17).
R o c k e f e l l e r E m p i r e S t a t e Plaza
C o l l e c t i o n (473-7521)
Rothko, Kline, Frankenthaler, Oldenburg.
N e w Y o r k S t a t e M u s e u m (474-5842)
Martin Luther King (until April 3); Images
of Experience: untutored older artlsts-March 27; N.Y. Metropolis, Adirondack
Wilderness, Iroquois Culture.
Cathy's W a f f l e S t o r e (465-0119)
Photos by John R. Wlneland
N e w G a l l e r y (270-2248)
Russel Sage College — works on paper
by M a r j o r l e
Panagapoulos, and Willie Marlow.
R a t h b o n e G a l l e r y at J C A (445-1778)
Drawings by Jack Roth, until March 25
University A r t G a l l e r y
Thorn O'Connor — Drawings and Prints,
until Mar. 25
C D P C G a l l e r y 7 5 New Scotland
Avenue (445-6640)
Marjorle Williams, sculpture; David
Coughlry, paintings and drawings.
Martin Luther King: From Mont g o m e r y t o M e m p h i s : exhibit on
display through April 3 at the New York
State Museum.
Red Carpet Lounge, Main Library. Featur-
ing works
Cohen; - through
J e w i s h I d e n t i t y a s Gays a n d Lesbians
Co-sponsored by JSC-Hlllel and G A L A
with speakers from Gay synagogue In
Boston. March 20 at 1:00 p.m. in CC 375.
Refreshments served.
A l b a n y Gay C o m m u n i t y
Open House
Sunday, March 27 at 7 p.m. For more information call 462-6138 after 7 p.m.
Center located at 332 Hudson Avenue.
T h e KKK & W o m e n - Albany
Feminist Forum
March 24, 7:30 p.m., Channing Hall
Fantasy Party March 18, 9-2 at India
W o m e n & P o l i t i c s with Pat Hadley and
Maud Easier (NYS NOW Lobbyist). Wed.
Mar 23, at 7:30 p.m. at the Social Justice
Center. 221 Central Avenue. For more inlo; 434-4037
A S U B A P r e - E a s t e r Festivity Sol.,
Mar. 19 at 9 p.m. In Indian U-Lounge,
$2.50 with lax card. $3,00 without.
T e l e t h o n ' 8 3 : M a r c h 1 8 - 1 9 , Fri 8
p . m . t o S a t 8 p . m . For more Info call:
S t . P a t r i c k ' s D a y P a r t y Fri., Mar. 18,
In Colonial Quad U-Lounge, 9 pm-1 am.
A f r i c a n ' N i t e ' S a l . , Mar. 19 at 7 p.m., In
Brubacher Ballroom.
G a n d l : E x p e r i m e n t s W i t h T r u t h Sun.
Mar 20: 2:30-4:00 p.m. (Pt. I - Gandhi:
The Man, The Film), Sun, Mar 27:
2:30-4:00 p.m. (Pt. II - Gandhi: The
Message) at the Unitarian Church of
Albany at 405 Washington Avenue.
W e s t G e r m a n y a n d t h e U.S.: What's
Wrong With the Alliance? With SUNYA
Professor Carl Lankowskl. Wed., Mar. 23,
12:15 p.m. at Albany Public Library, 161
Washington Ave.
A F e s t i v a l of Y i d d i s h Arts Sun, Mar
20, 2-6 p.m., at the Schenectady Jewish
Community Center. For Info call 377-8803
W o m e n ' s C o l l o q u i u m The Feminist
Activities of Ann Lee, founder of
Shakerism; Wed., April 6 at 12:15 p.m.,
In Humanities Lounge
T h e W a r G a m e : An Award winning film
by Peter Watklns. Shown on Monday
evening. March 2 1 , 1983 •' 7:30 In the
PAC Recital Hall. A l l , , um film, Mr.
Walklns will he speaking and presenting a
slide show.
A m e r i c a n T h e a t r e at Page Hall and
Draper Hall
Friday, March 18: 7-8 p.m.: Keynote Address: Women In American Theatre, Helen
Krich Chlnoy, Smith College. 8:00 p.m.:
The Doi/y Sisters, Elizabeth Van Dyke, solo
work on the life on Lorraine Hansberry
Saturday, March 19: 10 a.m.-12 p.m.:
Panel: History of Women in 20th Century
American Theatre; 10 a.m.-12 p.m.:
9) Nltecaps
Go To The Line
Workshops: Playwrltlng, Storybulldlng,
10) Ramones
Subterranean Jungle
Thru Mime, It's Alright To Be a Woman
11) Bow Wow Wow
When The Going
Theatre, Issues Directing Women's
Gets Tough The Tough Get Going
Theatre; 1 p.m.-3:30 p.m.: Panel: Finding
Shaboom Shoobah
Our Voices: Contemporary Playwrights,
1) U2
13) Berlin
Pleasure Victim
moderator: Judith E. Barlow; 3:45-5:15
2) Nick Lowe The Abominable Showman
14) Chesterfield Kings
Here Are The
p.m.: Workshops: Lorraine Hansberry,
3) Richard Barone and James Mastro Nuts
Chesterfield Kings
Combining Stage Movement Traditions,
and Bolts
15) English Beat
Special Beat Serulce
Producing Plays By Women, Disabled
4) Wham
"Young Guns Go For ft" 16) Spandau Ballet
"Life Line"
Women's Theatre Projects, Playwrlghting;
5) Heaven 17
Heauen 17
17) O M D
"Genetic Engineering"
7:30 p.m.: Performances: Thesblan
6) Echo and The Bunnymen
18) Eric Clapton
Money and Cigarettes
Feminists — Mischief Mime, at Page Hall.
7) Prince
19) Tin Tin
"Kiss Me" Sunday, March 20: 10 a.m.-12 p.m.:
8) AD's
"More Than Once"
20) Tears For Fears
"Change "
Panel: Being Seen, Producing Women's
Theatre; Workshops: Playwrltlng; Interviewing Women Playwrights; "The Negro
Speak of Rivers," original choreography;
Staging Women's Experience, with the
Thesblan Feminists,
1:30-3 p . m . :
Workshops: Producing; Scripting Through
Improvisation; Adapting Women's History
to the Stage; Reaching New Theatre Audiences; Directing Women's Theatre.
3:30-4:30 p.m.: Closing Remarks: Karen
Mnlpede, Smith College.
All evenls are free and open to the public.
There is a small admission charge (or Friday and Saturday evening performances.
There will be a sign language Interpretation
of panels and keynote address. Call Judith
Barlow at 457-8433, or Susan Chasl at
457-8428 for more Information.
To the Editor:
Student Associations are very powerful organizations
empowered to collect lees and appropriate themforthe
"good o f the w h o l e " . This revenue is in the hands of an
elected student body and is budgetedforstudent functions,
clubs, and organizations. This money rarely leaves the campus it is collected on.
One exception to that has been SASU. SASU is a collection o f student associations. Each association is allowed
delegates, voting power, and can run for ofrices within
SASU. SASU deals purely with student Issues. It is an
educational and lobbying organizationforstudents.
N Y P I R O however, is not run by students. Students do
not have the same rights or control over the issues that they
do with SASU. The issues N Y P I R G deals with arc not
primarily student issues, and are often highly controversial.
Further, N Y P I R G docs not produce direct benefits to our
students, Therefore, in principle and practice NYPIRG
should not be funded by (he student association.
Due to Ihc negative reaction by this paper and many involved with the suit I feel it necessary to slate the following.
I am a firm believer in N Y P I R G and many or its functions, I have supported N Y P I R G In many ways. But as on
undergraduate I lobbied hard to keep NYPIRG off campus
for the reasons slated above. I would do Ihc same today. I
have no corporate lies, just strong idealsforo consistent,
highly principled, well-run student association.
—Sandy Starke
A real alternative
To lite Editor:
Thanks to Ron Bauer in his letter in Tuesday's ASP we
finally have the record straight about Students lor Israel
(SFI) and the Revisionist Zionist Alternative ( R Z A ) . We
would like lo suggest a real alternative; American Jewish
and Proud ( A J A P ) . Our alternative differs from the others
in that we don't suggest that to be a Jew one has to be a
As Americans we recognize and appreciate the opportunities and the freedom available to us in this country. As
Jews we feel strongly towards the survival of the stale of
Israel as a homeland. But, most importantly, we realize
that as American Jews we have the strength and power lo
help Israel; which should be encouraged and not denounced by Zionist groups and the like who do not appreciate the
potential of this force.
We have the might, don't suppress it. Become A J A P ; be
American Jewish and Proud. We are.
—I.arry Adolf
Jessica lialuhun
Calling names
To the Editor:
Maria, Maria, Maria (Muscarclla)! I just could not sit
still and let your letter to the ASP go unanswered. I find il
vcr> interesting that a woman of Italian descent (something
only a racist would notice—oops just kiddingl) has decided
to become such a staunch defender of Arab students and
culture (we'll forgive you for conveniently slipping Deir
Yasin into your letter, a favorite to tell at Arab propaganda
conventions) when not one Arab student on campus was
disturbed or motivated enough to write a letter to the ASP.
Maria, I am not denying that Israel is indirectly responsible for the "terrible tragedy" which the Arab students on
campus and propaganda network feels compelled to constantly remind us of—as " i f the (killing of Palestinians) is a
part of the morning ritual of every (Israeli's) l i f e " (the
words in quotes are yours, the woros in parentheses arc
mine). This was the findings of the Israeli Commission of
Top Twenty
LOST: 3/9 on SUNYA bus- a
Pittsburgh Pirate Baseball Hat
with Stargell Stars. Insurmountable Sentimental Value,
Reward. Call Debbie M. at
Inquiry. For a more complete picture of the incident, why
not Include Saad Hadaad's, (leader o f Christian
Phulangists, who arc directly responsible for the incident)
face and a cross dripping blood on the poster? That would
probably not go over too well in a country whose population is predominately Christian, and whom the Arab propaganda machine is trying to manipulate.
The real reason I wrote back to you via the ASP is not lo
stir up hostilities between us or others on this campus. In
your letter, you accused me o f being a racist, sarcastic,
hypocritical, and anti-Arab. This slander will not help you
win friends and influence people, Maria. Instead of calling
me all these names, call me on the phone and let's talk
about things over coffee. It's my treat. M y number is in the
phone book. Bring along any friends you have who are
seriously interested in these problems.
This one meeting might be more productive than one
hundred unproductive letters to the ASP,
—Mark Wriniraiin
Peaceful protest
To the Editor:
In 1943, a "religious" leader by the name of Haf A m l n c l
Hussclni was a guest o f A d o l f Hitler at a Nazi rally In
Berlin. "The Germans," Hussclni said admiringly, " k n o w
how to gel rid of Ihc Jews."
In 1983, a representative of Ihc terrorist group that culls
itself ihc "Palestinian Liberation" Organization, by Ihc
name If llulem Hussaini, carries on his infamous relative's
work. This Saturday, March 19lh, Hussaini will bring his
campaign of hate to this campus when he speaks ai an event
sponsored by the Arab Students Association.
We as concerned students o f various political and
religious beliefs, have united together to protest peacefully
this outrageous individual and Ihc organization he
represents. We Invite Jews, Christians, Moslems and all
students who share our indignation to j o i n us, the Student
Coalition Against Terrorism (SCAT), when we prolesl und
make our voices heard on Saturday at 2; 15p.m. in front of
lecture Center I.
—Debbie Schiller
Susan Scldman
Co-chairs, Students for Israel
—Steven llilscnruth
President, Revisionist Zionist
Nestle clarifies
I <i the Keillor:
Because of student interest on SUN Y Albany's campus, I
would like the opporiuniiy to clarify the policies and practices of Nestle with regard lo the sale of infant formula in
developing countries.
As you may well know, the World Health Organization
adopted a Code of Marketingforllieusnnilk Substitutes in
May, 1981. Nestle has a strong record o f progress and support In Implementing Ihc W H O Code, including Immediate
endorsement of Its aim and principles. The company
testified ils supportforIhc Code before the U.S. Congress
in June, 1981.
After considerable investigation Ihc company determined
that few developing countries were instituting a national
code as recommended by the W H O . Consequently, Nestle
issued Instructions to all ils employees, agents, and
llslribulors in every developing country where Nestle
markets infant formula, detailing exactly how Nestle would
unilaterally implement the W H O Code. In addiiion, pursuant to article 11,3 of the Code, the Nestle Infant Formula
Audit Commission, chaired by former Secretary of Slate
and Senator Edmund S. Muskie, was established to oversee
Ncstle's compliance with these Instructions and to investigate reported violations o f Ihc W H O Code.
The Commission is a fully independent body composed
Suaan Pearlman, Advertising Manager
John Trolano, Safes Manager
E.I.M.S.O in w e
Uonn Bali, Editor In Chlel
Wayne Peereooorn, Execuffve Editor
Mark Oeaner, Managing Editor
Nana Editor
To'1 Kaplowllz
Aaaoclata Newa Editors
Dobbin Judge, Dob Prolote
Aspects Editor
Debblo Mlllman
Aaaoclata ASPecla Edltora
Megan G. Taylor, Gall Morton
Sound Editor
Babul Schnoldot
Vlelon Editor
Llsanno SokoloWBkl
M a , c HMr 01
Sporla Edllor
Aaaoclata Sporta Edllor
Marc Schworz
Ll0£1 s a l n
Editorial Pagaa Edltot
David L.L. Laakln
Contributing Edllor
Editorial Aaalalanla: Bob Qordlnlor, Antnony Sllbor, Mark Lovlno, Wire SorVict and Evanla Edllor: HoUII Grulla, Stall wrllora: Qlnu Abond, Suzanne
Abola, Arnoy Aduma, 0111 Brewator, Both Brlnaor, Kan Cunlot, Tracoy Carmlchaol, Andrew Carroll, William D. cnarmak, Nancy Crowlonl, HubertKenneth Dickey, QUI FlBChor, Stove Fox, Barry Gollnor, Joel Groonborg,
Charloa M. Greeno, Loo Groonsloln, Andy Horowitz, Tom Kacondoa, Amy
Kllgua, DonlBo Knlghl, lllao Lovlno, Craig Marka, Roborl Martlnlano. David
MIchnolBon, Han Nlaaan, Laura NuaB, Matt NIcholB, Bob O'Brlan, Bob O'Connor, Carl Palka, Karon Pltozzl, Phil Plvnlck, Linda Qulnn, Liz Reich, Mark
Roaslar, Randy Rolh, Ellen Santaalero, Alan Somkln, Metln Ulug, Mark
Wllgard, Adam Wllk, Spectrum and Evantt Edltora: Ronl Glnaberg, Ken Dornbaum
Bonnla Stevena, Buifneas Manager
Hady Bidder, Asaoc/are RuaJnaaa Manager
Billing Accounlama
Karon Sardolt, Judy Totol
Payroll Suparvlaor
Arlono Katlowllz
Claaaltlcd Manager
Mlckoy Frank
Compoalllon Manager
MollSBa WaBaorman
Adverilaing Salea: Poter Forward. Mike Kroimor. Gregg Hall, Noll Suaaman,
Advartlalng Production Managera: Jane Hlrach, Mlndy Horowllz, Advertlalng
Production: Rnndee Bohar, Michelle Horowllz, Paige Marcua. Julio Mark,
Elloon Slovln, Suo Sommortold, Mollaaa WaaBerman, Rhonda Wolf. Olllce
Stall: Lisa dayman, Gay PoroaB
Jack Dunchlag, Production Manager
Patricia Mitchell, Assocfafe Production Manager •
Chlel Typeaotter
Celhle Ryan
• " • •••• • .••••Bill Bon la
Paalo-up: Kelly Burke. Donna Corwln. Holly Preall, Typlala: Bill Boonoy, Jim
Capozzola. Erica D'Atlamo. Joanno Glldoraloovo, Elizabeth Hoyman, Glnny
Huher. Mary Alice Llpka, Mark Walter
PholoQrnphy principally auppllod by Unlverally Photo Service, a aludeni
Chlel Photographer: Oavo Aahor, UPS Stall: Chuck BornBloln, Laura Boallck,
Alan Calom, Amy Cohon, Shorry Cohon, Rachol Lllwln, Ed Meruaalch, Lola
Mallabonl, Susan Elaine Mlndlch, Joon Plorro-Loula, David Rlvora. Llaa Simrnona, Erica Spolgol, Warren Stoul, Jim Valontlno, Will Yurman
Entire conlenla copyright H3 1983 Albany Student Preaa Corporation, ail
tlghta raaerved.
Thu Albany Sludont Preaa la publlBhed TuoBdaya and Frldaya betwoon
Augual and June by the Albany Sludont PfoaB Corporation, on Independent
nol-lor-prollt cotpornllon.
Edltorlala aro wrlllon by Ihe Editor In Chief wllh mombore of the Editorial
Board; policy la aubject to review by Iha Editorial Board. Adverilaing policy
dooa not nocoaaatlly rolled editorial policy.
Mailing addroBa:
Albany Student Preaa, CC 320
taoowaahlngton Ave.
Albany, NY 12222
(S1B) <67 0110213322)3300
o f eminent scientists, academicians, and clergy. During the
Commission's formation in May, 1982 Senator Muskie
staled in a U P I wire services report that " ( I ) f it appears the
company is attempting a cover-up we'll report i t . "
On October 14, 1982 N I F A C presented its First Quarterly Report announcing Ncstle's agreement to comply with
Ihe Commission's recommendations to improve the Instructions. As a result of the Commission's suggestions,
Nestle issues revised Instructions to its personnel in
developing countries. Muskie said In this report that Nestle
has "demonstrated a willingness t o respond positively to
the imperative of change in its marketing policies. In doing
so, it has responded positively to Ihc public interest as
staled i n Ihc W H O C o d e . "
In November, 1982 the General Council o f Ministries of
the United Methodist Church, which examined the issue for
two years, voted by a two-lo-onc margin not to boycott.
This church—the second largest Protestant denomination
in the U.S.—voted lo discourage other oganizallons from
boycotting. Furthermore, on January 27, 1983 the
American Federation of Teachers and Ihc Federation of
Nurses and Health Professionals with a membership over a
half a million withdrew their support of the boycott.
The Commission will continue its strict audit uf Ncstle's
compliance with the Revised Instructions and Ihc W H O
Code. N I F A C members arc undertaking thorough investigations of Ncstle's performance in the field through on
site visits in developing nations. Il is important for
members of the concerned public lo contact the Commission if they have any concerns regarding Ncstle's policies in
ihc Third W o r l d . The address Is: N I F A C , 1101 Vermont
Avenue N W , Suite 900, Washington, DC 20005. And ir
there is any further information I can provide please contact me.
—Rafael D. Pagan, Jr.
Lo and behold
To Ihe Editor:
During Ihe week o f March 14 to March 17 (Monday to
Thursday), I noticed In most of Ihc classrooms and lecture
centers that I have been in advertisements for "Where does
your ladder of success lead t o ? " and " H o w do you spell
'Success'?" written on Ihe blackboards sponsored, seemingly, by something called College Life which meets on
Thursday at 9:00 pm in CC 375. As I have never heard of
College Life, I have done some research unci, lo und
behold, this is really being sponsored by the Campus
Crusade for Christ,
I have one simple questionforlite leaders and members
o f lite " C r u s a d e " ; What are you afraid of? I f you sponsor
an cvcul, why don't you say so instead o f hiding behind a
pseudonym or by making no reference to sponsorship
whatsoever? I don't object to having ihe "Crusade" sponsoring anything, that would be wrong of me, however I do
have an objection lo hiding the facl that they are sponsoring something.
There should be a policy about this. Each and every SA
funded or recognized organization should take any credit
and full responsibility for everything they sponsor. We
have lo protect everyone's freedom of speech but [here is,
oi should be, a light lo a freedom from being mislead. I
don't know about anyone else but I thought thai this was
being sponsored by Career Planning and Placement
originally, und what CPP would say lo me is far different
from what the "Crusade" would say lo me.
—Jeffrey I.. Schiilmun
Don't hold your breath
lit the Editor:
I for one am sick and tired of picking up a copy of the
ASP and being plagued with endless articles that tend to
center entirely around one member of the executive
brunch's insipid attack on Central Council and in m m
council's so very predictable rebuttal.
The Student Association is not meant to be a forum for
petty politics or a playground that revolves around a group
of bloated egos, overwhelmed with self importance.
Whether or not this is how it really is, is not in question.
The /ISP's coverage of the organization Is.
The Student body's view of SA is based on the unending
coverage of trite arguments between various members of
the organization and the sensationolistic coverage o f Mike
Corso's political activism. I have walked into the Student
Association's office intimeruble limes, merely as a member
o f Ihe student body, wishing to discuss my ideas with one of
the officials I helped to elect. The majority of them were
out playing the role of activist superhero but the one person
the ASP seems to have overlooked in their coverage was silting in her office speaking to one of her (yes believe it or not
someone in that office pays attention to his/her) constituents. In my opinion the office of the Vice President is
open to any student wishing to make a suggestion or just
chat ubout SA and how It works. But if you arc wailing to
get into any of the other offices—don't hold your breath.
Although many of the things that Anne Marie La Porta has
accomplished during her term have been perhaps less tangible than those that Mike Corso has completed, they are
nonetheless well deserving o f commendation from both the
ASP, and the student body. I f she is to be commended for
nothing else she should at least be credited with following
through on President Corso's campaign platform—communication.
—name withheld by request
Pressed lor time? Ovr-Nlte Type
Is last, high-quality computerized word processing geared lor
student needs as at student
prices. Call 785-8218 anytime.
Pickup A Delivery Available.
Tuesday at 3 PM lor Friday
Friday al 3 PM lor Tuesday
10 cents per word
20 cents per bold word
$2.00 extra lor a box
minimum charge Is Sl.00
Classified ads are being accepted In the Business Olllce, Campus Center 332 during regular
business hours. Classified advertising must be paid In cash at the lime
of Insertion. No checks will be accepted. Minimum charge lor billing
Is $25.00 per Issue.
No ads will be printed without s
lull name, address or phone number
on Ihe Advertising lorm. Credit may
be extended, but NO refunds will be
given. Editorial policy will not permit ads to be printed which contain
blatant profanity or those that are\
In poor tasle. We reserve the right]
to refect any material deemed un-\
suitable lor publication.
II you have sny questions or problems concerning Classified Advertising, please feel free to call or
stop by Ihe Business Office.
WJVor s a l W^
Imprinted by
Jolar Sllkscreenlng
Lowest Prices
For sale: 1977 Toyota Cellca QT, Ex
cellent Cond. No rust. 5 spd.,
AM/FM. 371-2266.
For sale: full-size convertible couch
$75, double-bed mattress/box spring $65, 3 kitchen chairs $5 each,
9'/>x7 tan rug $7, curtains.
Call Donna 458-2041
or Lenny 489-3715
For rent: 3 bedroom apt. Uptown,
near Marine Midland Bank. June 1,
1983. Furnished, no utilities. Park
Ing lor 2 cars. Excellent condition
$450;mo, 438-7602.
Wanted: 1 room In 2, 3, or 4 bedrm.
lun./sen./grad., females. Near bus
line. Lease begin May 23 or June 1.
Call Joanne, 457-8766; leave name
and number If not home.
2 bedrooms to sublet for summer.
Apt. across from Strawberries, near
Draper. Price negotiable—call Tom
For rent: 3 bedroom (between Ontario and Quail). Furnished, Washer
& dryer. No utilities. Available June
1, 1983. $340/mo, 438-7602.
Roommate (male) for 3 bdroom
house (dune 1). $110/mo + '/i
utilities. Yard, shed, and driveway.
Nice area, near stores and laundromat. Big rooms—must see. Call
Joe (489-6747) anynlte 6-9 p.m. 326
Q. Cortland St.
Female (grad.) share flat. Unlurn.,
Guild. $165—neat, responsible.
For rent: 3 bedroom (between Quail
and Ontario). Furnished, washer &
dryer, no utilities. Available June 1,
1983. $340/mo, 438-7602.
For rent: 3 bedroom apt. uptown
(near Marine Midland Bank). June 1,
1983. Furnished, no utilities. Parking for two cars. Excellent condl'lon. $450/mo. 438-7602.
Typesetting service
Posters, livers, etc.
Reasonable rates.
Call lor details.
Professional Typing Service. IBM
Selectrlc Correcting Typewriter. Exporlenced. Coll 273-7218.
Top Rated N.Y.S. Coed
sleep Away Camp
Seeking: Counselors (19 + ). Canoeing, fencing, sailing, typist, modern
dance, broadcasting, ham radio,
VCR, WSI, gymnastics, Jewish
culture (piano, singing, discussion).
Ron Klein, Director
Camp Kinder Ring
45 E. 33rd Street
New York, N.Y. 10016
Bartenders—Northeast Bartenders
#1 In bartending training. Class lee,
job placement. 899-4272.
Alaska Jobs. Summer/year round.
Earn great money In this opportunity
$10,000-$12,000 on three month
fishing boat. Send for 1983
employer listing and Information
acket covering all industries. $5.00
yntel Research Dept. AA3225, P.O.
Box 99405, Cleveland, Ohio 44199.
Satisfaction guaranteed.
''No Frills" Student Teacher
Flights. Global Travel, 125 Wolf
Road, Albany, New York 12205. (518)
Cruise Ship Jobsl $14-$28.00. Carrlbean, Hawaii, World. Call for Qulde,
1-916-722-1111 Ext. SUNYAIbany.
Counselors: Coed children's camp
N.E. Penna. 8/22-8/23/83. Swim
(WSI), tennis, gymnastics, waterskl,
team sports, fine art, photography,
dance, dramatics, guitar. Resident
Assistants needed for supervisory
positions. Group leaders (22 + ).
Camp Wayne, 12 Allevard St., Lido
B e a c h , NY 1 1 5 8 1 .
R e p r e s e n t a t i v e : Iris
Pop with the Bongos at tneunateau
Lounge, Sat., March 19.
Come see Le Petit Magique dance
to "It's Raining Men"
—They'llget you wet—
—6:52 Saturday night—
WCDB sez "See the Bongos" Sat.,
March 19, Chateau Lounge.
Happy 20th Birthdayl Thanks for
making my last 2 years of college so
special. Have a fantastic day I
I Love You.
Your roomie,
Light My Husk
Telethon Is Here
Tonight—8 p.m.—CC Ballroom
Ladles—One special member of
your sex went lo see "Raldors" lor
the first time,, Saturday at 10 p.m. II
you sat in the second row, have
short, light brown hair, and wearing
a white ski jacket with a white
warm-up suit, then please call
7-7960—Danny, first row.
Dear Betsy and Eileen,
Congratulations on a great yean
Working with the two ol you hasbeen rewarding and FUNI Good
luck tojilght: we think you're supeM
On this special anniversary,
remember our special love and all
Telethon Stall '83 | the special times we've shared
together. Let's make this anniverCall out the Corps for the Husk, Live sary one to rememberl
at 5:35 A.M.
All my love,
SUNY Night at Xenon's
Joe Claihl
Wednesday, March 30th
Mad Mark,
Special Guest: Jeffrey B.
Cool Chris,
Yule Tide
and Scrod
Darling (Dukey) Diana,
We are the Huskl
Best ol luck this weekend to you
and your supreme Supremesl You II OSTY:
always be my favorite actl
Just thought
I'd say hi. When Is our
I love you 11
next "epic1' experience going to be?
Your #1 Fan
P.S. Be a Wlnky Monstall
Catch the Kazoos Brothers at
$15.00—one page
Telethon: Frl. 11:03 p.m. and Sat.
$20.00—two pages.
7:41 p.m.
Call lor details.
The llame In my heart burns
To people who answered Barter ad:
brighter every year.
will answer all, please allow suffiHappy Birthday.
do so.
Love always. cient
Box 3 3 3 ,
Watervllet, NY 12189. Thanks.
torn, Shawn, and Kevin:
—Phone # please.
St. Patty's day was yesterday, but
true Irish celebrate year round. See Rlch-the-rlpper,
you after physical
Keep your paws oil ol mlnel
To Eric—
'Tsup? Have a Happy Birthday,
Happy 20th birthday. You break
Love, "hearts" laster than anyonel Craok
The Bitch (slaml) all you want.
P.S. W-h-e-e L-O-V-E l-t
Love, Sharl
Mickey x2
UCB presents the Husk
The Wildest Act In Telethon
Brought to you by
Le Petit Magique
6:52 Saturday Night
Coming next: Pil
Husk Is ha| penlng
5:35 A.m.' elethon
See Attitude Adjustment
Live—Telethon '83I
Lerner's In Stuyvesant Plaza,
Albany's only New York Style Deli,
Is pleased to announce that it Is
now open Sundays from 10-7.
Dear Sue, Nlcki, Karen, Shlrl, &
To the best bunch ol roomies.
Thanks lor everything.
Love, Fran
Congratulations are In order for
Bonnie and JoAnn—two girls that I
love nearly as much as I love
Dear Mr. Man,
Please bite my tushy forever I
I love you,
Mrs. T.
Attitude Adjustment:
Live and Rockln'
Telethon '83
Live out your lantasy on Indian
Quad Friday, March 18, 9 p.m.-? at
Quad Board's Fantasy Party. Beer,
wine, mixed drinks, soda, munchles. Live music by Fantasy.
Lamar's In Stuyvesant Plaza,
Albany's only New York style Dell,
Is pleased to announce that it Is
now wopen Sundays Irom 10-7.
Dear Betsy,
It's finally herel Enjoy "your" night.
We know you'll be superb, but the
best of luck anyway. Have fun and
Ar and Held
To the members of Alice Bowie: Are
you psyched? I ami
Telethon '83—Thanks a lot. I had a
really good time. $50,000 here we
Dear Nancy.
Thanks for letting me take care ol
Mama Keedl
Madame Pres.,
Now who wins the A-award? The
competition Is close. Have lun—
Dead Boys, Pistols,
Thunders, by the Husk
Telethon '83 Stall:
We've come a long way and tonight
the entertainment Is on us. ENJOY!
Deb & Eric
Colonial 2103,
Tonight's the nlghtl
Thanks lor putting up with me.
Get Ready lor Alice Bowie
—Tel '83
Community Service Registration
April 5-8, 10-4, between LC 3 and 4.
Telethon Stall:
You're g r e a t l This Is your
woekend—you've worked hard so
enjoyl We love you all.
Eileen & Betsv
Little Schltz,
It's been an amazing season.
Let's show 'em our best tomorrow.
P.S. Aron try not to hurl youraull.
5UMY Night at Xenon's
Wdenesday, March 30th
Star attraction: Thomas J. Condulls
Mr. Freshman,
All I can say to you Is this: "Our
friendship Is very strange, weird,
and lunny," and I wouldn't have It
any other way.
Miss Upperclassman
The Odysslnk (an epic tale)
Bookl— The Brlllo Will:
...and Splc begot Span and Span
begot Comet (the Lord ol the Bowl)
and Comet begot Brlllo the
Abrasive One. And Brlllo defeated
Ajax In the mighty Porcelain Wars.
And Brlllo the reigning king proclaimed the Golden Basin as
Kim, Sheila, Rioh, Toni|
Break a legl
Adrla, Lalmw, Jackie
Stuyvesant Plaza
sr,w ramj
Public access T V can function as a community's
"old town eryer," concentrating on local issues, but it
faces difl'icullies, according lo a New York Universily
professor. Albany cable subscribers, however, can
look I'orward lo an expanded public access syslcm
beginning sometime this summer.
George Sloncy, a professor at NYU's Alternate
Media Center spoke in the Capitol Building Tuesday
morning during a briefing sponsored by the Slate
legislative Commission on Science and Technology.
Known as "the Godfather of public access," Sloncy
explained public access can provide "ordinary people a
chance lo speak for themselves." He continually drew
Ihe distinction between litis and commercial TV's community coverage, which he said only focuses on Ihe
dramatic and sensational.
Sloncy provided examples of public access programming including a program made in Albany called
"Assembly Calendar," Featuring an Interview with
Latham Assemblyman Michael lloblock. Sloncy said
public access is an especially valuable resource for
enriching local politics, " I ' m constantly amazed as I
go around Ihe country lo sec whal affect cable has on
tiuiuiciplc politics," he commented, "Isn't it a relief lo
sec someone not put on the hot seal by a young Journalist?'' said Stoney, referring lo Ihe "Assembly
-\ "\
With commercial T V , explained Stoney, the
coverage of politicians and news must make its way
past "gatekeepers"—people who control what information reaches Ihe masses and what docs not. Public
access, he said, enables lesser known candidates lo gel
their views across. " I think that with judicious use of
this," said Stoney, "It will make public office more
(%ledical School Openings')
I m m e d i a t e Openings Available in Foreign M e d i c a l S c h o o l .
Fully A c c r e d i t e d .
For further details and/or appointment calk,
Dr. Manley (716)832-0763/
Sloncy slipped another lape into his VCR. The tape,
made by former slcelworkers, shows how the closing
of Bethlehem Steel shattered their community. Commercial T V , he contended, cannot examine an issue in
Ihe manner of the particular people affected. He said
Ihe program shows "wlial happens after the networks
go home." And cable companies, Stoney said, are less
than enthusiastic,
Capilol Cablcvision Program Manager Tim ThornIon acknowledged that in the past, cable companies
have "left public access lo fend for Itself." One reason
for litis, Thornton contended, was thai although
public access was met with great cxciicmcnt when cable
was first Introduced the novelty gradually wore off in
lite community.
As ii is, cable companies have their franchise
agreements reviewed every five years or so, Thornton
explained. This motivates cable companies lo make a
"sincere effort" in public service. And Capilol
Cablcvision, he said, is "going from t) to 10" Willi such
an effort.
Public access channels, Stoney explained, lake up
channels that can be more lucratively employed by the
cable companies for uses such as advertising and leasing for private interests. Additionally, he said, cable
companies must Often provide expensive studio lime
and equipment,
As ii result, there.has been a bill proposed in tile
Senate and backed by the National Cable Association,
which would place primary jurisdiction over cable in
the hands of the Federal Communications Bureau.
This would pre-empt localities from regulating the
franchises thai serve them, and could permit cable
companies to charge extra lor public access or even
eliminate it.
In Albany, Ihe public library provides funding and
facilitation for the public access channel—Channel
2—furnished by Capilol Cablcvision. The library's
Media Director Hob Katz said Stoney's presentation
was applicable to the public access here. He said community groups use Ihe channel lo their advantage, with
Ihe library providing training and studio limetlo Interested groups. But Capilol Cablcvision, Katz contended, "really hasn't been overly enthusiastic or supportive."
For 24 hours of lun
come see
Tonight—8 p.m.—CC Ballroom
Love and success with Telethon.
May all your special dreams come
true this weekend.
Friends forever,
NYU Prolessor George Stoney
Public office will be more available.
Kufz added that Ihe public access channel provides
practical experience for interested students, Presently,
there are four SUNYA students involved In the program.
I ''
I'm sorry dear that we won't be here
together next year, but have no
(ear—I'll always be near.
You were a great co- this year.
Thanks for the dedication and for
tolerating me. You're a good Irlend.
sit back
and enjoy
Telethon—Get psyched to M.C. Sal.
Love always,
^ ^ ^
Bunny Rabbit,
I had a fabulous time spending our
first anniversary together. I know
we will have many more to come. I
Love Youl
Love always an I' iver,
Fix tho Elevator 11
SUNY Student Special
Precision Cut and Blow Dry
Special $ 5 0 Perm*
$35 * L o n g Hair Extra
By David Michnclson
The Four Quads are back for
Telethon '83. Catch them at 11:45
Friday nlghtl
JamieThanks for everything. Just
remember Step, Together, Step,
Cross... and you'll be awesome.
SUNY Night at Xenon's
Wednesday, March 30th
Guest Professional: Warren
Dear Betsy,
W e l l , It s finally here, and
everything worked out. I know we
both can t believe It. Just sit back
and enjoy—you deserve It.
Much love,
18, 1983 n ALBANY
Public access TV gives local view
I couldn't have asked for a greater
"co". You've been terrific through It
all and I want to thanks you for
always making the fun shine
through, even on the cloudiest
With much love and thanks,
Thanks for the great dinner. IOU 1. What Is II about the guys Irom
K Mohawk?
Q: Is It Michael Splnks or Leon
Imprinted by
Jolar Sllkscreening
A: It's Michael Splnks cause Leon
Lowest prices
Wanted: girls for Husk groupie conWhat is fat, back-stabbing, lylnt
Fantasies Come True on Indian
and two-laced?
test after show.
Quad March 18, 9 p.m.-? at Quad
Answer: Allison G.
Wanted: Photographer to take apBoard's Fantasy Party. Beer, wine,
prox. 75 slides ol artist's painting
mixed drinks, soda, munchles. Live
lor portfolio. Slides must be top
You're as great a Irlend as a sister. music by Fantasy.
quality. II interested call Russ
Congratulations sweetlel I'll miss
465-2903 evenings.
Wanted—Marines (Reserve, PLC,
Love. NROTC) to complete suite and/or
Models: f e m a l e s , 18 to 4 0 .
Cheryl lounge. Will consider other GungAmateurs welcome, Mag, PR, and
Ho servicemen. Tony—7-7826.
art portfolio. Hourly rate. Name and
number to P.O. Box 99, Rensselaer, One year later—we've worked hard, Thorn—7-7926.
NY 12144.
played hard, and became great
friends In between. You're great and CandidateI couldn't have survived without
Let's go to Nairobi.
you. You'll do g-g-great tonight.
—Your Campaign Manager
Break a leg (oops!).
Love, Betsy (the upstater)
I wasn't that hard to work with was
WCDB sez "See the Bongos" Sat. I?
Ride to Florida wanted (Ft. LauderMarch 19, Chateau Lounge,
dale). Leave Albany 3/27, dpart 4/1.
e x p e n s e s . LorL
Happy 21st Birthdayl
Dear Dave,
We love youl
Ride needed to Washington, D.C.
Hedy, Jenny, Elaine, ft Lisa Thanks for all your support, advice,
and patience with me and Telethon.
Leaving 3/24/83 or 3/25/83. Call
George 272-5693.
I love you very much.
Letterman In his place 3:01.
Happy Anniversary,
So we're both repetitive and poor,
but you know we'll get them both!
Love ya "la death", roomsle.
Quality Typing—Letters, term
papers, dissertations, etc. Call
869-7149 before 9:00 p.m.
Word Processing Service (Typing):
Papers, resumes, cover letters; alfordable rates. Call 489-8638.
Pasaport/appijcation photos—CC
305 lues. 12:00-2:00, Wed. 4:30-6:30.
No appointment necessary. $5.00
for flrsl two prints, $1.00 every additional two thereafter. Any questions
call 457-8867.
Dear Mel, Mod, Mer, A,
It's been a rough week but
apostrophIs here.
Thanks so muoh,
Sculptured Nails $25
Beard a n d Mustache Trim $3
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a * *
Mohawk Mall
May 23 to July 1
Business Planning
Child, Family & State
C o m m e r c i a l Paper
Conflict of Laws
Criminal Procedure
Family Law
Individual Income Tax
Law and Psychiatry
Real Estate Transactions
Unfair Trade Practices
H 9
3 4
July 5 to August 15
Administrative Law
Business Organizations
Comparative Law
Corporate Tax
Estate and Gift Tax
Labor Law
Legislative Process
For Further Information Write or Call:
(516) 5 6 0 - 5 9 1 6
SCHOOL OF LAW HempRleud, Long Island, New York 11550
Holeltit Umvitisuy is an oquul oducnllonal opooitunliy itmlilulion
Looking for a wild time? Meet me in
Daytona Beach for College Expo '83
March 20-25. I'd love to see you,
and I'll be giving away
autographed, full-color posters
of me — Natalie. See you there —
or, you can catch up with me
in Ft. Lauderdale March 28April 1. Until we meet, remember.
Anytime's a wild time when you
add the great taste of
Two Fingers!
Two Fingers;
is all it takes.
i.- lltfU 1WOUNGUIS ILOOILft SOI'MOOF IMPOW H> \ nm 111 n i l .
AW i\*l Kl It r»i II
Cornell Law School
Undergraduate Prelaw Program
June 6 to July 19,1983
A demanding six-week program
for college students who want
to iearn what law school is like.
For further Information write to Jane Q. Death,
Cornell Law School, 834 Myron Taylor Hall, Box 11,
Ithaca, NY. 14853
You'll like my apartment. 8 stereo
•'. speakers, lur rugs, waterbed,
RUMPLE MINZE. fireplace,
caviar, wonderful
. paintings, lacuzzl,
\ sauna & other
I amenities.
Rumple Mime.
You smooth
Imported by W.V. Elliott Co. Sole U.S. Agent,
Btilain. CT, U.S.A 100 Proof.Peppermint Schnapps.
Enjoy in Moderation.
Introduction to Law School
18, 1983
Ross University
(across the street from Le Fat Cat)
M o n d a y nil«»
T u e s d a y Mirttt
Notbartt Tha Rock-ola Y«»ra
every Friday, pick it up at a
business or tavern near you.
Ladies Nite
| T h u r s d a y Mi««
Now accepting applications lor study leading to
degree in both Medicine and Veterinary Medicine.
Courses taught In English. Programs under guidance
ol American Dean utilizing American curriculum.
Transfer students accepted. Semesters begin July
and November 1983. Wo are an accredited school
and listed In W.I 1.0. and affiliated with U.S. hospitals
for clinical rotation. Dlrecl inquires to:
Ross University
Portsmouth. Dominica, W I. Attention: Mr. Butler
or Caribbean Admissions. Inc.
16 West 32 Street, New York, N.Y. 10001
/o.oopm -1:00am
3 7oz.Bud. $1.00
TIMBER LAKE CAMP, one of N.Y. States top
Co-Ed Summer Camps, Is seeking high quality
general counslers. Specialists also needed
In basketball, Softball, soccer, tennis,
roller hockey, waterfrontfW.S.I.) for lakit,
Indoor and outdoor heated pools, audio
visual, arts and crafts, computers, A.M.
radio, ham radio, television production.
Schools of Medicine
and Veterinary Medicine
j 0:00pm -1:00am
$2.00 Pitchers
10:00pm -1:00am
2 Schnapps $1*00
. 75* Bar Drinks
An effective resume can
present your qualifications
and skills in an organized
and persuasive manner.
7 •
gi m
l ( i Inl i " Al" ul Oll.r, ttnl
Dulndt Hi J i m
CALL TOLL f flEt: 8 0 0 - 2 2 1 ' - "
' —Affordable RatesContact TLC's Albany representative;
a motion picture about
Produced by the National Film Board of Canada
Diroctod by Bonnifi Shorr KlAin a n d S l a t t i n g Linda Loo Ttacoy
W a r n i n g : If you are offended by graphic subject
matter, we urge you not to see this film.
SUNT to J a d e Fountain & return
A Champagne Brunch for 2
at Quintessence
Dinner for 2 at H.P. Mulligan's
Friday 6PM-9PM Tele. No. 869-9585
Saturday 6PM-9PM
Please call ahead.
869-9586 v
Mon. Night Party
March 219-12 pm
10percentSUNYdiscount with current ID
Take out not included.
Molson Golden Ale
our new T-shirts are in.
There's a better way
to get there this Spring.
Greyhound Is going your way with trouble-free, economical
service. You can leave directly from campus or other nearby locations.
Most schedules have stops at convenient suburban locations. And
talk about comfort. You get a soft, reclining seat and plenty of room
for carry-on bags.
So next trip, go with the ride you can rely on. Go Greyhound.
rrom Campus: Albany
To Campus: Boston
Albany ,.
rrom Campus:
To Campus: NowVork
rrom Campus: Albany .
in Campus: Hempslead .
Our soeelaltv: Szechuen, Hunan,
and Cantonese. Polynesian drink
available. J u s t 1 utile West of
S t u y vesant Plaza.
. ^
53 North U l u ' A v t . mbany, N.Y. 12206
"*#*jtfa|inifBi'» •i" i**aTiiVi S>i,iriWnr f i p i i
. Ar
. Lv
. Ar
. .Lv
1 55p
o nip
1 30p
2:30p • 3:3flp
3 25p
11 30a
With this ad and Student I.D. receive a 15%
discount on all retail products and $5.00 off
on all salon services. *
'Except with stylist: Jear C. Paul & Marsha
For convenient dally service and complele Inlormallon, call 434-0121
O N H o w a r d S t r e e t - o v e n w h a n T u l T a l i o , la u p . .
'Friday and Sunday only.
Tickets to Joe Jackson on 3-21
2 PM
i>L'N - MM
Fast, Professional Service
Applications lor maintenance, grounds and
dining room staff also bolng accepted.
Joe Jackson Posters
i n SHOWS u i n n i \ i? on
CmemaNational ',
ciNcmn 7
'them, not because of federal re-
Route7 Latham 7 8 S - '
Editor in Chie
Albany C'onle.
1G3 Dolawaio Ave.
Do I mar
Federal budget burdens
liJtrt sMjpMAl CENTER
worked with the county government
to lessen' cutbacks, the study also
"Contrary to the rcarsfdf many
slate and local officials -that 'Ihe
' stances "New York was a model lor
roof would fall in' after passage of
Stale's 1983 budget considerably*: the rest or the nation during the
the 1981 federal budget culs, the efexceeds I he federal cuts, and must years of increasing federal regulafects were complex, subtle and
be attributed more to the recession tion." Several slalc administrators
muled during the first year," the
argued tjiat Ihe degree of federal
lhan the reductions in federal aid.
report concluded. But it also proAnd since the state passed some deregulation has been exaggerated,
jected that the ejects in New York
of the federal reductions down to it said.
Slate will be more dramatic in FFY
The fiscal effects or the FFY 1982
the local governments, the stale did
not "bear its full burden," they budget culs were, on; Ihe whole, | 1983. The changes are expected lo
be fell in Ihe housing and health
said. For this reason state employ- overestimated by local governpolicy areas', In local capital proment cuts due to federal changes ments, the professors said. Nongram choices, and in state/local
profit agenicies were effected more
were nol extensive.
The federal budget culs came al a severely than governmental agenI.uric and Uebschutz also claim
time when the state could not cies. The non-profil agencies were
that reductions in stale employment
replace Ihe funds, the professors affected by culs in programs and
said. Compensation for the federal delayed payment for ihcir services was minimal In FFY 1982 in all
departments except Ihe Department
culs by Ihe slalc would have revers- rrom' the county government.
Cuts in CETA and Social Ser- of LUbor In FFY 1983 as a result of
ed ihe economic rcvllallzallon
cuts in I'ederal aid, and that Ihe Impolicy of the state — to increase aid vices fiinds were most directly felt
to local governments while at the by the non-profil agencies, and pact will be greatest In the Stale
Education Department.
same lime reducing selected tax these cuts forced reductions In staff
These cuts, however, will be
rates to try lo lure business into the and services, they said. The culs
slate — by requiring increased lax also stimulated more efficient agen- small relative layoffs due lo Ihe
and Ihe consequent shortrales.
The major exception, they cited, raising I'unds, and new emphasis on fall In slalc lax revenues.
There will also be less federal
was the stale's decision lo help two long term planning, according lo
groups made Ineligible for AFCD, the report. The local non-profits' housing funds available as apnamely women three to six months cash flow problems were (raced to pointed I'ederal funds I'or housing
pregnant with their first child and delays the county had in receiving unit rehabilitation and construction
federal Social Service funds which are lessened and nol replaced, the
students between IK and 21.
These Iwo groups, according to are channelled through Ihe state report said.
ihe study, were picked up by Home government. Many non-profit
Efi'orls lo develop stronger cost
Relief, a program funded by the agencies, which were last stage in
containment and I'raud/abuse
slalc and ils localities. The state and the series or delays, were forced to
recovery programs, Including possisome localities protected some of Its borrow fiinds lo cover their revenue
ble redel'inilions of Medicaid
neediest residents from the impact shortfalls, the study suld. But
can be expected because
of the federal cuts by funding cerproblems,
Ihe I'ederal cuts and rapidly rising
tain mandated services with nonhealth care costs, particularly for
federal sources of revenue, Ihe went out of business."
long-term care under Medicaid,
siuily pointed out.
"Public and private sector
have long been of concern til the
The study says the Reagan ad- cooperation was stimulated," the
stale and local level, Ihe repon conministration's
of study said. The United Way started
I !
deregulating has done little to a special emergency fund and also cluded.
reduce unrcgulatory activity by Ihe
I.uric said she did not know If the
federal government had an intention to get Ihe slate lo reduce
regulatory activity or not, since that
was the weakest part of their study,
and not many people had anything
lo say aboul it.
New York, according to Ihe
tonight, March 18 at 7p.m.
Study, enforces most regulations
in the news room.
because ihe stale's citizens support
Schadulat opcfBit •very weakand anempi timing hobdiyi. • » « » * « . * »rtd aamaaiar Walk. Prices and tchtdulei
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Albany. New York
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MARCH 18, 1983
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Maryland comes from behind
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2 for I
"Bartenders. Waiters
& Waitresses Night"
2 for I
bur drinks (or ladles
O'Connor rolls in Yahtzee
Monday Ihru Thuriday
(,8 P.M.
6 P.M. Midnight
Come See
I 7-ounce Draft Beer—504
2 for I Bar Drinks
Rob O'Connor e m e r g e d v i c t o r i o u s Thursday a f t e r n o o n In the
1983 A s p e c t s ' First A n n u a l Yatzhee C h a m p i o n s h i p . O'Connor,
the c o n s e n s u s favorite as the c h a m p i o n s h i p neared Its end,
won the highly p u b l i c i z e d event 277-249-219 over trailers Kenny
Goldblatt a n d Debbie M l l l m a n .
"It feels g o o d , " s a i d a s m i l i n g O'Connor In the lobby of
WCDB, the s i g h t of the final three rolls. " I think I f i n a l l y got the
recognition t h a t I d e s e r v e . "
—Mure lluspel
(4-7 P.M.)
The Go-Go's, The Jackson-5, The Supremes,
The Weathergirls, The 4-Quads, and Mick's
1440 Central Avenue • North way Mall
I k m v M l l l 8.S.6PWMAM
• 4S9 77S7
P M -I A M Closed Sundy.
(outside entrance)
nouns M n, «s » » « M
1PM A AM (.kitrd SimMy
For Spring Elections
^ ^
• * SHOWS**
Vice President
Dutch Quad (3)
S t u d e n t A s s o c i a t i o n of
Indian Quad (3)
University Senate
:i'jii miiu
University Council
1 Seat Open
Off-Campus (9)
Colonial Quad (3)
State Quad,(3)
Including Brit A i t i f i i Mi-tylSliien
Student Association Officers
(AP)-Scven fiee throws hy Charles I isltei in the final
50 seconds gave James Madison a 57-50 vlctor> ovet
West Viiginia Ihuisday in I hi! Ilrsl round of the
NCAA l-ast Regional basketball loiiinatneni.
I he Dukes, 20 10, will play eighth-ranked ami
defending national champion North Carolina in a
sccoiul-iouud game Saturday,
Tampa, /•'/«.
(API-Steve Held drilled a 22 lootet from the lop ol the
kev with live seconds remaining as Purdue withstood a
second hall comehack to trim Robert Morris 55-53 in
the first round ol the NCAA Mideast Regional baskethtill tournament ['hursduy night.
Purdue will plav ninlh-innkeil Arkansas on Satutdtiy,
Reid, making only his fifth start, led the Hollermakers vviih 20 poinls. Rusvcll Cioss added 14.
I he Colonials, 23 8, who overcame a uine-poini
delicti in the final 7:2N, saw its winning sheak end ,u
nine e,ones when I oiest chant's 45-foot shot ai the
bii/A'i hanged on ihe hack of the rim.
Purdue, 21 8, held a 50-41 lead before Ihe Colonials,
appealing in only ihcii second NCAA tourney, began
chopping away with a pressing defense thai finally pioditced a deadlock at 53 with 3:28 to play.
Purdue held Ihe hull tintill 22 seconds remained,
vailed lime oui ami continued to hold it until Rcid,
who hit his first seven shois in ihe game, bioke lice oil
a succn .ii the lop and drilled the game-winner.
Central Council
Alumni Quad (3)
James Madison wins 57-50
Purdue trips Robert Morris
Apply lor positions whoro you will bo residing noxt year.
Houston, Texas
(AP)-Frcshmiin Lcn Was' 17-fool j u m p slim with two
seconds left gave Maryland a eome-l'rom-bclilrtd 52-5I
victory Thursday nigiil ovei I5th-ianked rennessceChattanooga In an N C A A Midwest Regional basket bnll tournainenl first-round game,
Maryland, 20-9, will play No. I Houston In I he second round.
The Terrapins nailed 32-18 curly in I he second hall
before guard Adrian Brunch inspired llieh comeback.
Brunch had 17 of his guinc-high 22 points in (ho second
Skip C'laik missed the from end of a one-and-onc
illuation I'oi the Mcfecnsins with 39 seconds to play
ami M a n land nailing by a point.
Maryland hail trouble working I'oi a good shot and
Bias finally broke free just outside the free throw hue.
lennessee-C'hatianooea couldn't gel off a final shot
as they tutued the hall over.
The Moccasins, who finished the season 2n-4, Iniill a
30-18 hulltime lead In holding the leiiapins to iusi
Iwo baskets in the final 10:20. rcnncssec-C'lialtanoogn
oulscorcd Maryland 16-6 ovet thai sirclch.
Gerald Wiltons and Slanl'ord Slridklund eneli
scored 11 poinls lot the losets, while Men ( oletuan added 1-1 I'oi the l a p s .
lames Madison took a 27-22 lead on Dan Ruland's
layup at the 17:43 mark. West Virginia rallied and
eventually, held a 36-35 edge on a Lester Rowc jumper
with 9:58 left. W i t h the score lied at 37, Keith Bradley
hil a tournament jumper to give the Dukes the lead
with 8:30 left. The Dukes never trailed again.
I in Kearney scored on a shorl jumper with 3:29
left", hut Bradley hit a layup and Fisher followed with
his decisive free tluovvs.
I ishei led the Dukes vviih 13 points, while the
h-foot-8 Ruland and Bob Donohoe scored I I points
West Virginia, 23-8, was led hy Dale Blaney with 17
points, while Kusscll I'odd added I I and Kearney 10.
Ciiee Jones, the Mountaineers' leading scorer, wa.
held to h.
'Positions to be filled
for lite fall season on Monday, March 21 at 5:15 p.m.
inP.E, 339. For more
contact coach Amy
at 457-4554
April 13th and
NCAA tourney first round action
tbe - topP ecl
the State University (SASU)
2 Seats
Alumni Board
Alumni Quad (3)
5 Seats of Graduating Senior Class
Colonial Quad (3)
C | a s s Councils
Dutch Quad (3)
c l a s s o f - 8 4 _ 1 5 officers
Indian Quad (3)
claS8 of ,85 _ 13 officers
State Quad (3)
c l a s s o f >86 _ l7 0 ff icers
Off-Campus (7)
*Self Nomination forms and petitions available in SA Office (CC 116)
and should be submitted between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.
D e a d l i n e : 5 v*mmm9 F r l . 9 M a r c h
Tnis • ^j;^i
O^ rJ dS e^ ^r j" ^" "
P i o a s o s o ^ ^ ^ s n i r , Otter
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M 'it
Adult sizes only. Specify quantity.
T-shirt ' $4.95 on., S
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Ollei p»|)irnsJanu,iiy 31,I98<1 No puidiase m ts.ny. NewYoikiosKleiilsadtJB ^ti'iii sales Id* Ploaso sltaw 4 to 6weeks lot
By Murk Lcvinc
They will begin running on June
I of this year. They will finish some
time near the middle of August.
They will run through six stales and
cover approximately 1,200 miles,
averaging in the neighborhood of
22 miles each running day. They are
running for charity, with all proceeds going 10 the Americun Heart
Association. They are Blake Marson and Liz Neporcnt, and their
story Is truly remarkable.
Marson, a senior here at Albany
Slate, had been a wrestler for 10
years before he turned his dedication strictly to running in his
sophomore year. His first competitive nice was the Long Island
Marathon in May of 1982 where he
ran an outstanding lime of 2:58.
His most recent marathon eumc In
November of lasi year when he ran
a 2:49, which qualified him for the
some of the real world before we go
on to graduate school or work,"
Marson said.
The planning and scheduling for
the run has taken a tremendous effort on the pari of Murson and
Neporcnt. On December 28 of last
year they received an official sponsorship Idler from the Heart
Association. With thai taken care
of, the next steps involved writing
away for maps and information to
places all over New England.
"Writing the letters and mapping
lite routes was probably the worst
thing we had to d o , " Neporcnt
said. "We had to write lo till the
different Slate departments for
maps, of the areas we wanted to sec,
and lots of places weren't too
helpful. We senl out about 100 letters, and have had only about a forty percent response rate."
"We knew I he general area of
where we wanted lo go, bill we
needed some maps for the sped He
The idea of the 1200 Mile Run for
Heart came about late last summer.
Marson and Neporent wanted lo see
the sights of the area anil figured
that by running, Ihey got a chance
lo do something ihey love and lour
the Northeast. "We wanted lo
check oul the urea so we could see
mileage," Marson added. "We had
lo use the scales on the maps to approximate the miles, anil we spent a
lot of hours figuring oul the
distances between the cities,"
As expected both runners are in
peak physical condition. They both
I rain by running 70-100 miles per
week, and Neporent uses her work
on the track team as a way of improving her speed in Iter distance
running. Mosl of their training,
however, is done off the track and
away from the cars and noise of
local streets.
"We do most of our running out
in places like (Jiiilderlund and
Voorheesville," Marson explained.
"We love just running through the
hills and. farmland, looking down
and seeing horses oul in Ihc fields.
There are no cars, no traffic. It's
"The training for the races is probably the thing i like most,".
Ncporenl adds, "It's one of the only chances we get lo be together,
and it's a greal way of getting
Despite gelling greal pleasure oul
March 22,1983
lly Ben Gordon
Albany State students Blake Marson (left) and Liz Neporent (right) are participating in the 1200-mile
Run lor the Heart beginning this June. Their trip will take them through all six New England states.
of their training, Marson and
and Hampshire, Rhode Island and Con- fairly simple. Marson and Neporent
Ncporenl have run into many dif- necticut. A friend will meet litem at are looking for people to sponsor
ficult situations, During Ihc recent cetaln destinutons along the way to them per mile. After deducting the
snowstorm Neporent ran II miles supply them wilh food, water or expenses they incur during the trip,
which she termed "one of t tic worst first aid. Their housing will moslly the duo will donate the money to
days running I ever had." Marson involve camping out, anil their did the Hearl Association. By getting
recalls many a day running in the
'" consist of large amounts ofcur- different organizations to provide
snow where he has had lo jump ink) bohydrales. "Lois of spaghetti and them with sportswear, housing or
anything else thai will help them to
snowbanks to avoid cars. Still, they pizza," Marson said.
insist that they will run In any
There tire many rest days, and cut down on expenses, ihc pair are
their lime structure is very flexible, attempting to have as much money
The run itself will begin in "The mileage figures are jusl rough as possible remaining for the
Neporcnt's hometown of Kingston, guesses, so we're not really sure Association. They hope lo donate
N. Y. They have mapped oul a route how much we're going lo run or about $2,000.
Ihal will lake litem lo dozens of how long we'll lake. We figure
As far as the Run itself is concities all over New York, around 1,200 miles," Marson said. cerned, the two see il as a challenge,
Massachusetts, Vermont. New
The financial aspect of the Run is hut also expect lo have a lot of fun.
•'Menially, I don't think il will be
as hard as ti marathon, where you
have to go all oul for 2d miles. This
will he much more relaxing. We're
not really concerned wilh how fasl
we run, we just want lo finish,''
John Dleckelman can add yet two more laurels to his crown.
Neporent said.
The 6'5" senior center was noted SUNYAC-East Player-of-the
Year in a poll ol all the East division coaches and was selected
"It's like taking a trip while we're
to the All-SUNYAC team for the third consecutive season.
running," Murson added. "It's difDleckelman led all scorers in the SUNYAC with a 20.5
ferent from a race, where it's a rail
average In conference competition. The lefthander from the
grind, always thinking about lime.
Albany area finished the 1982-63 season with a 16.3 overall
Physically, il will be very demanaverage.
ding, but mentally il won't be as
tough as running in a marathon."
Dleckelman was joined on the All-SUNYAC team by Cortland's Tom Spanbauer, Potsdam's Leroy Wltherspoon, PittIf their physical capabilities are
sburgh's Paul Glodls, Oneonta's Mike Pocyntyluk and the
half a strong as their heart and
University of Buffalo's John Fltzpatrlck as repeaters.
courage, the Run will no doubt be a
huge success.
An All-American candidate, Dleckelman was edged in the
tabulations for SUNYAC Player-of-the-Year by Leroy Qettys of
Buffalo State. Qettys, who averaged 17.4 points and six ro
Anyone interested In helping the
bounds a game, led the Bengals to an 18-5 record and second
runners in their heartwarming efplace in the conference.
fort can contact Blake or Liz tit
4.18-7760 for information on
Cortland Red Dragon coach Bill Williams won Coach-of-thebecoming a sponsor. They are also
Year honors. A sophomore coach, he directed his team to an
attempting to set up a table in the
Impressive 7-3 conference record and 16-7 overall.
Center lo ptovide addi—Mure Haspi'i
tional information.
Two laurels for Dleckelman
Arabs preach Palestinian view as Jews protest
"We're not really concerned
with how fast we run, we just
want to finish."
—Liz Neporent
Boston Marathon next month.
M a r s o n , who hails from
Hellmore, N.Y., comes from a
background where running lias
played a major role in his family's
recreational activities,
"You might say that I come from
a running family," Marson said.
"My father does a lot of running,
and my younger brothers are just
starling to gel interested in it, loo."
Neporcnt, also a senior, began
running at age 13. A member of the
women's track team here, she has
been running track since eighth
grade. She has run five marathons
in lite lasi three years, mosl recently
finishing second among women in
the Hudson Mohawk Road
Runner's Club marathon earlier
this year. Her lime of 3:20 qualified
her for the Boston Marathon.
MARCH 18, 1983
Two Albany students in 1200 Mile Run for Heart
Accusing Ihc Arab Students Association of
being a front for Palestine Liberation
Organization propaganda, campus Jewish
groups protested the presence of a PLO
representative at an ASA lecture Saturday.
ASA President Zarl Salch insisted, however,
that Ihc lecture was meant simply lo inform
the public about Arab viewpoints.
ASA and Revisionist Zionist Alternative
both agreed Ihc prolest stayed within the area
designated by lite university — in from of
Lecture Center one. The Jewish groups' singing and chants of such slogans as, "Hell no,
PLO," were occasionally audible inside lite
lecture room, but according to RZA President llilscnraih, "as far as the ASA goes,
they had no problem with the protest at till."
However, Salch pointed oul I lint noise
from (he Jewish prolesl occasionally drowned oul Ihc lecture proceedings. "More than
ten people from the audience requested that
the volume of the microphones be
increased," he said, adding, "We don't mind
their demonstration, as long as one can slill
hear the speaker."
ASA member Mohammed Kayed confirmed that the ASA fell Ihal the protest fell
within their right to free speech. ASA President Salch, however, said Ihal Ihc purpose of
the "Teach-In" was lo educate, and he wished lite protesters would come listen |o the lectures.
Dr. Mohammed Hullaj, Ihc first speaker
on the progrum, spoke for approximately 20
minutes on Palestine and the cultural identity
of the Palestinian people. Hallaj, who is
Dr. Hatem Hussainl
director of the Institute of Arab Studies, said
"You can never silence lite voice of Hie people.
thai Palestinian culture is in jeopardy due lo
ing the series was Dr. Halem llussaini, Depuan act of "psychological genocide" by the
for...jusl ice."
ty Observer to the PLO Mission lo lite United
Israelis. He described "the deslruclion of
RZA Executive Secretary Glenn Moncs
Palestine," calling Israel the rightful home of
thai the Teach-in was in reality "a PLO
the Palestinian people.
rally." He supported litis view by pointing
The PLO is synonpmous with the Palestioul the presence of pro-PLO banners and a
nian people, Hussainl said. "You cannot
The second speaker at the event was Dr.
PLO flag in the lecture room. He added thai
destroy the PLO because Ihc PLO is Ihc
Carol Berrigan of Syracuse University. Bcrthere was a banner in lite lecture room thai
rigan recently toured the Mideast wilh a Palestinian people, and you cannot destroy a
said in Arabic, "All guns lo liberate
people. You can never silence ihc voice of the
group of women Interested in Middle Eastern
people." He portrayed Israel as an enemy lo
problems, and her presentation included
Palestinians, staling that "Israeli policies of
numerous slides taken on the tour. Berrigan
Responding lo a charge by Moncs thai the
said Ihal the reason for her involvement was
ASA is a from for PLO propaganda, Kayed
Palcslinians have conlinued." Despile recent
her concern for "Injustices" wherever Ihey
said, "The ASA is made of Arab students
opinions expressed in the media suggesting
occurred. She used slide photographs depicwho come from all Arab stales. We are comthai the PLO has been devastaled by their
ting wartime destruction to show that the
pletely independent. We invite speakers who
forced withdrawal from Lebanon, llussaini
United Slates was at fault by aiding Ihc
are PLO and speakers who are not PLO. We
Israeli military despile the actual displace- said Ihal lite Palestinian people are "stronger
feel ihal Ihc PLO has a poinl and should be
than ever, ready lo raise their voice
ment of many Palestinians by Israel. Closgiven il chance lo express this poinl." ASA
"We don't
think that
anything the
Arabs have to
say will stand
up to historical
— RZA Executive Secretary
Glenn Manes
R)(z) A
* " • '
member Mined Sad added, "We feel Ihal the
PLO equals Ihc Palestinian people, the same
as any Jewish group on campus can feel ihal
Israel is their representative."
Speaking about points made by the Arab
speakers, Moncs said, "We don't think that
anything the Arabs have to say will stand up
lo historical scrutiny." Compared to RZA
literature, Moncs said that the ASA literature
available at the Teach-In was, "a batch of
baseless. I ruthless propaganda which not only ignores history and twists facts, but makes
them up as well." He added Ihal, "Anyone
who can prove thai anything in the literature
Ihal we distribute is not true can claim a $100
reword from RZA." Moncs was shocked at
Constitution question confuses Junior Council
By Heidi Gralla
Controversy surrounding a missing constitution and
election procedures has stirred confusion and frustration
within the Class of 1984 Council.
The confusion is aggravated by unverifiablc amendments and the constant change of voting status among
members of ihc Council.
The inaccessibility of the constitution recently became a
healed issue within council when several members requested a copy in order lo propose an amendment, according lo class council member Dan Robb. The amendment, Robb explained, would allow for all Class of '84
members to elect officers. Currently, the entire class elects
a council, and Ihc council, in turn, voles on officers.
According to former class president Tom Phillips, at
the beginning of the freshman year election for class
council members and officers were open to all class
members. After a "very poor turnout," the conslitulion
was amended lo conduct class council elections univcrsitywlde, bill hold elections for officers within the class council. Phillips explained that his was done to prevent people
from running for offices for "selfish" reasons such as
wanting a title, and lo prevent elections from becoming
"a popularity contest."
Class council member Johunna Sarrocco said she would
like to sec Ihc constitution amended because "an Internal
election is more of a popularity contest titan a university*
wide election."
Regarding the issue of Ihc availability of Ihc coin Million, Class President Chip Fody explained that he was
never given a copy from previous officers, and added Ihal
he never asked for one. "I knew what was in the constitution," he said, "and anything I didn't know I just asked
Tom (Phillips). He's as good a resource as having one
(constitution)." However, Fody added Ihal Phillips had
ler.l him a copy of the conslitulion lasi year, but lie had
relumed II after reading il.
Phillips, who was studying in Denmark lasi semester,
apparently has the only copy of the constitution at his
house on Long Island. Phillips said he plans to bring ihc
conslitulion back to school after the vacation "and
hopefully, we can straighten out this mess."
('onsii in ions of all SA groups arc supposed to be on file
in lite Student Association and Student Activities offices,
according lo Assistant Director or Student and University
Affairs Jessica Casey. However, she explained that copies
of all class constitutions are filed, with the exception of
SA Office Manager Rita Lcvinc noted that the situation
is the same at the SA office. She questioned whether or
not ihe conslitulion was ever filed.
"According lo the index sheet it was not here last summer," Lcvinc said, adding, "1 don't know if il was ever
Casey was unable lo say whether the conslitulion was
previously filed wilh llic Sh Jcnt Activities office because
she has only been at her present job for one year.
Although she contends thai she has never seen a copy
of the constitution, Casey commented, "There is no
doubl in my mind thai there was a constitution at some
time." She explained that "sometimes groups will borrow
a conslitulion and forget to return it."
Fody said the fuel ihal a constitution is missing from
both offices "seems strange" but is probably just a "I'll
ing error."
Class of '84 Secretary Ellen Murray and Treasurer Pete
Oiglio, boll) maintained that they've never seen a copy of
the constitution,
Class council member Ann Marie LaPorta said she
hasn't seen a constitution since freshman year, when she
"discarded il while packing." She explained, "I don't
believe il was my responsibility lo keep the constitution
for this class — I was only a member, not an officer."
Several council members complained that they arc being told by Fody how elections will be conducted, what
constitutional amendments were previously made, and
what Ihc requirements arc to obtain voting privilcdges,
without a conslitulion to document it.
However, Phillips attacked some of the members who
have complained about the management of Ihc Class of
'84, saying, "1 see a very insincere motivation in the Class