Sports Danes ready for Red Fox hunt in season finale

Judge overules draft registration laws — p. 2
Danes ready for Red Fox hunt in season finale
"It's important to win ihai last one to set the lone for ihe
next year," said assistant coach Kick Flanders.
The Maris! eonlcsl will also be the career finale for five
Albany seniors. It will be the lasl lime Ihai defensive back
Dave Hardy, ecnlci Dave Kice/ko, place kicker loin Lincoln, quarterback Iom Pratt and defensive back frank
Quinn will be donning the Dane purple and while jerseys.
The Marist Red Roxes are 2-6 this season, bin should be
no push-over for ihe 5-3 Danes. According lo I landers, in
three of the losses, the foxes were in ihe hunt until the
very end. Lor example, two weeks ago against RPl, Marist
was trailing 22-19, bill had possession Willi untie! a minute
left lo play. Fox quarterback Jim Cleary very nearly completed a pass lo a wide receiver standing alone on ihc
Engineer three-yard line. The reception would have sel ihc
Foxes up for a possible victory. Last Sunday,the Loses lell
lo Kamapo College by ihe score .14-14.
Interestingly, the Foxes run their offense out of the
familiar wishbone sel. Marisi likes lo slay on Ihc ground
and in doing so has generated an average of 22.1.6 yards on
Ihe ground, and have passed for an average III),') vaids,
giving them a total of 334.5 yards per game. Ihc entire offensive unit is well experienced with ten of the II starters
returning from last season.
Cleary is the signalcallcr. the 6'0" ISO-pound junior lias
thrown for 786 yards completing 56 passes in I2S attempts
with seven touchdowns.
"He's their game breaker,' said Flanders. "He's a real
good runner, he can read the wishbone and do a good
Cleary demonsiratcd his powcrul running ability i caln,st
lona earlier this season, he ran 75 yards on a single play lor
a Marist touchdown.
"He's got legitimate speed," added Flanders. "Every
time he touches the ball, he can take it straight through."
The Marist fullhouse backficld consists of three seniors.
At fullback is Jim Dowd, measuring 6'0" 210 pounds. The
Fox halfbacks are 6' 1" Mike Spawn and 5' 10" Ron Dimmie. Dimmie's 92 carries this season have earned him a
school record 535 yards on the ground and six touchdowns.
The college basketball season opens next Saturday in
Springfield, Massachusetts, Ihe birthplace of basketball,
*hcn defending national champion North Carolina takes
on St. John's of the Big East. It is fitting thai Ihis newest
of seasons should open with an ACC vs. Big East mat
chup, since that is how last season ended, when North
Carolina defeated Georgetown for the national title in one
of college basketball's most exciting finals. All of which
leads us to Ihe question — why can'l Ihc NBA finals
•natch the drama and cStW'rmenl of the NCAA finals'?
November 16,1982
Sponsors charge dance group is anti-semitic
By Mark Gesner
Defensive tackle Frank Gallo Is about lo make the sack with linebacker Ed Eastman not tar behind. The
Dane defense will be looking to rebound tomorrow against Marist.
Much of Marisi's passing offense has k e n large-led at
junior Warren Wellcr. Weller, a high school teammate of
Cleary, has caiighl 21 ol the passer's losses for 419 yards
and three touchdowns.
"lie's got ihc potential lo heat you with the long pass,"
said Flanders of Wellcr who had a 65-yard touchdown
reception against Rl'l.
The Fox defensive learn is Ihc weaker of Ihe two units.
Marist runs a college 4-3 alignmcnl and, lacking defensive
experience this season, has given up 30 points per game on
average. Further,they have allowed opponents an average
of 290 yards per game.
The Marisi defensive line is bolstered by Iwo offensive
linemen who were convened lo defense because of a shorlagc of personnel at Ihe beginning of Ihc season. Rick
Gentles, a 6'0" 210-pound defensive end and Jim Creech, a
6'0" 212-pound defensive tackle both made Ihe switch in
The middle linebacker in Ihc 4-3 is junior Brian Sewing,
th e team's 6'0" 205-pound captain. "He's a real good
linebacker — good instincts and a real good hitler,"
Flanders described.
Flanking Sewing are a pair of fine outside linebackers
Chris Vauglil, Ihc only senior on ihe defensive unit, stands
on one side, while Fete Moloney, a freshman, guards Ihe
The defensive secondary does nol contain any players
Willi tremendous si/e, but, according lo Flanders, "they
play pass defense real well." Jim Swalck, a 5'R" 170-pound
junior leads the secondary ai Ihe strong safely position.
"They do a lot of Ihings with him (Swalek); we have to
be aware of what he's doing at all limes," added Flanders.
"It's going lo be an interesting game lo watch with both
teams using ihc wishbone. It will be interesting lo see who
can control the ball better with it," he continued.
The Danes will be looking lo avoid a 5-4 season, (here's
no argument that 6-3 sounds much belter. "The importance is to gel that 6-3 record and maintain thai winning
percentage we've had here," Ford commented.
"We've had a good year, nol a great one, a good one.
We want to end it Ihe right way," llandcrs concluded.
All action can be heard tomorrow on 91 FM beginning al
12:55 pm.
Excitement and drama of NCAA begins soon
By Biff Fischer
The last game of any season always assumes certain importance. If a learn finds Itself contending for a playoff
position, then the importance of Ihc final game is obvious.
But for a team destined to call it a season after the final
seconds tick off the clock, Ihe last game is equally important. It's the game that will remain etched in the team's
memory until the day Ihe following season begins.
The Albany Stale Great Dunes are one of those teams
whose destiny has already been established. They have
known for quite a while thai ihcy will not be granted a postseason playoff spot and have tried' to complete the remainder of their schedule in a successful style, However,
last weekend, they stumbled in that quest losing miserably
lo Ihe University of Buffalo Hulls 42-14. This weekend the
schedule-makers have given the Danes a last chance to turn
ihe bitter thoughts of last week's defeat to ihe sweet
memories of a season ending victory. The Danes host the
Marist College ked Foxes tomorrow on University field.
"You always wain to end on a high note. I he last game is
the one you remember until next season," said Albany
Slate head fool hall coach Hob ford,
liy Mure Haspcl
The NCAA tournament is a single elimination event,
which adds to the drama. Some critics claim ihai ihis
detracts from ii, dial it is much harder for the best team to
win — witness DcPaul, who has lost only three games in .
ihc lasl three seasons, but is0-3 in NCAA play. The NBA
champion musi go through at least three hcsl-ol'-scvcn
scries, so that they must win 12 games, two more if they
don't finish first in their division. Obviously, Ihis cuts
down on Ihe level of drama, and draws ihe playoffs oul a
great deal.
The NCAA basically is, simply, more exciting lhan ihe
NBA. The pros play such a lengthy, lime consuming
schedule Ihai it is difficult to keep a close watch on all the
leams, With a third as many games as the NBA, each college game means that much more, and Ihe more each
game means, Ihe more dramatic, and Ihe higher the level
of Interest,
With over 200 division leams, ihere is a greater regional
Interest in each of the leams. When a team reaches Ihe
NCAA icgionals, it can provide a unique malch-up, say,
Fresno State vs. Georgetown, where all of the fans who
arc at the regionals arc season-tickci holders, and probably Booster club members as well. In ihe NBA, leams in
tile west slay in ihe wesl, and teams in Ihe easl do likewise.
So, you gel a situation where the 76ers play ihe Celtics six
times during the regular season, and then play a besl-ofseven for the playoff series. People on Tobacco Road
complained a couple of years back when North Carolina
and Virginia rriel for the fourth time that season in the national semi-finals. II is more difficult to sustain intensity
Ihe more often you play a team, once you get pasl the
third or fourth game. Playing a learn from a different
region adds lo the uncertainly, and therefore makes the
outcome that much more uncertain.
As we gel ready for ihe beginning of college season,,
Ihere are a lot of predictions being made as lo who will gel
how far in March. We are no exception, and next week
we'll lake a look al our lop eight lcams„and Ihe one learn
we think will win Iwo games in Alhcquerquc when ihe
Final Four rolls around. Aflcr last season's pick of
Georgia, who wound up losing in Ihe N'T semi-finals, wc
need a comeback
The Wallflower Order, a dance theatre collective in clear
support of the Paleslinian Liberation Organization, sparked controversy with some Albany sponsors who accused the
group of distributing anti-semitic literature at their Nov. 6
Page Hall performance.
The group, which had dedicated four previous appearances in Boston and North Hampton lo the PLO,
distributed at Page Hall a leaflel entitled "Israel: The New
Nazi Stale" which described a "holocaust against Ihc
Palestinian and Lebanese people" under recent Israeli aggression.
"Israel has ushered in a new age of barbarism which
threatens to engulf thai entire region, if not the world in
total war," claimed the leaflet, written by a Palestinian
support group. "The Israeli agenda is genocide."
"What wc thought ihcy were doing was scapcgoaling
Israel—putting the blame of the Middle East once again on
Israel,'.' said SUNYA's Feminist Alliance co-chairperson
Gail Fricdberg. "It shows that anti-scmitism comes up
everywhere and is not immune from so-called progressive
The Feminist Alliance, Central American Solidarity
Alliance (CASA), Albany Feminist Forum, This River of
Women Theatre Group, and Tri-City Women's Center cosponsored the evening performance. Llowever, all the
Albany-based groups said they were originally unaware of
the Wallflower Order's political viewpoint.
"Wc signed a contract not even realizing that there was
going lo be any dedication at all," explained CASA
member Dave Miller, a co-producer of ihe performance.
The theatre collectives' publicity pamphlet said ihc group
"was formed ill 1975 lo express polilieal perspeelives of ihe
feminist movement through expressions of their own personal stories and contemporary writing,"
"My real problem is that they were not straight about
their politics—they call themselves feminists when they're
really leftists," complained l.ibby Posl, a publicity worker
for ihe event.'
Miller agreed by saying thai "Wallflower was negligent
in nol forewarning us of their dedication. They know that
Inset: Llbby Post; graphic from Wallflower Order pamphlet
they call themselves feminists when they 're really leftists.''
the statement made is a controversial one."
Allhough all the sponsors were Initially enthusiastic lo
have ihe theater collective perform in Albany, none were
pleased about rumors spread Iwo weeks before Ihe show,
naming ihc Wallflower group as a supporter of the Pl.t).
"I heard Ihc rumor and called up Wallflower lo see if il was
Hue. They confirmed ii, so I then called ihc olhet groups,"
recalled co-chair of ihe Feminist Alliance, Roberta
As a result of ihose calls a member of Ihe Albany
Feminist Forum phoned Wallflower manager Molly
Stcincrl in Boston lo discuss whal dedication ihe group
planned lo make in Albany. A new dedication was written
which was shown to all of the event's sponsors.
In Ihe revised dedication, Wallflower honored the
Paleslinian people in their straggle for self-determination.
I he I heal re coalition expressed iheir solidarity with Jewish
people everywhere who are speaking oul against the actions
of ihc Israeli government, 1 he dedication also pointed out
ihai "wilh ihc rise of anti-scmitism, racism, and bigotry in
all iis manifestations our work is to fight those both within
ourselves and inoreovei to struggle against a system that
creates these atrocities.''
Allhough Wallflower revised their dedication, they did
nol tell ihe sponsoring groups about ihe Palestinian leaflets
Safety, economy issues at Women's Caucus
By Heidi Grulla
Women's safety, Reaganomics and
minority women were lop issues as 45
women representing nine SUNY schools
across the stale gathered al Albany this
weekend for Ihe fifth annual SASU
Women's Caucus Conference.
Women's Caucus is a group of women
SUNY students working within SASU to
promote women's rights.
Assembly member Rhoda Jacobs
Criticized Reagan for not supporting ERA.
Although ihere were speakers on a variety of issues, SASU Women's Caucus Chair
and conference organizer Nancy DeCarlo
said her organization focused on women's
safely ihis year. "Thai's always a continuing issue because of ihe enormity of the
problem," she said.
According lo DeCarlo, an Albany student, a proposal has been submitted lo
SUNY Central requesting a campus security
phone line to be answered by someone who
has received sensitivity training. The proposal is expected lo pass, she said.
DeCarlo explained ihai feminist
organizations have observed a lack of communication between women who have been
assaulted and campus security.
Judo Instructor Maggie Boys taught a
workshop in self-defense during ihc conference. She showed ihe group ways of
escaping ihe attacker's hold and vulnerable
points on Ihe body lo aim lor when fighting
back. Boys advised, "don't necessarily go
for the groin, they're expecting thai," Instead she suggested stepping on the instep
of the foot or kicking Ihe attacker's knees.
She also mentioned ways of nonphysieally deterring a potential attacker.
"It's extremely hard for Ihem lo attack somcone who is looking Ihem straight in the
eye, ready lo kick and fight back."
Reaganomics and its effect on women
was discussed by Assembly member Rhoda
Jacobs (D-Brooklyn). Jacobs centered her
speech on the rising unemployment rale
since Reagan look office. Reminding her
audience that women arc ihe "lasl hired,
first fired," and Ihai this is a lime of firing,
she explained that "women are now ihe
growing poverty strain."
She also criticized Reagan for a lack of
support of family planning centers.
Pointing out thai "Reagan went out of
his way to insist that ERA be taken off the
Republican platform." she said "the
Reagan administration is actively attempting to undo everything (women) have
worked for."
feminist movement.
Increased minority participation is a
priority for the upcoming year, according
to ihe Caucus' newly elected Co-Chair Beth
Al ihe end of die conference ten women
representing ihe four SUNY regions were
elected as delegates to SASU. Suter, an
Albany student, was elected to co-chair the
organization with Milissa Laubstein, a
SASU intern from Oneonia.
The group plans lo continue Iheir work
on women's safety, Suter said, as well as to
concentrate on child care an an antidiscrimination policy for all SUNY
Minority Student Field coordinator for
the National Student Educational Fund schools. DeCarlo noted that the Caucus has
(NSLF) Cassandra Walker, spoke on been pulling together a proposal to create
minority women in ihe feminist movement, on-campus daycare eenlcrs for students
Walker noted that the lack of participation ' who have children, another project for this
by women of color is partly due lo percep- year.
tions of ihe feminist movement, She told
her predominantly white audience that "the
Allhough slightly disappointed that
women's movement is sllll seen as largely several schools were unable to attend,
while and middle class," and that the DeCarlo was pleased wilh ihe conference
feminist movement is often seen as lesbian, and wilh ihe work that the caucus has done
radical, and racist. She added that another litis year. "We've gained enough legitimacy
reason for lack of minority women support that we're taken seriously and in the issues
is thai during the 60's when Ihe feminist we've worked on we've really accomplished
movement became active, minority women things," she said.
were preoccupied wilh racial issues.
Suter said Ihai she and Laubstein plan to
Walker suggested co-sponsoring activities work for betier communication between
with minority organizations and planning leaders of feminist groups on SUNY camcross-cultural projects. She also said il is puses. "I'm looking forward to a close knit
Important to inform minority organizations coalition between all the SUNY women's
of upcoming events and issues within the groups," Suler said after the convention. •
oriel capsule^
Judge overturns draft laws,
says free speech violated
By Deborah Belgum
I » K / i/Hi/wsx "Hum
Los Angeles, Calif.
(AP) A federal judge, citing a legal lechnicaliiy, tossed
Oill regulations that require millions of young men to
register for the draft and also said the government cannot
selectively prosecute registration resisters.
In knocking but the government's case against 21-yearold David Wayte, U.S. District Judge Terry Halter Jr. ruled Monday (hat the Selective Service System should have
wailed 30 days for public comment before enforcing a draft
registration proclamation issued by President Carter in
" T h e court caunol close its eyes to the fact Ihul the prolamation became effective a mere 21 days after it was
,'ublishcd in the Federal Register," Hnller said in his ruling.
Mailer also ruled thai the government had violated
Waytc's free speech rights under the U.S. Constitution by
prosecuting only the vocal opponents o f the draft, l i e also
cited the government's refusal to turn over evidence, and iis
refusal under the doctrine of executive privilege to allow
While House counselor Edwin Mcese I I I lo testify. It was
unclear how Hatter's ruling would affect the registration
process or the four men convicted o f resisting registration,
The government says 8.9 million men have complied with
the act, while 585,<XX> men have failed lo sign up.
U.S. Attorney Stephen T r o t l said the judge's order
would be appealed immediately to the Dili U.S. Circuit
Court o f Appeals.
If the appeals court reverses Halter's decision, the indictment against Wayte will he reinstated and proceedings will
resume, T r o l l said. He had no further comment.
Mark Roscnbaum, one o f Waytc's attorneys, said he vyns
"pleasantly stunned" by the ruling, and believes if it is
upheld on appeal, the nation's entire draft registration
system may be invalid.
" I t means the whole draft is o u t , " he said.
Roscnbaum said that if Halter's decision is upheld, the
convictions of four oilier draft resisters could be overturned, .
Wayte, a former philosophy student at Yale University,
said, " I am very happy right now because the judge
dismissed ihe case...I think this is a very big victory for us
and a big setback for the Selective Service system."
In his decision, Hatter said he recognized " I h e
widespread effect thai a decision granting defendant's molion to dismiss due to ihe illegal promulgation of the proclamation will have on this nation's Selective Service
registration p r o g r a m . "
Bui he said the government failed lo prove Wayle had
nol been the subjeel of selective discrimination in ihe prosecution of draft registration resisters.
Before Hatler's decision was released, Ihe government
announced it has shifted ladies in iis crackdown on men
who haven't registered. The government said Monday il
would scrutinize Social Security tolls and lax records in an
effort lo catch mure non-registrants.
Hatier ruled thai Carter's presidential proclamation on
July 18, 1980, ordering all young men lo register for the
draft within 30 days o f Iheir 18th birthday was invalid
because the initial registration period began nine days loo
The Selective Service Act passed by Congress says the
public has lo be given 30 days notice before any presidential
proclamation based on the, aci can take effect, 1 latter said.
The former president, who arrived in Los Angeles on
Monday night lo tape a television program today, could nol
be reached for comment. A spokesman said Carter had
gone to bed and declined lo wake him.
In Washington, Thomas K. Turnagc, director o f the
Selective Service System, could nol be reached for comment because he has an unlisted telephone number. Kim
Hoggard, a spokesman at the White House, said there
would be no immediate comment on Ihe ruling.
Shuttle forced down today
Cape Canaveral, Flu.
(AP) Disappointed, Iheir mission incomplete, Ihe shuttle
crew prepared for Tuesday's return l o Earlh after NASA's
new space suits malfunctioned with two aslronauls standing al the doorstep lo open space.
" Y o u know how Monday mornings a r c , " ground communicator Robert Stewart said. Monday afternoon was no
better. Repair efforts failed and N A S A abandoned a plan
lo keep Columbia up an extra day for a Tuesday walk. A n
oxygen fan spultcred lo a stop on Allen's space suit. Then,
with Lenoir poised for a less ambitious test in Columbia's
airlock, gauges showed, thaf his suit wasn't al Ihe proper
pressure, i.anding lo end Columbia's five-day mission is scl
for 6:34 a.m. Pacific time, on the concrete runway at Ed-
Speaking up for the disabled
Gloria Joseph, feminist author and professor of Social
Science al Hampshire College, will speak on "Racism,
Sexism, Anti-Semitism and Discrimination against the
Disabled" as pari o f ihe President's 1982-83 Lectureship
Series. The talk will take place on Thursday, November
18 at 3 p.m. in the CC Assembly Hall. Refreshments will
be served, and all are invited.
Midnight madness
LC 19 will be open as a study area from 9 p.m. lo midnight seven nights a week through Ihe end o f Ihe semester.
Hours may be extended further during final exam period.
A workstudy student will maintain quiet study conditions and monitor use o f the room. If students use the lecture center, the arrangement will continue next semester.
flampns brief ^
New athletic director hired for next semester
By M a r c S c h w a r z
ASSoctATV sroHts t:tnrt>H
Back for blood
The Red Cross Bloodmobilc will be on Campus
Wednesday, November 17, rrom 10 a.m. l o 4 p.m. in the
C C Ballroom. A l l potential donors arc urged to register
with the Pre-Health Professionals, who arc sponsoring
thi bloodmobilc, prior to the day or its visit.
Student teachers still can
The division of Physical Education,
Athletics and Recreation ( P E A R ) has announced the hiring of a new director.
William Moore, former athletic director al
Central Connecticut State College will start
his j o b in January, replacing Pal Rogers
who has held the position o f acting
director since September.
" I have no plans lo change anything
coming i n , except to continue management
of the division," said Moore. "There is lit-
If you are planning on doing your student teaching during the academic year 1983-84, the director of Student
Teaching requests that you make sure you are enrolled in
Ihe teacher education program and that you register for
student teaching.
Registration will take place al the following dates and
places: Business Education, November 29, ES 124, and
November 30, BA 22IB; English, December I, ED 124;
M a t h , December 2, ED 115; Science, December 3, ED
115; Foreign Languages, December 6, ED 124; and Social
Studies, December 7, E D 115. A l l registrations are held
from 9 a.m. — 5 p.m.
For more information, contact the Department of
Teacher Education, ED 113, at 457-7752,
Picture perfect
Forum magazine is announcing its
Third Annual Student Photo Contest, offering over
$3,400 in prizes and a chance for any college student to
have his/her work published. The subjeel mailer is open,
and students may enter as many black-and-white prints,
color prints, or slides as they wish.
B u t , h u r r y ! Contest closes November 30, 1982. For
more information, WT'IIC Photographer's Forum, 25 West
Anapamu Street, Santa Barbara, California, 93101.
wards Air Force Base in California.
" T h e mission was a success, with or without the space
w a l k , " said Glynn Lunncy, shuttle program manager,
noting the crew had completed its main mission — deployment of two commcrical satellites.
The space walk had originally been scheduled for V/i
hours on Sunday, but Lenoir had motion sickness and il
was put off one day. There has not been an American space
walk since February 3, 1974. This was the first walk ever
Stock prices decline again
Neiv York
(AP) Slock prices suffered their largest loss in three weeks
Monday amid some new doubts about Ihe interest-rale
Rates rose in ihe bond and shori-lcrm money markets,
partly in response lo money-supply statistics issued late in
Ihe day by the Federal Reserve.
The Dow Jones average of 30 Industrials tumbled 18.49
10 1,021.43, its biggest decline since il look a near-record
drop o f 36.33 points on October 25.
Congress approves interest
Washington, D.C.
(AP) Federal regulators voted Monday to let most banks
and savings associations offer depositors new high-Interest,
$2,500-minimum accounts designed lo compete with money
market mutual funds.
The Depository Institutions Deregulation Commitlcc
voted 3-2 lo set Ihe minimum, al federally insured institutions, despile two members' arguments thai selling any
minimum mighl keep the account from being truly competitive with the funds.
Congress recently authorized creation of the accounts,
In an article entitled "Redefinition, Stricter Rules Attempt to Curb Cheating," ihe paragraph which cited
pressure on students as a primary reason for cheating was
incorrectly attributed lo Prof. Harry Staley. Actually, Executive Secretary of the Commilllee on Student Conduct,
Henry Kirshncr brought out |l)is point. ,
Applications are now being accepted for the SASU
Foundation Communications Internship Program. Three
students will be selected lo work on a wide range of issues,
including financial aid, the SUNY budget, the cost of
higher education and univcrsily governance. Applicants
with experience in areas such as graphics, writing/reporting, research, photography, and production are sought
to work on Grassroots, SASU's monthly news magazine
and on pamphlets, posters, reports and media coverage o f
statewide SASU evenls.
The Internships carry a small slipend and full academic
credit can be arranged. For more information, write:
SASU Foundation Internship Program, One Columbia
Place, Isl Floor, Albany, New Y o r k , 12207.
ordering that they be "directly equivalent lo and competitive w i t h " the privale funds, which have more than
tripled in assets to over $200 billion in less than Iwo years.
Pari of those gains, by all accounts, have been at the expense of the nation's savings institutions, where
withdrawals have outpaced deposits.
Walesa rejoins Solidarity
Gdansk, Poland
(AP) Lech Walesa renewed his allegiance lo the Independent labor movement Monday bul look u cautious line
toward Ihe martial-law government and urged his supporters to confine themselves lo peaceful action.
He also said he needed al least a month to gel acquainted
with the situation in Poland and decide his future course of
" I was, I am and I will be faithful lo the spirit of
A u g u s t , " said Walesa, referring lo the August 1980 agreement thai launched the Solidarity labor federation.
" I will not depart form Ihe letter of thai agreement," he
told his First news conference since his release after 11 months o f detention. But he added, in a vein reminiscent of his
moderating influence on the union before his arrest, " A s
you know, I never wanted lo destroy or knock anything
out. I am for peaceful solutions."
Mayors to urge spending
New York
( A P ) A group of mayors said Monday they will urge
President Reagan and Congress lo find a way lo spend hundreds o f billions of dollars—possibly through a
Reconstruction Finance Corporation—lo create jobs and
rebuild the nations infrastructure.
" W e ' r e talking about,..a couple o f hundred billion
dollars," remarked Mayor Coleman Young of Detroit.
" W e ' r e not talking peanuts."
Young, president of the U.S. Conference of Mayors,
made Ihe estimate at a news conference after a special
meeting here of 17 of the nation's mayors and several
business, labor and academic leaders lo draw up a plan for
national economic recovery.
Besides an RFC lo help public and privale investment in
cities, their recommendations for financing the fight
against unemploymentincluded'a minimum gasoline la^ incrl'asedfS'lb'KJccntsand'ildu'lDack' on'tW defense'budget.
C o a c h (Job Ford
/ ikcly associate athlcti.
lie prerogative lo change a Division II or I I I
PEAR was upgraded a year and a hall
ago by ihe univcrsily from n department 10
a division,
" T h i s gave the department
more c l o u t , " according to sports Information director Mark Cunningham.
The division proceeded 10 search for a
director, added Cunningham, bul due to
stale hiring and wage freezes, il was not until over a year and a second search committee of administration, faculty and students
was formed that a director was hired. During litis lime period, Ihe division was headed by Elmer Matthews and Rogers.
Moore has been the athletic director at
Central Connecticut Stale College since
1962. He has also coached the basketball
and football teams at Central Connecticut
and prior lo at living al the school he was a
coach al Shepherd Slate College in West
" W i l l i a m Mooie is very experienced. He lias held this lypc o f position
for 20 years and is well known and
respected for his work nationally In
athletics," said vice-president ol university affairs Lewis Welch, who has In Charge
of the search committee.
Moore looks at the move lo AlbnU) as an
" o p p o r t u n i t y for a laic career move." " |
find il stimulating, Albany is parallel in
scope 10 the j o b I do here," commented
Mooie. " W h e n the description cutnc out, 11
said Albany was advertising foi .1 dltectoi
, i | ;\ division. Usttully 11'. child loi .111
alhletk dlrcctot 01 physical education
chairman. This was a chance 10 move into
a parallel situation something which I've
enjoyed. Ii gives me a chance in coordinate
and develop,"
Moore's hiring ends a long search by the
university to fill this position. When the
univcrsily first upgraded the department lo
a division, Elmer Matthews, an Albany administrator near retirement took on the
position until someone permanent could be
hired, said Cunningham. In the beginning
of 1981, coach Bob l o r d , knowing of the
upgrading, wanted a clean slate of people 10
work in the division, offered his resignation
as director of athletics, added Cunningham.
To assist him in his new j o b , Moore is expected 10 name. Ford as associate athleticdirector. " | would like Bob (Ford) lo work
with me. Nothing has been solidified yet,
there has lo be some written transmittals,"
said Moore. " H e would lend many'ycars o f
experience lo Ihe posl. I know him, having
met him through Ihe N C A A . He would be
extremely valuable 10 m e . "
One of Ihe major concerns facing Moore
arc poor field conditions. " B o b Ford
told me about the conditions, particularly
Ihe drainage problem. I certainly wain 10
"William Moore is very experienced. He has held this type of
position for 20 years and is well known and respected for his
work nationally in athletics. "
— Lewis Welch, vice president of university affairs
According to Ford, the first search commlllce recommended a director, bul a state
ordered freeze on hiring prevented the npI'Olnlment,
work on ii and I know ii lias Been expressed
as a concern. But lhai kind o f change cannot be effected by me alone. I won't hack
; I » ; I J Horn I I , Inn I can't say I'll change i l .
Matthews retired in June and Rogers
look ovei Ihe position ol acting-director in
September. Anoihet search committee was
formed and Ihrct luulisis were Invited for
on-campus Interviews.
Ihe committee
recommended Moore However, according
in I ord, Mooie had problem leaving 1 en11,il Connccllciii Immediately,
tendered his resignation effective the end of
the scmcslet and will begin his dunes .11
Albany in January.
1 here's a lot that goes Into it and it will lake
lime, major changes don't lake place Overnight," explained Moore.
" F o r d , Rogers and Joe Garcia told me
I'm coming in when things lire good Work
was done litis past summer, Ihe gym flooi
wits icdone. Dial's u plus. I have nothing
but warm feelings and am loot ini foi • ird
m working at \lbuny.
Ihe pcoph nrc
knowiU|tiiiniiilc.slo m i und I am stimulated
by new experiences, a new community and
a new s i , i l l , " said Moon-.
Audit indicates SUNY may have lost millions
By Steve Gusset
.VI.Ml HHlltti
A newspaper report that said SUN Y has
lost millions of dollars over ihe last 30
years for failing to enforce earnings limits
on faculty has been disputed by SUNY
and its faculty union, United University
The Knickerbocker
News reported last
Tuesday that a draft of an audit not ycl
released by the State Comptroller shows
that medical and dental faculty at the four
SUNY health science centers have earned
well above stale limits. Faculty members
are allowed to keep a portion of Iheir
medical fees above Iheir base salary, with
the rest going to Ihe state.
However, al D o w n s t a t e
Center, in Brooklyn Ihe newspaper
reported that ihe audit uncovered $1.3
million in excess earnings in 1980, with a
similar lack of controls at Upstate Medical
Center in Buffalo. There are also health
science centers in Stony Brook and
According lo ihe newspaper, the audit
also criticized SUNY for nol collecting
enough rent from medical groups thai
operated in the centers and for allowing
personal expenses to be counted as part of
a medical practice.
The report has raised some controversy
because Ihe audit is currrenlly only a
draft, which was sent back 10 SUNY for
comment and possible changes 10 satisfy
auditors. The Slate Comptroller's office
would nol comment on ihe findings of ihe
draft, saying that Ihe final report would
be out next month.
said " i h e auditing and accoun-
ting functions have been lightened u p , "
bul SUNY communications officer Hugh
Tuohcy would nol say if that meant
SUNY was conceding il had been lax in
enforcing rules in the past.
" I doubt very much that il is true. It
sounds like innuendo lo m e , " said Fred
Lambert of the U U P , Ihe union Ihul
represents ihe faculty, regarding the
charges of dubious expenses.
SUNY and UUP recently reached an
agreement thai the SUNY statement said
would give the administration " a greater
degree o f accountability than ever
before." The new agreement allows U U P
members to earn up to 250 percent above
Iheir salary in medical fees. Previously the
figure was 175 percent, The maximum
amount a doctor could now earn would be
$182,325, up from $117,090. Lambert
said that figure would be for a full pro-
fessor who is a chairman o f a specialized
department. Most faculty members, he
said, do not reach Iheir salary ceiling. The
agreement slill has lo be approved by Ihe
Lambert said 1 that whal some see
to be exorbitant salaries arc necessary lo
recruit "recognized experts in certain
fields so graduates reflect the kind of
education they'd be g e t t i n g . "
The SUNY statement said the agreement has allowed ihe univcrsily " t o correct the most serious shortcomings cited in
Ihe audit," which Lambert attacked for
making "hyperbolic claims all a l o n g . "
" I f Ihe slate is saying thai this is a big
failure, then it is the fault of the slate," he
said. Lambert also claimed that such
audits could "retard the chances of the
kind of legislative response we w a n t . " I
Critical rabbi invites Kahane back to Albany
By Teri Kaplowitz
VMIS 101 tOH
Mcir Kahane, the controversial rabbi
who spoke al S U N Y A Oct. 23, has been invited back lo ihe Capital District by a local
rabbi who publicly compared his policies 10
Ihe Nazis and South African apartheid.
Rabbi Baruch Frydman-Kohl has invited
Kahane to Congregation Olav Shalom,
where he presides, with Ihe " h o p e to allow
Rabbi Kahane the opportunity to present
his views and be challenged."
During a question and answer session
after Kahane's speech, Frydman-Kohl
spontaneously stepped up to the podium
from his first row scat and began addressing
the audience, according 10 Revisionist
Zionist Alternative member Glen Moncs.
When the crowd booed Frydman-Kohl
and RZA members approached thi stage lo
prevent possible trouble, Kahane said,
" N o , lei him speak," according lo Moncs.
Moncs said Kahane told the audience
that by letting Frydman-Kohl speak, he was
allowing the rabbi a privilege he himself
probably wouldn't receive al Olav Shalom,
Frydman-Kohl countered Kahane hM say-
ing he would allow him 10 speak 10 his congregation. Moncs reported Kahane then
said, " W e l l , I'm gonna hold you 10 t h a i . "
Frydman-Kohl said he had 10 invite
Kahane because he fell "constrained by ihe
situation." He called his speech on Ihe
podium an "act o f Impcluouslty,"
with compensation 10 those who leave
The Brooklyn-born rabbi founded the
militant Jewish Defense league, and made
allyah to Israel in 1971 where he formed his
own political party known in English as
"Clod's Vcngence,"
A Idler thai Kahane wrote 10 FrydmanKohl a week later requested, in pari, a formal Invitation, adding " I am sure that a
promise made by a Jewish spiritual leader in
public will be k e p i . "
Frydman-Kohl has scheduled Dec. 16 or
19 for Kahane " n o l lo speak per se, bul 10
participate in our (congregation's) dialogue
series," which uses a question and discussion formal to discuss public issues of concern.
" 1 hope he comes,'' said Frydman-Kohl.
He mentioned thai Congressman Sam
Siniiton recently participated in a dialogue
series al Olav Shalom.
In a Idler 10 the ASP,Nov. 3, FrydmanKohl rejected Kahane's "understanding of
Judiasm and Z i o n i s m , " saying (hat his
"program would nol lead to security, but 10
the destruction o f the state o f Israel."
Earlier, controversy
Kahancs's public engagement when the
Jewish Student Coalilion-llillel Hied 10 bar
him from speaking on campus, on Ihe
grounds thai he mighl start unnecessary
tension in lighl of the recent IsraeliLebanon crisis. Some JSC-Hlllel members
splintered o f f lo form RZA in order to
sponsor Kahane's appearance.
During his volatile speech, Kahane
blasled American Jewish leaders as " l i m i d
pygmies and dwarfs." His notoriously
radical views include Ihe expulsion of all
Arabs from Israel and its occupied lands,' '
Moncs said RZA plans to Blend the
dialogue. He speculated that FrydmanKohl "wanls 10 have another chance 10
refute Kahane."
" I ' m sure there'll be a matching o f w i t s , "
he s a i d . 1 " ; '''-' ' ' ' " ' " ' ' " ' '
Rabbi Meir Kahane
Klews challenged by local
Tracy & Poitier
Who's Coming To
Wed. Nov 17
CC Ballroom 8:00 PM
tuesday november 16th
humanities 354 at 8pm
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FROM 10:00 am-3:00 pm
J.S.C.-S.F.I. committee
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3:30-5:00 P.M.
Defense committee supports jailed slasher
By Heidi Gralla
Purple and Gold
serves campus
would be useful during the appeal process.
He declined, however, to disclose names or
information on olher committee members.
Assistant Public Defender James
Banagan, Andrews' defense attorney
estimated thai it may be six months before
all the necessary puperwork will be completed and an appeal can be filed. If the appeal is successful, Ihe conviction could be
reversed without a trial. If a new trial is
ordered, it could be as long as 90 days
before the trial begins.
This is where Banagan feels the Defense
Commiitcc could be mosl useful. "One
thing they might be able to do is lo raise
money (o gel him out on bail pending Ihe
determination of his appeal.
Although Banagan is 1101 a member ol'the
committee, he said he has spoken 10 and advised them "on more than one occasion."
The committee was formed on September
13th with the assistance of the Black Social
Workers Organization, of which Van Ness
is president. He said the committee acquired members "through Andrews' family
and by word of mouth" around the community. About 80 percent of the 40
members arc minorities, he said.
Van Ness added the group plans to continue working even after a decision is reached on the Andrews case. They hope lo make
people in the community more aware of
ihcir legal rights, he explained.
Community Service openings halved
By 1.1/ Reich
ihe Slate legislature.
Dean of Social Welfare, Stuart Kirk said,
"There has always been u limit of I,(XX)
sludenls per year, In the pusl there has been
a greater influx of sludenls in the spring
semester and fewer in the fall semester."
Kirk feels Ihal by imposing this 500 student
limit, ihe iwo semesters will have equal sludenl representation, Kirk said he has only
received a few complaints from sludenls
ami their names wro put on a wailing list.
"Enough sludenls should drop out of ihe
program Ihal those who want 10 gel in will
be able 10," said Kirk.
Community Service Programs for Ihe
Spring semester have halved their admitlance from 1,000 lo 500 sludenls as those
seeking registration were surprised to learn.
According 10 Central Council member
Uric Saulcr, "Community Service registration closed Iwo days curly, and there were a
lot of complaints because agencies were
deprived of students and sludenls who
warned 10 work and couldn't,"
Community Service is a program in
which sludenls volunteer Ihcir services to
community agencies and receive academic
Sauter suspects another reason for Ihe
credits. Usually sludenls work six hours n limitation was a lack or administrative help
week nnd receive ihrce credits in such agen- on Ihe Community Service end, bill Kirk
cles as hospitals, libraries, law offices, and made no mention of that.
Head of Community Service Program,
Heidi McKinlcy, said, "It's been 1,000
sludenls per year for Ihe past ten years.
Whal happened Ibis year was ihal students
signed up so fast, thai registration closed
nfler two days,"
"We have a wailing list of around 50
sludenls, and we hope to admit some
sludenls during drop/add," McKinlcy added.
She called ihe demand for Community
Seuice registration, "unexpected," but
said, "Nothing has really changed. Every
year sludenls have been closed o u l . "
McKinlcy maintained, "It's really no different from any oilier class where sludenls
gel closed oul. This year it jusl happened
faslei than usuul."
Prerequisite for
Canadian Majors.
lbs dice Ol a
The " )bvlou
recognizee sei \ Ic .•lu t L.I i v " on CI in
allon of the
pus has in
Purple . ud < o k , a stud i'111
orgnnizat! in des gnu d 0 lultill Ihe
long time i c e d , ; ecu di |g 10 Sol nil
E, Cltosln Assis am \ i CC I'H ,il cm
G f l M M p TflU!
Charles Andrews, ihe 18-ycar old black
man recently convicted as the Pine Hills
Slasher, has sonic good friends outside his
prison cell, They've formed the Charles
Andrews Defense Committee in protest of
the trial which dealt him up lo 22 years in
The committee contends ihal "the mannerism of the trial did not lend itself lo what
would be considered a fair trial," said Gordon Van k ess, Chairperson of the committee and President of the National Association of Black Social Workers.
Andrews was sentenced October 4 to
terms totaling TA to 22 years in slate prisonfor Ihe firsl-degree assault of Erin Rcilly,
24, and the second degree assault of Clail
Walsh, 20. Doth women were cut with a
razor-like object minutes apart while relurning 10 Ihcir Pine Hills homes on June 2.
The committee of approximately 40
members believes "Andrews is innocent
based on the fads." Van Ness explained a
major fault they see in Andrews' trial was
the lack of black jurors in I lie trial of a
black man. "There are problems wilh that
whole system, partially because minorities
don'l register into Ihe system;" Van Ness
Van Ness said ihe committee will also
raise questions "as to whether Ihe judge
might have acted out of character by his
persistence that Ihe jury reach a verdict." Judge Joseph Harris, who
presided over the trial, sent the jury
back to continue deliberations after
Ihey reported (hat they reported
they were unable 10 reach a verdict,
Van Ness ciled fundraising
lis 1 he major function of the
He said the funds
ny Ellen
SFON50R6D b^e, Awfo*«{H<gydub
ol Univer sill Al ail
Preside 11 O'l 111 J Nil u a need I'oi
a prestigious service orgnni/anon,
for many years and created Ihe Purple and Gold to pill SUNY \ on pju
with olher large universities, said
The 2S charter members, all
juniors and seniors, were selected
and inducted lliis full. Karen Urnpie, Purple and Gold Co-advisor,
and Director of Sludenl Alumni
Programs lo explained Ihal Ihe
members will go through on-going
training and will be split up into
four smaller totaling groups, limpie
and Barbara Schoonmaker, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, will
train the group Iwo hours a week.
One group will concentrate on
the president's office by hosting
receptions and dinners for
distinguished guesis. Another
group is assigned 10 Alumni House
and will assist in establishing 11 good
alumni foundation. The olher two
groups will help with ihe Student
Affairs office and Ihe Admissions
According to charier member
Kaihy Gollogly, ihe strengthening
of the alumnl-siudeni rclnil< ship
is ihe niajoi aim ol
i 1111 • and
Gold. Snccltlcnlly,
will program foi alumni 10 speak on
career direction t'oi students, Active
alumni provide a good resource ol
Information mid funds for sludenls.
Gollogly indicated ihal the Purple
and Gold will be able to link the
alumni and sludenls and Instill a
^traditional tJ>n,Sj . ol ,ll»S . l ' l " ' l \ v ; ,
"alma muler" III alumni
Molson Golden.That's Canadianforgreat taste.
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J.S.C. Hiltel presents:
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Gays and lesbians face homophobic society
By Mark (icsner
A n aspcel of Jim's lifestyle has set him apart from the
rest o f society. He has chosen a path known to be feared
and widely misunderstood by his fellow citizens. Jim is a
By not giving his last name, Jim displayed the everyday
caution he lakes In living with his sexual preference.
"People will be physically or verbally abusive just because
someone is a homosexual or lesbian," lie said.
The term homophobia has been given
to those people who have an irrational
fear of gay men and women. "Homosexuality isn't uecccpted because it's
threatening. It is threatening to the social
structure and Ihe sex roles thai have been set up for cenluries," explained Elizabeth Drill, a member of.the Ciay
and Lesbian Alliance ( G A L A ) steering committee.
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Acccording to Joe Norton, a gay counselor and
S U N Y A professor o f e d u c a t i o n a l
homophobia is indeed highly correlated with rigid value
structures, He also explained that some of the roots of
homophobia stem from many myths associated with
homosexuality and lesbianism.
Norton said an example of these myths is " t h a t gay
men want to be women and lesbians want to be men. Yet
the myth also says that all gay men hale women and all
lesbians hate m e n . "
Martha Fitch, coordinator of the campus sexual
resource center Genesis, provides another factor in society's homophobic attitude, " I believe that people's biggest
fear in homosexuality is that they will be enticed and
become involved," said Fitch, " I t ' s not what they expect
of themselves. It is hot Ihe way they define themselves."
Often when defining the homosexual relationship, people will minimize all other parts of the relationship besides
the sexual aspect. "People think of gays as merely sexual
beings and don'l realize thai they're also workers,
volunteers, teachers, and mothers," said Norton.
"People don't usually define themselves as to what they
do in bed. A n d for a lot of gay people it's pretty much the
same tiling,*' noted B r i l l .
In fact, many gay men and women see homosexuality
as a part ol life rather than a complete way ol life. " I look
at myself as being a person f i r s t , " Jim said.
" T h e polnl is thai lesbians and gays arc jusi like other
people wiih the exception o f their sexual orientation, and
they need to be thought of as people," Norion said.
However, the mere fact that homosexuals and lesbians
do base a different sexual orientation lias been a difficult
reality for society to grasp. Many heterosexuals have difficulty understanding how physical attraction can exist
between members of the same sex. " I'hey can't even look
at the homosexual couple and say isn'i love wonderful, as
they would when looking al a heterosexual couple," said
have lo explore."
Brill noted Ihe high degree of equality women experience ill Ihe lesbian relationship. "Basically, in a lesbian society, the women are more free. There is also more
freedom for Ihe men because they can sicp out o f the roles
society has given lo t h e m , " she said.
The freedom experienced through being gay that Britt
describes lias certainly been explored by many members
of society. It is through explaining this freedom and other
positive pans of Ihe gay lifestyle thai homosexuals and
lesbians hope to begin curing the "social disease" o f
" A key lo the cure is lo become aware of one's own
sexuality. This can help eliminate the fear of enticement,"
said Fitch.
" T h e best cure for homophobia is to gel lo know gays
and lesbians," staled Norton, " B u i in the less personal
sense, one can be helped through reading and sludy."
Whether an individual wants lo " c u r e " his or her
In spile of the fact thai homosexuality is frowned upon
by the majority of society, ten pcrccnl ol the population
has chosen to be gay, accotding 10 Norton. This decision
is one dial lakes many gay men and women years lo
Lesbians and guys are just like other people
with the exception of their sexual orientation.
"Homosexuality is a very complex thing. Those who
really call themselves lesbian or gay base very sluing feelings for about three years before ihcy aci out those reelings," explained Norton.
This process of self exploration aids in defining what a
gay person is and what a gay person is not, " S o an occasional homosexual incident does not make a person
homosexual," confirmed Norton, l i e also noted that
most adolescents who " p l a y a r o u n d " with one another
still grow up lo be heterosexual.
Aside from ihe sexual standpoint, many women assert
that their lesbianism has a political reality as well. "People have to be more aware o f the political ramifications of
our sexual choice," said Student Association Media
Director Libby Post. " I t ' s not jusi who you sleep w i l h . It
is a personal and political option thai I lust think people
homophobia, or simply feels a need to discuss and learn
more about Ihe homosexual lifestyle, there are many
places on campus to refer to.
G A L A , located in room 33.1 of Ihe Campus Center',
serves as a social outlet for gays and lesbians in Ihe university community, The organization also serves an educational purpose facilitating a speaker's forum, For further
Information, contact G A L A at 457-1078.
Genesis (457-8015), Middle Earth (457-7800), University Counseling Center (457-8652), the Gay Community
Ceniei (462-6138), Tri-City Women's Center (783-0429),
and Health Services (457-8633) arc oilier sources o f information.
Mark Gesner is an associate editor of Ihe Albany
Press and a staff member of Middle Earth.
Nuke accelerator spins atomic explorations
which has a practical as well as a theoretical
value is the x-ray technique, In this experiment, x-ray fluoresceins knock out an electron from its orbital around an a t o m .
Scientist can then determine what element
the energy came from by measuring the
energy exerted by the x-rays. This method
has been used lo delect elements in the air
and to date old materials in archaeology.
By Melissa Jaehn
_$Ul\jV a r
TW> S c\e.Nca
- GEO LO&H -
LC 12
DTOB> R C " L D ^ , vnu- e>e
HftHo T O "
Expose- T H £ " oivt?^se opRDfer^N/ir/iFs
J2£. €^?.P.LQ^M£I-NX'
Nuclear power is a controversial issue
these days, but many people may not realize
that there is a little bit of " n u k e " here at
this university. The basement between the
Biology and Earth Science harbors
S U N Y A ' s nuclear accelerator, used for
research and teaching purposes.
" T h i s is a unique machine in the sense
that it is a high current machine and its
resolution is extremely g o o d , " commented
Accelerator Director Hassaram Bakhru,
who has been working on the accelerator
since its construction in 1970. " I t is very
well suited l o doing experiments in solid
state, atomic, and nuclear physics."
Bakhru was previously in charge of a
" m u c h bigger machine," as associate director of the lab at Yale,
According lo Bakhru, a wide variety of
people use the accelerator. He estimated
that there arc four work study students,
b e t w e e n six a n d
undergraduates and independent study
students, approximately ten graduate
students, four to six post-doctorate
research associates and seven faculty
members presently working on the accelerator. Bakhru added thai a "large
number o f outside users" from industry,
R.P.I., Bell Laboratories, General Electric
Research and Development, and Albany
Medical Center also come in lo use Ihe
" T h e heart of the accelerator is called the
'ion source'," explained Bakhru , "where
atoms are ionized and then accelerated lo
various desired energies through a beam
lube under high vacuum."
Ask Accelerator Engineer Arthur Haberl
how the accelerator works, and he will
launch into what he called his "two-bit
t o u r . " With the aid o f several pictures on
the wall o f the accelerator lab, Habcrl
described the acceleration process as simply
as a man with a background in electronics
can to a layman.
" W e started in the nuclear business,"
said Haberl. But, because of the lack of
Pcier Malcovich, one of four work study
students, has already realized how useful
ihe nuclear accelerator can be lo a prospective physicist. As a physics major and computer science minor, Matcovich has been intensely involved with the accelerator for the
pasi two years, doing both independent and
work sludy in the lab. He feels working on
the acceleration has provided him with the
hands-on experience that he will need in the
After a year of work sludy, Matcovich
accepted a j o b at General Electric doing
research on some o f the characteristics o f
acceleration. He found that his work study
experience applicable to his j o b . Likewise,
the j o b al G.E. enabled him to become
skilled enough to operate the S U N Y A accelerator himself without guidance, which
few work-study students can d o .
The nuclear accelerator Is used for leaching and research purposes
"Well suited to doing experiments in solid state, atomic, and nuclear physic
funding and the need to find reseurch
related to students' future jobs, the emphasis has shifted to purely scientific projects, he explained.
The accelerator is used to study atoms.
Haberl started by saying that Ihe relatively
compact machine "shakes u p " the atoms
and brings it into an unnatural state. A
physicist can then sludy "what glued the
atoms together."
Haberl noted that many types o f ex-
periments are presently going on involving
the accelerator. He said, the accelerator is
used lo lest for metal fatigue, the breaking
point of a metal. Materials that will not ordinarily mix, chemically or physically, can
be aimed at other materials and implanted
in them, creating new alloys. These alloys
can be-tested for less-fatiguing and corroding properties, which can be usefully applied to the auto industry.
Haberl also mentioned a type of research
" I think that it is a privilege and a great
advantage to have access l o the
accelerator," remarked Matcovich. " I t is a
separate installation and it is 99 percent
The nuclear accelerator is quite safe according to Dr. Bakhru. " T h e machine runs
with three interlocks and is regularly checked by the New York Stale Department o f
H e a l t h . " In the twelve years the accelerator
has been running, there has never been an
accident. " T h e day we have an accident,"
slates Bakhru, " w e will shut d o w n . "
In the future, Dr. Bakhru hopes to install
a nuclear microprobe with a beam oneone thousandth o f a millimeter in diameter
so thai it will be easier to examine tiny circuits. The diameter o f the beam is currently
one millimeter, Bakhru also feels that the
field of new superconducting alloys will be
a "new w o r l d " i n the future.
8 aspects on tuesday
The Bakkhai Comes Alive
Euripides' play is electric
Department's p r o d u c t i o n of
Euripides' "The Bakkhai" is a
powerful and draining experience. Director
Luiz Vasconcillos has drown an exhaustive
performance out of each of his actors, successfully suspending the disbelief of (he audience. The actors onstage do not portray
the characters: they are the characters..
The result is a tight and engrossing production, imparting a strong sense of ensemble.
As Dinoysos. the god come to earth In
human form, Peter Wilson seems to revel
in his mortal disguise. His performance is
sensual: when he touches the rock of his
Donna MacMillan
mortal mother's tomb, one receives the
sensation of actually feeling the rock also
This tactile quality is preserves throughout
the play Wilson's Dionysos is convincing
and sympathetic. He is attractive without
being too pretty, yet when he reveals
himself as the god. the character takes on a
new and awesome power.
The counter to Dionysos, Pentheus. is
portrayed by Gregg Berrian. Berrian's Pentheus is angular and hard compared to the
softer curves of Dionysos' body. His closecropped dark hair contracts sharply with
the flowing blonde locks of Dionysos. Yet
Pentheus Is not without flaws, among them
a degree of voyeurism. Berrian gracefully
manages the transition from a dictator to an
Insecure and naturally curious young man.
One can feel sympathy for h i m , as well as
horror at his fate.
The central unit of "The Bakkhai" Is the
chorus of the Bakkhai women, or the Bakkhai. the women who have given
themselves up to complete worship of
Dionysos. abandoning thier rigid and
dreary lives a wives and mothers. The Bakkhai, led by Mary Libertucci, are portrayed
by Felicia Benson. Alicia Davis. Leesa
Markbreiter. Leslie May. Dale Small, and
Terri Vandenbosch. Together, they form
an intense center to the action of the play,
dramatizing the activities of the followers of
Dionysos. Vocal Director Charles Sachs
drew from a week and a half of improvisational exercises to arrange the choral patterns, and the result is a cohesive chorus.
The delivery is clear, emotional, and at
times eerie.
Sandra Dani portrays Agave, the mother
of Pentheus who has joined the Bakkhai.
and who rips her son to shreds while under
the influence of Dionysos. She delivers an
excellent performance, conveying Agave's
madness and despair effectively.
Furthermore, even the most subtle changes
In emotion reach the audience through her
slow recognition of her actions.
One of the difficulties In any Greek
drama Is that most of the action is narrated
rather then dramatized. There are two such
Instances in "The Bakkhai." The first,
delivered by Dov Weinstock as the Herdsman, relates the activities of the Bakkhai.
Weinstock's narration Is filled with the
wonder and awe at what he has witnessed.
II flows smoothly, and the audience is able
to visualize the scenes described from his
clear delivery. As the Messenger who
related the death of Pentheus to the
Chorus. Rober Basher Is at once powerful
and moving He reenacts the wrath of
Dionysos and the terror of Pentheus.
becoming two different people at once.
The wisdom and folly of old age are
represented by the characters Tiresias. portrayed by Allen Barker, and Kadmos portrayed by Dennis Diefendorf. Barker
delivers a solid performance as Ihe blind
seer who wahis that no god must be mocked and neglected. Diefendorf is especially
moving as the old man who cannot comprehend the vengeance of Dionysos on his
grandson, whom mourns as the child who
used to pull his beard and call him Grandfather.
The entire production Is underscored by
a percussion ensemble led by Brubbi
Taylor. The primitive drumbeats intensify
the drama, transforming the Chorus into
participants of a wild hypnotic ritual. The
set. designed by Glenn Stuart. Is composed
of multi-level platforms covered with rough
testured material. It is at once functional
and Impressive. The lighting design by
Steve Greenberg is eerie, casting menacing
shadows and often blurring the action into
a Boschian nightmare. Finally the excellent
costumes designed by guest costume
designer B. K. Brlggs are rich in their range
of texture and style. The costumes are consistent with the concept of the Grecian
silhouette, yet manage to give each
character individuality.
The transition by Robert Bagg is extremely accessible to a contemporary audience, and director Vasconcellos and the
entire cast make the most ot it. SUNYA's
production of "The Bakkhai" is a once in a
lifetime experience, and the show only
runs from November 16 to November 20,
It is not an average or conventional experience, and it is well worth your time to
see. For tickets and information, call
aspects on tuesday
Marimba Mysticism
he K'NIL marimba group Is made
up of three musicians, all native
Americans (Indians) from one of
the Maya "tribes" of Guatemala. Their
leader, Jeronlmo Camposeco, has been a
prominent member of his people, and a
leading figure In the search for native
American cultural dignity. Through the use
of their ancient traditional Instrument, the
marimba, the group reaches out lo the
communities of the world to bring them
their musical message, a message of peace
and cross-cultural understanding.
unfamiliar Instrument lend an added charm
to this group.
The band derives its name from their
Jaclter-Maya culture hero, K'nil. who Is an
ancient dlely. The legend passed down
through the centuries tells of how at one
lime there was a war In Guatemala, and In
order to fight this war, young men were being taken away from the village, against
their will. Few ever returned. The people
became afraid, that all their people would
die unless something was done. Two men
came forth, one of them named K'nlf
Duncan Earle
After a series of adventures these two
defeated the enemies of the town and the
nation, through Ihe magical powers (such
as lightening) that K'nll possessed. After
this, they found they could return home,
and Instead went to live In a holy mountain
where they could reside (oreger and
receive the prayers of future generations,
as the guardians of the Jacaltec (Hacaltek)
Since democracy was denied these people and their font million Maya melghbors
In 1954, due to a U.S. State Department
planned and CIA-assisted coup, they have
seen their young men taken away again,
more each day. Since 1979, the army has
begun lo attack Maya villager directly, and
as of last count over 200 have been
destroyed, or "disapproved" as they now
say of such tragedies. As traditional people
have always done when faced with a
holocaust and genecldal wars against their
kind, these young men have turned to their
legendary heroes for Inspiration, and to
their traditional medium of communication
to get their message out to Ihe world.
Behind Ihe tinkling hardwood keys and
jungle rubber mallets, the ear will discover
the very soul of these Maya Indians, who
themselves cannot go back to their
homeland as they bring forth trials and their
external struggle for life through the pan-
Dionysian Drama
ionysos is within all of us. He Is
represented by instinct, emotion,
and sensuality. His counterpart,
Apollo, Is also within each of us,
represented by logic, reason, and thought.
When balanced In an Individual, they produce what Freud termed the ego. an Individual capable of passion and emotion,
yet at the same time able to restrain himself
and realize the consequences of his actions. If either force is In control, however,
a destructive Imbalance is created. This
struggle between the two opposing forces is
Ihe theme of Euripedes' tragedy "The Bakkhai" which opens tonight at SUNYA's
Performing Arts Center at 8 pm on the
Main Stage.
Director Luiz Vasconcellos Is currently a
graduate student in theater at SUNYA. but
he has already established himself as a professional director In his native country of
Brazil. He teaches directing at a Brazilian
university, and is pursuing an advanced
degree in the United States in order to help
establish a Master's Program in Theater
Arts in Brazil He feels that one of the main
difficulties in staging a Greek drama is the
difference in theatrical conventions. Contemporary audiences are not accustomed
to listening to poetry; they are more concerned with impact. According to Mr.
Vasconcellos. there are three "pillars" to a
play: the actor, the idea, and the audience.
When one of these elements changes, then
the other elements must change somehow.
In the case of "The Bakkhai", it is the audience that has changed, and the rigidity of
the classic Greek drama must adapt if the
play is to have any meaning for a modern
audience. Mr. Vasconcellos said, "I wish to
create something alive for an alive audience today."
He has used Robert Bagg's translation of
"The Bakkhai". a translation which captures the emotional impact of the play
without sacrificing the poetry embodied In
the play. One of the difficulties in directing
this tragedy is that it includes two fairly
comic scenes in the beginning of the play.
Yet the humor is gallows humor in that It
Intensifies the horror that Is to come.
Mr. Vasconcellos reminds us that Pentheus is an 18-year-old boy who is just
beginning to come to terms with his own
Dionysian nature. Instead of allowing it to
develop normally. Pentheus represses it,
and centers himself around an Apollonalan
Ideal, a destructive move since it is not
Sandra U m i is featured as Agave,
mother of Pentheus Ms, Dani, like her
husband Mr. Vasconcellos, Is pursuing a
Master's Degree In Theater here, also to
help In establishing a Master's Program in
Brazil. She feels that one of Ihe major difficulties of her role Is that It encompasses a
climatic scene, yet it appears at the end of
the play. The audience already knows
what has happened, and as Agave. Ms
Dani must maintain the element of surprise. Through herr changes In emotion,
she must show the audience how she could
have killed her son, and what is going
through her mind. As an actress, she must
deal with various levels of Intensity of emotion, from Dionysian insanity to the clear,
cold understanding of what she has done
At the end of the play, only Agave learns
the balance; only she knows what it means,
even though it is too late.
When Mr. Vasconcellos first spoke '.<>
Barbara Briggs, guest costume designei foi
The Bakkhai, his principle words ven
"primitive earthy texture". She fir^r - I i
range for the costumes, with Dionysos il
one end and Pentheus at the other Pi n
theus. as the young king who has at
responsibilities too great lor his age ai
perience. is heavy with metal. re| n
tative of technology stemming fron
tellect. Dionysos appears in skins and
loincloths, representing primitive animal in
stincts. Each of the other characters costumed to scale to either extreme Onlv
members of the royal family wear brlghl
colors, primarily red, purple, and gold,
also indicative of technology. The rest >>f
the characters appear in colors which occ ut
in nature: duller earthy pinks, browns,
blues, and greens.
Ms. Briggs began with the concept of the
simple Grecian silhouette as the discipline
in which to work. Nothing is structured—all
the costumes are bssed on a circle, a
square, or a rectangle. To this basic
discipline she adds texture, using objects
such as nutshells, beads, seashells. animal
skins, leathers, and hemps to Intensify the
effect. Each member of the chorus of Bakkhai women is an Individual. For example,
one represents a bird, one vines, one the
ocean, and on serpents; yet all are unified
by Ihe wands they carry, the ivy they wear,
and above all, their terrifying worship " I
Who among us has not felt Dlonyson
abandon at a party, a rock concert, or even
a picnic? Dionys os Is there, in each of us
creating the emotions and instincts which
aie vital to the concept of humanity Yel
without some kind of restraint, Dionysos
can destroy ns as well
The melodic marimba has been played by
Ihe Maya people (or centuries. It has
always been an Instrument for calling the
people In from the fields to celebrate a
sacred occasion and to enact Ihe ancient
mythological dances. The Marimba group
now use It to call people from around the
world, so they may share In an understanding of Maya life. The group has travelled
throughout the North American continent,
sharing their music with other Indian
groups, with high schools and colleges,
with churches and In other forums that are
representative of Ihe public communlly.
The group hopes to make contact with as
large and diverse an audience as possible,
for as they say themselves,"The group Is
guided by the spiritual values of the
ancestral people of this land."
The members of Ihe group learned lo
play the marimba as a natural pari of being
raised in a traditional Indian village, and
they have played the sacred songs since
childhood. They have also learned many
other styles and forms of music in their
travels and their exposure of other Indians
as well as non-Indians. The chromatic scale
of the marimba allows it to be adaptable to
almost any song, from classical to popular,
and the renditions of familiar songs on his
cultural medium of music.
When they came and played by the
fountain last year, few people knew who
they were or what a Maya Marimba band
was - yet they were very popular. From
punkers to professors, the melodic marimba seemed to reach everyone. So they
have returned to play this time In the Campus Center Ballroom at 5 p.m. on Thursday, November 18 . There will also be a
brief talk by Professor Robert Carruade of
Anthropology, who has worked many
years in Guatemala, and a poem will be
read by one of the students.
Also appearing with the group will be a
Quiche-Maya peasant named Jose Efraln
Rosales Marroquln, a man who escaped
from Guatemala In May of this year. He
has been a witness to the destruction of his
whole village by the Guatemalan Army,
and has seen military violations of human
rights both before and alter the new regime
of General Rlos Montt. The U.S. administration Is trying to convince Congress
and the American public that since Rlos
Montt took power in a coup this March,
there has been a significant decline In
human rights violations.
This is because they wish to send large
amounts of aid to the military government,
claiming that it will be used to kill foreigninspired communist terroslsts. Since the
regime took power, over 8,000 Maya Indians (men, women, children) have been
I brutally tortured and killed, most without
ever knowing for what reason. Don Jose
will five his "close-up" perspective on this
terrible and continuing tragedy. SEE
THEM AT 3:00 p.m., Nov. 18th, In the
Campus Center Ballroom, SUNYA and at
noon Nov. 18th, at the South Mall Councourse. Also, they will play on Nov, 17th at
the lot Presbytarian Church, corner of .
Slate & WllletSts.. Albany.
• I
The T-Birds Are Driven
ock-n-roll, more than most other
styles of music, is an conglomeration of many different breeds of
music. The most prominent of these are
country, folk, Jazz, and the blues. All
groups draw on these, albeit to different
degrees. As time has gone by, distinctions
between the various predecessors have
broken down, to the point where it
became difficult to distinguish exactly what
a group was emulating. The last few years
have seen a trend to move back to the
original, primitive rock-n-roll of the late fifties and early sixties. Artists like Robert
Gordon, Dave Edmunds, and The Stray
Cats have all done well with their respective back-to-basics styles. The Fabulous
Thunderbirds have also joined this movement, with an emphasis on country and
the blues.
Robert Schneider
Their latest album, T-Bird Rhythm, shows
how satisfying a retrospective effort can be.
By no means a new band, they began in
Texas in the late sixties. Guitarist Jimmie
Vaughan and bass player Keith Ferguson
formed the original nucleus of the group.
Later, vocalist Kim Wilson and drummer
Fran Christiana completed the lineup.
They got their start at Austin's famed Antone's, where they soon became the house
band. In the early days, Lou Ann Barton
sang with them regularly. It was during
their stint at Antone's that they backed up
some very famous talent; the likes of Jimmy Reed, Eddie Taylor, and Muddy
Waters. (To this day, Waters has a very
positive feeling about the band.) Soon, The
Fabulous Thunderbirds, as they are now
k n o w n , began t o u r i n g the
predominantly on both coasts. As their
reputation grew, so did the quality of their
gigs. They've opened for quite a crosssection of acts: The Rolling Stones. Eric
Clapton, Tom Petty, and Rockpile. They
haven't only been a warmup band,
though, They've gotten top billing on two
tours of Europe. It was their stint with
Rockpile that netted them their association
with Nick Lowe. Lowe has produced
T-Bird Rhythm,
The Fabulous Thunderbirds have
garnered a reputation as a band that plays
good old danceable rock and roll. They are
also known for their faithful renditions of
old-time blues classics. What they've also
managed to accomplish Is to produce their
own compositions, ones that are difficult to
distinguish from the cover versions. This Is
a tribute to their writing abilities.
T-BIrd Is well-balanced between originals
and covers. One of the better remakes is
"Diddy Wah Diddy". Slow, plodding and
ever so fine, it has vocalist Wilson mimlck• ing a Jerry Reed style of singing. Drummer
Fran Christina adds a fine baritone backing
vocal to the tune, making it very similar to
the millions of doo-wop songs. The
similarity is only slightly more than superficial, but it doesn't detract from the quality
of the listening experience. "Tell Me" is
also another copy, this time of the myriad
blues/harmonica compositions. Despite
this, it too satisfies the listener, especially
with Kim Wilson's soulful harmonica backed solidly by Ihe rest of the band. There's a
slight touch of extra percussion in the back
reaches of the tune, which does much
more than fill the space it's allotted.
Although T-Blrd Rhythm delves inlo the
blues, there is space for rock. "Can't Tear It
Up Enuff", opening the album, sounds
very much like Nick Lowe's "Switchboard
Susan", with its strong bassllne and quick
rocking sound. Bassist Ferguson at first
makes a splash, only to recede into Ihe
woodwork, although he occasionally reenters the spotlight of the song.
This band has a sense of humor, as
witnessed by some of the lyrics in the tunes
here. For example, " H o w Do You Spell
Love" answers its litle with Wilson singing
M-O-N-E-Y, This pales when compared
with "The Monkey", which can be seen as
a cross between a joke and social criticism.
Musically, it resembles the Doors' "The
WASP", with Wilson half speaking his
lines. Lyrically, It really stands out. A group
of monkeys are disgusted by the suggestion
that they are the predecessors of the
human race. "Now man hasdecended, Ihe
worthless bum/From our race brothers, he
did not come". What Is It with monkeys
these days?
clearly does the
Fabulous Thunderbirds Justice. Nick Lowe
has done a good job In the production,
although Ihe record has a raw, unpolished
sound. If this is accidental, then it's not a
very good credit for Lowe. Actually, the
record was probably meant to sound live,
which it does. They've hit on a good style
of music, one that brings out the best in all
of the musicians. Unlike many of the
albums of its genre, T-Bird Rhythm boasts
a well-rounded musical effort, although
Kim Wilson's harmonica really makes
several of Ihe tracks. Despite this, the other
.members contribute equally, with no one
really standing out.
The back-to-basics movement has produced some really super rock and roll.
Hopefully, it will continue to be as in demand as it is now. The rapid sellout of The
Stray Cats Is a great example of Just how
influential this lype of music really is. In the
crush of belter-known arlists, The Fabulous
Thunderbirds may get overlooked. This
would be a shame, for T-Bird Rhythm is an
album worth looking into.
In Friday's edition of Aspects, the person
who wrote the article Fripp and Summers
Advance Together was Metin Uiug,
the first line of, his story should have read
"Improvisation Is hardly a new concept,
but It is rarely applied to rock music." Also,
Nancy Dunlop's poem Is titled Dove Tale.
We regret the errors.
The right to vote
The accusations strike out
ver since a c o u r t i n j u n c t i o n t w o ; . .ars ago w o n
m o r e a n d m o r e students have exercised their
at 14(H)
rights a n d have registered locally instead o f in their
W a s h i n g t o n A v e . , not at the d o w n t o w n address thai
they s h o u l d have been registered a t . T h i s led l o a
p o l i t i c a l power because Ihey n o w are a p o l i t i c a l force
g o o d deal o f c o n f u s i o n on Election Day when those
l o be dealt w i t h .
students went t o the polls, a n d some students were
arc b e g i n n i n g
T h e c l a i m that N Y P I R G was solely responsible
H o w e v e r , some errors were made by lite c o a l i t i o n .
students the right to vote in A l b i n y C o u n t y ,
for the e r r o r is b l a t a n t l y
was a j o i n t decision o f the c o a l i t i o n . T h e coalition
was not " i n s t r u c t e d " by N Y P I R G — the decision
was made by all the g r o u p s i n v o l v e d .
P I R G s all over the c o u n t r y have been harrased ami
O n e o f the reasons this trend lias come about is the
T h e c o a l i t i o n a d m i t t e d its error a n d apologized in
a letter t o the editor we printed N o v . 12. W h i l e these
and m a i n t a i n i n g the right t o vote. Just before the
errors are regrelable, they d o occasionally happen.
W h i l e all the groups in the c o a l i t i o n have taken
most recent election five groups — S A S U , Student
U n i o n , S A , N Y P I R G , a n d Off-C'aniptis A s s o c i a t i o n
equal responsibility f o r the mistake, some individuals
— organized a c o a l i t i o n t o register students a n d gel
active in the c o a l i t i o n have singled out N Y P I R G as
the g u i l t y p a r l y . T h e w r i t e r o f a c o l u m n we ran N o v .
t o vote.
registered a n d v o t e d , largely due l o the e f f o r t s o f this
u n f a i r . T h e decision 10
register A l u m n i residents w i t h the u p t o w n address
unable t o v o l e .
s t r o n g e f f o r t student groups have put i n t o gaining
9 singled out N Y P I R G f o r the p o o r decision.
because o f
pressure In
r i g h t - w i n g groups that are f r i g h t e n e d by a g r o u p like
N Y P I R G that s t r o n g l y a n d e f f e c t i v e l y w o r k s in ihe
interest o f students. T h e m o t i v e s f o r these attacks on
are u n k n o w n ,
b u t are jusi as
f r i g h t e n i n g as the r i g h t - w i n g ' s a t t a c k s . T h e y are both
f o u n d e d o n h a l l - t r u t h s a n d based o n iwistinc the
Nuclear psychology
Americans are faced with many everyday problems in
their life, such as Inflation, unemployment, and crime. Yet,
most have remained dangerously unaware of one of the biggest problems; the continuing nuclear arms build up. All of
the previously mentioned problems can ruin individual
lives, even nations, but only a nuclear war can destroy the
whole human race at the flick of a button. The security we
have in our stockpile of nuclear weapons is a fallacy that
will inevitably bring about the end of all life on earth, it not
in this century, then in the next.
Mike Taubleb
The most alarming tiling .ilium this country's nuclear
arms huild-up is the psychology behind it. Our nuclear
force is supposed to be a deterrent lo overcome the
numerical edge that the Soviets hold over us in conventional forces. Y c l , since we have never used it against them,
the Soviets continue their expansion throughout the world
directly or indirectly. The insanity of this policy is that if we
ever are forced into a position where we have no alternative, the launching of a nuclear attack on the Soviets will
not help us in any way. The Soviets would be destroyed,
but so would we. The declared purpose of possessing
nuclear weapons is to maintain a nation's sovereignty, yet
when they arc used, the nation's very existence will end.
There are several other gaping holes in our present
nuclear policy. W i l l i the present abundance of nuclear
weapons and the relatively lax security around nuclear
facilities, it is only a matter of lime until a terrorist group
gains control of one of these facilities and holds the power
lo set o f f a final world war. Once one group succeeds, it
could become a lenTying Irend much like the recent proliferation o f airplane hijackings, liven if a full-scale war
was averted the power these terrorists would hold would
just add more Instability to a world already on the brink of
The cost of maintaining our nuclear superiority, or o f
catching up, is astronomical, and shows no signs o f going
down. In a vicious cycle of fear, each side pours lens of
billions of dollars per year just to replace weapons which
have become obsolete n few years after their creation. T o
make sure that no side can be dominating enough to consider trying to win a nuclear war, the technology increases.
There is no end in sight to this perpetual attempt between
each side lo maintain a sale balance. In fact, no side does
have a clear cut advantage, in terms o f their nuclear
arsenals. Hie U.S. outnumbers the USSR in bombers and
submarine-based ballistic missiles, while the USSR mil
numbers the U.S. in Intercontinental ballistic missiles. Ours
are more accurate, while theirs carry more firepower. The
end result is that no side can reasonably expect lo attack the
other side without being anihiiated immediately. No mallei
how effective the first slrike is, the victim of this attack will
always have more than enough survivablc systems to
destroy its attacker.
No side will ever be satisfied to keep ils defense force as it
is, for there is always Ihe nagging fear that the enemy has
something up its sleeve. Tills point is easily proven by the
fact that even though we had enough weapons to completely destroy each other twenty years ago, defense spending
has increased by billions of dollars every year since. These
billions of dollars are provided by taxpayers who are supposed lo benefit from Ihe money they give lo our govern-
We've PRoVeD
§ o YoiTRe
a&ouT Trie
JOBS cause
aNDTHig -
iNFiaTjoN. aDMiNiSlRaTioN
j§> KeepiNG
ment. The weapons are, and must never be used, so all
these billions that have been spenl and will be spenl are In'
thrown away. Even a fraction o f this money could have had
vastly more beneficial effects for the American people, .i^
well as ihe resi of world. At presenl, President Reagan'',
new budget has significantly increased defense spending, al
the expense of socially beneficial programs such as student
aid, national support of the arts and sciences, welfare, and
food stamps. These cuts cannot be justified, because in
creasing our nuclear arsenal of ninety-five hundred
warheads is adding l a i , not taking it o f f .
I have only mentioned several of ihe most Iniportam
arguments against Ihe present nuclear arms race. I stronglv.
urge every reader lo investigate Jonathan Schcll's The Talc
of The Earth, to fully understand the importance ol iliis
issue and their responsibilities lo act on it, not Ignore u
There are no easy solutions to this problem. Undoublalily,
a new world political sysleui will have lo emerge, because as
long as separate nations exist as lliey do now, ihe leniplii
lion lo stockpile nuclear weapons will exisl loo. As long as
the threat of war exists, there will be nations who will feel il
necessary lo build up a nuclear deterrent. The most pressins
challenge Ihe whole world faces, Ihe U.S. and USSR in particular, is lo first slop the nuclear buildup, anil then
dismantle Ihe nuclear weapons we have now. The lone tlinl
Ihey exist, the greater Ihe odds thai by human error, coin
puler error, or terrorism, nuclear weapons will be launch
ed. So, even as we search lor solutions lo Ihe arms race,
lime must not he wasted in eradicating nuclear weapons
from the earlh. Otherwise, ii is Inevitable thai by accident,
or on purpose, we will destroy ourselves.
To Ihe Kdllor:
A l limes, a person performs a lask which he hopes will be
able lo convey a message he feels is Important IO ihe betterment of life. The message, however, is losl due to the
misinterpretation by these who the message is aimed a l .
This case can be applied lo a column which appeared in Ihe
ASP on Tuesday, Nov. 9, Erie Sauler, in writing his column, was trying to gel across an Important message. UnI'oriunalely, N Y P I R G took it as a personal attack and losl
the whole idea of Eric's constructive criticism for their
Pric wrote about a very Important issue concerning most
students: the right to vole.That right was denied those
students, numbering about one hundred, from A l u m n i ,
who were Instructed to list the uptown campus as iheir address on voter registration forms. A poor mistake made on
ihe part of N Y P I R G resulted in a circus al the State street
polling place. One Instance resulted in a twenty minute
heated argument in which I argued with Ihe Democratic
committeemen concerning the right to vole of my friend,
Andy Serp. As an A l u m n i Central Council Representative
and Student Action Chairperson, I worked with my other
colleagues in trying lo alleviate Ihis mix-up, but we weie only able lo do so much. Election day was ruined on A l u m n i .
The feedback I received from my constituents was negative
and 1 stood there feeling betrayed.
I use Ihe word betrayed because jusi a couple of weeks
I before, while silting at a voter registration table filling out a
I form for an Alumni student, ihe NYl'IKCi coordinator
pointed out dial I was supposed lo register him at MIX)
Washington Avenue. When I lold her she was wrong, she
questioned who I was and lold me io do ii the way she Instructed, I continued to do it my way and found that these
people I registered in Walerbury, my hall, were able to
vole. 'Those who were registered by Eric and who registered
door-lo-door on A l u m n i could not vote,
N Y P I R G was not able lo accepi a Ihoughl-oiil suggestion, us I have done volcr registration for sis years, then
and ihey are not able lo accepi ii now, demonstrated by
their reaction lo Eric's column. I have been witness lo a
week filled witli people walking around as if Eric meant ihe
article for them as people. He did not, The article was
meant io send a message lo N Y P I R G as a group, a group
which is in charge of representing the students, In order' lo
discharge orders and work on projects, ihey musi completely research a subject before they act, In lllis ease, Ihey did
nol and ii was very detrimental lo a large group of students
from my constituency,
1 was hoping dial N Y P I R G would be able lo accepi some
of Eric's suggestions in an adult way, but unfortunately
personality has interfered and people have been offended.
By nol being able 10 accepi these suggestions, N Y P I R G has
clearly demonstrated to me that they are not fit fur Ihis
campus. People, who are given Ihe responsibility of
representing the students, should be able lo accept constructive criticism. N Y P I R G , by Hiking offense lo p.rie's
column, broke dial rule of a student representative group
and forgot about Ihe hundred or so students who missed
ihe opportunity to vole. Mosi people in the group 1'eel that
an Injustice was clone by criticizing their group, bin 1 feel a
greater injustice took place on November 2 when my consiituenls were denied ihe right lo vole.
— Hieh Sehaffer
Alumni Central Council Rep
Student Action
Being a woman is wonderful. It is having to contend with
some men who are insensitive and inhuman thai make our
laic so difficult, How appalling. Il would have been so
wonderful if I could have walked lo my polling place in
peace, contemplating the politicians' platforms one last
lime before I cast my vole. Instead) I walked peering
suspiciously from side lo side, with my heartbeat increasing
every lime I walked by a male.
1 his accounl is all in an attempt lo make Ihe men of ihis
community aware of how frightening it can be to be a
woman in ihis city. I appeal lo Ihe women and men o f ihe
Tu Ihe Editor:
I k i n g a woman in today's society can be an extremely
frightening and intimidating experience, Women arc constantly confronted with ihe lineal of being sexually harassed. The implications associated with ihis threat are wideranging. They may include crude sexual comments, stares
(glares), physical contact (grabbing a woman's bullock or
breast), to the ultimate violent act of assauh (rape). Some
men seem lo think it is amusing for a "bunch of guys" lo
approach a woman walking alone and proceed lo haiass her
with Intimidating, cruel remarks. 1 would like lo believe
that men do nol fully understand how Intimidating these
gestures can be to women.
On Tuesdays I have a very full schedule, My classes do
nol end until 9:15 p.m. I try lo be a concerned, conscientious citizen. In an attempt lo maintain my awareness and
exercise one of my basic i ighls as a U.S. citizen, I wauled lo
vote in last Tuesday's election. I live on Ihe downtown campus and my voting place is located abotil three blocks from
Ihe dorms.
Aficr Inquiring uboul the cxacl location of my voting
place, 1 venluicd out. Il was one of ihe longest walks ol my
life. The streets were dimly lit; I tried io maintain a hurried
puce and a confident appearance. I suppose outwardly I
succeeded. Unfortunately, inside 1 was stricken with fear.
My mind kepi remembering accounts of friends and acquaintances who, while minding their own business, Innocently and unknowingly walked down a si reel and were
ellher verbally or physically harassed because of Iheir sexuality: tits and ass.
—Murk Prledlund
community io unite lo further the protection offered to
women as victims, I certainly have no Intentions of digging
a hole in older lo protect myself, and I imagine there arc
many ol you who feel lllis way loo.
NYPIRG (New York Public Interest Research Group) is
currently involved in conducting a survey to learn more
about ihe services offered lo women who are victims of
these deplorable haiassinenls in out community. This is the
first step ill making women aware of the services thai are,
and are nol being offered io ihem, and how effective they
are. Il lias reached Ihe point where we can no longei sit
buck and announce " i l is nor going lo happen lo u s " . The
figures arc lising. Each day I learn about more people who
have been sexually harassed. Il is a realily!
We musi light lor our protection, I believe N Y P I R G can
help us lo do Ihis. Together we can help lo urge ihe community lo install more blue phone around ihe campus bolh uptown and downtown - including Ihe Wellington
I loiel, and we can demand more lights around the campus.
This is nol a mailer lo be taken lightly. Talk lo your
friends, schoolmates, mothers, brothers • you'll he surprised how many of Ihem or people ihey know have been victims i l l sexual hairassinenl.
If you're interested in taking ihe lirsi step in becoming
part of the solution, conlaci Ihe N Y P I R G office al
—I.uuru Nuss
Western advocacy
I n the I i l i i u i :
Tirsi I'd like I O congratulate and ihank all those who
helped out and participated in 'lie Novembei K-'> tallies and
vigil for Analoly Sehiuansky. I'd especially like lo Ihank
JSC-Hlllcl, R/.A, and A l al S U N Y A for Iheir help.
A l l night Monday, and on ' i l l Tuesday morning twenty
students vigllcd, and prayed for Sehiuansky on Ihe steps ol
ihe New York Stale Capitol. Chants of 'Free Scharansky
Now!' and 'Freedom N o w ! ' echoed and re-echoed o f f of
ihe downtown Albany skyscrapers, I feel proud thai here at
SUNYA I here are so many people willing lo lake Ihe lime
oul lo help OUI a victim of Sovicl oppression on the other
side of Ihe planet, in Ihe bean o f Siberia.
lircvhnev is now dead, bill the chances are slim tliut his
successor will ease up the repressive policies of his regime,
Thousands arc held as political prisoners in Soviet prison
camps in Siberia and regular denial of ihe rights to dissent,
and freedom of religion arc denied, More Ihan IOO.IXX)
Soviet lews seeking emigration, and legally entitled to it by
Soviel law, have been denied Iheir right lo emigrate.
l i k e l e c h Walesa, Analoly Scharansky fought foi a
more humane government; they both need advocates in the
Wcsi lo speak oul foi ihem because no one can in then own
One way in which il will be possible lo help oul Ihe Soviel
Jews will be coming up on Tuesday, February 23, 19H.1
Academic integrity
T o Ihe Kdllor:
As parr ol Ihe University-wide crusade to reduce glade
Inflation, I have adopted ihe strategy of mumbling as I Icelure thereby preventing students from achieving superior
grades in my weekly examinations. Out of habit, I must
have mumbled lo Karen Plrozzl during the interview on student cheating. That she came as close as she did in presenting my position on Ihe subject indicates enviable journalisiic skill. I should like, nevertheless, to forestall any
misunderstanding my canny habit of mumbling might in
this Instance bcinj about.
I was quoted as saying "Society has created a situation
where students want lo achieve." Well...l am not al nil
society has done any such thing, In fact, I am not at all sure
what thai sentence means. It's sort of clear mumble. I do
think society may be encouraging students io compete and
win oul al any moral price. They have been lold thai " w i n ning isn't everything, it is ihe only i h i n g ; " which is io suggest thai Ihe pielics of Vincent Tomhaidi are lo be piclerabove those o l , say, Spinoza, however popular Spinoza
may he as a topic of conversation over hamburgers in the
And ihis sense of competition, I sometimes think, lakes
form of students competing with and against the Instructor, who is lo be " o t i l p s y c h e d , " ; outwitted. To be
enlightened, is less important than to be awarded an " A . "
Often, as I leach, I hear Iclcpalhically delivered from certain ambitious students, a modification of a football cheer:
"Give me itti A ! Give me another A ! Give me another A !
What will I gel? D E A N ' S I 1ST! P h A N ' S L I S T ! V I A ! "
Simply io prevent cheating should not he difficult. The
strict enforcement of existing regulations against cheating
would accomplish much. An honoi code would foster student Integrity inasmuch as the sluclcrit would be aware that
his undergraduate friends and colleagues were watching
and wailing to I n f o r m - u siniiegy and sensibility not
guaranteed io promote collegiate warmth, and intellectual
generosity, pet haps; bul a strategy likely to promolc an
understanding lliat one cannol cheat and sutvive in this
University, fella,
To promote Ihe desiie lo avoid cheating as a mailer of InIcllcltiul Integrity is anoihcr mallei, however, grave and difficult, Such a desire cannol be fostered by honor codes or
resolute punishment oi even by applying Ihe vulnerable priclplc of "distributive justice." I ast Spring we held an intimate Univctsiiy-widc forum on ihe subjeel of Intellectual
Integrity. Some interesting dialogue wits begun. Perhaps a
lew more people in oui community might find it worth io
exploit ihui beginning. If you do, I'd like to participate
—Hurry C, Stuley
English Department
C l a s s i l l o d Manager
A frightened plea
i)it>e,a&haLL- e R
House WiLL Be
MoRe eFFicieNT
To HeaT.
when Ihe Student Coalition for Soviet Jewry will be holding
ils annual l o b b y Ray in Washington, D.C. Over 700 students nationwide will be seeking to impress our legislators
wilh Ihe urgency of the current situation. M y group Project
Refusenik is organizing a bus to go down lo D.C. I f you
would like lo go or find out more, please call the JSC office
It may already be loo late for us lo help Anatoly
Scharansky, bul il is not too laic lo try lo help Ihe other!
Just remember the saying, "None are free until all are
Murhoy Frank
C o m p o s i t i o n Manager
M t ' l i i u a vVaSBOrman
Sains: Potei
Flundoo Roliar
Forward, Noll
Buasman, Advertising
Horn G i n s b e r g . J a n o H t i s c h , M l c t u t l l u H o r o w i t z , J u l l u Mftrk.
Rhonda W a l l . O i l l c o S t a l l ; Eiloon N o w m a n , Gay PoresH
III 1910
Jack D i i i s c h l n g , Production
Dnvin M i c h no I eon, Associate
O e a n B a l i , Editor
In Chief
W a y n e P o e r o h o o m , Mrtnaglng
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Calhlo Hyon
V e r t i c a l Cantorn
. . . Bill QnniNu
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N e w s Editors
ASfticis Editor
. Debblo Mlllman
A s s o c i a t e A S P o c t s Editor
S o u n d Editor
Do m l on V a n D o n b u r g h
Marc Haspel
Arjsoqlale S p o i l s Editors
Mark Onentir, M a n , S c h w n i l
E d i t o r l i i i PIHJOS E d i t o r .
C o n t r i b u t i n g Editor
E d i t o r i a l A s s i s t a n t s : Bob Q a i d i n l o r , Debblo
w i i t o n . : r.m.i
l lay
K<-n '
A n d 10w C a r r o l l
Mdiusi It ii i ola Mallabonl, All
B e a c h , M i k e B e n s o n , Davu B t u m k l n ,
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Janet D r w l l u s i , Advertising
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id H a u s o n , M i c h u i o K o t c h m n , H i l a r y i s n e E
n Mantle, Susan Elulne M l n d i c h , David Rlvofl
una Stoinkamp, Warren Stout. J i m Valentlni
i r , „ Albany S l u d o n t
1002 Albany
S t u d e n t Press
tilly r o l l e d odlturlul policy.
M a i l i n g adtlrous:
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niiilng Aaoounlaiiu
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Oilier. C o o r d i n a t o r
A " " " " Kullnwlu
P r o n i Is i i i i b l l b l i i t d T u o o d u y s a n d Fridayu
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not-lor p i o l l l c n r p o r j l i o n
v r d t u n try tho Editor in Ctuut w i t h m u m b u i s o l Ihe E d i t o r i a l
i 11 u i
IUIJJOCI t u roviovv by l h a E d i t o r i a l B o a r d . A d v e r t l h i u g p o l i c y
ity P h o t o Sorvico, a s t u d e n t g i o u p
or, UPS S t a l l : C h u c k B o i n s l o l n . A l a n Caloir
Hulmrl Knnnnlh
[>n key, BUI ' ••>< hoi Bany Qollni r, Bi ott Gorachwoi Robort Gordon, Stove
i ,r soot, Btophon inli Id, Denies Kmrjiit, Charles M Qreono, lllao Lovlne, Donna MacMWan, Craig Marks, David Mli haeleon. Bob O'Brien, Carl Putka.usn
Pazer, Karon Plro«l Ph|l Plvnlck, i Inda Qulnn. I l* Roleh, Randy Roth, spec.
Hody U i o d o r , AtiQClttto
C h l e l P h o t o g m p l m r : DOVO AOl
A m y C o h a n , Shorry C o h e n , Do-
Supplied principally by Unlven
Lisa Strain
Judge, Dobblo Prolota,
Dubbio Schiller. Mark W f l l t o r , C h a u l l o u r : J o o O l l u n s k l
Robert S c h n o l d o r
V i s i o n Editor
S p o r t s Editor
Gildorriluovii, Stove Q r o o n b a u m , E l l t a b a l h H o y m a n , Glnny H u b o r , R r u c o Park.
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W W W W W <»***•'*»*'»*•
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Happy o n e month darling. Y o u
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b e t t e r I get t o k n o w y o u .
Yours, Mrs. Fudd
P r o c e s s i n g Service: Trerrrl
baa p e r s , r e s u m e s , cover letters;
orrluble r a t e s . C a l l 489-8636.
W a n t e d for spring s e m e s t e r
3-4 b e d r o o m a p t . In t h e vicinity o f
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w a s h e r / d r y e r , groat l o c a t i o n . $ 1 0 0
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asked -call
Passport/application photos — C C
3 0 5 T U B S . 4:30-6:30, W e d . 1-3:00. N o
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Any questions
T y p i n g - rurm
N u calls
$ 4 0 . 0 0 d e p o s i t s for S u g a r b u s h d u e
as soon a s posslblell
to d a n c e
t h e night
„, ^
T o S w e e t 2 0 5 M a h l c a n : T h a n k s for
putting up with " T h e Comic Book"
Larry & Larry.
T o t h e Lonz:
Y o u a r e t h e t r u e m e a n i n g of t h e
word "friend".
Larry a n d Larry
D o u g (Bru 3077)
You're Interesting...
L e t ' s b e friends...
D o n n a — T h e r e ' s n o o n e like y o u l
Happy second anniversary.
Love, David
Off-campus gay male social club
lormlng. Non-political, discreet.
Bi's w e l c o m e , t o o . By I n v i t a t i o n only. F o r a p p l i c a t i o n w r i t e : Box 2 1 6 9
ESP Station, Albany, N Y 12220.
t o M i t c h o u r artist:
T h a n k y o u l o r your l i m e a n d e f f o r t .
Larry a n d Larry
a n i n c o m p l e t e analysis. T h e Israeli, U . S . a n d Soviet
g o v e r n m e n t s , the P L O a n d c o r p o r a t e interest ( m u n i -
" W e accept
the sponsors'
points, and
the p r o d u c e r s ' c r i t i c i s m , a n d
-Tt-rrn *. n n n-i
H o w e v e r , she c l a i m e d there was pressure f r o m C A S A
| l c d Israel ' t h e n o w N a z i S t a t e , " was crossed o u t .
not t o spread t h e news o f W a l l f l o w e r ' s b a c k g r o u n d .
every Friday. Pick It up In a
• T h e leaflet is not a stand w e ' r e t a k i n g , but we felt
everyone possible should f i n d out a b o u t this. I n m y
I i m p o r t a n t f o r Ihe I'alistinians t o have a v o i c e , a n d
case I d i d n o l want l o go to the p e r f o r m a n c e because I
I people t o be clear o n w h a t their position i s , " said
d i d not want t o support a g r o u p that supported I h e
F r l e d b c r g , a w a r e that it wasn't possible t o cancel I h e
: also said that because o f the feedback in A l b a n y ,
J l l f l o w c r will n o longer d i s t r i b u t e I h e leaflet in their
lire p e r f o r m a n c e s .
" T h e feeling f r o m C A S A
around . . . don't
was ' d o n ' t let things gel
let it spread that W a l l f l o w e r
M i l l e r , in defense o f C A S A explained his fear that
' l l i c p i i o n e i l [fiat " t h e leaflet itself was perhaps a poor
m e m b e r s o f the sponsoring groups were beginning to
-way o f d e m o n s t r a t i n g t h a i
act t o o early. " O r i g i n a l l y m y concern was that we were
.•Mtneiic, a n d thai
is not
the g r o u p ' s alliance lies w i t h the
" J e w s w h o are not in s y m p a t h y w i t h the actions o f the
ready to respond t o s o m e t h i n g before wc knew exactly
against I h e rise o f n n i i - s c m i t i s m .
W i t h o u t even being a w a r e o f t h e leaflet, 12 A l b a n y
w a s . W e w e i e responding to a
A l t h o u g h t h e q u e s t i o n o f w h e t h e r o r not t h e public
w o m e n h a d f o r m e d an ad h o c c o m m i t t e e w h i c h put
its o w n statement
the d e d i c a t i o n
r u m o r , " M i l l e r said
Israeli g o v e r n m e n t , hut ( w i t h those) w h o are s n u g g l i n g
pi ivied
is o v e r ,
lo Wallflower's
Ski and
To t h e S p i t t i n g C o b r a a n d C h i e f Y e s
B e s t of luck w i t h
T h e C o m i c Book
From T w o Petty Jealous
S u11 e m a t e s
You're my favorite published poetl
C o n g r a t u l a t i o n s ! I love y o u l
Your typist,
5% OFF
Computer Club
t o n i g h t LC 8 8:00
S p e a k e r o n c o m p u t o r / h u m a n Interaction,
R e f r e s h m e n t s served.
t o the
is anti-semitic
F r l e d b c r g , G o l d b e r g a n d Posl h a d helped l o w r i t e , ex-
pressed I h e o v c r s i m p l l c i l y o f t h e W a l l f l o w e r
w o r d s that are t a k e n l i g h t l y . "
J e w . These a r c l o a d e d
was cleared
sive e n t e r l u i n m c n t g u i d e o n F r i d a y s .
Y o i l gllL'SSL'll i t .
$ 1 0 , 0 0 0 j o b p r o m i s e . T h a t ' s it. N o strings. N o g i m m i c k s , A n d this offer
k n o w that's i m p o r t a n t .
O f c o u r s e , t h e ( l a r d is a l s o g o o d f o r t r a v e l , r e s t a u r a n t s , a n d s h o p p i n g f o r
w e l c o m e d w o r l d w i d e , so a r e y o u .
S o till i n t h e c o u p o n b e l o w a n d A m e r i c a n Express w i l l s e n d y o u a S p e c i a l
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or not the
their l e a f l e t , " said F r l e d b c r g . " l i w a s a d l r c c l insult to
T h e slaicmcnl,
I have o n whether
some ill sentiments nbotll ihe
1 Charlie
Blues Band
g r o u p ' s dedication a n d leaflet linger o n .
b e l i e v e i n y o u now. A n d we're p r o v i n g it.
Planned Parenthood
is now at the
two evenings a week!
Albany Center
163 Delaware Ave.
revised W a l l f l o w e r d e d i c a t i o n expected to be given at
83 Hudson Ave.
Albany, NY
-•hive the voice that the leaflet r e p r e s e n t s , " She also
^ngle of" Double,
ports the P L O , ' " said F r e i d b c r g . " M y feeling was lhat
H n n e r l . " W e a t e still in s u p p o r t o f the Palestinians t o
Rented Lips
role in this c o n f l i c t . "
p c r f o / m a n c e w a n t e d t o publicize W a l l f l o w e r ' s polities.
business or
tions m a n u f a c t u r e r s , o i l c o m p a n i e s ) have all played a
I h o u r d e d i c a t i o n b e f o r e the s h o w . "
Special Rate V \ / «
T o everyone that cared and helped
or s i m p l y o f f e r e d — I m i g h t h a v e
b e e n a b l e to d o It a l o n e , b u t not a s
easily...It w a s a hell of a w a y to find
o u t p e o p l e really d o c a r e . G r a t i t u d e
s e e m s I n a p p r o p r i a t e ; It's m o r e . . .
Y o u re a g r e a t little brothor a n d I
' k n o w I'll b e p r o u d of y o u . G o o d luck
this w e e k e n d .
Z o l a Psl 3 9 1
I p i n the face. T h e y o n l y changed the d e d i c a t i o n t o
I p e a s c u s , " said G o l d b e r g .
J i l e i n e r t e x p l a i n e d that the title o n the leaflet, w h i c h
H a p p y Birthday to y o u
Y o u ' r e only 2 2 I
Don't b e d e p r e s s e d
C a u s e you're t h e c o o l o s t l
Love y a lots,
w r o t e . " T a r g e t t i n g o f the Israeli g o v e r n m e n t alone is
Indian Quad dlshroom
Dear Heidi.
Y o u a r e t h e best r o o m m a t e a n d
f r i e n d I c o u l d w a n t . T h a n k s for all
your s u p p o r t , a l l t h e t i m e .
Love a l w a y s ,
concerning the M i d d l e P a s t , " the a d h o c c o m m l l t t c c
j t n e e that they h a d really lied t o us. It was really a
f o ~ Larry: m y p a r t n e r , m y b u d d i e — T h a n k y o u for p u t t i n g " P w i t h
m e a n d T h e C o m i c Book. T h u r s d a y
t h e 18th Is o n o d a y b o l h o l us will
never f o r g e t .
D e p o s i t s for S u g a r b u s h
Party W e e k e n d d u e n o w l l
l e m a chance. W e f o u n d o u t the night o f the perl'or-
1375 Washington Ave.
Larry W .
T o a s u c c e s s f u l e v e n i n g at T h e
C o m i c B o o k T h u r s d a y night. Y o u
are really a great friend ancf partner.
Sorry a b o u t I h e Press R e l e a s e s .
Larry B.
" W e feel that this ( W a l l f l o w e r ) statement is vague
V e n y o u g e l sick u n d llrod of U A S
d e r e Is olvayz K r a u t c h o to s c h n a c k
a n d does not address the complexities o f the issues
l y b e w c s h o u l d have s h o w n t h e m Ihe leaflet
H a p p y B i r t h d a y Lisa V .
Wo love you.
PRESS " | 3 < p H n r r n - f t
l a d e a revision in their d e d i c a t i o n . W e h a d t o give
Mif, S c h m e l l a , a n d W i n d o w : S o .
now here's another one: H o w do I
love t h o e ? O h , let m e c o u n t t h e
w a y s — I love s l e e p i n g w i t h y o u a n d
d a n c i n g w i t h y o u a n d all I h e other
d e c a d e n t things that w e d o . W h a t
w o u l d life b e like w i t h o u t us?
l i i t they were d i s p l a y i n g . " W e foil pleased that they
Ho longer
will words
done In ALLl
saps be printed
In this section.
tou want a word to stand out, have!
I printed
In bold. Thank
D i s s e r t a t i o n s edited—experienced,
reasonable rates. Call Emllie, 4 8 9 3231
N e e d credit? Get VISA, MasterCard
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C h e c k . F r e e D e t a i l s . W r i t e Credit
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Get psyched
A.C.M. Meeting
Guest speaker o n computer/human
I n t e r a c t i o n . R e f r e s h m e n t s served.
8:00 L C 6
lance group denies anti-semitic sentiment
G e t your d e p o s i t s for S u g a r b u s h in
as soon as you can I
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T h a n k s l o r t h e letter.
16. 1982 ;
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DO YOU SEE 20/20?)
the Fuerza
ASP 1 1 / 1 6
g? Look for ASP Sports' 1982-83 Great Dane
J2 Basketball Supplement in Friday's issue
Danes win
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Milwaukee, Wl
'.aid I h c
negotiators had tried lo restructure
"Uccausc vve had real ranged the
money, they're still complaining."
And later, Martha agreed.
" I thought wc were going lo gel
together, earlier in the evening, but
things got late," he said. " I am still
o p t i m i s t i c , but it w o n ' t be
Quarterback T o m Pratt remains In the backfleld while running back
Monte Riley goes out.
All "tVjJJvy" Potkoo* Pton» art <nmpkt« wrtti no eitrai, ond loclucWi
• U n v t i and Cote Kil • Initial Ey« • Wearing Initiuclwm
I • Fellow up fitlinni • 6 Monlhi Unlimited follow up olfkt viiltt.
7 g C _ l
1982 Beoi BrowuU by tho Millar Brewing Cor
Hut suddenly. I d
l a n c y , life
players' chit! negotiator, and Jim
Miller, spokesman fot the owners'
Managemei. Council, shot dowi.
such optimistic talk.
"There is no deal thai is even
close," said Clarvcy. " W e thought
lasi night I hat maybe we wcie getting close, but those forces in the
Managcmen Council who want to
defeat the u n i o n , a p p a r e n t l y
prevailed again. I think they were
hoping the union would say, ' W c
can't get there, so let's give up.*'*
their $1,313 billion, four-year offer
and to clarify ambiguities lo meet
union objections but "they Ihc
players arc not happy with anything
light n o w . "
" W e ihought we had identified
the union objections and answered
them. Miller said. " T h e y had identified them and wc answered them.
When we got into the meeting
lonlghl, all ol a sudden they were
complaining again.
'Best Buy' Package Plans
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Toko g o o d care of your oyos at G f O U D
Reports of an imminent agreement began swirling early in the
evening as the two sides met lot the
first lime in nine days.
The grew as the league announced n contingency plan to resume the
season this weekend, and later when
the official mediator in the talks
saici a settlement was close al hand.
" S o m e t i m e this evening we
should have an all-inclusive agrecment," sale Paul Martha, a former
M l . running back and lawyer acting as a gc between.
NOV. 20,
Talks recessed for the night with
mo players accusing management of
reneging on its part o f the offer,
and management saying the union,
loo, had chanced ils mind about
what h would accept.
H o w long has it b e e n since y o u r
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W e ' d like to introduce y o u to
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sure contacts a r e right for y o u .
That's w h y a l l our "Best B u y "
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Nov. 19, 1982
9 PM Until 2 AM
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For information
New York
(Al>) Signs ihiii an end was neat lo
ihc National Football League strike
evaporated Monday night as union
and management said they we •• lai
11mil an agreement*
W e d o n ' t expect y o u to r e a d
this chart, but w e d o expect y o u
to care a b o u t your vision a n d
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Do You Want To Help People?
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Middle Earth is now accepting
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Come by Middle Earth to pick up
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schuyler 102 on Dutch Quad. If you
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five yards for the louehdqwn vviih
wiih 14:21 in the fourth quarter.
Place kicker Lincoln could not
have enjoyed a finer game. Using
the wind l o his advantage, the
kicker nailed si.\ extra points, two
relatively long field goals and
boomed each of his kick oils for
" T h e wind was a lactor," said
Lincoln, Albany's regular kicker of
the last two seasons. " I had a really
good day though. It was a combination of Ihc t w o . "
" T h e 4S-I1 win makes you forget
all the bad ihings. All the good
things outweigh the bad ihings.
There's more than winning on
S a t u r d a y s , " he added. " T h e
closeness of the learn is really important. Tlte winning is an extra
" I t ' s really emotional," Ycl.lch
reflected. " I t ' s sad lo see it all go. It
goes by teal fast. I know I'm going
to miss i t . "
Next week — the 1982 season in
Grapplers tune up
I I K - P I H I I K I vv.-pjiu .i.t.s and look
fourth place in the tournament,
Previousl) V. -rill had beaten \rIOV.I in an eai tiet i otind
I he team is now looking ahead lo
lite dual match season. "Everyone
vvreslled w e l l . " said coaches
Ciovova and Parisella. " N o w we
know what we have lo work on for
the dual match season." The season
begins ncsi Mopdav as the leant
navels lo Union lo lace o f f against
the D u t c h m e n , Oneonla and
R.P.I.. "The Danes arc looking to
improve on last year's record breaking season.
Andy Seras look third place in his
weight class in the Great Plains
Tournament in Lincoln, Nebraska
over the weekend. The meet was a
free-style pre-Olympic tournament
that determined qualifiers for the
American learn that will travel lo
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Grapplers tune up in Syracuse before season
wrest cr. Spagnoli, who decisioned
Curt Wedholm of Springfield 7-6
for the third, lost a hard fought 9-6
decision to Mills earlier in the tournament.
By M a r c Schwarz
The Syracuse Open gave the
Albany Slate wrestling team a final
tune up before the dual-match
season begins next week. Several
line performances were turned in by
the Danes who made the trip last
Albany wrestlers picked up four
second-place finishes, two thirds
and a fourth-place finish In this
prestigious t o u r n a m e n t . The
Syracuse Open is for individual
wrestlers, no team scores were added up.
Harvey Staulters and Rob
Spagnoli led the way in the
126-pound weight class with a second and u third. " W e are particularly pleased with lllclr performances," said coaches Wade
Cicnova and John I'arisclla. "They
have shown to be consistent, with a
first and a second in the Great Dane
Classic and now a second and third
in Syracuse. Both are improving in
technique and style."
Staulters lost to Dale Mills .of
Syracuse In the finals, 11-2. Mills is
a past Eastern Conference champion and was a ranked Division I
Vie Herman wrestling in the
220-pound class lost the final 11-5
to Harvard's Mike I'hils. He had
advanced to the finals with a pin,
despite wrestling with a staph infection.
Three of the Danes coaches
entered the open tournament and
proved their worth, capturing two
seconds and a third. Parlsella was
pinned in the final of the 142-pound
class by Harvard's John McNerney.
McNemey was voted the Open's
outstanding wrestler. 1.ester Ware,
wrestling in the heavyweight class
lost to former New York Slate high
school champion Andy Schwab
from Syracuse 12-7. Ware had advanced wiih a pin ol Cortland's
John Cosgrovc. lieuma capmred
third-place in Ihc 134-pound Weight
class. Ccnova was a member of the
lioslon University wrestling leam
before coming lo Albany litis year
as an assistant coach.
Dave Averill is as defeated by
Springfield's Dartyl Atroya in ihc
The Albany State wrestling team tuned up one final last weekend at the prestigious Syracuse
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University Theater p r e s e n t s THE B A K K H A I by Euripides
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Korean boxer fights for his life
wiih relatives in Korea.
Ilnnimargren said Sunday he
would have llie final say on when
the life support system was removed, i f such a measure Is laken.
" Y o u really have to look at it as
what you would do it it were your
own f a m i l y , " Hnmmnrgrcn told a
news conference Sunday. " I Ihiiik
dial's the final decision."
Fighi promoter Huh A r u m said
he had been told Kim was functioning only on a respirator and .showing no signs of Improvement.
Mancini's manager, Dave Waif,
said the champion's entourage was
scheduled to r e t u r n ' t o his
hometown of Voungslown, Ohio
late Monday, but might delay the
r'etli i.
Arum reiterated his call for a
W i If said Maticiui spent several
study as to how boxing deaths can
hours .11 llie hospital Sunday night,
be avoided. " W e ' v e got to make
talking with Kim's people. Kim has sure we take steps to avoid
not been allowed any visitors.
something like this in Ihe f u t u r e , "
luirlier Sunday, Mancini had al- he said.
lended mass and prayed for K i m .
A r u m called for softer gloves or
" H e ' s still so upset, we're not
some type of headgear lhal could be
even discussing Ihe future," W o l f
worn wiihoul impeding a fighter's
said of Mancini's career plans.
" T h a t ' s so far beyond what we are
" T h e y should develop some
able to deal with right now.
headgear. When they put helmets
" I have no idea how he will
on baseball players, they said il
bounce b a c k , " W o l f said of Manwould ruin the game, but it d i d n ' t , "
eini. " T h i s thing is going to affect
A r u m said.
him the rest of his life, not just his
Kim, llie W B A ' s lop-ranked conboxing career. He's a scry sensitive
lender, received $20,000 for the
man and it's wounded him very
Listen to 91 FM's
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Sports 19
AMI A floor hockey starts experimental season
By B a r r y G c f f n e r
Members o f the university
population who have participated
in the A M I A floor-hockey program
In the past will discover that this
year will be quite different from the
past years. In fact this season will be
an experimental year to decide the
future outlook for the floor-hockey
A new floor was installed in the
t h i s past
Understandably so, plant director
Dennis Stevens doesn't want the
new floor ruined. In the past, the
players used wooden sticks and a
taped puck. This equipment caused
extensive damage to the gymnasium
floor. This year, instead o f wooden
sticks, one piece plastic sticks will
be used. A plastic ball will be used
instead o f the taped puck. As
council member A n d y
Weinstock put it, " t h e new equipment will keep the gym floor from
gelling r u i n e d . " Mark Wittenslcin,
vice president of A M I A and floorhockey president, said, " t h e plastic
ball will make the games more exciting and high-scoring.
W i t h ihe new equipment being
used, a new set of rules have been
added. When the equipment and
rules were explained at the captains'
meeting, Il was met with stiff opposition. In the end, the captains
realized that i f they d i d n ' l accept
the new rules and equipment, il
would mean no floor-hockey this
year. " I can sec their point. Many
oT the players went out and bought
slicks; now they have lo go out and
buy new ones. Once they realized
(the captains) what was ai slake,
they became reasonable" said
A M I A president Mike Brusco.
"Since we have to use certain slicks,
wc made a deal with a sporting
goods slore to buy the slicks," he
also added.
The new rules are designed to cut
down and eliminate the use of Illegal slicks, including penalties for
their use. Any player caught with an
illegal slick will be suspended from
thai game plus a one game suspension and the player is required lo
appear before the A M I A council. If
a team thinks the opposing team
has an illegal slick, they are allowed
lo ask the official lo check Ihe slick.
If the stick is illegal, the penalty
described above will be enforced.
Bui i f the stick is legal, the team will
be assessed a two minute penalty
for delay o f game.
" F o r three reasons, wc have
made these rules. The first was l o
please Ihe university, the second
was to please the students and last,
but certainly not the least, was to
please A M I A / W I R A satoy standards," commented Brusco,
The floor-hockey program will
consist o f over 60 A M I A teams plus
rour W I R A teams. The A M I A
teams will be divided into Iwo
leagues. League I will be the more
competitive division. The four
W I R A teams will be in their own
League I will consist of 11 teams.
This years pre-scason favorites
looks to be defending champs, Buzz
Hockey, formerly Solidarity. Last
years runner up, Riders on the
Storm, should challenge the Buzz
for the title this year. In League I I ,
the T u f f Darts IV are ihe pre-scason
favorites, followed by Marci-Halcrs
and Waste Product, who were scmifinallsts lust year.
Shapiro qualifies for Nationals
By K e n C u n t o r
The Albany Stale men's varsity
cross country team competed in The
New York Slate Regionals Saturday
afternoon. There were two objectives: one was l o finish In the top
three in order to qualify as a learn in
Ihe Nationals and the other was to
finish in Ihe top five as individuals.
Only one of these objectives was
met. The team goal was not achieved. The harriers came in eight in the
fourleelh team meet. According to
fights for his life
Las Venus
t o New York City
16, 1982 a ALBANY
(AP)Llghtwelghl Duk Koo Kim
clung to life with the aid o f life support systems Monday as doctors
and a member of the Korean consulate discussed the medical
outlook for the critically injured
Aspokeswomanat Desert Springs
Hospital said it would be al least
Tuesday before neurologist Dr.
Lonnic llummurgrcn would decide
whether to remove the life support
systems keeping alive Ihe 23-yearold K i m .
"They're laking a few more
lost," said Barbara Scarantino.
" T h e y want l o lake a look al the
situation Tuesday."
I laiumurgrcn was not available
for comment,
The hospital said Ihe prognosis
for Kim remained Ihe same as it lias
been since Saturday night—"very
critical, probably terminal,"
Kim was critically injured Saturday in the 14th round o f his nationally televised lightweight championship figlu against World Boxing Association champion Kay
" B o o m B o o m " Mancini.
Kim was placed on a life support
system following two and a half
hours of surgery for massive blood
llammargren met til the hospital
Monday with Nan Shih Clio, u
member of the Korean consulate
from Los Angeles. The two discussed Kim's condition and contacts
• 18»-
coach Munscy, " T h i s was a . This will be Ihe third lime out o f ihe •
mediocre meet for us, however, wc last four years." In addition,
were pleased with the way we finish- Shapiro and Chris Callaci were
ed ihe last few weeks o f the named "Runners of ihe M e e t . "
season." The three teams l o qualify Sliapiro will now represent Albany
for the Nationals were Prcdonia,
In the Nationals, which will be held
Ihe University of Rochester, and next Saturday at Prcdonia.
The individual goal was achieved.
Bruce Shapiro came in fifth. This
qualifies him for Ihe Nationals for
llie second year in u row. Shapiro
commented on his success, " I ' m excited about going lo the Nationals.
Mahican Hail
Other Individual qualifiers i n cluded Jim Vander-Molcn o f Cortland; Bernard I'rabucki of Siena;
Joe Quinn o f Ithaca; David l l u l n i c
of St. Lawrence; and T o m Kilfoyle
Bus Trip to THE COMIC
at the
Schenectady Ramada Inn, Thursday Nov. 18, 9 PM
show. Tickets are $6.00 seat and bus included.
Purchase tickets on Indian Quad Dinner Line 5-6
Buses leave the circle at 8 PM sharp.
' Will. VIIIIMAN 111'!'.
Great Dane Fan of the Week
Wc have to cheer to make a learn w i n , " explained four-year old
Chained Hardy. Chanlcll must have known what she was talking
about because when she was finished cheering the Danes finished with
their 48-0 blow-out o f the Maris! Red boxes.
Chanlcll, daughter of Dane co-captain Dave Hardy, stood along
side ihe Albany Slate varsity cheerleaders during Saturday's football
game. " I like l o cheer," Chanlcll said,
Clianlcll's winning cheers has made her Ihe Cheat Dane I a n of llie
— M u r k Gesner
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J u n i o r h a l l b a c k J o h n D u n h a m s c o r e d three t o u c h d o w n s i n S a t u r d a y ' s s e a s o n
e n d i n g rout o l M a r i s t C o l l e g e .
For 14 Albany State Great Danes, Saturday's game against the Marist College Red
Foxes was the ideal way to end a college
football career. The Danes sent their departing players o i l ' with an all-out 48-0 battering o f the Marist College Red Foxes to end
Ihe 1982 campaign with a 6-3 record.
" I ' m very happy," said linebacker Bob
Cohen alter the lopsided victory. He is one
ol' several players probably planning not to
return next season. " W e could have had a
better season, you're never totally satisfied
until you win a national championship."
The players who wore their purple
uniforms for the final time in Saturday's
game included quarterback T o m Pratt,
defensive back Dave Hardy, offensive
guard Don Cordell, center Dave Krcc/ko,
place kicker Tom Lincoln and 1981 E C A C
Upstate New York Player o f the Year Jim
Canfield was humbled by the tremendous
victory in the final game. He made a long
awaited return from an injury which
sidelined him for three games this season.
" I didn't want to miss the final o n e , "
said Canficld. Fittingly, the big defensive
tackle's final play o f the season was a crunching sack o f Marist quarterback J i m
Clcary, " I had a torn ligament in my knee
and a chipped bone In my elbow, but I was .
pretty healthy."
Rounding out the list o f Great Dane
graduates arc defensive end Scott Michaels,
defensive back Fran Quinn, split end Pete
Mario, defensive tackle Manny Cauchi,
quarlcrback Eric I.ilcy and offensive guard
Mike Yclich.
" I thought it was a good season. It was
a success," said Yclich. " T h e win was a
great way lo go. You can't beat t h a t . "
For lho players who had been with Ihe
lean) for several years, the Marisl contest
may have brought back memories. The
Danes' offensive game plan resembled
Spikers fall short in quest for state title
By M u r e Herman
The Albany Stale women's volleyball
loam's quest to capture the N.Y. Stale
Championship came up short ibis past
weekend, as a gritty and well-disciplined
Na/erclh squad upended the Great Danes,
(15-5), (15-9), in Ihe finals of Ihe
prestigious two day, 16-lcam elimination
tournament, held tit Gcncsco.
" I t was just a case ol'-golng up against it
team that was playing the best they'd ever
played," explained coach Pat Dwycr. " I
never saw a team play as good defensively
as they did today. Maybe wo are better
than.them person to person bin they play
heller as team. They just frustrated Ihe
heck oul o f u s . "
Dwycr arid his squad's disappointment
was lessened by the fact thai ihey dldn'l
lose a single game dttirng Ihe louiiiameni
until the finals. On Friday, in Ihe
preliminary rounds, the spikeis swepi past
New Paultz (15-6), (15-6), the defending
champions, Stony Brook (15-2), (15-9),
and Ilrockport, (15-12), (15-12).
The Dane momentum carried over lo
Saturday as lliey slcamrolled passed Cortland (15-9), (15-12) in the quarterfinals,
and Onconia (15-9), (15-12) in the
Ihe Dane Spikers, seeded first in the
tournament thanks lo their 35-6 regular
season record, placed three players on the
tournaments All-Slur squad: jr. Eliznbelh
Koscntel, j r . Rosa Prieto and sr. Lisa
"Those three players really d i d well
throughout the tournament," said Dwycr,
" b u t you can't just single out a few
players because it was a team effort and a
great one al t h a t . "
Though ihe team is a little
disappointed, Ihey won't be able lo wallow in it
foi long. The Danes were Invited lo play
in the Eastern Rcglonals ibis weekend in
Rhode Island where Ihey will be the only
leant representing New York o f the eight
teams competing.
However a conflict has arisin. Dwycr
was informed that his team is also
scheduled l o play their first'round match
ibis weekend in another tournament, the
N C A A Championships which is the biggest o f litem all since it involves ihe whole
country. Dal things should work oul fine
according l o Dwycr.
" W e ' l l hopefully be able lo compete in
both tournaments in the same weekend
because our first round opponent in (lie
N C A A , M I T , is also in Ihe Rcglonals,"
explained Dwycr. " I f we gel permission,
we will play them a seperale game for ihe
N C A A while al the same lime he able lo
compete in lite other lounanienl.
If Ihi Danes would have defeated
Nazcreth in successive games, Ihe learn
would have made the record books by
becoming the first team l o win Ihe State
No matter what happens lo the d u b this
Championship Without losing a single weekend, Dwycr is slill proud of his teams
_ — accomplishment up to this point.
The s p i k e r ' s were edged out In their
quest lor a state title.
Immediately, Albany Stale's most prolific passer in his 13 year football history
guided his learn to a fourth touchdown.
Prall banded the ball lo Dunham on the
three-yard line lo increase the score lo 28-0.
On Albany's next possession, the senior
quarterback reached another milestone in
his successful career. When he connected
with wide receiver Pete McGrath for tin 18
yprd gain, it was Pratt's one-hundredth
completion o f his career.
Albany did not waste any opportunities
throughout the game. After Pratt's pass lo
Dunham brought Ihe ball lo Ihe Marisl
13-yard line, Lincoln led ihe field goal unit
oul with just four seconds remaining in Ihe
half to iry a 27-yard attempt. Lincoln's
boot splil the uprights as time expired sending Albany into ihe lockcrroom with a
31-0 advantage.
The Danes refused to slop pouring on Ihe
points in the second half. Roth returned to
the quarterback slot, leading Albany
downfield. He helped his own cause witli a
17-yard run on a quarterback keep. On first
and goal from the Marist four-yard line,
Roth gave the ball to mnninghack Monte
Riley, a young back who made tremendous
strides with Ihe Danes this season. Riley
carried the bull into the end zone making
Ihe score 38-0.
Pratt returned on ihe Danes' next series
but could not bring the offense beyond the
Marisl 18-yard line, Lincoln was called
upon again for three points and Ihe senior
enhanced his perfect afternoon with a
34-yard successful effort. Albany led 41-0.
The Danes scored the lasi o f their 48
points early in the fourth quarter. Pratt pitched l o Ihe left side where Dunham was
there again lo handle i l . The halfback ran
November 19,1982
Financial pinch over as
government funds arrive
those o f the powerful Albany teams o f the
past. Albany relied almost exclusively on
the wishbone ground attack with windy,
cold playing conditions making an extensive
passing a t t a c k a l m o s t I m p o s s i b l e .
Nonetheless, the weak Marist defense could
not contain the Dane offense. Albany
churned out 574 yards o f total offense while
the defense limited the Fox wishbone offense to only 121 yards.
The Danes started their assault early. On
their second possession, junior quarterback
T o m Roth, who enjoyed his finest game as
a Dune, handed the football to sophomore
fullback Patrick Harrison. The small
fullback plowed into the visitor's end zone
from one yard out. Lincoln followed with
his first of six consecutive extra-point kicks.
" W h e n the wind is blowing so h a r d , "
Ford commented, "winning the coin toss is
worth a lot o f points."
It certainly was valuable to the Danes,
who won the toss but took the wind rather
than the ball. John Dunham added another
six point tally as he bolted into the end zone
on a five-yard scamper with 5:20 remaining
in the opening quarter. For the halfback, it
was the first o f three touchdowns during
the afternoon lifting his season's total to
ten. That total tied the record held by T o m
DeBloid set in 1975.
Albany continued to molest the Foxes
with another score in the first quarter. Roth
elected to keep the ball on first down and
raced untouched into Marisl's end zone. By
the end of the first quarter, Albany already
owned a 21-0 lead.
When play resumed in the second
quarter, the Danes had a new quarterback
at the helm. Making his final appearance on
University Field, Pratt was sent out lo command the wishbone one last lime. Although
hobbled by a hamstring pull and torn enrliledge, the senior Dane signal-caller didn't
want lo miss his final game.
" I really wattled one more shot. I fell I was
tunning out o f gas," he said, " b u t it was
definitely worth i t . "
16, 1982
Danes destroy Marist College 48-0
By M a r c Haspel
By Anthony Silber
Political Science professor Erik P. Hollmann
Andropov will "quickly be Ihe strongest and most effective Soviet leader since Ihe death of Stalin. "
Brezhnev successor viewed as 'ruthless9
but willing to discuss arms control
By Evan Schwartz
Yuri V. Andropov, successor to Ihe late Leonid 1.
Brezhnev as General Secretary o f the Sovicl Union,
has only been in power for approximately one week.
Bui SUN YA political science professor and established
Russisn foreign policy expert Erik P. Hoffmann
speculated that the former KCil) head will last "maybe
ten years" and is convinced " h e will, quite quickly, be
the. strongest and most effective
Soviet leader since Ihe death of
A l t h o u g h knowledge on Ihe
68-year old Andropov only recently
began to develop, Hoffmann described him as " f o r midable in many ways" and " m o r e intelligent, more
more i n eependenl—minded" than his predecessors.
Professor Henyrk Baran, a teacher o f various Soviet
studies courses at Albany, believes that Andropov "is
undoubtedly a ruthless man in a system thai rewards
rulhlcssness in politics."
Hoffmann thought that Andropov will not pursue
more o f a hard line in dealing with foreign policy.
"The chances are that he is willing to talk seriously
about arms c o n t r o l , " Hoffmann said, but added "this
will not mean thai he will be willing to put an end to
Soviet third world countries."
The fact that Andropov was Ihe chief architect of
Ihe repression policies for the 1956 uprising in
Hungary is one of the main sources of informaiion indicative of his domineering personality. Baran said,
"Andropov's handling of Hungary certainly gives
evidence that he is capable o f deviousness and the use
of Torce to achieve Soviet objectives," while Hoffmann cmnhasized that, " A n d r o p o v was quite impress-
ed with ihe economic performance of Hungary after
Ihe installation of Janos Kader as First Secretary of ihe
Hungarian Communist Party," implying thai A n dropov lends lo favor supprcsslonalory methods in
In addition, " A s former head of Ihe KGB, he has a
more realistic vciw o f ihe situation in ihe country," according to Baran. However, Baran doesn't see this as
an incication thai the new leader will crack down further on Soviet dissidents, since " T h e crackdown that
has been in progress is already extremely extensive."
The financial aid crisis of the past year is over, according lo
Donald Whitlock, Director o f Financial Aids and Harvey Huth,
Director of Student Accounts. Things are now returning lo normal
with money starling lo flow in from the government.
Whitlock said thai late federal appropriations decisions and increased processing were the main reasons for the delay o f financial
aid monies lo SUNYA.
WhllloL'k indicated thai foi the most pari, money Is flowing well
now, Inn cited backlogs in the Pell (lianl program which he attributed IO new validation procedures ami follow-up paperwork
forced on his department by ihe U.S. Department o f Education, in
addition, Whitlock said ihe decision by Clalrbornc Pell lo have Ihe
program switched lo his name caused delays.
Further problems with the Pell Program exist because awatds may
be recomputed based on a study to be conducted ovet Chrlslmas
recess, according to whitlock,
Whitlock expressed dissatisfaction with requirements and paperwork delegated b\ the government, " I he enrollment of the insiiinllon is static, bin out workload is Increasing, he said. "Because programs are being cut, people think our load is diminished, liven i f a
loan is denied, we slill have lo process i t . "
Whitlock sttid that because of the Increasing burden of office
puporwork, his office has had lo devote more resources to paperwork and em back on counseling services.
All of ihese problems inlcrruptcd the cash flow this semester,
Whitlock said, ami created difficulties. He said that now, for Ihe
most part, the situation lias improved, and there is now less student
From his end of the financial aid process. H u l h shared many o f
Whlllock's feeling. He said that the strongest feeling he had at this
point, after what his office and the students had enduied, was appreciation with students for being patient and the staff for developing innovative methods io alleviate problems.
Among staff innovations, Hull) said, were a "student inquiry
f o r m , " which helped eliminate long lines by allowing students to fill
out the forms and gel responses in Ihe mail, and a policy of
disseminating aid cheeks by mail, again reducing lines by
eliminating Ihe need for students to come lo ihe office repeatedly.
Hulh asserted'that delays in aid can be traced lo Ihe federal
government. The delays, he said, averaged aboul 6 to 8 weeks,
depending on the program,' when compared l o last year. Federal
changes in the award schedule numbered about 850 — and the
average amount of change has been 36 dollars per student, he said.
One future benefit of student inquiry forms, said H u l h , was lhat
with the expected addition of word processing machines, the office
could delertnine patterns in student inquiries and establish standard
responses to them, thus saving more lime. He said lhat he was pleased with bis office's ability lo get NDSI. checks out within 10 to 14
days, bin reminded students thai Ihey must sign promissory notes lo
receive their checks.
Whitlock said thai he and his entire staff greatly appreciated student patience and understanding in Ihe face of difficult and
frustrating circumstances, " i t ' s been a nightmare for us this year,"
Whitlock said.
Whitlock said lhat student financial aid forms for next year had
been delayed, and he anticipated them by mid-December. He advised students to pick them up before imersession.
Soviet dissidents relate fear, hardship
ference in Moscow, Grigorenko opposed
Nikila S. Khruschev, then First Secretary of
O n e - t i m e Soviet G e n e r a l
P e l r o Ihe Party. A scries of repercussions followGrigorenko spoke to a filled lecture center ed, leading lo Grigorcnko's arrest and six
Tuesday on Ihe fears and struggles of pur- years in a Soviel psychiatric prison. I n
suing human rights in the Soviel Union. 1977, while visiting Ihe U.S. for medical
Through an interprelor, the 75-year-old treatment, Grigorcnko's citizenship was
dissident spoke of his experience with the revoked and he was denied admittance to
Soviel government and his impression o f his country.
American perceptions of the Sovicl Union.
As a co-founder o f the llkranian and
His wife, Zinaida, a former communist, Moscow Helsinki Groups, the former
spoke out expressing strongly anti- general hss been active in the rights issue
communist sentiments.
since his release from prison.These dissident
Grigorenko, a 33-ycar veteran o f Ihe groups were organized following the 1975
Soviet military, was promoted to General agreement by Ihe European Conference on
and then to military scientist and lectures at Security and Cooperation in Helsinki,
the USSR's Frunze Institute. Ho was active Finland.
At the time, 35 countries, including the
DAVE RIVERA UPS in World War Two and was awarded five
medals, including the "Order of L e n i n , "
U.S., signed the agreement which, in effect,
Petro Grlgorenko
A t the 1961 Communist Parly ConKGB "rule of Ihe entire country. "
7fcBy Debbie Judge