
Stat* Unlwnity ol New Yoifc at Albany
Danes Top Brockport; DeBlois Rushes For 200
by Bruce Mafjtn
They can throw away the Albany football team's record book, alter Tommy DeBlois' superb performance Saturday, as he ledAlbany toa surprisingly
close 35-14 victory over the Brockport Golden Eagles.
For DeBlois it was a super day. He rushed for a sensational 21 3 yards in
just two and a hall quarters of work,thus making him the first Albany player
ever to go over the two-hundred mark. DeBlois broke the school record for.
yardage early in the first half and had 170 yards at haiftimc. He averaged an
unbclieveable 14.2 yards per carry and his 771 yards on the ground for the
season moves him even closer to the magic thousand-yard mark.
The big fullback just could not be slopped, as he constantly broke through
holes and it took three, four and sometimes even five men to bringhim down,
lummy got a healthy chunk of his yardage, the second time he carried the
hall, as he burst through a big hole, veered to the sidelines and outlcgged his
defender to the goalline for a record 75 yard run.
DeBlois continues to credit much of his success to his front line, as they
completely dominated the Brockport defensive linemen. "The line was super.
I don't think I was touched by one Brockport lineman the whole game." This
great performance guarantees DeBlois his fourth straight week as one of the
lit'AC players of the week.
For the rest of the Danes, though, it wasn't that great a performance.
Albany completely dominated the first half statistics, as they amassed .131
yards ol total offense, but they could only manage 14 points on the
scoreboard. I'wo touchdowns were wiped out because of clipping penalties:
t'oach Ford was pretty displeased with his team's play. "We area far better
team than thai. It should have been 35-0 at halftime."
Albany's only other score of the first half came on the series following
I )cltlois' big touchdown run. The Danes marched from their own Id all the
way to the end /.one. I he drive was highlighted by a 2K yard wobbly pass to
light end lorn t'leary and a couple of big hursts by DeBlois, Orin Griffin
took the ball in from the one for the score.
I he Danes had numerous other opportunities, but could not belter their
14-0 lead, as the team was hampered by fumbles, penalties and interceptions.
I he defense in the fust hall was solid, as they allowed Brockport only 63
yards in offense. The Golden Eagles could not run at Albany and the Danes
secondary shul oil the pass. Ken Sehoen was impressive, as he was able to
knock down a couple of passes.
The third quarter has been the Danes best quarter, scoringwiseand Saturhale
day's game proved no different. Albany's offense was sharp, as Ihey scored
1 Above - Gltnn Sowalskle, the Dane* number two
Above - Fullback Tommy DeBlois on route to a
Ihe first three times they had the ball.
rusher, going wide. Below - Orin Griflin get* tome
On the Danes first series of the half, the team quickly drove downlield. record 200 yard day. Below - Oonnie Mion finds out
encouragement from the coaches upstair*.
that Brockport hits hard.
Griffin capped the march with an eight yard run, going wide down the
sidelines lor his second touchdown of the game.
Il took just one play for Albany to score, the next time they had the ball, as
quarterback John Bertuzzi from Brockport's 49. made one of his favorite
calls Ihe play action pass. He found split end Bob Baxter all alone at the ten
and Baxter scampered lo the end zone with a defender on his ankles.
I he Danes completed their scoring on the following series. Bertuzzi drove
Ihe learn lo the Brockport's ten, where he faced a third and one. Berluzzi
crossed Ihe Brockport defense up, by again calling the play action pass lo
Baxter, who made a diving catch in the end zone for the Danes final score of
Ihe day.
With a quarter and a half to go, Ford chose to send in the second stringers
lo play out Ihe game. As a consequence, Brockport was able to put two
touchdowns on the board on passes lo Ken l.idgeand Brian Scheider, lo once
again spoil the Danes shutout hopes and possibly drop Albany in Ihe
rankings. I his didn't seem lo bother Coach Ford. "When we think we won
ihe game, we will substitute. We've got to live with our second stringers next
year and some of ihese kids this year. 1 don't care about Ihe rankings."
Nexl week the Danes lake to the road, as they face lough Curry College.
Last year Albany heat Curry by only eight points. Albany musl rebound
Iroiti their mediocre performance against Brockport, if they are lo go
through the season undefeated. The team must improve their execution, as
penallies must be eliminated and the Danes must learn to hold on to the lootball. Defensive star Rudy Vido put il in its proper prospective when he said
"If we play like this against Curry, we are going lo get beat."
Tiny H o l l o w * I ' M } fees Mgh, a* he trios lo Mock • Brockport pass.
Tuesday, October 29, 1974
Quarterback John Bertuul shows how Ihe wishbone works, as he lakes a handolt
Stale University oi New York at Albany Vol. LXI No. « i November 1,1974
Fight Planned Against Segregated Parking
"Symbolic Action" Planned
UUP Responsible for Segregation
decided that this University's parking lots would haveto bedivided up.
Reportedly, many members of ihe
faculty are either opposed to
segregated parking or indifferent
about il. and the Administration
favors open parking. Thus, the sentiment lor segregated parking is largely confined lo a lew members of
Ihe Parking Action Group has
asserted thai the University has the
right to bring back open parking,
and thill the University's only conAlready a Parking Action Group, tractual obligation lo U UP would belli consul! with Ihe union prior lo gocomprised of campus activists and
backed by Central Council, is plan- ing back to a desegregated policy.
Many Student Association
ning a "symbolic action" for Monleaders would like lo see SUNYA's
day. In a
less visible, more
faculty and stuff break away from
procedural vein. University Senators
the UUP, and form their own Unfrom the group plan to introduce a
iversity union, S A I eels that if the unhill at Monday's Senate meeting in
ion were decentralized, il would be
an effort lo reinstate a desegregated
easier lor them to compromise and
policy sirough regular channels.
Right now, no one is sure how
Doth Student Association Presisimple or dilficull a return lo
dent Pat Cumin and Veep Ira liirndesegregated parking would be. The
baum believe that a student union is
issue hinges on how commited UnIhe wave ol the future. Hopefully il u
ited University Professionals, a union representing MV < ol the faculty student union were formed, students
would he on a more equal looting
on campus is to the segregated
wiih both lacully and staff, Curran
and Uimbaum explained.
I he UUP loughl for segregated
liirnabaum explained that the
pal king lor Ihe heller part of the last
v ear. arguing that open parking was UUP is Hying lo use Ihe will ol the
two lacully members who brought
instituted without consulting Ihe union, thus viola ting a clause ol ihe un- up the grievance to "circumvent the
ion's conlract. A grievance tiled by decision ol Iheduly organized goverthe m i l ' wended its way through ning body on campus."
SA President Curran noted thai
slate government channels, meeting
"there's a general feeling ol lacully,
with ollicial disapproval al every
al leasl in Ihe University Senate, thai
level, nniil it reached the Office of
the union is taking away the right of
Employee Relations where the UUP
finally won Us case, and where il was Ihe University lo govern itself."
by Sue l.i-lmff
Segregated parking starts Monday. From K:IIU a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on
weekdays, most students will have
to park in Ihe back of the Dutch and
Slate parking lots. Only faculty will
be permitted to park in front. Two
years ago, an effort to enforce a
similar segregated policy produced,
among other things, a parking strike.
How much protest will be heard
Monday morning is anyone's guess,
bul it is certain that students are going lo wage some sort of light.
History PhD Program Jeopardized
by Barbara Fischkin
According to sources in the
History Department, SUNYA
Academic Affairs Vice president
Philip Sirolkin plans lo meet Monday with a high level state panel on
doctoral program review.
meeting has been prompted by a
lower level committee recommendation that Albany's History Department PhD Program be terminated.
The lower committee, a unit of the
State Doctoral project, called the
History Program Evaluation Committee, has reported that Albany's
History PhD program was too
small. In addition, they said thai ihe
department lacked "famous" lacully.- I he Committee's report is based
on observations made by two "site
visitors", generally well known
Joseph Zacek. They termed the
Ewald Nyquist.who makes the final
History Department a "maturing decision.
department" and recommended that
Ihe entire doctoral project is
the number of fields be limited along coordinated by Dr. Dorothy
with the number of students. They
Harrison. She was not available for
advised the creation of a "small,elite comment. Madeline Ries, assistant
PhD program." Presently PhD'sarc
co-ordinator of (he project stated, "I
offered in only Modern European, hesitate to answer. The evaluation
American and Latin American
and review is confidential. We'd
rather handle any questions in
Zacek, who replaced Kendall Birr writing."
as departmenl chairman this
Sirolkin was also reluctant to dissemester,
close any information, especially
deportment's surprise at the disthai concerning his anticipated
crepancy between the site reports
response to the Council. "It is a
and the committee investigation. He
matter of my not wanting to do
explained, "We're more hurl than
anything that would encourage
We don't see any evil
publicity in this. I think that il is in
attempt. At the very worst it is inefthe best interests of the students who
are in the History Program - and the
faculty." Iledid mention thai he was
Expressing his optimism about
optimistic about the outcome of the
Ihe outcome ol the November fourth
meeting and said that he believed the
Last year, during slate-wide in- meeting, Zacek said, "We expect lo
faculty is prepared lo present a very
vestigations conducted in both win il because the contrast (between
public and private universities, the the iwoicommitlec's) is so great. We strong response.
two site visitors. Robert Cross are confident the Doctoral Council
Zacek also had good words about
[University ol Virginia] and .loyell is going lo see il."
his lacully. He stressed, "1 have
Collon |Duke University] reviewed
The Doctoral Council, the high
never seen a department this
the PhD Program. Although their level stale panel, receives the report
cohesive." He also remarked about
report contained criticisms, il was. Irom ihe evaluation committee and
the diversity of the department saynevertheless, "encouraging", said acts as an advisory board lo the
ing, "We're almost like Swiss
History Department Chairman, Dr. Commissioner of Higher Education,
mercenaries. People here, work in
the School of Education, the
Woman's Center, the Allen Center
and Latin American Studies. Our
people are in all univeristy placesKill no. .13 proposes "Thai Ihe Senate Implementation of the Faculty By- administration, service, leadership
by 1 liilh Scliollinfield
Ihe University Senate is expected to begin discussion and possibly vole on laws . . . be amended" by deleting . , . "Ihe Council may discuss individual and research.
To the chairman the elimination
any or all ol nine bills amending current procedures outlined in Ihe SUNYA promotions with the appropriate deans and/or department chairmen . . . "
faculty Handbook concerning promotion and tenure this coming Monday, ifnd " . . . recommendations for promotions shall be forwarded to the Presi- of the PhD program is not a
dent wihtout prejudice, except the school's reversal of the departmental "realisticoutcome". Yet, just in case,
November 4.
I he bills are based on the report of the "President's Committee to Review recommendation may be appealed to the Council by cither the department or he has already told the History
leaching assistants that Ihey have
Pro motion and Continuing Appointment Policies and Prcedures" which met Ihe candidate" be substituted.
Bill no. 34 concerns criteria for promotional recommendations. Ihey in- nothing to worry about. If the
in February of this year.
I he basic procedure for making tenure decisions, although il differs clude "teaching effectiveness, research or other creative activity, professional recommendalion should get apsomewhat between schools and colleges, begins al Ihe departmental level, participation and recognition, and service to the University and to the public. proval from the Commissioner, the
where ihe departmenl chairman transmits his recommendations to the dean Superiority of intellectual attainment should be the overriding considera- department hasa number of years to
tion." Ihese arc slight variations of the five criteria stated in the existing arti- either prove its efficiency or phase
ol the school or college.
itself out. This phasing out would
I he dean then consults with a "democratically-chosen committee of the cle.
Ihe nexl bill involves student participation. It states' that "the CPCA effect only PhD candidates, not
lacully and students in all cases of promotion and/or continuing appoint(which is composed of I3yinembers, 4 of whom are students) shall forward other graduate students.
ment arising in his/her school or college."
The History Department is not
Ihe recommendation of the dean, along with that of the Council on only those departmental recommendations . . . which . . . include explicit
Promotions und Continuing Appointments (CPCA), is then submitted to Ihe reference lo student judgment on those cuses as expressed by student alone in its PhD troubles. In July of
President who makes the ultimate decision with the approval of the Board of representatives, whose votes within that department should be equal to al .this year SUNYA's Chemistry
leasl one-third of the total voles within that department." The University Department was placed in a
The first bill (no. 32) up lor consideralion involves a reversal of prior Senate requests the President, Vice President for Academic Affairs, and the "provisionally acceptable" category
by a similar evaluation committee.
recommendation, It slates "That when aschool committee is considering Deans of ihe respective units follow the same procedure.
That department had been given
Il is only in Ihe intial and subsequent levels of review (departmental and
reversing the recommendalion ofa department, Ihe committee shall request
the departmenl chairman and the candidate, or their respective designees,lo college or school level) that the recommendalion has hearing on the ability of three years to raise its standards. Il
meet with the committee lo discuss ihe explicit grounds for disagreement." Ihe candidate lo request a repcul of the decision. The CPCA recommenda- will then he re-evaluated.
Despite the pressures created by
The second resolution of the bill provides lor the same meeting procedure lion. which results parity from a student vole, serves only as an advisory
the committee report, Zacek was still
should the CPCA consider reversing the recommendation of a school com- measure.
Bill no. 36 proposes thai Ihe "President appoint a University-wide com- able to admit about evaluation in
mittee. In the present system, recommendations, favorable or unfavorable,
are transmitted without this provision lor an explanatory meeting should an millee composed of lacully and students to oversee Ihe University-wide general, "It's a fine thing. You gel a
opposing decision be reached.
iviulnued en iHiftefmir perspective you don't gel at home.
University Senate to Debate Tenure Bills
Leading Authority on RapetoSpeak
by Paul Sommer
On Monday, Nov. 4, Frederic
Storaska, the nation's leading
authority on rape prevention wilt be
speaking in L.C. 18 at 8:00 p.m. Admission is free for students with tax
cards and fifty cents for everyone
else. The event is being sponsored by
the University Speakers Forum.
It began one early evening in the
summer of 1964. Frederic Storaska
witnessed the brutal rapeand assault
of a young girl by a gang of teenage
boys. He immediately fought off the
assailants but thegirl,though at least
saved, had been seriously injured.
With this shocking experience in
his memory, Storaska traveled to
many Universities seeking information on rape and assault. To his sur-
J 4829432
prise Storaska found that this was a
taboo subject and little research had
been done. It was then that hedecided to devote his energies to understanding and solving this
In November of 1964, Storaska
made his first presentation on rape
prevention to a private woman's
college. This was to be the beginning
of eight years on the college circuit
for the rape expert.
Twelve weeks after his first speech
a young woman testified for the
prosecution that her life had been
saved by Storaska's information.
Many other cases and examples
have been given and verified by the
proper authoritcs.
Storaska's lecture is designed to
j , \
Ur«. clo, 8
TV for all
Across •porting
2PM to 10PM
Large Chaasa Pteio SI.95
Students Start Food Co-op
by Hath) Johnson
Frtd $loratka: rap* pravanlar.
provide both men and women with a
realistic understanding of the
problem. He will prepare women
with the psychological and physical
techniques necessary in case of a
possible attack. Deploring the usual
scare tactics usually used, Storaska
creates an atmosphere where rape
can be disucssed freely and effectively.
Storaska's style combined with his
wealth of information will hopefully
install confidence in women for
handling rape cases.
" In may 1972. Storaska founded
the National Organization for the
Prevention of Rape and Assault. He
directs the activites of the organization with the help of volunteers.
In the past eight years, Storaska
has lectured to more than a million
students at over 400 colleges many
lor the second and third times.
UNITKD NATIONS, N.V. (AP)—South Africa is keeping its
membership in the United Nations us the result of a triple veto by the United
States. Britain and France. But even its saviors demanded thai ihe while
Soiilli African government change its racial policies.
The Security Council voted 10 to 3 Wednesday in favor of throwing South
Africa out of the United Nations. The resolution was defeated only because
the three Western powers who voted against it are permanent council
members, and their negative votes count as vetoes.
Costa Kica and Austria abstained on the vote.
II was Ihe first vote on the specific question of expellinga member country
in Ihe 29-year history of the world organization and the first triple vein.
file Council president lorOclober. Michel Njineol Cameroon, said Smith
Alrica "remains a member of this organization only because ol lire vein
I lie General Assembly for the pasl several years has rejected the credentials ol South Africa's delegation, but it cannot expel a member without u
recommendation from the Security Council. On Sept. .10, the assembly toted
9S to 2) to reject the credentials and took the additional step by a vole nl
125 to I ul asking Ihe Security Council to take up South Africa's future in
i lie world organization.
Speeches during the assembly and council debutes made clear that lire
South African government will be under all kinds of pressure to gel ii to
change its policies.
U.S. Ambassador John A. Scali said the South African policy ol racial
segregation, known as apartheid, is evil and ugly. He called on lire ruling
while minority to end it and creale a society of equality.
Itui Scali said expulsion was an "all or nothing policy" that would nuke n
harder than ever to influence the South Africans to change, lie said diet
"should continue to be exposed over and over agian to the bliinl expressions
ol Ihe abhorrence ol mankind for apartheid."
Scali and British Ambassador Ivor Richard said expulsion would milt
strengthen the most extreme racist elements in South Africa al a nine when
there was hope lor change.
\\ ASIIIM; I ON. (Al') Bangladesh laces a crucial three to lour ucekMii
its ligln to obtain sufficient grains and slave oil famine. American and
Bangladesh diplomats here say.
Because ol severe Hoods lasl summer, there are no slocks ol rice a ml wheal
in densely populated villages.
I he late rice crop may reach record proportions, bill il is not due in he
harvested unlil December, the sources said. Ihe challenge is lo mobilize
enough loud in the meantime to Iced the Bangladesh people.
U.S. ollieialssaid Secretary ol Stale Henry A. Kissinger did not make am
dramatic anuounceinenis on food in his talks in Dacca Tuesday. I'tniic
Minister Mujibui Rahman was disappointed lasl month that the I lined
Slates was unable to give more positive assurances ol food lor Ibis veal
Bangladesh hoped lor 7000,000 tons of food grains from the United M-ne*
I he United Slales has authorized 100,000 tons ol wheal and 50.0111) lons.il
rice so lur in Ihe fiscal year that began July I. Another 100,(10(1 ions is c\
peeled to be approved before the end of this year, but delivery probabh will
nol be made until early 1975.
% Friday Nov. 1
Electro Glide In Blue %
7:30 & 9:30
NRRaali - L ^ R a B RaaW
V 'JllB-*\\
$ 5 0 with tax card
$1.25 without
Saturday Nov. 2
7:30 & 9:30
$.50 with tax card
$1.25 without
LC 18
WASHINGTON (Al') Ol the 1,525 deserters freed from military sen in
under I'residenl ford's amnesty program, less than 1.000 have reported lm
alternate work.diall Director Byron V. I'epiione says.
So IJII 919 deserters have reported 10 draft offices lor work lo liilldl then
obligations under Ihe amnesty program and 61 draft dodgers have reported
In U.S. attorneys to sign up. I'epitone said in an interview Wedncsd.it
Ol these, only 44 deserters and nine draft evaders have alternative l»hs
Ihe deserters and draft dodgers have until .Ian. .11 to report undei ihe
program announced Sept. 16.
I'epiione said. "I don't think lire lime has come for the argumenls nl
parents and others to have an impact" to get more lo join up.
I'epiione said he is nol surprised by Ihe low numher of people now sel t nip
in alternative jobs. He noted llinl the men have 22 days all ei reporting m I iml
lohs o their own. II they are unable lo do so. Selective Service will u\ loluul
litem |ohs within .10 days alter signup.
The Off Campus Student Co-op is presently supporting a food co-op which is run by the 8th Step Coffee
The O.C.S.C., a newly formed group which seeks to
improve conditions for Albany State students who live
off campus, urges commuters lo become involved in this
organization. The food co-op hopes to provide a viable
alternative to the rising costs and the preservative laden
foods found in Ihe local supermarket.
The idea behind the food co-op is simple. Through the
combined efforts of the members of the co-op. food is
obtained in large quantities directly from local farmers.
By eliminating the middle man they arc able to purchase
food at wholesale prices and to puss on the savings to its
members. Not only are ihe prices lower, but the food
obtained is fresher and much of it is organically grown,
claim food co-opers.
I o become a member of ihe food co-op. one should
come to the Xlh Step Coffee House localcd on 14 Willed
St, any Tuesday afternoon between lour and six o'clock.
There one mat pick up a form to order food for the
following week. On ihe order form will be the na me and
address of the "family" in charge for that week. Each
member niusl turn his order blank and money in lo Ihe
Co-op organizers by the next Sunday, and on the following luesday he can pick up his order al Ihe Kth Step
Coffee House between 4:00 and (v.OO. As a member of the
co-op a student will provide his services and lime every
lew weeks by picking up or distributing the food,
file following is a lisl of the food that was available
kuelin this pasl week. Items and prices may vary slightly from
week to week according to availability.
Food co-op member selects produce.
landed by slutiunl ustiuciiiliun
Valencia oranges
.08 ea.
delicious apples
i peek (5* l b J l . Q Q
.90 i peck
.90 i peck
large eating apple 12^ ea
pound sweet
.35 head
.35 lb.
.13 bunch
red cabbage (large)
.13 bag
.20 lb.
.15 bag
.25 ea.
.2*5 ea^
.50 ea.
butternut squash
by \.ii Moscr
It's often been said that people
attending ibis University live in an
ivory tower. Sludcnts are isolated
I null llle outside world in general,
and the Albany community in particular.
Two Albany Stale students.
Michael Barker and Kenneth Lynch,
hope to change Ibis situation. 'The
pair have lounded a i. w club, which
at present is untitled and rather
loosely organized, in order to
promote an interaction between University students and local community residents,
Not All l u l l
The two, along with other concerned officials of the AfroAmerican Society, deplore the atliuide that many minority students
438 - 3565
(across from Price chopper)
have toward institutions such as the
A.A.S. They fear ihal the A.A.S. is
perceived as being solely a promoter
of 'fun' social get-togethers. They
believe Unit, on ihe contrary, those
allending the University have an
obligation in cany their knowledge
of black scholastic and cultural
studies to the poorer sections of
Albany. These same students might
also serve as manpower in local
poverty programs. Community
leaders like Ihe Reverend Surgick
advocate just such a use ol SUNYA
I he organization has already
sponsored a trip to a Black Family
Day in Syracuse. I his coming Saturday will see a bus ride lo visil the United Niilions building in New York.
Community improvement projects
ol the type we mentioned above are
being planned.
Both organizers ol the club have
prior experience in social work.
lynch was District
Manager ol his home lown Community Center, and a counselor for
Ihe Neighhorbodd Youth Corps,
Michael Barker helped to found a
cultural day care center.
honeydew melons
cider - gallon
cider - # gallon
pumpkins - large
.75 ea.
.50 ea.
peanut butter (organic)
corn oil (organic)
.88 lb. jar
1.75 quart
your kind of shn
nikon presents
for 9«V»M«I»
Ill N'ISVTI.I.K, Alu. (Al>) Women scientists will fly into space emit '"
Ihe 19K0\ and by late ill Ihal decade will be part of multinational crews on
large space stations, two male astronauts predict.
I lie prediction rellecls Ihe views of the National Aeronautics and Span
Di Joseph I'. Kcrttin, the Insi American physician lo fly into space .e-.i
member "I lasl tern's Skyluh I crew, and Dr. Robert Parker, scieniisi
ustiuuatii loi ihe Sktlah program, made the I'oreciisl Wednesday al a eon
leienec here evaluating Sktlah resulls.
'I here's no question hut thai women will fly in Ihe early l9M)sil llicpau
shut He program remains on schedule," Parker said. I'heshultleisu reuscnhli
loeket ship expected lo lent hundreds ol researchers form many lands ml"
^ O
Campus Center Ballroom
Adm.: Free
November 5, 1971
8:00 p.m.
Presented by SUNYA Alumni Association
" I here was a time when ihe public was not ready for the thought ol men
and women going to Ihe moon together," Parker said. "Bui liitics bate i haiir
ed. I don'i loisceany problem iiboul men and women gulling along logethci
on space missions. We're mil talking nhoul diz/y blonde secrelaiics. bill
reputable women scientists."
NOVEMBER 1, 1974
1.35 gal.
.80 gal.
1.00 ea.
.7^ extra lg.
A0 ea.
A0 ea.
.60 ea.
Al lb.
brown natural rice
whole wheat flour(organic).22 lb.
.18 lb.
rolled oats (organic)
.23 lb.
soybeans (organic) ~
1.11 pint"
VU.SHINtilON (Al'l I'residenl lord, who already has traveled neailt
17.(1011 miles and eampaiiied in 16 slates, is cmburking on a tinal six-state
Western el Ion lo help elect embattled Republican candidates.
Black Group Fosters Responsiveness
orbii starling in 1979,
W»<rier Bio* SOIri A n n i v v f i a f y ^ f ^
A Wa/Mf Commurwalwm Cewrpiwy 1
Sponsored by Ihe Educational Services of Nikon, Inc.
w — — — a
United Way Drive LookstoStudents for $$$
by Beverly Heam
United Way, a charitable
organization which donates money
to other organizations, began its
campaign at Albany State under the
direction of Chairperson Lee Ann
Roberts. This is the first timea campaign of this sort was conducted by
students on a University campus.
United Way serves 32 agencies in
Albany, including Boys Clubs, Girls
Clubs, LaSalle School, adoption
agencies, and homes for unwed
mothers. United Way works cxclusively
An organization wishing to apply
to United Way for funds must have
their financial status evaluated by
United Way beforehand. Their
financial standing is compared with
other groups of a similar type to sec
if there is ample justification for their
receiving financial aid. United Way
will send one of their representatives
to determine whether the group is
spending their funds wisely. Once
the group is judged eligible, the United Way's Board of Directors
decides how much and what percentage the organization will rccicve.
Only 4% of the money obtained in
the United Way campaigns goes
back to United Way for salaries and
working expenses. Roberts referred
to thisai "slush money." Most of the
money received goes back to the
Because of the tight money situation, the date for the fund drive has
been extended to Novembers. Normally, the drive ends sometime in
Roberts emphasized that no
group or organization is given
money arbitrarily. She said that
there are strict rules governing their
acceptance. The process is "very
Betty Herzog and Randy Gardner
are the faculty representatives for the
United Way campaign. Roberts'
works side by side with these faculty
members to solve matters such as
The United Day of Kun is on
Saturday. November 2, and anyone
may attend. One can go to thisaffair
all day for $1. In the Recital Hall at
11:00 a.m., is the Faculty-Student
Talent Show (25c). Jack Gclfand
will play guitar and sing and Don
Cohen will play accordion. In addition, Albert Weiner, a hypnotist, will
A/ ACON Auto
89 Shaker Road
Terrace Apartment|
Albany, NY.
In what appears to be a proliferating practice in Council, "objections to
consideration" were moved on four separate bills. This motion, which is
generally reserved for bills which arc considered so obnoxious deserve immediate deteut without debate, passed on two of the four bills. Oncofthe two
which were denied consideration was a resolution in support of Ramsey
' n v ' , e s l I l l f e N students to
Monday, Nov. 4
at 7:30 pm
j B Campus Center Assembly Hall.
; Film: By students in Israel
I representing their reaction to
f the Yom Kippur War.
I Opportunity for present
and prospective students m
to discuss courses.
Still Buys A
Complete Realistic'
Stereo Music
. . . centered around the-STA-47 AM-FM stereo
receiver with Quatravox" for derived 4-channel
sound (just add two more speakers). The LAB-12C
3-speed automatic changer with base and $12.95
value magnetic cartridge. Two MC-1000 acoustic
suspension walnut veneer speaker systems.
Together . . . sensational sound! There's only one
place you can find it. . . Radio Shack.
will go all right." he added.
While these regulations are
written in the class schedule the
registrar feels, by the questions they
receive, that most students do not
bother to read them, "we are trying
to start a public relations campaign
in order to keep the student aware of
these regulations." explained Bunis.
"For the first time." said Bunis.
"there will be the distribution of student data forms. The University is
• required by law to solicit this information." The forms ask the student
to give his name, social security
number, his race, and where
applicable, veterans information.
There is also the choice of not
responding if the student chooses to
do so.
According to the law beginning
with the Fall 1974 semester each
The following are corrections to
the Spring schedule:
A new course will be offered in
Spring 75:
A and S .150 (call number 03411
culled an Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Contemporary Issues.
Class meets Wednesdays 3:45-(>:25.
Ihc course will examine three
contemporary issues with different
groups of faculty members representing history, philosophy, sociology,
and literature. They will consider
each topic.
I he three topics will be VUihrnee
(taught by Professors Barker. Hirn.
Winner. Kuril/.. Van Essendelft,
Whitncr); I'utiislimeiii (taught by
Professors McClellan
McClellan and
and Berger);
Tetniirisni unit Socialism (taught hy
Professors Nicholson. Harding, and
Eachcolloquiumwill meet for three
weeks. Ihc final six weeks will he
givenovef to independent study with
students selecting any member of the
leaching faculty lo work with lo
write ii paper on any of the three
Class cards may he acquired at the
Foundations of Education office on
the eight floor of Mohawk lower.
Ihc following physical education
classes have a Ice requirement'and
the permission of the instructor is
necessary lo enroll in the classes;
PEC 155 Karaie Ilea. IMv
PEC 253
255 haraiv-iin.
Karate-Int. lnK6
' r!ti^^t^;g>?aB*a^»'w<iMiii^ t
Jim's (ioldfit Oldies
"Stadium Waterworks Bar'
Goldleu Oldies
!ke Box!!
766 Clinton Ave. (at Bleecher Stadium)
/••(KMIV Control
131 I'ixniv
MW 4:10 - M i l l p.m.
I'EW 131 t-'ijiure Control 1702
I III 3:45 - (villi p.m.
I'EW 136 Sell Delen.se- Women
1703 MW 12:10 pin. -2;00 p.m.
I he following course is being
offered (not listed in the catalog);
PEW 130 Cimiliiioninx ami Aclivllei I'l'h 11:10 a.m. - 12:25 p.m.
SALE $ 2 9 9
and you can
At Radio Shack
The body-fitting solid
coloi417 shirts by
Van Houson will add
dash to your lileslyle
on campus and oil.
Let the color ol your
choice and the
superb tapered
lit relied your
personality in doing
your own thing ' "
your own way
TOTAL 3 7 4 . 8 0
/s now forming
— If you have a
hand-crafted item you would like
to sell in the Campus Center —
please attend our first meeting on
Monday 11/4 at 7:30pm. We
will meet in the CC lobby.
VYrstgute Shopping ('enter
03-85 Central Ave.
for further info
call David 482 - 0448
Neal 272-4959
Beth 457-5234
landed hy student association
loot fat rhu Stfln
In Youi 'NtujUboihnail
MW 1:10 p.m. -3.00 p.m.
1704 I 111 9:45 a.m. - 12:0(1 noon
Bud on Draft
Class cards for the above
may he
picked up in I'.f.C. 241.
AJrican Dunce PLC Ih2 (1650) is
changed Irojn Monday night to
Wednesday at the same lime (0:1(1 8:0(1 p.m.).
In addition, the following physical
education classes hitvcatimccorrcclinii. Starting limes remain the same
as listed in the Spring 1975 catalog,
however, ending times are extended
as follows:
I'l.W 154 table Tennis - llillianls
^ \ o o » lor flw 1MB Fi «tiuck
fits your
Stereo Receiver.. .
Reg. 1 9 9 . 9 5
• Realistic LAB-12C Automatic
Changer. . .
Reg. 54.95
• Two MC-1000 Speaker
Systems ©59.95 ea. . . . Reg. 1 1 9 . 9 0
campus is required to file separate
compliance reports for every major
field of study, specifying not only
class status and full-lime or parttime enrollment, but also specifying
enrollment by sex. Supplying this
data indicated the University's
measure of public policy commitments to historically disadvantaged ethnic groups. This form will
in no way be "collected as a permanent part of the student's record."
stressed Bunis.'it will be deleted
from the files us soon as the reports
are done." he added.
Forms Appreciated
"Although the forms are not mandatory we would appreciate it if you
would turn it in." Buniscommcnted.
"The information." he added. "Is
used for merely statistical purposes
by the federal government."
Spring Schedule Stands Corrected;
Course on Violence, Feminism Given
• Realistic S T A - 4 7 A M - F M
IT mm.
by Ellen Eckstein
Registration will have some new
rules added to it this year. The rules
will be effective for all those preregistering for Spring I97S term.
"The first two changes relate to
legislation that was passed by the
University Senate last April." said
Donald Bunis, Acting University
Registrar. According to the new
class schedule undergraduate
students may not prc-register for
more than 19 credit hours, exclusive
of 100 and 200 level physical education courses. Secondly, also stated
in tin-schedule, no student may drop
or add courses prior to the second
day of Spring 1975 classes, which is
January 21. 1975.
"We will keep a close eye on the
effect these regulations will have,"
said Bunis. "We assume everything
must b e i b y e a r s .old
The Department of
Judaic Studies
Where 2 9 9
in the USA
pus Center Ballroom at K 10 ri.m,
November 2. for a 50c donation. >
band called "The Third I hind" ail
beplayingandbecrwillhc lice PS/
donated the free labor and Hie lr»
The day runs from I hOOa.tn. lol:
California and all
will be brought to United Way free
of charge.
Raffle tickets will be sold in the
Campus Center Lobby, through
Nov. 2 for a stereo component
system that will be given as a door
prize from Sounds Great.
A dance will be held in the Cam-
t'tmlllUH'tt JlVM f>a^e (HIV
Drive Our Cars
Alton Smith — theSUNYA
student who was allegedly beaten
by police, then convicted for his attempts to resist them—was disappointed
Wednesday night as Central Council voted unanimously to allow SOt refunds
on all tickets to the Garcia-Saunders concert.
Kilty cents out of each ticket sold had been earmarked by University Concert Board for the Alton Smith Defense Fund. It was Council's position that
such a donation represented an abridgement of students' rights since,
although purchase of each ticket was voluntary, the appended charge was
The difficulty stemmed partly from the fact that Solicitations Committee
had approved a plan whereby students would have an option of paying the
extra lee. while UCB believed that a single indivisible price would becharged.
In response to charges that UCB's practice may establish an unwholesome
precedent. Student Association President Curran asked that the case be considered on its own merits. SA Veep Ira Bimbaum reported that Smith's
lawyers feel they have found legal grounds for several of hisconvicitons. and
luck of funds remains the only roadblock to his appeal.
A verbal endorsement of the United Farmworkers' Boycott passed alter it
was decided that no student funds would be spent on publicizing that endorsement, I he resolution asks that students boycott Oallo wines, grapes
and Price Chopper supermarkets, which continue to market non-union
products. Council felt that it would be unwise to permit the J25 appropriation to make its endorsement known to students since such an expenditure
may be construed as political, thus constituting u violation of Trustees'
be there.
At 1:30 p.m. in the Gym, the
LaSalle School will play the fraternities' basketball teams. Admission
is 25c. LaSalle and the Catholic
Youth Organization (CYO) are major beneficiaries of United Way.
Children from the Arbor Hill CYO
Credit Hours Chopped to 19
by Brent Kigner
Tenure Bills
gathering . . . ol'diitu obtained from
ii uniform instrument ol student opinion mi leaching." I hisdata helps to
form lite decision regarding promotion and/or continuing appointment.
I he next bill refers to evaluating
teacher performance wherein 'data
beyond (lie student opinion leaching
instrument should he used." It
proposes that" . . , each department
I ro in a student-faculty committee on
The seventh bill proposes "that a
written sel of performance expectations based on the appropriate
criteria he developed lor each new
faculty member: These performance
expectations shall he developed by
each department and shall consist of
a general slatenient . . . and such
specific changes or additions as may
he necessary lor the individual faculty member." Ihese expectations
must he reviewed and approved by
tile Dean ol ihc School, and, il question exists, by the Vice President for
Academic Affairs.
Itill no. 39 suggests the eslahlishincril id "a personnel committee
responsible lor ensuring dial all pertinent inhumation about the candid.icy is collected and presented to
the department." I he second resolution siiiies" I hat the personnel commiiiec he elected by the faculty in the
deptiiiiiicni or appointed hy a
dc| ;irtmenial group that has itself
bei i elected hy die faculty."
Council Votes to Refund
$.50 from Garcia Tickets
NOVEMBER 1, 1974
editorial /.comment
II arts & leisure
Quote or the Day:
"There are dangers lurking in the background.
speaking about
Stale Uniyeriity o l N e w York at A l b a n y
An Interview With Stephen Osmond
Superpower-ed Peace
New Choral Director Speaks
Feefce w a s n e v e r w i t h i n r e a c h , a n d n o o n e c o u l d s a y t h a t t h e r e w a s light a t t h e e n d o f
t h e t u n n e l , b u t t h e a c t i o n b y t h e A r a b s u m m i t i n R a b a t this past w e e k h a s all b u t
assured t h e d o o m o f a n y p l a n n e d p e a c e c o n f e r e n c e in G e n e v a . By a c k n o w l e d g i n g ' t h e
P a l e s t i n e L i b e r a t i o n O r g a n i z a t i o n , m o d e r a t e A r a b leaders h a v e s u b j u g a t e d their o w n
by Myron K. Brailn
interests t o t h o s e o f a u n i v e r s a l l y r e c o g n i z e d b a n d o f terrorists. A political s e t t l e m e n t
AViy to A Ibany Stale, but by no means new to
music, Stephen Osmond
now has the job of
director of choral studies. He is young. He is
experienced. And he is hopeful. A one time actor, opera singer, high school teacher, Osmond, lakes on a position which his former
have brought honors to their
students both here in New York and oversees
as well.
n o w b e t w e e n Israel a n d h e r - A r a b e n e m i e s i s m o r e r e m o t e t h a n at a n y t i m e since the
1967 w a r .
T h e P . L . O . h a s n e v e r p r o v e n t h a t a m a j o r i t y o f P a l e s t i n i a n s favors t h e m a s their
b a r g a i n i n g a g e n t . J o r d a n i a n K i n g H u s s e i n , until T u e s d a y t h e s o l e s o u r c e o f resistance
t o t h e terrorists' d e m a n d s , h a d offered t o a l l o w a g e n e r a l r e f e r e n d u m of P a l e s t i n i a n s t o
d e t e r m i n e e x a c t l y w h e r e their s y m p a t h y lies. But t h e A r a b s h a v e s h o w n their true
c o l o r s w i t h this latest d a n g e r o u s m o v e . T h e P . L . O . h a s c o n s t a n t l y called f o r t h e e x t e r m i n a t i o n o f Israel, a n d they h a v e reiterated their p l e d g e that t h e y will n o t s t o p their
During the course of the interview, Mr. Osmond seemed
quite at ease, in fact he
sometimes spoke malter-of-factly.
He is well
up on current trends and ideas in music and
has a deep understanding
of the choral tradition. By his manner, one would gel the impression thai he was al home with music. To say
liwi he is businesslike would be lo neglect his
heller half, ihe half thai represents Ihe joy of
music. His fresh ideas and approach are much
welcomed, and his concerts will certainly be
something IO watch out for.
Ynu seem lo be a busy man.
A. 1 am.
What have you been doing?
Well...I've been trying to make music,
that's what I've been doing.
Q. I understand that you have some concerts
coming up.
"holy w a r " until a l l o f Israel is "returned" t o t h e P a l e s t i n i a n s .
It then b e c o m e s i m p o s s i b l e t o believe E g y p t i a n President S a d a t that h e t r u l y s e e k s a
d i p l o m a t i c s e t t l e m e n t with h i s n e i g h b o r , ths.t h e d o e s n ' t i n t e n d , a s he a s s o often b e e n
c h a r g e d , t o push all o f Israel i n t o the M e d i t e r r a n e a n . G r a n t i n g the P . L . O . the s t a t u s as
"sole r e p r e s e n t a t i v e " o f the P a l e s t i n i a n interests s u b s t i t u t e s t h e g o a l of a political p e a c e
w i t h that o f u n r e l e n t i n g a n d proliferating w a r . The irresponsibility d e m o n s t r a t e d by
t h e A r a b s s i n c e last O c t o b e r , a n d t h e t o t a l d i s r e g a r d in w h i c h t h e y h o l d t h e rest o f the
w o r l d t h r e a t e n s t h e security a n d fragile p e a c e t h a t h a s e x i s t e d s o far.
T h e w e e k ' s d e v e l o p m e n t s h a v e a l s o r e - o p e n e d t h e w o u n d s o n l y partially h e a l e d by
t h e N i x o n d e t e n t e w i t h t h e S o v i e t U n i o n . The S o v i e t s , s e e i n g their o p p o r t u n i t y t o
reassert t h e i r p o w e r in t h e M i d d l e East will n o d o u b t re-arm their A r a b allies, with ever
m o r e m o d e r n a n d d e a d l y w e a p o n r y . T h e y a r e c o n t e n t w i t h t h e k n o w l e d g e that t h e n e w
c o n f i d e n t A r a b s h a v e o n l y t o w i n a w a r w i t h Israel o n c e . U n f o r t u n a t e l y , this p l a c e s the
U n i t e d S t a t e s in a p o s i t i o n f r o m w h i c h it c a n n o t retreat. W e must, w i t h o u t w a v e r i n g ,
and with increasing d e t e r m i n a t i o n p r o t e c t , a n d if n e c e s s a r y , a r m Israel in order t o , as
N i x o n correctly p u t It, "tip t h e b a l a n c e Israel's favor." T h e y c a n n o t afford t o be
trusting, they c a n n o t afford t o lose.
The U n i t e d S t a t e s has a n u m b e r o f d e v i c e s at its d i s p o s a l t o e x e c u t e such a p o l i c y .
O u r p o l i c y o f e v e n - h a u d e d n c s s , w h i c h until n o w has r e e k e d o f C h a m b e r l a i n e s q u e )
a p p e a s e m e n t , will h a v e t o b e a b o r t e d u n t i l ' l h e ' A r a b w o r l d turns a g a i n t o w a r d settlement. T h e p o w e r o f t r a d e w i t h the S o v i e t s will h a v e t o be used a s a pressure tool t o c o n v i n c e t h e S o v i e t s n o t t o a r m their A r a b friends. S u c h a c o n c e s s i o n o n their part will
relieve this c o u n t r y o f the painful a n d reluctant t a s k of f e e d i n g fuel to the fire. The U n ited S t a t e s h a s , since O c t o b e r o f last year, c o n s i s t e n t l y t a k e n the lead in a t t e m p t i n g t o
w o r k o u t a s e t t l e m e n t , a n d h a s p r o v e d itself w i t h o u t q u e s t i o n o n the side ol d i p l o m a c y .
U n f o r t u n a t e l y , the S o v i e t s c a n n o t m a k e a s i m i l a r c l a i m .
T h e S 2 . 5 billion A r a b w a r chest s h o u l d b e a g l o w i n g reminder that the M i d d l e East
will not a c h i e v e p e a c e t h r o u g h its o w n m e a n s , a n d it is n o w up to t h e s u p e r p o w e r s t o
keep the peace.
T h e b a g s w e r e a little e m p t i e r last night, t h e s m i l e s just a little l e s s b r o a d . C h i l d r e n in
t h e i r a n n u a l M e t a m o r p h o s i s , hit the streets a c r o s s t h e c o u n t r y in j o y o u s c e l e b r a t i o n o f
It is i n c o n s e q u e n t i a l that c h i l d r e n h a v e n o idea o f h o w H a l l o w e e n
o r i g i n a t e d . It is e q u a l l y u n i m p o r t a nt that a d u l t s k n o w little of t h e m e s s a g e o l the o c c a s i o n . W h a t h a s a l w a y s b e e n at t h e heart o f t h e h o l i d a y is the l a u g h t e r of c h i l d r e n , w h o ,
this year, c a n n o t u n d e r s t a n d w h y it is that H a l l o w e e n wasn't a s m u c h fun a s it w a s last
Hut, w h a t d o children k n o w o f r e c e s s i o n s ? I n d e e d , w h y s h o u l d they care a b o u t war
a n d e c o n o m i c s ? F o r t h e m , a s it a l w a y s s h o u l d be, H a l l o w e e n is a t i m e for children t o
h a v e f u n , t o yell "Trick o r T r e a t " and t o g e t c a n d y . O n l y c a n d y is l o o e x p e n s i v e a n d
m a n y p e o p l e can't afford t o g i v e a s m u c h . B u t h o w c a n w e e x p l a i n the w o r l d ' s t r o u b l e s
t o the c h i l d r e n ? It is their h o l i d a y a n d it s e e m s cru"l t o ruin it for t h e m .
The l a u g h s were a little m o r e s u b d u e d this year.
LIHKJH I.N n u n
AhsociATt PUtsFM rivbs union
l i t IINIl Al. IDIlIlK
11)1 l ( l « H I
Ams union
ASMM TAIL Aim unions
N A N C Y S. M I L L E R
LKS /.lu'KI-.HMW
Mctil.Y NN
. D O N A L D N K M L T K , W I L L I A M .1. S i i . c n
Bunt's M A C H J I N
SPOHIS u n i o n
ASMH IAII. swims u n i o n
N T A » piiiinxiKAPiiinn
In Washington:
The Parking Ticket Fugitive
Trick or Treat
Friday, Novembar 1 , 1 9 7 4
OUR TBI .Burnous ARC 457-2100 AND 457-2194.
II the Justice Department and the l-'BI gel
their way, the traffic tickets you forgot to pay
iwo summers ago may prevent you from getting a new job. Ibis shocking conclusion
emerges from a recent indication that the
Justice Department is pushing behind the
scenes for a National Crime Information
Center, an idea left over from the Nixon administration.
I he proposed Center is an KB I computer
which would store information about every individual wanted by the police lor whatever infraction at every level ol law enforcement. The
purpose behind this data bank is deceptively
simple. Mosl crimes are committed by
repeaters, and most crimin lis bounce skillfully from one jurisdiction to another. Therefore,
why not let the I-111 gather all available information and provide it to local police
departments upon request? Then, lor example, il the St. I.inns police are interrogating
John D o c on suspicion of burglary, they can
know straight away whether he ever robbed
anyone in New York City.
Make sense? Yes, argued l-'BI Director
Clarence M. Kelley last March when he
sought congressional funding lor the crime
data bank. It would, he said, make police work
"more efficient."
North Carolina Sen. Sam .1. Ervin, Jr. (D),
whose Judiciary Subcommittee o n Constitutional Kighls questioned Kelley. disagreed, "for one man to have control of crime
data might be more efficient," Ervin
philosophized, "but this country wasn't based
on the idea ol efficiency s o much. It was based
:>n the idea of power defused."
And much as o n e might respect the l-'BI and
admire the improvements made under Director Kelley, Ervin is right. If we've learned one
thing from the Watergate mess, it is that given
too much power public officials will tend to
chip away al personal liberties. Occasionally,
one of the guises for this chipping is "crime
Eel's say, lor example, that two summers
<by Hon Hc-ndren^W
' : : : ''
ago while vacationing in H o n d a you received
three parking tickets and forgot to pay them
You broke the law. I his fuel would go into the
I-HI data bank. Now you are applying l»i •<
new j o b and unknown to you your potential
employer has an informal agreement wijh Ihe
local police to keep "undesirables" out ol town
(this actually occurred with Ihe Kansas C m .
Mo., crime data bank initialed while Kelk-s
was police chid there). Presto, your potential
employer is lold there is a l-lorida "warrant"
outstanding against you. Hooray lor ellicicni
police work, bin too bad for your new job,
Or let's say that your son is involved in a
minor scuffle alter a high school dance
Nothing serious, no charges, bin the police
write up a report. When you son applies tin a
job live years later will this "arrest" pop nut ol
a computer? Under the proposed National
Crime Information Center, it's not supposed
to. But no one can guarantee it won't.
Well the 26th (November) with the
Chamber Choir and thc/ttjtvof December with
the University Chorale and the guest shot by—
the University Wind Ensemble doing the
Shoenberg Variations. The programs are kind
of linked in the sense that they're part of the
Shoenbcrg-lves-Holst centennial. Since all
three of them were born in 1874, and it's interesting because there'sa completely different
variety of styles, three people couldn't be more
opposite. Geographically they arc a cross section...
Q. Tell me about yourself. Where have you
studied and so forth?
1 did my undergraduate work at
Northwestern. I spent five years teaching in
H igh School and college out there. I spent two
years at Yale studying conducting and voice.
Were you originally interested in voice?
A. Well, 1 was originally interested in music
and theatre and voice, conducting and acting.
I was a professional actor for a while. 1 have a
pretty broad spectrum. The only thing I'm not
too interested in is composition.
Q. Do you see professional choruses
developing as a thing of ihe future?
A. Yes and no. My answer is based on what I
want to see. 1 think they should be around to a
certain extent, but I certainly don't think they
should take over.
What do you think of music critics?
A. I look at reviewers as another man's opinion, and just because he happens to put it into
a newspaper doesn't make any difference to
How do you think mosl people
choral music? Do you gel the impression
choral music plays a minor role in music?
A. N o t at all. T h e repertoire is much larger for
choral singing than it is for orchestral. I mean
without exception, take any composer and
compare the amount o f performance time of
his symphonies t o the choral works. Well take
Bach. Look at the cantatas. They're basically
choral. Brahms even, four symphonies, T h e
Requiem, N a n i e , the Motets. T h e literature is
more abundant with choral music. Instrumental is just an imitation of choral music. That's
how it came about. If people have a preference
for o n e or the other it's just because they've
heard different levels o f performance.
'People think that
just because they're
singing with a hundred
and twenty five others,
their part is not very
JJUSf, more significant.'
Q. How do you like being here?
A. Well, that's sort of a typical question that 1
get asked a lot. There's a lot of good things t o
say about it and there's a lot of bad things to
say about it. I think positively. I enjoy it. I'm
still here.
seriously. People think that because they're
singing with a hundred and twenty-five other
people that their part isn't very much significant. It's more significant. There is that much
more chance for error so they have to be thatmuch more prepared.
Whai do you try io do as a conductor?
What are your aims and goals?
A. Well, basically three. One, to represent the
music as it is intended to be presented. Thus is
not the order o f importance. T h e next,
probably the most important, is to be able to
convey what is it in the music to the ensemble,
to make sure whoever is singing or playing
(I've d o n e a lot o f orchestral conducting too),
that they are understanding what is coming
out o f that piece o f paper in front of them, that
they have an intellectual, and emotional, and a
musical response to what's written down—an
accurate one. It's not just playing a bunch of
notes. The third is creating an exciting, interesting, and dynamic, 1 don't mean that in i
Ihe sense o f forceful, but just in a sense of atmosphere for an audience, and entertaining.-1
think a concert should be enjoyable.
What do you see as ihe relationship
choral conducting
and orchestral
Are there
Basically, n o . You g o t lo know your
ensemble, how to get the sound out of it. You
have to know the music. Ninety percent o f
conducting is studying scores. S o that's the
same for both. The difference breaks down to
mainly choral conductors should h a v e a g o o d
background in voice, and an orchestral conductor should have a background in most of
Ihe instruments. A good conductor should
know both.
What do you like about il?
A. I've enjoyed the contact that I've had with
the students s o far. They seem eager and interested in the material. Their backgrounds
are very diversified as far a s the depth of understanding they have of music, especially
vocal. That's been very positive. T h e facilities
arc good. There's a few things that could be
Choral music
is an excellent outlet.'
What don't you like? What problems do
you face?
A. T h e basic problems that face anybody.
The economic situation the way it is, we have
to cut a lot o f corners as far as programs,
they're just too expensive. There's a lot of red
tape , there's a lot o f red tape everywhere. I've
kind of inherited a situation where people
don't understand the importance of rehearsals, how important they are. I think an attitude that has been allowed to exist around
here is sort of a come and d o your thing and if
you can't make it that's fine. S o m e people, a
very small minority of people, could be a little
more committed to their decision t o be involved in ehoralmusic. They don't take it quite
Whai directions, would you say choral
music is moving in?
A. There'sa lot more-attention being paid to
contemporary music. There arc choirs that are
gelling into the stylistic, concentrating more
on renaissance pieces or contemporary pieces
interested in Bach, which in an academic situation, I'm not particularly sold on, because I
think it should be a pretty good representation
fro.neach stylistic period. S o m e choirs I know
of spend the whole year on one program of all
contemporary music. That's a w a s l e o f t i m e a s
far as I'm concerned. 1 think people arc reserving more free time, spare time, and people all
'A lot of people
are turning to music.
across the country are becoming more involved in creating some kind of activities for
their leisure time. And a lot of people are turning to music. Choral music is an excellentoutlet.
•Why shouldn't a child
be taught to read music
at the same time as
he is taught to read
his native tongue?
'Q. Is going to choral concerts more popular
lltese days?
A. I think so. yeah. In N e w Haven they're
very popular. New York has all kinds of choral
concerts going on all the time. They have a
very good audience. There's a lot o f publicity
going into it. What a lol o f schools are doing
now is thai they're putting a lol o f importance
on sort o f a liberal arts framework. And I
think they're trying to develop audience, a s
well as performers, but a lot o f the thrust now
is going into developing Ihe audience, which is
really good and I think is showingaffect by increasing audiences. But, generally, people are
getting a better music background at the university level. In the elementary and high
school levels, there's a lot o f room for improvemenl. I think choral concerts are becoming more interesting. People arc trying to do a
program where multi-media things are involved, doing more things with orchestra instead of just piano or ucappcllu. Acappella
singing doesn't turn too many people on. It
has a place, but it's pretty boring.
Q. Whai do yon think of music education on
the elementary and high school levels?
A. Well I think it's suffering. I think it's poorly funded, poorly laughl. and the method of
teaching music teachers has to be drastically
improved. That's the first step. And finding
your good musicians and making them interested in teaching at lower levels, because
that's where this country in particular suffers,
There are exceptions. There area lot of very,
very fine elementary school teachers. Generally there's nol enough time given to it in the
curriculum and there's not enough teachers
available to do the job effectively. An excellent
example is: why shouldn't a child be taught to
read music at the same time he's taught to read
his native tongue? Music, just as much as a
native tongue, is the language o f expression.
Q. How about music us a discipline?
A. It'sfascinatingasadiscipline.ltdisciplines
lime, space. It's not two dimensional as
traditional disciplines. It has t o d o with
physical, oral, hearing, fingers, breathing.
Music is very healthy.
lite I-Ill's new data bank is far from a lnu
Al last March's congressional
hearings the Nixon administration and Congress seemed to reach an informal agreement:
the former would take n o action until the
legislative branch enacted specific, stringent
safeguards to prevent abuses like those
described above.
Hut now there is reason for concern. Congress, as you might expect, has been slow in
act, and the Justice Department recently
authorized the l-'BI to begin "limited message
switching." The switching in itself is nol vers
significant, except that it indicates the Kuril
administration may be inchingaway from Ihe
m a d e by its discredited
predecessor. Moreover, the authorization was
made in secret, reaching light of day only
through a leak to the New York Times.
Congress should act, and act soon, todcline
proper limits for any National Crime Information Center, lest Big Brother reach Into out
privale lives at a time when our attention is
focused primarily upon inflation reaching into
our pocketbooks.
fewrd Review
New Movies Provide Thrills
by Paul Pelagali
"George, lets go to the track
tonight. I havea little extra money."
"We can't. Elliot and Carlos are
coming over to play poker. Vou can
try to break your losing streak." '
This must seem like a harmless
conversation between two men who
sometimes pass their time gambling.
Most people gamble now and then.
but some get hooked. One time leads
to another and another till the track
or casino is the most likely place to
find a person.
A recently released motion picture
that deals with this vice is The
Gambler, which stars James Caan.
Gamblingisa popular topic for filmmakers this year. Another film of
this type is The California Split
which was directed by Robert Altman.
The" Gambler is a very powerful
film that hit» the viewer like a jab
below ihe belt. Caan portrays an
English professor at a New York
City college who leaves his
classroom raps on Doestocvskyand
heads to a gambling parlor. Al the
start ol the film he gets set back S44,000. Where is he going to get this
money'.' From his mom, the doctor.
A Ni-w D.
The TakingofPelham 123
The unlucky prof, takes the
money and his girl to Vegas and
doubles it. Slowly we find that Caan
gets a bigger rush out of losing than
winning. My most frequent exclamation throughout thefilmwas.
"What a sick guy he is."
Without a doubt, this is Caan's
best acting to date. He's very
believable as the spoiled, fatherless
young man whose obvious intelligence, good looks and athletic
abilities cannot counteract his driving urge to place his resourceson the
line. His compulsive behavior leads
to a lack of sensitivity on his part.
One ol the heaviest scenes is when he
tries lo make love to his girlfriend
(played by Lauren Hutton), after he
has blown all his cash on a basketball
game. He seems to enjoy the fact that
she is unreceptive and her aloofness
serves as a catalyst for his persjstahce.
As farastheformercovergirl'sacting, all I can say is: she looks good.
Hutton and Cybil Shcpard should
go back lo the cover of
The Gambler realistically constructs one of the vices that our way
ol life leads us to espouse. If you
have a relative who is a heavy
gambler, and a loser, it will makcas
strong an impression as itdid on me.
\errw\ L u x u r y
by Erik Lindaucr
Four armed men hijack a New York City subway
train. Ridiculous, yet, in The Taking of Pelham One Two
Three, an unusual new adventure film, they almost pull it
off. The idea of hijacking a subway train and holding its
passengers for a ransom is far fetched, even for New
York City, but director Joseph Sargent is able to make it
The film is unusual as it is not simply a portrayal of a
chain of violent acts by desperate men, but also one of
the few perceptive, humorous portraits of city existence
since Little Murders.
exercise their talent for humor.
Pelham substantially reproduces the comic irony
which often pervades city government. The absurdity ol
a mayor, worrying more about what the city newspapers
will say about his decision to pay the ransom than the
lives of the hostages, strikes a familiar note.
Although containing many humorous elements, the
focus of the film is dramatic. The ability of director
Sargent to combine the two elements without confusion
is one of the film's many asscsts. It is in this area that
many similar "adventure films" suffer.
Terror felt by the hostages facingan uncertain I uture i,
transmitted with a haunting realism. The frustration fell
Four men. alias Blue (Robert Shaw). Green (Martin by Lt. Garber as he tries to outguess the "flawless" plans
Balsam). Grey (Hector Elizondo) and Brown (Earl of the hijackers becomes that of the viewer.
True to recent trends the film contains the expected
Hindman), take control of a Pelham Number 6 subway
train at gunpoint. They stall thefirstcar in a tunnel and car 'chase'. In this particular setting, the race is against
deliver an ultimatum to city officials: the city must the clock, with police officials making a desperate
provide them a million dollars within an hour. One attempt to race the necessary ransom money across
passenger will be shot for every minute the city is late town in time to meet the hijacker'sdeadlinc. Visually exciting and dramatically correct, the success of the chase
with the money
Enter Transit Authority Police Lieutenant Garber lies in the fact that it remains simply a part of a whole pic(Walter Matthau). With methodical efficiency he lure, and is not merely an axis around which all other
struggles to mobilize all of the city departments to insure events in the film revolve.
It is. the combination of Pelham's humor and drama
the safety of the passengers. The difficulties in fighting
the city bureaucracy fast enough to raise the ransom that combine to make it one of the most entertaining
money provide a medium for Matthau and the others to adventure films recently produced.
Tull Regresses Into Excellence
by Spcnce Ragglo
and Matt Kaufman
Jethro Tull earned universal
praise and acceptance with the
release of Aqualung; Thick as a
Brick and Position Play. Both had
"The critics falling over to tell
themselves he's boring/And really
not an awful lot of fun."
War Chilil, although most like
Aqualung in form and concept, will
undoubtedly continue the controversy created by the abstruse
lyrics and complex rhythm patterns
of Ian Anderson. These qualities
were responsible for many people
turning their backs on lull after
Thick as a Brick. Passion Play only
amplified this effect. Hut those with
the patience and fairness to sit and
listen with an open mind were richly
rewarded. Anderson knows exactly
what he wants lo do, how he wants to
do it, and will not loosen his grip on
the rest of the group.
"...and bless
Us all with his oratory' prowess;
His lame brained unties
And his jumping in the air.
And so it must be all a game
of chess he's playing—
'But you're wrong Steve: you
see. it's only Solitaire.' "*
State !
fpSfe IN TOWN « .
offer expires Nov. 30
• ' M 9 CENTRAL AVE., ALBANY, N.Y. PHONE 489-5586
OPEN MOM., TUES., WED, SAT. 9 lo 6, THURS. 1 FBI. 9 TO 9
Order from our numerous catalogues or
choose from our ' fantastic stock.
NOVEMBER 1, 1974
American Artists* Re-cycled Duncan
Mcintosh • Stonchouse* Many others
Fast service
on Personalized cards
One woman's voyage info
madness as interpreted by
the director of Rosemary's
Baby and Chinatown. A
film found comparable to
Hitchcock's Rear Window
and Vertigo in emotional
depth and catharsis.
We would like to publicly thank the
management of WAST-TV for
protecting our morals and virtues
from the horrendous onslaught of
tilth and degradation that spewed
forth from the mouth of that bisexual pervert David Bowie.
Bowie and his hand. The Spiders
Front Mars, were shown Sunday
night in their last concert together. It
was an excellent show, but only due
to Ihe thankless efforts of those
wonderful God-fearing ladies and
gentlemen al WAST.
What a pleasure lo hear the highpitched, grilling, ear shattering tone
of the ever-watchful censor as Bowie
excreted such obscenities as h-'li'li',
wh-re, as, and wh-m h-m thank you
ma'am! As each resounding bleep
coursed through our skulls, our
hearts filled with pride that we were
Americans, and we rejoiced in the
knowledge Ihiit. once more, blows
were being slruck in the name of
purity, innocence and Mom's apple
II noi for Ihe unfailing efforts ol
WAST, our lovely tittle town of
Albany would have been caught up
in a wave ol unleashed sexual
hysteria (ol an intensity never before
experienced by man!) caused by the
unsavory utterances ol David
How can we begin to lhank these
beaulilul people lor saving the lives
ol our sweel children, sparing them
from the sound of that horrid word,
thai totally decadent act. that most
deadly ol all sins sit-c-ile'.'
We caimol even dream ol giving
WASl what they deserve lor rendering this tremendous service to us.
We can only humbly oiler them our
everlasting praise, our gracious
thanks and 0111 middle lingers.
Roman Polanski's
psychological Thriller,
Friday, Nov. 1
funded by student association
Bowie Vs. Bleeps
LEG:The alternative filmic experience since 1954.
CINE 1-2 3 4,
» all lyrics from War Child 1974
Chrysalis Records
Hallmark* Caspari • Norcross
(except 110 negatives)
"...removed from expectations
Of being who you really want lo
Skating Away
Skating A way
Skating A way on the thin ice of
the new day. '*
with this ad
from a Kodacolor negative only
WNEW where are you?). It is not ai
innovative or experimental as Tull'i
previous two albums, but it is pure
Ian Anderson, the Ludwig Van of
the twentieth century.
rmwCMrJr Tm
7:10, y-.UO I
GOT TO SEE _. C k i .
terchanges between the electric and
acoustic guitars.
As an independent effort. War
Child is an excellent album. There
are quite a few songs that should
receive a lot of FM air play (if only
Albany had a decent FM station;
remaining, for the most part, with
the acoustic guitar—and he is an excellent acoustic guitarist—and saxophone. Many times Anderson
replaces ah expected flute or electric
guitar lead with a sax riff, and there
are some excellent musical in-
From a technical point of view.
War Child is a near-perfect album.
as a
writer arranger producer is considerable. Still, there are noticeable
differences in the means used to accomplish the desired goal. Martin
Harre's electric guitar was heavily
relied upon throughout both
Aqualung and Benefit, an early lull
album. On Thick as a Brick, and especially on Passion Play, where his
performance is almost non-existent,
Harre was stifled. War Child does
feature him a bit more prominently,
hut his talents are still not being
utili/.ed lo their fullest extent.
Anderson's lack of flute playing is
interesting to note, since this was an
early identifying characteristic of
Jethro lull's work. He is now
8 x 10 Color Enlargement
only $1.69
Anderson has made his departure
from the forty-five minute song; War
Child is a series of short songs
related in theme, a step backward
from Passion Play. Anderson seems
to be searching for new directions,
and he has returned to the
traditional album concept (as well as
the traditional concept album) as a
means of retracing his steps back to
his starting point.
NOVEMBER 1, 1974
.50 with tax
$1.00 without tax
A Quickie!
Contest Rules
Puzzle solutions must be submitted to the Albany Student Press office
(CC334) by Monday, 3 p.m. following the Friday that the puzzle appears.
Friday, Noyember 1
Autumn Evening: Albany State is sponsoring its
Autumn Evening at our Mohawk Campus this
Saturday night. There will be a Hayride and the
Fall Dance: T h e Class of 7 7 invites all t o dance to folk music will be provided by Baker Street. The
Cathedral in the C C Ballroom from 9 p.m.-l a.m. buses leave the circle at 7 p.m.
Admission is $.50
Mixer: The Class of 7 7 is havinga Mixer in the C C
Ballroom Friday afternoon starting at 5 p.m.
Talent Snow: T h e 1st Annual United Day of Fun
for United Way is presenting the Faculty Talent
Show with a real hypnotist in the Performing Arts
Center, Recital Hall at 11:00 a.m. Admission is
Saratoga: The big night for Albany State at
Saratoga is tonight. The events include: Albany
State Harness Driving Championship, ten exciting
harness races and the music of Skye. Buses leave
the circle at 6:15 p.m.
Dance: Free beer and a live band will be at the
Dance in the C C Ballroom starting 8:30 p.m. The
donation ofS.50 goes to the United Way'sagencies.
C o m e and have a good time and support the United Way!
Puzzle solutions will be drawn at random until t ltree correct solutions ha\
been chosen.
Bach of the three winners will be entitled t o a $11 gift certificate to the car
JUS bookstore Merchandise must be claimed wi bin two weeks of notific
No one working on or for the Albany Student Press is eligible l o win
Sunday, November 3
Saturday, November 2
Name, address, phone number and social securit y number must appear o
your solution.
Only one solution per person accepted.
Coffeehouse: will present Jane Voss perold timey. traditional, Carter family and
folk music this Sunday at 8 p.m. in the
House. Everyone is welcome.
Fall Festival Coffeehouse: The Sunday night
Coffeehouse is featuring Hector in the CC
ballroom at 8:30 p.m. There will also be free coffee
and donuts. Free w tax; S.25 w / o tax.
Albony State Cinema
Elrctra: Glide h Blue
Fri.: 7:30, 9:30 p.m. LC 18
Sat.: 7:30. 9:30 p.m. LC 18
The M a d AventuresofRabbiJacob
Fri. & Sat.: 7:10. 9:00 p.m.
Fri.: 7:15. 9:30 p.m
Sal.: 7:45, 9:40 p.m
Off Campus
The Longest Yard
Fri.: 7:30, 9:45 p.m.
Sat.: 7:00. 9:20 p.m.
Sal.: 6:00, 8:00.10:00 p.m.
Ihrattr Director)
Unci 1 2 3 4
Cinema 7
Colonic Center
Son o f Dracula
Fri. & Sat.: 7:00,'9:55 p.m.
Maniacs on Wheels
Fri. A Sat.: M t p . m .
The Odeua File
Fri. & Sat.: 7:15, 9:50 p.m.
© Edwiird
•5T 1¥ w •1
IP 1
Indian Dmc-ln
Lalham IJnvc-ln
Mohawk Drive-In*
turnpike Ume-ln
46 Handle: Fr.
47 Wastes time
49 Skillful
50 Chemical s u f f i x
51 Powell
53 Teachers group
54 Shrubby plant
Old World weasels 56 Ingredient
One whose property 58 Tennis shoe
Is withdrawn
59 Penitence
60 South African fox
City on the Rhone 61 Desert spots
Get along
Telephone part
Battery part
Like fine wine
1 Program
2 Bring to t r i a l
3 Run wild
4 Any: Scot.
another": 5 Novel by Zola
2 wds.
6 Fan's stick
7 Take advantage of
Cat or Connie
8 One who backs out
Flat, round cap
9 Belching
Twangy In tone
11 Hindu god
Roman 1,501
12 Stupid
Chess plays
13 Bearlike animal
Attention A l Bridgt Phym
a. Look for ow Bridfls
ippNthg h w h
M n WHR lOf KM nRl MM M l JMf
Notes: a) 3. N-Q2 maintains tension
but avoids Ihc pin that arises out of
the 3. N-QB3 variation. It also leaves
the QBP free to support the QP. The
only problem is that it offers no
refutation lo 3. ...P-QB4. b) A risky
line requiring a little finesse to gain
equality, cl An immediate attempt to
break down white's sirong center, d)
1 he idea is lo trade black's problem
bishop for while's good bishop, e)
The absolute worst move black can
make in this position. And if you
don't believe me. I challenge anyone
to find another move'which loses as
quickly. I) White makes Ihc best
move. One with duel intent to win
the Pawn and gain a powerful attack
or win the exchange with even more
powerful attacking prospects, g) No
other move will do as well. h)Not 11.
Q-K5eh because of II. ...I'-KN3; 12.
NxNp Q-112; 13. N-KB4 QxQ; 14.
NxQ PxP; 15. PxP NxP and while
Ford failure
State In India
Baseball great
French numeral
Large scarf
Ancient ascetics
Actress Charlotte
Bushy clump of 1vy
Kind of mechanism
Arkansas and Alaskj
Game of bowling
51 Island In the
52 Note
55 Toes, In Sweden
57 Extinct bird
damn HQQBO
14. PxP!
15. KxB
16. R-Klch
nuiEsiaoiQ ouaaoBta
14 Medicinal herb
15 Plants
20 Author of 6-Across
best s e l l e r : 2 wds.
23 Prevaricate
has only a slight advantage, i) With
this move blacks position begins the
nose dive towards self-destruction
and should at this point be resigned
j) Not 12. ...QxN?; 13. R-Kl.k)
Develops for the finale and
directly protects the knight. If 13
...KXN?I4.N-N5ch K-Q3; 15. R-KI
K.-B2; 16. R-K6Q-QI; 17. B-B4ch K
Bl;.18. N-B7 Q-R5:l9.R-K8chK-N2
20.B-N3 Q-B3;2I. RxR KxR; 22
Lost Week's Puzzle Solution
******************** ** ********
, ulius^974^Targui
power Eost
Airport 1975
Fri.: 7:00.9:15 p.m.
1 Horn run champ
6 Best Seller or
TV's Raymond
10 Spanish c i t y or
13 Indian Zoroastrtans
Fox Colonie
Center Colonie
What's Up Doc?
Fri.: 7:15,9:45 p.m. LC 1
Executive Action
|Fri. & Sat.: 7:30, 10:00 p.m. LC 7
The Gambler
I |P
Fri. & Sat.: 7:30. 9:30 p.m.
Fri. & Sat.: 7:20. 9:30 p.m.
Fri. & Sat.: 7:30. 9:20 p.m.
The Gambler
!1• • •
Cinemo 7
Harry A Tonto
Fri. & Sat.: 6:55, 9:05 p.m.
I K 4
Cine 1234
On Campus
ie -
by Eddie "the while" Fox
The idea behind the french defense
is to obtain a temporarily cramped
position while working for an eventual center break and making
judicious development moves.
The cute little gem that follows
seemed natural to show to our
readers. It wasn't very well played by
black, but white took advantage of
every mistake. This makes the game
instructional in that is shows how
one wrong move in the french
defense can lead to its destruction at
an early stage in the game.
1. P-K4
2. P-Q4
3. N-Q2 (a)
4. P-K5
5. B-Q3
6. P-QB3.
7. N-K2
8. BxB
9. O-O
anrau QPioinu U B B U
nciioiaiaHmra B U B O I H E
taranm Pinion
anujoara rjiHGiBQOciE
ciacM anoinD HCJBD
afoa nBfiHM
Crossword Puzzle
Contest Winners
Nolan Altman
Sandy Horn
Leslie Tietze
Well be reporting the results of all
State and Local Elections as soon as they come in
Tuesday, November 5th beginning at 8 pan.
NOVEMBER 1, 1974
G<3GJ tiUft
1st Annual United Day Of Fun
For United Way
Tyson Provides Stimulating Evening
by Richard Parke
On Tuesday night I decided to give
up watching Zorro and M*A*S*H
to go see Cicely Tyson in the Gym. 1
felt I was in for a very stimulating
evening. Unfortuately I was
stimulated the wrong way.
November 2, 1974
TO ^ i j f f i *
Faculty Talent Show- Recital Hall $.25<0
with a real hypnotist
? :30PM
LaSalle Fraternity Basketball Game Gyms A&B $.25
Dance at the CC Ballroom FREE BEER LIVE BAND
$.50 donation
U -w«
All proceeds go to the United Way's agencies r>
* •
» i »o s ftl;.( !*rt « j j fin?,
' '
Support us We need You
questions? call LeeAnne 7-3027
To the Funky Sounds of
the, questions seemed to evolve
around her feelings on black sexploitation films and the lack of decent black movies being produced.
She feels that it is up to us as
citizens to stop these films from being made. She said that groups can't
do anything. Itisup to the individual mean and cruel and the black race
to stop paying for the trash, or turn the sufferers. I felt the literature was
very racist in nature. Asa white(tu- offtheT.V. set.
Another question asked concern- dent 1 went to the gym to see herpered her preference as to which form as an actress, not to be told how
medium she prefers perfroming in: inhuman my race supposedly is. I felt
live theatre, movies or television. very uncomfortable sitting.there.
Most actors and actresses I've found
I was surprised at how few blacks
have always preferred one over the
were there. I guess this may be why I
other. Ms. Tyson felt that any
thought that she was going to treat
medium where she can get a part she
us to a glimpse of her dramatic skill
wants is alright. She doesn't really
and not her views of black troubles.
prefer one over the other.
After about thirty minutes, she
As a critic it is my perogative to
began dramatic readings and poetry. write what I feel. Cicely Tyson seems
She is without a doubt a fantastic ac- to be a fine person. She has a lovely
tress. She was able to create a mood personality and is a great actress, I
and hold it. Her characters seemed feel she could have and should have
to show through and she gave an ex- used a little more tact in choosing her
cellent performance. She is probably material.
one of the greatest actresses alive today.
Her choiceof material is where my Classical Forum
gripe begins. 1 felt as if I was being
put down lor one half of an hour.
Most, not all, but most of her
readings made the white race look
The Poet's Boast
buy raffle tickets at the door of the dance for a chance to win a stereo!!!
• •«<«! n i l
Let me first start though, with the
good parts. Ms. Tyson is a stunning
woman and an excellent speaker.
The first half of her program was
used as a question and answer
period. Shefieldedall questions with
honesty, wit, and humor. Most of
Stylus (sti'l as), n. [pi. -LUSES, - L I
(-H )] ,[L.,for stilus, pointed instrument]
1. a style or other needlelike marking
device. 2. a) a sharp, pointed device for
cutting the grooves of a phonograph r e cord, b) a phonograph needle. Sounds
Great has the right stylus for your turntable. And of course, the perfect turntable
for your system. All priced low. All
backed by that 9 Point Policy to protect
you. Sounds Great. 1818 Central Avenue,
Albany. Next to
the Mohawk
Drive-In Theater.
Roman poets are not known lor
their humility. To the contrary, they
.were sometimes given to boasting. In
e p i l o g u e * to
"Metamorphoses" the poet Ovid (43
B.C. - 17 A.D.) utters this boast:
"Now I have completed my work,
which neither Jupiter's wrath, nor
lire.nor sword.nor hungry time will
be able In destroy. There is that day
which lias no power except over my
body. Let that day, whenever it
desires, put an end to my lile'suncerlain spun. Yet, the belter part of me.
everlasting, will be borne high above
the stars, and my name will never be
forgotten. Wherever Roman power
extends over conquered lands, there
I shall he read by the people and. if
there is any I ruth to the prophecies of
nurds, I shall live by my lame
through all centuries."
Curiously enough. Ovid's boast
lias more than come true. His works
are read in many countries that were
never under Roman rule. He is
probably the most popular of
Roman poets in this country.
Modern readers life his frankness,
his ready wit, and his gentle humor.
I he first considerable hook
written in the New World was a
poetic translation ol Ovid's
"Metamorphoses." It was the work
ol George Sandys, treasurer of the
\ iiginia Company, printed in 1626,
and dedicated to King Charles I. It
was praised by Pope and Oryden.
Ovid could not foresee either that
his work would inspire countless paintings and sculptures. His genius
was even greater than his boast.
The next
will publish
9 Piece Band
November 6
Rocking Continuously from 94
instead of Tuesday,
November 5
All Invited: Admission $.50
Sponsored bu ttfe (fllaao of 77 for the Aft of the Alton Smith tuno
NOVEMBER 1, 1974
No Mercy for Me
by James Decker
It wat March twenty-fourth, Nineteen Seventy-One,
When I walked in that courtroom,
und my hate had begun
I was scared to death, at the man that
•I saw.
He said, "My name is Judge, and I
represent the taw."
Well, I looked at this man and others
throughout the room,
Andwishcd I was still in my mother's
h'or I wouldn't need facing this man
lull of hale.
Then I said to myself, "Don't bitch
up now, cause it's far too late."
So I looked at this man with my head
lick! up high;
I knew from his expression, he wasa
terrible guy.
I looked to my right, saw my mom
standing there;
Then she looked towards me. und
said with a tear:
"You're too young to realize the
crime you committed,
And the judge wants to know
why you haven't ad milled.
These people don'l care, what
leelings you might endure.
And they musl place you away,
where you'll be secure.
I hey say il is bud. lo bcyoungund in
So they're going to send you away
for sometime."
Well, by litis time I was shedding
sonic tears
Because I knew I'd be gone Tor a
number ol years.
I looked al the judge, with the look
ol disgust;
And with a feeling ol hate, out of this they can.
You call them unhuman, but
Then I looked back at mom and said, wishes tu harm.
courtroom I'll walk.
So I beg you, your honor, please .
"It can't be me, he mistrusts."
"So, your honor, take back, what my still they are men.
have some heart;
They've been rejected because
"H'or what I have done, I've
(live him a chance, to make a new mother has said;
done in plain sight;
II you want thctruth, I WISH YOU of no education
Of jobs by you rich folks with
So what ever he does, he'd, start.
It's his first time in trouble and
better be right.
Now, don't look surprised, at what your big reputation.
hopefully his last.
'Cause I'd hate to uncover, this man
You. like your family, are rich
So give him a future and let this be you've just heard,
and his ways.
'Cause you've changed my whole and adorn.
Hut he docs the same thing, und
outlook, and I mean every word.
While my only crime is only beh'or. as I told you before, this child's
You think its a game, whileyou'rc ing poor when 1 was born.
Though I'm only young and got
1 entered this world, with a terriAnd if you ruin him now, he will behind thai bench
caught by a man
Mister, for once, consider Common ble start;
With a gun at his side and a stick in
So please. Money Hags, have a
Away from the laws which you want Sense!
his hand,
You won't be there forever; change in heart.
till to obey.
I still know what's happening, with
'Cause who is at fault, for this
forgive him, your honor, und let us someone will lake your place.
this man in that chair.
Then, how will you enter, world lull of crime?
he on our wuy."
Look al him shaking, but I don't
Not me, your honor, but you in
society's race'.'
your prime.
This man isas guilty us I don't know
You must make exceptions, for
luce changed,
your in that chair.
this crime is not rare;
But. mom. he's no better, than me or
Will be out there again, with
So think il all over 'cause us
would not be regained.
only one care.
poor people care."
Then. I looked at my mom. she was
What can he do. but send me away'.'
And that's lo survive however
slill crying a bil.
I'll only reveal the truth someday."
Ily Ihal lime my mind was about to
Well. I lull somewhat better knowing
A crime worse than all thai is noted
the truth had been said.
by book.
Hut when I looked at mom and I was
And that's the crime of hale, bul 1
angry instead.
just turned and shook
l o r she was slill crying us the judge
Thill crazy Iceliiigaway from within,
looked lor the papers.
And thought. "Why let this man gel
Ihal were riglil there before him, of
For a limrted time only:
under my skin!"
all of my capers.
I tryed to sooth mom. but like day il
Bring $.50 worth of pennies
I hen I looked up at mom and said in
was plain
CENTER Snack Bar or Cafeteria
Ihal mum was filled with sorrow
"Don'l worry, mom, 'cause I've
and pain.
& receive free coffee or small soda.
made my choice!
She looked at the judge und said in a
I here's no need lo beg this man, for
low voice.
what is righllutly mine.
"He's only a child, so consider your
And its about lime Jo. lay the truth. nyfoliTj'l^l .Ay VI . •; 4
on lite line." i
He's my only son. and brings with
Faculty Student Auociation
IIThisman says I'm guilty, there's no
him a charm.
And there is no one out there that he
Muhammadf All
knocks me o u t !
£mV § 0IM3
To the Editor:
Regarding your editorial "Redressing the
Grievance," ASP, October 25:
Reference was made to an anonymous
phone call to Central Council attacking Jay
Miller's capability lo work as Student
Association Ombudsman. Other sources have
informed me thai the caller claimed lo be a
member of the Jewish Students Coalition,
basing his opinions of Jay on knowledge of
Jay's JSC work.
Let my stress to Central Council that this
"informer" in no way represented the whole of
JSC. either officially or unofficially. JSC has
mil discussed Jay's SA involvement al any
lime, in terms of his pending position.
l-urlhcr, whether or not the caller was from
JSC. Prniibhorredto ihink that anyone would
jeopardize another individual's participation
in any activity while hiding behind a mask of
anonymity. II the caller believes his own opinion, let him have the decency and integrity lo
openly substantiate his claims. I sincerely
hope ihal Council members aren't stupid
enough to accept such unidentified
"disclosures" as valid evidence in deciding any
Last Chance
To the Editor:
Elections are now less than a week away,
and I would like to take this final opportunity
to urge all the members of this university community to support the Carcy-Krupsak team.
Ihey need your vote und they need your support in these last few days.
The final action that members of this university can take lo help spur the Democratic
team to victory is lo show their support at the
rally being held this Monday. MaryAnne
Krupsak will he coming home to Albany
County this Monday, and for her homecoming a rally will he held al the airport al 2:00.
there will be transportation provided for
ihose who need il. There will be statewide
press coverage, and we hope Ihal everyone
who supports Ms. Krupsak will come show
that support.
II you need a ride or you want information,
call me at 438-0108. or iheCarey-Krupsiik office al 457-75lb.
own male identity and that it isn't easy to
break away from how society says you should
be. Human liberation and the right of a unique
male, female identification, is what is important.
As far as the bookstore being a place where
everyone can go tofindworthwhile booksand
magazines, the bookstore is already doing
that, fell me Ms. McNamara. have you ever •
read some of the articles in Playboy or Vivdl
Oiherwise I don't sec where she gels off trying
lo censor the American public, nobody has
thai right, despite what the Supreme Court
Ronald Waite
A Gentleman's Game
To Ihe Kditor:
Al Ihe present time, there arc 8 working
pocket billiard lahles in the pool hall, (Campus Center). Ihe pool hall is used on an
aveiagc. by about 200 people per week and it is
a well known fact thai il does not contribute a
stihsianlial profit, However its losses, if any.
Candacc Mayer
are not substantia! either. So the only
monetary benefitlhat it provides, is salaries for
the students who work there. I think though,
that ihcincn who use the pool hall can point to
several advantages ol having one.
first, it is. in a sense, a lounge where
students can relax, while taking part in a sport
thai is mildly physical and menial al the same
tune. It isa parlor game ihal is sociable, where
one can generally get in a game with friends or
Judy Hinler
new aqttuiutunecs.
Program Director
Secondly, pool is regarded, by those few
Jewish Students Coalition
who have excelled in Ibis sport, as an art and
science. Billiards is a gentleman's game that
lias lascinaied geometricians as well as its own
Willi ibis hiicLiiUlujJucjiion.JTI now get lo
Kalhy Keck. President CIn Sigma "I'lVeTa
ihe point. I be management ol the pool ball is
I o ihe I'.dilor:
Joel Schensul. President, Alpha Pi Alpha
inellicienl. I lie lahles have not been taken
Regarding Ihe recent letter lo the Editor enInula Crosby. President. I'si Gumma
til led "Sexism Strikes" I would like to respond care ol properly and are deteriorating laster
The ASP was tetketl U> publish tliejolltneitig;
Iran Coward, President. Kappa Delia
than they should. fni example.Ihcrcarespots
11oin ihe stand point of a liberated mule.
Dun Sncll. President. I belli Xi Omega
Possibly Ms. McNamara isalwaysconironted on several lahles where the felt lias worn out.
To the University Community:
1 any Kabinowilz. President, Poller Club
Instead ol repairing the lell with special tape
Willi Playboy, I'I'IIIIIHIIM: elc. but also
Together, the Greeks (APA. I'XO, STB.
Harry Sandberg, President, Sigma I an Beta
designed lor Ibis purpose, these boles have
Playgirl and Viva. Oh yes indeed, the
Kf). Chi Sig, Psi Gam), and the non-Greek
bookstore also sells these sc.xisi inaga/ines. in worn Ihroiigb. down In Ihe slate. Ihe tables
Potter Club, represent the largest interest
which men arc being exploited, fell me. is it are lilthy and there arc never enough cues,
group on campus. As representatives ol these
warped or unwaiped.
sexist il women a re being shown, hut not when
individual Greek groups, we would like to
1 be manager might say. "I have not enough
nude males arc being shown'.' Let me point mil
make a statement about our status on this
monetary resources," or "li's the students'
the tact thai her Idler read, "where hull ihe
laull Ihe; treat the pool tables poorly."
people arc degraded and sold." (DoubleIndividually, and as a large stereotyped
1. Ihal there are lew kinds available is
group, we have hcen accused of many things,
some accurate, and some not. It seems,
Her letter also says Ihal "these magazines justifiable: win. (as ISA seems In be reasoning), improve the pool ball when the pin-hall
however, that the part that Greeks play in the
degrade and oppress all females, selling them
machines arc making 10 limes as much'.' I
university community has not been properly
tin Ihe pleasure ol men. Is Ms. McNamara so
ibink. though, thai more funds should be
acknowledged. Individuals and even the unnaive as tu think thai any man who looks al
allocated, regardless ol Us profitability.
iversity as a whole have been antagonistic
one ol those maga/incs sees every woman as
2. I hat il is the students' laull. is. in my opitowards the Greeks on campus. Realistically,
being a cheap, dumb whore Willi big tits and
nion a pool excuse. Mosl ol the employers do
though, if one examines the activities on camready lo put out. or a woman seeing all men as
pus, social or otherwise, one finds that Greeks
being virile, hu Iking super-studs.' In no way do virtually nothing, except play pool, do their
liomewoik and ring up a bill occasionally.
are the major participants. Take away the
I leel oppressed or degraded by Playgirl or
Ihey could be cleaning the tables thai aren't
Greeks from Holiday Sing and what remains'.'
I /ii/. because I have no need to feel that way.
being used or leiipping Ihe sticks or cleaning
A small competition. Take away Greeks from
II seems tonic thai Ms. McNamara sees these
Telethon and a big chunk of the participants
magazines as sexist because she is not sure of Ihe halls HI hcllci vet. making sure thill ihose
using ihe tables, aie using them properly.
are gone. Before the university look
her own feminine identity.
Il seems ihal the manager, (who also runs
Homecoming away from us, Greeks were the
Ihe howling alley and is a well liked man and
Like so many other women, she is finding it
main participants.
km employer) does inn care very much about
hard lo break old societal (male-oriented)
How many other groups on campus have
the condition ol the pool ball. I have a feeling
bonds and lorni her own unique "feminine"
the organization and desire to run such things
that lie tried once, bul lor some reason has
identity, limes are changing these bonds
its Blood Drives, hood l-'asts. United Way
given up.
can and must be broken, but not by building
drives? No matter how involved in a certain
What is Ihe true slate,ol atlairs here'.'Will
new double standards. Ihe way thai I see it.
cause an individual may be, it still remains that
l o Hie l . d i l i i r :
these maga/incs are not degrading to all men someone answer Ibis appeal'.'
he needs organization and people behind him
Considering ihe lecent problems over local or women, unless Ihose people who have pos"Willie" Al Lands
in order to work for that cause. Largely, housing Iui st udcuts, I thought I iniglit puss on
ed, think that the pictures are degrading. 1
sororities and fraternities are the only groups this article Itoni the Connecticut Courier.
doubt il any ol the people in those magazines
on campus which have such organization.
May 27. IK52:
w ere lorced into posing I could see Ms. McAlso, many of the A MIA teams are Greek
Namara's point of being degraded, oppressed,
groups. Without them, competition in the
and sold ii she was forced or required to pose
New York Normal School
leagues would be rather weak. Last year the
lor some pictures. I doubt if she is though.
Some considerable dissatisfaction prevails
sororities on campus started an AM1A suitAlso, does she see these pictures as being just
in Ihe Stale ol New York respecting this
ball league for girls.
ol naked women or beautiful pictures of HaOf course, il one choses to ignore the lliings school, and Ihe leellug there is gradually ha man body.'
that fraternities and sororities are involved in, becoming prev aleni that il does not answer the
purposes lor which il was designed. Its locuone can always look al the old stereotype of
l o r me. male liberation (and woman's
Greek members. Drunken, rowdy, and tion in Albany makes board so expensive to liberation) is the ability ol every man woman
oversexed are all Greeks. We may be drinkers
doing any act. within physical Ji nutations, us
but we notice that many of you are willing lo guing lo some country Academy for instruc- well as any other man or woman, without contion,
The Albany Student Press resents the'
come and drink our beer for free. Rowdy we
cern ol bis. her manhood, womanhood. I read
may be also, bul in so doing, we are enjoying as hoard. It seems lo be last becoming;! merely I'luynirl, and I'd like Ms. McNamara lo get a
sole right to print or edit Letters lo the
ourselves, not usually at the expense of others.
Editor. Letters should be typewritten and
loud of Ihe looks Ihal I get when I put the
Oversexed no more than any other student giving instructions lo schoolteachers as in magazine on ihe check-out counter. ! suppose
submitted to CC 326 lobe eligible for conbestowing general information.
that it's o.k. with her if others question my
As far as we can see we are interested in havmanhood because of what magazines 1 read.
Keep those cards and- letters coming,
ing some fun and making life a little more exWbai I hope that she grasps is Ihal I have my
citing on this otherwise apathetic, grade conscious, study oriented campus. It seems to esPAGE SEVEN
Stating Their Status
A Liberated Male
This is Normal?
Congratulations Mr. AH on winning back the Heavyweight Championship of the world (which by the way
he never lost). Now to celebrate his victory, the
Heavyweight Champion of $1.99 LPs, JUST A SONG,
will give a 10% discount on all $1.99 & $2.99 LPs on
Saturday Nov. 2 . This sale is available foreman &
women, (sorry George!)
come see us at
Mask of Anonymity
cape some people, including tome of the administrators of this school, who do not
provide any social life on this campus, that a
college education does not consist of merely
becoming glued to books, seeing how many
hours you can live in the library, or getting all
In addition to this, there is the socialization
of university life. No matter how strongly it is
denied on this campus, it is an important
aspect of college life to learn about people,
how to meet people and yes, how to have a
good time. This is an important function of
fraternities und sororities on campus.
Whether it be drinking beer together or sponsoring a Pood Fast, or taking some orphans
for a day, we arc working together as a group
and learning as individuals within that group,
how to deal with people, how to operate in
social situations, and how to have a good time,
without sacrificing the academic aspect of
Again, one has only to look at the Alumni
Association ofthefratcrniticsand sororitieslo
see a strong inlercst group. What other single
group can make a claim such as Kappa Delta
and Potter Club, whose Alumni Association
contributed S 10,0(1(1 each to the Alumni
House lund and I'si Gamma whose alumni
also contributed a large amount.
I he Ci recks on this campus a re almost as old
as the school itself, so it doesn't seem right to
question their place on this campus. It seems
to us that as longas peopleare interested in being part of our group we deserve to have our
spot on this campus. In any case, the fact
remains thai we are Greeks by free choice. We
choose to be what we are and to be active
members ol 'the university '(immunity. Others
may choose to be passive, apathetic members
ol that community, but it is our right to exist
and the right ol fill tire students on SUN Y A lo
be Greek or not. In a university lull of apathy,
interest in the university-community shb'uid
be nurtured and not squel :hed.
84 central ave. albany
NOVEMBER 1, 1974
- • . ^ . l i ^ , -
S ^ ~ ± ^ - J
< • . 3
i mi ilfiftlli1»Ti^ifriiiiii6{aaBn T O t * a i t f t : j J t
/ • v s l . i > v < ^ r frf^tn the Frog's Mouth:
notional Student Association (ISA)
Show, November 16, will be discussed.
^m-mm Oil Dissent
by L t w r e n t t Pohl
This p u t week Mobil O i l Corporation has printed dissenting views of a recently released Ford
Foundation Study on the energy situation. Simitar Mobil commentary has been printed in local
newspapers in the past, presenting corporation explanation for our energy problems. This latest
argument, however, is the most porous of any I have seen.
t h e Mobil rebuttal declares energy conservation a "buzz word" which really represents more
government control and loss of freedom of our American life-style. The article, entitled "Energy
Growth or Economics Stagnation," goes on to equate energy conservation with rationing. The
Mobil solution is not to disturb the American lifestyle (gluttonous, unnecessary waste) but
rather to ensure supplies of new energy by eliminating government control and reducing environmental standards.
From the Frog's Mouth resents Mobil Oil's arrogant policy of neglect towards environ mental
values. How does the Mobil rebuttal deal with environmental concerns? Perhaps the most ambiguous phrase in this and other anti-environmentalist articles is its use of the word
"reasonable." "We favor full public discussion and we want every reasonable protection lor the
environment," the report explains. What Mobil considers "reasonable environmental protection" is not substantiated upon in the article.
The article concludes with a list of suggestions it believes would ease the energy situation (or,
as FTFM thinks, at least ease Mobil Oil's situation). Among these suggestions is the following:
' "Retain desirable environmental objectives, but review the timetable lor reaching them in the
light of the nation's energy needs. Let environmental technology catch up, so that nations can be
protected at a cost America can afford."
Great idea! First, eliminate those environmental values Mobil Oil feels are "undesirable"
(whichever they are); then take those environmental values considered important and look at
them in terms of our short-term crisis. What would be the result of this policy? You guessed it,
we'd have a near total neglect of environmental concerns, a later change in life-style (not because
of energy conservation as Mobil believes, but because of energy abuse) and a huge bill to help
pick up the pieces of our environmental neglect. (Will Mobil Oil chip in?)
Your dissent, then, Mobil Oil is an attempt to blame environmentalists and proponents of
energy conservation lor oui ci.ergy crisis. Next time, don't shower us with your social commentary and public relations mumbo-jumbo and just come out and say what you really mean.
The department of Judiat Studies
invites you to a Student-Faculty Evening. Monday, November 4 at 7:30
p.m. in the Campui Center Assembly
Hall. A film by students depicting
their reactions to the Yom Kippur war
will be shown. Opportunity to discuss
'courses with faculty. Refreshments
Social Welfare majors who
volunteered to serve on the committee to form a Social Welfare
Association will meet in Room 1610 in
the Mohawk Tower at 8 p.m. on Tuesday, November 5.
Notes on Abortion, Life, Death
The slate Department of Health said an estimated 225,750 abortions were performed
last year, about 48 per cent of them for nonresidents. In 1972, there were 258,285 induced
terminations ol pregnancies in the stale, 61 per
cent of which were lor nonresidents.
"The number of abortions did drop obviously as a cause of the decision," a
spokesman lor (he state agency said.
Thousands of residents ol other stales have
gone lo New-York Stale1' Ib'f'aborlions in recent years because of the stale's liberal abortion laws, according lo the official.
Births outnumbered abortions in the state
last year, with 238,667 babies born, Ihcagency
said in its 1973 annual report.
Birth and death rated continued to decline
last year, both reaching record lows for this
century, the department's Office of
liioslatistics said.
T h e birth rate of 12.9 per 1,000 population
dropped lor the third straight year. 6 per cent
lower than the 1972 rate, and Ihe death rale of
9.8 per I.OIK) population continued its steady
five-year decline, dropping 2 per cent from
1972," suid Dr. MollisS.lngraham.stute health
Dr. Ingrahum said accidents were the most
common cause ol deaths for persons aged I24. while cancer was ihe most common cause
ol death for ages 25-44 and heart disease
struck mosl for persons 45 and older.
I here were 180,002 deaths lasl year, with
heart disease Ihe most lrei|iienl cause claiming 73.363 lives. The other lop killers
were cancer. 35.926 deaths; cercbrovaseual
disease 15.529 deaths; aecidenls of all kinds,
7.049 deaths; and pneumonia, 6,246 deaths.
Death rates varied, by age group and sex.
Last year the death rate'tbr males be,lyveen,(he
ages ol 45-64 was ulnuisl twice that for females
in Ihe same age bracket. Males over 65 had the
highest death rate. 69.8 per 1,000 persons, as
compared to the female over-65 rale ol 49 per
1,000 persons, according to Ihe report.
I he Infant mortality raleol 17 per 1,000live
births dropped by It) per eenl from 1972.
Divorces increased by 19 per cent while ihe
number of marriages declined by 4 per cent.
I here were 155.660 marriages last yea rand
45.626 divorces. Ihe dt'pdrtmenl said the
number ol divorces has increased steadily
since 1967 when a law look ellecl making il
easier to sever it marriage.
Fall Weekend's
Saturday Evening
at Mohawk
Fall Festival Coffeehouse
and Folk Music by Baker
All Socio/ Welfare majors
interested in participating as
members of a Social Welfare
Association will meet at 6:30 p.m. on
Monday, November 11, in Mohawk
Tower lounge 2201.
*• •
Bernard Dort will speak (in French)
on "Nouvelles tendances du theatre
francais a c t u a l . "
November 7, 8:15 p.m., C C
AssemblyHall. Sponsored by Alliance
Francaise and), French Dept.
Refreshments served.
The Undergrod Psychological
Society will sponsor a
Night on Thursday, November 7, at
8 p.m. in the C C Assembly Hall.
Speakers will discuss job opportunities and career options in Psychology. All are welcome.
Economics Dept. invites junior and
-senior students to apply for
membership in "O micron Delta
Epsilon"—National Honor Society. If
qualified and are interested see Dr.
Kuan-l Chen or Miss Franklin in the
Economics office.
Attention: Former SltPA -Spain
participants 1973-1974, Therewill be
a meeting to discuss the SILPA-Spain
Program on Thursday, November 7,
1974 at 4:00 in SS-341. Please try to
interested in the
possibilities of Coble T.V. in the
dorms, please contact Jon Levenson,
Chairman Ad-Hoc
Cable Tele.,
vision C o m m i t t e e . 205 Irving
(Slate), 7-4026 (or leave a message
at the S.A. office C C . 346, 7-6542).
chilled wines
Free Hot Cocoa will be served and
in ftc CC BaGtoMH*
Attention: All Holiday Sing group
leaders. You must attend a man*
ditory leaders meeting to be held on
Thursday, November 7, 7:30 p.m. in
C C . 375.
Jewish Students CoalitionHoliday Sing Meeting Tuesday
evening, November 5th—8:00 p.m.
Dutch Quad Cafeteria. All interested
are welcome.
Miller Reclamation Program . . .
A free keg of Miller beer will be
awarded to the group that gives us
the most beer cans, bottles and keg
stickers. Second collection coming
soon. Any questions? Call Ivan, 7*
8927 or Kevin, 7-8916.
free delivery
Tuesday ot 8 p.m ihe U.S.—
China Peoples' Friendship Association is shoeing two films on New
China m t C 3
People*. Communes" by Fell/ Greene, and Red
Flag Canal" o Chinese film on the
irrigation pfOiCCl
Ten projectors.
Three screens.
Full stereo sound.
One thousand slides
A inns! unique tiuiltt inedi.i
Busses leave Circle at 7 pm.
Will return about 11 pm.
8:30 (Hit
Tommy at 472-8761
Newman Association Weekend
Mais Schedule Saiurdo/-. 4 30
p m . 6 30 p m Sundays
lOo m ,
12:45 p m . i 30 p m AM at Chapel
{nee ui/tox
on sale today in the CC Lobby until 2 pm.
25a wit lax
•• •
Sigma Tau Beta Fraternity is sponsoring a Blood Mobile November
4th, Monday 10:00a.m. to4:00p.m.
CC. Ballroom.
Tai Chi Chuon—an Oriental form
of movement and meditation. Classes
now being formed—436-1074.
PARSBC ~Albany's science-fiction
magazine—is now accepting art submissions and typed work for spring
1975 publication. Works should be
left in the Student Association Office
346) and addressed to
"Parsec "
Oil-Campus students: You
helped elect your student government last spring—now help us work
for your best interests. Please refer
any problems, complaints, or
suggestions on coping with "State" to
your Central Council representatives,
Candi Mayer and Steve Meyer at
Sunday, November 3, Joseph Cordilh a) Russol Sog/s Campus; AR
Building Coffee House; traditional—
contemporary folk guitar, dulcimer
and mandolin-
All students who will become
Juniors m January and who wtstl to
enter the Socio/ Welfare Program as
motors at that time should see their
advisors >n Uni terstiy College as soon
a> possible to moke the necessary
Attention Community
Regis/ration thru Friday between IC
3 4 4 after November
§ 'I
I »nLCB30,
fiSFER switchboard needs you!
//': need operators to answer
[V'-'J' es training and orientation
given Credit given i h r ough C o m •
&er *iC»: SSW 2 9 0 a n d
Regular October 23
November i between IC 3 and 4,
10 4 p m More information? Call
434 1202
Everyone is j r g -
presents a
Campus Center Ballroom
November 5, 1974
8:00 p.m.
Adm.: Free
Presented by SUNYA Alumni Association
a panel of speakers discussing
Training, Job Opportunities,
Career options in Psychology
Thursday \ o v . 7 at 8 P M
in the Assembly H a l l
Sponsored by the Educational Services o( Nikon, Inc.
NOVEMBER 1, 1974
NOVEMBER 1, 1974
i t m . ' o ' -\
tr.ose « n o n e e d t h e m Con
(bttswd hi (Hrfpf eundt buni
funded by KtUdenl association
ed to come Ne will proride netes lor
j \7
SUNYA Women*Center,located
at Cooper 100 State Quad, is open
from 11 -4 Monday through Thursday.
Come by and see what we have to
offer in the way of literature, relaxation and someone to talk to. All
Attention all Community Service
students evaluation sessions are
r>o*> go.^g on Attendance ot one
A.-port to g r e e t her
nikon presents
Bus tickets are also limited and will be
"All Christian! are invited to experience a Contompatmty CeJeevetion of Half Cemimmlafi at 3:00
p.m. on Sunday, November 3 in
Chapel House. Service led by Duane
Feldmonn, Lutheran Campus Pastor
For m o r e i n t o , coll
Mary Anne Krupsak ,% coming
home to Albany County on Monday
ot 2 00 There will be a r^tiy at i h *
Fiee cuftee owl (fowls vM k settled
Everything you always wonted to
know about interviewing.
awfjfe of ihe interview process and
increase your chances of interviewing
success Tuesday, No/ember 5, 89 3 0 p m Humanities 354.
Looking for Christian fe/fowship?
Praise God with us every Friday night
at 7 00 p m mC C 315
870 Madison Ave
(just above Ontario St.)
tor use.
Sponsored by Special Events Board.
Candid conversations with interviewers and recruiters. Learn how
they rate applicants and what they
really look for Representatives from
Business, industry Grad School,
taw and Med Schools . November 4,
8-9:30 p.m. (Monday) Humanities
Anyone interested m [Oimng 4*2
Holiday Sing Group come to a
meeting &n Tuesday, November 5. m
4*2 basement Also, anyone interested m playing piano for us contact ton. 7-5236
pinball facilities will be available
Any remaining tickets will be sold
at the buses.
needs handbooks
from other schools— Out of state,
SUNY, any student handbooks. If you
have some call Bob Wong, 4574754—Thonx.
Group invites all to a gathering Friday. November 1 from 3 to 5 p.m. ot
the Women's Center, Cooper 100,
Stole Quad Dolores Schmidt, head
of the Affirmative Action Committee,
w i l l be our special guest.
Refreshments will be served so please
stop by
Wim Ftom fk F M Uweya>uto w Ike WvM
9 am - 9 pm
Interested in joining Dutch Quad
Holiday Sing. Come to Gen. meeting
every Monday, 8:00 in Dutch Quad
There will be a Religious Committee Meeting of the Jewish
Sfudenfs Coalition Wednesday,
November 6th ot 7:30 p.m. Will meet
in Social Science building—Lower
lounge. All regular attendants of J5C
Sabbath services and those who wish
to voice opinions about the running of
services ore urged to attend.
A brief meeting will be held for all
SUNYA West Indian Students on
Saturday, 7:00 p.m. sharp. Sayles
House lower lounge, Alumni Quad.
Plans for an item during the Inter-
gift wrapping
Judo Cfcib now accepting new
members. Classes for beginners held
Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. and Advanced
Class at 6:00 p.m. in the Wrestling
Room. Practices on Thursday at 7:00
See Cain teach John—Boy the
Vulcan Death Grip at the meeting of
the Albany State Science Fiction
Society. Monday, 7:30 p.m. Campus
Center 370. Even better than T.V.!
Black Students, Bus. ma/ors,or
just interested in Ihe Bus', world] new
club forming to meet your needs!
There will be speakers, trips, tutors
and guidance from upper classmen.
Interested? Call Daniel 7-4057.
Camp Dippikill Governing Board
meets November 5 at 3:00 p.m. in
Dippikill. Please come, Any group
that would like to send a representative to the board, pleose send one.
There will be a general meeting of
Special Events Board on Monday,
November 4 at 7:00 p.m. in CC. 375.
All board members should make an
effort to attend.
mon - sat
• •
Stilt Friends Holiday Sing
Rehearsal—Sunday at 6:30 p.m. in
Lower Lounge of Eastman Tower.
Let's get started!
Pine Hills
Wine & Liquor Store, Inc.
Meeting of
Na Dene , the
anthropology society, Thursday
night, November 7.
will be served.
** •
A L B A N Y , N.Y.(AP)Thenumberofabor-J
tions performed in New York State dipped by
13 per cent in 1973. the same year the U.S.
Supreme Court lifted prohibitions for most
abortions from the lawbooks of every state.
Regular meetings of the Divine
light Club are held on Mondays at
7:30 p.m. in campus center 373.
'There will be an open discussion on
meditation and the perfection within.
All are welcome. Refreshments will be
served. For information call 465*
•* *
Oanwol h M r a i l P.tM.
Monday night, 7:30 p.m., F.A. 114.
For all thosa inttrntad in analyzing
and inveitigating environmental
problem* on/off campus. For more
info, come to our office in FA 218 or
call 457-8369.
- — • "
il :
Ride needed to Michigan State. Call
Gerry 7-8722.
Jean and Nancyi
Thanks for proving to us that you
aren't worth the 50«. Th< night was
better without you!
The Boys Upstairs
Happy 21
Right Ron?
1967 Chevy II, 6 cyl, item, one owner
$200. call 482-6478 after 6
3 speed Schwinn for sale—very
reasonable—$20. Call Phil 4827371.
Ride in style—own a (19S5) Desoto
for only $250. 472-5040.
Skis - Brand new, Atomic
"Supremers". $85.00. 457-5340,
1961 Ford Fairlane: 50,000 miles,
runs well, new tires. $150.00. Call
•Furnished 3-Br mobile home, 1W
baths, LR & BR expandos, set up on
lot, skirted, 10x10 storage shed. Call
664-7477 after 5.
Stereo Speakers; 2 Panasonic 3-way
syitems in very good condition. List
price $99 each—will sell pair for $75.
Mile • 472-7352.
Porsche - 91 IT 1973 excellent condition. Sacrifice. Call 664-9023.
4th SUNYA Annual European Ski
Tour. St. Anton, Austria, Jan. 5,1975
• Jan. 15, 1975. $399 inclusive. John
Morgan 457-4831.
T y p i n g services o f f e r e d —
reasonable, fast, accurate. 459-7710
ext. 20.
Typing done in my home. 869-2474,
"Street Noise" - a rock band for hire.
Call 4380582.
waterpipes, bongs, cigarette papers,
rolling machines, superstonns, clips,
underground comix, etc: Gcbriella's
Goodies, Box 434, Hollywood, Ca.
Country Rock group— BADGE is now
working in the Schenectady-Albany
area. Available for parties, etc. If interested coll Kenny 465-6423 or Rick
Girls, in a hurry to have a good time,
call 7-7850 for Jack's fast take out
Roommate Neededl Own room - near
busline—$80 incl. utilities. Available
now 465-1314.
Home wanted for a 10 mo. old,
female, spayed, cat. Extra toes free.
Call 372-8344.
House for Rent: 4 bedrooms, dining
room, large kiffhen 'w/breakfast
nook, living room w/fireplace in
country. Coll 473-3310 or stop in to
Graduate Admissions ask for Al.
Males and/or Females interest in
communal living near busline needed
to complete apartment. Loveable
bunch, rent cheapl Frank or Jill 4821689.
Albany Area Open School, (for
children 2-7) needs volunteers. Apply
through Community Service or call
Musicians wanted for coffeehouse.
Contact Linda Barker at Albany JCC
We want people who like to talk on
the telephone, part-time or full-time,
days or evenings. Call Mr. Spiegal at
459-9000. Name your own hours,
chance for advancement.
2 large sleeping rooms, clean,
utilities, furnished, centrally located
on bus line. Suitable lor teacher,
business person or student. Call 4626 9 8 3 _ 7 a.m. to 10 a.m. or after 10
p.m. evenings.
_ „
A 14 year old learning handicapped
girlneedsa few hours of female companionship. Volunteers please call
Pam 456-1054 after 5 p.m.
2 bdrms, 2 living rooms, porch, attic,
heat included, Delaware Ave. 4729884.
Learn piano from Clara, $6/hour.
Call 472-8211 between 8 and 11
Lost: 1 double heart ring (gold) with
initials S.A. II found please contact
Arlene 457-4728 (Reward offered).
"Boo-Boo" - Country Rock Band for
hire. Reasonable rates, Call Leon at
271-7946 after 6 p.m.
Lost: Very Important Social Theory
Notebook. Name on Test Papm inside. (S. Kelson). Ploase call 4577986
or 7-7961 if found. Reward.
Typing done in my home. 482-8432
To the 72-73 Eastman Niners (and
other special ones),
Happy Halloween - I love you all.
' Hard to believe? Peter's eighteen.
Happy Birthday to both of you.
Special thanks to everyone who
helped at the Coffee House at
Brubacher Sunday night, esp. Arthur,
Evan Robin, lleen, Stephen, Steve,
John Paul, the man who played the
piano, the man who sang, & the cat.
Happy 8th Brothers of STB.
Dear Merc,
Good luck!
P.S. - I love your bodyl
To the Boot Bearing, Bleach Blonde,
Black Body shirt wearing male on
State Quad,
You can't always get what you
Your Alter Ego's Id
Mohammed says:
Take a Fanatic out to lunch.
Secret Admirer,
Who are you?
Rick and Bill:
I'm not dead yet.
Dick and Mamie
Help me get her out of my heart.
Your Dearly Beloved
Nook BogartThe piizas will fly
Your stomach will spin
But when the night's over
Bundini will win.
I've made things bad) but, they are
golfing better. Please stick with it.
.Purple G i r l Roses are Red,
Violet's'are Blue'. "
' "You're Purple
But I still love you.
Quad Monster
Baby Brothers
Do Not Belong in
Mr. Albanian
Dear JB,
Let's nevor disband or weaken our
relationship. It's beautiful and I need
you. Was lonely this weekend.
Dear Kathy,
Happy 19th
Love All of Us
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Evon a monkey
should have a decent birthday
Don't let the organic get you down.
Lotsa Love
Big Tough JuniorYou bettor write to your "Bitch Boy"
fan—or elsol
"The STUD is alive and well."
Meet Mary Anne Krupsak Monday 2
p.m. at Albany Airport. For transportation, call 438-0108.
Dearest L.T.F.D.,
The bitch is back. Sorry about MonHook'
Creeping Fungus
To the wonderful cooks in 703,
The breakfast was great, we all
But the best thing of all
that we can recall
Is that you cleaned up'the debris.
I honestly love you.
You've heard of "American Graffiti" now here's French Graffiti!:
Monsieur sage - homme dit "la
nourrlture dans la cafeteria ist la
bousse rance'e et e'eumeause."
Dear 'Noxious:
Your search is ended! No need to
look any further for the woman who
will look up to you for your intelligence and virility; I am here...
Nearsighted Midget
One down. Infinity minus 1 left.
Kahlua kid:
Happy 21.
Di, Beth, ot. al.
Thanx for bein' there when I needed friends.
Dr. Guts
Don't leave us; 17 doesn't love you.
We Do
Losing? Alwaysl
C but D,
thanks for everything Sunday
night, especially your DRIP dry shirt.
love (she said),
Action? Never!
Pussii? Unheard Of!
Dear Knut,
Happy Birthday
(Is that O.K.!)
They put lemon- freshened BORIS in
Ali Proves It Again - He Is The Greatest
To Coach:
Who deserves the happiest, most
fulfilling year yet. Have the greatest
Birthday ever. Happy 19thl!l
All our love,
Lisa, Joyce, Anne, Leslie, Debbie,
Jackie and staff
Dear Allan 144,
Happy Birthday from someone
who cares.
Fabrini Bundini
Helpl Driver of white VW or anyone
else who saw accident 5:45 Monday
10/28, perimeter & Western contact
Nancy 457-3006
"Interested in the Campus Crusade
for Christ?" Call. Bob at 7-7849
To Barbara - The Bitch in 501,
How's the air up there?
•The Scum of the Earth
Attention: Miss Smiley on Third floor •
library. I'm the guy who smiled back.
Where have you been, NO test?
Call marc 7-4731
by Vinny fttda
in workouts, pretended to be hurt,
pretended to cry.
A few days before his fight with
Muhammad A l i , George Foreman
called Zaire "the cradle of
Freedom." He stood by these words
ofinnocence, and a few nights later,
he fell by them.
He joked about rumbles in the
jungle, and voodoo dolls in
Foreman's image with pins in them.
He wore a light brown suit with a
high buttoned Van Hucsen shirt. He
seemed to be, more and more, an
Foreman went to great lengths to
assimilate himself into the Zairois'
culture. Around his training camp,
or while sight-seeing over this new
land, he would wear the colorful
robes and jewelry of the natives.
Ali is a black American who understands what the nation of Zaire is
today. He sees that the people do
their dances in neon-lit soccer
stadiums, that their president rides
to that stadium in a Mercedes.
Even more, he portrayed himself
us the great African warrior, and the
people loved him for it. At the prefight weigh-in, he kept his face like
stone, and every now and then raised
his huge arm and fist into thcair, to
signify he was ready for combat.
The people of Zaire, it seems, have
great feelings for their culture. Tribal
rites and dances arc reinactcd daily,
in order that the people may feel
honor and pride in their beginnings.
Symbols of strength and courage,
above all, arc respected. This is one
reason why President Mobutu Sesc
Scko (meaning "the all powerful
warrior, who, because of his inflexible will to win, will go from conquest
to conquest, leaving fire in his
wake") brought the two greatest
lighters in the world to his land to do
Foreman filled the bill as divine
innocent. Ali did not. Although
acknowledged as the greater black
leader, Ali confused many of the
people with his antics. He faked falls
He knows also thai it is a country
of poverty, which is trying lo entice
thai dirty American dollar through
extravaganzas such as the light; and
in this, he knows he can help.
He also understands that this nation, emerging from ils craddle now,
has lost its purity through strict oneparty rule, n government controlled
press, and waves of grail and
bribery. Ii does so even as it reaches
lor the worthwhile ideals of
democracy and prosperity.
Ali was as sophisticated and intelleclualasunyman who hits people
In the fourth, he grew more
wobbly and in frustration threw
viscious round-house blows to the
sides of Ali; bul the challenger seemed unaffected, and when the assault
subsided, lowered his arms and
laughed al the champion. Seconds
later, he would shoot in enough jabs
and crosses lo the lace lo win the
round, not a hit of his energy was
11:40 seats
I he audience in Zaire began to understand (he pattern now. The crowd
t>l over 201)1) in tlie Washington
Avenue Armory, winching on closed
circuit, had picked il up by the second round and were yelling for
"Aleee! Alcecl"
£ if £ ' / ] £ "-"•• U,i Ooil, N.«l
- 1 . . 1..J. N.« rort D.il, N..I
Cheers lor organization!! Have a
America was surprised initially
also. Many did not sec how Ali could
overcome such pure strength; but
now we suw how he sapped the
other's pnwei -and with bruial preci-
luippy twentieth!
iovc, understudy
Camp Board Needs New Members:
anyone just interested in Camp Dippikill, please
come to the next Camp Board meeting on Tues-
day, November 5 at 3:00 in C.C. 333.
Any group which uses Dippikill is entitled to
Albany State Mght At
Is Tonight
Anyone interested in a position on the Board or
i with this ad.
Draft beers $.35
send a representative to the Board.
[comer MneJison)
Yet the crudest treatment of all,
was Ali's. He dodged once in the sixth, and Foreman missed so completely that his body almost toppled
out of the ring. The chump then
seemed to paw at him, hoping to
avoid further disasters.
Still, however, in the sixth and
seventh rounds, the jabs of Ali connected, shooting Foreman's head
back, ugain and again. The champion had given up theussault on Ali's
sides, which somehow absorbed
tremendous amounts of punishment.The end came in the eighth with
Foreman's arms now too weary to
sustain a counter attack. As he was
struck by yet another right, his head
fell over the top rope, and in the split
second it hung unguarded, was met
by another blow.
Ashe lifted it hack to the ring a left
jolted it: then as it ducked down a
right uppercut. He tried to remove it,
but Ali's cool efficiency of punches
scored each time.
He straightened now, but a sharp
left jolted him upwards on his toes,
and before he completely descended
again, u brutal right had struck solidly. He staggered to his right fora moment as the fall to the canvas began,
extenuated because of his great size.
The cheers were deafening now. both
at home and in Zaire.
As Ali stood in the locket room
later, white men with bald heads trainers, managers, agents - hugged
him and he hugged buck, allanxious
lor him lo speuk to the people of
America. When he did. he said that
his life hud been a blueprint which no
one could have done better than
He said that people had thought
he could not beat such a massive
man. and now he had proven himself
to be the greatest, most scientific
lighter of nil. He hud hung on the
ropes, and wore out his bigger foe
perfectly. He ended with a hello to
his home. I.ousiville. Kentucky.
Grid Picks
by the Blonde Bombshell
Alter a horrible week of 7-6 for a
season of 56-35 for a 614 percentage,
we try once again.
D E T R O I T over NEW O R L E A N S
by 4. The Lions get their fourth in a
row, even though the Saints arc a hot
NEW E N G L A N D over BUFF A L O by 2. A rematch of a game
that the Bills won at home by two.
This time New England is home,and
will prevail.
JETS over H O U S T O N by 6.The
Jets are overdue, and Houston got
lucky last week.
P I T T S B U R G H by 3. The Steclers
have no kicker because of injuries.
They also have no clear tt\ contender.
B A L T I M O R E by 7. The Bengals
have lost two in a row. They are too
good to lose three and Baltimore has
no offense.
M I N N E S O T A over C H I C A G O
by 10. Another team with two
straight loses. The Vikings have u
pass rush and the Dear's have trouble
protecting their quarterback.
D A L L A S over SI. L O U I S by 2. In
Dallas the Cards gel Hushed, us the
Cowboys must win nnd the Curds
don't have too.
W A S H I N G T O N by 3. The puck hus
a quarterback with Hadl. The
Redskins have no running attack
with F R A G I L E Lurry Brown a
work horse.
I he Bronco's dreams ended last
week. They arc good, bin the
Raiders are much ihe better,
( i l A N T S over K.C. by 4. Craig
Morion is belter than he showed last
week. Ils rare lor me to pick both
New York teams but why not?
M I A M I over A T L A N T A by 7.
I he Falcons have no offense but
Miami hasn't shown much. Miami's
defense though is better.
D I E G O by 4. Ils two in a row for the
Browns, as they do a job. Here is
another close one.
L.A. ovcrS.F. by 13. NormSnead
comes in to mop up a travesty as
L.A. is too strong.
I X K y ^ X X X X T O ^
ijThere are still bus seats available-
Student and Faculty/
Sunday, Nov. 3
At the end of the round, Ali's
trainer. Angelo Dundee, ran over to
the closed-circuit microphone and
shouted, "My man will take him out
in four rounds, four rounds!" The
shouts continued, louder.
Each punch, however, shot
through Foreman's rather loose
defense., smacking him around his
eyes and jerking his head back in the
Hy the third round, a point
Foreman had not allowed any opponent to reach in eight previous fights,
the champion's arms had already
grown sluggish, and every fourth
slep seemed unsure.
Dear Maradog,
Have tho greatosl birthday ovorll
Much lovo from your sickly
Face, Suudog,
Bets, & Hillsy
The scene grew sad, in a way, as
lefts and rights shot into Foreman's
disbelieving face. The fifth was Ali's
best round, as he connected from
beginning to end. The shouts of
"Aleee Bommerai!" ("Ali. kill"),
sporadic at the fight's outset, now
grew frequent and constant.
In the second round, Ali would let
Foreman punch his sides, his arms,
his shoulders, the air over his head,
and the air al his sides, for two
minutes. He then would throw onlya
lew right hand leads and left jubs
hack in return.
Congratulations to Kevin O'Boyle,
Cooper 208, on winning the sixth Annual "Hump ol tho Week" Award.
The Committee
The Zairois did nol we until the
Fifth round, Wednesday morning.
Then they began to appreciate his
ruthless effectiveness. For at that
time they began to see a change come
over the face of George Foreman.
A glaze of fear appeared, ever so
slowly. It was a realization of defeat,
that he was losing despite his
strength and courage. It was like
King Kong, atop the tallest building,
now realizing that those damned
sneaky little planes were actually
toppling him from his throne.
first round by breaking a lew
clinches, landing a lew rights. His
power seemed awesome. It would be
the lust round he would win,
Mosi of all. however, as the
challenger stepped into the ring
Wednesday morning, 4 A . M .
Kinshasa lime, lo lace George
Foreman, he knew, that Zaire knew,
dial pure brute strength and courage
were now meager weapons in a
sophisticated world.
sion. .
". . . he had proven himself to be the
greatest, most scientific fighter of all."
As he did, thedrumsand shouts of
12,001) people in attendance picked
up. It was no wonder that Foreman
would receive the bigger ovation, of
the two contestants, when he stepped
into the ring lor the defense of his
world-heavyweight crown.
Dear G.K.
There really is a thorn tree in tho
garden. Who'll be the one to answer
why? I will always want you.
All my love,
Sweet Melissa
for a living can be, in his fight against
George Foreman.
As his opponent attempted to
plunt his gaze upon him before the
battle began, he teased him, and
Foreman lowered his head, his one
psychological weapon lost.
The first round set the stage for the
fight. Ali, who was supposed to
move, did not. He lay against the
ropes. Foreman, who was then supposed to connect, did not - a t least
not to any spot where he could hurt
Foreman managed to grab that
Tickets can be purchased at
A d m i n i s t r a t i o n C i r c l e at 6 P M Tonight
Buses leave at 6:I5PiW
i Events include:
Albany State Harness Driving Championship
Dance to the Music of Skye
Ten Exciting Harness Races
are at
4-7 pm
234 Washington Ave., Albany
.^-ar-^-iJr-ar-a"nr-j~ar-« •a-s-c-g;-yr\r-M"a
NOVEMBER 1, 197'
NOVEMBER 1, 1974
State University ol New York at Albany
Friday, November 1; 1974
^ S t a t e University ol New York at Albany Vol. LXI No. 10 November 6 , 1 9 7 4
Dutchmen Dump Danes 5-3
Democrats Sweep Election
NCAA Bid in Jeopardy
by Nathan Salant
"We played our belt soccer of the
season in the first half, using exactly
the type of short, quick passing we
should, but in the second half we
-reverted to long-balling, which is not
our style, and it cost us," said Albany
State varsity soccer coach Bill
Schieffelin, after his Booters had
dropped a 5-3 decision to visiting
Union, Tuesday.
The loss drops Albany's record to
7-3-1, and casts some doubt over a
possible NCAA Tournament bid,
pending this weekend's games at the
University Center Tournament in
Stony Brook, where the Danes must
beat Stony Brook in round one, and
Binghamton in round two, to
Over two thousand fans turned
out for this, the Booters' final home
game of the regular season, and they
watched Albany come from behind
three times to tie the game at 3-3 at
the half, before John Denio scored
what proved to be the winning goal
for Union, with IS minutes left to
The gameopened with Union controlling the ball, and scoring early in
the game when John Denio beat
Albany goalie Henry Obwald on a
breakaway at the two minute mark.
Albany came back four minutes
later, when Johnny Rolando set up
Chepc Ruano and Pasquale Pctriccionc on a two-on-one break. Ruano
carried in on the left side, beat the
lone fullback, and then fed Petriccione who fired it into the far corner
to complete the picture-play goal.
Union recorded the third goal of
the game when, with the ball loose
in front of Albany's goal, Emerick
Hrowne-Markeof Albany attempted
to clear the ball out of the area, but
his kick hit Union halfback Rich
Earle in the chest and rebounded
into the Albany net. Albany came
right back, this time on a rebound
goal by Matty Denora, following a
direct kick by Arthur Bedfor, which
was bobbled by Union goalie Chris
Huban. Huban was injured on the
play, and was replaced by John
With the score tied 2-2, and Union's Craig Jefferics breaking in on
Obwald, Ricardo Rose tripped
Jefferics, in the penalty zone, resiling in a penalty kick. Jefferies converted the shot, to put Union ahead
with 18 minutes left in the first half.
I'etriccione tied it up for the third
time, when Lcroy Aldrich led-fed
him perfectly for a breakaway. Once
again, Ruano was on Petriccione's
left, and with the goalie anticipating
a pass to Ruano, and leaning right,
Petriccione beat Busterood to the
left side.
The half ended with the scoretied
at 3-3.
The second half opened with
Albany moving noticeably slower,
apparently losing momentum
because of the halftime pause.
Gradually, Union began taking advantage of this, and kept play in
Albany's half of the field. As time
elapsed, Albany drifted away from
its short pass, control game, to Union's long ball, breakaway style.
Time and time again the Dane
fullbacks would clear the ball out to
midficld, only to have it come to rest
at the feet of one or more Union
players, who would boot it back into
Albany territory, as the Dane halfbacks and forwards failed to pick up
at midficld. Eventually, the Danes
were burned, when Denio scored his
second goal. Five minutes later,
Denio completed his hat trick, with
an insurance goal.
"I cannot understand it," said
former Albany varsity soccer player
Mark Solano, "The Danes played
their best soccer in the first half, but
then pulled a second half collapse
reminiscent of the one Union suffered from ktst year, when we beat
them 7-4"
"There were several bright spots
on Albany's side of the fence,"
Solano continued, "the most important of which was the outstanding
play of Petriccione, who worked well
with Ruano up front. Bob Schlegcl
played well, covering the Albany net
several times when Obwald was forced to come out to stop breakaways.
Obwald also played well, stopping
two two-on-goal breakaways, and
three one-on-goal situations."
Another former varsity player
pointed out that, "Union had scored
their final goals after the ejection of
Lcroy Aldrich from the game for unsportsmanlike conduct. Aldrich's
ejection," he continued, "seemed to
be the straw that broke the Dane's
"Look," said Ricardo Rose,
fullback for Albany State, "You win
as a team, and lose that way, too. In
the first half we played as a team, and
should have been ahead but for that
fluke goal. In the second half, the
defense weakened, the forwards and
halfbacks were not picking up the
ball at the mid field, and because, as a
team we played poorly, we lost."
Booters travel
Carey/Krupsak Ticket
Retakes State House
The soccer team I* now In • mutt win situation after their loss to
Union Tuesday (pictured above and below).
associated presswirephoto
Gubernatorial Winners. Above: Representative Hugh L. Carey and
Mary Anne Krupsak await election results at their campaign headquarters. Below: Ella Grasso elected Governor In Connecticut
The Hooters head down to Stony
Brook, Friday, for a weekend University Center Tournament. Round
one is Friday afternoon, with
Albany meeting third seeded Stony
Brook, and lop seeded Binghamton
meeting fourth seeded Buffalo. The
winners and losers meet in the finals
and consolations the next day. The
Danes must sweep, or be forced to
settle lor an EC AC bid if any postseason hid at all.
Winning Is Gridders' Poll
The football team against Brockport Saturday. Albany won, 36-14
by l.es Zuckermxn
The true indication of a great foolball team is the number of victories
they produce each season. This is the
feeling that Albany Slate must have
as they dropped to ninthinithis.
w e e k ' s Lambert Bowl Poll.
Tomorrow, the Danes travel to
Curry College in a 1:3u start, as they
try to extend their winning streak.
The Great Danes defeated
Brockport last week, 35-14. At halftime of that game Coach Ford
blasted the team for sloppy play and
poor execution. The first half included two long runs for touchdowns
called back by penalties, and two
fumbled punt returns, by Albany.
Upon viewing the game films on
Sunday, Coach Ford noticed that
the team had not played as bad as he
thought. The films showed good
protection by the offensive line and
excellent utilization of the wishbone
attack. The first half statistics
totaled 307 yards for Albany Slate's
Coach Ford does not feel his
criticism was justified after the first
half against Brockport. The mistakes were made by competent people who "just had a bad day". The
Coach sees no reason to fault his
team for this game and is optimistic
touia lpuiorrow'S game at Curry.
Curry is 5-1-1 this season under
Coach lorn Stephens. They use a
pro-type offense, featuring quarterback Tom Fair. Fair isa sophomore,
6'3" l°0 pounder, who has been
described as the best athlete on Ihe
Curry squad. He is an excellent running quarterback, who calls plays
exceptionally well. Fair has a strong
hut inaccurate throwing arm, as he
has only a 33% completion rating.
Albany must contain the running of
Fair and force him to throw the ball.
However, Curry has a speedster at
Hanker in Alan Williams. The Dane
secondary cannot allow Williams to
shake loose, because quarterback
Fair will have no problem throwing
the ball deep. The only question is
whether or not Williams can handle
Fair's errant tosses.
On defense, Curry uses a 4-3 formation, similar to many professional
teams. The linebacking corps is excellent in both lateral movement and
pursuit. At middlelinebackcr,
George Gardner 6'1" 235, is an intelligent play reader with all the
necessary physical skills. The outside
linebacking is headed by George
Moran; he has been cited by Coach
Ford as "a solid performer with good
football sense." It will be Moran's
job to slow down Ihe Great Dane
wishbone attack.
Ihe Albany defense nau two of its
key performers hurl in last weeks'
game. Don Mion and Ken Schoen,
both linebackers, sustained slight injuries. Mion's damage was more
serious, as he suffered a head injury
that has been causing recurring
headaches all week. It is expected
that he will see action tomorrow,
despite the nature of his injury.
Will use backups
The Brockport game allowed
Coach Ford to use free substitution
lor most of the second half. The
Coach is trying to give his inexperienced players a larger roleon the
field. "I can't see going with our first
defensive unit just for the sake of the
Lambert Bowl. We will continue using our back-ups whenever the game
situation permits. After all, these
kids will be our starters next season".
Coach Ford noted that Gerry
Bennett played an excellent game
against Brockport. The young
linebacker replaced Don Mion after
his injury and led the team with
twenty tackles. Coach Ford is confident that the resl ol his second-string
could do a similar job, given the opportunity.
Albany Slate is out to prove to the
Lambert Bowl people that they do
not care about the weekly rankings.
by Nancy Albaugh
Projecting the image of a family man,
Hugh Carey is nonetheless a lough politician. From a virtual unknown even a year
ago. he has made a meteoric rise in prestige
by pledging just what Americans of the
post-Watergate era want to hear -reform
in government, accessabilily of elected officials, more jobs, light against inflation,
aid lo schools, and lowering of the crime
Till' victory tpeerll is over and it'll body
guards stirt'ouuil ihe Utivi'rtior-ek'cl.
torpedoing his lliroiigli lite crowds as ij"he
were a Kennedy, fearful of deswuetlon.
Mary mine Krupsak. heller known than
Carey in recent years, al least as u State
Senator in Albany, has pledged a similar
platform with particular emphasis on
both women's and ethnic rights.
.S7/{' UY/.V wearing black tor her victory
celebration, yet her teal's were loyful. "I'm
going to tlo ihehesi hint. TonigliTs victory
is a victory for everyone who haafailli in nil
their iiulivithinl dii'et lions."
Willi «7', ol the vote counted, the score
was Carey 5K' ( . Wilson 42%. Wilson made
his concession speech at I 1:40 last night in
his ballroom al Ihe Roosevelt Hotel in
Manhattan. Carey came on siage in the
Grand Ballroom of Ihe nearby Commodore Hotel, posing with his twelve
children (he's not personally for abortion,
bill he ihinks Hint every woman should
have ihe right lo make her own decision),
and then said. "I.el the word go forth thai
the divisions and distinctions in the
Democratic parly have united and come
The sweating, glowing faces of the
atttlience. clearly his "family," ligliied up,
and the applause drowned his words.
But in victory, there was also some
sorrow. "Ihere is triumph tonight, bill
there is also lor me and for my family a
divided memory. We remember our love
for our Helen, Peter, and Hugh. That has
sustained us until now."
The audience buzzedwith the memory o]
another Irish Deniocralic family—the
Carey has played upon their image. Last
night in his speech he filed some of the party's history: "We inherit and hold high the
tradition of hope. We remember Al Smith,
who six decades ago was in Albany, and
Robert Wagner, who five years ago wenl
lighting lor Ihe U.S. Senate; Franklin
Roosevelt, who lour decades ago was in
Washington; and Averill liarriman twenty
years ago in Washington. We remember
Robert Kennedy, who ten years ago took
up (he battle of his brothers. We now take
up this light, we take up this pledge. We
lake up. if you will, this fight, and we will
light hard lo redeem the pledges they made
. . . to lessen the influence of crime in
Minutes alter Ihe polls closed at 9:00 in
Manhattan, NBC. ABc. and CBS all
predicted a Carey victory. WalterCronkite
said at 9:06, "I he polls are closed in New
York, and it appears that Hugh Carey has
won by a very large margin."
.'I man from A I* said he'd been to Ihe
Jim floor al 9:51). where Carey was conlidfiitly awaiting his stage call. The A I'
man said he'd tell all.
"He told newsmen that on the basis of a
'poll never revealed' and 'sort ol based on a
picking up of grass and throwing to the
wind' a won ol I million voles was indicated. I ell thai lo your readers, fell'cm
you were there. Up there was Bella Abzug,
lor your purposes she was Wearing a red
lloppy hat. Also there were Averill
liarriman, Abe Beame. and Robert
Carey's son one of ihe many came in
front ol ihe select group of reporters thai
Ins lather had permitted in the suite, lorn.
a reddish, louslcd-haired boy dressed in a
blue sua like his lather's, came in. "That's
I tun. He yawned at Ihe opening. He yawned in Ihe middle. One more yawn and he's
out." said his lather.
The audience was fairly bouyain
llmmgltoiil ihe night, though the oppresive
heat oj the spotlights put a damperon
spirits, the only serious lull came at about
ll.ttft. when lite rumor started that Wilson
would nut yet concede. Heporledty, his
poll-waictters said ihe score was 52')h
Carey. 4f i Wilson. Thirty miniums after
suite. Tom. a reddish, loiisleddiuired hoy
dressed ill a blue suit like his father's, came
in. "That's Tom. lie yawned al ihe opening. He yawned in ihe middle. One more
yawn ami tie's out," said his father.
Tile audience was /airly houyalll
throughout the night, though the oppresive
heat <;/ lite spotlights put a damperon
spirits. Ihe onh serious lull came al about
11 .till, when lite rumor started thai Wilson
would mil yet concede. Kepuncdly. his
poll-waichers said the score was 52/0
Carey. 4V', Wilson. Thirty minutes after
dial rumor peaked. Wilson conceited,
continued on page three
'i ]
associated press wirephoto
Javits Re-elected to Senate
page 3
Rail Bond Issue Passes
page 2
Complete NYS Legislature Results
page S
Lefkowitz Re-elected Attorney General
page 6
The Meaning Of The Election
page 3
Levitt Takes Easy Race
page 6