to Ebbie, Gang Hunsberger Expected To Address Faculty Today

to Ebbie, Gang
Hunsberger Expected To Address Faculty Today
by Gary Ricciardi
I. Moyer Hunsberger is slated to
speak before an assembly o f the
College o f Arts and Sciences 2 : 0 0
this afternoon
in LC 1. His
scheduled appearance will be his
first public o n e since this week's
c o n f r o n t a t i o n s b e t w e e n students,
faculty and administrators began
over the question o f his possible
suspension and related issues.
The scheduled meeting o f the
College o f Arts and Sciences is
Vol. LX No. 2S
o f the College o f Arts and Sciences
at this afternoon's meeting.
The Steering C o m m i t t e e o f the
loosely organized students w h o
have held sit-ins in
Benezet's office and public rallies
througout the week, is encouraging
students to attend today's meeting.
ordinarily a routine affair, but the
Hunsberger adds t o this assembly
the tension w h i c h has characterized
administrative and student relations
this past w e e k .
Last night Dean Hunsberger announced in a written statement that
he has accepted the post o f Provost
at the University o f Oklahoma's
Norman Campus. It is expected
that he will personally announce his
resignation to the assembled faculty
State University of New York at Albany
The Committee is urging students,
however, not to interrupt what is,
in formal terms, a faculty assembly.
According to Chris Masterson, a
member o f the Steering C o m m i t t e e .
drawing up proposals concerning
Dean Hunsberger's review and that
o f the tenure and continuing appointment system. I hope that students will be there t o support these
proposals. But I think the faculty
should be allowed to dominate the
meeting. This is their issue as well
as the students'. I hope students do
not try to take over the meeting,
but help faculty at their request."
Friday. May 11, 1973
The controversial Dean announced last night
he will take a position at the U. of Oklahoma
tending a dinner in Massachusetts. There
was no comment from the Benezet residence.
I. Moyer Hunsberger lias resigned.
Hunsberger's announcement confirmed
Tire Arts & Sciences Dean, a controrumors of his imminent departure that
versial figure in numerous tenure cases at
had circulated around the univerisly
he university this year said in a written
throughout the day.
statement last night that he will accept a
The search committee that selected
provost position at the University of
Hunsberger to be Provost al the OklaOklahoma.
homa campus had been looking foi avail"I have been offered and I have acable candidates since last fall. Corcoran
cepted the position as Provost of the
said. Hunsberger was one of three names
University of Oklahoma al Norman," the
sent along to the university president
statement said in part.
"within the last week."
President Sharp, Corcoran added, seAs Provost, Hunsberger will be second
lecled Hunsberger on the basis of the
only to Oklahoma President Paul Sharp in
committee's recommendations "as well as
deciding internal academic affairs at the
personal interviews."
university. Jack Corcoran, Director of
Communication al ihe Oklahoma camCorcoran revealed that Hunsberger had
pus, said m a telephone interview
travelled to the Oklahoma campus last
yesterday that Hunsbergei will be in
week to meet with the president and
charge of "preparing the total academic
discuss contract terms.
program and budgel lui the university."
Reading from a press release issued by
Hunsberger, he added, will be "in charge ol
ihe Board of Regents yesterday, Corcoran
all faculty appointments, promotion and
quoted the Oklahoma president assaying
tenure issues." His salary will be $38,000
"I am delighted Dr. Hunsberger has
a year.
agieed to seive as Provost." The position
was characterized by the president as
In his statement last night, Hunsbergei
being "one of the most significant at the
said he made the move "with mixed
emotions" because "I have truly enjoyed
my work here and am leaving because this
In the release, Hunsberger was quoted
new appointment appeals so promising."
as saying: "I look forward to my new
"I have appreciated the opportunity to
duties as provost."
work with faculty, students and adminCorcoran also revealed dial the search
istrators at Albany," Hunsberger's statecommittee and the university president at
ment continued, "and particularly the
Oklahoma bulb knew of Hunsberger's
support extended to me from many sides,
past problems at the University of Masseven when the circumstances may have
achusetts and SUNV-Albany. But he indibeen difficult."
cated that knowledge did not seriously
University President l.ouis T . Benezet
lessen Hunsberger's chances of employwas quick to offei congratulations to the
ment al the university.
departing dean. Benezet, in his public
The search committee was described as
statement, said the appointment "is a
a "faculty committee." But asencond
recongniton of his stature as an eduniversity spokesman said three students
ucational leader."
served on it and that all elements of the
Hunsberger, Benezet added, made "a
university community were included.
significant contribution" to the university
Hunsberger will assume his new duties
through his deanship.
on August 1st. It is expected that a
Both Hunsberger and Benezet were unsearch committee here will name his
available for additional comment. An
replacement as Dean of the College of
unidentified spokesman at Ihe HunsArts & Sciences sometime over the
berger residence said the Dean was atsummer.
Full text o f Dean 1. Moyer H unsberger's resignation statement
appears on Page Four.
by A l Senia
Students continue their
day-old sit-in and
press for tenure reform
Page 3
Council demands Benezet
order an investigation of
faculty members' charges
Page 3
Benezet spurns student
demands at Wednesday's
public meeting
WEDNESDAY, MAY 9 , 1 9 7 3
Page 2
Benezef Rejects Most Student Demands
by Al Senia
President Louis T. Benezet publicly
spurned student demands for the investigation and suspension of Arts and Sciences Dean I. Moyer Hunsberger Wednesday afternoon, saying such action could
come only after "direct" and "reasonable" evidence was presented to him.
The SUNYA President, making his first
public appearance since the escalating
promotion and tenure dispute began, also
rejected student calls for a review of
tenure cases already decided.
In a stormy session before some 600
students and faculty in the Campus Center Ballroon, Benezet endorsed the idea
of a review committee that would investigate promotion and tenure procedures at
the university. But he did not outline the
extent of the role students would play on
such a committee.
The public meeting was the highlight of
Wednesday's'protest activities. Earlier in
the day, students staged a brief sit-in at
the president's office while a negotiating
committee met with him. Later Wednesday night, 125 students met in the
Campus Center Ballroom, discussed tactics and strategy, and walked en masse to
the Business Administration building.
There, they hoped to confront Benezet
with their demands and to underscore the
seriousness of the tenure issue by bringing
il lo the attention of several leading
Albany community leaders. The leaders
were mapping plans for next year's Community-University Day with administrators and students. But Benezet had
not.been invited to attend the session and
V i c e - P r e s i d e n t Louis Welch shortcircuited the student plan by quickly
adjourning the gathering.
The afternoon Campus Center meeting
began with Benezet reading the demands
to the audience and observing: "What is
being held in question an entire
university system." He then responded,
point by point, to the student demands.
Suspended faculty could not be rehired,
he explained, because the necessary
budget lines had already been committed
lo new faculty members, reassigned, or
used for recruitment purposes. "There is
no practical possibility," Benezet said,
"of retaining people already terminated."
He termed the second demand — the
call for llunsberger's ouster — a "pretty
serious thing" and said an invcstigalion
might best be ordered by the University
Senate or University Council (local board
of trustees). At any rate, Benezet explained suspension could not come about
without a hearing — and there has been
no direct evidence of formal charges lo
warrant a hearing.
"I respect Dean llunsberger's commitment to his duties," Benezet added.
The call for the establishment of a
review committee to deal with promotion
appointments was more favorably re-
ceived. Benezet said he was "concerned"
at the procedures as they currently exist
and the "uneven" degree of student
participation at various stages of the
process. He said he "was prepared to ask"
for establishment of such a committee to
review tenure procedures and that the
committee should report back to him and
the University Senate next year. But he
did not detail the student-faculty breakdown on the committee.
Benezet tossed back the fourth student
demand — 50-50 student-faculty representation on departmental committees
and the Council on Promotion and Tenure — by asserting the responsibility for
such action rests with the individual
schools involved and the University Senate. "It is a matter of school governance,"
he said, "which can be worked out in any
way the school governance systems decide."
Students also demanded the aboliton of
the de facto quota system at the university — a system that sets limits on the
number of tenured faculty underemployment. Benezet said quotas on tenured
faculty are necessary to preserve "fluidity
and flexibility for the faculty of the
future" and that "any live university has
flexibility" The Albany State president
said the sixth student demand — a presidential directive stressing diviersity, academic freedom and student participation
"throughout the university system" -
Hunsberger: A Controversial Man
by Glenn von Nostitz
Al a meeting whh Ihe student sit-in
Steering Committee Wednesday afternoon. President Louis T. Benezet commented that, "I. Moyer Hunsberger is a
controversial man."
Although this may appear to he a gross
understatement, it does nevertheless say a
lot. For the fact is that Dean Hunsberger
is perhaps the most controversial administrator this university has ever seen, lire
President was right.
Unfortunately, however, the deeper reasons for his controversial nature have
been obscured in much of the discussion
heard at the rallies, meetings, and sit-ins.
It is not only the allegations made by
professors here and al the Uiiiversily of
Massachusetts about "serious misdeeds"
that make him controversial. And it is not
due merely lo the stands he has taken on
lenure cases. It lias more lo do with style
and with his own personal convictions.
lie is a man with some very definite
ideas • about students, about research,
and ahoul academic excellence. Ami .is
one professor recently remarked, "lie is
perhaps the inly man m tins admin
isliation who stands up to. Ins conv
Much ul the linuble has resulted be
/ bunded in 1916
arm ti bunkui
Editorial Panes
gary ricciardi
gletin von nostltz
andy palley
rnindy aMman
hill brina
kathy eckerle
Off Campus
b r u c e rnaggin
bob rnayer
ken arduino
danny ross
leshe davis
However, as many people here al
SUNYA see il, that slyle ol iiiniiing a
uiiiversily was fine Iwo decades ago. But
since that tunc we have seen the Iree
speech movement stall al Ueikely as well
as the ensuing move toward greater demo-
.Ol) a n o s l l
b) i ball
matt meyer
mark litcofsky
jay rosenberg
david slawsky
hmilud by Uuclent u>
officii CC326
phorw.467 21IJ0
editorial policy is dtiirtruiinod by Ihe f dhorial Hoard.
cracy in university decision making. The
day of the strong man is gone. Things
have changed, and the uiiiversily can no
longer be run in a manner more appropriate lo 1935. There are Ihe reslive
students to contend with. There is an
increasingly independent union-minded
faculty. There is a new emphasis on
quality leaching, rather than pedantic
None of litis sils well with the idd
concepts of how a university should operate.
I. Moyer Hunsberger
1 ethnical
cause these convictions, as honest as they
might be, are anathema lo too many
people on this campus. He believes in
excellence, but his concept of excellence
is entirely different from Curtis Smith's,
Leroy Pcllon's, or Robert Allen's. I'hey
dislike the use of Ihe word "rigor" in
some of his transmittal letters, i'hey
disagree with his emphasis on the "almighty Ph.I)," And they are upset when
excellence is equated with large amounts
of advanced research produced by professors hidden away in their laboratories.
And so there has been conflict • between the Dean and his interpretation of
excellence and the interpretation held by
students and a large portion ol the
One professor al U. Mass called
Hunsberger and "adiiiinistialui ul the old
style." Another one said that he lues to
run a "tighl ship" Willi his subordinates
liimly under his control. And still
another called him an "excellent or-
n i i i . i mui<i
Inula desmond
pint mark
jttrry albioi Ml
A d Produtlion
debbre- kaemen
sheila schonkoin
gary sussmin
Classified Ads
c a t h y ganok
ruth slbley
Al Ihe meeting in Ihe ballroom Wed
nesday afternoon a uurnbei of people
pointed out similarities between the siiualion here and Watergate. I hey compared
the "cover-up" activities ol Ihe Bcnc/cl
admrnistialioii with those ol the Nixon
I lie cninparisous with Wateigale go
deepci than that. In Ihe Watergate scan
dal, I he huigliiis saw Ihe ends as justifying
ihe means. Il was deemed acceptable lo do
aiis thing • even hiuglaii/c in ordei in
achieve Mien .-nil. I hey weie fanatical
aim t oiuiiiunisis.
So it is wall Dean Hunsberger, although
his end is different. He is pushing for Ins
own conception of "excellence," in
which it is apparently acceptable to per
form "questionable activities" of Ihe lype
charged by U. Mass professors and
sources here In Albany, and reported in
the ASP.
It is all for the sake of "excellence."
was unnecessary. The university already
encourages diversity, Benezet said, and
academic freedom exists. He added:
"there is more student participation at
this university than at any university I
know of."
With that, Benezet sat down and mem
bers of the negotiating committee rose in
Harry Weintraub strode to the podium
and told his audience: "Whenever you're
talking with administrators, it's a lim
trating experience...Dr. Benezet has char
acterized our complaints and demands ,
calling our whole univeristy comnn
into question...The question is the cum
petency of one man in litis university. I
us remember that a system is manned In
individuals that act, hopefully, willi i
"When someone breaks ihe ink's. I
doesn't hide within Ihe sysiem. I el i
deal with Sirotkin, Bcnezel and linn
berger --- not the Vice-President, ihe
President, or Ihe Dean.
"The President is a very slick man \li
Sirotkin is also. The elusive Dean (I Inn
berger) is also...we waul these ih,ng<
investigated. Until he (Bcne/etl uk.
such action, we can only view bun will,
extreme suspicion arid distrust."
Weintraub sat down to tbundeioiis ip
plause as other members of ihe Sleeimt
Committee — Rick Ginsberg, Ban) Dm
and Chris Maslerson — stepped in '!
podium and sounded similar themes
Ginsberg said: "We need a comiiitiiee i
research ilus whole question ol DIM
Hunsberger" Davis commented "I p
now nobody has made any charges U. i
I'm going to make some." He went mi '
accuse Hunsbergei ol ignoring .mdc i
grievances and needs. And ( l i n . \l
terson, calling Hunsbergei "nrnialh n-pi
henstble," told hei audience "We'te i"
to get answers."
Bui throughout the healed ilicim
Benezet remained calm, refusing to in
wer questions directly and prelciiiii'.'
let others speak,
lacully members t'uiiis Sniilh. I > i
I'elion. Nathan Friedman, (
K n W ii
man and Wallei Goldslein gave .h-•••
speeches lo the audience, then n-iu.m
interspersed willi slum question ami m
wei sessions between Benezet ami [i
Students Continue Sit-in: Demand Reform
by Bob Mayer
Some 50 students vowed to continue
their sit-in last night on the 2nd floor of
the administration building. The action
which had begun yesterday afternoon did
not end with an administration press
release that announced the departure of
Dean 1. Moyer Hunsberger
Over 100 students began the occupation
of the president's outer office early yesterday afternoon hoping to receive from
Benezet some assurance that Iheir
demands would be inel. When President
Benezet failed to arrive at his office late
yesterday afternoon, the protesters' ranks
were cut in half.
Students occupied their lime discussing
future strategy and placing signs on lire
walls of the outer office. The College of
Arts and Sciences lounge, plastered with
signs reading, "Quiet. Library," became a
place where students readied themselves
for upcoming finals. A sign thai was
taped to one administrator's office read,
"McDonald's announces Ihe 1/4 lb. Hunsberger."
After seven hours of walling, the students heard Rick Ginsberg, a menrbei of
the steering committee, read ihe university's official announcement regarding
llunsberger's termination as Dean of lire
Arts & Sciences college.
The reading brought continuous hillhreaks of laughter as Ginsheig read linns
berger's statement. Il included such iemarks as "I have appreciated the nppmtunity to work wilh lacully. sludenls,
and administrators..." When Ginsberg
continued reading the Dean's remarks "Il is with mixed emotions thai I contemplate this move..." •- Mickey Green, a
student, said, "Yes, I'csn and mine fear."
Dean llunsheigei's closing remaik was,
"I am convinced thai SUNYA is well on
Us way to becoming a University Center
of true excellence." Ginsheig, tn reference to the Dean's resignation, was quick
lo say, "and we are one step i loser now."
The sludenls do not icgaid the announcement of llunsheigei's hanslei .is a
major victory. Then general concern now
Is lhal Ihe other issues may be ohscuied
in light of llunsheigei's absence from
Ihe university. Ginsheig said that the
students still supported an investigation
of Hunsberger's hiring and noted: "The
point is not Hunsberger; it is what he
stood for."
Some students expressed concern about
the Dean's replacement. They noted that
the new person will probalby be chosen
during the summer when most students
will not be available to work with the
new search committee. Mickey Greene
remarked that, "the way Deans are
chosen should be a number one demand."
The students fell lhal one reason Bene/ci refused to call an invcstigalion of
Hunsberger al Wednesday's meeting was
because of his knowledge that the Dean
was leaving SUNYA. II he had done so,
Ihey claim, he may have feared Ihe
possibility ol appearing to have capitulated to student demands.
file goals of the students, who have
openly demonstrated their grievances
wilh the promotion and lenure sysiem,
weie expressed by Palty Lipshutz, a
graduating senior, and a week-long participant in the student events. She explained: "Sludenls are attempting lo
show the importance in the uiiiversily
sysiem. [hey are noi working against Ihe
facility, bill for a more integrated community of people in search of fail and
equal education."
Where the sludenls go now is not quite
certain. They arc hoping to speak wilh
President Benezet sometime today providing he can he located. The group is
anxious to woik out something with the
President before lire long summer recess
begins. They anticipate difficulties in
mobilizing sludenls early next hall.
Chris Maslerson, a spokeswoman for Ihe
steering committee expressed lhal uncertainly saying "We would like somehow to lie a ribbon aournd ibis - we
don't know where we stand. Bcnezel has
left loo many questions unanswered."
Dean I. Moyer Hunsberger may not he
able lo escape Ins problems easily. Sludenls pledged lasl nighl to inform then
collegia's al Oklahoma about Ihe in
formation lhal has appealed in Ihe
Albany Student I'ress. and the difficulties
be encouulered here al SUNYA
As Ihe meeting continued into u- tluol
hour, student spokesmen [old ihe nid
ience lo break for dinner il ibev wished
to return at X p.m. foi a second ineeiirn
By 5 It), Bcnezel had stepped limn il
p o d i u m anil left
ihe dwnnlln
gathering...ol students and l;u nils
Inlei ibai nigh I, some 1.25 stinleni
reassembled in Hie Ballroom and, aln-i .
slum discussion ol tactics, moved » tIn
business Administration biiiliding
group ol administrators and ncwh
•elected stiidenl leaders were there m n
ling wilh seveial Albany pinks
and eivn leaders, disi iissing pi.or. I>n in
veai's ( oriiiiiunily I linveisih 11.«
I lie sludenls, led b\ ( hn M.i.h-i
and Slacy lain, explained in tin .i.l'n.i
islralois, sludenls and civn leader il..
ihey weie ibeie because ol ihe "uigen
ol Ihe situation on campus.
The sluilenls said lliey would leave il
requested to do so but Vicc-Presidcm
Inuis Welch apologized lo the nun
iniiiiily member* and quickly adjourned
Ihe hireling.
The sludenls then began discussing t.n
Ileal questions. The meeting culminated
about 45 minutes later, wilh the call lor
yesterday's sit-in in President Dcnc/.ci's
FRIDAY, MAY 11,1973
Students continued to occupy President Benezet's outer office
throughout the night awaiting word on their demands for promotion and tenure reform.
Council Asks Investigation
Received Faculty Complaints
by Ann E. Bunker
"/ charge Dean I. Mover Hunsberger with
an arrogant contempt for sludenls. good
teaching and the democratic process, " Curtis C. Smith, Kngtisli.
"Dean Hunsberger s letter of transmittal
questioned the decision of the department to recommend me for continuing
appointment. I find this disturbing. It is
indicative of a distrust on the pari of an
administrator of a department's ability 10
make decisions affecting its future. " K.I). llarlzell.Musie.
"Typical of his actions along these lines
is his unwillingness to give any explanation of his decision " - Kate I'rins, Music.
Charges such as these piornpted Central
Council Thursday nighl lo enact a bill
demanding the appoinlnieiil by Piesidenl
Benezet of a comnntlee to investigate the
facts behind Dean Hunsbeigei's promolion ami lenure decisions.
The Council lull, which passed by a
voice vole, dliecls that a committee
comprised ol live students. Iluee lacully
iiieinheis anil Iwo adimuisliatois be ap
pointed to investigate Ihe chaigcs lodged
against Hunsbergei Ihe coininitlee is lo
report on its findings to the Sepleinbei
20 meeting of Central Council
Complaints Lodged
Formal statements were prepared and
submitted to student goveininenl lepiescntalives by lacully members dissatisfied
wilh llunsberger's performance. The
statements came in reaction lo President
Benezet's claim thai he had received
" evidence" regarding charges
of llunsberger's malfeasance in office.
A number of (hose letters were attached
lo Ihe Council bill. The allegations ran
from claims lhal Hunsberger "creates his
own standards" for judging a teacher's
effectiveness lo the contention that he
"interfered wilh Ihe normal working" of
a depart men I to remove Iwo facully
positions currently occupied by "controversial" people.
Faculty members submitting complaints
represented a near cross-section of the
departments under ihe College of Arls
and Sciences, of which Hunsberger is
Bill to be Shared
Discussion in Council yielded the siiggeslion that copies of Ihe bill be sen! lo
ihe student government at the llinveisily
ol Oklahoma, where llunsheigei has accepted a position effective Augusl Isl,
leadens of Ihe movement lo OIISI Huns
beigei unhealed lhal steps would be
taken lo ml.mi the sludcnl I oily al ihe
Oklahoma campus ol llunsheigei's iceonl
beie and at U. Mass. Said Vice I'lesidenl•elect Harry Davis, "Il would be doing an
injustice lo them if we did not wain
Demonstrators prepare
for a long nighl in the
administration build
ing by bringing everything- including their
The steering committee meets to discuss strategy
while others wail fur President Iknc/xt who never returned to Ids office
FRIDAY, MAY 11, 1973
Hunsberger'* Resignation
and Beneiet's Response
Benezefs Public Response
to Student Demands
May 10,1973
The following is the text of a statement
issued by President Louis Benezet at
Wednesday's open meeting:
(3) I am dissatisfied in a number of
A group of students visited my office
ways with the procedures of recomMonday, May 7 to present a list of
% demands concerning the process of mendations, especially on tenure, on our
campus. They are cumbersome, long, and
awarding promotion and tenure. They
\ Dean Moyer Humberger of the College of I extend my best wishes for success to S asserted that decisions on our campus are highly .costly in the time of faculty,
'$ being affected by attitudes toward per% Arts and Sciences has informed President all of you on this campus."
students, and administrators. 1 am likei Louis T. Benezet this evening that he has
wise dissatisfied about the uneven degree
sonal and political factors in individual
$ accepted appointment as Provost of the
to which students participate in departcases. They raised questions about the
President Benezet has responded to
I University of Oklahoma. The following is Dean Hunsberger as follows:
mental reviews of candidates. The Counrole of the Dean of Arts and Sciences in
« Dean Hunsberger's statement:
cil of Promotions and Continuing Apthis regard. They asked that the circumpointments has loo heavy an assignment;
stances of his original appointment be
"I offer my congratulations to Dean
§: "I have been offered and I have
more responsibility should occur at dereviewed and the President suspend the
Moyer Hunsberger upon his appointment
g accepted the position as Provost of the
partment and School level, and I would
Dean "pending an invistigation by a
as Provost at Ihe University of Oklahoma.
favor this provided we could achieve a
£! Unversity of Oklahoma at Norman.
The University of Oklahoma is a highly
more regularized procedure of review of
regarded institution. The opportunity for
A revised set of demands was presented
ihe criteria. For all these reasons I am
% I have appreciated the opportunity to
Dean Hunsberger to serve as the principal
to my office the afternoon of May 8. To
prepared lo ask for a committee for review
:i: work with faculty, students, and admin- academic officer of that University is a
its items il is my responsibility now to
of Ihe tenure procedure and to join in
;;• istrators at Albany and particularly the
recognition of his stature as an educareply.
seeing Ihal Ihe committee be repre•J support extended lo me from many sides,
tional leader.
I slarl with Ihe general observation thai
sentative of faculty and students chosen by
\\ even when the circumstances may have
whal is being held in question by the
their peers. This committee should report
:;:- been difficult.
I should like to express our appreciation
students involved is an entire university
lo Ihe Senale at the start of the nexl
lo Dean Hunsberger for the significant
system engaging ihe participation of very
year; 1 will take an active part in whatever
:•• li is with mixed emotions that I con- contribution he has made lo this Univermany faculty, students, and adminway il is deemed appropriate.
•g template this move at this lime, because I
sity during his deanship. My sincerest
istrators: systematic sludenl evaluation;
:•:• have truly enjoyed my work here and a m wishes for success go to him in his new
departmental action; the chariman's
(4) The make-up of the School per::•: leaving because this new a p p o i n t m e n t
recommendation; the action and
sonnel committees and the Council of
;|; appears so promising.
recommendation of the Council on ProPromotions and Continuing Appointmotions and Continuing Appointments;
I a m certain that the future of Stale
"My sincerest wishes
ments may be revised if Ihe respective
and the ultimate approval or disapproval
$ University al A l b a n y and the College of
Schools and the Senate decide lo do, so.
by Ihe President.
;j; Arts and Sciences is indeed promising. I
Whether or not students should be 50'? of
for success go to him
ihe voling members is something ihe
•i; a m convinced that SUNYA is well o n its
(1) The lines for faculty whose apPresident cannot order; this is the bus.!£ way t o becominga' University Center of
pointments end the last of June or the
in his new post." - Benezet
iness of those bodies lo decide for them•:•: true excellence.
last of August ll)73 have either been
committed to new faculty or have been
(5) Whatever "tie facto quota system"
reassigned or are being used for recruiting
we may employ relates lo the general
replacements. Some of the faculty not
necessity to preserve fluidity and flexbeing renewed have found employment in
ibilily for the faculty of Ihe future. Il is
other parts of Ihe University; some others
the President's responsibility lo look al
have resigned. The exact number of lines
Ibis factor as pari of hisfinalapproval or
we may grant, as you know, is specified
disapproval; bin in each case the merits of
Steering Committee statement
certain potentially controversial teachers
by Ihe Division of the Budget.
the recommendations have always played
because of a de facto quota syslem was
Wednesday, seven students met with
Faculty whose appointments are due
the uppermost role in my own review. We
not allayed.
President Benczel, Vice President Sirotlo end In June or Augusl l'.>74 will of
approved 5o% of tenure applications ibis
kin and Mr. Welch, Vice-President for
Wilh regard to 5(1-50 representation on
course retain those lines iinlil the end of
year which will raise the total number of
University Affairs. President Uenczel bepersonnel commit tecs of the respective
their term.
faculty on lenure lo about 00.
gan the meeting by asking for a clarifischools and the Council on Tenure and
The President's Discretionary Fund is a
cation of a few points and discussing a
Continuing Appointment, the President
(6) No presidential directive is needed
small SUNYA Foundation account for
few generalities with the Steering
staled that this was not within his jurislo underscore ihe committment of Ihe
special purposes, lis total is $5000 pei
Committee, The students were subdued,
diction. The respective schools had lo
State University of New York to a
year. The Research Foundation of SUNY
waiting for Benezet lo respond lo the
decide about their personnel committees
"diversity of ideas, academic freedom,
stipulates thai no campus foundation
demands presented lo him Ihe day beand the Senate must deal wilh Ihe Counand sludenl participation throughout the
funds may be used toward the salaries of
cil. The SC decided Ihal this point had lo
University syslem." By objective evidence
Stale University staff members.
be pursued through other channels. Cerwe have grcaiei sludenl participation in
At the meeting, the President agreed
(2) The suspension of an officer of the
tain faculty memheis agreed lo present
ihe governance of this University than in
thai he would wrile a letter stressing
University is an action which could lake
proposals to lire faculty of Ails and
any university 1 know. I believe thai il
academic freedom, diversity of ideas, and
place only alter an official hearing had
can be further extended lo ihe review of
student participation throughout the uni- Sciences and a few of ncxl year's sludenl
been held lo determine whether there is
Senators have agreed to present this nexl
lenure and promotion. I assume in this
versity. The SC (Steering Committee) fell
reasonable evidence to warrant susyear.
thai students will face the responsibilities
it unfortunate thai they could not gel
pension and trial. I have no such evidence
of sharing in decisions, some lb which
any of the men lo agree Willi the serious
Al the meeting wilh ihe SC, l)i. Beneand do not intend lo call lor a hearing,
will not be popular wilh fellow-students
lack of freedom and diversity here. They
zet said thai he loo was dissatisfied Willi
much less a suspension. Any such grave
nr faculty members. Il Is our job to find
were also surprised to hear him read in his
the recommendations, especially on ten
action should come before Ihe Senate and
and retain Ihe best people Ihe Universiiy
public statement that "no presidential
lire, syslem. Whal remains lo be seen is
ihe University Council before il is serMI have for effective leaching and scholardirective is needed lo underscore the
just how this revision of the syslem will
iously contemplated. Ihe disagreement
ship in the broadesl sense over a period of
commitment of the Slirre Univerbe reviewed and, hopefully, corroded.
with actions of recommendations of an
many years. I have come lo ibis meeting
sity of New York"
lo these ideals.
administrative officer may freely be
Regarding ihe lliinsbeigei case, lite SC
The SC already knew of the slated
expressed on Ihls campus. Ihal is not the In the belief that the SUNYA community
was uiulei the impression thai if charges
is sincere aboiil wishing lo make our
commitment hut tell Ihey were not being
samelhlng as accusing Ihe officer of malwen' formally lodged against the Dean, an
Universiiy a neliei place lor leaching,
billowed up mi. Because of all this, there
feasance in office. I lespeel Dean Hunsinvestigation would lake place.
learning, community service, and disis still confusion concerning whether or
berger's commitment to his duties and
Because of a lack of lline, Ihe President
not a stalemenl would be sent or who II
find no reasons lo challenge Ihe inlegiily
wilh his olliei administrators and the SC
will reach if one is sent.
ol his performance.
Louis '/'. licmzet
did mil fully discuss Ihe point dealing
with teachers staying on here aflei then
The next pciinl was ihe SC concern wilh
contracts have terminated. Ile said it was
the ile facto quoin system here. The
not willun his power lo renew llieir
President anil Mr Slrolkin said thai there
It is our job to find and retain the best people the
contracts; nor did he have the money to
was no official quota system here, hut
(here was a "range" and "distribution"
consideration In effect, it was said thai
The SC left the meeting wilh many
age, sex, makeup of Ihe department and
questions and a feeling Ihal a very long
university has for effective teaching and scholarship...
fields of concentration in the department
and hectic meeting would take up the lest
must be considered so that a department
of the afternoon, Because of sludenl and
does mil become lop-sided. However, the
faculty interest und frustration, this Insuspicion thai there is harm done lo
deed came about.
Questions unanswered after Benezet
and Steering Committee meet
FRIDAY, MAY 11,1973