Danes Cage Cardinals, 82-64 Smith Nets 14 pis.

V vit_>
I ->
S l a t a l M M n M r <* * • » W *
Overcoming poor execution and
a scrappy Cardinal squad, the
Danes won their third straight
game, upped their record to 10-6,
and stayed alive in the S U N Y A C
with now, a 4-2 mark.
The Danes never trailed, but the
game was tight in the. first hall, with
both teams fouling a lot and
playing disorganized
Byron Miller was stone-cold in
the opening minutes, and with him
nol hitting, the Danes didn't know
wholto turn to.
Reggie Smith, who was lo play
an excellent game.especially under
the hoards, got hot only to
chilled bv his third ' foul with
almost 14:00 left in the first half.
As he sat down, Pete Koola
came oil the bench, hit his first
three field goals and then joined
Keg when he too got his third personal, this one coming at the 9:10
Plattsburgh answered with five
straight points, but the Danes, who
switched to a 1-2-2 zone, ran off a
13-5 tear to end the half.
The Danes came out of the
lockerroom crashing the boards,
and led hy Smith, Koola, and the
Johnsons (Ed and Harry), made it
60-46 with thirteen minutes left.
Plattsburgh still refused to quit,
and trailed hy just ten four minutes
Byron and Trevett polished off
the Cardinals, f o r g o o d . in the next
live minutes.
What begun as a small local tax
assessment project by lour New
Public Research Group
students at Kensselaer I'olyi ohnic
Institute is mounting into a
massive exposure of property tax
inequities in I my. New York, and
includes implicating a nationally
known lax l i n n lor a possible
hi each D| contract with the city.
Ihe lax assessment lirni ol Colelas ci-1 rumble, now being eonvide red hn neglige nee loi impiopeiK assessing most ol I toy's
In ii nev .iiul hiisincvses in \l)72. ma\
lace .1 lawsuit because ol ihcclloils
ol ihe M IMIUi students. More
i i n p t i i l n i i l k , though, than Ihe
possil>ilil\ >il am lawsuit, is the
lollowiug ihe pio|ccl has managed
In .UN.Hi
bound, and went up four straight
timesbeforegctting the hoop.
Keg finished with 14 and was
followed closely by six other
Harold Merritt and Ed Johnson
each had 13. Miller and Trevett
had 12 apiece, Pete Koola put in 10
more, and Harry Johnson, the
Danes' leading rebounder with 13,
scored eight.
Bright spot number two had to
he the way the rest of the Danes
took over scoring chores when
Byron wasn't his usual high-fortyshoot ing-percent-self.
Dines up against P i t t s b u r g h Wednesday
Players & Fans Alike Await 'The Game
by H a r v e y
T h e e x c i t e m e n t , at least f o r
in the
team either as players o r f a n s ,
the significance o f the game?
in the
week. Perhaps u n n o t i c e a b l c at
10-5 m a r k
ready l o r the g a m e . "
won't happen a g a i n . "
In the strategy
o f the
coaches is that a l l they c o u l d
tion, Merrimack, Georgetown,
changcs;Kirsch is content to lel
W a l l e r s and B r o o k s p o u r in the
points a n d watch his b i g men
B r o o k s , both averaging close to
gel b l o w n out o f p r o p o r t i o n ,
several players over 6'5"), w h i l e
20 p o i n t s per g a m e , lead Ihe
things w i l l be O . K . Sometimes
Saucrs w i l l hope that S m i t h ' s
the a l u m n i
p r e d i c t i o n about
a n d ihe fans gel
" W e ' r e g o n n a pay t h e m | b a c k - I
totals nearly 90 points per o u t -
tilings o u l o f p r o p o r t i o n . . . t h e s e
prove, correct and thai his team
assure y o u . " A s f a r as w h e t h e r
ing. W a l t e r s was the player w h o
arc still k ids p l a y i n g b a l l . " D o c
as a w h o l e w i l l make up Ihe
create a vast e x o d u s o f bodies
the e x c i t m e n t generated by the
d e m o l i s h e d Ihe Danes, s c o r i n g
Saucrs c o n c u r r e d , a d d i n g that
good s h o o t i n g .
t h r o u g h the c o l d t o w a r d
University G y m .
A b i t t o o much'.' Perhaps, hut
the a n n u a l contest between the
rematch is real o r c o n -
35 p o i n t s o n 15-23 f r o m the
the players certainly needed no
t r i v e d , B y r o n voiced the f o r m e r
field. H o w e v e r , Keggie played
help g e l l i n g up l o r Ihe contest,
stating " I h e
game speaks l o r itself."
As f a r as specifics g o , Siena
that "he just g o t h o t a n d we
has been p u t t i n g tilings u p o n
c o u l d n ' t stop h i m . that's a l l . I t
the b u l l e t i n b o a r d . T h e y ' l l be
reserve f o r w a r d
nis C u r r a n , w h o had been playing
it was dis-
covered lasl week. C u r r a n , w h o
and t h e Indians o f Siena, if not
had transferred l o Siena alter
Dunes o f A l b a n y
r i v a l r y this close lo the t o p . A
game that w i l l u n d o u b t e d l y
was in his l i l i h season ol varsity
the g y m l o c a p a c i t y , when this
basikelball-iunlorlumilely, you
season no other team has been
can o n l y pnlv l o i l o u i l l i l l v o a i s
able l o achieve even hall that
oyci a live yctii p e r i o d , t nnse
interest, cannot
be viewed as
mtisl o l l c i
d i n g l y , very lew have seen lit l o
( nil.in
look u p o n t o m o r r o w ' s battle i n
I he history o l this scries has
lo Ihe p a l in q u e s t i o n .
I litis l a i , I )oc Siinets has ic-
that f a s h i o n .
one o f contrasts,
couch o l U n i o n .
As staled previously, the g y m
should I ill up relatively early, so
the suggestion here is lliai y o u
A l b a n y asserting itself over the
arrive i n time I b r i h e j u n i o r v u t -
p i w l f e w years. T h e result t o this
sity contest versus Siena, w h i c h
d a y i f a 'Ift-IS Siena edge, g a i n -
begins at 6:30. A s usual, if y o n
ed t f virtue o f t h e i r t w o c o n -
can't m a k e it d o w n to Ihe g y m ,
sccufgw * ' " * • ' " " ' w i n t e r at the
The batkalbail teim In action axalml Siena In the Chrintmaa linirinnirui. Ihe Danes | e l
the Indians tomorrow at the
Avenue A r m o r y ,
another shot at
Washer Token System Ends Monday;
FSA Cites Inconvenience as Cause
b o t h Ihe j u n i o r varsity and varsity games w i l l he broadcast live
over W S U A ( 6 4 0 ) u l 6:25.
,,11,'lisn, s '
h) till It. I when
I .i, nil % sunt, in W K - I , I I I I I I I .In.', hn I
/ . l i n n .inn
. . . I Hi,il Hi li.l,, II ,u.,'|lllll|i «,r.i',mii
in.i, Inn, . HI,
u i l l In ,h.inr,,l h.i, I. I,, ,
mi l „ , i
I , I,in.in I', . .|>l nni.i, III.il " W i '
ii.ll. u,u,ill,
n i l , , h . i s ML, i i i i i s i l u l i n n 1,1,1
| H , , l l l l Ills
.Hill l l l l l i p l i l l l l l s .11 , Ills
l l u i III I ,,,', l l i i s l l l l i i ' i h . i s
• Ii,,,;',,
l i . u k i s h i p m i l Ihe pasl
ni.iti-iI.IU ,nul M willli-H-iil kmtls ill 'Jul,', h.nl I„I'M 11it'll
III I,N|I,,IIV I,, III.Im ,,,iiipl.i1111-, ni tuU'iii Ii, ni|i uini',iv\
,,l urn i l i l l u u l l I,, lik'.ik III Ih, III.I,Inn,
..Ink., S.ml
• InI
• .111,1 I . , 1 , 1 ,
-.1 i n l i ' l l l - .
;•,! I l k i l i ' h
, ,, 1111.11,
\ l i , , l l n i I , I I I I | I I . I I I I I i H cil I n A I I I I I I «.is l l l . l l
.11 U l H ' l ' l l l . l
|K'llii(ls Willi
111^ I I I , u r n i n i i j i , i.iu- I K S | , I K Ih,- l.i,l
,,l i , , I , I I . is .in , , | L i i „ s s N u l l r . m i
• l l l . l l .111. | U
,1,11111111)' l l l . l l
III, I S \
, M l l 111 I I L I l l l ' I . O . I I I s , , , l
« , , . . " I , I , , , l l l , . 1, , « . | | , I
.1 I L I I ' i l l I K n . i . l l l l i , ' n u l l u m . ' I l l , , , l l i ,
I II, i h u ' l s
111, I , I , i l l , I I I I
. M i l l I , ,11.1111 , i | l , 11 ' I l l i l l l l s | H I ,1 L
I he IIIIIII.I^C', iiiLiii ictl lt\ I In* liu'iikiiiji ill Iiikens wcie
I m p e l ul ili.H il m i l n , i l In- i i . ' i i s s . i i i i
I I . I I I I . . H l i s l i n i ' I,,
l ,n
l l i e a n s e n l lllisaiiiii
hi III)'
III, l e a l U l l p i l l is m,I
k m ( ,,le I a u i
ii i,.is ,,,1,11,,, n,1
In i h , , i n h n M SO. llllll i,, i i . i . s i s s
'IS' , ,,l Hs I, m l , , n
in PI '.' a m i
h a n pmliss
a m e i e i l III. ..UIIIMIIIHII
I ileil
MM.i, III He.illi kepi i.iliilii Is in |he
\„issiii's Illlm
. l i e Illi I, M i l l s n l
I I , i l l 11IV si s e n i l e s M i l e
nil an Ml,.H \ \ I ' l K l . h . n e
he, n i , , , H i l l slii,liui|l
( an I nl, I . m i I
,1,1, he
I,,silk piuseitiled I,a p i i i i e i i in
Ii 'ssil,im.i|.'f i ' . a h i e . l l s n u e I In I'ld'l
"llliilili , l , n n . i | i . u . i i s - l l u M
/ I
-. i,, i • , i , I.... 11. r
i,,M i m i i i i m i l l„- in.nii
eil .is I n n ) , .is I I , , H u l l s m i . u i i l . i l i s n i
K i ' l i i i u l s l . n i i i i u s i i l i,, k n i s will In- i n , i , I L .ii .ill e i i i i e m
l n k e n s.iles a i e . i s l i e l v i e e n l i ' l i l u . i l l
.'s .mil M m e l l H
i l l
«,,'. up,,lie,I
P'.slm.i mail, pnsslhk
lis ^ ^ I ' I K t i i n l i s l i l u l , ihe I,.ISIS
Int Ih, lau suit the I us I i,mil ll is
.,,11'lnm- an
si ( I I M a i , n
I null.ills
l,„, is aim,,11 . In sin-
Inn is L I I I I , u l . u l , ap
i, m l , n i l
. I', 11 III MIL I I I , I.I 11 .,111, . 1 , I I H III I.I I I IH I I n | , H , , , , l l s 111.1,
I .mills
. . I I . I I I I n . , , l s n l land
iMi.U aH lilts tin.UL. is ihal I I •
I is I M I I M siiampeil m i l l M I ' l l U i
,1.11.1 that i l l s p i u l i ,,i lend In dts
pi,Us l l l . l l I ' ! ' ' liimn-. I hese
i. Iii.i in, ss . . l i t i s
I iiiinhl.
' ,l.,|, .
I I , , III .III I I , III I n , I, H | I " . U " l , l , 11,, I. I I, , 11
\M'll.- ill.MI K ' l l l l Mill)! l l l l ' l l
i i i . i . l u l u - s i n i i i i i i , i i | ) i - i , i i i u n iilici
/ . l l l l l l ill'
v, IMIIII nl Hi,' •,'..,-.1 ,,.i)• III.I, hints ih.
.li.l, . IMII u q i n i
Il ,1111,HUH,
( . . l e l a i e i - l inmhle du mil e \ ,ii lis appeal En he llle must
lepiilnhle linn in the n i n i i l i i
I n n ' s M a n n I i l l i a u l .1, I iillll.ills,
has ahe.nli Inlil Ihe piess lh.il
N •! I ' I K t i assessment
"tended In eitullliu" siispieuius
ihal t I I leassessiuenl it.is mil
ininplelels ,.|liilahli l l u M a n n ' s
s|.i l , i n , i n is u n l n it h i , u l
e - l - I haie heell . l i tis,
It, t se.l
s ,,l ihe I niled
siai,,, I ,,i example, in \\esi
iiim-.lv i l .mills . I'eiin . in, ul, iilal
Is Ih, I
i, nl llle ,.pill, III Mill,,n
i l e l e l llllll, n i l , , a n , l l n i l h . i l , k ' , ! l e , '
I ,,l
Uil lli.il S I \ N Hingliiiiiil.iii .III,I ilii- S I \ 1
I llll,')il
ili.il i h , | , , , , , l , i , l
'„,,, » . | | | | , , | | , i m.il.i H , ' j s u ' l I n i I h , '
Ih,- m l , n , ,,,, i , i i i , , , m , ' i i i , i i i I,,
l< P."l spi'lll
Ink, I I , , | i , I.ill,,||
l l l . l l II ,*. \ l I >l'.l I I 111 11. >l -. l l H ' , , H I I | i . l l l \ i c s p n t l
Ml, i i l l ,
S i l l , , I I I , h i l , , il , , | „ I.Hill)' l l l . l , I n i i . s » , ! , ' 111 -11! , 11. , I in
I III-. l l , l | i | H ' l l , i l (Villi slli'll l l , ' , | l l , I H \
\s il iiinii'il m i l . a linlliei NVPll<(. iiisesli(!iilioii is n-HMiling that
in I ' f :
Il (nle-l aiei-humhle
huI'II iiiii|iiahlieil las assessnis. 2)
,.) inailei|iiaiel\ sniveled hnnies
etlliei iiie.inipleleli m nut al all. ,t|
lalsils mii las ikieuinenls.
s, I,, M I ' I K l i Int liven
illlA'llsliip .Units
llie piess is
si.isln In news. espeiialK
M i l l , I,,I I I I , ',,,1.1,111, III.I, llllU'1 .111,1 U l , II ML,,1,1, 11,111,
i l , . i n i i i u n i l , , , I I I ih, i n , , I I , I I I , .',.1 Ih'pl.,.,111
,, in,, .iiinl,in,,I i,, .i ,,,',,, ul l u k n i
, l,,|'i.'lll|J I I I , s l l l l i '
\ , „ ' , , „ i l i n n s , II Hi S i . i n l . m il is
•., l e i . i l i , a i s
the lo l i c i t , as has the
Ihe m i d d l e , a n d
1,111,1 111, I , , , I
I i s W i l l i IS I , s | l , , | | s l h l l I , i l
I III, I. • I lll.ll . I I I ' . , , , I i s l l l l
soinevJhcrc in
\ > lI ' I K l l
111!' I, II
One other note: Siena w i l l be
Lis iiiei|llllies
III, s, I I I , S . l l s . i h l i
arc concerned.
d o m i n a t e Ihe boards (Siena has
Both e x u d e d c o n f i d e n c e , w i t h
hospitals, s. bonis
icliU-ls pubht l.uihhes, elt Ihe
ol Us laxtng
melhotls will. Iheieloie icllcel on
ih. tpiahtv ol seivtces deliveied,
I h e p o l l ) 14 a l business
i , , | i i , s l , , l I n n Lis I,IIIS,.III,IIH',:.III
,,,iiip.iiin,., iiiiinheis Ml n i l k-n.ll
.mil .ill M i . imp,,il.IIII ueie these
p i , , n i h i l , s I he sliulillls ueie mil
I,,lie in Ihe,,Hue heliile illselepni
ues heii.ni llnlilishinii Muse ills
f u r t h e r : " A s long as it doesn't
w i t h the passing o f each d a y .
I IK s i u d . \ U S I I I K dramatical!)
ileptel 1 io\ hi he a eih whose
p i o p i ' i i \ is iiiiquesiionahh assess
>.] ,.i dilleienl values, depending
upon ih • seUioti an individual's
piopeiiv antlhoim is loealed in llv
a.iu law piopeilv is iii In- sup
I helm,ill,ihnl.iti,ins
le|iiesenls ihe sum e.ieh ul these
'llll hiinieiiiinels -Imillil he pii\iii|!
in l.ixes
\ l l e i iMIheliiie llle liesh il.H.i
Ihe M I ' l U l i sluileiils sliulleil In
I In ( Hi \ssessm's I Mine, pnhlek
points. Steve W a l l e r s a n d R o d
l i r s t , it has risen in intensity
(tenerallv, \ > I ' l K d loimd the
t i n wide avei.ijie loi asscsMiientvlo
he HI', t ll)', I he eslienie devia
lion lepoileil was phenomenal
K.IMKI than piopeltv heiiij; assess
ed ai W . ol lis value, some homes
were iccorded as low as \ ", ol
ilk u in.u kei value I lollies in ihe
u ol s o well i a legoi \
wci e
somelinies laKelv appiaiscd ,M
'Oil , above iheii Hue niaikei 01
U'.IIS in I I „ I
Far f r o m i t , at least as far as star
was that
Ml these sialisiies ate actually
nol as pel pie Xing as ihe understanding ol piopeilv lax pioeedllics
Might indicate lieloie a piopcrly
lav is levied on a homeovwtei, the
( i l \ \ssessoi imisl lusl deleiiuine
ihe approximate ni.n kei value ol
ihe hoincaiul propci i\ \ qiiahhed
.ippiaisci (usuallv a ical estate ex| M l i llien applies an ussessnieiil
i.iliool ihe house's maikel value.a
lax IIC.HK- is iheiideiivetl horn ihis
process I'topclh lasahon is ihe
hie blood ol a . i l \ htiv nnisl ielv
lel.ilninsliips ui si'lienies n pel mils.
Ke.ili/ui}; llle lleiessili Uil mleln.il iinpitiienieiiis in 11 m nml
the jiin|iensil\ Int
hnsiness iiililti;iiiivp iiiln polities.
Ihe N ! I ' I K t i sin,lenls snuplil in
leeheek .ill "ullienil" l.is hiinies
I lie eiiuip. Ililluull l.njiik inespeiieneeil in I,is .ill,ins. palnsl.iknifik I's.iinineil iihnnsl 71111
p i n p e i l i s.ilis u i i l i n i Ihe l.isl llnee
selline value \ sliaiii nol home
h\ lower middle class
lamihes siuigglmg will) lodav'sesealatiug I nod pi ices, tents. Mine
I loss
hills. ,\m\ employment
L'II, local media, and increasing
uumheis ul cm/ens aie expiessmg
vocal coneciu n\ci its contents; the
allegations ol winch claim thai
11 IIA'N proper t\
lepcaiedh uelinn/c the owners ol
lo we i
valued pi open \ . while
heneliluie ihe mvueis ol lug he J
cosi land I lie extensile leaclions
.ihoin the lax inequities, which
uuigc h u m naive bcwildci meal lo
•aispc* let! conliimalion til the lax
pi.ictuvs ol ihe u i \ government,
siem iiiauiK horn ihe \ "l H K d
w i t h losses to l o n a , A s s u m p -
A r e t h e players o b l i v i o u s t o
b u i l d i n g earlier
night's game against V e r m o n t ,
associated w i t h (he b a s k e t b a l l
I IOV'S puoiesi disinels. the
louiih and seventh Wauls, sing a
dill iem lime to the lax collector,
I h > wauls shellei substantial
in iiontv and low income groups.
have a high talc ol absentee
laiidloidslttho. uieideiilallv. pass
then uieieascd laves lo tenants in
the lot in ol highd icnls) and aie
o u i assessed ,tl an average rale ol
i u v , - l ( ] 7 ' ( . instead ol W , . Ohvanish, those least able to pa\. aie
taxed cxcecdmglv untie. Ihcv. in
ellect, compensate lot ihe i tch bv
paviiry more to the eil) ihan then
I,in share
I he \ l , i \ o i ol I i o \ . ( i l \ ( I I I I I I -
I he Danes might have been
looking by the Cardinals, possibly
explaining some of their sloppiness, but now are laced with the
prospect of looking right at the
noweiful Siena Indians.
Bright spot number one was
Keggie Smith, who hauled down 11
rebounds and shot a conservative
6-12 from Ihe floor. In one sequence, Keggie pulled down a
Ml is nol well in I roy. Normally.
till I H I \ p u i p c r n
residential or
coinmeieial arc appraised at W (
ol then market 01 selling value:an
assessment tax is calculated upon
this liguie. lint in I u rs's "Hill
Wards." which .ire the highest
valued a leas ol ihe eilv. I he assessment lax wasdiseoveied lo he nolmalh Kl.S a liguie lepresenlinga
signilleant moiiclaiv untieiassessmenl. since the giealei the pi openv
value ihe nunc ihe lax rev eiilic
l l i u h rules lor low income
I m i l l concert) expressed
Speaking of Siena, Assistant
coach John Quattrocchi confided
before the game that he was concerned about the Danes looking
pasl Plattsburgh to Saturday's encounter with arch rival Siena.
Although the play was at times
sloppy, there were bright spots In
the (ireat Dane victory.
throughout a city, but the NYPH U i report stales that "owners ol
the least valuable properties in
I roy pa\ more than their fair
share, while owners ol more
valuable properties pay less."
by Dennis Ksposit
Pete Koola looked particularly
good in the first hall and should he
a big plus against lull, strong
teams, someone like Siena.
I he once frozen Miller warmed
up enough lo sink three straight
jumpers, and Trevett added a pretty fadeaway jumper and base line
lay-up to put it o u l of reach.
February 12, 1974
Troy Law Firm Hit For Assessment Negligence
Smith Nets 14 pis.
Harold M c r r i t t a n d Ed Johnson,
both off the bench, picked up the
slack along with Gary Trevett and
Albany opened up a 33-28 margin.
81.1W Umvvniiy ol Now York ,n Albany
Vol ..XI N.i S
Danes Cage Cardinals, 82-64
The Albany Great Danes c o m
b i n e d balanced scoring and
aggressive rebounding to defeat
visitingSUNYACfoc Pittsburgh.
82-64, in an important basketball
test, Wednesday night.
i . • l.inils i.in I hen hai|i
m enn
Ii.lel m i l l I I n i lias Uil a u i i u p l i i e ,
h.il,in, eil
nun p i i l i t i e a l
p i i i p e i i i assissnienl ei.ihiiiiinii
IS [ll
ss I n , Il l l l l llllCs .111,1 H|lIll
II ens.
l.is s t a n d . l i d s
11,, LL.SIIS ,1 is tin- i,,mis penple
Mil,, MI, li.i-niilllie in piess Ini
,.ills 1,11,is inleiiieii I,
, | l l , Sis I n M i l d I n I I I I , ( 111 \ s s , M , l l
.11, lll.l M t i l l
I Inn m m , III Int
I.III ptnpelll I.is.Hi,HI mas he
pnhlnls m i l i d ill lime. n i l . I I . u l . is
nl I ,sn n si I aside ill I ins Ini
assessments .|tii slums ami . . . H I
pi.mil. Ihis,sihe,las N \ P I K t , is
s i)',,i misls eaiiipaigniiiy .iwii ss,,t k
till' lut at Ihe hnpe nl pi..dm III):
Hiasiiiiiiiii elll/ell inessiite
kind lll.ll pelllllls in. eill eniei IIllieiil I,, linn lis h,iek up,HI \ da\
ihal ini)ihl leis still maik ihe
euiii lust.,ii nl las ini'i|iuwes in
l i n t Neil ' l i n k
Special Centerfold on Student Association .
' I .'.".lo
1974 Telethon CHmtyF^
Wildwood School For Autistic Children
by Nancy Cook
Perhaps the most visible of the
many S U N Y A charity events,
Telethon 1974 is scheduled for
March 22.
Seven years ago, the concept of
Telethon first came to the attention
of the Special Events Board. They
focused their benevolent attentions
of the Boy Scouts of America. Until 1970, Telethon had been the
culmination of the week long
altruistic activities collectively
termed Campus Chest
LoriUerbcrand Dave Taffct are
the co-chairpersons. Since the
beginning of the academic year, the
committees have been raising
money through various means.
sold masks,
cake sales in (he Campus
Center and showed
Money that is earned in advance is
mainly used foi the purpose of paying the hills such as those for the
Campus Center Ballroom and
publicity charges. A Hood Fast is
tentatively scheduled lor March
Hor the recent auditions many
have been coming and trying out.
Karen Glibolf and Mike Klein arc
the talent chairpersons. They make
the selection and schedule the
latent prevails with folk singers
and comedy acts. Groups from the
Holiday Sing such as 4 plus 2 from
Indian Quad arc performing. John
Simson, Neil Brown and his Faculty Band
and the Star-Spangled
Washboard Hand are coming.
Konald McDonald will he thereon
a Saturday morning portion of the
program. More auditions will be
February 25.27.2K. and
March 4lh. 6th. and 7th.
Another feature of Telethon is
an auction thai lakes place with
merchandise donated by Atlantic
Kccords, Capital Records. l)enhy's. Prices Chopper, and others.
For a lillle money, one will be able
Campus Contraception
C l i n l c
THURSDAY evenings at the
For Appointment call:
Mon. - Fri.
between 1 - 5 pm
Interviews With Two Top Contenders
to throw a pieat some well-known
people on campus.
This year's cause is Wildwood
School. It is for braindamaged;
emotionally, and perceptually handicapped children; and those with
learning disabilities. They have
recently lost funding from the
Albany County Menial Health
Association and arc a needy
organization. I he cost to educate
one child is $5,000 a year and the
parents only pay a $200 tuition if
they can afford it. They have been
in operation for about six years
and serve about 60 in a day school
program. There is home training
which help parents while the
children are still young so that they
can learn lo care for Iheni. Some
need completely indi\iduali/ed instruction and equipment.
I he telethon lakes place in the
Campus Cenlei Ballroom March
22 and 2.1. A 50a donation is asked
ol those who wish lo attend.
Wl* I K is televising from Saturday
X am l o K p m . Channel 1.1 (WAS I)
and II) (W I T.N | are carrying it lor
an hour each. WSUA will give 24
hour coverage.
l.asl year $12.500 was raised and
this lime ihcv are aiming lor >15.1)00. Tun Cierber said lite oncampus response lias been excellent mid "people have been
working lealK hard and we're sine
I he lelellion will he even more
sueeesslul than lasl year."
Syrian artillery fire blasted Ireaeli military
positions and
two persons and wounding five, the Israeli military command announced
It said Israeli forces returned the fire.
The command claimed the dead included a civilian woman.
IThe Israeli authorities said the fighting lasted about three hours in nearly all sectors of the Syrian bulge captured by Israel in the October war.
The Golan battle was announced as Iraq and Iran were reported reinforcing border outposts because of a battle Sunday over disputed territory that
caused more than 140 casualties.
LONDON (AP) Miners formed picket lincsindrivingrainand wind outside British coal mines Monday on the second day of a nationwide strike
Joe Whelan, a miners'union official in the Nottingham area, said he had
been threatened with death after safety workers, charged with keeping the
mines in operable condition crossed picket lines.
"There will be bitterness, even between father and son. for years lo come
if this situation continues." Ten Clarke, the regional union leader in Nnitingham , said.
In London, police rolled up to a large power station to keep an eve on
picketing operations only lo find no one had shown up. The miners could
not get a train from Kent lo London because of wildcat strikes on the
M A N I L A . Philippines (AP) Thousands of refugees lied on Moiulav
from burning Jolo town in the southern Philippines, where airloree planes
bombed and strafed as government troops buttled Moslem secessionisis,
reliable military sources said.
About 6.000 refugees, most of them Moslems, landed by boat MOIHI.IV
100 miles north of Jolo in Zaiuboangacityon Mindanao, (he souther inn u*i
main Philippine island, according to government social welfare ullieciN
Officials were seeking urgent shipment of food, clothing and medicine loi
the refugees, who were being housed in school buildings.
W A S H I N G T O N (API A scries ol transportation measures covci'ine
highways, mass transit and railroads is being sent lo Congress this week In
President Nixon-
W A S H I N G l ( ) \ (AP) Rep. Peter W. Kodino. chairman ol the lh>
Judiciary Committee.saidSunday hiscoiiinnitee isaboul to icqiKsi. n .
doaimculs l i m n the While House and already has sought a lisi ..t
material compiled hv the special Watergate prosecutor.
He said a meeting has been arranged lor llns week between Ins
inillee's counsel and .lames I) St. Clan. President Nixon's duel Vv.iiur
Kodino's coiuuiiltee sconducling an inquiry into the possible nu|>
11:00 A.M.-9:00 P.M.
50 loveable little animals
for you to pet and feed.
35c Admission
incnl ol Nixon.
Ihe New Jersey Democrat would not specily whai would he iu|ti'
li " i n Si. Clan. Inn said: "Wearc going lo require and icqiicsi I lie n m
documents and wluicvei may he necessary "
( MM I he olleil-violcnl shutdown by groups ol disoigam/cd nioVju 11.
milkers appealed all Inn over today. I here was only scallcietl viol, i
dining the night and increased truck Inillic was reported in .i nnml" i
I here were holdouts among the truckers, however. Willi senile vuvvine '
continue ihe shutdown until diesel liiel prices are lowered
In Chicago, large numbers ol liuckswcre unloading piuilucc .n ihv• ->••
Watei Street Market.
"Wearc quite busy down here and al leasl IK trucks aie picseuilv
loading," said one produce ineichain " loday is dllletetn hum lasl \ l . <
day when only loui trucks were unloading"
A stalelioopei in Peoria. Ill . reported thai "Ihe li m i s . n r le.illv lollim
It's vv.iy up, it seems lo he lleaviei than usual "
A l ItANV l A I ' i Sew \ u i k Slate was mil among the slates puked '
lederal oilicialslo leceive additional gasoline supplies Hill ( " » Mai
V* 11 son s.oil he e spiels mute gasoline will soon he Mowing mln III' ' ''
Wilson said Sunday he is pressuring the lederal government n> p i " v •
^ oik nunc gasoline.
New Voik was urn one ol ihe 12 stales designated lo icteive IIHICIIMC
gasoline allocations by Ihe federal Lneigy Olllee Hill v\ ilsou said lh.n •
expected New Vurk lo receive a laigei allocution in the ne.n Ilium
Lowenstein Vigorously Campaigns in
Non-Candidacy for Javits Senate Seat
settlements Monday along the 40-mile Golan Heights ceasefire line, killing
Ihe President outlined his plans in a radio speech Salurdiiv in which lie
also called upon striking independent truckers to go back lo work
And there were indications thai the truckers' work stoppage is easing
wiih fewer incidents ol violence and the Pennsylvania National (maid
preparing lo deactivate.
In his speech Nixon said one ol his programs will authnri/e S2 billion m
lederal loan guarantees lo help railroads improve their tracks, teninii.il
and equipment.
Ihe program, he said, will make significant changes in leileu
regulations governing rail height carriers.
Another program, Nixon said, would aulhori/e $16 hillion in ledei.il .ml
over six years lor metropolitan and rural transportation with IvuHhiu! .•
the amount available In local and state governments to use "wheie in,
believe this money can be speni more effectively."
•J.' " M i l , i
"No slate is more acutely allceled by the gasoline shortage ili.ui S' «
Wnk I hilly expect that I K ) Tedeial I nergy Ollicc will nppiove
creased allocation ol gasoline lor New York within Ihe nexl lew days" ilu
governor said in Ins statement.
Wilson's slaleineni reflected on the past saeiiliccs New Yoikcis h,i<
made dining such crisis us win Id wars. "We can win I Ins one." lie said "I H"
gasoline crisis, "with pubhepaliencc and cili/eneoopei al ion a nd ilurallm .i
lion ol more gasoline to New York by Ihe lederal I nergy Ollicc "
by Nancy Alhaugh
Not much is sacred to Allurd
After being gerrymandered out ol his Brooklyn
seat in Congress in 1970, lie has
eyes on a U.S. Senate seal, though
he hasn't set declared his candidacy. With "hard w o r k " he hopes
In take
A l l a n ! U w e n s t d n , non-candldite for U.S. Senator.
He's against the way the
has "run
things." " I he) worked haul to
eo.tnpi.l-e an abysmal record. It's
Samuels Stresses Bureaucratic
Clean-upas Top Campaign Pledge
h\ l l i / n h c l l i (.ross
Hovuud S.iHULLK strode quickly
nun i l u h o l d loom, shook hands
wnh ilk' loin repoilers. anil immcdiatek lauiuiied into the issues
thai IK hopes u i l i bung him New.
> oi k \
nexl governorship
I he
l o i i i k i New \ oik ( n\ (111-1 lack
I k i i i u g ( haiiinau. spoiling a dark
blue suit ami .1 hionve tart, began
his statements almost hcloie he
u.is sealed ill lioill ol llic tape
recorder's mieioplioiic lite piess
weie laku.e advantage ol his
appearance al Diet apnal Disinct's
D e i n . u 1 aiie
( oalilioii
Decline al the Kainada Inn in
\sked what he thought ol
\\ ilsoii,
Samuels deelaied thai llwic has
been no pet lot niance on Wilson's
pail and that Ins Stale ol Stale
Message was bland '"I don't know
11 he knows 11 he's guvei 1101 01 not
I he discussion
between tuples rapidly. On ihe
eneigv situation, Samuels lashed
mil al ihe "lack ol leadership" in
New Yoik Me said thai with President Nixon. Iighteisure needed lo
have gasoline hi ought into New
l o r k He ciled ihe need loi discipline 111 plaiinii
loi whal he
sees as a "long-tern) shortage
ahead '" Me Would like lo see siantlauls applied thai would make 11
1 onipnlsoi \ loi all new eai s lo gel
Iwentv miles lo ihe gallon and lhat
would dnecl ( oil I disou to burn
coal 01 icliise lot eneigv
I 1na11e1.1l aid to college sludcnls.
with leleienee to ihe ( oshgan
( nninilttee hill ihal would decrease
aid lo pliblit college sludcnls while
giealh aiding sludcnls al pn\alc
schools, was I he topie seen as most
dneelK alleeling sludcnls ll was
IIKI b\ Sanuiel's slaleineni. "We
iiuisi l u l p p i i \ a l c s c h o o l s . " i h a i ihe
puhlu schools cannot he the only
iiistiliiltoiis aided llloMClai il\ I le
tonliuues ^\\. staling lhat cdueaiioii must be "relevant lot ihe soeiei\ we li\e in " I ice tuition, accol dine lo Samuels, should he decided
on a uuiimuuiiv level, ihe stale
should coiittibulea ccilain aunuint
ol money lo a school, w uh the
question ol Hie payment ol ihe
balance ol the luilion mdiM 'uall\
dei ided In each comniuiiil) He
i l u n aiiackcd the St \ \ ssstem as
o\ei expanded, badly managed.
a nd
u \ el p l a n n e d
Ktiekelellei \duunislialion. lei
mmgllie \aiiouseomplc\csas" la)
Ma h a l s "
a nd
1 esulls
Kockclellers'Vdillce complex." he
warned lhat siudeiiis w ill be pacing
\ u \ rare to h a \ c a situation quite
so clcai where one party deserves
lo be thrown out ol power."lit*told
II he thinks ihe Democratic Party is wrong, he'll su> so. he proudly
relates. He led the "dump Johnson" mo\enicnl ol '6S. during his
I resit man term as congressman,
\ e i \ inlormal and easy-going,
he dressed Lot the New Democratic
Co.iliiion ( \ I K ) meeting m a noiso-eiisp. blue biillon-down shirt,
a lie loosened al ihe eollai In ihe
eml ol his w o i k d a \ . and gie\ panls
which had eudenlh seen bellei
da\s I he image he 11 led In present
was one ol a woi kei. a man loo
hiis\ 10 be bolheied w i l l ; changing
clothes loi a meeting Me sal
-.lumped down in his eliau. .ileil
bin klaxcd wnh ihe gioup ol
sludcnls and stall memheis
alter all he had done in office. Nixon also said he didn't want anyone
lo take him at "lace value." " I
didn't think there was anyone who
d i d ! " he quipped.
In urging lor impeachment.
I owenstciii sees himscll asaeiti/en
lust, and nol as a candidate. As a
cili/en. he demands his 1 ighltocall
lot impeachment.
Wilson's weakness
He erilici/ed Governor Wilson
hn weakness m ollicc.as did most
ol the Democratic candidates at
llic pain gathering. Wilson had a
good chance altei
levigucd. bur he didn't lake all ihe
oppoitiinit ies allordcd him. at
leasi dining the liist live weeks ol
olhee said I owcnstein. " I f s a sort
ol aJuewmcni in huv mg been
I iciiicnaut Uo\envoi hn lilteen
veils and no-i having an>one know
Ou'reuiiiinu l*> uieisrn
aed w u h
and leinpcied with a
shone woi k clhu . his ..oinnu ills
on \ i x o n . louign allaiis. ihe slate
i>l Ihe stale his eaillpaigll. as well
as ihe stale ol Hi, \ n u nean people
show ed a 1 oiiccili loi \inei lea
\boui the \1ne11ean public, he
said. " W o t i l d n i ihev be stupid il
Ihcv wereni cvnieal' I he ipiesiion
is uol aie ihcv eWHcul, hill whal can
be done lo o\ t Koine llic e\ me isin "
IU siiggesied naming hcilei c m
dklales, wnh Ljch eaiulidale and
o l l u e holdei accountable lo i l u
Howard Samuels, ex-OTB head and candidate for Governor.
a .meal deal in lite \eais ahead loi
ihe "'laiee " ol linancial planning
I he discussion sw itched to
Samuel's \ u n i b e i One
should he become <io\crnoi Me
staled ihal he Would "haw lo
sii.ughien 0111 ihe management ol
the haiikmpl slate." He wants lo
"eel nd ol ihe buieaiieiaey." including ihe reduction ol civil sei\ ice einployees "how main do we
need.'" Ik asked.
\\ lien asked how hewouldlix lo
impiove the iclaiionship ol ihcciiy
and stale, cspecialh in \ icu ol the
e ig li 1 \ ear
si 1 a in
Kovkelellei ami loimei New N 01 k
( U\ Ma\oi lohn I uidsiiy . he said
1I1.11 iu was "synipaihelic h> the
tkL,i\ ol mil Lihes." 11 tit I housing.
11 one. and economic dcu'lopinenl
weie all important considerations.
Siahng ihal he leaches a course in
I 1 ban 1 Loiiomies al the New
St 11001 in 1 he ( u>. he eon I inucs on
10 ask whai he termed as a vital
issue "Mow do vtiu keep the middle class in ihe cilies'.'" Me proposed
thai aiisWeis would come Irotn
cicaiivc approaches and integrity
in government
Samuel's call tor
honesl giuei nmem led him to
ileMiibe Ihe iiisiitulional icloinis
on ihe legislative level, which
would include lull-lime legislators,
open committee meetings, ami
piolessmii.il stalls In ihe ludicial
Munich he wants panel recommendations ol judgeships 10 eliminate
whal he called •'Uockelellcr's appoinimeiil ol |udges loi political
He uouUl hke 10 <*T the criminal
Itistice s\siem lehuill lo laeihlal
"swill, sine. Ian lUstice." I l e c l a i n i
ed lo he against Ihe dealt] peualU
and would veto anv hill to remittal
it. IK addeil llial he believed il lo he
a coiistilulutiUll question
I lici
lei ining KockeieJIci's lough ding
plan " h a l o u e v "
he siiessed
lehabililalion ol drug addicts, he
lavors •'dcciimrnah/aiion"ol man-
Samuels outlined his plans loi
election i c l o i m . which include
limiting the aniounl ol money
donated and spent in a campaign.
selling up a iion-paitisan auditing
group and a citminnlcommittee 10
act ag.iuisl illegal ,u h\ itics. and
beginning a plan lor subsidi/ing
cmipaign lu.uls
Speaking in 1 defence lo his
i eigu
Sa m u d s
recommended (he legah/alioii ol
gambling in New York lo gel
iiigani/ed clime, w Inch icaps SO ' <
ol Us mcome lioin gambling, mil
ol ihe business. He ixceilaiu thai it
could woi k well on a slate-wide
basis "I'm a good manager and
O l H piuves thai ihe government
L.111 manage " He ilu n dei laied the
\<-i. Jo,/, / i » i , ^ s l u i y o n ihe \ U
pi dice "w Ink' pa pel." winch staled
lhat gamhling would become iampaut Innuois' and housew ives'
gambling), 10 be a "hand "
In llic aiea ol health eaic. he
would siippoii a stale 01 national
health nisuianee pmgrani
I le
aiiswctcd. "ves." when asked il
f heieshould hi a ledeial lake-ovei
01 welhne eosis
\ hall houi allei ihe mieniew
s i a i k d . Samuels wound upbv l.ilk1 ug p o l i i u s
He wauls .1
I Jenioiiatie Mhanv I egislaluie as
well as inoie people i i n o b e d HI
I Jenioei.iin, par i\
Kegaiding par Iv disumiv during
the piimaiies. he said. "I haveiti
said anv ihing ahoul ihe othci candidates:'
\ n i c i i , a i i public.
Ik sees little piogies.s in I S
dealings u u h othci countiies.
1 htnieh
i h e adni 1 n i s t i a i u o i
claims sucevsses "I scoui ihe
cailh lo hud evidence ol these
siu cesses." ()ui
iclaiion with
( hina vias unproved undei llic picsenl admuiishahoii. he said, bill
ihe means loi achieving that improvement weie wrong. Ihe I S .
should nol "lav dow n in Iron! ol
Mao and beg loi detente." With
Kussia. he said il llieK weie a leal
detente, ueiihei countiv would be
siipplvmg anus to the Mid-1 ast.
In lavoi .>l a "deienie based on
millual lei Iplocitv ol ihe desiie loi
peace." he said ULII Cllllcilt loicigll
\sked a b . m l
chances b.i ihe I'lesideucv in '7b.
one ol ihe possible icasoiis loi his
resignation. 1 owcnstein said, " I he
i|iiesiion is uin anv une bin ihe
I'lesnleucy ' "
I owensiein. Koekelellei
bought ihe Onvetnoiship | o r $22
million, "can he a l l o u i lo spend
lot) million on the I'lesideucv r "
(nam lorpoiatrons should he
Lituholled by public service eommiiiecs, noi b\
s.nd I oueiisiein
1 he campaign
\u^^\^\ in oveicome thc"docl mal
it'sisiauce" lo naluuiali/alioii in
this u ' l i u i i v would be misleading.
He does,, 1 leel the
uahouali/ed mdusiries have peiIMimed niiieh inoieeHicieiulv since
llien nalioiiali/ahon.
I owcnstein said il he had the
mo ne \ . lie
w ould
siui I a
ne w spa pel Ills eve's lightedup |Ust
tin liking about being an editor lie
said ihe pi ess should heat Us peak
now. uuh all ihe corruption in
government, hut that thev aie
1 nl 11 ig on the lepuialton ol seveial
individual icpoiieis, nariicnlaiK
those hoin ihe II iisUmg.itm ft'-W .
He spent a lew minutes lamenting
ihe loss ol I 00k and I lie
uiaga/uies. saving I hey icalh added io ihe national spun
Oranee Soda and I'ollvanna
Ihe inlcivicw
memheis hi ought linn
soda and a gla/ed doughnill. w Inch
olleiedio aiivoue who might like
pan \eknowledgnig ihe gesture
"Out itl evcix e\ 11 sonic good can
be louiul.*' he S.IKI admitting
l*oll\aniia-ish optimism.* )neol ihe
goods horn Ihe Nixon \dininishalioii is ihe viiiual assuiance t>l
puhl.it i m , l i n i n g nl campaigns
" I veil Spu o \gnew 111 his postlelouious peiiod has eome out in
lav 01 >il public hiiaiiciug "
He ihmks Nixon should he impeached unmedialclv
said 10 me live othci dav lhat
there was noi one scintilla ol
evidence again.si Nixon I answered
luiii il we wall much longer, there
won"! be "
I owenstciii Ihoughi ihe Slate ol
the I mon message was "high comedy " " I l was leinaikable. ihal
Nixon could aiguc loi protecting
the iiulividuars nglii io privacy"
W ill he drop out?
In aiiswci lo ihe specualtion he.
along w iih Kanise\ t'lai k. might
diop mil ol the race lor the
senatorial iioimriation paving the
\\,iv loi Arnold Salt/man, his eves
seemed lo snimg l i o m h i s head. "1
luive been asked main slailhng
queshons dining mv
eaieci. but lhat is by lai ihe most
Mauling question l h a v e c v c i been
asked " He explained he had nol
even decided lo mil loi the
iioiumaiion. no lessdropout ahead
ol lime, and would not make any
decision loi anolhei "month or
so " Hut. he said. " I l l run. it will be
i>i win a Senate seat."
He sees llic Democratic l*arty us
hasicallv unilicd. though many
people aie running kn each ollicc.
lie would
how 011 l o i ihe iaee.il
neeessaiv "11 it looked lo me to be
a divided situation, 1 wouldn't
I III! "
Between hard work and good
candidates. I owcnstein thnks the
Democrats urn sie/c the next elections
NDC Gathering Profiles Democratic Hopefuls
by Gltim von NostHz
Howard Samuels. Ogden Reid.
Abrams. Paul O'Dwyer, Tony
Olivieri and a number or other
prominent slate Democrats were at
the Silo restaurant Friday night,
directly across the street from the
S U N Y A campus. They were all
speakers at a New Democratic
C o a l i t i o n sponsored. "Public
Forum", where all the Democratic
Party candidates for statewide office were supposed to meet each
other and the public.
New York City Council President Paul O'Dwyer was scheduled
to be the forum moderator, but he
late because of a
- stnowstorm downstate. su N D C
organizer Ron Alheim took his
place, introducing the candidates
their " b n c l live minute
speeches". Ol course, with this being d political event, mint. ..i the
speeches staved under the lime
limit, and the evening drugged un
I* * > • " r
Assemblyman Ptter Berlt
I u i iiicr
\ I tomes
U.trnscs ( I.• rK and < nrigiessrnan
Hugh ' aies also gol caught in the
siutw .iunn ttnd didn't ni.ikc a hi
Mhun> .il -ill ( lark, who is runiling liH ilie Senate, was g rounded
in W .i-dimglon. .mil ( are\. who
has guhe i naloi lal aspirations,
n.ulilii'i gel a Ihghl mil ol New
Howard Samuels, who resumed
Ihuisdu) as O l 11 head in nrdci Hi
devote lull lime to his gubernatorial campaign was ihe most
ehansmuhc personalis ol the
AI I osvenstem came
across as the most fanatical- Arnold- S a l t / m a n , the multimillionaire businessman hoping to
run against Jacob Javits, was the
most low-key and thoughtful.
Bronx Borough President Robert
Abrams. in the race for Attorney
General, seemed the happiest to be
Assemblyman Daniel Haley,
who isn't running for anything
right now. gave the keynote address on the "Need to Elect a
iX'mocratic Legislature." Not only
does that mean a legislature run by
the Democratic Party, he said, hut
one which is democratic with a
small " d " as well.
Hales talked about some specific
reforms he would like to see. including abolition ol the rules committee and public campaign financing. "We must lake thi power
, I W J \ h u m the olig.ii
right now onls thfet m lout powerful men can decide legislation
singlehandedis." he stated.
Ihe candidates lor lieutenant
governor spoke right alter Haley.
line Counts Assernblsman John
I .a I alee didn't exactly stir the
hearts and minds ol the audience
with his call lor a "Philosophs ol
Victors" Ihe lirsi yawns could he
State Democratic
( h a i r man Joseph ( rangle must
base been distressed, he's backing.
I .a N i c e .
It u t s o u n g
Assembly man
I oris
reawakened the crowd with his call
lor a lieutenant governor who will
take an attire role in policy determination
He also said the
Democrats must develop issues
ih,it will unite the parts while still
attacking the Kockelcller-W iK,.n
Senatoi Vims \ru.v kr.ipsat is
also limning l"i lieuleii.jHt guselrioi hut a spokesman san! tfi.il dk
was in Oswego I r<d . •- Lain
paigmng loi a can I d • - ill a
special assembly election and she
Loiildn'i make n to Ylbam k l u p sak is presenily considered the
mosl seiious eonlendei loi the |oh
I he high point nl Ihc evemiiL'
lame when the guheinatona I can
dldaics rose to speak
S.i inuels is q u ne deb on aire,
sophisticated, well tanned, and in
possession ol most ol these otltc)
qualities that make him " I he ( an- j
University Speakers Forum
didalc". Ogden Reid, on the other
hand, looks more academic with
his professorial glasses.
Samuels spoke on oneissue; Women's Rights. He cited the
usual figures showing how women
are discriminated against by the
social security administration, by
rape and insurance laws, and how
they gel less pay fordoing the same
work as men. His remarks were intcrspercsed repeatedly
applause, mostly from the female
members of ihc audience.
because they arc "running with a
burden, their own record"
Noted Assemblyman Peter V V
Uerle spoke after Abrams. He has
established himscll as the lamdsman type, and often include*
members of his la mil) in his public
life. He's (all, young, with an unusually good posture and a 1 % :
Kennedy style haircut. He spoke
against the "dual sense ol justice",
with one standard lor the wealths
and no standard ol justice loi the
middle imcomc and poor people
Rockland Counts District \ i lurney Robert Median isalsouiuning lor Attorney General, lie calls
himscll a "lavs and order" can
didate. and says he would base
sued Shell Oil lot the excess pioin>
ihes've made oil the energv UIM>
rather <han issue an iii|imclioii ,i
I ouis I elkowit/ |ust did. pi
ting them horn making big pioi
ill the liiture " that's like c.iuti.,..
a buiglai who's committed -"•
hurglaiies. and issuing an num.
lion telling him not to comma i
4f>ltf Meehan said
Paul O'Dwyer, President of New York City Council.
make him a center ol attention
Samuels said he is vers serious
Ihe \itoines
(icneral canabout doing something to promote
didates spoke next. Robert
women's tights, and the word is
\branis and Hubert Humph res.
thai d nominated,he would have
create a sum la i impression in a fust
Mais Anne Krupsak as his running
lime ohscisci. Both base bald
male He mentioned her several
pales, both are not vers tall, and
limes during his address, including
both are ebullient, energetic, and
when he stated that women often
are belief legislators than men and
are ol ten nunc success! ul at garner*
*\hrams told the gathering thai .
MIL' \ o | e s
the Republican* will he "smashed
l l o u a i d Samuels mav have been
to smithereens" in Nov ember
sen cliaiisinalie, but Ogden Reid
g..l perhaps the higgesl round ol
applause nl the mghl when detailed loi the impeachment and
icsigiiation o| Kahatd \ i \ o n
"Ni Mm mns! meet Ihe hai nl justice
tusi like aiis othi i man' the gubern.ilonal a-nnanl said
Paul OUss\ei a i m e d al a
> HO. .liter ^pending live hours oil
Ihe Sew 1..ik llnuwas. lie was
usiblv hied ,iui\ gave mils a short
speech when compared to the
lenght ol ihe other talks O'Dwsei
leinmivced about his soulhlul dass
a^ an lush polnieal hack in unmigiant areas .-I New ^ oik He
campaigning for U.S. Senator |
From N.Y.
Feb. 15*,
Admission Free :
NOR M L S sun developed alter
the group petitioned the nowdeluncl Bureau ol Narcotics and
Dangerous Drugs in \iil2
icniose pot horn Schedule I on the
basis ol studies bs the National
M ai ijuana Commission and
According to N O R M L attorney
Peter Meyers, there is no indication ol when the DEA will hold
hearings, but he added "We hope
ii's as soon as possible." If marijuana is totally removed from the
dangerous drug schedules, it would
throw into serious doubt the
penalties loi marijuana.
CUNY Women File Suit
\nllk- N|)III| .is MIL- I >an..u,.l .1
\ l \ a n f . i u his S1.1U ,.l in. I
I'flhjtpS sCIIMIl.U lll.l!
.IIUJICIICC U.ls l l l l l l l '
111. ' '
I . i u i 11
l u t n i f i head " I tin 'Dimi|> I. '
vutlH-iil. ll.nKil lu ..1
piHimlal lilt' nislllliii « illi In •
.mil Mined .ihiinl llu . . ,,s .'i
NiMin pii-Mdciln His 1.1.11 •>
n i l . his tit
. i n i i p i l . i n r « t l I l k .1 .uli. •
iwis dclighk'U
" \ l \ o n is .1 IIISL-I". hi' s.inl II
liisl l u l l hiscjhinct.liiswh.il. -i.ii
.ind mm Ihc tapes "
I iiuciislcill was incl u illi .1 1.1'
diiiguvasluii! I1.1111 \i lial u.i- I. !'
1 lie audience
Currently, marijuana is listed on
Schedule I ol the dangerous substances list, thereby classifying it
heroin. Ihe National
Organization lor the Reform ol
Marijuana Laws ( N O R M L ) filed
the suit which resulted in the court
order to the DEA to look into
H E W . The Narcotics Bureau
replied that it was unable to reconsider the status of marijuana
because of "treaty obligations,"
and N O R M L filed suit in federal
When the N O R M L suit was
heard, government lawyers built
their case on the assertion that an
international agreement ratified by
the U.S. Senate nine years ago (the
"Single Convention Treaty of
1961") prohibited the U.S. from
reclassifying marijuana. The
Appeals Court ruled that the treaty
does not prohibit a reclassification,
and ordered the DEA to accept
NORML's petition and investigate
the status of the weed.
\ i n o l d Salt/man. who goi •-.
staii in governmeni ssoiking !.
1 lauklm Rooscu-lt. did link u
regain the audience's mieivsi II
ease a vets low -kes . no-non-. nspeech in which he called loi an.n.i
to "all the ihctonc". and ew n .*.
end to W ateigale lokes. which '. .
persaded all ol the p i c n. .
speeches. Mlci he ssas Ihiotigh "
audience applauded ssiihaboi.il "
Robert Abrams, Attorney General Candidate
(CPS) The U. S. Court of
Appeals in Washington DC handed down a ruling January 15 ordering the Drug Administration
Agency ( D E A ) to institute "rulemaking procedures" to determine
il marijuana should be reclassified
sviihin the dangerous
schedules, or removed from the
da n g e r o us s u b s t a n c e
I he pioceedmgs weie uiiimii
late, and the Senatoi lal ('.nidnj.ti
didn't gel to speak uniil III (III I !
audience was gelling icsiless ( ! l
the iiumhei ol erupts scats .•..,
glowing. Gall bladden coitiih.
stand much more
former U.S. Attorney General
Reception Afterwards
O'Dwycr is a very distinguished
looking man. in spite of his short
physical stature. The very bushy
eyebrows, stark long while hair
and serious demeanor usually
Tonight 8:00 PM
LC. 18
Don't Miss It
said that New York State was a
"leader hack in those days".
Lehman and Al Smith were governor then, and New York was one of
the mosl progressive states in the
Union. O'Dwycr said. "But since
then, since Roosevelt, it has been
all downhill."
DEA Must Reclassify Pot
II uai. late, and ulllsidi llu S"
Kcslauianl. M h a i n was \ e n n'l'l
I lie candidates Weill I" 1( "
icspcclive hotel in.nils, and nnnl
ul Ihc audience wenl in llic fas sia
lion acinss Ihc slicel I lie SI ><
had given evei) 1 me will
K ili.n
nil passenticl in then cal In ' i '
enahhiif lllelll In bll> fas ill. I.
(ias nia\ ha\c hecn in slum
MippK. hill Ihc ihclulli was mil
I t ' l ' S I I lie largest class action
sc\ d i s c r i m i n a t i o n suit ever
hiniiglil against a uni\cisil> was
hied agamsi the C n\ University ol
New York (CUNY) Dcccmhei 21.
I lie sun. hriiuglil h> the CUNY
Women'-. Coalition, alleged that
wi.men are disciimnuilcd against
in even possible aspect ol employ
inenl .11 llu- inineisin
\ l .1 i i i e n l pies, conlelenee I >i
I ilia
c i a l l l ion
spokeswoman, i h . i i m l . ' I he unniMli
h.i, i n s u l i n !
ml elass u l l / e n s l i i p
s\ .
uul Mill
I lie changes necessary to
ienred\ current and past discrimination sullered h\ women
will niMiKc lolal leslruelunng ol
nun el si l\ policies "to chin male I lie
old-ho> s-cltih way nl doing
[lungs," Mehuaii said.
The Smith bill, which will be
effective this fall, would require a
deposit of three to live cents on
nearly all beverage bottles, cans or
plastic containers. It will require
that all such containers manufactured, distributed or sold in the
stale be labeled with the correel refund amount.
Any person will be allowed to
return a redeemable container to a
retailer or a privately operated
redemption center and collect a relund. Ihe refund will be payed
whether or nut the container can he
Under the Smith plan, flip-lop
cans will be banned in the state
eighteen month sailer enactment ol
the law. Also banned will be plastic
"loop" retainers such as those
current!, used to hold together
cans or
Penalties for up In $500 lor each
ollcnse are provided. Smith said.
Ihe penalties, which will result
Ironi ciiil action initialed by Ihe
\tlorney General, are expected to
he sullieient stimulus lo result in
compliance with the new law on all
\ecoiding to Senator Smilh. Ihe
proposal will save taxpayers
thousands ol dollars annually in
expensive cleanup costs and will
diminish health and salclv dangers
caused bv discarded containers.
Senatoi Smith said. " I recognize
Ihal such a plan will place a burden
on the local retailer who will have
lo slure. son and return the conla i nets lo a distributor or manufacturer. I his will mean some additional eosis lor ihe retailer and
sonic inconvenience in handling
ihc variety ol containers returned."
Senator Smith added: "a plan ol
llus iv pe does not always gain
enthusiastic public acceptance al
the olilset. However, when Ihe
members ol the comiiitinilv icali/e
ihe overall benefits accomplished
In iIns ivpe ol legislation, com-
•nunity acceptance and cooperation quickly follow."
Ihe legislation will affect all i n dividual, sealed glass, metal or
plastic bottled, cans, jars or cartons
which contain any beer, mall
beverage, carbonated or noncarbonated soft drink, mineral
water, lea or soda water. It will mil
affect containers used for other
purposes or containers that
presently carry a deposit requirement of more than five cents.
file refund required on each
container will bea minimum of five
cents, unless the container isa standardized bottle certified by the
New York Department of Environmental Conservation. A standardized bottle, which will be
reusable by more than one type of
beverage producer, will have a relund value ol only three cents.
According lo Senator Smith,
any person, whether he purchases
the beverage or mil, may return the
container to any retailer who sells
that kind, si/e or brand of
beverage. This includes any standardized container, i f the dealer
sells any standardized containers.
A dealer may not refuse to apy the
refund if he sells that kind, size or
brand of beverage.
A person also may return a container to a neighborhood or
regional redemption center, if such
a center is established. The
redemption center can be operated
by any individual or organization
that wishes to engage in the collecting and sorting of containers. The
operator of a redemption center
will have the right to determine
what types and brands of containers he will handle. However,
the operator of a redemption
center may not refuse to pay the refund lor a container if he publicly
lists it as acceptable.
A dealer or redemption center
operator may return a container to
any distributor who sells or distributes a container of thai kind,
si/e or brand and Ihe distributor
can notreluse to pay ihe refund.
Pisani Introduces Bill
Helping Stations Owners
Kelinets and distributors o l gasoline and diesel luel SH.1I be obliged
lo honor orders lioni all gasoline
stations which qualils as regular
customers in amounts at least
equal lo dehscries dm ing the same
month in llJ73 iiudei coinprehensise luel cnsis legislation inli oduecd in Ihe Stale Senate today
hs Scii.iioi Joseph K I'isaiii (RWcslchcslci)
"Ms gut leeling." Senator Pisani
explained, " i * that Ihe American
public is being manipulated and
ihal gas station operators are being
ruined toi the benefit id international corporate monopolists
and Arab sheiks. I believe that Ness
Yorke'is generally base had it u p l o
here with ibis situation and that
anything less than stern intervention by our State Ciovernmeni at
this lime is just pla\-acting."
Broad posses lo assure lair distribution ol "gas'and diesel tuel \s ill
be gisen to the Ness York State
Department ol I-a-.vat ton and
Hounce undei ihc I'isani Hill.
Sescie penal lies, including per-
sonal iiahilit) lo lines and jail
sentences lor responsible company
officials, and lorleilure ol corporate profits are authorized.
Ihe Department of 'luxation
and Finance would have sole
authonts to approve reductions in
del is cries lo stations be loss the
lesel id the same month in 1973.
Such reductions would base to be
applied across-the-board lo all sersice stations on a pro-rate basis.
No discrimination svould be permitted in sales or delis cries on the
basis ol a gas stations's ownership
or eonlractural relationship wit6h
the supplier under the Pisani plan,
but other normal business criteria
could be lollosvcd.
Ihe Department ol luxation
and I-inance would also have
aiithoriis to make special prosision lor deliseries to gas stations
which base opened or hase changed their suppls sources since the
1973 benchmark period and lor
changing demand created by
significant alterations in tnil lie
patterns, highssus repair and eonsi! uction. etc.
wei . " i d
n,.iih si ;ni) IH " luuu It ss pel se u
111.Ill UlOM t.l III, II "
en s ( odlitioii cstunuled llu MMI ss ill niohahls LOM
t 1 \ \ .il least I" mill
ui back
V o i d i n g lo
P ,n .uul damageMel,un tin s
•>.! lesponse lo ihe
school's icins.il n» lake an\
"siil-M.iiiiiw iiehoiis lo ameliorate
llu diM in
.Hois conelilioiiN undei sshu li u..men v. oik "
] he- unneisiis has lo dale ig
noied eliaigcs ol se\ disciumna
edagauisi n s s i l h l l l ^ and
I L|ual I itiplosinenl OppoMumls
{ oiiimisMon (I M X | b\ the eoali[loiiaiid iiidisidualvsoinen. Melam
lo Di
Melnuin. a plamull. tbe sun deals
with discrimination m humg, inm.il .ippoiiilnieiil, s.ihns, piomo1M.II. leniiic. nuiu-iiiiis. pension
Rip-top cans and nonreturnable containers, which have
been l i t t e r i n g New Y o r k ' s
landscape lit a tremendous cost to
taxpayers and the environment,
will become a thing of the past under legislation filed by Slate
Senator Bernard C. Smith of
sciti i i . . i n p.. I I H . I I
hciiclils and oilier Icrms and conditions ol employment.
Smith Measure Would Require Deposit
Wed., Feb. 13, 1974
— Everyone Welcome —
For Info. Call Ken, 7-5335
Some Stations Refuse
Solzhenitsyn Rejects
Summons to Comply with Rationing
Lefkowitz Assails
Fair Trade Law
(AP) Motorists expecting a
N e w Y o r k state's so — c a l l e d f a i r
trade law is a n anachronistic a n t i
device designed t o
official attacks for
m a i n t a i n a r b i t r a r y p r o d u c t prices
o f the inflation
spiral, A t -
l e a r n h o w l o observe it
Free t h e i n n o c e n t
said h e w o u l d n o t a p p e a r f o r i n terrogation.
" M o r e t h a n three d e c a d e s h a v e
office had
delivered a second s u m m o n s to the
passed since t h e e n a c t m e n t o f t h e
statute d u r i n g the depression o f the
1930's w h e n c o n d i t i o n s a t t h a t t i m e
wife, a n d
he refused t o
a c k n o w l e d g e legality o f the s u m -
required u n u s u a l remedies f o l l o w -
A t that t i m e . h e n o t e d , the fair —
trade law. a n exception
state's a n t i
- t r u s t l a w . w a s passed
b u t n o w s h o u l d be a b a n d o n e d as
"as anachronistic anti
a n d false
p o w e r o v e r c i t i z e n s , the o r d e r i n g
A t t o r n e y G e n e r a l L e f k o w i t z said
but Solzhcnitsyn's
ment was taken t o her a p a r t m e n t
a n d Solzhenitsyn
the Soviet
has b r o a d
to i n -
" C o n s u m e r , civic a n d labor unorganizations
o f this
Ihe sum-
i n o u r c o u n t r y - a n d the p e r s o n a l
m o n s . Bala h u n g u p the telephone
system w h i c h statistics s h o w has
eight-year c a m p a i g n ol slander and
without answering.
cost New Y o r k Stale consumers
o f m e - I refuse t o
m i l l i o n s o f o f d o l l a r s o v e r the years
it has been t h e l a w , " h e s a i d . H e
s u m m o n s and will not come for an
said such a n a r t i f i c i a l p r i c e struc-
i n t e r r o g a t i o n t o a n y state o r g a n , "
t u r e has a n e g a t i v e e f f e c t i n t h a t '
the statement said.
in nun
either i n person o r b y m a i l .
the fixed
which binds, to a privately
w h o are
released t o W e s t e r n
p u b l i c nearly
" I he least t h e L e g i s l a t u r e c a n d o
m u c h and what
kinds o l fuel are
Ihe p l a n was w o r k i n g . " H e ' s o b v i o u s l y keeping a close w a l c h o n
c u s t o m e r s . " B u i y o u ' l l uevci gel nd
Ihe s i t u a t i o n . " lie said.
o f t h a t u n t i l this gas deal is iiver,"
llleichcrl. owner
Uobar. ownei
Sears q u i c k l y a d d e d t h a t he
at a
l o r a pet u i d o l o v c i i w n \ u l U i l i t t
m i l d o n e a n t lime in
sky r o c k e t i n g prices." Sears c o n -
d o w n d u e i n l a v n l l s . i i u l llii
I t n l c o t n n u i l c i s to ei l i "
w o r k i n g people o l
medicine and drugs w h i c h , under
i i u i s i use such d r u g s a n d m e d i c i n e
l e g i s l a t u r e bad d o n e such a t h i n g .
h c l i i l c we have a c i i l l -
e x i s t i n g law i n New Y o r k , cost the
o v e r l o n g p e r i o d s o l l i m e . " he s a i d .
Hie citizens o l New Y o l k
Congress a n d
act a n d a d
l c be I I I t i n
I! s
S e l l s Mul
a n d versatile t h a i
and ilhat
ol wood,
Alea Denied Visa
I h e U.S. S l a t e
Irom Cuban film director
people h a d
he c o u l d
t o h i m b y live
ol l l l i n
n« and
ill New
111 111,
I mn,I
i ..ml hi -.mi
I n the New ^ n r k
Tickets sold in CC Mon., Tues., & Wed. from 10 - 2 and at door
(There are only o limited number of seats on the bus so get your tickets early)
She a l s o j e n c o u r a g e s s t u d e n t s t o
f\et i n v o l v e d i n the a c t i v i t i e s o f t h e
organization. Students wanting t o
get i n v o l v e d a r e u r g e d l o c o n t a c t
I I I A needs h e l p w i t h p a p e r
tenants, a n d
publishing a newsletter.
Nelson says t h a t t h e l a n d l o r d s
influence a n d
resources.and thai the; haveelfecUvelt
the passage
l e n a i i l s , U I A needs p e o p l e to h e l p
Street a n d A r b o r
tviili l o b b y i n g efforts, M I thai laws
as t h o s e
as w e l l
pushed b y
a n d OhrensAssemblyman
B l u n i e n l l i a l m a y be p a s s e d .
Be A Part Of It
University o f
Arizona ( i U A D A L A J A K A SUMMER
S C H O O L offers July 1 August 10,
1974 courses i n E S L , bilingual educat i o n , Spanish, a n t h r o p o l o g y , art, f o l k
dance and f o l k music, geography,
government a n d history.
S I 7 0 ; r o o m anil board i n Mexican
h o m o $215. F o r brochure w r i t e :
I n t e r n a t i o n a l Programs, 4 1 3 New
Psychology, University o f A r i z o n a ,
Tucson, Arizona 8 5 7 2 1 .
'AltemulivBs to [euiiii'ty t . ' .
Ot Rohtttl hoy
Or Maiiuido
the s l u m l o r d s .
See t h e O f f i c e r C a n d i d a t e School
Cuiuwri Ntylil
ing l o help students gel
d o n e since s t u d e n t s a l s o rent f r o m
I hues
Hut Spanish Club \»> •
Buses will leave the Circle at 9:00
h o u s i n g hassles, t o o . She says t h e
o r g a n i z a t i o n w o u l d be q u i t e w i l l -
n a m e d one o l last vein's "111 l l e s i "
i lulled
9:00 - 1:00
U T A is i n a
S20UII a w a r d a n d a p l a q u e l o i Ins
tan't hold
It, slinllld laki ..IK
f^t Until II Ml
" " l " », 0U , ,
says t h a t
"I h c l i c t i i l l , m i
position t o help students with their
l i u i i c n c / had requested the visa
destroyed by this.
I lies h o l d m e e t i n g s
A n d much o l llns housing
visa i n e n t e r Ihe U n i t e d S l a t e s .
m e n t has l l a l l y rejected a request
i ..I n l i e , . i n . .
a c c o r d i n g t o U'l A a c t i v i s t
\ l i , l , I I , I .isl l l i .
p o m shape, especially i n the
Ruber o r Maria Marcovicsal 465thai
M u c h o l A l b a n y ' s h o u s i n g is i n
s l l l l . l l t . i l , .,1 I i . . . p
t h e i r o w n r i g h t s a n d as w e l l t h e i r
pot is l e p o r t e d h It MI i n i n e s t h a i o f
M l . Ii
to make
a n d see t e n a n t s o n a n i n d i v i d u a l
l i . i / i e i says: he states t h a t the per
and u n i o n i / e ,
a tenant
l e g i s l a t i o n is n o t the t o t a l a n s w e r ,
w a s even
make Ihe repairs, himself.
I here is o n e l u g a d v a n t a g e in us-
n l m i l , li.iul.liip
reprisals b y
tenants w h o
Ihe rent i l t h e l a n d l o r d reluses t o
o l the
iccycJed b \ p r i n t e r s t o m a k e p a p e r ,
tenanl organizations
( i u t i c r r c / A l e a l h a l he he g i v e n a
is v a c a n c y
I l l A recognizes, however,
has .,
.1 I I I , i s
- _
Wed., Feb. 13
r e p a i r s a n d d e d u c l the cost
H o w a r d , whole neighborhoods are
w o u l d pprohibit
nn,,,„l-.I, n
and luxury apartmeni complexes.
U I'A, as w e l l as a n o t h e r b i l l w h i c h
H e w r i t e s t h a t the h e m p p l a n t is
talking n l '
rt.n- .
.Ini. p i m , , , H l i . u k .i
•' \ m , i n . i
Colonial Quad Board Presents
Sorry, must be 18.
w i l l c h a n g e w h a t Ihey c o n s i d e r a
so s l u n k
evicts the t e n a n t s . T h e houses a r e
land lord-oriented
Farmers: H e m p
lor pulp
a n d then
is p u r p o r t e d l y t r y i n g t o a c c u m u l a t e
rclaled bills, including
to the introduction
enough land t o build parking lots
are a c t i v e l y l o b b y i n g f o r laws t h a t
in his new b o o k T h e
chemical w o o d p u l p i n g process in
n u n il
a n d i n t e r e s t s ever since. A n d t h e y
o l the pot p l a n t was used i n the U n -
allows them l o deteriorate
d e c o n t r o l , b u t they have also been
t - r a / i e r says t h a i the i n n e r stalk
i n
1/4 miles south of
Circle in Lotham )
the other " b i g
boarded u p . vandalized, and even-
or j o i n
" I l l l i n k it i s d c p l o u i h l c f hat even
a l t e r t h e C o n g r e s s has let i i n t e n d
Ihe p o o l a n d o n sennit c i t i z e n s w h o
tually theyaredemolished. Ocrrity
ol years.
tax card
w o r k i n g t o protect tenants rights
report health a n d code v i o l a t i o n s
l i l l n i s l i . i l u o i a n d lilt i
as a s o u r c e of p a p e r f o r t h o u s a n d s
n i l l l i e n • d u l l s ' . m i l oi
•*.!. *
$5 Without
j u a n a o r h e m p p l a n t has been used
| A Right at |
is t r y i n g t o d o s o m e t h i n g
l i ' i g h l e n e d a b o u t the l u l u
I I O I I w i l l not stand l o i Ihis i i i a c l i v i -
$3 with
j o u r n m e n t , a m o n g w h o m was h i s
keep w o r k i n g , a n d those n l the n a -
U T A has been
paper shortage - the
g r o w i n g o f marijuana plants.
journed belore Christinas without
Ihe Sew Y o r k
the current
New Y o r k S l a t e , those that we can
making any
I h e C i t y takes no a c t i o n
a n d C u l t u r e s , says t h a t t h e m a r i -
t a k i n g steps t o resolve this p r o b l e m
senioi H I
n l a v a i l a b l e luels and p u c e escala-
I r o m the lair
a f f e c t e d . I h a v e nevei sci
represent a n i n t o l e r a b l e b u r d e n o n
c o m e u p w i t h a possible s o l u t i o n l o
I he w o r k i n g lien and
a heavy d r u m u n o u r c c o n o n i v a n d
nl llnhar's
a r e n o t t i n m It
A t t o r n e y G e n e r a l said.
gressmen vv ho v o t e d against the a d -
l o m e t h a i C o n g r e s s con Id h a v e a d -
s t a n t i a l l y i n c r e a s e d costs c o n s t i t u t e
Pot Useful
( Z N S ) A u t h o r .lack F r a / i c r has
have c r u c i f i e d t h e m , a n d r i g h l l y
a v a i l a b l e , s a i d . " I l is u n b e l i e v a b l e
r e l a t e t o d r u g s a n d m e d i c i n e s . " Ihe
he w i l l e v i c t a l l o f h i s
Shell, said.
bv. p u b l i c o r
o l Joe's
p r i v a t e i n s u r a n c e p l a n s , these s u b -
h i m because
about the p r o b l e m . Created about
S M M ofAftaay'i A M * .
I h e scheme, said il
b e i n g l a i d m l h c c a u s i nl
t h e lair
t r a d e p r o v i s i o n s of state l a w as they
who followed
c r e a t e d h a r d l e e l i n g s among some
knowing how
to whatever
said i l was l o o early t o l e l l w h e t h e r
u n - d o w n s , s o m e t h a t still Ir,
can"! g e l l l l e l e b c c . i n v III
c o n c e r n l o r the c o n s u m e r , a p o l i c y
gel g a s o l i n e Pi ices l o i .
w h i c h lias lead l o very h i g h c o m a l e g o i n g u p a m i m i ion
pany p r o l i l s . l u e l shortages, a n d
panies c o n t i n u e i n a p o l i c y o l c o r -
irade provi-
A s t a l i o n o w n e r i n Schenectady,
v a t i o n , lashed o u t at b o t h Congress
bv a l a i r
c o n t r o l a n d the l a n d l o r d can raise
S o rent c o n t r o l is n o w
a p a r t m e n t is n o l o n g e r u n d e r r e n t
c o u n t s t a t i o n s . " he said
o f e l e c t r i c i t y , gas, c o a l
vacant, the
b u i l d i n g s a n d has c h a r g e d e x o r b i -
Ihe s h a d o w o l the S o u t h M a l l . A c -
Congress had I d the large o i l c o m -
c o r d i n g t o N e l s o n , he b u y s h o u s e s ,
mittee o n E n v i r o n m e n t a l Conser-
up a
t e n a n t s a r e e x p o s e d t o n e w rent i n -
a l l e v i a t e Ihe p i n b l c t i i
t h a n i n stales w h e r e t h e y are n o t
she says, h a s
m o s t area s t a t i o n s . " I hermit place
t i m e w h e n i l was o b v i o u s t h a t the
S e a r s , w h o feels t h a i N e w Y o r k
y o u ' l l f i n d l o n g lines is ,n ihe dis-
Ihe C h a i r m a n o f Ihe Select C o m -
Iwo thirds more
landlords who
new p o w e r s o v e r the use a n d d i s -
i n the H a m i l t o n Street area u n d e r
Y o r k w i t h the " E n e r g y C r i s i s . "
the federal
practically n o n - e x i s t e n t , except i n
is t o pass a b i l l w h i c h 1 h a v e a l s o
t o end
C . O n e i d a C o u n t y I expressed
A c c o r d i n g , t o N e l s o n , there a r e
means t h a i w h e n a rent c o n t r o l l e d
owner of
had great respect l o r those
R. Sears.
A s s e m b l y m a n Sears, w h o is also
L e f k o w i t z said.
get r e p a i r s a n d p r o t e c t
w e r e n o t l e n g t h y w a i l s Vlnndas ai
M i t c h e l l o l H e r k i m e r . New
b u t ihrce years ago t h e
ing the year, W i l s o n w o u l d a s s u m e
the citizens o l I h e State o f New
when he has
l e g a l assistance t o
s l u m l o r d " has h o l d i n g s
price a n d
t e n a n t s w h o use t h e c o u r t p r o c e s s
tenaciously t o their rent c o n t r o l l e d
station, said.
d e c o n t r o l " has been i n
M o b i l s t a l i o n i n B u i l a i n , s a i d there
w h y the
to come
repairs are p e r f o r m e d , a n d they
n o w thai
mandator)' a n d proclaim a
In what is p e r h a p s the strongest
in Albany,
a n d collect
one-year state o f e m e r g e n c y . D u r -
mechanical trouble."
l o press f o r
to make t h e
Ihe f r u s t r a t i o n s a n d a n n o y a n c e o l
w a n t e d t o see S o l z h e n i t s y n .
w i t h the t e n a n t s t o m a k e sure t h e
h i m gas o n a c c r t a i n d a ) and expect
p e r s o n s w h o s i g n the c o n t r a c t s t o
remove the indefensible
a d e q u a t e r e p a i r s . U T A is w o r k i n g
s t a t e l c g i s l a t u r c p a s s c d Ihe " v a c a n -
M a k u s , 4 2 . operator ol a
" Y o u c a n ' t tell a g u y you won't sell
a p p e a r a n c e at 1 0 a . m . T u e s d a y , d i d
t h e o p e r a t i o n o f the l a w t o those
requesting his
line and w a i t i n g . 1 j u s l don't have
A r c o s l a t i o n near Ihe N o r l h w a y i n
s t a t e m e n t t o c o m e out o f the New
states a n d t h e D i s t r i c t o f C o l u m -
station in
Sears Hits Congress on Energy Crisis
t h e legality o f y o u r
fair trade
Schenectady, said. " I f they're in the
B a l a s h o v o f the investigative d i v i sion.
ty w h i c h l o r m a n y y e a r s h a s e x i s t e d
w o r k necessary l o make a profit"
B o b Rclyca,
A s p o k e s m a n l o r the g o v e r n o r
" I n a s i t u a t i o n o l general illegali-
advocate the
and petroleum products.
T h e s u m m o n s was signed b y A .
p r i c e f i x e d i n such c o n t r a c t s .
c u s t o m e r s h c l p s g e n e r a l c Ihe repair
U n i o n bears some
n o w a n d I've g o t ' e m b a c k e d u p
f o r this
I , 1973, t h e rent
effect f o r t h r e e y e a r s . T h e r e s t i l l o f -
I h e lines h a v e n o l been us long. 0 p-
the heart t o tell t h e m l o g o . "
vestigate a n d prosecute c r i m e s .
to maintain the
as a
general's o f f i c e in Ihe U n i t e d States
issued a d e f i a n t s t a t e m e n t t o t h e
t r a d e c o n t r a c t s w o u l d be s u b j e c t
a p a r t m e n t w i l l be raised f r o m $ 1 2 3
o f a Kayo
r e n t s f r o m a f a r a n d refuse t o m a k e
w i d e s p r e a d . "Sellinggastoregular
2'/i m i l e s . "
A v e n u e : received a n o t i c e f r o m h e r
This s o r t o f o c c u r r e n c e is n o t u n -
I n R o c h e s t e r a n d Bullulo. where
Meanwhile. Governor
w h o live elsewhere i n the C a p i t a l
l a n d l o r d . T h e notice read: " A s o f
per m o n t h t o $ 2 8 0 p e r m o n t h . "
to t h e m "
wus d e l i v e r e d o n
refused t o accept it. A n e w d o c u -
o n l y t h e i n d i v i d u a l s w h o sign l a i r
I h e o f f i c e o f p r o c u r a t o r general
cars had l i t t l e
" I ' m going o u t that d o o r
t h e b i l l he has r e c o m m e n d e d l o the
I've g o t i h e gas. I'm g o i n g UigivtJ
Press spot check i n d i c a t e d .
o b t a i n i n g gas o n the first d a y o f t h e
against h i m .
device f o r price maintenance."
p e o p l e t h a t need gas and us | „ n g a s
o f an
salesmen and
R e m o v e f r o m local and
f r o m o n e place t o a n o t h e r i n the
be t h e s t a r t
h a v e been a n d they j u s l keep com.
t h e r e a r e so m a n y
Nelson, is o w n e d b y " s l u m l o r d s "
Recently, a tenant o n Western
i n g i n , " h e s a i d . " B e i n g at this sfot,
f o r m e d g e n o c i d e exile o f peoples.
the s h i l l i n g o f certain nationalities
t o silence t h e a u t h o r b y
had odd-numbered
by R o b e r t D e c h e r d
" ' I h e l i n e s a r c as long ,,s , h
State's n e w
most a u t o s i n t h e l o n g
A r c h i p e l a g o , " the p r o s e c u t o r ' s a c could
New York
P u n i s h I h e a d m i n i s l r a t o r s a n d the
" P u n i s h those g u i l t y o f mass e x -
S o l z h e n i t s y n a n d his b o o k , " G u l a g
to the
alternate-day rationing plan.
Following a furious campaign of
M o n d a y as m a n y
vice s t a t i o n o w n e r s refused t o c o m -
a b o u t o f courts and psychiatrists."
t h e A l b a n y s u b u r b o l Cohinicvsaid
business w a s c o n t i n u i n g h r a v y
s h o r t e r wait f o r gasoline w e r e d i s -
rejected o n M o n d a y a s u m m o n s t o
the end o f the
publication o f
the Soviet prosecutor's office. H e
legislative a c t i o n t o a m e n d the law.
his b o o k o n S t a l i n i s t l a b o r c a m p s ,
a n d is particularly offensive i n the
Solzhenitsyn, the target o f bitter
UTA Helping Tenants
Come and loam u\ ••"•-•'
o p p o r t u n i t y lor l o n u " " > J ' ^ " '
I'm i n t e r e s t e d i n :
Coast G u a r d Regular Enlistment
Coast G u a r d Direct Commission
1 9 7 4 o r m a i l this c o u p o n f o r i n f o r m a t i o n :
Coast G u a r d Reserve
(for law school students a n d
Coast G u a r d Oflicer C a n d i d a t e
Third Coast G u a r d District
G o v e r n o r s Island,
o n c a m p u s in t h e P l a c e m e n t O f f i c e , M a r c h 7 ,
Quote o f the Day
"As long as that immature spetm is there, the horse cannot be judged t
have normal sperm. The insurance company wants a yes or no answer an
the answer, under these conditions, would have t o be no."
—From The Louisville Courier-Journal in reference to the time ,,fi
crown winner Secretariat's fertility.
" " ' *
A Candidates' Bazaar
The Student Association of
S U N Y A pursues in its work two
major goals; it conveys to the university administration the needs
and interests of the student body,
serving as a representative of the
students lo enable their views to he
considered in the implementation
ol university policy. At the same
lime it at tempi s to relate to the student body itsell. to meet the social
and cull in ill meeds of the students,
primarily by allocating student lax
monies lor various groups and
lunclions, I he S.A governmental
bodv itsell is divided into executive, legislative, and judicial
blanches, which attempt tovvoik
together tit meet the needs o!
students and to implement legislation.
Candidates and political hopefuls gathered at the Ramada Inn for a "getting to know you"
gala Friday night. The general atmosphere seemed hopeful, although, of course, traditionally
tedious. The candidates all held basically the same belief: the Democrats could and would win
next November because the present Republican majority has one main thing going against it~
thcir abominable record. A l l thosewhomade it to theevent believed they could handlethejob.
To be sure, those who hadn't arrived failed to do so not because they doubted their chances
of success, but due merely to the inclement weather that grounded air transport in New York
City and Washington.
All good intentions aside, so many people are running for the same positions in the primaries
that it seems quite unlikely that the party can unify itself by next September.
Howard Samuels wants the gevernorship. His campaign is already moving into middle gear.
So does Ogden Reid, who already has begun the lecture circuit searching for votes. Rumor has
il that United States Congressman Sam Stratton (D-Schen.) may also be looking seriously at
the nomination. Furthermore, all three have a great deal of strcnKht in the party. Stratton has
the aura of a magnetic vote-gettcr:both upstate Democrats and moderate Republicans have
consistently supported him in the past, but he is very weak downstatc, with little recognition
among the New York-Long Island constituency. Samuels, on the otherhand,probably has the
downstale region firml; in his camp, due mainly to his successes as the OTBchief. A SamuelsStratton ticket would probably be the single most effective ticket, though such a union is quite
Personalities were played down by the candidates, each being content to chastise the NixonRockefeller years and propose the obligatory vague campaign pledges. A l l in all, it was a
typical political dinner, highlighted by a single bright personality: Paul O'Dwyer.
I litis the Student VsMveiiidon is
lusl i\hut Us ink' implies, an
oigaiu/aiion ot siiidenis wInch
attempts to ael in then inteicslsas
then lepresetilalive.y
Iku al the
same lime il is ,i govei iiinental
ni gam /ation. a gioupol elected ollicuils. and as such also a political
Digam/ation lis basic stun, lure is
Mr. O'Dwyer was at once the most believable man at the entire forum, and the reason is obvious: he was not running for office. Speaking of his new office as President of the New York
City Council, O'Dwyer described New York's new mayor, Abe Beame, as often "irritating"
His disarming candor and lack of political evasiveness provided a much needed refreshment to
the stuffy occasion.
The Democrats could in fact sweep the mid-term elections this year, by cashing in on the bad
Republican record and the Nixon-Watergate fiasco. But, as Allard Lowenstein. the unannounced non-candidate lor the Senate said, the Democrats have an uncanny nack for truning what appears to he a walk-away victory into an electoral disaster.
similMl lo thai ol lliosl olliei
governmental bodies, legislation
mtisi he approved In the IcgKliilive
In aik Ii and can he signed oi vetoed
In ihe executive I heeouii seilles
disputes and can iITIc on ihe urnstiiuiioiiahiv ot an issue. I heie are
puhlieal divpulvs .is tu the lelalive
ptivvei ol ihe executive and the
legislate e blanches, council
niembei s must get legislation
A Token Change
The era ol the chits has ended. With its sad passage no doubt will go the hearts and heartaches ol the preponderance of resident students who came to view the little nasties with a combination o l outright contempt, horror, and resigned pragmatism. It is true, these modern
marvels ol" designed annoyance have seen their last Albany State laundry load. No longer will
they shatter arrogantly in the washing machines.
The Kaculty Student Association, after much consternation and the innumerable rumblings
ol student ulcers, decided that, security notwithstanding, the laundry tokens must go. They
were in experimental use l o r a lew months, and in that brief lime, more broken washing
machines, more broken patiences, and r i o r c broken toes and irsts have been wasted on those
plastic monstrosities than might ever be recorded accurately tor the historians of the future.
Somewhere during the Middle Ages of the "Chit Era," the slots in which they were deposited
developed a voracious appetite known as "chit-munching." This soon heralded the discovery
that chit-related accidents caused some machines iu operate lor free, much to the disappointment of FSA, Thus il became a matter of everyone concerned, a joint effort not often seen at
this institution, lo divest ourselves of [his evil plague.
With the advent of the token-operated washing machines, the price of doinga laundry load
took a 20% increase, not exactly in keeping with the Nixon Administration's 5.5% increase
guidelines, hut nonetheless, accepted, albeit hesitantly by the mass of the resident population.
Students lound it possible lo write o f f the increase as the price of producing the tokens
themselves, though the little devils could not possibly be worth the nickel they were forking out
lor them.
Ihus the announcement that the price of the laundry would not return to 25 cents brings
with it a feeling that somehow, the students have been had. Students have paid enough already
in terms ol lost hours that could be far better spent in the prusuit ol more productive labors,
and in the acuta! cost of the wash itself. It would be a poor decision on the part of l-SA, alter
having acted, albeit unintentionally, in the student's interest, to now impose the higher cost on
the poor quality laundry service on the resourceless resident student.
K D I I O H IN C u m
10 m i
. . .
( d i s s Vi)N N o s i l l /
A S M H iA11 A M I S K D I I O H
A w n IAII. S c o r n s K D I I O H
v M m in
II in I )AV MniS I
IlKI I I MA(,(,1N
I INI) f. I I
I.itS / l { KIHMAN
. . M A I i M i v I.H. Mn HAM ROSHNTRAI »
WiiNin AsiihR
A m i K I I M M . I'HODI < HON
( urn
1*11(11OffKAPIh KlHIOKS
Ol K OIIK IS \H\ MA All I) IN C'AMI'II! I'hNrMt .126 AND 334 AND OUR CUONI-S AMI: 457-2190 AND 457-2194.
VVT AKL i'Aijnsi n n v>| i» in llll > ll'IU'.NI ASSCKIAIIDN
\ o i is ibis t.i>av thai Ihe student
go\ ei anient is In -a or loiemost a
political (iiganivation
It is ultimately
composed totally ol
aiideuis ,\w<.\ ink-tided lo seive slirdciil needs |i is huw well it pel'
hums iliistuiHTion thai determines
ihe success ot student govei nmenl.
I lie lollovvingarliclesattcmpl to
exploie s,niiewhat the nature ol
s v . ihe people involved and the
u,i\v ii lu in. I ions, as a gov ci iiinental hotly and as an oigam/ntmn ol
SA Finds Staunch Ally
in Student Affairs Office
by Barry Bennett
Ihe Dean ol Student Affairs,
Neil Urovvn. was asked for his
assessment ot student government
and student participation in this
university. Dean Brown works
closely with the leaders of Student
Association, assisting them in any
wav possible. SA consults with him
often when it wishes advice- on
policy matters, and it is often his
part to interpret the feelings ol
sludents lo other pails ol the universily. He is able lo provide an
outside, ycl sympathetic, view ol
the needs and abilities ol Ihe student body and student government
ol S U N Y A
\ccording to Dean Brovvnainaloi task ol the Olliccol Student \ l lairs is to "assist continuity Iron)
one veai lo the next." \ student
goveinmenl has a more rapid turnovei than \ nliially any othci kind
ol political body, as the eliicl exec ul i\c changes ulmosl cwiy veal.
\s Mkh il is somewhat dilhcult lo
ehaiaeteii/e ihe student go\einmeul in any one mannei. I )ean
Brown sees ihe main dillereiiee
between the l.ampeit and Cierbei
a il in i n i s t i a l ions
in " t h e n
stv k-s Mike I ..impel t was mainly
i n m i n i mat i o n
ei\ mg.. sieve Cierbei is involved in
inloinuilion icceiving." An example given was the large number ol
bills vetoed by l.ampeit. While not
A Study in Stone
2£by ('lenn von Nostit/-:-:::::::;:v:-;.:-:
SUNY at Slonv Brook hasjust released an
institutional sell-study, conducted by a "task
torec" ol 150 students, faculty and administrators, the findings ol which be very
relevant to may us at SUNYA.
I he stud) lound that there are "two
Stony Brooks." I here is one Stony Brook in
which two-thirds ol the student body claims
its goal's and expectations are going unlullilled. and an oilier in which one-third
claims its goals and expectations are being
lullilled, litis latter group lias a generally
good rapport with pro lessors and are
salishcd with what thev are doing, while I he
I list group is unsure ol why the) areata University like Slonv Hrook in live lirsl place.
Hie stiulv described the student hod) as
being excessively
homogeneous ami
apathetic, and claimed that the University is
a "null into which sliiilenls enter and are
spewed out al the othei end."
I he lask loiecs report also cuiici/ed the
campus architecture as being impersonal
and monolithic, ami said thai Ihis contributes lo leehngs ol loneliness, isolation
amla sense til cynicism,
through that they wish to be passed
and also convince the executive of
its merit. The President must do
ihesameol Central Council, There
are committees to served on and
chaired; and student governor, to
the extent that the student body is
aware td their activities, must he
held accountable lo their constituents.
I here have recently
been charges thai certain members
ot Central Council are "parly
hacks" who accede to anything the
President wishes. This is.ol course,
an open question, hut that such
chaiges exisi demonstrates the
nature ol any government, a nature
I hat perhaps no! even a student
government can totally avoid. I his
is not to condemn Student
Usociation. uoi to pass judgment
on such issues, but only lo say that
sikh coiiiideialions may he a relevant aspeel ol student government.
ASMM u i i Niws EDITOR*
I-. Hi
We the students of SVNYA...
SUN\ \ needs such a stud) Perhaps ue
aie all aid ol what il would icveal. Many ol
these same problems would undoubtedly
ctop up il this I iiiu'isiiv ordeted an institutional sell-study I heie would he the impersonal aii-liiiecluie, perhaps even moie
monolithic and cold than Slonv Brook's.
Vnd there would undoubtedly be two
SI \ Y . V s with a laigegioupol students who
are unsuie exactly why they aie here.
I heie would also he some important
dilleiences between the two studies,
however, A SUNYA study would have to
take a look al the problems associated with
becoming a "mature" University with no
giowth plans Stonv Brook is still expanding
But even nunc impoiluui .i s\ '
si ud v would have to elttseh ev.iiiniii ii
inir adminislialion i i p t i n i o
1Ii i
been eomplainlslmm main |<iuli • ,•!
how this Dniversil> is run-in m>i nn
say I run I here is mi real leadcisln|i i1.111
is no centra! decision-making im .
\ " ' l .1 p.lUClU III iCIIII.lllA.I I' n!
lllc,ins that » ( |,, n t - lactlnu.iliA,!
dcpiirtnicnls il
Steve Cerber dictates a letter In the S.A. office.
do ordain and establish
this constitution
<« '•
would examine these and u-lau-d pion
Il would Itiok tit ihe H I I O C I M H
points as well as the pioblem .iie.i
We need suchii "consciousness i
Ion this year. I here is too much mum "
dissaiislnclion illld liustiaiioii on iln , i
peisonalities til the dillerent »>lhcials horn ycai to veai. most
notahlx ihe chiel executive, can
give dilleietil charactei i/alioiis tt>
Student \ssocialion li can also
allecl the relations ol the dillerent
branches id S A.againasev ulenced
Pel haps the major problem eonI rout tug this o r any other student
goveinmenl is the lack ol interest
hy the student body, less that ten
percent ol all students voted in last
veal's elect ion. and the number has
been sic.idilv decreasing. Dean
by i l k uianv
Blown sees one possible explanalion lor this in "Ihe resurgence ol
p i o g r a m i n i n g inv olv ing
bills that I .unpen
Student 'Nssoei.iiion is not li>
l i o i n dispute belwceii Us hianch
this veai eithei. howevei.
evidenced In ihe icccnl n-uliove
s\ between some nn. in he is ol Ce
Hal ( ouncil .unl the exeeuli
ding It
tiiievances arc inn Hiisueni! Yiui •
inie is accountable in i h c h i i i r a i n i.n '
ceilain adminisiraiors c m r o . i
pailiculai people involved al a
given Mint can have a siiong i m pad on lllc way the student govern*
ment is run.
in order to provide
for self-government...
No one uikcs respoiisihilih i"i m "
" l i e is ic.ilK
held .n
someone teuuie m piuinoiioii \ l.n ' •'
d> iintm
chairmen can lunoii- ihe l.uulu ti.n-.i'
rules and lenuliUtoit.swIicmk'.ilitit mil '
depurlment's lacuhs, , n has k e n •<•
seveial docuineuleil cases on r111-.. .mi
lack ol accouniahilih ineiins ih-ii •' ! '•
iiieiiihci's hies en be loaded " ' H i ; ' •
comments which he can w w i o n
stated by M l , Blown, a picture
.mscs ol ,i more open administialiou this ycai. leinloiced bv the
opuutois ol othei students. So the
issues elosei to the sludents."
One professor ctnnplaincd m L-i.11-. "
had wrillen a Icllei In I V S H I . ni H i
ciiniplitiniiij; ahiiui inqjul.iiiiH m
picieedurc heiiijj used l o u m s u k i In pi.
lion iei|uest liene/ci icleiieil iIn ,. n
Viee-Presidenl S i i o l k i n , .mil ^ i n
releiied il in a dcpaiuik'iil i l u i m u r .
ne\ei even ansuered il I Ins M I in-i
veiy common oectineiice II is t l u i U •
ample ol the bureauciue.\ IN .n imn .
Dean of Student Affairs Neil Brown
of the Student Association
nienibeis. the piobleni is noi that
the exeeulive vetoes legislation
which the Council passes, but that
it gets Us own bills through loo
easily A hill has been introduced
which would limit the role ol the
executive al Central Council
meetings 1 u Dean Blown, this is a
question id "what il would do lo
eon mum i cat ion between ihe executive and the legislative branches
ol SA." It is his leehng that the bill
is a good one only il it provides a
between the
branches, and detrimental it it
harms c o m m u n i c a t i o n . Communication between the two bodies
is certainly a necessary prerequisite
lor a smooth running government;
there are any real
problems is not ccrtuiii.tmi one can
see (hat such questions do arise,
and thai the issues are dillerent
with a dillerent leadership, i h e
pei5v,H'ltllli;=:.'.,.ntJ.:l.'?i'"'cs u ' i n t '
llui ii is possible also thai '1 'the
student goveinmenl may he a little
mil ul touch w nh ihe students in
ha\ ing gotten caught up w nh nniveisily wide issues " Bolh this
I miction and that ol providing lor
the students* social needs arc important; it balance between the two
is what the Student Association
seeks. Ihe amount ol money
allocated l o i student activities is
great, and according lo Dean
Blown, certainly adequate.
Mr. Brown emphasized that an
ol ihe officers of the Student
Association work very hard and
sincerely lor the good ol the
students. As the students' representatives to the University, they
largely embody the students'ability to help decide university
matters. Dean Brown empliasi/.cd
also thai the students arc very
oltcru listened t u , and that the
various advisory committees lo
President Benc/et are very influential. He sees the amount of student
representation as large, as students
have **un opportunity lor real i n volvement in the governance ul'the
university...students have .contributed a great d e a l " ' |
._:.:.. * S^Z?*iVl»rr-777:. ..
Veep Barry Davis Rounds Out the SA Image
Gerber Assesses SA Role in Student Life
by Andy Ralkin
by Kurt Emmerich
President of Student Association Steve Gerber sees SA as having two major functions. To present the students' point of view in
university policy matters, is the
first, so that the administration will
not alone be responsible for all
academic policy. The second is to
provide students with a good
scholastic and social atmosphere
and to provide for enough student
activities to interest as many
students as possible.
As a senior and part-time student at S U N Y A , Gerber puts in 50
to 60 hours a week at his post for
which he receives a stipend which
works out to be"...about two cents
'an hour." In an interview, Gerber
academic policies, such as tenure,
may be subject to very little student
In a further attempt t o communicate how he felt about S.A.
student relations, Gerber stated,
"The entire group of student
relations has improved because the
has attempted to relate
students' interests to the administration and Faculty. He went
on to add, "We think students at
this school arc a definite interest
group and should he consulted
whenever policy is changed or newly instituted. I believe students
should be consulted in order that
new policies will not be instituted
that will affect the way we. as
students, will pursue our studies."
When asked what his platlnrm
was in the S.A. presidential election last year. Gerber d i g i t a l
into a list o f accomplishments and
programs that can bcdirecllv m indirectly attributed to this seat's
I he
"cohesive programming ol , H .
tivitics" such as Winter Weekend
and other organizational lask- \us
high on the incomplete lisi <>i , K
(Student Association ol the Si.iu
University} the "Corporate ;n m <>i
l he"...Student
provides sludcnts with semtesuch as tuition term insiiuim
(Vl,i, •
various consumer ilenis , i , (i
at discount rates), and ,i |«>hh
program. ()n March '> r
t-i :.
will he a meeting ol s \ s i
students in Albany who will Iwiw •<
in the Slate I egislatmc uudei I'I
title ol "StudcntsasSiiukni-",'. \
The obvious breakdown of any
legislative system is in the area of
communication between the com-
the executive power...
shall be vested in the President
no affiliation to any M.I
ministration or lacuhv
explained his interest and his goals
concerning ihe Student Association.
He prefaced by saying that he
feels the students are the most important part of a university community. When asked how he felt
relations between S.A. and the
students were, (ierher replied,
"Relations with students have improved in the last lew monlhsand I
hope significantly since last year."
In 'elaborating! on this point, he
pointed out that Harry Davis (S.A.
Vice IVes.), Controller Katvarek
and himself had attended every
summer Planning Conference in an
effort to talk to the incoming
students about the function of the
S.A. at Albany Stale.
munity and the representatives
thereof. When laced by the question ol communications. President
Gerber pointed out that it was the
Senators and Council Members to
keep their quad in touch with what
happens at meetings, lie also
pointed to the Student I ax-funded
A.S.P. and W.S.U. A. as information carriers obliged lo keeping
students inlormed.
Gerber then offered his explanation for the wide representation of
students on various policy-making
committees. Having been a student
here since l% l J, Gerber remembers
the Spring 1970 strikes and explained that much ol the power of
the student taction ol the Universi-
High Court Seeks
More Power
h> Helen Kansliawe
Ihe Supreme Court is the
.Judiciary Branch ol the Student
\ssociation, co-equal with the
I.egislativetindexecutive Branches.
In theory, it serves the same function as the U.S. Supreme Court
alter which it is modeled. In practice, it lacks the type ol power in
student ailaus that the Supreme
Court exerts on the national level.
Jil) hsehei. Chiel Justice til the
Supreme Court, explains."Right
now the the Court hears a very
small number ol cases and is
limited lo functioning as a check
system within the Student Association. Hopefully, a bill will be passed in the Spring winch will broaden
the powers of the Court, It is my
personal feeling that (his would
provide a good way lor students to
appeal cases and issues determined
outside ol the Student Association
In tins way, the Supreme Court
could serve as a partial check on
the Administrate ol SUNYA."
Since the Court is not a
grievance committee ol any sort,
'cry tew cases are brought before
I hoses cases that are heard are
oased on questions ol constitutionality, usually dealing with
election and taxation procedures.
Last year only three cases were
tried before the Court. Iwo of
them were suits against the Student
iv w;is granted in September 1969,
when the Universitv Senate included students lor the lirst tune. In
olhere words, he pointed out thai
the wide student representation
now enjoyed is not a result ol the
However, in an ellorl lo serve
the students" needs, the Student
Association will consider taking
action outside ol the proper admimsiiativc channels, (ierher says
that last year's S.A.i organized the
parking strike, the campus
firearms question, and a Search
Committee organized tor ihe purpose ol linding a new dean lor the
College ol Arts & Sciences. As an
example ol change instituted
through the proper channels, he
mentioned the change in the
residence policv which now for bids
the search ol a studenfs room
without the student being present.
Gerber said that there arc two
major was s lor the S.A. to attempt
to change policies oI Ihe universitv.
I he lirst is lor Central Council to
present a position statement on an
issue ol policv so as lo make known
then teehngson the matter. While
(his has no actual Icgalil) to it. it
mav olten be considered by the
President ol the University in making his decision on the matter.
Students can also lobby lor a
proposal that Ihev wish to see implemented. I his loo can prove an
elleclive measure, though (ierher
did say that lie leluhe nature ol the
issue delei mined the amount ol mlluenee students had. I oi example,
malleis ol residence, concerning
mainly i! uoi totally students could
be gieally influenced by student
opinion Onlheoihei hand,certain
Another point ol intciesl h> i
her vv;is the cost ol tuition, wli
he stales will remain Ihe s.iiiidoes Chancellor Bovci and
Board ol I rusiecs ol Ihe I invt
ty. Me pointed out thai din !•-.•
leaps and bounds nl ihe cost ol
mg, the relative COM ol notion ,
be higher, although lhc;icttiai pi
will remain the same
(ierhei closed ihe niterVK
the lollouing noie. "I hup,
and moie students w ill coiilni
show interest anil become iin
in representing ihenisclu
helping students asseit l i i u i i
as equal members ol the I in •••
( omiiiunilv.
I Ins um '•••
cnniphshed by sen ni^ < m
mittecs. Uisk-lorccs. elt V\ i
an undergraduate popul.iin
Hl.D(H) students, so there'-, plu
work to he done 1 "
procedures, brought In Central
Council members Ken Stokem and
Steve lesser. Both cases ucte overturned I he thud ease dealt with
the legahlv ol S.A. involvement in
the parking strike last Spring. I he
( n u n decided, in a 1-1 vote, llmt
I he issue was not wild in its jurisdiction.
One nl the reasons lot tins
limited amount ol puvvei and oI actual eases in the Supreme Courl is
its present stiuction.|-oi example,
a typical tax cast*must be denied on
three other levels helore it even
icaches the Court. Ihe lirsislep
would be an application loi a
waiver ol (he mandatory tax Next,
the case would have to be denied by
the Solicitations Committee and
the Central Council ol S.A. Onlv
then could thcpaiiyhnng it helore
the Court and it would be
ucces.saarv to sue the Student
Association on the hasisol the constitutional validity ol the tax.
I he Court consists ol seven
members, appointed for two year
terms by the President of S. A. and
confirmed by a two thuds vote of
the total voting membership ol the
Central Council, h had been
operating with five justices: Jay
Fischer; Steve Meyer; lid l.opatin;
Andy Bauman and Gary Lonschein. v This past week S.A. President
Steve Gerber appointed two more
.members to the Court, Rick
Barrow, and Stan Baum.
Although the days of campus
revolutions arc memories. SA
Vice-President, ferry Davis, still
believes in the necessity of drastic
reform. At a quick glance, Davis
revolutionary of the 60's. Encompassed by still blue jeans, the buxom vice-president sat in front ol the
huge color poster of Lenin hanging
on his office wall and spoke about
his first political activities at
Albany State.
Davis, a senior History major,
only recently became involved in
student government. During his
Ireshmnn and sophomre years, bis
restricted to leftist organizations
such us Sweet l i r e , and Coalition
lor Peace and Justice, hist scar,
though, he ran and was elected lo
Central Council and just this year
be was elected Student Association
Vice-President. Davis decided lo
run lor the ranks ol siiiclenl
government rn order lo lurthcr
causes he believed in. and to
become a part ol a legislative body
that had influence in the expenditure ol money lie tell that live
Central Council was not representative ol ihe student body and thai
Ins presence on Council would
ideological balance.
Davis slated, "the roleol SA is in
deline. and lo lullill the needs ol
students." SA provides sciviccs
iliai the university does not. such as
e n t e r t a i n m e n t , linen
icliigeialor service, and student
by Jonathan l.evenson
\s a student at S l ' S Y A you pay
yt2 a semester towards the student
activities lee. sixly-loui dollnls a
veal. Ihe SA budget loi next veal
will he approximately SftW.tJIK).
Ibis money will he used lovvaids
linaneing the operations ol ihe S \
and lovvaids binding SA alllliatcd
gioups and organizations
lot all olbei SA expenses. I
Milium Uuad Hoard in / c u i u s ,
Sexi. each group nitist appeal
hehne the Hudgel Col
I hese healings vvillbe held oueighi
d.ivs between I ebiii.nv III .mil
Maich i : Iheie aie l-l uiciuheis
mi the coininiiiee.among I hem S \
( ouliollei Hob Kanaick Is.in.nek.
vv lii, wishes in change rcllaiii
budget < oiniuiltce proceiliiies,
said Ih.il In- «.nils lo make builgel
i in openly heloie e.uh gioiip, i in
ling down Ihe pnllllking wliiih
piescnlll oceills He Olllhlleil Ills
in one Supreme Court.
lie.ill li uisiuaiicc -Ml these services
ate subsidized In the niaildaloiv
sludcHI tax
.1 I.is which Davis
believes should be optional In the
last student leleienduin on the
inainlaloiv lax issue. Davis voted
loi a voluntary, ta.x. lie commented, "the NA's program should
Budget Committee Divides the Tax
I pon entering the Pawn's "I
lice, voin $}2 is immediately d u a l
ed between Ihe (ieuelal Hudgel
Ittlucli leceives SJ-1 75l anil Ihe
Mhlcltc Hudgel Iwhich gclxXW : s i
Ihe MhlelK Itudget lunds pay lot
intercollegiate spoils linale ami
letn.ilel I he (ieueral Hudgel isthi
icposltoiv loi lunds winch will pav
The judicial power shall be vested
be good enough to force a positive
student response." Davis surmised '
that "a good majority"would pay
Ihe student tax if it were optional.
Moreover, Davis emphasized
the importance of student involvement in SA affairs and student
government. In the last election
only 15 ' i of the student body
voted. Ihe low voter turnout
reduces the bargaining power of
Davis'office. An administrator can
easily pass off an SA proposal on
the grounds that the officers only
represent approximately K-I0%of
the student body. Davis is disconcerted over the low voter participation in elections. He feels SA
always tries to lullill student needs,
but is laced with the difficulty of
determining student needs and
desires vv iiboul any election or constituency
leeilback. He views
voting as a sign ol student interest
in their
budgeting philosophv by S.IVUIJ;
Ilia! In-wished lo spend as n i i i i l i .is
possible as efficiently as possible
without overspending.t)u a eon
dele mullet, he noted that he lell
ihe Imcigcncv Spending Line (the
amount ol cash saved loi last
minute and euieigenev expenditures) should he increased
Alter the hearings, the Hudgel
Committee will finalize ihe hudgel
on March Id and 17
I hen
leioinmelid.ilions will then be sell!
in s \ 1'iesnlenl Sieve t i e i b e i . and
then m I enli.il ( ouiicll In Ihe lasl
week in \ l . m l i I o help the Hudgel
( ,,iu in 11 l i e
n l i b budge ling
guidelines, a list ol .' Kieneial Concerns vv.i-. wiled on .mil passed by
l . iiir.il ( niinul on lanuaiv 2\
I Ine nl Ihe ?t cunicills is ,i p i m i Hie establishment nl a
Spm.il I ..ills Ho.ild vvllieh will
, , „ , , i l l i i . i l , all speu.il n o i l s
\ i „ , t h r i , , . , H I I pol llii budget is
Ihuie i,died "lilllliv innliev "
vv tin
niiev •! gioup in.is
ie,eivi ,n i.nhi.l iiuniiie Him a|l
|l,,>|i|,.ll,n,,.| whlell ill.o be us
pent \ n . ..ml all i
ev hevonda
i l u . i l l v ii v 11 is h . n k I,, I h e
.mil ,
...a available lo lin-
ttll.il Inn.o ino.iev .Ines is lo
^ - s c n l a misleading p i c l i u c n l S A
U.ll slippoll InW.llds.l g l l l l i p
| ,,,
j ..I,,,,,!.
I ,,!
Politically. Davis' position iscxecutive. As vice-president he is
awarded a i5lll) a vein stipend.
However. Davis' interest is not in
the monetary benelits ol bis position. His goal is lo convince other
segments ol the iiniveisiiv community dial students mean equal
and integral pan " I Ihe uiuveisity.
Davis complained that although
students have been granted voiing
status on maiiv important committees, then opinions remain unbend. "Many deans believe thai
Ihe sludelllsaie heieonly to learn,
not lo participate in forming
his dealing with students,
Davis, claims his relations with the
C o u n c i l arc g o o d .
Nevertheless, political pressure has
mounted. At the January 30
meeting of Central Council, a bill
was proposed that would remove
the political status of the SA President and Vice-President because of
their alleged "undue influence" in
Council affairs. Davis' response
was strong. " I f Council feels they
are so easily pushed around." he
voiced, "they must have a low selfopinion. " Ihe bill greatly exaggerated the amount ol influence
we (president (ierher and himself)
have. Davis went on lo say that if
Council did moie wmk on then
own ihev would not have lo rely on
the President's inloiniation as
I Jeccm her.
political barb was tossed at Davis.
Davis' own bill appointing Kim
Kreigei. al hei leqllcsl. as Council
laekev (go-loll was passed, bul
amended bv Council Willi a provision making Davis the lackey lo
laekev. Davis plans lo
challenge the hill's eoiislitutionalitv in ihe student government
Supreme Court on ihe grounds
that the hill ordered him by name
as student, and mil in his official
capacity as SA Vice-President.
Despite these twu'ominousbills.
Davis believes he has rapport wild
ihe Council His greatest hope is the
W i ol the student body will vote in
the next SA election. Perhaps Ihe
Council's apparent insurrection is
a product ol Davis' constituency
base being onlv H-IU'i ol ihe stuilenl body. When asked vvhv he
thought the Council amended the
"laekev hill", he |usl smiled and
repliedrto be cute. I guess."
sieve (icibei was called mil ol the
iiieeliiie .mil said lliat Ihe meeting
eotlltl bc.ibserved llloldei loilelere Ihe genelal pioiedines. hill
ii,,i bo iliepaiiieiilaisol thisoi any
nlhei ease S A mav wish m keep
ihe budget a mallei snlelv belween
Iheiiiselves and S \
gioups. while sliidiiils,!,, nnl tealIv know esaillv how individual
hiulciis an- delei lllineil I he way
innsi student ieeilback isehanneled
is l In, nigh Ihe individual flubs and
H,,, l l t | s hi
I.in leads V40IIH
.,,ii...I.u .1 is appiopiialed
s. |s in mi vvhiih s u n is nol
,,,.,,I.,1,1, I,,i ailiviliis use .mil
„ | , i , l i ,- .oilniiialiialllv duelled lo
liiilmal Hoaiilaiidadvei
| M v i,„
I,., ii,e,,ls, leaving M S|«)
MMIll is supposed in
be used hi
geneiJte ."mine which in tin n can
he used In le-gcncialc income
l l , , „ l v up m Ihe MIIIIH limit I "
ieaclilliaHigiite.il p i o l i l ol $2.Wl)
,„„st he achieved, oi \hV,. In this
ease, luniiy money would be$2.MHI
Do students lune a say invvheie
then money goes' Apparently.
ihev don't. \ t present, there is no
aeeuiale leeilback inecbanisin by
which lo nidge student reactions.
I he policy ol whether lo allow
students to observe Ihe budget
meetings, at which then monev is
being divided, seems unclear. A
lnsl attempt logaill ellllanee inloa
leeeiil lllceling was met with a
declination thai Ihe nieeluigsvvelc
Iwo othcl simlenls nivnlveil in ihe S -v wele eonlaeled.
who said ilia! ihev were unsure ol
die policv and dial ihev would luld
mil Ihe Mile I'lesldelll nl S A
"Studentsmust realize'.'
he said, "that their own political
lives an-win lb in lei est and that administrative
students." Upset over die sludejil
reaction to the shady Miami i n p
liekeliekel sale. Dav is realizes that
student voter turnout and overall
in SA
governmental ailaus mav be
However, be underscored Ihe lacl thul only one individual l i o m SA was involved in
Ihe a l l a n . and that il therefore
should not reflect on the entire
policy, which administrators feel is
strictly a faculty matter," he added.
I his leeilhaek is nut. Iheielore.
available lliioiighoiil Ihe entire
hiiilgeinig sysiein
In l a d , ihe
gioups u i l b Ihe giealesl potential
loi aeeuiale teed back arc probably
p I o g I a in 111 I ll g
However, lust
beiaiise ibis poiential exists, does
noi mean it has been utilized At
piesenl. SA gioups may present
then eases loi then budget requests
lo the SA executive and legislative
blanches, who then decide on its
mei Us. Individual students seem lo
have little sav in the mutter,
All S.A. groups must go before the Budget Committee to get their share of
Ihe wealth.
Central Council:
Politics of a Student Legislature
fegr Naicjr Cook
The Central Council is the
legislative branch of Student
Association. As such, it is responsible for the passage of all bills and
the statement o f policies, and the
approval of the Central Council is
necessary for any bills to be
enacted. It must also maintain a
working relationship with the executive branch o f Student Association, which is able to introduce its
own bills as well as to veto anv
legislation passed by the Central
Chairperson Eric Lonschein of
Central Council feels that "S.A.'s
primary > function is to provide services that are necessary to make life
bearable at this giant concrete
slab." He feels also that the Central
Council has a right to speak out on
political. University, or other
matters of importance. On the part
of . the members, however, there
"seems to be a reluctance to stick
their necks out." To illustrate his
point, Lonschein cited a resolution
calling for the impeachment of
Supreme legislative powers
Council which does not meet with
its approval. The Student Association, for the most part, deals with
recreational activities, concerts,
and other function.
These activities arc funded by the student
Blow by Blow
committee which would investigate
the role and purpose of University
security. A bill was recently passed
that protested the arbitrary cancellation of courses, demonstrating
the Council's role inattemptingto
influence academic matters at the
University. Another bill favoring
the boycotting of Farah slacks,
which allegedly exploit Chicano
and women workers, has recently
passed the Council.
To the Editor:
The recent unfortunate case of unethical
behavior committed by Student Association
officers and others during the sale of tickets
for the M i a m i bus trip has been compounded
by the misleading and confusing lead story in
last Friday's ASP. Important facts concerning the findings and recommendations of
the committee were left out. and other major
points were clouded by the reporting style. In
the interests of the student body. Ihe whole
truth of this matter needs to be presented. I
feel that the partial publication due to space
of the minutes of the Central Council
meeting will best allow an impartial viewing
of the statements ol the various persons involved. Eric Lonschein has stated that the
student body knows that he's sulk-red
through enough punishment. I sincereh
hope that these minutes allow u i u . the •.ludent body, to decide this lor \ourscKcs;
As with any other political
organization, there is sometimes
internal strife in the council. Most
recently this has involved the
amount of influence wielded by the
executive at Central Council
meetings. All governments must
shall be vested in Central Council
seek a proper balance between the
legislative and executive branches.
Whether such a balance as ol now
exists in Student Association is a
debated point. Councilman I ony
Perez says "the main problem wit!
Central Council is that Steve Cier
her uses a lot nl influence. He plays
a lot on the ego ol the Council
members. He gives usalotul in formal imi thai can't be substantiated." Additonally. Perez stales
I h a l Gurnet' uses dillerent
procedures to either slop or to continue debate, depending upon
whether he wants the particular bill
passed or defeated. According .to
Perez, even il there are four or five
more people who have something
to say about a bill, (ierher mas call
the question and bring it to a vote il
it is going the wav he desires.
Councilman I cwis Tidier agrees
tha "evenone listens to (ierher no
mailer what he says." fere/,
Fidler. and several other Council
Left to right, Barry Davis, Steve Gerber, S.A. attorney Sandy Rosenblum,
and Tony Perez. Perez has had disputes with the executive branch over its
influence at Council meetings.
happens lo oppose, lie will crack a
members, have commented that
Hike and the points scored lor ihe
their colleagues vote an their permeasure will base been loigulten.
sonal leelings lathci thai on the
During bills that he lawns, he is
wishes ol the students.
Quad Hoard President Michael
very serious. I lie niembei slates
Meyer added lo this hy stating.
also iluil the chan man lends to
" I he Council docs not represent
slum lav ui it ism lo wards certain
the students. I.ach Council
nieinhcis. I he members ol t'entnil
niemhci. with the exception ol a
Council like linn personally, ihcv
lew, repiesents hinisell, An exam*
s.i\. as lie "knowseven thingahoul
pie ol this is the quad card issue last
procedure." but
week. When lour ol live quad
some claim thai there i.sa "growing
" I he report ol the ad hoc committee n> investigate the Miami bus tup. chaired h> Ira
liiinbaum. was as lollows:
As to Ihe involvement ol Ihe ollieeis ol
Student Association and Council members:
I here was much conflicting kslimonv on
these issues. I he committee lound that I nc
lonschein. Allen l.iclihoin. and ( b u s
Drown had planned lo slav lor the nighi li.i
Itiinhaum slated thai Allen 1 ichhoni had
showed an Mhanv Slate Cinema lilm in Ihe
SA ollicc thai lasted l i o m I lo -I a in I heie
was conflicting lestimotn on wheiliei wink
had been done allel 4 a.in I lie committee
lound I hat Ihe inifiil ol Ihe group was lo gel
Miami tickets. Jenv Price asked I nc il he
knew he was on Ihe hsl ol those people that
the Campus Cciilci stall makes up al midnight who are slaving in Ihe building I i le
assumed he was on Ihc list since he was in ihe
huilding. Ira liiinbaum noted thai I n c said
the movie showings were common on Sundas nights in the SA ollicc Allen, on Ihe
other hand, said n was the lusi nine Ira said
The Central Council is pictured here in last week's meetlne
hoaids approved ol opening quad
card sales i<> all studcnls. Council
wiled against il "
OIK- ( n i i i i u l member commented on whal he considers the
lack ul piolcssionalism dial
lonschein displays in his position
He claims thai lonschein unlaulv
interjects Ins own leelings into
mailers belore ihc Council.
anniivancc al him and he'd bettei
shape up "
( culiat Council is an oigani/alion ol students sciving student
needs, but also replete with charges
ol political laches used lo get one's
way, perhaps tluougli ihe ulih/alion ol somewhat uulaii methods
Such is ihe opinion ol certain
inemhcis. at least, and il seems
thai ihe Council, while it must
says ihut il anolhei Council
member is presenting an argument
lor an issue winch Lonschein
always be seen as a student body,
">usi also he noted as a legislative,
governmental organi/alion.
Central Council shall implement
the statements of this Constitution
Situation Ethics
Ihe high-handed and irresponsible al
lilude exhihiied b\ Mi I onschein and 111-Iriends concerning the l l o r i d a I up M i a n is
pel haps ihe most dislastclul and linalh Ihe
most distressing aspect ol the entile ineulenl
I'nloitumitelv ibis altitude is noi eonlincd
solelv lo M i . 1 onschein Inn seems lo be a
pail ol the thinking ol influential inemhcis
ol the Central Council I icceuih i|ucsinmed
an important membci ol ihe Council cm the
incident (an inllucniial incinhei "I the
grievance committee w ith Ins eveou ihe \ ice
Presidency) and he icphcd
"It doesn't mean slnl lo a nee I hose pen
pic who wailed on line made il sound like
the) spent three seals in \uschwita
those people gel tickets any wav so who does
il hurt'.'"
Ihe point ul die mallei Is Ihal Mi
I onschein abused luspowel a ml Ills ol live In
gel a place oil line Onlv ihe S \ eh
would have Ihe means In slav oveinlghl m
ihe Campus Cciilci. not " M i Mhanv Slate
Student'". I he incident hurl a good nianv •>!
Ihe student wailing Hillside bemuse. Iholigh
Ihcv did gel tickets, a good main li.nl I" I'av
a Inghei puce loi llin.e lukels I lies didu i
spend tlllee veals in SusJiwiU but lllev
wailed all nighl in Hie dead " I an Mhanv
winter loi Ihem I licse people dcseive belli i
I hen Ihcv got
In Ibis eia ol le-cvalualiug ines|ionsihle
and unethical national government
should not nisi lei tin-, incident slide Some
son ol punitive action ag
I onschein must be taken loassini- lh.it these
abuses In the student population " ' ' ' " ,
school shall mil he lepcaled. ami Ihal ihe
Inline leadcis ol governing bodies will be
more receptive |o ihe lights ol then constilueuts.
lonalhon I eilei
I) that Chairperson Lonschein be censured: dial his allei boms privileges in Ihe
S \ ollicc be leniiived.lhal lus S A ollicc kev
he eonliscaicd
?I that the altei hours privileges ol Central
i ouneilpeisons Mien I ichhorn and Chris
Blown he unloved loi Ihe SA ollicc.
t i thai the auihoii/ation lor Central
Ciiiincilpeisiin Jell Shei inan'saiil hoi u\ and
kev io Id
i tlis be icinovcd
It.i Itutiii.iu 111 s.iul that the Chairperson ol
< en11.11 Council should have enough respect
1.11 .in investigating body ol us own Council
mil in In- to il which I lie did I lie
I oli-eheill asked il Central Council wanted
lo know wh\ he didn'l tell Ihe whole truth'.'
I I K said IK- lied because he knew the committee was slanted against him and he
warned the whole mallei broughtbclore Cenli.il ( olineil
Mr. Public Person
lo ihe Editor
Eric Lonschein, Chairperson o f Central Council, has been the subject or recent controversy.
I'residenl Nixon, which was not al
Central Council's main purpose is
first approved. It was passed only
to formulate the budget and deteralter a relerendum revealed that
mine what groups gel lunded and
Ihc students were in lavor of the
in whal amounts. It is the
r e s u l u l i o n b y a six-to-one margin,
President's duly to recommend a
lonschein next cited several exudget to the Council, but it is up
amples ol the various-types ol conto the Council lo approve that
cerns with which the Central Counbudget. Various S.A. groups may
cil duals, last December. President
prescnl their budgeting plans lo the
ol S.A. Steve (ierhei
executive branch or lo Central
Lonschein introduced a hill that
Council and have Iheir cases conwould lorm a Student Association
Eric-said he let no one into the building.
However, a person at the Council meeting
testified that she saw Eric Lonschein let
someone into the Campus Center after it
closed. That girl found the girl who was let
into the building, and the girl let in said that
Eric had let her in. Ihc source of this
testimony said Eric let the girl into the
building and Ihcn said he wouldn't let her.
the source, in. Eric Lonschein strongly
denied this. Eric Lonschein posed the question. "Did I lei anyone into Ihe building?" He
did not think be was in the wrong, but
deserved criticism from the people who think
he is wrong Eric apologi/ed to those people. He loll that he wasn't wrong in that he
didn'l use his position lo buy tickets, but that
lie was doing work. Eric then said hct/w/let a
person in the building she said she had a
cold and asked to slav inside in the
building f l i c said she could il shcassumed
respoiisihiliiv i! anything happened, lie
apologized Im misleading Ihe Council. Ira
liiinbaum leileralcd thai there was no indication thai work was done after 1 a.m. . . .
Ken Vi.iv asked when did laic expect to
liiush Ins woik il he was watching a movie
loi 1 bouts'.' Ilienl Kignei wondered il Chris
Minwn always brought bis girlfriend to do
lus woi k on Sunday nights in ihe SA office'.'
iia Biinhanin. chairperson ol the ad hoe
eoinmillee. presented the leeomincndalions
ol the eioup.
I u ihc Students
.Laeeuse Whetlvei ol not I was censured,
unci he-1 <>i noi m\ kes priv ilcges were revoked. Ihts pasi Wednesday night at Central
Council,pail ol my woild collapsed ll was
.in Mgci Hiss nightmare right belore my
u ' i \ LACS, hul unlike Alger lli.sssomcpartot
me w.is ginlis
Surclv soii'vc heard about ihe Magical
\ l \ s l c i \ Miami lius I tini It v-ou don't know
uhai I .mi talking aboui In now. please
huge! n II sou wcie wailing on hue outside
ihc ( .unpust en lei one calls Morula} morn,
please LIIU' me one last chance and read on.
I'm soil ol soi r\ 1 e\ei heard ol ihe city ol
M I.I nn I'm escii sol nei I c\ci wanted logo
ihcie I realize thai il I was theaveragc'student. 1 wouldn't depenalized the same was. 1
u.ih/e ilia l 1.1 in a public pei son ami I can lis
io undcistaud the olhei public people and
nin ale SIIKICIIIS' reaction to the events.
I u.is penned m b\ one mistake and was
llujs led lo iilhcts Hul all the Imie 1 knew
ihal 1 would h,iu' io come clean I lull more
in public than in private
i n itiloilable
dee a use I was being accused as a public person I j-'iiess that's win I didn't tell ihe whole
mnli .ni.l nothing but the iiuih to Ihe cotni,„[ U , mu'siikMiuiL' the Miami n i p
I lell
1li.it ilns was tin olih was lo gel ihe Ul.ittei
J I M u-sscd publu l\ m ( ouncil. lathci than
i.. i
i ihcilosed d o o i s o l a ( cniiuM ouncil
miuuiilive I nnsiakeiils Ihoughl ihe onl>
was I > on kl gel I lus lo eoinc about sum Id be
to deliberaicls misintoiin ihc coinnntlec I
i t H j limits 1 knew would be icluted bs
,,ilu i s I Im was wrong
I was aliaid Ihal in\ eieilihilu> Willi sou
Mould be desiiosed
Iheie aie reasons
ln-.itles the ohsious
l o understand these
olhei i castuis. sou base lo under sland why 1
.mi a publn peison. As is Ihe case m i l l
mans publu people, ego is a big laelor.
||owc\ei. il il was ego alune. I wouldn't
woik as haul as I do loi ihe things I believe
i,, | attended l l m school dining the strikes
Ken Stokem asked how many people were
in the room. Eric Lonschein answered 4 plus
Chris Brown's girlfriend plus the 2 people
from room .108 plus the girl who had a cold.
Ken Stokem asked Eric if he was doing
work? Eric Lonschein replied yes, his serious
intent was to do work.
Lew Eidler said he was very disappointed
with the committee, as it had turned a factfinding investigation into a "witchhunt."
People should consider that Eric tides work
for SA in the office. It would only be to the
detriment of all students to throw Eric out of
the S A office, and the same for the other people charged. Eric noted that he'd learned a
"tremendous lesson." He thought that taking
the building privileges away would be
detrimental to all of SA. Steve Meyer made
the following points about the previous discussions I) Eric's justilication for Iving (that
the committee was slanted against him} was
not valid, and Ihal the case was more one ol
nloi malion that had been very damaging to
I nc and lire refutation of that information
might have been ovel/ealously sought out. 2)
Ihal Allen Etch horn had told Steve al 11:00
p.m. Ihal Sunday evening that be was not
planning on being in Ihe SA ollicc or the
Campus Center al all Ihal night. 31 I hal Eric
told Sieve that the people who "were clever
enough to elude security" were Ihe lucky
ones who should be first on line,
Ira noted that a loi ol students are fast losing hull] in their leaders and if students on
this campus see I b u r o w n rcpresenlativesacting ihe same w \ . ibere will be no faith in
the student government al all. Chris Blown
said he came with asleepingbag because he
didn'l know il he'd be out ol the huildingthat
evening, and objected to the controversy being elevated to moral heights. Steve Meyer
kit Ihal I nc miisi apologize lo Ihe studcnls
ol this University. 1 nc said that people know
thai he's gone through enough punishment.
Ion) Perez said that Iheaclionsol Eric were
enough ol a punishment, and offered a
Inendly amendment to replace recommendation Hi that: Central Council requests Eric
Lonschein to give back the ticket he bought
lor Miami.
Ira Himbaum moved, Tony Perez that
recommendation " I be amended to read:
I nc Lonschein is requested lo surrender his
ol 1971). I saw: something then that I haven't
seen since. I hen. students controlled this
I hiisersiiy. Il was our podium. 1 he fountains were our swimming pool. I hey were
out dorms. Our lives were our own
Since then, things base changed. It's no
longer oui podium, oui fountains, our
donns I wondci whoconliolsour lises, I he
control is I ben sand we don'l even know ss-ho
"they" arc. I'm here because I warn lo .see
lhose days again I waul lo control my own
hie. don'l sou' 1 I don'l think my joh will be
done until we arc controlling our own lives.
I hat's w hv I'm a public person. I hat's why
I'm still here.
I his wasn't the lust mistake I'se made m
ms lilcaud unlorlunatcls, u won't be ihe last.
1 am onlv human. I know 1 have Icai ned invaluable lessons Irum this whole episode
1 ti rue pcisonallv. sonic good came out ol
l Ins Ms I a ith in students has been restored,
I learned thai we still can question jusl like
we did in 1970 I hopewe can continue ibis
m ihe point whcie this is oui University
again II oui values aie no! the I 'Diversity's
Ihcv should he
|-.ric I onsehem
Scandalous Behaviour
l o ihc I ditoi
I heie oeciined, uppio\imatels seven
\cais ago. a scandal in the Student Association which has mils, recently been equaled.
( etiaiu " l i icgulai ilies" in an election were
discoveied I he Central Council ininuicsiol
Mas I*. Iu(>7)described theinas-."themarking nl ballots loi ihe M V S K A M A a n d Class
o! llJf>h elections on the pari ol William
Cleveland.." Hill Cleveland then held the
position ol ('entruI Council President, which
is equivalent in the piescnt Student Association ol a combination ol the olhces ol S A
I'icsideni and Chan pei son ol Central Council
Mi Cleveland subsequently resigned
liom ollicc.
Kccenlly we have seen {or read about in
ihc ASI') a scandal on an equal level ol
lowness. l.nc I onschein. Chairman ol Central Council, was recently accused of has nig
taken unlaii advantage ot lus position in
older lo icap the bcnellis ol an early place on
purchased ticket and offer a public apology
in the Albany Student Press. Lew Fidler
moved the previous question on the main
motion I Ken Stokem. The motion to cut off
all debate passed 12-4-2.
Ira's amendment failed by a show o f
A roll call vote was requested on the vote
ol the committee's recommendations.
At this point. I must depart from the arduous pages ol minutes so that I may record
the roll call vote by each living area, for the
information of the reader:
A l l MM
Gold stein No
Sherman Abstain
Brown No
Eichhorn Abstain
FidlerN •
Cohen Yes
Stewart Abstain
Mack Absent
Dudley Absent
Ihe recommendalions ol the Ad Hoc
Committee to Investigate the Miami Bus
I rip thus were defeated 3-IU-K.
Al this point. I mean lo oiler a personal
viewpoint. II Ihc r resident ol a bank is indicted loi embezzlement and is acquitted at
his trial since il is lell thai the adverse
puhlicily he has received in the newspapers
and the public humility is punishment
enough, should he be allowed to keep ihe
money he stole?'.''.' Many ol the persons who
waited in the Campus Center and many of
those .11 tickets reserved by ihc class ollieeis
will be used to vacation in Florida next week.
Chris Brown's objections thai this not he
elevated to a moral matter must be rejected
in the hghl ol thegrievousdisregard by those
in positions of responsibility lor those who
put them there. As for Eric Lonschein. he has
been acquiied b_\ your Central Council
representatives, and since it is unlikely that
any luilher formal action will he taken
against him. you. die siudcnl body, had
heller hope thai he ilui in lacl. '•learn a
tremendous lesson."
Sieve Meyer
Central Council
line lor the tickets io the Miami tlip. I leel
thai Mr. lonschein has obviously violated
his trust lo the Central Council, the Student
Association, and student hody as a whole.
M i . Lonschein slated mans "contradictory" I a els to ihe Central Council committee
assigned to look into ihc matter ol the Miami
tup's ii regularities, and be al temp ted to
protect hunsell hv siaiiugihat the committee
was hiased agauisl bun lo begin with. I leel
that Mi Lonschein should billow in Mr.
Cleveland's loolstcps. and allow someone
ssho leels he is able to lulhll the responsihiluies ol such a position without taking
advantage of ihe power it allows, takeover in
bis stead
Steven Iesser
20/20 Hindsight
l o the i dtloi
l o i almost iwo weeks. I base heard
endless seteams over ihc Honda liasco.
I ooK and wise men alike base blamed other
loots as well as o the! wise men. I he accused
plead sell-righteous indignation. All too
much lime has been wasted in bickering.
I wo issuesaie primary heie, We must try
to cor reel the mistakes ol this incident and
then improve ihe organization ol such I mure
leas nig the sarcasm and
h n i c i n c s s behind, how aboui some
suggestions 1 el's all try and be constructive loi once
As lor those who teel wronged, I am sorry
that voui lellow students, mysell included,
lacked adequate loresight. As lor the ASP, 1
think you may perhaps print some constructive ideas in sour columns. As lor me, I ask
the help ol rn> lellow students. Call, writeoi
slop in at Ihc Student Association Office.
i banks
Boh Kanarek
Record Review
Experiment f$ X-17—a
by K.M. Daniels
The Energy Crisis:
A Controlled Result
by Douglas Le Comtc
Though the environmentalists.aggravated
the energy crisis by, among other things,
delaying the building of the Alaskan pipeline
and holding up the construction of new
refineries, and the Arabs made a bad situation worse with their oil embargo, it is
becoming increasingly evident that federal
price controlsare the main reason behind the
fuel shortage.
Free — market economists have known
and demonstrated for over a century ithat
government intervention in the marketplace
distorts supply and demand and results in
shortages and unemployment, and now (his
has been painfully proven as, after 28
months of price controls, America, one the
land of abundance, is running out of
everything from plastic toys lo paper bags,
from tennis balls to antifreeze, from canned
foods to home freezers. And everyone is going around accusing everyone else for the
shortages but, when you come right down to
it, it becomes glaringly obvious that the
politicians and the government bureaucrats,
either through ignorance or lust for power,
arc to blame lo the plethora of laws and
regulations which have so grievously distorted the n a t u r a l rhythms of the
Think about it. This nation has one —
third of the world's supply of coal. New oil
reserves are still being discovered all the
time. We have plenty of natural gas under
the ground. Why do we have a fuel crisis?
This cannot be in a free society. If a commodity diminishes, then the price will rise according to supply and demand, thus discouraging further consumption. If prices go
high, demand will ebb.and the prices must of
necessity go down. II the prices are high and
demand does not diminish due lo the importance of the commodity, then new competitors will enter the lucrative market,supply will increase and lite price goesdown. I l i s
thus highly unlikely that necessary supplies
ol anything would runout in a free
Now take the case of natural gas. A federal
control agency has held the price ol natural
gas at the wellhead down Tor years. The price
has been held down at artificially low levels
to "protect" the consumer, Since profits have
been held down so low, the natural gas companies have had no incentive to risk large
amounts of capital in new wells to get the gas
from the ground. Why bother if the profits
do not make it worthwhile?The result has
heen that a most important fuel has been left
unexploiled, save lor Oklahoma. Gas found'
in the stale and used solely in that slate is not
subjected to the whims of ih economic
tyrants of federal price commissions, soi
Oklahoma will have no blackouts or hruw-j
nouts this winter, as all the gas that is needed
is delivered to the electric companies loi
their generation ol power.
. « • » v ag M;, yr %g,-ycy ;••
' A Very Routine Audience
The price of retail gasoline and fuel oil has
been held down since August 15, 1971 by the
various economic phases. The reason was to
fight inflation (Ha!) The result was that consumption was encouraged and production
and expansion of capacity was discouraged.
Soi now we have a shortage ofgasolineanda
lot of people who depend on it are out of a
1 chanced, to run into an old friend lust
week. Later, at his bedside in the hospital, he
told me that he was not completely satisfied
with the column. " Y o u write the stuff,' he
weakly moaned, "and all we do is sit back,
stupidly silent and read it. Us readers want to
P A R T I C I P A T E ! " This started me thinking
and inmcnioriumto that friend 1 have come
up with one of (he I'ewKeaderParlicipalion
articles you're ever likely to read.
Hello there, and welcome to our column.:S
I'm Ken, ( I ), Together we've been called the «
funniest comedy learn since ( 2 ). Sacco and $j
Van/.ctti! You know that's not true. Bul.j:j:
anyway, it's good to he here... ( i ). Ignore IS
him (her), folks. Moving right along, you ;•:!
know this is the third time we've appeared $
here, and you can be sure we'll be coming :§':
hack again and again. ( 4 ). l-ieh, heh, he's5:5
(she's) just kidding folks.
Say, wc do have a good looking group :£
here, don't wc'.' ( 5 ), er..um..isn't he (she) a §|
riol folks'.' Well, you know, we just got back j:|:
from a very fancy engagement in a Los Vegas :$
newspaper, file editor sent a car oul lo the :•:;
airport lo get us:... ( 6 ) ...urn...nice paper jj;
you goi here al Albany Stale. ( 7 ) Ha. Ha. •:•:
I la...And what i nice school! Say, you know *j
what I likcaboutthedesign of this school?
(8 l l i i i l really folks. I really like Ihe cold g:
climate. All this crisp cool air and fantastic i*
snow is just great for sledding, skiing, ( 9 ). $•
And the food on campus! You know folks •:•;
some people say the food on campus is like •:•:
garbage. Bui I disagree.) 10) Now, that's not &
true! Now you apoligi/.e ( I I ) . Well...er...it w
looks like our lime is just about up. Speak-j*:
ing for my partner and myself, I'd like to say ;|:|
n's been greal, visiling Ihe ASP and you are a &.
greal bunch of kids! ( 12 1 So goodbye. ( 13 ) | :
I hank you. ( 14 ) Thank you! ( 1 5 ) 1 hank | i
you. thank you. ( 16 ).
Let us look closer at the fuel oil situation.
Prices were fro/en in the summertime. Fuel
oil prices arc, naturally, lower in the
summer than in winter. Result: gasoline
became more profitable to produce than fuel
oil, hence a shortage of fuel oil. Last winter,
(4) Until wc gel paid.
well before the Arab embargo, we already
(5) No! Wc don't! Look al all the ugly people
saw premature factory andschoolclosings in
parts of the country because of lack of :}i oul there on Colonial. And when did they let
•Jjthat one over there on State oul of the
heating oil.
(6) And luckily it missed.
(7) And if you'll believe thai you'll believe
Another example. Prices for flat steel and
(8) Nothing!
pipes were frozen. The levels at which they
|{9) ...frostbite, pneumonia....
were controlled made it more profitable to
'(10) Yeah, it's closer lo shit.
produce flat steel instead of pipes. Result: :':& (11) Okay, I'm sorry the food on campus
pipe has been hard to get for drilling new H lasics like shit.
•:•: (I 2) Yeah, that's what we'd like to say. Un§ fortunately, we can't. Actually ils been a
Shortages have been cropping up actually ji-idiag. like chewing aluminum foil, u blind
everywhere. A limber company in Oregon S£dule with a Sumo wrestler...
can'l get glue for makim; plywood due lo » ( 0 ) And good riddance!
petrochemical shortages and it can'l gel 8$(14) I hank you.
enough natural gas and propane lo dry ils >S (15 Wc love you.
wood. Maybe 201) workers will be laid o i l . M l In) I hank you and good night.
Slories like this one are being repealed all s i
Arc you reads'.' Here's the scrip!! Here we
around the country al firms thai can'l gel lire •Slgo..:toild and deal gang:
supplies they need due lo shortages caused
by price controls.
l - l . A S H ! High Washington contacts inform fe
me lhal Ihe President is Irving lo have the fc:
symbol lor Ihe Republican Party changed K;
Irom an elepbanl lo a condom, this ist;|;
because the condom stands lor mllaiion. P:-:
halts production, and gives a false sense ol :£
security while one is being screwed.
price system.
Price controls have kepi the puces ol
petroleum products artificially low, thereby
encouraging consumption and discouraging
production. Inllation has not been halted hy
economic conlrolsand cannot be stopped by
such tyrannical means its arbitrary pi ice fixing. The obvious solution lo lite fuel shortage is In end all colli nils anil lei pi ices bung
supply and demand into balance
r-3*-%rv^x *r-»g *r-yg-*e-*g-»*rg
will be in the CAMPUS CENTER
Feb. 2 6 - 2 8
from 1 0 - 4
Also in the Placement Office
on Feb. 27
Sign up now for an interview
| ifsOK B ' s a y s O : -
Opener. "Bridgctle" is soothing
and swaying to the ear. Il quickly
encloses you within its tightly interwoven nature, from which Huhbard's trumpet will explode, mildly
and thoroughly. Ihe band collectively puis down a solid opening
passage as ihe merger into the lead
ol Hubbard's horn and d u l l again
away to become a firm pail ol lite
varied but placed undeiscoie.
(icorgeCahlc'spiano is tight and
probing while Ihe bass quotations
that accompany are c.spiessivennd
elongated (lull). Cables soon builds
up lo a surprising "Bit-o*-rag" and
almost int.mediaIch breaks away
showcasing a re I resiling duel-horn
passage which stronglv re-states
llie vivacious choiuslinc. Hcic
hoih Hubbard and lenoi saxophonist
Junior l o o k synchronously
move through the
change while the icsl ol ihe band
expresses llieii own peiculatmg
Completing ihe side, is ihe tale
Hack "Keep Yolii Soul logethci"
which is si licking in its contra si slo
Us predeeessoi. I he intru is mote
active due maiiiK lo some c v
luleialed peicussions in this which
is que a uioie consci valivch done
I he lenoi pla\s a slant
MPIO miiti iclaxnig nisi heloic Hub
bald plays oul the slum wnli Ins
pianisi ( .ililes will lata .1 louehil
position beneath Ilubbaul' h
A. S M A L L . G R O U P
1 OF
album. Ki't'i* Your Soul Together,
(CH6036) consists only of strong,
soulful jazz. The lour distinctly
different sound tracks comprising
this new effort crteate an effectively
engrossing, collective experience.
Again. Hubbard plays with a set of
highly complimentary musicians
who add easily lo the extremely
lyrical material on the disk.
Lvidenceol the lightness contained
within can be collected through a
sampling of the dyiiami/ed
offerings on this album.
Drummer Ualph I'cnland. here.
is precisely sedated and lie exploits
the hlunlci bass noles. Ihe piece
evolves quickly and hows tail pist
as ellorllesslv as il a lose and seems
lo set up vvhal is lo conic
Even the mosi ardem supporters of price
controls conceded last summer thai bed
shortages were due to frozen prices, making
II unprofitable to bring beef cattle to market.
Any anyone who saw n could never lorgei
I he sight on the evening news ol baby
chickens being slaughtered due lo other
price controls ma king l he chickens' lives thus
grucsoniely disposible. I his was ample
leslimony to the follies ol the economic controls instituted b> the Nixon Administration. 1 lie present shortages have not been
quite as dramatic, but they shins1 ihedestruclive effects ol controls placed on the markcl
Involvement Routine'
Here's the way it works. I've printed your
•:•:] lines right below, before the comedy piece
H we'll be doing. Eachofyour numbered lines is
>:; cued by that same numbers' appearance in
i-i the rouline. So when you see a l l ) read out
jl; loud lor all to hear line number (I). And
:•:•: when you see ( 2 ) read number (2). likewise
•:£ to the end. (lot il? Very good. It's a pleasure
!:•:: writing for you sharp college kids.
[•:•] Here are youreues, followed byourscripl:
$3(1) And I'm [your name].
$ ( 2 ) Sacco and Van/ctli
| | ( . l ) And it'll be great to leave.
tfs'oiHirra scares? — \
-Tr-°'" 1 - r *
Keep Your Soul Together
Castles Burning T o p Secret— D o N o t R e a d
by Ken Wax
Record Review
Next continuing the rolling
momentum of the album is "Spirits
ol I nine." I he impressively titled
Hack opens with a brief drum solo
leaiunng some finely stuttered
rolls and burst. Some choppy
phrasing beneath the bass rytlunn
sets up thai same styli/cd choral
breakdown Hubbard so frequently
uses. Ilubbards little minims are
collectively fluid.
"Destiny Children."the closing
Hack on side two. is Ihe most surprising piece presented on the
album. As the piano reaches out lo
Inul ils place highlighting the percussions. Kon Carler works oul
mint Is with pa railed ease. Hubbaul's sLicalto tvpe plas is demanding ol attention. 1 he lightness ol
thepeisonnelievcalsa well oigai.i/ed Ju~~ Muihiiw. I ake
noleol Ihe line wali-wab bass lines
ol Cartel I lie "las hack" element
uiil be seen in the underscoring
lines hul still the acliwls is great
throughout the piece and is supp o i l n e ol the eneigi/ed trumpet'
lenoi pails
Hubbard's "keep sotn Soul
logethei" is not chock-lull ol
a-its thing new. Instead il does
I calm c b.isie. progressive, enio\.ihle i n / / . I he suullulelement ol
ihe nuisie makes u somewhat less
than heel leal Is e veiled, and less
sp.iees ami conceptual adding to lis
hioad appeal potential Ilubbaul
does no! plas around here: his
passages ,ue eomplele. langs and
elleelive I be peisonnel is expert
,iud piool pins ol Ibis is tile
I In-, iceoid will sund lall in ihe
seai s i,u/ inaiket anil adds impiessivels lo llie gie.n eonal ol ie,,111 leleases honi ( iced lasloi
Hi^ leinlicalls ileseiipuse album
mile.i-.lus a poweillills \ I \ K I slois
wuli solid l.ilili.din.il langc. l i e d ,L... Ilubb.ml Loiilimiesiolas down
a qiMlns pi.Hluu
Graham Nash: On the Line
MM lulvs (Atlantic SD72K8) is
his second solo album and the first
he's done since his 1972 collaboration with Dave Crosby. In two
years lime il seems that Graham
Nash hasn't changed much al all.
(lis concerns still center around
the injustices id law and government ("Prison Song" and "Grave
tins year's prolesi in
llie Kememhei Kent Slate vein), the
sc nselessucss ol war ( " O h !
C a i n i t " ) . and
relationships as well as lifestyle
philosophies (the sesen remaining
songs). And in typical Nash
lasluon. the l\ lies arc lai Irom
complex, making simple and
sometimes very obvious statements
and observations.
TEL mms<
Ihe solter songs are "1 Miss
You" and "Another Sleep Song".
Nash is both reflective and then
momentarily excited on " I Miss
You." as he uses his piano lo indicate this. On "Another Sleep
Song" (the lone and point ol view
hcing completely different from his
first "Sleep Song" which is more of
a love song or serenade ). Nash's
gentle vocal a ltd electric piano eon11 i b u l c l o ils nocturnal any quality,
lom Mitchell, as an additional
vocalist, is used sparingly, but
effectively. She oilers her haunting
and hypnotic "boo
Il is ibis sliaighllorward appi oaclt that has made Nash's lyrics
so appealing in the past. Itui the
laet thai he's said il belore and
probably better, takes away much
ol llie punch his new songs might
and alter several listenings
ihe novells ol a new phrasing wears
Nash's music doesn't wear as
quickls even though it seems lodepcod on a simple, but polite
eatehmess. I oi ihis reason, MM
tiilvs will eii|o\ a respectable sales
hie. avoiding ihe late ol a populai
o u l " lhal
much lougci.
N.ish is known loi his light,
spunks tunes and also lor his soliei
ones II ,/,/ hilt-., as no surprise.
| which enhances the somber lyric
content. The "whine" that Ben
Keith gets on dobro ; ;almost as if it
was another voice, is a beautiful
t o u c h . The b r i e f
relationship between it and Joni
Mitchell's voice provides lovely
harmony , not just for Nash's
vocal, hut for Mitchell's voice and
lor the dobro.
Ihe weakest songs of the slbum
'are "Hey You (Looking at the
Moon)" and "You'll never be the
S a m e " * Both have a slow country
influence emphasized by pedal
steel guitar. "Hey Y o u " drags and
"You'll Never be the Same" is only
a bit more upbeat, with heavy,
syrupy country steel pedal guitar.
Nash's voice is the "only factor
which keeps this song from going
overboard couniry
hut .watch
out il (ieorge Jones gets a hold of
Overall, ihere is one thing
bothering me aboul the album,
{passing over Ihe lyrics) and it is
not that Graham Nash seems unable to wnile carefree classics like
"Marakeslt Express' and "Our
House" or Ihe remarkable " l e a c h
Your Children" and "Lady of the
Isle" anymore. Curiously enough,
wluil bothers me is his musical approach ol poliiecalchiness
lite listener with one musical
phrase or progression and lei Ihe
song lall back on ihis. I hen every
song' has something you can look
I or ward lo, even if il is only four
, seconds and occurs three times in
the song. Graham Nash is undoubtedly the masler of great
musical moments, but why not
it/iWi' songs.' As it stands. MM
laics will salislv many, hul excite
is coming March 1st and 2nd.
J Sign up for the workshop and be in their
I show.See the Theatre call board in the
2nd floor lounge for details.
funded by student association
university concert board presents:
Hubbard is sekbuii MVII I..Mmh.uk on ihis album and u i l n i
keeps coining .il \oll C.IM!'. .old
llovnngh I he pvuussioii u u-ur.i i
add heauh lo ilu lunk\ epiMiiK
pla\ed In Kon l . n i r i which
moves lieeK into plan w nli 1.1 le
picieing iiiiinpci loi.iiions
Student Association
Friday, March 1J
CC Ballroom i
8:00 pm J
| Believe it?«
We will show you.r-
runs that range. On the lively side
there's " W i l d Talcs." the title cut
opening with studio warm — up
and then an urgent bass line (a la
Motown records). This is the
rocker of the album and Dave
Lindley's electric slide guitar really puts the power into it. Lindley
also saves "Grave Concern,"
creating true interest in contrast to
the artificial attempt in the same
song by voice montage. " O h !
Camil (The Winter Soldier)" is an
upbeat, accoustically d r i v e n
prolesi tune which features Dave
Mason on twelve string guitar. His
rhythmic support of Nash's vocal,,
harmonica and accoustic guitar is
worthy of mention, especially
jWhcn he uses his guitar to underscore the words, or using il to
make audio exclamation points.
" O n 1 he Line" is one ol the best
cuts on the album, and includes a
nice progression thai the piano and
bass establish. I>avc Crosby helps
round oul Nash's vocal which he
also does on "Prison Song" ( a cut
which brings lo mind "Chicago")
and on
" A n d So ll Goes"
(which draws directly from the
mood of the Nash
by Bob Kicdinger
While the hopes of any further
Crosby. Stills. Nash and Young
up are always in the
process of disappearing, there is
something else which dims lite outlook held by CSNY enthusiasts.
I bis damper is the increasingly infrequent solo album product to
come from any of the quartet's
As il attempting lo keep his spot
in the public ear. Graham Nash has
made innumerable appearances as
a background vocalist for many
other artists including Dave
Mason and .lorn Mitchell. But the
time has come for the return of
Nash's spotlight.
For all S,A. Group Members the S
photograph for Torch 7 4 will be 5
taken Wed. Feb. 13 at 7PM in thej
Arena Theatre ( basement PAC) I
Be on bme.
funded bv student associaiionM
Sat. February 16
HOIST Ptrfect Fool Suite
Efdon Heath
Miraculous Mandarta
S|m. Mo. 3 "Scotch*
All Students - $2
, * »
Tickets: $2.00 with tax card
$3.50 wiffiouf
Ride needed to Eastern long Island (vicihi--'
ty of Riverhead) for Fri. Feb. 15. Please
call Karen at 465-4292.
1966 Dodge Coronet; good condition; has
inspection sticker, asking $300. Bob 7857622.
COMIC BOOKS—Aboveground and Underground, Ojd a n d New. Selling, Buying, Trading. Harvey: 457-7986.
still love you.
Speaker Cabinet, pre-amp, 457-6760.
Garrard Synchro-Lab 72B turntable, still
on guarantee, $60. 482-7921 nights.
Stereo Control Center; Harmon Kardon
receiver, inset with Dual 1009; new Shure
M91 ED cartridge; new dust cover. System
in excellent condition. Bestoffer, call Tom,
Musicians needed-commercial rock, local
gigs; lead'guitar, keyboard (both must
sing and have equipment). Call 439-5233
after 8 pm.
Part Time, of (unexplained) interest lo
What if you're not ready, Davy?
Reasonable condition. $45 346-8162.
Mix-up in arctic jackets, bowling alley,
Sunday night, I don't really need the underwear. Jerry 465-4364.
Greetings from
Stuyvesant 3 + Ten Eyck 1.
Wonted: 5amurai swords, war souvenirs,
Dueling pistols, Presentation weapons,
Miniature weapons, Models, Curioso, etc.
Immediate payment. Telephone-Shelley
Braverman (518) 731-8500.
Ha-cha young lady.
you. Sponsored b y Phi G a m m a N u —
Occupant P.O. Box 184 Alb 12201
Want lo live downtown on-campus? I want
to move uptown and am willing to swap
old age.
where a i e you now?
Babysitting—my home, near university,
one child 3 years, or older. 462-2602.
Auto Repairs and General Maintenance
by qualified student. Save 50% over gas
station prices. Tune-ups $10-15. Call Paul:
273-2131, Evenings
air conditioned,
be legal?
Oh no! It's you birthday! Happy 19!
Call 459-7352.
Female needs room in apartment on
1-2 females wanted to share fantastic
apartment. Call Janice 438-4469.
Rock Music Band, 438-0582.
Ride wanted to No. Bellmore area. Leaving Fri., Feb. 15 after 10:00. for two.
Typing: Experienced 355-3733.
Please call Sandra at465-4292or Allen at
Typing done in my home— 482-8432
A wicked case of loke.
It's been my happiest year, with the best
yet lo come. Thanks for everything.
With All My Love.
What can you do with only a bachelor's degree?
Now there is a way to bridge the gap between an
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has placed more than 500 graduates in law firms,
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If you are a student of high academic standing and
are interested in a career as a Lawyer's Assistant,
we'd like to meet you.
Contact your placement office for an interview with
our representative
We will visit your campus on
The Institute for
Paralegal Training
23!> South 17lh Street, Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19103
(215) 7^2-6600
compile d a t a All you need is a sponsor
All my love,
on W e d n e s -
Lounge {1st floor
If )ou're concerned about birth control,
you fhould know about Senile-id—the caslesl, most convenient new birth control
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White nu method of contraception can
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use The case is small enough to In; carried in your purse or pocket so It's alwuyn
If not available at your druggist, send
$1.M (nr the case containing ten rninlMippn*iiorii-s, instructions for use and a
fjee hooklel on birth control.
<; vnclecli Birth Control Institute Inc.
One Fust 57th St., New York, N.Y. 10012
Enclosed is $
_ fur
packages of Seminii at $3-95 each post
paid. Please send at unce (nr
C ily
Sit on your spray c a n ! !
l u s o Brazilian
CC fireside
Vm w ft* fewt j
ASP befjoie mcatim I
at 3:00-5:00
Fttdwj, {ftaxefc t.
I2-.I I' ( ) Box 2(!<W.
Feb. 2 5 , 2 n d pari
p.tn ,
at 727
191 I 36
by U S.Cli.rtu
Friendship Association
For more inlo
cull l o i n , 457 5064
|<»h ui j
I'cilt AiiBelm. Wiisliiiidion 9KJM
will be
bassador to Israel, former editor a n d
Scud SWHI tot i n i . i i n u i i u i i
c/ass-d/scussion series o n C h i n e s e
No cs-pviicnvc i c - |
nival. All g o i n g to B u f f a l o with
I u-clleiH
will hold a
please a t t e n d or call 861 8078
in the Arena
Ml V W O M I V
made for the t r i p to B u f f a l o lor Car
Out (text mm
wtitit lie pulsSuM&i m
Theatre, PAC.
N K ffteataM
— — — — — — — — 1
mm? m>vmmL
The c:.iinp is loi.-dtwd on Stale Huule 2U, 1(1 miles Irom
Gore Mln ski i :ontui .in.J .'.'', miles Irom Wesl Mln night
ski tirt-ri Also, Similes ol m.nk.jii cross country ski trails
right on the property Housing at the cdrnpcati accom
niodate individuals or groups 1/1 lour separate buildings.
Student lax payers pay only a token overnight charge
with guests at a higher rale Special raleol 5 nights lodging lor the price ol 4 to encourage ski week participation
al Gore Mountain
Make your reservations now lor
Washington's birthday vacation or any other lime.
Reservations and complete information canbeoblamed
— —•— — I
Day early!
All university w o m e n a r e invited to
Tues. Feb. 12, 10 P M , on the 10th
floor lounge Stuyvesant Tower.
be a p a r t y with the brothers of APA.
and Court
imen a n d w o m e n
join t h e
is speaking here
A f t e r w a r d s there will
to t h e g a m e ; the p a r t y will start at
9:30 in Ten Broeck.
Thurs. Feb. 13 at 9:30 in V a n
Ren Hall (dutch Q u a d ) .
M e e t in Ten Broeck Hall a t 8:00 to g o
to speak Feb.
8 p.m., Siena C o l l e g e , Loudan-
APA invites o i l university men to a
Rush R e g i s f r a r i o n has
lues. Feb. 12. He is r u n n i n g for U. S.
S e n a t o r I r o m N e w York. He is looking
15. Don't deny yourself this o p p o r -
W e d s . , Feb. 13 a t 9:30 in Ten Broeck.
Free refreshments.
Forum m a i l b o x in CC 346. You will
Overseas P r o g r a m
Hours in CC 3 0 8
a l the
in Jerusalem,
a n d Tel Aviv
75. There will b e an
in Tel Aviv,
Fu 1 3 Come in oi fill it oul and d r o p
orientation m e e t i n g o n W e d . , Feb. 13
il in the g n p e box in the lobby o l the
ot 7 PM in HU 290.
Attention a l l students interested in
Over seas
Unrversify of W u r z b u r g ,
a t the
Ub means Greyhound, and a lot of yout fellow students
who ate already on to a good thing You leave when you
like Travel comfortably Arrive refreshed and on time.
You'll save money, too. over the increased standby air
fares Share the ride with us on weekends. Holidays.
Anytime Go Greyhound
Carrying a complete
line of:
New York
Ask y o u i age
4:00 pm
5:15 pm
5:15 pm
6:40 pm
4:15 pm
7:10 pm
11.25 pm
7:55 pm
10:40 pm
9:20 pm
ii aboul j d d m o n a l d e p a r l u t e s a n d r e l u r n tups
Chosen hut once and cherished lorever,
your engagement and wedding rings will reflect your love
in their brilliance, and beauty. Happily you ran choose
Keepsake with complete confidence
because the guarantee assures perfect clarity,
precise cut and fine,
white color. There is
no liner diamond ring.
Send now 20 pg booklet, "Planning Your Engagement and Wedding' plus
lull color (older and 44 pg Bride's Book gilt otter all tor only 25«
in Campus Center 130 funded by student association
meet with h i m p r i v a t e l y b e l o r e he
10-11, 2 4 . Triors. 3:30-4:30.
1 3 - 3 r d STREET, TROY
Student Association's Adirondack Camp
840 acres
tion, speaker. In CC 3 1 5 .
very i m p o r t a n t m e e t i n g tonight, 8 00
Big-o m e e t i n g this
7:30; Ski f i l m ; c l i m b i n g , hiking,
a k a Jerry G a r c i a
Auditions on Wednesday,February
g o o d f o o d a n d a good t i m e !
what fo do'
t o m o r r o w night with the sisters of
S UN y
skiing, a n d c a m p i n g trips this vaca-
H a l l . A l l university
w o m e n o r e i n v i t e d t o join us f o r some
Professor P.
performance of LA CONQUISITA DE
party tonight a t 7 : 3 0 p . m .
Ten Broeck
the suite
Fraternity invite a l l rushees to j o i n
ore Mon 3 4 . Tues'lO I I. 3.30-4:30.
Vou've made the last three months very
terested in w o r k i n g l e a v e a note with
•138 4034
Dear Hug-me,
special l o i me. Happy Valentines Day.
your n a m e , n u m b e r etc in Speakers
Contact Dave 457 5238 or Bill
day, Feb. 13th, a t 7:14 p.m. in the
Don I forget I love you always
Q u a d or t h e r e will c e t r o u b l e
Dear Sue,
Happy 19,! For your birthday 6 toot 2,
eyes are blue and 1 brown coat
With Love -
lor p e o p l e to help c o o r d i n a t e his e l -
The sisters o f Kappa
torts in the A l b a n y a r e a . If you a r e in-
ol Teachers and Courses
Advisor b e f o r e F e b r u a r y 15th f o r im-
There will b e a m e e t i n g of C a m -
Either c o n f i n e y o t • D o o d l i n g to Indian
Happy Belated
the G y m . C o m e a n y t i m e , a g r e a t
t h e m for Beer and Hot Dogs t o n i g h t ,
o f PAC). A l l SA g r o u p
d e p e n d e n t Study in either Education
13 a t 7 p . m . in I h e A r e n a T h e a t r e
l o o k i n g lor a g o o d idi-o lor In-
y o u a r e con
pus C r u s a d e for Christ
Association Photograph •
Sen. J o h n R. Dunne
interested folk
? weeks is definitely more than I can ban
Actors and musicians needed for
A career in law—
without lew school.
C o m m i t t e e Office
We hope thii 20th year is chock lull of exLove,
— 5 2 6 0 . See you
Folk Dancing
study b r e a k . Beginners w e l c o m e .
will b e held Thurs. e v e n i n g ,
6 - 8 : 3 0 p . m . Thursdays. 3 r d f l o o r o f
buses at Circle, Fri. at 9.-45
final questions? Call Neil
Dear John " W l z z a r d "
citing, happy, and fulfilling days...
as a
floor o f t h e G y m . B e g i n n e r s welcome.
Got a gripe? Bung it to G r i e v a n c e
Dear Gail -
to fellow
First mass meeting since
Center}. Everyone is welcome!
busline immediately. Barbara 489-1661.
p . m . in the D a n c e Studio on the t h i r d
Attention a l l students interested in
R J.P.H.G.S.
to the "essentials"
Parting is such sweet soirow. (Gosh - how
apartment for rent. Near campus. Rent
p m Watch l o i room notice
on Medical
wanna boogie?
Dear Pinsky,
to work on projects W e d , Feb. 13, 8
Happy Birthday! How does it feel to finally
picture I.D. Please
sisters of Psi G a m for a keg
quirements for e n t e r i n g the M a j o r .
a s y o u b o a r d a Bus.
Tickers will not be honored
a l Bo* 66. Thank you.
• • *
Thursday n i g h t , 8 : 3 0 p . m . to 1 0 : 3 0
ville, N. Y., Roger Bacon Hall 202. O n
be sure to see your University C o l l e g e
T. (Indian)
token as well as names o l volunteers
You're getting prettier and sexier in your
ID will
pus Center.
sidermg m a j o r i n g in Social
the Classes of
or suggestions lor pro|ects will b e
TY," Friday, F e b r u a r y 15, 1974 2 3
Fish for dinner?
What's new with you? What's up Doc?
on hid. with
K a u o f f — S e n a t o r I r o m Dutch Q u a d
[ nnniiiiniiiiimiiiii mum IIIIJU
members a r e w e l c o m e .
and Faculty a r e i n v i t e d .
f r o m t h e University
p.m. Assembly H a l l , 2 n d floor, C a m
You were great a I the Ballroom, but
lor y e a r b o o k w i l l b e t a k e n W e d . Feb.
election o l the local b o a r d . Any plans
Big Bird.
Debbie (The Colonial Frosh):
rooms. Call Tom 472-5309.
7 30 p.m., a t C h a p e l House. Students
Happy Birthday. No more Sweet "16".
a v a i l a b l e a t t h e CC information desk.
p.m. SS 255.
One Year! How Romontic!
Cause and W h o Profits.
ford Research Institute, M e n l o Par,
my Forevei Valentine Happy Day I love
Two people wanted to share beautiful
apartment on North Allen. Reasonable
C o l l o q u i a — D r . S t e p h e n Coles, Stan-
Your manager
Your sweet kiiseiwarm my body. You are
The Energy
from a lonely Albanian. And don't forget
Keep up the good friendship - please.
Honey Lover.
to come visit one of these days.
Love that audience I ' A K I I t ' l l ' \ l I O \ !
P.S. It's Your Turn!
to those
applications w i t h d a t e s a n d times a r e
Massood Samii, Tues., Feb. 12, 7 : 3 0
has references now, wants more work.
room. 575/month, utilities included. Call
Poo Woman
w h o has a question or
Reid lot Governor C a m p a i g n — c a l l
a n d help w i t h , resumes to represent
Love209 Cuties
of N . Y.
G o r d o n a t 457-4046 or Tom a t 4 7 2 -
With love,
Be our Valentines?!!
f o r governor
Lots of love
David, Hello again!
a t 8 p . m . , in
con b e picked up at
w o n t s action
Anyone interested in working on t h e
LC 2. Dr. M u l k e r n e w i l l speak a b o u t ,
Dear Hillsy:
Call Me
will b e h e l d t o m o r r o w n i g h t , 7 : 0 0 , in
nished apartment near the busline. Own
Meg 457-8740
Happy Valentine's Day to both of you
Marvin-Marvin & Piglel
S. Representative
Happy Birthday to you from both of us.
Bo bo
Westchester County a n d Democratic
Now do you see what a lot of loke and in-
Adirondack 103.
roommate for fur-
sistent nagging to Crazy Eddie can do?
Mother's helper in exchange for room and
publisher o l Ihe N. Y. H e r a l d Tribune,
Sue and Tony,
Girls-A clean house for a -change. Slave
room. Nights only. Fringe Benefits. Call
in t h e
C h a p e l . H o u s e . AH a r e welcome.
a profosfrona/sorority.
both the greatest, I'm lucky.
(unity to seewhat
it GGr e e k ' Life ts about.
Any questions call Katie 5 2 4 3 .
o n topics
on Tuesday,
the invisible man. You're
my day so special.
WANTED —Another
To Joe Obnoxious
338 Brandywine, Schenectady 12307.
Steve 439-6514,
• M M N W
tines Day.
Nice Paul
for our date?
ready for another caper. Happy Valen-
Thank you all for making
board. Immediately. 438-4826.
How come you made Ira a half hour late
mine's cutest!
o r
To my Beautiful Friends,
CAMERA—Canon FTb system, S325 total,
Wanted: Beautiful and sexy girl to clean
You're the best detective I ever met. I'm
Polly of Latham (Bolton)
Early American sofobed, chair, lamps.
a t 4 P M in HU 3 5 4 .
area). Feb. 15/16. Key 7-4766
those involved psychic phenomena, lid,
Central Council needs one secretary to
take minutes at meetings. You should be
able to take shorthand and type. Apply at
Campus Center 346 today or tomorrow.
from 2-4 in C a m p u s Center 308.
121 Owasco
I be ready.
Ride for two needed—L.I.
Couples needed for babysitting. It's not
as hot as you think. Will work around your
schedule. Ideal (or the married couple.
Car needed. University Family Services
orientation m e e t i n g o n W e d . , Feb. 13
L o b b y ot brought to N o r a on W e d s .
Keep w h a t was
always yours. I'll
l y f r ^ S r t h e r V w W M ' S T
Ride needed—SUNY to Latham every
Wed. 6p.m. (Last bus leaves at 5) HELP!
B.J. 783-1017 or 7-2190.
b e submitted in boy in " «
You finally made It baby,..The
Philadelphia ride wanted, to and from,
anytime during vacation. Share expense
and/or driving. Rkh-489-1681, leave
-Dear MB.
I Still Hops.
K E E P S A K E D I A M O N D R I N G S , B O X 9 0 , S Y R A C U S E , N.Y. 1 3 2 0 1
A change for the better
Prod your Kuepuke Jeweler* in Ihe Yellow p|||M or dial lit* bOO-24 J0QO0 In Conn. BOO-883-6600,
Vido's Win Helps Wrestlers Past Kings Point
Aquamen BreakEecords In Weekend Split
by Rob Gcter
by Kenneth Arduino
T o m H o r n scored a big vic-
R u d y V i d o ' s v i c t o r y gave the
M a r i n e r s o u t to sea w i t h a 2 2 18 v i c t o r y
then came u p w i t h a n
in the f i n a l period to earn a
d r a w against Post.
match o f the season S a t u r d a y
Albany's only other victory
versus Post was D o u g Bauer's
defeated in this t r i a n g u l a r meet
in the first r o u n d . Bauer w h o
by a s t r o n g a n d
was nearly p i n n e d in the second
afternoon. The matmen
period fought
team f r o m C. W . Post.
back and
just l i v e seconds left l o o k his
Vido., w h o
chance to wrestle at homo, t i p ped his record t o 12-0 w i t h t w o
victories. A n o t h e r
wrestler c o n t i n u e d to w i n . W a l t
K a t / at 118 p o u n d s w o n b o t h
Post gave
a b o u t as he t o o k his m a n d o w n
with just f o u r seconds to go t o
match was a lot easier, w i n n i n g
A l l was n o t happiness as the
wrestler Rick
Lawrence to an
in the first p e r i o d . T o
m a k e matters worse D o n M i o n
sec m ed
I aw m i c e ' s screams ol pain and
was reversed and p i n n e d in u n der a m i n u t e . I b i s was M i o n ' s
lirst l o s s o l the season. I he loss
o l Lawrence is a blow w i t h the
record to
S U N Y A C ' s next weekend.
14-t) w i t h a d o u b l e
victory. His lirst r o u n d v i c t o r y
Besides M i o n ' s early
against Put . 14-5 was just the
the only
stage setter l o r the final r o u n d
was Jell ( i o l d e n ' s decision. Ill
this match b o t h wrestlers t r a d -
Kings Point locked into a bat-
ed neat lulls belore G o l d e n was
able to st.iv on t o p a n d win 4-7.
Danes looked
to co-
o t h e r Albany
captain M i n i s l o r some heroics.
M i n i s d i d not d i s a p p o i n t as he
went out and pinned his o p p o nent
elapsed in the t h i r d p e r i o d .
I he wrestlers now await the
I he Danes
be seeded near the t o p in their
12-2 record in indicative o f the
weight classes. They must c o n -
i m p r o v e m e n t o f the t e a m .
t i n u e to d o the j o b they have
f r o m Binghampton, Brockpori
d o n e all year.
f o u r t h last year but this year's
In this big meet the
The rest o f the
and P o t s d a m , anc
w i l l have to get superior efforts
t e a m w i l l also have to shake o f f
sonic of their latest defeats and
revenge a l t e r their loss carliei
to C o r t l a n d .
H o r n . M i o n . and V i d o all w i l l
the team
Albany Tops Indians
ctmiitiiu'tl from /«//,'<' M
dians. Callill was not up to par.
Siena led 71 -64 with live minutes
to go when the Danes finally made
t he ir
in ov e .
Hit s k ets
Suprimowicv. Reggie Smith. Rac/ynski ol Siena and Smith again
cut the margin to 73-70 with .1:5.1
remaining. Eight seconds later.
Byron Miller was lotiled on a
rebounding attempt and went lo
the line loi a oue-and-unc. which is
when Pete Koola pulled oil his first
big play. Miller hit the initial shot
hut came up short tin the second.
snared the
lehound and hit a lall-uway from
leu lo lie the score ai 7.1 apiece.
I loin tins poini on. the teams
traded held goals, with Millei hilling Iwo mole baskets and I d
Johnson one on M driving shot
Wcichon.s. countering
lllinpeis In Kac/ynskj. W i l l i the
scoieat 7M-79. Siena missed downeollit .Old livion Millei was hulled
although n «asohvions that Millei
should he [he man to shoot, the
lelerees ruled instead that Reggie
Smith was lonled. and he subseqilenth hit two lice throws to give
the Danes the lead at 81-79 with
1:19 to go.
Once again it was Steve Rac/ynski in close to tie the score, and
when Reggie Smith was called lor
travelling a lew seconds later.
Siena inhounded with the chance
to move in I rout. However. Siena's
hackcourt troubles were magnified
as ihe hall was thrown away, lid
Johnson grabbed it. and was
lonled on his d i n e lo Ihe basket.
I onled in I he a el. Johnson had two
shols. and gave Ihe lalls heart
sei/uies when he missed Ihe lirst.
\V ith his second shot on target, the
Danes once again held a scant one
point lead with 44 Icll on the clock.
Siena wasted little lime, nine
seconds io he exact, helorc Hiking
hack Ihe lead loi ihe linal lime on
Iwocliiich loulshoishy Rnc/ynski.
leaving Ihe Danes wnh 1.1 seconds
lo wolk vvill] \ l l e i a lime out Ihe
I Janes moved up eoliit and sel up
Millei lo woik one in.He lime
against Sieve Walleis. and Millei
.lulled in Ihe winnel lioln 20 lo
make Ihe score K4-M
I ouiieen seconds sidl remained
..ii Iheeloek.and ihe Indians came
downcoinl quickly. will] Steve
Walters taking a relatively easy l i l leen looter. However, it Icll lar
short, and the ensuing battle for the
rebound saw Albany knock it outof-bounds with lour seconds to go.
fans and players alike knew thai
Rac/vnski would be the man lo
receive the inbounds. so Albany
double-teamed him. Sieve Walleis
received Ihe ball I m m the icleiee.
looked inside loi Ins center, and
lobbed a pass loi
llosscsei. I'elc Koola e.one up with
hie plav ••!. lipping ihe pass away,
and Willi (iiiiy I levell racing 11
down, ihe Danes had won vs li.it
piovcd lo be hv lai Ihe mosl evening game ol Ihe season
\ s l a i asslatlsliesgo. Millei lead
Ihe Danes will, I') poillls and I I
is hi
ds. billowed hv Slllllh | I 6 | .
H u m loluison. IVle Koola. and
I d lohnson I I I l.aud l i . i u I levell
" i l l i III I oi Siena, now I I I.
Hi.'.'ks led Willi 19. billowed In
K.ic/Vllskl and VVdihoiis | |M , M „ |
Sieve Walleis, who seined , s the
l.isi lone lhe.se [cants uiel, Willi Is
I he next (neal Danes game is
w evening ,h IIOIIK SCIMIS
(Ineonla in a league eoniesl .il S ''"
Nominations a r e now open for
The Albany State Swim Team
beat the University of Buffalo 6250 and lost to FTedonia 72-48 in a
long and eventful road trip this
weekend. The two meet series
brought the team record to 3-4. as
limes continued to improve and individual and team records were
A l t e r a six hour drive to Buffalo
Friday afternoon, the Mermen got
in the pool and proceeded to lake
control and dominate the entire
I he Medley Relay team of Van
Seidenheig. Rubin, and
Staples established the winning
momentum by breaking the school
record with a lime ol 4:114.K.
by Vinnie Reda
Ihe Albany Slate Indoor I rack
Club finished second among three
teams Friday night in a meet
dominated by lackluster pcrlnrinances. Vermont was the big
winnel with 96 points as Mhniis
Jnsed I.II back Willi 45'
I lie host
school. Slate I •mvcisiiv ( ollegc al
I V > I.
everyone lilsl how little a he.iiiiilul
new ilidooi lacllity can mean lo a
lealll when an absence ol lalenl c\,s|s. Ivy dilating 61 poiiils loi Ihe
14 escltls
I ,,sl weekend Mb,on hud finish
ei| lasl will] 16 ponils ,,l a
ID eel al
l ollegc, vel osciall pel loiiuanees
Ids.ie weie I,II hellei III.in Ilk ones
mined in heical I'laiisbiugh Rah
I angloid came ihuiugh wuh (he
le.nil's initial Insl plate finish ..I lite
season calls in Mils I ildav's nieel
wuh a Melon in Ihe one-llllle inn
His nine ol 4 mi utiles 2K 9 seconds,
howevei, was almost llnee seconds
slowel ihan Ihe one hi had I
iiilheweekbeloienia losing c l h i t l
Said Coach R
•| angloid looked l e i n b k bin he
has been h.iinpclcd hv a sliained
lee. Ihanks lo Ihe eeinenl « i have
been Hauling on in iMIl tunnels "
Mhany's learn musi han been
illMomaged by M all , i . well
hei.lllse lew ol \ e
nil's m l . . I k s
weie so nnpiessne thai lliev were
"lit ol icacll M.iiis Jelson finished
loiulh in Hie fllll yaid run. lor nisi,nice, bin only iwo -tenths ol a seeoud behind Dim Kelson ol Veliilonl's ssinnmg lime ol .14 4
s e n i l i s Kill Soiel and \ ill Reda
finished 2nd and -till lo a slow
2 216 I
i.nd inn. while ken
I ngel. though showing line nnploscilicill. was nisi nosed out bv
Vcinionl's I d I'lalka
1:19 I
null v.ild dash d a n Washington
and I
g,l. 1-4 in Ihe l l i p l e
lump .indfiigaand Mike ()kin ilv
I I in Ilk I one lump weie also
kss lb.ni pleased Willi llien pellol
in.like- I k i i H.iw ( olv's c\siiuigly Jose Melon in ihe Ml yald
high hlildles ..one in ilk lalhei
slow link ol l,,s seconds
I Ik highp
I ol ihe meet loi
\|b,it!N eaitte in Ilk Iwo mile inn.is
Inn Sluadel .mil ( a l l o t helllhino
look hons wnh Ilk li.nl and
sULieeiled in tipsclling the tempo
,.l Seimoiit's l.noied Inn Ifeilv
( heiuh
as., lesull. kn.kked 10
seconds oil Ins pies Ion. besl Iwo
ink nine, finishing sn.nid in
I :i. s wink Sluadel glabhed Ilk
kind ol times he is capable o l . "
Kens got thud in I he race, hut Nick
DcMnicn ol Mhnnv closed mil
Ihe seoi nig w ill) a line I oil I III plaei
I Ik' isso mile i mi ssas Ihe only
11 ne hi ighl spol. however, as
\lh.nis showed thai it still has a
ssas io got beloie leaching Us
potential llns season It is always
good lo knoss however, that you
can heal somebody, which is whs
teams such as I'latlsbiiigh seem
sikh liiendls hosls
great." he replied when asked how
he Icll.
Siebecker look second in the 50
yard freestyle and (hen Masoniand
Van Ryn shut out Buffalo in the
2(11) yard individual medley by
respectively taking first and second
Except for (he 100 yard freestyle
in which Sicheckcragain placed second and Ihe lasl relay which was
swum by the second string, the
team c o n f i d e n t l y
w o n the
remainder ol the races. Milch
Rubin placed first in the 200 yard
bntierlly. Mason] and Emmerich
o lie-1 w n e d
backstroke, with Emmerich showing significant improvement in his
personal time. Van Ryn and Weber
look ihe shutout in the 5(H) yard
11 eesty le and
Seidenheig did the same in the 2(X)
y.ud breaslslioke.
Ihe 72-411 loss lo I redoiiia
showed lli.il Albany still cannot
measure up lo some ol the lough
competition ol the SUNY C onleienec. yet Iherearc some notes ol
optimism that can be derived limn
Ihe deleal. Coach Qumii icllecled
some ol ihisopiuiiism in emphasising [he lael thai times base con-
tinued lo drop, and pacing and feel
lor the race were beginning to be
established. He refcred specifically
to Van Ryn who approached his
besl lime in the 1000 yard freestyle
throughout Ihe race.
One of Ihe bright spots of the
meet was in Ihe 200 yard butterfly
in which Milch Rubin placed second will) a lime ol 2:1.1.2.a Iwo second improvement from his
previous record. The lime places
him l i l l h in ihe SUN Y Conference
and a potential place winner for Ihe
Stale Championships al Poisdam
in March.
Ihe Medley Relay leani of
Emmerich. Seidenberg. Rubin and
Staples continued its steady i m pioseiiienl by tupping the record
sel at Hullalo on l-nday.
Ihe 5011 yard liccslyle and the
2(l()said hreaslstioke were the only
esenis linn Albany won. Weber
swain a silting race healing Van
Ryn lot the lirst place and shutting
out l i e d o n i i i in the 500. I he
dynamic breaslslioke duo ol
Dudley and Seidellbcigalso placed
U . i . l Willi I w o l a p s l o g , . a n d w ,
ilk eveellenl link ..I 9 22 '. easih
ih, finest nulls idual pel loi malice
..1 ih, nieel Mnnses lalt i pi.used
( lieinbino
II. look Hi. picssuie
nit Ion. win. ssas mi
g i.ilhei
nglil. and .ih,, shows.I liinisell Ihe
caiee* feiow
from Alumni Quad
and ONE from Commuters.
Weber sustained the
momentum with a first in the 1000
yard freestyle.
Ihe next race was the 200 yard
Ireestylc in which Dun Dudley continued his w inning ways by shattering the school record by three
seconds with a lime of 1:55.6. A
surge ol adrenalin in the last three
laps enabled Dudley to pull away
Iron) the Buffalo swimmer with
whom he was head to head for the
first part ol the race. Dudley's own
comment was apropos: "It was
Tracksters Finish Second
TWO Central Council seats
meet. Behind Ihe closeness in the
62-50 score was the fact that 15
points were given awav in the diving events, despite swimmer Kurt
Emmerich's admirable ellorls in
the one-meter diving. Albany shut
mil Bui tain in lour ol the swimming events and took lirst in all hut
three ol the remaining events.
Brand-new radio drama just like it used to be: great!
A different show every night. Produced by Hi Brown
who did "Inner Sanctum," "Thin Man" and many
others. E. G. Marshall is the host. Check local radio
listings for time and
^ ^ station in your area.
JllnelO'-„ 1 Loece<ob'
Pick up the self-nomination form
i n l o o
^ o
- ^ ^
q u a
^ V C ^
in the SA Office, CC 346.
funded by student association
(Recruiter on campus Feb. 28. Contact Place-|
l m e n t Ottice lor appointment.
Tuesday, February 12, 1974
by Ann E. Bunker
Citing a personal desire to return
to research and writing as his
primary initiative, Louis T. Benezet
recently announced his decision not
to seek reappointment to the position of University President.
In letters addressed to Chancellor
Ernest Boyer and lo members of the
SUNYA Community, President
Benezet revealed plans lo leave his
posl in July of 1975 lo devote his
time lo ihe examination of the
problems facing higher education to-
Miller's Basket Wins Game
the chant that • echoed through
the University
a jubilant, overflow crowd
celebrated Albany State's ex-.
hilcraling H4-K.1 come-front-behind
triumph over the Siena Indians.
Byron Miller's 20 looter with 14
seconds remaining cupped a
remarkable Dane surge which
brought them from eleven points
down at 5.M2 to victory; a win
which stunned the Indians, a team
which had not lost previously to
any New York State college division squad.
l o r the Danes, who now hold a
lour game winning streak and a lift record. Ihe game was an important one in many aspects, other
than simply one ol pride. By
delcaling Siena, they will undoubtedly boost their slate rating
tremendously, which cannot hurt
when discussing possible postseason play, a thought which seemed highly improbable jusl two
weeks ago. Besides this, they won
with an ollense that was virtually
stagnant, relying almost entirely on
uiie-on-one movement.
I he Danes moved lo the lead
early al d-2 with (jury I revel! connecting Irom lar outside, but Siena
siuiek loi eighl straight points lo
grab Ihe lead, a lead ihcy did not
relinquish until 1:1'' was Ml in the
game. With slai guard Rod Brooks
unstoppable. Ihe Indians maintained a constant seven to nine
point advantage throughout the
first half, the closest margin live
points at .14-29. In fact, an amazing
indication ol how constant the lead
was is that Siena's margin was al
seven no less than 21 times in the
Al Ihe hall Ihe score was 47-40.
and a number of things had
become readily apparent. firstly.
Ihe Danes were playing selfish
basketball on ollense.and allowing
the Indians to penetrate on
defense. Besides this, it was also
obvious Ih.il Albany had lo do
something lo contain Brooks, who
was scoring on all conceivable
types ol shots and totalled 16. One
ol Ihe key sol Ihe ballgame was thai
Brooks was lo score jusl three more
points, and none id the last thirteen
minutes ol ihe game.
Il seemed as il all Ihe pageantry
and enthusiasm which accompanied Ihe game had gone lor
naught when Siena extended then
lead to eleven points alter three
minutes had elapsed in the second
hall. In addition. Gary Irevelt
committed his fourth personal
loul. and with centers Harry Johnson and I'ele Koola having three
louls each, the Danes delinuely
had their proverbial backs "up
agamsl the wall."
However, rather than succumb
to live Indian pressure, the Danes
pulled ar ambush ol Iheii own. netting sis straight points Hour by
I l,u i y Johnson (to close the gap lo
lour al V 50. In fact, with Siena
shooting horrendously and committing cosily turnovers. Albany
had several opportunities to
threaten even further, but
successive fouls by Reggie Smith
sandwiched around an errant pass
kepi the identical score inlacl for
two minutes.
I he crowd had lo wail a bit
before the heroics began, but during this momentary ' u " n oth the
Danes and the Indians made Ihe
most significant substitutions of
Ihe game. Siena once again replacing Uric "Ihe Still" Siappenbaek.
ihe 6" 10" center, with the more
rclincd fi'7" Steve Kae/ynski. and
the Danes countering a lew
minutes Inter with Pete Koola.
Koola. the iransler who has been
coming along slowly since competing in varsity basketball once
again llns semester, was magnificent, contributing key baskets and
rebounds, as well as line defensive
Siena siill possessed a seven
point advantage when coach Billy
Knsch pulled the surprise of the
game by inserting Din C'ahill in the
gameal 11.2d. C'ahill. unknown by
mosi (ileal Dane tans, is Ihe
quaricrhack til Ihe Siena ollense.
and only because ol a recent injury
was he siiung on ihe bench lor
mosi ol the contest. However,
although C'ahill had slated II.illy
beloic ihe game thai he would not
see action. Kitsch lell his presence
ueeessaiy. unionunalely lor lire In-
Asks for Review
Benezet's decision came al a lime
whenSUNY presidents were required
lo report lo Ihe Chancellor their
plans lor Ihe future. This is in line
willi Ihe relatively new SUN Y policy
The Danes enjoying their big upset.
Interest in Research
Many of Ihe problems facing
SUNYA and other institutions of
higher education nowund in the near
future arc the very problems Benezet
hopes to tackle in a research capacity. Discussing his plans. Benezet
outlined four specific areas of interest.
first, be is concerned with planning in terms of S.UNY. CUNY and
ihe problems confronting public and
private institutions. He sees "ballling inconsistencies" in ihe approach
lo the financial and organizational
management of higher educational
of direction and the preparatory
shortcomings of contemparary
higher educational programs. By
defining and differentiating the purpose and the ends lo which one's
education is progressing, the President feels the educational system will
move much more closely towards
"doing its job."
finally. Benezel is interested in
"following Ihe course of identity
C'urriculums" include programs
such as Woman's .Studies, Urban
Siudics and Environmental studies:
programs brought in al ihe demand
ol the students. He sees a true value
in the development of those fields of
study bin criticizes Ihe lack of a
structure for them.
I am well aware that a change in adminlstraLJon
can affect many persons to greater or Jess degree.
With the lead time afforded us, it should not be ••cry
difficult to carry out an orderly transition.
What counts most is that the progress of Lhe
University Center go forward. I am grateful for the
months ahead that will permit me to continue with
you in that good work.
of live-year lerms lor presidenls.
with presidential performance
reviews in the course of one's administration.
JV Wins Thriller Also
Il was \iniy-\uvv Nile here al
Albany I niveisiiv Saturday. when
Ihe Siena Indians paddled then
canoes into ihe University (ivmnasium lor a hie baskeihall
douhleheader. In ihe liisi end ol
Ihe iwui bill. Ihe Albany Slate I \
Pups, playing belore a capacity
eiowd which was eagerly awailing
the \olsiiv malchup. held on in a
one ponll lead via a las! second
blocked shot In led I ems. In
dele.il Ihe highly Hulled Indian I
\ . 7X-77 Siena led In as many as 5
p Is early in Ihe gallic, lell
behind by .is many .is 'J points, and
Ihcn made a last iniiiiiic comeback
which lell I poilil shoil
Ihe gallic opened Willi a quick
Siena basket, anil Ihe Indians
lapidly pulled ahead h-1 altei iwo
minutes oi play \ b.iskei In
Waueil Millet, billowed by a
Valenli sic.11 and comeisum. gave
ihe l*u ps a Mi lead Siena
couiueied w uli a llin is ol shois. including lliice baskcls In Cumuiings. and opened up the score lo
l(i-l I Willi I.1 5H lell in Ihe hall.
Siena would nol lead again loi '
Ihe icin.uudci ol the lirsl ball
I ei us hi I iwo tree Ihiows. A Siena
double dnbble gave Ihe Pups the
ij hall, and Miller convened. I he HI'S bounds pass was stolen by Valenli
who led Alicca. lo Audi, lor two
points. Millet and Ferris hii again,
and Ihe I'ups led by lour. Siena gol
small hope of substantial help from
the legislature this year or in the
forsecable future.
The attached letter to Chancellor Boyer proposes a presidential performance review this spring
to be followed by a search for a successor to become
president of the University Center in July, 1975.
It outlines plans I have hoped to fulfill in the
area of research and writing in contemporary higher
education, after many years in administration.
The people and the banners were out in full force Saturday night
to cheer their favorites on against "hated" Siena. It looked dim for a
while but in Ihe closing minutes the Danes came from behind to give
Doc Sauers his 299th coaching victory.
< timitwt'tl "ii paw 14
by Nathan Salanl
March | , 1
Benezet Says He Will Step Down In 1975
Outta Sight Danes Nip Siena
by Harvey Kojan
Vol. LXI No. 9 Stale University ol New York at Albany
hoi again, and lied Ihe score al 211
.ill wall III minules lell.
Ihe Danes moved ahead on
h.iskelsby Millei and Miccu I acll
Siena d i n e lo lie Ihe stoic was
nuulicd by ., Millcioi xudibuskcl
lo keep Vlbany ahead I he hall
ended unit Ihe I lanes ahead W-H.
Millei leading ihe I'ups with 12
polllls. V ul.iv.i also pacing Ihe Indians Willi 12 pouils By Iheslail ol
Ihe second hall, nu'l 2800 lulls had
larnincd the I niveisiiv Gymii.is
d the Pups responded
I v Milling sis sii.oghl pouils lo
lead IS V) | s.,clly 1.02 l a i d , Ihe
scole was lied al 45. and when
I uonicy hit loi ihe Indians, and
( inn igs lui on the .' poinl play.
ihe I'ups nailed In 5
I hen, llle Inolsloniplllg began,
ami ihe I'ups icsponded lo then
m o l d ' s actions, and moved ahead
SI.-SS I en is hit on llle lasl bleak,
sunk a lice III low. and then seined
again Nesl. Mieca made a greal
steal on ihe inbounds pass, and hu
Valenli lot iwo more points. Nesl.
Millei converted Ihe ,1 point play,
Siena closed lo within lout pouils
with lour minutes lo go. but ferns
and Valenli put loin more Dane
points on ihe board lo maintain ihe
I )ane lead, Siena came back again,
and with jusl 42 seconds lell in Ihe
game, nailed by jusl I point.
Snydei hit one ol two Iron) Ihe
line, then Millet scored his 21 si lo
complete ihe Pup pointing lor Ihe
Despite his plans 10 slep down,
Benezel has requesied lhat the
presidential performance review be
conducted anyway. He feels it will
he of great value in assessing the
strengths and weaknesses of the administration al present, and will
provide valuable insight lo Ihe
search committee in iis quest for a
presidential replacement.
I he countdown began. Willi 2 '
seconds lell, Knsch uenl to llle line
and hu I ol 2 |7,S-7S|. Sis seconds
l a i d . K u s J i was back ag
liu 2 hu 2 in pull Siena within one
p.mil Ihe I lanes look ovcl .mil
vveie able In Use up I J seconds
helole Millei was uilcnliniiallv
hulled Ilk Lois died a thousand
d e a l h s . i s he nussid Ihe lice llnott.
and Siena gol Ihe ichoiind and
called Inns mil vv uli a single second
Si. hen il was "l .nil whole
h.illg.one Do von allow Ihe pass,
oi pi.iv ughl delcnsc In picvcul il '
Il is Ihe job ol Chancellor Boyer lo
appoint a committee to search lor a
new president. Il is lhe charge ol lhat
committee lo examine lhe credentials ol potential candidates lor the
job and lo make recommendations
lo lhe chancellor. I he nucleus ol the
committee will be lormed by Ihe
piesideni ol lhe Student Association. Ihe chairperson ollhe I nivcrsil\ Senate and lhe el person ol the
I niveisiiv ( ouncil vvuh additional
nieiilbeisselccled In lhe Chancellor.
Should licue/el's request loi a
I he inbounds pass weitl to Kirsch.
who was smiled In I cms as Ihe
picsidenli.il icvievv he aeeepled. lhe
lesullsol Hi.il icpoll will help llom
hll/zcl sounded Ihe lesl Ishlshuv
I ,0 Ihe I'ups il had lo be "then
ihe basis hu ihe seaicb committee's
enieria Benezel hnnsell will
involved in Ihe selection ol
linesl lioui " yy.nien Millei show
ed signs nl vaisiiv slai hug ability
wall Ills 19 lelioiinds.ind 21 polllls,
as did led I e m s (21 p
s a n d 12
lehouiidsl. and
\udi 114
polllls and I I icbounds) Mike
Valenli. bin Snydei. and lose
Mice,i lui ued in superlative pel loi
malices al Ihe guard positions Ihe
laus will ncvci loigel Ihe slcllai
save by I en is on Ihe slull al the
end ol the game.
I he Pups have now run then
iccoid lo 12-1. and lake on Ihe
Ouconl.i J. V litis Wednesday line
al b:.i0. I he lans who came early
I2K00 ol Ihein) saw Iwo great
games. Here's an opportunity lot
Iwo more.
students after the Munich massacre during the 1972 Olympic
, . . , ! . • •
Louis T. Benezet J
A lack bf communication and
coordination in respect lo open admissions policies at lhe various institutions is also of concern to
Benezel, and is an area lo which hewould like lo direct his energies as
Clarification ol an differentiation
between "higher education" and
"post-secondary education" is lhe
third topic ol interest. The Presidenl
expressed deep concern over the lack
Plans Uncertain
As yel, jusl where Benezel wil
resume leaching and research is un
known. In his letter ol January 30 lo
Chancellor Boyer, Benezel expressed confidence lhat research
projeel support is available for
higher education siudics in the East
... ,. .,
I he Presidenl recently staled thai his
prolessorship will "probably uol" be
SUNY-Albany, although hedid nol
rule oul another Stale University
By July of 1975, Benezet will have
completed twenty-seven years as a
college and university presidenl in
lour separate institutions. He has
served on mosi of the slate and
national committees connected with
each presidency.
Upon stepping
down from lhe SUNY-Albany posl.
Benezel plans lo spend some live
years al lhe research prolessorship.
with retirement in 1980 al age 65.
• <-•
. ,•
Stressed Community t oncern
lhe Benezel Administration has
had Us share ol crises, Ihe mosi
memorable of which include the
parkingstrike, the arms issueand lhe
Hunsbergcr affair. Perhaps one o
ihe President's prime concerns
throughout his term here has been
lhe relationship of Ihe University
Center lo the "Outside commurity."
According lo Benezel, lhe Univ, rsity
is still in lhe process of idenli ying
ilsell to the area as a versatile and
multi-purpose institution. "Tht University should be a hub of education, culture and technology, bunging its resources together moretffecItvely," asserted Benezel. "I rave
seen much progress in this area in my
lime, bin much, much more is needed,"
Ihe Prcsideni'sconcctu, for t iminunil) involvement reached
perhaps its highest expression ir- Ihe
now-annual ( oinmunily-Univei lily
Day celebration, lhe College ol
General Studies, lhe Commui i"y
Seivice Program and scicnnlic
research eoopeiaiion ate but a ew
mine examples ol the Universi y's
leleveiicc lo Us environs.
il ill Stride
• upon Ihe possiHc
i.ie llllghl have upt n
Benezel expiessid
he University ca I
l l e a l l n h i i l e d 111 s
decentralized at le lhe power is m t
lhe lop bin is dn •
,i nuinbei ol ollices
period ol uncertain settle down. Ihav.
y ol [he Universil;
union." As lor thi
imehere, Presidcn
Benezel asseiied that he had every
plan lo continue his administration
wuh lhe same altitudes and in lhe
same mauiiei as in the past."
Hene/et's leaving marks theel
an eia al Albany Stale, an ei
saw growlh and expansion
both I his University and Ihe
SI INI syslein. His successi
lind lhe opposiie lo be lhe case:
financial resliiclions aie loicing lhe
Umvcrsuy lo redefine us position
and redirect Us policies towards a
"no-growth" situation. Benezel sees
tfenetet 1st oaa of Iks saors rtOtfth* m o d e of Ms sssahOtrtloa