Document 14064965

Editorial Note:
On thit page it a collection of four memorandaJwhich have been
of motor] importance in Psychology Professor Caroline Waterman's
struggle to receive tenure.
The ftnt memo we have published it a "tetter" of transmittal" or
departmental recommendation, which was written by Psychology
Department Chairman Richard Teevan and present*' his reasons for
recommending that Waterman be deniea tenure. The letter
is addressed to Melvin 1. Bert, Associate- Dean for Behavioral and
Social Sciences, who must now matte nts own recommendation and
pass the case on to the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
Apparently, Bers did not feel 'the letter of transmittal contained
enough information for him to make a decision, so he asked Teevan
to elaborate. This resulted in Teevan's writing a supplementary
memo which is reproduced below in full.
Dr. Waterman felt compelled to respond to both the original and
supplementary departmental recommendations, so she wrote Bers
two memos disputing Teevam findings recommending that tenure be
denied. Both of those memos are reprinted here.
The ASP has chosen to print this private correspondence because it
feels that students have a right to know what their employees (the
administration and faculty) are doing in cases where stuaent interest
are directly at stake. We feel that this is one of those cases. The
decision-makers should be held accountable for their actions.
Below is the Departmental Recommendation,
or "letter of
transmittal" written by Richard C. Teevan, Chairman of the
Psychology Department and sent to Melvin Bers, Associate Dean of
the Division of Social and Behaviorial Sciences on October 16th.
The recommendation came out of Teevan's discussions with
various faculty members in the Psychology Department as welt as
the faculty meetings where it was recommended not to give
Waterman tenure by a 9 to 8 vote.
I will go down the list of evaluative criteria, commenting on each:
a. Mastery of subject matter: I have discussed this matter with
members of the department and based on their opinions and my
own, my rating of Dr. Waterman is about average for a person of her
age and experience.
b. Effectiveness in teaching: I have enclosed a summary of ratings
from students which Dr. Waterman has received. In my experience
with this form, these ratings are excellent. 1 would rate Dr.
Waterman as one of the best undergraduate teachers in the
c. Ability as a scholar: Dr. Waterman has six published articles,
with one further article submitted to a journal. She hus had her
doctorate for approximately five years so that this averages out to a
little more than one article a year. I believe this to be a below
average production for a tenured member of a good department at
the University level. I believe Dr. Waterman to be below average in
the area of ability as a scholar. I will mention this area again under
the category of continuing growth.
d. Effectiveness in University service: In terms of departmental
service I would rate Dr. Waterman as above average. She is the
chairperson of our Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, the
advisor to Cathexis (an undergraduate Psychology-Sociology Club),
and the advisor to Psi Chi. In terms of service at above the
departmental level, I would rate her as below average. So far as I
know, she has served on no committees above the department level.
e. Continuing growth: This is a very difficult thing to assess. In my
own mind, I tend to look at the productivity of a person and try to
figure out whether or not he or she is visible in the profession or has
a good probability of becoming so with a reasonable period. This
does not take away from the subjectivity of the judgement, but it
helps me in coming to some kind of conclusion. Using this kind of
criterion, it is my judgment that Dr. Waterman will not become
visible is a reasonable time. In other words, it is my judgment that
Dr, Waterman's scholarship is not up to par for a tenure position at a
University Center and that this will probably not change. In terms of
teaching and departmental citizenship, she is already more than
Using all of the above as criteria, and taking into account the votes
of the faculty of the Psychology Department, it is my recommendation that Dr. Caroline Waterman not be granted a promotion to
associate professor or a continuing appointment at this University.
The "Waterman Papers
some objective measure to compare the knowledge of my students to that of students who
have taken the same courses
with other professors.
b. Effectiveness in teaching:
While I would not be expected
to take issue with Dr, Teevan's
judgment that I am "one of the
best undergraduate teachers in
the department," I do wish to
take issue with it on two
1. The data shows his comment to be an understatement.
My teaching evaluations have
consistently been the highest in
the department even though I
often teach a required course,
Statistics. (YoU can validate this
by asking to see the evaluations
of my colleagues.) Furthermore,
last year I was one of the finalists for the Outstanding Teacher
Award, scoring higher on the
criteria than the people who
were nominated by m y department. (I don't know how I was
nominated, but it was not by the
Psychology Department).
2. His remark is open to the
interpretation that I am not
highly competent at graduate
level teaching. Unfortunately, I
have never taught a graduate
course despite my numerous re
quests to do so.
c. Ability as a scholar Or.
Teevan's figure of seven arucles
does not include my six convention papers which contribute to
what he refers to as "visibility"
or the three manuscripts in preparation which will be submitted
by the end of January.
I seriously question the validity of this paper-counting approach to the assessment of
ability us a scholar. It is important to note that nowhere in Dr.
Teevan's discussion of this criterion is there mention of the
quality of my research. You
/ am releasing these memos to
the press with the full under
standing that some people who
nerve on the appeal committees
may view this action as inappropriate. I am doing this be
cause I think it is time thut the
students who are affected by
personnel decisions got u chance
to see how these decisions are
made. / hope that (his sets a
precedent at this university for
full public disclosure. The people, who make decisions here
should not be permitted to con
tinue operating in secrecy. They
should be held publicly account
able for their actions.
car oil no wjilflimjul
Waterman Responds to Teevan
Below is a response to Teevan's
letter of transmittal which Dr.
Waterman wrote on October
31st. In this response she disputes many of the findinns of
Teevan's recommendation, particularly in regard to mastery of
subject matter.
a. Mastery of Subject; Dr.
Teevan's comments on this leave
the following questions unanswered:
(]) With whom did he discuss
this issue?
(ii) How were these individuals
(3) On the basis of what evidence did they arrive ut their
conclusions? (It should be noted
that none of my colleagues hus
ever attended one of my dulses
and few of my senior colleagues
have hud conversations with me
uhout suhject matter.)
(4) What is the "average" for
my "ago und experience"?
I d uppreciute it if the Faculty
Peroonnd Committee und the
University Council on Promotions and Continuing Appointments would attempt to get the
answers to these questions so
thut they mn muke an informed
evaluation of Or. Teevan's assertion. Tho fact that the answers
to these questions wore not
•pacified in the letter of ' makes it impossible for
me to respond to the evidence
on which the designation of
"averuge" was hased.
The avuiluble evidence indicates thut I have excellent
mastery of the suhject matter.
Mastery of suhject matter is one
of the the vuriuhles that appear
on the Psychology Department
teacher evaluation forms which
you have in my file. It's an insult
to the students to imply thai I
can gel those evaluations with
only "averuge" mastery. Furtherm ore, if you interview students who huve taken a given
course of mine during different
semesters, you will find thut I
huve continued to revise my
reuding lisU und lectures in light
of new developments in the
I understand thu I you have
several letters on file from
people who ure highly know
ledgeuble ubout my work which
substuntiute my claim of excellent mastery.
I'd like to point out that while
mustery of the field is a necos
sary quality of an effective
teacher, it is the ability to
generate mastery on the part of
the students that is of paru
mounl importance. I would
welcome the opportunity to
huve the review committees use
have outside letters pertaining to
this, and you can see that my.
articles appear in highly inspected journals with rigorous
refereeing standards and sizeable
rejection rates. One of my articles was also reprinted in a
book which is used as a text.
While I am opposed to the
numbers game, I fee] that if
number of publications is the
criterion that Dr. Teevan is
using, he at least ought to apply
it in a consistent manner. Last
year he recommended someone
for * tenure who had approximately half the number of publications that I have. (I am not
attempting to imply that this
person should have been denied
tenure. On the contrary, I think
he is a strong asset to the department.)
d. Effectiveness in university
service: Dr. Teevan's statement
regarding this criterion is descriptively accurate. However, I'd
like to point out that I have
volunteered to work on committees above the department
level but have never been asked
to serve. I have served in an
advisory capacity to student
groups outside the Psychology
I am curious us to why my
uvailabihty to students including
during most lunch hours and
some evenings and weekends is
not viewed as u university service. The purpose of this university is to serve the needs of
e. Continued growth: Please
note that not a single piece of
evidence is cited by Dr. Teevan
to substantiate this admittedly
subjective judgment regarding
this criterion. The only objective
basis on which we can attempt
to predict future growth is past
and present performance which I
have already discussed.
Waterman Responds Again
Waterman felt compelled to
write a response to Teevan's
supplementary tetter of transmittal (which is reproduced below). The memo printed here
was written by Dr. Waterman on
November 5th, and disputes
many of the findings in Teevan's
supplementary letter as well as
his original transmittal letter.
The basis on which the five
faculty members were selected
by Dr. Teevan is unclear. Since
they are not identified, it is
impossible to assess their com
petence to evaluate my research
The fact that someone's in-
ability to "imagine" me "engaging in solid interplay" can seriously be offered as a reason for
denying me tenure is a strong
indictment of the whole tenuregranting system. Furthermore, it
substantiates my claim that I
have not been evaluated on the
basis of the five criteria.
No evidence is cited to support
the allegation that my research
"reflects little originality and a
rather trite use of theory." This
judgment was obviously not
shared by journal editors such as
Daniel PCatz and Boyd McCandless who accepted my articles for
publication in journals with very
high reviewing standards. The
only study to which specific
reference was made is characterized by the second faculty member as showing "limited imagination." This'study was nominated
by some faculty members at
Buffalo for a Creative Talent
Award (an award sponsored by
American Institutes for Research, was reprinted in a book
of readings edited by Anthony
Doob and Dennis Regan, and
was described by Chester Insko
as representing "an interesting
contribution toward bridging the
gap between two apparently dissimilar research areas" which
should "make a contribution
both to the field and to the
journal" (see enclosed letter).
Furthermore, I don't sec how
anyone who has looked at my
vita can arrive at the conclusion
that I have only produced "two
pieces of work." (Dr. Teevan
has acknowledged seven).
I notice that I've been demoted from "one of the best
undergraduate teachers in the
department" to a "good undergraduate teacher." The statement that a "fiasco" would ensue if I were to teach "a solid
group of graduate students" is
devoid of empirical support
since I haven't taught a graduate
course. The assertion is one
more example of the way in
which some people have substituted their personal p*eju<bjfments for an objective assessment of my past performance.
The available data on my teaching is clearly inconsistent with
what the uuthor of that statement "would envision."
I hope that the large amount
of attention being focused on
the criteria of research and continuing growth does not cause
people to lose sight of the importance of quality under
graduate teaching.
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Shown ubovo is u supplementary letter of Irumtmitlul Teevan wrote lo Hors ufler Burs had asked for
further information on Dr. Waterman. The memo supports many of the charges made in the original
letter of trunsmlttul with comments by "five faculty member*,"
"The evidence clearly indicates that at least more than one
person was involved in the shooting.a
by John Covert
Alternative Feature Service
You'd think people would lis
ten to a man like Cyril Wecht.
He's a forensic pathologist-^
person with degrees in both law
and medicine. He's Research
Professor of Law and Director
Institute of Forensic Sciences, at
Duquesne University in Pittsburgh; und a Clinical Assistant
Professor of Pathology at the
University of Pittsburgh Medical
School. He's also a recent past
president of both the American
Academy of Forensic Sciences
and of the American College of
Legal Medicine. Besides that,
he's the Coroner of Allegheny
County (Pittsburgh).
But when the discussion turns
to the charges by Wecht of
diseripaneies in the Warren Commission Report on the assassination of President John Kennedy, persistent silence is the
official response.
This August, Wecht became
the second non-governmental
medical expert allowed to view
the items from the autopsy of
President Kennedy stored at the
National Archives in Washington.
In a recent interview, Wecht
said he questioned the Warren
Commission's findings even before his two days of research at
the Archives. But when he came
out his conclusion was that "the
Warren Commission Report is
totally untenable, unacceptable
and absolutely incorrect as far as
its findings on Lee Harvey Oswald and the single assassin
The First Critic
The Kennedy family turned
over numerous items from the
autopsy to the Archives in October, 1966, with the stipulation
that none of the material be
released to the public during the
lifetime of Kennedy family
members, and that after five
years "recognized experts in
pathology or related sciences"
be allowed to view them.
The first "expert" granted per
mission to view the items was
Dr. John Lattimer of New York.
Lattimer is a urologist-a kidney
and bladder specialist-whose
only qualification seems to have
been that he has been a consistent defender of the Commission's findings. Lattimer spent
just three hours in the Archives
last January and immediately
afterwards released his conclusion that the autopsy items supported the Warren Commission's
Wecht, then was the first critic
of the Warren Commission Report to be allowed entrance, and
this only after he spent nearly a
year attempting to get permission from Burke Marshall, a law
professor at Yale Law School
who acts as an official representative for the Kennedy family.
Wecht says he probably
wouldn't have gotten permission
at all if Marshall hadn't been
prodded by others interested in
the autopsy items.
When Wecht finally did make
it to the Archives, on August 2.'i
and 24, he said he discovered a
number of autopsy items were
missingi- most
notably the preserved brain of
the President and a number of
microscopic slides of tissues removed from the bullet wounds.
So far, no one has explained the
disappearances. But what remained at the Archives was
enough for Wecht to confirm his
In our interview, Wecht recreated the scene at Deaiey Plaza
and Parkland Hospital in Dallas
and at the Bethesda Naval Hospital, where the autopsy was
performed the evening of the
In Dealy Plaza, the President's
car "had just made a right hand
turn and was proceeding to an
underpass when shots rang out.
President Kennedy clutched his
throat, Governor John Connally
was struck, then Kennedy was
struck in the head." By the time
the President was brought to
Parkland Hospital nearly 30
minutes later, he was already
dead with the basics of "life"
being preserved only by machine.
were given the task, only one of
whom had experience with forensic pathology. "It was essentially a military undertaking. Admirals, generals, FBI and Secret
Service personnel were present
in the room to oversee the
autopsy. The doctors acted as
military subordinates."
According to records made at
Parkland Hospital, Wecht said,
d o c t o r s t h e r e no ted two
wounds: one, a huge gaping
hole, on the right side of Kennedy's head, and the other a
round circular hole in the middle
front of his throat.
Doctors performing the
autopsy in Washington, however,
noted three wounds: the huge
gaping hole in his head, a smaller
hole in the upper back of his
head, and a hole in his back six
inches below shoulder level. This
latter wound was puzzling because no exit wound was found
for it, yet the bullet was not in
the body.
"Under Texas law the autopsy
would have been performed in
Dallas,"said Wecht. "But there
was much confusion, a lot of
shouting and ordering goinj on,
und eventually through ruse and
other tactics the body was taken
out a private door and put
aboard Air Force One for the
flight to Washington."
"They concluded," said Wecht,
"that the bullet which had entered his back fell out of the same
hole onto a stretcher when doetors at Parkland administered
pressure to the President's chest
to revive his heart." and, indeed,
a bullet had been found on a
stretcher by a janitor at Parkland
during the early evening of the
"Now, the autopsy at Bethesda
Naval Hospital should not have
been any cause for confusion
Unfortunately, instead of the
time lapse being used to gel the
most qualified pathologists for
the autopsy, the situation got
Inconsistencies Found
Wecht said three staff doctors
The wound in the throat was
not even examined at Parkland
because doctors had, in their
haste, used the bullet hole to
insert a breathing device into the
President's throat. Thus, the Bethesda physicians noted only
"an incision" in their report.
"No one there had enough for-
ensic experience to realize the
incision was actually a bullet
wound," said Wecht.
And so, Wecht went on, the
doctors at Bethesda released the
body for burial and gave their
results: Kennedy had been hit
twice, once in the back (the
bullet of which fell out later
from the same hole), and once in
the head (the bullet of which
fragmented). Nothing was said
about the smaller wound on the
head; and, of course, nothing
was said about the throat
Wecht said the embarassing
part of the autopsy came the
next day-after the body was
already gone--when the doctors
learned for the first time that
there had also been a wound in
the throat. Rather than admit
their mistake and re-examine the
body, Wecht said the doctors
made a "despicable" choice and
"chose to be quiet about it."
The easiest way out was to
match up the wound six inches
below the shoulders in his back
and the wound in his throat.
"But you couldn't very well
have a bullet entering six inches
below the neck, then make a
sudden U-turn and exit out the
throat," said Wecht. "So they
simply altered the sketches that
had pinpointed the wounds I've
seen the first sketches made of
the wounds and they showed a
wound six inches below the
shoulders. I've also seen the
holes in Kennedy's shirt and
jacket and everything matches
up. But in their testimony for
the Warren Commission the doctors simply moved the hole up
continued on page twelve
Beneiet on \NSUA; Discusses Issues With Students
by Glenn von Nostitz
University President Louis T.
Bene/.el answered i:ome rather
pointed questions on campus
radio station WSUA's "Inter
course" talk show Wednesday
Must of the questions eon
corned the controversial tenure
case of Psychology professor
Caroline Wateiman. and Benezet
appeared on edge throughout
the hour long program Water
man lias been described by her
students as the "best" professor
in the Psychology Department
anil is up for tenure review this
I ho t h i r d
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New Inconsistencies In Warren Report
On.- caller attempted to solicit
II reaction from the SUNYA
President on the publishing in
the ASP of private correspond
ence between Psychology Do
partition! Chairman Richard Tee
van and Melvin Bers, Associate
Dean of Behavioral and Social
Sciences. One of the pieces of
correspondence was a "loiter of
transmittal," (or departmental
recommendation) which recommended that Waterman be denied tenure. The caller uskod
Bonezel whether decisions of
this typo should ho made "be-
hind closed doors" or whether
this sort of information should
be made public.
Bene/.el saw no reason why
Waterman should be prevented
from releasing papers of this
sort, and he said that, "I have no
particular comment on Water
man doing anything she wants
for her own case " lie added
that "we are I rying to open
doors, not close them," ami that
the students should play an active role in tenure cases
Another student culler read a
sentence from Chairman Tec
van's letter of transmittal, which
claimed thai Waterman is " far
too defensive to allow herself to
be exposed to the to I lie inter
play which will lead to greater
growth." The caller thought that
this statement was "vague" and
"unsubstantiated" and lie wunl
ed President Beneiet to comment on it.
Benezot c I aimed that he had
not yet read the letter of transmittal from which the sentence
had been taken, but he did
comment that, "It doesn't have
meaning to me, und with ull due
respect to Dr. Teevan, I find it
too subtle u statement to understand. "
Another student caller asked
the University President to dis
close what criteria is most important when evaluating tenure
cases Bene/.el responded thut
there are three leaching effectiveness, research, and university
service, and he said that we must
put these criteria in a "proper
context." lie refused to place
Leaching effectiveness on the top
of the list, even though I he
caller churned that "the reason
for the existence of the universi
ty is to teach."
Throughout the Waterman
questioning Bonezel pointed out
that he stands at "the end of the
line" in the decision making
process, and that the case must
pass through other Deans and
Committees before reaching his
desk for final approval.
Wide Range of Topics
The Waterman ease was not,
however, the only topic discussed between students und
Henezet, Several st udents
showed concern about the
amount of student input into
tho campus governance structure, particularly in regard to the
recent administrative decisions
on Mohawk Tower, parking regulations und other issues where
.udentti were ostensibly left out
f the decision making process
Benezot stated thut student
voice should be "more regularized" than it has been in the
pust. "Students," he said,
"should have a larger voice but
not the only voicu."
One caller mentioned Student
Association President Mike Lamperl's recent column in the ASP,
and tried to got Bonezet to react
to it. Benezot responded that
continued on page twelve
University Research Grants at Work
SASU: Many New Goals Set
by Ted L i b a n
by Henry Yegerman
As well as b e i n g t h e c e n t e r of
i n s t r u c t i o n for
sity received eight million dollars
p e o p l e , t h e university c e n t e r is
also q u i t e active in the area of
p u r e r e s e a r c h . In present
in f u n d i n g and only m a d e use of
t h r o u g h c l o u d s . Most of the Uni-
seven/ million. T h e extra m o n e y
versity's grants are in the sciencs,
w a s h e l d over for research in the
present fiscal year.
of grants made in the
ties was only 34 million dollars
t o S U N Y A is fif-
t o the s u m of eight million that
of research
places. T h e r e is the m o n e y that
was given t o the university in the
Social Sciences and the Arts is
is alloted in the b u d g e t o f the
fiscal year
increase by any
for w o r k to be d o n e
and accordingly the
1968, a tremendous
private f o u n d a t i o n s such as the
F o u n d a t i o n , Carnegie and
areas that
its c o m p e t i -
rather stresses that the informa-
tions. As Vice-President Salkever
Ihal is released is open lo
is why
the greatest
w h o shall receive a grant is de-
b r a n c h e s of the federal
will only
benefit individual c o n c e r n s , but
lastly, c o n t r i b u t i n g
T h e university will not do re-
in the d e p a r t m e n t s of the univers i t y . T h e r e is m o n e y funded by
done here
hen.' are quite
lo some olhei
small as
ment u n d e r the auspices of the
r e p u t a t i o n of the school and Ihe
which do provide secrel research
available facilities."
foi sponsors public or private.
and various offices of the d e p a r t m e n t of H e a l t h . L d u c a l i o n
The field of research grants is
pressure to c o n s t a n t l y win new
giants is great. Dr.
ever w h o
T h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n is fully behind
is Vice
Louis Sulk-
research ,il
Is the continually
lole of Ihe university lo change
lo apply
g i a n l s as
as h a n d l i n g
llns it must be constantly sinv.
T h e r e are seven g i a n l s lo the
the limes. In order to do
ing for new information lo bel-
university from p a r t s ol the De-
( I r a n t s . slates that re-
p a r t m e n t of Defense, l o r exam-
k n o w l e d g e , disseminate n within
the development
ple Ihe largest gianl of approxi-
ihe c o m m u n i t y , and add to the
e n r i c h m e n t ol education here al
r m t fiscal year since the univer-
the office of Air F o r c e Research
by S. Leboff
In n c l u t t e r e d til'l'rce thill ,.-,
ihnri-d try its in('ongruou.s groups
is the Ciay Alliance and Wo
w i l ' s I.ib. student bards, scrib
hirers and .shutli-rl)iie,s arc pre
paring Live first issue of Phoenix.
S.I 1 N Y A '» i|Uarlci-ly compila
lion of student poetry, prose
p h o t o g r a p h y , drawing, and em
LOOMS Phoenix, scheduled Ln ap
pear N o v e m b e r ] .ri if Ihe red
l a p e d o e s n ' t tangle, is edited by
Doug Kern. Sharon
anil I'llley. with Ihe help • j 1
Assistant lidltors J o a n llaladay
a n d Leslie K Wright, and a .slaff
of thirty or so s t u d e n t s .
S u p p o s e d l y , any poet or artist
w h o wauls lo suhmil work In
M u c h of t h e p o e t r y deals with c a m p u s a r c h i t e c t u r e
Soviet Jewry Group Plans Events
Soviet J e w r y . Ringh a bell,
d o e s n ' t it? Isn't it s o m e t h i n g
y o u s h o u l d be d o i n g s o m e t h i n g
a b o u t ? Well, bere at Albany a
c o m m i t t e e of d e d i c a t e d people
is of a walk-a-lhon (which m a d e
$ 3 4 5 ) , movies, s p e a k e r s , and the
sale of b u t t o n s , b u m p e r stickers
and l i t e r a t u r e , plans arc being
m a d e for Lhis year's p r o g r a m .
U n d e r the e n t h u s i a s t i c leader
ship of Leslie I.iebman ( 7 - 5 2 8 3 )
and J o e l Pinelas (7-H7fj8), the
c o m m i t t e e s for a n e w s l e t t e r ,
publicity, a n d t e l e p h o n e c o m
m u n i c a t i o n s have been established. Briefly, the n e w s l e t t e r is
a o n c e a m o n t h (and p r o b a b l y
m o r e o f t e n p u b l i s h e d ) p a p e r relating progress r e p o r t s t o all
m e m b e r s of the Jewish S t u d e n t s
Coalition a n d i n t e r e s t e d p e o p l e .
At t h e s a m e time m e m b e r s of
' he
Acttun,n n e w s l e t t e r published by
Triple S J (.VtudentsWtruggle for
.Soviet . / e w r y ) . T h e t e l e p h o n e
squad is an i d m i n i s t r a t i v e time
c o m m i t t e e will really carry a
major part of t h e work. As
co chairwoman
p o i n t e d o u t , " O u r goal is first
the e d u c a t i o n of people and
then the aid to the s o l u t i o n , "
These plans will soon he ap
p a r e n t to e v e r y o n e . November's
and D e c e m b e r ' s activities will
include a slide p r e s e n t a t i o n and
a sensitivity session on Soviet
J e w r y , m a d d i t i o n to regular
meetings. Also and of great imp o r t a n c e will he the sale of
flan uk ah cards addrebsed
Soviet families. These are to be
Kent by registered mail with re
t u r n receipt r e q u e s t e d This way
if e n o u g h a r e n ' t received a un
ited a c t i o n can be taken. T h e
cards will he sold at 'a table in
Glass views t h e o p e r a t i n g pro-
Glass, l o o k i n g i n t o t h e future,
sees S A S U u n i t i n g with o t h e r
groups, such as t h e A m e r i c a n
Civil Liberties Union a n d t h e
Sierra C l u b in t h e fight for s t a t e
government reform.
This includes p e r m i t t i n g s t u d e n t s t o
vote at c a m p u s e s , and a m e n d m e n t s to t h e c o n s t i t u t i o n providing for referendum initiative and
recall p r o c e d u r e s .
During the 1 9 7 2 Legislative
session c o n t r o v e r s y e r u p t e d over
m a n d a t o r y s t u d e n t activity fees.
A bill p r o h i b i t i n g such levies
A Recent Accomplishment
On April 2 6 , 1 9 7 2 a m e m o r a n d u m signed by Vice-Chancellor
Spindler at SUNY Central a u t h orized
campuses t o
charges for such items as d r o p ping a n d adding classes. S A S U ' s
m e m b e r s a u t h o r i z e d Borenstein
to urge the reversal of this decision at the Annual meeting
held last Spring. T h e y unani-
m o u s l y e n d o r s e d a s t a t e m e n t den o u n c i n g t h e n e w fees.
Borenstein f o u g h t vigorously
against t h e n e w fees. In fact t h e
Buffalo S p e c t r u m s t a t e d : " D r .
Boyer's a c c e p t a n c e of S A S U ' s
alternative plan c a m e after Mr.
Borenstein, c h a i r m a n of S A S U
had a p r i v a t e m e e t i n g with t h e
Chancellor in A l b a n y . "
a n o t h e r of R a y Glass's d u t i e s . I n
a d d i t i o n t o legislative w o r k h e
will k e e p a close w a t c h o n
S U N Y C e n t r a l , t h e Board of
Trustees, t h e S t a t e E d u c a t i o n
D e p a r t m e n t and o t h e r e d u c a t i o n
o r i e n t e d offices.
S A S U n o w has a full t i m e
officer in t h e C a p i t o l . He is
a t t u n e d to s t u d e n t s needs a n d
knowledgeable of their governm e n t s . Glass a n d his staff, w h i c h
includes C o r t l a n d ' s former student
•Frank Llwellyn, s h o u l d be capable of a d e q u a t e l y serving S A S U '
in Albany.
MYSKANIA: An Active Group
Eight million dollars in g r a n t s w e r e received
Albany S t a t e .
PHOENIX to be Issued Nov.
by R o b i n Sunsolo
Much of t h e e m p h a s i s is on
financial aids. SASU will advoc a t e r e f o r m s in t h e Regents
Scholarship a n d Scholar Incentive P r o g r a m s , including increasing eligibility
at the underg r a d u a t e level from four to five
years. Also stressed is the need
for an easing of t h e laws governing
fi n a n cial
E v e n t u a l l y S A S U leaders h o p e a
free t u i t i o n p r o g r a m will be
insituted t h r o u g h o u t the S t a t e
University s y s t e m .
passed t h e S e n a t e a n d barely
missed in t h e Assembly. In a
n e w s l e t t e r t o individual legisla-.
tors C h a i r m a n Mark B o r e n s t e i n
of SASU stated S A S U ' s positions. " I f a s t u d e n t b o d y by
r e f e r e n d u m a u t h o r i z e s its stud e n t g o v e r n m e n t to i m p o s e a
m a n d a t o r y fee, t h e n its expend i t u r e s h o u l d be d e t e r m i n e d by
the s t u d e n t g o v e r n m e n t . C o n t r o l
by the college a d m i n i s t r a t i o n und e r m i n e s t h e a u t o n o m y of stud e n t g o v e r n m e n t . " O n e of t h e
m o s t i m p o r t a n t d u t i e s of Glass
a n d his staff will be d e f e n d i n g
students and their governments
against similar e n c r o a c h m e n t s by
t h e Legislature.
of new
center have gone u p 20'X in the
5 5 0 , 0 0 0 dollais is from
Glass will work with a program
t h a t was first c o m p r e h e n s i v e l y
p r e s e n t e d in March, 1 9 7 2 . At a
c o n f e r e n c e t o . b g held this weekend in Oswego t h e s e goals will
be s h a r p e n e d a n d clarified by
t h e S A S U m e m b e r s h i p . Glass
will a t t e m p t t o get t h e s e goals
passed in t h e c o m i n g Legislative
c e d u r e s of the* Board of T r u s t e e s
as grossly unjust. T h e G o v e r n o r
members and
m e e t in private session. As
S A S U ' s r e p r e s e n t a t i v e h e will
urge t h e e n a c t m e n t of laws guara n t e e i n g the r e p r e s e n t a t i o n of all
m e m b e r s of s o c i e t y on
Board. Also a d v o c a t e d is t h e
a p p o i n t m e n t of full voting m e m bers of t h e Board r e p r e s e n t i n g
faculty, staff, s t u d e n t s a n d alumni. SASU will p u s h for a n opening of Board of T r u s t e e ' s operating p r o c e d u r e s .
ter u n d e r s t a n d Ihe limes, and lo
Most of t h e E x e c u t i v e C o m m i t t e e w e r e S t u d e n t Association
Presidents. It was difficult, if n o t
impossible t o d e d i c a t e time t o
T o fill this void, t h e SASU
Capitol office o p e n e d this September with Ray Glass as its full
time director. He had w o r k e d
for s t u d e n t rights for m a n y
years. As Vice-President of Harpur's
played an i m p o r t a n t r o l e in t h e
1 9 7 1 - 7 2 he was H a r p u r ' s SA
President. He fully u n d e r s t a n d s
t h e need for a full t i m e staff in
Albany. " I f o u n d in t h e first t w o
years (of S A S U ) m u c h of w h a t
they did was passing r e s o l u t i o n s .
We f o u n d there w a s n ' t time,
in a series
When J. Smolick was fired as
S t u d e n t Association of t h e S t a t e
University of New York Executive Director in J u n e , ? 971
SASU was left w i t h o u t a full
time c o n t a c t in A l b a n y . SASU
replaced h i m with a p a r t - t i m e
legislative assistant w h o m o n i tored activity in t h e Capitol and
worked with the a s s o c i a t i o n ' s
lawyers in evaluating bills. However, this was an i m p e r f e c t system.
c o u n t r y last year in Ihe humani-
T h e total a m o u n t of research
funds alloted
the f u n d i n g of research
the c a m p u s center, along with
b u t t o n s , bumper stickers and
c o n c e r n for Soviet Jewry,
For everyone who is creative
o u t t h e r e , a little contest is being
ren. T h e c o m m i t t e e i* iookingfor
;i saying or picture <tr'r'r''t'> that
best describes freedom Origin
ulily is of prime i m p o r t a n c e and
the chosen o n e will he trans
formed into poster form and
sold as the perfect d o n a t i o n and
useful item. For information and
to get your ideas in by the
N o v e m b e r 20 deadline call Sue
at 7 - 6 9 2 3 or 7-H9H8, This re
p o r t e r was really impressed. You
will be too. T h e next meeting
on M o n d a y , November 13 at
7 : 3 0 PM will be a discussion of
" T h e R a n s o m of the Soviet
J e w s . " C o m e and share your
ideas over a c u p ol coffee, and
work for a cause with a worthwhile goal.
Phoenix need only d r o p il in ihe
Plioenix box which sits on I he
Information Desk in the C a m p u s
Center Uut al least one p o e t ' s
writing has been mysteriously
lost a n d / o r sioh-n from that b o x .
so the safest way to submit work
appears to he to go up to I he
Phoenix office, ( V 3 0 8 , and
hand it straight to one of the
editors Since ihey have b e c o m e
a w a r e ol t h e p r o b l e m of w o r k
missing from the box, the edi
tors have considered renting a
The slafl meets Wednesday
nights in varying places
office Ksell is loo small, and its
uses loo multiple, to be Used for
meetings Anyone who comes to
three Phoenix meetings can vote
mi which poems lo accept for
publication The a u t h o r of every
poem s u b m i t t e d is kept secrel
during Ihe meetings, to assure
objectivity and protect feelings.
The editors stress their c o n c e r n
for protecting the people w h o
are writing for t h e m from feeling
ridiculed or rejected
less, space is limited and stand
ards are high few of the 1 ;i(i
poems considered lor the u p
coming issue were accepted
Phoenix is restricted by finan
cial difficulties The editors were
and e.ghl
Ihe stall
cause with
over loin
pagv o l , il
in.I •
afford to pubh
maga/.im When
that Phoenix ! . . i . .
make n i " i n - \ I lie
thai pages ul ,i
nut include,| ,i
what a liter,o\ m
contain I'll... m>
The edit
lain then
l u r e ..I S I N ,l \
n a t i o n ul ihe t u n
expresses feeling > •'•
Using the ediloi
guide, o n e can ' oi
typical s t u d e n t poei
rejei i.
A m i d y o u r pillars
O Edgar Durrell S t "
Where have you In
Why am I b-fl al
The editors urge •
thinks they can writ.
that lo scurry ovei i
nix box oi the Ph..
and drop " I t a poem
Paul. "What's a
Gary " / have no idru "
T h e o r g a n i z a t i o n with only
thirteen m e m b e r s , which stands
as a significant
influence on
must ol' o u r university lives is
u n k n o w n lo most of us. When
asked what il is, most s t u d e n t s
can only shrug their s h o u l d e r s
and give blank stares. So what is
Myskiinia for Mysky as its
m e m b e r s affectionately call it)
can best lie e x p l a i n e d t h r o u g h its
history as [tail of the university.
'['he story K'tesl l)ack a long way
ami is closely c o n n c c l e d with
the role s t u d e n t s have played in
governing the school
I'no. In 1917 there was in,
g o v e r n m e n t at S l a t e
S t u d e n t ' s p r o b l e m s were ban
died t h r o u g h the Dean ol' Men or
the Dean ol Women When some
s t u d e n t s got t o g e t h e r l o form a
Italian Studies Offered
hy I-ran l U l i u n o
will liulli sliiniiliitliil! .mil ml "I
! I . L l It V
This d o e s noi m
issue is dead or In
N e g o t i a t i o n s will *
this d a t e .
is Coming
I 111-
HI'-. I
I >•• | l . . l 1 I I K I I i Hludii-i
Novel ,,inl Diiirnu" "Kli-irii-n
I ... V
I I III 111 II "
..I tin
Based on the tentative agree
ment between the
Administration and the Parking
Strike C o m m i t t e e , there will be
no parking on any pebbled areas
on c a m p u s beginning on Monday, November 13, 197*2. Any
cars besides those having special
or medical permits parking in
these areas are subject t o being
ticketed a n d / o r lowed away
b o d y on behalf of s t u d e n t s the
idea was q u i c k l y swept u n d e r
the rug by President
" T h e r e is n o place in this insti
l u l i o n for t h e association and
ihe activities c o n t e m p l a t e d " by
the s t u d e n t s '
Milne So time m a r c h e d on and
so did a c a d e m i a , but without
student participation.
T h e next year, when P r Brubacher a s s u m e d the presidency
ol* the University, the s t u d e n t s
tried again. This time they met
with a s y m p a t h e t i c ear
B r u b a e h e r ' s help and e n c o u r a g
einenl led to the establishment
of a s t u d e n t association in 1!) 17
which d u b b e d itself
Myskania as a s t u d e n t associa
lion is unlike a n y t h i n g we know
t o d a y . T h e g r o u p was selected
on the basis ol s c h o l a r s h i p and
leadership, and its goals were lo
unity and m o t i v a t e the student
b o d y in extra-curricular acti
vilies It was also In act as a
by Paul Michael Stewart
student government,
b e t w e e n faculty and s t u d e n t s
and as mi u p h o l d e r nl college
Al firs! only eleven seniors
were i'hii.M'd hy l)r Hruhai-hi-r t o
hi' its m e m b e r s Later the uitiup
was e x p a n d e d to thirteen which
is Ihe size it holds Unlay.
After Mysky 's founding it lie
Han In hold weekly meetings
after Ihe New Kngland T o w n e
fashion. All s t u d e n t s weir re
iiuried K. a t t e n d . T h e r e , Mysky
eoiiducli-d the business of a slu
n i i v . ' i n i n . ' t i l budget nig.
p r o g r a m m i n g , etc
Dunne, the
ITrsI year o i ,1s existence, il
lei.I program o i .-Mil. curricula!
activities day. d e b a t e d u l l and
class officers
A r o u n d HI'J'.1 si ml,-til govern
incut al S t a l e moved on lo new
levels A Si Council was
I'lirmed and Us president elected
rather t h a n selected. This m e a n !
I hat Myskania no lunger held the
central rule ,,l governing in slu
dent affairs It did h o w e v e r con
liiiiie lo play an i m p o r t a n t pari
III s c h o o l a c t i v i t i e s T h i s r e l a t i o n
llal.,111 Nlivi'l
in(I I ) . a m , . " w i l l h i ' o p i ' l l l o
slop was fairly stable from 1030
to HI!,It Bui, by lll.'.U S t a t e
d o u b l e d and the t o w n e meeting
wen- b e c o m i n g
impossible to
All,', a scries ol changes m
student g o v e r n m e n t , HI winch
M v s k y 's
, ol,- moved
governmental a d m i n i s t r a t i v e
|Udlcml| Mysky found itself with
no ,,-al rule lo play al all by
I '
parlim-til nl Albany Stall- Tin
w i l l i n g o l such famous Italian
rai-y futures a.s I,mill Cii,,ii
Mo. .via. Inna/io Klltinc, Ccsim
1'nvi'M- mill l l i . n t i i . Ha:,-,,.no will
I..- ,'>.i,l.,i. ii HI llns . . m i , i
iih Wrll .in
.',.1,1,111/,-,/ , , „ ,,„(.,. Or,-/l
Hi'- itiiivi-niciiee
, . , i . . . . . . . . . 1 luiln Ann-near
"(Ymti-miiuriiiy Italian Niive
,in(l D r a m ; . " ( whirli Is listed ill
II.. , ,,ul<.|;u. ,, lull.HI Ihl lull
in. 2:i:SH| will now In- nil.-..'il
I'm lli.- Iiisl I
in Knnlihli
I'll.- ul'iire NH-nliiin.'.I ciiursiwill In- ..IT
I .HI Tuesday ..nil
Tliiitsdii.y .-v
in l. 1)11 l„
V Ifi |i.lii II will In- liiue.lil by
il..- wiili-ly iiclaimcd l'itil'es..i>r
ii-lll, Imlli .. ii..I.MI .mill...
..nil rl>.inm.iii u l Ihr I).'
Sponsored by the Geography Club
txina^a by
T h e beginnings of MYSKANIA? vice role, Myskania was only air
h o n o r a r y society and a tradition the pasl Bin r a t h e r than
be c o n t e n t its a useless tradition,
iis so ninny traditions an- t o d a y ,
Ihe m e m b e r s sought ;
w role
in the university
Thai search lirough Mysky lo
when- it is t o d a y .
several things I I I G u a r d i a n of
ihe freshman class, 12) Ceremonial
of Ihe
Association, and 1.1) A relator of
alumni ami s t u d e n t s .
As guardians of the freshman
class their Job is to act in lis
behalf until class officers are
As relator of s t u d e n t s and
alumni, Mysky serves as a con
necling link between t h e services
which lire Sluileri! Association
and Ihe Alumni Association per
'These toles foi Mysky
have been
tile acll
vilies it lias pe, tin tiled rather
than I Torn any c o n t r i v e d s t a l e
itient of p u r p o s e
Its m e m b e r s today are selected
on ihe basis ul participation in
school affairs anil are elected by
the s t u d e n t b o d y in the spring.
A.s an h o n o r a r y society it is un
h o n o r a r y of p a r t i c i p a t i o n a n d
service r a t h e r than academics.
H o n o r a r y societies have seiiel.s, and Mysky is no exception. T h e only secret it has
however is its n a m e . Only the
m e m b e r s are allowed t o k n o w its
meaning. O t h e r w i s e Mysky is
like any o t h e r club in Torm, b u t
stands apart from o t h e r clubs as
it is an h o n o r a r y s o c i e t y .
So where is Myskania h e a d e d
Tor in tin- future? As it l o o k s
now we can see u c o n t i n u e d
service role lor Myskania, a continued role as an h o n o r a r y a n d a
well Jean l^uinn. a m e m b e r ol"
Myskania, has related lo us the
dilTieulty in m a i n t a i n i n g a c o n
stall! role in the face of a c h a n
Hi n n
u in ve rsity
"Myskiinia has meant c o n s t a n c y
in the lad* of m a n y alienating
changes in the university. It has
done tins through Us stability
and c o n t i n u e d existence as an
" / J o you
Myxliamu i>> nmu.
Resident AssistanHhips
Mandatory Interest
Sun. Nov. 12, LC 7, 7 PM
Student Unrest At UBiSouthernDraff
NEW ORLEANS- The head of
Sou thern University in New
Orleans resigned Thursday,
bringing in a peaceful end to the
nine-day occupation of the
college's administration building
by student militants.
Vice President
Bmmett Bashful said he was
quitting after 14 years as head of
SUNO in order to avoid a showdown confrontation between
students and police "that might
result in loss of lives."
His action resulted from feverish behing-the-scenes negotiations. It was announced to the
students and hour and a half
after the deadline in Gov. Edwin
Edwards' ultimatum had passed.
The governor had set 1 p.m. as
the deadline for students to
leave the building or be evicted
'by whatever means necessary.1'
Police had been placed on
ilert, but no uniformed officers
.•vvr showed near the campus.
Bash fill's resignation brought a
roar of applause and shouts of
"right on!" from the some 300
students who had gathered outside the building.
Soon afterward, the some 150
students barricaded inside the
building marched out, holding
clenched fists aloft in the black
power salute.
Concessions won from Gov.
Edwards included academic
"amnesty"for students involved
in the uprising here and at the
9,000-student main campus in
Baton Rouge.
Student spokesmen insisted
that though the administration
building had been freed, class
room boycott of Southern
would continue until other demands are met.
The main demand of the
students—the creation of new
executive councils under student
control—was not met.
Concessions won were, in addition to amnesty, city bus service
along a boulevard leading to the
SUNO campus, authority for a
student audit of SUNO financial
books and some campus medical
services for the 2,750 students.
BUFFALO AP - A homemade
bomb exploded early Wednesday
outside a State University at
Buffalo building housing a controversial project that was the
subject of campus demonstrations three years ago.
A second bomb, made from a
10-inch-long pipe and wired In a
timing device, was found near
the building. It was removed by
the police bomb squad for examination
No one was reported injured in
Ihe bomb blast, which caused
minimal damage to the cinder
block building.
The former Themis Project in
Sherman Hall, originally was
funded by the U.S. Navy to
determine the effects of water
pressure on divers.
The project drew the wrath of
antiwar demonstrators in the
1968-69 school year, Two construction shanties at the site of
the project were burned in protests.
Themis now is a National
Heart and Lung Institute program known as the Environmental Physiology Laboratory.
Police said a telephone call to
the campus newspaper, 10 minutes before the bomb exploded,
warned that "Themis will go up
in smoke."
The University's student paper
Spectrum received a letter yesterday from a revolutionary
group admitting responsibility
for the bombing. In the letter
the group said that1'in view of
Richard Nixon's election as
chanceior to the 4th reich they
will destroy this symbol of
"Amerikan destruction " It went
on the say, "
we do this
amidst much speculation of a
settlement in Vietnam, a settlement America never had a right
to he part of."
Drags On
WASHINGTON, D.C. (CPS)--The Selective Service System recently
clarified its induction policies for 1973.
"We will soon order all men of the 1973 First Priority Selection
Group with lottery numbers of 75 and below for pre-induction
armed forces physical and mental examinations."
The First Priority Selection Group (PSG) includes all men whn will
be 20 years old in 1973, who are not deferred and whose lotte
numbers are 75 or lower. These men will receive pre
physicals by December 31 or this year. The First PSG ;,l:
i includes
most men who will lose their deferments becomes immine
The SSS announcement explains that although il is nol ( nam vet,
draftees may be needed for the first six months of 197.'! HHI if s o ,
"some portion of the men with lottery numbers through ' • mil In.
ordered for induction."
The notice says that inductions past July 1U7.') "are n,,i hk«-l
be required." If that is so, men with 1973 lottery numbers ,,i --.•.
'« ami
above will not be called. However, there is some possibility
.t men
with 1973 lottery numbers from 76 to 100 will be called
(I they
should keep that in mind and "plan accordingly."
The Military Selective Service Act, the drart law, neve
However, one section of it does. On July 1, 1973, the Cnn
authority to draft people who have never had a deferm.n
Is As
of July 1, 1973, unless Congress acts to re-extend this port
.1 111..
draft law, the only people who can be inducted are the
...I ...
received deferment on or after July 2, 1971.
If Congressional authority is not re-extended, then,
alternatives for providing personnel to the military servi.
July 1, the Defense Department decides that il needs drat
issue a call to all available draftees up to a certain numb.
The only people available, and thus the only penpl
induction notices, would be those who had deferment
July 2, 1971. However, there is a strong possibility thai ..
who could not legally be inducted would not In* aw...
' lad
under the pressure of knowing that their number haailed.
and thinking that they would be inducted, it is pnssil.l.
men would enlist.
Some of the best legs
we know are wintering in Scholl
Exercise Sandals this year.
Radicalism, Indecision Hurt h\cG Quest
elected, McGovern would give
away the money of the workingman to people who refuse to
-The case of Sen. Thomas F.
Eaglelon, the vice-presidential
nominee McGovern deposed—
after promising him 1,000 per
cent support despite his tardy
disclosure of past mental treatments.
Those, and an assortment of
News Analysis
by Walter R. Mears
AP Political
Sen. George McGovern's quest
for the White House was
doomed by the blunders of ils
infancy, errors that all his campaigning could never undo.
To the end they plagued his
candidacy. And in the end (hey
helped President Nixon attain
one of history's great landslides.
In p a r i , the fatal flaws
stemmed from what McGovern
had in do or thought he had to
do to catch up and win the
Democratic nomination in the
first place.
to defend his conduct in office.
It was particularly valuable to
a president whose own campaign
organization had been implicated in the June 17 wiretapping of Democratic national
headquarters, and whose top
While House aides had been accused of political sabotage and
And it was particularly frustrating lo McGovern, struggling
to take the attack, but always
forced lo defend. Nothing nettled him more than Ihe fact that
his own credibility, once rated
his greaiesl asset, was pul in
Hut two problems sland out
above all the rest:
The admittedly ill-conceived
McGovern proposal thai every
American be given $1,000 by
llic governmenl. He diopped it,
bin was nevei able to forget it.
And the Republicans used it In
help implant Ihe notion Ural, if
Il was the image of radicalism
on one hand and indecision on
Ihe other thai appeared the central McGovern problem.
In lhal situation, McGovern
steadily escalated the tone and
winding of his attacks on Nixon
and. in the process, aggravated
the problem. He overstalcd Ins
case, then had lo to defend live
The Early Quesl
It was a campaign McGovcin
began on Jan. 1R, 1071, in despcialc need of exposure and
attention lo propel him mil ..I
single figures in the public
opinion pulls. Al that point. no
one could foresee thai Sen.
Edmund S. Muskie of Maine,
ilicn ihe towering lavniilc l.»i
the iK'inoetalic nomination,
would lie toppled in the l')7J
other incidents, statements and
slipups, enabled Nixon's forces
to make McGovern himself Ihe
central campaign issue.
Thai effectively denied him
the iradiiional offensive role of
Ihe challenger, and shielded
Nixon from Ihe necessity of any
intensive personal campaigning
| For all Sound Enthusiasts -
I Nov. 16-19 at the Sheraton Inn
(near bus
fin ,i ycai. McGovein campaigned .ilinnsi uniiolieed. He
went lluougli llnee piess scerclanes in scaicli ..I someone who
could help li in i command naI1..11.1I .ilieutinii.
I hiil quesl. in.I Ihe elloil lo
shape .111 iilenliliably dllleienl
pt.Niii.Hi .mi.uie Dcinoeialic conIcndeis, helps accoiiul for the
emu lhal haiiulcd McGovcin I..
elccllon da> ihe SI ,0(11)-gi.1111
pi..p. .sal
| Exhibits &
1 Seminars
I hey belong i<> ihr U S Ski I ram,
l-ul they loukl belong in you
I Liidlv anyone i ,in", more about
legs .IIKI (Vet than ,1 skttM And the Ski
Icain knows how SL hull S.nul.ik relax
voni leet, when you want to keep
going alter a day on the '.lopes
And Si b o l l \ exi lusivo toe-grip en
courages vow tot's to grip firmly,
helping to tune and in in your legs
wlu-thei you're a skier or not.
So if you'd like to get through wir
ter in beautiful shape, put on some
Siholl Sandals the way the U S Ski
I earn does
After all, what's good cmmgl I
their legs .ind feet -.IUHIM be gut :
enough for yours
" F o u r Channel S o u n d "
lo lli-li C o m p o n e n t s "
M,(,..vein unveiled it on l)e.
.' ; 10 /1 saying lie would diop
111.' well.lie pi....1.1111 .iml inslca.l
give about i l .1)00 a ye:
evets .me I nun "the pooiest 1111
gianl woikcts 1.. ihe Koekclc
I lie money was In lie
laxed back 1 1 the iclativels
Guest Speakers
Leonard Feldman - noted aulhoi
e x e r c i s e
on hi li components
I.any Zide - L d i i o i
of Sleien Mi
I i I lines
Live Concert
lie o l l e i e d 11.. csiiinatc ,.l the
& synthesi/ei
V, v\ Ml. Ins . ilbei pi.ipiis.ils ,.l,- ciils •• 11 ss.-ni .ilinnsi
/ Channel Concert
Lv A L B A N Y
/ 00 pin
Lv N.V
4:00 (Jin
Ar. A L B A N Y
7:00 pm
\ 111) pill
III DO .mi
I n c . S.ii
III ID pill
HI HI pin
II) 1)1) .1111
<jtr<*ti a t m i /
admission price $2."°
CC 346
iritfi this coupon
ill,' I ,li
III. 50
1 ..III. II, k r l
50 off coupon]
. null'
< Illl. lied h i . i|l..l ,11.I|l ihe lie
H 1)11 | i i n
Student Association
p.ugn when M.Govern .I.'I.MI.II
Sen I lube 11 II I luuiphic, ..I
i.'si lhal
BUM:-. IIMVI. direct f r o m :
A d m i n i s t r a t i o n Circle
I..I 111.I pie'sldl'lll ...I pi III..Il\
Rin k, Pop, .mil < l.issiial
11. li,,-,I
.11 Illl
, '
I phi) ill)'
'Ihe politics ..I
Ni\..n's Kcpuhli, .ins weie cue
federally financed welfare system to provide about $4,000 a
year to a needy family of four.
Again and again, he said it would
give nothing to anybody able to
But the old proposal, and the
impression it left, never stopped
haunting his campaign.
1000% For Eagleton
The Eagleton case really began
with a question, put, by the
Missouri senator's account, by
F r a n k Mankiewicz, a top
McGovern aide: "Tom, do you
have any skeletons raiding
around in your closet?"
Eaglelon said no, and hours
later, on July 13, he was duly
nominated lo run for vice presidenl with McGovern.
'McGovern remained a candidate
in search of a theme that would
grab the American voter.
He never found it.'
I lien, on July 25, Ihe runningiilalcs appeared together in Cuslei, S.I).. I'aglclon to announce
lhal he had Ihree limes been
hospitalized I111 nervous exhaustion .mil fatigue, and Iwice had
iiudeigone elccliic-shock treatments.
"I .1111 1,000 pei cen! I01 Tom
Eagleton and I have no intention
11I dropping him from the
iickci." McGovern said.
Hut sis days latci. he did pisl
lhal, saying lhal Eaglelon's
medical lusloiy would otherwise
come lo dominate Ihe campaign,
long allcrwards, Metiovciu
said lie believed "ihe Eagleton
llung" was al the 10,11 of whal
had then become his ciedibiliiy
piublein "I've tried lo explain
In people lhal .1 political Iciidci
who won't change his mind is
really .1 menace lathci than a
"Bui I linn), lhal was the
1 i-.isiill," lie sal,I.
McGovein acknowledged. Ion.
that he svas hint by ihe bit lei
ness ol ihe pun).11 ics. pailiculails Ihe llinnpliies allacks in ('.illinium
Willi I aglelon .ill ihe ticket.
McGovein embarked on what
could only be damaging, seiniIoililu .piesi l.n a icplacenienl.
()uls when he came lo a candi
dale ss ilh 11.. ...ilslilucncy ol Ins 11 S.11 gelll Sluis-ei . dlil
M,l,,i\,iu 1111,1 a ness p.iilnei
Ihe Deinoci.UH Niii1n11.1l Com
tiitilee 11,1111111.iled Sluivei n
Aug X
Disiiigani/alion and Disarray
II111 was designed 1,, he .,
•lv H,-,'k Hem..1 1 ill. he.,,I sl.ll 1
,111 ihe 1 .ulip.llgll be, .1111,'. lu
sir,1.1 ,1 llllie ..I Amid
die I aglelon ease and Us allei
in.uh ihe ..I campaign Jo
11.1 1 11111 s n e v e 1 e n,nigh
shed 1,1.1 trickle. Ihe polls
.bowed McGovein losing giouiid
lulls h i k i n g II,lies
spec. I.
lie gl.llll pi
drive for the nomination,
McGovern had of necessity put
together his own organization in
the primaries, usually running
head on into the opposition of
the party establishment.
That, too, left its scars,
notably in Chicago, whose
Mayor Richard J. Daley was
denied a seat in the convention
t h a i nominated McGovern.
While Daley came around, some
in his organization never appeared to be wholeheartedly behind McGovern.
There were the highly publicized defections of Democrats
foi Nixon, notably that of John
B. Connally, Nixon's former
secretary of the Treasury.
"Good riddance," said McGov-
Stalling In.111 nowJicic m his
cm. "We didn't kick Connally
0111, he left."
H111 1 here svas evidence lhal a
good many other Democrats
weie leaving. 100, concerned,
Connally siad, about McGovern's
purposed defense posture; ihe
nominee advocated cuts of some billion in defense spending
uvei a lluce-ycai p"riod.
McGovern had pre enled a de1.1 iled defense-spending bluepi 1111. ,1 document lhal had ihe
vn lue ,il idling Ihe voters prectscdly whal lie proposed to do.
liui 11 had the political drawback "I permitting the Republicans I" .isseil lhal 11 would cosl
i.ilis. .mil 10 churn 0111 figures
.iboul where, and how many.
McGovein remained a Candida led in search of a theme lhal
would giab ihe American voter,
lie nevei found it.
Ik- said he was especially
puzzled us 10 why Ihe Walcigalc
sabotage chaigcs didn't take
Ik- called Nixon's lhal
in,.si coiiupl, wasteful and reckless .iihnuustiation in American
Whal 11 got him, in his own
campaign television appcaianccs.
wiih volets telephoning then
questions, was Ihe suggestion
lhal he vsas iniid-slinging, iliat he
, lunged his mind tcpealedly.
In 1I1,- piini.ines, McGovein used maximum oigan1/.in
I.M.I in d.nii canvassing.
.iiul .in ph.isis on positions
sp,-, il 1, .ills ilrsigncii 1,, appeal lo
ihe I,-n ,.l ihe pail) . lo
. -HI,1 behind and sun II
«,.ikr,l Ilr ijpliucd IO ..I ' ;
pir id. HI 1.1I piiiuai ies
I a 1 Is
in ihe campaign.
\l (iusem said he had lo ic.icli
".11, luo.ideii his constituency
ss uh..111 coiiipioitiisiug Ins pi in ,iplcs
"I 1 an 1 ssii. Willi Ihe .10 pei
c. 111 ..I Ihe people svho gave me
ihe ih.iiuii.ition," he said.
Ilr l l g l l l
x*:-:*K-:*: :-:*>m^
Qwest Editorial
Speaker, o n o u r side, o n their
side. When a bullet ripe the
flesh, w h e n a midnight explosion scatters t h e parts of t h e
b o d y , and w h e n t h e b l o o d runs
on the ground, whether o n our
side or theirs, it is a p a r t of t h e
family o f m a n t h a t h a s b e e n
a liberal
from South Dakota,
scored an
in the
weeks ago, Abouzerak
this address on the floor of the
House of Representatives.
are reprinted
Rcord as a guest
editorial —ed.
Are a hundred cities
the best advertisement
of our way of life?
It has shown t h e m o mi mental
numbed oui sens • ol
humanity for a deca le.
Those ; re human bein«s Mr.
d i c t a t o r s h i p s t o preside over a
l a n d o f peasants ravaged b y civil
w a r for d e c a d e s tens of t h o u s a n d s of miles from o u r shores?
D o e s a n y o n e really believe
t h a t a river of b l o o d is t h e best
Is that n o t sick? How can thai
fail to m a k e y o u r (juts w r e n c h ?
Here we are, t h e c r e a t e s ' and
most powerful nation in the
world, c o n n e d by a handful of
military d i c t a t o r s t o sacrifice
h u n d r e d s of t h o u s a n d s of lives,
to maim millions m o r e , on a
political premise of worthless
Here we are, t h e greatest a n d
m o s t powerful nation in the
world, m a d e i n t o fools and
laughingstocks because w e lack
the nuts t o c o r r e c t a mon-
alter raulmg llif village
(in a tall
International Night
We can p a y n o m o r e . Our own
l a n d is war-ravaged. We must
m a k e a m e n d s if we are to survive.
c u l t u r e s a n d be able to icspeci liiem b e t t e r . U n d e r s t a n d i n g o t h e r
t h e hunl
fighting t h a t inftalimi
redressing t h e olhei n i« \.u < • ••*''
H o w m u c h longer e.m v.' ;.i, ,h
o u r luck with t h e m ' '
Have we not done
m o r e fur V i e t n a m
r e a s o n a b l e or wise'' ,\,< ,-,•
very well d o w n tin <••.<•{ <•>
do it again.
All of this was done in the
name of that all-purpose bogeyman, national security.
Does t h e security
of t h e
and most
installing our choice of military
Jroen IS
il MIL
Are you ready for lb
inn msull?
Does a n y o n e really believe
t h a t a river of blood is t h e best
messenger for t h e virtues of
Can w e n o t find a b e t t e r
i n s t r u m e n t to deal with m e n
when we are smart enough to no
to the moon?
Mr. Speaker, we have paid a
terrible price. We have ruined
in a
till' l i o u i s ' loll); walk
ill this six-liy nine l i n n cell
is a continuous |ouuvey In hell.
a vertigo-inducing h i p lo the now lieu- o l n all.
nevertheless i walk ami as i walk
i become sliayheaded w i t h shaking my clciichei lisl
at shadows wlieie my sptdei-companion squats. wails.
listens In my l i u s i i a i c d mumblings
while i pace the loui sieps U I I w a n l . l o i n steps hack
loe-lo-heel lashlon going nuwheie physically.
gelling nowheie hul e n d i n g neaiei and neaiei i laduess.
going i o n u d anil l o u n d . up and d o w n , digcslntg
what i lead on page allet page alter page
aboul political clictri leadcis
and freedom bleeders
and hoiseslul feeders ol semaittu i/ed quoted in oses
l o i unawate nciks
its eighth
be o p e n e d
When o u r o w n children VM!I im
1 don't waul l o die
mil heie
not heie in Mils puson s,n k
I H I I lie i e
various folk
as did siddhaitli.i
I think
i wail
i lasl.
sets of African
lo come
g r o u p s will be
o w n c o u n t r i e s . T h e f a b u l o u s and
dances twice d u r i n g the evening
Bishop will be doing a G u y a n e s e C a l y p s o n .
T h e Intui national S t u d e n t s of S U N Y A will be presenting a fashion
show e x h i b i t i n g national c o s t u m e s from all over the w o r l d . These are
jusl a few of the many varied offerings that will be highlighted on
ihis eventful evening.
in p u l l i n g
this show for the benefit
of t h e
a n d c a m p u s residenls. Il will be an event well w o i i h
P e i f o i m i n g A i l s (.'enter. T i c k e t s aie n o w available from the P A O b o x
office a n d in ( ' ( ' M'>
City Center Acting Co.
by Steve Aminoff
David Ogden Sticrs, as J o s e p h
Surface, has such
I he City ( e n l e i
to piovc
O l ( l l C I. I 11.11
ol Ih.'ii lendiliniis ..I
imp.H lain
A Tear & a Smite,
precious cele-
a, I.ns
As p i o p i i e l o i s ol one ol
Mm thews
Meg .uul I'm have llie
I hen little
u p by an IRA o l l i c e i ' s
Ihis voting L.mipaiiN Is
be a vci\
il y o u ' i e
llie possibilities
CfiMVS «»"''
the avoid-
Ihe a u d i e n c e
i cognizable
personal sideshow was a totally
col Martini's material a b r o a d was
b i l l o w e d , ami
Hollowing a lon^ intermission,
I n Na Nog was. t h e y inel
with m o t e
and ing.inisl I ' b u s C o p p i n g was
bin hassisi
y e t , and
lliooker was
Ihe band
lo pla\ a l i i s l i a l e
,i llal
lion ..I .in msti based o n
a fiagineiii leceuiK u n e a r t h e d of
Ihe music ol a \ e i \ o b s c u r e 1Mb
[he encoie
t h e ) icliiiiied
to d o a
comical "t ucle
by Noinian S n o w , in
pulled themselves
gave a decent p e i l o i i n a n e e . hul
" u s e liotii ihe d e a d " as though
included BJ's c u s p , driving d i t u n
I nglish-lolky
ami on " P o w e i
and bass lay a solid
of that
is h a n d l e d
( i n he on
and m o i c ol then own w i n s o m e
Republican awaiting s e n t e n c e in
I h e y llivesl
in some
Piocol l l a i u i n came on with a
m o t e llian a lul l o o loose
I h e y did show a good bit ol
siiigci/piauisi ( i a i y
In llie
o t h e r s ) has t w o really
lliough l h e \ weie piesuinahly no
war with
We d i d n ' t .
good prospects with b o t h b a n d s .
r a p in which he ex-
plained that d i s t r i b u t i o n of Probeing messed u p " b e c a u s e we're
I a i i w u g h t diilu'i add l o o much
a Ihilish
l o o bad that
his way
the new
l e s h e Williams,
amiable I'livale
a lolk o i i e n l e d spin-ofl ol
eluding o n e l e n i a i k a b l e
ih.ii he iindei
used lo k e e p the hostage, a veiy
mil j l l u n e d
well-received d a n c i n g , a n d
able e x e c u t i o n ol a y o u n g lush
d e m a n d ihat llie wl.oie-house be
until altei
is now
jig Ihat
Pete's violin a n d Mad-
B a i n c a d e s " material, paiticulai
s k e i . h c h eolUvU'd In loan Little
a bouncy
wilh r e s o u n d i n g success. I h e y ' i e
made lor an
played ex
bj M.uv 1 on Kosalu .uul
t h r o u g h . T h e " h i g h l i g h t " of his
Laugh, It
11<II11 an Aiiieik.iii c o m p a n y ol
from t h e n newly released a l b u m ,
hialioris ol h i e I've e n c o i t n l e i e d
Me AH'
hands do
l-ailuie," which
i h e newel
t h o u g h , they d i d n ' t come acioss
loi Iheu s l i o u g vocals a n d I'elci
as well T e x t u r e s weie thick a n d
m u d d l e d (partially t h e ol a
sinning electric
good l o o k i n g .
sound sysleiu, c o m
blips, and
own past excellence, that
loo many
Will success spoil Piocol
llaiuin '
he weie a iii.oionelle s u s p e n d e d
as an
(,ene nil
11 m i n e d his c o m i c bits
Major Productions Lined Up for Nov t & Dec.
quite s m o o t h l y .
and the match
t o d a y ' s s l a u d a i d s , t'rly Ceuiei a.-,
he would nevei evei see
a g i o u p succeeded a d m u a b l y in
Maine lo hie.
iniecling some new (as o p p o s e d
guaiaiileed loi all. II you missed
In .1 play whose oiigmal m i e n
ii.ui il was lo e s p l . n l
laice ol
ceitain illicit lelationships which
Lot lo
Idling ballads o f
s o m e very m o v i n g slow n u m b e r s
Set right in llie middle of the
going places.
my voice 1
Takes a
l a k e s a 'Irani T o C r y , " a n d on
these veiy p r o m i s i n g n e w c o m e r s .
YOirw tAHHf
the band
n e l ) o n this n u m b e r , o n D y l a n ' s
included a s h a i p " t i a u d e t c " ami
.Hie ol the inosl
j)0 l"/'/' r '• '
1.IW, i W
angiy Dublin. " T h e H o s t a g e " is
1.1.ill's e s t o i a l l o n coiuedv
t i n Tt w , i t
>••' ' I
<. I '
aie t i g h l m g . in a ^ellv'. a very
llie I
cert at the Palace last T h u r s d a y
win. Ii we saw lasl \.eek en.l in
as llie
loin y e n s ol snhil n a m i n g with
THiS IS 0V& tAoMlflT/ 1
CfrH St£ IT NOW' i/J
Shi a m also deserves a g o o d deal
has b e c o m e . As [he I n s ! giad-
pciiiuenl in acinic n a m i n g . Ihey
basses, p o t t e r y d t u m , a n d clavi-
is not
I h e highlights of then
the I'roeol l l a i u i n con-
sweet-voiced lead singer, M a d d y .
ol s i n g e i / w n t e i s l.eo
ness aie lost in the How of the
with an u p d a t e d ballad, " C o m e
q u i t e the dinosaui some llniik il
and See t h e S h o w . " Clear vocals
us wilh
lew of his splendid bits of busi-
to gel a lasl eigaietle
by Kill Brina
between t w o penniless points
but doing so p a t i e n t l y , patiently
Procol Harum: Still Making It?
sense of c o m i c liming that very
Aunig (out
thai came
while 1 lell him
A Letdown from Past Performances
seeing, so join t h e m al K p i n . on Satin day in the main theatre ol t h e
i walk the countless miles to leed m e m o r y ,
the nevei l o b e l o i g o t l c n experience
ol being as a caged annual
able only lo pace the to and f r o s p i l l i n g distance
and deliclously w a l l i n g , w a l l i n g ,
wailing for thai day
o h , that beautiful day!
the printed word w i l l again be
E n t e r t a i n m e n t al I n t e r n a t i o n a l S t u d e n t s Night to b e held
I n t e r n a t i o n a l Nighl will be l e p i e s e n l i n g m a n y c o u n t r i e s from all
over the w o r l d . T h e s t u d e n t s of Albany S l a t e have spent m u c h time
weie pools bene.uh
llie aheady Iniiiuug
blank sliiie
witty Morteza Sajadia will be the master of ceremonies for the night.
on rui
and in his eyes
Ward, t h e
a few i n t r o d u c t o r y
S h o w . Different
dances from
longer look us in the e\ e i ilia'
T h e main event of t h e evening will b e t h e p r e s e n t a t i o n o f t h e
We persist.
T h e cycle of s l u p n h n n..>
begun to repeat ilsell imw 'Nil
we have once again urrdei i.ili-n
massive b o m b i n g in niw- dut"
crew of military tyrant- ni<
m o r e c h a n c e one more I mi-When will It stop. Mi Speaker
he mill untied, mumbled le SUS 1
by Dr. J. Paul
jtisl a hall houi ago
this a i m , is
a d d r e s s . T h e H o n o r a b l e lirastus C o r n i n g II will be the guest speaker.
. . . and ill liis eves
a b o u t t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l S t u d e n t s ' Association. Syed Agha Jefri. t h e
rocnevu le
the aims
to further
llleul >il III.' Aim II, an slage.
is o n e of
Association, w h o
o n e can learn
November 1 1 .
What d o o u r people (huik'1
D o e s a n y o n e believe ih,-\ ( n .
pleased to s h o u l d e r grossls UM
fair t a x e s that favor the MI;,,.,w e a l t h y , t h a i u n d e r w r n e tin*
inflationary war HUHIIHS. i| lilt
the milhlary mdmlnal
c o m p l e x , that arceleiMi, ni<concentration
of powej >inf |
m o n e y i n t o fewer jtri-tl lewe,
h a n d s ? And what do tin \ ihnyk
w h e n we t u r n around and i • r,p
al'lei leading the village voice
from masthead In I K linul w o i d
with si unci linos iiill.imed. some limes w e l .
seldom smiling eves
and galloping palpiialioris
o u r e c o n o m y . We have poisoned
o u r o w n i n s t i t u t i o n s . We have
even c o r r u p t e d o u r language
b e c a u s e it will n o t harbor the
t r u t h in c o n v e n i e n t terms.
W h a t a b o u t o u r rural areas''
Are t h e y n o t rapidly becoming
wastelands "> What
kind of advertising is thai tor
the g o o d life?
we were told, " J u s t a
we were t o l d , " J u s t a
Friday, November 10,
Sate University of New York t Albany
Are a h u n d r e d cities rotten i n
t h e c o r e t h e best advertisement
of o u r way of life? They ; , n . if,,.
And n o w in 1972 we are told,
" J u s t a little m o r e t i m e . "
A little m o r e time for what,
Kor m u r d e r , for
b l o o d s h e t , fur violence, for tyr
army, all in t h e n a m e of the
highest ideals m a n k i n d can es,
It is t h e s e c o n d worst e n t e r
prist- of which m a n k i n d has
been c a p a b l e in t h e 2 0 t h ci-n
The hi adltnes w • read ibis
month fr om the wa r / o n e are j
nightmar replay cil the murder
and blo< d and vi >le nee thai
strously obvious error.
We have sent hundreds of
thousands of people, including
5 0 , 0 0 0 o f our o w n young, t o
their maker, and the best we c a n
say o f it that w e learned n o t ' t o
In 1 9 6 9 w e were told, " J u s t a
little m o r e t i m e . "
rotten to the core
s t u p i d i t y nf winch m a n k i n d is
It has shown on r inert dibit
capacity to swallow the sami
pack of lies time after 1 line
knowing full Well 1 II the wh ih
that they are lies.
And it Hoes on. uul on ant
Vietnam: The Cycle of Stupidity
A r e w e c a n n i b a l s ? D o we prop o s e t o t a m e political passions
in V i e t n a m b y killing or crippling e v e r y o n e t h e r e ?
it s t o p ,
M r.
Speaker? When?
In 1 9 6 5 w e w e r e told, " J u s t a
little m o r e t i m e . "
In 1 9 6 6 w e w e r e told, " J u s t a
little m o r e l i m e . "
In 1 9 6 7 w e w e r e told, " J u s t a
little m o r e t i m e . "
In 1968 we were told, " J u s t a
little m o r n t i m e . "
by Hon. James
Congressman from South
Mr. A b o u r e z k , Mr. S p e a k e r , it
is a dirty war.
It is a hateful war.
It is a war which h a s h u r t us at
h o m e m o r e t h a n w e will ever
It is m u r d e r .
It is folly.
arts and leisure
Having been lout yeais in piepa
them, you know why.
y o u saw
T h e S l u t e Univeniily T h e a t r e hus t w o major
p r o d u c t i o n s c o m i n g u p in t h e n e x t t w o monthis.
'I'he firsl of these p r o d u c t i o n s in Jack Richardson';.
"tJallowti H u m o r . " T h e p e r f o r m a n c e s c h e d u l e for
this play \a Wednesday, N o v e m b e r lb t h r o u g h
S a t u r d a y , N o v e m b e r IH ul B:30 p.m* a n d S u n d a y ,
N o v e m b e r 19 at H:00 p.m.
The s e c o n d p r o d u c t i o n is 1'Jva LaCallienne's udup
u t i o n of "Alice in W o n d e r l u n d . " T h e p e r f o r m a n c e
schedule is <u. follows: Wednt-sday, D e c e m b e r (i
t h r o u g h S u n d a y , D e c e m b e r 10 at 7 : 0 0 and U:30
p.m. S u t u r d a y m a t i n e e s are al 1 0 : 3 0 a.m. a n d 200
Kor additional ticket i n f o r m a t i o n call t h e Performing Arts C e n t e r Box Office a l 4 6 7 - 8 0 0 6
b e t w e e n 1 1:00 a n d 4 - 0 0 daily
Stoneground Bombs at Siena
by Kevin Daniels
Jamming is fast b e c o m i n g an
extinct art f o r m that m a y well
be lost t o the concert-going public forever. T r u e , there a r e still a
artists a r o u n d w i t h a
the j a m , b u t
most of
o n e s y o u ' l l hear t o d a y are sloppy,
rip-offs o f that l a t e , u n l a m e n t e d
called White T r a s h .
o f a d o g in h e a t .
at Siena college provided ample
evidence of this sickening t r e n d .
In defense of Siena, b o t h g r o u p s
w e r e s u p p o s e d to be o p e n e r s for
a n d English are-rock b a n d
diitinctiona. 1 .
probably the only group 1 know
o f t h a t c o u l d r e n d e r Taj Mahal's
Corlnna as a Dylan/Winter Highway 61 Revisited. In fact, almost
everything they did sounded a
good deal like Winter's runthrough of that Dylan number
(they did remember to change
lyrics for each song).
It's a Beautiful Day came on
trailing clouds of San Francisco
ego-hype and promptly proceeded to more or less slaughter
half a dozen of their recorded
tunes. The nadir of their descent
was reached when their old classic, "White Bird" was battered
led b y ex-Yes-man P e t e r Banks.
by Kevin Daniels
A n o t h e r SUNYA extravaganza
d o w n at the gym had its b u b b l e
b u r s t S u n d a y nite by a very
sparse a u d i e n c e . Jim
o p e n i n g set was an e d i t e d , 55
m i n u t e version of t h e two and
one-half h o u r show h e does as a
headliner (he did it at U n i o n ) .
T h o s e of y o u w h o d i d n ' t c o m e
missed a very mellow performa n c e of s o m e fine m u s i c . Daws o n ' s b a c k - u p was a bit fuller
and richer, since his old bass
player is now covering electric
guitar, piano, and pedal steel
( t h e new bassist wasn't really all
that good, but he was new).
Even (hough the b a c k g r o u n d
racket in the gym from the noise
of people moving a r o u n d on the
the school
with p u l l i n g on t h e appetizers as
the main c o u r s e .
And they w e r e n ' t t o o appetizing.. Stoneground
m e m b e r s . Thai
i n c l u d e s e x - U e a u Brummel singei
Sal V a l e n t i n o , a mostly inaudible sax player, four female vocalists whose main p u r p o s e was to
lire of
Leon Russell c h o r u s , s p o t t y and
musicians of even
w o o d e n stands nearly d r o w n e d
o u t D a w s o n ' s vocals, t h e y did
c o m e across {to t h o s e w h o c o u l d
h e a r t h e m ) very well. T h e highlight of his show had to be his
p e r f o r m a n c e of " S o n g M a n . "
After a hurried intermission
Mary Travers c a m e o u t to perf o r m a seemingly fair e n o u g h
set. Her b a n d was particularly
i n e p t , dragged d o w n by a new
d r u m m e r w h o ' d just been added
t h e day of the p e r f o r m a n c e , to
Mary's expressed delight a n d our
silent distress.
As a s u b s t i t u t e for the e n c o r e
s h e d i d n ' t really deserve a n y w a y ,
s h e r e t u r n e d t o the stage for a
few bows and a kis.s t h r o w n out
to the paying c u s t o m e r s before
t h e quick s p r i n t for t h e paycheck and the dark.
Double Days - Double Movie Weekend:
jack anderson
Washington Merry-Go-Round
into our ears with spike-studded
combat boots. And as bad as
that was, it didn't hold a candle
to their "jam."
Whatever hope was left of better things to come plummeted
when all or some of the seventeen "performers" in both bands
came out together for one solid
hour of rattling, tambourinepounding, and screaming ohyeahs! It would have made a
wonderful commercial for do-ityourself noise polluton. Their
finale of Dave Mason's "Feelin'
Alright" was a can of deadly
botulism fed to a music-starved
King of Hearts
Friday, Nov. 10 only
Second: Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf
Sat., Nov. 11 only
[Both movies start at 7:30 & 10:00 LC 7
Y o u n g radicals, dejected by
their failure to w h i p u p antiestablishment
election year, a p p a r e n t l y have
t u r n e d against t h r e e elders of the
Yippie m o v e m e n t - A b b i e Hoffm a n , J e r r y R u b i n a n d Ed Sanders.
Concert Board Tries Again
" T h e University C o n c e r t Board
is seeking t o realize the w a n t s of
S U N Y A s t u d e n t s by directly receiving their c o m m e n t s , ideas,
suggestions, and criticisms a n d
by e x c h a n g i n g these with everyone on c a m p u s , " says Susan
Gibbs of UCB. Ms. Gibbs furnished t h e results of a questionnaire t h a t was available in the
C a m p u s C e n t e r earlier this semester. T h e reserved-seating pol
icy at the P o c o c o n c e r t received
'M favorable responses 20 negative o n e s , and 2 with n o preference. O t h e r areas of c o n c e r n
where write-in suggestions were
solicited p r o d u c e d the following
$.50 w/State Quad Card: $1.00 w/o
Campus Center
by R o n S i m m o n s
b e t t e r b a n d s at lower pi i
- better communication
S o m e t h o u g h t thai the "l'<
was excellent ' w'.
o t h e r s r e q u e s t e d that I t ' l l
" s o m e g r o u p o t h e r than (in '
pie shit y o u always gel
• i im|.i
,,l „ui far
e's We ln,» " "
hear wllal y o u have I " •'.
is Coming
Last Day To
and a foreign s u b s t a n c e was
poured in the gas t a n k . Sanders,
f u r t h e r m o r e , h a s been threatened with physical h a r m
Abbie Hoffman w e n t on t o u r
to p r o m o t e t h e book and everywhere he w e n t letters mysteriously p r e c e d e d h i m T h e letters,
written o n Yippie s t a t i o n e r y , den o u n c e d the t h r e e c o - a u t h o r s as
hippies w h o are
trying t o e x p l o i t the " m o v e ment."
T h e /.any trio refuses to discuss
who is after t h e m But the word
is out that the " c r a z i e s "
as the
y o u n g anarchists are called
now regard
Jerry Rubin and Kd Sanders, of
i i.pil.iliM.v
I've never u n d e r s t o o d w h y I
fought, a n d still fight, being a
w o m a n . But n o w I have a b e t t e r
idea. I grew u p in an all male
h o u s e h o l d , M o m c h o s e n o t t o be
assertive. I developed m y athletic t a l e n t s in o r d e r t o c o m p e t e
with my b r o t h e r s and gain my
Dad's approval. It did w o r k . But
t h e n there were t h o s e times
" d r e s s e d - u p " and I'd have t o put
on a dress. I was a n n o y e d then,
a n d recalling t h o s e t i m e s now I
feel afraid and frustrated. In a
dress I felt (and c o n s e q u e n t l y
still feel) as if I w o u l d lose my
equality with my b r o t h e r s or my
fooling with my Dad. Now this
might not have been the case,
but I did sense that in my family
being male- or as close to it as
possible- was/is in. As my use of
the present tense implies, these
feelings are prevalent now but I
am aware and it's easier to cope
with t h e m .
G a n g s l er
Playland In
Bahamas, Prime Minister L y n d e n
Kindling is following up his solid
elect ion victory
by seeking full
Britain a move Britain
does not o p p o s e
But intelligence r e p o r t s claim that Pindling
has received s t r o n g financial support from American gangsters
When the British leave, the re
ports warn, t h e Bahamas may
a paradise
UnAmerican u n d e r w o r l d
T h e n there were t h e years
from 13-18 yrs. of age when I
felt guilty for being a good
a t h l e t e . My b r o t h e r s would ask
w h e n will I start acting like a
girl"' N o o n e really said it, at
least that 1 can r e m e m b e r , but 1
just w o u l d n ' t play my best when
guys w e r e a r o u n d . A few times
in high school d u r i n g the spring
w h e n phys. ed. was o u t s i d e and
The Spirit of SUNYA
- eliminat ion
Nov. 10 1972
F o u r years ago, t h e t h r e e Yippies led t h e y o u t h d e m o n s t r a tions in Chicago against t h e
system. But this year they are
urging followers lo work within
the system and vote against
Richard N i x o n .
Their views are spelled out in a
new b o o k , " V o t e ,
which they
c o - a u t h o r e d after covering the
political c o n v e n t i o n s in Miami
Beach last s u m m e r .
Since their return from Miami
Beach last August, all Ihree have
been victims of hurrassmenl by
former followers. Here are some
e x a m p l e s which we have carefully verified:
J e r r y R u b i n ' s ear has been
v a n d a l i z e d - o r " t r a s h e d , " as the
radicals put it--on two different
occasions. T h e last lime, damage
was so extensive he j u n k e d it.
Three days later, s o m e o n e threw
a rock t h r o u g h R u b i n ' s front
w i n d o w in t h e middle of the
Ed Sanders has had similar car
t r o u b l e . His car w i n d o w s were
smashed, t h e tires were slashed
a higher slag* I
visibility (for t h o s e u i
side seats)
Board remain hui
Uiall.s s t u d e n t s
bein g^
uri'li'l liutls a n d (jmllli'.'.M-s
only o u r personal InMi-s < •
choice d e p e n d s "ii Ijli.tiu '
A Need for Women's Studies
O b v i o u s l y , all shades „: ••
ion are present from m i
p e o p l e . In an elforl lo unpi
c o m m u n i c a t i o n s , these que-.i
mures will be available Inmi
on d u r i n g ticket sale,-, In
sehedu led c o n c e r t s and v
times in CA'/M\\ Ms (iihb
phusized thai " e o n l i a r > to <
9 pm - 1 am
t h e wall for
and sound
moving tin; s p e a k e r s back to
Live Band in
women's forum
A Yippie Revolt
Campus Chest 7 2
cups and s h o u t e d
I'm very depressed right now,
and want to s l o p but I can't
fill two pages. I was
tripping d o w n m e m o r y lane last
night, thinking of the late UU's
and how active the c a m p u s was
then I was thinking of the old
" t o w n hall m e e t i n g s " in the gym
during the strike.
that? No...I guess you w o u l d n ' t
G o d , I'm only Tl and I s u d d e n l y
realize thai t h e r e ' s already a gap
between myself and most of
you. You've missed it all, you
really have If you only knew oi
Stale's glorious pasl. If you
could only r e m e m b e r t h e . s t r i k e
oi '70 ( D o you seniors realize
thai y o u ' r e t h e last class l o live
during the strike'' |
T h a i s t r i k e was a t h i n g <»l
b e a u t y I ' m b e i n g e x l r e r n e l y sin
cere a n d h o n e s t w h e n I l e l l y o u
that t h e p e r i o d o l the s t r i k e
were the happiest days oi f l l \
Never had I loved
school more Neve, had I walked
the p o d i u m
w i t h such
But you w o u l d n ' t r e m e m b e r
1 hat... or the burning of
Colonial flag hall, or the 20
broken w i n d o w s and the $ 1 , 0 0 0
ransom, or the t w o days of
d o n u t s , or that beautiful day we
had a meeting behind the Campus ('enter and decided t o seize
the N.Y. T h r u w a y . . . 1,500 of us
Thai was the first real d e m o n
st ration of the strike. G o d , walk
mg down Washington Ave. in the
sun, laughing and feeling good..
feeling alive because for o n c e we
were thinking on o u r o w n , and
united as a g r o u p . One big beau
tiful g r o u p of s t r e n g t h , and det e r mi n u t ion,
change this stinking world or
" d i e " in the a t t e m p t . (A few of
us nearly did when a truck
charged t h r o u g h the crowd with
an activated buzz saw mil its
window) But that dldn'l s l o p
us. ON thai d a y n o t h i n g could,
nut Will was t o o strong.
ilMll spuil bee,.Use ll belonged
lo us then, ,,m\ d i a l ' s a IVelmg
vim in.i\ never know how ll
h-el.s lo walk on ., cumpu.s Dial
von have ., vital »i.\ so in W.
s t u d e n t s tan this place .mil ll
was beautiful We org.mi/ed Idle
ration classes thai weiil lumi '-I
., m lo '.I IJ in classes ..pc,, h
iu:.l Del .'I sl We even had .,
,!,,., can center MI tin asM inhl\
hall MI housewives could go lo
libciaimn i lass laliglll h> line.
piole.sso.s. T o m
(Lhey're .ill gone now ) A couple
til' guys s t a r t e d i
i g m with
gallons ol s b e n y , and I m e a n
italloMi. Kach of us got a papei
cup of sherry, and then in one
huge, wonderful toast, raised o u r
And .die, we had -appended
.lasses make no imslake
it, WK .suspended classes
not the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n i alter the, Hi r r e a l e d three tlivi
One division (Mgamzed
public mass i l n n u i ' s l
ons I ie
MM in. s r t / i n g ol tin lerle building ,.i i HI a in b\
\ mil I.
, las-.. lien
he gym ) The lasl
d.Vlsio.l Was " p u b h i mmillllimca
I,ons " that's the one I was
involved ill We p r o d u c e d W (ill
panel discussion
traveled ill the rural areas dis
cussing and explaining lo the
people whal was h a p p e n i n g on
the c a m p u s and why. I was a hell
of a d e h a l o r in those days if 1
may say so myself. 1 studied
m o r e t h e n , than ever before. I
had to, t o d e b a t e effectively.
Facts, and m o r e facts, on poverty, Vietnam, the P a n t h e r s , capitalism, g o v e r n m e n t , Marx, everything
And you black s t u d e n t s , do
you k n o w of
o u r past
S U N Y A ? Did you know thai in
tiH we seized the administ rat ion
building ami d e m a n d e d an Afro
American studies d e p a r t m e n t ' '
We got it t o o . You r e m e m b e r
the original B.S.A. (black stu
dent alliance) What d o we have
n o w ' ' R e m e m b e r the riot in the
Colonial q u a d dining r o o m ' ' And
the parlies in the I'laghaM'' There
were only H of us in ' 0 7 , and
125 m 'BH. Hut we were one
me, and Hie
spiritual unity we had then has
never been r e c a p t u r e d .
And my gay b r o t h e r s , w h o ol
you r e m e m b e i
the first gay
d a n c e ,,l the c h u r c h , and the
lirst gay match here, and in New
York C i t y ?
G o d d a m n p e o p l e ! Where i.s i t '
Where i.s the hpinl we bad then,
w h e e Ibe hell ,.s the l i r e ' " We
bad it o n c e , where has it g o n e '
Is •"social r e s p o n s i b i l i t y " a for
gollen slogan'' ll.,, poverl> anil
iniustice d l . s a p p c o - . r ' The uai
i oiilinues, ..rid Hi, p a n t h e i s an
Tin win continue:,
.ml tin " m o v e m e n t " has d i d
Ol my • iod I reali> don I think
UMI understand me And it was
onl> :i years ago. T h e marches,
I he ci ys lor peace and freedom,
the d e b a t e s , the b e a u t y and joy
of being united, the w a r m t h
from the fire that fire...all gone
Why d o I feel so old, and so
alone''...Why do I feel so ufraidV
I'd b e playing Softball s o m e b o y s
passed b y and m a d e offensive
comments. I don't remember
t h e m b u t t h e y d e a l t with m e
being a slugger and h o w t h e y
w o u l d n ' t w a n t t o m e e t me in a
dark alley. T h e c o m m e n t s hurt
rne t h e n and I still r e m e m b e r
an enlightened male friend of mine
asked m e if I w a n t e d to play
s e c o n d base in a Softball game. I
told h i m n o b e c a u s e I w a n t e d no
c o m m e n t s m a d e against m e and
I w o u l d n ' t feel c o m f o r t a b l e . He
said that I was good, badly
needed on the team, and b e t t e r
than most of the o t h e r guys. He
said that t h e r e ' s no reason not t o
do s o m e t h i n g I d o well and
enjoy And he's right!
Now I am r e m e m b e r i n g whal it
is like for me to walk in any
city's d o w n t o w n area. I feel like
a p i e c e of shit. I feel base,
worthless, and like a n o n e n t i t y .
T h e male s c u m that inhabits
these places are mean and are
winks, witticisms suck. I feel
unsafe a m o n g s t t h e m . T o t h e m 1
am an object for their masculinity. Well, for all this behavior
is w o r t h , these m e n can go d o w n
to a s t o r e and s h o w off their
masculinity lo t h e toy dolls.
Tonight 1 was carrying a very
light packag ' and my c o m p a n i o n
knew this. He still a t t e m p t e d to
grab it out of my h a n d s . I
refused to let go. He said h e was
trying t o be helpful and I said
I'm n o l helpless. My p o i n t being
it w o u l d have b e e n easier for m e
t o let h i m c a r r y t h e p a c k a g e , j u s t
as easy as l e t t i n g s o m e o n e else
d o y o u r t h i n k i n g . I like t o d o
w h a t I can, w h e n I need h e l p I'll
ask u n h e s i t a t i n g l y .
Last week a familiar i n c i d e n t
r e o c c u r e d to m e . I m e t a n e w
man on c a m p u s and we h i t if off
O.K. K n o w i n g h e ' s been b u m m i n g a r o u n d for awhile and m e
being h u n g r y I asked him if h e
w o u l d like t o go with m e t o m y
a p a r t m e n t for a few h o u r s for
some home atmosphere
cooking. Rome time passed a n d
he so deftly snuck in a peck o n
my lips. T h e n while sitting at a
(able he snuck in a kiss on t h e
head. I k n e w he wasn't m o v e d
because he liked me. I asked h i m
why h e did that. After a l e n g t h y
discussion we c o n c l u d e d
h e ' d been taught to s h o w his
affection in this m a n n e r t o w a r d
girls. But t h e n it included t h e
" h o w will she react to this m o v e ,
if she accepts my kiss will s h e
fuck me l a t e r . " All this was p a r t
of his n o t t o o i n n o c e n t kisses.
He did n o t see me as a person t o
be t h o u g h t of as an equal. A n d I
am not making too m u c h of
this! With male a c q u a i n t a n c e s h e
said h e has n o t h i n g to gain. But
a female
t h o u g h t of will she or w o n ' t she?
Hell if the vibrations were s t r o n g
1 w o u l d n ' t have m i n d e d s o m e
a c t i o n , h u t it offends m e t h a t
this fella saw me as a means t o
his end. I d o n ' t like being used.
E d . N o t e : T h e following p o e m was w r i t t e n by a
on pu.
ber of the A d d i c t s R e h a b i l i t a t i o n C e n t e r , a private, nonprofit o r g a n i z a t i o n , run by ex-addicts and belonging to
the Harlem
So now little m a n y o u ' v e grown tired of grass
LSD, acid, c o c a i n e and hash.
And s o m e o n e p r e t e n d i n g t o be a Lrue friend
Said, "I'll i n t r o d u c e y o u to Miss H e r o i n . "
Well h o n e y , before y o u s t a r t fooling with m e
Just let m e inform you of how it will be.
For 1 will seduce y o u and m a k e you my slave.
I've sent men m u c h stronger than you to their graves.
You think y o u could never b e c o m e a disgrace
And end up addicted to p o p p y seed waste;
So you'll start inhaling m e one a f t e r n o o n ,
You'll be t a k i n g m e i n t o y o u r a r m s very s o o n .
And o n c e 1 have
The craving will
You'll need hits
[•'or darling, I'm
e n t e r e d d e e p d o w n in y o u r veins
nearly drive y o u insane.
of m o n e y as you have been lold
much m o r e expensive than gold
You'll swindle y o u r m o t h e r , and just for a buck
You'll turn i n t o s o m e t h i n g vile and corrupt
You'll mug and you'll steal for m y n a r c o t i c c h a r m
Ami feel c o n t e n t m e n t when I'm m your arm
T h e day w h e n y o u realize the m o n s t e r y o u ' v e grown
You'll s o l e m n l y promise to leave me alone
If you think that y o u ' v e got the mystical knack
Then Sweetie jUhl try gelling me oil your back
The vomit, the cianips, youi gut tied in a knot
The (angling nerves screaming lor pisl o n e more shot.
The hoi chills the . old sweat, the withdrawal pains
ml} be saved b> m y little while grains
T h e r e ' s no o t h e i WH) and there'n in- need to look
Kor d e e p d o w n inside y o u will know you arc h o o k e d
You d e s p e r a t e l y run to the pusher and t h e n
You'll w e l c o m e me back in y o u r arms again
And when y o u return just as I foretold
1 know that you'll give m e y o u r b o d y and soul
You'll give up y o u r morals, y o u r conscience, y o u r heart
And you'll be mine until
Anony moiis
leisure/pre view/leisure/pre view/leis
WSUA 640
Saturday, Nov. 11
Recital Hall. Free!
International Night: variety show featurDance
Beginning Nov. 9
ing student talent and guest performers.
Sunday Nites:
Heart Mother" at 7:30 and 9 pm in tne
Opening address by Mayor Corning, at 8
PAC Laboratory Theatre. Free!
pm in tne PAC Main Theatre. Refresh-
"The Shadow"
ments served, admission $1.50.
at 11:00 p m
by B u d d y Nevins
Coming to you
over WSUA:
Fridpy, Nov. 10
Free Music Store: at 8 : 3 0 pm in tiie PAC
The Love Drug: the Nation's New Kick
Ratnskeller f r o m 9 p m - 1 a m . No cover
Heart M o t n e r " at 7:30 and 9 p m in tne
Tuesday Nites:
"The Gangbusters"
at 8:30 pm
PAC Laboratory Tiieatre. Free!
8th Step Coffeehouse: featuring Marsnall
Dodge, storyteller and George & Vaugnn
Ward, folksingers at 9 p m , 14 Willet St.
am—6 p m in tne CC Assembly Hall.
Ciiess Club: exnibition f r o m
Thursday Nites:
"The Lone Ranger"
at 8:30 pm
$1.50 d o n a t i o n .
Read, Trent,
U-lounge, $.50 cover cnarge.
Sports Schedule:
Soul Disco: featuring " S k y T r a n e " f r o m
Saturday at 1:00
8 p m - 1 am in the CC Ballroom. Refreshments served. D o n a t i o n $1.00.
Sunday, Nov. 12
Fencing Exhibition/Clinic:
lympic fencers Robert
O'Donnell, at
1 pm
Russell and A n n
mezzo soprano at 8 : 3 0 pm in tne Palace
Tneatre, A l b a n y . Tickets: students $ 2 . 0 0 ;
Women's Forum
8th Step Coffeehouse: featuring Marsnall
Baxter's Cafe: poetry reading-Steve Die
Dodge, storyteller and George & Vaugnn
Ward, folksingers at 9 p m , 14 Willett St.
$1.50 d o n a t i o n .
(between Ontario and Quail). Free!
On Campus
from pg. HA)
W o m e n ' s studies are necessary
for me because I w a n t Lo understand how and why my present
s i t u a t i o n exists. I m u s t unders t a n d m y past t o ^rasp t h e problems a n d d o s o m e t h i n g a b o u t
t h e m . I w a n t t o k n o w if 1 am
different from males. I k n o w I
am physically, b u t a m I c m o -
Off Campus
Hellman (45<J 5300
" T h e Love G a m e "
Fri: 7:15, 9:15 in I.C 25
Fri&Sat: 7:15. '): JO
Sat Matinee: 2:00
Cinema 1 (7«5 1025)
Circle Twin (785 3388;
Kri&Sal : 7: (0, <):M)
Fri&Sat: 8:00
Double Feature
Tower East
" K i n g o f Hearts"
Fri: 7 : 3 0 , 10:00 in I X 7
"Who's A f r a i d o f Virginia
Colonie Center M S V 2 1 7 0 J
Deleware (462 4714)
"Where Does il H u r l ? "
"Separate Peace"
Fri&Sat: f i : 4 5 . ' J : 2 0
Fri&Sat: 7:25, 9:35
"Take the Money and R u n "
Sal. Mat: 2: i l l
Fri&Sat: 7:30
Sat: 7 : 3 0 , 10:00 in I.C 7
Doublu Feature
Cine 1234 (459 8.301)
"Hans Christian A n d e r s o n "
"Clarence Cross Eyed l i o n "
Fox Colonie
(4 59 1020)
"Sunday Bloody S u n d a y "
"Trouble M a n "
Fri&Sat: 7: 10, 9: 10
10:00 in
Fri&Sat: 7: 10, 9:20
I X 18
(783 553V)
Madison ew> 5411 j
"Fiddler on the R o o f "
I ' n & S a l : 8:00
" A Separate Peace"
Fri&Sat: 7:15, 9:30
F r i & S a t : 7 : 3 0 , 10:00 in
Sat. Mat: 2:00
"Valachi Papers"
I ' n & S a l : 7:10, 9:20, 1 1 : 10
" E v e r y t h i n g You Wanted l o
Know About S e x "
Fri&Sat: 7:15, 9:15
IX 2
"Brother ol the W i n d "
Fri&Sat: 7 : 0 0 . K:4S
Sat. Mat: 1 :45, 1:1 1
Lionally, psychologically, mil
Icctually differ*4 nl because I ii
a female or because of my bin '<
[ground e n v i r o n m e n t and rm n
dividuality? I've bad equalM
with males my b r o t h e r s , ma*.1
in a half-assed mannr-r, I>uI
least such an atmostplien- l<T n
avoid t h e idiosies of s u m ' '<
males, such as: screaming ,
bugs, whining a n d crying lo v<
h e r w a y , playing d u m b lo Id Mi
liuy feel s m a r t , acting weak at
helpless t o let t h e man I'-.
n e e d e d , losing at bowling MI
not t o offend his maseulnul>
have fallen into playing gatm
with guys that interest me
m o r e than friends, anil I u
b o t h e r e d b y such behavioi Ii
an affront t o me and the ma
involved. I find m y w l l over I
c o m p r o m i s i n g in order In ,.n
his approval. I go oul ol my v..,
for him m o r e so than I wonl
for a friend. My act ions a i m
n a t u r a l , I ' m nol me when I <
p u t t i n g on " t h e move " And ih
is wrong for me Take me .1
am o r d o n ' t have m e !
Fri&Sat: 9:00
"Funny Girl"
SUfMYA Cinema
by David Dunaway
general admission $ 3 . 0 0 - 6 . 0 0 .
Godord's New Film,
"Just Great'
Final game of a successful season.
Listen to live coverage beginning
at 12:55 over WSUA.
e v e r y w h e r e , s q u i r m i n g t o get off
of a large t h r o w r u g a n d i n t o
their c l o t h e s . "
T h e s e t t i n g of a n e w p o r n o graphic m o v i e ? No—the police
r e p o r t of a raid o n a m e t h a q u a lone p a r t y , A m e r i c a ' s a p h r o d i siac d r u g kick t h a t is spreading
Called " T h e Love D r u g " by
users because of its r e p o r t e d
loosening o f i n h i b i t i o n s , police
first s t a r t e d n o t i c i n g large scale
m e t h a q u a l o n e abuse a b o u t six
m o n t h s ago.
" W e began finding those little
white t a b l e t s , " said o n e narcotics agent, " along with the
regular a s s o r t m e n t of pot a n d
pills. Il s e n t us running for o u r
c o p y of t h e Physician's
(a book containing
data a n d pictures of all prescription m e d i c i n e s ) t o find o u l what
e v e r y b o d y was u s i n g . "
Made under t h e trade name
Parest, S O P O R , a n d Quaalude,
m e t h a q u a l o n e is a nun-bar hit
urate sedative given t o patients
w h o have t r o u b l e sleeping.
Illegal users of t h e drug claim
it causes drunkenness, slurring of
w o r d s a n d loss of muscle control. But perhaps the best-liked
effect a n d definitely t h e reason
m o s t give for its growing p o p u larity is its e n h a n c e m e n t of the
sex drive.
Orgies a m o n g users are n o t
u n c o m m o n and the racy drug is
in great d e m a n d with " s w i n g e r "
groups of young, married couples. O n e Atlanta d o c t o r prescribed m e t h a q u a l o n e for co-ed
patients, visiting them after office hours when he knew their
libido would be at its height.
And many arrested recently for
sex crimes have been found t o
be u n d e r t h e influence of t h e
" I t makes y o u float right into
an affair," said a dental assistant
who uses no other drugs except
marijuana "I have to watch w h o
I take it with as it makes y o u
more susceptible."
It is m c t h a q u a l o n e ' s use as a
love potion that has officials
worried. "This drug is n o t a
harmless placebo lo be used al
every c a m p u s m i x e r , " said Dr.
David (' Smith, a Florida physician specializing in the treat-
Albany vs. Pittsburgh
T h e k n o w l e d g e ol w h o I .1
and what I waul for my-vM
fuller c o m p r e h e n s i o n
ol Mi
world 1 live in all this deprmi
On experience* a n d an an.clrini
e d u c a t i o n . T h e latter riluM • •
jjose t o me all aspects of woiii'
in any field of s t u d y thai wmil
help nie get myself slraiglil"ii<
oul into n full h u m a n hem-n
w o m e n in all field ol stud
becausi' w o m e n are vital I'
i'Vi-rything people have been .nn
are involved in a n d ihey li.n
not been a c k n o w l e d g e d a* vita
c o m p o n e n t s I can relair '•'
w o m a n s expi-nem
this o p p o r t u n i t y t o do so I ' "
world is n o t mule bul lemal 1
t o o , unci wucb emphasis is nei <-•••
sury t o gel each of us 111 the rigm
perbpdclive. It would be a du"
m a y b e enlightening if y o u would
let t h e m o u l . Kr«e me,
I d o n ' t ordinarily review films,
but Tout Vu Hteti (Just
the latest film by France's New
Wave d i r e c t o r , is not an ordinary
film. T o begin with, it includes
t w o famous actors, both polili
cally involved o n t h e left, Jane
Fonda a n d Yves LVUn.Ui.mJ, w h o
play themselves. Second, it is a
political movie, dedicated to
left-wing intellectuals, bul m
t e n d e d for a mass a u d i e n c e And
il s u c c e e d s with its message as
no o t h e r
film by Jean b u r
Godard has succeeded
T h e s t o r y begins in a factory
near Paris, where journalist J a n e
F o n d a goes with her husband
(Yves M o n t a n d ) Lo interview tinmanager. When they arrive lhe>
discover t h a t t h e facto. \ has
been t a k e n over by UH- workers,
and they are locked in a room
with t h e boss while the workers
try t o figure o u l what to do
T h e w o r k e r s ' u n i o n is against
t h e m , a n d slowly their working
c o n d i t i o n s unfold, as Jain* at
t e m p t s t o write u p the strike
During their ordeal at the fat
lory, t h e t w o visitors find them
selves in s y m p a t h y with t h e
s i n k e r s , a n d their e x p e r i e n c e
forces t h e m lo c o n f r o n t a n d
ultimately challenge their staid
professional lives
G o d a r d has been making films
with an avowed political c o n t e n t
lor a l m o s t a decade, maintaining
his role 111 film circleb as o n e ol
the m o s t original directors in
terms of image-content a n d lech
clique. His political films include
One Plus One (SytrifMitiiy for the
Week end, La Chitiutse.
and Wind from the Kust None
of these reached mass audiences
the w a y his p r e political films
did, chiefly because he used Ira
ditional film m a k i n g techniques
lo express revolutionary con
Since t h e n , G o d a r d has insisted
in developing a n e w t h e o r y ol
c i n e m a / p o l i t i c s which
ually stresses t h e involvement of
as parlici
10, 1972
pant viewer lb- emphasizes tincontrast between sounds and 1111
ages projected on the screen by
disassociating the narration from
I he image For instance, in One
I'liis One he reads rather dry
passages from Marx's On (lei
man Ideology while Black reVo
lulionaries cavorl in a j u n k y a r d
In Tout Vu liien he c o n t i n u e s
this technique, which is lor him
part ol ihe political act of mak
111H a film He pulls his characters
out ol the actions t o give solilh
ijiiy.s about Ihe b a n k r u p t c y ol
non political
shows actual newscast*, as a liar
rator c o m m e n t s o n h o w tin- mid
he contrasts interior monologues
with seemingly unrelated events
such as traffic passing outside
Godard makes in the film is not
u n a m b i g u o u s T h e leading <hai
aclcr.s a t e eonliniialh pausing in
thru descriptions ol then live.
!,, c o m m e n t that Ihey a i e nol
truly able to express themselves
1h.1i Lhey must find a new wa\
n| telling aboill experience that
re humanizes it Yel no solutions
are offered
There is a cleai
m a n d a t e , however, to search out
new solutions for resolving poll
heal c o n t r a d i c t i o n s in 0U1 lives.
to s l o p maintaining t o ourselves
thai everything's "just greal
This in itsell prevents the audi
euce from losing itself in the
action of tin- film and reasserts
Ihe ail ol film making as a valu
able tool ol struggle
In tin- short "Heller lo J a n e "
which lie presented al the film's
scieeiung al the San Francisco
F,lm Feslival, he K,veh his ex
planaliuti lo, Tout Vu liten II is
,, pa-lure ol Jane Fonda taken
by the North Viehiailiese during
her recent visil there, aftei Liu*
shooting of ihe movie T h e p h o
to conveys the intense h u r l 111
J a n e Fonda's lace and the suffer
in|4 of the Vietnamese she meets
Thus it is Ihe crux of the film
the sudden m o m e n t of contact
between our intellectual sense
and t h e political realities for the
millions of oppressed people m
Crossword Contest Rules
m e n t of drug p r o b l e m s . " I t is a
powerful central n e r v o u s s y s t e m
depressant t h a t c a n cause internal bleeding a n d o t h e r h o r r o r s in
overdose quantities. T h e fact
t h a t it has r e p o r t e d a p h r o d i s i a c
qualities makes it all t h e m o r e
attractive t o drug abusers, hence
more dangerous."
Even such an unlikely crusader
as Jerry Rubin has t a k e n u p t h e
banner against m e t h a q u a l o n e .
During t h e r e c e n t d e m o n s t r a tions at Miami Beach's political
conventions, R u b i n a n d his Yippies organized an " A n t i - D o w n e r s
and Anti-Quaalude M a r c h " t o
protest against t h e increased use
of these dangerous drugs.
"1 d o n ' t care w h a t t h e effects
a r t , they are d e a t h , " said R u b i n ,
clad in a red b a t h i n g suit for an
o u t d o o r press c o n f e r e n c e announcing the s t r e e t a c t i o n . And
with Miami Beach M a y o r Chuck
Hall looking over his s h o u l d e r in
approval, Rubin c o m p l a i n e d t h a t
" t h e government is shoving these
Quaaludes down o u r t h r o a t s l o
keep o u r minds s e d a t e d . "
Despite R u b i n ' s e x p l a n a t i o n ,
m e t h a q u a l o n e is spreading because there is m o n e y t o be m a d e
selling the drug illegally a n d people want to b u y it. O n e dealer
on a southern c a m p u s picks u p a
tax free $ 5 0 0 a week m a k i n g
five sales of 1 0 0 0 pills e a c h . "1
could sell five times t h a t a m o u n t
if I could get t h e m , " she said,
adding, " t h a t ' s how m u c h people want t h e m . "
The illegal pills a n d capsules
c o m e from the factories of s o m e
of the n a t i o n ' s largest pharmaceutical m a n u f a c t u r e r s . Unlike
barbiturates, n o incresed security precautions a c c o m p a n y t h e
of m c l h a q u a l o n c ,
which is made by six c o m p a n i e s
in varying forms.
"Parest provides help for thousands of people w i t h o u t t h e dan
Her of taking a b a r b i t u r a t e , " said
a spokesman for Parke, Davis &
Co , which m a n u f a c t u r e s the
capsule sold in differing s t r e n g t h
"We reali/.e s o m e of o u r drugs
are rinding their way i n t o illegal
markets and we are trying t o d o
all we can lo prevent it. "
As of now, an arrest for methaqualone abuse is classified as
"possession of a restricted drug
without a p r e s c r i p t i o n , " ;i minor
charge 111 most areas Bul Fed
eral Food and Drug Administrat i o n officials are pressing Con
gress lo pass firmer legislation
.igainst Ihe drug Within a year,
narcotics agents hope t o have
such new laws.
Contest W i n n e r s
Nuvcinhu 1, 1972
Kulli (.Joldting Ubi-oul
Dolores Lyons
(Solution In last wrek's pu/./.k)
s c 0 II •P 1
J A M It
A 1. A 1
c H T II 0 N
H li R 0 U
7; u N li
1) u M
sK XT 0 N
1) I A I'M A N U
O i l ' I P ii
X J5M0 P T li D A
c A 111 S I 11 li
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M 0 II I
T li A C
u H i.
N i P
u 11 0
u I TU
Ts 0
N 0
U It N A I.
li T t I l | s
s *
1 m
• ; ,
1i i
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0 N
i A N
(J u 11
A •K li
A V ii li
M 1 u 0
-p A li
1) V N L)
S A[ T
A a II K
0 N
T li T
" s
Puzzle solutions must be submitted to the Albany
Student Press office (CC 334) by Monday, 12 noon
following the Friday that the puzzle appears.
Name, address, phone number, and social security number must appear on your solution.
Puzzle solutions will be drawn at random until three
correct solutions have been chosen.
Each of the three winners will be entitled to a free dinner
for two at the Patroon Room in the Campus Center (not
including liquor and tips). Dinners must be claimed
within two weeks of notification.
No one working on or for the Albany Student Press is
eligible to win.
Sorry, only one entry per person will be accepted.
ASP Crossword Puzzle
No. 9
1. burden
2. Japanese been Var.
Juwish Month
3. Graphite
Cellar tntrance
6. Accoutrements
7. Cant
6. Pulplta
9. bitlike Tool
10. Meal
11. Lessen
12. 1.4. Society
13. Head Motion
21. Sea liuck
25. Moslem Title
27. Wise Man
28. CliEB hxam
29. Greek Mountain
30. Football Cheer
Co. Cut
)1. Poisonous Snake
111. P i c t u r e Oame
)2. Relish
U2. P e n c l n g Sword
J6. N a r r a t i v e Poem
It). Greek L e t t e r
37. S i b e r i a n R i v e r
l i t . Makes V i b r a t o r y Sound
38. Ship P a r t
'15. Expreas Opinion
1*6. Novice
1*7. Not Normal
1*2. o a r
'19. I t e n t r a l n
1*1*. Choicee
53. E d i b l e Q r a l n
" 5 . Slag
54. lioree C o l o r
i*B. L o n g - h a i r e d Ox
<*6. Angry
57. lUHHle a t Card Oame
50 L a t i n Numeral
62. E n t h u u i u u t U
51. D u v a l l e r ' s Country
63. Hindustani
b u t Goodie
56. Object of worship
66. FTsoe for Chapeau
Left Town
67. Midday
66. Requires
the _.
69. Arabian Prince
61. Piquancy
70. Remove
71. Potato type
1, JapunwDu C i t y
6. Actor John
10. U c h t o n B t u l n p a i n t i n g
1U, Lowest Point
15. Sprinluh C o n j u n c t i o n
16. Mr. Ooldberg
17. S o v i e t Order
lb. follows
19. J u d a h ' a i o n
20, ABOasaln
2 2 . Decay
23. Statutes
2U. Sorrow
26. Windpipe
28, Occasional
"J3. Interjection
34. Analyze
35. T e n e t
J7. Mooaellho Deer
There will be a Psychology Happy
Hour at the Silo Tavern on Friday,
Nov. 10 at 4:00 p.m. All students
and faculty are invited!
« ;r J
' News from Channel 17
Veteran journalist Martin Agronsky will provide Channel 17
viewers with a comprehensive look at the issues, views and life styles
in Great Britain when the Eastern Educational Television Network
presents "Martin Agronsky: Evening Edition" in color, beginning
Monday night, November 20th and every night that week at 10:00
Mr. Agronsky's taped discussions with British leaders and opinion
makers will involve the major issues confronting that nation today
and will seek as well to report on how the American people and
government look from London.
T o begin Channel 17's week-long series on Monday, November 20
at 10:00 p.m., Agronsky has been accorded the unusual o p p o r t u n i t y
to interview Foreign Secretary (and one-time Prime Minister) Sir
Alec Douglas-Home in his historic Whitehall office. This on-loeation
meeting will provide the American audience a rare o p p o r t u n i t y t o
see this place where so much history has been made Sir Alee will
discuss his government's view " I ' the United Slates, Europe and the
The Beach Boys wilt be here on Tuesday, November the 14
University Singers
by Andy Palley
Singers under the direction of
Tamurji Brooks gave their first
concert of the year Sunday
night. They performed u program o f mostly modern works
with the perfection o f an utterly
professional chorus and the
enthusiasm that comes with the
o f one's music.
be m o r e
The d i f f i c u l t y o f the program
was evident at every turn. The
Dvorak, though conventional by
anyone's standards, is difficult
to phrase, both lyrically and
He wrote the
chorus like an organ. The hasses
and sopranos must sound like
stops. It was both clean and
m e t h o d ically
polished. The
music has intrinsic charm, as
most of Dvorak's compositions
do, and the melodies were sung
with a sense o f intimacy which
only a fine chorus can do. I f the
entire program were as wellrehearsed as this piece, we could
call in Columbia Records and
have it pressed today.
T h e B a r l o k Songs were as
well performed UK Dvorak, and
presented another side o f the
Bohemian character. The songs
g e n u ine emotion ;ind
nationalistic flavor, unlike the
heart-on-sleeve niceties of which
Dvorak was fond. And the inter
est in g chats which Ms Brooks
i n terspersed
throughout the
piece were a delectable change
f r o m the usual shirt -arid-tie atmospherc
The Persichetli selection from
the Winter Cantata was » lascin
ill ing combination
of flute
marimba, and women's chorus
Although the settings o l the six
Haiku which formed the lexl o l
the work were neatly arranged
twirl the writing for both the
f JuI e
an d
rn a r i m b u
commendable, I always leave a
P e r s i c h e l l i concert
cheated It is always us if there
Persichelti could d o w i t h his
material if he really tried (u
win. the
Pleaui.s, done by the University
played the percussion as well a.s
last year). Personal
it could be played.
prejudice, 1 suppose, but I am
All in all, it was an evening
not awed by weird combinwhich shouldn't
ations o f sounds seemingly withmissed (a Tew empty seats in the
out any organization. This is a house), and, lor a chorus thai
musical heresy unless 1 can will be traveling to Cyprus (yes,
prove it, but that's for another
Cyprus) this summer, they are
o f f to an auspicious -start. Good
The Debussy Trois Chansons
de Charles d'Orleans was a work
of small proportions, but held a
multitude o f enrichments, most
notably the voice of Claire
Willin. the alto soloist. Her
voice has a fluidity which is
rare, and, thank God, she knows
where the pilches are.
Taj Mahal
The Bernstein arrangement o f
his Chichester Psalms was certainly a f i t t i n g conclusion t o the
program. Tamara Brooks being
c on nee ted
Juilliard and so forth. I t has all
Bernstein's lovable
cliches ( t h e lowered, " b l u e s y "
'thirds and sevenths), and it has
a profundity which is rare in all
twentieth-century music. Tern
Singer was adequate in her
sol(albeit a bit nervous), and the
organist played as dryly as he
could (1 think Bernstein wanted
it this way, though I'm not sun*
if I like it) A n d Jim Barned
at Union
Union College is presenting in
concert Taj Mahal on November
10, 197^ at H:,J() in the Memorial
Chapel. Appearing w i t h Taj will
be Spider John Koerner. Tickets
will be $2.f>0 for Union students
w i t h I.D., and $:J.0O for others.
Tickets are available in Sehen
ectady at the Student Activities
Office at Union, in Albany at
Van Curlers on State Street, and
in T r o y at the Music Shack on
Congress Street
On Tuesday. November 2\ at I 0:00 p.m. the program will explore
the Irish crisis Agronsky will talk w i t h William Whilelaw, Mulish
Secretary o f Stale for Northern Ireland, John Hume, Catholic
moderate, and Brian Faulkner, former Prime Minister of Northern
For the third program in this series, telecast Wednesday, November
22 at 10:00 p.m., Evening Kdition will focus o n the American
c o m m i t m e n t to the security of Western Europe. The British Defense
Minister, his Labor (shadow) cabinet opposite number, and a
dislz guished Labor peer and journalist will examine tin- U.S. role in
N A ' i O . Participating will be L o r d Uarrington, Conservative Secretary
of State for Defense, Dennis Healey, Labor Secrelary of State for
Defense and former Labor Minister of Defense, L o r d Chalfont
The subject o f Thursday night's program, the enormous influx into
Britain of Asians expelled in September from Uganda, is an explosive
political issue in Britain, Agronsky will examine the serious racial,
social, and economic pressures brought i n t o being by this problem
His scheduled guests are the Home Secretary, Robert Uarr, a
Ugandan immigrant, and an opponent of immigration.
Finally, Friday, November 2'l at 10:00 p.m., Evening Edition will
deal with American and British values, policies and character as seen
through the eyes of several young activists from both the Liberal and
Conservative Parties who, with the President, of Oxford Union, will
discuss America.
Inform draftees and enlistees of
their rights and alternatives by handing out information leaflets at the
Albany Induction Center, Help those
who otherwise would not be infor^
med. CallJIm 463-2593.
Sanford Rosenblum, Student Association Lawyer will be available in
the SA office, CC 316 from 7-9 p.m.
on Tuesday night.
Attn, all Psych students! The
Undergraduate Psych Association
Newsletter is available in SS 217. It's
your only chance to find out what's
Anyone interested in participating
in the Albany Law School Court
Program as a spectator or a juror on
Wednesday, Nov. 15 call Mitch Mot
ris at 457-3075 for information or to
sign up. Sponsored by the Pre-t_uw
Women's Studies Courses lor Spring
'72: HIS 156- Women in European
Hislory, CLC 310-Women in Ann
doily, CNG 313- Women in Modern
t i l (2Sections).
Attention Community Service students. Registration w,ll be extended
until n
nil ol the month. To
ill" i nine !u I t:H 'IDA or call
•V,l /tmn In,.,,. ,„,. „ „ „ , . positions
available lor those interested ii,
Ten more students needed tor
Community Service work at Albany
Community Service
Students! Time is running short. V,„i
must attend a (|rou|j evaluation •.,-•,
Sinn before you receive credit lor
your semester's work. Gel therei I ,„
information call 457-4801.
The Psychology Dept. FacultyStudent Reception will be hold .,,,
1h,a:,. Nov. II,, 3 1, p.m
II i',4.
I ini, refreshments will be ,,i.,v„d. All
.in, invited e, attend. Si
1 l,y
Cathexis .mil Undeti|rad, I'-,,, !,. .v,
psy, I,Ml,i,
I' l\
,|, C | wnti
I In1 dtftidltne
grudus ' n . i '
in uistiLji I MIS mi
1/ .
Resident Assistantships '73-'74. A
general interest meeting will be held
in LC 7 on Sunday. Nov 12 at 7 p.m.
Attendance at this meeting is mandatory for all applicants 11 should
also lw no led thai applicants musi be
ol ,)l Iftasl Junior status for the
/:) ' M dcademi< year and a contmu
mg student ,i\ SUNYA
Students, 1,11,illy, slain Fly re
Europe l,,i ( 1,1,sn,,,,,.. Ni W Y,,,k
I'uilsNaw Voik. 1),.,. 23 .1.1,1 1 1
$221.00 r.W.A, Sue Mis. J ll.tll'S II
SS 1 11.
1 • h.ii
Bum tip ass
The Committee lor Soviet Jewry is
looking for a visual representation of
freedom to lie shown on a poster.
Everyone is invited to submit ideas
by Nov. 20. The final choice will be
made into a poster and be available
for sale as a perfect gift for anyone,
for information and to contribute
your idea, please call Robin at
7-8BBB or Sue at 7-5293.
Zen Workshop on methods and
practice ol Zen Buddhism. Sat. Nov.
IS call 518-284-2670.
Transcendental Meditation: The
lasl inliodii, lory lecture lor SUNY in
'72 will be ,i special one...Charles
I ,i,n,ih,„., regional coordinator ,,f
SIMS I,,I the I-astern USA has been
invited ID speak on TM. Mori., Nov,
13, 8 00 p.m. in CC Assembly Hall.
Capitul Dislricl Gay Community
Council announces Ms first generat
meeting ,u Charming Mall on Sunday,
Nov. I2tl, ,n 7 30 p.m. All are
f ! k So*- Nov. 11 I
Dance with
\ ' 'Dwyer,
20 i ^ a P retail
on sale
Jewish S l a n t s ' Coalition
Trent &
Zehler' Nov. 13 j l r u Dec 1
-T V
Mon-Fri l | | j O am-2 pm
CC lobby table
Beer, extras...$.50 cover;!
There will be an organizational
meeting for the hteenek backwards
club on Nov. 20 in the Supmac
Retnec Moor 1 lab.
There is coed volleyball evi ry Wed
lesday evening .11 / 00 p rn in Gym
: Hi mil a l l lend
I " Come to
if f f s - ' )
Come to the Physics Building
Lounge at 7 p.m., Friday and hear
how Jesus Christ has changed the
lives of many students here at Albany
State. All are welcome. Sponsored by
Intervarisity Christian Fellowship.
Dr. J. Mayo Greenberg will give a
lecture entitled Between the Stars:
Life in Space and Interstellar Pollution, on Monday, November 13 at
11 10 a.m. in L.C. 2b to which all
members of the University Com
funnily are welcome
A Commuter Central Council Rip
will be In the Central Council office
in CC 346 on Monday from 1-3 and
Friday from 10-11. More times will
be announced. The phone number is
Albany Public Library.
i-tiH spitn<| h ! / V ' , r r
Seniors You must return your
portrait proofs to Delmar Studios by
Women: Learn self-defense and
Friday, Nov. 10. If there are any
judo for academic and/or gym credit.
problems with your proofs, please
pre-registration pull the Judo
call John Chow at 457-2116 imClub's Sport's Club card. New memmediately.
bers are now being accepted. Come
and visit us Tuesdays 7 p.m.-9 p.m.
Bernard F. Connors, a former FBI
3rd floor in the gym.
agent and author of the highly successful suspense novel, Don't EmCamera/Photography Club will have
harass the Bureau, will speak at
a meeting Nov. 12 ir*i the Fireside
Harmanus Bleecker Library on WedLounge ai 2 p.m. All those wishing to
nesday, November 15, at 8 p.m. His
join are invited. Instruction available
program is one of several Evenings
for those with no experience. Exhibiwith Authors sponsored throughout
tion will be discussed.
the year by the I riends ol the
Sliidflnis c.illing other sludents v.ho
am patients m ihe infirmary should
in vvoil
Game's Tournaments Men's and
women's bowling, bridge, table tennis, chess, billiards, trap and skeet.
Winners represent Albany In regional
college ACU-I Tourney. Must sign up
inCC 356 by Nov. 15.
I Promise A Good Time For All!" \ HiM.t.
UCB presents
Dr. David Bueile will speak on the
work uf il,e State Commission of
Water Supply l,„ southeast New
Yiuk, II,is Monday, Nov. 13th at
7 ill p.m. in CC 375. the lecture is
lo the public and sponsored by
in,, iieiicirophy Club.
I lie Albany Chapter of the Caucus
lor Women's Rights at SUNY will
hold a intuiting on Wednesday, Nov.
15, liom I I I!, a.m. |,, 12.45 p.m. in
290. I ten
n the agenda in, lude
,ii|,i,,i/,ni,,n and activities of the
Stalowide (:.„„ ,,,,, mpot is tn,u, tin,
' iimniitl
,n Women's Studies and
I'."' i i "
uiploymeiii, possible dis
ciniiinaltoti against /u,nneri al n„<
llnivnisilv Placement Office. Sludents, lacully, prolessi
Is. mem
beis and non-members are invited lo
attend ,1 ,,, pari ,,l the meeting.
inure will i,„ ,, Square Dance I ,,
,i,,y.N,,v. iitg,ven by Indian Quad in
mi' 11 i ,,,,„i,. .a n oo. ii,,,!,. win i „ ,
< id"' ' .'K. t» , lunch food. Ad
mission u •,,•,• »iii, ,,,,,,,,, o,,.,!, ,„,)
Si.iii- I Imveisily ul New Ynik
.ii Albany Univcisily WIIKI I n
I h u i s d a y . Nuveinbei
IVj Iniiiiiiie
i l l , in lite
I he J i n - .il X III |i in.
I lie l i r e u i i k e i i lealmes Kuril
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a
Palace Theater
piano. I V . p . m i lii|tli-
I umeilo
Ini I ' M
ml l l a n i l . "
"( olleeil
" O n us
I'nlka . "
d i ain^e i ,
K i v e i . " Meliul, " O v e i i u i e in I",'
$4.50 w/tax & I.D.
Uadi/1 lolsl, "I'Ugun a la (iiguc,"
Slratiss, " H u n I inn I'olka," Waguei .
Nov. 14 9 pm
has a pi'iluimalice mi
$6.50 w/I.D.
" ilultliguri[»siiiar s e l l , "
l i e i h o / , " K a k o c / y;" and
Basil Hathbone solves the super-crime o f the century this Friday,
November 10 at 10:30 p.m. o n WMHT/Channel 17. Starring as
Sherlock Holmes, Hathbone is joined by Nigel Bruce a.s Dr. Watson
and Ida Lupino, w h o portrays A n n Brandon, a young woman
marked for a horrible murder.
" T h e Adventures of Sherlock Holmes," which can also be seen on
Sunday, November 12 at , r ):00 p.m., pits Holmes against his arch
enemy, the master criminal Moriarty. The fiend is acquitted of
murder because he has a false alibi, despite contrary evidence Iron.
Sherlock Holmes, Upon his release, Moriarty warns 1 lolmes-that he
intends to accomplish the super-crime of the century!
Moriarly's target is the "Star o f D e l h i , " a fabulous emerald. A t the
same time the jewel is threatened, so is tin 1 life of Ann Brandon and
her brother. Holmes is caught between the t w o crimes. The results'.'
Tune in Channel 1 7's " M o v i e o f the Week" and find o u t !
" T h e Movie of the Week" is a program acquisition ol' W M I I T /
Channel I 7 which is made possible by membership donations to the
The Marx Brothers star in " L o v e H a p p y , " a zany comedy f i l m , this
Friday, November 'LA at 10:30 p.m. over WMHT/Channel 17
tJroucho, Chic u and linrpo are members o f a poverty stricken
acting troupe who are suddenly plunged into the midst of a search
for stolen treasure.
" L o v e H a p p y " boasts " t h e finest chase in t h i r t y years of movie
making,'' according to a contemporary reviewer in Life magazine
The Marx Brothers' classic will also he telecast on Sunday,
November 20 at 5:00 p.m. over WMI IT/Channel 17
" L o v e H a p p y " is one of the series o f movies broadcast each Friday
night and Sunday afternoon on Channel 17 The film series is made
possible by membership donations to W M H T by people throughout
the Channel 17 broadcast c o m m u n i t y .
Student teachen will toll it like it is
on Nov. 14 at 7.30 p.m. in the
Physics building room 129 (Physics
Lounge). All interested in hearing
about education, the good and the
bad, should come. Sponsored by
student NYSTA.
b y ...lull,,,
WENGER 489-4300.
Grabbing Authority'sThroat
To the Editor:
Open Letter to Dr. Beneiet
s e e us • here's w h y # #
3. We have the right price - see us with
any price quote - we may have a lower price!
Dear Dr. Benezet:
I would like to thank you for
your refreshing honesty during
the broadcast of "Intercourse"
on WSUA Wednesday night I
have read the criticisms cited in
Br. Teevan's letter of transmittal
to Dr. Waterman w i t h great
skepticism. I t seems t o me that
many o f these criticisms are dangerously ambiguous. I am relieved t o find that the President
of this University reflects some
of my skepticism.
'Effective Teaching'
Minor Consideration
To the Editor:
The ASP has been giving much
attention t o the problem of rehiring and tenure in the univer
sity. The cases o f Dr. Waterman
(Psychology), and Mr. Gaseoyne
(Classics) were reviewed in an
informative manner lor the gen
eral student body. I t is necessary
that those students nol in I lie
Psychology and Classics depart
merits feel personally involved in
these cases, in addition to
and Classics si u
dents. These cases are iliusl rat ive
of the lack of concern over
o f teaching in this
1. We have more brands of stereo equipment
and more models to hear, than anybody!
2. We can clear up confusion, and
advise you honestly!
Benezef's Skeptic Candor Welcome
I am one o f the two students
allowed t o sit in on Psychology
Department meet ings and n is
cjuite upsetting t o see I he el
fectiveness o f teaching treated
as a minor issue. A university's
reputation docs not only rest on
its research qualities, but also
rests on its teaching qualities
Albany's teaching effectiveness
on the whole, is not very great.
by any means. The quality o f
students graduated
from an
institution is a direct reflection
of the quality o f instruction
given at that institution.
I would urge the entire student
body to view these critical cases
as representations o f the attitude
the faculty and administration
of the university places towards
servicing its students. After all.
the primary purpose of a univer
sily is l o leach, is il mil? I would
also urge the various Deans
Administrators, and Members of
Committees that will be review
i n g sii cb a ease as Dr
Waterman's to bear in mind the
level ol teaching in a department
and ih. great loss to the students
,1 sueh a respected and valued
teacher is lei go
Consider the n.-eds ol a univer
sity consider the nerds u f the
and remember that
lhe\ are one and tile same (Jood
teachers are bard to come by
What can possibly be a valid
reason to lei them go?
Most rut phut trutty.
Anttrvu KtlH'Oii-r
Miller Does More
than Mouth Texts
To the Editor:
1 - Sherwood S7050 AM/FM receiver
1 - BSR 310X stereo turntable
2 - Lafayette Criterion 50 - 2 way 2 speaker systems 31.
To find a psychology professor
who docs more than mouth a
textbook is a hard task indeed,
here at SUNY Albany. It is even
more difficult, to keep one here
So we really shouldn't be t o o
surprised to find out that Harold
Miller is getting the axe
What you learn from Harold is
in ter ms <»I
achievement tests or objective
type tests that are favored h\
most professors I have encoun
tered. Y o u are confronted w i t h
real life questions, not with
hypothetical abstractions I bat
are most frequently found in
college classrooms An example
of this would be one meeting ol
our social psychology sessions
Harold is personally approach
able which again is rare in most
professors, l i e is easy to talk
w i t h , and his conversations are
nol straight out of that textbook
we all have had plenty of. He is
one professor that you can gel
to know and who knows about
you as a person, not simply a
student number
And Harold Miller is being
fired this May fur some of the
above reasons and many unmen
1 limed, equally unfair and in
valid We are losing more when
Harold leaves than he is We are
losing a person in the psyeholo
gy department, not just a proles help is needed to
keep Harold at SUNY Albany
Please write to Dr Teevan,
Deans Hunsbergei and hers and
express your feelings and your
„eed l o keep Harold here That
is Ihe main thing thai will help
Suncty Etc Met
List Price $277.90
only $218.5 0
Visit Any Or All Of Our Six Stores - Located To Serve Youf
M24601 *-
ffiKSS ,8 " M «
** *»2fv«n,r"*'
In particular, I refer t o your
comment on the part o f Dr.
Teevan's letter where a member
of the Psychology faculty, in
describing Dr. Waterman, stated:
"She is far too defensive t o ever
allow herself t o be exposed to
the kind o f interplay which will
lead to greater g r o w t h . " Your
response was: " . . . I t doesn't
have meaning t o me and, w i t h all
respect t o Dr. Teevan, I find i t
too subtle a statement t o understand." Your honesty in this
response is encouraging t o nv*.
.Such candor from an administrator is welcomed. Hopefully,your
frankness is an indication o f
what my fellow students and I
can expect in future communica
lions with you
Sincerely yours,
/•: M
Prestige Over
To the Editor
I'm a senior, about to graduate
from here with a B.A. in psycho
logy I f someone asked me w h o
to lake for a course in psych,
who really wanted t o get something from i t , I'd say Dr.
Caroline Waterman. I have taken
her for three courses, to keep
my en th usiasm for in y major
going, and I have a really good
background in the field as a
result. She is the most inspiring
teacher and one o f the most
genuinely concerned with teach
ing undergraduates. In a typical
Waterman class y o u ' l l get t o
know the people around y o u
and interest in class discussions.
Her lectures demonstrate a "high
level " o f mastery over the subject
mailer and a true love for the
field. She is able t o draw the
class together in a totally new
ex per
ience. Outside of the classroom
she is always approachable and
will spend a great deal o f her
time helping students Her view
on education in unique and
displays her sincerity She feels
that a teacher must meet up to
the student's standards or resign,
and the students must give as
much hack in the classroom, or
not take the course In each of
the three courses I've taken I've
had to work my
o f f , all the
lime inspired by one of my first
academic challenges
Here I am trying t o explain
why Dr Waterman is the best
in ihe psychology de
partnient. while she will probab
|y he denied tenure II students
had any real say in Ihe lenuring
I know
wouldn't happen l i s loo bad
thai we, the people who pay lot
this " e d u c a t i o n " aren't the peo
pie who .ire considered Ihe most
important when il comes l o re
hiring professors I'm leaving this
place in May and I'm really glad
I don't have to witness the fur
ther self destruction o f a urn
versity which values prestige over
I t is n o t necessary t o mention
the truly lousy teachers at this
school w h o have gotten tenure,
even recently, in the 'budget
squeeze.' But i t is worth mentioning a few names of wellloved and very dedicated, or at
least very controversial, teachers
who have been denyed tenure
over our shouts o f protest- Mary
K add an I , Louis
F. Ismay,
Gascoyne, Gerry Wagner {rem
ember him?) the list is too long.
Writing to Dean Hunsberger
will relieve some o f your anxieties, but will n o t get any n
suits except a basic form letter
saying something like 'Mow nice
of you t o write. We realize thai
Professor So-and-so is well-loved
by many students, but unfortunately he/she has no academic
standing (ie: doctorate and/or a
certain number o f publications)
We realize that he/she is con
side red among the best, most
concerned teachers we have, b u l
concern for student's welfare is
not important, and besides
(herein often follows a list of
unqualifieaCons which may be
so unlike the professor that y o u
cannot believe y o u are talking
about the same person).'
1 am not saying that perhaps
Wagner, Waterman, etc., etc., are
wonderful teachers and deserve
tenure; I am saying that, the
student voice is totally disorganized and too weak on this
campus. University policy has
blatantly ignored us on questions like lack of art department
funds especially as compared to
the 'hard* science departments;
questions about health service
policy; questions of tenure; I'm
sure you have as many complaints as I do.
With the easy excuses of
'budget squeeze' or 'lack of qualifications,' Dean Hunsberger is
going to lop off the heads of
many more teachers this year let
alone the next and the next until
this school consists of nothing
but a handfull of 'internationally
known' teachers, thousands of
'hard' science majors, and thousands o f pillars.
It is time we took
action. N o one w i t h authority is
going t o listen to us unless we
grab them by their throats. I am
seriously proposing a t u i t i o n and
board payment strike f o r the
spring semester 1973, to be observed by every student who has
ever felt any teacher in this
school has been unjustly fired or
has had t o fight too hard t o
prove him/herself worthy o f
tenure against inestimable odds.
Any studenl w h o feels that the
university overlooked us on any
policy decision should join in
this strike Mohawk tower, parking situations, mandatory dinner
plans in the dorms, the huge
houkhnes, the l a d that we have
finals until December 23, etc.,
e i c , etc., etc..
Think o f your gripes We must
unite. Universities are for students and teachers- we should
all be partaking in an education.
h i e ra rchy
o f decision
makers exists because of our
huge size, not because o f their
inherent rights to rule. They are
in office t o serve us. We must
make sure they f u l f i l l their proper function.
ISurbura 0' Orroh
To the Editor
The administration
Ihe vehicle o f security seems to
be displaying its complete contempt for the students. The administration is violating an agreement
reached w i t h
leaders. 1 was al the meeting
an a g r e e m e n t was
reached. Towing cars that are
completely on the gravel behind
the Humanities and Education
buildings is a direct and contemptuous
o f the
agreement. Read the letter distributed by John Hartley, VicePresident for Management and
The administration is showing
of concern
t o w a rds agreements
with students. Well, administration, we read you loud and clear
we realize we don't count with
you. We realize our lives mean
nothing t o y o u . You have de
dared war on the student.
Harry Z Davis
Offers Flu Vaccine
Tn the SUNYA
The Communicable
(,'enter suggests that flu shots be
administered to individuals o f all
ages who suffer from chronic
debilitating diseases including
pu I mona ry,
renal or metabolic disorders. In
particular patients w i t h rheumatic heart disease or other
heart problems, patients w i t h
such as asthma or chronic bronchitis, patients w i t h diabetes or
other such endocrine or meta
bolic diseases. A new vaccine
which is relatively painless and
produces n o reaction is partially
effective against the new mutant
which is causing flu this year
called the England strain.
'Die Student Health Service
will be offering flu vaccine t o
students in the above categories
immediately for the cost o f the
material, $1.10.
Please note that flu shots are
not recommended for normal
healthy student* nor for indivi
duals under the age o f 50 w h o
are in good basic health.
more Communications
J Hood MD
Health Servian
15 E. PlMHdt St.
It is obvious that the students,
and sometimes, even faculty
members, have no say in which
teachers are fired and who
receives tenure. The ability of
the' 'powers that be' to override
student decisions is so obvious
that the lack o f student protest
on this campus is sickening.
The approved methods for
trying t o keep a teacher at
SUNYA—such as petitioning and
Hunsberger et at., obviously have
no effect. I t is time f o r us
students t o unite over a real
on page nine
W A N T E D D E A D OR A L I V E :
Lionel trains. Quick cash. Call
Late November, Dutch Quad
Board will sponsor a Crafts Fair.
Those interested in displaying or
selling handi-work (jewelry, leather, embroidery, etc.) Please
contact Sue. 457-7965.
1965 Buick P/S P/B P/W. Air
conditioning, snow tires. Make
offer. Jeff 4 8 2 - 8 8 0 1 .
'68 Plymouth Belvedere, auto,
trans., brown, excellent condition, 8 cyl., asking $925. Call
Ron 457-7794.
1968 Comaro, low mileage, excellent condition. 4 new tires,
new brakes, new shocks. C a l l Day 457-3390. Alter 6 p.m.
For Sale. 1962 Volkswagen.
Good condition. Best
2 snow tires w i t h
6.95-14, 1-2 more winters' use.
$10 each, 785-5902.
1968 Mercury Montego M x ,
automatic, V-8, power steering,
vinyl t o p , new tires, very good
condition. $850 or best offerphone 465-5515.
2 snow tires, 7.35x14 Blackwall,
4-ply polyester, excellent condition. $25 but will baigain. Sue,
2 for $1
patches 25
264 Central Ave.
cor No Lake Ave.
463 2456
1966 Saab. Good winter car
w/front wheel drive, snow tires,
slight dents. Needs carburetor
work. For a good price $200.
Call Bill 474-8433 or 449-1604.
Firestone snow tires, 6.85x15,
excellent condition. Both $ 2 5 .
Bicycle—10 speed Elvish. $ 9 0 .
Call Aileen 489-0583.
n e w Rossignol
205cm, $ 6 5 , new look Nevada
bmdings-$48. Both for $ 1 1 0 ,
Marker bmdings-$15. Call Dave
Ski boots. Kastinger's (Golden
K) 9 N , used once, extremely
reasonable. 370-0088.
205 cm Head ' 3 6 0 ' s k i s - $ 6 5 .
Call K e n - 4 8 9 - 1 6 2 6 .
72 Hart Cutlass never been used
210 cm. $95. 482-5123 after
7:00. Rick.
10 gallon aquarium set-up
dyna-llow filter. stand, lile
totally complete including fish
asking $ 3 0 . Call Joe 457-5020.
$40. Down lackel, $ 4 0 . t x c e l lenl condition. 436-0058. Aftei
Durst M600 enlaiger plus dark
room equipment. Hardly used.
Reasonable. 482-1 556.
Part Time Sales Positions Available. Hours to suit your schedule. Must be neat appearing and
have a serviceable car. Average
students are currently earning
over $10.00 per hour. 462-1960
L. FEY to arrange a personal
Babysitter: Live in. 11 p.m. to 7
three days a week. Free
room and board. 438-5520.
Parking Attendants Wanted Parttime
M o r m ngs/
Towers. Mr. Gleason.
D I A M O N D E N G A G E M F N I 8,
WEDDING RINGS. 3,000 nng
selections in all styles at 50%
discount to students, staff, and
faculty Buy direct l i o m leading
manufacturer and S A V E 1 I <2
carat $1 /'J. 3/4 caiat only $299
For t r e e c o l o i folder write Box
42. I anwood, N J 0 / 0 2 J .
Colonial Quad Board's
•Professional Typing'Pickup &
Delivery On Campus*Call Jackie
Come Ski Solden, Austria with
the Albany State Ski Club. 12
days—January 4, 1973-January
15, 1973. Price: $312-transportation, meals, accommodations,
taxes, gratuities, skibag, party.
Robert Waldman—
518-465-3706. P.O. Box 178
Need a math tutor? Call Donna
Typing done
D R I V E Professional Driving Instructor
f r o m Triple A A u t o Driving
School, Inc. Located at 160-02
Northern Blvd., Flushing, New
Y o r k . Special rates for S U N Y A
students. Call Howie 489-1626.
Ma (.e your spare lime pro
fit; blc.
House Hunting? 1971 Parkwood
trailer, 2 bedroom and study.
Many extras. Reasonable. Close
college. Interested?
1 or 2 male roommates wanted
for Spring Semester. Spacious
apartment off Main near busline.
$40/month. Call 438-6594.
wanted —
Next Semester—to share furnished apartment near downtown dorms. Own Bedroom—
$58 per month. 438-5726.
Graduate student seeking small
house or 4 room apartment on
outskirts of Albany f r o m December on. Plea5ecall 472-3684.
A p t . for Rent-near Washington
Park, cheap. Call Doug 482-5378
or Ken 4 8 2 - 8 0 5 1 .
- Appli-
Fast. Call A r t 4 5 7 - 4 7 2 S or
M.D. Auto Repair
We Do:
lingine lune-ups & Repairs Drake |i hs & Adj uslmcnts Winterizing-with Prestone II.
We Insial :
Shock absorbers
Alarm Systems III Hid In •ks.
Help Iwi sludenls p ay 1 in ihen
College e iueulKin.
H\ ; pprrllllmeii 1 mil)
1 1 A M I PM
M ke Ncmlich
-1 H -631(i
Woman's College Ring. Barrel
shaped ruby stone. College of
the Holy Spirit, 1 9 / 1 . Inside
engraving Mildred C. Beinrdo.
Call 472-3350 Slan.
Lost: Men's wallet. N o questions. Call Brian 489-21 12,
Found in Paine. Notebook belonging to Bill Hoonie. Please
call Dana 7-8808.
SUNYA Bureaucracy
To the Editor:
I had a very frustrating experience recently when I attempted
to acquire funds to run a spectator bus to the Albany football
game Saturday, November II at
Pittsburgh. This year, despite a
pitiful turnout on the part of
Albany students, the team has so
far gone undefeated and the
game at Pittsburgh is the
season's last. I personally know
of several students anxious to
see the game but cannot afford
to charter a bus independently. I
To the Editor
1 was prompted to write this
letter in response to the most
accurate and informative article
on the Kosher Kitchen and its
operation by Monica Hi [sen rath.
The Kosher Kitchen has had
ramifications far beyond those
that I could ever have dreamed
possible. It has provided for
Jewish students on this campus
much more than a 'good Kosher
meal.' A 'Chavura,* or fraternal
organization has been built
around the Kosher Kitchen It is
by no means a clique thai seeks
to exclude others. Because many
of the participants in the plan
eat together every night, man3
Lost: nursing cap and apron.
Phone 457-4692.
I lost a red and green plaid
pocketbook. Roll ol f i l m m it.
Need them both desperately.
Call Sandy /-50a3.
I or ? female roommates wanted
lor spring semester. $ 5 0 / m o . on
busline. Call 463 384 1.
Ride needed from Schenectady
10 campus daily. Arrive Ijy 9 0 0 ,
leave aiound 4 0 0 . Will shaie
34(> 1 i ' j / .
Ski Jackson Hole, Wyoming over
inlei session. V J ' J I O I 6 n i l
lickets and / nights Will sham
d i i v i i u j , expenses, women ami
dupe Call / 5 0 7 / or 7 506J.
have become close friends. Some
of the students even 'bench,' or
•say grace after meals which is a
very important Jewish law. The
traditional Friday night meal has
brought something o f home to
campus and a cultural identity
with -Judaism
The Kosher Kitchen has been
I he impetus for an intensification of interest in Judaism
on this campus We have a Ira
rlilmnal Saturday morning ;er
vice every week now, complete
with a Torah. Students run the
service by leading I he prayers
reading the Torah, and ex
plaining the portion of the week
We also have a traditional
luncheon following the service 1
am hopeful that we may expand
our services l o Fridav night al
sundown and on Saturday after
noons Bui a start has been made
which, in the past, would have
been considered impossible
The Judaic Studies Depart
merit, the Jewish Student Coal
it ion and the Hebrew Club has
also made major contributions
lo Lhe revivicatioii of -Jewish
( o n d r . Campus ' hesl
WAN I I I i I I M/\l I ',1 111)1 II I
Ho .'.iljilil ies ( A l l i u m , i i ,
I i-llri
I n ISO- I I . , , I K / I I
M INY/> ' j f j i r i i i i Albany 1 ;';';','
You die the redtiAitton ol my
impossible d r e a m
It would be a gross exaggeration and indeed lolly on my
part to say that the Kosher
Kitchen is the sole cause for a
rejuvenation of Jewish identity
at SUNYA. However, I think
that it is fair to say that, coupled
with the other organizations and
activities, the Kosher Kitchen
cannot be denied as a positive
force in this direction We are
witnessing an amazing phenomenon.
Howard Kiirjjvt
To the Editor:
Being a cashier for nearly six
years, in at least ten different
places, I have realized how cashiers are one of the most oppressed groups of unskilled
workers. In a grocery store, for
instance, cashiers are paid less
money than all other unskilled
workers such as stock boys and
office help. A guy can apply for
work as a stock clerk and start
off with $2.00 to $2.50 an hour.
A girl who is unskilled has little
choice. She would never be hired
for stock work or she has to be a
cashier and make only $1.85 to
$2.00 an hour, 'litis isn't really fair.
Cashiers are extremely important Lo a store's reputation
because they have direct contact
with t h e customers. The
impression the customer gets at
the checkout counter is his last
impression as he leaves the store.
A good cashier knows this and
does her best to be friendly and
courteous, although this is often
No matter what goes wrong,
most customers bring their complaints to the cashier. Cashiers
an- the scapegoats they get all
the grief. Just the other day, a
customer of mine discovered
that some of the plums she
purchased were rotten. Who did
she yell at? ME. What could I do
about it? I could tell her that she
would be given a refund and she
may quiet down, but I have to
hear her remark, 'and I thought
this was supposed to be a GOOD
Customers are what keeps a
store going, and it is the cashiers
that have the most contact with
them. All the cashier training
manuals will say this and emphasize how important it is for a
cashier to be careful with the
thousands of dollars that pass
through her hands every day. If
a cashier makes a mistake when
she gives out change and her
register is short, she gets yelled
al and is told that she has cost the
store money. If it happens too
often, she is fired. If a stock boy
makes an error in stocking the
shelves, he just has to do it over
again. Nothing is lost. He is
allowed to make mistakes. A cashier's job is much more tedious
and errors are serious. Why then,
are cashiers paid less than anyone else? And why do they have
so little status'.'
tttane Margiore
There is a new bookstore in the area called
the BOOK BAZAAR located at 813
Teacher and Student Discount
On All Books
The Albany Student Press welcomes mail from its
readers. Communications should be typewritten and
addressed to: Editorial Page Editor. Albany Student Press,
SUNYA, Albany, \ew York 12222. Unless there art
extenuating circumstances, all letters must be signed.
I love y o u .
Mu kionik, l e t s booiiie, H
UCB presents
1 I j p p y May, .ire bete
* Uppy
?A\U bri Ib'i.iy
I "'!•' / '
b o n y about oui mntoi t.ilnnt)
( ,m I \)i>V V " " ' • " " "
nil Med iMMiiuu ' " ' " ' " " ''' '"!'•
November 19
I .H-ll-l
I fie but* 1 li
My Salem G11I You t Intarued
'ilitj fjevii, I Adore YQU.'M
All A l b A A KeluinBDb.
It you'ie interested in attend
11 KJ .1 1 eyio rial r nee tiny 01 |uM
(in 1 tiny «jme A A \ call Muy 01
CC Ballroom
"free your mind and
your ass will follow"
$1 w/tax & ID
$2 w/ID
9 pm
funded oy Hudenl UX
Anita 4bb *>/ay.
interest on this campus. In offer
ing courses in Hebrew, Jewish
History, philosophy, literature,
and the Bible, the Judaic Studies
Department appeals to a wide
range of its student constituency. The Jewish Student
Coalition, or J.S.C., provides services and activities for tin*
Jewish university community to
meet all its needs: educational,
social, recreational. religious,
cultural, etc The Hebrew Club's
purpose is to expressly promote
interest in the Hebrew language
through its actual use
ore Scapegoats
7:30 & 10:00
Pamela Seven
free w/colonial quad tax
50c w/out
turned to Student Association
for help and asked if there was
any channel through which
money could be alio ted. For all
the response I got il seemed my
suggestion was totally absurd.
Unless I represented an organizer! group with a written constitution and submitted a formal
request to IK- reviewed before
Central Council... Next I called
WSUA and the person there obviously considered il very
amusing. "What game'' I'm just
a lowly, humble D.J. who
knows nothing."
I believed him.
So I tried the Office of Student Affairs and there received a
polite but nevertheless negative
reply. The Office of Student
Activities was at least sympathetic, but said it was too late
this year and to possibly contact
the Athletic Department for
next season.
It just seems to me that there
is something lacking here in the
line of responsiveness to ideas
coming from u norganized
students if all are met with the
same interest as mine was. And
I'm sorry that our football team
will not witness a turnout of
fans at the PlatLsburgh game, but
then again, what else is new?
SUNYA's Kosher Kitchen o Positive Force
Lost - Bio notebook w i t h a
l l o w e i e d cover. Needed desperately. 3/1-0839.
Sludenls interested in having a
possible credit or maybe noncredit night course in Aimenian
language) at
con l a d
3 Males Need Roommate to
share one family house—own
room. $70 per month. Call
434-2589 after 6 p.m.
cation P h o t o s or a n y o t h e r
Dennis M isei
Communications cont.
My Home
special n e e d s . Inexpensive Married t'ww/j/M-purl-time job care for olher people's children
oi homes while on vacation
Free room and board. Work as
much as you want. Must have
car. One child okay. $100 a
week. Call .155-X.W5 anytime,
Fashion Two-Twenty Cosmetic s.
Ftee demonstration and analysis
Products lor male and female.
Sally 4 72-3324.
Typing Done
House For Rent. Four Students.
Convenient T o Bus. Colonie.
Call 459-7352.
The Albany Great Danes will
attempt to nail down an unbeaten season in its third and
final year of club football with a
season-ending game tomorrow at
Plattsburgh. The task will be
difficult, since the Cardinals
have won five straight after two
losses and have beaten Albany in
each of the past two seasons.
Coach Roger Casciani has a
strong defensive club that has
seven opponents,
103-57. After losing to St. Lawrence (16-0) and Nichols (14-6),
Plattsburgh has beaten Brockport (15-0), RIT (19-14), New
(21-6), and Bridgewater (20-0).
Against two common opponents, Albany tied Brockport.
13-13, and beat RIT, 28-7.
Plattsburgh shut out Albany,
28-0, in their first meeting two
years ago and won a 7-6 defensive battle last fall.
|or$1.19 PACK 1/2 PRICE
12 T H I R D
$.39 $.55 $.75-8.89 BUY J
The Cardinals have three running backs with more than 250
yards. The leader is Jim McMullen, who gained 111 of his 377
yards against RIT. He also is the
leading scorer with four touchdowns.
Ra y Ph ilbrook h as
rushed for 304 yards and Joe
Guadalupe for 258, including
three TD's. Quarterback Tim
White has scored 22 points on
three TD's and a pair of twopoint conversions.
by The Monde Bombshell
Brown should HO for heavy yard
aj»e against the (liants. Kilmer
looked like superman against the
.lets, GianU will he hurting alter
this loss to the "over the hill
B U F F A L O vs. JUT'S
The Jets
defense has heen awful, recently
hut the Hills offense is not that
good. Simpson will gel his share
of yardage hul Namath's arm
will counter it. The Jets still
have a shot at the playoffs as the
hest second place team They
will not let the Bills ruin il for
I hem.
U A l . T I M U I t K vs SAN KUAN
The Colts did not
impress anyone aginsl New Kng
lund. Marly Domres is only a
good hack up quarterback at this
point, yet he's starling The
•lifers came on strong in the
second hall and will lake advan
lage of an old Baltimore team
bailie ,,1 Hi., miming backs
Uniwrsity Bookstore
Freshman halfback Marvin Perry has set a season rushing record for Albany with 553 yards
to date. His 191 yards against
Brockport is one-game high and
he leads the club with five
touchdowns, three of which
came against Siena. Albany built
up a 36-3 third-quarter lead
against Siena, then withstood
three final-period Indian scores
for a 36-21 victory. The tie with
Brockport is the only blemish on
Albany's 6-0-1 record.
Joining Perry in the all-freshman backfield will be quarterback John Bertuzzi who has run
the triple-option, Wishbone-T
with finesse all year; McCoy
Allister 326 yards; and Noel
Walker, 184 yards and three
TD's, who earned a starting
berth two weeks ago.
Albany has rolled up 1,670
yards on the ground, while outscoring
176-55. The Dane defense, led
by tackles Frank Villanova and
Dom Pagano, hus blanked three
foes. The secondary has stolen
20 passes, four by halfback
Bruce Cummings, who intercepted three against Siena.
Albany's main problem; partially a result of the offense,
which necessitates considerable
piichouts and fakes; has been
holding onto the ball. The Great
Danes have fumbled 46 times
and lost 20 of them.
Hams showed me something last
week even without being able to
throw wilh sore armed tlabriel
Denver's nuarlerhaeks are even
Bowl, Bowl, Did Someone Say Bowl?
Dane's Football
Del roil i'. .i ureal team bin Mm
nesolll always heals (hem III Hie
big ones 'I'lllS one Will lie „ , ,
dllleienl as Ihe defense was out
standing lasl week anil I , I I
kelllon wauls H badly
The Battle lor ihe South.
Atlanta lost Iwo in a row bill
not this one An inspired New
Orleans will innke i l lough hut
Van Brocklm won't let AUanla
get down. Atlanta will run the
hull down the throats of the
Saints until they (jet tired of i l .
vs. P I T T S B U R G H
Division leaders meet and boll)
had lough opponents last week.
Both looked fantastic but K.C. is
a class team. I I will be Dawson
and Fodolak versus Hradshaw
and Harris. Defense is the key
and the Chiefs have Ihe better
by Bill Heller
No, this isn't an ad for A M F or
Brunswick. I t is merely the latest
gem heaped upon the heralded
and undefeated Albany State
grid team. As they go up against
Plattsburgh t o m o r r o w , in the
back of their minds will be the
possibility of a bowl bid. If the
Danes w i n , and thus complete
their record at 7-0-1, they'll be
in direct line for a bid f r o m the
National Club Football Association ( N C F A ) . It w o u l d n ' t be
the Rose Bowl, but nonetheless
it would p i t Albany against one
of the top club football teams in
the nation.
After a hush hush meeting
with head coach Bob Ford and
athletic director, Joe Garcia, I
gathered these facts. Every year
the NCFA sponsors a club howl
game — this year there will be
two: one on Friday nighl, No
vember24th at Fordham Univer
sity, the other the following
afternoon at M o u n t Vernon Stadium in Westchester. Four bids
will be handed o u t sometime
botween now and gametime.
The bids are usually based on a
national weekly club poll that
had Albany ranked third after
the HVCC game. Since then,
Albany hasn't been ranked. This
is where the problems start. Be
causes Albany plans to go Lo
varsiLy status next season, they
declined to pay the one hundred
dollars annual club fee. So they
were dropped from the rankings
Despite this, the NCFA has
dropped feelers in Coach Ford's
direction. On October 2!)th,
Ford nut a call from the I'resi
dent of the NCFA saying thai
Albany was being considered, il
they paid their dues. Ford had
in hedge, mainly because he
doesn't have ihe authority to
make the decision. A call again
last week provided no more in
Why was Ford consulted ami
mil athletic director Garcia''
Thai's what, has bothered fiarcia
up to now. " I knew nothing ol ,1
howl game until Monday mghl "
If he was to be consulted by the
NCFA he could then go out,
estimate costs, and send the de
cision to the Athletic Board,
and consequently to the Central
(if costs exceeded
$1000) for approval. But presently, Garcia has not been contacted officially.
In general, there are morecons
than pros for going lo a bowl
game. First, there's the costs.
What with lights for extended
practice, transportation costs,
h o t e l accomodations, meals,
gatne films, ami extra insurance,
Ihe runs in the area ol
$2,.riO0. Some of this might be
offset by a NCFA guarantee, hul
that's pure speculation Othei
disadvantages would include ,m
important i wo week loss in re
(Tinting lime, ;uiil Ihe two weeks
..I extended practice thai mighl
confliel wild winter sports and
Of course, the team is .solidly
in favor of going if offered as
indicated by a preliminary team
vote. The bowl game would be a
tremendous ex pencilee fur the
players and represent a great
way to cap off Albany's three
year lustor\ as ;i Huh team.
Standing m ihe way is heating
Plattsburgh I in. eas\ bisk ), gel
tint! Ihe bid, and I'm,illy accept
ing the hid f pushing il through
the alhlchi bureaucracy). If all
Hie above things happen Bingo
it no! (lo nol pass uo do not
i nlled >J0U, d<
U'< In howl
GDX Wins Football Crown
by Jim DoundoulakK
If you thought the end of the
Albany-Hudson Valley game was
exciting, " y o u ain't seen nothing " GDX tra played Potter
Club fur the A M I A League I
Champiunship on Tuesday. The
last minute of thai game easily
vies fur tup honors in terms of
suspense, bul more on that later.
il was the third confrontation
I'm bulb teams Potter Club, lasl
year's la-ague I Champs, was
favored to win by seven points
I ' l l l l . A D K I . I ' I I I A vs HOUSTON
I 1> I against
Houston 1 7 is really .1 drag The
game should end tl II bul neiihei
. le|, • use will lei thai happen
Toll! Dempsey l o win ,1 l o , Ihe
D A L L A S vs ST L O U I S Dallas
will win this one easily. Si. Louis
needs a quarterback and llvey are
not going l o find one this year
O I . K V L A N D vs SAN D I K l i O
The Monday nighl game ell
ables Cosell to discuss Dunne
Thomas. San Diego's offense will
their weak
Cleveland is only a game out of
their division lea,I but they will
full lo the Chargers.
The game started with Pottei
driving to the G D X 3 yard line
only to be stopped by a deter
mined defense The half ended
GDX opened ihe scoring early
in the second half with <|uarle
rback Larry Marcus scoring on a
Iwo yard keeper up the middle.
In tfuinu fur ihe point after,
Marcus scrambled, Fran Tar
kenton style, and completed to
Dennis Lovreeich in the corner
ihe game and failed to advance
if. It looked as if Potter's luck
had just about run o u t . With 10
seconds to go in the game, " t h e
C l u b " had a fourth down and
long yardage to go. But Burden
passed to Bill Alston for a first
down. Seconds later Burden repeated to Alston with a 25 yard
pass to the G D X five . One
second to go and the tension
along both side-lines was almost
unbearable. Burden handed o f f
to Cliff McCarg on a sweep left.
Cliff made it l o the one foot line
hut was slopped by Larry Marcus for a game-saving tackle.
The clock ran out Willi the
score 7-6, GDX.
of the end /one l o make Ihe
score 7 0.
Potter retaliated later in i l l "
half with Bruce Burden throwing
ii screen lo Bill O'Brien. Bill
evaded at least I " l a d d e r s " and
scrambled 70 yards lor ihe
touchdown, Plirelz of GDX
knocked down a Burden pass
intended lor Kevin Cluonan lo
keep Ihe score at 7-6.
Both teams exchanged posses
sum several limes without scur
inn. Puller not Ihe ball Willi
llboul a minute and a hall left in
O A K L A N D vs. C I N C 1 N A T T I
Oakland needs Ibis one after
losing lasl week but Cincinatli
needs il too. This week Paul
Brown will not be denied Kx
peel losee Stable, or Bland;,
leplace Lanioluea early
Miami will have a field day
versus I'lunkel. Until J i m gels a
line and some help, he will be
unable Lo reach his potential.
Miami still undefeated will have
trouble getting up for il bul a
listless Miami will be good
(Jreeu Hay embarrassed me lasl
week bul I still won't pick them.
Chicago IS due l o upset and
Scoll l l u n l e i will lose some nod
on the betting sheet. Both learns'
had identical records of 10-1-1,
bul Potter had beaten G D X
20-1H in their last encounter
Their first game ended in a 6-6
f Albany State Cinema presents
1 Football Standings
W 1.
10 1
Spaei It.i i|>ers|i
Friday Novemer 10
, ._
Saturday November 11!
17:30 and 10:00
$.75 w/tax & ID
:m<VMX!XmMU(-nmi <MBO vmc nmmmt
$1.25 w/o
vm&mc MUM xm. -mm xm. >HK'MMMM«M6MW*
Station Studies
Boyer Sates SUNY Move
A L B A N Y (AP) - A railroad
building of Flemish-Gothic architecture will be the new headquarters of the State University
of N e w York administration,
which is buying the well-known
upstate structure for $1.7 million.
Most S U N Y offices n o w are
concentrated in leased space in
the modern T w i n Towers building just northwest of the Capitol
The building, and Albany landmark, stands on the spot where
H e n r i c k Hudson was believed
t o have landed in his exploration
of the river that bears his name.
The structure was built in the
early part of this century as a
c o p y of the famous Cloth Guild
Hall in Ypres, Belgium. It is
constructed of reinforced con-
crete and steel with Gothic exterior detailing. The four-story
building, at the f o o t of the State
Capitol, has a 13-story central
tower capped by a gilded weathervane depicting Hudson's ship,
the "Half M o o n . "
In announcing the plan Friday,
Chancellor Ernest L. Boyer of
the S t a t e University said the
Delaware & Hudson Railroad,
the present occupants, have
agreed t o sell the building for
$1.7 million.
from the state for $ 1 0 million
that could be used for the rehabilitation.
The university board of trustees was thinking about building
a new headquarters before they
l o o k e d into the possibility of
purchasing the D & H building,
he said. As for the cost of
acquisition and rehabilitation, he
said, "We're not talking about
much less m o n e y than building
and not much more either."
The interior will be rehabilitated, he said. Asked about the
p r e s e n t condition of the interior,
t h e chancellor said: "I wish
there was a good s y n o n y m for
'mess.' "
He n o t e d t h a t t h e university
long has h a d an a p p r o p r i a t i o n
However, the university administration expects t o move into
the D & H building in about t w o
years where a wait of four or
five years would have been required for a new structure.
A small park in front of the
building will be e x p a n d e d a n d a
dissecting s t r e e t will be aband o n e d , a s p o k e s m a n said.
continued from page one
members of the c o m m u n i t y .
However, Italian majors and
minors will be requested t o read
the materials in their original
texts. Moreover, Part A of Italian Civilization (Ha. 3 1 5 ) will be
a prerequisite for the majors and
minors w h o wish to enroll.
There is no prerequisite for all
other students.
continued from page one
" w e never want t o have a situat i o n " in which force would have
t o be used by students. He then
went on the point o u t h o w
S U N Y Albany has a greater
amount of student participation
in campus governance than other
Another student questioned
President Benezet on the plans
to build a west podium extension, and wanted t o k n o w if the
project were dead. According to
Benezet, the project is indeed,
dead. "At least in our life time
n ' will not see the podium
e x t e n d e d , " he c o m m e n t e d .
He did point out that there is a
serious space problem o n the
Academic Podium, and that "we
will be pressing our case for
more facilities." He sees s t u d e n t s
as p o t e n t i a l l y "effective sales
m e n " for t h e University. Comm e n t s B e n e z e t : " A lot of outside people c a n n o t imagine that
this massive p o d i u m is actually
c r o w d e d . " He sees t h e s t u d e n t s
as an effective tooi in c o n v i n c i n g
the c o m m u n i t y otherwise,
OLr#"\ I
No. 46
several i n c h e s " t o m a k e everthing plausible. " N o b o d y challenged t h e m . T h e y said they
h a d n ' t drawn Lhe first sketches
t o scale b u t now they could
r e m e m b e r where the w o u n d was.
Every other hole scar, incision
and mark was drawn in exactly.
Only this hole was several inches
Wecht said t h a t in D e c e m b e r ,
1966, he was allowed t o view
the Z a p r u d e r film of t h e assassination, which he did over 100
times in a d d i t i o n t o e x a m i n i n g
blow-ups of each frame. He said
t h a t using this film, the FBI was
able to gauge the length of time
between the first a n d last times
the President was sLruck, which
t u r n e d o u t t o be a b o u t six seco n d s . They also test-fired Lee
Harvey Oswald's rifle (a singles h o t , bolL-action Manlicher Carc a n o ) and found t h a t t h e quickest it could be l o a d e d a n d firednever mind a i m e d - w a s 2.3 seco n d s . This presented a bit of ;i
p r o b l e m in t h a t four bullets
a p p a r e n t l y were fired, and the
length of t i m e b e t w e e n t h e m
p u r p o r t e d l y was six s e c o n d s . Yel
it would take nearly seven seco n d s just to get off t h a t m a n y
T h e results indicated it
"an impossibility t h a t one
son could have d o n e all
s h o o t i n g . " Wecht said it was
c o n t r a d i c t i o n that led to
C o m m i s s i o n ' s " s i n g l e " or "magi c " bullet theory--which affirmed t h a t o n e bullet " e n t e r e d
J o h n K e n n e d y ' s back a n d exiLed
t h r o u g h his neck, w e n t i n t o Governor
(breaking a rib), e x i t e d from his
right chest into his right wrist
where it s h a t t e r e d a large b o n e ,
then w e n t into his right thigh,
only t o be found later on t h e
s t r e t c h e r at. Parkland H o s p i t a l . "
by John OToole
"Whatever n e e d e d to be d o n e
to c o r r e c t their inconsistencies
was d o n e , " Wecht charged, " b e cause no o n e else k n e w w h a t was
going on a n d it was not until
years later t h a t private investigators had a c h a n c e to see the
n u m b e r 399 is t h e bullet t h a t
A c c o r d i n g to Wecht, '15 m i n u t e s
after t h e assassination T i p p e t ,
" w h o was in a place h e h a d no
business b e i n g " (since all" police
had been o r d e r e d to Dealey
Plaza), s p o t t e d Oswald walking
d o w n a s t r e e t , " d e c i d e d t h a t he
was Lhe assassin," a n d w e n t
a f t e r - o n l y t o be himself killed.
" J . D . T i p p e t was t h e r e t o d o a
j o b t h a t because of his failure,
Jack R u b y had to c o m p l e t e t w o
days l a t e r , " Wecht said.
was found o n the s t r e t c h e r at
Parkland Host it;il. Wecht says
his examinati n of t h e Archive
x-rays shows particles of metal
in K e n n e d y ' s chest a n d also in
Connally \ chest--traces of the
bullet t h a t passed t h r o u g h t h e m .
This same bullet, a c c o r d i n g to
Lhe Warren C o m m i s s i o n , was also s u p p o s e d to have b r o k e n o n e
of Connally's ribs a n d s h a t t e r e d
it b o n e in his wrist. T h e bullet is
a 6 . 5 m m . shell with an original
weight of 161 grams. T w o m o r e
inconsistencies p r e s e n t e d themselves, said Wecht, b e c a u s e the
bullet found at P a r k l a n d has a
weight of 1 5 9 g r a m s :
" B y legal definition w e ' r e dealing w i t h a c o n s p i r a c y , " h e said.
And w h o is b e h i n d it all? WechL
p o i n t s t o m e m b e r s of the CIA.
He said it is a well-known fact in
Washington t h a t Oswald had
been o n Lhe payroll of t h e CIA
u p t o the time of Lhe assassination.
" T h e CIA has
b l o o d y , cuL-Lhroat operaLions all
a r o u n d t h e w o r l d , " he said, " y e t
n o o n e wants t o believe t h a t it
could happen here."
(1 ) A c c o r d i n g t o Lhe Commission's r e p o r t , t h e bullet lost
only two grams of weight in
passing Lhrough b o t h K e n n e d y
and Connally a n d leaving traces
b e h i n d in b o t h ;
( 2 ) and after doing all this
d a m a g e to b o t h m e n , t h e bullet
has " n o deformities in its u p p e r
two-thirds ut alt a n d Lhe boLLom
one-third s h o w s only very minimal flattening with no loss of
In a d d i t i o n , o n e small section
of the base of the bullet was
removed by Lhe FBI for examina t i o n , which brings up t h e question of h o w Lhe bullet could
have losL any s u b s t a n c e in pass
ing t h r o u g h the t w o men and
still weigh 159 grams after the
FBI sample was r e m o v e d .
<*° rf
S»* *!>
Still a n o t h e r impossible cons e q u e n c e of Lhe C o m m i s s i o n ' s
findings was t h a t t h e bullet was
moving from right t o left as it
passed through K e n n e d y , then
had to turn a b r u p t l y in m i d a i r
and go into C o n n a l l y ' s
back (Connally was s e a t e d diret'tly in front of K e n n e d y at the
time)- " B u l l e t s only do that in
c o m i c b o o k s , " said Wecht
" T h e r e is not o n e forensic
pathologist I have talked Lo who
believes the Warren C o m m i s s i o n
f i n d i n g s , "Wecht
without. Lhe single bullet t h e o r y ,
the Warren Commission conclusion of a lone assassin is destroyed
T h e evidence clearly
indicates thai ut /ens/ m o r e than
o n e person was involved in the
CIA C o n s p i r a c y ?
Wecht claimed no special information about who the other
iissassin(s) might be, but implicated Dallas P a t r o l m a n J O . Tip
pet as pail of the c o n s p i r a c y .
Wecht's conclusions, as limited
as t h e y are, parallel former New
Orleans District A t t o r n e y Jim
G a r r i s o n ' s conclusions. Garrison
(with w h o m Wecht has conferred on t h e assassination invest i g a t i o n ) claims t h a t a g r o u p of
right-wing CIA m e m b e r s along
with m e m b e r s of Lhe C u b a n exile c o m m u n i t y a n d o t h e r s plotLed a n d carried o u t the assassina t i o n , believing t h a t President
K e n n e d y was beginning a leftward dirft t h a t t h r e a t e n e d national security, and was also
c o n s i d e r i n g an easing of relations
with Fidel Castro
Lee Harvey Oswald lived for
3-6 h o u r s after Lhe assassination.
All t h a t t i m e h e was being inter
rogaled by federal, s t a t e , and
Wecht, we are told t h a t not one
n o t e , tape recording, or transcript was made in all thaL 36
h o u r s of i n t e r r o g a t i o n
Yel lhe Dallas police force was
r e p u t e d at Lhe t i m e Lo be o n e of
the most experienced in handling h o m o c i d c cases.
" Y e t w h o listens lo all t h i s ? "
c o m p l a i n e d Cyril Wecht. His
visit t o the National Archives
and his i m p o r t a n t findings re
suited in a brief flurry of head
lines a r o u n d t h e c o u n t r y a n d
Utile else. No o n e bus c o m e
forth Lo challenge a n y t h i n g he
has said, even his m o s t d a m n i n g
i n d i c t m e n t s of the Warren Commission
policy seems t o be to ignore t h e
critics and h o p e they eventually
go awuy
November 14. 1972
Security: Keystone Cops or Real Police?
"Elementary Italian" will be
offered on Monday and Wednesday evenings from 6 : 0 0 to
8 : 0 0 p.m. It is listed as It. 101 A,
call n o . 2 3 1 4 , four credits and it
will be taught by Professor
Fossa. The basic aim of this
course will be provide both
members of the c o m m u n i t y and
those students w h o can't participate in the morning sessions of
this course, amply opportunity
to study the Italian language.
Any interested person can register for t h e s e c o u r s e s beginning
Nov. 1, 1 9 7 2 in the Colonial
U-Lounge of the Albany Campus. For more information you
can call the Department of Hispanic and Italic Studies. Telej phone N o . 5 1 8 - 4 5 7 - 8 3 5 6 .
Pathologist Criticizes Warren Report
State University of New York at Albany
Campus Security: Police protection
without it can be a d o w n .
is no sure thing, hut being
FRIDAY 2 0 : 1 0 hours Guiding the black F o r d o u t of
the s q u a r e p a t c h of gravel- and
o n t o P e r i m e t e r R o a d , s e a t e d on
torn gray u p h o l s t e r y b e h i n d a
p a d d e d dash with a two-way
radio and a yellow s t i c k e r —
" G e t Gas at S t a t e F a c i l i t i e s , "
gripping the wheel with red
worn hands, Gary
c o p , l o o k s b o t h w a y s a n d explains:
"We have t h e c a m p u s splil up
i n t o t h r e e zones for t h e patrol
f u n c t i o n . We cut the c a m p u s
right d o w n the m i d d l e , East to
West, o n e car for each half. T h e
third car, my car, c o m p l e t e l y
roves the c a m p u s and t h e d o w n
town dorms."
" R i g h t now w e ' r e o p e r a t i n g
with six m e n , in a d d i t i o n t o the
s t u d e n t patrol t h a t ' s w o r k i n g on
the q u a d s . T h e r e ' s t h e dispatcher, t h r e e patrol cars, a n d t w o
men o p e r a t i n g on e i t h e r end of
Lhe a c a d e m i c p o d i u m , securing
the b u i l d i n g s . "
A car passes; t h e L i e u t e n a n t ' s
eyes follow. An inch of curly
b r o w n hair breaks o n lhe blue
u n i f o r m collar.
" A n d m e , " I say.
His r o u n d e d closeshaven face
grimaces. " Y e a h . A n d y o u . "
My n a m e s ' s O ' T o o l e . I carry a
WEDNESDAY PAST - 1 0 : 3 0 The waiting room was an architect's Freudian dream. There
were eight doors, four floor-toceiling plate glass w i n d o w s , one
long bare white corridor. The
secretary, brown-hair plump distracted, n o d d e d Lowards o n e of
the d o o r s . Behind it Len o r a n g e
padded chairs circled a coffee
table papered with Grassroots,
the ASP, T h e S c h e n e c t a d y Gazette, and a three-inch blackb o u n d Student
Protest and the
A c a r t o o n on a bulletin
board read: " T h e S t u d e n t Security Patrol is Watching Out for
y o u . " Next to il was a chart of
names and dales and h o u r s , evidently for the S t u d e n t Patrol.
T h e traffic on Perimeter Road
rumbled past t h e w i n d o w .
J a m e s Williams, director of
C a m p u s Security, walked in He
was y o u n g and well groomed,
wearing green vest brown tie and
smoke-gray slacks. In one hand
he e a r n e d an orange si earning
coffee mug, in the o t h e r his pipe
AIH\ t o b a c c o . He gave the impression
if a I railer-truck
crashed through the picture wind o w , he'd nod at tiie driver,
pause l o . fill his pipe, and ask
the driver for his registration. We
sat d o w n in o p p o s i n g orange
chairs t o talk a b o u t s t u d e n t security relations. T i m e passed
"What a b o u t the drug
bust o n Dutch? Did y o u know
t h a t was coming?"
"Yes. The S t a t e Police told us
the search warrant w o u l d be
e x e c u t e d and requested w h a t ever assistance we w o u l d give
them. The administration and
t h e R e s i d e n c e Director knew in
" T h a t ' s t h e usual p r o c e d u r e ? "
" W h a t image do you think
s t u d e n t s have of S e c u r i t y ? "
" I d o n ' t think w e ' r e viewed as
S t o r m t r o o p e r s , b u t n e i t h e r are
we seen as K e y s t o n e C o p s . "
t h e image leans
i n w a r d s the l a t t e r . "
"Most s t u d e n t s have a b s o l u t e l y
no c o n t a c t with law enforce*
m e n l , o t h e r than w h a t they see
on T V . A d a m 12 and Dragnet
cram thirty years of e x c i t e m e n t
into thirty m i n u t e s . It is a very
very d i s t o r t e d image. We d o n ' t
act like Reed and Moliov d o . "
] 1 :05
"We have a lot of older
officers. Yel t h e only cops you
see on T V . are twenty-five t o
I hirl y - five. That doesn 'l mean
Ihiil an older man with gray hair
is inefficient or ineffective. But I
think y o u can develop a stereot y p e that he i s . "
1 1 :ir»
'Did the parking
strike c r e a t e any pressure on
y o u r role or i m a g e ? "
" T h e great majority of the
s t u d e n t s now participating in the
on page 8
Murder In The Kingdom of Heaven
by Deanne Stillman
8, 1970, Las Vegas, New Mexico
(AP) Mora
and District Attorney
Bona Id o Martinez
of Las
Vegas investigated
Friday the shooting death of Michael Press, about
25, of New York,
Press was identified
by friends
who lived at the Kingdom
Heaven commune
at Gudalupita
in Mora County.
said Press apparently
was running
from some type of
at Guadalupita and was shot in the back. Press' body
was found
Friday after his friends reported
the shooting
and he
didn't re'u't-n
Mora, New Mexico—I arrived
early for o n e of the final hearings and s t o o d outside Lhe old
a d o b e courLhouse at Mora, near
G u a d a l u p i t a . I'd c o m e t o find
out why a freak from New York
was m u r d e r e d in Lhe Land of
E n c h a n t m e n t . 1 looked across
Lhe slreet to the Sangre de Crislos, Lhe m o u n l a i n s which h a r b o r
all the answers, and lure t h e
naive back Lo lhe land.
It all s e e m e d so easy, move to
New M e x i c o , get back t o Lhe
It's early 1970, c o m m u n a l life
is in vogue. If y o u ' r e a hippie,
you by pass the streets t o go
back L<> t h e land, because the
cities are making that final slide
toward d e a t h You d o n ' t really
have a d e s t i n a t i o n , but " t h a t ' s
cool " N o r t h e r n New Mexico bec o m e s h o m e - t h a t ' s where a lot
of people are going and t h a t ' s
w h e n ' y o u r ride takes you.
Once t h e r e , you realize that in
rural New Mexico the land is
fences and billboards and trees
grow u n c o n f i n e d by telephone
poles or electrical wires. T h e
horizon is u n c l u t t e r e d with neon
signs or r o a d instructions you
aren't invited to eat at Joe's or
w a r n e d to keep out or turn right
on red or slow d o w n . T h e green
m o u n t a i n hills seem limitless and
so do y o u .
This is the answer, you think.
It's u n c o r r u p t e d , Lhey haven't
found it yeL; it's clean, it's pure,
it's e v e r y t h i n g Lhe city isn't, so
y o u decide Lo sLay here and live
on/off the land. T h e old Spanish
villages lie h i d d e n like u n m i n e d
d i a m o n d s , waiting for you lo
discover and refine Lhem. You've
heard stories a b o u t local reaction t o strangers, but y o u ' r e
different, and New Mexico's allure is irresistible.
Mexico m a k e litlle c o n t a c t witli
Lhe o u t s i d e . S o m e villages still
speak 17th c e n t u r y Spanish, and
m a n y people think the Black
Panthers are wild animals you
see in p i c t u r e b o o k s . But you
d o n ' t k n o w this, and you d o n ' t
k n o w that the people have already met y o u r hippie stereot y p e via the t u b e , their periodic
c o n n e c t i o n with America, and
you d o n ' t k n o w thai y o u n g Chi*
can OS hear a b o u t free love from
Lheir teachers and talk ubouL il
like it's us p o p u l a r as eating
dinner. You d o n ' t k n o w that
these people have s p e n t lifetimes
trying Lo acquire middle class
while overnight
you discard it, A life of simplici-
ty awaits, and all you have t o do
is live it.
On August 5 and 6, 1 9 7 0 , the
K i n g d o m of Heaven dies: o n e
m e m b e r s h o t a n d killed, three
k i d n a p p e d and p i s t o l - w h i p p e d ,
and a fourth k i d n a p p e d and
raped three times T h e d e a t h
blows are quick and u n e x p e c t e d ,
although signals of the King
d o m ' s fall c o m e often. T h e comm u n e d o e s not w a n t Lo see.
Pretend you have g r o w n u p in
G u a d a l u p i t a , a small t o w n nurtured and overdosed on machism o , and you are o n e of the six
local m e n w h o will crush the
K i n g d o m of Heaven. T h e presence of t h e K i n g d o m is an
affront Lo c o m m u n i t y values,
bul y o u suffer several o t h e r insults w i t h o u t r e a c t i o n :
On h o t days, c o m m u n e resid e n t s garden in the n u d e . A
resident speculates on y o u r reaction
" Y o u see this girl a n d
t h i n k , 'Here's a girl a n d she's
n a k e d on this piece of p r o p e r t y
with all these guys a r o u n d . She
m u s t b e ballin', why isn't she
ballin' me? I'm just as good as
—A t r a n s i e n t begins an argum e n t at the local bar. H e talks
on page 5
V-' r