Albany Student Press X
Vol. tVIII No. 40
State University of New York at Albany
Friday, September 17, 1971
Attica Protest
Draws 100
by Tracy Eagan
by Mark
The minute you walked into the place, it hit y o u .
The Fifties were upon us again. Amongst all those
15170's freaks there they were; hair slicked back,
cigarettes dangling out of their mouths, dripping
with grease. Donned in ripped lee shirts, tight black
jeans, dull black leather booUi, dark glasses, even an
occasional leather jackel { w i t h skull and crossbones
insignia on live back, of course), they displayed
themselves lo the rear nl the audience. Of course, if
thai didn't attract y o u , the chains around the neck
might have. And lei's not forgel about the symbol
of the |0f>O's greaser: I he black comb in tin- back
pocket. The only thing missing was ;i molorcych'.
The greaser girls Were not as predomineiil, but
added to the atmosphere. All m all, it was a pretty
weird scene I mean it's been ,i long lime smce I was
al a concert where a good pail of the audience
looked like their bikes were parked outside. No, I
didn't see the Si ones a I All.illli Mini , bu I I Ills Ml re .is
hell reminded me of il Thai gu,s with live earrings
was really lo<. much Nevertheless I really got
the mood of the place soon enough. I walked In m j
seal, and the greaser ni'xl lo me yelled In his \rtt-\u\
carrying the hub cap,"(ley Angel, throw me my
knife, will y a ' " " .
The greasers wen- becoming increasingly un
pahent, and by I Ins lime il was becoming quite
noticeable. Finally al about Id o'clock, Sha Na Nil
Walked on slage Now when a group walks on slage
these days, the custom is to turn their back on tin*
audience, and make like there's n<> one lliere When
Sha Na Na walks o u l , the show begins. One guy
spits mi ihe floor, another displays his forefinger
nil her conspicuously, while yel another burps into
Ihe mike I knew they came lo play, and play they
did. Uy this time, they have nine guys on stage, and
immediately start info a familiar rock'n'roll rill".
From the side conic the shows mosl visual feature,
three guys in gold lame suits, thai looked painted
on. Sha-Na-Na breaks into their first number,
'•''Sluike, Kalfle and R o l l " , and the show begins. The
gold lames begin lo move, coordinating their hands
and body movements, so Ihal Ihe fid's are upon us
again. The guitarist begins a twisl, and Ihe pianist
starts some Jerry Lee Lewis antics. A h , Murray the
K, where are you now thai we need you'*
The first guilansl looks like he just came oul of
the pool room, with shirt, tie and sunglasses The
saxophone player is a large greasy figure, armed
with undershirt, and snake belt. Tin-guy al I heeler
piano bears some resemblance to Jerry Lee Lewis,
especially when lie begins to move. The guys in the
painted suits look like something out o f Ringling
Bros, circus. They're clearly satirical, and the
audience know it. Its more than being just camp
because they are really fine in a musical sense. The
guitarists truly surprised me, because they were
really good, especially on "Walk Don't R u n " .
Besides playing well, they did the "duck w a l k " and
Ihe Twisl as they played. The sax came through
clearly and the pianisl did some fine Jerry Lee
Next came "Tears on My Pillow", complete with a
breakdown of the lead singer in Ihe middle of the
number. Il dirln'l quite bring (ears to my eyes, hut I
laughed quite a hit. "Teen A n g e l " came o n , ami
over drama 11/.a l i o n , was no I even ihe word lo
describe i l . There were ] 2 greasers all bidding their
hands up lo the sky singing, "Teen Angel... can you
hear me'.'" There was a real fine Presley imitation ot
" H o c k " . The singer did the whole hip
shaking bit Inn They did a version of "Blue M o o n " ,
quite similar In ihe original version by the Marcels
in 19(12, only this linn-, the lead singer clammed on
the guitarist in Ihe middle of I hi' number 1 musi say
it really looked as if Sha-Na-Na were enjoying
themselves. After this, Ihe bassisl for 1 lie group
came up lo Ihe mike In do Ihe lead vocal on
"Teenager in Love" Al this point in the show, Ihe
audience began t o join in on I be choruses. The
singer seemed lo have been drowned out by lhem
through mosl of the song "Sixteen Candles" was the
next number, originally done by the Crests in Ihe
lale fid's. But now it was some lime for some
r o c k ' n ' r o l l , and they exploded into "Whole Lot a
Shaking doing O n " , complete with piano antics,
and Ihe whole group breaking out into T w i s l ,
"Silhouettes on the Shade" was done competently,
but it wasn't until "Ureal Balls of Fire", Ihal the
whole audience got up and clapped. They also did
" T e l l Laura I Love Her", followed by "Kama Lama
Ding Dong". In the middle of Ibis one, the group
began to march around the stage, just twisting and
shouting. Then, they went into "Walk, D o n ' ! R u n " ,
with the two guitarists playing on their knees. By
now, Ihe entire audience was jumping and singing,
and when they weul info " A l the H o p " , everyone
moved their asses. They went off, and when they
came back for the encore, the pianist shouted with a
true greaser look on his face, " I ' v e just got one thing
to say lo all you fucking hippies out there: Hock
and Roll is here lo s t a y ! "
"We demand that (he state immediately
inform families of the
prisoners at Attica whether or not their men are alive or dead, injured
or well.
We demand that the state immediately
allow attorneys into the
prison to counsel the men who took part in the uprising.
We demand thai the state allow the leaders of Ihe uprising access
now to news media, so Ihal they can tell their side of Ihe story to the
pu blic.
We demand that any panel set up to investigate the events at Atlica
must include representatives
of Ihe communities
from which the
prisoners came. Representatives selected by their (prisoners) families,
and members of the group of observers who were at the prison
throughout the disturbances.
We demand a public declaration by the governor that those who
look part in the rebellion
will be granted full amnesty,
administrative and criminal.
And lastly, we demand the immediate resignation of Commissioner
Russell (I Oswald who has admitted thai he ordered the armed assault
on the prisoners, and is therefore responsible for the deaths o/, now.
forty tiro men, and the grave wounding of countless others. "
These demands, read by Rev. Prank Snow, were- approved by a
crowd o f approximately one-hundred
al the " A t t i c a Massacre"
demonstration Wednesday morning. Some members of the group
wanted Gov. Rockefeller's name added to that of Oswald's.
After the reading of demands on the steps o f Ihe T w i n Towers
Building in d o w n t o w n Albany about 70 people went inside. There the
demonstrators asked to see "a responsibh officer of this particular
department." A Mr. Byrd told Ihe group " i f you wait here very quietly,
we have sent your request down to the commissioner's office and we
expect an answer very s h o r t l y . "
The Director o f Manpower and Employer Relations brought the
answer. "We'll accept your written demands, or if you prefer. Deputy
Commissioner Wim van Eekercn will meel with you
. . .you
; of
the library, on the c o n d i t i o n that tl
est o f you will leave I lie
building. "
To the displeasure of some, the group stood on the principle that all
who desired to see the commissioner should be allowed into the
meeting. Thus the demands were not presented to van Kekeren and
the demonstrators returned to the streets. One reaction to the
Correction Officer's proposal was tliis..."thegroup wauled to relate lo
the Department o f Corrections individually hut the Deputy Com
missioner would not meet w i t h the group - instead he submitted a
counter offer to meet with five or six representatives. The refusal lo
meet with the large group was a had lactic on his pari because each
representative Ihal was here wanted to relate lo an institution, hut
wanted lo personalize that relationship through the figure of the
Deputy Commissioner, Commissioner or Governor,..and now il (the
confrontation) is only to be deferred to a later date. That's for sure."
One positive thing did come o u l of that demonstration though. Six
members of the Peace Education course at SUNY dressed as "...the
spectre of death, and several o f the dead," formed an eerie procession
and established the vitality and potential o f guerilla theatre as a way
About 100 people, mainly students, rallied in downtown Albany last Wednesday to protest the Attica
deaths. They demanded the immediate resignation of Commissioner Russell G. Oswald.
Budget Cuts Hurt Albany;
Construction Is Halted
by Roy Lewis
Budgetary cuts promise to plague the S U N Y A financial picture for the coming academic year. The
stale wide SUNY freeze initialed by the Legislature last spring has been further compounded by the
President's Wage and Price Freeze of August I 2.
According to .John Harligan, Budget Director here at S U N Y A , the only direct effect o f the President's
action has been the fact that the faculty has not received their normal salary increment due on September
I. Whether these increments will take effect after November 1 2 is still unclear. In addition, no reallocation
of jobs has been approved by the Division of the Budget in light o f the President's action. Harligan did
mention that any increase in t u i t i o n , fees or room and board rates for the current academic year all
predated the President's action and are therefore legal.
of getting a message to the people.
Sue is having a lough lime
When the budge I is prepared, il is divided into 150 budgetary
accounts, (it) of which are academic in nature. The funds proposed for
these 150 accounts are all set up within ceilings set down by Ihe
Central Office. In order to guard ugainsl misappropriation, the
Administration is faking steps to find and weed out inefficient and
costly items in ihe budget. In addition, since Albany is a state agency,
it is strictly audited by the Stale Comptroller. Yet nevertheless, real
cost increases coupled with inflation spells cost increases for the
student Furthermore, Albany is not budgeted for inflation in service
areas (telephone, fuel, eleel n c i l y , etc..) and Ihe University must raise
Ihe revenues to meel these rising costs.
awa> f r o m MuryJeuu us (he
slick winners of the Concert
( i i casci
"goof n i l " alter thai fabulous
The Stale freeze paints a yet gloomier picture for S U N Y A . First of
all, there are no new construction funds available this year, resulting
in the tabling or scrapping of such projects as the West Podium
Extension and the Field House. Secondly, no additional faculty
positions have been funded or approved l o carry the extra student
load. The >l() to 50 new faculty/staff faces represent turnover. In
actuality, there are fewer faculty/staff members working here this
year than in '70-'71. Part of this attrition is due to the fact that 27
faculty lines had to be banked for Ihe current year in order to
produce almost $1,000,000 in forced savings from our budgetary
As llartigan explained, the Legislature appropriated $:i7,H<tB,-IG0 for
S U N Y A this year. After an initial $1,050,000 n i l by the Legislature,
followed by $!>Mi,0(m in forced savings and a further cut of $655,000
in order lo adjust our spending to the m l led ion of state revenues,
Albany has experienced a net cut of $2,500,00(1.
rcdirecliug Hector's attention
And Ihe band plays on. (left),
Ilurtigan fears still another cut for '71 '72 due to the slow up in
revenue collection and the general dismal picture of the economy.
Since there is a very large state deficit, each state agency shares in
making up the deficit gap. AI present, S U N Y A is prepared to
The demonstrators wait on (lie 9th floor of Ihe Twin Towers Building for the Commissioner's reply to
their demands. The group left when alt were not allowed to attend a meeting with the
ASP Photo/Chow
withstand a further cut of up to $200,000 by trimming academic and
- Anything above this amount could destroy the operating
sorvic(1 ,imiH
budget for this fiscal yoai.
Quad Residents Enjoy
FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 1 7 , 1 9 7 1
Attica Tragedy
Spurs Reaction
Indian Quad Awaits Completion
by Paul B a c h m a n
by Mai da Or higher
Although Indian Quad awaits final completion, o n e may find that quite a life already exists on the
newest of Albany's quadrangles.
U p o n entering the perimeter of the quad, a visitor confronts several ditches and mud pools. T h e
courtyard displays a vacant tower lacking both the light and sound of the other three towers. If you
choose to enter one of the completed low rise complexes, you may smell an air of newness, the result o f
freshly c u t wood and molded concrete. An obvious trait of this new quad is the corridor system; the
bathroom facilities are accessible by means of hallway doors.
But h o w d o the residents themselves feel about life in Indian Quad? Several students provided the
following information about their residence in the quad. Pelt t o be among the favorable characteristics of
Indian Quad is the noticeable 1 lack of loud music and noisy people. In s h o r t ,
an air of serenity
pervades the area. Because of the limited population, residents have been able t o a c q u a i n t themselves in a
rather personal way.
Another unique part of Indian Quad life is the 4+2 program. This program places responsibility for dorm
operations on the residents of the t w o coed halls. The 4+2 program sponsors their own social gatherings,
parties and picnics. Generally, the participants of the 4+2 plan seemed quite pleased to be a part of this
But when will Indian Quad
finally reach completion? Walter
Tisdale, head of campus planning,
says that by January 1, 1972 the
tower will finally be ready for
o c c u p a n c y . However, all plans are
Presently, the basements of two
low rise units are incomplete but
s h o u l d reach c o m p l e t i o n by the
close of the full. Plans for an
o u t d o o r dining terrace, scheduled
t o be c o m p l e t e d by spring, are
still being discussed. Nevertheless,
the dining r o o m , situated in the
b a s e m e n t of Indian Q u a d ' s tower,
has been open since the beginning
of the 1971-72 year.
Regardless of when Indian Quad
will b e c o m e c o m p l e t e , life goes on
almost parallel to that of the
o t h e r quads. In fact, o n e might
even w o n d e r if it isn't even a little
m o r e attractive.
A view of the still incompleted Indian Quadrangle.
University Concert Board
are now available in CC 364
T h e recent o c c u r e n c e s a t Attica S t a t e Prison have triggered off
action at various universities as well as at Albany S t a t e . In response t o
s t u d e n t d e m a n d s , the Medical School at the S t a t e University at
Buffalo offered last T h u r s d a y to a s s u m e all medical responsibility for
the inmates of Attica S t a t e Prison. T h e offer came after a group of
s t u d e n t s staged a 12 h o u r sit-in at t h e medical school. T h e group
d e m a n d e d t h a t the following action be t a k e n :
1) We d e m a n d t h a t the University of Buffalo
Medical School accept full responsibility for
the health care of all i n m a t e s at Attica S t a t e
2) We d e m a n d a public s t a t e m e n t of alt
medical t r e a t m e n t and e x a m i n a t i o n s performed since the beginning of t h e Attica
rebellion. This s h o u l d include a listing, by
n a m e , of all inmates, t h e t r e a t m e n t undertaken, their physical c o n d i t i o n s and p r e s e n t
;t) We d e m a n d the formation of an objective
Medical Review Board including physicians
chosen by prisoners and their families t o
insure a d e q u a t e health care and examinations for ail inmates of Attica—immediately.
I) We d e m a n d Llie families of dying and
injured prisoners be i m m e d i a t e l y given full
visitation rights.
Ti) We d e m a n d a full public s t a t e m e n t
dealing With ihe relationship b e t w e e n the
University of Buffalo Medical School and
Attica S t a t e Prison.
ASP Photo/Cho
WSUA Predicts
Slim Chance For FM
by David Taffet
Albany State's radio s t a t i o n , WSUA, which since
January had been broadcasting only eight h o u r s a
day from its U p t o w n studios, now b r o a d c a s t s
twenty-four hours a day from its new h e a d q u a r t e r s
in the Campus Center.
Staff members stayed during the s u m m e r to
complete work on facilities in the C a m p u s Center.
Major delays were e n c o u n t e r e d due to " r e d t a p e "
involved in acquiring the space. Once this was
solved, walls had to be built to partition the s t u d i o s
Construction was c o m p l e t e d by the end of J u l y .
WSUA's record collection consisting of 5 , 0 0 0
albums and 13,000 singles was b r o u g h t from the old
Brubacher studios by the staff.
Friday, September 24
& The
2 5 * BEER
S U N - - M O N - - T U E S - - WED
II you have something lo show, tell, or sell - .iilveitisi' il
in the Classified Seclion of the Albany Student I'tcsv
Every Tuesday and Friday your ad will circulate lo ovei
10,000 people. Classified forms are available al the
Campus Center Info Desk, Library, and all four Uptown
Quads, or by writing: Classified Depl., Campus Center
334, 1400 Washington Ave., Albany, N. Y. 12203.
' • • • • • • i n . M , , , ^ ^ . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ^ .
by S t e p h a n i e DiKovics
T h e Young Lords at SUNY at S t o n y Brook are planning a p r o t e s t to
be held in M a n h a t t a n next S a t u r d a y . T h e y will march d o w n 7lh
Avenue from 126th Street to 50th Street. T h e S t o n y Brook s t u d e n t s
are hopeful thai the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n at that University will issue a
s t a t e m e n t c o n d e m n i n g the Attica d e a t h s .
According to a s p o k e s m a n from Sweet Fire, a n a t i o n w i d e protest
will be held in d o w n t o w n Albany on T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r 2'.\.
"We are not here to give crap
and we're not
here to take
a n y , . w e wish lo enjoy full membership in this c o m m u n i t y . " S o
spoke Vernon A. Buck the new
di r e c l o r
by S t e p h a n i e DiKovics
A m o v e m e n t to have the mandatory s t u d e n t tax refunded was
begun in the E d u c a t i o n a l Opportunity Program's office this week.
Several EOP s t u d e n t s have signed
a petition r e q u e s t i n g a refund of
the student tax t o the FOP fund
$25 Allocated for Attica
by Allen A]1111:111
m e m b e r Jack S c h w a r t z sponsored
"•"-- HOUSE
featuring Rock Bands on Fri. and Sat. nite
two blocks from the downtown
297 Ontario St.
O p p o r t u n i t y Program at State.
Buck, w h o succeeds Marry Hamilton as EOP head, is a graduate of
M o r e h o u s e College in Atlanta,
Georgia and a m o n g o t h e r achievem e n t s is the former director of
Carver J u n i o r College. His ex-
80 on EOP Petition
For Tax Refund
Nationwide Demonstration Planned
The mailroom on Colonial Quad was broken into las! W I T
Entrance was gained by breaking the boll on the door. Mm
mailboxes were emptied and il is believed that the e u l p r i l ( s ) were
search of money orders or any other valuables thai might have be.
senl in the mail.
Early Friday of last week, a s t u d e n t living on Colonial Qua
discovered thai the mailroom had been b r o k e n i n t o , and thai II
mailboxes had been emptied.
Steve A n t h o n y , the Postal .Supervisor, ulong with Federal Pusl
Inspectors were called in t o investigate w h e t h e r any federal slululhad been broken. No federal laws has been b r o k e n , bill I be stale la
prohibiting " T a m p e r i n g with private c o m m u n i c a t i o n " had be.
violated. The investigation by security is c o n t i n u i n g al this l i m e
ASP Photo/Goodman
New Director Heads EOP
A general interest meeting will be held on
S e p t e m b e r 26 for a n y o n e interested in w o r k i n g in
any capacity for WSUA.
by Sieve Siilimt
Vernon A. Buck
T h e action at SUNY at U i n g h a m t o n was a m o r e peaceful one. .'100
H a r p u r s t u d e n t s a t t e n d e d a rally on T h u r s d a y and plans are now being
formed to schedule a mass m o v e m e n t t o Attica on O c t o b e r 2.
S t o n y Brook
T h e On the Air Studios in r o o m 3 1 6 , b r o a d c a s t i n g
news, sports, and D.J. shows, have been In o p e r a t i o n
since last J a n u a r y . R o o m 3 2 0 , c o m p l e t e d this
summer, is the p r o d u c t i o n studio. Programs are
taped and records are p u t on cartridges and stored
there. Commercials and " T h e T u e s d a y Night Folk
S h o w " are both d o n e from room 3 2 0 .
Littleton Smith, WSUA station manager w h e n
questioned said, " T h e r e ' s a very slim c h a n c e of
getting an F.M. station this y e a r . " T h e p r o c e d u r e in
obtaining a license for F.M. is an involved legal
procedure. An F.M. station would be broadcast
through the air instead of t h r o u g h the University
wiring as WSUA-AM is. Permission must be granted
to erect a transmitter and engineering c o n s u l t a n t s
would need to be called in. According t o S m i t h , it
would cost several thousand dollars.
On HYichiy, however, the Buffalo s t u d e n t s were informed that the
promise of a c c e p t a n c e of the demands was reneged. According to Bill
Vicaro, e d i t o r of the c a m p u s newspaper, either Dr. Peche, Dean of the
Medical School, or Dr. Ketler, Ihe University President, may not have
been telling the t r u t h on T h u r s d a y . In response l o this change of
action, forty angry s t u d e n t s staged a n o t h e r sit-in on Friday b u t were
unable to contact either Peche or Ketter.
Vernon A. Buck, the new director of EOP at Albany, said that "the day is over when Blacks will
,, . ...
the bill.
| j l m w . , s ; n violation ol' the
Board of T r u s t e e s policy. This
for a
issue or group under a
m a n d a t o r y tax policy.
lo IK*
approved by President llcne/.el (ui
his designee)
il can
on the basis that the activities the
tax s p o n s o r s are not oriented
towards Blacks. S o far a total of
ibout HO p e t i t i o n s have been
presented to the S t u d e n t Association.
Vernon A. Buck, head of the
Program, has stated, "1 s u p p o r t the
reason for refunding the t a x . "
Until the legal implications of the
d e m a n d are e x a m i n e d , no action
to refund the lax monies will be
made. Since the s t u d e n t body
voted lasl year l o m a k e the lax
m a n d a t o r y , only personal exemptions based on fiscal h a r d s h i p have
been granted: no blanket exemptions have been made. F u r t h e r
c o m nui n i e a t i o n
office of E d u c a l i o n a l O p p o r l u n i t y
should r e s u l t in an a g r e e m e n t on
the p r o p e r course of action. Buck
feels however, I hat " a n y rule
m a d e lo place an individual al a
disadvantage s h o u l d be a m e n d e d . "
effect. T h u s a major test of the
just south of Madison Ave.
Let's get rid of cire
Smokey theT3ear
lle'il lave I „ K I I Iwfk anil !»•
il imriiia] ulil lieiiruKilin
Anil if anyone item-m*
ivliri'iin-nt. Snii.key IIIM-S
Since he's I
lina-cra, the niiiaher of fores! lire*
in Anienra hna been ,-nl in half
Hal million:- of inTOM,f
trooKHtill Imrnoil ilown year
Ami W. uf III.- l i r e were
k a r t e l l l.v live same penile win. l a n e
U T I I lii-iinnij "Only yen can
|>reven! fareHl llres" fur lili yoiin.
We've K
iji'l nil
of all lliow nVuf yuliuun lief ore
wo Hunk ulitnil ptltllllK £ j * . „
key oat Hi
|ii'iieefnl iiinriiill'H
tensive e x p e r i e n c e in teaching and
instruction will be, according t o
Buck, a great asset in reaching his
major stated objective of " g e t t i n g
EOP s t u d e n t s a d i p l o m a from
SUNYA w i t h o u t degrading or
demeaning the S U N Y A d i p l o m a . "
A p r o d u c t of t h e public school
system, Buck's career has included
service in the United States A r m y
as Captain during World War T w o
and the Korean Conflict.
majored in business administration while at Morehouse College,
and received a Master of Sciences
at New York University. Mr.
Buck, an advocate of the H o r a t i o
Alger m e t h o d of success, feels
that the E d u c a t i o n a l O p p o r t u n i t y
Program could be an a d e q u a t e
vehicle to p r o m o t e a c h i e v e m e n t
but, " t h e day is over when Blacks
will fawn...we have dignity and
can and will d e m a n d r e s p e c t . "
V o l u m e 1, N u m b e r 2, published
1937 was the first
d i s t r i b u t e d issue of
Look Magazine. V o l u m e 3 5 , N u m ber 2 3 which will be p u b l i s h e d
October 19, 1971 will be the lust,
issue of t o n * Magazine.
Gardner Cowles, chairman of
the board of Cowles C o m m u n i c a tions and Editor-in-Chief of Look
made the a n n o u n c e m e n t yesterday from the New York office of
Look. Cowles stated that
has over 2H million readers, and
that the response to subscription
efforts in the first nine m o n t h s of
1971 are " t h e best in the magazine's h i s t o r y . "
This could n o t offset declining
advertising revenues c o u p l e d with
especially increased Postal Hates.
editorial comment
f v n n eMiHMiiiy
And Now Attica
First the riot.
Then the army.
Then the massacre.
The screams of the dying and the eyewitness stories
and the popular indignation.
The pious and impartial investigations.
The absurd declarations by the authorities ...
And the inevitable whitewash.
Chicago. Kent State. Attica. Do we once again
demonstrate and declare moratoria and write
editorials? Do we again allow things to return to
Not again. Not this time. This time wc march
downtown on Thursday and wc tell the world that this
time we want those responsible to pay for their crime
of murder.
And in the meantime, find out all you can about
Attica and the forty murdered men. Before the press
begins to print the proclaimed lies of desperate men
covering up their hands in an attempt-to hide the
blood stains. For they'll convince you that nothing
evil happened if you let them.
Remember how the Chicago convention police riot
changed to a "militant uprising of students" despite
the eyewitness accounts of what really happened. And
no policemen were found guilty, and eight men found
innocent were sentenced for "contempt."
Remember how four students were murdered by
the National Guard at Kent State, yet despite
conflicting findings John Mitchell found everyone
involved innocent of any crime?
And lastly, remember Attica.... remember it well,
and keep your memory of it alive. Because this time,
unlike all the other times, someone's going to pay for
the murders. And it's not going to
"contemptuous" militants, either.
Albany Student Press
thomas g. clingan
news ejiltir
. vicki zeldin
.maida oringhei
.warren wishart
pbil mark
. b o b zaremba
mike ellis
j a c k suunders
John chow
gary sussmun
circulation managers
murk litcofsky
torn r h o d e s
. michele pulclla
. .sieve aminoff
. Jeff rodgers
John fnirhall
. dchbie natliaiisohn
. . . . ron wood
.'„' ' , '
• jon guitman
debbie kaeman
Once upon a midnight dreary, uuring the year 1917, a student in
the data of '19 was llttin' around with nothln' to do. "Hey gang, let's
take lome of that mandatory tax money those guys collect and
found the Albany Student Press. Let's put it In Draper (since
relocated to Campus Center 3261 and when the University discovers
the phone let's make its numbers 4 5 7 2 1 9 0 & 2194."
The gang bought the Idea. So, now, the lord high editor-in-chief and
protector of the first amendment will let you put communications in
the ASP, If you play by his rules (which limit communications to 300
wordsl. The morel of this fractured fairy tall: PEACEI
The breaking off of negotiations and t h e invasion of Attica
Prison by the State Police and
National Guard brought a result
anyone could have foretold: 30
prisoners m u r d e r e d and 9 hostages
killed; murdered by Rockerfeller's
and O s w a l d ' s decision to invade
Attica. Murdered because at the
time the order came, the hostages
w e r e safe and negotiations with
the inmates could have c o n t i n u e d .
T h e m u r d e r s started a long time
ago and spring from the r o o t s of
o u r society.
P o o r e d u c a t i o n , e c o n o m i c disc r i m i n a t i o n , and injustice all cont r i b u t e t o the realistic feeling of
p o o r people that the only things
they can get are the things they
can take. In the c o u r t s and prisons
these injustices are intensely magnified. Persons with m o n e y get
out o n bail—poor people sit in
jails for up to a y e a r a w a i t i n g trial.
People with m o n e y can afford
good l a w y e r s - poor people got
virtually unrepresented. In general
so-called white collar crimes, such
as pricefixing and graft, are not
viewed with the same harshness as
crimes of survival are. In prison,
an institution that few rich criminals ever see, a poor person is
pushed even further from the belief that he can attain a d e c e n t life
in America.
n u n will be through renewal o f
the entire society. For now, however, reforms such as those demanded by the Attica prisoners
are necessary, simply t o meet the
basic human rights and needs they
retain as men. Rehabilitation, no't
revenge, is what prisons should be
about. "To achieve this end we
need a government now that is
less interested in power, expan•ion of private wealth, and public
government that is
truly interested in the preservation of h u m a n life.
Albany Prisoner
Solidarity C o m m i t t e e
No EqtipmMt
T o the Editor:
A t t e n t i o n athletic minded stud e n t s ! Have you recently freq u e n t e d the physical e d u c a t i o n
building t o play some paddleball
or basketball, or perhaps to go
swimming? If you have, you probably met the frustration and disa p p o i n t m e n t that I e n c o u n t e r e d
this past Saturday. T h e cage located in the men's locker room
contained no paddles, handballs,
basketballs, or bathing caps. It
had little else.
A severe recreation e q u i p m e n t
shortage exists within the cages of
our respective locker r o o m s . Adequate supplies of handballs, paddles, squash e q u i p m e n t , basketballs, volleyballs, and bathing caps
n o longer exist for o u r general
use. They are frequently not availT h e d e m a n d s made by the inable t o be borrowed with our ID
m a t e s of Attica clearly state the
cards. Money has neither been
p r o b l e m s . They c e n t e r around the
requested by Dr. A.C. Werner,
prisoners wanting the kind of eduChairman of the Physical educacation necessary for survival in
tion Dcpt., nor appropriated by
S t u d e n t Association to acquire
programs and facilities, unccnnew
sored reading materials, b e t t e r
1971-1972 year. T h e meager s u p health care, improved diets, addiply of existing e q u i p m e n t will n o t
tional lilack and Puerto Rican
be replaced when used up, Consocial workers, and m o r e political
tact members of our s t u d e n t govand religious freedom. Corrections
e r n m e n t . Tell t h e m you want a
Commissioner Oswald had t o adphysical
mit these d e m a n d s were justified
stocked with recreation
and agree with the fact that since
equipment for our use.
they were ignored for so long,
rebellion was the obvious consequence.
liobcrl Tuchman
T o u n d e r s t a n d why the prisoners m a d e tile d e m a n d of a m n e s t y
we only have lo look us far as the
experiences of prisoners at Auburn, T c m b s in New York City,
Soledad, and San Q u e n t i n . Prison
officials first agree to consider
d e m a n d s hut begin repression
once tile situation returns to " n o r m a l . " T h e mistrust Attica prison
ers felt towards Uoekerfeller and
his a d m i n i s t r a t i o n was not and is
nol different from the mistrust
you and I feel when they give us
promises. Rockerfeller decided to
move against the prisoners when
amnesty was still an unresolved
question , an issue that was concise
and t o the point, a d e m a n d that
could not be revoked ur modified.
Was this " q u i e t and decisive" action w o r t h the lives of thirtyseven plus men'.' We feel that even
if it took six m o n t h s , c o n t i n u e d
negotiations might have saved
these lives.
J u s t as the unrepresented in
and out of prison- are victims of
the society that exploits and uses
them, prison workers have bee o m e the p a w n s u f t h 0 s t a U ,
government. T h e y m u s t answer to
the anger prisoners feel against the
government, and they u r e the ones
w h o suffer
when the g o v e r n m e n t neglects
needed reforms. Rockerfeller and
Oswald say they sent armed forces
into the prison to p r o t e c t the lives
Of the hostages yet !) hostages are
d e a d - a n d even now Rockefeller
c o n t i n u e s to use t h e m as his excuse.
Ultimately t h e only way t h a t
d o n e r s ' |i V e* w i l l £„
* l™
' » " y nu
MM the U.S. student, the nonimmigrant s t u d e n t has few resources t o fall back o n . Justice
Department regulations severely
limit e m p l o y m e n t opportunities
are no loan
available and no public support
funds are available for alien stud e n t s . For a U.S. s t u d e n t to dron
out for a semester or t w o due to
financial problems is often not
crucial t o his completing his
for an international s t u d e n t it usually means
the end o f his e d u c a t i o n . Travel
costs alone t o return t o his homeland w o u l d end chances of hi!
In s u m , t h e m o d e s t subsidy
from F S A , I c o n t e n d , is far from
wasteful. Is it n o t the purpose of
the F S A p r o b e t o m a k e FSA
" m o r e s t u d e n t o r i e n t e d ? " The
subsidy is 1 0 0 % s t u d e n t oriented
providing a S U N Y A
group with services which would
otherwise be curtailed.
J.Paul Ward
I n t e r n a t i o n a l S t u d e n l Adviser
War Isn't The Enemy
To the E d i t o r :
T h e searing pen of T o m Clm
gan has been dipped into ihc
or faulty logic, l ' m
afraid, and his c o n d e m n a t i o n of
the American involvement in Viel
nam desperately begs rebuttal.
Mr. Clingan makes the mistake
of theorizing that the question of
right and wrong is secondary lu
the issue when in fuel il is Ihc
issue. His c o m p a r i s o n of our in
volvement in Vietnam willi Norlh
in a
h y p o t h e t i c a l civil war in Ihc U.S.,
ignoring all question of issues and
circumstances, is the equivalent <;l
denying any difference between ,i
h o m e o w n e r s h o o t i n g a burglar
and a burglar s h o o t i n g the home
owner. (Since t h e y ' r e both ostensibly performing the same act,
they're equally guilty or inniicenl
The N o r t h Vietnamese have feu
Russian and Chinese assistance, to
overrun S o u t h Vietnam
m o r e recently, the resl of Indn
china. T h e i r terrorist l a c h e s ami
brutal m e t h o d s of recruiting "sup
Vieliuiinest 1
peasants are k n o w n well enough
that m o s t intelligent people will
reject the n o t i o n thai Ihc Noi'lli
Vietnamese and Viel cong have
won over the hearts and minds of
the S o u t h Vietnamese people li\
their s y m p a t h e t i c understanding
If a pacifist chooses lo argur
against our involvemenl in Viel
nam because he is againsl all
w a r s - a n d 1 m e a n A L L wars
line. Then he'll have lo lain- II"'
c o n s e q u e n c e s of permitting il"'
m o r e powerful c o u n t r i e s In con
less powerful
rinally, his. Bui mosl people like
to pick and c h o o s e [heir wars
yes, our involvemenl il) World War
T w o was justified, no. our involve
ment in the Mexican-American
War was not justified;
justification for our involvements
on the q u e s t i o n of who is righl
and w h o is w r o n g
o n well
reasoned logic.
Not -Wasteful"
T o the Editor:
For a second time, the ASP has
chosen to relegate the International Studenl Program as an
undeserving, recipient of Faculty
S t u d e n t Association funding by
indicating International S t u d e n t s
as o n e "...of the m o r e wasteful
p r o g r a m s . . . ' " in the lead article of
S e p t e m b e r I I . I would say that
the international s t u d e n t s are o n e
"f the most deserving programs
u n d e r FSA funding. The a m o u n t
allocated this year by FSA was
$ 1,38a, down $HU0 from previous
years despite the fact that there is
a 25% increase of s t u d e n t s fn
abroad attending SUNYA rom
FSA funding has enabled the
International S t u d e n t Office t o
provide a four day o r i e n t a t i o n
program for new students coming
from overseas Ui acquaint them with
the c a m p u s and c o m m u n i t y as
well as acclimating the s t u d e n t s
Irom abroad to a new c u l t u Tl:'
past August about 70 over-
Yet on the Vietnam qucslioti
seas s t u d e n t s p a r t i c i p a t e d . T h e student* are charged aVl2~fce'w1iich many people take the easy way
cuv !
' r s aboul 6 0 % of the orien- o u t and a b a n d o n logic, finding il
tation cost. Included in the cost easier to o p p o s e our involvement
i're r o o m and board for 20 there on " h u m a n i t a r i a n " grounds
Orientation G u i d e s " , c o n t i n u i n g and coming on like Jesus Chrisl
LIS and international s t u d e n t s which they w o u l d n ' t do under
volunteer their time and a n o t h e r set of circumstances
energy to welcome these overseas
So let's c u t out [lie denui
to „ u r c u m p u B
T h u
goguery. T h e e n e m y is mil war,
remaining FSA funds are utilised it's oppression and slavery The
to provide c o n t i n u i n g
_ orientation people of S o u t h Vietnam are
a m n good
Programs, provide a m o d e s t travel doing» a•• d••—.••
. - , „ , . , j,.o b of figlilmg
fund (intra-stato) for international o f r U>« oppressors and deserve II
d o n l co
»feronco«, and a small
' ''° r -•f i ' i C "• 1 8 u t b " c k s
ufZ 7 '
by mternational s t u d e n t s .
T h e latter is i m p o r t a n t since un-
"-' moral s u p p o r l
Security Story :
we can
Mitchell Frosl
Young Americans lor Freedom
mt> ml tmeLEcThic EYE,
More Crime,
Less Power
by Dan Grossman
Most s t u d e n t s at S U N Y A equate the campus security force with the
invisible men who spend their time giving out annoying parking
t i c k e t s . However, t h e security force performs m a n y more complex
duties t h a n t h e irate s t u d e n t s and professors w h o , having their cars
t o w e d a w a y , would t h i n k . Presently, the security force is staffed with
36 m e n , including a full-time investigator, and is o u t f i t t e d with t h r e e
patrol cars. Under t h e leadership of Director Williams, t h e c a m p u s
police are m a k i n g an effort t o c o p e with t h e rising rate of burglaries at
A c c o r d i n g t o Williams, m o s t thefts t h a t w e r e r e p o r t e d last year
o c c u r r e d in t h e suite r o o m s of t h e d o r m s . Carelessness is t h e major
cause and Williams s t a t e d t h a t p r o p e r t y loss t o the university and
s t u d e n t b o d y was over $ 2 0 0 , 0 0 0 . Burglaries are t h e major class of
crime o n c a m p u s a n d Williams a d m i t s t h a t t h e r e is very little his force
is able t o do o t h e r than t o w a r n the s t u d e n t s t o k e e p their d o o r s
l o c k e d . T h e total p r o p e r t y loss may have been greater, Williams
believes, due to t h e fact t h a t a large n u m b e r of thefts go u n r e p o r t e d .
With respect t o drugs, Williams feels t h a t heroin pushers pose the
m o s t serious t h r e a t t o c a m p u s life. However, he does n o t believe in,
and will n o t use, u n d e r c o v e r agents in his c o n t i n u i n g c r a c k - d o w n on
pushers. Williams feels t h a t " t i p s " c a n n o t be relied on and informant
t y p e s are highly suspect.
No Warrants for C a m p u s C o p s
R u m o r s have been circulating a r o u n d c a m p u s t h a t t h e r e has been a
change in the relationship b e t w e e n c a m p u s police and o t h e r law
e n f o r c e m e n t agencies. On S e p t e m b e r 1, u n d e r t h e Criminal P r o c e d u r e
Law, security Was stripped of its p o w e r t o e x e c u t e search and arrest
w a r r a n t s . F r o m this p o i n t o n , only Albany police, S t a t e T r o o p e r s , or
the Sheriff can carry o u t search and arrest w a r r a n t s . C a m p u s security
can arrest in s p o n t a n e o u s situations, such as a burglar caught in the
act. As always, Williams s t a t e d , his d e p a r t m e n t retains the p o w e r to
decide w h e n an arrest should be m a d e , except in situations w h e r e a
victim d e m a n d s t h a t his d e p a r t m e n t act. Arrests, he e m p h a s i z e d , are
a c t i o n s usually m a d e o n l y as a last resort. When asked if city or s t a t e
police could now e n t e r the c a m p u s w i t h o u t informing security,
Williams r e s p o n d e d t h a t legally they could, b u t t h a t they rarely do so.
Williams added t h a t he believqs his security force can handle m o s t
p r o b l e m s arising on c a m p u s w i t h o u t o u t s i d e i n t e r v e n t i o n . If the
necessity for a search or arrest warrant arose, the security office
would file for o n e d o w n t o w n . C a m p u s policy has been to limit search
warrants because of the possible r o o m for error and fear of arousing
the c a m p u s c o m m u n i t y .
Parking Still A Problem
Keeping the traffic moving ( a n d giving p l e n t y of t i c k e t s ) is o n e of
the major chores of c a m p u s security. Williams blames t h e lack of
parking space near t h e p o d i u m as t h e major p r o b l e m . Official parking
policy is t o give thirty d a y s p a y m e n t t i m e or be subject t o t o w - a w a y .
To retrieve a car o n c e it is t o w e d away will cost the individual t w l v e
dollars plus t a x . During t h e calendar year of 1970, security t o w e d
away 6 5 cars. At this p o i n t in 1 9 7 1 , over 75 cars have been r e m o v e d .
C o n t r a r y t o p o p u l a r belief, m o r e t e a c h e r s ' cars are t o w e d away than
those of s t u d e n t s . A new a d d i t i o n t o security's bag of tricks
c o n c e r n i n g traffic c o n t r o l is the gates t h a t have been p u t u p t o s t o p
traffic on limited access r o a d s a r o u n d t h e academic p o d i u m .
Increase in Crime Reported
Williams told t h e ISP t h a t an increase of 6 0 % in r e p o r t e d crimes
o c c u r r e d during t h e past year. T h e time w h e n security was n o t h i n g
m o r e than a small n i g h t - w a t c h m a n service is over. T h e p r o b l e m s
involved in keeping a growing college c o m m u n i t y crime-free have
increased. Williams discussed s o m e new p r o g r a m s t h a t he is instituting
to challenge t h e c r i m e rate. Increased patrols of q u a d areas and
parking lots will be in store and t h e e x p e c t e d acquisition of four m o r e
investigators will help the overloaded detective d e p a r t m e n t . Williams
feels t h a t it is i m p o r t a n t t h a t the s t u d e n t b o d y realize t h a t all people
who a t t e n d S U N Y A a r e n ' t loving or peaceful. He isn't o p t i m i s t i c ,
e x p e c t i n g t h e n u m b e r of r e p o r t e d c r i m e s t o increase. However, m o r e
m a n p o w e r , improved training and b e t t e r police m e t h o d s p r o m i s e t o
make the force m o r e professional.
So you think all is not well at
Albany State. You're sure you
know what's wrong, but nobody will listen. There is a way,
however. If you can put your
opinion into words (typed
words!) bring it to this newspaper. The Albany Student Press
prints columns about anything
of interest to our community.
We're waiting for you in Campus Center 326.
[Panel Discussion
niversity Counseling Center
announces the availability
the first in a series of journalism experiences
T h e First Amendment, The Media
and The Newsmakers1
of the following
ntensive Group Experiences'
For individuals seeking help
in clarifying, examining, and
resolving their personal and
interpersonal problems:
the panel consists of:
Arnold Proskin
Albany Country DA
Mary Ann Krupsak
! Thomas Brown
Robert Fichenberg
Executive Editor
The Knickerbocker News
Wed. J-5 pm
Thurs. 9-11 pm
Donald Decker
News Director WRGB
Channel 6
Aaron Shepard
former SUC Buffalo
President and currently
at SUNYA in Ed. Administration is Moderator.
Wednesday September 22
8:00 pm CC Assembly Hall
ing their sensitivity to self and
more satisfying personal relationships:
News Director
WROW radio
Paul Bulger
growth experience in increas
Hon. 2-4 pm
Tues. 2—1 pm
For couples (married or unmarried) who wish to create <
growth-enhancing relationship
with each other:
Thurs. 2-4 pm
These sessions will meei
weekly up to Thanksgiving
wilh Councelitig Center stall
members. Other hours may be
possible. If interested, sign up
at BA 116, between 9 and
4:30 by Sept.24.
Harriers Face Clarkson Here Tomorrow
"We have a real quality team,"
states the effervescent Munsey,
w h o has compiled a nine-year
mark o f 7 7 - 1 5 as Albany's cross
country major d o m o . "The kids
are out to finish our first 10 years
of thn sport in style, and spirit is
very high." There are s o m e 30
m e n c o m p e t i n g for s p o t s and
Munsey plans to keep 1 0 - 1 2 on
the varsity, with the rest comp r i s i n g Charlie Shrader's JV
The t o p four runners in preseason workouts have been freshman Brian Quinn (Buffalo), senior
Larry Frederick (Mohawk), Central Connecticut transfer S c o t t
Abercrombie (Peekskill), and senior Dennis Hackett ( H i l t o n ) .
Indicative of the team's strength
is the fact that Hackett, the
Dane's top runner the past two
years, is struggling to keep up
with the leaders. "He's running as
well, if not better than ever,"
Munsey notes, "but this is the
toughest competition he's ever
had here." ' Hackett holds the
school course records for 3.5 and
5 miles and has 15 career dual
meet victories. Last fall he was the
first Albany finisher in all but one
of the 10 races in which he
Quinn, w h o ran a 4 :20 mile at
Buffalo's St. Joseph High School,
is making a strong bid for the No.
1 slot his first year on campus.
Frederick appears t o have regained the form that made him
Albany's top runner as a freshman
and sophomore, before suffering a
severe broken leg t w o years ago.
Abercrombie sat out last year
after transferring, but he is a
proven runner against, stronger
Strongly challenging the first
four and providing the Danes with
depth t o spare are at least eight
men, including three returning lettermen. The vets are sophomore
DeMarco (Voorhcesville),
the only Albany runner t o beat
Hackett last year, but hampered
by a foot injury this fall; soph
John Koch (West Islip), and junior
Jo hn Stanton (Delmar).
Up from last year's JV team are
sophs Bill Sorel (Albany Cardinal
McCloskey) and Terry Slocum
(Horseheads), while junior J o h n
Comerford (Troy Catholic Central), is making a comeback alter
missing most of 1 9 7 0 due to
illness. H e - w a s the t o p freshman
runner t w o yenrs ago.
Boy's High products Peter Payne
and Arnie Shell, both juniors from
Brooklyn, were star half-milers on
last spring's unbeaten Albany
track team. They are trying to
make the switch t o the longer
Munsey has been pleased with
their progress so far.
Highlighting the schedule is
the fifth a n n u a l A l b a n y Invitational, slated Oct. 3 0 . A slightly
larger field than last year's 152
runners from 21 schools is exp e c t e d . A l b a n y also will c o m p e t e
in the S t a t e University of New
( S U N Y A C ) c h a m p i o n s h i p s Oct.
2 3 at F r e d o n i a .
Six New Men
On Grid Staff
Front, left to right: Dennis Moran, Mike Moran, Morgan Little.
Gerry Brenhiser, and Rich Oden.
Back, left to right: Dick Loorain, Pal Passalacqua, Bob Ford, Phil
Grady, Ray Murphy, and Chris Oberle (manager).
A n y learns wishing t o bowl in
League I ( 1 0 : 1 5 a.m. Saturday,
h a n d i c a p , 1 m a n ) must have a
roster t u r n e d i n t o CC'tfiG or -'164
by 2 p.m. on T h u r s d a y , Septemb e r 2 5 . Play beings on S e p t e m b e r
Any learn wishing In bowl in
League II ( 5 : 3 0 a n d H p.m. Sunday, h a n d i c a p , 5 m a n ) must have
a roster t u r n e d into C C S 6 6 or 36*1
by 2 p.m. T h u r s d a y , S e p t e m b e r
23, Play begins on S e p t e m b e r 26.
Any teams wishing to bowl in
League III (6 p.m. Thursday,
scratch, 'A m a n ) must have a roster
turned i n t o CC356 or 361 by 2
p.m. Wednesday, S e p t e m b e r 22 .
Play begins on S e p t e m b e r 2 3 .
A n y o n e interested in participating in the AM1A Golf Tournam e n t m u s t sign u p in C a m p u s
Center R o o m 3 5 6 or 36-1 by
Noon M o n d a y , S e p t e m b e r 27.
T h e T o u r n a m e n t will begin on
Friday, O c t o b e r 1. There will be a
m a n d a t o r y p a r t i c i p a n t ' s meeting
on T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 30 at 3:00
p.m. in C a m p u s Center R o o m
BankAmerirartl • Master Charge
Park free Across the Street
A n y o n e interested in participating in t h e AMIA Tennis Tournam e n t m u s t sign up in Campus
Center R o o m 3 5 6 or 36-1 by
N o o n , M o n d a y , S e p t e m b e r 27
T h e T o u r n a m e n t will begin on
Friday, O c o t b e r 1. There will be a
m a n d a t o r y participant's meeting
on T h u r s d a y , O c t o b e r 30 u | 1:00
p.m. in C a m p u s Center Room
Six new assistants join three
holdovers from last fall on head
coach Bob F o r d ' s 1971 S t a t e University at Albany football club
coaching staff. Only Ford and
Ray Murphy are full-time university faculty; the o t h e r s are parttime or graduate assistants.
Murphy, a Cortland g r a d u a t e , is
o n e of the returnees. He is offensive coordinator and coaches the
halfbacks. Working w i t h him o n
offense are Jerry Brenhiser ( O h i o
N o r t h e r n ) , linemen; Rich Oden
(Florida A & M ) , receivers; and
Morgan Little ( D e l a w a r e S t a t e ) ,
Moran of Bridgeport, hei'ds the
defensive staff, which includes his
b r o t h e r , Mike, as line coach, Phil
G r a d y ( N o r w i c h ) , in his second
year at Albany, handles the second a r y . R o u n d i n g o u t the defensive
staff are Dick L o o r a m (Mont
c o r n e r b a c k s , and
F o r d , w h o led the CJreal Danes
t o a 2-1 first year record, has
expressed confidence in his assistants, noting they are " s o m e w h a t
more experienced and mature
than last year's g r o u p . "
Albany opens its second football
season a t h o m e S e p t e m b e r
against Utiea College.
Kickers Open Sat.
Hoping Defense Gels
Albany S t a t e opens its 1971 soccer campaign here t o m o r r o w agai
Potsdam. Albany is in the S t a t e University of New York Alhle tuConference, a conference w h i c h houses three of the t o p t w e n t y ten rns
in the nation. Coach Bill Schiefelin feels thai if his team plays .5.OH
bali in the conference, they will be doing well. Albany also plays a lew
i n d e p e n d e n t colleges.
T h e defense is inexperienced , but is lead by returning first st lg
goal t e n d e r J o h n T h a y e r . Three-fourths of the halfbacks are return mg
from last year's squad. T h e halfbacks should be George Kelesh
Leon Sedefian, J o h n Prourx and Gavin Lowder. T h e fullbacks
Larry Her/.og and Steve Lemmernuin.
T h e team had scrimmages against Hudson Valley, winning twice,
in the quad scrimmage, losing t h r e e limes.
I youiifj
girl seiuches
fur her Ainu's
1IFG presents:
ATTICA, N.Y. AP - wew
a u t o p s i e s confirmed t h a t
hostages k i l l e d a t A t t i c a \ * I M
Munseymen Seeking 10th Straight Winning Season
When a team is coming off a
10-3 season, its ninth straight winning record, and the coach says
this year's c l u b is "immeasurably
stronger," prospects are bright to
say the least. That's the view State
at Albany
crosscountry coach Bob Munsey enjoys
as he prepares for the school's
10th harrier campaign. The Great
Danes o p e n at h o m e against Clarkson at 2 p.m. Saturday.
In a d i s p a t c h from A t t i c * *h»
newspaper quoted l £ . r v i i c W i
Baden, a c t i n g c h i e f madlca! ox
amlner of tfef iork C i t y , an
aa.yin.ft, **The i a a t h p bed been
t r o r s r l y ctiar nope 5. an nhootinr:e . >5
Compiled from
Associated Press
dispatches by
Stephen H. Goldstein
and T o m Clingan
The following article is a compilation
of Associated Press dispatches as received in the offices of the Alhuny
Student Press between Monday and
Thursday of this week,
The riot begun following breakfast
last Thursday. It apparently stemmed
directly from an altercation Ihe nighi
before between a guard and an inmate,
with I lie ennviei landing in solitary
Hut wide-ranging put purled grievances of the convicts were rejected in
a series of demands, of which 28 were
agreed !o by Oswald. They ranged
from Ihe prison diet lo die application
of slate minimum wage laws in prison
workshops and a reorientation ol
guards toward better understanding ol
prisoners' problems.
Then on I riday. the convicts made
their demand for total amnesty, plus
the freedom and transportation of any
prisoners wishing to seek asylum in a
"nonimperinlistic country."
Another ol ihe so-called mediator.*,
admitted lo Attica al the rioters' request was Ralck Panther chairman
Hubby Scale, lie returned to California
Sunday, saying lie was delivering a
message from Attica prisoners to Ihe
Hlack Panther Central Committee.
Scale claimed the rioters' price foi
release of the Attica hostages was
freedom from ll'ie nation's prisons ol
all "poll lica I prisoners." including
Davis, and the Soledad
Faced wiih demands they deemed
impossible lo satisfy, stale officials
came lo the ^inclusion thai further
negotiations were fruitless.
Roekelellei had refused demands ol
Ihe Holers thru he come to Attica to
discuss then demands u n h them, lie
said he s.iu nothing lo be served In his
physical presence in Hi. prison yard.
The governor stood bj in New York
during ihe J o n a s lo ihe Attica ciisis.
Complicating the amnesty demand
was the death Saturday ol William
Quinn. 28. a guard and Hie lather ol
two children, lie was wounded in the
initial stages ul the rioting, as ihe rebel
eoimets sel lues, drove uuaimed
guards ahead ol Ihein and
hostages Ai one nine Ihey held loin o|
the pnsun's hve cellhlocks.
Ntftt Yoik has abolished the death
penally. exeepl hu iaie instances. One
of these involves the inurdei u| a
prison guard by a convict.
At 8 a.m. Monday. Oswald met face
to face with one of ihe riot leaders,
Richard Clark. The commissioner presented him a written ultimatum which
read in part:
"I am anxious lo achieve a peaceful
resolution of the situation...! urgently
request you to reconsider my earlier
appeal I hat all hostages be released
immediately unharmed and you join
with rite in restoring order.
"1 must have your reply to this
urgent appeal within the hour. I hope
and pray your answer will be affirmarn
Clark repi icd simply that he woulc
consult ui h "ihe people's centra
commit lee."
Oswald explained thai in his opinion
"further delays would jeopardize Ihe
lives of and would threaten
ihe prison system of the slate."
The allotted hour passed, and the
cluck continued lo lick with no response from ihe rioters.
Al 9:45 a.m. ihe assault on Cellbluck
D began.
Mere is l he
chronology ol ihe a ssaull on Ai ilea
Stale Prison Moiula v in which .17
persons were killed . nid ^^ were mlined.
. u l . "il began a l
9:15 a.m.'
A one hour uliimalium
ordering inmates in
»:I5 a i.
side on he L.-meit-e
• I tin
! Ill
walks a i l k
pnsoi I ^
hostage weie held wiih knives ai then
iluoals, Light hostages vvcic held in Ihe
aids by
police bad
(lengthened then post I ions and each
uwer reported.. "In position and
eady." Maj. Gen. John C. Maker.
" ZITA "
starring Joanna Shimkus
{Friday, September 17
7:15 and 9:15 in LC 18
25' with Student Tax
50' without Tax
"ded by Student Association
military commander, asked over the
radio whether "a full complement of
RA and RC riflemen could eliminate
the threat to the 12 subjects." The
answer was scrambled.
9:30 a.m. - William Kunstler, defense attorney, arrived by automobile,
kissed his wife and went to the gate.
He was refused admittance.
9:3*1 a.m. - A message was heard on
the radio: "Look on the outer walls.
That's where the hostages are." Ambulances pulled up to the gates.
9:38 a.m. - Series of radio messages:
Helicopter carrying gas ordered into
the air. Gas supplies were replenished
in the backpacks of the policemen
inside the cellblocks. National Gurad
troops arrive al gates.
9:46 - Series of radio messages:
"Are you ready'.'"..."Zero in on your
t a r g e t s and wait for the gas
drop..."Fackpot 2 helicopter with gas
launch your mission." The throats of
several hostages were slashed.
Spectators outside the prison
heard rifle shots and Ihe pops from
bursting gas cannisters. Radio message:
"Move in. Move in! The drop has been
made!" It sounded like war.
Orders to rebellious
prisoners by bullhorn: "Surrender
peacefully now and you will not be
harmed. Put your hands on your heads
and give yourselves up to ihe officer
nearest yon."
Ill a.m.
Series ol tadio messages
"We nvt:i\ medical assistance in the
south-side ol the yard immediately..."There's an officer down"..."We need
a stretcher."
111:44 a.m.
Radio message: "Don't
overcxiend yourself. Lvcrything went
Troopers shout down inmates during newsmen's lour on Monday shortly after
the counterattack.
/.-(/' Wirepin>!>•(
The view from a cellblock window after the assault, showing vividly the
barrage of gunfire laid down in the raid.
Oswald gave up efforts to negotiate the
hostages' release after nearly four days
of trying. He said the mutineers "Cailously h e r d e d eight hostages within
our view with weapons a I their
Oswald said the dcnuind for total
amnesty was out of the question.
When Oswald's ultimatum to release
Ihe hostages was ignored, he unleashed
Ihe state's armed forces. They were
armed with shotguns and rifles, and
bad helicopter support.
The prisoners, driven back early in
ihe riol to Cellblock D and its adjoining yard, had started out with only
clubs and their fists as weapons. Rut
ihey had since fashioned homemade
knives and a stale spokesman, Jerry
let s not gel anyone
hurt now."
I2:ll5 p.m. Radio message: " | dolfl
w,i in an \ shoo h rig unless it's
absolutely necessary in Hand I) blocks.
Hack oil and we'll use gas."
12:3(1 p.m.
Itonih reported in C
block. Radio message "No personnel
are to go in Ihe luiincls or in ihe
blocks, All power has been in o i l "
Pause. "The corridors are sale.
Houlihan, said later:
"We found some had [ear gas Ions.
riiey had erected barricades and had
electric wire fences."
Behind volleys of gunfire, ihe massed
force o\' troopers, deputies and corrections officials rushed the convict-controlled cellblock al 9:45 a.m. A
heavy downpour lashed the prison, its
icd brick buildings spread over a
5 4 - a e r c compound behind
in-loui walls.
Attiea, N.Y. AP M sal forces-td ihe
stale shot Iheii -•'> into Attica State
Prison Monday 1 pui down a four-day
not by mostly ; •ick convicts. I'luiiy-ic while hoviages and
2H prisoners
Twenty-nine other liusiages were
liberated by 1,(10(1 heavily aimed state
Hoopers ami sheiill's deputies, backed
in reserve by 70 iruekloads "I secretly
deployed New York Nuiioiial Guardsmen rweiily-five o| Hie captives suffered injuries.
A spokesman for Gov. Nelson A.
Rockefellei said some of ihe hostage
guards and civilian prison employees
had been killed hours before the all-oni
assault on a lone cellblock still in
convict hands. Ihe governor called
them "cold blooded killings" by
revolulionan militants.
Only one death had been recorded
priot lo ihe final stoi ruing of die
prison yard. A guaid injured in the
early hours ol the rtol last ihiiisday
died Saturday.
A stale spokesman said several of ihe
hostages "had then throats slashed."
AbouI 85 peicenl ol Ihe convicts in
Ihe 4(l-\cai old pilsoii 40 miles easl ot
Buffalo aie Negio oi Pueilo Uican
Then guards are while.
Willi Rockefeller's approval, Stale
Collections Commissioner Russell G.
New York Al'-Gov. Nelsuii A.
Ruckelellei said Wednesday thai "new
i.u is thai have been uncovered"abo t
Ihe inuiale revolt that left 42 dead at
Aliiea Slate Prison "just go to deepen
the tragedy ol the whole Allien affair."
Rockefeller, in his firsl public statement since authorities regained control
ul ihe prison in a bloody bailie with
in males on Monday, said his views
were "ihe same as everybody else's
owe oi tragedy."
"I wouldn't want lo discuss any facet
ol ihe thing," said Rockefellei as he
left his lifih Avenue apartment. "Hut
j on know under the heal of the
silnation that existed, tragedies do
Slate Corrections Commissioner Russell G. Oswald confirmed Tuesday
night that nine hostages slain in the
rebellion died of gunshot wounds and
that no guns were found in the
possession of the prisoners.
Attica, N.Y. AP - New autopsies con
himed thai all hostages killed at Attica
slate prison died of gunshot wounds,
the New York Post said today.
In a dispatch from Attica the newspaper quoted Dr. Michael Baden,
acting chief medical examiner of New
York City, as saying, "The deaths had
been properly diagnosed as shootings."
Baden, working with Dr. Henry
Siegel id' Westchester County, was
called to Ihe prison when disputes
arose uvcr causes of death.
An undertaker signed a sworn statement saying that he had been unable to
find a bullet wound in guard Richard
According the the Post, Baden said.
"I did a complete reautopsy on Mr.
Lewis and we found i t - t h e bullet
bole to the satisfaction of everyone."
Albany, N.Y. AP-Gov. Rockefeller
said Thursday that he believed the nine
hostages who died al Attica Monday
were killed by crossfire from police
battling the rebellious convicts.
The governor commented at a news
conference alter a reporter told him he
understood that further examination
of the bodies showed that all had died
from gunshot wounds. That report had
not been officially confirmed.
And Rockefeller said he had not seen
the final report.
Hul. when pressed for his explanation
of the hostage deaths, in the light of
official statement that the prisoners
were not armed with guns, the governor said.
"I think that the hoslages who died
were caught in a crossfire."
lie said invading stale police converged on ihe prisoners from four
directions, some with instruct ion to
shoot prisoners who were threatening
lo execute hostages and others to
battle convicts manning barricades
"armed with spears, knives, el cetera."
Rockefeller said that "to me it's
extraordinary thai 28 men were saved
under these circumstances." lie said he
had been fearful that more would be
killed bin that he had no choice but lo
IT) lo rescue as many as possible.
Asked whether he thus regarded the
apparent police slum tings of the
hoslages as "justifiable homicide,"
Rockefeller at first demurred, saying
thai was a legal question. Asked then
whether he thought the deaths were •
mora I ly j u s t ified, "When you say
morally I certainly do."
Rockefeller said that there was no
indiscriinaie shooting by police but
that officers obviously bad difficulty
distinguishing hostages from prisoners
because all were clad in prison uniforms and that gas wits aroung.
The Governor met with the press
before convening a meeting o( ihe
legislature's Republican and Democratic leaders lo plan a full investigation of the events at Attica.
Rockefeller said he would recommend setting up an "impartially totally
representative committee of all elements in our stale" and consideration
of prisons reforms that would bold
protect the rights of prisoners and the
security ol guards.
The closed-door meeting was to get
underway in late afternoon.
Ihe governor also is to meet in New
York City Saturday with members of u
U.S. House of Represeutatvies Committee seeking information on the
Aliiea uprising.
Graffiti cont'd.
Sailing Club meets every Tuesday
7:00 p.m. in CC 315. The club offers
free lessons and use of boats t o all
undergraduates ( and others in the
university c o m m u n i t y ) if there is
enough equipment.
4 e k e V A A A A A A ^ A A e ^ d t A ^ r
If y o u are president of A r t C o u n -
c i l , Black Ensemble, F o r u m of Pontics, S k i
Board, or Women's L i b , please call
L o r i Harland at 7-4775
C o m m i e newspaper. A n y o n e interested in w r i t i n g , d r a w i n g , or j o i n i n g
the staff come up t o r o o m 346 of the
Campus Center or call 4 5 7 - 6 5 4 3 ,
Activities Day. I t ' s i m p o r t a n t !
12-5 p.m. M o n d a y night 7-10 p.m. If
times call us at 457-4009 or leave a
T h e Holderberg Review, a scholarhumanistic
demic c o m m u n i t y of S U N Y . Copies
message at CC 3 4 6 .
d i s t r i b u t i o n t o members of the acabe picked up at Draper H a l l ,
r o o m 106.
Positions, Resi-
Office. Contact:
Mr. Williams,
Connelly. 4 5 7 - 7 7 7 1 , 7 a.m.-11 p.m.,
hours flexible. $1.85 starting.
A p p l i c a t i o n s are now available for
University Concert Board in CC364.
Deadline for applications is Friday,
Sept. 24.
etc., etc.
The series, of ten classes in Hatha
Tues, 2 : 0 0 - 4 : 0 0 .
plus an i n t r o d u c t i o n
yoga, w i l l
be given
d o n a t i o n of $15.00 for the classes.
experience,and anything else y o u feel
and include this meal plan. This Wed.
is pertinent. Staff positions: Business
be a person at each quad on the
a vegetarian
meal plan. This w o u l d serve to deter
volved and unable Food Service to
effect tliis idea.
nay be possible. If interested, sign
up at B.A. 115, between 9 and 4 : 3 0
by Sept. 16.
stration is Nov. 6. in 16 major cities
including Now York City.
Instructions and applications avail
15, 1 9 7 1 , 5 : 0 0 p.m., is
the absolute deadline lor all applications to the 1971-72 S U N Y
The Research F o u n d a t i o n .
are available f r o m the O f f i c e of the
Vice President lor Research, A d m i n
I I . Watch
Albany Student Press lor details.
may call Miss Judd
turned to this office to secure earn
pus official signature, proper application review and t r a n s m i t t a l
to T i n ;
tions should reach the Office o( the
Vice President for Research by 5 : 0 0
January 10, 1972.
Albany Red Cross, 4 6 2 - 7 4 6 1 , tor an
Thursday nights.
Thursday, Sept. 23 at 6 : 3 0 p.m. in
the BA F a c u l t y Lounge. A l l members must a t t e n d .
Photographers! There w i l l be an
organizational meeting of Camera
C l u b Thursday, Sept. 23 ai 8 p.m. in
the CC Assembly Hall, Old members
are also urged to come.
Science Organization cordially invite
to their weekly meetings held
every Tuesday at 7:30 p . m . in CC
333. There w i l l be no meeting Sept.
21 because classes are suspended.
On Thursday, Sept. 2 3 , at 3 : 3 0
p.m. in the Main Theater of the
P.A.C. Charles Dodge w i l l give a
lecture demonstration of his c o m puter music at 9 : 0 0 p.m. The same
evening in the Main Theater he w i l l
also give a concert of his music.
ADMISSIONS C O M M I T T E E -Steven Bock, Peter Ng, Paul
Pelagalli, Stephanie Goodwin
Bowlers, teams w.
meeting of
Russian Club w i l l be held on Wednesd a y , Sept. 2 2 , in LC 2 at 7 : 3 0 p.m. A
slide presentation o n the USSR w i l l
be given. A l l are welcome.
F r e s h m e n , Sophomores,
Majors, " W h a t business administration can (offer y o u " , an address by
F Barry Haber) ass't. Dean, School of
Business. Thursday Sept 2 3 , 8 p . m .
CC 315. - S p o n s o r e d by Delta Sigma
C O M M I T T E E ON A C A D E M I C S T A N D I N G - B o b Warner
& Mary Jane Hunter
p.m., October 1 4 t h .
There w i l l be a meeting of Pi
Omega Pi, Beta Eta Chapter on
P A R K I N G APPEALS C O M M I T T E E - R i c h a r d Hobbie &
Bernice Davidson
U N I T E D F U N D B O A R D - D i a n a Koenigsberg
U N I V E R S I T Y C O M M I T T E E ON A W A R D S A N D OPPORT U N I T I E S FOR A D V A N C E S T U D Y - J u d i t h Morrison &
William Van Allen
Completed applications must be re-
The classes w i l l be conducted by a
Riding Club w i l l h o l d a mand i t o r y meeting Wednesday, Sept. 2 2 ,
Center 1 1 .
A c t i v i t i e s Day and the M o h a w k
Riding Plan w i l l be discussed. D u t c h
Manor Plan riders w h o attended the
last meeting o n Sept, 13, must bring
$ 2 0 . 0 0 if t h e y wish t o remain o n the
W a n t e d ! New members for the
4 8 7 Club! Meetings in the CC Ballr o o m on Wednesdays at 2 : 0 0 p.m.
First meeting Sept. 2 2 . C o m e ! !
S T U D E N T AFFAIRS C O U N C I L - C h r i s t i n e Miller & Terry
L I B R A R Y C O U N C I L - G e n e Brenenson
RESEARCH C O U N C I L - J o a n n e Slaight
PERSONNEL POLICIES C O U N C I L - R i c h a r d Opad
I M P R O V E M E N T - B r i a n Carr & Patrick Curran
BOOKSTORE A D V I S O R Y B O A R D - G e r a l d Lewis, Alan
Kaufman & Theodore Liba
istration 2 3 1 , telephone: 457 4 3 4 5 .
D o c t o r a l Fellowships for
Thursdays lor five weeks. Interested
able f r o m The F o r d F o u n d a t i o n , 320
Final senior pictures w i l l be taken
Area Chapter Headquarters, Hackett
programs for 1972-73 year:
Samilow & T o m Signore
Guidelines and application f o r m s
October 4 at 7 p.m. at the A l b a n y
to f i l l o u t
pertains to y o u .
Mexican American and Puerto Rican
members. Other
A P P O I N T M E N T S - S h e r r y Eilen
candids, scenics,
Open to everyone. Sponsored by BZ.
Center staff
A new class lor f l e d Cross hospital
tips on
and Thurs., Sept. 2 2 & 2 3 , there w i l l
and meet at V a n R e n - D u t c h - at 1:30.
These sessions w i l l meet weekly
F o o d Service w i l l probably be able to
c o m p o s i t i o n , etc. Bring y o u r camera
Attention Biology Majors. Meet
your professors outside of class at
the Biology Club's Faculty-Student
Reception. Thursday, Sept. 2 3 , 8 : 0 0
p.m. in Biology 248.
Appointments to Counri|<j
(married or un-
up to Thanksgiving w i t h Counseling
Name, ad-
married) w h o wish t o create a more
relationship w i t h each other. Thurs.
should Include:
ington Park. Potts f r o m PhotoService
12206. The
Photo Trip. Sunday, 19th t o Wash-
For further i n f o r m a t i o n call Nancy
meal plan. Under certain conditions
Handwerger at 439-5027.
expand their services for the students
C. For couples
Please remember
g r o w t h experience in increasing their
Gay Women's Alliance: Gay
women are coming together t o rap
discuss c o m m o n
Meetings every Tuesday night, 8 : 0 0
at the women's center, 184 Washingt o n Avenue.
the service, please contact Barry Silverberg
sensitivity to self and others, and in
ford St., A l b a n y , N.Y.
Kippur or w h o is w i l l i n g t o t y p e u p
Wed.3:00-5:00 or Thurs.
Phi Beta Lambda .business club
meeting, scheduled f o r Thursday,
Sept. 2 3 , CC 370 at 8 p.m.
A n y b o d y interested in w r i t i n g and
planning a creative service for
developing more satisfying personal
(across f r o m
resume to: M a r i l y n Burch, 73 Brad-
starting on Oct. 5, at the Unitarian
been attempts to set up a vegetarian
S U N Y A : Take note that there have
f o r m a t i o n . Contact Bob at 7-8719 or
M i k e 7-8754.
dinner lines w i t h forms to fill out for
A t t e n t i o n all groups wishing t o have a float in the Homecomint)
Parade. Applications are available in
CC 364. They MUST be returned lo
office by Sept, 2 4 ! ' Any
questions? Call Mary 7-5355 or Linda
c l a r i f y i n g , examining, and resolving
Yoga freaks! Classes in yoga w i l l
the Day Care Center please send a
A. For individuals seeking help in
M e m to all Resident Students at
Ice H o c k e y Club n o w in
A n y o n e interested i n w o r k i n g at
S U N Y A Draft Counseling Hours.:
y o u are unable t o come In at these
International Student Association
Welcome Ball, Friday, Sept.24, 9-1
p.m. at Brubacher d i n i n g hall. Music
by:The Community.
$1.00—International Students and students w i t h
tax card. $ 1 . 5 0 - S t u d e n t s w i t h o u t
tax card.
CC 3 4 6 , 4 5 7 - 4 0 0 9 , M o n d a y - F r i d a y
The University Counseling Canter
tod for League
C o n t ' d , on page 9
i n l o call Phil,
THREE Y E A R B A C C A L A U R E A T E C O M M I T T E E - M i t c h
Morris, Lois Kellerman
HONORS A N D I N D E P E N D E N T S T U D Y C O M M I T T E E James Renton, Michelle Kingman & Sue Pierce
§%e $atr ftork Sime*
For the State University of New York at Albany
for the
following Central Council Committees:
Athletic Advisory Board
Grievance Committee
Political and Social Positions Committee
Pick up applications in the
Student Association office CC 346
j Attention All Biology Majors:
The Biology Club
invites you to its annual
Faculty Student
! Thurs. September 23, at 8:00 pm
in Biology 248
All the News
That's Fit to Print
8:00 pm
Please register me as a subscriber t o T h e New York T i m e s .
I will pick up my copy on the q u a d s according to the plan I
have checked. (Delivered to faculty offices.)
Kemainclei Q
H Weekdays & S u n d a y s
_ Weekdays ( M o n . - S a t . )
S u n d a y s only
•Weekdays (Mon.
Fall Term
$1 5.35
School Year
Faculty rV C o m m u t e r s only
Payment enclosed. Make checks payable to Educational News Service
dark terry
t h u r s d a y , September 2 3
campus center
$1 with t a x
$2.50 without
Detach here and insert in envelope.
The door knobs at Albany
Stole cost over thirty four
dollars a piece!!!
funded by student tax
The Sheraton Inn Towne announced today, that this Friday and
Saturday, Septcmer 17 and 18,
they will be giving away FREE
U. S. Minted real nickels with
every drink in its EXCHANGE
This nickel "GIVE AWAY" is to
nelp celebrate the introduction of
'A M B K R\ a brand new musical
group that just opened in their
lounge. Everyone who has heard
the group is saying you'll get more
than your nickel's worth of entertainment.
Sheraton Inn Town
located 'A block f r o m
Greyhound Bus Terminal
Ian & Sylvia
Lead Off Saratoga Special
Kris Kristofferson headlined the
Saratoga Performing Arts Center
program of Sept. 6th, but Ian and
Sylvia, the Canadian folk duo
that came on first, nearly stole the
show. Ian and Sylvia Tyson are
I careful, thorough professionals
who have somehow maintained
enthusiasm they first brought ten
years ago to their trade. Seeing
them for the umpteenth time I
Rock Pile
Eric Graeber
ceived the recognition he deserves
TARKUS: Emerson, Lake, and as the premier keyboard player;
there is no human who can match
Palmer (Cotillion SD9900)
The initial Emerson, Lake and the dexterity and ease that he
Palmer album was so good that I displays on piano and organ. His
was sure that their second release formula is to set a strong outline
would be some sort of letdown. with one hand while the other
Well, fortunately, nice things do flows with ideas. Emerson can be
both complex and simple; in the
sometimes come in pairs.
latter case ("Infinite Space") a
ELP are the proverbial pio- charming sense of humor and a
neers, never averse to new fields of magical elan make his piano solo
adventure. In TARKUS, they sound so much more intricate
experiment heavily with science than it really is.
fiction, a subject that was made
popular musically by Jimi Hendrix. Side one is an extravaganza As with the first album the
about an impetuous armadillo musical styles are many and varied
shaped tank that evolves out of a ranging from honkey tone ("Jervolcano, ravages and pillages and emy Bender") to 50's rock ("Are
makes a general nuisance of him- You Ready Eddy"). A major
self until he meets his match. The difference is the instrumentals
story line is nothing special but which are not long, extended
the music is; seven incredible vehicles but bridges between rasongs pieced together with a recur- pidly changing but smoothly conring leitmotif. The tonal colors nected musical patterns.
and textures are such that if you
sit back with a pair of headphones A number of gimmicks are utiland listen carefully, you can actu- ized but all with impeccable taste.
ally picture our armadillo friend The Moog,( which has not yet
been used to anywhere near its
going about his business.
full potential) gets a good workKeith Emerson has finally re- out; Greg Lake's vocals are double
tracked to create a ricker tone;
51 SI SI SI SI SI SI SI drum sections with echo chamber
accompaniment, Chinese gongs, eHEUMAN THEATRES ven electric guitars (Emerson uoffer you a student discount at
sually avoids guitars) are all just
all three theatres. Just present
right. In sum, the jigsaw puzzle is
your Student ID card, and you
flawlessly fitted together.
get in for $1. Offer good Monday thru Thursday only, except
I don't usually tell my readers to
buy an album (that is Jeff Berger's
job), but I can recommend TARTHEATRE
KUS without any reservations at
i mile n ( J i o f
Center - rear
onRte. 9
TRASH (EPIC 30512)
White Trash may very well turn
out to be the best brass-rock band
yet but on their first album they
try to accomplish too much and
suffer the consequences. Jazz,
Across from
blues, soul, gospel, and rock are
all touched upon, the latter two
was struck by the less noticeable to
facets of their act--Tyson's strong, full-throated improvisational styla
rhythmic acoustic guitar work (in (a somehow more loveable Grace
this respect, as in many others, he Slick)-things like that.
The enthusiastic but
resembles Gordon
of sparse audience claimed them
Wilcox, back for two encores before
flat-top guitar, and an electric Kristofferson appeared. Kris, ably
bassist) that fill and enhance their assisted by his "Band of Thieves",
style, Sylvia's perfect timing in exercised his own special brand of
joining Ian on choruses and the magic for an hour and a half.
way she departs from the choruses Possessed of a rough, low voice, a
slow drawl,-" and a uniquely
washed-out Vonnegut-ish worldview, Kristofferson's appeal is
hard to gauge but nonetheless
undeniable. He obliged his adoring
An Open Letter to All SUNYA fans by doing nearly all of his
better-known material, including
Music Lovers:
While selling tickets to the Sha "Me
Na Na concert this week, we have "Sunday
gotten a lot of flack from students Down," and the title song from
about the new University Concert
Board policies in regard to ticket his
sales. The purpose of this letter is Silver-Tongued Devil and I."
to a c q u a i n t t h e Un iversity Setting off his low drawl were the
Community with these measures high, sweet harmonies of the Bank
and briefly explain why they arc of Thieves.
1 often hoped as the set
As many of you remember, at progressed that he would display
several of our concerts last year, some emotional range, which to
e.g. Traffic, the Airplane, and
Johnny Winler, non- University this point is conspicuously lacking
students caused problems by in his performances and his
rushing the stage, ripping off writing. The Wettuttsfmtng he
microphones, and destroying ex- embodies is a more mature and
pensive equipment. Those new less self-consciously melancholy
policies have been adopted to stop than James Taylor's can be, but it
this sort of thing and give YOU a is a fundamentally bleak and
more enjoyable concert,
hopeless view. To continue to
In order to purchase a ticket, grow and prosper Kris will have to
you must present a student I.D. If
you are buying a "tax" ticket, move beyond that niche, else
you must present both a SUNYA audiences and listeners will soon
I.D. and tax card, and the names grow tired of him.
on these must match. It is possible
Right now, though, he's still
for a person to purchase more pretty powerful stuff, and the
than one ticket at a time, but for
each ticket purchased, an I.D. and audience loved him. After a
tax card (if applicable) must be longish set and a well-received
encore, he departed shaking hands
with his first-row fans. And the
audience, as both Kris and Ian and
Sylvia noted, was just beautiful.
Thank you.
Side one is a masterpiece
though. The opening cut "Give It
Everything You Got" is all Sly
Stone funk; a grinding wah-wah
pedal gets the song off the ground
and then vocalists Jerry laCroix
and Edgar Winter trade off the
vocal lines in respective growls and
shrieks. The brass keeps the song
in full flight with a strong pace
that leads up to a saxophone
fugue solo, Even better is "Let's
Get It On" (if you can forget the
title) in which the brass a^ain lays
it on thick in a well structured,
straight-ahead line. There is a fine
guitar solo by Bobby Ramirez
(not a note wasted) and then the
song climaxes with a harmonica
piece by laCroix who sings into
his harp. No artificial flavoring
here. Side one finished up with an
entente of soul and blues in "I've
Got News For You" with the
brass setting an outline for the
vocal and then going up and down
like a roller coaster on the blink.
Add another good song "Where
Would I Be" (also on side one)
and they almost have enough material for a solid alburn. Unfortunately there are slim pickings on
side two despite the presence of a
lovely, evocative vocal by Winter
("Dying to Live"). The slower,
gospel numbers, pretty lame to
begin with, are not helped any by
a six girl chorus. "Save The Planet" is simply a throwaway.
"Keep On Playing That Rock n'
Roll" couldn't possibly give anyone the incentive to do what the
title suggests.
WHITE TRASH is a group with
great potential (their brass section
is the most spirited I've heard in a
long while) and as soon as they
cut down their activities to what
they do best and find their niche
they will explode on the scene. As
for now, they give us some bangs
but also a couple of whimpers.
1 found the biggest bargain in town at the Swiss Inn.
For only SI admission and no m i n i m u m they give S'/i
Times, after all, have changed at
the State University, and one
needs no longer to guardedly hide
the fact that he once enjoyed an
opera. We may even rest assured
that one can now nod understandingly and pronounce a Schoenberg
quartet "heavy shit" without fear
of being scorned at by his less
"into it" friends. In fact, it may
even impress them. Be attentive,
O reader, and you too can become
an Intellectual Snob.
The season at Saratoga is over.
The last Stradivari us has been
pack I'd off to Philadelphia, and
instead of A mat is, I he amphitheater now rings with the sounds
o I' somebody's Fenders and
Or etch, A few miles up the Northway, a member of the Junior Class
of Queensbury High School inappropriately sneaks a cigarette on
the same stage where Mi.mi coughed to death not too long ago in
Lake George Opera's superb production of Puccini's La Hohfrnv.
hours, full hours, of songs and dancing by the fabulous
Swiss Inn on
miles west of the c a m p u s .
8 and 9 pm when they practically give the bar a w a y ;
w h y big 12 oz. draft beers only cost a q u a r t e r and all
My goodness, all ages from 1H-80 go there and what a
I understand t h e ) .ake some private parties also.
See you at the Swiss Inn, Friday and Saturday night.
H.S. No one under 18 a d m i t t e d .
lost and found
When you reached 22?
'65 Blue Mustang, auto. Six cylinder in good shape. $ 5 0 0 or best
offer. Call 4 5 7 - 3 0 0 3 .
sale Kodacolor-X
exp. 126-cartridge for
Call Chow 4 5 7 - 7 8 3 3 .
Carol, Remember the C O F F E E
fountain? What's your number? Dave
•Don't Hesitate!! I
opportunity "Knocks" but once Be
the first in your room to call us!
tli rough o u l
Comrnu m y on the occasion of
the N e w Year celebralion.
Lost: Black Wallet, Contains no
Please don't
Greet i igs and best wishes to our
T h e Classified Box
Ex-Peace Corps and Vista Volunteers contact Anne for possible
Happy Birthday, anyway
your garbage inside me. Thanx.
Did the prophesy come true,
Lost Golden Retriver puppy 3
all students: I'm
garbage pail.
disappoint all of you, but I'm not a
Steve Shaw
Michael 472-9340.
/ F M 374-6016.
T o all my friends at S U N Y A : A
happy and Peaceful New Year.
CLASSIC Excellent Condition A M .
1272-7287) any day between 8 A M
and 10 P M. P.S. be discreet!
Either: Men (students) needed to
share large apartment or house Or:
but necessary I.D. reward.
Rev. Paul A.
Contact Dave 457-7942.
If you have apartment and want
Declare yourself-D.L. Saks.
Rev. Frank P. Snow
two boarders easy to live with Call
Saturday, October 23
Saturday, December 11
Saturday, January 15
Saturday, February 26
Saturday, April 22
Saturday, June 17
October 5
Novermber 16
December 21
February 1
March 28
y 23
October 16
December 18
February 12
April 8
July 29
October 9
February 5
April 15
July 22
October 8
November 23
December 28
February 8
April 4
May 30
September 15 $3.50
January 12
March 22
June 28
month. Available Oct I. Husband
A p t i t u d e Test
O n e A d v a n c e d Test
A p t i t u d e d Test and
Advanced Test
(on same date)
Part-time Secretary for campus
media. Some filing and lite typing.
Vou will work approximately IS
hours per week. Call 4 5 7 - 8 8 9 2 and
ask for Jeff.
Tutoring in German or French.
From Switzerland call 482- 0 3 7 7 .
Student wanted to pick up ads
Tues. night and distribute posters
to area colleges Wed.for 3 2 wks.
necessary. Come
to Campus
Center Lobby at 3 : 0 0 M o n . or call
Ray Pratt at 869- 6381. Min. pay
$ 2 5 per wk. + expenses.
October 15
January 14
March 24
June 2
July 28
help wanted
September 24
November 26
January 21
March 17
July 7
Saturday, November 6
Saturday, February 5
Saturday, April 15
Saturday, June 24
Saturday, Angus! 12
4 7 2 - 9 2 6 3 or 4 5 7 2 9 6 1 .
floor. Closed in Yard. $ 5 0 . 0 0 per
Your class government wishes to inform you of the
following important dates:
Wanted: One used managing editor for progressive college newsrag
Isicl. Must be slightly insane in a
demogogical fashion [Reply:. TGC
I I I , Rathole, CC.
September 22
January 19
March 29
July 5
November 13
January 29
April 8
July I 5
October 21
Jaunuary 6
March 16
June 22
Saturday, December 4
Saturday, March 11
Saturday, Aujjust 19
October 28
January 13
March 23
J une 29
C o m m o n Examinations
find a Toachmg Aroa
C o m m o n Examinations o n l y
Ono Teaching Aroa
Examination only
November 17
February 23
August 2
A p p l v i n Person Evenlngs-except Mondav
Waiters, Waitresses, Bartenders
Projectionist to Run 16mm.
F i l m o l Oldtirno Flicks
Parking Lot Attendant
3 piece end lergur
a la Suaann 0 [ ) u m n ( )
For Thurs. T h r u Sun. nights
H 30 Pa I a c u Thuulro
4 50,
$4 50
$5 50
3 50. 2 50
i 50.
i 50
SI 50
lurlhof information 465 4/55
i)i4ti5-3333 Mini chock ami
Your friend,
1971 • 12 S E A S O N
place- they must scat 5 0 0 ,
T h e real big bargain is the Gay Nineties Hour b e t w e e n
o t h e r drinks-are S.45.
guitar for sale; redwood; in-
Thatcher Park
have slides of the words to sing with. What a fantastic
Diane is at the
Northern New York, Cultural
Capital of the East, has settled
down to a long winter being Albany, Schenectady, and Troy again.
Every desert, however, has its
underground streams, and the editors of the ASP have benevolently
allowed this column as a weekly
divining rod to get to that often
well hidden water. "Crochets"
will be a guide to classical (for the
lack of a better word) music and
related tipics in the area, occasionally spiced or made bland by a
little pompous, self-important critical commentary. We'll also do a
little reviewing here, as a friend in
the bookstore informs me that
Beethoven's Ninth is selling at
least as well as the Partridge Family, and gaining fast on the
Archies, Hopefully, we'll also have
some advance program notes on
university and Albany Symphony
concerts, as well as some of the
other eo nee its in the y
X X S X X X K X a S X S X f f i S S H S S H X S X X S S ^gvrvcrs-i
Matterhorn String Band, plus they show old movies and
for sale
Dear Izzy,
QOll-adclrusHwi s i a m p o d
o n v o l o n o to
D i l i Uldti , Siiilo2(i. Albany,
N Y 12207
for further information contact
Office of Graduate Studies A D 21 3
or write: Educational Testing Service
Princeton, New Jersey 08540
9 : 3 0 u n t i l 1:30am
Herd Rock. T o p F o l t y
IBM Selectric Typewriter
Specializing in
Doctoral Dissertations
Fast, Dependable Service
Reasonable Rates
Albany Student Press %
The ASP ^ ^ ^ ^ P
They filled in a swamp
and tore down all the trees
to build a modern campus
of tall white towers and pillars
and black-white-striped, symmetrical buildings.
With a huge fountain in the middle,
just for looks.
It didn 't even have goldfish.
Vol. LVIII No. 41
State University of New York at Albany
Friday, September 24, 1971
Marchers Protest
Attica Deaths
by Tracy Egan
A p p r o x i m a t e l y fifteen h u n d r e d persons, s o m e
from New York City, Buffalo, N e w Jersey and
Philadelphia staged a spirited t h r e e mile march
through d o w n t o w n Albany y e s t e r d a y t o p r o t e s t t h e
Attica Prison d e a t h s . Protestors c h a n t e d , " P e o p l e of
the World are picking u p t h e R o c k s , so R u n R o c k y
R u n , " a n d "Jail t h e rich, free t h e P o o r , " as they
m a r c h e d . T h e group attracted passive observers in
the s h o p p i n g district of Albany. In c o n t r a s t Clinton
Avenue residents, mostly blacks, j o i n e d in t h e
chanting as t h e marchers passed
T h e march reached t h e Capitol steps where David
Dellinger, o n e of t h e Chicago Seven, s p o k e a n d
i n t r o d u c e d o t h e r speakers. Dellinger stressed that
"We are here in Albany t o begin a campaign for t h e
arrest of Nixon a n d Rockefeller." He later asserted
that b y this i n d i c t m e n t he did n o t wish for
Rockefeller or Nixon t o be sent t o a prison like
Altica as " n o h u m a n being should b e sent t o t h a t
place, b u t this i n d i c t m e n t is t h e only w a y t o begin
the e n d . "
So, after they filed in the swamp
and lore down all the trees.
they deeided that nniyhe their
was ttio colli,
tan much like a city,
So they threw a hit of wilderness
into the bargain,
and out of the swamp
Iwhich they just filled in)
they dug a hole
and Jilted it with water
and called it "The
Protestors o f the Attica killings staged a three mile march through d o w n t o w n Albany on Thursday.
Spring Term To Include
Ami they left some trees around it
and a few hushes and weeds.
which liter called "Woods. "
And planted some weeping willows around
again jnsl for looks.
Courses On Environment
by Glenn von Nostitz.
On May ,'t, 1971 t h e University
Senate passed a resolution which
r e c o m m e n d e d that the University,
" c o m m i t itself to a universitywide program in E n v i r o n m e n t a l
Studies and that t h e administration be requested, with t h e assistance of a p p r o p r i a t e councils a n d
c o m m i t t e e s t o develop such a
p r o g r a m . " In spite of f o r m i d a b l e
h e a d w a y h a s been m a d e in establishing E n v i r o n m e n t a l Studies at
S U N Y A . As ii result of the S e n a t e
the Environmental
Studies Steering C o m m i t t e e w a s
created, with Stanley Blount of
the G e o g r a p h y
D e p a r t m e n t as
c o o r d i n a t o r . T h e commit fee is
m a d e u p of both faculty a n d
s t u d e n t s , and its goal is to d e v e l o p
policies a n d c o n t e n t for t h e Envir o n m e n t a l S t u d i e s program,
it, t,
but also to try to draw attention
away from the water.
which happened to become
with beer cans ami garbage
and old tires.
Lor some strange
.Xot to mention the scum and dead
left from the swamp
that was there
I veil dial wasn't
Sii, since ilicv didn't
in the
to sn, k lit, a, in a.,
,n, ill, re.
seeing as how they're
in ih, unhid,
dial then
rutin I dim, nil to tin,I
I sttalh people
en water
are aware
are nohljish
only when they find a , lump of
most />, :/ili don '/ eren kit •»
dial the tjoldttui
lor them.
Ilicv decided
put Koldfisll
bellied up
Martlvti Hag
photos courtesy of photo-servic
T h e first item of business for t h e
c o m m i t t e e was t o assess (lie pre
sent c o n d i t i o n of E n v i r o n m e n t a l
Studies ill S U N Y A . Each depart
men! chairman was asked t o lis!
those courses in his d e p a r t m e n t
which are in s o m e way related t o
(he e n v i r o n m e n t . Included in t h e
final list were t h e
Forum and Man cs.
and a series of e n v i r o n m e n t a l
•els which
indept' idenl study [
' pil-N-l t w o
eveloped ovei
Vim it Schiiel'
inder I)
olve ovei
•ver such
topics ies " E n e r g y mid S o c i e t y , "
" E n v i r o n m e n i n l Legislation."
Under t h e direction o | Kli/.t.
belli Siil/er, Hie binary has d r a w n
up .in extensive bibliography of all
b o o k s and journals related t o t h e
environment which are n o w held
by t h e library, T h e University has
also been involved m Environ
mental Research through tin 1 Five
[livers project, an ecological s t u d y
of live rivers in New Yolk S t a t e .
Bv drawing together .ill of these
related courses and projects, t h e
Steering C o m m i t t e e h o p e s t o publish a b r o c h u r e for s t u d e n t s w h o
are interested in E n v i r o n m e n t a l
c o o r d i n a t o r o n August 13th, a n d
Pres. Benezet n a m e d Paul Bulger,
Professor of Educational Administration
the new coordinator.
Under Bulger t h e c o m m i t t e e has
been working to ex [land c o u r s e
offerings, especially in t h e introd u c t o r y areas. Bulger says that
o n e of t h e major c o n s i d e r a t i o n s
was w h e t h e r courses relating t o
i-n v iron m e a t
grouped t o g e t h e r in a " C e n t e r for
w h e t h e r these courses should be
offered separately, by individual
depart merits. Current
calls for each depart men I l o offer
e n v i r o n m e n t related courses.
During t h e s u m m e r , t w o s u b
c o m m i t t e e s were formed; o n e l o
develop courses dealing with t h e
social a n d cultural aspects of t h e
e n v i r o n m e n t , and t h e o t h e r to
deal With t h e scientific aspects.
Each c o m m i t t e e has been developing an i n t r o d u c t o r y course, both
of which will be offered this
Spring. O n e of t h e m has been
titled, Social, Political and Human
AsfH't'ts of Encironmcntal
terns, while t h e o t h e r o n e is .S'cic
nli/n- Aspects
Both of these will be
•JtlU level courses, a n d are subject
lo t h e approval of t h e Umlergrad
uale Academic ('otrucil
planned for i n t r o d u c t i o n next fall
are Applied
ttw. Applied Environmental
notutvs, and System* Approach to
I'ro 1)1 cms
would he MOO and 100 level
Plans are also in t h e works for
second field o p t i o n s . Under this
o p t i o n student- interested in envir o n m e n t a l studies would be en
couraged lo put together then-
own second field p r o g r a m s . They
would b e provided with t h e Steering C o m m i t t e e ' s list of environment-related
Require m e n t s would include 2-1 credits
of e n v i r o n m e n t courses o n all
levels. This second-field program
would serve as t h e basis for a
program (including an E n v i r o n m e n t a l S t u d i e s
major) as soon as m o r e funds are
T h e biggest roadblock t o t h e
establishment of E n v i r o n m e n t a l
Studies is t h e lack of m o n e y .
Phillip S o r o f k i n ,
for Academic Affairs, p o i n t e d out
that, " i t is very difficult t o p u t
m o n e y into new p r o g r a m s when
we are c u t t i n g back. T h e s e new
continued page. 16
Dellinger i n t r o d u c e d J u a n i t a W o o d s o n , from t h e
People's Law Office, w h o read a s t a t e m e n t she
claimed was smuggled o u t of Attica. This s t a t e m e n t
alleges that " j u s t as Hitler Instilled fear in his
c o n c e n t r a t i o n c a m p s , so is Rockefeller allowing a n d
sanctioning t h e same tactics to b e p e r p e t r a t e d here.
lives were t a k e n by
Rockefeller and his agents did not d i e in vain ...
because t h e uprising in Attica did n o t start here n o r
will it end h e r e , "
Others, w h o s p o k e t o a largely receptive a u d i e n c e ,
were T o m S o t o o f t h e Prisoners S o l d a r i t y g r o u p ,
Charlene Mitchell of t h e Angela Davis Defense
C o m m i t t e e , a n d ex-priest, c o c o n s p i r a t o r of t h e
Uerrigan B r o t h e r s , Paul Mayer. Each of t h e s e
speakers stressed solidarity. T h e solidarity of black,
white and b r o w n prisoners at t h e siege in Attica, the
solidarity which " m i d d l e class, c h u r c h people are
beginning t o e x p e r i e n c e with t h e p o o r , a n d t h e
c o n n e c t i o n b e t w e e n t h e tragedies of Attica and
V i e t n a m . " S o m e claimed t h a t " t h e tragedy at Attica
began before Oswald, Rockefeller or t h e prisoners
were b o r n . Family wealth and skin color had t o d o
with w h e t h e r y o u b e c a m e governor, guard o r
Collection b u c k e t s were distributed t h r o u g h o u t
the crowd b u t it appeared that o n l y a small a m o u n t
of m o n e y was taken in t o aid " p r i s o n e r s , families
and t h e drive for a c c e p t a n c e of t h e t w e n t y eight
d e m a n d s " m a d e b y Altica prisoners.
the demonstration
sponsored b y t h e People's Coalition for Pejice a n d
Justice with a n n o u n c e m e n t s of further d ° m o n s t r a tions. On S a t u r d a y , O c t o b e r 2 protests at d o z e n s of
continued page 2
While m o s t of the m a r c h e r s were y o u n g , they were j o i n e d by m a n y older people sympathetic t o the
ASI> I'hoto/Pollack