fSunshine Thoughts page 18' "Moral" Vs. "Common Sense 99 November 14, 1980 \ by Amy Kantor Spikers Seeded Fourth In State Tournament Rip RPIIn Final Game Of Season by Larry Kiilm They were ranked fourlh in New York Stale and hadn't lost in over a month. They boasted a 22-5 record, were riding a 14 game winning streak, and had already been selected to compete in the State championship tournament. T h e Albany State volleyball team had been successful all year, but they needed a unique way to end their tremendous season-. In their final game of the regular season Ihe Dane spikers gave RPI a thrashing they will never forget, outscoring ihe Engineers 45-1 in Albany and the " M o r a l M a j o r i t y " o f New York State presented the group's national leader Jerry Falwell while at the Federal Building across the street, Capital District civic and c o m m u n i t y organization representatives gathered lo protest this movement, which they associate with the oncoming conservative Reagan ad- There was more that divided the " M o r a l M a j o r i t y " and a protest group of approximately 200 than North Pearl Street last Friday evening. The Palace Theater in downtown three games in University Gym on Wednesday night. " W c played w e l l , " understated Albany volleyball coach Pat Dwyer. " I t looks like wc were ready play — it was the best wc ever did against £ anybody, V Albany gave RPI an inkling of what was to come when Ihey came out firing in the first game and won after onl) seven services! 15-0. The second contest was just a blur. Freshman Rosa Prieto opened the game by serving 12 straight points and Rcba Miller served the next three IO totally demoralize ihe stun-ned RPI squad. RPI scored first in Ihe final bout for their only tally o f the day, bul the Danes reeled o f f 15 unanswered poinls lo put Ihe Engineers out o f llieir misery. Albany will be looking lo pul the finishing touch on a masterpiece of a season litis weekend when ihey go after the Stale championship al Stony Brook. The Danes are seeded fourth behind Brooklyn, Frcdonia, and Nazareth. Sixteen teams have been selected The volleyball team finished Ihe year with a 23-5 record and takes u for the tournament and ihey will compete in four round-robin pools. 15-gamc win streak to Slates, (Photo: Mark Nulek) | s p 5" | Moral Majority leader Falwell. "Hack lo basics. " . (NEWS FEATURE The organizers of the protest group, the Community For Common Sense (CCC) include representatives from religious, ethnic, civil, and student rights groups. Equipped with signs bearing equal rights slogans, the demonstrators directed Iheir cries o f "Equality For All — We're Moral T o o " and " 2 , 4, 6, 8 — Separate C h u r c h and S t a l e " towards those entering ihe theater lo hear " M o r a l M a j o r i t y " leader Rev. Jerry Falwell speak. " W c are not a minorhy, bul a m a j o r i t y , " addressed S U N Y A student C C C organizer. M i k e McPartlin, as he began Ihe flow of speeches and allegations against the entourage across the street and the man who would lake to the stage in approximately one hour. McPartlin continued, " T h e one thing we all believe in is tolerance, understanding and communication...The " M o r a l M a j o r i t y " is trying to use ignorance to rally the people. Wc arc using education." "They have the nerve lo claim they are the majority and moral when ihey arc n o t , " proclaimed SUNYA History Professor Lawrence Winner. " H o w moral is it to link wilh Ihe right w i n g ? " he asked. " T h e y oppose aid to Ihe poor, housing, medical care and food." He spoke of llic need for a real moral movement lo aid the weak, not a movement to fortify repression, " i l is our j o b to build such a movement," he concluded. Father James Murphy, paslor of a Schenectady church, said Ihal llic religious convictions of the " M o r a l M a j o r i t y " lead lo the justification of haired. " W e won't toleralc the drafting of God . . . as a great patriot. He was not on the side of the perpetration of w a r , " Father The spikers will he heading lo Stony Brook this weekend to compete in the Slate championship tourney. (Photo: UPS) Albany heads a pool consisting of Rochester (5th), University o f Buffalo (12(h), and Oneonla (13th). " W e have the toughest o n e , " Dwyer noted. Bul Albany has been red hot. The lasl lime ihe spikers lost in a regular " C o m m u n i t y for Common Sense" protest al Federal Building. "We believe in tolerance, communication, and understanding. " Murphy dience. commented to the au- Albany Unitarian Church Minister John Corrado offered a less critical view* of Falwell. " H e believes in the gospel o f division," Ihe minister said. " H e can have his beliefs. Just don'l force us lo accept Ihem." Planned Parenthood spokesperson Ruih Kleepcr explained to the crowd ihal one of ihe main Ihrusls o f " M o r a l M a j o r i t y " is an end to legal abortions and sex educationin schools. "Organizations like ours are now in danger," she remarked. Protesting Falwell's opposition lo abortion, gay rights, women's rights, " f r e e speech, and civil liberties," former SASU President and S U N Y A student Sharon Ward said that " w e are here to reaffirm and prolest the 'new right' who found their leadership in folks like Jerry Falwell." Inside the Palace T h e a t r e , Falwell was greeted by a standing ovation from the crowd. He told a substantial crowd that, " T o n i g h t , we have come to share what we believe is a grassroots movement — back to basics and back to tradition. " W e are Americans who agree on the moral principles o f America,-on the dignity o f human life and Ihe sanctity o f the monogamous famil y , " he said. Falwell, the father of three children and paslor o f a 17,000 continued on pane seven Slate University uf New York ul Allium match was on October 11 againsi Division I West Point and since I lien have won 15 straight. " I Ihink we're going lo do w e l l , " Dwyer predicted. " W e should be in Ihe winner's bracket. 1 think tin players arc ready." l'«[l in Altian) Sluilriit Pmi i "ti i<" ~N Danes Hope To Stay Over .500 Against Chiefs Face 6-2 Springfield In Finale by Boh Bellafiore After lasl Saturday's comc-fronibchind win againsi Central Florida, Albany head football coach Bob Ford said that lie just wanted lo savor the win for awhile before he started worrying about his team's next game. Well, Ihe lime lo savor is over, because the Danes will run into some lough o p p o s i l i o n l o m o r row when Ihey take University Field againsi Division II Springfield, al 1:00. T^r 'licfs are 6-2, and can boasl I JCOUTIMG RGPORT wins over ihen-naiionally ranked Division II power American International College, and most recently over previously undefeated Wagner College (one of the lop learns in Division I I I ) , 27-10. 'They (Springfield) have a good team, there's no question," said Albany coach Mark Collins, who scouted the Chiefs lasl week. Their only defeats have come al the hands o f Davidson (a Division I A A team) and defending Division I I I champs Ithaca. Bin Springfield has beaten Norwich and Southern Connecticut, both o f whom defeated Albany. Balance is Ihe key lo Springfield's game. Bill if one aspect of their learn l> dominant, il would be the defense, five vc players, players, none none is is shorter shorter than than 6-2, and all lip 111" scales al about 220 pounds. The biggcsi character in that cast is 6-4, 260 pound tackle Tony Green, who also doubles as the punier, but Ihe best is probably linebacker Doug McKcnncy. His 21 lacklcs (10.solo) againsi Wagner got him E C A C player of Ihe week honors. His partner al inside linebacker will be 6-2, 220 pound John Richaidson. l i e was player of the week againsi A l C just three games ago, so Albany will have to contend wilh some talent on Ihe inside. " T h e y keep their linebackers four or five yards o f f Ihe b a l l , " Collins said, and Ihal enables them lo read Ihe offense better, The Dane wishbone philosophy says Ihal you Iry to gel to the outside, and then run the ball inside, once llic defense is conscious of the The Danes fully remember Ihe corner. This year, though, it's been way Ihey were oulsi/ed by U C F lasl the running of fullback Chuck week and still managed to w i n , and Priorc in belween Ihe guards thai ihal has to work in a positive way has kepi ihe allaek moving, and for them. " I t ' s important for us to whether or not he can be sprung come o f f a big victory like Ihal, tomorrow againsi I lie lough from because il lets our players know Ihal o f Ihe C|iiefs may be a deciding facllv.'y can play wilh people like tor in the ballgamc. Ford said thai t h a t , " Collins said wilh Albany's this confrontation should be Interesting, "They've been in some offensive line in mind. good wars this year," Ford said of the Albany offensive line. Even si ill, if Priorc can gel some yards tomorrow like lie has been doing all season (he's the Danes' leading rusher with 816 yards), Albany can gain an edge. " T h e y have lo honor our fullback," Collins continued, " I hey know he's a running threat." Ford agrees thai the effectiveness of the interior game is a key. " W h e n we've gollen llic ball often Into llic hands of Chuck Priorc, wc have w o n , " Ford said. " W e ' r e going to try lo gel him the ball 10 or 15 limes in the game, and Iry lo gel them lo respect it on Ihe inside." llic Chiefs play a I luce-deep secondary, wilh one of ihe other cornerbneks shifting from side lo side, depending upon the formation. " T h e ' C h i e f , " as Springfield people call him, will be number 30, 6-o, 198 pound Paul Fcrraro, iheir 5-2 alignment is blessed with two vital necessities — llze and speed. Springfield's five inside men (Ihe two tackles, two linebackers and middle guard) are, according lo a former Albany defensive coach, ihe besl group in ihal area Ilia! lie's ever seen on this level o f college football, O f those " H e ' l l probably go lo our splil end side," Collins projected, " t h a i will 1 lie Dune defensive line will buve lo bold llieir ground against Ihe misdirection, run-oriented multiple al luck o f Springfield tomorrow al University Held, shirting ut 1:00. (Photo: Mark Nudlcr) give them one more man lo thai side lo defend,againsi the o p t i o n . " Fcrraro might confuse ihe Danes offensive plan. " Y o u never know continued on /wee seventeen Downtown Thefts Reported photill slim, ( "lull Wukrbury Hall lias been Ihe scene of many robberies. Quad head Liz Kadko: "Students have become too trusting. by Andrew Carroll Lorl Mcllwainc was down the hall talking wilh a friend and her roommate was doing the laundry. They were gone for only 10 or 15 minutes, But In that time, someone entered their unlocked room and walked away with Lori's camera, wallet, and checkbook. Lori's is jusl one in a scries of al least 14 burglaries or burglary altetnpls that have occurred on Alumni Quad in jusi over two-and-onehalf weeks. Five reports have come from Walcrbury Hall, the same number from Alden. and Iwo each from Saylcs and Brubacher Flails. " W e ' r e having a terr'ble prob l e m , " said Quad Coordinator Liz Radko, who terms the number o f burglaries a " r a s h . " "Students leave llieir rooms unlocked, run across Ihe hall for 5 minutes, and come back lo find tilings missing." Students have reported losses of stereos, calculators, lape players, wallets, chargeeards, checkbooks, cameras, amd money. One student, who returned lo her room lo find the metal door lock bent out o f shape, lost $500 worth of jewelry. " W e ' r e a trusting c o m m u n i t y , " Radko said. But she thinks students have become too trusting. Many of the crimes occurred during the day, when few students were in the dorms. Furthermore, the quad is located in a residential district, with OCA Holds Corning Call-in Day Push for Security Ordinance by Wayne Pccrchoom Albany Mayor Eraslus Corning received belween forty and (illy phone calls yesterday as the result of a " c a l l - i n " staged lo voice student dissatisfaction with progress being made on a security ordinance, according to Off-Campus Association (OCA) Director Mark Dunlea, According lo Dunlea, llic Mayor told callers he docs not support the proposed ordinance, which would establish minimum standards for safety protection in rental housing. He added Ihal "this is Ihe first lime lie's come out strongly against i l . " Dunlea remarked Ihal the Mayor's support of such an ordinance has gradually declined since lasl July when Coming first said he would have an ordinance passed. The Mayor iias suggested that tenants who have security problems wilh landlords should call him, Dunlea said. The Mayor and City Housing Authority Chair Joseph Ducchs, have done little on a security ordinance since the open meeting that was held early in October, Dunlea said, bul added that the Mayor lias agreed lo check into the delay. The current proposal, Dunlea explained, was written with "police recommendations o f what Is minimum security." He said llic group is " w i l l i n g to compromise" as long as police standards are met. ihe suburbs o f Pine Hills on Ihree sides and Albany High on ihe fourth. While police arc focusing on what Public Safely Direcior Jim Williams calls "generally a one-man crime w a v e , " Radko believes Albany High is a source of Ihe problem Security has begun to extend pal nils in the area, responding io boih the burglaries and the recent assaults al Draper Hall. Now, says Williams, " w e ' r e sending people down lo coincide wilh the start and finish of Albany H i g h . " However, Williams said, die exIra people the department can send is subject IO the resources of the department. Radko said the patrols do have a continued on page seven Long Island Lawyer Sues SA for Services Rendered by Susan Milligun SA is to lie sued in a Mineola court Friday for breach o f contract, as v a result of an incident regarding the hiring of an additonal SA lawyer three years ago, according lo SA Vice-President Brian Levy. In September of 1978, SA decided lo expand its legal services lo include an additional pan-time lawyer. A n SA search committee narrowed the choice to Lou Oliver and Alan Manning Miller, t1.'.- plain, tiff. Miller was brought before Central Council for approval, but was rejected because he wanted lo alter the contract, Levy said, He emphasized that Miller had never signed any contract lo SA. Miller is now demanding payment for services rendered while he was under consideration for the position. Miller said in pre-trial examination that he had travelled to Albany from Long Island "about five times" and " h a d interviews with several students regarding various Muyor Eraslus Corning Opposes Security ordinance charges," Oliver, who wil be defending SA on Friday, was not available for comment, Would CAPSUIES J I I I I I I I uacas -u-u-im-a^caqgvJMc "New Right" is Worried WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) President-elect Ronald Reagan's choice of mainstream Republicans for his transition team is setting off alarms from the New Right, whose leaders are worried over their apparent decline of influence. "We don't understand why the conservatives have not been more prominent in the campaign and the early stages of the transition," said Richard Vigucric, a leading fund-raiser for conservative causes. "It sure looks strange." Although New Right leaders continue to voice confidence that Reagan will live up to his conservative principles, they are clearly concerned about being shut out of the incoming Reagan administration. "The early sigin are that Governor Reagan will be pursuing rather liberal policies economically and a policy of detente in foreign affairs," said Howard Phillips, national director of the Conservative Caucus. Reagan has turned heavily to former officials from the administrations of Presidents Gerald R. Ford and Richard M. Nixon in setting up his transition team. And that has raised suspicion among some conservatives that a Reagan administration might adopt policies similar to those pursued by his two Republican predecessors — policies the New Right considers loo moderate. The New Right, which advocates major tax cuts, sharp reductions In social spending and a massive military buildup, has b e n particularly critical that advisory positions have been given to former Secretary of Stale Henry Kissinger, former Treasury Secretary George Shultz and Alan Greenspan, former chairman of the president's Council of Economic Advisers. ERA Supporters March BEIXEVUE, Wash. (AP) Dozens or pro-Equal Rights Amendment demonstrators — most 'of them women — marched Monday during the dedication of a $12 million Mormon temple and about twelve chained themselves lo the temple gates. Police used boll cullers lo remove the demonstrators and arrested eighlcen women and one man on criminal trespass charges. Al leasl Iwo protesters were shoved lo the ground by onlookers, witnesses said, but no injuries were reported. The protest over the 'church's opposition lo Ihe proposed amendment to Ihe U.S. Conslilulion began Saturday nighl when some of Ihe demonstrators chained themselves lo Ihree gales al lite temple being dedicated this week in Ihis Seattle suburb. Aboul forly others marched Monday near Ihe gates with signs thai read, "Down With Mormon Oppression" and "Mormons Have No Right To Slop ERA." Soviets Test New Missle WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) The U.S. Navy says the Soviels are testing a new submarine-launched missile with a longer range than anylhing in Ihe American sub fleet. It at least may have greater range, bcller accuracy, and more power than any of the current Soviet submarine-launched missiles, which are jusl being matched by the U.S. Navy, officials said. The Navy says, without elaboration, thai the Soviels may be experiencing difficulties in their fliglu lesi program. Bui officials indicate they expeel the Soviels lo overcome iho.se problems and cvcnlually deploy the new missile, with a probable range grealer than 4,500 miles, in lubes aboard Iheir giani Typhoon submarines. The U.S. Tridenl missile has a range of aboul 4,500 miles. That is roughly equivalcni to the best Ihe Soviels now have in service, the SSN-18. Giving an unusual amount of detail on Soviet missile developments, the Navy said Ihe first Typhoon sub was launched in September al a northern Russian shipyard and Ihal the vessel is the firsl of a new class of "exiremely large" undersea craft reprcseniing a new design. Reagan to Revise Budget LOS ANGELES, Calif. (AP) Reagan has promised a balanced budget by 1983 and said he thinks it can be done earlier. The president-elect's Washington schedule includes five meetings with Senate and House leaders, two national security briefings, a Thursday afternoon visit with Carter in Ihe White House and several meetings with political supporters and aides. No news conferences or speeches, oilier than tonight's telephone hook-up, are on lap, however, Reagan is scheduled to return to California for the weekend and plans lo go lo his Santa Barbara ranch, where he vacationed last week, for another five-day vacation over Thanksgiving. While Reagan's session with reporters was his only public ap-' pearancc of ihe weekend, he had a sieady stream of visitors al his Pacific Palisades home, including aides, rustecs of his personal pmifolio of Investments, and two Texas political figures, Gov. William Clements and former governor and treasury secretary John Connally. ' Connally, who,had lunch with Reagan on Saturday, and Clements, who had Sunday breakfast with him, refused to talk with reporters after their meetings, saying they had to rush to catch airplane flights. Reagan aides said Connally and Clements were asked for advice on issues facing the new administration and Reagan has not yet started interviewing prospective job applicants. Heating Costs Rise NEW YORK, N.Y. (AP) The cost of home-heating oil in the state has hit the $l-a-gallori mark for the first time. An unstable world situation and the forecast of an unusually cold winter could make Ihe cost go even higher, officials say. The city Departmenl of Consumer Affairs said Thursday thai the average price of a gallon of No. 2 home-heating oil went from 99.94 cents in September lo 100.39 cents in October. That price is 19.6 percent more than the cost last October, when the average price was 83.96 cents. Also, the New York Stale Energy Office, issuing Ihe first of what will be monthly surveys, reported that No. 2. oil averaged 100.03 cents a gallon statewide for the month ended November. 5. Despite the current glut in world oil markets, Consumer Affairs Commissioner Bruce Ralner predicted that oil prices for the New York City area may continue to rise. Stating lhal supply and derpand are not Ihe only factors, Ralner said "concern aboul the forecasted unusually cold winter ahead, combined with the unstable international situation could mean even higher heating oil prices." Raise for Gov. Proposed ALBANY, NY (AP) The governor's salary would jump to $100,000 a year in 1983, under a proposal being drafted Monday by aides to Governor Hugh Carey for submission to the Legislature. The other top elected slate officials, the lieutenant governor, comptroller and attorney general, would also gel $I5,000-a-year pay raises lo bring their annual salaries lo $75,000, starting in 1983. Carey's current salary is $85,000 a year. He, and the other three officials, also receive $15,000 a year for expenses. Under the proposal being drafted, sources said, lhal expense "lulu" would be eliminalcd; instead, the four would be reimbursed for all their "necessary and reasonable" expenses. The proposed pay hikes arc cxpecled lo be included in legislation which would also raise Ihe salaries of Carey's highcsi-ranking appointees. Gov. Proposes Police Vests ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) Gov. Hugh Cafcy has proposed lhat Ihe slate spend aboul $600,000 lo buy bullet-proof vests for all 3,400 members of Ihe stale police force. Carey said Saturday he would ask Ihe Legislature to approve the money al a special session this week. The action follows last week's shooting of Orange County trooper Peler Casclla, who was wearing his own bulletproof vesl al Ihe lime. He suffered Ihree bullet wounds, bul his vesl deflected one of Ihe shots which struck him and slopped a fourth bullet headed for his abdomen. ICAMDUS BRIEFS Sex Week Continues Sexual Awareness Week continues loday with presentations aboul homosexuality, biscxuality, and a showing of a Phil Donahue Show featuring guest Dr. William Masters. The following is a schedule of events for the week: Tuesday, November 18 Homosexuality 1:30-3:00 pm in CC 361 The Bisexual Option 3:30-5:00 pm in CC 361 Phil Donahue Show with Dr. Masters 6:30-8:00 pm in CC Assembly Hall Wednesday, November 19 The 80's New Male "Shattering Ihe Stereotypes" 1:30-3:00 pm in CC Assembly Hall Sex Related Health Care 4:30-6:00 pm in CC Assembly Hall Thursday, November 20 Human Sexuality, A Religious Perspective 3:00-4:30 pm in CC Assembly Hall Sexuality and the Disabled 5:00-6:30 pm in CC Assembly Hall Friday, November 21 Contraception 12:30-2:00 pm In CC Assembly Hall Sex-Do You Wanl II Or Don't You? 3:00-4:30 pm in CC Assembly Hall For more information slop by ihe Sexuality Resource » Center table and display in the CC lobby Ihis week. Senate Passes Busing Ban WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) The Carter administration says efforts to end public school discrimination could be crippled by a conservative-led Senate vote to deny the Justice Department its last resort: seeking court-ordered busing. But President Carter may find it difficult to veto Ihe provision. Like one previously passed by the House, it is attached to a $9.57 billion appropriations bill to keep the Justice Department and several other federal agencies operating through the fiscal year that began October 1. Carter could not reject the amendment without vetoing the entire bill. The proposal would not ban busing but would forbid any federal expenditure on efforts to require busing lefachieve integration. Liberal Sen. Lowell Weicker, R-Conn., who led Ihe provision's opponents, said the Justice Department would have to withdraw from any case in which busing is involved. Sen. Jesse Holms, R-N.C, who offered Ihe amendment with Sen. Strom Thurmond, R-S.C, said it might give some federal judges second thoughts aboul busing. Iran Claims Victory BAGHDAD; Iraq (AP) Iran claimed its forces threw back the Iraqi invaders of Susangerd on Monday, driving them into retreat with a wave of tank-led reinforcements and helicopter gunships after three days of intense fighting for the Iranian border lown. Claims of enemy casualties there from bolh sides totalled more than 1,300 in 48 hours. A Baghdad military command communique did not mention withdrawal, instead claiming successful helicopter and fighter raids on Iranian installations at Susangerd. Earlier il claimed heavy damage against Iranian land and naval forces there. Tehran radio said more than 200 Iraqis were killed Monday in addition to 650 Ihe day before. Baghdad earlier claimed 511 Iranian dead in Iwo days. There was no way to confirm the figures. Tehran radio said the Iranians suffered "tens of martyrs" and Iraq said it lost 34 men Monday in Susangerd. Fears that the two-month-old war between Iran and Iraq would spread to other oil nations on Ihe Persian Gulf mounted with Kuwait's formal protest to Iran over the second aerial rocket attack in five days on an Kuwaiti border post. House Passes State Aid WASHINGTON, D.C. (AP) A three-year extension of a mulli-billion-dollar revenue-sharing program called vital to basic services in cities and counties across the nation is halfway through Congress. Its fate now, however, is unclear in the unpredictable lame-duck session. The House voted Thursday lo continue the $4.6 billion in no-strings-attached grants lo local governments through fiscal 1983, which will end Sept. 30 of lhal year. II also authorized $2.3 billion a year for state governments in fiscal 1982 and 1983. The measure now goes lo Ihe Senate, which is cxpecled to consider a similar version of its own next week. While Senate approval is likely, it is questionable whcihcr there will be enough time before the targeted Dec. 5 adjournment dale of Ihis lame-duck session lo resolve differences between the two measures. November 18.1980 "Peace Week"Activities to Educate SUNYA on War, Peace, Weapons, Draft by Judie Elsenberg The SUNYA Peace Project has declared this week "Peace Week" to educate people on various aspects of war and peace and to stress the importance of nonviolcnlly solving the world's problems, according to Peace Project member David Drager. According to Drager, Ihe topic of war and peace is a crucial one, especially since thousands of young people registered for the draft last year, and will be expected lo sign draft registration cards in January. According to Drager, the questions of draft registration, war and peace are so intensely personal that il must be the individual who makes the final decision, rather than the government. Drager hopes that Peace Week will help people to make decisions in this matter. Peace Week will last until this Friday, November 21st. As par* this program, the SUNYA Pea. Project has set up a table in the Campus Center to distribute information and literature, and will present a film, "Sentenced lo Success," Wednesday at 7 pm in Brubacher Hall. Other activities planned for Peace Week include a speech by War Rcsislcrs League former chair Igal Roodcnko, Friday al 7:30 pm in LC-5, and a Tcach-In from noon lo 5 p.m. Wednesday in HU 354. Roodenko's speech and Ihe Teach-In arc free. by Andrew Carroll Students living in the downlown dorms have lost another study spol. University Auxiliary Services (UAS) has closed Ihe cafelcria beneath Waterbury and Alden Halls lo laic nighl studying, citing litter, theft, and socializing as the reasons. The closing comes in the wake of Ihe recenl limitations put on study use of the library of the College of Saint Rose. Beginning December I, only studenls wilh Sainl Rose I.D.'s will be permitted lo use Ihe library Sunday through Wednesday evenings. A memorandrum released lo students yesterday said the "Walden" cafelcria will be closed Monday through Thursday nights because numerous sail and pepper shakers were missing, tnbles were left "dirty wilh garbage despite receptacles left available for disposal of trash," and lhal on Monday, November 10, all the tables in the Aldcn side of Ihe cafelcria were "turned around." The memo also cites lhal studenls have complained of the noise and traffic lhal the cafelcria was being used as a social area making il impossible for them to study effectively. UAS said they will nol reopen Ihe cafeteria until Ihe problems are rectified. "Their main concern is the cleanliness of ihe place, and gelling Ihe place ready lo serve breakfast," said Quad Coordinator Liz Radko. She said UAS had always been cooperative in extending the privilege, bul lhal the food service was spending loo much of ils lime A $1,000 grand prize will be awarded in a poclry competition sponsored by World of Poetry, a quarterly newslelter for poels. Poems of all styles and on any subject may be entered for the grand prize or for 49 olher cash or merchandise awards, totaling over $10,000.00 Contest chairman Joseph Mellon said, "We arc encouraging poelic lalent of every kind, and expeel our contesl to produce exciting discoveries." Rules and official cnlry forms are available from the World of Poelry, 2431 Slocklon, Dept. N, Sacramento, California, 95817. J.S.C. Hillcl and Speaker's Forum will prcsenl noted author Cynlhia Ozick on Wednesday at 8 pm in LC 2. She will be speaking on "Jewish Dreaming: The Arlist's Dilemma." Admission for J.S.C. members is $1. For nonmembers, admission is $1.50 wilh tax cards, $2 without. Tickets will be available in the campus center lobby from 10 am-3 pm. For more information, call 7-7508. #& W phtitoi Davr A,tier at in mornings cleaning up after a night's studying. In the memo, Radko urged students who have information aboul those responsible lo lalk to their RA's or her. The memo also asks lhat studenls with creative solutions or proposals "for making Walden an effeciive sludy den" do ihe same. Radko said she's received some good suggestions from students. They included closing the cafeteria by 11 pm and dividing the cafeteria inlo a quiel section, and a section to accomodalc talkers and the subshop. Concerning study alternatives for The Sympathy Action held In front of the Slate Office Building Campus this Sunday was orgunlzcd to parallel Ihe Women's Pentagon Action held in Washington D.C. November 16 and 17. Bolh Ihe Aclions were held lo protest governmental violence against Ihe earth and against women. The women of Ihe Pentagon Action (eel lhal these issues arc related; the rape of Ihe earth is the rape of women. downtown students, Radko said that a meclihg will be held wilh Ihe Dean of Academic Affairs for exploring options. "And options for Alumni Quad, nol Dutch Quad," she said, referring to a previous meeting when Dutch Quad was considered as an alternative. "We don'l need prolesls," said Radko. "We need suggestions." Credit Union to Move Next Door by Beth Sexcr Ncxl semester ihe Credil Union will move from (lie SA Contact Office inlo the space next lo UAS check-cashing, according lo Credit Union vice-president Tom Schilling. The Credil Union plans lo build a wall dividing Ihe check-cashing area in two. Each office space will have Iwo windows and will be connected by a door, Schilling said. According to Physical Plant Dircclor Dennis Stevens, the renovation will cosi approximately $2,300. Facilities Planning Director Charles Estey has prepared a building drawing lo be reviewed by rcprcsenlalives of Ihe Credil Union, UAS and SA before Ihe Plant Department solicits conlracling bids for Ihe job. Slcvens expects, barring any major problems, thai the job can be finished during the Christmas intercession in lime for Ihe beginning of the Spring semester. SA is loaning the Credit Union $5,300 for the renovation, according to SA controller Ira Somach. This figure also includes switching to computerization. Schilling said the UAS is allowing Ihe Credil Union lo share the office space, bul the alterations must be paid for by themselves. The Credit Union has been trying lo move ncxl lo check-cashing since il was formed three years ago, according lo Schilling. They did operate alongside check-cashing for a brief period, but because of government insurance regulations, the Iwo facilities were not allowed to function without a division between Ihem. Once the Credit Union could afford lo build a dividing wall, ex- SUNYA Students Battle in Season's First Snow Jewish Author to Speak J .• "Guerrilla Theater," featuring Student Union chair Jim Tlerney, is a part of "Peace Week.' Highlights of llw week include a film, a speech, and a Teach-in on Ihe issues. Alumni Residents Lose Cafeteria as Study Spot Poetry Contest Announced ! .Page Three Albany Student Press by Andrew Carroll Albany, NY (ASP) Over 1,000 snow-crazed students rushed Ihis.large coed college in upstate New York loday, turning the white-blanketed campus inlo a battlefield. The battle began with a late evening skirmish between rival factions of Dclancy and Hamilton Halls on Colonial. But politics soon came inlo play, as the insurgents united, farming an alliance with a rival quad — termed by one journalist the "Union of the Slate." This Stale-Colonial Coalition soon made a blitzkrieg attack on Indian Quad. Decimation. Dutch Quad was next. And no more. The rag-tag army of now 1,000 churned ils way in Timberland boots, White Sti.g survival coals, and surplus Jordachc jeans lo the campus center, until filially slopped al the library when one fool-hearted guerilla scl off the exit alarm. Said one observer at the scene, visibly shaken by the affair, "1 hi'. was bigger iluin . , . Tent City. •MMMMNHHHMIMIM'^'.ll •' ' ' '-' '•''- • plained Schilling, Ihey had to wail unlil Marine Midland oblaincd a charier lo operate a Moneymalic Machine al .SUNYA. Once the machine was installed, UAS limited their check-cashing service, leaving space available for Ihe Credit Union. In the meantime, SA has allowed the Credil Union lo operalc from the Conlacl Office, said Schilling. In exchange, ihe Credit Union lakes care of minor jobs for SA that do not involve handling money, such as issuing lax cards. The Credil Union also allows SA to share their office space adjacent lo ihe Contact Office. Klansmen and Nazis Acquited of Murder Charge GREENSBORO, N.C. (AP) Six Ku Klux Klansmen and Nazis were found innocent Monday of murder charges stemming from the deaths of five Communist Workers Party supporter:, at an anti-Klan rally on November 3, 1979. The four Klansmen and two Nazis were charged with five counts each of first-degree murder in the ilayings al a "Death to the Klan" rally. They also were charged wilh felonious doling. They had pleaded innocent lo all charges. The all-white jury delivered its verdict in Ihe seventh day of deliberations, which court officials said was the longest any jury had deliberated in a North Carolina case .in at least 40 years. The 96-day trial had cost more than $1 million. Power-Popping Bill Andrews name until now. Seconds of Pleasure (Columbia) features Edmunds and Billy Bremner on guitar, Lowe on bass, and Terry Williams on drums. The album Is a celebrations of roots rock and roll, lovingly recreated. Lowe, the famed power-pop potentate, produced the album In his own inimitable style: a clean, slick and punchy sound akin to Phil Spectofs In his heyday. Side one opens with a bang. "Teacher Teacher" Is the kind of tune we have come to expect from the Rockplle collective In their past releases. It Is a witty, terse adolescent lament which is perfectly complimented by Lowe's deadpan singing. "If Sugar Was as Sweet as Y o u , " an old Joe ("I Gotcha") Tex stomper, Is done up in style, with Edmunds contributing a typically impassioned vocal. "Heart" is a witty bit of Loweian apostrophe. Roclipile ( W i l l i a m s , L o w e , E d m u n d s , a n d B r e m n e r ) m a k e Seconds Pleasure a flawless c e l e b r a t i o n of r o c k ' n ' r o l l . of with a marked, almost copy-rlght-lnfrlnging debt to Gofln and King's "One Fine Day." Billy Bremner's vocals on this song are a pleasant surprise - Rockplle indeed has a third lead singer to be reckoned with. "Now and Always," an Everly Brolhers-style ballad, features fine harmony vocals by Edmunds and Lowe. " A Knife and a Fork" follows, and it is a real gem. A hilarious admonition to the overweight ("Wearln' a size (orty-four,/You have to turn sideways to get through the door"), it features a sinuous organ that is reminiscent of Booker T. Jones. "Play That Fast Thing (One More Time)" Is a high-energy rocker that shows what Rockplle does best: rockabilly with a modern sensibility. No one knows the ironic possibilities of pop better than Lowe. The seconJ side kicks off with "Let's Face It," a tune penned by Dlfford and Tllbrooks of Squeeze. This song is perfect Rockplle (odder — terse and epigrammatic. "Pel You and Hold Y o u , " another tune with lyrics by Lowe, sounds as II it could have come from Lowe's Pure Pop lor Now People. It is perverse and unromantlc for a love song. Edmunds and his guitar shine on the next cut. Chuck Berry's "Oh What a Thrill." Sixties afflclonado that he is. Lowe plunders the bass from the Temptations' "My Girl" for "When I Wrlle the Book," a satirical lover's lament with witty lyrics. The album closes with two hoi rockabilly numbers, "Fool Too Long." and "You Ain't Nothln' But Fine" (an oldie recently recorded by the Fabulous Thunderbirds as well) that feature fine, tight ensemble playing. Neil Leaves Rust For Hawks Also Included with the LP (for a limited time) Is a 7 " EP, "Nick Lowe and Dave Edmunds Sing the Everly Brothers." Phil and Don they're not, but the disk does serve as an affectionate, genuine tribute to the duo, who have had more Influence on pop music than many people realize. It Is Just frosting, though, on what has to be one of the finest LP's of the year. With Lowe and Edmunds now officially teamed on vinyl, great things should happen. By all means, Iry to catch Rockpile at the Palace on Novembei 21. • F o r m e r C o n s o r t s Ride The Music M o b i l e —Paul Winter Consort v - j y ^ h e y were introduced as "living IS/ celebrations that the world is con*~J slantly making music and that we're all musicians." And the members of. the Consort who played Page Hall last Friday night certainly fulfilled all expectations. Suzanne Gerber Calling themselves Radiance, former Consort members Jim Scott, David Darling. Susan Osborne and Mancy Rumble-Wheeler teamed up with two Brazilian percussionists to produce a special blend of music that rivals nature for its harmony and tranquility. , Not quite rock yet, not quite Jazz, the music of Radiance is created by instruments like the traditional Chinese cheng, oboe, English horn, cello, six and twelve string acoustic guitars, voice and Brazilian percussion. Friday night's concert was special for several reasons. First, Susan's acappetla version of " A n d When I Die" was the most powerful solo I've ever experienced. She's got a voice that stings and stuns; her few songs left me numb. Second, the show was more than just live musicians playing to an unacknowledged audience: throughout the evening we were called upon to sing, clap, and stomp along. At one point, the younger audience members (those under 11) joined Radiance on stage in tapping out rhythms with hand-made shakers. Possibly as entertaining as the music and the audience participation, which Is always a treat, weretheelfish antics of Louie, one of the percussionists. The bug must have bit, for Louie wouldn't leave the stage. In fact, he might have played all night if Jim hadn't literally carried him off stage. Plasmatic Problems The other rewarding aspect of the show was the fact that the money from ticket and baked goods sales went to benefit a local educational institution: the Music Mobile. Ruth Pelham, mother of the Music Mobile, has brought her talent and charm to over 7000 local children in parks, playgrounds Calling themselves ex-Consort members produce a special blend that rivals nature for its and tranquility. Radiance, work to of music harmony and schools. Through her program, she leaches children how to love music, learning and themselves. But like so many worthwhile projects, the Music Mobile's fiscal situation Is precarious. So when the Consort met Ruth last spring and learned of her situation, they volunteered to play a benefit. After months of snipping through red tape, the concert finally came about. Ruth i\m\ probably a large segment of last Friday's audience, are old fans of the Consort, which has been around for over a decade and has given birth to Oregon and now to Radiance The Consort, conceived by Paul Winter, is like an ever-growing, ever-evolving family of musicians dedicated to the belief that nature is the source of all music. In past albums and on their most recent, Callings, the Consort reinforces our inextricable bond with nature through the organic beauty of Iheir music, and through the integration of their sounds with those of nature: wolves, wind, seals, dolphins. In addition to recording and touring, the Consort gives workshops and invites the public to join them on their frequent retreats of camping, hiking and music-making. If you missed Friday's concert, don't fret With luck and support, the Consort and iheir friends will be around (or another decade.* Giving All They've Got Except Talent j nothing attracts a crowd more than / ! / the invitation of good ol' sex and #_/ p violence. A perfect Indication of this was the packed, SRO crowd that saw those nymphos of nemesis, the Plasmatics, at J.B. Scott's last Friday. ed for chopping up an electric guitar with a power saw, and mangling a television set with an axe. And that was the more tasteful part of the show (all you feminists, turn the page). Wendy Williams is not what you would call a High Society gal; she is one lewd, rude and crude mother. The blondest of bombshells, she's a (ormer porn queen, and a betLike the Tubes, Alice Cooper and Kiss, ter stripper than a singer. By the end of the The Plasmatics rely on theatrics (gimmicks) set, her lank-top had all but disintegrated as a distraction from otherwise ordinary rock (ripped apart actually) leaving her topless 'n' roll. The Plasmatics, however, are more and all over J.B. Scott's. I'll spare you the of an underground band with less money to details on her hand gestures but I will menthrow around on props. As a result, they've tion that she seems to have a fondness for come up with a pretty shabby stage show — whipped cream (that's as explicit as I Intend no cash, no flash. They were apparently forto yet). bidden from blowing up a car (supposedly The music is about as Inventive as Wendy the show stopper in their act), so they — or, is subtle. Whereas some Tubes and Alice more specifically, lead slnger/rnasochist Cooper tunes manage to hold up on their Wendy "Whadda W o m a n " Williams — settle own, tile Plasmatics make empty, mindless Jim Jaffe P A C — " A n E v e n i n g of L a n f o r d W i l s o n ." Three one-act plays, written by the P u l i t z e r P r i z e w i n n i n g a u t h o r o f Tatle y's Folly, will be performed on Nov. 18-22 and Dec 2-6. noise. They called this punk rock a few years ago. but this is the kind of shallow garbage that gave that sub-culture a bad name,' leading people to write off the truly great music ol punks such as Richard Hell the Sex Pistols, and the like. The Plasmatics bang out a three chord drone similar to the Ramones, but minus the Ingenuity and sense ol enough to disguise such tasteless music i he Plasmatics need a little substance in theli act. some genuine novelty that their show lacks In all areas. They are neither shocking, In telllglble, or fun. Nothing from nothing leaves n o t h i n j . Surprisingly, the relatively few girls m the audience didn't appear too offended by The Plasmatics play the kind of shallow garbage music that gave the punk rock sub-culture a bad name. humoui Guitarist Richie Stolls. Mohican hairdo and all, takes his solos right out of Ihe songhooks ol early Clash. Black Sabbath, and Jinii Hendiix. The few discemable lyrics I picked out ol Wendy's mostly inaudible yelps seemed to range in topic from sex to violence surprised?). Unfortunately, neither Wendy Williams breasts, nor her a.,, is <&nd Doves s%/rf awks and doves have become a sff current news Item. Not because ol t > * ^ " ^ the various war sentiments over Iran, or even because our fine feathered , friends are In a fix. The reason for the flurry Is that the master of mellow music has released a striking album bearing the same name, the artist had many ideas when writing, and attempted to compact his myriad of thought Into one disc. Consequently, themes on the record are continuously changing. Side one is acoustic, possibly relating to the idea of *"dove" (as opposed to the hawkish, more energetic side two), since the music is extremely mellow and tranquil. "Little Wing," the first cut, begins with a flowing harmonica solo, Incorporating sensitive, guitar work. Releasing a record entitled Hawks and There is a slight resemblance to Michael MurDoves, which bears an American (lag phy's "Wild Fire." "The Old Homestead" Is emblazoned on the cover, near election time perhaps one of the most fascinating tunes on Is exlraordlnarlly apropos, if not downright Ihe album. Written In ballad form, each commercial. Parts of Nell Young's work character is given Individual lines, so the definitely declare political sentiments. Mr.' song appears as a continuous dialogue. The Young is expressing his political altitudes In a entire scene occurs In someone's mind. medium where he Is most comfortable - Highly symbolic, the song Is filled with Freusong. The LP can be considered propagan- dian allusions such as the line "The sky was dists . darkened by a prehistoric bird, who flew betPrevious to Hawks and Doves, Nell has ween the unfulfilled moon and the naked released iwo gargantuan records — Rust rider, to a telephone booth," The sexual Never Sleeps and Llue Rust. Both works references are fairly blatant. Death is another reflected the musicians ability to create both prevelant theme, with references to shadows hard-driving rock and sensitive, meaningful and "the sky, they had his number." melodies. The scope of these two LP's, At times the lyrics become so laden with lyrically, musically, and Instrumentally, was significance that they become confusing. astounding. Accompanying the discs was a Such Is the case with "Lost in Space," a successful film which captured the excite- highly melodic tune which rambles from ment of a genius practicing his craft. working in the queen's garden to munchkins For an artist to follow up a tremendous hit on the ocean floor. Is an exceptionally difficult task. Some arClosing side one is "Captain Kennedy," tists, such as Fleetwood Mac who released an anti-war ballad which concerns a young Tusk alter Ihe Immensly popular Rumours, mariner who hopes that he "can kill good." succeed. Other artists, such as Peter FrampSide two presents an entirely different atton who faded away after briefly shining with mosphere; most of the songs are tighter, Framtpon Comes Alive, sadly return to oblilivelier, ' a n d have more power. "Stayin' vion. Power," the opening cut, is a weak tune. Such Is the dllemna Nell Young faces. Although the beat, punctuating with saucy While Hawks and Doves Is certainly a piano cords, Is catchy, It appears to be used fascinating, easy-listening record, It is overas a space filler. Limp lyrics carry the appeal shadowed by his other monumental of a T V sitcom theme. releases. Another song, "Coastline," follows the The album itself Is complex. It appears as If same pattern as "Stayin' Power," in that the Andrea DeGregorio Natural Music /n a circle of friends, in a circle of sound alfour voices will blend when we touch common ground. • Page Flu, New Young P u r e Pleasure I n First-Bern Rock pile A / * Ick Lowe and Dave Edmunds are /m/ best known as solo artists, but they C / ™ are also the leaders of a band known as Rockplle. Contractual obligations to different record companies have prevented them from recording under that 3 - Aspects on Tuesday- [November 18, 1980- Wendy; most just laughed her oil. even went so fat as to gpplai nobody, Including the guys, si ei ly enthusiastic about the perform tually. the crowd's loudest cheei responsed to an announcement i,l,i Ramones arc playing J B Now there's an intelligent band. B t ..._~ World - — Reggae t hee m A lubtai n ny y a a rr e ea a tt o n ii g gh h tt as as Ti nh ti rr d - a H « - 'comes " m m Ito Om on a »»•••••• takes t h e stage. T h e group will b e d e b u t i n g t h e s o u n d t r a c k t o t h e i r new m o v i e . P r i s o n e r In the Street. melody is catchy, but ihe substance of the music has no consistancy. Happily, the remainder of Hawks and Doves exhibits the talent ol Neil Young at his finest. Following the idea of the title and album cover (which suggests a record dealing with a nationalistic topic) the three closing songs emphasize the lyricist's opinion of our country. An exceptional cut, "Union Man" shows the artist's genius for capturing the mood ol a blue collar worker. Its lyrics are strong, to Ihe point ol practical. Even the music reflects the attitude and personality of a union person. To capture the ambience of a union meeting, the lyricist cleverly presents the song In diologue form. In addition to being a talented artist, Mr. Young Is also an effective social commentator. Who could forget the scathing statements of "Southern Man" and the Ironic observations in "Welfare Mothers." Our country takes abuse in "Comin' Apart at Every Nail," a tune dedicated to describing America as a once glorious nation that Is falling apart under the burdens of bureaucracy. Siding with the working class, Mr. Young discusses the problems of finding employment between the government and the mob. Ending the album Is the title cut, "Hawks and Doves." Relying heavily upon the country Influences, as do most of the second side tunes, the song exudes nationalism. The narrator explains his willingness to fight for his country so "My sweet love can dance another free day." Aspects of war are portended in the song. Allusions to birds circling In the rain are ominous foreshadowing. Perhaps Neil Young Is trying to alert his listeners to possible war activities. Hawks and Doves, which Is produced In part by Neil Young, offers a new view into the mind of the artist. Songs are skillfully handled, with a little assistance from Levon Helm on drums. Although the LP will not claim a foothold of greatness next to masterpieces sUch as Come A Time and After the Goldrush," it will make Its mark as an expressive, thoughtful piece revealing the complex genius of Nell Young. • Monotonous Madness-Spontaneous Specials / . ^ ' he "heavy, heavy monster sound {JM of Madness" comes through again ^-J in their second album, Absolutely. The opening song is "Baggy Trousers," plein d'harmonica, organ and saxophone, as In One Step Beyond, their first album. Absolutement incroyablel Caroline Sommers If one's main concern is that Madness continues Iheir original sound, one will be very satisfied with Absolutely. Loaded with fourteen songs (seven on each side), Madness certainly has a chance to expand, but they basically stick with what they had. Unlike the Talking Heads' new album, if you took any song from Absolutely and put It anywhere on their (irsl album, it would fit perfectly. "Embarrassment," " E . R . N . I . E . , " ' and "Close Escape" are the next three songs on the LP, and they contain all the basic "nutsiest sound around" sounds, that Madness refers to on their first album. Unfortunately, Madness is one of the many bands that hasn't yet "hit" our area: Madness features Suggs with vocals and percussion, Chris Foreman on guitars, Woody on drums and fire extinguisher (!), Mark Bedford on bass, Chas Smash with vocals and trumpet (but not at the same time), and countless others. "Not Home Today" and "On the Beat Pete" follow, and "Solid Gone" closes out side one. "On the Beat Pete" Is probably the best song on the L.P. This Is because the monster sound Is utilized to Ihe fullest and no time Is wasted In the song. The lyrics and music (II together perfectly, and the distinctive organ sound dominate throughout. 'Solid C o n e " Is llltles all the way, with a definite Elvis Presley Influence. This tunc is lull of the typical Madness rowdlness, and features a lot of good solos. But, again — very fifties, which, I guess, ska (reggae and rock mixture), punk and funk are all relics of. "Story T w o , " as they call it, opens with "Take It or Leave It." Its sound is different from what's on the first album, but the Madness sound is nonetheless still easily detected (understandably!). This song Is quite monotonous, as are several on the album, only because they are so repetitive of early Madness. And also, with fourteen songs, it is difficult to make each song "great." Perhaps Madness should concentrate on quality rather than quantity? This is my major complaint. However, there are some good points about this album,too. One, (or Instance, is "Shadow of Fear," the second song on side two. Dissonance between the voice and background music lends a slight and pleasant change, which is so first Specials L.P. The Madness album Is In no way comparable to their first one, and never will be. But the Specials expanded a bit, and made their "stuff" even more (If possible!) exciting. The Specials feature the amazing Neville "Perhaps Madness should concentrate on quality rather than quantity." rarely found In this album that one must appreciate this song. A perfect example of how Madness refers to their sound Is: "Take a fairground-style sound and add some Cockney humour-type vocals. Throw in a saxophone for good measure to pick out a spine-tingling melody along the way, and you've got It. Madness." There Is a definite Jackson Five Influence in the song "Disappear." "Overdone" follows (how appropriately titled!). "In the Rain" features obvious "roller rink" type sound; organ and very homogeneous Madness sound which, however, Is still a lot of fun. After this is "You Said," which Is less rowdy than the rest ol Ihe album. Closing out the disc Is "Return of the Los Palmos 7 0 , " which has a very Jamaican influence. ••• (jThe biggest difference between this tJ album and the Specials' new album is that I could, with a lew more listens, say that More Specials Is as good or better than Ihe T h e S p e c i a l s : F r o m g r e a t to b e t t e r . Staples with vocals and percussion, flic* toothless, hairless Terry Hall wilh vocals, Lynval Goldlng on guitar/vocals, Roddy Radiation on guitar, Jerry Dammers on organ and piano, Sir Horace Gentlemen on bass, John Bradbury on drums, and numerous others on woodwinds (sax, trombones, cornets, etc.). It opens up wilh "Lnjoy Yourself (It's Later Than You Think)," which lias a very rowdy, choral-type sound. Following this Is "Rat Race," which Is also very light. "Man at C & A " and "Pearl's Cafe" are the nexi two songs; the first Is typical Specials style, whereas "Pearl's Cafe" features "cutesy" organ chords and heavler-thaii-usual lyrics. It's about a woman who has lost her looks, her mind, and Is In serious need of being locked up. The song'- last Iwo lines are catchy: "When I thought I saw you, I'really thought you were a wet dream come true/Now I know that you don't care about someone else's nightmare." The side closes with "Sock It To 'Em, J.B.," which Is all about James Bond. The lyrics are literally a list of James Bond movies, and a list of military names (KGB, CIA, MI5, etc.). In Ihe middle of the song (which happens to be one of the best Specials songs I've ever heard), I was very surprised to hear organ that not-sodlslantly reminded me of the Doors' Ray Manzarek's work. Side two opens up with "Stereotypes," a facetious look at "today's man" — the "empty socialite" and whatnot. The lyrics are again pretty heavy, and the sarcastic overtone suggests that the man's hangout would be the "Nlte Klub" that the Specials so vehemently busted on their first album. These lyrics reminded me of those In "Rat Race" on side one, which insults people who try to Impress others wilh their material possessions. The second song, "Holiday Fortnight," Is a Caribbean-calypso Instrumental, taken straight out of the Islands. (Close your eyes and you're there!) "I Can't Stand It" features Rhonda Daker (of the Bodysnatchers) with vocals, and more Doors-ian keyboards. "International Jet Set" is an eerie-sounding song with fifties' overtones, lots of sax towards the end, and the lightest sound the band obtains on this entire new sounding album. Closing out the album Is a reprise of "Enjoy Yourself (It's Later Than You Think)." It's Just a tacky version of the first song on the album, with a very slow beat. I suppose 1 have to sum up somehow, so I'll say this: If you find yourself In the middle of the Record Co-op with just enough money to buy one album, and it's between the new Madness and the new Specials albums, by all means, pick out More Specials. That is, of course, unless you love the original Madness sound, and want to hear more of the same. • TANGENT MAGAZINE WANTS 3 rOJ€MLOQO LC6 NOVIOIIOQI LCQ 'Moral" Vs. "Common Sense' continued from from page member congrcgalton baplisi church in Lynchburg, Virginia, revealed to the crowd why he began his crusade 17 months ago. "Religious people increase obligations to good citizenship," he slated. "Nowhere in the constitution arc religious Americans forbidden lo do what Ihcy feel is right," he continued. "The Moral Majority believes is the separation of the church and the slate, as well as a pro-life stand for bXPEKlbNCE 4*ttS present their ideas through oral presentation. Come see how you can improve your speaking, listening rauvntut and evaluating abilities. 1452 WESTERN AVE. Tuesday, Nov. 18th Lecture Center 19 8:00 P.M. .<*•* 10% 1) ticoKhi uitk SiudenJt Enjoy Our famous Expremno or Cappuclno Graced utith your Choice of Liquor'* T — - ' RAFTERS 95 7.30 9 1 0 , 0 0 7,30 & 10,00 BIG BREAKFAST FRIDAY mNOy._21 fffb CujpSiwuiJiupi Bus leaves Circle 9:00 p.m. Bus leaves Rafters 2:30 a.m. \°\\^.°!! Bus Ticket $3.00 ' <S> FREE with this coupon (expires December 20, 1980) (Limit One Ter Customerl . lax Lard. u, Jut TAKE-OUT smitii* JUST 1 NILE WEST OF STUiVESANT PLAZA Justin McNeil's l.arli at Madison. Albany, N Y (S1K| 4 6 3 - 5 2 1 9 Purveyor of fine food and drink Hours' Lunch l l : 3 0 - . r x 0 0 Tuesd»y-Saturday Dinner 5 ; 0 0 - 1 1 : 0 0 TuesdaySaturdny Munchies Menu 1 LOOpm-ctosing Tuesday-Saturday Sunday Brunch 1 2 n o o n - 9 : 0 0 p m Enlerlalnmenl: Sunday and Monday'evenings Served 24 H 3U1V3H1VD \ivooi unoA iv auvo mnoosia 'entitles you to 1/2 price admission at the door ($. 75) W/O TM GIRD W TrWOIRD \K(\ MG1DGR9' $1.50 $100 $.75 JSC Hillel presents a lrhis Saturday Night Nov. 22 8 : 3 0 - 2 : 1 0 Featuring ¥ @ggi @ Rockin' Date: Sat. Nov. 22, 1980 Rockin'Time: 9 PM - 1 AM Rockin' Place: Dutch Quad Caf. Rockin' Admission: $.75 JSC $1.00 Tax ' $1.50 Other ^ Awarding dinner for 2 at Jack's for grand prize in Midnight Dance Contest Costume Contest-Food and Drink-Fun! •^f $20 max. Tickets will be sold en Dinner Lines $ 3 . 5 0 Sophmores S4.DO A l l others ynoA Sponsored by t h e Class of '83 130 ooo$l saivu lNaanis ivmds •BSB" op-por-tu-ni-ty The opporlunity is hero lor Rutgers. ThoStaloUniversifyol NewJursoy lot graduate study A m,-)|cjr research university Rutgers oilers you the chance to discover, uv< r MO graduate and professional dogrolS programs through ihc .'Jo* inr.il levi'l And with numerous assistantships fellowships and scholarships available on a ijompelilive basis Rutgers oilers you the opportunity to pursue scholarly work while b " i n g affiliated with .. nationally recognized university Currently over 13 000 students are enmlii-n in graduate arid professional programs at campuses in Camden Newark and New Brunswick They have discovered thai Rutgers is w i l h m easy access to New York City and Philadelphia and in one ol Ihe most culturally oducalionally and recroalio'nally nch areas m * the nation Visit with our representative DATE Friday, 11/21/80 TIME; 9 : 3 0 a.m.-3:30 p:m. PLACE: Campus Center 358 A T THESE CINEMAS Graduale School Newirk G r i d u i l e School New Brunswick Graduate School of Applied and Proleiilona! Psychology . Graduate School of Education Graduate School of Libr%ry and Information Studies Graduate School ol Management Graduate School of Social Work Mason Gross School of the Aria School o( Criminal Justice School of Law Camden School of Law Newark Colonic RUIOIMK/I Alt.Avf 4M;UO Rolllid.m Mill l l i HOD .j PARTICIPATING W.ihinMan AM Alli.n, 4SIB321 Milt No Turtle Old* I in. 9 las t i n I NOT GOOD FOR ROAD SHOW ENGAGEMENTS AND OTHER SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS DUE TO CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATIONS. SPECIAL STUDENT RATES GET YOUR ! SPECIAL DISCOUNT iCARD AT YOUR LOCALS UATHEATREl $ ' RUTGERS IHF STATE UNIVEPSIIY OF NEW JERSEY Come Attention Fresh People: At pre-registration peer advisors will be available to answer any questions you may have during pre-registration T a k e a d v a n t a g e of wonderful opportunity info 7-7508 Sa Funded !VI03dS Tickets on sale Nov. 17-21 in CC-Lobby or on Quad dinner lines Rafters 9{ Majority" was pro-American, Falwell quickly added that his movement "is very pro-Israel. You can't belong to Moral Majority without being pro-Israel," said the reverend. Falwell also mentioned that last week Israeli Prime Minister Begin commended the "Moral Majority" for their service to t'/ie nation. According to Falwell, since his movement began "72,000 priests and rabbis have stood up and said we are with you." Falwell claimed also that two million laymen have joined his ranks. "Wc want to organize right down to the local government. We're moving towards broadcasts on over a thousand IS «49-<|585 C-rrctA Chintse Fc J.— 5 7n.ixM.iei Front. Cvn-pu-i Our Specialty SUNYA-Nlght at the **.«* ,*«v Page Seven _ unborn babies," Falwell said. Referring to the 1973 Supreme Court case of Roe vs. Wade, which gave women the legal right to have abortions, Falwell voiced his confusion that the United States would look in disdain, upon Hitler's holocaust, but would allow the killing of the same number of unborn babies.. Proceeding lo Hie next controversial issue, Falwell linked pornography with homosexuality, proclaiming that il is wrong lo allow the govcrnmcnl to agree with what God has condemned. "Violating God's principles brings our nation to shame," concluded Falwell. After staling that the "Moral Szechuen, Hunan, and Cantonese. Polynesian Drink Available The Italian American Student Alliance presents "Bread and Chocolate T0ASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL: administrators and salesmen. These people are interested in improving their ability to organize and PLEASE PUT CONTRIBUTIONS IN THE TANGENT MAILBOX, LOCATED IN THE STUDENT ASSOCIATON OFFICE _ Albany Student Press "I An organization of lawyers, accountants, professors, POETS PLAYWRIGHTS ARTISTS STORY WRITERS PHOTOGRAPHERS and other creative souk to contribute material for DECEMBER ISSUE!! November 18,191,0 Delta Sigma Pi sponsors: this Robberies continued from from page positive effect. She explained II .1 students feel heller when they sec the uniforms, "But," she added, "there can always he more." Both the Safely Director and the Quad Coordinator feel much of the responsibility lies with students. Poslcrs have been hung throughout ihc dorms urging students lo lock (heir doors, question strangers, and keep intruders from entering the dorms. Williams said students are showing much more "conscience" in this respect. "Students have much more concern since the burglaries and Ihc assault cases." And Radko said she is heartened by ihc recent efforts of students. "They're not Idling people in, checking for ID's, and reporting people to ihc RA's and the police." to Colonial Tower Council's THANKSGIVING DAY PARTY Friday,November 21 at 9:00 Tower Penthouse Mixed Drinks $1.50 admission $1.00 Tower Card Holders door prizes and pictures sa funded radio stations and syndication in more than 100 newspapers," he accounted. Falwell feels that 10 million votes were cast along "Moral Majority" lines on Election Day two weeks ago. "But I'm not a Democrat or a Republican," he proclaimed. "I'm a noisy Baptist." Falwell said il is not true that he will follow into the White House. "But I am a conservative," he said. "I was (one) 30 seconds after I was born."Terming the "Moral Majority" a Special interest group, he claimed that if women have rights to press their issues, "so do we." "There has never been an organization so lied about and criticized as this," Falwell said. "The press doesn't know who we are, where wc arc, and where we arc going." He added, "wc do not believe thai if you are not a part of Moral Majority you arc immoral." In his analysis of why so much apprehension is attached to his group, Falwell said lhal "much of il is the fear of Ihc unknown. Wc came on Ihc scene just as Khomeini scared us all to death from Iran." Falwell also discussed the "Moral Majority's" stand on military superiority. "The greatest deterrent of war is strength," said Falwell. "I'm glad lo hear the new presidential administration will be prepared. Military superiority is moral . . . oi else we will he enslaved by communism." According Id Falwell, the f'irsi order of "Moral Majority" business will be lo join with pro-life supporters In an anil-abortion amendment. He added, "Wc will lake il to every stale. We lliink wc can do It, or Ciod will make America pay." The first snow inspired us all . . . so we dumped the editorial and now present you with this staff graffiti!— viewpoint El Salvador: A Serious Note Crisis in Central America By S. Kuman On Thursday, November 20, at 7:30 p.m. in LC 5, represcnlativcs of popular movements in Nicargua, El Salvador, and Guatemala will speak at the University about the situation in their countries. At a time when the rising mass movements in Central America and the increasingly interventionist orientation of the U.S. foreign policy seem to be set on a collision course, the three representatives could make a useful contribution to our understanding of the various problems facing their countries and the role of the Unitci1 '"tales in Central America as a whole. In this short article, it is not possible to analyze cither the internal problems of Central America or Ihe impact of U.S. policies in that region. However, by outlining Ihe ' dilution in El Salvador, I hope lo draw the reader's attention to the general nature of the crisis in Central American as a whole. The present struggle in El Salvador is In my view the microcosm of the political realities of Central America. It is becoming increasingly clear that what is happening in El Salvador today will happen in other countries in the years to come. El Salvador is the smallest of ihc-Ceniral American countries — roughly the size or Massachusetts. It is the eighth largest coffee producer in the world, and the largest in Central America. Until the 1950's, when agriculture became more diversified, coffee accounted for 90% of all exports. Today it accounts for 44%. Ironically, only insiant coffee is generally available inside the country. Production and export of coffee is controlled by an oligarchy (14 families). Since Ihe historic uprising of 1932, when 30,000 people were massacred, political power has been concentrated in the hands of ihe military and ihe economy controlled by the oligarchy. The post-war boom in coffee prices increased export earnings of the oligarchy from $19 million in 1945 lo $76 million in 1950. In Ihe I950's, a coalition of military officers, technocrats and Industrialists made an alliance with Ihe oligarchy, and they decided lo Invest ihe surplus earned from coffee expoiis in industry. Industrialization mainly look ihe form ol Import substitution, i.e., creating indusin lo produce manufactured goods that were previously imported. llui ihe concentration of wealth in a few hands meant thai Ihe country's internal market was small — only ihe privileged few were able lo buy canned foods, jellies, soap and ihe like. The pro- IMAT UXW E I F F E R CAR Sv0frJ<$5> &V. blem would have been mitigated if land reforms had been implemented (2% of the population owns 60% of the land). Bui given the facl that most of the landowners belonged to Ihe oligarchy, Ihe land was not touched. U.S. capital soon developed a strong stake in the economy and played a major role in making sure the ruling class protected those stakes. U.S. inveslmenl increased from $19 million in 1950 to $45 million in 1967. The industrialization in the towns and the concentration of land in the hands of Ihe oligarchy resulted in a steady deterioration in the living standards of the vast majorily of the population. In the country-side, the number of landless increased more than two-fold, in the 1960's. Migrants swelled the cities, living in slums, with no basic services and little hope of employment. These conditions have led the workers and peasants lo rebel. Their demands for better living conditions and land reform have been met with intransigence and brutal repression. The military junta in El Salvador has ovet Ihe years developed an extremely repressive slaic apparatus. They h.nc been aided in this by Ihe U.S. and Israel. Between 1957 and 1974, the U.S. Agency for International Development (AID) spcnl over $2 million to irain Salvadorean police and to provide arms, communication equipment and transport vehicles and riol control gear. Until ihe mid 1970'Mhc U.S. was the major supplier of arms lo El Salvador. In 1975 Israel became Ihe major supplier, and in 1977 El Salvador rejected military aid from llie United Slates, in anger over Presidenl Curler's criticism of Its human righls record. Recently, however, the U.S. has eommiiicd a package of emergency economic and military aid to ihe present civilian - military ruling junta. Military assistance amounts lo SI 1.5 million — including arms credits, training grams and the placemen! of U.S. military training team's in 1:1 Salvador — and is Inlcdcd lo bolster the faltering junta thai has failed lo cam popular supporl, and which hhs declared a stale of siege lo put down Ihe jusl si niggles of the people. The sniggles are lead by ihe Revolutionary Democratic From (FDR), which consistcsofa number of mass organizations such as Popular Revolutionary Bloc (DPR), Popular From for Unified Action (FAPU) and Peoples Lcague-28 (LP-28). These mass organizations grew out of the AOPTWSFAT 04? COP To the Editor: This letter is in response to Andy Schacffcr's tactless criticism that appeared in last Friday's ASP (Nov. 14). I would like to address his remarks chronologically. First off, I have no dislike for the editor of . . . But Seriously Folks. Bruce Fox (the editor) called me on the phone to compliment me on Ihe letter I wrote to the ASP thai appeared in the Nov. II edition. Bruce and I have been friends for some time now. Secondly, Schacffcr missed the main point of my letter. I wrote that the . . . But Seriously Folks magazine was a waste of lime lo read but more imporlantly thai the magazine was a waste of trees. I will stand strong by this statement. With the massive amounts of paper used and abused daily, it is a shame to see "more paper wasted frivolously al I he expense of a few chuckles. (I personally didn't laugh at any article in the paper, although Schacffcr points out that a few people did. On a campus of 17,000 students and faculty, what are a few compliments worth?) Schacffcr points out thai the wrilers did the besi job they could. Even if that is true, is that any reason lo publish a magazine? I submit thai il is not. All Ihosc who think they arc capable of being lalenlcd writers arc not. I question the ability of the writers or BSF. Thirdly, Schacffcr points out thai if 1 do nol want to read the magazine, I do not have to. As a free person and an Interested sludcni here on campus,! have a right lo read anything thai I want. How was 1 lo know that Ihe . . . Bui Seriously Folks magazine would be as trashy as it was until I read it? By looking al the cover? Mosi importantly, though (Schacffcr, lliis is the main poini of my Idler), I would like lo address Schaeffcr's comment which blatantly called me a moron. Where Ihe hell he comes off calling me a moron is a mystery lo me, The facl thai I did riol rind Ihe . . . But Seriously Folks magazine humorous and the way in which they chose topics Justified, does nol label me a moron. I resent this bin will not sloop so low as lo deface Schacffcr in print. I was nol trying lo he funny in my lasl let- To the Editor: In the November 12 issue of University •News, Malcolm Sherman outlined his views on University governance. Unfortunately, these views merely replicate his longstanding, narrow-minded elitist attitude In this case I do not consider elitism a deiriment — all students respect a professor's knowledge and stains, a status that many of us someday hope lo achieve. The detriment is, in fact, his narrow-mindedness which is just Ihe reason sludcni input is needed. Mr. Sherman proposes ihe creation of a "faculty forum." The creation of such a body has long been suggesled by facultj and students alike. The reason is obvious: faculty often have difficulty disseminating their ideas lo their Senate representatives; this body could be a forum'for ncccssarj discussion. Unfortunately, Mr. Sherman lias perverted the original idea of a Facility forum by attempting lo include ii in lire University governance system. The student widespread snuggles of the workers and the peasants in the I960's and ihe 1970's. The revolutionary movcmcnl in El Salvador combines armed struggle and political snuggle very creatively, and has Ihe supporl of ihe vasi majorily of rural and urban workers, peasants, students, teachers, clergy, and olhcr sectors ol' society. It.is agaiusi Ihis background thai the crisis in El Salvador musi be viewed. Without U.S. and olhcr outside supports, Ihe ruling coalition will nol lasl more than a few ihonihs. Willi U.S. supporl, il will lasl a little longer. Bui one thing is certain; lite regime is doomed. The words of the rc\ olu tionary pocl Roquc Dallon Garcia must be haunting the rulers of El Salvndoi and lire U.S. Administration: "let us unite all of us, Ihe half dead; In ihe name of the murdered, Let us unite against Ihe murderers of all." SAWS, *7HAU*S. tOHATCV i cm AM? SAVS, *&f3U£J &OX OZQ&SS JO CRACK ter. If Schaeffer thought so, maybe his" mental capacity should be questioned especially since he also missed the main point of my last letter (kind of sad for a college student, don't you think?). The day I can emerge as a humorous and successful writer, I will do so. (Maybe Schaerfer should also do the same.) Unlil then, 1 will continue to give my opinion as every human being in America has a right lo do. It is a shame that Schacrrer could not take the criticism I gave of (he . . . But Seriously Folks magazine but il is more ol a shame that he (as a writer for BSF) had lo publicly announce his disapproval. This is wrong. Those who hold themselves up to Ihe public eye must be able to take ihe criticism — Andy Schacffcr did nol. Once again, I question his ability. I apologize to (he olhcr writers of BSF for having to rehash my feelings aboul ihe magazine, but I could nol lei SchaelTci incorrectly label my mental ability. Unfortunately, Schacffcr is connected willi youi magazine, therefore the magazine was my medium. HOV?" — Jeanne M u m A United Voice AWP flffS 0U> COP mim;6iRi£, IS MY /-/fFAOP M/cweeyr. CrtfcWt? 6\RL> W/A - FIX cove none Heer M^ AAX? OFF THr7„ FAMILY * snseer « c ww MMHunm. » n ^ , „ C(?V AW, 'MS IMS Aimew 'Uf3R.AMP H/5 WPS TEAMS. AM? W/AU, mic Me em: ID rJiShTA/JP CALL M V Homes. io w MCRWI06 AWlEll Hfl? IM AJOP M ^ FATHfie 66V? OV AU(7 SAVS/rlAiaoT; AWPIHP? IF WOO SHOco ' pour set woujrs yu&HeA? w W PAf£tiK irJfS TOOM „ III SHOOT W HOMB. fWfoffiz-. Many ASP-ites found this task both difficult and disturbing. Imagine . . . forcing journalists to express Ihe falling powder. How could they possibly be objective? With so many sides lo a snowflake, something is bound to appear biased? Jusl who, what, where, when, and how cold? It's the wee hours of the a.m. and right now I can't think of any sight that looks as beautiful as this here first snow. —R.i.B. I'm dreaming of bed. It's six a.m. and the forgotten traces of sleep from the night before barely remain. I walk dormward and I see no birds, feel no wind, hear no crickets. Everything is white. The snow surrounds me; envelopes me. But instead of shivering, I'm warm. 1 can't help but smile. I realize I'm completely alone except for Ihe white. Suddenly, the bed is unimportant. The snow is comfortable enough. —R.E. Guilt. For me, snow and guilt go hand in gloved hand. The first snow always brings back memories of mother shoving me out the door In scarf and galoshes, as the Great "beat Dad to the shoveling so he shouldn't die of a heart attack" Race got underway. But no mailer how quickly I zipped up my snorkel (The blue parka with the furry hood and orange lining), Dad was always there first, cutting perfect walled grooves with the aluminum shovel, piling Ihe snow up in neat little domes. He loves il! So why should I spoil his greatest Joy in life? Because mother is standing at the front door with her arms crossed. Darned if you do and darned it you don't; the great parental catch-22. —A.C. The first snow is always exciting. However, il looses its delicacy and beauty when the dogs turn il yellow and the cars fade it black. How can anyone appreciate the slush and the shoveling? . . . I love il! —S.G. I love the snow . . . it separates the women from the men as they freeze wailing t wenly minutes for the peagreen SUNYA-lms to plow its way to ihe snow-buried students. . . it forces me to study a little more as il makes ihe warm library a more attractive place to slay . . . it makes me laugh to watch the "downslalers, " who consider six inches a reason to close down the campus until ' they can clear It away . . . it forces the japs to stop wearing those ridiculous heels for fear of tumbling into a snow hank and leaving their designer imprint behind . . ,—S.S. government (SA) is a forum in which students may discuss their ideas but il is most certainly nol included in the University governance system (how foolish a notion that would be). Furthermore, Mr. Sherman's description of a faculty forum would all but make Ihe, existing University Senate a useless puppcl body in which neither faculty nor students would desire membership. His faculty forum would be "senior to the Senate; and have jurisdiction over any mailers il so desired. II seems that Mr. Sherman's only reason for retaining the Senate is to minimize "injury lo sludcnls' egos." While no one ever wishes to have his ego hurl I think my belief in democracy would suffer more If Mr. Sherman's proposals were implemented; after all, they would bar Ihe largest constituency of this campus from fair representation. Another alternative suggested is lo reduce sludcni representation. Mr. Sherman argues that sludcnls arc an organized bloc and "outmaneuvcr" the faculty. In reality, students are not an organized bloc — they arc popularly elected from different constituencies and vole unanimously on as few issues as do the faculty, He In it her contends thai students "oulmanuevcr" the faculty because they ounumber "faculty prcscnl and voting." This seems lo further the case for student representation on the Senate as their presence indicates their concern (faculty outnumber students 67 to 22). There is no question that a faculty body should be created to allow for greater faculty input bin ii should be al Ihe same level as the sludcni government. It should be an instrument for a specific constituency (faculty) to air their beliefs among themselves. Besides alienating sludcnls on this campus Mr. Sherman's governance system will give the faculty sole control or University affairs withoul necessary input and feedback from others. Students not only study and work on this campus bin they also live here. II would be unjust to deprive ihis constituency Of their right to fair representation (I.e., lo have a say in mailers that affect llieir duy-lo-day I was standing around one day twirling my golden locks when a six billion pointed object struck me on my eyelash. As I fell into a swoon, a luxedoed man with a sensual while chest lifted me up and waddled me into his igloo. After I recovered, we nosed around, Eskimo fashion. I was so happy. He called me his little penguilette. But I soon tired of his sad attempts at amusing me by bringing me dead fish in his mouth. We had a terrible row. Afterwards there was cracked ice lying everywhere. He set me adrift on a glacier. Now I work in the Hilton Hotel shoveling buckets of ice for the guests, trying lo forget... —B.S. Snow. . . was it Bleeker or West 4th Street? I don't remember; everything was blurry. A spoon or a straw is fine, but I prefer a rolled-up hundred dollar bill; It's smooth, and numbing, and. . . and. . . ah . . . oh yeahhh! —R.G. I faded back, and spotted a most unworthy receiver for my aerial, squalled down behind a car. I rolled right, avoiding the onrushing while defense, and set up — in point blank range, with the receiver in the open. It was a liming pattern, and right as he turned the ball would be there. Precision is of the essence. I only gel one chance, and if 1 blow il the ball goes ihe other way. He got up too quickly and I had to throw on the run because the pursuit was too much. But the zing was still in the old arm, and Ihe bullet was there — bulls eye. His ear stung, and he cried out in an anguish thai meant only one thing — the snowball season had begun. —B. B. Tlw ASP hardly condones the behavior of those students who take it upon themselves to roll nature's crystal flakes into projectiles and launch them at their fello w men or women. If they have all of this unnecessary excess energy, perhaps they are being fed too much. We therefore propose that UAS adopt a rationing system lo feed each student no more than 1000 calories per day 1500 calories on Dutch Quad). These moves are drastic, we realize, but our obligation is to the University's best welfare and, when necessary, its orderly protection. —R.B.L. The first snow went right through my lorn shoes. It fell great as I crunched down on the little flakes. The path tip to the podium was already buried so I had to improvise. 1 looked back to see my tracks planted in ihut while sheet, and 1 kept walking Into the snowy mist. —A.K. lives as well as future goals). As a University community wc musi work together to achieve what is best for all. — Frank llaitmun The ball of white made a dull thud as It hit Ihe windshield of the car. The lires screamed as the old man leaped out of the car and brandished Ihe baseball bat. "I told you goddamn kids . . . ,." he screamed. The last words were muffled under the symphony of snowballs flying toward the nemesis of youth. —D.B. You're sure this school Is the ugliest you've ever seen. Then, all of a sudden, the first snow comes along and transforms the hard concrete into something soft and etheral. The harsh lines of the buildings become blurred and unreal. The world becomes calm — the work and Ihe pressure isn't so important anymore. You walk on the blanketed podium and suddenly you 're not so sure . . . —C.B. "You know you're getting older when the first sign of snow falls, and rather than getting excited and anxious, you get nervous, aggravated and downright depressed." If Miss Malunowitz, my 5th grade teacher, knew what she was talking about, then perhaps I can rest assured that I have yet a few more years before my worries and responsibilities outweigh all of my joys. —J. W. Snow, like sex and war, is over-romanticized. I am trying desperately to envision myself making snow-angels on the hillside by day, then escaping lo the warmth of a cozy fire and '44 cognac by night. Yet the images of obnoxious junior high-schoolers armed with iceballs and agonizing minutes of wailing in sub-zero Weather for SUNY buses remain all too clear in my mind. Damn the poets — they have disillusioned us all into submission . . . —S.M. Whal is all this I hear about slow. I'm not slow and the rest of us up here at the ASP aren 'l slow either. In fact, we all work pretty damn fast lopul out this paper. But if you want to see slow, once I had this turtle when I was really little, and he had little, Utile spots on his tummy. I used to turn him on his back all lite lime and*watch him try to turn himself over — but he never did. Even when he was on his stomach he wasn't fast though. He was always really slow. But it jusl goes to sho w you that il's always something; if It's nol one thing it's another, /fit's not a slow turtle, it's some ridiculous person asking you lo write aboul being slow. —R.L. Al UCl.A. there's no snow. I wonder whal their editor asks them to write aboul when he wants lo get off the hook. Rich, there's snow wayl —E.B. A!%35SWM^ Campus Crusade In the Editor: I found the article on Campus Crusade for Christ by Marie Corlissoz in Friday's issue of the ASP Interesting. I was very pleased lo learn that'the ASP was making an effort lo explore our fellowship and lo publish an informative article for the sludcni body. However, there were some comments made by Marie Corlissoz which I feel do not accurately rcprescnl our perspective, We do share a "fervent" desire to share Christ, and we do believe thai those who hear and reject him will be separated from God for eternity, bul Christianity doesn't slop (here. I'm disappointed Ilia! something I look great effort In emphasizing when 1 was interviewed by Ms. Corlissoz has been omitted, in pari, and Ihus Crusade has been presented In such a way as lo leave many with misconceptions ol' Ihe organization and ils purpose. The article reads: "Crusade has provided a redirection for many of ils members. 'It's what gives me strength, love, and hope lor Ihe future,' said Brickman ." Christ changes lives, nol Campus Crusade. Crusade functions as an outreach of God's love, bul il is not Ihe source of il. II docs provide biblically based leaching, friendships and supnorllvcncss amongs members. Bui Crusade is no replacement for, nor does il try lo oiler, the impact on one's lire that results from having a personal relationship with God, through Jesus Christ, In addition to this, while wc do believe thai rejecting Chrisi will result In a separation front God, our faith goes beyond whether one is going to Heaven or Hell. Chrisi said He came thai wc might have life, and have il abundantly. He wauls us lo have a life with a purpose, with meaning, with a fullness that fills the empty searching void, we continually attempt to fill, deep down inside each of us. — Stephen llrickinun c^AspectS) Established In J 916 Rich Bihar, Ettttot-ln-Chlel Rob E. Grubresn, Mnnodrno Edllo, 1 N.w.EdHu, A..ocl.t. New. Editor. ASP.ct.Edltot. Associate ASPecte Editor Sound * Vision C.sllv.Arl. ll..l..SI.,„.l „ , " „ Sports Editor Assoclsts Sports Editors 1 .1.1 Psjss Editor „ .., Copy EEditor ••••' Sylvia S»und«r, A n * « r Canoll. S u i u Mllkjan. thlh S « n « W.Ul.ln, Ronald L«ei Juonno VV.Ine, 1 d Pinks Su.O.lbl, ll„,,.ldl.,»V . Bob Dens Hits Mim ' ' " P " ' U " » K ™|" hl ' " " A '•"'«" l «'a Miulif A Git'clic stsllvvrilsrsi Ion, lli.nlluii.i. I'.IIII.I.I Brailuv, Rnliln Bio™ II. Hi l rasisls, Km C.nlot. Miclisol Cmiinn, Amu Cuvsingh 1 , „ |>,,,,„ Oncuo. Ftank .1 Oil .It . Ken Oonjon, Wliltnay h J|„, | ) „ „ „ ,l,„li,. 1 iu-nlHito. M.nk Fhclirlll. I l m . . ' ! ' - . M.IIII. , ., '„„|„., Mai » ll„,IJ..,l. Wmulcll HatUoti, Mlctokl Ii 1, Jmnci J * . Amy K 1 any Klmman, Tom Uulllk, 1,,,,,,. i.„y, .1,, s Maikoltb, William 0' Brian, Wayim IV.w in. Maik Koulei. Jail St l,„,l„ll. Baibsta Si 1, at, Paul Scbwatu, Sua Sinllb, 1 .ini-'l s,,l , Zodisc A Ptsvlsw Edlloisi Maria Gntunrlno. Sa libel Kl.-ln Dsbbls Kopl, Builnei! Mnnoflet Ad,.HI.In.M.n.,s, nun,,,, Accountant Composition M.n.ys, Ollk.Coordlnstor Jane, Diallu,, B.nrJ. Blow,, Miriam Ra.pl., Hayd.n C.ribll, Bontill8My.nl Salss, Stavi Oorila, Robait Kan Cl.sslllsd Mnn.osn Sanlmnbsi K i Composition, llunk'i Cluck Adv.rtlslno Production M.n.gsrs, Mall. Aim. < olavllo. rammy Oaloy, Adv.rtl.lnti Production, Dlaimo GlKOla, MUM. Ilta.l, Sown Kaplan, M »a MunucUohn 1 aim. s, [iwallbu, Cetolyn Sudawli k, Kalliy Udell OHIca Stall, Wendy Backaf, H.dy Blodst, Teny Gllck Robin <„, Item, P I« Kali, A,l™,' Kallowlli llaydsn Carruth, Dsan Bats Prnduclton Monoa.fl „ , ,„ Vertical Camera EheaUecn Fa.als.itpi Ml, hail HI,,," Amy Kniii.e. II n Urn. ,, Deb R.yno Catln. ShlpoloUky, Dav. 1 l,annl,a„wi. Typlaia, C o l " , * " , , ' , „ , „ „ | ,,„„,„. Main D S.plemb.1 K Barb Nolan, Calhll Rv«n, Dale Sclimlder, Laurie Waller., Ck««l) . . „ M,.,k FlKhelll ; Phnlogrsphy, .Suj./.l • •„r,,»„l/y |,y UnlUOttlly I'll""' BttVtCt Chlsf Photograph*,, Jl.,1 I , „ „ „ „ , , UPS Stslli D, A..W,. Mm Col K,„l Cl„,„. Sllll. 1 •«",. Mile Forr.ll, M,»l Hol.k, More 1 lenicrial, llonnnr Kul.toft Oi:m M.i.iu.,'.. Mo'* Nodlef. .s,.,„, Sl.lnlioinp, Ton,, r.„„i,o,,i, Will Voiin,,,1 llie Many Slud.nl IS,-,, It nuWlllwd r,',',r Tueidny ond Friday durlntj lb. .< 1 1 eeoi by III. Albany Smdenl » « . CVpotollon. ,ml..|..-...l..,il ».», /..' /.'.,/'( rotnotollon 1 il„,"lul* on- urtllan by (In Edllo, m Chief: (mlliy ,i run/crl In (euleie by (he EdKoria. Board Modinu o.ldi.M Albiiny Student PtoM. CC 32? 1400 IVutnlneliin Aue. A'auny, NV 198H l$m 4i7,B&»/331}/3389 Page Ten Classified c J F o r Sale TDK SA C-90 $25 box of 10, discount audio and video components too. Call Perry, 462-1447. Isometric Exerciser, the BULLWORKER for sale. Is In almost new condition. Price — cheap. Call Ron at 7-7819. Professional Typing Service. IBM Selectrlc. Experienced, 273-7218, After 6, Week-ends. Typing — 3 qualified typists located near campus. $l.00/pago. Call before 9 p.m. 438-8147, 869-7149. f Housing J Two females wanted to complete a spacious second floor apartment located on busline In walking distance to bars. Call 465-6467. •One female wanted to complete a four bedroom apartment on Hudson Wanted: Anyone who wants to par- Avenue for second semester. Own ticipate In a word-ldentlflcatlon ex- room. Reasonable rent. Call Ellen,, periment and to earn $4 for a 30 482-5982. minutes session. Come to LC 4 — Terak room Monday through Thursday, 6-9 p.m., or call WANG at 489-4330 tut an aoDolntment. ( WantetTj c i Lost/Found C Jobs C Ki<lc« LOST: Black wool Jacket with gold '"m-Also set of keys. Please call I Personals J OVERSEAS JOBS — Summer/year rourtd. Europe, S. Amer., Australia,. Asia. All Fields. $500-$1200 monthly. Sightseeing. Free Info. Write: IJC Box 52-NY1, Corona Del Mar, From the people who brought you CA 92625. the" 42nd Street party, we proudly present: NEW YEAR'S EVE IN NOVEMBER. Beer, munchles, champagne. Section 18-21. State, 9:30 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 22. J John (Boychlk) Palange, Six months and we still love each other. I think it's great. Love you, Ellse P.S. I promise I didn't do It. Scott K. Thanks for lotting me pour out my 'heart. You're a real friend. Love, Mlchele P.S. Only 2 weeks till Thanksgiving (Hint, Hint). Passport/Application Photos $5.00 for 2, $.50 each thereafter. Mon. 1 -3, To my Baby, no appointment necessary, UniverHappy tenth anniversary. Let's stop sity Photo Service, Campus Center counting. 305. Bob or Suna, 7-8867. Love, Honeybuns Ride Wanted to the Alfred-Olean area. On the 22nd. Will share expenses. Call 455-6846 c November 18,1980 Albany Student Press S c •'vices ) PIPE S M O K E R S ! SEND $1.00 FOR CATALOG COUPONS P.O. BOX 335 GUILDERLAND, N.Y. 12084 The Pipe.Bowl Michael's Unisex Hair Salon BIRTHRIGHT, Inc., 350 Central To Mohawk 2003 and especially Leslie Epstein's 19th birthday I s ' Avenue, Albany. FREE pregnancy DKB: this Thursday — Nov. 20th. tests and counseling service for Thanks for a wonderful birthday! anyone with a problem pregnancy. Love, Andrea November 15 — Happy Blrthdayl 24-hour hotline; office hours MonHappy Blrthdayl Happy 20thl We Rafters Night day through Friday, 10 a.m. to 1 P.m. love youl Dan, have a special day. Friday, Nov. 21. or by appointment. Please call first. Love, from the Gang Ticket Info. Call Ronnie, 7-8387. 463-2183. (Sorry for the belated wishes) Itzy Baby! Greggle, In Lova? Onyour'blrthdaylwantyoutoknow You K " ' turkey! H W ' * » , " " ' } . 0"et carved? Don't koep it to yoursalfl youVe more speclaj to me than J Happy Thanksglvlngl Make It public! could ever say. Who else would Say It with a personal! have the patience and love to be as From the people who brought you good to me as you are? I thank God the 42nd Street party, we proudly Joan, Los, Brl, Jim, Mike and Ed: I have you, and wish you your best resent New Year's Eve In Thanks for the best birthday every. year ever!.Happy B-dayl ovember. Beer, munchles, cham• Love, Col Love you, ''the girl who pagne. Section 18-21. State, 9:30 FREE — 3 adorable kittens who feels safe In the hands of Italians" p.m., Saturday, Nov. 22. need good homes. 434-8405 (keep TCWLM: Andu, trying). "I love you more than I can say, I'll Life Is so beautiful now that you're To the Big Sophomore, love you twice as much tomorrow; a part of It. You make me feel so Why don't you give us a chance? Love you more than I can say." special, and I love you lots for that. The Little Freshmen Hb. Your"Buddy" — Cakes N.B. What's "Step II" and donde Laurie and Betty, Denlse, Stefula, Harry's, Large K., estan as minhas floras? You're the best roommates and I'm Well, I'll tell ya (stamp 3x) I sure was glad to be stuck with you. Re — last Tuesday's Personal surprised! That was the best birth___ Ingrid BITCH: If L — means Lisa; I hate day ever — m m m . . . Thanks to such you, too. Keep up the good work be- sweet sultees and all the large dolls From the people who brought you ing a bitch I that e x p a n d e d . I loved the the 42nd Street party. We proudly Leve ya, Lisa Schnapps. Pink party hat, the many present: New Year's Eve In shots, and the super kiss. Keep the November. Beer, munchles, chamTo Mark S. of Indian, CARS cranked up . . . You're all pagne. Section 18-21, State, 9:30 I'd like to learn more about Carlos, positive!! p.m., Saturday, Nov. 22. Tonta and you In person. This Is not Much love, Rhondula a|oke! Eastman 1902 Including GM, Viking's Fan The more you care the harder it Is' to Thanks again for a nasty birthday! (Did they get it right this time?) Prohurt; the more you care the easier It Dear B.T. and Amazon, blems for breakfast? Yummy 11 I Thanx a lot for the roses — It's nice Is to be hurt. love you guys, ya know! Marc to know there are somebodies who See ya. Bye, Deb'e' care — I appreciate It — a lot. So true . . . I love you both — Cab Hz, Peanut, You're In my dreams Wanna Aspiring Man — For someone who I owe a lot more hide the eggroll? than a quarter to. I'll always be here Sorry for the overreactlon last week. Bitch Hope we can find some time away to talk to (I don't plan on Dear Parker (alias Smoothee, graduating). from you know who soon! Peacock, etc. . . . ) Love always, Bleau . - A.F. Happy Birthday! I hope this day Pattl, It looks like Seneca has one RA — was a high point on your graph. Happy Blrthdayl It has been a fun Dave Love always, Guess Who year at Escapes, Uncle Sam's, Concerned \__ (Cautiously) Mallbu, Holiday Spas, Apple Annie's and who could ever forget Dear Nancy. Dear Two-timer, Hope you had a nice "G" rated Point Lookout! Remember, Nov. 28, Happy Blrthdayl weekendl 11:30 p.m. at A.A. Love, your fiance, Love, Bob Love, Lenny, Jeff, Michael & RhonSue No.-1, not No. 2 da To my friend and Poll. Scl. partner, Elliot-face, P.S. I'll call you . . . Happy Blrthdayl What would you do without me? Love, Your Poll. Scl. partner Your days would be so boring and Creative? your nites so lonely. Oh yeah, HapThe Social Committee and Indian Got something new to say? py Birthday. Quad Board would like to thank: Say It with a personall Regretfully yours, Randolph Turf Inn, Victoria Station, Lulgl's, Carol, and Lerner Sandwich Shop for their To my sultees and everyone else All the happiness to you throughout help In providing donations for our your 19th year. It's your understanwho made my birthday a very happy Halloween party. Thanks to their ding (don't you knowl) that makes contribution ana the work of others, one; Word's cannot express how much I feel for all of you — I hope you one of the "specialist" people the party was a success. We are to me! I love you, Becker! my actions do. Thanks so much. looking forward to many more parLove. Deb L'Chalm, Mary ties for Indian Quad and the campus In the future. STATE UNIVERSITY THEATRE presents An Evening of Lanford Wilson direcled by Jerome Hanley November 18-22 December 2-6 8 P.M. Three one act plays by this year's Pulitzer Prize playwright a n d author of w i t h this c o u p o n Wet Haircut All Perms 1 3 1 1 Central A v e . ( 1 B l o c k East of Fuller) $5.00 $25.00 Daily Mon- Sat. Thursday Evenings 459-1010 for Appts. Tickets and information : 4 5 7 - 8 6 0 6 $4 general admission ' $ 2 . 5 0 S r. citizens $ 3 siLident/facully i..d. $ 2 w / t a x card STUDIO THEATRE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Dear Something Else, Four nights last week so how about five this week? Having a great time but getting no sleep! See you at 7 a.m. Member of the "Over 25" Club Pattl — 'I need a 86' — Sleeping on desks! — lost an earing? — borrowing toothbrushes — G.T. episodes — weigh of life — Mallbu — Peaky Shetes — Sparkles — Pepper in Fribble — cruizing In convert. — Pt. Lookout — good memories and more to come. Happy Birthday, happiness a l w a y s , and Friends Forever! , — J Illy Buddy, Happy Anniversary! Ready for many more? I think I'm getting psyched for Oregon! IWU, Me Marybeth, The best always to a friend I couldn't do without but especially on your birthday. Happy 211 Love, the freshman you corrupted 2 years ago! Happy Birthday Rlcardo Greenberg I ' Geen Kay and Vic, Happy, Happy Anniversary! I love you both, a lot.. Your darting daughter Lost Dog — Black and white S p a n i e l . Responds to name "Freckles". Call Jeff, 438-0474. continued on page eleven DON'T FORGET wishes to announce that an admission officer will be on campus to speak with anyone Interested in pursuing a legal education. To arrange an interview or to attend a group session, contact the office listed below, Date: NOV. 18, 1980 Contact! CAREER P L A N N I N G AND PLACEMENT O F F I C E Preview C C LOBBY For More Info Call Nov. 24,25,Dec! 1-5 r 3 Club^ews People and food: Participate in student activism to tight hunger. Many activitcs planncdl All are welcome, More info? Call Kathy or Maureen 489-6272. Nov. 18, Tues, at 7;30 p.m. in Physics 115. Prc-Ht-iilHi Professions Interview Clinic What tin- schools really ask] Wednesday, Nov. I^at 7:00 p.m. in LC 19. Community for Common Sense Thursday, 7:30 in the CC Assembly Hall. J.S.C. Hlllel Speaker Cynthia Ozick speaking on: "On Jewish Dreaming; the Artists Dilemma." JSC $1.00, (ax SI.50, other J2.00. Wed., Nov. 19 at 8:00 p.m. in LC 2. G»y & Lesbian Alliance — 9 p.m. in CC 373. Important meeting Miscellany Doc Stanton's Rhythm Boys Saturday, Nov. 22: The Shelf, Devllt-Cllnton Hotel, Albany 436-7707. Spring 1981 Community Service students please contact your agencies. The Sexuality Resource Center Is sponsoring sexuality awareness week In the campus center, Mon. Nov, 17 thru Friday* Nov. 21. For a schedule of workshops, films, and speakers, stop by the table and display In the campus center lobby where counselors from the sexuality resource center will answer your questions and have the full schedule of events as well as many pamphlets on the topic of sexuality. Conselors will be at the table from 10:30 to 3:30 this Monday thru Friday. Some of the workshop topics Include • Homosexuality, Religion and Sexualtly, Rape, Handicapped and Sexuality, Blsexualtfy, Abortion, The Sexuality Resource Center who what where and why, and will be facilitated by. outside speakers and conselors from the SRC. The center will be closed during the week, but we will see you in the Campus Center! Statistics Colloquium Professor Ocne H. Golub, Stanford University, (Visiting MIT): The Total Least Squares Problem. Wednesday, November 19, 1980 in ES 140 at 3:30 p.m. Refreshments will be served in ES 152 at 3:00 p.m. Economics Seminar: Dr. David Pierce, Board of Governors, Federal Reserve System: "Sources of Errors in Economic Time Series". Firday, November 14, 1980 in BA 231 3:30-5:00. Copies of the paper arc available in BA 111. Mouth Is Here (Iniiirsin Big Mouth from Mickey's Malt Liquor < hiM'si's [jnurmi'l funds ^ L _ \J> ,iri(l (lifts, fresh pasta, imported coffee heniis. exotli leas, j|ift hiislo'ls (shipped miyu'here p.irtv Iniys and cheese assnrtnir, Mis London's Baked Goods For the FIRST TIME in M o n d a y - S a t u r d a y 10-5:30 S u n d a y 11-5 STEREOPHONIC SOUNI (^l^e'Q^ee^e^nnection' "More T h a n .Ins! Cheese" 2vT>1 l.imlllnn SlriTI Alhmiy. Nine York 12210 51H-4fi3-5<l7l Ai Robinson Square, l i f e Parking. 5 ^ S}Aj. I^l^l Scott 489-2080 Dear Faciest Face, What a beautiful year we've shared together. Mappy Anniversary. I love you big, big bunches. Susan Itz, A kiss won't kill ya . . . Never again, huh? PSHA! Bitch Steve — May the (orce be with you — or Is even that not enough? Thanks for being a good (rlend. Marc Wanted: Guitarist and Bast Player for Telethon '81 Benefit Concert. Call Kathleen or Karen at 7-5102. Plum Dl Dum, Thanks for not squishing me, you made my day. Love, Bleau Karen, Have a DOT on your birthday and always. Happy Birthday. Love, Linda, Jeff & Elizabeth From the people who brought you the 42nd Street party, We proudly present: NEW YEAR'S EVE IN NOVEMBER. Beer, munchles, champagne. Section 18-21. State, 9:30 p.m., Saturday, Nov. 22. Rich — I couldn't possibly write down all my wishes for you. Your happplness means more to me than you know. Happy Birthday, Babel Love always, Lil To Our Buddies: Nell — "The Tuna Man" — We give you the T.T.T. (T.V. Trivia Tropliy). Dave — "The Jewish Puerto Rlcan — You're gorgeous, so stop blushing I Tom — WARNING: Too much studying can be hazardous to your health — aaahh, the Jordache look. Mike — You're our favorite "Jolly Rancher". Scott — What a combo — 'General Hospital' and the 'Grateful Dead'. We love you all, Suite 109 Laurie on 15, Thanks for the ride, and the coffee, and the fun. On 17 Selth, It was great seeing you this wsekend, and I hope you come more often. Ira You've got more time To Enter The Colonial Quad Photo Contest Entries due December 6th. Bring Photos about Albany from h o m e . . . $200 plus In prizes! Send to: Boh Colvin, Colonial Box BBS. To our special friend (Pattl), Hoping all your dreams come true — Including all the carob delight mix you can eat minus the dimples. Happy Birthday! We love youl Terry and Mlndy. SPECIAL STUDENT FEES Present Your ID Card * *SAVE 20-40% * * Lisa; He's no longer In Rome, but In Albany Instead. Hail Caesar! ON EYEGLASSES Jen, The pie Is In your eye and the fire Is out. After all, how many ovens can you keep burning at once? E m p i r e Vision Center is the area's lowest priced contact lens center. C o m e in for your F R E E , no-obligation visit today. Dear AvI, Hope your 19th Is your best everl Happy Birthday! Love ya, Ellen & Cheryl Barrle, You helped me too much from myself and my sanity. Thanks for all the rationality and caring. Marc Be a Chaperone or help run games at the C H I L D R E N ' S HOUR CHRISTMAS PARTY — meeting tonight — 9:15 p.m. In LC-13. Ultra Thin 'FJ.EXv LENS" continued from page ten To Amahl, We lovs having you guys up the block. Come visit more often. Love, Your Little Redhead & the Italian Looking One To the Two Littlest Rascals From softball to basketball to hockey — you're always our number one team. Happy 18th to Dave and 19th to Mike. Happy times and victories on the field and off. Best wishes and much love — Leslie, Renee, Felecla, Little Lorl, Plumdldum Conventional HARD CONTACTS I $ 5 9 9 5 ^ CONTACTS Sign up to... "WEST 'cyWOUmXIlSL Fteppe«dine U n i u e r i s i i ^ y School o f LCHJD Page Eleven Albany Student Press Pre-Lnw Association interest meeting and feedback session on Nov. 20 in HU 354. & t h e B r o a d w a y hit T a l l e v ' s F o l l y . STUDENT SPECIAL ovember 18,1980 Happy 40th Clara and Vic. Frank, Rob, Ron, Steve, Dave Professional lees and contact lens care kits available at very reasonable costs. Other special contact lenses including C.A.B. and bifocals available at our low, low prices. SERVICES • Eye Examinations • Eyeglass Prescriptions Filled • Sunglasses • In-House Laboralory Appointments not necessary, but available. EMPIRE VISION CENTER wj"^ W * Croulown Plaia. Corner Rome 7 and Walt St , Schenectady. New Vork |5IS| m 0661 16 Ruuell Kd.. Weilgile Rids All.., ,,. New Vork linn. {518) 489D5JS HOURS; Mon.. Wed., fn. 95:30: Tuci. Ihun ll-l p.rn.; Sal. 91 SPECIAL MIDN1TE NOW SHOWING F E S and SATURDAY' .SHOWTIMES. Friday - 7:30-9:45-12 midnight Saturday - 2-4-6-8-10-12 midnight Sunday - t-3-5-7-9 p.m. Terri on 19 You probably don't know bin I think you're gorgeous! I never see you though (well, maybe once every two weeks), I'm a little further down, but worth the trip! Love, Mel! HUNK, Goodbye forever. No more personals, no more anniversaries, no morel I'm going to San Francisco to sell pencils and peanuts on a street corner with the |erks. Goodbye Forever. HUNK'S CHICK DAVI; Mazel tov, my friend. It couldn't have happened to a nicer guy. My spirit Is with you. Marilyn November 18, 1980 TOWER EAST CINEMA T h u r s . , Nov. l O t h UCB & Q104 welcomeSeconds of pleasure week's of touring ROCKPELE MOON MARTIST 'Over the Edge* with the music of The Cars Cheap Trick The Ramones AND THE RAVENS Friday N o v e m b e r 21 Good Seats are still available at the Record-Coop $5.50 with tax card $7.50 without SA Funded I 7:30 & 10:00 pm LC - 24 $1.00 with Tower East Discount Card $1.50 without Pre-Health Professionals Take Note! J.S.C. Hlllel CHANUKAH Gifts!!! This week in the Campus Center lobby you can buy menorahs, candles, chanukah gelt, greeting cards, decorations and morel! Chanukah Boutique Nov.19,20,21 10:00- 4:00 CC Lobby more info 7-7508 Wed. 11/19 Meeting LC-19, 7:00 p.m. Interview Clinic Wed. 12/3 Last Meeting LC-19, 7:00 p.m. Very Important - Pencil Sale/Raffle Drawing Thurs. 12/4 Wine & Cheese Party Come and meet the Advisory Committee. Time and Place to be announced. FOi I FT~T S U N Y B®t©KSTTORE Pre-Law Meeting bring your Interest Ideas Body November 20 Points to SPawe 25%cm: ALL CHAMPION brand clothing HU-354 Wolf b r a n d T-shirts ALL GRUMBACH EH a r t supplies SPEEDBALL acrylic and oil paints, Skidmore Little Match For Women Swimmers by Sharon Cole The Albany State women's swim team was supposed to have a tough meet but that wasn't exactly the way it turned out. Instead, the Danes rolled right over their opponents from Skidmore, 93-45. Last week, Albany coach Sarah Bingham had said that she expected the meet to go down " t o the last relay," but Albany, as it turned out, led the meet all (he way and was never seriously challenged. The small Skidmore team lacked the great depth of the Albany team as they only entered one or two swimmers in each event. "Obviously we had the great depth and numbers, bin w'e also won most oUheevenls in good times, proving thai we also have good swimmers," Bingham said. The team was good enough to establish a new pool record,. Lauriann Balnes, a freshman, swam the 2IX) yard individual medley In the record time of 2:43.31. [Albany's Anne Wilson came in scIcond in the event and Skidmore's Robin King came in third. ' Another pool record was set by a S k i d m o r e swimmer, Eileen Hanawalt, .doing the 100 Yard breaslslroke in 1:19.40. Dane i Robin Brown placed second and •Skidmore's Elizabeth Russell came in third. Hanawalt won three events .out the the total of six thai Skidmore won, , Albany won 10 out of lite 16 events, beginning will) the first event, the 200 yard medley relay, in 2:11.09. Danes Beth Larson, Brown, Baincs, and Donna Staracc won the event for Albany, while Danes Capture 10 Of 16 Events Skidmore took second and another relay team from Albany look third. One of Skidmore's six wins came in the second event, the 500 yard freestyle, as Hanawalt finished the 20 lengths or the pool in 6:16.55. Joan Nugent and Sheila Fitzpatrick took second and third for Albany. In the 100 yard freestyle Tracy Moran came in first for Skidmore in 59:95, while Albany's Staracc and Lisa Solnck finished second Student Advisory Committee ' by Larry Kiilin It was like hilling the wall in the marathon. They were coasting along on a 1! 15-gamc win streak, and had rcacht, ed the apex of I heir season the week JI before when Ihey finished at 23-5 by demoralizing RPI, bul il all came to a screeching halt this weekend for Albany Slate's volleyball team in the Slale Championships at Stony I Brook. The red hoi spikers were seeded I fourth in the tournament and had ' high hopes, bul were forced to settle j for a four way tie for last place, "It's very depressing," said Albany volleyball coach Pal Dwyer. "The pressure was jusi loo much. The whole atmosphere on the lean) was very tense. Only,when the tension was removed did we play well." Albany showed no signs of the overranfidence that had plagued ihem earlier Ihis season. Their problems stemmed from their lack of experience in the high pressure tournament environment. "Fart of il was the finality of il all. It was the extra pressure they put on themselves. What they need SPawe 30% <m: HUMT-BIENFAMCE a r t pads (newsprint excluded) ' $.29 a '• butterfly, in 1:20.45. Albany's Barbara Wittc and Sotnek came in second and third, respectively. The eighth and fourteenth events consisted of the first and second rounds of the one meter diving. Albany's Joan Mciklcham triumphed over Skidmore's Ellen Zacavlsh in both events, gaining 126.9 points in the first round and 164.15 in the second round. Moran won her second event in the 50 yard freestyle with a winning time of 26.67. Meilkleham and Jeanne Lardner came in second and third for the Danes. Larson of Albany got her second win on the day in the 100 yard backstroke in 1:12.56, while Albany's Brown came in second, and Skidmore's Buzanoski got third. The eleventh event, the 100 yard in individual medley, was won by Staracc of Albany in 1:14.55. King from Skidmore finished second, and Wittc notched third. Hanawalt took the 200 /yard freestyle in 2:15.10 (her third win of the day) as Fitzpatrick and Wilson took second and third for Albany. Staracc got her second win of the day in the 50 yard butterfly, with a lime of 32.76. Baines took second, and Skidmore's Buzanoski was third. The final event, the 200 yard freestyle relay, was laken by the victorious Danes in 1:57.33. Filzpalrii'l;, Lardner, Mciklcham, and Solnck compr sed (he Danes winning effort in tic eveni as relay leams from Skidmoie and Albany finished second and third, respectively. Bingham called Saiurday's conlesi "a good nieel," bul knows thai the Danes will have to be lough to overcome their next opponcn., Onconta. The meet is scheduled for December 5 ai 7:00 p.m., in University Fool. "Oneonla heal us by 28 points lasl year," said Bingham, "bin I'm hoping that Ihis year's match will be a close one and lhal we'll come oul on lop." Spikers' Season Comes To A Screeching Halt Up and Coming Movies Participation in Lawyer Trial Training and third respectively. Larson took first in the 50 yard backstroke by swimming it in 33:17. Nugent was right behind in her second, and Skidmore's Elizabeth Russell came in third. Brown won the 50 yard breaststroke for Albany in 37:07, Baincs came in second, and Audrey Frank look third for Skidmore. Skidmore's Jennifer Buzanoski took the seventh event, the 100 yard I he Albany Stale women swimmers had little trouble with the small Skidmore team mi Suturdu) ill University Pool taking 10 nut of 16 events in their first dual meet of the season. (I'holo: Marc lUiischcl) Ponder: Peer Advising Page Thirteen Albany Student Press • • • • • • /loutu// Information: Brad 4 5 7 - 7 7 8 2 The spikers 15-game winning streak wus slopped as they four matches at Slates. (I'holo: Alun Calem) is more experience in situations like these. It's a different kind of atmosphere," Dwyer noted. Sixteen teams competed in the tournament and Ihey were divided into four round robin pools wilh the lop Iwo teams in each pool going to (lie wi.mcr's bracket and the boltom Iwo lo the loser's bracket. Albany lopped their pool, which consisted of Rochester, Onconta, and Buffalo. In their first match, Albany lost to Rochester in Iwo games, 15-4, 15-11. "We were very nervous, bul Rochester was a belter team," admitted Dwyer. The next contest against Oneonla would decide Albany's fale — if Ihey lost it would be the end of any hope of them making the . winner's bracket, The Dragons crushed the Danes' hopes, 15-3, 15-4. "We completely fell aparl. We were oul of il al lhat point," said Dwyer. Their final bout in the round robin was against previously undefeated Buffalo but, wiili the pressure off, Albany romped, 15-3, • 15-4. The Danes I hen went on to the. loser's bracket to meet Stony Brook. Albany jumped to a 10-3 lead in ihc firsi boul, but gave up 12 consecutive points lo lose 15-10. They won the second contest, 15-6, but folded In the final game of the veai, 15-9. "We started great, bul then wi' fell apart again," said Dwyer. Dwyer refused lo make excuses foi ilie breakdown of the machine thai rolled off 15 straight victories,.! He did note, though, thai the coin petition was indeed loughcr Ihis year ihan lasl. "There were no weak teams," he said. "Bul If we played our best il looked lo me lhal.we could have had a chance. The teams weren'i overpowering." Although Ihc year ended on a sour hole, ihc spikers have nothing to be ashamed of. Afier a slow siarl, Ihey won 22 of ihcir lasl 24 games and ended Ihc season lasl Wednesday by allowing RFI only one point ill three games. Those were the high poinis of Ihc year, according lo Dwyer. In addition, the leant missed being selected lo Ihc Eastern Regional! by only one place (Ihey were ranked I7lh). "1 Ihink we had a great year," Dwyer said. "They really played weil. I saw greal improvement in everybody." The Danes will lose only one player lo graduation, captain Ann Carberry, and should be much improved nexl year. "Next year we should make the Regionals," Dwyer prcdicled. "We should have an excellent team." hi' women's volleyball team was seeded fourth In (he Stute Championships but riiniiiii'i pull II off. (Photo: Alun Calem) People & Feed RECORD CO-OP Meeting ON SALE ALL WEEK UU-S7.98 PrM-M.50 Tondght; Nov. 18th New Members Welcome Colonial Cleaners ' UCB AND HULLA-BALLOO TICKETS ALSO AVAILABLE Great Prices Cut-outs Jazz, Reggae ROCK Professional When; Where: cleaners Discount with Student 177 No. Allen Albany, N.Y., 482-4647 Street 12206 Cynthia Ozrick SPORTSLINE Noted author and commentator speaking on: Featuring a Great Dane Basketball Preview with Rob Clune and Pete Stanish " On Jewish Dreaming: The Artist's Dilemma*9 WED. NOV. 19, 8 PM LC 2 JSC $1.00 Tax $1.50 Others $2.00 Give us a call at 457-7777 ^EBW T i c k e t s available i n advance i n C C l o b b y t o day and t o m o r r o w . M o r e info: 7 . 7 5 0 8 C A Chevy Chase Goldie Hawn Charles Grodin ( i Danes Drop Season Finale To Springfield Chiefs Overcome 17-Point Albany Advantage; Win 28-17 Funded by Bob Bellafiorc seven. Bob Nearing ran for 17 and I f you had missed any o f then one to move Albany to the A l b a n y ' s f o o t b a l l games this Chief 17 yardline. Fiorito then hit a season, or really didn't know how wide open Bruce Dey behind Denthe year was going for the Danes, nis Parent on the left side, and then all you had to d o was be at Albany struck first, with 8:42 left in University Field Saturday after- Ihc first quarter. Dario Arango's noon and you got a composite pic- kick was good, and (he Danes led, ture of the whole situation. And if 7-0. you've been following them all On Albany's next possession, year, it was just like a summary at Ford again reached into his rcperthe end o f a textbook chapter. tiorc o f trickery for has first play: After mounting a 17-0 first Burger took the ball on what apquarter lead, the Danes just seemed peared to be an end-around, but to fall apart. Springfield capitalized' threw to Dey for a 27-yard gain, on a few breaks, made two big putting the ball on the Chief 22. plays, chipped away at Albany's ad- After a run and an incomplete pass vantage, and came back t o defeat had gotten nowhere, Dey made his the Danes, 28-17. third reception of the game with a " T h a t ballgame typifies our tough grab on a look-in from whole season," said Albany head Fiorito for nine yards. Arango then football coach Bob Ford. hit a 31-yard field goal, and Albany It was a fitting ending to a dread- led, 10-0. fully inconsistent season for the Things looked even better for the Danes. Danes when sub punter Norm There were the great parts. In the English booted one o f f the side o f first 12 minutes, 40 seconds o f the his fool from Ihc Springfield 30 that game, Albany put 17 points on the hit on the Chief 47 and look an board on three consecutive posses- Albany bounce back to the 37, givsions, stunning their Division I I op- ing the Danes prime field position. ponents, and making it look as if a Burger ran lefl for three yards, blowout was in store. and a Fiorito-to-Burgcr pass got Albany received the opening nine more. Two counter plays, one kickoff, but couldn't produce. by Nearing for three, and one by Dave Hardy's 52 yard punt was Louis for 12 gave the Danes a firsttaken on the bounce by chief Bob and-goal on Ihc 10. Fiorito then hit Gerena, who found a gaping hole in Dey on a simple siraighl pattern for the middle, and returned it 35 yards the second scoring connection o f to the Albany 47 yardlinc. Four the afternoon. It was Dey's fourth runs put the ball on the 29, but catch o f the game, giving him 23 tailback Bob Cioffi coughed it up receptions for the season, and a new on the next down, and defensive • Albany record, breaking Scott end Tom Pinto recovered on the 25. Lusher's mark of 22, set in 1977. Ford decided to pull the stops out The Danes went up, 17-0, wilh 2:20 early. On the first play, senior co- still to go in the first quarter. "Defensively, we had a hell-ofcaptain Jack Burger was sprung for 28 yards by a Olcn Magrone block a-lot o f intensity in the first on a split end reverse. Chuck Priore quarter. The Chief multiple set ofgot three, Levi Louis went off fense was only able to notch three tackle for two more, and a Mike first down in those initial 15 Fiorito to Tim Votraw pass netted minutes, and threatened once — on their opening series. " T h e y gol us o f f guard, " said Springfield head football coach Howard Vandcrsea. " T h e y finessed us in the first quarter." But that was it for the Danes, who seemed to get infected by the inconsistency that has plagued thern since day one. With the beginning o f the second quarter, Albany began making costly errors, and Springfield look advantage. The first mistake happened on a second-and-eight from the Albany 22. On the triple option, Fiorito attempted to pitch to Nearing around the right end, but the ball hit the ground, and Nearing had to cover up way back on the seven. T w o plays later, Hardy came in to punt from the 10, and Cioffi called for a fair catch on the Dane 39. The Chiefs wasted no time. On their first play, C i o f f i , who came o f f the bench to run for 84 yards last week against Wagner, slid through the right side, broke a tackle, and turned on the burners, outracing the pursuit for 39 of his 156 total yards, and Springfield's first score. Jeff Bennett hit the extra point, making it 17-7. .. The second big miscue came under similar circumstances. On the Albany 26, Fiorito and Nearing again couldn't connect on a pitch, but Chief linebacker and A l l American candidate Doug McKcnney pounced on the ball on the 14. Quickly, quarterback Jim Collis hit a leaping Jon Cherry in the end zone. Bennett was good with the kick, cutting the Dane lead to 17-14, which was where it stood at the half. Albany did have one more shot before halftimc. Burger took Joe Pingatore's bouncing kickoff on Ihc Dane 12, and bolted through the middle. Gerena, the only Chief between Burger and six points, A Chief runner finds an unfriendly crowd o f purple In Saturday's 28-17 Springfield win over Albany. (Photo: M i r k Nadler) played it perfectly, and made a touchdown saving open field tackle •on the Springfield 14. Nearing ran the middle for one, and then came the blunder. Burger tried the option pass one more time, but he threw into a crowd in the end zone, and Parent picked it o f f to kill the threat. " I should have t o l d Jack 'whatever you do, don't throw the interception'," Ford said in hindsight. The Dane coach thought that this was one o f the crucial plays that snuffed out his team's chances. " 1 thought that was a good p l a y , " he continued, " T h e bad thing was the result." The third quarter saw no change in the score, bul Albany did get a bit of luck. With a first-and-goal on the eight, Cioffi fumbled into the end zone, and D o n Bowcn recovered for the Danes. A t the end of that period, facing a fourth-and-onc on the Chief 3 1 , Ford elected to let the clock run out so Arango could attempt a 44-yard field goal with the wind at his back, but he was wide anyway. Albany only had one more real chance to score. After going from the Chief 47 to the 22, Nearing, on a straight ahead dive play, fumbled the ball, got it back, bul lost it, and Springfield's Frank Monello recovered on the 14. On Ihe ensuing drive, the Chiefs marched 86 yards in 13 plays, lo go ahead for the First time, 21-17. England bulled his was through Ihc middle from the one after Collis hit favorite receiver John Vella with a 30-yard strike on the sideline. Neil Simon's Albany couldn'l move the ball, and Hardy's 28-yard punt gave Springfield possession o f the own 42. England gol one yard on two carries and, on a third-and-nine, 6-0, 230 pound fullback George Richardson rumbled up-the-niiddle for 18 yards lo Ihe Dane 39. Four plays later, England blasted for 20 yards, and a score. SEEMS IJKEOUDTIMES C O L U M B I A P I C T U R E S Presents A R A Y S T A R K Production C H E V Y C H A S E IN " N E I L S I M O N S S E E M S L I K E O L D T I M E S " GOLDIE HAWN A JAY SANDRICH FILM CHARLES GRODIN ROBERT GUILLAUME Music by M A R V I N H A M L I S C H Executive Producer R O G E R M . R O T H S T E I N Production Designed by G E N E C A L L A H A N .HAS1AR A L I'i;|MMNMUIIIDA!(Cl SUffilSIIU-is.j Uir.M.toi ul I'h.iioiiratihy D A V I D M . W A L S H Written by N E I L S I M O N mm milium »<r tin n iwuin immiiMni) Produced by R A Y S T A R K Dirocted by J A Y S A N D R I C H cu — Coming This Christmas 3 Season Review See Friday's ASPt I.D. JSC Hillel and Speakers Forum Present: An Evening with: rU/CDB) 91 FN SA FUNDED Dry 10 percent 7:30pm Physics Room 115 TONIGHT AT 11PM ON i MicheleILote You. Sioux' ROCKPILE AT THE SL3E The Dane wishbone olfense opened up f..r 17 fir,, quarter points Saturday attains. Springfield, bul gol . h u l - o i l , for Ibe r e m i n d e r of the conies! wilh their Division I I rivals. (PholOI Mark Nadler) " W h e n we got the wind on the fourth quarter, I thought we'd be able lo put together some kind o f offense," Ford said. " I thought it was all wrapped up at thai point — 1 thought it was in the b a g . " " I thought our offensive line did a good j o b , and the defense in the second half played like they could play," Vandersea said. " A n d we did it into the wind in the second half." "Springfield is just a good Division I I f o o t b a l l team,"said Albany's All-American candidate Steve Shoen. " T h e y knew what they had to do, and they did i t . " So while Albany ends ils season at 5-5, Springfield is is hoping to get a post-season bid. " W e ' v e shown that w e ' v e got character," Vandersea said. " I don't know what more you's have lo do lo qualify for the playoffs." " I ' m not sure if it was a matter o f them outplaying u s , " Ford noted, " o r o f us just beating ourselves. We've just had trouble putting whole ballgamcs together," Great Dane vs. Springfield Scoring Summary Alb — Dey IT pau from t-'ioitto (Aranjtj kick) Alb — Arango 31 field goal Alb — Dey 10 pan form I niiiio (Arango kick) Spfld - Ooffl 19 fun (Benncfl kick) Spfld — Cherry \* pau from Collii (Bennett kick) Spfld — England I tun (Bcnncil kfck) Spfld — England 20 run (Bennett kick) INDIVIDUAL I I \IU ii'. It IU blag: Albany - prlorc 13/63; Ncaiing 11/18; Burger 4 '37; l.outt 8/3) Spfld - Cioffi 27/156; Inland 31/94] Coltll 14/34; Rlchaidton 3/23 27 yaidi BpfW - Collii IH K. I, |0I yard*; Eniiii 2/0/0, 0 yard, KrrrMngi Albany - Dey S/7*. 2 TD'i; Du'gei I "J Votraw 1/7 Spfld — Vella 4/62, Cherry 2/JO, I rp) England 2/19 9 evfe jeans, sale $13 reg. 17.50 Live the Levi's® life and save in our Young Men's Action Shop. The most recognizable name In American sportswear gives you sale prices you can't help but notice. Leave It to Levlls* to give you the look, the fit and now the sale prices you want for jeans, western shirts, and Jackets. Choose from 100% cotton denim straight leg Jeans and cotton/ polyester denim boot legs. Levi's* really cuts the cord with straight and boot leg cotton/polyester corduroy Jeans In colors Jlke navy, sand, burgundy or black. Waist sizes 28-38. And top things off with a wide assortment of rugged, plaid Levi's* western shirts with pearl snaps and the b a s i c 2 f l a p p o c k e t shirt. Polyester/cotton; sizes S,M,L Reg. 17.50 and $19, tale $14. Complete your Levi's* look with the prewashed, unllned Jacket, 100% cotton for sizes 3644. Reg. $30, tale $23. The Action Shop at Macy's Colonle. Mall and phone accepted. Add sales tax and 50c handling; outside area add 2.50. Sorry, no COD'S. Obscene Gesture Prompts Arrest by Beth Cammuratn A scuffle involving six or seven campus security officers, a sophomore and two of his friends occurred in front of a busload of students at the circle last Saturday at 1:30 a.m. The three youths were arrested and charged with assault, harassment, obstructing governmental administration and resisting arrest, according to Assistant Director of the Department of Public Safely John Hcnighan. According to Hcnighan, "the officers were driving by about 1:30 a.m. An individual gave the officers the finger and made obscene remarks. He was kind of a disheveled individual. They drove by again, and the same thing happened. They stopped, got out, and asked him (the student) for ID. After some (discussion, he gave it to them reluctantly. He appeared lo be extremely .intoxicated. He tried to grab the ID |back. A couple of his non-student friends tried to prevent his arrest. More officers were called to assist in dealing with the three. Things eventually came to push and shove. "It was nothing the officers initiated. They were trying to deal with disruptive individuals. Several officers were slightly injured. One received abrasions on the hand; one had his heel kicked. Their uniforms were pretty ripped up. The students were not injured, bcalcn, or abused psychologically, in any way. Sophomore Richard Ramee was arrested. The other two Kevin and Scoit DcLong, were also arrested and charged with obstructing governmental administration. All three were arraigned in Albany Police Court." Witnesses lo the incident, SA Vice President Brian Levy, Scolt Greer; and Marshall Garcia, however, loll the story differently. According lo Levy, the officers physically abused the student. He said, "The cops called the guy over for ID. The guy gave him the ID. The cop said something like 'Don't f—ing give it to me like that or I'll f—ing break your fingers.' The guy tried to leave. They wouldn't let him. At this point 1 got on the bus. The next thing I saw was the cops pinning the three kids to the hood of the cop car." Greer, a senior, filled in more of Ihc details. "I saw the guy give the cop Ihc ID. The cop looked at it and shoved it back into his face. Then, the security guy pushed the kid away with his forearm. The student didn't make any conlacl with the cop. The sludent ran away. The cops chased him and pushed him up against the bus. The three then moved around from (he side to the front of Ihc bus struggling. The sludent and one of the officers fell and were wrestling. One' cop grabbed Ihc student by Ihc waisi as-he stood up. One of the student's friends 1 ^A ^k.1 1 ' L\ v.-^pv { I 1 Assistant Public Safely Director John Hcnighan. "/I was nothing we officers initialed. " went up to one of the officers and asked him what was going on. The cop shoved him against the car and tried to push him inlo the car. This continued until two other cop cars gol there. JL . Iiliiiln: Mil.. I ...nil "Although the guy was definitely wild, I saw no physical contact by the sludent initially. I didn't see the other iwo guys try to physically intercede, only verbally," said Greer. continued on page twelve ROTC To Locate At SUNYA MERSHIP cFRmrr ROTC will have an "extension center" on campus. "Spare the necessity of IfOTC students traveling. " pholu: Hiiannt h..l»l...|l by Susan Milligun Approval has been given by the " Council on Educational Policy (EPC) to allow negotiations to begin for an ROTC "extension center" on campus, according lo a University Senate report released by Dean Snow, chairperson of the Undergraduate Academic Council. According to SA Vice-President Brian Levy, the decision was made at last week's executive committee meeting of the University Senate. However, the proposal must pass the entire University Senate before the program can be implemented. According to the report, it was the consensus of the EPC lhat "the proposal will spare the necessity of our ROTC students traveling to other campuses in order lo lake ROTC courses." Sludcnls involved in the program currently attend classes at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI). The report slated further that "existing arrangements pertaining to academic credit will remain unaffected by the proposal, which commits the university to provide classroom and contact office space." Students enrolled in ROTC will not be required to wear uniforms on the SUNYA campus, and no instruction involving the direct use of weapons will be conducted on the campus. The EPC further feels that such an arrangement would offer "efficiencies of energy, cost, and lime to our ROTC students." Students Invited to Gripe At Public Trustee Hearing by Sylvia Saunders • Students arc urged to voice their opinions at a public SUNY Board of Trustees hearing this Tuesday at the SUNY Plaza in downtown Albany, according lo SASU delegate Tony Giardina. "It's important for sludcnls to show the Chancellor (Clifton R. Wharton, Jr.) and the Board of Trustees that they are interested," he said. Topics which may be discussed range from tuition and dorm increases to mandatory student activity fees. This is the first of four mandatory open hearings scheduled this year, as a result of SASU lobbying efforts in 1976. Students will be asked lo prepare statements concerning Universitywide issues. In the pasl, students have raised subjects such as Affirmative Action and apartheid. Persons wanting to present prepared statements will be given five minutes to speak at the meeting. They are required to submit written statements to Martha J. Downey, secretary of Ihe University, State University Plaza, Albany, N.Y: 12246. Giardina said, however, that those students who do not have time to submit written statements may still testify at the meeting. They will only be give three minutes to speak, he said. Students don't have to testify, Giardina added. "Just their presence is important, We have to show them we are concerned." He explained that the Chancellor has drafted a bill proposing that the mandatory hearing law be rescinded because there isn't enough student participation. Giardina said they are hoping to get at least 100 SUNYA students and 50,SUNY students from schools across the stale. Tuesday afternoon from 12:30-2:00 p.m., SASU will hold a briefing in the Off-Campus Lounge for those students who wish to attend. In addition, vans will be transporting students from the campus to the hearing. The hearing will be held from 2-4 p.m. in the Elizabeth Luce Moore board room. The next open hearing is scheduledfor December 6 in New York Ci- Reason Unknown For Dutch Blaze by Bruce Levy The cause of a fire in Schuyler Hall on Dutch Quad Wednesday night has not yet been determined, according to Director of Residence Paul Doyle. "We don't feel Ihc fire was electrically oriented . . . The Public Safely Office is trying to determine the specific cause," he said. The fire began at approximately 8:30 in a first floor bedroom. The heat sensor in the room was triggered by the flames as smoke filled the room. The R.A.'s then followed the standard procedure of checking each room to make sure no one was in the building. When one of the R. A.'s arrived at the suite room, she awoke two girls who were asleep in the other bedroom in the fourperson suite, then noticed smoke coming from under the other door. Doyle noted that the R.A. then felt the door and knob for heat, as taught in the mandatory dorm fire films. She then proceeded to open the door slightly, saw the dense smoke and left the building, Engines from the Albany Fire Company arrived at the scene some time later, but Public Safety had basically brought the situation under control. No injuries were reported. A maltrcs"s, clothing and other personal belongings, including albums continued on pqge twelve Director of Residence Paul Doyle. "We don't feel the fire was electrically oriented.' Mfo- - Would Capsules Reagan Undecided on Draft i WASHINGTON (AP) — No decision has been made on Sen. Mark Hatfield's request to cancel plans to begin registering 18-year-olds for a potential draft, says an aide to President-elect Ronald Reagan. Kevin Hopkins, Reagan transition team military advisor, said Wednesday the request had been received but no decision made. Congress approved President Carter's draft registration plan last summer, but so far only 19 and 20-year-olds have been registered. Registration of 18-year-olds is to begin on Jan. 5. Jack Robertson, Hatfield's press secretary, said the Oregon Republican suggested that Carter be asked to delay implementation until after Reagan's inauguration Jan. 20. Under Hatfield's plans, Reagan, who has said he is opposed to draft registration, then could cancel the registration. Funds for RDF Delayed WASHINGTON (AP) — No decision has been made propriations subcommittee has delayed action on the Carter administration's request for additional funds for a Rapid Deployment Force, Sen. John Stennis, (D-Miss.) says. Stennis, the outgoing chairman of the subcommittee, said Wednesday that the panel decided to set the request aside until hearings can be held to "fully define the mission and give studies of the amount involved." "This does not mean the Rapid Deployment Force concept is not endorsed," Stennis said. "Quite simply, there were questions which needed to be answered." Stennis said a major question in his mind was the extent to which allied nations would contribute' to the force, a special military team designed to respond quickly to crises. "It is my belief that our allies must join more vigorously in maintaining the security of ihc Free World," he said. "Gang of Four"on Trial PEKING (AP) — The "Gang of Four" and six other former high-ranking members of China's communist regime went on irial today before a special 35-judgc court in Peking on charges that could get them the death penalty. A Foreign Ministry spokesman said the trial was declared open at 3 p.m., 2 a.m. EST in a courtroom at No. 1 Righteousness Road, and bailiffs led Chairman Mao Tse-tung's widow, Jiang Qing and the other nine defendants to the dock. The Courtroom, near Peking's main square, the Tien An Men, was filled with 880 spectators invited from all over China, the spokesman said. But Western reporters were barred, because state security matters were involved, officials said earlier. The first session was expected to be taken up entirely by the reading of the 20,000-word, 48-count indictment against the 10 defendants and six other dead "culprits" of what the government call the "Jiang Qing and Lin Piao counter-revolutionary cliques." The 48 counts are grouped into four major charges — that they and their allies were responsible for the deaths of more than 35,000 people during the chaotic Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976, that they framed and persecuted top party, government and military leaders in efforts to seize power, that they plotted to murder Mao and stage an armed coup in 1971, and that they plotted an armed uprising in Shanghai in October 1976, a month after Mao died. parts of $100,000 in bribe payoffs in return for agreeing to assist non-exlstant Arab Shieks with immigration problems. Murtha, who was identified as a conspirator In this case but has not been indicted, said he was interested in getting the Arabs to invest millions of dollars in his economically depressed congressional district in central Pennsylvania, but said he told Thompson he did ' not want to get involved In accepting cash. Murtha met with the undercover agents posing as representatives of the sheiks on Jan. 7 in a Washington D.C. townhouse. He told them he was interested in finding jobs for his community and did not want any money "at this point," according to a videotape of the meeting. He went on to explain in that meeting that he felt it necessary to participate in several business deals with the Arabs first in order to build up some trust. In crossexamination today, Murtha explained that the reason he told the undercover agents he might later change his mind about the bribe offer was because he was "afraid I'd be dealt out" and he sorely wanted the investments for his district. Iranian Attitude "Positive* WASHINGTON (AP) — Secretary of State Edmund S. Muskie said today Iran is laking a positive approach to U.S. proposals for release of the 52 American hostages and "that attitude is welcomed." "I think the way in which the Iranians have handled our proposals is positive," Muskie told reporter after.a breakfast meeting with visiting West German Foreign Minister Hans Dietrich Genscher. But he said he has not received a response from Iran to Ihc U.S. proposals transmitted last week through Algeri&n intermediaries. Depending On Iran's reply, Muskie said he was ready to send a toplevel negotiating team back to Algiers. Reports from Tehran quoted Prime Minister Mohammed Ali Rajai as saying the Carter administration had agreecfin principle to the four conditions set by the Majlis on Nov. 2 for freeing the Americans; These are a pledge of noninterference in Iran's affairs, unblocking of more than $8 billion in Iranian assets, cancellation of ail claims against Iran and return of the wealth of the late Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. Iran Claims Victories BAGHDAD, Iran (AP) — Iran claimed successes Thursday on three key battle fronts in its war wilh Iraq and rejected a U.N. peace bid, saying Iranians will fight until the Iraqis are driven out of Iran. Iran said its forces continued counter-attacking Iraqi positions near Mehran, a border town in the central section of the 300-milc-long warfront; near Susangerd, 150 miles lo the south, and Abadan, 85 miles soulh of Susangerd. Tehran Radio quoted President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr as saying: "As long as Iraqi armed forces arc present in Iran, we cannot consider any peace proposal." BaniSadr met with U.N. Secretary General Kurt Waldhcim's personal envoy, Olof Palme, a former prime minister of Sweden, who expressed U.N: concern over the consequences of conlinued warfare, Ihc Iranian news agency Pars reported. e»=*3E»a • n vi u Ti u «nii D U U-U-U-U • • J Trr CAMPUS Briefs n i i n m i i n i n i i i n U-»-U-»-»-»-ICB: Talking Turkey Egyptian Artifacts Stolen PEORIA, III. (AP) — The University of Chicago has enlisted federal and international authorities in its search for some 4,000-year-old Egyptian artifacts stolen this month from a Peoria museum. The university, which lent the exhibit to the museum, has notified Interpol, the FBI and other agencies specializing in the recovery of stolen art works. Museum officials said Wednesday the stolen objects included an amulet, two figurines and a small clay tablet. The pieces have been valued at $1,000. $50,000 in Bribes Alleged NEW YORK (AP) — Rep. John Murtha,( D-Pa), testified today at a federal Abscam trial that Rep. Frank Thompson Jr.(D-N.J.), told him there was $50,000 in "walking-around money" available if he would meet with representatives of Arab sheiks and that the cash would be split between Murtha, Thompson and Rep. John M. Murphy (D-N.Y.). The testimony came at the bribery conspiracy trial of Thompson and Murphy before U.S. District Judge George C. Pratt and a jury of eight men and four women in Brooklyn. The indictment against Murphy and Thompson alleges the two shared Pilot Blamed for Crash SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — The pilot was responsible for the crash of a Korean Air Lines jumbo jet that killed him and 13 other people, including three Americans, South Korean Investigators said today. Witnesses said the pilot, Yang Chan-mo, 49 had time to escape from (he cockpit but insisted on remaining inside the crashed and burning plane to the last moment. Yoon Joo-sun, head of the joint government and airline inquiry team, said an investigation showed the plane's computer, engines and landing gear were functioning correctly before the crash. He said visibility was estimated at better than the minimum 874-yard limit, and the pilot did not report any trouble when he talked to the control tower minutes before the crash. The jet,- carrying 226 people on a flight from Los Angeles, brushed an antiaircraft gun emplacement as it landed in dense log at Seoul's Kimpo Airport Wednesday, and its wing hit a military vehicle parked off the runway, Korean military sources said. The plane then crashed on the runway and burst into flames. Authorities said six crew members, including the pilot, and seven passengers died in the crash. The 14th victim was identified as an airport security man killed by flying debris. They said 15 people were injured. Jjj.'s Killer Revealed (AP) To a radio station in San Francisco, letting West Coast voters know who won the presidential election before the polls closed was no big deal. But report who shot " J . R . " before "Dallas" is broadcast In California on Friday night? It was an agonizing decision. After six and a half months of elaborate show biz hype, the episode of the CBS-TV series that reveals who put two bullets in Ihc oil baron will be broadcast tonight at 10 p.m. The interest, has built into a fever pilch, wilh London and Las Vegas bookmakers laking odds on who did it, office pools being formed throughout Ihc country, and couples and college students planning "Dallas" parties for Friday night. Regents To Check Teachers NEW YORK, N.Y. (AP) — In an effort to strengthen leaching in the slate, Ihc Board of Regents has approved a plan that includes controversial provisions for licensing teachers and establishing teaching as a recognized profession under the regents' jurisdiction. The licensing provision, approved Thursday, would require all new teachers and administrators in the public schools to pass competency examinations before qualifying for a job. The exams would evaluate an applicant's writing and compulation skills, general teaching skills and knowledge of his particular teaching specially. Under the second provision, teachers would join 30 other professions, such as medicine, engineering and accounting, currently overseen by the regents. A proposed stale Hoard for Teaching would supervise teacher testing and fix guidelines for developing new tests. Both provisions arc part of a comprehensive plan which, to be implemented, would need the approval of a $15.6 million appropriation by the state Legislature for fiscal 1982. Looking for a Top Ten Glamour Magazine is organizing its annual Top Ten College Women Competition. A panel of Glamour editors will select the winners on Ihe basis of their records of achievement in academic studies and extracurricular activities on campus or the community. The Top Ten will be featured in Glamour's August college issue, will be invited to New York, and will receive a $500 cash prize. Anyone interested in entering can contact Peggy Schmidt at the Conde Nasi Building, 350 Madison Avenue, New York, N.Y., 10017. The application deadline is December 15. @Run; Go, Team, Go! If you should find yourself stuck in Capilaland next Thursday and dread the thought of spending Thanksgiving alone, you can still find that Pilgrim ambiance. The Refer Switchboard Volunteers of Albany are sponsoring their Free Annual Thanksgiving Day Dinner at the First Presbyterian Church at the corner of State and Willet. The volunteers began their dinners in 1968 and served 150 people. Today the dinner has grown to serve over 3500 people, with 147 turkeys and 87 hams. The dinner runs from 1:00 to 6:00 Thursday. The volunteers also provide lake-out meals. And donations — of money, turkey, ham, bread, etc. — are always welcome. The. SUNYA Chapter of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) tied for third place with Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) in the ACM Northeast Regional Computer Programming Contest last Saturday. Seventeen schools participated in the contest, which was held al the U.S. Coast Guard Academy in New London, Connecticut. Massachusetts Institute of [ Technology (MIT) took first place, and the University j of Vermont came in second, SUNYA was represented in the contest by four computer majors: President of the local ACM chapter David Kass, Michael Schwartz, Debbie LaForce, and Steve Welsh. Kass called their programming to victory a "team effort." A Quick One Anyone Interested in becoming an SA Election Com- ( missioner should contact Brian Levy at 7-8087. . November 21, 1980 Albany Student Press "Peace Week" Features Teach-in Non-military Solutions Stressed phulo: Bill Kraut* RCO Professor Richard Wllke. Peace Project aims lo promote peaceful relations. by Frank Gil This week the SUNYA Peace Project held a "Peace Week" lo raise consciousness on current military happenings and to stress the importance of finding nonmilitary solutions to global problems. The Peace Projccl's aim is to promote peaceful relations between the U.S. and other countries and to educate others on the importance of non-violent methods of solving our problems, according to a Peace Projccl member. 600,000 non-registrants of the Viet"Getting people aware of nam era, only 6,000 were actually militarism and the dangers of war is arrested, and a majority of those arone of our major purposes," said rested had voiced their nonStudent Union (SU) Chair Jim registration in public. "The governTierney. "We have to let people ment will also give a resistcr know the complications of an ex- /numerous chances to register," panded army, the nuclear arms Tierney stated. race, racism and sexism that all The lack of new jobs in the apear in our defense system." military and the investment in The Peace Project also tries to in- defense items such as Ihe MX form people of their options other Missile were also discussed. than draft registration, such as Members of the Peace Project claiming Conscientious Objector stressed that inflation would status or just refusing to register. decrease if military spending were According to their figures, of the cut. El Salvador Atrocities Cited by Eric Koli Manuel was only 16 years old when he was executed in El Salvador. Said a friend: "I went to the store lo get some soda. I heard some shooting, so I ran. The soldiers slopped mc and accused mc of being part of the shooting. The soldier, who was holding Manual by the hair told the cameraman they just wanted to take him in and find out who he was. A week later Manuel's badly mutilated body was dumped on an El Salvador street." Atrocities like Manuel's execution are part of everyday life in El Salvador today, according to Daniel Flores, who spoke at SUNYA last night, on behalf of ihc San Salvador Solidarity Group. According to Flores, the govern- ment's only means of com rolling the people of El Salvador is through terror. "They cut Ihe heads off and the legs off Ihe bodies after they kill them. Then they dump the bodies in the street with a sign over the bodies saying that they were subversives. They put acid on the faces so they can't be identified." Flores said that since January, the government has killed over 4,000 civilians. He spoke before an enthusiastic crowd of about 100 students last night as part of a presentation on "Crisis in Central America," sponsored by five SUNYA student groups. Flores said the only way thai Ihc El Salvador government is able to stop the rebel uprisings and slay in power is through U.S. military aid. 350 December Graduates To Be Honored Informally by Wayne Pcercboom On December 14 approximately 350 mid-year graduates will be honored in a ceremony al Ihc Campus Center Ballroom, according to senior class president Gary Schalsky. December graduation ceremonies, Schalsky explained, "were started a number of years ago" al Ihc request of the university and senior class. He said the speakers will include a faculty member, as well as Presided O'Leary or a representative. Schalsky said Ihc faculty speaker will be named sometime nexl week. "There are a number of possibilities," he said. Schalsky added thai a reception will follow the informal ceremony in tile Lecture Center. "We've seen U.S. soldiers fighting alongside the government forces. They arc the ones giving instructions through a translator on, how lo fight the war." According to Flores, Ihe people in El Salvador had been trying to rise up against Ihc government since 1932, when 30,00 people were killed In an uprising. Over Ihc past 22 years Ihe U.S. has given El Salvador $16 million in military aid and trained over 2,(XX) officers, Flores said. Flores' presentation was interrupted by periodic outbreaks of applause from the largely Lalin aucontinued on page twelve '•M/Mfi Minority Ph.D Program Continues by Judie F.iscnbcrg SUNYA's acclaimed Minority Criminal Justice Doctoral Program will continue to operate, even though Ihe federal agency which supports it is In Ihc process of being dissolved, Program Coordinator Scott Kristensen said yesterday. The SUNYA Minority Criminal Justice Program began in 1977 under a grant from the United Slates Justice Department's Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (LEAA), Kristensen said. According to School of Criminal Juslice Dean Donald J. Newman, ihe University has already received approximately $3-6 million for the Minority Program and related research. The demise of Ihe LEAA under Ihe Carter Administration will force Ihc Program to seek alternate forms of funding after June, 1981.; "I am concerned about nol culting this program, I want it continued, improved and expanded," Kristensen said. The Minority Program aims to educate minorities and to enable them to obtain top-level positions in Ihc field of Criminal Juslice. According lo Kristensen, "There is a critical shorlage of minority policymaking positions in the field of Criminal Juslice, despite the fact thai minorities are abused by the system and disproportionately represented as prisoners and as defendants." Robinson Square Brings Life To City by Sue Smith Robinson Square, a unique collection of twenty shops with merchandise ranging from yogurt cookies lo French magazines, represents the rebirth of Albany's downtown area. £ NEWS FEATURE At presenl, Robinson Square is 90 percent complcle wilh one vacancy left. What type of shop will fill il? Checkmate shopowner Mrs. Gerrily (mother of Richard and Daniel Gerrily), who is in charge of the reolals, said, "We don't accept every store. We have to weed oul those with no financial backing and people wilh wacky ideas. We want lo keep up its fine reputation." Tins historical niche did not always offer pleasurable and diversified shopping. The history of Robinson Square unfolds a long delayed and once controversial redevelopment projeel in Albany. The bailie over Robinson Square dales back to 1974 when its owners, [lie Gerrily Family, demolished several row houses on the Soulh side of Hamilton Street. The Gcrriiys also planned lo demolish the Victorian-style homes that now contain Robinson Square. Richard Gerrily, who was involved in the projccl in the beginning until he handed il over to his brother in 1975, wanted to demolish [he houses because "being abandoned for 15 years, Ihcy were of little value. Then Louise came lo town." When Louise Merrill, Ihc founder and now director of the Historic Albany Foundation (HAF), came to Albany, she saw potential in the old brownstone homes and became the main focus behind their rehabilitation. Merrill felt the projeel would be a significant development for historic preservation in the Northeast. She protested the deniolilions along with the Hudson-Park Neighborhood Association (which later formed HAF). 11 look years o f delays, fights, and uncertainly for Merrill lo conlinuc ihe Gerritys. On December 3 1 , 1974, bulldozers moved inlo ihe Hamilton Strccl area, wilh Hie backing of a demolition permit continued on page nine phoin: Hub I Robiuson Square in downtown Albany. "90 percent complete with one-vacancy left. .11.1 Kristensen said that ai the time the Minorily Program began, minorities were undcrrcpresentcd in higher education. "In 1977 there were only Iwo black Ph.D. candidates in Criminal Juslice in Ihe U.S., and our School of Criminal Juslice had no minorities in the first-year class," Kristensen said. Under Ihc LEAA gram, 30 minorily students from around Ihe nation were recruited and received fellowships for their studies here al SUNYA. According lo Kristensen, mosl of the sludents were black, a few were hispanic, and more than half were women. "Wc have the strongest concentration of minority students in graduate school in the U.S.," Krislensen said. "Last year, 30 percent of the first-year class were black or hispanic — a significant change from having none in 1977." Al presenl, there are 10 minorily students in the Masters programs and six in Ihe Ph.D. program. Almost all of ihem need fellowships to continue their studies, Dean Newman said. According lo Newman, the University has received approximately $900,000 under the LEAA granl lo pay solely for student fellowships and recruitment, The program costs $250,000 a year lo operate. "We're till scl (financially) until June, at least," Kristensen said. "Bui we're not going lo depend on the whimsy of the situation revolving mound LEAA." " W e have contacted other government agencies and private foundations in ihe hopes of obtaining future funding for ihc program," Kristensen said. In addition, he said, the School of Criminal Justice's recently created the Center on Minorities and Criminal Justice is in the process of continued on page twelve November 21, 1980 S w a m p e d With Studying?... Finals Are J u s t Around The Corner!! Middle Earth Is Sponsoring A 3 Hour Workshop On Time Management & Study Skills Topics covered will -Consc 'idating time -Setting priorities include: -Time wastes and solutions -Relationship of time management to study skills For more information and to sign up call Middle Earth at 457-7800 by Tuesday Dec. 2 attention 0U &opi)morea: Open Meeting Of The Class Council Of 1983 Wjjen: Sunday November 23 ^ime: 5:45 pm Wtyttt: Colonial Tower 6th Floor Lounge Albany Student Press Stopping By The Woods On A Snowy Evening Whose woods these are I think I know. His house is in the village, though; He will not see me stopping here To watch his woods fill up with snow. My little horse must think it queer To stop without farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year. Beer & Munchies Will Be Served TAMGEOT MAGAZINE photos by Dave Asher He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound's the sweet Of easy wind and downy flake. WANTS POETS PLAYWRIGHTS ARTISTS STORY WRITERS PHOTOGRAPHERS jidag feMuraMhorlW , The woods are lovely, dark and deep. But I have promises to keep, And miles to go before I sleep, And miles to go before I sleep. and other creative souls to contribute material for DECEMBER ISSUE!! PLEASE PUT CONTRIBUTIONS IN THE TANGENT MAILBOX, LOCATED IN THE STUDENT ASSOCIATON OFFICE HEY SENIORS!!! <StucUnt± foi LJitaEL — Robert Frost feiziznti: Tell Us What You Want! Come up to the TORCH office (CC305) and give us your opinions on what you want in your yearbook Senior P o r t r a i t Sittings Dec. 1st - Dec. 6 at <^>i£.na COLLZCJE. $ 4 . 0 0 Sitting Fee Notice: December Graduates This Is Your Only Chancel You may also pre-order the new yearbook at this time 0nly$4.00 cyVouEmljEi % Cnmuufl \ Xlfj j * ^ {*»« The MousEli\Ap ' H , Air- * o 24th Group Therapy The Pub Welcomes Back The New Dynamic A SELECTION OF FINE WINES DISPENSED FIIOH OUII DECORATIVE WINE BARHEI.S k ^ ^ Wine and Cheese "Place " v ALL YOUR POPULAR BRANDS OF BEER AND ALE ON TAP PLUS A FULL UNE OF IMPORTED BOTTLED BEERS HOT BUTTER IIAVOI1III POPCORN November 21st & 22nd o ~Wui±ia± JLouncfE 12Q IMe" o CAMPUS CENTER PATROON ROOM 2»iiFliMi. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 9 R M . T O lis A.M. UNIVllHirYAUXIUAHVSLRVICES i>Kifr*mv*i4[i*fr * •— NEW YORK STYLE SOFT PRETZELS IIUBIILINU HOMEMADE PIZZA PIE .»t M Uhitf Wttbents at tjhc $ub Featuring Mellow Folk 7:30 A COMPLETE LINE OF YOUR FAVORITE MIXED DRINKS V Dave Render aa [[7-7502 iCcnlti Featuring the Best of Rock at ~ro% moxe. infoxmation * p.s. To Sam and the Pied Piper of Tusc, We are really sorry about the snow.We only did because we love y°u' Love Again, Us <z>/2£akCnc} on: Sign up for an appointment today at the CC Information Desk ^UUet Love, Ralph and George (alias the DOUBLEMINT TWINS) of^zCiqLon Christian Attitudes Towards Israel at IlK You have just about corrupted us totally and we love you for it.'We could not have asked for better neighbors or friends.The quote of the week is,"SPONTANEITY IS IN,SO GO FOR* IT. YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE" DAVE BOSMAN lPxofE±io>i Wtf% ^eebcnrj TO THE WOYS , Q O l/X ©hurstoap J^obember 20th 6p.m. — 12:30a.m. jfribap & &aturbaj> J2obem6er 2l#t & 22nh 6p.m. — t:30a.m. j)A(4 Mnlurniity Auxilianj fteruinti »punan«ii IHfuwwtYiMlNN iA ROCKPILE MOON MARTIN 1 I I II Albany State Cinema PRESENTS I Class off ' 8 1 Meeting Monday, Nov. 2 4 9pm i n CC 3 7 0 Topics for Discussion Graduation Speaker 7:30 & 10:00 L.C. 18 1.00 W/TAX 1.50 W/OUT SA FUNDED JSC Hillel presents a classic: 50!s_Dance Rock in' and Rollln' this Saturday Night •••*• M in the Dutch Quad Caf from 9 p m to lam Trip to "A Chorus Line" All Class Members are Welcome First Prize Dinner for two at Jacks Refreshments will be served Costume Contest - One album each to best guy & gal Door Prize - Two bottles of fine wine Feed & Drink information - 7-7508. Dancin* & Rancin' Be There SA Funded Schenectady T o w e r B a s t Cinema BRNG BACK THE DRAFT? A DEBATE B a s ePRESENTS d O n A TJAMES r u e SCAAN tory MGM .n'HIDE IN PLAIN SIGHT" ScnmrU, h SPENCER EASTMAN B~rf «. .h, u i, LESLIE WALLER r~tod b, ROBERT CHRISTIANSEN m RICK ROSENBERG Iknodb, JAMES CAAN lta»dlhtP«ltfiJwW*l [PC] MOM 0 Friday & Saturday November 21 & 22 7:30 & 10: pm LC7 STUYVESANT LIQUORS SUPER SPECIALS Cong. Sam Stratton, House Armed Cella Lambrusco 25 Oz. Cella Lambrusco 50 Oz. Giacobazzi Lambrusco 25 Oz. Mateus Rose 25 Oz. Mateus Rose 50 Oz. Lancers-All types 25 Oz. Glasses of Wine to go reg. •ale 2.99 5.49 2.99 3.99 7.99 4.69 2.29 4.69 2.29 2.99 5.49 3.19 . .90 Services Ctomrrittee JAMES CAAN NO! Prof. AJvin Magid, Political Science Department SUNYA MON. NOV. 24 SEASON TICKETS LJntonH.S Auditorium 8PM AT THE DOOR Students $2 Individual $10 A SE/80N OF CONTROVERSY FREEDOM FORUM DffiATES — ALL WINES IN OUR STORE DISCOUNTED FROM 1 0 - 3 0 percent Let Tony or Bob help plan your next party En/oy Our Famous Exprcaao or Cappuctno Graced with your Choice of Llquor'e FREE with this coupon (expires December 20, 1980) (Limit One Pet Customer) Justin McNeil's Lack al Madison. Albany. N.Y. (518) 463-5219 Purveyor of fine food and drink Hours: Lunch 11:30-5:00 Tuesda.y-Salllrday Dinner 5:00-11:00 Tuesday-Saturday Munchies Menu 1 LOOpm-closing Tuesday-Saturday Sunday Brunch 12noon-9:00pm Entertainment: Sunday and Monday'evenings ®f)c $ep $antr Wouto Hifee Qto Congratulate arguments to the faculty. Lafayette mentioned at the meeting that WCDB is sponsoring a debate on the issue of student representation on Ihc University Senate. CONTEST WSNNERS Ban Handguns? David Hardy, National Rifle Association vs. Mike Beard, National Coalition to Ban Handguns. Nuclear Power - Dean Corren, N.Y. Public Information Research vs. E. Lynn Draper, V.P. Gulf States Utilities. Apr. 6Government Role in Abortion - Dr. Henry Morgentaler, Physician and Author vs. Dr. Carolyn < Past President of National Right to Life Committee. Or^E TICKET ADMITS TO ALL PROGRAMS BE THERE! the next thing 1 saw, there were three or four officers holding him, one with his fingers through Ramec's hair, pushing his head on the hood of the car. His two friends were being handcuffed and held against the other side of the car." The witnesses all stated they felt the three youths were physically abused by Ihc arresling officers. Levy called a meeting with Hcnighan, Public Safety Director James Williams, and Vice President for Business and Finance Hartigan lo "find out what the story was, and voice my disgust on behalf of the student body at this incident," he said. "We had basically the same story, but Henighan said the police were right. He said Ihey had to be physical because the students were drunk. I said they weren't justified. I saw it, and I said, 'This can't be right.* I didn't talk to anyone who didn'i walk away without a pit in his stomach." Garcia said he hopes other witnesses will come forward so that somclhing mighl be done concerning the case. Peace Week iSeil Mtin anfcr Wmam Jlfontetjue BAIIOON IAUNCII Jan. 12 Mar. 2 check a few stores before buying art album that seems overpriced. By shopping carefully, you can expect to save one or two dollars off every! album purchased. Univ. Senate Referendum Proposed F R m C M FORUM YES dflf rock 'n' roll, a good stock of jazz, on the second floor of the Campus and an adequate collection of Center, next door to the Food classical. LP prices in both stores Co-op. Its most redeeming quality is obviously its location. The prices are only fair. are also pretty good, averaging apMidland Records, located in Colproximately $5.95 for new releases, onic Shopping Center and Midway $4.95 for slightly older cuts, and Music in the Norlhway Mall are two $2.00 to $3.00 for older albums that avoidable record stores. Not only is the average collector has no use for. the selection very poor, but the However, shopping at the Record prices are outrageously high. Co-op is a frustrating experience Possibly the only redeeming quality £ CONSUMER NEWS because of the lack of selection in of Midland Records is its nice stock rock 'n' roll and even more meager of rock posters. If you don't mind buying used Many shoppers, in light of such stock of jazz (forget the classical). If you arc searching for a specific albums, World Records on 22 Cen- check all records before purchasing. inflation, have cut down their tral Avenue has a very large selecIf you are working with a limited album consumption considerably. album and don't mind paying a tion of rock LPs for under $3.00. budget, buying albums takes paMany others, however, addicted to buck or so extra, try Record Town record buying, would rather starve or Just A Song. Record Town, Some of these albums arc in better tience. Remember to look for sales, than stop buying albums. If you are located in the Norlhway Mall, is a condition than others, so be sure to especially on newer albums. Always one of these insatiable discophiles, large commercial store, very then maybe this guide to record reminiscent of Record World, with stores in the Albany area could help an adequate selection of rock V roll, a fair selection of jazz, and a you cat a little belter. Of course, the most accessible crude stock of classical. Just A Song, located on Central record store for the SUNYA student is the Record Co-op, situated Avenue, has a large selection of by Beth Sexer Lasl night Senate Liaison Mark The committee on Nominations Lafayette and Gold held an open MEAGHER FtOBIST and Elections has released a non- meeting for senators and other inbinding referendum this week lo terested individuals to discuss which '' ' • ' \ . 1144 Western Ave. SUNYA faculty listing several op- referendum option lo lobby in (i block-east of ShopRite) tions concerning the status of favor of, and how lo present their FLOWERS SENTWORIjy W 0 students on Ihc Senate. The options include making Dally camk A carry mpmdalm students permanent members, adjusting the number of student and continued from front page Bouquet ofjresh flowers $3.98 graduate student members, and Garcia, a senior, approached one FTD Tickler $8.50 • converting the Senate " l o a purely of Ihc officers lo ask what was hap482-8696 faculty governance body." pening as Ramcc was grappling with Based on the results of this the Iwo officers after the ID check. referendum, lo be completed by "The officer pushed me off," he November 24, a second referendum said. "The guy Ihey were trying lo will be issued. The information hold onto gol away and ran around featuring "The Wine Cellar" galhcrcd will help Ihc commillce the bus. present well-defined options for a "He was saying, 'What's going faculty vole, explained SA Presi- on? Why arc you giving me a hard SUNYS PARTY HEADQUARTERS dent Sue Gold. time?' I got on Ihc bus then, and by Matt Haddad The cost of records, petroleum based products, have increased dramatically with the rise of oil prices. Album prices have climbed steadily through the 70's and at present list for $8.98. Some experts believe that the $12.98 album will be standard before the end of the decade. Students Claim Police Harassment Midnight Dance Contest - Class T-Shirt Designs Page Seven Albany Student Press Albums Hitting Record Prices FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21 PALACE THEATRE November 21, 1980 Hear Igal Roodenko, former chair of War Register's League, speak on pacifism and non-violence LC-5 7:30 Tonight FREE A specul rkufaTOOUR pnbx doNaroRsiltD helped MAI<E iht CONTEST such A qnfi\T success: PK's Italian Kitchen, Fox Colony II Cranberry Bog, AFrame, Busy Bee Florists ^f-Baael Blteik The Book House, Sports Shoes Grandma's, Albany Times Shop Jewelers J.B. Scotts, Al-Smith Sports,Mayflower Best Chile Franks, Dirty Nellies, Pearl Grants An extra Special Thanks to the Lamp Post: Lamp Post Pht-rter Winners: Neil Stein Jane Sldoti Murphey's Angels Mary Anne Flieg Tyrone Monteque Karen Brown Dave Fabian Kathy Remondino Rich Hendrlckson Marjorie GorowiU Perry Wolfson Michael Krome Bruce Miller _ James Boskur Michael Gombos Todd Sllva Sue Stay Michelle Simon Steve Hollonger Pick Up Oupon In 304 Van Ren or Call Dana 7-7720 With any Purchase over 12.00 J 5 by 8 LEGAL HULMi YELLOW PAD ,47C value Good thru. Dec.3) BQQKHOUSZ of Stuuyesant Plata', AMD NOW B p O K HOUSE TWO 35 ELM ST. ".' i i p n cdrner Elm & Philip \ - below State Muaeiim ' > i November 21. 1980 JSC Hillel Presents: Thurs., Fri., Sat., Surv LADIES NIGHTS Anything from towels, sheets, clothing, shoes to appliances in fairly good condition. Please bring back all the the shmatas you have at home! No COVER Draft- .25* Mixed Drinks- .50* Miller- .60' Frl.&iSat. cold comfort A CLOTHING DRIVE Every Week I"Wynrt Brothers" An English doctor has some rather cold comfort for people with the sniffles; he says people who stay home from work sick with a cold are goldbricking. Dr. Adrian Rogers, showing a singular lack of bedside manner, writes in the medical newspaper Pulse that, "The patient will be no more comfortable resting at home than at work." Sun./"Adirondack Late Night Flyers" MoNdAy ' C O M E ON NOME TO 496-9728 WIKRE TIIE COUNTRY >s' SA CONTACT OFFICE ^ ASP Personals •^r Tix to University Events SA Funded Live coverage of Great Danes Basketball: 'The ^r Unlimited order capacity •^r Special Xeroxing -reductions -2 sides o{ one page -5 colors Brockport Tournament' Catch the action as the Danes open up another promising season. (located under the stairs in the CC Lobby) ID r* ARMYROTC LEARN WHAT LT "LAKES TO LEAD or Write Army ROTC Inotruotor Oroup Renaaulaer Polytechnic Institute Troy, m 12181 Bonzo — it turns out — was a lady. Bonzo, the chimp who co-starred in the 1951 movie "Bedtime for Bonzo" with President-elect Ronald Reagan, was billed as a male chimp of juperior intelligence. -T-! RENEWABLE ENERGY * * OPEN 9:00 'til... WED.,THURS.,FRI.,SAT. UNDER THE SILO RESTAURANT 1228 WESTERN AVE. DISCO PRESENT THIS A D AT THE DOOR FOR A ONE CENT DRINK O N FRIDAY OR SATURDAY -JL.ill ' ; First quality, short sleeve, white only We support these new energies of solar and alcohol because they provide: 1) an energy independence for our country and our people 2) a cheaper energy for an inflated economy 3) an energy which is sale for our environment and slows down the drain on our natural resources. A GREAT CHRISTMAS GIFT ONLY $4.95 each includes tax, postage & handling TYPE (sols r, alcohol, renewable) NUMBER TYPE Send checks to: AL-CON 528-7th Avenue Troy, N.Y. 12182 Include your address. Discount on larger orders. Call (518)235-5397. SIZE (S.M.L, XL) SIZE Last year's trendy foods, such as quiche lorraine and crepes, may be on the way out. The poll, sponsored by Ihe White House Council on Environmental Quality, found continuing support for protection of the environment despite widespread ignorance of environmental facts. For those who don't know, acid rain is formed when acidic industrial pollutants combine with rainwater to create rainfall lhat is harmful to certain plants and animals; and Love Canal is a New York community suffering from a variety of health problems apparently caused by loxic chemicals which were buried in landfills in the area. . A growing number ol organizations around Ihe country are being formed lo moritor and counter the activities of New Right organizations such as the Born Again Christian's movement Moral Majority. Pat Ford-Roegner, Ihe chair of a Washinglon.D.C. based group called "Interchange," says the' organization was formed lo pinpolnl tactics used by Ihe New Right. These tactics, says Ford-Roegner, include negative campaigning — for example, calling pro-abortion groups "baby killers" — and Ihe avoidance of issues in debates. Ford-Roegner charges thai New Right leaders use emotionally (charged issues, such as abortion, women's right, homosexuality, and sex education, lo arouse targeted segments of the population In order .LP* J l . , . PROGRAM: $36.00 includes: 6 nights of skiing(7-ll), 6 one hour lessons with certified instructors. $25.00 BVS TRANSPORTATION: $23.00 • QUANTITY TOTAL 9 LIT TRAILS, 2 BARS INSIDE THE LODGE. TOTAL PRICE By wearing these shirts and by the money provided you can play a part In providing a better future. for more information call: Stacy 7-1857 to gain financial and political backing. Another organization, one called "Coalition for Common Sense," is being formed by recently defeated Democratic Senator George McOovern. According lo spokesperson George Cunningham, the group will provide a forum and opportunity lo re-define liberalism and will prcscnl views which counter the New Right in the prim media and on television talk shows. Robinson Square continued from page three issued by Mayor Eraslus Corning II. Five houses were knocked down. HAF was fighting the courts lo delain further demolition. By late summer of 1975, the Common Council approved a zoning change to permit the development of a mixed residential commercial complex. On August 26, 1977, ceremonies were held launching the $8 to $10 million Robinson Square project. "We fought them (the Gerritys) without mercy for two years," Meritt claimed in a 1977 Knickerbocker News article. "From that time on, we helped them. People have held us responsible for what we turned out." The Gerritys hired Tim Anderson, a well-noted Boslon architect of the Anderson-Nottcr Association, to design the entire project. Two-Ihirds of the project was financed by subsidies from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban 'Development. The remaining third came out of private Gerrity funds. Mayor Corning praised the proIject in a 1977 Knickerbocker News J article by calling it "a giant step forward" in rcvilalization of the city. Don't miss the LAST day to Sign-up for: RENTALS: A poll by an organization called "Resources for the Future" has discovered that only one in four, Americans knows what acid rain is, and that even fewer know what happened at Love Canal, New York. food fads 6 week Lift & Lesson Program Sunday 11-23 from 6-9 in the CC Cafeteria is your last chance. All money used for environmental projects. do you know? moral majority challenged ATIIM; NEW WAVE However, Jerry Jalfe, the president of Polygram Records has the opposite viewpoint; Jaffe insists that Reagan and the Moral Majority will be good for the rock music industry. Jaffe predicts lhat rock will offer a "great alternative" to the right wing. Jaffe says, "I think this new regime will foster a reaction, and orchestrating this reaction will be rock. I think a new American sound' lhat will be very punk and hard will be present shortly. There will be a crisis that will precipitate it, like in the '60's." For example, * successful restaurant in Dallas says black-eyed pea sandwiches — with red onion on cornbread — are fast sellers; while an eatery in Philadelphia says its customers are drawn to spiced up vegetable dishes. And last, but not least, the magazine says, get ready for : Chinese seafood tacos. —*1 OASIS for renewable forms of energy ALCOHOL : DANCE T-Shirt Expressions SOLAR If ycm passed up Army ROTC during your first two • years of college, you can enroll in our 2-year program before you start your last two. Your training will start the summer after your sophomore year at a sixweek Army ROTC Basic Camp. It'll payoff, too, You'll earn over $4&) for attending ' Basic Camp and up to $1,000 a year for your last two years of college. But, more important, you'll be on your way to earning a commission in today's Army - which includes the Army Reserve and Army National Guard— while you're earning a college degree. for more information, CALL: MAJOR CHARLES B. GIASS0N AT: (513) 270-6254' bonzo's back ZODIAC N ReagaTrfplayed the part of'a pro"Earlier this year, MCA officials fessor trying to teach Bonzo in the had predicted that the $9.98 LP film. would arrive sometime in 1981, but Reagan, however, has finally ad- it's here earlier than expected. mitted that "Bonzo was a girl." Even though the album carries a Reagan said on a.United Airlines ten dollar price tag, most conflight on election eve that "Bonzo sumers can buy it for much less; wore a piece of monkey fur in a that's because most record stores critical place to hide the fact that sell Iheir new LP's at discount she wasn't the right gender." prices. Bonzo apparently didn't take very kindly to Reagan or her 'rock'n'roll forever gender-change. The President-elect says the chimp once nearly stranglBillboard magazine says that ed him when he happened to lean many rock industry leaders are over her cage and she grabbed his predicting a crackdown on rock and necktie. To his alarm, Bonzo pulled roll music, in Ihe wake of Ronald the tic until the knot was as small as Reagan's landslide victory. his fingernail. Says Reagan, "They The magazine says that several had to cut the tie." big name rock managers are particularly concerned about a possible crusade on the pari of the Moral record rip-off Majority to "clean up" Ihe music business. Here's a sign of the times: the $10 Steve Leber and David Krebs are LP has arrived. the managers of such acts as MCA records has released the Acrosmith, Ted Nugent and first siiitlin album in that label's ! AC/DC and they arc prcdicling history that contains a suggested "The Moral Majority (will) try lo retail list price of $9.98, or two shul down Ihe 'devil's trilateral cents short of $10. commission' of sex, drugs and rock The double digit LP is Steeley 'n roll." Dan's album titled "Oaucho." Other executives inlcrviewed by Billboard predicted lhat record companies will become more conservative in the kind of music they attempt to market because of pressure from Washington and from religious groups. • SA Funded THE ARMY ROTC2-YEAR PROGRAM.UP I D $1*000 AYEAR PLUS A COMMISSION. j#ML*1ff Rogers dismisses Ihe common excuse that fellow workers might catch the sufferer's cold, saying this rarely happens. He says that doctors who hand out "sick notes" for common colds are just trying to get rid of a patient fast. The doctor insists that his view is nothing to sneeze about. Tonight and Saturday on: Need Xeroxing? ~jf 4 cents a copy with Tax Card. (7 cents both sides) Drop off Center: JSC Office December 1-5 More info call: •Lauren 7-1868 Shira 489-7233 Ram 7-7819 JSC 7-7508 MENS NSTE DRAFT- .25* Page Nine Albany Student Press J HAPPY BIRTHDAY JODI columns Misled To the Editor: O n Sunday, November 8th, Cindy Greisdorf, a writer for the ASP, requested an interview with me o n JSC-Hillel to be used as a feature article in the ASP. I was told that the ASP frequently presented such features on SA groups, giving students the opportunity to find out more about campus activities. I agreed to the interview on this basis. After reading the write-up in the Aspects section o f Friday, November 14th's ASP, and the articles surrounding it, I am left feeling deceived by my interviewer, as well as in question o f the ASP staff's intent in their choice o f articles used to exemplify what they titled, "Religion — Organized and Not —'Its Impact on Students." At no point prior to or during the interview was I informed that JSC-Hillel would be part o f a 3-fold feature. I find it hard to believe that my interviewer would simply forget to i n form me that the purpose o f the interview would be broader than a feature o f JSCHillcl alone, and therefore, call to question her true intent on interviewing me. Had I been aware of this broader purpose, I would have approached it from a very different perspective for a number of reasons, which I will outline. The question posed on the front page of the Aspects section reads, " H o w Docs Religion Effect Y o u ? " The focus of my inicrvicw, as verified in the article, was not on Judaism the religion, but rather upon JSCHillcl the organization. I f the purpose of the feature was to focus on religion and how it affects the student, why was I interviewed on the organizational aspects of JSC-Hillel? When one is looking to represent the effects o f religion on the individual, one docs not approach it from an organizational point of view. Rather, one approaches the individual. I f 1 had been approached and asked to give my personal thoughts and feelings on Judaism, I would not have given an account of JSC-Hillcl. JSC-Hillcl as an organization, and Judaism as a religion, and its effects on me, are two different subjects and should be dealt with as such. I note here that JSC-Hillcl docs reach out to meet the religious needs of the student, yet at no point did my interviewer focus in on this aspect of the organization. In addition to my feeling that the article on JSC-Hillcl was not representative of the Jewish religion and its effects on me, I also found that the articles which shared the centerfold of Aspects with JSC-Hillcl were not particularly rcprescntatived o f religion in general. It seems to me. that i f the ASP F E I F F o f religion on campus. Instead, I found three totally unrelated articles, the only connection between them being the connection in the minds o f the Aspects editors. One article, on JSC-Hillel, didn't say anything about Jewish prayer and religious pralice on campus. Ms. Oberlandcr, it seems, was never told that the interview was about religion on campus. The interview was about all o f JSC-Hillel, dealing with Students For Israel and students interested in bowling, not Jewish students interested in Judaism. Only tw,o sentences were devoted to the liberal and traditional services on campus, supposedly the main focus of the centerfold. The second article I read dealt with the CCC which I felt was not representative o f religion on campus. The CCC is an evangelistic organization. The Roman Catholic and Lutheran services were not As a result o f the articles used to reprerepresented here, leaving out a main segsent this Aspects section, the reader has now ment of religion on campus. not only been given a non-reprcscnlalivc The third article 1 read was a.subjective view of religion and its effects on the stuview of religion dealing with one person's dent, but at the same lime the ASP has servfeelings and experiences with Judaism. This ed 10 reinforce a negative perspective o f article, being subjective, did not belong in Judaism. A broader perspective might have the centerfold. 1 respect Ms. Wcinslcin's shed new light on the subject rather than views, but they too don't objectively repreperpetuating the myth of the unfulfilled sent religion on campus. Since her attitude Jew. A more complete look into all displayed ill feelings towards her exreligious groups may have served to periences with Judaism, Aspects had, and strengthen intcrfaiih relations. still has, the obligation to print an article o f To the writers or these articles and to the someone else's good experiences with ASP staff, I ask you to think through your Judaism. goals again and again before printing an arOn the whole, Aspects completely failed ticle. I bring to question once again your in its attempt to deal with an extremely sincerity and intent in putting together such touchy topic; religion. The lack of objeca series. We pride ourselves in being the tivity and the incongruence of the articles generation to educate I lie people. With this produced a misrepresentation and subjecresponsibility in our hands we need to tive view of "religion on campus." The. evaluate over and over again what this Aspects editors, by printing this centerfold, education will consist o f and what our failed to live up to the high reputation o f moral and ethical guidelines will be. the ASP as an objective newspaper. — Maria Oberlandcr Aspects, it seems, should keep to its President, JSC-Hillcl humorous articles on U A S food, instead of trying to deal with a serious theme that it can't handle. was interested in giving the students the opportunity to express the effects o f religion on them, that they would have taken a broader sampling and had students from each o f the recognized religious denominations present their views. Instead, the ASP chose to limit itself to two campus groups. In addition, the ASP chose to focus in on one Jew w h o turned to Jesus and one Jew who turned away from religion altogether. At no point was a Jew committed to Judaism asked to give his/her personal viewpoint and at no point was an individual committed to any other religion asked to give his/her personal story. Instead of giving this article the representation that its t i tle eluded t o , the article talked aboul one Jewish organization and the responses of two Jews who quite clearly from their articles, lacked a positive connection with Judaism. Annoyed I WOO COOW W OS. TOLeRAW SUCH A P&&T\C M/UTARV IM&AtAUCer ITS A AjrVpOUrUSCAAJW *OAS/T IK) tt6o tomi KHRUSHCHEV? — Joel Roscnfeld I'o the Kdilor: This letter is in response to the " H o w Docs Religion Affect Y o u " centerfold in, Friday, Nov. 14's Aspects. I find many problems with this centerfold, the main one being its objectivity. In turning to the centerfold, I expected to sec many articles describing the different religious services on campus. Four articles should have been w r i t t e n , one each on Calholocism, Lulhcranism, and Judaism, representing the groups that pray in Chapel House, the Inter faith house of worship on campus. The last article should have included the other religious groups on campus. This, to me, would have represented an objective view Insulted ~ To the Editor: In response to the article: " I s Religion Something Other Than Shiksas, Matzo Balls, and the K-Tel Bar M i l z v a h ? " published in Aspects, Friday, Nov. 14, it .is our opinion that Ellen Weinstcin ridicules a 5,000-year-old tradition which she knows nothing about. She stereotypes Jews and Judaism in models similar to those used by anti-semitcs throughout history. It is unfortunate she never had a meaningful Jewish experience. Perhaps this was the fault of the family in which she was reared; never- mev V\V We FIRST WftRlU toe toeRt peFetiSEiess „ A3MI0ST TH£ RUSSIANS ? theless, we feel this docs not give her the right to indict all o f Judaism. T o be an open-minded individual, one must criticize from a position o f knowledge, and not attack using rhetoric as one's only weapon. She perpetuates the myth o f the Jew as a hypocritical, uptight, shallow, and moneyhungry creature. Poor Ellen. She may be exactly what she emphatically denies — hypocritical. I n one sentence she claims to be " a fanatical agnostic" in "disdain for organized r e l i g i o n . " She goes on to say it's " g r e a t " i f it "makes them happy and really believe in what they're d o i n g . " Obviously this is hypocrisy. . Ellen portrays her uncle as the sly, hypocritical Jew who sends his nephew a taped Bar Mitzvah portion in the hope that his nephew might find some feeling toward Judaism. Maybe her brother gained no knowledge o f Judaism f r o m this, but docs this mean that the affirmation o f thousands of young Jews each year with their age-old tradition is meaningless? The possibility of a realization o f belonging to a tradition might inspire her brother to learn about what it means to be Jewish. Ms. Weinstcin portrays her aunt as the uptight, stiffnecked Jew who casts evil eyes towards disrespectful children during the "serious" religious ceremony o f serving matzoh ball soup. We think there is a lot more to Passover than the way Ellen's aunt served dinner. The holiday is a celebration of freedom. Unfortunately, Ellen never celebrated Passover at a meaningful seder. Poor Oramps is the money-hungry Jew who saved a whole airline fare from Miami on the Bar Milzvah deal. We feci this could not have been the only reason for his j o y upon seeing two o f his grandchildren Bar Mitzvahed. Ms. Weinstcin tries to demonstrate the shallowness o f Judaism throughout the article. This is evident in the description of the Anne Frank society her mother was a member of. We are disappointed that her only " c l a i m to f a m e " as mascot did not push her to explore the depths of the Judaism that permeated the life o f Anne Frank. I f only Anne Frank could have lived to see Ellen now. She would be disgusted by the way in which some Jews have abandoned their heritage. Unfortunately, Anne Frank was murdered for her "accident" of Jewish birth. As members o f this University community, we arc insulted by the suggestion that Judaism is just shiksas, matzo balls and the K-Tel Bar Mitzvah. T o us and millions o f other Jews, Judaism is a way of life. II is a religion; it is a nationality; it is a moral and ethical code; it means being part o f a long history; and most o f all, it is a feeling of belonging. There is a lot to be gained from UXS IT ltd %ft»r (MS IT 110 mi vm STAMrO?' notism a viable form of j hotherapy with the efential to be established as useful clinical t mm? ^AraieR. ttlZ U)l7rl LaJIrJ. or is it restricted to General Hospital? m u y w nupuATV P h o t o b y W i l l Yin-man. f 'Page 2a\~ -Feature- -Nouember 21, j g s o j Afternoon Avoidant mn The 3 0 0 Minute Per Week Habit yfs I walked- into the T V SM lounge on the first floor of \S\m the Campus Center three d x ^ a l ^ o'clock one Friday in the not-too-distant past, the feeling that. I had wandered Into the temple of some obscure religious cult passed through my brain. ,, Doug Wolf Scanning the room, I observed perhaps seventy people crammed Into this small cubicle, all facing in one direction. Ah-ha, Moslems! 1 thought. Unfortunately, they were not,facing Mecca. They were facing a television! I hied to ask the girl sitting next to me what was going on. She turned to' me and stared with vacant eyes, didn't say a Word, then turned back to the screen. Personally, 1 didn't think a Mop & Glow commercial was that exciting, but I continued to watch. Laura (Genle Franda) Baldwin. hypnotically at the screen. Snaking my head, I just looked sadly at them. But I had quit;' I had fought with General Hospital and I had won. I knew that if these people really, really tried, they could also break the habit and rid themselves of the G.H. syndrome By this time there must have been one once and for all. But what made breaking the hundred people standing, sitting, or In habit so difficult was the format of the show. various other positions, straining to catch a General Hospital used to be just another glimpse of the screen. Suddenly a hush fell mid-day soap opera until the Almighty over the crowd, and all eyes became riveted Powers That Be over at ABC, spurred on by upon the tube. The show had begun, and falling ratings, fired practically the entire what was It but my own arch nemesis. technical crew. A new director and new General Hospital. scriptwriters were found — people with General Hospital — how I remembered more contemporary thinking. The characters that show. It started out innocently enough, became younger, the sets flashier, and the coming back from class during my freshman plots, well, the plots were still pretty stupid. year, rolling a Joint, and sitting down in front But they appealed to a younger audience, of the tube to watch G.H. and unwind from which was just what the ABC big shots were a long, tiring day of classes. But then it turnhoping lor. They had found the secret to ed into a nasty, ugly habit. Soon, I was success and, slowly but surely, the ratings dashing home from classes just to watch began to climb. Genera/ Hospital. Sometimes .1 even forgot General Hospital became the newest the Joint! By the second semester I was up to craze. People talked about II In the halls and a five day a week habit. I was hooked. I scheduled my days around G.H., only . classrooms, at work and al play. It became the topic of conversation al parties; in fact, registering for classes that were not given there were even G.H. parties where from three to four in the afternoon, and I everyone would go as (heir favorite character would never, never miss a show on Friday. Was It that long ago, 1 wondered as 1 gaz- from Ihe show. Total strangers would talk for hours on Ihe latest goings on of Luke and ed upon the mannequin-like figures staring --;^^^^^^""^™""» Laura, or debate on whether Scottie would B B B m ______. . | | H ^ ajp^ ^Sr Jm ,jj| '-•-^gflj H t a ! 1 ¥ ^ f l f ^ U aaaaaaaHT ^^jBjhh "^ •'BSnBSfaV.i' T h e perila of Lake a n d Laura. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ I ! kill Laura or If Alan would kill Rick and Monica. Sometimes ugly fights would resull ! ' r o r n a s " 3 ' ' ' d ' s a g r e e m e ' 1 t belween friends. At first II was only the girls who watched, h " 1 ' h e n , by using what the constantly nagg Ing women are noted for, Ihey slowly gol lli C , ir boyfriends to watch. The guys held pul for as long as Ihey possibly could, but even they could not escape the grasp of the monster. Innocent young adults were transformed Into General Hospital robots, whose only [unction was to spread the gruesome message throughout Ihe land. Yes, America was In a very sorry stale. But why exactly did America have this exIreme obsession with an otherwise very or- American indlan Update dinary, poorly acted, mid-day soap opera? Even after being a Junkie myself for almost a full year, 1 could not answer that question. H decided to go out, Into Ihe loyal masses thai were regular viewers and see if 1 could get answers to this burning question. No sooner had I gotten out of my seat when I remembered I hadn't the slightest idea of what was going on in the show. This required research and, maybe, watching regularly once again. What a horrible t thought! At that very instant I wished I'hadn't taken this assignment. But I was tougher lhan the last lime, and I knew thai If I tried with all my might, I could fight back and withstand Ihe pressure lo " G . H . out" again. Monday came, and at three o'clock I promptly sat myself down In front of the TV and turned the channel to ten. I was tense. Soon the familiar music floated to my ears and my heart skipped a beal. This was II. There was happened. With excitement like that, it's n o wonder so many people watch ihe show regularly. With the knowledge that It was obviously not Ihe excitement of the show that kepi the viewers' attention, 1 was slumped What could possibly keep fairly Intelligent people watching a fairly dumb show? Willi all my other options used up, I decided to gel the answer straight from the people, even il 1 had lo pry II out of them. With my mind made up, I once again resumed my quest for that elusive answer. After questioning a few young ladies, | came to the conclusion that most of them started watching out of boredom or as a joke, and then gol addicted. To them II soon became a suspense story. Even though mosi girls knew the show was dumb, Ihe storyline was poorly thought up, the sub-plots didn't fit together well, and the acting was poor, no turning back for me now. I forced myself to watch Ihe episode, and what happened lo me in that room during that hour Is too ugly, loo frightening, loo horrible for me to pul inlo words here. I came out of that room al four o'clock a sweaty, trembling mess . . . but I had made il. I had fought one more time and I had won. As It turned out, I hadn't missed all that much since quilting in May, Il seems that Luke and Laura love each other, and Scollie's nowhere to be found. Alan and Monica are still husband and wife, and we haven't heard from Tracy since she left for Europe over the summer. Mr. Smith and the Organization seem to be folding, although ihey always have a few tricks up their sleeve. Port Charles is still the same old town II always was, with the usual gossip and goings-on. After six months, nothing really major had • w -I they were drawn back time and again just lo see what would happen next. This jusl prov ed to the networks that they could shovel jusl about anything onto mid-day TV, keep ihe plots Inching along, and still have a hit show on their hands. I thought thai maybe the reasons would be different (or the guys who watched regularly, but they were Ihe same. You blew it, guys! O h , well. Well, I finally gol my answer and I guess I should have expected It. The mentality of the young American is not as high today as it once was. It Is Indeed a sorry thought lhal the future leaders of our great country are now spending their free afternoons watching General Hospital. Will a future President take time out from his busy schedule lo watch with his Cabinet? What a sad thought! Well, Bugs Bunny's on now. Think I'll say goodbye. TV LoMnga pholo by Bub l.«on«rd Janice Lewis The American Indians have been fighting to regain ownership and control of the land that was theirs before being forceably taken by later settlers of America. One of the earlier and probably best known of the In' dlan attempts to make a stand for their rights was the takeover of Wounded Knee In 1973. ' On February 27th of that year, about 200 members of the American Indian Movement (AIMJ look hostage eleven while residents of Wounded Knee, South Dakota (an Oglala Sioux area) for two days, seized guns and ammunition at a trading post and fired on approaching vehicles. The whole action lasted for a very short time, however, but the effects of if were far-reaching and long- lasting. In the seven years since Wounded Knee there have been a series of actions taken by Indians In different parts of the United States. A number of these have dealt with the issue of mineral rights and control of resource development on lands currently belonging to Indians. uranium on the reservation In exchange for six million dollars. The venture was a tremendous profit, equaling more lhan half of the ten million dollars that the Indians In . 1974, two southeaslern tribes, the Navajos and the northern Cheyennes began lo request changes in policies and contracts dealing with minerals found on their land. Both tribes saw changes In these areas as being a necessary step In their growing Independence from the United States government. The Navajos began using "Arab Style" bargaining on their Window Rock, Arizona reservation to develop the natural resources on their land themselves, rather than accept i n g the traditional royalty payment In exchange" for mining rights. They were aiming toward participation In Joint ventures with reputable companies. The first such business venture they entered was a contract with Exxon, giving the firm the right to search for and mine -The Student T h a Light (W(l"«Jon), A a a l n l b o i n , g o ing 1° ••"' returning from W a s h i n g t o n . A m e r i c a n i z a t i o n a t It'a beat. earned from all previous mineral agreemenls In 1973. Furthermore, In the event lhal uranium was found the Navajos would be able to evaluate the findings Independent and take the option of either taking Ihe usual royally or participating In the mining venture. The northern Cheyennes on the other hand, were seeking lo re-negotiate old contracts rather lhan enter Into new ones. They demanded re-negotlallon for Ihe stripmining of some two billion tons of lowsulphur coal, on claims that Ihey were short changed In Ihe original contracts and lhal In view of current rising coal prices, new agreements should be written. As well as demanding changes for monetary reasons, the Cheyenne claimed that Ihey had been persuaded lo enter Into the contracts by the government without being made aware of three Important polnls: the effects of strip mining on Ihe land, Ihe Increasing numbers of the While population and the construction of gaseflcatlon plants on Ihe reservation. As a result of these changes, the Indians said they could not' Continued on page 8a. Notebook- APaae 3a] Quiet Games Rob Edelstein Undercurrents "Fuck you,"snarled Paul junior resentfully, as he bobbed his fishing pole up and down in Ihe water at Silver Point. "Don't you think that's pretty nasly, coming from a mouth so young?," replied Jonas with his eyebrows crinkled and his angered eyes staring intently beneath his tangled blond-gray hair. "I'm eighteen," answered Paul to the charge, as he began reeling In his fish-less hook. "Yeah, well you hardly ever act It," charged Jonas sternly. Paul had already dined out, and as soon as the line was reeled In, he sauntered toward the lower deck stairs. "Sure, sure. Go below. I just can't wait to see what happens when you hit college," said Jonas. "At least I'm gonna graduate, asshole," sneered Paul, "Why (he hell don't you get out of here?," and Paul was gone. "I can't swim," said Jonas, calling after him. "What the hell Is going on down here?," demanded Paul senior, as he made his way over to Jonas from his place In Ihe captain's domain. He stood with his hands on his hips and his head cocked forward toward Jonas. The gold and diamonds on his fingers shone brightly off the waler In the early morning sun. Seems Like Hen Will Never Learn , ^ ^ e r e come the American Indians, • /ha^M^our forgotten minority. No longer are our Native m/mW t ^ *-^ Americans content lo be pushed Into small corners of Ihe United States and be forgotten by later residents of Ihe country they were the original settlers of. Nouember 21, 1980- "Aw nothing, Paul buddy. Just a little tiff between me and your s o n n y - b o y , " answered the always respectful Jonas. "What's Ihe matter with the two of you. I can't leave you alone with each other for two minutes." "He just doesn't like listening to me, that's all," declared Jonas sadly. "Then don't talk to him, that's all. "Because he's my sonl,"yelled Paul. "Look, I'm not going to have this go on anymore. He's my kid and I know what he does and doesn't do. And he doesn't steal Irom his father." "Well, why the hell would I?," asked Jonas sternly. The calm and respect In his voice had disappeared, only to be replaced by rage. "Because you're broke, damn it, that's why. You spend all your money on gold necklaces and booze and anything else that's not worth It, I don't understand you, Jonas, I never did. You're not rich, you know." "But I'm his godfather, you know." There was silence lor a moment as the two life-long friends stared at each other. Finally, Paul senior lei out a sigh and a "Jeez" and he draped his arms over Ihe side of his yacht. "Jonas." "Yeah Paul." "Someone stole ten thousand dollars from my desk drawer." "What?,"asked Jonas In disbelief, as he turned his whole body around to face Paul. "Yep. Ten thousand. It just doesn't make any sense. I mean, I pay everyone so goddamn well." "Damn It!" exclaimed Jonas. "What." "How can you even think about how well you pay. Shit, some shmuck just got greedy." The Third Eye Jonas looked at Paul for a few seconds, and then swung back around, and resumed staring at the water. "My desk drawer was locked, Jonas. Damn It, I'm positive of thai. I lock It every day." said Paul with an ache In his voice. "Lord knows who did it, Paul." Paul hesitated for a moment, and thought of the situation. Then, he turned toward Jonas and asked, "Do you know who did It?" " H o w the hell would I know who did il?" " Y o u and my son were the only ones who knew where the key was." Jonas was shaken. He faced Paul with fire In his eyes and exclaimed, "Why in hell is it always my fault? Can't you ask him, Paul?" "He didn't do it, Jonas." " H o w do you know?,"quizzed Jonas. "But we're brothers, Paul, we always were. We work together and I'm getting by. That kid of yours, now that's another story." "That's It, Jonas. Enough of that shit." i Paul walked away. "Something's gonna change, Jonas, my friend. I'm going downstairs to talk lo my boy, and in the meantime, I suggest you think about the money. • • Jonas was speechless. Paul was walking down the stairs. With a knock al Ihe door and a response of "Come i n , " he was face to back with his son. "What was all the yelling about?," asked Paul Junior, as he flipped through a fishing manual. "Just Jonas." "I know the feeling." "Paul, would you know anything about ten thousand dollars missing from my desk?" Paul junior didn't even turn around. "Why Would I know?" "I'm just curious. Ten grand was stolen from my desk." So what? You've got lots of money. Ten grand won't kill y o u , " he said and continued flipping. • | Anne ^ Bers A Question Of G r a v i t y When Ihe escape is complete there Is a sullen separation, a gradual perforation along a thin line, and the walls Imperceptibly buckle. 1 am at once, dully aware of act and scene, exposition and juxtaposition against a soft blur of lifted ceiling and entering sky: ol surrounding heads lowering into a morass from which I have come mysteriously unfixed — to pivot, float, and whirl. The only divinity Is escape because It Is release from mind's grasping tenterhook and the mundane maintenance of its fleshy companion. The quality of escape Is dependent upon which countryside we have chosen lo bail out over before we are pushed from behind. How often we resist its awesome, engulfment which begins at the molecular level to penetrate through difficult cells ol dark avarice and dense ego. We set out to block Ihe Intruder who balks^at our careful attempt to construct fortifications of I-beams with steel rivets. We are the painters of rustproofing who discover too late how Insufficient our protection is from escape which begins as a germ In a feeble cell and make Itself comfortable within membranes. Powerless Is conscious mind to warn the cells which indifferently feed the Inner discontent. I soon become that greater group of cells — stolen by a germ of restlessness. My hands will not move to formalize plans; my eyes cannot focus on a singular goal. I am mute, choked, stopped up, and motionless In that release which has loosened every molecule and overtaken every passage ol my bulk. Divine is thai which Is finally relief. Immense, yet locked within; a deep secret that cannot be revealed to the waking. It Is built in from conception, Its Information contained In egg and sperm. Divine Is that which loses Its substance In conscious analysis or activity, the rude working of Ihe mind and body. It Is that secret the dead cannot reveal to Ihe living, which we seek and still do not find on our separately plotted courses; all fixed with the same chilling conclusion. Could It be that we know nothing of the Plan which we In waking, conscious, pur- poseful ambition hope to gain a little ground In, If only to finally rest? Perhaps this divine escape is the crux of all our questlngs and queslionlngs, Its depth and eluslveness providing an intellectual tickle centuries upon centuries old, In the tiny, blunt, fiercely curious collective mind. Divine, Infinite, unknowable — escape plays rudderless within; gives no excuse; has no course makes no promise. Escape is musings and missed appointments; unconnected thoughts. It Is Irrational conclusions, changed motions, dashed plans, Inconsistencies. It thrashes smooth old claims and welNpaved notions. Il Is Ihe Scorpion of the soul lhal destroys and brings anew. Il is the shedding of dead skin. My mind's eye Is my escape which does not distinguish between the f l u s h , materialistic and solvent world and the free grass, weed and earth of step and sight. I may mourn over the loss of a wad of dollars slip! carelessly out of my pocket until a hand In my hazed upper vision breaks a covetous armor and steals for a beggar, by loss. In that vision, the hand feeds the beggar and myloss Is transformed Instantly into great gain. I rejoice in the relief afforded me by escape — an Inner eye which provided for me a vision, entered somehow unexpectedly, sole in and drug me from my armor, broke me from my heavy stays and lifted me up,up. • World Report Hubert-Kenneth Dickey U.S. Blues And you may ask yourself Am I right? . . . Am I wrong? —David Byrne and Brian Eno Time was when a girl could get by on" her looks. Time was when a guy could gel by on his style. Time was when a dollar was worth something. Time Is when a clock points and we move around the circle. You may find yourself In the Lamp Post on Friday night. And you may find yourself In Calvin Klein Jeans. And you may ask yourself when Is this Jerk going lo stop talking to me? And you may ask yourself why am I going to college? Improving our life — physically, menially, emotionally, or spiritually — Is largely a matter of developing new, better and more dominating habit patterns of life. It usually requires a totally different outlook on life, a sharp redefining of what Is Important In life. Please, turn my dreams into sleep, my mind needs a rest. The TV Is on the blink. My razor is too sharp, my toes are too wide and my shoes are too damn small. Call my wife, my mother has gone lo Sweden and become a man. My son Is a pimp for IBM, and my uncle Is a " T o m " named Sam. Those nasty habits, also make It difficult for us to change established ways of doing things, or thinking or feeling. Habits lock us into certain response patterns, so we tend to resist any change In our accustomed routine, even If II Is In our best Interests to do so. Developing habits, particularly If they are good habits, allows us to conserve higher 'mental processes for more demanding tasks and challenges. By contrast, wrong habits waste human energy and limit human growth and development. We dream, we innovate, we create a variety of Images in our minds and then we have |he option to choose whether to act on any one or more of them Only humans have freedom of choice, only humans have the capacity for Imagination for good or evil and only humans need Instruction in "law" to help them make choices that are In their own and their neighbor's best interests. Now that we have spent ourselves In a search for a leader and found only "Ray-Gun," I want Nixon back. Any man California does not want as Its governor, I want as President. Every four years we vote and every four years we lose. So what Is the point? It can't be that we want change or something different, perhaps It Is just a , game. Too much for me to think about. You see I got this beautiful house and a beautiful wife to "worry" about. Seems death has come a calling, but I do not care, my Mastercard will pay for It. My time Is too short for me to see my life, too clearly. I've got Ihe Blues, Ihe U.S. Blues. Pass by the door In order to le*ave the room. Pass me the telephone, 1 got a call to collect. Pass out the grades, Ihe tests have all been taken. A n d , while you are at It, tell me am I right or am I wrong? • • Hypnotism: Benefits f Mind Manipulation yK( Jjou atf-is, l}allincj Gn-iLzzfi. saSjyypn°sis was looked upon as a kind of parlor stunt, or ~M>f^worse, as a devil's device to control men's minds. 1m£ _ J r _ • ; ages of people crawling around a stage on all fours or else revealing deep dark secrets continue to give hypnosis a bad name. People have derived their chief impressions of hypnosis from stage (and perhaps staged) demonstrations of it. ______________________ But hypnosis has nothing to do Sylvia Saunders ' «"* b'a<S f"?9'0 or £,X; -' natural. It is now solidly allied with psychiatry and medicine, and is steadily improving its usefulness as a clinical tool against pain, fear and a host of physical disorders. Since 1958, both the American Medical Association (AMA) and American Psychiatry Association have issued statements accepting it as a useful and valid technique in the hands of qualified people. However, as yet, hypnosis is not a licensed profession. Under current state law, anyone can put up a shingle saying he or she is a hypnotherapist. There are, however, controls on who may be licensed by the state as psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers. Those controls include educational requirements and a passing grade on a licensing examination. Morris White, a retired New York State licensed social worker, has run the Tri-City Hypnosis Center on Central Avenue since January. He's treated everything from fear of flying to frigidity and is a firm believer in what he terms "the power of suggestion" or "altered consciousness." He first became interested in hypnosis when he started using it for treatment with delinquent children. He took a course with the New Jersey Association for Advanced Ethical Hypnosis. White said the biggest problem he has in his new practice is with his clients' misconceptions concerning hypnosis. "People are basically afraid of three things," he said. "They ask: Will I wake up? Will I say something I don't want to? and Will I do something embarrassing?" White maintains that none of these reservations have any basis. "You don't do or say anthing against your moral principles. Actually," he added, "if you really know the person and gave him a coujple of drinks, he probably would act the same way he would under hypnosis." Aside from that, White insisted that if he asked something private that you wouldn't want to answer, you'd either wake up or Hypnosis Ut BO longer just a psychologist's gimmick. It ha* progressed from Ins "parlor gssssj" to truly •ssfnl applications In a - • • b - r of types of U^ez^j,Id Qesftsx. 5 ^ t c#nA _&«£._;'.'•*' not answer him at all. | ^ ^ ^ In reality, he explained, "I've never hypnotized anyone. I give suggestions. If you follow them, you're hypnotized." "Everybody is hypnotizable," White said confidently. "You're born with the ability." There are, of course, those who are more susceptible than others. White said those who have good intelligence, a great deal of imagination, the ability to concentrate and are willing to relax usually are the easiest to hypnotize. He added that there is no evidence that they suffer from weakness of will or that by undergoing repeated hypnosis their willpower become progressively weaker. In terms of susceptibility, sex and nationality has little or no influence. According to most authorities, childen are more easily hypnotized than adults. In addition, those from the upper class and in generally good health will probably be better subjects. The hypnotic state varies from person to person. The trance superficially resembles sleep. The subject experiences a profound state of relaxation, accompanied by sensations of lightness and heaviness. The eyes close and the breathing automatically slows down. Other signals a trained hypnotist looks for include changes in voice quality, reduced movement, lessening of blink or swallow reflexes, slower pulse, or more dramatic events such as catalepsy, amnesia or regression. The subject may become clairvoyant, give psychometric descriptions, see into the future, read the past, make spiritual excursions or hear and see events occurring there and elsewhere. The ability of hypnosis to alter perception and thinking has many practical implications for some people, White said. Long-time sufferers of migraine headaches have been cured permanently by incredibly short periods of treatment with hypnosis. People dying of cancer have experienced some relief. Memories have been hypnotically recovered and disarmed of their ability to cause unconscious torment. Asthma has been cured; weight has been lost; and smoking habits have been broken. Major surgery has been conducted with nothing more than hypnotic analgesia to eliminate the pain. There is no generally accepted explanation of how the anesthesia can be induced under hypnosis. Apparently the process involved is one of dissociation In which one level of consciousness is blocked by another. It has also been reported that it is possible to suggest paralyses or contractures of the limbs. Precisely how such altered states of consciousness and bodily functions can occur under hypnosis still remains a mystery. No one really understands how or why hypnosis works, White said. "We only have case after case to back it up." In his private practice, White specializes in control of smoking, eating and anxiety. He said hypnosis is able to help control these impulses because it builds self-confidence. In the weight control sessions, he seats eight of his clients at a time in a dark room. He plays a monotonous tape with suggestions which have a pyramid effect. In addition, he has weigh-ins and distributes a diet. This combined with the hypnotic sessions breed great success, he said. His smoking control program is structured into four sessions. The first session is designed to find out why the person smokes. The second session he tells them to practice saying "I have smoked my last cigarette at 2:30 next Tuesday" twenty times each night for a week right before going to bed. The last two session are for positive reinforcement. White said he has an 80 percent success rate with these specialized programs. For the weight programs, he charges $10 a week for 45-minute session; the smoking program costs $60 for four sessions. White insists that hypnosis can be used for relief of most anything. "It's like Hitler's philosophy," he smiled. "If you keep telling anyone to do anything long enough, he'll do it." He said hypnosis is a natural release. He said everyone undergoes an everyday trance from time to time, when they aVedeeply absorbed in reverie or preoccupied with what they are doing. "In these moments, we are fully focused, oblivious to what happens around us," he said. The football fan watching the Superbowl on television, for example, is fully alert to the game, but unaware of his body sitting in the chair or his wife calling him to dinner. In addition, he joked, hypnosis is a much cheaper and safer way to enter into the desired "altered state of consciousness," than either alcohol or drugs. Morris White is one of approximately eight practicing hypnotists in the area. He says that "business is good" and that he has a full schedule during the three days he is open. "I think people are starting to take hypnosis a little more seriously. It's become more than mere entertainment," he said. • Journey To The Flaxen Field Believe me. When I went on this assignment I had absolutely no intenlion of being hypnotized. Although I was extremely curious about the subject, I never thought I'd actually have the nerve to go through with it. I remember my first experience with hypnotism. Several years ago I saw a "professional" demonstrating his "power" on the stage. It held my interest like a circus sideshow, as the hypnotist went through his usual stage procedure. He made his subject do all sorts of things any normal human being would never ordinarily do. He commanded his victim to fish for whales in a goldfish bowl, bark around the stage on all fours and give a Fourth of July speech. Finally the master awakened his very embarrassed subject shortly before his victim was about to take his clothes off. I went home feeling thoroughly entertained. But mostly I went home glad that I didn't Volunteer to go up on stage. My next experience with hypnotism was my freshman year at SUNYA. As part of the five required experimental hours, I volunteered to be hypnotized. So one Tues- things they wouldn't ordinarily do? At any rate, 1 figured I'd give it a try.. He day evening I anxiously went to the experiment. I remember sitting expectantly in the told me to relax and concentrate on my classroom with approximately 50 other hand. In a calm and self-assured voice he volunteers. The experimenter played a said, "Concentrate on your hand . . . feel it monotonous record designed to hypnotize getting lighter and lighter . . . it will rise in the the group, but nothing happened to me. I air as if there were a helium balloon tied to was never called back for further hypnosis it . . . you have no control. Relax all your sessions, so I figured I must have been deem- muscles and imagine that you are going into a deep sleep. Deeper and deeper. You will ed "unsusceptible." ' When I mentioned this to hypnotist Morris not wake up until I tell you, then you will White, he chuckled and said I was probably a wake up quietly and you will always feel fine most "suggestible" person. He said there are as a result of those suggestions. You are fall' very few people who can't be hypnotized. He ing sound asleep. Deeper and deeper. did a few preliminary tests by examining my Deeper and deeper." He continued this formula for about five eyes and testing my concentration. He decidminutes and then tried a test. At his softed It could work. With great skepticism, I sat in the comfor- spoken command, my arm floated effortlesstable brown recliner and tried to relax. All I ly up into the air of its own accord with no kept thinking was: How can just words make sensation on my part that I was doing the lifa person see things that aren't there and do ting. I even tried to fight it . . . but it just kept moving. I continued to feel incredibly relaxed, perfectly at ease, my thoughts drifting. I was aware of his words, able to note my own mental response to what he said. It felt like a pleasant, light meditation. I thought to myself: if this is hypnotic trance, I'd be happy to stay in it for as long as I can. Then something peculiar happened. He kept saying the same things over and over . . . Soon I was in a flaxen wheat field with massive oak trees and a light warm breeze. My body could actually feel the warmth of the sun he described. Every one of my muscles was mentally ordered to relax. I was as calm and peaceful as the eye of a hurricane. After several minutes of this tranquil scene in which all my conscious problems disappeared, he said he would awaken me by counting to five. I was extremely disappointed. I felt he was wrong. I figured I wouldn't come out of the trance just yet, since it was so enjoyable. As he started slowly counting, I hoped he would stop. I was sure that I would not come out of the trance at five, but would stay for a few more minutes to relish in its peacefulness. I hoped he wouldn't feel bad when my eyes didn't open at the count of five. Then "five" came and my eyes suddenly opened. I had no other choice. And that was it. No barking on all fours, deep dark secrets or prophesies for the future. 1 was able to remember everything. There were no magic feats. It was just a feeling of extreme relaxation that can only be compared to floating in calm water or enjoying a good backrub. It was kind of like that buzz you get just before you start drinking too much. It was hard to believe that what seemed to only last a couple minutes was really over half an hour. I had absolutely no concept of time — but It really didn't matter. I didn't want to leave the comforting white walls of his office to |Come back to the sterile white concrete of the icampus. I wanted to go back to the security of the flaxen field. — Sylvia S a u n d e r s ) November 21, 1980- -Sound & Vlslon- ] APage 7a, [alkinglnTheDark I'ifTTFfll sery Music Bad Vibrations For Cheap Trick dpi he title of the latest Cheap Trick album, All Shook Up, doesn't lie. Like Peter Frampton (remember him?), Cheap Trick released a highly successful live L.P. that gave them the mass attentlon they strlved to get for some time. Un- Robert Gordon fortunately, like Frampton, they still seem directionless. All Shook Up Is a mixed bag of tunes with so many different styllngs thai one can't put a finger on a distinct Cheap Trick sound. Actually, they remind me of one of those late night T . V . ads for K-Tel where one group, usually called "The Sound Effects" or something like that, sings "the best of today's sounds," but can't do a damn thing on their o w n . , This Isn't to say that the members of the group aren't talented. Vocalist Robin Zander gives a real smorgasbord of different styles that carry a tune while Tom Peterson Is a more-than-adequate bass guitarist. Bun E. Carlos, with looks that go with that great name of his, is a fairly good percussionist. Finally, there's Rick Nielsen, who, let's face it folks, does look pretty much like a )erk, is a damn good guitarist. The problem Is thai the band gives the impression that the sum of the parts doesn't add up to a whole. "Stop This Game" opens side one with that often used "spacey Intro" that showcase Zander's "echo effect" vocals. This tune C h e a p T r i c k w i t h l e a d s i n g e r R o b i n Z a n d e r ( p i c t u r e d at l e f t ) , w h o sings sounds like It could have been released by w i t h " a r e a l s m o r g a s b o r d o f d i f f e r e n t styles." N o t h i n g h e l p s a s All Shook The Who, but was shelved by them Instead. Up falls s h o r t o f t o p q u a l i t y r o c k W r o l l . This segues Into "Just Got Back," another while Carlos keeps the quick beat. Zander's there. Lyrically, It's cllched like the rest of the rocker with good vocals by Zander who fast-shouting vocals move the tune along. "I tunes. decides to be Freddie Mercury for this song, "World's Greatest Lover," meanwhile, Is Love You Honey But I Hate Your Friends" while Carlos delivers a jumpy beat, with nice Is totally ripped off from the Rod Stewart an easy seml-acoustlc rocking tune with a guitar rhythm by Nielsen. "Baby Loves To treme d6us Beatles Influence (thanks to pro- school of style, especially that "Hot Legs" Rock" continues the Queen sound, thanks refrain "I love you honhneeey!" This one has ducer George Martin) which has Zander to Zander. The interplay between Nielsen more gooi.' guitar and ivory tapping from sounding British; Nielsen has good presence and Peterson moves well. Nielsen also does Nielsen. "Go For The Throat (Use Your toward the end. "High Priest of Rhythmic some nice solo guitar picking. Its rock 'n' roll Own Imagination)" has that "I'm going to get Noise" has Zappa's "Joe's Garage" talk-box theme contains some pretty banal lyrics y o u " touch which ends up sounding like a like vocal with Zander going once more to {"Loues to rock In the morning, ln,the evenharder rocking Supertramp tune (especially Freddie Mercury for lessons. When Zander ing. In the summer, in the Uilnter" and so the backing vocals). "Who D'KIng" ends the dsks the question "It's such a pity, what's a on). Zander also has trouble saying album with Carlos impersonating the openpoor boy to do?," the following line might "se-se-se-se-sex" — for unknown reasons. ing of Fleetwood Mac's "Tusk" with a band have been " 'cept to sing for a rock 'n' roll Zander decides to drop Mercury for "Can't of native Africans lending a hand on percusband!" The steady bass and drumming keeps Stop It But I'm Gonna Try," which sounds sion. the tune Interesting. something like a mixture of Bad Company All Shook Up Is an album that deserves and Foreigner, but is rather catchy. Carlos some attention, but not a terrific amount. I "Love Comes A-Tumblin' D o w n " has a keeps a simple beat with Nielsen and Peterthink I'll wait for Live at Budokan, Part II Inson keeping pace, while Zander decides to great fast tempo with bass rhythm pulsating stead. • give some Roger Daltrey flavoring here and throughout. Nielsen has a nifty guitar run Third World Reggae Street Prisoners Opening Hinds f j \ seemed as though even the I m) weather was In favor of robbing the ^ ^ T Albany area of an aural exposure to the next major force In music. Reggae is already quite popular in England, the Islands (of course), and is striking quite a blow in iu£ ; , Ed Pihka Groups like the Police and Clash are bolstering tunes with reggae beats and the ska movement is also shedding some noise in the reggae direction. On Tuesday night, with the air outside being Icy, J.B. Scott's was hot with the beat of the Third World band. This aspiring group has attracted limited outside attention but Is sitting on the verge ol popularity. They have a movie pending release, their soundtrack Prisoner in the Street Is receiving local promotion, and their selling point Is In a hit tune called "Now That We Found Love. 1 ' This dlsco-reggae cut is yery appealing and will hopefully bring attention to the rest of their music, which has a large reggae Influence. Third World's appearance and success, however, will hopefully pave the way for some other Reggae bands and bring area attention to this type of music Coming on stage much later than ex^ T h e band movmd at m snow melting pace.' pected, due to some equipment problems, guitarists Cat and Rugs, keyboardist Ibo, Carrot on percussion Willy on drums and bassist Richie opened with "Far, Far, Away." The tune had the classic reggae elements: driving repetitive bass, and chlnga guitars. But Third World adds another feature. At center stage, keyboardist Ibo, floated In and out of leads and rhythms to greatly compliment the band's sounds. The band moved through the set at a snow-melting pace, pausing between songs only to rap with the audience. These breaks by Rugs and Ibo touched on oneness (unity), their expressed pleasure of playing In Albany (rumour has it they were less than thrilled) and on encouraging the audience to get up and move about to the music. Third World then moved through some of their more popular tunes, "96° In the S h a d e , " " C o l d Sweat," and "Street Fighting." The songs featued some excellent group work as well as some solos. A n Interesting but somewhat uncharacteristic guitar solo was played by Cat. Through the up/off-beats and rhythms, Cat broke through with plenty of long, sus- tained notes, while prancing about the stage. Solos by Ibo and Carrot seemed more In context. Sliding up and down the keyboard, Ibo moved about center stage, dreadlocks flying. Carrot's solos shared the spotlight with bassist Richie and the rest of the band, who put down their Instruments and danced about on stage. Ending the set with a much harder, but just as melodic version of "Now That We Found Love," Third World brought the entire large crowd to Its feet, and left the stage only to be brought back by the loud applause. The Initial Albany reaction to this appearance of a reggae band was quite favorable. The eventual effect reggae will have on this area remains to be seen. It Just seems to me that It's time for Albany to wake up to music's newest force. • The 21st Seng It'll Leave You Hungry O . K . all y o u Springsteen fanatlcos, here's o n e that y o u may have missed as y o u cruised d o w n The River. In a not unpredictable m o v e , C o l u m b i a has p i c k e d " H u n g r y H e a r t " as the first single to be released. H o w e v e r , Instead of coating the flip side w i t h the sardonic " D r i v e A l l N i g h t " or a similarly uninteresting l u n e , there Is a n unreleased goodie for us, one that has a title about as l o n g as Its r u n n i n g length. , N a m e d "Held Up Without a G u n , " this song runs for a featherweight 1:15, w i t h grooves c o v e r i n g (maybe) three-fourths of an Inch. T o be honest, It t o o k m e three listenings t o understand the lyrics, w h i c h are sung to a hyper-actlve t e m p o . " H e l d U p " Is adequate flip-side material — the lyrics scream a couple of cute anecdotes dealing with timely quasl-polltlcal subjects. It's not a hidd e n treasure, far f r o m it, but It is the k i n d of novelty thai every Springsteen aflclanado will w a n t . V — R o n Levy 'ytm: Heart A n d Soul Heads I n Notion bloodhounds in their pursuit, and Gestapolike In their tactics. The other mitigating factor was the warmup band, the Psychedelic Furs. I hear some m not one of those "dare to Im- people actually liked them. But then, some p r e s s me" types. But I've been realpeople like the Plasmatics. ly bored with live shows lately. The Furs, at best, are a reminder that Ispeclally rock 'n' roll. It all seems so bands don't have to be good lo be popular. lomogeneously predictable; and that The overcoat-clad lead vocalist Is a drop-out Jiusical talent and creativity In expression , of the Bowie School of Singing. And their ; been replaced by trendy image-making music Is even worse. " Ind repetitious droning as criteria for pop Someone suggested that the lights were latus. But last week was a saving grace: I off for the first few songs because the band law Ordinary People and The Talking wasn't really playing. It's possible. I'd say this ft""'!; band is fated to get lost In the main stream. That is, If they haven't already. Suddenly, it was that time. Lights dimmed and slowly, dramatically, The Heads took Since their 1976 debut, The Heads have command of the stage. Lights-flashed on and ecome legendary. They sprinkle the crumbs the band broke into that song we all know so well: "Psycho Killer." A frenzied crowd at other bands can only hope to follow. swelled forward. The goon squad tried to )avid Byrne is the unacknowledged hold us back. But we were a tide that igislalor of the alienated and the Idol of wouldn't be quelled. At one point, Byrne anragrncnled youth. The Heads' songs are our nounced It was OK to stand up and dance. mlhems: we sing to them, dance to them, How could we refuse? espond to them. A n d their four albums, lach a celebration of innovation, holds a pedal place In our collections, and In our As the concert progressed, the band grew learts. one by one until all nine musicians were on It had been a year since their last Albany stage. The additional' five players accomppearance, on the tail-end of an extended panied the nucleus on guilars, keyboards, our. Disappointing. Overrated. We who percussion and voice, resulting in a fullaught lhat shallow show expected compenbodied sound — thick and funky — that allon. They'll be sublime, we bragged lo drove us on all nlyht. riends. Crossing our fingers, we thought to It was a night of electric magic. The urselves, Ihey have lo be. acoustics were fine and the music magnificent. The band even looked greal. Red, There were two barriers to the tolal enjoywhite and gray was the color scheme. Graylenl of last Wednesday's.concert. The first uniformed Byrne chlcken-walketl and wailue've come to expect, though never to ened, as the others quivered and quaked. p y : the Palace g o o n s q u a d , like ft was a night of electric magic." But there were no suprlses. Except for the opener, they played nothing from the first album. From the second they treated, us to "Stay Hungry," "Warning Sign," and as an encore, "Take Me to the River." As expected, The Heads performed "Cities," "1 Zlmbra," "Life During Wartime" and "Drugs" from the third. But tours usually promote new albums and this was no exception. From the latest LP we heard a bunch: "Cross-eyed & Painless" (we were blind & numb by this point), "Born Under the Punches," "Houses In Motion," "Once In a Lifetime," and "The Greal Curve." Overall, the show rales an A minus. I realize our expectations color our results. A n d 1 realize Eno hasn't played live In three and a half years, and probably wpn'l again. But still, he was so noticeably absent last Wednesday that I couldn't give the show an A plus In good conscience. The other conspicuously absent element was the almost tangible polyrhythms of Remain In Light. Those carefully structured multi-layers of sound on the album were just not there and we fell the difference. Great-to-excellent but still not impeccable, the concert left me Jusl a bit disappointed. I guess I'll have to wall another year. • Suzanne Gerber The always unpredictable Talking Heads blew away the crowd day night's s h o w . End Credits Billy Jack, The B i r t h Of Reason. A n d He When I was in high school, Tom Laughlin's trio ol "Billy Jack" movies were one of the hot cultural happenings. In an era where we adolescents were all painfully aware ol having missed the sixties, Billy Jack reminded us that some of the causes were still there. And Billy Jack did more than protest. When things got out of hand, he appealed to the popularity o l the oriental martial arts, and dispatched bigots, bullies and probable war criminals with a series of flashy hapkido kicks. Billy Jack was incorruplable, and that's why we loved him. He was the Superman for a new age thai didn't trust the establishment and needed a hero lhal didn't either. For me, he offered a chance to be a liberal In the safely of a dark theater. . " " Odd as it may seem, if II hadn't been for Jjm rtiyon Tom Laughlln, I mlghl never have gone locollege. Being on the outside, looking In on the social aspecls of high school, I tended lo be ambivalent toward many of the " I n " social issues. To a large degree, It was Billy Jack who convinced me I didn't want lo join the Army, something I'd been considering most seriously. It was an essay I wrote on the Billy Jack phenomena that got me Into my first college (It sure as hell wasn't my high school transcript). The peak came when Tom Laughlln and his wlfe/co-star/co-producer Delores Taylor Independently released The Trial of Billy Jack In 1974. It was a bold move, repudiating the way Warner Brolhers, who first released Billy Jack, had handled Ihe film. It (it In perfectly with Ihe Gary Cooper image of Billy Jack; the loner who always did Ihe right thing. The Trial of Billy Jack was a special film for me. Looking al the film objectively, il's hard lo see why. The script is clumsy, episodic, didactic and overdone. The Freedom School students for whom Billy Jack Is a guardian angel are no longer Ihe motley (and believable) collection of runaways and misfits of Billy Jack. They're Cal Tech engineers, professional calibre artists, and activists who seem to be on the verge of turning the world Into a liberal's paradise. The acting is generally terrible, and there are none of the delightful Improvised scenes such as the comedy sketch by Howard Hessman of WKRP In Cln'.Inattl, which enlivened Billy Jack. These are Sunklst comerclal college iludents who are only there to be down away by ihe National Guard In he gory finale. Despite the gorgeous 'holography, the film's often marred 'V useless zooms. The editing slinks md there Isn't even an attempt at mak"9 transitions from one sequence lo he next. Billy Jack himself has lone from being a half-Indian Green "ret who's learned some karate, to ~ n Internallonally-known hapkido ex2"j T o m Laughlln - M o r a l violence? * of the Week An Evening of Lanford In oilier words, he went off the deep end. He lost Ihe subtlety. He produced a heavyhanded and rather paranoid fantasy of America, the police state. But I still loved It. And Tom Laughlln had known all along that millions of people jusl like me would. Just like The Sound of Music and Love Story, The Trial of Billy Jack works In spite of itself. Laughlln pulled all the right heart strings. There's an underlying emotionality lhal Is very effective and cannot be attenuated by the film's flaws. All that's Jusl lo justify why 1 have such a sod spot in my heart for Ihe film. If you didn't see It in the theaters when it first came out, It's probable you won't understand. II was an eagerly-awailed film. And the climate was different. If you mentioned Ihe possibility of Ronald Reagan being President then you would have been laughed at. The sixties were "Billy Jack was the Superman for a new age that didn't trust the establishment and needed a hero that didn't either." unarguably ending, but many of the feelings and sentlmenls of Ihe sixties were alive and festering In Ihe lasl generation thai was likely to remember Kent State. The Idea of Tom Laughlln selling the right lo The Trial of Billy Jack lo Warner Brothers was Inconceivable, and none of us ever expected to see ihe film on network television. Well, Tom Laughlin's been short of cash lately, and Tuesday night, CBS showed Tlxe Trial of Billy Jack on prime lime, and It had a Warner Brothers leader on It. Twenty minutes had been cut from It, including a major flashback detailing Billy Jack's Involvement In a My Lai-style massacre. The opening aerial shots of desert vistas, over which were superimposed the casually reports of Kent State and other schools In which students were killed, were cut out, leaving only the one that said "Freedom School: 3 Dead, 39 Wounded." It didn't make much sense anymore. Maybe I can't blame Laughlln. Times arc tough. It's just lhat somewhere Inside me there's an Irate teenager who knows Billy Jack wouldn't have done It. They did leave most of the violence pretty much alone, except for the slow motion closeup of the groin kick. And they did enlarge the frame a couple of limes during the climax, so you couldn't really see the bullets Impacting. Bui Ihey left In the close-up of Billy Jack's foot slamming Into Ihe throat of the villain, and they left In the shot of Ihe dying antagonist crumpling In slow motion against the red, white and blue banner as he dribbles blood from his mouth. They did, however, edit the soundtrack. For example, when Ihe arrested Billy Jack Is handed an empty revolver and told lo get out of Ihe car, we don't hear the cop tell him " G o ahead and take your leak." In other words, we never really know why Billy Jack gets out of the car. Middle A..ierlca and Rev. Falwell must be offended by vulgar euphemisms for bodily functions, I suppose. Of course Il's okay to hear the agonized screams of dying coeds who have been shot In the back with M-16's. This doesn't bother Rev. Falwell much. How do you make anarchy commercial? Thai's essentially what Tom Laughlln did. How do you gel away with taking an amateurish film and still keep It commercial? That's something else Laughlln did. How? I remember the original ads"for The Trial of Billy Jack — " . , . with some of the most exciting karate scenes ever filmed." CBS knew It all along. You couldn't corrupt Billy Jack. That's what made him a hero. A n d that's why he's only a m movie. • J The PAC presents three one-acl plays directed by Jerome Hanley — The 99 Sand Castle, The Great Nebula In Orion and Ikke, Ikke, Nye, Nye, Nye. — on November 18-22 and December 2-6. Tickets are $2 with tax card. Wilson American Indians Continued from page 2a. come to grips with the cultural impact. More recently emphasis has been placed on the regaining of land formerly belonging to the Indians, which had been taken over by Whites during the course of American History. never ceded from their lands by treaty, and Indians In 1975-. The land claimed by the Indians was most- rejected a $2.5 million dollar claims commisly wilderness, but it also encompassed some sion offer for their land. They are still trying 500,000 non-Indians living In many areas . to re-negotiate contracts for uranium mining in Black Hills. which were built up. The case became comMany of these cases are still in court sent: angered Indians, randomly fired shots, plicated along the way as several different parties became Involved. despite a large time lapse resulting from a and disgruntled local Whites. certain degree of unwillingness to comThe United States Justice Department The Alexian Brothers agreed to turn the property over to the Menomlnees for one entered the case technically in favor of the promise, a n d bureaucraiic red-tape. Indians against the state of Maine. Following However, the Indians haven't given up — dollar and fair reimbursement. In February of the same year, however, the offer was the Justice Departments' entrance into the they are still fighting to break the tradition of withdrawn, reinstated, and then rejected by affair, newly elected President Carter ap- Government control of Indian affairs. All pointed former Georgia Supreme Court they ask for the Government to leave them the tribe. Justice Gunter to design a solution to the alone so they may live In peace, problem. Gunter proposed a plan to appease Indians with 25 million dollars and 10,000 acres of Maine state lands; at the same time Congress would <be asked to exf tinguish any further Indian claims to private lands in Maine. This program was opposed across the nation by Indians and Whites alike. This Week More recently emphasis has been placed on the regaining of land formerly belonging to the Indians which had been taken over by the Whites during the course of American History. On January 1, 1975, a take-over similar to Wounded Knee occurred al Ihe Alexian Brothers Novitiate in Gresham. The novitiate was taken over by the Menominee Warrior Society. Although less severe than Wounded Knee, people feared that the take-over at Gresham would be a replay of that take-over two years before — and the factors were pre* Following Ihe Gresham incident, there was a period of about a year during which nothing new occurred. Then, in 1977, the Passamaquoddy and Penobscot Indian tribes claimed over ten million acres of ancestral lands In Millintocket, Maine. Even this was not completely new, as a similar claim had been made in 1972 and settled against the While this case was still In court, a number of very similar claims appeared in states along the eastern coast. Indians claimed a total of almost 200,000 acres of land In New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and South Carolina. J. B. Scotts November 21 N e w Riders of the Purple Sage 22 T h i n Lizzy More recently, the Pine Ridge Sioux in South Dakota claimed that Black Hills was Hulla-Baloo Fred The B i r d RickBlum November 21 22 The Works and The Hooligan Band j Dakota On Campus A l l o n - c a m p u s movies are s h o w n at 7 : 3 0 a n d 1 0 : 0 0 p . m . o n Friday a n d S a t u r d a y nights. Albany State Cinema Star Trek(Frl. only) LC18 T o w e r East Cinema DON'T 6 rEu- (Vie you're BUT s»4er c/vu££ me A THINK OF IT ALL R5 r\ F O C T T B A U , 6flA1E. YOU'RE. D O W N BY SEVEN • Tb N0TH/N6, g u f y o u ' v e . S T I I X GOT TrfE WHOLE ^ ££C0HV TOOLHOSE/HUGHEDIN ^HOU) W FftC& W0 TrftfrJWE^eP rv\er U-JITH &os>\Li HrtiW IF I rJU'ER5fb(<£ rf£R H f l L f To 6 0 ^ w e \t\ ruBuch A B O U T rajATM WITH i\na SECONDS PcWA a Hide In Plain Sight (Frl. & Sat.) LC7 Int'l Film G r o u p Fist ojFury (Frl. only) Y o u Can'i Take It With You LCI LCI R E W t l N I N G IN T H E GAME, ftNp vou'p^oNiy cbtjN ey .THREE T O U C H P o t u N S V ^ D K C i n e 1-6 1 2 3 4 5 6 Ordinary People The Elephant Man Silent Scream The Boogey Man Beyond Death s D o o r / ( s My Turn sum. Hellman Theatre Fantasia Cine 5 Colonie 1 & 2 1 2 The Stunt Man Oh Heauenly Dog Cine 7 Private Benjamin Madison 1 2 3 4 5 12 16 nnr nrr •1 18 22 H 9 10 11 1 15 pi-~ 20 23| 26 Somewhere In Time Dating* compiled by Ellse Newman 29 1• •" 4-" 27 31 B 3 2 33 30 38 1 BT~ 42 36 17 .1 51 55 56 5') m 37 51 To T ^ 45 • • JL ©liitwnril J u l i u s IP 50 C o l l e y i u t • CN80-S W C D B 91-FM ACROSS 43 45 47 4B 50 51 Mait beverage Large trucks Having, wings Bed supports Type of review Nothing 1 Mower p a r t s 7 Blunders 12 Neighbor o f Tennessee 14 Very learned 52 Paige o f b a s e b a l l 16 Ad ( i n p r o p o r - 54 Fresh t i o n to the v a l u e } 55 Lively, In music 17 Experienced person 57 Work at BVU 18 S u f f i x f o r meteor 59 Wool fat 19 "Please d o n ' t eat 60 Story teller the " 61 Type of car or 21 P-itcher's s t a t i s t i c Trench city labor.) 62 School supplies 22 I n s e c t e g g : 24 Respond DOWN 25 Builder's d e t a i l , for short 26 b a r b a r i a n t r i b e 28 P r e f i x f o r w i t h standing 29 Comjitence 30 a pin 32 f a i n t ' . 11 / i c t n r who,played M a l l y Cleaver 35 B e g i n n i n g 1 f o r hazard •. r:ii<- par ts 39 Leo G. C a r r o l l r o l e 42 Actor harry • grace r e e l i n g of g Joy ;at Finnish port Cooking f a t Daub Well one Baseball scoi eboar information • • ' specialty P a r t of a f l i n t l o c k (2 wds.) Bloaters 13 City on the Somme 14 Ousts 15 Pass a law 20 Paulo 23 More dishonest or disreputable 25 Ace r e l i e v e r 27 Part o f a h i g h r i s e 29 A f t e r n o o n TV, f o r short 31 S t u p e f a c t i o n 33 " ' s on f i r s t ? " 36 Steinbeck's b i r t h place, In U. Calif. 37 Candy piece Sea, in southern California 39 ball 40 Issue forth 41. Construction worker 42 Semicircular "|4 Fond -In — , J sc 46 Ld Norton's woi •• place 48 Duke Ellington's Doll" 49 Jewish meal 52 Spanish room 53 British rock singer 66 Old TV show, " Squad" 5B Coolidge, for short Friday: 4 p . m . Rockpile singles winners d r a w i n g at t h e Record C o - o p . Sunday: 3:0Q p . m . Rockplllng Contest at S U N Y circle. 1 0 : 0 0 p . m . "Notes f r o m Ihe U n d e r g r o u n d . " 12 m i d n i g h t Suspense Radio D r a m a . 38 n II '1 0 0 1 1: 1 1II E 6 !. 1: ii \ ii V 1 s r 1 s 1! A 1 1 llHl'ln A If B:; II 11 Al 1' S B u q i 1: (1 A (i D 11 1! r B 1. E 1 Ii S 1 p. 1 A '• i r S r 1 s " • . ! •npt A r i, I i 1 T i 1 I '9 | It i; s ii o M 1 ii a A II Ii i A 1 1 N i; 1 1. r i. I M A D s 1 V c 11 1 i: w 1 T i i V 1 5 0 l< M Ii It pA Tin A 1 1 1! N m i: 1 1. \ '! ii A ii 1 A s I Ft] i: 1 si ii ii s •; f *l A 1 A Ii 1 \ I (1 11 I 11 •; e1 1 Judaism i f one is open enough to share in its celebration. W e invite you, Ellen, and other perplexed Jews to experience and explore Judaism with us. — Jonathan L . Ilccht — Brell E. Cohen Ignored To Ihe Editor: Obviously, last Friday's ASP (Nov. 14) feature on religion could not give equal and extensive coverage to every religious group on campus, but there is one group that is quite unique in several respects that has never been given more than fleeting attention — the Atheists Ecumenical Council (AEC). Perhaps the reason the A E C has maintained such a low profile is the nature o f the group. It is not a club — there are no dues, officers, trips, dances, etc. — and there is no r e c r u i t m e n t , p r o s e l y t i z i n g , o r evangelism whatsoever. In fact, it is not even a religious organization at all I Nor is it anli-religious, it is simply nonreligious. Our meetings consist o f quiet, rational discussions o f any topics o f intcresl to those present, unburdened by dogmatic, restrictive, outmoded beliefs. What makes them unique? A l l of the participants are atheists. "Atheists." Say it. It's not a dirty word. We're not Communists or criminals, rapists or robbers, murderers or muggers. We are intelligent, rational people who do not feel the need to invoke any supernatural entitles or activities lo explain our universe, or help us live in it. " A t h e i s t " means " o n e who is without g o d ; " it is a passive Ihing — we don't believe their is a deity, and we don't believe there's not a deity. Atheism does not require an active belief; it has no principles, tenets, dogmata, or other.artifacts which limit thought and potential. We consider ourselves very open-minded; we are quite tolerant o f the beliefs of others, and arc strong supporters of everyone's right to believe, think, and speak as he or she wishes. I f everyone thought that way, this world would be a much nicer place to live. — Steven J. Schiff — Robin I I . Gcrlsls Atheists Ecumenical Council Hopeful To the Editor: I feel compelled to reply to Ellen Wcinstein's column o f November 14. I came from a home with about the level of observance o f Ellen's, although I was sent to Hebrew school. When I was a preteen, I began to think that G-d, as an omnipotent force, could not exist, but thai people themselves were special and sacred. Acting on my belief that I should devote my life to helping others, I began doing a loi of volunteer work in a nursing hometype ward in a veterans' hospital. There I saw old men disrespected and unwanted by society. I wondered, why bother taking care of them, since they led unproductive lives and did not make a contribution to sicicly? I began to wonder what was the basis of my belief thai all people were sacred, which I somehow intuitively knew must be true. I also began to question what was the basis or our moral code. What is absolute about morality, i f it dms not come from an absolute origin? For example, Hitler and Ihe Nazis truly believed that the extermination of gypsies, Jews, and Slavs would benefil the rest or the world. What made their belief wrong? As I continued to do social service work, '"esc questions remained with me. The result of „ i y searching for ihe answers over he Past eight years is that I have come to believe in G-d more and more. My belief in organized religion developed 'aster, On non-Bar Milzvah Sabbaths it's a r « l my to be with a group of people who Mare your history and heritage and who are attempting with y o u to develop their spirituality and reaffirm that there is a "leaning and a purpose to their lives. w e are not islands; in order to have a society, and in fact, in order to be human we each need the support from a community which recognizes us as worthwhile human beings and from the subgroup within i t , our close friends, who provide us with a more intense emotional support when necessary. Psychologically, the respeel and support from others (call il love, i r you will) is essential for every human being. The "team e f r o r t " provided by the group religious experience fulfills a deep human need. Ms. Wcinslein implies in her article that society needs improvement. How can this be done without the team effort of those who believe that others arc worth helping because they arc sacred and special, which is essentially a religious belief? A disturbing comment that Ellen makes is " I f anybody with power and good intentions the He is reputed l o have wouldn't have let the world turn out like this." Religion believes that G-d created people with intelligence and the free will to determine their own actions. It is not G-d who made Ihe world like I his, but man because he did not use his intelligence lo make the right choices. It is Ellen's intelligence that causes her to doubt G-d as she thinks and quesiions her search for a meaningful life. It is her intelligence that will bring her to G-d. I can sec that she is already on Ihe way. — Sharon Long Grieved To the Editor: As I read the Aspects section of the ASP on November 14, I was very dislrcssed by the center foldout. In particular Ihe article by Ms. Weinslin caused me the most grief. I can appreciate her views on Judaism, but why did they have lo he put into print? A l l this did was porlray Judaism as a hypocritical religion will) no redeeming values. Now, granted, there is a lime and a place for everything, but I vehemently feel dial it was neither for Ms. Wcinslcin's article. Perhaps if this article had been alongside an article by an agnostic person of another faith, I would not have been so opposed lo Ihe article, bui ibis was not to be the case. I hope, in the future, thai no cause, or religion, be presented in as biased a way as I feel Judaism was presented this past Friday. Perhaps I am being overly paranoid. For the sake of my religion, I hope so. — Jeffrey L. Sehulman In regard to the criticism the ASP has received, we feel il is necessary to explain our viewpoint. In assigning stories concerning JSC-Hillel and the Campus Crusade for Christ, we did not seek to research every religious group — to do so would be impossible due to limited space. Ambiguities would still exist as lo where lo draw the line between "religion" and "brotherhood," Instead, we chose to focus on two groups — the largest, and most fervent — as examples of organized religion at SUNY A. We apologize to anyone who feels that Ihey were either misrepresented or misled by our interviews. Asa rule, our writers are not familiar with the final layout policy. The stories were intended to look into the r background, composition, and organization of Ihe two groups, and we stand by our opinion that these stories provided objective accounts. We did not "fail" in our inlent. As the two feature stories simply outlined .the structure of those groups, Aspects also sought lo publish a subjective article. We neither condemn nor condone the opinions expressed by Ms. Wcinslein, Inn it was just that — an opinion. We fell that it mis interesting material offering a criticism oj a religion's structure. We urge any mulcts who weir so highly disturbed by our presentation to examine their own open-mlndedness;forsomeone lo suggest that a story not he printed is an important indication of that person's lack of respect for others' opinions. — Ed. i editorial j Pressure Your Profs, By Monday, a better picture will be formed as to whether students will continue to be on University Senate after this year. The faculty has been given a referendum to consider and the outcome will begin to set a tone for the actual vote, which will take place in February. Student representation on Senate is essential for the University community. A true Senate must be comprised of representatives of all those being governed. To exclude students would only limit the wider spectrum of thought that they offer. This would cause a loss to the legitimacy of the Senate. Our student Senators have proven themselves more than worthy. If there is a correlation between attendance and commitment, students clearly belong as much as their faculty counterparts. The presenl structure is not ideal by any means. Faculty representatives oulnumber students by more than three to one. To further cul or eliminate sludent representation would be a disgrace. Obviously, those members of Ihe faculty who are strongly opposed lo student representation are more likely to complete the referendum. We hope our allies on the faculty will show strong support for students on Senate. Wc urge all students to remind their professors to return the referendum with a vole for students; that being continued Senate representation. — REG — SAG and its creative tnaqazim o^ispects Eefa&fiehed I n 1 9 1 6 Rob Rich B e h a r , Edltor-ln-Chle) E . G r u b m a n , Managing Edttoi Newe Editor A i i o . l . i e N . u j . Editor* A S P e c t a Editors Sylvia Saunderr w Carroll, Suran Milllyan, Burh Sexer Rob Edel&leln, Ronald Levy Joanne Wcfncr Ed Pinkn Sue Gcrttet Ronald Li-vy Bob BflUallora Marc Haiptrl, L a n y Kolin Slaven A. Greerik'nj Mitchell A . G i c r t w l Aeaoclata ASPecta Editor S o u n d * Vlalon CraatlvaArta D e a l g n ft Lnyoaf S p o r t a Editor Aaaoclata S p o r t a E d i t o r * E d i t o r i a l !•* m • E d i t o r Copy Editor , Btaffwritarai Tom Bonflyllo, Patricia Branley, Robin i l r o w n . Belli Cammarnln. Ken Canior, Michael Carmen, Anne Cavanagh, Lurl Cohort, Sharon Cole. Lisa Danenmatk, Jim Dixon, Judle F.iMMibciy, Mark FlichafH, Bruce FUN, Maureen George, Frank J . Gil Ji , Ken Gordon, Whllney Gould, Erie Grubar, Mmilieiv lladdad. Wendell Heddon, Mlchele Israel, James Jolfe. A m y K a n l o r , Lany Kinsman, Tom I.usiik, Bruce Levy, Jarnus Matkulsis, William O' Bilen, Wayne Peeielioom, Mark Roitler, Jeif Schadoff, Baibata Schlndler, Paul Schwarti, Sue Smith, Laurel Solomon Z o d i a c A P r a v l e w E d l i o r a t Made Gaibarinu, Sepieinbei Klein D a b b l a K o p f , f l u i l n e i * Manager AilvrrlUInu Manager Billing At courtlanl . . Composition Managar OHIca Coordinator Jarii'l Dielmss Bennle Brown, Miriam Raipler Hayden Carruth Bonnie Steven* S a l a e i Sieve Gortler, Robert K m / Claealfled M a n u g s r t September Klein Advartl< in . o d u c t l o n M a n a g e r * : Maite Anne CoUvlto, Tammy Gekjei A d v e r t i s i n g Production.! I) Glaculn, Mlchele I•• . .,u-iti Kaplan, Mara Mcndcliohn!'Laurie Sci.wnUh.T.). Carolyn Sedgwick, Kaihy Udell O f t e n S t a f f i Wendy Becker, Hody . uier, Terry Glick, Robin Gieenl.urg, Pamela K a i l , Ailene Kallown/ l l a y d a n t ' a i r o i h , D « a n l i e n Production Manager Vertical Camera P a * l * - u p i Michael Blalman, Amy Knnior. Rubin Lanuieln, Deb Reynoldf, Carina Shlpotofsky, DaveTliannbaurer, Typlatet Carol l i m y , Rotemary Fenata, Mane Garbarlno, Seplamber Klein. Rarbaii Nolan, Cathie Ryan, Dale Schneider, Laurie Walier», CbaHff e u n Mark Fltchefll P h o t o g r a p h y , Supplied principally bv Unlvtrutu C h l a f P h o t o g r a p h * " Bob ' Bonord Phi • • Service UPS B l a l f i Pay* A»chor, A/orj Caltm, K<><! Chan, S l e w Eufn, Mike Fatrell. Mark HSIek, Marc Hemchel. Ilaanne Huhkujf, Marnion, Mark Nadler, Suno Sulnkamp, Tony ToMorotty, Will Mormon liaue The Albany Student Preri n publuhtd «uary Tueidov and Friday during the ichoalutai fry the Albany Slvdtnt P»ew Corporation, ,jn tndeptndtnt not t<» profit catpotatlun Editorial* an u tittin by tht Edttoi m Chle/i p o k y i» lutyeci ta review by the Editorial Hoard Mailing addreu Albany Sludent Preu, CC 329 1400 LVoinfnadpn AuK. Albany, NY 12222 {519) 4B7'889!l/33l8/3389 Page Twelve,' November 2 1 , 1980 — Albany Student Press "The program has been very successful," Kristensen said. " I n the past two years, some of the minority students have been In the top of their classes, and some of our graduates have gone on to teach in universities, do research in the field, or become middle-managers in criminal justice agencies." San Salvador Preview C j continued from page three compiling a bibliography to the available literature pertaining the minorities and the field of Criminal Justice. The Center, which is an attempt to create a mechanism by which students will be able to conduct research in their area of concentration, reportedly opened a few weeks ago and may have the bibliography ready to be published in two months. Kristensen hopes to sell this bibliography to help fund the Minority Program. It's also possible that the Program may receive additional funding from left-over LEAA money, although they won't know until this March, Kristensen said. "There is approximately $2 million- approved for spending in 1980, but not yet spent," Kristensen said. " T h e Justice Department identified our program as one of the better programs in L E A A . We're a high priority with them." The Minority Program was recently nominated by the University as one of six "outstanding and distinctive programs" on campus, Kristensen said. It has also reportedly been praised by President Carter as "exemplary." Club News Capital District Council of Stutterers meets every Monday evening at 8:00 p.m. in the Campus Center conference room at the College of St. Rose. For anyone who has a stuttering problem and would like to overcome it through a therapeutic approach. SUNYA students welcome. There is no mandatory fee for attendance. If interested, contact Sr. Charieen Bloom, College of St. Rose., 454-5169. Feminist Alliance Do you write? Are you nriisn'c? Are women's concerns of interest to you? Submit your original poems, essays, short stories, artwork, etc., to ATHENA women's literary magazine at the Campus Center Information Desk, Feminist Alliance Mailbox. Lectures Special Guest Lecturer, Dr. Hoerel Sloermer of Bell Laboratories speaks on "Semiconductor Supcrlatticcs" Tuesday, Nov. 25 al 7:15 p.m. in LC 21 for the course Silicor Microstructurc Technology and Chemical Science. "The Quest far Civil Rights" Panel Discussion by SUNYA Professors Harry Hamilton and Joseph Sarfoh and Albany black community leaders Ruby Hughes, Leon Van Dyke, and Dr. E.J. Joscy. Saturday, Nov. 22, 10 a.m. at New York Sioic Museum Auditorium, Empire Stale Plaza. Peoples and Communities of the Upper Hudson program. "Vietnam: Colonial Roots of Conflict: Struggles of Decolonization" Lecture by Prof. IX Win Ellinwood. Sunday, Nov. 23, 1:30 p.m. al New York State Museum Audliorlum, Empire Stale Plaza. Images of War program. Minority Program continued from page three diencc in the filled lecture center, but this only served to encourage him to continue. Opposition to the government has grown rapidly in recent months, according to Flores. In April of this year, all of the different opposition groups in El Salvador jointed to create a Democratic Revolutionary Front, which has made them much more powerful. Flores says that the rebels in El Salvador are gelling no aid from Communist governments, and if the rebels are successful in overthrowing the government, they would be interested in developing a friendly relationship with the U.S. Flores says that there is "no truth" to the accusation that if the rebels do overthrow the government, a puppet communist government will lake over and turn the country Colonial Cleaners RfrlOnC BRfllKHJ Miscellany KICK O F F your week with Bottle Bill Workshop Judith Enck, NYPIRG Lobbyist for the New York Stale Bottle Bill, will speak about its hisiory, implications for New York, and current plans for action. Come up to the NYPIRC office on Monday, Dec. I, CC 382, at 7:00 p.m. Adopt A Grandparent All those interested In Adopt A Grandparent program meet every Monday at 6:30 at the circle. Sponsored by JSC-Hillel. Class Council "83 Weekly Meeting Open meeting for all sophomores. Beer and munchles will be served. Colonial Tower, 6th floor lounge, Sunday Nov. 23, 5:45 p.m. Monday Night Football at the Long Branch Dry 10 percent Happy Hour 9-12 LABA1T«lZoz.bottles-$.60 SCHNAPP-.IPeppermlnt or Spearmlnl)-$JSO c\")i.Exciting Theatres Under One Roof "i-—- Professional A NEW D I M E N S I O N IN C I N E M A LUXURY MATINEES PAILYI SHOWS FRI. a SAT! cleaners Discount with Student I. D. 177 No. Allen Albany, N.Y., 482-4647 Street 12206 against the U.S. "The U.S. government is looking for excuses to intervene in El Salvador. There is no truth to those rumors," he said. El Salvador is one of the poorest and most over-populated countries In Latin America. The per capita annual income is $480, and unemployment approaches 60 percent in some areas, according to the El Salvador Solidarity Committee. Flores said the rebel forces in El Salvador have recently been growing increasingly stronger. He said the next few months will be critical in determining what happens in Ihe country. Flores said, however, that without U.S. aid, the government would fall to the rebels. After Flores' presentation, a Spanish film which depicted Manuel's slory was shown. Dutch Fire continued from front page and posters were lost or damaged by the fire, and much of the rpom, suite and neighboring bedroom experienced smoke damage. Windows in the room and suite were shattered by the heat. A stairwell adjacent to the room also had some water and smoke damages. Middle Earth, which is located across the hall from the fire, also experienced some smoke damage. Middle Earth was forced to close its office and telephone services until Thursday according to one worker, Valerie Fahey. Other workers, Robin Schwatz and Laurie Nicholson were forced to leave the office by the fire. The four girls in the suite stayed with friends overnight and were then housed in a suite in which Soviet Exchange students were originally supposed to stay. "Since the program was cancelled Ihe room has been used for emergency housing." according to Doyle. ^ s t a u r a n t eve,,, The Tha Wizards Are Coming fWSale For Sale: 7 2 Chevy Caprice, fin* condition, brand new snow tlras and battery. Must sell. Call Randl, 438-3833. Wanted J Wanted Comedians. Magicians, Jugglars, and Musicians for New Showcase Variety Club. Auditions required. Call 465-7423. C dobs j Services 3 Order class rings today 11/21 In CC Lobby 11 am-3 pm. For Info call Carol, 463-3687. Typing: 3 qualified typists located near campus. $1/page. Call before 9 pm. 438-8147, or 869-7149. Passport Application Photos $5 for 2,50 cents each thereafter. Mon 1-3. No appointment necessary. University Photo Ssrvlcs. Campus Center 306. Bob or Suna, 7-88677 Professional typing service. IBM Selectrlc. Experienced. 273-7218, after 5, week-ends. f Housing J Apartmontmate wanted, male/female, non-smoker, $125 plus utilities, Main St., call 438-7187 nights. Female SUNY-Binghamton student Is Interning in Albany spring semester and seeks off-campus housing In student area. Please call Valerie, 7-5088 If Interested. 2-bedroom apartment fully furnished with all electrical appliances, living room, kitchen, etc. Located off Albany-Shaker Road. Beat for those with kids. Car necessary (8 minutes drive). Call 465-0696. FREE DINNER Good for one FREE DINNER ENTREE or PIZZA 8 with the purchase of another Dinner Entree or Pizza | of equal or greater value. This coupon good at the * Vineyard Restaurant Sunday thru Thursday only. % Must present coupon. Good thru Jan. 31, 1981. Lost: One gold bracelet with an 7-7%88Ved B °ld P at8 ' ' Please ca " SkiTacket Lost at last Friday's party at 483 Hamilton St. Blue body with orange s l e e v e s . N e e d desperately, no questions. Call Bruce, 449-5986. S j f "n|' ^ ' " ' ; "senior '81" ring MonPJ'V 0nt, between Bio building and mdlan Quad. Blue star sapphire stone. Call 485-8467. C Rides D « « ™ 1!?d o'P t h B Allrod-Olean h S „ » n r lCall , ? .455-6846. l 2 n d ' W l 1 1 oho™ expenses. Dear Pop-N-Fresh, Happy 18th from your suite. • Pete, Jubal, Teddy, Jon, Hamlet, and Wreckless Erie Amy, Just another keepsake to mark a very special time In our llves.l lovs you, cutis. Kan Dear Problem-child. After knowing you for three weeks I never realized that one person can have so many problems occur to her at one time. Well, for better or for worse, I'm glad I called after two years. Lovs, The fire-place maker This may be your last free weekend. •• Spend tomorrow night at tha Ratters. Lor Overseas Jobs-Summer/year round. Europe, S. Amor., Australia, Asia. All Fields. $500-$1200 monthly. Sightseeing. Free Into. Write: IJC, Box 52-NY1, Corona Del Mar, CA, 92625. Lost/Found J H O M E M A D E LASAGNA SPAGHETTI • M A N I C O T T I • SEAFOOD S T E A K * PIZZA Free Antipasto Buffet w i t h Dinners ' EVERY [H .CINE1-2-3-4-5-6II1 IHWiiJun m i j MVr^oiials 1 \>m^ou^^mmmmm^mmm^ SUNDAY-MONDAY.TUESDAY ^Jteyarcl COLONIE CENTER WESTERN AVE. lo mv fiW 'T"y »"">«>* to. And fWaira? 10:1Snurse' looutdn-t Z du^o dJ"S m o ™ " ' a 0 0 " 8 to be "'" "J*>ff to express emotion. Slok and Unzipped ' So we couldn't find the very, very, very little house. At least we know where to find the best roommates. Thanx for so much, especially the two B.J.'e Love, Jo The Crossword Addicts, Thanks for a great blrthdayl I had a wlgl Jody, Shery, Randy, Terrl, the PA Mansion, The Studs, and Richard, Thank you for Nov. B-9.1 appreciate everything that I remember. Thanks again. I love you. Reebs P.S.Next time I'll assume. Mike, This time, next week, we will truly be amazed, I'm surel Seth Rich, Cheer up and remember I'm always here for you when you need me. LK. Jackie, Just wanted to let you know that I think you're the bestest roommate in the world. Lorl Mark, Just because I let you win at backgammon, don't let it go to your head. I was Just being nice. Hope you slept well. Louise Dear Carl, Here's your personall I love you, Jenny From the people who brought you the 42nd Street Party, we proudly present: New Year's Evs In November with sections 18-21 on State Quad, Saturday November 22, 9:30 pm. Beer, munchles, champagne. Come party at the Ratters tomorrow nlght.l To all my children, Thanks for the birthday. Oh, by the way, I'm having another one next month. Maldune Dear Okkle-Jo, Happy Birthday, you slushl Love, Peggy-Jo (SSI) To the man, I'm glad you stepped Into my life. You're so cute I could rape youll US.F. Prune, The best thing that ever happened to me Is you coming to SUNYA. I love youl And stop lletenlng to a certain know It all on Indian. He's a schmuck. OK? Love, Fern To a super roommate and a special friend, Lou, Happy Blrthdayl Thanks for everything I We've shared many a laugn together and many a cry tool May this day be the beginning of many more happy times. Love always, Beanie P.S. Anymore details? Senlorsl Pra-ordsr the new yesrbook, Torch '81(only *4) before price goes up next semester. Senior Portraits December 1-6. Sign up at CC Info desk. JrldJ wanted to Buffalo/Hamburg ITALIAN FEAST 4.59 . r-rom the people who brought you ' the 42nd Street Party, we proudly present: New Years Eva In November with sections 18-21 on State Quad, Saturday, November 22, 9:30 pm. Beer, munchles, champagne. Classified Female looking to move to Dutch or Indian seeks non-smoking roommate, low-rise preferred but not a must. Call Sharon, 7-3074. / BOOGEYMAN Albany Student Press Want to share apartment preferably on busline, spring semester. Call Donna, 7-1859. Hi THE MOST TCfinifVING N I G H T M f M s OF CHILDHOOD IS ABOUT TO fi€TURN! November 21, 1980 If you should stand, then who's to guide you? If I knew the way, I would take you home. Happy one amazing monthl I love you. Iguana Gentleman's Club New Year's Eva Party Sat. Nov. 22, 9:00, Adlruga, Indian Quad. Bear, Munchles, Soda, Beerl AdmlBBlon $1. Champagne door prizes. Cutle, You may not think this personal Is for you, but if you suBpecl It might be, Just come across the hall and ask me. I'll say yes. , • Page Thirteen Brett Hay . whore are you performing torilta? Maybe I'll coma down to tha club to catch your act (whan you gat It together). Wall, enough of this rambling, I'll meet you In . . . Tha Loft Iguana Gentlemen's Club To one EIC from another one — New Year's Evs Party Remain In light. Sat. Nov. 22. 9:00, Adlruga, Indian Marilyn, Quad. Beer, Munchles, Soda, Baarl Hey, don't read this because you're Admission $1. Champagne door not supposed to listen to us prizes, anymore. But If your eyes Just hapDear J.K., pen to slip across these lines, Have a Happy Thanksgiving. remember Todd Hobln has a new Lovs VA Ms record coming out soon and It's P.S. You make a comfy pillow. cslled The Passion and The Pain. Sound familiar? Carol, Where have you been? Dear Andy Bracco, .. .I want to m We bet you think this personal's for jnh ok0okna , r .ABAnd ^!2 T kk know S™S» J i & ! nJhS lJokes. n vyou on nnw hn Janice, she you. Don't you? Don't you? Ain't " " •'""''•*' can't tell them too good. that lust grapel Seed what we Jellybean mean! Love Rohln nnrt Ellssa Filqin M Colonial Quaddars! For old times' Love, Robin and k f | _ _ _ C ( j m e a n d B e e 0 m R § n d # r Mr. and Mrs. Bursteln, Thanks. TCWLM: at Tha Mousetrap this weekend, "I love you more than words can Nov. 21-221 Dear Bruce, say, I'll love you twice as much Happy Blrthdayl A toast to the first tomorrow; Love you more than I can David and Sid, of many shared celebrations. My heartfelt appreciation does go say." With love, Sharl HB. out to you. Although It doesn't N.B. What's "Step II" and aonde mean as much (because you had to Dear Lenny, ask) the appreciation Is still there. I want to wish you a very happy 19th estas as mlnhas floras? Thanks, Lee birthday. These past lew months have been the best In my life. I hope Tha Wizards Ara Coming Drag-Ball Party this birthday la your best ever, Guys dress like girls 2041-Bev, becauae you are the greatestl Girls dress like guys I missed watching you from a All my love, Donna distance this past weekend. It's Cooper Hall Lower Lounge, Friday, Michael, 9:30 good to see you back. Who loves you? Donna loves youl A very secret admirer Klnkllngs Unite. Our time has come, for our party. Get up People, It's our Hsppy 7 month anniversary! XOXBlc, OXO Hey, heyl Another year bites the chance now. Every dog has their day. For Information, call Glenn at Markle, dust. Happy Birthday! Happy 1 month, I've loved It all. ' . Love, Jossle 7-8809. Pookle Rafters Trip Tomorrow Night Al^ P.S. Thanks to a great suits, I love It felt like the first time . . . well, Tickets Sold- On Dinner Llnee you lotsl Tonight some things never change. Karen, Laurie, Lisa, Dlans, Patty You know who Iguana Gentlemen's Club and of course Brian, New Year's Eve Party Johnny, Thank for such a wonderful surSat. Nov. 22 9:00, Adlruga, Indian prise (Ityou What would you do without us? really wael) What can I say? Love, your roommates, Wednl and Quad. Bear, Munchles, Soda, Baerl Love, Linda $1. Champagne door Betsaklna Admission prizes. Karen, Dear Gary, Abrevlatura atormentas, espero We'll have to get together when Are you bored with your courses? nuestros fellcldad duras para slomyou're normal one day. Thanka for Need a change? There is limited pre. Tu es hermosa. Te amo. an Interesting evening. We'll have space so sign up quickly for "Trail David Blazing i p r ' . Offers Intense to do it again one day. Love, Nadlne ploratlbn In the wilderness, leaf Kim, classification, and various fire- It's early but, Happy Birthday to my Richi starting techniques. This course Is bestest friend. In your immortal words, "why waste 15 credits, becaue If you survive, it Love, Deborah such a nice Illusion?" Maybe next will take you a semester to find your Dear Toz, way out of the forest! Interested? time. I.LY. Rita Contact Beth, Dolores, or Ranger I.N.Y. Tom at 455-6764. Call Todayl Eric, I.M. Hungry . . . Wanna make Have an excellent 21st. That Is if Senlorsl Tell us what you wantl lasagna? you don't sleep through It. Happy Talk to the yearbook staff about the • Lor Birthday Man. new yearbook. Torch '81 Senior Por- JS; Steve traits, Dec. 1-6 (sitting fee $4) SignDid you know Mllano Is famous for Don't miss the Dutch Quad Fashion up at CC Info desk. two reasons? Cookies and . . . Show From the people who brought you Seriously. Saturday at 2:00 pm. CW the 42nd Street Party, we proudly present: Dear Mitch, Coma party at tha Rafters tomorrow New Yeara Eva In November Last weekend was great I I love you with Sections 18-21 on State Quad, night! so much. Saturday, November 22, 9:30 pm. Amlen, Love, Sharon Beer, munchles, champagne. Sorry you didn't get snowed In with P.S. Happy Birthday and Valenme on Tuesday. Let's get a Buftine's Day Michael, fathun weekend planned at DipRemember FVB? That's still the plnklll. Drag-Ball esse. Considering you never lit my Cooper Half, Friday, 9:30 Starburst fire, you should "Die In s Fire." Jennifer Dear Studley's boys and girls, Best wishes on your 21st. C-squared, R-squared, etc. Listen P.S. Only my friends ca! me Jen. Love, Lisa and Mary -begs, let's get psyched to party. Rafters Night, Friday November 21, See ya tomorrow. Mohawk 1803 Did It Again Ticket Info. Call Ronnie, 7-8387. Death to all Flying Things (Duke) A Belated Happy Birthday to Jefl Itz, the Jap. Anne, You're In my dreams . . . Wanna Tl amo Dear Len, hide the eggroll? Je t'aime Happy 5 and 20. Bitch Yo te amo Love and kisses, Jamie I love you. Free: 3 adorable kittens, who need Dear Debbie, good homes. 434-8405 (keep trying). Lisa; ' Happy 20th Birthday. Perhaps someday you'll cstch up with me Senlorsl Only chance for December Happy Belated Birthday! We love you. but think of It this way . . . You Just Gradsl Senior Portraits, Dec. 1-6. Brenda, Sharl, and Amy had 8 months more of teen-hood Sign up at CC Info desk. than I had. Cooper Hall, Drag-Ball To the girl with the special smile, Love, Lorln Here Is an early 'Happy Birthday' Friday 9:30, Cooper Lower Lounge from one who truly appreciates that Barbara and Gloria, There once was a gaucho named smile. Ohl How I miss the touch of your Bruno, Love, Evan fingers, and nothing beats the genWho said about love, this I do know: Women sre line, sheep are divine, Lost: Reporters notebook (7 by 13). tle caress of your knuckles on my But Iguanas are Numsro Unol Reporter Is panicky, verging on f a c e . . . Fearless Stats Quad residents! See Dave hysterical paralysis. Call ASP, 7-3322, If found. It'e Thanksgiving Weekend at The Render at the Mousetrap this Mousatrapl Enjoy entertainment by weekend I Kevin (Cayuga), Here's your personal. Now please Dave Render. Open 9-1:30, Frl. and Igusna Gentlemen's Club get the toilet paper out of our wln- Sat. nights. Nsw Year's Eva Party dows. Sat. Nov 22, 9:00, Adlruga, Indian Ratters Trip Tomorrow Night Quad. Beer, Munchles, Soda, Baerl From the people who brought you Tlckata Sold On Dinner Llnee Admission $1. Champagne door the 42nd Street Party, we proudly Tonight present: prizes. Obligation Number 20: New Years Eva In November Jolflo, with sections 18-21 on State Quad, Must give your roommate a birthday We can talk, can't we? personal. Happy Birthday Betsy. Saturday, Nov. 22, 9:30 pm. Beer, ' Love, Dl munchles. and champagne. P.S. Have a —In' good weekend Annie, ..„ J.R. and J.G., Happy 19th. (But you're really still Thanks lor listening to me, and for To the Men? of Van Ren, "such a girl!') Have a great day! sharing my happiness. It really So you think you won huh? Wroongll They say war Is hell but Love, Jon meant a lot to ma. llene and Robin, Love ya both revenge Is sweet! Scientists from all over Van Ren are gathering to Thank you for being the friends that you are. Enjoy, and have the best Hey Na, davelop aecret retaliatory weapons. birthdays ever. Oh, well, what's one more test up In The Bathing Beauties of Van Ren 8moke7ll P.S.Lou, you wield one hell of a mop Love, Dana P.P.S.Tom, one fine example you Big Bear, Jim, turned out to bel Thanx for being there when I need- Happy 11 monthsl Sorry for last P.P.P.S.Russ, thanx for being one of week. I'll love you forever and a day. ed a friend. the girls! Love, Mich Now shave of) your beard I Love, Your Peaches P.P.P.P.S.Bunny face, you squirt s P.S. I no longer owe you a personall mean bottlel Hay N.O., Jenny, P.P.P.P.P.S.The knee Is still waiting Happy 5th. Thanks Tor staying with Now that you're legal, don't get to be kissed, Doug me and wooflt. I love you. busted!! Have a totally helllfled Remember Marie, It can happen' Frank b-day... . Stay loose but hang tight, Ms. Jol even \whlle \ driving. The Wizards Are Coming folr?; Dr. SJK-2B, * "Wouldn't It be so e a s y . . . " Things will ease up, so keep on plugging. I'm behind you all the wayl I,love you, EJK-2B Tina, Have a happy birthday and a "happy day." (Hal Hal) Guess? To my "shabbat gypsy", Thanks for making my semester blues not quite as blue. Love, the elevator "lover" P.S. Iz 'e?l Billy, May the .back of Tim T.'s head be slapped 18 times for the celebration of your legality. Happy Birthday. Guppy . . . .(the only, Dutch freshman), You animal, I love youl Happy Birthday! Your co November 21,1980 Albany Student Press Gome to Colonial Council's Tower Management Opportunities Training programs offering early managerial and technical respinsibilities in the uniformed military slvisions of the Department ot the Navy. Immediate openings in: GENERAL MANAGEMENT In electronics, engineering and personnel administration. AVIATION MANAGEMENT Pilots, navigators and systems operators. TECHNICAL MANAGEMENT Managerial and technical responsibilities in conventional and nuclear powered ships. NUCLEAR POWER INSTRUCTORS Instruct in science and technoligy of nuclear propulsion to Nuclear Propulsion Management candidates. QUALIFICATIONS: Minimum BS-BA degree(Seniors, Juniors may Inquire). Relocation required. Applicants must pass mental and physical examinations and qualify for security clearance. U.S. citizenship required. BENEFITS: Excellent package includes 30 days' annual vacation, medical-dental-life insurance coverage and other tax-free incentives. Dependents' benefits available. Extensive training program provided. Promotion program is included with a commission in Naval Reserve. PROCEDURE: Interviews will be conducted on 2 Dec. To schedule, contact the placement office, or send resume to: DAY PARTY Friday,November 21 at 9:00 Tower Penthouse Mixed Drinks $1.50 admission $1.00 Tower Card Holders NAVY MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS OBRIEN FED BLDG, ALBANY, NY 12207 door prizes and pictures THE ABSOLUTE BEST MUSIC VALUES... Bob Dylan Steve AEROSMITH-Draw the Line JEFF BECK-Blow by Blow JEFF BECK GROUP-Truth BLUE OYSTER CULT -Some Enchanted Evening VALERIE CARTER -Just a Stone's Throw CHEAP TRICK-ln Color CHARLIE DANIELS BAND -Midnight Wind MILES DAVIS-Porgy & Bess RICK DERRINGER-Llve DONOVAN-Greatest Hits LES DUDEL EARTH WIND & FIRE -That's the way of the world DAN FOGELBERG -Captured Angel BILLY JOEL-Plano Man , JANIS JOPLIN-Cheap Thrills QosiAetit AlioeCht AvUual JOURNEY-Next KANSAS-Masque KENNY LOGGINS Including: Goin' Down To Laurel Big City Cat II i'.i11 Gonna Be That Way Sieve Fotbert a Midsummer NlghtsToast New Morning" Loggias & Messina Full Sail Including: My Muslc/Lahalna/Watching The River Run . ComlngToYou/SaUin'The Wind INCLUDING; EVIL WAYS/JINGO YOU JUST DON'T CARE PERSUASION /WAITING 8 THESE ALBUMS OR TAPES -Celebrate Me Home MAHAVISHNU ORCHESTRA -Inner Mounting Flame EDDIE MONEY MOTT THE HOOPLE -All the Young Dudes NEW RIDERS-Panama Red LAURA NYRO . -Gonna take a miracle JANE OLIVOR- Stay the night R.E.O. SPEEDWAGON , -Rldin' out the Storm BOZ SCAGGS-Moments SIMON & GARFUNKEL-Bookends WEATHER REPORT -Mysterious Traveller JOHNNY WINTLR-Llve 2.99 . . . F R O M C B . S . RECORDS AND (NEED YOU ASK?)... SALE ENDS SUNDAY 11/23 ALBANY 211 Central Ave 434-0085 SCHENECTADY 453 State St 377-2802 SARATOGA 446 Broadway 584-8884 GLENS FALLS 234 Glen St 798-6055 HOURS Mon-Fri 10-9 Sat iO-6, Sun 12-5 Page Fifteen Football '80 - The Year In Pictures November 21, 1980 RGC Wintersession '81 DOHT MISS *J * OUT! Here's an Opportunity To Make Up 3 Credits, or Get a 3-Credit Head Start on the Spring Semester! C l a s s e s S t a r t J a n 5, 1981 >Jf j|c # # C h o o s e from m o r e t h a n 7 0 d a y a n d e v e n i n g 3-credit c o u r s e s ; t w o credit-free c o u r s e s ; foreign s t u d y o p p o r t u n i t i e s , t o o EVENING DAY Accounting Art Income T a x Preparation Business Photography Economics Business Law English Psychology History Short S t o r y H u m a n Services Locai Films Mathematics Occupational Therapy Creative Writing Letter W r i t i n g Philosophy Statistics Psychology Management Secretarial Studies Small Business Speech Life Skills Physical Fitness Marriage Sports Word Processing D r u g Therapy (CF) Training for Senior Citizen Club Leaders (CF) DON'T FORGET Sigh up to... sfcl <WEST For More Info Call Marcia 457-4021 Scott 489-2080 C l a s s off ' 8 1 p r e s e n t s A CHORUS LIME Buses Leave The Circle On Saturday December 6th at 9am Leave New York City At 9pm Tickets will be on sale Monday November 24th and Tuesday November 2 5 from 10am-2pm In the Campus Center Lobby. B u s and Tickets Round Trip Bus Only For further information, call the Office of Instructional and Community Services at 356-4650. B0CKLAND COMMUNITY COLLEGE Big East Makes It Tough To Be New Kid $19.81 $23.00 CLASS MEMBERS NON-CLASS MEMBERS $8.10 $9.00 CLASS MEMBERS NON-CLASS MEMBERS ANY QUESTIONS CALL TOM MUNKEL at 457-8720 (AP) Villanova Coach Rollie Massimino has a dream about the future of the Big East basketball conference. • But he is also contemplating a nightmare about how his Wildcats will fare in their first season in the one year old Eastern "supcrconfcrence." "This is a very competitive league, one of the best in the country, and in three years it should be the best in the U.S.," Massimino predicts. "The Northeast' has the biggest cities and a lot of the best high school players." "Now, the Big East will help us be more competitive." But competition can be a doubleedged sword. "I don't know what we're getting into," Massimino said. "We're the new kids on the block." And a lough block it is. Georgetown, Syracuse, St. John's and Villanova went to the NCAA tournament teams last season and Connecticut and Boston College played in the NIT. "The Big East is going to hasten the retirement of a lot of coaches," jokes St. John's Coach Lou Carnesecca. "It will be a real cockfight." Georgetown, Syracuse and St. John's, last year's three regulai season co-winners, each lost two. key starters but return enough talent and depth to rank in this Saturday November 22 8:30*2:30 Be at the circle promptly, buses will not wait prices; season's Associated Press preseason poll. Villanova returns four starter; while Conneclicul is strengthened by the addition of 6-fool-ll ccntei Chuck Alcksinas, a transfer from Kentucky. Boston College should finish sixth, with Seton Hall and Providence battling to avoid being last. Georgetown, a narrow coaches' choice lo win the Big East tournament for the second straight year, posted a 26-6 record last year, best in school history, and came wilhin a basket of beating Iowa for a berth in the Final four. The Hoyas lost point guard John Dtircn and forward Craig Shelton, but return junior Eric "Sleepy" Floyd, one of the country's lop guards. The 6-3 Floyd led Georgetown in scoring last year with 18.7 points a game, setting a school season record, and paced the Hoyas with 73 steals and 14 blocked shots. The Gnslonia, NX', native also shot 55 percent and dished out 95 assists. .bulling Floyd in the backcourt will be highly touted freshman Fred Brown, a 6-5 flash from New York who was one of the nation's most sought alter guards. Up front, the Hoyas will count on steady defensive forward Eric Smith and their "three-headed" ccnler of 6-9 Ed Spriggs, 6-7 Mike Hancock and 7-foot Mike Frazicr. Great Dane Basketball Brockport Tournament |fotftet* tEtfp v_ Tonight 6:55vs. R.I.T. Tomorrow 6:25or 8:25 Join Bruce Sheinhaus and Phil Pivnick 91FM Listen For Saturday's Time Tickets will be sold on dinner lines tonight ID REQUIRED 457-8980 $re*entetr bj> Ciasf* Council '83 \*++*++++++++++++++++++++++++*++ of the conference. Also looking to surprise is Villanova, which lost clutch shooter Rory Sparrow from last year's 23-8 squad but returns 6-8 center John Pinone, last year's freshman sensation, and forward Alex Bradley. Pinone and Bradley teamed for 28.7 points and 14.2 rebounds last year, and the Wildcats have another double-figure scorer back in guard Tom Sienkiewicz. Freshman Frank "Happy" Dobbs should help in the | backcourt. "We're really short on depth," concedes Massimino, who has only eight players on scholarship, including just one freshman. Boston College returns three double-figure scorers from last year's 19-10 team and should be bolstered by a successful recruiting year. Leading the Eagles arc seniors Joe Bcaulieu and Vin Carahcr up front and guard John Bagley, who averaged 11.8 points. In New Jersey, Seton Hall has the Big East's leading scorer returning in all-purpose guard Dan Callandrillo, who averaged 19.4 points, four assists and three steals for the 14-13 Pirates. Also back arc double-figure scorers Daryl Devero and Howard McNeil. "Lasi year I thought it would be lough to have a .500 season," recalls Seton Hall Coach Bill Raftcry. "With all the things that happened, it was one of our belter seasons. All those kids got a lot out of all the struggling." Rebuilding Providence, 11-16, has four starters back and seven freshmen lo face a grueling schedule. Swimmers Return Winning Core continued from hack pane are better than last year's final limes, and he's working really hard." Diving this year seems to look promising with possibly four competitors for the Danes. The divers include freshman Glenn Coffey and junior Randy Link who While said is a "prcliy good diver." So is Carl Browne, who was runner-up in the diving championships last year in the Binghamtou area. "He comes from a pretty good diving section," mentions White. Senior Derkasch is back after bis spectacular performance al the SUNYAC championships lasi March ai Potsdam. "I feel that from the beginning it will be slow . . . but we'll come around,' Derkasch said. "1 physically feel good and Randy is really looking great — he's going lo be a good diver." lion. So far there have been positive results in practice especially wilh the use of the play-back video to help the divers with lltcir problems," said Albany diving coach Bruce Sickles. The team includes many unheralded swimmers who show capabilities of making the team a true contender. They include Kerry Donovan distance man Steve Ellcnbcrg, Jeff Farkas, "Things are looking excellent as brcaslstroker Eric Fricdland, Jim far as Albany being good compel i- Colgan, John Doerncr, Bob Lento, Ed Pierce, Kyle Welch, butterflier Larry Adolf and frecslyler Alan Rebhun. "Looking over (he lineup, we'll do reallywcll. Our first three relays arc looking real good wilh good seeded times for Saturday's relays," said Roberts. "The whole season depends on our depth to pick up those fifths and sixths. We've got to pull together." Tomorrow, the Danes open their season wilh the llth annual Great Dane Swimming and Diving Relays al 1:00 in University Pool. This year's participants include in the four-year College Division, Albany, Babson, Coast Guard, Kecne State, McGill, New Paltz, Plattsburgh, RP1, St. Michael's, Union, University of Vermont, and Vassar. Representing the two-year colleges are Alfred, Coblcskill, Farmingdale, Nassau and Orange Community Colleges, . • The relays prove to be an exciting meet for all to sec especially with the likes of powerhouses Coast Guard and McGill returning. Albany fared sixth last year and is looking forward to moving up. "The relays are an early season eyeopener for us lo sec just where our strength is," While said. SKIERS: LACT CHANCE! $3.50 Sophmores $4.00 Others (Prices include Bus and Admission) Info Jen or Lynn but return intact a front line anchored by 6-8 center Wayne McKoy and forward David Russell. Frank Gilroy and Ron Plair arc also dependable forwards, with The trio averaged 14 points and Carnesecca looking to flashy Curtis more than 10 rebounds last year. Redding, a former All-Big Eight "We feel guarded optimism," player at Kansas State, to fill the says Georgetown Coach John backcourt void. Texas Tech Thompson. "1 didn't think we'd be transfer Larry Washington, who as good as we were last year." becomes eligible in late December, Syracuse, 26-4 last year"; lost its could be the answer at point guard. highly acclaimed "Louie and Bouie "If we arc to have any success, Show," center Roosevelt Bouie and our big people up front have to play forward Louis Orr, and will move up to expectations," says Carnesecthis season from Manley Field ca, who has steered the Rcdmcn inHouse, the notorious basketball to a postseason tournament each of "pit," into the new Carrier Dome. the 12 seasons at St. John's. In the pivot will be 6-11 senior Connecticut will have plenty of Danny Schayes, son of former NBA beef up front with the addition of great Dolph Schayes, who spent his the 6-11, 248-pound Aleksihas, who first Ihrce years in Bouie's shadow. left Kentucky to return to his native "Now I won't have Rosie Bouie to stale; and 6-8, 236-pound Corny back me up anymore," jokes Thompson at power forward. Schayes. Thompson and lightning-quick forward Mike McKay combined for Replacing Orr is 6-8 Minnesota 32.5 points a game last year lo lead transfer Leo kaolins, a former the building Huskies lo a 20-9 Canada Olympian, with Erich San- mark. Senior guard Bob Dilin tifcr, lasi year's freshman surprise, averaged 11.3 points and handed at I he olhcr forward spot. The out 124 assists. backcourt is set with slick Ekkie "There's a different kind of exMoss, who had a team-leading 173 citement around here," says Conassists and 82 steals, and long-range necticut Coach Dom Pcrno, who gunner Marly Hcadd, who averag- has never had a big center. ed 12 points and shot 56 percent. "Chuck gives us something we've "We have a good offensive never had. He's a good, strong basketball team, but we'll be as center with a nice touch," Perno good as our defense allows us," continued. "But a great deal will observes Orange Coach Jim depend on our guards." Uocheim, who has a 105-18 record If the UConn b a c k c o u r t , in four years al Syracuse. bolstered by some good recruits, Si. John's lost its sensational comes through and the front line backcourt of Reggie Carter and ' lives up lo its expectations, the Bernard Renchcr from a 24-5 team, Huskies could be the surprise team Hoyas Picked To Defend Crown CC LOBBY Nov. 24,25, Dec. 1-5 Mail Registration Dec. 1-19; Obtain Registration Packet at: ItCC Records Office (9 a.m. to 3 p.m.I Walk-In Registration - Dec. 22, 2,'f, 29, 30; RCC Records Office, 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m.; Jan 2, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Page Seventeen Albany Student Press There is still space available for the Sugarbush Valley skiweek, Jan. 1 8 - 2 3 . If y o u want to fjo,bring the full payment ( $ 1 5 5 . 0 0 ) back with you after vacation. Also, you must secure a lift for yourself. WITH ALL THE SNOW ON THE GROUND, GREAT SKIING IS GUARANTEED. for wore information call: Steve 463-1750 Skip 482-3482 £Q> Page Eighteen November 21, 1980 Albany Student Press Questions Remain Unanswered continued from back page on the ground and walloped the Dragons, 41-7, in a game that wasn't quite that close, The Danes were moving. The wishbone was exploding for big yardage, every time it stepped on the field, and the defense was doing the job it had to, when it had to. The kicking game was effective. But them came Norwich. If there were a list of rivalries in Northeastern Division III football, the Albany-Norwich one would certainly be near the top. These games are always close, always crucial, and always ones that a team hates to lose. This year, it was Norwich's turn. A tough, physical, and inspired Albany's Bob Nearing was a pleasant surprise Ihis season for Ihe Danes. He' will return next year. (Pholo: Mark Nadlcr) Cadet defense manhandled everything the Danes threw at them, and shut Albany out, 13-0, in the Vermont cold, rain, and mud. Now Albany was in the midst of what Ford called "a loaded season," and playoff-hopeful Alfred was next. All-American candidate and Saxon quarterback Bob Schuster had a field day throwing short against the Danes, hitting 26 of 38 passes for 269 yards and a touchdown. This, coupled with another week of ineffective offense, resulted in a 24-6 Saxon victory. So the Danes were down again. They had lost two, won four, and dropped another pair. The Inconsistency was rampanl. After two super-explosive offensive performances that calapulcd Albany into national statistical recognition, the Danes had stalled. Motivation, intensity — Albany needed a spark, something lo get them hoi again — like a trip lo Florida. "As a team," Ford said in comparison, "they (the 1980 team) had not made a significant contribution lo Ihe hislory of our program." Thai would all change the following week at the Tangerine Bowl in Orlando. Poise, intensity, and potential all came back into Albany's yocabulary that Saturday night in Florida. Despite falling behind by Iwo touchdowns twice, fullback Chuck Priore and an air-tight defense spearheaded a second half surge, and pulled Ihe Danes lo a brilliant 28-27 victory over the much larger Knights of Central Florida. "The Central Florida game was probably the highlight of our year," Ford understated, "because of the trip, what il did for the team and the great ballgame we played." Summaries are only supposed to come al the end of chapters and in Ihe beginning of soap operas — noi at Ihe end of a football season. But that's exactly what last Saturday's finale against Springfield was like. "Al times, we've been one of the best football teams we've put on the field here," Ford said, thinking of their potential and Albany's spattered brilliance. He continued, with his voice falling off a bit at Ihe end, "And at other times . . . " The Chiefs went into the game I needing a big win to solidify their position as a Division II playoff contender. Albany, in Ihe first quarter, looked like those "one of Ihe best football teams" that Ford spoke of. They blew Springfield's defense open for 17 points in the first 13 minutes. But then they stalled. The Chiefs picked away with two touchdowns in the second quarter, and two more in the fourth, while their defense shut Albany down, and won, 28-17. season was capsuled in the Springfield game." "Wc lost lo five pretty good football learns," Ihe coach continued, measuring the competition. "But 1 guess I'd have lo say all five of Ihcm (the losses) could've been won." Indeed, there were a few that probably should've gone the olher way. Ford said that if he knew Ihe causes for the inconsistencies, and Ihe problems, he'd have them solved. But he has begun lo narrow them down, "We still cannot throw the football well enough, consistently enough, when teams arc willing to give us the pass," Ford slated. "I think that's something we've got to work on — to throw the ball well enough lo compliment the running altack that we've got. In order lo be i good football team, you've got to be balanced." Ford felt that, despite rising lo ihe challenge of playing Ithaca, and winning in Ihe Tangerine Bowl, the Danes have losl sonic cslccm around ihcir circles. "I think next year," Ford said, "our challenge, our goal, will be lo win back our respect." der. The women will also be using a full court press, hand-in-hand with a 2-2-1 zone, for the first lime. Offensively, Behrens is looking lo the outside shooting of key players to carry the offense. Again, newfound speed will add offensive punch in the form of fast breaks. "Because of our lack of height, our tallest player is 5-9, our main offensive weapon will be the fast break and oulsidc shot. We have a few girls who arc capable of sinking shots from way out. This year we arc depending on every player to contribute," Behrens said. Lynn Burton is a heavily recruited junior from Jefferson Community College, where she played poinl guard. At Albany, however, she has been switched to forward. Wilh fast hands and feel, excel lent speed, and a deadly baseline shot, the switch has been a major success. "She has been playing tremendously in scrimmages. She has a dynamic baseline shot and is working well with' Nancy Halloran, our other forward," commented Kidder. At poinl guard this year will be freshman Chris DcSanlis. She has impressed both coaches with her take charge attitude and her solid background in man-to-man defense. She has become their number one defensive player. She also is an excellent passer, finding the openings constantly. "She has good ball control and good speed. She is also one of our smartest players, having tremendous basketball sense. Before we can tell her to slow it down or speed it up, she has," Kidder noted. Eileen Falcheric has Ihe lough job of filling in al center for •Theresa Clark, who left the learn because of other committments. • She is down two Inches from Clark's 5-11, but is managing fine "She has large shoes lo fill, bul she is coming along really well, and is still progressing. It is a job she can Director: Marcel Came BREAKFAST LUNCH luoa-ftl 7:30-2:30 Thru wttok BRUNCH Bat 10-2, sun 9-3 Wlula wmril Wdltiob- No Prosofvatftos Nov. 21 & 22 Fri. and Sat., 8:30 p.m. C»lk|Vfcte«ta9*e 2fcW<-Sr. $2.00 & SI.25 SludentfSr. Citizen Performing Arts Center 457-8606 Jr New speed has allowed the women's basketball team to add mun-lo-man coverage to their set of zones, as well as a full court zone press for Ihe first lime, lo bolster the defense. (Photo: Alan Calem) San Help l^LOnG BRflhCH fight M.S. on Nov. 25 Tuesday Night 9-12pm Bloody Marys . 75 MATTS 7 oz Splits .25 Kiss your favorite Long Branch bartender vithycur$l donation by I.ori Cohen The Albany State women's basketball team, one of the oldest women's programs al Albany, is entering Ihe 1980-81 season very optimistically. "Wc are still rebuilding, but Ihis year, we have a lot of talented athletes, with lots of speed and outside shooting ability," said Albany women's head basketball coach Amy Kidder, who is beginning her second year as mentor of the team. Last season, Albany finished strongly, and had a 6-14 record. Kidder, and her offensive coach Chris Behrens, have added a manto-man defense lo Ihcir entourage of zones. "Last year we did not have Ihe speed lo work a man-toman. This year we do, and are going to use it to our fullest capabilities. We have also begun to incorporate our speed and man-toman knowledge in our zones, helping us tremendously. They look excellent in practice," rctlected Kid- "Memorable, passionate, stunning!" m Extra Special Happy Hour Late Season Surge Breeds Hope CHILDREN OF PARADISE Slfawbemoa i. oueam Homemade Cakes ^P^eCQrdS Available at Just 'A' Song $4.99 * " Page Nineteen SpeedNewDefense For Women's Basketball French Film Classics The University at Albany ilgcis Mulliiis Grarola Homemade Soups Salads VfjutJiaijiH FVJS aiuomy \Aftil1lt-:; W.iMlu S;IIK^MCJ»S DesserlWaflies wild IVoMiipIo Syrup. RK»clws,Oi.Miiiis,,Hiin.-uw«i.SlovnjtlApplus. B e Albany Student Press "The schedule was tough. 1 think we played some very good football teams," Ford said. "And I think we rose to Ihe occasion and played well against some of them. The whole HUH Enter the Ugliest Bartender Sweepstakes. For your $2.00 contribution to M.S. you may win prizes including free drinks, six packs of beer, bottle of liquor, or many other prizes. November 21, 1980 Roberto Duran; Sugar Ray Diego Tops Miami In Overtime Hope That Learning Helps MIAMI (AP) An interception by linebacker Woodrow Lowe set up a 28-yard field goal by Rolf Benirschke with 7:46 left in overlime lo give the San Diego Chargers a 27-24 National Football League victory over the Miami Dolphins in a nationally-televised game Thursday night. 16. The Dolphins had been stopped on a fourth-and-one al the San Diego 1-yard line on their previous possession when the Chargers stopped fullback Terry Robiskic in his tracks. San Diego took a 24-17 lead wilh 3:50 remaining in the third period San Diego won the toss and when quarterback Dan Fouts tossed received the kickoff in overtime but his third touchdown pass of the was forced lo punt. However, Lowe game, a 6-yarder to wide receiver Picked off a pass from rookie John Jefferson. Miami quarterback David Woodley a' Ihe Dolphins' 40-yard line and Woodley, starting his sixth fan it back 28 yards to the 12. straight game since veteran Bob Three running plays netted 2 Gricse was sidelined wilh a shoulder yards and Benirschke came on to injury, got Ihe Dolphins rolling ear*'<* his second field goal of the ly, directing and eight-play, 58-yard night, touchdown drive on Miami's first Miami running back Delvin possession. Robiskic burst up the Williams dove into the end zone middle for the last 6 yards and a rami yard out with 1:21 remaining touchdown two plays after an Il«i regulation to forge a 24-24 tie legal procedure penalty wiped out •M send the game Into the sixth an apparent 1-yard scoring dive by overtime of the NFL season. Woodley. Williams' desperation fourthHowever, San Diego moved out down dive capped a 10-play, lo n 10-7 lead as Fouts completed an ynrd d „ "ve which consumed II-play, 73-yard drive with his 0l,r mlnu,es of ,he 4-yard scoring pass lo Clarence Williams with 6:51 left in Ihe first lock Ibc key play was a 15-yard period and Benirschke booted a Pass from Woodley (o wide receiver 37-yard field goal 4 and a half «mmy Ccfalo on a fourth-and- minutes into Ihe second quarter. *vw situation from the Chargers' 2 ™Y The women's basketball learn coached by Amy Kidder opens (heir 1980-81 season on Tuesday al 1(1*1. (Photo: Alan Calem) 1 handle," forecasted Behrens. Albany has a lough schedule ihis Nancy Halloran, one of this season. Four very strong learns will year's co-captains, was Albany's supply Ihcir sliffest compctilionj point guard last year, but has been Potsdam, St. Michael's (Vermont), moved to forward, and well on her and two Division II teams in Siena way to becoming an excellent and LeMoyne. "They arc tough, player. Last season she ended with a but any team can beat any other hot hand and is continuing this learn on any given night," noted year. Kidder commented on how Kidder. the confidence Nancy has The goal of the rebuilding prodeveloped has helped her greatly. gram is to qualify for the state "We have a lot of confidence in championships, which will Nancy, both offensively and defen- force them to win about 15 of sively," Kidder said. their 19 games. "We have a good Last year's team captain, and this team and are very much improved year's co-captain, Laurie Briggs, from last season. The new players may have the hardest job on Ihe have added a lot of skill lo the squad. An obviously talented and squad. All wc need is lime playing versatile athlete, Briggs, at 5-8, is together," Kidder speculated. currently Albany's second center. The coach Is optimistic: "We go She is also capable of playing for- out to win every game, no matter ward and guard, as she did last who it is against. Wc want to play year. Briggs is a smart player wilh our best possible. Our offense is a tremendous leadership qualities. lot belter this season due lo Ihe "Laurie is a leader whether captain job Chris has done wilh them." or not, on Ihe floor and off. Her "We want a good season," Kidteammates look up to her and der said in summation. "We have respect her. She is an excellent allgood, hard working athletes, who around player, and is definitely the are commuted to what they are dokind of player you want on your ing and should win ball games. It team," Kidder reflected. should be an enjoyable season." Woodley countered with a 7-yard touchdown pass lo running back Tony Nathan, bul Fouls' 7-yard to Charlie Jeiner with 1:08 lefl in the half put Ihe Chargers back on lop 17-14. Woodley directed a last-ditch scoring drive that brought a 48-yard Uwe Von Schamman field goal witli three seconds remaining, sending the teams into the halftime wilh 17-17 lie. Fouts, preying on a young Miami secondary, completed 26 of 40 passing attempts for 230 yards lo hike his season total to 3,530 yards. The three touchdown passes gave him 26 on the year and bettered his previous season high of 24, which he set in 1978 and lied in 1979. Woodley hit 22 of 34 passes for 251 yards. ' San Diego, 8-4, had losl four of its last seven outings after starting Ihe season with four straight victories. The Chargers moved to within one-half game of American Conference West leader Oakland, which owns an 8-3 record going into Sunday's game at Philadelphia. The Dolphins, who had won two in a row, dropped to 6-6 and fell out of a third-place tie with Baltimore in the AFC East. NEW ORLEANS (AP) Good fighters learn by experience. So what did Roberto Duran and Sugar Ray Leonard learn about one another in Montreal that will help them in Iheir rematch for the World Boxing Council welterweight championship Tuesday night in the Superdome? Duran, who won the title on a close but unanimous decision June 20, is cagey when asked. "I learned a lot," said the Panamanian Wednesday. "I'll showVou at the fight." As for what Leonard learned that might be useful in the rematch, Duran said, "I don't think he can do anything more than he did in the first fight. If he docs anything more, I'll be ready for it." "There have not been any drastic changes," Leonard said of battle plans. "I just found out I have a left jab. I'll just pace myself more carefully this time." "The lefl hand will be in play Ihis time," said Angclo Dundee, who trains Leonard. Dundee and Janks Morton, another Leonard aide, feel Leonard didn't jab and move enough in the first fight and (hat he shouldn't have tried to fight it out in the early rounds when Duran gained his winning edge. "We're going to.fight him, but Ihis time later on when Ray has taken the steam out of Duran," said Dundee. Freddy Brown, who helps train Duran, doesn't think it matters what strategy Leonard employs. "Duran will fight the other guy's fight," said Brown. "When Oman walks Into the ring, he's the boss." Ray Arcel, another of Duran's strategists, feels the first fight might have left a scar on Leonard. "It affected Leonard mentally," said Arcel. "It took all the guts out of him, it's a boy in against a man." "The 15 rounds with Duran is nil he needed," said Dundee. "He knows Duran now. He's seen Duran. Duran doesn't punch a lot . . . two-punch combinations and everything else is a.foul. He. does everything in there." c Morton chimed in that Leonard "learned he butts a lot. HtfTrarned • he holds a lot. That's the main thing, ll« learned he uses his head more J than he punches." . ' :—\ W. Hoops Preview tew Page 80 Gather at Empire State Plaza November 21, 1980 Winning Nucleus Returns For Men Swimmers by Jeff Schadoff The Albany State men's swimming' team, coming off last year's rather impressiw "-4 'ual meet season and an .11 4th place finish at the SUN VAC'S arc ready and, Albany coach Ron White feci. that the "nucleus is here aga; this season." The squad is returning this year minus two of last year's mainstays — notably Frank Heter and Tom Roberts, both unable to swim due to ineligibility but they are back in coaching roles. Consequently the new nucleus is Kevin Ahem, Steve Bonawilz, Joe Shore, and diver Bill Derkasch. "Many of the guys feel thai this year's team is stronger than last year's. We'll have a somewhat slow start but watch out for next semester, when we'll be at our peak," said assistant coach I leiui. "With the experience of some of the returning swimmers, and some good clutch performances by Ihc newcomers it looks like wc might be able to be respectable competition this year," said junior backstrokcr Shore. Ahern added, "This is a new season for me and I feel that with the combination of experience, depth and talented new swimmers wc can pull off some suprises." The team has many new faces (hat could make Ihcm "a real respectable January-February dual meet team," added White. The Danes have some "potentially good young freshman," according to White. Free-styler Frank Kozakiewicz from Albany High "has real good freestyle credentials who has the ability to really develop into a quality 50-yard to 200-yard frcestyler," White said. "It's been rough in the beginning with my studies but the coach has helped me a lot. 1 feel that I can really help the team. I've set a goal already for myself and that's to break Ahern's 100-yard freestyle record. It looks like we're going to do real well this year," says Kozakiewicz. Another freshman standout is Lenny Shoob from Merrick, L.I. "He is a brcasi slroker by trade with middle to distance swimming capabilities. Lenny can swim anywhere from a 50 to a 1650-yard race. He's really going to be a key man on the team especially lo supplement Joe Shore who is the team's standout brcasi slroker," While said. "These two guys can realistically be fighting for conference championship awards in lite breast stroke. Lenny has fresh driving enthusiasm and a combination of thai and Joe's experience . . . Lenny is a key man for I can literally move him to any event lo fill possible holes," White said. Junior transfer from Navy, Phil Albright, "shows real good potential in early prc-season workouts,"said White. "We're counting on Kozakiewicz and Albright to help us in the free sprint events." Another junior transfer from Spring Valley Is Neil Ullmaii originally from East Carolina University. Due lo eligibility rules Neil won't be able to swim in the first semester meets but White feels, "Neil is probably the best first year prospect we ever had in our swim program. He swims the backstroke, breaststroke, along with the individual medley. His freestyle times are quite outstanding for Division III competition. He'll be right there with Kevin Ahern. His times are as fast as Steve Bonawitz's in the backstroke,"White said. "This could be a good push for Steve to maintain his status as our number one backstrokcr." "Neil's personal best in the individual medley is 2:02.0, which is well under Albany's school Irish Prisoners Remembered record," said White. Bonawitz commented "Neil's presence will make me work just that much more harder towards the SUNYAC's. We've got some goodlooking young prospects with some real solid potential, but it will depend on how much wc really want it — 1 mean the depth is here but we're going to have to work." Dave Motola has really come into his own this year, said White. "He'll be a real contributor to the team this year. His workouts now continued on page seventeen by Wayne Peereboom Assemblymen. Later in thai sesA crowd of approximately 80 sion, Moore said, Ihc Assembly gathered at the Empire State Plaza passed a resolution supporling Ihe on Saturday as part of a nationwide hunger striking prisoners. Moore "Day of Solidarity" to show sup- said copies of thai resolution will be port for seven prisoners who are on sent to Governor Hugh Carey, ihc a hunger strike in Northern Ireland. British Consolale and lo Ihc Albany's demonstration was prisoners themselves. organized by the "Irish Coalition" which is an informal organization Moore explained that (he of six Irish groups in this area, ac- prisoners began their hunger sirike cording lo leader John Moore. The on Ociober26, demanding thai they Albany demonstrators listened to be given "Political Prisoner speeches al Ihc Plaza before mar- Status" by the British. Moore said ching lo the Stale Assembly, where Ihcy are currenlly classified as they heard speeches by supporting criminals, even I hough ihcy claim ALBANY i STUDENT PRESS * J r.7'.i..-,'---..-f.', r—•^-~..-v.-:aas.>wfthHiJ Vol. LXVII No. 46 November 25, 1980J It was by no "successful" year. means a I tfORTCdNrlLVW All right, the Danes were 5-5; that's .500 ball. But the only teams that arc concerned about being .500 arc those that aren't usually too good, the ones that spend most of their time under .500. The Albany State varsity football team certainly does not fit into that category. The last time Albany fell near or under that was in 1976 — the year before they went to the national playoffs. "I'm grossly dissatisfied," said Albany head football coach Bob 19110 by Altiiin) Mudrni l'rr-is CnuHirHtinn Three Circle Scufflers Arraigned l>y Hell) Cummunitu Three men arrested al the circle Nov, 15 alter being involved in a scuffle with six police officers were arraigned Saturday morning, Nov. 16, in the Albany P6lfcc Court. A preliminary hearing has been scheduled today for Richard Kamcc of 958 Madison Ave., charged witJi assault, harassment, resisting arrest, and obstructing governmental administration. The nucleus of last year's edition of Ihe men's swimming lenm returns this year after a very impressive 9-4 1979-80 season, including an overall fourth place finish at SUNYACs. (Photo: Bill Krauss), Questions Had To Be Answered, And Still Do Ford. "Wc don'l ever want to be satisfied with 5-5," he continued, calling Ihc season, "Ihe tips and downs of 1980." There are olhcr similarities between 1980 and 1976, when Ihc Danes went 4-5. Thai was the last time that Albany lost their first Iwo ballgamcs — before this year. Coincidenlally, those losses were to Ihe same teams both times. Albany by no means had il easy lo begin with. Graduation look away an explosive quarlerback, and a core of top-notch, experienced defensive personnel, What they were left with was a senior at the helm of the wishbone, who had all the physical tools he needed to make the offense go, but lacked the ever-important game lime necessary lo perfect those skills. There was still a capable crew manning the Dane 4-4, bin injuries decimated that contingent rather early. Besides their personnel situations, the Danes had another thing to think about right away — Ithaca College. Defending National Champs, top ranked in the country, and Albany had them first on the schedule. Ford felt that there was probably no good time to play the Bombers, and he was probably right. The Danes played what was their best losing effort. The final score was 40-21, but Albany trailed by a mere six points with 13 minutes left in the game. Ithaca just pulled away, though. "We had enough opportunities," Ford noted. The next week brought Southern Connecticut, and the hopes that if Albany could put together another performance similar to the one pholu; Shelf) f ' u h r n "Day of Solidarity" march al Ihe Empire Stale Plaza A*crowd of 80 remembers seven Irish prisoners. Stule University of New York al Allium / by Bob Bellaflorc that they are being held for "political reasons." Speakers at the Plaza noted that the prisoners "prefer death rather than being classified as criminals." Speaker Jim Devine of Dublin, Ireland said he Tell "The British have a terrible record of inhumanity and serious mistrcnlmenl in Northern Ireland. Wc want to encourage the (U.S.) government lo speak out against il." The Irish Prisoners of War (IPOW) Committee sponsor demonstrations in 17 other U.S. cities on Saturday. The next sel of demonstrations arc scheduled for December 6. Il is not known whether a demonstration will be held in Albany al that lime. against Ithaca, a win would be in store. But the offense sputtered, couldn't produce a touchdown/and the Danes dropped their second in a row, 6-2, even with a thrilling, finalminute length-of-thc-field drive that fell short. was'a team thai Albany needed to have, and. needed to beat — which they did with mechanical efficiency. There were a lot of aspects of the Albany game that had not yet come to the fore. The Danes had a "stable" of great runningbacks, as Ford put it. They had not yel established themselves as a dominant force in a game. The special learns, an area that Ford fell could and should turn games around, wasn't yet a factor. Against Brockport, the wishbone churned out 370 yards on Ihc ground, and put 42 points on the scoreboard (even with three touchdowns being called back). Albany defensive back Don Bowcn returned punts for an average of 27 yards per try, and rar) one back for a 53-yard touchdown. Some signs were there, but a few were still missing, and they were the key ingredients thai most of the season lacked — consistency , and intensity. phuln; Math Niillfr "1 felt that we (the coaches) had blown that ballgamc," Ford said in disgust. "Oh-and-two — that's probably not the best way to start out." It certainly wasn't, and if there was a perfect time for the schedule to provide some mercy, it was at this point, in week three. The Danes traveled lo Brockport lo face a Golden Eagle squad thut maybe wasn't up to par with Albany's other' competition, but Willi Fordham came a glimpse of what was necessary as far as intensity goes. After leading 9-0, Albany fell behind 14-9, with nine minutes remaining in the game. The Danes then inarched 76 yards in 16 plays for the score, and a 17-14 victory. "I didn't think wc could pull it off," Ford suid afterwards. The other half of those two crucial components — consistency — was shown not to be evident when Albany went to Buffalo to play the thcn-nationally ranked Bulls. This lime, the Danes were ahead by a 24-8 score at the half. Albany was totally dominating play, rolling off 218 rushing yards in the first two quarters to Buffalo's 56. "We looked as good as a foot- ball team can against a strong defense," Ford noted about Albany's first half In Ihat game. But as became more obvious as the season progressed, Ihc Danes were unable to put together Iwo good halves of football, Mistakes enabled the Bulls to get two touchdowns in the second half, and really give Albany a scare. But Ihe Danes held on to win, 27-24. Homecoming brought Albany some more easy pickings. A not-sogood Cortland squad fell victim to a hot Dane offense. After gaining 445 yards in total offense the week before, Albany cranked up for an incredible 572 yards total, and 552 continued on page eighteen »-1 phote; Mark Nadlrr SL'NVA Department of Public Sufely Director Henigfian says officers were justified. phUllll lln.lllllf klll.ll.njl Scoll DcLong and Kevin DcLong of 70.1 Hudson Ave., charged with obstructing governmental administration while trying lo prevent Ramce's arrest, were put on proba- incident, SA Vice President Brian tion until May 18, 1981. Levy, senior Scoll Greer, and senior Ramcc was approached by ofMarshall Garcia, stated they fell the ficers al 1:30 a.m. after lie "gave officers Were physically abusive of them the finger and made obscein: ihe three youths. Levy called a remarks," according to Assistant meeting with Ilenighan, Public Directoi of the Department of Safely Director James Williams, Public Safely John Ilenighan. The and Vice President for Business and officers asked him for identificaFinance John Hariigan to "voice tion, which he gave to them reluc(his) disgust al ihe incident." tantly, Ilenighan suid. Ramcc then allegedly attempted "Wc had basically the same to run away. The ensuing scuffle in- story, but Ilenighan said ihe police volved Ramcc, his two friends, and were right. He said they had to be six officers, according to witnesses. physical because the students were Three witnesses who were waiting drunk. I said they weren't for a SUNY bus al ihe time of the justified," Levy said. Students to Sue for Dutch Fire Losses by Bruce Levy not be cleaned up until ihcy can The residents of the suite where a "find a good lawyer lo sue Ihe fire originated last week on Dutch school," Quad intend to sue the.University Perry complains of losing nearly for damage done lo their belong- half his clothing, a stereo, a tape ings. deck "box" worth $250, and other The sludents also conlcnd that personal belongings. Gutierrez adclihe account of the events surroun- "ed lhal Julio Medina, Perry's roomding Ihc fire given by the Dirccloi male, lost a tote bag thai contained of Residence "was totally inac- 21 pairs of name brand jeans, a curate." stereo system, over $150 in cash, The University should be respon- and mosl of his clothing. sible, but we've been lokl they have They feel that Director of no insurance on lost property," say Residence Paul Doyle has Angel Gutierrez and Mark Perry, underplayed Iheir side of Ihc story Iwo of Ihc sludents from Ihc suite. by claiming ihcy only lost a few They have asked thai iheir room things, and that he was inaccurate concerning oilier details, Gutierrez said thai he and his girlfriend were in his room, he said, when RA Elana Susto came in. He said Saslo did not "follow the standard procedure of checking eacli room" as Doyle reported. He said he saw smoke coming from under Ihe door of the suite's other bedroom, and that Saslo "was afraid to go in," He then opened the door, saw a lol of smoke, did not see anyone in the room, and left. While Doyle claimed that the fire was not electrical in origin, Gutierrez, Perry, Medina and Iheir fourth phalli: suilematc Lionel Hamilton all feel Ami. Safely Dlr. Scliarl the fire was caused by a faulty elecBacks Doyle's story. trical socket. Gutierrez said lite socket was "always shorting out" and lhat the University suid Ihcy had fixed it. However, Assistant Director of Public Safely Karl Scliarl lends lo agree more with Doyle's story. Arson Investigation teams from the Albany Fire Department, the Guilderland Police Department, and officials from the Public Safely Department were all on the scene after the fire was extinguished, and agreed the fire was not electrical. "No marks were found on ihe electrical wires in llie room, and Ihc face plate of Ihc outlet was not charred," said Scliarl. Scliarl added thai some substance was found on ihe floor and was sent lo be analyzed. Doyle slill stands by mosl of his earlier facls, adding thai discrepancies arose "due to a misunderstanding." Reclaimed lo be unaware of. the students belief that the fire was cuuscd by an outlet and that the students planned to sue. He said lie would "look Into these matters." Doyle added that it is University' policy that belongings in a room are the responsibility of the individual. "The students would need to demonstrate negligence on the part of the University," he said. Quad Coordinator Gaylc Orlffith, from who Doyle says he received his facls, says she was "nol Involved in ihc fire itself." "I questioned Ihc RA about the events heading to Ihe discovery of the fire and reported them to Doyle,"she said. RA Saslo was unavailable for comment, Griffith further wished lo correct the faci thai Ihc Soviet Exchange Program had been cancelled. One suite held on reserve for Ihc exchange students simply wasn'l being occupied al Ihc time of the fire, she said. jiii.iin: Mik. Firrcll Residence Dir. Doyle Claims accuracy SUNYA Student Killed In Accident Near Campus by Susan Milligan A 25-year-old SUNYA graduate student was killed yesterday in an automobile accident on Washington Avenue near the uptown campus, according lo Albany Police. Police said the student, James Smith, had apparently pulled out onto Washington Ave. at about 10:20 a.m. yesterday via an extension by Colonial Quad when he collided with another car traveling westward down Washington Ave. Smith's car then skidded into a pole and Smith was thrown 30 feet onto the pavement. The other car slid into some trees and its driver was also ejected from his car. According to Bill Slattery, a 5-Quad member who was present at the scene, Smith died at the site and the driver of the other car is in good condition at Albany Medical Center. I Slattery noted lhat "if Smith had been wearing a scut belt, he prob a b l y would have lived." . J