Sports Four grapplers are Ail-Americans

By Marc Schwarz
Culture, politics clash
at World Week display
By Ben Gordon
Rob Spagnoll was one of lour Albany wrestlers lo receive Ail-American honors at the Dlvlson III National Championships In
Wheaton, Illinois. Albany finished seventh In the nation as a team.
Avcrill 6-2, but he was able to gain All- to work that much harder next year."
Seras finished in third place to become an
Averill, a sophomore, has been named
Amcrican recognition by defeating
Binghamton's John Leo, 13-0 lo capture All-American both years he has wrestled at All-Amcrican for the third time in as many
seventh place.
Albany and captured his first SUNYAC years. The junior was also selected as one of
"It was really nice to get All-Amcrican Championship two weeks ago. "I won't get four wild cards to participate in the Diviagain, though I thought I'd get better," seventh again," he said about finishing in sion 1 National Championships to be held
Avcrill commented. "It just means I have the same position both years at the na15«*
A confrontation between two student groups at the World Week Ethnic Block Party in the
lecture center hallways Thursday opened debate as lo whether politically opinionated material
mny be presented as part of cultural displays.
Members of the Revisionist Zionist Alternative, a campus Jewish group, protested in front
of a cultural display sponsored by Ihe Arab Student Association, objecting to what they termed "antl-scmitic, anti-Jewish" material alongside literature on Arab culture.
RZA was especially angered by a poster depicting Israeli Prime Minister Mcnaehem Begin
next lo a "bloody Jewish star" and what RZA Executive Secretary Glenn Moncs described as
pictures of the Sabrn and Shalllla refugee camps, where over a thousand Palestinian refugees
were killed by Christian Phalanglst forces laic Inst year.
According to ASA member Mohammed Kaycd, RZA members demanded that the poster
be removed, chanting "Take it down! Take it down!" in front of the display. Then, said
Kaycd, a young man from the crowd of. protesters tore down Ihe poster and disappeared
amidst the commotion.
World Week Coordinators Dr. Frank Pogue and Dr. Paul Ward, arrived on the scene after
being notified by Sami Massoud of Ihe ASA, and attempted to mediate the dispute.
Ward said he spoke to RZA president Steve Hilsenrath and explained the basic tcnels and
underlying objectives of World Week. He defended the right of the Arab students lo display
political symbols, saying "Any political synjbol, whether good or bad, Is part of a nation's
culture. The nature of World Week is to accentuate the posilivc, the parts of your nation of
which you are proud."
Moncs said RZA rejects the "notion thai one can't draw the line between culture and
politics. One need not indict another people's culture." He feels that the Jewish people arc
being scapegoated by Ihe poster for Ihe events at the refugee camps, and feels thai the Jews arc
being criticized at an event where cultural information, not propoganda should be displayed.
Members of Ihe ASA identified the RZA member who they claim removed the poster, and
while the RZA acknowledged removing the poster, they said that Ihcy were unable lo locale it
amidst the commotion. When ASA demanded that Ihe poster be returned, Moncs replied,
"When you rip down swastikas, you don't give them back lo the Nazis lo put them u p . "
RZA members refuse to disclose Ihe name of the person who removed the poster.
Ward responded to the idea of regulating displays by saying, "I don't see how you can
regulate political symbols, What might be culture to you might be political lo someone else."
"I tried to explain to Steve (Hilsenrath, President of SUNY RZA) thai although his opinion
was that it was not culture, to the people displaying it, il was."
Kaycd says that in an area "as politically complicated as the Middle East, this is very much
Moncs claims he will take offense wherever and whenever the poster is displayed. He said,
"This is, to us, what we call 'Chillul Hashem,' a desecration. We don't tolerate a poster like
that any more than we would a swastika or a Ku Klux Klan poster. We equate this with Nazi
and Ku Klux Klan displays."
Pogue refused to comment on Ihe situation until the dispute between RZA and ASA has
been fully resolved. He said a meeting scheduled for Friday morning wilh representatives of
Danes lose SUNYAC opener and an NCAA bid
March 4, 1983
1, 1983
Four grapplers are Ail-Americans
By Marc Haspel
The Albany Slate wrestling team continued on their record setting pace by
finishing seventh in the country and having
four wrestlers earn All-American honors.
The Danes competed in the NCAA Division 111 National Championships in
Whcaion, Illinois last Friday and Saturday
and came back to Albany sporting their
finest performance ever in the nationals.
Andy Seras was named an All-Amcrican
for the third lime, Dave Avcrill received the
honor for a second lime and Vic Herman
and Rob Spagnoll were Ail-Americans for
the first lime in their four year careers.
"This was by Tar the best showing by any
Albany team. To put it into perspective,
we've had seven All-Americans in the
33-year history of wrestling in this school.
Now we have 11, with the four we had this
weekend," head couch Joe DcMeo said.
The seventh place finish was the highest
ever by an Albany team. In the past four
years the Danes have moved from 29 lo 17
to 12 and now to number seven in the country. "Our goal was the top 10 in the country. Seven is a strong, solid position in that
top 10," DeMco said.
"I was Impressed with the whole team effort. You have to be proud of a team that
accomplishes what this one has," he added.
Avcrill was the first of the four AilAmericans, capturing seventh place at
118-pounds. Avcrill defeated Rick Testa of
Worcester Polytechnic Institute, 10-6 in the
first round. He then pinned Salsbury's Ray
Scanlon before getting pinned by John Barna of Trenton. Averjll was injured in the
match with Barna but was able to come
back and defeat Clayton Hathway of
Widener, 15-2.^Ryan Hines of Iowa beat
with the running Bengals. Dieckclman was
the only scorer for Albany through the first
nine minutes of the game. He used a combination of outside bankers, hooks and
layups to help the Danes stay close. Albany
was only down five points at the 11:11 mark
Potsdam, N. Y.
For the second consecutive season, the
Albany State Great Danes will not be taking
part in the NCAA Division III tournament.
The Danes lost all chances for obtaining a
bid by bowing out in the opening round of
the SUNYAC tournament to the Buffalo
State Bengals 78-67 Friday evening here in
Maxcy Hall, Potsdam. Albany did salvage
the consolation game against the University
of Buffalo Bulls, the following afternoon
Senior co-captain John Dieckclman enjoyed one of the finest games of his threeyear Albany career in that opening game
against Bufr State. The 6'5" lefthanded
center scored the Danes' first thirteen
points of the game and went on to pour in
28 points in the losing effort. In the consolation game, Dieckclman sealed his third
consecutive SUNYAC all-tournament
honor with 17 points.
"I thought," Dieckclman said after the
second game, "that I played all right. It
doesn't do you any good unless you win it.
We came up here to win and we didn't."
Sophomore point guard Dan Croutier
also had an excellent game in the Saturday
afternoon contest. He scored 27 points.
"We played a lot better today," Croutier
said after the victory. "I think if we would
have done it yesterday, we would have won.
We opened up a lot of scoring. We should
have played that ball yesterday; we were
one game late."
The second-seeded, team from the
Eastern division, Albany, drew their first
round game against the top-seeded Bengals
from the Western division. The Bengals
entered the tournament with a 16-4 record
and a national ranking of thirteenth in DiviSenior John Diockolmnn earned
sion HI.
A tentative Albany team barely kept pace
of the half.
Guard Dave Adam was the first Dane
other than Dieckelman to break the ice with
a bucket at the 10:45 mark to shrink the
early Bengal lead to 18-15. The two teams
traded baskets to make the score 20-17.
Bengal forward David Hart then caught
fire. He hit a jumper from the top of the
key, and after two consecutive Dane fouls
resulted in twq more Bengal points, he
grabbed the rebound of Buff State's Peter
Mack's second free throw and converted it
for two more points. Albany State head
basketball coack Dick Sailers called a
timeout as the Danes found themselves
trailing by nine points, 26-17.
After the pause, Albany roared back into
the game. Jan Zadoorian drove the lane,
Wilson Thomas hit a short jumper and
Mike Gatto threw in a 19 footer. The Danes
finally caught the Bengals with 4:04 left to
play in the half. Gatto was fouled by Mack
and went to the line hitting his first charity
toss lo knot the scoring at 28.The Danes
then flirted with their only lead of the
game. Dieckclman was the beneficiary of a
Croutier steal in .the backcourt. The 5'7"
guard passed the ball off to the awaiting big
man who easily put the ball in ihe hoop.
The Danes took a 32-28 lead.
With 2:22 remaining in the half, and
Albany up 34-32, Gatto fouled Hart
underneath Ihe rim. Hart went lo lite line
and calmly tied the score again with two
successful free throws. He then hit a 17
fooler to give his Bangals Ihe lead with 1:23
Sauers instructed his learn to hold for the
final shot but his troops turned the ball
over. Albany escaped the first half only
trailing by two points, 36-34.
"JD ((Dieckclman) did too much. The
others relied on him loo heavily," said
Sauers. "He was Ihe only one that was
relaxed out there. He had a great offensive
In the second half the Danes came back
onto the court looking to reclaim the lead.
But Ihe Bengals immediately spread their
lead to six points on buckets by Tim Tully
and Paul Hafnacki. Albany erased the difference quickly with two buckets by Gatlo
making the score 40-38.
Bengal John Groover, who had fallen into early foul trouble with three personals in
the first half, put his team in front by four
with a 12-root jumpshol, 42-38. After Hafnacki hit the second of two free throws, the
teams virtually exchanged baskets over the
next twelve minutes. Each lime the Danes
would cut the lead to tHrec or four points,
the Bengals would respond with another
bucket. During the half Albany shot 50 percent from Ihe field while the Bengals hit 56
"We had chances to close in on them and
they were ready for us lo do it," said
Sauers. "They were ready lo crack but we
just couldn't do it to them."
The Danes had their best opportunity of
the half to pull within two points when
Zadoorian stole Ihe ball in the backcourt
and passed it over to Dieckclman. Bui, he
just couldn't put the ball in the basket
despile several shots.
"I shot it a little too hard and il didn't
fall. That's how the whole second half
went," said Dieckclman!
"That was one big play," added Sauers.
Buffalo Slate began to pull away with
three and a half minutes left uxplay. Hart
scored a break away layup to widen the lead
to 66-60 and while the Danes, spurred on by
some dazzling desperation drives by
Croutier, kepi battling, Ihe Bengals' lead
became Insurmountable in the little time remaining. With 11 second left, Andre Devers
. completed the scoring at 78-67 with a fast
break bucket.
" T h e ! r ( B u f f a l o S t a l e ' s ) scoring
averages were about what they should have
"We equate
this with Nazi
and Ku Klux
—Glen Mones
Abovexontroverslal poster torn down by RZA member.
Below: Arab Student Association table at Ethnic Block
Party in Lecture Center hallway yesterday.
"(In ah area)
as politically
complicated as
the Middle
East, this is
very much
—Mohammed Kayed
Wharton predicts budget effects to Legislature
By Lisa Perlman
At a joint budget hearing of the NYS
Legislature's Fiscal Committees Tuesday,
SUNY Chancellor Clifton R. Wharton Jr.,
presented testimony outlining the SUNY
financial plan for the 1983-84 fiscal year.
Chancellor Wharton's testimony emphasized his concern for the budget's proposed elimination of about 2500 SUNY
faculty and staff positions with an additional loss of 1000 positions under the
Br>tos^ "•
Chancellor Clifton Wharton
Budget a detrimental Impact.
headings of "voluntary furloughs" and
"voluntary retirements." The proposed
personnel reduction represents about ten lo
twelve percent of SUNY's work force.
Wharton stressed that the budgets for the
past eight years have forced staff reductions
resulting in the total loss of about 3000
positions since 1974, while enrollment has
increased by over 4000. The budget is now,
"in just one year, asking SUNY to make
reductions in personnel equal to those thai
have taken place over the past eight years
combined," Wharton said.
According to Wharton's testimony, personnel reductions would have the following
impact upon the SUNY system:
• limitation of accessibility to sectors of
higher education for many students;
• weakening of SUNY's ability to
strengthen the state's economic development;
» threatening of program accreditation
due to an increased faculty-student ratio;
• permanent loss of talented faculty;
»- deterioration of the quality of campus
• restriction in the diversity of curriculum.
According to the testimony, each SUNY
campus was asked to assess the impact of
the position losses upon its individual campus and present its plans to the chancellor
und the board of trustees. The impact
statements call position cuts that would
result in the following actions:
• University centers (Albany, Buffalo,
Binghamton and Stony Brook) eliminating
14 departments or schools wilh another 21
• Arts and science colleges eliminating 17
undergraduate degree programs and five
graduate degree programs wilh a reduction
of 97 departments;
• Two health-science
eliminating eight degree programs with
reductions in 36 departments.
As a result of the position losses student
support services and campus life would suffer, said Wharton.There would be reduced
library services, less academic and job
counseling and a decrease in health services.
The chancellor's financial plan, approved by Ihe board of trustees and now being
considered by the legislature in amending
Ihe proposed budget, would attempt to
"buy back" as many positions targeted for
elimination as possible. According to
Wharton, "the estimated dollar value of
the positions (which are being lost) is approximately $91.7 million annually." he
added that his prime objective wa: to identify resources lo reduce this monetary problem.
The budget's proposal to increase the
undergraduate tuition $250 a year would
generate $49 million plus $3.9 million from
the $25 computer fee. Wharton adjusted
the increase in his plan to $300 at the
undergraduate level, with proportionate increases for higher levels. Although he
agreed that the tuition increase (his plan
would bring undergraduate tuition from
$1075 to $1375 per year) along with the
$150 dormitory rent hike would "represent
a substantial new burden for present and
potential SUNY students and their
families," he added thai "we must be
realistic and recognize tuition as a significant revenue source."
Wharton said one of his fundamental
concerns is not Ihe actual proposal for the
tuition increase in the Executive Budget,
but the "very disturbing rationalization"
behind the hike. The budget proposes that
SUNY tuition be raised in order to cover
more of the actual education costs (averaged at $6200, of which the student's tuition
now represents approximately 17 percent),
move closer to the average tuition for other
northeastern public institutions, and be
linked in some fashion with tuition in the
independent sector. Wharton said that the
comparisons made between SUNY tuition
and private or other public state universities, "represents a significant change in
the philosophy and practice of funding
public higher education in New York
Bclsy Beuchner, a spokesperson for Ihe
governor's press office, had no comment
in regard to this suspected shift In public
policy toward SUNY, but did say that the
percentage of Ihe education paid for by
students' tuition Is way under Ihe average in
comparison to other state university
systems and the private institutions. She added that now, SUNY students pay a lower
wife, Cynthia, were found in a bedroom of
their west London home at 8 Montpelier
' Square.
Kocstler, born in Hungary, published
"Darkness al Noon " in 1940. At the time, it
was heralded as the most important political
novel of the generation
OPEC attempts to
avert price war
China sees merit
in profit motive
London, England
(AP) Eight OPEC oil ministers made progress Thursday in talks to avert a worldwide
price war, but not enough to call an emergency meeting of the cartel, they said.
"We hope there will be agreement,"
Venezuelan Energy Minister Humberto
Aldcron Berti said after the 514-hour
meeting. "There is still more work to do, and
we will meet again Friday."
Catderon Berti has emerged as a
peacemaker In trying to prevent pricing anarchy among the 13 nations in the oncepowerful Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries, and non-members such as
Britain, Norway and Mexico, fighting for
sales in a sagging world market.
Libyan Oil Minister Kamal Hassan
Maghur was a surprise addition to the parley
because of his country's opposition to Saudi
policies. He joined Saudi Oil Minister Sheik
Ahmed Zaki Yamani, Caldcron Berti and
ministers from the United Arab Emirates,
Nigeria, Indonesia, Algeria and Kuwait.
Peking, China
(AP) The Chinese government plans to start
letting businesses keep some of their profits
this year to spur them to higher production
and efficiency, the official Xinhua news
agency reported Wednesday.
The government will start taxing a portion
of company Incomes rather than requiring
them to hand all their earnings over to the
slate, the report said.
However, the Communist Party
newspaper People's Daily said the system will
be started gradually since the current
"unreasonable" price systems makes some
businesses much mroe profitable than others.
Companies with large after-tax profits will
be required to share some of them with the
state, it said, while low earners may have
their taxes lowered.
Author and wife
discovered dead
London, England
(AP) Arthur Kocstler, author of "Darkness
al Noon, " the widely acclaimed novel of the
Stalin era, was found dead Thursday along
with his wife in their London home, his
agents said. Kocstler was 77.
Press Association, the British domestic
news agency, said a cleaning woman found
the bodies and a note, the contents of which
were not disclosed.
A Scotland Yard spokeswoman said only
that police were investigating the deaths. She
would not divulge the circumstances.
A spokeswoman for literary agents A.D.
Peters said the bodies of Koestler, and his
Cuomo makes plans
to fire, then hire
Albany, N. Y.
(AP) The state will probably hire more than
12,000 new workers during the next fiscal
year, but Gov. Mario Cuomo says he'll still
go ahead with a plan to lay off about 8,400
current state employees.
That's despite th fact that Cuomo said it's
Labor Dept. reopens
unemployment cases
Albany, N. Y.
(AP) The stale Labor Department has quietly
signed an agreement which could mean
reopening more than 40,000 cases of rejected
unemployment Insurance claims, The
Associated Press learned Thursday.
. The agreement was submitted Tuesday to
U.S. District Judge Robert Carter in New
York City and could settle a 4-year-old suit
brought by the Municipal Labor Committee
against the department and its Unemployment Insurance Appeal Board.
"We weren't trying to hide anthing," said
slate Labor Department spokesman R. Victor Stewart on Thursday about the lack of
publicity over the possible settlement, "but
we were hoping no one would show up."
The Outing Club will meet on
Wednesday March 9, al 7:30 p.m. In
Yoga lor Couples, a day-long
The NYPIRQ annual Spring Con- workshop, will be offered Saturday
ference Is being held the weekend March 5, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., at
of March 4-6. Workshops will be the Krlpalu Yoga Center. To register
held all day Saturday, and Sunday' contact the Yoga Center at 1698
until 2 p.m. Consumer advocate Central Ave., Albany, or call
Ralph Nader will speak Saturday at 869-7900. The fee Is $30 per couple.
5 p.m. In LC 7. Workshops are tree. The Empire State Youth Orchestra
For more Information call NYPIRQ, will perform In the SUNYA Performat 457-4623.
ing Arts Center on Sunday March
Central Council Meetings are held 13, at 3 p.m. Prices are $5 for adults
"Israel is the agent of imperialism in
Palestine. It has desecrated the holy places
of Islam. It is the duty of all aware
Moslems to liberate that land."
"Revelation has slopped, revolution has
not" in the Islamic world, claimed Mohammed Yadigary, adjunct professor of Islamic
and Middle East Studies, during a speech
Tuesday night, entitled, "The Ideological
Revolution in the Moslem World." Israel,
he continued, is the "agent of
imperialism," and it is the "duty of all
aware Moslems" to liberate land taken
away by European Jews.
Addressing a small audience of students political burden of the Communist Party,
and faculty, many of Arab origin, the and organized clergy—all of which we're deUnion College professor referred to the . nounced ip the Koran, and all which "have
ideological revolution as "A revolution of authority on. the life of nian today.?' I'
Yadigary also denounced certain aspects
ideas, restructuring and reinterpreting the
body of religious sources already In ex- of the Western' world, referring to.
istence." He added that while "the word of democracy as "the tyranny of the
God is unchangeable, man's Interpretation majority" and to capitalism as a system
is not." He declared that while the which "docs not control anything,"
"Revelation ended with Mohammed,
After the speech, Yadigary was questionrevolution continues and ought to ed on the ethics of the Ayatullah Khomeini,
whom he referred lo as being "very socially
Yadigary spoke of "the three tyrannical conscious." When asked how he accounts
forces" facing man today—Wall Street, the for the many massacres under the present
Professor Mohammed Yadigary
Iranian rule, the speaker commented that
this was not "a talk on Iran, but on Islamic
He also Implied that
newspaper coverage of the Ayatollah has
been greatly biased. "You know who controls the papers," he said.
An even more controversial issue was
raised moments later when Yadigary was
asked what implications the recent Israeli
conflicts would have on the Islamic world.
Yadigary's response was adamant.
"Israel is the agent of imperialism in
Palestine. It has desecrated the holy places
of Islam. It is the duty of all aware
Moslems to liberate that land," Yadigary
Yadigary briefly outlined the beliefs of
several Islamic leaders of the past through
Khomeini, emphasizing their similar
ideologies. "Their language style was different, but their doctrine was the same," he
said, adding that "when the Moslems
realize this, they may be united in goals and
purpose." This ideology, according to
Yadigary, Is one of social responsibility.
"The Koran preaches the inseparability of
the Individual and society. The reform of
the individual cannot be achieved without
the reform of society," he maintained.
Yadigary, born in Iraq to Iranian
parents, received his Bachelors In
mathematics from Albany State and his
Ph.D. in Middle Eastern studies from New
York University. He is noted both as a
distinguished speaker and outstanding
writer on the Islamic Ideological revolution.
His book, The Ideological Revolution in
the Moslem World, is due to be released
next month.
The speech was sponsored by the Arab
Student Association.
Israeli pilot
says coverage
distorted facts
of Beirut seige
By Mike Hugerty
(SPS)A bill has been introduced into t h e
House of Representatives that would,
eliminate peacetime draft registration.
Senator Mark Hatfield (R-Orcgon) is considering proposing similar legislation in the
The House bill's major co-sponsors are
Martin Sabo (D-Minn.) and Bill Green
(R-Manhallan), both members of the House
Subcommittee for Housing and Urban
Development (HUD) and Independent Agencies. This subcommittee is part of the House
Appropriations Committee, and one of the
independent agencies it funds is Selective Service. The bill would cut $4 million of Selective Service's $24 million 1983 budget, and
would put the agency on the "postmobilization" system.
By Steve Fox
House anti-draft
bill introduced
every Wednesday al 7:30 p.m. In
CC375. Everyone Is welcome to attend.
By Nancy Crawfoot
group charges
press unfair to
Washington, D.C.
(AP) The House marched toward virtually
certain approval Thursday of at least $4.6
billion in recession relief, enough to provide
temporary employment for nearly one
million people as well as food and shelter for
the neediest.
The plan was attached to $5 billion in
funds needed lo assure continued payment of
unemployment benefits. Together, these provisions constitute the first major antirecession initiative of the 98th Congress that
took ul'ficc two months ago.
The Senate is expected to approve its own,
slightly less expensive legislation next week.
Should a national stale of emergency be
declared, said Kevin Bondcrud, spokesman
for Sabo, all those eligible for the draft
would be told to register in their post offices
the same day. This, Bonderud said, is the
same system used before World War 1 and
World War II.
Professor calls on Moslems to liberate Israel
Arab and Israeli sympathizers criticize media
Jobs bill should
see House approval
TAP and the Pell Grant's filing
deadlines for 1982-83 are approaching. The deadline for the Pell
Grant Is March 15, and lor TAP it's
March 31. Applications are
available In the Office of Financial
Aid, AD152.
Washington, D.C.
(AP) Congressmen investigating the Environmental Protection Agency say President
Reagan's offer to give them restricted viewing of agency documents Is "totally unacceptable" because of growing evidence of
Chairmen of four House subcommittees
Involved In the dispute rejected Reagan's offer Wednesday and said they will continue to
press the White House for full and
unrestricted access to the documents.
"conceivable" that all 8,400 workers might
be rehired to fill those more than 12,000
slots. However, he said at a news conference
Wednesday that it was "not likely" that all
8,400 would end up back on the state payroll.
"Obviously, some of them are going to be
rehired," said the governor of those
threatened with layoffs.
Pope begins Latin
tour in Costa Rica
San Jose, Cosla Rica
(AP) Pope John Paul II made a whirlwind
start on his Central American tour Thursday,
praying for peace before 1 million people,
telling nuns to stay out of politics and calling
on young people to forge an end to the
region's bloody political warfare.
He also visited a hospital for retarded and
seriously Injured children and gave a boost to
the International Court of Human Rights.
Looking unaffected by jet lag, the whiteclad pope on the first full day of his eightday, eight-country visit praised democratic,
revolution-free Cosla Rica as a shining example of harmony in this turbulent part of the
"I know the climate of work and peace
which distinguishes you, beloved children of
Cosla Rica," the pope said in Spanish as he1
celebrated Mass in La Sabana Park for a
million people, many of whom spent the
night there waiting for him.
He exhorted the Costa Ricans to remember
those less fortunate, lo "work for peace and
fight for the elimination of injustice. You
must overcome hate and violence, promote
llic dignity of man and feel responsible for
the poor and the oppressed, refugees and,
displaced people."
House wants access
to EPA documents
Students jammed the third floor of the Campus Center Tuesday night,
rushing for the prime seats that were to go on sale for the Joe Jackson concert
on March 21 at the Palace Theater. The line started forming on the third door
of the Campus Center at approximately 8 p.m. wth students camping out all
night or traveling back and forth to the dorms trying to keep their place In line.
Tickets went on sale 9 a.m. Wednesday morning.
and $3 for students. Tickets can be The Department ol Mathematics Ballroom on Wednesday March 2,
purchased through Community Box and Statistics will present three lec- Irom 10 a.m. lo 4 p.m. The visit Is
Offices or at the door.
tures on foundations of probability sponsored by JSC-Hlllel. All potenand statistics, by Dr. Glenn Schaler. tial blood donors are urged to preThe topics are: "Constructive Pro- register with JSC-Hlllel prior to the
The Sharks, Ariel, and Fan Club, bability" on March 7 al 3:45 p.m., visit.
three local rock bands, will perform "Constructive Decision Theory" on
a musical benefit on behalf of March 8 al 4:15 p.m., and "Condi- Off-Campus Asaoclatlon Is going lo
Horizon House al BJ Clancy's, 238 tioning and Combination" on March Cahoots In the Albany Hilton, on
Washington Ave., Albany on March 9 at 3:45 p.m. All lectures are to be Sunday March 6, at B p.m. Admis13 al 5 p.m. Tickets are available al held In ES140.
sion Is $3 with a lax card and $3.50
Side One Records, 299 Central Ave.,
without a tax card. Tickets are
Albany, or al the door. Horizon SUNYA Footworks is an annual available at the OCA office, CC116.
House Is a transitional residence review of student choreography to International Concert sponsored by
for ex-offenders.
be presented In the Performing Arts the International Student AssociaThe Department ol Chemistry Is Center, Friday and Saturday March tion will be held In Page Hall on
presenting a seminar entitled 11 and 12, at 8 pm. Admission Is $3 Saturday March 5, at 7:30 p.m.
"Qemlnal Bis-haloorgano Stan- with a tax card, $3.50 for students, Tickets will be sold al CC344 and
nanes and Their Inter and Intra and $5 lor adults. For reservations the Campus Center Lobby on March
Molecular Complexes", with Kamal call 457-8606.
4. Admission Is $3.50 with a tax card
Swaml as the speaker. The seminar
and $4 without a taxcard.
will be held on Tuesday March 8, at The American Red Cross Blood- Telethon Meeting will be held on
4:30 p.m., In CHM151.
mobile will be In the Campus Center Sunday March 5, at 8 p.m. In PH129.
Arab-Americans arc uniting to light
discrimination in the news media, according
to the National Field Representative of the
Arab-American Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), John Zogby, who spoke here
at a lecture Monday night.
In his 45-minutc talk in LC3, Zogby said
that the media coverage of Israel's invasion
of Lebanon had been better than the media
coverage of other wars. Zogby's main contentions, he said, were the headlines and
editorial decisions of the newspapers. "The
editorial policies of the newspapers tend to
dehumanize the Palestinians and accept the
Israeli position," he said. "What you are
dealing with, fundamentally, is racism. It
exists over there, and has entered into the
psyche of the American people over here,"
he said.
Zogby went on 10 criticize the entertainment media and cartoonists, saying Arabs
are given a dual false image. "They arc
represented as cither a greedy, immoral
sheik out to screw the United States, or as bloodthirsty terrorists out to kill children,"
he said.
misunderstandings develop because
Americans lack knowledge of Middle
Eastern culture. "Arabs have been the
scapegoat, falsely blamed for all of the
United States' economic problems because
of the Arab oil embargo several years ago.
There is a parallel between the American's
image of the Arabs, and the Nazi's image of
the Jews," Zogby said.
Zogby went on to say that last summer's
press coverage of the invasion allowed
Americans, at least, to sec " T h e
outragcousness of modern war." Until Ihe
invasion, he noted, American-Arabs were
to a large extent silent about their heritage,
"trying to act as American as apple pie."
He added, "Arab-Americans got clobbered
over the head lasl summer when they saw
what was happening and fell that they had
lo organize and protest."
Zogby said that American-Arabs and
groups like Ihe ADC are now on the agenda
of Congress and, because of what happened
lasl summer, "Israel will never again gel a
blank cheek from the United Slates."
The ADC, based In Washington, D . C ,
was formed 2 1/2 years ago to "create a
American-Arab institution that would combat -.defamation and promote Arabic
The media has distorted the facts regarding the Israeli occupation of Lebanon,
jcharged an Israeli Air Force pilot during a
lecture Tuesday night.
The pilot, Captain Joseph Weisman,
gave the talk as part of an ongoing series of
lectures sponsored by the Revisionist
Zionist Alternative.
Weisman, a jet pilot during IAC early
stages of the siege of Beirut, recalled his
participation in aerial raids. "Our bombing
mislons were limited," he explained. "Only
certain pressure points were hit."
Lower left: John Zogby; upper right: Joseph Welsman
Reporters targeted for slanted accounts of Lebanon invasion
culture," explained Zogby. He added thai
the organization has grown rapidly, so that
today there arc 15,000 members in 46
chapters across the country. Because of
the war American-Arabs have been "coming out of the woodwork" to help support
the ADC, Zogby said. He added that
because of this increased support
American-Arabs are gaining equal access to
the news media. Lobbying efforts have increased, resulting in "more doors opening
for the ADC and American-Arabs," he
said. The combined efforts of AmericanArabs across the country is "showing a
decided shift in the public opinion polls
regarding the whole issue of Arabs," said
The ADC lias American citizens intervening In Lebanon where cases of international
human rights have been violated, according
lo Zogby, He added iliai pari of the ADC,
"Suve Lebanon Inc.," is in the process of
bringing 50 wounded children from
Lebanon to Ihe United States lor free
specialized medical treatment.
A film entitled Report from Beirut: Summer of '82 was shown after Zogby's lecture.
It was produced by the ADC and narrated
by ADC founder and chair Sen. James
Abouzrck (D-South Dakota).
The half-hour film depicted the severe
problems of medical treatment in Lebanon
•during Ihe war. Zogby said "the theme
theme is not lo show blood and gore, but 10
make audiences aware of Ihe pathetic plight
of the Lebanese and Palestinians," He added that Ihe film brings about two conclusions; thai "medical care in Lebanon is in
dire emergency conditions, and that
American-Arabs have 10 do something
significant for our people."
Weisman said he walked around the city
with his fellow officers during the Beirut
bombings. "Maybe there was just a little
smoke in South Beirut, but life was
normal," he said.
Weisman received applause when he said
Ihe invasion was noi directed against the
Lebanese people. The Israeli objective, he
said, was to "crush the Palestine Liberation
Organization (PLO)." The PLO advocated
a philosophy that is internationally unacceptable, according to Weisman, and "uses
force and terrorism to accomplish whatever
Ihey want to accomplish," he said. "The
PLO seeks to destroy Israel, and therefore
the Israelis must defend themselves." He
added that PLO military strength threatened the Lebanese border region of Israel.
The incident between three Israeli tanks
and a United States Marine who refused to
allow them to pass a check point was
"silly," Weisman said, both in the sense of
the marine's foolishness and also the
publicity it received.
"Israel is the only democratic and stable
government in the Middle East," Weisman
said, "and Ihe United States and Israel will
always be allies." Weisman said he believes
that the United States has "played down"
relations between the two nations in order
to achieve Arab acceptance of President
Reagan's Middle East peace plan.
On another matter, the Israeli pilot said
that he believes former Defense Minister
Ariel Sharon was "carrying out general
policy." He said, "There will probably be
no change in policy. The Israelis will remain
in Lebanon until all foreign forces are
evacuated." Sharon resigned recently after
a special investigatory commision implicated him In the September massacre at
the Sabra and Shalillu refugee camps by
Chrislain Phalnngist militiamen.
People and Food
Members eye inefficiency in University Senate
By Bill Brewster
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A principal policy-forming body
on campus, The University Scnale,
has the responsibility to make decisions that directly affect university
policy on campus, but according to
several student senators, the work
is not being done efficiently.
"The Senate could do a lot
more," said Student Senator Phil
Gentile, who represents off-campus
. students. "It has llic potential for
handling a lot more than it does."
"I think most students in the
Senate would say the process to get
a bill through is very lengthy," said
Colonial Quad Senator Cathy
l.asusa. "There are always things
to be done, but the senate doesn't
meet often enough, and some committees rarely meet at all.
The Senate is composed of 22
students, 22 administrators, 22
faculty members, and several exofficio members. Euch member
must sit on til least one of the nine
councils, which are then broken
down into 32 subcommittees. Each
council and subcommittee deals
with a certain area.
According to Gentile, most
legislative work is done in the councils and subcommittees. When a
bill Is drafted and approved by a
council, it then goes to the Executive Council which must approve the bill before it passes onto
the lull Senate floor.
"I think there arc some, students
included," said Robert Gibson,
Senator representing C.U.E., "who
see the Senate to be where the action is, but the action is in the councils. The Senate should merely
review the Acts of the councils," he
According to Lasusa, the councils and subcommittees hold
meetings whenever the chairman of
a particular council or subcommittee schedules one. The full Senate
only meets the second Monday of
every month from 3:30 pin to 5:00
pm, eight times a year, and the executive council meets approximately a week before them. The result,
according to State Quad Senator
Jeff Schneider, means that agenda
Items become backlogged, and
meetings arc rushed in order to get
as much done as possible.
"The organization is not what it
could be," said Schneider. "The
meetings arc very official and very
quick...before you realize it. The
professors want to get home by
five, so they rush and table things.
A backload results."
Schneider recalled a full Senate
meeting when his committee wanted
to amend a hill already on the floor.
"Indian Quad Senator April Gray
raised her hand, but the chair didn't
recognize her," he said. "All of a
sudden, the bill was passed and the
meeting was over."
Schneider said it was an important amendment that, allowed
students to reschedule a final exam
without conditions if they had three
scheduled the same day. He explained that now, without the
amendment, there are limits to
when students can reschedule their
Senate Chairman Peter Kroshy,
who called for the vole and didn't
recognize Gray, said there was no
"reason for further debate of the
subject. All points were debated,"
he explained, " A number were
already calling for the vote."
He went on to say that, as chairman, he more readily gels a sense of
what's happening at the meetings,
and that at the time of the proposed
amendment, there was an "overwhelming consensus," within the
senate to call for the vote,
"That stuff happens," observed
Gentile, "especially when meetings
run late. In a way it's bad because
it docs put on pressure, but on the
other hand, it limits you to speaking
to*the point."
" I think one of Ihc big
problems," said Gray, "is that
committee chairs often call
meetings only once a month." She
added that no students were council
chairs this year.
Lasusa agreed that having few
meetings makes it difficult to main-
A University Senate meeting
"The professors want to get home by five, so they rush and table things.
lain continuity and often results in
laziness and apathy even though
there's a large agenda, She noted
that the Senate handles all academic
Issues including, Tor example, a bill
requiring students be notified of a
hold on their records by'the reistrar.
She said that often the faculty
and administration members are on
the Senate for longer periods of
time that students and are therefore
more used to the proceedings.
Because of this, she said, they have
an advantage during the proceedings and oftentimes students
trying to speak on the floor are
quickly ruled out of place because
of improper procecdurc.
The infrequent meetings and fastpaced procedures of full Senate
meetings help to make the process
of passing bills more tedious and
difficult, say its members.
This year, according to SA President Mike Corso, who is the only
student on the Executive Council,
the fact that there are no students
chairing any of the committees is
"The representation is fair," he
said, "but I'd love it if there were
more students." He noted that lasi
year the Student Affairs Council
had a student chairman but not tit"
Gentile agreed, saying, "The biggest problem is the low number of
students, but I don't think the
faculty looks lo exploit their position."
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UAS gives Glen House to SA
transfer o
will, ,
the property.
property. "The
"The transfer
off funds
fund. .„:..
k c plac
only In bookkeeping," said Zahm.
Nelson estimated that it should cost SA
imatcly $9500 l o operate Glen House Slsnnt
it cost U A S to operate the facility. '
SA Comptroller Dave Schneyman said t h e ,
for the difference in expenses is that consolidate I
the Dippikill facilities under one owner' v
„.. Heidi
„_.... ^
STAFF nmre»
UAS plans to give Glen House, a house with 4 acres
of property adjacent to Camp Dippikill, to SA, according to Ronnet Roth, Chair of the Board of UAS.
Roth said no funds for the property, appraised at
$54,000,were lo be transferred between SA and UAS
in the transaction.
the doubling of many supplies because (Cam ?n'"
Currently, Glen House is used as a youth hostel as piklll and Glen House can use a lot of ,|,, Z "lp'
well as a place for SUNYA students to stay while at plies." He added that supplies could then he'™ H,""'
Dippikill. Camp Dippikill Director Richard Nelson ed in larger quantities which would ortcn hri, 7
said that "this proposal will change absolutely nothing the price per item.
<-" oring d0»n
in the operation of the house."
Schneyman noted that the funds to maintain rti
House would be budgeted this spring. Q|c„ H o L '
be considered an addition lo Camp Dippikill J
larger appropriation will be made, Schneyman sail
He added that the addiiional $95(X) ncccssart fo,
operating Glen House will probably be taken out „f
the Increased student activity fee which provides <i\
with approximately $30-40,000 in incensed revenue
— UAS General Manager
Paul Steinberg, a sludcnl member of Ihc UAS Cor
Norbert Zahm poration, said that Ihc UAS Hoard of Directors an
proved the sale unanimously on Wednesday ncmliL
The reasons for "selling" Glen House, explained
approval of Central Council.
"It's a valuable piece of
property for student
government to have."
UAS General Manager Norbert Zahm, arc that "it's
an expense lo the corporation but It's a valuable piece
or property for student government to have."
Zahm added that UAS has been losing approximately. $12,000 a year in operating Glen House,
Since SA already owns Camp Dippikill, there could
be many "operating advantages" in having SA own
Glen House as well, explained Zahm.
UAS has accepted a plan lo make a lino change In
their budget once a year for four years, transferring
the money saved from not paying the upkeep of the
properly back into the budget. This will save U A S
$44,000 in that lime span, nearly the estimated cost of
Record Town
Schneyman explained thai S A could noi accept the
orfer until Council agreed l o appropriate Ihc tonus
necessary l o maintain Ihc facility, which Central
Council did voice approval for the sale, during Iheli
Wednesday nighl meeting.
Zahm said he is expecting a Icltci of acceptance
from S A , at which time papers for Ihe sale will bt
drawn up.
Zahm mainlaincd thai Ihe loss ol a $54,000 ussci
would noi have a substantial financial effect'on UAS
"When you're looking at total sales coming toward
$11 million a year ii (losing a $54,tXHi asset) dun not"
have a big effect."
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Telethon cashes in on happy hour
By Deb Protein
Fill It to the rim, again, and
That was 'he scene Thursday as
Telethon celebrated its annual
"Afternoon at the Bars," drawing
crowds into the Lamp Post,
Washington Tavern, Long Branch
and O'Hcaney's.
According to Telethon Co-chair
Eileen Kozin, "The spring weather
added to the unbelievable
turnout," which had a total attendance of about 1,000.
According to Kozin, Telethon
sold $4 tickets for all the beer one
could drink. She estimated that
$3,300 was grossed, approximately
$1,800 prollt.
The turnout was great at every
bar, said Telethon Co-chair of
Events Lorri Kosterich. "The Long
Branch had a line formed at two
o'clock," she said, explaining that
the kegs were not even tapped until,
3 p.m.
Every bar was "swamped" with
people, said Kosterich. With the Tclclhon." The owners designed
support of SA and the classes of 83, their own gimmick to raise addi84 and 85, all of whom donated tional funds, according to Kozin,
$250 each, the event was a success. which netted approximately $500.
This money helped to cover
Martel and Sabatlno sold
overhead expenses such as kegs, balloons for $1 apiece, each balloon
bartenders, bouncers and any containing a ticket redeemable for
damage to the bars, explained one of 500 prizes solicited by the
Lamp Post owners from area
"Afternoon at the Bars" Is one distributors. The prizes Included
buttons, wall hangings, key
of Ihe biggest Telethon events, said
Kozin, especially beneficial in get- chains, T-shirts and other tokens.
ting people into the spirit of
was very
successful," said Martel, "better
The success of Ihe event was due than when done in the past." He
largely to the "phenomenal also stressed that the students were
cooperation" at the bars by the very cooperative.
businesses and students, Kozin addThe only problem with the event,
ed. "This Is the only way to get maintained Kozin, was that
owners of bars involved. We sup- Telethon had to be "extra careful
port the bars annually and this is about the age limit because the
one way they show their apprecia- university demanded it as a result of
tion, We couldn't do it without the new state law."
their support."
Despite this, Kozin felt the event
Kozin emphasized the involve- went well, with "no hassles." She
ment of the Lamp Post and owners added, "the chairpersons, Tim, was a fun event."
Roger Martel and Tony Sabatlno, Lorri, and Eddie, did an excellent
Kozin extended special thanks to
saying the bar was "totally job in organizing Ihe event. There all students who contributed to
dedicated lo Ihc concept of was no problems at the bars and it making Ihc event such a success.
US multi-nationals create
cultural conflict in Korea
A survey conducted by the army
—in an effort to protect (heir
from venereal disease —
The American presence in Korea
has produced by-products of which located some 10,000 prostitutes
"Computer Chips, Tourism and operating in the capital city of
Prostitution" are only a part, ac- Seoul. "Remember this is always a
cording to a slide-lecture of that factor when you bring American
name by writer and researcher troops anywhere in Ihc Third
World," she said.
Maude Easter.
Easter protested thai it was not
"I thought thai title would bring
tons In," she said, surveying the au- jusl the U.S. military, but the U.S.
dience of about 30, predominantly tourist industry having an interest
women, in LC 22 Wednesday nighl. in prostilution. "The Hilton, the
But ihe presentation, sponsored by Hyatt, the Regency — they can't be
the Women's sludies program, unaware of Ihe goings-on around
could have just as easily been tilled their pools and in their lobbies."
The Korean government not only
"sneakers, baseball gloves, and
Barbie dolls," in Easter's verbal approved of this practice, she said,
and visual depiction of American but praised the women for their
firms' impact on the women and contribution to foreign exchange.
One of the mosl painful results of
culture of South Korea.
Easter traveled throughout Asia the continued American presence in
for three years, doing research and Korea, according lo Easier, is Ihe
writing lor the American Friends prolonged division of the country.
Society Committee, She is now on Korea was divided in 1945 by the
the staff of the Committee for a United Stales and Russia into the
New Korea Policy and a lobbyist at Republic of Korea (South) and the
Democratic People's Republic of
Ihc Slate Legislature.
Although Asia is a 12-hour's Korea (North). Nearly 40 years
flight away, Easier says thai work- later, Easter mainlaincd Ihe majoriing at Ihc legislature "I see hun- ty "longs for a day the two parts
dreds of problems of women in can be put back together."
But while Ihc Northern section
Korea thai I deal with every day in
has a socialist economy which
the New York Slate Legislature."
She continued, drawing parallels Easter found "self-reliable," the
between, for instance, the Asian South — and ils women — struggles
country where a woman (undeserv- with a market economy where
ing of a name) is traditionally Korean labor fashions goods lo be
known as "Mr. Kim's daughter," shipped lo American markets,
until she is "Mr. Park's wife," where multinational corporations
—not much different than Ihc are "superimposed on a very poor,
like an
American woman who drops her rural
name lo assume her husband's; and anachronism.
Here, for example, women are
where women arc not allowed out
of the house, or are harrasscd with bound by Iradiiion noi to work
responsibility for the children where after marriage, and where foreign
child care is virtually non-existant, corporations such as Motorola and
It is a country where 75 percent Radio Shack have incorporated this
of the people live below the govern- Into their hiring policies. The result
ment's decreed poverty level, and is a turning back ol" women lo the
yet where frugal Incomes are "total- charateristically underdeveloped
ly bombarded by western' advertis- lask of selling fruit by the roadside.
The multinationals first set up
ing." As illustrated, In a slide of
two Korean boys eyeing toy lanks In shop In the 6()'s and 70's, Easter
"primarily to lake advantage
a shop window.
Today, 30 years alter the Korean of the low wages, and long hours"
war, 40,000 U.S. Iroops remain In of factory labor supplied by Korean
Korea. Easier said she found the women. Here is where Ihe Mallei
manufacturers of
reasons lor ihe continued presence corporation,
compelling — including that the Barbie Dolls, relocated after moving
hills make "wonderful terrain for
then Mexico, in efforts to escape
war games."
organized labor, according to
As a "hardship post," Easier
noted, the soldiers arc discouraged
Turnaround trade has left some
from bringing over families, and
results in 40,000 American men Koreans questioning, "Why are we
13»"roaming around looking for enter-
By Deb Judge
The year will culminate for the
troup with their annual 24-hour
.'eleihon Friday and Saturday,
March 18-19.
I'm going to celebrate the end of spring finals by
inviting some people for dinner. I'm a little nervous
because I've never given a dinner before. In fact, I haven't
spoken to another human being since Election Day.
That's when the woman at the polls asked me what my
favorite party was and I said: "A pajama party."
Anyway, I just bought a cookbook and plan on
serving something from the chapter on poultry. Or else
I'll make chicken. But 1 can't decide which Cella Wine
to serve: red, white, or rose?
Out of Touch,
Madison, Wl
RS. Do I serve the wine in glasses or mugs?
Dear Out of Touch,
Years ago, red wine was always sewed with beef;
white with fish or poultry, But these days, anything
goes. My light, refreshing Cella Lambrusco, Bianco,
and Rosato go perfectly well with any meal.
Just remember to have an extra ice-cold bottle or
two on hand.
By the way, I've found that people love my Cella
Wines so much they don't care if you
serve it in glasses, mugs, or
If you haue a question, send It lo me, care of:
DearAldo, Post Office Box 639, New York, NY 10018.
0 If I use it in my column, I'll send you a Cella T-shirt.
The light, refreshing wine with Sass.
© Imported by The Jos, Gjrneau Co., MY, MY 1983
Week diversity, weak tolerance
his week's celebration of cultural diversity has
shown that some people can't deal with the
responsibilities of a diverse culture.
Albany has students and faculty from across the
planet, and for the second year the university has
been sponsoring what it calls World Week. This
highly visible event has brought speakers, exhibits,
and demonstrations that represent some of the different cultures people in the university community
come from.
Sharing in this diversity is important for a university like Albany, and can be a valuable learning experience. In a world constantly writhing in international tension, one remedy is greater cross-cultural
understanding and toleration. Ignorance of other
people's traditions leads to misunderstanding of
other people's intentions'. This is the whole idea of
World Week — accentuating the positive nature of
the university's diversity.
D u t yesterday some events happened that showed
some people just aren't ready for diversity. A group
or students from the Revisionist Zionist Alternative
tore down a poster from a cultural display by some
Arab students during the World Week Ethnic Block
The RZA claims that poster, which is reproduced
on this issue's front page, is "anti-semitic, antiJewish" and equated it with Nazi and KKK displays.
And somebody from the RZA tore it down,
T h i s action was totally inappropriate. They
disregarded the right of the Arab Student Association to display a poster representing their opinion
and took it on themselves to determine what the ASA
may and may not display. Two tenets that have made
this country's cultural diversity possible arc respect
for free expression and the rights of minority opinion. It is not the Revisionist Zionist Alternative's
place to draw the line between someone else's culture
and their politics, just as it is no one else's place lo
determine that for the RZA.
Whether the poster is anti-semitic or not is a matter
of personal belief. If the RZA found the poster offensive, they certainly were free to protest it and object to the sponsors of World Week. But instead they
took the-matter into their own hands and took off
with the poster.
The people who tore the poster down have belatedly agreed to respect the university's authority in this
matter and say they will turn over the poster today.
Hopefully, this kind of disrespect for the rights and
opinions of other people will stop. In a community
representing as many different cultures as ours does,
there's no placefor intolerance and vigilanties.
I !
Reagan is right
As a young adult and Political Science major I have
spent a good deal of time, in class and out, living to dissect
the issues and the politicians who take stands on these
issues. In considering the different issues I have always tried
10 Identify with a group, parly or an ideology. As most
Americans have been laughl, we are a pluralist society
where one needs to gel Involved with people of similar interest lo accomplish same goal or social change,
I Ed Reines
ll was ai this point that I realized there was something
wrong with the way that students' views were being
represented. By (he lime I entered college I saw lhat I
wasn't being given a chance lo choose between the two
main American school of thought. As an avowed
Republican-conservative I was stigmatized as the following:
anti-abortion, for prayer in school, for nuclear weapons,
and a supporter of the military-industrial complex. The
result of these fears of being labeled as pro-Moral Majority
or pro-nuclear waste has scared American youth over to the
left of the political spectrum. Thus, while most students
have a liberal view of social issues like prayer in school,
drug laws and abortion, this shouldn't force people to take
a similarly liberal view on the economy, foreign policy or
deregulation of industry.
Most college age people have been brought up in a permissive environment. We are used to drug consumption,
premarital sex, and pursuit of material goods and status
rather than religion. The frequency of these "abberations"
from traditional behavior has conditioned us to either respond with apathy or a willingness to partake in these enterprises.
It would be very tough for the present political parties or
the elderly, white males that comprise them to sympathize
with a way of life (environment) they have never experienced and will probably never understand. Whereas the young
culture would consider abortion as good since it would prevent unwanted children, traditional society condemns it as
legalized murder. Whereas we would have more at stake In
a draft, they would look at it on a balance sheet of wins and
losses. Whereas we look at prayer in school as an invasion
of our first Amendment rights, they see it as instilling
morals in youth.
A good example of the lack of understanding between
ihe government and youth is the newly introduced squeal
rule. This government regulation would require federally
subsidized clinics to notify a minor's parents ten days after
she rccicves a form of birth control. It is self evident lhat
this law would only discourage a woman from dealing with
her situation responsibly; it is also self evident thai Ihe great
majority of these people will continue having sex. The
resultant unwanted births and emotionally straining abortions would be ihe worst outputs of this new regulation. It
is also discriminatory in two respects. Firstly, this law is
biased against poor people since Ihey must rely upon
federally subsidized clinics. Secondly, it is sexist since there
is no mandatory notification on a male's purchase of birth
The above example clearly indicates that it would be
tough for any assimilated college student lo agree wiih
President Reagan's social policies. Where defense is concerned, the arms buildup and anti-Soviet rhetoric of late are
largely built into the system by the pcrpetuators of the
military industrial complex. These private entrepreneurs of
death machines have a definite stake in maintaining or in-
creasing their lucrative government contracts, Since high
Pentagon officials can always jump over to private Industry
(and vice-versa) Ihey also insure its prosperity. Reagan's rationale for going along with the Pentagon is probably lo
avoid looking weak. So while the rationale of deterrence is
[here, we must ask how long we arc going to keep escalating
tin's suicidal game. Some o( Reagan's other ideas ami goals
should not be neglected for tear of association with his
social and defense programs, for ihey must be Implemented
If we are to reverse the decline of the western economy.
This decline manifests itself in an evergrowing bureaucracy,
more regulation, increasing deficits and federal usurpations
of power.
Public policy is formed through both policy making and
policy Implementation and adjudication. The former is carried out by our elected officials (legislators, executives,
etc.), the latter by Ihe more intangible bureaucrat. The
mass media has glorified and hyped, the election process
and the personalities that debate policy in Washington.
Thus, people tend to assume that what Congress or Ihe
President decides will be carried out as is, by Ihe
bureaucracy. This is far from the truth, bureaucrats have
many tricks to gain personal wealth and job status: padding
their budgets, keeping bad programs just to maintain the
power that a program gives them, working in cahoots with
the private sector they're supposed to regulate, and becoming so technical and specialized that policy makers must rely on them for advice and data. As a result of these
weapons and the security and permanency of a bureaucrat,
the federal government cannot be allowed lo grow and
ovcrrcgulatc. More problems can be solved by slate and
local governments and Ihe private sector. Willi respcel lo
social programs there is no douhi a need for them, bui peo
pic need the incentive to work whether by the ncccssit) <>:
money in a capitalist country or the ihreal ol a gun in ti
communisl police state. We must stifle ihe growth ol ih.-.
programs by restraining or eliminating holh ihe polle;
makers and ihe bureaucrats who try lo develop in
evergrowing clientele.
With Ihe interest rate in double digits it is hatdls time tin
governments lo crowd oul the private investor by soaking
up a lol of capital thai will in turn raise ihe interest rate and
lower Investment, II is also hard to conceive of a person
who actually believes that the current deficit problem
would have been any less under four more years of Cartel,
since he would hardly be expected to cm entitlements more
titan Reagan, and considering that obligation lo NATO requires us to increase our defense budget by 3 percent in real
Reagan is the right president at the right time, and
hopefully he will be able to minimize the debt, decrease the
size of government, ignite investment, and carry oul his
new federalism program. Like I said, this doesn't mean I'm
for prayer in school, tuition tax credits and the other intrusions on privacy *hat are supported by members of
Reagan's coalition. In conclusion, I hope a new coalition
can be formed that would be more representative of college
students' social and economic interests.
THIS W £ € K € l W *
at tbt
Pondering where you
T i
fit In...
Worried about your
Concerned about "
birth control.,.
A service provided by
Sludont Affairs and Student Associalio
This Saturday Afternoon (March 5)
Gym D (Volleyball Gym- 2nd Floor)
A Message to Off-Campus Students
Qjftjf c^nh
Uob Folchettl
Dan Robb
We would like to welcome the four
new members who were recently
Dan Bertrand
Judy Rivera
Neil Shapiro
We urge you to get in touch with us at
these numbers or at the SA office
(7-8078) If you have an Idea or a problem and especially if you want to get Involved in any way. Your suggestion can
become a reality no matter how impossible It may seem to you.
Two accomplishments thus far directly
benefitting you are the establishment of a
weight room in Alden Hall of Alumni
Quad and the development of a programming line in the budget of OCA.
The weight room has free weights and is
open to students upon presentation of
and ID card. The programming line will
enable OCA to sponsor events. Coming
up Is SUNY Night at Cahoots and and
outdoor party In Washington Park.
There are also things that we would
like to see accomplished before the end
of the semester. For example, the formation of the first SUNYA Block Association waould be a great chance to make
off-campus students (eel like they live In
an actual neighborhood Instead of just
leasing out an apartment. Also, there Is a
need to Improve the services available to
off-campus students on the uptown campus, like Increased locker space for
storage while at classes or work.
Nell Selgal
Mark Selgelsteln
Ellen Stelnfleld
Gregg Stevens
Tom Webster
Andy mocks cackling coed's, Ltsanne redresses
Norma-Jean and Andy
fights for the Irish.
/' A
of this
Some of the more careful readers
publication may \u\vu noticed me In obsci
of the paper known In ASP slang as "phll
The way I see It, there •ire two reasons I
in such a low place: I'm decadenl and n
iardly nubile
• ci mcepl was In
traduced to me last
>y .i New I lampshire
'social studies teach
:ounlry where mosl
people fight tooth and i all to Improve iheii posl
tion In this class consclei co sot lety, I'm content lo
slip slowly downward
Look, I'm just not ih • type who's looking fot
ward to keeling nwt in ll
^ nt
^ ^yard
^ ^ of
^ ^a^surbur^^^^
bia home at the tige of 55,
I'm sure mosl of you don't understand me or
my "phll boxes" which advocate such things as
radical vegatarlanlsm. What can I say? 1 believe
animals are really a higher form of life.
But I have my have another side, you know?
Like, I'm the type of entity that enjoys cruising
through Renssatear at 4 a.m. and seeing how
many stop lights can be run before detection by
promlnant local authorities.
Sterling silver rats?
Do they bite?
Just got Into town
Terrible fight
Northern Ireland:
Freedom fighters shed
blood for reunification.
Special thanks to Andy
sound & vision:
Hawk and B.J. struggle
to say 'Good-bye' as they
bid their final farewell,
Schneider turns on the
T.V., and Chris and Rob
introduce themselves.
White lightning
Cancer struck
As your off-campus representatives of
Central Council, we have had a tough
term In office thus far. The representation of off-campus students by providing
services and programs Is our main goaf.
However, our effectiveness Is limited
because there Is a lack of communication
to our constituents, the off-campus
students, as well as a lack of participation.
In the past, there has been little If any
relationship between how we act and
represent you at meetings, etc., and how
ou actually feel. Since last semester, we
ave been trying to come up with ways
that we can better serve you. One way to
do this is by working more closely walth
the Off-Campus Association (OCA). Articles that affect off-campus students are
being researched and submitted to "Getting Off." In addition, we are trying to
educate and recruit students regarding
the severe budget situation that .ill SUNY
students are facing right now. The proposed monetary Increases from students
and planned cutbacks In services affect
off-campus students In a special way,
however. As many of you may know,
one of the "solutions" Is the elimination
of the Wellington bus run as well as the
Implementation of a bus fee.
A secoond plan is to let you know who
we are. Probably most of the times that
you hear about Central Council Is when
there is a problem or when an election Is
coming up. Now that the bye election Is
over, we would like you to know who
vour thirteen representatives are:
Lee Eisner
Mitch Flick
* Ttli CiMll«l VMf»
Humblest greetings. Norbert here. Through a
series of events too complicated to describe in
such a limited space, I am taking over this column
.for a week. For the record) let's call it a "brain
Inside, • •
We hope that this helps you to understand us better and, finally, ]ust think
about what you have read and the things
that you have wanted to say or what you
wanted to see accomplished.
CC Raps
LTl > | =
presents a
Sniuerathj Auxiltarg fttrutcta Sponaartft
THurscbu Marck a ^ SPM-IZAM
FrU SaKtodi _4*<rf*9PM- JAM
Sexuality Resource
105 Schuyler Hall
Mon.-Thurs.Eve.: 7:00-10:00p.m.
Outa my head
clown on my luck
told me where to go
walked away real slow
lost town, lonely mind
cut down and blind
Remember, the key lo
your mind is a terrible
thing to lose.
Word On A Wing
Dig at the roof of the problem (fly the flag on
foreign soil)
It breaks your new dreams daily (H-block
Long Kesh)
Fathers contradictions (Censor six counties
And breaks your dreams daily (each day
more death)
Dirt behind the daydream. . .
-Gang Of Four
The veneer of civilization is very thin.
-Margaret Thatcher
God forgive them, but we won't.
-John McDevitt, after 'Bloody
Sunday' m a s s a c r e
perspective* 5a
Luck O' The Irish
Andy Carroll: Oh You Kid!
Ouien Francis McNutt
Born-1829 Co. Armagh Ireland
Died Jan. 18, 1850
Making Book On A Century
found It. After three hours of hiking along the banks of Ihe
S a c r a m e n t o River, w a d i n g
through knee deep mud I came to this little
patch of headstones. The Mexican guy
who gave me the directions thought I was
crazy. "Nobody's been up there for years,
man, (or years. But I know about those
graves. They found gold there years ago
and then Ihey die and no one find any
since. I'll It'll you how to get Ihere If you
want." And he did and I found It, On a
grassy fog shrouded knoll eleven miles
from Poison, California, three hundred
yards from ihe Sacramento River, were the
graves of a do/en or so miners. I came out
of curlouslty to try to feel what Ihey (ell and
see If I had any blood links or forgotten
ancestors. One hundred and thirty years
later, almost to Ihe day. someone had
come back.
Of College Humor Magazines
f there was a heyday (or humor at
this Institution, than surely It
lasted from the mid-70s until the
late '30s, when a slew o( campus cut-ups
from the New York State Teachers College
put together the Slate Lion. Wrapped In
full-color art deco covers and Camel
cigarette ads were twenty pages of suggestive cartoons, bowdlerized nursery
rhymes,.racy literary parodies, and he/she
tokes (He: Oh Mabel - I love you the
worst wayl She: Don't become discouraged
Jlmmle; you're Improving!) Volume I,
Number I came out In December of 1926,
and Included "Extracts lorn a Freshman
Diary." The last Issue came out In '39, a
year which Included their "Holocaust at
Home" Issue, a heavy-handed satire
published by the so-called - "Student
Patriots League."
After spending a few hours In the archives with the bound volumes of the Lion,
or leafing through any of three newly
Issued paperbacks about college humor,
I'm tempted to draw a conclusion: read
what collegians thought funny In the first
half of our century, and you'll realize what
went wrong In the second half.
Serious college humor scholars date the
beginnings of college humor In this country
to the 1830's, when two groups at
Princeton started humor magazines,
neither of which lasted a year. Things got
pretty grim after that, and It wasn't until the
1870's that the action got really heavy.
That's when Harvard, Yale, Princeton,
and Columbia came out with their famous
magazines: the Lampoon, the Record, the
Tiger, and the Jester. From the look of It,
things stayed pretty grim. In the Introduction to the newly revised College Humor
(Harper & Row, 1982), editor Dan Carlinsky says those early efforts consisted of
"heavy pen-and-ink sketches with Irrelevant captions, and unpointed prose." And
if that's not enough, the Yale Record
became one of the first college humor
magazines to complain about cafeteria
food, presenting a dinner-time tableau
which Included a menu of "hot forged
meat croquettes, wormlcelll soup, and
bouef ala m u d . "
Things seem to get a little better by the
turn of the century, but not much funnier.
He/she jokes are on the rise (She: Are you
an oarsman? He: No, I'm a Swede.), as are
horrid puns (If Warsaw a Moscow what did
Chelsea?). The exceptions come from the
pens of collegians who went on to become
famous. Carllnsky Includes cartoons from
Robert Benchley and Rube Goldberg; prose from Bennett Cerf, Thomas . Wolfe,
James Thurber, and John P. Marquand;
and this from a young Scott Fitzgerald: "To
be on a dais/with -Thais—/How nals."
Their work Is a cut above, but for a young
writer today, silly enough to remain encouraging.
We come to the '20s now, and campus
qulpsters really begin to hit their stride,
O v e r one hundred college humor
magazines were in existence, most granting
"exclusive reprint prlveleges" to a national
monthly, College Humor. Adult magazines
like Puck, Judge, and the old Ll/e were the
Inspiration for a decade of necking jokes,
flapper cartoons, and "fly In my soup"
cracks ad nauseum. Again the famous are
represented (Dr. Seuss In his "Ted Gelsel"
days, Peter Arno when he was Curtis
Peters, and S.J. Perelman when he still
fancied himself a cartoonist), and their
work stands out. Nearly as historic as
Yale's cafeteria food coup Is the appearance, In the Hamilton Royal Gaboon,
of one of the first collegiate Jokes about a
Long Island girl: "STUDE (to a pretty little
coed): So you are from Long Island? COED: Yes, Indeed — a Great Necker."
But there are some disturbing aspects In
the humor of what historians have called
the first generation of youths to Identify
with each other as a class. The party jokes,
the drinking Jokes, the necking Jokes were
considered nearly scandalous by the older
generation, but the selections In Carllnsky's
book shows their humor was less a
rebellion against the adult world than It was
an acceptance of It's neuroses. Colleges,
Hkelhe establishment, were while, WASP,
middle-class, and predominantly male.
Blacks, when they were shown at all, were
portrayed as Step 'n' Fetclilts with minstrel
show lips. Xenophobia ran rampant, and
dialect Jokes featured caricatures of
Irishmen and Jews. Along with a near
Neanderthal treatment of women, Ihe
Golden Age of collegiate humor {College
Humor had a circulation of over 800,000
at one point) left a racist, mlsogynlstlc
legacy eventually to be Inherited by National Lampoon and Its Imitators.
The '30s and '40s added little to the
reputation of college humor, although
Carllnsky again includes essays and car-'
toons by some who made good. As
always, college humor remained strikingly
apolitical, and the magazine editors turned
further Into themselves, if possible, than
ever before. The elitist sophistication of the
New Yorker replaced the ribaldry of earlier
Inspirations, while Charles Addams launched a fashion for the macabre that would
last for two decades (a squashed, bloody
mouse Is shown In one cartoon with the
caption, "Well, anyway, I got their goddamn cheesel")
The decades before and after the war;
seem transition periods, bridging the gap
between the careful, "risque" humor of the
'20s and the Increasingly scataloglcal
humor of the '50s and parts of the '60s. j
"Sick" jokes Include a cartoon of a boyj
sliding down a banister outfitted with a n ,
oversize razor blade, or Lilliputian explorers lost in a urinal. The old standbys
are still there, of course (HE: What would
you say If I stole a kiss? SHE: What would
you say to a guy who had a chance to steal
an automobile but only took the windshield
wiper?), but you sense things are changing
when a cartoon depicts a harem of topless
Vargas girls and a tubby sultan exclaiming,
" G o d , I'm hornyl"
It's generally agreed that the '60s and early
70s saw the temporary demise of the college humor mag, while the late '70s saw Its
Owen McNult had led Ireland dui i iii,
Great Famine by the time n was ovei Ken
million nf his people were dead and nmsl
ol Ihe rest were scattered to the ends of Ihe
earlh. He was lucky, lucky enough '<» die
seven thousand miles from home In some
mud patch in California ,\m\ be burled In a
suit ol clothes he probably could nevei had
alforded dining his life Hul he was still
luckier than the test of his hrolliers and
sisters, who starved to death or died of
cholera on the boal lo Boston. The luck o'
the Irish.
My grandfathers were very poor in their
youth and were both quite eager as young
people, even in these days are, lo make
use of those streels paved with gold. Andrew Clark was In his early leens when he
lefl Ihe farm lo go lo Glasgow. He swept
the streets and collecled garbage. When he
One Cm going fi> itln O. U. Qoodhyc.
7'iiu V (II rerfnjfify tlatlcd 001 wall With your date ioit nfjj/i!
Front ihaw/Oyio*<omaWfiiilw
rebirth. Hellbent on Insanity - A Rollercoaster Ride with the Best College Humor
of the 1970s (Holt, Rlnehart, Winston,
1982), edited by Joey Green, picks up
where Carllnsky's book leaves off. Editor of
the Cornell Lunatic, Green founded the,
National Association of College Humor
Magazines In 1979. Now a contributing
editor of National Lampoon, Green blames
the seriousness of the times for the
premature death of college humor, "with
the Kent State shootings, the Invasion of
Cambodia and the My Lai Massacre bringing the 1970's to a hilarious start." The late
'70's on the other hand, saw Animal
House and the "heralding by the mass
media of the return of college humor.
Green says the new emphasis In postBlcentennlai college humor Is the early National Lampoon, with Imitations of Chris
Miller, Michael O'Donoghue, Doug Kenney, et. al. We can extend that to Include
Saturday Night Live and lis Imitators, and
the theory holds up In the pages of Green's
book. You know the references, so you
can guess at the types of humor: the emphasis on one-liners and party jokes Is
gone, replaced by essay length "skits" and
parodies whose targets invariably Include
one mass medium or another. "Nothing Is
sacred" Is a given, while political humor Is
an Important, If not durable, component of
all the magazines. Thus we have "The Joy
of Televlson," a take-off on Comfort's The
Jon of Sex that Is painstaking In Its Imitation
of the book's layout and design; Rustler
magazine, featuring the curvaceous Elsie
the cow ("Turn-ons: veqetarlans, leather,
rolling In Ihe hay, studs, and good grass"!.
and send-ups of army ads which read
" Y o u n g . Proud. Dumb. L o u d . The
Military." Homophobia remains a key
theme In college humor (probably because
segregation and Jew-baiting went out i>(
vogue), while sex (read "contraception"
and drugs are other biggies.
For the best understanding ol whal's
been considered funny In the last few years
on campus, you'd do best to turn The Harvard Lampoon Big Book on College Life
(Dolphin Book, 1978). Like Campus
Humor, It's a reissue, not a new book, and
most-of the material in It will probably be
unfamiliar to you (unless you've read my
old columns). The humor In Big Book is
more consistent than in Green's or Carllnsky's, and, as It's themed towards us college types — with chapters on each of Ihe
four years — more relevant. The editors
have Included definitive articles on allnighters, campus sex, SAT's, and Ihe like,
but the book would remain valuable if It only Included "The Hardy Har-har, the
humor magazine of Hardy College." The
four-page parody of a typical humor
magazine Is cruelly accurate In Its portrayal
of overly-self-deprecating editors (ala Mad
.magazine), child-like cartoons, cafeteria
food jokes, drug humor, and-even our
friend the he/she Joke (Hardy Girl: You
conniving, money-hungry cheat! Hardy
Boy: I may be bad, but I'm not a pre-med!).
Read the "Har-har," and understand.
Carllnsky's book Is probably Ihe least satslfylng of Ihe three, unless you're Into
nostalgia or "I remember them when" sentiment. He credits each piece, but doesn't
put a date along with the lag — frustrating
if you believe that there might have been
some difference between 1930 and 1939.
Hellbent on Insanity Is a great read, with a
helpful Introduction and great chapter
headings ("Sex, drugs, and bowling," "the
Florence Henderson Generation") that
have little or nothing to do with Ihe
chapters; All three books are Ihe same
price, so you'll probably be won over by
ilellhent's graphics. But remember the
Lampoon book — il may be Ihe most
reliable guide to your college years this side
of Viewpoints,
could he went to Bellas! to work with his
cousin. After a while he realized that a
choice between Belfast and Glasgow was
no choice at all and so he saved his money
and came to New York. The other grandfather left his home under different circumstances. He left under arrest. Belore
We were right In line behind.the Indians
and Zimbabweans. John Bull was going to
pull off his animal skin, lake the bone from
his nose, and reveal he was wearing a
tweed coat and black (ell derby the whole
time and was now prepared to pass along
the relics of English culture, Paradise Lost
'The boat was always in
the harbor for us and it
was always crowded. If
the carrot couldn't set
us up the gangplank, a
bayonet would.'
he reached his Iwentielh year he found
himself in |all lot believing thai ,m Irishman
was anything belter than a white nigger III
only to sweep Ihe slieets foi ihe proper
gentlemen I atet events would prove he
was Indeed correel in the first place He ton
eventually realized the wisdom nf bonking
passage In New York. Owen McNult and
my two grandfathers are what you would
call three wise men. three wise Irishmen,
for having the brains lo see thai ihe only
place Ihe lush could lievei live happily was
Ireland all litis lime was fortunate
enough In enjoy the privilege of belonging
In ihe British Empire, Pax Brltannlca, Ihe
dawning of a new era of British civilization
from which even the Irish could benefit.
Seven hundred years after they had burned our libraries and looted priceless artwork from our churches, Iwo hundred
years after they had outlawed our
language, murdered our teachers, closed
our schools, and banned us from even a
primary education, after all this, we were
finally due lo learn what civilization was.
and /'In- Rise and Fall oj Ihe Roman Empire. But we knew already what he had lo
We were given many choices by the
English; shoveling horse manure in
Glasgow, a cubicle in Brixton Prison, ot an
unmarked grave by Hie side ol Ihe i
But we could always travel abmad anil
lorgel aboul thai boggy little island. Al
length we were cursed in wander like Cain
anil traded Ihe rolling fields n! Ulster fot
dreary, wlndowless slums In Belfast, Man
Chester, and Liverpool Wherevei factories
needed cheap workers or ditches needed
diggers, or cannon needed fodder we
would go. It was our destiny and there
wasn't .1 eily in Britain, Canada. Australia,
or Ihe U.S that didn't have lis grimy Industrial quarter, lis belching smokestacks,
or Its Irish ghetto. The boat was always in
the harbour (or us and II was always crowded. K Ihe carrot didn't get us up the
gangplank then a bayonet would. Goodbye to their native land. The sons of the
Red Branch who walked with the druids
and sanq witli Ihe bards, were fated to
choke on coal dust In Pennsylvania or die
In the trenches on the Somme.
1 can remember my grandfather Andrew. He was old and worked hard his
whole life and In his closing years he would
sit In an old lawn chair on our driveway
and smoke his pipe. I would look at his
while, white face and his bright red cheeks,
his bloodshot eyes and wonder why he
spoke so strangely and moved so slowly
but he died before I could ask.The other
grandfather, Mike, would lake me down to
the saloon on Tremont Avenue In the
Bronx when necessity forced him lo be my
babysitter. They were both old way before
their time One was a busdrlver in Manhatlan, the other was a dock worker. They
both hail In cope with grinding poverty In
Ihelr youth, indignity In their young
adulthood, and finally the alienation of being ,i stranger In a foreign land. I could
never understand why they so readily
abandoned the country they seemed lofeel
s<; attached to but as 1 grew older I
I lell I owed Ihem something. I thought
of Ihem and pool Owen slantling in Ihe
harbour Willi Ihe last glimpse of Ireland
fresh in Ihelr mind. None would ever go
bark. Emigration stripped Ireland of Its best
blood Inri ihls generation has no place lo
run. There's no gold rush In California and
no work in the coal pits In Caernarvon, Instead DI running, they've taken to standing
on Ihelr own two legs and fighting for their
birthright In Derry, Belfast, and Slrabane.
This on March 17th I'll show my
solidarity with ihe living. If Cardinal Cooke
objects, if Senator Mnynlhan objects. If
Margarel Thatcher objects and all complain
ol our support for terrorists then let Ihem
bring Ihelr complaints lo a muddy river
bank In California or a plot In Gale of
Heaven Cemetery where my grandlather's
buried, or belter yet, to Ihe millions who
died forgotten In the desolate outback of
Australia or Ihe slums of Liverpool. They
have nothing lo say to me.
A Moment For Marilyn
he was born In that lime of June
that was more than spring, that
carried Ihe hint ol summer and
heat before II could become full blown,
blowsy with moisture and overwrung. Her
eyes were brown and a tuft of kewdle-llke
red hair grew in Ihe middle of her head, Ihe
down of demarcation that separates
newborn girls from boys. And probably, If
her mother only had, she would have
gurgled and cooed when her toes were
wiggled. But her mother didn't want her,
and she was put Inside the darkly sterile
rooms of an adoption agency, starting her
life a bundle of groceries on the markeddown shelf.
The Bakers took her as one of their own,
giving her a ^surname full of strong and
solid Anglo origin. Baker. In centuries past,
In cold climate villages of Europe her acquired ancestors had milled the wheats and
ryes o( the field, shaped them Into loaves,
and had fed Ihe open mouths of the people
around Ihem. It was a fine name to own, a
name that could be linked with fedlng,
fulfilling appetitles, of appeasing hungers.
There were hungers of her own Inside
the girl now almost woman. When she
went to the beach she walked will) her
arms crossed In front of her while men and
boy alike leered and whistled at nature's
early progress. Handed down sweaters
clung provacatlvely to the emerging
The second hunger was to create her
outlines of her body until her teacher one
own name, once she had grown old
enough to learn that Baker was not really
day had no recourse but to send her home,
hers to claim. Like so many other girls that
demanding a change to more appropriate,
spent their Saturday afternoons In Ihe
less distracting garments. The hunger first
movlehouse, escaping the dull world outwas to run away, to escape the guilt and
shame for things she could not change. | side for one of glamour and romance and
perfection, the red-headed girl with the
Her own body was turning against her,
wide-mouthed grin went lo Hollywood.
creating her not as a person but as an obBut dreams did not come easily, and she
ject. Only there was no route of escape,
learned real hunger, the late al night, black
and Instead she learned lo beguile and capempty hunger of stale snadwlches bought
tivate the men whose eyes never looked Inon I.O.U.'s while every couple of weeks
to her own.
she'd get another assignment us a
photographer's model.
The shape, once plump and ripe like a
smalltown girl's body ought to be, was
growing lean, not from health but from that
hunger, and a hint of her rib cage was
pressing through her pale skin as she lay
nude on Ihe red satin that matched her
hair. Was It fate, or was it only the appetites
of the men who bought that Issue of the
pin-up calendar, that changed the direction
of her life? Their whetted desires fed her,
filled her up again and carried her Into
Hollywood on a tide of want and need that
would be only parasitic in nature, but In
fllmdom was called fame.
They cul her hair and her clothes to what
they told her was her best advantage. Like
a loaf put In Ihe oven she emerged golden,
bultered lo Ihe taste, a new white blond
goddess. Things happened so quickly,
without effort she gained fame and fortune
and Ihe love of anyone she desired.
America was devouring her body In all its
perfection and they trained her to sing and
dance in the parody of an actress. Only
one thing they couldn't do for her was feel,
and as Ihe years passed the woman, who
had been told how to do everything else,
couldn't trust her own feelings anymore.
Once, a man had loved her. A famous
sporlsstar who loved the girl who was still
inside, like Ihe speck of coal that keeps the
diamond humble. He married her after the
wreckage of a playwright whose only
ty was to mock her weaknesses of ihe
pages of his plays. But love alone could not
hold her, could not wipe the spittle from
her chin when she passes out in the solace
of alcohol and pills. She was too far away
anymore to know love, love without
desire, desire without insatiable hunger
that had taken her, slice by slice, spread Its
knife across her and thrust her in its mouth
and swallowed. She was a woman who
had only known how to feed the hungry.
She was still a baker Inside. Only Ihere was
not enough left to give anymore, and one
August night, In the dying heat of summer,
on the chaste white satin of her bed, she
too swallowed and found happiness.
Norma Jean Baker was found dead the
next morning on an overdose of sleeping
pills that had been her last supper. Norma
Jean was out of the oven. Marilyn Monroe
was out of the fire.
Twenty years and seven months ago,
Norma Jean died, white Marilyn keeps on
living. May they both be In peace, and be a
legacy to all hungers that consume too
Conflict In Northern Ireland: A Fight For Peace
A face of Northern Irish violence: a rioter In front of a burning auto.
Masked IRA men carry their comrade Bobby Sands In his
coffin lo his funeral In Belfast;
reland will be free. It will be free because people like myself will never rest until It Is. If I had
been born In Troy or Albany I'm sure I would
not be as politically charged as 1 am. I would probably
be like eighty percent of Americans, not concerned
with war and bloodshed In far away places, not caring
or wanting to know who was fighting who or why. I'd
simply be concerned with what's happening in my daily life, my family, my job etc. But I was not born In
Troy or Albany. I was born on the Falls Road in the
heart of nationalist working class West Belfast.
Austin Devine
1 was ten years old when what Is known in Northern
Ireland as "the troubles" began on a full scale In
August of 1969. 1 was soon to get a crash course In
Irish history. Personally, war Is something that I never
try to glorify for there Is no glory in it. It Is a filthy,
mean, and ugly thing but it sometimes cannot be
avoided. Ireland is one such case where It cannot be
avoided. Life is so short, its sad that the violence of
war is ripping apart so many countries, but where
there Is oppression and injustice there is resistance.
Sadly, this Is a fact of life. This war In Ireland will be
the final war fought in Ireland for full Independance, it
will not end until Britain leaves Ireland forevermllitarily, politically, and economically. That might
take another 5, 10, or 40 years. I really don't know but!
I do know that it must happen. While the forces of
liberation in Ireland, the Provisional Irish Republican
Army, and their fighting comrades, the Irish National
Liberation Army cannot militarily defeat the armed
thugs of the British army, neither can they even
possibly be defeated for they are the armed vanguard
of a risen people. This struggle did not start In 1969, it
is merely a continuation of the centuries old fight of the
Irish people to end British domination and exploitation
of their country. In every generation the Irish people
have asserted their right to national freedom and
sovereignty; nine times during the last 360 years they
have asserted it In arms.
When the British Army arrived in Force in August
1969 they were greeted In nationalist areas by some as
'protectors' from the loyalist mobs who had been attacking nationalist areas. But this honeymoon period
was not to last long, It was soon realized that the
Austin Devine Is the President of the Irish
P.O. W. Committee In the Capital District
British army were not there to protect nationalists but
to uphold the artificial gerrymandered state
engineered by them fifty years earlier. Onward from
August 1971, my home In West Belfast was to be raided regularly. In 1972, my two older brothers, Sean
and Claran were arrested ahd Interned In Long Kesh
concentration camp. Both were held for almost three
years. This was my awakening, for 1 stared to question
how these soldiers, coming from another country,
could ransack my home and put my older brothers In
prison without any charge and any trial. Today Internment has been replaced by more sinister repression;
non jury trials and denial of habeas corpus being prime
examples. Coerced confessions are admissable
evidence, the burden of proof placed on the accused.
One Is guilty until proven Innocent in the special
British courts in Northern Ireland. Now as In the past,
It Is evident that the British government cannot rule
any part of Ireland without the administrative
systematic violations of human rights.
From the ages of 12 to 18 I was arrested approximately 100 times. Not once was It for committing a
crime against my people. Merely, it was because I
came from a "terrorist family" with two brothers Interned. It was thus concluded I must also be disloyal.
Disloyal Is in all actuality an understatement. I wanted
England to leave my country, so 1 marched the streets
to demand not only an end to Internment and
repressive laws, but to demand the God given right of
the Irish people: the ability to rule their own nation in
their own interests.
On Christmas day, 1975 I had two ribs smashed by
an Ohio-made rubber bullet used for riot control. In
1976 I was in a bar on the lower Falls Road in West
Belfast that was In the direct view of three British army
observation posts and an army barracks. It was Grand
National day, the Grand National being the longest
horserace of the year. Naturally the bar was packed.
After I had been there for about forty minutes a bomb
was tossed inside by two men, one of whom held the
doorman at gunpoint. It's hard to Imagine the panic
that erupted In the bar-- people diving over the bar
through windows and as far away as possible. I
managed to make It Into the ladies bathroom and
away from the full force of the blast. I'll never forget
the way the tiles all just blew off the wall, covering us
with debris. What followed was the cloud of dust and
the awful screaming. I only had a few bruises, but of
course others were less fortunate, the final toll being 2
dead, 78 Injured, 9 seriously. The bombers were
either loyalist paramllltarys or the British Army .They
drove their car right past the army barracks having to
come to almost a complete halt three times as they
went over security ramps outside the barracks. We
questioned the fact that they were not stopped. The
reply: 'Well the observation posts were empty'.We
questioned further: How did the bombers know thai
we asked? The reply: 'No comment'. Back on January
29, 1973, 1 was 13. 1 was standing at the foot of the
street that I lived on In Belfast with two friends. Peter
Waterson, Jim Toner and myself were talking about
going home when a car pulled up on the road opposite us and a man stepped out with a pistol. He fired
six shots at us killing my 14 year old friend Peter and
seriously wounding my 15 year old friend Jim. The
blame for this was again was a toss up between loyalist
killer gangs and the British army. The army had
saturated the area only an hour beforehand but when
the killers arrived no soldiers were around. In August
1975 I had my four front teeth smashed down my
throat and received twenty stitches behind my ear
when 1 objected to British soldiers man handling my
girlfriend by putting their hands where they shouldn't.
An act of bravado on my behalf that cost me dearly.
But what to hell, 1 thought, If you let people walk on
you all your life, life would not be worth living. Living
in a nationalist ghetto gives you three choices; (l)Stlck
your head in the sand and let on all the oppression
and injustice doesn't bother you. (2)Flght back and
drive the oppressor and the occupier out of your country or (3)Get to hell out.
I have been tortured for up to seven days at a time
at Caslereagh Interrogation outside of Belfast. The
whole object of their torture sessions was to get me to
sign my name once on a piece of paper admitting to
anything I wanted. I was given a wide variety of offenses to admit to. I had a choice they said. I could
sign a confession to a crime that would get me five
years or less. If I refused they would torture me Into
signing a statement to more serious charges and I
would get life. On one particular occassion on April
14-16, 1977 I was arrested along with six other young
nationalists, four men and two women. All seven of us
were tortured and four ended up signing confessions
to crimes they had not commlted. Such Is British
justice. In 1972 Amnesty International reported
systematic torture by the British government In Northern Ireland. In 1976 the European commission on
Human rights found the British government guilty of
torture In Northern Ireland. In 1978 the European
court of human rights found the British guilty of Inhuman and degrading treatment In Northern Ireland.
In 1978 Amnesty International again reported on
systematic torture by the British government In Northern Ireland. British law in Northern Ireland Is In
direct contravention of 15 articles (that Is 50 percent)
of the universal declaration of human rights. I could go
• on with more charts and Inquiries but I think you get
the Idea.
When I was being released from my last torture session In April 1977 I was told I would be killed before
ihe end of the year by my captors.
Of course all physical abuse will heal In time, broken
leeth can be replaced with false ones, bruises will go
away, but the psychological damage done to prisoners
in these torture centers will still be be assessed in years
to come. I still have constant nightmares about being
phased by the British Army and of being electrocuted
in Castlereagh torture center. My physician's report on
my release reads as follows; / examined Austin
Deulne...h!s physical Injuries will not leave any lasting
effect...After this torture session I decided to go to the
U.S. to visit my two brothers here in N.Y. I came on a
three week holiday with no intention of staying. I got a
I cheap charter flight, Belfast to Kennedy via an overnight stop In Manchester, England. All people arriving
from Ireland have to fill out a form. It asks lots of questions, name, address, D.O.B., what your entering for,
how long for, nationality, etc. I arrived In Manchester
with my form filled out, I hand it to a special branch
man, who scrutinized and then asked me how come I
put place of birth Belfast, present address Belfast and
nationality Irish If I was a British subjuct. He insisted 1
couldn't claim allegiance to a foreign power. When I
Informed him that my parents, grandparents, and in
fact all my ancestors were Irish and 1 consider the
British army as the only foreign power presently in
Ireland he didn't seem too happy. I was immediately
arrested. They held me for eight hours, squeezing my
toothpaste out of Its tube and making a thorough
search of me and my luggage.1 got punched several
limes before my release but nothing major. I then
retired to my hotel room in Ihe Airport to await my
flight to N.Y. the next morning, Two hours before my
flight I was arrested again from my bed at the hotel.
More photographs, fingerprints etc. I was led to the
plane In hand cuffs with the police officer. His final
remark was,"See ya on the way back Austin". It was at
that moment that the thought "don't hold your breath
buddy" entered my mind. But I didn't know what to
1 have been tortured for up to seven
days at a time at Caslereagh interrogation outside of Belfast. The
whole object of their torture sessions
was to get me to sign my name on a
piece of paper admitting to anything I
wanted. I was given a wide variety of
offenses I could admit to. They said I
had a choice. I could sign a confession to a crime that would get me five
years or less, if I refused they would
torture me into signing more serious
charges and I would get life.
expect of America. I think I'd watched too many John
Wayne movies. The my three weeks has lasted over
five years. But while I may be free from English oppression, my friends and family are not, so my struggle
to drive them out will continue until Britain leaves or I
die, whichever comes first.
The IRA realizes that British soldiers are basically
working class men from London and Liverpool and
Endlnburough and killing them is regretable. But so
long as they are the Instruments of British misrule the
,must expect to pay for their crimes. Prime Minister
Margaret Thatcher would not lose any sleep tonight If
twenty British soldiers were killed today, for they are
merely disposable pawns In a big game to her. One
IRA man Is worth a 100 British sholdiers because he Is
fighting for something he belelves In at great personal
rlsh for no pay.
Most of the news entering this country about Northern Ireland comes from Britain, so of course II gives
the English government's version of reality. They like
to link Ihe IRA with whatever most American don't
Ike, we are called terrorists, marxlsts, communists,
and theyhave tried to link us to drugs, gambling, prostitution; anything to discredit us In the eyes of Irish
Americans, whom they fear learning the truth. The .
British spent millions of dollars a year spreading their
misinformation in this cuntry. General Frank Kltson of
the British Army stated In, Faber, 1977.The propaganda battle has not only got to be won within the
'country In which the insurgency Is taking place, but
also in other places throughout the world where
jgovernmenls or individuals are In a positloi ti give
moral or material support to the eneuiy.the
mechanics of the business...Involves the provision of
people to monitor the enemy's propaganda and
prepare and disseminate material required for
countering it and putting across the government's
point of view. It can be achelved either by direct action, as for example by the provision of leaflets, or the
setting-up of an official wireless or television network,
or by trying to Inform and Influence the existing news
i media!
Because of this media distortion here we must work
, very hard with little funds to get people to understand
! ihe truth. I would love to see more students get involv, ed In the fight for Irish reunification. This Is beginning
to happen but at a slow pace' to date. People In this
country can help end the war and speed up a British
withdrawal. It will be along hard fight but we must and
will win
8a mound A vision f
V Party Tonight
A Farewell To M * A * S * H
M * A * S * H Heals Wounds
As It Closes 4077th
Ilh the demise of M'A'S'H*.
last of the great early 70's sitcoms Is gone. Like The Mary
Tjiler Moore Show, All In the Family, and
Maude before It, the producers and cast of
decided to end the show with
the same kind of dignity with which It
Mark Rossier
Of all Ihese programs. M'A'S'H
as the least revolutionary. Whereas All In
the Family and Maude tried to shock us
wllh taboo language and subject matler
and Mary Tyler Moore operated for seven
years under the equally shocking premise
that a single woman could live alone, with
only her career and be happy about it,
M'A 'S 'H was Initially nothing more than
a spin-off of an enormously successful
In fact, the first season wasn't really thai
much belter than Mel tale's Navy, Hogan's
Heroes and oilier military comedies. To be
sure the writing was more sophisticated
and the humor, for the mosl part, subtler,
but the general operating principal was the
same —use the strict formality of Army
bureaucracy as the butt of jokes.
Over the years however, things began to
change. Some of the film's darker aspects
began to permeate the series. Suddenly,
the doctors and nurses of the 4077th
began facing up to the death that surrounded them. M'A'S'H
began to realize Its extraordinary potential. Here was a show
thai, by virtue of setting alone, allowed lis
characters to confront all of life's major
conflicts. Death, love, lonllness, Insecurity,
lust, loss, and the strength or weakness of
the human spirit were all frequent themes
on the show. While other slt-coms had to
devise bizarre plot twists to deal with such
themes (If Indeed they had wanted to),
had the opportunity every
week. Once they realized that people
wanted them to take advantage of the opportunity, the writers, producers, and stars
did so with a vengence.
Because of Its unique setting,
is probably the most serious situation comedy in the history of television. But, It took
years and a number of external and Internal changes (or Ihe show t o , reach that
The most obvious reason for the show's
constantly evolving attitude was the cast
changes. When Larry Llnvllle, MacLean
Stevenson, and Wayne Rogers left, Ihe
producers, quite wisely, didn't attempt to
replace them with carbon copies. Instead,
they brought In fresh, new characters who
forced Ihe existing ones to reexamine relationships and values.
The Introduction of B.J. represented the
least change from his predecessor, Trapper
John. That was only because Ihe plot at Ihe
time required that Hawkeye have an ally
against the arrogant and pompous Prank
Burns. But Mike l : arrell brought a warmth
and sensitivity to his role that Rogers never
did. The fact that B.J. was married was
one of Ihe most significant changes. The
frivolous and sexist womanizing lhat
characterized m u c h Hawkeye and
Trapper's relationship was gone. In fact,
one of Ihe series' besl episodes concerned
B.J.'s guilt over a one night stand. B.J.
was ihe first character with strong lies back
home and It was wllh him lhat Ihe pain of
separation becomes clear.
When Llnvllle left, B.J, and Hawkeye
finally met their match In the person of
Charles Emerson Winchester. Once again,
the writers presented themselves wllh a
challenge and then met II. Charles was
every bit as clever and talented as his tentmates. And though he disliked Pierce and
Hunnicult as much as Burns did, he had
Ihe ability and the brain power to d o ;
something about it. The confrontations between these three Increased ihe level of the
show's humor. The mindless sight gag and
surefire prank were replaced by puns,
wisecracks, and elaborate Jokes with
lengthy build ups.
By far Ihe mosl Important of the changes
was Harry Morgan for MacLean Stevenson. The 4077 now had a leader who was
neither bufoon nor warmonger. Before
Morgan's arrival, career military men were
usually depicted as fools, bigots, or, most
dangerous of all, both. Yet here was a man
who had a great compassion (undoubtedly
the most of any of the characters) and
nonetheless chose a career that, by Its very
nature, calls for destruction. Morgan
represented Ihe death of Ihe last of
stereotypes and his entrance
signaled the show's finest moments.
Equally significant, and far more In-
HBO's autobiography.
'Channel 16-Clnemax-l don't have this.
Still, II comes in well enough to actually
walch. I find lhat II comes In better during
Mary Popplns than during Hoi T-Shrls.
Lite is so unfair.
teresting lhan the changes In Ihe cast were
the changes in Margaret At the beginning,
was an I r o n c l a d
bitch—humorless, unfeeling, and almost
completely lacking In charm. As the show
progressed, fear, lonllness, and a broken
marriage softened Margaret and the attitude of others toward her. As Ihelr respect
for her grew, so did Iheir respect for
themselves, each other, and, In a very real
sense, all humanity. She was Ihe outsider
(so, li could be argued was Burns, but he
was too much of a foolish character to be
taken seriously) and Ihe troop's acceptance
of her Invites Ihelr acceplance of everything
new and foreign and different.
Additionally, Margaret carried on her
shoulders the responsibility of being the only major female character In Ihe show. The
road was a rough one, bul eventually she is
accepted as a peer with her sex playing little, if any, Importance on her competence
as both a nurse and a human being.
Through her, Ihe show took on a decidedly
feminist approach to its characters and relationships, with many of the best episodes
dealing wllh the changing sex roles and the
die hard chauvinists like Hawkeye's reactions to them. If any proof of the changed
attitude toward her Is needed, try to
remember Ihe last time anyone called her
"Hot Lips".
Though M'A'S'H's
seriousness led lo
Its greatness, II also, In all honesty, led to
the pretention and sentimentality. Especially In Ihe last seasons a certain selfrighteousness crept Into many of the more ,
dramatic episodes as the writers began not
only lo realize the situation's potential, but
to exploit It. Pentagon officials and five-star
generals become more pompous, the
Koreans, especially those with families,
became more cule and cuddly and vlcllmlzed, and Ihe cast began to lei their loving feeling for each other show once too
Most of what was wrong wllh Ihe show
was In evidence In Monday's 2'/2-hour
finale, Kllnger's mawkish engagement to
Soo-Lee was both silly and Inconsequenlal. Furthermore, his decision lo stay In
Korea wllh his bride, while meant to be
Ironic considering his early attempts to
escape succeeded only In being Irlte.
Equally mawkish was Charles' uncharacteristic Involvement with a Iroop of
Chinese musicians. While one can understand the lemptatlon lo pull out all the emotional stops, II would have been nice if Ihe
writers attempted lo reslsl It a liltle more.
Slmllary, B.J.'s contrived and unconvincing relurn purely for Ihe sake of sentiment
seems a betrayal of the kind of emollon
Ihey sought to avoid by killing Blake off. (I
know I'm not supposed to ask, but when
did B.J. find Ihe lime to write "Goodbye"
to Hawkeye In rocks and how did he gel
the letters so perfect? As 1 said, I realize I'm
nol supposed to wonder about such things,
but for a show that prided Itself on realism,
such sentimental excesses seem doubly
But e n o u g h of this negativism.
M ' A ' S ' H was one of television's finest
programs and Its attributes, as well as Us
flaws, were could be seen at its final hour.
Even at the end, the people Involved refused to compromise or lake the easy way
out. Instead of letting down Ihelr guard al
the prospect of peace, the writers raised It
even higher. The peace Is ultimately as
futile as the war. The surgeons are on the
operating room when the peace Is declared
and the fighting stops. A voice on the radio
says, as the cease fire Is about to take hold.
"That Is the sound of peace." After a brief
pause we hear Potter call lor a scalpel and
the surgery continues. It Is lhat kind o( subtle, Intelligent writing that gave
Us power
The mosl Impressive aspect of Ihe final
show were the Inevitable goodbyes. Except
for the previously mentioned melodrama
of B.J. and Hawkeye's farewell, Ihe exchanges were all remarkably restrained.
Where most shows would dwell on the
goodbyes with fllmcllps and tears, Alda and
Co. save them for the final 15 minutes.
This Is even more remarkable when one
considers Ihe number of people who all
had lo say goodbye to each other. The
farewells were short and sweet and all the
more moving because of It. The emotions
of neither the characters nor the audience
were explolled. As always, Ihey were
treated with Intelligence, respect, and mosl
of all, dignity. These are Ihe qualities thai
distinguished M'A'S'H
for 11 years. And
they are the very ones lhat, as II leaves,
television most desperately needs.
sound A vision 9a
ou're moving off next year?
Wow--you get to have your own
room, you don'l have lo worry
about courtesy hours, and best of all, you
lean get cable!" Those were the words of an
[acquaintance last year when I Informed
[her of my decision to leave concrete-haven
[for brownstone-heaven. While getting
[cable didn't weigh as much wllh me as It
[obviously did with her; I was nonetheless
[excited about getlng the opportunity to
! spend hours flipping around the dial, watIchlng moronic programming and Jusl
jgenerally wasting time.
Robert Schneider
; Don't get me wrong. I'm no neophyte
'when It comes to matters cable. Before I
} came to this institution I had over half a
!• decade of experience wltlucable (doesn't
I lhat sound impressive?) I had the art of
cable-watching down lo a science. I'd
made my folks trip and fall over the
oulslreched wire dozens of times. I hadn't
seen a whole commercial In five years. I
knew Ihe call letters ol stations 1100 miles
away. I could tell you if lettuce was cheaper
at Dan's Supreme or al Bohacks, You can
see what a trauma it was when 1 came to
Albany. Imagine going from 30 channels
down to 3 overnight. It was, to say Ihe
least, a bll of a letdown. To make matters
worse, Ihe three slallons In Albany were,
and still are for that matter, stodgy, old(ashloned operations lhat shut down al
something like one A M . One A M , The best
TV watching usually occurs afler three, two
hours after the conservative slallons had
played our National Anthem, god bless
'em. By Ihe time I was a Junior, I was Itching lor Ihe feel of brown plastic In my
hands, as I deftly kept abreast of 30 different media events al the same time.
The day dually arrived when ihe cable
man was due to come and Install my new
toy. I had cancelled a whole day ol earlysemester activities so 1 could be here and
.make sure he didn't walk oil wllh Ihe
device I was supposed lo watch cable on,
namely my old TV. o l course he dldn'l
show up until five pin. making tin 1 whole
day ,t waste lot me, Twenty
iglng my apartment letter, he was
done; .mil my apartment-mate .mil 1 step
lied Into Ihe Brave New World ol Capital
Noone can deny that cable-lv Is one ol
the fastest growing Industries today. It will
'continue to revolutionize the home front.
.Within five years, mosl subscribers will be
able to bank, shop, and communicate
through their televisions.Soon, Ihe cable
companies will be prlvvy lo volumes ol Information aboul you, from what you watch
to what you eal to how much money you
'have. Isn't lhat thrilling? Wllh all ihls innovation and excitement, cable Is regarded
as a glamorous Industry. Picture an ad for
an NY city area cable company -- a goodlooking young couple sit In their media •
room, sipping while wine and watching
their glanl screenTV. To [II Capital Cablevlsion subscribers, the couple is now middleaged, wife In curlers and robe, hubby In
undershirt. A mob of screaming, grubby
kids surround Ihem, spilling the old man's
beer and knocking over Ihe ten year old
. black and while sel. It Jusl aln'l Ihe same up
here -- Jusl look al what's on the channels:
Channel 1 -there Is no channel 1. Why?
Who knows.
Channel 2-one of many "public access"
channels lhat nobody watches. I believe
this one belongs lo Ihe library. They usually
show a sign lhat tells us that this station Is
public access. Gel some friends togethermaybe you'll gel your own show.
Channel 3-lhis is one of lliose news and
sports wires lhat you see in Ihe lecture
centers. II you like, you can walch the
results of the days trading on Wall Street.
Wake me up when you're done,
Channel 4-WMHT (17) It's a PBS station
based In Schenectady? It's on all night, so
you can watch opera at 5AM.
Channel o-WXXA
(23) This Is what
Albany needed. It's an Independent
wonderful station that's got great movies
and reruns. It almost does away wllh the
need lor cable. Almost.
Channel ti. 10. unci 13 i U S , ABC, NBC. '
respectluely, Whai can I add?
Channels 7, 8, 9, II. and 12-all Junk.
They range from public access to educa
llonal to n lime and temperature channel has .uls loi "bokays" (I swearl) of
flowers I'm paying (oi 1111!,'.'!
Channel l-l lino Home Box Office says
Ihey show llisl run, uncut movies Star
Wars maybe, bul classics like Dlrly Tricks,
The I/n,7, etc? I suspect Ihe lasi movie is
Channel 17-more news wire. A l any given
lime, there are only four or five stories going. II must be a slow world for Reuters.
Channel 18-NOAA weather radio-played
behind an X-Y graph syslem. This is handy, especially during Ihe winter. Por example, Ihey lei me know lhat we were getting
six Inches of snow last January 15. So what
il they were olf. by a fool-and-a-hall? At
least they knew It was going lo snow.
Channel 19-MTV-Muslc Television has
become a real pain. The novelty wore off
PAST wllh these guys. I've never seen one
station plug Itself so much. Enough!
Channels 20. 21. 22, 23. and 24-AII independent, out-of-town stations: WNKW
(5) NY; WSMW (27) Worcester; WOR (")
NY; WSBK (3H) Boston; and last but nol
leasl WPIX 111) NY. These are why you
gel cable. It's so much more fun lo watch
the NYC news, You lend lo forget how
slimy people can be. WOR has Ihe besl
lineup of sports anywhere. WPIX has Kirk
It seems they all have M ' A ' S ' I I and The
, Odd Couple. If I could have bul one wish
fur any of these stations, I'd wish that the
management of WOR would come to Ihelr
senses and pul The Avengers back on at six
pm, or al any lime lor thai mailer. Pace II
guys-nobody gives a crap aboul li.) ant
the Bear. Where is Mrs. Peel now thai we
need her?
Channel 25 Nlckelodeon-Thls is the channel for pre-teens. It's got the best example
of Junior high humor In You Can'! Do That
On Television. This show comes out of
Canada, and the* Beih and Doug
Mckenzie myth. I don'l llnd it (unny ihese
days, but my ten year old cousin loves II.
Channel 26 Entertainment and 6'porls Programming Neluiork-ESPN bills Itself as a 24
hour a day, 7 day a week all sports operation. There's a catch, however. Often. Ihe
sports aren't exactly mainstream or live. I
guess a two week old tape of motorized
Irlkes bouncing over a dlrl course is sports.
ESPN should be glad lhal Ihelr subscribers
don'l have to pay extra for ihem,
27 Christian
, Network-"0h no", you say "This must be
24 hours of flre-and-brlmstone preaching
manlace." This Is nol Ihe case. True, there
are some religious programs, but they are
mild when compared to the manure on •
, commercial stations.
, CBN shows some classic comedies late at
night. Tune In and you will find greats like
Jack Benny, Burns and Allen, My Little
Margie, and many others. You get the feel. Ing thai the CBN people wish II was 1953
_ again.
j Channel 28 USA Networks had my first
contact with Ihese guys In the campus .
center, as I and 300 other people watched
Ihe Islanders kick Ihe Rangers and others
collective butts all over ihe ice in the
playoffs, I've loved il ever since USA is a
.snuggling company lhat has olol lo offer,
especially at nlghl and on weekends
Nightflighl Is seen on weekend nights. Il
features music, artsy features, animation
and other fun stuff. The only problem Is
thai for some strange reason, they play
their credits once every hall hour. The
credits are 7 minute! long.
Channel 29 Satellte Programing Network'
SPN is. by far and away, the sleaziest waste
of a channel I've ever seen. It's run like a
Junior high operation; ass backwards .ill the
way. Since I got cable, I've seen No
Diamonds For Ursula listed 14 limes It's a
boring, stupid "crime drama" Irom 1967.
I've made II my own personal Rocky I lorror Picture show. I know all the lines by
heart. SPN also "features" a show which is
nothing more than a sixty minute comercla!
lor shoddy, overpriced electronic goods.
We're also Ireated lo a panel discussion
wilh a bunch ol vicious conservatives, who
complain lhal Ihey have lo pay (or poor
kids lunches and call Ronald Reagan a
"bleeding heart". There are dozens o l other
examples of SPN's worth, but 11 would lake
the whole paper and I don'l think Dean will
alow lhal.
Channel 30 C-Span-Thls is a channel that
all Ihe cable companies chip in to run li
shows us the inside of congressional committee hearings on subjects like (Ishlng and
cardboard. Unless you're a lonely poll-scl
ma|or, you'll never watch this.
That's all Ihe channels, folks. There is
talk nf losing a couple of Indies because
some old fool Judge Jusl rewrote Ihe
copywrlghl laws. Before they do thai, they
should consider lhat cable-tv makes the
mosl Inhospitable places liveable. Cable brings us news of what's happening in the
Western world. I'd live In Antarctica if II
had a better cable system. If we lose some
of Ihe Independent stations, it probably
Off Campus TV Exam
Movie Of The Month
T.V. Channel
Vole For One:
1) Neighbors
3)Deal/i Wish II
4)Slar Wars
SJSlreclcar Named Desire
6)Mldnight Cowboy
7) Arthur
9)Rocky III
WIBlrth Ol A Nation
11 (Animal House
13)Cool Hand Luke
14)The Good, The Bad. and The Ugly
2)ch. 23 on the. box (WSBK. ch. 38
Boston, Moeie Lojt. etc.)
Bjch, 20 on the box (ch. 5 on L.I.)
6)ch. 24 on the box fen, l i on L.I.) •
7)ch. 22 on the box (ch. Don L.I.)
11 INickelodcan
I2)ch. 11 on the bo< (time)
I3)ch 27 on the box (the Christian Broadcasting Network)
15 on the l>»'\
T.V. Show Of The
9)Entertalntnent Tonight
IO)The People's Court
I ULale Nlgill with Dauld Letterman
l)The <><M Couple
IjLeaue il '/'.. Beauer
5)Tha Honeymooners
7)Miirv Tyler Moore
oVMadamc's Place
IIjNol Necessarily the Neuis
Please fill out Ihli iurvoy and return to ASP
.llice. CC324, b March PI fhank you
Compiled by Chris Considine and Rob Ra/al
20a s o u n d tk vision j
Sci'Fi Coming To Town
he award-winning science fiction
writer, Samuel R. Delany, will be
on campus as Writer In
Residence, under a grant from the National
Endowment, from March 7 thru March 25.
While on campus, he will conduct a minicourse entitled "Reading Science Fiction"
for upper division and graduate students,
He will give readings as well as participate
as a guest consultant to literature and
writing courses In the English Department.
Susan Sharfarzek
Delany, who wrote his first published
novel The Jewels of Aptor at the age of
nineteen (and four other novels In the next
three years) has written some of the most
popular and controversial science fiction in
the last twenty years. He has won the
prestigious Nebula Award four times as
well as the Hugo Award, and has been
described In The New Yorlt Times Book
Review as "... the most Interesting author of
science fiction writing In English today."
Delany's best known novels Include:
Babel-17 (his first Nebula winner), The
Einstein Intersection, Nova, Dliolgren, and
Triton. He is also the author of two
volumes ol essays: The Jewel-Hinged Jaw
and Starboard IVlne, and an extended
essay-memoir on urban communes,
Heavenly Breakfast.
Born and raised In Harlem, Delany, who
attended the Bronx High School of
Science and dropped out ol City College In
the 6()'s, Is emphatic about the possibilities
of science fiction as a genre. In a recent interview he stated: "Science fiction Is one of
the few places where you get a chance to
separate the object Irom the subject.
Hopefully, the next step Is to take control
of It...not as though everything out there Is
somehow a projection of the Inner self...In
9 1 FM
Joel Greenberg
Laughter. Lots of It. It's hard to keep a
straight face while listening to Soft Cell do
Hendrlx. Basically, the problem with the
group Is two things: synthesizers and Marc
Almond's vocals. "Purple Haze" Is not a
song for the Sunday choir. Listening, to Al-
mond wall Is earbreaklng. To think that someone would try lo sell a song he can't
sing, ugghl It's great that a musician tries to
break out of his caste, but Techno-Hendrlx
Is a bit silly. The synthesizers, let alone the
people who play them, can't begin to grasp
the feeling behind Jlml's playing. With little
doubt, this record will be the year's most
It really Is a shame. Solt Cell had such
promise when they completely turned
around the old Motown sound, creating an
enduring number one hit last year. Instead,
vocalist Marc Almond and writer Dave Ball
got caught up In their synthesizers and
sleaze and ended up with "The Art of Falling Apart." This Is an album to be missed.
Don't let advertising fool you, this album is
bad. It Is two sides and an EP of the seedy
world of love turned upside down. As Marc
Almond explains, "I'm Interested In the dirt
under the carpet, In taboo things." After
listening to the record, the point Is painfully
obvious. Although musicians have been
singing about the perverse for years, when
Soft Cell does it, the songs don't work. The
synthesizers become too overbearing In
M-F 5-8pm
Sat and Sun 8-llam
I don't know
If It's depression.
or disappointment;
A craolng for,
or an Instinct for;
An obsession for,
or a passion for
The ultimate. . .
That Is what breeds us.
It serves as our motive.
It exists In our dreams.
It becomes embedded In out souls.
It escorts us till dawn,
Gluing us purpose toward morning.
Without It,
There Is no solitude
There Is no grace
There Is no compassion
Onlv one challenge to face
Nothing else left to chase. .
Friday llpm-Sat 8am
Sat llam-2pm
Sun llam-4pm.
March 4th from 9pm-1am
in the Campus Center Ballroom
$2.00 with tax card and
$3.00 without tax card
We are now accepting applications
for 1983-84 managers.
Are There Moral
Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl
Congregation Ohav Sholom
Prof. Merle Longwood
Department of Religious Studies, Siena
Prof. Bonnie Stcinbock
Department of Philosophy, SUNYA
Monday, March 7
C a m p u s Center A s s e m b l y Hall
7:30 PM
Sponsored by
The Episcopal Campus Ministry
The Jewish Students CoalKlon-HUlel
The Lutheran Campus Ministry
The Roman Catholic Campus Ministry
Food Coop Members
March 10,11 12-8:00 pm
Page Hall
Chapel House
Interfaith Center
^ \
their music and subdue the vocals. There's
a competition between Almond and the Instruments with the machine winning and
Indulging in drawn out solos. In the end,
there's not much holding the music
Technically, David Ball Is a talented synthesis!, but technical virtuosity is only half
of music. Anyone can learn to play an Instrument, but It takes someone with a
special talent to make a song come alive.
The musician must have that certain quality, soul If you will, to make his songs work.
When Soft Cell recorded this album, they
left their soul at home. In the hands of someone else, their songs like "Forever the
Same" and "Loving You, Hating Me"
could be reworked Into hits. Undoubtedly,
Soft Cell can put together a pop song, but
unfortunately they destroy It In the process
of recording It. Enough Is enough and one
gets bored by the end of the record.
Throughout the whole album the synthesizers are overwhelming and the vocals
become too tiring, so what Is left? The lyrics
and the song structure. While they deal
with the darkest side of love, the words are
"Who's the person you woke up next to today,
If you were a little bit older you might have
to pay"
This Just about sums up Soft Cell's subject
matter. They may or may not have the
ability to write good lyrics, but they do have
potential. Too bad he can't utilize himself
Underneath all the technology are a few
songs trying to get out. There are a few
numbers on the album that really could
sound good, but they are choked by the
synthesizers. It would take a musician with
the skill of a heart surgeon to cut away at
the song until the basics were left. Then,
good music could be made. Soft Cell Is one
of the techno-pop bands that haven't yet
realized that music tells a story and sets a
mood; It doesn't get caught up In the Instruments. On "The Art of Falling Apart", •
Soft Cell faltered and gave us no good
proudly presents our
a way that Is not useful beyond a certain
point. We must take responsibility for what
we do, but one of the things we can do Is
change the world around us."
Asked about the prevalence of strong
character portrayals of both women and
blacks In his fiction, Delany stressed the
usefulness of science fiction for presenting
the particularized figure: "...certainly people who come through what one has to call
- for want of a better word - marginal social
matrices, their relationship lo the object has
been very different, It has been Influenced
by different social Issues.. .and their perception of things - our perception of things •
tend to be very different. In science fiction
their views are presented as rich, human,
Individual, generating great Insight..."
An avowed feminist, Delany further
stated that one of the main reasons he
became Interested in science fiction as a
young writer "was the potential for the
women characters...there was always a bit
more room for all the characters lo
dramatize what was going on through action." He noted further that science fiction,
which Includes 16 per cunt of all published
fiction In ihe United Slates today Is presently read by an audience which Is composed
of 60 per cent male readers and 111 percent
female readers, mostly between the ayes of
18 and 25. This is In contrast to the- readei
ship of thirty years ago. which consisted
primarily ol male readers under Ihe age of
17. He also noted as "almost a Irulsm" that
"Ihe most Interesting science fiction writers
now are women." He recently delivered a
conference paper on Ihe work of Joanna
Delany Is happiest, as a teacher. For
more information about his course (Eng
189/594) see Anne Weinberg In Ihe
English Department olflce or the Office ol
Graduate Studies (AD 112).
Soft Cell-Out
ou've got lo be kiddlngi My
mouth hod dropped wider than
the opening of Mammoth Cave.
"Who would think that these guys, of all
people, would play his music?" But, they
did It. On an EP especially packaged with
their LP "The Art of Falling Apart," Soft
Cell does a Hendrlx medley of "Purple
Haze", "Hey Joe", and "Voodoo Chile."
Why they recorded this Is anybody's guess.
Maybe they fell they could reach a new audience: hard rockers, Maybe they wanted
to shock the public; which they have a
great chance of doing. Maybe they wanted
to change their style and emulate a master;
Hendrlx would have probably thrown his
flaming guitar at them.
Applications are available at the
Food Coop.
* Application deadline March 11,1983+
Kosher Kitchen will be serving
Kosher for Passover lunches and
dinners MondayApril 4th and
Tuesday April 5th
Tickets will be sold on the Dutch dinner lines
Monday March 7th through Wednesday March 9th
from 4:30 to 6:30pm.
Tickets will also be available in the Campus
Center March 7th through March 9th from
10:45am to 1:30pm.
G e m i n i Jazz C a f e (462-0044)
Thurs-Sat--Fats Jefferson, Waller Young
Sunday & Monday-Martha Gallagher, Ian
H u l l a B a l o o (436-1640)
& The
Y e s t e r d a y ' s (489-8066)
S k i n f l i n t s (436-8301)
Pauley's H o t e l (463-9082)
March 4 & 5 - D o n Scanlon's Rhythm Sect Io n
L a r k T a v e r n (463-9779) .
Every Tues Nlle-OPEN
minutes for anyone, beginning at 8:45
p . m .
March 4 - J l m Sande, classical guitarist;
March 5-Debble Fish & Diane Sanabrla,
Cagney's (463-9402)
March 4 - L u m p e n Proles, The Verge;
March 5-ldle Sons of the Very Rich, The
T h e C h a t e a u (465-9086)
March 4 - - T h e O u t p a t i e n t s ; March
5-l-runch Letter; Slmona Slmona, female
March 9 - T h e Members (tkts--$4.f>0 In advance, $6.00 at door); March 18-The
B . J . Clancy's (462-9623)
2 8 8 L a r k (462-9148)
March 4 & 5--Emmanuel Borok, violinist
S e p t e m b e r ' s (459-8440)
Bogart's (482-9797)
Downtime on Weds, nltes; March 4 fit
5--Silver Chicken; March 6 - T h e Jets
J u s t i n M c N e i l ' s (436-7008)
Annual Aspects
9 6
P a l a c e T h e a t r e (465-3333)
March 5-Albany Symphony Orchestra;
March 19-Jerry Lee Lewis; March
21-Joe Jackson ($10 with tax card)
G l e n s Falls Civic C s n t e r
18- H a l l
E S I P A (474-1199)
March 12, 6 p.m.--Sadistic Gerblls, The
Plague, Stranger In the Mirror, Strange
PAC Recital HaU
Flndlay Cochrell, pianist. Noon Concerts:
T h e H o m e s t e a d e r s (462-4534)
March 5 & 6, 8-13 -Capital Rep. Comp.
Market Theatre 8:00 p.m. Sunday at 2:30
P r o c t o r s S c h e n e c t a d y (382-1083)
March 4--Steve Landesberg; March
5--Marcel Marceau; March 6--Blg Band
Cavalcade; March 7-9--Murder Among
T h r u w a y H o u s e (458-7530)
The Comic Book-March 10. 24, 31
C o l l e g e of St. R o s e
For Colored Girls...March 5, St. Joseph's
Auditorium. For Info call St. Rose. Tickets
Siena College
The Sport of My Mad Mother. March 4-5
T h e O p e r a H o u s e 826 Stale St.,
Schenectady (393-5732)
I Love My Wile. March 4-6, 10-13
March 15-19: Miss -Julie. For more Info call
March 11 & 1 2 - S U N Y A Footworks PAC
S c h e n e c t a d y M u s e u m (382-7890)
Amazing World of Video fit Electronics
(until April 17). High Rock Photos until
R o c k e f e l l e r E m p i r e Plaza C o l l e c -
O V L T the next wi?t>ks wu will briny you
coverage of tills exciting event. The results are
being posted recording two mils far each contestant. The winner of this game plays the winner
of last years Y A A games. Jim Karika. Weekly
odds will be made In various places of the ASP
by Sports Editors Marc Haspel, Marc Schwnrz,
and Managing Editor Mark Gesner
Referee Is Wayne Peereboom, Bets can be placed in C C 3 2 4 . May the best man w i n .
tion (473-7521)
Rothko, Kline, Frankenthaler, Oldenburg,
C a Ide r
N e w Y o r k S t a t e M u s e u m (474-5842)
Martin Luther King (until Apr 3); Images of
Experience, untutored oler artists-March
N.Y. Metropolis,
Cathy'a W a f f l e S t o r e (465-0119)
N e w G a l l e r y (270-2248)
Russell Sage College-works on paper by
Panagapoulos, and Willie M a r l o w
R a t h b o n e G a l l e r y at JCA (445-1778)
Drawings by Jack Roth, until March 25
University A r t Gallery
Thorn O'Connor-Drawings and Prints
C D P C G a l l e r y 75 New Scotland
Avenue (445-6640)
Mar)orle Williams, sculpture; David
Coughtry--palntlngs and drawings
International Film Group
March 4-Llfeboat LC 1, 7:00, 10:00;
March ' 5 - T l i e Thirty-Nine Steps L C 1,
University F i l m G r o u p
1. March 4 St 5-Monty Python: Live at the
Hollywood Bowl in LC 18, 7:30. 10:0(1
2. March 4 St 5-Black fit Blue: Black Sabbath and Blue Oyster Cull In Concert in LC
Third Street Theatre
March 4-6-Filzcarraldo (6:40 fit 9:45 Fri
and Sat, 4:00 St 7:15 Sun); March 7 - T h e
Knack and How to Gel It (7 St 9); March 8
St 9 - B o d y Heat (7 St 9:25); March 10-Le
Fireside T h e a t r e
My Pal Joey, 8 p.m.. CC Assembly Hall
Madison Theatre
Fox C o l o n i c 1 & 2 (459-1020)
1. Without a Trace, 7:15 fit 9:45; 2. The
Cine 1-6 (459-8300)
1. ET-1:20, 3:50, 6:40, >9:10; 2.
Tootsle-l:40, 4:15, 7:05, 9:45; 3. Let's
Spend The Night Together-2, 4, 6, 8, 10;
4. The Lords of Discipllne-2:05, 4:30,
9:30; 5. 48 Hours-l:50, 4:05,
7:15, 10:00; 6. The Year of Living
Dangerously--l:25, 3:55, 7:00, 9:15'
U A H e l l m a n (459-5322)
Gandhl-Frl: 8:30 p.m.; Sal St Sun: 12
noon, 4 p.m., 8 p.m.; Mon-Thurs: 7:30
p . m .
Hellman'a Colonic Center Theatre
1. The Sting 11-7:30, 9:30; 2. Sophie's
Martin Luther King: From M o n t g o m e r y t o M e m p h i s exhibit on display
through April 3 al the New York Slate
L i t e r a t u r e a n d C u l t u r e Red Carpet
Lounge, Main Library. Featuring works by
Sarah Cohen, through March,
SUNYA Irish Club Pre-St. Patrick's
D a y P a r t y w i t h D o n n e y - B r o o k Fair
March 4 at 9 p.m. In CC Ballroom
See CC Information Desk for events from
2 / 2 8 - -3 / 5
J e w i s h I d e n t i t y as G a y s a n d Lesbians
15 C o - s p o n s o r e d by J S C - H i l l e l &
G A L A with speakers March 2 0 1:30
C o f f e e H o u s e Sponsored by G A L A
March 15 CC 375 8:00 p.m. Looking lor
talented people-writers, musicians. For info call G A L A 457-4078 CC 333
W o m e n in A m e r i c a n T h e a t r e C o n f e r e n c e March 18-20 al Draper St Page
Halls For info contact Prof. Judith Barlow
Statistics C o l l o q u i u m March 7-9 al
3:45 p.m., ES 140
I S A I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n c e r t March 5 al
7:30 p.m., Page Hall
C a r i b b e a n N i g h t Fri.. March 4. 9
p.m.-2 a.m., Brubacher Hall. For Info cal
Corel al 465-7046
JSC-Hillel Sponsors D e b b i e Friedm a n I n C o n c e r t March 12 at 8:30 p.m.
For Info call 457-4066
L'll A b n e r March 4 St 5 In State Quad
Flagroom. For info call Mike al 457-7798
We Want You.
Aspects wants writers. Come to CC 324.
S's j Z0
No one cares
T o the Editor:
Everyone Is always criticizing Albany Tor its apathy. No
one ever gels Involved and no one cares. Well, this Is certainly the case when il comes 10 the Yahlzcc Championships. No one we know cares.
With this in mind, wc present ihesc fascinating items
we'd rather sec than two useless rolls per week: 1) UAS explains why Mrs. Stein's famous steak and lobster tails dish
will never make recipe night. 2) In dcplh interviews with the
members of the Philip M , Schuyler basketball team. 3) A
cartoon f r o m someone whose alphabet transcends the letter
" Z " . 4) A running count of everyone who knows the
names o f their Central Council representees. 5) A running
count o f the number o f times In a week lhaj you can wait
for a bus for an hour and then have lour show up at once.
6) A n expose revealing the " b e s t " bathrooms on campus,
using a weighted average o f cleanliness, comfort, and graffiti.
Most o f the time we enjoy what the ASP offers.
Sometimes we even like ASPECTS. But when il comes
down to Yahlzcc Championships, the dice just roll against
- D a v i d M . Wclnruub
I'ele Slcin
Getting debatable
To the Editor:
I agree with Michael Greenfield that the discussion
following last Thursday's performance o f Getting Out
could be characterized as a " d e b a t e , " hui I wonder why he
is so disturbed by this. A debate Is a public discussion Involving individuals wnli different points of view, flic fact
Hull nunc than flfly people stayed nearly an houi and :i hull
io discuss Getting Out testifies to the Important issues ralscd in the play and the powet o f the fine S U N Y A production.
Mr, Orccnficld com plains thai i he discussion focused only on the issue ol rupe in the plus, winch Is an exaggeration.
Questions were uskeil ,nul points raised about the actors'
uiul actresses' conceptions o f their characters, aboul the accents used, etc. Mote Important, ii was the audience's decision to debate the rape issue al length, Dozens ol in
dividuols participated ui the Interchange of views no one
assigned them u discussion topic nor was anyone, Mr.
Greenfield included, prevented form discussing olhet
aspects ol the drama, Writing about Getting Out Mr.
Greenfield argues thai the charactci of Bcnnle " c o u l d not
be excused lor hying io lape Aflene'Vbut then adds that " i f
:i person is not educated in manners, and doesn't really
know belter, how can he be expected to realize, without being told, thai forcing sex on a woman is not a way to show
affection'/" I he debate was so heated because many people, myself included, believe that attempted rape involves
far more than simply bad " m a n n e r s " and ignorance.
M r . Greenfield implies that as discussion leader 1 made
no "sincere attempt i o be f a i r " and criticizes my decision to
call alternately on men and women Io speak. Since the
discussion largely centered on men's and women's different
perceptions of the events in the play (although there were,
o f course, many differing perceptions), alternating
speakers in this way seemed the fairest approach. There was
no way o f knowing precisely what was in the minds o f the
many people whose hands were raised, so it was impossible
to select speakers who would guarantee the "orderly communication of ideas" M r . Greenfield demands. Should 1
have called on only the men when discussing a play about a
woman written by a woman—and when the majority of the
audience members were women? It would have been equally unfair to have excluded the men from the discussion, as
I'm sure Mr. Greenfield would readily agree. Further, Mr.
EtlaU/nim In l i f t
Dean lint/. Editor in Chief
Wayns Pooreboom, Executive Editor
Mark Gosnar, Managing Editor
35 QS 25
"bO 30 ?A
19 (8
—Judith Barlow
Associate Professor
Alive and well
To the Editor:
I would like to lake this time to both congratulate and
thank all those who participated in this past Monday's Lobby Day at the Stale Capital.
Monday's turnout was the largest in SUNY Albany
history as students on this campus played their proper role
as the leaders among SUNY students. Over 1700 Albany
students left their classes to talk with Stale legislators concerning the cutbacks which SUNY now faces. I feci thai this
turnout has demonstrated io our elected officials thai
students will not give up when it comes to their education,
It has shown that we care aboul our campus and couldn't
Stand to see the drastic effects o f Ihe loss o f 7 to 10
academic departments,
•" As the ASP cited in an editorial on Tuesday, this effort
was mostly due lo the extensive campaign on ibis campus.
Educating students on an issue is the best way, 1 feel, to gel
students involved. Fiom SASU tight down lo each of the
dorm captains, every pail of ibis organization was vital lo
the success which wc saw on Monday. I hope thai this enthusiasm continues concerning this pressing issue us we
have a lough flglil ahead. Keep up the good work and slay
Involved, As Mark Alan Slcgal said, "Keep haunting us"
and haunt we will. We have heard the rhetoric on Uns cam
pus collect nine apathy, hut I am optimistic that this is the
slut t of a new beginning lor Albany
Once again, I would like to say thank you to everyone
who participated and also a much deserved congratululions, loi proving to me that SUNY Albans is alise and well
and willing to gel involvcdl
Rich SclralliT
< 'ettfrtil i initial Stitilt'iit Action Chairperson
Heated exchange
l'o the Editor:
There are iwo reasons why I would like lo respond lo
Michael Greenfield's arllcle on ihe discussion following the
performance of Ihe play Gelling Out. For one, I believe he
unfairly described the behavior ol' ihe leader of that discussion. In Ihe midst of an extremely healed exchange of
views, Professor Harlow maintained a degree o f calmness
and Impartiality in her role as leader which I found
More substantively, I noted a position expressed in Mr.
Greenfield's article which is heard often in other contexts
and which therefore merits attention. A large portion
(though not all) o f the discussion following this play did, as
Mr. Greenfield notes, lake on the character o f a debate.
Roughly the two " c a m p s " were composed o f those who
saw the play as feminist and those who did not wish lo
describe Ihe play with this label. At some point this issue
became intermingled with the dcfcnsibility of one o f the
characters in the play, " B e n n i c " .
It is evident which position on both issues Mr. Greenfield
endorses. However, after making clear his own point o f
view and after describing the discussion as a whole as
" r u d e , argumentative rhetoric", Mr. Greenfield then
Bonnls Stavans, Business Manager
Hady Brodsr, Associate Business Manager
Susan Psarlman, Advertising Manager
John Trolano, Safes Manager
Greenfield's suggeslion thai speakers were intimidated and
embarrassed is contradicted by the fact that throughout the
evening dozens of people eagerly aired their opinions,
Finally, Mr. Greenfield castigates' me for failing to be
"objective," and I must plead guilty to thai charge. As he
himself points out, Ihe play deals wllh a number o f very
serious social problems: the mistreatment of convicts in and
out of prison; the limited j o b opportunities for Individuals,
particularly women, coming out of prison; parents brutalizing children; and rape. I cannot be " o b j e c t i v e " when
discussing these problems, 1 hope none of us can.
M a
has n<n-»
l a w * Editor
Aosoclato News Editors
Dobbin Judtjo, Dob Proloto
*SPocls Editor
• Dobbio Mlllman
Assoclnto ASPQCIS EditorMotjunG. Taylor, Gall Marrell
Sound Editor
Robert Sctinoldar
Vision Editor
Llsunno Sokolownkl
M f l r c Haa 10
Spoils Editor
f >
Associate Sports Editor
More Schwarz
Editorial Pages Editor
l- l 8 a S l r a l n
Copy Editors
Nancy Diodorlka, David L.L Luskin
Contributing Editor
'Editorial Assistants: Bob Gnrdlnlor, Anthony Sllbor, Mark Lovlno, Wlie Sarrice and Evonts Editor Holdl Gialla, Stall writers: Glna Abend, Suzanno
Abula, Amay Adams, Bill Browstur, Both Brlnsor, Kun Cantor, Trocoy Carnlchael, Andrew Carroll, Andy Clarko, Nancy Crowfoot, HuborlKonnoth
Dlckoy, OKI Fluchor, Stavo Fox, Barry Gotlnor, Steva Gossot, Charles M.
3roone, Leo GroonBtoln, Andy Horowitz, Tom Kacandoa, Amy Kllgua, Donlse
Knight, lllso Lovlno, Donna MacMlllan, CrolQ Marks, Honor! Martlnlano, David
Mlchaelaon, llan Nissan, Laura NUSB, Matt Nichols, Bob O'Brlan, Rob O'Connor, Carl Palka, Karen Plrozzl, Phil Plvnlck, Linda Qulnn, Liz Rolch, Mark
floaalor, Randy Roth, Ellen SanlaBloro, Lynno Slegol, Alan Somkln, Metln
UIUQ, Mark Wtlgard, Adam Wilk, 8p«1rum and Evanls Editors: Ronl GlnabBrcj,
Ken Dornbaum
Billing Accountant!
Karon Sardotl, Judy Torol
Payroll Supervisor.'.
Arlono Kallowllz
Jennifer Bloch
Classified Manager
#—Mlckoy Fronk
Composition Manager
Mollaaa Wasserman
Advertising Sales: Polar Forward, Mike Krelmer, Gregg Hall, Noll Suasman,
Advertising Production Managers: Jano Hlrsch, Mlndy Horowitz, Advertising
Production'. Randoe Bohar, Mlcholto Horowitz, Julio Mark, Elleon Slovln,
Moliiisa Wasaarman, Rhonda Woll, Ollica Slalt: Gay Poreas
Jack Dursctilag, Production Manager
Patty Mitchell, Associate Production Manager
Chlel Typesetler
Cathie Ryan
Verllcal Camera
BUI Bonllla
Posto'itp: Knlly Burku, Holly Pios.ll, Typists: BUI Boonoy, Jim Capozzola, Erica
D'Adomo, Mlckoy Frank, Joanna Gllttornlaovo, Elizabeth Hoyman, Glnny
Huhur, Mary Allco Llpka, Mark Wallar
Entire contonls copyright
1QQ3 Albany Student Press Corporation, all
rights reserved.
The Albany Student Prusa Is publlshod Tuesdays and Fridays bnlween
August nnd Juno by tho Albany Sludonl Preas Corporation, an Indopundonl
not'for-protlt corporation.
Editorials aro wrltion by tiro Editor In Chief with mombers ol tho Editorial
Board; policy IB subject to review by the Editorial Board. Advertising policy
doos not nacoBsarlly rellect editorial policy.
Mailing addroBs:
Albany Student Press, CC 320
1400 Washington Avo.
Albany, NY 12222
(fill!) 467-6802/3322/3380
makes it apparent thai only those who disagreed w i t h his
position arc to be held responsible Tor making it such. In
point o f fact, many people on each side were making
remarks which sparked heated responses from the other.
This would be a minor matter i f it did not replicate a
more widespread practice. Often those who disagree with a
feminist position choose to state their disagreement not in
substantive terms, but rather by characterizing that position as " p a r t i s a n , " " b i a s e d , " " m o n i s t i c , " " r h e t o r i c a l , "
"one-sided," etc. These kinds of labels have also been used
igainst Socialists and other defendants of unpopular
political views. In short, those who arc threatened, feel
angry, or fear that which is challenging to the status quo
frequently describe it as " b i a s e d , " in contrast to the " o b jective" character of their own position. While it is not
clear to mc whether or not it is possible to formulate a nonpartisan stance on any matter of social concern, it is certainly true that such a stance is not to be found in many o f
the contexts where it is explcitly or implicitly claimed, including in this case the stance o f M r . Greenfield.
—Linda J . Nicholson
Associate Professor
First time ever
To the Editor;
Some readers o f the Albany Student Press may be interested in knowing that for \\\c first time ever in the history
o f the village o f Ellenvllle, New York, there will be a
Socialist Labor Party candidate for Mayor, Nathan
Pressman, on the ballot in the coming election in Lllcnvillc
on Tuesday, March 15.
As of this date (February 28), it appears thai the only
othct nominee for Mayor is a business man who is the
Democratic-Republican candidate, so voters will have the
choice of voting for Socialism as represented by Ihe
Socialist Labor Patty candidate who is a retired worker, or
voting for the status quo capitalist candidate.
Ii will be a very unusual and Interesting election!
— Nullum Pressinun
Organizes Hudson Valley Socialist Labor Party
Changed feelings
t o lIn' I'llilot:
I'hesc past icu weeks I had great pritle in being it
sl N V A student. However, the day of the SUNY rule hike
protest rully my reelings changed altogether.
1 :mi a resident of Alumni Quad, where mans of the
SASU representatives from oilier S U N Y ' s were residing
prior It) (lie rally. First,*! don't appreciate being hassled in
Ihe bathroom by a stianuet while shaving and brushing my
teeth, You delegates had no right to question why I wasn't
going to the rally. Second, lo ihe residents of Walerbur)
I lull, banging on doors and screaming in the halls at') a.m.
is disrespectful to those who were trying lo sleep ot Study,
Thirdly, myself and many others did not appreciate the
heckling we received from the crowd thai massed on
Western Ave. while wailing lor a SUNY bus. Noi only was
ii Insulting, but quite frightening, Fourth, to the person
who blasted Jimi Hcndrix's "Slur Spangle Banner" orn his
window, you obviously have no consideration for Ihe people you live wilh in the d o r m , let alone the Innocent
residents of Ihe surrounding neighborhood.
I support your cause all the way, and i f SUNYA rallies
again I hope to be there. I just hope next lime sonic people
will show a little more maturity and respect lo other
people's rights.
—David Blumbcrg
Ongoing tension
To the Editor:
I would like lo express my opinion concerning the < ">
ing and eternal tension that exists between Alumni (.)' til
bus riders and Wellington bus riders. I believe the folio,, me,
may be able lo resolve this long standing conflict.
The problem is that Wellington students have a hard time
gelling on a Wellington Bus going downtown in ihe afternoon. It seems that A l u m n i Quad students and other
downtown students crowd on the first bits thai comes in
order l o gel back home promptly. Now, Alumni Quad
students will tell us that they have to wait for the bus in ihe
morning, and will try lo avoid wailing in ihe afternoon,
Enough for the background story.
The solution I propose will allow both Alumni Quad
students and Wellington students lo gel back from classes
promptly. I propose that all students should gel on Ihe first
bus that conies. When a Wellington student gels on an
Alumni bus he/she should lake this bus down lo Draper
hall on Washington Ave. When the next Wellington bus
conies il will be fairly empty, because lire Alumni students
will have disembarked already. Thus the Wellington
siudenis can continue their trip downtown.
1 would just like to add at this lime that bus prospects
look bleak al best for next year's proposed SUNY budget!
There are possible massive cutbacks in bus service, accompanied by die initiation of a bus fee at possibly 30 dollars
per semester. This is the time for all SUNY bus users lo
band together with all SUNY students lo fight all the
ridiculous budget proposals. Look for information in Ihe
ASP and " T h e Student Voice." I f you want to help, contact Student Association; the matter is urgent!
Mitchell Feig
Central Council, Alumni Quad
M>or saTpj^
Tuesday al 3 PM tor Friday
Friday at 3 PM tor
$400. Call 785-9431,
10 cents per word
20 cents per bold word
$2.00 extra tor a box
minimum charge Is $1.00
W.I.R.A. would
like to apologize
for anyinconvience
caused to all
winning intramural
teams who did not
recieve their
T-shirts.They were
ordered early last
semester but we
have run into
difficulty with the
printing company
who i have not yet
kept up to thenpart of the deal.
We are waiting
patiently and we
apologize again.
Hang in there.
2 b e d r o o m s o p e n In t h e u l t i m a t e 4
bedroom off-campus
A v a i l a b l e J u n e 1 s t . C a l l G a r y or
Seth at 482-4248.
Passport/application photos—CC
305 Tuos. 12:00-2:00, Wed. 4:30*30.
No appointment necessary. $5.00
for first two prints, $1.00 every additional two thereafter. Any questions'
call 457-6867.
Quality Typing—Letters, term
papers, dissertations, etc. Call
889-7148 b a f o f 9:00 p.m.
Professional Typing Service. IBM
Soleclrlc Correcting Typewriter. Experienced. Call 273-721B.
Typing—excellent work. 90« per d.e.
Bartenders—Northeast Bartenders.
#1 In bartending training. Class fee,
|ob placement. 899-4277.
Counselors: Association of Independent Camps seeks qualified
counselors for 75 member
children's camps In Northeast July
and August. Contact: Association
of Independent Camps (SUA), 157
West 57th Street, New York, New:
York 10019. (212) 582-3540.
Counselors: Co-ed children's camp
N.E. Penna. 6/22-8/23/83. Swim
(WSI), tennis, gymnastics, wsterskl,
learn sports, fine art, photography,
dance, dramatics, guitar. Resident
Assistants needed for supervisory
positions. Group leaders (22 + j .
Camp Wayne, 12 Allevard St., Lido
B e a c h , NY 1 1 5 6 1 .
R e p r e s e n t a t i v e : Iris Novlck
Couples or singles to pose tor
freelance photographer's portfolio.
Some semi-nude shots. Amateurs
welcome. Hourly rate. Write P.O.
Box 102, Albany, NY 12201.
Part-time editorial assistant, hours
negotiable (16-25). Good typist and
Independent worker to take ma|or
responsibility for varied duties. Progressive (academic) atmosphere.
Salary open. Available 11 + months
per year. Send letter Indicating Interest and availability, and resume
or brief description of qualifications
to: Prolessor J. Sedransk, Depart,
ment of Mathematics, SUNYAIbany, Albany, NY 12222 or call
4AJ-8720 after 8 a.m.
Cruise Ship Jobsl $14-$28,000. Carrlbean, Hawaii, World. Call for
Guide, Directory. Newsletter.
1-916-722-1111 ext. SUNYAIbany.
Alaska Jobs—Summer/year round.
Earn great money In this opportunity
$10,000412,000 on three month
fishing boat. Send for 1983
employer Mating and Information
acker covering all Industries.
6.00. Lyntsl Research Dept.
AA3225 P.O. Box 99405, Cleveland,
at 6 p.m.
Mlddlo Earth Groups: Asaerttveness
t r a i n i n g , post a b o r t i o n , g r a d u a t i n g
senior, g a y m a n ' s , p e r s o n a l g r o w t h .
C a l l 467-71588.
M a r y , J u l i e , Jill,
T h a n k s for a terrific w e e k e n d , y o u
w o o n l o h o a d s l W e ' v e b e e n corr u p t e d . W e ' r e theret
The White Accesory W o m e n
P.S. Brian d o e s 1 0 6
Excuss M e Fatso,
That's rudel
To the custest termite on 352 Slate
Riders Wanted
H o p e I c a n h e l p m a k e your b i r t h d a y
as s p e c i a l a s y o u m a d e m i n e . H a p py 2 0 t h b l r t h d a y l
Go Greyhound lo Boston lo; Just
$22.65, Now York My lor $17.60 and
Syracuso lor only $10.30. Convenient
campus departures and return trips.
Call 434-0121torschedules and Information.
Love, your sultees
I love you babe.
T r a n s i e n t It I s , h o w e v e r In m y Bmall
life I s a w y o u . I s a w w h o l e c o s m o s
like a d e w d r o p o n t h e grass t i p of
Friday, Saturday March 4,5
Black Sabbath
Blue Oyster Cult
in Concert
$1.50 w/tax card
Surprised? I h a d a great t i m e a t t h e
Rat M o n d a y . I look f o r w a r d to seeing y o u a g a i n .
W e never m a d e f a n s of t h e w e e k .
But w h a t t h e hell? It w a s f u n , w a s n ' t
It? M a y b e s o m e d a y G o d (or g o d ) will
hear m y p r a y e r s — I h o p e yours will
be a n s w e r e d s o o n . J V g a m e a t
Union o n T h u r s d a y — w a n n a go?
R a c h e l B a r o n lor V i c e President o l
P e r s o n n e l . W a t c h o u t S U N Y A , PI
S i g m a Epsllon Is here t o s t a y l
To all those curious minds:
JSC-Hlllel w o u l d like t o clarify that
Debbie F r i e d m a n Is C o m l n ' Saturday, M a r c h 12, 8:30 p . m . In C C
ballroom. Don't miss Itl
T e l e t h o n '83
Is only 14 d a y s a w a y l
Dear Rich,
Congratulations on getting the
Telethon theme song. We knew you
had it In you.
_ ^ ^ ^ B
Your secret admirers
Dear Tom,
This Is so you can't say that you
never got a personal.
Rich's secret admirers
Except a man born again, he cannot
see the kingdom of God.
I need you.
Oh my Gawd I
Oh my Gawdl
Oh my Gawdl
H a p p y b , ' t h d a y t o our favorite
"bear-eautli'ul" sultle. It's t i m e y o u
had s o m e f u n . T h a n k s lor listening
a n d for b e l n ' a great friend. I'll
a l w a y s b e ai u n a whenever y o u
n e e d one.
SA Funded
Next Week: Raiders comes to SUNYA
THURS. MAR. 10th
buses leave circle 6:30
MON.-TUES. 3/7,8
I III I I I ' l l 1 ! I I I
student Id.
Pub Club Vodka
$1 69-llter
ASP Editorial
Board Meeting
Sunday, 8 p.m.
News Ktiom
15% discount on
cases ol wine
. 1 0 % discount on all .vine for
students at all limes
•-owest ILIquor Prices In the State
Permment Centers open days, • Opportunity lo make up mined
eveningi and weekends.
' Low hourly r r i * Drdcetcd fullVflwi 'fioi.i home-study materials
time Hall
lonsUntly updited by reieerchComplete UM'n-TAl I ''la,. >|I||
f f , .'.neri In their field.
lor review ol LI.IV. \*> :c"> end ' Opportunity to transfer lo end
tupplrmenUi, materiel*.
continu" sluly I t any ot our
Smell classes lauint l>v sKilled
over BO t enters.
I ' l l I'ltUWHATtON
JSC $3.50
w/tax $4.50
at bus.
w/o $5.00
includes skate rental
& roundtrip bus
for more Info,
call 7-7508 c« ISO
on sale
beginning Monday
in t h e
Campus Center
-Complimentary Champagne Toast
at 1:00am.
-Incredible Drink Specials All Nite
-The Fun Starts at 8pm, March 6
-Admission $2.
Just what the
doctor recommended
For Seniorltis...
Sponsored by Dutch
I.I i-'. "• ..M" »D0u1 Olhtl I m i n i
Oullitft NY Slltt
t '
CALL TOLL FREE: 8 0 0 - 2 2 3 - 1 702^
Street Life Co.
P.S. All are welcome - so come celebrate with
the pussycat and not the owllll
CHI Oiyi, Evil Ii'Wefleedi
Albany Conlor
163 Delaware Ava.
M a r k W e p r l n . . . H e ' s a helluva g u y l
Welcome to Albanyl Hope the next
months are as great as the last
three have been.
Love ya,
• P.S. Will you miss the HQ?
5 minute walk from S U N Y bus
Route. 1st slop on Wash.
Ave. (Clermont) Cross streat to
~olvln. Walk down Colvln to
"t liter bottle ( 1 0 % stud.disc.)
only $ 5 . 6 6 with
$2.00 w/out
0 , . . , . - .,m M..U,
Apply t o b e M i d d l e E a r t h c o u s e l o r .
Read the ASP, it's free.
! B l a c k and B l u e
H a p p y Birthday L y n d a l
W e love y o u loadsl
Ellen a n d David
Friends worrying you get high too'
much? Try Support Group.
Pathos, and H u b e r t , Snowy
Hershey's and San Francisco,
Chloe and Halston, a cup of tea, my
loollngs In a smile.
Telethon Audition
Deadline extended
to March 8.
Sign up In CC 130
Rachel Baron for Vice President of
Personnel. Watch out SUNYA, PI
Sigma Epsllon Is here to stayl
Univei-sity Cinemas
Cine IMA 7
Support G r o u p — t o explore h o w
d r u g s / a l c o h o l m a y d a m a g e your
relationships. B e g i n n i n g M a r c h 6,
call M i d d l e E a r t h , 457-7566.
Johnson Halt:
Thanks to all of you. Our Purple
Passion Party was a great success.
Pete—you did a fanfaBtlc job deelaylng. We're proud to be RAS In
Dave, Kathy, J.T.
Thanx for a great weekend. I hope
you liked the joke we played. What
Joke? That's right I
Laurie, Doris, Gwen, Kelly, Natalie,
Su, Eric, & the ganne,
"Otay," you got mail
You're all Incredible. No one could
nave a better bunch of friends.
Thanks tor the most Incredible birthday ever.
Love ya all,
Sometimes forget what happened
after drinking? Try Support Group.
Leaner (Hop Along),
Please feel good soonl
We love you I
Mel, A. Mer,
Riders w a n t e d t o F l o r i d a . Leaving 1
25, returnlg
April 3.
$125/round trip, $ 6 5 o n e w a y .
I m e a n It w h e n I say t h e s e have b e e n
the h a p p i e s t 4 m o n t h s of my life.
Thank y o u .
Love y o u a l w a y s ,
W o r k t h e night of T e l e t h o n l C o m e
to t h e O p e r a t i o n s M e e t i n g M o n . nlte
Travel In a luxury sedan round trip
to Fort Lauderdale from Albany.
Door-to-door service. Only $110
round trip. Leaving March 24, returning April 1st or 2nd. Call Doron
459-8183 or Nell 4694937.
Overseas J o b s — S u m m e r / y e a r
round. Europe, S.Amer., Australia,
Asia. All fields. $500-$1200 monthly.
Sightseeing. Free Info. Write IJC
Box 52-NY-1, Corona Del Mar, CA
NYPIRG's Marital Rape Bill Project
meeting will be held on Tuesday,
March 8 at 11:30 a.m. (CC
382—NYPIRG office). All welcomel
For more Information call Irene
W1^*• • S H O W S * "
ads are being accepted In the Business Otllce, Campus Center 332 during
business hours. Classllled advertising must be psld In cath af the time,
of Insertion. No checks will be accepted. Minimum charge lor billing
Is $25.00 per Issue.
No ads will be printed without a
lull name, address or phone number
on the Advertising lorm. Credit may
be extended, but NO refunds will be \
given. Editorial policy will not permit ads to be printed which contain
blatant profanity or lull names, or
those that are In poor taste.
It you have any questions or problems concerning Classllled Advertising, please leel tree to cell or
stop by the Business Oltlce.
Dear Do'fJriS
Ken, A l e x , A l l a n , b a z o o k a c a l l s ,
vaseline, b a n a n a , Ice cubes, falng,
& J i m m y . H a p p y Birthday, exroomlel
Jane (Hlldaguard)
$4. w/ tax card
presented by
Speaker's Forum
Thurs., March 10th
C C Ballroom
'/ Loire NY' campaign a success
Commerce, pointed out the realities
of this glamorous campaign at
In the midst of the 1976 crisis, a Tuesday's gathering. " A great
campaign was launched to help amount of research must be done in
New Yorkers feel good about order to produce the wonderful
themselves and what their state has commercials you see on T.V.," said
to offer. Three years and $23 Rotman. On the basis of solid
million later the impact of this cam- research, it was discovered that the
paign was phenomenal; travel two favorite attractions were the
revenues of $170.1 million has been great outdoors of upstate New York
directly attributed to this program. and New York City, home of the
In addition, resultant tourism theatre district and numerous
created 540,000 jobs within four restaurants, museums and shops.
years. The "I Love New York'' By accentuating and marketing the
campaign had paid for itself positive aspects of New York, topalready, surpassing expectations by of-mlnd awareness (i.e., the first
a tremendous increase in commerce place that comes to mind when you
think of vacation) doubled since the
onset of the campaign, according to
Campaign director Bernard RotRotman. In fact, advertising
man explained the economic impact
awareness for New York Slate rose
of "he "1 Love New York" camto 66 percent of people surveyed,
paign through an audio-visual
Ihe highest of any U.S. or Canadian
presentation during the first
destination matched only by
meeting of SUNYA's new Forum
for Economic Awareness nnd
The campaign wns then split into
Pbllcy(FEAP)! David Visoky, the
president of FEAP, sulci, "the pur- two parts, Rotman explained. The
pose of the organization Is to pre- campaign for upstate New York
sent economic ideas for the general targeted what people already
wanted outdoor recreation. Travel
public to understand more fully."
Rotman, a representative of the. to upstate New York increased by
New York Stale Department of an astounding US percent, three
By Caryn Miske
times higher than the U.S. total.
However, the campaign for New
York City proved to be more
challenging, Rotman said.
People associated New York City
with high costs, confusion and
crime, lie pointed out. For many
tourists, the negatives overwhelmed
the positive. In order to attract
tourists, the campaign concentrated
on the magnetism of Broadw'uy.
This proved to be a very successful
campnign technique, sine New York
has the highest increase In trips (6.3
million) of any state.
When Ihe "I Love New York"
first began, five million dollars was
spent on advertising, in the form of
six weeks of Intense and concentrated T.V. commercials. These
commercials were taken nationwide, but only in the prime
coverage areas, that is, areas which
had a high percentage of possible
tourists. Without these commercials
the program would not have succeeded, Rotman said.
However, during the rest of the
year the commercials were supplemented by public relations,
which included press releases,
posters, public service spots and' momentum, the necessary funds
must be allocated, something which
promotions on the radio.
is getting more difficult each
The campaign also Implemented year.
seasonal festivals which focused on
a particular area- of the state.
Celebrities donated their time to
make commercials for these
festivals, since, Rotman pointed -«Back Page
out, it has been proven that
Danes received a bid to the ECAC
"famous faces sell." Also, in order
t o u r n a m e n t also hosted by
to fill empty seats, the, major
Hamilton and, after defeating the
airlines would use the "I Love
Lakers, went on to lose to their
N.Y." commmcrclals, tacking their
hosts In the championship game.
name on the end. This not only
It will be the final competition
benefited the airlines, who get an
for seniors John Dieckclman and
edge on the competition, but it also Mike Gatto. Both co-captains will
Is free publicity for the State. In ad- be graduating this term.
dition, vacation packages which in"I think that they (Albany Slate)
clude brochures, transportation, ac- arc looking forward to it," Sauers
commodations, and even theatre concluded. "Naturally, we looked
tickets arc provided for the conveforward to getting Into the NCAAs,
nience of the tourist.
but we didn't. At least this tournament eases some of the pain."
Each year, New York State has
All ECAC tournament action can
decreased its share of promotional be heard over 91 FM beginning
spending for the campaign. Track- tonight at 5:55 pm with Phil Piving studies have proven that the "I nick and Howard Strudlcr. Only a
Love New York" program is very tournament championship game
profitable, yet inflation and budget will be held; there will be no concuts will have a drastic impact on solation match. That championship
the campaign. If the State wants to game is scheduled for Suturday
maintain the program's present afternoon at 2:00 pm.
ECACs tonight
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Front Page
ulture and political dispute
Front Page
l / A , ASA and World Week present will iilleiupl lo outline the led
lugs of all groups involved and
conic to a solution satisfactory lo
Until Ihal meeting, however, he
refuses to speculate on whether any
group was in the wrong, or whether
there will be any disciplinary action
against the person who removed ihe
poster, He added that no one, outside of ihe KZA leadership, has
been lold the name of the person
who removed the posler.
I'ogue also pointed out ihal iliis
is the first time there have been any
problems of this nature in World
Week events.
ASA member Jassm Khalof said,
"Yes, of course we would put Ihe
posler buck up," if il was returned,
llui Kuyed added that the ASA
would follow all university directives regarding the posler.
Majed Sad, said he fell Ihal the
incident was characteristic of
repeated RZA interference in the
doing these jobs, ruining our eyes
and punching holes in our fingers
making things for oilier people?"
Hut questions that appeared lo
Impress Easter more were those
from Korean women challenging
Ihe continued presence of U.S. corporations and troops in their land.
A Korean acquaintance told
Easier, she related, "1 think It's
time for you to think about the
•I0,(XX) troops there, keeping Korea
SPECIAL discount available for 5 day
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stale and SUNY system, or whether
It should be r"garded as the first
step in preparation of future cuts
and a permanent dismantling of Ihe
State University.
Wharlon said that Governor
Mario Cuomo assured him that Ihe
"Executive Chamber looks toward
lo u brighter economic future," and
Ihal he was "ittosl anxious lo have
us not lake any acilon which would
permanently dismantle the university." However, us Ihe chancellor
pointed out, huge reductions in
faculty and staff (like those proposed in Ihe budget) even on a temporary basis, have a "debilitating
effect" upon an academic Institution and cited (lint "an academic
deportment of excellence lakes 15 lo
20 years lo build, bin can be easily
destroyed in one year," According
lo ihe testimony, aflci Ihe governor's assurance ihal this year's cuts
would be on a temporary basis, t lie
chancellor concluded thai his
recommendation to the board
would nol include such extreme and
pcrmaneni measures as ihe closing
of a campus.
At the conclusion ol ihe hearing,
Chairman ol the Assembly Ways
and Means Commlllce, Arthur
.Kreiucr, assured Wharlon iliai his
financial plan would be seriously
considered by I lie Legislature and
Ihal mine 1 linn any olliei institution's hudgclaiy problems, Ihe one
laced by SUNY disturbed him Ihe
most. The legislature's deadline for
ihe release of ihe amended budget is
April 1.
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John Zogby
Dr. Animal Shuuima, who is on
Ihe stall' at Berblr Hospital in
Beirut was supposed lo speak along
with Zogby, bin was unable lo attend, However, Shumiuu appeared
in ihe film and said ihal the
hospitals' 51) percent mortality rate
is mainly due lo the lack of blood
for Ihe patients, and the fact that,
"most patients come in bits and
pieces, severely mutilated." She
saitl thai hospilals ami schools were
continuously bombed, icsulting in
many victims being "double victims," patients who were in Ihe
hospital healing when Ihe hospital
was bombed, le-injuring them further.
The film and speaker were sponsored by ihe Arab Slndeiu Association in conjunction with ihe Capitol
District Commlllce for Palestinian
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divided." Adding that "what we
(Koreans) wanl lobe able to do is lo
live normal lives. We don't want
our children and yours lo be
fighting each other in another
The woman explained, Easier
said, ahoul tear gas and tanks being
used against Koreans, Ihal she
"didn't feel very comfortable"
about it coining from the U.S. "1
didn't feel very comfortable about
ii, either," Easter admitted.
do not forget to fight the hikes
All seven lodges at Camp Dipplkill are
now available for rent during the weekend of
March 18-19. This opening materialized
after the cancellation ol Camp Dipplkill
Winter C a r n i v a l .
Some openings are also available for the
weekends of March 11-12, March 24-25,
April 29-30 and all weekends In May and June.
Mones says thai Ihe poster will he
handed over to the the University
by Friday, March 4, lie says thai
Ihe KZA is wilting lo give up Ihe
postci because "we recognize ihe
university as the ultimate authority
on campus," He says Ihal Ihe
university will not permit the posler
lo be displayed again, once il has
by the
KZA.Mones says thai KZA is only
going lo return the poster because
of Ihe assurance fiom I'ogue thai lie
has received who said Ihal il will not
be displayed again.
activities of the ASA. Kttycd
agreed, saying Ihal he suspects ihe
KZA of removing poslers from
campus bultcttn boards which have
been put up lo advertise Arub
events, such as aucsi speakers. Sad
also tell Ihal some ol' I he editors of
The ASP icl'lcci a pro-Jewish slant
ill ihe paper,
"Some of Ihe
editors," lie said, "do nol lake our
poini of view."
Korean cultural conflict
retentions, SUNY would still lose
approximately 2000 positions, and
"position reductions of this
magnitude must result in the curlailmcnt of academic programs,
student services, research activities
and public service endeavors on
SUNY campuses."
In preparing his financial recommendations for Ihe board of
trustees' approval, the chancellor
said lie first needed lo consider a
question upon which Ihe fiscal plan
is hugely dependent: whether ihe
plan should be reflective of a temporary fiscal problem facing the
crccntagc or their education than
hey have in the past ten years.
Wharton suggested that a utilities
nd savings program and a rcduclon in building repairs and equipcnl replacement could be potcnlal sources of revenues extensive
osition reductions.
The above proposals would
reserve about 1200 positions, but
he board of trustees are sllll lookng for an additional $10 million to
ccp more faculty and staff,
lowcver, Wharton explained that
veil after these proposed position
Operations Meeting
Medical School Openings
Wharton's budget hearing
Elizabeth Tierney, Ph.D.
Columbia Communications Group
P.O. Box 356, Chatham, N.Y. 12037
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Keep fighting the hike!
14 Sports
By Birf Fischer
A week from this Sunday, the field for the NCAA
basketball tournament will be selected. For a number
of reasons, the once-select field has been gradually increased to where it is now 52 teams, and that is too
high a number. For the NCAA tournament to truly be
a national championship, no more than 32 (cams
should be involved.
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The NCAA tourney needs change
4, 1983
No matter how many teams arc involved, there will
always be griping after the selections arc made. On the
14th, the fifty-third to fifty-eighth teams will complain, saying that they deserved to participate, just as
the Bradley Braves and UTEP Miners did last season.
A contributing factor to the controversy is that a large
number of automatic berths arc given out to conference tournament winners, and some of these winners arc of less than championship caliber, which, in
turrl, cuts out a number of deserving teams.
My proposal is to make the March extravaganza a
32-icam affair, with the champion winning five games
for the title. It was like this not too many years ago,
but the thirst for money, together with the increasing
power of the coaches' lobby, have increased the field
SO that coaches' jobs will be a little more'secure as
more of ilicm reach the NCAA playoffs, und their
schools reap the financial harvest. In the process, they
arc beginning the tarnish the brilliance of the event.
In my 32-lcum tournament, there would be no
automatic bids. This way, you come closer to getting
the best 32 teams in the country, which is the ultimate
goal. If I were putting together a tournament for this
season, I would do it like this:
EAST: Virginia, Virginia Commonwealth, Villanova,
Texas Christian, Rutgers, Ohio St, Tennessee Arkan-
MIDEAST: Washington St., St. John's, Oklahoma,
Murray St., Louisville, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois St.
midwest; SW Louisiana, Texas El Paso, North
Carolina, Missouri, Iowa, Houston, Boston College.
WEST: UNLV, UCLA, St. Peter's, NC State, Montana, Memphis St. Mississippi, Georgetown.
In this setup, no conference may have more than
four representatives. Also, some teams have been moved out of their geographic regions to help achcivc more
well-balanced rcglonals.
You probably noticed that only one independent,
SW Louisiana, made the list. This is because I give
teams in a conference the benefit or the doubt as it Is
much harder, in my opinion, for them to achieve an
outstanding record.
Actually, the NCAA will probably hcver to back to
32 teams. In fact, they will probably expand, and expand, and expand until 256 Division I teams arc Included. Where there's money available, there's change
What the NCAA is doing is ruining a good thing,
their game is better, more popular that the NBA, but
every change that they make brings the college game
closer to that of the pros. Witness the 'shot clock?
three-point goal, and the reliance on television and its
money. The college playoffs should be a select group
so that the regular season means something, and
believe me, with every passing year, its significance
lessens, and that is bad.
In this year's 52-lcnnv tournament, it looks as if the
Dig East, SEC, Big 10 and ACC may all have five
teams involved, depending on how many upsets occur
in the conference tournaments. Also waiting in the
wings are the aforementioned independents, who must
hold their breaths for a bid.
This year's 52 teams is four more than last season.
An additional preliminary round lias been added so
that eight teams will pluy for Ihe final four spots. Il
will take these teams seven wins to lake the national title, iwo more wins than the twenty-four seeded teams
Next week we'll look at those conference tournaments, and the week after it's the NCAA bash,
while all ends April 4 in Alberquerque.
Biff Fischer Is an associate coach of the Albany
Stale men's basketball team as well as a staff writer of
the ASP.
season. "Wc didn't let the other
leam's point guard penetrate. We
look away their first pass which is a
very I m p o r t a n t o n e , " said
The rebounding was also strong
The Danes averaged 74.9 points a
game as a team while only allowing throughout the year, led by Ottati.
66.5. Ottati led a balanced scoring "When we needed a rebound, wc
attack averaging 12.4 points a knew we could depend on him,"
game. Jones followed with an 11.4 said Cavanaugh.
average, and Hurley was the third
Ottati leads a host of J.V. Danes
Dane to average in double figures
who have a chance to make the varwith a 10.2 average.
Kauppila, who Cavanaugh called sity team next year. "We put the
the team's most consistent player, guys who arc serious about playing
score 9.2 a game. Gcier came off on the off-season weight program. 1
the bench to pour in 8.5 a game and think there's a possibility of 4 or 5
guard Doug Kilmer hit for 6.8 a guys making the varsity team next
game. Kilmer was only able to play year," said Cavanaugh.
A first year coach, Cavanaugh
in 12 games all year due to injuries.
He missed the entire first semester concluded "1 was fortunate because
with torn cartilage in his knee, and of the kids 1 had to work with. We
lost weekend he separated his had kids who gave 100 percent and
shoulder while playing in a pickup they did what they were told. It
makes it very easy for a coach. I
Albany's defense was also a main hope the teams I have in the future
contributor to their success this work as hard as this group."
shot possible. But I saw wc had the
outside shooters, so I gave them the
to s h o o t , "
The voices of the Danes
nihilated them. We were packing up
the equipment after the game and
Doc walked over. 1 stuck out my
hand to congratulale him; he had a
soda in his right hand and when he
went lo put il in his left hand to
shake my hand, he spilled the soda
all over his suit. I was in horror. He
gave me one of those looks he
usually reserves for officials or an
Albany player who made a bad
play," he said.
L A T H A M - 1 Mile No. Traffic Circle (Rt.fl)
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The iwo have traveled with the
teams to every corner of New York
Stale. "Someone called me for
directions to Potsdam the oilier
day," Pivnicksaid, "it's 87 to 73 to
86 to 3 to 56. Who the hell is going
to know that."
Looking back, the most important and memorable pari of their
four years with the Great Danes is
the friends they have made.
"Something that made il all fun
is the comradie between the Albany
media people. It started with Paul
Schwartz (former ASP Sports
Editor) and goes all the way clown
lo Marc Haspcl (ASP Sporls
Editor). Wc travel together and
have a great time," Strudlcr said.
"Thai's what's il all about," Pivnick concluded,
Plvnlck and Strudlcr can be
heard tonight tti 6:00 p.m. as Ihe
Danes lake on the University of
Rochester Yellow Jackets.
Tonight the Danes take
The action can be heard on
'Jlr-'M beginning nl 6 p.m.
1 5
Pivnick and Strudler: The voices of the Danes
By Marc Schwarz
For four years Phil Pivnick and
Howard Strudler have been the
voices of the Oreat Danes. This
weekend will mark the final broadcasts of the pair as they travel with
the basketball team to Clinton,
N.Y. for the ECAC Tournament
from Hamilton College.
For four years they have
delivered over the airways of
WCDB the play by play of Albany
football and basketball games to
the university community. They
have described the wins and the
losses, the highs and the lows. Division III sports have been an intrcgal
part of their college careers.
After more than 50 basketball
and 20 football broadcasts
together, the duo looked back on
four years of memories and experiences. Pivnick and Strudler
both did their first broadcast in the
spring of their freshman year,
doing basketball games. "Originally it was a small thing, just trying to
see what CDB was all about and it
turned into something much
bigger," Strudler said.
them off the air. That was pretty
funny," Plvnlck added.
"I also had a great play-by-play
that game. They had a guy about
6'8" with glasses. He looked like he
had a calculator on the side of his
shorts. He made the most awkward
move to the basket and for no
reason I go, he drives from the line
to the lane... ohl what a gawk. I
just blasted it out, I don't know
why, but I did," he said.
Most of the time though, the
broadcasts ran smoothly. After
four years of working together,
they know when to speak and when
to let Ihe other person talk. The key
to a good broadcast is timing, according to Strudlcr.
" T h a t a n d experience. I
remember before a game, when Phil
and I used to do them during
freshman and sophomore year, we
used to write out what we were going to say on Ihe air. We don't do
that anymore because we know the
basic format now," Strudlcr said.
The most important element to a
broadcast is talking. The listener
must be constantly aware of what Is
going on, especially on radio when
there arc no pictures to tell the story
for the announcer. "It's hard for
me to keep my emotions and tell the
listner what's going o n , " Pivnick
commented. "It's my job to keep
the listener Informed. I don't
always keep my cool out there, but I
do try. It's hard."
"Once you start thinking about
what you are going to say, that's
when you start getting yourself in
trouble. You just have to let It
flow," Strudlcr explained. "Phil is
a master of just rambling o n . "
More than just broadcasting the
Great Dane games, Strudler and
Pivnick have traveled with the
teams. They know the players and
the coaches, particularly the basketball team.
"One of the best things about doing the broadcast is the friendships
with the team. We appreciate what
they do for us as far as performing
on the court and they appreciate us.
We feel welcome all the time and
that's what makes it all the more enjoyable," Pivnick said.
"One thing that particularly
sticks out about the classiness of
the people is after the team lost two
years ago in the final game of the
East regional to Potsdam in Ihe
NCAAs, we went down to the
locker room. The locker room was
really down, but I won't forget Pete
Stanish coming up lo me and saying
thanks a lot Tor covering Ihe learn,
wc really appreciate it. That really
stuck out for me," Strudler said.
Strudlcr and Plvnlk have had lo
deal with Ihe coaches as well; football coach Bob Ford and basketball
coach Dick Saucrs.
The first game they did together
"They arc two real class young
is one they might like to forget. "It
guys. I jusl think they do a fine job
was up in Cortland our freshman
of reporting college sports on a colyear, Phil and I were into profeslege campus," Ford said.
sional wrestling and a guy on the
"They've done just a great job.
other team, his name was Bob
They are loyal fans. While I've
Patch, he had long stringy hair and
never heard them do a broadcast,
all of a sudden Phil called him Ihe
I've head nothing but favorable
Ken Patera-look-alike and after
comments about the way they prcthai wc went back and forth talking
seni the game," Saucrs commented.
about professional wrestling for the
For Pivnick one of his mosl emnext five minutes," Strudlcr said.
barrassing moments as a Dane an"We were on Ihe floor laughing
occured with Saucrs.
und s p o r t s d i r e c t o r Bruce
"Last year wc killed Platlsburgh
Sehinehaus is on Ihe phone with Ihe
in Pluilsuurgh, I mean we anengineer saying shut them up, gel Howard Strudler have been the voices of the Great Danes for lour years.
J. V. Danes enjoy a winning season
•••Back Page
rolled off 10 consecutive victories
before losing Tuesday night.
"It look a while for us to get used
to each other. We all came from
different parts of the state and we
had to learn how to play as a
team," said Albany 6'4" center
Mike Ottati.
"We were really disappointed
getting off to a slow start," said
Hurley. "But we knew we would
turn it around because we had the
talent. We put a lot of hard work in
during practice and we knew it
would pay off."
"Everybody pulled together during the streak," added Jones. "We
got used to playing with each other
and the victories started coming."
The Danes got off to a slow start
offensively this year. The guards
weren't taking the open outside
shots when they had them, but they
were only following the coaches
orders. "Being it was my first year
coaching, I wanted to get the best
4, 1983 111 ALBANY
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Mtglc Moments Protfucffottf
- f HOOF fO« 1* u q u i U D -
Danes meet Rochester in the ECACs tonight
By Marc Haspel
The Albany State Great Danes may not
have received an invitation to this year's
NCAA Division III tournament, but the
purple and white will see plenty of action
this weekend. The Danes arc headed to
Clinton, New Vork to participate in the annual ECAC tournament featuring host
Hamilton College, Oswego of the
SUNYAC-Wcsl division and Albany's first
round oppocncnt tonight, the University of
Because of Its affiliation with the New
England Small College Athletic Conference, a conference which prohibits Its
members to participate In post-season play
lasting longer than one week, Hamilton in
ineligible to take part in the NCAA Division III tournament also beginning tonight.
However, the Continentals' credentials fare
with the best in Division III. The
powerhouse from central New York bears a
21-3 record, a third place ranking in the
Division III national polls and a first place
ranking among Division HI teams in the
"We've come to play every night," said
Hamilton basketball coach Tom Murphy.
"We knew before the season started that we
would not be able to go to the NCAA.
We're not overjoyed about it, but we're
always ready to play."
The Continentals, whose fine performance this season has earned them a top
seed in this year's tourney, have also
defeated the Danes in each of the last three
meetings between the two clubs. In midJanuary, Albany was handed a 69-53
shellacking by the Continentals in
Hamilton, a loss that still looms large in the
minds of some Danes.
"Our first goal was to make the
NCAAs," said Dane Rich Hay, "but it's
good in the fact that we will get another
shot at Hamilton."
The Continentals did make an appearance in University Gym this season as
one of four teams in the Great Dane
Classic. However, Hamilton fell to the
Scranton Royals, currently the nation's
number one team, in the first round of that
Other double figure scorers on this wellbalanced team include Bob Klely with 12.8
points per game, Larry Kollath with 11.0
and Mark Burnham with 10.8.
A tribute to Hamilton's well rounded attack is that by season's end seven players
figure to have scored 200 or more points
this year.
Before the Danes can begin to set their
sights on the Continentals, they will first
have to contend with the Unviersity of
Rochester Yellow Jackets. An independent
team, the Yellow Jackets sport a record of
14-10 including two losses to NCAA East
Regional participant Union College and
one loss to Hamilton. The post-season clash
with Albany will be the first meeting ever
between the two teams.
The Yellow Jackets also have a wellrounded scoring club. Four of five starters
average in double figures. Rochester is led
by a quick guard in 5'9" sophomore Greg
Blue. He is the Yellow Jacket's leading
scorer with an average of 15 points per
game. The other starting guard is 5'9"
Terry Fitzpatrlck, who is averaging 12
points per game.
"We'll be a little bigger at the guards, but
they'll be quicker," said Albany State head
basketball coach Dick Saucrs.
Senior Don DeGolyer fills the lane with a
6'6" frame at the center position. He is not
a big scorer, but figures to be tough
underneath the rim because of his muscle.
DeGolyer is flanked by a 6 ' 3 " freshman
named Joe Augustine at forward and a swing man, Tom Lowney.
"I'd like to beat Rochester," Saucrs added, " t o get another crack at Hamilton."
The Oswego Lakers are the tournament's
fourth seeded team. With a SUNYAC-West
regular season of 5-5 and a 15-9 overall
mark for the 1982-83 campaign, the Lakers
H H B H U ^ H H H B H B B
round out what appears to be a competitive
Mike Qatto will compete In his final game as a Great Dane this weekend In the field.
ECAC Tournament at Hamilton College.
"It's a good field," Saucrs said. "You
tournament 89-74. The Continentals did double figures. Forward Ron Evans sets the can't complain about the quality of the
manage to avenge the loss by defeating pace in the scoring column with a 14.9 point field."
per game clip. He is followed by an old
For the Danes, tonight's first-round acthem by 18 points later in the season.
Hamilton floors a veteran team con- Dane ncmisis, Charles Robinson with a 13.1 tion will mark the seventh consecutive year
sisting of four starting seniors. Murphy's average. Robinson missed action in the first that the team has participated in postteam has enjoyed well balanced scoring all semester due to academic ineligibility and season tournament play. Last season the
12*season long with five players averaging in didn't play until 10 games Into the season.
J.V. Danes lose final game of a winning year
By Alan Somkin
ed it off the bench all year," remarked
Albany jumped out to a 27-20 lead only
to see HVCC score seven unanswered
points to tie the game. The half ended with
Albany up by one point, 30-29.
The beginning of the second half was
marked by good play by the Vikings and
questionable officiating by the referees.
"This was the last game of the season for
the refs and they reffed like it was. They
weren't consistent. They called one thing on
one end of the court and missed the same
thing on the other end," said a disgruntled
The Danes were able to recover and final-
The Albany State junior varsity basketball team ended a successful season on a
sour note Tuesday night with a 64-62 loss to
Hudson Valley Community College.
Albany guard Jason Hurley tied the game
at 62 with 19 seconds left on a jumper from
the top of the key. After inbounding the
ball, HVCC called timeout (with five
seconds left) to set up the eventual winning
During the timeout, Albany State head
coach Barry Cavanaugh told his team to
show man-to-man defense, and then drop
back into a 1-3-1 zone. The ball was inbounded and passed inside to Viking 6'6"
center Doug Stollacker (who scored a game
high 20 points) who found himself
isolated against Hurley. With the decided
height advantage, he turned around and
made a five-foot jumper and that was the
"We didn't fall back in time," said
Cavanaugh. "We should never have let that
player get the ball down so deep."
After getting off to a slow start (trailing
6-0), the Danes grabbed their first lead,
11-10, on a pair of free throws by Joe
Rogers. The game sec-sawed back and forth
with neither team able to take control.
6'3" swingman Jeff Geier was inserted H
into the game for Albany and Ignited the Guard J.J. Jones averaged 11.4 points per game as the J.V. Danes streaked to a
team with three buckets from the outside. 13-6 record this season. Jri,,;,.„„;,.
"Jeff has provided the spark when we need-
ly tic the game at 56 on a layup off an offensive rebound by Bob Hall. Hall connncctcd
for eight points in the preceding four
minutes to get Albany back from an eight
point deficit, 54-46.
"Bob is really tough to stop when he
turns it on, but he doesn't always play with
that high intensity level," said Cavanaugh.
Albany grabbed their first lead of the second half on two technical foul shots converted by Brian Kauppila at the 4:18 mark.
The Danes could not take advantage or
this possible momentum shifter as they let
the Vikings score the next five points, to
take a 61-58 lead with 1:20 left. Albany
guard J.J. Jones cut the lead to one with
1:03 remaining on a 17-foot jumper. After
the Vikings connected on the first half of a
one-and-onc to take a two-point lead,
Albany called time with 27 seconds left.
Hurley hit the clutch basket (giving,him 15
points lo lead Albany), but it proved to be
in vain.
"Jason matured a great deal throughout
the year. He cut down on his turnovers as
the season progressed. He became a floor
leader for us," said Cavanaugh.
Cavanaugh was not happy, however,
with the team's output Tuesday night, "We
didn't execute well on offense. We weren't
patient enough, we rushed our shots. The
defense gave up its usual 60 points but we
didn't score our usual 70," the coach said.
The Danes ended the season witli a 13-6
record, after getting off to a 3-5 start, they
. -
March 8 , 1 9 8 3
Bomb scare disrupts NYPIRG 10th anniversary
Nader praises
on its goals and
Students forced
to evacuate the
Campus Center
following calls
By Anthony Silber
lly (Sinn Abend
Calling NYPIRG the most powerful student organization in the country, consumer
advocate Ralph Nader discussed the issues,
agenda, accomplishments and philosophy
behind the organization in its lenth annual
Anniversary Conference at Albany this
Nader received a tumultuous welcome
from NYPIRG members amassed ill LC 7
Saturday. Asked whether NYPIRG is "ten
years old or old at ten," Nader replied,
"Well, NYPIRG looks good. Your agenda is
looking at the future and you don't pass
many resolutions," he added poking fun at
government's penchant for useless legislation.
With the assembled crowd enthusiastically
agreeing, Nader asserted, "you have a sirong
counter-cultural force in ibis corporate society. They impose their values on us and tell us
we thought them up." He pointed lo schools,
claiming that even they are corporateoriented. "The business and computer areas
are booming," he said, "but you have lo
apologize for being involved in the social
sciences, where you really are educated."
Nader added, "Our engineers can build
bridges, but how many can deal with the
poisoned water under it?"
Reading from a College Republicans
organizational memo concerning the present
law suit filed against NYPIRG by a group of
students with the support of a right-wing
legal fund, Nader urged the defenders of
NYPIRG lo uphold the principles ill the suit.
"The robot-minded young Republican
doesn't have lo think at all," he said reading
detailed instructions from Hie memo.
In t tie memo, said Nader, young
Republicans claim PIRGs are a threat to
democracy, associated with civil disobedience
groups, and affiliated with Marxists. "Take
advantage of lire challenge from these
unscrupulous corporate-backed people," the
Consumer advocate Ralph Nader
'Building and developing a sense of citizen duly is important. "
advocate maintained. "People appreciate
their rights more when they are under
attack," he said, adding, "you will swarm
over them."
The lawsuit against NYPIRG was filed by
a group of students represented by the MidAllanlic Legal Foundation and changes thai
student fees accepted by NYPIRG are being
used for "Political and ideological
purposes," and arc therefore unconstitutional.
Organization, Nader emphasized, is the
key. "You can have greal causes," he said,
" b u t if you d o n ' t have stamina,
perseverance, determination and committment, you will not go anyplace."
Deriding corporate-oriented education and
vocations, Nader told the student activists
that they should develop the concept of
citizens occupations to a greater extent.
"You arc job creators," he maintained.
"You must define and expand the idea of
citizens' jobs."
Nader urged the audience to take advantage of the communications revolution that
he says is Hiking place today. "The last one,
in the 20s and 30s," said Nader, "was controlled by the corporations." "Now, you
have the opportunity to control news media,
and you might not get another chance for
Nader pressed students on the continued
growlli and development of PIRG. "I believe
in a national PIRG," he said, "but you have
lo be willing lo do it." He encouraged
students lo realize their power. "You are 12
million sirong," he said. "It's time to look ai
students as an important class in society."
Saying that students need to develop a
Three bomb threats directed toward
NYPIRG were received by the Campus
Center within one hour dining the organization's parly in ihe Campus Center Ballroom
Saturday night, according to University
Police l.l. Cms Polli,
According to Polli, the police received u
fourth lineal directed at the police station
within Ihe same hour.
At IO;45 p.m. two phone calls were made
to Ihe Information desk by an unidentified
female caller who emphasized that the bomb
was directed at NYPIRG and recommended
evacuation, said Campus Center Direelor
James Docllefcld. The NYPIRG party was
part of the group's 10th Anniversary Conference said Albany NYPIRG Project Coordinalor Jane Grcenbcrg. Grccnberg said the
party began ai 9 p.m. and was attended by
approximately 600 people.
Police said minutes after the. phone calls, a
University Police patrol unit arrived at the
Campus Center. A 15-20 minute search was
conducted by two policemen nnd a graduate
assistant, Kim Clifford, who was in charge of
ihe Campus Center building between 5 a.m.
and 2 a.m.
Al thai time, Gifford decided not to
evacuate ihe building because nothing appeared lo be unusual or suspicious during the
Following this incident, Polli said, the
dispatcher for ihe University Police
Emergency Line received a call from a
woman claiming there was a bomb at Ihe
Public Safety building.
"Al 11:40," said Polli, "another call was
made by a female lo ihe Campus Center. She
specified that a bomb would go off in ihe ball
room ai 12:30." According lo police records,
Polli arrived at ihe Campus Center with a
patrol unil immediately after the call.
Based on advice given lo him by the police
UUP evaluates effects of proposed budget cuts
By Steve Fox
The loss,'of quality education, ihe lack of student access
and Ihe irrationality of "paying more for less," because of
Gov. Mario Cuomo's proposed budget cutbacks, were the
main themes present at a three-hour legislative reception
held last night by the union of United University Professions. The reception was held as pari of an on going lobbying effort by UUP.
About 75 faculty members and UUP representatives were
present from colleges across the stale, including SUNY
schools at Cobloskill, Gcneseo, Cortland, unci Hrockpon.
According to UUP Albany Chapter President Tim Reilly,
about a dozen state legislators were invited, but because of
a busy Monday schedule, only two-Senator Hugh Farley
and Assemblyman Robert D'Andrea-werc able lo attend.
Nuala Drcscher, statewide president of the UUP, said
that the lobbying effort by the UUP addresses many problems involving the proposed budget, but was bothered by
Ihe fact that "nobody has really talked of the problem of
student access. There is no sense in increasing student admissions and raising the price to attend," she said, stressing
that the middle-class will be priced out of an education.
"They are unable to get loans and cannot afford this high
tuition," she added, slating that "the whole idea and purpose of a public university Is not for Ihe students to pay
their own way."
Both legislators present at the reception seemed to be
supportive of the lobbying effort and of the SUNY system.
Sen. Hugh Farley (R-Colonie) a business law professor at
SUNYA, said that he is a ''firm believer in SUNY. II is one
of the greatest assets of New York Stale." He added that
"you can not afford lo let it wither on ihe vine."
Most faculty members mentioned the fact thai because of
repealed cutbacks since the Carey administration, most of
Ihe " f a t " in SUNY has already been cut out. They were
disturbed in Ihai any further cuts will be biting into the
"meal" of different progrcams, decreasing the high quality
of education that has been achieved at SUNY.
UUP Treasurer and Gcneseo Professor Tom Matthews
cited a few examples, saying, "the music department at
Cortland is being cut from a faculty of nine to a faculty of
three, and losing major status. At Gcneseo the drama
department is losing their costume designer. This will not
exactly result in quality productions," he added. Matthews
said he felt that there was no rationale behind the proposed
budget cuts. "It Is a political maneuver, in order to have a
say In the decision, students and faculty have to get
politically involved." He added that, "you cannot treat
SUNY like ihe Motor Vehicle Department with cms one
year and restorations the next year."
Henry Gcerken, admissions counselor at SUNYCoblcskill attacked Cuomo, saying that the union vole, including thai of UUP, was what goi him elected. Now,
Geerken said, lie is not keeping the promises he made to Ihe
unions, and "his proposals of one year would do whul ii
look Carey eight years lo d o . " He added that Cuomo's
proposals would, "lake away the last opportunity for
students to have a fair chance ai a decern education."
Robert D'Andrea (R-Saraioga County), disagreed with
what some of ihe faculty said, staling that, "I believe you
are not going lo see that many cut in Ihe end. Cuomo has
already backed off on some of the proposed cuts," he explained. He added that Cuomo is gelling himself into
political trouble, in thai, "he is getting on too many
issues." D'Andrca said he could not support a program
that involved lay-offs and that would cost money.
Both Farley and D'Andrcu said they were impressed with
the student rally of a week ago. "It was impressive, wellorganized, and definitely made an impact," said Farley.
Reilly said that the lobbying effort will continue up to the
day of the vole, which is two weeks away. "About 300 lobbyists will be al the Stale Legislature today promoting the
cause,"he added.