sports Booters,

Unlveraity oi N«w York at Albany
October 7, 1975
Red Dragons Down Booters, 2-1
SAGonfionts Administration
On Mohawk Conversion
Albany Advances To Number Eight
In State Bankings Despite Loss
by Nathan Salaiit
place inside the goal.
"When two great teams meet, one
Matty Dehora set up the play on a
of them usually loses," said Cortland
lead-feed center pass which was the
Red Dragons varsity soccer Coach
completion of a give-and-go play.
Fred Taube two hours before his
Albany dominated the next 20
Dragons look on the Albany State
minutes of play, but was unable to
varsity soccer team in an important
administer the coup-de-grace, largeState University of New Vork
ly thanks to goalie Tom Wignot,
Athletic Conference game.
who made ten saves in that time
Friday night it was Albany's turn,
as the hosts overcame a 1-0 halftime
"Wignot was fantastic," said
deficit and edged the Booters, 2-1.
Taube. "He did an outstanding job,
"It was the greatest soccer game and made some circus saves out
this school has ever seen, " Taube
there. When a goalie turns in a persaid. "We played eur best game in formance like that, it hastospark his
my three years at Cortland. I honestown team as well as frustrate the
ly hope we don't see Albany again in
post-season play, because next time
Wignot come up with save after
we may not be as fortunate."
save, including a leaping grab of
For the Booters, the loss was
Jorge Aguilar's shot with one second
heart breaker.
left in the game.
"There was no question.about it,
Cortland tied the game at the 7:40
we played 100 per cent from a
mark of the second half when
physical poini of view," said Albany
Booters' goalie Henry Obwald was
State varsity coach Bill Schieffelin.
caught out of the net after making a
"We lost because we did not use our save. Mark Britt centered the ball to
heads in the second Jiall. and did not
Cortland halfback John Cossaboon
take advantage of their weaknesses."
who popped a short floater just over
Albany took the lead 20 minutes
the head of Arthur Bedford, and just
into the first half when Pasquale
under the crossbar.
Petriccione tired a 10-yard shot at
"It was a most frustrating feeling,
the Cortland net. Ihe shot deselected
lamented Bedford. "It was just
off one fullback, and then off out of my reach; I was. backing up to
another, before' it found a resting cover the net when he shot, so my
leap had to be made when I was offbalance. If I had been back there
sooner, I probably would have had
Schieffelin praised Bedford's efforts and said he doubted anyone
could have gotten to the ball.
"It was just one of those weird
situations where a second would
have been the difference," said the
coach.'lt's impossible to fault Bedford. He did his job perfectly. I
doubt anyone could have had the
ball under those circumstances."
Thetie-breakercamcwith 11:48to
play in the second half, when Britt
hooked a blast around Obwald who
did not move.
"I lost the ball in the lights," explained Obwald. "I know I would
have stopped it under any other circumstances."
Once again Schieffelin backed his
player's efforts completely.
"We never played there under the
lights before, and I can .assure you
that we will not doit again especially
at Cortland," said Schieffelin. "The
lighting was poor, especially along
the sidelines, and I guess I have to
say it hurt us."
Basically, the problem was that in
the second half Albany stopped
continued on page eighteen
W'*j? '~"-'i>-
ment would inevitably halt the
drive," said Ford. KIT, which had
been burned Tor SS and 56 points in
their previous two games, found
themselves in a scoreless contest.
The' defense, without Frank
Villanova, the Dane's "best tackle,"
according to Ford, played fairly well
throughout the game. KIT quarterback Paul Adamo, entering the
game as Division Ill's third ranked
passer, was able to connect on only
12 of 35 throws and had several picked off. Vaunted receiver Jim Leicntz
was limited to live catches lor 56
M M * Uffwtj l M rraoordto3-1 via 24-0 win mw HIT.
•i [ ' ; '' ~""~\ -"^*
Albany goalie Henry Obwald about to make a sliding cava on a
After Dropping Opener, 7-2
by Mike Piekarski
and proceeded to steal second on the
Jim Willoughby's three-run dou- first pitch. Two ouls later, Jeff
ble highlighted a live-run fourth in- Breglio walked and both he and
ning to lead the Albany varsity Nelson came around to score on
baseball team to a 10-5 victory over trace's long drive.
New Paltz in the second game of
fn the third1, Silverman bunted his
Saturday's home, doubleheader.
way oh, swiped second, moved to
The win salvaged a split of the third on a wild pitch and stole home
twinbill for the Danes who dropped on an unusual play to give DiLcllo a
the opener, 7-2.
three run lead. With Silverman on
"The second game marked the first third and Willoughby at the plate,
Danes home triumph of the season Coach Burlingame called for ihe
and left their State University of suicide squeeze which has the runner
New York Athletic Conference charging in from third on the
yards, well below his average.
record at 4-3.
pitcher's delivery. Willoughby missIt was the inconsistency of the
With the Danes holding a 4-0 lead ed the bunt and Silverman looked
offense that upset Coach Ford. Our
in the home fourth, Willoughby like a sure out.
well publicized ground game was
came up with the bases loaded and
But he kept coming and knocked
good for only 203 yards, far beneath
jumped on loser Bob Marz's first the ball out of the catcher's glove. He
their expected output. The hit-orpitch, sending it all the way to the also complicated matters by missing
miss passing attack accounted for 76
rightficld fence to clear the bases. the plate. While the ball was being
yards, 37 coming on a Bcrtuz/i to
When Willoughby later scored on a retrieved, Silverman turned around
Pollard I'D pass in the second
wild pitch in the same inning, it look- and dove head-first toward home to
quarter. Tom DcBlois' three yard
ed like it was goingto be a runaway. beat the tage and score the run.
run had given the Danes their first
But Ihe Hawks had just begun to
The live-run fourth seemed to inpoints, capping an SI yard drive set
light. In the sixth inning,thcy scored dicate another complete game for
up by Skip Scurry's interception. A
livetimeswiththcaid of three walks, Di Leila was in the oiling, but the
30-yard field goal by Al Martin sent
three singles and two errors to close freshman ran into hard luck and out
Albany into the lockerroom with a
thegap to three before being stopped of gas in the sixth before being
17 point halftime lead.
with the lying runs on base and their removed. Willoughby came in and
The second half saw mostly a best hitter, Tom Whitaker, at bat.
eventually put out the lire, but not
second-string offense employed by
The big lefty, two had homered before New Paltz made an exciting
Albany and they were unable to earlier in the day, sent a longdriveto
game out of an 8-0 deficit.
reach the end zone.
deep centcrfield lhal Paul Nelson
But first game was not exciting.
Albany's final score was registered hauled in a few feet from the fence
The visitors.collecting only lour hits
by the defense when Brad lor the third out.
off Dane pitching, grabbed an early
Kehlenbeck picked off an Adamo
When Albany second baseman lead and were never in danger ol'lospass and scampered 30 yards for the
Jeff Silverman slammed a two-run ingit.
six points.
double in the bottom of the inning,
John Dollard got the starting nod
Coach Ford did see some bright the Hawks were grounded.
and fell behind in the first when
spots in the win, citing Ihe apparent
The Danes had given freshman Whitaker (the pitcher) slummed a
recuperation of Tom DcBlois as "im- starter Paul DiLello an early cushion
solo homer over the rightficld fence
portant." Center Andy Lee did a in the first on John trace's double up
ot give his Hawks a 1-0 advantage.
"good job" despite beingout weighed (he. left centcrfield power alley,
New Paltz tallied twice in the
by 50 pounds. Freshman defensive Nelson opened the frame by ripping
fourth when Vic Mirannuna walked
end Joe Shields "has won himself a a hard smash through Ihe right side
continued on page eighteen
starling assignment" through his efforts and Kich Hcimerly played an
"excellent game at defensive halfback."
"We have to make a dedicated effort to become a good football
team," says Ford, "and with So.
Mora Sports on
Connecticut, Springfield and
pagtt 17, 18, ft 19
Albright still remaining, we have all
the incentive needed."
Mistakes against KIT are one
thing, but those teams will, in Ford's
words, "play taps on us if we make
Danes Cage RIT Tigers, 24-0
by David Levy
Ihe Albany State Football Team
is 3-1, yet Coach Bob Ford is an unhappy and concerned man.
Following Saturday's 24-0 victory
over KIT, the Great Danes coach
said, "We went into this game knowing KIT was not strong and also
knowing t hat we had to be consistent
to prove ourselves a good football
team. We were, at best, sporadic."
Typical of this team was the first
quarter on Saturday. "Though we
moved well, a penalty (we had over
100 yards worth) or missed assign-
v'" '-'~-y: - W a * . * ^ . ,
by Cynthia Hadrdi
covered by students rather than by
Administrators and the Student university funds. Bauman estimates
Association (SA) are at odds over that financial gains would amount to
Mohawk Tower's disputed future as approximately 177,000 dollars.
However, after using a substantial
a dormitory.
Vice-President for Management amount of this money to provide ofand Planning John Hartley said "A fices for the evicted Mohawk faculty
precipitous decision, such as this, and to cover other costs which arise
cannot be made without extensive in a dorm situation (i.e. an increased
investigation." According to maintenance staff), it is doubtful
whether very much of it will be left.
Hartley, a Task Force with student,
Bauman said that though Mohawk
faculty and administrative representation, is in the process of being revenue may not increase the first
year, a profit will be seen in the
formed to look into the problem of
on-campus overcrowding.
SA President Andy Bauman said
Living Space for All
he has all the facts that he needs and
Bauman maintained that his real
feels that the administration is stallaim is "to provide uncrowded oning. "They (the administration) apcampus livingspacefor all those who
parently do not realize the severity of
desire it. Mohawk Tower is just the
the problem of overcrowding and
most obvious solution since it
are not giving it top priority."
originally was a dorm."
Bauman is pushing for an answer
Bauman also said that he was
by Oct. 14, sothatt lie cost of converopen to tthe idea of constructing
ting Mohawk can be included into
mqdular housing as an alternative to
the university budget for 1976.
the conversion of Mohawk. Welty
However, Hartley said that Mohawk
was suspicious of modular housing
Tower is immaterial in the question
because it would cost the students
of t he budget and t hat t he budget has more and he wasn't sure if they
already been submitted to SUNY
would be willing to pay it. He prefers
Central for review on Oct. 22.
to wait and find out what students
Origin of Idea
Indian Quad students have shown
According to Directpr of
Residences Dr. John Welly the idea an interest in the Mohawk issue. An
to convert Mohawk back into a ad hoc committee was set up by Indorm had its impetus last summer dian Quad Board to investigate the
when the housing office was trying to "facts."
Stephen Felix Wills, a member of
find living space for 400 transfers.
The solutions to that problem, one the committee, said that it seemed
of which was the Hotel Wcllinton, that a large number of people were
prove satisfactory to some but quite looking for information which was
inadequate for others. Increased de- unavailable. The committee, sensing
mand for on-campus housing the a confusion and incompleteness of
past three years and a projected in- facts surrounding the issue made a
crease for next year, indicate, said resolution at a meeting of Indian
Welty, that additional space may be Quad Board last Monday night. The
necessary. However, he explained resolution calls for the executive
that time is required to study the branch of the SA to lift its
space needs for the university as a "ultimatum" to President Fields
concerning Mohawk Tower. It also
Another argument upheld by requests that the matter be referred
Bauman is that Mohawk Tower as a to the University Senate since it ,
dorm would cost the university less, affects many aspects of university
since the renting cost would be life. Bauman and Welty were present
lit the Quad Hoard meeting and
answered questions posed by the
Another group which would be
directly affected by the conversion of
• 4|
Mohawk lower arc faculty who
have offices there. Fred Cohen,
was the overwhelming opinion .of
Professor of Law and Criminal by Daniel O'Connell
To the applause of most of the 35 each of them that the measure
Justice, said in a letter to the Editor
in ASP, that he "would gladly return spectators present, Central Council should be defeated. They notedthat
Mohawk Towertostudent occupan- Wednesday defeated by a vote of 13- if the benefits of ownership were
cy" citing the various ills of having 18-0 Jay Miller's (Dutch) proposal removed sales of the cards would
an office in Mohawk Tower. to end the practice of charging soon drop to zero as people found
However, Dr. Robert Farrel, Chair- membership differentials by groups them to be worthless. Many groups
man of the Sociology Department, " Which arc funded, directly or in- expressed a fcarthat they would lege,
their autonomy in a situation like
said that though he realizes the directly by S.A.
Had the bill passed, groups like this because they would havetogoto
seriousness of the problem, he feels
that the move would be difficult and quad boards, lower East and the SA for their initial funding.
It was also asserted that the sale of
disruptive to the departments in- Jewish Students Coalition would
volved. He suggested the building of have been the hardest hit because cards was a type of vol untary I ax and
additional dorm space to ac- each of them charges less of an ad- that if the students did notthinktliff
mission price at at least some of their they were good they would not buy
comodate additional students.
events to persons who hold their par- them. Greg Lessne (State), who was
Faculty Relocation
opposed to the bill, stated that
Suggestions for re-locatingfaculty ticular card.
Supporters of the bill attackedthe although there were definite
rangefrom plncingtheminthe Allen
Center and Milne School when they present system on many fronts. problems under the present system
close to placing them in the Hotel ' Miller contended that "SA tax "the cure would be worse than the
Wellington. Objections to the money is money from all the disease."
Miller Registers Complaint
Mohawk faculty being moved off- students .and if the taxes of the
Alter the bill was defeated and the
campus are based on the in- overall student body are funding a
convenience for both teachers and group, only a tax card differential many spectators had left. Miller
should be charged."' Several com- stated that the debate had been delstudents.
muter Council members'were for the ed prematurely and that many
bill because they' felt it would members had not been gjven>s
eradicate supposed inequities which chance to speak. Because of thisJje
now exist. They noted that sincethey asked that discussion be continued
have no quad they lace a differential and the bill reconsidered.
at almost every function they attend.
Chairperson David Coyne noted
account of a SUNY A student's recent arrest.
Commuter Drawbacks
that since all of the spectators a,hd
struggle continued.
This situation causes commute:., gone thinking the bill had beep
"They again asked to see my identification, 1 again to feel cheated on two counts. First defeated, it would be wrong to do so
asked to see theirs. Twice they Hashed something, just
of all/they recognize the fact that at that meeting. In a confused squabfor a second. But in that light, in that moon, at that time,
they are being charged extra in spite ble that followed the Council adit looked like something they could have bought at any
of the fact'thnt part of their man? journed itself by a majority vote. In
dime store." Brent still didn't believe they were
datory tax Ice is being used to sup- response to this Miller setfireto his
port such groups. Secondly, it was agenda as a symbol of protest. His
\ pedestrian came upon the struggle. "You had better
noted that whatever profit is made deep conviction in this matter would
leave or you'll be in trouble tqo," the policeman warned.
off of them goes back to the quad or make it seem doubtful that this will
He left.
group involved instead of a general be the last time he sets this particular
Kigner found himself on the ground, with both his
treasury from which all students .motion before the Central Council,
wrists pinned down. Screaming, trying to stall for time,
would benefit. In his statement of
Brent hoped that the police would come to help him.
support for the bill SA President
"Do you want to see my handcuffs'/" one policeman
Andy Bauman said that if
membership cards of this type were
abandoned he would favor increased
"li just started'to dawn on me that they might be
funding of quad boards so as to
police," Kigner said. "Things had gotten so frenzied that
make events'cheaper for all, and not
I was beyond believing that they were police, slowly,
at the expense of just some.
though, it sunk in. They put the handcuffs on tightly."
A black and white police car, n paddy wagon, and
Although several Council
another unmarked detective car joined the first car. In
members also voiced opposition to
all, there were about six men. While one stood as a lookthe proposal, the most emphatic
Movie Timetable.,.
out, the other.five formed a circle around Kigner. They
detractors were the representatives
started kicking Brent —in his ribs and legs. One elderly ' of the many groups which attended
detective was more vicious than the rest, Brent
the meeting that night, To show pop-
Miller's Bill Bombs
Price Differentials Remain
Student Arrest A Nightmare
Editor's Note: The following is a narrative
by Michael Sena
Forty-five minutes after Judge Thomas Keegan
called ihe Albany Police Coi.rt to order on Tuesday;
October 7, Brent Kigner was a free man. For Brent,
however, that week seemed like a chapter out of Camus'
The Stranger.
"I had left the downtown dorms at about 3:00 or 3:15
on Monday morni ng," Brent said, recalling the incident,
"and was walking down State Street by the park,
enroute to my house, when 1 noticed a car following
me." Kigner, who is a graduate student at SUNYA
claims, the "guy was gay" and tried to pick him up.
"He asked me it we could talk about it for a
moment—I was kind of curious because this was the
first lime 1 was ever propositioned." They continued
talking when another car pulled up in front of the first
car. "Two men got out and started chasing me, I ran
figuring they were friends of the gay guy."
"As they were running after me they yelled 'Stop!
Police, Ixl's see some identification.'" Since they
weren't in uniform, Brent didn't believe them. "1
thought they wanted to mug me."
The policeman grabbed his arm and tried to hold him
down, while he struggled to get free. For about five
minutes t hey fought, grappling in the street at the corner
of State Stree and Lexington Avenue, with Brent
shrieking for help.
"Are you on something'/" one policeman asked.
"What have you been doing'/" said the other, The
"Precipitous Decision": Viea Praddent lor Management and Planning John Hartley says that a laak
lorce will toon be looking Into SUNYA's on-campus houtlng shortage. Meanwhile, Student
Association continues to light lor the conversion ol Mohawk Towar Into a dormitory facility.
-•:-. " - ^ " " " T H T l l
explained. "I can't really remember, but maybe he was
the only one who beat me,"
"There I was in handcuffs with these guys around me,
continued on page three
ular disapproval of the bill a petition
with 1315 signatures wits presented
to 'he Council, Later, spokesmen
from each of the quad boards said it
tfwese Emperor's Life Putin Jeopardy;
(AP) A young o a a
in his pocket and a rifle
•veraass Thursday shortly
iperor Hirohito of Japan
beneath en r o u e to the San
Die*) Zoo, police laid.
Ike 19-year- old nun was released
•fter two hours of questioning bythe
Secret Service, "There ii no indica-
A Girt Doesn't Have To Be
Flat -Chested
For a more attractive shape
SUNYA Spawns Politicians
lion that he planned to ihoot
Hirohito," laid Lawrence Heu,
•pedal agent for the Secret Service in
San Diego. "Hedid not have the rifle
with him. It was in the trunk of the
car at least several hundred yardi Civil Unreal Continues In Lebanon
BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) At Lebanon drifted cloeer to total breakdown of
Police were told a second armed law and Order Thursday, Premier Raihid Karami sought Syrian help to halt
man was spotted later at the zoo rowing participation by Palestinian guerrillas in Beirut street fighting.
parking lot, but investigators were Despite a dusk-to-dawn curfew, cease-firei announced by Lebanon's warring
not able to confirm the sighting. "I'm groups, and warnings of "iron-fisted" measures by internal security forces,
sure no shot was fired," said Police bloody chad* continued with heavy exchange* of fire. The casualty toll
passed 300 in the latest fighting. Since April, civil strife between Moslem and
Capt. Manuel Guaderrama..
Police said the man was ap- Christian has killed more than 6,000.
prehended moments after Hirohito's
motorcade passed beneath the over- Courts Drop Charges Against DeMarco
pass bridge to Harbor Island at the LOS ANGELES (AP) A federal judge, citing prosecution misconduct,
dismissed all charges against Frank DeMarco Jr., accused of obstructing
edge of Lindbergh Field.
Hess of the Secret Service said it investigations into an illegal $576,000 tax deduction by former President
was his understanding the man was Richard Nixon. After U.S. District Court Judge Warren J. Ferguson acted,
taken into custody shortly before DeMarco, Nixon's former tax lawyer, said: "I just feel good . . . . I don't
Hirohito passed by. An officer said a think the government proved the essential element of either count." The
number of .22-caliber bullets were defense had asked for a mistrial on grounds that the prosecution withheld
found in the man's pockets. A 22- evidence it used Tuesday that allegedly showed DeMarco had told the
caliber rifle equipped with a Watergate special prosecutor's office that he lied about his role in the Nixon
telescopic sight was found in his car tax claim.
parked near the bridge, the officer
Kidnappers Search for Political Asylum
A few minutes earlier, police BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (AP) A dozen Latin refugees holding rive
spotted him and radioed the station United Nations officials hostage for the second day waited Thursday for a
that there was a suspicious person on country to give them esylum. Argentina has agreed to give them safe passage.
the bridge.
"We are still waiting and we are not going to leave until we get a country to
A police spokesman said they had take us," said the apparent leader of the group, a man with a Brazilian acceni,
received a report that a man armed who called himself group spokesman. He said negotiations were going on
with a shotgun had been seen in the' with seven countries, including Belgium, Sweden, Denmark and an
zoo parking lot before the emperor unidentified Socialist nation.
arrived. A sweep of the parking lot
was made, but no such person was Franco Arrests Three More Officers
MADRID, Spain (AP) As Franco, under pressure at home and abroad,
Hirohito, apparently unaware of faced his worst political crisis ever, army headquarters in Barcelona
the armed men, continued on to the announced they had arrested three officers in connection with investigations
zoo where he chatted with into an underground network of antigovernment subversives. Fourteen
officers now have been arrested in the investigations. Nine have been charged
Hirohito arrived in San Diego with sedition. Political opponents of the regime say they have enlisted the
after'a brief flight from Los Angeles. support of hundreds of young officers and charged that army authorities dare
He was greeted at San Diego's not follow their probe to the source for fear of setting loose a landslide of
Lindbergh Field by Mayor Pete dissidence.
Wilson, state Sen. James Mills, and
a crowd of about 200 persons.
PPD Clashes Over Support of Government
The emperor and Empress OPORTO, Portugal (AP) Demonstrators supporting mutinous far-left
N a g a k o , the first Japanese soldiers clashed with opponents overnight, and hospital authorities said
monarchs to visit the United States, between 60 and 80 persons were injured, two with bullet wounds. Most ol the
will complete a 15-day lour on Mon- victims, including six soldiers, were injured during rock-throwing battles
between the two groups, they said. The demonstration, groupingabout 5.000
members of the centrist Popular Democratic party PPD, began in the heart
of Portugal's second largest city 175 miles north of Lisbon. The
demonstrators shouted theV support for Portugal's current moderate
by Randj B. Toler
Contrary to popular opinion,
SUNYA does have a unique advantage over other state schools.
Located within easy proximity of the
stae capitol, students here can easily
take advantage of the opportunities
it offers".
Besides it being a fascinatingpiece
of architecture, and a pleasant site
for a picnic on a sunny day, the
legislature offers several programs to
students who wish to experience
working in government.
The Legislative Internship
Program, working out of the New
York State Assembly in cooperation
with New York State colleges and
universities offers students the
chance to work for a state senator or
assemblyman giving him or her the
opportunity to view working politics
from the inside.
Most interns work ten hours a
week and receive 3 credits either
from communityservice, economics,
political science, or a number of
other departments. There is a second
type of internship in which the student puts in 30 hours a week and is
permitted 10 take no more than 6
credits outside the amount of credit!
he or she is receiving for the internship. This internship also carries
with it a $150 stipend.
Graduate students mayapplyfor a
New York State Assembly Fellow,
which involves a full time staff
assignment from January through
August and offers a $5000 stipend.
Students are also free to volunteer
their time to work in the legislature,
simply for the experience.
Students who have workedforthe
state legislators have always found
their work very worthwhile and
sometimes profitable.
Arthur Miller, a sophomore who
worked for State Senator Franz
Lcichter last semester described the
internship as a "valuable learning experience." Said Miller, "I'm learning
more there about government than
I'm learning in my political science
Miller's duties involved answering
phones, writing memos to other
senators about bills pending to the
senate, writing press releases and
other general office tasks. Miller felt
by Maria Abrams
Speakers Forum, in its third year
of existence, will present a wide
variety of programs this term, ranging from William F. Buckley Jr. on
Wednesday, Oct. 15, to the National
Lampoon Show on Friday, Nov. 7,
The Forum, consisting of seven
students and headed by Paul
Sommer. is responsible for arranging all guest speakers on campus. "If
Fuerza Littina, Jewish Students
Coalition or other groups wish to
have a speaker, they come to us,"
says Somcr.
Sommer notes that "the trend this
year is towards entertainment and
light speakers, such as Kreskin."
However, he adds that Robert Saltzman, from the Committee to Investigate Assassinations, will be here
on Wednesday, Nov. 19, for a more
"serious" presentation.
The Speakers Forum will be
receiving an extra $2000 from the
emergency spending line of Student
Association this term, according to
Sommer He says that this budget increase received an unanimous vote
from SA and therefore, "shows their
confidence in our programs," as well
as revealing an "increase in the
October 10
LC 1&2
Senate Supports Sinai Resolution
WASHINGTON (AP) The Senate, in a preliminary vote, indicated
overwhelming support Thursday to authorize sending 200 American
civilians to monitor the Israeli-Egytian peace accord in the Sinai. By an 85to-9 vote, the Senate refused to return the resolution adopted by the House
Wednesday to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. Sen. James
Abourczk, D-S.D., had urged that the measure be side tracked on grounds
that it and related agreements by the United States with Israel and Egypt
should be resubmitted as treaties subject to Senate ratification by a twothirds vote.
7:30, 8:30, and
WASHINGTON (AP) Treasury Secretary William E. Simon said today New
York should increase its state sales tax and enact a special lax proposed by
Federal Reserve Board Chairman Arthur F. Burns to help investor
confidence in New York City. Simon told the Senate Banking Committee
that the Ford administration still opposes federal aid to help New York City.
But he suggested that the federal government review federal, state and local
relationships to see if "priorities, practices and procedures are consistent wit h
contemporary needs. If we determine that large cities and populous states are
unlairly disadvantaged under existing formulae or programs, we should
.™'°™ c o r r e c t >w l e » 8 l a , i <"i. 'f necessary, to remedy whatever imbalances
exist. The federal role, he said, is to review federal, state and local
realt.onships. "To put it bluntly, we must determine whether the priorities of
the past are consistent with the needs of the last quarter of the 20th century.
$1.25 without
Saturday October
7:30 and 9:30
LC 18
" $.50 with tax
• U M A L O (AP) The Buffalo Urban Renewal Agency offered Thursday to
ouy some short-term city bond anticipation notes, if necessary, to help
Bullalo meet a $24 million debt Wednesday. An agency resolution
authorized a review of it, resources for which there is no immediate cash
oemand. The resolution also authorized negotiations with city Comptroller
ueorge u . o Connell to provide money at an interest rate the city would pay
•n the private market. It was estimated that $5 million might be available.
O Connell, meanwhile, continued trying to raise the $24 million.
$1.25 without
on Verfle
OCTOBER 10, 1975
Though ERS is listed as a nonprofit organization and pays no taxes, NYPIRG contends that it made
$4 million profit in 1973-74 on the
College Boards alone. ETS revenues
have doubled every live years si nee it
began in 1948 and ETS now has a
yearly income in excess of $50
million NYPIRG claims.
"Last year 200 SUNYA students
had their transcripts lor law school
lost or misplaced by ETS" said
Slaight. "NY PI RG wants to find out
how often these errors occur". Our
goal is to test the testers", she said.
NYPIRG intends to gather complaints from people across the country through complaint gathering
operations being set up nationwide.
I: IS complaint center qucstionaires
will be printed in a future edition of
the ASP, and arc also available in
the NYPIRG office in CC 333.
NYPIRG staff attorneys are
currently drafting legislation to
make ETS more accountable. "We
hope to mandate disclosure and
provide remedies for students
who've had difficulty with ETS,"
said Donald Ross, director of NYPIRG.
N Y PI RG is a non-profit, research
and advocacy group funded by
college and university students in
New York State.
Student Arrest a Nightmare
Simon Advocates Sales Tax Increase
$.50 with tax
PIRG Project Lashes
Out at Testing Service
Speakers Forum Speaks Out
jLgijlg gW E \wm®
. the job gave him good practice in
dealing with people, especially with
lobbyists and people who want
Jamei Capiello, a SUNYA
graduate, started as a legislative intern and is now employed full time at
the capitol.
Working as a legislative intern
also carries with it several provoking
fringe benefits. For instance law
school aspirants can only benefit
from the experience, not to mention.
a reference from a state legislator.
On the lighter side, legislative staff,
are constantly invited to cocktail
parties and functions sponsored by
various lobby groups.
WOW-FIUW s o w n »U«E MtlL
Professor Riedel of the political
science department, Professor Reeb
of the economics department and
Heidi Dulay of community service
have internship applications which
must be filed by November I. There
is no pre-requisite or major required
for the position.
David Langdon, the intern coordinator for the assembly is anxious
to see each member of the legislature
New York Public Interest
with at least one intern.
Research Group (N YPIRO)is opening an Educational Testing Service
(ETS) complaint center in an
attempt to reform the multi-million
dollar operation of the SATs,
LSATs and more.
Forum's popularity."
Governments and businesses
Speakers are chosen through a
throughout the worldusc ETS excatalog which lists those peraminations to evaluate applicants,
sonalities who are available, accorand NY PIRG feels that misuse of
ding to Sommer. "Wc deal with six
such tests is widespread. For examor seven agencies to get in contact
ple, according to ETS the range of
with the speakers wc want."
accuracy on the SAT vcrval is 30
Additional people who will speak
points above and below an actual
on campus include Jimmy Brcslin on
score report. This means that accorTuesday, Oct. 28, and Robert Succhi
ding to ETS's own standards, a 60
in "Bogey's Back", on December 4.
point difference in scores between
Robert Sacchi is an actor known for
two students is statistically insignifihis "uncanny likeness to Humphrey
cant. "Many schools have establishBogart", and has appeared in
ed arbitrary cutoff points without
numerous roles impersonating
taking the range of accuracy into
consideration", said Linda Hyman,
All events, except the National
SUNYA student leading the project
Lampoon Show will be free with tax
on campus.
card and titty cents without lax card.
Hyman also pointed out that for
The National Lampoon Show will
students, the tests arc a mandatory
present two performances. Tickets
expense, while they are a free service
will be $1 with tax card and $2
lor admissions officers.
without. All shows will be held in the
According to Joanne Slaight. the
Campus Center Ballroom.
NY PIRG staff member coor' Paul Sommer adds that "all
dinating the project," ETS is accounSpeakers Forum meetings are held
table to no one. Students have no inon Tuesdays at 7:30 in the Patroon fluence over the ETS and neither do
Lounge, and anyone may attend."
the schools which require the tests".
Speaker* Forum la striving to obtain popular pafsonailtlee Ilka last
year's crowd pleasing Isaac Aalmov.
Beginning Monday, September 29,1975, the weekday hours of
Reserve Room service will be changed to 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 midnight
Monday - Thursday and to 8:00 p.m. on Saturday and 12:00 noon 12:00 midnight on Sunday. Although books charged out on overnight
reserve will continue to be due at 9:45 a.m. the following morning, no
problem is anticipated for patrons returning books with the half-hour
reduction in service hours.
OCTOBER 10, 1975
continued from page one
it was like clockwork—almost automatic—a ritualistic
animal process. No words were spoken. They knew
exactly the formation. It scared me." Brent figured that
the kicking lasted for a couple of minutes.
He found himself against a police car. They frisked
him. He had a knapsack with him, and the police
searched through it. They suspected Kigner had some
drugs in it.
The elderly detective then grabbed Brent's hair in a
ponylail and started to bang his head against the car.
"He kept on banging my head, over and over again,"
said Brent. "My whole skull felt numb for days."
The detective muttered something, but Brent was too
dazed to catch it. He thought the banging would go on
forever. The detective stopped and seized Brent's throat.
"Where's your jugular vein," he said. "Is this it? Can
you feel the blood? Can you feel it being cut off? I can
kill you, you know." The police then shoved Brent into
the paddy wagon and took off.
At the Division Two Police State, "things were more
civil," said Brent. The old man, however, was "fingering
my jugular vein as they brought me upstairs to be
fingerprinted," he stated.
"Where do you live?" the elderly detective asked.
"On State Street," Brent answered.
"That's where those guys who suck your cock live.
Are you gay?"
"Should I take that as a proposition?" Brent thought.
But he didn't want to antagonize the officer, so he told
him no.
"Well, you live in that neighborhood," the detective
remarked. He reached for Brent's j ugular vein.
"I've killed more guys like you," he said.
Upstairs, detective John Burke, one of the original
officers who stopped Brent, began filling out arrest
"You're being booked," Burke said.
"What are the charges'.'" Brent asked.
"Disorderly conduct and resisting arrest."
"Disorderly conduct?" asked Brent.
"Yeah, you were yelling at the top of your lungs."
Burke was very apologetic. He said he would talk to
thejudgc tomorrow. "He seemed to be the only one to
realize that the whole thing was a mistake," Brent
stated. Burke told Kigner that the police thought that he
was trying to get picked up by the homosexual so he
could mug him.
Dorm-Sized Jail Cell
After making his one phone call, Brent was escorted
to a cell. The cell was the size of an uptown dorm room,
and for the first time that night Brent felt secure.
"I was very sore all over and hadto keep moving," he
said. Both his elbows were torn up, and his right tide
was bruised. He couldn't sleep and awaited his friends to
come with bail. At 5:00 in the morning bail came and
Brent went home. His friends said he got off lucky.
Eight days later at Kigner's arraignment, Judge
Keegan adjourned the case in contemplation of
lasv. Qutt says ho
? to scar akat
to > -badge oT dairxy*
»**» he ordered her to shave her
Qaafs H B charges that "Foraag
a wessaa to shave her leg* atoning
her b a d i a o teminde.- T i t cosal * * * charges that the fenser
• * « • » avfl rights acre totaled
ay the job rgquiiumnt.
t's rat also sects to oven ens
a deoBon in a Cosaecbm Human
Rights CommitBoo which need last
j a r that firing Qnrs for not slaving
her Itcy was not cascrimiiiaiorv.
Qaoa had argued in conn lfcai
•omen were required to shave ihor
leg*, but men acre n o t
An Carrol
vicious killer.
Two patrol positions were dropped by the University Police to make
room for two additional Investigators.
The New York State Equal Rights
, amendment (ERA) will be brought
before the people this November,
and any registered voter in New
York may have his/ her voice heard.
- The proposed amendment reads
as follows:
Equality of rights under the law
shall not be denied or abridged by
the State of New York or any subdivision thereof on account of sex.
Though there has been legislation
toward equality for women, the final
decision is left up to the interpretation of the courts. As a result, the
burden of proof of discrimination is
on the plaintiff in each individual
case. For this reason, supporters of
equal rights for women decided to
draft a constitutional ammendment.
New York State is one of the 34
states that has ratified the federal
ERA. Threefourthsofthestates(38)
must ratify a constitutional
ammendment within seven years in
order for it to pass. The ammendment does not then go into effect until two years following passage by the
states. 1975 is the fourth year for the
ERA, so if all the states ratify it, it
may be as late as 1981 before it
becomes effective.
If the New York State ERA passes
this November, it will go into effect
on January I, 1976. Thus, supporters of the ERA in New York are
trying to speed up the effects of the
ammendment in the State. The content of the State and Federal
ammendments is the same.
One of the main factors that is
traditionally taken into account by
t h e c o u r t s in i n t e r p r e t i n g
ammendments to the Constitution is
the Intent of Congress. A report by
the Senate Judiciary Committee
attempts to spell out this intent.
Many of the rumors that have
spread concerning the effects of the
ERA arc clarified in this report. For
instance, while many still believe
that the ERA would force integration of sexes in public bathrooms,
the Senate Judiciary report noted
the Constitutional right to privacy
that would prevent such a change.
The report further explains the
retention of rape laws;
"But the amendment will not
invalidate laws which punish rape,
lor, such laws are designed to protect
women in a way that they are uniformly distinct from men."
The report stresses the fact that
the Ammendment will effect only
Governmental action.
"The private actions and the
private relationships of men and
women are not affected."
N a t i o n a l l y , h u n d r e d s of
organizations have supported
ratification of the ERA. There are
also several orpnirations dedicated '••
soley to the opposition of the ERA.
These include "Operation Wakeup".
as welt as Phyllis Schlafly's
"Slop ERA" movement.
No Opposition
In the college community, support
has been formally announced by
SASU, College Republicans, NYPIRG, and the Feminist A l l i a n c e ,
among others. There has been no
formal announcement of opposition
at SUNYA so far.
November 4 is only one month
away, and both sides will be fighting
a vigorous battle. Some speculate
that the controversial nature of the
ERA will make the election turnout
this year equivilant to that of a
gubernatorial race.
Campus Police To Expand
Investigative Department
by Perry Silver
The University Police are hiring
two additional investigators. One is
expected to be working within two
weeks, and the other will start a couple of weeks after that.
This is a reorganization and not an
expansion of the University police
force, as two patrol positions were
dropped to make room for the new
investigators. This will double the
size of the investigation department,
which is presently comprised of two
full-time officers;
The primary function of the campus investigators is to follow up on
any criminal activity which would
normally require investigation by
police. "We're a service-oriented
organization," explained Gary
O'Connor, one of the present investigators, "We try and help
students protect and recover their
property." There is a lot of property
to try to recover, as $90,000 worth
was stolen last year alone. About
$70,000 of this was from students
and professors, while the rest
belonged to the state.
"We hope the added investigators
will enable us to do u more thorough
job of following up on campus
crimes," said Jim Williams, head of
the University Police, "especially
with the rash of burglaries we've had
down on Alumni Quad just this past
month alone."
The campus investigators are on a
call schedule where they arc
available for duty at all times. Aside
from investigating robberies, they
also speak at orientation on crime
prevention, coordinate security for
controversial speakers, and register
bicycles. The most notable incident
recently involving the campus investigators occurred in April, when
they arrested a man on Indian Quad
who had committed a scries of armed robberies there.
Cablevision Opens Their Studio To The Public
Psychologist Hans Ziegler says
that one of the best ways to lose
weight ts by kissing
Doctor Ziegler, writing in 'New.
Behtnior magazine, states that kissing is am ileal was to replace the oral
habit of munching on food. He says
that many overweight people are
simply hungry for love.
Just three years out of college, laser technol
In time, the lasers proved unsuccessful in
ogist Jim Carroll didn't make senior research
cancer, but we'd do it again if we had to
physicist at Eastman Kodak Company by actina
timid. So when he had the courage to pit science Because while we're in business to make a profit,
against a dread disease, we backed him. Win or we care what happens to society. It's the same
society our business depends on.
The medical community enlisted Kodak's
help in training lasers on the wa' on cancer We
responded with a pair of 500 million watt laser
systems. And leftthe rest up to Jim.
More than a business.
Zodiac Neat Sertict
by M y Jstfsr
with a
Tbe baseness anuaripr Furbn
reports thai » orld-wide spending on
*eapoi» of war i> spiralling \ o an aB• lime high.
The maga/inf says that »c»dd
spmdiinz on armaments, m 1974— m
itrrns ol constant dollars—u-a* twice
the level of spending in 1950.
fortes also reports thai if tbe explosive poiicr of ail of tbe tactical
nuclear '"eapomdeployedjusl in Europe were added up. it would equal
mote than 30 times the combined
firepower exploded during all of
WoridWar IL Korea arid Vietnam
Forbes says that while tbe U.S.
and the Soviet Union are by fax tbe
largest spenders on arms, the Third
World is suifily caicbjrrg up. The
magazine says the Third World now
accounts for 17 percent of the
military spcndinginthe world today,
as compared to only 6 percent in
British archcologists report they
have recovered a stash of hashish
about 2000-years-old from a
Carthagenian warship which sunk
off the coast of Sicily during the
Roman-Carthage wars.
The excavators report that the
(hip was found with airtight containers of the hash, which apparently
was smoked by members of the crew
to heighten their morale during combat.
According to (he scientist!, the
containers acre good enough to
preserve the potency of the hath under the s*a for the past 20 centuries
Equal Righto Goes To The Polls
OCTOBER 10, 19?6
by Jerry Goldhagen
Have you ever really wanted to be
on television? Have you ever considered producing your own television program? Have you ever been
given the chance? If you are one of
those people with a
desire to experience
television from the
other side ol the tube,
then check right here
for the time and place where it can
The Albany Community Video
Project has made it possible lor you
to conceive, participate in, and
produce television programs for actual cable-television transmission.
This means if you have a gripe,
talent, mi announcement, a pretty
lace, or any idea at all you wish to
share with (ithers, you cull "mainline
il" into thousands of Metroland living nioms via Public Access ctthlcIv.
According to Federal Communi c a I i o n
C o m mission
regulations, every cable-television
company must provide u channel
that exists solely to serve the local
community it operates in. Capital
Cablevision, inc., the company serving our area, has designated Public
Access Channel 16 for this purpose,
livery member of lbo Albany community is legally entitled to at least
live free minutes of live uir lime, and
60 minutes of taped air lime on that
channel. Thisissignificant bccuuseil
gives any university student (or
OCTOBER 10, 1975
members of the faculty and administration) the right to stand
before the public on television and
speak out on almost any issue he or
she desires. The only restrictions
stipulate that the message cannot be
in the formula political or commercial advertisement; norcanit contain
any slander or obscenity. Even these
restrictions are subject to liberal interpretations, as evidenced by one
presently running tape called
"Topless News".
Furthermore, in compliance with
FCC regulations, Cablevision has
set up a fully equipped television
studio in its office building at 16
RUBStlc Road, Albany. This studio is
to he used by the public for the
production and transmission of live
or taped programs, Again, its
facilities are readily available to the
university community as well.
This a r r a n g e me n I sounds
beautiful, and it is. Until recently,
however, there was one major drawback. It seemed that Capital
Cablevision, Inc. was not motivated
to spend the time, manpower and
money needed to make the Public
Access Channel truly accessible to
ihc public. Few people knew about
the channel. Even fewer people knew
about the studio, or how to operate
il, The cubic company would have
been satisfied to let the sludio
become little more than a basement
storage room for used television
That sad "station" of affairs never
came to pass. Back in April of this
year a band of concerned citizens
emerged from Ihc llarmanus
Ulecker Library to bail out the sinking studio. Soon after, they united
under the corporate title of the
Albany Community Video Project
(ACVP). These cable-crusadcrs saw
in Public Access a new concept of
television. It was television of, for,
and by the members of the Albany
community, not the sponsors and
network presidents in faroff
"Tclcvisionlnnd", The ACVP
dedicated themselves to this idea,
and assumed all the responsibility
for operating the Public Access
Channel. Cablevision gladly gave it
to I hem.
This is where you enter the television picture again. The ACVP needs
your creativity to produce a full
schedule of q utility programmingfor
Channel 16 this season, and for the
seasons to come. If you feel that
commercial television has not been
responsive to the needs ol the university and the community, and if you
have some specific or general ideas
that could possibly improve local
television programming, then the
Albuny Community Video Project
can help put those ideas on the air
where they belong. To achieve this
end the ACVP is offering many free
services above and beyond the access
limp you are entitled to by law. For
staffers, anyone interested can
arrange for free personal training
sessions in the use of cameras, porto-
paks, editing decks, and overall
channel operation. As soon as that
person is qualified to handle the
studio hardware, the ACVP will encourage him to borrow the equipment to make his own in-studio or
remote programs. Of course if one
has his owntapingequipment, or has
access to the university's facilities,
they can be used just as well. Once
the major effort of taping the
program is completed, the ACVP
will schedule it for on-thc-air
transmission in any unreserved time
slot requested. Finally, the
originator of the tape hits the pleasant choice of viewing his finished
work at home (or in a bar) with his
Iriendson a cuble-tv set, orcoi
down to the studio himself to help
the program co-ordinator "get it
The Albany Community Video
Project offers the ambitious student
an ideal opportunity to pursue a
hobby, or a career, and even receive
college credit for it. At the same time
the concerned student can contribute to the AC V P's goal of putting
the word, "community" back into
"communication", with Public
Access television.
Help yourself to some more information by calling (438-1123) or
visiting(l6 Russtlc Road, 2nd floor)
t he Channel 16 st udio between seven
and ten o'clock p.m., Monday
through Friday.
The Albany Community Video *ro)eot eon make the common men
a television personality.
Must A Sana
ON ALL $5.98 & $6.98
ALL$5.98- & $6.98 LIST PRICE LPS
^ I W * A A C M a a C r f h r t W M l ^ M M n F r i . from 7:30
3 3 * 2 1 3 1 C r t w l A « . S c l w « g ^ f « f i » t h « r M o cod 371-0769 o,
W * W C « l M ^ l ' ^ ' ^ ^ f « f ' < ' i « « » l o ' film,
( U M i ^ t e O w l i v M , Men. iotC J. AM ore invited! Hoifo i a »ic.
tono sseMnpr*!
Ifra ttawM ikemwttaM Stadertr Afllance w > throw o festive Columbui
Day f o r t y i n HU 354 wHh wine, food, gomes a n d dancing to a live band
Everyone it invited to join in onthefattivitei. Admission is S.75 with to«.
$1.50 without.
In recognition of fntatnarfanof rVernen's Year, the SUNT College ot a d
Westbury b sponsoring a conference devoted to Women and Health F „ ,
more info coll Diane PSche (412-0598, evenings).
To SAW esaior. oral
4 asattiasBn
Mian: Then * • kit i n etsaataaiaii
I on Tear^Otl. 14 o l I p . * . in HU 334.
h i Ian latiarl
m-tmtm- Oe.1SoJip.Vi«lCl»./Nb*MM««t«»iom(IWon<JS»t.)
I teat. Ou. M o t 7iJo «.«. ia Use l»*C labor At
Moating tor d students v r h o q r e i i — o a a d i r i t l e e V AaeaaatrTwerevJ
ba on informative meeting a n d rfcciraecei on o l aspects of avanaaa
araaraaei o n M a a to S U N Y A < « h t t « O i i 1S in HU 354 from 7 to 9
p.m. Ko4f aihemoroi.
OCAV There « * ba o meeting on Oct 13, at 1 p-ia. in ItM Rraside lounge.
" 'tetornrememben and olrveierertsemben ore urged
to orrend. Orr-Ceaiaaa resriaiietiaa fif» about lima.)
era l a t a , trie biological honorary society it now oacaoina n t a
L AppScotiore ato avolablo in the B o bvZdring naor tha Est of
advisors. Doodtino b Fri. Oct 17.
_ .
idaatl Getlnvofvedi Special a«ant> meeting « * ba
haM Man. Oct 13 ot 7 pas. in tha Hogroom. A l interested residents
ploma join us. rl you can't make the meeting, but or* interested p l a n a
contact Dob 7-3042 or Mitch 7-3054.
Tka AMaaay Stare C a f e g e i a a o l o x o n b a * a i l bono a mooting on
Thcm-Oct. l 6 o t 8:30 p.m. in HO 27. A spaokartrcunCommonCousawil
ba featured A l intaratlad oleosa attend, for M o c o l 462-5210.
Thara « ! ba on Aiurr.ra Cjvad t e e n ) moating on /Won. Oct 13. in the
AMon Main lounge ot 7 p-m This meeting a open to a l interested
fevW'i Chta af JUNTA information and ofceutsion open to o l . Tues. ot
7:30 pat. loom 373 Compus Center.
A cor W be l n « n a from OopeJ House at 5:30 this Sat. to M p «omt
r*sd*r*s Arkm M s e n * supper to the «.et«rfy and Hotmw*.
All interested poopie itrntaxi
Cortribut* your stories, poems, graphics, and photo* to fffOCMX
Uf«t«r)rM«9«xJi>«. Al w-icomeat weety staff meenno> to select-oAj
for p^bfeotioa For info, cofl 7-3074 or 7-8954.
I * SflrV* Sthoml, a residential ireateient center for odoi*sc*rrt bow,
located across t h * street from St. ROM. still needs collea* volurtteen who
w - i acf a i Vflj I r a M a n m * f f i g Sisfors to soawof th«rboyv Vdureeers
aroosfctdtovolur-teer o n * afternoon a week, u*uoityfrom2:30to5p.rnThese interested please phono Mi, Osborn at 489-4731.
Frionoi: Toots Project Inc. of East Gr**nbush a now in the process of establishing a 24 hour community service En* entitled Outreach
SwrtthbimH. hs goal will be to provide a listening oar for that* in need
of someone to toik to, as well as information about various s*rvices in the
area. Volunteers are desperately. Phone 477-8990.
A l that* interested in working on the Sefcitatiera C e m m i f t * * for
Telethon ' 7 6 or* invited to a Genral
A Crtsi HatftfM H to begin within the n**t two months in Troy for crsldobusing parents. Volunteers are needed to man t h * telephone Mon-Fri
from 3 to 7 p. m. and from 7 to 11 p.m. For further info can Maria Sunukjian ot 274-3526.
hovabaojun. CommuflM>
CaSSwwMMvr*/ S*neca> group **oiualiorii
Sarnce audent, MUST t*»»W O r *
OMar aadtatataiatiiiiilm'i (Onir 25):" the Or op at Comer is now in
operation «the taroon lounge of tha Campus Center entry Men. and
Thurs. I I am. to 1 pm. (eaceptTliun. Oct23.)Cume intiulia, bring your
lunch, have o cup of coffee.
Kvour«wen'tser«fotyour i h i a t M t a t o t i a j a i t l t i e n r e l . r M s r r K i y b e
your loot chance! Cat now: Colonial Quod 4 5 7 M 1 5 ; Indian. 457-5329;
Dutch, 456-7042; Stote. downtown or oH-campui 462-5210—ask for the
obsereeebolot appskotion requests and the addresses of the Boards of
Sarvice JreaWi far N T M 6 ore requested to check in
they ore on the community servke list.
5 b y 2 Donee Company Bruce Becker and Jane Kaminsky are 5 by 2. An
innovative modern dance duet, they wiH hold mmter classes, o leciure
demo, ondoneperfarrrronenndvnisbein residencefrom Oct 16-18 For
info an time schedule call Maude Bourn 457-4525 or the PAC Bo. Of lice
MeejrJam Needed: Drums, Boss. Brass—for One Act Musical. Leave
name and phone on PAC Theatre Coll Board or coll Janet 4822496
Pert, dotes: NOv. 7,8 and 9.
Henwaytf This Fri. O d 10 a disco party will be held ot Henwoys.
proceeds wiil be going to the Drouaht in Africa. Donations $.50withta*
51.00 without. 10 p.m. to 3 a.m.
• f o c i Orpfmtwt a feature fUm in color with M a r p e u a Dawn and Bemo
M*lo, preiened by IKS on Thurs. Oct 16. at 8 p.m in LC IB. Admission is
jaina to Church but don't know how to get there? PmeviewCornm^ty
Church sends a bus to Dutch Q u a d at 10.40 every Sun. morning
Looking for Chthtian fatlowthip? Albany Evangelical Christians -neci
every Fri. at 7 p.m. in CC 315 for prayer and sharing,
GradsMwe Scfroof Infer utewri—please sign up for oppointment in the
Hoeemere O H k e — Adm. I i 5 . Oct. 15. laston Ur»v. law School; Oct 17.
Northeastern Univ.; Oct. 23. NYU; Oct. 28, Addphi Univ. lawyer Assistant fVogrom; Oct. 9, U.5 Information and Foreign Servke.
1 * Cercfe Francois is sponsoring a trip to Quebec Oct. 24-26 $30 mdudes round-trip transportation plus hotel ($35 without tax card) ' :•'••%
sold in the Campus Center lobby from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m Oct 6-
M r b w n i j r j a n d toocfMng astistantifWps in franco—Graduating
seniors and graduate students interested in being considered for
folowships or teaching assistontships in France for 1976-77 may obtain
oppfkarion forms and further info in the Offke of International.
Programs, SS 322.
ProdiKfion Party for Sp*akouf—the feminist journal for the
area. Come collate & staple with us on Oct. 28 at 8 p.m. at the Women >
Center, 3 Lodge Street.
Albany Srcf* r o n d n g 5*ci*#y/ m**ts every W e d . at 7:30 p.m. and Sat.
at 10 a m . in t h * Woman's A w e a r y Gym. (2nd floor of the Phys. Ed.
Buitrfng) Beginners w * k o m * . For info caff Mark 7-7987.
71W N w d W v M o n o w * Group Sim
Ovi h m**h'ng Mon. Oct. 13, at 8
p-m. in St. Mkhaefs Episcopal Church, lQI*an Park. Caloni*. For furth*r
info cat. D a l * Beach 785-6710.
ant to get away from it oii? The Outing Club m*«ts every Wed. at 7:30
p.m m CC 315. W e Kk«, dunb, cave, and enjoy ourselves. Come join us.
Jtfrfo Club meets in t h * Gym Wrestling Room Tuesdays at 7 p.m.,
at 6. Beginner's dass starts at 7:30 on Thurs. For info call Andy at 7-7705
or Bonnie at 7-7875.
Albany Stafm Atxhwt meets Tuesdays ot 6:30 p. m. in the Women's Auxiliary Gym on t h * 2nd floor of t h * Phys. E d Buflding. For more information coll D a l * 7-5228.
W—df Allan in May It Again Sam! Sunday, 7:30 and 10p.m. in LC 18.
Cotonial Quad C a r d — 1 5 0 . Tax cord—$.75. Without—$1.00.
O C A — O f Campus Association « a student governed organization
willing to h*Jp and assist students who ore living off -campus. It you have
any problems or questions concerned life off-campus pleas* stop by our
office or coil either Andy (434-4878) or Sandy (438-4304).
A. M a m s Cohan, The Twongoleum King, playing the worlds only
Twongoleum! This -eekend attheF'MieOr.edCojffeehouse, open 8:30
til midnight, with refreshments available. Free wrthtox. $ 75 -.-tho-t CC
Assembly Holl. For info coil 457-4735.
Anyone interested in attending an Orthodox Christian Fellowship
group is urged to attend our meetings on Sundays at 6 p.m. in the Campus Center Potroon Lounge. For further information call Terry ot 4361535.
To oil interested Economicssfudenfs: o seminar on Eco. graduate school
will beheld Oct. 10 at 3; 15 in MT Penthouse. Those interested in
on the Eco Dept. Undergraduate Committees are also urged to attend
Refreshments will be provided.
fall is here of t h * beautiful Mohawk Campus, serving the student com.
munity with 284 acres of roiling hills and wooded land. Just ISminutei or.
the Northway off Exit 8.
•Solo Actor John Stewart Andfton
will appear on Oct, 19 at 8 0 r the
PAC Main Stage. For further info call PAC Box Office, 7-8606
OKTOftEXFfSrUOct. 11 from 1 p . m . t o 2 a . m . Everyone is invited There
will be musk, arts and crafts, a tug of war and 50 kegs of beer At the
Alumni Quad Courtyard.
An interesting doss in Mishno, MidVash, Chassidic and Jewish
philosophy is given every Tues. evening by Rabbi Israel Rutxn GI his
home 122 So. Main Ave. 8 p.m. All welcome. For information coll 4S25781.
An informal group discussing the relevance of the Toroh in contempor or,
times meets every Mon. night in a Chumash review at the S.d/o * t Rabbi Rubin at 8 in the Patroon Lounge. All welcome
The Many Uses of Classical Mythology, on exhibit ofphcrtogrophs 3 n d
graphics will be in the Performing Arts Center, Recital Hall through Oct
The Grievance Committee Against Sexims will have complaint for T I m
CC and Tower Offices. Call Jill far further info. 438-426C
Attention Stale Quad: All those interested in working on the newly t e ed Constitution Ccimmittee, call Gary 7-4979.
OCA: Off Campus Association it onnoundng the opening of their - e office: Please stop by if you want to help this new organization get ts l e e t
back on the ground. The new office is on the first floor of the CC - e i ' 'c
the cash register of the pool room.
me fever thcifvvonl break:
Lice most Sengs, tr« cost ct
Oiter<Srg mscical scivDO'
o/& i r e test
treated studenis
Sxit cos; 'ep'eserts a recr.v
cx/ce^. a finondcf
pfco'em trya? ccr.
aSe-civcuccrcer Jroiicn
'1 reeSTi oe
*r<T. .'.o/Tre
Calumbio Recording Artist
Mdcry a n d Saturday night.
OctalMr 10 a n d I I
$2 cover charge
can manage to find its way into my heart?
How can a fly catch me?
Por now, I can't say except that
this is
no ordinary
that I'm dealing with.
Can I catch her as
she's caught me?
lime will pass,
then we'll see.
Rich Lakis
(I'll be marching on Valkyrie
For the battle in the Middle East You'll catch it on T.V. laughing
But it's safer where the wind blows peace.)
Funny how things just sort of happen,
I mean not that anyone cares,
But that someone actually dares
To go so far as to accept what's understood
And sees everything in light of what should
Happen to place.
I've run this race, I thought I could break the pace,
(Crushed like a mortal cinder in the hand of fat
he rises to speak, but his speech is hate.)
Well, there give me the seven minutes cut rate
-He'll moan.
and think i was out in the woods peeing
into a paper cup.
then you'd get worried
and search for me and scream
Licby i.eiby
when all the time i was in the lake
resting in some warm-spot i'd found
wanting you to come in and
luck me there.
and i had to
\ .. '
watch the stars punch the cloud out oftheir way
so that they could look downat where we live ';
and make sure that everything was in order.
(no trace of the moon, except lor a
sliver of fingernail she'd cut ofT
and left behind, no possible trouble
from her)
the clouds were complacent
went to lie down elsewhere
stars came out lo guard their territories
and have orgies itm mostly in the milky way
but all over really.
like armies of candle-bearing soldiers
they finally invaded the sky last night.
Ruth Uebowitz
this is a bedtime story of
you and i and the Vietnamese children.
once upon a lime
children had skin like torn brown paper bags.
they ran around without clothes on
like skinny little piglets, imagine!
this was long ago and far away.
you and i were somewhere else (hen.
Ruth Uebowitz
Still, what's this action I smell this pot
And popcorn popping that an ancient got
"ZZZ^' 3 r , 3 ? , * « * * r<S0«*30« nl.o.-, t^vwjT-.
* * * * » ! »a'SKT^CCA r c Ortatarie r ". T> ttocwm
but i had to walk one night'
on the shores of the lake
and listen to the bullfrogs
who tried to seduce < maybe/lover greenfrogs'
and the insects
who cackled and raised too much of a ruckus
to seduce anyone.
had to
scare myself shitless
looking at smooth rocks that rose from the ground
like lonesome tombstones
and mossy rocks that sat like giant amphibians
growing larger about to breathe under cover of nightlall
i had to fantasize
walking into the lake
and turning into u sexy hulf-woman-lhalf-turtle.
sometime near sunrise
you'd wake, up from a dream (perhaps
there in your lean-to
and finding my side of the bed cold
would smile first
(Yes . . . 1 saw Dick . . . I'll see Jane
Picking at straws like Bible guffaws . . . )
St. of Central A . « . Albany
when you sleep
nothing wakouau
The long way 'round tomorrow.
how is it possible
thai something
as unknown, and,
as alien to me
as myself
I know; I've always known
Who should love you what should
Happen to me. But what now digging down
I thought to be, I cauld only see
•*-60*~ "Trfessacrs
Sco.3- : .-.3?-ocxa~.
^ee >Ou from r o s e
wares. tAsc, atxi
Acrren -*ro q j c « y
w i ncrfe r « costs of
!^eir meotcot eolxoficci ccverecl o r d
soDSrcrfeol rrcrjW,'
mere *-on luSco ono
scior,:» offers you the
oppcrxrrrv to begh
•tCU practice i/vjervery
A n n t d ForetM HexMh C a r *
fovcrocte ccncSons As a hecftn core efficer fn
rhe rrttaary brotxfi of >cu chcice. y o j l f r d
'.ojseJ «en respcresfcterSes fu»v in teepmg vrBft
r c u rtcjninci ond • * * l i e fane end c « x r * j - d y to
obserrtj a W s p e d u n of medcol spedcrfes.
r rSSSs?* '•a<*™o~ '
^-a~« '
'Mten vesj decide on Ihe spectofr/ you wtsh to I ?*w«aLttcM
pursue. >ou mo/ And vesjseatofcsrg»x>se
l *a"-o«c»*50*,
groctrate rredcal stucfes at one of o u many
r»*f«iSkW r.
toige and rrcdem rreckxf carters. K so. you con I rj"*
Z D»v«
n =ccsc*,Q Cpcr^-,
c a r t on t ^ t a r n r i g being seccrdtorcre
3cm (he ciinicot and research *crt b e r g dore
n n e m t-rave made A m y No.y and A j Fcree
i*eo-.e >n\
rosprtofes a motor r*jw noucra nrecJca) fesotroe I
jTi a long toad, OU » »firststep rj s#roe XS I C t r ^ _ _
send in (re ecupen The oe«o*s * e serd you r r o / I
(your first drink is on us)
Inside insight, outside stagefright?
The wings are frail, streamlined with goldleafed love.
In a dime store Porno flicks behind the house,
Rubbers at the door,
For fucking and carousing It's quite elite
To riddle the landlady
While she's sucking Pete.
All it goes and it throes
And it whispers on toes
But tomorrow you'll think
It was a bargain on clothes.
And maybe all things better left unsaid
Was a way once of labelling the dead,
But you don't forget the part that was fun—
The other guy thinks your heart is a pump lump sum.
Catch all the trite phrases
Of a time and then
Burn 'em in the bright hazes
Of a yesterday when
You would have been the way I thought of you
And I might have seen a dream come true.
(I'll be marching on Valkyrie
For the battle in the Middle East You'll catch it on T.V. laughing
Cut it's safer where the wind blows peace.)
Eugene Pino
OCTOBER 10, 1975
Who are they, what are they? Where do they belong?
Your guess, like mine, will never be wrong.
Who is it, what is it? Does it fit for you?
It applies universally, so yes for you too! .
And a somber Strauss
So why not turn it around and around again,
One in 3, 3 in one,
and all as if generated by the sun.
Do they know the damage they've done?
Has the fight ended or only just begun?
One is wise, yet the weakest of 3,
for one can't play and especially with me.
But the strength one has is eternally deep,
the struggle for one is 'extremely steep
Two is the strongest of the 3,
but although two tries, two can't capture me.
Two is the warmest, and even quite hot,
but as for wanting two, right now i do not.
Now 3 of 3 has the greatest power.
Not 3's strength, no, 3's only a flower.
But 3 commands my very will
drawing a caterpillar requires some skill.
3 also hold my every thought,
for 3 I'd do anything though love can't be bought.
So as 3 hurts me, 1 hurt one,
and in the meantime with two i have fun.
But funis no substitute for real love,
ask 3 or one, or the spirits from above.
If I fail to win 3 as one failed with me.
with two I'll be one, and then I'D be free.
One in 3, 3 in one,
projected upward, front towards the sun.
Rick U W »
Linos on Wins JVV^JWVI^^
preview * leisure
Glories off The Grape
by R. Corbin Houchlns
Friday, Oct. 10
10 Mash 8 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 11
Freeze Dried Coffeehouse
Andy Cohen
blues A ragtime
free w/ tax card, $.75 w/o
8:30 p.m.
10 Don Kirschner's Rock Concert
Bad Company, Rare Earth,
Spanky & Our Gang
12:30 a.m.
Friends' Dance
Music and show by Black Ice
CC Ballroom 10 p.m.
Herbie Hancock & the Headhunters
and Mahavbhnu Orchestra
byjSUNYA Concert Boardi
Palace Theater \
7:30 p.m.|
10 Medical Center 10 p.m.
music by Street Talk
Alumni Quad courtyard by day
Brubacher Hall ballroom by night
I p.m. — 2 a.m.
Sunday, Oct. 1 2
17 Monty Python 10:30 p.m.
6 Midnight Special 1 a.m.
Helen Reddy, Billy Joel,
Ike & Tina Turner,
Bee Gees, Mel Tillis
Freeze Dried Coffeehouse
Andy Cohen
blues and ragtime
free w/ tax card, $.75 w/o
8:30 p.m.
13 Space 1999 8:30 p.m.
science fiction
10 Phyllis 8:30 p.m.
appreciate a rose or a meteorologist t o delight
i n a sunset, you need not be an enologist t o
enjoy a glass of wine.
It may be that wine snobs exist because
table wine, the kind of wine that increases the
pleasure of food (and hence the most
i m p o r t a n t category from an aesthetic
standpoint), is relatively new to America. For
a long time, the pleasures of tabic w i m have
been taken for granted by American families
with strong European heritages and by the
upper class. But until relatively recently, only
a minority of wines shipped in America were
table wines. Only in 1969 did table wines make
up the majority of shipments. Since then. Ihe
category has grown steadily both absolutely
Benjamin Franklin said, " W i n e is constant
proof that God loves us and loves t o see us
Unfortunately, some people aren't happy
with wine unless they can reduce its
appreciation t o arguments akin tothe number
of angels that can be accommodated on the
head of a pin.
T o be sure, the glories of the grape arc
many. The last thing we need, however, is
another self-proclaimed pundit swirling a
glass and talking about the Gay-Lussac
equation while claimingtopcrceive Gregorian
chants and the Rites of Dionysius in the wine.
Just as one need not be a botanist to
13 Welcome Back Kolter 8;30 p.m.
Performing Arts Center
main theater
Fri. and Sat. 8:00 p.m.
Sun. 2:00 p.m.
17 Soundstage 11:30 p.m.
Blood, Sweat, and Tears,
Janis Ian
13 Star Trek 11 p.m.
science fiction
"Waiting for Godot"
17 Ingmar Bergman Festival
"Through a Glass Darkly"
drama 10:15 p.m.
13 When Things Were Rotten x p.m.
6 NBC's Saturday Night 11:30 p.m.
George Carlin — host
Billy Preston, Janis Ian
17 Great Performance 9 p.m.
"Jennie: Lady Randolph Churchill"
Lee Remick
on campus
Cine 1234 459-8300
Tower East
Fri. & Sat. 7 i n
Albany State
Dirty Harry
Fri. 7:15,9:45
LC 18
Fri. & Sat. 7:30,9:15
Hellman 459-5322
Gone With the Wind
Fri. & Sat. 8:00
L er,
Do it Again
Fri. 7:45
Blazing Saddles
Fri. & Sat. 7:15
nd Run
Hard Times
Fri. 9:45
Sat. 7:45, 9:45
last week's
Guilderland Plaza
Delaware 462-4714
Assorted plaids
Give Em Hell, Harry
Fri. & Sat. 7, 9
Fox - Colonie 459-1020
Fri. & Sat. 7:30,9:15
Fri. A Sat. 7:30, 9
niacina a n n a aaam
Pinnmraniiiia naaaina
aaam aaaaui
Pinnraa nianiDia
nranaaa riaia omuia
rarar.ini nrara naapimo
Hni'jap] nrann
nnrannn nnrannnnn
n n n n nnmni nntnmrj
55 Daredevil (2 wds.)
61 Practice: Scot.
Verdi opera
64 Caustic
— opera
65 Those who join the
Solitary confinement
Writer of children's 67 Part of LSU
6B Kin
That which lessens 69 Actor Sidney
70 Servers at afternoon
TV's Mr. Grant
gatherings (2 wds.)
Compass direction
Final try (3 wds.)
forerunner of the
Verdi opera
He: Fr.
Black birds
Laughed loudly
Feminine suffix
Flightless bird
Comic opera "——
of Penzance"
Name In Ray Bolger
Lend a helping hand
Collegiate CW75-5
26 "
" Don
27 Labor leader
28 Baseball hall-uffamer
30 Fine violin
31 "Little
32 Answer to
"Says who?"
34 Prefix: over
35 Child actor —
37 Clairvoyance
41 Richard
Ready for eating
"No man
Island"' 46 Rock music
Author Vldal
Corrida cheer
48 Pixie
Nigeria's capital
52 More mature
College and
53 Eastern Church
7 Flat or spare
54 Popular Hashlngton
B Work like T l l l l e
9 Brazilian weight
55 Like Lou Brock
10 Covers with paint
56 Prefix: without
11 Drove out
12 Certain skirt, for
13 The same: Lit.
14 Part of c/o
Flash floodt
21 Instrumental
Simon —
Piano part
22 Piddle
Li Behsw's heroine 24 Opera highlights
25 Ancient Greek
Hawaiian dish
Sports o f f i c i a l ,
Soviet sea
Spanish muralist
Large knife
Wide-mouthed Jar
College subject
62 Descartes
63 I n i t i a l s on some
66 Country of "Lost
Horlion" (abbr.)
for short
sincelhalday. Pioneer 1(1 aiid 11.twoman-madeprobes
that were catapulted out ol our solar system, received
minimal coverage.
I'erhaps what NASA has in technology, it lacks in
Ihe commentary, the shots, the
animation and theasiionaulsaiesosiiliedthal il it were
not real. I he Japanese would fitly out I he copy rights ami
produce live science Mellon movies from the scripts.
Amidst all these machines, a human dimension is
During one ol the animated sequences a light Hair
could he added b\ havingti liny USS hntcrpiisc/ip hy
tin Ihe bottom ol the screen. Listening l o t he astruna ills
talk about Iheir expectations, Iheu I cursor w halt hey do
wlicuthcv blow wind inthcirspacc suits, instead ol whal
ihe NASA sen pi writers tell them what Ihe public wants
i n hear. All I his would create a more human character.
A commentary b> Ihe late Rod Selling would have
iidded class loo.
Ihe space program should be advertised and
promoted lor whal it represents, that am goal humanity
sets lor itself, il can accomplish.
Al the present, the public is skeptical ol scientists in
general and the space program in particular llliis
aiinospherc was mostly created during Nixnninn era
and ironically. Nixon was the I'rcsidcm during the
Fugle moon lauding). I he popularity ol the series will
increase willi the flight ol i he first woman astronaut and
I lie next landing on a new solar body. Hut in between
these milestone events the ratings will slip down low.
NASA heller improve the quality ol its shows or Ihe
networks just might cancel their program.
I line in next week.
The biggest show of its kind ever held in this area.
©Edward Julius, 1975
Colonial uuad Board JFri.S &f | Sat.Q 9
off campus
Mohawk Mall
II You Don't Stop It,
You'll Go Blind
Fri. &Sat. 7:15, 9:10
Play It Again, Sam
Sun. 7:30, 10
LC 18
Undercover* Hero
7.25 910
Sat. 7:40, 9:25
Farewell My Lovely
Fri. & Sat. 8, 10
The Mad Adventure* ol
"Rabbi" Jacobs
Sat. 7:30, 9:30
LC 18
by l.on Levin
6n6 ol'lhc most expensive shows in the short history
of television was the ,V.-1.SVI Sjlmv Program, Although
the ratings II net nil 10(1. the show was never cancelled.
Ihe best rated episodes were Ihe ones which had
elements ol danger and excitement. Among the mine
popular ones were Tin' John (Jll'im Premier Show. Ihe
next manned Apollo night alter the deaths ol'tirissom.
White and Chalice, the h'irsl Space Stroll, and the
in Spare show featuring the USA and the
I lie nuisi popular show ol the series was the first
Mnnii Walk. I Ins one wis the culmination ol Ihe emu e
series to thai date, much like (he last show of The
Fugitive when Or. Kimhle found the one-armed man
who killed his wife. It starred Neil Armstrong, Edwin
" H u / / " Aldrin and Michael Collins and supported hya
east ol thousands of technicians and engineers, the
unsung heroes of the program; The main reason that
this show was so outstanding was in between the usual
lill-ofl and splash down, they stopped nil somewhere
else. Although this detour look them mil ol
ended up being the only exciting purl ol the telecast.
A n impressive pail ol this particular show was the
witty, naturally flowing dialog "This is one small step
lor man . . ." Unfortunately, from 'hen on the "moon
walk" episode went downhill. Ihe view ol 'the moon was
a disappointment to all us human beings who I hough! it
was supposed to resemble Krypton. Instead, it looked
more like a rainy day at Coney Island beach, without the
garbage cans and hubcaps. Imagine, one n i l he greatest
achievements in man's history (not to mention one ol
Ihe heller I V shows) and Ihe ratings have dropped ever
Madison 489-5431
A Delicate Balance
Fri. & Sat. 7, 9:30
Mean Streets
Fri. 7:30, 8:30, 9:30
LC I & 2
Enter the State PhotoDetails at
SVNYA Camera Club
State Photo
Contest -Stuyvesant Plaza)
Fri. & Sat. 7, 9:45
Monty Python A the Holy Grail
The Badlands
Sat. 7:30, 10
Hellman Towne
Hard Times
Fri. & Sat. 7:05, 9
The White Dawn
Kri. 7:30, 10
comfortably beside those famous European
names. More importantly, you will find you
are comfortable enough with good wines to
share Ben Franklin's related attitude and
that is the most important step toward real
Space Shows Take a Walk
lOM.' At-BOfH?...
Fortunately. Ihe consumer has discovered
that enjoyment of table wine is not
complicated. In the marketplace, if a wine is
priced right, looks good, smells good, and
tastes good, that is sufficient cause to buy it.
What some wine drinkers haven't rctilivi'd is
that straight-forwardslandardsiifwhat looks,
smells, and tastes good arc applicable to all
wines'. There is nit compendium of tasting
secrets known only to people who can say
Grand Kclie/cailx live times fast.
When the fundamentals are known, with a
little practice you will discover that wines
disdained hy the snobs may stand very
media madneme&®M&««mmim
10 Good Times 8 p.m.
and relatively t o other types. '•"•"
One of the by-products of the new
popularity of fine wine was the wine snob,
ready to dictate, pontificate, and obfuscate.
There were special glasses to consider, the.
appropriate wine with each dish, not t o
mention correct temperatures and serving
procedures. And the wines themselves had t o
be from places with strange and confusingnames.
JEANS and m
Regular up to \ m
Saturday, Oct. 11,10 AM to 9 PM
Sunday, Oct. 12, Noon to 9 PM
Twin and full tin. Assorted print*
Regular up to
T H E T U R F I N N - Wolf Road, Albany, N.Y.
With heater and accessories
Double, Queen & King t i n Q 7
OCTOBER 10, 1975
PCTOBER 10, 1975
Admission Is free.
Register to w i n over $ 2 , 5 0 0 I n prizes.
Over 3 5 exhibitors featuring the most famous
names in hi-fi systems and stereo components.
MM N, Y. Men pitcher Jon Maihck Saturday I P.M, la ) P.M.I
_ ^
Sponsored by Selden Sound Lafayette Radio A Electronic*
TVS nHfJ Off Maa)C^BJnBa»
D Potty's new album,
t*f Wlngi o / MuMe, can b«
at • flowing exhibition of
electronic jazz stemming
master violinist and fine a o
laying musicianship. TMa iitaibum features intertwinstructures formed by
combinations of violin,.
and guitar, offset by fine per-'
on ban and drama.,
on occasion the music
toward the use of certain syniied structures.
'J;'|'ben examining the individual
etks, one cannot bypass the violectra
solo by Ponty, entitled "Echoes of
tip Future." This cut displays the
versatility of sounds that can be
cfitated by a violin in the hands of a
Knowledgeable musician. Through
the use of an assortment of sound
altering devices, (most notably a synthesizer made exclusively for JeanLuc) he creates the fullness of an
ensemble in a solo performance.
The remainder of the cuts display
a wide range of impressions, from
the almost rock-like movement of
*Flght - For rife," to the'•'. drifty
characteristics of "Now I Know."
Another cut, "Questions With No
Answer," demonstrates a fine
application of jazz theory on
•' acoustic piano and violin, in contrast
to the highly energized music pre' dominate on this album.
It is interesting to note that,
perhaps, the musical precision on
this album can be partly attributedto
the experience Jean-Luc and Ralphe
. Armstrong (bass) gained by their involvemem with Frank Zappa and
The Mothers of Invention, as well as
the Mahavishnu Orchestra on
This progressive
background is clearly evident in their
This album surely belongs in tne
collections of those who have begun
to enjoy the far reaching dimensions
of progressive jazz. I'his album also
should not be ignored by those seeking to expand their appreciation of
different horizons ol sound, lor this
album is a trip Upon the Wings of
by David Levy
Expansions — l.onnie Mston Smith and (he
Cosmic Echoes
(Flying Dutchman)
Musicians and albums have always been
Metallic-ucetone-bc-bopcountry-rock. Most people would classify fc'.vpamions as Modern Jazz. While it is closer to
Hubert Laws and Milt Jackson's approach
t(ian to Coryell or Corea, do not make the mistake of trying to delinc the album in terms of
other artists.
Senses must be recaptured after a session
with l.onnie Listen Smith. The music docs not
overpower you, it melts you. The effect is in. ebriating, yet minus all the unpleasantries of
' drunkenness. All the mind's inhibitions cease
to be. What remains is an acuity of perception
suddenly realized, not forced,
Talking in a room inevitably comes to a halt
alter a few moments of the album's play,
leopuldo Fleming opens the first song and title cut with a triangle lap-iap-lup akin to a cull
the type of stifling analysis that we
normally inflict upon novel ideas.
Monty PyThon exist 'only through
their ability to identify spontaneously with tome part of your mind,
whether conscious or subconscious.
They border on the ridiculous and
reach thesublime, although even this
maniacal crew sometimes pushes
things too far, or get bored with
ideas and just finish them too
hurriedly. Fortunately, on this
album they are not prone to either of
these faults.
by Karen Schlosberg
The Monty Python Matching Tie
and Handkerchief (Arista)
There is only one thing in the
world worse that having the new
Monty Python Matching Tie and
Handkerchief, and that is—not having it. The latest release from this
British comedy troupe is a welcome
addition to any Flying Circus freak's
' This new album is rather unusual,
which would be perfectly normal for
this band of crazy people, but even
they outdid themselves in the construction of Matching Tie. It is the
world's first three-sided record.
Three sides of Python madness!
How to turn your terrier into u cat, a.
budgie, or a fish. The Cheese Shop.
Great Actors. And, of course, the
Hruces. Another trip into the surrealistically off-the-wall world of
Monty Python-" an extreme RightoLeftist group dedicated to good food
and plenty of holidays, who are
thought to include" tiraham Chapman, JohnCleese, ferryGilliumdhe
American), brie Idle, ferry Jones,
and Michael Palin.
Monty Python is a phenomenon
that is gaining a lot of ground herein
the Slates, althoughinits birthplace,
lingland, it has died down considerably. They are having a second
life here, and a very profitable one it
looks to he. People who are Python
freaks can talk to each other for easily an hour and not say very much.
I he range in emotional feeling for
M.I'.KC. runs from falling asleep
from boredom, to open-mouthed
confusion, to side-hurting laughter.
To laugh at the Pythons is to
accept their values and codes of
behavior without subjecting them to
to order. I he musicianship is controlled, yet
intense. One comes to appreciate the restraint
necessary to hold hack the iill-too-lamiliarimprovisational solo. Instead, the audience
receives tight, melodic lines from l.onnie
Linton Smith's keyboard and the flute workol
younger brother Donald. This is backed by a
strong rhythm section.
Donald Smith, while line on flute,excels us
I he group's vocalist. On my first listen, I was so
enthralled as not to realize that lour of the
seven songs were purely instrumental. The
more I played the album, the more frustrating
it became. Donald's subtle textures and range
are something to hear. I finally came to look
upon his presence as a treat; something like
fine food or wine, not to be consumed glultonly but on those certain occasions which cull for
an added pleasure,
The instrumental) arc unquestionably excellant in their own right. They can and do
stand on their own.
Lonnic l.iston Smith is an urtist. What
Although the high quality of
material on Matching Tie is consistent, the Python gang rarely reach
the frenzied heights won by such
classic sketches asl) the Dead
Parrot; 2) Erie the Half-a-Bee; 3)
There is no third thing (the Spanish
Inquisition); 4) Miss Anne Elk; S
s)Spam; 6) There is no rule six and
innumerable others off of their older
albums. To be fair, though, their
older releases, while containingthese
masterpieces in them, were hardly as
consistently good as Matching Tieh.
I here arc perhaps two or three
sketches on Mulching Tie that do
equal their past glories. One is called
llrucc, about Australian teachers in
the Philosophy Department of the
University of Wallamalloo, who arc
all named Bruce. Another such
sketch is the Cheese Shop.The Flying Circus has incredible amounts of
humor reserved for shops there
have been three pet shops, a tobacconist, a barbershop, a chemist, a
And now for something mnplctcIv different.
hoggins & Messina
Ain't So Fine
makes the album a cut above many recent
releases is that he plays with artists, l.onnie
l.iston Smith is not in competition with the
Cosmic Echoes. Rather, he is in complete and
blissful harmony.
bookstore, and the bedding store in
Buying a Bed. Next to Australians
and twits, shopkeepers have been
high on the Python's poke-l'un-at
There is also one short gem of a'
piece called Word Association Football. John Cleese goes on lor several
minutes about the game ol football,
but word-associates at every step,
turning it into a delightful maze of
ideas, rather hard to understand
without three or four listenings, during which lime you arc constantly
being amazed at their intelligence.
Matching Tie and llamlkmhiefui
a well-constructed, clever, and very
funny album by six men (and the
r e g u l a r l y appearing Carol
Cleveland) who have left behind
them the lives of doctors, lawyers,
and accountants (not to mention
sociologists and shopkeepers) I or the
world of flying sheep, the Piranha
B r o t h e r s , lumberjacks with
transvestite tendencies in other
words, the real world.
But what is the dillerencc'.' What
indeed is the point'.' I he point is
taken. The clarity is dcuistuting, But
where is the ambiguity'(her there in
a box. The illusion is complete; it is
reulity, the reality is illusion and the
ambiguity is the only trut h. Ilmisthe
truth, as Hitchcock observes, in the
box? No, there isn'i room, the ambiguity has pul on weight
by Jeanne Saiewitz
So Fine (Columbia Records)
Why would a group with as much crealiv it>. <• i hi a ncy
and musical ability as l.ogginsancl Messina spew mil an
album of exact replicas of golden oldies'.' Asa inlmtc,
perhaps. Or as a fond remembrance ol its musical routs,
In any event. So hint ain't so line. Loggias anil
Messina's most recent release is also then most
surprising letdown.
So fine is comprised of twelve revered oldies nhicli
indeed had great influences on today's rock scene. I'hc
album cannot even be referred to .is I oggins and
Messina's interpretations, though, because absolutely
no interpreting has been done. I he band has t wis
stilled itself to lit the molds ol Hunk Williams, I hick
Uerry and the Lvcrly Urol hers, hach Mine li, is iwn
meticulously charted to remain complete!) un, Mothe
It's uncomfortable to hear Jim Messina HI •nipt to
sing like Hobby Darin. Hank Snow and Kick) vison,
all within fifteen minutes. I he album's unoii gnulity
also manifests itself in the inslrumcnials. and as JH'SUII
rhythm, saxophone, keyboards, and all de- est are
restricted to the simplistic lines id "Wale I | i. I itllc
Susie" and "Splish Splash." It's ease to »v »i KIC the
groundwork for "Holiday Hold" and " l i « I l a A>
Country Song" lies, but there certainly is "" need 111
hear it mapped out on tin allium that cuds i, |, la be
hasically uneventful listening.
I he shining light of So fine (aside ho \l
production) happens to he the wolini
Greene. He effortlessly tninslorms his liddl ;,,.iHllil)
nc ul lie
in Hank Snow's "I'm Movin' On," which
album's lew original touches. Jim Mcssm
also notable. Kenny l.oggins docs let Ins dist lively
u.ii lines
elastic voice break away from the conli
once or twice, making"A Lover's Quesl
It Like I hat" almost bearable.
The bund, in fact, is tight and cohesive tliioughiWj
hut unionunutely their efforts are channeled inm" m
specialized material directed at it very limned atiukjj
lite good points are minisculc, buried iri "I
monotony, overdone revivals, and the .•cling
heard this one before,"
For those of you who like country music. I u tugw
you buy this album. It's not quite as good us' '• L
advertised original collections, but it's cheaper.." >p
can save ten cents on the stump.
OCTOBER 10 1975
by Karen Schlosberg
Jessie's Jig and Other Favorites
Goodman (Asylum)
Steve Goodman is a man known best for his
classic "City of New Orleans." It is high time
that he stopped hiding in other artists'studios
to record on his own. Jessie's Jigh one of the
best albums t J appear in a long time.
The album is a conglomeration of different
styles, from b uestofolk with all the mixtures
in between. There is even one instrumental,
"Jessie's Jig", which is one of the highest
points on this album, which has no low
points. Goodman produced the record
himself, and he has done anadmiiabiejob. All
the instruments pluy exactly when and where
they should to complement each song to its
fullest extent. And the musicians arc excellent,
with Goodman playing his amazing acoustic
guitar, Vassar Clements helping out here and
there on the fiddle, and many other line,
though relatively unknown , musicians.
Goodman is as talcntcda writer as he is a
stylist of other writers' songs. His "Door
Number Three", written with Jimmy Buffet, is
the most intelligent thing anyone has ever said
about "Let's Make a Deal" (complete with
quotation from Dylan's "Like a Rolling
"Now I don't want what Jay's
got on his table/Or box Carol Merril points to
on the floor./ But I'll hang outjust as long as I
am able/ Until I can tin-lock that lucky door/
Well she's no big deal to most folks, but she's
everything to me/ Cause my whole world lies
waiting behind door number three..."
Equally as effective are "It's A Sin To fell A
Lie", a thirties' song that Goodman sings with
warmth and humor, accompanying himself
with his absolutely incredible guitar work;
Mike Smith's "Spoon River", and the old song
." Mama Don't Allow It", which is a team effort
that must have been a great deal of fun to
Perhaps the best cut on the album is the tunc
from which the title is taken, "Jessie's Jig
(Rob's Romp, Bcth's Bounce)". I his is a lively
instrumental piece that could easily go on
forever. It has a faint likeness to .loplin's piano
rags, and to Arlo Guthrie's "Week on the
Rag"; freer than the disciplined rags tend to
he, but just as spoiled.
Jessie's Jig ami Oilier favorites is a bout as
perfect an album as anyone could wish to
have. It took Steve Goodman a long time to
produce t his first record, but obviously a lot of
care and love went into it.
bjfJract CoMoNy
Flo and Eddie—Illegal, immoral aad Fattsatag
Flo! Eddie! you old glue-sniffers! What's this? Looks
like The Tubes'Christmas Album. Don't youguysthink
it's about time to get a real job? Start dating somebody'?
Maybe get married? Petty larceny it no career for two
nice boys with good backgrounds.
Illegal, Immoral and Fattening. If you're one of those
people who happened to pass through high school on
your way to real life, you've probably heard this kind of
stuff before. Local bands playing the hits. Only theyhai
to. When the kids staggered into the gym after downing
a few six-packs under the bleachers, they weren't going
to put up with some noodle going, "This is something we
wrote ourselves. Hope you like it." No, they wanted to
hear "Gloria" and "Louie, Louie." Then, the highest
form of praise was: "You do that just like the real guys."
Only it wasn't a case of the jackals sneaking off with the
lion's leftovers. Those local bands were the music
business' biggest and most successful promoters. They
look material from the stars and gave Ihem top forty
smashes and request line standards in return. And the
kids were the biggest winners.
Ho und Eddie's hall-live-lrom-the-Roxy album is a
perversion of this whole phenomenon, which is sad
since they were on the reccivingend of it at onetime. It's
parasitic and bitterly nasty, and worse, it isn't even
flic title cut is a sincere, anti-rock rampage warning
us to keep an eye out for philosophy-spouting rock
gurus. Their honesty is commendable, but what they've
forgotten is thai most people who like rock & roll like to
gel fooled, are aware that they're getting fooled, and cooperate eagerly.
"Rebecca." another studio cut. deals with a shaken,
world-weary man who longs for the fresh young girl
who's flitted past his life, lie knows he'd never lit into
her socially sedate life-style; he's critical of her
complacent acceptance of this kind of life; and still, he's
strung out enough so that he can't toss away this one
clean, bright image. The subtle tension and the
beautiful, Turtle-like chorus that the song rides along
on make it the only really successful song on the album.
I he worms start I uming with " Kama Sutra Time," an
uninspired catalog of sexual perversion in the Zappa
mode. It's ajust barely live cut thai offers Flound Eddie
the excuse to lurch off into their mediocre imitations of
by Belly Stein
Refugees - Rachel Faro (RCA)
Wc arc all refugees.
Rachel Faro too; a refugee on somewhat of
a mystical trip. She. like all ol us, is searching
for her roots. But her search, unlike most
people's, extends beyond cultural and racial
hounds. Hers is u search lor what links her to
the rest of mankind.
"Mandala", the last cut, says it all. A mandala, physically represented by a cross inscribed in a circle, is a sort of universal symbol that
represents man's striving for unity. Cavemen
drew Ihem on their walls, children are said to
draw them frequently. They're found in (heart
and design ol many cultures. What the mandala represents is the collective memory, the
collective unconscious that everyone has. It
had no beginning, for it began when 1 he spirit
of man did.
An important aspect ol this mandala image
and Faro's obsession with it is the fact thai all
ol us. d only insignificantly, contribute to it.
We all build a little hit onto it. as did those
countless others before us. and as will all those
alter us.
Bui change remains as a constant. I his is
emphasized most strongly in the title cut.
What we build up all eventually comes down.
I he uncontrollable forces of nature remain
just that uncontrollable.
The wind is Jilted with laughter,
The world is spinning faster,
And everything keeps shilling like the sand.
We try everything. We Icclcoinpelledtoe.v
plain things, control things, predict things,
and most ol all blunt the pain the pain ol not
knowing by seeking companionship. But the
only hope we really have lies In remembering
that, even though we are all alone, even
though we are all in a sense lost, we ul least
share the same lot:
Now is you're feeling like a stranger, Jar
from your home country,
Hemember we iireall alone together, iheaneient family.
Just us we are part of the family of man, wc
are part of the spirit of man. The life of this
' . ' ; . ' ' T " . ' . " " " .STJ
all the superstars wrw are more weeeeefaltraM they art,
critically and commercially, •'.'•' .Parody is a valuable aspect of the critical process, ft
has an intellectual content of its own, providing new
perspectives on somcthingthat it atneraUy accepted asa
good, oral least popular, work of art. Imitation, on the
other hand, is a ilnkful of cold dishwater. What's the
value in grinding out two lines from a dozen songs by a
dozen artists just to let them die an unnatural death
onstage? Do we really need wizards like Flo and Eddie
to inform us that "Kiing Fu Fighting" sucks or that
George Harrison's voice is going and even Krishna can't
help him now?Other expendables include: The Sanzini Brothers
doing the forget able "Tibetan Memory Trick." "Livin'
in the Jungle," which isn't nearly as Tunny, at "Jive
Talkin' "or as tasty as "Person to Person," and "The
Pop-Star Massage Unit," which is a perfect replica of
your favorite pop star's you-know-what which you can
clip on to your own personal vibrator while the included
cassette plays your favorite song. More clever in theory
than in fact.
For about ten seconds while they're snickering at
Marc Bolan's " Bang a Gong (Get It On)" you remember
that Murk Volman and Howard Kaylan are two
incredibly talented, volatile vocalists. For about ten
seconds. Who arc the winners here? •
spirit is endless; our lives are not. But, as
fleeting as our lives arc. and as relatively inconsequential as our accomplishments may
be. a touch of hope, if not optimism, remains.
It is possible to find happiness in this tenuous
existence, says Faro, a happiness of the moment. As she states in "I Ain't Afraid":
Why should we he so hard to bent)
And wear a mask we must defend, throw
away the best limes . . .
We're all so era:y
Not to make it while we can.
Faro is trying desperately to transcend the
timev place and circumstances of which she
happens lo be a part. She wants to become
even closer to that force that binds us all.
Again, in creeps the mysticism:
Does it sometimes seem as if your spirit cannot he illumined,
Inside this body that you try so hard lo
Oil momma, am I really born again!
Faro knows. But posing the question gives
her an excuse to provide the answer, which she
does in "We'll Always Be Here." By using the
last two lines to echo t he title, she emphasized
the realization that this soul-searching has
brought her to. In a sense, she tells us,
We'll Always Be Here
We'll Always Be Here.
eak Reality In 'Mean Streets'
T B i Friday, Albany State Gnema
will present Martin Sconese'i Mean
Streets. The film is essentially loose
in its structure. It is a collage of
realistic portraits that react against
each other. Each portrait reflects a
certain tittle Italy character whose
total existence is limited to and
dependent upon the lower elements
' The film concentrates on four
basic characters. Tony is the owner
of a topless bar which is nothing
more than a local dive for dope
pushers. Michael is a small-time
thug, a petty loan shark. Robert De
Niro portrays Johnny Boy, the
crazy, cool Mafioso type who harbors self-destructive tendencies.
Finally, we have Charlie .(Harvey
. Keitel), the hero of the film. He is the
solitary good character amidst corrupt surroundings. He is torn
If you've travelled recently on our nation's highways
you may have noticed that Americans are displaying
bumper stickers in increasingly large numbers. Almost
everyone has something to say about just about any
ibpic imaginable. The messages on bumper stickers can
relate to anything from politics to religion and can be
deadly. serious or hilariously funny. Whether you
consider to be entertaining or merely an eyesore,
bumper stickers really serve the purpose of selling
something: an idea, u person, a place or a product. In
turn, your individual choice of bumper sticker reflects
your tastes and personality for all other motorists to see.
Did you ever wonder what your bumper sticker says
about you?
If your bumper sticker says:
ize M a r i j u a n a
I.EOAUZE MARIJUANA - You have long, frizzy
hair, wear Levis, u T-shirt and wire-framed glasses. Al
one time you were ostracized by our society as a dirty,
hippie freak, hut now your appearance is a normal,
everyday sight. Your vehicle is, of course, a van. What
self-respecting ex-hippie would be without one?
SEE A MERICA h'IRST- You are a real family man
who is very bullish on America. You spent your summer
vacation out on the open road with the wife and kids
"discovering" America. You can be seen driving a
Winnebago motor home because you believe in
roughing-it in the true American pioneer spirit.
ABORTION IS MURDER - You are a thirty-live
year old Catholic housewife who is the mother of ten
children; Since you have been pregnant almost your
entire adult life you have an ususual outlook on life.
You believe that bearing and raisingehildren is the most
wonderful role a woman can perform. You also believe
the Catholic myth that "it'schcapci by the dozen". Your
vehicle is an old station wagon or a Greyhound bus. St.
Christopher is magnetized to your dash board and their
are ten pairs of baby shoes hangingfrom your rear-view
1*» Twangoleum
' by Gloria Jwn
Tonight and tomorrow night at
the Freeze-Dried Coffeehouse will
be a rare pleasure,. Andy Cohen, the
"Twangoleum King." Twangoleum
is the name given to one of the instruments Andy plays, which looks
like a guitar designed by Picasso. As
well as playing the only Twangoleum
in the world, Andy plays guitar, ban-
2 difference!"
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'Computer Connection'
New But Not Beater's Beet
Complementing, and ultimately surpassing, this psychological insight was
Hester's pyrotechnic use of language. He was capable ol' passages thai are
almost reminiscent of James Joyce in their richncssol imagery and especially
in their playful creativeness. In The Demolished Man. he imitates Joyce in
general approach by using his facility lor language to represent the interior
life and psychological structure of his characters.
It is probably useless to inquire as to why Besier went so lohg between
novels. Perhaps he felt he had nothing new to say. Perhaps he felt that he
could not live up to the standard he hud set himself. Alas, he was right in this
last. The layoff has had no good effects whatsoever. Indeed, Bestci has gone
buck lo writing like an amateur.
I must donfess that it is incomprehensible to me how an author can
regress so much . Hester's new novel is not merely uninspired in comparison
with his early writing, it is actively bud. He bus reached the point where he
could be used as an illustration of how not lo write u science fiction novel.
Bcster uppurcntly believes that he still reluins his old ability to handle
language. To put it kindly, he is mistaken. What was once dazzling has
become embarrassing. His invented dialects, Spanglish and Euro, are
failures. They demonstrate an inubility to comprehend and work with the
idioms of spoken lunguagc. Where formerly such an effort by this writer
would have been amusing if not enlightening, all he has done now is create a
scries of bad puns and humorless"jokes." This might not be so serious were it
not for the fact that he insists on emphasizing his ineptitude often and at the
wrong times.
I would nol spend my time criticizing some hack writer so severely, but
Hester was fine once and there are signs in his new novel that he could do
much belter. Much of the power of science fiction writing comes from the
ideas used, and Bester does come up with some original and powerful ideas.
Handled well, they could be the salvation of the work in spite of the author's
butchery of language.
Bcster does not handle his ideas well. Broudly speaking, there are two ways
lo botch science fiction ideas, scientifically and psychologically. Bester
always does at least one. and occasionally commits both faults on a single
idea. The double fault is found most clearly in one aspect of the protugonist
of the novel. He is one of u group who huveuchieved immortality somehow.
234 Washington Ave.
11275 Massachusetts Ave., Los Angeles, CA 90025
I am enclosing $9.95 plus $1.00 for postage and handling.
Our Happy Hours are Still the Best!
9-11 pm
large draught
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10pm -lam
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mixed drinks
2 for 1 & 10c
(Californi. residents please add 8K tales tax.)
OCTOBER 10, 1978
Over $33,500,000 unclaimed scholarships, grants, aids, and
fellowships ranging from $50 to $10,000. Current list of
these sources researched and compiled as of Sept. 15, 1975.
In the Fifties. Alfred Besier wrote two brilliant science fiction novels. The
Demolished Man und The Stars My Destination. And now he has come out
with his third. Computer Connection. Unfortunately, in spite of the hype on
the jacket, it docs not measure up to the others at all.
In his early novels. Hester showed two major strengths, first he was
unexewed in depicting a person driven by some overwhelming compulsion.
He could chillingly show how the obsessed individual believed himself to be
behaving quite logically und normally, while in fuel pursuing the most lunatic
course of action. He did this by narrating from the obsessed one's viewpoint,
making the reader identity wit hand feel sympathy for him. Hester would lead
the reader deeper and deeper into the madness ol compulsion, and then bring
in an other viewpoint, a commentary by a mentally balanced character,
which would abruptly reveal lo thcrcader the extent of the delusion he had
been sharing.
Make-ups lor
missed lessons
al our center
First sitting fee is $2.00
Resits are $3.00
Andy Cohen, the TwantottOM King wM perform on Ihh unique instrument.
' '-
Oct 13-14, 1975
-by Paul Impota-
Courses thai are
constantly updated
Small classes
Will be having another 2 days of
Senior Portraits Oct. 13th & 14th.
Have your picture taken if you
have not had it taken, or didn't
like your proofs.
Problems? Call 7-2116
Voluminous home
study malefisls
Torch 1976
jo, piano .and 12-slringinthe style he
calls "a plethora of southern
American music." That includes
ragtime, honky blues, barrel, country, good-time and street music.
Cohen has played all over the
country and parts of Canada at
about every coffeehouse imaginable,
bringing the humor and endless
variety of music he has gathered during his life and extensive travels. By
"folk-processing", as he calls it. the
music of such originals as Reverend
Gary David, Doc Watson, Jelly Roll
Morion, Jim Kweskin, and Hank
Williams, to name a few, he has
gathered a real batch of songs.
Ovtr 35 years
ol tiptncnce
Don't Blame M e
a i>
THESE COLORS DON'T RUN- You are a faithful
defender of the flag and a membc: of the Vh'W. You
enjoy drinking beer and talking with the boys about t he
good old days in the Service. Your hobby is collecting
guns and you arc secretly preparing lor a Communist
invasion or a run-in with Easy Rider. You can be seen
driving either a pick-up truck or an Impala. Itotli arc
equipped, with a custom built gun rack.
McliOVERN- You are a die-hard liberal who yearns
for the year l%K. You arc still a very idealistic person.
You haven't learned that it is neither fashionable nor
profitable to have ideals in the seventies. You feel that if
George McGovern had heen elected in '72 that he could
have saved our country from its present plight. You
believe that there really is an oil shortage and that we
.should conserve energy to be patriotic. Your Rambler
isn't running as well as it was in '68, biu you hate he
thoughlofjunking it and losing that prized McGovern
sticker. You have recently added a new sticker which
reads: 'DON'T lil.AME ME - I VOTED IVR
OCTOBER 10, 1975
along the sidewalks. Thus, the bleak
nature of the surroundings, the trUeto-lifc dialogue, and the varied pop
/ operatic score all lend t hemsleves to
the dark, desolate atmosphere of the
between running numbers and sources of influence: the films of city streets.
Scorsese's film proves to be a
collecting payments for his Mafia John Cassavetes. As is true with
uncle, and adhering to the teachings Cassavetes, though, Scorsese utilizes fascinating, revelatory representaof Catholicism. Charlie looks after a great deal of improvised dialogue. tion of life as few of us experience it..
Johnny Boy- a relationship which in- This, along with the city-life It concerns itself with the darker side
: evitaMy leads to trouble and, even- cinematography, leads to a first- of existence, with the struggle of-a
hand impression of Scorsese's in- positive identity trapped in a sadly
tually, to the film's climax.
volvement with streetlifc. We are desperate situation. It is a bleak web
Mem Streets is a grossly realistic presented with' recurring night, of base interactions. Scorsese
film, but it does not belabor realism scenes, glossed over with rain, the successfully introduces us to a lower
to the extent of becomingtedious. In effects of which are puddle-ridden element, to the darker realm of
Mean Streets.
this way if somewhat better than its streets and slick neon reflections
Tfc« Classical Fit«t*«
l e e * A fstfe) M f « f crew pen with M I S M
engraved en it. Mesne, please return If.
Calf K m af 4 1 * . 1702V'
for the Sake of Honor
tan ways seem intolerably harsh to
bush, against my will, although it
their own code of honor. In modern
was perfectly good. At least 1 saved,
armies the loss of a unit's flag or
glory at Thermopylae in 480 A C .
colon hat always been considered a
but Spartan courage won its
disgrace. Similarly i n ancient Rome
everyone in ancient Greece lived by,
or even approved of, such standards.
When Archilochus visited Sparta
The poet Archilochus was a notable
and was identified as the author of
cient Greeks a soldier would suffer'
exception. He lived in the seventh
these lines, the Spartans; so Plutarch
shame for the loss of his shield. With
his shield he would stay in ranks and
aristocratic ways were being aban-
him at
doned by the new commercial socie-
Archilochus more than to the Spar-
ty. He made a living as a soldier:
Spartans, even more than
One Spartan mother exhorted her
. And 1 also understand the lovely gift
slave woman he might, perhaps, be
"Return with your shield or on it."
. expected to be a rebellious spirit. A
was leaving for
The accompanying picture,
As the son of a noble father and a
son as he
of the Muses."
Another Spartan woman instructed
shield to him was a shield, no more:
her son to keep his father's shield
"Some Thracian is now glorying
safe or to give up his life. Most Spar-
in the shield, which I left behind by a
Red figured
"Warrior lunging " , is courtesy
$85. Was $139. Call Bill at 482-
Manuscript Typing service. Mrs. Gloria
Cecchetti, 24 Wllshlre Drive, Colonic. Call
Ride-desperately needed to Rod Stewart
concert at Nassau Coliseum this Sunday in
exchange for ticket. Call 463-8734.
Female needed to complete 4 bedroom apt.
Near busline, laundry and supermarket.
Only S57.50 per month. Call Pat at 4823250.
Drum instructor: for beginning student. Call
Mike at 438-5646.
Drummer & Sax, commercial rock. Call Mark
ot 270-7521.
Furnished apt. by Myrtle (near Partridge!
for 4 or 5 students, $350 per month with all
utilities included. Call 439-0347 before 7
Marvel comic* 1961-1975. Buying in bulk
lots or individually to suit needs. Also interested in other comics, comic-related
material, comic art, etc. Call Charlie at 4827887.
Small room in large house near campus;
$30 per month plus heat and utilities. Call
Tutor wanted for geometry to help student
prepare for graduate admissions exam.
Call 482-1967 in the eves.
What's long'and round and comet In a
box? You'll find out to night I
Ernesto Tuevera,
Comadante Che has fallecido en la tucha
de los pueblos oprimidos 8-10-67. Recordamosl Veremos tu Nueva Sociedad. W e
will see your New Society.
Chere Madamoiselle de Paul Valery,
Bonne chance avec les americalns. Tu en
auras besoin.
L'etudiant qui ne t'aimais que pour ta
Cookie Monster,
You're so cute and fuzzy, I can't help loving youl
Si75., Guilderland, Westville apts., 1
bdrm., sublet from Nov. to Feb. Option to
renew. Call 456-2610 after 5 p.m.
at the Palace Theater
Sunday, Oct 12th 7:30 pm
Coming Oct, 21$3.50w/tax $5.50w/out
Renaissance ft Caravan
Tickets go on sale Thurs., Oct. 2nd
at 10:00 am in C.C; Gameroom &
from 10 am - 2 pm everyday thereafter
To My, Friends,
Thank you for the heavy, outrageous
20th birthday.
Sarah Beth,
Don't you wish your roommate was a
cleptomaniac lesbian.
Bob (Frac)
know. Somethirn) goes right rftHkssVlolose
rno,apttoconfusornoUwoortoOooleon't '
get use to something so right.
Dear Doreen,
A very belated Happy Birthday!
From your Rocky Atotsnfoln layer.
Good luck with your Interview!
And don't worry——If they havo any insight at all this should convince them that
you're a prima candidate. (After aN, how
could they pens up an "attractive young
woman'' Ilka yourself?}
A Man Doesn't Have To l e
Tired of that mocho Image? Call our eipert
estroginologists for free estimate
(guaranteed: our results ore at inflationary
at cur pricesl). Call K T 3 6 M ,
Paul Bunyan,
Don't you |utt love the North Country?
You thought they were good last Sunday—
—Vou oln't hoord nothing yet
Rob & Mike at the Tavern in the Sirothlt Sun.
Nile, 9 p.m.-12 midn'ite.
To our lovable R.A.,
You make our day a little bit brighter in
evtty way.
With love, your "303" fareaMcwtmotw.
Knowing us, it should have been April. 1st.
Forever Z3> Piano.
Cherub: Happy two week anniversary!
Many more coming, love, you— '
Have a happy.
Love, Rand)
May your 18th year be definitelynot barf
Bionic Tongue
To ovoryone who helped me enjoy my birthday {including the Across the Street Pixza
Dear Jerry,
Thank you for the best two yean, seven
months and one day of my life.
Sympathetically, (Alias) Hortense Avery.
Foxy Phredd,
Now that you're IB, I hope to see an improvement on your lest score.
To all who know me, in other words:
To my suitemates, "Have a nice day"; to
my friends, this is for you; to the
Love, Sally G.
Night that rises to the alias of "Galahad
Glenn." If found, please contact "Lissa the
WSUA's own should go into a corner and
beat his Ogorki 2. Koprem Dill Pickle.
Vern and Wally.
To the abductors of my beach chair,
Murray: I do not deal with terrorists, especially not with terrorists whose identity I
do not know. Give me back my chair, and I
will guarantee you safe passageto Algeria,
Cuba, or North Korea. This is my first and
last communication.
To my twin buffalo,
Now that you're IB, I won't have to wait
up for you anymore.
Love & kisses, Buffalo.
Phredd dear,
You're such a pissal
Love, Pretzel Lody.
Way to go, White Hope! W e are proud,
Fellow Gagites.
Mike Grill & Rob Pollack held over for a second week at the Tavern in the Silo——
Sunday, Oct. 12 from 9-12 p.m.
"I like the way you walk
I like the way you talk"
Got a message but
tired of writing
on public washroom walls?
Try an
Oh, Suiy Ql
See Woody Allen inPtayit Again Sam Sun.
at 7:30 and 10p.m. in LC IB. Colonial Quad
Card—$.50. Tax card$.75. Without $1.00.
Large Cheese Pizza $1.95
Sun.-Wed. 2-10 PM
Thurs.-Sat. 2-9 PM
(Next door to Dunkin' Donuts)
1238 Western Ave.
Albany, New York
Free Records courtesy of Record Town
H . . H M - - H - X >CK.TreC?
Pitcher of Beer $1.75
Tune in 640 AM
. « « 3 < X J t ^ v ^ ^ V W
Dear Buddy,
• ppy n
Vi Anniversary. You'll always get
oest of my
the "best
Love, Grump.
" .
On you birthday, you have my permission
to pull an all-nighter.
I'm Stroigrtt-Gnd.
Renaissance 8 : 0 °
October 14th
Dear Wide Receivers,
Beat me long. Beat me short. Just beat
•••'•, :•••".••
Monfauk 103 and friends,
Wo got Ihe joke
so what's the punch
the Overnighters,
Group of the Week
(Featuring John McLaughlin)
To Poody and Beth,
You're the best! Happy, happy birthday!
Love, Valerie.
To Moreen D. in t — . ...
.".'!. Hoppy BrtrxtoysmsjuMiiii wsswtocssnsel
Use), UsosV
A new year, a new suite and new
friends—-— and you're one of the bestl
Hopefully this year will be full of surprises
and good times. We wish for you much happiness and love always. Happy Birthday!
Barb, Betsy, Peg & Peg.
October 13th 8:00
Aztec Two-Step
Second Step
' Dear Phredd,
It is known to bo true that Zenger owes
you $2,00
love, Morris Hall Abortion Fund.
Dear Booxie,
Please come home. All is Forgive.!
Mom and Dad
Matt and Fred
Album of the Week
A nice happy BJrthdoy.;Love, P 4 S.
Monday night you better watch the
shower curtain)
tovo, The Big M.
We proudly announce the formation of
the 5 Quad volunteer helicopter, fire and
rescue service!
Mar|, Fred and Matt.
& Headhunters
ArtentioniSTATf QUAD want people to
work on Sonstitution committee. Coll Gory
of 7-4Q79.
"lay night is live music night with Mike
'" . _ _
Pollack at theSilofrom9-12.
albums, etc. All your photographic inn..
Call Joe Ingoglia at 457-3002.
An economical, automatic car at a
reasonable price that needs little to no
work. Call Kris at 449-3004.
Ltd. Pickup and delivery,
reasonable. My home. Call Pat at 7653655.
Jewel trader. Specializing in IndianTurquoise jewlry. Rings, earrings, chokers
and bracelets. Call Michael at 438-1080.
Fender bandmaster, Pre-CBS 2-12 inch.lansings. Asking $295. Call Steve at 489-1309.
Sored? Single? Imp't free info. Write INSTAMATE, Box 6175. Albany, N.Y. 12206.
5th SUNYA European ski tour Schruas,
Austria from Jan. 4, 1976-Jan 14, 1976.
$449 all inclusive. Contact John Morgan at
Used science fiction books. Coll 377-9331.
SUNYA Concert Board
R f V i V A l goodllme rock*, roll dance band.
For info, and bookings, call Chris at 2734 1 4 9 o r 5 t u , 457-8929.
Guitar lessons from music graduate.
Beginners a n d advanced
accepted. Call Kyle at 456-5241.
Now you're old enough to remember
your toothbrush.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Kuhn are proud to
announce the arrival of their daughter,
June Kuhn.
I would like to get the keys back
_ _ _ ^
SU Soofshigh back; Katlinger-flo boots.
Used 2 seasons. In good condition, (size 11llVi). $40. Coll Glen at 438-1845.
2 Dunlop snows 6.00-151 on V.W. wheels,
used 1 season. Asking $40. Also 2 15-inch
Vega wheels for $10. Call 7-3390. Ask for
Mink lined red coat, size 14-16 with extra
mink scarf, hot. Call 489-8200.
Singer Zig-Zag sewing machine. Excellent
working bUHUIIIUH.
condition. ^
Asking $45. Call 449WUmillU
1394 In the evenings
Unisex hoircultlno and styling. Special;;
Trim and shape scissor cut for $ 3 . M . A r t
Hair Shop, Hamad a Inn. Western Ave. Call
482-SVJ. Open til S p.m.
_ .
Happy 20th Birthday, you i«xy devill
love, David.
French tutor; experienced. Qualified at all
levels. Available afternoons and eves. Call
377 7491 after 5 p.m.
Avon productsmake great Christmas gifts,
also perfume and cosmetics for yourself. I'm
on campus everyday. Call Joan at 4380380.
Custom jewelry of silver and semi-precious
asm stones (tourquoise, jasper.lapis and
opal). Call Barry at 482-590?.
Men's qualify feather shoes discounted.
Coll 459-74)8 in eves, lor Info.
Expert bike repairs. Reasonable. Call Ira at
parachutists: usedTU-7triconical, 23ft. with
baby hustler mod. 2 supersport containers.
Coll 377-9331.
"I am the servant of the Lord Ares.
Alone again this evening? Don't spend
another evening alone. Send now for imp't
free info, to : INSTA-MATE, Box 6175,
Albany, N.Y. 12206.
Home-made breadl Baked to order. Whole
wheat our specialty. Call Robin or Stacey at
Panasonic 8 track stereo receiver and BSR
5300 turntable in very good condition.
Retails at $220. A stealer) $100. Coll 4727808.
leave; Most of us will be drawn t o
desert his comrades and flee from the
other Greeks, adhered to this code.
1964 Ford G a l a * / cdnvertabte. 390 4 —
•deed. Rum but needi work. Call Bill at 457«M.
once to
face the enemy; without it he would
field of battle.
Dodgi moUtruck, 1968
30,000 miles,
converted into a camper. Panelled, healed.
slant sin. Asking.W9S, Call 489-1391,
another one just as good."
a legion w a j disgraced by the loss of
that voluptuous freehwn heautv,leeH wR
be l7andrMloAsftr|otfboNJrtdkot.omoro
that she wiH tf»« Hkm J W T H P A U W .
Andrea J.
Happy !9lh Birthday. Glad I let you make
it. Proud of you,
Love, Mom
shield? Let it be gone! 1 can buy
its eagle, or standard. Among the an-
myself. So what do I care about that
ACr W ii coming,
Fighting men have always had
M M !
re» sue UflUinj >«ft> nmijm
*«L<p me Into on ertje* ssdHrar-rl « •
Help Wanted, Lost & Found,
Wanted, For Sale
Get your menage to 15,000
Albany State student, faculty
and staff twice a week. To
place a Classified, go to the SA
Contact Office next to Check
Cashing on the first floor of
the Campus Center.
To Florida, California and all
cities in the USA.
89 Shaker Road
Terrace Apartment
Albany, N.Y.
Must be 18 yean
ItlXfcTix \rtv
The aternative filmic experience since 1954
Busticketsare on sale
This is not a Clint Eastwood movie. It is a movie directed by
Don Siegel who directed Two Mules for Sister Sara, and Invasion of the Body Snatehers. It is u movie with sparse
dialogue and shocking violence. It is Siegel at his best.
F R I D A Y O C T 10
funded by SA
booked by SASU
OCTOBER 10, 1975
$.50 w/tax
, . , , „ , , . .
OCTOBER 10, 1975
, . « .
$1,00 w / o
e e > e i e » • » I »« O > e e » T I i t " ! » > e l s s11 W f e V M 'I'tid
' +++4-+4-0++-*-'
Quoit of the Dajr:
of freedom? Isn't knowledge of the alternatives the only way to act respomibh/r Certainly. But, Mr. MacDonald, look at the
words' you're using. "Experience", "freedom"
and "responsible action" are all concepts
which embrace the interpersonal in human existence, /nlerperaonal, not subject/object.
One to one. Give and take.
1 wonder if you or the other Zenger people,
in all your moral indignation, stopped to ask
yourselves whylhat banner was removed. Ask
any woman you know. Ask her how she'd feel
if someone offered her a dollar to spend the
T o the Editors
night wit h him. Ask her how she feels when she
As a connoisseur of pornographic art, I was does spend the night with a man only to find
offended by Jeanne Saiewitz's obicene that his suitemates or dorm-mates are calling
pseudo-intellectual review of "Emmanuelle." her in the weeks that follow to get "a piece of
The only distinguishing features of this por- the action" for themselves. Ask her what it's
nographic movie were the unusual quality of like to be referred to as a piece of ass, broad,
the technicolor and the director's gimmick of chick, "the little bitch", cunt; what it feels like
opting for flat-chested actresses.
to be attracted to a man who views his
At the beginning of the movie, there are, in- relationship with her in terms of "objectify and
deed, the plot possibilities of tracing the "title conquer". Ask yourself how you'd feel in her
character's journey from the innocence and place. I'm not being rhetorical, I'm saying DO
pretentiousness of girlhood...''; however, the _ IT!! For until you do, and until you listen to
director, Just Jaeckin, performs a cinematic the answers and search your soul intheir light,
and artistic coitus interrupts when he spills your "fine times" will continue to be at the exall his seeds of good plot and characterization pense of the dignity of half the human race,
to achieve his primary goal of producing a and there will be no knowledge in the world
pleasing X-rated picture. So you see, in effect, which can serve to make you more than half
the character Emmanuelle is not "throwing off, human.
the societal sanctimony of forced virginal
Carol Arine Stephenson
purity"; but rather, the actress Sylvia Kristal is
participating in a purely commercial venture.
Nothing more.
The flimsy plot that does emerge is
destroyed by the director's apparent belief in
the myth that the intensity of the climax (with
which the movie unsatisl'yingly ends) is exclusively dependent upon the length, and not
To the Editor:
the quality; of the rising action. Thus the
After reading Ken Wax's column in the
movie rambles on for a boringetcrnity with its
Tuesday ASP, (Sooooo Much Studying.... 1
generous portion of forceful, forced, and
found myself compelled to elaborate on the
forceless sex. Though the desecration of plot
subject a little more. 1 find many of my friends
would be enough, "Emmanuelle" is sure to
and acquaintances fitting intothe category of
render itself totally impotent when it commits
those who are deathly afraid of getting bad
the flaw of its kind- that of pretentiously takgrades, therefore spending much of their time
ing itself seriously. Thus, at the end, t he viewer
with their faces buried in a textbook. If that is
must receive senior-citizen-stud Mario's serall you people want out life then fine. Who am
mon and the underrated benefits of group sex.
1 to sway your thinking? If you think that is goAlthough it was not "aesthetically pleas- ing to get you a job and produce a successful
ing", I did enjoy "Emmanuelle", at times fin- life, then fine. Keep on believing it.
ding it phallically pleasing; though reading
On t he ot her hand, take a moment aside and
Jeanne Saiewitz's review beforehand almost
think of your older friends who have already
ruined a relatively decent porno flick.
graduated from college. Is that formula on
Andrew Gilbert
page 2S4 of their SOU level math course bringing in the bucks and feeding them and their
families? I seriously doubt it.
From my rather limited experience in the
"business" world (and c'mon, that's what we're
all getting those degrees for), I havefoundthat
no matter what type of work is involved, it requires much more knowledge about how peoTo the Editor:
ple (including yourselves) act and react lii;
• In last Tuesday's '.ASP, G.M. MacDonald
different situations in order to succeed. 1 feci,
expressed great indignation over the censoring
that this cannot be gained from limiting
of'the slogan "Rebate: any woman who
yourself to a text book. You have to exspends the night gets one dollar back" which
perience these situations and learn from those
appeared on a banner advertising a party in.
experiences. (Part of this philosophy was
Zenger Hall. I agree with Mr. MacDonald:
presented to me in an unnecessarily over-;
censorship is dangerous and deplorable. A
complicated display of technical jargon in a
better tactic than the removal or covering of
RCO (rhetoric and communication) course..
the offensive phrase would have been to leave
No offense is intended to the professor. I'll'
it up so the women of Colonial could have
probably fail the course but I don't really need
been forewarned as to the kind of behavior
all those big words anyways.)
they might have expected from their hosts at
I am not advocating a philosophy of "Do?
the party; and to make sure everyone got the
point, someone might have painted "SEX- not st udy"or" Do not educate yourselves."OnIST" across the face of the banner in large red ly a Tool would say that. Just keep in mind that
letters. Then, as the final coup dc theatre, when you leave college, you are alspjcaving.
twenty-live or thirty women might have behind an environment relatively free of any;
camped out in t he Zenger lounge wit h sleeping responsibility or hardships and arc entering
bags and sans men, and then demanded their the "real" world, lull of its' frustrations,
crazincss, etc,ctc.
dollars in the morning!
If you depend heavily on a textbook lor a
Now really, boys, its bad enough to feel you
map through life, I do not think you will over
have to frequent bars and parties and get some
find out where in the hell you're going. I .cam
woman plastered in order to get her to make
to have more experiences withothcrs, whether .
love to you; but now you're offering
good or bad, and use those experiences as a
MONEY?.'!! Anyone with half a braindoesn't
guideline for finding a place in this world. Get
need to be told how degrading that is to
Mi of "academia" and learn to live a little
what you're proposing is
prostitution!! Whatsa matter, don't your tired
Vaughan Martin
old lines work anymore? Can't get anyone to
come listen to your stereo or take in the
beautiful view from the top floor of your lowrise dorm?Tsk, tsk. Open your eyes, you fools!
Obviously someting isn't quite right when you
have to rely on coercion rather than your own
merits to get a woman to spend the night with
To the Editor
• you, ," _ .
Fellow University students. This letter is in
At the end of his letter Mr. MacDonald
response to the recent ASP article concerning
asks, "Aren't we here to learn, to explore, to
increased ticketing of cars at SUNYA. The
widen our experiences, arid to have a fine time
decal bit has gone loo long. I've had a car here
in the process? Isn't education the cornerstone
Pornographic Art?
Textbook UnreOlity
Zenger Zinger
Ticket Time . .
— —
for I year and it costs me enough for insurance, gas, oil, and tires alone, but then
comes the university police's $4.00 rip-off: for
$4.30, you get a nice decal with a nice little
number on it which makes it just peachy for
them to write you a quick parking violation if
you happen to be parking in the "wrong"
place. The result? If you don't pay, you are not,
; allowed to register for classes and there's a
stop on your transcript.
SUNY Binghamton students get their
decant free, so does Albany Law. How come
ours cost $4.00 and why is it a $S 00 violation if
you don't have one? The only victims are
SUNYA students because if you don't go to
school here and your car is ticketed, all you
have to do is rip up the ticket because campus
security won't touch you.
It's time for us to start asking questions li ke:
Where does all the increased revenue from
tickets go? Is this big business or police action?
End these unfair $5.00 violations! I demand
free decals!
Edmund J. Lubniewski
. . . And Overtime
To the Editor
A recent ASPhad a front pagestoryexpluining how Campus Security is working overtime
to give out tickets to people who haven't
bought parking stickers. And according to
Assistant Security Director John Hcnighan,
the overtime pay is a "good investment", I'm
sorry 1 don't share his glee overthc profitability of the venture.
Every person with a car is supposed to
cough up" four dollars for a registration
sticker. And if you don't, well, you get a ticket
for five dollars. I'd just like somebody to
tell me why.
What am 1 getting for my dollarsotherthana
little sticker that costs seven cents to print up?
What services does my money avail to me?
Absolutely none. So why Jour dollars? Why
not one dollar? Why not twenty? And where
does ail that money that's collected go? To buy
more books of blank parking tickets?
Is this why.we have a security force? To
charge an arbitrary parking tax and then go
around making people pay it? If such is the
case, we ought change their name to Campus
Meter Maids.
And this John Hcnighan fellow goes on to
tell us that the parking ticket overtime duty
will continue, "to put emphasis onthe parking
problem." There is no parking problem. The
'problem' is that people are refusing to pay
four dollars to Security for absolutely
Ken Wax
"this is an outrage. I think the city has been turned over to the bankers. The mayor and the
governor are in bed with the bankers."
New York' Cily teacher's union'leader, Albert Shanker,
in reference to recent budget cuts directed by Mayor Beame.
editorial /comment
"Maybe you'd like to stand this
in front of some other city"
Slow Buzz...
WSUA's budget for next semester is still unknown. At Wednesday night's Central
Council meeting the matter was returned to Finance Committee because there was a
Lost Setter
feeling that the budget was not yet understood and had been railroaded through. The
To the Editor
While in an Arboretum near Locust Valley,
Long Island (Nassau County) a beautiful
setter, young, thin, came up to us. We played
with him and noticed that his or her two tags
had the University of Albany Athena number
printed. The dog came with us to (he
gatekeeper. The young man said "no, it wasn't
a lost dog, he comes here all the time."
When we came.home, we thought that is
could be a lost dog since no one keeps a
current dog tug on a dog that isn't the correct
county tug.
Has anyone at your University lost a young
setter in the last few months? If so, wesuwhim
at Bailey Arboretum, Bayville Road at l-'eeks
l.ane, Luttingtown, LI., N.Y. l.attingtown is
near Locust Valley. Bailey Arboretum isn't
shown on maps hut once you gel to Lattingtown people can direct you.
Rose M. Jim
Association about its status. SA has recently submitted' a $2400 budget for next
controversy surrounding the station is confusing, but the proper actions are clear.
WSUA's KM application is out after years ofimisleading the students and Student
semester compared to more than twice that this semester. The station received $23,000
last year.
The SA executive branch should withdraw their budget proposal. It is none of their
business to propose a WSUA budget unless it is getting near December and the F M
application would be jcapordized without one. They should forget WSUA until the
station itself comes for its second semester budget. That would be more courteous,
reasonable and follows normal SA procedure. When WSUA's proposal reaches
Finance Committee, then SA should step in and make its feelings known. In any case,
Finance Committee should not consider the present budget. Wait until the semester
goes o n a little bit; give W S U A a b c t t e r c h a n c e t o judgethe advertising and engineering
situations. It is possible that the FCC will make a decision on WSUA-FM before the
end of the semester.
Although it is u little early to start heralding this issue, there is a need for explanation
since the issue is in the public eye. The correct attitude towards next semester's budget
could be called "essential lor FM". That would mean cutting out all expenses which
would not be essential for the station to become FM. Therefore, any expense that could
be delayed should be delayed.
The Albany Student Press reserves the.sole
right to prim or edit letters to the alitor.
Submit letters TYPEWRITTEN to:
Albany Student Press
Campus Center J29
The used car analogy has become popular to explain the situation with the station's
AM transmitters. If they break down and are not repaired, they cannot be sold. If they
break down, are fixed, break down again, are fixed again and so on, they will cost the
students more money than if they break down once and arc fixed once. In other words,
make minor repairs but don't make major repairs until selling time. Any other savings
that can be made should be.
Any other cuts that won't affect a successful transition to FM should be made.
WSUA is not providingasignificantservice as an AM carrier current station, except
Calling All Crooks
.by Bill Fanning.
_ o r is it robbers'.1 Perhaps it should be burglars- In these times of ultra specialization one must
exercise considerable care in selecting.accurate vocabulary. Minute verbal inaccuracies which
might otherwise pass as insignificant can.totally thwart the most npbi.e. intentions of a poorly
dratted law.i.Thus, we must pursue'precision, '.'>;.•;';.,.•-,••".•' '.'•.. ';•."; '.f.-"\ <;•'!:•:'
Lest, we violate the rights ol those tp bediscussedherein; by connotations or denotations which
are not .specifically., applicable, we shall enlist'the aid ot the generally recoghizcd authority,
' Webster., ;: • '..,•: . '.'-,'' V
" '-.''•. '.-. • .
':.. •''"':
Let me announce at t he outset, "We've been burgled!" T- or maybe l.should say, "We've been
robbed plundered 7 pilluged?.(that',s a bit strong) ripped oft.,'
According to. Webster, a burglary is "the jet of breaking into a budding especially with intent
to steal; specif; the act pfprcakinginto and entenngthe dwelling house of another at night with
felonipusintent" Am I addressing*} burglar? A thief; on the other hand, as: I.see it- need not be a
.. burglar. In fact, a burglar need not be a thief. Yousce how misinformed you've been all these
•years' A : thief is one th'it steals especially stealthily or secretly. ?' Have we here a stealth,
someone slinking furitively (as in fear or shame)/
' 'Allow compound the confusion. Do we not unreasonably assail the good character and
rcpiitatioivpf the simple."knave" whose petty "thei'Cis - quite realistically -'- a "roguish or
; inischievioUji act" when we call him a robber'.' Are we not, then, purveyors of a slander, a far more
heinous- transgression.'
During the weekend which included September 27th and 28th, a poster vacated the walls in the
School of Criminal Jusiticc in the Mohawk Tower. Now, if the poster left of its own volition, it
was not robbed. To rob is, "...b( I): to remove valuables without right from (a place) (2): to take
the contents'of(arecepluele) (3): to take away as loot. .."Of course, the poster did not purchase or
own itself.; It was purchased by and for the School, so that in leaving, perhaps -- by definition
. it robbed itself? Absurdity is setting in.
. ' ' ; • '
. Unfortunately,.this entire mutter transcends the ludicrous and brings us right back to bare
•.':',' '•':
• •• •'.',"•'-.'.
Since the school year.began someone has committed larceny - "the unlawful taking and
carrying away of personal property permanently" — on at least three separate occasions.
Scmunlics notwithstanding, we strongly suggest that these acts cease. We have been left with no
recourse.but to seek apprehension and prosecution.
Sonic of us have gone to ti lot of trouble and some personal expense to decorate these cold
white premises und to add a little charm and personality to our surroundings. It is not only
brazen and crass, but downright inconsiderate of you to strip our walls, to steal our couch and
wastcpuper basket.
You may choose to be ciuTed a knave, a deceitful rogue, hut us fur as we're concerned, you're
nothing more than a crook.
Anyone who can help us apprehend and prosecute this person or persons or can give us
information leading to the return of our property, please call us immediately. Your anonymity
will be.preserved.
Hill Panning is a staJJmember of the School of Criminal Justice,
possibly for its sports coverage. It's budget request for next semester should reflect
Pro 'Programming'
their recognition of .that fact.
SSKKWhy (iordun KarpS^lSWftSWSSSS
Neill Cohen's article in the ASP of Sept. 30
raises an interesting question relating to student government. It concerned Jay Miller's
bill to put the Quad boards out of business. I
don't feel that this is a desirable end. Around
here, we need all the "programming" we can
The bill would prohibit the granting of discounts to memberships card holders. The
effect of this for event-oriented groups is to
end membership cards altogether. No one is to
give a group money if they can't get a return on
their investment. The result is to deprive all
such groups of their only independent source
of capital, and to make all their events dependant on their S.A. allocution. Each quad then
loses the ability to program according to the
wants and needs of their residents. These people can no longer voluntarily provide capital
for any reason they wish. Is this something
Council should Jo? You bet your $66 it isn't.
Let's look at Miller's arguments (loose use
of the term) for his bill. First $66 is enough to
pay. Ifthat'sthc way you feel, fine, don't buyu
quad card.
Il is descriminatory to spend funds raised in
the previous year. Debatable, but not really
relevant, consideri ng t he fi nancial stat us of I hequads. They don't have enough money for one
year at a time, let alone two.
Third, students lose money by not attending
many events. Take theState Quadcard for instance, Cos(:$4. Average differential: $.50.
Number of events needed to earn your money
back:8, Number of events offered: .16 (based
on 18 this semester, ussunting similar number
next semester), If a person can't make il to less
than 25% 0 f the scheduled events, they were
not thinking too-well when they spent their
money, But anywuy, that's their decision, not
% Miller's,
Fourth, under the t w system, quad boards
have two options: "make a shitload of money,
and return it to S.A. or serve students thru
providing tree events or cheaper events. "Jay,
the quads never have had shitloads of money,
and they never will. Renders both your options not only as absurd as they appear, but
impossible as well.
It hi uk you're beginning to get the idea that I
don't think I 'm going to benefit from this bill,
Who exactly will? The people who now buy
quad cards? II they thought so, they never
would have bought them to begin with. The
people who did not? Sorry. Jay, but it doesn't
work that way. I'rices will be going up.
Without capital to work with, efficiency will
decline. Turther, with income from each event
now crucial to the financing of the subsequent
one, planning will be restrieled to only one
event at a time. This is supposed to be for my
What it boils down lo is that Jay Miller
decided I hat my right 1 o i nvest in t he piogratnminggroupof my choice should no longer be
my choice.
This bill must benefit somebody, or Jay
Miller wouldn't have introduced it. Il does.
Jay Miller's career will he furthered by getting
his name in the ASP ( and his picture, too.),
And he will probably gel a slightly hetterseal
in the sandbox called student government
around here. But to do this, Jay is insuring the
demise of a good percentage of the programming of many of this campus'
How much damage should we havcto'suffer
(in lerms of even less panics, movies, etc.) in
order to boost Jay Miller's ego? I can impose
my own opinion only so far. 1 leave theunswer
to that question lo you,
Editor's Note: The bill in question was
defeated at Wednesday's Council session 18l'i-0.
A. IK Managers: Matthew Kaufman, Kim Sutton
Preview: Joyce Fcigenbuum
Circulation Manager: Nancy I'illcl
Billing Accountant: Sue Domres
Technical Editor: Surah Hluincnsinek
Head Typist: Leslie Uiscnisloin
Composition Manager: Ellen Boisen
Production: Janet Adler, Patty Ahem, Carol Burger, Donna Burton, loan Ellsworth, Debbie
Cilick, Kim Huntley, Judi Heitner, Michcle Lipion, Kelly Kila, Vicky Kim/mun, Debbie Rciger,
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Advertising Production: Lisa Biundo, Dick McRobert, Joe Zubrovich, Jeff Aranawitz
Administrative Assistant: Jerelyn Koye
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The Albany SludtrH Prist Is published every Tuesday and Friday during the school year except
holidays. Address mall lo: Albany Student Pram CC}2», 1400 Washington Avenue. Albany,
New York 13222.
Flaunting It
Injuries Plague Idle Danes
Gay Studies At SUNYA
continued from page sixteen
cedent j o b and will continue t o
play," said Ford.
ECAC Player Of T h e Week, bar
been the Danes' iffost consistent performer t o date. Even so, he has
The play of John Bc'rtuzzi con- fumbled t h e ball three times this
tinues t o be a mystery. Last year it season,
looked as if Bertuzzi invented the
Coach R o c c o . Montessano e x wishbone as he piloted the Danes' plained the Danes' problems in this
offense t o an average 361-yards a light.
game rushing.
"We really lack total consistency
This year Bertuzzi has not been o n offense," said Montessano. "It
reading the defenses as well. "John isn't a glaring weakness or we would
may have become a bit too analytical correct it. It just seems that someone
and instead of reacti ng, he is reading else breaks d o w n o h eachplay."
l o o much," said Ford.
A lack of a solid passinf,attack has
Not all the blame can be placed o n also hurt i h e Danes. Albany has
Bcrtuzzi's shoulders. There have completed an anemic 27% of its
been times when John has made the passes and even Coach Firdreadily
"right read" and someone misses a admits he could d o as well.
block and the play goes nowhere.
On the defensive side, the Danes
O'rin Griffin, twice named the have looked good. They have yielded
54 points in four games with 33 coming against Ithaca.
The defensive line has played solid
and the Danes' have had a few pleasant surprises.
represented a n d misunderstood t o o lorjg.
How, in literature, for example, is this true?
A: Our education of censorship, silence and
Gay studies programs have already been
prejudice in regard t o homosexual love has
organized at schools such as Barnard,
Rutgers, Kent State, University o f Nebraska, . deprived a significant number of citizens of
their rightful literary heritage and has
California State at Sacramento and Long
perpetuated bias, ridicule and hatred. The
Beach, N Y U and others. Next semester, the
only portrayal of the homosexual life-style
French Department and the Conparativeand
that results is a composite counterfeit of the
World Literature Department at S U N Y A will
syphilitic, debauched Pcrdoner in Chaucer's
jointly offer
a course entitled
Tales, the limp-wristcd fops of
in Literature.
We. spoke with Dr. Jack restoration drama, and the satanic pederasts'
ofthe I890's, in other words, a satirical grotesRichtman, coordinator of the course, about
the appeal and future of gay studies programs.
Q: Then there is a homosexual tradition in
Q: Professor Richtman, y o u have recently
been elected National Co-Coordinator of Gay literature which has been suppressed?
A:'l here is in fact a well-defined homosexual
Studies by the Modern Language Association. What are gay studies aside fromjust the literary tradition with its own motifs, concerns, intluences and schools, running from
study of homosexual literature?
mothers, but her function is usually nothing
Plato's Phaedrus t o Mary Renault's The
A: Many colleges and universities in the Unmore than one of finding a suitable prince for a
Charioieer, f r o m Strato's Mousa Paidika to
ited States have instituted gay studies
desperate scullery maid. In contrast with the
Thomas Mann's Death in Venice, from Walter
programs. As they exist today, they arc either
rare, benevolent enchantress, there are dozens
Pater's Studies in the Renaissance t o Yukio
cipline such as sociology/anthropology,of malevolent witches ready t o zap innocent
Mishima's Forbidden Colors, from t h e Idylls
language/literature, or treated as an intervictims with poison apples or a long winter's
disciplinary study, depending mostly on the of Theocritus t o the lyrics of Rod McKuen.
nap\that could last a century or more.
The love story of Abelard and Heloise is inprofessors involved and the requirements of
Then, as girls grow t o be women, they are
teresting enough, but the medieval love story
the students. In short, gay, studies grow out of
zonked again with advertising which attempt!
of Ausonius and Paulinus is equally poignant
any and all disciplines, because this is an area
to shape their lives in accordance with these
which has been t o o often ignored, when not and deserves at least a nod in its direction. This
fantasies that developed in childhood. While
quite honorable literary tradition has been
m i s r e p r e s e n t e d a n d misthe corporations and their Madison Avenue
almost conspiratorially hidden from view by
boys are creating the glamorous super-women
our critics, publishers and teachers. Our
and proud dish washers, some dissatisfied
Q: In what fields d o y o u see specific and im- failure to disseminate this knowledge, because
women are searching for strong female
of a falso sense of propriety, has resulted in
mediate needs for gay studies?
heroines t o look u p t o and role models t o
A: Several areas cry o u t for thorough in- numerous distortions.
follow. But we wonder where this search can . vestigation. The history o f gay liberation with Q: With regard t o the course CWL 333/FR
lead. T o our mothers, certain female
roots in England, Germany and America in 499 being offered next semester, to whom is it
professors, professional women, women arthe 19th century and even back t o the French being aimed and whom will it benefit?
tists or musicians? We dare anyone t o point
Revolution is one. Lesbian history and its long A: Anyone interested in literature.
out a woman w h o is known for her intellectual
heritage of
feminist ant-establishment nt Q: If this course is successful, are there plansto
merits and w h o is admired for just that. We
movements which reach back as far as the enlarge the gay studies program here at
maintain that she just doesn't exist at this time
female natural healers, often known as SUNYA?
in that capacity. Perhaps the reason for this
witches, in the middle ages; and the history of A: I see this a s only a beggining. Given the inlies partially in Vivian Gornick's description
homophobic orthodoxies, from the medieval terest already expressed on our campus and
of women in her essay Woman as Outsider.
church right down t o post-Freudian psy- the ureas such as those tquched on above
I am not real to my civilization. I am not real
which cry out for investigation, gay studies in
chology are others. These arc urgent topics.
to ihe culture that has spawned me and has I Q: You said that homosexuality has been mis- general can only expand.
made use of me. I am only a collection of
myths. I am an existential stand-in. The idea
of me is real—the temptress, the goddess, the
child, the mother—but
I am not real.
by S U N Y A Gay Alliance
Harriers am running Into their wont season
Not So Happily Ever After
by Dianne H c M
and Ellen Deulschman
In all areas of our sexist culture we are bombarded with Ihe many different images of the
" s e c o n d s e x . " The essence of "True
Womanhood" may be the sleek, foxy Black
Velvet model, Marilyn Monroe, Cher, Lois
Lane, Jackie Onassis, Cinderella, Doris D a y
or perhaps the Virgin Mary. In contrast t o Ihe
images of men (usually either a good guy in
white or a heinous villain in black), female images are more confusing. O n the o n e hand
there is the "fallen woman", temptress or
whore, and on the other, the virgin goddess.
And in contrast t o both of these, there is the
juxtaposition of the happy homemakcr,
mother and wife with the formidable
castrating bitch figure. However paradoxical
these images may appear, one theme
dominates—thai of subservience and overall
inferiority t o men.
Children grow u p t o accept certainfantasies
and fairy tales which seem t o reinforce these
unhealthy images. Prince Charming sweeps
Snow White and Sleeping Beauty off their
respective feet and Cinderella is rewarded with
him for her humility and degradation. This is
Ihe stuff thai little girls are nurtured on along
with Barbie dolls and Suzy Homemaker
There are t w o important children's e x emplars that transcend Ihe fairy tale heros and
cartoon characters, but these, unfortunately
for girls, happen t o be male. Santa Claus, that
jovial, paternal old man in red brings little
girls rag-dolls and little boys racing cars,
teaching them at an early age t o accept
traditional social roles. Children are taught t o
pray t o God ihe Father every night t o bless
their dear souls and to send them o n t o heaven
when they have to die.
The images of women our society has
created are false. The reason women have had
t o look s o long and hard for female cultural
heroines they c a n emulate is because a real,
"true woman" is not allowed t o exist in our
culture as we know it. As women come t o
realise this, they may have t o create their own
heroines within a radically different social and
cultural atmosphere. This is indeed being done
now t o a limited degree and there have emerged several women leaders or heroines on a subcultural level that may eventually seep into the
mainstream at some time in the future.
Every Sunday, Monday 81 Tuesday
WIRA basketball and volleyball
will b e g i n t h e first week of
November. Captains meetings arc
scheduled for Ihe last week in October. W I R A basketball will be
divided into leagues based o n ability
this year,
A Feast g u a r a n t e e d fo s t a g g e r -the i m a g i n a t i o n , s t a r r i n g w i t h o u r f a m o u s
ANTIPASTO Buffet a n d i/olkiujed bvheopinaplaHersojSPAeHETTl J PlZ--M,
L A S A G N A . M E A T B A U S . S A U S A C i E a r t d MORE. A n d t o l o p i t o ^ a r i i c y
m u g o f BEEf\,gok>l«.tor. W i N E j O f a n v o t h e r b e v e r a g e .
CHILDREN 1 . 7 5
under 10
•crv«d Sunday 12 MoontoI) PM • Monday t l u t t d a y 4PMtoKM
W e s t e r n Av. at Fuller M . - ^ r - X "
OCTOBER 10, 1878.
by Patricia Gold
The Jocketles defeated BleekcrVan Cortlandl, 19-0, in W I R A flag
football, Wednesday.
Halfback Nancy Paffrath scored
two touchdowns, o n e o n a running
play and the other on a pass play,
and halfback Norccn Karsl scored a
touchdown and a field goal, bolh o n
running plays.
... . &-4 '
Hut first they must beat Colgate,
U / T D
dance lessons
$.3J. ..•
The team's record is 2-4. the
poorest record they have ever pm
together, and has already lied the
team record lor most losses in one
season set in 1969 whenthetcam was
9-4. With only the Capital District
T r i a n g u l a r remaining on the
schedule. Ihe best the harriers can
hope to finish is 5-4 in dual meets,
which despite being the team's worst
record ever, would preserve the
team's record ot 13 straight winning
A big gain in Jockettes-Vinnies WIRA contest.
drink and dance at a gallery
all week Ted Fish Co.
Freel Latest disco
Wednesday night is j
-Beer Night, and a Gin and Tonic;
o n a Thursday night will only 'be
The Albany Slate Cross-country
team, unhappily sporting a rare sub.500 record, will host Colgate o n
Albany's five mile course al noon.
and according to varsity Coach Bob
Munscy, Colgate will be tough.
"They have the same team as last
year and we barely beat them lust
year at Colgate. 27-30, and have improved," said Mttnsey.
Colgate's first two men. Bruce
Mason and Bill Parker, have recorded the I7lh and 25th best times ever
run here. They were beaten out by
Vinnie Reda and Carlo Cherubino
last year, and this year Cherubino
and Chris Burns must challenge
them lor Albany t o win.
Coach Hob Munscy feels it's time
to Marl to put everything together.
"I don't think we're really this bad,
Inn we have not been running well at
all," said Munsey. "Mentally, we
can't gel over the shuck that we're
Selling our tails beat. We're not used'
in that."
Munsey also believes one of the
keys lot he team's disappointing perloiinanee this year is the loss of
Icttertnan Steve Arthur.
"Arthur not going out this year
really hurl us," moaned Munscy.
AMIA rusher linds a big hole in flag football contest.
"He would have been uplhercahead
nl Henman and would have given us
three strong guys. As a matter of
fact, with him, we'd have probably
gone into last Saturday's meet undefeated."
League IV A
by Gary Grecnwald
Last Saturday, the team went up
With more than half of the 1975
lo Williams College lor a triangular,
4 0
1 9
Association of Mens Inlruinural
including University of Vermont, ex9
Athletics football season com- Knapp's Army 4 () I
pecting to heal the host and have
2 2 0
pleted, these are the standings as of Wellington
problems with the University of VerPMS
2 3 0
October 5.
19th Floor
1 3
"We went alter Ihe wrong team,"
0 5 0
League I
W I. I P
said Munsey. "Our men stayed with
Vermont runners who broke out earLeague IV B
0 6
ly and set a blistering pace for the
first mile of the race in 4:40. Nine
Urine Trouble 3 0
1 7
Potter Club
0 4
men were hunched up in the front
3 0
lower of Power 2
0 4
alter the mile as runners got into the
1 2
1 3
goll course. Here several of our guys
1 3
1 1
began dropping back and Williams'
0 4 0
men began moving up. On the second I1/, mileloop ofthe golfcourse,
Williams moved up their 3, 4, 5 men
League II B
Applications for Head Referee of
and took the meet."
each ofthe winter sports, basketball,
Good Rats.
Carlo Cherubino, who led almost
volleyball, and iloor hockey, are
Fulton Falcons
1 0
the whole way, was outsprinted in
now available in the A M I A office
1 1 0
the last 200 yards and was beaten by
(CC 356).
1 2
Williams' Brian Kolb. Kolb'stimcof
The A M I A cross country meet is
2 0
25:03 and Cherubino's lime of 25:13
scheduled for Thursday, October 16.
were the second and third fastest
All those interested must obtain an
limes on Williams' track.
application from the A M I A advisor
Chris Burns finished a close third
Dennis Elkin. The deadline for
League III
(25:13) as Albany beat Vermont 26applications is Tuesday, October 14.
29. Williams beat both Albany and
Rosters for all winter sports are
Blew Gas
0 0 10
Vermont by identical scores of 25now available in C C 356. The capOneida Hose Co. 3
0 0 6
t a i n s ' meetings for basketball,
I Don't Know
I 0 6
Cherubino's win against Vermont
volleyball and floor hockey are
Original Derelicts 2
2 0 4
gave him 11 for his career and tics
scheduled for the weeks of October
Bleecker Bombers 2
3 0 4
him for third on the all-time Albany
20 and October 27, ForfurtherinforEleclraglide
3 o 2
State wins list behind Tom Robinmation check with the A M I A office
Karen's Kronies
3 0 0
son (20) and Joseph Keating (IS),
and watch the A S P for further
4 0 0
and ties him with Dennis Hackett.
AM1A Football Standings
Underground at Rembrandt's
can relax around I he meandering bar
with a drink in your hand, or sit by a
table eyeing one of the Master's
Classics on the wall. You can dance
or listen to all the finest
chosen with the taste of talented disco jockeys. Tiffany lamps
you, the most considerate
serve you. And it's, ail Just down
Fuller Road from the University. Bring this ad with you this
and we'll cut the admission In half to
N o ^ o v e r charge jiun^Wed.
by Jon Lafayette
Including Wine or Beer.
We recognize that fantasy and belief in the
supernatural is very important t o the juvenile
mind, but we are also aware of a tragic lack of
really positive female "providers" t o compliBut to this date we have not found a hell of a
ment the missions of the Good Lord and Saint
Nick. Some children believe in fairy g o d - . lot of them.
Harriers' Time Running Out
Jose Vidot and Joe S c h i d d i filling
in for injured players, have d o n e outstanding jobs' and it appears that
Schields has won himself a starting
' Linebackers Ken Schoen, Curt;
Bennett, and Brad Kchlenbeck have
all performed well, as have corner
backs Arnie Will, Harry McDonough and Andy Matroni.
Ford also had praise for the secondary of Ray Gay, Billy Brown, and
Skip Skurry.
The outlook for the rest o f the
"I. think the honeymoon is over
and if we continue t o play the way we
haVe, there will be a lot of teams we
can't beat."
"When we scheduled Southern
Connecticut, a lot of people said it
would be a pretty good test of where
we stand. I think this is true, and we
will be looking forward t o a good
game at New Haven."
WIRA council meets weekly Wed.
eves at 7:30 p.m. in Bkecker Hall,
Dutch Quad, s e c o n d floor lounge.
New members are w e l c o m e
OCTOBER 10, 1973
I he Albany varsity wrestling team
will start this season's practice October 15 at 4:00 p.m. in the wrestling
room of the Physical Education
Building. Anv candidate interested
in joining the team this year must
take a physical exam at the University's Infirmary. All equipment will
be issued by the University.
In Ihe past a number of individuals and teams have been highly regarded both al the slate and
national level. This year's team
possesses similar potential and,
despite the loss of several key men,
should bounce back with the help of
hard working underclassmen, according t o Coach Doug I'orlcr.
New men are strongly encouraged
l o j o i n l h c l c a m . Questions should be
addressed l o Joe Garcia or Porter in
Ihe Athletic Office (457-4516).
Stickmen Prep for Spring
The guys with the sticks mil
gloves you've seen practicing behind
Dutch Quad on weeknights tie
Albany's Fall Lacrosse team. Coached by graduate students (and former
Albany players) Dave BeJsamo and
BiU Bataglia, the team has done well
in competition.
The team has defeated RPI, 12-2,
and CoHeskill, 17-4, and split two
lames with the University of Vermont, winning, 12-2 after losing, 7-6.
"Spring is the big season for
lacrosse, as it's not a varsity sport in
the fall." said Bataglia. "The team
has lost few players from last year's
vanity team and should be tough."
Thirty players compromise the fall
team, and accordingto Bataglia, the
purpose of fall lacrosse is for the
players to improve skills, do some
running, and keep in shape. "I think
we'll win all the games left on our
schedule," said Bataglia.
According to Bataglia, fall
lacrosse has had a few pleasant surprises.
"Andy Slotnik has been doing
most of the goaltending, and he is
vastly improved over last spring,"
said Bataglia. "Bill Small, a newcomer, is a definite contender for a
position on the varsity."
During practices, the team concentrates on drills.
"We work on clearing, the fast
break, and man up situations," explained Bataglia. "Clearing is mov- •
ing the ball out of your zone, and a'
fast break resembles a breakaway in
hockey. Man up situations are,
again, similar as in hockey, because a
team must play shorthanded when
Loss to Siena Indians
Anyone interested in playing spring lacrosse should contact Steve
Axman, head coach of lacrosse and
assistant football coach.
Although experience is helpful, it
is not necessary to play the game, according to Bataglia.
"If you are a reasonably good
Oct. II
Oct. 18
Oct. 25
Nov. I
athlete, and can learn the basics, you
haveaehanceto play on the varsity," coNtnutdfrompit tixmn
But not for long. The Indiana
said Bataglia. Games are played
Saturdays on the Add behind Dutch bounced right back and tallied twice
Quad, and as Bataglia said, "the in their hah* of the inning to regain
games are action packed and ex- their five-run lead. Gary Holle began
citing, so if you have a chance, you it by reaching on a two-base throwshould come and watchthegames." ing error by Willoughby who nudes
fine stop on the ball. Paradise then
Fall Lacrosse Schedule
drew a base on bails to set it up for
Smith's bases-clearing triple up the.
right-center power alley.
But Albany dosed to within three
I p.m.
again when Paul Nelson and John.
10:30 a.m.
Craig poked back-to-back run10:30 a.m.
scoring singles in the seventh. Jim
10.30 a.m.
Moran had replaced a tiring Nevins
Albany's lacrosse team (In while) cloaea In on Geneaeo In furious style.
in that frame, and the Danes ssesied
to welcome the change, picking up
four of their six safeties in Moran's
three innings of work.
Willoughby had replaced
Krooenberger by this time, for the
Danes but could not escape the Indians' scoring punch, either. With
the score 7-4 in the eighth, Siena
loaded the bases with the aid of two
walks and an error. Willoughby then
tried to sneak a two-strike fastball by
Moran, but the pitcher got all the
way around on it and slammed one
high and far up the leftcenter gap to
drive in three runs and put the game
almost out of reach.
In the top of the ninth, the Danes
went to work one last time. Nelson
was hit with a pitch to start it, Craig
reached on an error, and Willoughby
cracked an rbi single to right. One
out later, dumped a single
to center, Zanr ila walked to force in
a run, and Howie Markowitz
grounded into a force out to plate
Willoughby with the third run of the
inning. Freshman Chris Siegler
(potential tying runat the plate) then
sent a vicious shot to the left side, but
right at the shortstop, for the final
out of the game.
The Danes still retain their 4-3
conference record but drop to 0-3 in
non-SUNYAC contests. The fall'
campaign concludes tomorrow
when the Danes take on Cortland in
a home doubleheadcr beginning at I
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Location: Day- Alumni Quad court yard
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Rain date: October 18, 1975
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State University ot New York at Albany
October 10,1978
Booters Shoot Hawks, 6-1
Selca: Two "Goals, One Assist
Albany Prepares for Keane State Saturday
State University ol New York at Albany
by Nathan Salant
Frank Selca continued his assault
on Albany State varsity scoring
records with two goals and an assist
to lead the Booters to a 6-1 win versus New Paltz, Wednesday.
Pasquale Pelriccionc, . Paul
Schiesel,' Edgar Martinez, and
freshman Raffi Dakassian also
found the net inthe first half, staking
the Booters to a 5-0 halftime lead, as
Albany raised its record to 4-1,2-1 in
Slate University of Athletic Conference play.
Petriccione opened the scoring
two minutes into the game when he
took a cross-pass from Selca and
converted from 15-yards.
Schiesel found the net six minutes
later, taking a rebound off thefoot of
a New Paltz fullback and banged it
past Jan Soodak, the hosts', goalie.
• Selca scored his first goal at the
22:19 mark after neatly stealing the
ball from the New Paltz defense.
The Hawks tightened up for the
next 20 minutes, before Martinez
scored on a rebound at 41:07, and
Dakassian converted two minutes
Albany outshot the Hawks, 20-2,
in the first half," said Booters Coach
Bill Schieffelin. "Our passwork was
very good, and we played intelligentiy."
. s
Schieffelin was not pleased with
the team's second half play.
"We lost theishutout because of a
defensive, mix-up," explained
Schieffelin,"Our play was not good
in the secondi
half, but that's
probably because we were ahead, 50, and our players just let up."
Selca scored Albany's lone second
period goal 28 minutes in, five
minutes after Dave Eckwall broke
the shutout.
"Overall, I cannot complain too
loudly," said Schieffelin. "We got
out of the game with no major injuries, and it was a good warm-up for
the big Keane State game this Saturday, at I p.m."
"It was also a satisfying win
because Binghumton barely beat
them last week, 2-1, at Binghamton."
Keane State is 5-2, and among
those teams receiving votes in the
national polls which do not differentiate between Division I, II, and 111
' "We expect a very tough, physical,
and well-skilled team," said
Schieffelin. "Last year they were
number five in the New England
Simon Curanovleh looks to make the steal versus Williams College
during pre-aeason quadrangular. Curanovleh, an off season
"acquiaiton" from Ulster, has been akey halfback, in Booters' success
Region of the NA1A, and Ihey have
always been powerful."
Analysis: Keane Slate is one of the
best soccer schools in the area. As
Schieffelin says, they are very tough
. . but so are the Booters who arc
number eight in the State rankings.
This should be the best soccer
match-up since the NCAA overtime
loss to Binghamton two years ago,
and will serve as an excellent preview
of the Oneonta game Wednesday. A
win will probably place Albany
among the lop 20 schools in the nation, and the lop six in the stale.
Kan support is a key, as Illustrated
by Cortland's comc-lrom-behind
win versus Albany (2-1, last Friday),
and admission is free.
As Schieffelin promised, "You
will get your money's worth starling
at. I p.m."
Indians Scalp Batmen, 10-7
Frank Selca applies Ms Mgh swing left toot during a scrimmage with
, 8.M.U. Selca has scored M m goals In Booters live games.
by Mike Piekarski
"It makes you mad when you
score that many runs and lose,"
lamented Albany's varsity baseball
coach, Bob Burlingame, after
watching his Danes bow to Siena,
10-7, at the Indians' home field
But it was more than just being
outscored. It was the six Albany
errors that were primarily responsible for the Danes' downfall. "Did we
have that many?", asked
They did. In fact, eight of the ten
Siena runs were unearned. Ironically, chc Danes displayed some
remarkable fielding plays early in the
game that cut off two Indian rallies.
In the home first, the hosts had
grabbed a 1-0 lead off Dane starter
Bob Kronenberger and had runners
on first and second with none out.
Tom Paradise then smacked what
appeared to be a run-scoring single
through the left tide, before
Danes Not Up to Par;
Injuries a Problem
by Craig Bell
The Albany Great Danes football
team finds itself with a week off and
maybe thai is just what they need,
before resuming next week with a
tough game against Southern Connecticut.
Albany, although owning a 3-1
record, has not played up to its
potential thus far and as Dane coach
Bob Ford said "is not a good foot ball
team yet."
Yet is the key word. The Danes on
offense have virtually the same unit
as last year wilh the exception of
graduated guard Mike Basla and
tight end Tom Clcary, However, the
way they have been playing, it would
seem that they are a first year unit.
Some of the problems can be linked to injuries that have plagued the
Danes all year. As a result State
hasn't been able to string together
one consilient offensive unit.
Both linemen Iy Curran and Bob
,,'iheuchenko, who suffered off
•.eason knee injuries, have been slow
to recuperate and have been
sporadic at best. Fullback Tom
DeBlois' brokenloe is a painful week
to week ordeal and he has understandably not reached his 1974 effectiveness. Halfback Glen Sowalskie,
last year's second leading ground
gainer, suffered a broken collarbone
and has been sorely missed as a
runner and blocker.
The tight end situation is the
problem thai vexes Ford Ihe most,
Albany has employed three tight
ends, Pal O'Ncil, Bob Paeglow, and
Bob Baxter.
"thus far it has been a flip of the
coin," said Ford. "Paeglow is the
better line blocker but Baxter, last
year's split end, is the better pan.
receiver and down-firld blocker."
For Ihe take of establishing some
consistency, the job belongs to Baxter for now, accordinglo Ford, That
leaves the split end spot to Jim
Pollard and Don Whitely.
"Both have been doing an excontinued oh page thirteen
Albany's Jeff Silverman at bat In action
shortstop Bob Cooke smothered it,
to prevent a run.
Dave Smith then smashed a wicked shot to left which Cooke speared
in the air, before firing to third to
double off the runner there. The
bang-bang play seemed to take
something out of the Indians and
they did no further scoring that
In the next inning, with Bill
Donnelly on first, Ray Miller lined a
single to left. When Icftficldcr John
Irace seemed to havctrouble picking
the ball up, Donnelly took off for
third. Irace then recovered and made
a perfect throw to Jim Willoughby to
cut him down and kill yel another
But the roof fell in in the third,
when the Indians tallied four times
off Kronenberger with the aid of
three Dane miscues, io take a commanding 5-0 lead. Paradise had the
only hit of the inning, when he
dumped a two-bagger into rightfield
to start the outburst.
Albany, meanwhile, was also having its problems on offense. Siena
•tarter, Kevin Ncvins, went through
the first three innings without allowing the Danes a hit, before he ran
into trouble in the fourth.
Jeff Silverman started it off by
drawing a walk on a 3-2 pitch. When
Willoughby and Jeff Breglio performed similarly (also on full-count
pitches), the Danes had a legitimate
threat. Irace then capitalized on the
opportunity by slamming a shot
through Ihe hole in left for the first
Dane hit and also their first run as
Silverman crossed. A.succeeding
sacrifice fly by freshman John
Zaneilu plated Ihe second run and
suddenly the deficit was three.
continued on paxeJVteen
October, 1975
Kennedy's Diamond: Banned in Boston
by Nancy A l b a u g h
he Boston reviewer called
William Kennedy's book
about Legs Diamond, the
notorious Albany gangster ot the thirties, " m o r a l l y i r r e s p o n s i b l e . "
Kennedy's reaction was, "Banned in
Boston. I'm delighted!"
He was delighted, not by any
perverse thrill he receives Irom oltei •
ding people, but because the reviewer
lit exactly into a kindol higher morality
that people under pressure Irom society lend to espouse when talking about
gangsters, and Uiamond in particular.
"It's a knee-jerk reaction Americans
have againsl gangsters."
But Kennedy sees this American
view ol gangsters as superficial
the black and white hats tor evil and
good guys. But somewhere underneath this superlicial morality is
lurking an admiration ol the gangster
— — lor his charisma, his chutzpah, his
brazen way ol taking advantage ol opportunities. "With you and me, us ordinary people, there is a magnetism
toward those who will do something
really crazy, really bizarre."
This attraction combines with the
pressure Irom society to form an ambivalence in Americans that is antigangster, the central notion ol
Kennedy's book.
The narrator ol Legs, Marcus (Gorman (Diamond's fictional lawyer)
touches on this when he says about
Diamond, "Alotol otherwiseintelligent
people thought he was a nice guy." It
seems that it was easy to like Diamond,
ll you knew him. But in that statement is
the rub. "People can take a very strong
m o r a l position, but suddenly
somebody you know goes out and
does that thing that contravenes the
position and you say, Oh, that poor
quy! He was driven to it.' You van
always Imd sociological or genetic
reasons lor it,"
Kennedy leans loward in his black
wicker rocker, with a soil yellow light
over his right shoulder and a poster ol
Sarah Berhardl over his lelt. His living
room in his Avenll Park home shows
dillerenl tastes
wine decanters
am I records ol music Irom the thirties, a
piano in the corner, and 1'illany
lampshades. He looks you right in the
eye when he's talking and your eyes
don'l want to wander away.
Less and less people disown
children because Ihey are corrupt.
I hat parent who says, My son is dead
because he did this,' is rare now."
You think ol Hatty Hearsb and
wonder II he might be talking about
her parents attitude toward her Symbionese conversion. When you ask
him, he agrees. "Yeah, it's all partol the
same attitude.''
You had gone to his house to ask him
about his novel being bought by
Warner Brothers lor a lilm version, and
you end up drinking wine and understanding that writing isthemost important part ol his lile. He teaches a
course in journlialic writing at SUNYA,
he reads constantly, he organizes a
newspaper in San Juan, wrote lor Lite,
Look, the Atlantic Monthly doing book
reviews, and wrote leatures lor the
Albany limes-Union. But, he distinguishes between his journalistic
Kennedy's Diamond: Banned in Boston
Voyeur of the Weathering Heights
Chuck Stunner: A Young Workhorse
• * *
About ASPects:
This is the first issue of the Albany Student Press' monthly magazine
entitled ASPects. There will be no regular issue ofthe ASP today, but we
have tried to bring you many of the departments that you would find in
the ASP such as News, Arts and Sports. We have also added three other
departments: People, Feature and Fiction.
Our next issue will be in November and you are welcome to submit
any magazine-type articles you have written.
A Catwalk Cop: Catcher in the Sky
About the cover:
Our cover this month symbolizes the termination of the SUNYA PhD
program in History. In the cover story, writer David Lerner examines
the ramifications of the September 1st cancellation, the personalities involved in cancelling and in fighting the cancellation, and the politics
behind the scenes that occured before the program was terminated.
Michael Sena
6& 7
Divorce Painted Post Style
Tiptoeing Through the Wellington
The Kenmore Hotel: From Riches to Rags
The Palace: Last of a Breed
How Do You Like Dem Apples!
Tethered to a Ringing Telephone
14 & 15
Whither the History PhD?
Anti-Discrimination Laws Backfire
on Women
SA Budget Pie
the monthly magazine of the Albany Student Press
Nancy Albuugh
Naomi Kriedlandcr
Circulation manager: Nancy Pillct
Billing accountant: Susan Domres
Technical editor: Sarah Blumensiock
Head typist: Leslie Eisenslein
Composition manager: Ellen Boisen
Production; Janet Adler, Patty Ahern, Carol Burger, Donna Burton, Joan Ellsworth, Ellen Fine,
Debbie Glick, Kim Huntley, Judi Heitner, Kelly Kita, Vicky Kurtzman, Kathy Lam, Michele
Upton, Philip Molter, Debbie Reiser, Jeanne Saiewitz, Karen Schlosbcrg
Advertising production: Lisa Biundo, Dick McRobert, Jeff Aronowitz
Assistant editor: Marc Wcigcr
Administrative assistant: Jcrelyn Kaye
Photographs supplied principally by University Photo Service and members ol Camera Hub
The Alkaai Stikttat Pre* it puhlithed every Tuesday and Friday during the school year except
holiday!. Offices: CC 329, telephone: 457-81)92. Funded by student association. Address mail to:
Albany Student Frew, CC 329, 1400 Washington Avenue, Albany, New York 12222
The Lot
New England Parting
But Words Will Never Harm Me
The Singer as Sexy Chameleon
The Eighth Step: More Than a
Quad Party
Another Full Moon on the Rise
Graffiti and Classifieds
Outfoxing the Veteran
26& 27
William Kennedy and the cover of. "Legs", his latest novel.
Kennedy teaches Journalistic Writing in SUNYA's English Department.
writing and the liction writing he's doing now.
It's not necessarily journalism to
write about a historical tigure, event it
you do spend six years researching
him and writing. The idea behind the
novel is something that comes Irom inside yoursell, trom your own psyche,
past experience and background, he
"Youtiethat in with what he calls his
Irish connection. "It began with Diamond, who was Irish, and it comes
down to me through an Irish town ol
Albany, through Irish newspapers. My
Irish lamily talked ol the legends surrounding Diamond, and those legends
were transmitted linally to me. The
book was published by Coward,
McGann and G e o h e g a n , (Irish
names), and the head ol my agency's
name is Guy McLlwaine, another
Irishman. Mchlwaine goes to head
Warner Brothers pictures and immediately assigns a guy named loe
Walsh to do the screen writing. Ihey
tirsl approached Warren Beally to star
in the lilm, and then Jack Nicholson,
bolh ol whom are Irish."
You also realize thai part ol what he
is writing about -— the ambivalence
ol the American public toward
is something that he
himsell has had to consider in being
bolh altracled and repelled by Ihe image ol gangsters. His narrator Marcus
Gorman, also has a certian ambivalence, which when coupled with
Gorman s lirst person narration ol the
novel lends to make some critics like
the one in Boston, contuse Ihe author
and his narrator.
Kennedy says, "Why should you
think 1 have not invented Marcus Gorman as I created Legs? There is a
historical ligure, Dan Prior, who was
Diamond's lawyer, but he had nothing
to do with Marcu Gorman.... In certain
ways 1 guess he was like him. But I invented that man, He is not me, 1 never
travelled with Diamond nor would I.
lhal character had to be somebody
who could and could not identily with
Legs. His (Gorman's) attitudes were
corrupt in a dillerenl way Irom me. I
could not handle Marcus'corruption."
He rocks back, pushing his silverrimmed glasses up, and working his
long, narrow lingers back and torth.
You think Ihey would look more at
home on a typewriter keyboard.
In contusing Kennedy with Gorman,
the Boston reviewer laulted Kennedy
lor not taking a definitive stand against
"I'm not out to preach morality. You
know, there was an article by Saul
Bellows in the Atlantic Monthly called
Ihe Writer as Moralist' and in it hw
said that a moral work would be a good
You think ol what you learned about
Oscar Wilde when he was tried in
court lor wnting an immoral work. He
replied that it was immoral because it
was a bad story, unaesthetic. And that
liiere is no other morality in literature.
Kennedy mentions James Joyce.
Anytime he mentions Joyce, his voice
quiets, and you wonder it he lears dislurbing Joyce by speaking about him.
Joyce had no standard moral code,
no political position in
Whatever the hell his politics were,
Ihey were insignilicanl in comparison
to the supremely moral position he
took in 1 Leopold Bloom was discriminated against in an immoral
society in Dublin, but you didn't see
Joyce coming out with shotguns to
destroy the prolound prejudices in
Dublin in Leopold Bloom's day; rather,
heexplainedthem by portraying them.
"Thai's what a writer is all about. To
see prejudices, to see lollies, to see
human being who work at good and
evil, and to make you as the reader
realize that it is true. You must realize
that it is true. II you don't the writer's
"There's the Academy Award
morality, the Nobel Prize morality, but
still, what the hell does it mean it you
don't convince me'r"
You start to bring the conversation
back to his book, but he 3ays, in a quiot
voice, talking to the orange shag
carpet between you and him, "No.
Don't compare my book to theirs.
They're in a dillerent league irom me."
And he is quiet then you realize how
much respect he has lorthe masters ot
his art.
So you talk ol writing about
"I was tired ol our simple minded
treatment ol gangsters. The attitude
that they've all got dirty fingernails,
they all beat their wives. TheCaponelevel ol gangsters
To my mind
nobody has written a novel that takes
Ihe gangster into a human dimension.
Ihe Uodlalher happens in another
lime, and it's not one man, it's many.
Sure, the gangste, in one sense, is
the lowest level ol humanity — he's a
killer, robbing other people ol their existence. Bui in another sense, he is a
human being. This was the sense that
was usually lell oul ol the Hollywood
"In Hollywood there is I he notion that
the gangster was always moving
toward destruction — that he always
had to be destroyed in the end."
You think ot the tirst movies about
Legs Deamond, called Ihe Rise and
Fall ot Legs Diamond, where implicit in
the title was this notion.
"But this lelt out the sense that Ihe
gangster is not always moving toward
destruction. And even it he did, the
human element was lelt out."
"With Diamond, this was a man who
love women, children, (lowers, sang
songs, had Iriends, was a good-time
Kennedy mentions songs, and you
r e m e m b e r his telling you that
Diamond's favorite song was "Happy
Days and Lonely Nights." Kennedy has
stayed up all night singing this song
with Joe Walsh, Ihe screnewriter and
some other Iriends at a party he held
alter Warner Brother's bought the
properties lor Ihe lilm. One woman at
the party, standing by the piano I he living room, said, "Legs is in the room. He
wants to hear his song.
Despite Diamond's love ol llowers,
pretty women, and songs, Kennedy
says, "1 didn I write the book to white
wash Diamond. My oplician said lome
Ihe other day, "Wasjaci: Diamond really as mean as you made him oul to ber1
Yeah. He was. He would kill you. lhat
element is there, and it was very important to me to think about in psyching
him out. A guy who can inspire allnight parties, can also inspire great
lear...."" Back to the ambivalence,
you think. And Kennedy speaks ol the
irreconcilable bind Americans are in.
" this is a moral dilemma olour society.
It's a dilemma because it's still up lor
grabs. You run into things like Sam
Giancona. The Federal government
using, employing gangsters, knowing
they are uselul. I. t d g a r Hoover dispatching twenty men in New York City
to worry about Communism, and two to
worry a b o u t organized crime.
Organized crime is an acceptable
horror to Americans."
It occurs to you, sipping your last
glass ot wine, that the boston review
was wrong, and that paradoxically,
writing the novel about lack "Legs"
Diamond was really the only morally
responsible thing Kennedy could have
Chuck Schumer:
fl Young Workhorse
Kurt's Big Brother:
Voyeur of the Weathering Heights
by Daniel Gaines
y only brother, eight years
older than I," writes popular
novelist Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., "is
a successful scientist. His special field
is physics as it relates to clouds. His
name is Bernard, and he is funnier
than 1 am. 1 remember a letter he wrote
alter his first child, Peter, was born and
brought home. 'Here 1 am,' that letter
began, 'cleaning shit ott of practically
Since Kurt Vonnegut wrote that in
the introduction to his first collection ot
short pieces, Welcome to the Monkey
House, Ur. Bernard Vonnegut's son
Peter began working in SUNYA's
library. Peter's tather has been a senior
researcher at SUNYA's Atmospheric
Science Research Center since 19t>7,
and also teaches some courses.
Bernard looks very much like his
younger brother. He is thin, ot slightly
less than average height and walks in-
tensely, as it he is thinking hard while
getting somewhere fast.
Bernard's office is cluttered with
wires, vices, boxes, papers, a projector,
meters and other instruments. On the
walls are pictures of tornadoes, one ot
Bernard's primary interests, and a
stunning color photo ol a solar eclipse.
A tew amateur drawings ot tornadoes
are also stuck to the wall. Bernard asks
witnesses to draw them. A short walk
about the third tloor ot the Earth
Science building on SUNYA's main
campus reveals that no other proiessor
or researcher in the vicinity works
amidst such disorder.
But Bernard is busy, and the disorder in the world is one ot his concerns.
"All ot a sudden we are putting people on wheels, building highways,
placing TV's in houses and letting kids
watch it tor five hours a day...we'II find
out later what alt this does."
"The discovery ot X-rays was very
exciting," explains Bernard, "years
later people died from exposure. We
d o n ' t know e v e r y t h i n g about
everything. There are an increasingly
large number ol questions but only a
slowly growing supply ot answers,"
Bernard points out. "It's worth saying,"
he goes on, "that the amount ot tinkering we've done ,pn the
making enormous changes in the
physical properties ol the atmosphere." Bernard cites an example
recently brought to his attention:
Krypton-85 is released Irom nuclear
power plants, and after titty years may
increase the conductivity ot the atmosphere. The effect that would have
on weather, especially lightning is
unknown. But it is still released.
Bernard Vonnegut is an expert in atmospheric electricity. His work in this
area can be divided into three areas:
tornadoes, lightning and nucleation. A
sign hangs in his office describing,
"The Development ot an Idea, or what
every research man knows." Bernard
compares nucleation of matter to the
development ol an idea.
"It's v/eakattirst, gains a bit but looks
bad. Hope is almost lost and then one
small part becomes a real kernel ol
success, and that etlect just takes over
. . . the idea is accepted," Forming ice
is an example. Explains Bernard, il
you cool water slowly, it will Ireeze
below zero degrees
[centigradej.'l'hen, at some point one
single crystal ot ice will lorm and
directly alterwards the wafer will
become ice. A piece ot ice thrown in
before that point would have the same
Bernard worked on Project Crisis,
developing silver iodide tor cloud
seeding (artificial rain) while at
General Electric in Schenectady alter
World War Two. He has continued
research with the help ol his training as
a physical chemist.
For the past lew years Bernard has
w o r k e d at improving artiticial
nucleating agents. "We have a
continued on p a g e twenty—one
Above: Author Kurt Vonnegut. Below: Benard Vonnegut contemplates
weather Irom the Podium root.
F R E E With Tax
$.5€> W/O
by Neil Kenduck
t is one ot those cloudless,
blustery winter mornings in
downtown Albany where the
wind is as sharp as the sun's glare. The
view, however, lromthesixthtloor window ol Assemblyman Charles E.
Schumer in the Legislative Otiice
Building barely gives an impression ot
the violent gusts that whip helpless
pieces ol stray paper through the
g u t t e r s and intimidate chilled
pedestrians. It is comforting to recline
in the pleasantly heated room and
gaze at the cold outside world through
the thickly tempered, spotlessly clean
window; a comfort that this energetic
Ireshman legislator rarely linds time to
appreciate. For in his mind, a two-year
term is too brief, and not one minute ol
it could be given to frivolous recreation.
The scarce time spent in his otticeIree time between committeeandstudy
group meetings, and c h a m b e r
session-is with his stall. The slashing of
a typewriter, interrupted by frequent
phone ringing are the only sounds. A
stall member sits at a desk and thumbs
Ihrough one ot Chuck Schumer's latest
bills. The sound of approaching
tootsteps can be heard Irom the corridor, through the open doorway. They
are heavy but quick-paced. The
secretary and stall worker glance at
each other then look toward the
doorway with similar expectation.
Chuck Schumer, a slim six-tooter, with
sandy brown, almost kinky hair, rushes
into the middle of the office. He wears a
Wall Street executive style gray suit, a
blue shirt, and a paisley print tie. His
lace has a boyish glow. A striking
hyperactive demeanor tills the office
with electricity.
"How are things going around
here?" he asks, looking at the secretary
and his aide with an optimistic smile.
Deeply woven carpet, vinyl wall
paper, and walnut toned wood
cabinets embellish the office, but tail to
compensate for the emptiness that
usually distinguishes a freshman's oltice Irom all others. Unlike those of the
senior members, Chuck Schumer's otiice lacks such elements ot decor as
laminated plaques, statuettes and pain t i n g s r e f l e c t i n g his e t h n i c
background or the character ol his district, book shelves crammed with
(usually dust covered and untouched)
thickly bound volumes, and handsomely framed portraits ol personal
political heroes. His walls are bare, except lor two simple paintings lacing
one another Irom opposite ends of the
room. One is a hazy colored sketch ot
the Brooklyn Bridge with the Manhattan skyline in the background,
(seemingly appropriate in that he
represents a district in Brooklyn). The
other painting, however, depicts a rolling countryside in loud pastel shades
ol Autumn. The contrast, muchlikethe
rest of the room's relative blandness
seem too obvious to go unrecognizedexcept, ol course, by Chuck Schumer,
who spends much of his time racing
through the Capitol and Legislative Office Buildings, pushing his programs
by meeting, debating and compromising with the powerful political
figures in state government.
beginning of the session had .been
filled within two months with Schumer
bills, memoranda, and legislative inlormation. Numerous stacks of research
material, constituent bulletins and
letters, and proposals cover the desk
tops ot the Assemblyman and his staff.
They never seem to disappear. After
they are mailed or filed, more piles
replace them the following week. This
mass ol paper work appears to be the
extent ot Schumer's contribution tothe
interior fashion.
"I've got a lot ot ground to cover and
I'd like you to come along," Schumer
says to his volunteer stall worker, who
nods before Schumer finishes his
sentence. It is the young legislator's
personal policy to expose his
statimembers to the mechanics, and to
His language is intense, but like his entire personality,
straightforward. He pulls no punches.
the formal and informal rules ot the
Assembly, so they can better assist him
in research and bill drafting, and occasionally play the role ot devil's advocate. The two men quickly start for
the hallway as the secretary shouts in
the tone ot a nagging wife, reminding
her absent-minded husband to put out
the garbage before going to work,
"Kemember to get in touch with the
district oiticeTODAY!"
Unlike the typical Ireshman
Assemblyman, Schumer has been in
Albany only two months and has
already established himself as a young
workhorse and an effective politician
in the eyes ot his fellow Assemblymen.
He realizes that as a freshman, he
could easily be swallowed up by the
senior members, who control the
Assembly and its committees, it he
remains passive. As opposed to most
freshman, he doesn't need to devote
his lirst year to "learning the ropes" ol
the system. Alter graduating from Harvard Law School, he spent an entire
year as a staff worker lor his
predecessor, Steven Solarz(nowa U.S.
Congressman). This experience allorded him political tact, an understanding ol the Capitol's power structure
and its loopholes, an intimate lamiliarity with most ol the political heavies. He
took oltice with a mind tilled with
progressive ideas, a leeling ol
resourcefulness, and with confidence
that he could make headway by combining the two with hard work.
He rarely shies away Irom displaying his i n d e p e n d e n c e and
aggressiveness.At a closed session
meeting with a powerful Senator from
his party, Schumer grills the usually
untouchable Executive Secretary ol
I he State Board ol Medical Examiners
with questions which are usually
buried out ot appreciation tor the
guest administrator's appearance and
respect for his dignilied title. It is this
sort ot informal rules ol conduct which
guarantees these meetings to be very
cordial and unproductive, and which
infuriates Schumer who takes nopains
to express his criticism.
"Something has to be done. Parents
in my district want to know why their
What the of lice lacks in stylishness, it sons, whoare New Yorkstate residents,
easily makes up lor in subBtance. File and who have graduated from a
cabinets which were empty at the loreign medical school, can't get into
New York state med schools and
hospitals to receive their clinical training. Meanwhile, the city hospitals are
tilled with foreign internees who can't
read or speak English fluently. Why do
foreigners have precedent over state
residents? The answer, 1 think, doctor,
is in the discriminatory tests given by
your Board to state residents who are
returning home Irom foreign medical
His voice increases in volume with
each stated point. Seven years at Harvard failed to erase completely a slight
Brooklyn accent that appears when he
speaks in an excited tone. His
language is intense, but like his entire
personality, straightforward. He pulls
no punches. The Ivy League degree
and early success have not appeared
to make him pretentiously aloof, (his
constituents in Brooklyn, a basically
middle class neighborhood, would
never support him as strongly as they
do). When he leaves the Capitol on
Wednesdays, he does not return home
to a big Wall Street law firm, although
he easily could. He spends the
remainder ot the week in his district office and on the streets and subway
platforms, absorbing the views ol his
constituents. It is this natural, down-toearth manner that won him the
nomination and election after only one
year out ol law school, at the age of
Words ol healthy criticism do not
seem to lulfill his objective. Several
weeks following the meeting, Chuck
Schumer will have held a telejyised
news conference with a group oi tour
New York state students from foreign
medical schools that will have brought
the issue to the public's attention and
will have infuriated the Board administrator whil frustrating his passive
party colleague.
As the two walk through the halls of
the Legislative Office Building, the
aide linds it difficult to keep up with the
walking race stride of the hurried
Assemblyman, and tails a step behind
him. Schumer fails to notice the lag as
they approach the hearing room
where the Democratic caucus session
is held. A security guard stops them at
the entrance. "No staff workers or
anyone except Assemblymen permitted inside", he says in a monotoned
jvoice. Schumer, winking slyly at his
aide, turns to the guard and says
authoritatively, "This is a special stall
member of mine. It's imperative that
he attends this meeting with me." The
guard pauses, shuts his eyes and nods.
"You're now illegal.", Schumer jokingly cautions the aide.
Because Schumer was tied up at the
meeting with the administrator Irom
the Board ol Medical Examiners, the
caucus meeting is almost at a close
when he arrives. The meeting is an inlormal gathering where discussions ol
party strategies, issues, and the
legislative calendar compete with the
disturbing buzz of small talk and occasional laughter. A huge mahogany
oval table is on the floor at the'front of
the room. Behind the table, a dozen
chairs in a row are tilled by the
Speaker, Majority Leader, and other
ranking members ol the party. These
men control the discussions and
recognize the other I Assemblymen,
who sit lacing them in deeply upholstered theatre-type seats. The
meetings this year have been more
stimulating than in the past because
the Democrats have taken control oi
the Assembly. The party members
appear more optimistic about their
programs and more critical ot their
weaknesses than they had been when
they were the minority.
S c h u m e r a n d his aide .seat
themselves in the back. A I hum ot
whispering tills the room as Speaker
Stanley Steingut recognizes Harvey
Strelzin, a senior member Irom
Brooklyn. He is a small, bald-headed
man with black plastic Irame glasses
and slightly rounded shoulders. He is
perhaps most enthusiastic about the
Democrat's new and long awaited majority. He is mot noted lor safeguarding
the party's reputation and integrity.
"We have waited a long time. But now
we are in power. We can get things
done. Andl think that maybeit'stime to
begin to trim off some ot the lat. We
have a limited budget and we must put
it to its best use. Maybe we should
begin by being more frugal with our
personal expenses," Stralzin exclaims
in a cracking voice.
"Harvey, Harvey, wait a i minute
Harvey," Speaker Steingut interjects in
a booming voice in protest of his
colleague's extreme illustration.
b r e a k s out. Sarcastic
protestations ol "Harvey!", "C'mon
Harvey!," and "OhGeez, Harvey!" can
be heard above the vibration ot chatting. Speaker Steingut's mouth is moving but he can't be heard in the rows oi
seats. He waves his hands, shakes his
head, shrugs incredulously, and then
motions. S t r e l z i n
over. The
Assemblymen leave their seats to congregate in the aisles. Laughter,
backpatting, and small talk are exhanges.
"Did you see that Boston game? No?
You^don't know what you missed!"
boasts one smiling legislator to
"Hey John, how was your weekend?"
an Assemblyman shouts out.
"Hey, I'll tell ya, 1 haven't had a
weekend like that in years," the other
"Oh yeah? Does your wile know
about it?" another cuts in as they all
laugh out loud.
Chuck Schumer and his aide are
walking toward the exit when
Schumer stops a friend ot his, an upstate Assemblymen. "Hey, 1 like your
tie, sweetheart", Schumer muses.
"it's the only one 1 have—you know,
trimming the tat otl the expense account," he says, mimicking the words
ot "the gadfly."
Non-Stop Work Day
Schumer and his aide walk briskly
through the marble corridor enroute to
the Capitol Building tor the day's
Assembly session. "You want to stop tor
lunch?" Schumer asks.
"Sure", says the aide. He needs a
rest. His teet ache and he's short ol
breath, but he won't show it because he
knows that his boss has been running
non-stop since eight-thirty this morning. It is not two-thirty, and Schumer
will be in the Capitol until the early
evening, perhaps later. They turn oil
from the hallway and into a room filled
with v e n d i n g m a c h i n e s . The
Assemblyman produces a lew coins
from his pockets and slips them into a
pastry vending machine. Out drops a
package ol miniature sugar powdered
doughnuts. They decide to munch as
they walk. The two quickly continue at
their usual hurried pace, shilling whole
doughnuts into their mouths as the
white powder Hies in the air and
sprinkles their jackets.
Catwalk Cap
by Madeline Gutman
t would seem that any company that could adopt an
Chopper's—Miss Libertyona coin, her
head split open with an axe (Price
Chopper, get it?)—should b e able to
d i s c o u r a g e s h o p p e r s irom unnecessary contact with the store
security lorce. What methods they
must employ w h e n confronting
shopliiters! With their emblem
embedded (irmly in mind 1 imagined
axe-wielding apemen stalking the
aisles hunting tor the last-lingered
crooks, so it was with considerable
trepidation that Stephanie and 1 requested an interview with security personnel at the Madison Avenue store.
A Great Transformation
"Joe Valek, front otlice," barked the
store manager. Two men strode down
the aisle, looking grim and prepared
tor an arrest. O n e was white, the other
black, both were young, well-built and
utterly intimidating.
"Joe, would you like to talk to these
two girls/'
The white man glared at us with intense, piercing green eyes, his
moustache bristling as he nodded
slightly. Clarence was a bit less tearsome, but he, too, nodded curtly and
said nothing. "This is Madeline Cutman and Stephanie Abrams. They
would like to interview you lor a story.
They're' Irom the University," added
otlice (Look at that guy down at the
bananas, who keeps looking around.
The tall guy in the jeans, with the
shaggy blond hair. 1 wonder whal he's
up to." "forget it, Maddy, that's Kalph,
he's one ot us."), we lollowed our
leaders through the meat department
doors, up the stairs, a n d into a room
designed to simulate the conditions inside a tornado. "What on earth is this?'
1 yelled to Clarence as my hair
whipped around my lace. "Pans. Prom
the relrigeration downstairs," he yelled
back Through another door, across a
ramp, 'watch your head, you'll have to
crawl under here," and the catwalk at
didn't have enough money, I'm out ot
work". Meanwhile, they're stealing
cigarettes or cosmetics! It you're stealing 'cause you're hungry, that's one
thing—we've even had cases where a
store manager would pay lor lood lor
someone who was really unable to buy
enough food to eat—but when you're
hungry you don't need cosmetics.
Yeah, the problem's getting very bad
in tact, there's going to be a symposium on shoplitting at the Hyatt
House in a couple ot weeks, to talk
about it."
"loe, what do you do with the people
you catch shoplifting alter you bring
them up here?"
"First ot all, let me explain
something. A lot ol people don't know
what kind ol crime shoplitting is. We
got some kids who don't even know it's
a crime at all. Well, lecture them. We
could give a kid a criminal record that
would keep him out ot law school and
out ot a lot ot other professions. We
usually try to avoid prosecuting
whenever possible, and we almost
never do tor a tirst ollense."
Joe went on to explain the department set-up,"Wecall it Loss Prevention
rather than Security. We're trying to
personalize the department and gel rid
ol the cop image. We have a couple ol
guys on the floor or the catwalks—did
you notice the small windows above
the meat department? There's a
catwalk behind Ihem. We have people
sit there lo watch the aisles. Also, we
just put in that double-decker ollice in
Clarence handed me a carlon to sit
on and we crouched in front ol a tiny
window to watch the shoppers.
The store looked small Irom up there
and rather empty lor a Priday afternoon. A handful ol people were browsing in the aisles, comparing prices on
The New Hebrew Club
First Meeting
Tuesday, Oct. 14 7:30
E n t e r t a i n m e n t and
Soft Ice
Cream Parlor
\VJ' S
W i l d M a i n i ! 1-llui -I - i i . .
Caiam inttmSky
Hi C and Hawaiin Punch, mashing to
Iruit in an attempt to tind the ripe ones,
spraying air treshener and snitling.
Just ordinary shoppers. Clarence
suddenly poked me and said, "Look.
See that lady? She's putting something
in her pocket. Now watch Halph." Sure
enough, Halph appeared out of
nowhere, casually grabbed a bag ol
potato chips and got on the check-out
line behind the woman. She looked al
him and asked, "Where is the beer?"
Oh, back there, I think, " he said
pointing. She tell the check-out area,
unloaded the item in her pocket and
returned with the beer. "She was on to
me," Kalph said later, sitting on a pipe
on the catwalk. She knew something
was up."
A shorl lime later, another suspect
grabbed our attention. Her behavior
was very suspicious; she glanced nervously over her shoulder Irom time to
lime, walking aimlessly back and lorlh
Study Group
on Jewish-Christian
First Meeting:
Thursday, October 16
7:30 p.m. at Chapel House
across the store. Her handbag was lying open on the toddler seat in her cart
and a package ot cheese was propped
up next to it. C m o n lady, steal it
already. Cmon, put it in the bag. Let's
go." said Clarence i n a hoarse whisper.
From our vantage point, we could see
the lop ot her handkerchieled head
and the contents ol her shopping cart.
"Watch her," said Clarence. "Watch
whal she does with the cheese. Kight
into the bag. Hey loe, spot this one?"
loe, Sleph. and Hon Stone, another
security agent, were huddled at
another window along the catwalk.
"Yeah," said Joe, "Is Kalph down
Yeah, I think he sees her
We were all intent on lollowmg the
movements ol this latest suspect and
she was unwillingly giving us a run lor
our money. Back and lorlh, she
wandered across the store, and we
scampered over I he catwalk above her
like a bunch ol crazed squirrels, swinging under pipes, crawling under
overhangs to keep her in sight, waiting
lor her lo make her big move on the
cheese, lhe tension in the air was
Joe and Hon decided to investigate
the scene ol the potential crime lor
awhile, and we watched them descend
the ladder and walk down the aisle
towards the Iront ol the store, keeping
an eye on the woman. Their behavior
was even more suspicious than hers as
I hey strolled rather too casually
around the displays up Iront. Joes Loss
one. Alter a whole day." Clarence was
getting restless and shilting around "1
think today's gonna be like that. You
missed one this morning, though, Hight
betore you came in, this little kid irom
the school across the street. The kid
was ten years old and we caught him
with cigarettes in his pocket. Ten years
old. I told him 1 was going to talk to the
principal ol his school. Man, did he
start bawlin'. But we just took his name
and sent him back lo school and 1
didn't talk to the principal or anything.
Sometimes just scarin' em a little is
enough." He stretched and looked al
the clock.
Hey, Joe, lei's get oulta here. It's ten
lo six.
Not yet, Clarence. Five minutes."
I'inally, at live to six, loe, Steph,
Clarence and I trudged into the ollice
to collect our things betore leaving lor
the day. Kight on cue, as Clarence had
predicted, no sooner had we gotten our
coast than Hon burst into the ollice and
snapped, Let's go, we got one.
U.K. girls, slay here, said Joe. 1 hey
look oil down the stairs.
lhe I all, heavy-set suspect was
already at the check-out counter when
they reached him. I hey lollowed him
out the door and brought him back
almost immediately, one on each side
ol the badly shaken man.
I his way, sir. Into the ollice, please,
bmpty your pockets on the desk." 1 he
man slumped heavily into the chair,
and placed his belongings on lhe desk,
loe sat at the edge, just looking al him
Prevention patch glared in technicolor
Irom his breast pocket and Kon could
barely conceal his eagerness.
I suddenly realized that I had lost
sight ol the woman and nudged
C l a r e n c e tor a c l u e to h e r
whereabouts. "She's checking out.
they didn I gel her on anything," he
A blond head appeared at the top ot
lhe ladder to the catwalk. Hey, Kalph,
what happened)" asked Clarence, t h e
twenty two year old in laded jeans and
shi ill brown leather jacket climbed up,
swung iiii.liM Um pipe, and ap|.n mi In., i us with a disgusted look mi
and tapping the contiscated cigarettes.
I his could be pretty serious lor you,
you know. You could even go to iail tor
something like this.
I know, lhe man . » k e d worn-out
and miserable, his hands were limp in
his lap, and he nodded his head.
Why did you take the cigarettes,
I hen?'
I don t know. I lungs arc |ust gelling
so expensive, I can't . . . " His voice
trailed oil as he stared at his hands
Joe glanced overal us. Girls, please
wall outside a minute. He closed the
door alter us.
He emerged a lew minutes later.
U h look, the guy s a school teacher.
His wile and kids are in the oar. He's
never been arrested betore. II would
be pointless lo press charges against
him. He's upset enough. We're going to
let him go.
You think hell ever do it again?" 1
You never know We once let
someone go and two weeks later we
picked her up again, lar ot spice or
something. Seventy-nine cents. We
prosecuted. The judge thought we
were nuts lor prosecuting lor seventynine cents. But we'd be p rooms, up
every two weeks il we didn't."
(across the street from the Gym)
endorsed by: Dr. Jerome Eckstein
Rev. Duane Feldman
Steve Shaw
Father Paul Smith
All are invited to take part in this study group to explore differences, similarities, histories and customs
of Jews and Christians.
i. <'•••••
da<; ur in -i I.ill Hi v ii ir'.'
the manager. This remark precipitated
one ol the greatest human translormalionsin recorded history. Joe's tightly set jaw slackened, the eyes soltened,
even twinkled a bit, his lists unclenched and he smiled. Clarence lei out a
short breath, took his hands Irom his
pockets and grinned.
Sure," said Joe. "Come up lo the ollice."
Located above the meat department,
the security otlice is about the size ol a
walk-in closet, ideal lor interrogations
since there is no way lo avoid eye conlacl without staring at yourleel. Joe sal
perched on his desk, while Clarence
stood leaning against the door.
"I'm Joe Valek, I'm the district Loss
Prevention Manager and this is
C l a r e n c e Ballou, the store Loss
Prevention Manager. You girls are
Irom State, huh. We've been wailing lor
someone lo come Irom the University.
Students are a big problem here," said
"That's whal we were wondering.
Has the shoplifting problem gotten
worse recently, with all the economic
dilliculties everyone's having n o w / '
O h yeah, delinitely. but the thing is,
we gel these people in here, and they
give us all kinds ol excuses like, "1
the tronl with the two-way mirrors. The
manager is usually there and he can
get a good view ol the check-out area."
loe ottered us each a cigarette, and lit
one tor himsell.
"How do you go about apprehending a suspect?"
"Well, you can slop someone in the
store il you've got reason to suspect
that he's not going to pay lor something
he's picked up, but that's a pretty
dangerous practice, so we usually wait
until he's checked out. You can be
prelly sure though , that il a guy's got a
steak shoved down his pants, ora razor
in his arrnpit, that he's not planning to
pay lor it."
I was still intrigued with Ihecalwalk
idea. I kepi thinking ol a cinema down
in the sewers ol Istanbul watching the
bad guys, while the innocent go about
Iheir business unaware ol the silent
vigil below. II seemed very dramatic.
"Would it be possible lor us to work
with you lor a day on the catwalks?"
My own question startled me as much
as Iheir response.
"Sure. How about Friday? About
Getting into position lor a day ol
shoplitler-hunting is no easy matter.
After surveying the store Irom the Irani
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M O -
I>M.-ii lull IWIIKJ. It wasn t even cheese,
ii was a box < 'I 1'iai :k< TS or something.
And sin. i ,in i I. ir it
We laughed, sighed, and went back
loour posts. I his is one hell ol a way to
earn a living, Clarence said. You sit
around waiting tor someone to steal
something so you can catch him.
When you have to stop someone,
you re always nervous, your hands
sweat and everything. And when
there's no one lo catch you get bored
sitting up here all day. Sometimes
nothing happens all day I hen, just
betore you're ready lo leave, you spot
>: : 1
b y Batty Stain
Take, ior instance, the time when he
• / o w does a divorced rruddle- and histianceeloan tirst began check^ V V f a g e d Komeo tind himseli be- ing into getting a marriage license.
• • » •» i ing married to a glassy-eyed Although they had been talking about
woman by the Justice ot the Peace in marriage tor about a year, that's all
Painted Post, New York? Just ask my they had done—talk about it When
Joan, who had been putting this oil lor
We Americans love marriage, but as long as possible, finally got up the
w e hate it Statistics show that, courage to ask her doctor about getalthough we have one ol the highest ting a blood test, he exploded.
divorce rates in the world, we are also
"What do you want to get married
one ol the most marrying nations tor?' he asked her, horrified.
around. In tact, divorcees marry oti
From there, he launched i nto a tirade
even laster than those who have been about the evils of marriage. His advice,
single all ol their lives. What is this, a much to Fred's chagrin, was to torget
case ot mass ambivalence toward the such notions. Instead he suggested
institution ol marriage, or an indication that she "live with the guy." He knew
that Americans are as crazy as the rest lots of couples, he said, who had lived
ol the world thinksthey are? Again, ask together quite happily and then ruined
my lather, h'red, who two months ac
-ieir bliss by tying the knot. "This," he
became a part ol those statistics.
• .arned Joan sternly, could easily
:appen to you."
Although it might seem logica.
assume that it's easier the second time
As it that weren't enough, any
around, Fred's case is one that v/ould remaining vestiges of hope my lather
tend to belie i that assumption. Intact, entertained were destroyed shortly
alter a two-year engagement tilled with thereatter, along with his honeymoon
countless snalus, setbacks and second plans.
thoughts, he is more likely to insist that
We hadreservations toraCaribbean
the second time is much tougher
cruise that December," he said, "but
PaititEd Post
the boat we were supposed to go on got
put in dry dock"
Ihe travel agency then gave its bilked passengers the option ol taking the
same cruise, but on a British or Italian
"1 picked the British one," says Fred,
but then that one v/as signed out lor a
special educational tour."
By thai time, Fred had had it: '"They
ottered the choice ot a third cruise, but
1 said no.' Besides, Joan was thinking
about the Bermuda Triangle by then."
Almost one year later, Fred and Joan
are no longer in the single minority. A
weekend trip to the Finger Lakes .. .an
impromptu ceremony ... winery tours
. . summer theater . . . back to work
hveryone tound it hard to beiieve they
had finally done it, especially Joan.
That v/eekend we went away I ielt
line I was ruining her whole lite," says
rred, She v/ent into deep depression."
Despite this, Fred claims he enjoyed
the whirlwind v/eekend. But how does
it feel to go on a honeymoon at age 49?
"Well,'' explains Fred, "I let my hair
grow a little bit and 1 got these racing
glasses, so I Ielt more like 3b."
Still, Fred sees himseli as more ol a
homebody than a swinger. "I'm not Ihe
type ot person that likes living alone,
he said.
At one point, Joan had him questioning this sell image. Kepeatedly, she
told Fred he would probably never gel
married because he liked his freedom
too much. He soon began to wonder il
this might be true.
"But," he said, "1 realized . , . it v/as
Joan v/ho was unsure."
Since her divorce a tew years ago,
Joan had successfully managed a
house and two teenage kids on her
1 think she just hated giving up her
freedom, says Fred, "But I don 1 think
she regrets getting married.
lo some extent, all ol us share this
love/hate leeling. Freedom is a thing
to be prized, protected, and clung to
while marriage remains that holy estate, secure and warm, hxplainingwhy
one eventually wins out over the other
borders on the impossible, but il that
choice gives two people more happiness and a stronger lootholcl on lile.
what s there to explain/
Students have lound the large rooms in the Wellington perfect for parties.
by Naomi Friedlander
iptoe on and look about.
Grasp the rusty, weather
beaten rails ol the lirescape
and leel the aging metal groan under
your leel. And then, look about.
All around, the black cat sky is bathed in ribbons ol light. Grey-brown rectangles loom, glowing in Ihe dark. It is
Ihe panorama ol a toyland; a giant size
board game. Only the rumble ol the
moving cars and the rotating colors ol
Ihe street lights give hints ot lile.
From Ihe rear ol 136 State Street, one
can view this spectacle and all SUNYA
We Need:
Still Available for
State Quad Residents!
call Tom 457-4764
students are welcome lo look. For this is
Ihelocationol Albany's newest dorm—
The Wellington Hotel. Set in downtown
Albany, in Ihe midst ot the State
buildings and Ihe new mall, Ihe
students enjoy both dormitory lile and
oil-campus, city activity.
"We can get away Irom I he campus,"
said Tim ' HoJo" Smith, a junior transler
Irom Ulica. I would leel kind ol
trapped il I were uptown all Ihe lime.
His Iriend, David Husso, a junior Irom
Jamestown, agreed wilh him. "Here
there is more diversity. We can
associate wilh people who are not just
Artists, Layout,
Viewpoint 75-76 needs
people to rewrite and
research stories.
Articles will be assigned.
Meeting: Wednesday Oct.
15 7:00 in State Quad
for info call Barry: 7-3066
Today (Tues.) and Tomorrow (Wed.)
are the last days to have your senior portrait
taken for Torch 1976.
Sign up at CC into, desk or come to CC 305
"No way!" exclaimed Kita Makela, a
junior transfer Irom Kockland Community College, when asked il she
would like to move to an uptown dorm.
"We know when we have it better.
Sure, it would be convenient but they
would have to move this whole
building over there." She explained
that at Ihe Wellington, she had a
private room, her own bath, and the
combined advantages ol privacy and
hall living. "II anybody is going by, 1
can call them in and I have my privacy,
too,' she said.
Here we do not have the psychological barrier ol a suite door," said
Kred Lilte, one ol the H.A.'s in Ihe
Wellington. There is better interaction
between an H.A. and Ihe section
because ol Ihe hall system ol rooms. Indeed, walking through the halls, one
could see that most ol Ihe room doors
were Ielt open and many students
wandered Irom one room to the next.
My lirst reaction was guarded optimism," said Husso. As wilh many ol
the translers who live in Ihe hotel, he
was skeptical about a living situation in
which he would be isolated Irom campus lile. "But you start out with 200
Iriends which is great lor translers who
come here not knowing anyone. I like it
here much more and would definitely
stay another year."
Husso and Smith listed some* of the
advantages ol the Wellington dorm
and they were easily seen. "1 have the
meal plan here and the lood is very,
very good," said Husso. The lood, an
alternative lo 1' SA cooking, is supplied
by K.aye's caterers. Only dinner is
served and there is a choice ol delitype lood lorlood cooked outsideol the
hotel and brought in. However, Ihe
W e l l i n g t o n kite h en is b e i n g
remodelled and lood will soon be
cooked on Ihe premises.
Gayle Knibloe, another Wellington
H.A., explained thai approximately
one-lhird ol the students eal uptown,
one-third are on Ihe Wellington dinner
plan, and one-lhird are on no meal
plan cil all. She added that because ol
ils cenlral location, students never
have trouble linding places to eal.
bob Levin, Hesidenl Director ol the
dorm, explained an added advantage
ol Ihe Wellington lood service. The
Wellington restaurant will soon be
open lo Ihe public and a larger menu
will be ollered. Students on the plan
will have meal tickets valued at $2.70.
II they deicde they want a $6.00 steak
dinner, they only have to show their
tickets and pay $3.30.
Phone service is another major
difference from uptown lile. At the
Wellington, each student has a phone
in his room but can only receive incoming calls which go through the lobby switchboard. To make calls, the student must go down to the lobby and
use the pay phones there. To accommodate lor this, the Wellington
residents usually have their Iriends
call them. You lind out who your
Iriends really are," joked Levin. There
has been a suggestion ol installation ol
a cenlral phone in each hall, but no
plans have been made yet. The phone
service has caused lew problems as
Ihe hotel provides 24-hour message
service, said Knibioe.
We have the best ot two worlds,"
said Levin and all Ihe students I talked
to agreed. Litle commented on the
loyally In Ihe building. When we are
wailing lor a bus, we wait together.''
hven the bus rides are enjoyable, the
students agreed. They give extra time
lor relaxation and socializing.
All the students guestioned commented on Ihe parties held in the
Wellington. The parties are initiated
by Ihe kids and we've been having
about one a week," said Lille. Starting
wilh one keg, the Wellington has also
hacl'Basil parties' and parties with two
or more kegs. Last week, they held a
wine and cheese party and about lilty
uptown sludenls came lo it, "They like
il oil Ihe quads," Levin said. Smith
agreed wilh this: "Kids uptown like to
come down here. It gives Ihem a
chance lo gel away, loo." Signs in Ihe
elevator advertise Ihe upcoming "Hrst
Annual Wellington test' which three
ol Ihe residents are planning.
Overall, negative comments are
minimal. From the large private rooms
lo Ihe pnvdle baths; Irom Ihe maid service lo Ihe room service; Irom Ihe
matching drapes and bed spreads lo
Ihe new carpeting in all the rooms,
everyone seems pleased wilh the alternate living situation, hven Ihe blue tee
shirts Ihe residents wear, illustrating
the Wellington bxperiment" and the
spectacular skyline, relied how well
Ihe plan has worked out. At lirsl I was
completely against il but within the lirst
hour I walked in, I loved it," said Kita
Makela. Makela staled an attitude
echoed by all the residents ol SUNYA's
newest quad.
Tuesday till 9:00
$2.00 first time
$3.00 re-sits.
Questions 7-2116
The students also lind they can study without interruption in their rooms.
if •'i
by. Larry Stromal
M P B r a c k l e . . .crackle. . .avoice
comes over the radio, low at
WLM first, then in lull volume,
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen.
This is Doc Peyton and band coming to
you Irom the Hainbow Hoomintheluxurious Kenmore Hotel in downtown
Albany; in the shadow oft he capital, by
the banks ot the majestic Hudson!
Tonight we have the pleasure to bring
to you . . ." the voice lades.
This is the story of a once-popular,
now crumbling and condemned hotel
in downtown Albany.
Built in 1867, the Kenmore Hotel
was a lavish tive-story, 175 room
building situated on North Pearl and
Columbia streets. Today it is lavish no
more. Ihe marbled steps that once
upon a time carried you up, into, and
through two revolving doors revealing
the rich Victorian decor of the lobby,
now transport you into its dark, damp
soiled remains. Time has taken its toll,
over a centuries worth.
"Back in the twenties this was the
social place to come", explains Kobert
Murphy, grandson of the original
owner. "Powerful people from the state
legislator; like Senator Dunnagin (a
powerful republican ot the era; stayed
here on their trips to the capitol." These
were the times ot the prohibition, and
the rise of popular jazz music. The roaring twenties. Speak easies abounded
everywhere except at the Kenmore.
" We had our reputation to be concerned about", Murphy adds. The end ot
the twenties heard the coming ot a new
trend; radio. It is reputed that one ot the
tirst broadcasts ot a live band came out
of the Hainbow Koom ol the Kenmore,
(a proscenium stage overshadowing a
dance floor).
Ffte Kenmore Hotel:
From Riches to Pass
Those were the sounds of yesteryear,
today the sounds of a piano echos
through the room. Todd, an old black
man sits at the keyboards. His tace
reflects the years gone by. He pounds
out the notes . . .
Clap-pa. clap-pa, clap-pa, clap . . .
Ihe Klysdale Arabian Horses; six on
each side, marching up the street
delivering their barrels ot beer. Por the
Kenmore, they delivered a new era;
the end ot the prohibition and the coming ot the thirties. We hold the claim ol
serving the first legal glasso! beer alter
prohibition", boasts Murphy. "Hrst
glass anywhere/', I ask He does not
hear my guestion as he rambles on, lost
in pleasant memories. The swinging
thirties, the years ot dance. People
would come from all over; couples,
railroad men, dockworkers and doctors . . . everyone. Dancing and
drinking until the early hours ot the
morni ng!". Ihe economy ol the country
was in ruins, people were killing
themselves lelt and right, but the Kenmore was a means ot escaping the
shocking reality outside. It was a haven
tor all types, everyone was welcome.
The economy recovered bringing
with it the threat ol a new world war.
hveryone grew tense, preparing for the
war to come. The Kenmore prepared
also. Dralters would come to Albany lor
their physical exams, and stay at the
hotel. " T h e r e w e r e u n i t o r m s
everywhere! We accomodated every
branch ol the service. Marines on the
litth lloor, air lorce on the lourth, and
the army on the third." "What about
WacsV" 'Wacs, all over the place!"
Ihese were the days ol World War 11,
and the coming ot the big bands. Les
Brown and his band ot Henown, the
Uorsey Brothers, (Jab Calloway, the
Hainbow Hoom saw them all. Buss
Morgan, Doris Day, Sophie Tucker. . .
Ihe list goes on and on. 1 hey were big
bands, and we paid big money to
M C A, (Music Corporation ol
America) to get them," recalls Murphy,
"only thing is we were running out ol
money." Ihe shocking reality thai
gripped the country in the thirties was
catching up. There were hard times
ahead lor the Kenmore. Then in the
late torfies, two disasters struck Ihe
tirst was a blizzard that struck town,
preventing the people Irom coming.
The second was a waiters strike. No
longer being able to afford the price ol
entertainment, the Hainbow Koom
stood empty, used occasionally tor a
party or a lraternity meeting.
Time, and the Kenmore dragged on.
Ihe hotel opened forthe dual purpose
of overnight stays and a dri nk or two al
the bar was in its worst decline. Ihe
tide was moving away Irom Albany.
"Oil was becoming so expensive we
couldn't atlord to heat the place, says
Murphy. Ihe city had made it so hard
lor anything to get done. They have
rules, regulations and red tape to cut
City ordinances and standards to live
up to. "You can't even wipe your ass
without them watching, Murphy concludes, raced with bankruptcy in late
ol 1973, the hotel closed its doors.
Upen tor sale, "hverythingmustgo!
says Andy, director ol Ihe recent furniture sale. And everything is going;
the walls and ceilings, once so
elaborately decorated and designed
are crumbling. Its hie and character
being drained with each passing.
Ihe city will take custody ol the empty shell ot the building sometime in Ihe
uncertain future.
As I turned to leave, I saw an elderly
couple gazing through the hosted 'windows. It's all gone,' whispered the
man, but 1 can remember when . .
Cedric Kushner Productions and WTRY
by William H u g h e s
There are really two grand ladies ot
the corner ot North Pearl and Clinton.
Une, is the theater, and the other is the
attractive grandmother who oversees
the operation ot the hugh showplace.
She standB majestic, towering over
North Pearl Street, the last survivor ol a
noble family which included the
Strand, the Laland and the Playhouse.
She is the tri-city area's only remaining
grand showhouse. She is truly a
When the Palace Theater was opened on October 23,1931, it was the third
largest theater in the world. Originally
owned underthe auspices of the KKO
group, the Palace began her days as a
vaudeville house. Nearly 3,700 people in white ties and tails and evening
gowns Hocked to hear Mayor Thatcher
and U. Governor Lehman speak. In the
street, there were mobile units carrying gigantic spotlights which made the
corner ol Clinton and North Pearl as
light as day. There were also sound
trucks which carried the voices of the
orators to the thousands ot every day
folks who were unable to gain entrance to the theater lor it's gala opening.
Ihe interior ot the theater was
described by the newspapers of the
day in the words ol it's designer John
tberson, "The Palace is Austrian Baroque, the classic name lor beauty and
warmth". The theater was designed lor
comtort, aesthetic loveliness and
acoustic perfection.
Today the Palace is essentially the
same as it was when Ann Harding's
lealure "Devotion" launched that
premiere season. The entrance toyer
has the same gilded cornices and ceiling, though much ol the gild has been
replaced with a more practical creme
paint. A minstrel and two Creek busts
stare down on the patrons as they pass
through the glass doorsintothelobby.
The lobby is enormous with real
crystal chandeliers and a number ol
historic murals painted by two
Budapest artists, Andrew Karely and
Jules Zarel. bach mural took Ihe bud-
Sunday, October 19 at 8:00PM
Fleetwood Mac
it tiring-Mick Fleetwood, John -McVie,
instme VlcVic, Lindsay Buckingham, and
Stcvic Nicks
Hot Tuna
Vffifiaawiiniif' -f--"-~— -
Mrs. Knolls termed the theater "A
lovely old lady who must be preserved,
because there will soon come a day
when there will be no more like
her'.Besides the number ot deluxe
theaters which have fallen victim to
the wrecking bail in Albany; Syracuse
and Schenectady have also torn down
their grand houses to make room tor
urban renewal. Mrs. Knoll lelt that
Mayor Corning showed tremdous insight in purchasing the theater as it is a
member ol an endanged species and
may be the only one ot the dying breed
lelt outside ot New York City. She said
that the upkeep ot the theater was a
constant job due to it's age.
The man who oversees most ot the
work done at the Palace is Bob
O'Grady, a SUNY A theater arts major.
Bob is in charge ol the upkeeping ot
the grand old lady. He and his live man
crew must continually sweep, vacumn,
mop and primp the old gal up. He said
following each concert, it take almost
three hundred man-hours to put the
theater in order. The theater also
is a non-protit making organization
and often barely breaks even of performances. He said that the $750,00 rental tee barely covers the costs ot the
people employed by the theater. The
labor costs, however, and upkeep are
c h e a p e r than the
purchase ol a new multi-million dollar
center which cities like Syracuse had
to shell-out lor.
"We're really just interested in letting the community have a good time",
says Bob. "Our only objection is
against people bringing in beverages
in bottles and cans". Bob and several
oil duty Albany policeman comprise
the security stall whose main job is to
prevent injuries to theater's patrons.
A a r r o n M c t l r o y is another
employee ol the Palace. He is one ot a
number ol Human Hesources Personnel who have been working this
past summer at the Palace painting
and relurnishing. "They don't build
them like this any more" says Aarron
leaning on his mop, looking out over
Albany's palatial theater.
I he Palace box office
I line ('enter Jewelers
New Wave Music
l'lttstiekl, Mass.
list \ Song Record Shop
KJ ( ential Ave, Albany
The same system has operated without
major detect since the theater opened
it's doors. A new heating system was
added in the sixties.
Por tour decades the Palace was
owned by Si Pabian. Mr. Pabian was a
entrepreneur who also owned the
Lei and and several other deluxe
theaters in Schenectady, Troy, New
York City and various sites in Pennsylvania. Ui the other nine theaters
which composed Pabian's tri-city empire, only the Palace stands today.
During the sixties, the urban core ol
Albany began to deteriorate and this
marked the end of the once bustling
downtown theater district. Crowds
began to thin as the crime rate climber
in Arbor Hill.As the Leland met the
wrecking ball, as the Strand was
replaced with a parking lot, the Palace
began to show cheap, violent and exploitation films in a ci're etlort to boost
box ottice attendence. By 1969,
houses were seldom lull and the
Palace became a congregating spot
tor young toughs. Hacial tensions were.
high. On Pebruary 2, a movie called
"Uptight" was shown which dealt with
street riots and police brutality. Alter
the leature, there was an outbreak ot
violence which led to the death of
seventeen year old David Hisgen.
Soon alter that unfortunate episode, a
$650,000.00 law suit was tiled agianst
Pabian interests. On September 6,
1969 the Palace announced it was
closing it's doors.
Less than twenty-lour hours later,
Mayor Corning announced the city of
Albany nad purchased the theater at
the unbelievable price ol $90,000.00
lor use as a civic auditorium. It would
also serve as a home lor the Albany
Symphony Orchestra and lor community concerts. Mayor Corning appointed Mrs. hveylyn Knolls as
Mrs. Knolls says that the operation ol
the theater is a time consuming but
very satisfying job. She commented
that perhaps the toughest job at the
Palace was making sure that the marquee was correct. A recent Kung Pu
movie was billed as "Maritial Arts
lo & Lddie
I Hh Palace Theatre
ding Michelangelos eight weeks to
complete. The walls are a pearl textured creme color with gilded trim,
Two ornate stairways lead upstairs to
the balcony and the Greek columns.
The steps are ot blood red marble and
covered by plush blue carpets. Much
ol the lobby tumiture is made of the
same marble and gold. Prom the
wrought iron railings, the comings and
goings of the people tar below in the
lobby can be observed. T'rom this vantage point, socialites and gossip
columnists could monitor the creme ol
Albany society as they flitted here and
there on their way inside to the velvet
The "house" itsell is still enormous,
seating 2,79b". A $230,000.00 renovation in i 9 6 0 decreased seating capacity Irom 3,695 while increasing leg
room .noticeably. The balcony
stretches two thirds ot the way to the
stage and there isn't one bad seat. An
oval shaped skyscrpe is still over the
52 toot long stage. Cupids and more
rococo trim give the dome ceiling the
uppearance of the drawing room of
Buckingham Palace. Another
chandelier ot Scandinavian crystal
twinkles nearly six stories above the
Besides the enumerable works of art,
the theater also had many technical innovations, several ol which are still
functioning today. 'The orchestra pit
still rises and is very popular with performers today. On opening night in
T93T, Hay 'Turner sat at the world's
largest organ. The "Mighty Wurlitizer"
is gone today, but the swivel plattorm it
rested on is still in existence,
The thousands ot lights are controlled by a T93T General blectric
electron tube board about the size ol a
telephone switchboard which replaced banks
upon banks ol the
traditional rheostats. The electron
board was designed by A.b. Bailley
ol Schenectady lor the Pa'ace.
The ventilation system, also ol
original design, consists ol an air
cleaner and refrigeration unit which
completely replaces every cubic toot
ol air in the Palace every ten minutes.
x *
Friday, October 24 at 8:00PM
pi us
.pccial guests
Haw BD m UkB Cm Mates!
by Rachel and Rita
t seems that a vast majority ot
bUNYA students now opt to
live ott campus. O n e ot the
major advantages seems to be the luxury ot cooking tor oneselt. Most ot us
are on a tight budget and enjoy cooking and eating as cheaply as possible,
though not always enjoying. In view ot
that tact we have decided to compose a
weekly cooking column. Usingrecipes
ot our grandmothers, triends and
triends' triends we hope to open a new
world ot eating pleasure tor you and
your housemates.
Hemember rule No.l, what is in
season is abundant and cheap. Appropriately, we begin October with the
Now is the time to get the last healthy
glow in your cheeks, and enjoy the
changing foliage by taking a drive to
Altermon's orchard outside ot Albany
and pick a bushel ot apples tor $2.2ti.
This bushel will go a long way. Then
there's rule No.2, whatever you cannot
eat, you can freeze.
As a light dessert ot a sidedish to
enhance any meal, a close second to
coleslaw comes applesauce, fcasy to
make, easy' to keep and delicious.
8-iU apples (use delicious or macintosh and the most bruised)
V< cup sugar
2 tablespoons cinnamon
1 cup water
dash allspice
Feel, decore and grate the apples.
Hace all ingrediants together and
simmer tor 20 to 30 minutes in a
saucepan until it thickens to a saucy
The next dish is the all-American
lavorite apple pie. It you're lazy you
can always buy a ready-made pie
crust in the grocery and just add in tilling. It you're ambitious, make your
own—it's always better.
Pie Crust
1 cup'Hour
'A cup butter
6 tablespoons ot cold water
Sitt the Hour and salt together. With a
tork add butter. Then add the cold
water and stir with a tork. Holl into a ball
and put in wax paper and chill in
retrigerator tor one hour.
A p p l e Filling
8-10 apples peeled, decored and cut
into small pieces
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon cinnamon
'/2 cup honey
'6 cup nuts (any you might have in the
house) chopped finely
raisins optional
loss together in a mixing bowl and
put aside. Hemove dough trom
retrigerator and put on floured wax
paper. Holl it with a lloured rolling pin
until the dough is Vsth inch thick. Hace
dough in 8" pie tin. Pierce bottom with
tork to make a few holes. Now add the
tilling into the pie tin. Trim the crust to
fit tin and cut oft excess.
'ft cup butter
'ft cup brown sugar
'ft cup flour
Mix until crumbly and in pea-sized
shape. Put on top ot tilling, tiakeat 375"
tor 5U minutes or until the crust looks
brown. Check frequently.
We hope it turns out to be a success.
If not there is always the r'reihoter's lactory. So until weeat again, bon appetit.
SUNYA Concert Board
feff»Hftoa ffrpg H*we.
by Madeline Gutman
0 «
n September 1, New York Telephone instituted a new
^M m system that did absolutely nothing to improve customer
relations: Directory Assistance is no longer a tree
That's bad enough, but not until one is presented with an
outline ot the system itself does it become clear that the phone
company is completely uneducated in the tine art of simplicity.
1 he basics of this i ngenious little plan are these: You are credited
thirty cents it you do not call intormation at all during the billing
period, twenty cents it you make one such call, ten cents it you
make two, no credit it you make three. Nothing at all happens to
you lor calls number lour, five and six. No credit, no charge,
nothing. Alter that, however, the intormation calls are ten cents
Many people have expressed dismay over the logic ot this
system, Few have reacted like Marilyn, however, who has
earned hersell a reputation as somewhat ol a loan ot Arc among
her triends. Marilyn is not hastile or contrary. Nor is she
aggressive. Yet her battle cry was heard loud and clear when she
attempted to her brother's new phone number in Saratoga. She
and her triends wondered it she would be charged lor an
intormation call tor a new listing. The sat around the table,
listening in astonishment to one end ot the conversation with the
Business Office.
but 1 can't look the number up in a phone book. It's a new
"Well, why do I have to pay lor the call then, it 1 can't get the
number any other wayV But, that not right... 1 want to register a
complaint... no, the phone is not in my name... Yes. U.K.., thank
totally exasperated, she dialed Directory Assistance and gave
the operator a name in Saratoga.
"It's a new listing. Yesterday. You don't get the new listings
until a lew days alter the phone's put inV Well, look, since you
couldn't give me the number, am I going to be charged tor this
That doesn't make any sense. 1 know 1 made the call, but you
didn't give me any intormation. Why do 1 have to pay for it?"
No injustice is too minor to try to correct, especially it it's the
Tuesday, October 21
8:00 p.m.
Now a full-service salon for the entire family
2 Barber Stylists (specializing in Rega cuts)
Rega Cuts $7.00 and up /men and boys Reg. $4.00
2 Beauty Salon Stylists
n. r . M .
silNYA students w/tax
Plaza " 7 " Shopping Center
Troy- Schenectady Road
Latham, N.Y.
Phone 785-5320
$5 for general public
TICKETS now on sale in S.A. Contact Office trom 10 a.m. to 2p.m.
Bus tickets on sale Wed.-Thurs.-Fri. in S.A. contact office 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
$.50 round trip
Tickets Available at:
9 am to 5 pm
JUST A SONG and the Palaoe Theatre
PRICES: 94.60 S6.60 $8.26
funded by sluilenl assoeimion
M M ^ M W W . - W M W l *
Mountain Productions Presents
in Concert
. ii . j
$ 3 for
The first phone bill cameandit was received and opened with
the cries ot joy that only an envelope trom New York Telephone
can provoke. It was a hall-month bill, and the DirectoryAssistance-Billing-Mastermind had divised a special plan tor
just such an occasion.
Marilyn called to lind out why she was credited live cents lor
two intormation calls. The response: r'or one-halt month, you are
credited litteen cents tor making no intormation calls, live cents
tor one or two intormation calls, and you are charged ten cents
lor each call above two, because you can divide the thirty cent
credit in halt, but you can't divide three calls in halt because you
can't make halt a call thetheretoreon a halt month bill, you iorteit
the three tree iniormation calls you'd normally get on a lull
month bill alter you used up the initial thirty cent credit on the
first three information calls . . .
Marilyn, aren't you sorry you asked?
phone company you get to bother. Back to the Business Office.
" Y es, 1 j ust called to life a complaint about Directory Assistance
charges. 1 want to tile another complaint. 1 don't understand why
1 have to pay tor a call when they can't give me the intormation 1
need. 1 know, but if s not listed and even it it were, 1 couldn't look it
up because 1 don't have a phone book lor Saratoga.
Is there a charge tor the phone books? O.K.., then, 1 want to
order a set ot phone books. For where? O.K., let's see. Nassau and
Suffolk counties, Oueens, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Westchester,
Kockland, Kochester, Syracuse, Buffalo and it Lackawanna is not
included in the Bullalo book, 1 want one tor Lackawanna, What
do you mean, you have no record ot a call trom this number to
Kochester? What does that have to do with anything? That's
ridiculous, maybe I'll want to make a call to Hochester soon. You
can only request a phone book lor an area you've called before?
that's absurd. 1 want to tile a complaint."
By this time, Marilyn was practically frothing at the mouth. She
hung up and spent the next fifteen minutes shaking her head
and Happing her arms. The phone company does not have a
tranquilizing etlect on most people, but lor Marilyn, dealing with
them had become an exercise in absurdity. Nor did it end here.
Rega Cut Styling
evening by
Thurs. and Fri.
9 am to 9 pm
• Ji
Whither the History Phtt Only the Lawyers Know
by David Lerner
colleges, professional, technical and
t will be glorious. It will be a other schools . . .
Section 13.2
battle ot concrete, and steel, provides that 'the commissioner may,
and marble, and Grecian alter notice and opportunity to be
columns, and modern plastic . . . and hearcl, rescind the registration ol any
history. It it ever comes to pass, it will institution which tails to maintain the
outdo all the battles that downtown approved standard ot equipment and
Albany has ever seen, and it has seen instruction . . . ' The relevant
some ol the best. There have been provisions ot the Hegulations ot the
night-long battles in the legislature, Commissioner. . . provide that 'every
political maneuvering in the Capitol, cirriculum ottered in institutions ot
struggles within the bureaucracies in higher education must be registered.'"
the South Mall, and legal crises in the Provisions in the hducation Law
ornate Court ot Appeals.
enable the Kegents to adopt rules and
But when the educators go at it, regulations to govern education.
Thin Ice
everything else was just a warm-up.
The legal ice which the Trustees
It the State University ot New York
takes the State hducation department walk on is much thinner. They conto court over yet another grand design tend, according to Hugh Tuohey a
ot architecture, SUNYA, all ot those spokesman lor Boyer, that "in the
other principals will be glad they've absence ot rules and guidelines from
had the practice because, directly or which the ShD could evaluate doctorate programs, and there are none in
not, they'll all get involved.
our view, we don't leel there's any way
Titania and Oberon
Like Titania and Oberon lighting the ShD could make a judgment." In
over the custody ol the changeling lhat case, the argument goes, the
boy, the New York State Board ot Trustees must decide on Ihe accepKegents, ultimate authority tor all tability ot any graduate program withi n
educational matters in the state, and SUNY.
the State University ot New York Board
The procedures by which the
ol Trustees, ruling body lor all SUNY, Iruslees can evaluate SUNY graduate
are fighting over the registration ol education are spelled out in the Master
SUNYA's History Ph.D program.
Han, a voluminous document which
Or rather, the lack ot it.
both the Kegents and the Governor
On September 1, this campus was ratify every five years.
removed trom the statewide list ol
Well, the State University is totally
History Ph.D programs registered by wrong,' Nyquist said, "it they think we
the hducation Department. The eltecl cant change things except Ihrough
ot lhat action is that should nothing be Ihe master plan process. The State Undone to reverse it before the last iversity is simply wrong, there are
g r a d u a t e student completes the other avenues—we run the accreditaprogram, the tradition ot a History Ph.D tion process, and I have said certain
at SUNYA will have ended, abruptly. programs aren't up lo Ihe quality we
The disagreement which threatens expect in this state.
to result inanimportantcourtsuitturns
Nyquist came to the conclusion that
on the questions ol who has the tinal
authority over graduate education in the Albany program was deticient as a
the State University, and how is that result ot a state-wide doctoral review d e c r e a s i n g enrollment and tight
begun last year. The review has its budgets, that Ihe weak programs were
authority exercised.
origins in a study commissioned in going to be pruned and eliminated.
While the prima mobile behind the January, 1972, and completed a year
The Commission outlined their mamaneuvering are the Hegents and the later, called the Heming Commission jor goals lor the tuture ol graduate
Trustees, the public figures who Keport on Meeting the Needs ol Doc- education, and it was their secondary
vocalize the debate are the State toral hducation in New York State.
objective which led to the present stale
hducation Commissioner, hwald B.
Ihe Commission wrote, O n e major ol antagonism.
Nyquist, 'and the State University reason lor the review ot priorities is the
Along with maintaining the quality
Chancellor, hrnest Boyer. hach is the serious tinancial stress experienced by
programs, il said, "A second major obchiel administrative olticer ol his Ihe higher education community
jective. . . should be utilizationot New
respective board, and each has been generally and doctoral institutions parlorks total resources lor doctoral
adamant on the question ot legal ticularly . . . In addition, the demand
education in a more economical, etauthority. As Commissioner, Nyquist lor doctorates . . has largely been
licient, and ellective way. This means
holds most ot the trump cards, but satislied. . The Nation may be lacing
Ihe reduction ol unnecessary duplicaBoyer is tryi ng to prove that he has the a glut ol doctorates in Ihe next decade
tion and competition in Ihe State's
.i d beyond in many tields, unless Ihe system ol doctoral education."
Ihe trustees, through Boyer, con- present rate ot doctorate production is
Internal Review Suggested
tend that their action in altirrning the moderated."
It went on to suggest that each
continued development ol the doctoral
Ihe Commission recommended in college conduct an internal review,
program in history at Albany is fully its report that a pilot program ol doc
and in the case ol SUNY, a syslernconsistent with their responsibilities,' toral review start with one program wide review. "II is apparent," il said,
as the governing board lor SUN Y.
Irom Ihe humanities and one Irom Ihe
lhat some doctoral programs are exStatutes in Ihe hducation Law agree physical sciences. The Departments
cessively costly in terms ol benelits to
that Ihe Trustees govern SUNY, but Advisory Council on Graduate educaIhe institution or students. Ihe faculty
Hobert Stone, Counsel to the Depart- tion selected history and chemislry lor
may be too small or the students too
ment, cites other relevant laws. He- the pilot study. Those lamiliar with Ihe
lew lor an etlective program."
quested by Nyquist to establish the Commission knew that their underlyTo accomplish its goals, Ihe Kegents,
l e g a l p r e c e d e n t b e h i n d t h e ing recommendation was lo eliminate
should have a general policy ol conDepartment's decision to de-register, some programs.
centrating programs at a relatively
Section 13.1 ol the Hules (ol the
"it was understood when the review
Hegenls) provides that 'the Com- began," a spokesman lor SUNY said, limited number ot institutions in the ini lissioner shall establish regulations that some program somewhere was terest ol both highest quality and the
g o v e r n i n g the lollowing: a) the going to get cut. It was inherent in the most efficient and economical use ol
registrator il courses ol study in nature ot Ihe evaluation that in a time ol limited resources."
"The Kegents should," the Commis-
otSUNY Albany's growth. . .TheUniversity laces a series ot no-growth
budgets in the next tew years, and
there seems little likelihood that additional positions will be allocated to
the History Department.
No Room For Improvement
Nor are additional taculty positions
needed. Si nee t he program's inception
13 years ago, only live Ph.D's have
been awarded, compared to Binghamton's eight year old program which has
produced 15 degrees, and Stony
Brook's 1U year old program with 25
Ph.Ds. Intact, there is hardly any room
tor additions to the department, lor, as
Nyquist points out, every lull and
associate prolessor is tenured, with
757o tenured over all. In addition,
w h e r e t h e Kating Committee
recommended stability in the chairmanship, the History Department has
had three chairmen in lour years.
Along with stability, the ShD has established certain criteria lorevaluating
Ph.D programs (these were criteria
which Ihe site learns were supposed to
base Iheir observations on, unlike
general guidelines which SUNY Central says are non-existent).Among the
criteria were, 1) High quality students
in sullicienl number lo allord opportunity lor interaction in seminars and
outside ol c l a s s . . . 4) Faculty capable
ol providing high quality research
training, evidenced by the extent to
which taculty members have carried
out signiticanl research and published
Ihe results. For directing dissertations,
taculty were expected lo have produced a substantial body ol scholarship
demonstrating a broad mastery in an
area with a shaping upon Ihe held."
fk- M»
State Education Commissioner Ewald I Nyquist, upper lefi, and State University
Chancellor Ernest Boyer, lower right, nir ly have to go to court to settle the question ot
who has jurisdiction over the SUIff A History Department PhD program.
cipline re-evaluation in history and
chemistry, Ihe Kegents established Ihe
Ollice ol Ihe Doctoral Project. II was
decided thai Ihe best way lo obtain an
objective diagnosis was to go outside
the stale lor qualilied personnel. In a
two-slep process, a sile visiting learn (a
lact-linding unit to conduct interviews
with faculty and students and report
lirst hand on the prog-am under
review) and a rating committee (to cull
reports Irom all universities) would
evaluate all information gathered lor
Ihe review.
Commissioner Nyquist, in a report to
the Kegenls in April ol this year,
describing how the individual reviewing units would operate. "At all stages
ol Ihe review process, we have included representatives ol both in-state and
out-ol-stale groups in Ihe hope ol
balancing their contributions: alter Ihe
out-ol-slate visitors make their report,
the involved institution is requested lo
respond lirst on questions ol lact and
then on issues ol judgment, criteria
and context: alter the outside rating
committee report with individual
recommendations is submitted to me,
individual institutions, and the Doctoral Council (an in-state advisory
group ol 14 graduate deans) are asked
to present their responses and comments, and the Council makes its own
recommendations lo me. Further, once
sion said, establish special com
mittees lo review Ihe quality ol unci
need lor doctoral programs in selected
disciplinary areas. Only programs
meeting standards ol present or potential high quality, and need, should i»J
ollered . . . Programs without IheSi;
quatilications should not be sii|
In August ot 1973, seven months
alter the Heming Keport was publish
ed, Ihe Kegenls issued Posili- m Popei
tfly basically a restatement ol the
report, and an outline ol Ihe steps
which Ihe slate would lake to implf
ment Fleming's suggestions
Point by point, the Kegents parroted
the Commissions lindmgs, ami Itieii
added one ol Iheir own how 'separate Ihe wheat trom the oh. ill Ihe
programs," they said, will be placed in
one ol three categories: a) high quality
and need -to be sustained, b) in
lermediale quality and need I" lje
put on probation lor 3 years and
reviewed again, and c) inadequate
quality and need—to be phased out
over an appropriate period ol lime.
Only two history programs lit that
last description, SI John's and Albany
St. Johns is swallowing the pill, but
Albany is coughing il back in tin?
Kegents' lace.
To implement the Commissions
prescription tor a state-sponsored dis-
the Council has made its recommendations, Ihe institutions are inviled
once more lo advise me ol any plans
and priorities which Ihey have ellecting Ihe program under review. It has
been our assumption that this open
and balanced procedure is necessary
lor due process and good planning.
On March 7 and b, 1974, the Albany
si te visiti ng team ol Drs. Kobert Cross ol
Ihe University ol Virginia and Joel
Collon ol Duke University conducted
their review ol Ihe History Ph.D on
campus. Opinions by Boyer and Nyquist split as to exactly what thai team,
and later the Doctoral Council, said
about theSUN Y.i program. According
to boyer, "il seems unmistakably clear
that the overall thrust ol tins on-silevisiI
was a positive one, suggesting many
more strengths lhan weaknesses and
urging that the department move
aggressively ahead."
Nyquist, however, quoted other
parts ol the site team's report, and then
Irom Ihe Kating Committee's summation. The (History) Department reached its maximum size lour years ago
and has experienced a modes! decline
ol three or lour people since then. Ihe
number ol graduate lellowships and
assistantships have declined Irom a
peak ol 29 (in 1970-71) and has now
stabilized at about litteen annually.
These declines rellect the tapering oil
Albany's particular weakness in
these two areas were highlighted in a
letter lo Ihe Chancellor on June 12,
1975 Irom Commissioner Nyquisl. According lo the Kating Committee and
Doctoral Council, he wrote, I he major
dehciencies which were idenlilied in
the program, as outlined . . . are . .
1. Ihe taculty is not highly productive or prominent: only one prolessor is
nationally recognized as a leading
authority in one oi the'broad lields ol
2. I he doctoral student population is
very small; there is not a sullicienl
number ol -students to provide either
lor ellective seminars or lor Ihe kind ol
out ol class learning indispensable lor
lledghng histonans.
While Ihe interpretations ol Ihe Doctoral Councils report are bandied
back and torth, SUNY Central Administration is preparing its possible
case Irom Ihe approach lhat the
Department's move lo de-register was
arbitrary without previously established guidelines. The Trustees argue that
the History Ph.D is essential loSUNY's
status as a University Center, even
assuming Ihe program is a weak one.
Nyquist Emphatic
On the issue ol guidelines, the Commissioner is emphatic. He pointed to
criteria printed in the Fleming Keport,
others in Position Paper #19, instructions issued to the site visiting teams,
the Kating Committee, and to each
department being evaluated "I find insufficient potential in the history
program at SUNY Albany to justify its
continuance," he said
T understand," Nyquist wrote Boyer
in April, "and respect the legal responsibilities ot the SUN Y Board ot Trustees
and other Boards ol Trustees. 1 am also
aware ol my own and the Kegents'
responsibilities . . , To surrender this
responsibility (to register graduate
programs) to any other group or individual would be an abnegation o.t
their (the Hegents) authority and not in
the public interest."
So while the two educators tight it out
within the carpeted halls ot the Twin
Towers and the Stone Moors ol the State
hducation building, their lawyers are
negotiating the potential suit. II one
surfaces, and due to the time element,
November is probably deadline, it will
be SUNY Central doing the suing. The
options short ot a court case don't
appeal to the Trustees. Spokesmen see
only two other alternatives: total acquiescence, (described as "not a
viable, alternative"), or a major
overhaul ol Ihe Ph.D program.
Towards that end, SUNYA President
hmmet Fields hired three out-ol-slate
consultants lo draw up plans to
redesign Ihe History program.
but Nyquist isn't making any
promises. The only assurance I've
given lo Fields or Boyer," he said, is
that when they show substantial improvement, they can be re-registered.
Proposals by consultants are onething,
pulling them lo practice is another.
Getting the money lor any improvements is their maior obstacle.
C a r t y Kept Abreast
Governor Hugh Carey, according lo
both sides, is being kept abreast ol Ihe
developments through his stall and his
counsel, luddah Gnbelz. The Governor appoints the SUNY Trustees, and
the state legislature elects the Kegents.
Stale law controls the behavior ol both
educational groups, so the Governor's
interest is keen.
A spokesman lor Carey said lhat he
"is a releree. We haven't made a value
judgment, were just trying to get the
parties together to talk and a void a lawsuit. We re trying to keep em oil each
other's necks and keep em out ot court
. . . That's the lirst thing."
Nyquisl says his ollice is not gearing
up lor a suit, though they are prepared
lor lhat eventuality. The Chancellor's
ollice also says they are trying to avoid
a suit, though blood is hotter in their
Iwin lowers complex lhan over at the
State hducation building. Herbert
McArthur, an
Assistant Vice
Chancellor, said, "Where there are
laws, there are court cases, though that
is not a statement on whetherthere will
be a court case." Hugh Tuohey, a
Boyer spokesman, said "Nyquist has
not expressed any satisfactory middle
ground, and the Trustees are not
prepared to acquiesce. I don't think
there is much chance ot avoiding a
Ono administrator at SUNY Central
said that il the case goes to court, "it'll
be like a pot ol boiling oil. 1 wouldn't
want to step in it."
OtiMr Media-3%:
Anti-Discrimination Laws
fcvery year Student Association § budget
Committee preares a budget that the SA
President often with revisions, proposes to
Central Council. The budget is revised by
Council, sometimes a lot, sometimes very
little, and is then approved by them. That
budget decides wherethe sixty-lour dollars
each student pays in tax goes.
This year's budget committee has
already been lormed, and expects to
analyze every priority and expenditure in
the Association.
The accompanying pie reveals where
the money went this year.
Backfire on Women
by The College Press Service
he latest' victims" ot antidiscrimination laws may be
women's studies departments
which were begun in the past tew
years to combat the male bias ot
traditional university curriculums.
I'he Women's Studies College at the
State University ot New ¥ork(SUN *) at
Bulialo was advised last month that
their live all-women courses must be
discontinued or they will "simply be
barred" from the University course
otlerings in January, 1976.
The courses, which teature enrollment "tor women only," violate the
Department ot Health, Education and
Welfare Title IX guidelines and' the
New York State Human Hights Law, according to SUNY Counsel and Executive Vice President Albert Somit.
The Title IX regulations, which took
ettect July 21, prohibit discrimination
in any educational institution which'
receives federal funds.
But the Women's Studies College at
SUNY is not accepting the ruling
without a tight. "We are not discontinuing women's studies classes," a
department coordinator claimed.
"That's what the administration would
like to think."
Spokeswomen for the women's
college leel that the discrimination
against men serves a legitimate
educational purpose. "The selective
use ot all women's classes is tundamental to our educational growth; it
is the unique element ot our program,
and the foundation ot our strong,
national impact on the development ot
other women's studies programs," a
Women's Studies College newsletter
Some clarification: The percentages will
add up to 102%, which isthe result ol rounding up more often than down. A small portion ot SA salaries includes stipends lor all
SA groups. Not included in this chart is the
Emergency Spending Line(h'SL) which this
year amounted to about $30,000. This is
money left lor Central Council to allocate
during the year. This pie represents
allocations trom student tax money. It
does not retlect the size ol the total budget
ot a particular group, though in most cases
the two ligures are close to each other.
Groups with other income besides the SA
allocation include Concert Board (ticket
money), i'he ASP (advertising), and partysponsers taking money in at the door.
Women's Studies College members
teel that their program is a " vital alternative action program tor women," according to their newsletter. Women's
College members also accused the
University ot being "incredibly lax in
developing and enforcing an alternative action program tor women. It is
obvious," they stated, "that the admistration is misusing legislation
designed to protect and advance the
educational opportunities tor women
in order to threaten the lite ot a
program on this campus committed to
those very goals."
Other Hecreational-3%:
Not For Women Only
spokeswoman tor the women's studies
A spokeswoman tor the Women's department at Kansas University said.
Studies College said that SUN Y at Buf- "We think educating men is a basic
falo is not the only women's depart- part ot people being able to change the
ment which otters courses "tor women whole social situation."
only," but administrators at other un"Men aren't really encouraged to
iversity women's departments agreed take classes in our department," a
that the practice ot keeping men out ot faculty member ot the women's studies
classes was both illegal and seli- department at Sacramento State Undet eating.
iversity said. "The classes are set up lor
"Idon't think it would be consistent women, with a feminist perspective.
with the philosophy we have here," a They just don't attract that many men.
The administration is misusing legislation designed to
protect and enhance the educational opportunities for
women in order to threaten the life of a program on this
campus committed to those very goals.
But it would be discriminatory to exclude them altogether."
Une argument in lavor ot all-women
courses is that women would teel more
Ireedom to speak out about their
shared problems without men in the
classroom. Women's studies laoulty
members sympathized with this teeling but most telt those problems should
be attacked outside the classroom. "It's
useful tor consciousness-raising
groups but not necessarily in class,"
the Kansas University spokeswoman
Other women's studies departments
have tound it unnecessary to consider
ottering all-women classes. "It's discriminatory and we couldn't have
done it here," Judy Wanhala, an administrative associate at the University
ot Minnesota women's studies department said. But a lot ot courses end up
being all women anyway. 1 taught a
course last summer tor 3U people and
there were no men in il at all."
her Cultural Groups-3%:
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Alb. State Archers
Amateur Radio Club
Chess Club
Duplicate Bridge
Fencing Society
Harness Racing
Outing Club
Rugby Club
Sky Diving
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CINE 1234
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Albany Campus Events
Albany State Cinema
Coltee House Committee
5-Uuad V A S.
Cay Alliance
Int'l Film Group
Protect Your Environment
Veterans lor Action
Women's Liberation Croup
Academic Croups-1%:
Allen Center Student Alliance
Assoc Computing Machinery
Biology Club
Chemistry Club
Chinese Studies Club
Geology Club
Hebrew Club
Le Cercle fr'rancais
Na Dene
Pre law society
Pre med, pre dent society
Russian Club
Social Weltare Club
Society ot Physics Students
Spanish Club
Audiology Club
Students ot Nursing Org.
Und, rgr d Pot. Sci.
Undergrad Psychology
The Lot
by Sharon Denise Williams
he listened as she saw the
children running and playing
in the empty lot. They darted
between the broken glass, laughing
and screaming happily. The lot was
surrounded by tour large buildings
that kept it trom the view ot the street. In
lad, the only way to the lot is through
the alley between the two buildings.
Many ol the people who live in the
building throw their garbage trom the
windows into the lot so besides the
wood, glass, and pieces ot metal, there
are pieces ot paper, garbage bags and
toodt all over the place, making it a
perfect home lor rats, roaches and
other stray animals, such as dogs, cats
and people who haven't a home to live
in or food to eat.
around kicking cans and jumping over
big pieces ot wood. She stopped to pick
up a broken doll, when a tamily ol rats
came out trom under a pile ot wood.
The largest rat stopped and showed his
teeth as the other rats tied to satety. The
girl screamed and ran. A boy that was
near by, chased the rat until it disappeared under another pile ol garbage. His Iriends cheered him and
then went back to playing.
Alter playing hide and seek through
the broken down cars that someone leit
there, they started to play a game ot
war. The boys broke up into teams and
the girls sat on the side and cheered
them on. Hrst pebbles Hew Irom side to
side, then alter awhile they got larger.
The girls sat rooting tortheir teams. The
noise rose to her window and got!
louder each time one side got hit
O n e boy got up to throw a rock and
was hit by an on-coming rock. He tell
backwards into a small mountain ot
broken glass and wood with nails sticking Irom them. There was a second ol
silence, and then a high blood curdling scream came Irom the boy. He was
lilted up by one ot the older boys in the
group. Blood poured Irom all over his
body. His blood vessels and hunks ot
meaty red and while tlesh were showing trom a cut on his arm. The blood
had painted his dirty white pants a
deep red
A Gruesome Sight
Some ol his triends ran and got an
older boy. The older boy looked at the
younger boy and tightened up his lace
at the gruesome sight. He looked
again, turned and ran tor help.
The younger boy howled with pain
as he called tor his mother. His young
playmates' watched in terror, tor they
had never seen anything as terrible as
this. Someone in the crowd that had
First Only A Few
liver since the older kids took over
theplaygrounddowntheblock, all the
younger kids come to the lot. First
there were only one or two, but now
there are a lot more, From her tilth tloor
window she could look down and see
the whole lot, and everyday she hears
them playing.
She looks down and watches a little
girl that reminded her ol herselt when
she was young. The little girl walked
gathered, called the boy's mother.
She was very, upset, speaking last, so one could understand her, and
crying. "It seems to me that she's scaring the boy even more," the girl said to
The ambulance took about torty-live
minutes to get there, and while they
were coming, the boy cried in paid as
the people just stood around watching
him. When they got there, they lilted
him into the ambulance, taking his
mother with him and drove away. The
people now started to walk away, talking about what had happened. Soon
the lot was empty.
She stayed inline window lor awhile,
then got tired, and started to go in,
when she saw a movement in the lot. A
little boy who had been out there
earlier, had returned. He was walking
around slowly, picking up pieces ot
broken concrete and throwing them at
the buildi ngs. He then lound a piece ol
wood and took some old rusty nails
trom a larger piece ot wood and
hammered them together. Then he
took a piece ot paper and stuck it on the
nail. He took his homemade sailboat
and placed it in a puddle ot muddy
water, pushing it with his linger.
She looked at this and wondered it
she would ever get out ol this place,
with its rats and roaches, killings and
raping, and empty lots, liketheoneshe
was looking at. She wondered ii her
child would be that little boy when he
got to be ten, eleven, or twelveV She
looked at all this with a passionate hate.
To bring someone into a place like this,
without being able to leave and live
somewhere else, and give it a better
lite, was it lair? She looked down at her
swollen stomach and feared tor the lile
ot her unborn child.
by Mabel P r u d e n
he sumac in the swamp was
crimson again, orange
bittersweet vines wove their
way up sturdy trees. Apples and plums
in neat baskets beckoned Irom roadside stands. The llame ol tall was burning over the wooded hills again as
she drove uptheautumnroad, carelully keeping her thoughts centered on
her driving and away Irom her destination. The countryside looked much as it
had three years ago. Only then she
had been driving the other way.
She parked the car in Irontolthetwo
story house that looked vaguely
angular, sprawling this way and that as
it designed by some giant child who
had become angry with his block
buildings; who in sudden temper had
Hung them away, to leave them on this
earth carpet.
She paused a moment on the sagging stoop in the October sunlight, absorbing the warmth, listening to the
trilling ol the lall insects. I wonder il
they know ol their sure death she
thought. Is this their final cry, or do I hey
even know that these are their last
days. Perhaps it's just the angle ol the
light that changes the tempo ol their
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October 21, 22,23 1975
Abruptly she turned the door knob,
and as she entered the dimness ol the
kitchen, she saw his sister in the rocker.
"Well, you've come back", shesaid.
Later with the sister gone, alone with
Saul, she wondered why she had
come back. She looked down at him,
lying delenseless in the double bed,
and lelt a taint revulsion. How remote
she lelt Irom Saul's lile. How remote
she had always telt. She went back out
into the kitchen to clear away her plate
and lork, washing them slowly in the
agate sink.
I he room had an odor ol neglect.
Ihere was a decaying plant in a pot on
the windowsill over the sink, the lloor
was sticky, and the tablecloth was
stained and laded, rotting in places as
il something wet had stayed on it too
long. She sat in the rocker lor a moment, letting her shoulders sag.
Saul called Irom the bedroom and
she went in with his medicine. She
propped him up with pillows and he
swallowed the evil smelling fluid. Then
she made his bed comlortable,
straightening the sheets, turning the
pillows; there were lew words between
them to bridge t he gap ot several years.
Self-nomination petition
(100 signatures)
will be available in SA 346
Starting Tuesday October 7,1975
New England
She lelt a call bell near his bed on the
cluttered night stand.
"I'll be on the couch it you need me
in the night," she said.
She lay down pulling an atghan over
her, but it was long beiore she tell
asleep. Once in the night she awakened abruptly, tense and listening, but
she heard nothing except the night
sounds that an old house makes, liven
the insect calls were silent. I'll call his
sister in the morning she thought, and
tell her that I can't possibly stay here.
When morning came she propped
Saul with pillows again so she could
teed him his cereal, and the ritual ol
their days together began.
She cleaned the kitchen, carelully
treeing her mind ot any thoughts as
she worked, absorbed only in the
rhythm ol carrying soapy water, ol
washing and hanging curtains, scrubbing the sink. The black phone on the
wall rang once, insistently, but she did
not answer its repeated summons.
Later someone knocked at the Iront
door and she slopped, silently Irozen
on her knees until she was sure
whoever it was had gone away
In November the house stood neat
again. I he driveway leading away
Irom Ihe house had a barren look. The
trees had lost their leaves, all ol them
wero gone except lor one or Iwo slill
clinging high in Ihe maples. Ihe insecls had given uptheirsinging, either
to death or hibernation. I he look ol the
land depressed her. Now I will go, she
thought, I can gel someone else to slay
here with him until he dies.
Sometimes when she was bathing
Saul or when he leaned against her as
stay with him, she found she could not
doit. I'll just stay until alterthe holidays
are over she thought. •
One winter morning as she was
dusting pictures in the dimness ot the
living room—pictures ol them together
on a sunny day—she caught a glimpse
ol sudden movement as she worked.
Involuntarily her hand Hew to her lace,
in i
hovering al her cheek until she realized it was her own image in the mirror.
For a moment she laced Ihe dry brown
woman who looked out al her—an
empty chrysalis whose Tenant has
llown away. The woman looked backat
her as she turned the mirror's lace
against the wall.
An End, and a Beginning
In February, toward theend, thegrip
ol winter loosened a little. Occasionally the snow would turn to rain, and the
ice would sollen into slush. But she
could still see no promise ol spring In
Ihe Irees, no new buds, no sap singing
up into the branches— no release Irom
this coldness. She still looked in
wonder al -those lew leaves clinging
high in the maples.
One allernoon she watched a hawk
out ol the kitchen window as she stood
idly, wailing lor Ihe kettle to boil lor a
cupol lea. He was high up in Ihe winter
sky when she lirsl became aware ol
him, soaring sileull /, Ihe lingers ol his
wings outslrelched against I he darkening sky. lie tell suddenly, swiltly, startling her hand against Ihe cup clattering
il into the agate sink. In a momenl he
rose again, the body ol his prey dangling Irom his talons. Ilia night she leit
/ guess I was only half aware . . . I suppose if he had
wauled more or I had wanted less we might have lasted
together . . .
she was leeding him, she remembered
how he had looked when Ihey were
lirsl married; how his bare young arms
had gleamed in Ihe summer sunhghl
as he lorked over Ihe hay or worked in
their garden. She remembered how
Ihey had laughed together as Ihey
worked on Ihe house and whispered
together in Ihe double bed. During
(hose limes Ihe remoteness waslarlher
oil, I guess I Wiii; only hall aware she
mused, learning lalerlhallhequickenIIK.J response ol the body did nol
always mean Ihe quickening response
ol Ihe mind. And never resolving the
thoughl thai Saul could be happy wilh
their marriage when she was nol. I suppose il he had wanted more or I had
wanted less wo might have lasted
together she thought, liven her
rememberings couldn't drive a way the
distaste she lelt as she looked at his
lading body.
but each lime she started to the
phone to call lor somone to come to
Ihe radio on all night, its hushed voice
peopling Ihe empty rcom.
Suddenly one late alternoon he was
Now abruptly alter all the months ol
wailing he lay Ihere linished, pulse
stilled, the last warmth seeping Irom
his body leaving his limbs limp and
llacoid. She wepl a little as she bathed
him llns last lime, her tears touching
his eyelids, his pale arms.
Later she looked oul Ihe window as
Ihe March wind swept a lew leaves
across Ihe crusted snow. I can be leaving now she Ihought.She crossed Ihe
room to the phone to call Ihe doctor
and Saul s sister to tell them ol his
deal 11.
In the morning, Ihe wind subdued,
the sun warm with lalse spring she
drove down the driveway. As she lelt
she noticed the lirsl young green ol a
spring crocus pushing its head up
through Ihe brown tangle ol its winter
• .-.;'-.
"Hey," tianigansaystoSphinctertor
screamed/yelled/taunted the short
my benefit, "he looks a little mad. Lets
"Mtlrbmg smlnrg!" 1 hollered take the tape oft tor a little while and
see what he says." And as his hand
through the tape.
goes to rip oil the rectangle that's
And that how 1 found myself in
covering my mouth, 1 quickly prepare
Semantics division, a small room,
several tull charge bombs concerning
bare save three chairs, two detectives,
my interrogators Oedipian desires and
a desk and an exposed lightbulb. A
their tulltillment ol same.
cop had dragged me down the Police
With a quick rip, rianigan removes the
Station halls, and into this room. He
tape, and the majority ot my facial hair
threw me in a chair, spoke with the
with it. But just as 1 start to speak, heimdetectives tor about a minute, then left.
mediatedly replaces the tape. You've
The rougher ot the two detectives
said enought," he chortles. I'm boiling
sauntered overto my chairandleaned
in close. "Well, it looks like we have a
Ihey started inagain, and continued
lor the whole place to hear.. ."Um, your
by Ken Wax
eah, they know how to handle girlfriend is faking orgasm." He gritted into my tace, a little spittle ol lor whal seemed like hours. Sphincter,
scum like you," muttered the screamed out and contorted his body saliva landing near my eye. "Yep," he realizing I hat his T m your buddy' ploy
cop who was pushing me in a spasmodic cringe. 1 was sipping a assured himself loudly, "a real lough was not going to produce anything,
down the hallway deep inside Police glass ot water, preparing tor another talker," and he turned away Irom me. joined in the assault. Together they
Headquarters. 1 would have snapped smash, when the door burst open and I'd have let him have il right then and kept yelling away, starting with my
back at him, but my mouth was taped two cops came in. Man-ape pulls there, but my mouth was still taped alleged toilet training dillicullies, moving through the insecurities ot
himsell upon one knee and says lothe shut. A truly helpless teeling.
Hey, tough guy!" he started in adolescence and had j usl started dwellThe incident that had me being cops:
again, pulling a chair up so he sat two ing on audacious assaults on my
pushed into Police Semantic Division
inches away, Where the hell did you masculinity. I had finally had enough.
started about live days ago, at a bar
A Hit In Ego
With a mighty TUCK. YOU" Ihe tape
get those shoesV Did ya lose a bet or are
where 1 was drinking with a lady triend
you pledging a IratV Huh, punkV" he that was supposed lo hold my moulh
ot mine. But to tully understand it we
shut held no longer. I got up and kick
This guy verbally assaulted me. Hit chortled.
have to go back to last summer.
And that shirt. . . Jeez, buddy that's ed over Ihe chair 1 was sitting on. I
1 took this sell delense course. Ver- me in the guilt and ego three times," he
bal sell defense. It was taught at the' Y' moans. One ot the cops, the shorter pretty nice. Do they make it your meant business.
Hannigan! You Ihink you're pretty
by a small Oriental speech teacher, one, bends down close to his head, and luckin size? hhr"' And helurnedaway,
lasted eight weeks, and cost lorty asks il the hood il he wants to press in exagerated disgust, and told his damn secure, don't your Well, let me
charges. He says he does. 1 explode:
partner that he was going to get my lile. ask you — What's your wile doing righl
dollars. Money well spent.
"Utticer, this is ridiculous! Why, this-.
Hey, Sphincter, I'm going to get his this minuter Is she really oul shopFor, quite a tew times I've had to deal
home, with the gasman
with ruttians who have started up with .." My outcry is cut oil by a pistol press- lile," he said.
No sooner does the door shut when reading her meter:' You're a lal impome, and with verbal sell delense; I've ed to my temple.
"Any verbal projectiles from you," this other guy, whose been silent until tent lump ol jelly, Hannigan! Your old
been able to decimate them quickly,
easily and without getting my clothes he says slowly, like in the movies, "and now, comes over and oilers me a lady shuts her eyes when you undress
mussed up. Eltective and elticient, its I II blow you away." 1 thought ol inlor- cigarette. Introduces himsell as loe, in lor bed! She's laughing at you, along
helped me out ot several tight spots, ming him ot the maternally based guilt a real mellow lone. Ahah, 1 say to wilh the gasman. And you know it,
and there were never any com- inspiration ol his crude threat, but dis- mysell, the oldest trick in Ihe book is Manny!!!" I was good.
And this once tough detective lalls lo
plications. Until last weekend, that is. missed it as ill advised. 1 sat quietly coming up.
Listen buddy,' loe begins, "1 really Ihe lloor, wimpering, cowering.
As 1 said before, 1 was at this bar, and while the other cop called heada lellow, actually he was more like a quarters (Trauma on Bleeker and ought to warn you about Steve (relerr- Writhing in Irauma, he's moaning his
Yes, yes I've always
ing to the other detective). He's one atlirmative
Neanderthal man, eyebrow ridge and '^nd") to lind out what to do.
They say to tape his mouth, we got mean guy. And he was an K(JO major supecled it. . . Ah, lo watch a grown
all, started with me. He made a remark
ot desire to the woman I was with, an ambulance coming lorthisone," he in college. Knows Socratic logic. A man succomb to a verbal barrage. But
suggesting she dump that creep" gestured towards man-ape. He was still black belt in it. He was just loying with I didn't have time to bask in my
(audaciously relerring to me) and at- on the lloor, rocking back and lorth, go- you belore. He'll tear you lo ribbons il success. Hannigan wasdown, true, but
Ihis Sphincter was still a threat. He
tach hersell to the man-ape. 1, ot ing "She couldn't have been taking, you give him trouble.
course, intervened in the intercourse, she couldn't've. . .
Me.'' Ah, this is only a job lo me. 1 looked scared and I din t want any
and this missing link gets riled.
tour strips ol adhesive tape did it, my could care less. But Steve, hell he lakes panicking as long as he had that Police
Special in his holster. 1 hit him quick,
"Well, I'm gonna punch your lace in, mouth was sealed when the am- it all personal.
Look, you strike me as a good kid. and I hit him hard.
punk," he growled. 1 decided to pre- bulance arrived.
Heysphincler! "I yelled as heslarted
II was quite a sight. Siren Co-operate and I'll see to il that he
empt his attack, and planting my leet
lakes it easy on you. Okay/' So Joey- lo cover his ears. Al Ihelopol my lungs
shoulder length apart, let go with the screeching, you could hearlhe burn ol
I screamed. You still pick your nose
the tires as the ambulance came loan
boy here is my good Iriend, eh.''
lirst ol an upcoming barrage.
And kid,' he mentioned as an and eat it, 1 don'l you.'' Huh, huh,
Your mother never loved you," 1 abrupt stop in Iront ol the place. Ihe
He looked contused,
allerlhought as he walked back lo Ihe don'tchaarVr
calmly thrust. He was stunned, in a two attendants raced out ol thecaband
ran around lo the back, which they other side ol Ihe desk, your shoes din'I stared at his index linger, then al me,
daze, a stupor. I toyed with him.
and then I watched Ihis man collaspse
thai bad."
Your tasle in clothing is poor, very opened up wilh rnindboggling speed.
Out onto the sidewalk Ihey wheeled
As the lasl syllable leaves his throat, to the lloor and die ol embarrassment.
poor.' The delivery was superb, the
Ihrough a window I escaped, and lost
condescending tone, matched the a plush couch, and a goaleed psy- in walks Hannigan, as il Ihe entire
mysell in Ihe crowds.
pointed glare particularly well, and the
Ihe moralr1 Slay away Irom trouble,
inflection, well, il 1 do say so mysell, I hey whisked over to us, one pushing probably was.
Opening a rnanillalolder, Hannigan kid. You can never win. Sure, I
wasmagnilicent, I he Simian bent over
decimated thai bully and Ihose cops,
and tell to the lloor. This was the point Missing-link was rolled onto I he couch, starts in.
and amid a Hurry ol bed welling
Hey Sphincter, look al this guys lile. sure, but I'm a marked man. Ihe FBI
where 1 should have slopped.
questions was wheeled back into Ihe Check oul this photo ot his girllriend. wants my vocal cords. I look around all
But lor whatever reason, 1 suspect
van. Ihe siren started up and away
Whew, what a piece ol shit! And it says the lime, not sure when some arm ol
the drinks were responsible, 1 decided
zoomed the ambulance.
here thai she's getting it on Ihe side. Ihe law will catch up with me.
to have a little fun. In retrospect I know
Bui when Ihey linully do, I'll lell you
Ihe cops started shoving me
Hey lough-boy, did ya know thai? I'm
il was wrong, but al the time . . . well, 1
towards the police car. You think
still taped up, and beneath the tape, I'm this much: I won't go down wilhoul a
guess there is no excuse . . .
I cleared my throat, andloud enough you re a lough man, doncha.''
But Words
Will Never
Harm Me
Voyeur of the Weathering Heights
continued irom page tour
problem at harvest time," he says, "last
year a cold spell in the midwest ruined
the corn crop; the country lost billions
ot dollars in food." Bernard points out
that this was only because ol a lew
degrees. "Maybe you could create
large areas ot clouds to keep the heat
'in' ". Bernard speculates that some liquid could be developed that would be
added to jet plane fuels and then would
act as a nucleating agent when released as exhaust. This might keep the
cloud cover tor those dangerous
Bernard has a controversial theory
about the cause ot lightning that is
catching on. Introduced in 19S5 while
he was working tor Arthur D. Little and
Co. in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Bernard's theory suggests that the electric
charge in clouds was caused by air
motions lilting Irom the ground
positively charged cloud particles and
thus pushing negatively charged ones
down. The general belief has been that
gravity is a lactor in the separation ol
positive and negative charges within
the cloud.
Most scientists believe tornadoes are
caused by heat; Bernard thinks they
are electrically driven. Among his
evidence are night-time pictures ol tornadoes revealing that they emit light.
Bernard has an undergraduate, David
Keller, who is linishing work on wind
velocities ol tornadoes. Keller is finding new evidence to support the
theory by firing bits ot straw into
ditlerent woods in various conditions.
The velocities necessary lo imitate Ihe
ellect on trees and buildings caused by
tornadoes are unexplainable wilh
traditional theories. Bernard believes
that electricity could be responsible tor
that power.
Bernard builds up enormous phone
bills each spnng, the tornadoes
season, to speak to eyewitnesses about
what they saw. His tornado theory is no
longer ignored, though lor some years
it was.
Ihe tornado pictures are lined up
opposite Bernard's desk so lhal he sits
with his back lo them. On his lell are
Ihe windows, one ol which displays a
Kresnel lens lhal makes il possible lo
view State Ouadranale on Iheexlrerne
f t e internationpil Film fitnup
The alternative filmic experience since 1954,
in conjunction with the Dept. of Classics
Black Orpheus
Thursday, October 16, 8:00 LC-18
what s
He Rigs Up Earphones
Though without a training as intense
as Bernard's (at the Massachusetts Institute ol Technology), Kurt majored at
Cornell in Chemistry. It was Bernard,
however, who lirst introduced
technology lo Kurt when they were
1 rigged up some earphones Irom
my radio—rare in those days—to give
him LKurlJ something lo do while in
bed, says Bernard. "It seemed to
cheer him up. But later he complained
that the radio wouldn't work; while
playing with some scissors he had cut
the leads oft the earphones and they
were almost impossible to iixl 1 was
furious, wild. Mother thought it was
really lunny. But it turned out that he
had cut the sheets and pillow cases at
the same time."
Bernard says that Kurt was
humorous. "My sister Alice and 1 were
a demanding audience. . .hejokedat
dinner a lot." Not always was the family
amused. Kurt and Alice lought and
Bernard remembers that "it was one ot
my mother's chores at one time to take
gum out ot Kurt's mouth after he went
to bed—he got it oil telephone polls
during the day."
Kamily lile included the arts. "Kurt
and Alice sang rustic country ballads,"
recalls Bernard, "and they painted and
drew very well.
In Welcome to the Monkey House,
Kurt writes: "My sister smoked too
much. M y father smoked too much. My
mother smoked too much. I smoke too
much. My brother used to smoke too
much, and then he gave il up, which
was a miracle on the orderol the loaves
and lishes."
But good work is no miracle.
Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. is writing out west.
Bernard Vonnegut is researching at
SUNYA. New Science is questions
without answers," says Bernard.
So it goes," writes Kurt.
N ,% \..\; \ ; x •-'"4?* ••••'" .-••"" ..•••'•""'.,f
' Overs'v*#^"'V''V.•'••'• ••••''••''"' '/'•"''.'•':$*"'. • '' •"'""
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are taking place on October
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tlectric, where they told him "we encourage originality" and let him work
on what he pleased.
At a suggestion from Bernard, Kurt
was recruited into General Electrics
public relations department. His experience in Schenectady is reflected
in his early book Player Piano, a novel
about a one-company town that breaks
Kurt then lett to freelance. "He cut
loose from a steady job with a wife and
child," says Bernard. "It was
precarious. . . but 1 was sure he could
take care ol himselt."
And he did. Kurt had all kinds ot
work before any ot his writing became
popular enough to support him. He
sold cars, wrote lor Sports Illustrated,
and spent time at an advertising agency. The junior Vonnegut then emerged
over the past ten years as a leader in
popularized underground literature.
Enter the State PhotoDetails at
SVNYA Camera Club
State Photo
^Photography Contest -Stuyvesant Plazo[
right and the Administration Circle on
the extreme lett even Irom the middle
ot the room. "Counters tunnel vision,"
comments Bernard. He doesn't like the
windows at SUNYA, nor the architecture as a whole.
"It's inexcusable to ha ve such ghastly acoustics, such angles and heat loss.
In a lire heavy people could never get
through these windows. A triend ot
mine was reminded [by SUNYAJ ot a
tinal project in a school ol architecture
. . . staying up all night to complete it."
One ot Bernard's live sons is an
architect. "He'd be g-ad to show them
where to place the charges around
B e r n a r d lives close by, in
Cuilderland. He usually rides a "big
old Schwin" with lal tires to school.
Though he broke a hip while riding two
years ago, Bernard points out that the
bike is sale since "you can run over a
drain without tailing in."
His brother Kurt may have fallen into
a trap when he came to speak to
SUINYA's graduating class a lew years
ago. Though the novelist Vonnegut
has, according lo Bernard, "sworn a
lew times never to speak," he came up
alter lormer SUNYA President Louis T.
Benezet asked Bernard to discuss the
possibility with Kurl.
Bernard likes his brother's books.
And his inlluence on Kurl is unmistakable.
Ice-y, lor example. "I'm kindol contused about thai, says Bernard, explaining lhal Kurt's inspiration tor the
super-hard fictional ice lound in his
lirst best seller Cat's Cradle was related
to Ihe work Bernard was doing at
General Lleclric. He and other
researchers discussed their discoveries and lanlasies wilh Kurt, who
also worked lor General Lleclric lor a
During Ihe second world war Bernard measured Ihe ice build-uponaircralt wings. His work on that High!
problem sparked his interest in atmospheric science.
Kurl was a prisoner during World
War II, and he drew on lhal experience
when writing Ins most popular novel,
Slaughterhouse hive. Alter Ihe war
Kurl worked lor I Ire Chicago Newsservice while Bernard came lo General
The Eighth Sty:
The Singer as Sexy Chameleon
Mora than a Quad Parly
by Edward Rader
here couldn't have been more
than a dozen people in the
bighth Step when we walked
in, and it was a Saturday night. My lirst
thought was that this may not be the
place lo be on a Saturday night in
Albany. There were a lew couples, and
older couple with a boy ol about
eleven, two young women and a couple ol older lhan students men who
where there by themselves. Hmm.
More doubts, the place itsell was a
small, not quite finished basement
slocked with maybe ten, twelve tables,
a tew loose chairs in rows, and an old
sola on either side. We were entertained by two young men with guitars
ol whom 1 had never heard.
by Jill Cohen
elissa. The name melts on the
tongue like cotton candy,
which, once gone trom the
mouth, must betaken andtakenagain.
Melissa. Her curly black mane Irames
an enigmatic lace: her persistently
pouting mouth and breathless voice
reveal a knowing, worldly soul, only to
be betrayed by theintensityol her dark
brown eyes which, even in the cold
tluorescence ol her dressing room,
echo her admittedly contused psyche,
searching lor lullillment, lor organization.
"I'm terribly disorganized," she said.
I always learned mostly trom doing,
but I never liked to be told what to do.
You sutler, because you don't get discipline.
"Discipline is an amazing thing,
because you seewhat your goal is, and
you see what it takes to go alter it. It's a
tremendous gilt, to be able to tind the
balance between discipline and action. When it's all action, then it's all
very emotional, and you're hungry lor
a little bit ol logic."
Organization, discipline, logic. Her
words evoke a sense ol tormality, ot
regimentation. (Jlearly not the image
she presents on stage. Saucy and sexy,
sultry and sensuous, she sings to her
audience, pleads, cajoles, and at once
the crowd belongs to her. She teedson
their excitement and their applause,
taking Irom them while giving them
what they had come lor a taste ot her
heady, moody diversity ol performance.
1 here s a cast ol a thousand
characters in this body. I'm really kind
jl chameleon-like, because the thing
that changes is the music, giving me a
kind ol emotional charge. It's not that
I'm acting, or lying, just reacting to the
energy ol the musjc.
When the music gets really hully, it
gets me going. It's really a tremendous
sense ol power ... not really tough,'
tnough: you'd be more likely to lind me
"special place in (her) heart." The influences and inspirations that she has
had are credited not only to her contemporaries, but tothoseolanolherera
as well. "The list is endless. I was exposed to so many dillerenl types ol
music and performers, opera —my
father was with the Met opera
orchestra— symphonic music, to jazz lo
rock to Aretha Franklin to Streisand, to
Judy Garland, Frank Sinatra, Tony
Bennett, hi I a Fitzgerald, Leonlyne
Price, and those are just the singers.
Then there's Ihe novelists, and the
playwrights, it's just really endless.
Vocalist-recording star Melissa Manchester is a personification ol exuberance, vitality a n d sensuality when performing.
sitting in front ol the TV than in an alley
Maybe you wouldn't run into
Melissa Manchesterin a dark alley, bul
you probably wouldn't lind her
watching television either since her
single, "Midnight Blue" became a top
4U's hit. Unless she was watching
hersell ...
1' ve been on TV alot more(sincethe
hit). 1 did 'Don Kirschner's Hock Concert, the Mike Douglas Show,' the
Dinah Shore Show.' " On the talk
shows, she said, "You lose spontaneity.
You're playing to an audience ol lilty
shopping bags. It you start to get crazy,
they ask you, 'Is something the matter,
dear.''' " Her preferred medium is the
stage, her act livened with theatrical
Vampy, campy, reminiscient ol
Bette Midler (with whom she once
sang), she has incorporated into her
p e r l o r m a n c e m o r e and more
raunchiness" over the past lour years.
My hultiness is part ol my maturation
process, I suppose. It's the yin and the
yang ol becoming hultierand wanting
to dance more and wanting to sing
more. People tell me, You mess
around so much in live performances
and you can't capture that on record.' I
don't know about that, it's just the environment ol live performances, that
element ol live is there."
The intensity ol a live perlormance is
a lorm ot communication, and her
message is lound in her songs, which
she writes alone or with Carole Sager,
Vini Pocia (her producer) or David
Wollert (her guitarist). The sentiment,
she claims, is always her own.
Sensory, Sensual Music
Music is such a personal thing, all
my music is personal. That vehicle lor
communication is such a purely sensory thing, it's logical that it's ultimately
asensory, sensual thing, llleelsgood to
soar, or to slide, it teels so good to sing
words sometimes. You ultimately want
to communicate an idea. It's really
hard to be simple, but through the
ages, the ideas that have moved
anybody have been simple, that's what
Paul Simon taught me."
Paul Simon, Stevie Wonder, Sly
Stone, loni Mitchell, Donny Hathaway,
lor all ol these she says she has a
hndless background, but lew have
endless careers. Her luture goals are
manilold. "I dream. I'd like lobe able lo
reach people. I'd like to write
children's stones, study music. I have
to learn, more."
"I've learned alot. You have lo. I've
grown in terms ol learning how lo
pack, getting up very early, going to
bed very late, the very makeup ol my
personality has changed. You just try
to get better at what you do. Your
values change. Things that you value
are becoming more valuable because
ol demands ol lime. You value privacy
that much more, being lelt alone just lo
lime and privacy are scarce commodities to Melissa Manchester, who is
now at work on her fourth album. But
her greatest Irustration is not so much
personal as it is professional, her disscilislaction with the treatment ol rock
music as a legiti mate facet ol the music
world. "To a large extent, the rock
critics ol today have replaced the Hedda Hoppers and Louella Parsons ol
yesterday. Why shouldn't contemporary music be as importantly written
about as classical music? It's a vital
lorce in our culture."
And no better a personification ol a
vital lorce is there than the exuberance
ol Melissa Manchester, the lireball
woman-child with the cotton candy
1 stayed lor all three shows, it would
be difficult to think ol a more relaxing
atmosphere in which to hear good
music and I plan on going back there
The bighth Step Collee House,
located downstairs Irom Ihe First
Preybetenan Church on Willett St., is a
tar cry trom quad parties, happy hours,
and wall to wall concerts. It's a place lo
go to take it easy. You can sip collee or
sample a variety to lind an audience
made up of local residents as well as
students from the different colleges in
the Albany area. Nobody there is likely
lo ask you what quad you live on.
There's live music Tuesday through
Saturday night. Thursday nights alternate between Open Night, when
anyone with an instrument and the
nerve can take a crack at the stage,
and Hootenanny Night, which is lor
those who are into jamming. Monday
nights are set aside lor chess, cards,
and various kinds ol discussion.
On Ihe weekends there are
protessional acts, usually culled Irom
Ihe ranks ol either the Picking &Singing Gathering Circuit or the Chelsea
Circuit, both ol which help circulate
country and folk acts, to collee houses
and cales in Ihe Northeast. II all the acts
are anywhere as good as the one I saw,
then the Fight h Stepmust havesomeol
the best music in town.
We were entertf.ried by Dick Berman and Geoll Miller, two ol Ihe most
talented and original lolk musicians 1
have seen in a long while. Berman
writes original words and music and
Miller does Ihe arranging in a style
largely rooted in traditional fold and
country music. Dick Berman's lyrics
Dick Berman a n d Geoff Miller, two folk musicians at the Eighth Stop.
are all beautilully written poems, expressing themes diverse as the story ol
Adam and t v e to the pain ol being the
one lelt behind. He has written a series
ot songs he calls the PotferJohn songs,
which tell thetunny/sadstory ot Potter
lohn and Sarah, the women he fries to
hold onto.
Oeoll Miller plays a lively guitar,
handling blues, country, and lolk with
equal skill. The skepticism I felt when
he announced that he was going to do
a medley ol liddle tunes on the guitar
soon turned to admiration tor an in-
Apartment Hunting?
How many b e d r o o m s do y o u need?...Do y o u want furniture
i n c l u d e d ? . . . P i c k a block o n or near the SUNYA bus
For a live dollar registration tee we will describe available
vacanies t o y o u by telephone until y o u say stop. Pay us a tee of
twenty dollars w h e n y o u rent. Think of the e c o n o m y to your time
a n d effort. Interested? Complete this c o u p o n and send it w i t h a
c h e c k or m o n e y order for five dollars t o us. We'll start w i t h a
telephone call.
"/ dream. I'd like
to write children's
stories, study music,
I have to
learn more."
Your Name
Telephone Number
RPI Armory
(Co-sponsored by I.F.C. & Alumni)
$4 • Rfl
$6 • Other College Students
Halloween, October 31 8:00 p.m.
McNeil Room -Rensselaer Union
$1.00 RH $2.00- Others
Albany, New York 12208
For Mo., Call 270-6505 between 8 a.m. A 5p.m.
40 South Main Avenue
5 P M daily
even if you won't need an apartment until next year, it would be wise to
start early.
Redi Kentl Inc.
Saturday, October IS 8:00 p.m.
novative artist. The duo have not yet
recorded, but hopefully some smart
record company will recognize their
talents soon.
On Ihe weekend ol Nov. 7 & 8 The
bighth Step will be at Ihe Trinity
Methodist Church on the corner ol
Lancaster and Lark Street tor a country
and folk festival celebrating their
eighth birthday. The show will leature
lolk performers Jack Hume and Pete
Mc.Hugh, George and Vaughn Ward,
and Ihe country sounds ol the Kegis
Kiver Valley string band.
Despite all it has going lor it the
bighth Step is having serious
problems. According to manager John
Koethen, the Freeze Dried Collee
House here on campus is, as he puts it,
"pushing us against the wall." The
biggest problem is that Ihe bighth Step,
a non-profit organization, cannot compete with the S.A. lunded collee house
in terms ol admission price. It costs
$2.00 on weekends lor non-mernbers
and $1.SU lor members.
O n e gains a Ihree month
membership by paying a dollar
anyweek night, alter which all
weeknighls are tree. The price may
seem sleep lo students used to using
their tax cards, but it s worthwhile. The
bighth Step oilers a tine alternative lo
on-campus entertainment, and we can
all use that, at least once in a while.
Another FuH Moon on the Rise
1. Name of test/service:
2.Nature of Complaint (check one):
Incorrect test center assignment)
Lost transcript
_Late test score reporting
Late admissions card
"Other (specify
3.Approximate date of test/service:
(month, year)
4.Name and address as appeared on ETS
Is this real honey^" asks Joyce.
p| " ^
If you've had any problems with TTS Please fill out our survey and drop it off
(state) _
5.Present address ( i f d i f f e r e n t from
9.For how many schools was Information
Incortrjfctly handled?
Mors info, contact NVftftG at Sunya C.C. 333
Call 457-2446
( u n d e d by
EZrJSLS **• ^Ijjj
1 hat's real honey, real Golden
Blossom,' answers Leonard. Joyce
runs upanddownlhetakestaircaseon
the side ot the stage. 'These stairs are
so nice —so secure." But tall,
brownhaired Deborah comments,
This banister is too low lor me."
Hnally, the rehearsal ol Act 1 begins,
lhe silence is overpowering, as Joyce
gets into her character. Leonard
whispers, "We're working on personal
truth, character truth."
All of the above groups and their members are warned
[hat each group's recognition (and budget if applicable)
'» subject to revocation if no officer responds.
NYPIRG — We've Begun to Win
"' '
Rehearsing actors work on character truth in the PAC Studio Theater, as
preparations tor "The Eitect oi Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds"
These groups have not recorded officers in theS.A. Office.
If you are an officer or any of these groups, please come to
the 5.A. Office, Campus Center 346 by 5 P.M. Oct. 17th.
8.School where presently e n r o l l e d :
6. If testing service, location of
test center:
7,School where enrolled at time of
**• *
at the Library Lobby or near C.C. Info,
(number & s t r e e t )
(number & s t r e e t )
by Rosemary Pugliese
he number ot plays involving
the moon which have been
performed on campus this
year will soon be joined by another.
Joining Dark oi the Moon and
Moonchildren is The Etlect ot Gamma R a y s on Man-in-the-Moon
Marigolds, which will be put on Irom
October 22 through the 25th.
The play, produced by James
Leonard ol the SUN Y A Theatre department, has already called rehearsals.
Just how much work is put into the
production belorehand is apparent
Irorn seeing the practices.
lJertormers in one night's rehearsal
show up in the Studio Theatre beiore 1
p.m. As producer Leonard gives directions to stage m a n a g e r Sheila
Harrington, the cast got ready. Joyce
rarra, as one daughter, Tillie, sits on the
edge ot the stage, pulling on her white
anklets. The socks and her long skirt
resemble a parochial school unilorm.
The two other girls on stage, Handy
Kaplan in her bright blue bathrobe as
Beatrice (or Betty the Loon, as she's
called in the play) and Deborah
beechert as Kuth, check through their
props and steps, according to
Leonard's directions.
As Joyce goes through her lirst
speech, 1 look over the stage. The setup has evolved a great deal trom the
picture ot it in the ASP a tew weeks
ago. Where there were folding chairs,
there are now two old, worn, reddishbrown slutted chairs. One still has the
tag on it, as il the tamiiy in the play
lorgot to remove it. There is now a take
doorway to the lelt, and the staircase.
An old, scratched, wooden table, and a
dirty white sink have been added, too.
Ladders in the back ot the stage imply
that the set isn't quite completed. The
whole etlect is ot a tacky, but kept-up
lake it back," Sheila yells, as a line
is lorgotten. As Handy goes back lor
her line, the cord ot the phone she is using tangles and the phone crashes to
the tloor. Leonard later decides to
move the phone lor the actual performances. Hulls happen, but Ihey are
lew and lar between.
Finally, Nanny enters, played by
Jerusha Kaminski. She is lhe last
character to enter the lirst Act. She
shuttles across the stage with her
walker, her arms straining, seeming
nol io notice anything. I he walker and
her leel almos! torm a musical accom-
tle touches have been added totheset,
like the school books on the table, including one ol those black and white
marble-cover notebooks no grammar
school student used to be without.
"Uooh, it's starting to look like a real
apartment," says Joyce.
Talk turns to costumes. Handy has
seen the hat tor one ol her scenes. 'The
hat was very, very stylish, real tacky
4U's-like that would make it almost
/Us." Deborah comes out on stage
now, pulling on her socks. "My mother
si sending my saddleshoes in the
mail," she says. She will use them tor
the play.
The next big topic Is the bra Deborah
wears in a in the play. "It's
kind ol tunny and bunchy," she complains. Handy agrees, calling it a "battle bra."
Handy expains how she leelstoward
the play. "You leel you just have to be
there, whether you have a ITU" lever
or what," she says, throwing herselt
against the wall in a mock death scene.
"It's kind ol convoluted," she continues. You really should take care ot
yourself." She adds, a player can study
lines at home," ... bul a lot takes place
in rehearsal that cant take place at
" You feel you just have to be there, whether you have a
110° fever or what."
paniment squeak, swoosh.swoosh;
squeak, swoosh, swoosh . . . "
lhe characters ol Nanny and
Beatrice do not get along. When, in a tit
ol anger, Bealricethrowsapileol laundry over the bannister, a towel lands,
on lerusha's head. She
manages to keep down a grin. It is an
accident, but the incident certainly tits
in with what Beatrice would like to do
to Nanny.
As the rehearsal breaks up, the
players relax on lhe stage. Sheila
bnngs oul a thermos ol hot cider. "Isn't
this a nice lamily piclure;'" Joyce says,
as mother' and daughter' collapse on
the sola. Be sure you're leeling, be
loose," Leonard advises them. "Settle,
settle, settle."
Things do seem more settled the
next night at rehearsal, lhe set haB
changed in just a day. The staircase is
painted, the backdrop, something like
J b large lence, has been expanded, tit-
The play may deserve the players'
dedication to it, since it was long in
planning. It usually takes us one
whole year," Leonard explains, to
choose the season schedule. The
theatre department gets input trom the
student theatre council, he says. Gamma Hays was chosen partly because
lew plays oiler strong women's roles.
I his play, Leonard says, " . . . gives us
a chance to have an all temale cast." It
will balance lhe all male cast ot
Waiting torGodot, which starts oil the
Despite all the work put into it, the
play will soon be over, but one
reminder may be around tor a while.
The play calls lor a rabbit, which
Leonard gol Irom a rabbit farm. "We're
sort ol babysitting," Leonard says,
when asked who's taking care ot it
now. When Gamma Rays is over,
someone will end up with a souvenir.
Agriculture In China—talk by Alice Britenbacker, local Grange
member who visited Peoples China this summer. Friday at 7:30
p.m. at Friends Meeting House, 727 Madison Ave. All Invited;
sponsored by U.S.—China People's Friendship Association.
An informal group learning the art of Jewish cooking meets
Thursday nights at 7:30 at the home of Mrs. Rochel Rubin, 122 So.
Main Ave. All are welcome. Free (transportation available from
the Circle.) Call by Tues. 482-5781.
Camera Club announces an all new photography contest. Enter
the State Photo—SUN YA Camera Club Photography Contest;
you just might win a brand new 35mm SLR, or one of the many
other prizes. For details, go to any branch of State Photo, or contact one of the officers of the Camera Club.
Campus Crusade for Christ weekly fellowship meeting every
Thurs. at 7:30 p.m. Campus Center 315.
Student Information Meeting on Second Field in Journalism—
courses for the spring—requirements—any questions—
conducted by William Rowley, program director, in Campus
Center 375, at 3:30 p.m. Thurs. Oct. 16.
Those interested in the visual arts on campus should attend a
meeting of the Art Council—Oct. 15, Wed. at 4 p.m. In FA 217.
We need your help.
There will be a meeting of the Albany National Student Coalition Against Racism, Thurs. Oct. 16, at the Fireside Lounge.
PfRG Members —There will be a meeting for the lobby Committee Wed. Oct. 15 at 7 p.m. There will be a meeting for the
Bottle Ban Committee Thurs. Oct. 16, at 7 p.m. Both meetings
will be in room 332 Campus Center.
The second general meeting of the Feminist Alliance will be
Wed. Oct. 15 at 8 p.m. Room to be announced. All are welcome.
Polish Club Meeting, Thurs. Oct. 16, HU 354 at 7 p.m. All interested are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served.
Pre-law Satiety—Oct. 15 meeting postponed until Oct. 21 at 8
p.m. in LC 19. Topic: "The Lawyer as Judge" featuring Judge Arnold Proskin.
libertarians meeting Tues. Oct 14 at 7:30 p.m. in the PAC Lobby.
Meeting for all students who are interested in Study Abroad!
There will be an informative meeting and discussion on all
aspects of overseas programs available to SUNYA students on
Oct. 15 in HU 354 from 7 to 9 p.m.
Btfa Beta Beta, the biological honorary society is now accepting
new members. Applications are available in the Bio building
near the list of advisors. Deadline is Fri. Oct 17.
The Albany Stale Collage Republican Club will have a meeti ng
on Thurs. Oct. 16 at 8:30 p.m. in HU 27. Aspeaker from Common
Cause will be featured. All interested please attend! For info call
laha'i Club el SUNYA information and discussion open to all.
Tues. at 7:30 p.m. in Campus Center room 373.
Duplicate Bridge Game meets Wed. at 7p.m. Beginner's class at
6. AH welcome. Cash prizes, refreshments. For info call Andy at 7.
ie Cerclm Francois meets tonight at 7:30 in the HU Lounge
Albany Stato fencing Society meets every Wed. at 7:30 p.m.
and Sat. at 10 a.m. in the Women's Auxiliary Gym. (2nd floor
Phys. Ed. Bldg.) Beginers welcome. For info call Mark 7-7987.
Albany State Archers meets Tues. at 6:30 p.m. inthe Women's
Auxiliary Gym (2nd floor of the Phys. Ed. Bldg.) For info call Dale
Judo Club meets in the Gym Wrestling Room Tuesdays at 7 p.m.
Thursdays at 6. Beginners class starts at 7:30 on Thurs. For info
call Andy at 7-7705 or Bonnie at 7-7875.
Want to get away from it all? The Outing Club meets every
Wed, night at 7:30 p.m. inCC315. We hike, climb, cave, and enjoy ourselves. Come join us.
Older and Returning Students (over 25) there will be a Seminar
in two parts on Career Decision Making led by Liz Zivanov on
Tues. Oct 21 and Thurs. Oct 23, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Library,
rm. b 14. Also, the Drop-In-Center is now in operation in the
Patroon Lounge of the CC every Mon. and Thurs. 11 a.m. to 1
p.m. (except Thurs. Oct. 23) Come socialize, bring your lunch,
have a cup of coffee.
Information on various Fellowships, is available from Robert H.
Frey in Ad 218. The deadline date for receipt of applications is
Oct. 20 Graduate School interviews, for students interested in
grad. school admission. Sign up for appointment in the Placement Office Adm. 135. Oct. 17, Northeastern Univ., Graduate
School of Bus. Administration. Oct. 23, NYU, School of Arts and
Sciences, and Oct. 28, Adelphi University Lawyer Assistant
Talented volunteers needed to perform in Colonial Quad's
Coffee House on Oct. 21. Call 7-8071 for audition time.
OH Campus Association needs volunteers to work on compiling
information about food co-ops, restuarants, bars, transportation
services, and other areas of concern to the Off-Campus Student.
Please stop by our office on the first floor of the Campus Center
next to the cash register of the pool room.
Attention Stale Quad: all those interested in working on the
newly formed constitution committee call Gary 7-4979.
. . .
Contribute your stories, poems, graphics, and photos to Phoenix
literary Magazine. All welcome at weekly staff meetings to
select works for publication. For info call 7-3074 or 7-8954.
. . .
la Salle School, a residential treatment center for adolescent
boys, located across the street from St. Rose, still needs college
volunteers who will act as Big Brothers and Big Sitten to some of
the boys. Those interested, please phone Ms. Osborn at 4894731.
At Crisis Hotline is to begin within the next two months in Troy for
child-abusing parents. Volunteers are needed to man the
telephone. For further info please call Maria Sunukjian at 2743126.
All those interested in working on the Solicitations Committee
for Telethon '76 are invited to a General Interest Meeting, Mon.
Oct. 20 at 10 p.m. in CC 370. If you have any questions or cannot
attend; pleae call Ellen 7-4656 or j o e 7-7798.
Friends: Tools Project Inc. of East Greenbush is now inthe process
of establishtnga 24 hour community service line entitled
Outreach Switchboard. Volunteers are desperately needed.
For further info call 477-8990.
The Bryn Maw f Bookshop, 1 Arcadia Ave., Albany, will have an
Open House on Wed. Oct. 22, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. to honor
Emily Cheney Neville whose book, A Garden of Broken Glass,
has been recently published.
Pink Panther Cartoons/ Being presented Wed. and Thurs. Oct
15 and 16 in LC 3 at 7:30 and 9 p.m. Only $.35. All welcome.
Sponsored by Phi Gamma Nu, Prof. Business Sorority.
Meditation takes you there! Information and discussion on
meditation as revealed by Guru Maharaj Ji. Thurs. HU 69, 7:30
Halloween is approaching again. How about welcoming it by
getting involved with the 1975 UNICEF campaign. All interested
groups and people call Claire 7-4761 or Nancy 7-7951.
The Many Uses of Classical Mythology, an exhibit of photos
and graphics will be in the PAC Recital Hall, through Oct. 22.
Off Campus Association, is a student governed organization
willing to help and assist students who are living off-campus. If
you have any problems or questions concerned with life offcampus please stop by our office or call either Andy 434-4878 or
Sandy 438-4304.
The GrievanceCommitteeAgainst Sexism will have complaint
forms in the CC and Tower Offices. Call Jill for further info 4384260.
5 by 2 Dance Company—Bruce Becker and Jane Kaminsky are
5 by 2. An innovative modern dance duet, they will be in
residence here from Oct. 16-18. They will hold master classes, a
lecture demo, and one performance Sat. Oct 18, at 8:30 p. m. on
the PAC Main Stage. For further info call Maude Baum 457-4525
or the PAC Box Office 457-8606.
Musicians Needed: Drums, Bass, Brass—for One Act Musical.
Leave name and phone on PAC Theatre Call Board or call Janet
482-2496. Performance dates are Nov. 7,8, and 9.
Block Orpheus, a feature film in color, presented by the international film Group on Thurs. Oct. 16, at 8 p.m. in LC 18. Admission $1.
Production Party for Speakout (the feminist journal for the trlcity area) Come collate and staple with us on Oct. 28 at 8 p.m.
at the Women's Center, 3 Lodge Street.
Anyone interested in attending an Orthodox Christian
Fellowship group are urged to attend our meetings on Sundays
at 6 p.m. in the CC Patroon Lounge. For further info call Terry at
An interesting class in Mishna, Midrash, Chassidic and Jewish
Philosophy is given every Tues. evening by Rabbi Israel Rubin at
his home 122 So. Main Ave. 8 p.m. All are welcome. For infocall
This is an open invitation to any Jewish student interested in participating in a traditional Friday Night Sabbath Meal in a com
lortable Heimishe atmosphere—call Mrs. Rochel Rubin by Thurs
served daily
4 p m - 7 pm
Legal Commission announcement information and interviewing for "Student Advisor" this Sun. Oct. 19 at 8 p.m. in the
Fireside Lounge. Everyone must attend. Call 472-8216 after 10
evenings for more info.
Don't miss your chanceto shareyourmusical talents with the people you live and work with! Come at 7 p.m. on Oct. 20 to the
Outch Quad U-tounge Coffeehouse for auditions.
Community Service group evaluation sessions have begun—
community service student MUST attend one.
These students have not attended a Community Service Orientation and are in danger of FAIUNG community service. They
should contact the Community Service Office (LCB 30,7-4801) immediately. Y. Benhanania, T. Brady, L. Bronk, M. Bukolt, B.
Cosset, S. Cohen, L. Collins, M. Dulin, N. Faba, D. Friedlander, L.
Gibson, J. Kothmann, E. Lefkowitz, M. Luka, L. Mahai, F. Miranda, A. Sarna, M. Schill, M. Steven, A. Smallwood, C. Smith, H.
Stern, N. Walker. Also, J. Axelroth, D. Chamorro, G. Morawetr,
i. Puglia, A. Rivera, E. Rosenberg, J. Williams, and P. Wills.
lee Cold Draught
Wash. &
1971SAAB V4 Model 96, factory airconditioning. Very good condition. Best
Otter. Coll Annie. 449-5864.
Any female presently living on the
downtown campus and who'd like to
move off-campus, call Potty 472-8587.
1968 DODGE Mailtruck, slant six, 50,000 miles, converted into camper, panelled, heated. Asking $995.489-1391.
Female needed to complete 4
bedroom apartment. Near busline,
S57.50/month, Coll Pot 482-3250.
1964 FORD Galaxy, convertible, 390,
4-speed. Runs, but needs work. Bill
PIONEER PL 12D with stanton 68IEEE.
Used with guarantee. Jim 457-7730,
Ryckman 103.
DOKORDER cassette decks now in
stock. Also, Altec, Fisher, Miracord. Low
prices, service and set-up. Jim 4577730.
PANASONIC 8 Track Stereo Receiver
and BSR 5500 turntable, in very good
condition. Retails at $200, a steal at
$100. 472-7807.
PARACHUTISTS: used TU-7triconical 23
ft. with baby hustler mod. 2 supersport
containers. 377-9331.
CONGA $85. Was $139. Bill 482-3402.
OPEN REEL TEAC 5300, three motor,
four head, direct drive, auto reverse,
sos, full remote control, dust cover. List
$925., sell $600. 783-6890, evenings.
dbx 124 Professional compressionexpansion noise reduction unit. S/Nimprovement of 30 db. $270. 783-6890
Three bedroom, colonial, garage, ample yard, good neighborhood, walk to
SUNY $31,500—owner 459-2931.
WINCHESTER 12guagepumpshotgun
model 25 w/28" barrel, modified
choke and Winchester model 250 lever
action 22 w/scope. Shoots shorts,
longs, long rifles. Excellent condition.
Case & cleaning kit with both. $95
each. Buy both get gun rack free. 8695118 1-6 p.m.
ODYSSEY AUDIO offers student unbeatable prices on top name stereo
components. Call Lloyd 457-7715 or
Brina 465-8163.
$175. Guilderland, Westville Apts. 1
bedrm., sublet Nov. to Feb. Option to
renew. 456-2610 after 5.
Female to share really nice apartment.
Own room. 482-6657 evenings.
Room in private home, Manning and
Western Ave. on bus line. 482-7560.
Model for nude photography. If interested leave name and phone
number in photolab, basement of F.A.
Div. of Alcoa, will interview students
with cars for part-time local work.
$3.75 hourly. Hours flexible. Apply; LC
14 Wed. Oct. 15 at 4 p.m. and 7 p.m.
Waitresses, nights, weekends. Experience helpful but not necessary.
Apply at 1238 Western Ave.
Student for unskilled work on house
near downtown campus. $3/hr. Robt
Forrey, 395 Washington Ave. 4360970.
SferecfTapes made for 1:50-90 min.
tapes. Soul or Jazz Cosseffe only.
Robert Tuggle, 271-8727 after 4 p.m.
ODYSSEY AUDIO means students
offering student discount prices on
brand name stereo components. Factory sealed, fully waranteed. Fast
delivery. For immediate quote or service call Lloyd 457-7715 or Brian 4658163.
Men's Quality Leather Shoes Discounted. Call 459-7418 evenings for
Recipe #.00008
To Florida, California and all
cities in the USA.
89 Shaker Road
Terrace Apartment
Albany, N.Y.
Must be 18 years old
Lefs getridof
Smokey theBear
hVd love to go bock and be
a normal old bear again.
And If anyone deserves
retirement, Smokey does,
Since he's been wagging
fingers, the number of forest Area
In America has been cut in half.
But millions of acres of
trees still burned down last year.
6 8 No. Lake Ave.
Home-Made BREAD! Baked to order.
Whole wheat our specialty. Call Rabin
or Stocey 482-8624.
1. Fill a glass with nice, clean snow.
(White only, please.)
2. Add Cuervo Gold Especial.
3. See it turn yellow?
4. Put a straw in and drink.
5. If snow is unavailable, use crushed ice.
Or, forget the snow, and just put a straw
in the bottle. Or forget the straw and
just pour some Gold in a glass. Or just
have some water. Must we make
all these decisions for you?
R I W V A l — good time rock and roll
dance band. For info, and bookings
call Chris, 273-4149; Stu, 457-8929.
TYPING — L t d .
Reasonable, my home, call Pat, 7653655.
5th SUNYA European Ski Tour Schruas,
Austria, Jan 4, '76 through Jan 14/76.
$449. all inclusive contact John Morgan
Guitar lessons from music graduate.
Beginners and advanced students
accepted. Kyle 457-5241.
Manuscript typing service. Mrs. Gloria
Cecchetti, 24 Wilshire Drive, Colonie,
PHOTOGRAPHER. Weddings, portraits, albums, etc. All your
photographic needs. Call Joelngoglia
at 457-3002.
Jewelry of silver and semi-precious
gem stones by Raven. Custom orders
taken in Campus Center Lobby.
Drummer & Sax, commercial rock. Call:
Mark, 270-7521.
S & A Mechanic Service
Carburetors fixed cheap
Call Mon-1032
rucell War is Hell. (P.S. No tickling in
e demilitarized zone).
Thanks for some really terrific times.
I'll always try to give you the best of my
love (and other assorted goodies.)
Oct. 13, 1975
Dear Per,
Happy One Year.
Always and forever,
Unisex hair cutting & styling. Spedal:
rim and shape scissor cut $3.50. Al's
Hair Shop, Ramada Inn. Western Ave.
'hone 482-8573. Open 'til 8 p.m.
Alone again this evening? Don't spend
another evening alone. Send now for
important free information to: INSTAMATE, Box 6175, Albany N.Y. 12206.
alented volunteers needed to perarm in Colonial Quad's Coffee House
on Oct. 21. Call 7-8071 for audition
2111 It's just beginning. Have the
greatest day.
Beth & Debbie
Circle Heading
Issues to be printed—
Print NEATLY, exactly as you wish if to be printed:
Marvel Comics 1961 - 1975. Buying in
bulk lots or individually to suit needs.
Also interested in other comics, comicrelated material, comic art, etc.
Charlie 482-7887.
Electric typewriter—good condition.
Contact French Oept. S.M. Brown.
One Texas Instruments SR-50
Calculator. Please call 472-5139.
Lost: A gold filled Cross pen with
name engraved on it. Please, please
return it. Call Ken 438-1702.
Lost pair of contacts in small white case.
Any info is appreciated. Call 489-6793.
AddressPhone _
Hey, Horn Buns—
You're cute.
to you
to you
Dear Jeffrey
to you!
Love, Linda
Enclose live cents for each word. Minimum charge $.75.
fifteen cents for each word in bold (circle words to be %et in bold!
TOTAL enclosed
Dear Nubs,
Have the beslesl 20th!
With love, Chubs
Dear "Guts",
Happy Birthday! (it's the Uthnotthe
31st, right?)
Love, Y
Issues to be printed—
ACT III is coming.
To Boops, my "Sweeties" and the rest
of you guys,
Thanks for making my 19th the
Loveya, Nance
Graffiti is to read .
To the Howlers: especially Suite 103—
Auuuuu. I love you all.
Love, You-knbw-who.
Dear Sally,
Happy 18th Birthday! May this year
be the start of something beautiful!
Love, Ann, Maggie Dorisan, Maureen,
Dear Sally,
Have a very Happy 18th Birthday!!
S.E.G.N. Power.
Love, Sharm
Name .
Dear Clarke,
I may not be sexy, but I'm sincere! I
love youl Happy Birthday!!
To my Family, Debbie, Joanne, Robin,
Paul (where's Hobart?), and all the
brothers of Sigma Tau Beta:
Sincere thanx for a happy 18th. I
love you Glorial
Jim (Chipper)
Send form(s) by Campus Moil or U.S. Mail to:
Albany Student Press
Campus Center 329
1400 Washington Ave.
Albany, N.Y. 12222
low prices
Freeh tutor; experienced. Qualified all
levels. Avallalbe afternoons and
evenings. Call 377-7491 after 5 p.m.
Dear Daddy,
Tomorrow I'm 3.1 wish you and mommy were together to celebrate it.
ove, B.J.
Halo Johnny:
Me quedare conrlgo simepre. (Udw)
Amor, CJ(ChlquHu)
And 90% of the lira, were
started by the same \mnph who have
been bearing "Only you can
prevent forestfires"for 26 yearn,
We've got to get rid
of alt those deaf yahoos before
we think about putting jjjfifa
Smokey out to
peaceful pastures.
Expert Bike Repairs. Reasonable. Call
7-8990, ask tor Ira.
Dear Larry,
I hope this will be your happiest
birthday everl
love, Poopsie
100% Cotton
low Priced
1178 Western Ave.
Across from Shop-Rile
Albany, N.Y. 12203
PHONE (918)434-1924
Hours • Mon., - Sal., 9:306:00 P.M.
Ivory day Is a Olft PAY
Deadlines for Classified and Graffiti ads are;
For Tuesdays paper—friday at 4 p. m. in the SA Contact Office.
For Friday's paper,—Wednesday at 2 p.m. in the SA Contact Office.
Outfoxing the
b y Michael Smith
n my - salad days as a
ballplayer, some 7 years ago,
when 1 was shortstop and captain ot the Meadow Koad Mets, the boy
who could hit the long ball was not
necessarily held in high esteem. He
was called a slugger, ot course, and
when he came to the plate we'd wave
frantically to the outiielders, shouting
to them to play back. But the slugger,
then as now, struck out Irequently. It
was generally agreed by the "good
tield, no hit" Iraternity, to which mostot
us belonged, that he hit the long ball
not because he was endowed with
special skill but because he was bigger
and heavier and usually olderthanthe
rest ot us.
the slugger had standing, ot course.
He was accorded a grudging respect
(Who knew when he would get a hold
ot one?) but il he was admired it was as
a treak is admired at the circus,, an
object to stare at, perhaps, or to wonder
about. One did not envy a treak, so it
did not occur to us to envy a slugger.
We won games because we played
heads-up baseball. Cratt and guile
were the virtues we cultivated, not
brawn, that wasn't in the book yet. innocents that we were, we played lor
one run. We took pride in winning the
close ones. We lived lor the moment
when we could conlound the opposition with the smart play. Strategy, pure
and preterably intricate in design,
fascinated us, and surely it was an intricate piece ol strategy, with a minor
but unlortuante deviation, which won
lor us, one year, the championship ol
the Corny Wallace Memorial League. 1
was reminded ol that bygone classic,
witnessed by a dozen or so lackluster
tans (younger brothers and sisters ol
the contending parties), by an event I
once saw at Shea Stadium, trailing by
a run in the ninth inning, with two out
and amanontirst, Yogi Berra called on
Jim Beauchamp lo pinch hit.
Berra s strategy was simplicity itsell.
Beauchampewungatthelirstballpitched, lotting it in a gracelul arc tar and
deep into the upper deck ol the letttield bleachers. The game was over,
the Mets had won. It was, to be sure, a
dramatic victory, but it did lack subtlety. Seven years ago, in a situation not
unlike the one just described, the
Meadow Koad Mets had done it
We used a pinch hitter too, but we
didn t call on a slugger. Bone
Campbell was our scheduled hitter.
Bone was 11 years old. He was the extra man on the squad. Agile and nimble, there wasn't anything on a
baseball diamond that Bone couldn't
do. He was one ol t he best i nlielders we
had; once, in an emergency, when my
brother Kize had the measles, bone
caught two games lor us. He was death
on lly balls. 1 don't believe 1 ever saw
him drop one. But the machine, so
delicately designed, had a delect.
Bone could not hit.
As I said, we were in the ninth inning. I he championship ot our division
(the Old Development—us—vs. The
New Development—them) was at
stake. A run behind the New U when
we came in lor our last at bats, we had
lied the score on a double and a lading
i ixas Leaguer behind second, but the
boy who had hit the blooper tried tor
two and was cut down. Then our
slugger, Bill Hiker, struck out. It was
two out now, and Bone Campbell was
We held a hurried conterence, and it
was decided (Dan DiLorenzo and 1
were the brain trust) to pinch hit tor
Bone, who had struck out on three
previous trips to the plate. 1 can still see
Bone's lace when he was told that he
was being taken out ol the game, but
more distinctly can I remember his
anguished screams when he learned
that the was to stand aside lor George
Kraut" Hurlman. Bone was a big boy,
too, and there was the little matter ot
getting the bat (the only bat) away from
him. This was tinally accomplished by
having Carl and Anthony Locatelli and
Wart Kyan pile on Bone, pin him to the
ground and rip the bat Irom his straining lingers while Danny and I conferred with the Kraut
The Kraut's instructions were simple
and to the point. We knew what we
wanted him to do. bvery possible contingency was thought ol, not lorgetting
the threat that ii he didn't do what we
told him to do, exactly and down to the
last detail he'd be sorry. The Kraut
knew that he would be , loo, and he
kept nodding his head. "Sure, sure,
whatever you guys want."
1 he Kraut was 7 years old, and about
4 leet tall. His instructions were to step
to the plate, crouch low, making
himsell as small as possible, and keep
the bat on his shoulder. Under no condition was he to swing at the ball. II he
was called out on strikes, we would
lake the blame.
Weliguredit this way. i'he opposing
pitcher (The Veteran" BuddyCarvey)
knew thai the Kraut could nol hit the
side ol a barn, and would expect we
were hoping lor a base on balls. He'd
become overcarelul and wouldn't be
able lo put one across the plate.
It worked. The Kraut walked, and
Danny DiLorenzo went down to coach
approach, explaining that we were
operating according to a master plan,
that a victory was withing our grasp it
only he made this single and selfless
contribution, and anyhow, who did he
think he was? Ty CobbV
Now, 1 don't want to record in print
that Battling Bill doublecrossed us, or
that it wasn't his sincere interest to swing and miss as he had been instructed. But he didn't miss. He caught
hold ot one, and there was the ball
winging its way into Mr. Halt's cherry
tree (an automatic home run according lo previous agreement), and The
Kraut was over with Ihe winning run.
Mr. Hatt copped the ball.
Yelping with joy, we rushed to Ihe
plate, expressing the moment's ecstasy
by piling on The Kraut, pummeling
him and each other with such indiscriminate enthusiasm thai Carl and
Anthony Locatelli squared oil in
earnest and had to be separated by the
more peace-loving members ol Ihe
Meanwhile, Battling Bill Deegan had
circled Ihe bases, but by the time he
had touched home plate there was
nobody there to greet him, to grasp his
hand, which was in my day, even as il
is now, Ihe etiquette ol the situation. Instead, wilh the Kraut precariously
perched on Bill Hiker's shoulders, we
lormed a procession and marched in
Ihe general direction ol the street
where most ol us lived. "Hail, hail, the
gang's all here," we sang.
Bewildered by ourindiilerence, and
nol yet having had the opportunity lo
reflect on the enormity ol his crime (he
was to swing and miss, wasn't he?)
Battling Bill Deegan ran back and lorlh
along the line ol singing and dancing
boys, qrabbinq one, then another, trying to attract attention to himsell, seeking some sign ol approval lor the
tremendous blow he had struck at Ihe
plate. Bui we did nol pay any attention
to Battling Bill.
In tact, because we were sound
baseball men, it was agreed wilhoul a
1 he V etera n Buddy Carvey to put one dissenting voice lhal Battling Bill had
over (also part ol the overall strategy). to be di sci pli ned. Alter some debate he
I was coaching at third. Now 1 got was lined b u t (which he never paid)
into the act. "Comeon, Kraut," 1 called and was suspended lor the balance ol
through cupped hands, the second he the season.
lets go, steal." Carvey let go, the ball
It all came back to me at Shea
was in the dirt in Iront ol'the plate, and Stadium when Yogi called on
Ihe Kraut, sliding unnecessarily but Beauchamp topinch-hit. What a mowith typical Meadow Koad Met linesse, ment it would have been lor Meadow
was sate.
Hoad Met strategy. 1 wonder what Danthe winning run was now on third. ny DiLorenzo and 1 would have dreamI here was one ball on the batter. Battl- ed up had we been sitting on the New
ing Bill Deegan was instructed to sw- York Mels bench? Wouldwe havedug
ing al the next ball pitched. He was to deep into our bag ol tricks? Would we
swing (to contuse the catcher) but he have figured thai we could win byconwas to miss. Kor on the pitch I he Kraut lounding Ihe opposition, by doing Ihe
unexpected;' Would we have passed
would alternpt to steal home.
Like Bone Campbell belore him, and upBeaucharnp.and.jjeenng down Ihe
like so many people in this world who bench, called on a pitcher with an
reluse to play the lesser role even anemic batting average? And then
though il serves the greater good, have him sland al the plate with inB.B.D. was reluctant to go along with structions not lo swing, remembering
Ihe overall strategy. He telt he was en- lhal it worked lor us wilh The Kraut Ihe
titled lo a good healthy cut al the ball. day wespoon-lod panicto'ihe Veteran
So we had to reason with him. We were Buddy Carvey and his New Developnol in any position to call out the ment All Stars, and that it mighl work
Locatelli brothers to jump him, pin him again?
to the ground and have someone
I don'l know. We could have
pinch hit lor him, someone amenable squared Ihe circle somehow. But we
lo authority. We didn't' have the wouldn't have told lim Beauchampfo
someone, amenable or otherwise. In- knock one out ol Ihe park. Thai would
stead we tell back on Ihe intellectual have been loo simple.
at tirst base. Again we played it smart.
In a clear, loud taunting voice Danny
Kept yelling to The Kraut, "Kemember
now, he's up in the air, go down on the
tirst pitch. You can steal it, kiddo."
1 don't have to tell you that The
Veteran Buddy (jarvey, alert to the
developing threat, made a hurried
throw to the bag, that it was wild (we'd
loreseen the possibility ot a bad throw,
ot course) and The Kraut scooted to second base.
Along the tirst base li ne, the Mets en
masse, including the recently stricken
Bone Campbell, were screaming insults at The Veteran Buddy Garvey,
while at the plate stood the next batter,
B.B.D., that's Battling Bill Deegan, waving his bat menacingly and calling to
VOL U B Wtt 40 0CT0SS» 17. i « S
FSA Power Play Criticised
by Stephen Drinanka
Faculty-Student Association
(FSA) Membership Board representatives are lashing out at some student members, calling their actions
at last October third's board meeting
"coercive" and detrimental to future
student relations with the administration and faculty.
At that board meetingtheabsence
of a faculty member upset the normal half and half balance between
students and non-students. This
gave the students potential control
of the Board. Taking advantage of
the situation, graduate and undergraduate students united to push
through several by-law amendments
which established a student majority
on both the FSA Membership
Board and the FSA Board of Directors. The proposal accomplishing
this, which was initially defeated,
finally passed with 14 students
voting for it and 12 non-students
against it.
Graduate student and board
member Candi Mayer, who was one
of two students to vote against the
proposal the first time it came up,
pointed out that some of the by-law
changes will be in conflict with a set
of guidelines coming out of
Chancellor Boyer's office concerning FSA operations. She felt that
the changes provided by the
proposal would be "all in vain."
Later in the meeting Mayer reintroduced that proposal. She claimed
that shewas"coerced"inthisandthe
final vote by Student Association
(SA) President Andy Bauman and
SA Vice President Rick Meckler
(members of FSA board). Mayer
believed that there would be a "personal grudge" held against her and
anything S A controls that was "dear
to my heart." They were also uninterested in any arguments I had
against the bill." she added.
Mayer explained that only a
member who had voted against the
measure the first time could reintroduce it, according to the FSA bylaws.
Bauman feels that Mayer voted
against the proposal the first time
because she was confused about the
issues on thefloor. "She noticed how
frigging pissed we [Bauman and
Meckler] were," remarked Bauman.
"She saw the sheer disbelief, anger
we had for her action . . . She understood how important her vote
Bauman denied that he or
Meckler had attempted lo coerce
any Board members. "We did not
coerce anyone," said Bauman. "We
were angry, but it was not an attempt
to win votes. It was just straight, gut
Mayer indicated that her eventual
support for the proposal did not
reflect her better judgment. "Wit hall
the hostility," she said, "I lost interest in FSA; I was worn down."
Vice President for Management
and Planning John Hartley stated
that he was not aware of any board
members using pressure tactics. "I
was conducting the meeting," said
Hartley, "so some of the political
maneuvering might have escaped
me . . .that doesn't mean it didn't
Graduate student Spencer Adams
represented the other negative student response when the proposal was
first voted on. He later changed his
position because he felt it "was in the
best interests of the graduate
students." Adams stated that he initially voted against the proposal
because it was in violation of the
guidelines set up by the Chancellor's
office and it cut graduate student
representation on the Board back to
three. The cutback stipulation was
later amended restoring the number
of graduate students on the Board to
Meckler denied that any threats
were made against graduate students
or any other board members. "We
"Straight, gut anger": 8A President Andy Bauman denies that
coaralon changed the vole ol FSA Board member Candi Mayer.
had nothing to threaten them with,"
he remarked. Meckler mentioned
that he and Bauman did assure the
graduate students that there would
be /'strong representation for
graduate students" on the Board.
"I'm not against the idea of
students having a large amount of
say in the FSA corporation," contended Mayer, "after all it is mostly
their money . . . I don't think it's
necessary or right to engage in that
kind of action when it's not going to
do any good." Mayer was referring
to the conflict with the Chancellor's
The guidelines state that, "No
single constituency shall have more
than 50% of the Board [of Directors]
membership nor shall the student
constituency have less than onethird the membership on the Board
[of Directors]."
Hartley indicated that the
guidelines will probably go before
the SU N Y Board of Trustees for approval towards the end of
November. Until that time they can
have no direct effect on SUNYA's
Sandy Voit, another graduate student representative on the Board,
stressed that the "guidelines apply
only to the Board of Directors." He
stated that the restructuring of bylaws concerning the Membership
Board cannot be "recalled" even if
the SUNY Board of trustees approves the guidelines.
According to Mayer, the
Membership Board elects delegates
to the Board of Directors and has the
power to change the by-laws of the
corporation. The Directors deal with
the operation of FSA.
Mayer feels that the students on
the Board are "creating pressures"
that will negatively affect studentfaculty relationships.
Hartley also believes that the action taken by the student faction of
t he Board could "cause deterioration
in collegia! relations between the
faculty, students, and administration." Hartley said that there was
"some disappointment on the part of
administration that there was less
discussion of the issues and it [the
meeting] was all politics."
"1 think that argument is bullshit I"
exclaimed Bauman. "We voted as a
block, but how many faculty
members [and administrators] voted
continued on page two
A Lack Of Evidence Dismisses Student's Case
by Sue Emerson
The whole thing was "like a nightmare," said SUNYAstudent Steven
Strauss of his recent encounter with
campus security in which he was
charged with speeding and DWAI—
driving while ability impaired.
Strauss' case was later dismissed by
Albany Traffic Court Judge John
Holt-Harris due to lack of evidence.
Strauss and his roommate, Ken
Ronin, were stopped on Perimeter
Road at 12:52 a.m. on Sunday, October S, by Security Officer Mary
Daley. "When she [Officer Daley]
got out of the car, she said, 'You were
speeding'," Strauss explained. After
checking his license and registration,
Officer Daley asked Strauss if he had
been drinking. "I had three beers is
exactly what I said," recalled
Strauss. He was asked to walk a
curb, and according to Strauss, "1
walked it perfectly." Daley then informed him that he would havcto go
to the security office to be administered a breath test, according
to Strauss. If he refused he was told
that he would automatically be
found guilty. "I decided to go back,"
said Strauss. "Why not, I'd only had
a few drinks."
Strauss said that Daley then handcuffed him ("She dug them in tight,"
he commented), read him his rights,
and put him inthe back of the patrol
car. Daley was not available for
comment, but according to Security
Director John Henighan, "It's not
unusual [for an officer to use handcuffs] when someone is apparently
intoxicated." Henighan later commented, "It really required quite a
large intake of alcohol to be
other traffic violation. It is not a
Once at the security office, Strauss criminal offense as is DW1—driving
reports that he was told he would
while intoxicated. And as far as the
wait half an hour before taking the validity of the breath test, Henighan
test. Henighan said they may have says, "This one I havefaith in. If the
had to wait for an officer who was machine says he was driving while
qualified to administer the test. ability impaired, there's no question
While Strauss was waiting, Ronin [in my mind] that he was."
recalls that he was in another room
Along with the DWAI charge,
wit h an officer who "was showing me Strauss was charged with speeding
how it [the breath machine] works." and told to appear in Albany Traffic
Ronin also remembers that while he Court. Judge John Holt-Harris told
was in that room another officer Strauss that if he pleaded innocent,
entered and, according to Ronin he would have to have a trial; and
said, "I can't believe what she [Of- that he pleaded guilty, his license
ficer Daley] is doing. She's already would be revoked for two months.
writing out the arrest form." As to Strauss remembers the judge as saywhy Daley would prepare an arrest ing, "1 have to go by the books,
form before the test had been ad- there's nothing 1 can do. It's out of
ministered, Henighan commented, my hands." Yet upon closer ex"She probably thought that he was amination, the judge discovered that
intoxicated. I'm not going to second security had neglected to send him
guess the officer." Strauss said that the results of the breath test. Holtthis arrest form was later destroyed Harris had his secretary call security
in front of him.
and according to Ronin, "While she
Strauss was finally admitted to was calling, he [the judge] was
take the test. According to writing on the back of the ticket,
Henighan, lithe machine records the Case dismissed due lo lack of
alcoholic content of your blood as evidence."
being between .05% to .09%, this is
This was confirmed by Traffic
"primafacie evidence that your abili- Court Clerk Mary Jean Creed, She
ty is impaired and also indicates that said that the judge had indeed disyou may be intoxicated." If the missed the case before the univeristy
alcoholic content of the blood got back to him with the results of
registers as .10%, says Henighan, the breath lest. Says Creed, "They
this is "primafacie evidence that [security] failed to produce a reading
you're intoxicated, no matter what." on the alcoholic content [therefore],
Strauss was told that he registered there was no proof that he was imCluilHeda
below the .10% level and was charg- paired. The judge had to dismiss the
ed with DWAI--driving while abili- case." As for why the reading was
ty impaired. According to Strauss, never sent to traffic court, Henighan
Movie Timetable
Henighan later told him, "Listen said, "Well, that's a good question.
Steve, 1 checked with the results of I'llfindout the answer to that for my
the test, and you really measured own edification,"
enough on the machine to be chargSaid Mary Jean Creed, "He seem- Preview
ed with intoxication." Henighan ed like a nice young boy."
;. ....... •
says that "the individual is given
Said Henighan, "I know what his
every benefit of the doubt," Accor- condition was."
Mohawk Mess Continues
Said Steve Strauss, "The whole
Steven Straute, recently arretted lor "driving while ability Impaired." ding to Henighan, being charged
with DWAI is equivalent to any thing was ridiculous."