i Danes Use Defense to Shuffle the Cards, 61-40

Women Swimmers
page 23
December 11, 1981!
Danes Use Defense to Shuffle the Cards, 61-40
Gatto's 15Leads Scorers
Second Win in Conference
by Birr Fischer •
PLATTSBURdH Spearheaded by
a dominating defense, the Albany
Great Danes outscorcd Plattsburgh
28-7 over the final 11 minutes
Wednesday night, and went on lo
pul! away to a 61-40 SUNV Conference win over the host Cardinals.
Wednesday's viclory puts Albany
on top of the SUNYAC East siandings with a 2-0 mark. Potsdam and
Cortland face off lonighl ip Cortland, with the winner lying the
Danes for Ihe lop spot.
Although Plattsburgh never led
in the contest, the Cardinals stayed
in the game throughout the firsl 30
minutes by pounding Ihe offensive
boards. Coach Norm Law's team
pulled down 15 offensive rebounds,
while Albany could manage only I?
defensive boards, many of which
came in Ihe final 10 minutes, when
the Danes put the game away.
Albany grabbed Ihe first lend ol
Ihe game when John Dicckclman
scored off of tile fiisl of eighl Dan
Croulicr assisis foi n 2-0 Dane lead.
Law was forced lo.eall a limc-oui
when Albany, sparked by I luce
Mi'-e Galio hoops, also scored 10
of i lc next 12 poinls for a 12-2 lead
at 14:55 of the first half. Mm ihe
Cardinals came hack, cutting the
visitors' lead lo 20-16 at 2:32, and
the half ended with each team seining once more for a 22-18 Albany
lead ai Ihe intermission.
When the Danes have .snuggled
this season, it has been their
shooiing thai has abandoned them.
Wednesday, Ihe Albany club shol
56.3 percent from the floor, 59.3
percent in Ihe decisive second half.
The key marksmen were Gal to,
who was 7 of 11, and Dicckclman, a
5 of 8 shooter. It was especially
encouraging for Albany fans lo sec
Gallo have a big night, since the
Oswego native had been having
problems with his outside shol.
The second half picked up where
the first had left off, with Albany
sliil in possession of a very tenuous,
lead. II was built to seven twice, at
30-23 and 32-25, but it was here that
Plattsburgh outscorcd the Danes
8-1 over a strclch of 3:24 lo pull
even at 33 all. At Ihis point, Albany
coach Dick Sauers called time-out,
and also reinserlcd poinl guard
Croulicr. Bolh moves paid off for
the Danes.
On a team with four guards, all
freshmen, I he first conference road
game is really a stern lest, With the
score lied and only 10:51 left, Ihe
lime had come foi ihe Danes lo
show whal they arc made of. And,
as is Ihe case with all good teams, il
was Ihe seniors who provided the
Joe Jcdnak sandwiched Iwo
jumpers around a Ron Simmons
jumper arid, suddenly, a tic game
had once again become a six point
Albany lead. In only a period of
1:49, the Iwo seniors, together with
the 5-7 freshman playmakcr
Croulicr, had pul Ihe viclory into
the Danes' hands.
Albany did nol relax once Ihcy
had regained the lead. The rapidly
improving Wilson Thomas, hit a
driving shot after a Plattsburgh
time-out lo pul Ihe lead lo eight and
then the Albany defense asserted
itself. The Cardinals were able lo
score only seven poinls in the last
10:51, and only scored one basket
Stale University of New York at Albany
in Ihe final five minutes.
Jcdnak, .Simmons, Thomas,
Crouticr and Jan Zadoorian were
outstanding on defense, and when
they came out, Dave Adam, Dennis
Fagan, Gatlo and Dicckclman did
the job. In the end, the Danes had
pressured the Cardinals Into a 36.5
percent shooting performance, and
the visitors had also controlled the
boards, 32-25, while Plallsburgh's
16 turnovers were one more than
Albany's total.
Individually, Mike Gatlo had 15
poinls and II rebounds, while Dan
Croulicr had eight poinls and eight
assisis, giving him 37 assisis over
the first six games. The diminutive
poinl guard also picked up five rebounds, while backeourl partner
Zadoorian had six caroms,
The Danes arc in action again on
Saturday night, when ihey travel lo
Wilkes-Ilaiie, PA, for a mccling
Willi lite King's College Monnrchs.
King's had a 6-1 record heading inio Thursday night's game wilh
arch-rival Wilkes College. Albany
leads ihe series between the Iwo
schools, 2-0, having defeated the
Moiuuchs, 79-69 in the 1979-80
season opener, and 95-76 lasi yero.
The ucxi home game for Albany
is Tuesday nighl when RPI's
Engineers come lo lown. RPI upsei
the Danes, 45-40, in the finals of ihe
Capital District on November 21.
Game lime is 8:30.
January 29, 1982
backgrounds to attend a good
Tile proposed budget allows for a
The 1982-83 proposed State Executive Budget could result in some '9.9 million cut in dormitory aid
major changes to the SUNY system, that is expected to be balanced by
ranging from decreased student aid Ihe rent hike.
Another sharp decrease comes
and fewer faculty and staff posilions to a '150 dormitory rent hike. under the heading of Maintenance
Governor Hugh Carey proposed and Operations expenses. A bus
the new budget on January 19, and fare may also be imposed as a result
the SUNY Central Administration or the '162,000 cut to SUNYA in
is currently analyzing the effects it that department. Physical Planl
Director Dennis Stevens told
will have on the SUNY system.
According to Harry Spindlcr, the Knickerbocker News yesterday,
While the firsl wave of Ihe cuts in
SUNY Vice Chancellor in charge of
Finance, the major impact of the federal student aid arc hitting, the
budget on students will probably be second ate on their way. I'he slate
ihe simultaneous hike in dormitory plans to reduce the SludciU Loan
renl along with cuts In federal and Program by 'n2,8tx>; Tuition Reimbursement Program will be cut by
stale student aid.
The M50 per bed rise in board more than '2.7 million; and the Colrales is part of a plan the Slate and lege Work Study Program will be
the SUNY administration agreed cm be '114,800. These cuts were
upon several years ago to eventually made lo reflect anticipated federal
have self-sufficient dormitories. cuts lo programs into which Ihe
Their goal is to have the dorms sup- slate and federal governments pul
matching funds.
port themselves without state aid.
Stale University Supplemental
Student Union Chair Jim Tierncy
commented, "by eliminating all Tuition Assistance (SUSTA) is one
slate aid to dormitories they will be program that students need not
cutting accessibility to the slate worry about being cut. It will be
university for many people. The eliminated in 1982-83. The program
purpose of a state university is to is designed lo fund upper level and
allow people of all financial professional students who qualify
Volume LXVIV Number 1
for a full TAP award but can not
receive il since TAP is not available
to students in higher levels of
education. Although cuts in faculty and staff for the upcoming year
arc definite, exactly how many positions will be cut is under question.
The difference appears to be a matter of Interpretation of a new
system initialed by the Division of
the Budget (DOB).
The system is used to determine
the Personal Service Adjustment
lor the year, which represents the
number of vacant positions for
which the SUNY System received
funding. I his year Ihe figures came
from a single payroll, called
"payroll 15," which the State examined on lasi November 15. Ihe
division determined thai in the
1981-82 school year SUNY received
funding for 795 vacant positions.
SUNYA Vice President of Finance and Business John Hqrllgan
dies cms of approximately 174 faculty positions for next year
Hartlgun, will be a cut of approxHoward Olaser, Legislative said.
Director for the Student Associalie added that the funds were imately 174 positions lor the next
tion of Ihe State University (SASU) formerly used for supplies and school year. "In Ihe budget there is
cxplttlned the problem wilh ihe equipment by the schools while the a reduction in faculty and staff by
positions were vacanl. According lo 34 positions. Then with the Per" I h e D.O.B, is lakingaway fun- Ciluser, Personal Service Adjust- sonal Service Adjustment we have
ding for positions thai happened lo ment will lake away a lot of flex- lo eliminate many more positions to
keep within the funding that will be
be vacanl on the particular pay day ibility from Ihe schools.
(November 15). Wilh no funding
The way this affects SUNY available."
Overall, the proposed budget
available for ncxl year these posi- Albany, according lo Vice Presicontinued on page fifteen
tions can not be filled." Cilascr dent in charge of Finance, John
Groups Target Albany Hilton Hiring
1-2 IS;
Tlliilltos 2 C>-1 4 | Dlit-'KcillWri 3 2-2 12; S l i m n . i i i O 1-2
7: M i l i a r 4 0(1 8; I'Bimil 2 D O 4 . T.Huls 27 7-11 6 3 .
CIIIKIIS 4 0-3 8| S i i - w u . ft 0-0 12; h i i k s I 0-021 Mc-
Reserve Dave Adam gives starling guard Dan Croulicr some needed rest. The Danes defeated Ihe Plattsburgh Cardinals Wednesday, 61-40, for their second conference win. (photo: Dave Ashcr)
C u n e y 2 1-2 3;lli'lnn-s 2 0 ( 1 4 : Him is 2 i-2 5; Wliylc
2 004.
lliiKlimi-: Alliany 22, Pln(litttll|ill 18.
Women Cagers Storm Past Physical New Paltz
by I.ori Cohen
Prepared lo fighl the snow
storms on their way to New Pall/,
the - Albany women's basketball
team found they also had lo battle
their way \p a very physical win
againsi New Pall/, 59-32. More accustomed to playing onc-on-one
sircelball, New Pair"/ found
themselves frustrated against the
Danes' powerful press and 2-1-2
zone defense.
"They had lo make up for llicir
SUNY is Threatened by Proposed State Budget
A l K A N V Kill
C'liiuik'i 3 2-2 81 ZflilihMlnll 1 1-2 31 On
lack of skill by playing extremely
physical. Wc were worried ahum
surviving. Everyone played a lot—il
was a necessity of the game," said
Albany coach Amy Kidder.
Kidder and assislam coach Mari
Warner were coming into il a Mule
leery of Ihe New Pall/ game. Knowing Ihe fashion of hall ihey play and
remembering officials in their past
encounters in the New Pall/ area,
Ihcy knew Ihe game would be
physically abusive and would
Using a powerful press, the Albany women cagers won a very physical batHe »' New Paltz, 59-32. (photo: Will Yurmon) <
possibly gel out of control.
Their fears were wcJI founded.
Rolling up an 18-0 lead afiei 12
long niinuies, Albany began to gel a
lasie of the physical abuse from the
frustrated New Pali/ squad.
"Wc wanted 10 keep Ihem from
using llicir onc-on-one moves, .and
force ihem 10 play as a team, Wc
had 110 plans lo use a man-lo-man
defense, Using our /one press and
defense, causing ihem 10 have 10
use each player on Ihe court, we
came up wilh a mini of 13 steals and
numerous turnovers caused,"
reflected Kiddei.
New Pali/' man-lo-man defense
was ihe cause for Albany's low
scoring in Ihe firsl 12 minutes. In
Ihe beginning, instead of quick
passes, Albany put the ball lo Ihe
flow—at once.lllcy were smothered
by New Pall/ ballplayers. Once this
was corrected, and Albany's passing began,the Danes began scoring.
The seoie ai Ihe half was 28-12.
One reason for Ihe scoring burst
in llie second half was Peg Squaz/o,
according to Kidder, wjio played
"an outstanding game." Coming
off the bench, Squaz/o scored 10
quick poinls on 5 foi 6 shooiing,
becoming Albany's high scorer wilh \
II poinls. Veronica Paiicrson, who
was gieui under the boards, scored
nine poinls and grabbed 12 rebounds. "We did ihe best job yel
undci the offensive boards, mainly
because of Ronnie," said Kiddei.
Also scoring 9 points were Nancy •
Wunderlich and Nancy Halloran.
According 10 Kidder, "Those were
Ihe hardest poinls Nancy (Halloran)
scored all season."
As the game progressed^ il
became obvious that the referees
had lost control. After a flagrant
New Pah/ foul was finally called,
I lie Danes were awarded a technical
foul, and' Jody Currier sank (he
shol. Currier wcnl 10 Ihe line again
on another technical and, scored
again. "We could have played in a
schoolyard. Il was nol an easy game
for any of our players. The physical
abuse could have inflicted sonic
serioius injuries," said Kidder.
Defensively Chris Cannata and
Rhea Edwards, working together
on the lop of the 2-1-2 defense,
played outstanding, "They drove
New Paltz bananas," Kidder said.
Overall, Albany maintained poise
and control in a game that could
have turned into a brawl.
Recuperating until Saturday, the
women Danes are hoping lo improve their 3-3 record againsi
Russell Sage.
"If wc conlinuc 10 play the same
way, there is no reason why wc
should nol win," said Kiddei. " W c .
broke oul of our scoring slump, and
the buckets finally started to fall."
phiiln: shrrry ( i i l i m
Albany's Hilton Hutel
Seeks an affirmative action plan
Men's varsil SjHJinoninii. Bidtfimnvs. Plulishiirtih
• t IstllMay. 12/12 al I'k Uurgh,
Women's vaH I stviiuirt Hgtr-divineSt. Pliillsbiirgl
Women's vaH
at Pit
F ^ TWitfMSt'
l i ' t ' i . 1:00
W/kuwii, 2:00
Women's fa JM Auskt'lMtil vsoKusirvil !>MW|PorjHr
$v Jtt'»iYtoi3l|fiaH«i< 1 Saw, 2:00
Men's varsit mskcibfjV
Men's jiinio
2vWzjJfir^| j K P i i IK H/ l-M,8:00
• s i , i w B fctfulAM: Skidmorc
••v. '*' ^fvP ' !%& Saturday, 12/12 al. 'kitjiihuv. 7:00
Men's'varsil «ByMliai1! fs. IffH
Wiy Gym,8:30
Tuesday, 12/15 III Univet
illy Gym, 6:30
"I Initiated the hiring freeze and
it will show our good faith," Columbo told Ihe rimes-Union,
UDC spokesman Robert Rafsky
said hold and UDC representatives
will meet in New York City Ihis
week. They hope lo develop an affirmative action plan which will
result in specific and equitable
employment and monetary distribution.
Officials of both the UDC and
the Albany city Office of Equal
Employment Opportunity and Fair
Housing said they have been trying
since the hotel's opening in
December lo obtain minority
employment information and an affirmative action plan.
A January 20 meeting of the Urban League's Employment Sub-
committee with traditional civil
rights organizations of Albany
resulted in the formation of The
Coalition for Minority Employment, according to Dr. John Oliver,
professor in the school of Social
Welfare at SUNYA and Chairman
of the E m p l o y m e n t S u b Committee.
"The Hilton issue was indeed
very important at our meeting,"
said Oliver.
"Wc demand equal employment
o p p o r t u n i t y . . . i f we get no
reasonable response we will use any
means at our disposal to do so."
Oliver cited picket lines, rallys,
petitions, and boycotts as possible
avenues of action.
Bus Fares Are Being Considered
Albany's Black community is
"mad as hell," about the hiring
practices of the new Albany Hilton
Hotel, accusing Ihem of restricting
blacks to menial jobs, according lo
Ward 3 Alderman Nebraska Brace.
Of the 48 Blacks employed at the
Hilton, all but one are working in
service or maintenance positions,
according to employment inform:tion forwarded to the slate Urban
(Development Corporation (UDC)
Iby the hotel. One Black is working
as a desk clerk.
The hotel's report to the UDC
announced a total workforce of
362, with 48 Blacks, 2 Hlspanics,
154 women, and 23 of other
"We're not gelling (minority) applicants for those position (professional and technical)", Hilton
Operations Manager Phil Columbo
recently told Ihe Albany TimesUnion. "The people coming in off
the street are coming for service and
maintenance jobs."
Al Columbo's order, a hiring
freeze will remain in effect until the
hold and the UDC work oul a
specific affirmative action hiring
plan, as required by federal law.
University adminislrators are
seriously considering dunging fees
to off-campus students, Wellington
residents, faculty and staff using
the SUNYA buses.
In a meeting of the bus stud;
committee Wednesday, committee
chair and Physical Plant Director
Dennis Slovens cited proposed cuts
of approximately '162,000 in the
Plant Department's maintenance
and operation budget, and said in
order to operate the SUNYA buses
al the same level of service next
! ear, he will "have to get the money
"I do believe that in these limes,
a portion of the bus service costs
should be borne by the users,"
Stevens said.
According to Stevens, while the
university has a responsibility to
transport Alumni Quad residents lo
classes on the uptown campus and
lo take uptown students lo the
Draper campus, il would not be illogical to charge others lor use of
Ihe SUNYA shuttle. Stevens maintains that the Albany campus is the
only unii in the SUNY system which
provides free bus service lo nondormitory residents, although lie
did say the idea to charge fares for
the SUNYA busts "has been
around since 1971."
Should a fee bi .mplcnicnicd.
Stevens said, he would anticipate
off-setting "personal service costs"
with the money, which he projected
would be in the area of '60-70,000.
Stevens blames the state Division
or Budget (DOB) for the reduction
he has been asked to make of nearly
or his present
maintenance cosls. Stevens said the
DOB has looked at the over
'150,000 redirected by SUNYA into
ihe Plant Department's rcsidenccI'uoully improvement program,
which has gone towards muchneeded repairs and improvement of
residence halls, as a greater amount
than other SUNY schools put
towards maintenance and repairs.
Stevens feels this cut was proposed by the DOB lo bring SUNYA's
maintenance spending in line wilh
thai of other SUNY schools.
However, several concerned
students who unexpectedly attended the bus study committee meeting
feci the larc idea is not a result of
I lie budget cuts,
SA President Dave Pologc said
he thinks Stevens "wants to charge
the fee whether the budget cuts go
into effect or not."
Students attending the bus study committee meeting Wednesday
Raised concern that the committee didn 'I gather student input
At the meeting Stevens stressed
Similarly, Off-Campus Association Director Mark Dunlea said, "1 the study group was studying all the
don't think Dennis (Stevens) is be- available options. Alternatives the
committee has reviewed include
ing totally honest with us.
"At the end of last semester," asking the Student Association for
Dunlea said, " h i (Stevens) said supplemental funding; having
charging a fee for the buses was not CDTA take over operation of the
a serious option. But it's obvious bus system; charging transportation
that it is the main option being con- costs for academic field trips;
continued on pagejfive
Extra! Extra!
Would CApsuUs
The SA used Book Manual listing over 750 entries is
now available for purchase.
This compiled listing of used books for sale, owners'
names and those all-Important phone numbers, can be
purchased for the next two weeks on dinner lines and in
the CC lobby.
A few thousand copies are available, but at 10 cents a
copy, they'll be going fast!
Williams Trial Continues
jATtANTA, Georgia, (AP) A witness testified Thursday that, she saw one of the city's young black slaying
victims slumped over with his eyes shut in a car driven
by Wayne B. Williams, and that the youth failed to respond when she called his name.
Nellie Trammel! told jurors at Williams' murder trial
that she saw 20 year old Larry Rogers, a neighbor, with
the defendant in a green station wagon on March 30,
'1981, the day Rogers disappeared. He was found dead
10 days later.
" I said, 'Larry?' He didn't say anything," she said.
Her testimony was the fourth time prosecution witnesses
have placed Williams with one of the 28 young blacks
whose deaths during a 22-month period have been investigated by a police task force.
Mrs. Trammel! said the car Williams was driving had
cut in front of her car last March 30 and then turned
around slowly enough for her to try to talk to Rogers.
"When I looked over, I looked at this man's face, and
Larry Rogers was in the scat and he was like this," she
said, shutting her eyes and leaning against the side of the
witness stand.
Mrs, Trammell said on cross-examination that she
was not concerned about seeing Rogers under those conditions because, "I thought he was trying to hide, he
didn't want anyone to see him because he was with a
Williams, a 23 year old black free lance photographer
and aspiring music promoter, is charged with murdering
Nathaniel Cater, 27 and Jimmy Ray Payne, two of those
blacks on the task force list.
No arrests have been made in the 26 other deaths, but
prosecutors claim they can link Williams to 10 other
slaying victims — including Rogers and eight others on
the task force list. The judge has allowed testimony on
the other lOvictims for the limited purpose of showing a
pattern that might fit the Cater and Payne slayings.
On the Road
For those of you who have always wanted to watch
Central Council in action, but have been too lazy to get
up and go to a meeting, Central Council will be holding
their meetings on each of the five quads.
The first meeting will be held Wednesday, February 3,
at 7:30 p.m. in Alumni Quad's Aldcn cafeteria. Among
the Issues discussed will be the reorganization of the OffCampus Association (OCA).
On February 10, Central Council will be meeting on
Dutch Quad, February 17 on Colonial, February 24 on
State and March 3 on Indian.
Everyone is invited to attend.
Write, Write A Song
This is your last chance to submit original music and
lyrics to be used as the tjheme song for telethon '82.
Auditions arc scheduled for February 3 and 4. Songs
should Incorporate this year's Telethon theme, "A
Celebration of Youth."
For more information, or to make an audition appointment, contact Mark at 436-1960 or Dave at
Who Are They?
Look around you in thai boring 400-level course you
have today. Do you know who's who among your fellow
If you need a guide to those of your classmates who
have exhibited academic achievement, service to the
community, leadership in extra curricular activities and
future potential, you might want to check Ihc 1982 edition of Who's Who Among Students in American
Universities and Colleges.
This year, 33 SUNYA seniors have been included in
this illustrious listing of honorable students; Who's
Who annually surveys over 1,300 institutions of higher
learning throughout the United States and several
foreign nations.
Still don't know Who's Who? Take a stroll through
the SA office or, belter yet, read this listing. And con-
Chemical Plant Explodes
TONAWANDA, N.Y. (AP) An explosion at a suburban Buffalo chemical plant wrecked a large part of the
building Thursday and Injured at least 13 people, one
critically, officials said. No deaths were reported.
The explosion occurred in a research laboratory at the
Lucidol Division plant in the nearby Town of Tonawanda. It blew out surrounding brick and cinder block
walls, reducing parts of the building to rubble. Many
windows at other buildings in the complex, and at nearby homes and businesses, were shattered,
"The whole building shook," said 23-year old Jennifer Kmiec, a lab technician. "It felt like a bomb going
off, then flames started shooting out."
Lucidol, which makes organic chemicals used in the
production of plastics, is a division of the Pcnnwalt
Twelve people were treated for gas inhalation a cuts
and bruises then released from Kcnmorc Mercy
Hospital, a spokeswoman said.
Tax Policy Denounced
WASHINGTON D.C.(AP) Civil liberties told Congress on Thursday that President Reagan has no
authority to end an 11 year old government policy denying tax exemptions to segrctgatcd private schools.
Witnesses for the NAACP and Comm on Cause accused
Reagan of appearing to circumvent the laws in order to
grant special poilitical favors to two conservative
schools that have been found to discriminate.
"The federal tax laws now on the books have been interpreted by every federal appellate court which has considered the issue as prohibiting federal tax exemption
benefits for schools with racially discriminatory
policies," said M. Carr Ferguson, who headed the
Justice Department's Tax Division during the Carter administration. Meanwhile, 28 senators of varying
political persuasion introduced a resolution expressing
the view that the Internal Revenue Service has all the
authority it needs to deny exemptions to discrimnatory
Sen. Gary Hart, D-Colo., one of the 28, said that
passing a new law, as Reagan wants, might cloud the intent of the sweeping 1964 Civil Rights Act, which prohibits government aid to such schools. At the House
hearing, E. Richard Larson, counsel for the American
Civil Liberties Union, rejected Reagan's contention that
there is no basis in law for the IRS to deny tax exernpr
tions for schools that disriminate.
! "The president is wrong," Larson told the House
Judiciary subcommittee on constitutional rights. The
Constitution, the 1964 Civil Rights Act and various
court rulings t . Tel "the Reagan administration to
deny tax-exempt status to all racially discriminatory
private schools," he said.
gratulations to the following students:
Amy K. Adelman, Jose M. Baez, Berlrand Bonnick,
Edith Dang, Ira D. Frome, Neil J. Gelfand, Susan L.
i Gold, Steven A. Greenberg, Steven C. Gross, Karen
Hanovlce, Robin A. Hirshman, Scotl I. Jerris, Larry
Kahn, Paul H. Kastcll, Herbert Lurle, James L. McCarthy, Robert A. McClain, Glenn J. Mones, Loriann
Pcppe, Diane A. Plackis, David A. Pologe, David
Raftcn, Victoria B. Ross, Brad A. Rothbaum, Stacy M.
Sass, Gary K. Skidmon, Suzanne P. Stern, Howard O.
Straker, John J. Suydan, Steven L. Topal, Carol I.
Volk. Peter G. Weinstock and Jason F. Wertheim.
Free Flick
There will be a free public showing of Ihc film "In
Our Water" on Tuesday, February 2, at 3 pm in Hearing room " C " of the Legislative Office Building.
The film concerns the plight of a New Jersey family
fighting toxic industrial pollution.
The film was described by the New York Post as "an
eye-opener" and it surrounds an issue relevant in the
lives of many New York Stale residents.
Softball Snowjob
The Capital Area March of Dimes is sponsoring a
snowball-softball tournament.
Five inning, single elimination games will be played on
snow covered fields at Cook's Park in Colonic tomorrow and Sunday.
There is a $75 entry fec-donalion, and trophies will be
presented to the winning teams.
No-snow or mud dales arc February 6 and 7.
For more information conlact The March of Dimes
Office 783-9363.
Take a Dive
Recognized campus organizations can now reserve the
University swimming pool for use any Saturday this
semester between the hours of 10 a.m and I p.m. This
offer runs until May I, 1982.
Rcscrvalions musl be made in person by a representative of the group at least one week in advance and no
group may reserve the pool more than once in any
For more information, contact Dennis Elkin al
457-4514, weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm.
Tax-exempt status lets an organization avoid paying
tax on its income and Social Security taxes for its
employees. But the chief value is the tax deduction
allowed persons who contribute to such institutions.
Reagan Counters Criticism
WASHINGTON D.C. (AP) President Reagan, moving
quickly to counter crilicism of his New Federalism program, met with Ihrce Republican mayors Thursday and
won Iheir backing for his contention lhal there would be
neither winners nor losers among the states.
White House aides passed out charts purporting to
show that the shift of programs and funds between the
federal government and the slates would be balanced in
every case. They emphasized that the figures they used
might well change, but that the balance they illustrated
would not.
"All states would be held harmless," said White
House spokesman David Gcrgcn.
But at the winter meeting of the U.S. Conference of
Mayors, Democratic House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill
called the program to transfer welfare, food stamps and
about 40 other social programs "a disguised attempt to
balance the budget on the backs of state and local
Con-Ed Wins Ruling
ALBANY N.Y. (AP) Consolidated Edison legally collected $350 million from its customers to meet the cost
of federal taxes the gianl utility may never pay, a state
court has ruled.
In an expected decision, state Supreme Court Justice
Daniel Prior Jr. ruled Wednesday that Con Ed lawfully
collected the money over the last several years in the expectation it would eventually pass the money onto
Washington. The collections arc popularly referred to as
"phantom taxes,"
Prior's decision follows his ruling in November that
the $1.3 billion the New York Telephone Co. has collected in recent years, under similar circumstances, is
also legal.
Both suils were filed by state Attorney General Robert
Abrams, who claimed the utilities don't have to pay the
taxes now, and may never have to give Washington the
money. Prior, however, rejected Abrams' claims and
said that the utilities may still have to pay the taxes and
the money helps to keep customer's rates lower in the
long run anyway.
Higher Taxes Needed
ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) Despite negative reaction from
legislative leaders, the Carey administration continued
Thursday to insist that higher gasoline taxes and auto,
registration fees are needed to help fix roads and
The tough stance came as aides to Gov, Hugh Carey.
released the governor's special message to Ihc
Legislalure on Transportation and Capital Plant
State Budget Director Mark Lawton said the plan was
a "pay as you go" financing scheme to fund a multiyear program to bring the slate's deteriorating highways
and bridges up lo par.
"This is not an optimum solution,m it's a reasonable
one," said Lawlon, who offered details on the programs
that Carey first outlined last week in his proposed
1982-83 state budget.
The lax-and-fce-hike plan, estimated to bring in $210
million in the first year, is the cornerstone of Carey's
overall plan to pump money into repairs and improvements lo crumbling roads and bridges; mass Iransit, rail, airport and port facilities and walcr and sewer
systems across the state.
Nationalists Deported
BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) Two Irish nationalists found
guilty of entering the United States illegally were
deported to Canada Thursday by U.S. Immigration and
Naturalization Service officials. The transfer of Owen
Canon ami Danny Morrison came at about 3 p.m. on
the Peace Bridge which connects Buffalo with Fort Erie,
Ontario, according to Benedict J. Ferro, INS district
director. The two were given papers allowing them to
stay in Canada for 10 days.
Student Stress Felt Year-Round
time to their studies, producing added stress.
Most SUNYA students are more
Interpersonal problems seem to
than aware of the overwhelming be the biggest problems students
pressure which accompanies exam have, Rabinowitz found, but she
periods. But counselors working on suggests that underlying stress may
the SUNYA campus are beginning be causing these interpersonal proto feci that student stress is not blems. She explained that a student
limited to just the
who has been denied financial aid
middle and end (if
N G W S may displace his or her reelings on a
the semester.
roommate or friend.
Valerie Fahey, another Middle
Although the Feature
Earth coordinator, agreed that stunumber of contacts
Middle Earth receives usually peaks dent stress has increased this
around exam times, Coordinator of semester, as well as over the past
University Volunteers for Middle few years. "Four years ago,
Earth Marcia Rabinowitz said her students were aware thai if Ihey
group began getting calls last Mon- were English majors, Ihey might
not be marketable, but they didn't
day, before classes even started.
Rabinowitz attributed much of care," Fahey said. Today students
the stress students feci to the change have become "cry realistic in dealin their economic environment. ing with their futures, and
These strong economic pressures "students are concerned with their
force students to work at outside academic standing," she added.
Suicide attempts by students have
jobs. Rabinowitz said that a few
years ago most students did not risen dramatically, according lo
hold jobs, but "It's not realistic Fahey. No suicide gestures were
anymore to think of school as a reported by Middle Earth in Ocsheltered environment strictly for tober of I980. However, in October
learning." Outside jobs keep of 1981, seven attempts were
students from devoting as much reported, along with two drug overBy TERI KAPLOW1TZ
Dental School is Planned
for Buffalo Student Center
An estimated 1,000 SUNY-Buffalo students and faculty rallied on
that campus yesterday in a belated protest of the planned closing of
Squire Hall, the university's student union.
The SUNY Board of Trustees decided Tuesday not to inlerfere with
the renovation of the hall into a dental school facility despite student
University officials have been planning the eventual close of the
union since 1978, when the American Dental Association warned the
university it might lose its dental school accrcdidation because of inadequate facilities.
Squire Hall is scheduled to close by March I, according lo SUNYBuffalo Student Association President Joe Kit kin. The board of
trustees promised a new student union would be built eventually,
Ril'kin said, but would not delay Squire's closing.
The SA feels the renovation is an attempt to "de-unionize" the student groups-whlch will now be scattered around the campus-and
argues that there is ample room on both Ihc uptown and downtown
campuses for the '19 million project.
Legal action and various protests are being undertaken to forestall
the closing, Ril'kin said.
Strcss-re;atcd diseases have also
increased markedly over the past
year. Approximately 25 cases of
anorexia nervosa — an eating,
disorder wherein the victim tries to
starve herself — were reported in
1981, while only five were reported
in 1980.
Currently, Middle Earth is
operating at capacity level.
Volunteer graduate students run the
program, and they find il difficult
to recruit new help since students,
feeling the increased economic
pressure, often opl for a paying job
More reserved in her opinion, Dr.
Judy Stanley Heimberg, Ph.D.,
counseling psychologist
at the
University Counseling Center, felt
there is no one special reason for
the stress students arc feeling. She
said causes of stress "run Ihc gamut
in terms of financial obligations to
powerlessness to not being able to
achieve the grade."
Heimberg remains wary of the
fact thai other' studies have shown
an increase in student stress over the
years. "We're still trying to figure
out what stress is," sue said.
Heimberg was hired in November
1978 because of her department's
general Interest in student stress.
That spring she formed a pilot
•\ ..-.
group of five randomly selected
students. Each week they were
issued questionnaires specifically
designed to measure stress in their
lives. Heimberg cautioned that she
was not looking for statistics but "a
workable way to measure stress."
Unfortunately, the pilot was
halted because of lack of funding.
Heimberg hopes lo resume her
reseaich this fall.
Almost predictably, Heimberg
found that students feel the most
stress during midterms and especially during the last third or the
semester. Sometime in November,
the Counseling Center finds Itself
overloaded with students and actually must reject some students' requests for counseling. "We would
love to have more counselors," said
phnioi Slma N i l "
"A mistake Is being made when
you equate stress with pathology,
says Dr. Boris Anolik, psychiatrist
at SUNYA's Health Center. "Stress
Is a normal, necessary thing in life.
It is the ability to cope with stress
that is the problem."
Contrary to the beliefs of
Heimberg and Middle Earth,
Anolik has not noticed a change in
the number of patients he sees. He
concedes that i.n Terms of eating
disorders, the number of cases he
has seen has increased'significantly,
but he cautioned /that this is
something students bring with them
and is "not as a general rule
brought out in college." He has not
noted an increase, in student
suicide gestures, and finds that
stress is "an overworked term."
continued on page seven
Dorms Burglarized Over Break
perpetrators were local youths who
broke gound floor windows to enter
Dorm room thefts on both the the dorms between university police
uptown and downtown campuses patrols.
had increased considerably during
Department of Public Safety Inthis year's Christmas break, accor- vestigator Jack Ruth said security
ding to Department of Public Safety around the dormatorics increased
Investigator Gary O'Connor.
over interscssion, with security acOver a three-day period, eight tually going through Ihc dorm halls.
students reported articles stolen
The underlying cause for the
from Iheir dorm rooms. Stereos, wide-spread burglaries during intelevision sets, and money were terscssion is difficult lo determine,
among the items missing, according said O'Connor. However, he said,
10 the January 22-24 police report. dormitory thefts during the
Investigator O'Connor felt the semester continue to be higher
because of students' negligence in
keeping their doors locked.
Meanwhile, stolen,property from
Waterbury Hall on Alumni Quad
lias been located in a second-hand
shop in Albany. Investigator Ruth
explained that Albany second hand
shops are required to submit a
periodic police report containing
sellers' names and merchandise
Ruth said campus police in conjunction with the Albany Police
Department arc presently pursuing
a suspect in that crime.
Daughters of Sarah
Orientation Program
will be held at
Daughters of Sarah Nursing Home
Wednesday, February 3rd
Meet at Circle: 6:45pm
Returning at Aprox: 8:30pm
^ ^ m ^ H K t / t f ' ft . . f ^ ^ B
limitedmpply \
C L A S S OF ' 8 5
Sunday at 8:00 i n Campus Cente 370
All Freshman
invited to attend
Orientation Assistants
Student Assistants
Students who will be SUNYA undergraduates during fall
semester, 1982
Time Commitment:
June 1 through August 10, 1982
Attendance at mandatory Interest meeting on Monday,
Feb. 8, 9pm In the State Tower Penthouse (If you cannot
attend you must contact Martha Fitch In Student Affairs,
AD 129, 457-4932 before the meeting).
Remuneration$850, plus room and some weekday meals.
Available In the Office of the Dean for Student Afairs, AD
129, beginning Feb. 1, 1982. Application Deadline Is Feb.
11, 1982, 5:00pm,
» ^ ^ » ^ ^ 0 « f c O ^ ^ % •>
Mall Zone Maintained
A last-minute proposal by
Guilderland Town Supervisor
Kevin Moss which could have
blocked construction of the controversial Crossgatcs Mall was
defeated Tuesday night by the
Guilderland Town Board.
Moss asked that the 164 acres of
the Pine Bush, on which the mall is
to he built, us well as two other
areas, be designated as "light industry" /ones. Since retail sales are
not allowed in light industry zones,
mall construction would'not have
been allowed.
Moss argued that light industry
would be more compatible with
suburban Guilderland than the
shopping center, whivh opponents
claim will cause traffic and noise
pollution in the town. Nevertheless,
the board voted down the proposal
Two board members who voted
against the proposal, Virginia
Horan and Donald Cropsey, had
previously come out against Ihc
mall. James Cleary also voted
against the proposal, although he
had not taken any position in the
At the time Moss announced his
plan, both Horan and Cropsey had
objected 10 voting hastily on the
issue, having only one week lo
study il.
Back in January, 1980, Horan
had proposed rezoning the property, but her plan was rejected as well.
In August, 1978, the town board continued from front page
voted to rezone the Pine Bush to eliminating the Wellington line; ofallow construction of the mall.
fering bus service for only those
Environmental Conservation students housed on the five quads;
(EnCon) Commissioner Robert offering reduced service or totally
Flacke approved a permit for con- eliminating the bus service.
struction of the mall September 18,
However, one of the two student
1981. On December 16, the members of this study committee,
Guilderland Zoning Board voted to Eric Koli, said no serious research
issue a special use permit to allow has been done on this subject, and
construction of the mall.
that the alternatives proposed were
all authorized by Stevens himself.
The mall's developers, Pyramid
Further, Koli said, no student inCrossgatcs, only needs 10 get slate put has been gathered by the group.
Dcpartnicni of Transportation ap- While the nine-member committee
proval for construction 10 begin. is compromised of faculty, Plant
The mall's developers are confident Department staff and students, Koli
of this approval and a spring said a meeting had been held by this
ground-breaking. The only hope committee during January, without
lor ihc mall's opponents lie within notifying the students in the group.
the court.
Bus Fares Considered
"The only way I found out about
(this meeting)," Koli said, "was
when I walked Into Steven's office
and saw a copy of the minutes on •
the desk."
The minutes show that the only
persons present at this January 12
meeting were five members of the
Physical Plant Department personnel and one member of the Office
of Student Life, Carlecn Carlson.
When asked at the Wednesday
meeting why this intersesslon
meeting was held, Carlson explained that although the group realized
the entire committee could not be
assembled, those remaining "did
not want to waste meeting time."
Carlson also said those meeting
continued on page fifteen
In a Boston hospital
a love affair ends,
a new one begins,
a Doctor battles
his patient,
and a man learns
the true meaning
of courage.
i i r x x s <r"v«**"a <r**+*~s &-%**'>> c^**K^a e~*A*r?>ff"****"-.)<pw<^«i <r^*
ir iA
LA. I «t>
y - F e b ,st j
Tuesday Feb- 2 n d S
9:00 pm I
INFO for First Aid Classes
" ^
" ™
(A.F.A./S.F.A./ C.P.B.)
How to use Counsel Phone:
•Select the tape you want to
hear from the list below.
-Call the above number and
ask for tape by name or number.
-The tape will be played over
the phone(5-8 minutes).
•A phone counselor will be
available at the end of the tape
If you wish further Information
or assistance.
drug cducatwi
dutch quad
wirty nlbonv
n [Unity new \urh
Available Tapes
101 Female Homosexuality
102Male Homosexuality
103Male Role Identification
104Women's Sexual Satisfaction
105Male Sexual Timing Problems
10€Communicatlon in Love and
107Birth Control Methods
108Am I Pregnant?
Interpersonal Skills:
301Asserting Yourself
302How to Say 'No'
303Being in Love
306Helping Others with Problems
307Constructlve Conflict
Resolution Techniques
308Resolvlng Conflicts In
201How to Meet People
401Recognizing Suicidal Potential
202Tlme Management
• 402Dealing with Suicidal Crises
204Acceptlng Yourself
205How to Handle Stress
206Test Anxiety
Substance Abuse:
501Marljuana:Pros and Cons
208Tips on Losing Weight
502Drugs:Recognizing Addiction,
209Coplng with a Broken
Dependence, and Tolerance
503Recognizing Drinking
210Deallng with Anxiety
211Wlvt is Depression?
504Declsion-Making about
212How to Deal with Depression Drinking
213Recognlzlng Feelings of Loss
214Death and r.-ing
Ambulance Corps
<S*A*+t*9 0^4k*tJ> < ! > 4 ^ i > <Z*+4*KJ> t^4V<J>
Middle Earth Counsel Phone:
Whose life is it anyway?
A John Badham Film
Starring CHRISTINE LAHTI • BOB BALABAN • Executive Producers MARTIN C. SCHUTE and RAY COONEY • Production Designed by GENE CALLAHAN
Director ol Photography MARIO TOSI, A.S.C. • Music by ARTHUR B. RUBINSTEIN • Screenplay by BRIAN CLARK and REGINALD ROSE
Based on the Stage Play "WHOSE LIFE IS IT ANYWAY?- by BRIANCLARK • Produced by LAWRENCE P BACHMANN • Directed by JOHN BADHAM
nEsrnicTED -3£"
' Melrocolor'
MGM/United Artists
< ^^^^iBHHMHHI
UNDER IllliguilllS *CCOHP«HIIKIi j
•,'") "i*"1"!
• «
Opposing Bottle Bills Examined
Friday, Jan. 29. Check your local
listings for theatres and showtimes
I rock 'n* roll,
Representatives from five statewide citizen organizations met
Tuesday to reaffirm their support
for the Dottle Bill in the New York
State Legislature, and lo discredit
claims made by opponents that a
recently introduced alternative Bottle Bill would better solve this
state's litter problem.
According to New York Public
Interest Research Group (NYPIRG)
representative T o m Wathan, his
organization has been told that
both these proposals will reach the
Assembly floor this session.
The Bottle Bill is a legislative effort to relnstitute a program of
The East German border:
836 miles of barbed wire walls, automated machine guns,
armed guards, and deadly land mines.
On Septemter 15, 1979 two families tried to cross it.
beverage container deposits and
recycling throughout the state. The
proponents of. the bill represented
at the meeting included members o f
N Y P I R G , The League o f Women
Voters, the New York Farm
Bureau, Common Cause, and the
Environmental Planning Lobby
They claim the Bottle Bill will
save energy, clean up litter, and
create jobs in the recycling industry.
Over the past five years the bottling, beverage, and brewing Industries have vehemctly opposed
the legislation, saying it will result
in the loss o f hundreds o f jobs.
Recently, Assemblyman Roger
Students Feels Stress
your views of the music
ovle, theater and art world Willi
000 readers weekly. To Join the
laff, just give us a call and ask U
Andy, or drop by the ASP office
If you love rock V roll, or just
ove to wiite, this could be the si.
6i a beautiful relationship.
Student who feel stress certainly
have enough university facilities to
turn to — Middle Earth, the
University Counseling Center, and
the psychiatric facilities o f the Student Health Center — providing
these are not overcrowded.
In order to relieve stress,
Kahinowil/ feels, students should
A true story.
starring J O H N H U R T , J A N E A L E X A N D E R , G L Y N N I S O ' C O N N O R ,
D O U G M c K E O N and B E A U B R I D G E S Also starring I A N B A N N E N
Written by J O H N M c G R E E V E Y
Produced by T O M L E E T C H
Directed by D E L B E R T M A N N
Music by J E R R Y
From W A L T D I S N E Y
Kcleaicdbj I I I I N A VIS I A IHSIKIIIL H O N CO., INC. (c) I «*»2 Wall Disney Product!)
A $10. pass admits you to over 60
throughout the semester
Alexander Nevesky
La Dolce Vita
Sunset Boulevard
S o m e Like It Hot
Citizen Kane
Passes and information
at the Performing Arts Center Box
0 0 0 4 » 0 ^ «
A T T E N T I O N I The Albany Student Press needs production people now,
Call Dean, Clancy, or Sue for details at 7-3322.
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Interested In
office work?
BlJIltllU Stevens
A l l s .intl
writers. graphic artists,
paste-up people: call
Andy Carroll
Envlronmenlal Planning Lobby represenlallve Judith Enck
feels the new Smllh-Robach bill is inferior lo the existing Bottle Bill
" T h i s proposal is insulting lo the
taxpayers o f this stale," said Enck.
Robach, however, maintains thai
his bill is the "most intelligent and
cost effective way o f handling the
stale litter problem."
Both bills arc currently being
considered in ihc Assembly Commerce, Industry, and Economic
Development Committee and the
Senate Conservation and Recreation Count.' !ee.
Intercollegiate and Intermural athletics Interested In
writing about them? Call
Larry Keilin.
A.S/' is natltmal. stoic, local, and
campus news and features. Writers
can contact ; die Elsenberg or
Wayne Peeret
cc329 / 7*8892 / 7-3322 I 7-3389
While most graduates In the areas of Kleciranlc Knglnecring, Computer Science, Mathematics
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They are the graduates who choose a career
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You too, can experience die very same
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E l e c t r o n i c E n g i n e e r i n g : There are
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L i n g u i s t s : NSA offers a wide range of
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T h e R e w a r d s a t NSA.
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Countless cultural, historical, recreational
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'Ill fII nl out
more alioul NSA
career opportunl
lies, schedule
an interview
Are y o u Inleresled In personal y r o w l l r f A v a l l a b l e ( i - 2 2 tc
8-22-K2? L o v e working with children? If so, write: C A M P
W A Y I M K . 12 A l l e v . m l S t . , l . k l o Be.icli. N . Y . 1 1 5 6 1 . ( I n clude your scl
I phone number)
Most graduates are headedfora good career.
Only afewwill influence the worm.
express thelt feelings and analyze
their problem-solving options.
Ileimberg encourages athletic,
creative and social activity to build
sociul support systems. Anolik
believes stttdents must develop a
capacity to cope.
" I t ' s really tin art to conic up
w i t h Ihc right
balance f o r
yourself," said Ileimberg,
But, according to E P L representative Judith Enck, the SmithRobach bill will spend over $ l l
million annually to do purl-lime
what the Bottle Bill would do yearround for no cost.
I Kccucivt Producer R O N M I L L E R
front /mm' tluvi'
Robach and Senator William Smith
Introduced an alternative to the
Bottle Bill which is supported by the
This bill would set up the New
York State Litter Abatement Service and the Temporary State Commission on Recycling. The purpose
o f these two agencies would be to
clean up all litter in the state on
public land on an annual basis, and
coordinate industry, labor,, and
consumer concerns in making
recommendations lor recycling programs.
your college placement office, for additional Infor
niatlon on the National .Security Agency, .I'll in the
information blank and send it lo Mr. Ilcmanl Not veil.
College Recruitment Manager. National Security
Agency, Attn: Office of Kniployinent (M.UK).
fort tlcorgc (i. Meade, Maryland 2U7SS.
An Kauai Opportunity Kniploycr. U.S.
Citizenship Uequired.
The National
More than just a career.
I'd like
My Arwi <if S(H, Illll/.IIKIII
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I I Klwtnitilc fngini nun
I ] IJigiiiu-riug led el'W
ivf ii(iji'iiliiliitiis Ailtl NSA I
page 8/January 29, 1982
The Novel Approach To Cinema
mote lime to them with the mini-series format.)
Literature (and film) are both reflections of
their times. As people in Ihe late oil's
became more questioning so did Ihe popular
arts. In addition to questioning society, the
arlsbeyau to question their role in il But film
and literature catlnol raise these questions in
the same way. Novels can only wiite .i! ul
Ihe experience of leading and film can i i
ileal with the experience of seeing I'lru '.'-•
are not Interchangeable as Hie French
Lieutenant's Woman proved Harold Plnlei
hied lo apply John Kowles' contemplations
about leading lo the visual experience and it
didn't work. The resulting pi< duel was In
leresliny but the film-within-a-film technique
employed by Pinter is far from ihe visual
equivalent of I'owles' narrative,
he French Lieutenant's
was 13 years old before it finally
became a movie. Seven years
came between the time Ragtime appeared
on the best seller list and Ihe time it reached
the silver screen. The Thorn Birds has been
In the planning stages for 5 years and The
World According to Carp Is still in production almost 4 years after it became a national
Mark Rossier
During Hollywood's "golden era" besl
(.•Hers usually became movies within 2 years
«f publication and most of these films were
• elallvely successful. Today it takes years for
popular novels to hit Ihe screen and (here is
no longer any way to assure llial Ihe novel's
success will be repealed. These facts represent a change in Ihe nature of both
Hollywood and besl sellers.
In the 3()'s, 40's and 50*s best sellers were
easily" adaptable. Most of Ihem had strong
plots and straight-forward first or Ihlrd person narrators. Dialogue was oflen taken
directly from the book and strict production
codes and lime limits made il obvious which
events would be cut.
The studio system also made the transition
smooth and quick. A Iroop of writers from
the sludio's stable was assigned the project
so that the movie could be writlen and produced while the hook was still a "hot properly." The sludio's lop slars were I hen cusl and
a hit was made,
In ihe late W)*s the face of films and besl
sellers changed, Plot, in ihe lradilioii.il
sense, suddenly became a secondary element; bolli hooks and movies became mote
ambitious and expeiitnejilu! Novels began
to explore the experience ol both reading
It takes years fttr papular novels like The French Lieutenant's Woman and Doctorow's
[Ragtime to make it to the screen, and the subsequent movies have seemed to last just as
and writing! The way a story was told
became the story thai was told. Despiie these
changes, me old Hollywood mentality of
buying Ihe ligiils lo besl sellers still remained
• ii ill this caused much of ihe delay.
lit i kit about reading do nol make yreal
movies In fuel, to adapl books about
leading ff'i Ihe screen is lo completely lose
f i e point < I i lie w t k I lowever. since prodirectsolteu pay huge ptoeusfor the rights lo
.uch novels they demand thai an attempt ul
least be made. Most ..[ the delay in yetting
complex besl sellers to the screen lies in tryIny io develop u scrip! ihul Is workable while
still being Due to ihe spirit of the novel.
(I d" n'l mean l< imply thai all besl sellers
have bet' nie ambilli us contemplations on
Ihe medium, theie aie still densely plotted
hovels • ccupyiuy much if n< t all of the space
n besl ielk*i lists 11- vvevet. these books are
"'it-'" bought by lelewsli u who can devole
Similarly, in adapting Hagtima Michael
Weller merely took selected events frmn
L.L, Doctorow's novel and Ignored all lite
technique used lo lie Ihem i< gethei Ci use
quenlly we liave a bad Render's Digest ver
sion of the bonk in which characters dlsap
pear without explanation ^\n\ events happen
with no apareut relation lo the pasl -which
is exactly the i pposite point . f Doctorow's
It lakes best sellers it ny lo reach Hie . reen
because as ihey yel tin re ci implex
I lolly wood sees itself as up ti Ihe challenge
They are m I People may uecepl ex
perimetilali' ii in literatuie hut u< i • n film
und since IF llyw i d is Inletesied in >> in
urerclal ph duels f.ey will iievei adapt Ihesu
properties c ireelly. As lelevlsli n adapts
plot-heavy n> vels itn re expeilnienlal bi i I
are left l< \\< llyw • d Since tin ties
general and II- llyw . d •.pecific.illv are i I
up to the task -- we can nly be grateful I i
the u s e . I l i a '
ttgti -il -.i l e e n p l . e .
lie I've
seldom seen .my film
diesseil in fi'iutal evenliuj attire, lo tell each
nlher ijhosl sloiles I'hey'ie hnuuled try the
ne ruthless than Ohost .Story, sloiy they il. .,'1 i,'II the n,
e As the
I've jusi as seldom been us Impressed II the " ( ' I , , '.vdi'i s, nely" iiiemliets, l i e d Astuiie.
vie seems si mewliiil skeleliil II also .1.. w . • I. l „ i l | o i i - . , ' , , i , n , M , ' l v y i , l J . uglus (iii lii-kisl
id,il somei in' luid ii leinniknhly > leal ginsp •ciw
I ,,,i,l I), uglus h'nlibanks
ol ihe novel's central themes (The in vel •Ii . "H 'live s
|. |ito(essiomil peifoi
was loo Ii inj lor .ill ul it I., make n to 'In'
,1,1. II. Ilk
's c-i.iiu w.
icieen Intact.)
Jim Dixon
Dial »< riiui I..- wits pitibably screenwriter
Lawrence D ( i hen, who adapted I'elei
Slraub's spiawltuy honor novel ful the iuy
screen Duett.«r John Irviu. who recently
directed I'he l)ngs o/ IVur. one of lasl year's
most undeiialed films, as well as the liliC's
TV veisii n o[ linker, Taittir, Soldier, Spy,
has admitted more than once thai lie irevel
read the entire novel until afler Cohen had
finished the screenplay.
Apparently what interested Cohen anil Ii
vin was Ihe underlying theme of guilt in the
story, and not Ihe legions ol Mesh-devout ing
ghouls that sold Ihe novel. Innumerable
critics have dismissed Ghust Story as a
failure, apparently nol finding It sufficiency
frightening. I can only think thai having suffered through one clone of Friday the 13th
after another, these professional moviegoers have become somewhat jaded. The
ultra-violence so explicitly depicted in so
stab'em/slash'ems leaves only human
sacrifice live on stage as the next step in horror entertainment.
In comparison. Ghost Story is a supiislngly quiel horror movie.
Not that it won't scare you. A-; a rule
though, it won't scare you when you expect
it to. or how you expect it lo.
I hesitate to give away loo much of Ihe
plot, but (he premise is that a group of elderly men, pillars of their small, quiet, New
England town, are apparently being haunted
by the ghost of a young woman they ,ttcidenlly killed as youny men. They call
themselves "The Chowder Society," and
once a week meet in each other's homes,
ci usliucted, with the exception of two
llushhuck sequences which .ire allogelhet
|,„ I. ny I n n , ,i vides ,,,,expected (and ,i
few indictable) ,!. clis 'it legular Intervals.
,,,,,1 est.ililii
,m nun.in,I unci elfeclive
, „ , , , d llm mil,, ul
While Hie suspense n'sts oil characters
Ulutsl Story dl
Ghost Story was made by thinking people who were
trying to do something more ambitious than another
Halloween ripoff.
f A
Ins , wn iii distinguished i "inp.niy .w l a
h.iiills' sou. who i l i s i n e i s ihe "C.'limvili'i
Society's" sectel Newcomer Alice Ktiije.
who tecenllv stole excellent reviews lot het
"»'• " ' ' '/mri" / s " / ''''"'• s " ' ' , l s " " '
show h . u e v . ' i . wllh ,in .ibsoluiely eerie
blend ..I seiisiiiilily .mil old-lash
t rely i n the spci luculiii supeiiMtur.il
iinnUn.ilioiis " I lilma like /'lie Omen. Bin
make-up aillst Ulck Smith, who engineered
,|,L. ||,ins|,.iinnlk;u cllecls lor An American
// in I,, melon. I„,s cie.iled .1 suitably
disgusting decaying , .ipse-, ippaiitlou which
[„„,, || IMl , ,, l i i n L ,. > m t | | r v j n ,, r .
p [K
I'lolwise. (i/n.sl .Store is ,i simple nice
against lime .is Wassonnud Aslnirc snuggle
ranges I, i il .nul • Ihel sin cks to appear with
j^M. usly little warning. I'hillipe Sarde's
^ g a n l . \,i..MV.
,„•!, i m h i | c score
to find •! wiiv to pul the avenging ijhosl to
test before it succeeds in killing the entire
"Chowder Society" I'lie suspense is well-
substantially l< Ihem, • il,.ind,i|i ny with the
nnachioiiislic Vi, I,11,111 sellings ol the
cli.n,liter's In unes. helps in.ike (i/nist .Store
To place
an event
W e l c o m e Bach
call the
Say "Oncle"
Motl Oncle d'Arnerupie. ,1 brench comctly
directed by Alain Kesnais, will be presented
by Ihe Prize International Cinema Series at
SUNY on I n and Sal.. January 29 and :«)
at Hum pm in Ihe Recllal I kill. The [llm was a
winner of ihe New York bilin Clitic's aw,ml
in l l J80 as besl foreign film. The movie is
•iiibiiiled in English. Admission Is '2.50 gen..
* 1.75 student and sr. citizen. Reservations
are available by calling 457-860(j.
The Albany Symphony Orchestra will present Its fourth pair of classical concerts Jan.
OT al tile Troy Savings Bank Music Hall and
Jan. 3D at the Palace Theatre. All performances begin at 8.30 pm. Bartok's Suite
from Ihe Miraculous Martin. Dvorak's Symphony No. 8 and Thomson's Louisiana
Story will be Ihe featured works. Tickets are
available al ihe Palace and Community Box
Von Trapped Again
Four Seasons Dinner Theatre will present
/Vie Sound • ' Music Thursdays through
Sunday evenings Jan. bl ihtouyh Feb 7
l o i reservations call the rhruway I louse al
,,n w y . hill.el
Ii I ,ll|, us It Wils
(It sin " I d ills.
iln I III InnI
successful attempt to start a band. Upon
returning to London. Hynde made more unsuccessful ailempts to j o i n bands.
Throughout this time period she tasled the
underside of European life. Finally she crossed paths with a talent scout named Dave Hill
who gave her time lo assemble the three
L o n d o n area musicians
Honeyman Scolt. Pele Farndnn and Martin
Despiie the limited commercial success ol Chambers — who with Hynde. became the
their latest album, Pretenders II. and the five Pretenders.
Sony Extended Play ihe Pretenders have a
The band's first single, a remake of the
sold out a University Concert Board spon- Kinks' "Stop Your Sobbing" mel British acsored show at Ihe Palace tonight al 8 p.m. ceptance and was followed by Ihe first album
The lasl llckel lo the show by the four piece which received critical and popular acclaim.
rock hand was sold early this month and a It has been another success story ever since.
sold out concerl is nol a common thing at the The slrenglh of this mass acceptance has carried them through the past Iwo releases
The Prelenders have become one of tire which have mel critical bul not great popularmore significant bands lo appear on the success.
Wayne Peereboom
music scerre over lire pasl couple of years.
More than anything, this can be attributed to
the singing, song writing, and unabashed
sexuality of Chrissie Hynde. Wlthoul her. it
seems likely that the other musicians would
still he playing al underground bars in London.
After three years of art classes al Kenl
Stale, Hynde fled her native Ohio for London in 1973, After a job with an architectural
firm she wrote for a British music magazine.
Among her accomplishments was a photo of
her in bondage gear with Brian Huo.
However, after a year she was back in
Cleveland and then off to Prance in an un-
In listening to the Pretenders, you may
notice two distinctly different elemenls:
blende's vocals and (lie rest of the music.
Hynde's vocals can cover Ihe fairly wide
range of Ihe material the band plays — most
of which she writes herself. Much of the
music Is hard driving rock lieavily influenced
by the London new-wave scene. Her gutsy
bul sensuous vocals are well sulled lo the
musical near-chaos.
On ihe other hand, she can tone it down
to sing genlle ballads such as "1 Go To
Sleep" from rYc'lenders //.
Underlying Hynde's ability to sing both
types of music is the expressiveness of feel-
What's down the road for the Pretenders, appearing tonight at ihe sold out Palace? Pete
Farndon. James Honeyman Scott, Martin Chambers, and Chrissie Hynde don't seem quite
ing she projects This Is not the product of a
neccessarlly good voice (it's nol). Rather it Is
ability to relate Ihe experiences of a home
(own Ohio girl who led lo lake on the big bad
world and found herself down and oul In
London before finally making ihe big time
wllh much pain and suffering.
However Ihe band Itself Is a different slory.
Lead guilarisl Scoll Is nol especially quick
nor does lie have {or attempt lo hove) a
great mastery over special effects. Hynde's
rhythm guitar playing is admittedly rough.
Parndon on bass and the hard hilling
Chambers on drums rale as "adequate."
' I
I"' ' . I.'.I d l Ihe li.cn
audiences l» 1 ) 1
|ul/e '." 11
I. ..lies llnil eMeit, 1 ..,
.'.'iv ,hi 1 ,11 .
in Veinioni I r.ui liviu's exciiiuyly >p 111
1 • mbliied
tiiiein.il. yt.ipiiet .Jock 1 '.mlill's
'Hi ni
yniphy uuikes (ihust .Story an , III'.-,,!
iiiidhnndsoiiiely p>. l i m e d hoiiot liltn Hike
S.itutdiiy iii'|lii 111 wd (kids Ihemsel' •
disappointed 1" liie iiulicliuiiicllc linule. Iliei
can ulwiiys ve.ni I 1 ,nn thei //u//oii'eeii rip
oil. Theie di esu'l ,eem to be any shoilaye
ol Ihem. G/liiS. Story was imide by Ihnikii"!
people w i n . weie nyiuy |. do s
Il !
more aiuhitii us I'he Iheuie . I ijuill is itiaiu
lained conslsleully, .mil die llkuinakeis «•
willing In lake a chance on not giving the au
dience cheap lliillls thai don't leally fu the
premise, kvln is a dliecloj w i n . d> esu'l have
to taise his voice, and fj/ios/ Store is a lili"
with some inleytitu
Natural Grasa
Ribbon Grass, the natural foods reslauranl
al Xi Central, is sponsoring ait shows each
month lo display the work of local arlisls
The current exhibit is Goitaclte Interiors
paintings by Carlsbury Gonzales, thr.ouyh
Feb. 7.
Ribbon Grass also features local musicians
performing each evening duiiinj dinner < all
465 OMH for Information
G r e a t Scott'a
Tonight al J B Scolls, 321 C i
Avenue, it's gullarlsl Roy Buchanan
rouiotiow night, yreel "The Bi'l Man
himself. Clarence d e m o n s , .ni'l ho Red
Bank Rockers F
ckol Inform
The musical outcome of all this is a rather
ragged, nearly primitive sound which may
have been what the veterans of the London
new-wave scene desired. Anyway, the people love it. The firsl album turned out such
well recognized tunes as "Precious," "Brass
in Pocket (I'm Special)" and "Mystery
Achievement," Prom the recent album
"Message of Love" and "Talk of the T o w n "
have received considerable FM airplay.
If you couldn't get a tlckel for tonight's
show, don't worry about II — they'll probably lie back. It looks like the Pretenders will
be around for a while.
Xoreographing Sophocles
ing Ihe drama in the more primitive atmosphere of ancient Thebes instead of during, Golden-Age Athens when Sophocles lived.
For that reason tin? set, designed by
Iii oad way and Off Fir oad way scenic
designer Tom Lynch, will have a bronze-like
finish "as jf jl had been out in the sun," said
Xoregos. And Ihe props are "very simple,
bul kind of sculplured." Likewise, the
coslu rues, by Emmy
designer Robert Anton, will not be reproducliousof ancient Greek garb, but are an
"abstraction of Ihe feelings of the Greeks."
Special attention lias also been paid to the
themes and dialogue in Antigone. "To bring
out the thrust of the dramatic line." Xoregos
cut oul references lo old legends and myths
lhal only Greek scholars might understand.
She has also cut oul references to the
women's inferior place in Greek society, a
concept thai was accepted In ancient
Greece. "1 dldn'l want to cloud the issue.
The problem isn't whether Antigone Is a
female or not and daring to do this."
Beth Sexer
I',.in il.nl. ill I 1
convenli, mil .euse I'hls Is .111
lessivi 1
lusi, 11. ci nsldeilutj the kick I sin w II
he last time the Pretenders played
In Albany, they were just making
Ihe big lime. Their llrsl album.
Pretenders, was pushing its way up the
charts. Thai was in the early pari of 1980
and their appearence packed .J.B, Scolls.
s. melhilig In in 1 iin vies
eu'l been linn
Intely - .1 Intle •.• phlslli ulud
G/iosI Story is ,111 hiiu.'i.il iin ' " '
w h i l e null
Get Chrissie Love
lthough aclors llisi
S. phocles' lines 2.500 years ay...
Anllnona still has meaning foi audiences today, said Sbela Xoreyos (proii. urn ml kor-RAY gos), dlrerlnr of the Kmpile Slate Youlh Thealre liislltule's produc-
Irving Sophisticated Nightmare
ilduplUtll'lll o l .1 besl bullllKJ III.WL'I
.January 29, 1982/page 9
lu> piny, pail i i the Oedipus trilogy,
relales ihe story i i Antigone, daughter of the
exiled Oedipus an.I niece iff Creon, king <>l
Thebes Defying Creon's law. Antigone
buries hei dead bp 'll lei who was lulled in an
uprising he led against Thebes, knowing lhal
for this act she will be condemned to death.
"All Greek plays relate to today in their
moral implications." said Xoregos "Would
any person stand up lor his principles even il
it means death?" She compared the dilemmas faced by Antigone and Creon to- the
issues faced by those involved in the Viet
Nam war and the McCarthy era.
Antigone, featuring Jeanne Vigilante 1 i
Ihe litle role and Gaiy Doming as Creon, u ill
be performed in Ihe main theatre ol Ihe l.gg
at Ihe Empire Stale I'laza January 'A\ at &()()
p.m.. February I through 5 al 10:00 a.m.,
and February 5 and 6 at 7:30 p.m.
Although Anl/gone is Xoregos* first attempt at directing a dramatic production, her
choreographer, dlreclor. actress and teacher
op lire West Coast is extensive. Duke Fll-
A Reason to Rhyme
A s 1.00() grand prize will be awarded in
the upcoming poetry competition sponsored
by World of Poetry, a quarterly newsletter
for poets. Rules and official entry for ins are
available from Ihe World of Poetry. 2431
Stockton Blvd.. Depl. A. Sacramento.
California 95K17.
H o u s e Party
Return " / the Secaucus Seuen is playing at
the Third Street Theatre on / ' n , . Sat . Sun
at 7 and 9,20 TI le film was on ilw Ten Bes(
/(sis o/ /'mu' Maflajilne. The h<>su>n Globe,
and the LA. Times.
Its all Greek to her; Director Sheh
Xoregos at a dress rehearsal for ESYTI's Antigone.
iugton's "Psychedelic Suite" was writlen
e s p e c i a l l y for X o r e g o s . She has
i horeographed for the Pointer Sislers and
direcled dance productions at San
Francisco's Alheneum Arts 1'oundalion.
In Step
Fred Schmitt who plays traditional and
folk music will perform on Fri. Jan, 2{) at the
Eighth Step Coffeehouse. Showtime is 8:4fj
pm and general admission is \'i.. r j0.
. . .The Klghth Slep is also sponsoring a
New Play Forum, designed lo provide aspir
ing playwrights, with an opportunity to view
Iheir work in a critically positive environment. Audiences are Invited to attend and
discuss the readings, Playwrights tan send
scripts to: Mr. William Rennle, New Play
Forum. Ih^H hosier Ave., Schenectady, NY
Also fit the Eighth Step this Saturday is
Paul Cieiemia al 8:4*' pm, Fie Is known as a
bottleneck bluesnran. Admission is *3 50.
In 1°<80 Xoregos left her own dance
Iroupe. Ihe Xoregos Performing Company
which she formed in San Francisco eleven
years ago. and moved to Manhattan,
Flowever. half Ihe company danced with her
in a concerl held in New York lasl year and
members of Ihe troupe continue lo perform
wllh her in concerts. Her future plans Include
an Off-liroailwny production of Ihe onewoman dance drama based on lire life of
Isadora Duncan. Lave, Isadora, In which
she starred in California.
And part of Xoregos' diverse background
is reflected in the production. She spoke enthusiastically about her chorus. "It's a
fabulous performance. They sing, they act.
they dame They move"
Mosl Greek
choruses, Xoregos explained, do nol combine till three - - singing, < cling and dancing
in their performances.
The effect the chorus, as well as the entire
production, ere.iles is an evocative rather
than .»realistic one, Xoregos said. No record
of how Antigone was staged 2,500 years
ago remains, and only a few fragments of
music have been preserved. But Xoregos is
trying to recapture the spirit of the era by set-
KSYTI presents many productions geared
towards introducing school children to ihe
thealre. Ant/gone is not a children's performance, Xoregos said. She feels that presenting the "most fabulous performance we can
do" is the way to encourage children to enjoy serious drama. "That's how to intrigue
children, not by talking down to them."
Is features
Is coming back next I'rlday with eight,
pages of review, preview, and opinion.
To be a part of It, call us, or drop by cc
329. Do It soonl
•. « « - « * —
... 4i I
i ii m
•• ''
toad telly
* * *
Y ^
CX* 0
U-Lounge Parties
*'ch er
dti >
A7, r
° >a«f,
no secrets
The Reagan administration has
written a new rule barring teenagers
from receiving confidential help
from the nation's 5000 federally
assisted family planning clinics.
Health and Human Services
2-2 Day
e eo
,W°•>N '
themselves as " T h e World's
Greatest Rock'N'Roll Band," but
the Rolling Stones have to be the
world's richest after this fall's U.S.
tour. The Stones grossed an
estimated 50 million dollars from 12
weeks of concerts-most of that
from their share of the more than
two million 15-dollar tickets purchased by their fans.
The group also gets a share of
concession sales--concert-goers
bought an cverage of one Stones'
T-shirt apiece-as well as still more
money from closed-circuit TV and
the Jovan perfume company, which
underwrote concert expenses. Of
course you have to subtract expenses for the shows' elaborate productions and the cost of back-up
bands and a crew, but it's a safe bet
the Stones will walk away with
many millions by the time the books
arc closed.
ftb r / ^ P.
secretary Richard Schweikcr is proposing that clinics be required to
notify parents of anyone under 18
who seeks birth control devices or
prescription drugs for the treatment
of venereal disease. The regulation
was written with the belief,
Schweiker says, that teenagers "will
generally benefit from the exercise
of a parent's mature judgement,"
in making sex and family planning
The Reagan administration is
reportedly preparing to resume
dumping low-level radioactive
waste in off-shore waters along the
Pacific and Atlantic coasts.The
move would end an 11-year
moratorium imposed after environmentalists expressed concern
over contamination of marine life.
The Environmental Protection
If the rule is approved — after a Agency is now developing new
required 60 day waiting period for dumping criteria, however, that
public comment — it could affect could go into effect as soon as 1985.
more than 600,000 teenagers who
The government can point to a
seek confidential birth control help 1980 investigation that concluded
each year. Family planning officials radiation leaking from a dump site
fear the proposal could drive away just outside San Francisco Bay did
as many as half of those patients — not seem to affect marine life.
the number, according to a 1980 Nevertheless, some California
survey — who hadn't told their legislators arc pushing for a conparents they visited a family plann- tinued ban on nuclear ocean dumping clinic.Sheri Tepper, the director ing. They arc particularly concernof a Denver Planned Parenthood
chapter, says the rule could be a
bonanza for abortion clinics and
also hamper Reagan budget-culling
efforts, by increasing the welfare
roles through unwanted pregnancies.
All you can eat for $8
(no discount on buffet)
from SUNY to Jade Fountain & return
Friday 6PM-9PM
Saturday 6PM-9PM
Please call ahead.
Tel. No. - 869-9585
Come to Quad Board...
Tell Us What You Want!
.,«• * * «• «.,» * » . ,
• —
('rak - o) u, /•/ tacos |Me\Sp| : A stone-^rouiul corn
tortilla, folded ami fried crisp then luaded with
seasoned Ground Beef,
Mexican Beans,
sweet Onions,
shredded Cheese,
and Lettuce
then perked up
with our special j
Mexican Salsa
and tupped with J
diced Tomato.
Sunday February 7 Brubacher Ballroom 8pm
Every Sunday
7pm j
Every Sunday
7 pm
Every Tuesday
Every Monday
T o w e r LoUnRe
1 0 p m
^** *
ed over the navy's plans to dump
reactors from decommissioned submarines into the sea off Cape Mendocino.
slum city
A new Brookings Institute study
claims slums arc necessary to urban
America, because they provide poor
people with a place to live. Anthony
Downs, author of the study, says
middle and upper income people
want to distance themselves from
the poor, and so create zoning that
I'orccs the poor into Ihc oldest, most
deterioralcd areas.
The situation will change, he
says, only If poverty is ended or the
rich provide enough subsidies to
enable the poor lo live in decent
housing—neither of which is likely
to happen soon.
Many Americans may be
pessimistic about surviving a
nuclear war, but not the federal
government. In a series of commentaries prepared for publication in
local newspapers, the Federal
Emergency Management Agency Is
pushing the idea that the U.S. could
fully recover from an all-out
nuclear war within two to five
years. William Chipman, head of
the agency's civil defense division,
says, "people would be miserable,
but they would in all probability
rise to the occasion and restore
some kind of a country."
One F.E.M.A. column — titled,
"Would Survivors of Nuclear Attack Envy the Dead? — Experts Say
'No," — has handy hints for turning a rcc-room Into a fallout shelter.
The "pre-planned basement snack
bar/shelter," according to the
government, can function as an
entertainment room before, and
presumably, after an attack.
Special Buffet for Chinese New Year
four days only
Jan. 28 thru Jan. 31
Our Specialty: Szechuen, Hunan, and
Cantonese. Polynesian drink available.
Just 1 Mile West of Stuyvesant Plaza
* * .*••«. .K.Jfciifci* ^ • ^ I k A . r f l i ^ . i n t ^
i love nukes
" ' V A//
What Would You Do With
$ 10,000?
dead fish
J"| 1
. R.:-;; -.-•:••-
rook and roll
> 4>CV/
Moh avv/<
I'm having a party Friday night at the iddorm for about ten
of my fellow upper classmates. How much tof your Cella wine
should I buy?
Chicago, III.
The general rule is a hay
bottle per
pet person, but you
The general rule is a half aa bottle
light, refreshing, icenever can
can be
be sure
sure how
how much
much of
of my
my light,
cold CeUa
CeUa Lambrusco,
Lambrusco, Bianco,
Bianco, ororRosatt
Rosato people will put
ten people let's say
away. Especially on a Friday. So
for ten
twelve bottles:four
four white, andfourros6. That
1) A good time is had by all.
1) A good time is had by all.
2) A heated discussion about the true
2) Kilgore
A heated Trout.
discussion about the true identity of
3) Everybody singing the old Beach E
3) A
the old the
Boys songs.
few closing
4) A few closing wordsfrom Chill-a-Cella!
the House Resident.
{'prati - t6J iiilv |Me\ | ; Without delay (No Waiting)!
I IS'/' Mexican Food
If you have a question, send It to me,
me care of:
Aldo, Post
New York, N.Y.
I Dear
Post Office Box
Box 639,
639, JVcu
Ifl use
use It,
it, III send you
you a Cella
' • 10018.
Celli T-shirt.
The light,
light, refreshing
refreshing wine
wine with
with a
a little
littl more
Imported by
by The
The Joa.
Joa. OanicnuCo.,NV..N.Y.
GarnenuCo.,N.Y..N.Y. <£M
ROTC - Two Opinions
To the Editor:
It has been an interesting, if somewhat
tedious, semester. Those o f us directly involved in ROTC, especially, have watched
the development o f the controversy surrounding the program's existence on campus with a great deal of interest, and not a
little amusement.
Before discussing the issue, however, it is
necessary to lake (he ASP to task for not
presenting a balanced view of ROTC.
Granted, it is issues, not facts, that arc
presently being discussed. But by not providing the student body with a factual basis
upon which to work, the ASP has failed in
its responsibility to its leaders and the
privilege o f free press.
It seems that there arc two major points
that bother people about ROTC. The first
is that ROTC discriminates in its enrollment policy, thereby violating university
rules on the subject. This is an incorrect Impression. In accordance with SUNYA
regulations and the agreement signed by the
ROTC and S U N V A , anyone may take
ROTC classes. Had anyone bolhered to try,
they would have found (hat classes are open
to everyone.
The other fears that have been expressed
pertain, in general to ROTC posing a threat
to traditional academic neutrality. Since
ROTC is voluntary, is not funded by
S U N Y A , and has neither policy making
ability or representation at any level of sladenl government or university administration, I fail to see where its power to restrict
academic freedom lies. Any other claims,
such as plots by the government, conl'onnily, etc., are pure conjecture.
Check Please?
To Ihe Kdilor:
I am currently an undergraduate simian
a( SUNY Albany, but I ant studying in
France through an overseas program.
At ihe present moment, I am eating on
seven francs a day, that is less than $1.40,
and I have been doing this lor two monllb
now. I have borrowed money from every
member of my family and from friends I
have known lor less than a month. I an
fortunate to be able to study in a foreign
country aj all; I realize this fact more than
ever after seeing many of Ihe people here.
Nonetheless, why am I being forced to
count every penny thai goes into my
Had anyone bothered to take the time to
get involved with and try to understand
ROTC, instead of just attacking it out o f
hand, they would sec that the program is
not some dangerous brainwashing institute,
nor docs it teach dogma and conformity.
A t least an effort is being made,
however, to allow ROTC to involve itself
w i t h the ongoing controversy. The
members o f SUNYA Peace Project and
Gala deserve recognition for their commitment to allowing both sides of the issue to
be aired. It is at least a first step towards
understanding what ROTC is all about.
It is not rhetoric, but active work towards
comprehension by both sides that will in the
end be important. ROTC can become a
contributing, concerned, part of the student
environment, as it has at so many other
schools committed to academic freedom.
Just give us the chance.
— Brandon E. Hetcher
I n the Kdltur:
II is extremely comforting to know that
someone on this campus understands what
the concept o f a university really stands for!
I am referring, of course, to a recent
editorial concerning the presence o f the
ROTC program on SUNYA's campus.
M r . I.enter obviously comprehends the
value of his education — that being one free
from any bias.
How can anyone honestly begin to experience and cultivate, free from any prejudice, the vast realm of ideas and values
suirounding oneself with such organizations pieseni ai tut educational institution'/
Personally, my integrity is insulted.
Ilitw about yours?
— Cynthia A . Donah.
Silling in my file in (he financial aids office ul Albany is an NDSL check of $600.
Before I left for I'ttince, I made a iwo day
h i p l i o n i Koehesier In Albany, and I was
told I would receive the check in less lhau a
month. That was three months ago and I
have yet lo receive something.
I have spoken with my purenl.s and hey
tell me that they have communicated with
the financial aids office, bill still I am forced to waii patiently and without encouragement.
How long must I wade through this
bureaucratic mess? Hopefully ibis letter will
prompt some action or at least woid o f my
— Juekic Mu re hand
NYPIRG Speaks Out
To the Editor:
A t the beginning of each semester
students are faced with a wide range of extracurricular groups and activities to choose
I'd like to take this lime lo inform you
about N Y P I R G : who wc are and what we
N Y P I R G is the New York Public Interest
Research Group, Inc., a stale wide, nonpartisan student activist organization
directed by college students from seventeen
campus chapters throughout New York
State. Students involved with N Y P I R G
work together with a staff of professionals
— lawyers, lobbyists, project specialists and
community organizers — lo achieve
positive social change. Through research,
public education, community organizing
and legislation, students affect public policy
in the public's interest.
Some o f the issues wc will be focusing on
this semester are toxics, the bottle bill and
I urge all students interested in consumer
and environmental awareness to slop by
our office (CC 382) or give us a call at
N Y P I R G is founded on the belief that
students can and should gel involved in the
world beyond 'life campus. N Y P I R G ' s
many victories prove llial sludcni power is a
— Kathleen Karenll
Parking Peeve
T u the Editor:
I am an employee of the State University
here in Albany, and have been employed
lor nearly fifteen years by Ihe plant deparlIIICIII. During that time I have had some
disagreements Willi Ihe University policies
governing many aspects of the University
Community and until now, I have been able
lo grin and bear it.
On that morning, I drove a nonregistered, meaning university parking
icgislfution, vehicle lo work. My normally
used car would nol run. I went directly lo
the security office upon my arrival lo oblain
a temporary parking permit as required.
When I requested a permit I was told no
temporary permits could be issued wiihoui
Ihe prior approval of Joe Fox. It was also
slated thai ii only applied lo plain department personnel. Therefore, I was refused a
permit and I had Ihe choice of going back
home or parking illegally. Having some important duties to do early in the morning, I
I told the security officer if I get a ticket
today I would be back and someone would
cat the ticket. Well, I know ihe unfortunate
fact is my paycheck will be garnished lor
the fine, which in this case would be len
dollars. Well, lets keep the little man down,
right? I take home less than nine thousand
dollars per year so believe me the len dollars
would hurt.
1 might add that absolutely no notice was
given for this new procedure. I even checked with our local C.S.E.A. President; ii was
all new lo him too.
I realize the ramblings of maintenance
people don't carry much clout, and I even
realize I am probably jeopardizing my
future here at the university, bin ihe
possibility of someone benefiting in ihe
future makes it worth the effort. In sumtmilion, if the facts disclosed within result in
my dismissal or other harassment let me
just say, " F r a n k l y , I don't give a d a m n ! "
< I I . Duller
Learn Concern
T o the Editor:
Recently, many of my feelings and
thoughts about this university were
drastically reversed, I do nol usually speak
out on issues such as tiiis, bin until recently
1 didn't feci I needed to. Now I do!
Presently, I am a first semestei
sophomore, and for ihe past three
semesters I have seen and heard some very
good and also some very had things. At this
moment ihe killer far exceeds ihe former.
The bad (and unjust ihiug to ihe students)
I lull I am rul'crilng lo is Ihis university's incapability lo retain excellent professors.
Recently, my MSI 215 teacher, Professot
Hishko, told Ihe class he may be Icuvluy
after this semester. I took the liberty lo ask
him why he was leaving, and I was shocked
at his response. Although I do not wish to
reveal everything he told me, I do feel Ihai
the students must know at least what is happening in some areas and what a leachei
goes through here.
In this ease I am referring to Professot
liishko. Can it be possible thai he lias
350-400 students in his class and yel lias only two graduate assistants? Yes, ii can. Can
it be possible, at ihis "excellent" university
thai Professor liishko spends long and
tedious hours going over students' tests so
that he can be fair to each and every student? Yes, it can. Can il he possible thill
Professor liishko loves lo teach so much,
that he is sacrificing his lime caring lor sindents' needs instead o f publishing articles
and papets that are most cases required fin
a leachei lo receive tenure? O i l , yes ii can.
Can it also be possible that wc us students
don't have much say hi ihe mailer? Yes, ii
If this university is going to continue lo
crank out excellent students, it tnusl I'irsl
leach them. Let us for a moment take our
eyes off of our own ambitious, desires and
needs at this "place o f higher education,"
and put thein on the future S U N Y A
students who have and will have the same
hopes of learning at this school that wc I'irsl
had (and I hope still have). Wejusl can't let
good leachei s slip away from this school for
ihosc reasons I have mentioned (although
those may not be ihe only reasons in Professor llishko's case). So, is il possible thai
we as students, who want Ihis university to
continue in excellence, can do something
aboui ihis seemingly untouchable situation? Yes, it is!
chose to stay.
This Is a new twist but otherwise a more
common-than not type of unnecessary liarrasscment set upon university employees.
Not only arc we forced to pay a regislation
fee for the privilege o f parking on university
property, we also have to park a good
distance away from the buildings (unless
you arc high enough in the administrative
class, in which case you can park ten feel
from the building entrance doors.)
— Michael Sloan Tcdele
New Gym Rules
T o the Editor:
As you are well aware, our campus suffers from a lack of indoor recreational
space. A n added burden placed upon the
Physical Education Center is the illegal use
of the facility by non-university persons,
who view il as an open building' for anyone
to use.
As you enter the building, signs proclaim
"Physical Education facilities arc to be used by university personnel o n l y . " However,
in reality, during the evening and weekends,
there are more non-university persons using
the facilities than university persons.
We are determined to correct this situation. Therefore:
>• Beginning Monday, February I, 1982, all
persons wishing lo participate in free time
or open recreational basketball musi enter
the main gymnasium via the front building
lobby only, and are Instructed to leave their
University picture I.D. card with the student attendant on duly during the following
times: Monday—Friday from 5:30p.m. to
closing; Saturday from 8:30a.m. to closing;
Sunday from noon to closing.
The sole purpose for initialing Ihis procedure is to keep unwanted, non-university
persons oul of ihe facility. thus making
courts more readily available for our own
students, faculty and staff.
I f we are to accomplish this objective,
your total cooperation is requited. We ask
that you abide by the following regulations:
• Always bring your University picture
I.D. card with you whenever you visit ihe
Physical Educullon Center;
** Always cooperate with the student attendant stationed at the entrance lo the main
gymnasium. He/she will ask you to leave
your I.D. on file us you enter. It will be
relumed when you exit;
•- Do not open any gym doors from the inside, if persons knock or request entry.
They will no doubt be persons who do not
being in Ihe gym in the first place; and
• Guests — Each University person is permitted lo bring one guest into ihe building
lo use (he facilities, However, each gucsl
must be registered at Ihe Physical Education Center Information Desk located In the
front lobby. You are responsible for your
guest and therefore, should not sponsor someone you do not know.
Please understand that we are doing this
for you. Ii should nol be thought of as an
inconvenience, but as an attempt to return
the facility to its rightful users. Please let us
know if you have any problems with this
new policy.
— Dennis Elkin
Faculty Coordinator
resume at a reasonable rale. We do not
have Ihe mark-up in cost to effectuate a discount system based on the number of limes
a proof is required as M r . Dcutsch has suggested.
On the upside of Mr. Dcutsch's hassles
he was treated with couricsy and received a
resume of fine quality and one he was pleased with.
In closing, InslAprinls resume business
has doubled in each subsequent year as a
result of customers satisfied and many
limes thankful for our big service. Unfortunately, " y o u can'l please all of the people
all of the time." I suggest thai people try
our service and form Iheir own opinions.
— PeKKy-Hutton-Britt
Holy Cow?
To the Editor:
This Idler is a reply lo lite tirade of a Mr.
Subroto Mukerjea printed In Ihe (December
8, 1981) ASP.
So, Mr. International Student, you don't
seem to care for American students who are
constantly badgering you with stupid questions about your country? So you wonder
at the supposed intelligence of SUNYA
students, asking you if cows wander around
in your country, or if there ure Untouchables In your country (India)?
I guess you were implying that anyone
wiih half a brain should know thai these
siiualions don't exist in India. Well I'irsl o f
all, as an obviously highly urbanized person
who has probably never been in the
backwards areas of bis own country, you
probably arc not aware that cows do roam
around In smaller towns in India because
Ihey are holy animals in the Hindu religion.
And although ihe Indian government's
programs to eradicate uniouchability in the
large urban areas (from which you piobubly
came) have been quite successful, countless
persons in small towns in India are lo Ihis
day being deprived o f their tights because
of the Untouchubllily siigtna.
So, instead of condemning American
students for asking you stupid questions,
pel haps you should listen lo these questions
and then go research ihein. Perhaps you
will learn something,
Then you can thank your lucky slurs that
there are still one ot iwo American students
willing lo waste theii time lalking to a snob
like you.
— Andrew Brooks
Help Wanted
To Ihe Editor:
As graduating seniors we think it is about
lime we finally speak our minds. Wc were
under Ihe impression that the Career Planning and Placemen! Center was a service
created for the benefit of all students.
Although they claim to provide assistance
I'u the Kdilor:
lo students of every major, we have come
This is a response concerning the letter to
across an incident that has shown
Ihe editoi published on December 4, I'JKI
favoritism to a certain major.
titled "Resume Hassles." Ihis is our comThe lisl of recruiters for Spring '82 has
ment on Mr. Dcutsch's article.
come out and it is being distributed to only
' As mentioned by Mr. Dcutsch we at inone select major, i h e rest of being inconveslAprint were recommended by friends. Wc
nienced by having to sit in the office or
can come lo Iwo different conclusions from
stand outside in the hallway and copy the
this statement. Number one, Mr. Dcutsch's list by hand. This might not appear to be
friends arc Imposters or number two, they such a great injustice, but it is the principle
received good service and fine results. 1 that counts. Approximately one half of the
trust us mentioned in the (December 4) artipositions on Ihe list can be filled by students
cle thai number two is correct.
outside that select field. Those students are
Mr. Dcutsch's resume did take longer
made to feel that whether they get a job is
than ihe normal. Unfortunately his resume
nol as important. We believe that all
proofs consistently did not meet with his students should have equal access lo these
approval. Being concerned with our
customer's satisfaction wc returned ihe proIf the need to restrict the list arose
of to typesetting for revisions three limes.
because of insufficient funds, we feci that a
Ninciy-eighi percent of all proofs submitted
minor fee, charged to all, would not be into the cusiomcr are acceptable ihe I'irsl time appropriate.
with minor revisions or corrections. Mr.
At this time of year when the seniors arc
Dcutsch and his resume did not fit within anxious to find employment, we feel that
the normal, obviously taking three limes
ihe Career Planning and Placement Center
longer than usual.
should support and not antagonize them.
InsiAprint's policy concerning resumes is
— Names Withheld Upon Request
to give the customer an excellent quality
Resume Rebuttal
Need Not Apply
In recent years, this newspaper has had a relatively libertarian advertising
policy. The only restrictions we've insisted on were that the advertisement not
be obscene, not sell anything illegal, and not lie or be deceitful.
Over the past year or so, we've refused to carry some ads we considered
obscene, and we've refused to carry some ads selling illegal goods or services.
But there has only been one occasion where we found ourselves compelled to
refuse some ads that are deceitful; advertisements promoting Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute's Army ROTC Extension Center at SUNYA.
We've decided that the ROTC ads, as'well as ads from other military services
and intelligence services are deceiving. The ads describe scholarships and
"valuable" training, but don't mention that homosexuals need not apply.
Because these ads are deceiving, we find them unsuitable for ASP publication.
These government agencies readily admit that they discriminate against gays
and lesbians; they consider homosexuality a "medical disqualification" (See
ASP, November 17). However, a gay or lesbian won't always discover that their
sexual orientation is a "medical disqualification" until they're committed to
service. Those in the military face a dishonorable discharge, marking their
employment and official records for the rest of their lives.
If, for example, we run an ad for an illegal product, we legally can be held as
co-conspirators. We feel that if we run an ad that lies by telling half-truths, we
have lied as well.
Because of our decision, Army ROTC pulled an ad they had placed with us.
The National Security Agency ad in today's paper was run to fufill a contract
with our advertising agency. In the future, no ad will run in this paper from
these agencies unless they state that they do discriminate against homosexuals.
We really don't know if the military and intelligence agencies will continue to
advertise with us. Wc do stand to lose some income, but we feel obligated to tell
the truth, as best we can.
Hedging Bets
T h e r e ' s just not enough o f it to go a r o u n d .
A very g o o d f r i e n d o f m i n e used t o w o r k up here; as a m a t t e r o f f a c t , he was
Ihe E d i t o r i n C h i e f u n t i l December.
Rob is leaving many friends and many fond memories behind, and is moving
on lo new friends and memories.
H e stressed q u a l i t y , fairness, a n d accuracy d u r i n g his t e r m . H e t a u g h t us all
the meaning o f the phrase, " L i t e r a t u r e i n a h u r r y . "
and i/i rmafive m<ip<tgine
Eitib/teftfff In 1918
Dean Uoli, Editor In Chief
Susan Mllllgnn, David Thanhauser, Managing Editors
rJows Edllon
Associate Nows Editors
*SPocla Editor
Ataoclala ASPects Editor
Vision Editor
Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editors
Editorial Pages Editor
Copy Editor
Judle Elsenberg, Wayne Peereboom
Beth Brlnser, Lisa Mlrabella
Andrew Carrol.
Michael Brandos
Mark Rossler
Larry Kahn
Michael Carmen
Edan Levlne
Bruce J, Lleber
Editorial Assistant: Bruce J. Levy Statl writers: Bob Bellallore, David Brooke, Ken Cantor, Lorl Cohen, Hayes
Dansky, Huberl-Konnolh Dickey, Jim Dixon, Bill Fischer, Mark Flscheltl, Mark Gesnor, Ronl Qlnsberg, Ken Gordon, Slrjvo GoBsett, Stovon A. Greonberg, Mark Hammond, Marc Haspel.Debble Judge, Kathy Klssane, Craig
Marks, John Moran, Madeline Pascuccl, Steven Popper, Sylvia Saunders, Barbara Schlndler, Mark Schwarz, Beth
Soxer, Susan Smith, Jessica Treadway, Jessica Whltobook, Spectrum end Events Editor Betsy Camplsl
Bonnie Stevens, Business Managar
Janet Drelfuss, Advertising Managar
David Nelll Yapko, Solas Manager
Frank Joseph Oil Jr, Assistant Sales Mgr
Billing Accountants
Hedy Broder, Judy B. Santo, Karen Sardoll
Peyroll Supervisor
Arlene Kallowltz
Claaellled Menaoar
Marie Garbarlno
Composition Manager
David Bock
Advertising Sales: Steven Golden, Andrew Horn, Mlndy Schulrnan, John Trolano, Advertising Production
Managere: Susan Kaplan, Dlanna Glacola, Advertising Production: Michelle Horowitz, Mara Mendeleohn, Ellen
Slolnfeld, Melissa Wasserman, Olllce Stall: Jennifer Bloch, Ellen Epstein
David Bock, Production Managar
Chief Typesetter
Carol Bury
Paste-up: Ann Hoch, Ellean Marry, Marykate Murphy, Typiete: Judy Amedel, Lynda Benvenuto, Mary Burke, Merle
Garbarlno, September Klein, Saralyn levlne, Cathie Ryan, Zarl Stahl Chauffeur; Martha Helner
Photography, Supplied principally by University Photo Service
Chief Photographer: Marc Hanachal
UPS Staff: Dave Asher, Alan Calem, Carl Chan, Sherry Cohen, Mike Fuller, Bill Krauoa, Dave Mashaon, Lola Mettaboni, Sue Mlrtdlch, Mark Nadler, Mark Nelaon, Suna Stelnkamp, Will Yunnan
The Albany student Press Is publlehod every Tuesday and Friday during the school year by the Albany Student
Press Corporation, an Independent not-for-profit corporation. Editorials are written by the Editor In Chief with
membera ol the Editorial Board; policy la subject to review by the Editorial Board. Advertising policy doee nol
necessarily reflect editorial policy.
Mulling address:
Albany Student Press, CC 320
1400 Washington Ave,
Albany, NY 12222
i i •' i
11 fsaoamaum
Dear Plkovitch (alias Angel Eyes, If you love rock and roll put a little
Fishy or Munchkln),
note In my mailbox, babyl Aspects,
What can I say? We've been 7-8892.
through It all together and survived.
Professional Typing Service. IBM
You're a great friend and I'm glad
Pinch Me.
Selectrlc Correcting Typewriter. Exwe were able to live through the
Your Little Trouble Maker
perlenced. Call 273-7218.
divorce. Happy B-day to one of the
Passport/Application Photos. $5 for
Beat Potsdamll
Luv always, Me II
2, $1 for each 2 thereafter.
What's It all about, this RA stuff?
Tuesdays, 1-3 p.m. No appointment
Com* see the Danes SCOREI Application In Quad offices.
necessary. University Photo SerTomorrow, January 30, 8:30 p.m. In
vice, CC 305. Any questions? Call
University Gym. Don't let them Saturday, January 30. the Albany
Help Wanted
Will or Karl, 7-8867.
Qreat Danes take on the defending
down I
The ASP Is looking for people
national champion, the Potsdam
Going to The Pretenders?? Have a Bears In University Gym at 8:30 p.m.
Interested In paste-up and
hot showl Keep the party burning!! Bring a newspaperll
graphic arts,
South of the Border party, Friday, 9
Indian U-Lounge. $1 with RA Interest Meetings. Sunday,
Overseas Jobs. Summer/year
January 31. Schedules in Quad ofPretenders stubs.
round. Europe, S. Amor., Australia,
Asia. All fields. $500-1200 monthly.
Rechargable, case, cord, like new.
Sightseeing: Free Info. Write IJC,
Let's Go Danesll
Community Service mandatory
Box 52-NY1, Corona Del Mar, Ca $25. Bob H. 7-5020.
orientation Tuesday, February 2, 8 RA Applicants Interest Meeting this
Stereo Components. Wholesale
Sunday evening, January 31.
p.m., LC 7 or Wednesday, February
prices. Installation by appointment.
Counselors: Association o f In3, 5:30 p.m., Lc 18.
Hey Liza,
Mark, 489-4309..
dependent Camps seeks qualified
Are you cold and frigid?? Come Sugar Mountain Is never gone,
counselors for 75 aocredlted camps
the memories are here
located Northeastern U.S. July and
where It's hot and sunny. Indian forever. You'll never slip far back
August. Contact Association of Indown
hill cause I'll always be
dependent Camps, 157 West 57th
there to boost you up again. All
Street, New York, NY 10019. (212)
Telethon '82 Theme Song Auditions. those days hanging out with Nell
February 3,4. Call now for appoint- are number 1. Happy Birthday from
Large room available, 2 bedrooms,
Stomp Potsdamll
ment. Mark, 436-1960. Dave, 7-5020.
corner of Partridge and Morris, 2
the bottom because I love you.
Telethon '82 Theme Song Auditions. Theme Is: A Celebration of Youth.
blocks from busline, $70/month.
February 3, 4. Call now for appointCall 438-6451 anytime.
Telethon '82 Theme Song Auditions.
ment. Mark, 436-1960, Dave, 7-5020.
appointTheme Is: A Celebration of Youth.
Anyway, Happy Birthday my love. I
ment. Mark; 436-1960, Dave, 7-5020.
i. Appll
hope this one Is your happiest of all. Theme Is: A Celebration of Youth.
Telethon '82 needs a secretary and
I hope your feelings never change
Indian Quad rep. For Info call Greg,
and locations for RA Interest
for me for mine will never change
7-3318 or Beth, 434-0940.
All The Way Danosll
Meetings in Quad offices.
for you. May you get all your wishes
Camp Counselor Positions. Camp Copy wanted of Hap Carrier's old
Show thoso tan lines! "South o l the tor the rest of your life. Happy Birth- The Danes Are Gonna Go To The
Becket-in-the-Berkshlres (boys) and Management 341 tests. Call 7-5020.
Border" party. Sunshine punch, day!
Chimney Corners Camp (girls) have
Topi Don't miss It.
beer, munchies. $2 with sun tan, All My Love Forever and Ever, Paul
openings for counselors and pro*
without. Indian U-Lounge, FriBeat Potsdamll
ram specialists. Also nurses (RN).
Apply now lor Resident Assistant
Ituated In the mountains of
Sunwestern Massachusetts, the camps
Happy New Year and I know It Is.
Inmate would like to make friends shine punch, beer, munchies. $2
offer a broad camping program emt h r o u g h c o r r e s p o n d e n c e . W i l l with sun tan, $1.75 without. Bring Just try It, you'll like It. Now you
phasizing personal development. Typing Service. Reports, terms. On
know what the power of suggestion
acknowledge all letters. Darrell I.D. Friday, 9 p.m., Indian U-Lounge.
For applications write State YMCA, SUNYA bus route. 70 cents page.
can doll
Butler, 161-677, PO Box 45699, . . . If you couldn't afford Aruba.
6 St. James Ave., Boston, MA 02116. 371-7701
All my love, Marie
Lucasvllle, Ohio 45699.
Havin' A Party? DJ Craig makes any
occasion a rock'n'roll dance party.
Music from the 50'3-80's. 7-7755.
now being accepted in
the ASP Business Office, CC 332. The
deadline for Tuesday's
issue is 3 p.m. on Friday, and the deadline
for Friday's issue Is 3
p.m. on Tuesday.
([ For Sal«Hj)
([ Housing
C Wanted 1
roposed State Budget Threatens SUNY
\nued from front page
xs for Increase of $62.6
Ion in State funding, which is
pded to cover the cost of infla[ and salary increases. This is a
percent increase over last years
get. Claser pointed out that
[years inflation rate is projected
Approximately 8 percent- confrably higher than the budget inses.
JNY's share of Ihe cost for this
Is also up. The SUNY system
Is in most of its revenue through
Free Aliui Dinner Tricolor Drink TEL 463-9176
(wiih coupon)
's !7?es/auran/
(|lls| n,jl,l , II w.isl.lnyl. iii.tlllui L.ukl
fROM LE CrlOCOlAT.ER . . . fr'S
SATURchy Niqkr!
children's c a m p
( W . S . I ) T e n n i s , G y m n a s t i c s , W a l e r s k i , T e a m Sports. R u e
A r t s , Pliolograplvy, D a n c e , Dramatics, Guitar. Resident
Assistants needed for supervisory positions. G r o u p
leaders ( 2 2 + ) . C a m p W a y n e . 12 Allevarcls S t . . L i d o
B e a c h . N . Y . 1 1 5 6 1 . Include your p h o n e n u m b e r .
(Exit J OH 1901
Phone 459-3871
Phone 377-3871
X)rh 11 pivi-l :50 AM
M i d i N i q k r MUNchiES
A l l y O U CAN EAT fROM OUR C ^ O C O I A T E D u f fET
fREE c h A M p A q N E
tuition which is expected to increase cent and the SUNY System would
due to ovcrenrollmcnt. The system share 27.2 percent of Ihe bill.
is responsible for raising $67 9.
Glaser said although the states
million for the upcoming year. This share of the fundinR was decreasing
shows Ihe continuation of a trend throughout the years, the amount
of the Slate paying less for the of money they were alotting was inSUNY system and SUNY paying creasing. This year, however, there
more over the years says is a decrease in funding by the slate
Glaser. In 1974-75 Ihe Stale sup- of $5.3 million.
plied 88 percent of the funding for
There is one area of the Stale
the State University, while the University thai will experience an
SUNY System added the remaining increase in 1982-83. Thai is ihe lour
12 percent. The 1982-83 budget Health and Science Centers (IISC")
would have the slate pay 72.8 per- located throughout the stale. Ac-
ment Administrative Aide who look
Itimied from page,five
a "totally
t e n t a t i v e Ihe meeting's minutes, confirmed
thill Wednesday's meeting was
however, the minutes o f Ihe in- planned to be the third meeting as
Icssion meeting concluded by described in Ihe minutes.
Asked whether the committee
ling that,"The group adjourned
| h ihe intent o f holding a third had indeed intended to finalize
recommendations at this week's
final meeting. . . Final rccommeeting, Bcidl explained that
Indations will be formulated at
although the committee hadn't
|i time."
definitely planned on finishing ihe
rfegan Bcidl, the Plant Depart-
Spindler said the increase in funding is due to construction at the
new Stonybrook HSC, which is not
yet operating at full capacity. He
said when the center has an increased revenue it will not be receiving as
much state aid.
The governor has until February
19 to amend his budget proposal.
Sometime after February 19, the
state legislature will vote on the
budget and possibly amend it. The
legislature must decide on the
budget by April 1.
study, Ihe prevailing altitude was
" m o r e like. I d ' s try 10 gel this
Discussion between Ihe students
and Stevens led lo the Plant Director promising lo recommend that
an open meeting lie scheduled lc
hear student input before ihe study
group made iis final recommendation,
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Yours for $ 6 ^
cording to SASU legislative Intern
Alan Wiener, the HSC's will receive
a $31 million increase in 1982-83,
He said that 26.4 percent of. the .
total funding goes to the centers,
although they accomodate only 34
percent of all SUNY students.
There is also an increase of 250
faculty for the centers.
fares For SUNYA Buses Are Being Considered
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It'll cover you up. It'll keep you warm. Besides, It
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Two Fingers is all it takes.
MIDDLE EARTH, the peer councellng and crisis
Intervention center on campus, will be sponsoring and cosponserlng the following activities...
Support Group
Wed. Jan. 27 (weekly)
7:00 - 8:30 pm
Support For Seniors
Mon. Feb. 8 (6 weeks)
7:30 - 9:00 pm
Tues. Feb. 9 (4 weeks)
8:00 • 9:30 pm
Single Parented:
Children of Divorced
Parents Support Group
Wed. Feb. 10 (6 weeks)
7:30 • 8:30 pm
Mon. Feb. 15 (weekly)
8:30 • 9:30 pm
Mens Gay
Support Group
Mon. Feb. 15 (weekly)
6:30 • 8:30 pm
Womens Consciousness
Raising Group
Tues. Feb. 16 (weekly)
7:30 • 9:00 pm
Womens Consciousness
Raising Group
Fri. Feb. 19 (weekly)
Moving From Group Member
To Group Facilitator:
A Training Module
Mon. March 1
7:30 • 9:30 pm
Open Discussion Group
Mon. March 15 (4 weeks)
Open Discussion Group
Tues. April 13 (4 weeks)
Wed. April 28
7:00 - 9:00 pm
LOOK to the ASP and POSTERS around your dorm for
additional groups sponsered by MIDDLE EARTH...
For more information and sign-up contact MIDDLE EARTH
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ |
uran and Benitez in Title Bout
EGAS, Nev. (AP) Roberto
has a third world champion•ithin his grasp, and it angers
lal many people seem more
•ned about whether he will
[sugar Ray Leonard a third
"Everybody is concerned
me not lighting Leonard,"
who uses an interpreter,
id during an interview alter a
ml I'or his challenge Saturday
against Wilfred Benitez, the
Id Boxing Council super
(weight champion.
I win Leonard will have lo
and ask me I'or a light,"
said Thursday. "First I have
if the money is right whether
,'c Leonard a chance."
t Duran admitted that should
at Benitez I'or a .share of the
lound title and the money be
the only way he would give
|her shot at Leonard would be
ullengc him for the 147-pound
irwelght championship.
iran, the lightweight champion
nuch of the 1970S, won the
|C welterweight title from
nard on a decision June 20,
., then lost it back lo Leonard
i, 25 that same year when he
in the eighth round, claiming
nach cramps. The aclion has
Inted him.
lut the 30-year-old Duran faces
ixlrcmely difficult task In trying
i\n u third title against Benitez,
o at 23 became the fifth man ever
8 D a y s a n d 7 Nights at
The World's M o s t F a m o u s B e a c h
Leave Albany S t a t e
on Friday Morning, March 5 , 1 9 8 2
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This C o m p l e t e Spring V a c a t i o n P a c k a g e I n c l u d e s :
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t o « » ^ 3 a ^ « * » « * J <S^X»^-S C_rf>-«*^» d^-BK^J)
to win championships in three
weight classes.
"Right now my mind is on
Benitez," said Duran, who appeared to be In excellent shape and
<i couple of pounds under the super
welterweight limit.
One man who doesn't think
Duran is psychologically capable of
regaining top form is I conard, who
will be tit ringside as a commentator
for Home Box Office, the cable
company that will telecast the light
live form Caesars Palace beginning
about 10 pm EST.
"1 see Benitez stopping Duran. I
sec Duran running out of emotion,
being frustrated again," said
Leonard, who will defend the undisputed welterweight title against
Dir. by Alan Resnais
1980 Best Foreign
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wr«w«!u< < aJ<^wrsV' , ; > J ^ s , - , < & ''
Women's varsity track vs. West Polnt/Binghamton/Cortland
Friday, 1/29 at Cortland, 4:00
Women's varsity swimming and diving vs. New Pallz
Saturday, 1/30 in University Pool, 2:00
Men's junior varsity basketball vs. Colgate
Saturday, 1/30 in University Gym, 6:30
Men's varsity basketball vs. Potsdam
Saturday, 1/30 in University Gym, 8:30
Men's varsity track vs. Corlland/Binghamlon/Quccns
Saturday, 1/30 al Cortland
Women's varsity gymnastics vs. Smith College
Saturday, 1/30 al Smith College, 1:00
Women's varsity basketball vs. (Tarkson
Saturday, 1/30 at Clarkson, 2:00
Men's varsity wrestling vs. Aniherst/SI. Lawrence/Massachusetts
Saturday, 1/30 away, 6:00
Order this memo board now-before you forget!
H^s>^H!w5 5-<^0fr«>»_S> l ! ^ « % ^ > < t ^ 4 k
Bruce Pinch Feb. 15 al Reno, Nev..
Leonard contends it was frustration
not stomach pains which led to
Duran's defeat at New Orleans.
Benitez, an excellent boxer who is
developing power as he naturally
glows bigger, also feels he can stop
This could be Duran's last light
— the Panamanian has said he
would retire If he loses — and it will
be Benitez' last fight as a super
welterweight. Benitez won the
WBA iuiiior welterweight title in
l'J7f> at age 17 by outpointing Anlonia Cerbantes. He lost that crown
I'or failure lo defend within a
prescribed time, then became WDC
welterweight champion on a decision ovet Carlos Palomino in |07lL
Great Dane Sports
This Weekend
Improve your memory.
Entire Stock of Manufacturers 8.98
List Albums and Tapes Regularly
S p O l l S JANUARY 29, 1982
through the College of Continuing Studies and the Student
Association. Classes range from arts and crafts to dance,
languages, typing, skiing, j u d o , and more.
In addition to t h e classes listed below, students may
recieve a HALF-PRICE DISCOUNT on any other personal
development course which h a s reached its minimun enrollment
but has not yet closed. Refer to the Complete Book on Adult
Education, winter edition, for complete listing of all noncredit
personal development winter term courses.
ELIGIBILITY: Students who have paid t h e student activities fee and who are registered for nine or more credits are
eligible for t h e discounted courses. Tax card or bill may b e
presented a s proof
REGISTRATION: Held on t h e downtown campus in
Husted 2 0 8 weekdays from 9:00am - 5:00pm (take the SUNY
b u s to Draper and follow signs).
COLLEGE AT 4556121
Photographic Silkscreen
CR350A Basic Macramc
CR350B Projects in Macramc
DA410B Jazz D a n e s for Beginners
DA410D Jazz Dance for Beginners
DA610 Modern Dance for Beginners
DA650 Modern Dance II
DA675 Modern Dance Repertory
HE22t Relaxation and Stress Redaction
HE45t Conscious Eating
8 T u . 1/26
7:15-9:15pm $25*
3 Wed. 127 5:45-7:45pm $18*
3 Wed. 2 1 7 5:45-7:45pm $18*
l X 2 2 0 Conversational French Refresher
LAS 10 Gaelic for Beginners
LA510 Japanese for Beginners
Personal Growth
PE110A Organize and Live at Home,
Part I: Personal Planning
PE110B Organize and Live at Home,
Part 1: Personal Planning
PE112A Organize and Live at Home,
Part 11: Physical Organization
PE112B Organize and Live at Home,
Part II: Physical Organi
PE114A Organize and Live at Home,
Part III: Paper Organization
PE114B Organize and Live at Home,
.Part III: Paper Organization
PE405G Assertiveness with Good Style
PE405H Interpersonal Skills Assessment
PE405I Hiden Side of Communication
PH242 Pet Photography: Workshop
S O 2 1 0 D Cross-country Skiing: A Minicourse
SO210E Cross-country Skiing: A Minicourse
SO210F Cross-country Skiing: A Minicourse
S 0 8 3 5 A Judo
S 0 8 3 5 B Jvdo
8 0 8 3 5 C Judo
OF210 Beginner Typing, Part I
RE110 Reading for Speed and Efficiency
WR170 Journal WritingSelf Exploration
WR192B Specific Writing Markets
WR192C Professional Manuscript
4 TuTh 2 2 3 7:15-9:15pm $ 3 0
8 M o n . 1 2 5 7:55-9:55pm $25*
8 MonTh 2 1 7:15-9:15pm $25*
1 Tu. 2 2
10:15-12:45pm $ 1 5
1 Tu. 2 2
7:15-9:45pm $ 1 5
1 Tu. 2 9
10:15-12:45pm $15
1 Tu. 29
7:15-9:45pm $15
1 Tu. 2 1 6
10:15-12:45pm $15
1 Tu. 2 1 6 7:15-9:45pm $15
1 Th 2 1 8 6:50-9:50pm $15
1 Th. 2 2 5 6:50-9:50pm $15
1 Th. 3 4 6:50-9:50pm $15
3 Mon. 2 2 2 7:00-10:00pm $15
1 Th. 2 4 &
1 Fr. 2 5 6:00-9:00pm
1 Th. 2 1 1 &
1 Fr. 2 1 2 6:00-9:00pm
1 Th. 2 1 8 &
1 Fr. 2 1 9 6:00-9:00pm
8 TuFr 2/ 6:00-7:30pm
8 TuFr 3 2 6:00-7:30pm
8 TuFr 4 2 6:00-7:30pm
6 Wed. 2 3 7:15-8:45pm $2(1
7 Wed. 127 7:15-9:15pm $25*
6 T u . 2 2 5:45-7:45pm $20
1 Th. 2 1 1 6:50-9:20pm $12
1 Th. 3 4
6:30-9:20pm $12
4 Th. 2 4 7:30-9:00pm $ 2 0
4 S a . 2 6 1:00-2:30pm $ 2 0
5 M o n . 2 1 6:00-7:30pm $27
5 M o n . 2 1 7:30-9:00pm $ 2 7
5 T n . 22 6:30-8:00pm $27
3 T h . 211 7:30-9:00pm $ 1 6
4 T k . 2 1 1 5:45-7:15pm $ 2 1 *
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Women CagersLose toRPIin Overtime, 54-51
Jeff Goldman, owner of
Mcjndciy to Wednesday 4pm-9pm
Thursday 4pm-10pm
Friday and Saturday 4pm-lam
Sunday 4pm-l()pm
S p O l t S JANUARY 29,1982
their first, and only lead of Ihe
game—47-46 with 2:20 left.
Even though they continued to
shine defensively, ath Ihe olhcr end
or the court their hot spell had cooled orr; easy layups were missed.
With 1:18 on the clock Ihe
Engineers snuck in a basket to lead
48-47. Seconds later Briggs had a
chance to win it at Ihe line, but she
could only tie the score, sending the
game Into overtime.
defensive battle. With a minute and
a half remaining RPI led by 50-48.
Again Albany's lackadaisical foul
shooting allowed them a single
turned the ball over three times!
After practicing for Iwo weeks
"Turnovers are even more crucial
without playing a game, Albany's
in overtime. You want to utilize the
women's varsity basketball team
30 second clock; work for a good
was thoroughly prepared, even anxshot. The pressure of the game got
The end came when within the
ious, for Wednesday night's game
The five minute ovctime was a last 40 seconds of the game Albany
to us," Warner said.
against 4-7 RPI. After playing 13 u
48-48 tie in regulation time against
their towering opponents, the
Danes turned the ball over one loo
many times and lost the cliffhanger,
The first five minutes of the game
The ASP intramural Athlete of the Week contest is continuing into
swung back and forth. Albany's
the current season. The program is sponsored by Budwciscr and each
Nancy Wundcrlich, the Danes' high
weekly winner will receive a Budweiser jacket.
scorer with 16 points and most con*• Eligibility —All athletes participating in any AMIA, WIRA, or
sistent rcboundcr, won the jump,
Downtown intramural program are eligible,
subsequently received the ball
»• Selection —Winners will be selected from among all nominations
underneath, and layed it in lor the
received and based upon performance in the preceding week's games.
game's first bucket. With 16:48 reSelection will be made by a committee consisting of representatives of
maining in the half RPI pulled
the ASP, AMIA, WIRA and Downtown intramurals.
ahead 6-5 ano then 8-7.
«•• Nominations —Only team captains, if they feel a player Is deservAfter four scoreless minutes
ng, should submit a written nomination in the ASP sports mailbox In
RPI's Colleen Greaney, Ihc game's
CC329 on Mondays before 1:00 pm. Only one member per team may
high scoreer, with 24 points, put the
be nominated in any week. Athletes may win only once during the
Engineers ahead 10-7. Greaney,
school year.
who hurt the Danes last time the
The nomination should include Ihc player's name, phone number,
two teams met, scored only eight of
position and a brief summary of his performance in the past week's
her points in the opening half. Nangames. The team captain should list his or her name, phone number,
cy Halloran did an outstanding job
league, team name, and the results of the week's games.
defending her.
All information will be verified with AMIA, WIRA or Downtown
Both teams played aggressive
records. The discovery of false Information will result in the disdefense and worked hard for what
of all team members from future consideration as ASP
few points they could manage. With
Athlete or the Week.
5:41 left in the hair the Engineers
> Varsity Athlete of Ihe Week —In addition to the intramural athlete
led 21-14, but the Danes reeled off
a varsity athlete of the week will be chosen by the ASP. No award will
five unanswered points pulling
be given.
game in overtime, 54-51. (Photo: Amy Cohen)
within a basket. A foul and Iwo
quick back dooor plays to Wanda
Geranian(I4 points) gave RPI a
26-21 lead at halftime.
The second half provided much
of the same. The Danes, riding the
strong rebounding games of jRobln
Gibson and Wundcrlich mangaccl
Iwo, three even four frustrating attempts at buckets—none falling.
"We simply did nol convert.
Nancy(Halloran) had some
beautiful passes underneath but we
could nol make the basket," said
Albany assistant coach Marl
Albany appeared to fair best
when driving and drawing the foul.
62 percent foul .shooting!15 of 24),
however,put a damper on their
After getting as close as 30-29 on
Wunderlieh's two free throws with
15:4'J on Ihc clock, Ihc Danes began
to rush and force Iheir offense,
resulting in costly turnovers. The
Engineers stretched their lead to
42-33 after 11 minutes had elapsed.
Until then Albany's defense had
been listless, allowiing the easy
basket inside consistently. Playing a
2-3 trap defense the Danes appeared
unable to handle RPI's short, quick
rONTHEpasses, and could not drop into
their 2-1-2 last enough to prevent
the basket at Ihe low post. After
moving into a man-to-man, Head
Coach Amy Kidder and Warner
revised the defense into a regular
2-1-2. Their tough, aggressive style
^aJR F A L W I T E
"We were not recovering enough
alter we lost the ball. They were fast
breaking and we were not picking
the players up," Warner comi\
.... i nki^L
E D U C A T ,a4
Things began happening for Ihe
Danes. Led by Veronica Patterson's
BE. ,
10 second half rebounds, plus that
of Gibson and Wundcrlich, Ihc
Engineer's lead slowly diminished.
The momentum had swung. The
Danes were finally sinking some
Scnioi Laurie Hriggs' hoi
shouting from the top of Ihe key
,.,, • ! „ wriw IIIMIH HWtar Cordl«ll. W Bo« 8835, UrailnjKn HW«, Mloh «S0l» '• IU8B Trlpl. C»o tjqunur. 00 prool. Hlr.n. Wilker« Bono, Inc. Ban Fr.n(.l»oi.. 0*U(.
brought Hie Danes within three with
2:52 remaining. Gibson liil a basket
on a rebound and 30 seconds later
Uelh Suter's jumpci gave the Danes
Athlete of the Week
Continues This Season
A Hiram Walker
course i n
Sees education.
NO sees,
m^3jiL\ __J
Seas AND
National Champions Invade
SUNYAC Basketball Standings
• 1—3
The bnckcourt starters are less
certain. Alternating at point guard
will be sophomore Marty Groginski, .lachim's understudy last year,
and Jeri Morabilo a 5-10 junior.
The fifth starter will most probably
be Nick Boitini a 6-3 junior from
Rome, New York.
With a decided height advantage
in favor of the Bears, the play of
Albany's big men will be that much
more crucial. "Our post men are
going to have all they can handle,"
said Sauers.
But whenever Potsdam and
1 — 10
Albany do battle, there is always,
that something extra. The last time
these two teams met at University
Gym, an emotionally drained
capacity crowd witnessed a thrilling
triple overtime contest that was won
by the Bears 71-70.
"We've had some great great
games the last few years," said
Welsh. "It's been a great rivalry —
always a lull house and great intensity,"
With the SUNYAC divisional title up lor grabs, tomorrow night's
game should continue that tradition.
Hamilton Ends Albany Streak
continued from back page
In the second half the game blew
wide open. Albnny could not
penetrate the C o n t i n e n t a l s '
unyielding zone defense and the ice
cold Danes could not hit the outside
shots they look. John Dicckelman
was their top scorer with 16 points,
sinking seven of 20 shots, but the
usually accurate Dan Crotiticr hit
only four of 15, Mike Gatto was
three for II, Jan Zadoorian only
two for eight and Joe Jcdnak but
one for eight.
In the first ten minutes of the half
Albany could only muster six
points. But while they slumped,
Hamilton was lust getting warmed
up, stretching their advantage to .
50-34 over that period.
The Continentals held on to that
If point margin for five more
minutes and then ran up the score
when Albany substituted heavily
and started fouling them.
Now, after two losses, the Danes
feel they are ready lo begin a new
win streak. But to do so they will
have to beat SUNYAC arch-rival
Potsdam tomorrow night in Univcrsily Gym at 8:30.
"We have to really bounce back
now," said Sauers. "We have to
show what we're made of."
IIAMII rem mi
Hum a M in, Roliinw H J-J iv. Iimnlmm a M
n, KHMa-a iMinyilma I.JV. Kuiinibi i.|s,
i>i„ iin.ii7(..
Iikvuimnn u-l in, tn ••, tn i K. inlnnk i un
a,/jidnKianiIMI4.CIUM) Mn.simmumaa-22.
ihmnnoiMin, racm2iMia, TMHU u «-7 ,«>.
Ilnliilnw Damnum M, Albany!*,
Tar Heels are Tops
Like any great drama, the 1981-82 college basketball season is slowly leading up to its climactic conclusion in March. As the season has
progressed into the new year, we have seen some new characters take
leading roles, while perennial frontrunners have taken a back seat to
the new kids on the block. One notcablc exception to this has been
Dean Smith's North Carolina Tar Heels, who have played a variety of
tough opposition throughout the season, and yet still have a 15-1
As good a season as the undefeated Missouri Tigers have enjoyed
thus far, it is ridiculous to put any team other than the Heels as
number one. In additon to their seven ACC games thus far, Carolina
has played non-conference teams such as NIT champ Tulsa, Pac-10
leader USC, SEC power Kentucky, and other fine teams such as Kansas, Rutgers, South Florida and Santa Clara. In all, Carolina's nonleague opponents, all of whom arc well over .500, sport a record of
100-43, not counting the games they lost lo the Heels. One loss,
especially to a fine team like Wake Forest, should not jar Carolina
from the top spot. The fact that it did shows how inaccurate the polls
actually arc.
• * •
While North Carolina has lived up to their pre-season press clippings, the Louisville Cardinals have not. Picked by many as the leading
challenger to Carolina for the number one ranking, the Cardinals have
fallen upon hard limes, losing three straight games lo drop to an 11-6
record. The Metro Conference race, usually less competitive than a
Russian election, is now a five-horse race with Louisville having an
outside post position, since they have played only one road game, and
have already lost lo Virginia Tech twice. The reason for their
breakdown? The Cardinals, lor all of their fast-breaking, slan,dunking talent, clonot have a good outside shooting team, and in Division I basketball, with the great zone defenses played by very large
people, you have to have a pure shooter or two, and Louisville does
a• *
Recruiting is certainly a major part of college coaching. It can put a
program on the map, and it can also wipe one off the map. At the
beginning of this season, the Georgia Bulldogs were picked to be
among the nation's best teams, and one wise guy(mc) actually picked
them lo win the whole thing. Why7 Because Hugh Durham had done
an outstanding job of bringing in outstanding players, the best of
whom is 6-7 forward Dominique Williams.Without a true center a year
ago, the Dogs finished 19-12, narrowly missing an NCAA bid. Once
again, however, Durham failed to bring in a quality center to go with
power forward Terry Fair, and this season, Georgia is paying for it.
Where SEC schools went out and improved themselves, Georgia has
the same team as last year, and teams have discovered how to exploit
their vulnerable middle. While Durham has done an outstanding job
of bringing in guards and forwards, his failure lo lure a center to
Athens has pin Georgia in the dog house.
*» *
• * *
The defeat was only the Danes'
second in nine games, but it was
also their second in a row. Last
Saturday they were nipped by Cortland in a SUNY Conference game,
71-67. The two teams arc now tied
lor second place in the SUNYAC,
behind Potsdam, with 3-1 records.
Before the losses Albany had won
seven straight, six of them at home.
They avenged an earlier loss to RPI
in the Capital District Tournament
with a 58-50 overtime win in
University Gym. Next up was the
Albany Invitational Christmas
Tournament for the benefit of
charity. The Danes copped their
own tournament, defeating Stony
John Dicckelman (44) and Wilson Thomas (32) defend against Hamilton.
Brook and Buffalo.
The Continentals won 70-56. (Photo: Marc Hcnschcl)
They then destroyed Brockport,
73-46, and topped Union for the second time this season, 63-61. They
continued to pick up momentum as .
they pulled off a 54-51 win over
Division II Harlwick — a feat they
S U N D A Y 3-8pm
had not accomplished in nine years.
Bloodymarys $1.00
The Danes then travelled to
Oneonta and for the second straight
Pitchers Pabst.Genny $2.00
year they overcame the "jinx" that
Michelob $2.50
had plagued them for ten conTUESDAY
secutive years. They won 58-48.
Vodka and Gin mixed drl. ks (
.75 cents
across the street from alumni
- O N T A R I O ST.
Open Dally
For the past few seasons, Big 10 fans have been hailing their conference as the nation's best. This season, however, the slroy is a bit
different, as teams like Michigan, Wisconsin and Michigan Stale have
fallen on hard limes. Purdue is 4-2 in the Big 10, 3-6 outside of it.
Perennial doormat Northwestern, while still near the bottom, has won
two games in the league, and has lost only one league game by more
than five points. While Iowa and Minnesota are as good as anyone,
the other eight have slipped to the point that the Big 10 can not be considered as one of the nalion's two or three best conferences. That
honor belongs to the SEC, ACC, and Big East.
• a *
Closer to home, the Albany Great Danes tackle Potsdam in a key
SUNYAC game Saturday night at 8:30 in University Gym. This game
is the renewal of a rivalry which has seen these two squads play seven
times in the last two seasons, with every game being of great
significance. This season Potsdam, 12-5 overall, is 4-0 in the SUNYAC
East, while Albany is 11-5 overall, 3-1 in the division.
Wichita State
Around the Rim
continued from back page
"It's an important game for the
divisional championship," said
Potsdam head coach Jerry Welsh.
The Bears arc led this season by
6-3 Toward Maurice Woods.
Woods has become the big offensive gun since the graduation of
Rowland. According to Sailers,
Potsdam will be trying to get the
ball to him as they did to Rowland
last year.
Replacing Rowland this season at
center is 6-7 transfer Gary Sparks.
Sparks is a good perimeter shooter
and blocks a lot of shots. "He's
capable of doing a lot of things,"
said Sauers.
Lcroy Wlthcrspoon plays a wing
forward. Last year as a freshman he
made some key shots that helped
the Bears win the national championship, including one with four
seconds left in regulation against"
Albany that sent the (Regional)
game into overtime which Potsdam
cventualy won.
This Weekend's Picks
6 over
7 over
9 over
4 over
Oregon Slate
Season Record; 12-8
On Wednesday February 3,
and Thursday February 4,
Cathy will cut hair or give
any other salon services (except coloring) at
half price
By Appointment Only
142 State Street
Albany.N.Y. 12207
Women Cagers
Page 21
JANUARY 2 9 , 1 9 8 2
Danes Looking to Rebound Against Potsdam
Nat 1 Champion
Bears Invade
Tomorrow Nile
Albany Streak
Stopped With
Hamilton Loss
By L A R R Y K A H N
In their first meeting since last year's
dramatic overtime N C A A East Regional t i tle game, the defending National I champion Potsdam Bears visit Univcrstiy Gym
tomorrow night at 8:30 to take on the
Albany State Great Danes in a critical conference game.
While this year's edition of one o f Division I l l ' s most hotly contested rivalries
lacks the national significance it has had in
recent campaigns, the Bears are currently in
first place with a slim one game lead over
second place Albany and C o r t l a n d .
S U N Y A C supremacy is certainly at stake.
After a successful winter spree that saw
them win seven o f eight games, the high Hying Albany Stale Great Danes came
crashing down to earth on Tuesday night
when they were crushed by Hamilton,
76-50. The Continentals, now 15-2, are
ranked second in the stale and eighth In Ihe
nation in Division I I I . The loss snapped a
16-game home winning streak for ihe 11-5
" I eannol remember gelling beat this bad
al h o m e , " said Albany head basketball
coach Dick Sauers.
You have to go back to December 6, 1980
lo find Ihe last lime Albany even lost in
University Gym — a triple overtime heartbreaker lo the eventual national champion
Polsdam Bears.
Bui on Tuesday Hamilton played as if
they had Ihe home court advantage.
Powered by 6-4
f o r w a r d Charles
Robinson's 19 points and 12 rebounds, and
aided by some horrendous shooting by
Albany, the Continentals led all the way.
" W e should have bad control in the first
half," Sauers said, noting that ihe Danes
had dominated the offensive boards, but
had continually failed to take advantage of
ihe situation. They connected on only 11 of
42 shots in the first half (22 o f 77 in the
game) contrasted with Hamilton's 67 percent shooting that gave them a 32-26
halflime lead.
" A s far as I'm concerned," said Albany
Stale head coach Dick Sauers, "whoever
wins the game is in the driver's seat in the
Because o f thai, tomorrow night's game
takes on even greater Importance than those
memorable regular season confrontations
o f the past. The Hears, 4-1) in the conference
and 12-5 overall, have only losl one regular
season divisional game in the last two years.
But a Dane victory tomorrow would force a
three way tie between Potsdam, Albany,
and Cortland. Albany and Cortland, al 3-1,
are currently lied for second place in the
division. O f course, whichever learn eventually wins Ihe S U N Y A C will receive an
automatic bid to the N C A A tournament
this spring.
cuillllllli'tl on page
Charles Robinson drives toward the hoop in Hamilton's victory over Albany on Tuesday. Saturday night Ihe Danes meet Polsdam in a critical conference matchup. (Photo: Marc llenschel)
continued on page
will return to the line up within a mark of 41 wins set by A l l - Ihal Ihe 118-pounder was an ex- also made a showing in Ihe New
Ameiiean Larry Minis in 1974.
tremely psoitive addition to the York Stale Championships held al
" O n e o f my goals when I first team. " I f he continues lo improve I West Point. Herman and Averill
The young squad, wilh only lluee
" P e r f e c t ! " exclaimed coach Joe
eame lo school here was l o beat that expect him to do well in ihe were the only place winners wilh
DcMeo after watching one of his graduating members, does indeed
record — now I have," said Her- S U N Y A C ' s and the Nationals," fourth and fifth place finishes,
wrestlers perform an exercise in have a bright future. However, Ihe
noted DcMeo.
practice. " N o w , who else.can do il benefits of strong leant depth and
More recently was Ihe Danes'
I lie school records and Averill's
an excellent recruiting program
Nonetheless, ihe leant leader is success were only part of the 25-18 triumph over Division I
Perfection — is Ihal Ihe slage Ihe have already started lo pay off.
well aware o f his standing in the na- rewards received during ihe month Fairlelgh Dickinson . Ihe turning
One of those recruits is Junior
Great Dane grapplers are now appoint of the maleh eame late when
proaching? Perhaps that level will Vic Herman. " V i e is a leadci by ex- tion. He realizes ihal al this lime he long semester break, Olher bonuses
is not the lop wrestler in all the Included six wins and one lie in dual sophomore Dan Jeran recorded a
always remain slightly out of reach, ample and by deed. You certainly
land. "Everything is ahead of me. I meet eompelilion. Ihe vieiories 19-8 (major decision) over his oppobut for DcMco's wrestlers perfec- have to be pleased wilh ihe effort he
have lo peak at Ihe right l i m e , " were scored over Union (40-9), nent giving Albany a 19-18 lead in
has given to us and the school."
tion is closer than ever.
Herman explained. " I l doesn't Williams (31-23), Ollvell (45-9), ihe learn scoring.
Although a good portion of the said DcMeo o f his team captain.
Another n o l e w o r t h y perforIn particular, one deed Herman matter who is ihe best in Ihe nation Colgate (36-12), Norwich (37-12),
season still remains, Ihe squad has
light now, bul il mailers who will and Oneonta (31-18). The lie was mance in ihe battle was turned in by
already etched its name inlo Albany has provided Albany w i l h is
be lite best four weeks from n o w . " will) the University of Central lid Cilcason. Successfully pushing
State's record books. A 13-2-1 another school record. A total of 45
his weight around lo a 2-1 w i n ,
Another recruit is freshman Dave Florida al a score of 22-22.
record gives Ihe 1981-82 varsity dual meet career wins as a Dane
last Weekend some grapplers Gleason is now ihe o n l y ' l e a r n
team more wins in a single dual puts the heavyweight past the old Averill. A 12-1 record gives proof
member to win matches at lour dil
meet seasqn than any other team in
the school's 30 year wrestling
history. Surpassing Ihe mark o f 12
" I can onl> see great mi
wins made by the 1974 team, this
provements," said a modest but
year's squad can only add on lo
confident DcMeo about his squad.
their already impressive achieveAthletic Director Bob Ford is sement,
cond lo none. He has m e n us e\
DcMco's response lo Ihe success
eellenl supporl
w i t h i n ihe
story is one mixed wilh pride,
framework of ihe budget. A n
pleasure, and a touch of bewilderoverall great department can make
ment. "Obviously I am pleased
the difference between good and
with the team, but also a little
championship qualities."
amazed. I knew we had talent, but I
Whether or noi ihe 1981-82
thought we were still a year away
wresiling team has those champion( f r o m this l e v e l ) , " explained
ship qualities has yet l o be deterDcMeo.
mined. Among their more pressing
The coach adds: "Even more
engagements right now is tomoramazing is that we are winning
row's away match with the Univer" without A n d y Seras." Seras, an
sity of Massachusetts, Amherst,
The grapplers have more wins than any previous Dane wrestling learn (13), with several matches remaining.
All-American, has been out with a
and Si. Lawrence.
Their last match was a victory over Division I Fairlelgh Dickenson University. (Photo: Alan Caiem)
severe contusion on his thigh. He
- " 1 1982 J
UNiViik-i.ii' OF NE|V W R K
February 2, 1982
Volume L X V I V Number 2
Library Maintains Nat'l Ranking
by J A C K D U R S C H L A G
SUNYA's uptown library has
been ranked as number 86 o f the
top 101 libraries across the nation,,
dropping from 84th rank in last
year's rating, according to the
Chronicle of Higher Education
Both SUNY al Siony Brook and
SUNY al Buffalo also made the
January 27 lisi, ranking 72 and 31
Library Director Joseph Z.
Nitecki said there were several
reasons for SUNYA's drop in the
ratings, including Ihe addition of
two new libraries — the University
o f California at Irving and the
University of Manitoba — to the
ratings eompelilion.
As further reasons for Ihe rating?
drop, Nitecki cited staff increases in
other libraries while SUNYA library
staff remained the same, as well as
inflation and budget limitations
which limited the amounts o f
periodicals, serials and microfilms
which could be bought.
But S U N Y A ' s library has improved over the past year, as well.
Nilecki said thai the library rrccclved additional points in terms of increased numbers o f volumes
ordered and a rise in books loaned
lo other libraries.
Nitecki explained that the library
rating system is complicated,
Before it can be considered as ranking, a library musi meet several re-
quirements based on an index set up
by the Assoeiaion o f Research
Libraries. For instance, a library is
required lo have al leasi 18 P h . D .
fields within the university.
Once a member of Ihe ranking
systems, the library is evaluated in
10 different categories which include: the library's volume (books)
held; ihe library's volume ordered
(gross); microfilm held; current
serials received; and expenditures
for library materials.
Olher eaiegories include: expenditures for binding; oilier operating
expenses; Ihe number of operating
staff; expenditures for salaries and
wages; and lastly, ihe number of
staff and non-professionals.
Scene from behind the desk a i Ihe uptnv* u library
Although the lihrary dropped two places, // /\ still among the top 100
z\ Telephone Rates Viewed as Stable
i - •. - •
Near Perfect Grapplers Surpass Match Record
State University of New York at Albany
Despite expected increases of up
to 50 percent in phone hills nai ionwide, the effect of the American
Telephone and Telegraph ( A T & T )
Company breakup should be
minimal to SUNYA students,
The recent settlement of a sevenyear-old Justice Department antitrust suit against A T & T promises
to bring sweeping changes in service
and costs for consumers and
businesses, a c c o r d i n g to the
January 25 issue of U.S. News tt
World Report.
However, New York Telephone
representatives felt there will be lit-
tle change in the phone bill foi
students. Service representative J.
Kuka said if there would be an increase, it would only be " a normal
increase that goes lluotigh the
Public Service Commission."
Further, he said the Dial-A-Vtsil
rate (a 40 percent reduced rate for
in-state long distance calls) is not
affected by Ihe breakup.
SUNYA Telephone Coordinator
Karen Ximmers said ihe University
is looking into various possibilities
for future phone service. " I ' m talking lo industry experts about ihe
impaci of ihe breakup, hut it's too
early to know anything," said Ximmers.
Central Council voted December
9 to allocate $21,000 to run electricity lo Camp Dippikill buildings
previously fueled by propane.
The electricity will power the Farmhouse, Garnet! and Birches
Lodge, as well as the future Activity
Center and Showering Complex,
pending the resolution o f one factor—three private homes which
w o u l d run on ihe proposed
Niagara-Mohawk line.
Central Council allocated the
funds on Ihe assumption Ihal these
families would warn lo buy inlo this
line, according lo Central Council
Chair John Suydam.
II ihe families decide not to buy
into ihe line, Suydam explained,
Dippikill " w i l l have lo come back
and ask (Central Council) for more
Bui Suydam feels the mailer is
"pretty much assured."
Camp Dippikill Director Rick
Nelson explained thai electrical
power will help make the Camp
useful year-round.
Central Council also examined
other forms o f power, such as diescl
fuel and wind power, but chose
electricity "because it is the
cheapest, most efficient and easiest
10 maintain" o f the three, said Central Council Finance Committee
Chair Neil Salter.
The electrical line is being installed as part of a five-year improvemenl plan for Camp Dippikill. Also
included in this plan is the const ruelion of three new buildings.
One of Ihe new facilities. Birches
Lodge, was completed last spring
and has been in constant demand
ever since, Camp Dippikill Board
Chair Brian Delf said. Built entirely
out of logs, it sleeps up lo eight people and has a kitchen as well as a
The Activity Center, scheduled
for completion in 1983, will feature
a slage which will be available lo
student bands and performers, said
Suydam said ihe Center " w i l l accomodate parlies and dances for Ihe
weekends. Il is also available for
lectures and workshops during ihe
summer. Ils big kitchen can feed up
10 75 people."
The third building included in Ihe
five-year plan is the Showering
Complex which is lo be completed
in the summer of 1984. Delf said
" t h e Camp Board is looking into
indoor plumbing for this facility
which is now at the groundbreaking
Long distance rates will be subject to a slower rise in rales, as Bell
Telephone is faced with increasing
competition from private phone
companies. Customers can also anticipate new types of phone services, such as more sophisticated
wireless portable phones, as local
companies modernize their operations.
The development of home computer systems will receive a boost,
U.S. Newt A World Report stated
as Bell enters the field. Finally,
A T & T stockholders will probably
benefit as ihe firm is freed from
subsidizing its local operations,
making it a more profitable
SUNY Student Leaders
Convene at Brockport
Council Sees the Light:
Dippikill Electrified
Business Service Representative
Debbie Hunt said ihey have received no specifics or dales on any
changes in rates or services. " I t is
hard to tell what will happen," she
said, adding that A T & T has five
months in which to file a divestiture
plan with the Justice Department.
Following approval of ihe plan,
A T & T will have 18 months lo break
off from Ihe local linns that serve
SO percent o f the nation's telephone
According lo U.S. Newsdt World
Report. A T & T expects local rates to
double over the next five years since
local firms will lose subsidies from
their parent company, necessitating
costly equipment updating.
|ilmlii: \m« ( nl
( ( ( h a i r John Simhim
Sure ol plan
See Back
The proposed $150 dorm rent
bike, the 1982-83 SUNY Budget
and student lobbying techniques
will be among the concerns of studcni leaders from over 28 SUNY
campuses when they mccl this
weekend al Ihe Student Association
o f Ihe State University (SASUl conference al S.U.C. Brockport.
The conference will run from Friday through Sunday.
SUNY Chancellor Clifton Wharlon is expected to address the
students on Friday evening.
" W h a r t o n will run into some
controversy al the conference" according lo SASU representative Jim
Tierncy. " M e doesn't really defend
the Slate University and what he
says to students is very different
from the actions he has taken,"
Tierncy said,
" F o r the past three years the
Chancellor has been fighting for
things other than the students'
needs," says Scott Wcxler, SASU
Governance Advisor.
Wcxler said, "many students feel
the Chancellor has been helping the
governor erode the SUNY system
and that he has catered to the needs
of the corporate w o r l d . "
SASU Executive Vice President
for Campus Affairs Dave Pologe
said, " a n important part of the conference will be to Id Ihe students
from Ihe other campuses know
aboul ihe February Ifi rally." The
rally is planned l o protest the proposed rent hike and cuts in the
SUNY budget at SUNY Central.
o r the 64 SUNY schools, only the
University centers and four-year
colleges are SASU members. SASU
President Dave Wysnewski said he
plans lo introduce a proposal to
change ihe by-laws that would
allow community colleges to be
members >f SASU. " I t ' s a change
Ihal is way overdue for S A S U , "
Wysnewski said.
SASU policy for the upcoming
year will be decided at the conference, and, according to SASU
Communications Director Marilyn
Appleby, some new members may
be appointed to the Executive Committee.
Other speakers include New York
City Council Member Gilberto
Gerena-Zalcntin; Nancy Ross; and
A F L - C I O member Ed Rothstein.
Wysnewski expects as many as 60
participants at the conference. The
students will be housed on campus
at Brockport.