Winning Nucleus Returns For Men Swimmers

W. Hoops Preview
80 Gather at Empire State Plaza
November 21, 1980
Winning Nucleus Returns For Men Swimmers
by Jeff Schadoff
The Albany State men's swimming' team, coming off last year's
rather impressiw "-4 'ual meet
season and an
.11 4th place
finish at the SUN VAC'S arc ready
and, Albany coach Ron White feci.
that the "nucleus is here aga; this
The squad is returning this year
minus two of last year's mainstays
— notably Frank Heter and Tom
Roberts, both unable to swim due
to ineligibility but they are back in
coaching roles. Consequently the
new nucleus is Kevin Ahem, Steve
Bonawilz, Joe Shore, and diver Bill
"Many of the guys feel thai this
year's team is stronger than last
year's. We'll have a somewhat slow
start but watch out for next
semester, when we'll be at our
peak," said assistant coach I leiui.
"With the experience of some of
the returning swimmers, and some
good clutch performances by Ihc
newcomers it looks like wc might be
able to be respectable competition
this year," said junior backstrokcr
Shore. Ahern added, "This is a new
season for me and I feel that with
the combination of experience,
depth and talented new swimmers
wc can pull off some suprises."
The team has many new faces
(hat could make Ihcm "a real
respectable January-February dual
meet team," added White.
freshman," according to White.
Free-styler Frank Kozakiewicz from
Albany High "has real good
freestyle credentials who has the
ability to really develop into a quality 50-yard to 200-yard frcestyler,"
White said.
"It's been rough in the beginning
with my studies but the coach has
helped me a lot. 1 feel that I can
really help the team. I've set a goal
already for myself and that's to
break Ahern's 100-yard freestyle
record. It looks like we're going to
do real well this year," says
Another freshman standout is
Lenny Shoob from Merrick, L.I.
"He is a brcasi slroker by trade
with middle to distance swimming
capabilities. Lenny can swim
anywhere from a 50 to a 1650-yard
race. He's really going to be a key
man on the team especially lo supplement Joe Shore who is the
team's standout brcasi slroker,"
While said.
"These two guys can realistically
be fighting for conference championship awards in lite breast
stroke. Lenny has fresh driving enthusiasm and a combination of thai
and Joe's experience . . . Lenny is a
key man for I can literally move him
to any event lo fill possible holes,"
White said.
Junior transfer from Navy, Phil
Albright, "shows real good potential
workouts,"said White. "We're
counting on Kozakiewicz and
Albright to help us in the free sprint
Another junior transfer from
Spring Valley Is Neil Ullmaii
originally from East Carolina
University. Due lo eligibility rules
Neil won't be able to swim in the
first semester meets but White feels,
"Neil is probably the best first year
prospect we ever had in our swim
program. He swims the backstroke,
breaststroke, along with the individual medley. His freestyle times
are quite outstanding for Division
III competition. He'll be right there
with Kevin Ahern. His times are as
fast as Steve Bonawitz's in the
backstroke,"White said. "This
could be a good push for Steve to
maintain his status as our number
one backstrokcr."
"Neil's personal best in the individual medley is 2:02.0, which is
well under Albany's school
Irish Prisoners Remembered
record," said White.
Bonawitz commented "Neil's
presence will make me work just
that much more harder towards the
SUNYAC's. We've got some goodlooking young prospects with some
real solid potential, but it will depend on how much wc really want it
— 1 mean the depth is here but
we're going to have to work."
Dave Motola has really come into his own this year, said White.
"He'll be a real contributor to the
team this year. His workouts now
continued on page seventeen
by Wayne Peereboom
Assemblymen. Later in thai sesA crowd of approximately 80 sion, Moore said, Ihc Assembly
gathered at the Empire State Plaza passed a resolution supporling Ihe
on Saturday as part of a nationwide hunger striking prisoners. Moore
"Day of Solidarity" to show sup- said copies of thai resolution will be
port for seven prisoners who are on sent to Governor Hugh Carey, ihc
a hunger strike in Northern Ireland. British Consolale and lo Ihc
Albany's demonstration was prisoners themselves.
organized by the "Irish Coalition"
which is an informal organization
Moore explained that (he
of six Irish groups in this area, ac- prisoners began their hunger sirike
cording lo leader John Moore. The on Ociober26, demanding thai they
Albany demonstrators listened to be given "Political Prisoner
speeches al Ihc Plaza before mar- Status" by the British. Moore said
ching lo the Stale Assembly, where Ihcy are currenlly classified as
they heard speeches by supporting criminals, even I hough ihcy claim
r.7'.i..-,'---..-f.', r—•^-~..-v.-:aas.>wfthHiJ
Vol. LXVII No. 46
November 25, 1980J
It was by no
"successful" year.
All right, the Danes were 5-5;
that's .500 ball. But the only teams
that arc concerned about being .500
arc those that aren't usually too
good, the ones that spend most of
their time under .500. The Albany
State varsity football team certainly
does not fit into that category. The
last time Albany fell near or under
that was in 1976 — the year before
they went to the national playoffs.
"I'm grossly dissatisfied," said
Albany head football coach Bob
19110 by Altiiin) Mudrni l'rr-is CnuHirHtinn
Three Circle Scufflers Arraigned
l>y Hell) Cummunitu
Three men arrested al the circle
Nov, 15 alter being involved in a
scuffle with six police officers were
arraigned Saturday morning, Nov.
16, in the Albany P6lfcc Court.
A preliminary hearing has been
scheduled today for Richard Kamcc
of 958 Madison Ave., charged witJi
assault, harassment, resisting arrest, and obstructing governmental
The nucleus of last year's edition of Ihe men's swimming lenm returns this year after a very impressive 9-4
1979-80 season, including an overall fourth place finish at SUNYACs. (Photo: Bill Krauss),
Questions Had To Be Answered, And Still Do
Ford. "Wc don'l ever want to be
satisfied with 5-5," he continued,
calling Ihc season, "Ihe tips and
downs of 1980."
There are olhcr similarities between 1980 and 1976, when Ihc
Danes went 4-5. Thai was the last
time that Albany lost their first Iwo
ballgamcs — before this year. Coincidenlally, those losses were to Ihe
same teams both times.
Albany by no means had il easy
lo begin with. Graduation look
away an explosive quarlerback, and
a core of top-notch, experienced
defensive personnel, What they
were left with was a senior at the
helm of the wishbone, who had all
the physical tools he needed to
make the offense go, but lacked the
ever-important game lime necessary
lo perfect those skills. There was
still a capable crew manning the
Dane 4-4, bin injuries decimated
that contingent rather early.
Besides their personnel situations, the Danes had another thing
to think about right away — Ithaca
Defending National Champs, top
ranked in the country, and Albany
had them first on the schedule.
Ford felt that there was probably no
good time to play the Bombers, and
he was probably right. The Danes
played what was their best losing effort. The final score was 40-21, but
Albany trailed by a mere six points
with 13 minutes left in the game.
Ithaca just pulled away, though.
"We had enough opportunities,"
Ford noted.
The next week brought Southern
Connecticut, and the hopes that if
Albany could put together another
performance similar to the one
pholu; Shelf) f ' u h r n
"Day of Solidarity" march al Ihe Empire Stale Plaza
A*crowd of 80 remembers seven Irish prisoners.
Stule University of New York al Allium
by Bob Bellaflorc
that they are being held for
"political reasons." Speakers at the
Plaza noted that the prisoners
"prefer death rather than being
classified as criminals."
Speaker Jim Devine of Dublin,
Ireland said he Tell "The British
have a terrible record of inhumanity
and serious mistrcnlmenl in Northern Ireland. Wc want to encourage the (U.S.) government lo
speak out against il."
The Irish Prisoners of War
(IPOW) Committee sponsor
demonstrations in 17 other U.S.
cities on Saturday. The next sel of
demonstrations arc scheduled for
December 6. Il is not known
whether a demonstration will be
held in Albany al that lime.
against Ithaca, a win would be in
store. But the offense sputtered,
couldn't produce a touchdown/and
the Danes dropped their second in a
row, 6-2, even with a thrilling, finalminute length-of-thc-field drive
that fell short.
was'a team thai Albany needed to
have, and. needed to beat — which
they did with mechanical efficiency.
There were a lot of aspects of the
Albany game that had not yet come
to the fore. The Danes had a
"stable" of great runningbacks, as
Ford put it. They had not yel
established themselves as a dominant force in a game. The special
learns, an area that Ford fell could
and should turn games around,
wasn't yet a factor.
Against Brockport, the wishbone
churned out 370 yards on Ihc
ground, and put 42 points on the
scoreboard (even with three
touchdowns being called back).
Albany defensive back Don Bowcn
returned punts for an average of 27
yards per try, and rar) one back for
a 53-yard touchdown. Some signs
were there, but a few were still missing, and they were the key ingredients thai most of the season lacked — consistency , and intensity.
phuln; Math Niillfr
"1 felt that we (the coaches) had
blown that ballgamc," Ford said in
disgust. "Oh-and-two — that's probably not the best way to start
It certainly wasn't, and if there
was a perfect time for the schedule
to provide some mercy, it was at
this point, in week three.
The Danes traveled lo Brockport
lo face a Golden Eagle squad thut
maybe wasn't up to par with
Albany's other' competition, but
Willi Fordham came a glimpse of
what was necessary as far as intensity goes. After leading 9-0, Albany
fell behind 14-9, with nine minutes
remaining in the game. The Danes
then inarched 76 yards in 16 plays
for the score, and a 17-14 victory.
"I didn't think wc could pull it
off," Ford suid afterwards.
The other half of those two
crucial components — consistency
— was shown not to be evident
when Albany went to Buffalo to
play the thcn-nationally ranked
Bulls. This lime, the Danes were
ahead by a 24-8 score at the half.
Albany was totally dominating
play, rolling off 218 rushing yards
in the first two quarters to Buffalo's
56. "We looked as good as a foot-
ball team can against a strong
defense," Ford noted about
Albany's first half In Ihat game.
But as became more obvious as
the season progressed, Ihc Danes
were unable to put together Iwo
good halves of football, Mistakes
enabled the Bulls to get two
touchdowns in the second half, and
really give Albany a scare. But Ihe
Danes held on to win, 27-24.
Homecoming brought Albany
some more easy pickings. A not-sogood Cortland squad fell victim to a
hot Dane offense. After gaining 445
yards in total offense the week
before, Albany cranked up for an
incredible 572 yards total, and 552
continued on page eighteen
phote; Mark Nadlrr
SL'NVA Department of Public Sufely
Director Henigfian says officers were justified.
phUllll lln.lllllf klll.ll.njl
Scoll DcLong and Kevin DcLong
of 70.1 Hudson Ave., charged with
obstructing governmental administration while trying lo prevent
Ramce's arrest, were put on proba- incident, SA Vice President Brian
tion until May 18, 1981.
Levy, senior Scoll Greer, and senior
Ramcc was approached by ofMarshall Garcia, stated they fell the
ficers al 1:30 a.m. after lie "gave officers Were physically abusive of
them the finger and made obscein: ihe three youths. Levy called a
remarks," according to Assistant
meeting with Ilenighan, Public
Directoi of the Department of
Safely Director James Williams,
Public Safely John Ilenighan. The
and Vice President for Business and
officers asked him for identificaFinance John Hariigan to "voice
tion, which he gave to them reluc(his) disgust al ihe incident."
tantly, Ilenighan suid.
Ramcc then allegedly attempted
"Wc had basically the same
to run away. The ensuing scuffle in- story, but Ilenighan said ihe police
volved Ramcc, his two friends, and were right. He said they had to be
six officers, according to witnesses. physical because the students were
Three witnesses who were waiting drunk. I said they weren't
for a SUNY bus al ihe time of the justified," Levy said.
Students to Sue for Dutch Fire Losses
by Bruce Levy
not be cleaned up until ihcy can
The residents of the suite where a "find a good lawyer lo sue Ihe
fire originated last week on Dutch school,"
Quad intend to sue the.University
Perry complains of losing nearly
for damage done lo their belong- half his clothing, a stereo, a tape
deck "box" worth $250, and other
The sludents also conlcnd that personal belongings. Gutierrez adclihe account of the events surroun- "ed lhal Julio Medina, Perry's roomding Ihc fire given by the Dirccloi male, lost a tote bag thai contained
of Residence "was totally inac- 21 pairs of name brand jeans, a
stereo system, over $150 in cash,
The University should be respon- and mosl of his clothing.
sible, but we've been lokl they have
They feel that Director of
no insurance on lost property," say
Residence Paul Doyle has
Angel Gutierrez and Mark Perry,
underplayed Iheir side of Ihc story
Iwo of Ihc sludents from Ihc suite.
by claiming ihcy only lost a few
They have asked thai iheir room
things, and that he was inaccurate
concerning oilier details,
Gutierrez said thai he and his
girlfriend were in his room, he said,
when RA Elana Susto came in.
He said Saslo did not "follow the
standard procedure of checking
eacli room" as Doyle reported. He
said he saw smoke coming from
under Ihe door of the suite's other
bedroom, and that Saslo "was
afraid to go in," He then opened
the door, saw a lol of smoke, did
not see anyone in the room, and
While Doyle claimed that the fire
was not electrical in origin, Gutierrez, Perry, Medina and Iheir fourth
suilematc Lionel Hamilton all feel
Ami. Safely Dlr. Scliarl
the fire was caused by a faulty elecBacks Doyle's story.
trical socket.
Gutierrez said lite socket was
"always shorting out" and lhat the
University suid Ihcy had fixed it.
However, Assistant Director of
Public Safely Karl Scliarl lends lo
agree more with Doyle's story.
Arson Investigation teams from
the Albany Fire Department, the
Guilderland Police Department,
and officials from the Public Safely
Department were all on the scene
after the fire was extinguished, and
agreed the fire was not electrical.
"No marks were found on ihe electrical wires in llie room, and Ihc
face plate of Ihc outlet was not
charred," said Scliarl. Scliarl added
thai some substance was found on
ihe floor and was sent lo be analyzed.
Doyle slill stands by mosl of his
earlier facls, adding thai discrepancies arose "due to a misunderstanding." Reclaimed lo be unaware of.
the students belief that the fire was
cuuscd by an outlet and that the
students planned to sue. He said lie
would "look Into these matters."
Doyle added that it is University'
policy that belongings in a room are
the responsibility of the individual.
"The students would need to
demonstrate negligence on the part
of the University," he said.
Quad Coordinator Gaylc Orlffith, from who Doyle says he
received his facls, says she was "nol
Involved in ihc fire itself." "I questioned Ihc RA about the events
heading to Ihe discovery of the fire
and reported them to Doyle,"she
RA Saslo was unavailable for
Griffith further wished lo correct
the faci thai Ihc Soviet Exchange
Program had been cancelled. One
suite held on reserve for Ihc exchange students simply wasn'l being occupied al Ihc time of the fire,
she said.
jiii.iin: Mik. Firrcll
Residence Dir. Doyle
Claims accuracy
SUNYA Student Killed
In Accident Near Campus
by Susan Milligan
A 25-year-old SUNYA graduate student was killed yesterday in an
automobile accident on Washington Avenue near the uptown campus,
according lo Albany Police.
Police said the student, James Smith, had apparently pulled out onto Washington Ave. at about 10:20 a.m. yesterday via an extension by
Colonial Quad when he collided with another car traveling westward
down Washington Ave.
Smith's car then skidded into a pole and Smith was thrown 30 feet
onto the pavement. The other car slid into some trees and its driver
was also ejected from his car.
According to Bill Slattery, a 5-Quad member who was present at the
scene, Smith died at the site and the driver of the other car is in good
condition at Albany Medical Center.
Slattery noted lhat "if Smith had been wearing a scut belt, he prob a b l y would have lived."
. J
Would CApsuUs
L.L*s Margiotta Convicted
NEW YORK, N.Y. (AP) Joseph Margiotta, ihe Nassau
Republican chairman, was indicted Monday in connection with a $500,000 insurance kickback scheme, the
U.S. attorney In Brooklyn said. U.S. Attorney Edward
Korman said & federal grand jury had returned a sixcount indictmerit charging that Margiotta used his influence to place insurance for the county and the Town
of Hempstead with a broker of record in return for a
percentage of the insurance commissions. The broker of
record was identified as Richard B. Williams & Son,
Inc., of Hicksville. According to the indictment, the
agency could have lowered the cost of insurance to Ihe
county and town by lowering its commissions in return
for lower premiums but it was never required to do so.
The indictment said certain of the commissions were
funneled back lo Margiotta and others to insurance
agencies that Margiotta designated. In some cases those
agencies did no work for the money, it said.
Gulf War in 10th Week
BAGHDAD, Iraq (AP) Iran claimed its forces routed an
Iraqi brigade from Ihe town of Susangcrd' on the
southern war front, while Iraq said its paratroopers and
helicopter gunships smashed an Iraqi counterattack at
the northern end of the 300-mile invasion front. As Ihe
war entered its 10th week, Iran also reported Iraqi artillery bombardment of besieged Abadan started new
fires in Ihe big oil refinery on Ihe Shall al-Arab estuary.
Pars, Ihe official Iranian news agency, said President
Abolhassan Bani-Sadr told it Iranian troops killed
400-450 Iraqi troops, destroyed 20 enemy tanks and captured seven others at Susangerd Sunday. "The infidels
fled in chaos, leaving behind scores of burning tanks," |
Pars said. Meanwhile, the Iraqi military command
reported rocket-firing helicopter gunships at the northern end of 'he war zone killed 50 Iranians and
destroyed four tanks and three other vehicles in Ihe hills
overlooking Iraqi positions al Oilan Oarb. It said 95 Iranians were killed in other fighting Sunday. Both sides
reported an Iranian air attack Sunday on northern Iraq,
bul Baghdad claimed only a civilian car was damaged
and its driver wounded. Iran claimed its planes
destroyed an electric power station, a chemical plain,
and a cement factory near Iraq's borders with Turkey
and Syria.
Reagan's Son Secret Groom
NEW YORK, N.Y. (AP) Ronald P. Reagan, the
22-ycar-old dancer son of the president-elect, married
his live-in girlfriend Monday without telling his parents
in advance, a friend of the couple said. Reagan and
Doria Palmicri were married In a civil ceremony, said
the friend, who asked not lo be identified. The couple
had lived together in Greenwich Village since January.
President-elect Ronald Reagan and his wife, Nancy,
were not told of (he marriage in advance, the friend
said, terming the marriage an "elopement." He said'no
honeymoon i r celebration was planned and that "it will
be just business as usual." Young Reagan is a dancer
with the Joffrcy II dancers, a training troupe for Ihe
Joffrey Ballet. Mrs. Reagan, 29, is a researcher.
Murderer Sen tenced
JOHNSTOWN, N.Y. (AP) John Hopkins, found guilty
earlier this month in the 1976 kidnapping and slabbing
death of a Glovcrsville girl, was sentenced today to 25
years to life imprisonment on each of three counts.
Hopkins had been accused of rape, kidnap and murder
in the slaying of Cecelia Genatiempo, 17, in July of
1976. The rape charge was later dropped. A Fulton
County jury found him guilty Nov. 7 of second degree
murder, felony murder and kidnapping. Hopkins, 27,
displayed no outward emotions as he was sentenced by
Judge Mario M. Albanese. The three terms will run concurrently.
T h e A S P won't
c o m e o u t ajfal n 'til
Friday, December 5.
Everyone h a v e a
Happy Turkey I
Reagan Man Meet Hussein
AMMAN, Jordan (AP) The prospect of a meeting between Ronald Reagan and King Hussein of Jordan is uppermost in the minds of Arab leaders opening the Arab
League's 11th summit comference in Amman Tuesday,
Arab diplomatic sources report. "Reagan's stated intention to hold talks with King Hussein is certainly a
positive step," said a diplomat from the United Arab
Emirates. "The summit is expected to give the king an
open mandate to talk to Reagan on behalf of all Arab
slates." An Iraqi diplomat said the meeting would vole
a joint mandate lo the Jordanian monarch and a
representative of the Palestine Liberation Organization
lo discuss the Arab-Israeli conflict with the new U.S.
leader. Reagan suggested in a post-election statement
that he would give priority after taking office Jan. 20 to
a meeting with King Hussein. Bul he rejected any dealings with the PLO, saying il is a terrorist organization.
Earthquake Rocks Italy
NAPLES, Italy (AP) A series of devastating earthquakes battered Southern Italy Sunday, killing al least
773 people in cities, towns and villages, and injuring
more than 1,000, officials reported loday. Thousands
were homeless after shivering through a foggy, freezing
night outside their collapsed homes. Rescue efforts were
hampered by damage lo roads and rail lines. One of the
worst catastrophes hit the small town of Balvano, 60
miles cast of Naples, where the walls of the church of
Sanla Maria Assunta collapsed on an evening Mass filled with children. More than 50 bodies were removed
from Ihe rubble, half of them children. Firemen were
able lo save a two-year-old boy, still holding a toy^car,
from the church rubble. Next to him, his grandparents
had been crushed to death under the stones. But
fragmentary reports from the town of Santa Angelo dei
Lonibardi In Avellino province indicated 300 persons
perished in Ihal town. Pescopagano, another povertystricken small town in Ihe province of Avellino, reporled
70 bodies had been recovered front the debris. The
quake, measuring 6.8 on the Richlcr Scale, deslroyed
hundreds of buildings, including a 10-story apartment
house in Naples.
Klansman Teaches Killing
HOUSTON, Texas (AP) A southeast Texas paramilitary
camp run by a Ku Klux Klan advisor and a convicted
felon is leaching Explorer scouts and Civil Air Palrol
cadets how lo kill, according lo ihe Houston Chronicle.
From 12 lo 30 Explorers and cadets have learned how lo
strangle people, decapitate enemies with machetes and
fire semi-auioinatic weapons, the Chronicle reported
Sunday. "We're not teaching these boys how to snipe,"
contended John Bryant, who was convicted of illegal
sale of automatic weapons last January in Memphis.
"They only shool a few rounds, not proficiently by any
means." Bryant's probated sentence docs not allow him
to handle guns, probation officer Rick Esplnosa told the
Chronicle. Partner Joe Bogarl, a Klan member for Iwo
ycais, said he choked other Marines Into unconsciousness during boot camp training. Bul "we
didn't have Ihe boys choke each other. We just showed
them how to do it," he said. The Youths come from the
CAP unit at Ellington Air Force Base and Explorers
{ i l l t)-»-U-U-l)-H-it- -U-U U B B-P-U-U-UJ
You Don 'tNeed it Anyway
Telethon '81 is sponsoring a Food-Fast on all five
quads on Wednesday, December 10. If you give up your
UAS dinner for that night (what a sacrifice!), UAS will
donate a percentage of Ihe meal's cost to Telethon.
Sign-up tonight or after Thanksgiving on quad dinner
And while we're on the topic of Telethon . . .
Telethon is now accepting T-shirt designs for this
year's theme: Taking Time To Care. Drop off your
designs in the Telethon box in the SA office.
Scout Post 2125 at the base. Several parenls said their
sons told them Bryant and Bogart made racial slurs and
frequently lectured on guerrilla warfare, the Chronicle
said. The post was supposed to be teaching scouts about
military careers, said Don Townsend, director of the
Houston Explorer program. Advisors are checked out
by the FBI "lo sec that they" are staunch, upstanding
citizens," Townsend added. He said the FBI relumed a
"positive report" on Bogart. If unorthodox activities
are discovered, then "our action would be to pull the
charier completely," he said.
Clean-up Begins atMGM
LAS VEGAS, Nevada (AP) As gawkers photographed
the charred wreckage of the deadly fire al the MGM
Grand Hotel and guards stood by lo fend off looters,
operators of the hotel said it would reopen in seven
months with all its former glitter. Bul Fred Bennlngcr,
chairman of the board of MGM Grand Hotels, Inc.,
wouldn't say Sunday whether the new MGM Grand
woufd include smoke detectors or sprinklers in all
rooms. The hold had sprinklers only on the first two
floors and the 26th floor and guests said they heard no
alarms before choking black smoke filled the 26-story
building Friday. The fire, the second worst ever in an
American hold, killed 83 people and injured more than
500. Clark County Coroner Otlo Ravcnholt said he did
not expect thai any more bodies would turn up. "It may
have been a blessing in disguise" that the alarm system
did not go offal Ihe MGM Grand, Benninger said. "A
lot of gucsls would have gone into the hallways and suffocated from ihe smoke. Slaying in their rooms may
have saved them," Benninger contended.
November 25, 1980
Half of "Tangents" Lost in Mix-up
by Judie Elsenberg
A delivery mix-up with the Campus. Loading Dock caused almost
half of 5,000 Tangent Magazines to
be misplaced and possibly
,. destroyed before they were
distributed last week, Tangent coeditor Laura Deutsch reported.
The magazines were supposed to
have been placed in the Campus
Center Lobby, Humanities Lounge,
Alumni Quad, and Flag Rooms on
the four Uptown Quads early last
week. According lo Deutsch, Ihe
magazines were never distributed
on State, Dutch, Colonial, or
•Alumni Quads.
Steve Anthony of the Main
Loading Dock denied the mix-up
was his fault. "1 delivered the
magazines as a favor — I don't normally do ihis for students," he said
"I personally took my own car to
the (Quad) receiving docks. It's Ihe
students' fault if they didn't go pick
them u p . "
Deutsch, however, said she "had
called the Quad offices and told the
loading docks to put the magazines
out in the Flag Rooms. I was under
the impression that the Quads
would put them out and not leave
them to rot," she added. "But I.
guess we can't assume anything."
Deutsch and her co-editor
Michclc Israel became concerned
when they didn't see Tangent
around campus by the middle of
last week.
"I kepi calling up the Quad
Loading Docks," Deutsch said.
"Three of them said they never
received them."
Francis Hoban of the Indian
Quad Loading Dock said Ihey
received the magazines last Tuesday, but didn't know where lo put
them. "There were no instructions," Hoban said, "so we called
the Quad Secretary. She got inslruetins back lo us and we put the
magazines out in Ihe Flag Room."
Iran Wants 'Yes" or "'No'
(AP) Iran says Ihe first U.S. reply lo its conditions foi
the release of the 52 American hostages is unsatisfactory, and il wants a "clear and explicit" yes or no,
reports from Tehran say. Iran's official reply to Ihe U.S.
response to the demands made by Ayatullah Ruhollah
Khomeini and the Majlis, Iran's parliament, was
delivered Saturday in Tehran to Algerian officials for
transmission lo the United Stales. The Algerians look
them to Algiers, but there was no indication when they
would be handed over lo American officials and
whether Ihe delivery would be made in Algiers or
Talking Head-hunting
Poet, Translator, and Anthropologist Carol Rubenslein will speak loday aboul her experiences as a women
among Ihe head-hunting Dayak tribe of Borneo, and her
work in collecting and translating Dayak poetry.
Rubcnslcin will read some Dayak poetry, which include science fiction space epics and ritual poems ol
healing, as well as her own poetry about her experiences
with the Bayak tribe.
The prcscntalion will be held at 4 p.m. loday in Social
Science 145.
Exam Schedule Revised
Rhetorician Expounds
The final examination schedule has been revised and
posted, with finals beginning on Tuesday, December 16,
and continuing until Tuesday the 23rd. The lime of the
exam is based upon the day and time of each class.
Schedules can be found in various locations around
campus, such as in the Campus Center Information
Desk and the Registrar's Office.
Dr. Steven E. Toulman, British philosopher and
author, lectured before Rhetoric and Communication
(RCO) professors and students last Friday on his
theories of philosophy and rhetoric.
Toulman spoke about the history of Western thought
with particular emphasis on logic, as well as on his
analysis of argumentation and its uses.
Toulman's argumentative model, as well as his textbook The Logic of Reasoning is used in the RCO
The' guest speaker for Ihe December graduation will
be Dr. Thomas J. Lurkin, better known as T.J.
The ceremony will be held on Sundoy, December 14
from I p.m. to 2 p.m. in the Campus Center ballroom.
The ceremony will be followed by a reception for class
of 1981 December graduates and their families and
T.J. Picked to Speak
Colonial Quad received the
magazines and later threw them
out, according to John Palilonis of
the Colonial Quad Loading Dock.
"They were laying around for a
week and nobody picked them up
or told us what lo do with them,"
he said. "They sat through the
snow storm and wc didn't think
anyone would claim them."
Palilonis said he did not know
why Colonial's Loading Dock
didn't attempt lo gel delivery Instructions as Indian's had.
Bob Burke of Ihe Dutch Quad
Loading Dock said he never received the magazines. "They pick up
trash here. For all I know it may
have been thrown out," he said.
"Wc don't normally deliver
things for studenis here," Burke
continued. "That's supposed lo go
through the Posl Office, or else
they could have delivered' it
themselves to the Flag Room."
Deutsch noted that they had in
5,000 etipies of Tangent were printed.
Almost 2,500 copies never reached four quads.
fact delivered the magazines
themselves last year, but they decided lo use the Loading Dock Ihis
year to save effort.
Although Tangent's funding,
which comes mainly from the sale
of advertisements; was not affected
by the loss of. thousands of
magazines, money used for priming
Tangent was lost, Israel said. "The
printing fee was over $100, and half
of the 5,000 printed copies didn't
get distributed," she said.
According lo Deutsch, Anthony
firs! told Tangent member Dave
Blum that he would deliver the
magazines before the weekend if
they were al Ihe Loading Dock early
Friday 'morning, When Deutsch
continued on page eleven
WCDB to Sponsor Senate Debate
"Gang ofFour " Trial Begins
PEKING, China Two members of the "Gang of Four"
went before Ihe special courl in Peking loday lo admit
their part in helping lo wreck China's economy, plotting
to usurp power and persecuting tens of thousands of
their countrymen, including the wily political survivor
who now leads the nation. The Foreign Ministry announced lhat the show trial of the radical leaders of the
Cultural Revolution resumed with the Interrogation of
Wang Hongwen, a former vice chairman of the Chinese
Communis! Parly, and Yao Wcnyuan, another former
member of the party Politburo, before an audience of
aboul 600 people. They were reported lo have confessed
to the charges against them. The other two radical
leaders in the Gang of Four, Mao Tse-tung's widow,
Jiang Qing, and former Vice Premier Zhang Chunqiao,
are on trial with them on the same charges.
Page Three,
Albany Student Pres:,
WCDB News Director Steven Gross
Says forum will aid in exchange of ideas.
by Wayne Pecrchnom
WCDB will sponsor a forum on
student involvement on the University Senate on December 2 in Ihe
Campus Center Ballroom, according-to WCDB news director Steven
One faculty member and one student will represent each of Ihe Ihrce
viewpoints that will be discussed,
Gross explained. The opposing
positions, Gross said, will be maintaining a status quo on Ihe Senate,
providing a "distinctive voice" for
faculty, and giving facuity a dominant position on Ihe .Senate. Gross
said ihe participants will begin with
a speech and then answer questions
from a panel.
Gross said Ihe student parlicipanls have been selected by
WCDB and SA President Sue Gold.
The faculty participants, he said,
were selected by Senale Committee
Chuir Kendall Birr.
"The forum," Gross said, "is intended to fill a void ihal has existed
in terms of providing a constructive
means for the exchange of views."
Date for Miller Suit
Against SA Postponed
by Beth Cammarata
The trial dale of the suit being brought against Student Association
(SA) by Alan Manning Miller for breach of contract has been postponed, according to defending lawyer Lewis Oliver.
Miller is suing SA following involvement in preliminary Interviews
for a part-lime position as SA lawyer which, Oliver said, "he
misconstrued lo mean Ihal he had been hired. Basically, he's trying lo
rip off SA by claiming Ih ••< he had a contract with litem."
"Miller asked for an adjournment because he had business in some
other court," Oliver said.
Witnesses will be former SA President Paul Pcldman, former Central Council Chair Dave Ruffo, SA Attorney Jack Lester, and other
previous members of SA, Oliver said.
"I have not yet been notified of the new trial dale. The trial should
lake one or Iwo days. I think we have an excellent chance of winning,"
he said.
The case is being tried in the Supreme Courl of Nassau County,
located in Mincola.
Faculty Cast Vote on Student Reps
SA, SU and NYPIRG Lobby
by Ken Gordon
concerning student representation,
Yesterday was the deadline for ranging from Ihe elimination of stufaculty to turn in their advisory dent representatives to the conballots on student representation on tinuation of student representation
ihe University Senate, according lo as it now stands. '
Senale Nominations and Elections'
Birr estimated that the committee
Committee Chairperson Kendall will receive 300 ballots from a
potential voting faculty body of
The referendum offered a 1,100."I find ihe response pretty
number of choices to ihe faculty gratifying," he said.
According lo SA President Sue
Gold a student lobbying effort has
been organized by SA, Student
Union, and NYPIRG.
The goal of the lobbying has been
to talk to faculty members and
sircss the Importance of student
representation, "What we are finding," said Gold "is that Ihe faculty are just not aware."
According to Birr Ihe resulls of
Ihe referendum should be available
after the committee's nexl meeting
Ihis Monday.
Tuberculosis: An Old Disease Not Yet Dead
by Dr. Janet Hood
To keep students informed about
health issues, Ihe ASP will run a biweekly health column written by
Dr. Janet Hood, Director of the
SUNYA Student Health Service.
employee on campus was newsworthy.
Historically, the bones of
Neolithic man tell us the disease is
at least that old and Egyptian mummies often showed ravages of T.B,
Hippocrates often wroie of ihe
"phthisis," but Aristotle was ap£ NEWS FEATURE parently
the first to recognize its infectiousness. Only in 1819 when
Future columns will discuss topics Laennee developed the stethoscope
ranging from mononucleosis to were the sounds of luberculosis in
venereal diseases, A ny specific the lungs first described. In 1882
questions or suggestions relating to Koch demonstrated the tuberculosis
this or future columns should be ad- bacillus, ihe organism actually causdressed to the ASP news depart- ing the disease. In 1898 Theobold
.Smith described human and bovine
In this first column, Dr. Hood disease. The bovine type was
discussed tuberculosis in the light of transmitted through milk prior to
its recent discovery on campus.
pasteurization and tuberculin'
testing of herds and often led to
It is interesting that a disease
hone lesions; but the human type
which was the number one kilter in
lias been the cause of 95 percent of
ihe United Stales in 1900 is now so disease in this country which
little discussed publicly that the area generally involves the lungs with
news media thought a single case cough, hemorrhage, and cavily forpicked up recently in a food-service
mation. Its onset can be insidious
with very little excepi night, sweats
and late day fever to make the patient seek help.
Until 1944 when Waksman
discovered streptomycin, little
could be done for the 45.9/100,000
people (U.S.A.) who had the
disease, often young active
teenagers or adults, except to
seclude them for .months or even
years at rest in a sunny, quiet environment. If the organism entered
(he blood stream it led to military
T . B . , T . B . anywhere and
everywhere throughout the body,
often called "galloping consumption" because these unfortunates
died so quickly. In 1951 treatment
with isouiazid was developed, an
agent specific against the tubercle
bacillus leading lo a drop in incidence to 7.1/100,000 in 1958. improved treatment has led to a steady
decline in death rale to an almost
continued on page eleven
Stiuti'iii Health Service Dr. Janet Hood
Writes about the former number one killer dtseu
November 25, 1980-
Gloria's Only Nob Is On Screen
fQ very time I finish seeing a John that still doesn't stop It from being a crummy
Cassavetes movie, I vow that I'm movie.
^ - ^ never going to see another. Then
Gloria has a very simple storyline. A couthe next one comes out, it gets good reviews ple in trouble with the mob (Julie Cameron
and I know it will be my only chance to see and Buck Henry) ask Gloria, an ex-gun
Gena Rowlands, so I go and end up feeling moll who doesn't even like kids, to take care
suckered again.
of their 6 year old son before they get treated
to a Godfather-style execution. Gloria and
film then have to run for their lives through
the streets of New York, trying to avoid
Cassavetes is one of those writer-directors gangsters who want to kill the kid and get the
who tiles to make his films look like they
obligatory book of names, dates and places
weren't written or directed. He attempts a
that his father left him. Cassavetes sets up
documentary quality, but the out of focus
this simple, but by no means uninteresting
shots, the bodies roaming In front of the premise rather effectively In the first twenty
camera, and the excessive length of his
minutes and then drags it out for over two
"statements," seem more sloppy than
hours. We see Gloria and Phil gel into cabs.
anything else. They look like a mixture of
We see Gloria and Phil get out of cabs.
porno .movies without sex, and home
We're compelled when Gloria and Phil
modes made in someone's living room. The check into countless hotels. We're enthralled
last aspect is -accentuated by his use of • when they check out of them the next day.
friends and relatives In everything from
Perhaps best of all is the wav Gloria and Phil
leading roles to extras. Therein, however, get on and off buses. Every once In a while
lies part of Cassavetes' problem. He Is not to add a little action, Gloria shoots people or
just your average Joe talking about the prodoes something else to show how tough she
blems of the common man. His friends are
Is. This is quite simply a boring movie that
Peter Falk and Ben Gazzara and much of the
has no intellectual or emotional ramifications
New York theatrical communtiy.
whatsoever. It almost makes me wish for the
I have nothing against Cassavetes or his social pretentions of Cassavetes' previous
friends, and I don't begrudge his lifestyle. It's features, but only almost.
just that films like Faces and A Woman
This is obviously Cassavets idea of slummUnder the Influence, contrary to what he ing it with a fun. trashy kind of movie. Gloria
may think, have nothing to do with the com- isn't any fun and it's not particularly trashy. If
mon man and woman In today's society.
a no-name director made this movie it would
Well, with Gloria, Cassavetes gives his be called dull, contrived, predictable, senmethod a little technical polish and takes the timental, and derivative, but because it's
sociological aspects out of the storyline, but Cassavetes, it suddenly becomes a touching,
Mark Rossier
carefully paced homage to the gangster
movies of Hollywood's Golden Age. This
kind of double standard Is bullshit. A bad
movie Is bad no matter who makes It — and
Gloria Is bad.
When I reviewed 10, I said that Julie A n drews and Gena Rowlands should dump
their husbands (professionally) and start
looking for projects worthy of their talents;
After seeing this, I stand by it. Rowlands is
one of the most gifted actresses working today and except for an occasional role in a
T.V. movie, she works almost exclusively for
Cassavetes. It's as understandable as it is un-_
fortunate; Cassavetes writes certain projects
exclusively as showcases for her Incredible
talent. Opening Night and A Woman Under
the Influence (in which she was magnificent)
'lowlands u
were tailor-made for her. There Is nowhere
Gloria: an exelse that an actress gets that kind of treatceptional acment so she keeps giving life, to his projects.
t r e s s , stuck In
Here she embodies everything that the film
was meant to be — she's witty, strong,
touching, and Just a little bit campy. It's a
h e r by
great performance. John Adams, who plays
husbandPhil, is another story. This kid is as obnoxwriterious and talentless as he is inexpressive. I
director John
realize it's not exactly fair to take pot shots at
a 6 year old, but this boy gives one of the
worst children's performances I've ever seen.
Obviously not every child can be Justin
Conti's score, highlighted by Tony Ortega's
Henry, but it would have been nice if
fine sax solos, is pulsing on as il il were the
Cassavetes could have found one who could
chase scenes in Bullitt. The score nevei
say lines convincingly.
seems to fit the action, bui maybe we
Bill Conti's excessively dramatic score is
shouldn't blame Conii too heavily, because
indicative of most of the film. During the
the only sound that would fit Gloria's anion
opening sequence of shots of New York,
is a snore.
They Bled Purple
But The Sage Is New Riding High
/T7" riday nighi. the assemblage a! J.B.
Scott's was treated to a most ex^-^
cellent performance by the New
Riders of the Purple Sage. Riding high from
completion of a new album, their first in two
and one half years, the Riders have been
Ellis Albright
bounding their best in recent appearance?
Buddy Cage's sparkling pedal steel work, the
highlight of the show, flowed effortlessly
through the two sets which were comprised
of old favorites, and new material from the
soon to be released Feehn' All Right, their
eleventh album
Since Buddy Cage's return to the Riders In
January (following one and one half years
absence of doing stints with the Novato
Frank Band and the San Francisco All
Stars?. he has become the musical center of
the Riders sound; a unique blend of country
and rock, with a certain quality all their own.
They have grown to a six man band with the
addition of Michael White on bass. Allen
Kemp has moved from bass to his natural instrument, guitar, while John Dawson is now
playing acoustic guitar again. Rounding out
the band are Dave Nelson on lead guitar.
Patrick Shanahan on drums, and of course,
Juddy Cage on p -dal steel guitar. Dawson
and Nelson are original members, and Cage
joined in November 1971 as Jerry Garcia's
replacement. Patrick Shanahan joined in
mid 1977 after Spencer Dryden became the
band's manager. Allen Kemp replaced Skip
Battin In July 1978. while the newest
member, Mike White, started playing In July
19S0, With three guitars being used, there is
a renewed freshness in the sound — very full
and tight knit
The first set included three songs from the
Boz Scaggs Hisses The
Target With " H i t s "
It was 1976. more specifically the summer of 1976. that Boz Scaggs set in motion the
heart and minds of a generation of teenagers. Silk Degrees was the portent of the future
— it had rock, soul, and even disco in a style that quickly launched Boz from the bargain
rack to the top of the charts. Incidentally, the only other album that scaled as high that
summer was Fleetwood Mac's monumental Fleetwood Mac.
As it turned out. Silk Degrees became the lone bright flash in a sea of the artist's oblivion.
Audience interest sparked queries into this man's musical past, but most efforts drew a
blank. Similarly, the two albums that followed bore nothing of the talent exhibited in Silk,
li was just a fluke, most reasoned, a successful experiment in style, but just an experiment.
It is 1980, getting very close to the gift-giving time, and a year when current mediocrity
forces the re-release of many greats (and no-so-greats). Witness the second coming of
Heart, Fleetwood Mac, The Doors, Supenramp, and yes, Boz Scaggs.
The album is called Hits, and it contains eight of the perhaps twelve Scaggs songs that
have received airplay. Two songs come from albums preceding Silk Degrees and three are
from fofiow-ups (including Urban Cowboy's "Look What You've Done to Me"), leaving
three from Silk and one previously unreleased cut.
Hits misses the point. If any purpose could be given to a Boz Scaggs greatest hits album,
it should be to present a history of a lesser known artist — evenly balanced, even if it
means glossing over some of the popular stuff. Instead of being a portrait, though. Hits is
an abstract. The datelines bounce through a decade faster than H.G. Wells could have
dreamed Bui the fixation remains with 76's chart topper and this year's Middle Man.
I don't know if this album was Boz Scaggs' Idea, or if it's an exec's way to balance the
books, but it is a cheap attempt. If you or anyone on your shopping list wants some Boz.
buy Sifk Degrees — it shows what good production and arrangement can d o . But by all
Vmeans. skip Hits
- Ron Levy '„
first record and five off the new one. about a Hawaiian and California marijuana
"Glendale Train." "Fifteen Days Under the dealer, a favorite K i«?r subject, and
H o o d , " and the dope smuggler's anthem. " M i n g e w o o d Blues the traditional version
"Henry." — all Rider standards, started sung by Dave Nelson,
i wt
, . : . next The
things off on a very positive note. The title following four songs
track from Feelin' All Right was next. Allen finally got the audic1
Kemp took the vocals for " N o Other Love" and clapping along "Lo
and "Tell M e . " while John Dawson sang Cowboy" and "Panama R<
"The Way She Dances" and "Sara L y n n . " crowd, which was very laid i
All four songs will probably appear on the the two sets, just what was n
to stand
new album. If you have see them lately, you up and boogie. The band lef
lage. but
are already familiar with the new tunes, as we were treated to two more
The first
the Riders have been playing them for a encore was "Redneck M ll
id an inwhile. The classic "Louisiana Lady" closed credible version of "Deac: I
the first set. A great second set was being an- most enjoyable anci sat
ticipated by all in attendance.
great music from tru '-•
on Tuesday-
•*Page Five
Boogie Wobqie Flu
Limited Pleasure In Incomplete Rockpile
A /" o matter how I look at It, I Just can't
y V
help but view Friday night's
i y "
Rockplle concert as a disappointment. It wasn't that the band didn't have
most of It's usual flair, charm, arid impec cable musicianship. But with the virtual
Rob Eclelstein
absence of Dave Edmunds as an influencing
presense, the band was forced to shift the
4 direction of their show.
The change in the expected songs performed caused the group to play some barely rehearsed tunes, and to make mistakes on
other, more rehearsed tunes. The best I can
say Is thay they tried.
For the first two songs, the band (Nick
Lowe — bass, vocals; Dave Edmunds —
guitar, vocals; Billy Bremner — guitar,
vocals; and Terry Williams — drums)
played, L.owe sang, and Edmunds just stood
and strummed. After these songs, Lowe announced thai due to Illness, Edmunds would
not be singing. Il was cfuiie a surprise, but It
was nothing corppared to what was to
follow. Rockplle played all but a few of the
songs which Edmunds usually sings, and this
left the very capable but unprepared Lowe,
and the rarely used Bremner to deal with all
the vocals.
A good may of ihe expected tunes were
played, and were performed well, but when
Lowe announced that they would "be playing some oldies," he wasn't exaggerating.
"Sweet Little Lisa" was done nicely under
the circumstances, with Lowe doing an admirable job on vocals. "So It Goes" seemed a
bit rushed, especially on the vocals; "Heart
of the City" was energetic as usual; and
"They Call it Rock" really got the crowd
moving. However, with Edmunds rather III, 1
got the impression that he was even be wing
out of some leads irl in these songs in favor
of Bremner, and even though the latter is a
very good guitarist, he Is simply not In the
same class as Edmunds.
The band played five songs from Nick
Lowe's Labor of Lust album, and the unfortunate thing was that two of them would probably not have been chose as concert tunes.
"Cruel to be Kind," "Switchboard Susan,"
and "Love So Fine" were all performed In
typical Rockplle fashion. But "Born Fighter"
album, is beyond my comprehension.
It seems sad to mention that such outstanding songs as "I Knew the Bride" (which
when performed live has a surperb LoweEdmunds harony that sounds as if only one
voice Is used), "Here Comes the Weekend,"
"Girls T a l k , " " C r a w l i n g From the
Wreckage," and "It's My Own Business"
were not performed. But the band even had
more than the usual trouble performing
"Juju M a n , " a standard Rockplle concert
song from Edmunds' superb "Get It" L P .
The norm In this song is for each of the three
front men to sing one of the verses. Bremner
sang the first verse and forgot the line, and
Lowe while singing the next two, seemed to
forget a few words himself. Il wasn't very
comforting to see Bremner and Lowe smile
back and forth to each other during the
mess-up, while the virtually robot-like Edmunds, seemingly on medication, strummed
Another mystery was the absence of songs
from the band's new album Seconds of
Pleasure. "Teacher Teacher" and "Play That
Fast Thing (One More Time)" were well
done, but the show had a larger influence
from oldies. This seemed strange, especially
since the lour is supposed to promote the
new record. Also, by not performing the
new song "Heart," the band left much of the
audience unhappily surprised.
Nick Lowe's vocals a n d stage
presence carried t h e show for
photo: Tony T»»««rotll
seemed to be done with a lack of preparation, and "Cracking U p , " which doesn't exactly rate as anything more than a typical
album cut, was played after Lowe admitted
that"we're a bit rusty on this one." The fact
that the band chose this tune over
"American Squirm," a song from that same
sonality to the show. Terry Williams was effective as usual on the drums, and he let
loose on a couple of good drumming spurts.
Bremner was quite good, although he showed a disappointing lack of range on the
guitar. Edmunds' occasional leads \vere very
good, but Dave was, unfortunately, Just not
enjoying himself.
After finishing the show with an excellent
cover of "The Wanderer," with Bremner on
vocals, the band played two one song encores, and left the stage for good. It left me
to recall the last time I had seen, Rockplle.
They had opened up for Blondle two summers ago at Belmont Park, and hadoutperformed the better known headliners. I
can't say they've lost anything since that
lime, but all I can really say Is that, In comparison, the band Is (quite seriously) one
hundred percent better with Edmunds. It can
all be written off lo Illness, but either way, I'd
prefer to think that if both Edmunds and
Rockplle get well soon, the band considered
by some to be "the future of rock 'n' roll,"
.can finish their tour without a hitch.
The opening band for Rockplle was Moon
Martin and the Ravens. The Ravens are
Dennis Croy on bass, Rick Croy on drums,
and Jeff Fargus on keyboards and backing
vocals. The band got the audience moving a
Even though the concert was not as good bit by performing some songs from their new
as expected, the group cannot be totally record Street Fever, and by doing two of the
faulted. Faced with the situation, they did a more famous Moon Martin compostlons,
very good job at keeping the pace going dur- "Rolene," and "Doctor, Doctor" (the second
ing the Incredibly short one hour show. With made famous by Robert Palmer). Martin was
Edmunds doing so little, Lowe had to pick extremely subdued during the show, but
up much of the slack — a feat he ac- Dennis Croy's frequent Jumping spurts were
complished greatly just by being himself. His enjoyable. The music was rather good and
constantly moving left leg, stage antics and it seems as if Martin could really use a
(including running back and forth and break In Ihe business. His songwrltlng Is well
saluting at the audience), and colorful shoes proven and l i e should have gained some
(that's right, shoes) added much need per- •recognition on Friday night.
Thick 'n Thin
Live Rebirth For New Lizzy
^ y
n spite of recent slippage In
popularity In Ihe United States,
Thin Lizzy blasted their way into
J.B. Scoll's Saturday night, facing one of the
few capacity crowds the area has seen this
year. Showcasing a brand new album entitled Chinatown, the band, sporting two,new
members, dosed downtown Albany with It's
first real heavy metal show In a long time.
the bass player, vocalist, and primary writer
for the band, and he is the centerpiece for a
set of what surprised me as being a solid
combination of musicians. The most recent
additions to the band are "Snowy" White, a
quick and technically excellent guitarist, and
a young English keyboard player who, due
to the club size and acoustics, could not
(unfortunately) be heard very well on Saturday. White is the perfect complement to
Scott Gorham, the only American born
member of the band: White provided the
tight structural leads and Gorham put in the
guitar creativity. Behind Ihe whole group is
Brian Downey, the original drummer still
with the band, boasting a style that is as clean
and fast as one can ask of a drummer with a
heavy metal band.
It started off very properly with " I Don't
Know Y o u . " another Rider classic off the
Having gone through bad
first album, and the momentum built up as the Riders seen-. :
the show progressed further "Red Hot ihemselves as Ihei havi
Women and Ice Cold Beer" followed The contract with AM.M R I
their las
next two songs, "Full Moon at Midnight" and appearance at J B - Ma
Crazy Little Girl." both from the new album, Mike White on b , i " and A ei Kern] '•
had the Riders jamming to the hilt, with Bud- guitar, have aided In producing a muchfulle:
dy Cage and Dave Nelson swapping slide sound. Buddy Cage
solos until they joined together and brought tion and driving ihe band
is dislincl
the band to new climactic heights, a trait that fluid pedal steel pla^
j that was
had escaped them in the past few years. lacking before. If the v.ay th
ed Friday
"Dirty Business," an old time favorite hardly night is evident of Fee/in' AJ
il should
played, was done just perfectly as Buddy be a most successful album f
i FollowCage was tilting his steel, getting all possible i.ig its release in early 198
band wil
sounds of beautiful distortion that he could most likely be back in town
: the Normanage. Another new tune, with light vi- theast once again. Do
sionary quality, was "Day Dream Girl." check out the show h A
"Poco Lolo M a n , " a reggae mix of sorts ding evening of music.
Saturday's club appearance may have
been a step down for the band, but If it was,
the members of the group did not let it affect
their presence or performance. Phil Lynott is
The New Riders are f . e l l n ' all right with t h e r e t u r n of Buddy C«g«l«
on pedal steel.
Scott Gorham. Brian Downey and Phil Lynott of Thin Lizzy,
Staying in town'for the holiday? Make sure lo see Louis J, (Benson)
Diarmuid Quinn
Thin Lizzy Is a band that has received
small amounts of acclaim throughout a long
history of touring, and about ten records by
the band have gone virtually unnoticed on
the world market. Only an album entitled
Jallbreak, that sparked the band's only single
"The Boys are Back in T o w n , " gave the
group a shot at large-scale success. The
group has played large arenas in the United
States as an opening act for Queen, among
others, and Is known for it's frequent European tours, marked by appearances in
numerous mid-sized halls.
Aside from doing the expected material
from the Jailbreak LP, the band ran through
a number of selections from the new album
and went back to songs from their first
record, as well as their 1979 release entitled
Black Rose; A rock Legend (Black Rose had
been the band's latest market disappointment, finding no sales on this side of the
Atlantic). The new material put the band
back to the style of the Jailbreak album, and
received an excellent response from the
crowd, unlike the one cut that the band
played from Lynotl's recent solo LP. "King's
Call," a tribute that Lynott says was written
tfor Elvis and Jlml Hendrix, did not have the
cut that Dire Strait's Mark Knopfler gave it on
vinyl, and provided ihe crowd with more of
a rest than anything else.
After a solid one and one half hour show,
the band was brought back for two encodes
and more of Lynott's thick Irish accent. The
band's solid rapport with the crowd is due.
primarily lo Lynott's ease, and the fact is that
— unlike most of the new and very electronically oriented acts that have been touring — the band really seemed to enjoy
themselves, and managed to draw the crowd
along with them. All in all, the show was a
refreshing return to rock V roll.
- Doug Wolf
Gleaming yellow skulls stare out,
Never moving but always following.
Memories of times long forgotten.
Come flooding back to haunt.
Relentlessly, they tear at minds,
Deeply buried in empty skulls,
While invisible tears run down,
Centuries jaundiced
Crying for loved ones that never
And dreaming of loved ones that
never would be.
Like twin films, the memories pass.
From one black void to the other,
A never ending loop of pain.
Stadlen as the Incomparable
at the Egg on 11/28 and 29.
I November 25, 1980
<sMu±ic CouncilfiXEiznU.
CJT <^f\eaitaL uif
Kim Kashkashian, o-ioh.
Robert Levin.
<J4alL - iPaxfoxmincj
dealing with death
Monday, December 1,1980 at 8:30 pm
Gen. Adm. $2.50 Patron $5
Students and Sen. Cit. $1.00
The chief of the police force in
Nashville, Tennessee, says that people convicted of importing marijuana or selling pot to minors
should be put to death in the electric chair.
Chief Joe Casey says he would
also recommend the death penalty
for anyone convicted three limes of
either growing pot or selling it to
Funded by SA
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Board of Directors Position Available
Applications for the Undergraduate Major
in Social Welfare will be available
December 1st in ULB-66.
Responsibilities' A udit of financial records
Accounting knowledge preferred
18th for study beginning Fall 1981.
For more information call: Kathy 465-7361
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Holiday Decoration Guidelines
for R e s i d e n c e Halls
Mandatory Meeting:
MB _ « „ ADD B®pfa
• Trees decorated and set up not earlier than December 6,1980.
• All natural trees and greenery must be removed before leaving for vacation.
• Natural trees not higher than 8 feet.
• T r e e s m u s t b e w a t e r e d e v e r y «Uy-someone must be in charge to see
that this is accomplished.
• Keep main light plug In an accessible position so that the lights can be easily unplugged.
• Use only UL approved lights.
• No natural trees or parts of natural trees in individual suites or bedrooms.
(Artificial trees are permitted.)
• Paper decorations must be non-flammable (e.g., metal foil, etc.)
Says Casey: "You catch a person
selling it lo a minor and he ought to
be electrocuted. He has killed that
person. He has destroyed that person's life."
The Nashville chief insists Ihal
the stern measures arc necessary
because marijuana penalties In most
U.S. jurisdictions "arc not expensive enough. People have to pay for
it with their lives," lie says.
Casey admits that many people
may look on him as a "horrible,
cruel, and hard old chief." But; he
adds, something has lo be dune (o
slop the spread of marijuana and
oilier drugs.
Page Sevan
_' _ j!_ju^Albany Student Press _.
from a woman. He says that
because of this, for a woman the
notion of her lover being close to
another woman isn't as threatening
as it Is for a man envisioning his
partner with another man.
the jealous male
Men are more prone to pangs of
jealousy than are women.
At least that's what Dr, Eugene
Schoenfcld, better known as "Dr.
Hip" in his syndicated medical column, is claiming.
SchoenfelrJ says that despite
myths to the contrary, men seem to
be the much more jealous sex. He
says that men have a much harder
lime imagining their lovers being
close to another man, than women
do when they imagine Iheir lovers
close to another woman.
Schoenfcld claims that men are
more jealous than women because
our first human warmth comes
go public
Blood, Sweat, ana TelSfST"
Before Kooper mounted his two
golden awards on the wall, he
decided to hear what they sounded
like.' So he pried each of the gold
tin trophies
Whenever a recording artist
releases an album that accounts for
" more than $1 million in sales, the discsofi ..eir plaques and p:" :hem
artist is awarcd a gold record — a on the turntable. Koopcr discovered
coveted trophy that can be hung o n _ that neither of the records containthe wall.
ed so much as a cut recorded by
It turns out, however, that many Blood, Sweat and Tears.
of those gold albums just may be
Says Kooper; "One album turned
counterfeits. Take the case of Al out to be 'Tony Bennett's Greatest
Kooper, who earned his first two lliis,' and one was 'Mahalie
gold records while performing with Jackson at Newport'."
does intelligence measure up?
Woman with smaller breasts are
viewed by both men and women as
being more intelligent, competent,
and ambitious than are bigger
busted women.
The magazine Psychology Today
says that two researchers discovered
litis fact by showing a scries of
photographs lo 52 male and 56
female college students.
Bach of the women in lite
photographs reportedly had used
cotton to make her breasts appear
progressively larger from one photo
Help ^LOriC BRflllCH fight M.S.
onNov. 25
Enter the Ugliest Bartender Sweepstakes.
For your $2.00 contribution to M.S. you
may win prizes.including free drinks, six
packs of beer, bottle of liquor, or many
other prizes.
Extra Special Happy Hour
Tuesday Night 9-12pm
Bloody Marys . 75 MATTS 7 oz Splits .25
Kiss your favorite Long Brunch bartender
w_S your $1 donation
_ _•_'
to the next; and each wore clothing
Ihal filled lightly enough lo make
her breast si/.c "visible but not provocative."
Researchers Chris Klcinkc and
Richard Slancski report Itiat breast
size did not effect the ratings of the
women's overall likeabilily; but;
they say they found a significant
bias in favor of women with the
smaller busts when they were ralcd
on such qualities as intelligence,
ambition, morality, modesty, and
love to run!
The more runners run, the worse
Iheir love lives become.
Researchers found that full-lime
runners who averaged more than 70
miles a week were far more likely lo
have marital problems than occasional or moderate runners.
Nearly half the full-time runners
qucslioncred in the survey admitted
Ihal their partners fell neglected. In
40 percent of the cases, (he friction
from running was serious enough to
lead lo a break-up.
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Alao Health Professional Studont* and -clones Ma|ora
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February, 1961 semester
For more Information, a catalog and application torn, wdta:
However, the study also indicated Ihal in smaller doses, running doesn't seem to have any harmful effects. Marital problems cropped up for only 1 percent of runners
who jogged as little as 4 miles per
ity o l Dominica / School o l Medicine
350 FifthI Avenue,
Suite 3405, New York, NY 10001
T R A I L W A Y S T©:
now to be a
_- § pm ___ (LC ©
• Fire exits must not b e blocked.
• Natural trees in lounges only-not hallways or stairwells.
• Furniture or other combustible objects should not be closer than 6 feet
from any natural greenery.
• Live candles are not allowed on any tree, naiural or artificial.
• Pryoxylin plastic decorations (styrofoam) are highly flammable and should
not be used anywhere in the dorms.
• Live Hanukkah candles or other open flames are not allowed anywhere in
the dorms.
• All electrically lighted decorations should only be plugged in when people
are present in the lounges or dorm rooms-should be unplugged when no
o n e is present-.
Happy, Healthy, and Safe Holiday
W i s h e s from t h e Department of
Public Safety and the R e s i d e n c e
"Where do you stand on the 1975
Public Affairs Act — also known as
the P.A.A.?" "Should the act be
repealed?" or "haven't you
thought much'about i t ? " . These questions were put recently
to 1800 residents of Cincinnati in a
test to see If people are willing to
state their views publicly.
It was found that about 600 of
the individuals polled were' willing
to give their "Views; of those, half
claimed to be supporters, of the
P.A.A; and the other half were opposed.
But 1200 of the 1800 questioned
admitted that they hadn't, in fact,
given the P.A.A. much thought. It
turns out that they were not uninformed, just honest.
The researchers were trying to
find out whether individuals would
take stands on unfamiliar issues.
No such thing as the 1975 Public
Affairs Act even existed.
"I'm glad I did."
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CP H 8
teen students involved on the board who
1vl§h to improve those services which are
not run satisfactorily. We can only know
where changes are needed if you tell us.
The bookstore is a prime example of a
UAS supervised service that docs not meet
student expectations. Follett's contract expires in May. This provides us with an excellent opportunity to upgrade the
bookstore's operation. In order to improve
the services, however, we need to know
where it is deficient. We need your input.
You say the food stinks; we agree. The
quality of food on the quads and the prices
at the Rat are controlled by UAS. We have,
the ability and desire to improve Ihe food,
we simply need your input.
Students have quite a large say in the way
UAS is run. We agree with the ASP when
they say that the time has come for UAS to
make a genuine effort at improvement.
This means student input is needed now.
UAS members will be attending Quad
Board and- Food Advisory Committee
:mflejjrtKjr;...Yau-tllwayshavc our car; please
let us kriowTVhere we can help.
The following arc the students on the"
UAS Membership Board. The sooner you
contact us the sooner UAS will provide Ihe
quality services wc all desire. Conlacl us at
Dave Clinton
Beth Coburn
Artie Bonks
Donna Migliozzi
Jeff Stern
Ira Somach
Howard Israel
Lorctla Pape
Konell Itnlli
Carole I.cavitt
John Cooper
Off Campus:
David Pologe
Bruce Levine
Donnu White
fifiili Dang
Brian Levy
Change the System
UAS Needs You
To Ihe Students:
This is an open letter lo the sludenls of
SUNYA from Ihc sludenls on Ihe UAS
Membership board. We ask Ihal you help
a case is impossible. Yet, it is apparent that
the situation is widespread.
If education is to be returned to its
rightful place as the goal of the university
system, the faculty must acknowledge that
a problem exists and try to deal with it.
Most professors perceive their roles as all
knowing purveyors of information.
Flashing organized notes on a screen and
breezing over the course material with little
or no discussion is a typical example of a
day's work in a large lecture center.
Besides making the complex seem simple
and the simple complex, these "teachers"
very rarely exhibit any teaching ability.
Many arc chosen on the basis of their
research ability. The question is for whose
benefit is this university being run: the
.itudonts.or the professors? The lime is.BOV;
•for students to get involved irjtWCStenKtltSh'
of Albany professors.
If the students of SUNYA learn anything
here, ils that grades are what really count.
The student wilh a 3.5 cum, who cheats on
the majority of his tests, is on Ihe same level
as his hard working counterpart, if nol bcl.ler off. The cheater recognizes that il is the
end result which is what really matters. He
does not pul himself through great mental
anguish and he has time to enjoy himself
loo. He should nol be bothered by ethical
considerations either. Though most
sludenls lack Ihc courage lo go inlo a lesl
without looking at a book, many would
gladly jump at the chance to sec the answers
of ihe lest before it's given.
In another sense, isn't disregarding an
assigned chapter because il will nol appear
on the lesl an acl of cheating? Yet, no one
would seriously consider il so. This author
is not condoning the acl of cheating, he is
merely questioning Ihe values of Ihis system
where the lest has become an end in itself.
The education rip-off at SUNYA must
come lo an end. We (he sludenls, 15,000
slrong, arc of the brightest young adults in
the nation. We have been behaving like
trained animals, conditioned lo gel A's and
little else. Lei us rip Ihe needles oul of our
arms and pul a slop to Ihis Skinncrian
us lo improve and increase ihc services offered by UAS.
The Rat, Campus Center and Quad
cafeterias, the pinball room, washing
machines, the bookstore, and all vending
machines are just some examples of services
run or supervised by UAS. There arc seven-
. Local government has shown continued
reluctance to respond to student concerns.
There is little reason to believe that this pattern will change as we request a traffic control device for this intersection. It is time,
therefore, for our administration to join in
this effort. After all, it's in everyone's interest to keep Monday's horrifying accident
from recurring. How about it, President
— Bruce S. Liese
What's in a Name?"
To the Editor:
This little note is in response to certain
recently published material in your viewpoint section. You see, my name is also Andrew Schaeffer. Not the one of. . . But
Seriously Folks fame, but Andrew Edward
Schaeffer. Andrew Jay Schaeffer's continuous exchange of feelings with Jeanne
Marry through the ASP has caused my suite
to receive obrto^iqus.phqne calls at all hours
pf,,the-njg1Jt:fojv Iicf'itistifialjle-Tcflson. The
purpose of this letter'ts to clarify any
misunderstanding anyone might have.
Thank you.
— Andrew E. Schaeffer
Experience Factor As
Danes Try To Adjust
by Bob Bellafiore
In a season of adjustment for the Albany State
basketball team, a wealth of experience will no doubt
be the key as they enter the 1980-81 campaign.
The graduation of guard Winston Royal, and the
decisions of two other players, also guards, not to
come out for the team has left the Danes lacking in
speed, quickness, and a tested floor in general. And
that will cause Albany varsity basketball coach Dick
Sauers, entering his 26th year as mentor of the Danes,
to make some major changes.
"Our overall game plan is going-to have to be different .from the last couple of years," Sauers said,
"because we don't have the depth at the guard position
that we've had." "We're going to have to adjust to
what we've got," continued senior Ray Cesare.
And that situation is of the utmost concern for the
There is one aspect of this year's team that can
counter that deficiency, and that's experience. Of the
Albany starters, both Cesare and Rob Clune are in
their fourth year of varsity play, while forward Pete
Stanish is in his third year (after transferring from
Binghamton), and postman Joe Jednak is beginning
hi9 second year as a front line player. The fifth man,
sophomore transfer John Dieckelman, was a spot
starter as a freshman at Colgate, and after sitting out
last season due to NCAA rules, is ready to fill the
center spot vacated by Kelvin Jones.
"The best thing I can see is experience — playing
together," said Stanish. "We know what we're going to
But the situation in the backcourt is what Sauers has
to think about the most. In those two spots will be cocaptains Clune and Cesare.
Clune, a hard-working, aggressive player, will bear
the brunt of the ball-handling chores for the Danes. A
continued on next page
Cut Movie Lines
To all students:
As a student here myself, I know whal
pisses off people on this campus: inefficiency. We all know it's here; in quad meals, in
SA, and in Ihe administration. There are
many olhcr examples of inefficiency that
are too numerous to cilc.
One example of inefficient operations
lhat I've heard about is Ihe fact that Albany
State Cinema keeps starting their movies
late. And it is true that'we did start 77ic
Deer Hunter thirty minutes late, but that
was an unforeseen occurence owing to the
length of Ihe movie. In oilier instances there
is no reason we slarl late. Absolutely none.
Then why do we? The only reason I can
Ihink of is that (here is something that is
lacking between Ihe students and the ASC:
Maybe Ihis Icttec should've been wrillcn
To Ihe Editor:
Enough is enough! On Monday morning sooner, but I think thai Ihe reason the
a student was killed while trying lo enter Ihc movies start late is the way students Ihink.
campus at Colonial Quad from Washington If ihcy wanl to go lo a 7:30 (10:00) movie,
Avenue. What an incredible wasle of chances arc lhat they won't show up lo buy
tickets until 7:20 (9:50). If the movie isn't
human life!
Anyone who drives to SUNYA has fell doing well, there is no problem. However,
Ihe intense anxiety as their car's wheels slip if the movie is doing really well, there will
in Ihc snow under litem, trying lo sneak be a tremendous amount of people showing
across Washington Avenue after wailing up len minutes before showtime wanting lo
forever for oncoming traffic lo clear. What buy tickets. -Willi Ihis situation there is no
will it lake lo gel local government lo install way lhat wc can start Ihe movie on time. I
a traffic control device at ihis Iclhal in- think il would be wise if sludenls would
show up thirty minutes before showtime lo
tersection? Two deaths? Three? Four?
Safety First
5fST, t-ATrtu w
QCTtfep, Ktuep,
Education Rip-off
Matthew Haddad
It is a brisk October Thursday and the
time is nearing half past five. With each
passing minute the already sprawling crowd
outside of LC5 grows larger and larger
The mood is festive but certainly, not relaxed. Today is the last meeting of Ed. Psych
460 before the drop-add deadline and only
seventy-five of the six hundred plus
students have registered or received closed
section cards.
The time is now 5:43 and as the last class
begins to filter out, the "have-nots"
already begin pouring in claiming choice
seats in the front so as to be closer to Ihe
prized pack of blue cards, while the haves
continue their conversations, content with
seats in the back.
Professor Nelligan.walks.m-flVJSIrttfnuWs.
laic to a standing owftfOiivf It has become a
celebrity by promising everyone an A for
just showing up. He had nearly started a
riot when he announced that the ninety
closed section cards in his hand would be
the only ones available. The needy masses
advanced to Ihc stage forming an ominous
circle, as Prof. Nclligan stood in the middle
of the confusion, his wry smile seemed to
show his delight in Ihs most unusual excess
of Ihe system.
The students of Albany have become a
cutthroat breed of compclitors whose
highest aspirations arc the atlainmel of an
A. It is accepted practice to hunt for the
easy A wherever il may be found. Albany
Stale is exemplary of Ihe instilution that
focuses on results only. Many students and
professors, especially in courses which arc
requiremenls for certain majors see the
teacher-pupil relationship as a pitched battle wilh the professor constantly trying lo
outwit Ihe sludcnl and Ihc student trying lo
keep up on Ihe latest strategics.
Amidst all this intrigue, we have become
dctourcd on a dangerous path of selfishness
and temporary satisfaction. Education has
no longer become a goal but an incidental
consequence. II is a sad fact Ihal in terms of
Ihis system those who study hard and learn
their subject arc failures if Ihcy don't get a
B or an A. Most professors claim that such
im wv
KN-L6RS, m m ? WHO Af& ioar
aOR mews,
**• *** motetoe* nuactj*
AW ASP Supplement Photos
by Dave Machson
E x p e r i e n c e Makes Adjustments E a s i e r F o r G r e a t D a n e s
continued from front page
pin-point shooter, Clune played the
off-guard for last year's 21-6 Albany
squad-, but Is forced to make the
change to point guard this year. So
rather than having to concern
himself mostly with shooting, the 6-2
senior will be directing the Dane offensive attack.
Wheri Clune Isn't running the
show, the 6-4 Cesare will be. A
dependable ballhahdler as well as a
fine shooter, he has the,ability to
slow the Dane offense down when
the game calls for It, and owns the
patience necessary to work for the
good shot, and make the attack
"Last year, he didn't play point
guard that much," Sauers noted,
"but he can. He doesn't have great
speed, but he's got the ball-handling
abilities and the court intelligence to
play the position. He's making a
good adjustment. He knows that's
where we need him, and he's doing
It Is definitely an adjustment for
Clune. " I never had that role
before," he said about his new posltlon as floor leader. " I have to be
aware of the role at all times."
That role will be to keep the
Albany offense on track — to get it
going, and execute the game plan,
"Thai's the main thing — to start the
offense, and control the game for
us," Clune said. "Last year, I had to
do It a number of times, but never to
the extent of 3 5 minutes a game."
We expect Ray to see a lot of action at that position (point guard),
depending on the opponent's matchups," Sauers said. "We would
play Ray at point guard when he's
not matched up with a real quick,
aggressive guard. We're going to
have to spell Clune, so we have to
play him there."
"Our overall
game plan is
going to have
to be different
from the last
couple of years.
—Dick Sauers
The guard spot Is one place where
the Danes are not blessed with
depth. Bob Collier, a backcourtman
on last year's team, has other cornmltments this season, and the J.V.'s
leading scorer, Mike Gaines, is takIng the year off. That leaves Albany
without much experience on the
bench In that department, and that
only puts an extra load on Clune
and Cesare. Those two will have to
play a great deal In each ballgame,
which means they must stay out of
foul trouble — something thai has
been uneasy for Clune in the past.
"The way I've played In the past
was to lake a lot of chances," Clune
said. " N o w , I have to lake fewer
chances on defense."
"We like lo press all the time,
generally, and I'm not going to be
able to do It as much as I'd like,"
Sauers said with concern. " I like my
guards to Iry and make things happen. A n d I can't have them do thai
loo much, because when Ihey do
that, Ihey gel fouls. I can't get my
guards inlo foul trouble."
Albany's lack of quickness Is also
mosl evident In the guard area, and
that's where the loss of Royal and
Collier Is glaring. " I think II will hurl
us when we try to press a quick
team," Cesare said. "The lasl three
years, we've been elfeclive switching
press defenses. We won't be able lo
do that this year. It'll hurl us loo,
when learns try lo press us."
Offensively, the lack of speed will
have an adverse effect on the Danes'
running game, but Cesare thinks that
- Albany wlir still be able lo utilize their
basic offensive strategies, i "We'll
keep doing what we're doing — running an open offense," the senior
said. "Maybe not run on a team, but
get them unbalanced — four on
three — and get a good shot."
"It's definitely going to be a factor,"
Stanlsh said, "but wllh the experience we have, we'll be alright."
The strongest area on the Dane
lineup is In the front line — the forwards and the postmen. Albany Is
well-endowed with talent, size,
strength, depth, and an abundance
of valuable experience. But even
there, some adjustment must be
made — especially by Stanlsh.
Lasl year, the 6-2, 185 pound forward was Albany's "super sub,"
coming off the bench to average 9.2
points per game, with a 57 percent
shooting efficiency from the floor.
Often, it was a Stanlsh-Ignited rally
that broughl the Danes' lo victory.
"I think I Improved as a player thai
year," Dieckelman said. "Il was a
great learning experience. I learned
'row to be tough on court, and that
llou can't lei anyone lake advantage
of y o u . "
Jbany guard Rob Clune goes to the basket i n the recent tournament held
al Brockporl lasl weekend. (Photo: Dave Machson)
' WRWITlliTilllimii
"We need him lo start," Sauers
said. "So he's got lo be a little more
conservative In his approach. As a
sixth man, he always came in and
tried to make things happen in a
hurry. A l the start of a game, you
don't do that — you have to be a Utile more patient."
"I like starling, that's for sure,"
Stanlsh said. "But I've got to learn
tempo. Now as a starter, I have lo
pace myself — know when to go
and when not to."
"Pete does a lot of things well,"
Sauers continued. "I think that If he
b y Paul Schwartz
sociology major wilh a long range
John Dieckelman Is back where goal lo gel his masters In criminal
he feels he belongs. Afler graduating Justice — but lhal was jusl part of It.
from Albany's Christian Brothers If he would have remained al ColI Academy In 1978, Dieckelman gale for . his sophomore year,
packed up and went off lo Colgate. Dieckelman decided he would not
A year later he was home In Albany, have gone oul for Ihe basketball
watching the Albany Stale basketball team.
team. This season, he'll be starting al
Before his freshman season
center for the Great Danes, and he'll began, Dieckelman analyzed the
be enjoying It.
Raiders' schedule, and he realized if
You see, playing basketball In his squad won every game Ihey
Albany was all Dieckelman ever possibly could, their record would
wanted to do.
have been 17-9. That demanding
"I don't think o l mysell as playing schedule also meant some sacrifices,
only for Albany Stale," Dieckelman which translated Inlo Dieckelman
said. "I feel that I'm playing for not going home for Thanksgiving,
Albany. I like where I live."
And why shouldn't he? As a standout basketball player lor CBA In
1977 and 1978, Dieckelman
became a local celebrity of sorts. In
his senior year, he teamed wllh
Siena guard Kevin McGraw lo lead
CBA to an 18-2 record and recognition as the top team In Ihe area. But
coupled with all Ihe on-courl hoopla
was another equally pleasing situation for Dieckelman: he was home.
"I have a good family life," he said.
What Dieckelman entered was an
atypical basketball program. A Division I school, Colgate maintained an
Intriguing schedule which comprised
a Division III remnant like llhaca
alongside major college powers
Clemson, Syracuse, and LSLJ. Starting often as a freshman, the 6-5
Dieckelman made a contribution,
averaging 5.4 points a game on 55
percent shooting, as the Red Raiders
came away with a 12-14 record.
'A ?•• !
But now, with Cesare moved to
guard, his role has changed — from
sixth man lo starter — and that's got
to have a profound effect on his
lake-charge style of play.
plays a lot of mlnutes-a-game, he'll
score a b t of points."
At the other forward spot will be
Jednak. A 6-5, 200 pound junior,
he started In many ol last year's
games, and his performance tailed
off at the end of the season. Bui Jednak has Improved greatly In the olf
season, and seems ready to carry his
portion of the load In the Dane Ironl
"He has been working real hard
— Improving himself at practice this
year — something he didn't do lasl
year," Sauers said. "I'm looking lor
Joe lo neutralize Ihe other team's big
guy, to get his share of the defensive
rebounds, and lo hll thai 15-fooier
when he's open. He's better than he
was last year," the coach noted em-
The Danes got a big break last
year, when John Dieckelman decided to leave Colgate and go to school
In his home town of Albany.
Because after sitting out a year
(NCAA regulations), the 6-5 center
Is the newest addition to the Albany
lineup — and he certainly couldn't
have come at a better time.
A talented shooter and passer,
Dieckelman gives the Danes an added dimension — an offensive threat
In the middle that can score In double figures on any given day, and
pick up more than his share of
"His passing, his Inside moves,
good shooter — good touch, his
court intelligence. He's a very smart
player. He's got good moves wllh his
back lb the basket," Sauers said,
listing Dieckelman's positive aspects.
"When he gets the ball Inside,"
Cesare said, "he knows what lo do
wllh It,"
But he does have his shortcomings. "He's just got to prove a lot
defensively, and he's got to play wllh
greater Intensity," Sauers noted.
"And he's got to rebound for us."
"He's got to get fired up, because
a guy that's fired up against him at
times, is going to make him look
bad, jusl because he's fired up,"
Sauers continued.
In 1979-80, Ihe Albany bench
was given the team's Most Valuable
Player award — a tribute to the
Danes' great depth a year ago. The
numbers aren't as high this season,
"1 think the trip (lo Sweden over
the summer) was probably more
profitable for him lhan (or anybody,"
Sauers said, "because he gained the
confidence, before the season ever
started, that he could play."
Joining Gatto as one of the early
members off the bench will be senior
Steve Low. A defensive specialist,
the 6-4 Low also has the uncanny
ability to get open underneath for
easy baskets. "There's no doubt
about it — he does a lot of things for
us well." Sauers said, "particularly
D i e c k e l m a n Enjoy* Home C o u r t A d v a n t a g e
Still, Dieckelman decided to
leave. Alter being heavily recruited
by a number of schools (Including
Albany Slale), he chose Colgate. "I
l i s t e n e d lo e v e r y o n e
Dieckelman recalls. "Everyone told
me I should get away from home,
and I liked Colgate when I saw I I . "
Backcourt SpeedOmQuestion Mark
but the personnel that Is there Is
quality material.
First man off that bench many
times will be sophomore swlngman
Mike Gatto. As a freshman on last
year's J.V., Gatto was the team's second leading scorer, and showed the
ability to play either Ihe guard or forw a r d spot w e l l . A capable
ballhandler, (he 6-2 Gatto can also
provide the tough interior defense
that Sauers demands.
Despite his successful transition on
Ihe court, though, certain tremors
became Increasingly disturbing for
Dieckelman. He admits being
"sensitive" about the reasons surrounding his leaving Colgate.
Academically, the school did not offer what he was Interested in
and also having to leave Albany
Christmas morning for a practice
that night.
"I can't go Inlo a season knowing
we're going lo lose nine games."
Dieckelman said. " A n d missing the
holidays, well, I want lo be with my
parents on Ihe holidays."
So Dieckelman transferred, and
he had no doubts where he was
headed this time. "I knew exaclly
w h e r e I was g o i n g , " said
Dieckelman. "As soon as 1 decided
to transfer, I called
"Doc" Is Albany Slale basketball
coach Dick Sauers. The Iwo 1
known each other for years,
Dieckelman would attend Sauers'
basketball clinics, and Sauers watched Ihe progress of one of the Capital
District's besl players. "We were very
Interested In, John when he got out
of high school," Sauers said. "But he
wanted to get away and give Colgale
a Iry. We're certainly glad to get him
As a transfer from a Division !
school, the NCAA rules forced
Dieckelman to sit out last season,
and from the sidelines, Dieckelman
walched as the Danes rolled lo a
21-6 record and a trip to the
"Everyone told me II would be
"He's very unselfish, and he has
real tough to sll o u t , " said
Dieckelman. "They all said It would good moves wllh his back lo the
seem like so long, Bui 1 didn't find II. basket," Sauers said. "He's a good
tough. I got oul ol basketball (or a passer, and sometimes he actually
year, I got mysell togelher looks lo pass too much. Bui he lacks
s,choolwise, and I mel a lot of peo- intensity sometimes, and he has a
ple. But sometimes il gol a little long way to go defensively. Bui
frustrating, because I know I could John's much more advanced lhan
have helped last year's team win a Ihe average sophomore, and evenfew more games. But II really wasn't tually 1 think he'll be Ihe man we
look to in the middle."
my learn."
Dieckelman brings an Interesting
However, this year's Danes are
Dieckelman's learn. He will start al array of talents lo ihe Danes. His
one of the two post positions In shooting arsenal consists of an acSauers' offensive setup, where his curate jumper from 15 feet and In, a
shooting, rebounding, and passing steady bank shol (rom the sides, and
a lelly hook shol. And wilh his long
will all be needed.
igs and dangling arms, Dieckelman
rebounds well, and when he doesn't
grab the rebound, he is often able to
keep Ihe ball In play or lap II lo a
These skills allow Dieckelman lo
be confident, but his nature prevents
him from sounding Ihe leasl bit
"1 think I can become a scorer inside, I can rebound, and my passing
can help the team," Dieckelman
said. "We have a team concept, but
I'd like lo be the leading scorer,
because I think I can do il if I
motivate myself. But I also plan on
blending In with the others, and I
know I've got to Improve my
when he's moving without the ball,
and playing without the ball. I Just
like him coming off the bench — I
think It's his strongest suit."
Junior forward Ron Simmons, at
6-5, 185 pounds, Is another sub that
Sauers looks to. Simmons gradually
Improved as last season went o n ,
and has a soft touch on the floor, as
well as be'ing one of Albany's best
foul shooters.
"Against a tall team, he'll make a
good matchup for someone outside," said Sauers. "He's a little
slower than the other perimeter
players, but he gives us pretty much
muscle inside."
"If these guys want to rebound,"
Sauers said, "I think they can be one
of the best rebounding teams I've
ever had — If they want to go afler
Ihe ball."
Rounding out the roster Is guard
Glenn Phillips and postman Wilson
sophomore up from J.V., possesses
a good Jump shot and can put the
ball In from way out. "Glenn is getling belter," Sauers said. "He's making a good adjustment. As long as he
doesn't try to do too much — just
make the basic plays and get Ihe offense started, we'll do all right."
Thomas is a 6-3 freshman, who
was broughl to Ihe varsily to shore
up (he depth problem. "Eventually,
he's going lo make a real fine post
player. My only problem Is thai I
don't know how much experience
I'm going lo be able lo gel him, and
playing lime In the games right
now," Sauers said, "because Ihere's
so many people ahead of him. He
needs to play all the time."
Il will be Important lor the Danes
to be able lo keep their top players In
re games. Any loul trouble or Injuries lo key players for an extended
period of lime could have drastic effects on Ihe outcome of the season.
"It's jusl lhal we don'l have Ihe
numbers," Dieckelman said, " W e ,
can'l afford any injuries, and that's
Another thing that's tough is Ihe
schedule, which Sauers calls Ihe
"toughest one I've ever had." It
began lasl weekend wilh the
doing what
we're doing
—running an
open offense."
—Ray Cesare
Brockport Tournament, and comes
to a lest early, on December 6, when
arch-rival Potsdam State enters the
University Gym for the home
opener. Ranked first in the east in a
coaches pre-season poll, the Bears
are the team to beat, according to
Bui the tough teams 'don't stop
there. In the Christmas Tree Tournament In Pennsylvania, the Danes will
face Wittenburg in the first round —
a team that was third in the nation
last season. And a Division II playoff
team when Springfield College
comes to town for the Capital District
Tourney In January. Included on the
calendar are Utica College (coached
by former NBA coach Larry
Costello), an improved Oneonta
team, and the usual host of
SUNYAC rivals.
"I'm always optimistic," Sauers
said. "I don't think there Isn't a team
on our schedule that we aren't
capable of beating."
"The schedule is so strong, I don't
know what lo expect," said Sauers,
nol willing to make any predictions.
"We're capable In any game, but
we've gol lo get the maximum out of
our players. And we've gol to play a
smart game, each game."
Dieckelman's assuredness exuedes oul (rom hirnseK lo Ihe learn,
a squad which seems to be perfectly
suited for Dieckelman and his style
o l play. "When I look down our
schedule, I know we have a chance
lo win e v e r y g a m e , "
Dieckelman, "and that's important,
because winning Is Important. We
can do very well il we play
Togelher could be a key word
concerning Dieckelman and the
Danes. He has three years of playing
eligibility remaining, so Dieckelman
and Ihe Danes could be together (or
quite a while. And he plans on using
every bit ol his eligibility. Afler all, he
does enjoy basketball — especially
when he's playing It at home.
"I know a lot of people in Ihe area,
and a lot ol them know me and want
me to do well," Dieckelman said,
"Thai's a good feeling. A l home
games, I'm sure some ol my friends
will slop by. That makes me feel
good — knowing somebody out
there really cares."
Dick Sauers is entering his Iwenty-slxlh season as head coach of the Albany
State basketball team. (Photo: Dave Machson)
SUN YAC P r e v i e w
'finished at 6-4 in the conference and
14-8 overall last year, but with the
by Larry Kahn
loss of three pivotal starters, PlattIt's probably the toughest Division
sburgh may be an also-ran this
HI basketball conference in tho count'
try. All the coaches agree and the
High in Syracuse. Balnes, who is on- season.
Expectation* — "It's too early to
Key Returning Lettermen —
record bears them out.
Cortland coach Alan Stockholm. ly 5'7", may emerge, as the
Since 1975. when Division HI was tell," said Welsh. "Our goals are to Strengths — "Our strong point Is playmaker and top scorer on the Only two starters return for the Carestablished, SUN YAC teams have try to improve and reach our poten- our experience, but everybody In the team, according to assistant Hal dinals — guard Joe Porcelll and forwon the Eastern Regionals every tial. Of course, one of our goals is SUNYAC Is claiming that this year. Chase. Pocyntyluk, at 6'6", wasward Scott Wllfore. Porcelli averaged 9.0 points per game and Wilfore
year except 1978, and In lour of always to win the conference."
Still, we played together last year — voted All-City In Syracuse.
those years that team advanced at Versus Albany — Every Albany- hopefully we're a year wiser," said
Two other freshmen who will get 7.0 last year.
Potsdam confrontation has the
least as far as the "final four."
the call are Owen Baker and Steve Key L o s s e s — Plattsburgh lost
The SUNYAC Is divided Into two potential to be a classic. Last year
Campbell, who both averaged over more than any other team In the east
W e a k n e s s e s — Stockholm feels
six-team divisions. The Eastern Divi- Potsdam drew first blood, handing
30 points per game in high school. this season when their three top
sion consists of Potsdam, Albany, the Danes their first loss of the year that rebounding Is one of the Red Moving up from the junior varsity starters graduated.
Center Paul Einsmann was the
Plattsburgh, Cortland, Oneonta and In University Gym, 70-68, In over- Dragons* problems, but not a major team is Jim Boland, who averaged
team leader In scoring (404 points,
Blnghamton, In last year's order of time. Albany avenged the loss at one.
27 points per game last year.
Expectations — "My guess is that Strengths — Enthusiasm and 17.0 per game) and rebounding (8.0
finish. Likewise, Buffalo, Buffalo
State, Geneseo,
F r e d o n l a , game, 88-86, but the Bears ended we're going to be about the same as quickness are the chief strengths of per game). Kevin Baldwin was seBrockport and Oswego compete In Albany's season In the finals of the last year. Our schedule Is a little this young team, according to cond In each category, with a 16
Eastern Regional, 87-72, on their tougher, and other teams have Im- Flewelllng.
point average and seven rebounds
the West.
proved, but I think we'll hold our W e a k n e s s e s — Just as It is their per game. Danny Theiss, the point
At the end of the season the top home court.
"It's a very -Intense, very good ground," Stockholm said.
two teams in each division meet Irv
strength, youth Is also their guard, led the team In assists with
"Our goal is to at worst get splits weakness. "We're going to make a 141 and averaged 10 points a game.
the SUNYAC tournament to deter- rivalry," Welsh said. "Both schools
"When you lose the combination
mine the winner of the conference have well respected programs and with the teams that beat us last lot of mistakes, we'll have problems
of those three It's tough to replace
championship, who receives an the players are very hardworking year," he concluded.
executing," Flewelllng admitted.
Versus Albany — The Danes Expectations — "I'm going with them quickly," said Plattsburgh
automatic bid to the Eastern and competitive."
won both of their 1979-80 contests, the youth movement now to save a basketball coach Norm Law.
Regionals In the NCAA playoffs. Prediction - First.
the first at University Gym, 65-61, lot of grief later. I'm going to go with Strengths — "We have pretty
The other teams are still eligible to CORTLAND
The 1979-80 season was another and then later at Cortland, 76-67. the kids and sit back and hold my good shooting and ballhandllng,"
receive an at large bid to the tournamediocre year for the Red Dragons, Prediction - Third.
Law said. "We may also have a little
breath," said Flewelllng.'
Potsdam is the reigning SUNYAC finishing In fourth place in the ONEONTA
"Our first few games we'll have more depth than In the past."
1979-80 was a dismal season for
" W e a k n e s s e s — Pittsburgh's machampion and members of the East SUNYAC with a 4-6 record, but
jor weakness will be their youth. Law
have their work cut out for them a s '
expects to start one senior, one
the mighty Bears have emerged as
junior, two sophomores, and a
the favorites once more. But In this
freshman. "Our biggest problem will
division nothing Is certain and
be inexperience," he said.
Potsdam cannot alford a mistake.
Expectations — "We have to be
"Once you are the champions
considered in -a rebuilding year,"
then everybody Is looking to
Law admitted, and added, "But 1
dethrone you," said Potsdam
Saturday, Jan. 17
Brockport Tournament
Friday, Nov. 21
thought that two years ago when we
basketball coach Jerry Walsh. "It
Wednesday, J a n . 21
tied for the championship."
Albany, RIT, Upsala
isn't like we're playing the same
Saturday, Nov. 22
at Cortland*
"Potsdam and Albany are awfully
teams again. Other teams also work
Saturday, J a n . 2 4
at Oswego
Wednesday, Dec. 3
tough," he continues. "It all depends
hard, other teams have also improvat
on how quickly we mature."
Saturday, Dec. 6
ed. It's a matter of being prepared,
Southern Conn. Versus Albany — The Danes
Saturday, Jan. 31
getting up for every opponent."
at Binghumlon*
Wednesday, Dec. 10
Here are capsule summaries of
at Hamilton won twice last year including a
King's (Pa.)' Tuesday, F e b . 3
Saturday, Dec. 13
73-68 triumph In Plattsburgh In the
the teams:
at Potsdam* last game of the regular season to
Christmas Tree Saturday, Feb. 7
Monday, Dec. 29
give Albany sole possession of seThe Bears have won the
Tuesday, Feb. 10
cond place In the East.
SUNYAC crown four straight times
at RIM
Prediction - Fifth
and seem to be everybody's favorite
Indiana, Pa. Thursday, Feb. 12
to repeat. Very little has changed on
Saturday, Feb. 14
Albany, Dyke Indiana
The lowly Colonials finished 1-9
a team that went 26-4 last year (9-1
at Union In the SUNYAC, and 4-19 overall
(Pa.), WlUenburg
in SUNYAC) and went to the final
at Hartwick last year, but suffered some close
eight in the NCAA's before losing lo
Wednesday, Feb. 18
defeats to good teams. They have
Longwood College, from Virginia,
Saturday, Feb. 21
everybody back this year and with a
Capital District
now in Division II.
Saturday, Jan. 10
little luck they may be able to move
Tuesday, Feb. 24
Key Returning I.ettermen —
up this season.
Ten players return from last year's
Friday, Feb. 27 and
Union vs. RP1
championship squad including four
Key Returning Lettermen —
Saturday, Feb. 28
starters. Leading the way are
Albany vs. Springfield
Three starters return this year for the
Potsdam's "Dynamic Duo," senior
Colonials, but it doesn't seem to be
hosted by East Division
Sunday. Jan. 11
Ail-Americans Derrick Rowland and
enough. Charlie Hlnes, Rick
Ed Jachim.
Wunder, and Carl Wiggins all come
Rowland, the team's center, was a
back from last season's last place
first team All-American last year • S U N Y A C East Division G a m e
scoring 497 points for a 17.1
the Dragons as they finished in fifth problems with the freshmen, but Strengths — "We have good exwere
average and had 220 rebounds to
place In the SUNYAC East with a once they get adjusted we'll be in perience — we have a veteran
lead the team. Jachim returns at squad, Cortland should not lose any
2-8 record, 5-16 overall. But, as good shape," said Chase.
point guard where he was named ground.
"Talentwlse, I think by January we team," said Blnghamton coach John
usual, they played the Danes tough.
Affleck, who feels that their exSUNYAC Most Valuable Player. He Key Returning Lettermen —
This year Oneonta features a whole will be a very competitive team," perience may help them win some of
led the Bears in assists (211) and The big man for Cortland will once
new look as head coach Don Flewelllng added.
again be senior Jim Meyerdlerks.
averaged 13 points per game.
Flewelllng thinks that having the the close ones they would have lost
Flewelllng drastically shook-up his
Also, returning is forward Maurice The 6-5 forward carried the team
first five conference games at home last year. "We played everyone very
close last year. We lost In overtime a
Woods (2nd team, All-SUNYAC) last year with a 20.5 scoring
Key Returning Lettermen — will be an advantage for the young lot. Most of the kids are back and I
coming off a successful sophomore average, 238 rebounds, and was
team, but overall, 18 of 24 games
think we can win a few," he said.
year In which he averaged 13.6 named to the All-State Team.
returning lettermen this year, but, will be on the road.
points and hauled down 163 re- Also returning, and starting, this
Versus Albany — The Dragons W e a k n e s s e s — Affleck pointed to
the lack of quickness on the squad
bounds. Guard Scott Franko is the year will be Mike Polan, Dan Felder,
Flewelllng wasn't sure that was such have traditionally given the Danes and only average shooting ability as
fourth veteran starter and is noted Tom Spanbauer and Brian Murphy.
fits In one of their hottest rivalries.
for his play in the clutch. Welsh will Senior Bob Patch will be the sixth
Last year Albany blew them away In the major sore spots for the Colthree of them starters.
I probably look to senior Dana Mit- man on the squad after averaging
University Gym, 94-62, but suffered onels,
7.0 points per game last season in
I chell as his fifth starter.
a 63-62 overtime setback in Oneon- Expectations — "Hopefully we'll
Kay L o s s e s — The Bears lost only the same role.
ta — where they haven't won in ten do well. The favorites have to be
Potsdam, obviously, and Albany sethree players last year. Starting Key L o s s e s — The Red Dragons
guard Terry Hunter will be the most lost three starters this year. Guard
"There's a fairly good rivalry bet- cond. I hope we'll move up in the
sorely missed, as well as sixth man Tom Baez was the team leader In
ween Oneonta and Albany. The kids conference, but I'm sure everyone
assists and was the second leading Key L o s s e s — Without key probably get up for the game and feels the same. This conference Is
Pat Donnelly.
S t r e n g t h s — Besides their vast ex- scorer with 16.6 points per game. Such Is the case with Oneonta.
our gym is the easiest place for us to very tough," noted Affleck.
Versus Albany — The Danes
perience, Welsh feels the team's Nick Wharton, the point guard, was New Faces — "I'm going with an play In," explained Flewelllng.
won both games last year, 81-66, In
strongest points are their pressure second In assists and had a 10.3 entirely new cast of players," said Prediction — Fourth.
University Gym, and 67-60 at
defense and the fast break. He also scoring average. Gary Matraw was Flewelllng. "I'll probably start three PLATTSBURGH
cited their bench strength. "We play second In rebounding on the team. or four freshmen."
This team was a challenger a year Blnghamton.
"The loss of the guards will hurt
Prediction - Sixth.
11 or 12 players. We substitute more
Jim Balnes and Mike Pocyntyluk ago, ranked ninth In New York, but
the most. It will be up to Spanbauer,
than most teams," he said.
so much can happen In a year. They
Power and Murphy to fill their shoes,;
W e a k n e s s e s — None.
Potsdam Still Team To Beat
Albany State Great Dane
1980-81 Basketball Schedule
i s
buy tickets (that's-when we start selling).
Whether or not you show up early it will
still take us the same 30 minutes to sell
tickets. If we start selling 30 minutes before
showtime and practically everyone is there,
chances are we can start on time.
Maybe this will aid us in starting the
movies on time. I guess I am writing this
because for our movies in the next few
weeks I expect large crowds to turn out. If
everyone shows up thirty minutes before
the show they want to go see, I think all this
grumbling about Albany State Cinema's inefficiency can be eradicated.
— Michael P. Fried
Director, ASC
A White Lie
I replied that I was very hungry and that if I
wasn't, I probably wouldn't eat it. She said
with a huff, "You should have gone to Ihe
Barnsider." (A. reputable restaurant). The
mahager then came by and asked what the
problem was. We told him that the meal
was unacceptable and he agreed to take it
back and not charge us, after a little argument first.
A new 'tougher' waitress was assigned to
our table and informed us that we would be
charged for the salad bar, $4.50 for one
plate of salad. We said this was ridiculous,
our visitor had ordered London Broil and
that Ihe salad bar was incidental. He then
said that he was not going to pay $4.50 for
one plate of salad.
The waitress then proceeded to insult our
visitor. She told him that he was very obnoxious and lhat if he refused to pay, he
would have t o , ' 'Tell it to t he f—ing cops.''
I might add that included in our parly were
three young ladies. That language was uncalled for..
crfiSfge. We decided we' were not going lo
pay It. We went to the cashier and attempted to pay the bill less the $4.50 charge. The
manager said lhat he would have to call the
police. We said ok, nol believing he really
would cause a scene al Ihe restaurant for
$4.50. The same lough wailrcss called our
visitor stupid and told him he had no
The police arrived and after some discussion we decided to pay the bill. The alternative was to file a complaint in court, a
costly option. We, along with the police,
were very diplomatic throughout the whole
ordeal. The waitresses and Ihe manager
were very rude and personally offensive.
I just wanted lo let everyone know how a
so called reslauranl treats sludenls and
would suggesl thai Ihe SUNY community
nol patronize a place that treats sludenls
with a minimal, if not negalivc amount of
' — Name Withheld Upon Request
To the Edilort
The 18 November issue of the ASP contained an article written by Mr. Andrew
Carroll which reported that a coalition of
Cplpriial.and, State Quad residents sucvowsfrllh) rafdjad Indian Quad, leaving it.
"decimated;" Mr. Carroll, however, scerlij?
to be following in the footsteps of other war
correspondents "who came before him by
altering the facts concerning the conflict.
The student body has a right to know the
actual events of that evening.
Indian Quad Intelligence picked up
evidence of large troop movements out of
State Quad, and a general alarm was sounded. Hundreds of brave volunteers poured
out of the Indian dorms to meet the Invaders. The two faclions met on the
podium staircase adjoing the Bioiogy
building. Despite their initial advantage of
holding higher ground, the infidels from
Slate were pushed back by the righteous army from Indian. The State warriors were
unable to halt the advance until they mcl
reinforcements and the two armies fought
to a draw in the State Quad archway. It was
soon revealed that the aggressor freshman
were being trained and equipped by unfriendly elements on Colonial and Dutch
Indian Quad field command convened an
emergency actions session and determined
that retaliatory raids were justified and To (he Editor:
shouldbe executed immediately. Despile
Now thai the presidential elections arc
the inclement weather, the army :of
over, we can all rest easy. The best man has
courageous volunteers marched lo Colonial won Ihe highest office in ihe land. America,
where they inflicted heavy damage. After a you will not regret what you have done. We
short strategy briefing, they then moved on have spoken and given our elected officials
to occupy Dutch Quad.
a mandale. The Inefficient liberal
The Student Body has a right to know ihe Democrats obviously cannot conlrol the aftruth. Unless the University Community is fairs of this nation. A shift lo a more
made aware of the factual accounts of thai modcrale-conservalive government will brevening, the war hawks of Stale may once ing a more effective government thai
again consider attempting such a foolish acl respects Ihe lights of free enterprise.
of aggression.
This economy has been hurl by all Ihe
— General Joe "Pattern" Racz slriel governmcnl controls placed upon
American business, Big governmcnl spending will he cut, our uncmploycdftector will
be pul hack lo work, and American producTo the Editor:
tivity will increase with more incentives inI would like lo relate an incident that oc- jected into Ihe privale sector. We can now
curred on Sunday night, November 16. A sland straight and show proud faces once
party of five, including a visitor from Long again. The Uniled Slates can be the grcal
Island and myself, ventured out lo Ihe world power it once was and be able 10 deVineyard Restaurant in Colonic. We decid- fend our positions (domestic and foreign)
ed lo lake advantage of Ihe 2 for I dinner effectively. We will be heard and listened lo
coupon in the ASP.
Aflcr being seated and selecling our enMr. Carler, I say good riddance lo you.
trees, we helped ourselves lo Ihe salad bar, You had your chance and now il is lime for
which is included in the price of the meal. someone to fill the presidency of the United
Our visitor and myself ordered London Stales, which has been vacant for Ihe lasl
Broil Tor $7.95 per serving. When Ihe meat four years. We have had enough of your inarrived he found his serving lo be inedible. competent judgments or should I say
Not wanting to cause a scene, he decided lo Amy's.
leave the meat alone and request that il be
Nineiecn-eighly was the year of Ihe
put in a doggie bag. He fell that ir he got Republicans, as will '82. Willi a
hungry enough later on, he would force Republican-dominated Senate and major
himself to eat it, He also had one plate of gains made in Ihe House, Mr. Reagan will
have a Congress more lo his jiking, unlike
Our waitress came by to refill our water fiat of Mr. Carler. Reagan and his fellow
glasses and noticed that our visilor had nol Republicans will do something with this
touched his meal. Again, nol wanting to great country and revitalize Ihe grcal
cause a hassle, he politely told her lhat he American processes that made this country
was not hungry and that he would lake it great. The rigln choice was made on
home and eat it later on. The waitress November fourth. Il will not be a rcgrclbecame very«bnoxious, she said, "It looks lable choice.
eood and should taste good, why don't you
— James Knury
eat it?" n, a r j (hu oiiiuf s e r v i n g 0 f ,| l c L o n .
Write A Letter!
d»n liroil and she asked me how mine was.
Good Choice
Smileless Service
Happy Thanksgiving
Having survived the first snow, we welcome the arrival of
Thanksgiving. The long awaited four-day weekend is upon us —
and not a moment too soon.
By Wednesday, most of us will be home. The anticipation of
turkey, cranberry sauce, family, friends, and the warm feeling of
togetherness will peak. We must enjoy it while we can. When we
return, many of us will be forced to do a semester's worth of
work in just three weeks.
While you're home, relax and forget all about SUNYA. Forget
about the Pine Hills molester, and his rampage which has lasted
over a year. Forget the fact that women are afraid to walk the
streets or remain home alone. Even women on campus must fear
for their safety.
Forget that students are in danger of losing their representatfon
on the Universi.t^.^enatet'Foreet the fact we may be denied our,,
only' ^ua^^niversrty-pQlicjraecisions — the vo$*tlitfh'Was"pYo:'"
video! us with innumerable gains.
Forget that finals ace two weeks away. Forget that the exam
schedule has been condensed inlo eight days. Be sure to rest up
because all-nighters, speed and coffee will soon be in style again.
Forget it all. Forget you ever heard of SUN Y A. It's Thanksgiving and each of us has much to be thankful for . . . pass the stuffing please.
In Memorium
Early yesterday morning a fellow SUNYA student's life came
to an untimely end. He was killed in a collision which forced his
car into a lighlpole. We mourn the loss of James Smith and offer
his family and friends our sincere condolences. We arc saddened,
however, lhat had he been wearing his safety belt, his death might
have been avoided.
Eeiabfiehed in I 9 J C
Rich Behar, Editor-in-Chief
Rob E. (, Monofllrifl Edtto
Newe E d i t o r
A a s o i late N r w i E d l l o i •
A S P e t is Editors
. . .
Sylvia SaUfldaYI
Andrew CniTiil I.Stiwrt Millujan, BethScner
Rob Edeldeln, Ronald Lavy
Joanne Wstnei
Ed I'mka
Aaeoclate ASPecte E d i t o r
Sound A Vision
C r e a t i v e Aria
D e s i g n aV Layout
S p o r t a Editor
Sua G e r t w
Ronald Levy
Boh Bellaflore
Aaaoclata S p o r t a Edttora
E d i t o r i a l Pegaa E d i t o r
Copy Editor
JudleEh nlwiy. Mitchell A Gre
SiaffuvHtarai Anne B e n , Tom Bonfigllti, Pallida Branley, Rulrlii Brawn, Belli Canmiarala. Ken Cantor, Michael Carmen, Anne
Cavanaylt, Unci Cohen, Sharon Cote, Lisa Renunmark, Huben-Kennelh Dickey. Jim Dixon, Jgdie Llienlteig. Mnik Cltchalll, Bruce
f o x , Maureen George, Frank J Gil Jr.. Ken Gordon, Whitney Gould, Erie Grtiber, Matthew Haddad, Wendell Heddon, Michele
Israel, Jamei Jade, Amy Kanlor, Larry Kinsman, Tom L u l l Ik, Bruce Levy, James Maikolsis. William O' Brlen, Wayne Peertfboom.
M<iik Rotticr, .It'll Schadriff, Barbara Schlndler, Paul SchwarU. Sue Smith, Laurel Solomon. Catollne Sommeri Z o d i a c A
P r e v i e w Edltorai Marie Garharlno, September Klein
Dabbla Kopf, liutlneu Manager
Advertising Manager
Billing Accountant
Compoallion Manager
Office Coordinator
Janei DreifuM
liennle Brawn, Miriam Rasplet
Hayden Carrulh
Bonnie Stevens
Saleet Steve Gortler, Robert Kail C l a e a l R e d M a n a g e r : September Klein A d v e r t i s i n g P r o d u c t i o n M a n a g a r e i Marie Anne
Colavllo, Tammy Gelgef A d v e r t i s i n g . P r o d u d l u n t Dlonne Glacola, Mkhele Urael, Susan Kaplan, Mara Mendelsohn, Laurie
cliwallbery Carolyn Sedgwick, Kaihy Udell Offlca S l a f f i Wendy Becker, lledy Brnder, Teny Gllck, Robin Greenberg. Pamela
Kat/, Arlene Kaflowlfi
Hayden Carrutb, Paen BaU Induction Manaijeti
Vertical Caatara
P a a l e - u i , . • lichael Blatman. Robin Lamsteln, Deb Reynoldt, Carina Shipoloftky, Dave Thannhauser, Typiatai Carol Bury,
Rosemary rVriaia, Marie Gaihanno, September Klein, Barbara Nolan, Caihlu Ryan, Dale Schneldar, Laurie Wallers C h a u f f e u r !
Mark Richer!!
Photography, .Supplied principally by Um
Chief Photographer! Il»h Itonard
uiy i'liiiio Service
UPS Slaffi Dove Atcher, Ala< \ilem, Karl Chan. Sieve Euen, Mike Farrell. Mark Halek, Marc Henichel, Raanne Kulakaff, Daim,
MSchton, Mark Nadter, Suno t mkamp, Tony Tauaroiu, Will Vurman
The Albany Student Prttu It puhhthed every Tuesday and Friday during the KIIOOI year by ihe Albany Student Preit Corporation^^
rr .ndependent npl dot-profit corporation. F.diturialt art! written by the F.dllnrinChlef; pulley It tubject to review by the rTdrTHnfflni
Maillnu uddreu;
Alban)/Student Frets, CC 329
1400 Washington Ave. '
Albany, NY 12222
•' (StSi W7-8892/33M/3389
Page Ten!
Albany Student Press
Kiss your favorite Long Branch
bartender. One dollar donation. To
' Multiple Sclerosis. Tues., Nov. 25.
F o r Sale
Bruce Springsteen tlx to Hartford.
Good seats. Best offer. Call Nell,
1972 Ford Maverick. Needs body
work. $100 — As Is. Call 465-2291.
7 2 Cuda. Mint condition. New tires.
Air shocks. Many extras. Must sell.
Need money desperately. $500 firm.
Call Gary, 869*205.
Male models wanted for sketching
and photo sessions. Must have
good muscle definition and be 18-23
years old. $10.00 per hour. Call Rich,
462-1496, 4:30-6:00 p.m. only.
Wanted: Comedians, Magicians,
Jugglers and Musicians for New
Showcase Variety Club. Auditions
required. Call 465-7423.
SITTER wanted — my home, Mon.,
Tues., & Thurs. 9-4. December, lntersesslon & Spring term. Convenient to city buslines. 482-7679
Booklet' contains vital Ingredients
for successful job Interviewing.
Mall S3 check or money order to:
Mahnarx Enterprises, POB 1312,
Cayce, SC 29033.
$$Help Wanted$$
Students to represent Manhattan
based collegiate party organizer.
Earn high commissions. Next party:
Copacabana, Dec. 24, 1960. Call
(212) 750-8471, 2-6 p.m.
Airline Jobs — Free Info
Nationwide — Write Airline Placement Bureau, 4208 198th SW No.
101, Lynnwood, WA 90036. Enclose
a self addressed stamped large
OVERSEAS JOBS — Summer/year
round. Europe, S. Amer., Australia,
Asia. All Fields. $500-$1200 monthly. Sightseeing. Free Info. Write:
IJC Box 52-NY1, Corona Del Mar,
CA 92625.
273-7218, AFTER 5, WEEK-ENDS.
Passport/Application Photos
$5.00 for 2, $.50 each thereafter.
necessary. University Photo Service, Campus Center 305. Bob or
Suna, 7-8867.
Experienced Typist specializing In
over-night assignments. $1/pg.
Karen, 7-3074.
"Thank you very much for your consideration."
Lovo, ASPects
Vlnny —
If I were you — I would stay In bed
the entire day after Thanksgiving!
Hope It's better for you this year.
Happy No Dish Crew for a whole
weekend — M a k e a turkey
More hugs, Ev
DQQT Tom I —
Happy 19th Birthday. We love ya
lots. Glad to have you living
Love always,
Liz & Marg
Even though your fields ran dry,
You're still the apple of our eye,
And as the fruit Is to the worm,
We'd love to get you with our sperm,
We know it won t be quite like this,
So we hope you'll settle for a great
big kiss,
We wrote this poem for you, to say:
We wish you the best on your
"Happy Birthday."
The Mercer Street Men
Dear Monger,
Have a great Thanksgiving vacation. Don't miss me, too much
because I'll do enough missing for
the both of us. I love you!
Your Smush
Hey Bird,
Balls to you I (you wasty bad.)
Enjoy your Turkey Day because the
Grlnch Is coming soon.
BIRTHRIGHT, Inc., 350 Central
Avenue, Albany. FREE pregnancy
tests and counseling for anyone
with a problem pregnancy. 24-hour
hotline; office hours Monday
through Friday, 10 AM-1 PM or by
appointment. Please call first.
12 Impartial Jurors for the Schaffer
vs. Benkensteln-Schaffer divorce
proceedings. Contact Ulrnan and
Racz, attorneys at law, al 7-7808 or
Happy 1 year anniversary, Hon. I
love ya.
Love always, CRS
Hope things go well this week. En)oy your vacation, say hello to your
mother tor me, and watch out lor
the "lines" at the Interlude. I'll miss
ya' —
From Buffalo to Wyoming
Losff Chrome Cross pen with name
engraved on side. Sentimental
value. If found call Chuck, 7-7765.
Bobella Flore,
May you never lose your car keys,
two-lane highway, or stamina like
you lost the power struggle and the
Infamous page fifteen. Happy Birthdayl
Party and Shop at the same lime.
Throw a Paraphernalia Partyl We
bring the shop you bring the people
To Brl,
You finally made the classifieds Happy Birthday — Pat Benatar will
rock tonlghtl
Helpless Patient —
Consultations are a drag — let's
start treatment. You bring the
'stache, the pretzels are on me . . .
The Insane Doctor
Happy 16th Birthday Klmllll
Love, David
Dearest Smush,
Have a great vacation! Take care
and don't forget to drink some milk.
I love you and I'll be thinking of you.
Love alwaya, Monger
Que puedo declr? Te adoro con
todo ml corazon. Eres ml vlda.
I hope your birthday will be the beat
yet. I'll try to fill your 20th year with
happiness. I'll love you always.
P.S. No matter what, I'll see you In
Rochester on the 28th.
'November 25, 1980
Jennifer M.,
"Remember"? You're not worth the
effort and you never were worth this
expense, therefore, expect no more
Pity those who stand behind a mask
of snonymlty and libel, aa they can't
brave opposition of thought and
mind, they are the Infirm — Diane
dllllgently goes on.
Another one bites the dust..'.
Seneca Concerned,
Come and enjoy the fun when the If you're so "concerned," why don't
Grlnch steals Christmas.
you find out some facts before you
make a-hole "opinions," and pull
M^Hey, Happy Turkey Day and Merry cheap s-t moves like hiding behind
Christmas In case I don't get back being concerned rather than saying
In time. And enjoy the ride home. who you are.
— The guys In 304
Sometimes silence and yourself Is
pretty good medicine. Hey, later for Don't forget Nov. 25 at the Long
the personals —
Branch. Bloody Marys, 75 cents,
Class Manager Malts splits, 25 cents.
Happy Birthday, Buckolttood thing Just cause you have little t~s
you're going home' early since you doesn't mean you should throw fits.
can't hold your liquor anyway. Andrea, honey, don't be sad. You
still have a WASTY BAD.
JCPA WATSON: Violence will get
Happy 18th Birthday.
Greg you nowhere, so I hope she gives In
Mlchele I.,
Your Secret Admirer
Sorry to hear you've Joined the
ranks, really sorry. But we all do Bobby,
love you, we really care, and we're You're by far the most. stoopld
Italian on the fsce of this earth, but
right here.
Marilyn you write horribly mediocre leads
and put out (?) on Incredibly adequate section. Happy Birthday,
Dearest Andrea,
H a p p y okay?
Thanksgiving, and I LOVE YOU.
Dear Paper Factory and Ellis,
DKB Even though I'm not going to be
around to see how this exciting
Hoping your experimentation br- paper prints, have a good Turkey
ings much for the Interest of Day and take care. And Lynne, the
— especially
the Christmas records are under the
chlorophyll segments. Good luck, bed. Don't bruise yourself getting
Love ya', September
Your assistant
Whlpplts 869-0992 and Inflators.
Harry S.,
Even though you NAG. I still love
you, because you're always there
when I need you.
Love, Uncle Mike
BEWARE — The Grlnch Is stealing
Christmas on Colonial Quad.'
Baby Itz,
Bring back the SHITZ In Spring '80.
Pierce Hall —
Thanks for the great surprise and
the BESTEST birthday.
Love, Leslie
Dear P.,
No quotable quotes today. Just the
feeling that I want to work at things
with you.
Love, D.
We've been knocking on the wall
but we didn't think you heard.
Though we know you have big ears
Now aren't we absurd?
We were gonna go as scoopers
but Fish you weren't there.
So we all got electrified
and put dayglow in our hair.
The rest of trie gang Is really fine,
All awaiting your arrival
So you can come back to SUNYA
and take a crash course In survival.
Fellz dia del turkey!
We miss and love you,
Bratface and the scooper
Even though Buffalo never seems to
make the sports page, we can still
tolerate you (sometimes). And even
though the ASP pays for your
Florida vacation while some of us
hard-workers are still slaving away
In Albany wind and rain, we can still
•0> CiupftaaH&tip*ignore your "bag" Jokes with considerable open-mlndedness. And S«rv«d 24 lli>ur.-M-[> v
even though most of this Is totally
Irrelevant, we still want you to have
a happy birthday. Later Loser!
The Working Staff
Bob (Doody),
Love, The Staff
Eat a Bag.
Albany Student Press —
continued from page three
called Anthony later, he reportedly
said he would deliver them Friday if
he got them before 3 p.m.
Deutsch said she brought cartons
of Tangent to the Loading Dock
before noon, and marked delivery
areas directly on the cartons.
"Last Monday through Thursday
I didn't see hide nor hair of them,"
she said. Deutsch called Anthony
back last Wednesday and he
reportedly said he had delivered
them Monday. Israel said, however,
that Anthony later told her they
were delivered Tuesday.
"They gave us the run-around,"
Israel remarked.
C C l u b News
Page Eleven
"Tangents"Lost inMix-up
JSC Hillel UJA Auction Fantastic goods being auctioned off in
Dutch quad cafeteria on Dec. 4 al 8:00.
Gay 4 Lesbian Alliance, tonight, 9 p.m. In CC 373. Everyone
Fuerza Lallna's semi-formal dance presents Charanga 80 in the
CC ballroom Dec. 6th from 9 p.m. — 2 a.m. For more info
call: 457-8056 or 489-3881.
Last Thursday Anthony look
Deutsch and another Tangent staff
membef to the Quad Loading
Docks to show them where he placed the magazines. "On every quad
the cartons were gone," Deutsch
said. "On Dutch and State, where
the magazines were never received.^
there was no one in the Loading*
Docks to speak to.
"I'm not sure whether the
Loading Docks didn't realize they
had them, or whether they had
them and didn't know what to do
with them," Detusch said. "It was
a total screw-up. I'm almost sure
they were all thrown out.
"It was partly my fault," Deutsh
continued. "The Loading Dock
doesn't usually deliver magazines. I
was under the Impression the
Loading Docks would put them
C M* i s c e l l a n y
Feminist Alliance Do yon write? Arc you artistic? Arc women's
concerns of interest to you? Summit your original poems,
essays, short stories, art work, etc. to ATHENA, women's
literary magazine at the Campus Cciucr Information desk,
Feminist Alliance mailbox.
Speaker's Bureau meeting. NYIMRO office — CC 382 on
Wednesday al 1:00 p.m. Call 457-4623 for more information.
Where the
Glass is Greener
•ntnl Centtri open dayi,
evening! and weekends.
' Low hourly cost. Dedicated fulllima staff.
< Completi TEST-n-TAPES'lacllltlts
for review of c l a n lesions and
supplementary materials.
— 'I classes taught by skilled
• Opportunity to make up mined
lei tons,
Voluminous home-study materials
constantly updated by researchon exptrl In their field.
• Opportunity to transfer to and
continue study at any of our
over 80 cantari.
Big Mouth from
Mickey's Malt liquor
CiUDiyi, Cvti I Wirkindi
Enjoy Our Famoum Expmmo or Cappuclmo
Graced with your Cholcm of Liquor'*
Albany Center
163 Delaware Ave
FREE with tills coupon (expires December 2 0 , 1980)
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CALL TOLL FREE: 8 0 0 - 2 2 3 - 1 7
Justin McNeil's
Coming December 4th
Dutch Quad Cafeteria
at 8 p.m.
For more information call JSC 7-7508
Conneticut based manufacturer wishes to hire student for
on campus sales. Flexible
hours. High commission rate.
Product is a newly developed
heated windsheild wiper.
Call collect (203)481-6207,
for more information.
Unit .11 Modlson, Albany, N.Y.
(518) 463-5219
Purveyor of fine food and drink
Hnura: Lunch 11:30-5:00 Tuesday-Saturday
Dinner 5:00-11:00 Tuesday-Saturday
Munchius Menu ll:00pm-closing Tuesday-Saturday Sunday Brunch 12noon-9:00pm
Entertainment: Sunday and Monday evenings
Present Your ID Card
* *SAVE 2 0 - 4 0 % * *
' W a t c h for our newest addlt i o n - B o Ashley's
Empire Vision Center Is the area's lowest
priced contact lens center. Come in for your
F R E E , no-obllgation visit today.
Career Placement Cenfer
Announce a
Professional Sales Seminar
Available to all students including
December graduates interested in a sales
Thursday, December 4, 1980
3:30PM - 5PM
T h e topic Is The Corporate Environment.
Contact John Alexander, Career Placement Center for
more details.
An affirmative aeiion employer
CroMlown P I * " - CoflWI Home 7 and Wall Si
Scheneclady. New Vork
|SI>) 383 066I
Our chefs present a special buffet on
December 4,5,6,7, Thursday through Sunday from 4 to 9pm.All you can eat.Only
Egg Rolls.Hunawsplsy Pork
Orange Chicken
Pepper Steak with onions
House Special Romeln
Shrimp Imperial
• Sunglasses
• In-House Laboratory
Appointments not necessary, but available,
w *
Includes: i
"Hot and Sour"or"Wonton" soup
Professional fees and contact lens care kits available al
very reasonable costs. Other special contact lenses Including
C.A.EJ. and bifocals available at our low, low prices.
• Eye Examinations
• Eyeglass Prescriptions Filled
Celebrate our 3rd year
Ultra Thin
XEROX Corporation
where we wanted them to go.'
For the next issue, in
December, Deutsch said she won't
use the loading docks. "We may
have (the printer) deliver them to
the Quads," she said, "but someone under our jurisdiction will
deliver them oh the Quad's. And
I'll be there.'
Israel added she thinks, "It's a
shame that this had to happen.
"We put so much work into the
magazine," Israel said. "We learned a lesson but it shouldn't have
been that way."
Israel added that she hopes other
itudent groups will not use the
Loading Docks in the future.
"They're not responsible, and
they're not good people to deal
with," Israel said.
T.B. Report
continued from page three
Statistics Colloquium Wednesday, December 10, 1980 in FS
140 al 3:30 p.m.
New Directions for Information Services Dr. Walter Grunldgc,
Dircclor or Clarkson College's new Electronic Education
Resources center will give a talk on its currcnl slate & projected
development. Monday, Dec. 8 al 7:00 in Draper Hall, room 21.
Realities of American Indian Sovereignly; Friday, Dec. 5 at 7
p.m. al Manual Baptist Church, 275 Stale St., Albany. Film &
refreshments. Sponsored by Rights for American Indians Now.
Dr. Dale Flanders of MIT Lincoln Laboratory: "Applications
of 100 Angoiruin Line Width Structures on Chemistry &
Physics." Given on Dec. 2 al 7:15 p.m. in LC 21.
Happy 21st Birthday Christy. You're
the sweetest girl I know. I'M always
love you. God bless you.
November 25, 1980
Happy Birthday!
JSC Hillel presents:
2 bedrooms apartment fully furnished with all electrical appliances, living room, kitchen, etc. Located off
Albany-Shaker Road. Best for those
with kids. Car necessary (8 mlns.
drive). Call 465-0696,
(I y o s t / F o t m d j
] What
What the hell's the deal? Hope you
had a great Birthday.
Love, Suite 203
House Special Fried Rice
No student discounts during ll»
No Reisrvatloni
insignificant statistic in the U.S.A.
as of 1980. Treatment is usually on
an ambulatory basis, simplified, improved and effective.
The bacillus has a waxy outer
coating and can survive 5 days in a
lighted room, 5 months in Ihe dark,
or 1 1/2 years in a refrigerator. Yet
bright .sunlight kills it rather promp-.
tly — hence ihe former rest treatment routine in sunny sanatoria
where patients languished often for
years. The disease is spread through
Ihe air most often as the organism Is
inhaled from droplets or dusl, rarely by ingestion through contamination of food or utensils.
Confusion arises often from the
fact thai an individual can have a
positive skin lesl to tuberculosis
.testing material wilhoul having the
actual disease process. A positive
lest simply means thai Ihe individual has somehow, somewhere
come in contact with the organism
lo sufficient-degree lo cause the
body lo react lo Ihe lest. Fifty years
ago virtually everybody would have
had a positive lesl by Ihe age of 20.
Now fewer lhan 20 percent of
young people have a positive skin
test, an x-ray of the chest is indicated however, and certain
groups such as workers in Ihe health
field, for example, need especially
careful surveillance.
Immunizing against tuberculosis
lias been tried and used fairly extensively in other countries, bill it is
not entirely salisfactory. With the
control of ihe disease in the U.S.
through excellent case finding,
meticulous follow-up on contacts,
and effective treatment in those
cases discovered such immunization
programs are not practical.
In summary,' infants and pregnant females are most susceptible to
the disease. Normally healthy people have considerable natural
resistance (not immunity) lo the
disease. It is most common in the
U.S.A. now in refugees or individuals entering from countries
outside of Ihe U.S.A. mainland or
in homeless, derelict alcoholics. The
important thing lo realize is that
anybody can develop the disease
and it is medically prudent lo maintain a high index of suspicion and
constant search for tuberculosis
because it is now treatable and
curable when picked up early
LtoteBy the time you read this, I'll be
there so this really doesn't make
much difference, but I miss you. 1
know It's boon a while since you've
gotten one of these, but the ASP
doesn't run out of Interesting things
to say loo often. I love youl But as
for that cat . . .
16 R U I K I I Kil.. W c i | „ a | t lll,i i: , Alb* ,f. New York I3J06 (SI8J-4B9 857S
HOURS: Mon.. Wed., fri. 95:30. luei., fhurl IJ 8 p.m.! Sal. 9 I
November 25, 1980
Credit U n i o n E l e c t i o n
t o fill
{Supervisory Committee Chair
All members invited
Monday December 1
8pm CC370
for more information call TOM 457-7944
The Environmental Planning Lobby, a statewide coalition of environmental organizations, will again offer a limited number of fu"semestcr legislative internships beginning January 198I. Successful candidates will work alongside our staff during the upcoming legislative session on major environmental and energy issues in New York Slate.
7:30 & 10:00 LC 18
Tickets are $ 1.00 w/tax card $1.50 w/o
Tickets will be sold in advance at the
record co-op on Wed, Thurs, Fri, Dec 3-5
and at the door. Look for The Kids Are
Alright record giveaway and record co-op
To apply, contact:
Bernard C. Mclewski
Executive Director
Environmental Planning Lobby
196 Morton Ave.
Albany, NY 12202
Sugar Ray Needles Roberto Duran
Leonard is doing everything but
sticking pins in Roberto Duran
dolls as he prepares for tonight's
rematch with the tough Panamanian who took away his WBC
welterweight boxing title five months ago.
And he's getting a lot of help
from his Svcngali Trainer, Angclo
Dundee, a master at psychological
Spurts of venom are flying between the two camps — not
fabricated barbs designed to bolster
a sagging gate but a genuine case of
mutual dislike.
"Sugar Ray didn't know what to
make of Duran when he fought him
last June in Montreal," Dundee
said, referring to the Panamanian's
close 15-round decision."
"He was a bit in awe — not
afraid, mind you — of Duran and
Page Thirteen
Albany Student Press
Duran's reputation of being poundror-pound (he best fighter in the
world. So outside the ring he
treated Duran with respect."
"When Duran threw tantrums
and put on those macho displays,
Sugar Ray thought it was cute and
laughed it off. He found out later
Duran was a bad guy, an animal."
"Duran was rude. He was vulgar.
He fouled my man 25 times — look
at the films and count 'em — and
rubbed it in. He took Sugar Ray's
decency and courtesy as a sign of
weakness. Sugar Ray was stunned
by it. I am sure it affected his
"It won't happen this time. We'll
give the guy what he gave us."
• Dundee has taken the initiative in
the war of intimidation and started
grabbing most of the media attention.
He keeps vigorously protesting
Duran's rough and tumble butting
tactics. He has insisted the Panamanian shave his craggy beard. And he
has offended Duran's Spanish interpreter.
It was Dundee who conceived the
idea that he and Leonard appear at
last Thursday's news conference in
long black beards and mimic the
champion's beast, "I wcel keel
Dundee accused Duran's interpreter, Luis Henrique, of using his
own words and not those of Duran
in interpretations.
"Duran can speak English as well
as 1 do," Dundee charged. "To use
an interpreter, it's like throwing
out a wet fish." Dundee has gone
further to charge that Duran has
been even more objcclionable than
in the last fight.
"He had Sugar Ray's brother
and sister thrown out of his
workout, saying they were spies,"
the trainer said. "Every time he or
one of his people sees one of .our
group they make a vulgar remark or
"Sugar Ray is fed up to here with
it. I think you'll see a different
Leonard Tuesday night." The mildmannered Leonard was asked if he
disliked Duran.
New Coach Craig Patrick
Searches For Herb Brooks
NEW YORK (AP) A year ago,
Craig Patrick was helping Coach
Herb Brooks mold a bunch of collegians into this country's Olympic
hockey team.
Today, Patrick is trying to shape
the New York Rangers into a competitive National Hockey League
team — and al Ihe same lime figure
out a way lo get Brooks behind the
Rangers bench.
Patrick, 34, added Ihe team's
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Lowenbrau. Here's to good friends.
'I wouldn't want to live next door
to him," the former Olympic gold
medalist replied.
Duran was asked if his attitude
toward Leonard and Leonard's
camp was a publicity hype for the
In translation, Duran's reply
came out firm and clear:'
"No, I do not like hceni."
coaching duties — on an interim
basis — to his status as director of
operation on Saturday when Fred
Shero resigned, brooks appears a
likely candidate for the role of
Rangers bench boss, but he currently is tied up in the first year of a
two-year contract coaching an
"It's hard to tell how long it will
take until we find a replacement for
Shero," said Patrick, who will conduct thai search, which figures to
start and end wilh Brooks. "We
have had discussion with Herb and
Ihcrc arc more to come."
Until Brooks is free to join the
Rangers, Patrick will run Ihe whole
show. Considering that his
coaching experience totaled seven
games wilh the Olympians — 6-1
during I heir exhibition tour prior to
their startling gold medal success at
Ihe Lake Placid Games — Patrick is
laking on a mammoth challenge.
Luckily, he has Ihe players in his
"Craig has lots of good ideas,"
said velcran center Phil. Esposito,
who had been rumoured a candidate for Ihe coaching posh ion until Madison Square Garden Corporal ion President Sonny Wcrblin
emphatically slated thai Esposilo
was nol being considered. "He's a
smart hockey man. We had a real
good lalk session Saturday."
"The change is a breath of life,
you might say," said I am captain
Dave Maloney. "No one gol close
lo Fred. A lillle more communication might help."
Patrick realizes the importance of
improved communication between
management and the players.
"There'll be lois of communication and blackboard stuff, especially initially," he said on Saturday.
"1 feci we have lo have everybody
know what's going on on tire ice."
Patrick was pleased with Ihe
Rangers' first performance, though
they wore beaten 6-4 by the Stanley
Cup champion Islanders.
"The effort was real good," he
said. "We're starling from scratch.
This is Day One. For going through
the crash course we went ihrough,
we played very well."
Shero's resignation was prclly
much a forced one. He look over
Ihe club in June 1978 and led it lo
the playoff finals in his first season
at helm. But things soured lasl
season, when New York lost in the
playoff quarterfinals, and the
Rangers had a 4-13-3 record under
Shero this year.
Shero cited an. inability "to
achieve the greatest potential and
motivale the playing personnel lo
the best of their ability," as his
reasons for quilting. Ironically, he
said the same kind of things when
he left the Flyers, whom he coached
to NHL championships in 1974 and
1975 to join the Rangers.
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Ray Carlos
Albany Swimmers Take Fifth In Dane Relays
Coast Guard Victorious Again
by Jeff Schadoff
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Page Fifteen
Albany Student Press
Educational Cfcnters
Sunday, November 30, at 3:30pm
November 25, 1980
One of America's Leading
Experts In Test Preparation
Last Saturday (he Albany Stale
men's swim team played host for
the 11th Annual Great Dane Swimming and Diving Relays. The Danes
placed fifth in a field of nine in the
four-year college division. Coast
Guard (129 points) won the event as
they did last year with a decisive victory over RPI and Vermont, who
tied for second (108 points.) In
fourth was New Paltz with 100,
followed by Albany with 90, McGili
66, St. Michaels and Union lied at
42 and Vassar had 30.
In the two-year College Division,
Alfred Tech just got by Monroe by
four points, 51-47. Morrisvillc placed third with 30, Orange Community College and Cobblcskill tied for
fourth with 23 and Nassau rounded
out the field with 19 points.
The first event was the 400-yard
freestyle relay. This race, the first
win of the afternoon for the Coast
Guard, was one of six on the day
for them. They beat out RPI by (wo
seconds, in 3:25.2, as a Dane relay
team of Kevin Ahem, Steve
Bonawitz, Phil Albright and Lenny
Shoob placed fifth, in 3:34.2.
Next up was the 300-yard
brcaststroke relay with Joe Shore,
Eric Friedland and Shoob representing the home team. The Danes did
not fare as well in this relay, and
came in a disappointing sixth with a
time of 3:27.0, a good distance
behind first-place Coast Guard who
coasted in al a record-breaking time
of 3:11.57.
Possibly the best Dane effort on
the day was turned in by Ahcrn,
Bonawitz, and Shore in the
300-yard butterfly relay, placing a
strong fourth in 2:53.6. Coast
Guard won their third consecutive
race, and attained their second meet
record with a 2:48.2 time.
"Although we were satisfied with
the effort, I feci we could have
done belter. 1 swam in the second
relay and Kevin and Sieve were in
the first event. This race didn'i give
us much time to catch our breath,"
said Shore.
A 300-yard backslrokc relay leant
for Ihe Danes of Jim Colgon, Bob
Lento, and Ed Pierce placed fifth
behind RPI this lime as the
Engineers edged out Ihe Coast
Guard for high honors, 2:55.3 to
2:57.3 with Ihe Danes pulling in al
"Jim Colgan was really impressive in his splii witli a 1:01,"
commented Shore. In this event
Alfred Tech look home a new meet
record as they won the two-year
College Division race in 2:55.3, to
beat RPI's 1979 record by threelenlhs of a second.
The Coasl Guard cruised to
another easy victory in Ihe 800-yard
frccslylc relay in 7:35.2 for yet one
more meet record breaking their
own 1979 mark of 7:36.0. Albany
was totally out-matched in litis
evenl, as Dave Moiola, Frank
Kozakiewicz, John Docrner and
Alan Rebhun clocked in al a distant
sixth with 8:41.3.
"1 suppose wc could have done
betlcr. The meet for me as well as
most of the team was basically to
sec how much work wc can really
use. It was a learning experience for
me," said Kozakiewicz.
The sixth event of Ihe scheduled
nine was the one-meter diving relay
where each school had Iwo divers
represented. Vermont edged out
RPI by jusl under cighi points;
194.35 lo 186.80. The Danes had
their highest finish in any one event
as ihey look a third here with Randy Link and Bill Dentasch sharing
Ihe honors. The two combined for
137.95 points.
"The season is early but Ihe
potential is dcninilely here. There is
no doubt we could have done better. Randy Ihrew some new dives
and lie tried his best," said
"1 thought the meet was good for
the guys in lerms'of exposure and
competition. For Bill, things are
moving forward. It's kind of early
to expect any amazing performances yd. For us, experience is a
big factor and you can learn a lot
from a meet like Ibis — look, listen
and learn. For us it was a good
start. I'm looking forward to the
rest of the season," said Albany
diving coach Bruce Sickles.
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'. i J J
i.. .-
•' ••--'•'
Following the diving was the
600-yard individual medley relay
with John Doemcr, Ed Pierce and
Bob Lento participating for the
Danes. Their 7:22.5 was again a distant seventh as Ihe Coasl guard was
decisively beaten by first-place
McGili, 6:17.7 lo 6:24. The McGili
relay team crushed Coasl Guard's
1979 record in Ihe event by nearly
eight seconds.
The 200 yard freestyle relay
found none oilier Mian Coasl Guard
winning this race as ihcy beat out a
new second place opponent — New
Paltz, by just under four seconds
and breaking their own 1975
record. Kozakiewicz, Colgan,
Moiola, and Jeff Farkus turned in a
fourth place finish in what might
have been the best race ofIhe day.
"Everybody swam a real good
early season split lime. I was happy
with my effort. 1 never swam I he
50-yard freestyle and I was pretty
pleased wilh Ihe results," said Colgan.
The Danes went oul wilh a
"slacked" 400-yard medley relay — .
Ihe last event of the dsy. At Ibis
point Albany was 12 points oul of
New Paltz's fourth place and il
seemed evident that the Dancw were
unable lo gel fourth place. But
Bonawitz, Shore, Ahem, ?nd
Albright finished a respectable
fourlh in 1:38.0. RPI placed third
in 1:35.9, New Paltz was second in
1:35.6 and the Coast Guard cap-
£ • • . . <- ••'•
Coasl Guard won the ICIcvcnth Annual Dane Relay Meet for the second
consecutive time with 129 points. (Photo: Marc Hcnschel)
' i;>
The Albany State men swimmers finished fifth In the Great Dane Relay and Diving meet last weekend. The
swimming team placed behind Coast Guard, RPI, Vermont, and New Paltz. (Photo: Dave Machson)
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*«<TAKE-OUT »nvi<ci«
tured their fourtli new record on the
day as Ihey beat their 1976 meet
record with a 1:31.81
"The medley was undoubtedly
our best race. We gol a super effort
from Phil (Albright), the freeslyle
leg. Considering il was a last minute
decision for Phil to swim litis race,
he did a real good j o b , " said
"1 was really pul on the spot. On
the day I was prclly consistent wilh
my limes for early season bul my
times will gel much belter," said
"Today's effort shows thai wc
have some work to do. Wc have
definitely improved over last year
but wc need some work. Without a
doubt the young guys will help a
great deal," said Ahem in his
analysis of the meet.
Assistant coach Frank Heler
said, "wc didn'i do loo bad. The
competition was much more intense
this year. There were a lot of good
limes for this early in the season
and wc show a lot of strong potential. Joe Shore's early season flat
siart time-in (he brcaststroke relay
was superb. When Ncal Ullman
comes back nexl semester his dual
meet strength will give the team
more depth and an excellent 1-2
The next meet for Ihe Danes is
December 3 as Ihey travel to
Oswego for Iheir first dual meet of
ihe young season.
MushIt doesn't matter
if you are in Albany,
Brookville, Europe
or yes even
Sahib loves you!
Enjoy your turkey!
I love you
Swimmers Fifth
November 25, 1980
Danes Cop Championship In Brockport Tourney
Patient Offense Sets Pace In 61-55
Albany Win Over Top-Ranked Upsala
by Bob Bellafiore
BROCKPORT — They beat a learn
to win the Brockport Tournament
that they were not supposed lo be
able to beat.
Upsala College, ranked second in
the east in Division III by a preseason coaches poll, is quick, and
likes to run. The Danes are not
quick, and would rather slow the
pace down. But if was Ray Ccsarc's
drive lo the basket afler a stall of
over one minute giving Albany a
four-poini lead with 46 seconds lo
go that propelled the Danes lo a
61-55 victory over Ihe Vikings in the
championship game Saturday
night. Albany got ihere by virtue of
their 51-50 win over Rochester Institute of Technology the night
control of Ihe tempo of the game Kcanan, and hil a fadeaway jumper
that nullified Upsala's speed advan- with only three seconds lo go, knoltage, and gave the Danes the chance ting the score al 27.
to run their own style of offense. "I
Albany look ihe lead for the first
was pleased with the way my team lime with less llian two minutes
was patient," said Saucrs.
gone in the second half, when
" T h e y wanted a 60-poini junior forward Joe Jednak hil a
game,"said a disappointed Upsala 17-foolcr, giving Ihe Danes a 33-31
basketball coach Tom Chapman, advantage. Upsala got il back on a
"and we wanted an 80-poinl lay in by Keenan, but Albany
regained Ihe lead for good on
Upsala maintained a iwo-poini Dicckclman's Ihrec-poinl play, with
lead throughout mosi of the firsi 10:44,remaining, making Ihe score
half, with Albany tying, but never 46-44.'
going ahead. The Viking zone
Il was then that ihe Vikings had
defense consislanlly prevented Ihe lo make adjustments. Once they
Danes from gelling the ball inside, were behind, Upsala chose lo
forcing Ihcm lo play calch on the change from llieir zone lo a man-toperimeter for much of Ihe first half. man defense, much lo the enjoyBut one minute remaining, and mcni of Ihe Danes. Albany was able
Albany down 27-25, Ihe Danes went
lo utilize llicir motion offense, and
"Tonight, we're jusl on cloud into their stall for ihe last shot. that was jusl loo much for llicir opnine," said an elated Albany Ccsarc passed lo postman John pcncnls lo handle.
Dicckclman, who moved down the
basketball coach Dick Saucrs.
"Once we got lo motion, 1
II was Albany's slow, deliberate I lane, bumped with defender Steve- thought we would lakcudvanlagc,"
Saucrs said. "I Ihoughl wc were
smarter in the man-to-man than
Ihey were, and they really couldn't
handle our movement. We picked
litem io death."
"Wc used il as a stall," said
Dicckclman of ihe motion offense.
"Il was just lo gel the good shot."
Upsala goi as close as one point,
48-47, bin guard Rob Clunc hit
three consecutive free throws, and
with another Dieckelman fadeaway
from Ihe middle, Albany led 53-49.
The postman also hil a lay in off of
a pass from Clunc lo hoist Ihe lead
lo six points, 55-49.
The Vikings came back to within
a baskcl after Keenan hil a baseline
jumper, and last year's, ECAC
Player of Ihe Year, Fenncll Fowlkcs
was good from Ihe outside. Then
came Cesare's drive.
"Wc were worried abvoul their
transition," Saucrs said aboul Upsala. "Doc (Saucrs) jusl told us to
gel back on defense," Dicckclman
continued. "Wc handled il pretty
In the first round of the tourney,
Albany beal RIT in a see-saw battle
that, like Saturday's game, was lied
al halftime. The Danes, in contrast
lo their - championship effon,
played unorganized, and never really seemed lo gel llieir game plan off
Ihe ground.
"I Ihoughl wc played very well,"
Saucrs said, "for aboul eight
minutes. I Ihoughl we lacked a
floor leader. We were jusl lucky to
gel oul of Ihere."
Perhaps Ihe brightest spot of the
weekend was the performance of
Albany sophomore center John Dieckelman was selected Brockporl Tour- Dieckelman. The sophomore center
nament Most Valuable Player. (Photo: Dave Madison)
scored 21 points, hauled in six rebounds, and blocked three shots
against Upsala, in addition lo the 14
points and seven caroms in Ihe
opener. For his efforts, he was
named Ihe tournament's Most
Valuable Player in his first two
games as a Dane,
"John definitely earned Ihe
Irophy," Sauers said. "He did a
great job for us. He's going to get
Also tabbed for honors was Jednak, who was named to Ihe AllTournament team. Scoring 10
See Centerfold
Alliain junior forward Joe Jednak puts one in from underneath during lust
weekend's tournament in Brockport. (Photo: Dave Muelison)
points in ihe final game, his outside
shooting and defense provided
dividends on both ends of the court
for Ihe Danes.
Albany, with two wins on the
opening weekend, has some time
off unlil Ihey travel lo Oswego on
December 3. for a SUNYAC game.
They open their home schedule ui
University Gym on December 6,
when powerhouse Potsdam comes
to renew a fierce rivalry.
"It's a grcal way lo start the
year," Dicckclman said. Saucrs
agreed: "I think the impetus ol'ihis
will carry us a long way."
An InjuredRay Cesare
Makes His Presence Felt
BROCKPORT — Surrounding the much-awaited Albany-Upsala matchup Saturday night was the uncertain siaius of Dane guard Ray
Cesare. In Albany's opening round Brockporl Tournament win — a
sluggish performance against RIT — Cesare and his slightly sprained
ankle remained on the bench. Facing a powerhouse Upsala squad Ihe
next night, Ihe Danes needed Cesare in the lineup.
But no one knew if Cesare would play.
"In the afternoon I thought I wasn't going lo play," Cesare said. "I
really didn't know, and I thought il depended on how the game went.
Then Doc (Albany coach Dick Sauers) asked me how I felt before the
Obviously, he fell well enough. Willi 10:23 remaining in Ihe firsi
half Sauers sent Cesare in lo the ballgamc. Two minutes later Ccsarc, a
6-4 guard, attempted his first shot — a 15-foot jumper that swished
through the net. Not moving at full speed, Cesare did manage lo
play a little over 21 minutes, and although his ballhandling helped the
Danes repeatedly break backcourt pressure by Upsala, his greatest
contribution came late in the game. Willi 43 seconds left, Cesare hil
Albany's biggest basket of the contest — a strong drive lo Ihe hoop —
lo pul Ihe Vikings away.
Thai drive was Cesare's third and fourth points, but despile Ihe low
scoring output, Ihe Danes realized Cesare's importance.
"They obviously knew what Ray could d o , " said guard Rob Clunc.
"It gave added respect to our outside shooters with him in the game,
so we gol the ball inside more."
"It's obvious there was a difference when he was in there," said
Sauers or his senior co-captain. "What he did was the tonic wc needed."
Il seems Cesare, sprained ankle and all, was jusl Ihe medicine the
Danes needed.
— Paul Schwartz