'Greatest Living Coach Page 19 Tuesday November 13, 1 9 8 l ! "Experienced" Grapplers Seek Improvement Five Returning National Qualifiers to Lead Squad by Mark Gesner While wrestling is commonly referred to as an "individual's s p o r t , " this year's Albany men's varsity wrestling team boasts an entire' roster of sporting individuals. Returning to the 1981-82 squad arc all five o f last season's national qualifiers, not the least o f which i* A11-American Andy Scras. the finest athletes a t t e n d i n g S U N Y A . In last season's National Collegiate Athletic Association ( N C A A ) Division 111 tournament he broughl home a second place finish—losing In his opponent by a mere point in overtime. Scras' goal for this season is to pin that prestigious l i i s l pnlce title in i l k NCAA's. There's no doubt to the truth o f Coach Joe OcMco's words that the Danes " l o o k l o be an exciting (cam." Ii is iil.so quite probable thai the grnpplcis will improve on last year's dual meet record o f 7-1.1, a record which earned them only a fifth place among (he S U N Y A C schools. The oiliei four national qualifiers were Vic H e r m a n, Spe io Thcufilaios, Dill I-ndies, and Mtiik Cioossens. As a leant and as individuals, the Danes have aheady stalled lo show signs o f impiovcnicni, This past weekend in lite Syuietise Open, one of the louuliesi and higgesl Willnaments in (he liast, Albany had eight men to win ai least one match—this was computed to lasi year's two, However, as DeMeo points out, the wrestlers were a much bellei tournament team than a dual meet team. This factor was the result of Albany having the two or three lop notch contenders to bring in I lie big points in the tourneys, but not the depth needed lo win the dual meets. Although a young squad, the Danes will pit I a good nttmhei of experienced competitors out on the mat. Seras, now only a sophomore, was an Ail-American as a fresh man a id can easily he considered one of Three Dane giapplets displayed especially i m t c w o i I by pel l o t nianccs. Supbojiioie |*d Cileason won three matches, and withstood elimination until the quartet finals. At this level he was defeated by Gary Segal—the eventual wimiei o f the weight class. Segal, a l o p leu Division 1 wiesllei, also beat Seras in i he finals of the compel it ion. The Stale University of New York at Albany copyright © 1981 by THE ALBANY STUDENT PRESS CORPORATION Albany star was up 2-1 in the match, but the opponent lurncd around with less than seven seconds left on ihc clock, and was the 5-2 victor. Co-captain Herman reached the very lop o f the tourney, as he brought home a firs I place finish in the heavyweight division. He conquered opponent Dave Armcngau o f Syracuse by a score o f 4-2. One o f the keys l o rhe dual niccl season will be lo see how quickly the newcomers can gain I lie necessary experience lo be effective on ihe Intercollegiate level, according to DeMeo. Somcwhal unlike his passive coach, Seras lakes a much nunc oplimisilc view. " W e are on an up year—'barring injuries, we should lake a second place oui of ihe S U N Y A C lentils." He continued lo say ihc "We looked super as a leant in the Syiacusc Touiiui* nieni." U.S. Army Captain Rex Osborne Homosexuality "is a medical disqualification" I SCOUTING BCPOBT was lucky. For litem lite chance, however slim, was there until tltey lost i o liiuhly-iaiikcd A l f r e d just (wo weeks ago. For New Haven il has been a rough season. A ncwcomei io ihc Division II ranks litis year, lltcy have uilled up a 4-3-2 record, bin il has been a si niggle. " W e have had our hands f u l l , " said New Haven head coach T o m Bell. " W e are primarily a freshman leant. Il has cost us no end o\ consiernalion — we've (undo a lot ol freshman mistakes." Tomorrow, when ihe two tennis meet in New Haven in ihe season finale ii won't be ihc playoffs dial will be on the line. "Pride is the hie i h i i i g , " .said Albany bead coach Hob I o n l . " I think you w'anl to do ihe besi job you possibly can all ihc time. It would be awfully nice.io end with iwo wins in any season," Foi the Danes io pick up thai second win they will probably have to slow down one o\' ihe holies! passers in Division I I . Sophomore Danes hope (o wrap up (lie season with pride as they travel to New quarterback M a n Ready, who is Haven tomorrow. (Photo: Marc Hensehel) sometimes referred io as by Dean B e l / Activists from S U N Y A ' s Gay and Lesbian Alliance ( G A L A ) say they plan l o meet with university officials next week l o prepare a grievance againsi ihe policies ol' the campus 1 fledgling ROTC Extension Center. According to Michael M c P a i l l i n , a former G A L A president and prcscnl steering committee member, he and Beth B r i l l , a G A L A member, were planning lo meet witb Dean of Student Affairs Neil Brown, Assisiani Dean John Shu mo k LI . and othei administration officials ncxi Monday ' o discuss what ihc gay and lesbian activists sec as ihc ROTC program's conflict wllh university policy. University policy prohibits discrimination on the basis o f sexDepartment o f Defense policy — il ual or affcclional preference. (homosexuality) is a medical disMcPaillin claims that Ihc A d - qualification. This is policy from vanced ROTC program excludes ihe Surgeon General — it's way gays and lesbians. " T h e military beyond u s . " already has a clearly anti-gay policy Osborne said he may be permit.. . . litis is manifested in Ihe ted to drop homosexual students dismissal o f gays from the military from ROTC classes because o f their and ihc (ROTC) commissioning sexual orientation. Number 4.c. o f anil scholarship processes — which ihc March 1981 cross-registration specifically exclude lesbians and agreement extending Army ROTC gays." from RPI io S U N Y A stales dial Ihe U.S. A1111 y Ca p i a I'll Rex university agrees l o , "enroll all Osborne, head oi Rcnssclaci S U N Y A students who desire io Polytechnic Inslliulc's ROTC Ex- cross-register in ROTC and who tension Center ai S U N Y A , did not meet the eligibility requirements for ROTC enrollment as set forth in deny the gay and lesbian activists' charges ihai ROTC* discriminates Army Regulation 145-1, and upon against homosexuals for commis- wlune enrollment the Professor o f continued on pane thirteen sions and scholarships, " i t ' s Funding, Eligibility of Pell Grants is Uncertain Led by last year's freshman All-Ameriean, Andrew Seras, the Grapplers bous I experience this year. (Photo: M i k e Fuller) Only Pride Remains as Banes Face New Haven by Larry Kuhn Pride. It's a word frequently used in spoils, but only because it's so relevant. The.driving force behind all athletes is the chance to be lbe besi. When thai chance no longer exisls, only piide is lefi lo moiivnic them io win. Willi the football season winding down, I oi most tenuis ihe chance io be ihe besi is a fading memory. |*"oi many teams ii was jttsi a il renin, The Albany Siaic football leant 'Volume LXVIII Number 39 ROTC Faces Charges by Alliance A modest Coach DeMeo explains that there are still " l o t s o f question marks" amongsi I be Dane ranks. " W e have a lot o f young people willi noi much experience," said DeMeo. The grapplers will have a chance to show iheii lalctits lo ihe home etowd |oi the liisl time litis season tomorrow as Albany hosts " T h e Great Dane Classic." •Slarllng ai 10:30 in ihe main gym, 230 wrestlers fioin ibe niajoi powets in ihe Rasi will be competing lor honors in this piesligiotis loin tinmeni, November 17, 1981 PRESS Franchise," has already broken the New Haven career record for passing yardage in his fit si eight games. Ready has completed 130 o f 280 passes for 1(M4 yards and 16 touchdowns i o rank New Haven fifth in passing offense in Division II. New Haven's offensive attack tevolves mound ihc pass. Font tccciseis have eaugbl at least 20 passes and gained .100 yards oi more. Realty's favorite I urge I is spin end Bruce Barren, who has made 41 receptions foi 6ti.<i yards and eight touchdowns. Tailback Mark Ciiordani has eaugbl 31 passes for 427 yards and has also rushed for 210 more. Ralph Pacillco anil Jay Maull have caught 24 and 20 passes, respectively. Fred DiRia/o is ihe loam's leading rusher with 477 yards. " T h e y ' r e jusi a passing offense," said Albany assisiani coach T o m Whiieley. " T h e y ' l l Ihrow the ball ai leasl 60 percenl o[ ihe game." Protecting Ready is a tremendous offensive line, probably the biggest Albany faces. Tackles John Hurley and Jim Vendetto weigh in around 250 pounds and the guards, John Alosky and Pele Cassltly are aboui 225 each. Lasl week, in a 24-14 winning effon over Coasi Guard, the quintet did noi allow a sack. Bui as a mill Albany's defense has excelled a: piessutinu the quarterback whh .*- sneks to then crcdii thisyeni. Ihe Danes will need io ret the hie pass tush loinon ow so thai Ready's reeeheis don'i gel loo much lime to run Iheii paiieius. " T h e y spread ilieii receivers o u t , " nolcd Ford. " I t ' s \ e i y difficult to double covet any ol "The t h e m . " " W e ncccl a good game from all ^\' o u r defensive backs and linebackers as fai as coverage goes," Whiieley added. "They're going io come out ( h i o w i n g . " It's on defense, though, where New Haven's inexperience begins to show. "Defensively we have been extremely porous ibis year," admii ted Hell. " riicy're noi the toughesi defen sive unii we'll lace litis year," said Whiieley. " U p the middle lliey not ieall\ that sliong, If we can move litem out we should ha\ good inside attack." The one defensive New Haven playei oi' note is Miles MePlierson Last year the speedy safely was selected as second-team A l l American aflei selling a new school record for tackles. He has 22 caieei iniereeplious. MePlierson will probably spend most o f his time covering Albany's deep lineal, split end Bob Brien Brien, a sophomore, has 22 receptions ibis year — jusi iwo shy o f the Dane record. W i l l i a less than average defense and a "very weak" kicking game, Hell is noi expecting loo much front his young squad. " 1 guess you would have to eonsidci us heavy underdogs againsi a learn like A l b a n y , " be said. " W e ' r e hopiny that the freshmen can lise to ihe occasion." " W e ' d like to end the season on a winning n o i e , " said Whiieley. " I i would he a pielly respectable season if we finished ai 7-3." *".We have had some gieat wins ihis yeai and a couple o\ hoirctidiHis losses," Fold added, " B u i the last game son of stands in your mind tor awhile." by Steve Gusset i The future o f Pell Grams looks grim this week, as the Reagan A d ministration seeks to trim the largest federal student-grant program by seven percenl, while forces in Congress push to hold the line at I Ii is year's levels, or increase them even further. The Reagan Administration, as part o f its across-the-board budget cuts, has proposed 1982-83 Pell Grant (formerly Basic Educational Opportunity Gram) funding o f $2,187 billion, down from Ihis vcar's $2,346 billion allocation. However, Robert Stafford (R-Vermoni), Cliaii o f Ihe Senate " U n d c i normal circumstances, Edutalion Subcommiiicc, feds ihai lhat would lie Ihe case," Dallas "$2.65 billion is as low as il can Martin, president o f ihe National g o , " according l o staff member Association for Student Financial Glenn Gersharcek. A i d Administrators, said. "There is a likelihood we could receive Ihc But thai figure is noi likely lo relesser a m o u n t . " main intact. The House lias provid" T h e budgel process is in such a ed for $2.52 billion in its version ol' stale o f confusion as I have never Ihc budget, whije Ihe Senate A p seen," Bob Aaron o f Ihc American propriations Commiiiee is reportedly favoring almosi ihe same Council for Education commented. Also under discussion is the amount as this year. amount o f discretionary income Bui higher education groups arc families would he required l o connot resting easy, fearing the Reagan tribute towards college. Currently, proposal could w i n , instead o f ConI lie level is 10.5 percenl. The higher gress splitting Ihe difference betthe percentage reaches, ihc I'cwct ween the Iwo figures. (he iiumhci o f students thai would qualify for Pell Grants, as Ihe maximum family income foi eligibility would be reduced accordingly, Educalion Depart meni figures estimate lhal 400,000-840,000 students would be disqualified. Aaron disagreed, saying " w i t h all One Education Department prothe cutbacks, more than one million posal ealls for a 40 percent con- sludenis will have l o change plans tribution, limiting: grams l o families or simply drop out of -school.!' earning no more than $16,000; For those w h o remain eligible another proposal with greater Con- next year, ihc maximum Pelf Grant gressional support calls for a con- award will be increased lo $1,800 tribution o f between I I and 25 per- f r o m $1,670, a figure generally cenl. Families earning u p t o agreed upon in Congress, Dave $23-24,000 a year would be eligible, Morse o f Ihc Senate Educalion said M a r t i n . Subcommiiicc staff said. If either proposal is approved, " T h a i only puts us back lo where large numbers o f students will no we were three years ago, when it longer be eligible for Pell Granls. was $1,800," M a r t i n noled. Pologe Vetoes Pay Cut Bill by .luilii' Eisenbcrg SA President Dave Pologe vetoed Sunday the Ccnlral Council bill which would have decreased from $3.35 to $3 per hour the pay talc o f several SA employees. " I am dead set againsi the issue (of paying employees sub-minimum wage)," said Pologe. " A n d I couldn't take part in any way, shape or form in letting il pass." After Central Council passed ihis bill lasl Wednesday, affecting all SA secretaries, Legal Services secretaries, Contact Office staff and Gel-Away Bus coordinators, Pologe had the choice o f signing Ihe bill, vetoing i t , or taking no action, in which case Ihe bill would aulomalieally pass in six days. added. Yet Pologe said he has spoken lo many sludenis who have been overw h e l m i n g l y in f a v o r o f SA employees receiving m i n i m u m wage. He also pointed lo the fact 1 that stipends for tile SA president, vice president, controller, and Central Council chair were raised approximately $250 ihis yeai, while Ihe newly-created position o f director o f student programming was allotted a greater stipend than would have been available lasl year, before ihe raise. The resolution "makes no menPologe fell this, as well as Ihe SA employees may gel minimum wage SA President Pologe vetoed bill allowing lion o f minimum wage," Suydam continued on paw thirteen tion Ccnlral Council signed lasl year, s u p p o r t i n g the s t r i k i n g Ramada Inn workers. " 1 think it's very hypocritical for SA to take a pro-labor stand and then turn around and refuse to lake a pro-labnr stand with ils own employees," said Pologe. " T h e resolution lias nothing lo do with i l , " Suydatn contended. He explained the resolution merely supported the workers' slrikc for heller pay, more days o f f and longer vacations and encouraged sludenis to help. Women Demonstrate at Pentagon Central Council Chair John Suydatn was disappointed with Pologe's action, saying, " i t would have been better if Dave (Pologe) let ii lake affect without signing i t . " "Central Council aheady made ils decision by an 18-10 v o l e , " Suydatn continued, explaining that the bill next returns to Central Council, where it must be supported by a majority o f votes lo pass. W A S H I N G T O N , D.C. (AP) About 2,000 .singing, chanting women, mostly youthful, virtually encircled the Pentagon in an antinuclear demonstration today, stringing a thin coid around the pciiuictci of tlic giant building in wliai sonic o f them called a " w e b o f peace." " I t ' s jusi repetitive to bring il up a g a i n , " said Suydam. "There's no new I n f o r m a t i o n , " However, Pologe said, since lasl Wednesday he has found a resolu- Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger, described by Ihe Pentagon as supporting " i h e right o f free speech and peaceful assembly," ordered a reduction in the number of special civilian guards who had been assigned to shield ihe department from Ihe demonstration. Tile size ol the Federal Protective Service force was reduced from 238 lo aboui 175, the Pentagon said. Tlie demonstrators, organjzed by a group calling itself the Women's Pentagon Action, generally confined themselves to chanting, singing and stringing the cord. Five women were reported by security officers to have been ar- rested on charges ol' destroying public properly after they hurled a blood-like substance against Ihe Pentagon steps ami pillars. Much o f ihc demonstrating group was concentrated at the Pentagon's river entrance, directly below Weinberger's office suite. Blue-coaled guards confronted young women pressing against police lines. Some young women sal down on Ihc pavement and Ihc stairs leading inio the Pentagon and several were Pimm: Will Vurmin sub-minimum lifted Bodily by police and parried into the building. I l was not known whether they would be charged or jusi released, as has sometimes been Ihc practice in pasl demonstrations. Officials said Weinberger saw the young women arrive in a long parade about 10a.m. EST but there was no indication o f his reaction olhei than lhal he "asked thai the guards be reduced and hopes that ihe demonstration will be withoul incident." In addition t o opposition to nuclear weaponry, the signs and the songs indicated the demonstrators were protesting any U.S. Involvement in El Salvador, alleged racism, alleged sexism and a variety o f other matters. November 17, 1981 or out o f the United States by the Soviet national airline f r o m N o v , 21 through N o v . 28. Aeroflot has two round trip- flights a week between Washington and Moscow with arrivals and departures on Tuesday and Sunday.^ The Federal Aviation Administration said Acroflot's assigned route stretches generally from Prc^quc Isle, Maine, over Hyannisporl, Mass., and New York. Cily and on to Washington. Neither the State Deparlmcnt nor the C A B would say what "sensitive areas" were overflown during ihc Nov. 8 flights. But F A A officials said the planes flew over parts o f southern Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut that arc not pari of Iheir assigned routes. Would CApsuUs Unemployment Rate Rising WASHINGTON, D.C (AP) In the administration's gloomiest forecast yet, one of President Reagan's .leading economic advisers says the unemployment rate may go as high as 9 percent before the nation begins working its way out of recession. Murray Weidenbaum, chairman of the Council of PSC Opens Hearings Economic Advisers, conceded Sunday that the jobless rate " c o u l d conceivably" reach the 9-pcrccnl peak of the 1974-75 recession — the highest in Ihc post-World , War I I period. That would mean approximately 9.5 million people out o f work, the most since the average for 1939. But Weidenbaum said he still strongly expects " o n e of the most vigorous periods of economic growth In recent years" by the second half o f 1982 as Reagan's policies start taking effect. •" Unemployment climbed to 8 pcrccnl in October, meaning about 8.5 million people were oul o f work. After the government reported that rise from September's 7.5 percent rate, ilic administration, which had been predicting unemploymenl would peak ai aboul 8 pcrccitl, acknowledged ils forecast was overly optimistic. A L B A N Y , N.Y. (AP) Should construction continue on a nuclear power planl thai is a decade behind schedule, billions o f dollars over budget and which will generate electricity that may nol be needed? New YorkStaic's Public Service Commission will convene 11 days o f hearings on lhal question here in December. Opponents o f new U.S. power plants in general, and of nuclear plants in particular, call il an acid lest or whether Americans will have the power of controlling utility construction and spending the rcsl of this century. " T h i s case is an immense precedent," said Michael Oppcnhcimcr of Ihc Environmental Dercn.se Fund, one o f several groups and stale agencies lighting against completion o f Ihe Nine Mile Point 2 Project. The hearings will concern Ihe 43 perccnl-complelcd Nine Mile Point 2 nuclear project localcd near Oswego, N.Y., on a blufr overlooking Lake Ontario. When construclion was begun in 1974 by Ihe Niagara Mohawk Power Corp., upstate New York's largest utility, the cost o f t h c 1,080-mcgawall planl was l o b e $381.7 million and Ihc projected completion dale was 1977. The latest projections by Niagara Mohawk, wchich has since been joined in Ihc endeavor by four other private utilities, is that the planl will be completed in 1986 al a cost o r $3.7 billion — a \ , 4 0 0 pcrccnl increaseover Initial estimates. Sailors Soak Up Radiation N O R F O L K , Va. (AP) The Navy has confirmed a report that sailors on ships carrying nuclear weapons soak up radiation, bul maintains Ihc levels they get " c a n be compared with radiation exposures lo workers in the thousands o f hospitals handling radioactive materials." The Navy was commenting in response lo a Sunday stroy in the Norfolk Virginian-Pilot that reported on a radiation study presented at a closed committee session o f the House o f Representatives by Dr. Charles Gilbert, Ihc acting deputy assistant Energy secretary for nuclear materials. Unions Shun Reagan N E W Y O R K , N.Y. ( A P ) Presidenl Reagan, conspicuously not invited to address an A F L - C I O convention whis week, is trying lo "reach o u l " lo labor by inviting federation President Lane Kirkland and the group's policymakers to meet with him in the Oval Of• rice. Robert Bonilati, special assistant lo Ihc president lor public liaison, said late Sunday Ihe invilation was delivered over the weekend to Kirkland, in town for today's opening session o f Ihc convention, Bonitatl declined lo say whether there was any response from Kirkland, who has been bitterly critical of adminisirailoti economic and labor policies. Gilbert told Ihc committee in March lhal Ihc problem is most severe on ships where sailors must sleep in the same rooms or adjacent l o rooms where nuclear weapons arc stored. The newspaper's transcript contained no elaboration and congressmen did not question Gilbert on the subject. He declined to discuss it with the paper by telephone. China Tells Woes to {/.S. P E K I N G , China (AP) Chinese officials told a U.S. delegation today that China faces greal economic problems and needs foreign investors, technology and money. Vice Prcmeicr Bo Yibo made Ihc statements at Ihc openings of the Sino-U.S. Joinl Economic Committee and at a welcoming banquet for U.S. Treasury Sect clary Donald T . Regan, who heads the American delegation. Regan arrived Sunday. He Kiid China lags in light industry and agriculture, and is beset by poor management, scanty consumer goods and high produclion cosls. It was believed ihc first lime a high-ranking Chinese official has publicly enumerated China's economic problems to the United Stales. Admissions o f individual problems have been made before. In his keynote address lo ihe convention, Kirkland said the president is being called a great communicator. " B u t so were many other heads o f state whose policies left suffering and distress in their w a k e , " be said. Presidents have traditionally been invited to address the biennial convention, bul A F L - C I O leaders, citing Reagan's firing o f striking ait traffic controllers, decided nol lo ask Ihc President lo come. r -— CAMPUS BR.EFS Hinckley Attempts Suicide The Mets Strike Back W A S H I N G T O N . D . C (AP) John W . Hinckley Jr., accused in the shooting o f President Reagan, jammed Ihc lock o f his cell door and hanged himself for three to five minutes before federal marshals reached through a cell window and cul him down, the Justice Department said today. Department spokesman T o m DcCair said, " W believe he jammed Ihc lock with a piece of cardboard" Sunday afternoon. DcCair said Hinckley, who tried lo hang himself with a rolled up fatigue jacket, was in Ihc Fort Meade, M d . , army post hospital today and has a breathing tube in his throat, which has prevented "him f r o m speaking. There was " D a m n Yankees," there was " T h e Empire Strikes B a c k , " and now " T h e Mets Strike Back." A modern adaptalion or Ihe musical comedy " D a m n Yankees," ihe play centers around a middle-aged, dcvolcd Mets Ian, who sells his soul lo the devil. In return, he becomes a young baseball hero, Joe Hardy, who leads Ihc Mels lo the World Scries against those " D a m n Yankees." The Mels will be "striking b a c k " this Thursday, Saturday and Sunday in Ihe Colonial Quad Catacria, starting at 8:30 p.m. each night. DeCair said earlier that marshals had seen Hinckley, '26, begin the suicide try at 4:55 p.m. Sunday. Tickets arc $1.75 with lax card and $2.50 without, Proceeds go lo lelclhon '82 and Colonial Quad Board. Soviet Flights Suspended W A S H I N G T O N . D . C (AP) The Civil Aeronautics Board Monday ordererd a week-long suspension of Soviet commercial flights into the United Slates because two Aeroflot planes recently flew outside assigned routes while over U.S. territory. The action was taken after the State Deparlmenl complained that the two Aeroflot jetliners "overflew sensitive areas o f southern New E n g l a n d " during flights N o v . 8 contrary to U.S.-Soviet aviation agreements. C A B spokesman Ted Lopatkiewicz said the board advised the Soviet airline that no flights will be allowed in For Freshmen Only Upperclassman, beware! Effective Fall 1982, English Composition (Eng 100) has been approved as a course in which only freshmen may enroll. Current students who arc unable lo regisler for Ihe course for Ihc 1982 spring semester, will be guaranteed ' the opportunity to register lor Eng 100 or an equivalent writing course by Spring 1984 if they complete and turn in with their registration packet a form included in their pre-registration packet. ^ pnce.llie number of sludcnls unable lo registcrjar.. .LOS A N G E L E S , Calif. ( A P ) Polish businessman : Marian Zacharski was found guilty Monday or conspiring with an American aerospace engineer lo commi! espionage. Zacharski, 30, offered no derense lo ihc charge or conspiracy, which was supported by testimony fron William Holdcn Bell, a Hughes Aircraft Corp. engineer who admitted passing secrets l o ihc Polish government through Zacharski for $95,000. His attorney, Ed Sladum, said he hoped government officials might be interested in arranging an exchange of Zacharski for an unspecified American prisoner held in Poland. The govcmmcnl said Ihe two men arranged for overseas espionage mcelings between Bell and Polish agents. Stadum conceded that ihe mosl dcvaslaiing evidence against his client was a secret tape recording made In Bell as he and Zacharski discussed plans for Ihc passimor folurc secret data lo the Poles. Bell pleaded guilts •earlier in connection with ihc case. Page Three Albany Student Press Spy Found Guilty OCA Question Goes to Committee by Lisa Mirabella The bill proposed to Central Council ( C O that would replace Ihe current OIT-Cainptis Association (OCA) Director, Mark Dunlca, with three student stal'fpersons was discussed yesterday at a meeting ol' the CC Internal Affairs Committee. The proposed bill includes an additional $3,000 lo be budgeted lo O C A programming. There was some question al Ihc meeting aboul O C A ' s responsibility for programs and events. Dunlca said, " O C A shouldn't he a catch-all lor all the needs of the off-campus sludcnls. It is an advocacy organization," Although Ihc committee did not vote on Ihc bill, they discussed ways lo gel student input on Ihe issue o f how OCA might be re-organized. According to Committee Chair A m y Adelman, the committee will send a questionnaire to off-campus students to find oul what they expect of O f f Campus Assoeialion, and how they Would like lo see it run. Adelman said an open nieeling regarding the issue is scheduled for November 20 at 4:30 p.m. in the SA office. SA Presidenl Dave Pologe originally proposed the bill because ol' what he saw as a conflict o f interest between Dunlca's involvement wilh ihe Citizens Parly and O C A . Pologe said ihe sludcnls were confused during Ihe reccni-elections about OCA's relationship wilh Ihe Citizens Party. Pologe said lie was also concerned with the lack o f student involvement in O C A and fell there should be mote programming from the organization. Adelman said she lell O C A does noi receive funds io nllow for much programming al present. To the question of mote student involvement i Adelman replied, " W e all want to help make offeanipus students become more a pan o f the organization ( O C A ) . I don't think the answer is lo replace the director Willi three sludcnls." O C A Director M a r k Dunlea OCA . "rls an advocacy organization' pllllfti: Hull I ruicirll Carey Signs Spending Bill A L B A N Y , N.Y. (AP) The final acl in handing over conIrol o f more than $10 billion in federal funds to the slate Lcgislalure occurcd Monday as Gov. Hugh Carey signed the largest single spending bill ever approved by state lawmakers. The 44-page bill details how New York's share of the federal budget pic should be spcnl, marking Ihe first lime in more than a century that Ihe Lcgislalure has mandated how federal funds should be allocated in the stale. The spending package — approved in last month's special legislative session — ranges from giant allocations or $5.3 billion for Medicaid payments lo $600 for Ihc L . M . Joscpthal Fund for "cash awards and an annual Irophy for Ihc naval mililia o r New Y o r k . " Il also allows Ihe shift or aboul $20 million meant In help poor people pay their healing bills into a program lo keep such things as day-care and senior citi/ens centers open. Libyans Out of Chad N ' D J A M E N A , Chad (AP) Withdrawal or all Libyan troops ftom Chad was to be completed today, Ihc Libyan news agency J A N A reported. Zairian paratrooper'., ihc first o r a pan-African peacekeeping force, have arrived l o lake iheir place. A b o u l 300 Zairian Iroops arrived Sunday and were camped at the city's main army base. The paratroopers arc Ihe first o f an estimated 6,000 soldiers from sis African stales — Zaire, Nigeria, Togo, Guinea, Senegal and Benin, to be sent in by Ihe Organization of Aft lean Unity. Col. Moammar Khadafy's Libyan soldiers entered Chad lo crush rebels and back President Goukouni Oucddic's government during a civil war 11 months ago. Goukouni ordered the Iroops oul late last month. J A N A said the Libyan soldiers would receive a heroes welcome for performing a "historic and humanitarian role by ending Ihc Chadian civil w a r . " Eng 100 is k n o w n , specific plans will be "made io reserve places for Ihesc sludcnls in either Eng 100 or one or the new W r i t i n g Intensive courses being developed lor Ihe General Education Program. Sludcnls completing the form at registration will be seni more detailed Information early next semcsler. I f students pre-regislered before the forms were available at prc-registralion, they may complete a form requesting Eng 100 in Dr. Leonard Lapinski's office, ULB36 (CUE) through November 25, 1981. Some College Presidents Duck the Tight Budget M A R Q U K T T E , M I (CPS) As all ol Michigan's stale colleges and universities stagger lo cope wilh massive stale hudgcl cuts thai have forced lay-offs and curricula cutbacks, al leasl four university presidents have gotten raises. Most recently, it was belatedly disclosed that John X . Jamrlch, presidenl of 1'iiiancially-bclcagucrcd Northern Michigan University, recently got a 12'/r percent pay hike even as ihe slate lcgislalure slashed N M U ' s hudgcl by $679,000. The university's Board of Control awarded Jamrlch ihc raise in mid-September, bin did nol reveal Ihe increase until the story broke in late October in the campus newspaper. " I ' v e never seen people here so riled up over something," says student government President Steve Fawccll. " T h e community is angry, the faculty and staff are angry, the students are angry." Similiar reactions followed chief excel live pay raises al other public colleges in Michigan, probably Ihe mosl fiscally-troubled state In Ihe nalion. The aulo industry depression has disrupted the entire stale economy, cut lax revenues, and forced state legislators lo slash ap- propriations lo siale schools. Nevet iheless, U nisei si I y *>f Michigan Presidenl Harold Shapiro received a five percent pay raise last spring, shonly before announcing that hudgcl cuts would force Ihe university lo close ils geography department and dramatically reduce its work force. Western Michigan's John Bctnhai'd goi a hotly-contested ten petcc.nl hike, while Michigan State Presidenl Cecil Mackey was given two increases in as many months last summer, despite a selfproclaimcd state ol' economic emergency on ihc campus. Michigan and Michigan Siaic's budgets were cul by some $4.6 m i l l i o n each, while Western Michigan Sustained a $1.4 million loss. By contrast, Eastern Michigan University President John Poller refused a pay Increase this year', while ihc entire administrative staff at Central Michigan — including President Harold Abel — declined their scheduled salary boosts. Eastern's budget was cul by $1.1 million. Central lost $954,000. "Everyone was very upset" with Ihe pay raise accorded Western Michigan's Ucrnhaid, according lo Ihe double hike for Michigan Stale's Mackey makes him ihe slide's highest public official — surpassing even Goveinoi William Millikcu — at a salary exceeding $88,000 a year. A senior cdiiot of MSU's newspapei laments, " W e ' v e got secretaries and other stall workcts here who arc paid so low they have to sell plasma anil even go on welfare just lo survive. Is that any time lo give yourself a pay raise?" " I t ' s Ihc liming of the thine lhal bothers us more rlrarr anything else," says Northern Michigan student government President Fawccll. "Things are extremely tough in Michigan al lire moment. The economy is on the rocks." " W e ' v e hail budget cuts here left and r i g i d , " he says. "Jamrich keeps spouting rhctoiic aboul how wc all have io pull logclher, and all ihai hoo-ltah. He's been advocating everyone lake payless paydays, advocating bigger-si/eel classes lo cut down of faculty, Is this the moment lot him ti) accept a raise?" " T h i s is the first pay increase l ) i . Jatntich has had since 1977," pinlests Paul Siimi, university news d h c c i o i , " H e nulled down Increases each of lire past I luce ycnis. He's lire longest letllllcd piesident in Michigan, yet he only tanks fifth in letnis of salary." "Dt. J a m i i e h has lot gone $43,(KX) in incicnscs be could have h a d , " Stimi says, noting thai all faculty anil slnlT accepted proportionally comparable raises dining the same period. " D r . Jamrich has put $21,(KX) of bis own money into a scholarship hunt, and also contributed to arts " l o o k , il's for a good cause," I.ori persuaded as she dragged mc up ihe stairs to ihc Campus Cenlei Ballroom Friday night. " A n d , besides, il's a good way lo lose weigh I . " I tried explaining lo my suilemaie that this wouldn't work, lhal I had two lell feel and my doctors said I would never be able lo dance. However, somehow we \im\^\ up joining the 138 people and approximately 300 non-sponsored participants in Telethon's Third A n - uual 24-1 brut Dance Marathon. I.ori raced onto ihc ballroom floor, seemingly unafraid of Ihe numbers o f twisting, jumping, kicking bodies hustling to lire W C D H supplicd music. " W a t c h O u l ! " I screamed l o her as someone canwheeled by. It was a jungle oul there. I jumped oul o f t h c way as Mike Cor" so and Valita Neshiih tangoed by on their way to winning a Grand Prize keg. Acquiring over $900 in pledges, Corso and Neshith raised Ihc mosl money as a couple of any of the 68 dancers finishing oul the 24 hours. So you say Iherc have been trips to the Rafters every week for Ihc last month? You say you're lired of packing it In w i l h slrangcrs? Well this trip is different. It's a "Fantasy N i g h t " at Ihe Rafters sponsored by Telethon. On Thursday night, December 3, Ihe Rafters will be open only lo ticket holding SUNY students — a real fantasy in ilsciri Buses will be leaving from all five quads and slopping o f f campus on the way home. Tickets can be purchased this Tuesday through Friday .in Ihc Campus Center or on dinner lines for $4 (boih admission and bus, $3 admission only). Dance Marathon coordinators Judy Grccnbaum, Mary Ellen Murphy, and Set 11 Maiman esiimalcd thai over $7,000 was raised lor this year's Telethon recipients C H A R L E E anil Project Equinox. This figure neatly triples the amount taised during last year's Dance Marathon. Nader's Raider Wants You Maralhon participants dance for Telethon An estimated $7,000 was raised WFLY-92 F M dec-jayed Ihc final hour as the remaining dancers went all oul on Iheir second wind. Lori was right up there in the middle ol' il all, bill I had long since given up; spending the rest or ihc hour .and other programs," says Board o f Control tnemhei Jacqueline Nickcison, who volcd for ihe pay raise. "These are very difficult limes in Michigan, limes that requite strong, sound leadership, which he has p r o v i d e d ; " " T h e liming of (lire pay taise) was very unfortunate," counters John Kiheiicn, president of Ihc NM1J blanch o f ihc American Association o f University Professors, " W e ' r e spearheading a movemem |o get Jatntich to turn ihc money back lo Ihc university," says student leader Faweell. " W e ' v e begun a petition drive. We have 15IK) signatures, and we're shooting lor 4-5IXX)." Handicapped Students Faced with Harassment 1 by Sylvia Saunders They Dance the Night Away No Stranger Trip Jill Goodman, a Nader's Raider from Washington, D.C. will be speaking Tuesday al 4 p.m. in Campus Corner 382. Goodman is presently on a statewide tour, discussing theCitizens Utility Board (C.U.B.) She is looking for students interested in working ott ihis project, in many areas from "research to outreach to the c o m m u n i t y . " an editor at the student papei. " T h e Increase wasn't pan of the icgtilat pay schedule, bul was a special awaid hy Ihe boatcl of trustees for 'his outstanding effort' al Wester n. People here weie furious." After several reported Incidents o f harassment aimed al handicapped students, the Office of Student Life and Rcliabililion Services has issued a warning to those blind, crippled or otherwise disabled. Since September there have been nine reported incidents, said Nancy llelowich ol' the Office of Student l i t e and Rcliabililion Services. " A n d we're sure there have been m o r e . " She said Ihe incidents seemed to have been directed against those blind arrrl in wheelchairs, In one case, a man locked himself in a room wilh two handicapped women and launied Ihcm. In another ense, a 16-year-old handicapped freshman received repealed obscene phone calls. "Each incident is more sad and disgusting than Ihc lasl o n e , " she added. " W e feel like these people (the handicapped) ate immune to such acts, hut they're n o l , " She said the major problem is that many of ihe handicapped are "absolutely powerless." For example, she said, a blind person doesn'l always know it' someone is sneaking up on her. A l ihe mosl recent meeting ol' Ihc President's Task Force on Womens' Safety, liclowich urged those present lo " b e the eyes and cars ol' ihe handicapped: I f you sec a blind person lost beiwcon iwo buildings, help I hem o u l . And If you sec anyone bothering a blind person, don't jusl ignore it.", Bclowicll said Ihc higgesi problem is lhal loo many cases of harassment go unreported, What they don't understand is thai they don't have to have marks lo call security," she explained. llelowich said il' the vielim doesn'l want to call security, he or she should contact an advisor or the Affirmative Action Office. slumped on the floor while counting the number of balloons hoveling neat the ceiling. Psi Gamma Sorority announced thai they had raffled o f f a fivepound Hershey chocolate bat which raised over $250 for Telethon. Also, SA donated ils new sound system for use during the event. 'Ihe money saved from rental, and lire labor of technicians who voluntarily operated Ihe equipment saved Telethon approximately $450 during the 24 hours. I.ori peeled me o f f Ihe floor and we left the ballroom; she in a stale of raw, hyper energy, I in a condition of extreme lethargy, " S i n e , I.ori, we'll have l o d o this again nexl year," I said as I limped oul ol' ihc Catiipns Center. Then 1 though! o f all those sponsors receiving pledge cards asking for their donations, and 1 smiled. November 17, 1981 QW € A M « STOBSKOS GENESIS CONTRACEPTION CLASSES everv Wednesday, 7:30-9:30 ** Thursday, 2:30-4:00 ANYONE WELCOME on a walk-in basis Genesis Sexuality Resource Center Schuyler 105, Dutch Quad 457-8015 Do we have your correct address? If not, you need to file a change of address form with the A service p r o v i d e d by S t u d e n t Affairs. RIDERS WANTED Trailways Chartered Buses for Thanksgiving Port A u t h o r i t y $ 1 9 Roundtrip Brooklyn $ 1 9 Roundtrip (Flatbush a n d N o s t r a n d Aves.) Queens $ 1 9 Roundtrip (Korvettes. Douglaston) Yonkers $19 Roundtrip (Cross C o u n t r y S h o p p i n g Center Gimbels) Carle Place $ 2 2 Roundtrip (Glen C o v e Rd.) Smithtown $24 Roundtrip ( S m i t h t o w n Mall) Buses leaving Nov.25 3:00pm Returning Nov. 2 9 7:00pm Spuns-ired by Delia Sigma Pi in cooperation w i l h SA j T H E NETS STRIKE BACK Based on the Musical ' D A M N YAJSKEES' November 19,21 and 22 8:30pm Colonial Quad Cafeteria •$» Tickets:! 1.75 w/ tax card ^ $2.50 w/out tax card 9 Sponsored by Telethon 82 and Colonial Quad Board 4 r~ GET-A-WAY BUS!!! W—My Sendee to M.T., Yonkwrt > Carle Place STUDY ABROAD? SUNY A to Port Authority, N. Y. Departure Time: Fridays, 1 pm from Circle Return: Sundays, 4:30 p.m. Price: $19.50 SUMY A to Yonkers and Carle Place Departure Time: Fridays, 1 pm from Circle Return: Sundays, 3 p.m. Price: Yonkers: $20.00 Carle Place: $22.50 House Cleaning at USSA Results in New Focus (CPS) The U.S. Student Associat i o n , the Washington, D.C.'-bascd coalition o f student body presidents that lobbies for student interests in Ihecapiiol, is in trouble. T o get o u t , it has "cleaned house" at its headquarters, taken a narrower focus on education issues at the expense o f social questions like abortion and welfare, and begun to cultivate Hie support o f smaller, slate-level college lobbying groups. While USSA began working closely w i l h the slate student associations (SSAs) several years ago, ihc houscclcaning and newlynarrowed focus arc the work of new USSA President Janice Fine. CC .1111® -in Israel -?,!*? Be informed I Bluma S t o l e n Dir. of Student Programs, North America American Friends of Tel Aviv University Barbara Hersh: A.Z.Y.F. Israel Programs Center, Coordinator Dr. Stanley Issen Chair, Judaic Studies, S.U.N.Y.A. Her effort to pull USSA away from social and political issues not strictly confined to campuses echoes conservative critics of the group, which once billed itself* as Ihc voice of tlie sludcni movement. Conservatives unhappy over the group's treatments of foreign policy, race relations, women's • rigliis and oilier "non-cducalldn M causes have broken wilh I he organization repeatedly over ihc years. Conceding Ihc USSA's membership litis "decreased noticeably during the past year," Fine thinks the Reagan budget cuts require llial USSA pull back from Ihc "social issues" to survive. " I f we're not going to focus, we're going to gel blown a w a y , " she prcdicls. " I n the past USSA has been unrealistic in terms of the political breadth of its p l a t f o r m , " Fine ex- ' plains. " W e must narrow our | focus. We're not strong enough alone lo win issues like increased financial aid and holding tuition on the stale level." Consequently, the group under Fine, who came lo power al USSA's convention in August, will save its spare resources for education baltlcs in Washington, and hope to gain strength through the stronger stale-level organizations. Many observers believe the slate groups may represent the future for pursuing sludcni political issues, as opposed to huge monolithic national groups like USSA. Fine agrees thai " I h c most financially-stable groups in Ihc sludcni movement now are the stale sludcni assocalions." USSA is actively helping slate Money For The Asking $3,000,000,000 College Scholarships and Grants Let our computer match your background and abilities ;with the requirements of the [various grant giving organizations. Processing Fee only $45.00 Guaranteed Results for complete Information, mall coupon Weds., November 18 Humanities Lounge (354) (S.U.N.Y.A. Uptown) at 2 : 3 0 PRESENTED BY: Office of International Programs 457-8678 J.S.C.-HILLEL 457-7508 Tickets On Sale At SA Contact Office Campui Center Lobby For Mo Contact Mike at 457-3387 SA funded Page Five Albany Student Press ,1 iEducational Research Service Impost Office BOX 292 Clifton Park, N.Y. 12065 ®j Address_ I l_ H— TH« strvtc* you cant Afford NottoUM •n-irn-(>= m-n-a-- =s-=a= groups organize and lobby. Fine insists the state group movement doesn't represent a breakdown in student federalism. " W e ' r e noi trying lo make USSA into a nciwork of state organizations. We need a slrong federal lobby in Washington, now more than ever. Bui in order to re-vitalize USSA, it's goi to be Ihc SSAs who take Ihc initial, vital r o l e . " Stale Universities, arc strong USSA s u p p o r t e r s . O t h e r s , such as Florida's SSA and Wisconsin's United Council, arc considering severing tics wilh the national organization. " T h e r e ' s d e f i n i t e l y a trend toward state-level activity, toward making things more accessible to local s t u d e n t s , " says P c n n - One long-lime USSA insider says Ihc organization foresees a twolevel sludcni movement in lite future. Stale groups and USSA would exchange resources. USSA, however, would treat all the naliottal sludcni issues in Washington, while slate groups lobby separately in ilieir own legislatures. " O u r lies wilh USSA are stronger than ever," enthuses ASK's Boh Bingaman. " U S S A is being much more efficient wilh Its resources and its communications tics." Yel recently,Kansas Stale University withdrew from membership in USSA. "USSA spends so much lime Inking stands on social issues, lltey lose credulity Willi students," complains Dnvld Lehman, KSU sludcni senate official. The new emphasis is a mixed success. There arc 40 SSAs currently around ihc country, many of them "light years apari as far as dcvclopmcnl g o e s , " observes B o b Binganiatt, president of Associated Students of Kansas (ASK). "Some of ihem exisl only on paper." Some of Ihc slrnngci SSAs, such as Commonwealth Association of Students in Pennsylvania and New York's Stale Association of tile sylvania's Joyce Cheepudom. " T h e role of USSA is like our lobbyist o n Ihc H i l l in Washington. They disseminate information, give us support. Conversely, " I detect among schools in Wisconsin a sense that USSA hasn't met the challenge o f being a voice for Ihc students," says United Council officer Robert Kranz. " T h e y don't have effective lobbyists, and they have constant financial problems. It may he lime for slate contributors lo take the Mile support system' o f f USSA, and let it live or d i e . " phltlllt CTS USSA President .lanlec Fine Encourages nreaier focus Janice Fine bristles al such charges. " I l ' s simply a mlsperccplion. Ninely-niite percent of our lime now is lakcu tip working on education issues, l o b b y i n g i n Washington and elsewhere. America's higher education system is going through its worst time in history, with the Reagan cutbacks. We simply don't have time to work on anything else," But she obviously takes charges o f inefficiency seriously. After spending " a lot o f time studying the office situation here," Fine fired one lobbyist and accepted the resignations o f two staffers. She was " j u s t trying to clean house," she says. Bob James, presidenl o f the rival American Student Assocation, which had its own critical organizational problems in early 1981, was., unaware of the USSA's new dircclion. " T h e USSA lakes stands on all kinds o f political issues like abortion and Third World issues," he says. " T h e y ' r e not of concern lo students." " A S A is afraid lo engage in any controversial issues," Fine retorts. " T h a i ' s a cowardly position. How can anyone feed people a line that something like nborlion doesn't affect students?" SPEAKERS FORUM PRESENTS THE MAN, A WATERGATE, A VILLAIN, A HERO «G. C O R D O N L I D D Y THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19TH 8:00 PM CC BALLROOM TICKETS ON SALE CAMPUS CENTER LOBBY & CONTACT OFFICE $1.50 W/TAX CARD $3.00 W/OUT SAFUNDED page 6/Nooember J ASPECTS kSPECT5 J , on Tuesday 17, 1981 Jett's Act Is Top-Flight V ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ ^aaaa^^ ~™"QM new decade breeds signs of change. Over the last two years rock has seen the emergence of several young, talented, Independent ' women who are the focus of Important new bands. Chrlssle Hynde had a big Impact on the rock scene last year as The Pretenders' lead slnger/songwrlter/rhythm guitarist, Hynde projected a powerful persona with her o u t s p o k e n n o - n o n s e n s e lyrics, demonstrating control over the themes she explored In her songs. Hynde Is a role model for women In the eighties, and others are following the same direction, most notably The Go Go's, Holly and The Italians, and Joan Jett. A Ray Caligiure Jett's what you needed: The former Runaway returns to Albany on Saturday Jett has received vast amounts of publicity on Bad Reputation, a hard-rocking record and airplay from FM stations around the which utilizes Jett's talents well as a singer country since the release of her debut LP, and guitarist. The album conlalns half originals and half covers such as The Isley Bad Reputation, earlier this year. A native of Philadelphia, Jell started her Brothers' classic 'Shout." When on tour, Jett plays with The career as the leader of an all-girl teenage novelty group called The Runaways, who Blackhearls, a ihree-plece back up band. enjoyed success In Europe, but were never Jell's extensive gigs in clubs throughout the laken seriously back home. Jett left the country have built her a considerable followRunaways when she realized that she wasn't ing, especially In New York Cily, where she meeting her goals, and later teamed up with headlined al The Dr. Pepper Music Fesllval independent producer and promoter Kenny this summer. Al a free concerl held in Laguna. Laguna, who became her manager, Hempstead Park, Long Island, near her curproduced and co-wrote much of Ihe material . rent home base In Long Beach. Jell played to over 30,000 people This Saturday night, Jell makes her third appearance In less than a year al J.B. Scott's. With touring experience behind her. Jell should be more confident and. as always, exciting. Jetl will premiere songs from her new album which should be out In a few weeks. Elvin B i s h o p , who began his career with the legendary Paul Bullerfleld Blues band will be al J.B. Scott's tonight....The Beach Boy's M i k e L o v e goes solo al J.B.'s Wednesday night....Thursday night Ihe Sharks bring their big band rhythm and blues Sharks bring their I sound to Scott's....Barbara. Gradney. Clayton and Haywood carry on Lowell George's Little Feat tradition Friday night at J.B.Scotl's....Also of note this weekend are T h e I r o n C i t y H o u s e r o c k e r s , who hall from Texas and play originals and Inspired covers of classic blues and rock tunes These rockers play with enough energy to bring down the house Saturday night ,n i|„. Hullaballoo In Rensselaer ...Albert King performs at the Hullaballoo on Sunday This is a good week for jazz fans Fit si off there's a free concert by 82-year-old pianist Fats J e f f e r s o n a n d F r i e n d s al Ihe Cnn course South Gallery, Empire Slate Plaza Wednesday afternoon. Fats will in- appeal ing al Ihe Gemini Jazz Cafe (373 Madison Ave.) November 1 7 - 2 1 . . . D o c Scanlon'a R h y t h m B o y s are at Broad St. (I<)17 lip per Union St., Schenectady) on Nov 22....The Dixieland Jamboree (Polish Com munlly Center, Washinglon Ave, exl ) is hosting a performance by S k i p Parson's R i v e r b o a t Jazz featuring Dor Cheelham on trumpet Sunday night (Nov. 22) Jazz Saxophonist S t a n l e y T u r r e n t l n e opens Ihe PAC )azz series al Ihe Egg. Albany Stole Plaza on Sunday night....For classical ninsu fans there's T h e A l b a n y S y m p h o n y Orc h e s t r a performing this weekend Friday night it's music by Ravel. Toch and Tchaikovsky al Ihe Troy Music Hall U2: Counting On Initial Success U 2 exploded onto the rock scene earlier, this year with their dobut album Boy, a highly danceable collection of songs dealing with the anxieties of growing up. T h esc dedicated Irish youths are back willi a new LP enjllled October, which meets up to Ihe expectallons pul forth by Boy. Mike Greenfield October successlully complements Boy's originality, with its bass-heavy, mystifying sound. Bono Hewson's mesmerizing vocals plead to the depths of one's consciousness, while shorl bursts of electrically stimulating energy emerge from the guitarisl who calls himself The Edge. Appropriately, the album was released In October. The opening track "Gloria" has lound its way into the lop len song lisls of many radio stations. Including WC.DB, It's danceable nature Is credited In the sleady flowing pace set by drummer Larry Mullen, and A d a m Clayton's pulsating has, lines Quality music does nol necessarily need complicated lyiiis In heighten Ihe impact of Ihe songs "Fire" reflects tins approach, employing powerful yet simple lyrics ("Burning, burning, the sun is burning black/Burning, burning, its beating on my back/With a (Ire. fire..."), which express strong emotions. The tllle cut and "I Fall Down" are basical- ly piano melodies. The latter achieves a dramatic effect with its sudden changes in tempo, the use of various cymbals and an emphasized base line. The synthesized piece "Tomorrow" is a creative piece In which singer Hcwson'chants over o background nf highly pitched insirurventals, creating an In Icresting and desirable effect The repetition of Ivors ("Won't vou be hack lomoi r o w / W o n ' l vou be back Inrhorrow/Wlll you be hack lomorrowi*") used here seems to be evident in mnsl of Iheir songs. With Ihe Lillywhiie. tire rather unique sound thai is help of. producer Sieve foursome has come up with a yel commercially acceptable also popular on Ihe dance hen "Rock: 1 9 8 1 " finally fades lo a close, chances are that Adam Ant will be widely regarded as "this year's model." Adam, along with his band the Ants, tapped on a bongo style nol used since the early 1960's and made It work. Album one, Kings of the Wild Frontier made the U.S. charts (and lopped Ihe British charts) because of this style, combined with, of all things, sped-up old Western music riffs. The band's newest effort, Prince Charming, Is set In basically the same stylistic vein. This creates the problem of diversity which Ihe band tries to solve In only one or two songs. The rest of the songs could have easily been switched with some of the lesser tunes on Kings. The gimmick seems lo be wearing thin. The thing that makes Prince Charming EVENTS To list an event, drop It by CC 329 or call •^•••••••••••••^•••••••B A n Empire State of M i n d The. Empire State Youth Theatre Institute wlll open its 1981-82 "Special Concerl Series for Young People" on Tuesday, Nov. 17, 1981 al 10:00 a.m., wilh music fealurIng Ihe Empire State Youth Orchestra, Flndlay Cockrell, and Ihe Gullderland Ballel Workshop. The concerl will be given al the Egg. Tickets are $4 for adults and $3 for children, students and senior citizens. I n v i t a t i o n Tc T h e D a n c e I'he Murlha Graham Dance * .ompany will L stand out as a good record Is the lew songs thai really do stand out. The best tune Is "The Scorplos" because II Is filled wllh a jumping brass beat and powerful woodwinds. The bass line and backing vocals work'well. but brass is the key to making this a complete 457-8892. perform al Proctor's Theatre Nov. 16, .17, 18 al 8 p.m. Tickets are $7.50-$12.50. At the Empire Stale Performing Arts Center Arllstlc Director and founder Heinz Poll accompanies the Ohio Ballet Nov. 21 al 8 p.m. Tickets are $8 and $6; $6 and $<1 to students and senior citizens. I Love a Paradjanov The English version of the Soviet film The Color of Pomegranates directed by Sergio Paradjanov will be shown Thursday Nov. 19 in the PAC Recital Hall al 8:00 p.m. Admission Is free. Also in the Recital Hall Richard Appearing al J.B, Scott's Friday fo third time in six months, U2 hypnotize lain packed house wilh a powerful dlspl then performing talents Lead singe] i Hewson's strong voice and likeabli piesence combined wilh the i bass 'drum beat and Ihe ringing dai i gullai leads provided by The 1 d |i played Ihe crowd favorites from Iheii 1.1' Boy. including "Twilight " "An Time. Another Place" and Iheli besl I.; song. "1 Will Follow," which hi' igit of approval from ihe audience. Wllh Ihe release of their second album 112 seems destined for Ihe big lime. Each band member has laken on a distinctive ap pearance and stage manner. They look and act like rock slars, and are confidenl innsi clans who convey the fact thai they're on In something big. Though U2 has tightened up its stage acl since Iheir debut al J.B. Scott's last March, song. My question is. why is Ihe brass used they still perform Iheir songs wllh llllle variajust Ihls once? tion. Even if U2 plays every song lo perfecTwo other songs stand out. "Picasso Vlsita tion, they could add a llllle lo the substance el Planela de los Slmlos" had a superior beal of their music. If you know all the songs, and a terrific chorus, and "Stand and there Is no element of surprise. And that's Deliver" (the band's belween-ablums single) what makes rock concerts exciting — never sports a fine mix between instrument and knowing what's going lo happen. Looking vocals, as well as having a great ending. back al Ihe predictable 70 minute show, The other tunes show no drastic change which Included only a handful of new tracks from what one hopes doesn't became "the ("Gloria" and "Fire" being Ihe besl). the norm." One cut starts out wilh disco ant band seemed to be polishing Iheir acl on Ihe music while another sounds very much like first dale of Iheir U.S. lour. "Theme from Rawhide." If change is Ihe key to rock'n'roll survival, then Adam and the Listening lo U2 perform songs from OcAnls may be at Ihe end of their rope. The ' tober was like hearing a derivative version of album will succeed, partly on Adam's apBoy. They seem resigned I" copying peal, but Prince Charming would have themselves because Ihey know they have a worked better if some new touches had been ticket to success. The more acclaim Ihey gel, thrown In. _Hob Edels(e|„ Ihe less creative they will be. The New Adam Ain't W L November 17, 1981/page 7 -^jj^^^^orjTuesdn*- UK produced, directed, and starring Lawrence Olivier will be shown Nov. 20 21 at 8:30 p.m. Admission is $2.25 * l - 5 0 for students, senior citizens, Alumni Association members. Sir and and and Sax A p p e a l Jazz saxophonisl Stanley Turrentlne will bei featured a, the Empire State Performing Arls Cenler on Sun. Nov. 22 al 8 p m Tur renllne has played wllh artists sad, ^ R , l v g Benson. Admission is W a n d $7 I,,, slncletUsanrl_scMijor_cll|-/eii5. Capital Rep Flaunts Marketability H ome sweet Home Is an abandoned supermarket for the Capital Repertory Company. Albany's professional theater company announced Thursday at a press conference that Ihe Market Theater, 111 North Pearl Street, formerly known as The Grand Cash Market, will be the stage for its second season, opening in March. 1 senior citizen," he added, "I hope to get an early in on the ticket discount." Bouchard and Clough announced a four play season. They will open with Alan Ayckbourn's comedy, "Table Manners" (March 6-12), followed by Tennessee William's " A Streetcar Named Desire." directed by Albany native William DevartB. An American play to be announced will run from April 17 through May 2 and an original adaptation of Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein." directed by Oakley Hall III,will premiere May "We believe litis supermarket will be 8 for a two-week run (May 8-23). super theater," said one of two Producing In addition, slaged readings of (our new Directors, Bruce Bouchard. scripts will be offered as a part of a new play Bouchard said renovations will take place development program. PROVOS, giving over the next two and a half months, adapnew playwrights the opportunity to explore ting the existing space Into a 250-seal and develop new scripls. Bouchard said he theater. He said no structural renovation Is would welcome students' plays as part of Ihe necessary, only the construction of seating PROVOS program.. risers, a stage, light grid and lobby. Ticket prices range from $5 lo $ 1 1 , with Bouchard said Ihe Capital Repertory student, group and senior citizen discounts. Company will pay for the renovations and Season subscriptions, on sale next month, added thai Ihe building Is rent-free. "We will range from $16 lo $37.50. don't know the actual architectural costs," he Bouchard and Clough said the budget (or said. "We will be doing a lot of the manual the Capital Repertory's season Is $226,000. labor ourselves." They said Income will come from subscripAlbany's Mayor Erastus Corning II tion and ticket sales, foundation grants, and presented Ihe occupancy license to private and corporate contributions. They Bouchard and fellow Producing Direclor have Initiated a $30,000 request lo the New Peter H. Clough, who signed It at the press York Stale Council on the Arts and a $5,000 conference In Ihe Market Theater. The City requesl lo Ihe National Endowment for the of Albany and Capital Repertory Company Arts. have made a five year license agreement, acAlso al the press conference were SUNYA cording lo Bouchard. English Professors Arthur N. Collins and "This Is really Ihe kick-off for my 1985 Thomson H. Lltllefleld. campaign," Ihe mayor began jokingly. "I am "Albany hasn't had a theater for years," happy to see the good use of a building that said Collins, and early supporter of the has outlived Its usefulness. Being that I am a Capital Repertory Company. "It's exciting." Wendy Greenfield What's In store: Producing Directors Peter Clough and Bruce Bouchard announce a new season for the Capital Repertory Company. Collins played a major role in Inlroduclng productions such as "Endgame" throughout company members lo Ihe Albany area. "We the Catskills, Hudson Valley and Capital need professional theater as a way to Judge District. The Capital District became the urcollege theater," he said, "II will create com- ban selling for LTA's new project: Capital petition and produce better college theater." Repertory Company. They debuted "The The Capital Repertory Company was Tavern" on December 3 at Page Hall, where created out of the Lexington Conservatory they subsequently performed "Joe Egg," Theater', (LCT), the first project in 1976, of "Sorrows of Stephen," "The Hostage," and The League of Theater Artists. Inc. (LTA). readings of four new plays. The LCT, led by Mclhael C. Van LanThe Market Theater Is housed below a dlngham and Oakley Hall III iransformed parking garage and located between the new and abandoned theater camp In Lexington, Hilton Hotel and The Palace Theater. It's New York inlo a professional Iheater. colorful mosaic facade of geometric shapes Because of Ihe remoteness of the theater's Invites something new and fresh, and the facilities, Ihe company formed a touring diviCapilal Repertory Company promises lo sion, Upslale Tour, which moved small cast deliver II. Q Badge Of Courage Cajuns, who are at home In the bayou. There's Vietnam allegory running amuck here. The Cajuns eventually become clear parallels for Ihe Viet Cong, who knew the Jungle, were seldom seen, and set booby Iraps for the Americans at will. The Guardsmen, jusl Ihe sorls lhat would have been at Kent Slate or My Lai — basically decent guys with bad leadership and a few psychotlcs In their ranks — are run through an impromptu survival course. Just like an old Agatha Christie play, the Cajuns leave ominous warnings In Iheir palh, and then bump them off one al a time, or wall for them lo kill each other. rince of the City is so good that It shows the critical cliches often used by movie reviewers to be the inadequate tools they are. For example1, we could say Prince of the C/iy Is a "searing drama, which exposes the soft underbelly of police corruption." Or that "Prince of the Q(y isn't the prettiest film of the year, or the most entertaining — It's just the best." P Jim Dixon I could say that about Prince of the City, and even believe it. But the problem with cliches Is that they're so over-used no one believes Ihem, especially when they're true. Prince of the City is that unusual type of film which won't let you explain it easily. The plot, which we're told is true, Is simple. "The Prince of Ihe Cliy" Is a young detective named Danny Ciello, who, unable to simply follow In the tracks of police corruption, helps the District Attorney crack down on it. The bulk of the film deals wilh his exploits trapping mobsters and corrupt cops, and Ihe ensuing investigation of his own breaches of conduct, This film runs over two and a half hours. Obviously, (here's more lo II than this. But It's the "more to it" that's hard lo describe. The complexities of the plot amount to enburmously intricate questions of morality. At times, Ihey almost prove to be too much for Ciello, played by Treat Williams. Sidney Lumet and his co-wriler Jay Pressor! Allen have written Ihe sort of script that you just don't see coming oul of Hollywood often. Why Clello first decides lo play "Ihe rat" is never clear — he's benefited from being on the take as much as his partners. In his flrsl meetings with Ihe D A . he's sullen, moody, temperamental. Then he makes up his mind 10 risk his life taping illegal deals between cops, lawyers and mobsters. He throws himself Into this with almost foolhardy zeal, going unarmed Into situations in which his life Is certainly in danger. This role would be clearly beyond Ihe capabilities of most young actors. I would have thought it to be beyond Treat Williams. But while once or twice he seems more petulant than anything else, Williams brings 11 off convincingly. Craft dodger: Treat Williams (right) is gripping as an honest cop in Sidney Lumet's Prince of the City. On the surface, Prince of the City seems people — people playing God wilh his life. reminiscenl of Lumel's other cop film, Ser- It's a theme worlhy of Shakespeare. It doesn't matter whether you call him pIco. It's a better, more textured film, Danny Ciello, or Bob Leuci, which is the though. Right and wrong are clear-cul matters in Serplco. They aren't in Prince of the name of the real-life cop he's modeled on. It City. Ciello is nol only damned by his fellow doesn't mailer whelher ihe story's (act or fie cops, as was Serplco, but by Ihe investigators lion. Fiction always lives longer than facts he turns them Inlo. He finds acceptance in anyway. Whether or not a single frame of Prince of the Cily really happened, Ihe film Is neither world, and finds no one he can trust anywhere. An ex-partner of Cello's tells him so powerful lhat to everyone who sees II, II he won't talk to the federal officers In- is true. vestigating him. As soon as the ex-parlner 'aller Hill makes Ihinklng-man's acleaves, one of his federal guards tells him tion films. He Is, in fact, about the "Don't trust him. He's going down Ihe most stylish direclor of action films lubes." Clello's world Is nightmarish and sur- working today, and his latest film. Southern realistic. Virtually Ihe only person In the film Comfort, is one of the most stylish movies of crew Lumet has nol worked wilh before this the year. It's a "Lost Patrol" movie, about some was his cinematographer, Andrzej Bartkowlak, who photographs New York City In none-too-intelligent Louisiana National Guardsmen who gel lost in Ihe bayous dura way you've never seen before. While the entire film was shot on location, Bar- ing weekend maneuvers. It's a part of the Ikowlak's urban landscapes take on Ihe look South that's anything but comfortable, of outsized, surrealistic paintings. Rooms especially in the winter, when Ihe water become too large, one's perception on depth they're hip-deep In all Ihe lime Is cold on top and orientation to space become unbalanc- of everything else. Wf ed. The effect Is consistent with the overall vision of the film. Clello Is a man In over his head, no longer able to tell truth from lies. He's a man looking for absolution and finding It promised and taken away by Ihe same The Guardsmen run afoul of Frenchspeaking Cajun hunters, who, not realizing the machine gun a (un-lovlng soldier shoots al Ihem contains only blanks, shoot back, killing the squad leader. Without a compass, radio, or a leader who knows what he's doing, the Guardsmen are silting ducks for the The plot, In other words, is an old, reliable stand-by. Hill, who co-wrote the script, has never been concerned with originality of plot. He believes in theme and style. Themalically, Southern Comfort is Ihe bastard offspring of De/lueronce and Apocalypse Now. Stylistically, il's mind-blowing. Hill, whose movies are always beauliful to look at, did this whole Ihlng on location in Ihe Louisiana bayous, which look more alien than seem possible. Shot under a gray-while winter sky, in shadowless light, the trees, water, air, fog, everything, matches the olive-drab of Ihe Guardsmen's uniforms. The Irony, since Ihe Guardsmen are the ones out of their element, is overpowering. The bayous just don't look like planet earth. It's more a vision of some over-grown Star Wars set slrung-out on swamp moss. The performances, considering lhat Ihe script cares more for action and events than characters, are solid, especially from Keith Carradine, who also starred in Hill's last film, The Long Riders, and Powers Boothe, who starred In the recent T V movie about Jim Jones. Boolhe Is an especially Impressive actor, and with Hill's typically thread-bare dialogue and staccato pacing still brings out a characterization with moral complexities. The violence, which is what the movie Is about, is explicit and powerful. The squeamish should stay away. But film-goers who appreciate intelligent drama about the human capacity for violence and the Instinct for survival should find It a trip. In any event, It's one of the year's mosl Interesting films, and maybe one of the best. • JSoyejpber 17. 1981 Interested In A Career In The Jewish Professions Or Just Want To Study? ARC p R O u d T O PRESENT DECEMBER 5 T I I A T The Wall Street Journal rcporls thai ihc number o f American families who own pen has leveled off in receni years . . . l o about 40 percent o f the populaiion and the pel food industry isn't very happy about it. As a result, the pel food makers have launched a SI million advertising campaign to convince more Americans that "Pels arc W o n d e r f u l . " T h e " P e l s arc W o n d e r f u l " advertising program — or " P A W " fur shori — includes The Jewish Theological Seminary of America offers Undergraduate And Graduate Programs in all areas of: Judaica Rabbinical Training Cantorial Training Communal Work Jewish Education Summer And Israel Programs o J acq SATURdAy pet pushers 8 pM Tix ON SAU NOW AT TIIE SUNY Rccond Co-op ANCI Jusr-A-SoNq I r IS J» wire. Class of 1985 Class Council Vote for up to tliiirteen (13): Dean Angelakos Jonathan Hudis Michelle Schwartz Michelle Gudema Mike Rabiet Lawrence Friedman Richard Golubow Jeffrey Schneider Eric Sauter Stephen Hartnetl Vince Capobianco Terence Josiah Stuart Hack Arlene Katsafouros John Steen Anne Thamasett Stephen Longo Renee Rappaport Lisa Kerr Tracey Lindenbaum Stephanie Fox Ricky Feldman Daniel Fanselow Maria 'Vilma' Suapergoo Barbara Risualto Cathy M. LaSusa VOID SAMPLE BALLOT This ballot shall b e void if removed from polling area. Colonial Quad Central Council Vote for u p t o t w o (S): fa John B. Martin Jeanne Buckly Ricky Feldman Philip Chonigman Cathy M. LaSusa S p e c i a l Election - Thursday and Friday, November 1 9 & 20tli Tax Card & I.D. needed t o vote. WMMIiliMI«>»WWM!g««M!iiWaa d-d-d-disco Don't look now, but Diso> i^ quietly bumping its way back into [he hcaris and cars o f America. So far, the comeback is confined l o the South, where clubs are returning to Disco music after a couple o f years of experimenting wilh Country and even New Wave formats. A survey of Southern nighlclubs shows a maj o r i t y o f those relying on recorded music are once again playing Disco. Brad Moss, DJ at A t l a n t a ' s " P a c k e t ' s " Club says persistent requests from customers " a r e a constant icmindcr ihat people come to out clubs lo hear the Disco hits ot yesterday, loday and t o m o r r o w . " mafia mama For more information call JSC-Hillel 457-7508 or 459-4310 r*mmm*MM*mrmMmmrnm*m*Mwm*",""*i' " S t a m p , " which says postal rate increases are really a ia.x on free speech, since they discourage citizens from sounding o f f to iheir congressmen. workers on wagon You might be able to resi casiei knowing Ihc Nuclear Regulaiory Commission is considering a rule requiring nuclear plant operators to be sober on the j o b . As o f now, no rule prevents plant workers from showing up under ihc Influence of' drugs or alcohol. uncertain aboui reaction — noi o n ly ftom parents, but from local pharmacists who stand lo lose some business. lincoln mailers gas blast condom caper CENTER FOR TALENT Programs In: Modeling Acting Dance and Vocal Pd. Jobs-Agency Division For Info call: 785-8331 Suite 412 Latham Circle Mall MCAT-LSAT-GMAT SATDATGRE Ptrmintnt Ctnteri open days, evening* and wrektndl. • Low hourly coil Dedicated fulllline stair « Compttte TEST-n-TAPE"fac(lltlai for review of class lesson* and lupalemenUfy materials. ' Small c l a i m taught by skilled Imtructori. Oppurtunlty to make up mined lei torts, Volurr.lnoui home-study materials •rs einert In their field. ' Opportunity to transfer to and tnniiriu.' study i t any ol our over BO centers. OTHER COURSES. AVAILABLE ORE PSYCH • GRE BIO • MAT • PCAT • OCAT • VAT ; JEFL UI • NMB • VQE • ECFMG • FLEX • NDB • NLE CHI Days, tvti 1 Wetkindi KAPLAN COUCATtONAL CCNTER TOTPfCfWUnoM SreOAUSTB SINCE KO0 'Albany Center 163 Delaware Ave,, Delmar 439-8146 CAU. T O U MICE: i alter the 1984 model year. The i n dustry publication quotes G M as laying the model names may carry over, but the cars themselves are likely to resemble today's compacts. The G M execs say their low sales potential just isn't worth the cost of producing them. u.s.a. flows The Japanese may have Detroit on Ihc ropes, but America's way aheau in ihe International Blood Trade. According to the British p u b l i c a t i o n , The Economist, America provides almost a third o f the global blood supply. T h e reasons: private companies are permitted i o pay blood donors; modern technology has made il possible for regular donors i o give twice a week; and there are no cultural biases against bloodletting — unlike Japan, where only two percent o f blood transfusions come from Japanese donors. dial-a-joke flops feed fad A n expert M movie Hops thinks he knows why terrible films are such a hit on college campuses: students arc encouraged when they sec adulis fail, and according to Harry Mcdved — the author o f a couple o f books on the subject — sponsoring an essay coniesi for spectacularly bad movies ol'fet schoolchildren; showing animal "siartling, refreshing evidence o f shelters how lo place orphaned pels aduli Incompetence," College more successfully; and training Boy festivals celebrating horrible flicks Scouts and Girl Scours in pel care have spawned a whole new enterso thai they can become — what tainment business, l o o . New Line else? — " P a w Pals," . . . and so Cinema is producing some intenihey can hire themselves oui as pet tionally bad movies — they were sillers and dog walkers for the behind I978's " A l t a e k o f the Killer elderly. The Journal says celebrities Tomatoes," they just produced the will be hired to make a series of first s e r a i c h - a n d - s n i f f classic public service announcements on "Polyester," and their next one television. The commercials will a do/.en Italian women have been sounds really bad: " T h e Monster reportedly describe research which arrested in the last year for m o b - from O u i o f T o w n . " shows how valuable pels are for the related crimes. Women are leading old, sick and reiired. Sicily's firsl massive protest against ihc Mafia, l o o . The 58 year old widow o f a Mafia victim has Brace yourself: ihe cosi o f mailgathered signatures from 30,000 ing a letter could soon be chopped women calling on the Italian to only a penny. The catch is, the govcrnmeni to take a stronger stand letter has to be mailed lo a member There's new evidence I hat cook- against organized crime. ofCongrcss. Hawaii Senator Daniel ing with gas may lead lo respiratory Inouyc has introduced a bill problems. Researchers from Johns limiting'postal rates'IO once cent, Hopkins, studying nearly 2,000 f o r letters mailed l o federal people in rural Maryland, found The University o f Illinois has lawmakers.. He's apparently been nonsmokcrs living in homes equipcalled become the first campus in the listening to a g r o u p ped wilh gas stoves were four times country to hand out free condoms as likely 10 have respiratory proto any student on request. Male blems as those who live in homes students at the Champaign-Urbana w i l h electric stoves. Strangely campus arc provided with conenough, the problem was more prodoms, while female students are nounced among men, even though permitted to pick up the contracepwomen tended to spend more lime tives for non-studeni partners. in the home. The Hopkins researAssociate Hcalih Director D r . chers speculated the difference may David Owen admits officials were slcm from the historically grcaiei exposure o f women t o pollutants in the home, daling back l o cavedwelling times, and project director George Comstock called il further evidence that man, in many in' P R E P A R E FOR stances, is the weaker sex. t, Page Nine 2001 AC N Feminism has emerged in the unlikeliesl of places: Ihc Mafia. Italian authorities report thai, alter centuries o f male dominance, a maj o i Sicilian organized crime family is headed by a woman. A n d , at least Rabbi Barry Starr, Director of Recruitment for the Seminary will visit the SUNYA campus on Thursday, November 19 from 12-4 pm in CC 358 to meet with students interested in any of the Seminary programs. Stop by anytime during these hours to talk with Rabbi Starr about the Seminary programs. $ 6 . 0 0 ptR TAX CARd $ 8 . 0 0 W / O U T Albany Student Press Don't be surprised i f you get a phone call from Teddy Kennedy or Jerry Lewis one o f these days: a pair o f Dallas cntrcprcnuers is trying to interest politicians and other service please Taking a cue from gas stations promising quick service, a Chicagoarea hospital is promising t o service your body within 60 seconds o f the time you step into the emergency room. It's all part o f a health war between Chicago hospitals, waged through radio ads, billboards and newspaper supplements. A n d the hard sell seems to be working: a Glenbrook, Illinois hospital says iis month-long newspaper ad campaign increased emergency room visits by a I bird. dead end The full-sized family car to suffer Ihe same fate as v e r t i b l e . Automotive .magazine reports General will stop making full-sized is about the conNews Motors vehicles celebrities in a computerized phone system that can dial up to 5,000 phones a day and play a taped message when someone answers. The messages, asking for political support or money for charity, can be programmed io ask questions and tape the response. But not all the calls will be pleasant: the service is also being sold to bill collectors, who can record your alibi and then play it back later i f they haven't received payment. Student Assistants' Pay Minimum Wage Washout Marathon Marveled To the Editor: In a world filled with apaihy, disloyalty, and lack o f human caring and understanAN OPEN LETTER TO CENTRAL UAS or Barnes and Noble pay Ihcir workers sub-minimum wages? They have lo ding. It's beautiful lo see events occurring COUNCIL MEMBERS: that can surround a group o f people with Following are a few observations or the turn away applicants for jobs also. There was a fear raised lhal ihc SA such deep warmlh of emotion. two hour Central Council deliberations and During Ihc past weekend al Ihc 1981 previous discussions regarding minimum operating budget would go into ihc red. Do you have any idea what items arc covered Dance Maralhon for Telethon, we were wage Tor Student Assistants. able to see and be pari of a group of people Some members felt manipulated by Ihc in (hat line? Do you know how much comtruly dedicated lo a worthwhile communimeans used to institute the raise by Vice mission SA earns as an agent for Trailways President Woody Popper. He was Ihc firsl and Greyhound? Do you lack confidence in ty cause. For a full 24 hours one could feel to admit thai It was politically Ignorant. If M r . Popper's maihcmalical ability? The the love and understanding lhal was being you want his powers; lake them. Do you employee cost affected by his decision lo spread from one person to ihe next. Everyone wasgivinga part of themselves, want lo oversee every mundane task lhal he pay minimum wage is l.ess than $2,000.00 irying lo help in any way they could. docs? You can shuffle papers, decipher Ihc annually. This comes from wilhin Ihc SA phone bill, sign solicitation permits, inter- operating budget. II docs noi take money Through the nighl and inlo Ihc early mornview 325 applicants for 110 salaried and un- away f r o m groups or programs. SA is a ing hours, lired, aching feel and bodies kept business, don't you believe that it should be i dancing, pushing themselves pasi exhaussalaried positions? Maybe you want lo elition to show how much ihcy cared. minate the position of Vice President when run efficiently? The reasons for Ihis profound dedication you rc-wrile the constitution? While some other Student Associations and cai ing can be summed up wiih two peoSome members slated lhal because o f Ihe arc voluntarily staffed; do you think that large number o f applicants, it is all right to Central Council could find dedicated peo- ple: Set It Maiman and Maty Ellen Murphy. ple 10 f i l l 140 hours a week? For how long? These two people showed so much dedicapay sub-minimum wage. Do you know lhal Would you llien contract oui lo gel tion and endless spirit d i n i n g the Marathon numerous applicants turned down the posimateria's typed? It would probably cost I thai their efforts should be highly comtions because o f the pay rale? Is Ihe number SI .00 a page. Rapid Copy docs xeroxing on mended. Their spirit never faded and Ihcir o f applicants any justification for a pay scale? Siudcul Asociation has participated a first come, first serve basis. Unfortunate- hatd work never ceased. It was ihcir endless ly, lhal would lead lo a need for planning energy thai was generated to all o f the in protests againsl increased tuition, room, —< no lasl minute jobs. and board talcs. dancers and kept them going to make Ihe Dance Mai ai lion such a success. To you both, Sctb and M a r y Ellen, for yout lime, effort, and energy, thanks for taking the lime lo care. — It II 111 Swtibiida —Jimmy (Avun April Gray "If you believe that the government should help students pay for college, how can you justify sub-minimum wages for jobs where students have to supplement those jobs?" Student leaders have told the government that it should pin a ceiling on talc Increases. I f you believe lhal the govet.iimciil should help students pay lot college, how can you justify sub-minimum wages for jobs whete students have l o supplement those funds? While discussing the issue, the fuel uiosc lhal Student Assistants look their positions at $3.00 an l u u t i ; why now should minimum wage have lo lie contended with? Maybe lor the same reason Cent nil Council increased Ihc stipend for elected officials lasl yeat (al'tei nominations closed)? It may be the same icason peei advisois gel paid this year? It may even he I'ot the icason lhal A M I A / W I K A officials and assistant election commissioners received a raise? Student Association is an example to the test of the University. Do you suggesl thai A r e you insinuating that Sludcnl Asisianis don't deserve lo lie paid minimum? The stall i, conscientious, efficient, and haid-woiki ig. We give Ihe best sitppoil possible. . I hiny-live cents an hour muy mil cause anyone to woik harder, tun it is the tight thing lo do. A i e you Ihe same sludeiil leaders that worry how students will stay in school.wiih increased fees ami decreased loans? Ihe next lime that you gel upset and scieain thai students should ptotcsi unhid stale and federal piticlices and procedures, icali/e how you use ihosc slatules to yout benefit. Then ask yourselves why Ihc student body doesn't icspond lo yout lectures on ihc need toi organizing and lobbying etcd officials, I hink about i i ! Misleading Mishap T o Ihc l.dilor: In response lo the utiele ( " S A Elections are Invalidated by C t u t " ) which appeared in the Friday; Novcn llici 13 ASP, I would like to make notice . >f important informalion that was oveiloi ked. To all ihosc nol d iicctly involved in ihc election issue, the article is misleading, With all due icspecl to SA Vice President Woody Popper, the l csulis of ihc Supreme Conn heating were t I icfleclion of his efIons .nily in p a n . As well as M i . Puppci, Phillip D. Choiiigmiiu, Ricky Iclduiau ami I (the iluee candidates) iute tided to file individual appeals. However, in compliance with u iequest by lloiioitlblc C'hicf Justice Iliad Rothhiium, the loin i tppcals wcic compiled We font plaintiffs dedicated equally long bonis and elj'oiis to present the foimall/ed LweuawwiaEaesttw-n-ojay of O U T rairyiale appeal lo (he C o u r t . Because M r . Popper possesses greater knowledge and experience in such mailers, Ricky, Philip and I (as freshmen) realize (he importance in pointing oul that inexperienced students do have the opportunity lo rectify an observed injustice. In conclusion, I would like lo say thai although recounting the votes will be inconvenient for many, the patli is now cleat for future elections never lo be bothered wijh ihe same problems again. — Cathy M . LaSusa Evasive Editorial? T o the Editor: ~ Your editorials never fail to disgust me. Look al " C r i m e s for ihc S t a l e " (Nov. 10, ASP), concerning Ihe prison bond referendum. Firsl o f f , Ihe bond money is not solely earmarked to alleviate ihe current 10 percent overcrowding, il will also be used to build additional jails lo house thousands more criminals beyond Ihe current prison population. A n d you think more slate prisons is not a worthwhile cause. Fine. So whal if there's no room l o j a i l convicted people, or, if lo make r o o m , a person already in jail has lo be prematurely released. That doesn't mailer now, docs il? •Wheic do you gel o f f saying the nioiie) is being spent for inquisition? Do you really believe lhal? D o n ' l lose sight of the fact thai ihc main purpose of criminal justice is not i c f o t n i a l i o n , but lo keep society sale. Your editorial gives the impression son want all 'non-violent offenders released. You d i e thc.poot plight of Ihc drug usci he ing exposed to murderers and rapists. Well, excuse me if my heart doesn't bleed, hut the comfort o f convicted drug users is not uppermost in my mind. You say, " W e believe thai all this inoiiej would be belter speni in nun-prison nltct natives for non-violeni offenders." line. Don'l put in j a i l any burglars, unarmed robbers, forgers, black-mailers, " w h i t e - c o l l a r " criminals, or drug dealers, Wouldn't thai make you happy? Can sou be a Mule more specific in the alternatives you suggesl? If passed, Ihc bond issue will permit mote scum io be imprisoned while fewei animals will he tclcascd. Bui you base such tin usci sion io uulhoiity figures and ihe establish meiil ihat you instinctively object lo everything iltey say oi do. You feel you musl always protest and rebel against lite I'otces in power. Why don'l you extimiin the issues instead? Once again, youi editorials disgust me, and il I I wasn't lot .lint Dixon's intelligent .iews I wouldn't look lhrouu.ll the ASP at all. — A r l l i u r \ iihn Male Music Only? lo Ihe Keillor: I would like IO comment on Ihc leiici i it titled ("Musical M a y h e m " ) in last Hies day's ASP. Calhv Sullivan suggests thai ihe majority of popular music is misogynist., and has as its aim the exploiituiou ol women. While I would not disagree with the p< thai women base al times been Initialized in snugs, I think that Ms. Sullivan is perhaps taking ihe poim too far. Croups such as Ihc Rolling Stones lane sought to explore ihe complex interactions of men and women in relationships, and have generally souglu io do so honestly. I f Mick Jagger seeks lo be honest in his songs he musl vocalize his line emotions even if ihcy are ill times male-ccnicicd. To do anyiliiug less would he dishonest. If Mick Jagger expresses Ihc view lhal he " c u n ' i gel no satisfaction," he is expressing an honest opinion, an opinion ptobahly shared by a good many women as well. JgU-t^UMWLJI^LJI^I^I^I^lJI^I^lJI^l^i^iJi^iMi^i^i^i^^i^i^^pn^ Rock music has been principally a male ** H M M H U a w profession in the past, but women have recently become more accepted, and strangely enough they have been louehing upon the same subjects lhal male performers have been touching upon for years. Witness Olivia Newton-John's latest single in which she sings "There's nothing left lo talk about, unless ii's horizontally." Ms. Sullivan suggests thai women's music consists of positive songs about " w o m e n loving, working, raising children and struggling l o change the sysicm." Bui music which consists entirely o f these subjects is contrary to Ihe original aim of rock music — io express feelings of rage, violence, sexual frustration and helplessness that all o f us face. The point is Ihat although whal Ms. Sullivan calls women's music expresses views which deserve lo be beard, so does the raunchiest, misogynist, abusive music of The Rolling Sloncs. Neither is more worth our attention than the oilier. —Name Wllheld hy Request Infirmary Inquiry To the Editor ~ A reeeni n i p lo die Infirmary reminded me o f an incident thai was related to me a few months ago. How much truth is involved is nol relevant. The liurcauciacy involved is. Tills guy (let's call him Milo) I knew of was run over by a slcanirollci while walking across Perimeter Road to the Infirmary io gel an allergy shot, He was pi city wcllIjaltcncd, hut since he still had some sense left (and was sneezing his head o i l — he was quite allergic to asphalt), and was on his way there anyway, lie decided io diag his squashed and bleeding body in 'he Sludeiil Health Service (aku the l i i f i i m u i y ) . M i l o somehow managed lo gel himself through ihc heavy pull-out doois ol' ihe building and was delighted lo see a nuise. " N u r s e , " he groaned. " F i l l oul a slip wiih your name, I D number, local add niancni address, local telephone itunibci, home telephone number, inoihci 's name, father's name, ihcir social • numbers, type of Insurance (if no Student Health Insurance), and all tin symptoms of illness in the past year up l o l l •picseni lime that you have had. Then lake ai sea seal with the oilier diseased slud'cnls and we'll . •'II call yon." .lied on lis a " D i l i , muse, I jusi got wailed steam-roller and I . . . " gel lo "Just fill out the slip and we y o u , " she said and walked away. Pooi M i l o . Beinga freshman, lie was not used to bis ID number. He knew Hie fiist ! digits and thai was all. lbs hum mangled I find his I D card, let alone write il down. He asked a passing sludeni who was Induing up a eigarcllc on his way oul to pull il oul for him. " S h i t , man, you look b a d . " He helped M i l o get his card. A nurse shrieked and grabbed ihc sludeni, yanked the cigarrelle oul of his mouth, stamped il out, and showed ihc student the doors. Somehow, Milo got all of ihe inl'oinullum down. He look a seal wiih ihc coughing, sneezing, runny-nosed students and wailed. After about 3 hours, he hoard his name called through a blood-loss haze, He crawled lo the nurse, who propped him into a chair, and snick a thermometer in his mouth. " N u r s e . " He maybe could icason wiih her. While he was attempting speech, ihc thermometer flopped oul of bis mouth. ''Keep lhal ihermoiiicici in youi m o u t h . " She thrust il buck in. Milo waited another 30 minutes and she came back. Normal was Ihc verdict. Milo was directed back to (be genus in the waiting area and waited auotbci bom. The sun was beginning io set. " M i l o Funkclbcrg." "Yes, dial's m e , " he whispered. " M i l o , we don't have a signature front your doctor giving permission for an alleles, shot." "Allergy shot? I've jusi been wailed oil by a steam-roller. I'm dying. You're winded about pel mission?" He fainted. . . I heard lhal Milo was lushed lo ihc hospital by a Five Quad ambulance. Bui dial's another story. . . — Bethany Goldstein RCO Issues T o the Kilitur: This is an open Idler lo all RCO majors, anyone presently taking an RCO class, and lo anyone considering studying RCO, • Arc you on die waiting lisl for an RCO class next semester? • Arc you a freshman considering an RCO major? • Arc you confused about requirements needed for Ihc major? Dear Central Council, W e arc w r i t i n g t o y o u this d a y , N o v e m b e r 17, 1981, i n reference t o a b i l l now. being l o o k e d over b y y o u r I n t e r n a l A f f a i r s C o m m i t t e e . T h e b i l l calls f o r the e l i m i n a t i o n o f the p o s i t i o n o f O f f C a m p u s A s s o c i a t i o n ( O C A ) D i r e c t o r , t o be replaced by three students. Since y o u r c o m m i t t e e is tossing this b i l l a r o u n d the t a b l e , we felt it m i g h t be h e l p f u l t o make a few w o r t h w h i l e suggestions o f our o w n . F o r instance, it is o u r belief Ihat the p o s i t i o n o f O C A D i r e c t o r is a necessary o n e . R u n n i n g this o r g a n i z a t i o n is really a f u l l - t i m e j o b t h a t s h o u l d be h a n d l e d by a f u l l - t i m e w o r k e r , regardless o f w h o ' s at the h e l m . M o s t o f the nine p o i n t s laid d o w n i n O C A ' s c o n s t i t u t i o n r e q u i r e an a d v o c a t e — a person competent e n o u g h t o f i g h t f o r the needs o f students l i v i n g o f f c a m p u s . W e stress competence here because we feel a professional is r e q u i r e d . W h i l e three students w o u l d be nice, we believe that tasks w o u l d be p e r f o r m e d belter w i t h a " d i r e c t o r plus t w o s t u d e n t s " a p p r o a c h . A d v o c a c y is nol the w h o l e b a l l g a m c f o r O C A . T h i s a d d i t i o n a l pair o f w o r k e r s c o u l d be used t o handle p u b l i c relations, p r o g r a m m i n g o f events a n d the p u b l i c a t i o n o f G e t t i n g O f f . T h i s presently u n t a p p e d p u b l i c relations d e p a r t m e n t c o u l d w o r k o n the p r o b l e m o f student i n v o l v e m e n t , thus leaving Ihe d r i v i n g t o the director. O C A is not just a n o t h e r S A g r o u p . Its m a j o r f u n c t i o n is t o f i n d viable student ends t h r o u g h p o l i t i c a l means. T h e r e f o r e , doesn't it seem evident that this g r o u p s h o u l d be f u l l y responsible l o the students it represents? P u t O C A under the auspices o f Student A s s o c i a t i o n . H a v e them answer t o y o u , a n d the executive b r a n c h — the elected o f f i c i a l s w h o represent us. T h i s I d l e r cannot g o any f u r t h e r w i t h o u t a m e n t i o n o f the p r i n c i p a l s i n v o l v e d . President D a v e Pologe proposed the b i l l . H e is dissatisfied w i t h O C A ' s track record l o d a l e , as w e l l as w i t h the p o l i t i c a l l i n k i n g s o f its d i r e c t o r . But docs Ihis lead directly t o Ihc e l i m i n a t i o n o f the O C A D i r e c t o r position? A n d w h y has il l a k e n t i l l now f o r P o l o g e l o decide that the structure musl be changed? W e guess y o u ' d agree t h a i the answers l o these a n d o t h e r questions can be f o u n d t h r o u g h o b s e r v i n g (lie actions o f p r i n c i p a l n u m b e r . t w o . M a r k D u n l e a is die D i r e c t o r o f O C A . M a r k D u n l e a is also C o - C h a i r o f the N e w Y o r k State Citizens P a r l y . H i s p o l i t i c a l ties seem l o f o r m the b r u n t o f P o l o g c ' s a b j e c t i o n s , and f o r g o o d reason. B e f o r e the lasl e l e c t i o n , Dave Pologe received u list o f the newly-registered student v o t e r s . P o l o g e , i n t u r n , gave this lisl ( a n d r i g h t f u l l y so) t o the O C A D i r e c t o r h a l f o f M a r k D u n l e a , w h o , i n t u r n , gave ihis lisl ( n o l so r i g h t f u l l y so) t o the Slate Citizens P a r l y C o - C h a i r h a l f o f M a r k D u n l e a . T h e r e i n lies what we feel is a visible c o n f l i c t o f interest. T h e Citizens P a r t y , t h r o u g h this schizophrenic t r a n s a c t i o n , received the lisl t h r o u g h Ihe diligent e f f o r t s o f v a r i o u s S A g r o u p s . It is o u r suggestion l h a l a choice be presented t o M a r k D u n l e a . T h e m a n is a p r o f e s s i o n a l a n d plays die role o f Ihe a d v o c a t e w e l l . F o r this reason a l o n e , Dunlea remains the ideal O C A D i r e c t o r . But i n . o r d e r f o r h i m a n d O C A t o f u n c t i o n e f f i c i e n t l y , Ids executive link w i t h die Citizens P a r l y must be severed. Unless he makes Ihis concession we feel lie cannot f u n c t i o n f o r the students' hesl interest. C o n s i d e r these facts before m a k i n g y o u r d e c i s i o n . T h a n k y o u , in advance, f o r y o u r l i m e . Sincerely, The Editorial Board A l b a n y S l u d e n i Press Tonight, Tuesday, Novcmbct I7ih at 7:15 p.m. is a meeting in die Humanities I ouiigc, Room 354 I'm till students and lucidly concerned about these problems and otIters. We need yout help, l e t ' s gel the issues resolved once and lot all! —Numni llrtinn — Howard Upper )uvid l.udcwig «//<•/i-Vi dteoUtte magnate A M \'\ . I .' Established In 1916 Robert E. Qrubman, Editor In Chief SlDvon A. Qreenberg, Dean Quit, Managing Editors Rbb Edolsleln, Senior Editor Mows Editor Associate Nows Editors ASPects Edltois AssocleloASPoc.s Editor Sound Editor Vision Editor Sports Edllor Associate Sports Editors Edllorlal Pages Edllor Copy Edllor • Susan Mllllgen . Juillu Eisonborg, Wayne Pooroboom Andrew Carroll, Joannu Wolnor Michael Brandos RoyCollglu.a Mark Rosaler '-"'I K » h n Marc Haapel. Michael Carmen Frank J. Gil, Jr. . Bruco J. Lienor Editorial Assistants: Belli Bruiser, Hruce J, Levy. Lisa Mlrabolla, Howard Pollack, Stall wrltsrs: Bob Bollalloro, Davlrl Brooks. Kon Canlor. Sharon Colo, Huhurt-kennoth Dickey, Michael Dlnowllz, Jim Dixon, Bill Fischer, Mark Flschntll, Mark Gesner, Kon Gordon, Stove GosBott, Mark Hammond, Dobblo Judge, Kelhy Klssano, Eric Koll, Jill Lanrjolla, Craig Marks, John Moran, Madeline Pascuccl, Sylvia Saunders, Barbara Schindler, Mark Schwarr, Belli Sever, Susan Smith, Jessica Truatlway, JosBlca Whltobook, Spectrum and Events Editor BolBy ComplBl, Zodiac snd Preview Editor: Mario Gurbarlno Bonnie Stevens, Business Manager Ji.nui DreltusB, AdvetllBtng Manager Dsvld Nolll Yapko, Sales Manage! Billing Acco.ml.nto Hedy Brr^er, Judy B.Sanlo, Keren Sartnll . Arlone Kallowltz Payroll Supervisor ' . September Klein Classified Manager " ' David Dock AdveUlslno'ssIss" Sloven Golden, Mlndy Bchulman, John Trul.no, Advertising Production M.n.g...: Susan Kaplan. Dlsnne Glscola, Advertising Production: Michelle Horowitz, Mara Mondelsohn, Elton Slelnlold, Melissa Wossorman, Otlle. Stall: Jennlter Bloch, Ellen Ep.leln D.v. Th.nh.ustr, Production Manager David Bock, As.oo/ate Production Manager Chltt Comput.r ptiolcly|WMlllng T.ohnlol.o '_?"''•'"!! Verticil Camera * EIISSB Bock p.stsup- Debbie BernoU, J.nlco Klnimlch, Ed«n Lovlne, Eileen M.ry, M.ryk.lo Murphy, Ellzabath Valwitlno, Typl.to: Judy Amedel, tynd. Banvinulo, M.ry Burko, Merle G.rb.rlno, September Klein, S.r.lyn Lovlno, Othla Hy.n, Zerl Slant Ch.ull.un M.rth. H.lnor Tn.« Albeny Bludonl Pros. I . published .very Tueid.y end Frld.y during the .ohool year by Ihe Albany Slu.lnni Press Corporation, »n Independent not-lor-prodl corporation. Edltorl.1. are wrltUn by Irr. Editor In Chlel with number, ol the Editorial Board', policy I. .ubiect to review By Ihe Editorial Board. Advertising policy doe. nol necessarily rollocl.odlloilol policy. Page Twelvfe Where the sex Is, Nov. 17 and 18,7-9 p.m. Stale Quad Flagroom. Sexuality seminar. Speakers, panel dlscusslons, Information center. To third floor Waterbury and east . wing girls section. , Nanette, Sue, Erlka, Nancy, Kyra, Sue, Nancy, Amy, Cathy, Tara, Tamar, Ellsa, Amy, Lisa, Marie, Cars. Two Renault R-16, one runs, Adrlenne, We love you. • Mitch and Steve one lor parts. Good condition both motor and body. 4564857. Ask lor The Ross Man Costs Less I John. TST Cross-Country skits, poles, boots, rsldnian, Council. size 9 and 1/2, $50. Kelty Tour Pack, Internal frame. Mint condition, $40. Make widgets not war. Corner desk, beautiful, $40. Dresser Alex, Lenny, Matt and Steve, with mirror, $40. Thank you all for helping me when I For sale: practically new down needed you most. I love you all from parka, size large, zip off sleeves, the bottom ol my heart. cream colored with red/blue trim. Joey $50. Call Mark, 465-7133. P.S. You're the greatest. Classified CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Deadlines: Tuesdays fit 3:30 p.m. for Friday Issues ' Fridays at 3:30 p.m. for Tuesday Issues. Rates: 10 cents per regular word; 2 0 cents par bold word. Minimum charge $1.00 Class 80*8 are acepted at the Contact Office, (CC Lobby under the stairs) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m: weekdays. No ads will be printed without name, address or phone number on the Advertising Form. Credit may be extended but NO refunds will be given. Editorial policy will not permit.ads to be printed which contain blatant profanity. If you have any questions or problems concerning classified advertising, ' please contact September at 7-3322 or atop the ASP Office In CC 332. c Wanted Free transportation to and from New York City for weekend once or twice a month to travel with eight year old girl and four year old boy. Call Rubin, (212) 874-4183 nights. Models wanted: figure photography. $15/hr. Release required. Horizon Studios, PO Box 323, Latham, NY 12210. Free-lance performers, actors, troupeo and musicians are Invited to audition for holiday performances at Latham Circle Mall. Upon appearing at the mall, artists may "pass the fiat" to the audience. There wilt be a stage and specific performing times. Call Robbln Block at 485-1561 for audition limes. Attention Hum 102 students; let's make a deal. Your music section exam for our art/architecture exam. Call Sue, 436-7485 or Amy, 4554580. (^ost/Fou^) Lost: 14K gold rope necklace. Reward. Call Stuart, 7-4693. Lost: A pair of pants from suit. Needed very badly. Reward offered. Call Fred, 463-3564. c Novenifer 17, 1981 _ Albany Student Press _ Rides Ride wanted: Brown University (Providence) this weekend. Will share. Caroline, 7-8671. ((^ S e r v i c e s ^ ) Passport/Application Photos $5 for 2, $1 for each 2 thereafter. Tuesdays, 1-3 p.m. No appointment necessary. University Photo Service, Campus Center 305. Any questlons? Caff Will or Karl, 7-8867. Professional Typing Service. IBM Selectrlc Typewriter. Call 273-7218 evenings, weekends. Typing. Fast, accurate, reasonable rates. Any size. 434-8427. Raffle tickets printed at reasonable prices. Call Tully Printing, 449-5468. Typing. Fast, accurate service ineludes pick-up and delivery at Social S c i e n c e s . Call Sally, 399-2704. (2 F o r Sale ) Fender strat with case, $400. Fender tune reverb, $400. MXR phase 90, $50. All in excellent condltlon, 938-2798. Cut out and save. For that special occasion for yourself or someone else. 14kt. gold lewslry. Low price, high quality. Mark, 7-7829 or CC, The Goldman. 8tones Ticket for sale for Nov. 27, Syracuse. Excellent seat. 449-5986. Discount prices on products by Par- To all supporting friends, fums Rochas. For women: Madame Thanks for your generous pledges Rochas, Femme, Mystere. For men: and caring help. Monsieur Rochas, Moustache. Call Love, Ruth and Jimmy 462-3045. Feldman, Lasusa lor Freshman Hockey equipment for sale. Misc. Council. pads, gloves, helmet. Call Tom, Sue In Tuscarora, 7-3371 or 4384549. "Brooke Shields" I'm In love with Surplus Jeeps, cars, trucks. Car-lnv. you. value $2143 sold for $100. For InforA secret admirer mation on purchasing similar What the hell Is a widget? bargains, call 602-941-8014 ext. 6284. Phone call refundable. To Onondage 109 and especially Dave, Used Guitars: Martin, Eplphone, Thanks for a wonderful B-dayl Gibson. Mandolins and Fiddles. And] 477-5022 except Saturday. I buy used musical Instruments too. Sherl, The puddles will never run dry. Happy Blrthdayl I love you. Joey Feldman, Lasusa lor Freshman Council. c •Jobs J Sorry this Is lats, but at least It's a ilt that's you. Happy belated 19th Irthday. I Know you had a, well, Interesting one, know what I mean? Something must be done. Love always, Karen Feldman, Lasusa lor Freshman Council. For a "damn" good time, come see the Mets strike back. Logo Contest. Sponsored by JSC/Hlllel. Draw a logo (design) for JSC/Hlllel letterhead. Prize, $18 gift certificate to store of choice. Deadline: Nov. 30, 1981. Submit entries to JSC/Hlllel, CC 320. For more Information, Call JSC/Hlllel, 7-7508. g Sept, Can we please be real?l I may not be able to go on. Merle Feldman, Lasusa lor Freshman Council. Peggy, So I ve never given a personal and ou've never received one. Now It's our turn. Mike Lasusa lor • Council. The Rose Man Costs Less. Freshman Get Wldgotlzedl Classified Ads Form ASP Classified Advortliilng Form Circle appropriate headingi Wanted lost k Found For Sale Housing Servicos Jobs JHlde/Ridors Personals Enclosu ten cents per vordi twenty cento per word for bold print. Circle word3 to be oet in bold. Hinimufc charrje |1,00. Print ad exactly as yod wish it to apaeari Feldman, Lasusa for Freshman Council. Dear Jackie, 2 bedroom apartment. Available Happy Birthday. I hope you have a Dec. 1st. Corner of Western and Onreally lerrlflcal day. tario. Rent $250 plus utilities. Call Love ya, Stacy James, 438-2773. Keep trying. Ichliebdich Nancy Lee, Tired of dorm noise? Study lor Happy 20th birthday to a sweet finals In peaceful 6 bedroom house dumb blond. within walking distance to uptown Love, Ronnie and Maggie campus. Yard. 2 bedrooms Widgets Wall! available Dec. 1. $100/month plus utilities. Call 482-3763 alter 7 p.m. Lorllee, Roommate wanted, own room, Happy anniversary. I love you. within walking distance of campus, You're the best. spring occupancy, non-smoking. Love, Your little U.F.O. Call Mike or Kevin, 489-5947. Feldman, Lasusa lor Freshman 2 bedroom apt. opposite Council. Washington Park. $350, heat Includ- Sabrlna, ed. Available January 1. Call You're never In Atm 100 anymore. I 434-6461 after 8 p.m. miss you very much. One female needed as of Jan. 1 to A secret admirer, 7th row, 8th seat complete a 3 bedroom apt. on SprThe Rose Man Costs Less. ing street. Close to bus and shopping. Call 465-8467. Let's Wldge-Out. Feldman, Lasusa lor Freshman Council. The Super Freak Suite lives on Indian Quad. Oneida 205. Let there be no substitutes. Burn rubber on us. Dear Linda, Here's your personal like I promis- Cararara or Claire, So, you want a harder one? How ed. Too bad you're (aithful but you do have the nicest emerald eyes I've many cobblestones In the circle? Love, Anderson and Coryea ever seen. Love, Stove Janet who wanted a personal, Feldman, Lasusa lor Freshman How was the Jacques Banet champagne? Council. BUI This weekend It's off campus, Colonial, and State Quad nights at the RCO Majors, meeting tonight, 7:15 Mousetrap. Stop In for great enterp.m. HU lounge. tainment and a good time. Feldman, Lasusa lor Freshman Feldman, Lasusa lor Freshman Council. Council. From this lemon to the other, SDBAS for sure II lite wasn't such a For a good time, call Ricky. For an SNAFU, even better time, call JoeThe Rose Man's Delivery Sale. See To the Director of Damn Yankees, ad for $ off coupon. Good luckl Lets live and learn. Hetero-homo Love, Mom, Dad, Deb, and Mike (and and blsexuality. Where they all Baker) stand In the 19B0's. Nov. 17-18, 7-9 p.m. State Quad F l a g r o o m . Feldman, Lasusa lor Freshman Speakers, literature, Inlormatlon Council. center. Come see the Mets strike back. It Feldman, Lasusa lor Freshman really scores. November 19, 21, 22. Council. Clam Lovers Special. $l.95/dozen at To Kevin, Barbara, Denis and Bogarts. 4-8 p.m. Wednesdays and Peggy, Fridays. You people are the greatest. Mike The Rose Man's Delivery Salol Sou P.S. Give me a chance to think ol a ad lor 5 ofl coupon. reason why. Help. Expert testimony criticizing the various engineering and 609 UNH, technical aspects ol the Hudson Thanks lor the Freiholfers on the River PCB dredging project wnaled. Northway. Wish we could of had Please contact Mr. Walsh at some ol that milk. Maybe someday we can. 885-8744 or 518-793-6611. 1897 AGS Feldman, Lasusa for Freshman Feldman, Lasusa for Freshman Council. Council. The Mousetrap presents Tammy Karp this weekend (Nov. 20 and 21) RK, featuring soft rock and show tunes. Thanks for your support, your love, and your kindness. Here's to strip Doug, Bo and Danny, ThankB for teaching ma not to clubs, shlshllck, and corco. Remomber that I care. smile, LS The Dlreotor P.S. I'm not suicidal. c Personalis D> Phono PEOEIPr SA Pay Raise I Preview] continued from front page Issue of SA employees' subminimum wage, tends to make SA lose " a lot of credibility." However, Pologc's decision to veto Central Council's bill won'l necessarily be beneficial to SA's credibility, according to Internal Affairs, Commillcc Chair Amy Adclman. "The president has stressed wc (Central Council) gel things done this year," Adclman said, adding that reluming the bill to Ihc Council will only hold up other legislation, "further delaying student programming." SA is the only campus employer paying its workers less than minimum wage, Pologc said. "We're supposed lo be this big sludenl advocacy group, ycl wc can't pay our own student employees minimum wage," Pologc added. Unless the vcio is overturned in Central Council tills Wednesday night Ihc $3.35 pay rale will remain in effect. Chapel House — The schedule of masses Is as follows: Sal. 6:30 p.m. and Sunday 12:30 p.m. in Chapel House, Sunday ,6:30 p.m. In the Campus Center and dally at 11:15 a.m. In Ihc Campus Center, Room 3 6 1 . Lutheran Campus Ministry/Protestant Holy Communion Is al 11:00 a.m. Sundnys al Chapel House. Sexuality Seminar — Stale Quad is sponsoring a seminal on Hclcro-Homo-Blscicuallly — Where ihey all stand In Ihc 1980's, on November 17-18ih from 7 to 9 p.m. In the Siaic Quad Flagroom. Speakers Forum — C. Gordon Liddy will speak alioul his Involvcmcnl in Waiergale in the CC Ballroom on Thursday, November 19, al 8:00 p.m. For more Information, call 7-8520. : No ad will bo printed without name, address or phono no. Credit may be extended but K0 rofunds will ba given. Jllltorlal policy will not permit ads to ba printed that contain blatant profanity or slander. Amount unclosed S.A. Sie, LOOKIE HERE What we have here is a failure to communicate (an applicable cliche). The point here is that we don't always know what you want. O h , sure, you tell us on a Saturday night when you're too drunk to think straight, but if you really want things in this newspaper, tell us. Write us. Come up here and say something. Yell it from the podium. Let us know . . . . . .It's your paper too. *1otf p • ! I i WITH TH» COUPOMXJRA ! For publication on CoftMhouMi flincni, Plfthj) TlMtl'i Corw.rti Huwuml film. OaltoilH tiWI.IIt, DlipUyi ipMMti Uelumi, Mmlnirt All.nllm, Majon C u * Ntw» Bporti HotlCfl t«tu*t Public Nolle.. Mlic.llany Tawni Olhti: Deacrlptlon ol Event: Location ot Event _ _ D a y i and Oalaa; _ Into. Phona:__ S A. ConlKt Ottlci Ml Mil I M S tin » SI M> IO AIP Pwrtaw 0* 'SZ£,!at? | | FMONE 445-12I* . ! I BREAKFAST - IUNCH - DINNER B X NIOHTOW1. MEALS I ] .Expireill/31/81 I J i a KM MM « nniM*""" «*'" U n c i t e r fromoim. | SIWHANWSUNSBlTOMimsnIPS • Mils ml iircMiiliil os u public srrWie It) The Allnwv Sllttjcnt IW THE ROSE MAN DELIVERS FRESH CUT FLOWERS DELIVERIES Off Campus: 13.50 DOZ 7.00 V2DOZ On Campus: 12.00 DOZ 6.00 V2DOZ $1.00 OFF on delivery of 1 dozen roses or 50C OFF on delivery of Vz dozen from THE ROSE MAN Oiler expires H-20-81 ANTHROPOLOGY ciua 3= • ... Oratl Contact Peraon and Phone:- sTONsortEDflyW E ()„ ,nmb4, i^l/UmU <w toufoa f <""">" *"'"*'- WrileHiL eioishSuwtN;- Jivm ntrndini lucwtij This Coupon Entitles the Bearer to | open 24 hrs. daily u GOD BLESS AMERICA. Sponsoring Organization:. Nama ot Event: CAMPUS CENTER MON — FRI * » MADISON AVC. ALBANY ( M M O Ouall > Onuilol The Albany Student Press Because, well, why not? 21 IN SWEDEN. 42INWESTGflWMAm: 10,728 IN THE UNITED STATES. — 1 for 1.25 3 for 2.50 6 for 4.50 JERRY'S Restaurant And Caterers I £RMH«tt Pttaia III! out one form tor tnch Ham or tvanl and print claariy. continued from from page Military Science concurs." Osborne said Army Regulation 145-1, which covers R O T C programs, and Ihc cross-registration agreement infer lhal he could drop homosexuals from ROTC courses. He stressed, however, lhal he would noi slop gays and lesbians from inking ROTC courses. " I don't care who lakes these classes . . . some of llicsc people (homosexuals) arc pretty valuable," he said. Osborne said he saw no conflict between ROTC's policy on gays and lesbians and ihc university's anil-discrimination policy. He suid thai Ihc ROTC program "is noi a pari of SUNY — it is an RPI program." H o w e v e r , M c l ' a r l l i n said, SUNYA sluclcnls receiving crcdil for a program discriminating on Ihc basis of sexual and al'fcclional preference "gives us an Indication of how supporlivc ihc university is of its own policies, and that's a sad commentary." I I Campus Crusade for Christ — "Prime Time," the weekly meeting will be at 9 p.m. on Thursday, November 19 in CC375. Features fun, refreshments and John Uffclmann speaking on "Communication: How to Oct Your Tongue Untied." . RCO majors — will be meeting 10 established an organization 10 Improve Ihc RCO department and to offer services to students on Tuesday, November 17, In the Humanities Lounge at 7:15 p.m. Career Information Resource Center for University Students (C.I.R.C.U.S.) — is open Monday-Thursday from 5-9 p.m. at Dutch Quad Blcckcr Hall Lobby.. Amnesty International — Al has received an urgent action ap-' peal and is operating a teller wriling room in CC364. Women's Studies Programs/University Seminars Program — "The Puerto Rlcan Woman," presented by Ella Christcnsen, Affirmative Acilon orficc, New York Slalc Department of Civil Service. Bring your lunch and join Ihcm al 12:15, Wednesday, November 18 in ihc Humanities Lounge. jSCMIillcl — The Office of International Porgrams and the JSC-Hillcl will he prescnicd a program for all interested in study abroad in Israel on Wednesday, November 18 al 2:30 in Ihc Humanities Lounge. Dance Council — An informal preview of dances IO be performed in Ihc SUNY Fooiworlcs"performance next Semester on Friday, November 20 al 8:00 p.m. in Ihc Dance Sunlio of the Physical Education Building. Admission is $1.00. ROTC S S i ' S Europe, r o ' S h .S. . IAmer., r J ^ SAustralia, & f f i ' The Rose Man's Delivery Sale. See round. ad for $ off coupon. Asia. All fields. $500-$1200 monthly. Sightseeing. Free Info. Write IJC, Sex Is coming to State Quad, Tues. box 52-NY-1, Corona Del Mar, CA Nov. 17th, Homo, blsexuality, alternative lifestyles. Wed. Nov. 18th, 92625. hetorosexuallty, alternative lifestyle. Page, Thirteen-; Albany Student Press Qaar I 6 6 Dearest Rob, I (eel as though my life has Just begun, since I met you. These past 15 dsys have been beautiful. I hope we continue learning about each other and sharing our lives together. I need you. Love, Sharon eldman, November 17,1981 • ft housing ; GENERAL Meer/Ne Guest speakev- D R . P A U L •aTlSAaV wfc a l s o 2 have.-infoRmation 4rip.ro on OFr\.-G*mpuS-. Boston. M o n W L C C a r . a J ( 0 , a n * .lAMsmNGTOM_D.G. -, r\e*t ..Constitutional WARD amendments Semester etierihs ; Ond. W\any more.. DATE * Nov: 19 TIME' 7-.30p.rn. PLACE • CCAutnty Hall \\ i^_^gLL_ v>)EUC°^rl r FUERZA LATINA PRESENTS A Night of Latin Music with ? Ramada Inn 1228 Western Ave. 2nd floor Squire Room 1 * * i * * * * * * * * N E W Y O R K , N . Y . ( A P ) The S.uear was instrumental in helping the Bowl has chosen Georgia over Sugar Bowl secure ihe Southeastern Alabama lo be Ihc hosi learn Conference champion as its host againsl No. ] ranked Pill on New team. Year's Nighi, The Asspclaled Press | learned Monday nighl. Alabama had hoped lhai SaluiEven Ihough Georgia was ranked day's 31-16 victory over lil'lh| fotirlh in The Assoeiaied Press poll ranked Penn. Stale would Influence I last week and Alabama was sixth, ihe Sugar Bowl committee, • tlie decision seems certain lo raise Georgia, which won ihe national Iproiesis in Alabama, as ii would championship a year ago by Ihavc in Georgia had the Sugar Howl defeating None Dame 17-10 in the |gone I he reverse route. Sugoi Howl, clinched al least a lie 'They've got short memories," I'oi the SEC title last Saturday by b,aid one member o f the Alabama defeating A u b u r n 24-13. The •family, referring lo ihe 197.1 na- Bulldogs have a 9-1 overall record arid conclude lire icgulni season t i o n a l championship Alabamaagainsl Georgia Tech, a nonleaguc sjolre Dame shooiom which Coach foe, on Dec. 5. Bear Hi yam arranged. Bryant also Weeknights at 8. fc Tuesday Album of 5 t h e Week at the The Cars-Shake it Up j Wednesday F r o n t ? Row Center ^ Semi-Formal No sneakers or Jeans The Tubes ^ Thursday ^ Interview Sat Nov. 21st 1981 at 9:00pm Mixed Drinks Admission i J $4.00 w/t in advance $4.50 w/o in advance $5.00 at the door w/t $5.50 at the door w/o Southside Johnny Springsteen Week w j sponsored by for tickets contact Soc/Cult Julio 457-8994 or . Prs de|>t. Fueno Latino, Office 457-8651 UCB Show us you are affiliated with an area university or college and we'll show you the learning advantages of the Atari 800 and 38.67188% savings on your purchase. ' The Atari 800 Personal Computer is your selfvpaced instruction tool. For professors, the Atari 800 offers the opportunity for computer-aided instruction. For students and professors, The Computer Room offers not only the Atari 800 but support hardware and software at very basic prices. Playing his songs all week long. AS REQUESTED ALBUM CONTEST \ Stay tuned to 91FM for details in iii.miiiiiiiiitimiiitiiii n\\ HIM EBlATAiaffls)!J'~ A •EBKiSnr'iB /:' ATARI* Atari 800 - 48 K Atari 810 Disk Drive Atari 830 Modem Atari 850 Interface Atari Telelink Emulator Atari Joysticks Atari Paddles Atari Microsoft Basic Atari Assembler Epson MX-80 Printer with Graphics & Cable Hitachi 13-ln. Color TV SPECIAL PRICE $ 785 362 125 135 18 15 15 50 35 599 300 LIST PRICE $ 1,280 600 200 220 25 19 19 90 60 750 449 Page Fifteen November 17, 1981. NEW Y O R K , Now York (AP) The Bcw York Jets, written o f f far dead Hiree weeks rnio ihe season, now Ihc the American l-ooihall Conjfience'.s honesi team and just a • j.lyiciory away from I'irsi place. • They have won six of iheir pasi BBghl games and lied one —28-28.il g l d i a m i Ociohcr 4 when lire j f o l p h i n s were unbeaten. • Sunday, the Jets gel-Miami on B e i r home lirif. • Miami, coming o f f a .13-17 loss lo B o k l a n d , is 7-3-1 and atop the A I C Eusi. The .Ids, keyed by their fierce Bhss-rusliing null, arc 6-4-1 followTin' a 17-6 victor)' over the New England Patriots. " I lie lusi lime I played loi liis 'place was in college — and Ihe liis game o l everi season." sail linebacker Greg Buttle. And Bruce Harper, ihe Jets' allpurpose offensive hack, noted: " W e know where we can go now. The'lucentive Insl week was lo heal a team w'c were supposed lo heal, Baltimore. This week ii was lo beat a leant we hadn'r beaten in five years a l - Foxhoro, Massnchusclls, And next week we'll have ihc biggesl incentive o f all — first place." Riiltie has had a close-up view o f what has become known as lire New York Sack Exchange, n ferocious defensive line led I n ends Mark Ciasrineau mid Joe Klccko, Euch had ihicc o f New York's eieln sacks agalnsi New England (|imrierhncks, raising ihc learn loral lo 46, lops in ihe National l-ooihall I digue, Giusiincau, ihc i n o i i clenwiwrailve of Ihe iwo flails about, punching the air, when he nails' his picv, leads Ihc league with 15'• sacks. Klccko, w i l l , i , ' „ „ i e i c i , farm-boy image compared lo t his more ruopoli lan-look i coilnteipnrl, has 14 sacks, second il ihe N F L " W e ' v e got ihe defensive playeis ol die ycai walking in here," AllI'm offensive tackle Maiviu Powell of ihe Jels said as liis leantmalcs entered tin- loekei room m Schaclci Stadium Sunday. "Ciiisliueau and Klccko; t t i e j ' i c hi ii li ox-sltoug and cai-i|iiick." " I licy'ie as good ns we had in a j champ ship u ' i i i , " said Wall Michaels, Hie defensive conidnuiljii wli^-ii ihc Jels wiui Super. Bowl III in I 1969 and now ihcii head coach. "They've gill nunc sacks — Inn there's moie lo defense than sacks. Don'i fojgel I hill we had ihc No. I defense in the league lhai year." Kainly Utismtissen, ihc 36-ycaiold guard who suffered a sprained ankle in die victory ovei ihe Pais mid is a doubtful starlet againsl M i a m i , is ihe mils menibei o f this scar's .Ids who played on Ihc Supei Howl Icaill, when Gel ry Philbiu and John 1 11 i 1111 led Ihe pass illsll. I'niiMK awarded on a 10,9,8,^5,4,3,2,1 basis. ASP Top Ten compiled by Bob Beitafiorc, Mike Carmen, Biff Fischer, and I.airy Kahn. TOWER EAST CINEMA E R A. fA I C- RaunbOLO S4-rawbfcjrr,nl Balloons COLOR, y U.L, Women's Track and Field Interest Meeting Tuesday December 1 8PMPE 212 '• ( ? M o n t u ba.ol< :H JM Thursday, Friday a n d Saturday November 19, 2 0 , 2 1 7:30 and 10:30 P M LC 7 $1.00 w / T a x , $ 1 . 5 0 w / o u t Tax C? NA.MC ADDRESS _ CITY.ST^ri". Cv+vj. f Choice. RamOouJ I ________________ ) Palloorsa I ALL ARE WELCOME I S*ro._'_vrr'i«_>__ * * * i * * i Tuesday, November 17th 8:00 pm LC-22 For more information call Steve or Skip al 482-3482 SA FUNDED Albany State University Black Alliance .^ Presents FpesiliiiieiA November 20, 1981 Hff^Ilt9 Patroon Lounge Campus Center * * * Everyone is invited t o a t t e n d * «.» * 9 TV * -X- r************************************** i i Acqitaiutauee •X- Tonight * <y MALCY , -collection of deposits for SUGARBUSH VALLEY SKI WEEK -membership stgn-ups -discussion of other ski club events 1694 Cenlral Avenue, Albany (518)869-3818 juo-rnn+te c ? 4 W ^ K da. I i v e . r u <s?#M.SO Pbst«.gft Poud Send CKtcK or Mon'e^i 0 r d « t r - T ? ! Ski Club Meeting Tonight! THE COMPUTER ROOM Authorized Atari Dealer whole thing just fell together this Southern C a l . was the frontmorning." runner f o r the Rose B o w l until it Holmes indicated Ihe Sugar Bowl losi to Washington last Saturday, bul the Trojans slill have an outside would have preferred lo wail unlil the Alabama-Auburn game and chance for Ihc Rose Bowl. then take Ihe higliesi-rankcd team between Georgia and Alabama" if The Sugar Bowl's selection o f they wound up as SEC co- Georgia will come as no surprise to Mickey Holmes, executive direc- champions. He said Ihe decision P i l l , hut il was known thai Pitt lor o f ihe Sugai Bowl, would was made " l o protect the best i n - Coach Jackie Shcrrill, who played neilhei confirm nor deny the A P terests" of Ihe SEC. for Bryant at Alabama in the I960's , report, Bui he confirmed that a had hoped l o face his old coach in a 'decision has been made and said an bowl game. By t h a i , Ire meant giving announcement would be made Alabama a shot al a lucrative New Saturday, the day howl bids can be Year's Day Howl. The C o n o n Bowl officially tendered. said ii was considering Alabama " W e have decided on our pro- and Southern California as lire .'eduics toi Saturday and will go ac- Msiting learn againsl Ihe Southwest cordingly," Holmes said. " T h e Conference champion. YOUR NAME ON A UNIQUE. HANDPAINTED HEART P I N c Great Dane Basketball Preview Tonight 10:00 pm WCDB 91FM Faculty members and students wishing t o purchase a system must present university or college ID to T h e C o m p u t e r R o o m . This ID must be either a p e r s o n n e l office statement (for f a c u l t y m e m b e r s ) o r a registrar's statement (for s t u d e n t s ) . S t u d e n t s will also be r e q u i r e d to present a letter f r o m the c o l l e g e o r university stating that the Atari C o m p u t e r will be used for educational purposes. Students and faculty may m a k e o n e p u r c h a s e of any c o m b i n a t i o n o f t h e e q u i p m e n t d e s c r i b e d b e l o w as l o n g as t h e p u r c h a s e i n c l u d e s t h e A t a r i 800 - 48K. T e l e v i s i o n sets and E p s o n P r i n t e r s m a y b e p u r c h a s e d at a s e p a r a t e t i m e f o r t h e p r i c e s i n d i c a t e d as l o n g a s i d e n t i f i c a t i o n is p r e s e n t e d . The area's oldest and most experienced computer store. Alabama is 8-1-1 and 5-0 in the conference wilh one game remaining againsl SEC rival Auburn In Birmingham on Nov. 28. However, the Sugar Bowl's contract wilh ihe SEC gives Ihc bowl commiilce Ihe right t o pick ihc conference representative in Ihe event o f a tie. Jets Shoot for First Place... Finally SWE 38.67188% ON AN ATARI COMPUTER WWWWW • I I M I I I I P I I it Sports Georgia Expected to Receive Sugar Bowl Bid fc Our Specials are Great!! "Conjunto Cache" # * * .Albany Student Press Freshmen w/ I.D. - 50e Upperclassmen w/ tax card - 75' Upperclassmen w/out tax card - $ 1.00 XRefresl Refr^sliments vsrill Jbc served. f u nSAd e d O'Q».,s>*B»0*B»<to^^i.«t>iHfc«ai>«qfrq» «•> Wi ^ 'tti"p> 'piWji?1 ,Albany Student Press CASH?? TOP DOLLAR PAID FOR rSED RECORDS 5 Rock, Jazz & Folk Albums In Excellent Condition BRING THEM TO THE 1^ USED RECORD SALE B A R N E S & NOBLE Wed., Thurs., & Fri. November 18-20th 10am - 3pm continued from back page ' n e w clients Hair Goes Electrolysis .. .Permanent hair removal We Guarantee a Better Treatment •Less sensation •Faster results •Dermatologist recommended •Patronized hy Physicians •Laurier insulated probes '1 free facial tan next door at silver tanning center 2 5 Percent Off all follow-up treatments with s t u d e n t I.D. VISA Suite 14 105 Wolf Road 381-1829 or 458-1242 Page Seventeen Danes Romp New Haven 5 0 Percent Off* j I Sports November 17, 1981 M.C. The Danes struck again with jusi 2:36 leH in Ihe game. Chaigci Miles McPhcrson, an All-Arrferlca'n candidate al safely, rumbled a puni on his own 9 yard line and DiBari scooped il up. Four plays laier Pi al I hii Brien in Ihe end /one from five yards out for Ihe reception record. Tom Lincoln kicked his fifth extra point of the game for the final score. A 15 miles per hour wind was a major factor in the game. All the scoring occurred with the wind advantage. Neither team could score in ihe first quarter, hut Albany notched 14 points with the wind til Ihcii hack in the second quarter, Dane defensive hack Dave Hardy set up ihe firsi score with a speclaculai one-handed interception of a Ready loss at the Albany .16 yard line. Il was his.eighth interception of ilic season. Quarterback Tom Roth then engineered a 12-play drive with .lay Ennis taking Ihe ball in for Ihe score on a l'3-yard burst up the middle. The Danes scored on their next possession after a short punt left them on the Charger 29. Rob Ncaring dove Into I he end /one from one yard out 10 plays later. Before the game, New Haven, now 4-4-2, had one of the lop rated passing offenses in Division I I , but Ihe Danes effectively shut them down. Last week Ready passetl foi a school record 321 yards against Coast Guard, Mm the Danes put conslahl pressure on the sophomore slunal-callci and Ihe secondary did a good j o b covering the receivers, lo hold the Chargers to 220 yards passing, and only 204 yards total of- THE PRETENDERS Rusliiiiu— AllMilJ, Dunham IU-(.H, I'I Ni-ailil|i ?-24, t-imis H-28, limn 2-24. No UiKui/.- 11-21. Piwtttli—Allium, frmi 4-1-0-67, t Niu MBU'II, Ri-od) I9.34-3-220. t i Herschel Walker Rushes to Top A T L A N T A , Otirgiu (AP) A l l American tailback Herschel Walker, who exploded on the college football scene a year ago and led Georgia to the national championship as a freshman, believes he is having an even heller season as a sophomore. Walker, who ran for 1,616 yards last year to break ihe freshman' record set by Tony Dot set I, has 1,666 so far this season with one game remaining — a December 5 contest with Georgia Tech. Yet there arc those who say the 6-fool-2, 220-pound Walker has not been as effective this year for Ihe fourth ranked Bulldogs. t " C o m i n g o f f the season I had lasl year, lltey expect me lo be what I'm n o t , " Walkci said in a telephone interview f r o m the Athens campus. " T h e y expect me lo be a superman, which I'm not. I'm just a human being like everyone else." There are those who may think Walker is not human, like Tennessee Coach Johnny Majors, who calls the Georgia tailback " I h e greatest football playei in America." "Everyone in Ihe country has tried everything they can to slop him and no one's slopped him y c l , " said Florida's Charlie Pell after '-"- !Xa^HHHr^HriHi-irii>-n; it • it ii n n n it n n n n~ n are very proud to present fense with -16 yards rushing. cJEAN PAUL Ihe only Genuine French COIFfURES Sajon In ALBANY cJEAN PAUL J.C. and' Paul worked for 8 In Manhattan • we under .QOFTURES years tand the problems students have tne same exdEAN PAUL celcellence len tn infinding Hair Styling they arc Walkci ion far 192 yards arid fain touchdowns in a 26-21 victory ovci the Gators Novcnibci 7. " I k * can come away with some of ihe must damaging 10-yard runs you'll evei wain to see. Does he ever do some punishing," And then there's Walker's coach, Vincc Dooley. The Albany Great Dane runners plowed through Ihe New Haven defense "Herschel was Ihe most publicizfor 254 yards In their lust game. (Photo: Marc Henschcl) ed freshman in ihe history o f college f o o t b a l l , " said Dooley. "That " D e s p i t e a l l Ihcsc t h i n g s , B u l l d o g s ' 24-13 victory over lias added to the human desire on lleisehel has had one ureal year. Auburn Saturday lo surpass his the pari o f our opponenis lo 'slop Wlien you consider all these things, own school record for rushing in one season, is only 20 yards shorl o f Herschel.' This year, Herschel is there is no question he is Ihe hesl rooiball player in ilie Southeastern Conference record behind a young offensive line and c o l l e g e o f 1,6R6 set by Charles Alexander againsi a new sei o f teams who A m e r i c a . " Walker, wlm hail 165 yaids in the "of Louisiana Stale. know all ahout him. . - #5 S k DECIDING ON YOUR CAREER? I f y o u h a v e a n I n q u i r i n g minor; i f y o u l i k e t o w o r k w i t h f a c t s a n d f i g u r e s - i f y o u l i k e t o s o l v e p r o b l e m s , m a k e d e c i s i o n s , t h e I N F O R M A T I O N P R O F E S S I O N c o u l d be f o r y o u l 3oorruRES^; to In N.Y.C. Our sta'f Is perbly trained and our service superl flu* best nossihle. **\w DEWITT CLINTON 142 STATE STREET, ALBANY, N.Y. 1220? (518)463-6691 15 per cent discount w i t h student I D till N e w Year's Eve except w i t h Jean C . P a u l or Marsha Bienvenue,_ A Master of Science from the SCHOOL of LIBRARY and INFORMATION SC/ENCE, Drexel University, will provide t h e skills needed t o enter the fast-growing Information field. COLLEGE GRADUATES FROM ALL DISCIPLINES - Liberal Arts, Science, Business, Engineering, etc. - are needed to organize, manage, interpret and disseminate the tremendous volume of information now being produced. Persons from specialized subject fields are needed to connect users of different Kinds of information with the specialized information they need. More information has been printed, recorded, filmed and microfilmed in the past ten y e i r s than in all previous history. The INFORMATION AGE has created an ERA of OPPORTUNITY. on Friday* January 19 at 8 PN JOBS FOR QUALIFIED PERSONS ARE AVAILABLE IN BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY, MEDICINE AND GOVERNMENT. What kinds of jobs are available? Scientific Information Specialists* Librarians - School, Public,- Special, AcademiceProgrammers/Analystsalnformation Managers • Multi-Media SpecialistsaResearchersclnformation Systems Designers • Technical Writers/Editors • Reference Specialists Information Entrepreneurs. What is the salary range? Average beginning salary * 1 7 , O 0 0 . ...CALL 'ickets on sale NOW at the Record Co-op! $ 7 . SO per t a x card SO.SO without (215) 895*2474 School of Library & Information Science ;£> Our Screwdriver's a X^f turn on with a whole new twist It's easy to get mixed up with 'cause the liquor's already in it hrjuKtl by Fttdt ul OiMlllcit Products, Inc. I'.itiiiiitiltfi'. MB. '•"•< inuiii Programs offered full or part-time. Students a t t e n ding full-time can complete degree requirements In IS months. DREXEL UNIVERSITY I Philadelphia, PA 1 9 1 0 4 Please send information about the Master of Science program to: NAME . | I .COLLEGE ATTENDING. ADDRESS. CITY , QUESTIONS . . STATE . .ZIP. .1 I 71 ..Albany Student Press Albany Student Press S p O l t S November 17, 1981 Page Eighteen Only Shapiro Qualifies to Run in NCAA Finals " ^ ^ Bruce Shapiro, the only harrier l o qualify Tor Ihc N C A A finals held In Kenosha, Wisconsin, leads Ihc pack in a track contest. The Danes finished fourth i n Ihc qualifying meet. (Photo: Lois Mnllahoni) WINTER & SPRING BREAKS WE'VE OOT EM! AT SUPER DEALS. C A M P U S VACATION A S S O C I A T I O N S SNOWMESTER . » B . n . SKI WEEKS FLORIDA DAYTONA & FT. LAUD. by Ken Canlor The Albany Slalc men's varsity cross county team finished fourlh in ihc N . C . A . A . Division 111 qualifying meets on Saturday, but one Dane runner, Bruce Shapiro, qualified l o compete as an individual. There were three complete teams thai qualified lor the N . C . A . A . finals, which will be held nexi Saturday In Kenosha, Wisconsin. The University of Rochester finished first Willi 46 points, Frcdonia came in second with 54 points, and a surprising Plallshurgh team came in third wilh I28 points. Albany finished a close fourth with 138 points. However, Albany was able lo qualify one runner for next week's finals. Shapiro came in eighth In.lhe field o f 110 runners, He finished Willi a link' o f 25:58, which was jusi one second shy o f his old course record. However, the Bancs did not gel many olliei good pel fomanecs. " T h e same injury jinx Iiii us l o day, jusl as ii had Ihc entire season," explained Albany coach Boh Munscy. " This week Scon .lames hurl his aieh during practice. In addition, we sal him out last week in ihc New York Slalc DON'T BE LEFT OUTI Join 100Cs of students Irom over 400 represented universities. Soak up the sun this Dec. * Jan. In Ft. Lauderdale. Imagine $89 lor round trip transportation and S119 lor 7 nights deluxe oceanfront lodging and that's not all, there's a tree car rental and tree Disney World excursion Included with every package! Or how about a winter break at the student ski vacation capital — Mount Snow, Vermont. You'll have a fantastic time on the slopes and there's a smorgasbord of apre's ski activities Including Iree beer bashes, pizza parties and a moonlight cross country ski oullng. The price? It's an unbelievable $134 lor condominium lodging or $164 for hotel lodging which Includes 5 breakfasts and 5 dinners. All rates Include 5 nights lodging and a 5 day lilt ticket. Spring break? Yes we've gol II, to the worlds most lamous beach Daytona Beach. It's only $89 lor round trip transportation and $104 lor 7 nights deluxe oceanfront lodging. Last year over 100,000 students vacationed on the 22 mile beach strip, why not become part o l it? Space is limited • first comers get best hotels & rooms. FOR A BROCHURE, RESERVATIONS AND INFORMATION CALL YOUR ON CAMPUS REP: e DAN TOMASETTI by Madeline Pnscucci Albany Stale's women's volleyball team is impressive. They went into this year's Stale Cham' plonships wilh a 32-5 record, undefeated in their division — very . impressive. After a weekend's play against some o f the bcsl volleyball teams in New York Stale, they found themselves in an impressive fourlh place, coming in behind Stony Brook, Buffalo and Rochester, who finished in thai order. Having won a 2-1 maich against the University or Rochester, and a 2-0 match againsi Binghaniton, things were looking good for ihc Danes for the first few games o f the tournament, Coach Pat Dwycr fell thai "horrendous rcfcrccing" had an effect on ihc team's 11-15, 5-15 loss lo Gcncsco. This loss brought Albany Into a Ihrcc way tic for first place wilh Rochester and Gcncsco in their r o u n d r o b i n pool. Rochester was awarded first on points, leaving Albany and Gcncsco to battle it our for second place in I lie bracket. The contest was a one-game pressure cooker, where a few points could mean the difference between going to the quarterfinals, and another disappointing Stale performance. Rosa Ptleto led Ihc leant by serving 12 straight points l o win the game 15-8. The victory earned Albany the liglu lo play previously undefeated Frcdonla in the quarter-finals. A satisfying 15-0,15-10 I Humph ended Saturday's play for ihc Danes. A " f l a w l e s s " Buffalo leant defeated Albany 2-1 on Sunday morning. " W e were lite belter t e a m , " said coach Dwycr, "they jusl 'didn't make any mistakes." Flflccnlh-secdcd Stony Biook heal Rochester, sending ilieni lo play Albany for llie third place spot. The leant, Mill upset about losing lo Buffalo, according lo Dwycr, diopped iliis maich also pulling Albany in loin III place. Munscy. The mcei marked the end o f Albany's home schedule. Bruce Shapiro will continue I w d the finals for Albany nexi week. L b Rosenthal was chosen for ihc N . Y . S . A . I . A . W . All-Star Team I'm her excellent play (luring Ihc touinameni. Coach Dwyei also cited siarieis Reba Miller, Rosa Prlela and Donna Chaicl I'm Iheii oulslanding play. Lisa Dichl and Lisa T o m , a freshman, were nolcd for lheir by Sharon Cole The Albany Slate women's swim (cam .spoiled Skidmoic 16 points before I heir Saturday n i l emu. MI maich even hcuan, bin Ihc Danes completely dominated thu n u n anyway. They won 90-47. The Skit)more pool was deemed unsafe hy Albany coaches because ol shallowness, so Ihe Danes did not dive in thai cvetii, thereby uivinL' Skidmore an uncontested 16 poinls, Albatti 8:30 RPIvs. 457-4748 Champi me 8:30 The spikers, spurting a 32-5 record, placed f o u r l h in the New York Stale Tournament last weekend. (Photo: A l a n Calem) The rest ol' Ihe al.teiuoon was quite the opposite as the Danes went on lo take nine events, Albany mmmm>m>m»*mmmm>i* o^«-»«tfc«-»^«-» WATCH FOOTBALL ON OURrtPT.V. SCREEN DRINK SPECIALS 9PM-M1DNIGHT PITCHER OF GENNY $ 2 . 2 5 GIN AND VODKA DRINKS 8 5 ' TUESDAY STEVE THOMPSON UitoiiinoU THURSDAY. FRIDAY. .._.-. SATURDAY THE UNITS No cover with current S U N Y A I D o n Thursdays THE YOUNG REPTILES & Standing Offer 2 Young Bands RUSH - NEIL YOUNG BARRY MANILOW CARS PRETENDERS GENESIS BILLY JOEL BLACK SABBATH GRATEFUL DEAD ROD STEWART PAUL MCCARTNEY VANHALEN AC/DC NEIL DIAMOND FRIDAYS Ticket $1.95/dozen MADISON AVE A ONTARIO S f f • A L B A N Y . 4 8 2 ' 4 » r 9 7 OZZY OSBOURNE DEBBIE HARRY Mail your name and address. Your name will be automatically placed on our CONCERT HOTLINE MAILING LIST. Drawings will be announced and winners notified by mail. 4-10 daily Clams PINK FLOYD -WIN 2 FREE ROLLING STONES TICKETS- Food a n d Drink Specials WEDNESDAY. Area Shows BOBSEGER DAVID BOWIE SUNDAY 1 V ^ D THE WHO POLICE WEDNESDAY DOWNTIME :: 4£ • • Nfinut C\\\ The women's volleyball team will compete in Ihc Eastern Regional Championships held this Saturday. (Photo: Alan Calem) conlrlhtiiliins al'ici coming o f f Ihc The winner o f llie consolation bench on Sunday. biackcl in Ihc Stales, Queen's ColThe team will go nexi week lo the lege is seed lit I cent h in this tournaEastern Regional Championships. ment. Nnzereih is seeded f i f t h , bin They arc seeded sixteenth out o f six- only came in cighlh in Ihc Stales. teen icains, none o f which Albany Dwycr expects Albany lo d o bcllci has ever played before. I linn ils seeding in the lourriamciu. Women Swimmers Top Skidmore RPl Area ^ ^ L k l J Shows Page Nineteen Impressive Spikers Take Fourth Place in States 1981 Capital District ament Basket OR CHECK YOUR SCHOOL BULLETIN BOARDS. 1 . I. 1*1*1 r .•: i t n U i H'l I 1(111 ..glonals. This combination of events really hurl h i m . He was nol h i m s e l f l o d a y — i t ' s really fruslrating. We had planned lor him t o be fresh loday by sitting him oul last week. Bui those damn injuries which hurl our whole learn during the season spread 10 James ihis week." James finished in 201 h place wilh a lime o f 26:2.1. The top runners In ihc qualifying meet Included Fieelonia's Bernard Prabucke. He finished wilh a time of 25:11. Cclachcw Eshcle o f City College finished second and l.cigli Quackcnhusli o f Rochcstet came in third. There were other Albany Stale runners who did nol look thai sliaip' Munscy commented, " I was a little bit disappoinlccl wilh Chi is L a i n . He just didn'l havcll l o d a y . " Lam came in 49i Ii place. Dane Jim Roth came in 26lli place and Nick Sullivan was 35lh. I ihink Nick Sullivan was the runnel o f i h i day fin oiu leant,"said Sports November 17,1981. Slul.i Zip stalled their roll In the 200 yard medley relay which Susan Keil'y,, Lamiaiin Baiues, A n n l l o c h , and Joan Mcikleham won in a time o f 2:05.6. Each o f ihe.seswiinini'is had an excellent day. Keilty had loin first place finishes. Haines and H i t c h each had Ihrcc,' anil Mcikleham, Albany's veteran diver, hail iwo wins. Kcihy's olhei t111cc wins came ill Ihc 50 yard haekslroke (1:04.6), the 50 yard freestyle (27.6), and flic 200 yaid freestyle relay (1:51.4), which also featured Mcikleham, Barbara Van Slyke, and Sheila Filzpalriek, Additional wins were racked up foi Albany hy Van Slyke, who won llie 100 yard.freestyle In 1:04.6, and Barbara Wine, who won the 100 yard butterfly in 1:15.3. I h e Skidmore meet was an i m pound! win for Ihe Danes because il was die firsl meet o f the season and the first regular season mcei for new head coach Dulce Fernandez, The limes in llie mcei weic described by learn manager Jane Hopkins lo be many o f Ihe swimmers' personal best times. Haines had wins'in Ihe 50 yard breaslslrokc (36.4) and llie 100 yard breaslslroke (1:19.5). Hoch's olhci Iwo wins were in the 100 individual medley (1:10.8) and the 50 yard bitt- The Danes arc hoping thai Ihis domination over Ihcir opponents will continue inio ihis Saturday's mcei which will be away againsi St. Rose. Seahawks Crush Chargers, 44-23 S E A T T L E (APJ Jim Z o r n teamed with Sherman Smith for a touchdown pass on a lake field goal and combined wilh Dan Doornink on an 80-yard T D play as the Seattle Seahawks beat Ihe mistake-prone San Diego Chargers 44-23 i n a National F o o i b a i l game Monday night. It was Seattle's first victory over San Diego in nine tries. San Diego, 6-5, coughed up Ihrcc fumbles and Ihc Chargers' Dan Fouls threw one interception. I n a d dition, the Seahawks made six firsl downs on San Diego penalties, two o f them pass interference calls thai set up touchdowns. The Seahawks, 4-7, w h o posted their third victory In. Ihc last four games, scored on eight o f their last nine possessions, — lo Doornink — came in the third quarter after Ihc Seahawks' defense slopped Ihc Chargers on Iwo Chuck Muncic runs from Scaiilc's 1-yard line. San Diego trailed 24-17 al halftone and appeared ready lo.tic the score when Seattle made its goal-line stand. Chargers were penalized 13 limes for 138 yards. San Diego look a 7-0 lead in Ihe firsl quarler on a 78-yard, 15-play drive thai included seven straight pass completions by Fouls for 63 yards. Muncic capped the drive willi a 1-yard T D r u n . The Seahawks look over and went ahead 31-17 when Zorn hit Doornink with a screen pass al Ihe 12-yard line and the Seattle fullback rambled on the Kingdomc artificial turf for the score with 5:46 Icfl in Ihc third period. The Seahawks pul Ihc game away al 38-17 wilh 12 seconds left in the third quarter on Doornink's second touchdown, a 3-yard r u n , after an offsides call during a Scuttle field goal attempt. Bui Ihc Seahawks, Ihc American F o o t b a l l Conference's lowestscoring team going into ihe game, exploded for 24 poinls in the second quarter againsi a San Diego defense thai gave up 40 poinls in ils previous game l o Cincinnati. Zorn and Ihc Seahawks made no turnovers, and Ihc quarterback completed I I o f 22 passes for 212 The Seahawks led 10-7 in Ihc se- yards. Fouls was 20 for 34 for 252 yards cond quarter when, on a fourihand-7 situation on the San Diego and one T D , a 22-yardcr lo Wcs 18, they lined up for a field goal ai- Chandler in llie fourlh quarter. After the Zorn-to-Smith T D lempl. But they pulled some trickery as Z o r n , llie holder, stood pass, San Diego came back on a up and shoveled a pass to Smith, 73-yard T D run by Muncic, his sewho ran 18 yards lo put Seattle in cond scoring run o f the night. San Diego, which won its firsl 'front 17-7 with 5:36 Icfl in Ihe first three games Ihis season, lost for the half. Zorn's second touchdown pass fifth time In eight games. The leilly (1:19.5). Scaltlc did it by capitalizing on two fumbles by San Diego running back James Brooks and two crucial pass interference calls againsi Ihc Chargers' secondary. Seattle scored on a 25-yard field goal by Efrcn Hcrrera 2:17 into Ihe period and Ihe Seahawks' Michael Jackson, who later intercepted a Fouls pass, recovered a Brooks fumble on Ihc ensuing kickoff. Seattle then wcnl 44 yards In four plays, with Thcotis Brown scoring on a 2-yard run with 11:28 Icfl. Brown's T D was set u p by a 27-yard pass interference call againsi Chargers' safely Pete Shaw on the 2. The women's swimming team, despite not competing in any diving events, defeated Skidmore College 90-47. (Photo: Alan Calem) 3Sy'^ (Spikers Notch "j [Fourth page 19) [November 17, l?8l! Dane Romp Leaves Them With Mixed Emotions not. going to the playoffs, but before I came here I never even heard of the National championships. " I played with a super bunch of guys," Wicrzbicki continued. "I'm going to miss it. 1 love this program." The victory, which lifted the Danes to 7-3, was marked by several outstanding' performances and three notable accomplishments. Sophomore split end Bob Bricn had a great game, catching three passes for 51 yards and two touchdowns, and also set a new Albany single • season record lor receptions with 25. Bruce Dcy sc'l the old mark last year with 24. "It means a lot lo me," said Bricn. "Thar was my goal at Ihc beginning of Ihc season." "He's a great receiver," praised Albany head coach Boh Ford. "He has excellent hands and good speed. He's a threal whenever he gels his hands on the ball." The entire Dane defense, with seven slatting seniors, was responsible for the second accomplishment. Albany allowed only 85 points all' season — just three points shy of a school record. A third quarter New Haven touchdown foiled their effort. Against New Haven, senior cornei back John DiBari spearheaded a great defensive effort that saw Ihc Danes collect seven quarterback sacks and hold Ihc Chargers lo negative rushing .yardage. DiBari was in on Iwo sacks and set up three touchdowns with Iwo fumble recoveries and an interception. "He was outstanding," Ford said of DiBari, who in the preseason was nol even expected lo start Ihis year. " H e played as fine a game, as fine a season, as we could have expected from him." Albany had only a 14-6 lead going into the fourth quarter, hut then DiBari look over. New Haven was 17 Seniors End Careers in 35-6 Win Over New Haven by Larry Kahn WEST HAVEN, Conn. On any given Saturday a romp over a Division II opponent would make the Albany State football learn very happy. But Ihc Danes' 3S-6 triumph over the University of New Haven this Saturday in the season finale was a game of mixed cmolions. "It's a great way lo end Ihc season," said Albany co-caplaln Gerry Wicrzbicki, one of 17 seniors playing in their final game. "People talk about the disappointment of Tom Pratt, number 21, had a perfect day passing and rushed for 50 yards in the Danes' triumph over New Haven. (Photo: Dave Asher) Liddy Discusses Past and Present* by Wayne Peereboom The words "crook" and "swine" very often come out when the name G. Gordon Liddy is mentioned but many also sec him as an interesting character — perhaps that is why his appearance nearly filled the Campus Center Ballroom last night. The convicted felon of Watergate fame began his talk by addressing the topic of why "so much seems to be going wrong with the U.S " Liddy quickly narrowed this "problem" to the military. A mandatory draft will soon be necessary, said Liddy, because "31 lo 50 percent" of the recruits under the voluntary system have "room temperature I.Q.'s. It takes two weeks lo teach them how to brush their teeth." Meanwhile, he said, ihe Soviet military has recruils of higher intelligence. The Soviet Union appears lo be a major concern of Liddy's. He feels Ihe U.S. is far behind the USSR in Ihe Army, Air Force and Navy. For Ihe heavyweight division. Proud of his performance, Herman explained, "1 went Ihe whole lourncy with no mistakes. I wrestled well strategically." Last week, Ihc junior look home a first in the Syracuse Open. After coming in second in Syracuse, Ail-American Andy Scras returned home lo find the two Liddy blames the Carter adminislration, namely former CIA -G **f#.i%* . , i ^ ^ * ' * . i ' ^ W ^ * ; - - ' H , V * v ; y » t < i - ; J ...KM *l**«*fi H t£M': The Dane offense compiled 338 yards but more impressive was the -16 yards running Albany held New Haven to. (Photo: Dave Asher) driving wilh the ball on the Dane 32 yard line. Malt Ready, one of the lop passers in Division II, dropped back lo throw on fourlh-andtwclvc, but was mcl by a heavy rush by Ed Ragule on a blilz. Ready rushed Ihc pass and DiBari Intercepted il and ran il back 54 yards. A clipping penalty brought Ihc ball back, to Ihc New Haven 34 yard line, but nine plays later quarterback Tom Prall scored on a keeper from four yards oui. things that he has become most accustomed lo — the Albany gym and a first place finish. Down 4-2 in the early portion of his final match, ihc sophomore shil'led Ihc momcnlum The Danes were on the board again 46 seconds later. Ready completed an 11-yard pass to Bruce Barren lo their own 45. On ihe next play fullback Fred DiRenzo fumbled and onec again DiBari was in the righi place at Ihc right lime lo make the recovery. Albany capitalized immediately as Prall connected with Brien on a post pal I cm for a 40-yard touchdown strike. continued on page eighteen and conquered his opponent 9-6 for the 150 pound championship. Other lop Dane finishers were David Avcrill and Ed Gleason, who placed in Ihe 118 and 150 weight categories, respectively. Mike Flynn captured a fifth place finish in tile 177 weight class. AllcndingSUNYA, but presently unattached lo the school team, whs Paul Hornbach, an All-American here two years ago. Hornbach claimed second place In the 190 pound category. Defeating squads' like second place Boston University and third place Syracuse University (1980 Great Dane Classic Champions) was of course no simple task. As DcMco pointed out, ii was truly a team el fori. In fact, if any one of Albany'', live place winners failed lo finish, Ihe tourney would have' had a different champion. The Dane wrestlers, competing against Division I and II schools, still managed to come out on lop In the "Great Dane Classic," Five grapplers were place finishers In the team's first "Classic" victory ever. (Photo: Alan Menlle) Director Siansfield Turner, .who*1 Liddy said dismissed 16 top operalions directors. However, Liddy docs not feel Reagan's election will alleviate the problem. "You can tear "down a house overnight but you can'l build a new one in a day," he remarked. Liddy turned the focus of his talk 4fl his illustrious career that began in the U.S. Army and culminated in the center of one of the biggest scandals in U.S. hislory. Liddy, who as a child held his hand over a candle for long periods of lime lo overcome his "fears," said he first became involved in clandestine operations as an infantryman in the U.S. Army. He later wcnl lo law school and joined Ihc FBI. During this lime, Liddy admitted, he did such things as breaking into safes of foreign embassies in order to steal secret codes. "I didn't make up the rules bul i sure learned lo use them after I got there. Thai's nol corruption of Ihc system. That ALBANY STUDENT Although the squad is strong, they were nol favored to conic in first in Ihe Classic. "1 was surprised that we could win ihe lourney," said Herman. DcMco explained that pari of the team's success came from ihe "young kids developing a lol faslci than we expected." lo: SMM SIHafctmn Watergate felon G. Gordon Liddy Poli, Scl. courses are "a Holiday Inn version of reality" is the system. Political Science brought about a change in his courses arc a Holiday Inn version of plans. " I did nol like what was happening in Ihis country. It was an reality." Liddy eventually gave up the FBI undeclared civil war. I couldn't aclo practice law in Manhallan. But complish anything by sitting around continued on page five Ihc radical movement of ihc 1960's Friday November 20, 1981 PRESS State University of New York at Albany copyright © 1981 by TIIK ALBANY STUDKNT PRKSS CORPORATION Volume LXVIII Number 40 P1RG Pushes a Bottle Bill Through Legislature by Beth Brinscr Ifcyfc^ ' , v* ,/Wr K^^e N tvi ' j % Grapplers Win Dane Classic in Massive Effort by Mark Gesner Massive. Massive arms, massive legs, massive chests. Most of all — massive talent. That was the size of it Ihis pasi Saturday, as Albany's varsity wrestling team hoslcd "The Great Dane Classic." Aside from being a Division I tourney, the Classic is Ihe biggest collegiate tournament of Ihe year. Surprisingly, the squad lo capture Ihe prestigious first place was nol a Division 1 nor a Division II learn, II was Albany's very own Division III Grcal Danes who proved to be the victors. It was the first lime thai ihc school ever won its own tournament, and was also the first time in several years that the grapplers won a championship of any kind. "Il was a great team performance," said Albany head coach Joe DcMco. "We had lo wrestle excellently lo win." Indeed Ihe men did wrestle well, as 11 Danes were victorious in at leasi one match, arid five of them were place finishers. Captain Vic Herman came out on Ihc lop of the heap for Ihe second week in a row, as he finished first in example, on the subject of submarines, he said "they (USSR) develop a new one every week while we start a new one every year." As for strategic nuclear weapons, Liddy commented the U.S. was superior until the Soviets acquired American technology. "We sold it lo them for peaceful purposes, of course," he remarked. Intelligence is a subject Liddy is quite familar with. "Many people have the illusion that spying is a dirty, nasty business, but the world is a very bad neighborhood. A little old lady walking from Avenue A lo Avenue B with a pockclbook is likely lo gel robbed but a defensive tackle from Ihe Slcclers who is carrying a baseball bat in his right hand and a Thompson sub-machine gun in his left probably won't be attacked. The U.S. has been perceived less and less like the defensive tackle and more like Ihc little old lady." ^ X / ''WfHtfr K^a^3BBM • >v> ; 7*»**-«*i Massachusetts PIRG won a major victory in that slates' legislature this week, when Ihe Senate along with the Assembly overrode Governor King's veto of 1 lie Bottle Bill. The Bottle Bill will place a fivecent deposit on all hollies and cans, to be refunded upon their return. The bottles and cans will later be recycled. Greg Lcvlnn, coordinator of Mass PIRG's drive for Ihc passage of Ihe bill, is relieved Ihe fight's finally over. "This is a climax to a long long fight that has been going on for nine years," lie said. Last summer, the Governor led people lo believe that he'd support Ihc bill, Levinn said, "so we passed Ihc hill through both branches wilh the largest number (of supporters) we ever had." The public was outraged when the Governor vetoed the bill, Levinn said; a poll conducted while King was considering the bill indicated that 71 percent of the public was in favor of Ihe bill. Stan Rosenberg, aide lo Senate Bottle Bill sponsor John Olvcr, said that when ihc bill was Introduced almost a decade ago, "il was initially viewed as a litter bill, but il soon became clear thai there were other bencfils, such as saving energy, providing jobs and reducing solid waste." He explained ihe law is not effective until January 17, 1983, bul "some industries have said they'll Rebound of Civil Liberties Groups Explored Threat to Rights is Seen by Ken Gordon In the wake of such r'rghl wing groups like Ihc Moral Majority, dissent Is brewing in the form of civP rights alliances such as the new York Civil Liberties Union. (NYCLU) The NYCLU was quite successful in passing positive civil rights legislation in the sixties, and now a resurgence of the concern is becoming apparent, according lo NYCl.U director data LaMarchc. Speaking at the First Unitarian Soeiely of Albany on lucsday nighi, LaMarchc addressed ihe concerns he feels the American people should have about the policies of ihe Reagan administration and anticivil rights gtoups and legislators. LaMarchc cited Strom Thtirmnn and Jesse Helms as examples of Mich threats, "The threats lo civil rights now are greater than they have been since the McCarthy era," said LaMarchc. "We are dealing nol only wilh an administration that is nol concerned wilh protecting civil rights, bul one that aggressively attacks civil liberties." LaMarchc outlined five areas which he termed "vital" lo Ihc civil rights Interests of Ihc American people: criminalization of abortion, snipping com Is of ihch jurisdictional powers, legalizing the use of Illegally obtained evidence in court, lack of supporl lot uiiiiig rights and the Infringement of individual rights in Ihc name of national security, "What we are seeing happen is the gradual abandonment of ihe progressive action, both court and legislative, that was accomplished nol more than 15 years ago. The people of Ihis country must be made aware. We have been dozing loo long," said LaMarchc. According lo LaMarchc, one of the .Vain problems is that groups like Ihe Moral Majority have bcllcr organization than civil liberty groups do. "Whal this means," he said, "is thai they can produce piles of letters to Washington while we sit by and watch." Bul he added, "We have over 25H,000 members nation-wide. In New York Stale alone wc have 25,000 members. Moral Majority doesn't have nearly the appeal that NYCl.U has. Oui members are from all walks of life and political beliefs, but civil liberties act as a great unifier." There arc bills oi movements now in the works in Washington that would Implement all of the five threatened Rr«*s outlined, according to LaMarchc. "Now what wc have to do is tell Washington that wc want mothers lo have a choice about abortion, wc want Ihe courts lo have control over certain civil rights cases, wc want lo maintain the same level of freedom of voting, we want our privalc properly protected from unwarranted searches by the police, and wc want lo lead our lives without Ihc fear of an FBI or CIA agent knowing every iritimale secret. In short, wc want lo keep enjoying Ihc rights that were fought for and won in the micl-1960's." LaMarchc is currently touring New York Slate in the hopes of stimulating some support, "Whal I want lo eventually achieve Is a grassroots network of civil liberty organizations that have the ability to communicate with each oilier and mobilize our members," he said. Unfortunately, only 15 members attended the meeting, begin working on il Immediately." Although Hie Governor's office refused comment, in an October interview in The Boston Olobe, King explained his reasons for his vclo of Ihe Bollle Bill. "Responsible economists considering all the probable costs and potential savings resulting from Ihc bill have estimated that the true net cosl is close 10 $100 million a year. Per person, they estimate the cost is $16 lo $20, or about $80 a year for a family of four. To Ihosc families who need that $80 a year and those who find il physically difficult to cany back Ihc bottles to the store rather than into Ihc garbage can it (Ihc Bottle Bill) represents everything lhat is wrong with big government." Despite Ihe Governor's objeclions, the Bollle Bill is designed lo have al least six benefits. It would reduce litter by 60 percent, as an expected result of Ihc incentive to colled the deposit. Consumers would save a projected 20 percent off currcnl beverage costs. The amount of energy used lo recycle bottles and cans would be cut in half. Solid waste would be reduced, seen as impdrtanl at a time when landfill space is running short. In addition high costs of disposal would be cased by the bill, it is estimated that 4,000 jobs will be created because refilling and recycling requires more labor. It is also believed that the Bottle Bill will conserve raw materials since 75 percent less aluminum and glass is used in recycling. In New York State, the Bottle Bill lias not been passed. Currently, the New York Public Interest Research (iioup (NYPIRG) and other organizations, such as the Sierra l luh, the Farm Bureau and the League of Women Voters, are organizing their strategies together. "With the coalition," explained continued on page five