Sports Danes crush Plattsburgh in SUNYAC opener

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Danes crush Plattsburgh in SUNYAC opener
Division title defense commences
with 87-67 win over the Cardinals
By Marc llaspcl
>w«n: Huron
Plattslmrxh, N. Y.
The Albany State Ureal Danes sent a
clear message lo their SUNYAC rivals
across Ihe slutc Wednesday evening.
Albany opened ils 19S2-3 SUNYAC season
with an 87-67 drubbing of the Plattsburgh
Cardinals and signaled lo ihe rest of the
league lhal they are ready to defend their
Eastern division title of a year ago.
"It's always a tough game up here," said
Albany Slate head basketball coach Dick
Sauers. "Il's a good way lo start the conference play."
Plattsburgh head coach Norm Law was
visibly upset after Ihe loss.
"I thought we played a lousy game.
Albany played very good and made us play
a lousy game." said Plattsburgh head
coach Law. His < ardinals were 1-2 entering
the conference opener.
Albany had lo contend with a decided
height advantage in favot of the Cardinals,
liul .ifler a sluggish opening two minutes
during which I'l.i isburglt lumped oul lo a
6-1 lead, ihe Danes began lo buttle tough
In . i and tindei the boards.
i was worried Aheti I saw iheit height,
hut when we started playing I wasn't worried anymore," said senior co-captain
Mike Catlo, who had a season high I')
points in the contest.
Wilson Thomas pul ihe Danes ahead 8-6
early in ihe first hall with a fine effort off
the offensive boards Albans nevct relinquished that leat widening lo a seven point
margin by halftime;
The Dimes were, forced to play most that
opening hall without ihe services of center
John Dieckelman. The 6'5" senior had lo
leave the game after two early fouls.
"It was a learn effort. I didn't play some
ten minutes in the first half and we widened
the ieaa
lead wnue
while It wasout,
was oul," said
saiu uiecKeiman,
who 21
21 points
points in
Ihe contest
in the
contest put
put his
his total
collegiate career points (including those
scored in a Colgate uniform) past Ihe 1000
Albany charged out in the second half.
Thomas drove to the hoop al Ihe 13:16
mark for two of his season high 16 points to
cap an 18-8 Albany scoring binge giving
84-37 lead.
flay became a bit rough as the Dane's
continued lo frustrate Ihe Cardinals. Dane
point guard Dan frontier engaged in some
physical play with Cardinal Mark Sausville.
I lead coach Law protested the play and was
assessed a technical foul al 4:02. Ciatlo was
selected to shoot the free throws and he
sank three of four shois from the charity
"They were very physical," said reserve
center Greg Hart, who chipped in with six
points in the game. "They're going to be
rough when we go back home (Albany
plays Plattsburgh at University Gym in
February) because they're going to want
Council reps
debate roll-call
ballots after
illegal voting
College women
face classroom
study reveals
By Heidi Gralla
Dane senior forward Mike Gatto scored a season high 19 points in Albany's
victory over Plattsburgh.
contributed 12. For Zadoorian it was his
The Danes travel lo Ithaca tomorrow to
bights out put as a Great Dane.
lake part in the Ithaca Invitational which
"I'm very happy," Ihe sophomore guard
includes host Ithaca College, Middlcbury
said after that game. "I'm playing with a
and Eastern Connecticut. Albany plays
lot more confidence."
Middlcbury in Ihe first round tomorrow at
1 p.m. to open Ihe tournament.
Apparently the entire team is playing that
way. "I can tell righinowthat we're playing
All Great Dane action can be heard on 91
the confidence we had last
with five times Ihe
FM tomorrow beginning at 12:45 with Phil
year," added Gatto.
Pivnick and Howard Strudlcr.
Women cagers down Skidmore College 66-53
By HistDisc Levine
The Albany State women's basketball
team increased its record to 2-1 last
Wednesday by beating Skidmore College
66-53. The relatively inexperienced Dane
team played "sloppily," according to
Albany State head coach Mari Warner.
"We had some problems handling Ihe
ball," Warner added, noting the eleven turnovers in the first half.
Rebounding was also a persistent problem for the Danes. "There seemed to be a
lid on ihe basket in Ihe second half, which
caused us to lose confidence," she said.
The Danes were hesistant lo shoot but
managed to hold onto a wide lead over
Skidmore throughout the game.
The Danes received balanced scoring
from several shooters. Diane Fernandes,
Robin Gibson, Rhea Edwards, Peg Squazzo and Rainy Lcsanc each had six points in
the game. The latter pair shot a perfect
Ronnie Patterson lead the team in rebounding wilh twelve grabs, Lcsanc had
nine, and Grasso had seven.
Warner said that Grasso, Fernandes,
l.esane and Jean Pollock, all of whom are •
new, have been a tremendous help to the
team. "You're only as good as your
December 7,1982
By linn Nissan
Dm Wednesday ii was ihe Danes who
really wanted it. Even after the victory had
seemed secure, Albany kept on plugging,
With just 13 seconds remaining in Ihe
game, 1 uke Jamison scored on a break lo
give the Danes ihe twenty point win, their
largest lead ol ihe game. In fact, every
playei scored for Albany.
Sauers was quick lo credit substitute Kick
Hay for his fine play during ihe game, Hay
added fo' points lo the Dane cause.
"I w. .al pleased with our scoring output tonight," Sauers said. For ihe Danes,
scoring hasn't seemed lo be a problem al all
so far in litis young season. Albany is
averaging 79 poinis per game.
That average was given a tremendous
boast in Albany's 93-78 victory over the
Kings College Monarchs ihe Tuesday evening before Thanksgiving, Dieckelman lead
Ihe Danes
Danes in
in the
the contest
contest with
with 17
17 points,
while Thomas
Thomas added
added 13
13 and
and Jan
Jan Zadoorian
Wednesday's victory over Skidmore College increased the inexperienced
women cagers' record to 2-1.
.. . „
The Danes
Danes won
won their
their first
first game
game of
of the
season with a big upset victory over RPI
79-59 on November 23. Warner was very
happy with her team's impressie performance, "We played a fantastic flawless
The Danes had only eleven turnovers for
the whole game, while strong rebounding
by freshmen Fernandes and Pollack helped
them to victory. Team captain Gibson
scored her one-thousandth point and Nancy
Winderlich made some good rebounds and
scored many crucial baskets.
Although Warner felt RPI didn't play up
to their potential, she believed the Danes
pressed hard and played a solid game,
soundly beating the Engineers by the
twenty-point margin.
Tomorrow, the Danes take on Castlclon
at 6:30 pm in University Gym. The team
lost to Castlclon last year in a close match,
Warner expects it to be a game similar to
Ihe Skidmore match "We'll concentrate on
passing, man-to-man plays and rcbounding.''
For Ihe rest of the year, Warner is looking forward to a winning season. Her
strategy will be to try to make her players
"play their own game not play the other
team's game" and to make them more patient.
Albany's women students experience a
"chilly climate" In college classrooms,
agrees co-chair of the Feminist Alliance,
Gail Friedberg, responding lo Ihe findings
of a nation-wide sludy released by the
Association of American Colleges.
The study, which is entitled The
Classroom Climate: A Chilly One for
H'omrvi?explains how women are treated
unfairly in classroom situations whether
they arc aware of it or not,
Roberta Hall, Assistant Director of
Special Programs and Coordinator of the
stiuly, describes it ns, ":t compilation of
research from a number of sources based
on surveys from a number of universities."
The sludy p
which either overlook or single out women
because of sex may leave women feeling
they arc not up to par with men. Women
may become less confident than their male
classmates about their academic ability,
their place in the college community, and
their potential for career success."
Frledbcrg feels lhal chauvanistic attitudes
are "definitely a problem on this campus."
Citing a specific example, she noted that
"In an introduction to sociology class, the
professor is constantly making sexist
remarks that offend women in the class."
Friedberg said that she and olher women
have been told to avoid taking certain
classes because professors "who are otherwise excellent" have proven to be offensive
to women in previous semesters. Friedberg
also pointed out that women students have
been 'discouraged from a major because of
a professor's attitude toward the female
According to the study, a "chilly
climate" can be manifested in many other
ways. For example, faculty may not be as
likely to call directly on women as on men
during class discussion, or may interrupt
women more frequently or allow them to be
disproportionately interrupted by others in
the class. Teachers may often ask questions
followed by eye contact with men students
as if only men were expected to respond,
and some teachers still use sexist humor to
"spruce up a dull subject" or make
disparaging comments about women as a
group, the study found.
Also, Hall pointed .out thai the faculty
may not give the women informal feedback
on their work, and that the problem was
not unique to men and that "women professors are also to blame."
Martha Fitch, chair of the Committee on
Affirmative Action's Women's Concerns,
stressed that it is important to investigate
the extent to which the "chilly climate" occurs at Albany State and to see if we "are in
line with the national trend."
Fitch said that Women's Concerns was
considering doing a survey on campus, or a
panel discussion using both students and
faculty. She said that neither option was
definite at the present time, and that any action taken would generally attempt to
publicize the issue to faculty, students, administration, and the community.
Hall suggested the "administrators
should make a policy statement lo the effect
that this type of behavior is unacceptable."
She continued that " a grievance procedure
should be established so that women could
speak u p . "
University Counsel Sanlord H. Levine and Trustee Darwin R. Wales
SUNY must find creative ways to overcome financial ills.
Tight budget forces SUNY to
limit allocation of state funds
Last part of a two-part series.
By Michael P . Daimliv
With New York State's financial health
in question, state budgeters have increased
their control over the Slate University of
New York. Financial support for SUNY
has decreased, so State University expenses
are monitored more strictly. SUNY must
serve more students with fewer faculty and
staff, so planning is more closely observed.
While the State Univcrsily lakes pride in
Ihe autonomy it has allowed its 64 campuses, the need lo plan for budget shortfalls
and to correct funding imbalances between
campuses has forced increased central administration involvement. SUNY Central
administration now reviews campus plans
and finances with a sharper eye than ever
before. SUNY has even become involved in
redistributing money allocated to campuses
by the legislature.
SUNY officials agree that its involvement
in campus planning will increase. The
state's financial situation will, they say, get
worse before it gets better.
This bleak outlook has forced the heads
of SUNY to reevaluate the State University
system. The end result has not always been
State University administrators do not
fully agree on the state of SUNY, but their
comments are consistent on what SUNY
must do, what the actions will mean, and
why SUNY is in its present state: SUNY
must, they feel, redefine its goal of "excellence" and find creative ways to solve its
problems — new money will not be
available to cure present and future ills;
these actions, they concur will mean fewer
academic programs offered on each campus. Finally , they contend, SUNY's
"undcrfunding" is due lo public altitude
toward tax-supported services and the
state's anemic economy.
After all the budget battling, reallocations and planning sessions, the bottom line
is this: more control of SUNY by Ihe slate,
and more control of campuses by SUNY.
Where wc are
"The things thai have come to be government services provided to the people at a
reduced cost cannol command a sufficient
degree of public support as it once did,"
stated Executive Vice Chancellor Donald
D. O'Dowd.
This is due, O'Dowd said, lo a feeling
that "for a long time these services have
just not been delivering." SUNY is, he said,
one victim of this "disillusionment."
O'Dowd said he is amazed by the money
invested in the State University before the
'70s. He does predict higher education
receiving less money while admitting that it
is already "underfunded."
If the state's economy improved, more
tax would be collected by the state,
0;Dowd noted. This might mean more
money for SUNY, he said, but he does not
see this happening soon.
For now, Gov. Hugh Carey predicts a
$311 million state deficit for the 1982-1983
fiscal-year and SUNY Central administrators expect its share of funding
from the state to continue decreasing.
To prevent this deficit, Carey and the
Division ' of the Budget are strictly
regulating SUNY's spending. Controls include a hiring freeze and impoundment of
$17 million or SUNY funds. To correct
"imbalances" in funding between campuses, SUNY has redistributed money
Central Council chair Jeff Fromm said
,'i'sieiday he favors open meetings and roll
:all votes in the future rather lhan the
loscd secret ballot vote like the one conroversially taken last Wednesday in off.-ampus representative Neil Sicgel's impeachment hearing.
The Council voted last Wednesday
13-13 not to dismiss Siegcl, who was
under Impeachment on charges of "cxscssivc absenteeism and neglect of
A two-thirds majority is
necessary to dismiss a member.
Central Council voted by secret ballot,
which is in violation of the New York
State Freedom of Information Law. According lo Robert J. Freeman, executive
director of the New York State Committee on Public Access to Records, "A
voting record must be prepared and made
available within guidelines of the Freedom
of Information Law. The must identify
each member and how they voted."
Central Council vice-chair Cathy
LaSusa said she also supports open
meetings and roll call votes for similar
situations in the future, but with definite
"icservations." LaSusa said a roll call
vote would have been "detrimental" to
Council since Siegal now lias lo continue
to work with members, regardless of how
they voted.
However, Central Council Internal Affairs Committee member Dan Robb maintained, "I think it should be our right lo
hold a closed ballot for something so personal and possibly damaging to one of our
In regard to changing Council's policy
on closed meetings in he future Robb
claimed, "1 would wait until you
(ASP) took us to court. '
SA president Mike < orso said "there
needs to be an asses* nent of the law
which we are checking with Robert
Freeman (Executive Director of the Committee on Public Access to Records) and
our attorney." He said he is sorry to see
such "animosity" arise over this matter,
especially because "Central Council's intentions were good. They decided to do
this so as not to hurt Neil."
Fromm criticized the ASP for waiting
until Council's meeting to raise the issue.
He said it forced them "to make a quick
decision under pressure" and didn't give
members a fair opportunity to examine
SA President Mike Corso
"Central Council's intentions were good.
World capsule£3
Heart patient improving
Sail Lake City
(AP) Barney B. Clark has begun leg exercises that doctores
hope will have the recipient of the world's first permanent
artificial heart taking a step or two in the next few days.
With two hoses linking his mechanical heart to the air
compressor that powers it, the 61-year-old retired dentist
sat up Sunday, dangled his feet over the side of the bed and
kicked his legs gently back and forth for five minutes, according to a spokesman for the University of Utah Medical
Last Wednesday, Clark had irregular rhythms in his badly diseased natural heart and was so near total failure that,
doctors rushed him into the operation room ahead of
schedule for the pioneering surgery.
'We are now beginning to rebuild his muscle strength and
Hope to have him standing and perhaps taking a step or two
in the coming days," said Dr. Lyle Joyce, who assisted Dr.
William C. DeVrics in the implant surgery.
The exercise will be repeated at least four times a day.
"He told me he would like to stand up and stretch, but
he just didn't think he could do it yet," Joyce said.
Clark remains in serious but stable condition. His blood
pressure, temperature and circulation of blood all were normal Sunday, and doctors were particularly pleased by the
reduction in free hcmpolobin — damaged red blod cells.
Dr. Chase Peterson; university vice president of health
sciences, said the level Thursday was 560, but it had dropped by Sunday to 16. The 560 level was due to damage caused by the heart-lung machine used during surgery, he said.
"This is a good sign that there isn't damage being done"
to the blood by the artificial heart, he said. The doctors also
were pleased there has been no pneumonia or wound infection, common post-operative complications.
Economic growth hampered
Ithaca, N, Y.
(AP) A group of prominent economists predicted that the
nation's economy will recover in 1983, but that growth will
fall far short of rates recorded after other recessions.
The economists, members of the Conference Board's
Economic Forum, which meets annually to examine the nation's economic forecast, said the real gross national product was expected to grow by only 2.7 percent, down from
about 6 percent this year.
Economic growth in the coming year would be hampered
by continuing high interest rates and a federal budget
deficit of $170 billion to $180 billion, the forum said in a
Forum members said their muted optimism for 1983
reflected their concern over the future path of fiscal and
monetary policy. An easing of interest rales, they said, required an accommodative Federal Reserve policy, subdued
economic recovery and reduced inflation rate.
"Money market rates are seen falling lo just under 8 percent, an 11 percent or slightly lower prime rate is expected,
and the yield on AA corporate bonds should settle in the
neighborhood of 10.75 percent," said Norman Robertson,
a forum member and senior vice president and chief
economist of the Mellon Bank.
"Before the end of next year, however, the decline in
rates will probably have run its course and a firming trend
can be expected in response to the quickening pace of
business activity and the Treasury's enormous borrowing
requirements," he said.
He warned that "a return to single-digit, long-term interest rates is unlikely until such time as the ballooning
federal budget deficit has been brought under effective control and investors are convinced that economic policy can
successfully combine reasonable price stability along with
strong gains in output.
Student loans unpaid
Washington D.C.
(AP) The government said today it has discovered that
46,860 current or retired federal workers owe it nearly $68
million in unpaid student loans.
Education Secretary T.H. Bell told a news conference he
is launching a crackdown that will lead to garnishing the
workers' wages in early 1983 unless they pay back the loans.
Sen. Charles q . Percy, R-Ill., who sponsored the Debt
Collection Act that President Reagan siged in Oct. to allow
the government to withhold the wages from student loan
defaulters, said, "This is nothing less than a slap in the face
to every taxpayer in this country."
Percy, appearing with Bell, said in a statement that the
46,860 defaulters "have had their good lives made possible
by the generousity of the American taxpayers. They foot
the bill for these federal workers' education."
Bell said his department checked a list of 800,000 student
loan defaulters against records of 10.3 million current or
former federal employees, including the military.
The computer match turned up the names of 46,860 pre-
Chanukah celebration
Celebrate Chanukah with JSC-Hillcl Thursday,
December 9, 9:30 p.m. In the Campus Center Ballroom.
Holiday food, music, games, and gifts will be provided.
Tickets arc $1.50 Tor JSC-Hillcl members, $2.00 for tax
card holders, and $2.50 for all others.
The event is sponsored by Chapel House Committee
and JSC-Hillel.
f^anipus briefer
Freedom fighter Wallenberg suspected alive
By David Michaelson
Out for blood
The American Red Cross Bloodmobile will be al
SUNYA Thursday, December 9, In the Campus Center
Ballroom, from 10 a.m. lo 4 p.m. The visit is sponsored
by Delta Sigma Pi.
All potential blood donors arc urged to prercgisler with
Delta Sigma Pi, in the Campus Center, prior to the day of
the bloodmobile.
Happy feet party
Eba Dance Theatre will be given a benefit party from 4 lo
6 p.m. today in Quintessence art-deco night club in
"Welcome Home, eba" will offer all donors unlimited
drinks, hot and cold hors d'ocuvres and entertainment by
Bridget Ball, Christopher Shaw and other top Capital
District performers.
Tickets are $10 and may be purchased at Quintessence,
New Scotland Avenue at Dana Avenue, or the eba
Chapter House, Hudson Avenue near Lark Street.
Criss-crossing colloquium
Writers of the world unite
Journalists and critics of journalism from China,
Yugoslavia, France, Italy and Nigeria will join veteran
American dissenting journalist, James Aronson, at
SUNYA on Wednesday, December 8, 7:30 p.m. in
Humanities 354. The panel will be discussing, "The
American Press—As the Rest of the World Sees Us."
The forum discussion has been arranged by SUNYA's
Journalism Program and College of Humamitics and Fine
For further information, call William Rowley at
457-3981 (7-8434 or 861-6632).
sent or former federal employees, who are holding 50,393
defaulted loans, with some having skipped out on more
than one loan.
The loans were made under the Guaranteed Student
Loan, National Direct Student Loan, Federal Insured Loan
and Defense Student Loan programs.
Corning transferred to ICU
(AP) Albany Mayor Erastus Corning II, 73, has been
Iransfcrred to the intensive care unit of University Hospital
in Boston after developing pneumonia, according to a
hospital spokesman.
Corning; suffering from chronic emphysema and bronchitis, is in stable condition, said Owen J. McNamara,
director of informational services at University Hospital.
"The mayor developed pneumonia on Friday, Dec. 3
with symptoms of shortness of breath and a low-grade
temperature. He was electively transterrcd to tne meaicai
inlcnsive care unit on Sunday afternoon for the purpose of
closer monitoring," said McNamara.
"He remains awake, alert and relatively comfortable,"
said McNamara. "It is expected that he will be transferred
back to the respiratory care center in a couple of days."
Corning has been a patient al the hospital's respiratory
care center since Oct. 6. McNamara said that he has been
making "significant progress."
Dr. Bary Make, director of the respiratory care cenler,
said "this kind of situation is not expected to inlcrfere with
the mayor's rehabilitation program, except that it may add
lo his period of hospitalization,"\aid McNamara.
Lame-ducks face gas tax
Washington D.C.
(AP) Spurred by a steadily rising unemployment rate, the
lame-duck Congress is moving ahead this week on President Reagan's recommended gasoline tax increase for
highway repairs with Democrats pushing for billions more
in other jobs initiatives.
Just three days after the government re, -ried the
nation's jobless rate reached a 41-ycar high of |{ 'percent
in November, the House was voting this afternoc o raising the federal gasoline tax by a nickel to 9 cents to finance
$5.5 billion worth of highway, bridge and mass transit
Administration officials estlrhatc'the program will create
Dr. Ronald Kershncr of Sterllng-Winthrop Research
Institute will present a statistics colloquium "Topics in
Cross-Over Designs" on Wednesday, December 8, at 3:30
p.m. In Room 152.
Crossover designs are often optimal repealed measures
designs in simple setting where variation among sampling
units and where the duration of treatment effect is short
relative to the length of the treatment period.
Picture this
SUNYA's Camera Club will be holding a meeting
Wednesday, December 8, al 6:30 p.m. in C.C. 361.
The meeting will discuss classes, critiques, darkroom
facillies, contests and demonstrations.
170,000 jobs in construction industries and another 150.IXX
jobs indirectly related lo the construction projects.
Also included in the legislation arc provisions lo force the
owners of bigger trucks to pay more highway user taxes in
exchange for liberalized restrictions on truck sizes and
While having bipartisan support from leaders in botli
houses of Congress, the legislation faces what House Ways
and Means Committee Chairman Dan Roslcnkowski,
L>-lll., said would be "lively debate."
"It's a controversial piece of legislation, as most
measures to raise taxes are," said Rep. Barber B. Conablc
Jr. of New York, the top Republican on the tax-writing
Ways and Means Committee and a supporter of the
Conable conceded it is "a tax on commuting to work ...
but I don't know how you avoid it. "The only alternative
for financing the needed repairs "is to borrow money."
Rep. Henry Reuss, D-Wis., chairman of the congressional Joint Economic Committee, attacked the gasoline
tax, saying it "would fall heavily on those who must com
mute to work. It would contribute lo inflation. It would
redistribute income unfairly across regions and erode the
tax bases of the slates."
U.N. panel releases report
New York
(AP) A U.N. group of experts has concluded Ihcrc is "circumstantial evidence" but no definite proof to suppori
U.S. allegations that the Soviet Union and its allies have us
cd chemical weapons in Afghanistan and Southeast Asia
The report by the four-man panel, released here Monday
by Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar, said thai
while the symptoms reported by "alleged victims" were
consistent with exposure to highly poisonous mycotoxins, it
could not be determined whether this resulted from
chemical attacks "or could be attributed to natural
The panel, unlike the U.S. State Department, did not
identify the alleged users of the chemical poisons.
Gary Crocker, a State Department official in
Washington, said in a telephone Interview that despite being noncommittal, the U.N. panel had done " a lot of work
that supports our conclusion."
The United States has chtfrged that the Soviets had used
toxins, and other poisonous chemicals, against Islamic
guerrillas in Afghanistan and had supplied such weapons to
their Vietnamese and Laotian allies, engaged in their own
counter-insurgency conflicts.
(laims Wallenberg might be alive.
Since Raoul Wallenberg disappeared
from Budapest, Hungary, in January of
1945, innumerable inquiries have been
made to the intractable Soviet government
over his fate. Wallenberg is credited with
saving as many as 100,000 Jews earmarked
for Nazi extermination camps.
President Vincent O'Leary declared last
Thursday as a day to remember Raoul
Wallenberg. That same day, President of
the Raoul Wallenberg Committee of the
United States, Rachel Haspel, spoke in the
Campus Center Ballroom on the
achievements of Wallenberg and the continuing evidence that he may still be alive
deep in the Soviet prison system.
Wallenberg arrived in Budapest in July,
He was appointed by Ihc War
Refugee Board to save the last remaining
Jewish community in Europe from "the
final solution," and he worked under the
auspices of Ihc Swedish government,
"He was convinced he had lo begin (sav-
ing Jews) Ihc minute he arrived," Haspel
explained. She said he worked ingeniously
and untiringly in his efforts,
Wallenberg designed and distributed Ihc
Swedish protective passport to the
Hungarian Jews, Haspel explained. He was
luthorized to pass out 5,000 of these
documents but instead passed out 25,000,
She said Ihcsc Impressively emblazoned
documents effectively protected these Jews
horn Eichman's S.S. guards and their
Hungarian cohorts.
Wallenberg rented 32 apartment houses,
raised the Swedish flag over them, and used
them as safe houses for Ihc sheltering of
Jews, Haspel continued.
Haspel described how Wallcnburg used
climb atop cattle cars crammed with Jews
headed towards extermination camps. He
would shout down through the airhole lo
ihc passengers, asking if any of them had
papers written in a foreign language. Then
he would convince the German guards that
these were emigration documents prohibiting their arrest, "That's how powerful
his personality was," Haspel said. "They
(the guards) were afraid of him."
"Jews were given hope In this grim, dark
time," she added. "But unfortunately,
there is a dark side to this story."
In January of 1945, when the Red Army
entered Budapest, Wallenberg was taken by
them into protective custody. "He was
lost," Haspel said. She hypothesized that
capitlstically oriented Wallenberg plan to
integrate Jews back Into Hungarian society
was idcalistically unpalatable to the victorious Soviets. In addition, it is believed
that Wallenberg was accused of being a spy
I for the West, back in those days of Stalinist
In response to Swedish inquires over
Wallenberg's fale, the Soviets originally
said lhal Wallenberg was killed by Fascist
agents in 1945. And for 12 years after that,
Haspel explained, the Soviets refused to
acknowledge they had ever even heard of
Hut after Stalin died, released prisoners
UUP contract ratification includes salary hike
Karen I'ini/zi
ment and Improvement of various committees, Reilly
John Ryan, UUP field representative, said the union
described one newly-formed committee, the Professional anticipates the pay raises specified in the contract will be
A three-year contract was ratified Nov. 1 by the United Development and Quality of Work Life Committee. He included in paychecks as early as Ihc firsl quarter of 1983.
University Professions, the SUNY faculty and nonsaid this group will receive appropriations of $500,000 a
The UUP represents aboul 17,000 professionals on the
teaching professionals union, with slightly over 84 percent
year to innovate professional improvement programs, 32 SUNY campuses SUNY campuses across the state. Of
of the vote favoring the new contract, according to Tim
workshops, and possible on-campus day care centers.
'these, only 12,000 are card-carrying members and arc
Reilly, chief negotiator for UUP and English professor at
To aid in the relocation and retraining of employees, eligible lo vole. Approximately 60 percent turned out lo
said Reilly, a statewide Continuity of Employment pro- vote, totaling 5,920 affirmative votes and 1098 negative
The contract includes an across-the-board pay raise of
gram has been established. This committee will also votes.
nine percent the first year, retroactive to July 1, 1982, and
receive funding of $500,000 per year.
The voting breakdown at SUNYA is undeterminable
eight percent for the following two years. A pay lag
The denial and health programs have been improved to because the ballot was statewide, said Ryan, Ihc union
system will be developed whereby the state will withold
provide a "non-deductible plan (lo pay fees) that arc members al Albany were for the contract by as large a matwo weeks pay from each employee for the first year of
often double and in some case, higher" than the previous jority as the rest of the state. "My impression is that althe agreement. This money will be refunded to the
plan, according to literature by UUP explaining the con- titudes on the Albanly campus arc jusl as strong, if not
:mployec when he leaves stale service, Reilly said.
stronger for Ihc contract because Tim Reilly, the chief
A one million dollar a year disparity fund is included
According to Reilly, all new programs went into im- negotiator, is one of their faculty." Ryan also added that
o allow SUNY and UUP to identify and correct some of
mediate effect upon raiil'icalion. However, the State the contract should affeel each campus to the same
he discretionary inequities cxistant in pay. According lo
Legislature must pass a pay bill when it reconvenes in degree.
rteilly, this is a crucial factor because the slate docs not
January before any programs or committees involving apReilly stressed Ihc fact lhal "Ihe real day-to-day work
provide any vehicle for the monetary reward of merit or
propriations can lake effeel. Reilly assured lhal ''lis is on- of a union is enforcing the contract. Through this process
money to increase the salary of valuable employees.
ly a formality as the contract has already been promised Ihe union "will develop a package for negotiations" for
The contract further outlines provision for the developpassage iiy stale negotiators.
I heir contract,
Nakhleh urges Palestine freedom at any cost
Hv Bob Gardinier
In a fiery speech to a tense audience in
LC 1 Monday night, Khalil Nakhleh,
spokesman for the PLO.denounced Israel's
June invasion of Lebanon and declared thai
the PLO will go to any extent, ever,
military, to gain independence.
Nakhleh is a teacher of anthropology at
St. Johns University in Collegcville, Minnesota, and has been recently conducting
research on the Palestinian and Arab
populations in Israel.
"The PLO' calls for a democratic and a
secular state thai is nonracist." The PLO
will go to any means to attain these ends,
Nakhleh said.
"The PLO has every right as the
representatives of the Palestinian people to
use political and military means to achieve
Palestine liberation," declared Nakhleh.
But he added that he did not condone the
"attack on Jews because they are Jews".
The PLO would accept a state of coexistence with Jewish people or any other
people, he said.
To date, ihe PLO has rejected all peace
plans put forth by the U.S., In regards to
this Nakhleh said that the PLO will continue to reject all peace plans thai do not
recognize the Palestinian people's right to
automony. "Why have the Palestinian people always been refugees?" he asked. Now •
they are refugees once again, a people
without a home, he said.
According to Steven Hilsenralh, president of the Revisionist Zionist Alternative,
Nakhleh's compromising portrayal of the I
PLO is wrong, Hilsenralh said that, "lie
failed lo mention the bombing in Ecuador
.. I ijllnoj y-i.-ioviu,
•last week that killed two people and the October bombing of a Jewish syuagouge in
Rome." In both incidents Ihc PLO has
claimed responsibility, according to
Nakhleh said that Israel's move to rout
the PLO from Lebanon failed and now the
PLO is in a stale of fluidity — the
Palestinian people have not been destroyed
and are more determined." Nakhleh went
on to accuse the government of Israel of being a racist stale because of their tendencies
to wanl lo eliminate the PLO. Nakhleh
feels that there is no doubt that the PLO
uul the Palestinian people are one and Ihc
same. "Any attempts to crush the PI.O will
have lo eliminate Pale linian people," he
Hilsenrath said thai Ihc move into
Lebanon by Israeli orces should have
routed Ihe PLO bu' Ihc government of
Israel yielded to U.S. pressure. As a result,
he feels (hat the effort was probably in vain.
The U.S. is not interested in helping the
PLO attain independence for the Palestinian people, according to Nakhleh. The
reason he claimed was that Israel is a "conduit for American arms to third world
countries", and as such is in better favor
with the U.S.
One Palestinian in the audience reacted
lo the tense atmosphere between Ihe Jews
and Palestinians saying, "Can the past be
forgotten, can anything come out of this
controversy?" But in regards to his people
he said, "We are not talking about an equal
situation. We are looking at a group of people who cannot live in peace."
Naktileh said that petitions are being forwarded in the attempt to secure the release
of 7,000 to 10,000 Palestinian prisoners of
war that have been held without charges by
Israel government.
According to Dr. Steven Windmueller,
Executive Director of the Greater Albany
Jewish Federation, the fact that the PLO
has not been completely routed is not as important as the fact that "Now the Lebanese
people are on a path of self-determination
that they have not experienced in seven or
eight years,"
. I Windmlicller,, said i .that, ; he was in
Southern Lebanon this past summer and he
X .'-.'. V!. ,';'l m, biUli . I'LI -i 1 1 I I ' / " •' -"• .
'Business as usual'in bars despite new 19 /aw
Ober demands Israelis relinquish West Bank
bill that the governor has evei signed"
Tony Sapalino, co-owner of ih e i,
Post, said, "I don't undcistartd iht J
tionale of Ihe lasv. Why pick un 18?'
There were no major problems rcporied
al any of the selected taserns coriccrnlnit!
enforcement of ihe law. "We've luJj
away a couple dozen people, but no m
blcms," said Byton.
On campus, Ihe nearly one-quartet»».
dent population being cm ofl ssfre prosid.
ed with a chance to enjoy their li«
moments of legal alcohol consumption
By Evan Schwartz
Students Imbibing at O'Heany's Tavern
AViv drinking law has not affected business
Public history grad school
slated for fall semester
ol everyone else concerned that it will he
By Joe Mehar
approved," Steen added.
Graduate study in public history may
The program has been in the planning
soon become possible at SUNYA, accor- stages tor seats, but originally the
ding to Dr. Ivan Steen, assistant professor goal was 10 create a doctoral program in
in the history department. The Public local and regional history. Consultants
History program has been approved by the from Cornell, the Minnesota Historical
University .Senate, and President O'l ears is
Society and the Newberr) Library agreed
currently avsaiting approval from SUNV
that Albany's resources and location were
Central and the State Department ol
conducive to a doctoral program, but the
program's founders, Professor Robert
The program, which should be instituted
Dykslra, Sing Bok Kim and Steen, decided
by the Fall 198.1 semester, is Intended to to expand graduate studs before creating a
train students to work as curators, resear- doctoral program.
chers and archivists in various local instituSteen described the ptogiani as modest in
tions, said Steen. "It is my feeling and that
This past Friday night the new stale law
raising the legal drinking age went into effect, but at W.T.'s and other drinking
establishments, it was business as usual.
The bars swarmed with their usual size
crowds of SUNYA sludents, as some campus freshmen expressed their indifference
lo the new law.
"I can still get it (liquor) if I want lo,"
said Anne Ferguson, who added, "it
doesn't bother me if people arc drinking or
When Brian Kaupplla was asked if the
law has had an effect on his night life, he
said, "Noi much. It's not going lo ruin
me,"and David Radin commented, "people can buy it for me. I'm going lo have to
use phony proof."
Downtown bars were proofing strictly,
and even began enforcing the new slate law
earlier than the twelve o'clock deadline;
W.T.'s slatted ai 9 p.m. and The Lamp
Posi at 7 p.m. Asked why these enforcements occured ahead of time, W.T.'s
owner, Michael Byron said. "There is no
way we could go ihrough that crowd at
midnight, ferret out the 18 year olds, and
ask them to leave,"
At the long Branch the night was no different than Friday nights base been since
the beginning of the semester. I lies began
I he Rat served 18-ycai oldproofing for 19 on September 1st. "We time ai 1:30, according to dean
didn't want anybody (18) getting used to Affairs, Neil Brown, and •
the bar. We fell it would be better for them campus panic- includin t State i
and belter for us," said employee Tim htbition Patty supplied a night
I imberlake,
lor soon-lobe minors,
Asked whcthei he favored the new law,
One common misconception
which was signed into effect by Governor new drinking law, as well a
Hugh Cues on June 7, Byron said, "I replaced, is that ihe law foil
don't like the law or the was ii was enforc- tual drinking ol alcohol. Actuall
ed, or the day they chose to do it, It should can only he ptoseculcd it a fakl
have been on the opening of business, a tion is used lo obtain it. Viola
Sunday, preferably in January 1983."
new law carries a maximum penally al J
Byron considered ii "probably the worst
seat's probation and a SIIX) 1'iiu.
'. . . the worst bill
that the governor
has ever signed.'
— W. T. 's owner
Michael Byron
289 Ontario St.
Sun-Thurs 4pm-lam Fri-Sat 4pm-3airt
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By Bob Gardinier
Israel's Peace Now spokesman, Hebrew
University Professor Gur Ofer, is skeptical
of Israeli Prime Minister Bcgin's stand on
rule of the West Bank. Compromise and
secularism thai recognizes the national
rights of Arabs and the PLO is necessary
for peace in the area, he said in a speech
Sunday night at the Jewish Community
Center of Albany
Ofer called for patient, calculated concern for all people living in Ihe strife torn
Middle Hast, He emphasized, however,
thai Israel should remain strong and expect
responsible negotiations and proposals
from the Arabs and the PLO for a permanent end 10 unrest in Ihe area.
But, Ofer said, "Security is nol
something that is foolproof, there is always
uncertainly." He considers ibis risk of
uncertainty necessary for any further
developments for peace.
Israel should
come forward in an attitude of compromise, he said.
Peace Now Movement starled in 1978
and was inspired by Presidents Sadat's
moves lowurd peace negotiations with
Israel in thai year. During Ihe Camp David
talks the first large peace demonstration in
the history of the country of Israel occured
and proved popular concern for a move
toward peace with the Arabs. This event
sparked the Peace Now Movement, according lo Ofer.
Ofer agreed that Ihe West Bank, by
rights, belongs to Israel. He pointed out,
however, that there is a large population of
Arabs and Palestinians living there. "If the
Jews want dominance of the area what
should we do with Ihe people there that will
he humane and good for Israel," he said.
According lo Ofer, Israel has some
choices: expel all others from the area by
force, rule over them by reducing them to
second class citizens or wait for the Arabs
to compromise with proposals for peace.
Peace Now believes ihut none of these alternatives arc feasible and thai friction in the
area will continue unless Israel comes forward for peace, Ofer said.
"Our only solution is to leave the West
Dank alone with the assurance of security
from Ihe other nations in the area," said
Ofer was "misleading," according lo
RZA president Steve Hilsenraih who attended the speech. "He wants lo have
peace now but where is the other side; the
Arabs don't want peace."
Hilsenratli complained that the part of
the Wesl Bank Ofer wants 10 give away includes Hebron, a Jewish city and holy place
which is very important to the Jewish faith.
"It Is simply too early In tell whether com-
promise on the part of Israel will work."
Peace Now has urged the government of
Israel to reconsider its rejection of President Reagan's peace proposals aired in
Sept. of 1982, said orcr. The U.S. is the
only country who is interested In working
for a peace settlement in the area, he added.
Ofer condemned Israel's invasion into
Lebanon, calling it a simple show ol
military might on the part of the Israeli
government. "If someone had set Begin
down and explained the past, present and
future information regarding such u move,
he would nol have allowed it to happen."
Ofer blamed Defense Minister Sharon for
the brashncss of the attack.
Ofer considered the massacre in the
Lebanon refugee camps to be a terrible
blemish on the Jewish nation. But the internal investigation started by the government is Ihe firsl time the government has
had iis own practices looked Into and it is a
good sign. "It will lake generations lor the
Jewish nation lo get over the terrible
aspects of this massacre," said Ofer.
Peace Now will not lobby on capital hill,
according lo Ofer. "We are nol going lo be
active outside the Jewish community and
are nol going lo actively lobby
I ',
size, because of the fact that there
ate noi a large amount of jobs
available. The Implementation of
the program will noi require any extra funding, although the addition
of an assistant professorship Is requested by ihe history department,
"to create less of a drain on existing
If approved, the public history
program would be the only one of
its kind within a major stale capital
in ihe U.S. Robert Arnold, Director of the Albany County Records
Management Program believes
Albany is a "firsl rate location and
trulj representative ol public affairs
sin a national level."
1 he program requirements meet
ot exceed the "standards for
Historical Agency Training Prog r a m s " established by the
American <\ssociation for Slate and
i ocal History. I'he three-phase curriculum consists of a 21-credlt
history concentration, a nine-credit
series of professional courses and
an internship and thesis for 18
credits, lo total 48. Graduates
receive a certificate of advanced
study in public history, Steen said.
Available internships include the
Albany County Records Management Program, Albany Institute of
History and Art, New York Stale
Archives, the Stale Assembly Committee on Tourism, Arts and Sports
Development, and the State
Department of Commerce. Also included are Ihe State Division of
Military and Naval Affairs, the
State Museum, the State Parks and
Recreation Division of Historic
Preservation, ihe Rensselaer Coun. ty Historical Society, the Schenectady County Historical Society, Ihe
Schenectady Museum and the
SUNYA Oral History Program.
The Oral History Program proposes to create a collection of lapes
and transcripts of Interviews with
local politicians and olhei public
leaders, said Nice , unded by the
University, grants and private con
tributions, ihe program hopes to
provide a documentary of what has
happened locally in the recent past.
Sheen estimated the needs of the
Oral History Program to be about
$5l),lXX) per semester, According lo
Steen, ihe program Has been greeted
wiih enlhuslqstic support among
high-level local public leaders.
Canadian is
a livinglanguage
Molson Golden.That's Canadian for great taste.
The fincat ale brewed nnil liolllcd in Canada. Imiiurted by Martlet liuiiorlinn Co., Inc.. Great Neck. N.Y. 41 1982.
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Doors will open approximately 8:00 P.M.
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* Forms of valid I.D. For A g e
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Wallenberg's fate remains a mystery
reporlcd that Wallenberg was still alive in
Soviet prison.
One prisoner, Andrei
Skimkcvitch, said he had shared a cell with
Wallenberg in 1947.
Two more exprisoners said ihey had communicated with
Wallenberg in solitary confinement through
a tapping code.
"Wallenberg, Budapest, Swede. Lei
them know where I am," he was said lo
have tapped.
Evidence continued to build. In 19S6,
Ihe Swedish government reconfrontcd the
Soviet government with this information.
In 1957 ihey received back a note, signed by
Deputy Foreign Minister Andrei Gromyko,
reporting that Wallenberg died in a Soviet
prison in 1947. The note said thai a handwritten report turned up, written by the Lubianka Prison's doctor, saying that
Wallenberg died of an apparent heart attack in his cell on July 17.
Haspcl said this note was highly
suspicious, given Ihe Soviet government's
penchant for careful documcnlation. And
as Gromyko has risen in the Soviet hierarchy, she added, Wallenberg's chances for
release decreased.
Every year, Haspcl said, new evidence
continues to surface thai Wallenberg sur-
vives in the Gulag. She explained that a
released prisoner, Jan Kaplan, reported to
daughter in Israel that there was a Swede in
prison who had been there for thirty years.
Word reached the Swedish government,
which directed new inquiries to Ihe Soviets,
Haspel explained. Kaplan was imprisoned
again, and his daughter received
anonymous phone calls in Israel warning
her not lo speak of Wallenberg for her
father's sake, Haspel added.
"We still have not given up hope,"
Haspel said. Wallenberg's seventieth birthday was on August 9th.
SUNYA Graduate student Nell
Tcvcbaugh-Kcnwryck has joined the effort,
spurring history professor H. Peter Krosby
to nominate Wallenberg for Ihe Nobel
Peace Prize. He also successfully lobbied
Governor Hugh Carey to declare last October 5th as Raoul Wallenberg day in New
York slate, and submitted a resolution to
the stale legislature urging President
Reagan and Vice President Bush lo lake action on behalf of Wallenberg. The resolution passed quickly. On October 5, 1981,
Reagan had signed a bill making
Wallenberg an honorary citizen of Ihe
United Slates.
"I was incensed when I heard what hap-
pened lo Wallenberg," TevebaugnKcnwryck said. He is now working, along
with Krosby and Haspel in urging influential people to submit secondary nominations to the Nobel committee on behalf of
Wallenberg. He said Simon Wlcsenthal,
the famed Nazi-hunter, Coretla Scott King,
as well as congressmen and government officials abroad have agreed to second
Krosby's nomination.
"It is anybody's guess," TevebaughKcnwryck said, on whether Wallenberg is
still alive and might someday be released.
"But It is important to see his accomplishments will be recognized in world
PLO wants freedom
could see ihe PLO influence on the people
there. He considered the influence had for
the people of Lebanon.
As a reaction to Nakhlch's statement that
the PLO is considered synonomous with the
Palestinian people Windmueller said, "Has
any one ever held an election for the
Palestinian people lo decide whether the
PLO should represent ihcm?"
Nakhlch's speech was sponsored by Ihe
Arab Student Association of SUNYA and
ihe Capiial DislrlctCommiice for Palestine
Central Council
-^Front P«ga
the facts.
LaSusa said Central Council will examine its impeachment proceedings
before another hearing. One policy revision LaSusa favors is to have impeachment hearings judged by a judicial board
instead of Central Council, so that
members won't have lo judge their coworkers.
At SUNY-New Pallz, vice-president of
Financial Affairs, Rob Rabii said that on- '
ly meetings dealing with hired personnel
are closed. "The editor and Ihe paper
realize that executive session is only dealing with personnel mailers," he said.
Dismissal for excessive absenteeism is
brought before their Senate in an open
meeting and voted on by open ballots.
Rabii explained, "We don't sec it as being that damaging."
Buffalo Student Assembly speaker
Jerry Olsen said, "The constitution stales
that Ihe Assembly must be open lo
students at all times." At SUNY Buffalo,
Binghamlon, and New Pallz, absence
from a set number of meetings results In
an automatic dismissal. Other eases for
dismissal go to a judiciary board.
Wharton: SUN Y must work as system
-«Front Page
allocated lo campuses.
Hie Stute University Itas also onacted a
new spending plait which would have
redistributed Ihe $17 million held by Carey,
even Ihough ihe legislature allocated Ihe
mnoncy lo individual campuses.
flic spending plan requires campuses to
submit several monthly and quarterly
reports on promotions, position changes
and unplanned expenses. Campus actions
included In the reports are subject lo SUNY
Central review and revision.
Chancellor Clifton R. Wharton has
staled that SUNY must act more as a
system. "Thai does not mean that campuses must lose their Individuality) their
uniqueness or their autonomy," Wharton
said. "'I hey should recognize that they are
pari of a system and there are many limes
when ihey have greater strength collectively
than Ihey would have singly."
Redefining "excellence"
One way of achieving this strength,
Wharton said, is lo emphasize certain programs on each campus while trimming
others. This could include offering certain
programs on select campuses, Wharton
SUNY Administrators agree thai his is
the direction of planning in ihe Stale
"It's going to be a more selective university in that nol all campuses are going lo lie
everything to all people," Vice Chancellor
for Business and Finance Many K. Splndlcr
declared. "Campuses will begin 10 isolate
Ihe things they're very good at."
Since gaining new money from Ihe slate
for new positions is unlikely, O'Dowd said,
"if we're going to add sonic things we're
going to have to contract, offering certain
fields of study on fewer campuses."
Indeed, "selective excellence" is Wharton's goal: SUNY, he believes, must
redefine excellence, offering smaller bill
stronger programs on fewer campuses.
Quality vs.diversity
Critics contend that "selective
excellence" means refusing many students
an education In their field of interest and
reducing diversity of students and programs
on campuses. Fewer students can enroll in
smaller programs, Ihey say, and fewer majors on n campus will limit students' exposure lo other viewpoints and disciplines.
Wharton noted ihal compuscs arc very
conscious of ihe need lo maintain "some
diversity and balance," and Ihal this shows
in planning sessions with SUNY Central.
Spindler stressed ihe financial control of
ihe university ihal the slate government imposes, saying "You've got so may people
watching what you do in this slate."
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music. Mis powerful distortion leads and
nasal background vocals defined a big part
of Ihe Dolls' sound. Sylvaln was a valuable
all-around band membei supplying guitar,
The Dolls basically consisted of five New
York City teenagers who cared mostly
about playing rock'n'roll, u/ettlng wrecked
and getting laid. The music they generated
though was fresh, energetic and years
ahead of Its time.
The New York Dolls was formed In Ihe
fall of 1971 by seventeen year old .Johnny
Thunders on guitar and vocals and Included Arthur "Killer" Kane on bass, Hick
Rivets on guitar and Billy Murcla on drums. I piano, backing vocals and songwrltlng.
David Johansen took Ihe spot of lead ! Kane and Nolan made up the light ihythm
singer two months Inter and Rivets left In
section The Dolls were somewhere bet
February of Ihe next, being replaced ' ween glutei and punk, wearing flashy
by Sylvaln Sylvain. The Dolls ware soon
11. <lhes anil make-up while playing loud.
playing once a week to a small bu! loyal
raw rock n'roll 'I hey were Ihe mnjoi Infollowing at the Mercei St. Arts Center An
fluence on bands -.nth as ("he Sex Pistols,
excellent document ol their sound at that
The Clash and the Damned They gave the
point can be found on the cassette — only
boring, stagnant old bands of the early 70's
Lipstick Killers recorded In the summer of
a swift kick in the arse.
'72. The band had been together In that
Their debut album. New Ynrk Dulls, was
form only four and a half months and the
released in 1973. The songs deal mainly
tape features some of Ihelr early classics
with city life, teenage life and the loneliness
along with a version of "Don't Mess With
of Ihe two. The album starts off with the
Cupid," a song originally done by Otis
potent "Personality Crisis." probably Ihelr
Redding. Despite the (act that they were for
best known song. "Frankenstein" has one
Ihe most part unknown, they played in
of the most Intense build-ups I've ever
heard. Give a listen to such other great
, tunes as "Trash," "Bad Girl," "Pills" and so
on, they'll make you move as much as any
dance-oriented band around today. The
album ends with the heavy gullar of "Jet
Boy".(Fans of more mainstream artists
should note the album was produced by
one Todd Rundgren.)
Their second and final album was the all
loo appropriately tilled Tun Much Too
Soon, released In 1974, l o u r ol Ihe len
songs are covets but lit the Dolls' style
perfectly. They do reved up versions of
"Stranded In the Jungle" and "Don't Slarl
Mi' Talkln," among others "Chatterbox"
features Johnny rhunders whining lend
vocals Slmltai themes to Ihose on ihe fits!
album ate handled on "Babylon'. "I lu'man
Being" and " W h o Are The Myslny Girls'"
Listening to these albums you may say
"What's so new about all this?" Well, that's
Ihe whole point Ihe music Is totally contemporary, while ten ye,us ago their sound
was a breath of fresh air compared lo the
stale strains of the soft lock prevalent at time.
While It's probably Irue the Dolls were
greater than the sum ol it's parts, the solo
material released by the band members is
well worth checking out David Johansen
has received Ihe most commercial attention. His (list album released In 197H is the
most rocking, while his later LPs expand
ion It. He's always been a great frontman
live. Johnny Thunders has retained the
Dolls sound the most. He has a solo
album. So Alone, and a couple with the
Heartbreakers, the band he formed after
Ihe break-up of the Dolls In 1975.
L.A.M.F, has a good dirty sound but failed
lo capture their live power which can be
heard on Uua at Max's and Live at the
Speakeasy, Witness these (or some of the
most driving rock n'roll and lunniest between song raps on vinyl. When Johnny
can stand up he can choke some scorching
leads inn of his guitar, Syl Sylvain has a
more pop sound lo his material Kane and
Nolan have played ivith numerous bands
hut have released very little One of Ihe
more exciting things they did was playing
with Mick Jones of The Clash in the band
Sid Vicious formed when he played Max's
Kansas City.
Hopefully, the New York Dolls have not
been forgotten in the annals ol rock history.
The amphetamine-rush of their two supercharged albums have Influenced a
countless number of bands. The music on
those albums sounds completely up-todate, even ten years later. They were a
p o w e i M rock n'roll band thai jusl did a little too much, a liltle too soon.
The Doilie Duo Dance
mi now fur something completely
different. "The Doilie Sisters."
written, choreographed, and performed by Consignee Vdlis and Sarah S.if
lord will he presented al H p m , December
1(1 and 11, in SUNYA's Performing Arts
:W:- W - J !-:: "! -
• •
• !\ .idr
The l»
but thai isn't the focus'of the plec*e There's
mime \ .
i ilie Sisters," but it Is not .1
11 mvi ; tl
iniG show 1 omposed ol
short, unrelated sketches "The Doilie
Sisters" tells a story, but there is no
dialogue. The show cannot be classified as
belonging to any one discipline; rather, it is
an amalgam of till of them. It is Silent
Theater, a continuous story, told through
movement, with dance a secondary element to the delineation of Ihe characters.
Originally a street theatre show performed in Albany, "The Doilie Sisters" tells the
story of Lulu and Flo, two women who
meet in a dance studio in the 193()'s.
Neither woman is particularly successful by
herself, so they decide to collaborate on an
act. The play follows their lives together,
both performing and personal, as they tour
with the USO during World War 11, perform with swing bands, grow close and
grow apart. The story is told through mime
and dance numbers which have their roots
In American musical theatre.
Valis. who portrays Lulu in the upcoming production, currently teaches movement and dance at SUNYA's Theater
Department. She received her mime training with Paul Curtis from the American
Mime Theater and Sterling Henson of
Etlenne Decroux Company and School.
/ |\„
She studied dance on a scholarship to the
Alvin Ailey School of American Dance and
taught jazz dance through an assistantship
with Nat Home. In addition, she has
studied with Matt Mattox, Pepsi Bethel,
Thelrna Hill and Charles Cook, and also
taught at the Conservatoire
Her partner, Sarah Safford, has equally
impressive credentials. She is a member of
several professional children's theater
groups. She received her training at Ihe
School of American Ballet, the California
Institute for the Arts, the Nikolais Louis
Dance Theater Lab, and the Clark Center
for the Performing Arts. She portrays Flo in
the upcoming production.
Valis and Safford met in 1976, when,
just like Lulu and Flo, both were working
on solo dances which just were not working out. They helped each other out, and
in 1977. developed Open Mime, Inc. with
one other person. They created 5 mime
plays with musical accompaniment ranging
from a player piano to the Springfield Symphony Orchestra. Open Mime works in a
theatrical framework, always using music
as a subtext.
Valis talked about the marriage of mime,
theater, and dance which constitute "The
Doilie Sisters". In her office, a bulletin
board loaded with a variety of masks made
by her students loomed behind her, Occasionally she would leap up from her desk to
illustrate a dance step or a move, but even
at her desk she seemed to be in constant
motion, She discussed the concept of
Silent Theater, one interpretation of which
is the incorporation of movement and
theater, "Mime is the actor who can movei
use bis body in Ihe dance vocabulary." she
said, "and the dancei who can motivate
theatrically. Mime is the (u-between for Ihe
two disciplines."
In essence, "The Doili- Sisters" is a new
form which translates a mime event into a
theatrical structure, it lefinately tells a
story, but not conventloi illy, The relationship between the tw- women is told
through the movem ;it techniques of
dance, mime, music, and — I've said
enough Some things are betler left as surprises.(Anyway, 1 promised not to tell.)
The music for the production is performed by Ihe Ray Rettig Trio, whose jazz concerts are well known lo many SUNYA
conccrl-goers. Carol M. Tanzman, the
director, has directed several productions
in the Albany area, and is the artislic direcior for Stone Soup Players, and Albany
children's theater group and also assistant
directed for Andre Serban for As You Like
It at La Mama Cafe in New York City, in
Germany, and for a tour of the Soviet
Union. Finally, "The Doilie Sisters," which
is sponsored in part by the NYS Council on
the Arts and partially by SUNYA's Theatre
Council is returning to Albany, after enjoying a successful debut at La Mama Cafe In
New York City. Vails expressed an Interest
in exposing SUNYA students to silent
theatre, and especially for her own
students, inspiring them to explore their
own potential for expressive movement.
If you like jazz, tap dancing, musicals,
mime, or any combination of the above or
all of the above, don't miss "The Doilie
Sisters". I can't think of a more novel way
to take a break from studying for finals —
after all, how many depressed faces do you
see coming out of a musical?
'.aspects on tuesday
ii aspects on tuesday:
Moliere's Spoof Tartuffe
Ono's Alright
Yoko's latest album is
reflective and accessible
artuffe is Moliere's greatest comedy extravaganza, and it can be
seen in its best tight at Capita!
Repertory Company's current production.
The translation of the french verse was
done by Richard Wilbur {aJso responsible
for the award winning Candide lyrics of
Broadway fame}, a prize-winning poet
himself. The rhyme sceme. so intrinsic to
the humor m this play, has been preserved
and not a couplet goes by without a subtle
pun or outright guffaw.
Megan Gray Taylor
The set. designed by Neil Prince, is an
elaborate recreation of a French drawing
room, and the costumes, designed by
Lloyd K. Waiwaiole. have to be seen to be
believed. From Rosettes of silk, to garish
colors, to feathers they not only capture the
comedic natjre of the character they invariably enhance it.
The story of Tartuffe is a simple one. Set
in seventeeth century France, it revolves
around the comic misadventures ot
Orgon.a foolish, stubborn, oft times nieve
man who. despite the warnings of his family, turns over his soul and wordly possessions to Tartuffe. a treacherous snake posi g as a saint Tartuffe makes a flashy shoe
of being holy, wearing out his knees in
church. Orgon is totally deceived, and
takes the desperate Tartuffe into his house
not just as a guest but as a spiritual guide
When his family tries to uncloud his eyes,
he responds by banishing his son Damts.
pledging his daughter Mariane's hand in
marriage to Tartuffe. and signs all his property over to him Tartuffe. meanwhile, is
passionately artrscted to Orgon's young
wife Elmire, and it is this final weakness
that is at the heart of his undoing
The -Ailly, excessively passionate (either
in religion or love) Tartuffe is played
brilliantly by James Goodwin Rice. Rice, a
regular in CRC's last season, brings just the i
right touch of fervor tinged with greed to
the character. He is the hateful villian we
love to laugh at.
Orgon. the bumbling victim of Tartuffe is
played by Alan Zampese who is making his
lot of you out there are probably
t h i n k i n g , " O h great.
Yoko album that's capitalizing on
John's death. Well, think again. It's true
lhat his "ghost" Is pictured on the back of
the sleeve along with Yoko and Sean, but
that's more a reflection of (he fact thai she
misses him and that she's still lonely
without him.
Gail Merrell
Capital Rep debut. Zampese, a veteran ol
numerous regional theaters and New York
productions is wonderfully nieve and irritatingly stubborn. His pacing of the continual rhyme was excellent. His revelation
in the end was marked by righteous anger
and indignation as overblown as this
character is to begin with.
The show stealer, however, is Susanne
Marley as the saucy maid Dorine. She sees
the truth of all household complexities and
does her best to inform everyone of her
view. Not only are her lines filled with the
subtlest and funniest puns of the play, her
delivery was underplayed so that ralher
than grating, the humor was smooth as
honey. Marley who returns to Capital Rep
after an absence, is so natural, so at easy in
this vivacious role, that her facial expressions were enough to hold my attention
even wheh she wasn't talki g Iwhich for
her character was rare).
The cast of twelve was rounded out by
wonderful performances by Micael Arkin as
Cleante, Orgon's advice giving tr
Laralu Smith as Mariane (whose angui
reactions to her father's indictive that
marry Tartuffe had most everyone rin the aisles). Kathleen Master>>:
Orgon's wife Elmire who is ultim.
responsible for Tariuffe's "unveiling'
Marion McKendree, a vetersn of the since Vaudeville, as Orgon"& ntolei
It Is difficult to imagine rhyme ; ..
ing so palatable to a modern An y
dience. Director Bruce Bouct i
have had some difficulty ch
couplets should be stressed u
moments when the corned-.
far, Bur overall, thi^ Is a vet
don. This cast, m ti
ed together regularly In C K .
sense of each other, and tl
gives the performance a natui
you can, don't miss this very well d i •
sion of french comedy It's noi d< nt
often and not usually done this well
I have to admit that after the excessively
boring "Seasons of Glass" LP I didn't expect much from It's Alright. She tends to
lose me with her poetry and her repetitive
music. I did, however, enjoy her work
from the early seventies, which Is closer lo
bar room blues than anything else. There
was a slight touch of honky-tonk piano
there and some of her material paralleled
the work of Carole King and Melanle, And
she really rocked them too. The decade
old,"I Felt Like Smashing My Face In a
Clear Glass Window" still stands up today,
and Its content, a realistic look at her
parents, Is more 1982 then it was 1972.
Y o k o , who's a strong feminist, got pretty
sarcastic then, sounding like the Waitresses
on the couch. Those were the days.
But all Is not lost. Lately there's been an
outburst of bizarre female vocalists, all of
whom owe a lot to Yoko. Groups like the
B-52s, Missing Persons, Altered Images,
the Pretenders and Lene Lovich all borrow
from Yoko's earlier work and In turn serve
to make her voice sound more accessible.
("Rock Lobster" always comes to mind
when I think of Yoko-lnfluenced material).
Yoko too has become more approachable,
trading her jostling vocals for a tamer, more
'flowing manner. In fact, she sounds so
much like Annie Golden of The Shirts on
the "Hair" album, that every time she starts
another song I expect lo hear "I met a boy
named Frank Mills..."
There's another reason I'm reminded of
"Hair," and that's due to the flower-child
Imagery projected In her songs. If you
came to hear the prose of Y o k o the
feminist, Yoko the psychic, Yoko the artist,
or Yoko the Egyptologist, you won't find
her here What you will discover is Yoko's
vision of heaven on earth, a vision so vivid
that she easily could have called this LP
"Avalon" had Brian Ferry not already used
the title. Through her eyes we see a world
of trees, mountains, rivers, birds, stars,
sunrises and sunsets. From the picturesque
"1 See Rainbows", Yoko Is "sending tainbow thoughts." Remarkably, she never
loses her grasp of reality, and admits her
defeat to lonllness lamenting "I can endure
most anything, but lonllness . .Is one thing I
can't endure."
While Y o k o has made big changes
vocally and lyrically, she has changed
style musically as well. To help support her
dreamy Images, the music flows like the
ocean, makes bird calls, and creates a
universe of love and dreams. When she is
at her most beautiful she Imitates Ullravox,
and when she is at her most confusing she
ends the pieces with the unrelated synth
slaps of Orchestral Manovres.
Yoko has come full circle and Is more at
peace with herself. While no longer In
mourning, Yoko recalls John's Image
D a t e l i n e : Hollywood
is fierce and sinister. Wobble inverts a bass
riff and repeats it while Walker bashes like a
maniac on Angel dust. The title track.
"Public Image", is the single off the album
and is all about Johnny. He talks of
peoples inability to understand his role as a
sex pistol. "You never listened to a word
that I said, you only see me for the clothes I
wear." "Religion" is a song that atacks the
catholic church, although John says it was
done only as a joke. He fooled me. "Fodder stompf" is a fascination tune with heavy
repetitive bass and a disco beat. The Lyrics
are chanted with screeching chipmunktype vocals. The chant is a sarcastic "We
only wanted to be loved." Quite a hypnotic
piece. "Annalisa" is a hard rocker about a
15-year-old European girl who was exorcised by her parents and a priest. A true
story. Quite often Lydon writes his lyrics
based on articles in the news paper.
John DeMasi
Once upon a time, in a town called L o n don, somewhere on the other side of the
world, working class kids began picking up
cheap guitars and making music that was a
bit different from the music the popular
millionaire rock stars were making. One of
these bands was the Sex Pistols Another
was the Clash. The rise and fall of the Sex
Pistols is one of the most fascinating rock
and roll stories there is. but I'll not go into
that here. Suffice to say they wreaked
bloody havoc. AJmost everyone has heard
of bass player Sid Viscious and vocalist
Johnny Rotten. Hell. Sid's even been on
the evening news, ask mom and dad
Anyway they played their last show ever in
San Francisco in early 1978. content that
they had served their purpose The Clash.
who had opened for the Sex Pistols in their
early days, continued to grow in popaiarty
to the point where even your little sister
likes them. A founding member of the
Clash was a guitarist named Keith Levine.
who left the band in September of 1976
After the Sex Pistols broke up, John Lydon
(formerly Johnny Rotten) hooked up with
Keith Levine, bass player Jah Wobble, and
Drummer Jim Walker to form Public Image
Limited. From the start they were no ordinary lot. Lydon expressed an extreme
hatred for most rock music. He also expressed an extreme hatred for record companies In fact. L y d o n bitched about almost
everything about the music industry
Lydon and company'loathed everything
from fans idolizing "stars" to playing live
shows in the conventional format
Nonetheless they played their first gig at
London's Rainbow Club on Christmas day
in 1978. They even played an old Sex
Pistols tune called "Belson was a gas"
which is odd considering how Lydon
preached that PIL was new and different
and the Pistols were old wank. Well this
was just the beginning of a long trail of conrradiction. Lydon is the master of planned
contradiction. Just when he's got people
thinking that he thinks something is cool,
he goes and slags it off.
The first PIL album, entitled Public Image, was released in the U K . in early 1978
and was dismissed by the press as indulgent. The sound is a bit murky. Lydon
swears that one of the engineers sabotaged
it. Regardless. I think the sound is good
and the album is great. Lydon's voice is incredible. He screams, howls, wails, whines
and coos. Levme's guitar is a wall of
rhythmic dissonance The rhythm section
Which brings us to LP number two. This
album, which was the first American
release for PIL is entitled "Second Edition."
not to be out done by anyone, PIL released this album in the U K as a three disc
collection called "the Metal Box." The
three 45 r p.m. discs are enclosed in a
round metal container similar to a film cannister. The sound quality of "the Metal
B o x " is outstanding. The album was hailed
as ingenious. It was like listening to a different band than issued "Public Image." 1
recall listening to the first track "Albatross"
for the first time in my livingroom. Mom
and dad thought It was a recording of someone being tortured combined with the
cry of the humpback whale. That was no
humpback, that was Wobble's bass This is
not party music, it's mood music. Lydon's
cries are quite moving. "Swan Lake" Is a
piece about the death of John's mum.
"Words could never say the way you told
me with your eyes. Words are useless." It
was a dance hit In the U.K., where it Is entitled "Death Disco."
Yoko has made some major changes
recently. She just led Gellen records and
March Of The Movies
Images Unlimited
ost people don't have any idea
what Public Image Limited is.
And those who know of PIL
sometimes don't understand what the band
is about Well you can all rest easy because
I'm going to tell you everything you've ever
wanted to know about PIL but were afraid
to ask.
throughout the album This Is more of a
reflective Imagery, rather than griefstricken. And while Yoko spends a major
portion ol her llle on the telephone (about
eight hours a day) and Is heavily into
magic, these two peculiarities are not opparent here. What Is apparent is that she is
Implementing a simpler lyrical design that
delles her complicated, mystic personality.
The album Is a far cry (rom her world of
assorted astrologers, psychics, spiritual
consultants and numerologists, whose advice helps her to make decisions. On vinyl
she remains serene and tranquil without
becoming religious or didactic.
Levine's guitar playing on this LI
mainly In the form of playing simple n •• No more chords, just haunting riffs Dr.
ming is handled by Martin Atkins, since 1
Walker left to join the Pack Levine say!
Atkins, "He'll be the next John Bonharr.
Also now in the bands lineup is Jeai etti
Lee. Her role is supposed to be that •
video person, although the band hasn't
done much in this area. Legine justifies her
existence with "We like her. she's g :
she's just good." Well guys, your album is
amazing. Many critics have put it on their
10 best list of 1980. They've also com
pared it to the Doors and Pink Floyd This
powerful LP got Pil on American Bandstand. Of course they were totally uncooperative. Lyden didn't even try to move
his lips in time with the music as he walked
through the shocked audience, he pushed
people out of his way. Levine just put
down his guitar. Naughty boys got Dick
Clark all a flutter.
The most recent PIL LP is called "Flouvr
of Romance" after a band Levine was in
with Sid Viscious years earlier. Levine only
picked up his guitar (or one song, on which
the guitar was played backwards Drums
and John's vocals are the thrust of the LP
Wobble left, was booted from the band so
there's almost no bass. Very unaccessibli
stuff, but great nonetheless The drums
kick you around the room while Lydon
does more great crooning. My favorite tune
here is " G o Back" on which Johnny talk/sings, prompting me to call it "Rotten Rap."
Which brings us to now. PIL has a new
LP due any day now. According to John. It
will be commercial, not like REO Speedwagon, but more like their previous singles.
The band Is now cooperative, playing normal live shows since their riot/fiasco at the
Rltz almost 2 years ago. I expect a dance
oriented hit from these boys. You pay attention, the world may finally be ready lor
Public Image Limited
' '
- As u s u a l , this time of year finds
scrambling lo release those m u l l i m l l l l o n dollor films. Objective
- the
A c a d e m y A w a r d s of course. H e r e Is a s a m p l i n g o( the H o l i d a y fare.
From 20th Century
F o x : The
(upper left) starring Paul
N e w m a n as a d o w n - o n - h i s - l u c U attorney w h o lakes o n the Catholic
C h u r c h . Charlotte R a m p l i n g is Ihe romantic interest. Has real potential.
F r o m C o l u m b i a P i c t u r e s : G/iaridi - perhaps Ihe greatest epic In
years - Ihe slory of the M a h a t m a (Ben Kingsley). A l s o In this super cast:
J o h n G l e l g u d , Ian C h a r l e s o n , J o h n Mills, C a n d i c e Bergen a n d Martin
Tootsle - starring Dustin H o f f m a n as a n o u t of w o r k actor d r i v e n to
d r a g . (He looks great as a w o m a n ) .
F r o m W a r n e r B r o s . : Best Friends
( L o w e r left) G o l d i e H a w n and
Burt R e y n o l d s In a r o m a n t i c c o m e d y lhat follows Ihe h o n e y m o o n c o u ple t h r o u g h winterized B u f f a l o , sanitized Virginia a n d m o n s o o n ridden
C a l i f o r n i a , T h e cast c o u l d be Ihe saving grace.
H o n / c e y l o n k M n n stars Clint E a s t w o o d a n d his son Kyle. A depression
era slory ala W o o d y
w i t h Inspirational child
(In Ihis case
n e p h e w ) helping h i m m a k e il to the G r a n d Ole O p r y (where else). This
Is up for grabs, n o guesses,
F r o m P a r a m o u n t : 48 Hours
- Nick Nolte returns...
-.Emergency e q u i p m e n t Is suggested, the choices
of Ihe p r o d u c e r s : Parachutte, L a d y Dl's W e d d i n g Dress, an U m b r e l l a ,
N e e d I say more?
F r o m U n i v e r s a l : The Dark Crystal
(top right) a fantasy film lhat c o m -
bines the talents of J i m H e n s o n (creator of the Muppets) a n d G a r y Kurtz
(Star W a r s ) . C o u l d be Ihe hit of the holidays. (Miss Piggy w a t c h o u t ,
these critters c o u l d be the real c o m p e t i t i o n . )
Six Weeks
(lower right) starring Dudley M o o r e and Mary Tyler M o o r e .
T h e tear-jerker of Ihe season. D y i n g child brings m i s - m a t c h e d adults
together. W i t h this cast, c o u l d be a g o o d one (six hankies at least).
Universal will also release this adaptation of W i l l i a m
S l r y o n ' s n o v e l starring M e r y l Streep. 1 can't wait for this o n e .
S o as fins Is get y o u d o w n , the m o v i e Industry has d o n e their part to
ease Ihe p a i n . All of these film will be released f r o m December JQth thru
the 2 3 r d (December 17th being a particular favorite). E n j o y
has signed a long-term contract with
PolyGram. There has been no reason
given for the switch, which Is a shocker
because of her close relationship with
David Gelfen. The i l b u m was recorded
this summer at the Hit Factory, using a
brand new line-up of studio musicians,
with only one holdover from her "Seasons
of Glass" LP. She produced the LP. which
sounds a lot fuller and clearer than
"...Glass", which she co-produced with
Phil Spector. I hope that this dreamlike
record Is an Indication of Yoko's new direction, and this certainly seems possible, In
light of Yoko's quote on the album's jacket
which reveals, "1 think of the last fifty years
as a prelude to my life".
Not for love nor money
For Ihe past year, no advertisements for military services'
and intelligence agencies have been accepted by this paper.
We established a policy last spring that we would consider
the advertisements f r o m these federal agencies deceptive
and reject them unless the ads state that the organization
discriminates on the basis o f sexual or affectional orientation.
Homosexuals arc not allowed in the military services or
intelligence agencies. Gays and lesbians discovered in the
military are immediately discharged with less-thanhonorable status. Our concern was been that a person,
drawn to one o f these services by its advertising and inducted, will face a life tainted by a less that honorable
military discharge. We were also concerned that we create a
disservice by running ads with such important omissions.
From time to time we still recicve an advertisement from
one o f these federal agencies. None o f the ads contained the
information that they discriminate against homosexuals,
and we reject the ads.
This week we rcclevcd an ad from the Marine Corps, but
things were a little different. Their local public relations
man, Fritz Zimmerman I I I , is excellent at his j o b . He spent
hours on the phone In several different calls trying lo convince us that the Marines don't discriminate against
O f course, those aren't the words he used. When we call-
Simon's ignorance
To Ihe Editor:
ed him yesterday afternoon, he claimed that he wasn't
aware of a single case o f a gay or lesbian rejected by the
Marines. That's sort o f like Albany's University Club
claiming that they aren't aware o f any women denied
membership. It's simply absurd. When Zimmerman
discovered thai he couldn't confuse us with absurdity, he
tried turn of phrase. He stresses that he doesn't
discriminate against homosexuals — it's policy that comes
from Washington. He just follows his orders.
This rhetorical twisting continued for quite a while. Then
his logic took an even more bizarre turn. He said that rejecting gays and lesbians wasn't discrimination, merely common sense. He likened a homosexual military pilot to a onelegged flyer. We told him that we didn't consider one's sexual preference to be that disabling. Then he got nasty.
Zimmerman explained that every time recruiting teams
visit a campus, they report on how things went. I f they have
trouble — like Ihe sludent newspaper rejecting ihcir ads —
ihey put thai in Iheir report. This report then travels along
ihe military/bureaucratic pipeline all ihe way lo ihe Pentagon, He asserted thai Ihe report could have a number o f
results, one of which could be a withdraw! of any military
funds this universily recicves — ranging from research
funds to tuition-paying students. In essence, he threatened
thai if we d i d n ' l lake the ads we could get our universily in
big trouble.
We told him we still weren't going to take Ihe ad. He
then put on his boss — Capt. James C o u r t , Ihe head ol Ihe
local officer selection team. Court repealed whal Zimmerman had said, and we told him that we wouldn't take Ihe ail
unless Ihey owned up to the fact that the Marine Corps
discriminates against homosexuals.
You won't see Ihe ad in this newspaper. After silling
through the bullshit they were trying l o pass o f f on us as
t r u t h , we came to the realization that Ihey were idling very
clever lies. Their version o f Ihe truth is an Interesting variation on a basic lie — thai discrimination against homosexuals is common sense,
Over (lie pasl six months, the military lias been threaten'
ing colleges and universities that bar or restrict recruiters
from their campuses because o f their discriminatory
practices. Some o f ihe colleges have been Intimidated Into
allowing recruiters on their campuses. We hale to ihink lhal
we're going lo get Albany Slalc in trouble, bill we will noi
be intimidated by threats from the Marines.
We cslimale lhal our advertising policy has cosl the ASP
several thousand dollars over the past two semesters, Wc
certainly could use ihe money, bill as long as lies like these
arc " c o m m o n sense," forcing the federal government IB
tell ihe truth makes even belter sense.
Rehumanizing America
N o longer is an American president emphasizing human
rights in American foreign policy.
Though then Prcsidcnl Jimmy Carter talked of human
rights during his adminislralion, when it came lo backing
lhal talk with actions, Carter demonstrated human rights
must be secondary lo political considerations.
'Robert Martiniano
At least Presidenl Ronald Reagan is consistent in his
human rights policy. He does not believe his administration
should promote human rights, and his actions lack any
commitment to human rights.
Irrcgardless o f the President's politics, we, as a society,
musl promote human rights and personal dignity as
America's primary foreign policy concern and primary
domestic policy concern.
What about nuclear power and unemployment When
Ihe righls and dignity of a people are ihe governmenl's
primary concern, problems such as unemployment and the
nuclear issue fall inlo place, Obviously if we believe in people, we would believe in their right to work and contribute
lo themselves and society and believe in their right not lo
live in fear o f a nuclear holocaust.
Human righls go beyond our political beings. One cannot profess human rights on one level and ignore litem on
any other level. Righls and the belief In human dignity must
be pervasive throughout our entire existence lo be worlh
anything at all.
Contradictions do exist, however, In America's approach
to human rights, and these contradictions don't appear to
cause Americans as a whole any great concern.
We speak of the political freedoms which should be atforded to Ihe peoples o f Ireland o f Ihe Palestinian refugees,
but we ignore the political freedoms for the people of Puerto Rico, or even closer to home, the Dislricl of Columbia.
The people of Puerto Rico have been suffering under colonial rule much ihe same as Ihe Irish people have. We cannot lessen Ihe degree o f colonialism solely because
American troops aren't engaged in a guerilla war affecling
and killing every segment of Puerto Rico's socicly.
The people o f ihe District o f Columbia have been suffering under the lack o f political righls much the same as the
Palestinian people have. Wc cannot lessen the degree to •
• .;. :l the people o f the Dislricl o f Columbia lack political
s solely because their land is marked by definite boundaries.
Americans look outside the nation to condemn abuses of
civil rights. Arc we that politically naive lo think our own
nation is above abuses o f human rights?
Wc condemn the Soviet Union and Poland for Poland's
martial law. The Reagan adminislralion has done
everything in ils power, unsuccessfully however, lo-
demonstrate iis condemnation of this abus: of the rights of
Polish workers.
Yet, i f any o f us have lived through an a l l c m p l to
unionize our place of w o r k , we know Ihe difficulties involved. T h o u g h unionization is beneficial for the workers, and
we have seen organization allcr organization unionize, the
Feminism is a form of personal growth but it is not utilized " a s a means o f making themselves 'feel' superior lo
m e n . " Inferiority is a state of mind.
Yes, men are our oppressors, and with thai in mind, how
' can wc ever have a " m u t u a l relationship towards a specific
goal?" Which " s p e c i f i c " goal is he referring lo? Does M r .
Simon really believe lhal he is on our side? Is it only his
several!?) lesbian/feminist friends (7) who "regard him
with animosity, suspicion and condescension?"
It is never the duty of the oppressed lo educate the oppressor. Women do not condemn men who earnestly iry lo
educate themselves. M r . Simon's letter is not based on total
ignorance, he is correct when he slates lhal "bigotry is a
sickness which many individuals are not aware Ihey have,"
Perhaps we should all re-examine ourselves, M r . Simon, lo
end our discriminations,
— J o A i i n M . Collins
—SIIMIII 1.. M. Stalky
—Caroline Klecs
CASA's defense
American system frowns upon unionization. Most people
involved are labeled as radicals, malcontents and oflen find
fuiurc employment difficult lo come by.
Though unionization in America hasn't experienced the
same difficulties unionization in Poland has as of late ai
least, Ihe 1'ighllng In Ihe streets, Ihe internments, and Ihe
stigmas o f association with unionization can least
throughout our lifetimes affecting every aspect of our lives.
We criticize the abuse o f power one people has over
another. We single oul oilier nations whose majority of
people in power effectively destroy the righls and freedoms
of minorities. South Africa has become America's prime
example o f this. Though we are concerned with these
human righls violations, we arc not concerned enough lo
abide by economical sanctions placed upon South Africa by
Ihe United Nalions.
class feels lhal place happens lo be. Personal prejudice
aside, Americans in power have an uncanny way of keeping
iheir power and destroying others along the way. Thaj Is
whal is commonly referred lo as the great American dream.
Human righls confer different meanings 10 diffcrcnl poepie. Whatever meaning we have for this term, ultimate!)
the dignity of the individual human being musl be encompassed by the definition,
Whether thai dignity includes Ihe right lo work, or (lie
righl to be included in a dignified process lo colled
unemployment, human rights must elevate Ihe person
above all other concerns—including, G o d forbid, the stale,
The Impersonal and dehumanizing effects of qualifying
for and receiving food stamps, any type o f welfare
assistance, even collecting unemployment after working al
the same place for twenty years is very pervasive in our
A n d o f course there are no minorities in America which
are afforded minimal righls and freedoms, unless of course
wc mention Native American, both poor Blacks and Whites
in the inner city. Blacks, Hlspanics, women, and a myriad
of other minorities.
We need to erase these dehumanizing ways in our soclcl)
We then need lo deal with the human righls violations In
our own country. A n d finally, after we have cleansed oul
own country of human righls violations, then we can look
10 other countries and deal with iheir violation of human
More regulations arc pormulgaicd in this country to keep
minorities in Iheir place-wherever the while male ruling
m C(M&tWa
Concerning Joel Simon's letter entitled Bigotry and
Feminism, we wish 10 clarify a few points. M r . Simon is
correct, he exaggerates. Men do not have lo "selfrighteously believe that the woman's place is in Ihe kitchen or the b e d r o o m " lo be pigheaded and ignorant, M r .
Simon states that he " h o l d s no objections" lo the growing
feminist movement. Wc do not want or need his approval!
When he stales thai " beneficial to both Ihe
women and to society", is M r . Simon including women as
part o f our society or segregating us as an entity in
ourselves? M r . Simon's sexual preference, although he may
feel the need to come out as a heterosexual, has no
relevance to how he is viewed by his so-called lesbianfeminist " f r i e n d s " . As an aside, not all feminists are lesbians.
BUT mx
T o the Editor)
Mark Gesncr's recent ASP article "Sponsors charged
dance group is anti-Semitic (November 16, pp. I , 13),
calls for a response from one of the event's sponsors which
takes exception lo Ihe charges—The Central American
Solidarity Alliance (CASA) co-sponsored Wallflower
Order: Dance Theatre Collective wilh the S U N Y A Feminist
Alliance, The Feminist Forum, This River of Women
Theatre Group, and the Tri-Cily Women's Center al Page
Hall in Albany on November 6th. Il is Wallflower Older
which is charged with antl-semltism, the C A S A does noi see
il lhal way. We think the ASP article distorts the truth
about our role in bringing Wallflower Order to Albany,
and the truth about whal Wallflower Order has to say lo Its
The ASP quotes Gail Frcidberg of the Feminist Alliance
as saying that CASA exerted pressure on her group to suppress the fact lhal Wallflower supports Ihe P L O . " T h e
feeling from C A S A was 'don't let ihings gel around...' said
Frcidberg." In fact, whal CASA hoped would noi be
publicized was rumored boycott by The Feminist Alliance
of Wallflower Order, despite the Alliance's co-sponsorship
o f the evenl. This rumor was circulated before checking
with the dancers aboui a possible dedication lo the PLO
and before engaging In a dialogue with them about a statement all Ihe sponsors could accept. As Frcidberg said, by
Ihe lime the controversy began, it was loo late lo cancel Ihe
performance, Publicity lor the event had been printed and
distributed, Unlike the SUNYA-funded Feminist Alliance,
CASA could hardly sustain the financial loss a boycott
would threaten, especially a boycott dramatically invoked
by a co-sponsor of the performance, So, while il is true thai
some of C A S A ' s initial enthusiasm for sponsoring
Wallflower Order was lost, il is not true that ihe Wallflower
Order numbed our enthusiasm as Ihe ASP article suggests.
Gesner wrote: " A l t h o u g h all Ihe sponsors were initially enthusiastic lo have the theater collective perform In Albany,
none were pleased about rumors spread iwo weeks before
the show, naming ihe Wallflower group as a supporter of
the P L O . " The rumors CASA worried about concerned Ihe
potential actions of The Feminist Alliance which seemed lo
be abandoning ship at Ihe sign of Ihe first wave, leaving
CASA in a storm lhal The Feminist Alliance had labelled
"anii-Seiniiic"..swhich brings us to Ihe central issue. Is
whal CASA brought to town, indeed is whal The Feminist
Alliance brought to t o w n , anti-Semitic? Fur from i i !
Whal C A S A experienced al Wallflower Order's performance was both what ii expected, and whal il promoted in
Its prc-perl'ormancc publicity. The political message was
clear, and ils delivery was poignant, Women have been and
Still are in struggle: lo survive with dignity! lo discover their
Identities; to assert iheir rights; to defend iheir children,
themselves, and iheir ideals. Portraying physical, emotional, and political embnlllcmcnl, WidHlowci Order's performance paid tribute lo immigrant women, working
women, drudged women, Black women, and El Salvadoran
women. W i l l i superb grace, talent, compassion, and
humor, Wallflower Order communicated the breath and
depth of Ihe issues lo a moved and eiilhusiuslic audience.
C A S A is quite accustomed lo distinguishing between a
people and Iheir government. The situations in El Salvador,
Guatemala, and Honduras prompt us to note lhal a
separate morality, polity, and social reality may be juxtaposed with a murderous, dictatorial, and oppressive
governing leadership. II seems the Jewish people of Israel,
and Ihe public demand there for a formal inquiry which
followed whal the world acknowledges was a massacre in
Lebanon gives credence to this contention. Furthermore,
Israeli government responsibility for Ihe Lebanese massacre
is being seriously considered by Ihe board of inquiry which
in Ihe last week of November, gave Prime Minister Begin
and Defense Minister Sharon a week to strengthen their
claims thai they bear no responsibility for ils occurrence.
So, while some American Jews might have a tough lime
swallowing the bitter pill thai a Jew can be oppressive in Ihe
name o f his people, Israeli Jews seem not to be similarly
Finally, a word in response lo one of the Feminist
Alliance members whom Ihe ASP quoted as saying lhal
Wallflower Order "call themselves feminists when they're
really leftists." Feminism and leftism are not, of course,
mutually exclusive categories, Thai Wallflower Order has
as ils highest priority solidarity wilh women is loo obvious
to debale. Thai Iheir political views on women preclude a
conservative philosophy is equally obvious. They do not
stand for ihe status quo. Whal seems lo be al issue is a hidden criterion for acceptability to ihe S U N Y A Feminist
Alliance: namely, a carte blanche lo the Israeli government.
-Margaret Klrwin
The Central American Solidarity
Knowledge of law
T u the Editor:
As a student and a Central Council member, I feci compelled to comment on the recent press regarding ihe impeachment issue and the allegations directed toward ihe
council as expressed in last Friday's editorial (December 3).
Allhough il is true lhal Central Council members arc
elected representatives, does lhal mean that we
automatically become versed in New York Stale Law?
Perhaps we are guilty of not knowing lhal we had to lake a
formal vole lo commence Executive Session Novemberl7,
bin noi only was there justification given but the decision
o f ihe chair was supported by the body as a whole. The
editor-in-chief assumes Ihe Council was noi aware of Ihe
Open Meetings Law. Ii is my contention lhal with ihe information lhal members had al Hie lime and being undei those
circumstances, Ihe body acted In Ihe way ihey ihoughl was
in ihe best Interest of the student population, D o you think
that Ihe members wanted lo be vindictive or could ii
possibly be that there were good Intentions? Believe il or
not, Central Council Representatives arc people too and
Ihey iry lo do iheir best while also dealing with the evidenl
pressures of being a student.
In regard to noi having a roll call vole during executive
session, il was noi " b l i n d l y ignored." I personally ihink
thai il was done with Neil's feelings in mind and the fact
lhal regardless of the outcome, the group would still have
lo work together in Ihe future. If the voting issue is such a
disservice to ihe constituents, how come none of the oilier
voles that ure noi taken by roll call have not been questioned? There are many limes lhal Council voles hy voice or
hand for certain reasons (for example, expediency).
The lasl point 1 would like lo mention is the general overlone of the editorial. Allhough il is Ihe purpose of the
Elllbllllwl In 19t6
Dean Belz, Editor In Chittt
Wayne Pooreboom, Managing Editor
News Editors
Mark Hammond,Tod Kaplowll*
Associate Nawa Editor
Dobbin Judge
ASPocls Editor
Dohbio Mlllman
Associate ASPocls Editor
MfiganG. Taylor
Sound Editor
Ration Schneider
Vlalon Editor
Dtiminn VanDonburgh
Sports Editor
. . , Marc Hanpol
Associate Sports Editors
Mark Geaner, Marc Schwan
Editorial Pages Editor
Lisa Strain
Copy Editor . . .
Nancy Dlodorlks
Contributing Editor
Andrew Carroll
Editorial Assistants: Bob Gardlnlor, Dobbin Proleta, Stall wrlton: Gina
Abend, Howard Pooch. Mlko Benson, Both Brlnsut, Ray Caltcluro, Ken Canlor, A.G. Cailnr, Ttuc.oy Corrnlchaol, Hubert Kenneth Dlckoy, Bill Flachar,
Barry Golfntir, Scott Gofnchwof, Roboit Gordon, Stevu Gossot, Slophon ln>
fuld, Donlao Knight, Chuiloa M. Groone, lllno Lovine, Donna MacMlllan, Crnlfl
Marks, David Michaelson, Laura NUMB, Mall Nichols, Dob O'Brlan, Curl Palka,
Karon Ptroill, Phil Plvnick, Linda Qulnn, LI* Rolen, Randy Roth, Ellon San^
(aalnro, Evan Schwartz. Llannno Sokoluwskl, Spectrum and Events Editor:
Ronl ainobnifl, Ken Dornbaum
Bonnie Stevens, Uusiiwas Manager
Hedy 8 rods r, Associate Hustnoss Manager
Janet Dreiluta, Adwitiaing Manager
John Trolano, Sales Manager
editorial to express the opinions o f the paper, or the editorin-chief, I thought that it was extremely sarcastic, a spcrsonal attack on Council, especially Jeff and a piece o f
writing thai lacked maturity and professionalism. T o
reduce to name calling docs not imply good journalism, but
sensationalism. T o suggest that Jeff docs not care and that
Council is irresponsible is an injustice, The chairs o f the
committees and members o f Council spend not only time
but effort in trying to rcprcse their constiiucnccy and
make judgements on a vast number of issues in the best way
lhal ihey know how. As far as "power games" arc concerned, I would like to know specifically what ihe editorial
Ihoughl il was referring l o . It would seem surprising i f the
i ASP itself was never the victim o f occasional conflicts o f
opinion and personality within ils staff.
Lei me pose some questions to Ihe ASP if I may: when
will Central Council get press on Ihe good things that i l
does for a change? Docs the editor have some reason why
he looks upon the body negatively? D o the students o f this
Universily know lhal wc directly or indirectly represent
almost every student group on this campus? I f Council is
being criticized for not being fully aware, why did the ASP
fail to realize that the Supreme Court Justice played and
Important role in ihe issue? I expressed my ideas as bcsl I
could and many o f ihcm arc also the sentiments o f Council.
If (his one instance warrants you to Ihink that Council is
not responsive to the students or doing its j o b , then you
don'l really know what ii is all about.
—Cathy I.aSusa
Fair boundaries
T o the Edltori
I find il hard to believe lhal t h c / t S P a s ihe only campuswide newspaper, would choose lo slander so many people
wilh a few words. Il is fine lor the ASP lo lake a stand for
whal il believes is the law, however, was it necessary lor the
ASP to sloop lo idle name calling lo advance ils cause? The
ASP chose lo characterize SA's governing body as " a r rogant, ignorant i d i o t s , " yel you fail to say who you chose
lo shower with your insults. Did you mean ihe Executive
Branch? Did you mean Central Council as a body? i f so,
how can you characterize an entire group in one blanket
You have Ihe unfortunate position of being the only
newspapci on campus. Why do you choose to lower your
image among ihe public by priming foolish statements
aboul " S A ' s governing b o d y " without clarifying who you
mean. The ASP has a responsibility to report the news fairly and in an objective manner; please live up lo lhal rcspon-
I f you believe you ate righl in your beliefs, you should by
all means pursue it in the way you judge most fit. However,
do not tarnish Ihe image of anyone in Student Association
ill one of your articles or editorials. Your position should
noi be one of carrying out personal vendettas, bin only lhal
of reporting ihe news.
You far exceed Ihe boundaries o f fairness several limes
in your December 3, 19R2 issue. I for one, am highly disappoinied in ihe ASP for lowering this mailer lo a personal
level and believe you owe quite a few people apologies.
—Dan Itoiil)
According to the SA Constitution, Central Council is the
governing body of Student
The statement about Central G uncil was made in an
The front pane story i tout the meeting was
ha lanced and fair.
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words, then why can't I paint you?
The words will never show the you
I've come to know." Thanks for being you and remember—Je suls I d
pour tu—tous les lours.
Love, Spanky
It won't be the same without you.
No one could take your place as
aerobics instructor or the best
roommate and sultemate. Obviously, wo will miss you so much, and
you and the Fl better visit. It's been
great. We love you.
Lauren, Sue, & Bets
Be an RA next year! Applications
avallabel December 13th In all Quad
Found: calculator about a month
near gym. For Info call
Auditions for L'll Abner
Dec. 8 & 9, 7-10 pm
State Quad Flag Room
Dance clothes and one song needed.
Jennifer B.,
Sorry I didn't send the rose. I
would rather give It In person.
Can we meet?
Be an RA next year! Applicatlns
available December 13th In all Quad
Hey FrankleFor |ust $218.00 we can spend Spring Break In Daytona Beach. A
Lost! Brown folder with "WAMC $25.00 deposit before December 15
sticker on II. Contains important means we can party together later.
papers for graduation. Help a Call 457-8258 lor the whole scoop.
desperate student. 462-4900.
462CASEY'S 9106
any hour
2 EGGS, TOAST, & COFFEE $.80+tax
>S% wool for
warmth, 15%
nylon for strength.^**
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•woator that goo*
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Mon'i groy or bkt*
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i t i H available too!
Dear Honey Bunchee,
It took me long enough but here It
your first personal. Thanks for letting me drive your car.
I love you,
Your Honey Bunchee
Happy Birthday. Nice life.
Lova, Ryckman
Rids needed to Syracuse for WHO
concert 12/10/82. Will share expenses and return same night.
To the best Co- anyTSrvtTcoukT
ask for
Thanks for being so very special
Thanks for all you've done
Thanks for being there when I
need you
But mostly, thanks for being
And for sharing a part of you
with me.
Love, Me
Dearest Tot,
Happy 21st Birthday, Cutlel
I love you muchlyl
P.S. Buy the book, you Q-Monster,
you I
Sorry to hear you re In such pain
You should have come to me
sooner. I would have welcomed you
with open hands!
Ski Club Meeting—Thursday Dec. 9,
8 pm SS 134—all money collected.
Let's have a ball at the Stray Cats
and celebrate 7 great months
Banana Mush,
"Good Catholic Girls" are hard to
find. I wish you're still Interested.
Oh My God
Oh My God
Oh My God
T-shirt designs now being accepted
In Telethon Mailbox—SA Office.
This year's theme: Special Children,
Special Dreams. Designs due Dec.
| Who cares who Matt R. Is?
Deadline lor Brodle Mtn.
Thurs. Dec. 9
No matter where I am, I won't be too
far away. Friends forever.
Be an RA next year! Applications
available December 13th in all Quad
You may be a lunatic, but you took
the lunacy out of Albany. Thanks.
_ _ _ _ _
Normal people count sheep at
night...but no one said you were
Congratulations! I know you will
have a great time at Cornell. We all
miss you lots. Keep in touch.
Love ya,
The Dlslos
Joe—I got your letter; who are you?
Ski Club Meeting—fhurs. Dec. 9, 8
pm SS 134—all money collected.
Happy Blrthdayl
I'm sorry if It looks like rain, but i m
counting on sunshine!
Be an RA next year! Applications
available December 13th in all Quad
To My PrinceT.L.A.
Forever—Your Princess
Dear Amy C ,
You are now a woman and I love
you. Happy 21st Birthday.
Wow! Kafka has been kind to us. I
think you're beautiful.
Donim or chino Wept out
th« wirtlor'i chill without
long iortnt WathabU. Sii.t
Dec. 8,9,10
- <3 ^
"NorhlMf'i mmt com.
frrtabla iKon woat,"
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Bwbit (Jwuktwr, lloth
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Several niodoli to
64)0 C e n t r a l A v a n u a , Albany
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OalUM* Lodging With Full Braaktam And
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INCLUDES: Honabaok Riding. Snowmobltlng,
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Skiing At flora Attn. W/Oracounlad Lilt Til.
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Nortiurt: Tliu Later Voara
December II comes
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Saturday night
355 Morris,
second floor
' i t l l f l i
orbotrioiolf youdaro
Danes cop Ithaca Tourney
We Can Help With:
•4 Back Page
However, after Albany had
jumped out to a nine-point lead in
the half, the momentum seemed to
turn against the Danes. Two
Albany fouls, and three consecutive
buckets by Ithaca brought Ihc
Bombers within one point of the
Danes. Two minutes laler Ithaca's
Mickey Herzing hit a lay-up giving
his leant a narrow lead. But Dane
John Dieckclman, an AllTournament selection, responded
immediately with a basket that put
Albany in front lo stay.
"We were poised in a game that
almost got away from us — very
poised," said Saucrs,
With Hart in foul trouble, the
Danes kepi working the hall inside.
Jan Zadoorian drove the base line
over the helpless Bomber.
Albany started to pull away for
good when, with just under 10
minutes to play in the game, Ciallo
drove to the hoop, hit the basket
and was fouled by Hart. The senior
sank the foul shot as Albany led
47-43. The Danes continued their
assault opening up their first
IO-point lead of the game when
Oatto shot a technical free throw
called on Bomber Ron Zielinksi.
Ziclinksi protested a charging foul
by slamming the ball on the floor.
I think they expended a lot of
energy in Ihc second half," said
Gatto. "They started forcing bad
The Danes kept running up Ihe
totals. Gallo hit his final baskcl
after point guard Han Croutier
made one of his len tournament
steals, and Luke Jamison hit two
final losses from Ihe foul line lo
secure Ihe 15-polnl winning margin.
It was Croutier who was totally
dominant in Albany's opening
round win over Middlebury. The
5'7" sophomore had nine steals and
22 points. His performance earned
him All-Tournament honors along
wilh teammate Dieckclman,
Bombers Hart and Jamie Prank and
Mlddlcbury's Fain Hackney.
Dleckelmcn led the Danes lo a
nine-point lead, 39-30, with nine rebounds and 12 points. Croutier
followed with ten points and five
The second half was all Albany.
"They weren't a good ballT u e s d a y N i g h t - G e n e e & Bud
handling team, and we took advan$ 2 . 2 5 / Pitcher w / S t u d e n t I.D.
tage of it," said Croulicr. "I was
due for a good shooting game. I
From Uptown Campus, Take Central Ave. to
think I needed a good output
Ontario St.,Turn left, go 2 blocks to 2nd St.
Overall) the Danes' output wasi
outstanding. The 33-polnt margin|
of victory was the largcsl the Danes
have enjoyed in this young season.
"Our game plan was lo be ag*
gressive. We made litem use their
32 Central Avenue
bench while our bench was much
better than theirs. The key was to
Albany, Ni-w York
wear them out, and it worked,"
said Sailers.
Albany's pair of victories raised
Phone 465-1415
Ihc season record to an impressive
5-1. Four of those wins have been
on the road. But tomorrow night
(lie Danes relurn home after a long
•••• • » •
•••• mSi MM
«••• • « •
two-week absence. The Danes lake
on conference rival Onconta in
$1 Off Any Large Pie
University Gym at 8:00. All action
can he heard on 91FM.
This offer e x p i r e s 1 / 7 / 8 3
John Dieckelman, center
Dan Croutier, guard
Tod Hart, forward
Jamie Frank, guard,
Fain Hackney, forward
Tournament MVP
Mike Gatto, forward
Welcomes Students
Mon-Frl Happy Hour 4-7
25C Draft beer & Whiskey drinks 50C
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Clams and other munchies
To begin, the Danes held Ihe PanIhers scoreless through the first four
minutes of the half. Meanwhile the
Danes kepi scoring led mainly by
the sharp play of Croutier.
1982 Ithaca Invitational
-All-Tournament Team
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Haircuts, p e r m s , c o l o r i n g ,
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Men or Women Cotton Warm-up Suits
Poly & Triacetate Nike Warm-ups $54.95
Must h a v e S c h o o l I.D.
(Offer runs D e c . 7 - 1 2 )
Find out what's happening on campus and
beyond in Aspects comprehensive
entertainment guide on Fridays,
1 Concerned about a $1,400 hike in
2 tuition-fee (more for graduate Students)? {
• Come and join others in the upcoming 2
Place Sayles Ballroom
Date December 9, Thursday
Time 7:30pm
2 Dr. Ward, the foreign student advisor will be
speaking and ISA officers will be there
TV • • • R » A ?
(Womtn'i Intramural bnd IUcr»atlon Association)
Needs to HIRE ONE/f WO S A »$•
Pick up application in the intramural
office in gym.
Return it at W I R A MEETING
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or call Sue 7-8663 or Eve 482-5571
for more information.
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C r a w f o r d l o u r s of A l b a n y a t 8 6 P - J 8 5 Q
Women cagers beat Castleton for third in a row
By Ilisc l.evine u-niren
The Albany Stale women's
basketball learn won lis third consecutivc game last Saturday by
defeating Caslleton at University
Gym, 59-56.
The Danes came on strong offensively in the first half. After holding
a narrow lead in the first six
minutes, the Danes surged ahead
with ten points, lo Castleton's lour,
taking a 21-I4 lead.
Leading the offense were Nancy
Wundcrlich and captain Robin Gibson. Wunderlich scored sixteen
points with a filly-four percent
shooting average. Gibson shot for
eight points.
Other Danes who were instrumental In Albany's win were
Jan I.em/a, Ronnie Patterson, and
Peg Squazzo, Lcmza added nine
points. Patterson scored eight
points wilh five steals. Squazzo had
an all-around solid game.
I.emza scored off a turnover and
came back In the final seconds of
the half to give the Danes a 33-24
Although Albany maintained a
lead throughout the game, the
Danes had difficulty at the foul
"We had some problems in foul
shooting," said assistant coach Paili Becker, noting the Danes shot only nine for thirty-one from the line.
"We played well In our inside
shooting and rebounding," she added.
Patterson led the team in rebounding with elghl grabs. Wundcrlich
had seven and Gibson, six.
The Danes scored early in the second half on two successful free
throws b> Wunderlich. Gibson and
Danes a 39-26 lead. Patterson
helped the Danes keep a lead by
scoring five points in the final five
minutes of play as Albany opened a
56-43 margin.
During the last two minutes of
the game, the Danes watched the
lead diminish as substitutes were
sent in. "Their inexperience really
showed," Decker said.
Caslleton was able to make
crucial baskets and brought the
score lo 59-56 wilh only a few
seconds left, In those closing
seconds, a foul against Albany gave
Caslleton a lasi chance at victory.
Lisa Plummcr, shooting for
Caslleton, missed both foul shots,,
however, and the Danes narrowly
held on lor the win.
Wundcrlich then scored lo eisc the
rotllghl Ihc Dane, lake on New
Pallz in University Gym ai 7:00
Indoor intramurals get in full swing
U\ Barry liel'fner
u r n uinnn
In two and a half weeks the
semester comes to a close. For most
of us, we nil pack up and go home,
for AMlA/WIKA,ihe season is only beginning.
For the last few weeks, basketball, floor hockey, volleyball and
water polo have been gelling underway. All Intramural spoils will
come to an end shortly due lo finals
and the end of the semester, but
they will pick up right where they
left off when school resumes in
January, .'so for now a preview and
summary of what has been happening so far.
Basketball is divided into four
leagues. I engues iwo, Ihrec and
four are nan's divisions with a
separate division for women. The
most competitive men's division is
league II, Defending champions.
TheUntouchablcs, are the favorites.
Cash Money should challenge them
for the title. The Hruse Brothers
and Nice-n-Fasy could be ihc sur-
prise teams, Nlce-n-F.asy won the ti- keep in mind is lhal ihis is an extle two years ago.
perimental season, and any decision
In league III, If the Buz/ Brothers lhai nuns out lo be righi or wrong
arc as strong in basketball as soli- is not due lo incompenleiice,"
hall, as ii seems, they should base slated AMIA president Mike
no problem. Look for Dynasty lo Brusco.
challenge them, wilh Too Hot lo
The men's division has been comHandle as a surprise team.
petitive, bui the women's division
In league IV, ihc Big Monsters has been very Impressive, One perare the favorites. They could be son ai one of the games comchallenged by Jefferson Cleaners mented, "This is a panic." The
and possibly The New 69crs.
women's division lias proved very
In the women's division, Eiggies unpredictable as well a^ exciting,
All-Stars and Hojo Mamma's End lo end action combined with
wide open play has made the
should battle it out for Ihc title,
In floor hockey, il lias been an up women's division yer) exciting to
and down season, file main pro- watch.
In volleyball, the problem seems
blem has been the sticks. Flrsl il was
ihc running (Mil of them, and now to be forfeits, Forfeit afiei forfeit is The women's basketball team held off Caslleton for a 59-56 win
It's the breaking of them. New rules being recorded, lor I hose icanis Saturday. For Albany, It was their third consecutive victory,
Ibis yiar have included a change of lhai do show up, play has been the came from ihc strlnghers. In league Mamma's should battle il oul.
slicks. These new slicks arc less typical AMIA/WIRA action.
2A, ihc Internationals are the
Finally waler polo, a spoil ilia
Volleyball is divided Into four
sturdier lhan the previous slicks,
favorite. In league 2B, Fubar and has not been played the last few
ihus resulting In many more broken leagues. I eague I is mens, leagues Mixed Monsters should battle ii years, has been very successful
slicks. For all those players who 2A, 2B are co-ed, and league III is out, wilh maybe a surprise from the "The turnout has just been great,"
have broken their slicks, there are womens.
Lidlc Schllz.
comments WIRA president Eve
In league I, there is really no clear
more in slock.
In league 3, just like in basket- Horner. 1 he Stingrays seem lo be
"The thing everybody has to cut favorite, but a surprise could ball, Eiggies All-Stars and Hojo lite favorite
£ ir
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lelebrale IhanuKah
Goldie Hawn & Eddie Albert
By Traccy Carmichnel
)Wed., Dec. 8 8:00p.m. CC Assembly Hall J
Thursday >^
December c l~"
' CC
{Elections for next semester will be held after the movie.
Mandatory meeting for all members.
Sports 21 r
Relayers lead women swimmers
proudly presents
with JSC-Hillel
7, 1982 1.1 ALBANY
Have your friends served
The Albany Slalc women's swimming learn placed
fifth out of the seven teams competing this weekend at
the McGill Invitation held at Montreal.
Head coach Joe Shore was extremely pleased with
Ihe meet, noting that the four teams ahead of Ihem
were "high quality learns."
The 400-yard free-style relay learn consisting of
Claire Woodhead, Sue Kcilly, Ellen Clollieb, and
Shelia Filzpalrick, broke Ihc school record with a lime
of 4:02.21.
"The relay learn has a good chance lo qualify for Ihe
NCAA," Shore said. "They're only 12 seconds out, so
each will have lo work at dropping Iwo seconds from
their lime."
Ellen Gotlicb, a freshman, broke lire school record
in the 400-yard individual medley with a lime of
Sophomore Sue Bess also did well in Ihe 400-yard individual medley as well as Ihe 100-yard breaslslroke,
coming within .5 of a second of breaking Ihe school
record wilh a 1:18.29 clocking.
"Sue is working her way lo ihc lop," said Shore.
Oinn D'Onofrio and loan Nugent had their season
best performance this weekend in ihe 200-yard free
Shelia Fil/palrick look fourth place out of 10 participant in Ihe 8(X)-yurd free style wilh a lime of
Shore noted lhal Fil/palrick does not swim this
event ai home meets and was pleased with hei performance.
'Overall, I'm pleased wilh Ihe learn results and performance," said Shore.
Wednesday, ihe Banes will host RI'I in a dual meet.
"RPI is not as strong a learn as it has been in past
years," said Shore. "We've goi an exceptionally good
chance lo lake Ihe meet."
Following Ihe Wednesday meet, Ihe learn will swim
againsi Plattsburgh which, Shore said, "will be a very
close meet."
1375 Washington Ave.
Special Rate
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Saturday, December 1 1
Sign- up on dinner lines
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Proceeds go to TELETHON
WAnncN STOUT ncn
The Albany Stale women's swimming team gained a fifth place finish in last weekends McGill Invitational hold at Montreal. Tomorrow Albany meets R.P.I, at University Pool.
5% OFF
Men swimmers take fifth in McGill
In the 400-yard individual medley, Iwo Dane swimmers placet! high, JcTf Kennedy swam a 4:43.8, winThe Albany Stale men's swimming learn placed fifth ding up in fourth place, while leainmate Mike Wright
oui of the seven teams competing in the McGill Invita- ended up In sixth place with a time of 4:56.1.
tional held al Monlreal, this past weekend.
Oilier noteworthy limes were junior Bill Moor's
"We didn't swim loo badly considering our poor 2:1)1.66 finish in Ihe 200-yard freestyle, and Andy
finish," explained head coach Joe Shore. "Though we Moiola's 100-yard breaslslroke lime of 1:09.3.
didn't break any school records, there were a lol of
"What makes me optimistic is lhal every time we
good times set."
compete, somebody else surprises us and improves bis
The most impressive of lhose limes came from lime," said Shore. "And Dial's what scholastic swimsophomore Frank Parker who swam in ihe mile-evenl. iiiing is all aboul."
The Danes next dual meet will be tomorrow, playing
I lis third place finish wilh a lime of 19:22.99 was a perhost lo R.P.I.
i ]
sonal best lor that distance.
By M a r e Herman
Used Book listing
57VI/-7 II Mill'it
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Todd leads Jets
past Detroit 28-13
Pontine, Mich.
(AP)Richard Todd threw for 384
yards and connected with Wesley
Walker for three touchdowns as the
New York Jets raced to their fourth
straight National Football League
victory, a 28-13 triumph over the
Detroit Lions Monday night.
After a 31-yard field goal by Ed
die Murray gave the Lions an early
3-0 lead, rookie Dwayne Crutchficld circled left end from a yard
out to give the Jets a 7-3 lead at the
end of (he first quarter.
Then Todd, who completed 23 of
32 passes, went to work with his
speedy wide, receiver, working
primarily on Detroit cornerback
Wayne Smith.
First, operating from his own 44,
Todd tossed a short pass lo Walker
at the Detroit 42. Walker, who
caught five passes' for 164 yards,
spun away from Smith and ran into
the end /.one for a 56-yard
touchdown that put ihe jets ahead
A few minutes later, Todd hit
Walker, wide-open ahead of Smith
at the goal line to complete a
41-yard touchdown play and give
the Jets a 21-3 halftimc lead,
The Todd-Walker combination
completed the scoring early in the
fourth quarter with a 19-yard connection. It came after the Lions
had closed a 21-3 halftimc deficit to
The Lions, who dropped their
third sucessive game since the end
of Ihe 57-day players' strike after
winning two prc-strike games, got
their only touchdown on a 48-yard
bomb from Gary Danielson tc
Mark Nichols in the third quarter.
Murray added a 22-yard field goal
in the fourth quarter for the other
They had a chance to come even
closer when Todd was sacked and
fumbled and the ball was recovered
by Detroit linebacker Stan White on
ihe 1-yard line after a scramble.
, from
Dane grapplers easily beat
tough SUNY AC competition
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wrestlers who were undefeated in
three matches. All-Amerlcan Dave
Averill, Spero Theofllatos, and Andy Scras swept their matches. Ed
(ilcoson defeated Potsdam AllAmerlcan Craig Bruno for one of
his three victories. Alan Marwill
and Mike Varmettc, who made his
debut in the Albany lineup, rounded out the three time winners.
Heavyweight Vic Herman's
record was tarnished by a draw to
go along with two victories.
DeMeo was especially pleased
with the team's performance
because Potsdam and Cortland
defeated Albany last year, providing the Danes with two thirds of
the seasons losses. The Danes were
17-3 overall last year.
"Everyone was very happy and
By Marc Schwarz
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ALBANY STUDENT PRESS 6w ii ss nnow a t t h e
X two evenings a week!
Dave Averlll was one of six Danes to win three matches Saturday in Binghamton. Albany Improved Its
season record to a perfect 5-0. The Danes face tough Boston University Friday.
"This was probably ihe biggest
day in Albany State (wrestling)
history. In the quality of the guys
we beat and the way we beat them,"
Albany Stale wrestling head coach
Joe DcMeo said about the Danes
convincing victories in Binghamton
Albany easily defeated Binghamton 40-6, Potsdam 31-8 and Cortland 32-9, to improve their meet
-ccord to 5-0.
"It was a startling performance. I
feci these arc three of the top teams
in the nation. Binghamton is ranked
number 17 and the other two arc in
the top 30 in the country," DcMeo
said. "For us to win so handily is
The Danes were led by six
J. V. Danes blow past CSR 85-66 to even record
the first half, and went into Intermission with a 32-19 lead.
The J.V. Danes were led by
The Albany State men's junior
varsity basketball team evened their James Jones in the first hair. The
record at 2-2 Saturday night with an freshman guard from Dix Hills,
85-66 victory over the College of St. N.Y. scored 12 points, including a
Rose. The game was played at perfect 8 for 8 from the foul line.
"I've been working on my foul
University Gym.
After a sluggish start by both shooting all week and It really paid
teams, Albany ran off a 14-5 spurt off for me tonight," ssid Jones.
to give them a 20-11 lead with 7:06
"The team was a little nervous
remaining in the first half. Mike Ot- when they came out tonight, but
tuti and James Jones combined for they settled down and ran'the ofeight points during that stretch for fense well," said Albany State head
the Danes.
coach Barry Cavanaugh.
The second half opened up with
CSR then put on a burst of their
own. They scored eight consecutive impressive offensive displays by
points to pull within one point of both teams. CSR was lead by guard
Albany, 20-19. They stole the ball Tony McDonald who hit two threefrom the Danes three times during point plays within the first five
that span by using full courl minutes of the half.
The Danes were once again led by
pressure defense.
Albany then showed off some James Jones. Jones dished off for
defense of their own. They held six assists, including a couple of
CSR scoreless for the final 4:06 of spectacular passes which led to layBy Alan Somkin
ups for Bob Hall and Joe Rogers.
Albany opened up their biggest
lead of Ihe game, 57-35 on a jumper
by Jeff Gerer wilh 11:24 remaining.
Al this point, the Danes got sloppy
with the ball and allowed CSR to
get back into Ihe gome. McDonald
made a driving lay-up with 4:05 remain i mijojnn_2heAlb£nyJead_to_
nine, 65-56.
CSR never goi any closer as Mike
Otlati look over for Albany. He
made a 10-fooi jumper, then he
grabbed a defensive rebound and
threw a strike downcourl to Jones
for an easy lay-up, andfinishedup
with a pair of free throws.
"Mike played a great game for
us," said Cavanaugh. "He did a
super job on the boards and made
some crucial foul shots near the end
of the game." Ollali had 21
points to lead the Albany attack.
Jones followed with 20 and Hall
chipped in with 15 for the winners.
CSR was led by McDonald's 18
J.V. Danes win
points, with all but one coming in
the second half.
"We were a much better team
tonight than the last time we played
them," said Jones. Albany defcatcc
CSR in their season opener, 72-66
Coach Cavanaugh thought his
team "handled the pressure well except for a few mental lapses. We
were patient on the offense and we
got good shooting and good rebounding all night."
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Grapplers win
pleased with the performance of the
team. All the guys were sky high
after the meet," added DcMeo.
"We should probably move up in
the next ranking," said DeMeo
about the Danes, who are currently
ranked eighth in the nation.
The Danes will face the stiffest
competition of the new season, Friday in University Gym, when the
Boston University Terriers come to
Albany. The Terriers are looking to
avenge their second place finish to
Albany in the Great Dane Classic
last month. "There are some very
angry guys on that team, and they
are looking to exact some revenge,"
DeMeo said. "They have some really good wrestlers, and it should be «
very exciting."
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The Albany State |unlor varsity Danes' 85-66 victory over CSR even,ed their record at 2-2
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7, 1982
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
nament M.V.P. honors last weekend In the Ithaca Invitational to lead the Danes to the tournament win.
ing his string of baskets was the Ail-American Hart. "He
was trying to hold me with his arms. But 1 was quicker than
he, and I could get around him."
Those quick eight points seemed to be the spark needed
to lead the Danes to victory. "What really got us going was
Wilson's points at the beginning of the second half," said
SUNY has not had a significant increase .
in the number of women and minorities it
I has recently hired, despite extensive affirmative action measures, SUNY officials
have announced.
Albany's campus has lagged in minority
programs as well, but Affirmative Action
Dlrcctror Gloria DeSolc says this reflects
hiring problems in general.
In a story published In M.'ii'.w/av.Nov. 29,
state officials acknowledged that between
I977 and I98l, the university system's total
faculty decreased 2.3 percent, from 9,257 to
9,046. During the same period, minority
representation dropped even more — 3.8
percent — from 789 to 759. Female faculty
have not fared much better. The number of
women increased just more than 2 percent,
from 2,060 in I977 to 2,109 in 1981. As of
spring 1982, the Albany campus had just
under 8 percent minority members in its
faculty, reflecting the statewide percentage,
.IIU! just under 14 percent female members,
' icll lower than the 23.6 SUNY wide
State official blame the stagnation of
minority hiring on a general hiring lag caused by a shrinking workforce, anticipated
declines in student enrollment, competition
lor jobs in private business where degree
holders can make much higher salaries, and
lack of qualified candidates in some fields,
said Ncwsduy.
DeSolc agreed, emphasizing that the current recession makes it particularly hard to
conduct affirmative action. She said there is
a spirit of conservatism which manifests
Itself in less risk-taking by hiring personnel.
A person in a position to hire new faculty
will feel that if there is to be only one new
hiring for several years, it is best to go with
the candidate they are most comfortable
with — that is, in most cases — with males,
she noted,
DeSolc cautioned that SUNYA's
statistics should not be used to measure affirmative action on campus, since hiring
goals arc prescribed by the Affirmative Action Plan, and arc set department by
department. They arc based on candidate
availability in the specific field, and
monitored by DeSole's office. "For example," she said, "the Grounds Department
has a pool of local workers, but a faculty
department has a national pool. If, of the
total number of Ph.D. holders in a given
field, thirty percent are black, the goal of
Road tournament victory relieves long drought
By Mare Schwara
bAnce^B_omb e r _j ! c a j l __ c o u d l , , , m ^
Greg Hart has played well coming oil the bench lor
the Danes this season.
followng the title game. "Albany State and Ithaca,
Potsdam and Hamilton arc the cream of the crop in the
state right now."
The Danes performance in their next four games will
tell how far they will rise. Albany will host their two main
rivals for the SUNYAC-East crown this week, as Oneonta
and Potsdam make early season appearances in University Gym. Following a 17 day layoff, the Danes will be back
in action in the Great Dane Classic. Albany will compete
against highly regarded Hamilton, Scranton and St.
Since their triple-overtime loss to Union the Danes have
been unstoppable, rolling to four consecutive victories by
an average margin of over 21 points. Despite their patient
ball control offense, Albany has averaged over 85 points
per game durng that stretch and has had a 20 point scorer
in three of the four games.
The last four games have seen the return of Dicckelman
to last year's ECAC All-Star team form, and the
emergence of Gatto as an all-around force on the court.
After both suffered through a disappointing performance
in the Capital District Tournament, the two senior cocaptains have sparked the team on their current steak.
During the first half of Saturday's Middlebury game,
Dicckelman was the dominating force, pouring in 12
points, grabbing nine rebounds anil blocking four shots.
Gatto has averaged almost 19 points over the last three
games including a career high 23 against Ithaca.
A pleasant surprise for Sauers has been the performance of his bench, a question mark before the season.
Greg Hart, Rich Hay and Luke Jamison have made key
c o n t r i b u t i o n s to the Danes winning effort.
Adam and Zadoorian switching between starting guard
and first man off the bench, the Danes seem to have the
depth and strength to carry them through the vigors of the
long basketball season.
December 10,1982
By Anthony Silber
Mike Qatlo dribbles against the Plattsburgh Cardinals In an earlier game this season. He won TourThc Danes, who flirted with a five-point lead during the
half, settled for a one-point lead at half-time, 30-29. Gatto
netted 12 points in the half.
The Danes began to break away from Ithaca in the opening of the second half. Junior forward Wilson Thomas
single-handedly ignited the Dane explosion with four consecutive buckets.
"He was real tough," said Thomas whose defender dur-
4 2
Minority hiring in SUNY sinks to dismal low
By Marc Haspcl
SPORTS emron
Ithaca, N. Y.
At the end of every tournament the public address announcer calls for the second place team to come forward
and receive their trophy. It has become a familiar scene
for the Albany State basketball team.
Following the Danes game against Ithaca Sunday for
the championship of the Ithaca College Tip Off Tournament, the captain of the losing team was asked to accept
the second place trophy. John Dicckelman rose from the
"1 did it as a joke. I just got so used to accepting the second place trophy. It feels good to finally win," said the
Albany co-captain.
With the 75-60 win over the Bombers, Albany had its
first tournament victory since last year's Great Dane
Classic and first on the road since the dramatic victory
over Potsdam in Maxcey Hall to win the SUNYAC in
March 1981.
"It's ibout time we won a tournament on the road,"
sophomores Dan Croutier and Jan Zadoorian said. For
both it was the first time they enjoyed victory in a tournament away from University Gym.
"We accomplished everything we wanted to. We talked
about it all night in the hotel, going over strategy," Tournament MVP Mike Gatto said. " I ' m sick of finishing second in tournaments. We worked hard for this."
The Danes won their first tournament in over 11 mon
ths in an Impressive way, defeating Ithaca, an NCAA
tournament team of a year ago with a returning All
"We were poised in a game that almost got away fro
us," a pleased Coach Dick Sauers said
Albany captures Ithaca Tournament
Ithaca. N. Y.
The last time the Albany State Great Danes had won a
tournament away from University Gym was nearly two
years ago In the SUNYACs. Way back then it was a
sophomore named Mike Gatto who silenced the raging partisans in Potsdam's Maxcey Hall by sinking two free throws
in overtime to give the Danes their first out-right SUNYAC
title. Sunday, Albany's long road tournament drought
came to an end in the Ithaca Invitational, and fittingly it
was a senior named Mike Gatto who provided the heroics.
Playing near his hometown, Owego, New York, Gatto
treated many of his fans to excellent basketball. His twogame performances in the tourney earned him tournament
Most Valuable Player honors. Gatto led the Danes with 23
points in the title game against the host Ithaca College
Bombers, which the Danes won 75-60. In addition, Gatto
had 14 points in Albany's first-round win over the Middlebury College, which Albany also won 86-53. Indicative
of his success, Gatto also performed well from the foul line
as he sank eight of nine in the opener and nine of twelve in
the title game.
"This is the kind of basketball Gatto is capable of playing. He has nearly reached his potential," said Albany
State basketball head coach Dick Sailers.
Gatto, a modest hero, offered a more team-oriented
perspective of the weekend's triumphs. "We were sick of
winning second place in every tournament." he said. "It
was a good tournament win for us. We deserved to win it. It
makes up for the Union loss."
The Danes were presented with a formidable task in
meeting the Bombers. Ithaca was last season's Independent
Collegiate Athletic Conference (ICAC) representative to
the NCAA tournament. Further, the Bombers had every
player back from that playoff team including a second team
AH-American in 6'4" Senior forward Tod Hart. Hart had
not scored under 10 points in any of Ithaca's last 38 games
including the Bomber's 88-78 preliminary victory over the
Eastern Connecticut State College Warriors in which he
scored 33 points.
But against Albany, the senior found himself forced to
the bench in early foul trouble. Hart committed three fouls
in the first eight minutes of the game.
"I know it was a bonus for us with Hart playing as little
as he did," said Sauers. Hart finished the game with only
ten points.
Nevertheless, Albany could not capitalize on his absence.
i Hamilton, feels that there arc things missing al the intermediate levels. "I don't
know that the Affirmative Action Office is
working hard enough on deans to push
this," he said.
Minority Student Services Director, Carl
Martin, attributes the lack of hiring minority staff and faculty to the low turnover of
people due to tenure and economic retrenchment, but also believes that nurrowly
defined job positions often rule oul
qualified minority candidates because they
do not lit tlie exact specifications.
Martin said that the university's Affirmative Action policies have amounted to
1982 Percentages of Minorities
little more llian lip service. "Even after ten
and Females Employed
years of minority students attending
predominantly white schools," said Martin,
"with the exception of the Afro-American
and Puerto Rican studies areas there are onMinority
ly a handful of minority faculty members."
Martin believed that the lack of minority
faculty and staff has negative affects upon
ihe minority students who gel a subtle hint
ihai the school is not as sensitive to their
needs as it should be.
lie pioposed I hat a group be formed
under the auspices of the Affirmative Action Office to review job descriptions as
they come out of the departments and
determine whether ilieir narrowness makes
them counter-productive with regard to affirmative action. He also pointed oul that
positions held by ininoiiiv members are
most vulnerable since many have been filled
fairly recently and thus are subject to the
policy of "last hired, first fired." He
believes thai many minority members who
do become candidates for positions here
might be deterred because when they see
TcWoiher minority members on the faculty
or staff, they may perceive indifference or
even hostility on Ihe part of Ihe college
the campus is to hire three blacks for every
Many other colleges have taken sucacademic vice president for the first time in
ten people in the department." While atthe school's history, and a black associate cessful sleps to increase minority hiring,
taining goals of this kind arc hard, she said,
vice president. She said that these positions Martin believes, and he said that efforts In
the problems are exacerbated when lor
are too few and too important to be con- Albany should not end until they are sucvarious reasons minority members already
cessful. He said that he is paricularly considered token linings.
in place leave.
In the absence of active hiring, she said, cerned with traditionally underrepresentcd
In a period of recession and retrenchmany actions are being taken, at the direc- groups such as blacks, Puerto Kicans, and
ment, DeSolc said, it is hard to hire any
tion of the president, to build up the cam- native Americans, and ihai he feels that
people, minority or not. She said that in
pus life and the curriculum to reflect and other groups like Asian Americans have
cases like these, it is important to hold on
emphasize the campus' ethnic diversity. made significant enough headway that they
the affirmative action gains already made.
Notable among these is the President's are now well represented,
"If we can't show an increase in numbers,"
DeSolc said thai although there are no
Lectureship Scries, DeSolc noted.
she said, "we can show a better use of the
Although the president has addressed the sufficient excuses. "It is particularly impornumbers we have." She noted that there is a
issue consistently, Chairman of the At- tant for us lo remember our social goals,"
woman head of the computer center,
7*mospheric Science Department, Harry
several women in the finance and business
Drug deal robbery on quad ends in 3 arrests
"By Denisc Knight
Three arrests have been made through a joint investigation by university and Albany police alter a wheelchairbound victim wus robbed al gunpoint in his dorm room at
approximately 2:50 p.m. Tuesday, according lo university
police Investigator Doug Kearn.
Brian Reynolds, 20, of Slate Quad's Irving Hall, told
police that a black man in a stocking mask burst into his
room and stuck what "appeared lo be a gun" lo his neck
while Reynolds was in ihe process of a drug deal with
another black man. The robber then stole a sports hag
which Reynolds says contained ten ounces of marijuana.
The investigation later revealed that Ihe gun was a starter
pistol, Kearn said,
Reynolds said Ihe two black men "set him up" lo be
robbed, but he didn't realize they were working together
until police broke the case and connected the two men.
When asked about the possible set-up, Kearn said, "I
have no comment on that."
Reynolds was arrested by university police Thursday
morning and charged with possession of marijuana in Ihe
third degree. He was arraigned the same day in Albany
County Police Court by Judge Thomas W. Kccgan and
released in his own recognizance. Trial dale is set for
December 16.
Arrested yesterday by Albany police was Joseph Smith,
25, of 123 Livingston Avenue, Albany, when he turned
himself into Albany police headquarters, Smith has been
charged with robbery in the second degree, possession of
marijuana in the third and fourth degrees, possession of
stolen property, unlawful dealing with fireworks, and
growing marijuana. He is being held in the Albany County Jail. Trial date has been set for December 16.
James Mathias, 29, was arrested by Albany police Inst
night after a police slake-out at an address lie was known
to frequent, according to Kearn. Reynolds said Mathias is
the man who held the gun lo his neck and robbed him. He
is being held In the Albany City lock-up awaiting arraignment tomorrow, Kearn said. Warrants had been issued
for the arrests of both Smith and Mathias, Kearn added.
Reynolds said Smith, a former SUNYA student, was a
friend of his and thai he would "still trust Smith lo this
day," if police had noi revealed ihe conspiracy between
Smith and Mathias, Reynolds said that Ihe stolen marijuana and the starter pisiol were found by police in
Smith's apartment, bin Kearn refused lo confirm this. As
for Mathias, Smith said he had "never met him before,
except al gunpoint."
"Police had the whole thing in a nutshell in twelve
hours," Reynolds said. Now, Reynolds plans lo definitely
quit SUNYA nexl semester, possibly to transfer lo
another college or "maybe lake a roadtrip."
Dean of Student Affairs Neil C. Brown responded to
ihe incident by saying, "Those who sell drugs on campus
will be prosecuted. This has been Ihe university's policy
for the ptisl 15 years. When the information came to the
attention of ihe campus police, a warrant was Issued lor
the student's arrest. That is consistent with university