Danes in ECAC's; Top Ithaca

TuMday, March 3, 1974
Danes in ECAC's; Top Ithaca
by D o u g Lcwanda
T h e Albany S t a t e basketball team
will get a c h a n c e t o avenge t w o
previous losses this weekend a s t h e
D a n e s received their second consecutive Upstate E C A C tourney bid.
O n Friday night Albany will travel
to host Union College t o play
Brockport S t a t e in a 7 P M start.
Over t h e C h r i s t m a s vacation, t h e
Danes lost a n a r r o w four p o i n t decision to the Golden Eagles in a crucial
SUNY conference g a m e . Brockport
will come into the game smarting
after blowing a N C A A bid.
buldge t h r o u g h m o s t of the first half.
Byron Miller, o n e of four seniors
p l a y i n g in h i s l a s t
scheduled g a m e was responsible for
the bulk of the Albany scoring, a s he
moved inside once again, hitting
consistently o n shorter range shots.
Probably b e c a m e o f his great
old A b d u l Ja'bbar — Bill Walton —
U C L A l o b p a s s from the t o p of the
key t o t h e baseline. T h e Bombers
h a d this perfectly; t i m e d as* eitheF
their forwards Bruce J o n e s , o r J o h n
Smith, o r center T o m Sprague
would be in great position for a n
easy, uncontested lay-Hip if not being
had six, a n d Gary T r e v e t t a n d H a r r y
J o h n s o n had four.
Second half actionlwas a c a r b o n
copy of t h e first half, a s A l b a n y
scored the first five points a n d
regained t h e lead, 41-38, t h a n k s t o
Miller a n d Pete Koola.- However,
the Borabmkhen proceeded t o score
If the D a n e s can get by Brockport,
ihey will probably face Union Saturday night. Union's o p p o n e n t in Friday night's game is Gcticso. a team
lhat beat Albany by 22l T h e
Dutchmen, who a r c currently ranked first in New York State, defeated
the Danes in last years E C A C finals.
No advance tickets will be sold. The
d o o r s at Union will open a t six.
The Danes kept their tourney
hopes alive a s they closed out their
regular season S a t u r d a y night in
their typical road game style fashion
with a hair-raising 74-73 win over
Ithaca College.
The game had an unusual beginning for the now 16-7 Danes because
Albany, which is noted for its slow
first-half play whenever they are not
in the friendly confines of University
Gym, scored t h e first six points of
the contest on superior all-around
play. Whether it was the fact that the
Great Danes were looking aheadifor
a post-season t o u r n a m c n l bid a n d
wanted t o make sure t o earn o n e , or
the fact thai) Ithaca had a season
record of 7-17. Albany State looked
their best during the first ten
minutes. All five starters drove t o
the basket quite frequently, grabbed
of offensive
r e b o u n d s , a n d just
Ithaca on all parts of the floor. With
the Bombers s c o r i n g their first
basket alter 3:10 had elapsed. State
managed to maintain that 6 point
T h e A l b a n y S t a t e G r e a t D a n e b a s k e t b a l l t e a m m a d e history W e d n e s d a y n i g h t a s t h e y
b r o k e t h e i r s c o r i n g r e c o r d , s c o r i n g a h u n d r e d p o i n t s f o r t h e first t i m e e v e r . P i c t u r e d
a b o v e is M e l B r o w n , w h o h a d t h e h o n o r o f s c o r i n g t h e b u c k e t
success against New Paltz, a n d the
fouled beforehand. And when the eight straight with Folkins once
fact lhat his longer b o m b s just were
Danes would he looking for this, again hurling the Danes. Hack c a m e
Albany highlighted by Reggie Smith
not connecting, Byron converted on
guard Hill Folkins would hit from
7 o r 13 for 18 points in the first half
long range (he scored 14 in the first from the baseline and Harry J o h n son from all over, flic lead changed
Yet the Danes could not pull
Ithaca was able to take the lead for hands nine times more during these
a w a y . As it h a s been t h e style of all
the first time with only four minutes first twelve minutes of the second
of Coach S a u e r s basketball teams (a
remaining. F r o m this point until late half wilh both clubs leadingat times
well-balancedlscoring attack), when
in the second half,the s q u a d s played by a s much a s live points.
one player d o e s most of thetallyingo n e musl be wary of the opposition,
as they're p r o b a b l y not loo far bcfind. This is exactly what happened.
T h e Albany /.one defense had
broken d o w n , and t h e switch to
m a n - t o - m a n defense didn't seem to
work either. Ithaca finally woke up
with only five minutes left in the half,
a n d began t o connect consistently on
close-in shots from 15 feet or less.
One of their favorite plays was the
even basketball. T h e lead changed
h a n d s not less than five times during
the waning m o m e n t s of the first half,
file half ended o n a Byron Miilcr
specially from the foul line, a s t h e
lane was cleared oul lor him with :03
s h o w i n g on the clock. This bucket
cut t h e B o m b e r | e a d lo two points al
38-36. Nobody else scored much for
Albany S t a l e ; Reggie Smilh a n d
S u p r u n o w i c z could only
muster two points eadh, lid J o h n s o n
Albany look the lead for good by
going on a 10-0 spurt wilh only 7:40
remaining. Buckets by lour different
Danes along wilh two straight steals
by Harry J o h n s o n gave State a 68-59
Reggie Smilh traded
hoops with Folkins as Ithaca cut the
lead lo 70-66 with 2:34 lo go. And
while ihis was happening, the headsup
Suprunowicz helped the Danes immensely. Not being pressed in t h e
Aside from these however, perforThe Albany Stale indoor track
mances tended to move downhill.
team, over t h e past t w o weeks, lias Albany's two mile relay team of
lound out just how Heeling success
Sorel, Bilasli, C h c r u b i n o , and Reda
can be. Alter showing line improve- set onelol the many school records
ment in a q u a d r a n g u l a r meet at Un- achieved at t h e Union meet wilh a n
ion College on March 16, the team
H:09.4 lime, but then ^ slowed ten
everged victorious one week later at
seconds in finishing lillhal R l ' l , a n d
KIM M a r t y
scratched I n u n their race at CorMemorial Indoor I rack Meet over tland. I n n liilash and Marty .Ictson
ten other schools Ihis past Satur- had finished one-two at the RIM
day, however, saw them finish a dismeet in 1:16.6 a n d I :I7,2 respectivemal l l t h a m o n g 16 schools at the ly, but their 1:16,8and I:I6.9perforCortland Invitational
mances placed them oul ol the
money S a t u r d a y .
I he scorers in Saturday's meet
were among the lew men on the club
Gary W a s h i n g t o n tailed to make
the finals with his 42 loot, three inch
to make improvement ovei the pasi
triple jump. Up to this poioni
two weeks. B o b Malone. atlei |innhowever, Ihe classy Jjrcstlrruialhad
_ ping six lect-eveii in Ihe high jump in
shown line improvement this season,
his two prfiirp»(fjj nicer., set a school
highlighted by Ins school indoor
indoor mark a n d a personal besl at
( ortland H f f j a lump ol six I eel, iccord ol 43-/> at Union. Not enc o u r a g i n g however',,
wgs Vin
l o u r inches. It was good lor a second
Reda's lack ol progress in the 1000
placefinishi) Albany's besl ol the day.
yard run. Allei shattering the school
Dave Cole equaled his own indoor
record with a 7.9 second effort in the record by 4.1 seconds in 2:18.0 with a
victory al Union, Reda finished third
60 yard high hurdles, good lot third
place a n d Rich l-anglord's 4:22.6 at R l ' l to a 2:19.2 lime a n d then did
not capture a n y of Ihe ]§{ij|sconng
one mile time was rewarded by a
Saturday, places at Cortland in, running his
a l t h o u g h h i s slower 4:23.6 time had slowest mark of the year
I h e t w o mile lacked Albany's
been good enough u i win al Ihe R l ' l
most potent threat, J i m S h r a d e r ,
invitational tile week before
Sources high in t h e faculty
echelon reported yesterday that the
Search C o m m i t t e e l o r D e a n of
Social and Behavioral Sciences will
release its findings lo
Vice President l o r
Philip Sirotkin a n d
that it will contain the
t h a t no
recommendation he m a d e a s t o a
permanent appointee to the Dean
backcourt'v M i k e would dribble t h e
ball ever so slowly up to the m i d court line, using a s much of the ten
seconds allowed a s possible. W h e n
picked up at that line a n d d o u b l e
covered, Mike's s p i n s a n d crisp passing enabled the Danes to open up the
Ed J o h n s o n hit from the foul line
lo give Albany a six point lead, 7266, with two-twelve left, A minute
later however, thai spread was cut in
half via two quick buckets hy
Ithaca's Folkins a n d Jerry Boyes,
surrounding a J o h n s o n offensive
foul. With thirty-six seconds showing, Ed J o h n s o n was fouled in t h e
backcourl. He c o n v e n e d the o n c a n d - o n e penally situation a s Ithaca
was over the limit. I h u s , Albany
had the five point lead with :22 left.
Was the game out of ['each'.' A p parently no! as once again Folkins
and Charlie J o h n s o n scored (the
latter basket coming as the ball was
stolen from Reggie Smilh a l t e r he
was knocked clown by tine of t h e
Ithaca players and no foul call being
made), flic Danes had l o inbound
the ball successfully and h a n g on
because t h e lead was cut to one 7473. with :()9 showing.
Anyone who has ever seen the play
that Doc uses in Ihis situation when a
lull court press is being applied
knows thai Albany has t h e a d v a n tage in breaking a press. Here, t h e
guard out of b o u n d s passes across to
the other guard who conies trom Ins
position on the court across t h e
baseline out of b o u n d s . T h e n the in
hounds pass conies lo the open man.
It works most ol the lime because 1 he
opposition is momentarily stunned
by this u n o r t h o d o x maneuver.
Suprunowicz a n d Fd J o h n s o n executed the play perfectly as the
Danes ran oul the clock to preserve
the victory.
t'or t ouch S a u e r s , ii was a n o t h e r
first: His first win al llhaca in all
nineteen years o l c o a c h i n g a t Albany
Slate, and a s he p u t it. "with those
mistakes near the end, we're glad lo
get o u t of there alive."
Tracksters Disappointing
by Vlnny Reda
by David t e r n e r
who was forced t o o u t the meet.
S h r a d e r had sel a school indoor
nscordl wilh a lime o l 9:12.5 at Union, and then lollowed with a 9:13.0
clocking al R l ' l . Carlo Chcrubino
a n d Nick D e M u r e o failed lo take up
the slack lell by Shrader's absence;
C h e r u b i n o ran sixth in 9:35.7, ten
seconds slowei than Ins season's
best, while D e M a r c o was 25 seconds
oil his besl mark with a lime of
9:57.5. Freshman Chris Hums, running in a slowei section, almost
bettered both tunes with a 9:43.0
I'art ol the objections raised by
llisiniN Department personnel is
that the Committee C h a i r m a n .
R o b e r t s , a lughU
respected member ol lire Department is acknowledged as Kendall's
d o s e Itiend faculty sources said
lli.il ihe knowledge ol Kendall's
LIII.SC association with Kuberts is
"established lac!" and something
"both nl them would agree t o . "
Holding down the title now ol
Acting Dean lor Social Sciences i.s
Richard Kendall, former c h a i r m a n
ol ihe I hstors I Jepurtnieni. A vote
ol no recommendation might he
construed In Sirotkin's ollice as a
tacit signal In appoint Kendall to
he I he pci in.iilent I Jean ol live I ^Vision,
C o m m i t t e e m a n Kaulinan conceded to thai point a s w e l l d t i r i n g a
telephone interview yesterday, lie
said however, that the friendship
probably played little part in the
co inmil tee's total decision.
Kaulinan said that the result was
a loiegone conclusion. In reference
to the consideration given the other
three candidates lor the post
(Richard leevail ol Psychology,
Robert Wesser ol History, and
Wallci (ioldslein ol the ( m i d
School of Public Allairs - Political
Science), he said the treatment was
" t w o minutes and forget it."
Speaking tor t h e Committee as a
whole and not lor himself, he said
the Committee lell that the oilier
by L i n d a
l a k i n g issue with ihe ( i o v e i nance
ol ihe University
1 ii^hsh
Find Ghetto Store Grossly Overcharging
hy Daniel Gaines
Prescription drug puces were
found In dillei as much as 750*; by
N Y PI RG students conducting a survey of pharmacies earlier this week.
S U N Y A ' s P I R G g r o u p cheeked l o r
a legally required drug price list and
recorded ihem in stores throughout
the Alhany area. N Y P I R G students
compiled the prices in 1 roy and
Schenectady also.
N Y P I I U i i s i n the process ot doing
these surveys throughout the slate;
some have already heen d o n e in
Syracuse, New York City a n d Buffalo.
I h e purpose i.s to gather
evidence lor legislation lo permit
m e a n a r e d u c t i o n in i h e n u m h c i ol
and meed
I election
p i o p o s a l a m i report i h i s t o t h c lacul
I'M Hit sole
II i l u i . K i i h s s h o u l d
liovi manic
i he
m the
, i | ,i s p o i.il 1 m v c i s i i v
this special m e e t i n g .
( J O \ e i nance
( ' o in nut i c e ' s
" was passed I n a \ o l c ol 40-1 1
1 h i s a c t u m mav h a v e a n d i e d . M I i h e
nircimi' l u l k d
( ollins' m o t i o n to "urge rejection ol
, i.lllllllllCL*'s ICpOl 1
( oiliiis'
I imeiSllV
( onuniUec's
< ouiloveis\
o w l I h e i c p o i l seem
pci m a u c n i l y
ol ihe
Howevei, al the meeting Moil
day lite important question - d o
sludenis belong on the Uiii\eisil\
Senate - was laised Speaking alter
lite meeting Hairy
D a w s . Vice
'President ol Student Association,
admitted thai at limes he has d o u b t s ,
up al the
i ea p p o i I m nine n I
|n.>|>.is.ilv was given In lie c o n s u l c u t iion
II was suggested l h a i it was m i
live l i n v c t i i a n o
< )ue
w o u l d ereaic s e w n | n , s i l i u i i s l o i ser
u c e stall
I h e s c i w e e s t a l l is .ill l u l l
•Ynoi l i c i
l.u u l t \ a n d
n o w , the
< .on
mil.lee's u p o i I w n l n n i t l i i s i k n o w u ^
s i d c i e d I n t h e Senate is
| ' l .ipos.ils
111 1 lie
tin each
e.l l o si e m l i o m s e v e i a l s p e n t u i t e m s
Iwuc siudeuth m i the Senate musl he
m e e t i n g , w h i c h has a d i r e c t
c l u d e s set let . I I i c s a u d |.i into n.il help
i h r . t e n s i o n ol w h e i h e i ,u not to
a d n u n i s i i a t o i s in the Senate.
p o s s i b l e O' w t t i >m w h e t l h i u i imi h i
w o u l d lose i h e n p p o i t u i u l y
I N , m a i l .c.its t»n the S e n a t e l u i i e n l
i line L I M I SCI \ u e c m p l o \ ccs a n d i n -
l o i pci
1 his change
v o t e he rug t a k e n o n t i n l e p u i t al lire
,ii i l u n e \ l l a i n i l s m e e i i n g , s i m l c n l s
Wrestling Co-captaln Larry Mlms (pictured above) completed his
three year wrestling career here at Albany in fine fashion as he finished fifth in the NCAA College Division Wrestling Championships
held last weekend. More on the story on page 15.
NYPIRG Investigative Team Uncovers
Wide Disparity In Area Drug Store Prices
hut staled lhat he w o u l d like to see
( omrnrttec's proposal lot changes in
These candidates, he said, were
so "out of t h e q u e s t i o n " that even
speaking up on their behalf would
be defeating the purpose.
Stccn said lhat the poll was
"kind ot i m p r o p e r . " "Il was unusual procedure lo say the least."
S t e m echoed sentiments ol the
lacullv in saving ihiii a man such a s
Kendall (meaning someone more
( lock wise from top left: Richard Kendall, the Dean on the spot; B t n e i t t , the versed in administration
President: Kendall Birr, aggressive C h a i r m a n ; S i r o t k i n , powerful Veep.
academics I would he detrimental
in the I imeisilv.
students as p e r m a n e n t
people were simply n o t fit for t h e
post-citing that they could not
muster cohesive support even
a m o n g their o w n
Faculty in Ihe History D e p a r t ment said that they h a d been a p proached by C h a i r m a n Kendall
Birr w h o asked each of them individually t o express h i s o r her sentiments over Kendall's possible a p p o i n l m e n t . T h e question c a m e in
the form of an u n a n n o u n c e d poll.
Ivan Sleen, m e m b e r of t h e
Department, c o m m e n t e d t h a t he
questioned the propriety of issuing
such a poll especially since Birr has
a vested interest in seeing Kendall
as Dean. Such an a p p o i n l m c n l
would ensure Birrol continuing a s
the Department C h a i r m a n , a posl
he now holds only temporarily.
Objection Voiced To Governance
Corn's Proposed Senate Changes
AiJdcU to Albany's problems was
the tact that solid performers, such
as J i m llolloway in the shot pui, and
Mike O k u n l y and l o i n I'ardini in
the long j u m p , could not attend the
meet Saturday
I h e result was a
season's low total ol 9 points lor the
I 5 eveuls. I he indoor team has one
moie chance to gel together and
prove themselves Ihis Saturday,
however. I hey return lo the scene of
llieir finest performances, Union
College, l o r Ihe Union luiviational
meet. It is the last event on the leam's
winter schedule, a n d C o a c h R. Keith
Munscy would like to see signs of an
upswing a s t h o u g h t s turn to spring.
VicePresident Barry David c o m m e n t e d
that t h e Committee's failure to
recommend a n y single candidate
should be taken seriously. "1 think
that the C o m m i t t e e acted out ol the
best interests ot the entire University." David said. "I don't think that
anyone should be appointed lo the
post that was not recommended by
die Committee." Asked whether he
personal!) supported Kendall in
thi' Dean's posl, Davis said. "Of
course not."
the i a n e e ol i-.st.ies i n hi . o n -
d o n ol s e m c c
pei inaneni
1 he a d d i
i.ill a n d s i u d c n i v as
u i e r n h c i s.
,i gu-at
d e a l ol
Al most ol ihe drug stores NYPIRG people had little'difficulty: the
required list was legible. They were
usually asked what ihey were doing,
and most ol the durg store personnel
were suspicious or visibly a n noyed. Some ignored them, and an
occasional lew, like f a y ' s in ihe
21) M a l l ,
cooperative, 1 ay's list was directly
m liont ol the prescription counter
and \ e i \ easy t o lead, the owner
seemed oith too glnd lo help
W h c n M ' M \ \ Y I M R ( . stiKlenls
enieied I ihslein's Drug s h o e al 44(>
I >clawaic i h e \ saw the lisi posied
v Dili i n n
s • < " '
Mack's D M gs VI I'l
and asked il the could record the
pi ices
I he pharmacist agreed, and
the PlKCi people began their work.
In ii short while ihe man became very
nervous, and then hegan to argue
wait the group. He said they were
d u m b , did not know what they were
doing and claimed ihey had no light
to he there
I h e students argued
wilh him lor hall an hour, during
which lime ihe storekeeper said they
were "oul to hurl poor people" and
lhat ihe surve} was a b s u r d . Ihe
sludenis did not finish recording the
prices in that pharmacy As Nancy
Heyman. o n e ol i h e Albany P I R G
students there pul it , he was "very
nasty... very degrading".
In anothei drug store, A i n s p a n o n
7JO Madison, Albany P I I U i c r M a r k
Mausart was thrown out when the
owner reah/i-d what he w a s d o i n g ; at
C onsianlmes on 1141 Central the
IMRti worker was kicked out with
threats to call i h e police. C'onstaniine's ownei said lhat "you can look
but you can't write them d o w n . "
llonkel's ai \S1 Central refused to
pei inn SIIKICIIK lo i ceo id the prices
Some s t o i e s d u l uol have the lisi al
1 hura/ine
1 •!')
J J-l
^ 1 '.>')
1 iln nun
bci nines
.. u i i c a l il the Senate is i.. be d e a l i n g
ripiion d r u g advertising
advertising and
pi ice control.
Ihe State Hoard ol Pharmacy
notified pharmacists in December
thai ihey are required by law lo posl
a lisi ol t h e 150 most frequently
piescnbed drugs, together with their
usual dosages and current prices
starling Jamjar} first. The list is
called the "New York State Official
Prescription Price List*" a n d failure
lo posl ihe list or include current
prices are misdemeanors,
I h e lisi
must be posted conspicuously at or
adjacent to the prescription counter;
the purpose ol t h e law is lo provide
price m l o r m a l i o n to consumers.
S u m I'l
1 211
1 nil
2 ,]s
.' 'u
1 90
.' W
2 711
2 511
: nil
1 511
•i hi)
1 I'l
1 s,7
1 -I'l
1 19
1 At
1 SI)
•1 7')
2.7 1
1 5K
1 Ml
b i n nic,unii)..less il u is t o d e a l
. ulusiu-K
1 he new p l a n would give teaching
t i o n - i c a c l i u i g ptolessionals, i s d i v i d
ed into \2 elected at large. {) a p pointed, and .^(i elected by school,
undei ihe new plan litis would all be
I he new proposal piov ides loi M)
l e a e h m g l a c u l l y niembcis. elected lo
lite Senate by schools, and cieates
seal s l o i
and i educing ihe
numhci ol administrators. Mailin
I delinan, head ol ihe (iovernance
C'oinniuicc, has emphasized live
poinl lhat this would give t h e
leaching laculty a very critical say in
r e c o m m e n d i n g academic policies to
Ihe admillislialiou
No. 13, State University of New York al Albany Friday, March 8,
described t h e entire Administration as more intent on furthering
" m a n a g e m e n t " t h a n academics.
Student opinion against placing
Kendall in t h e Dean position h a d
run strong recently, as the former
History C h a i r m a n was linked t o
unfair tenure proceedings in the
David G o o d m a n case a n d others.
Ihe impact of the committee's
decision is critical in light til the
I ail ure ot the Search Committee
loi Dean ol the College ol A r l s a n d
Science* l o a i t i v e a t a m acceptable
candidate loi this University's top
academic post. I hat places the
Social Science Dean in an even
more prominent position
liniLT Solnick, long a n antiadniinistration crusadcrsaid lhat it
is lime that " s o m e o n e successful in
a c a d e m i a , scholarship, a n d a
leaching professional he placed in
lhat posi." Solnick said that he is
tired ol seeing persons w h o have
failed as teachers he rewarded with
positions. lie
,Vol. LX!
SearchCom: 'No Recommendation' On Dean;
Door Opened For Appointment Of Kendall
When questioned as t o the
validity of t h e report, student
member Stan Kaufman admitted
that indeed t h e committee had
decided In issue a "no recommend a t i o n " linding to Sirotkin, hut, in
tact, lhat report had been released
late last week.
Rumblings ol discontent weie
evident within the History and
Political Science d e p a r t m e n t s , as
faculty joined in c o n d e m n a t i o n of
a Kendall-run Division, faculty
sources say thai (hey will not
aeeepl an administrative (acuity to
he awarded ihe position o | Division Dean, hut will only accept
someone outstanding in ihe field ol
lion l e a c h i n g
SI N. I'eiiil
I77i/'.i chart /<•/»/CAC/N. a MIIH/IIIHH of ihvmf\>rtuuniut .V) I'llii, Ktitlwrt'ti. the uimptvle
list i./ 711 limns m-in I//idiii ureapharimtin lanlwabiametlthriiunhSUNl'.-l
Ml'llili h\ utnliiix II M-lt-tnhlrt'sMHt MmilfH'tt i';i.'.7ii/i.' lo tio\ JIV! Indian.
«7 •'••.' ' 1
Council Rejects Kaplon, Discusses Computer BbmdIM^ n,e«
Proposal Would House Elderly
In State College Dormitories
tion would administer the dormitory
and the local college would maintain
the building and provide other
agreed upon services. Arrangements
would be negotiated through the
State Dormitory Authority and the
collected rents would be used to pay
off construction bonds.
Assembly Speaker Perry Duryea
( R - M o n t a u k ) has proposed legislar
t i o n that would allow elderly citizens
t h r o u g h o u t the state to return to
college- not t o attend classes, but to
T h e u n c o m m o n sight of elderly
m e n and w o m e n strolling across the
g r o u n d s or S t a t e University c a m puses a r m - i n - a r m with y o u n g e r
students might become a n everyday
occurence if t h e legislation is a p p r o v e d a n d signed into law by
G o v e r n o r Malcolm Wilson. T h e bill
would allow unused college d o r mitory space to be m a d e available
lor senior citizens from local c o m munities who are currently housed in
projects or h o m e s they cannot afford.
"I regard this concept as a precedent for more efficient use of state
facilities...it is to the state's interest
to ensure that these buildings are efficiently a n d
fully utilized...",
Duryea continued.
A pilot project housing elderly
citizens in unused c a m p u s dormitories has existed for almost two
years at the S t a t e University at Buffalo a n d the program appears to be
working well. When the nearby Erie
C o u n t y Home and Infirmary was
renovated, some 300 senior citizens
were moved into a vacant dormitory
on the c a m p u s under a three year
lease. State University Chancellor
Ernest L. Hoyer is known to be a
strong s u p p o r t e r of the concept
because in his view it encourages
diversity on the campuses and allows
wasted space to be better utilized.
" W e may have available space t h a t
can be utilized to house the elderlyand at the same time provide o u r
Senior Citizens with much needed
educational, social and cultural o p portunities", Duryea explained in
outlining his rationale for the bill.
"Existing services at state, city, and
private universities could provide
clinical and nursing benefits, p o t e n tial access to academic classes and
possible use of nutritional and
transportation services."
Dormitories Not Nursing H o m e s
Under the legislation, a government agency or nonprofit corpora-
Assemblyman George F a r r e l K R H o r a l Park), whose Committee for
the Problems of the Elderly uncovered the fact that present state
law forbids unused college dormitory space to be used for nonstudent purposes said no specific
campuses have been targeted for
jlderly housing and the actual
a m o u n t of space available for housing is as yet unknown.
F a r r e l l and
e m p h a s i z e d that the proposed
legislation will offer no tax or social
b u r d e n to localities, since the Dormitory Authority will require sponsoring agencies lo be "sound, continuing and fiscally independent
agencies or organizations."
d o r m i t o r i e s a r e not
equipped lo qualify as nursing
h o m e s " , Duryea added. N o r d o e s t h c
Farrell committee intend they be
used in this way."
R u m o r has it thai a streak will he
.aking place sometime next week
down on the Alumni campus
p r o b a b l y next Wednesday in Aldcn
Hall. The info comes in the wake of
reports of a streak held Wednesday
night o n Indian Quad. Supposedly
the streakers were co-ed. No info on
,lhe make-up of next weeks streak is
{mumsfs SVQVB mmm
9AWT5W!'!'! ?f
TIME- N.Y. Times
Carol Burnett
Walter Matthau
U ' . ' . ' . U . I . I . I . I . I . ' . I . ' . I i l l J .I.I.I.I.I .•.•.•••••••••••••••-•-•••-•••••"•-•••••••• ••.•••.','.'
$.75 with tax
l• i•'•
M l W M M m M
Neil Simon's
$.75 with tax $1.25 without
Free with tax card
"Land for the tillers! Work for the workers! Down with the prime
minister!" the demonstrators shouted. T h o u s a n d s of o t h e r students looked
on quietly.
Ihc Confederation of Ethiopian Labor Unions claimed near UK) per cent
effectiveness for the strike, planned to continue until the government metis
demands for pay increases and labor reforms.
TOKYO. Japan (AP) - North Vietnam today issued partial identifications
of 12 American prisoners of war whose remains were flown to Thailand
U.S. Air Force planes look caskets containing the remains to Utapao Air
Base in Thailand for positive identification before their r e t u r n to Ihe I mud
Ihe U.S. Embassy in Saigon said earlier the men's names would he
withheld until the identifications were established and next ol km ucic
C A I R O (AP) - A r a b oil ministers are scheduled to meet in Cairo tm Sun.
day to review their policies, an Egyptian Oil Ministry s p o k e s m a n snul I he
lilting ol their oil embargo against the United Slates is expected to he the
main topic.
T h e meeting was scheduled to convene in Tripoli but "due In aviuminodation difficulties it has been switched to C a i r o , " the spokesman s.ml \n
industrial lair in Tripoli made the hotel situation difficult, be
Lgypt united ministers lo meet "to review oil policies. O u r policy is han-d
mi adapting ourselves to changing circumstances," the spokesman said lie
would not elaborate.
W A S H I N G T O N (A(P) - President Nixon has ollercd lo give swoin
testimony, in writing or in a White House interview, to speed ihc House mi
peachmenl inquiry. But some congressional Republicans questioned
whether he would be open enough.
Chan man Meter Rodino, D-N J . wouldn't comment lim Rep K"h< !
McClory, R-lll . said ol a i m m I let let Irom Nixon l a w y e r , lames I) si ( l.m
icsponding shmtlv belorc Ihe ncwsconlerencc lo a committee in a i
unit• •
icquest loi dala
"I don't think it's salislaeioiv
II doesn't appeal lo be r e s p o n s e
W A S I I I N ( , | O N ( A P ) - N c w Watergate indictments were e s p e , led fcxlav
in the wake ol an announcement by the special prosecutor's olln e ili.u Hi
would he "a piocecdlllg" in c o n n
• I h e special prosecutor's oll.ee has announced a proceed
Another bill gives Mike Piranian,
chairman of University Concert
Hoard a booking fee of $301. 1 his
was granted as a token of esteem for
his services in the booking of university concerts. Piranian commented
that "$J00 is a pittance as to what I
deserve." In the past, except for last
year when the U C B chairman refused the money, the chairman has been
awarded this fee. according to SA
President Steve (ierber.
leugt h lebate on a technicality, the
hill w,i Mssed on a voice vote.
In between Councilinen running
downstairs to buy food, yelling out
poinls ol information and personal
privilege. Chairman Eric Lonschein
drinking lleinckin beer (which according to Vice Chairperson Charley
Bauer are paid for out of legitimate
S A operating expenses), and verbal
fisticuffs hel ween Councilmen. a few
hills were passed.
O n e hill r e q u e s t s
Hene/el to reject the application of
Morion Kaplon as Dean of the
Although Nixon labeled his oiler as "very furthcoming." he hedged .il
promising lo provide other evidence the panel might seek \ n d he said H
would he improper lor him lo suhinil to cross-examination
Rep. John Rhodes ol Arizona, the House Republican leader said it
appears Nixon "has opled lot disclosure a n d c o o p e r a t i o n . " Hut he ..ud
" e v e n relevant l a d and piece ol evidence simply must he furnished In ih>
ludiiiaiv Commit lee il we are lo have any hope ol resolving this main i
A n Elaine May Film
NiMin told a television-radio new* conference Wednesday niglil hi will
surrender lo the House Judiciary Committee all tapes a n d documents audi
available earlier lo Watergate special prosecutor I c o n J a w m s k i . besides
making lumsell available lor questions.
7:30 and
Helmeted police carrying rifles and tear gas forced the students to return to
Haile Selassie University after an h o u r of d e m o n s t r a t i o n s . There uas nu
\ \ S S H I N l i l O N (AP) -Govenvois ol both parties say the count!s »
he hettei oil il President Nixon is impeached or resigns because his peisnn.i
problems are d e a l i n g a crisis lor the rest ol Ihc country.
Several ol those attending the winter meeting ol the National (invcinniCoitlerence i. ed outright Wednesday lor Nixon's removal bv one meansm
another, including lor the first lime a major ligure in Nixon's own p.nt'
Others said their problems ol long gasoline lines, unemployuieiti .uul
angry voleis are not going to be solved until Ihc question ol Ni.\uii\ Inline is
Even Nixon's Iriends among Ihe governors talked in the e o r n d u i s I>I ihc
convention hotel ol a Watergate cloud over Washington that is making n dil
heull to lace mushrooming emergencies
$1.25 without
strike spread across the country.
Ihc presidential move was disclosed by ranking While House ulluials
who said Nixon's objective was to give political candidates hettei ddciivo
against slanderous or libelous campaign attacks
7:30 and
tigovcrnment slogans marched through Addis A b a b a today while a general
v\ \ S I I I \ c r O N ( A P ) - O n President Nixon's orders, the Justice l>cr>,in
mem is living to d i a l ! legislation intended to strip away one ol ihe news
media's principal shields against libel suits by public officials oi puhlu
• .
A D D I S ABABA, Ethiopia ( A P ) - H u n d r e d s of students chanting an-
College of Arts and Sciences. The
hill was introduced by Lewis I-idler
and C h a i r m a n Eric Lonschein. The
bill' was introduced t o the Central
Council at 1:20 in the morning.
Alter discussion and debate the hill
was passed on a voice vote at 1:25.
by Mike Sena
For almost live a n d a half hours
Central Council met and talked.
And debated. And talked. And
And talked.
It led one
member to deem the whole Wednesday night affair a "circus".
Eric L o n s c h e i n
a n o l h e r bill which was passed in executive session last time. The hill
calls lor SI.500 t o be donated to the
\l'tishinxitni Park Spirit for partial
payment ol copies to be delivered to
the university. Council directed SA
President Cierher to d r a w up a contract wilh the Spirit, if possible. The
bill also directs that the hill come
hack to Central Council in not more
than 2 weeks.
"SJ5.0(K)-S-t().(IOO" each year. I he
new system will cut that ligure in
hall. Zahm noted. Only one checker
will he needed per q u a d which will
save SsUWO per year on student
employ-merit, said ESA manager
Ibis is "not a great big fancy
system", he said.
Z a h m added
that il was designed lor one thing, to
cut down Ihe number of students
sneaking in lor meals.
E. Norbet Z a h m . general manager
ol I S A . was also at the meeting. He
spoke about the new icomputeri/ed
check-in systemto he used in t h e d i n ing halls next fall. According lo
Zilltm. a b o u t " 3 0 students" on each
q u a d "sneak" into meals every day.
l i e noted this costs I S A between
Security To Resume Towing
Removal May Begin Early Next Week
In Daniel Gaines
Ihe ability ol Ihe Moloi Pool lo
provide University Security with a
dnvei means that once again campus
low ii neks will be removing illegally
parked ears. On oi about March
thirteenth, cars parked as obstructions, blocking ramps ui otherwise
breaking p.ukmg regulations will he
lowed lo some unidentified spot mi
Ihc low trucks have nol been
operating the pasi lew months as a
result ol [he change in priorities
proiuplcd hv the energy eiisis. Ihc
Ihapei busses had priority over the
low i i u i k s . Ihe liucks have been
limned lo lowing campus vehicles
lhai bleak down.
I he lowing is evpeeled lo he concern in led on ears hav rag an unusually huge nunihei ol outstanding
tickets ami those ailing as ohsliucIIOIIS oi mleilelilly Willi Ihe spaces
anil lamps u'scived loi ha nil napped
pel s o i l s
Ninic ( X i S is n i n n i n e nail ol ihe
miimiij. |i.oi oi ine
svsiem. „ drive, h a . been heed lo
work e l s e w h e r e - i n ,he tow truck.
Sceimtv is most concerned with
ihe plight ol handicapped people in
the S l ' N V A c o n i n u i n i u ; obstructing the wheel chaii ramps in one ol
the leu I n e dollar lines (most are
three dollars.) Ii is neeessars thai
handicapped people be able to paik
ilien eais and LM a i o u n d withoul
sei urns dilliLiiIlN. Seem il\ has been
asked lo eleai oul illeealK parked
cats and make it sale loi the handuapped.
l o Keep I s. On Our Iocs
S c i u n n hopes that the lemstiluimii ui lowing uill end ihe l a m p a n t
illegal paikimi eome on in
I'' 1 "
ol Mhanv's campus. I hey have no
iilleillion ol lemoving
iiiintheis ol c a n : ihev nisi want lo
keep i-veivonc on llleil Iocs 11 is
iiiiu h hettei lo have yum e.u towed
hv ihe I mvi-isilv
than hv a
niiuiii'ipaliiv. the iiiconvcinencc here
is rclativelv small. It is also hoped
bv lowing cars thai have been
, ' ,
> ^ « c d ollcn but whose owners
have continually negec.cd to pay,
'»<-• backlog ol unpaid tickets mrgh.
nc reduced.
rettpie w linse cars lia\c been ln\\L'U can nave the in returned h\ na\ urn
a leu dollar luwini; lee and anv
uekuis thai mas be o\u-d.
ALBANY (AP) - I he New York State energy duel a n n o u n c e d W e d n o d . n
l h a l f t a n d i c a p p c d persons lime been exempted Irom ihe stale's i
odd-even gasoline rationing
A h n e i i n C . OTIara, direcloi ol Hie Emergency l u e l O l f i c e . had said Mon
day thai the state would gram exemptions lo Ihe handicapped as soon a n
could establish appropriate procedures.
lie said Wednesday, however, that Iheexeinplions would b e e l l e d i v e nu
mediately and that the vehicles ol handicapped persons would becniisidcicil
emergency vehicles until the stale publishes instructions lot r c c m i n g c i c i n p lions.
1.1. Col. Anthony Herbert (Ret.): " U . S . Generals are dlctatore"
The ASP will not publish on
3/12 due to mid-semesters.
Evening classes
College of St. Hose
The (German (Eluh presents:
$3.50 w/ tax
: $5.00 without
lor info, contact;
March 9
8:00 pm
Tickets available from the German OHice (2nd floor
Humanities) & from German professors.
ihe right, nol to the left, be said,
generals who he claims are running
ihe country.
Ihe wal crimes he told are nol
n e w . but
llerherl is a good
stoiylellei and had people wriihing
al s iii' poinls ol the speech
Incidenls like the Army's siiuiging
Vietnamese children logethei by
p.issmg a wne iliiough one cat and
oul ihe olliei lo ihe nevl child, and
like ihe loin day i.ipe by loiineeii
Americans ol ,i leu year old South
Vietnamese girl created ihe mood loi
Ihc lesl ol ihe speech
f i l i n g ihc examples ol South
A m e r i c a n dictatorships hv the
military "I'nvales don'l ovei lluow
governments, generals d o . "
Ihe outcome ol the Army's p r u tect 10II.0IIII was anolhei aiea ol
criticism ol llerherl. Ihe original
plan was l o t a k e s l o w learners, mosily blacks, who Weslmoi eland said
would nol he senl lo wai. hill would
undergo nnhlaiv li.lining lo become
"hellel p . i s o n s "
Ralph Nadel
lound howevei. lhai these people
nol only Went lo via,, hill wele s e n
Iwiee as ollcn as Ihc "lit" l-A
lilaeks. continued
I lei hell
loinpiiscd l v
gioinid . n u n . hill had 4-1 . ol die
l i c h e n pi,used the enlisted men
loi mine I he lovvei lailk-s vdlo spoke
oul ag.unsi the generals. He named
sevcial savin • Ihev v i c e Ihe onli
l o u l i o l s on powei lire nnhlaiv hail
"1 i n v eoimltv lhai has allowed
iiseli ihe Itivuiy ol Joint I lnels ol
Stall has lost Ihe nevl wal."
el.uincd the generals lost the war in
Vietnam, in part because ol lliell
drive lor power and in p a n because
ol their training in only "World War
I ladies."
I hough he has been pens,oiled ol I
= mihtaiy duly. I l e i l u n sidl lelains
^ the hard-hitliug. c u s p . Army image
' S a n d llaldemaii haircut ol the days
-j when he won ihc coveted post ol I I
'•3 Col. in the 173rd Airborne Division
•J2 in Vietnam.
Staling the policy ui Vietnam had
been to find scapegoats a m o n g Ihc
blacks and the "long-hairs," Herbert
lound these minorities "healthier,
smaller, and at least as brave as then
lathers." Ihe Army couldn't stand
their being "hip." he said.
Herbert lound lault with the
Domino theory in Southeast Asia,
(iovernments, when ihev lall. hill to
3Fg0Ctltng - A Mardi Gras
Celebration ;
March « l o n u i k c resetviiliunsloi the
', ,
donaluvti timenexl luesdav. Kescr.
,, ' . .
\ a l u m s can he made in the C anipn.s
,. ,
, ,, . ,
, , •
, ,
t enter al the blood drive desk
Ilcibeii claims ihc media and ihe
Al niv h a \ i "a I'unspii.u \ lodlscledll
me." citing a Mike Wallace ( Its
doeiuiicni.il y "(>() Minnies .doiig
wilh a m , l i s published in the
Scptcmhei-Oclohci 10"! ( ,>lunilu,i
_ hnmuilnm
/ ( m m and ihe May.
I i'l-'t. l//«;ir/c
50 ( ars In (hie Day
J o s e p h Urso
42 N o r w o o d A v e .
A l b a n y , N . Y . 12208
and Kudweisei on ice leli. I h u w a i .
Nerved in die t uuncilincn. who im
, ,,
douhl In then had ase\erc^:iscul ihe
dr\ ihroals.
Weaving Ins way through a series
I gruesome stories about nnliiarv
actions in both ihe United S l a l c s a n d
in Vietnam. 1.1. Col. Anlhonv
llerherl (Ret.) claims
Itiave New World mav become a
reality in this country
Speaking here Wednesday niglu.
lleihereMolleillhceoiunion soldier,
his ideal ol ihc democratic man.
I mi ISIIV N i i u n l '. is awaie lhai
people do nol like lull m:1 lliell asls
lowed Ovei ihe icals h u have
IHVII iM.hinii.il instances where
people have been aiiesled lor
assauli ami ihev usu.ilK lent their
emotions al ihe disk ollieci in Ihe
ii building, who leallv is not
ible loi ihe low lames R.
lliiecliir ol I niveislty
seeulitv s.ml lhai Ihev nndeisland
people'scomplainis. ihev " d o n ' t t a k e
II pels
lllv "
Law School
A Amission
Review Courses
One benclil ol donating blood
winch may he ol interest is ihe laci
thai Ihe d o n o r ' s Iamilv becomes en',,
. .
tilled lo receive anv blood needed
d u r l l g
. „,
I h e s o r o r i t y ' s members are
hopeful that a large number of
students will m a k e a personal cominitmenl lo share their good health
wilh someone less fortunate than
There is a strong personal
satislaction involved in blood donaiion. notes I.online. Just ask anyone
who has donated blood.
Says Generals Had Interests In Vietnam Oil
by Nancy Albnugh
m h.,!n
Sirica's c o u r l a i 11 a.m. today. Copies ol filing will be available nnniedi.u.l
alteT the proeedittg. No lurlhci details until lhai l i m e " Ihe aniiouncciiuiii
The meal card will look the same,
but on the hack there will be a
magnetic tape, said Z a h m . H e n o t c d
thai checkers will "slip the meal
c a r d " into a box. The box will light
up as lo whether the student can go
d o w n lo eal. Z a h m added.
lie noted that this system would
initially cost belween $8.000-$9,000
plus n yearly mainlenancecost and
would slop the use ol stolen meal
Other bills passed by Central
Council gave SI.24(1 lor puhlieilv ol
the Student Association ol Ihc Stale
Universities ( S A S H ) , and set up an
. . .
agenev account loi luuds ap; i l t e d ,,„ w s l v „ , p, , - M ,
M , , , „ ; „ , | a . , H o , „ „ , g . , h e r e was
Herbert Indicts U. S. Military
lowing Personally
In the pasi veais ihe University
has lowed as ma nv as I illv eals 111 one
dav. hill ihev average lorn oi I n c . In
I e h i u a n . 1973. loi example. II I
c o s weie lowed.
\ drtvci is now available t o drive
ihe low II neks because ol the new
agieeinenl between the (Mine ol
(ienei.ll S e n ices ((KiS)alld ihe I n
iveisrtv concerning the
hiisses I he Univetsilv Moloi Pool
i in some ol then inns ihe ( X i S has
lephlced these and added mole
Psi G a m m a Sorority is sponsoring
t'si finmma Snrnritv is snonsnrintf
a blood d o n a t i o n day at S U N Y A .
The Red Cross will be here on T u e s day. March 12 for the drive, which
will be held in the C a m p u s Center.
I.online Costisick of Psi G a m m a
poi ills oul that due to ihc nation's increasing population a n d e x p a n d i n g
hospital facilities the need for blood
is climbing, and is now greater than
Although the demand for
blood never slackens, there is a
decrease in blood collection during
the winter months, she says. As a
result an increased effort to make
donations at this time fo the year is
necessary in order to meet the need.
Herbert made vague r e l c e n c e to
oil interests in South Vietnam being
a majoi teason lor our entry, and
said Ihe generals and military school
students had bought slock in companies lhai were planning on
developing lhai oil.
. . . comprising 350 o u t s t a n d i n g Boys, Girls, Brother-Sinter
a n d Co-Ed Camps, located t h r o u g h o u t the New England, Middle A t l a n t i c States and C a n a d a .
. .. INVITES YOUll INQUIRIES concerning summer employment en Head
Counselors, Group Leaders. Speciallies. General Counselors.
Write, P h o n e or Call iri Person
Association of Private Camps — Dept. C
Mc.wtll M Alexander, fxi-tuhn- Diivctor
\ 55 West 42nd Street,
OX 5-2656.
New York 36, N. Y. $
Leon Van Dyke Battles Local Job Discrimination
NYPIRG Finds inscription Drug Price Disparities
com. from
unable t o find i t ; he t o l d t h e N Y P -
T h e d r u g s o n t h e lisi arc the lines
m o s t c o m m o n l y prescribed tfiev arc
students t o r e t u r n
when '
w a s there.
n c
manager was never t h e r e .
T h e l a w requires t h a t t h e list be
posted " c o n s p i c u o u s l y a t o n i d j a c c n l
t o t h e place i n t h e p h a r m a c y w h e r e
p r e s c r i p t i o n s are presented f o r c o m -
V a n Dyke had moved to
D y k e v o w e d t o stay w i t h c o n s t r u c -
a n d he
t i o n w o r k u n t i l these p r a c t i c e s w e r e
needed a j o b . T h e year w a s 1965.
eliminated. A s opponents o f Leon
Thorazine is a ding 'lohiiMv
known bystudenlspnuiaiil became
it is an excellent antidote ii 'LSD I,
is also an antidote to n111} ullhi
because M I iiicnnc
h a d experience
I n s t e a d o f l a u n c h i n g a c a r e e r as a
Laborer, V a n Dyke's protest started
that no j o b was available.
h i m o n t h e p a t h o f social a c l i v i s m o n
t a b l e t s ; it i s a l t h i s s i r e n g t l u m l u i i h
q u a r t e r s , o n l y t o be t o l d e a c h d a y b y
P I R G c r s said it was i l l e g i b l e w i t h o u t
t h i s m a n y t a b l e t s that
the u n i o n boss, " N o w o r k
science w i t h t h e p e r s i s t e n c e o f a m o s -
I h
u s u a l l y s o l d . A l l stoics tin ulltiintrV
a n d partially
lit 202 Western
Avenue the
N \ I M R G s t u d e n t s n o t i c e d the list i n
a liallua\
between t h e s t o r e r o o m
and ilic cash register.
asked i n see i t . Iliev w e r e t o l d t h a i
arc n o t a l l o w e d
there; no i n l o i i n a t i o n w a s r e c o r d e d
I r o m that store.
M a n y lists were i n
s p e c i f i c s t r e n g t h a n d v|
ililv. Illls
it is s i
llospu.ii-l i
t h e same p r i c e at even
and O v r a h v c i c
Ki ugilian
n depends on w h i c h
i n geneial. h o w e v e r ,
he interested
k n o w lh.il Hall's I l i n g i n S l i i v v c s a n l
si. wink-
w i t h t h e s c h o o l . It w a s n o t a m a t t e r
l o -J s a y i n g " G e e . w o u l d n ' t it be nice
So V a n D y k e came h o m e one d a y
' in I'l.i/,'
I rum
next d a y V a n D y k e m a r c h e d
c h a r m , b e l y i n g h i s 39 sears.
llev n i a n .
I lie iiiosi s i i i k i n g d i l l e i e n c e s w e r e
v i e w e d b e f o r e a j o u r n a l i s m class at
in d o w n t o w n A l b a n s . I n lumscll- a
one m a n p i c k e t l i n e . 1 he lonel> \ i g i l
writer W i l l i a m Kenneds, V a n Dyke
A i d D r u g Mures, One s t o r e , i n s u b -
I eh. 26. by
was t h o u g h t f u l in a l l his a n s w e r s , yet
the c i t y . A r e a n e w s p a p e r s p i c k e d u p
quick t o point o u t the h u m o r a n d
the s l o t s , a n d g r a d u a l l y t h e o n e m a n
v o l v e d i n since c o m i n g t o A l b a n s .
a wide
o l s i t u a t i o n s he has been i n -
was i n t e g r a t e d a n d L e o n V a n D y k e
w e n t i n w o r k as •.* I . a b o r e r .
svhai t h e y c o n s i d e r e d r a c i s m i n b e c a m e " s t a m p i n g t h e g r o u p o u t . "
l i l tccn o l the Brothers
A l b a n s , involving both public and
p r i v a t e d i s c r i m i n a t i o n . H o u s i n g a n d arrested l o i v a r i o u s o l l e n s e s i n t h e
I n 1.96-6a g r o u p o l t w e n t y l o t s v e n ts
const M i c t i o n
D y k e says n o w . r e c a l l i n g his
i n a looscls
! he
j o b s f o r b l a c k s w e r e t h e basic g o a l s l o i n sear h i s t o r y o l t h e g r o u p , i n cluding I c o n V a n Dske. Several ot
Film to Show LF. Stone's Career
w h o has b e c o m e a p h e n o m e n o n i n A m e r i c a n j o u r n a l i s m , w i l l he
s h o w n ,ii 4 I ' M a n d 7:M) I ' M l u e s d a y , M a r c h
andK l ' l
2t) M a l l , was a m o n g the l o w e r - p r i c e d
is c o o r d i n a t i n g I h c <
I h c o t h e r , at SI N o r t h P e a r l
Center, which
in Albany's
in [he j o u r n a l i s m p r o g r a m a n d other members o l the u m s e r s i n
c o m i n u i u l s s h o w i n g 11) c
I he
12 i n L e c t u r e C e n t e r 2. l o i
made I n J e r r j
Jr. and shown
,i 7o,OUU c i r c u l a t i o n , t o h i s
AYwt'M N / liook.s.
t h r o u g h the w e e k l y newsletter he b u i l t u p t o
as p o l i t i c a l c o l u m n i s t t i l t h e
W h i l e he l e l l other W a s h i n g t o n r e p o r t e r s got
i H I i e h u r m m w i t h I he gov c i n m e r i t . S t o n e w o r k e d a l o n e t o d i g t h r o u g h h a l l
The ASP will not publish on Tues.
3/12 due to mid-semesters.
Police c o n c e r n about
rhetoric, w o n
li u i l i s ; m d lies i n his s h i n e s , l e e l i n g a h n g u i l t s because he e n j o y e d il a l l so
i n these sears o l b l a c k
i n n e r - c i t s n o t i n g , so t h e m e d i a label
push t h e Brothers
into the
Van Dske
w ere
B i ot hers
o r l o s e d . t h e B r o t h e r s were at least
resolutionai s ideasthrough Albans,
lamenting: racial troubles i n thecity
I sen w i t h o u t
L e o n V a n D s k e believes t h a t t h e
lavish media coverage ol the " m i l i -
P o l i c e , he s a i d , h a d reason e n o u g h t i
x- l e a r l u l .
aided the
m o v e m e n t , at t h e same t i m e it h e l p e d
the media
the Brothers
dest.roj, i t . C e r t a i n l y
l o establish
t h e Black
stand u p to t h e white
But the
the worst
to lake
ghetto wa;
the State,
worse t h a n the Rochestet
as a
1 he A l h a n s
had erupted
B u i i n laet
the Brothers.
w e i e a c t i n g l o c o o l the h e a l e d g h e l l o
s t i e e l s i n t h o s e tense da vs. a c c o r d i n g
lo Van Dske
I h e B r o t h e r s c o n Id see
n o t i c e o l i h c B r o t h e r s , a n d t h e eye
no p u r p o s e i n t h e a i m l e s s v l o l e n c e o l
ihcs watched t h e Brothers w i t h was
mil a lavorable one.
\ s A l b a n s h a d n o Black
D r u e the
supercharged at-
Van Dske
• ne i n gangs
el.iscsi i h i u g i H - r a d i c a l s t h e A l b a n s
h a d evei
I n this
11 list i a l e d
in adult
is a m e a s u r e o l i h c c h a n g e i n
M a c k a c t i v i s m that I n r m e i " M i l i t a n t
B r o t h e r ' V a n D s k e . is n o w a s t u d e n t
at M h a u s S t a l e
Is i h i s i r a n s l o i m a -
l u m a l o i m o l selling o u t ' '
V a n D s k e reacts s t i o i i g l s a g a i n s t
ans i m p l i c a t i o n t h a i he has b e c o m e
ol i h c while establishment, o r
t h a t t h e b l a c k posset m o v e m e n t n o
I u n c i ions
as a
I o i \ an I )s ke it is n u n c a
m a l t el u l black acliv isls r e - d i r e c t i n g
t h e n c n e i g s n i l o o i l i e r areas besides
" I ducat ion
eha ige
we inusi
lid. "It is.l lool
i Dske
S o his studies a i
\ l b a n s S t a t e ,uc as m u c h a part o l
I e o n V a n I >s ke's social act is i s m , as
his l o n e p t o l e s t agauisi the I u i o i i
was. n e a i l s a decade b e l o i e
Notice To Students
student*- ( i l i e ) t i d i n g g r a J i i n -
i c i c s i e d MI s e i s i n g o n t h e I n i v e i s i i s
.nut hs, ui gin g t h e m l o he c a l m , l o i
( omimltee
be u s e i u l
c l a i m s , the
hassU-il a n d h a n a s s e d bs t h e p o l i c e .
i n I he
Van Dske
I hen
I riere. a
e d u c a t i o n p r o g r a m s in A l h a n v .
Hi o l bets r o a m e d t h e streets, s p e a k -
o r g a n i z a t i o n , t h e B r o t h e r s were the
t e a c h r l h l e i a t e peasants l o read i n 45
t h e B r o t h e r s tin.
B r a / i l l i a i e d u c a t o r w h o svas a b l e l o
the group
center ol A l b a n y ' s a t t e n t i o n . Hated
recent I \ m N e w Y o r k a n d P h i l a d e l p h i a , tells S t o n e ' s stors h o r n his w i n k o n
live Ni it )<<rk I'oM. Ihc \ain>n.
u n d e r t a k e n an independent study o l
Stone's W e e k l y , " o n the w o r k a n d t h o u g h t s o l a loner
V a n D y k e is a g r a d u a t e s l u -
I I K - h i m . "1.1
! he B r o t h e r s v o c i f e r o u s p r o t e s t s , t h e
u n c o m p r o m i s i n g p o s i t i o n s , a n d o c - sentences, t h o u g h V a n D s k e d i d n o t
Brothers was Leon V a n D y k e . P r o m
d e u l i l l i b i s s c h o o l . V a n D y k e has
ol the Brothers.
a b o u t because we f o u g h t f o r i l . "
1966 t o 1970 t h e B r o t h e r s w e r e m - u e a . V a n D s k e svas sure t h a t t h e
ol the Alhans
solsed in frequent protests over purpose
t h e m the r e p u t a t i o n as " m i l i t a n t s " i n reached i t s h e i g h t i n A p r i l 1967.
local media.
M i l i t a n c y had when disturbances had broken o u t
f r i g h t e n i n g c o n n o t a t i o n s f o r m a n s as close hy as R o c h e s t e r , a l t e r t h e
the Union
p r i v i l e g e d k i d s ? " 1 he p r o g r a m came
c o m p i l e d the s i n vcv
o n tuesda>
struck responsive chords t h r o u g h o u t
u r b a n G u i l d e r l a n d next t o the R o u t e
sistently c h a r g e d bet ween ten a n d 111-
I mil.i
the sign i n f r o n t o l t h e U n i o n offices
" I never d i d see m y s e l l as a life-
l o u n d between t w o b r a n c h e s u l K i t e -
has a
V a n l)s.ke
school officials
a n d have
w i t h a n impish face, a n d engaging
Schocilbcigci. \ l ; n I
p r i c e d b i n less so t h a n Mall's.
Sieve N a i d i . M a n i c , i
S U M \
Kcsidcs I V
Leon Van Dyke addrwsln* SUNYA journalism class, niagmen
l i e does not l o o k the part o f an ac-
t lie
O v r a l K M S I (.•'
i n a Masters
I '• '
is generally
home made
nc.n i he Western A v e n u e entrance t o
I Diversity,
b e i n g rejected l o r w o r k
more, a n d fashioned a picket
ilu i n '
SI.49: Woll
n d w e l l at t h e U n i v e r s i t y .
the e c o n o m i c a n d social s t a t u s o f
St 111 l e s p c c h v i I-
Mack's D r u g s and the
V a n D y k e k n o w s t h a t this r a c i s m
picnic. N o w
it o n l y c a m e o u t o f a p o w e r s t r u g g l e
stoic than i n a i i o i h c r . b u t c o u l d have
i h c i c l n i c d i l l i c u l l l o s a j w h e r e [he
L e o n V a n D y k e a r g u e s t h a t r a c i s m is
the D i s a d v a n t a g e d A d u l t . V a n D y k e
U n t i l e o u t i o l piii
V i v e been m a r k e d l y l i b e r a l i z e d , b u t
still searches f o r n e w w a y s t o elevate
D r u g in Sliivvcsanl
n t h e i drugs less e x p e n s i v e also. It is
U n i o n , unless he t o o k m a t t e r s i n t o
r r
Birth ( oniiol
his o w n h a n d s .
li.ill the pharmacies in t h e area. O n e
V a n D y k e r e a l i z e d t h a t as a
at a s u m m e r
missionsand enrollment procedures
will not end without a light. " W h e n
R o a d h u t S i l l I < ,,i •
d i u g w o u l d he m u r e e x p e n s i v e in o n e
t h e L . O . P . p r o g r a m first d e v e l o p e d ,
Sew S c o t l a n d ) a n d k
i n 1965.
Program at
V i b r a n i v c i n (eighl M i " ; '
I h r o u g b i h c aid of the Equal O p p o r -
S U N Y at A l b a n y i n E d u c a t i o n l o r
A l b a n y State
t h a t persists t o d a y . F o r n i n e y e a r s h e
S i x t y '(><)' c a p s u l e s o l I i.n
to Union
getting work with a white Laborer's
S4.20 at A i n s p a n ( " M \ | „ |
is s o l d l o i S(. ^i) ,n I I K '
o n e black
b l a c k m a n he s t o o d l i t t l e c h a n c e o f
at II) D e l m . o i '
were placed \ c r \ h i g h
Has a p r e s c r i p t i o n
,ii '' " '
Scotland Road,
their prices l o i i h . d l ' i c a l j
pencil or pen a n d then o l t e n t i m e s
University Remains Kascist
behalf o f black people, a n a c t i v i s m
straight V a n
where t h e c e i l i n g meets t h e w a l l ;
It is listed o n llic Hoard ul
t w o months
and moved
e n r o l l e d i n t h e g r a d u a t i n g class a t
t h e i r separate ways.
9 y e a r s , he d o e s n o t q u i t e a s i l y .
190) f o r w o r k , b u t he w a s i n f o r m e d
Union in Albany
1967. T h r e e y e a r s l a t e r t h e
V a n D y k e have learned over the past
as a
c o n s t r u c t i o n - l a b o r e r , he w e n t t o the
N o r i o t t o o k place i n A l b a n y i n
practices, V a n
has p i c k e d at A l b a n y ' s s o c i a l c o n -
b l o c k e d hy a p i p e . A t l i r a n c h c P h a r -
B u t deeply
One list was a c t u a l l y i n t h e
Starts Today! TAJJ™
at 2 I 7 Western posted t h e list b a c k
B l o c k e d By A P i p e
pounding and dispensing." Gerald's
a ladder.
usually bought
P I R G c r s went back six t i m e s ; t h e
by Richard
store in the suburbs.
A branch of Rile Aid Drugs near the Route 2» Mall (Ml)and another branch
at 51 North Pearl in Albany's ghetto (right). The ghetto branch lists prices as
much as 50c more than the suburban branch on the chart legally required by
the New York State Board of Pharmacy.
•than die
Klein's o n New S c o t l a n d R o a d w a s
t y c e n t s m o r e f o r most d r u g
page one
l o select
out campus
! cachets please leas L -.i
message l o i Sieve d e i h e i i n t C U(>
I ndas
a l l e i n o o n , } s . i l S do
yillMilllilllllllllillltllll HIIIIIIIIIIIUItlllrlllllllMlllllllllllllillllllllllllllMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHtllllllltllllllilllMH
1 Puerto Rico $i89piusio%
1 Jamaica $219 plus $25
A C a p U l C O
1 Miami
/ V ' l A w a r d Wirtnfr
Climbing Hitl
. ; •
'Planet" daily at
6:10, 7:55, A 9.-50]!
Scif. A Sun. Con*, from 2 p m |
SKidanf prices daily but
not Sal. Sun. or Hoi
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We c a n a r r a n g e any trip t o y o u r s p e c i f i c a t i o n s .
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Bring Your Friends
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Airlare only, $143.27
I Bahamas $i89Piusio%
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Our First Big Event!
1/tart living your dream/!
'"" f i
b | | f
' , .
hee once you r m
* '
Upstate Transit Need Cited
Slate T r a n s p o r t a t i o n
Commissioner Raymond T . Schulcr this
week admonished a U.S. Senate
Subcommilt'*e on Transportation
not to overlook transit subsidy needs
of New York's Upstate cities.
funds under an Administrationproposed Unified Transportation
Assistance Act, he said. The current
limit is 12.5 per cent, plus whatevcra
State may obtain from a discretionary fund.
Emphasizing that he fully endorsed the position that the
Metropolitan New York Region
receive adequate transit operating
support, he said, "it is important that
1 stress the need for similar help for
our Upstate cities, which have an
equal concern in this area.
"The availabe amount falls far
short of meeting even our basic
needs; the Staten Island ferries, the
Bufla Io and Rochester transit
systems go unfunded," he said.
Because of funding constraints,
there is something over $3.5 billion
in New York project submissions
which the federal Urban Mass
I ransportalion Administration has
not acted upon, he added.
would ask that as you
deliberate, you remember that in addition to a New York City, we also
have a Buffalo, a Rochester, a
Syracuse, a Binghamton.an Albany,
and a Uticaand many smaller communities, all wilh great unmet transit
needs," he said.
what a law really means until after
we are taken to court."
Commissioner Schuler also
reported on increased use of public
transportation in the energy crisis.
From October to January, when
commercial aviation flights dropped
28 per cent, load factors increased
f r o m ihe 40-50 percent range to 6085 per cent.
"Other intercity travelers have
rediscovered the train," he said.
A M T R A K Empire Service had been
serving about 425,000 passengers a
year. December 1973 patronage was
Painting out that no metropolitan
area,**oi the most modest village, isa
thing apart from ihe resl of the
State." he said the "State must continue its role in coordinating and distnhutiitg funds among its regions" to
insure that programs and priorities
are balanced across the Stale.
Although it has 40 per cent ol lite
nation's passengers. New York State
would he limited to 11}) per cent til
available urban
I he Commissioner also urged the
Subeommillce to clarify legislation.
"I ack ol clarity and precision hasin\itecl litigation Olten we don't know
Lavine Sets New Welfare
Rental Payment Policy
Social Services Commissioner
Abe Lavine announced this week a
new Statewide policy on rental
payments for welfare recipients
w h i c h fixes ceilings for these
payments in each of the State's 57
local districts and in New York City.
Savings On All JOHN DENVER Albums
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6.98 STEREO %Z™™\
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Comniissionei I .a vine pointed out
thai the new polics will not a Heel the
and disabled
benehciaiies o l
Security Income (SSI), which is a
federal program administered by
Ihe Social Sccuril) Administration.
IJlldci SSI. beneliciancs rcctcve a
single giant covering all needs
• 'on
take me to tomorrouj
John Jcnvef
Rhyme. & Reason.
RCA LSP-4207
Take Me To Tomorrow
RCA LSP-4278
WI.OM Garden Wm Thia
RCA LSP-4414
IJteclive April 1, the new policy
allowances up to 1972 cost levels lor
recipients ol Aid lo Families with
Children and Home
I he ceilings, based on a year-long
study ol actual local district rental
payments, have been pegged at the
l a v i n e said.
Mils, he explained,
means that 95 percent ol the present
welfare recipients were paving rents
in or below these ceilings in 1972.
Rocky Mountain High
RCA LSP-4731
1 or the Inst lime, unilorni standard* loi the development ol the
shelter allowances and the basis on
which localdcpaitmcnlsnuike rental
pas me HI s w i l l
be in ellect
Ihlollghoill Ihe Stale. ( oinuusuonci
l.avinc said.
However, local social services
commissioners will continue lo a d minister shelter policywithin Ihe
allowancesto insure suitable housing
at competitive rents for welfare
recipients. Depending on local community housing conditions, most
rents will he less than the scheduled
County. $127; and Westchester
County. $232.
Ihe rental ceilings do not apply to
public housing.
The new shelter policy replaces
w i d e l y divergent
procedures currently in effect. At
present local departments set standards of maximum rental payments
and file these schedules with the
State, but did make exceptions upward from these standards. In addition, the local formulas used lor fixing maximum rental paymcnls vary
from district to district, wilh some
based on family size and others on
nu,ruber ol rooms, availability of
heat and utilities.
Ibis will bring New York Slate
"into compliance" wilh Federal
regulations. I or Ihe past two years,
I I L W has cited New York's shelter
policy as being in "noncompliance"
because, I l l i W h e l d , it laded to meet
the requirements of uniformity.
Also, by Social Security law and
In almost hall ol the local districts.
this had not been done.
I oi a Iannis ol blur, the maximum allowance lot rent (in housing
mills where beat is not included) will
range from $79 a month in Jefferson
and Hamilton Counties lo $258 in
Sulliilk County. In New York City,
a la only ol lour would receive a maximum rental allowance of $164,
wheie heal is not included; $190,
whete heat is included.
I Isewheie in the State, rental
allowance eeiuiugs lor a family of
lom (without heal included) will be:
Albans County. $15.1. Clinton
( iiumy. WK Moinoe County. $156;
Nassau County, $245; Onondaga
Under the new shelter policy all
maximum rental allowances are
determined on the basis ol family
si/e. l-.xeeplions above the ceilings
are also prohibited.
Commissioner l.avine said the
present system gave the Slate no real
control and fostered inequities.
Under the new policy, all new
applicants lor public assislanceAid
I -ami lies w i t h
Children and Home Reliclwould he
O N - FR| i Q A M . 9 p M
SAT 10 - 6 E . ^
Three new external degree examinations in nursing will be offered
for the first time May 9 and 10, according to an announcement from
the State Education Department.
The application filing deadline is
April I. Tests will be given at various
locations across New York State.
The three
testsDifferences in Nursing Care, Areas
1. II and incomplete the series o f
seven writlen examinations which
meet the requirements of Ihe nursing
e d u c a t i o n component
for the
associate in applied science in nursing external degree. Development
ol the clinical performance examination will he complete by November,
according lo Carrie B. Lcnburg.
coordinator of the nursing program.
Ihe external degree and examinations
in n u r s i n g were
developed by committees ol outstanding nurse educators, drawn from
institutions ol higher learning in
Nesv York State. I here are no prerequisites l o r taking these examinations or enrolling in the
associate in applied science in nursing program. Studs guides and
bibliographies l o r all scsen nursing
examinations arc available upon request.
subject tn ihe rental ceilings asol the
he imposed and rental
allowances will he limited lo these
lesels. Local social services districts
will provide maximum relocation
services and wbalesei help is
neccs.sais to those who will base lo
within pel muted ceilings.
April I date
I hose persons presently receiving
assistance will be given up to a yearShelter pavments (rem plus fuel
two reccrlilicalion cycles loacquire
loi heating) in 1972 represented
rental accommodations within these
about 41) percent ol all public
ceilings, Ihe initial notice thai ihe
assistance payments, totaling some
ceiling is in effect will be given at the V I M million.. I Ins includes rental
time ol the first rcccitilieation.
allowances lor assistance to the
usually within a six month period. A
aged, blind .mil disabled recipients
final notice will he issued at the se- program implemented nn.lunuarv I.
cond recertilicalion six months later.
Ol the $7110 million. $5(11) million
At the end ol this period, ihe ceiling • was paid in New York Cits.
Position Available at M o h a w k C a m p u s
as a
Summer Sailing Instructor
Sailing program is sponsored by Albany
Sailing Club and Student Association and
runs June through August.
Interested and qualified persons pick up
applications in the S.A. office.
Deadline April I.
liiutli'tl In MIK/I'III
• Largest Selection
Convenimt Shopping Hours
Probably the Best Price in Town
Every |_p & Tape Guaranteed New
txpert Salespersons to Assist You
Bank Americard & Master Charge Credit
New Nursing
Degrees Offered
I he external degree in nursing
stalled in 1971. More than twelve
hindied candidates are presently
enrolled in the program and the first
degrees will be awarded hue Ibis
T E L 489-8346
I'he Commissioner restated the
need l o r a "single, unified, flexible
transportation fund to assure continuity of programs which afford the
maximum opportunities for innovation and flexibility,"
leslilying before the Subcommittee at a hearing in New York
City. Commissioner Schuler was
critical ol separate federal funding
categories which make tor an intlexiblc program, and the formula which
severely limits the federal aid one
Stale may receive lor transit capital
up 63 per cent over the prior
December; Ihe year's ridcrship had
increased by 38 per cent over 1972.
During January, ridership on one
of the major intercity bus carriers in
New York State was up 15 percent;
other carriers reported five per cent
public transportation is available,
both within urbanized areas and
between them, the public is moving
to them. We should, therefore, be
making every effort to bolster the
public transportation systems wc
have." the Commissioner said.
and Secrets and Two Lives Destroyed...
Shirley Maclaine and Audrey Hepburn in
Wtye G^il(#eif s
state university of n e w yorkat albany
Next Week'
Ingmar Bergman's PERSONA (friday)
j f u n d e d by student association
from the play by Lillian Hellman
Friday, March 8
7:15 and 9:45
arts & leisure
^ p ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ j Local Officials Decry Rail Cuts
Stanford Med School Says
Certain courses of study have built
in disadvantages that take getting
§ 0 * 1 to. Take, for instance, the
anatomy student.
"You can tdl a first year med sruem by his smell." admitted a Stan>rd med student in a recent interie» in the Stanford
Daily. The
;udem said he must shower twice a
ay and lather himself with hand loon to keep from reeking of for$ maJdehvde. used 10 present the
human cadavers on which be works
Medical students must perform
fj direction on the supph of cadavers
4, kepi on hand at Stanford I mvcrstiv
•% ~The> re far removed from life."
% said one student. * the\"re dull. cold,
•i g r e \ " Usually, one limb at a time is
4 unwrapped for dissection, but the
^ head is not unwrapped until late in
£ the course, if ever. "The head makes
$ it human agajn." said another stu% dent.
Mter the initial shock, student*.
g adapt well to working with cadavers
Those who donned rubber gloves
and mo\edgmgerlydunngtheir first
few weeks, now "just dive on in." as
one student put it.
ALBANY, (AP) - The isolated' production if their rail services were
tillage of Cattaraugus will lose its eliminated.
entire economic base. Growth in the
A large number of the firms arc
"When I used to ihro» pots. Pdfg Hudson Valley may stop. The state's concentrated on the so-called "Hohave little bits of clay underneath im S huge agricultural industry might be jack" line running along the shore of
fingernails," explained one women. >•£ undercut.
Lake Ontario from Oswego to
"Now that I'm dissecting I h a \ * g
Scores of public officials, business Niagara Falls. This route has been
bits of bodies under my nails. But it J§ leaders and private citizens have
designated "potentially excess" by
doesn't b o t h r roe, h did the first g been streaming in to Albany this
the federal Transportation Departweek to protest the federal ment.
government's plan to eliminate oneThe new, federally financed Conthird of the railroad trackage in New solidated Railway Corp., authorized
\nolher roed student recalled. ~lt>J York State as it consolidates the by Congress in January, will combothered me the first week when 1 if freight systems of bankrupt bine the operations of the Perm Cenwould ha>e to pee] an orange witb|| railroads in 17 Northeastern and tral and six other bankrupt carriers.
m> hand*, afterwards " Sou sheeatsS Midwestern stales.
The Transportation Department
her lunch without giving the cadavers
has identified about one quarter of
a thought
Almost all of the witnesses the region's track mileage as "potenappearing at Interstate Commerce tially excess" and has recommended
Commission ICC hearings on the its abandonment as unprofitable.
In New York State, the trackage
Ail the cadavers were persons who;-: plan ha\e made such forecasts of
had donated their bodies to the un-$- economic doom for their com- amounts to 1,875 of the stale's total
iversit) m the interests of science. ;j: munities or business or for the state 5.595 miles ol rails. Most ol the routes recommended for elimination are
\ccordinc to anatomical technician:-: as a whole
Lawyer Torrance Brooks of Cat- branch lines linking rural comJohn Doiph. the number of person*. $
willing to give their bodies to science •£ taraugus, a Milage of 1.050 in munities with main freight lines.
Various witnesses, including the
since 19£>0 has gone up so fast t h a t » southwestern New York, testified
now pits oJ this nature ire onl> •:• Wednesda> that the abandonment stale transportation commissioner,
accepted withm a 30 — mile radius «:•. ol the Penr. Central branch line ha\e accused the lederal agency of
oi Stanford. The reason for this is $ through Cattaraugus, as proposed in poor planning and of using invalid
that Stanford has storage facilities S the lederal blueprint, would force criteria in determining the economic
for onl\ 50 bodies. Stanford nasi* the paper-products firm of Cham- advantages ol most ol the routes.
Several witnesses Wednesday ac4.000 potential donors on file and K pion International Corp. to move its
cused the state's financially ailing
niters free pick up and delnen for :*; plant elsewhere.
"If the ullage was to lose this ser- railroads ol indirectly encouraging
vice, it will mean the loss of jobs for the lederal takeover and proposed
about H> per cent of the people in the abandonments. The "unprofitable"
( ) n e ad\aniag£ of donating one'- g entire area." Brooks said. The plant lines were identified through the use
(>od} isthat the emotional and finan- $ employs 229 workers.
of 1972 traffic volume statistics.
c i a i hurden of a funeral is a\oided %
Penn Central's Harlem Valley
Do/ens ol indusmal e\ecuu\es
g testified that their companies would line, lor example, running parallel to
shut down or drasticalK reduce the Connecticut and Massachusetts
| Tke Cfiow ok 77
state lines, has been pegged for abandonment.
But state Sen. Jay P. Rolison, RPoughkcepsie, argued at the hearing
that low 1972 traffic figures for the
line resulted from a "deliberate
attempt, in my judgement, to abandon the line by providing service so
below ordinary levels of human
decency that potential customers
turn from it in revulsion."
Rolison insisted that the Hudson
Vallcv area has an "absoluicK
critical" need for the line, particularly for passenger service.
Commissioner Robert D. Waterman of the Rochester-Genesee
Regional Transportation Aulhuntv
said declining traffic rates on some
lines stemmed from a program ol
"planned obsolescence" b\ the
I he chemical fertilizer industn
throughout the stale depends heavih
on rail service to deliver its proumi
from plant to farm, witness
pointed out, and most production
plants and retail outlets are located
on branch rail lines. I he federal plan
poses a similar threat to some loud
retngeraiion and storage tauliiiev
the ICC hearing officer. Judge Jacob
Leventhal, was told.
"II you cut off the flow ol streams
and creeks, it is m> contention thai
the rivers will soon dr> up." said
Howard Hance, an official ot C'uieu
co Corp.. which he said would
probably shut down two fertilizer
plants in central New York, at Han
nibal and Marion.
Friday, March 8.1974
Stray Dogs & Jamaicans
Exciting Lili Kraus
Mme. Lili Kraus will be soloist
with the Albany Symphony
Orchestra, Juluis Hcgyi, conductor,
in two performances, Friday, March
15 at the Troy Music Halland Saturday, March 16th at the Palace
Theatre at 8:30 P.M.
Born in Budapest. Lili Kraus
began the study of the piano at the
age of 6, and at 8 was enrolled at the
Royal Academy of Music, where her
teachers included Zoltan Kodlay
and Bela Barlok. At 17 she received
the Academy's highest degree and
went on to study under Edward
Steurmann and Artur Schnahcl al
the Vienna Conservatory ol Music.
At 20 she became a I'uil-J'ledged
professor at the Vienna Academy.
During the 1930's the Hungarian
pianist was one of the most popular
reeitalists and symphony orchestra
soloists ot England and continental
Europe, and toured annually to
China. Japan. Australia. New
Zealand and South Africa as well. In
1940, beginning a world tour in the
Dutch East Indies. Mme. Kraus was
taken prisoner by the Japanese in
Java and lor 3 harrowing years was
interned in a prison camp. On liberation, she toured Australia and New
Zealand and. "lor her unrclentingellorts in the aid of countries in need"
was grained
New Zealand
citizenship. She returned to the international concert circuit in 1948.
Since then she has traveled almost
continuously, appcraing with all the
great orchestras and at all the great
music festivals of Europe, visiting
North and South America and returning each year to Japan, India, and
the Antipodes. She has appeared frequently on television, and has lectured and given master classes at
leading universities.
Among her most interesting experiences have been a royal command performance at the wedding
banquet of the Shah of Iran; a concert in England's Canterbury
Cathedral; the first concert ever
given in the new city of Brasilia; and
a visit with Albert Schweil/er in
Lambarene, where she played for
him shortly before he died.
Also on the program will he the
Bach Brandenburg Concerto No. 2
in I- major in the original version lor
time. oboe. horn, violin, etc. I he
copy ol the score and parts by
I'esnell shows very lew differences
between the more common version
with trumpet. I he trumpet part
hears the title " I romba o vero corno
da eaccia." that is "Trumpet on
rather hunting-horn."
Tickets for these two superb concerts are available by writing to the
Alhatn S\mphon\ Orchcstia. 19
Clinton Avenue, Albany, N.Y.
122(17 or bv callina 4n5-4755.
by Bob. Riedinger
For the rock and roll crazies and
t he generally hypcrtensc there's
Stray Dog mi Manticore records
(MC 66671). The cathartic action of
this group's music should drain the
energy of anybody who's got it to get
rid of.
Al Roberts. Snuffy Walden and
L.T. Sampson hit us with all the cons t i t u e n t s of " h e a v y " rock:
hammerhead bass, synthesizer, wailing runaway guitars and madman
drums. The lead vocals have that
barely noticeable echo which, particularly at higher pitches, runs rings
around the auditory canal, while the
back-up vocals approach the shrills
ol a Phosphorescent Leech and Eddie.
Yet there are a couple ot notable
songs. "Tramp (How It Is)," produced by Stray Dog and Greg Lake ol
Inierson, Lake, and Palmer, stands
out il just lor the insanity of the
organ and choral opening, the instrumental sections, and the eerie,
foreboding chorus. The song blasts
oil when Snuff) Walden or Al
Roberts (the liner credits are not too
specific! suddenly suggests, in dig
Hopper style. "Put on your seat belt.
"A Letter." also produced with
(ireg I ake. came as a surprise, with
lis suit acoustic guitar.gentle electric
guitar, and wistful mellotron. Apparently the token "quiet" song of
PwudCy V\m\th
the album, "A Letter" creates a
strange and distant mood, like that
of Mountain's "The Laird ."and also
reveals the influence of Lake's music.
But the five remaining songs are
disappointing. "Rocky Mountain
Suite (Bad Road) "pays lip service to
melodic chord progression and
doesn't go beyond that. "Crazy,"
"Chevrolet." "Speak of the Devil"
(also produced with Greg Lake) and
"Slave" are on the less appealing side
of heav\ tradition: overbearing and
over-boring. Hie lyrics, a common
obstacle and or annoyance for hard
inek bands. pro\ ide no relief. Expect
the likes of "WalkhV down the road
with my guitar in my hand." Stray
Dog may have difficulty finding a
Meanwhile, there's a fresh breeze
coming from the West Indies in the
form of a lour man group called Tidbits. On their album (m>etings From
Jamaica (lamil> Productions
I PC 27t4|, tidbits mades no
pretense at K ncal complexitya move
which is especial!) appropriate and
in keeping with its simple, carefree
ami easy going music.
Il seems that I idhits missed the
boat from Jamaica a little over a year
ago when reggae was causing a mild
stir in the United States (remember
"Stir It Up" and "I Can See Clearly
Now" from Johnny Nash, J. Geils*
"Give It To Me." as well as a couple
ol albums from The Wailers'.').This is
just as well; the group has had additional time to work with reggae
and the Jamaican beat, and as a
result, their music is more in-'
tcresting, if not superior, to previous
groups' efforts at reggae-rock.
The emphasis that the other
groups placed on rhythm often
restricted development of melody
and harmony. Tidbits has turned its
attention to these elements without
neglecting rhythm. The success of
then approach is particularly evident on "Be My Good Day" and
"Good Love Is Hard To Find"
whose to-the-point song lines ride
the jets ol reggae beat with a great
degree ot fluidity.
1 he lack ol publicity surrounding
the album and the lar from spectacular packaging give the impression that 1 idhils is a group of friends
who thought it might he fun to make
a musical album together. The songs
w\(i reelings From Jamaica capture
that spun.
Folk For The Folks
Indav and Saturday nights.
March 8& », the I ighth StepCollcc
House 14 Willclt St. Mhanv. will
present Inn ncuconicis ID the lulk
musiclicld Dick Herman and Ccnff
Miller. MIIIOUL'II ihcv have been
pl.iviui! tojjcthei loi two \c.iiv il is
"ills since List siiiiniKi. since M
Miller's cully icliicnienl Ii oin
leadline..that tlicv h;i\ebeciipl.i> me
Ioi audiences.
Wednesday March 20. I lie
I lehlh Step Collet I louse will be the
scene ol .i one niclil -niih leunion ol
one ol thclinest lolk Murine, eioups
n , i to develop in [his .ilea - I he
Patterns. I luv will In in this .ilea as
individuals to attend the ni.iin.iue ol
, ol the eioup I IK II HI. Huh
I alb-, Diane I cist, and Dan White.
« n , i . n well known to main
t .ipu.il liisimi audiences before
I hen icceiit pel Im tujuies iiuluile iIi, % sonelll
8 PM
March 8
appearances at the [own ( nei in L'oals
I'uiicthkecpsic. I he I uvc Inn in New
''•lb'- I he IVim' I'mloi in V «
,K l h o m i l k . „ u l u
Haven, and Rosebud and / . , p | v . „ , , m i . , ,,, ,| HS .,,,,, including
eolleehousein New 'loikCilv
, h l | „ M l l a Hclhlelieui t olleehouse.
\ l o s l ol (hen nuilellal n a s u i i l t c n
b\ link Human in a slvle oltell
rooted in iMtluion.il l.dk . i i u U m i n
ninsK. i.inging .lull
hum. nous songs to sail ballads, en-
ne.i tolleees and schools, the llolid.tv Inns in Mciinmls and l a k e
• ..-.•ij.-i l.asliuhl Village. I be Gale
( iillcc House. I lie I lelilll Step
t o i l e t House. IJie Kenwood folk
ctimpassing ihemes.is oltl as vlani I cstiv.il I'>• l(,,.,., I ,„i ,„ New
and I ve. !,• i.-nu ni|iui IIV concerns 1 oik (it \ anil Hie Snlaloea I'ci Inland tvcnis
mine \MS ( entei
I'rti.viuiH '"'" o ') P.M. "ii both
I'"" "/ <'»v vme/i tii>/w,mrm ru ill
/., '» P.M.
Seals and Crofts come to Troy and R.P.I. Sunday night. See them!
® 0 U i e r iEfltft (EtflEtna
presents an
Fri. & Sat.,
March 8 & 9
Campus Center Assembly Hall
Free Coffee and Donuts
Class of 77: admission free
assa.wjre™ ®
All others: $.25
All students and
faculty must
Educational Experience:
Tanya Fe£tx Giiuje*
and Tke jCaioax Zmwhk
8, 9:30,11 PM
$.75 with State Quad Card
$1.25 without
After each showing there will be a
brief discussion of film with experts.
^ •
^ , . ,
Contest Rules
Puzzle solutions m u s t be s u b m i t t e d to the A l b a n y Student
P r e s s office (CC334) by M o n d a y , 3 p m f o l l o w i n g the Friday
that the puzzle a p p e a r s .
Saturday, March 9
Friday, March 8
C o f f e e H o u s e : T h e C l a s s of '77 i s s p o n s o r i n g Tanya, Felix, Ginger and the
L a r o u x E n s e m b l e at 8:00 p . m . i n t h e C a m p u s Center A s s e m b l y Hall. F r e e coffee
a n d d o n u t s w i l l be s e r v e d . A d m i s s i o n i s
f r e e for '77 c l a s s m e m b e r s a n d 25<P for a l l
H e n w a y s : f e a t u r e s t h e m u s i c of " S w e a t
B a n d . " T h e d o o r s o p e n a t 8:00 p . m . B e e r ,
s n a c k s , a n d s o d a will be sold. A d m i s s i o n
is o n l y 75$ so g e t in o n t h e a c t i o n a n d fun
T h e S e c o n d ' A n n u a l S t u d e n t C o r p s for
R e h a b i l i t a t i o n B a n q u e t : w i l l b e g i n a t 4:55
p.m. in the A l d e n D i n i n g Hall. All past,
p r e s e n t , a n d future r e h i b i t i o n i s t s a r e invited.
Puzzle solutions will be d r a w n a t r a n d o m u n t i l t h r e e correct
solutions have been chosen.
F r e e M u s i c Store: T h e P e r f o r m i n g A r t s
Center presents " w m novak presents
m u s i c f o r m a c h i n e s " I t i s h e l d in t h e
L a b o r a t o r y T h e a t r e a n d s t a r t s a t 8:30 p . m .
The e n t e r t a i n m e n t is free and no tickets
are necessary.
No one working on or for the A l b a n y S t u d e n t P r e s s is eligibli
to win.
Rafters Coffeehouse: p r e s e n t s traditional
s i n g e r a n d s o n g w r i t e r B i l l S t e e l e , of " G a r b a g e " f a m e . Coffee a n d d o n u t s a r e s e r v e d
s t a r t i n g a t 8:00, a n d i t ' s a l l free a t t h e
Chapel House.
OKT emend
The Devil and Miss J o n e s
Fri. andSat.:8:00,9:30,11:00
R a i s i n in the S u n
S u n . : 7:00. 9:15 L. C. 18
The Heartbreak Kid
S a t . : 7:30, 9:30 L.C.18
Yellow Submarine
Fri.: m i d n i g h t A l d e n
S a t . : m i d n i g h t L.C.18
The Children's Hour
F r i . : 7:15. 9:45 L.C.I
Off Campus
The Sting
F r i . : 7:15, 9:50
S a t . : 2:30, 5:00, 7:30, 10:00
S u n . : 2:00, 4:15. 6:30, 8:50
The 9 Steps
S a t . . r:30, 10:00 L.C. 24
B l a z i n g Saddles
Fri.: 7:15, 9:20
S a t . a n d S u n . : 2:15, 4:30,
7:35, 9:40
A d a m ' s Rib
F r i . 7:30, 10:00 L.C. 24
S u n : 7:30, 10:00 L.C.24
Me i A p n e
Lee a K u m a r i
7:00 L.C.2
• 2A
F r i . a n d S a t . : 5:00,7:30,10:00
S u n . : 5:00, 7:15, 9:30
A T o u c h of C l a s s
Fri.: 7:10, 9:10
S a t . : 2:00, 7:10, 9:10
S u n . : 1:10, 3:10, 5:10, 7:10
W a l k i n g Tall
Fri.: 7:10, 9:35
S a t . : 1:30, 7:10. 9:35
S u n . : 2:15, 4:45, 7:10, 9:35
Paper Chase
Fri.: 7:20, 9:30
S a t . : 1:30 7:20, 9:30
S u n . : 1:00, 3:05. 5:10, 7:20,
T h e D a y of the D o l p h i n
Fri.: 7:05, 9:10
Sat.: 2:00, 7:05, 9:10
S u n . : 1:00, 3:00, 5:00, 7:05,
F r i . : 6:10,
Sat. and
6:05, 8:05,
7:55, 9:50
S u n . : 2:15, 4:10,
The Exorcist
F r i . a n d S a t . : 1:00, 3:15, 5:30,
7:45, 9:55, 12:00
S u n . : 1:00, 3:15, 5:30, 7:45,
C Kxxx
41 42
(P Edwafd
Lawmen: 5p.
Popeye's delicacy
City In Pennsylvania
Alder tree: Scot.
Native minerals
Town 1n Iceland
Unit of memory
Tennis great
Italian town
Metallic element
The Barefoot
Orderly progression
Flowers: Fr.
Female horse
Shadow: comb, form
Slouan Indian
u l i it,"
argi on CI 73-(
Toll road (abbr.)
Wigwam: var.
Written In verse
Football cheer
One who makes
Blood deficiency:
High on drugs
T1re Impressions
L1ly Pons, e.g.
Took potshots at
Own: Scot.
Type of jazz
Small: prefix
Hockey play
Heat units (abbr.)
Section of a
T r u f f o u t ' s T h e Wild Child
Sat.: 8:30 $1.25
Parish Hall, Lancasterand
L a r k St.
cmena i
Cinema 7
T h e Way We Were
Fri.: 7:30, 9:40
Sat.: 2:00, 7:30, 9:40
S u n . : 2:00, 7:30, 9:40
'i'his week's g a m e is a line
e x a m p l e of a n a m e with an
o p e n i n g . The
S i c i l i a n Defense i s o n e of the
most p o p u l a r defenses in the
modern chess world, and
there a r e a c o u n t l e s s n u m b e r
oi v a r i a t i o n s in this o p e n i n g .
T h e y r a n g e from v e r y
p o s i t i o n a l g a m e s to h i g h l y
e x p l o s i v e tactical g a m e s ,
and are u s u a l l y the latter.
T h i s g a m e b r a n c h e s oil from
the book l i n e s a t b l a c k s 12th
m o v e , a l t h o u g h e i t h e r white
or black could h a v e deviated
before this into m a n y o t h e r
v a r i a t i o n s of this o p e n i n g .
10 Chess piece
11 Consecrates
12 Loose-leaf
13 Hymns
15 Laxative
20 Hallucinogen
23 Refugee
27 French river
29 Star in Pegasus
30 Latin epic
32 Aggregate
34 Isolated peak
36 Tampered with
37 Ham actor
38 Indigenous ones
39 Interpreter
41 Without weapons
42 Fixes
43 Russian name(poss.
46 One who chooses
50 Ex-Pirate
53 To the inside of
54 Father: Fr.
58 Swindle
60 Greek l e t t e r
I I t F
Oil] Ul
I P 0
0 N
U R 0 L I
ram7T N H S
N I c
• D R
N 0
sI G
S. L a d e n h e i m
1. P-K4
2. N-KB4
'.). P-Q4
4. N x l '
5. N-QH3
(i. B-KN5
7. P-B4
8. P-K5
9. P x P
Lee Battes
P x p
i.| i T 0 T E s
E S S A Y s
Contest Winners
a T1 it
A i.
Mary Jean Mezzlna
Robert Nerlinger
Laurie Rosenthal
E S C II li A
>' A T E
m m 11 i
i* m.
W '' im.
1 mm
ID. PxN(a)
HA i
': M
i i i
i -v -jiia
;ARCH 8, 1974
t» m
Previous Puzzle
I'ttU !W 1 E
12. Q-Q'3
Previous Puzzle
13. N-B3(d)
14. N-K4(f)
15. N/4-N5
1(1. N-K3
17 P-B3
18. O-O
1(1. N/B3-N5 1 ?'?
21). NxB
21. K-Kl
22 B-B3
2:1 Q-Qu
2-1 BxN
25 r e s i g n s
6 - 8 PM
by J a c k U p p a l
Solution Co
The r e s u l t this time
points for WE.
The s o l u t i o n to your
p r o b l e m is s i m p l e . S i n c e E a s t
opened the b i d d i n g a n d a l s o
raised h i s stick in defiance
w h e n h e d o u b l e d , it i s
r e a s o n a b l y safe to a s s u m e he
is the p r o u d o w n e r of the K i n g
of c l u b s , a s well a s the Ace of
h e a r t s , of c o u r s e . A c c o r d i n g ly, after w i n n i n g the club at
trick two, the Ace of d i a m o n d s
is p l a y e d followed by the
Q u e e n of d i a m o n d s , upon
which you d i s c a r d y o u r last
spade when E a s t p r o d u c e s the
club King. Now even if East
s t a n d s on h i s head he c a n n o t
put p a r t n e r into the lead for
that d e v a s t a t i n g club lead.
by Henry Jaoobson
1 Ties
46 I
Contract: 4H dbl. by S
Op. Ld.: SQ
After Bast o p e n s t h e b i d d i n g
with 1 s p a d e , S o u t h p l a y s in 4
h e a r t s doubled by Bast. T h e
o p e n i n g lead of the s p a d e
Queen i s o v e r t a k e n by E a s t ' s
King, and the trey of c l u b s is
shot back, t a k e n by N o r t h ' s
Ten. Ten tricks, a n y o n e ?
East wouldn't be l e a d i n g
i n t o N o r t h ' s club h o l d i n g
w i t h o u t s o m e v e r y good
reason. T h e r e a s o n is good,
and obvious. E a s t ' s idea is t h a t
he's g o i n g to club you to d e a t h
and then take four t r i c k s
before you can even get y o u r
g u n s loaded IT you decide to
pull t r u m p s . H a s t w i l l p l a y his
Ace. and r e t u r n a low s p a d e to
his p a r t n e r ' s .lack. A club
return by West will now leave
you with s p l i n t e r s w h e r e it
h u r t s most
50 p o i n t s for
• ••1
37 38 39
F r i . : 7:25, 9:20
S a t . a n d S u n . : 2:00, 3:55,
5:50, 7:45, 9:45
dLMMY 9M£ emeu*
Pete'n' Tillie
F r i . : 7:30. 9:30 L.C. 18
S AKxxxx
H Ax
D Kxxx
C 3
D Jxxx
C Jxxx
Only one solution p e r p e r s o n accepted.
On Campus
H 98x
Each of the three w i n n e r s will be entitled to a $10 gift certificate to the c a m p u s b o o k s t o r e .
M e r c h a n d i s e m u s t be
claimes within two weeks of notification.
Movie Timetable
jName, address, p h o n e n u m b e r a n d s o c i a l s e c u r i t y number
m u s t appear on y o u r solution.
Fasching-Mardi Gras: The G e r m a n Club
is s p o n s o r i n g a F a s c h i n g celebration in
B r u b a c h e r D i n i n g H a l l a t 8:00 p . m .
Tickets are on sale from the German
D e p a r t m e n t f o r $3.50 w i t h t a x a n d $5.00
without. C o s t u m e s are welcome so come
a n d e n j o y a t o u c h of G e r m a n y !
Sunday, March 10
Tricks and Trumps WSU A 6 4 0
Notes- a) Other p o s s i b i l i t i e s
are 10. N-B3 or better 10. QK2. For e x a m p l e : 10. Q-K2
KN-Q2; 1 l.O-O-O B-N2 (or BN5: 12. N-K4 QxP: 13.N-B3 QB2; 14.P-QH3 B-Bl: 15.P-KN4!
B-N2; 18.B-N2 Q-B5; 17.QxQ
PxQ; 18.N-K5! with s l i g h t adv a n t a g e for white) 12.Q-N4
Q-N3 (NxP: lS.NxKP PxN:
14.QxPeh B-K2: lS.BxPch
P x B Hi.NxP w i n n i n g . Or 12.
....QxP; 13.BxP! PxB; 14.KRKl. or 12
N-QB3; 13.NxKP
PxB; Hi.NxPQ-B:S; 17.N-Q6ch
K-Ql: 18.NxBch QxN; 19.RxNch! QxK; 20.K-Q1 with adv a n t a g e to white) 13. BxPl?
(or B-KB4) PxB; 14.N/4xNP
NxP; 15.Q-KB4 QN-B3 with
a d v a n t a g e to balck. b) Also
possible are Q-K2 or N-K4
both leading e i t h e r to c i t h e r
d r a w n positions or p o s i t i o n s
with s l i g h t a d v a n t a g e for
black, c) The book line is Qltftch 13.P-N3 QxBP; 14.RKB1 Q-K4; 1 5 . 0 - 0 - 0 B-B4;
lB.NxKpl Q-K6ch; 17.R-Q2!
QxQ; 18.N-B7ch K-Ql: 19.RxQch KxN; 20.RxPch with an
a t t a c k for white,
d) T h i s
probably is not best 13. B-B3
is probably better e.g. BxB;
14.QxB R-R2; 15.N-B6. e)Not
QxNP'.''' 14.R-KN1 Q-RB;
15.PxP winning. I) White is
w a s t i n g too m u c h time tryi n g to m a n e u v e r h i s k n i g h t s
to gel an attack on the KB
file. 1 4 . 0 - 0 - 0 m a y be better
Itemember t h a t there is a
t o u r n a m e n t a t RP1 this
weekend. S p e c t a t o r s are certainly welcome (no c h a r g e ) ,
and p l a y e r s m a y still e n t e r
the t o u r n a m e n t u p to 9:15
t o m o r r o w m o r n i n g at the
RP1 Union. Next S a t u r d a y
(March 16) Kenneth Rogoff
g i v i n g
s i m u l t a n e o u s e x h i b i t i o n at
the Colonie
Center. S p e c t a t o r s are a l s o
welcome to this event.
'The House of Cypress Gardens"
8 - 1 0 PM
Whatever type of music
you like you'll find it on
WSUA 640
Devil Made Her Dolt
And Him See It
by Steve Klein
The task of reviewing erotic
cinema can be an enjoyable experience and it also may prove to be
a waste of time, money and celluloid.
The film The Devil In Mia Jones
provides little of the former and
quite a bit of the latter. The notoriety of the movie intrigued me to say
the least, and I really was looking
forward to the experience. I must
say I was a little disappionted.
Some fans of pornographic| Aim
will say it's not the plot but what
they've got that is the standard by
which one evaluatesllhc necessity of
these films. I really can't agree. The
Devil In Miss Jones, starring
Georgina\ Spelvin, is about a virgin
who decides to take her own life. But
the trick is that she is given the
chance to partake in all the 'little dirty' things she missed out onin life.
Since she has been condemned
anyway, for committing suicide, she
decides to indulge in sex and wants
her time to be spent consumed and
possessed by lust before she makes
her trip to the inferno. Breaking her
in (no pun intended) to her evil ways
is I the incomparable Harry Recms,
the Sultan of Stag. If you've seen
Deep Throat and countless number
of other pomo gems you may
recognize Harry, depending on how
much you've seen. Through his instruction. Miss Jones becomes quite
the artist r. Masters and Johnson
never dreamedtheir research might
lead lo some ol the things she gets
into. Besides the sexual experiences
she has with Harry she also manages
to find the time for bananas, apples
grapes, two guys at the same time, a
lesbian and even a snake. She was a
very jbaisjK girl, indeed.
The Devil in Miss Jones is really
episodes in sexual absurdity. The
only scene resembling any form of
tasteful or sensual eroticism was the
love scene of the two lesbians. The
dialogue was too full of those four
letter representations of sexual intercourse, in all its Kama Sutric
manifestations, and human genitals.
In addition, the music drove me
crazy. The monotony and the tempo
was not appropos for pogo sticking,
much less a film score. Thefilmwas
produced by Pierre Productions on a
low budget and the result is not surprising: Pornographic film is rare in
that it lacks necessary innovations to
make it worthwhile and interesting.
Nuclear Plants Raising New Questions
This is a three part series on the
issue of the safety of nuclear power
plants and citizen and government
efforts to regulate their use. Part 1
deals with the controversial
questions surrounding power plant
safety and the possibility of a nuclear
plant accident. Part 11 covers the actions of citizens, environmentalists
and scientists toward a nuclear
power plant moratorium. Part Hi
covers the attitude of government
and business toward the plants and
the operational problems some
plants have encountered to date.
with another sinner, this one a male
who is only concerned with the existence of an imaginary fly, and the
only thing she wants to do is get off
on his dangling conversational piece.
He just isn't interested, so all she it
left with arc her desires and an inability to get what she wants. Life
must mean more than that and since
we all know there ain't no sex after
death Miss Jones should have been
properly advised when she was alive.
My advice to you, whatever it's
worth, is that if you arc interested in
seeing the Devil
The Devil In Miss Jones is certainly
no exception. It was a little far out
hut the viewing of the film soon
became tedious. It is safe to say that
many prospective moviegoers may
he repulsed by the means of Ms.
Spelvin's sexual expressionism, yet
the most repulsive thing about the Jones
't w ' " D c shown on the
film was the way the suicide scene campus this weekend. The film is
was handled. She died much too provocative' and people that have
quickly after she slit her wrists and shown the film in Albany previously
worst of all the director didn't even have been arrested. I hope that the
bother to have the bathtub eleanted campus is exempt from the comfor later scenes. Very Messy.
munity in a moral attempt lo mainParting does not become sweet lain students' innocence when it
sorrow. Hell isn't the blazing infer- comes lo what we as individuals
no. Il seemed such a pity. What was a
want to see or not. It should be
nice girl like Miss Jones doing in a shown in any event. The Devil 'In
place like that anyway .' She is Mis\Jtnii'.\ is being brought to you
relegated to an existence in a cell
by thedtrty old chapsat I ower iiast.
A new slant on Shakespeare's Comedy of Errors—mxt week.
It's Too Late to Stop Now
Van Morrison
l i s t $11.98 SALE $6.79
Todd Rundgren
Uriah Heap
List $9.98 SALE $5.79
Reunion in Central Park
Blues Project
List $9.98 SALE $5.79
Living in the Past (Import)
Jethro Tull
List $9.98 SALE $3.99
Made in Japan (Import)
Deep Purple
James Gang
THIS SATURDAY ONLYOur $2.99 Round Robin Sale will be
increased from 24 to 32 LP's to celebrate
List $9.98 SALE $3.99
Last minute arrival:
Wor ( U v Album) List $9.98 SALE $5.79
| j LLb-V ffl b-HLILr
B. B. King
84 Centra! Ave 434-0085
Twenty Mall Guilderland 456-8187
Part I
by Kay Joslin
(CPS) From a few little - heeded
warnings by scientists over the past
two decades, the case for a
moratorium on construction of
nuclear power plants has become a
major concern to man Americans
who are seeking state and national
legislative action through grassroots
organizations, petition campaign,
initiatives, relcrcndums and the
Why the concern especially when
the US is experiencing a shortage of
fossil fuels? There are 36 nuclear
power plants in operation in the US
today, producing about four percent
of the nation's power. The Atomic
Energy Commission (AEC) . which
has the unique position of both
promoting and regulating nuclear
plants, has proposed I he construction
of at least 1000 plants by the end of
the century, to produce 30 per cent of
the nation's power.
However, scientists, environmentalists and citizens have brought to
light serious safety problems with
nuclear power plants that they say
have been covered up by the AEC.
One area ol concern has been the
e\er-present possibility of a major
nuclear plain accident resulting from
emus in design oc maintenance ol a
plant, from a natural disaster.acts ol
Msabotage,or Irom a war.
1'he llJ57 Hrookhaven report,
sponsored b\ the A l t ' , reported thai
il one
lentil ol the long
radioactive poisons hum a 200
megawatt plain were released it
would result in deaths ol Irom 3000
lo 45.000 people and thousands
more would die a slow death I ruin
i ml need leukemia MI
cancer, not to mention the genetic
damage that would be passed on to
A nucleai accident
would also cause radio
cunt a in i nation ol agiicultuie and
walci resources, necessitate evacuation ol land aieas Uu \eais and
create massive unemplovmenl and
business closures, the report said. In
Mas ol 1971 the acting secietai) ol
the \ l t coiilii med the conclusions
ol the Itiooklunen studv
I he Aft
icpoited that the
chances ol such a catasifuphic event
were one in one billion a year, but
some nueleai engineers have es-
timated the chances to be one in one
thousand a year.
Each 1000
megawatt power plant provides
enough radioactivity every year to
equal 10,000 Hiroshima atomic
bombs, according to the Committee
for Nuclear Responsibility. This includes such poisons as strontium 90, iodine
131 and plutonium 239.
In normal operation of a nuclear
plant, the reactor core contains rods
of uranium which undergo a fission
process that creates heat. Water
flows throughout the reactor core
both to cool the core and transfer
the heat from the core to an electric
generator. The nuclear core must be
keptcovered by water or it will rapidly overheat and melt into a large
radioactive mass that would be impossible to cool or contain, according to opponents of the power
Failure in the functioning of the
water cooling system theoretically
could be controlled by a plant's
emergency core cooling system
UiCCS). a back
up device that
would supply cooling water to the
reactor core. However, opponents
lear that all systems could fail at
once causing the reactor lo melt very
quickly and radioactive gases to escape. No one. including the AEC, is
sure ECCS's are lailproof because
they have only been tested with
theoretical models. In 1970 they
I ailed to work in six out ol six tests.
Ol equal concern lo opponents of
nuclear power plants has been the
danger inherent in storage and
transportation ol radioactive
materials, which must bekeptoul of
the environment for as long as 100,000 years. Radioactive leaks Irom
power plants and storage sites have
already occurred and opponents
have said massive leaks are not impossible. Radioactive materials in
the plants, in storage sites, or en route lo hurial grounds are highlv
vulnerable to sabotage, attack oi
1 belt by enemies or terrorists, as w ell
as highwav accidents, according lo
Continued operation ol nuclear
Got Spring
We've got the
Always on Sunday
ALBANY, (AP) - Gasoline
stations along the Thruway will be
opening on Sundays again, and the
legislature has seized upon that fact
to cancel its own special program of
Sunday gas supplies to its members.
The state Thruway Authority announced Wednesday that beginning
this weekend its gas stalions will
open al noon on Sundays, ending
Ihrec months of compliance with the
national voluntary policy of Sunday
At the same time. Gov. Malcolm
Wilson issued an executive order
reducing from 100 miles to 47 miles
the distance motorists must travel on
the I hruway before buying gas on
the "wrong" day under the odd-even
rationing program.
A few hours later. Assembly
speaker Perry Durycu and Senate
Majority Leader Warren Anderson
issued a joint statement declaring the
new I hruway policies had "obviated" the need for the legislature's
Sunday supplies program.
I he legislature's program, which
only came to light on 1 uesday.
allowed lawmakers who needed
more than one tank ol gas to return
to Albans lo obtain ftll-ups at State
Department ol Transportation
highway garages en route.
Ibis program received widespread news media coverage, and
several lawmakers immediately
denounced it publicly. All of the
denouncers were from the Albany
area or able to ride regular airline
flights to their jobs.
The Thruway decision to open on
Sundays apparently came as part of
an expanding state policy to end the
Sunday closings, rather than as a
way to let the legislators off the hook
on the Sunday supplies program.
thruway Chairman R. Burdcll
Dixby said the Sunday closings
policy "has caused hardship and inconvenience to thousands of
travelers with legitimate reasons to
travel on Sunday." He said il also
had hurl the state's recreation industry.
He said the Thruway "might" have
lo close gasoline stations at other
hours, such as early in the morning,
lo offset any drain on supplies
triggered by the Sunday sales.
I he stations will continue to close
at M p.m. Sulurday. but will reopen at
noon each Sunday. I hey had been
staying closed until midnight Sunday.
Currently. 2S.ol the.'1 concession
s t a l i o n s along the 559-mile
superhighway are open. I he stations
al (luilderland. Ramapo and
Ardsley are closed lor lack of
supplies. Some ol the stalions are
limiting sales to a maximum of S.V
and all tiiat
pulled together "fag
in liis new
m m
• Rope Hangers
•Dried Flowers
California Pottery
• Local Pottery
• House Plants
power plants has posed another
dilemma — the construction of
breeder reactors.
Because of a
predicted shortage of uranium —
235, power plants would havetorely
on plutonium as a substitute tucl,
which the breeder reactor could
produce, because it makes more fuel
than it uses. However, the reactor
would produce even more deadly
radioactive wastes than regular
nuclear power plants, including
2.19. which has a half
life ol 24.000 years and is the most
carcinogenic substance known, according to Friends ol" the Earth
researcher Jeffrey Knight.
Environmentalists have also
claimed nuclear power plantsare the
source ol thermal or heat pollution,
when plants discharge water they
used hack into the rivers and
streams. Although the waters are
not radioactive they can raise the
temperature of the streams, and have
a drastic effect on aquatic life.
Hut overall, the nuclear power
plant issue has been slated as a moral
one. As one professor who is sponsoring a moratorium petition in Illinois put it: "Does any generations
of humans have the moral right to
produce radioactive energy which
irreversibly compromised the future
ol all generations lo come?'
6mi?/)t to you by M/zmerffws-t/iepeop/e
//?<$/gz/eyou "The tfezz S/h?er "
From Warns' B r n t ^
Wbinttr Com m-nica lion • Company
•alltown Rd.
1030 Mwlison Ave.
Mid-City Shea Cantor
F m ••rttng-JUbwy
»*ss»*!r'---** *w"-'
Quote o f the D a y
"I believe he's belter o f f . . . t o let it all hang out. He [President N i x o n ] m a y
not think s o . "
Jacob Javits (R.-N. Y.) when asked
of documents
and tapes to the House
JThe King Pin
T h e y ' v e all b e e n i n d i c t e d . M i t c h e l l , H a l d e m a n , E r l i c h m a n n , S t a n s , C o l s o n , t h e c o r e
ing before a g r a n d j u r y , perjury} o b s t r u c t i o n of justice—all t h e u n s a v o r y w h i t e collar
c r i m e s {that u s e d t o g o u n n o t i c e d . B u t n o t n o w . T h e c o u r t s h a v e g o t e a c h of t h o s e o n c e ,
highly r e s p e c t e d j n e n o n c r i m i n a l c h a r g e s . A l l e x c e p t o n e . R i c h a r d N i x o n h a s e v a d e d t h e
lawful p e r s u i t o f j u s t i c e f o r t o o l o n g . H i s a i d e s a r e a l m o s t i n e v i t a b l y g o i n g t o g o t o j a i l ,
w h i l e , i n a l l p r o b a b i l i t y t h e t o p c r o o k is still o c c u p y i n g t h e office o f t h e P r e s i d e n t o f t h e
United States.
W h o ' s k i d d i n g w h o m ? N i x o n h a s g o t " c o v e r - u p " w r i t t e n all o v e r h i s p o l i t i c a l face, if
not downright complicity. T h e judicial system which |has been w o r k i n g pretty a d m i r a b l y of l a t e , m u s t n o t n o w l o s e t h e p e r s i s t a n c e n e c e s s a r y t o t h e j u s t c o n s l u s i o n of
this s o r d i d affair.
Parliamentary Blues: I
G o v e r n m e n t s of t h e w o r l d , b e w a r e ! T h e lessons that h a v e been t h r u s t before us duri n g t h e p a s t w e e k a r e a s o b e r i n g r e m i n d e r t h a t t h e b r u t a l facts of e c o n o m i c s a r e far
s t r o n g e r t h a n t h e t e n u o u s o n e s o f p o l i t i c s . B r i t a i n h a s s e e n its C o n s e r v a t i v e g o v e r n m e n t l e d b y M r . H e a t h t h r o w n o u t b y b e l e a g u e r e d v o t e r s . C r i p p l e d for w e e k s b y a
I leel the Doug's basic mistake is in assuming the environmentalists lo be ;i hunch ol
1 a n ;i t i c s i n
II s h e
i I
"Primitives., enamoured In ihe idea nl
western m a n ululating ihe 'noble savages and
renouncing the materialism ol oui age." Man.
whclhci he likes il oi not, is a part nl his
natural environment, not apart from il Man
has t o o long huill a metal, plastic, a n d ghiss
barrier against ihe natural world. I lie u,ueslion is n o w . whether alter abusing his
resources and muddying his air and watei, if
Man can continue lo live in his,duly playpen
p a r a l y z i n g n a t i o n - w i d e c o a l m i n e r s s t r i k e , t h a t s m a l l n a t i o n h a s h a d t o dc w i t h a t h r e e d a y w o r k w e e k , little if a n y e l e c t r i c i t y a n d g a s o l i n e , a n d a n e c o n o m y s t r a i n e d t o its
T h e v o t e r s h a v e s h o w n t h e i r d i s g u s t w i t h t h e p r e s e n t s i t u a t i o n in t h e i r c o u n t r y . T h e y
have s h o w n t h a t they a r e simply dissatisfied with t h e w a y t h e H e a t h g o v e r n m e n t h a s
b e e n r u n n i n g t h i ngs. T h e b i t t e r a n t a g o n i s m b e t w e e n H e a t h a n d t h e m i n e r s h a s e l e v a t e d
H a r o l d W i l s o n , w h o w a s d e p o s e d in 1970, t o t h e r a n k s o f n o s t a l g i c l e g e n d .
W i l s o n will b e w o r k i n g w i t h a m i n o r i t y g o v e r n m e n t s s i t u a t i o n t h a t i s d i f f i c u l t in t h e
b e s t of t i m e s , b u t a l m o s t h o p e l e s s i n t h e c r i t i c a l t i m e s s u c h a s E n g l a n d faces n o w . T h e
will s h o w
is a f a r m o r e
in t i m e s o f p o l i t i c a l
b r i n k s m a n s h i p , w h e n t h e b a l a n c e o f a p o l i c y h a n g s o n t h e m a j o r i t y o f o n e v o t e , t h a n he
is w h e n given a l m o s t a b s o l u t e a u t h o r i t y o v e r t h e H o u s e o f C o m m o n s . B r i t a i n c o u l d
n o t h a v e p i c k e d a b e t t e r l i m e t o r e t u r n W i l s o n t o p o w e r ; p e r h a p s h e will b e a b l e t o
salvage t h e d a m a g e d o n e before h i m .
Parliamentary Blues: II
A Young View of Washington
P r i m e M i n i s l e r G o l d a M c i r h a s finally s u c c e c d e d i n u d u e v i n g t h e g o a l t h a t h a s e l u d e d
h e r since t h e D e c e m b e r e l e c t i o n s t h e f o r m a t i o n o f a n e w g o v e r n m e n t . F a c e d w i t h m u c h
t h e s a m e p r o b l e m a s G r e a t B r i t a i n , n a m e l y t h e i n a b i l i t y t o c o o r d i n a t e d i s p a r a t e fac-
What The U S Needs: A Good 6C Letter
t i o n s a n d p a r t i e s i n t o a w o r k a b l e c o a l i t i o n , M r s . M e i r w a s , at o n e p o i n t , m o v e d t o
t h r e a t e n t h e c o u n t r y wit h n o less t h a n h e r r e s i g n a t i o n a n d a t a n o t h e r , t o r e s i g n h e r s e l l t o
t h e t h o u g h t of a C a b i n e t w i t h o u t D e f e n s e M i n i s t e r M o s h e D a y a n . D a y a n h a d c o m e
u n d e r s e v e r e c r i t i c i s m l o r t h e p u n i s h m e n t t h e Israeli f o r c e s t o o k d u r i n g t h e O c t o b e r
Yom Kippur War
W i t h t h e a n n o u n c e m e n t t h a t t h e t r a d i t i o n a l allies of t h e L a b o r A l i g n m e n t - t h e Ind e p e n d e n t L i b e r a l s a n d t h e N a t i o n a l R e l i g i o u s P a r t i e s will j o i n in M r s . M e i r ' s c o a l i t i o n
g o v e r n m e n t , I s r a e l i s n o w a s s u r e d of o p e r a t i o n u n d e r a m a j o r i t y g o v e r n m e n t , w h i c h ,
u n t i l t h e h o u r b e l o r e t h e legal d e a d l i n e w a s a n u n c e r t a i n t y a n d v i r t u a l i m p o s s i b i l i t y . In
Washington - On the eve ol a new increase
in postal rates to 10 cents per ounce lor first
class, the prestigious American Enterprise Institute has published a study supporting a
breakup ol the government's mail delivery
monopoly. The message: Let's give private
enterprise u crack at the job.
the c o m i n g intense n e g o t i a t i o n s with t h e Egyptians a n d t h e Syrians, a unified g o v e r n m e n t is a vital p r e - r e q u i s i l c il Israel is t o a t least be a b l e t o t a l k w i t h a u n i f i e d b a r g a i n i n g
h a n d with her A r a b adversaries. T h e kind of political d e a l i n g a n d haggling that went
o n a r o u n d - t h e - c l o c k until t h e c o a l i t i o n w a s finally a n n o u n c e d , s h o w e d t h e w o r l d t h a t
t h e effects of t h e Y o m K i p p u r W a r o n Israel's p o l i t i c a l a r e n a w a s c a t a s t r o p h i c .
W i t h t h e G e n e v a i t a l k s (if t h e y e v e r s u r f a c e ) set t o t a l k r e a l p o l i t i k o v e r I s r a e l ' s f u t u r e
a n d t h e l u t u r e o l t h e M i d d l e E a s t in g e n e r a l , t h e n e w g o v e r n m e n t w o u l d b e w i l l - a d v i s e d
t o w o r k t o g e t h e r u n t i l t h e a f t e r m a t h o f t h e w a r is s e t t l e d .
t D H O K Its t ' l l
( i l l Nf\ VON NlJSH
. .. ,
. . .
NAM v M i l l
I .lit Ik l)A\
K l \ IN (JANIfcLS
I'mvinv Kin ion
SfDKIS h I ' l l OK
Hid e l M AOUIN
i.lNDA MlJUf
| ( I ASSIMHt A l H t U I I S I M ,
M A r i MfeVKK, M l ( IIAtX KoHfcNIHAUH
. .
I A l i Y t f t l l M M . i'KODl ( HON
&fiW1iHiHAtM% E W I O B *
'• " ' , ,
< Ilia
| , O l H Of-Hi tM AJU: IAH AlfcU IN CAUfLta CfcNjfcK 326 ANlJ 334 ANIM
I Wl \Ub f U N P t p ^ y
l i l l (INK Al IlllJOM
Part ol the problem, to be sure, is bad public
relations on the part ol the Post Office. I he
most recent example making the rounds involves a lady who complained to a postal
employee about the rough treatment her
11agile hiix ol cookies was receiving I he irate
clerk promptly had the lady arrested and
called in the bomb squad, much to
everybody's lalei chagrin,
'iNtws b i m o r t
It is not. of course, a new idea, but is one
which has received renewed attention in the
past decade as postal rales have soared to alltime highs and the quality of service,at least in
the minds ol some has steadily deteriorated,
^ . S M V I A M TO THE E p I t O R
. . Wi'ND,"ASUii(
tn.HH, C'lNUY ItfNiNhll, (JAKY Si MMV
UK MKJNfcAARfc 457-21 WAND457-2IM
To the Editor:
It is ludicrous t o blame t h e environmentalists for the present energy crisis. As an e n vironmentalist 1 would like t o refute what I
consider misconceptions on the part of
Douglas I.eCompte in his column, "The Environmentalists and the Energy Crisis." T h e
present crisis (speeded, however it might be,
by certain oil companies) has been predicted
since the I960's by environmentalists a n d
research groups like the Club of Rome. T h e
energy crisis is a product of decades of
wasteful abuse of the world's resources by a
greedy materialistic Western Civilization.
(Our military complex alone, consumes 30
million gallons of fuel every day ZNS.) The
environmentalists have long been advocates of
measures like mass transportation, that would
conserve o u r resources. Il is the oil conglomerates and auto manufacturers who arc
to blame for keeping thegasoline-gu77.ling internal combustion engine in every garage. And
it is the oil companies who are leaping windtall profits in the present crisis. T h e environmentalists aren't in it lor the money.
fhey're on the wiong side ol the power slructure.
o f t h e f o r m e r W h i t e H o u s e p o w e r e l i t e . T h e y ' v e b e e n hit w i t h c h a r g e s o f c o n s p i r a c y , ly-
Hut pool public relations does not explain
awuj the haid realil) thai it is costing more
anil nitiic to mail letters that take longer and
longei to arrive lire tact is that the giant
postal corpoiatmii and organization which
doesn't have lo pay taxes, on whose losses
are subsidized by Congress, one which has top
management minds al its beck a n d call is
showing increasing signs ol being unable to d o
the job which it was commissioned to perform.
At llusaiucjimc the privately owned United
Parcel Service-which has tu pay taxes like the
iest ol us. which must sustain its o w n losses,
which must compete toi|ils business not only
with tit her linns hut also against the virtual
government monopoly over mail delivery*
continues to grow and prosper[(600 million
packages dilivcied this year). Obviously, il
by Ron Hendren>;.:.x.:::::.;.:.>:*
UPS. in spite ol all these difficulties, were not
doing a better j o b than the Post Office, and at
a lower cost, they would not be growing and
making money.
I here are other examples: Utility companies which have learned they can hand
deliver their own bills cheaper and m o r e effectively than the Post Office. H i n t s winch have
switched to private third-class mail delivering
companies are saving stamp money while enloymg better service.
I he success ol U P S and its sister firms
suggests a strong case lor gi\ ing private enterprise a chance lo compete with the Post Office
lor In si-class mail delivery business, now
prohibited by law Ol course, the Post Office is
opposed to such a move, partly because they
t In ci o r g a n i z a t i o n ,
govei ninenl-i un opciMions, is no shape to
compete with piiv.ile businesses I he I'osi < )|
lice .11 (Uics 11 I,I i pi iv ate In ins would "ski in the
cieam oil ihe lop", thai they would deliver
lust-class mail (lire Post Oil ice's real money
maker I and ignore second , third- a n d louiihclass mail, which are now losing propositions
lor the government and require taxpayer sub
sidies However, that argument is it sell an admission to the charge that when you a n d I mail
,i lnsi class teller, part ol oiu sunup monev
goes to pa> lot the deliver) ol newspapers,
magazines, and b u l k i a l e "junk" mail an exploitation ol taxpayers il ever there was one
Hut even with all this evidence, will the
monopoly be bioken up ' I'lohahly nut. When
was ihe last time you saw government give up
controls'.' My guess is, it wasn't recently. And
the Post Oltice will be no exception, not at
least until we wake up one morning and tmd
out thiii Hie cost ol a stamp is so high, it's
cheaper to use the phone
I llnnk il you lake a long, hard look al Ihe
environmental movement, you will find that
. ihe " D o o m s d a y crowd" and "religious nuts"
are hut a useless fringe of the movement. Most
environmentalists a r c clear-headed, and set
long-range plans. I think that in any city or
state y o u will find ihem to he the first to a d vocate regional planning. It happened right
here in Albany last year, as the Albany State
I'.Y.E. Club and other concerned groups
fought to save the Pine Hush against
h a p h a z a r d destruction.
I disagree with h o n g ' s refusal lo accept
governmental control. Without some kind ol
order you have chaos, Without region.il planning s o u have haphazard development, and
ugly ui ban -suburban eyesores ! he conservative approach is lo icsist government control ol lug business Well, then pay 50c m
more loi a gallon ol gas. feed ihe rich oil c o m pany stockholder and pull Voui bells in
a n o t h e r notch
D o u g ' s conrplaini ae..nnsi
regulations was lather si II s I'd like In ask hi in
il lie would prelei a bruised Inn-head ol metal
coffin il he goi iiiio .i clash ' Also, the 50 utilean-hour speed limit does make sense II saves
both Uses and gasoline As regards emission
control, the Japanese look half the lime In
develop a system much more eltieicnl. lire
American auto maiiulacturers pui only a halfhearted effort into the lliing with predictable
results. I here is actually a p i o b l e m with die
large cars which Doug omits. Large a i r s use
more gasoline but they are also safer than i h e
small ones. Hut don't blame ihe environmentalists lor this. Ihey a r e Ihe ones w h o a r e i d l ing you lo ride the bus, leniembci'.'
II is Hue that piescnl environmental laws
.lie chaotic Hut that is because lire National
I ilviionuieiil.il I'ollc) Acl .'I I MM docsn'l
have enough teeth lo u I lie oil companies,
sieel companies, p.ipei nulls and then lobbyists and lneiuls in ( ongiessaieconsisleiilly
undei nulling it. I he I 1 "- 1 I edeial Walei
Pollution I ontiol Ail (sponsored by Senator
Muskic) was a mistake 11 exempted the
l . l ' . A . from control ol permits Section 102
(2c) ol the Acl which requires Environmental
Impact Statements.)
What this country despeialely needs is
n o t i o n a l e n v i r o n m e n t a l planning. Environmental laws ought to be coordinated in a
c o h e r e n t framework..
s h o u l d n o t b e b l a m e d for holding u p \ t h e
ravishing of t h e earth by thirsty oil companies*..
O u r fossil fuel supply i s limited and ought to
be conserved. Exploration ought t o g o o n in
wind, solar, a n d n u c l e a r energy, b u t u n d e r
rigid governmental control so that t h e r e are n o
disastrous accidents. Drilling s h o u l d have
taught us that. In his article, Douglas
L e C o m p t c made it s o u n d ridiculous that we
should be concerned with t h e fate of Alaskan
C a r i b o u . There was a time when y o u would
have been ridiculed for criticizing the shooting
of passenger pigeons. And there w a s a time
when there were deer in M a n h a t t a n .
carelessly fail t o realize i t s d e m a n d to the comthe incoming freshman d a t t o f that year, an
munity and especially the j u n i o r student body
excerpt under the SchdoLof Social W e l f a r e '
who declared themselves majors in the field reads, " R e q u i r e m e n t s for admis»fk>n are a s for
-last fall, but a t a later d a t e desperately
o t h e r programs in the University.""Aeithe reattempted t o encourage these s a m e willing
q u i r e m e n t s for o t h e r d e p a r t m e n t s , a r e jiilrier
students t o change t h e i r major. T h e a c c o m credit s t a n d i n g only, then this in t u r n , is t h e
D a n Frinta
Off And Running
T o the Editor:
It should be fairly obvious t o all (even t o .
those of you who have n o idea as to what kind
of games a r e being played by t h e people involved in your Student Association) that people a r e starting lo indirectly tell you that they
may be running lor S. A. offices next year. F o r
those ol you who c a n n o t see all of t h e subtle
hints. I'll try and spell a few of them out for
modation of majors t o the senior year practicum (equivalent t o the student-teaching area
of the Education D e p a r t m e n t ) has created t h e
tremendous upheaval. As the d e p a r t m e n t
failed in discouraging their juniors, they have
been deciding on specific ad mission s t a n d a r d s
to be implemented this year for the upcoming
junior class. What these standards will be a r e
yet t o be revealed.
The six times I wished lo a p p r o a c h Dr.
Rooncy, Director of t h e Undergraduate
Program, he was never in his office a t his
specified office hours n o r w a s his secretary.
Those s o p h o m o r e s who were lucky enough to
finally contact him were given vague answers
as t o possible testing procedures, index requirements, interviews and the like. When is
the d e p a r t m e n t going t o talk in concrete terms
instead of these hazy generalities while so
many s o p h o m o r e s w h o have been preparing
lor the 66 credit requirements since freshman
year await these impending decisions?
Furthermore, does the Social Welfare
l-'irsi ol all. there is the newly formed
department realistically think that they can get
political party on c a m p u s . This is being started
away with such pursuits? According to the
by David Coyne. I r u e . his intentions are a d mirable. Me (and I say lit because ihe p a r t y g :
and Mr. C o y n c a r c o n c a n d t h e s a m e l w a n l s u s i g ,
students lo be more aware of what is h a p p e n - jjj
ing mi campus and in our Student Associa-%
lion We should even thank David Coyne l o i g
his ..pen invitation l o ull of us l o attend i h e g
organizational meetings.
from The Frog's Mouth
I wo points must be raised concerning Ibis ft
"p.uly" llrsl of all. why were personalized in- •:•:
u l a l i o n s seal out to specific members already :£
involved m our government? It will become %\
apparent, I "feel, thai his political party is a :';:•
hunch id crap. All n will d o is highlight the fact >:•
ih.u the people already heavily involved in £:
S.A. have no minds ol their o w n . vote in :£
blocks, and give little thought and considers- :•:•
lion m i lie people Ihey represent (for example: ;:•;
il Ihey eared about our wishes, why the hell Sj:
wasn't Erie l.onschein kicked oui of ollice tor :•:•:
his actions on the day ihe Miami tickets went |f
on sale?). S. A., as it is now, is run by a few elite $
people whom I shall refer lo from now on as
Ihe "S.A. Clique".
only basis for admission for the future social
welfare major. In a d d i t i o n , the 1973-74
catalog also stipulated t h a t the School of
Social Welfare a l o n g with the Schools of
Business, Public Affairs a n d College of Arts
a n d Sciences have as their only requirement a
junior credit standing. It specifically states
that only those registered in the T e a c h e r
Education P r o g r a m must be accepted o n
other a p p l i c a b l e t e r m s to the School of Education. Evidently, t h e School of Social Welfare
is going t o have So take careful consideration
in their u p c o m i n g final decision o r t h e y might
be faced with an inrefutable law suit for breach
of contract t o t h e class of 7 6 .
However, the department continues to
"take its sweet lime" while so many
sophomores anxiously await these important
results which will so dramatically affect their
futures. In conclusion, it appears grossly
ironic that so many upper cschelon a d ministrators who a r e so unfair, unfeeling and
unconipassionate t o their student body can
base Ihe audacity to call themselves Social
Klutzes, Deities, or Pagans?
Also, why is Mr. Coyne forming thislwhich
he says is to help e d u c a t e the "people" as to the
workings ol S.A.) so late in the year. II he was
truly interested in educating us, he would have
lormed this party a long lime a g o . flunk
about it.
£•:• by Tom IMoycr
We a r e all environmenlalisls. We may fall
ft: into dilierent categories, bill we are all enpj viron me Ma lists. We can't help it. I here isn't a
E-i; one ol us who doesn't live in this earthly en•S vironment or who can claim not lo bealiected
Another lid-bit. also
ncidentally ft , ( ) U [ . L . n v u U n m e n t . O u r environment is aliJ
a ut tuned h\ Mr. C o y n e , is the inclusion in Ilasl tv
week's A S I > u c c o u n t ! * a s t o w h a t l i a p p c n c d i U a |
„ w o u k | c | t . a i l n j n g s up il cu!Vrhaps
nt Central Council meeting. I lie article g v u o n m e u t a l i s t s were divided into categories.
was written with such care and detail 1 thought ;•:•; Basically, iheie is the "Armchair EnMi Coyne would tell us who blew Ins nose Kf\u un me nl a list" who has ;i superficial and
Iust .ii the meeting- h is getting rather late in feluniied knowledge ol environmental matters.
iliu \tiii in show people thai he cares enough [•:•:()lten. he is maiginall) concerned with certain
to nihil in them ol Central Council activities, ^issues il ihey happen to be a I feeling him at the
l l i u e must lie ulterioi motives.
^ m o m e n t , lie is olten described by others us
I vsill not deny that I a m writing this let lei iv'Xoiue kind ol piuko-wierdo ecology n u t " 01
loi reasons olhei than having my name Ivan "clue, hlase. ovei leaeliM. socialistic underprinted m the A S P to to tell my friends how I KiHinei ol ihe '\nieiican way and olhei assorted
leel about indirectness. I am writing, also, to railings thai made this country great." Ihe
jiiiiuuiice my eaiidiclac) loi Studenl Associa- i&AriiH h a u I in iron men la list devises utlImn 1'iesidenl next year
I won't play any | u i i i kabte solutions to ihe energy crisis like a
g;iiiiL's with you and I will tell you exactly, at ;§j)lan to proceed from J a n u a r y 31 right lo
.ill iiinev what my intentions a i e . My plat $;Maich I cancelling l e h i u a r y because it is the
loi in anil lire concepts limn which 1 shall J-coldcsi monlh of the year. Alter continued
operate a i e simple Honesty and n o n u n c Hull gyuurassmeut, the Armchair l.nvironmentalist
S h u ! ! II only Central Council would stop Kolten icverts lo an " U n d e r a r m hnviionmenplaying their games and would gel down lo E^talist" who thinks very little, s p e a k s a h o u t less,
work, maybe I heir mecimgs wouldn't last un- -i-iand does nothing. His redeeming qualities? He
til I oi 2 in the morning, maybe Studenl &can be rendered harmless al little or im exAssociation would do something loi I h g p e n s e .
At the olhei end ol the spectrum is the
students; and maybe a hell ol a lot more people g
would be salislicd. I, loi one. a m nut al all g r ' O v e i a i m e d I nviroiimenlalist" who is uver-..u hi ltd nghl now. II the majority ol you are % informed, over-qualified," over-skilled, oveisatislied, then vole loi I he candidate that (his Kverbuse, uevei overworked, and usually
"political party'" puis up against me. II, as 1 ^ o v e r w h e l m s his audience to the point where
suspect, you .ne not satislied, then lelsgel the •:-:[ticy leave!actually believing that then inviinng m e n t is doomed Ihey then proceed lo wreck
ball lolling by change and houesl work.
Wayne Roheii Halpei iwhavoc on their internal and external environSjineri-t in a last dileli attempt to live like no
p l o m o n u w while grabbing t o r all the gusto they
$ c a n Ol course, this results only in a speeding
ijgup the very late just described to them. Thus
l o the 1-dilor.
vilhe Overturned l i i v u o u m e n t a l i s t , a true
I his year, ihe U n d e r g r a d u a t e Social .^egotist at heart, can once again proclaim that
Wellare Department has demonstrated its in
"he was right about Ins d o o m s d a y predictions
abilities and bureaucratic priorities in dealing
while choosing to ignore the lact ttiat he has
with its students. Not only did the d e p a r t m e n t j j g ^ , , ^ ^
Social Welfare?
only "cried woll" once again. His redeeming
quality'/ II properly guided by muovuiing.
level-headed administrators (il any can be
found lurking about Ihe depredation) he c a n K
pul his scientific skills t o work in a lunncl vision lashion. pausing o n k to be overoptimistic and stopping completely when he
discovers ilial "all systems end in collapse".
At this poini Ihe Lheiarincd I iniroiiiiienlalist i c u ' r t s lo a category specifically created
Un him: I he "Always. Sometimes, O r Never
(Oi Id), none of the nhovel Environmentalist", one who is no longer playing with a full
•deck, lias losl Ins marbles, and is pehnanently
i out lo lunch.
I here arc probably an infinite number of
categories a n d subdivisions, including the
Uiiinsiic. Crusader, Quasi, and l a t e n t litiMionineuialists as well as the I'hony. Ciovernnieiil. and Industrial I n\ iioinnenlalists and
the Silver -I ining-ln-l-.ven-l loud, the O n e Hack and the 'scsthetic I'.ns iiiiiiineiilalisl. I h e
lisi is seeming!) endless.
Perhaps Ihe most sought ultei and the most
likely non-existent environmentalist is die
"Optimal Environmentalist He is necessarily
in harmony with himsell and nature, knows
enough about science, economics, politics, etc.
to make intelligent, rational decisions, while
still in contact with reality a n d the needs of a
society deeply entrenched in its (sometimes)
ugly ways, lie would not easily be d a u n t e d nor
easily deterred, lie would b e a n O m b u d s m a n ,
a dclcndcr ol the people a n d the natural i n - | | |
Mioniueni. a deity 111 Ins own day, I nil ol spirit,
candor, a n d wisdom
II ibis is loo much to expect, we could shun
the advances ol science and lechimlogy
(remembering ol course that science and
technology aie not, in themselves, evil, e v e n K
ihoiiah the uses to which man sometimes p u t s £ :
Ihem is)
auu revert to neiug primitive
pagans, members ol the lasl class ol environmentalists, the " A n c i t n l linviroiinwn-jj-j
lalisis", w h o worshipped the soil, the rocks,
the water, and the sun instead of carelessly and
selfishly exploiting them
w£&,i»<,. uaiHWHMI
~ — " ^ * -
• •
—! • •
C O U M S Complete data. All
Both of these points were repeatedly focused upon in the debate concerning the governance proposal, with repeated references to
the aforementioned loss in faculty power and
to the shift of emphasis in the Senate away
from "academic issues" and toward those concerning the University Community.
New Victimless Crimes
Perhaps not all of these
decisions will involve each group represented,
hut to construct multiple Senates, each concerned with only one aspect of University affairs, would incur extraordinary amounts of
redundancy, waste the lime of those individuals occupied with more than one of
these bodies and force premature conclusions
to he made concerning who would be affected
by each particular issue.
Many faculty
members seem to feel that the alternative-the
heterogeneous Senate we presently have prevents important accademic matters from
being served. Yet, as of now, there is no huge
backlog on the Agenda, with all issues,
academic and otherwise, being routinely dealt
with as soon as they arise. Perhaps the Senate
is dealing with matters other than those that
are purely academic, but it is decidedly not at
the expense of this so highly regarded
While quibbling over petty arguments such
a* these, the Senate convinced itself that the
entire governance proposal was worthless,
leading to lis total rejection. When lhe entire
laculty vole on it later this semester, the result
In fact, however, the new proposal will
cannot be expected to come out dillcrently.
slightly increase the faculty's representation to
Instead o! ottering the constructive changes
just under 50%. Concerning the quality of the
that might have left the laculty with a
issues brought before the Senate, one must
workable document, lour years ul work were
realize that it is vital to have an advisory body
dismissed, leaving the faculty stranded in their
that represents the groupsalfected by the wide
spectrum of decisions made by the Ad- present deplorable slate.
\w\\ m n
h e l d
i n , h ec h o
H o u i e
n i n d
, I CONSIDER. CO*46\STe»tfr vVtTH
Our esteemed legislators have, for the last' as to buy it this Sunday from my local Star
couple of centuries, been kind enough to
With most of the victimless crimes it has
bestow upon us poor, wayward citizens the
been at least conceivable that the effects could
dubious benefits of a torrent of laws and
spread to other people. An argument against
regulations which arc designed to keep our
pornography, for instance, has been that
minds and bodies clean in the noblest Puritan
traditions. Thus we have been guided in our someone who has just seen a dirty Hick may
leave the theater and commit a rape. Of
eating, drinking, reading and sleeping habits
course, in actuality, some of the recent porno
by those morally superior beings who make
Hicks are so nauseating that there is greater
laws against what drugs we consume, which
movies we watch, on what games we may
danger that the viewer may leave the theater
wager and with whom we may sleep.
and join a convent. Nevertheless, there was
some thought that the danger would not be
The rationale behind such laws is usually
limited to the perpetrator of the "crime." An
that the State in all its beneficent wisdom must
acid head, as another example, might think he
protect JohnQ. Public from himself, orelsc he
was a train and go out in the street and run
will surely drag his mind and body to the edge
over somebody.
of the abyss of Hell, the implication, of course,
I he legislators, however, have been out
being that the public is loo ignorant orfoolish
there devising laws which extend the concept
to make its own decisions and so they must be
of protecting a citizen from himself to new
made for him. Hie recent arguments in favor
heights ol absurdity. Rumors have it that lawof the State's various prohibitions also stress
makers arc considering making it unlawful to
the notion that not only the individual but
not fasten one's seat bell, an act already against
"society" must be protected from various
the law in Australia.
forms of entertainment and modes of behavior
Ol course only a nitwit would drive any diswhich the prevailing mood happens to contance without a scat bell given theavailable acdemn.
I bus wc had the prohibition of
cident injury statistics. Also, only a dingbat
whiskey fifty years ago and the prohibition of
would go sloshing through snow drills
marijuana today.
Statistics on marijuana can he used to argue without wearing hoots or brave ;i blizzard
without wearing a hat; but. should a law be
one way or the other on whether it does or
passed'.' Mow does not wearing a seat belt
does not harm the body, mind and spitit; there
threaten others'.' Have there been documented
is enough data to support both sides very well.
1 he point is immaterial. The right of each in- cases where a seatbelt-less person has hurled
through a car window, penetrated another
dividual to do as he so pleases to his own percar's windshield and landed on some hapless
son is the crux ol the matter.
driver resulting in a latal case ol whiplash? I
The term "victimless crimes" is usually
think not!
applied to those actions which are against the
1 his idea that the purpose ol government is
law because the individual (or consenting into protect people horn their own follies has
dividuals) is committing an act which may
jList gotten totally out ol hand. Ol course n is
harm his or her own physical, moral or mental
stupid not to wear seal belts, but u is not tor
Iherelore gambling, marijuana,
the slate troopers to act as agents lor a paterprostitution, adultery and other form ol sexnalistic government and make us criminals lor
ual behavior deviating hum the basic (guy-onendangering ourselves and no one else. I he
top-oi-girl) marital type oI intercourse are forwhole salely and consumer lobby i,s Irving to
bidden in most slates. Many of the lawsareso
enlarge the scope ol llig Brother's activities to
absurd in light ol today's moralily-as well as
include protecting us hum the consequences
unenloiceuhle-thal they are virtually ignored
bv the law enforcers, though, since many ol our own decisions, Wc thus already have on
(he books a spate ol '"suleiv" laws which conlegislators arc too timid to remove them from
stitute the newest additions to the list of victhe books, the laws arcsiill good lor purposes
timless criines promulgated by the Puritan
ol extortion, bribery and just plain revenge
crowd ol eai her da vs.
Such laws give
against someone you don't like. Once a law
Washington new excuses to pry into our lives
gels m the books ii seems to slay there no
and also serve to increase the cynicism most
matter how absurd subsequent enlightenment
makes it appear. I he laws in Colonic, tor in- people already have towards the government
and law cnloiccis. Surely a I lei Watergate, the
stance, which torbid this writer to purchase
Iresh meat on Sunday arc a casein point. Will energy crisis, lire high inflation and othci examples ol excess government, it seems more
some supernatural being punish me lor not
attending church by having me choke on my true than evei that thai government is best
which governs least.
Iresh ground hamburger meal il I am so sinful
type of blood is rare H
there." Holp the listen oi P$i
Blood Drive. Tuesday • March 12 from 9*4
* * *
are in
the process
a n d Educational
to talk
time for brunch. For more information, call
3:30 SS 375.
Ralph W. Tyler, Director Emeritus of the
Programs lor the Handicapped
Center for Advanced Study in th Behavioral
will meet on Sunday, March 10, at 6:00 in
The Pre-low Society is forming a committee to view legislation with the Capital
District Trial Lawyers Association. If you are
Interested coll
Steve (7-5200) or Rob (7-
Service Students: Evalua-
Sciences in Stanford, California, will disthe
tion sessions are going on now. Make sure
you attend one between now and April 4th
if you want to pass the course.
Center 18, State University of New York ot
Albany, on Monday,
l o w School Moot (Practical) Courl
some evening in mid-Match
Ii you are in-
MCAT are available m University College
Deadlines for Application: DAT - March 25
I I , 1974 at
sored by the University's School of Education. The public is cordially invited and there
sponsored by "Friends'
J Of Class I
Thursday, March 14
C C Ballroom 8:00 pm
$.50 with tax
$.75 without
Free pretzels,
potato chips!
^ J
I Thou shah" not flunk.
Nightly at 7:20,9:30,
^ ^
5th WEEK!
Daily at 7:05,9:10
tice "Dorothy in Ihe Land of Albany" and o
The BYRDS with special guest star Roger
surprise for Telethon. Must attend.
is no admission Charge.
basketball game on WSUA 640AM(aboul
8 30 p m i
The long awaited Second Annual
Gol a gripe? Bring it lo Grievance Commrttee Office
clubs & meetings
Mitch Kassoff
Quad af Box 66
-Senator from Dutch
dent Corps for Rehibition
held loday
PM in the Alclen Dining Holl. The public is in-
Ihanx you
the Campus Center
We desperately need a fuw Street-wise
lacross Irani info
Senior Week Committee
meeting for all
to help expose the slumlords for
in helping
what they really cue Cull Slu 457 5225
pm Come and join with u\ in Ills fellowship
Wednesday nil i March 13 at 7 30 PM in CC
Foi further mfoi
Problems with the University
cull 7 79'J9
o Noru. on Weds
vill be an Israeli Info
on be submitted in box in lobby oi brought
lain lobby
2 4 in Campus
from 9 3
If vou ini
interested but unable to
attendee" Deai no ul / 5240
red by 1 '
unlet 108
Phoenix meets regularly on Man
8 pm m the C C tafeter.a
The ASP i
New IT
always welcome Deadline lor subm
* Campus Center
Gel them in soon
ut the Phoenix b«
veryone invited
ich wines, food and song
Sat. March
9 00 p in. Dutch Quad Tower.
The banquet will begin at 4 55
j 30-4-30. Fn. 1 3 Come in or fill il
tonight and every Friday in CC 315 ot 7:00
of the Lord Jesus Clmst
Banquet will be
out and diop il in the gripe box in the lobby
tion from the University Senate please ton
Hours in CC 308 are Mor. 3
lues 10 I I , 3:30-4:30, Wed. 10-11,2 4.
12 Noon
• Deadline
lhe-A5P loi
the two
of you
for now
contribution' is M u u h 20 4 pm Please b.
irtg all materrul la CC 326
call Beth 482 4 1 1 / W .
),,,,. .i,,,!,...). «itl.oul meal c
s and lighting
You are ull
lo share
with us
every Monday 6 >U p m C C 3/0 ol ihe
idimj u Sunny Pn.'-Cana sen-OS
pie ContemplaliMt)
C/instiart Science Organization
Freshman 1 loss general meeting to be
l ome worship with usul tin- Jewish SluI ,.*mc] lot n yood id.-O for Independent
interested folk
1115 urn ut ( Impel H„.,v..
tducution oi P-.ycholayy?
Ht'ii. Student Evaluation
der.t s Coalition's
,. 1,1 Sun.Man I, 10.1974.. / 30 P M inC C
sabbath services I ridciy
mql.ls ul / 30 and Sulmd.iy muu.inqs ut
ol Teachers and
official notice
University Coffego Students
you " i l l be tiufe
advise i
Freshman Class Meeting :
I • •->• ,<>m
to m.-.-l * i i h youi
youi scheduled
date fat drawing class cord', lor the Full.
1974 term, you musl schedule an oppo.nl
moot in the University Coll.-ye before March
15. Advisement will begin on Muuh
Friday, March 15
Troy Music Hall at 8:30
Saturday, March 16
Palace Theatre at 8:30
I 1
who attended
LIU KRAUS, Pianist
IWOIAKT Piono Concerto K.491
Becky al -\7'i 4244 on Monday or
luesday nighl 7 00 10 00
KOECHMNUi Bonder Log
RAVEL Rapsodle EipognoU
Students $2
is absolutely
I he
I us!
BACH Bmndonburg Concerto 2
March 4th 7 UOpm ytoup evaluation please
day foi
11 milled siuilatis .11 11"> I
7:30 PM in CC315 j
— - " " -•"•••••••••••••••'•""•|
If you want more- time
before you start a family,
EMK.O C o n t r a c e p t i v e
Foam is a beautiful way to
help you say when! Y o u
may have many reasons
to wait . . . but only one
reason to start your family.
Y o u a r e r e a d y and y o u
want t o .
In the meantime, there
is liMKO Foam. Y o u can
apply it in a d v a n c e . . . in a
matter of seconds . . . so
there's no interruption t o
mar the mood. So natural
feeling it won't affect ihe
sensation o r pleasure for
either of you.
A n Award Winning Radio Drama Series -
Recommended by physicians . . . but so safe and
simple to use you can buy
it at your drug department
without a prescription.
Starring Robert Taylor
ON SUNDAY March 10 at 7PM
HMK0, unit ihi apptiltim th.u it
filial al unit of lilt.
I-Rli Fll, mlh iht tpfhtahr lhal
n prr-fill.llilt up I" •• <• « * " '
Keep Watch for others in this continuing series of dramatic programs.
I R„din nrama Prose and Poetry readings as well as classical music can be
heafd S Sunday evening between the hours of 6 and 8 PM on the
CINE 1-2-3-4
Classical Dramatic Production Program.
MHlFKiiMM CHAIRS • Til. 4911300
Anyone who has a question or wanls ac
. [willed h\ siudi'iii association
machines society, presents
poser, tonight at 8:30 p.m. in the PAC Lab
T^ffollmjj Stone-
TALL 8th
_at 7:10,9:35^
Novak, SUNYA electronic music com-
Meeting tonight for A plus 2and friends
April 12
"Best American movie of the year."
• ^ j p j ' J ^ ^ Z T T " ' - '_'J."_ _ _ J
at 6:45 in the basement of Oneida to prac-
terested in coming with us call Randi (2
The Free music store, in association with
in Lecture
7:45 P.M. Dr. Tyler's appearance is spon-
visually handicaps especially invited.
4301} for further information.
Applications for April 20 DAT and May 4
to Disadvantage
-Jud/th Crist
12-2, Wed. 12-2, Thurs. 9:30-
11:30, We have a weekly mlg. Thursdays
I can.be reached at 489-8336.
i "•••chic ana [George GlendafSegali
sophisticated lo
i__i I * " !
I a sheer joy"
Daily at;
are made at check cashing and in dining
— — — 1
tfCEgtf 50° tH3EE-C?lIIMIUL
visit us SS 375 Office firs. Monday 11-2,
Tuesdays thru Thursdays 8:30 a.m. - J0:00
A New Dimension inCinema Luxury
Come to the
Peace Project wanls to meet you. Come
Washington Avenue Extension, at 10:40am
every Sunday moarning. We get back in
volunteers for the Cerebral Palsy
Campus Center Ballroom. -
Would you like to go to church this Sun-
washing machine token refunds Refund',
Gam In this worthy cause. Contribute to the
¥xby Mitchcl Zoleri
As was mentioned in Tuesday's ASP, there
has been an enormous erosion of the faculty's
power at SUNYA. Their original Faculty
Senate, which they obviously had control
over, has evolved into the present-day University Senate, which has student, administration
and non-teaching professional representation
competing with theirs. The new governance
proposal, which received a virtually unanimous rejection by the faculty in the Senate
on Monday, would have made the presence of
students permanent (to this day the Senate
retains the option of allowing students to participate in meetings, typically renewed each
year)and institute aTVservicc staff representation.
* 10:00a.m. (with lunch to follow), All service*
Back To The Drawing Board
you need i i a
sponsor. Contact Dave 457-5238 or Bill 431-
Jell I mole her.
Are you Inlo ihe Nerl — Pong Molil?
Van Ren 308
Blue gra d Banjo Leiiont Roger 469 — 3152.
you finally put your (pell o
New Tigar AlMetit Shoot. Very tow price*. All kin (It running
"Bultv-lnkla" Bock Move Band; 438 — 05B2.
Huggy Boar
Oetling Worried? Lei "Bob" photograph your wedding.
Quolily work rea.onoblo price!. Call 4SP - M37
17, 18, 19. no* 20 — you're gelling beller every yearl
Hoppy Birthdoyl
Love olwciyt.
Typing done in my home. 869 - 2474.
Typing Service 43? -
and Jogging Show. Coll 783 — 9079 oiler 7 PM. Al
Pattore, 6 ftodet Dr.. Latham.
cunoio, elc. Immediate poyment. Telephone Shelley
miniature weapon), model),
Bra*trmon (51B) 731 — 8500.
1966 Dodge Coron«l, goad running condition. A) king 1300
Bob 785 — 7622,
Girl* 3 — tpeed bicycle, like new. Coll 436 — 1353.
Nelko On your 23rd birthday. "Get a liien(e — Ah!'
Wink. You're Dead.
female roommate wanled imrrndioteiy. 404 Hamilton.
Albany. Own bedroom Rent ne 'liable. Grad iludenl
preferred. Call Molly alter A pm. 434 — 2522 or 438 3368.
Streaker wanled. Willing to pay minimal fee. Mail retume
Wanled: per von lo (hare upper Door 3 bedroom (lot wilh 1
lo Bon 552 Dutch Quad.
KIH 32 Speaker)
lonrhiold. SI 10 n e w -
$70. Excellent condiii
ute 472 — 7691.
Wink. You're Dead.
o the over the hill girl
Convcnionily located neor but route. S50 per
Hoppy Birthday anyw
monlh Call 436 - 0768 alter 6
IID, 33B Bronrjywine, Schenectady
led ol Muihioom lomoloe loup
175 lark neor Stole Healed boiernenl. tecurity, leaie
large bockyard 465 - 2265
mmm**®mmmmmmm&mmRoiponnble loenmale wanted
cellent Condition
S30 457 - 4B56
R and Ale i
awn bedroom, luxury
opl 8 min.lrom tampo( 1100 Call 459 -
, yau love me and then wotth m . melt
Onr ticket N £ Whaler* *\ Mo.
Aeroi — Monday
nighl April firtf in Uoiion We 1
ridei See Gordie
ll'( been a hoppy tin month* and I'm hoping lor more, .e
by Kenneth Arduino
Having to play second fiddle
to the basketball team, the
Albany wrestling team went out
and had the best record in its
history, despite a few nagging injuries. The ' injuries piled up
near the end, which affected their
performance at the end of the
season and in tournament competition.
This is not a gloomy report but
an encouraging one, as Albany
wrestling has finally come of age.
No longer is it just something on
the sports page, but it isa very
sucessful team, that can hold its
own against anyone. Let's look
al the record. Albany lost only
Brandy" wat lost m the .it.nily ol SUNT A 11 any into. 482
Genoioui ii— o'd
•ear Water flat.
C G Ihefomou', feminine, feline n k»l Pleaie Imd her
Roiei aiu Red
V.olel. are blue
fit irretponoble but long liland lovot youonyway
Reward She i complelel, block. 6 monlhi old Downtown
ILI II t i l l I 1 T |
Albany 47?
j quired. Excellent pay Worldwide*
| (ravel. Perfect summc r job - o ( |
1 career. Send $3.00 lor iniormulion. .
ISEAFAX. Uepl. 12-J P.O. Box.2()4»J|
[ Port Anj-eles. WashinKU)nj2J(362i,_:i^|
with Dean Swift
Snuff., Send name,
Swift Ltd. Box
2009 San
Francisco, Ca 94126.
(Just Above Madison Theatre)
Eat in. Take out
Happy 7 ' >l bi'ilnJQf
With the recent beautiful weather having graced our previously dismal skies, thoughts are turning to Softball and other spring sports.
Here are the big dales lor A.M.I.A. Softball:
League I—Windmill pitch. 9 man. Meeting: Tuesday, March 19, in
CC 315 at 3:15 p.m.
League 11-Regular pilch. 10 man. Meeting: Wednesday, March 20 CC
315. al 3:15 p.m.
League lll-Bloop (Slow) pilch, 10 players (coed teams welcome).
Meeting: lluirsdas. March 21, CC 315, at 3:15 p.m.
Rosters and $10 bond money due at meelings. No exceptions permitted.
Salaried attendant-roommate
needed lo help with daily roi.lines
>ludeiUs(undergrad and .mad).
Readers also needed lor visually
nandicapped. Positions now
;>pen lo begin summerand-or laII
.e mc s l u r s . No e x p e r i e n c e
necessary. Contact .1. Larry
Kuilcy. Office of Student Life,
CC 137, 457-1296.
Hours: 5 - 11 pm.
Closed Monday Night
You don't have to be
a junior to spend
"Junior Year "at
Hew York University.
Thurs., Fri., Sat.
From the people who brought you
Closed Monday night
297 Ontario St.
No matter where you are currently matriculated — and
whatever your field - NYU's College of Arts and Science can
add an exciting new dimension to your college career.
After classes, you can enjoy the special rewards of living
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- A p r i l 5th l o 13th,
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Round t r i p |et (incl. all jet l u e l surcharges a n d increases)
conlinonlal breakfast daily
full d a y trip to Tangier*, Morocco, i n c l u d i n g u g h l s u a i n g
h u l l d a y at sightseeing in M a l a g a a n d Mi|as
Oean Philip Mayer&on
College of Art* and Science
New York University
910 Main Building, WeshUiBton Squan
New York, N Y . 10003
a l l taxes.serv.ee c h a r g e s , transfers, l u g g a g e h a n d l i n g , e t c .
for reservations a n d i n f o r m a t i o n call 1
M a r y Ellen Jukoski at 4 8 2 - 5 5 4 4
If you're concerned ubout birth control,
you should know about St ml eld—the emlctl, most convenient new birth control
concept you ctin Imagine,
While tin method of contraception tan
provide mi absolute guarantee, Semtctd
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M<> J'oains
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the b e a c h in lorr emolinos
The program makes an enriching, exciting college expert
ence that you will find nowhere else. For more details, call
Dean Mayerson at (212) 598-2425, or mail the coupon below.
7 nights at the d e l u x e PRINCIPE O T O M A N HOTEL, o n
Then, after a semester or a year, you can return to your
own college to complete your degree.
Pleasa t e n d mo information about your "Junior Year" in Now
York program.
Lamont H a m i l t o n oc Bill N t t u f e g l i s e a t 4 5 7 - 3 0 7 8
(some space also a v a i l a b l e for London A m s t e r d a m at $329 plus $38 taxes)
Semicid is lUbricatlllB, pleasantly scented
and packaged in a unique patented case
- s m a l l e r than a compact thai keeps it
hygienic and untouched until ready for
Use. The case is small enough lo he curried in yum purse 01 poekci so it's always
If not available at ymu (liuggiht, send
$.1.95 for the case coillainintj len minlsupposiltnies, iiisiiuctions for use and a
free booklet on birth Control.
Tom Horn, a 158 pounder,
also was a big key as he helped
carry the Danes early. The home
fans will probably remember him
Newcomer Jeff Golden forced
into the limelight,'due to injuries
started off slow but the rest of the
team was performing well
for his action packed matches enough and it was not too
noticeable. Once he got his feet
and his last second victories.
wet though, he held his own
Co-captain Doug Bauer, was
igainst anyone and picked up his
bothered by injuries, throughout
share of points.
the season, and because of them,
Ethan Grossman was a
was inconsistent.
Yet even
though he was having a hard mainstay early picking up quite a
time, he was able to contribute to few victories and pins. Because
the team by saving points for not of a shoulder injury and a few
being pinned.If he can stay clear bad breaks Ethan lost some of
He should
of injuries, he can help pick up his effectiveness.
rebound next year to early
the slack next year.
Rick Lawrence and Frank season form.
Probably the most popular
wrestler, at least by crowd reaction, was heavey weight Rudy
Vido.Hc was the last wrestler to
lose a match, losing in the State
He became a
two-time SUNYAC champion
and was sent to the Nationals.
Rudy's one problem during the
year was finding opponents, as
many teams conceded the match
to Rudy. When he did find an
o p p o n e n t t h o u g h he was
Herman 177 pounds had one of
t h o s e y e a r s as both were
hampered by injuries, yet al the
beginning of the season, one of
t h e m was a l w a y s healthy
enlough lo go out there and contribute.
I he newcomer who added the
most to this team was transfer
Don Mion. Mion al 190 pounds,
along with Rudy gave AiHanya
devastating 1-2 punch, Mionunlortunalely was hampered with
injuries at the end ol Ihe season.
In only his second season,
sophmore Walt Kat/ was looked
upon to provide that early lead
and more times than not, he
came through. Albany always
seem to get the quick points as
Kai/ was undefeated uniil ihe
I he SUN YA Harness Racing Club held its first meeting of the year
this past Wednesday night, lorn Johnson. Director of Publicity at
Saratoga Raceway was the guest speaker, discussing among other
things the possibility ol a Harness Racing course here at SUN Y A and
a possible Albany Stale Harness Driving Championship.
I he club's plans lor this semester include films, speakers, trips to
(ireen Mountain. Yonkers. and Saratoga and a lour ol the stables
and barns at Saratoga.
Ihe nexl meeting will leuture three films on the sport and is
scheduled loi I huisday. March 14 al X:30 I'M in one ol the lecture
centers. Ihe location ol the film showings will be communicated
through posters, ihe lower I ribune. and oilier lorms ol campus
media, for further iniormulion contact wither l:d I rink al 457
471.1 o r . lay Rosenberg at 355
I his S u n d a j . Match 1(1, in the
main.gym the M b a m State Judo
Club will sponsoi us Lighth Annual Judo lournament. Competition will begin .11 II o'clock
in ihe morning with Junior coinpetition.
Ihe while bell division will
lead things oil and then be
lolluwcd by the blown belts and
Ihe black bells I h u e w ill also be
a woman's competition and a
Karate demonstration. I rophies
will he awarded lor first, second,
and ihud place in all divisions.
Last years tournament saw a
i h large turnout, and lllis
years looks in be even better.
Beside students horn Albany
Stale competing there will also
he members ol several local
clubs Some nl these clubs corne-
The Pre-Mcd Pre-Dent
Society P r e s e n t s a Trip to
New York City
Harness Racing
( D i r e c t l y Across F r o m
linclo«d is $
for,- .
puckutttN of Semicid id $3.95 each i>nsi
paid, ('lease send (,! once to:
as lar as Mass. and New York
City. I bus there will be quite a
bil ol talenl present.
announces its specials:
Thursdays: HAPPY HOURS
I he public is invited to attend
and tickets will be available al
the gym. Ihe cost is $1.00 with
laxcard and $2.00 without. Also
il anyone is interested in participating they may contact Mr.
Robert fountain al 272-9255.
7:30 - 9:30
L inttuil
4 - 8
Tickets are now on sale for State University Theatre's production of
William Shakespeare's
W w w
The Prc-Med Pre-Dent Society will visit
N.Y.LJ, Medical & Dental Center on Friday, March 15. We will tour the research
facilities and the Med. & Dental schools.
I he bus leaves Albany at 7:00 am and will
return at approximately 7:00 pm. Tickets
Vic (iagliardi and Brian
luhrey (126 pounds) had the
same problems Golden had. inexperience. Yet as the season
continued, they also contributed
points. I hey are the future of
ibis team.
(Kame&Q nf Emir*
w w w
Performances are
Wed - Sat, March 13 - 16 at 8:30 pm
and Sun, March 17 at 2:30 pm
the Main Stage of the Performing Arts Center.
$4.00 with tax card
$5.00 without
Tickets are $l/tax, $2/ID, $3/general.
Cynelcch ltlrth Control Inilltutc Inc.
One F a i t 57th St., New York, N.V. 10022
College Alt'Miriir.K
The men who did the job for
the Danes deserve much praise.
Senior co-captain Larry Mims
finished off a 39-5-1 career by
posting a 13-1 mark and getting
All-American honors for his fifth
NCAA's. Larry, who has been
consistently one of the best, also
finished second in both the
S U N Y A C s a n d the State Championship. Too bad he is gone
alter this year as he will be extremely, hard to replace.
Judo Tourney Here
A "Junior Year" or even a semester at NYU is now open to
sophomores, juniors, and seniors. And one of the best things
about spending a year at New York University is spending a
year in New York City.
You will be able to continue your work in premed, pre
dentistry, prelaw. Math. Journalism. Psych Cinema or Com
puter Science. Or maybe you'd like criminology, metropolitan
studies, the psychology of aesthetics, linguistics, TV news,
Hebrew studies, astronomy, archaeology, fine arts. We offer
the full liberal arts spectrum, Or education, business, the arts.
/ / r e I hum
2 man teams-Sunda>. March 17
--Sec I) I 1 kin in CC 356 loi details
Watch lot Details on lollowing
Wrestling tournament— individual and team
Spring soccer league
(ioll tournament
len nis
I rack and Held Meet
Swimming Meet
I — — — — — »
twice all year. Once was against
Cortland right after intercession,
when the Danes were admittedly
out of shape. In fact, despite
numerous injuries during the
S U N Y A C S , Cortland could
only tie the Danes.
Ihe other loss came to powerful C. W. Post in a home meet.
Post is one of the State's very
best and losing to them is no disgrace at all.
Other than those two loses, the
Danes did a fine job, taking on
some very good learns and setling them down quickly. This
year teams like Rochester, who
has beaten the Danes in the past,
could not hold their own on the
Apricot toy poodle, wearing gold collar and ariiwenng lo
Mo-el Call Dan 472 ~ B609
To many more good limei togelher
Wink. You're Dead.
Part Time, of (unexplained) mtoreit lo thote involved ply
chic phenomena
Tillie & Bom
Wink. You're Dood.
Htm mumummmmtmm
PoMabla Singer Sewing Mochin
the whorei of Ihe mack bar
"OOH, Then. Happy 73rd Are you wearing a bra
Typing done in my home 482 — 8432.
grip. S22. Myron 434 — 2657
Paulo tool)
Hoppy 23rd Neal Hod onyoccidenttlately? f'lf never lell!
lent; llo.h, ait**. Excellenl.reaionoble \l - B « - 0379
Tennii Racquet- Wilton Juck Kro
Neal —
lei FSA (er*e you on your 23rd birthday ( P — P — P -
W.nk. You're Dood
Yothica 35 mm U Electro — X Camero; 200 mm telephato
r Autogroph, 4 IF* "
Thank you for 3 monlhi ol happlniml
WANTED: Samurai iwordt. War iouvanin, dueling pittolt,
Wrestlers Prospects Look Bright for Future
Typing: Experienced 355 -
mil HI mm I
Il'( the dolly llama
To My long haired womon,
Hoppy !l(t! H'( been a great four weeks!
For purchase of tickets and more information,
come to Bio 24« this Saturday (March «>) at 1:00
Iiiiuh'il In stiiilciu u&stHtaiion
The PAC Box Office is open Monday - Friday 11 - 4 and an hour
before each performance.
Cagers to Face Tough Opposition in Tourney
by Harvey Kojan
Third-seeded Albany State
will take on Brockport State and
d e f e n d i n g c h a m p i o n Union
College will face Geneseo State
at Union's Memorial Fieldhouse
this evening in the opening round
of the second annual Eastern
College Athletic Conference Ups t a t e New York
Basketball Tournament.
7 p.m., followed by top seeded
Union, 19-3, against Geneseo,
16-7, at 9 p . m . T h e w i n n e r s o f the
two games will meet Saturday in
a 9 p.m.. championship game
after a 7 p . m . c o n s o l a t i o n m a t c h .
The Danes lost to the Eagles of
Brockport in January, 77-73, in a
game which saw the Danes relinquish a nine point halftime lead.
In that important ballgame,
The Danes, 16-7, will play which was played in Brockport
1 6 - 9 , in the during Albany State's intercespreliminary contest beginning at sion, the Danes played solid
basketball throughout the first
half, but were eventually victims
of foul trouble, Harold Merrit,
Hurry Johnson, and Byron
Miller, t h r e e of A l b a n y ' s
strongest rebounders, were forced to view much of the second
half from the bench, an advantage which the far toiler Eagles
used to thwart an upset bid by
the Danes.
Brockport has on hand three
starters from last year's club that
finished fourth in
The Danes in their Pinal home game of the season against New Pallz. Albany is at Union College tonight to face Brockport State in the opening round of the Upstate ECAC
Evansville, lnd., after winning
the regionals in New York State.
The Great Banes, victors over
the Eagles in regular season play
last season, would not be facing
Brockport were it not for a tip-in
in the final second by Buffalo
State to defeat Brockport, 71 -70.
Ihe Eagles were on top in the
S t a t e University Conference
race, which means an automatic
bid to the NCAA. However,
because of the loss, Potsdam
'State received the bid instead.
T o p performers lor head
coach Mauro Pannaggio's team
are 5-11 senior Dan Gilliam, who
averages 16.5 a game, teamed at
guard with the coach's son Dan
Panaggio. who has a 9.7 a game
scoring mark. In the front court
is another member of the panaggio family, Mike, a 6-2 junior
with a 16.7 scoring average: also
6-4 senior (iuy Viekers, a 12
point scorer and 6-X sophomore
Kevin Williams, a 5.0 scorer, at
I center.
Union rates the top seed on the
basis ol its 19-3 record as lirst
[year head coach Bill Scanlon instituted a light pressing man to
man defense that has allowed opponents only 58 points a game
fthis winter.
Guards Bill Carmody, a 5-11
Ijunior. and John Denio, a 5-9
'sophomore, key the defense and
lehman control play at the other end as
the leaders of Union's patient
offense. The leading scorer for
the Dutchmen is 6-5 junior
center Charlie Gugliotla, who
averages 17.3 a game, followed
by 6-3 sophomore forward Steve
Kelly with an 11 point average,
followed by Denio at 9.0 and
forward Chuck Abba, a 6-2
senior at 8.6.
The Dutchmen won last year's
ECAC inaugural with a 69-64
triumph over the Danes, avenging an overtime loss to Albany in
the finals of the Capital District
Tournament earlier that year.
Geneseo. a 94-91 overtime
loser to Brockport. demolished
the Danes earlier this semester,
93-71 However, both Mike
Suprunowic/ and Rich Kapnci
were absent from that contest,
which hurl the Danes immenselyIhe Blue Knights have the
highest seorel in the ECAC field
in n-2 minor lorward 1 lurry
Ward, who averages 20.4 per
dominated the boardsalong with
Waul against Albany, is a lunior
at 6-5, scoring 16.5
I ickels loi both this evenings'
games and those to he held
tomorrow night will go on sale at
(i p.m.. one hum belore the lirst
game. I here will be no advance
or reserve seat sales. II you can't
attend the games yourscll , listen
to them on VV'Sl'A (6401, with
Albany against Brockport beginning al 6:55 toniglu.
1l.ll.. Uulvu.slly ul New Yolk tlt Alban
L\l N... U
MAhCH tii
Streaking Albany Students Grin and Bare It
Aquamen Set for Swimming Championships
by Rob Geier
The Albany Swiml team is
engaged in the SUNYAC Championships at Potsdam on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday ol this
week. Coach Brian Kelly was
optimistic about the teams performance citing six swimmers
who rank in the top six in their
The team has been tapering lor
the last two weeks and planned
to 'shave down' on Wednesday
evening al Potsdam. Practices
involved less endurance swimming, and concentrating on
short splints thai developed the
swimmers' sense ol pacing and
tor in I he shaving down piocess
is a ritual that is perhaps one ol
the most idiosyncratic aspects ol
the sport ol swimming.
swimmers shave all then leg,
arm, and body hair in an effort to
reduce friction and thereby
minimize drag us they pull
through the water. Inshaving, a
layer ol dead skin tissue is
removed which increases the
t U r t sensitivity lo the water giving Ihe f^tatmerfi better leel for
the race. Perhaps the most important aspect ol shaving down
is psychological. Ihe swimmer
senses he is going (aster and
therefore does.
Ihe swimmers were prepared
and the Slate meet will provide
the opportunity lor swimmers
who have consistently won to
test their ability against other
New York State atheletes.
Coach Brian Kelly is counting on
the talents of freshman Dan
Dudley in the two breaslroke
events. Dudley will also be competing on three relay teams, the
400 yard Ireestyle; 800 yard Iree
and 40 Medley Relay
Se'nior Eon Van Ryn will he
competing in the 500 yard
freestyle, 1650 yard free, 400
yard Individual medley and on
two Dane relay squads. Van Ryn
has not has as good a year as in
the past, but Kelly feels his experience in championship conpetition will be an asset.
Junior Rick Masom, who
shattered lour Albany swimming
records/ during regular season,
will swim the 50 and 100 yard
Ireestyle and Kelly believes he
could go to the finals.
Ken Weber will compete in the
500 yard Ireestyle, and the 1650,
and should finish among the top
12. In championshop competition double points are scored lor
the firstl 12 places recorded.
freshman Milch Rubin will
swim ihe 100 and 200 yard
butterfly events, Kelly pegs
Rubin as the key man in the
medley relays.
Jack Seidenberg is entered in
100 a n d
breasislroke events, and Kelly
says he should finish in the lop
Ben Sicbecker has been
entered in the 50-100-and 200
yard Ireestyle sprints and will
swimon three relay teams.
Albany has the highest seed in
the 800 yard relay, fourth ol
twelve teams, and will compete
from the eighth seed in the 400
yard Medley and ihe 400 yard
by Nancy Mhuugh
March came in like a siieak
I ivc d o d l a l h e i gangsters with
waiei tilled loy inachuicgunslushed
linn Ihe Si,nc Omul calelcrut.
squiilcd inniieeiil by slanders Willi
thawed spnllg Ionic, packed Ihe Iclluce h u m the salad bai illlu an
.illilelK bag. .mil lan outside
I lie
sal,ul was mull essed anil so vine
I bey
liitldhsh and phunch,.nibs ,uc
p.iss'e Si leaking is ihe lalcsi lad. and
pped us diavicis lasi
Hie New \ u i k I lines lias coveted
il Scwsweck and ulhei national
in.ig.i/mes Inivc icpoilcd sneaking
I veil Waltci ( l u i i k i l e . l h e i c n e i a b l c
uislilulc ul stoicism hine.cll. i,HI a
wgmeni ahum sneaking
I ul
iked sliiiliiils i.Hue vu//ing
anil shouting llunugll a dimly-Ill
dance lasi weekend
Seven mule cullcgiales stomped
ainiinil llic inside ul Dutch i | u u l
illume Ihe tnidlilglll lull moon.
I be \ c w y , u k Male legislamic
passed a lesuluhun condemning
sneaking as obscene .n\^\ lewd
S n e a k e r s can be prosecuted loi mileienl exposing, hul Ihcic have been
ic Albany campus.
•I ' -' hail a ten-pel son coed rump
lasi week V ' parity lauls |m ihciu.
Illev bad none mi
An Alumni Quad resident wauled
lo organize al least 250 people lot a
buge bin/ in the bull
It's 111!
Musi people lake a lulclanl view
'I sneaking, it appeals, wiih mildly
amused icaclioiis "Sine, lei em
slieal, l i s luiiiiv." one pi iiilin said.
""•' vincstioi
nun) p e o p l e s
n o n -si i c a k e i i
piesiiiuably I is "Whv do people
si lea I,'"
Due stieakei said about tunning
Ihiuiigh S l a l c Q u a d calctcna. "Well,
sumchudy was going m do n
Midline We lusldidil lnsl li hail
be dune "
Media evpell Vlalsball M i l ullall
il "il is a h u m ul assault "
Some soiiulogislN claim il is a
in ul protest agamsi ilie social
bin one gnl piked In be, n i u i h c
« n b a simple, explanation. "Yeah.
- ' ' " l " m i B '•making tumolluw
I have n> gel in shape."
Hood called n a "paibeiu siiuamm- and a i el l e d u m mi oui lime."
She said ~\un know, kids luday go
I" ilk m m ies and see all dial ncainudity
I hen isn'i niu<.h Innbei
Ibev can go su lllcv slicak S h c m i i mined "I imagine some ul Ihcni aic
high when ibev slieak "
Due sluilciil. asked il lie would
sneak and tcspnnditigalluuiuiivcly.
.ml "I'm lining il 1,1 ulievc ml inner
social conflicts winch have been
Vl .sied in me In an uppiessing socie\ , k c d ,|,e rea| r i r l l M m . ,,, , , „ d
u ••
-I'm an egomaniac. I love Illy body.
..ludcnis, when asked.
dial aelei l/cd sneaking as "bai niless
Di l a n d Hood ul llic Student
Health Seivice said about people
vvhu siieak. "I think they'ie in need
ul intention
Ihcv'ic inn.sih insecuie kids win. du Hits " She wcnl
some salislaetioll oul ol lile ilon'l
- lli.it is. unless vuu licc/e vuinscll
nun iinpulencv
\ piulcssui coniiueiuc'd about Ihe
meaning ol slieaking "Vuu know,
gone I loin sinking in streak,„,, |,- s a sign ol ,|,e times. | | 1B ., d niiiiisiiaiion lias won
li is reall)