S T A R T S T O D... New Policy is Passed by SA

Stuffed Animals
New Policy is Passed by SA
Non-discrimination is Promised
**• 1/3 OFF
A r t * *^
which was written in 1980 and
modeled after university policy,
raised controversy over whether
guys and lesbians should be included as n minority and therefore listed
in the policy, said SA Vice President Brian Levy.
S l I N Y A ' s Affirmative Action
Office is guided by stale and federal
guidelines, which do not include
sexual preference. Although an SA
affirmative action policy would be
independent of the Affirmative Action Office, SA cannot included
sexual preference in such a policy.
Central Council member A p r i l
pholo: Sue Mirn1i,ii
Board Approves Memorial College and Institute
by Bclh Scxcr
Central Council passed an SA
non-discrimination policy April 14.
The policy stales that all students
should be granted "equal opportunity in educational programs and
activities...regardless o f race, color,
disability, religion, sex, sexual
o r i e n t a t i o n , age or
o r i g i n . " The policy applies to all
SA recognized groups.
The decision to create a nondiscrimination policy arose after a
proposed SA affirmative action
policy was withdrawn.
The affirmative action policy,
Gray explained that since SA is part
o f the university, it cannot have
" c o n f l i c t i n g policies" with the
Both Gray and Affirmative Action Researcher Tina W y n n , who
co-wrote the non-discrimination
policy, agreed that gays and lesbians should be included within an
equal opportunity policy. The
switch from an SA affirmative action policy to a non-discrimination
policy means that all minority
groups are represented, said Wynn.
Included in the new policy are
guidelines outlining the functions of
the minority affairs coordinator
and the Minority Affairs Task
Central Council member April Gray
Force, as well as policy for employShe said SA '.v policy cannot conflict with the
ing SA student assistants.
by IK'bble Judge
A S U N Y A memorial college and
a separate but related SUNY-wide
institute of public affairs and policy
was approved Wednesday by Ihe
SUNY Board of Trustees as a
memorial to the late Governor
Nelson A . Rockefeller, the man
credited with the development o f
the SUNY system.
The two Institutions will be named the Nelson A . Rockefeller College of Public Affairs and Policy
and the Rockefeller Institute of
The Rockefeller College will consist of Albany's existing schools o f
Criminal Justice, Social Welfare,
and Graduate School of Public Affairs (GSPA), as well us research
units of the Institute of Government and Policy, Ihe Institute of
G e r o n t o l o g y , the Center
Women in Government, the Con:
p a r a t l v c Development
Center and the Center for Mental
Health Policy Studies, ali established at Albany within the past five
Chancellor Clifton R. Wharton
said at a press conference Wednesday that the establishment of the
memorials would ttot require additional funds. Me also voiced the
hope that once the institute is
established, its activities will attract
significant support from the private
The three component schools
would retain their autonomy within
the college, said School of Criminal
Justice Dean Donald Newman.
Each of the three deans of the
seliools would serve a Iwo-year term
as chair of the entire college on a
rotating basis, and college staff will
be filled front existing positions.
The college w i l l be p a n o f
S U N Y A ' s regular academic structure, with its director reporting to
lite Vice President for Academic
Affairs and S U N Y A President.
The location o f the college is
unclear at the present lime; currently the GSPA is located uptown and
Ihe schools o f W e l f a r e and
Criminal Justice are centered on the
downtown campus. " I t ' s my personal guess," said GSPA Dean Orvlllc Poland, " t h a t there will be no
physical m o v e . "
He also projected, as did Warren
l l c h m a n , Vice President
Research, that if there were any
relocation, the undergraduate component of the GSPA, at leasl,
would remain on the uptown campus. According to llchman, this and
other structural issues will be dealt
with in the neat future.
Whereas the Rockefeller College
is predominantly a SLINYA entity,
the Rockcfellei Inslilule o f Government will be a syslcmwide facility,
However Ihe two arc like in that
Ihe dean o f S U N Y A ' s GSPA will
also serve as director o f Ihc institute, and several college staff
members will work at the institute.
According to llchman, a national
search will soon be conducted to
find a suitable dean.
this s p r i n g ,
Chancellor Clifton R. Wharton Jr.
will appoint a board of overseers to
guide the institute's activities.
Chancellor Wharton said the institute will offer internships to
students throughout the SUNY
system and fellowships will be
granted to distinguished persons.
Research on state government and
public policy will be conducted. The
institute will also serve as a center
for public policy research at all
SUNY campuses.
The Institute's administrative offices and conference rooms will be
located in Ihe S U N Y A - o w n e d
historical lownhousc at 411 State
Street. S U N Y A will provide the initial slaff, and the S U N Y Research
Foundation will provide core support for the Institute for reallocation of existing resources.
The SUNY Board of Trustees has
not and does not expect to ask the
Rockefeller family for funds inestablishing the institute.
Elections Marked by Problems, Low Turnout
Follett SUNY Bookstore
Mickey Turniuiun
He will tabulate the votes,
by Wayne Pec re boom
Problems with voting location
unit a turnout slightly below last
year's marked the first two days of
the spring S U N Y A elections.
According to Election Commissioner Mickey I'm pi man, several
students who plan to live on uptown
qumls in the Tail were not allowed lo
vole at the Campus Center location.
The problem arose, SA President
Sue Ciokl said, from discrepencies
in (be interpretation of election
guidelines passed ibis year by Central Council.
Central Council Chair Peter
Weinstock explained that while
election guidelines "strongly urge d " students lo vote on the quads
where they will live ncxi fall, il is
not absolutely necessary thai they
do so.
Central Council, Weinstock said,
passed ihc rules and left ihe respon-
sibility with the election commissioner to enforce lhem. " T h e y
might Interpret ibein (the rules) to
be absolute." he said.
Tarpinian said, " T h e reason we
turned litem (ihc students) down is
(but we hoped they'd vole on lheir
quads." He explained thai by
voting in the Campus Center,
students living in uptown quads in
the full lose the riglu to vole for
C e n t r a l C o u n c i l and Senate
Final Approval Given to Tuition Increase
by I aura l'inrcntlno
Whether you like il or not, you
will be paying an additional $150
for tuition next fall if you ate an
undergraduate and S.ttHi if you're a
The final decision came Wednesday afternoon ut a rubber-stamping
session of the SUNY Hoard of
Trustees where the board voted as
anticipated, and approved the hike.
The one dissenting voice In Ihe
board's 14-1 vote was thai of Student Association o f State University
(SASU) President Jim Stern,
Stern feels the board "gave up
ihe bailie loo early." He predicted
that many SUNY students would be
pushed out of college because they
could not afford the cost increases
along with expected cuts in student
giants and loans.
The tuition hike came as a surprise lo no one. As early as two
months ago Chancellor Clifton R.
Wharton Jr. came before the Joint
Legislative fiscal committees in
favor of the hike and said that even
If Ihe legislature restored SUNY
funds he could not guarantee that
the money would go lo offsetting
Ihe tuition hike.
The move to raise tuition had
received preliminary approval in
February and SUNY
already added the $20 million in expected new revenue to their 1981-82
budget proposals.
Although the legislature has yet
to pass the state budget, with the
tuition hike for SUNY in It, it
would be very unlikely that this
time any change will occur.
SASU Vice President Janice Fine
said they sec the situation as finalized. "Students will definitely be paying $150 more next semester," said
The tuition hike received a barrage of criticism f r o m both
legislators and students who lambasted Ihc board for not asking for
state funds to restore Ihe budget
cuts before imposing a tuition hike.
" I f the governor's office will
negotiate the SUNY budget with
continued on page thirteen
However, after several complaints, students were allowed to
vote at any location, by midThursday afternoon, Tarpinian
" W e ' r e trying to clarify that people can vote wherever they want.
Gold said.
Gold anil Tarpinian said they did
not feel that very many students
were turned away from the polls,
although N Y P I K G Stale Board
member Leslie 1-laber said u " g o o d
number" complained lo her.
Tarpinian said that he did not expect this year's turnout to equal the
20 percent of students who voted
last year. There were approximately
1,100 votes cast on Wednesday and
Thursday while last year's total was
approximately 2,000 votes, he said.
Aside from the location problems, Tarpinian said, the election
has run smoothly. The polls close
this afternoon. Results should be
tabulated by 8:00 p.m.. He said.
100 watts of
music, WCDB
See Aspects
Riots Occur in Belfast
Reagan to Make Speech
WASHINGTON, D.C.(AP) President Reagan will address a joint session of Congress Tuesday night on his
economic program. The president, who has not been
seen in public since he was shot in an assassination attempt March 30, will go before the House and Senate at
9 p.m. EST, deputy White House press secretary Larry
Speakes said yesterday. His address will come one day
after Congress returns from a two-week Easter recess.
Speakes said Reagan's economic recovery program was
"a subject the president believes is of the utmost importance to the nation and one on which he believes he
should communicate in person with members of the
House and Senate at this time. He feels it Is particularly important that he-outline his views as his program moves forward in the legislative process," Speakes
said at a White House briefing for reporters. "He is
eagerly looking forward to the opportunity to be on
Capitol Hill." The president's last major speech was
also in the Capitol. He addressed a joint session Feb. 18,
giving his views on the state of the nation's economy and
his recommendations for improving it. Since he was
shot, he has been visited by political leaders and several
others, including two reporters, but he has avoided large
crowds and has not left the White House since he returned there April 11 from his hospital stay. Speakes said the
president consulted this morning with Senate
Republican Leader Howard H. Baker Jr. of Tennessee,
who visited him at the White House and also talked
about the speech on Wednesday, in a telephone conversation with House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill Jr. of
Lead Found in Atlanta
ATLANTA, Georgia (AP) Police say Ihcy expect lo
evaluate quickly information from a civil rights group
which says it has found a "psychopath" responsible for
some of the 25 slayings of young blacks since June 1979.
"I don't consider the nature of the information
something that will take a long time" to evaluate, said
Public Safely Commissioner Lee Brown. He did noi say
exactly how long it might take. He also said late Wednesday that police did noi have enough evidence lo arrest
anyone. The FBI said the information was "important.
We will be checking il out. Wc are taking a look at what
we have," said John Glover, special agcnl in charge of
the Atlanta FBI office. Roy Innis, staff director of the
Congress of Racial Equality announced Wednesday his
investigators had found a "psychopath," plus a
"witness" who they believe could link that person to at
leasl six of the killings. He did not identify Ihc witness of
detail the evidence. However, a newspaper editor who
spent five hours Monday interviewing Ihc "witness"
said he fell the person's story was "plausible." "I'm
emphasizing that I'm using the word plausible, noi
believable or anything else, but plausible," said John
Schaffner, managing edilor of The Atlanta Constitu-'
lion. "1 wouldn't literally call litis person u witness, hut
it is a person that possibly might be able lo shed some
light" on the investigation, Schaffner said. He would
not reveal the person's name, Ihe circumstances of Ihc
conversation nor the link between the "witness" and
CORE's so-called "psychopath."
Buffalo Suspect Studied
BUFFALO, N.Y. (AP) Law enforcement officers remained tight-lipped yesterday about reports that a while
soldier from Buffalo, now at Fort Bcnning, Ga., is a
prime suspect in a series of slayings of black males in Ihe
Buffalo area last fall. Although the soldier's name has
not been officially made public, records at Fort Benning
showed he joined the Army last Nov. 13 after four
blacks had been shot to death here and two black cab
drivers had been bludgeoned or stabbed to death. The
records, according to officials, also showed that he was
on furlough from Dec. 19 to Jan. 4 — a span in which
two other black men were stabbed to death in Western
New York and attacks were made on others. During the
latter spree of killings, one man was stabbed to death in
Buffalo Dec. 29, another was knifed to death in
Rochester Dec. 30, and still another black man was stabbed in Buffalo Dcc.31 but survived. Police Commissioner James B. Cunningham said the investigation of
the soldier is "the hottest lead we've had yet." Meantime, WKBW-TV, Buffalo, said a search Wednesday of
the Buffalo home of the soldier's mother produced a
blood-stained jacket and a knife. Two Investigators of
the task force that has been Investigating the slayings
told a reporter in Georgia Wednesday that they arrived
at the base Tuesday and planned to stay for another day
or two.
BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) Rioters stoned police
and troops and hijacked cars in Catholic West Belfast
Thursday after the British turned down Bobby Sands'
request to see former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey
Clark and the Rev. Daniel Berrigan. Police reported'no
casualties and said the violence in West Belfast was on a
smaller scale than previous rioting over the hunger strike
by Sands, a jailed Irish Republican Army guerrilla
demanding political prisoner status and approaching
death after 54 days of fasting. The violence in Northern
Ireland had gone on for eight nights with police and
troops battling roving bands of youths. It was the latest
outbreak in the long struggle between majority Protestants and minority Roman Catholics in this British
province. The IRA is fighting lo end British rule and
unite Northern Ireland with the predominantly Catholic
Irish Republic. Sands' eyesight and hearing were both
reported to be quickly failing. The government's decision lo refuse the meeting with Clark and Barrlgan came
only days after Sands was allowed lo sec three legislators
from the Irish Republic. Although sympathetic to
Sands' cause, ihcy said they were willing to try to talk
him inlo halting his fast. They failed.
Robbers Take $3.3 Million
TUSCON, Arizona (AP) Four masked gunmen who
knew their victims by nicknames overpowered a janitor
and bank manager and drove off with $3.3 million, apparently the largest cash haul from a bank heist in the
nation's history. "These guys did their homework.
These guys are pros." said police spokesman Mike
Walsh after Ihc Wednesday morning robbery of a First
National Bank of Arizona branch by the gunmen — iwo
in Halloween masks and two with stocking hoods.
Chuck Hcmann, First National Spokesman in Phoenix,
said today that an audit revealed that $3.3 million was
taken by the robbers. Bank officials at first had declined
comment on the amount taken, although sources close
to the investigation had estimated $2.5 million was involved.
Truces Set in Mideast
UKIRUT, Lebanon (AP) Another cease-fire took hold
in Beirut and Zahle Thursday and efforls were under
way lo negotiate two other truces in Lebanon. But a
Christian leader warned they would all collapse unless
Syria was brought to Ihe bargaining tabic lo end Ihe
fighting that has left at least 375 dead and 1,300 wounded since April 1. Israeli jets, meanwhile, skirled Palestinian anti-aircraft fire and flew reconnaissance missions
over Beirut and southern Lebanon. Israeli frogmen blew
up a Palestinian gunboat in the porl of Tyre, 12 miles
north of the border. The Syrians and Christians in
Lebanon held their fire after three days of bitter fighting
April 24, 1981
in Beirut and in the Christian city of Zahle, 30 miles to
. the east. The cease-fire, the 19th ordered by President
Elias Sarkis, took hold in Beirut at daybreak and in
Zahle at midday. Government officials said cease-fires
also were being attempted to halt a separate war in West
Beirut betwen pro-Iraqi and pro-Iranian Moslem
militias and another in southern Lebanon pitting
Palestinian guerrillas against Israel and Israeli-backed
Christian militiamen. Syrian troops, who police the armistacc that ended the 1975-76 civil war between
Lebanon's Christians and Moslems, teamed with
Palestinian military police to set up buffer zones in West
Beirut between the pro-Iraqi and pro-Iranian
Albany Student Press
Council to Complete Budget
by Sylvia Saunders
Central Council is expected to
complete debating and approving
the 1981-82 SA budget next week,
according to Budget Committee
Chair John Suydam.
It is the first time in several years
that it came up balanced, Suydam
said. "There aren't any major problems with it. Most of the groups
arc satisfied."
He said the biggest complaint
concerned the proposed elimination
of (he OCA coordinalor and a
decrease in OCA's funding (sec accompanying story).
"Other lhan that, we haven't had
many complaints," Suydam said.
Other changes included proposed
additional funding for certain
"growing" groups. For example,
due to increased membership and
services, Pre-Health Professionals
Club is budgeted lo receive $770
rather than $431.
The SUNYA Gay and Lesbian
Alliance may also receive additional
funding (from $700 to $1,140), as a
result of a doubling of last year's
Three other items have been added to the budget this year. University Action for the Disabled is
Brady's Condition Stable
WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) White House press
secretary James S. Brady was in satisfactory condition
Thursday following lengthy, late-night surgery lo repair
a membrane leak which triggered a potentially
dangerous buildup of air pressure upon his bullctpicrccd brain. Brady, who was shot in the head during
the attack on President Reagan three weeks ago, was on
Ihc operating table for more than five hours Wednesday
night and Thursday morning. Richard Ellis, a
spokesman at George Washington Universtiy Hospital,
said Brady's vital signs were normal. "He has slcpl intermittently through the night as the usual effects of
anesthesia wear off, but he is readily awakened and
responds normally to questions," he said. Brady's deputy, Larry Speakes, told reporters Thursday that the
40-ycar-old press secretary had been returned to his own
hospital room from the recovery room. Dr. Dennis
O'Lcary, a top hospital official, said Brady had been
awake and "wiggling his toes" just after the surgery.
Hinckley Given Tests
WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) John Hinckley Jr. accused
of attempting to assassinate President Reagan, has
undergone four hours of medical testing at a university
hospital near the prison where he is being held, a Justice
Department spokesman said Wednesday. Department
spokesman John Russell said that Hinckley was moved
Wednesday evening from the federal collection institution al Butner, N.C., to the Duke University hospital in
nearby Durham. The tests, which included a brain scan,
were requested by lawyers defending Hinckley against a
charge of attempting to assassinate Reagan on March
30, Russell said. He said he did not know the results of
the tests, and Hinckley's attorneys were not available
for comment. Russell said the testing took from 6:30
p.m. to 10:30 p.m. and was done at the university
because the Butner Institution docs not have equipment
for a brain scan, a lest which can be used to detect a
tumor and other disorders. After the tests, Hinckley was
returned to Butner, where he is being held for up to 90
days of psychiatric testing.
Peace Week Planned
The SUNYA Peace Project has planned several events
for Peace Week, lo be held next week. The schedule
Tuesday, April 28: A slideshow, "El Salvador: Country in Crisis" will be presented in HU 354 at 12, 1, 2, and
3 p.m. Also, at 7 p.m. there will be a forum on El
Salvador in LC 1.
Wednesday: Louise McNcilly will speak on Knolls
Atomic Power Lab at 12 p.m. in Physics 129. At 1 p.m.,
SUNYA Political Science Professor Peter Cox will
speak on the MX missile in Physics 129. Also, at 7 p.m.
in LC 23, there will be a panel discussion on draft
Thursday: Duncan Earlc will discuss "The Struggle of
Native Americans in the U.S. and Guatemala" al 12
p.m. in HU 354. A workshop on non-violent resistance
will be held at 1 p.m. in HU 354. The film, "War
Without Winners" will be shown in LC 2 at 7 p.m.
Also, the Peace Project will provide draft counseling,
set up a resource table and present Guerilla Theatre on
the podium every afternoon during Peace Week.
Luncheon to be Held
CBS School of Management Director Jaync Ross will
speak on "Power and Success" this Saturday at a luncheon for women to be held in the Campus Center
Assembly Hall.
The luncheon, which is being sponsored by Campus
Crusade for Christ International will be held from
11-1:30 p.m. Tickets for this event will cost $3.25 and
may be obtained from Debbie Dcrlch, 457-4807, or
^ Dcnise Anderson, 438-0090.
Fellowship Announced
The State University Doctoral Council has announced
co-sponsorship of the Jane H. Todd Memorial
Fellowship, which will provide one academic year of
full-time study during the dissertation stage of the doctoral program of a promising woman SUNY graduate
Funded jointly by a private endowment placed with
the Central Administration with a 50 percent matching
amount to be provided by the fellow's campus, the
scholarship will be given to a woman student undertaking a program leading to a doctoral degree in political
science, government, public affairs, or a comparable
The endowment which makes the Todd Fellowship
possible was established by the Federation of Womens
Republican Clubs of New York State. In selecting a recipient, SUNY shall consider responsible academic performance, financial need, active interest in public affairs, and career goals In public service.
The award will include a $5,000 stipend plus full
waiver of tuition. Candidates will be nominated by the
campus and the fellow will be selected by the SUNY
Doctoral Council. For 1981-82, the deadline for receipt
of nominations from campuses will be June 1, 1981,
Nominations should be sent to the Office of the Vice
Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies, SUNY
Plaza, Albany, New York 12246
budgeted for $1,570 to pay for an
awareness week, a conference,
sports, programming and equipment.
Tower East Cinema (TEC) is also
proposed to be incorporated in the
budget. "They were always in the
red and taking loans," Suydam
said. SA has proposed a $1,500
budget for TEC.
In addition, Nadir, a feature
magazine similar lo Tangent, is proposed to be funded. Previously, the
magazine received money from
Central Council's emergency funding.
These additions were made possible by the folding of a number of
groups included in last year's
budget. Bui Seriously Folks and
publishing. The Anthropology
Club, Astronomy Club and Spanish
Club, all rceicving $100 each, arc no
longer In existence. Sailing Club will
be included In Ihc Ouiing Club's
Funding for the Freeze Dried
Coffeehouse ($7,880) was also not
included, Suydam said, because
most of Its services have been taken
over by the Mousetrap.
"We had to cut them out, They
just weren't attracting people.
There were never more than ten
people there," he explained.
Other differences include a
change in the direction of University Concert Board (UCB). "Of their
$62,000 allotment, $10,000 would
be reserved for a small groups
line," Suydam said.
Small special interest groups who
want to bring in bands will have to
go through UCB, he explained.
"UCB would provide money and
expertise. Many of these small
groups don't know how to sign a
contract. This would gear the programming toward small groups on
campus and benefit students Budget Committee Chair John Suydam
pholii! I.ols Mambonl
"There aren't any major problems" with the proposed budget.
In addition, movie prices arc proSuydam said he expects the entire
In addition, UCB would be allot- posed to remain at $1 for lax card
ted $5,000 lo purchase sound equip- holders. Tickets sold lo non-tax budget to pass without any major
complication, "I think we did the
card holders will be raised a quarter
Suydam said thai when the com- lo $1.75. "Again," Suydam said, budget with more of a level head,"
mittee reviewed the budget, they "Wc wanted sludenls to benefit he said. "We saved wherever we
could so wc could give wherever we
had extra money and wauled lo use directly,
had t o . "
it for something which would
directly affect sludenls. As a result,
AMIA's bond money (each team's
entrance fee) was decreased froiu
$13 lo $10. "We wanted to put
AMIA in line with W1RA,"
Suydam said.
Controversy Raised Over
OCA Coordinator Position
CUE Tries Advisement Reform
Volunteers Are Needed
Volunteers are needed to work at the 1981 Special
Olympics Area 10 Spring Games to be held on Sunday,
May 3, starting at 9 a.m. at SUNYA's athletic field. The
volunteers will chapcrone athletes, serve lunches, assist
in running athletic events, and perform assorted other
Interested persons should attend a meeting on Saturday, April 25, at 1 a.m. at the steps of SUNYA's Gym.
For more information, contact: Special Olympics, P.O.
Box 1980, Schenectady, N.Y. 12303.
gage Three
Frederick Volkwein
Said students must cooperate.
by Murk Fisehclti
This is the second in a series of articles on academic advisement on
As evidenced in the 1978 Student
Life Survey and the 1979 Committee on Undergraduate Advisement
report, advisement at SUNYA was
considered insufficient by both
students and administration al that
lime. How has (he university
In March 1979, when Stanley
Schwartz became the new Director
of the Center for Undergraduate
Education (CUE), the ratio of
sludenls lo advisors was approximately 400 lo 1.
"We have since spread the advising load," Schwartz explained.
Three years ago CUE had six permanent advisors and five part-time
graduate assistants. The number of
graduate assistants has been increased lo seven.
The establishment of the
"Getaway Buses" Will be
Chartered by SA Soon
by Bruce J. Lichcr
SUNYA's Student Association (SA) will charter "Getaway Buses"
lo Ihc Porl Authority and Roosevelt Field beginning April 24 lo provide sludenls with an alternative to regular Greyhound and Trailway
service, according to Central Council Chair Peter Weinsioek.
Tile SA-chartcrcd buses will dcparl from the uptown circle ul 2:30
p.m. on Friday and leave for Albany al 3:30 p.m. on Sunday.
According lo Weinsioek, a similar program has been operating with
"incredible success" al SUNY Dinghnmion all year, and he expects ihc
program lo work as well al SUNYA.
SA will charier Ihe buses from Greyhound to Roosevelt Field al a
cost of $800, lo the Porl Authority al a cost of $600, and will charge
sludenls a round-trip piice of $20 and $17.50, respectively. One student on each bus will receive a free ticket in exchange for collecting
tickets and acting as a "bus captain," according lo Weinsioek.
If SA consistently fills up the buses, thereby building up an excess
cash reserve, ticket prices could conceivably be lowered, he said.
Weinsioek described the program as having "such potential" and
foresees "eventual expansion" of Ihc service lo Boston and other
nearby cities.
The "Getaway Buses" will not run on vacation weekends lo prevail
competition with the fraternity buses that normally operate during
these weekends. The buses will also noi run during the upcoming
Mayfcst weekend.
Tickets will be sold through the SA Contact Office in the Campus
Humanities und Fine Arts Advisement C'cnlcr, which has 10 faculty
advisors for 500 undergraduate
Humanities majors, and ihe move
of EOP advisement from CUE to
the EOP department have helped to
decrease the CUE student-advisor
ratio to 300 to 1,
"We've been able to hold our
own," Schwartz said, "but any big
change, like the loss of one permanent person, would be disasterous.
"We're not going - to grow
again," Schwartz added. "We tnusl
do what wc can within our
Included in CUE's efforts has
been Ihc establishment of peer advising, wherein sludenls help advise
fellow sludenls. CUE has trained
sludenls in the political science and
pre-law programs. Further, in conjunction with SA, CUE has
developed a program to make peer
advisement available at prcrcglstrallon.
"It's taken time," Schwartz said.
"We've moved on suggestions in
the 1979 report. There is sympathy
for advisement among the people
making decisions," Schwartz said,
adding, "What wc need is more interaction with students."
Accordingly, CUE is developing
an evaluation system which will include a testing of advisors'
knowledge and the administering of
questionaircs to each student CUE
advises, Schwartz said. The evaluations will begin aflcr fall registration next semester and will continue
every semester thereafter.
While Ihe numbers problem is being alleviated, frustration of both
sludenls and advisors in other areas
has been a detriment more difficult
lo rectify.
"Last year wc went to the quads"
to hold group advisement sessions,
Schwartz said. "Hardly anybody
showed up. Thai frustrates the hell
'out of us."
While lack of student response lo
advising efforls has frustrated advisors, the difficulty in obtaining
advising appointments prior lo prercgislralion has led to frustration
among students, according to
However, "I don't see us In a .
Originally, the SA budget committee proposed eliminating the OffCampus Association (OCA) coordinator position. When Ihe budget
went lo SA President Sue Gold, however, the proposal was reversed
and Ihe position was included. Now, as the budget awaits Central
Council's final approval, the position's future is again being challenged.
Central Council member April Gray challenged the OCA proposal
on behalf of SA Controller Ira Somaeh and suggested replacing the
non-student director with four studeni interns.
"The position can be belter done by four students al a considerably
lower price," Somaeh explained. He suggested Ihal OCA he composed
of one full-lime studeni coordinalor and three student assistants, in
charge of programming, activism and outreach,
Mislead of'paying the coordinalor the $8,300 salary,students would
receive $1,000 stipends.
"Ii's ridiculous lo say sludenls can't do il," Somaeh pointed out.
"If you say Ihal, then you'd also ask why Ihc SA President is a student. Why noi bring in a professional for that job, loo?"
OCA Coordinator Mark Dunlca, however, said OCA has lo have a
non-student in charge. "I would love lo have four interns, but il would
be difficult for any studeni working 10 lo 15 hours u week to do the
job and gain expertise."
He said he has put in as much as 100 hours a week, especially in
organizing the New Pine Hills Neighborhood Association.
"OCA can't fold during Easter and Christmas vacation," Dunlca
added. "You need someone there all Ihe lime."
He said Ihal he has Ihe background lo deal with the community and
city ball. "We're not just Irying lo convince student politicians," he
explained. "We need to push Ihe city's politicians."
Dunlca is a co-founder of NYPIRG and has been active in local and
numerous national advocacy and political groups. He also holds a law
The issue will be debated early next week by Central Council.
"Every year we go through this," Dunlca said, "and every year we
gel closer and closer to being killed."
—Sylvia Saunders
tough situation," Schwartz said.
"I'd like to have students in here
more than just during prcrcgistralion, to spread out the load.
I'd like to sec a greater response if
wcgooul to the quads," he said. "I
don't sec any barriers to accomplishing this."
Another major detriment lo the
advising system perceived by
Undergraduate Studies Helen
Dcsfosscs is the ambivalent role of
"Oftentimes advisors arc lightning rods for many of the students'
problems," Desfosses said, "or
they want help with personal problems."
Complicating the situation is the
students' mixed interest in advisement.
"Some students say 'leave me
alone'," Desfosses said. "Others
say ' How come no one is telling me
what to take?'"
Defosses added that the evalua-
tion system being implemented at
CUE should help everyone understand what is and is not required of
an advisor.
Schwartz also hopes to improve
CUE's image.
"We must portray ourselves as
friend and confidant, and we must
dismiss people from the university," Schwartz said. "We must wear
the while hat and the black hat; it's
hard to wear both."
Schwartz also feels the CUE office is physically unattractive and
somewhat removed in their basemen! location. "We are buried by
our architecture," he said, though
admitting jokingly there is very little
anyone can do about it.
One further shackle on advisement is the inherent responsibility
for it.
"In my own opinion," said
Assistant to the President Frederick
Volkwein, "the majority of the
responsibility has to lie with the stucontinued'on page thirteen
Page Five
_ _ Albany Student Press
All CLASS OF '82
SA Vice President
There will be a
Mandatory Meeting
Monday, April 27
in the Assembly Hall Lounge
at 9:00 pm
All must attend
Freezedried Coffeehouse
Singer and Songwriter
April 24 and 25
Friday and
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DrawinR Salurdaj Night
lb {
1) Coordinator between the 90 student
groups and student position.
2) To be creative and innovative in designing
communication and programming networks to
benefit all of the Student Association funded
3) You need not be a member of S.A. or an S.A.
group but you must show enthusiasm and willingness to learn the problems and assets of
groups and work as their advocate.
This is a stipended position.
Applications are due May 1 in the SJi. office
Campus Center 116. Further information can be
obtained by calling Sue Gold or Ira Somach at
teach-ins. Campus debates and 11,500 signatures of colleagues on a
speakers generally focus on petition to be presented to the State
CISPES' main goals, including sup- Department protesting U.S. inport of human rights, aid to volvement in El Salvador.
refugees, ending U.S. involvement
Although Petras maintains "the
in El Salvador, and "generally great bulk of U.S. faculty opposes"
educating" Americans about the El American involvement, others may
Salvador situation.
not be quick to agree. A special
Organizers d o n ' t actively faculty meeting called by University
understimatc the fruits of their of Texas President Peter Flawn for
labors. Teach-ins, Tarver claims, the purpose of publicly opposing
rarely fail to interest more students U.S. involvement failed to attain a
quorum, much less a favorable
in the movement.
Tens of thousands, "perhaps vote. History professor Thomas
hundreds of thousands" have Philpotl called the low attendance
become involved in El Salvadoran "extraordinary" and "unthinkactivities since September, estimates able," but colleague Ira Iscoe
James Petras, sociology professor replied, "Professors ought not to
at the Slate University of New gel involved."
York-Binghamlon. He says educaThe issue similarly polarizes stutional programs draw in more diver- dent governments, which arc
sified groups to the cause, many typically forced lo face the issue
with religious affiliations.
when debating whether to gram
"The striking part of the enor- charters to potential CISPES afmous growth of the movement is filiates. Some branches of the
the religious overtone," Petras organization have told Washington
observes. "Most prevalent is the ac- headquarters gelling recognition
tive work of particularly Catholic was "no problem," but still others
organizations and nuns and priests. run into harsh debates and arc even
Considering the numbers of denied recognition.
Catholics murdered daily in El
At New Orleans' Loyola UniverSalvador, (heir participating is not sity, a newly-formed CISPES group
surprising, bin it sets this movement received a Studenl Govcrnmcnl
apart from some others."
Association charter only after a
Also drawn lo Ihc issue are facul- long and healed debate. Law
ty groups, which Tarver explains delegate Frank Milanese argued
are jusl becoming organized. Stan- vehemently for the opposition in
ford University's Richard Fagcn has the student newspaper when he
been one of many faculty members warned the group "is a radical
who've managed lo accumulate political organization that just
Stanley Kubrick's
9RM. TO Its A.M.
Orleans to Sinclair Community and
Grand Valley State colleges in
Michigan. All featured speakers
and seminars on U.S. foreign
policies, colloquially called
Service commemorating the first
anniversary of the death of San
Salvadoran Archibishop Oscar
Romero attracted 150-400 students
each at the University of Illinois,
Iowa State, the University of
Maryland, and Yale University.
The majority of those services were
sponsored in conjunction with the
Committee In Solidarity with the
People of El Salvador (CISPES), a
national organization boasting
membership of 11)0 college branches
and " c o u n t l e s s " community
The rapid growth of the movement is "really amazing," says
Heidi Tarver of the national
Washington office of CISPES. She
says mosl of the college CISPES
organizations formed in "aboul
three or four months," and some
grew out of other community
organizations, such as church
Tarver points out that mosl of
them issue their opposition through
Special Midnight. Show
tonight and
tomorrow night
SA Funded
New Position!
Director off Student
(CPS) On May 3, campus sentiment
against U.S. involvement In El
Salvador will go through what
amounts to a rite of passage for
political movements: it will stage its
own march on Washington, D.C.
The march caps what organizers
call "the busiest protest season
since Three Mile Island," and
marks what these same organizers
— very aware of comparisons to the
first college stirrings against U.S.
involvements in Vietnam in 1964 —
call a "transition period" from
"scattered, community-based protest" to a more "political" phase.
Campus activities ill the last six
months against U.S. El Salvador
policies have indeed been boih
spontaneous and widespread,
unlike the more carefully-arranged
recent campus rallies against aparIheid in South Africa, nuclear
power, and the draft. A March protest at the University of CaliforniaRiverside "peaked" at 70 people,
while a march at the University of
Massachuselis-Amhersi surprised
organizers a few days later when it
drew 1,200 students and faculty.
Not limited lo larger stale
schools, activity has been reported
from Loyola University in New
Interest in El Salvador Increases on Campuses
. Medical Examinations
treatment <>l VD and othei Infections
treatment of ycnilo-urinary problems
pre-marital blood test
all aspects of male sexual health
Clockwork ©range
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3 positions
Building and grounds mainlenance; conslruclion assistance. The
maintenance jobs consist of firewood hauling, brush and grass cutling, painting and preserving, minor building repairs and trail improvemtns. The conslruclion work will involve assisting the permanent staff in the erection of a 30' X 70' log recreation center Room
provided with job but hot board - kilchen available.
Camp DippikiU, 70 miles north of SUNYA, in the southern
Adirondack Mountains near Warrensburg, New York. A descriptive brochure on Ihc camp is available in the Student Association
Office — C C 116.
12 weeks — J u n e 1 through August 21, 1981
Membership Meeting
May 11 at 9am
Campus Center 375 .
To approve budget
$1608./summer - $3.35/hr (40 hr week WHO MAY APPLY:
Only SUNYA undergraduates
Monday through Fri-
lax this
The applicant should be in good physical condition and be willing
o work hard oui-o -doors all day. Applicants with prior experience
in anv of the•building trades, in chain saw and log work, or in
grounds and building mainlenance will be preferred. The camp is
lsolalcd lot
u £ h ,, m,lra,h"
a ' ' ° n with stores and social life not
within walking distance.
teS!!,. rliT,
m y be
cked up in ,hc SA office
c c 1 6 a n d musi
< ' >
be returned to that office before 4:00P.M., Wednesday, April 29.
Required for lop applicants, will be held during the week of May 4.
£o< e , n „ 0 n n . 0r b r f r° r !! F r i , d a y i M a > ' 8 ' A complete list o l a l . e r n a t e s and
'nose no. qualified will be posted in the SA office on May 8.
Call Jvr information
special student fees
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SA Sponsored
smacks of communism."
Students at George Mason
University in Virginia were not so
lucky. Their application for a
university charter was denied on the
grounds that "they lacked clear
plans." A university spokesman
denied the action was "politically
motivated," but would-be CISPES
officers remain unconvinced.
Granting university recognition
hardly guarantees a group support
of the community, however. Marchers at the UMass-Amherst protest
drew heckles from dorm windows.
Onlookers reportedly insulted marchers, and students favoring U.S.
activities in El Salvador drowned
out the chants of the marchers by
playing "Ballad of the Green
Bercls" on a sound system.
The polarisation of students and
faculty over the El Salvador issue
reminds mosl people almost
automatically of the Vietnam antiwar movement, and indeed,
SUNY's Petras finds "remarkable"
"The teach-ins and scattered protests we see now aboul El Salvador
roughly compare lo the stage of the
Vietnam movement in laic 1964 or
1965," Petras asserts. "It's getting
to the point where people with
diverse interests arc getting involved, nol jusl people who have a
history of being politically active."
Active participants no longer include only those people who were
active in the Vietnam movement
and arc interested in finding a
"cause" once more, nor is il limited
to people who feel they "missed the
Vietnam movement" and want to
get in on these activities, agrees
CISPES' Tarver.
"The breadth and nature of the
movement against U.S. involvement in El Salvador is analgous lo
Vietnam," she says, "But this is
growing much faster lhan the sixties."
Petras is confident that the movemcnl will continue its rapid growth
if the U.S. government refuses to
alter its policies in El Salvador. He
predicts a direct parallel between
the growth of U.S. involvement in
Central America and the growth of
activism al home.
Asked how quickly the El
Salvador movement will get to a
stage comparable to the Vietnam
movement in 1968 or 1969, he
estimates " a year or two at this
rale, provided U.S. policies do not
"We're in a very important transition stale righl now," Petras says.
"We've been going through the
educational stage — consisting of
teach-ins, mostly — to the point
where there is protest and rallies.
Now we have to sec protest turn into politics with more specific
Whether the El Salvador movement will successfully make the
transition from " p r o t e s t to
politics" will be most clearly seen at
the May 3 rally in Washington.
Organized by the People's AntiWar Mobilization committee
(PAM) based in Washinton, the rally might attract as many as 100,000
people from all over the country,
according to Dick Cushing of
PAM. He says PAM has developed
a network of organizations in at
least 70 cities in five weeks to " d o
the leg work," including soliciting
school funds to cover travel cxicnses.
April 24, 1981 -"'•
All Those Interested
in Applying for
John Travolta
1. Chief Financial Officer of Student
2. In charge of the 1.5 million dollar
operating budget.
3. Staff of 15-25 assistant controllers.
Ffi & Sot
April 24 & 25
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1. You must be an undergraduate student.
2. Accounting or MSI experience is
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3. You should have some knowledge of
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$ 1.50 w/out
'NASA to Use SUNYA Experiment
by Mark Fischettl
I After the scrub-downs, the tile
replacements, the repairing of solidfuel rocket boosters, and a host of
other adjustments, NASA's space
shuttle Columbia will be ready for
its second Orbital Test Flight, to
take place this fall. Along with
astronauts Richard H. Truly and
Joe Henry Englc, numerous experimental packages will be carried
Into orbit. Among them will be the
first university experiment to be
flown on the Columbia, which
belongs to SUNYA's Bernard Vonncgut, Senior Scientist of the Atmospheric Science Research Center.
"Some years ago NASA announced they would received proposals for experiments to be done
on the Columbia space flights,"
Vonnegut said. "We submitted a
proposal in Pall 1976, and it was accepted in Summer 1977."
Vonnegut and his colleagues, Otto Vaughah of NASA's Marshall
Space Flight Center and Marx
Brook of the New Mexico Institute
of Mining and Technology, arc interested in photographing and making sound recordings of lightning
discharges from above the clouds,
affording a view unequalled from
the ground or any aircraft.
"We're particularly Interested in
very severe lightning produced in
hurricanes, tornadoes, and volcanic
activity," Vonnegut said. "We're
also interested in how the storms
serve as a high voltage generator
and just what the role of the clctricity in the storm is."
Accounts from Skyiab astronauts
describe an exhilarating overall view
of lightning which cannot be appreciated at lower altitudes. Also,
the area of the Earth's surface visible from the space shuttle will be
large enough so that lightning
storms are likely to be visible on
every orbit.
The hardware of the NighttimeDaytime Optical Survey of Lightning and Convective Phenomena
(NOSL) experiment includes a 16
millimeter Maurer movie camera,
which will furnish movie pictures of
the storm in progress, and a
photocell sensor system, which
together with the camera forms a
handheld apparatus approximately
twice the size of an ordinary Super 8
movie camera.
The photocell system has a light
sensitive receiving area which points
in the same direction as the movie
This is a stipended position.
You must submit your application no later than Mc. 1st :.:
4:00 pm to Campus Center 116 the S.A. office.
lens. When there is a change in the
frequency of the incoming light, as
when lightning suddenly flashes,
the change will be recorded by the
photocell. An audio pickup will, in
turn, transform the changes in light
frequency into an audio signal that
will be recorded on magnetic tape.
"Lightning sounds like static on
the radio," Vonnegut explained.
Analysis of the "static" on an
oscilloscope results in an electronic
signature characteristic to the type
of lightning which produced it.
When filming nighttime lightning, a
diffraction grating will be placed in
the camera, yielding a spectrograph, a light signature also
characteristic of the lightning. Spectrograph results can be used to
determine the temperatures,
pressures, electron density, and
ionization in the cloud mass that
produced the lightning.
"For example," Vonnegut said,
"some lightning goes up above the
clouds. II has never been
photographed. We'd very much like
lo photograph It and compare its
spectra with thai of lightning which
comes down to earth."
Vonnegut hopes increased
knowledge of lightning will lead to
Senior Scientist Bernard Vonncnut
He proposed studying lightning above the clouds.
eventual forecast, warning, and
control of severe storms.
"My biggest motivation Is
curiosity," Vonncgul said, adding,
"We must supply the public with
knowledge of their universe."
On the practical side, Vonnegut
points out that most of the world's
thunderstorm rains.
"Sometimes we gel loo much.
Sometimes we gel loo little," he
said. "We don't understand how
^^ST *
SUHYA'S Night A t
Page Seven
Albany Student Press
these things work, and we're so
dependent upon them."
Power and communications companies arc also interested in the experiment, Vonnegut said, because
Ihey have proposed that lightning
detector satellites be set into orbit
by the mid-1980's.
Vonnegut's system is completed
and ready to go. The group has gottcn some time on height
altitude rcconaissancc U-2 planes
lo test the camera apparatus. There
will be several more U-2 flights in
the weeks ahead. But as Vonnegut
joked, "The U-2's fly al 65,000
feet. Thai's jusl barely high enough
to gel over the lop of some
continued on page thirteen
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April 24, 1981
hand jive
Here's good news for knuckle
poppers: cracking your knuckles
won't cause huge, unsightly finger
blown away
That's what Dr. John gould, a
specialist in hand surgery at the
Are you tired of car horns that
University of Alabama at Birm- arc blasting away constantly, or of
ingham, asserts.
those that blare musical tunes you
Gould says knuckle cracking never wanted to hear?
simply causes the nitrogen gas,
which is normally present in joint
tissues, to be displaced with enough
force to make that popping sound.
However, he says the nitrogen
naturally builds back up quite
rapidly to the point that other
knuckle popping can lake place.
The surgeon says there appears to
be no real harm in cracking or popping your knuckles If you want to
. . . unless it hurls, of course.
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only Event I
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Well, the Transit Authority in
Bogota, Columbia, has come up
with a solution. Bogota's El Tiempo newspaper reports the Authority
has established an "anti-noise
squad" that confiscates the horns
of offending drivers.
"In five days," the newspaper
says, "the squad has confiscated
over 2,000 horns."
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The researchers call the disease
"Musicogenic Epilepsy." They say
only 76 documented cases have
turned up in modern times,
although Shakespeare reportedly
wrote about the disease and it has
been known for centuries.
According to Newman and
Saunders, one of their patients, for
example, would have an attack of
epilepsy every time she listened to
"I Think I'm Gonna Fall In Love
With You," by the well-known pop
' group, the Doolcys.
is having a SALE of
For $ 4 6 0 p l u s tax (4 p e r c e n t ) , y o u recleve:
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Campus Interviews will be held
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Vto mwve Iho right K> Itmtl quantlliM. Ho dealer utoi
history ever to be convicted of cannibalism.
Packer was found guilty 97 years
ago of being a cannibal after he
allegedly consumed all five of his
companions while the six were trapped in the Colorado Mountains
during the winter of 1874.
Governor Lamm says he was asked to pardon Packer by a Florida
writer who believes Ihe convicted
cannibal may have been framed.
However, said the governor, the
volets of Colorado would — in his
words — "cat me alive if I would
do this."
Certain kinds of music may cause
British n e u r o l o g i s t s Peter
Newman and Michael Saunders
have found that some kinds of
music cause abnormal brain wave
activity in the part of the brain that
interprets sound,
This, in turn, the doctors say, can
cause a person to experience anxiety; clouded thinking; lip, eyelid and
finger t w i t c h i n g ; a n d u n consciousness when she or he listens
lo certain tunes.
Secondary Bilingual
' « • •
Lamm said he had "digested" ail
the evidence in the case, which had
been "gnawing" at him Tor some
time. "In the final analysis," Ihe
governor said, " I have to follow my
gut instincts."
The governor also said —
quoting here — "97 years after the
trial, I must presume Ihe process
was kosher and Mr. Packer received
his just desserts."
Some people have charged that
the Packer trial was political
because he is alleged to have eaten
five of the total of only seven
democrats living in Denver's
Hinsdale County.
twist & shout
Genesis Recorded Lrive
Sunday, April 26th
Humble Pie and Loverboy
Openings lor qualified bilingual teachers to teach
Hispanic students in grades 7-12. Subjects include Mathematics, English as a Second Language, and Educationally Handicapped,
<jo Miuore
Colorado's Governor Richard
Lamm has refused to grant an official state pardon to Alfcrd
Packer, the only mun in U.S. legal
Tonight at 10pm
Special Education
raw deal
Secondary Non-Bilingual
first time, that some seals were in
fact, "skinned before they lost consciousness."
tect the harp and hood seals, "with
their own bodies, if need b e " from
seal hunters in the Newfoundland
ice floes.
Jon Duncanson Is a spokesperson
for Greenpeace. He reports that
The,Rainbow Warrior, the 500-ton
Greenpeace flagship, is now
"somewhere in the North Atlantic"
waters and steaming towards the
seal hunting area. Duncanson says
that the 19 crew members on Ihe
ship — which has been especially
equipped to break through ice floes
— plans to ignore warnings by the
Canadian Coast Guard to stay out
of the icy waters.
He states that the plans are for
The Rainbow
members to enter the seal hunt area,
position the ship between scaling
ships and the seals, and if
necessary, get out on the ice floes
and put their bodies between the
hunters and the seals.
The kill quota this'year is 180,000
harp seals, and 13,000 hood seals.
Duncanson says that because the
hood seal is the more endangered,
The Rainbow Warrior plans to concentrate its rescue efforts on saving
the hood seals, which arc usually
the ones killed at the end of the
Last week, the liurp seal hunt on
Prince Edward Island in Canada
was called off after the Canadian
fisliorics manager admitted, for the
r ^ " ^ " " " ' ^ - n
lr=ii v i H Q
Members of the International Environmental
Greenpeace are threatening to pro-
Page Nine
Albany Student Press
llll ••IK1..II . 1
| H
The Medical School ol Ccnlio
Do Esludios Universilarios
Xochicalco (CEUX), a fully accredited Medical School in
Mexico, is InvilinB applications
Irom Ameiican students. Located at Ensonada. Baja California, Mexico, CEUX is listed in
Ihe catalogue ol Institutes ol
Higher Lcainine and Professional Schools and iccogimcd hy
Ihe World Health OiBanuation as
an Institution loi liaming medical students Fall semester begins in Augusl. 1981.
Health Care
Management Corp.,
P.O. Box 1155,
Columbus, GA 31902
l@fr&®tf§P C®(fin)
Profits Before People:
Formula for Malnutrition
Scott M. Sommer
Malnutrition, brain damage, death. Ten
million third-world babies a year are destined to meet this fate as a result of the proliferation of "Bottle Baby Disease"
throughout Latin America, Africa and
Three American companies; AbbotRoss, American Home Products and
Bristol Myers; along with the Nestle Company, a totally Swiss-owned multinational
food processing conglomerate, have engaged in marketing practices of formula which
advance "Bottle Baby Disease."
For over a decade these companies —
primarily Nestle, which has over a 50 percent share of the infant formula market —
have made it company policy to convince
third-world mothers that bottle feeding
their babies will lead them towards
healthier, happier lives.
For the overwhelming majority of
mothers in the third-world, breastfeeding is
the most economical, convenient and nutritional method of nourishing their new born
babies. Doctors and nutrition experts
throughout the world have found mother's
milk to be superior to infant formula as a
source of nourishment. Research has also
shown that an undernourished mother can
produce healthy mother's milk, without
causing further damage to the mother's
One method which Nestle has adopted, is
sending women in nurses' uniforms into
hospitals lo convince new mothers of the
"virtues" of bottle feeding. These women
are company-paid employees, who use Ihe
authority that a uniform represents to
manipulate the minds of these third-world
women. From day one of a newborn's life,
these "milk-nurses" give the mothers free
samples of formula, lactogen, prepare Ihe
formula properly and "hook" mother and
child on the bottle. If a woman doesn't
breast-feed from the start, she can slop lactating inside of a week and have her supply
of milk dry up.
Another practice engaged by Nestle : o
give hospitals, doctors and other rvallh
professionals "gifts," both monetary and
material, in exchange for support of their
product. Columnist Jack Anderson has
charged that Nestle has been "laundering"
money to the government of Guatemala
which in turn has assassinated advocates of
breast feeding.
Also Nestle has embarked on a high
powered media campaign in order to sell its
product. This campaign includes billboards
and product labels with happy smiling
babies, cheery songs and slogans, "Give
Your Baby Love and Lactogen," and conveying the underlying message that their
babies will be like the upper-class, healthy
white babies which are bottle fed.
The major problems which occur for the
mothers include having to spend over 50
percent of their income to buy the formula.
This in turn results in women having to over
dilute the formula and not being able to afford the equipment and fuel to sterilize the
bottles and nipples. Also a large amount of
the women live in rural villages which have
impure water supplies, thus the bottle
becomes the carrier of disease.
Finally, there is a general lack of
understanding among the women concerning proper use of Ihe formula. There have
been attempts made at putting picture instructions on the label, however as shown in
the CBS documentary "Into the Mouths of
Babes", (1978), Nestle has ordered many
stores lo remove the label from the tins in
order to avoid any resale on Ihe black
market; ergo many formula tins have no instructions on them at all.
In 1977, the Infant Formula Action
Coalition, (1NFACT), launched a boycott
of Nestle products as a direct action against
the company's policy concernng the
marketing of infant formula. INFACT's
main demands are that there be a halt lo
"all promotion of infant formula in areas
where their misuse is predictable and
dangerous," and that all infant formula
producers adhere to the World Health
Organization (WHO) code on marketing
practices, which will be voted on next
month. The American companies have
declared a "war on babies" by pledging lo
ignore any code which is adopted by WHO.
Nestle has decided to resort to a high
level media/propaganda campaign in order
lo combat the growing international
boycott of its products. Last year, they contributed $25,000 to the Ethics and Public
Policy Center in Washington to research
ihe infant formula controversy and have
To the Editor:
UCB and UAS with the guidance of the
Office of Student Affairs will once again be
presenting an outdoor concert this spring.
On May 2, Celebration '81 will be held for
the total enjoyment of everyone
SUNYA. But in order to make this year's
event a successful one, WE NEED YOUR
It would be truly tragic to see
"Celebration ' 8 1 " be our last spring out-,
door concert. However, with the problems
created due to the event's growth beyond its
original scope (SUNYA), we have had to
make several policy changes. These policy
changes cannot be effectively implemented
without the help of all SUNYA students.
The most notable change will be the
enclosure of the entire concert area, from
Quad to Quad and from Campus Center to
the backstage area. This fence will be
patrolled by several additional security personnel. Again we need (he help of you to
make sure people don't abuse our event by
sneaking in without a ticket. The costs of
this event are tremendious and the mandatory charge will help offset our additional
expenses. Futhcrmore, due to this closing
off of the event, more than ever is there a
need to encourage the early purchase of
your Celebration '81 ticket. Not only is
there the economic incentive of buying the
first ticket on the tax card at $4.00 and the
second at $6.00 instead of one on the day of
the show for $10.00 if available but several
other potential problems are impending.
For example, if everyone waits to purchase
their ticket for the last minute, we will have
a very congested entrance chute near Dutch
Quad on May 2; one that will delay the
the article published in Fortune magazine,
(June 18, 1981). Besides being inaccurate,
[he article had a very pro-industry slant; a
well written expose of this affair is in the
January 28, 1981 issue of the Village Voice.
It clear that Nestle and the other companies have put profits before the lives of
the newborn. This struggle for corporate
democracy and responsibility is growing
rapidly here at SUNYA and in the Capital
District. I f you have any questions or would
like to join the boycott, please contact
Capital District INFACT, 39 Philip Street,
Albany, 12207, 463-4411. Remember,
"profits before people is a formula for
show and possibly prevent the bands from
playing as long as they were scheduled. In
addition, if everyone waits till May 2, wc
won't be able to let more than tlje number
of $10.00 tickets we printed up enter (that is
a very few anyway). Also if several people
decide to jump the fence or whatever wc
will not only be unable to pay for the event
but we will witness a major disaster and sec
the last SUNYA Spring Concert. This is
something I am sure of. So please, I musi
reiterate help us with this crucial matter.
So if you haven't purchased your ticket
yet, please do so soon cither at the Campus
Center Lobby or at the dinner lines at the
following Quads and times: Colonial ami
State on Tin-.day, Indian and Dutch on
Wednesday and Alumni on Thursday,
Please remember to bring your tax cards.
Your cooperation will also be appreciated on behalf of the SUNYA Alumni
who will be calling you to purchase a ticket
for them. Please help them and us with ihis
matter. I would also like to say thai
SUNYA graduate students will be allowed
to purchase a ticket with their ID Card at
the price of $6.00.
Another problem we have had in the past
and have had to eliminate is the tremendous
problem with broken glass and garbage. In
an attempt to prevent this, there will be no
bottles, cans, coolers etc. allowed within
the event. Also please be mindful of keeping the grounds clean during the event.
This year in addition to the Rat being
closed, I would like to strongly discourage
the use of the Campus Center facilities on
May 2. Last year extensive damage was
caused, damage we cannot afford to
witness again. For your convenience we will
supply many "elegant" porto-toilels.
Finally, 1 would like to once again realize
my redundancy and request your aid and
assistance in making Celebration '81 a successful event. We must all share in making
its success or we will all share in causing the
end of one of SUNYA's biggest traditions.
Dave Montana!"
UCB Chair
Green for Life
To the Editor:
Inspired by the recent and continuous happenings concerning the children of Atlanta,
1 was compelled to write this piece.
Twenty-four now,
how many more will be found
in the woods and in the ponds
Atlanta tomorrow.
I wear green as a symbol of
not as a symbol of lives that have been
lost, but
as a reminder to others
for awaiting
the tight embrace of death.
But not enough people have given
i ,.,„.,
a damnI wear green
to awaken the people of ihe earth
to Ihe times and happenings
of ihe day.
I wear green
because their cars are blocked
Ihe wailing cry of death
is heard loudest
at home.
I wear green.
You Wear
Todd Benlen
freedom of Choice
I If ff M - - I ' '• " '• '• » - r y i n n r J L j i
I. n n H n 1,.11-M II U II M n II_IL.II . , ....—^ _ _ I _ I I _ I L - I
To the Editor;
Students should voie/VOon the NYPRIG
referendum for the following reasons:
Students should have the option to support any political group they so desire,
Presently, students do not have thai option,
tlu-y must support NYPIRG through llic
April 24, 1981-
A c c o u n t i n g Majors!
Learn About
Academics t o
Accounting Life,
The Big Step
Letter from ed
Brlngham's HiU
Hot Licks And Rhetoric
Stale University ol New York at Albany • Campui Center 329' 1400 Wal
• j - ' o u r t i gatoime at com
pared 10 eoT*»"i>or.et m«fti
jraoe o-i. *fxj a i » pfomoe*
belter engine p>oteciwi than
come hear
Ei'ol - L e t t e r from cd.
iVeii l i m n COM"
1 8
Dr. Robert Schlosser, Partner and
National Director of Education
of Coopers & Lybrand speak.
A •**« luneO engine tares
gaso'ine Tune up inchxie*
spar* plugs and labo* Oine>
parts aOditrOnal il needed
* »eii luned engine i j . e s
gasottne Tune up includes
spa'h plugs j n o noof oiner
parts addil-onai il needed
A * * n tuned engine sires
gasoline *_-.* : , : • • , • „ ;--.
spaik plugs and laDO' O ^ i "
pads .1.' v . .- j it needed
Hon. A p r i l 2 7 ,
ai 7:00 pm LCf
"i- "-wii I B U , u
sponsored by Delta Sigma Pi
and The Accounting Dept
1170 Western Avenue
Albany, N Y 12203 • 465-9410
r Tickets f o r UCB'S
David Brooks
on sale now
i mSH "
in t h e campus center lobby
I n Advance
1st ticket on tax card $4.00
2ndticketon taxcard$6.00
(if available) •
Allticketson taxcard$10.00
G r a d students mav p u r c h a s e 1 ticket at $6.00_and they must have I . D .
e Cl
" '
Y O M must have a t i c k e t t o a t t e s t
(Tickets include entertainment and refreshments)
Tickets may only be purchased with a tax card
(limit: 2per tax card)
Tickets should be purchased in advance!
Spiritual graffiti
"Be Vigilant Against Sloth."
—Mrs. Flaumenhaft
—-, -. _, ,,,., u w u i i i i i i u i i j , u u u u ( ' i
11 "' i l l
just, us
He thin,
think w(
w up, 1 '
' ' i I ' • I T + r-l' I r
b e . And what I'm saying i 3 , find out w h a t ' s (roinp on
in i
they d o n ' t t e l l you, then make then t o l l you. You l i v o horo
and you play h e r e . Wouldn't i t be nice i f you know what m m
on here? I t ' s p r e t t y d i s g u s t i n g sometimes but i t ' s s t i l l worth
knowing (sometimes).
" " J i t wonn
.is for mo, wnll, I ' l l j u s t keep hammering t h e s e o u t u n t i l
they take me away from h e r o . I f you read t h i s for anv reason
a t a l l , then I thank you. Even i f i t ' s Tor the wurtl "'sex"'.'
Sometimes you'vo j u s t g o t t a a t t r a c t some a t t e n t i o n to somet h i n g . Got tho h i n t ? Huh?
Expires 5/15/81
Domestic Affairs
World Report
Join the Air Force,
See Valdosta, Georgia
Radio Fever
else i t could b»
thru I hope they think about i t
bad i." i t i s now.
i 1 saying, t h i s ' : '..'haI. gi
ninrormed as a l l of you
tiling.. Tal k to your' stit
them you want to knot•' i' hnppenoi to ..ayt't
k, 1 *."i not a p o l i t i c i a n . P o l i t i e s
' ? 'i
»-gic to i t . But 1 AM a oommunioator,
(518J 457-8092
SEX ! ! ' . ' . ! ! !
HI. How a r e you? tHow
was your vaca.ti.on? Do you fool r e s t e d ' '
S : f j y " i ! lmll
onough 0 oat:- Are you ready for f i n a l s ? Are you'
ready for the r e s t of your l i f e ? Can you hoar ,ne? (Knock, knock.)
..ell? Are you t h e r e ? I s ANYONE there"'
T h a t ' s r i g h t , I'm t a l k i n g to you! you o u t t h e r e ! ALL of you!
v T
+hf= ' \ ? ' y c u r i o u s . O.K., how many of you out t h e r e a r e reading
t h i s , / a l s o your hands. A c t u a l l y , I'm more than c u r i o 4 s - - l ' m
concerned. I r e a l l y d o n ' t give a s h i t i f t h i n i s r e a d - a c t u a l l y
I DO give a s h i t i f t h i s i s r e a d , but t h i s i s obviously not an
important piece of l i t e r a t u r e . But why In i t t h a t not enough
people pay a t t e n t i o n to the important t h i n g s ? And w h a t ' s more
important ( i n t h i s s c h o o l , and i n the r e s t of the w o r l d ) , whv
l r i t t h a t those who have something important to oav. never
q u i t e know how to say i t ?
3e s t r a i g h t f o r w a r d , w i l l you? I t ' s so easy! J u s t think of
what you want to say to people and .HAY i t !
I ' p | w r i t i n g thin p a r t l y because I had the P'-iviledge (?) of
s e r v i n g on the ASP SA P r o s , and Veep kndoesemont Committee. I
aslten one major q u e s t i o n of a i l the c a n d i d a t e s . How do you i n tent t.i i n c r e a s e the communication between SA and the Student
Body' And ya lino* what? Not one of them had a t r u l y g r e a t surtfjostiun for the way to go about the communication p r o c e s s , i h
oi c o u r s e , everyone agreed t h a t t h e r e wis a problem, and everyone agreed t h a t a s o l u t i o n must be found, but t h e r e d i d n ' t seem
to be an answer to the q u e s t i o n . Vl th the p o s s i b l e e x c e p t i o n
<>r Dave Pologri and some h a l f - s u g g e s t i o n s of the answer bv some
p o s s i b l e Veeps no ono could come up with a n y t h i n g i t '-e'er
mo t i n I i f thoao people had r e a l l y thought about i t , thev
have comi up with half a dozon i d e a s , " e l l , a l l 1 can Bay
i i u 3 rec,acetiiie' tepiaco T'U>0
and nar g i b ' e t . ciea" lump 3ng
screen ana '0*0 tesl f c smooih
1 5 95
-Page 3a
The WSUA in 1967: Crazy college cul-upa kid and]
clown for the camera.
Bringham's Hill
The pebbles crunched under Brlngham's
boot as he walked down the dark path.
Crickets chirped from Ihe woods lo his led
signaling Ihe end to daylight The lasl bits of
orange skimmed the corn silk In Ihe fields.
Turning oul towards ihe homestead he (elt
ihe heal rising from Ihe unshaded palli
where the sun's light had been,
"Today was surely hot," he said quietly lo
himself. "
The evening walk was Brlngham's stretch
for Ihe day: a hot bath before sleep. He
would lalk things over with himself, being
assured that their was enough rain and sun
and Ihal Ihe harvesl would be plenty.
A rustle from the field broke his thoughts.
"Who's there?" he shouted. No answer.
"Damn weasels." he whispered io himself.
Bending down he (ell a good sized rock wilh
a few sharp edges. He Nicked olf the cakes ol
dried mud which had been stuck to II. Silently he wailed lo hear the noise again. The wet
crack of an ear ol torn being lorn away broke
Ihe still. Winding up his arm he hurled the
stone Into the coin A wild scream followed
by Ihe fading, flapping noise of retreat pleased Bringham l i e mined and walked home.
Wilh greal effort he climbed ihe Ihree
wootlen sleps to his Irani porch and looked
mil over his acreage. The .veslem horizon
glowed wilh ihe sun's waning Bringham
took a deep broalh and lei Ihe dusk's molsl
chill lill his nosmls Ihe crickets from the
woods were dying " i d . yielding to ihe stars
and Ihe breeze which shakes ihe corn leaves.
"First quartet, not much light lonlghl." he
thought io himself
Bringham pulled up Ins favorite stool ami
leaned himself agalhsi the cyprus wood
shingles of his home Reaching into his left
pocket he found his wood pipe He tappetl
the bowl on the leg ol his s I lo clean out
Ihe layers ol ash and pulled out his pouch of
tobacco. He pressed the sllqhllv moist
shreds Into the bowl, struck a match, and
drew gently, creating a small glow and thick
smoke. Satisfied, he leaned back and
grunted, letting his bones settle afler a haul
This entire farm was once his father's. But
he had died live years before. Mother dietl
one before ihal of pneumonia Ihe winter Ihe
family moved to Kansas. A grim winter.
Bringham remembered ihe day when his
father came home and, wild with excitem e n t told the family he had sold his shop
and bought land in Kansas. He remembered
the riveting fear of seeing his father oul of
control like that. At thirteen he realized that
his falher had done something monstrously
"Crazy and oul of his senses!" mother
had cried. It was the first time Bringham had
been afraid ol his father.
But Ihe family packed and moved for ihal
was Ihe family way of doing things. Their
land tract was 15 miles due wesl ol Topeka.
By the second week they had a hall foot of
snow tai the ground. Father brought some
wood alony In the wagon and they trietl lo
construct a simple shelter. Molher sal In Ihe
wagon, shivering from Ihe cold, refusing to
lend any help to the project.
" N O . no, no! I want lo return lo Baltimore
this Instant,Charle," Bringham remembered
Ihe defeated lone In her voice. Although
she tried lobe deflanl the strains of a woman
resolved to her fate were apparenl. Bringham wanted lo join wilh his molher and
Insist that they give up the idea of starling a
(arm but he realized that il was much too late
to lurn back. The snow kepi coming and
Ihey hail to worry about staying warm and
led before ihey could consider going home.
Soon molher stopped her pleas and Jusl
cried I D herself in the wagon. She would
never eal much during meals and began lo
gel pale and weak. On December 28, 188<1
she died.
Father knew she was ill for a week belorc
but could do nothing for her, It was loo far
and luo cold to go for n doctor. In Ihe oiu\
falher and son stood by and wailed for her to
They could not bury the body because Ihe
ground was frozen solid. Father wrapped the
body in burlap and polalo sack anil placed il
under ihe wagon until spring came. He
assured Bringham that God would understand and would still allow her soul lo pass on
up to heaven. Bui il was many weeks before
Bringham could fall deeply asleep.
Ihe first Item. Food and staples were of
secondary importance to tiis Father.
"A proper home, that Is what I. want for
you and your mother's soul," he said.
But it was not to be. Brlngham's falher
complained about pain in his joints. He was
only a man ol Ihirly-five and did not suspect
arthritis. The pain got so bad that Bringham
had to ride his falher Into Topeka. Doctor
said he would be back In len days afler treatment. But he never came back to the farm.
When spring finally came the prairie came
back to life. Bringham could see that the spol
where ihey had parked the wagon was on a
slight hill, no more than fifty feel over the
surroundings. But il seemed like a mounlain
In such a flat landscape.
Doctor came lo Bringham o n a cold
November 1st and told him that his falher
had died of the goul. He had taken the liberol having the body send back lo Brlngham's
grandparents' In Baltimore for burial. He left
after having some lunch.
Father chose a spol for mother's grave
which looked toward the easl. They made a
simple headstone and said a few verses from
Matthew over ihe grave. They stood silently
for a long while.
Il was slightly colder now and Ihe stars
above were their brightest. The first quarter
rose from oul o l the field and hung In Ihe
horns ol Taurus. Bringham lapped the bowl
of his pipe on the leg of the stool and placed
"I'm sorry, Caroline, 1 truly am sorry," he il back into his pocket.
Bringham walked into his house and
whispered. Bringham cried and ran away.
washed his dusty (ace In Ihe porcelain basin.
The following day his falher went into
his beard, he contemplated shavTopeka and purchased pick axes, plows,
ing and decided that he would cut II olf when
seeds, lumber, and an ox. They set out will)
Ihe corn was harvested. "Women, at least
the business of farming. F.veryday was filled.
ihe women of Topeka, do not care for a
There was always something lo d o . even at
man's bearded chin," he thought silently l o
the times when they were not sure how to do
il. His lalher eslimaled Ihey planted close lo
and acre and a half of corn by Ihe 28th ol
He knell before his bed and prayed.
April and he was satisfied.
"Falher, the corn Is well past my forehead
The summer was very hot. Bringham had now. I'll be thinking about calling for some
hands come the end of August. And
been used to the cool breezes from Ihe
mother. 1 was thinking of you tonight. It
Chesapeake in July and August which
hurts so much lo miss you. But you keep
always took Ihe bite out of the sun. There
was no relief In Kansas Ihough. He and his reminding me. Remind me so I'll never
forget you. Good night."
falher could do nothing but sit on the front
porch, day afler day and watch the corn
Bringham slood and removed his
coveralls, laying them on his dressing chair.
Harvest was plenty. They had lo make He climbed Into his bed and stared at -the
ihree trips with the wagon lo sell the crop. beams of Ihe ceiling. The pillow was warm
On the lasl trip they bought all supplies they still so he turned it over to the cooler side,
curled himself Into a ball and fell soundly
may need for winter.
More lumber to finish off the house was asleep.
- April 24, 1981
Page 4a•
Hot Licks and Rhetoric/Bob O'Brian
Discrete Set
The girl in the peasant blouse and brown
braided hair doesn't know. Neither does the
boy with the volumes tucked under his arm.
Nor his brother. The man with his mother at
his side and father pacing breathlessly trying
to grab hold of an akimbo arm — they don't
The mailman doesn't know. The guy on
T V doesn't know. The schoolgirls who, like
nuns, must travel en masse don't know. The
solicitor suspending half his weight on his
shoulders doesn't knovj. Neither does his
wlfe, whose face now defines the word
"resigned." The priest with the Roman collar
raises a lot of ethical and philosophical questlons."
Albert Inhales on his Pali-Mall. Manfred
"What the Arabs are doing Is really wrong,
That is, of course, If you believe In Right and
Wrong as valid empirical concepts."
Albert remains silent.
"Albert, let me ask you, If you don't mind,
Have you ever been In love? That is, of
course, If you believe In Love as a viable
human emotion, like Romantic Love as opposed to loving your cat or your summer
and fedora doesn't know. Neither does his
Albert begins cautiously. "I've had neither
Irish setter.
a cat nor a summer home, but I've had my
"Sometimes I wonder If everyone Isn't jusi share of lovers. Certainly, I love my wife,
running scared," says Manfred. Manfred is a Dearly." Albert takes another drag on his
market researcher for the State. Manfred Pali-Mall and squints his eyes to avoid the
doesn't know.
smoke after exhaling.
Jodi thinks that In a few years a race war
"Here, let me give you an example," ofwlll ensue, the likes of which has never been fers Manfred. "Well, It's not exaclly an examseen before. Everyone tells Jodi that she pie, but something to elucidate my position,
thinks too abstractly. Jodi doesn't know.
that Is, of course, assuming I haue a position
James, seven hours oul of the twenty- on the topic." Manfred pauses. "My next
four, feels something like a crow trying In fly door neighbor had a friend who — actually
oul of his chest through his throat.
he was more than a friend, some sort of
" D o you know what It's like lo smell your relative, a cousin I think. Anyway he used lo
insldes? Really?"
say — aclually, he wasn't my next-door
James Is an outpatient at the Capital neighbor, he lived clown Ihe street, but in
Districl Psychiatric Center. James dc
any event, he used to say. the cousin that is,
'No one loves anyone else, they just lean on
In Harpo's, a bar in the Irl-clty area, sits each other.' I don't know. I just don't know."
Aiberl, smoking a Pall-Mall cigarette, listenProm the other end of Harpo's. Jodi iming with measured patience to Manfred, parts: "The Gnostics comprised an inAiberl lias one ol those great sculpted (aces, teresting sect uf Christianity — but they were
permanently imbued in arrogance. His thick, heretics of course."
gray eyebrows function In accordance with
James has his head in a garbage pall,lookthe ridge of bis nose which is wrinkled often ing for something to eat. The priest looks at
in mock tnquisitWeness. His lips are turned him in disgust and walks by.
upward slightly, suggesting a smirk, but h
" H o w could you end up like that?" queries
face remains unchanged throughout the
Albert aloud.
Music emanates from the speakers at HarManfred broaches a topic "I just don't po's,
know what to think of all this kidnapping and
"No words for my love." sings Paul. Paul
terrorism. Their cause may he just but . . . it is a musician. Paul might know.
World Report/Hubert-Kenneth Dickey
Tumbleweed Connection
Subway's no way for a good man to go
u\ ami it's
nil wake up droamk
ough, Depressing too
Rich wan can ride and the hobo lie can
But that's not what I want lo really write
And I thank the Lord /or the people I
about this week (or any other week for thai
matter) The point of focus this spring afterhave found.
— Ellon Johrt and Bernie Taupln noon Is a person I knew once. Before
Watch the ground shoot to the .stars on all Albany, before Iran, before assassination al
three networks. Get film at eleven, Details tempts. There was a person 1 once knew. A
woman. I was engaged lo her. A bittersweet
after this word from our sponsor.
Do you ever feel that the only reason your romance that never saw its full fruits. What
mother calls you at school is lo make you brought me lo Albany lo begin with.
feel guilty? Has your closest friend and lover
run off with a member of the Moral Majority?
Is your dog In cahoots with Mr. Jones? Well
folks, 1 have the answer to all your worries.
Just lake two large breaths of fresh air. exhale when you discover the true meaning of
life and call me In the morning (if you can
find me). Then deposit $2 million In any
bank account you choose and just sit back
and watch the fast-acting results.
I suppose you're wondering why I'm
writing this. If you know what's good for you
don't ask. All seriousness aside, is there any
use in taking abuse from a friend who Is perfunctorily kind? I mean, Isn't that against Ihe
grain, unconstitutional, and against all good
sense? I've taken II, you'll say (wrong, air
head, I've taken It). I've been there. A n d If
this Isn't going anywhere maybe your face
should. Uncalled for, you ask yourself?
Tough luck, my friend, you're not writing
this, (It's brash, I know, but it's a writer's
privilege.) I happen to be.
You might even ask yourself any number
of questions, but you're not fooling me. You
don't care, you Just want to waste time and
then say that you're under too much strain.
("Don't strain your brain," some poet said
I know because 1 am you. We all find
reason to avoid doing the things we should
do. We replace them with self-destructive
whims. We hem and haw our way to sleep
I can slill remember her name, bul her (ace
has long been removed from ihe active (lies
of my mind. I don't remember her being
unusually special, yet she's the only woman
who commands my never-ending respect,
love and admiration. The torch slill burns,
just not as bright as yesterday. She's here,
though, still with me. even now as I write
this, but her presence isn't as strong as it used lo be.
I won'l belabor this point too much longer,
bul I'm compelled to retain Ihe very profound effect this one person has had upon
me. All the lea In China won't bring her back
into my life, and to be perfectly honest I'm
not even crazy about tea. I'm just applying a
basic logic aboul life: You look back when
you plan ahead. You read history lo map
out the future. Take one step backwards and
Iwo lorward. See, she's a wonderful thought
lo skip over during Ihe empty spaces of long
nights of other excesses. Each woman I have
been with since Is in some way a prisoner of
her in my mind.
The reason I'm telling you all this Is that I
met a woman on the bus last nlghl that I've
known (or years now Was It her? I can't be
sure. She's someone that I consider a friend
(no more, no less), and we talked for a couple of hours about various things. At the end
of Ihe conversation, I realized that all the
things that I've been looking, searching and
I April 24,
Gary J. Langtnn,
hoping (or In a woman are very real. Il is
possible to have what 1 want. For Ihe first
lime In ages I was able lo look upon the
things I require from a woman as reasonable.
I slill don't know from whom I shall receive
Ihem al present, however the mere fact thai I
can have them is enough.
Hold fast to your dreams young man.
young woman. Ihe world is larger than Ihe
box we reside in. Life (orces Its way beyond
Ihe absence of hope. Love Is real and It's the
only weapon we have to flghl Ihe war we are
presently In. The bailies In the bedroom really are Ihe vital ones. Strange words from an
unusual man. but true nevertheless.
I take the liberty lo tell you Ihis now
because I (eel spring Is Ihe best lime of the
year for love lo be seen by all as reasonable,
just and right. There's no small Influence In a
shining sun. So when you find II. lake a
chance, because it just may be your lucky
bothers me about him though.
What's that honeybunch?
He makes so damn much more than I do.His plane Is so much bigger than mine. He
doesn't have a hot line though. I have all the
power In the world at my fingertips. He can
only condemn a few souls to hell.
That's right dear.
After Texas I have to fly right back to
Washington. I'm meeting with my top
economic advisors on my new tax cut . . . I
figure if 1 give everyone a twenty five dollar
tax break across the board, It will stimulate
Investment In big business
Oh that reminds me dear. Do you think
we could stretch this month's budget by
another fifty dollars? I don't have a thing to
wear with that new dress you bought me. I
thought I'd buy a new pair of shoes.
Sure dear, why don'I you take a hundred
and buy a new pair of stockings too?
You're so good lo me, dear. O h , I almosl
forgol—those Righl-lo-Llfers have been
hounding me all week. One of 'em sent me
some pictures of an aborted fetus—how
disgusting. Do you think you can do
something about Ihem?
If they're bothering you that much. I'll eul
off the abortion aid to all the stales, lomot
row. That ought lo keep 'em quiet for a
Would you honey? . . . Thanks, you're so
good lo me . . . Another thing—some of the
wives were talking al Ihe club today. They
ihink we're being embarassed in El Salvador.
They think we ought lo teach ihe little
savages a lesson —you know, show 'em
who's boss. They thought II mlghl he a nice
place lo go on vacation if we cleaned Ihinijs
up a bit and built a couple of Hillons. They
think il's dreadfully dreary down there rlghl
now. Do you ihink we could send a couple
of battalions down there to clean things up?
Gee, I don't know Nancy, things are kind
of sticky down Ihere rlghl now with Fidel ami
everything. 1 don't ihink the American people are ready (or war right now anyway
But most of them wouldn't be able lo al
ford a vacation down there unless we pro
vided them with Ihe opportunity
besides, I'm not lalklng about war. honey
Jusi a few men lo see that everything is going smoothly
you do I'll walk on your back tonight—you
know how you like that.
Well I'll think about II. O h G o d , what lime
is il? When Is supper going lo be ready? 1 Invited Slockman over for Budget Cut
Roulette al eight. Are we ready to eat?
I'll go check . , . O h , Pierre!
Finals, papers, graduation and jobhunting all lie before us now. But before we
lose sight of life, let's jusi remember why we
are really here on earlh. We are nol here lo
hale or gel a good job. we're here jusi to live.
To get Ihe job done. Ihe job of life. Simple,
perhaps loo simple for some, bul It's ihe only
hope we have.
For those of you who wanted a different
message from me. I musl confess that I've
failed you this week, merrily so. This week !
got a bit too happy, and I'm constrained to
apologize for il. Maybe next week I'll be
more willing or perhaps more able lo produce what you expect from me. For now.
however, lake a walk. Uncalled for. you ask?
Il's O.K.. though, I'm talking to those who
need and want love.
I began this discussion speaking aboul Ihe
stars, now that I'm almosl finished I'm still
lalklng about the stars. Not Ihe stars ol
heaven or Hollywood, bul Ihe stars in that
special someone's eyes when you speak ol
love and mean II.
Does any o( this relate lo anything else? 1
don't know. But I can say that Ihe reasons
for life are few outside ol the love to share
wllh someone else. There's no great need lo
walk In pain, misery or (ear as some would
So be sure to go oul and find some love
have us believe. Life Is nellher beautiful nor before It disappears. It's a one time limited
ugly. It Is both. Only the force of love can olfer available only where your hearl shops.
make our lives more than dead slreels.
Thanks lor your lime. Now you can head
Perhaps I've taken more lime lhan I would back lo your regularly scheduled programmhave liked to. bul I hope that some ol you ing. One last thing: the nexi lime you see
can understand why I did 60.
Hubert, tell him to love her still.
•\Pogt 5a.
Domestic A f f a i r s
Picture the average American household.
Dinner time rolls around pretty much the
same time every day. Hubby comes home
from work, kisses his wife and settles down
to read the local paper while hamburger cacclatore simmers In the oven. A couple of kids
wander in and dad lowers his paper and
looks over his spectacles Just long enough to
confirm ownership. The stage is set for that
great American dally event—the dinner conversation. All across America, sipping and
chewing can be heard between speeches on
national security and Inflation. Tempers flare
and meals are often spoiled but there are invariably 200 million Individual solutions to
Americas problems resolved each and every
evening. There Is no conversation more Important than that which takes place al Ihe
While House. Who know how many times
Important policy has been shaped over a
slice of mealloaf and a mound of mashed
potatoes. Picture Nancy and Ron settling
down before their evening meal In the East
HI, hon (kisses him)'—lough day al Ihe office?
Yeah, boy am 1 bushed. The damn GNP is
down again and Regan found a major fault
in my economic policy, Slockman wants to
cut the While House staff by a third, and
worst of all 1 don't think we'll be able to make
II lo Ihe ranch Ihis weekend.
O h . Nooo —here's your drink dear—I
really had my heart set on horseback riding
and strolling through the fields under the
moonlight; II would be so romanllc—just
you. me and about a hundred reporters.
Ya' me loo . , . Wow! What did you put in
Ihis drink dear —It tasles a lillle strong.
Oh 1 forgol to stir II —here, lei me do il (or
Thai's enough dear, you'll freeze your
finger off . . . I wish I could cancel the plans
for this weekend, but I can't.
Oh come on honey, can'! you just
postpone them for a couple of days or so?
You know I would if I could cupcake, bul I
have to fly to Israel lo calm dowli Begin.
Ever since he got hemmorhoids. he wants to
attack any country within range of his
bombers. The little kike wanted to wage a full
scale war against Syria after a long meeting
wllh the Knesset . . . Afler that I have to fly
righl back lo Texas for a meeting with Jerry
Falwell and the other lop people In Ihe moral
Oh you mean that nice Reverend Falwell,
Ihe one wllh Ihe nice smile who promised us
a place in heaven (or Just supporting him in
his crusade . . . He's such a nice man.
He's okay I guess—Ihere Is one thing that
o i n the N a v y a n d see the w o r l d
} - f
. . the Air Force, a great way
( 7 ^
of l i f e , " a n d other such c o m f o r ting w o r d s w e r e music t o m y ears In the
m i d 1970's. Things at h o m e were the
best Ihey h a d ever been and I was hap-
Michelle Robinson
p y a n d c o n t e n t , except for o n e small
hitch. I was g r a d u a l l y m o v i n g t o w a r d s
the f u n n y f a r m , therapists et. a l . So
w h e n I heard these various slogans f r o m
advertisements a n d recruiters alike'. It
was just w h a t I n e e d e d t o hear. T h e Air
Force (by this t i m e 1 h a d d e c i d e d I
w o u l d rather fly t h a n swim) w o u l d
straighten ouf m y perfect life a n d I
w o u l d be able to finish college a n d at
least see some of the g o o d o l d U . S . of
A . - Right?
D r e a m s of lush exotic H a w a i i a n d
free-style California danced a r o u n d in
m y head for weeks before m y scheduled four-year " h o n e y m o o n . " " O h ! y o u
have a g o o d c h a n c e of being stationed
In California or e v e n H a w a i i because as
a Medical Service Specialist (alias bedp a n c o m m a n d o or nurse's aid) y o u will
always be n e e d e d . " I was also p r o m i s e d
that I c o u l d finish school a n d I w o u l d
have Ihe G . I . Bill. H e r e I a m folks - slill
slaving a w a y o n m y Bachelor's.
I might not have been able l o c o m plete college; h o w e v e r , I d i d get to see
fhe w o r l d , but a w h o l e other w o r l d e n tirely. B e i n g In Basic T r a i n i n g at San
A n t o n i o , T e x a s was like being In
another c o u n t r y . For a N e w Y o r k C i t y
girl, being in o l d J . R . c o u n t r y was like
being In Berlin for the first time w i t h
people speaking fast-paced G e r m a n .
Next o n the itinerary was M o o d y A F B
in V a l d o s t a , G e o r g i a , a lovely t o w n . If
y o u like alligators, snakes, K l a n s m e n ,
crossburnings a n d the like, this is ihe
place to b e . Blgols of A m e r i c a , y o u c a n not imagine what y o u have been missing all Ihis time! As a bedpan c o m m a n d o at M o o d y , I was d o i n g extremely
well — I made a g o o d first impression.
In fact 1 m a d e so g o o d an impression
that I h a d a slightly dizzy, female staff
sergeant (4 stripes) by Ihe n a m e of Sert o w s k l try t o get m e discharged f r o m the
Air Force, because according to what
she t o l d some of m y c o - w o r k e r s , " S h e is
t o o intelligent t o be in the Air F o r c e . "
^ • I Mo.f« Swgaont
ot tho AW Forc«
Moilo* Smosanl
Ma,l«f Swflwnl
Tochrtcot S«o»ont
innla Alimon
Mart* Swg«ont
Slafl S«o«<™t
Airman Firm, Clou
Sergeant S e r l o w s k l , G o d bless her
soul, r e w a r d e d m e for c o m p l a i n i n g to
the hospital s q u a d r o n c o m m a n d e r by
h a v i n g m e w o r k graveyeard shifts (12
a m - 8 am)
— seven in a r o w .
S o m e t i m e s she w o u l d even be k i n d
e n o u g h l o give me a c o m b i n a t i o n of
graveyard shifts, swing shifts (3 p m - 1 2
am) a n d d a y shifts (8 a m - 4 p m ) all in
one w e e k . 1 never k n e w " w h i c h way
was u p . "
As for the s c h o o l , Ihere was n o n e —
especially w l l h Ihe w o r k hours 1 was
k e e p i n g . This was really a crying
s h a m e , a n d 1 did feel like crying because
a better school y o u c o u l d not f i n d . mltlgated gall t o report the fact that y o u
S U N Y A . C o l u m b i a a n d C o r n e l l — were being sexually harassed t o y o u r
m o v e o v e r because h e r e
comes squadron commander.
Valdosta State C o l l e g e , the
Besides being continually p r o p o s i c h a l l e n g e l o the I v y L e a g u e . 1 t i o n e d , y o u c o u l d have a confidential
discovered after investigating this In- file w i t h d e r o g a t o r y letters o r m e m o s
stitution of hlqher learning, that If I kept o n y o u . W h e n Ihe file becomes fat
received m y Bachelor o f Science e n o u g h , y o u c o u l d find yourself standegree In Biology f r o m that s c h o o l . I. In d i n g al attention In the c o m m a n d e r ' s ofall probability, w o u l d be inadequately fice objectively discussing y o u r less than
prepared for the B i o l o g y G r a d u a t e honorable discharge f r o m Ihe military.
Record Exam
(GRE), This
v e r y Believe It or not, there were a n d still are
welcome revelation came after 1 c o m - some g o o d o l d sergeants w h o firmly
pared the course offerings at Valdosta believe that the w o m e n of the 1980's
State College to S U N Y A a n d B r o o k l y n belong In the k i t c h e n , the b e d r o o m a n d
College. I have t o say in all fairness, Ihe nursery — but not necessarily in that
t h o u g h , lhaf V S C is terrific if you p l a n to order. T h e y definitely don't believe w e
spend the rest of your life in the N o r t h b e l o n g in the military.
Florida. South Georgia. A l a b a m a area
These fine, upstanding defenders of
with waler snakes and alligators.
our flag, our c o u n t r y and our constituI was having the time o f m y life, w h a l tion also i n d u l g e d In another type of
m i d - discrimination. T h e y firmly believed a n d
n i g h t / g r a v e y a r d shifts at the 3 0 b e d
base hospital and getting u p al 3 o'clock
in Ihe m o r n i n g , w h e n e v e r 1 was fortunate e n o u g h to sleep at n l g h l . for
recall exercises (Military D e p l o y m e n t
Exercises). Besides, 1 h a d a really satisfying j o b , w h i c h w o u l d help me l o c o m pete with Ihe engineer a n d c o m p u t e r
science graduates w h e n m y lour of d u l y
was over. 1 m e a n , w h a l m o r e c o u l d a
girl ask for?
Before 1 forget, I did get one thing I
was promised — Ihe G . l . B i l l , w h i c h , by
Ihe way is an act of congress. 1 d o gel
paid $ 3 4 2 a m o n l h for s c h o o l , bul Ihere
Is one small catch. After Dec. 3 1 s l .
1989. whether I have used all m y e n lit lemenls or not, the p a y m e n t s will be
disconllnued. 1 was l u c k y . If you
entered after December 3 1 , 1 9 7 6 y o u
are still entitled lo a G . l . B i l l , bul o n e into which y o u have to m a k e a c o n t r i b u tion. For every dollar c o n t r i b u t e d , p r o viding you can afford l o d o Ihis, Ihe
Veteran's Administration In lis infinite
generosity will malch your dollar with
another dollar. S o , if y o u put in $ 1 0 0
during your four year enlistment or
commission, you will receive $ 2 0 0 f r o m
Ihe V . A . l o altend school u p o n y o u r
discharge. Find that a c o m f o r t i n g
thought do you? Jusi Ihink of a y o u n g
airman w i t h a wile a n d three children
taking $50 f r o m his paycheck every I w o
weeks so that w h e n he is discharged he
will be able lo attend a l o w - l u i t l o n
school like our very o w n S U N Y A .
" W e l l , w h o cares a b o u l
a n y w a y . T h e military is O . K . , I'll just
w o r k h a r d , serve my c o u n t r y a n d keep
m y nose c l e a n . "
As I always say, " H o p e springs eternal In Ihe hearts o( f o o l s . " O h y o u c o u l d
be g o o d at your j o b , whatever It was,
b u l if y o u d o n ' i cuddle u p w i t h y o u r
very sexy, male, short, p u d g y and married 50 year old supervisor, y o u c o u l d
kiss a g o o d job evaluation, called an
A i r m a n Performance Report ( A P R ) ,
good-bye or look f o r w a r d t o a dally hassle, especially If y o u h a d the u n -
still d o , that h o m o s e x u a l s most definitely belong In the closet. G a y s , w h o have
always fantasized about leading a life of
duplicity will f i n d the military a trip n o l
to be believed. If y o u as a gay i n d i v i d u a l
enter Ihe Air Force, be sure that y o u are
very discreel, because If y o u are n o l ,
y o u can expeel the O S I (Ihe A i r Force
C I A ) to be a pari of y o u r life. M y advice
t o such Individuals is that y o u ' d beller
m a k e sure duplicity Is your t h i n g ,
because if y o u are h o m o s e x u a l , bisexual. Iransexual or a n y c o m b i n a t i o n
thereof, y o u w o n ' t last any longer than
a snowball In hell.
In 1 9 7 5 , w h e n I h a d the great fortune
to join Ihe Air Force, a Technical
Sergeant (5 stripes) n a m e d L e o n a r d
M a l l o v i c h of Langley A F B , H a m p t o n
Virginia and the h o m e of Ihe Tactical
Air C o m m a n d a d m i t t e d his h o m o s e x uality. He challenged the Air Force in a
Irial a n d lost. H e was
discharged f r o m the military, honorably
of course, even t h o u g h he v is a g o o d
trooper w h o really loved his job a n d the
Air Force. Last year ihe S u p r e m e Court
decided thai the Air Force s h o u l d reinstate Sgl. M a l l o v i c h , but he decided t o
lake his 5 years of back pay (5 limes the
annual salary for a Technical Sargeant)
and slay oul of Ihe Air Force, because it
wasn't w o r t h the hassle.
If you were fortunate e n o u g h n o l t o
have your supervisor or some equally
dashing male lust and grab after y o u r
b o d y , or have Ihe O S I constantly trying
lo establish your h o m o s e x u a l i t y , then
y o u really h a d your w o r k cut out for
y o u . Being g o o d at your j o b , w h e t h e r
y o u were a crackei-jack, air traffic c o n troller or a hash slinger, might earn y o u
an a i r m a n of Ihe quarter a w a r d for y o u r
efforts, but not a hefty pay raise.
E v e r y b o d y was p r o m o t e d at the same
time w l l h the same p a y . W h e n y o u
enter Ihe Air Force at the rank of Airm a n Basic (0 stripes), y o u remain at
that rank for six m o n t h s , afler w h i c h
y o u are p r o m o t e d t o a n A i r m a n ( 1
stripe). Six m o n t h s later, exactly a year
after y o u e n t e r e d t h e A i r Force, y o u a r e
p r o m o t e d t o A i r m a n 1st class (2 stripes)
p r o v i d i n g y o u are fortunate e n o u g h n o t
to fall Into a n y of the above m e n t i o n e d
traps. After finally receiving y o u r sec o n d stripe, w h e t h e r y o u are a g o o d airm a n or n o t , y o u can forget about being
p r o m o t e d t o Senior A i r m a n (3 stripes)
for a p p r o x i m a t e l y 2 years. W h e n y o u
d o finally get the little d e v i l , y o u will be
g r o o m e d for b e c o m i n g w h a t every g o o d
hard w o r k i n g a i r m a n dreams of — a
sergeant, a n o n - c o m m i s s i o n e d officer o f
Ihe U n i t e d Slates A i r Force, with n o p a y
raise. A l l that happens w h e n y o u m a k e
the e n o r m o u s shift f r o m Senior A i r m a n
lo Sergeant is that y o u achieve the star
of a n o n - c o m m i s s i o n officer ( N C O ) w i t h
still m o r e responsibility a n d more p e o ple getting o n your case for one t h i n g or
a n o t h e r . If y o u like to boss other p e o p l e
a r o u n d a n d step o n their toes, y o u get
l o d o Ihe bossing a r o u n d . Y o u will n o t ,
h o w e v e r , be a millionaire, because y o u
will be getting p a i d
$ 7 , 0 0 0 per year for y o u r w o r k as an air
traffic controller, a hash slinger, or a
bedpan c o m m a n d o .
For those people w h o are into getting
away f r o m Ihe above hassles by vacat i o n i n g w i l h a joint or snorting some
c o k e , y o u h a d beller be prepared t o
play h i d e a n d g o seek w i t h Ihe O S I .
Y o u have l o be extremely careful of bei n g set u p by an O S I agent or o n e of
their i n f o r m a n t s . If y o u like the unsettled l i f e , y o u h a d belter k n o w the d r u g
l a w s of the particular state i n w h i c h y o u
are stationed. In Carter c o u n t r y , if y o u
are caught w i t h s o m e t h i n g as m i n u t e as
a seed in y o u r possession, y o u can expeel a sentence between 1 and 5 years
In p r i s o n . A f r i e n d o f m i n e was b u s i e d
by the O S I In V a l d o s t a , G e o r g i a , in the
house of a friend of hers. H e t u r n e d out
to be a dealer, bul she d i d nol k n o w i l .
A l I lie time of Ihe bust, m y friend h a p p e n e d l o be silling o n the John. S h e was
p r o m p t l y escorted lo the glorious acc o m o d a t i o n s of the Valdosla S h e r a t o n H i l l o n h o t e l , w h e r e she spent the entire
night. I c o u l d have easily been w i t h her
at that h o u s e , t h e n later In Ihe V a l d o s l a
S h e r a t o n - H i l t o n , a n d I don't
smoke the stuff.
O n e w o r d of w a r n i n g . Whatever y o u
d o , d o n ' t be black. Please don't be
black, hlspanlc o r a n y c o m b i n a t i o n
...a new life style
Personal Growth....
Professional Development
thereof. T h a i Is about the worst possible
sin y o u c o u l d c o m m i t In south G e o r g i a ,
as m y friend quickly discovered. Accord i n g to her thai was her reason for her
free night at the Valdosta S h e r a t o n Hilton.
L i k e a n y t h i n g in life there are positive
a n d negative aspects. These are just
s o m e of the things I witnessed d u r i n g
m y four year tour o f d u t y . M y v i e w of
the military does not matter. W h a t does
matter Is that y o u s h o u l d have the
f r e e d o m t o be whatever or w h o e v e r y o u
are w i t h o u t u n d u e Interference b y
OTo 100 In 36 Mont
WCDB Goes Big Time
The Waking Game Is Over
be Faderai Communications CornBfisftrn Big Hrathcr-'Bg Sister
*r.d r :CH and ewiitjemer ~>: -*"« ~.;
acn'scrcaciiraaingincusiry. airs » Asm :r rs
;u.r. d«i« daus a ui«ek_ Produced by mountains o£ paperwork, direeaad by volumes c£
rules arii Bggpfafeffls, and aarsitag an ail-star
cast at bureaucrats.'T-* HfeflfiagGanar" EB BO
rfce air Tfac cackicg :r requests to ce corr-
in good aews I
crass mas rfrus
- -.-^
-•p*-} Union. Cofltege 1
WHKJC aaa on : same Sreqpetary, and sa
CMS reuses ran xtmps Bbc lacae pface at
•r*i xirr,*z foot
another llocatfba
Other prcfclerr
on apDi '
too had :
A Rocky Past. A Solid Presence
:«::••;•- rr.e~.cer i*.
before Trc? par.:
SJ^S ou feel It when you walk In.
The air Is thick with excitement,
the walls are covered with promotional posters and scheduled meeting
anouncements. There Is a constant Influx of
dedicated people, buzzing with the latest
news from the industry or with some great
new programming or promotional Idea. The
News and Sports people run in and out
taja Ross R&agei
301 ?..eger RSBSCS • - a
— c beck r --. the me •
appro . ^ :
a construct
Andrew Carroll
:•: - Ctecerafcet
tinned!, appQcaoona ~: :ȣ tenzurad
cases it fee Eettfied a ffispendbas ao* r SpoJ lam it—o- 30 RVCQ pending: :..
ncfiitfing Bans istwsa ta&g
—ntayess &e ottienoij f fo« :r^wngmafa rod t£oz :*•:-• j r o :r MU lirer.
n::L.::r.; fen ;.• .'.'_.:r L rag sfand i :
Sex 1 DCSB rfaec&sieaJ .'1:1.-11:0".=
Albans i cam WDB6 bred same*
tettia r Spcij rod "•..• 9UTN^ - • RM staii
•"»£ aaffiisg g^rms :• sa mi5
ii".: 1 -,ii: »tsacs " riiawng : rnpara
Joanne Weiner
checking mailboxes and checking the AP
Loud music fills the room, forcing
everyone to raise their voices to a scream
level. Why not lower the music so everyone
can hear? No way. Music is the driving force
thai keeps WCDB alive. These people need
music like we need food and water. And at
all cosi. il must be played at top volume.
More dedicated people you have never
seen. They feed on one another's thrills,
drives and occasional defeats. They work
together and combine forces with an enthusiasm thai can't be m,itched
flense laes sg
KOtlfcj j - i / ; ueefi : snr *•'-:
i esemmve a — .--.•:
'•-:••-•. elected jeneral H»
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•--: FCC :rar •-••;•<
General Mjn.2tjwr Da^ti
r- successful dealings
a id • *oocfe ••• . d
• i sav lhaJ WCDB can
TI. though no
Specialties Of The House
''., Some of
v.es of disc
.!•; ay a large
. ,ach have
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T h b d World
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establishing an Editorial Board In anticipa- ingsteen's "Born to Run" appropriately
tion of the final okay.
ushered in the celebration of a long awaited
Efforts and drive continued to Increase as dream come true.
the reality of an FM station moved closer and
Since then, WCDB has had, of course, a
closer. WSUA management began several large turnover of executives and staff. With
attempts to complete an application for an each year came a new priority and a new InFM construction permit. They even went as splriatlonal channel. In 1979, the station
far as hiring consulting engineers to complete promoted Its first Rock Night at the Rafters
the application!
which set a tremendous precedent for the
In 1976, the application was/lnal/y sent to now semi-annual celebration.
the Federal Communications Commission.
The 1980 presidential election provided
Soon after, the FCC announced that another exciting project for the station. With
SUNYA's request would be used as a lesl reporters In New York and Washington, they
received round-the-clock phone calls with
Ihe most recent results. They served as host
for the entire College Radio FJectlon Network.
Promotions became a nigh priority.
Record company relations increased and
relations with local promoters and merchants
hit an all-time high. In December of 1980,
WCDB co-sponsored The Vapors concert at
Ihe Hullabaloo after overcoming tremendous
obstacles on local and national levels. The
Vapors concert marked the highest attendance lecnid of the Hullabaloo.
Starling in the spring of 1979, the station's
executive ho.ml began attempts lo Increase
Ihe station's wattage from 10 to 100
fighting bureaucracy from the FCC and the
University, ihe drive never died in the
wlnlei of 1981, members <>\ the executive
ho,ml got fed up with red tape and took a
road trip to Washington lo personally knock
on the door of the FCC.
This month, April 8th to be exact. WCDB
received official notice from the FCC to increase the " wattage. Another major accomplishment for WCDB. and yet another
Student Association stepped in the follow- case, further delaying official action.
ing year with ils first funding for an l:M staThe construction permit was finally momentous occasion. The station's dedication. The University sanctioned the slation granted by the FCC in the ensuing months. tion just won't quit.
the opportunity to move headquarters up-- The call letters WCDB were allocated, space
town. Also, 1970 saw the first Great Dane in the Campus Center was designated for exTheir energy is boundless, their skill uniFootball broadcast.
que and yet, they're just a bunch of ordinary
panded studios and construction began.
With the turn of the New Year and com- college students. Together they have set
The construction of the new studios was
completed in 1971 and 24 hour broad- pletion of construction, WCDB applied to precedents, broken records (not vinyl ones!)
casting filled the campus dorms with music, Ihe FCC for final authorization to begin and created a most successful college radio
station. They feed on music and grow from
games and special features.
cooperation. They work a 24 hour day and
Official word was received from SUNYA
On March 1. 1978 al 4 p.m., the "On The wish for 25. They strive under pressure and
President Louis Benezet in 1972 endorsing
Ihe concept of an FM station. The students Air" light flashed and WCDB's maiden never give in. These people were Born To
and administration immediately began broadcast rang through the campus. Spr- Run.
The station's programming turned
primarily Top 40 In 1968. Llstenershlp Increased tremendously as accessibility
became available to all four quads. In this
year, the first Great Dane basketball game
was broadcasted by WSUA.
1969 was a crucial year in the station's
history as the first progressive rock was aired.
The News department expanded their
coverage to include campus violence and
national news events in New York and
plays Ihe oldies — music up until the year 1973. It's a show not to be missed.
zeing •• ?r .;r:
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[hi Jumrjiiy iDBitai! wntiti bjacame i HjpJIoati n n an « uaiiu ,;-,(, ..
uanhuusa r:r SBJll X\. n ntiHit ipeda jdicaflumt thaugji c - uaiuei , .
•r-.iiii: r:t; BCC tiM t:e tpnrnrtnir> r,.vji,n:lu Una tad ioillxad [tingp •,-,• Wj-,i„ -.,,
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:t:it« 'ttu ntttuj nio^i uhun H5KSS THCIUTIH
Ha tid ::iil tacit 1 umj) ,ii ur Sod . u
KCEUS «/vjt orilad n ami win ttu Husanigii liter tun. 'lit: i <j«i-!i liter T,H .,!!.:• ;ir-u
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WCDB's hu W l> •ginning i p.inil t
picture for an .utsider. The chi
dales as rar back .i- I960,when Ihe st.iht
founding fathers developed Ideas lo foi
mutate ti campui ; AM station. In \l)b2. ihe
universlly gave the Albany State Radio Guild
its sanction to begin the construction and
operation of a campus broadcasting facility.
The station, first called WCITUhen WSCA.
talked of eventually expanding to FM broadcasting.
In 1963, after years of planning and
dedicated work, WSUA signed on the air
from a makeshift studio—a janitor's closet in
Ihe basement of Brubacher Hall.
In 1965, the station began expanding
broadcast lo ihe then new uptown campus,
one quad at a time. With the use of carrier
current, Ihe students could only pick up the
station on the AM band by plugging their
radios Into an electrical outlet. In this same
year, ihe station became an ABC network
affiliate and moved from a classical and jazz
format into a more rock oriented organiza-
. . . .
. . . . .
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lun.lbtiin and
ii ition is the up• the II nes listed
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,u can fxpuct lo hear
the nwst popular
t, Ql
sounds to come from the station.
The varying sounds lie basically in the difference between jazz fusion and older jazz tunes,
but all of the Jocks play a pretty good mixture.
The special jazz show. Jazz Spotlight is on Sunday afternoon. This show explores jazz a
bit further, as il concentrates on different styles or artists, or Ihe jazz of a certain time period.
N o t e s From The Underground
Tuesday night from 11 to 2.
This show has undergone many changes since ils inception last semester. It was originally
designed as a show which would feature progressive sounds and soul. However, as the versatility developed In Ihe stations' regular programming, D.J.'s began playing more progressive music
At this point. Notes From The Underground plays Ihe progressive, Ihe soul and the very
progressive sounds This last element of Ihe show's personality is ihe key - il emphasizes
the fact that WCDB has a firm commitment lo bringing all the musii they can to the Capital
The Notes D ,1 's borrow albums, singles and E.P 's lujm Wmkl s Rei "ids on Central
Avenue (They also buy quite a few in the process I Along Willi these tunes, the Notes people play tunes from "neve, heard before" artists, as well as performers not yet signed to
record labels. How they gel these songs Is a mystery that can only be explained by the
dedicated work on the part ol the staff lo help unknowns qnin some further recognition.
Noles from Ihe Underground Is Important not only for its ability to "Springboard" artists
through radio exposure but also because of Ils unique sound. Join the group of people who
listen to Notes religiously and learn Ihe meaning of radio versatility. 91 FM Is the only place
you'll be able to hear this music,
Blast From The Past
Sunday nlghl,8:30 lo 12.
. , , . . . „
WCDB would simply not be complete without the presence of Rock n Koll lallor,
Felix lavorone. Every Sunday evening, Felix brings In thousands of tunes from his personal
collection lo match Ihe thousands of tunes In the CDB library. The resulting product Is undoubtedly one of the most popular radio shows In Albany.
With the phone ringing oil the book with requests. Felix land an occasional guest D.J.)
Front Row Center
Monday night, l l lo 12, and Saturday night, 8 to 9.
This weekly special features live concerts, recorded in England and around the U.S. Station listeners can hear two concerts every week with shows ranging from vitage Pink Floyd,
to The Who, to New Wave. Concerts are supplied courtesy of the BBC rock hour.
Album Of The Week
Thursday night, 11:00.
When the weekly batch ol new releases arrives at the radio station, new releases directors
and various station executives get together lo decide which album Is played on the Album
Of the Week show. This special treatment, combined with various station announcements, serves to give the album a push.
Brazen Dang
Sunday night, Irom 12 lo 3.
This show focuses upon obscure sounds In rock V roll. Music from small labels and different concepts In rock music are also explored.
Classical Music
Sunday morning from 8 to 11.
This show explores classical music and ils place in Ihe Albany community.
Special Of The Week
Thursday night, 11 to 12
The Special Of The Week is a study of the songs, words, and thoughts of a specific artist.
A different artist Is chosen every week as the Individual D.J. picks the artist he has a
special Inteiesl in. This in-house production Is unique in that II gives a more detailed
perspective of performers - a description one cannot find from just listening to regular
shows. Some of the past weekly specials dealt with Lou Reed and Peter Gabriel, and one
show featured a Beatles tribute, complete wllh guest Beatle experts.
S u n d a y Perspective
Sunday night. 8 to 8:30
Carole Levitt and Mike Haggerly host this show with a guest political scientist or historian
from the University. Together they discuss current national and International events, and
their Impact on the college and outside communities. The show provides possible answers
,,,q„esii,.n-. In •..••,. 1.1.MMU;
- R o b Edelsteln
IOn The Road Again
Utopia Hits A New Stage
- Sound A Vision '
iPoge 8a<-
- ^ - n spite of the fact that It was Easter
Sunday, J . B . Scott's was packed,
t J '
with eight hundred people flocking
to see Todd Rundgren's Utopia live. It's been
a while since they've played such a small
venue as J.B. Scott's in this area, and they
seemed to get a charge from being so close
to their audience, who were very enihnslastlc.
Laurel Solomon
They opened with a cut entitled "One
W o r l d , " from their forthcoming album Swinging to the Right, which Is due for June
release. The rest of the show accented their
newer albums, although they did dig up a
few classic numbers from earlier ones.
"The Road to Utopia" followed, as well as
"Back on the Street" and "Caravan." Next
was "Time Heals," as Todd said, from "one
of the band member's solo albums." This, of
course, came from Todd's own newly-
released solo album, ' Healing,
although he plays all the Instruments on the
studio disc, came across very well within the
context of Utopia.
John Willie Wilcox took over on lead
vocals for a fine rendition of "Crazy Lady
Blue," which was followed by another tune
from that soon-to-be-released album called
"The U p . " Sandwiched between that and
another new song called "The Last Dollar on
Earth" (heavy social comment In the Rundgren vein with sensitive vocals by Roger
Powell) was the classic "Love of the Common Man," which encouraged much cheering from the crowd.
"The Wheel" was another tune which mel
with extraordinary enthusiasm. It exhibits
Utopia at their best, the whole spirll behind
the band shining through. Even Kaslm
Sultan, who seemed lo be prelty tired
throughout the show livened up on this one.
Todd had the whole audience clapping
along with h i m , and Included some Incredi-
ble guitar solos.
More new music followed; cuts from
Aduentures In Utopia, Deface the Music,
and S w i n g to the'
"Lyslstrada" contained a make love not war
message, Ironic In that the band was clad In
army camouflage fatigues and T-shirts.
Todd's hair, cut Just below his ears, further
limited the hippie image which has
characterized him over the years.
They closed the set with "Love in Action"
and "Last of the New Wave Riders," leaving
the crowd begging for more. They came
back out to do "Couldn't I Just Tell Y o u "
from Todd's Something/Anything album,
and "Love Is the Answer," which really
epitomized what Todd and his image to the
public Is all about.
What probably makes Todd Rundgren so
popular (besides his musical wizardry) Is his
accessibility. He doesn't put on any airs as so
-April 24, mil
many rock performers do; he knows thai the
people are responsible for his success, and
he appreciates the fact that they go to so
much trouble to see his concerts. He shakes
hands and talks to his fans, and a feeling of
warmth develops which I have never seen
before at any other show. Perhaps it is this
special quality, a knowledge that he Is "real
people" which makes people go to see him
again and again. A combination of excellent
musicianship (besides Todd's exceedingly
long and Illustrious list of credentials, and
reputation as an innovator In many aspects
of the media; Kaslm Sultan. Roger Powell
and John Wilcox all have Impressive records
of their own), and down-to-earthedness,
and just plain enthusiasm (you can tell thai
they're having a great time up there), make
Utopia one of Ihe besl bands to catch in concert. Their J.B. Scotl's show was one of the
besl concerts to have appeared there In recent months. It was Just One Victory in a
long line of conquests, past and future,
Lew Demand Fer Brains I n Albany
j £ f ne of Ihe hottest bands out of
Allanla, The Brains, recenlly ap^ ^
peared at J.B. Scott's. Their
musically balanced energetic set shnuld've
received roars from the crowd, bul--Where
were they?
Ray Caligiure
Less than 100 people attended the show
to see The Brains perform songs from their
second album. "Electronic Eden," newly
released on Polygram records.
The club seemed huge in comparison lo
the liny crowd. This presented The Brains
with a difficult situation, which they handled
extremely well by maintaining a good rapport with.the audience, while entertaining
them with an interesting assortment of
danceable songs.
The Brains are led by singer-songwriter
and synthesizer player Tom Gray. Gray
receives ample support from guitarist Rick
Price, bassist Bryan Smilhwick and drummer
Charles Wolff, whose simple but powerful
style resembles that of Hugo Burnham, from
the Gang of Four.
Performing songs of varying tempos from
"Electronic Eden," The Brains quickly
established themselves with the crowd.
Slow, moody pieces like "Hypnotized" and
"Eyes of Ice," which featured Gray's flowing
keyboard melodies, provided many interesting effects. And on "Dream Life," a
frantic rocker."guitarist Price took command
of the stage. Price's soarings leads got the
crowd up and dancing.
The Brains didn't just stand up and play-Ihey moved around and encouraged the
crowd to dance.
The besl audience reaction they received
all night occurred when Price jumped Into
The Brains demonstrated their talent for
performing well under adverse conditions.
With a bigger crowd, there's no telling what
they could achieve.
There is still the problem of filling these
clubs they're performing at, especially in
dead spots like Albany, where publicity is
needed. Their record company. Polygram,
is responsible for promoting the band's
records and tours. So far, they're doing a
Less than 1 0 0 people saw T o m Gray,
perf o r m at J . B . Scott's
last w e e k . Will T h e
B r a i n s sell?
the audience and started bopping around,
while in Ihe middle of a piercing solo thai
delighted the dancers In front of Ihe stage.
He even leaned over one of the front tables
and let the sealed spectators play his guitar.
This was the high point of their show,
Instead of letting the small crowd upset
their egos, The Brains played hard and enjoyed themselves as much as the audience
terrible Job.
Polygram has not advertised The Brains
enough. As a result, the already uphill struggle will be nearly impossible. Without a proper promotional campaign. The Brains will
suffer from poor record sales, and will have
less than capacity audiences to play for. except in huge markets like New York, where
the band is reasonably well known.
Bands are constantly being ripped off by
companies who refuse to promote them
Advertising can ,sell anything; look at all the
junk sold on television. If a bad band can be
sold, a good one can surely find success in
Airplay is crucial to the survival of any
band; If they're not heard, they won't sell
records. These corporations would rather invest their money in an established act. than
lo try to push an unknown band onto the airwaves.
This Is the biggest task The Brains now
face. They have the talent, but Polygram's
support Is essential to their success.
The Brains are one of the better bands on
the club circuit. With good songs and enler
laining performances, they can showi ase
their talents well In a club selling. They need
promotion though, to give them a bettor
chance at obtaining success.
There are some catchy songs that could
break the bank on the radio. "Hypnoti/ed"is
one such song. Possessing a likeable,
dreamy quality, with good singing and intricate guitarwork, "Hypnotized" is an excellent introduction to The Brains.
The concert was a success after all. If J.B
Scott's had been filled that night, few would
have been disappointed.
So. next lime a r o u n d , use your
head —see The Brains.
By George!
Thorogood Puts On The R i t z
J 4 y recent fantastic blues weekend
continued on a Sunday night at the
t y %/%/ R i t z w n e r e , h e j o n P a r i s B a n d a n c j
George Thorogood rock ' n ' rolled until the
early Monday Manhattan hours.
Ellis Albright
Jon Paris, besl known as Johnny Winter's
bass player, opened the show with his own
band to the overflowing Ritz crowd. During
his 45 minutes, Paris played a diverse sel Including :"l.el's Have A Parly," his current
single; a "Hideaway" jam; "Don'l Hide Your
Love," and "Wolf In Sheep's Clothes," off
J o h n n y Winter's Raising
"Rockabilly Boogie," by Ihe Johnny
Burnelte Trio. T w o sax players Joined Paris
towards Ihe sets end and played some lasly
soul and R & B lunes.
Afler only a 20 minute break, George
Thorogood and the Delaware Destroyers
comprised of: Billy "The Bruiser" Blough on
bass, Jeff "One Cymbal" Simon on drums,
and Hank "Hurricane" Carter on sax, stormed Ihe slage and launched Into "House of
Blue Lights," by Chuck Berry. Thorogood
was up for this show, his first at Ihe Ritz, and
kepi the band in overdrive rlghl from the
start. Prom his lasl album. More, he lunged
inlo "Kids Prom Pllllly," a liflies instrumental, and Willie Dixon's."I'm Wanled." a real
"I'm wanled by Ihe men for the damage 1
wanled by Ihe women 'cause I'm so much
I'm wanled by ihe boys want me 10 be their
I'm wanled by Ihe girls ihlnkln' of their
Country-Western fans gol their fill wllh
"Dirty Old Egg Suckin' Dog" inlo Johnny
Cash's. "Cocaine Blues " J o h n l.ee
Hooker's legendary. "One Bourbon. One
Scotch, One Beer."("I checked inlo a Sunday night jamboree and hoolenanny at the
Ritz"). was next.
"You call that dancing?" commented
Thorogood after asking where the dance
floor Is lonlghl. One could hardly move
under Ihe sardine-packed conditions, but we
tried our besl when George banged out a
ladles choice, Chuck Berry's. "It Wasn't
Me." "Bottom of ihe Sea." by Muddy
Waters, and "Night Time." both from More.
and both rarely performed, were indeed very
pleasant surprises as Thorogood look firm
command of his audience. Replacing his
white Gibson with his red one. used for slide,
Thorogood did ama/ing renditions of
Elmore James' "Madison Blues." and "New
Hawaiian Boogie." hie slowed Ihe tempo
down for only two songs, yei another
Elmore Jain.'s tune, "The Sky is Crying."
and Willie Dixon's. "Thai Same T h i n g . " T h e .
title track off his second albyin. "Move ll On
Over." by Hank Williams closed the set.
Afler this display of gutsy, raw. chopping
pure rock 'n' roll, we wouldn't lei Thorogood
slip away afler one encore. He slayed on
following Ihe firsl encore. Bo Diddley's
"Who Do You Love." and did another
Chuck Berry number,"Reelln' and RockliV "
"Looked at my walch and ii was almosi one,
you gotta admll it folks, you're all havln'
Thorogood walked off slage and continued playing guitar, but wlihln two mlnuies
he was duckwalklng across slage towards the
microphone arriving just In lime lo deliver
Ihe final verse and chorus. Afler exiling a second lime. Ihe band faithfully relumed and
acknowledged Ihe crowds overpowering applause by granting a third encore, the fourth
Chuck Berry tune of ihe show. "No Particular Place To G o . "
Chuck Berry. Elmore James. John Lee
Hooker. Willie Dixon. Muddy Waieis. and
Hank Williams all rolled inlo one with Ihe
slage presence of Eddie Cochran and energy
of a bulldozer comprises my besl definition of
George Thorogood and his music. Dining
ihe pasi lew years and three albums, he has
brought fill's and (ill's rock 'n' mil ami blues
back lo ihe public's attention while
establishing himself as an exceptional
guitarist and performer.
"We're not really inlo wriiing any earth
shattering lyrics and. you know, coining up
with some musical production that's gonna
drown Wcsi Side Sioiy or something you
know, that's not our Intent we jusi wanna
keep everybody's feet lappln'."
Alter viewing Thorogood's show Sunday
nighl. jusl keeping people's (eel tapping certainly Is an understatement. His performance
at the Ritz was the hottest I've ever seen. •
IHollywood Knights
John Boorman A n d The Holy Grail
April 24,
-Sound & Vision •
ohn Boorman doesn't photograph
Images so much as he creates them
himself. This tendency was obvious In his film, The Heretic: The Exorcist
Pt. 11, In which his most Interesting scenes
were completely divorced from a realistic
mlse en scene and took on the appearance
of pure fantasy.
lo power Is handled In a manner that Is too
story-bookish. The humor which occasionally arises is a little jarring — the audience has
had no clue that this Is a story with any comedy in It. (Merlin, played with unsettling eccentricity by Nlcol Williamson. Is frequently a
comic figure, as Is Nigel Terry's Arthur in his
early scenes.)
Jim Dixon
In addition, much like the Arthurian
romances it seems based o n , Excallbur
meanders all over Ihe English countryside In
In Excallbur, his most recent and most interesting film, he may have found a milieu
which suits his propensity.
Dramatically, Excallbur Is Boorman and
co-scrlpler Rospo Pallenberg's retelling of the
familiar Arthurian legend, based largely on
Malory's Le Morte D'Arthur. Its roots are
very much Ihe Arthurian romances of the
fourteenth century. Visually, Boorman has
done nothing less than create his own Dark
Ages, where "Ihe land Is divided, and
without a king."
Combining both the Lady In ihe Lake and
The Sword In the Stone versions of Ihe
legend, the faerie Lady in Ihe Lake gives the
magical sword Excallbur to the sorcerbr
Merlin, who In turn gives it to Ulher Pendragon, a feudal warlord whom Merlin is
Excallbur is d i r e c t o r J o h n B o o r m a n ' s
helping to unite Britain.
Ulher easily convinces his enemies, chiefly search of a plot. The Arthur-Lancelola powerful Duke, lo capitulate, now Invinci- Gulnivere triangle is almost skimmed over,
ble wllh Excallbur In his hand. A truce is and wllh Ihe exception of the exquisitely
reached, and then broken by Ulher himself, photographed* love scene between Lancelot
who wllh a reluctant Merlin's magic has and Gulnivere. and a hallucinatory spiritual
seduced Ygraine. the Duke's wife. Ulher has experience In which Lancelot is attacked by
promised the Issue of his illlcll union wllh his own armor, ibis isn't the most Interesting
Ygraine to Merlin. Arlhur Is born, anil soon stuff in the film. The film seems lo rediscover
after Uther is assassinated, plunging Ex- itself when Arthur's hall sislei Morgana. ,i
sorceress, and partially trained by Merlin
callbur Into a boulder before he dies.
This lengthy prologue forms the most In- himself, decides to bring about Arthur's
tense pari of Excallbur, due both to the situa- downfall,
tions in the script and Boorman's treatment
Excallbur is a movie aboul cycles, and the
of them. The sets are opulent and exotic, the downfall of Camclol is as important as Its
photography is dark and exciting, and both rise, Arlhur Is a great king as a young man.
the sex and violence have a primal power but as an old one, is weak and uncertain.
that is frlghlenlng and exhilarating. Where The rriosl Impressive acllng in Ihe film comes
Ihe film falters, if it does, is Ihal Arthur's rise from Nigel Terry, who as Arlhur. is as
believable as a naive and unsure bumpkin,
as he Is as a king, and as an old man. Ordering his best knights to find the Holy Grail,
believing It to be a talisman, he seems painfully weak and senile. And yet at the bloody
climax to both the film and his reign, he Is the
king of the legends/strong, Immutable.
The problem Is that the search for the
grail, and the devastating havoc the kingdom
has plunged into comes suddenly — a
metaphoifor the cuckolded Arthur's Inability
•tPage 9a
haphazard array of swords, spears, and
bodies on the ground are carefully
haphazard. The blood-red sun Is too high to
be as red as It Is. Arthur's bastard son by
Morgana, Mordred, wears tight-fitting gold
armor that never existed In any culture. And
Arthur's deliberately heroic stance as he
almost casually Impales Mordred with Excallbur with a spear through him Is the stuff
that legends are made of, but not real war.
The lighting of the sequence Is a goldenorange — Twilight of the Gods. When Excallbur is thrown back to the Lady In the
Lake, and Arthur Is taken off lo Avalon, we
are left waiting for a king to appear — where
we started.
All this is but a warning that this Is not
representative of the "Sword and Sorcery"
films that are supposedly going lo be all the
rage. There's substance In this, and much of
II Is nol explicated except by the visual text.
People don'l always talk aboul what's happening lo Ihem or their land. (Which al least
is clear is the same as Arlhur. He Is Ihe land).
very p e r s o n a l v i s i o n o f C a m e l o t .
lo rule. Boorman can probably be forgiven
this — Ihe Arthurian romances serving as his
models would have done Ihe same Ihlng,
The diversity of visual styles evidenced in
Excallbur is Interesting, Much of it is a
pasloral green, a look Boorman achieved by
shooting In Ihe forests of Ireland, putting
green gels over his lights. The greens
become more muled, turning gray and
brown during the search fin ihe grail. (Much
of tills Is seen IhroLgh the eyes of Percival.
one ol Arthur's most loyal Knights). This is a
horror film — almost reveling in Ihe excesses
of Morgana's evil
Anil (hen there's the climax, one of the
mosi Impressive Gotterdanunerungs
put on film. Boorman deliberately gives Ibis
a slnmg look of fantasy. The apparently
Excallbur succeeds In recreating visually a
type of literature the mass audience hasn'l
read, and in doing so In a palatable way. The
violence of both film and literary genre Is
strong — even stomach-wrenching. Anns
are hacked oil In fronl of Ihe camera — birds '
peck Ihe eyes out ol corpses. It all seems lo
fit In a Dark Age Ihal never existed..Boorman has created his own Middle Earth, The
armor Is loo late lor what should be seventh
century Britain. Things are chosen for their
look, and how they (it Boorman's concept,
nol history.
Ironically, it lakes the highest technology
ol the lllni industry to make the castles out ol
paintings, to make a horse ride on top ol
mist. lo dismember a man believably. The
real magic of ihe film Is that we believe what
we see.
In Ihis way. because it all fits the concept
of one man. lixcalibur Is a unified and consistent film. A whole world — a whole environment exists on Ihe screen, and what a
world it is.
' #
Rocky 3. Terrorists 0
Stallone Plays Cops A n d Robbers
A ller a series ol failures such as
F.I.S.T., Sylvester Stallone has
C ^ " * ' again surfaced in a "lough guy"
role, Ihis lime In Nlghlhawks. Whal saves
Ihis film Is Ihal Stallone didn't try to direct il.
Bruce M a l m u t h did and he turned
Nig/il/rawks Into an attractive, solid Iwo
hours of action.
Jack Nuthall
Pari o l the reason I was drawn lo
Nlghlrraurks was the competence of Ihe
movie, Almost everything was believable;
everything excepl Ihe story, that is. London
and Paris both had thai exotic, misty look
Americans believe all European cities have.
The Bronx unfortunately looked very much
like the Bronx. And Ihe people, well, except'
for Ihe cops Stallone and Williams played,
Ihey looked like who they were supposed lo
be. This is especially 'rue ol Rulger Hauer
who played the ruthless terrorist Wulfgar. He
looked like a "Wulfgar" - lean, cold, Inlelllgenl — ihe type of man who flirts with a
girl before blowing her ur
The unrealistic element clearly was the
script. Besides having the trashy, moronic
dialogue such action films are famous (or.
Ihe movie's plot was more comic book than
drama, Nlghthaiuks is the Dirty Harry style
story of an International terrorist who sets oul
lo prove his Invulnerability lo Ihe world. Interpol follows him to N.Y.C. and sels up an
anti-terrorist atlack corp known as A.T.A.C.
(Get It? Like In "attack?") They enlist two
NYPD cops, DeSllva (Sylvester Stallone)
and Fox (Billy Dee Williams), who had been
working decoy assignments. The remainder
of the film consisted of A.T.A.C.'s attempts
lo kill or capture Wulfgar as he shoots and
bombs his way around New York. First of all.
I find the formation of A . T . A . C . hard to accept. We already have trained anti terrorist
groups and SWAT teams in most cities, and
the job ol handling a menace like Wulfgar
would fall to Ihem
Ihal is if there could
ever be a "Wulfgar." The character Hauer
plays is simply too clever, too powerful, and
loo efficient to function In ihis world. In one
scene he even escapes afler holding over
twenty hostages In a Irani over the East River
desplle Ihe hundreds of police waiting (or
Besides being unrealistic, Ihe plot is
heavy-handed, ll Is repealed over and over
thai DeSilva is going to have to "lake ihe
shot" (shoot WuKgar while innoceni people
stand in the way). II is made very clear ihal
Ihls event will be Ihe main crisis of ihe film.
By halfway through the movie, most people
in the audience had Invented about a hundred various scenarios ol how Ihal final
scene would go down. I musl admll Ihal lo
some degree thai plotting did function lo add
a dimension to the ending (which I won't
reveal), but In ihis case Ihe ending jusl
doesn't justify the means.
The acting? ll was adequate. No one was
brlllianl. bul mosi were functional. I had
some problems believing Stallone and
Williams were City cops, bul they both carried off Ihe roles of anti-terrorist killers effectively enough. The only performance Ihal
detracted from the film was thai of Lindsay
Wagner as DeSllva's ex-wlfe. She could
have been replaced by a mannequin — or a
piece of furnllure for that matter — and nol
have been missed.
Despite Ihe faults I did enjoy N/gh/hauiks.
As an action film I' w a 5 Ugh on tension and
moderate on violence. The viewer wasn't
forced lo wallow In gore. In fact, several
limes Wulfgar's murders were tastefully left
out and only alluded lo later on. This is
somelhing I respect, especially In light of the
current market's unceasing demand for
Most ol all I was struck wilh the repetition
of flashing lights, glitter, and swirling colors.
The images of the several N.Y. disco's
shown were repeated In the shots of the
skyline and bridges, pools of flashing police
car lights, and the interiors of chic clothes
shops. Even a seclion of the NY subway
which was closed for repairs had the ap-
pearance of a disco stage with ihe mixture of
surrealistic blue work lighls and cascades of
welding sparks. Again and again light and
color combined to play up the unnatural
eeriness of modern society — In some ways
a lining backdrop for a Wulfgar.
Nighthawks is by no means a great lllm,
but il is a good action film. Despite the lack of
realism il held me captive for two hours,
blending Ihe tension and Ihe coW/llght
shows. I ask little more of film.
t h e First Barefoot
Press Conference
believe II or not, now has something In common with Boston
P u t Philadelphia, and New Haven. Albany is now a preview city for a New York play.
^ ^ • ^
Al Weiner, an Albany Slale professor of play writing, Is about lo see Iris play,
The First Barefoot Dancer produced off-Broadway. It's preview run will be May fifth
through May seventh at SUNYA's Performing Arts Center.
The First Barefoot Dancer Is a fictionalized account of the two lasl days In the life of
Isadora Duncan, Ihe controversial American dancer. The play Is a one-woman showcase
starring Suzanah Scher as Isadora. Unlike mosi one-performer shows, Weiner and director
Peter Bennett told reporters, Isadora will nol address the.audlence. Instead, she will speak
to herself, on Ihe phone, Inlo a dictaphone, and other devices to keep her from
acknowledging Ihe audience directly.
This sets The First Barefoot Dancer apart from other one-man or woman plays like The
Belle of Amherst. Oscar Wilde In an Evening of Diversion and Delight, and Paul Robeson.
The First Barefoot Dancer marks Welner's debut as a playwright. Intrlgulngly, he says
that the play, which is sel al the end of Isadora's life, when she was over the hill as an artist,
and dissolute as a person, Is a comedy.
Asked If audiences would be likely to agree, Mr, Weiner said "I don't know."
Ms. Scher, who plays the pari, was reticent on that point. Instead she said "It's an actress's dream. I'm getting In run the gamut." Asked by another reporter how she was
preparing to play the aging Isadora, she said "I'm smoking heavily, and Peter (Bennett) is
teaching me to drink martinis."
After Its five performance run, The First Barefoot Dancer will open at the Wonderhorse
Theatre at 833 E. 4th St. In New York City on May 15th.
III had thought he'd be leaving his
house for the last time. The ambulance had arrived quickly,
thanks to the attention of the neighbors. Bill
had been able to muster up enough strength
and breath to open his side door and call to
Rob Edelstein
knew she had won again. He shook his head
and breathed out a small laugh.
" Y o u really are something," he said with a
boyish grin.
" I love you, my Bill. You know, you*re
Just as handsome as you were when you
were twenty-five."
They both laughed and fell into each
' others arms. Bill-squeezed Mary to him and
sighed content1-". He looked around and saw
all the things that gave the room Its life — the
beautiful artwork, the blooming plants, Ihe
shining sun — and Mary. She kissed him in
the chest, and her lips were cold — so much
so that the cold passed through his shirt and
froze on his skin, bringing him back to the
reality of his affliction, and to the sight of a
stethoscope on his chest. His smile had ceas-
pleasant for you as possible. How's that?"
"Sure, that's fine," he said, with a lack of
anything belter to say. His head propped up
again, and his eyes met the beige wall.
• "Hello, is Henry McNalr there, please?"
"Hello?" The response was questioning.
"Hello, Mr. McNalr. I'm Dr. Belrose, your
father's physician. I'm calling to talk to you
about his condition."
"I see. Well, how is he doing?" asked
Henry, lighting a cigarette.
"Well, he's all right, considering the strain
he's been under."
""You mean because of the attack."
"Because of that and because of his emotional state. Ever since he's been brought In,
he's been spending a lot of time staring off Into space, not really paying attention to
them in their yard. They stood by, watching,
as the white-suited attendants came into the
house. Bill watched patiently, even though
he knew the men had come to take him
Bill lay numb on the floor of his kitchen.
He could only stare up at the celling. The
throbbing In his chest Increased, and he tried
to push it from his mind. He Imagined
himself on the operating table as the hot sun. ed, only to be replaced, once again, by af^jp
harsh frown.
which shone in through the open side door,
Bill was then hoisted up onto the stretbeamed down upon his (ace. Bill squinted,
and was able to see the dead plant on the cher. What seemed like a lift of several feel
ledge by the table. Barely a stem remained in was only a few Inches, as he was placed onto ,'
Ihe pretty copper pot, which had bumps ihe mattress. Slowly, Ihe men picked the
visibly impressed upon it. for 11 hadn't felt the stretcher up by Ms handles, and carried Bill,,
cool touch of wnler in four years.
from the kitchen, and Into the living room. f * f 2
He passed by his neighbors, who coil*-JrgJ"
The discomfort he had been feeling ai the
back of his skull was abated by a pillow being mented that the paintings needed dusting.
"What Is a house" was the title on the *$$
placed bene*ath it. He watched quickly as the
bronze plate, hanging up on Ihe living room ,,•
attendants made other preparations to
remove his still body from Ihe floor of the kll- wall. Bill was carried past it. He tried to recall ',, LX
chen. He looked around, and noticed his the words thai had been carved into an iml?p
hearing aid, lying on the floor, where it had presslon on the bronze, but he just couldn't \(fo
fallen during his collapse. One of the atten- seem lo remember them. Bill stared up at Ihe %*i:
dants accidentally kicked it, sending it across ceiling for Ihe last lime and then abruptly met ^
the floor. It landed near the kitchen cabinet.
Ihe afternoon sun. This caused sail water to •••'
form, momentarily, at Ihe bottom of each of
" M y aid." he whispered to the man as he
his eyelids. He scared the tears away, as the
raised his feeble hand and pointed straight
men continued to carry ihe stretcher luwaid
"Sssh, we'll take care ol everything, sir. the ambulance.
Just you lie back and relax."
Bill smiled slightly, showing a row of
uneven, yellowed teeth. He had nol been
referred to as "sir" In years. The show of
respect pleased him. but the smile went
against the grain of his facial lines, giving the
impression that the act of smiling caused htm
The attendants put Bill Into the back of the
Medical Unit number 2 1 , started the engine,
and drove away. He thought of the
screeching sirens, and then fell asleep.
A few people squeezed Into the elevator,
and the other passengers were forced lo
relinquish some of their space. The doctor
remedied his situation by pulling Bl
The grin continued through the throbbing
pain in his chest, through the movement
McNair's chart in closer to his chest, giving
around him. and even through the placing of
the appearance of Inconvenient sacrifice, hie v
ihe mask over his lips. He breathed the cool
was relieved when the elevator slopped at igsweet oxygen into his lungs and fell the pain
the third floor, and two people exited.
Increase ever so slightly. Bill tried to listen as
The door opened at the ninth floor and
the men called off numbers, but his attention
Ihe doctor stepped out. Walking down t h e .
wandered back to a time before his wife
East Corridor, he viewed what resembled a
Mary had left him all alone. He was walking:
long perspective, with each door represenwalking through his house, looking to see if
ting another position of sickness and age what's going on around him, I'm sure you've
anything needed repair. Kverything seemed
moving toward Ihe horizon. He himself was noticed this on your visits, and I wanted to
to be In working order, and Bill sighed an
immune to most of the emotional ami talk to you about it."
endless sigh. Then he heard Mary walking
physical effects of sickness, simply because it
Henry sighed, and puffed furiously on his
up the steps to the house, and he went to
disagreed with his concept of "today's family cigarette.
greet her. She opened the front door, stepdoctor." He ignored most of the details of
"Well. Doc. to tell you the truth, I haven't
ped Inside, and eyed him with the smile he
the hospital selling — the counter nurse seen him in quite some time, so I wouldn't
had fallen in love with forty-four years
emitting the computerized "May I help know."
earlier. He sighed again,
you?." Ihe man with one healthy leg, and a
"Oh?" said the doctor, feigning surprise.
wooden slick with a rubber support at the
"What is it?" she asked, sensing that
He had received thai information from Bill's
something was wrong,
nurse, and he figured he would confront
lonely old, senile woman In her wheelchair
"1 don't know what lo do. 1 raked the
Henry with 11.
— and walked into a room in the middle of
leaves. 1 fixed the lawn mower . . . I even
"Yes. you see my father and I haven't
washed a few dishes."
the hall.
really gotten along very well over the past
"Well Bill, how are you feeling today?"
Mary walked over to Bill and placed her
few years "
warm hand In his. She pu| down her
" O . K . , and yourself?"
"May I ask you why, Mr. McNalr?" The
package and placed her other hand on his
"Can't complain."
doctor's curiosity was increasing. Henry did
Bill slopped looking at the doctor and
not wish lo tell this particular story again, but
"Bill, I know how hard it's been on you
began staring at the wall ahead of him. The
he did so for Ihe cause of brevity in the conthese last few months."
beige* colored wall was shiny and sterileversation.
" D o they think I can't work? Do they think
looking, t\iu\ on ft hung a mirror that was in
"Well, even before my mother died . . ."
that because the government says I'm loo
the range of Bill's vision, He looked at the
"I'm sorry." Dr. Belrose said, although he
old. that 1 can't do a better job than those
mirror and saw his sad reflection staring hack
already knew.
lazy and greedy . . . "Bill shook his head.
al him.
"Thanks. She died (our years ago. And
"I'm sorry Mary, bul sometimes I can't help
"I see from your chart thai you're doing
even before that time. Datl was distant, l i e
much better, Bill," said the doctor.
didn't really lei people In on his affairs, and
"Oh? What exactly does It say?"
"1 know Bill, 1 know, but Is 11 really so bad?
not everyone appreciated his rough manner,
At least we're together, and we have a family
"Well, sparing you all the medical (argon,
When my mother died, things got even
It simply stales that the heart attack was a
worse l i e shul himself off from nist about
minor one Now, this doesn't mean you're
"Yeah. Some son we've got. Would it
everyone Plus, he had losi his job earllei
totally oul of danger. No slree ll merely
hurt him to call once In . . ."
that same veai, because ol tn.ind, tory retiremeans
"Please, Bill. Henry's a good son. You
know how busy he gels."
The doctoi shook his head and shrugged.
up a bit, and then we'll semi you out Into Ihe
" Y e a h , yeah."
"When I offered lo help h i m . " continued
free world again " The doctor smiled brightly
Mary look her hand from Bill's shoulder
Henry, "he would refuse We onded up
at Bill.
and placed it on his cheek. She smiled
arguing more In thai time lhan we had in the
"I hove to rest here, then." He put his
ind he stared Into her lovely,
whole lime I was growing up. And
head down for a minute.
youthful face, After a few seconds, her
"But things have changed now. and your
"Yes, I think so, Bill. We'll make things as
loveliness overcame his Irritability, and he
father Is a sick, old man." Interjected Dr.
lllu.tr * ton: David Wade
Belrose. "He needs your companionship
and your help."
"Doc, you really don't know my father too
well . . ."
Doctor Belrose moved uncomfortably in
his chair.
" . . . but I do. All he's wanted since my
mother's death is to be left alone, and the
best way 1 know to grant his wish now is for
me to do just that."
" H o w can you be so sure? Have you ever
asked him if he wanted you to visit him?"
asked the doctor. His question was almost a
" N o , Doc, 1 never asked him if he wanted
me to visit or not," replied Henry with a lone
of disgust in his voice. His patience was now
being pushed to Its limit.
" W h y , Doc, had my father ever mentioned that he wanted me to come up and visll
" I didn't think so."
The doctor refused to pursue the point
any further. He, too, had been pushed to his
"Uhh . . . I'd like to discuss this mattei
with you further. Mr. McNalr. but right now
I've got to make my rounds."
" O . K . . Doc. thanks for calling." lied
"Fake care now,"'
" Y o u loo, Doc "
"O.K. Bye-bye."
"Good bye."
Bill stared al the wall as if he could tee
through it. On the other side, he saw piclures hung up in the same symelrlcally
careful, loving manner thai Maiy used lo
hang up paintings on the walls of their
home. His favorite painting was the one
showing a long, placid stream. He always
admired the beautiful visual lexture ol ihe
painting, which made him A/ant to break
through the glass of the frame, just for Ihe
privilege of clipping his hand into the cool.
natural spring water. Mary had painted that
one. and Bill remembered the way Jier
tender hand would lame Ihe rough canvas
with each new stroke of her brush. That
painting had been hung next to the painting
of the beautiful young child, running playfully with a beach ball. And next to that, hung a
bronze plate with a poem Impressed Into the
metal. "What is a house?" was the name of
ne poem. "ll was a very short p o e m , " recalled Bill. He was never one for remembering
literature, but for some reason the words and
the plate itself had Intrigued him. He loved
the way it shone on a Sunday morning. Bill
tried lo remember the words, but after a few
minutes of failure to recall anything more
than the title, he gave up.
The nurse wheeled Mr. Ackerman into his
room. His gall stone operation a few days
past only served lo Increase the malign
features of ihe old. disgruntled Jewish man.
But Mr. Ackerman was essentially harmless,
and he spent most of his time reading, grunting, complaining, talking lo Bill, and sobbing softly to himself, Bill never really enjoyed
hearing Mr, Ackerman's complaints, but he
did appreciate the fact that he had someone
to talk to. He remembered someone at work
whose manner resembled that of Mr. Ackerman, and he thought of thai during certain
of the conversations they would have
"My children, they're always concerned
with my health," Mr. Ackerman coughed a
few times, held his side in pain, and then
"They think I don'l eal right, or thai I don't
take care of myself the way my wife Sadie
may she rest in peace - used to take care of
"My wife used to take good care ol me,
top," saliI Bill, with a smile til reminiscence
sure But now we've gol lo
take can' foi ourselves Out children won't
do it My children, they visit, sometimes they
biiny mv grandchildren . . . bul help, they
won'i give They badger and yell, and they
don't understand. Maybe they'll understand
when they get to be our age."
Bill listened quietly to Mr. Ackerman's
conlfnuod on page 12a
Finally, after four disappointing years of inefficient student government,
there is now something for seniors to write home about.
On a cold, dark, lonely night in the campus center, Crazy Gary, Crazy
Bob, Crazy Brad and the rost of the Crazy Class Council slashed your senior
week ticket prices by an incredible 50 percent over last years prices.
But that wasn't good enough!! We defied inflation and stayed well past
building hours and slashed those prices to such incredibly low levels that even
government economists winced at our fanatic disregard for the laws of finance.
The Crazy Class Council. . .
• • . Our Prices Can't Be Beat. . .
You may buy 1 ticket at senior price with a membership card and o n e
May 18 Senior Night at the Bars
(At B o g a r t s a n d t h e Lamp Post)
With S e n i o r T-Shirt: FREE!
Without S e n i o r T-Shirt: $ 1
regular price.
May 19 On Campus
T h e Party will b e h e l d in t h e
C a m p u s Center, and A d m i s s i o n is
Free t o ALL.
May 20 Canoe Trip Down the
Delaware River (No. 1)
B u s e s l e a v e Circle at 6:45 a.m.
B u s e s l e a v e Narrowsburg at 4 : 0 0 p.m.
D u e s P a y i n g S e n i o r s — $7
Others - $ 1 4
May 20 Fairwell to the
B u s e s l e a v e at 8 : 3 0 p . m .
D u es Paying S e n i o r s — A D i m e (Can y o u
b e l i e v e it?)
O t h e r s — A Buck
Bus - $2.50
Thursday, May 21 Canoe Trip Down the
Delaware River (No. 2)
B u s e s l e a v e at 6:45 a.m.
B u s e s leaving Narrowsburg at 5:00 p.m.
D u e s Paying S e n i o r s - $7
Others - $ 1 4
May 21 Trip to Boston
B u s e s l e a v e at 8:45 a.m.
B u s e s l e a v e B o s t o n at Midnight .
B u s l e a v e s B o s t o n from Quincy Market
D u e s Paying S e n i o r s - $ 6 (Greyhound
charges $50)
Others $ 1 4 . 0 0
May 21 Trip to Montreal
B u s e s l e a v e at 8:15 a.m.
B u s e s l e a v e Montreal at 1 2 : 0 0 p.m.
B u s l e a v e s Montreal from Q u e e n
Elizabeth Hotel
D u e s Paying S e n i o r s - $7 (Greyhound
charges $75)
Others — $ 1 5
May 21 Trip to Atlantic
B u s e s l e a v e at 6 a.m.
B u s e s l e a v e Atlantic City at 1 0 p.m.
D u e s Paying S e n i o r — $ 1 4
Others - $ 2 2
Note: An Extra $10
per ticket will be
This will b e refunded in c h i p s or
quarters u p o n your arrival in
Atlantic City
Friday, May 2 2 Clambake at Mohawk
Buses leave Circle every 15 minutes from
1 1 a.m.
D u e s Paying Seniors — $ 3
Others — $9
n o cars a l l o w e d
Friday, May 22 Moonlight Boatride
(There will be two boats)
B u s e s l e a v e at 7:15 p.m.
B u s e s l e a v e Lake G e o r g e at 1 1 : 3 0 p.m.
D u e s Paying S e n i o r s — $ 3
Others - $7
Friday, May 22 Senior Night at Saratoga
B u s e s leave at 6:30 p.m.
B u s e s leave Saratoga at 12 midnight
D u e s Paying S e n i o r s — half-a-buck
Others - $ 1 . 7 5
Bus - $2.00
May 23 Day at
Buses leave at 8:00 a.m.
Dues Paying Seniors — $3
Others - $9
May 23 Torch Night and
C e r e m o n y b e g i n s o n Football Field
at 9:00 p.m.
Must arrive at 8 : 0 0 p.m.
Torchnlqht Info
Seniors & Torchbearers must processional. Seating for parents
arrive al the bus slop side of Ihe and. guests is. limited to the
Physical Education Building by bleacher seats on the opposite
8:00 pm. There, they will be side of the Physical Education
directed into a double line for the Building.
Tickets will be on sale in the Campus Center durSunday, May 24
ing the following
days and times:
T u e s d a y . Apr. 2 8 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.
( D u e s Paying
W e d n e s d a v . Apr. 2 9 9 a.m. to 1 p . m . S e n i o r s only)
Senior Membership
Cards will be
(for all others)
Monday, Apr. 27 9 a.m. to 10 p.m.
W e d n e s d a y . Apr. 2 9 1 p.m.-5 P m Tuesday, Apr. 28
9 am to Noon
Thursday. Apr. 3 0 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.
P a s t dues are $4 per semester.
You need
There will b e absolutely n o refunds.
card to !»• v tickets at Discount
Tickets must b e paid for in cash, m o n e y order, or
Bank check.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cine 5 1 &
Final Conflict
Fear No Evil
7:30, 9:40, 11:40
Alice In Wonderland
3:10, 7:00, 10:30
SHr Crazy
Frl, Sat
7:30, 9:30
Slar Wars
Cine 1 2 3 4 5 6
4 : 4 0 ; 7:05, 9:25, 11:40
Hardly Working
3rd Street Theatre
Frl, Sal 7:00, 10:30
Fearless Vampire Kilters
Night Hawks
Frl, Sat 7:30, 9:30
Albany State Cinema
The Shining
April 24, 25 7:00,
10:00, LC 18
Kind Hearts and Coronets
7:30, 10:00, LC 1
Heavens Gate
Frl, Sal 7:00, 9:30 T o w e r E a s t C i n e m a
Cine 7
Urban Cowboy
7:30, 10:00 LC 7
Frl, Sal 7:15, 9 : 4 5 '
Performing Arts Center
Hellman's Colonie Center
Max H a u e i W '
Frl. Sal 8:30
The Caveman
Frl, Sat 6:00, 8:00,
Pre-Law Association
The Candidate
April 26, 7:30, 9:30
LC 7
Seems Like Old Times
Frl, Sal 7:10,
Fireside Theater
UA Center
African Queen
Frl, Sal 7:10, 9:10
The Thief
April 29
Campus Cerjter Ballroom
veRv RereEMiNG
') H n i n 12
• IB
25 26 27
• <!/
53 " 6 5
©niwurd J u l i u s . 19" 6
Col: eEiat'e'CW'/ft- 1(.
continued from 10a
words. He though! about his own small
grandchildren, and he began to form a menial picture of a boy, playing in a yard. The
boy was throwing a ball into the air, which
rose and fell In slow motion. The ball was
about lo land In the boy's hand after a throw,
when all of a sudden ihe picture changed. It
focused on a man, who came running
Ihrough Ihe yard toward Ihe boy. When the
man had caught up with Ihe boy, he stole the
ball, and started lo run away with il. The
child pursued Ihe man In playful delight. The
mental picture seemed lo be accompanied
by narration, whfch sounded like a whisper
over Ihe very distinct visual.
" Y o u know whal I think, Mr. McNalr? As
a child yets older, he forgets whal It's like lo
Frl, Sat 3:30
April 24, 25
The Devils
Sludenl Recital Norman
Info. 270-6503
Union College
Sun 8:00
The Egg
Men's Glee Club
Hoyden's Season
Apr. 25 8:00
Mid-Eastern Dance Workshop
Apr. 25
Sfcidmore College
Apr. 24. 25
Jazz, dance, mime, music
Albany Civic Center
Ladyhouse Blues
Apr. 25. 8:00
Ihru May I
Apr. 26. 2:30
by Vincent Alello
Not too much doing this week, so I
Frl 8:00 thought we'd just go to the movies this week
John Hall Band
to sit back and relax from thinking about
Road Ducks
those finals that you haven't read a word for
yet, or those papers you haven't had a
Apr. 24. 25 chance to copy yet. So. with yout
The Kid?.
schoolwork and this TRIVIA TIME, good
Hulla Balloo
Frl Apr. 24 1, In this film Gene Kelly plays an ex-G.I, arLadles Nile
tist who wants to slay in Paris and pursue his
Hou) ' r w i u T IP ' s e T
career. Name It.
BAC-K T ° You ° H
'I. Name George Orwell's famous carloon
fable about communism and dictatorship,
3. In this classic, Gary Cooper plays a newly
married town marshal determined to lay
down his gun and shield foi his wife
4. This is a story of a young teachet who has
been charged with violating a slate code by
. MV^.
. V- ~-Jft,
teaching the theory of evolution,
5. This Is considered to be the grandfather of
the hard-boiled detective story, It is also
£>&;,. em-.i-tiM
John Huston's direcloral debut.
6. This is the story of a millionaire sun Ivor of
T rluST B £ RDOfcH ,
a Nazi concentration camp suspected of beB 6 I N 6 SHY U K 6 T H A T .
ing an SS leader.
7. Richard Basehart plays Ishmael and
Gregory Peck plays Ahab.
8. Set in New Orleans, this film examines the
mental and moral disintegration of Blanche
A — I,.*-**' . s^.
9. This film preached about 'Mendacity' as
the system in which we live.
10. From which film comes this Clint
Eastwood reply: "Cause he looks loo damn
49 Woman's name or
50 S c i e n t i s t ' s work
59 "
and a Woman"
60 Gay
61 C a p r i , f o r one
62 Sodium chloride
63 Cordage f i b e r
64 Hut: F r .
65 Catch sight of
66 Contestant
67 Adam's grandson
22 Jacques Cousteau's
25 Picture game
26 Make a great effort
27 Classic movie
28 Type of vote
29 Heart chambers
30 Dine at home
(2 wds.)
31 Like Jacques Brel
32 The Marx Brothers'
"A Day at the
34 Part of a circle
40 The age of some
Clothing size
1 Player's turn
2 Highest point
41 Geometric curve
Zodiac sign
3 Infield cover
42 In a cllche'd
Takes 1t easy
4 Italian architect
(2 wds.)
5 West Indies island 43 M*A*S*H star
As hungry
6 Sweet wine
44 Daily occurrence in
7 Small case
Living room Sp.
8 Military equipment, 46
for short
Opie's aunt
50 Alleviate
Hockey great
9 Drive back
51 Certain holiday,
10 Associates
for short
52 Insect appendage
Tending to stir up 11 "It's
53 Water pipe
In a sloped
12 Map notations
54 Formerly
55 Approaching
Francis and Dahl
13 Charged particles
56 "No man
Monetary worth
21 Certain doctoral
57 Sundry assortment
degree ( a b b r . )
58 Robert Stock role
1 With 10-Across,
famed spy
5 . , . p a r t r i d g e In
10 See 1-Across
11 B i r t h s tone
15 Words of denial
lf> Mr. Preniinger
17 Type of word
Hi C e r t a i n playing
19 W e l l : Sp.
42 43 JP
» '
Sludenl Recital Melissa Williams
H U ' r A F R E P TH&tMRD
"3 i
Hellman Theatre
-Aprll 24, 19811
IPage 12aV-
be a child, and he tries to remember again.
But It's very difficult to remember Ihe simple
things that make up Ihe minds ol lit tit? boys
and girls."
The man and boy In Bill's mental picture
were still running, and Iheir speed Increased
as Ihey ran farlher and farther In the yard.
They seemed lo be aging rapidly with each
new step.
"But by Ihe lime a man regains an
understanding of the child's mind, It's too
late lo do anything about II. So he's stuck
with the body ol an old man and the mind of
a child."
The man in Bill's mental picture had now
gotten lo the point ol regression. He hail
become a little boy. and the little boy had
consequently grown lo middle age The
now middle-aged man grabbed Ihe ball
away from the now-little boy, and he ran
with II. The little boy began lo cry hysterical-
ly. Water overflowed in his eyes, and blurred
his vision.
" A n d the child has il just as bad. because
uii.ll he's an old man. he'll never know what
it's like lo really crave your childhood again.
He's so busy trying to please himself that he
can't even think of understanding old men."
Bill stared al Ihe beige wall. It had taken
only a few seconds for his hard, life-torn exterior lo melt into a puddle of loneliness,
which lay on Ihe sheet of his hospital bed.
Ills eyes led the wall ami Instead began lo
observe his chapped, calloused hands. He
thought of how they used to stroke the hair
of his son and ihe cheek ol his wile. Now his
hands helped to support him in a room full
of dirty bedpans, lifeless sterility, tear-stained
tissues, creaky hospital beds, and a sensitive
old man: an old man with whom Bill had
nothing and everything In common.
Bill looked up and gazed Into the mirror.
K e e p u p o n W o r l d Events.
S u n d a y 8 - 8 : 3 0 p . m . Local experts discuss the h o i issues of
the w e e k .
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The picture reappeared In his reflection, and
the middle-aged man was still running from
ihe crying child . . .
The little boy's legs flailed wildly In ihe tall
grass, as he tried lo run fasler. He followed
the middle-aged man Ihrough the front door
of a house and into a living room He might
have caughl up had he not stopped to read
Ihe words o l a poem, impressed into a
bronze carving that hung on the wall. The
carving intrigued the young child, as it shone
brlghlly in Ihe noon day sun. and he was just
able to read II ihrough ihe blur of his tears.
The lille of Ihe poem was "Whal is a
house?" The answer read. " A world of strife
shul out. a world of love shut In." The boy
read Ihe words over and over again until
Ihey made sense to him Then, he ran
throughout the house, searching lor Ihe
middle-aged man. only to discover thai he
was nowhere lo be found . . .
mandatory student activity fee.
NYP1RO is a private group that does not
represent all students not docs it represent
just students. 1 believe it is wrong to fund
one private political group and not others
with a mandatory fee. I f we musl fund
NYPIRG then we should fund other
political groups, such as the Moral Majority, which also has supporters on campus.
Wc must fund all viable groups or none to
be fair.
if funding is optional lo N Y P I R G , then
it will be more responsive to the needs and
concerns of students, as its funding will depend on it.
A better way to fund N Y P I R O would be
to allow students to use the optional checkoff on Ihe bursar payment form. This
would allow students Ihe freedom of choice
lo fund N Y P I R G , jusl as students can give
contributions to Iheir class or lo 5-quad ambulance. This method o f funding would not
infringe on Ihe rights o f students who do
nol support the issues lhal N Y P I R G
I hope thai students will exercise their option to protect their freedom o f choice and
allow other students to do the same. The
only way lo do this is to vole NO on the
NYPIRG referendum.
_ ,
Robert Cohen
President Albany
State College Republicans
Funding Dilemma
To Ihe Editor:
This week studenls have the opportunity
to vote on the N Y P I R G referendum lor
allocation o f funding from ihe Student
Association. Many students arc nol aware
thai N Y P I R G , an independent political
organization, receives $4.00 per year oul of
every student activity fee (Ihe fee is mandatory for all full-time undergrads). I feel
lhal individual students should be Ihe ones
lhal make Ihe decision as to give money lo
NYPIRG or not.
Students should decide for themselves
whether Ihey wish to contribute to this
political organization just as they have ihe
option to contribute to any other political
If N Y P I R G , who call themselves champions of student rights, arc truly worthy of
iheir own praise then they should have no
problem getting students to voluntarily contribute lo their cause. Optional funding
would also make N Y P I R G more accounlable to students' interest because their funding would not be guaranteed. Considering the fact lhal N Y P I R G is a political
organization, I believe that this would be a
very healthy altitude for them to have.
It may be argued that students will Iry to
gel away with the benefits of N Y P I R O and
find it a worthwhile organization will not
quibble w i l h a $4 charge on a $1,000.00 tuition bill. Class dues, for example, are an
optional fee which most studenls pay.
I am not saying that N Y P I R O should not
be runded al all, bin only lhal ihe money
should be an optional fee and not pari ol'
the mandatory student activity lee. I would
urge all studenls to vote NO on Ihe
NYPIRO referendum Ibis week.
Mary Ellen DICcsarc
^Quality Education^
To the Editor:
The United .tales, despite Us shortfalls,
provides an unequalled arena of opportunities and freedom. The cornerstone ol
ibis free, democratic society is lis public
education system. In recent weeks and
inomhs lhal free public education system
has come under severe attack, in the name
of economy and the need lo fight inflation.
The proposed cms in federal spending ill
education across the country, and in particular in New York Stale, will have a
devastating impact. Every single school
district In New York Stale will feel Us Impact; and in speaking about school districts,
wc are speaking of our most precious commodity, our children, who will be Ihe
leaders o f our future democratic society.
Congressmen and women need to hear
from citizens who are concerned about the
loss of programs and opportunities for our
youngsters. While ihe proposed federal
budget reduces other areas of government
by roughtly seven percent, the prosed
budget would reduce school -pending by
nearly 30 percent. For New • ark State
alone, the cuts to schools represent over
$657 million. The burden of replacing programs will be picked up by local and state
taxes or the needs of children will simply go
I l is one thing to bring redcral spending
under control; il is quite anolher thing to
turn away from the needs o f millions of
children. Il is also false economics to reduce
federal spending on schools by 30 percent
and shift the replacement burden to local
homeowners who pay school taxes.
Edwin J . Roblsch
New York Educator
Association, President
Telethon Leaders T o the Editor:
ll is rightly supposed that the leadership
in SUNY's proud fund raising organizallon, Telethon, would be characterized by
discretion and superiority in judgment,
and considerate, balanced decisions free
from selfish political concerns. It is unfortunate thai we have been proven wrong in
these assumptions. Wc take no pleasure in
disclosing ihe unthoughtful and damaging
behavior of the appoinlcd leaders of
Telethon ' 8 1 .
It is the highest f o r m o f egotism for a
leader to believe the syslem good because it
got him the position. Anolher form of
egotism is to believe that since he is in the
position he Is wise. A n d yet anolher f o r m :
since he is wise, as evidenced by his posit i o n , he is capable of making the best decision as to who should be ihe next leader. II
is simply arrogance and irresponsibility for
a leader lo state thai he does nol have lo
answer lo those to whom he was appointed
lo lead.
We feel thai our best interests have been
betrayed by Ihe careless and disrespectful
appointment of the ncxl leaders, nol
specifically by who was chosen, for we have
no doubts as lo Iheir abilities, but by who
specifically was nol chosen. It is our intent,
as former staff members, to appeal Ihe decsion l o a body of laws which govern the
procedures of non-profit organizations and
which were designed in order lo eliminate
such scandalous abuses,
We propose an election be called either lo
confirm our leaders' appointments, or to
alter them, nol al another's expense, but as
the proper reward Tor hard work and
talented leadership.
Robert Lerncr
Richard Lerncr
Election Blues
The election this year has been a sham. It has been marked by
poor scheduling, confusion and lack of participation.
Straddling the campaign over a holiday weekend has caused a
very awkward election. Candidates were given only two days
while school was in session to campaign and because of this they
were only able to reach a limited number of students.
Confusion at the polls has taken its toll. People manning the
polling station yesterday in the Campus Center were unfamiliar
with the election procedure and turned eligible voters away. And
if you did get a chance to vote, you needed an atlas to figure out
which lever corresponded to which choice.
Although these problems have proven detrimental to the election, they are by no means excuses not to vote. The issues at stake
are too important to ignore. Both the outcome of each of the
three referenda and the SA officers elected will affect the life of
every student attending SUNYA.
If you have not yet voted, find the time this afternoon to do so.
If you have already voted, try to convince others to vote.
This is your chance to show your pleasure or displeasure at the
way things have been done in this and past years. Don't fall into
the trap of thinking that by not voting you are expressing your
dissatisfaction with student government. Your failure to vote only shows that you would not take the time to go to the polls, and
does not express approval or disapproval.
If in the end you decide not to vote, that is your own decision.
However, if next year something bothers you, don't feel that you
have any right to complain. You don't.
and it* citaluJi
Established In <»r«
Rob E. Grubman, Editor In Chief
Haydon Carrulh, sroven A. Qraenborg, Managing Editors
Sylvia Saundara, Senior Editor
New. Editor.. .,
AsooclateNowe Editors
«Pacla « " " • • " • • • ' • • " •
Aaaoclata ASPaola Edltora
Sound Editor
Sporta Editor
Aasoclala Sports Editor.
Copy Edltora
my laundry lo dry.
MaUclyn E. K i l s t i l n
Susan Mllllgan, Bolh Sexer
Judle Elaonbaro, W.yno Peer»boom
Rob Edolaleln
Joanna Wolnar, Andrew Carroll
J|m D|,0„
Marc Haapel, Urry Kahn
Palrlola Branloy
M | lch8 n A .Greobel
Stall .rila... Ellla Albright, Ann. Bar., Jullanna Boallo, Joan B,»ndo|.ky, Robin Brown, Ray C.llolu™. I<•»> C««or,
Mich." Carman, Anne C.vanagh, Lort Cohen, Sharon Cole, Scoir Oomm.r, Lisa D.nenrn.rk Hubert-Kenneth Dlek.y,
El on "pat.in. Mart. FI.oh.lll, Bruoo Fo«. S«.nno Gorber, Gall Gold.t.ln, Ken Gordon, Erie Grub.r, Matthew Hadaid Wendell Heddon. J.moa J.fle. Debbie j u dge, Larry Kln.m.n, Nora Klrby. K.thy Klaaana, Ohrl.loph.r Koch,
BmcoLoyy Bruce Uebar, Tom Lu.llk, J.moa M.rkolala. Mark Mur.loro, Jack Nulh.ll. Ed Flnka, Phil Plynlck Dlarmold Outnn Mark Ro.alor, Mlndy Saldla, J.M Sch.doll. B.rb.r. Schlndler, Paul Schwartz, Sue Smith, Laurel
Solomon, Caroline Sommo.B Zodiac and Pr.vl.w Editor.: M.rle G.rbarlno, Mary Kerrigan
Laundry Blues
T o The Editor:
There are certain needs thai must be
taken care of If one chooses lo live on campus.
One of them is laundry. I l is
reasonable lhal students should have to pay
for Ihe use of Ihe washing machines, after
all even the machines in an apartment
building cost money. Il is not reasonable,
however, lo have almost no machines in
working order.
Presently in Melville Hall, out ol four
washing machines, only one docs nol leave
,„c clothes as wet as if they had been
drowned In the ocean when it is clone. One
ol the fnui dryers docs not use heat when
how arc
t u m b , j l l g ,|,c cU.ll.es. I ask you
clothes to dry if one docs nol use heal in the
dryer'' At this very moment, my clothes are
spinning around hopelessly in a bin o f cool
nl, because by the time I discovered the
hcailess dryer, all Ihe others were occupied.
I really don't mind doing my own laundry but I have things lo do other than sitring around for up I " live hours walling lor
Marilyn Moakowltz, Business Uanoger
Janet Dreltuaa, Advertising Manager
Billing Aocounlanta
ClaaatlLd Manager
Composition M.n.g.r
Bonnie Steven.
'.'.'.'.'.'..".'.'.'.. MiriamRoaplar.Hody Brodor, KaronSardotl
September Klein
sal..- Dave Barton, Roy Loomla, Mlchaol Slenard, P.m Zlon Advancing Production Manager Tammy Gelger AdvarU g'poducaon- Mart. Flach! Dl.nne Giacola, Michelle Horowitz, Sua.n K.pl.n, ^.Uend.^
Sedgwick, Olllc. Stall: Robin Bolnn.on, Randi Groonborg, Trlclo Jonaon, A.lene Kallowltz, Judy B. Santo
Da.n B.tz, Production Menegei
D.b R.ynold.l D.vld Th.nhaussr, Associate Pioducllon Menagora
Ili:.:„-i B e c k
p I ^ M v I d Bock', Rhonda Kol'lner.'nobinLamsreln.'EdanUvlno'.C.rln. Shlpotolaky,Typl.ls:N.ncy Bernaloln
Lynda Benvoniilo, Mary Burko, Mario Ga.ba.lno, Mlndy Gordon, Madge M.nnlno, Barbara Nolan, Cathie Ryan. Shall
Schnoldor Ch.ulter. Mark Flflclioltl
Phologr.phy, Supplied principally by University Photo Service
Chlul Photographer: Boh Leonard
UPS stall- D.ve Asclrer flruco Ortogs. Alan Col.nr. Karl Chan, Slrorry Cohen, Slovo Eason, M l * . Fullot. MarA Hale*,
Maro Henschel, BUI Kiauss. fluanna KulaMt. Dave Moclrson, Lois Mallabonl, SUB Ulnttlch. Mark Nadler. Suna
Slelnaamp, Tony Tassatollt, Will Vutman
the Alhany Sludenl Press /o published every Tuesday and Friday during the school year by the Albany Sludenl
Press Corporation, an Independent notlorprolll corporation. Editorials are wrlll.n by the Editor In Clrlel,- policy Is
suhlect In review by the Editorial Board.
Mailing address:
Albany Student Presa, CC 329
1400 Washington Ave.
Albany, Ny lim
15167 4t,l lia!)OT.1:'M.W
Melville 203,
_ _ _ , ^ _ , ^ _
Bid profitsl Your own wholesale Too bad you weren't In class on Though the semester will end, you
business. 2,000 fast selling Items. Wed. You missed Jack's brilliant will always have a friend.
Free success details) Horizons, Box, answer of "everyone was absent"
B020-M, Universal City, Calif. 91608. t o t h e B o n u s q u e s t i o n . But S e x u a l i t y
J Mothers Helper. Delmar, experlenc- anyways, good luck on Saturday. Workshops: April 28, Rape with film
I ed with children. Room and board
Still Miss Safford's Student on State. April 30, Contraception on
plus stipend. 439-2087 after 6 p.m.
Dutch. May 3, Rape on Indian. May
Seeking: group leaders, tennis,
6, Contraception on Alumni. All
Stop! Yes this one Is for you 'cause welcome.
dance, waterfront, ham radio, bunk
counselors, archery, gymnastics, you're the bestest (and 'cause I fell
asleep In the car again). Friends
nurses, canoeing, water-ski, arts
Happy Birthday. Don't bite It too
and crafts. For Information, call or
Love ya, Glo
write: Camp Kinder Ring, 45 E. 33rd
Randl, Karen and Lee
Last chance this semester to go to
St., N.Y., N.Y. 10016 or call
the Mousetrap! Don't miss It. Open Live Air Band Contest. Bring your
Friday and Saturday, 9-1:30, 2nd o w n music. Prizes. Volleyball,
Overseas Jobs-Summer/year round. floor Campus Center.
frlsbee. and Softball. Beer, soda and
munchles cost: $1 with tax card,
Europe, S. Amor., Australia, Asia.
Mr. Malta,
$1.75 without. May 1. May 1. May 1.
All fields. $50041200 monthly.
Sightseeing. Free Info. Write IJC, What's doln? No wobblles, no herr- The place, back of Colonial Quad.
Box 52-NY1, Corona Del Mar, CA
bunch of olives.
Little Italy Have a fantastic birthday and enjoy
I'll be In touch.
You have Just one day to file foi
Love you, Michael Troy
Financial Aid.
Dear Jane and Lorl,
What would I do without you guys'? Hang In there baby. Just one more
a nervous breakdown I gues. day. Good luck tomorrow.
Typlngl Typing! Typlngl I type all Have
Looking very forward to Hamilton
Love, Amy
day and night. Perfection by an ex- Street,
P,S. Happy Birthday!
perlenced typist. Karen P. 7-3074.
Love always and forever, Maria Looking for a Job? What do
Z i p p e r s R e p a i r e d . C a l l Gary,
organizations look for? Find out on
I'm going to miss you. Good luck In 4/28 at 1:00 In HU 124.
" N o F r i l l s " S t u d e n t Teacher the Tower. You better come visit.
Mr. Ken,
Flights, Global Travel, 521 Fifth
Love, Nlcol6 How about a game of three man
N . Y . N.Y. 1 0 0 1 7 , Party Tonlte: No Jap II. Melville sneehole? We'll bring the bananas.
Me and El
Lower Lounge, 9 p.m.
Professional Typing Service. IBM
Correcting Selectrlc Typewriter.
/'// take a drive out to the farmlands
Call 273-7218 after 2:30 p.m. days or It's been almost one month and I
with you anytime!
still think you're the greatestl I love
you forever.
Buzzy Levine's Stringed Instrument
Quad Board Presents:
Love, Muffy
Workshop. Complete professional
Quadstock II, 2 Live Bands. Norguitar repairs. Buy and sell In- To Sue with the beautiful red hair,
t h e r n Steel Band and Orion,
struments. Special 45 percent off Although we don't know each other Binghamton's Best. Playing from
Schaller tuners. For sale: Strad-onights at " O " and the "Post". Thank 4:00-10:30.
lln, viola, old S.G. Banjo. 434-2014.
you. Good luck In the future.
Pat B.,
Passport/Application Photos $5 for Love, an Alumni Quad grad student Have a really happy birthday. We
2, 50 cents each thereafter. Tues.
wish you all the best now and
1-3 no appointment necessary.
University Photo Service. CC 305.
Love, Marie and September
Love and kisses, D. Elizabeth and
Bob or Suna, 7-8867.
Nene Passport/Application Photos. $5 for
copies, $1 for 2. Tues,
Those who run away today live to 1-3. No appt. necessary. University
CC 305. Bob or Suna.
fight another day.
Ross 7-8867.
Student on Summer Archaeloglcal
dig looking for sublet or people to
share location on busline or near
campus. Call John, 7-8803.
Subletters wanted for 2 bedroom, 2
bathroom apt. In Gullderland, air
Sale: Pioneer SX 690 30 Watt
cond., tennis, swimming, 3 miles
Receiver and Speakers. $235. Call away. Regency Park Apts. Price
Lisa, 7-3010.
. negotiable. Call Alan, 456-7213, day,
Dog lor adoption. Great personality, 7-8396.
great with kids. 449-1242.
MBA student needs 1 person to
Used bedding furniture, appliances. share 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom apt. In
3 miles from school,
Call 434-1770. We deliver AAA uaed
f u r n i t u r e . 73 Central A v e n u e , off Western, air conditioning, tennis, swimming. Regency Park Apt.
Oarage Sale: 250 Manning Blvd. Rent: $165/month plus utilities. Call
April 25th, 12 noon. Lots of furniture Alan, 456-7213 night, 7-8396 day.
among other things. Everything F e m a l e
must go, we're graduating. No $125/month with heat. Very large
5 p.m.
reasonable oiler will be refused.
Mexican blankets, Jewelry and art- Tuesday and Friday.
work imparted from Quadalajara. 1 lemale needed to complete 4
Less than hall dept. store price. Call bedroom house on North Allen.
Newly r e m o d e l e d . First t i m e
available for rent. Good location,
reasonable rent. Call Karen H. or
Kathleen, 7-5102, or Karen B „
One female wanted to complete
Two lemale subletter wanted lor a beautiful 3 bedroom apt. on South
three bedroom apartment on Morris Main. Very close: bus, laundry,
Street between Partridge and Main. Chopper. Available June-Aug. OpNear busline, Price Chopper, CVS. t i o n to lease In Sept. Price
Laundry facilities in basement. negotiable. 438-6741.
Front and back porches. Available Summer s u b l e t t e r s w a n t e d . 4
June-August. Call 482-7955 after 8 bedroom apt. 472 Hudson Street,
fully furnished. Excellent location.
Summer subletters wanted for Near busline. Call Rob or Scott,
quaint 2 bedroom apartment, half 455-6483 or Nell or Eric, 7-7928.
block from busline. Call Tonl or Jen, Summer subletter wanted In 5
bedroom apt. 522 Morris St., furWe buy used bedding and furniture. nished, excellent locale, near
u s l i n e . Call Ron or Frank,
We do pick-up AAA used furniture.
434-1770 9:30-5:30. 73 C e n t r e l 438-4262.
Avenue, Albany.
2 female subletters wanted to comWanted: 1 female subletter for sum- plete a 4 bedroom house on South
mer. Nice apartment near busline, M a i n . For J u n e - A u g u s t . N i c e
close to Price Chopper and laun- neighborhood, large bedrooms,
dromat. Price negotiable (utilities porch. You have to see It to believe
Cheap too. Call after 6:00,
Included!) 436-7545 weekdays after It.
4, ask for Deb.
Wanted: 1 female subletter for June
and July. Apartment near busline,
Price Chopper, laundromat. Price
negotiable ( u t i l i t i e s I n c l u d e d ! )
436-7545 ask lor Martha.
Green daypack w i t h Adidas
sneakers and knee brace. Call Jordan, 462-4949.
Reward for pocketbook taken from
library. No questions asked. Carol,
Subletters wanted. June-August.
Furnished apartment, big bedrooms
on busline, residential area. Call
Debbie or Sharon, 7-5141.
Wanted: One non-smoking female
to complete 3 bedroom furnished
apt. on busline. Residential area. Camp positions in New England.
Call Debbie or Sharon, 7-5141.
Swimming, fishing, baseball,
Wanted: Subletters for Wlllet St. basketball, tennis, water skiing,
apt. overlooks Washington Park, video-taping. Send resume: Camp
Mah-Kee-Nac, 20 Allen Court, South
price negotiable, 462-1203.
Apartmentmate must be vegetarian Orange, N.J. 07079.
(female preferred) own room In Summer work: $820/month, scholarapartment
on Bensen
S t . ships available, full and part time
$90/month. Call George, 465-1356 or positions available. No experience
required. Will |ob train. Neat ap462-5366.
pearance and car required. Call lor
2 lemales wanted to complete apt. Interview, 869-0209.
on busline. Near Price Chopper.
Full time summer employment lor
Call 482-0783.
student with computer and data enSubletters wanted: 4 bedrooms one try experience. Near campus. Conb l o c k away f r o m L a m p p o s t . tact Mr. Hoaloy, 458-1512.
Male Counselor Needed for summer
residential camps. Call Sr. Peg
Wanted: one bedroom or studio apt. Sullivan, 463-4411, 9 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Please call 7-7712.
Monday to Friday.
C For S a l e i
i April 24,1981
Albany Student Press.
Page Twelve
J bS
April 24, 1981
Tuition Hike
continued from front page
the board of trustees before we get
it, what is the need for the
legislature?" asked Assembly Ways
and Means Committee Chair Arthur Drcmer (D-Long Beach) at
SUNY's budget hearing in March.
Legislators criticized the hike
because they fell the board of
legislature in negotiating the budget
with the governor's Office of
Management and Budget without
first consulting the legislature.
Students also felt that the
chancellor and the board's move
was not in the best interests of the
"Rather than responding to the
students, faculty and legislators,"
said SASU Vice President Bruce
You and I have lived, loved, laughed,
and cried together for two years,
and during that time we've shared
c o u n t l e s s m e m o r i e s that w i l l
always remain precious to me.
Together we have built a very
special friendship, too special to let
separate rooms come between us
next year. So keep that In mind, and
we won't really be saying goodbye.
I'll always be there lor you when
you need someone who cares.
Winter, spring, summer, or f a l l " . . .
I think you know the rest.
Love always, Karen
You used to be known as an
astronauts wife but boy, have you
changed I Now Branf lakes, you
"man-trapped-inslde-a-woman's-bod y " you're ready to call Middle
Earth about your collection of little
men. It all began when you started
drinking rye and ginger and wearing
those Sergio Valentes. It's tough to
babysit visiting sisters when all you
want Is to finish your Incomplete
and have cubical sex. These are just
fond memories but now you must
begin the quest to pass those law
boards, live on top of Mr. S., and
develop those marketable skills.
Here's to a mouse-free life and a bir- So, Jude, what did you say to the
thday celebration to top last years!!
—Names Withheld
Live Air Band Contest Bring your
Rockland County and Willy's Jeep, o w n music. Prizes. Volleyball,
Nothing goes better with Brador's frlsbee and Softball. Beer, soda and
from Canada, wings Irom Bullalo, munchles cost: $1 with tax card,
and swell times than good friends. $1.75 without. May 1. May 1. May 1.
Now go hang some tinsel!
The place: back of Colonial Quad.
Holly and the Now-Tones
To the cutest tennis player,
Colonial Quad Board Presents: It's hard for me to say everything
Quadstock II, 2 Live Bands. Nor- right here but I definitely have room
thern Steel Band a n d Orion, enough to say I love you I Happy BirBinghamton's Best. Playing from thday!
Love, Larry
Cronin, " W h a r t o n has circumvented his consitucnts to draw
up the SUNY budget." '
Wharton, however, insists that
the board of trustees felt it was better to try to meet the critical needs
of the university before the
legislature received the budget.
"In their judgement it was important to raise the tuition before
the legislature acted."
Wharton added that in this way
the board avoided program retrenchments which could have resulted
if the legislature had not restored
enough money to SUNY's budget.
Sept. and Jay,
When our throats stop burning we
can thank you In the spoken word
for the chicken wings and the
Bradors. But as of now you'll just
have to settle for the written word.
Love, Marie and Brett
P.S. You really don't have to dress
up lor us.
Happy Birthday,
but don't wolf
Along with the tuition hike, the
dormitory rales will be increased
$150. The tuition and dormitory
hikes will bring the cost of attending SUNY rull-timc to $4,000 a
year including fees, books and
The last SUNY tuition hike was
111 September 1979 when the $750
yearly rate for freshmen and
sophomores was raised to $900, the
current level for juniors and
seniors. The last increase for
juniors and seniors was 1976.
*1.00 OFF
For those interested in applying
to be on staff for
Telethon '82
Tuesday, April 28
7 DAYS — 8 A . M . TO
1410 Central Avt.
20Mall 900 Central Ave. LothamCirdo
9 P.M
2692 Hamburg Si. Corner Noll & Noxon
Prior experience not necessary.
For info cal' Beth 7-5106
NASA will be sending Vonnegut
and his colleagues information on
how Mission Control operates. Approximately one month before the
blast-off date, which is still not
firm, they will be asked to visit Mission Control and take part in
simulated flight tests. Vonnegut expects the flight to occur in
September or October.
Approximately six months ago
the group gave a tutorial to Truly
and Engle and the simulated flights
will allow the astronauts to become
familiar with problems that may
arise with the apparatus, and will
allow Vonnegut and his colleagues
to become familiar with Mission
"Vaughan and I will have to be
on duty In Mission Control during
the actual five-day flight," Vonnegut said. "We'll be in touch with
Lance Bozart, Professor of Atmospheric Science here, to get
meteorological information on interesting storm developments,"
ft' f\
%** 1
Schwartz, Dcsfosscs, and Volkwcin all agree that advisement has
improved greatly since 1978. They
recognize, too, that things still need
to be done.
" I ' d say we're doing a decent
job," Schwartz said. "Maybe not a
great job, but we're improving."
(Next t o LAMP POST) 4 4 9 - 8 5 6 6
T u e s d a y thru Saturday
10:30 - 6:00
Thursday 1 0 : 3 0 • 9 : 0 0
Monday a n d S u n d a y C l o s e d
and Saturday
Lee, DC, Sweet-orr
April 24, 25
Carpenters & Overalls
All Carpenters - $15
All Overalls - $19
And a whole lot moretll
So let us put pour can
In our pants
SA Funded
continued from page three
dent. The student has to put himself
together before the advisement
system can make a good impact.
"The university has to reach out
and be there, but it's very difficult
to advise a student who hasn't
decided to be advised," Volkweln
continued. "I'd say the responsibility lies 60-40 to the student."
"A lot of students believe we are
here to save them," Schwartz explained. "They have an obligation
to know the rules. Some become
conveniently ignorant. We can't
control that, You've got to be
street-smart too," he said.
continued from pane nineteen
Vonnegut has requested that the
experiment be flown repeatedly on
subsequent flights. It is not complicated or expensive, nor docs it
take much time. NASA will respond seeing the camera's first performance.
the top four players from each team
— two singles players and two
doubles teams from each college."
There will be about 16 teams competing. Tlhis year Albany will be
taking Light, number two Ducllln,
number one doubles team Hard and
O ' C o n n o r and number two
Fcinherg and Phillips.
"Last year we did well In the consolation finals and I think we can
do it again," said Mann. The
women will play Saturday and Sunday beginning at 8:30 a.m. until
they arc forced out of the competition.
which they will use to alert the
astronauts to good photo sites.
In performing the tape and audio
recordings, the astronauts will have
to prepare the camera and point it
out the shuttle window toward the
lightning area. Lightning will be
easily visible to them on the dark
side of the earth. An earplug to the
audio recorder will allow the
astronauts to hear the audio
"static" so they can identify lightning which will not be readily visible
on the bright side of the earth.
Women Lose Two
* *
continued from page seven
If you were awarded a National Direct Student
Loan for the Spring 1981 session and have not
yet signed your promissory note, you MUST do
so by May 12, 1981 or your money will be
returned. The Office of Student Accounts is
open Monday through Friday from 9am to 4pm
and is located in the basement of the Business
Administration building through the double
glass doors
7 and 10 p.m.
-World Heallh'Organlzljon Approved
-Hospilal Affiliated
•Government Chartered
-Modern Classrooms and Equipment
-Clinical Experience
-Tuition Loan Program
-U.S. Clerkship Program
For information pamphlet and Admission Application contact:
Student l.iason. P.O. Box 27. Waldeu. New York
Dear Scott,
You're a HANDY
Wharton added that SUNY
enrollment surveys show that the effect the hike will have on the
students will "not be that great,"
despite claims rrom SASU and
other student groups to the contrary.
Party with Melville Tonlte. No Jap Is
back. Leave your designer labels
home. Lower lounge, 9 p.m.
Don't miss Brian Levy and Mike
Oreflce at the Mousetrap this
weekendl Open Frl. and Sat., 9
p.m.-1:30 a.m.
Ping-Pong Loser,
Too bad you can't drink and play at
the same time..And can you please
remember that when you are driving
on 2-lane highways at 75 m.p.h., you
should put the transmission In the
'drive' gear. And can you get your
own water next time or I'll send you
on a barge over Niagara Falls where
you can get plenty of It at one time.
Later Loser.
Responding to accusations from
student groups that the board of
trustees has not been responsible to
the needs of the students, Wharton
said "the belief that the board of
trustees is insensitive to students is
incorrect because they have worked
hard to keep the cost of tuition
SUNY Hoard of Trustees Chair
Donald Bllnken said that although
the hike was "unpleasant" it avoided some 401 faculty and staff
layoffs that might have gone
through If the increase had not been
i •
Hey Mugshot,
Thanks tor the letter, the paper, the You're so giving, I love you so much.
new old room, the laughter, the
realization and the love. I guess I Sue and Chris,
can lust say thanks for everything Hope you both had a good time at
and I love you.
Virginia Beach, and that you're all
Indecisive But Not Stupid relaxed and tan and . . . welcome
Sorry, I'm not In a creative mood. It back to reality.
happens t o the best of us.
P.S. Chris, Happy Birthday later
Happy Birthday t o Patricia Ellen than usual
Page thirteen
Albany Student Press
» —
— • ^ • ^ • ^ ^ • ^
Light and Phillips are looking
forward to the weekend as "not only a tennis event but a social event.
The teams go out together at night
and you really get to know the
women from the other schools by
spending so much time with them
on and off the court."
The next match set for Albany
after the Seven Sisters Invitational
will be May 2 against Concordia at
home at 1:00 p.m.
Crrctt Cki**i* ft J--~
Pack a lunch if you didn't sign up for a
boxed lunch. Ice cream and refreshments will be
provided in limited amounts by UAS. Lots of tun
and games.
• llcc ._.
HAP sponsored and funded by S A J g A j j ^
Fro*. C*»/»*»
• 41-»ff«5
Our Specially
Siachutn, Hilnun,
and Cantonese. 'Polynesian
Drink Avatlahlo
Call Jade Fountain for a free van
ride every Thursday, Friday and
Saturday evening from 6 lo 9 p.m.
from circle and back.
10 percent discount with Student
Tax Card not for Take-Out or
JUST 1 Mill WF5T OF STlliVEfiWflJl&a
, Albany Student Press
&orft & &oll Wttkzntit
The Kidz
Class of '82 council members
I Ctnlcr
tanipuB |
^ e
All newly elected
Mandatory meeting)
Adrian Sni-thun
Monday, April 27th
in the Fireside Lounge
Slephen Bcrger
Tom Holecek
Kichurd Celani
Reggae—Original & Rock & Roll
91 m
,20c * .loe
JUll UljiS &ocU & fcoTf WccUcnt)
Eljurjrtjap Spril 23cb
6 p.m.—12:30 a.m.
Jfribap & fraturtap 9ptil 24ttj & 25tii
6_p.m.—1:30 a.m.
lliUucraitt] AuxlllarQ Strultea g-ponaorta
SAT. April 25, 8:00 P.M.
by Michael Carmen
Inconsistency has been the theme
of the 1981 Albany lacrosse season
and the last week has not been any
different. The Danes dropped three
of four contests, losing to Cortland,
Oeneseo and RPI while defeating
the University of Vermont Wednesday afternoon.
Monday against RPI, the Danes
played a good squad evenly in the
first half and were trailing only 8-4
al the midpoint.
The second half was a totally different story. Albany could not control penalty situations and RPI
started fast breaking for some quick
goals. When the dust cleared RPI
was on top 15-6 and Albany had
itself another loss.
"We performed well in the first
half, then wc played no fundamental ball — catching, throwing and
getting ground balls, and we
basically just couldn't clear the
ball," staled Albany varsity
•ThE A N T S
"We played three good periods
of lacrosse against a Division I
team," praised Motta.
In the win, DaRos recorded two
more goals. Nelson scored two and
added an assist. Luke Esposito and
Slocum each had a tally.
lacrosse coach Mike Motta.
Kenny DaRos played a good offensive game as he scored the hat
trick recording three goals in the
contest. Mike Slocum, Glen
Magi ane and John Nelson each added one goal. Rut these tallies were
far from enough as RPI scored on
six power plays which led them to a
triumph over the inexperienced
Wednesday against the University of Vermonl it was a different
story. Despite playing with five injured players, including allackman
Dave Faust and midfielder Slocum
who had a bad knee, the Danes
recorded their first victory after
three straight losses, H-7.
At the half, Albany was leading
sllmly, 4-3. In the third period, Vermont took advantage of Albany
penalties to score two goals.
"The period was one continual
fast break and Vermont took better
advantage of the situation," added
With six minutes remaining in the
game the Danes found themselves
down 6-4. They knew they had a
job to do if they wanted victory and
the Danes quickly cut away at the
Vermont lead. It payed off and with
1:20 remaining Magranc slammed
in the fourth goal of the period and
Albany found itself a victory.
Against Cortland and Gencsco
Ihc Dane's inexperience and youth
showed through. At Cortland, the
Danes played a respectable first half
moving the ball well and were trailing 5-3. The second half proved to
be a different game as Cortland
outscored Albany 10-2 In gliding to
a 15-6 romping.
In the contest with Oeneseo the
match was decided on four quick
goals by the opposition in the third
period. The margin was too great to
overcome and Gencseo came up on
top 9-6.
"We played well at times, but we
looked very shaky on penalty
situations where we were a man
down," Motta said. "Our 3-5
record is due mainly to little experience, youth and lack of concentration."
Noel Corpuel from CAMP WAYNH will be Interviewing on campus
sometime the end of April. Cnll him person-lo-person collect at
516-889-3217. or call campus rep Ills Novlck al 518-457-4028 to sign
up. Open to nil qualified students, Please lell V-MII friends.
The Albany State varsity lacrosse team continued their inconsistent play, dropping three of four matches
last week. The 3-5 stickmen beat Vermonl but losl to Cortland, Gencseo and RPI. (Photo: Sue Mindich)
Eat, Drink & Be Merry.
Page Fifteen
April 24, 1981
Stickmen Remain So Inconsistent
Enjoy delicious dinners in the v£r
Potroon Room, Happy Hour and 'NNJ S
evening entertainment in the /£*• *-^
Patroon Tavern, special luncheons
and buffets in the gardens
of the Village Square.
ARE C O M . N Q ! . . .
There's something for everyone nt
the Americana, from family dinners
to intimate cocktails for two, from
banquets to brunch. When you
want to eat, drink and be merry,
come to Americana Inn.
Call n o w for
y o u r parent*'
^Americana Jnn
A L B A N Y - S H A K E R R O A D AT N O R T H W A Y E X I T 4
( 5 1 8 ) 869-9271
Last Chance
To buy ^fe$ T-shirts, frisbees and buttons before
they are all gone AND to purchase tickets for
)ift^®iM Ass@@B@rii,fi©ini € © ^ © 1 @ir
Sales on dinner lines and in Campus Center,
sponsored and funded by SA, UAS
and office of student affairs
.o)rr CQ
Those applying for these stipended positions must
submit their application no later than May ist in
My Only Ellen,
Happy 19th as well as thank you for
the best half year of my life. I'm never
r / £ » \ J WILDER
the SA Office Campus Center 116 at 4:00pm
Hi S A T
If you hove any questions or problems coll
Ira Somoch at 457-6087
CINE 1-2-3-4-5-6 -TM
111 h i l l /
19W HAP _ „
••81 HAP
Sunday April 26th
Picnic at the lake on campus
Time: 10 am til dark
Boxed lunches will be provided by UAS for
those who signed-up. This is a chance for students,
faculty, administration and their families to get
together and have a day of fun and games. Ice
cream and refreshments will be provided in limited
amounts by UAS. Organized by Karen Spiegal and
Pam Gordon.
Monday April 27th
Bowling Tournament
Time: 2 pm on
Trophies wil be awarded through a minimal
charge of 50 cents to participants. The discount
price at campus lanes will be funded by UAS.
Organized by Laura Goldstein.
Tuesday April 28th
Tennis Tournament
Time: 12:45-3 pm and 4 pm til dark
Mixed doubles consisting of 1 student and 1
faculty or staff member. Organized by Toni Nadig
and Aaron Arias.
I "-
For all sports events:
1st prize
HAP T-shirts
2nd prize
HAP Frisbees
3rd prize
HAP Buttons
of Events
April 16 to Nay I.
Wednesday April 29th
Swimming Competition
Time: 5-6 pm
Consists of two to four teams of mixed
members. Organized by Joanne Goldstein.
Students can invite any faculty, administration,
or staff member to have lunch with them on any of
the five quads. Tickets available on dinner lines for
$1 to students with lunch meal cards. Organized by
Peter Weinstock.
Thursday April 30th
Softball Competition
Time: 2 pm on
Mixed teams of 8 to 10 players at the circle.
Organized by Toni Nadig and Steve Klein.
Friday May 1st
Fountain Festival
The festivities begin at 11 am with Dean
Brown's band in conjunction with SUNYA Jazz
Ensemble. President O'Leary will give a speech at !
12 noon followed by turning on the fountains at Jj
12:15 pm.
A Western Onion message sending booth will
be there. Ice cream and refreshments in limited
amounts will be provided by UAS.
Sponsored and funded by UAS, SA and Student Affairs.
Page Eighteen
, Albany Student Press
Sports April 24, 1981
Albany Student Press,
Women's Softball Team Gets Off to Flying Start
by Phil Pivnlck
Albany's women's Softball team
got off to a flying start this spring
by winning six of their first eight
games. "This is the most slcilled
team I've coached, we've got a lot
of depth which enables us to pinchhit a lot and maneuver my
defense," said an enthusiastic
coach Lee Rhenish.
On- Tuesday, the girls swept a
doubleheadcr from RPI, winning
the first game 10-1, and taking the
nightcap 19-11. "In the first game
we played super, we didn't commit
an error and Lynn Truss pitched a
great game," said second baseman
and captain Kathy Curalolo. Truss
helped her own cause with a three
run homer. She hurled a great game
not allowing a single walk. Trudi
Eisaman paced the Dane i "ack
the hands of Union in a very sloppy
game, 10-4.
The goal of the team is to qualify
for the state tournament to be held
on May 8-9 here in Albany. Bids for
the tournament will be announced
victories came this season over New
I Paltz, 12-0, and LeMbyne also fell
victim to the Dane bats, 11-1.
A doublehcader split with
Binghamlon accounted for one of
the losses. The other defeat came at
Before the vacation the girls topped Oneonta 7-4. Truss, again was
the winning pitcher in the first game
of a scheduled doubleheadcr. The
second game was postponed due to
the extreme cold, Carol Wallace
and Cathy Briggs each pounded two
hits to key the Dane charge. Other
by Marc Haspel
Wednesday, the Albany State
men's track team ventured (o Colgate to partake in the annual Colgate Relays. Last year, the Danes
fared well in this non-scoring meet,
setting two records. This time,
however, ihcy didn't do as well.
The Danes were not able lo capture any first places against the Held
of fourteen men's teams.
The highlight of the afternoon
for Albany was Sieve Decker's 14.7
in the 110-mcfcr High Hurdles
event. Although the run was not
•good enough for a first place, his
time was jusl a tenth of a second
shy of I he qualifying lime for the
One week ago Tuesday, Albany
was scheduled 10 go up against
tough Cortland in a dual meet. Hut,
inclement weather postponed thai
meet and it has been rescheduled
for May 5.
Tomorrow, the Danes have their
last home meet of the season. II is a
tri-meel, with Binghamlon and
Stony Brook providing the opposiLots of runs crossed the plate on Tuesday as the women's Softball squad tion.
scored 29 runs in a twin-bill. (Photo: Mark Halek)
Currently, the Danes are plagued
with injuries, mainly to their
sprinters. Mitch Harvard is oul and
Al Ferguson is only 85 percent
...we made a mistake. The
capable. Howie Williams is first
Challenge Cup photos were taken
coming back from an injury thai
by Alan Calcm. Sorry about that
had sidelined him forthe whole of
the outdoor season.
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Women Netters Lose Two Times
May 3 and captain Curatolo is optimistic. "If we keep up our strong
play, we should be right in there for
a bid," she said.
The women are home for a
doubleheadcr with Russell Sage
Saturday at 11:00 on the Held
behind Dutch Quad.
with three hits.
' In the second game the Danes
found themselves trailing 11-4 going
to the bottom of the sixth. In that
inning the Danes sent 20 batters to
the plate and when it was all over,
IS runs had scored. The outburst
was highlighted by a bases-loaded
triple by Truss/ Truss was the winning pitcher in the second game pitching in relief of Cathy Meyers.
Cathy Briggs, Lori Biiggs, Nancy
Halloran and Eisaman each collected two hits in the nightcap.
by Robin Brown
Unable to maintain the momentum from their previous wins,
against Binghamlon, the Albany
State women's tennis team recently
added two losses to their spring pursuits bringing their season reeord to
1-2. Coach Peggy Mann remains
optimistic however. "The women
are playing very good tennis. Their
competition is really tough," she
said. "We need some line weather
so thai we can practice regularly
without the interferences of the
Trackmen Hobble
to Colgate Meet
Page Nineteen
April 24, 1981,
The women's tennis team was unable to maintain their early momentum
and lost two matches this week. (Photo: Mark Nailler)
Yower East Cinema
Wednesday afternoon the women
traveled lo Vassar where they were
defeated 5-4. Junior Anne Newman
was the sole singles champion for
the Danes. She won her match
against Pam Thompson, 7-5, 6-2.
Unfortunately Newman's teammales were unable lo be victorious
in their own efforts. Number one
singles player Nancy Liglil was
downed, 7-5, 6-0 by Moira Bowden
who Light has beaten in the past.
Junior Karen O'Connor, freshman
Pam Duchin and sophomore Elise
Solomon all lost their singles competition, 6-3, 6-2, 6-2, 6-1, and 6-3,
6-3 respectively. And senior captain
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John Travolta
Sue Bard, performing her first effort of the season having been out
with a pulled shoulder, bowed 6-2,
6-0 to Valeric Martinez.
All three Albany doubles teams
emerged triumphant over the
Poughkccpsic duet squads. Dane
partners Joan Phillips and Amy
Feinbcrg won, 6-1, 7-5 against their
competitors Paige and Brcslau.
"Amy and I played well against
Vassar," said Phillips, "We need to
practice more together before the
Seven Sisters tournament this
Nancy Lcvine and Lauren Isaacs,
despite gelling off to a slow start,
managed lo overcome Houlahan
and Norva from Vassar, 4-6, 6-3,
"I was pleased with the way Nancy and Lauren played," Mann raved. "They've never played together
as doubles partners and I'm glad
ihey did so well."
The most "interesting" match of
the day, according lo Mann,
(because of the underlying circumstances) involved Sandra Borrclle and Chris Rogers who managed a 3-6, 6-4, 6-0 success over
Plunkelt and Benton from Vassar.
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"Sandra left her racquet at home
after the long weekend, explained
Mann. "She started out playing
with someone else's racquet which
has a different grip than she is used
to. After losing the first set, and
starting second set play, her father
arrived in the knick of time from
Hudson and brought her her own
racquet." The racquet made all the
difference and Ihe Dane duet captured the match.
Prior (o the Vassar challenge, the
women hosted a strong West Point
crew Wednesday April 15 at
Capilaland Racquet Club because
of rain. The home team suffered a
5-2 loss againsl the Cadets despite
Ihe familiar territory.
"We always wanted to beat
them," said Light. "They're the
toughest team we go up against. We
did Ihe besl we could but unfortunately it wasn't good enough to
Playing against M o n i q u e
Thevemel of West Point, "an excellent player," said Mann, "who
beal Bowden from Vassar," Light
was defeated 6-1, 6-1.
Then second seeded singles
player, freshman Cari Solomon,
who since has left the team for personal reasons, turned in one of the
two wins of the day upsetting Gayle
Petty, 6-3, 6-7, 6-4. Duchin,
Feinbcrg, and Elise Solomon ranked among the defeated Danes
againsl their West Point rivals and
went down, 6-2, 6-2 to Tia Sargent,
7-5, 6-2 against Bonnie Epstein and
7-5, 5-7, 6-4 to Deborah Williams,
The Albany doubles matches
were split with the number one team
of Light and Phillips being overtaken by Thevemel and Sargent,
6-4, 6-1 and the second squad of
O'Connor and Isaacs mastering
Cathy Spaulding and Sue Cook,
6-3, 7-5. "West Point is a powerful
team," said Mann. "Repeats were
played which we don't usually practice. I like to see all the women play.
Il was a long hard day."
Looking forward to ihe Seven
Sisters tournament this weekend at
Ml. Holyoke, Mann realizes thai
"only the lop teams compete and
continued on pane thirteen
(or anyone else)
Monday Apr. 27
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Slate University of New York at Albany
Softball Team
page 18
April 24, 1981
-J l i t I by Albany Sludrnl Prwt Corporation
Albany Netmen Win Notches 100th For Lewis
by Bob Bcllaflorc
The task was simple. All the
Albany men's tennis team had to do
was win once more, and coach Bob
Lewis would have his 100th career
victory. Last week, a better,
prepared Middlebury team delayed
the milestone, but when Union
came to the Dutch Quad courts
Tuesday, nothing was getting in
Albany's way — not the icy-cold
wind and the near-freezing conditions, and certainly not the Union
tennis team.
Carrying out the task ended up
simpler than Lewis thought. The
Danes completely dominated their
foes from Schenectady by taking all
nine matches — most of them with
comforting ease.
Albany won three of the six
singles contests in straight sets, and
won the first set in all but one. And
in the other three pairings, the
netmen had no trouble getting the
third. When it was time to play
doubles, Albany already had the
match clinched but did not let up,
and breezed through to complete
Albany's lop singles player Barry Levine outlasted Union's
Barry Rosenberg in a three-scl match. (Photo: Dave Asher)
the shutout. .
Third singles player Rob Karen
had the easiest day of all in beating
Tom Lestena by successive 6-2
scores. Number two man Fred
Gaber had a similar lack of difficulty and did away with Dwight Moore
in straight 6-3 sets. Fifth player Andy Diamond squeaked by in the
first set (7-6) to slam the door shut
on Union's Steve Eskanazi in the second, 6-2.
In the contests that went the
distance, Albany always recovered.
Dave Ulrich made the best com-
eback. After losing the opening set
to John Antiles, 4-6, Ulrich
manhandled him, 6-3, 6-1 to win.
Top Albany player Barry Levine
sandwiched a 4-6 loss to Barry
Rosenberg between 6-2 and 6-1
wins. Russ Kasow, playing in the
sixth slot, took the first set over
Dave Katz, 6-2. Katz rebounded for
a 6-1 win in the middle set, but
Kasow efficiently squashed his
hopes with another 6-2 victory in
the final set.
The doubles teams of Levine and
Gaber, Karen and Ulrich, Kasow
Russ Kasow won two matches including one of only three Dane
wins against a talented Middlebury squad. (Photo: Dave Asher)
and Dave Lerner all vyon their proset matches by 8-4 scores.
Strong winds and cold weather
do not make for top-notch tennis,
but Albany overcame the conditions in classic style. While the
Dane netmen may not have played
to the best of their ability, they certainly performed well enough to
"Whenever you have a cold and
windy day, it's hard to play well,"
Lewis said. "But you have to adjust
to the weather, and 1 think out guys
adjust really well.
"1 think we're just a better team
than Union," he continued, "I
figured we'd beat them, bin 1
wasn't sure if we'd sweep all the
Last week though, the netmen
had trouble adjusting to four
straight days without practice, and
fell to a talented Middlebury learn,
6-3. Albany's only wins came off
the racquets of Karen in third
singles, Kasow in sixth singles, and
from Ihe combined efforts of
Levine and Gaber in first doubles.
"I'd liked lo have played them
when we were a little sharper," said
Lewis, without taking anything
away from Middlebury. "We 'vere
not match-tough for them."
The neimcn lake their 5-2 record
to Cornell today, but are back
home tomorrow to face conference
rival Binghamton. The Colonials
were second to the Danes in the
SUNYAC's last fall by a solitary
point, and Lewis expects a similarly
close contest tomorrow.
Action starts at noon on the
Dutch Quad courts, and Lewis
hopes to start working on his second hundred.
Skeel Gets Win Number 200; Danes Get Eighth
by Larry Kaliu
The Albany Stale baseball team
went into RP1 last Thursday looking to reach two milestones,
but they had to put one on
hold. However, the Dunes slill
hombed hard-hitting RPI, 16-12.
The win was Albany's sixth
straight, extending their spring
record to 8-1, and also marked Rick
Skeel's 200th career victory as a
couch. Skeel has coached al Albany
lor only a year and a half, collecting
must of his 200 wins and 70 losses al
Heidelberg College in Ohio.
"It's nice lo achieve that kind of
milestone," Skeel said, "but this
win doesn't mean as much to me as
it meant to the kids to be 8-1 and to
beat a good RPI ballclub."
Albany starting pitcher Mike
Esposito went into the game looking for a milestone of his own, but
he came up short. The Dane ace
tied the Albany record for most
wins in a season when he picked up
his seventh against Binghamton last
week (he was 5-2 in the fall), but
couldn't survive the fifth inning
against RPI after being shellacked
for eleven runs by the Engineers.
"The umps were not giving Mike
much on the corners," Skeel noted.'
"His curveball has to be on the corners to be effective."
Ron Massaroni picked up the win
with a very good relief stint for his
third victory of the spring season,
tops on the team, against one loss,
Massaroni entered the game with
Albany down, 11-10, but held Ihe
RPI offense lo one run, while Ihe
torrid Dane bailers exploded for six
more of their own.
Albany rapped 16 hits off RPI's
iwo lop hurlers. Mall Anlalek led
ihe Albany allack, reaching base all
six times he was al bai with three
hits and iwo walks, as well as being
hit by a pilch. Bruce Rowlands contributed four hits and Bob Arcario
and Jim Lynch also slood oul.
"Everybody jtisl hit the heck out
of the ball," said Skeel, and he also
noied that the Danes took control
when they knocked RPI's ace out
of the box in the fifth and continued lo pound the bullpen.
"It was like pouring kerosene on
a fire," he said. "We just went
crazy after that."
Albany's offensive attack was
never stronger, bul the defense left
something lo be desired, allowing
eight unearned runs to let Ihe
Engineers stay in the game. Crucial
errors like misjudged fly balls were
committed on routine plays that
should have gotten the Danes out of
big innings.
Albany meets Colgate tomorrow
afternoon at home in a
doubleheader. The first game
begins at 1:00.
"We know we're playing good
baseball," said Skeel, "and we're
going to go out and keep knocking
heads together."
ROTC to Locate at SUNYA
Several Campus Groups Protest
by Susan Milligan
An ROTC "extension center
agreement" has been approved by
President Vincent O'Lcary to allow
SUNYA students enrolled in the
program lo attend ROTC classes at
SUNYA, according lo Vice President of University Affairs Lewis
"What it involves is thai courses
presently given at Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute (RPI) - for
which SUNYA students had to
travel 10 RPI - will now be offered
on campus," he said.
Welch said that the proposal was
reviewed and approved by the
Educational Policy Council (EPC)
of the University Senate, the executive board of the University
Senate, and ultimately O'Lcary.
The Scnale as a whole did not vole
on ihe plan.
"We're one of the councils thai
approved it," said EPC Chair Al
Cali, "and we recommended that
the President approve it...bul it
originated with the students."
Several campus groups are
disturbed by the agreement as well
as the manner al which il was arrived.
"There was no debate or discussion," said Peace Project steering
committee member Dave Dragcr.
"They didn't want anyone to know
aboul It."
Drager said the Peace Project has
taken a stand against ROTC on
campus because "il is nol
"This is not a vocational or
military school," he continued. "It
is a liberal arts and sciences school.
Teaching people how to kill is Ihe
antithesis of the humanities."
Drager said also he thinks Ihe
ROTC program competes directly
with education.
"Financial aid and student loans
arc being cut back tremendously
and the military budget is being increased," he explained. "While
education is cheap, people will go to
school. Bul (the cuts) are forcing
students inlo ROTC.
"This campus doesn't have lo offer courses that aren't academic,"
he continued. "The school is failing
in ils mission lo offer low-cost,
quality education."
Cali stressed thai "there is a difference between having an extension center agreement and voting
ROTC back as a university activity."
Drager argued thai "Iwo years
ago, negotiations were made so that
SUNYA students could take pari in
Ihe ROTC program with Ihe condition thai those courses nol be
taught on this campus.
"Two years from now, we could
easily have Ihe program reinstated
completely," he said.
pholo: Will Vurmin
Vice President of University Affairs Lewis Welch
He said an ROTC "extension center agreement" was approved.
Student Union Chair Jim Tiemcy
said Ihe move "is a stepping stone
toward militarism on this campus,"
and thai "O'Lcary was totally
sleazy about (the manner in which
the decision was made).
"You shouldn't have lo pro-
Election Redistributing
Divides Student Ward
by Ken Gordon
AcwdlnTto Election Commissioner Mickey Tarplnian, 1329 SUNYA students turned out lo vote in
!ast week's ll.ree-day SA elections. Dave Pologe won the SA presidency virtually unopposed, said Tarpinion: his only competition came from a write-in candidate, Mike Van Norstrand, who received 50
voles None of the vice-presidential candidates obtained over 50 percent of the voles, lurplnian added.
Consequently, a run-off election will be held today, Wednesday and Thursday between Ihe two top contenders - Woody Popper, who received 631 voles, and April (.ray, who received 373 voles. Students
may vole for cither candidate In the same polling area they used for the regular elections. Tarplnian a so
said that the three referenda - mandatory sludenl activity fees, funding for NYIMIH., and funding for
nlii.ii,.: Mure Mrnsihrl/Wlll >iin„Hi,
SASU — were all approved.
Plans to rcdislricl Albany's
voting zones were released last week
by Albany Dircelor ol' Human
Resources John McEneny.
Among the changes proposed by
McEneny is ihe splilling of heavily
sludenl populated Wurd 12 into
three new wards.
Ward 12 is bordered by Lake,
Main, Bradford, and Madison.
The three new wards lo be
created are Ward ?, bounded by
Partridge and Western anil continuing to the north and east; Ward 10,
bounded by Partridge, Weslcrn,
and Washington, and continuing to
the cast; and Ward 14, hounded
by Partridge, Western, and
Washington, and con.inning lo the
Consequently, Ward 14 will encompass ihe College of Saint Rose
campus, Ward 10 will encompass
Alumni Quad, and Ward 14 will en-
Area Groups Stage Washington Park Rally
by Julienne Boslic
"We must a build a union that
will light lot the human rights of
(all)," said speaker Leon Van Dyke
at a rally in Washington Park Sunday, where approximately 75 people
gathered 10 express their concern
over such issues as U.S. military aid
to El Salvador, draft registration
and nuclear power.
The rally was sponsored by
Americans Againsl Nuclear Will,
Knolls Action Project, Ihe Troy
Peace Coalition and the Community I'm Common Sense. Many of ihe
groups voiced concern ovel government defense funding. Although
the Reagan administration claims to
be making substantial budget cms,
more funding is actually being
maneuvered to defense, suid John
Ragusa of Ihe Knolls Action Projects, an anti-arms race organization.
"We pay for the arms race with
Designated hitler Bobby Rhodes becomes the front end of a double play In an earlier game, The Danes added a victory over RPI last Thursday to extend their spring record to 8-1. (Photo; Mark Halek)
our lax dollars," said Ragusa,
", . . and have used atomic
weaponry twice on human populations."
Anti-nuclear demonstrators protested ihe U.S. Navy's plan lo updale the sea-leg of ihe U.S. strategic
nuclear triad, Ihe submarinelaunched ballistic missiles. The submarines arc called Tridents and its
crews are trained al Knolls Atomic
Power labs In nearby West Milnm.
According lo Ragusa, the Navy
wants 30 Tridents by l'J92 al a cosl
of $1.8 billion each. Each one will
be capable of destroying 336 cities
witli a blast five limes lhal which liil
Hiroshima. People held placards
denouncing ihe "Trident Monster"
and held a symbolic and visual
representation of the Trident submarine, a 560 fool rope with 336
pennants representing the Trident
nuclear war heads.
Representatives of the Military
Tax Resistance Group said lhal they
did not pay their taxes litis year
because they arc "refusing (o pay
for win." Instead, Ihey donated
their las money to local service
One rally organizer, Franclc
I raschen, spoke of the need I'm
stilulc yourself to go to school," he
A source told Ihe ASP last fall
thai a "straw poll" had been taken
revealing "significant student interest" in ROTC, and that negotiacontimted on page thirteen
government funds for "human
need" projects, Several musicians,
including Nelly Brown and Tom
Capuano, sang songs in protcsl of
nuclear armaments and military expansion.
Dcmonslralors gather on Washington Park lawn.
The group protested nuclear arms and military expansion.
uholu: Slier, ( .thru
compass abom 65 percent of the uptown campus.
Off Campus Association (OCA)
Dircelor Mark Duntca said he
believes Ibc iiucnlion of this
redisricting is to spilt student v o l e s .
McEncny's proposal follows a recent courl decision giving Albany
students the right lo vote in their
college communities.
McEneny, however, denies
Dunlca's allegations. "The ward
lines were primarily determined by
traditional neighborhoods," said
"Students are historically split inlo several wards because of Ihe
location of the old SUNY campus
and Ihe roule of Ihe SUNY bus
line," explained McEneny.
One reason cited by McEneny for
the redistricting is lhal Albany has
seen a population reduction of
"The redislricting is necessary to
maintain the one man-one vote concept outlined by the Supreme
Court," said McEneny.
McEneny added that Ihe
redistricting would have been
neccssury even if there wasn't a
population loss because of the
tremendous shift in population.
According to McEneny, many
people have moved out of the
Southend district of Albany.
This has resulted in the merging
of three wards into a new ward, pitting the only Iwo black aldermen in
Ihe city against each other in the
next election.
Dunlea questioned the methods
used in determining the new wards,
and said lhal Ihere is some controversy as to the determination of
Ihe newly created Ward 14.
The estimated number of voters
in this area is 7,200, said Dunlea.
He claimed, however, that the actual number of volers on the SUNY
uptown campus was undercounled.
McEneny stated thai the number
of voters on the uptown campus
was counted al 3,400 by the last
McEneny is also in charge of conducting the census for Albany.