£k£5WS/ Oneonta vs. Albany: Old Rivals, New Situation

£k£5WS/ Sports
A California
Women's Safety:
State Of Mind
Buses Rerouted
See Aspects
See p.3
Tuesday, January 22, 1980
Oneonta vs. Albany: Old Rivals, New Situation
replied "1 wish I could tell you."
by Paul Schwartz
Don Flewelling has experienced Freshman forward Bob Topa (6-4)
the best of times with his Oneonta is the Dragon's leading scorer, and
State basketball team, but this transfer Don Cribb (6-3) has also
season, it has mostly been the worst performed well for Flewelling, but
of times. Just three seasons ago, the with seven underclassmen on the
Red Dragons were among the elite roster, Oneonta is short on exin Division HI, and when their 1977 perience, and Flewelling realizes
season finally ended, Oneonta that his coaching task this seasoi.
emerged as the number two team in differs drastically from seasons
the entire nation. This year, the past.
Dragons are struggling, and face
"Our preparation is something
the Danes in University Gym entirely different this year," comtonight owning an unusually poor mented Flewelling. "We have to
2-6 record.
solve our problems first before we
"So far, we've played very poor- can worry about causing problems
ly this season," said Flewelling. for the other team. In the past,
"We're a very, very young team, when w'e had a few real good
and we've only played one home players, we could work on different
game so far, so it's taken its toll. offenses and defenses. Now we are
From last year we lost our top seven doing many things differently.
people, and you can't lose that We're trying to build our program
many people in a conference of our — that's the stage we're in now. It's
a very different situation from what
Onconta's uncharacteristically we're used t o . " .
slow start lies in direct opposition!
According to Sauers, one aspect
to their surprisingly quick start of a
of Onconta's gameplan will not be
year ago. After the Dragons 72-71
altered tonight. "We know that
victory over Albany last season,
they will come out with a zone
Oneonta boasted a 9-2 mark, indefense, and we are going to have to
cluding a 4-0 SUNYAC slate. The
and score off their zone. And
defeat of the Danes was the
their record is deceiving. They are
Dragon's last important triumph of
the type of team, that if they get
the season, however, as they plumahead early, they can give you prometted to a 6-6 finish, a final record
of 15-8, and entirely out of Ihc conference title picture.
The Danes are coming off a
tense, exciting, but ultimately
With losses to Platlsburgh
frustrating 70-68 overtime loss to
(73-53), Potsdam (84-67), and CorSUNYAC-leading Potsdam, and
tland (74-70) in the Dragon's only
Sauers is not quite sure how his 10-2
home game, Oneonta enters
University Gym 0-3 In SUNYAC squad will handle the setback. "II
was a difficult loss," Sauers said,
play and almost out of the running
"and I don't know how we'll react.
in the conference's eastern division.
But Oneonta is a traditional rival,
But predictions should be reserved,
so we'd better be up for the game."
for when Flewelling and Albany
"We've always played Albany
coach Dick Sauers match wits, the
ensuing contest is usually an in- tough," stated Flewelling. "We've
matched up personnel-wise wilh
teresting one.
them, and it's been an even rivalry.
"They arc a capable team," said
I think a lot depends tonight on
Sauers. "I know he (Flewelling) has
had trouble finding the right star- how Albany comes back after their
loss to Potsdam. One other thing —
ting combination, so I can't predict
I'm glad their home winning streak
who we'll see start."
Flewelling has - had problems is broken."
The Danes wouldn't mind starestablishing a set lineup, and when
asked who his key players are, he ting another one tonight.
/ i|
Carey Slashes SUNY Budget
$26 Million Cutback Proposed
by Mlchclc Israel
Massive cutbacks in SUNY expenditures have been proposed by
Governor Hugh Carey in his
1980-81 Executive Budget. Stale
fiscal plans call for the worst financial setback to hit SUNY since Ihc
early 70s. •
Carey has called for a
$12,300,000 base reduction In
SUNY expenditures, which will
result in the elimination of 1,125
In addition, Carey has further
proposed to cut the budget by $14
million for the purpose of reexamining current staff and programs.
The proposed budget is based on
a SUNY-wlde enrollment level of
161,976 full-time students, a
decrease of about 1,500 students
from the 1979-80 budgcl levels, according to Executive Budget
According to SUNYA Finance
and Business Vice President John
Harligan, the New York Stale Division of the Budgcl initially requested a 475 position cut
(Photo: Marc Hcnschel)
Brown Campaigns At SUNY A
Albany's Winston Royal scores on a break-away layup during the Danes' overtime loss to Potsdam on
Thursday. Albany faces SUNYAC rival Oneonta tonight in University Gym. (Photo: Steve Essen)
Swimmers Whip Bridgewater, Down Vermont
The Albany St. men's swim team, coached by Ron While, began the year
with a win In a tri-meel Saturday. (Photo: Alan Calcin).
by Jeff Schadoff
The Albany State men's swim
team rebounded in superb fashion
from the winter break to defeat
Bridgewater State College and a
"quality" Division I University of
Vermont on Saturday.
In the tri-meet, the Danes
defeated Bridgewater by a lopsided
92-18 score and thwarted Vermont
66-47. Vermont placed third overall
in the Great Dan? Relays earlier this
"The majority of the swimmers
stayed active over vacation. When
they got back we worked hard right
away," commented Albany men's
swimming coach Ron White
"In the solid week of practice
that we had to tune-up for this
meel, we had intense workouts
comprised of three hours of swimming each day and weight training
three limes last week," mentioned
swimmer Tom Roberts.
Opening up the festivities was the
400 yard medley relay which was
the first of a slew of records that
were broken. A medley team of
Steve Bonawitz, Joe Shore, Frank
Heter and Dave Zybala outdistanced the Vermont squad by over eight
seconds in 3:47.6. The winning time
was good enough to crush RPI's
oldstanding pool record of 3:49.3.
Heter mentioned that "this time is
in range of qualifying for the nationals in the event."
The 1000 yard freestyle placed
Albany second and third, with John
Doerner and Steve Ellenberg
finishing behind Vermont's firstplace finisher Steve Levy.
Kevin Ahcrn broke his own pool
record in the 200 yard freestyle;
placing first in the event with a
1:51.3-1.1 seconds belter than his
1979 record. "I felt real good. I hit
my turns real well along with a good
start. We worked out pretty hard
over vacation and the times showed
real well," Ahcrn said.
Capping off another first-place
finish was Roberts, who out-swam
the rest of the field with a 23.6 in
Ihc 50 yd. freestyle. "The race went
well. We blew them away.
Although I won the race, it was still
a full second off my best time in the
event," stated Roberts.
The Danes followed-up with a
first and second place finish in the
200 yard individual medley. Shore
took high honors in 2:07.76, edging
out teammate Heter. "It was a real
tough race wilh great dual competition between Joe and 1 for
first,"said Heter.
Both diving events turned out
disappointing, with Vermont's
Gary Clark taking first place
finishes in both the one and three
meter competitions. In the one
meter event Albany's Bill Derkasch
placed second, highlighted by his
inward, one-and-one-half twist,
tuck position dive with a 2.2 degree
of difficulty. The judges awarded a
6-5-6 score for the effort. Derkasch
also placed second behind Clark in
the three meler, losing to the. Vermont competitor due to a "fail
dive." Albany's Tom Ballon finished third in the three meler event,
Diving coach Bruce Sickles fell "the
events were interesting. We
continued on page nineteen
by Id in ti ii (I J. Gondiwin
C a l i f o r n i a G o v e r n o r and
presidential hopeful Edmund G.
"Jerry" Brown drew a standingroom-only crowd in SUNYA's
Campus Center ballroom Tuesday.
In the presentation, co-sponsored
by SUNYA's Poiilical Science
Department and Political Science
Association, Brown criticized the
Carter administration and outlined
his policies for change.
Brown began by discussing the
1980 presidential campaign, which
he described as a "process that is
progressively deteriorating."
He called upon students to form
a "new political coalition" to
"bring new values into the
(poiilical) process." Brown then
responded to complaints about
local election laws which do not
allow students to vote as Albany
residents. He called the laws
"inefficient" and said students
"better start the revolution now."
Unemployment, Missiles, Oil
Brown emphasized the importance of domestic problems, which
lie feels should play a larger role in
the presidential campaign than they
presently do, He pointed out
unemployment as one of our largest
domestic problems, proposing a
program of environmental conservation which would involve
"putting Americans to work" in a
way that "doesn't wreck the environment."
Discussing the federal defense
budget, Brown criticized Carter's
proposal lo spend $50 million on
the MX missile system. "$50
million in mass transit for people is
much more iniporlraut than spending $50 million on a racetrack for
200 nuclear warheads," he said.
Brown outlined a policy of calling on our allies, singling out Germany and Japan, lo pay for a larger
share of American-provided
defense. He suggested that these
funds be used in the Mid-Easl and
lo "rebuild at home."
Under a Brown presidency, he
said, gasoline rationing would be
implemented lo "send oul a
message of discipline" to the
American people as well as lo
decrease our "vulnerability" caused by a dependence on Mid-East
When questioned on his position
on nationalization of oil industries,
Brown claimed he was willing lo
"have Ihc government do the
throughout SUNY. Of thai figure,
he added, approximately 25
SUNYA positions would have been
Harligan said, however, since the
posilion culback has increased, it is
noi possible lo determine how many
will be eliminated in SUNYA.
"The picture gels even cloudier
when you move to Ihc $14 million,"
said Harligan, ciling the difficulty
in determining the lime it will lake
to decide wlial cuts should be made
in staff and programs.
"There will have lo be an Internal
campus process to discuss what
would be cut. I hale lo speculate on
results," said Harligan.
Dean of Sludcnl Affairs Neil
Brown said ihc impact of the proposed budgcl will not be fully
known until passed by Ihe
legislature in March.
However, he explained thai currenl cutbacks have severely reduced
staff in SUNYA's Financial Aids
Office, and in other student affair
"There arc big reductions in big
lumps," said SUNY Chancellor of
Finance and Business Harry
.Spindler, "but we don't know what
actions lo take now."
Spindler said it is possible that
through the elimination of positions
some substantial academic programs will be cut. He added that
campuses or schools may also be
eliminated. "Something's got to
college," said Spindler. "This is the
most severe cut."
However, according to Carey's
Deputy Press Secretary Bill Snyder,
SUNY has not been hil harder than
any oilier slate institution. "It's an
across the board reduction. The
severe cutbacks have been made to
reduce the level of spending on slate
and local levels."
SUNY, he added, is contributing
two percent to the statewide reduction in expenditures as arc all other
agencies. "These agencies go from
the Council of the Arls to the Division for Youth," said Snyder.
continued on page five
manipulation of prices multinational oil companies engage in."
For the actual processing and
distribution of the oil, "the private
sector does the job better," he said.
"Take Ihc specific number of Finance and Business V.P. Harllean
Expresses Foreign Policy Views
1,125 positions. That's more staff SUNYA S cutbacks undetermined.
Dealing wilh foreign affairs,
Ihan exists in any arts and science
Brown referred lo ihc grain boycott
of the USSR as "stepping on our
own toe" and feels we should "lake
their money and then talk to
feels he should be reimbursed for
"So what if their pigs, cows, and by Laura Fiorentino
A Nassau County lawyer, charg- traveling expenses he incurred in
chickens don't get fed," he added.
"They'll just eat less meal and pro- ing breach of contract, has been su- coming lo Albany five limes to meet
bably slay healthier."
ing Student Association for the past with SA.
year and a half.
In addition, Miller claims he also
Brown insisted thai the Olympic
Attorney Alan Manning Miller, performed two unrenumerated serboycoii proposed by Carler will not
help American problems wilh ihc apparcnlly hired by SA to work as a vices to SA.
According lo SA President Lisa
continued on page five criminal and constitutional lawyer,
has attempted to collect over $1,750 Newmark, no contract existed betsince November 1978.
ween Miller and SA.
According lo Miller, SA hired
Newmark said a contracl was
him to work from September 15, drafted listing the duties Miller's
1978 through September 1 of the job would email. Apparently the
following year. However, while two Nassau allorney agreed to the concontracts were drafted, they re- ditions, but suggested changes be
by Jay Gisscn
mained unsigned. Miller claims he made. When ihc revised conlracl
America would never elect a president wilhoul a sense of humor,
made a formal agreement wilh SA was presented, SA did not accept
and hitting the campaign trail wilhoul a good supply of one liners
which, by law, need not be recorded the new terms, thus terminating
and anecdotes could be as disastrous as a poor knowledge of Ihe
in written form.
issues. So when Jerry Brown came to SUNYA last Tuesday afterMiller's employment.
Miller's suit for $1,750 will pay , Miller said the contracl changes
noon, he was well-equipped with insulting digs of the other canfor Ihe first quarter of his tolal were made after a mutual agreedidates, cute lit tie tales of government life, and well-timed sense of
vcarly salary of $7,000. He also ment was made/
delivery, an essential lo successful audience reaction.
"Consider Ibis," Mr. Brown said at an earlier speech, "in the year
2000, 1 will be younger than Ronald Reagan is today."
State UnlwnHy of N n York at Albany
Ronald Reagan, not lo be outdone, laid one in to Ted Kennedy.
"All I know is that more people died at Chap than al any nuclear
Ted Kennedy, of course, has his retorts and insults prepared as
well, as does Carler, Mondale, Bush, and anyone who ever ran for
When a sludcnl asked Jerry Brown why he wasn't in Sacramento
governing, the governor looked him in the eye and quizzically said,
"What do governors do? We pose for photographs, we shake hands,
I9RB by ':
Ktudrnt I'rew Corporal I tin
we sign a few things, but we don't really do anything. President, of
continued on page seven
Nassau Lawyer Sues SA
In Contract Dispute
Candidates Express
Lighter Side of Politics
WASHINGTON (AP) Opponents of Pres. Carter's plan to
register draft-age youths vowed Thursday to "picket,
teach-in, protest and demonstrate" in every major city, but
acknowledged they will have a hard time stopping the program. As student groups and others mapped campaigns to
rally public opinion against registration, several members
i of Congress denounced Carter's action and promised to try
to block it. One idea being examined is an attempt to deny
the administration the money it would need to take the
Selective Service System out of mothballs, where it has been
since 1975 when President Gerald Ford halted registration.
. Carter already has authority under his
executive powers to order registration. Congress also would
have to change Selective Service laws if Carter decided to
compel women as well as men to register. In his Stale of the
Union address Wednesday, in which he announced plans to
begin registration for the draft, Carter did not say whether
he intended to register women. Administration officials
have said that is an open question. The president already
has strong backing on rcgistration-from key congressional
leaders, including Scnale Democratic leader Robert Byrd
and House Speaker Thomas P. O'Neill, and it appears now
thai his plan would be approved. House Republican Leader
John Rhodes of Arizona said Carlcr has overwhelming support among Republicans on the issue and that he sees no effective opposition lo it from any quarter. Even so,
representatives of various groups opposing registration
went 10 Capilol Hill and declared they would fight an admillcdly uphill battle. Most of the spokesmen predicted
thai registration would lead loadrafl. In his speech, Carler
said he hoped a drafl will not be necessary but that "we
musi be prepared for that possibility."
Carter to Arm China
WASHINGTON (AP) The Carler administration has
decided to sell military arms lo China lo help deter Soviet
aggression, the chairman of a House Foreign Affairs subcommittee said today. Rep. Lester L. Wolff (D-N.Y.),
chairman of the Asian and Pacific Affairs subcommittee,
said the formal announcement would be made by the While
House later in the day. In a brief floor speech, Wolff told
the House: "There will be an announcement within hours
that military sales to the People's Republic of China will be
authorized." Wolff said he personally opposes such a
move. "This is a great departure from previous relations
with lhat country," he said. "I must say thai I strongly oppose this idea until such lime as we know what we are going
to get in return from the People's Republic of China."
England Supports U.S. Stand
LONDON (AP) British Foreign Secretary Lord Carrington
announced a tough package of anti-Soviet measures today
to protest Moscow's military intervention in Afghanistan.
They included suspension of high-level and ministerial contacts. The British government also voiced full support for
the main goals in the U.S.-Soviet clash over Afghanistan as
defined by President Carter in his Stale of Ihe Union address to Congress. Other moves announced by Carrington
in Parliament included cancellation of military exchanges
between Britain and the Soviets and an increase in the
number of broadcasts beamed into the Soviet Union and
Afghanistan by the British Broadcasting Corp. But Carrington said: "1 don't think the situation at (he moment
makes it necessary lo reintroduce conscription or anything
of that kind." Britain abolished military conscription in
1960 and now relies entirely on volunteers to man ils forces.
Toss Criticizes U.S. Position
MOSCOW (AP) The Soviet news agency Tass today
described as absurd President Carter's claim in his Stale of
the Union message thai Ihe Persian Gulf area is a sphere of
vilal interest to Ihe United States. In a Washingtondatclined dispatch, the news agency said Carler emphasized
the claims of ihe U.S. administration to the "right" to interfere in the internal affairs of other stales which possess
raw materials or lie on oil-supply routes. Tass said Carler
arbitrarily proclaimed the Persian Gulf area as a sphere of
vital interest. He made no secret, the news agency said, that
"at the ba.iis of the false thesis of the 'vilal interests' of the
USA in ihe Persian Gulf lies a desire lo keep Ihe dominant
position of American monopolies in the region." "Carler
alleged that there exists some 'threat' lo the 'free movement
of Middle East oil,' a threat allegedly coming from Ihe
Soviet Union," Tass said. "The absurdity of Washington
claims that the Persian Gulf area is a sphere of U.S. 'vilal
Interests' is an axiom which needs no proof and which is expecially obvious to the peoples of the region or countries lying in immediate proximity to it," the Soviet news agency
AjtOUNd CAMpis
Rapist Hasn 't Left Us
House Favors Games Boycott
WASHINGTON (AP) Spurred by a While House request
for quick action, the House voted 386-12 loday to support
President Carter's stand on this summer's Moscow Olympics. Bui Carter's hope for final approval in Congress
before next week ended when Sen. Frank Church,
D-Idaho, delayed action by his Senate Foreign Relations
Committee until next week. The Mouse resolution urges Ihe
U.S. Olympic Committee to propose transfer of the games
from Moscow or cancellation of the summer Games
because of the Soviet Union's military intervention in
Afghanislan. If Ihal fails, the resolution calls on the U.S.
commillcc lo boycoii ihe Moscow Games. The House
Foreign Affairs approved Ihe resolution by voice vote on
Wednesday. An identical resolution was approved by the
Scnale Commerce Committee, but the Senate Foreign Relations Commillcc must also acl before the full Senate can.
While House officials requested Ihal Congress act before
this weekend's meeting of the U.S. Olympic Committee.
But an aide to Church said [he senator would summon
members of the Olympic panel to testify at hearings next
Monday and Tuesday before a final Senale vote is taken.
While the publicity is less and the incidents fewer, ihcret;
still evidence that the "Pine Hills Toucher" and impasien
are making Iheir rounds in the downtown "siudcm ghj|,
"While there haven't been any attacks so far in ihcpjne
Hills area, lhat docsn'l mean they've slopped. T lie iiitackcr
has not been caught," cxpln'ned self defense instructor ol
the President's Task F O R on Woi icn's Safely Ma
Boys, who stresses the impor.
v of keeping the public
aware of the issue, has made sure thai an on-going commit.
Ice exists to deal with women's safely.
Free non-credit courses and workshops arc, cing offered
for all SUNY women including staff, faculty and students,
They will provide training in self defense and discussion
groups on women's concerns.
Check Ihe ad in today's issue for more info.
Trespassing Charges Dropped
SUNYA student Augustine Martin was dismissal ,
trespassing charges in Police Court December 26.
Martins was arrested December 7 after he allegedly
entered rooms in Dutch Quad's Sluyvesaiil Towei and asked residents for marijuana.
According lo SA Legal Services Attorney Jack Lester,
Marlins was apparently believed lo be a non-sludcnl and
was apprehended for trespassing.
Rise in Activism Viewed
Quake Rocks San Francisco
SAN FRANCISCO (AP) A powerful earthquake shook a
large area of Northern California on Thursday, swaying
buildings in downtown San Francisco. Initial reports said it
apparently caused no major damage. The National Earthquake Information Center in Golden, Colo., said
preliminary readings about the quake registered from 5.2 lo
5.5 on the Richtcr scale. A quake with a reading of 5 is
capable of doing considerable damage. But Jim Watkins,
chief of the planning division for the state Office of
Emergency Services in Sacramento, said preliminary
reports indicated there was no damage. "We felt it here in
Sacramento," Walkins said. "It shook a lot of plants, and
it stood me up as I was sitting in my chair." Sacramento is
100 miles east of San Francisco. The quake, which occured
al II a.m. PST and lasted 15 to 20 seconds, was strong
enough to make chairs bounce in offices of a high-rise
building in downtown San Francisco.
Jailed Ex-Beatle: Nin th Day
NEW YORK (AP) Enlerlainer Paul McCartney, jailed in
Tokyo Jan. 16, is being held "incommunicado" and only
his wife and brother-in-law can see him briefly each day,
says the ex-Bcalle's father-in-law. Manhattan lawyer Lee
Eastman told the New York Daily News McCartney's incarceration for allegedly bringing 7.7 ounces of marijuana
into the country has created a "highly lease situation,"
"You know things are different there." said Eastman, "He
has no charges against him so he can'l be released on bail.
Linda, McCartney's wife and their four children are being
very courageous . . ." Japanese authorities have declined
lo comment on the eventual outcome of ihe case, but
Hldehlro Marui, an expert in Japanese drug law, said he
believes tlie 37-ycar-old rock slar will be deponed wilhin a
few weeks. McCartney lias been ordered lo remain in detention until Monday for questioning.
Crash Kills a Rockefeller
GREENWICH, CONN. (AP) A Greenwich teen-ager has
been charged with negligent homicide with a motor vehicle
in connection with a two-car crash in which Averv
Rockefeller was killed, police said. Rockefeller the
" T V ' , ' 1 . ? ™ 1 8 r a n d n c P h e w »f the late oil magnate John
IX Rockefeller, was driving In a rolary at Lake Avenue and
Round II, I Road about 11 p , „ . D w . 4 w h c n ,„„ w
l.ded head-on, police said. Edward H. Paulson, | 7 on
Wednesday afternoon was served will, a warran, charging
bun with negligent homicide and driving Ihe wrong way in a
rotary, police said.
Students and faculty unite and join Ihe January 29 mass
galhering to protest Governor Carey's SUNY-wide budgei
cuts. SASU and UUP arc among ihe groups organizing the
rally to be held in the Empire State Plaza's "Egg."
SUNY is facing a possible 2200 position cm, which ma)
result in the elimination of academic programs.
The action Tuesday is only the first in a long campaign to
stop the actions taken against SUNY. Letter willing and
lobbying are among the planned activities.
Thief Almost Gets Chair
SUNYA Police arrested what officers described as an apparent non-sludcnl Tuesday night, after he was discovered
driving away with a Rathskellar chair on his car,
According lo Officer Gary O'Connor, SUNYA Police
received an anonymous phone call at approximately 11:45
p.m., informing them lhat ".someone was taking a chair
out of the Rat."
An officer drove lo the Rat, saw a ear pulling away svlll,
Ihe chair, and arreslcd the Ihief. O'Connor described him
as a well-dressed man, approximately 25 years ol age.
The man was released from police com I oil ACOD
(adjournment and contemplation of dismissal).
Carnival in the Cold
SUNYA will become a winter wonderland ncxl weekend,
when ils First Winter Carnival opens with a series ol planned events.
According lo Winlcr Weekend Commillcc Chaii Jell
Slern, the carnival is being produced to "bring the campus
community together," An Ice cream social, winiei Olympics, a party, and a dance marathon are among the :K
livities. Weather permitting, a snow sculpture conlesl will
also be held.
Stern added Ihal the commillcc was hoping I"' the completion of the ice skating rink lo enhance the weekend,
figure and speed skating contests were planned.
Administration donated $1150 to the project and approximately 12 SA funded groups, including Ihe classes ol '81,
'82, and '83, have also contributed funds.
Inter-Quad Council has been responsible for organizing
the event,
Page Three
Albany Student Press'
January 25, 1980
Wellington Buses Rerouted in Safety Move
by Patricia Branley
In an attempt to protect students
living in the Pine Hills "student
ghetto," Ihe weekend Wellington
bus has been re-routed this
semester, according to Physical
Plant Director Dennis Stevens.
According to SUNYA Supervisor
of Vehicle Operations Bill Gathcn,
Ihe Wellington's new route went into effect on January 14. The
changes arc effective after 6 p.m.,
he said.
According to Stevens, the bus
travels ils regular route but turns
right on Ontario Sirecl and slops in
front of Alumni Quad's Pierce
Hall. The bus then makes an immediate left onto Western Avenue,
a left on Quail Street, and a right
back lo Washington Avenue to continue ils regular route,
"Both the Wellington and Alumni buses will make slops at any corner upon request," he added, "but
no other changes in the lime
schedule or route have been made."
"The small buses have to be used
on this Ontario-Quail loop because
the larger buses cannot make the
turns," said Gathen.
Gathen anticipates no problems
maintaining this loop. He said,
"Even with snow and traffic the
loop'can be made using Ihe small
"This roule, which previously existed in 1976 and 1977, only had to
be suspended on one or two occasions due to extreme snow,' Gathen
According lo Stevens, there is
presently enough manpower lo staff
Ihis type of bus service although
two-and-a-half positions have been
lost due to cutbacks and no overtime can be authorized.
"However, this manpower silualion may be a problem in bad
weather when there is an increase in
Ihe amount of people who ride Ihe
buses or when there is a driver out
University Senate Reviews
ACT Reform Proposal
SA Seeks Funding Change
h> Ann Savage
The proposed establishment of
SA's Assessment of Courses and
Teachers (ACT) on a Universitywide basis is currently under review
by University Senate's Educational
Policy Council. According lo ACT
Coordinalor Ira Somach, ihe move
is designed lo increase participation
in the project and provide for its
Somach cites figures showing
that only 10 percent of University
faculty have been involved in the
annual student evaluation of
SUNYA academic programs. Both
he and SA Director of Academic
Concerns Jim Mitchell claim that
broadening ACT'S coverage will
benefit teachers as well as students,
as faculty members recognized for
excellence will experience increased
enrollment In their classes.
"If a teacher has a weakness lie
will have a full sample of what was
good and bad about the course,"
said Somach. "Through meaningful feedback, it (ACT) can turn a
mediocre leacher into an excellent
Money: SA and ACT
Mitchell and Somach view ihe
proposed resolution as an opportunity to relieve SA of the burden of
funding ihe project. In addition lo
the $1200 start-to-finish production
cost of ACT, the two claim ilial SA
lacks sufficient manpower to undertake the five and one-half week lask
continued on pane five
sick," Stevens said.
He added, "We are making 120
percent effort to deal with this shortage, but already there is a visible,
immediate impact on all bus service. This has made it necessary to
eliminate some runs."
Short Run Problems
An additional problem Gathen
cilcd was Ihal "slopping on request
could cause a delay in the bus
"I feci Ihal this bus route is an
important factor in providing safety
in the downtown campus area but it
makes me angry lo have Ihis route
being used as a short run bar bus,
servicing those going from
O ' H e a n e y ' s to W a s h i n g t o n
Tavern," Stevens said.
"It's purpose is to eliminate
walking from Washington Avenue
to a dormitory," he added.
The new bus route is a result of a
proposal raised last semester at a
meeting of the President's Task
Force on Women's Safely. The task
force, an advisory group created by
SUNYA P r e s i d e n t
O'Lcary, was created in response to
the recent rash of assaults in the
Pine Hills area.
of administrators and students, addresses the growing concerns of
women's safety on and off the cam-
pus. Numerous projects are currently being undertaken
Task Force Goals
The installation of an on-campus
emergency telephone system, providing student patrols and escorts,
and training women in self defense
are some of the group's goals, according to Task Force member
Janice Fine.
The task force is responsible for
the improved lighting conditions on
Partridge and Ontario Streets. Al a
meeting last semester a proposal for
adequate lighting in the downtown
area was made, Stevens said.
During the recess, through the
combined efforts of the City,
Niagara-Mohawk and Stevens,
sodium vapor lights were installed.
"This should make the, area more
secure," said Stevens.
Warm Winter Delays Ice Rink
by Rich Krasluw
Unusually warm wcaihcr and
, construction difficulties have
delayed completion of SUNYA's
first on-campus ice skating rink.
According lo an SA spokesman,
Iherc is an 80 pel. chance that the
rink located on ihe east side of the
Phys. Ed. building will not
materialize. He cilcd "basic Incompetence" on the part of the
plain administration as a reason the
rink may remain inoperable. "They
have made something thai just
won't work," he added.
The cost of the rink, in ils unfinished stages, is in an estimated
range or $1000-$6000, said the SA
source. However, according lo
Physical Plant Director Dennis
Stevens, the rink was built al no administrative cost.
Freeze Needed
A major obstacle hailing rink
completion was created when
builders dug loo deep and reached
sand, which may have attributed to
the prevention of Ihe rink's freezing
earlier Ihis year.
Atmospheric Department Chair
Harry Hamilton said, "Since heat
flows up from the ground, il would
have been more practical had ihcy
dug less deeply."
Grounds Foreman Fred Fortuin
admitted he is "no expert.-'-' He said
that he never built an ice skating
rink before, but fell Ihe project
would have been a success had
weal her conditions been cold
enough to permit freezing. Fortuin
added Ihal he did uol know Ihe cost
of Ihe project, but estimated that
the crew worked several days on
completing il. In Fortuln's opinion,
the project is complete.
Dean for Student Affairs, Neil
Brown said "The famous Albany
weather gave us warm, nearly
balmy weal her which acleil against
formation of ice in the rink."
Brown added lhat, "a period of
cold weather (several days of 10-20
degree, lor example) would be sufficient to make the rink feasible for
the winter weekend." Brown feels
the project was not yet a success,
and he could not offer an estimate
as to the eventual cost to the administration.
Plain Superintendent Ira Devoe
said, "The skating rink could be a
howling success if the weather
cooperates." Devoe added thai
"Ihe ultimate success of the rink
will depend upon Ihe students' reaction."
Hamilton said, "Based on
Albany climatology, it is doubtful
that the rink could be used during
any given winter." Me added that,
"there is never a large period where
ihe rink could be self-maintained."
Hamilton noted that this condition exists for any man-made rink
in ihe area. With regard to our
unusually mild winter, Hamilton
feels the rink could be maintained
for short periods of time.
Best Site
The ice skating rink has been
under SA consideration Tor eight
years, during which alternate sites
were discussed. The fountain was
one consideration but was discounted because of the possibility
of concrete cracking,
A patch of land near the Biology
Building was also considered as a
she until il was discovered ihal a
$50,000 refrigeration unit would be
needed lo maintain the ice.
According to Fortuin, future
plans lor Ihe present silc Include
sloping il gradually and seeding it
for the spring in hopes lo Iry again
next winter. He did not feel this
would impose any additional cost.
Stevens said Ihe plant department
absorbed the entire cost of Ihe project "by diverting manpower which
was not needed because of the lack
of snow.
"If there had been snow, "he added, "the project would never have
been considered."
Academic Concerns Director Jim Mitchell calls fur interest In ACT.
SA does not have Ihe manpower 10 run (he project,
fPhotO' Farreil)
New Wave of Activism Seen by ASU
by John Mcirun
Last semester's bookstore sil-in
was called a victory by students and
deemed a beginning for more student involvement in University
policy making. As ihis semester
begins, the student activists, mostly
members of the Albany Student
Union (ASU), are serious about
following through on their claim.
Perhaps the I acl thai Ihe changes
promised by bookstore management have actually materialized is
the basic reason for Incentive, "1
think we've fulfilled
Bookstore Manager Gary Dean.
Those agreements Included ihe
advance publishing of a booklist for
the upcoming semester, thus enabl-
cording to one student activisl,
Janice Fine, the committee will be
formed this week and will meet
sometime next week.
"Although we arc very happy
with ihe bookstore action and what
has happened, we arc far from
satisfied," Fine said. "Until
students have a decisive role in all
aspccls of Ihe bookslore and until
prices in ihe bookstore are affordable, we won'l let up."
Fine's statement echoes the
beliefs of Ihe student activists. Acstudents with administrative policy. cording to ASU Chair Jeremy
Finally, the students and Carlson, the students are pursuing
bookstore management have agreed active roles in a variety of other
Albany Student Union Chair Jeremy Carlson uilvucutcs student inllvkny
to form a Bookstore Committee so areas.
ASU is currently investigating The bookslore sit-in has led to more involvement
as to insure the development of
continued on page eleven
future agreements and policies, Ac-
ing students to purchase books al
an earlier dale.
Notebook prices have been
lowered so that mark-up rates are
no higher than 30 percent, as opposed lo the pasi 40-50 percent
price increase.
In addition, a weekly sale will be
held on non-book merchandise.
Five ilems will be sold al a 10 percent discount, UAS Board of Directors Mike Fabcr met with Dean lo
determine what the sale items
should be, a step in involving
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publication of ACT results might
prove harmful to some departments, while student criticism might
not be justified. "It might not help
enrollment," he added.
While Mitchell denied the validity
of Cannon's accusations, Somach
acknowledged that problems do exist. The latter attributed these to
troubles which he claims will be
solved if SUNYA assumes responsibility for ACT and uses its
resources to publish the evaluation.
Evaluation or Grapevine?
While Cannon claimed that
students can obtain information
concerning courses and professors
from their fellow students, SA
President Lisa Ncwmark asserted
the "sludenl right" to have a
primed evaluation.
ACT, calling the program a
continued from page three
involved in completing the booklet. duplication of their own inevaluation
ACT is divided into two sections: t r a d e p a r t m c n t a l
faculty evaluation and course systems.
"ACT has not been wellevaluation. Results include student
responses to 18 individual questions administered," said University
and an overall evaluation of in- Senate Chair Harold Cannon.
"People say they are coming one
dividual courses and instructors.
Somach believes that this ar- day and then they don't come.
rangement successfully measures Then they show up at the last
Ihe basic ingredients of teaching minute and say 'we want to evaluate
and education. These, he said, re- your class today.' "
Cannon said ihat while he is not
main unchanged from department
opposed to ACT itself, he remains
to department.
uncertain concerning program imCannon, Depts. Question ACT
However, sonic departments plementation on a university-wide
disagree, claiming that questions basis. If the sole purpose of an
"He (Cannon) should go lo
used across many diverse academic evaluation is to improve teaching,
areas fail to meet their individual he said, then its results need not preregisiralion when three of a student's courses are closed and he has
needs. According to Somach, other necessarily he published.
According to Cannon, the to choose a c o u r s e , " said
departments have refused to use
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Page Five
Albany Student Press
Women's Safety: Self Defense
Call us!
7:30 and 9:30
Lecture Center 18
January 25, 1980
Sponsored by President's Task Force on
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Newmark. "That's when we really
need ACT."
Transfer Now in Senate Hands
First published about six years
ago as an SA project, ACT was
discontinued in 1976. SA made
another attempt at the booklet a
year and three months ago, and has
since come out with two publications. A third publication is currently in the works.
In order for ACT to become
university-wide, it must be recommended by the Educational Policy
Council of the University Senate.
The recommendation would then
go to SUNYA President Vincent
O'Leary, who is charged with a
final decision.
The University Senate proposal
requests that, in the event of failure
to be accepted as a university-wide
method of evaluation, individual
departments submit their cvalualions for publication.
Governor Brown Addresses SUNYA
continued from front page
Soviets. Instead, he called for an acceleration of the NATO summit
scheduled for June to be held by the
end of January, allowing the allied
nations to "formulate a common
Brown received applause when lie
called for ihe U.S. lo turn away
from Ihe role of " w o r l d
policeman," pointing - out the
possibility of a reinstatement of the
draft. "It's not ihe job of ihe U.S.
military to make the world safe for
Pepsi-Cola," he added.
Brown criticized Carter for being
inconsistent on the issue of
American hostages in Iran. He voiced his support of "continued
diplomatic pressure" and not
"giving in in blackmail."
in responding lb the results of the
Iowa caucus held Monday, Brown
told Ihe audience Ihat "Carter won
rather well, and Kennedy lusi rather
badly. My presence was not rather
obvious," he added.
" I n for (he Duration"
Al a later press conference at the
Albany County Airport, Brown
outlined some of his immediate
campaign strategy.
Calling his campaign an
"insurgent effort," Brown said he
is "in it for the duration." He said
he "plans lo provide a challenge in
New England," and it is there and
in Wisconsin that he feels his campaign will "come lo the test."
Brown pointed out thai of $1.2
million of campaign funds, approximately "a quarter of a million" has
been raised from rock concerts.
When asked about his chances
against Carter, he staled "Carter
has momentum for the moment,"
but that il will "slow down."
Brown's ueM stop was lo be Burlington, Vermont. He said lie pla'ns
to campaign extensively 111 New
England in Ihe upcoming weeks."
Carey Puts Budget Squeeze on SUNY
continued from front page
Snyder said Carey is aware of the
problems SUNY will encounter, but
he is confident that the SUNY
Board of Trustees, will submit a
workable plan to benefit the
The Legislature is currently
analyzing Carey's revenue projections. David I.angdon, Press
Secretary to Assembly Leader
Stanley Fink, said a long process is
involved when examining the
budget. "There arc lots of cutbacks. Ii takes time to look al them
and analyze numbers."
He added thai Link, u strong supporter of the CUNY and SUNY
systems, "will look Into the entire
system and sec what the governor
has done. We have to find out if the
revenue projections arc correct.
Maybe they will show that more
money is available," said Langdon.
SASU Communications Director
Pum Snook said Carey "is not doing the budget in a sensible way.
He's nol looking al Ihe strengths '
and weaknesses of programs before
lie eliminates positions."
She added that while higher
public education has been hit with
annual budget reductions, Bundy
Aid lo private colleges has increased. "There has been a $22 million
increase in Bundy awards over the '
past year. The trend will continue."
Snyder said he is not aware of an
increase in aid to private colleges.
Protect Yourself
Workshop on Apartment Security
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Stinky's Healthy
A lecturer al Oxford University
says that his own four-year study
has convinced him that it is better
for a child to be called "Stinky"
than just plain old "Fred".
Professor Ron Harre, writing in
Psychology Today magazine, says
that he has interviewed thousands
of people in his study of childhood
He says he has concluded that
"those who have no nicknames
have no social existence — they are
According to the professor, to be
nicknamed is to be judged worthy
of attention by your peers — even if
the attention is unpleasant. Thus,
Harre says, it may be belter to have
Middle Earth
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Here's something for men who
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Tests with chlorinated sugars in
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thoroughly inhibits fertility without
affecting libido, the scientists claim.
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SA Funded
The magazine says the sugar apparently reduces the ability of
sperm cells to convert glucose into
the energy they need to survive long
enough to fertilize ova.
bundle of Bibles on your hands?
Brennan says that if you hold on to
them for a full year and then give
them away, you can claim a deduction against your income taxes of
about three times the amount you
invested in The Holy Books.
The only catch is that you can't
just distribute the Bibles to all your
friends: you have to give them to a
single organization . . . and that
might not be so easy.
Politics and Humor
continued from front page
course, is a little bit different."
When asked what America's role
in the Mid-East should be, he said
Timed Partying
our involvement could be "serving
the coffee and donuts, providing a
If you're one of those people who
room, but no more."
likes to nurse your drink at the bar,
It is also interesting to note how
here's a place to avoid.
much nicer a candidate becomes
A drinking establishment called
while campaigning. As I remember,
"Le Boudoir" in Amsterdam's
Mr. Brown was in quite a huff when
Pot Shop Busted
famous redlight district charges by
A so-called "Dial-A-Joint" com- he saw himself characterized in
the minute instead of by the drink.
pany in New York City — a firm Dooncsbury, and was actually suing
According to a report from
its creator. In the SUNYA ballroom
Pacific News Service, a door atten- that offered at least six grades of
marijuana to interested pot- on Tuesday, though, he seemed to
dant punches customers in on a
have had quite a change" of heart,
timecard, and from (here they are smokers — has been busted by New
and said he felt "quite neglected"
York police.
charged about 50 cents a minute. It
over his recent non-appearance.
doesn't matter what you drink —
The "Dial-A-Wced" pot shop on
The most flippant remark,
but you have to stick around for a
the lower East Side had been adverminimum of IS minutes.
tising in The Village Voice that it however, was a quick, obviously
would even deliver the weed to ad-libbed joke in a situation he was
customers who phoned in minimum uncomfortable in. The crowd outHoly Deductions
side was quite upset about not get"one ounce" orders.
New York magazine carried a ting in, and the pounding mob at
The Bible has become the latest
the door was trying to press in
small news item on the pot shop last
tax shelter.
against the arms of desperate
Willian Brennan, an expert on week, and the police apparently
ushers. Brown looked over, smiled
tax shelters, reports that Bible pro- decided it was time to lower the
and said that it "looks like the
moters are currently offering a plan boom. Officers swept in and arCarter campaign." He then recomin which a person can buy a large rested 11 employees and customers,
mended for the doors to be opened,
batch of Bibles at one-third the including the shop's alleged pro"and let everybody in," an exretail price.
tremely dangerous move.
The cops say they seized several
So what's so great about having a
Overall, though, Brown succeed•
ed al SUNYA, and must've scored a
few votes, the point of it all.
/ Tonite: Ladies Night at the H U I I A D A I I O O ;
There was just one topic Brow
Free admission
wouldn't talk about at all: Linda
Konstadt. When someone in the
SatNite: 'The Romantics' from Detroit »«
crowd yelled out for her, Brown
plus'Shane Champagne'from Boston
merely said, "There's one in every
$3 admission •
crowd," and moved on.
Alas, though, when the crowd
1 0 0 6 6 T H STREET
did disperse and met up with friends
who did not attend, the invariable
/ «
question was just, "Did he say
anything about Linda?"
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The International Business Fraternity presents its
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pounds of high grade weed, five
measuring scales and a blackboard
that contained quoted prices for
various types of marijuana — ranging from "Stickless Thai" to
Page Seven
Albany Student Press
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Hey Hugh
Here Today; Here Tomorrow
games was replaced with amia flags (stare out
across the fields at the setting orange glow
that lights the action hurrying lo finish before
night). People are secure in the knowledge of
whal has lo be done in classes and what really
doesn't have to be done, whal classes could
be cut, what papers could be procrastinated
Take moment now and look about YOU.
Whal is there today will be there in March
and even in May, which is the next lime people mighl get heated up enough lo cause actions, just in lime for school to end. Until
then the winds will only gel colder and more
solidifying which means our molds and
shackles can only become stronger.
by Mitchell Zoler
As the cool winds from the north come
down to imperceptivcly freeze us into our
mold for the year, the movements become
less violent, the actions less frenzied, the purposes become dulled.
Like boiling water, the sizzling first two
weeks here had everyone busying themselves
with fountains and softballs and running to
drop and running to add and buying books
and trying to keep from dehydrating and
perhaps even going to classes, all apparently
fed up by the constant, beating sun.
The weather broke this week and suddenly
the population in front of the Campus Center
was eliminated. The informality of picky
Registration: What a Pain in the.
"Seniors shall draw class cards first; Ihcn
juniors, followed by sophomores and lastly,
the lowly freshmen."
— Arislollc
Thus began one of the most incredible
complex processes outside of open heart
surgery — registration. Ah yes, regislralion.
The word rolls off the tongue like a piece of
fetid cheese. It brings lo mind pictures of
depression-era type dole lines, middle aged
women flailing students with "Sorry, it's
closed" and that last minule prayer to the
Lord for that "fifth gut".
The worst part, of course is the
psychological expense involved with the
ulcerous U-lounge labyrinth. While probably
a great way lo gel independent study credil
for jogging, it's a pain to criss-cross the
university searching for a needed signature
here, a closed section card there, or a receipt
over yonder.
But why? Why is this mind-Tucking procedure in existence? With all the highly trained and paid management, public administration, organizational, and systems analysis
skill on this campus, why can't regislralion
be simplified? Yes, yes, I know, "we're
working on streamlining the system night and
day"...but it's still terrible.
If we can send men lo the moon, dock
space ships together thousands of miles
away, clone cellular structures, and elect Nixon twice, surely a relatively simpler method
of registration can be devised. Well, what
should be done?
How about forcing administrators to draw
cards for offices, staff, and furniture. It
could probably be done based on the number
of completed memos handled — with Incomplele memos not counting for registration purposes. Wilh all Ihis high powered
talent competing for I he roomiest offices
with Ihc nicest views, Ihc newest desks, and
the culesl secretaries (I know, I know, that
would be scxisi) something positive mighl
Of course, Ihere might be problems wilh
"slops" due lo baving ncglccled the United
Way conlribulion; the hassles of gelling a
closed-office card for a popular building;
possible corruption as administrators draw
cards for friends lower down in ihc hierarchy, etc. HUT, it would certainly lead to an
eventual (perhaps instant?) simplification of
the syslcm as more and more brainpower is
put into solving this unsavory situation.
Then, wc could apply such knowledge lo the
Colonial Quad jungle.
Dear Governor Carey:
I am a student at SUNY Pittsburgh, and
am sure that you've heard the quote "A mind
is a terrible thing to waste" and quile agree to
do so would indeed be an atrocity.
I strongly feel that you are wasting hundreds of minds through your proposed
budgetary cuts, especially those in higher
education. Who will have the knowledge to
carry on where you and other great leaders
leave off? If your cuts do see implementation, a number so insignificant as to be able
to count them on one's own hands will resull
over the next few years. This will mean a virtual hall of our economy, advancements in
technology, increase in the standard of living,
and ihc learning process of our generation
and those that follow.
I for one would not relish ihc thought thai
future generations will remember me as the
one who brought ihc Slate of New York and
higher education in that slate to its knees!
You alone have the power to change this
course of events and the ability lo sway those
of similar altitudes who are calling for its
I urge .vow lo acl BEFORE it's loo late!
Don't let the mistakes of the past continue
. . . join us in our efforts to save SUNY and
all that is dear lo us . . . a quality education
education and the way of life that education
makes possible for ALL.
— Jean Martin
Plattsburgh Slate University
of New York
— There would be fewer academic advisors, fewer financial aid counselors, and
fewer student services.
In 1976, Carey forced SUNY to increase
tuition by $100 while forcing the retrenchment of hundreds of faculty positions.
SUNY has never recovered from those cuts.
Last year, Carey again forced SUNY to
raise tuition, this time by $150 for lower division students. We were told thai the increase
was necessary to avoid cuts. Now weareforced to accept both higher tuition and more
While the stale is forcing SUNY lo accept
cuts, decreasing the quality of education,
state aid to private colleges has been greatly
increased. Bundy Aid (direct aid lo private
schools) was increased this year by S22
million. These schools arc not even held accountable for how the money is spent. $22
million would fund more than 1000 faculty
positions at SUNY.
We can slop these attacks against nur
faculty and education by organizing and
fighting back. Join the SASIJ, SU, SA, ami
UUP efforts to save SUNY. With your support and active participation, we can save
AI the Capital Jan. 29
call Student Union
for more information
Improved Service
To the Editor:
Student Association has provided late
night bus service on Friday and Saturday
nights in recent years. Last semester SA looked for a more economical bus company than
we had previously contracted for; Folmsbee
To the Editor:
Transportation was selected to operate this
Our education is in great danger. Governor
Carey has cut 475 faculty and staff positions
Due to their small size, Folmsbee had a
from SUNY. This is the fifth year in a row
thai SUNY has faced drastic cuts al the great deal of trouble properly operating this
hands of Governor Carey. These cuts will service. In order lo better provide late night
have a devastating effect on our already bus service on weekends, I have contracted
with CDTA to take over — starling Ihis
deteriorating quality of education.
In iddilion to the 475 position cuts, 300 weekend CDTA buses will operate litis serfaculty and slaff positions which had vice op Ihe same schedule as was previously
previously been available at SUNY schools used and will run the same route as our own
will be given to the Stony Brook hospital Wellington buses do.
— Frank Baitman
when it opens this year. In effect, Slony
Brook hospital is being fiinded wilh SUNY's
budget. Therefore SUNY is actually losing a
Student Services Committee
total of 775 faculty and staff positions.
As a result of the previous cutbacks the
Governor has inflicted upon SUNY, we are To the Editor:
at the bare bones as far as faculty positions
Michele Israel's article on Ihc nonare concerned. According to SUNY Central, appearance of late-night buses last Saturday
if these cuts are not restored, retrenchments was a well-written but not complete account
(eliminations) of entire departments are in- of the situation which affected many students
including myself. I would like lo fill in a few
—• This would mean your department may things that were omitted.
be eliminated and faculty fired.
First of all, uptown students spending Ihe
— Classes would become larger and less night downtown were not the only students
courses would be offered.
stranded. A substantial number of Alumni
Save Our Education
YaySUNYA Police!
-rm SUM
is ~m
F&teup "
OF eop.
OF eop
/CAeiFR IS •y\e
fflOMW M7/W Al£ 19
15 foorFpe
\ ^
«• 9lSi)
Senior Class T-Shirts
Now On Sale In The
Campus Center Lobby
nMh specialjuesb
Page 3a
Contents. • •
The Editor's Aspect
Notebook: Ah, the
things we do for love.
Eight hours Is an
awfully long time. Too
long, at least, for two
new writers on our
staff — Conchita and
Shirley. Find out what
they're into and what's
into them. Page 4a.
Feature: From the
streets of San Francisco, the road goes
on forever for the
Grateful Dead. Mitch
Grecbel ought to
know, he's followed
them from sea to shining sea as his account
reveals in token rhyme
suggesting rhythm.
|Page 5 a .
Sound & Vision:
Extensions is the new
plush exhibition by
Transfer, A record of
impeccable sound
recording and art deco
t e c h n i q u e , page 9 a .
ttuhxd** /tbruaru /3* - Q'OOPK
JkUa JhMcT
OM 5 ^ ^ . '
"fours/toy, 7nnuuy
Wh m
January 28 - February 4
Last s e m e s t e r tax c a r d s b e i n g h o n o r e d .
Albany State
Karate Club
of the
New York Chung Do Kwon
• three black belt instructors
• co-ed classes
• classical Korean Karate and
practical self-defense
New beginners class being formed now.
Interest meeting and demonstration tonight.
Jan. 25, 6 p.m.
Colonial U-Lounge
for more info call:
John 438-7988 or Gene 457-7840
S o u n d & Vision:
Hello, it's Todd. But
not just Todd. Cliff
Sloan unravels the
story of a wizard, a
true star and the rest of
the band. Check out
Sound & Vision and
learn something —
anything! As the Runt
makes the world safe
for Utopia. Page 9 a .
.Fiction: Boys will be
boys and boys will be
[girls . . . It's a mixed
up world on the West
Coast and Rasta Ruth
documents it all in an
image-drunk narrative
Ithat will leave you
laughing. Page 10a.
Notebook: Another t
Saturday night and
we've got the munchles. Where's Walt?
Tom talks about Don.
roughshod over th=.
Wild Wild West. .'-V
day Observer and hot
Licks respectively,
page 4 a .
Centerfold: Besides
earthquakes and the
LA smog, California Is
seen as a paradise by
many. Bob O'Brian
was there over vacation recording his impressions and experiences as he
journeyed from the
Bay to San Diego.
Aspects Goes To
California on page 6a.
Sound & Vision:
Hey, hey, my, my,
Neil Young has a new
live LP out that promises not to burn out
or fade away. It's
rough, raunchy, and
even mellow at points,
but there's no calm In
the Loner's eye. Page
Sound & Vision:
Critic extraordinaire
Jim Dixon spares no
one this week as his
rapier-sharp criticism
gorges two movies
that will live in Infamy.
What do Spielberg
and Disney have in
common? Find out in
Sound & Vision, page
DonH Sniff ff
t h e Smog
Ah, California.
One begins to appreciate your sun kist shores while
waiting forty-five minutes for a bus in the bitter cold
Albany winter„Trapped here, as we are by the ties of our
obligation, in this frigid little town, our only solace is to
exercise our imagination and hear the surf roll up at
Malibu, feel the sun seep into our bronzing skin in Palm
Springs, watch the tide slip out from the dock of the Bay.
California has long been looked toward as the outer
perimeter of society--a fringe area between the bored but
secure world we try to bury ourselves in and the less certain, unrestricted, amoral, and ultimately even more bor
ing world of freedom and indulgence.
Every con artist, every sham dealer, every moxie
mongrel that ever had a line to sell could find gold
beyond the Rockies. And they usually do. But nobody
cares really, because, man, the surf's up, and the T-Bird's
in the driveway, the Beach Boys are on the radio, and
there's a Jac' -in-the-Box on the way. In short, the Iiviri'
is easy. Paradise..
Last week Aspects left off three thousand miles eest, in
the grungy and neurotic New York City. We couldn't
very well stay there in this weather. So we all flew to the
coast to do this special issue on California before it sinks
into the sea.
We know too well that this is Albany, but after you read
this issue, close your eyes and try to catch the breeze of
the Bay. Listen to the gulls cry, Sniff the smog. Taste the
enchiladas. Feel the earth shake. And think Beach Boys
Spiritual Graffiti
"There's no There there."
— Gertrude Stein,
After leaving Oakland.
"Hollywood is . . . like a mirage in
your garage."
— P a u l B a r r e r e (Little Feat)
January 25, 1980
P h o t o g r a p h off t h e W e e k
"Gall some place paradise, kiss it
— Eagles
Stuart Matranga
Bob O'Brian
Design and Layout
Jay B. Glssen
Glssen and Matranga
Sound & V/slon Editor
Cliff Sloan
Staffwrlters: Al Baca, Bob Blau, Rube Cinque, Lisa Dennenmark,
Jim Dixon, .left Hall, Beth Kaye, Larry Kinsman, Thomas Martello,
Sieve Osier, Mark Rossler, Laurel Solomon, Audrey Specht, Craig
Graphics: Evan Garber, Lisa Gordon,
D i v e r s i o n s : Vincent Alello
The Student
Page 4a
He lay there spread eagle on my queen size
bed dreaming of pomegranates, reaching for
me as the sun was coming up, like the soapy
eyed Baby Shampoo boy for his towel. He
had the nerve to say to me "Michelle, c'mon,
go to class with a smile. Til be quick really."
"I'll send out for some grapes and fan ladies.
The lute will be here momentarily," I said.
He did too many Molsons and Marlboros
last night. I was not going to kiss that mouth or
run downstairs and find my diaphragm applicator. For that would mean another 8
hours. Hell if I'm gonna play racquetball with
that thing in me.
She stood on the corner of Quail and
Western pretending to have showered. Eyed
an Indian and wondered If he'd be good on a
construction site. She stopped her dagger
dance when she saw a green forehead emerge
from the raspberry sky. A h h , the SUNY bus,
grumbling, devouring the road like some irate
customer with frozen butter on his loast. She
jockeyed for posilion. It stopped in front of the
Indian. He had dandruff. So much for
squatter's rights. They don't apply in the land
of the commuter, She climbed aboard, nodded to the stoic behind the wheel wondered if
his wife gives.
She sat down next to a granola man (pack
and boots at least $150) and felt for the soft
hard subslance between her eyes. She rubbed
them and thought of the after bath angelic face
of the Baby Shampoo boy all ready to be tucked In. "These 8:00'sare murder. It's not a normal thing I'm doing. You have to be sick. Sick.
They're just not healthy," she said aloud. He
turned his boysenberry cheeks and smiled.
He's all teeth - clean, white teeth. "My mother
When I packed for my long weekend I
wrapped my diaphragm In the folds of my
flannel nightgown. Three kinds of encounters
were possible. One called for Ihe diaphragm
mitschlag. We had the other two: theplalonlc
and the hostile. We slept stacked like spoons
locked tight against the cold of the sheets and
o more. T w o old friends, in bed. Tentative
fingertip explorations, and a relreal into sleep
Innocent as sandbox playmates.
f he
Horning A f t e r
Conchita Rodriguez & Shirley Beans
were the one's wilh diarrhea or bladder trouble, timid paranoid people who can't pee if someone else Is In the room, coming to change a
tampon, take out a diaphragm, some even
come with pens.
She took out her little blue case and thought
about the time she did this at a greyhound bus
station after Disneyland, and in a sleeping bag
in Thatcher Park wilh Brian by flashlight, and
found she had put It in upside down.
The last stall giggled, opened; Michelle went
to the sink to rinse il out. Yech, but it's wither
this, or the pill and cancer. She turned the
water off. "Free at last," she said. She had
He was reading Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.! had gone through six of the
Nine Stories. It had been that kind of Saturday. We reached for the books thai brought us
comfort. He shimmied up Ihe fine stalks of
consciousness, while I dug for potatoes at the
roots. We were edgy.as the two blades of a
scissor, slicing close lo one another, but cutting only air.
Then, the next day, the charges: You wan
from me what I can't give, he look a sleeping
bag to the basement, slept down there, wilh
Ihe cords of firewood, the cats, the dark
fermenting beer.
I lay awake, twisted in my nightgown, and
thought. Had I wanled to seduce him? Coul
have expected him to think otherwise? Is hi
ing an affair with a friend a good Idea? Tlnk
Ing wilh the alchemy of relationships is a trickly
business; Ortho-gynol makes it especially slip
Right now, a woman stands at a sink, rins
Ing off her diaphragm, washing away consum
malions, seductions, infidelities. Il all looks the
same, like the jelly on cold gefilte fish. The
diaphragm is untroubled by the distinctions
between lovers and friends that we struggli
with. The rubber deteriorates at a constant
rale, regardless. The spermicide kills.
I know 1 would have enjoyed the love
making, smiled when I woke wilh him in th
morning. But, Ihe way it turned out. I could
nol even hug him tightly when I led. Il m
have been misinterpreted. New dlctiona
had been issued, making old understand!
suspect. I had nothing to wash off, hut
had gone down the tubes.
I Friday Observer
We Want Walt!
to remain In the background. The type wh
would let Big Dom do the ad work while h
made the SUNY tuna specials. The br.ii
behind the brawn.
. .,
i M ^ t , V , U I M W u m i t e
U/IICM WIC J U I t e o U l UVfUfiy
Now that they've taken Walt's sign d,,v.:
Parks In the Miss America _
will replace Bert Parks in the Miss America p
*"> I'm a little worried. What has happened I
Pageant and HI shrug my shoulders. Y o u can a r e S O p O l O e r j U l
t h a t
rCDOC/ced Olit
Wall? Big Dom looks awfully lough. Mayb
tell me that Soviet hl|lnx In Afghanistan might
, .
they got Into an argument and Dom drown,
deprive America of listening to Joe Garagtola \)OW
a n d SpeOK
Walt in Russian dressing or sometl
announce the Olympicss and
^ ^ I^ won't
^ ^ ^ bat
^ ^ an
^ ^
- - -eyebrow.
There really should be an investigation into
Walt's whereabouts. The next time your.
But there comes a time when you have to
down by Bogarts, get a bunch of your cronies
stand up to injustice. There comes a time
and chant "We want Walt, We want Walt."
when they push you too far. There comes a
time when the forces of wrong are so powerful dime sign we're talking about. A Walt's sub to say "Let's get a Big Dom's sub." That's too That'll get the message across.
that you are knocked out of your apathetic
Even If Dom simply bought Walt out. il
was the perfect end to a partying weekend many words. Now Walt's subs, that flow off
daze and speak out for what is right in the
evening. A Walt's sub was what you ordered the toungue. It's like a primal scream: would be much better for business to keep his
on campus when you couldn't bring yourself "Waaaaaaalt's sub!" you'd grunt, and name. After all, when Mr. McDonald sold out
You'll know what I'm talking about if you to cat asparagus Marco Polo. A Walt's sub was everyone was headed for the door. That can't his corner stand many years ago, the new
lake a drive up Madison Avenue to the corner tradition, man.
owner wisely kept his name and turned it Into
happen any more.
of Ontario, Take a good look. It won't hit you
I know the subs are still around in their
Now Big Dom has muscled himself and his quite a business. Consider if they did what Big
right away, but when you realize what has greasy splendor, but it's just not the same. Go
face on every poster and billboard in town. We Dom did. Do you think they would have been
happened, I'm sure you'll feel the same sense
ahead, get drunk. Roam from bar to bar. all know the face. Balding dome, wide, able to sell 10 billion hamburgers in a fast food
of disgust 1 did. You see, they've taken down
Stumble into Bogarts and listen to the Units. hungry grin, big moustache, eighty-three chain named "Kroc's"?
the Walt's Sub sign.
If you can read this, Walt, I'd like to tell you
Drink a few more pitchers of brew. Then you chins. He's Big Dom all righl. Eat enough subs
I know it's hard to believe, but where once get that urge for roast beef with extra peppers, and you can look just like him, boys and girls. that there are people in your corner and thai
there was to be a Big Dom's sign and a Walt's You know, the kind of food that has you burpBig Dom has always had his puss in the we refuse to let your memory die. You
Sub sign, there are now two Big Dom's signs.
ing for days on end.
newspaper ads, but we all had this feeling understood our needs, and you became a par!
I'm not sure when it happened, but I'll bet they
But it is difficult to communicate now that about Walt. Nobody knew who Walt really of our SUNYA lives. Y o u knew that we were
tried to sneak it by during vacation. But they
there aren't any Walt's subs. When you're this was, but 1 always got the impression that he well-bred college students with a high standard
can't fool me, no sir. This isn't any five and
drunk, verbalization is difficult. It's impossible was sort of a benevolent fellow who preferred of eating. More importantly, you knew that
we'd eat anything when we were high.
right in the world.
Teddy For President
In or around 1 9 1 1 , the last known
•specimen of a race of people we have termed
^'Indians" was "apprehended," I.e., the last
wild, "uncivilized" native American was
discovered somewhere in Nevada or Arizona
dying of starvation. He had no surviving family or friends, and called himself "Ishl," the
word In his dialect for " m a n . " You see, it was
taboo among the people of Ishl's tribe to refer
to oneself by one's given name; only others
could address you as such. Toward the end of
his life, which was cut short, Ironically, by a
white man's disease — tuberculosis, Ishl was
asked — after he had lived in the white man's
cities, eaten the white man's food, and adJusted himself to the American way of life — to
assess the white man's world. Ishl said that the
white man was "small, but not wise."
Ishl's appraisal of what can be paraphrased
as the "Western world" Is, I think, remarkably
Insightful. One need only to delve superficially
Intc Taoism and other Eastern religions to
'Why are our values so jumbled that men like
Ted Kennedy exist?"
perceive an Inherent wisdom about the
"mysterious East." Einstein's curve in the
space-time continuum, or simply "time," is
perceived quite differently in the East as opposed to the West. "The Stream" is the
analogy used by Lao-Tzu and Hermann Hesse
to describe alternate perspectives on time and
subsequently, the way one carries on their life.
One seeks their own level, like the stream, and
flows around the rough spots. This dichotomy
in time perspective even more profoundly
separates two other conflicting groups of people — men and women.
This past vacation, I had the pleasure of cat-
ching the end of The Grapes of Wrath, a film
I'd never seen before. Sitting In an old truck,
Pa says to Ma:
"I'm no good anymore and I know It."
Ma replies, "That's because you men do
things In jerks. You do something great and
that's it. But we women, well, we're like a
stream. We keep going no matter what. , ."
Is It any wonder that women are disgusted
with the insanity of war and other oppressive
forms of self-expression, and have traditionally spoken against them? This basic rift between
sexes in self a n d w o r l d
(Weltaschaung) manifests Itself most obviously
in the way we men pursue and "enjoy
orgasm - quickly, momentarily, and Heeling
While women, on the other hand, kind of
coast through it with smiles on their faces.
Where did the West go wrong? 1 think it's
worth mentioning that there are no female
deities in any Western religion, In contrast to
the Earth mothers and matriarchs of Buddhism and native American religions (which
are, technically, sects of the East given their
Asiatic roots). Why are our values so jumbled
that men like Ted Kennedy exist? Here Is a
man who is driven by an obsessive quest for
power - he runs his perilous course, disregarding his wife, his mother, and Ihe odds. And
when some crazed fanatic finally does pump a
bullet Into Teddy Kennedy, I don't think I'll be
able to Invest enough emotion In the matter lo
honestly, give a shit. N o , that's nol true. I'll
probably cry with everyone else. But my cry
won't be just for Camelol, It'll be for the
human race.
Page 5a
The Season Off Qna
Now Is The Time To Tell
I'm going where those chilly winds don't
blow cause I ain't gonna be treated this of
Well, Albany winters were part of the
reason why I was in Oakland over this past
vacation. Another reason, however, and probably startling to those who can't relate, was to
catch some Graleful Dead shows,
"Let my inspiration flow."
roll, with the psychedelia of Ihe times, provid- called of course Europe 7 2 , followed. After
ed a form of music which had never been real- this highly successful year was a year filled
ly attempted before. Their results were more with sorrow. Ron "Pigpen" McKernan died of
When I had flrsl began to anticipate this
effective than any of the other average acid a stomach hemorrhage. With Pigpen gone, his
vacation, California was Ihe target of my Inrock groups of the 60s. They seemed to have passing helped dissipate what seemed to be a
tentions. Circumstances beyond my control,
. . . let us say, perfected the very art of large link to the 60s. Nonetheless, they were
though, forced me to temporarily alter my
— as always — back on the road by the sum"space".
plans. But two weeks prior to our hiatus, the
The Bay scene In Ihe late sixties provided a mer of '73 until their temporary break-up In
thought struck me — what was 1 to do for New
perfect setting for The Dead from their beginn- late '74.
Years? The Idea o l missing the opening of a
new decade wilh The Dead, that mystical ing to their taking It on lour. 710 Ashbury
Each member of the band took time to do
Street In The Halght had been, for a number
band of Ihe Bay, Immediately convinced me
their own thing for fourteen months and then
lo realign my priorities and pursue my original of years, Ihe housing for The Dead and their
It was back together again. Through the next
family. Telegraph Street, Berkeley, even toplans. So off I went.
progression of albums, different forms of
The strange and contradictory emotions il- day still shows remnants of what was once
music were attempted. Though a bit
llclled from the Grateful Dead, are intense referred to as a "Freak's Paradise". The Dead
mellower, 11 still consisted of powerful rock.
love by its loyal fans on one hand and Intense and their following had a very firm foundation "Eyes", "Scarlet Begonias", and "Franklin's
In the Bay area to say Ihe least, but by the time
feelings of haired by those who hate them.
Tower" are examples of Ihe new branches of
(They say Ignorance Is bliss.) Like many peo- the '68-'6° Live Dead tour was over, their fans music that The Dead were climbing. The lourple who consider themselves a "Dead Head", were no longer limited to California. By way of
ing picked up again In 1976 and hasn't really
I found at first a difficulty In understanding Bill Graham, the promotor's promotor, whose
stopped to this day. Though faces have
them. T H E M ! Yes, "St. Stephen" Is a great
changed over the years, the basic nucleus of
tune, both Worklngman 's Dead and American
Mitch A. Greebel
Tom Martello
You know, I'm a tolerant kind of a guy. 1
really am. You can tell me the Japanese outdid Pearl Harbor by jailing an ex-Beatle and It
Hot Licks And Rhetoric
One From Column A
would love y o u , " she yawned. He opened a
copy of Mansfield Park. The stole hit a bump
and she began to feel nauseus.
She thought of the warm body upstairs in
her room. She thought of that warm body
brushing its teeth, taking a warm shower, then
going on its merry way not even bothering to
make the bed. " A friend is someone you can
be yourself with." — Susan Polis Schultz.
The beige dome pressed against her insides.
I wonder if Kubla Khan ever thought it would
come to this. I wonder who else on this goddamn bus Is wearing a diaphragm. 8-hours
wilh this thing in me. I feel like asking every
woman ". . . And how many hours do you
.have to go?" " O h I've put in 3, My time's up
well after one. It's due to come out right In the
middle of French." Merde, she mouthed - and
that bastard has a day off tody.
5 hours later at an unpopular bathroom
time she quietly left French class. The door
slammed behind her. "Prepare for ejection",
she mused as she passed a woman mascaraIng in the mirror. She entered the last stall.
She was suspicious of last stall lakers. Those
thought, $25 in
my pocket, an
easy ticket, an
easy hitch, I'll be
Beauty are good toe-tappln' country rock
albums, Bui where is the magic 1 had often
heard so much of? 1 wondered. The answer, It
seems at least for me, was found not in vinyl
hut rather in the flesh — ihe answer lo the
boys' magic was In their live performance. Unbounded energy coming smack at me, not
through two stereo speakers, but slacks upon
stacks of amps. Literally blowing me away. So
this Is what it's about, I thought, Live Dead!
After experiencing this first concert 1 had a
much better understanding of what The Deac
were about. During the latter part of the concert someone next to me mentioned the fact
thai they were going lo be playing the next
night only three hours away. H m m , I thought,
$25 in my pocket, an easy ticket, an easy
hitch, I'll be there . . . so the saga of a De
Head Is begun.
So maybe you're asking yourself some
questions aboul the boys. From a humble start
ol playing In lire streets of The Halght, The
Dead began with Ihe name The Warlocks.
Under this not well-known name, the band
had no real success even though they had
made a demo album. By Ihe lime they had
become The Grateful Dead, a place had beep
by that often talked about,
found for
I about family of freaks known as
Pranksters. Yes, It was that 'brought to the good old Fillmore East.
The Me
The early seventies showed some of Ihe
rful lime In American history when
band's most Inspirational, as well as powerful,
muslc, Space became ihe place al a Dead
as The Acid Tests with Kesey first
was a. national syndrome. The Dead had show. .And
j ^ ^ ^ _
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
playi 1 one of their outdoor shows and helped them Into Ihe llmemllght (through T.
unbeknownst to them, the fearless leader of
Wolf's Electric Kool Aid Acid Test), the magic
the Pranksters, Ken (One Flew Oner the
"-Cld" was always present in the crowd's
Cuckoo's Nest) Kesey, who was In the aubloodstream as well as In Ihe band's, though
dience look a strong liking to them. The initial
this probably disturbed those outside Ihe acid
meeting was all Kesey needed to realize that
scene then, as It does lo those people who
this band's own personal qualities, joined wilh
• The Acid aren't "experienced" now. Acid usually stirred
acid, could produce very r1—
conl into t l i e national the loyal followers, Ihe Dead Heads, to a level
Tests. So began Ih
on par with the band's, which only added to
the magic of The Dead.
The early Dead consisted of Bill "The
The years passed and The Dead were still
Drummer" Kreufcman, Bob Weir, Phil Lesh, very much alive. The tour of '72 brought them
Hon "Pigpen" McKernan and Jerry "Captain Into Europe. A very popular record follow-up,
Trips" Garcia. Their mixture of country rock n'
people from many different places getting
together to rock on out (or space out). Painted
faces and doses of acid were more often than
not a large Ingredient found on and In the
bodies of those at the concerts. Slowly but
surely I began to feel more and more comfortable following The Dead, as well as being part
of all the crazlness that goes along with It. The
unity created in the air, though often
generated by hallucinogens, could be felt even
without a drug. One could just walk through
the crowd feeling Ihe energy.
As of this very moment, for me at least,
walking Into a Dead concert, anywhere, feels
like . . . going home (no violins, please).
Familiar faces can be seen everywhere. I've
often walked through a crowd trying to match
faces from past concerts. It's sort of like playing Name That Face . . .
Following a Dead tour, quite honestly,
brought me to some cities as well as slates that
I definitely wouldn't have seen otherwise
From down south In Hampton Beach, V a . ,
bookin' Northwest, through Ontario and two
border checks, to Ann Arbor, Mich., as far
west as Cape C o d , Mass., to the ultimate
"Pllgrimmage", the closing of Wlnterland In
San Francisco, California. And though these
long hauls might appear to be more of a
burden than a joy, I can't really agree
(usually). Getting there Is half the fun. In fact,
truckln' to a Dead show seams to be what It's
all about — hitting ihe open road for a great
time — meeting northerners, southerners,
midwesterners . . . The network Is just . . i
amazing. Anywhere and everywhere new
friends are found — ones you know you won't
see again, until maybe you make It back to
Buttfuck, USA for another show.
Attempting to catch more than one or two
shows on a given tour can have its drawbacks
too. The Dead, you see, are always touring.
Unlike any other band that's ever been, they
never really take a break. And because they
don't do a "tour", their shows are varied,
though sometimes not varied enough. This is
quite unlike any other major band which
would do the same show continually
throughout their lour. School, II seems, is
usually In session when there is a tour going
on. The lack of money also can stifle Ihe attempt of seeing more than a few shows . . .
nonetheless, Ihe music never stops and very
often giving up a show 400 miles away may
enable you to catch two within one hour of
each other.
Whatever . . . As I said, I traveled this past
vacation to the other coast to see the beautiful
Californlan sunset and catch some shows.
Neither let me down. The sun shlned for most
of the two and a half weeks I spent there and
the shows were amazing with some surprises
from the past. The walk into the Oakland
Auditorium sent my senses a reelln' and a
rockln'. Thai familiar, confortable feeling
began to become more than a feeling. Faces
from Pittsburgh, Baltimore, Utah, Providence
and even some former Albanians passed by
me as I stood there. The lights went out and it
was once again time for the good old boys to
take Ihe stage. Like Bill Graham said,
"They're not the best at what they do, they're
the only ones that do what they do!"
May all your dreams go up In smoke
With redolence of hash & coke
And once again we'll stone your head
As you rejoin the Grateful Dead
— Judge Bruce Wright
the band has remained intact, Jerry G., Ace
Weir, Phil Lesh, and Bill "The Drummer".
Seeing them today might give the impression t]iat they've always been "commercially
, 1
roots are
are still
still veru
very much
" " TTheir
derived from Ihose who have dwelled in the
streets of the Bay area. It's nol surprising either
thai their latest album, S/iakedoutn Street,
outsold all their previous albums combined,
which tells you both how financially strapped
they were before the mld-seventles, and how
commercial they have become . . .
, , , Which brings me back lo where I was a
llltle while ago, The following of a Dead tour.
The first tour 1 really followed was very strange
as well as Interesting. There Is a feeling of
gradual Initiation Into "Ihe family" and the
whole scene. Here, I thought, were all these
...so the saga of
a Dead Head is
California Preamln'
They Called
upon entering Highway 1 0 1 . Santa Barbara Is
a quaint town of Spanish stucco and tall palm
trees about ninety miles north of Los Angeles.
The university there Is situated right on the
'beach and surfboards sit In bookcases In dorm
rooms. Like New York universities, the
students are, for the most part, natives of the
state and have a blurry-clear Image of
themselves and what they want "to be". The
keg party we attended was typical: freshmen
dressed to the hilt and eager, some
gregarious, others excluded.
Y o u have to get up early In the morning —
with the sun, or with the tequila sunrise,
because even Steve the Greek's In Berkeley
closes at 7 PM and Greek food Is where it's at,
for me at least. Down Telegraph Ave., we set'Jed on some hot Mexican food, the lavatory
graffiti was outstanding: "Take a Depression,
mix with shattered remnants of the 60s, New
Wave alienation and the incisive logic of the
unemployed." You have to maintain a sense
of humor In everything you endeavor, be It a
street act or what have you because you can
cry in your beer and revel in your own
maudlin schtlck until hell freezes over and still
not get anything done. Telegraph is just buzzing with these self-appointed philosophers
who propheslze, not with their pens, but with
a little magic, a little vaudeville . . . a stop to
read Subterraneans makes me believe in
Kerouac again . . . but I won't pontificate
anymore to anyone, not to Mitch and Gary
who are going to the Grateful Dead show in
Oakland, New Year's Eve and presumably
usher in the 80s with characteristic bourgeois
bravado . ._.
Bookstore still stands amidst pink pleasure
button-down shirts protesting war and adpalaces, and Is populated with (he works of
vocating civil rights.
BART is an anagram for Bay Area Rapid Ginsberg, Ferllnghettl, Gary Snyder and a
Transit and is exactly that. You can. go from plethora of others — Gertrude Stein, Thomas
Pynchon, etc. Next to City Lights Is Vesuuto's,
the hlppest part of Berkeley to the most
debauched slum In Oakland for a mere 70 an engaging little watering hole where, 1 Imcents. Not surprisingly, we used the BART for agine, many of the beats must've tied one o n .
almost dally excursions Into San Francisco. The tables at Vesuvio's are painted in
"free-form" design, I.e. psychedelic collages
The BART Is modern and immaculately cle.in.
It's one real drawback Is that it closes at mid- covered with either a thin sheet of glass or a
night; Indicative of the emphasis on daytime coat of lacquer making them look like the
activities In San Francisco. No nocturnal . Slstine Chapel on a d d .
slouch, by any means, San Francisco is still a
Columbus Avenue will also lead you right
city that must be seen during the day. Fisher- Into the Italian section, home of Joe DIMagman's Wharf, though not without it's charm, glo, and Chinatown where I was obliged to
has become offensively commercialized, speak a little Mandarin to natives of the largest
But on one of the last days of the stigmatizresembling a seaside Disneyland. Hawkers sell Chinese colony outside mainland China
ed 1970s, our entourage, comprised of myself
and three friends, were to spend the day In cups of crab and live lobster at outrageous (excluding Taiwan which is an independent
that curious and oil celebrated little town, prlcet>. Y o u n g American families who nation). During much of the trip, and even
Berkeley. We were staying with my friend's might've come from Iowa and brought along now, the question emerges — what Is it about
cousin on Regent Street, two blocks over from the dog, duster around mimes and jugglers as San Francisco? Why the overwhelming ethnic
the bay's salt-water odor filters through their diversity? Why Ihe alternatives in lifestyles . . .
Telegraph Avenue, the main artery that
and vibrates with small craft shops smelling nosirlls.
the hippies, People's Temple, Ihe militants,
vaguely of revolution and the promise of a belColumbus Avenue will take you from ihe the gays (whose interests are served by The
ter fate for the human race. Telegraph Is the Wharf Into North Beach, the city's tenderloin. Advocate,
America's leading gay newsartery that leads directly to Berkeley's campus,
However, to call North Beach a "red light" magazine)? Possibly II is the hills. To walk
the site of so much hubbub in the even more district would be doing the area a grave In- through any section of the city Is quite an
celebrated and offensively romanticized justice. North Beach was the home base for achievement as your quickly beating heart and
beat emigres In the late 1950s who had tired of shortness of breath will attest lo. Sure, many
The University at Berkely, which is just one Ihe Greenwich Village scene. The City Lights regions of Ihe U.S., or even the world, are
of the branches of California's state university
system, is beautiful. An Impressive, If regal
gate ornamented with small nude statues and
Ivy-League-type Inscriptions greet you. The
gate is always open. The faculty buildings are
quite modern (the entire university Is no older
than fifty years); the walls resembling bleached
slate on cheap marble. There Is a main
walkway decked on both sides with the most
bizarre-looking trees Imaginable. I don't know
If they're In season or not. The leafless branches curl and tuck. They must be some sort of
California mutation I thought.
The preceding notes were scribbled on the
back of a little pamphlet I had been carrying
around. The pamphlet had been given to me
by one of the aforementioned "street acts" In
Berkeley, and It read "May the 70s rot In
peace! In the 80s the Empire's gonna shake,
rattle 'n roll! The pamphlet foretold of a night
of iconoclastic rock'n roll ("Rock'n Revolt")
and was sponsored, In part, by the local Communist party. The starring acts were bands
called Prairie Fire and the States, acts that
promised to "bring d o w n " the Red Flag
theater, "the house" as It were, in a gala New
Year's Eve bash on Chestnut Street In San
Francisco's North Beach area.
My whole state of mind had been altered in
that long-needed vacation. Berkeley Is so
stimulating that you would have to go quite
out of your way to be bored. Even shopping
for food Is an experience, being that there still
exists an older, more conservative element In
Berkeley; those who, Incredibly, still frown
and won't look In the eyes of the "hippies"
who share the frozen food aisles with them.
Vegetarian restaurants abound as do smalllime jewelers and leather craftsmen who sell
their wares out on the street. There are
violinists playing Beethoven, poets chanting,
oracles and modern-day soothsayers trying to
raise someone's consciousness for maybe a
quarter. The Shakespeare Book Shop on
Telegraph Is full of used classics that sell for as
low as a dollar. A glimpse In the university
bookstore reveals a liberalized curriculum; leftist philosophy and revolutionary economics.
Berkeley was the home of Jerry Rubin and
Country Joe, Mario Savo and Herbert Marcuse. Drugs are still abundant and the population is still young; many of them second
generation "freaks" who were but children
when the first sprays of teargas choked
students with unlayered hair and baggy
equally steep and just as hilly, but one look
down Lombaro Street and you have to marvel
at the fact that someone decided to build a city
here! Moreover, one can find Moonies, LSD,
and strong gay communities In many
American cities nowadays, but this is where il
all started. New Years' Eve was a testament lo
the festive sensibilities of San Francisco. In
North Beach a roadblock had been set up at
the corner of Columbus and Broadway where
staggered and milled about, the largest mass
of Inebriated humanity I'd witnessed since the
Mardl Gras. Similar to the Mardl Gras and the
annual Times Square ritual, social convention
had been cast aside for an orgy of indulgence
and gratification. 1 can't desert the subject of
New Year's Eve without mentioning the Tom
McFarland Band, a local act that played some
of the best, hard-ass rock 'n roll in a little club
called the Sacramento. The club Is perched
atop an incline on Green Street and is painted
with aesthetically pleasing colors and designs.
To avoid paying the $2.00 cover charge I
stood outside the club with a friend and sonicstrangers, sharing a joint and I remember
thinking that this was a magical moment, eternally etched In my subconscious, to be recounted many times In the future. Another
peculiar aspect of that evening was that the
Jefferson Starship were playing in a club on
Columbus Ave. We walked by, in fact, as they
were doing "Jane" and could've gained entry
for only $25 a head. A t that very moment, the
Grateful Dead were playing in Oakland. There
must've been a real familial feeling that night in
the Bay area.
In the Halght Ashbury district at the foot of
Golden Gate Park, one can find something of
a renaissance taking place. Victorian mansions
that housed and even helped kindle the first
spark of the hippie "movement" in the middle
60s are being renovated and repainted in the
same loud colors that characterized those embryonic day-glo years. Unfortunately, the promise of a new life and a new start attracted not
only adventurous free spirits and naive kids,
but also those looking for a shortsighted way
out of Ihe confines of social responsibility.
Subsequently, the Halght Is now rife with
drifters, beggars, drunks, real down-andoutters becoming gray at the temples. It seems
that the Halght had been an ordinary
neighborhood prior lo the "Awakening", and;
resumed lhal status shortly after. In fact, the
area around Halght and Market streets Is a
rough section of town. Bui in contrast to even
Iwo years ago, when I first visited the area,
there appears lo be revitalized interest in
boosting the spiritual awareness of the
neighborhood. The Halght Street bookstore Is
a nice, homey place to browse and nearby Is
Vivaldi's wherein Is served superb pizza at a
reasonable price and the best jukebox you'll
ever find.
O n the fifth day of our sojourn, we decided
to rent a car. Our first stop, upon leaving
Berkeley, was to cross the Golden Gate
Bridge (which is in fact orange) into Sausallto,
the beautiful little island that is usually Included
In the ferry ride from the Wharf to Alcatraz and
Marin County. Sausallto Is, also, somewhat
commercialized, but it still Is the residence of
an esoteric colony of artists and philosophers
(Alan Watts among them) whose presence undoubtedly contributes to the clear and good
feeling one gets when walking those roads that
spiral continually upward. From Sausallto we
drove south on Pacific Coast Highway N o . 1
and camped on a beach whose name was
unknown to us — this spontaneous and arbitrary decision to compenste, perhaps, for the
entirely bourgeois feeling of riding in a new
automobile. There is nothing like'the sunrise
over the ocean, and soon we were off the Big
Sur, my weak constilulion being overtaken
with nausea as we twisted and turned down
the tumultuous Pacific coast. Big Sur Is
something of a fairyland, Immortalized In pan
by Jack Kerouac and Richard Brautigan.
Here, now, let my notes tell It:
Big Sur, Jan. 4, 1980
Having just awoke after a cold night inside a
"sand-cave", the gulls are coming In, circling,
looking for breakfast. A black goose struggles
for its life. There are no humans in the
panorama. From a distance, these divinely
conceived caves appear as brown dots along
the blue water. Up close, purple silt and white
gull entrails paint the strangely sculpted rock
smooth impressions that look like smiles and
other facial mannerisms. The rocks we stood
on were centuries in the making, the tenuous
water slaps down o n the surface, hewing a
coarse edge, rounding out an angle. There's
something very uniform in the design.
There Is no township or settlement of Big
Sur, per se. There are houses, very geometric,
that nestle In the mountains, lodges and commercial outposts accompany the redwoods all
along Highway I. The weather Is at best indecisive. From atop the mountains, fresh
water trickles down, carving Its own passage In
the sand, emptying In the sally ocean. There
Southern California is an entirely different
story. From the cliche of the uninhibited and
contemplative granola freaks of the north, we
headed south and the fast-paced, open-shirt,
cocaine aura seemed to enguif us iinme palely
Hollywood Boulevard, the thoroughfare
celebrated by the Kinks and others, Is the embodiment of all that Is affected and contrived
and Is an Integral pari of one of the most toxic
and spiritually bankrupt settlements in the
world — Los Angeles. Down the boulevard,
tourists from all over the country eye key
places — Grauman's Chinese Theater for Instance, and are careful not to be so gauche as
to look down at the sidewalk momentoes
commemorating every entertainer with Ihe
money or the Influence to be Immortalized
on a umcrete slab. Women try to be
glamorous, sucking In their pale cheeks just
slightly so as to appear consumptive and
bored, while men shake their asses and
cultivate a delicate appearance because these
days it's very In to be effeminate. The stars,
not the entertainers, but the actual concrete
pentangles, are about three by four feet In
area. No mention Is made of the highlighted
star's particular forte, nor are any vital statistics
such as blrthdate Included. Only the names
are given, accompanied by one of the four
symbols In a code designed to underscore that
star's field of entertainment — e.g. a movie
camera indicates that the person was a movie
star, a disc for the musicians, a microphone
for radio celebs, and a television screen with
two long antennae prominently perched on
top indicates a career in lunacy (pun intended
for the Apollo X I mission was actually cited as
a television event and given Ms own little slab
of eternity). Some other unllkelys appear, Igor Stravinsky has a niche on the Boulevard as
do Ronald Reagan, Crosby, Stills, and Nash,
and Peter Frampton.
Los Angeles is a very large city in area. In
addition lo movies, it was once a major aircraft
manufacturing site. The city has no rapid transit system and the exhausl fumes emanating
from Ihe infinitesimal number of autos that
drive through L.A. every day are trapped In
the San Fernando valley by the warm
Southern California air, hence Ihe world
famous smog. Despite its great size, or possibly because of it, there Is no section In Los,
Angeles that can be casually walked through.
The city's claim to fame among the young is
Van Nuys Boulevard, a paradise for horny
adolescents (but then, what adolescent Isn't?).
Van Nuys, by Ihe way was totally deserted
when we toured through It, In the final
analysis, if such a thing is possible, Los
Angeles stands oul as a city without substance.
I wasn't aware of any unity of esprit de corps
(except during the playoffs). G'-""iour and
good weather are L.A.'s attributes. It should
be seen and discarded.
It rained during my entire hiatus In San
Diego. I was granted, however, one sunny
day to hitch from the beautiful city back to
L.A. for my flight home. As you proceed
south in California, Ihe population of Mexicans, many of them illegal aliens, thickens.
Bus drivers take pains warning passengers not
to smoke pot. Road signs become bilingual.
Outside San Diego live two high school friends
of mine. They took me to Jane's Country Kitchen where for $2.00 1 was treated to an
omelette so large I couldn't finish it.
There's C a l i f o r n i a for y o u , m i n u s
Disneyland which you all know about and
Yosemlte-Park, which we didn't see, unfortunately. It Is, as the Eagles have called it, the
Last Resort. Callfornlans must harbor feelings
of finality because after the West Coast, there's
no place to search for the American Dream.
California sets the trends. Who Isn't aware of
the web of self-help groups and therapy
centers that have sprung up in California? . . .
not reflective of a "Me Decade" but the logical
zxtenslon of, or a reaction to, some of the dust
that was kicked up fifteen years ago — the side
effects of the 60s, the unpleasant afterbirth of
an age of enlightenment that awaits us . . . or
has already begun.
'age 8a \
. ..
Jive Token
_ _ _ _ _
w a u Dis A n d World War Tee
• ~ • *
- — — — • • — —
„ d William
bott are very good, »
William Fraker's
photography Is perfect for the fantasy-slapstick
moviegoer's wallet after Christmas shopping.
Jim Dixon
mood of the film.
Though 1941 Is certainly not a great film, It
Is a fun movie for the Saturday night crowd.
from Christopher Lee, as a Nazi officer on
board the submarine, Toshlro Mlfune as the Unfortunately, it cost In excess of twenty-five
million dollars, and unless it makes back fifty,
sub's commander, and Slim Pickens, who
It won't see a profit. This Is something of a
comment on the Inflationary budgets which
are becoming ail-too frequent In Hollywood.
Sooner or later some of these celluloid giants
are going to take a bath.
'" ,
^ ,,,„,„
e came0
plays Hollls (Holly) Wood, captured by the
This season has seen some of the most expen- Japanese. The movie alternates the situations
sive films ever, though expensive need not which, in disaster movie form, come together
necessarily mean good.
by the film's climax. The result Is a fast-moving
1941 is director Steven Spielberg's latest, but sometimes disjointed movie.
and most expensive film. Based loosely on the
Spielberg's usual forte of putting some perCalifornia air-raid paranoia of the early part of sonal detail Into a "big" movie is less evident
World War II (which actually took place In ear- here that in his earlier movies, yet he does
ly 1941), 1941 is a comedy of epic propor- manage to Infuse the film with some personalitions. A lost Japanese submarine vainly hunts ty. The first sequence, in which he recreates
for Hollywood, an only semi-military target, as the opening of Jaws, replete with the same
the citizens of California muddle about in background music, until the curvaceous skinpreparation for the dreaded attack. There are
nydipper, rather than being eaten by a shark,
a good number of intertwining plots, which
is stranded atop the periscope of the surfacing
would be literary suicide to untangle. They insubmarine.
clude, however, John Belushi as a semiAt least the movie manages to be bizarre.
psychotic pilot who thinks he's been trailing a
If disjointed and sprawling, the script is funJap squadron for days, Dan Aykroyd as an
ny, existing almost solely to provide as much
Army motorpool sergeant who somehow ends
spectacular slapstick in two hours as possible.
up with a tank crew, Time Matheson as an adIt's a little like Mad magazine on screen. The
jutant to General Stlllwell (the only sane perspecial effects by A . D . Flowers and L.B. Abson In the movie), played by Robert Stack
One that deserves to Is The Black Hole. Imagination Is supposed to be the watchword at
Walt Disney Studios, though you'd never
know It after seeing The Black Hole. This,
Walt Disney's entry Into the big money science
fiction arena, and its first PG-rated film ever, Is
frankly, one of the most banal and insipid
pieces of garbage I've seen all year. The concept, that of a cat and mouse game between a
space exploration crew and a madman aboard
a huge spaceship about to travel through a
n-hP ridden script
ruthless in
script ruthless
In its
Its mediocrity.
cliche-ridden script ru'
The -robots get the best lines, and they look
like something Mattel was too embarrassed to
release as toys for five year olds.
The Black Hole steals broadly from'James
Bond movies, Star Wars, and 20,000
Leagues Under The Sea, reaching the quality
of none of these. There is no Imagination, no
originality, no creativity evident on the screen
at all. Even the highly-touted special effects
are only adequate at best.
The Black Hole has received a number of
condescendingly favorable reviews, largely
from critics who seem to feel that science fiction is well-represented by this foolishness.
The genre is Ill-served by this sort of tripe,
which encourages more of the same, causing
more people to think that all science fiction is
outer space cowboys shooting electronic popguns and saving damsels in distress.-
If 1941 is shallow, The Black Hole exists in
negative space. That a script this bad could actually get in front of the cameras with a big
Young 'n Live
A f t e r The Old
Class of '80
like quality. The listener has the Impression of
"Neil Y o u n g Is G o d , " proclaims a
participating in a musical fantasy. After
bathroom-wall prophet in bright red spray
humorously remarking, "When I get paid, I'm
paint. The apocalyptic graffiti artist conveys a
going to get an electric guitar," Young breaks
message which evokes nods of approval from
into "Out of the Blue," one of his current
millions of Young followers,
songs from Llue Rust's sister LP, Rust Never
Sleeps. "Out of the Blue" is a fine tune. It
displays Mr. Young's acoustic talent and It
proplgates a message about rock an' roll. It
Throughout the thlrteen-odd years Neil
whispers unsurely, "Rock and roll Is here to
Young has professionally been Involved in
stay," as compared to the aggressive tone of
music, during which time he has played with
"Into the Black" (a similar song on side four)
The Buffalo Springfield, Crazy Horse and
which screams belligerently, "Rock and roll
CSN, he has managed to survive all musical
will never die." Both the songs are sagas about
trends while successfully imprinting his diverse
the music Industry with references to Elvis
style of country rock-hard, hard music in the
Presley ("the king is gone, but he's not forgotannals of history. With lyrical qualities that
project special, sincere emotions in the
listener, a raw powerful guitar style, and an
empassloned touching voice, Nell Young has
managed to create his own special style which
Is comparable to none of his contemporaries.
Nell's unique musical talents are persuasively displayed In his latest release, Live Rust,
which was recorded during the Rust Never
Sleeps tour. Side one of the LP Is an
acoustical tour-de-force. "Sugar Mountain,"
the opening number, evokes feelings of a
childhood that has faded away. Masterfully
playing the guitar in the upper range, Neil
creates chime-like chords which paint images
of a child's music box. The melody flows
along, guided by the artist's sensitive vocals
and a wistfully played harmonica that recalls
the days of "barkers and colored balloons." In
" I A m A Child" and "Comes A Time," Nell
displays a voice which Is a wonderful culmination of years of singing. The highlight of side
one Is an extraordinary version of "After the
Gold Rush," originally released in 1970, from
the album of the same name. The keyboardist
plays with the damper pedal down, creating
an ethereal quality. Listening to the surrealistic
lyrics, the audience Is caught In a heady
"floating on the breeze" sensation. A harT h l s la N e i l Y o u n g b e f o r e h e r u s t e d .
• monlca accompaniment walls out the melody
with a prominent piano part adding a dream-
Andrea DiGregorio
fc&Jt wte wwml
Thursday, Friday, Saturday
January 24,25 & 26
7-30 & 10:00 pm
Class of '80 $1.25
LC 23
Others $1.50
To listen to The Manhattan Transfer is taxing. Sure It's light stuff and you can let the
lyrics breeze right by, but the production Is so
utterly full, so taken to the hilt, that It Insists on
occupying you every moment it's o n , with Infinitely tracked vocals of the four skilled
members, and a complete combination of string, horn and synthesizer Instrumentation,
plus the normal percussive backup on drums
and bass.
Quincy Nessig
Vhere Is R o g e r P o w e l l ? T h e a n s w e r lies i n U t o p i a . T o d d a n d his d e l e g a t e s support democracy i n m u s i c .
new album Is catted Extensions, and
the man behind the production room wall Is
Jay Graydon, a tried and true L.A. studio
lore Utopia
n Elpee's Worth Of Toons
There's a vast world of difference between a
Utopia recording and a Todd Rundgren
album. While Rundgren alone produces
several romantic piano ballads such as "Can
We Sllll Be Friends" from his 1978 Hermit o\
Mink Hollow release. Utopia bassist Kaslm
Sullon Is the only other member of the band
capable of providing a similar sound. As of
budget should be a source of utter embarrassblack hole, should have had some promise.
ment to the creative hacks at Disney, whose
Disney Studios and director, Gary Nelson,
lack of imagination and cynicism about the inhave settled, however, for a third-rate
telligence of their audiences has become more
evident in the past decade. We need black
A talented cast, including such highly
holes like this on the screen like we need them
respected actors as Anthony Perkins and MaxIn the he*d.
Imilllan Schetl are thrown down the toilet in a
Page 9a
Sound and Vision
Cliff Sloan
late, however, Utopia's direction has been that
of a purely democratic band. Credits for the
music and lyrics no longer specify an author,
but simply acknowledge "Utopia." Nor are the
musicians restrained to their respective
ten"), and Johnny Rotten of the defunct Sex
The second side of the album is comprised
ol electric and acoustic numbers, "When You
Dance I Can Really Love," and "The Loner"
start off the side with fine, driving guitar work
in the heavy metal vein.
"The Needle and the Damage Done," an
acoustic number written for Danny Whitten,
former lead guitarist of Crazy Horse, who died
of a heroin overdose, is a mournful anti-drug
song. Young warns the audience, " A junkie's
like a setting sun," and "there's a little bit in
everyone." The song does not come off topheavy, but it leaves the audience thinking,
which is evidence of Young's capacity as a
meaningful songwriter. 'Lotta Love," an easylistening middle-of-the-road song about
building a relationship, nnd "-Sedan Delivery,"
an interesting electric number which begins
with 3 Ramonlsh one-two-three assault-onthe-cardrums opening, completes the second
regular who's been with Boz, and Steely, arid
Rlckle Lee, too. But he knows just what he's
doing, because once one accepts The Manhattan Transfer as presumptuous and the
epitome of 'over-done,' then one can a p preciate Graydon's complete adherence t o
that, and he has indeed provided the best,
most diverse, and fullest Transfer record yet.
The Manhattan Transfer Is one of those
hybrid groups that take two musical categories
and bring Ihem together. They enjoy adding
silly words to famous jazz and swing songs and
playing them with grand, new arrangements,
and the jazz ranges from Weather Reports'
1978 classic, "Blrdland," to 1938's, "Wacky
Dust," a tongue-in-cheek referral to the champagne of powdered drugs. There's a song
from 1959 about Insanity called, "Coo C o o
U," and the 1933 standard, "Body and Soul"
Is lyricized and revamped again, as Is a 1958
forgotten one called "Tickle Tickle."
In between these covers are two new songs by the
producer that stand out sorely and don't quite
cut tl next to the pre-1960 stuff. Disco even
made it onto the nostalgia group's LP, possibly
an interesting comment about its future. The
tune Is "Twilight Tone," an excellent
danceable disco gimmick that follows a
remake of "Twilight Zone," the classic T V
iheme by the score writer, Bernard Hermann.
The best shot of all though.isn't jazz or disco,
but a delightful remake of Tom Wait's,
"Foreign Affair," a sentimental song about
life's quest, and the challenge being the thrill
over the solution. It's the only song with lyrics
worth reading, but they're included for all of
ven several times during his career of a little
specialities. Sullon, who has a crisper, more
diverse voice range than Rundgren, shares less than a decade with songs like, "Hello It's
almost equally In the vocals. Drummer John Me," "Couldn't 1 Jusl Tell You?" and "Can
Willie Wilcox also tries his hand at rhythm We Still Be Friends?" Yet Utopia Is content to
guitar. This movement towards Utopian treat the minds and ears of their loyal cull
following to a continual display ol talented,
democracy is not Intended to be noticed only
by those who read the fine print on the Utopia solid rock with a touch of the avant-garde.
Adventures In Utopia is an atypical Ulopla
album sleeves. On the contrary, (or the past
album, in the tradition of Oops Wrong Planet!
four years the Utopia road show has invariably
Included a rotation of roles, with Rundgren on and RA. It Is sharp, streamlined, diverse, and
drums, Wilcox on bass, and Sulton on lead of course, precise. There are songs like "Shot
In the Dark," and "Rock Love" that'll make
(I.e.. Palace Theater, 7 8 ) .
As a foursome, Utopia's strongest quality is you get out of your chair and move. There are
precision, a quality that Rundgren commands songs like "Love Along" and " Y o u Make Me
Crazy" that could serenade y o u Into
on almost all his work. Todd is one of, if not
dreamland. And there are still others like "Set
the most respected names In rock engineering,
Me Free," and "Road to Utopia" that'll just
Artists like Patti Smith, Rick Derringer, Hall
make you tap your feet and join in on the
and Oates, and Meatloaf have turned to Runchorus.
dgren for production and guitar playing aid.
The album Is good, o l that there Is little
Todd also tackles all the Instrumental on
doubt. But as a Rundgren fan, one can't help
many of his solo albums like Faithful and Herbut feel that Utopia has stagnated. Granted,
mit o/ Mink Hollow. So it's no wonder that a
they have stagnated on a plateau that ninety
guitar master and production whizz like Todd
percent of rival bands would like to reach. But
Rundgren surrounds himself with a band of
somehow you'd expect a band as dynamic as
multi-faceted musicians. On paper, there are
Utopia to create an album that would raise
few bands that can match the diversity and
some eyebrows, even if it did take more than
person-for-person talents of Utopia. But
one listen. Adventures in Utopia, however, Is
what's on paper isn't necessarily an indicator
neither a step up, nor a step down. It's Utopia
of success in a rock band. The Rolling Stones
as you're used to hearing Ihem, as you've
and Bruce Springsteen are living, rocking proalways heard them since Moogy Kllngman,
of of that.
Ralph Schukett, and John Slegler left the then
Utopia's music is complex, complementing
six man Utopia in 1975. Nevertheless, Utopia
the individual talents of the band. They'll
is a strong band and Adventures In Utopia Is a
never meet with long-lived commercial accepstrong album. If you're going out to buy your
tance because their music won't sell you on
first Utopia record, however, HA or Oops
the first listen. Il has a lust for weirdness,
Wrong Planet! would give you a similar inperhaps I should call it mystique, that seems
troduction to Mr. Rundgren's democratic
specifically aimed at preventing a Top 40
smash, Rundgren's capable of it, as he's pro-
Neil Young has often cited Bob Dylan as his
Imentor. H e displays this Influence In
|"Powderflnger," a well constructed saga of a
Iboy defending a small settlement In the Old
IWest. The song exhibits Young's aptitude for
[creating a tight, musical story as well as a
knack for vividly artistic writing. One criticism
f Mr. Young Is that he Is not an Instrumental
|vlrtuoso. Well critics, eat your words! In
Cortez the Killer," Nell plays a masterful lead
luitar. His notes seem to glide effortlessly In
o, the fines, guitar riff, the musician has
fever performed. Bill Talbot'on the bass also
pdds musical excellence to Ihe song with a
^harp, steady rhythmic beat. A quiet and
nelodlous "Cinnamon Girl" ends the set.
Leading Into the most musically powerful
[side, Ihe audience listens to a confusing guitar
warm-up. The audience waits with feverish
mticipatlon for strains of a recognizable tune.
When the listeners are at a climax of expectaion, Mr. Young breaks Into the opening bars
>f "Like a Hurricane." This classic song, from
Extensions is the type of record to play at a l l
party, something that's on in the background,!
but never quite in the background. And as sw>
Ing music makes Its way into more and more
discos, The Transfer have proven that their
music remakes have a place In current record
collections. Also, the mixing of horns and synthesizers on the same cut turned out ratherj
well, another Innovation that may soon find
favor In mainstream recordings.
This reviewer has never seen them on;
stage, but the perfect sound quality and
flawless recording can never be matched live
under any conditions. This foursome needs
the studio to survive. Their four voices
become multiplied and clarified and. brought
up front to present a trebley sound that pleases
the car on nice, expensive stereos. This would
make a great stereo demo record
One of the best things about Extensions is its
dynamite cover design, with a hint of newj
wave Influence In classically art deco surroundings. Even here, a mixing of ages was used to1
create a final product
The music The Manhattan Transfer makes!
Is not friendly; it's loo perfect. It certainly can
be appreciated lor many elements, but il Is put
together just a bit too computerlike to garnish
any real human fan support, a following
However, having at least one Transfer album
In your collection is certainly worthwhile, and
it might as well be Extensions, the work that
epitomizes this group and stands (or
everything they d o , in lis most exaggerated
Nell o n guitar, s p o r t i n g a cap a n d beard
American Stars and Bars, Is exceptional for
Ynuna and
-he p r e w a r
^ s t X ^ Z ^
Frank Sampedro, the sharp
Ralph Mouna, and the subdued yet driving
bass which blends together, creating a
touching song. The lyrics, depleting a romantic love song, create a mood with which any
person who's ever been In love can relate.
Finishing up an exceptional side Is "Into the
Black," off Rust Never Sleeps and Tonights
the Night, an early Nell Young piece. It Is Interesting to note the difference between the
studio version, which has Its roots In R & B,
and the live version. The Live Rust version Is
an Interesting combination of hard rock, soul
(evident in the throbbing bass), and Interludes
of acapello singing. All in all, the music of
"Tonights the Night" comes across as an Interesting, tasty, and foot-stomping tune.
Listening to Llue Rust one Is amazed by the
singular style and talent Nell Young exhibits.
He has gracefully transcended the sixties and
early seventies period and now Incorporated
a n d overmore contemporary, hard rock beats. One
production o f The Manhattan
hopes and knows the Mr. Young style of rock
nOpeS dllU IMIUWB U1V I ' l l .
I Ullli;j r,,y,.. ... ,.....,
and roll Is here to stay, for a very long f l m e » ,
T r
. -
" " f " • * « « • « " • — « < = « cold tona.j
Concert Corner
Page 10a,
Stranger I n Paradis
Rasta Ruth
Mersault was my hero. Camus was the prophet. I knew the way, all 1 needed was the
California dreams. Azure skies and burgundy sunsets. No more chemicals over a Con-Ed
skyline, no more black ice on my boots.
California: the Happening, Big Sur, the
Grateful Dead and Harvey Milk.
I straightened my seat and walked into the
fog of San Francisco, First Class.
My friend had turned into his mother, his
friends into my mother's Mah Jong ladies on a
Wednesday night, Bamming and Cracking,
and drinking and smoking a lot. Jon had a
sugar daddy, who gave him his,scotch in Baccarat, his tuna on Lenox. He was a kept boy;
rabbit coat that he gave me to keep warm.
Coked out of my face at two in the morning
we got lost. I was free. Jesus had tripped every
day for the past two years.
Suzanne married a guy from Thailand for
$200 a month and a Ferrari, no cooking or
consummation. His visa was u p ; Thailand
wanted him back. They would divorce in two
years. " N o , " she said, "he doesn't have any buffalo in the dark. Castro and Market Streets
the land of the repressed, "C'mon its New
Years. Y o u have to get dressed."
"He nods and smiles a lot," I said.
It's a bass city, kinky, funky, full of men who
"I don't understand him either," Suzanne
said. They were married within twenty don't wear underwear. Sorrel haired leopard
ladies in tortoise shell specs pass bovine
minutes at'City Hall. I forgo! the rice.
Jon bought me a walking tennis ball and women in crew cuts with not so much as a
Godiva chocolates. Within four days I was glance. A Nellie in a blond coif parades. 1 ask
him where he got his boots.
went to Scripp's Oceanography Intalking like him, affected, limp wrist and all.
Nipples and asses, not tits. Men kissing and stitute, and walked tenderfoot along the crags,
1 sat on my bed couch, turned off Donna
Summer " O n the Rad — I — oo — and -hugging, grunting In falsetto. Lisps and wig- along, the shore, wading, splashing, giggling,
started reading The Painted Bird. A peasant gles, effeminate giggles, Impeccable tastes, hc- pointing to mussels and sea anemones. I look^ g a u g e d jout a lascivious farm-boy's eyes — I shes and she-hes. Great, I don't know ed u p , embraced the ocean air, and said
Lara looked up
anymore. Spent New Year's at a party for "Yeah, this Is the place, now Where's my tan?"
at the stars
3,000: 2,900 male. "Hell, no one's gonna Jackie my friend-tour guide led me to Black's
look at m e . " I ate a drug, danced, mingled, nude beach. 1 was lost In reverie. His silver
then sat down to watch. Enough Is enough is Christ head was splendid In the sun. Remindfor the bluest one.
She neeued
enough, It can just get to that point. It was the ed me of The Stranger, (the Arabs, I thought.
last song 1 heard in '79. Everyone is seducing It was )ust a reflex.) "He didn't mean it," I said,
The feel (he heat
-v not realizing he had heard. Jackie looked
of light;
puzzled. "It's bilchin' out here, ain't It?"
he had grown fat and frivolous like those who 1
The sound
" Y e a h , 1 feel so healthy, I'm gonna go for a
are ruled by their passions. Carl, his lover, a
of darkness
little Jog," 1 said. "Watch my stuff."
solid man of thirty-five with violet eyes would
and eternity.
He laughed. I set off searching for Arabs, to
subsidize Jon's meager salary, pay his doctor
bills, and buy him fresh T-shirts, when the
try and explain. Instead 1 found tampon apLara looked up.
yellow stains appeared.
Her body, earthbound,
I am the
Lynne D. Martin
Atop a hill, encased by palrn trees and
paneling, they lived like queens. I focused the
telescope and studied the panoramic view of
neighbors barbecuing, telling Berkeley to "just
be patient,"
put the book d o w n , and decided: I haven't felt i
good since I got here. Runnln' lo the
bathroom when he vacuumed ^ he wouldn't
hear my Montezuma's revenge a few hundred
I lit a joint and called an old friend from high miles short. Afraid to go at night because they
might hear. Trying to go to sleep while they
She had an Irish bull dog named Vulva Lips were getting it o n . Piquant hams with blackand Gllda Radner hair. A mannequin leg eyed peas. California where the mayonnaise
hung from the ceiling, Her roommate was flows free. Cauliflower-mayonnaise casserole.
I think I'm gonna die. I can't eat thai. Carafes
making falaffel. 1 read the Artificial Insemination Now sign and choked on some Pita of bourbon to wash the town d o w n . Water
bread. "I'm getting married tomorrow," and wine. Scotch clinking toasts, a jigger of
Suzanne said. "Don't tell my mother. Wanna this at eleven A M . Little Tlmmy long pours Into a glass stuffed with Ice. Cheese shops, yraln
Jesus Christ lived downstairs. I was sure of shops, 80 cent postcards and 25 cent bus rides
and the trolley Is free if you get on at a nontourist stop.
You're supposed to
know. . . how to drink, how to dress, and
where to go for brunch. To fiave the prawns
and not the veal, the carrot soup, the cordon
A tear,
Roller skating in Golden Gate Park, passing
A single tear enters the world
Source--the mind, the heart, the
Warm, salty, slowly growing
The tear rolls down, warming the
Tom Bonfiqllo
it. He called himself an anarchist and gave me
cocaine. Two hours later 1 couldn't do another
line. And that was a miracle. Jesus took me
home, on the back of his motocycle. I rode up
and down the hills of San Francisco In a long
It's sad, it's lonely
But there will soon be a stream
A parade to join the one.
was clad in beads
and light blue silk.
Movie Timetable
„e 1234
amcr vs. Kramer
6:50,9 15
ectrlc Horseman
ack Hole
avenger Hunt
nlon Field
ocky Horror Picture Show
Ing In Slyle
[storlc Jesus
% Colonic
re Rose
7.30.') 3 0
me, and I am seducing San Francisco.
Theme: Cartoon Characters
Snow Sculpture Contest
Call Mary Beth at 7-7903
or Joanne at 7-7898
parable appears: 1st. the parable entitled M n i i n l Moriah;
2nd. Ihe parable In chapter 9 : 3 r d . the parable witli slory A .
'llh, the parable wilh message V. .Slory A tells aboul a pagan
w h o blessed the G o d o l Israel Message I: shows how human
sin can be overcome will) repentance.
2. David read the parables in numeric? order by chapter
number: 1st, the parable entitled Trees: 2nd. the parable in
Ihe book ol II .Samuel. 3rd, the parable wilh sloiy I I ; 4 l l l . Ihe
parable with message I-". Slory li tells of how Abraham was
willing in sacrifice his son IsaacCiod Message Fshows how
divine powei i .in oven ur,..< human sinfulness and evil Inlen
3. Edna lead ihe parables alphabetically by name: 1st, ihe
in chapter
Assertiveness Training
sponsored by Middle Earth
Group begins January 28 at 7Q0 pm
Group size is limited
Call 457-7800 for more information
on or before January 27
12." 2 n d . the parable in Ihe bonk o l
Numbers: 3rd. Ihe parable wilh message G: 4th. the parable
wilh slory C, Slory C tells aboul a bush thai Is elevated high
above lis place In life. Message ( i shows h o w obedience to
God is rewarded.
4. Alice rear! each parable in ihe following order: 1st, the
parable In Ihe hook ot Genesis; 2 n d . Ihe parable entitled
wilh slory D . Sltnv I) tells ol h o w one rich man slole from a
poor m a n Message II shows how obedience to G o d can
overcome h u m a n foolishness
f. B o l l rend each parable in reverse older from the order In
which Alice read: 1st, the parable jnlltled Baby Lamb; 2 n d ,
the parable In Ihe book o l Judges. 3 r d , the parable in chapter
23; 4 t h , Ihe parable in chaplei 22
6. Either Alice o i Hob read Ihe parable In II Samuel last.
The Who. (Special thanks this week
lo Selh Denenberg.) Good luck!
1. The Who's flrsl great hit "My
Generation" was released when?
2. The release of "Happy Jack"
coincided with the W h i
peorance in New York on whose
by who':'
by " f ° n 9 °' f " " 1 * W " ' e
" ) . Wh
Ihe nickname ,1 basslsl
John Lntwisi
1. 'Ilh
•,;, Richmond
:t Queens
,| Columbia
(,;;« phonal in the ASP.
W C 0 |,' S
., , ! „ . , „ , „ „ . „ ol the members
, , „ k group The IVIi... Flrsl
n a m o s ore going In all dlrec„, Good Luck!
T S 1 W T N E D
, l s t o lasl w e e k :
show In 1967?
3. The Who's first single " I Can'l Ex
plain" was plugged on whal famous h 3rd
0. I billion
Brlllsh T V show?
7. George M, Cohan
1. When was the song " I Gap Sec
K. N.Y, Times
For M i l e s " first w r i t t e n by
i), Brooklyn
10. $20
o. The song "Magic Bus" used <i eel
lain type of slyle famous at that lime
among groups. Whal was that slyle?
Write down your answers
6. "Long Live Rock" was originally
CC 334 by I
perlormed by a Brlllsh men Idol Wg ">"'» ' ° '
Name him.
Monday. All winners w
7. The album "Quadraphi
bv V i n c e n t A i c l l o
Albums —
Freedom At Point Zero, The Dark
Side of the Moon, September Morn,
Live Rust, London Calling, Night in
the Ruts
15 Magnificent
's pace
23 Napoleon's exile
53 Adam's grandson
24 Serious TV show
54 Of t i s s u e
25 Heroic poetry
56 Himalayan c a p i t a l
28 Cheat sheet
59 German region
29 Dr. Frankenstein's
60 Colonies of bees
61 Grain appendage
62 Airedale, for one 30
6.1 Monty
31 Leisurely gait
32 Iridescent gem
33 Italian bell town
37 Chtchon
38 Nocturnal lemur
1 Clown
39 Popocatepetl output
2 L i k e an o l d
44 Return to
46 Lamp dweller
3 Legal c l a i m s
4 P r e f i x f o r p l a n e o r 47 Walk In water
4B So much, In music
49 Of Indo-European
5 Shallow
6 Masculine con50 Game played with
32 cards
7 Parsley pieces
51 Office supply
8 Pro rata share
52 Direction from
9 Hide to 'ounds?
Julia Child
10 Poor Gynt's
55 Theatre sign
57 Calendar abbrevi11 Offshore sights
12 "waiting for the
58 Onassls, for short
59 Enervate
13 Slant
Word Search
adapted Irom a Townsher, I project
cd as whalf
, original
K. The name ol Hi,' Who
romoleral lifetime of the i eleaseol
Anyway, Anyhow, Anywh i'n'" was
i,l M . I I I Blues" wa
1. D o T h a t T o M e by Captain and
R o c k W i t h Y o u by Michael
3. C r u i s l n ' by Smokey Robinson
4. Crazy Little T h i n g C a l l e d
L o v e by Queen
5. O n T h e R a d i o by Donna Summer
6. S e n d O n e Y o u r L o v e by
Stevle Wonder
7. C o o l C h a n g e by The Little
River Band
.'< C o w a r d o f t h e C o u n t y by
Kenny Rogers
9. W e D o n ' t T a l k A n y m o r e by
Cliff Richard
Fast M o v i n g S I irtlss — Another
Brick In the Wail, Longer, Voices,
September Morn, Why Me, Fool in
the Rain, Sara
lie listening for exciting Play-byPlay action as Albany vs. Ullca, this
Saturday at 8:30 p.m. Stay with 91
|-'M for the best In FM radio listening,
s 1' 1 N
1' (1 N Y
A N r, i ;
This week Is too easy for a free
personal. So no personal (or this
nd brill, on
WORD SEARCH, but you will get
lor Ihe answers lo Ihls week's
s r. n T T
it s II
Trivia Time
1. T h e W a l l by Pink Floyd
2. O n T h e R a d i o by Donna Summer
3. B e e G e e s G r e a t e s t by The
Bee Gees
4. T h e L o n g R u n by The Eagles
5. J o u r n e y T h r o u g h T h e
S e c r e t L i f e off P l a n t s by Slevle
6. D a m n t h e T o r p e d o e s by Tom
Petty and the Heartbrcakers
7. O H t h e W a l l by Michael
K. C o r n e r s t o n e by Styx
9. T u s k by Fleetwood Mac
10. K e n n y by Kenny hoggins
17 Depot (abbr.)
50 James and John
Collogiato CW79-24
by V i n c e n t
A recent cover of Rolling Stone
magazine was labeled "Rock and
Roll Tragedy." So this week TRIVIA
TIME has decided lo dedicate this
'column to Ihe memory of ihe Who
Eleven. Here Is your chance to lesl
ilQUr knowledge o l the rock group
David Bromberg
N.Y. Flyers
Brian Auger
Tower of Power
Balaam: 3rd, the parable with message I I : 4th. the parable
One of a kind
Cobwebs, tn a way
(2 wds.)
Traffic Jams
43-Across, to Henry
Arm bones
Narrow opening
How to save nine
Hebrew letters
Tartlike pastries
Footnote term
Another footnote
Fox-headed dog
Trompe l'oc-11
(2 wds.)
Initial Installment
(2 wds.)
_ — rubber
Bikini part
Miss Dooltttle
Tennis stroke
President Doumodienne, e.g.
If) Edward Julius
Robert Gordon
Danko. Butterfield Band
N.Y. Flyers
Sam & Dave
Bl llboard's Top f e n
1 Chris read llie parables III the following order which Is
I am
I tried to kiss the sunset pink but the fog
1 am
wouldn't lift and I couldn't get out. A cabbie
dressed in black told me why he quit IBM. He
and the moon glistened
gave me a tissue and a good price cause
"you're from New York, 1 can tell." I wanted
in her tears.
to go to the airport. He wanted to-take me
plicators. I thought of Loni Andersons and
bowling. His name was Warren. 1 left Jon and
Cheryl Ladds In wild abandon throwing tamCarl a note. "Thank you. Y o u must come to
pon applicators off the top of the cliffs. Wild, I
thought. But there was hundreds of them,
! basked In the L.A. sun amidst a fauna of pink and white, washed up on the shore. I
Bain de Soleil. Wall Street Journals and the wondered if on a full moon there might be
semi-retired. I took a whirlpool and decided: I more. They always tell you not to flush them.
don't have a Mercedes, I can't live here. Pretty Well, the tides were giving Ihem back, but no
boys and pretty girls who ask for cream In their one was picking them up. Sewage. Careless.
coffees. They're all so nice, so nice, Even bohemlans cannot be without their tarnmicrowave ovens, sun tan franchises, dia- pax. "Where are the Arabs?" I shouted.
mond pierced nails and " N o , I don'l want any Disillusioned, 1 headed back, popping kelp as 1
sprouts." Very Beverly Hills. 1 learned an In- saw fit. Almost walked Into a woman In red
sult, sat on the plane, and watched the sun go satin jogging shorts. She was readin' Rolling
Stone, readin' Vogue. Shu wasn't pretty. Her
I fell In love In San Diego, with a guacamole shorts were loo tight. I asked her is she'd seen
dip. 1 loved It for Its greenness, I couldn't get Arcadia. I smiled and asked ll she had her
enough. During Chrlslmas everything turns period. She growled. Curdled milk, I thought.
green. La Jolla was like a Thomas's with warm
"I never got to see Big Sur," I said as I
butler In every nook and cranny. Her verdant scraped the lar from my feel. Y o u see, Merhills outlined the Pacific. Thin white wisps sault was my hero and I didn't think he had to
decorated a lapis lazuli sky.
b y H o w a r d P. Alvir, P h . D
alphabetical by the hook ol Ihe Old Testament In which the
The moon swam in her eyes.
She whispered
"1 am the poetry
I am the poet
well defined
But Mom,
... I don't want to be a doctor.
Sign Up
Your Group
For The
T h e Logic Puzzle
Page I la
JB Scott's
Jan. 26,27
Jan. 30
Jan. 31
Feb. 3
Feb. 6
Feb. 9
Feb. 13
Feb, 14
Feb, 16
Feb. 20
Feb 22
Feb, 23
F. N
A M i:
i. A T li
i, T 0 N
T i;
A Y i: li
.S S 1
M (1 K]
it B li
A 1. 1.
T | 1 1. 1.
1! II U
G I)
T ^It A P
A 1.
V i H n I.TA
1: s T M BIN
N T 11 h
I: 1. A 1'
'1' It I 0 N I
It i; "SBG N
1' li
Harold SternlicHt
HtNCEFORTH I K ^ T W W T H E r v i A N
775 positions
are being cut
from the
SUNY System
•This may mean 98 positions lost
on this campus
• This may mean your department
may be eliminated
and the faculty fired
'There will be longer lines in
offices all over campus
•Classes would become larger
and less courses will be offered
•Student services will be cut
1 9
at the
Busses will leave the circle at 9:45
by Student Association, SASU,
for Information
call SA 457-8088
Student Activity
Working for You
Concert Board
Speaker's Forum
Cinema Groups
Quad BoardsIntramural Athletics,
Intercollegiate Athletics
Cultural Groups
Academic Groups
Camp Dippikil!
5-Quad Ambulance
Legal Services •
Food and Record Coops
noticeable lack or anything passing for heat.
The room was situated between the kitchen
and a side door. The room had no lock on the
Distressed, we phoned Steve and Skip at
the Seasons Hotel. Being settled In, we were
told that the issue was out of their hands;
there was nothing they could do. Paul
Tetrault was the person to speak to. Getting
in touch with this man was like finding a needle in a haystack. When he was reached he
proved to be very uncooperative — he gave
us the ultimatum of leaving with a $65 check
or to "shut the hell u p . "
The trip was, for us, a total waste. Skip
and Steve, representing the Albany Ski Club
were totally inadequate as trip leaders. Paul
Tetrault of Sugarbush Travel is a moneyhoarding bastard.
Wc urge anyone considering participating
in upcoming events of Ihc Ski Club to be
wary. This unfortunate experience may nol
happen to you, but beware of who you're
dealing with.
To ihc Editor:
— Steve Silverman
This letter is in reference to the movie
Fran Schlitien
Super Vixen being presented on campus this
Debbie Gross
week by the class of 1980. Class of 1980 dues
arc being spent on this project in hopes of
raising money. We don't feel that in an institution of higher learning, class councils
should be endorsing such a degrading view of Til the Editor:
We would like to address some of the
women. The movie and the posters
represented arc extremely offensive to issues raised by Sharon Joseph in her letter of
women. Any person who walks around the January 22, 1980.
First and foremost, Ms. Joseph incorrectly
campus is forced to view these exploitative
implied that should the courses offered
Class dues are supposed to be spent on through the Phys. Ed. department, as coorprojects that will benefit the class as a whole. dinated by Bob Davis, be discontinued, there
Wc realize that the class officers probably would be no first aid training available to the
chose this movie with financial success in SUNYA Community. Five Quad ambulance
mind. Monetary gains arc no justification for service has always been involved with
teaching firsi aid here on the SUNYA camthe showing of this movie.
Wc ask that class council officers in the pus. The courses taught by Five Quad are
future have some respect for their constituen- totally independent of the Phys. Ed. program. Five Quad Ambulance, in its agreecy of both sexes.
— Rebecca Nancy ment with the University and in accordance
Terry McGovcrn will) ils By-Laws, is committed to providing
Gail Pawlowski the University with first aid instruction.
Therefore, regardless of any possible disruption in Mr. Davis' program, Ihe University
will always have first aid courses available as
taught by Five Quad Ambulance.
To the Editor:
Due to our primary responsibility of proThis season, the thought of snow is a viding emergency ambulance service, we arc
disappointing one to the skier. There is, in constrained in the number of courses which
general, no skiing to be done. However, there we can offer. Although Five Quad cannot
ate a few diehard, adventurous people who supply training on as large a scale as Mr.
sought relief with a trip run by the Albany Davis, it is able lo provide quality first aid
Slate Ski Club in conjunction with the Sugar- courses al low cost.
bush Travel Club of Vermont.
— David Chafetz, President
The ski trip made reference to was adverFive Quad Volunteer
tised as a 'Ski and Party Week in Canada'.
Ambulance Service, Inc.
Organized by the acting heads of the Ski
— Amy Phillips, Vice-President
Club, Steve Bellach and Skip Sperling, the
— Daryl Zube, Director
trip turned out to be an unfortunate advenof Operations
ture in rip-offs and misleading statements.
The ski conditions in Canada were horrid,
to say the least. Our first day of skiing was a
flop and our trip organizers, Steve and Skip,
contacted Paul Tetrault, President of Sugar- To the Editor:
Wc would like to express our extreme
bush Travel. We were told that accommodations were reserved for us in Sugarbush disgust with the discourtesy shown to us
Valley, where wc could ski for the remaining while attempting to eat lunch at Indian
four days. At the request of Sugarbush Quad. While wc realize that there are certain
Travel, wc paid an extra $10.00 fee, making policies pertaining to students forgetting their
the trip $129.00.
meal cards, the general rudeness, abusive
Happily we rose at 5:00 a.m. the next day language and harassment that friends of ours
to journey south into Vermont. Arriving at have undergone is neither appropriate or
Sugarbush Valley we found that in fact we necessary.
While wc also realize that the job of a
had no accommodations. This was our first
instance of false information on the part of supervisor is a difficult one, such language
Steve and Skip Sperling. Wc were told at 4:30 as, "Get off my back child, buzz off," reprelhai afternoon that our accommodations sent inappropriate behavior and disregard for
would be secured.
On three separate occasions, three dilAt 4:30 we returned. Much to our dismay,
we still had no motel to unpack and cat din- fcrent students have expressed their shock
dismay at their undue mistreatment. In
ner in. We waited and wailed for well over an
hour until accommodations were found. each instance, the students involved were
Here our incnpable trip leaders made the taken aback at the arrogant and abusive
mistake of sending eight Albany students to a manner in which the supervisor expressed
hoarding house in the backronds of Ver- herself While we cannot find fault with the
mont, while they and fifteen other skiers policy forbidding students who have forgotwere housed at the Seasons Hotel in the heart en their meal cards to eat without paying
(ihc money being refunded later), the manner
of Sugarbush Vulley.
uud general allitudc of the supervisor al InUpon arrival at Carpenter's Farm, our ac- dian Ouacl leaves much lo he desired.
commodations were, to say Ihc least,
We are incensed and saddened.
unllvablo, Our room consisted of a bare
John Prei,re
floor, 4 beds, a dresser and a lamp. There
Ronald Rcntel
"s no hot water for showers and a very
Don't Exploit Women
First Aid For All
Tax Cords
will be distributed by your Central Council
Jan.31 and Feb.1
Feb.4th.ru Feb.6
I and off campus residents, on campus
1 midnight for movies, parties, etc., were
also involved. In addition, although Miss
Israel mentioned the SUNYA police as providing shuttles, she did not do justice to the
excellent service they provided.
At 1:15 a - m " Officer John Haner began
the shuttle at the Social Science bus stop.
Other officers began to follow suit, filling
SUNYA security cars with seven students at a
time. As passengers were dropped at their
final destinations more students were piled
into the cars to fill the spaces. This continued
throughout the early hours of the morning so
that no one was stranded. Although our
public safety department is far from perfect,
this is one case where credit is Ouc for a job
well done.
— Irene Blciweiss
Albany Student Union
Public Safety Committee Chair
Alumni Dinner Lines
State Dinner Lines
Off Campus Lounge
All Student Groups
Skiing In Style?
Forked Tongue
It's Budget Time
-Budget Request Forms and-budget information are now available in the S.A. Office
-Budget committees applications being accepted until Thursday, Jan.31. Anyone interested is encouraged to apply.
-All groups wishing to be funded for the
80-81 year must submit a request by
February 15,
-Questions? Call Mark
457-8087 or 457-8088.
The Enemy is Here
Approximately 2500 years ago, man started a technological journey that took him
from the advances of the ancient Greeks to the creation of the atomic bomb. N o * , it
is 1980, and man refuses to believe that this technojourney is at its culmination, and
an entire new system of existence is in store for us.
People have become suddenly upset because President Carter has taken apparent
first measures towards possible war. Unfortunate as it may be, history has
demonstrated that war is a part of man, as it has never left him in his entire civilized
existence. One does not have to like war; one shouldn't. But for the last 4000 years,
there have been wars, and for the last 4000 years, people fought them with enthusiasm, an enthusiasm they had to muster because they were fighting to preserve
something they wanted to preserve.
The current world situation brings it all together, so predictably. Raving maniacs
screamed years ago that we were using up our resources too fast, polluting our environment too heavily, but the sane men in power chose to ignore the future and put
down the maniacs, and not il's loo late. You're worried about war? We've already
lost the war against cancer. We've won the war against nature — we've annihilated
Ihe " e n e m y . "
And as America fell so, so secure living on easy street in the wake of a World War
victory, seven completely crazy presidents dictated priorities that let weapon
development step up lo a degree where a situation has been created that is too late to
control. The atomic bomb is definitely in the wrong hands these days, as smaller
countries with unstable governments will soon have Ihc power to start World War
111. What happens when all of the Mid-East nations have it, when North African nations have il, when some crazy dictator uses it?
Thirty years of cold war escalation have gone by, and there had to be a cost.
We've sacrificed America al ihc cost of making it safe against communism. So this
time no one wants to fight, and we can't blame them, because there ain't nothin'
worlh preserving.
The war is at home, and if you want to be really patriotic, that's where you'll stay.
Are we going lo lei millions of Americans die for some oil fields that will be gone in
ten years anyway? If we elect leadership that continues on this destructive, inane
path, then our fate is scaled. Sitting back and letting government take care of
America is no longer acceptable, because government doesn't know what the hell
they're doing. And if we do sil back and let all of this happen, that will only prove
just how low the so-called leaders have pushed the morale of Americans.
Whether wc agree to register for the draft or nol is nol the issue. The issue is why
it's necessary, why we have no say in il, HOW W E CAN SET T H I S RUINED
Wc have given control of this world lo people who have subsequently created certain frightening inevitabilities. Many of those inevitabilities have already come (rue,
and Ihe worst of all, nuclear war, seems nearer than ever. This issue is not Iran, it's
not registration, il's not Afghanistan. It's all one big issue called survival, and we're
losing it fast.
We leave you with one thought as you head into your weekend, partying planned,
fun on the mind: Just what the hell will Monday bring?
Sec you in class, maybe.
• B miss
Jay B. Glssen, Edltorln-Chtel
Ron Levy, Richard Behar, Managing Editors
News Editor
Associate News Editor*
ASPecte Editors
Sports Editor
Associate Sports Editor
Editorial Pages Editor
Mlchele Israel
Laura Florentine), Sylvia Saunders
Sluart Malranga, Bob O'Brlan
P" ul Schwartz
Bob Bcllallore
Steven Rolnlk
Staffwrlters: Charles Bell, Pat Branley, Andrew Carroll, Karen Ren, Mike Fried, Maureen
George, Ed Goodman. Larry Kahn, Doug Kohn, Deb Kopf, Susan Mllligan, Michelle Mackrell,
Kalhy Perllll, Roberta Rosenbaum. Jeff Schadoff, Beth Sexer. Aron Smith, Debbie Smllh Zodiac
and Preview: Carol Volk, Jamie Klein News Editor Emeritus: Aron Smllh
Debbie Kopf, Business Manager
Advertising Manager
Billing Accountant
Assistant Accountants
Composition Manager
Sieve Goldstein
Lisa Applebaum
Bennle Brown, Miriam Raspler
Fran Glueckert
Sales: Rich Sellgson. Rich Schonlger Classified Manager: Robin Block Composition: Mike
McDonald, Marie Blanchl, Marilyn Moskowltz Advertising Production Manager: Sue
Hnusmon Advertising Production: Edith Berclson. Marie Anne Calavlfo, Tammy Gelger, Joy
Goldstein, Penny Greensteln, Rulh Marsden, Mike McDonald, Joy Prefer, Steve Robins Office
Coordinator: Evelyn Ellis Office Staff: Bonnie Slevens, Sieve Robins
Jordan Metzger, Rob Grubman, Production Managers
Eric Koll, Vincent Aielio, Eliasa Beck, Associate Production Managers
Vertical Camera
Typist Extraordinaire
Dave Benjamin
Hunk's Chick
Paste-up: Lisa Bonglorno, Marie llallano, Joy Friedman Typists: Rosemary Ferrara, Robin
Goldberg, Carol Hsiao, September Klein, Debbie Loeb, Wayne Roberts, Zari Stahl, Laurie W< rs
Proofreaders: Rachel Cohen, Sue Lichtcnsteln, Chauffeur: Tom Sallna
Photography, supplied principally by University Photo Service
Established 1916
The Albany Student Press Is published eoery Tuesday and Friday during Ihc school year by the
Albany Student Press Corporation, an Independent, not-for-ptojlt organization. Editorial policy is
determined by the Editor inOut'/ and is subject to reutew by the Editorial Board. Mailing Address:
Albany Student Press, CC3Z9, ilOO Washington Aye., Albany. NY 12222
(SIS) <157S892
Page Ten
Please forgive me. Really, I'm very
Counselors: Adirondack Boys'
Camp; 7 a n d a half weeks,
$50*>-$600, c a m p c r a f t , s a i l i n g ,
swimming (WSI), canoeing, trip
leader, rlflery, archery, sports, office manager (typing), driver, tennis,
39 Mill Valley Road, Plttsford, NY
Cruiseshlps, sailing expedition:,.
sailing camps. No experience, good
pay, summer, career. Nationwide,
worldwide! Send $4.95 for application, Info, referrals, to Cruiseworld
120, Box 60129, Sacramento, CA
^ ^ ^
Wanted: Qoaltender for undefeated
floor hockey team,' contact Immediately, call Bob Shtoyko at
Wanted: Canon AE-1 35 mm camera
and automatic 155A flash. Pat
438-8049, please leave message.
S10 Reward for information leading
to the signing of a lease of a 5 or 6
man apartment. Call 7-8742 If you
are vacantlng your apartment In
C Services J
Dial-A-Brew - 7-517B. One dollar off
with this ad. Good through 1-26.
Taxes prepared • special student
rate! Call 482-0376.
Rush typing jobs done by legal
secretary. 6 yrs. experience. Minor
editing and spelling corrections.
Neatness and accuracy count. Call
Theresa at 439-7809.
Haircuts $4. Shampoo and blowdry
extra. Al's Hairstyles, Ramada Inn,
Western Ave., Albany. 482-8573.
Mon., Wed., Frl., 12-5, Tues., and
Thur. till 7.
Passport-Application Photos $4 tor
two; $.50 each thereafter. Mon. and
Tues. 1-2, University Photo Service,
CC 305, 7-BB67, ask for Bob.
Income Tax Service - Professional
to do taxes at lowest rates. Daryl.
Expert Tax Preparation - Student
returns start at $7.50. Return
prepared while you wait. 434-1723
Guitar L e s s o n s ! ! Experienced
guitar instructor teaching folk, rock,
songwrlting, theory, lead guitar,
etc. Emphasis placed on what you
want t o learn. Beginning, intermediate, and advanced students.
$5 for 45 minutes. Call Bruce at
The 1979 Wage and Tax Statements
(Form W-2) for University Personnel
Including Graduate Assistants and
Fellows are available In their
Departments through Jan. 29, 19B0
c.o.b. It Is requested that each
employee pick up his or her statement prior to Jan. 29, 1980 c.o.b.
Any statements remaining after
that date will be returned to the
Payroll Office and mailed to the
home address.
The W-2 Forms for Hourly Student
Assistants and College Work Study
Student Assistants who will receive
a paycheck at the Campus Center
(now changed t o AD 153) prior to
Jan. 29, 1980 will receive their W-2
form with their paycheck. Those
Student Assistants who are not
receiving a paycheck during this
period are requested to pick up their
W-2 forms at the Payroll Office, AD
322, through Jan. 29. All Student
Assistants are strongly encouraged
to pick up their W-2 statements on
or before Jan. 29, 1980 c.o.b. After
that d a t e , a l l remaining W-2
statements will be mailed to the
home address.
i ,.
January 25, 1980
Albany Student Press
ii i
Electric Guitar Amplifier; Acoustic
135 (like new), 125 watts RMS with
reverb, wheels. $300. Fred 7-5063.
Live Off Campus: Rent furniture
from Sherman Furniture Rentals,
Nordlca ski boots, excellent condl
tion. women's size 8, willing tc
negotiate price. Call Mara at 7-8971.
Brown rug - $20, — orange run -$20,
calculator • $10, electronic
maglcubq (lash attachment - $15 or
best offer. Mindy, 4B2-1249.
Ohaus trl|jlfi beam Batonce Scale
excellent condition, serious offArV
only. Call Mitchell. 440-8528.
There Is a cleaner's on Central Ave.
The owner's name Is Bill, he hasno
compassion for his employees nor
. respect tor his customers.
Bob F.,
Thank you for flooding me on Saturday night. You really quenched my
thirst. You're a rear''plsser", man!
Sutter's parking lot
Stereo: Marantz 40 watt receiver,
Technics turntable. Epicure
speakers, $400, 434-3805.
Deb, Marie, and Marlsa,
Big kitchen table and two big You guys are great - "could you
chairs, $20, call 482-0576 evenings.
Signed, Code Names
You make the sun shine even on the
For rent: one bedroom In four cloudiest days. Thanks for being
bedroom apartment. $78 per mo. In- there.
cluding heat. Furnished, on busline.
Non-smoking female. 462-7034.
2 bedroom apt., large, heat and HW.
Here's to a great semester.
Laundry. Willed St. 436-9429 for
Your friend and cohort, Dlmle
Register your snow sculpture group
Dear Brenda,
You're a great person and a fanRide needed to Florida - Ft. Lauder- tastic friend. Happy 19th b-day. Do
dale area • Feb. vacation, will share It up!
Love ya' always, Sharl
driving and expenses. Call Anne at
_ _ _ ^
You've seen us. You've heard about
us. Now come party with us. The
Chin Bros. Party - tonight. Indian
Quad U-Lounge.
( flbwrfMg )
C Rides
The M o u s e t r a p r e o p e n s t h i s
weekend with entertainment by
Dutch Quad's pride and joy, Grilled
Dear Suzanne,
Here's the personal you have been
waiting for. Happy birthday.
Love, Andy
Hey Nus,
How's the Wildebeasts?
Dear Cutle.
Happy birthday!
Happy anniversary!
Happy New Year!
Happy days!
I love ya I
Be happy, Love, Larry
Happy birthday to a great roommate.
Hey Doo,
Please forgive my spaclness! Can I
buy you a milk on the rocks?
Best Eg
Be an RA? Think about it now • applications will be available In two
We hope your 20th birthday was
great, Although this wish comes
two days late. The burgundy cellca
that was to come your way, will Just
have to wait for another day.
Love, Debbie, Karen, Beth, and Lip
and (don't forget about old TIP.)
Dearest Welner,
Your food is truly marvelous,
Moonlca! The kidnappings will have
to stop or else no more toys or
Love, Mork and Utters
P.S. We wanna rock with you.
P.S.S. Steven weans.
Dear Rick,
Mindy and Terry love you • even If
you don't have a gold chain.
Dear Chi Chi.
Good girls don't; but maybe they
Love, Luke and Scotty
D a n c e M a r a t h o n , F e b . 1-2.
Fabulous prizes to be awarded for a
variety of categories. A total of 91
Attention: Dutch Quad Nlte at the fantastic albums and Pink Floyd
Fights is back. All those Interested tickets are some of the prizes to be
In fighting can call Kenny at 7-7B94. distributed.
Deadline is Feb. 3.
Interested In an RA position for next I love and respect you for getting a
year? Talk with your RA or Director. 4.0 last semester.
Love, Craig
Applications will be available soon.
The Chin Bros, are doing It again I
Tonight at 9:30 in the Indian Quad You take the cake... and the frosting
U-Lounge. Plenty of great music, too!
Dear Mario,
And you can tell everybody this Is beer, and people.
To all Plttman girls:
your personal. It may be quite simMonica,
ple but now that it's done, I hope When are we going to see you on We are starting a club. Be at
O'Heany's at 4 pm. Friday. Be
you don't mind. I hope you don't
Ramapo High School ring found by mind, that I put down in words how
prepared to stay till 4 am. Saturday
gym. Owner call 7-7939, ask for wonderful lire Is while you're In the "Roller-Disco" we were so hoping for Initiation.
J, J, and T
yourself and whatever happens,
Lost: Gold Italian horn and chain In Brenda,
don't let Evelyn show you her nurse Penny,
or around W.T.'s last Monday (Jan. Happy birthday to our beautiful
imitation. Take care of Kermlt.
It's a good thing that our happiness
14), great s e n t i m e n t a l value, daughter. Happiness always.
Lis and Sept. for your new room is as great as our
reward. Call Rick at 462-1751.
Love, Mom and Dad Don't go see Jerry Garcia! Help sadness from losing you as a
s u i t e m a t e . Good luck
Lost: Gold bracelet on Jan. 1Bth P.S. Happy birthday from me too! Maggie
Maggie" iand• -Scott
- - • • celebrate their semester!
possibly In the Rat or the Lampost. Mike
' thd
Great sentimental value, Reward II
Rock qultar player looking for Jams,
Dear Helene,
found. Call Leslie at 7-781B.
fun, drink, beer, weekends, evenI know It's not easy being friends "Chuck",
Ings. Rich 465-7979.
with a bisexual schizophrenic, but Happy birthday! Thanks for all the
you do a damn good Job. Thanks for smiles you've given me.
Dance Marathon
being a great person and friend.
Telethon '80
I do love you, "Cindy"
Have a happy 18th birthday (but
Winter Weekend Is coming!
Dance Marathon
don't waste any sperm).
Don't miss the Chin Bros. Party
Telethon '80
Love, Maggie tonight - Indian Quad U-Lounge at
To Gilly,
Dance Marathon
Here's to a great spring and life In
Telethon '80
the 80's. I love you, kid.
Feb. 1-2, 6 pm. t o 6 pm.
Good luck with 12,000 and Poly Sci. Diih;~"
Gilly Gilly
Have you recuperated from Monday
Doctor PSK,
yet! Congratulations.
Winter Weekend is coming.
Now it's official. Medical School, always have your wadettes.
P.S. - 1502
here we come! I'm very proud of you To my beautiful suite, the "guys
Davey on State:
and I love you very much.
across the hall", Ryckman 208 and
to t u n , Irlendshlp,
SCP company, and everyone else,
Na na na na na na,
Economics, and a new semester In
Na na na na na...
Thanks for making my birthday exthe neighborhood!
Love, Pres.
Love and kisses always, Debbie on
I'm glad we take my car out tra-special. You are all the greatest
is tone deaf!
sometimes so you can 'GZL' an
build their
Dance Marathon Feb. 1 and 2
All my love, Faye own community - why not apply to
Love, 'IDL' and Bea
fabulous prizes to be awarded for a
/arlety of categories. A total of 91
ching stuff. I love you all. Phil • How
(Bequllles and Tim)
fantastic albums and Pink Floyd
did you know I liked cats? Thanx a Telethon '80 Dance Marathon, Feb.
tickets are some of the prizes to be Dear Karen,
lot. Faye
1-2, Campus Center Ballroom.
I love you. Happy Sunday the 27th.
Dance or sponsor a friend.
Love, Daniel Dance Marathon, Feb. 1-2. Sponsor
Met Fans
sheets available now in Quad of- Melville Whalers,
Opening day Is around the corner!
Dance Marathon Feb. 1-2. Sponsor fices and Campus Center Informa- Thanks to Wendy, Lisa, Linda,
Loyal Forever In Ten Eyck
sheets available now In Quad of- tion Desk.
Jayne, Vlckl, Andy, Glen, and all the
fices and Campus Center Info Desk.
Starrs of the team, for helping put
Does Community Development In- us In first place.
Happy birthday to a very special
applicaLove - Your Captain, Seth
friend. The past few months have
You've become a part of me. I need tions available soon.
been "phenomenal" and I know the
you, you never know...
future will be even better.
With love, Robin
Cindy G. loves Chlno Negroni
Jackie Melik,
Want to learn helping and leaderYou may be the most disgusting
person we know, but you are one ship skills? Why not apply to be an
noil of a person to live with; you're
ots and lots of fun; and we love
Dear Mitchell,
Welcome to Albany. I hope you enFrom the two most disgusting peojoy your next 3 and a half years
ple you know, Annie and Marie
here. It's really good to have you up
Attention: Dutch Quad Nile at the here and don't forget about our dinner dates.
Fights Is back. All those Interested
Love, (Your sister) Jodi
in fighting can call Kenny at 7-7894.
Deadline is Fe. 3.
Dear Suzanne,
Thanks for all your love and friendDear Hunk,
ship, and especially for being there
Thanks for the ear. I needed It.
when I needed someone. You mean
Love ya', Hunk's Chick
so much to me. Happy birthday
Saying no to your roommate. Midbabe.
dle Earth is sponsoring an AsserI love you, Andy
tiveness Training group beginning
The honourable Mr. Friedman:
Mon., Jan. 28 at I pm. Group size Is
I don't owe you anything either,
limited. For more Info, call 7-7800 on
or before Jan. 26.
An ex-admirer
Get your dance partner now.
To Rose Et AI. (1980).
This birthday wish may be a little
A somewhat belated best of luck on
late. I'm sure you'll think It's worth
the comps. You all get an E for ef- the wait. At 21 you're legal
fort from APA.
everywhere, but don't do things we
Harlan (1980)
wouldn't dare, best of luck today
and everyday. We hope everything
Come t o the Mousetrap this
weekend and help celebrate Dutch
comes your w a y . .
Night with Grilled Cheese.
Love, Mlndy, Beth, Llpsky, and Debble
Dance Marathon Feb. 1-2, Campus
Attention: Dutch Quad Nlte at the
Center Ballroom, prizes include 91
records and Pink Floyd tickets.
Inllghting can call Kenny at 7-7894.
Sponsor sheets available at Quad
Deadline If Feb. 3.
offices and Campus Center Information desk.
Dance Marathon Feb. 1-2. Get a
partner or sponsor a friend. SponTo the " O " Lounge Guys,
sor sheets at Information Desk.
We know y o u g u y s w i l l a l l
remember when we met each other
The RA position has a lot to offer •
last September. By hanging out we personal satisfaction from helping
got to know you, so we're writing
people and excellent Job skill trainthis, lust to show you how happy we Ing. Give It some thought.
are that we've become friends and
Dear Brenda,
that we hope our good times never
end. Thanx guys!
Have a great day and a very happy
The Girls of the " O " Lounge
Lost: A set of 4 keys on a key ring
with a green tag somewhere on Indian Quad on 1-19-80. If found,
please call Eric at 7-8604.
January 25, 1980
C l u b Mew*
j Jeff, Sarah,
: and Bea,
I • Best
! tomorrow!!!
Chess Club meets every Monday night 6-11 p.m. in CC 375. All InItreslcd in chess welcome. Speed chess, club tournaments.
Delia Sigma PI — International Business Fraternity Spring 1980
Rush Events — A Professional Event - Thursday, January 31st a(
8'00 in the Biology Lounge, Rm. 248. Rcl'rcsmcnls will be served.
Delia Sigma PI — International Business Fraternity Spring 1980
Rush Events. Delia Sigma Pi — What is il? Monday. January 28lh
at 9:00 in (he Humanities Lounge in Rm. 354.
Fire Drag0" Kung Fu — Wu Su Come and panicipale in 3 free
classes every Thursday and Sunday at 8 p.m. in the Mens Auxiliary
S-QUAI) Volunteer Ambulance Scrvi
s now at epiing applica;
tions for membership. Applications avaib
. Dclanccy 102 or
call 457-8613.
jSC-IHllcl Chug Allyah discussing plans to mov, u>, and live, in
Israel. Monday, Jan. 28 in (he CC Patroon Lounge i
floor) at 7
Learn to Scuba Dive Interest Meeting on Mon. Jan. 28 at 7 p.m. in
Rm 123 at (he Gym. YMCA certification. 1 credit.
Coup de Grace (German) Youth in a time of chaos — scl in Germany in (he post W.W. I era. Jan. 25, 26 in the Performing Arts
Center at 8:30 p.m. $2.25 gen. $1.35 stud.-senior citizen I.D. card.
Shame Bergman. Thurs. Jan. 31 at 8 p.m. in the Albany Public
Library. Free.
Olympic Film Festival Highlights of pasl Olympics til Feb. 3. Sat.
and Sun. I p.m. Weekdays a( 12 noon. Siale Museum Auditorium
al Empire Slate Plaza. Free.
A Clockwork Orange Jan. 25, 26, Albany Slate Cinema. Hooper
on Jan. 27.
r Workshops
Health Series For Women Workshops on cannery, self-help,
acupuncture, sugar, beginning al 7 p.m. Jan. 2.1-Feb. 6. Learn
how to lake more control of your own bodies. Acupunclurc on
cb. 6th.
parlmcnl Security Workshop will be held on Jan ?" n 1:00 p.in
i LC 19. Deadlock bolls, the best lock available, will be sold at
ne wholesale price of $7.53 or at the OCA office. Show dale is
Jan. 31.
Freeze Dried Coffeehouse Mini Concert Wendy Grossman: on
guilar, banjo and concertina, she performs the music of the British
isles. Doors open al 8:30. Conccrl begins at 9 p.m. on Fri. and
Sal., Jan. 25 and 26. in the CC Assembly Hall.
Oberlin Baroque Ensemble Sunday, Jan. 27th at 3:30 p.m. in the
Performing Arts Center.
Noon Concert A Brahm's Trio in the Recital hall or "The Egg" at
Stale Plaza al 12:15 on Tues. Jan. 29th. Free.
Chamber Music Capilol Chamber Artists on Sunday, Jan. 27 in
Slate Museum Auditorium al Empire Stale Plaza. 4:00-5:30 p.m.
New York Phllomusica: Among the elite of today's soul and
ensemble artists. February 1 — Bcelhovcn Quintet in E. Flat,
Schocnbcrg Trio, Brahm's Quartet in A. at Page Hall.
Children's Hour Meeting Monday, Jan. 28 al 8:00 p.m. Ask al CC
info desk for location. Come and help Willi Childrens Hour — be a
Come and Dance in Telethon 80's Dunce Muruthon February I
and 2. Dance Tor prizes — get sponsors — sec the ad!
Telethon '80 Used Honk Exchange Anyone who brought tlooks into Ihc exchange lo be sold can pick up books or mon':y on Jan.
25ih in CC Ballroom from 10-2 or Jan. 28, 29 in CC 361 from
Student-Faculty Basketball Came is being sponsored by Telethon
'80. Watch for details.
Watch for Telethon '80's Flea Markcl in March!
Operations Meeling on March 5, 1980 in LC 23 at 9:00 p.m. Work
lite nigln of Telethon!
.ASP „Q~
V ^ T o n i t e 9:30 PM
19an Cnrtlanfct
This weekend
in celebration of Dutch Night,
Grilled Cheese
is featured.
Come & Enjoy!
» P.M. TO 1 A.M.
— A
Page Eleven
Albany Student Press
I ' d
take the
than gel
Catholic Worship for the 1980 Spring semester is as follows: Saturday, 6:30 p.m. in the Chapel House — Sunday, 10:30 a.m. in
Brubachcr Lounge — Sunday, 12:30 p.m. in the Chapel House —
Daily Mass, 11:15 a.m. In CC Room 357.
Campus Crusade for Christ "Prime Time" club meeting. Open to
Ihc public. Thurs. in CC 375 from 7:30-9:00.
JSC-Hlllel Traditional Shebbat Services Friday nights at 4:30 p.m.
with Kiddush following, and Saturday mornings al 9:30 a.m., with
luncheon following. Chapel House (across from gym, on hill)
Lutheran Campus Ministry Protestant Worship — The Holy Communion. Sunday, 11:00 a.m. at the Chapel House.
JSC-Hlllel CHAVURAH "Shut-In" Our Liberal Jewish group,
overnight Shabbalor. Singing, dancing, praying, eating, study
groups and planning for April Dippikill weekend. Fri. Feb. 1 at
7:30 p.m. Hi. Sat., Feb. 2 at 8:30 a.m. at the Chapel House (across
from gym).
Merce Cunningham Dance Company: An exciting, eclectic
modern dance company. Feb. 8th and 9th at 8 p.m. in the Main
Theatre — Performing Arts Center. $6.50 gen., $5.50 univ-scnior
citizen I.D. card, $4.50 SUNYA tax card.
Look Out For The Dream Play A prototype of expressionism and
theatre of the absurd, an epoch-making vision of mankind's trials
and follies. Main Theatre — Performing Arts Center. March
Antique Gun Show over 360 display tables and exhibits. Convention Hall Empice Slate Plaza. Jan 26, 9-5, Jan 27, 9-3. $1.50
RA Selection Applications for RA selection for 1980-81 will be
available Feb. 4 in each quadrangle office.
5-Quad Volunteer Ambulance Corps Standard First Aid Course —
Mondays 7-10 p.m. Hu 127 — Cost $3.50. I f interested call
The Mnusetrup re-opens this weekend. Music by GRILL
CHEESE. 9:00-1:30. Dutch Night.
Univ. Art tittllery ICxhibllinn — Allan D'Arcangelo: The
American Landscape, Phyllis Galembo: Recent Color
Photographs, Eight From the Northern Interior; Handmade
Books by Private Presses. Jan. 19-Feb, 29.
Investment Insights Lecture on investing, income municipals, corporate bonds, funds, retirement plans. Student Center Annex —
Cultural Educ. Ctr al Empire Slate Plaza. 12:10 p.m. on Mon.
Jan. 28. Free.
Student Activism is on the Rise
continued from page three
UAS Board policies, and discussing
possible changes. One point which
has been raised deals with the policy
thai dinner must be a mandatory
meal in order to obtain a meal plan.
Carlson explained that students are
seeking a more flexible plan, " W e
were told more work would be done
to make the plan flexible and to try
lo make it meet student needs more
Student activists are also engaged
in nationwide aclivities, such as
boycotting the Nestle Corporation
because of the company's "highly
Blood & Guts
Bruce Cowan
questionable sales tactics in third
world countries," said Carlson.
J.P, Slovens Corporation, another
bdycolt site, has been singled oui
for " b a d working conditions and
b e n e f i t s , " according t o A S U
member Jason Wcrthcini.
Finally, students are playing an
active role in the current battle
against SUNY cutbacks, such as the
January 29 rally.
ASU member Sharon Sonncr
sums up the cause. " I t ' s all o f our
rcsponsibililics to make sure we
don'I gel ripped o f f . " A n d ap
patently, S U N Y A students have
recognized a need to unile.
The Immortal
Garry Sunshine
Basketball A c t i o n as A l b a n y v s .
U t i c a , Sat, at 8:30 p . m .
between the uptown campus and
every Sunday morning
Bus and/or care
leave the circle at 9:30 am, return at 12:15 p m
F ree lunch available by prior arrangement.
Call436-9601 or 869-9348
other times
wart )mlm)?.
Saying no
to your roommateand surviving
Don,t miss out on the Ski
Clubs Weekend at Sugarbush
Valley from March 14-16.
The cost is only $69.
Middle Earth is sponsoring an
Assertiveness Training group
Group size is Limited Size
If you are at all interested and
want more information, call:
Steve at 4 5 7 - 5 0 6 1
or Skip at 4 5 5 - 6 7 3 7
Sponsoredby Albany State Ski Club
Le9B«c '
2. Spccirum Crew
letf/tt II
1. Barbara
2. Eggs
3. Rim Jobs
4. Angels
5. Lumberjacks
6. Big Shots
1. Downtown Blades
2. Fever
3. siickhandlcrs
4. Hanson Gang
League III
Long Branch
Cool Dudes
Jerry's Kid
Gold Rush
Backdoor Boys
Tiny Bui Tough
10. Chin Brother
5. Los Amlgos
61 Cheap Shots
7. Werewolves
8. Desperadoes
League IV
1. Acadian
2. Snakes
3. Raiders
4. Go For h
5. On Top
League I >
1. Wildebeasls
2. Gammon
3. Palace Guard
OGDEN, Ulah (AP) Question:
What major college basketball team
has the longest winning streak in the
If you guessed 18th-rankcd
Weber Slate College with 17
straight, you probably live in the
Rocky Mountains. If you guessed
No. I DePaul, 160, you may be
asking yourself, "Weber who?"
But that kind of anonymity
doesn't bolhcr Coach Neil McCarthy, whose Wildcats may be one of
lite better kept secrets in college
Not only has Weber State won 17
in a row, but the Wildcats in Five
years under McCarlhy have posted
a 104-46 record and arc favored to
with their third straight Big Sky
Conference title.
Weber State has an enrollment of
10,000 and didn't become a fouryear school until 1962. But since
then the Wildcats have been
awesome, going 120-33 under Dick
Motta — now coach of the
Washington Bullets — and 68-16
League II
1. Gabagool
2. Muffdivers
•3. Chin Bros.
4. SA's
Mitors Nate- Rankings throughout the season are voted on by
AMI A council members. Any questions should he directed to cc355
or 45U203.
AR£ BA£*.
Weber State Boasts T o p Streak
Floor Hockey
Group begins January 28 at 7:00 p.m.
Call 457-7800 on or before January 27
for more information
Ls$ JMlUr\RYiib26
Conference A
2. Jeopardy
3. Allah
4. Dirly Nelly's
Conference B
1. Werewolves
1. Tuborg Gold
2. Downtown Slugs 2- s l u B s
3. Bo's Bounders
4. Free Agents
Mb A*e
Page Thirteen
Albany Student Press
..nuary 25, 1980_
«£A0y TO
rtUVC o f T M C f l f t l T i S H ISLES.
^oor^ioiM be open.
+rcKet prices; ^
- 7 5 4 ', w/-h»t. card onlu a*itW*b(e
* \«°
: g e n e r a l public ( „ + • - . ^ * r , ! ^ ^ >
T0M16MT 9-3°
INDIAN O-Lounoe (&iuMs)
Varsity Basketball
fvnt> L0TS OF &fuew PeoPue -J
Be There!
Foosball & Backgammon
Saturday, January 26.
Foosball sign-up 10:30a.m.-11:15a.m.
Gamesstart 11:30a.m. (sameday)
Backgammon - 12:30p.m.
Foosball - Campus Center Bowling
Backgammon - Campus Center
Room 357
Entry Fee:
Foosball & Backgammon - $2.00
Prizes: Winners of each are eligible for regional
competition with a possible all-expense
paid trip to Chicago for the World
Championships in May.
Foosball: (Mixed Open Doubles Doubles and
Open Doubles Championships) Must
be registered and have paid Student
Tax, have 10 or more credits and show
student ID. For more info, call Harve
Young 869-8561 or Chris Blakely
Backgammon: Same requirements as Foosball.
Please bring your own Backgammon
set. For more Info, call Dave Perrett at
• ,
SA funded.
under Phil Johnson, an assistant
with the Chicago Bulls.
Still, Weber State always has
been a poor cousin to the much
larger and better-known schools
downstate — Utah and Brigham
"I just thought we'd eventually
be rated," McCarlhy said of his
club's first appearance of the
season in The Associated Press'
Top Twenty this week.
In March, Weber State will get
even more national exposure. Its
12,000 seal Dee Events Center is
one of two West sites for the First
too rounds of the NCAA postseason tournament, and the home
court advantage could propel the
Wildcats into some pretty rarificd
Last year, Weber Slate, 25-9,
heal New Mexico Slate in the opening round of the NCAA tourney
ficforc losing lo Arkansas.
The Wildcats' only loss this
season was an opening over-lime
road sclback to Utah Slate. Their
winning streak includes a triumph
over defending NCAA champion
Michigan Slalc and a 7«-78 decision
over Nevada-Las Vegas in the Las
Vegas Holiday Classic.
McCarthy starts four seniors and
a junior. Richard Smith, a 7-foot-1,
245-pound ce.tler, averages nearly
13 poinis a game, 6-8 forward
• David Johnson 15, and 6-6 forward
Gerald Maliinson nearly 10.
But the guards make Weber Slalc
roll. I'laymaker Mark Mattos is
averaging 7.5 assists a game, and
smooth 6-5 Bruce Collins is averaging 17.7 poinis and is the school's
all-time leading scorer.
(liberal Jewish group
Frl .Feb I'7:30pm
-.Sat.,Feb,2 8 : 3 0 a m
Dancing Praying
study groups
plan for April
DipDlklll weekend
(accross from gym)
Reservations: call
Bill 7-7819.
SiqiM up youn TEAM of 3 QIRIS \
Olympics. TkE EVENTS will DE:!
Tuq of WAR
pyRAwid buildiNq
SNOW DAII rhiiow
k • Fiqime ANd Speed SltATiNq if Hiwk is AVAJUbU
The University at Albany
(French & German)
Director: Volker Schlondorlt
»// - . / v "
of this original art in your room.
"...a vivid and haunting experience."
New York Times
Jan. 25 &:•.
Frl. & Sat. 8:30 p.m.
Tust send *2.00toYukon Jack.
Performing Arts Center
12.25 & $1.35 Student/Senior Citizen
Prize International Cinema
P O Box 11152, Newmgton. C 1 . Uoin
r A J
I ,
Yukon Jack 80 and 100 Proof. Imported and Bottled by
e ub l Qin,lncHar,,ord.C,.So IO A 3 en,sU,A.,t 9 0 7D 0dd,Mead,C 0 ,nc.
January 25, 1980
J. V. 9s Rout Oneonta, 107-74
ICelelhon 8Q
W a t c h for the
Grand Reopening
of the
Food Co-op
on Monday,
January 28
featuring an expanded line
of Freihofer's products
Spring 1980 hours:
Mon, Wed, Fri
Tues, Thurs
9:30am 8pm
Feb. 1 - Feb. 2
Campus Center
Sponsored by:
91 m
CBS Records!
Schaefer Been
tickets! W§M'M. i l k
(£ $ ; i | S|»o«so)t »kee£» avalubk pi
Te£dk«N otltce CC 353, aK Quod sliieet, owl CC 9«tft detit
Free T Shirts to all Participants
Student Association
by Bob Deflation!
The Albany State men's J.V.
basketball team, recovering from
the loss to local Union, extended
their home winning streak to seven
games Tuesday night by trampling
an extremely out-of-practicc
Oneonta squad 107-74 in University
Gym. The Danes went up in the
first five minutes, led by as many as
24 points near the end of the opening half, and prevented the Red
Dragons from ever really threatening throughout the contest.
Albany's record is now 7-2.
Defense was the name of the
game for tlie Danes. Even though
they yielded 74 points, tight
coverage enabled Albany to score at
a much quicker rale than their opposition. Sub Glen Phillips and
guard Greg Watson both hit for
their seasonal highs, and tied for
the game's scoring honors with 22
points each. Phillips also passed
well, serving up eight assists.
"We just played real good
defense," said Albany J.V. head
coach Steve Kopp. "It was our best
defense of the year, which gave us
many easy baskets."
Al'iany J.V. forward Mike Galto during an earlier season name. The Danes
Tile good defensive play opened
routed Onconla Thursday, 107-74. (Photo; Dave Machson)
up the Albany running game,
Adam & Eve
The Sting
• Guys Suits, Sport Coats,
Slacks, Shirts, Sweaters,
Coats, Jeans
Central Council
1 • Colonial Quad
2 * State Quad
1 • Alumni Quad
2 • Off-Campus
• All Fall & Winter Shoes Now
V* Price
University Senate
• All Boots Now Up to V2 Off
1 • Off-Campus
Self-nomination forms available
in the SA Office
Monday 1 /21 through Friday 2 / 1 .
Applications for Assistant Election
Commissioner! available in the SA Office.
Thursday & Friday
7 : 3 0 SL 1 0 : O O p . m .
£.75 w / t e c c u r d
f l i i i i i * fcir rt Hi ' ' '
Ad»»<>i.« *
* * •«»•.*»••*• ^ ^ A A
nfc . » - ;
resulting in the high score (the
Danes' second three-figure total of
the season). For Oneonta, Jim
Boland (15 points) and Guy Pepe
(10 points) were the only men who
scored in double figures.
Rounding out the Albany scoring, Mike Gaines and Dave Hardy
had 14 points, and Mike Gatto was
credited with 13. Hardy once again
was a force underneath, pulling
down ten rebounds, seven offensively.
Kopp noted that this Red Dragon
team (who beat Union earlier this
year) had returned to school Monday, and only practiced once since
December 14. The extremely long
layoff ending when it did had a
definite influence on Tuesday's
According to Oneonta J.V. head
coach Hal Chase, the visitors were
out of shape. He also stated that
two starters were missing due to injury and illness, but that this
Albany team "would beat us 99 out
of 100 times." Kopp tends to feel
differently: "I expect that game at
their place to be a lot closer than
this one. They're a lot better than
they were on Tuesday," said Kopp.
Onconta's record is now 3-4.
The Danes travel to RPI tomorrow to meet the Engineers. After
that, seven of the ten remaining
games will be played on the road.
Swimmers Stay Undefeated
By Downing Kings, 5 6 - 4 7
not pose much of a problem lor the
Danes "as long as they didn't make
any mistakes," Albany Coach Ron
White used the meet as a sort of
" t u n e - u p " for the important
Potsdam contest tomorrow. "We
moved people around to see how
they could do in events unfamiliar
to them. Steve Bonawltz's 2:15.4 in
the individual medley was a real
good showing," said While.
The meet was characterized by
White as "one of those meets where
nobody stood out. The times were
off and we relied on second and
Ihird place finishes to pull the meet
Winners on the day for the
visiting Danes included Joe Shore,
who won the 200 yard breastrokc in
2:26 and the 200 yard individual
medley in 2:12. Diver Bill Derkasch
placed first in the optional diving,
highlighted by his forward, oneand-a-half, somersault, pike position dive, which was given a sixand-one-half — six — six-and-onehalf awardings by the judges.
THHMIAK- "Evcrythings feeling better. That
big week of working out after vacation sure helped a lot. The team
swam pretty well even though the
pool seemed slow —.maybe because
of the temperature of the water"
Every Sunday, Monday & Tuesday
mentioned Derkasch.
The Danes won both the relay
All Italian I f u M <|u.'i a n l t t d to ktoc|'ir, r v r n | h f llOUtCBt apprtila W f l a t t you off wilt,
niu Umout ANTIPASTO Salad Bullet , , . M much »• you want. . . and follow that with events, with Kevin Ahem, Tom
Roberts, Dave Zybala, and Frank
and more. You atop only u/han you've had enough.
Heter capturing high honors in the
CHILDREN (Undar 10) 1 . 9 9
400 yard medley nglaj 'We swam
Served Sunday Noon <o C luting Monday A Tueaday a pm to doling
hard yesterday (Tucsaay). We were
pretty confident of our relay" said
WealetnAve. ALBANY
Roberts. In the other relay — the
400 yard medley relay composed of,
Ed Pierce, Bonawitz, Shore, a n d '
Kerry Donovan scaled the meet victory with a two lap triumph. The
Danes needed a first-place finish in
the final event to win the meet.
Moving on, the swim team faces
top Division 111 Potsdam tomorrow
at 2 p.m. at University pool.
"We're really up for Potsdam and
we'll give ihc Beans some tough
lompelilion" said Heler.
by Jeff Schaduff
The Albany Stale men's swimming leam traveled four-and-onc-half
hours Wednesday morning lo face
Division HI opponents King's College of Wilkes Barrc, Pennsylvania.
The trip was successful as the Danes
brought home a 56-47 win which brings their undefeated record lo 4-0.
• Knowing King's College would
February 6 and 7
seats available:
Page Fifteen
Albany Student Press
• Gals Slacks, Tops, Sweaters,
Coats, Skirts, Jeans, Suits
Stuyvesant Plaza, Albany, N.Y. 12203 _
Top Ten
DcPaul 29
Oregon State 28
Ohio State 19
Louisville 18
Syracuse 16
Notre Dame 12
SI. John's 10
tic Maryland 10
9, .North Carolina 6
tie Missouri 6
College Basketball rankings
compiled by Biff Fischer, Rich
Seligson, and Paul Schwartz.
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-I basis.
Students and the Draft:
Death, Canada, Fear
Page 13
January 25, 1980!
DRAGON SLAYERS: Danes Whip Cortland, Oneonta
Draft Protestors Speak Out
Two SUNYAC Wins Leave
Albany 12-2; Utica Sat,
Over 150 Rally
by Paul Schwartz
CORTLAND — A disciplined, poised Albany State
basketball squad pooled all their diverse resources last
night, and they were enough to put away a determined
Cortland team, 76-67.
On offense, it was the trio of guard Winston Royal
(20 points) and forwards Ray Cesare and Pete Stanish
(18 points each) that provided the Danes with enough
firepower to stifle the rugged Red Dragons. On defense,
it was an aggressive Albany second half zone, coupled
with some wild late-minute shots by Cortland guard
Tom Baez (21 points), that allowed the Danes to pull
"This win puis us in a good spot," said Albany coach
Dick Sauers. "Our scoring was unbalanced for us, but
those guys happened lo have the shols. I'll take
whatever way wins."
Albany, now 12-2 overall and 4-1 in the SUNYAC,
led 40-35 at halftime, but after Cesare's juniper gave the
Danes a 48-41 advantage, Cortland reeled off six consecutive points, closing to 48-47. "They had the ball,
and they could've gone ahead," Sauers said. "They
didn't, and that was a psychological factor."
Guard Rob Clune found Stanish inside for a basket,
as the Danes opened up their largcsi lead, 64-51, with
7:20 remaining. Cortland closed the gap to 70-65 with
Gary Maltraw's short jumper, but Royal's burst up the
middle and Bacz's errant shot sealed the Albany victory.
On Tuesday, everything seemed
primed for an upset — all the classic
signs were present at University
Gym. The Danes were coming of/ a
tough overtime loss to Potsdam,
and their opponents, the Oneonta
Red Dragons, hardly posed much
of a threat. "When I looked
them in warmups, I thought they
might be able to be taken," said
Oneonta coach Don Flewelling.
"Albany didn't look really ready to
For much of the first half, the
Danes did nothing to disprove
Flewelling's claim. Although lacking in talent, Oneonta's intense play
and puzzling triangle-and-two
defense held Albany in check, and
January 29, 1980 J
Vol. LXVII No. 4
by John Mo run
Over 150 people held a peaceful
dcmonsiration at noon Saturday to
protest President Carter's plan to
reinstate registration for the draft.
The protest, sponsored by the
Albany Peace Coalition, was held
in front of the Broadway Post Office in downtown Albany in reaction to Carter's State of the Union
address on Wednesday.
A petition condemning the draft
registration was signed by 125 people according lo Capital District
Ami-Nuclear Alliance representative John Cutro,
"We only had a couple of days lo
organize it. 1
thought the
demonstration was very successful," said Cuiro.
"The ongoing goal of the Albany
Peace Coalition will be to develop
widespread opposition to the draft
and to stimulate action among the
people who will be most affected,"
said a spokesperson for the Coalition, Pat Beetle.
Despite adverse weather conditions, the protestors carried signs,
sang peace songs and listened to a
Albany forward Steve Low dri ves toward the basket during (lie Danes' 94-62 victory over Oneonta
Tuesday night al University Gym. Low totaled eight points for Albany. (Photo: Mike I'urrcll)
fort, overwhelmed Oneonta, 94-62. returned to the court, they were breakaway layup. The Albany
"1 was disappointed with our thinking defense.
guards harassed Oneonta into a
play in the first half," said Albany
"In the first half we were slug- backcourl 10-second violation. Low
coach Dick Sauers. "Their defense gish, and we weren't playing with dove to knock a pass out of
gave us more trouble than I ex- much intensity," said Low. "Doc bounds, and then came right back
after Tim Rice connected on a
pected, and I think Steve Low was gave us a talking to al halftime
to steal the next pass. Marty
jumper, the Dragons only trailed
the reason we were leading by so about intensity on defense."
McGraw picked up a steal, drove to
19-18, and were outplaying the
much at halftime. Me was our of"Doc chewed us out," Kelvin the basket, and after he was fouled,
lackluster Danes.
fensive spark. In the second half, Jones said. "And defense was what hit on both his free throws.
we got running, and that was as he chewed us out for. They were Moments after the eight minute
Albany then began to show signs good as we've run all year."
doing what they wanted in the first span ended, Oneonta guard Bob
of life. Forward Joe Jcdnak scored
Low hit on all four of his at- half. But in the second half we got Topa drove to the Albany basket,
on a tip-in, Rob Clune canned a tempts and finished with eight in gear and clamped them down."
with only Bob Collier back to dejump shot, and Steve Low came off points, as the Dane attack was
Employing an aggressive zone fend. At 6-4, Topa went up, but at
the bench to hit two quick baskets, again balanced. Pete Stanish's 16 press, the Danes held the Dragons 6-1, Collier went up higher, and
pushing the Danes' lead to 27-18. points and Ray Cesare's 15 led to eight points in the first 7:53 of smacked Topa's shot away.
Winston Royal's rebound-basket Albany, as the Danes shot 55 per- the second half. During that same
"We just didn't have the talent
off a missed free throw gave Albany cent from the floor.
stretch, Albany totaled 33 points, that Albany had," said Flewelling.
their 10th straight point, and the
The game turned into a rout, and put the game away with a 70-35 "We had them on the ropes early in
Danes went on to take a 37-27 though, because of the Danes' lead.
the game, but then quickness
halftime lead. With their running defense. During the halftime break,
In that period of just under eight became a factor. We were obviously
game in gear in the second half, Sauers kept his squad in the locker- minutes, the Danes' defense was
too slow. Albany was able to lake
Albany poured in 57 points, and room for almost all of the 15 overwhelming. Clune made a steal
the ball wherever they wanted to
along with an intense defensive ef- minute intermission, and when they at midcourt and raced for a take it."
Women Cagers Fall Short, 58-47
by Amy Kunlor
Despite a valiant second half
showing, the Albany State women's
basketball team dropped their fifth
game of the season, losing 58-47,
Monday night against Hamilton
College at University Gym.
Hamilton took an early lead, and
kept scoring on the Danes. By the
half, Hamilton led, 30-11, and an
"upset" rookie conch Amy Kidder
led her Albany team into the locker
room. "I wish we could have
knocked off lite first 20 minutes of
the game," she said, attributing the
19 point Dane deficit lo poor
general play.
The Albany coach made some
court switches going into the third
The Albany .Mult- women's basketball team came hack In Hie second hull', quarter, and the Danes trotted out
bill lost to Hamilton on Monday. (Pholo: Dave Maellson)
to play catch-up basketball. Albany
outscored Hamilton, 36-27, in the
second half. According to
sophomore team captain Laurie
Briggs, "The second half was probably the best basketball we played
all year."
Freshman Luanne LaLonde attributed the fine Dane third and
fourth quarter play lo "aggression"
and performed to the term as she
led the team in scoring with 18
points, sinking 16 of them in the second half. Center freshman Theresa
Clarke rallied lor 11 points.
However, the Danes missed 12
foul shols in the game. "Charily
points," remarked Kidder.
With 2:23 remaining in the
match, Albany was lOpoinlsdown.
This was the closest they came lo
Hamilton since the first quarter.
Neither learn scored during the next
two minutes, 18 seconds. Then,
Hamilton's Kalhy Corsi added one
on a foul shol and brought the final
score to 58-47, and brought the opponent's season record lo 5-2,
"We're a young team and we
have lo work with what we have,"
explained Briggs. Kidder spotted
sonic inconsistencies, even during
the second half, and pointed to the
lucking quality of Dane rebound
play. "But we haven't found any
consistent pattern of play yet," she
said, referring to the youth of her
team, in which all members arc
freshmen and sophomores. The
coach foresees a "hard" schedule
for the remainder of the season,
which resumes tomorrow til RPL
number of speakers during the
hour-long rally. Vietnam draft
resister Sieve Trimm gave a brief
speech saying thai resisting the
draft "is a high price to pay but it is
worth it. You can say n o . "
He added thai "resisiing the
draft is an honorable thing to d o . "
According to Coalition member
Rczsin Adams, Trimm was tried
and sentenced but escaped lo
Canada for five years, and came
back to the U.S. under the earned
re-entry program.
Adams said, " W e oppose
registration for the draft because il
is a war-like move. We oppose the
military posture (hut Carter has
now taken toward protecting U.S.
inicresis in the Persian Gulf area.
"We applaud what Carter has
done in his handling of the hostage
situation, because military alternatives arc very dangerous in this
nuclear world," said Adams. She
added thai just as Carter realized
that military force wouldn't have
saved the hostages he must realize
that a war in the Persian Gulf area
will not preserve our interests there.
She staled that the Peace Coalition believes that preparation for
war leads to war.
"Our government should start
from the premise that war is not an
acceptable means to protect our interests. Our government is trying
non-war means lo save the hostages
and we should use non-war means
in oilier international conflicts,"
Adams said.
She explained thai a meeting was
held Thursday night lo organize the
demonstration as a reaction lo
Carter's speech on Wednesday. According lo Adams, people from
anti-nuclear groups, The Society of
friends, The Women's Inicrnaconllnued on page five
like the thought of war.
by Mike Fried
Marc Gronich, a junior, said
"I'm scared. I don't want lo go
lo war and die, but I don 'I want to "It's a good move on Carter's part'.
not an arbitrary decision. It's
be labelled a coward or a deserter
and feel that I've been useless to my for national security. If the USSR
country. My father is a 21-year war gets control of Pakistan and the
veteran and it would be a slap in his Persian Gulf, we'd be on our knees
face. If there were any way out for oil." He added that he would
register to avoid getting charged
without humiliation, I'd lake it."
with a felony, but he would go to
President Carter's State of the
Canada if he was drafted.
Union address, calling for reinstateAlt the females interviewed wishment of the draft, set off strong student reactions on the SUNYA cam- ed to remain anonymous to avoid
pus. Some people said they would recriminations from friends,
fight if they had to, while others regardless of their attitudes.
One said that she had mixed feelwould not even register. Others will
volunteer lo fight, and some men- ings. "There is part of me that says
tioned the possibility of travelling this is the United States and
everyone should want to fight';
to Canada.
however, there is a part of me that
Greg Crccco, a senior, said he
doesn't want my younger brolher to
docs nol think we should have to
go to war and possibly get killed."
register and a plan for voluntary
Another girl, a senior, said, "I'm
registration should be created. "1
noi going lo war, no fucking way.
think it's wrong thai we have lo
If Carlcr wants lo start a war, let
register," Crecco said. "1 guess if 1
him figlu in il as well."
goi a draft notice I'd go, bin I'm
A freshman, whose father is' a
only registering because I don't
want lo be charged with a felony." veteran of World War II, said she
registered right away thai Friday.
Sunil Modasra, a junior, said, "1
"1 love this country and I want lo
think it should be effected because
do all 1 can to help protect it from
the Unilcd Stales is nol prepared
aggression of any kind," she said.
for a war and a draft will prepare us
"Anyone who goes to Canada is a
militarily. If 1 am drafted, 1 will go
fucking faggol. I'd have no respect
I because I must stand up for whai 1
for them," she said.
jWanl lo keep, even though I do nol
Former SUNYA Studen t
Faces Life Imprisonment
Hearings to Investigate Past
by Susan Milligun
A former SUNYA student
recently convicted of third-degree
attempted robbery may face a life
jail sentence, according to Albany
County Disfict Attorney Sol
While the maximum sentence for
the charge is four years imprisonment, Greenbcrg noted that the
previous criminal record of John
"Ritchie" Robinson may classify
him as a "persistent felony offender," making him eligible for
harsher punishment.
Robinson was charged in the
December 12, 1978 attempted robbery of a Central Avenue branch of
Home Savings Bank.
Robinson was further indicted on
charges of third-degree grand
larceny in the July, 1979 robberies
of Manpower, Inc. and City Service, both on Western Avenue. A
total of $750 was involved in these
Albany County Court Judge
Joseph Harris will be conducting
hearings to evaluate Robinson's
background and habits. Harris will
determine whether Robinson is "in
need of extended incarceration" of
a minimum 15-25 years and a maximum of life Imprisonment,
"(Robinson) admitted to sniffing
glue at age seven, and using cocaine, heroin, and marijuana," said
Greenbcrg. "He I as a long juvenile
and criminal rect rd."
In reference to Robinson's past
record, Greenbcrg described Robinson as "the lowest of the low,"
During a court interrogation,
Robinson denied having committed
incest with his sisters. When asked
if he was guilty of 18 rapes, Robinson replied, "No. . .only three or
Greenbcrg stressed that Robinson's confessed rapes are in no way
related to the recent rapes of SUNY
students in the Pine Hills "student
ghetto" area of Albany.
"These rapes occurred when
Robinson was in jail," Greenbcrg
pointed out.
Robinson's defense attorney Lou
Oliver declined comment.
Anti-war demonstrators rally against the draft outside the Broadway Post Office.
Over 150 people support widespread opposition to the draft.
(Photo: Mark Halek)
Mice Found in Downtown Dorms
Residents Frightened; Administrators
by Susan Milligan
administrators arc not alarmed, sludcnl residents of Aldcn and Waterbury Halls on Alumni Quad are
both annoyed and frightened by
numerous complaints of mice in
sludenls' rooms.
"Right aflcr vacation, my roominalc and I saw a mouse scurrying
down ihc hall," said Waicrbury
resident Bruce Liebcr. "Then one
nighl we found a mouse in our
closci. Since aboul two days ago,
I've seen them all over the hall."
Waicrbury resideni Pierre Gram
• reported seeing a mouse in' the
Aldcn-Watcrbury Dining Hall,
"The cook called the exlcrminalor, but he never came," said
Standard procedure concerning
rodents at Alumni Quad has been lo
provide students with rat poison.
Yet several students reported a
recurrence of mice even after using
the poison.
Another Waterbury resideni, Pat
juun "KiKliic" Kumnsnn
Brunley, said she "had been silling
Previous crimes come into play.
(Pholo: Sedgwick) on the bed when a mouse came out
from behind Ihc refrigerator."
"We had bugs lasi semester,"
said Branlcy. "Now Ihc bugs arc
gone, bul almost everyone in ihc
hall has mice."
Alden Hall resideni Rich Bchar
said thai rodents were prescnl lasi
semester, bui no significant action
was taken lo remedy ihc problem.
"I was under Ihc impression that
ihc Aldcn administration would
lake care of ihc problem during
vacation," said Bchar. "Yet, 1 saw
a mouse two days ago. Obviously,
ihc problem has nol been solved."
According lo Alumni Quad
Coordinator Liz Radko, Alumi.i
"has had mice for the four ycais
(she) has been t h e r e "
"I have heard general reports
aboul mice. . .as far as I know, the
directors are working it out with the
Radko said thai she hadn'l heard
any reports of mice Monday or last
weekend. She added that "although
(she) doesn't want to belittle"the
situation, (she) hasn't heard it is a
major problem."
Waterbury Hall Director Martha
Pilch admitted that she has heard
continued on page five
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