Danes Look To Darken Florida Skies Albany Tangerine Bowl Bound

page 19
State University of New Vork at Albany
November 7, 1980
Danes Look To Darken Florida Skies
by Bob Bellaflore
The Danes, as most people know,
are mainly a running team. The
wishbone attack, game after game,
is the vehicle that gets them where
they want to go. Well, for Albany
to get where it wants to be tomorrow, it will be forced to go to the
Albany Tangerine Bowl Bound
The Knights, 3-3-1, arc only in
their second year of varsity play
(they were 6-2 last year), but are still
a formidable opponent for the 4-4
Danes. "I'm impressed as hell with
SCOUTING REPORT them on film," said Albany head
football coach Bob Ford, "so I
That's because tomorrow night's don't know what we're gelling in
game will take the Danes on the to."
Albany usually has several oplongest road trip in their 11-year
football history, as they race the portunities to scout their other opUniversity of Central Florida at the ponents, but geography has made
Tangerine Bowl in Orlando, this task impossible with regard tc
the Knights, and that could have a
profound effect on Albany's panic
plan. The same holds true for UCF,
and the two teams have exchanged
films in order to alleviate the problem. "They probably know as little about us as we do about them,*'
Ford said.
But what the Danes do know is
that UCF is a squad stacked with
talent, size, and potential. "Their
plan, form what I've heard, is not
to slay in Division III," Ford said.
"They plan lo move u p . "
The biggest asset that UCF owns
that would allow for such a move is
their size — especially on the offensive line. The front five on the
Knights pro-style attack average 235
pounds per man, and there is only
one player out of that group that
weighs less than 215 pounds (guard
Don Ellison, al 180). UCF has a
pair of bookend tackles in Randy
High (6-5, 240) and Ncal Ginley
(6-8,265). The latter began his college career at the University of
Michigan, where he traveled to the
Rose Bowl. Al center will be 6-3,
215 pound Dan Burke.
Surprisingly enough, though
with that kind of personnel on the
offensive line, the Knights arc a
parsing team, throwing the ball ap
proximately 75 percent of the time.
"We depend on the pass," said
Knight's head football coach Don
Jonas. The main reason for that is
senior quarterback Mike Cullison
"He's got a real'strong arm," said
Albany defensive coordinator Mike
Motta. " H e can throw the ball.'
On the season, Cullijjon has been
good on 70 of 143 passes (49 percent), for 615 yards (8.7 yards per
continued on pane seventeen
O 1930 tj> Albany Sludrni Prru Corporation
Secotvis of Pleasure
K i
Dave Monlaiiaro, lit It Chair
His act was "purely economical. "
UCB & WCDB Clash Pffl
Over Rockpile Concert
Both Claim To Serve Students
by .Indie F.iscnberg
on campus and in the Campus
In an unprecedented move, the Center. WCDB had announced the
University Concert Board (UCB) concert on ihc air and was planning
has announced thai I hey will co- a promotional contest with givesponsor the upcoming Rockpile aways, Diamond added.
concert with Rensselaer radio staUCB President Dave Montanaro
lion WQBK-I04 FM, Instead of Ihc however, defends their action, saycampus radio station WCDH-9I ing thai ii was "purely economical.
Ihc concert market is down 30 pcrFM, as was originally planned.
WCDB manager Jim Diamond ccnl from lasi year, which was an
called UCB's action a "slab in Ihc off-year Itself," Montanaro exhack" since bollt groups are SA plained. "Also, there are a loi of
funded and serve student interests, concerts in the Albany area al litis
According lo Diamond, WCDB, lime, There's no! enough money
which has successfully co- around, tickets were selling'slowly
sponsored past shows with UCB, in I lie past I wo weeks and we
had already agreed lo co-sponsor wouldn't have sold the show oul.
the November 2lsl Rockpile con- We can'l afford this show lo flop.
cert. Signs naming UCB and
"We began lo advertise early, bul
WCDB as co-sponsors were posletl we're not able lo advertise enough
Will Students be on Senate?
UCF: A Young Program With Grown-Up Ideas
by Paul Schwartz
Bob Ford first got the idea at ar.
NCAA meeting in New Orleans last
January. "I heard that there were
some Florida teams interested in
having northern teams come down
to play them," Ford recalled. After
checking in an NCAA guide, Ford
sent letters to St. Leos and Central
Florida — the only two schools
listed as playing Division III football in Florida.
Don Jonas was not aware of
Ford's thoughts or actions. As head
coach of the Universily of Central
Florida Knights, Jonas was trying
to build a program which had begun
intercollegiate play in 1979. He was
an unpaid part-timer, so he left
scheduling to the Athletic Director.
Back in Albany, Ford received
two offers. St. Leo's would give the
Danes a $2,000 guarantee for traveling to Florida for a ballgame. Central Florida guaranteed $5,000.
Central Florida also played their
home games in the 48,000 seal
Tangerine Bowl in Orlando, home
of Disneyworld. It was an enticing
package, and afler ironing out a
few details, a contract was signed,
and the Danes were set to embark
on Oieir longest road trip | n Albany
State football history. For Central
Florida, tomorrow night's game
will be their first contest with a northeastern opponent. For Albany, it
will be a weekend of fun, sun, and
football . . .all Florida style.
"There are multiple benefits,1'
said Ford. "It will be an experience
for the kids on the team. When we
went'to the playoffs in 1977, about
sixty percent of our kids had never
flown before, and I would be
shocked if it's any different this
year. Plus, we have a chance lo play
in one of the largest stadiums in the
nation, and the trip has got lo help
us in recruiting, We also have over
six hundred alumni in the Florida
area, so it will give them a chance to
keep in contact with us."
The trip comes at an intriguing
time for the Danes. They have lost
two straight games, post a 4-4
record, and will close out their
season in Albany next week againsl
a powerful Springfield team. A
loss in Florida could snowball into
an unsettling four game losing
streak, a dip under .500, and the
mosl losses in a season in Albany's
11-year history.
In Central Florida's scheme,
tomorrow's encounter is an in-
teresting challenge for a young team
wjth grown-up ideas. Jonas' squad
has crowded to a 3-3-1 record this
year, and although still in its infant
stages, the program seems destined
"It's a gold mine
for recruiting.
We're in a
situation where a
lot of schools are
calling us and
asking if they
• can play us."
— Don Jonas
lo soar before it walks or even runs.
• The slate of Florida ranks third in
Ihc nation (behind Texas and Ohio)
as a source of recruitment for college football players.
• There arc over 400 high schools
with football programs in Florida,
producing enough talent for the
scholarship and non-scholarship
• The Universily of Central Florida
can lure attractive opponents with
their attractive home — the
Tangerine Bowl.
None of this is lost on Jonas.
"It's a gold mine for recruiting,"
he said. "We're in a situation where
a lot of schools are calling us and
asking if they can play us." And the
interest is not isolated lo. the
hopeful opponents. Last year, the
Knights set an NCAA Division 111
record for a first-year program.
They averaged over 11,000 fans per
game, and showed the largest profit
of any first-year Division III football program in history, The
powder keg Jonas coaches needs
only a small spark for.a very large
"1 really see the advantage more
for the eastern and northern teams
lo come and play us," said Jonas,
who is no stranger to big-lime foolball, having played in the 1961
Gator Bowl as a runningback for
Pcnn Stale. "It's quite a thrill lo
play in Ihc Tangerine Bowl. And I
don'l know what Albany's doing,
but the other schools thai come lo
play us from out of stale stay over
So arc the Danes. Afler raffling
off a car and sponsoring a comedian on campus to raise mosl of the
additional $7,000 needed for the
trip, the Albany players and
coaching staff are eagerly awaiting
this as a getaway from what has
essentially been a frustrating
season. The fund-raising, coupled
with a difficult schedule, has left
the Danes somewhat spent, and
Ford attempted to wade through
the extra activities and focus on the
"We're going down to Florida,
firsthand foremost, to win Ihc
game," said Ford, trying to sound
persuasive. "We can'l lose sight of
the ballgame, and we've continued
to emphasize thai. Everything else
is Just a sidelight. It's not a carnival,"
The status of students on the
Universily Senate will be the subject
of an open hearing tomorrow afternoon al 4:30 in the CC Assembly
Hall, according to student Senate
member Gary Silverman,
Continuing student representation on ihc Senate w'as rejected ai a
faculty meeting Inst May afler
students submitted a request for an
additional lour years. In fesponsc,
SUNYA Pre-'Jem Vincent O'l.eary
called an emergency faculty
meeting. At thai meeting a proposal
to extend student representation
one year was approved during
which time a special study committee would consider options regarding sludcni participation on the
SI), SA Launch Campaign
SU and SA have now begun a
campaign to encourage students lo
attend the hearing In a mass show
of solidarity. According lo Silverman, "it is Imperative that students
show their support for this issue,
otherwise Ihc faculty will rob us of
our representation,"
SA has also to tried to solicit the
support of professors who favor
sludcni representation on the
Senate, and will be willing lo testify
ill the hearing.
SA Vice President Brian Levy
and Senate Liaison Mark Lal'ayellc
will he among those addressing the
special committee tm Wednesday.
Along will) their testimony, said
Silverman, Ihey will present a student proposal for the committee's
review. The proposal, written during the summer, calls for the
maintenance of Ihc siaius quo in ihc
Senate (70 faculty and non-leaching
professionals, 20 students, and it)
graduate students), as well as the
creation of a faculty forum. This
forum "will give the faculty ihc opportunity lo air grievances and
make recommendations lb their
senators prior lo ihc monthly senate
meetings," said Silverman.
or for long periods of lime with the
little money we have," Montanaro
A couple of weeks ago, after an
appeal to Central Council, UCB requested and received $500 from SA
for advertising purposes. According
lo SA Controller Ira Somach,
"UCB came to us for additional
funding for advertising on
W I I . Y - 9 2 , W Q B K - I 0 4 , and
WPYX-I06 FM. They look a loss
on Ihc Marshall Tucker concert and
they had lo compete with other promoicrs who advcrliscd on ihc ihrec
major stations."
Monlaiiaro said these SA funds
are being used mainly for advertising on I06 I'M. "We normally
budget $I5(X) per show for advertising," lie said. "Willi this concert
we had lo budgel $2000 because
tickets weren't selling. Radio spols
for 60 seconds cost $15 lo $20 each
and have lo be played three limes a ,
day, al least.
"We've already spent several
hundred dollars (promoting fills
show). We would have had less than—
$300 lor two weeks (of advcriising)," Monlaiiaro added.
According lo UCB Publicity person Gary Mindful, UCB looked
around lo see where ihey could gel a
Jim Diamond, WCDB CM
"A slab in the back. "
belter deal. "We gel an advertising
discount from 104 in addition to Ihc
free advertising we gel when the
DJ's mention the concert," Mindlin
said. "They're co-sponsoring it, so
ii's like their show, too.Thc DJ's
are bound lo menlion il more," he
Air spols on WCDB, however,
are free, Diamond said, as long as
Ihc advertising somehow involves
"WCDB has 10. walls. WQBK
continued on pane five
60 Plan to Demonstrate
Against 'Moral Majority'
by Susan Mllliuan
About 60 members of numerous
sludcni, religious, and Albany'area
organizations mcl last night to
finalize plans for a demonstration
advocating '.tolerance and individual rights," according lo Mike
Mcl'arilin, Ihc meeting facilitator,
The group, which calls itself I he
Coinmuniiy for Common Sense,
represents such organizations as the
Senate Liaison Mark Lal'ayelle
He will testify on student proposal.
Ballot Mix-up Unsettled
by Wayne I'eerebooin
SASU is continuing to compile us
lisi of SUNY students who were
unable to vole in lasi Tuesday's
election because ihey received
absentee ballots either loo laic or
noi al all, according loSASU Campus Organizer Bruce Cronin.
Cronin said thai some action will
be taken aflct Ihc lisi has been compiled. This action, he said, may involve either a lawsuit over a'violation of voiing liglus or il may constitute pari of a suii io Invalidate
legislation preventing students from
voiing iii iheir college districts.
siaie Boaiii of Elections Torn
Wilkcy said ihal if the board
receives "any number of letters"
asking for an investigation of the
County Boards Ihal failed lo send
out ballots, "we'd certainly Investigate."
Dave Gold, a campaign worker
foi Li/ Hollzmun, said that in Ihc
Iwo previous elections the Boards
of Elections in Nassau, Suffolk and
Wcslchcslci couuiics have had a
number of complaints against litem
for problems wiih absentee ballots,
A spokesperson for ihc Suffolk
Board of Elections said there has
only been one complaint so far ihis
SA Attorney Jack Lester,
however, said Ihal leu sludciils
from Suffolk Coiuily have complained lo him in Ihc last week that
ihey have noi received absentee
S A S U Communications Director
Pain Snook said Ihal her organization is contacting all SUNY campuses and the list should be completed later in llie week.
The Latest in
Albany Sludcni Union, Coalition
Againsl Nukes, Ihc Albany
Women's Center, and Planned
Parenthood, among others,
Tife demonstration is scheduled
lo lake "place Friday at 7 p.m. in
from of the Federal Building on
Souih Pearl. Members of the group
will be speaking on human rights,
Ihc separation of Church and Slate,
and "Ilie threat of the Moral Majority," Mcl'arilin said.
He added that although Ihc
demonstration is not explicitly
againsl the Moral Majority, "they
have demonstrated a sincere lineal
lo the pluralistic makeup of this
The Moral Majority is an
organization whose purpose was
originally religious, but has since
taken a more political direction.
The group strongly endorsed
Prcsidcnl-clccl Reagan during his
campaign and has claimed responsibility of several of Ihis year's
political upsets, including lite
defeats of Congressmen llnyh,
McOovcrn, and Church.
According lo McParllin, the
Community for Common Sense is
opposed lo the political aims of Ihc
Moral Majority, which has come
oul againsl Ihc ERAj, rights for
homosexuals, legalized abortions,
and the teaching of sex education in
Steve McQueen Dead at 50
HOLLYWOOD, Calif. (AP) Steve McQueen, (he rugged actor whose unorthodox battle against cancer
epitomized his character an the screen, died Friday at a
clinic in Juarez, Mexico, one day after surgeons removed a five-pound tumor from his abdomen. He was 50.
"He was in extreme pain," said Dr. Cesar Santos, who
performed the surgery. "McQueen and his wife came
and asked for the operation because of the pain. He was
under constant sedation because of the pain. The
possibility of his surviving the operation was extremely
poor," said Santos. " H e had cancer all the way to his
diaphragm and cancer from the right lung was pushing
into the left lung." Santos said the operation had reduced but not eliminated the pain, and added that McQueen
might have lived two or three more months without the
operation. "But suddenly he had a heart attack and
died," about 2:00 a.m. EST on Friday, said Santos' wife
Rosa Maria, administrator of the one story, 20-bed
brick Clinica de Santa Rosa. At the time of his death,
two friends of the family were in the room. McQueen's
wife, Barbara, and two children by a previous marriage,
son Chad, 21, and daughter Tcrri, 20, had just left the
room when he died. His death shocked the film industry
and his fans. It had appeared thai McQueen, slar of
such films as Bullitt, The Great Escape, and The Sand
Pebbles, for which he received an Oscar nomination in
had been making a recovery of sorts from
mesothelioma — a form of lung cancer that many doctors regard as incurable.
U.S. Issues Reply to Iran
ALGIERS, Algeria (AP) Deputy Secretary of Slalc
Warren Christopher handed to Algerian Foreign
Minister Mohamed Benyahia today Ihc formal
American reply to Iran's conditions for releasing Ihc 52
hostages held there for more than a year. Details of the
American reply remained a closely guarded s c a d . A
U.S. Embassy spokesman said Chrislophcr personally
delivered the American reply "to explain io ihc government of Algeria several complex legal and financial
aspects" raised by Ihe Iranian conditions. The Algerian
governmcnl, which has been acting as intermediary between Washington and Tehran in Ihc delicate negotiations over the hostages, was expected to relay Ihc
American reply to Iran within hours. It was no| known
if any Iranian officials were here. The embassy
spokesman said it was not immcdialely clear when
Chrislophcr would return to Washinglon. He arrived in
a special U.S. Air Force plane earlier in Ihc day, accompanied by a group of high U.S. officials, including Ihe
Assislanl Secrclary of Stale for Near Easlern and South
Asian Affairs, Harold Saunders. The. official Algerian
news agency rcporlcd Christopher's arrival but made no
other comment. The U.S. group went directly to Ihc
hilltop American Embassy for urgent consultations with
U.S. Ambassador Ulrich Hayncs. In Washinglon, Slalc
Department officials said it was highly unlikely lhal
Chrislophcr would meet with Ihc Iranian authorities.
Polish Students Strike
WARSAW, Poland (AP) Some 1,000 medical students
in the Polish port of Gdansk went on strike to support
teachers and health care workers occupying a district
government office there, union sources said Saturday.
The occupied office is near the giant Lenin shipyards,
center of last summer's strikes by hundreds of
thousands of workers here and across Poland. The
widening protest in Gdansk came just two days before a
court decision expected Monday concerning a crucial
revision in Solidarity's charter. The union has promised
renewed strikes if the Polish Supreme Court ruling is not
to their liking. Solidarity, the largest union coalition,
claims to represent some 10 million workers out of a
total work force of 18 million in all sectors and 13
million in the government-controlled sector. Communist
Party membership is believed to be less than 3 million.
Polish Court Favors Union
WARSAW, Poland (AP) The Polish Supreme Court
ruled today in favor of the nation's biggcsl independent
union, registering ils charier without a disputed clause
and averting a new wave of strikes. After a session of
nearly three hours, presiding judge Witold Formanski
said the Warsaw district court had exceeded ils authority
last month when it added to the charier of the
"Solidarity" trade union a phrase asserting the Communist Parly's supremacy. Formanski said the lower
court had " n o right to cither cross out any sections of
the charter, nor to add anything," Under an agrecmcnl
reached Sunday at a Solidarity meeting, lawyers for Ihc
union, which claims as members some 10 million of Ihc
country's 18 million workers, prepared an annex to Ihc
charier. The annex repeals the legal bases for the union,
It took a little imagination and a lot of spirit.
And, on Saturday, there was more than enough
around to whisk The Cathedral of All Sainls back to Ihc
Middle Ages.
Out on the Swan Sweet steps, dancers clad in ancient
clothing frolicked with unicorns. Inside, Ihe annual
fair's participants were treated lo a festival of crafts,
cuisine, and costumes — medieval style.
While the boy bishop sal enthroned on high, King
Henry II mingled wilh Ihe masses. An occasional strolling minstrel provided music, and peddlers moved among
Ihe crowds pushing meal pies. Emily Ihc Pig, suitably
dressed in colorful fell allire, pulled her small owner
around on a leash. The other animals, including goats,
sheep, and rabbits, stayed in their pens surrounded by
countless tiny hands.
On Ihc main stage, entertainment ranged from dunce
and mime, lo music with SUNYA's University Singers,
under the direction of Don II, Guidolli. Later on in the
day, French Professor Mary Beth Winn led medieval
dancing. SUNYA's Medieval-Renaissance Program also
sponsored Sounds Medieval, a music program held In
the Cathedral's Si. Alban's Chapel.
Jugglers and magicians were also on hand lo entertain
Ihe children, bolh young and old. Charles l.cvine in;
creased heartbeats as he juggled slicks of fire while his
assistant, Nelly Dclgado, ran through Ihc crowd calling
for marshmallows.
in the previous Issue, it was incorrectly printed
lhal Friday was the last day to drop quarter
courses. The correct date for dropping is '
November 25. Friday was Ihe last day to declare
A-E/S-U grading. We really goofed on this one
and we apologize for any inconvenience, • , _ '
(Oh Frankl)
In Ihe las! Issue, the ASP Incorrectly stated the
| Telethon '81 theme. The new Telethon theme is
V'Taklng Time to Care,"
Women's Defense Workshop
Don't think lhal it couldn't happen to you.
There have been over 50 known attacks in the Pine
Hills area.
There are also crimes againsl women on campus.
There have been Iwo recent attacks on women neat
the Draper Campus,
Take it upon yourself lo do something for your own
proleclion. Take Iwo hours lo learn some basic selfdefense In a free workshop laughi by expert Maggie
Scientist Speaks on Toxic Wastes
Links Chemicals and Cancer
by Wayne Peereboom
NYPIRG staff scientist Walter
Hang spoke about-the relationship
between loxic wasle and cancer at a
workshop in Ihe Campus Center
last night.
Hang said he wants the public lo
know that loxic chemicals can be a
major cause of cancer. In doing litis
Hang said he hopes lo help "create
a political atmosphere where pollution (toxic waste) is nol tolerated."
Hange stressed that we arc in the
middle of a "cancer epidemic" with
1000 people a day dying of Ihe
disease. He slated that the reason
cancer has risen from Ihc number
eight cause of death in 1900 lo
Plant Strike Ends
NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. (AP) Strikers voled Sunday
lo acccpl a new two-year contract and end a 40-day
strike at the Hooker Chemicals & Plastics Corporation
plant. Negotiators said the pact will give workers a ')
percent pay hike Ihe first and 9 and one-half the second,
Workers had been averaging $9 an hour under Ihe old
contract that ran out Sept. 30 when the workers wenl on
strike. "We're back to work," Joseph Tomasin, a
picket captain, lold reporters. "We might have been
able to get more, bul it would have taken loo long, I
think. We're almost at $10 an hour now," Tomasin
Away from the stage, the big attraction was food,
Tables were set up where Ihe hungry could least on
sausage, chicken, and quiche while quenching i heir
thirst on spiced cider and wine. Said SUNYA student
Lisa Jaynnc, "It was really great — though Ihe
lablcclolhs looked more like an Italian restaurant than a
medieval pub."
Alongside Ihe food booths, merchants and artists
displayed their wares. It was possible lo buy samples ul
medieval writing, icon'reproductions, or even modern
Many of the craftsmen, as well as fair participants,
entered into the spirit of the day by donning medieval
garb. Men dressed in lights and tunics walked with
ladies in long, flowing gowns and fool high pointed
hats. And an occasional clank of armor could lie heard
from amidst the crowd.
The Fair's organizers were trying lo recreate the days
when a church, such as All Sainls, would be "the ccnlct
of the spiritual and cultural events in the community."
So, while the fair ended al 6:00 p.m., Ihe spirit "I the
day continued wilh a drama production held on the
Cathedral's slage. The Play of Adam, an early example
of medieval arl, was slagcd by SUNYA. This play will
also be held tonight al 8:00 p.m. al ihc Lab Theatre In
the Performing Arts Center, wilh no admission being
— Marie Cortissu/ j
Bands Battle in Ballroom
Throw together four live bands, lots of beer and soda,
DJs from lop radio stations, and a ballroom full of happy people, und look what you get — Baltic of Ihc Bands.
Telethon '81 is sponsoring the event, starring The
Empty Hats, The Peking Boys, Doctor Doom, and
The "bailie" will be judged by DJs from WI'YX 106
l-'M, 92 FLY FM, and our own WCDII91 FM's Jim Diamond,
The parly will he held from 9:00 p.in.-1:30 a.m. In Ihc
CC Ballroom, Admlssldn is $2.00. Bring IDs, please.
All proceeds will be donated lo Telethon '81.
Jewish Author Speaks
Paper Recycliny Resumes
Jewish Students Coalition (JSC) and Speakers Forum
announce thai author Cynthia Oziek will speak Wednesday at 8:00 p.m, in I.C 2. Ozick' s topic is "On Jewish
Dreaming: The Artist's Dilemmu." General admission
IsS^OO. F o r m o r e Information, cull 7-7508.
Page Three
Albany Student Press
MANILA, Philippines (AP) Typhoon Betty left 56 people dead and 58 others missing and damage estimated ai
more than $90 million, authorities said Monday. President Ferdinand E. Marcos declared four more provinces
disaster areas from the storm, one of the most powerful
typhoons to hit the Philippines in 10 years. Earlier
seven provinces, including the rice-growing central
Luzon Plains, were labeled disaster areas. The Office of
Civil Defense said about 774,000 people were in need of
relief, including many whose homes were destroyed in
the typhoon, which struck last week.
Workshops will be offered In Page Hall's Gym tomorrow at 12:30-2:30 and on November I9lh from
Don't Jusl throw awuy your old newspapers!
Paper recycling resumes this week In paper bins
located al all the uptown quads and in Ihe Campus
People are needed lo help NYPIRG out wilh collecting of papers. For more Information, call Will at
November 11, 1980
Typhoon Leaves 56 Dead
Unicorns, Kinys, and Wine - A Day at Ye Olde Fair
Ten Workers Rehired
NEW YORK, N.Y. (AP) Ten blacks and Puerto Rlcans
fired as bus drivers from ihe Buffalo, N.Y., transit
system will be offered their jobs back, Ihc Slalc Division
of Human Rights announced Monday. They had claimed racial discrimination. The ten complained lhal a rule
which makes probationary employees liable Io dismissal
for two failures to report for work discriminated against
minorities because Caucasian employees were nol fired
in similar situations. The complaints were filed against
Ihc Niagara Frontier Transit Authority, Niagara Frontier Transil Metro System, Inc., which denied any racial
discrimination. However, Richard Clark, regional director of the Division, found probable cause Io believe the
transit system was engaged "in the unlawful
discriminatory practice complained of." According to
the DHR, the transit system agreed during conciliation
mctings Io offer re-employment to the complainants.
including international labor conventions, the agree
ment ending the Gdansk area strikes last August, and
the Polish constitution. Solidarity's leaders' had
threatened to strike Wednesday if the high court rejected their appeal, and union leader Lech Walesa was
expected to call off strike preparedness plans at a televised news conference today. The constitution states ihc
Communist Party's "leading role" in the building of a
socialist society,
Fund-Raising Sent Danes
on Their Trip to Florida
player, now liv itg in Atlanta, won
the car, Ford -aid.
John Valby agreed id perforin In
return for 65 percent of Ihc ticket
sales, Ford added. All estimated
13-14,(XX) people paid $3 in advance
or $3.50 al Jhc door lo sec Valby in
the gym, making the team's 35 percent of sales amount lo $] 174.
The team was budgeted $927.50
by SA for one night's motel lodgings and meals before and after the
game. Ford said. In addition, UCF
gave ihc leant $5000 lo guarantee
they would come.
The $700.43 difference between
the team's income and expenses will
come out of Ford's pocket, he said.
The cost of renting Iwo SUNYA
buses lo take the team to LuGuurdiu Airport in New York City and
bring them back from Kennedy Airport, which hasn't yet been paid,
will also probably conic from Ford,
Ramada Inn Strike Ends
After Three Long Months
He says we are involved in a "cancer epidemic.
by .ludle F.lscnbcrg
SUNYA football leant players
and staff raised nearly all of the
$17,291.63 needed lo pay for their
Florida trip lo play againsl the
University of Central Florida (UCF)
this weekend, Coach Robert Ford
The Coach called their fund raising abilities for this two-and-a-half
day trip "absolutely amazing."
"Wc (the 43 players and 15 stall
members who went) raised the
money by two methods—raffling
off it car, and hosting the John
Valby concert in lift gym," Ford
The leant reportedly bought an
AMC Spirit at cost from the assistant coach's brother-in-law's AMC
car dealership. According to -Ford,
Ihe team sold 9490 tickets al $1 each
10 make a profit of approximately
$5,(XX). An cx-SUNYA football
number Iwo today is due lo toxic
pollutants, rather than smoking and
poor nutrition. Hang said "every
exposure to a cancer causing agent
increases the risk lhal your number
may come up and you'll gel
Hang added lhal "wastes
dumped will end up one way or
another in drinking water." The
source of Long Island drinking
water, Hang claimed "is an in-
dustrial sewer." However, he did
give Long Island credit for being
the only area in the country that
"monitors its drinking water on a
regular basis."
Hang attacked government
regulation, citing that "industries
can be in complete compliance wilh
regulations and still be discharging
organic waste."
Hang said ten years ago people
were concerned wilh making
changes in pollution regulations,
"bul il ran oul of gas." He cited
economic reasons for ihc loss in interest.
Coach Roller! Kuril ""'""• ""'''
His team flew tit Florida.
he said.
Ford rcporlcd thai he has paid
fin leant expenses from his $34,000
per year salary many limes. "It's
cost inc a lot over the years," he
said. "I do ii because I love the people."
The team's visit to Disneyworld
was not included on the total expense. "Wc paid for ilnii *'lh '""'
own money," Ford said.
"We went lhal far already, we
didn't wain to come back the next
day Cul'let Ihe game)," Assistant
Coach Gary Reynolds said. "It
seemed ridiculous to go down there
just lot football,"
The ihrcc-monln-long strike ai the Ramada Inn has been settled) according to a report in Ihe Times-Union.
The two dozen striking members' of the Hotel, Motel, and
Restaurants Workers Local 417 agreed to a contract Wednesday night
and workers have returned lo their jobs, said hotel manager Peter
Quadrini in the Times-Union,
Quadrini said the contract covers 32 maids and housekeepers, and
calls tor a 25 cent per hour raise from $3.10 to $3.35 an hour.
The employees had been asking Tor a 65 cent increase, a seniority
system, and paid vacations.
Quadrini said no fringe benefits were added to the new contract,
and the length of the contract is Mill being discussed.
"The contract is an equitable contract for all," Quadrini said
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Anti-Nuke Groups Remember Karen Silkwood
The dine was 7:311 p.m. on November 13, 1174. Karen Silkwood was
driving her car lo a meeting with a Iwallh expert for ihe OIL Chemical, and
Atomic Workers International Union (OCAWJ and a New Yotk Times
reporter. On the scat beside her lay a manila folder stuffed wilh documents
taken from die p/anl where she worked. I'or die previous six weeks she hud
been on a special assignment for die OCA It', investigating allegations dun
the plain was Violating AIX' regulations and jeopardizing the health of ils
Suddenly her car s wcrved off the road, hit a concrete abutment lurched
through the air, and came to rest in a muddy culvert, Silkwood died instantly.
The Oklahoma highway patrol ruled lhal she hud fallen asleep and
drilled lo her death, Hut there was substantial evidence lhal die crush hail
not been an accident. A private investigator hired by the OCAWfount!
dents in the Honda's bumper and fender indicating that another vehicle
luul forced her off the road. Ami the manila folder of documents had
mysteriously disappeared.
No one has ever found the folder and no one knows for sure what
documents were inside, but they almost certainly had lo do with the issue of
safely al die Kerr-McCee pluioniuni plant 20 miles outside of Oklahoma
City. When Silkwood wenl To work for ihe plant us a lab analyst in IV72,
she believed in the nucleur promise as much us the AHC. Hut after her coworkers began describing how they were frequently exposed to airborne
pliiiontum, she developed doubts,
lly lull l')74, Kerr-Mcdee luul been obliged lo report 73 cunlumiiuilion
incidents to the AIX', and workers claimed that dozens went unreported.
In one incident, a plant employee was emptying a bug of Plutonium wastes
when a fire erupted, shooting the radioactive dust in ihe air. Kerr-McCiee
walled a day before calling a physician —four days later ihe contaminated
workers had still not been tested for pluionium in their lungs.
On September 26, IV74, Silkwood and Iwo oilier local union officials explained ihe situation al OCAW headquarters in Washington, D.C., bin
lacking proof, die OCAW could do little. So Silkwood volunteered to
return to the plant and work undercover while she collected dociiineitla
lion. Then the car crash cut short her deiective work.
"Karen Silkwood Day" will be
observed Thursday, sponsored by
NYPIRG, Coalition Against Nukes
(CAN), Speaker's Forum and the
I.aboi Committee for Safe Energy,
To inform students about Ihe
Silkwood accii'enl and lo discuss
the future of nuclear power, there
will be Iwo featured speakers.
Pal Austin from the Kaien
Silkwood I'lind in Washinglon will
speak 'I hursday at 7:00 p.m. in Lecture Centei 2.V Austin tlid extensive
wotk on the case und is well versed
in the background history and
11 tills.
Ilreginiiu: Updates, Answers
Judy Conley, the Business Agent
fin H.CiWU, will speak concerning
labot groups and their ami-nuclear
stance. She will discuss the connection between labor and safe energy.
"A lol of Ihe program will just beto answci questions," according to
Karen Silkwood Day Coordinator
Randi Uieginan. "We want to update ihe entire anti-nuclear issue."
Brcgman explained iltat many
Students have lost interest in the
nmi-niiclcai crusade, "Hut even if a
lot of people don't show up," she
said, "at least we will raise a little
consciousness about the issue."
Brcgman added thai Karen
Silkwood Day is the first of many
On November lit,(1174 Kiiri-il Silkwood
died In n ear lu-cldeiil while InvchllHtil l»K
health and safely violations al t h e
Kcrr-Mcuec ptnloiiliini p l a n t In
Oklahoma. Was her ileal h an
accident'.' \\(|inI did her luvcKllU.nlioi
'.{••ii Because
ihe Knew Too Much?
Kuren Sllkwimil, killed during Investigation of iiliiluiiluiu plant.
Was her death an accident?
oilier anl!-nuclcur programs
scheduled for the year. Other proJccls include films, debates and an
on-ciunpus conservation awareness
"Siitdcnls just aren't aware dial
nuclear energy is still an Important
problem," she said.
November 11, 1980
you tincd of WAITINQ
(JV<W. / / - SW>. 40)
UCB, WCDB Clash on Concert
continued from front page
has 3,000," Montanaro said.
"WCDB is a good station but it only reaches the uptown campus. It
doesn't reach a large number of
Diamond reported, however, that
WCDB contest winners include
listeners from Troy and Rensselaer.
In addition, Diamond said, he
listens to the station in his
downtown Myrtle Avenue house.
&ne @he-SBa€& *ffo&ociatioti <k {Peek
<f&lv€6e*n&nt 0ffice, in. fAe te<il of
^tylS, i& nom often on a tva/A-im 6aM&, j
weefalatyb f%om JO"*"- 4/i*n.
"You need an antennae," he Said. '
"We're a 10 watt FM radio station and we're all student
volunteers," Diamond said. "We
work hard and I think we do a
good job putting on a good show
on campus. But- getting listeners is
hard. We're non-commercial, so
money is an obstacle. Any benefit
we can use to get listeners is needed.
Co-sponsoring shows is an advantage. We get our names on posters
and marquees. We get first crack at
interviews with Ihe bands.
"You'd think UCB would do
their best to help u s , " Diamond
ALL CHAMPION b r a n d clothing
Wolf b r a n d T-shirts
ALL GRUHBACH ER a r t supplies
SPEEDBALL acrylic and oil paints
Pag * Five
. Albany Student Press
"We didn't do anything to hurt
WCDB — not intentionally," UCB
Publicity person Laurie Fruchter
said. "We don't want hard feelings.
There shouldn't be any. They
(WCDB) would do the same."
Diamond said WCDB is continuing plans to co-sponsor a danceparty, in a local bar, Hullabaloo.
These plans were made before the
Rockpile incident, he said.
UCB first discussed the idea of
going to another area radio station
in a meeting between UCB and
WCDB Friday, October 31. Diamond, who wasn't present at this
meeting, reported that WCDB
• SPtv&e 30% on:
HUMT-BIENFAMG a r t pads
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$.29 a, fiownc//
--office a(
ot «Vtwi fflerty at 457-778J
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"We're out of this one. We made
the decision," Diamond said.
Albany Slate Cinema Director
Mike Fried said he asked WCDB
lasl week lo feature a " W h o "
special during the week "The Kids
are Alright" movie will be shown.
Albany Stale Cinema is cosponsoring Ihis movie with UCB.
Diamond said he didn't know if a
"Who" special could be done due
lo the situation with UCB.
Fried said, "I don't think we
should suffer just because UCB is
taking pari in Ihis."
Diamond said, "We are going lo
have lo re-evaluate our involvement
with events that UCB co-sponsors
with oiher groups. That's only a
natural response.
"In the past we would have
welcomed ihis kind of approach
wholeheartedly. When Mike spoke
lo me we were very emotionally involved in this whole thing, and I
was apprehensive," he continued.
"Albany Slate Cinema should
not suffer for UCB's actions, but
continued on pane thirteen
OHHH Noaoi
Nov. 1 * , A T 8 PM
?4R. Bill, MR. HANO", Sluqqo
b y wiNNiNQ rhE M R .
wiN 2
On N o v e m b e r
Karen Silkwoocl died In a
car a c c i d e n t while investigating health and safely violations at the KerrMcgee plulonium plain in
Oklahoma. Was her death
an accident? What did her
investigation reveal?
info dak
& $2.50 IN ADVANCE
& $3.00 AT THE DOOR
Dead Because
She Knew Too Much?
Thursday N O V . 13 7 : 0 0
members were "surprised and
upset." Montanaro decided to cosponsor the Rockpile concert with
WQBK last Monday.
"We went to WCDB first,"
Montanaro said.
"By having WQBK broedcast to
everyone in the Albany area, it's
not giving Albany State students a
first crack," Diamond said.
"We want to do what UCB and
the students gain from the most,"
Mindlin said. "The more money
saved and the more people reached,
the less money lost. We don't work
for profits. The more money we
have, the more shows we can put
Monlnnaro reported that
Rockpile ticket sales have substantially increased since WQBK took
on the co-sponsorship. "For example," Montanaro said, "we sold 40
tickets today where we were selling
three a day before.
"This is only a temporary thing
— we have lo gel by," Montanaro
said. "Hopefully we will sponsor
more shows with WCDB in the
future." Montanaro said that no
shows arc booked yel for next
"We wanted WCDB to continue
putting spols on the air and pushing
this concert on campus," Montanaro said. "We wanted them in.
II was up to them."
"They said'We could still conlinuc lo put spols on the air," Diamond said. "Bui WQBK's name
would still be on ihe posters and ihe
marquee. I knew I'd walk into the
Campus Cenlcr — where our radio
station is based — and I'd see signs
saying ' U C B a n d WQBK
preseni—', pushing another radio
station, ll would be like a slap in the
mm, HiUel prrefltts:
Did You Know:
in Argentina...
Jews are harassed every day?
Jews are disappearing without a trace?
Jews are beaten for no reason?
The Graduate Jewish
Students Group Invites
you to tfoin its' for:
Come hear Rabbi Hillel Friedman
(Brother-in-law of the Chief Rabbi of Argentina)
Speak on : The Destruction
off A r g e n t i n i a n Jewry
Sponsored by NYPIRG, C A N , Speakers Forum and the Labor Committee for Safe Energy
Biology Lounge - 248
Thursday, November 13 at 8:00pm
JSC Hillel
more info call 7-7508
&& *fe« 7-75A0 or 450-0000
[November ll,
Design a T-shirt or come up with
a slogan for our senior year
2nd prize
worth of
senior week tickets
SchArsky OR
Christie Cons Another Audience
Members of The
WIN! JhE CUss of '81
1 st prize
worth of
senior week tickets
Aoatha's Newest Witness
WNAT'S Tht bcsT WAY TO qo
^ g a t h a Christie's ninety-odd novels
nuf are almost constantly in print. Hert z * * * ' cule Polrot and Miss Marple,
known to millions through the books and the
films based on them are her most enduring
creations. That she also wrote fifteen plays
seems a more obscure fact. Still, Mousetrap
has been playing for a good twenty years In
one London Theatre, and Witness for the
Jim Scott, Nancy Runbel, Eugene Friesen,
Ted Moore, and Susan Osborne
Fri., November 14, 1980 8p.m.
Page Hall
(SUNYA'S Downtown Campus)
Tickets: $5 in advance; $6 at the door.
Available at: C.B.O., Just-A-Song, Ribbon Grass, Cathy's Waffle Store
Free Child Care
Jim Dixon
Prosecution, written by Miss Christie In
1954, was filmed by Billy Wilder and was
nominated for four Academy Awards. A
new production of Witness, directed by
W . A . Frankonis, is currently being staged at
For reservations and i n l u m i a t i o n Call:(518)438-4851
the Empire State Youth Theatre Institute In
the main theatre at The Egg. Never really
believable, Agatha Christie, at her vintage
best with Witness, Is still as much fun as
when the.se things were brand new.
The Frankonis production , Is a period
piece, following Christie's original script. According to production notes, the only
change Is the combination of two minor
characters Into one. This Is an old-fashioned
Christie whodunit, In which the audience Is
given the clues to the Identity of the criminal
at the same time as the sleuth. Rather than a
detective, the hero is a lawyer who unravels
the case In his office and the courtroom.
The hero, Sir Wilfred Robarls, Queen's
Counsel, Is presented with a young man
The Math Student's
Pwgfele Seitttinai* w i l l
m e e t W e d . UTov. 1 2
at 4:00 in ES13SA.
:¥:>: W
Billiard Problem
Reception for students
interested in a
Second Field
Urban Affairs
Urban & Regional
T o m P l e t t o a n d R i c h a r d A . W a l s h I n Witness For T h e P r o s e c u t i o n . I t ' a a
t y p i c a l A g a t h a C h r i s t i e plots w h o e v e r couldn't h a v e d o n e I t , d i d I t .
Tuesday Nov. 11 3:00 - 5:00 pm
Social Science 137A
Coffee, donuts and information
will be provided
^ - ^ r o m the outside, Kate Gunzlnger
(JAf seems to have broken all the
molds. She is a math professor
respected for her mind by her family and her
older, male colleagues. She's moving up in
Ihe academic hierarchy and she's working
on a project that may make her famous. She
lives with a man who "gives her space" and
Is willing to let her be herself. Yet despite ap-
Mark Rossier
pearances, Kale Gunzlnger is still working
things out. She feels vaguely dissatisfied,
and she can't gel over Ihe old notions abul
love and marriage. She wants all the
unknowns In the equation o l her life to be
solved; In short, she wants to be happy, but
she's unsure at what price.
it's My Turn has been criticized because
Kate really doesn't have to pay much of a
price for anything. Her choices in Ihe movie
seem to be between happy (or at least
satisfied) and happier. She can continue
leaching at a university In Chicago or take an
administrative post In New York.
As for men, it's between Homer and Ben.
800 w*
T I C K E T ftVFMUR^E ftT ,.
R e c © ^ Coop
"Drome Soon<^
Sfc FUKi\iEt>
(ONE T\C*ET P€RTfty.O\Rt>\
mystery. Suspense usually comes from
knowing who did It. In a mystery the fun is
trying to figure out who did it.
While it would be pure sadism to give the
ending away, it Is fair to say that the solution
falls easily Into the usual category applicable
In a Christie mystery: whoever couldn't have
done II did II.. Like several of .her works,
there's an almost O. Henry plot twist at the
end. All expectations are reversed, and
purists may scream that it Isn't fair — I'll
stand by this plot and say that It Is. Considering the context of the courtroom, she plays "
by the rules.
The production Itself Is well done, though
I could voice a few complaints. The acting Is
variable: John Thomas McGuIre 111, an
Albany State graduate who plays Sir Wilfred,
is consistently good in a part loaded with old-
No one will ever claim that Witness for the
Prosecution Is theatre a la Shakespeare. It's
..in entertainment. But this Is a term all too
often used to deprecate. The creation of
good entertainment Is hardly a negllgable
feat. This is a fun play and the production is
professionally done. Local audiences don't
get that many opportunities to see things like
this, and should be grateful for the chance.
The ESYTI production of Witness for the
Prosecution will be shown at 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday, November 12lh through Friday, November 14th, and at 7:30 p . m .
Wednesday and Friday nights. Tickets are
only $4.00 apiece. While you have the
, chance, qo. It's a charming puzzle and a fun
sort of courtroom drama thai never seems to
lose Its appeal.
New Turn For Women In Films
Seconds o£ Pleasure
.about to be arrested for the murder of an fashioned British mysogenlsm. Tom Pletto,
elderly spinster. The young man, who Is In
as the defendant, seemed to want to chew
financial difficulties, has plenty of motive as on the scenery at times. The ending, which I
the spinster had recently changed her will,
won't give away, justified this to a point.
making him the major beneficiary. His alibi . Jeanne Vigilante, excellent as the pivotal star
rests solely on the testimony of his wife, who witness, snuck up as a stand out (she had
Is going to appear as a witness for the pro- i the best part, by the way). Frankonis' direcsecution.
tion was adequate, though during some of
the exchanges In Sir Wilfred's office, 1 felt
Christie's plot twists tend toward the In- people were being required to move about
credible, her dialogue tends toward the too much to keep energy In a scene that
overblown, and her characterization seems, moved fine by Itself.
at times, to be two dimensional. Yet the
These flaws are minor. They never
puzzles she creates are much like watching a hampered the enjoyment of the play, which
game of "Clue" being enacted on the stage. is quite-well-produced. The set Is built on a
Certainly murder was never really this much revolving platform, which has Sir Wilfred's
fun, but murder Is never really the point for office on one side and a courtroom at "The
Christie anyway. Her novels were always Old Bailey" on the other. The scene changes
bloodless. The killings always took place off- usually drew applause from the audience.
stage. Her stories always emphasized the dif- Lighting and costuming were consistently
ference between the suspense thriller and the professional.
Conflicting Forces
£ek£-of To0rir\Qm
-Aspects on Tuesday-
V4 \ T V \ O U T
(I) d i r e c t o r , a n d J i l l
C l a y b u r g h . co-atar ol Wm M y T u r n .
Homer is her"llve-in lover in Chicago. He's
funny, kind, understanding, and noi in the
leasl threatened by Kale's brains or career.
Ben, her step-brother whom she meets
when she goes to New York for her father's
wedding, is slighlly sexist, but more emotional and romantic.
Poor Kate must choose between the two
(fairly) good men and two jobs in Iwo nice
cities. Most modern women should have it
.this tough. Men are often confronled with
these Impossible cinematic choices and we
just accept it, but when it happens to a
woman, the film Is suddenly unrealistic and
greedy. Even the title appears lo be saying
it's about time women were given the same
options — even if they are exaggerated.
This is basically a feminist-oriented fantasy, and it works extremely well as such. It
does, however, Incorporale many of the
problems of the genre. For one thing, it's difficult to get involved with the characters
because their problems are so minimal. We
like Kale, Ben, and Homer, but only
because Jill Clayburgh, Michael Douglas,
and Charles Grodin are such charismatic
performers. It's difficult to relate to them
because we have so little in common, but In
spite of this, or maybe because of It, ihe film
succeeds as a kind of poor man's
Philadelphia Story. It's My Turn doesn't attempt to work on a realistic level, so perhaps
it is unfair lo Judge it on one. Yet even II we
accept the patness of the plot, It's My Turn
still has a few weaknesses.
Clayburgh and Douglas seem to have problems working together. The chemistry between them isn't right and I'm not sure where
the problem lies. I suspect the trouble is with
Douglas' character (but not Douglas' performance), Ben is not an exceptionally Interesting person. He Is arrogant, shallow,
and chauvinistic. He's a prematurely retired
baseball player, unsure about the course of
his life. We can see why Kale would be attracted to him, but the relationship never
seems to click.
Abstract as it may be, the main fault of this
movie Is that everything happens too abruptly. Kate falls In love with Ben the second day
of her-trip, and she's suddenly ready to
sacrifice everything for him. The process Is
reversed for Ben, who is at first enamoured,
and later cools. The ending also seems hurried — as if the filmmakers wanted to leave
Kate's decision vague, but not too vague.
Yet, for all these difficulties, It's My Turn is
an admirable film if only because it was written and directed by women. Like Prluale
Benjamin, It's My Turn gives us a mature,
likable, independent woman, and I don't
think it's a coincidence that both films have
women In major roles behind the camera.
Claudia Weill, who directed Girlfriends,
helps Eleanor Bergsteln's problematic but
witty script over the rough spots. Also Interesting Is the fact that both films have
female executive producers — Goldie Hawn
for Prluate Benjamin and Jay Presson Allen
for this one. What all this seems to be saying
Is that If women are going to be presented
well on the screen, they are going lo have to
get Invoked In the creative process. The
question remains, however, whether or not
the studios will let them try.
It's My Turn Is an enjoyable, though not
complelely successful film. lis points are well
made and well taken, and Jill Clayburgh
gives one of her best performances. Yet for
some reason it doesn't seem to gel.
Clayburgh's strong decisiveness, Douglas'
grudging acceptance, and Grodln's laid back
modernism don't look like they belong
together. It's obvious that everyone involved
wants to get across the same message — it's
unfortunate they all have a different way of
saying It.
from WQBK-FM for their co-sponsorship.
pand study facilities on Dutch Quad
But what happened to the additional $500
demonstrating that they do nol even know
that Central Council approved for publicity
who is being affected by the new CSR
To (he Editor:
for this Rockpile show? And will more To (he Editor:
policy. Perhaps it will surprise the UniversiReaders of the Friday, November 7th regional publicity mean more sold UCB
I am another graduate who waited and ty hierarchy, but not all students live in the
issue of the ASP saw the "Open Uetter to tickets? Or does selling concert tickets have waited patiently for a yearbook and then sterile, white concrete compounds uptown.
SA Funded Groups," concerning the need something to do with picking shows that got it and decided it wasn't worth the wait. There is a FIFTH quad! The red bricked
for a University Programming Board.
SUNY students can support?
What so angered me at first was the scarce buildings of ALUMNI QUAD house over
This cause is an admirable one, and I
You've got to sacrifice something to be amount of photos (plus the lack of cap- one thousand students.
cannot agree more with the principles that unified. A few years of radio experience has tions, which could have cither identified or
The students on SUNYA's oft-forgotten
are behind these goals. WCDB has sought shown me that professionals in the concert helped to explain them). For some strange quad have traditionally faced shortages in
to work, not only with SA groups, but with promotion field are often selfish, greedy, reason, most pages had only one photo on available study areas. We coped with such
any group that serves the students of the and naturally out for their own benefit. But them.
problems by using not only all of our
University. Such groups include Telethon, when it happens with a student-run outfit,
Not only were certain aspects of SUNYA lounges but even the Walden cafeteria. The
AMIA, the Record Coop, IFG, ASC, Delta seeking unity and then turning their backs barely touched on (dorm life, classes, par- CSR library ("up the block") was refiige
Sigma Pi, in the past, University Concert on fellow students, it is a highly negative tics), some, due to lack of photographic for additional students and an integral pan
Board; as well as anyone else thai has statement on the future.
evidence, were totally misrepresented. The of our solution. Now we are being denied
benefited from, at least, free publicity.
— Jim Diamond two largest (if not always the most popular) this option.
This "open" letter, however, read after
WCDB General Manager sources of SUNYA communication, the
We need to develop viable, downtown
learning that the University Concert Board
ASP and WCDB, got one photo each alternatives to alleviate this pressing prohas gone to WQBK-FM to co-sponsor the
blem. 1 call upon the administration to con(although the former ASP editor got
upcoming Rockpile concert; when campusenough pictures of himself to start a fan sider implementing the following;
run WCDB was already the co-sponsor for To the Editor:
• • First, the University must expand
club). Telethon was made lo look like a
that show (as well as all recent past shows)
Well it look a while but finally there is stage show featuring girls in designer jeans. security on the Alumni-Draper complex.
has a distasteful irony lo it.
some grumbling, as well there should be
Whal is more infuriating is lhat so many This will make it safe and feasible for
It cannol be debated that WQBK-FM, some. When 1 look the position as Editor cf page's were devoted to what seemed like downlown students lo use ihe Draper camwith its thousands of watts and commercial Torch '80 I realized there was no way lo pure self-indulgence on the pari of the pus al night.
status, will have more listeners than the ten- please everyone and still produce the Torch staff. I am noi going lo debate the
• Secondly, the hours or SUNYA's
watt, student run-volunteer WCDB. But as esthetic siateme,,.. So I decided lo please artistic merit of Used Corn, but did it have
Hawley Library must be extended so that
fellow students, we believe we are primarily myself and come out with the besi book I lo fill up 13 pages? Whal about the page
they reflect the studying needs of those
serving a narrower audience; the taxpayfng knew how. Besides, what did you expect with "CLONES" written all over it?
students living off campus and on Alumni
SUNY student. We can't boast of having for four dollars?
How about some phoios of someone Quad.
professional DJ's or benefit from the
Time is of the essence.
teaching a class? I realize this may be an
weight that advertising dollars can push on
unpleasanl reality to face, but some of us
— Stephen M. Nagol
local entrepreneurs. But we can damned
did allcnd classes during our four years,
well try to compensate. (It is interesting to
some of which we actually enjoyed. If the
note that WCDB was considered enough of
Torch slaff wants to put private jokes in the
a force downtown for UCB to cul us from
yearbook, fine, but nol al the expense of
co-sponsoring the Marshal Tucker Show
more important facets of SUNYA life. | To the Editor:
when promoters sought to limit the show's
Clearly, the staff's priorities need examin- 1 There is a light. With daylight savings
availability to non-University concert goers.
• lime underway, il is geifing dark when I go
When ticket sales remained low, WCDB
People buy yearbooks so lhat in the lo my 4:15 class, and it's pilch black when I
was reinstituted as a co-sponsor.)
gel oul. Scary, huh?
The group leaders writing the letter arc
years, remember the school and Us
No problem. Even il'security won't help
"concerned with the lack of unity" among
oul ihc women of this university, it seems
SA groups. They have a right to be concernrefreshed, when thought or SUNYA arc far lhat the faculty will. Al 5:35, after the class
ed. It is a serious problem that is squanderfrom their minds. It's going to be awfully material was completed, do you believe
ing our student tax dollars. But what is unihard, in say 10 or 20 years, lo remember litis, my teacher had this to say:
ty? I believe it means being allied with a
much about college with a yearbook thai
"I have almost an hour until the ncxl
specific purpose in mind. In this case, it is a
leaves oui so much and explains so little of class lhat I teach, you know, so ir anyone
"banding together" to maximize the potenwhat's left in.
would like, I'd 'jc more than happy lo drive
tial of all student-funded programs.
— David Goldman down lo ihe Draper dorms and swing hack
How does University Concert Board goI have no excuses or glib explanations
Class of '80 here. I'd make il in time, If anyone would
ing to an outside profit-making entity fit in- since none are really necessary.
like a ride home in Ihe dark."
to the "banding together" that the letter
Mr. Seligson's remarks arc his opinions
urges, when there is an SA funded group and I have mine (did you ever have the opI Ihink that's swcei. 1 think Dr. Donald
thai serves the very same purpose? You portunity to read one of his sport stories for
J.D. Mulkcrne should be commended lor
desire to "pool resources," yet you en- the ASF!). In the Immortal words of Ylkes
his extremely considerate offer lo his class
To the Editor:
courage actively supporting a station con- Crawford, "Opinions are like assholes;,
of all females. Someone is on our side,
trary to that one already existing under the everyone has one and they all musl be
ladies, someone is sympathetic to our proclose its doors lo SUNYA students starling
same source of funding.
December 1, 1980. Our administration has
Achieving unity means giving up one's
Thanks for Idling me air my ass — I shown by iis solution lhat il does not comThank you very much, Dr. Mulkernc,
selfish narrow goals for the benefit of the mean my opinion.
prehend Ihc detrimental affects or this deci- thai was very considerate of you.
larger group, when necessary. UCB will
— Tony Tassarolti sion.
definitely receive some free advertising
— Nuine Withheld Upon Kcqucsl
Torch '80 Editor
Suggestions have been proposed to ex-
WCDB Needs Unity
Torched Again
Not Very Funny
To the Edilor:
This letter is in reference to the . . . But
Seriously Foljcs "humor" magazine that invaded the SUNYA campus late Tuesday
night (November 4). I believe that the
deliverers of this magazine had to sneak the
copies into the various buildings around
campus — that's how bad the edition was.
The paper went downhill from the
editorial page (which was page 3) lo the end
(which was page 16).
First off, the editor, a Mr. Bruce Fox,
rattled off an editorial about how co-ed
.dorms are screwing up everyone's sex life.
He musl be crazy. After all, he lives on
Hudson Ave. What could he possible know
about co-ed living in the dorms?
A $4.00 Bargain
Secondly, a Mr. "Joe Scrongc" — which
is a fictitious name — wriles a degrading article about Pop's Pizza. When I approached a writer of this "humour" magazine, he
informed me thai the reason ihcy did a
story on Pop's Pizza was because they had
a 16 page magazine and only 15 pages of
material. Is thai a fair way lo choose an article?
I agree with "Joe Scronge" on a few of
his observations of Pop's Pizza bin I have
to criticize him heavily for labeling the
patronage as "gruff." The gentleman who
wailed on him happens lo weigh 300 lbs.
plus. Il is quite difficull to be dainiy when
you are carrying enough weight lo be Ihc
next Goodyear blimp!
The rest of ihe article aboul Pop's Pizza
is totally irrelevant,
The article on Pop's Pizza was wrillcn in
poor tasle as was the resl of the magazine.
Instead of priming a magazine-thai would
be enjoyable for SUNYA students, all we
did was wasle our valuable lime reading il.
More Importantly though, Ihe founders of
. . . But Seriously Polks arc wasting Irccs.
— Jeanne Marry
Study Time
Yw Me
Library Loses
r we
J-/|<£ SCM6
<w< ftlw kxuv/nft <suVAnr
' t u>ve
CK Bur
ro de
w uaosr xzm
IT$ RSfi-
I'D Ihc Edilor:
On Friday, October 31 al I :(X) pin I mcl a
friend al Ihe entrance lo ihe library. Dining
the course of our brief conversation a siudcnl walked oul of Ihc library causing Ihe
alarm lo sound. The woman employed al
Ihe entrance lo Ihe library complained lo
her friend llial "Ihcy always do lhat. I can'i
sland ii."
I can'l sland il either. Ifs extremely annoying nol to be able lo use or find books
which ihe library owns because they've
been stolen. It's no grcnl wonder lhat
hooks are stolen when people like tills
woman fail lo do Iheh job, I hope that In
ihe future, ihe library employs moic competent people in this position; people who
will assure ihut only chatgcd-pul honks
leave Ihc library and lhat when Ihe ahum
sounds, action will he taken u> dlscovci
— Anne Anderson
Safety No. 1?
li-1 drttolftg'&fl&Z-.
the corner of State and Eagle Streets. Why
is this corner a bus slop when a stop in front
of the Wellington Hotel would be much
ONE priority in choosing bus stops. The
. Wellington is open 24 hours a day. What
better bus slop could there be than one in
front of an all night service hotel? The entrance corridor to Ihe Wellington is an ideal
place t o wail for a bus. Even a bus slop
across' the street would be okay, but only if
the stop is within view from the Wellington
corridor. A change in the bus roule may be
inconvenient, but frankly, I don't give a
damn. I do, however, care aboul safely.
Yes, I am puzzled. The resident manager
at the Wellington does not mind ifthe Wellington corridor is used as a waiting station
for students. Then why are students expected 10 wail at out of ihe way corners? I
don'l really wanl an answer. I want a
change. With darkness creeping up earlier
each day, immediate changes in lite bus
roule are needed. In fact, they must be
demanded by every sludenl! One never
knows if and when one will experience ihc
fear of wailing . . . alone . . . in darkness.
— Roberta Tarknn
After The Vote . . .
Considerate Prof
To Ihc Edilor:
I am puzzled. According lo ihe October
2Hih ASP, a woman was abducted and then
raped while walling for a SUNYA bus al
To Ihe Editor:
The most important lessons thai can be
learned from Ihe results of this year's "loo.
close lo call" presidential election (God, do
I really have to say President Reagan? . . .)
•Pollsters really don'l know how to lell
who will win an election. (Whal all voters
should do is assume lhat the person Ihcy
don'l vole for will be the winner. This will
give those concerned a much more accurate
•Americans choose their presidents while
thinking aboul who shol J.R., and
•Americans who 'answer polls lie lo Ihc
We arc all very fortunate lhat Ihe winner
won by such a large margin (God, crow
tastes awfully bad . . . I deny having ever
said thai I support President Carter . . . I
have always felt thai Richard Nixon was
among Ihe finest presidents we have ever
had . . . Who knows, maybe Ihe oil companies can solve our energy problems . . . 1
wonder if I can slill join ROTC . . . Thank
God Abbic Hoffman is oul of hiding), al
Icasl now none of Reagan's detractors can
complain. Let's all clear our heads, clean
our guns. . . I'm sorry, I didn't mean that,
Look, il is an awfully frustrating feeling lo
have jusi started gelling Interested in
politics only lo find oul thai apathy was
belter all along. Classes were gelling kind of
boring, now maybe we will be able lo gel
oul and do some serious protesting.
All college students have gollcn complacent having a prcsidenl who occasionally
thought of their needs. We've all kind of
gotten oul of shape. Maybe CUE will arrange independent sludy credit for protest
activities (tell the Ayalollah we are now
willing lo negotiate . . . bombs for hostages
. . . Gee! Maybe I'll gel lo grow up and tell
my grandchildren I fought In a war . . . I
hope the genetic difficulties v on'l be Insurmountable),
I jusl had u thought, maybe Reagan was
lying all along! Maybe (really, il could be
. . .) he really only said all those things so
thai he could he elected In order to do a
complete turnaround and attempt lo deal
rationally with our nation's problemsl No,
I guess nol (God, 1 hope the Moral Majority doesn'i lead this and largci me for Hell
, , .).
Congratulations, future presldenl
Ronald Reagan. Please be gentle with us.
WE may yel be persuaded thai you are correct. Though I have a fear of you, I will try
lo gel along if you will. Before you act, lake
a deep breath and Ihink carefully. It's a bigger world now ihan when you were my uge.
Oood luck, and please lei George learn how
10 run a country (I feel so used . . .).
— Mark Murntore
In Conclusion...
Welcome to the end of student power, ladies and gentlemen of
the State University.
Welcome to one of countless points on life's timeline where an
overwhelming silence arid bitter apathy results in the sudden loss
of rights and freedoms.
And welcome to the conclusion of twelve long years on the
University Senate and to all that student leaders have struggled to
bring you — to make life here a little more tolerable for us all.
And finally, welcome to the end of cocky editorials like this,
one in many that have consistently ranted and raved, pleaded and
screamed for you to care. This is the last.
Thai's because il all boils down to here — to tomorrow —
when an open forum will take place where student leaders will
beg, argue, and justify their right to continue existing on the
University's only system of governance — ihe Senate.
It'.s an open forum and lhai means you're all invited. We have
dreams and illusions of thousands of you pouring into ihe
Assembly Hall to.demand lair representation. Bui we also know
thai we're jusl kidding ourselves. You won'i even peek in the
Every day, each hour thai you live, learn and interact on these
premises, you do so in accordance or in conflict with the
guidelines set by SUNYA governance. Yet most of you slill rationalize away your concern by believing that il doesn't affect
It's al 4:30 p.m. today in ihe Campus Center Assembly Hall. If
you have nothing to add verbally, by all means come and provide
moral support with your physical presence.
Are you merely puppets, bouncing aboul day lo day in an absurd game defined by others? Or can we begin to make some sort
of difference?
Think aboul it. Wouldn't il be a shame lo wasle such a nice illusion?
1 &SN'
EsfablJshad h, 1916
Rich Dakar, Editor-fo-Chtej
Rob E. (lint-man., Managing Editor
. .,,
Sylvia Snijiidm
Sutan Milliflan, Balh Soxci
Rob Edcliiirln, Ronald Levy
Joanna Walner
Ed Plnka
Sue Getboj
Sloven A OieanberQ
Mmlii'llA Greebe]
N a w e Editor
A»o«i:)•!• N c w i Editors
A S P a c t a Editors
Aaeoclata A S P a c t e E d i t o r
Sonnd ft Vision
CraatKa Arts
Daalgn ft Layout
Sports 1.1 It...
Aaeoclets Sporta Editora
Editorial Pagsa Editor
Copy Editor
S t a f f w r i t s r s i Tom Bonllglio, Patricia Branloy, Rubin Brown, Belli Cammarala, Ken Canior, Michael Carman, Ann.' Cavanagh,
I is.) Denonmarkj Jim Diiton, Judlo Elwnberrj, Mdrh plschetli, Bruce Fort, Maureen George, Frank J. Uil.lt , Kan Gordon, Whitney
Gould, Cm Grubor, Maiihou, Hadded, Wondell Hcddon, Micholo Itraol, Jams* Jaffa, Amu Kanlor, Lany Klmm'an, f o m Luillk,
Bruca Levy, Jamei Markoiili, WilliamO' Brian, Wayne Peareboom, Mark Ronicr, Joff Schndoff, BarbarnSehlndlcr, Paul Schwarti,
Sua Smith, I aural Solomon Z o d i a c Ik P r s v l a w E d l i o r a i Mariu Garbarlno, Scplombor Klaln
D « b b i * K o p f , Bui
i Mu'
AdvarllaltiH M a n a g e r
BUIlng A c c o u n t a n t
Composition Managar
O H k a Coordinator
Haydan Carrulh
S a l s a i SleVU Gortlur, Robert KalJ C l a a a l l l a d M a n a g s r i Ssptambei Klaln C o m p o s i t i o n ! l l i m k ' . Chkk A d v e r t i s i n g Product i o n M s n a g s r a : Maria Anna Colavilo, 1 ammy Galflui A d v s n l a l n g P r o d u c t i o n ) Dlanna Glacala, Mlchelfl Israel, Sutan Kaplan,
Mara Mondaltobn I auric Schwallbaru, Carolyn Sadpwlck, Kailiy Udell O f f l c s B t a f h Wendy Backet, tU-.lv Broder, Teny GHck,
Robin Graonbcrfl, Pamela K..ir, Arltrna Kafkiwlli
Haydan Carroth, Daan Bali Praam Hoi Mui
An." Smith. Copy I diloi EmaiUui
I Itua Bock
unk'i Chick
Vertical Csmsra
Typlsl Extraordinaire
Paala-wpt Amy Kanloi, Robin I amile
Funara. Mario Qarbariiio, Supteinbei
nShlpoloUky Dava rhonnhaujai Typlatai Carol Bury, Rowmory
:'.nlm< Ryan, Dale Schneider. I ,u
Wnliei*.. Cbauffaurr Mmk
Photography, Supplied principally by Unlvanitu photo Service
Chlal Phulographan flab I conard
UPS Sialli pflurr AicW, Alan Ctaltm, Karl Chan, S»V9 Euan Mika Femlf, MorA Ifalek. More Henoch?I, flbonrtf Kutokoff, COM
Maf'iion, Mark Nadtar, Sunq Sfamkomp, rpny flwioroffl, Will Yunnan
;/»• Albany Sludanl Phtu li pubfahid afory TuMday and FHday rluring ifts ichool yaar by lh# Albany Sludani Pnm Corporation,
on indapamfanl not-loi profit corporflllon EdUoriali or* wrtiran h Ihe Edllwm-Chls/j poHea li igtyitf to nv*w bv ihe Edflodaf
November 11, 1980
Sunday thru Friday
includes LODGING, MEALS, and LIFTS
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J a n u a r y 18 - S3
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which allows discounts on rentals, cross country
skiing, Admissions to nite spots and more...
for $20 EXTRA
Ski Area
CONTACT: Steve Bellach
(518) 463-1750
Skip Sperling
is now accepting applications
for s t u d e n t assistants
for their winter sports.
Applications can be
picked up and
returned in PE
B-74 by Thursday*'
November 13,.
sat. nite satire
Last week, N B C television
cancelled a "weekend update" election special that was t o have
featured a reunion o f most o f the
original stars f r o m the "Saturday
Night L i v e " T V show.
NBC said it cancelled the
special because last week's debate
between Jimmy Carter and Ronald
Reagan caused scheduling problems
which made it impossible to broadcast "weekend update" before Ihc
However, New Y o r k ' s Solw
News quotes N B C insiders as saying the network chief, Fred Silverman, cancelled the show mainly
because it was too political.
According to the Solw News, one
of the skits was to feature a Reagan
look-alike who insisted he was in
favor o f women's rights. The
Reagan look-alike then said that to
prove his support for women, lie
and Proctor & Gamble would soon
begin distributing free tampons to
poor women in the U.S. and
Another skit reportedly featured
Page Eleven
Albany Student Press
a news reporter covering a major
fire al the White House. The
reporter says inio his microphone:
"Officials are now denying earlier
reports that the blaze began when
Ham Jordan was doing free-base in
the rose room and the thing just exploded."
that time again?
re •.olulion has been filed
os Angeles Federal Courl
Judge Andrew Hauk f o r his
remarks about female temperament
and the cffecls of menstruation.
llauk was presiding over a sex
discrimii lation case brought againsi
I he Los Angeles housing authority
by an ousted female employee.
Hauk dc scribed Ihc woman as " a
buttinski,'" who was "always complaining, ' and "always writing
Hauk described Ihc woman's
bchavioi as " c r a z y " and distinctly
differed from dial of a man. Said
the judge about women: "They
have different problems. They have
Iheir monthly problem, which
upsets them emotionally, and we all
know thai, al least any o f us who
1iave wives and daughters."
Feminist attorney Gloria Allred
has introduced the resolution condemning H a u k , c l a i m i n g his
c o m me ills
"perpeiuale dangerous stereotypes
about w o m e n . "
"nifty nugget"
Canada criticized
The Canadian government's
atomic energy agency has developed
a small nuclear power plant that is
expected to draw criticism from
anti-nuclear activists.
The plan! in quest ion, called the
"Slowpoke," will generate jusl
enough power lo heal one large
h o l d or a building complex. Officials with atomic energy o f
Canada say Ihal the " S l o w p o k e "
can be built for less than one
million dollars, and thai il is designed 10 be mounted in a 25-fool-decp
concrete-lined pool dug in the
Allien was joined in her denunciation by Los Angeles City Council
incmhci Hob Ronka, who recently
criticized Hauk f o r describing
homosexuals from I he bench as
Opponents lo the " S l o w p o k e , "
however, are opposed lo the entire
concept. Says one Canadian energy
official: " C a n you imagine the
icsponsc if we start pulling reactors
in basements all over Ottawa'.'" •
Table Soccer Table Tennis
Space Invaders-Asteroids
14th Tournaments to be held week of
Nov. 17th in PE B-74 or call 7-4527
$3.00 entry fee required- Winners
are invited to NYS and possible National
SA Funded
A l l Council
Science says Ihc main reason for
ihc reported breakdown is thai US
defense systems, while extensive,
are loo sophisticated, and ihcy
d o n ' l work together as a coordinated unit.
We are presently seeking new faces
to fill our client's needs for the
advertising and commercial media
market If you feel you possess a
marketable look, give us a call today.
No experience necessary
Present Your ID Card
* *SAVE 2 0 - 4 0 % * *
E m p i r e V i s i o n Center is t h e area's l o w e s t
p r i c e d c o n t a c t lens c e n t e r . C o m e i n f o r your
FREE, no-obligation visit today.
Tournaments for Men and Women
According to Science, " N i f t y
Nugget" was plagued by computer
foul-ups, logistical snarls, and
"great gaps" among the various
players. The magazine says Ihal the
war game produced such extensive
breakdowns in "command and coni r o l " that military leaders suggested
privately thai the U.S. Presideni
must consider Ihc possibility o f losing the ncxi conventional war.
n e x t class of 1984
meeting will be held on
Thursday, Nov. 13th
in Campus Center
Room 361
America's electronic defense
systems have become so complex i n
recent years that the United States
may be unable t o fight a conventional war effectively.
Science magazine reports that
Pentagon leaders came to this conclusion after Ihcy carried out a topsecret computerized war game codenamed " N i f t y Nugget."
The " N i f t y Nugget" operation,
conducted f o r one month during
1978, is said to have involved. 1000
players around the nation who
pretended to wage an all-out war
against attacking forces from the
Warsaw Pact in Europe.
Professional lees and contact lens care kits available at
very reasonable costs. Other special contact lenses including
C.A.B. and bilocals available al our low. low prices.
• EyeExaminat.-.is
. • Eyeglass Prescriptions Filled
• Sunglasses
• In-House Laboratory
In an effort lo correct this problem, the Pentagon reportedly has
been holding private conferences
vvini academic experts in such fields
as artificial intelligence and even
neurobiology. According lo
Science, military officials hope to
understand lite way the human ncrv ous system works so they can apply Ihal same kind o f leamwork to
ihc Pentagon's network o f computers.
a different cut
Millboard magazine reports thai
one o f the strangest boolleg lapes
ever is being sold by record and lape
pirates based in Singapore.
The lape is tilled " B o b Dylan and
and ihc
i nauthorized recording is said lo
feature portions o f Carter's stale o f
Ihc union address last January, plus
a selection of songs lifted from
Dylan's " L i v e al Budokan" I.p.
Dill/ward says it's a mystery why
Carter's address would be more in
demand in Ihc Far East then in the
US, but thousands o f boolleg
copies of the Bob and Jimmy tapes
rcporledly arc being exported lo the
Middle East, Malaysia, and Papua,
New Guinea.
Dry cleaners
with Student
Appointments not necessary, but available.
t i *
Crosslown Plaza. Corner Roule 7 and Wall Si-.
Schenecudy.. New York
(5IS) 3830661
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HOURS Mon . Wed . I n 9 5:30; lues., tfiurs. 13-8 p.m.. Sal 9 1
177 No. Allen
Albany, N.Y.,
Albany Student Press
Page Twelve
Dutch Freshman:
' T h a n k s f o r n o t l o l n g l Identify
yourself, so I can thank you personally.
Here I am.
IBM SELECTRIC. EXPERIENCED. The Rolling Head Shop order line Is
273-7218, AFTER 5, WEEK-ENDS.
869-0992. We deliver.
TYPING — 3 qualified typists Dear Carol,
located near campus. $1.00/page. Happy 19th Birthday. L h o p e you
Call before 9 p.m. 438-8147, have the beat birthday ever.
Love, Laurie
Passport/Application Photos
To 3 of the Four Directions:
$5.00 for 2, $.50 each thereafter. Thanks for making my birthday ao
1-3. N o a p p o i n t m e n t great. I don't know what I would do
necessary. University Photo Ser- without such good friends. Thanks!
Love ya, North
vice, Campus Center 305. Bob or
Suna, 7-8867. •
Experienced Typist available. Very Great to have you backl Sorry I
reasonable rates. Call 7-3074, didn't get those In last week, but
^ ^
you know my filing system and my
typist Is s o baaaad!
ASP Staff
f Lost/Found J
LOST: Black wool Jacket with gold
trim. Also set of keys. Please call
Lost — 1 pair of purple gloves. If
found, please call Renee, 7-8445.
Apartmentmate wanted to rent four
bedroom apt. for second semester.
N. Pine. Call 438-3249.
Share huge 3-bdrm mobile home.
E x c e l l e n t l o c a t i o n , low rent.
Now that you've finally reached the
"big 2 1 " , you'd better be careful. No
matter what you do, where you do It,
or who you do It with, you're legal In
every state. Go for It I Happy Birthday, old ladyl
Love, your "sweeties"
from 1101, and Rose
Dear Rhondula,
"I guess you're Just what we needed — but "It's not the ribbons In
your h a l r l " (or your Calvin Kleins!)
Happy Birthday to a sweet sultee.
Love, "Big K" & Stefula
Hey Karen,
Next time you might stick a note on
the bottom and say h i ! How's that
big, black guy?
Best of luck for your acting debut at
Wes' Friend
Needed: An on-campus sitter for 3
year old girl Tues. & Thurs. Judy,
and sun9:30-11:00. Call 766-2091.
shine always, but especially on your
21st birthday. Have a great dayl!
Love, Barrle, Karen & Glna
I Personals I
Promises made. Promises broken.
Measures ol our demise.
Secrets ol souls thai rarely get
Pleasure's a thin disguise.
Follow your heart and be yourself,
klddo. That's what makes you
special. Find me II you need me. I
love ya' —
Probably at home sleeping
Ah. my Hunk In Shining Armor —
much love and appreciation, deep
embarrassment, and sincere sorrow
are all I can express. Thank you
from the bottom of my heart.
Hunk's Chick
According to Greek (or Roman?)
mythology, a man dressed in black
Is destined to find Cleopatra again.
Halloween was long ago, how can I
get in touch?
PARTY with Ariel on State Quad
B o a r d t h i s S a t u r d a y In t h e
Thanks for a great weekend and birthday.
The Italian Kid
John and Col —
Another one bites the dust!!
Too bad you never caught me
" h a n g i n g " out. I'm still waiting.
Maybe sometime we can do It
Love, a Lady Who Isn't A8klng
Dear Carol Beck,
Birthday tidings from your good
friends on Dutch. We Love You!
Buckaroo, Gumby & NIP
Two Wretched Fools from Dutch,
Thanks for a great 18th birthday
and an excellent dinner! (For oncel)
Without you two, this place would
be a f— morguel
Much Love, a Drunken Indian
P.S. Don't forget about Domanll
Pack Your Bagsl Florida for a Five
is Coming!
Isn't It fun living In the 'Trick
House"! I
ARIEL is coming to State Quad this
Saturday night.
Seneca 104,
Thanks for an excellent surprise
party! Never forget Three Little
Flshles, Ice-cream cake, and brisk
walks! Here's-to many more good
Love, Missy
Can I go on?
To my love John,
I mlas you so much I Always
remember I LOVE YOU I And take
care of yourself f o r m e . —
All My Love Always,
P.S. Bunny and Rat say High t o
No, John, this Isn't the one. And no,
you won't find It anywhere^on this1
page, because I respect you a little
more than you think I do.
This page Is mine
November 11,1980
Dear Elk,
Nothing Is worth getting this upset
over.- Please cheer up — I want the
old " E l k " back.
„ ,
Love, Sol
Carol —
HAPPY BIRTHDAYI Thanks for being such a GREAT buddy I
Love, Carole
Dear Eliot,
Your booking agent said you re not
free until Wednesday. Busy Thursday?
night, C C . Ballroom.
The Mousetrap welcomes back ON
TAP Friday
and Saturday,
November 14 and 15. Come enjoy
the best In folk rookl
Hey B.T.;
Thanks for going out Sat. Didn't I
laad you Into wild and exciting
places? I guess that's what you get
when you tell all the family secrets.
But at least you got the stereo.
No, I'm not signing my name
Pack Your Bagsl Florida For A Five
Is Coming!
Vendy —•
Study your vocabulary — Harvard Is
Dearest Horowitz,
Happiest of birthdays t o y o u ! Sing
your way through and let your
dreams turn Into reality!
Love, Pat E.
At the Record Coop.
On Sale — On Vinyl.
Come see, hear, and experience
Maragen, a contemporary Christian
singer with a.song and message for
Break Out The'Coppertonel Florida
For A Five Is Coming!
The One Who Knows,
I haven't forgotten, thanks.
John, 1st Floor Irving
Sat NOV. 15
was It really you? how did you know
I like Jonl mltchel? yes I like my
freedom, but I am lonely, when can I
see you.
Other televisions? No way I And
remember . . . I love you more than
You're cheaper than Acid!
Love, Marc
Stuart Bernstlen,
Memories linger on . . .
Always, LTF
Dear Rich Jenls,
Wishes can come truel Have a Happy Birthday!
Forever. R.W.W.
Rlchle-baby, you tempting creature,
Have a most wonderful & wild birthday. We'll never forget ths-flrst time
in the laundry room or sleeping next
to you every night.
Love ya — Remembering
Our freshman year
with this coupon
Wet Haircut
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Thursday Evenings
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First half F.F.S. Duo,
Not nearly as many F.F.S.'s this
year, but It's still going ' great.
"You're amazing!"
— Second Half
Dear Blonde & Blue Eyed,
Have a super B-day — a n d
remember, Just because you're
receedlng it doesn't mean that we
still couldn't have beautiful kids
together —
Love, Long & Blonde
Thanks for making this past month
so special. You've made me very
Dearest Andrea,
Love, Nell I want to take this time to wish the
• most special person In my life a
I'm glad I still know you and still very HAPPY BIRTHDAY. May you
feel tine. I hope It continues for a have only happiness In every day of
your 20th year
long time. I'm still falling.
All my love, Dave
ROAD RALLY — Sat., Nov. 15. Info
No more head games. You know I call Lee, 7-7898.
hate you.
Bitch Thanks for the tea bags, Luden s
cherry cough drops, sweet smile . . .
Carol Beck,
For your birthday this year you will Let's "Cella-brate" before you go to
receive six Singer sewing lessons, California.
your own key to Dutch Tower, and a
sash that's not backwards.
Sat., Nov. 15. Info call Stacey,
Love, Chatty & Betty 7-7743.
RTnkllngs Unite. Our time has come
for our party. Get up People, It's our Dear Jaime,
chance now. Every dog has their Things are going to be great. Trust
day.-For Information, call Glenn.
Love, David
State Quad Board Presents:
Break Out the Coppertonel Florida
For A Five is Coming I
with Ariel, Saturday Night.
To have representation, or not to have it
this is the question
"1 A M NOT A N A N I M A L !
C C Assembly Hall
430 p.m. today (Tuesday)
all of you
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Hours' Lunch 11:30 5:00 Tuesday Saturday
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Munchiu!) Menu lliOOpm-closing Tuesday-Saturday
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Entertainment; Sunday and Monday evenings
IPQ| fworrn. wftMrct iumtfrg o j
Baseball Shlrls
F o o t b a l l Shirts
Also, D U T C H , I N D I A N A N D C O L O N I A I
C A L L YOUR C A M P U S REP 457-7742
.WHEN: Nov 12& 13
WHERE: Campus Ccnicr Lobby
G a t e w a y to a great way o l life.
continued from page Jive
we now have l o stop and think
before we j u m p Into anything.
We're just sick o f being used.
" I asked M i k e to come back and
discuss this event further when I
wasn't so busy,'' Diamond-said.
" I ' d still like to work something out
with h i m . "
SA Controller Ira Somach expressed concern that Montanaro
had signed a contract with W Q B K
without his knowledge. " I ' m the
only one allowed to sign contracts," Somach said.
not saying
(Montanaro) was wrong — he may
have had valid reasons. But I think
someone from SA should have been
informed of a major decision like
that. It was a first lime t h i n g , "
Somach said.
SA Presidcnl Sue Gold said,
however, that she knew U C B was
considering going to another radio
station, " A s I understand i t , Dave
did noi break any SA policy," she
In addition, Sonmcli said, so.
meone should have looked Into the
long-lcrm effects o f doing ihis.
"Several SUNY school groups do
make contracts with off-campus
radio stations," lie said, " b u l I
i liink we should have checked to see
if there was a possibility o f
liabilities involved. We warn l o buy
from producers with the best inlercsls of lite students in mind. I'm
nol familial wilii Ihe quality o f
WQBK services," he added.
Today a meeting between Jim
Diamond, Dave Montanaro, and
Ira Somach will he held l o discuss
ihis situation, Somach said. SA
Presidcnl Sue Gold and SA ViccPrcsideni Brian Levy niiij also atIcii.i, Somach added.
Houston Wins
continued from page fourteen
As Ihe New England defenders
collided, the ball popped up and
Mien down into Barber's hands al
I lie 40 and he easily heal his Palriol
pursuers lo the end /.one for a 10-3
Houslon lead 1:15 into the quarter,
jusi 24 seconds after Smith's first
field goal.
Siniih gin ' his second one, a
44-yarder, on New England's next
series, bin again the Oilers responded wilh a touchdown, This lime, ii
took Stabler seven minutes to gel i l .
l i e engineered a 12-pluy, 74-yard
drive capped by his 4-yard bullet lo
Casper, his f o r m e r
Oakland teammate who rejoined
him a month ago In a trade that sent
three draft choices, including a N o .
I ncxl year, lo tlie Raiders. The
touchdown catch was Casper's firsi
as an Oiler, one of four receptions,
50 yards worth, he made in the
march thai widened the gap to 17-6
with 1:57 left in the half.
Grogan tried lo bring New
England back in a hurry but il cosl
him dearly. Just 17 seconds after
Casper's T D , Campbell gol his
2-yard run thanks lo T a t u m , yel
another ex-Raider.
The Houston safety stepped in
front o f Morgan, caught Grogan's
badly underlhrown pass with ease
and carried it down the right
sideline before guard John Hannah's ankle-tackle sent him sprawling at the 2. It took jusl one play,
Campbell bulling through a hugh
hole on the right ,side, t o make it
It's the day the Air Force R0TC counselors will visit your campus to talk about AFR0TC programs.
It's the day you can hear more about a two, three or four-year scholarship that pays all tuition, books and lab fees, plus $100 each month. It's the day you can learn about working your
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It's the day the AFR0TC counselor will tell you about a great way to serve your country and
yourself, and about how you can continue work toward an advanced degree after entering active duty as an Air Force officer.
So, when the counselor arrives, ask questions. . . about pay. . . promotions. . opportunities . . . responsibilities. There's no obligation, and you might be getting closer to a scholarship
that will help you reach your goals, no matter how high you've got them set.
A Paramount Picture
The place The time - • —
The audience -
Hudson Mohawk Industrial Gateway presents "19lh Ccnlury
River Transportation" on Wed., Nov. 19 ai 8 p.m. in RI'l
Communications Center, room 324.
Battle of Ihe Bands Fri. Nov. 14, 9 p.m. in Ihe CC Ballroom.
Adm $1.50. Proceeds to Telethon '81.
Road Rally Sat. Nov. 15. For more Information call Lee 7-7898
or Stacey 7-7743. Proceeds to Telethon '81.
FREE with this coupon (expires Deceinbei 20, 1980)
(Urhil One Per Customer) .
Pack Your Bags! Florida For A Five
Is Coming I
Phil Gentile —
- U S
. JSC Hlllcl Rabbi Hillel Friedman will be speaking on the
destruction of Argentinian Jewry. Thurday, November 13, at
8:00 In ihe Bio lounge.
Community Service Registration is still taking place at Ul II66.
N.V.P.I.It.G. Meeting o f the Bottle Bill issue committee will
be held tomorrow, Wednesday, November 12 at 7:00 p.m. in
ihe NYP1RO office (CC 382). All arc welcome to attend.
Campus Crusade for Christ A contemporary Christian singer
and performer whose music and message" will entertain,
enliven, excite, and challenge, as well as being tremendously
enjoyed. All are welcome; and this event is free. Performing
A n Center, Rccilal Hall, Thursday, Nov. I I al 9:00 p.m.
Dutch Quad Gong Show 6-8 acts — all students from Dutch
Quad. Acts range from comedy to musical variety. Nov. 12 al
8:00 in Ihe Dutch Quad Cafeteria.
Trl Bclu (The Biology Honor Society) will be holding its ncxl
mcciing on Tues., Nov. 18 in Bio 248 ai 7 p.m.
Astronomy Club will be meeting Tuesday Nov. 18 in Phy-129
al 9:00. All are welcome.
ACM Computer Club There will be a guesl speaker from
R.P.I., (lie Beast, adventure and more. Refreshments: All are
welcome. Tuesday, Nov. I] in LC 19 al 8:00.
Gay and I.csblun Alliance will mcci in CC 373 al 9 p.m. Important meeting, everyone welcome.
Hair Salon
Page Thirteen
..Albany Student Press
We Prim
— US
Because love grows where my
Rosemary goes, and nobody knows
like me.
Love, Me
November 11, 1980
Peace Week is
(Hell no, we still
won t go!)
Page Fourteen
November 11, J980
Albany Student Press
Oilers Survive Last Minute Patriot Drive, 38-34
HOUSTON (AP) Ken Stabler fired
three scoring passes, two in a threetouchdown second period, and Earl
Campbell scored twice as the
Houston Oilers withstood a furious
New England comeback and beat
the Patriots 38-34 in National Football League action Monday night.
Steve Grogan repeatedly allied
New England, throwing three
touchdown passes in the second
half. And when Mosi Tatupu
recovered an onsidc kick with barely a minute to play, the Patriots
were on the verge of an extraordinary victory. But after driving the
Pats from ll\eir own 48 to the
Houston 19-yard line with 35
seconds to play, Grogan overthrew
Stanley Morgan in the left corner of
the end zone and cornerback Greg
Stemrick made the interception that
clinched Houston's emotional
Slabler's scoring passes in the second quarter were a 79-yard
"excuse me" deflection to Mike
Barber and a 4-yardcr to old buddy
Dave Casper.
Campbell, who scored the other
touchdown in that quarter with a
2-yard rim on the first play following Jack Tatum's 35-yard Interception return, also scored on a 7-yard
thrust midway in the fourth
quarter. Campbell surpassed the
1,000-yard barrier to remain the
National Fool ball League's leading
rusher, finishing the game with 130
yards to hit 1,094 for the season.
Stabler cemented the triumph
with his third TD pass, a 16-yarder
to Mike Renfro with 2:41 lo play. It
turned out lo be Ihc winner.
Stabler was superb in the nationally televised game, completing
15 of 17 passes for 258 yards. He
was inlerceptcd only once — and it
didn't hurl, thanks to the Houston
Willi ihc victory, the Oilers raised_
their record lo 7-3 and pulled back
into a first-place tie with Cleveland
in Ihc American Conference's Central Division. Houston and the
Browns lead defending Super Bowl
champion Pittsburgh by one game.
—See Friday's ASP
lues. Nov. 12 - Mon. Nov.- 17
small cheese pie $3.50
large cheese pie $4.00
lax included
no delivery charge
Valid on uptown or downtown campus only.
Telephone 438-8350
Battle Of The Bands
mance, completed 25'of 39 passes
for 373 yards.
The second period started quietly
enough with John Smith kicking a
routine 16-yard field goal for Ihc
Patriots to pull them into a 3-3 tic.
Then the fireworks began.
On Ihc Oilers' first play from
scrimmage, Stabler dropped back
from his own 21-yard line and
loflcd a pass lo Barber rumbling
down Ihc righl side. Cornerback
Raymond Clayborn, free safely
Tim Fox, Barber and the ball all
met simultaneously on the New
England 47, with Fox trying for an
interception but gelling only a
continued <»i page thirteen
More on the Florida
Every Tuesday night throughout the school year, one
dollar off any large pie.
Cleveland visits the Steelers next
Sunday and the Oilers host Pittsburgh Thursday night, Dec. 4.
The loss was a costly one for New
England, which fell to 7,-3 and back
into a first-place tic with Buffalo in
the AFC East. They play each other
on Dec. 14 in Foxboro, Mass.
The Patriots, playing cardiac
football in Ihc second half, kept
coming back to threaten Houston's
once-huge lead, scoring four
touchdowns, three of them on
passes by Grogan covering 39 yards
lo Harold Jackson and 21 and 15
yards lo Russ Francis. Bui each
lime, Houston came up with a play
to negate ihc New England comeback. Grogan, in a heroic perfor-
Peking Boys
Doctor Doom
Empty Hats
D u t c h Quad
Telethon '81
Saturday, Nov. 15
Prizes for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd
Cost: $4.00 per car
(min 2 people per car)
For information or
to sign up call
lee - 7-7898
Stacey - 7-7743
Friday Nov. 14 - 9:00pm
CC Ballroom
Admission $2.00
Beer & Refreshments available
Benefit of Telethon '81
Page Fifteen
Albany Student Press
No Progress Seen For Paralyzed Siena Gridder
(AP) These kinds of tragedies arc
always dripping with irony. Like
the musician who gets shoved in
front of a subway train and loses a
hand under the tracks. Or the
painter who goes blind from
Or the athlete — like Frank Bice,
an All-American in club football al
Siena College and the captain of the
lacrosse team — who was paralyzed
while making a routine tackle.
an All-American — went to tackle
him. He hit him right here," Morrison said, pointing toward his right
side just above the hip, "more with
his shoulder than with his head..
And then they bolh went down. It
was a perfect-form tackle, a oneon-onc tackle."
Calan got up.
They can't train to avoid a tragedy.
"They took an awful long time
with him out there, but he was
calm, letting them work on him. I
don't think it hurt him then. I guess
it did later at the hospital," said
Regan, who recalls waiting on the
sidelines of Ihe field in Rochester on
that clear and warm Oct. 4. "Both
teams left the Field until the am"Frank stayed down," said bulance came. They carefully put
another Siena player, Terry Regan. him on a stretcher. They taped his
"I was really surprised he didn't get helmet down — the whole thing. It
"It was the fourth quarter of the up. The coaches ran out to him. seemed like forever."
game against St. John Fisher in They went out and started lo work
Rochester and we were behind," on him and 1 guess we all fell it was
Doctors think it will be forever.
going to be okay. Frank was such a
said Siena player Mark Morrison.
A statement issued -at Strong
"Frank was playing free safety. good athlete. Then I heard someone Memorial Hospital in Rochester
Their quarterback faded back to say he couldn't move his legs. Then near the beginning of Bice's stay
pass and then threw to their receiver 1 was scared."
was to the point: "Frank Bice sus— he's named Joe Catan — who
Football players hil and dive and tained a fracture of the fifth cerwas running a fly pattern from the ram and push almost every moment vical vertebra and is paralyzed in his
sidelines toward the goal posts.
Ihe ball's in play. They train, to leg and trunk and partially in his
"Catan caughl Ihe ball in Ihc avoid injury when they get rocked arms. He has had surgery to fuse
middle of the field on about our in the spcclacular tackles shown several vertebrae in order to
5-yard line. Then Frank — he was |o promote football for television. stabilize his neck. The surgery did
not affect his muscular functibn
and no further surgery is planned."
Since then, doctors at Strong
Memorial say there has been no improvement in the 21-year-oId's condition. The Manhasset, N.Y.,
native will probably be there for at
least six months, and possibly a
"He was always such a good
athlete — lacrosse, football — all
the sports," said Bice's mother,
Margaret, a widow. "He was an excellent tennis player also, but he
didn't like the one-on-one competition. He liked the team sports."
Bice's friends and teammates at
Siena, a small private school in the
Albany area, are scrambling to raise
money for his hospital bills. Bice
and his mother had essentially no
insurance to cover the costs of the
accident and since football is a club
sport al Siena funded by the
students, he was not covered by the
kind of university insurance which
insures varsity players at other
So far, Bice, senior class president at Siena, has refused to talk to
the press about the accident.
Friends say his mood is good, and
he still has plans to finish al Siena,
possibly by correspondence
courses, and attend law school.
These days, however, friends say he
jits in traction in his Rochester
hospital room and waits for a slot
to open up in Strong Memorial's
rehabilitation program.
_"His mood is phenomenal,"
Regan said. "Every time we've seen
him he's been concerned not about
himself but that we went out of our
way to go out there. He's just like
the same old Frank, except he
doesn't move as much."
"It's a bad, bad situation . . . a
terrible situation," said St. John
Fisher Coach Bob Bayer. "But in
football, you take that chance every
time you go on to the field."
Women Swimmers Impress In Great Dane Relay
by Sharon Culc
Judges f r o m
Band prizes supplied by
E&D beverages in association
with Molson Beer
November 11, 1980
The Albany State women's swim
team got their 1980-81 season off to
an impressive start with a fourlh
place finish Saturday in the First
Annual Great Dane Invitational
Relay Meet.
The meet had 12 learns from
across the stale participating. The
three traditional powerhouses,
Ithaca, St. Lawrence, and McGill,
took the lop three spots, respectively. Surprisingly, Albany finished
strongly to take the fourlh spol.
Albany women's swimming
coach Sarah Bingham said, "I'm so
pleased with their performance —
they did very, very well, I really only expccied us to finish sixth or
seventh ai most, possibly even
Bingham cited the team for its
greal deplh. "All the girls had
outstanding times. They really
swam as a leant," she said.
The Dane coach likes ihis type of
meet the most because of its team
atmosphere. No one swimmer is
under a loi of individual pressure,
and can instead concentrate on
helping the team.
In particular, Bingham was pleased wilh the relay learn of Sheila
Filzpalrick, Joan Nugent, Jeanne
Lardner, and Betsy Kwasmun, who
swam Ihc 800 yard freestyle relay.
Their time in the event, nine
minutes, 59 seconds, qualified them
by 21 seconds for a spol in Ihe
Albany Places Fourth In Meet
NYSAIAW Championships lo be
held at Gencseo in February. "That
is really an oulslanding lime for so
early in the season," Bingham said.
Ithaca, St. Lawrence, and McGill
completely dominated the meet as
they look the top three places in six
of Ihe len events. No other team
took firsl or second place in any of
Ihe ten events. Ithaca was very
strong with seven wins on the day.
The first event, the 400 yard
medley relay, set Ihe stage for ihe
resi of Ihe meet. Ithaca came in first
with a lime of 4:23:20, McGill cane
in second, and St. Lawrence was
third. Ithaca won six more events
(while McGill and St. Lawrence
battled for second place) in the 300
yard backstroke relay (3:20:%), the
800 yard freestyle relay (8:36:33),
.. .
m.S5S i j ~ ;
',",;__ ' ' iii ii'nMJMirr
^Smm^mm. ~J^^^^^^
- - » • * • ••""••
liiiiaffr -
* * ^ ^
The women swimmers gut off lo an Impressive start on Saturday with a fourlh place finish out of twelve
teams In Ihc (Jrcal Dane Relays. The squad next meets Skldmore on the fifteenth. (Photo: Bill Krauss)
the 200 yard ••butterfly relay
(1:56:50), the 400 yard medley relay
(4:34:06), the 200 yard medley relay
(2:01:46), and Ihe 200 yard freestyle
relay (3:51:65). These wins, plus
two seconds and a third, gave
Ilhaca a total of 150 points.
McGill snuck in to win two
.•vents, the 300 yard breast stroke
nlay (3:54:18) and the one meter
diving relay (214.50 points). McGill
also had two seconds and three
tl irds to give them a total of 126
•joints and third place in the meet.
St. Lawrence had just one win,
the 200 yard freestyle relay in a time
of I 46:35, but when combined with
thoi: six seconds and one third, the
final score was 128, [wo points
ahca I of McGill.
Allany, RPI, and Skidmore were
figh'.i.ig it out for the fourth spol
throughout the firsl eight events,
but th - Danes prevailed with good
showin.is in the ninth and tenth
events. Skidmore look fifth place
and RPI took sixth.
The other teams participating in
the meet, in descending order of
finish, were Platisburgh, Russell
Sage, Eisenhower, Vassar, Morrisville, and St. Rose.
The Danes' next opponent will be
a strong learn from Skidmore al
Universiiy Pool on November 15
al 1:00 p.m. "It should be a really
tough meet," Bingham said. "It
will probably go down to Ihe lasi
relay of the meet."
National Football League—An Aerial Circus
Nov. I I
Recital Hall
Sponsored by Campus Crusade f o r Christ
(AP) If you slill were wondering
whether the National Poolball
League is a passing league this year,
consider whal more lhan a halfdozen quarterbacks — winners and
losers alike — did lasi Sunday.
Eight of Ihem ihrcw for more
than 300 yards, an exceptional
number for one Sunday. And a
ninth came within five yards of .11X1.
The NFL doesn't keep such
esoteric records as "most quarter*
backs throwing foi 300 or more
yards, one day," bill Ihe OXICItl of
the aerial circus can he measured l>y
previous long-yurduge games Ihis
year. In the first weekend of play,
four quarterbacks passed for 3IX) oi
more yards. In the seventh
weekend, foul did il again.
So oil .Sunday, Ihc league doubled thai one-weekend number,
There was a lime when coaches
believed Hull Ihc nunc yards you
Ihrcw for, ihc llkcllci ii was ihul
your leiun was losing. You Ihrcw u
loi primarily lo catch up, Bui no
more. Wlih receivers protected
from downflcld Jostling, and with
qunrlorbneks gelling greater protection from linemen permitted lo do
mine wiih llielr hands mid aims, the
NFL has luineil I lie once narrow
passing lanes inlo a foui-lanc
freeway without rudni naps.
lsiludiiig Monday nlglll's New
Uilglaud Houston game, llio
io-wcrk numbers foi i«w) were nn
average of 398.9 yards passing per
game (both learns) and, for the
season, 386 touchdown passes.
Thai's up from ihc 353.6 average
yards for Iwo teams and 326 total
touchdowns ui this polnl last year.
And ill 1977, Ihc year before the
league began changing the rules to
encourage more passing, Ihf
10-week totals were an average of
277.9 yards for two teams and 264
total IDs.
The lop yardage passer Sunday
was Atlanta's Steve Barlkowski. He
completed 31 of 47 posses for 378
yards mid a touchdown in a 33-27
overtime victory over St. Louis
which propelled Ihc Falcons into
first pluce In ihc National Football
Conference West.
Interestingly, thai was one of two
games in which bolh the winning
and losing quarterbacks hit the
300-yard plateau. Jim Hart of the
Cardinals completed 25 of 43 passes
for 344 yards and two IDs, but he
never got the chance to improve on
that in overtime. The Falcons won
Ihc toss, received Ihc fifth-period
kickoff and marched unimpeded to
their winning TD.
The other twin-300s come in the
battle of ihe league's winningest
and losingcst teams. Ron Jaworski
of Philadelphia hit on 21 of 32
passes for 323 yards and three TDs
and Archie Manning of New
Orleans was 25 of 40 for 306 yards
and three TDs in the Eagles' 34-21
victory over the winlcss Sainls.
The only other 300-yard winner
was Phil Simms of the New York
Giants. He connected on 17 of 33
alicmpts for 351 yards and three
touchdowns in a 38-35 upset over
the Dallas Cowboys.
The three others were losers —
Tampa Bay's Doug Williams 21-45,
302 yards, 3 TDs in the Hues' 24-21
Washington's Joe Theismann
24-34, 305, 2 TDs in ihe Redskin's
35-21 defeat by Chicago; and San
Diego's Dan Fouls 29-45,363,1 TD
in ihe Chargers' 20-13 loss to
Suite University of New York al Albany
Dane Relays
November 11, 1980S
Knights Conquered By Fired-Up Danes
Bus Companies Offer New Services
Two Last Quarter TD's Spearhead
28-27 Come-From-Behind Victory
by Bob Bellaflore
ORLANDO, Fla. — The Albany
Slate football team raised nearly
$7,000 selling raffles and sponsoring a show on campus in order to
travel 1100 miles to play a football
game. They did not go to all that
trouble to lose.
Outsized, outnumbered, and probably oui-talcnlcd, the Danes were
not to be o u l d o n e . T w o
touchdowns by fullback Chuck
Priore within four minutes, 20
seconds of the final quarter led
Albany to a thrilling, 28-27, comefrom-bchind victory over the
University of Central Florida,
Saturday night in front of over
14,000 people "in ihe Tangerine
"It (Ihe game) was a classic,"
said Albany head football coacli
Bob Ford. "There couldn't have
been much separating (he two
Early in the game, the Danes
found a loi separating them from
the Knights, though — namely 14
first quarter points by I heir hosls.
Albany slopped UCF on their
first series, and then moved Ihe ball
from the Dane 30 to Ihe Knight
28-yard line. Bui Dario Arango's
45-field goal try was short, and
UCF look over. Facing a third
, down and 15 yards logo on his own
34, Knight quarterback Mike
Culllsop hil splil end Rickey Samp-
got two, Priore netted two more,
and Bob Nearing took it over from
there. Arango's extra point was
good, and the Danes cm the lead in
half, 14-7.
The Knighls goi a big break on,
their next possession when an overly aggressive Jerry Wicrzbicki ran
inlo Hungerford in punt formation
on a fourlh-and-sevcn, giving UCF
the ball back, and a first down on
the Dane 33.
A broken play losl iwo for the
Knighls, bin Cullison came riglil
back and hil Jeff Froehlich over the
middle for 13. Fullback Mark
Goode ran for six, and Calvin
Bryant went righl for five more.
Cullison then found Sampson open
in the end /one, and the Knighls
wen! up 21-7.
Albany closed the gap jusl before
half lime with another dose of
Burger's speed. Taking the pilch
from quarterback Mike Florllo on
ihe Dane 32, the senior co-captain
broke from the clutches of UCF
defensive back Bruce Gordon on
the 35, and streaked down the
sideline for 68 yards and a
louchdown, making the score
In Ihe second half, the Albany
4-4 was impenetrable, save for one
lime. Cullison put strikes of 27
yards lo tighl end Mike Curler and
31 yards lo Froehlich, and.tipped
Ihe lead lo 27-14. Hungerford chose
this time lo miss only his second extra poim iry in two season, and
opend the door for the Albany
comeback. "I doru'l know what
happened," said UCF head football
coach Don Jonas. "The kid jusl
never misses."
Thai possession was the only
chance llie Knighls had lo score in
Ihe Iwo final quarters, as llicy never
again entered Dane territory,
"ll was a little concerned about
our physical condition," Ford
noted with llie Florida heal in mind.
"But in Ihe second half, we gol Ihe
offense on ihe field, ami by ihe
fourth quarter, I think Ihe physical
conditioning began to swing in our
The momenjuuvbegan lo swing
jusl a bil earlier than that.
Albany goi the hall with 4:16 lo
go in ihe third quarter by virtue of a
26-yard punl by Craig Turner. The
Danes marched down lo ihe UCF
six, and faced a firsl-and-goal. On
fourth-and-inches, though, Louis
was slopped. Albany didn't score,
but Ihey had emotion and Ihe clock
both on their side.
UCF gol nowhere on their first
scries of the fourth quarter, ancf
was forced to punl. The Dane
special learns excelled again, its Don
Bowcn returned Turner's boot 42
yards lo ihe Knight 22. A Floritolo-Brucc Dcy touchdown pass was
nullified by offsetting penalties, but
Priore picked his way through the
middle to the nine. Piorlto scrambled for two, and Priore netted three
more, putting the ball on the Iwo, A
penalty put Albany on the one, selling up Priore's dive over the top.
'•fuck Burgcr't 68 yard touchdown unci big kickoff return led Albany in lis Arango was perfect again, and Ihe
victory In the Tangerine Bowl, (photo: Dave Muchson),
Danes were within a louchdown.
son on the left sideline for 42 yards
and a first down. Five plays later,
tailback Turner Davis ran off right
lacklc for llie final yard. With Tom
Hungcrford's kick, UCF led, 7-0.
The Danes next possession netted
them minus six yards, and Dave
Hardy's 34-yard punl put Ihe ball
on Ihe UCF 48. Two running plays
moved the Knighls lo the Albany
46, and a pass interference call on
Bruce Collins gave UCF a first
down on Ihe 40. Cullison was loo
long on a bomb lo Sampson, but lie
hit on his next three passes, selling
up a firsl-and-goal on the 10. After
a Davis two-yard run, a five-yard
dclay-Qf-gamc penally, and two
Cullison keepers put llie ball on the
one, Davis gin his second
touchdown of llie day. Willi 10
seconds remaining in ihe opening
quarter, UCF had a commanding
14-0 advantage.
Bui Albany si ruck right back in
the beginning of the second quarter.
Jack Burger, halfback-mined splil
end-turned kick returner look Scon
Rycrson's ensuing kickoff on the
Albany 16, ran lo his left, and cm
up the middle inlo the open field
with nothing but end /one in front
of him. But a lunging Sampson just
caught Burger's fool, and tripped
him up on Ihe UCF 28. Levi Louis
carried Iwice lo the 17, and a middle
run by Priore gave Albany a firsland-goal on the five. A Louis pitch
Trailways to Offer Gym to
Alumni to Station Runs
Chuck I'riore had two fourth quarter scores in Saturday's 2H-27 Albany
win over UCK in Florida, (photo: UPS)
Thai's-when Ihe Albany defense
really lightened up, Cullison hil
Carter on a crossing pattern in the
middle for 16 yards and a first down
on the UCF 35. Mike Slapp Iried
the righl side, but Ed Ragule and
Tom Fogarly were there, Cullison
looked for Froehlich short, but
Hardy and Wicrzbicki broke thai
one up. Dn third down, Cullison's
pass for Caller went off the
receiver's hands, and Into those of a
diving Hardy on the Albany 49.
The Danes jusi systematically
marched down ihe field after thai,
Priore weni over 100 yards for. the
day by boiling for 17 on a fullback
give. Burger went righl for five, and
three more Priore runs put Albany
on the nine. Louis ran Ihe left end
for three, hul the Danes almost
blew ii on ihe nexi play. Fiorllo
threw to Dey in the end zone, who
was hii immediately. UCF'
linebacker Eddie James lipped the
ball lo Billy Ciiovaneili, but he
couldn'i hold on, and Albany gol a
second chance. On fouflh-atld-lwo,
Ford called for his money-man.
Priore wcnl through ihe middle and
cut led to the daylight,and Ihe end
zone. Arango hii his fourth extra
poinl of the night, and Albany had
the lead for the First lime, 28-27,
with 6:18 left in the game.
ll was all Albany defense from
then on. A Collins Interception
snuffed out UCF's last-diich effort,
and Ihe Danes jusl ran the clock
"I guess I'd have lo say llie key lo
Ihe ballgauie was our kicking
game," Ford said, "livery lime wc
gol Into a hole and il looketl like we
were in trouble, we came up with
Ihe big play from out kicking
"The special Icains were terrible,
jusl t e r r i b l e , " Jonas said.
(fJ19M by Albany Sludenl Prtts Corporation
"Someone's gol lo lake charge and
come up with Ihe big play, and we
jusl weren't gelling the big plays."
As has been the ease from day
one this season, Ihe Dane offensive
line stood out. Behind the quiiilcl
of Mike Arcurl, Brian Bcnncii,
Glen Magrane, George Brodcur,
and Jim Esposlto, Albany rushed
for 308 yards against a learn that
prides Itself on defense versus the
run. "Thai's a pi elly decern night's
work running the football," Ford
said proudly. "I think they went in
honestly feeling that wc couldn't
run against litem. And we did."
"I ihink it shows a lot of
character — thai we could come
down here, not ihink ahoul the
other attractions, and play the
game," said Danes defensive end
Tom Pinto, "We never broke."
"I'd just say we maintained a Utile more poise," Ford concluded,
"and a little gieatci intensity,"
Great Danes
Scoring Summary
urn (Hun
i ti.i (Arm
I ml It III u a I I emlrr
1-1/7*; llwni'1 1/7.1
> V3/0, VI >iiiih; \Uim
• ml H/lhVi, 27U)unU
by Sylviu Saunders
Students going home weekends
and holidays will no longer have to
lake cabs, trek down State Street or
find their own way 10 the
downtown bus stations. Adirondack Trailways Bus Company will
provide a free weekend shultle service to the downtown bus terminal
effective Noyember 21, according
to Trailways Supervisor of Operations Rudy W. Troeger.
The shullle service will run from
Ihe uptown campus anil Alumni
Quad to ihe bus terminal on Broadway. The inilial schedule will begin
next Friday and continue each Friday and Sunday thereafter for the
remainder of the schoolycar. Vacation periods may include addlt'onal
service; schedules will be announced.
The regular shullle will leave the
uptown campus gym on Fridays al
12:15, 3:15 and 6:15 p.m. Physical
Plant Director Dennis Slovens said
llie gym location was chosen rather
than the circle so students could
wail inside the building.
The shultle will then leave Alumni Quad's Sayles Hall on Partridge
Slrcei al 12:35, 3:35 and 6:35 p.m.
Reiurn shuttles are scheduled to
leave the Trailways" terminal on
Sundays al 4:15 and 6:15 p.m. All
the" shultle buses are scheduled so
.they are direct connections wilh
buses bound for New York Cily,
Long Island, all points cast
(Springfield, Bosldh), all points
wcsl (Ulica, Syracuse, Rochester,
Buffalo) and all poinls north
(Saraioga, Glens Falls, Suranac
In addition, Troeger said
Trailways may run extra sliulllcs.
"We'll have io play il by car. If we
need extra ones, we'll make ihe
necessary adjustments," he said..
Ihe shullle bus plan has been in
llie works for the last several weeks,
according to Stevens. Trailways
decided lo run Ihe shullle al the request of Stevens und due lo the fact
that their business was sliglnly
down from last year. Slovens made
the request after budget culs forced
him lo eliminate SUNYA bus service to ihe bus terminals.
11 J M
free Trailways buses will shuttle riders between campuses and si.
Contact Office to sell Greyhound tickets "for same service.
"Wc understand budgetary cms
and waul to help the students, They
are a major porlion of our
business," Troeger said. "Al the
same lime, we're hoping to increase
our business."
Troeger added that 'I,-.always
feared Ihe winter months would in
tcrferc with business If students had
to find their own I ran: port ion.
troeger said the cost lo students. I'bi
continued on pane live
Greyhound Will
Begin Charters
by Beth Sexer
Greyhound Bus Lines will be sending charier buses lo pick up
SUNYA students at the circle io
transport them to "any standard
Greyhound destination," according
lo SA Greyhound agent Debbie
SA will sell bus tickets al llie SA
Contact office, said Gaioni, and
"in return for this, Greyhound has
agreed lo conic up lo the SUNY
Campus fur weekend bus runs"
every Friday afternoon and Sunday
Greyhound will probably send
buses to the circle that are scheduled for popular student destinations.
The buses 'will proceed to the
downtown terminal " s o that
transfers may lake -place when
necessary." However, according lo
Gaioni. fhe timetables and
continued on pane thirteen
Where Has All The Faculty Gone?
Dean of Student Affairs Nell Brown
Brown mid the ASP he favors student representation.
by Ken Gordon
Not a single voice was heard in
opposition to permanent sludenl
representation on the University
Senate in an open public hearing
held Wednesday.
The hearing, which was held to
allow both faculty and students the
opportunity to voice their opinion
to the augmented committee on
Nominations and Flections, was attended by over 100 students, one
faculty member, and three of llie
ijighi faculty members of the committee.
Nominations and Elections committee chair Kendall Birr explained
that because of oilier commitments,
not all the committee members
could attend ihe meetings. He added that ihe lasl three open hearings
were mci wilh "galloping apathy."
In spite of this explanation, many
.siudenls were slill distraught, feeling that llicy were being cheated by
not having faculty present lo hear
their opinions.
Cop Car Crashes Answering Call
by Patricia Brunley
While responding io a distraught
female caller in Sayles Hall al approximately 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday
evening, a SUNYA campus police
car was involved in a collision at the
intersection between Washington
Aventfc and Partridge Street, according tc Assisiam Security Dlrecloi
John Heniglian.
- "The damage io the police car
was extensive while the oilier Iwo
vehicles involved were not severely
damaged," Heniglian said.
He added, "Since Ihe accident
occurred within the city limits of
Albany il will be investigated by the
Albany,City Police.
According to police records,
there is a discrepancy belween the
story of the police officer, Fred'
Rainville and Ihe driver of the second car, Carol Green. Green
claims that the campus police car
only had on ils red light. Rainville,
however, claims he had on both his
"Apathy is a bunch of clap,"
said SASU's Janice Fine. "The
future of public education is in Ihe
siudenls. . . Ihe future of SUNY is
Former SASU prcsidcnl Sharon
Ward said she was "appalled that
only five members of Ihe committee
are here;" including the Iwo sludenl
committee members, SA prcsidcnl
Sue Gold and Student Union chairperson Jim Tierncy.
Ward pointed out thai in her
Iravcls across the state she found
llial "Ihe smaller campuses have
really good student representation
on Ihe University governing bodies
in Ihe order of 50 percent,"
"A body thai docs not rcprcscnl
is illegitimate," said Ward, "and
eventually either falls aparl or is
taken down,"
Faculty chairman of the University Senate Eugene Garber called the
problem "a paradox." Asked why
ihe Senate does not warn student
participation there, Ihe English
Department professor answered,
"The Senate itself has nothing to do
willi iis awn membership, The issueis decided by Ihe State University's
faculty bylaws."
According lo. Garber, sludenl
red liglu and siren. Conditions surrounding ihe accident are still under
"Although no one was injured,
Rainville was laken lo Albany
Medical Center for examination.
He was met there by his supervisor
Who was also on his way lo (he
iiulio call. He hud to remove the
service revolver from Rainville's
possscssion," Heniglian said.
Heniglian explained, "There is a
continued on page nine
posls were not renewed in May for
this upcoming four year period
because "ihe Faculty wanted to
study the composition of the
Following llie decision In May,
Prcsidcnl O'Lcary called an
emergency faculty meeting, and
proposed lo extend the student
Senate involvement for another
year'. This was accepted. A special
'ad-hoc' study committee was
organized this past summer lo consider future sludenl options in Ihe
university government,
According lo Birr, the committee's purpose is to draft some revision lo Ihe bylaws that will be supported by a majority of the faculty
Birr said that so far Ihe commilice lias put one referendum that
presented five options lo the faculty:
Making permanent the current
system of student representation,
and adjusting ihe graduate sludenl
No. 1 and establishing a policy
whereby votes on academic issues
would be recorded separately;
separating student and faculty
continued on pane thirteen