Good Help Is Hard To Find

FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27, l c )70
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Good Help
Hard To Find
State Uniuenity of New York at Albany
Vol. LVII No. 7
by Neill Shanahan
"Bill Kunstler may soon be in
ail and that doesn't mean a damn
'o you but to us it does!"
John Kaufman, New Left Organizing Committee to Dr. Clifton
Thorne at Monday's press conference.
"The pluce he should be right
now is in jail. "
"Tha Conspiracy"•••(from left to right) Attorney Leonard Walnglan, Rennie Davis, Abble Hoffman, Lee Weiner, Dava
Dellinger, John Froines, Jerry Rubin, Tom Hayden, Attorney Bill Kunstler, missing is Bobby Seale .
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T u r n on to the
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S u n d a y - 7p.m. C a m p u s C e n t e r 3 2 0 ¥
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Tuesday, March 3. 1970
Kunstler's Coming
Arouses University
home ?
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Seven Hundred Demand:
'What About The Gym?'
already been scheduled for that
time. The students have requested
Coach Harold Bell to reschedule
"What about the gym?" was these games and allow the gym to
the big question at this week's be used for the scheduled speaker,
presidential press conference, as but Coach Bell refused.
all other school matters were put
Dean Thome feels that since
aside. The crowd filed from the these are two student activities,
Patroon lounge to the Assembly the matter should be discussed beHall and finally to the Ballroom. tween the two groups and the stuThe number of persons attending dents should come to a decision.
seemed to increase with every He suggested several times that
move and soon totaled 600 or the matter might be taken before
the Central Council. One angry
Dr. Clifton Thome, Vice- student accused Thorne of not
President of Student Affairs, held caring whether Kunstler comes or
the press conference in place of goes to jail, but the students do.
President Kuusisto, who is, ironi- He received a big hand and Thorne
cally, attending a meeting in Chi- said he wouldn't debate that.
The Intramural Basketball
The entire issue involves the vis- games are supported by the Stuit of William Kunstler lawyer of dent Activities Assessment, and
the Chicago Seven, to our campus. take place several times a week.
He was scheduled to speak here Spectators, it should be noted, are
last Thursday, but cancelled it for not permitted. Student represenreasons of "fatigue and legal re- tatives of the basketball teams
sponsibilities." Kunstler is now stated that their teams would not
expected to speak this coming play on Thursday night. Some stuThursday, March 5, at eight dents were afraid that even if the
o'clock. The SUNYA gym is the games were cancelled, Bell
only place on campus large wouldn't allow the gym to be
enough to hold the anticipated used, but Dean Thorne said, in
audience. On that night, however, such a case, the Administration
Intramural Basketball games have would step in.
by Martha Nathanson
The students petitioned Dean
Thome to call Bell and make him
aware of the situation. One student attempted to call Coach Bell
during the meeting, but he reported that a "scared" secretary
said he wasn't in.
Team representatives met with
Thorne and he took their names.
All but two teams were represented. The rest of the students decided to stay in the Ballroom until
the issue was settled. It was then
announced that there were also
volleyball games that night, but
they were quickly cancelled.
At the end of the conference,
the matter was still up in the air,
but Dean Thorne would investigate and discuss it with the Coach.
The students left with the feeling
that the gym would be theirs in
any case.
Strong, angry but opposing
pressures were exerted on the administration lute last week and
yesterday either to cancel William
Kunstler's speech or to authorize
the use of the university's largest
facility for the event, the gymnasium.
Approximately 700 students,
Tilling three-quarter., of the ballroom confronted Dr. Clifton
Thorne at yesterday's conference
with the demand that he exercise
administrative "fiat" and free the
On the other hand, citing the
violent demonstrations in Santa
Barbara, California, which followed a Kunstler speech, Assemblyman Neil Kelleher telephoned
Dr. Charles O'Reilly, vice-president, with the demand that the
speech be cancelled altogether.
Kelleher is the sponsor of a proposal to dismiss teachers who refuse to pledge allegiance to the
flag in classroom ceremonies.
While Dr. O'Reilly reaffirmed
the right of Kunstler to speak, administrative officials seriously
hesitated to free the gym.
"So far as we are concerned
Mr.Kunstler is a man with a point
of view invited by a student group
to speak on campus. The policy of
the Board of Trustees is very clear
and we will adhere to it."
What was not clear however,
was the attitude of the administration to the visit. "The institution
does not believe it should be
handled by administrative fiat"
•aid Dr. Thome.
Kunstler to appear
Thursday in Gym!
William M. Kunstler, Chief
Counsel for the defense in the
Chicago 8 Conspiracy Trial will
speak at the Albany State Campus, Thursday evening at H:00
Kunstler will definitely speak
but the location of the rally has
just been clarified. The gym is the
only building capable of holding
the thousands of peoplu oxpoctod
to attend but was being tuotl by
the intramural basketball teams.
The demands of the 700 students prosont at the pross conference resulted in tho release of a
statomont by Doan Sorroll Chosin:
"Wo havo boen informed by tho
Vice President of the AM1A,
George Turo, that tho intramural
playoffs will be postponed. As a
result the gymnasium wilt be available on Thursday evening for
scheduling Mr. Kunstler's appearance."
University students will be admitted to tho gym at 7:00. ID
cards are required. At 7:30 the
doors will bo opened for tho general public.
No outsido security has been
obtained. SUNY police will diroot
traffic outsido tho gym. However,
no uniformed polico will be In the
building. Tho Now Loft Organizing Committee will provide marshulls during tho speech.
Tha gym balongs to tha peoplal
"What you have to do is tell
Bell (Harold Bell, AMIA Director)
t o reschelule that goddamn
game!" countered his opposition.
The- rising tension came at a
time when radical activity has
been increasing throughout the
nation - much of it connected
with the Chicago Conspiracy trial.
Major demonstrations and violent
confrontations occurred last week
in Washington DC (Watergate),
Chicago, Boston, Madison, Wisconsin, Los Angeles, Chapel Hill,
North Carolina, San Jose, Santa
Barbara, and Buffalo.
It often seemed at Monday's
press conference, that the administration was either entangled in
its own beauracracy or that it was
giving in to the demands of Kelleher and conservatives of the Albany Community.
The New Left Organizing Committee and Student Mobilization
issued a joint flyer Monday morning charging the university of the
latter — of attempting "to make
the impact of Mr. Kunstler's visit
as negligible as possible."
In an interview Friday, John
Kaufman of the NLOC, vowed
that if Kunstler's speech were
barred from the gym, students
would "tear this place apart." The
anger and disgust almost universally displayed at one press conference gave added impact to these
"A lot of students will be angry, especially those who can't get
K a u f m a n said. T h e
administration had offered Page
Hall, in Draper, which seate 940
Continued on page 11
Finer food
for Frosh
by J.P. Prendegast
Two hundred and fifty residents of Alumni Quadrangle, disgusted with the inferior meals
served to them by Food Service,
boycotted the Wulden dining
room Saturday night.
They ate their dinners instead
in the dining room of Brubacher
Hall, the graduate student dining
area. They carried signs and chanted "Good food...not shit!"
A meeting was immediately arranged with Mr. Corbiey of Food
Service to discuss the situation.
Six representatives—Lenny Moss,
Tony Chen, Al Senia and Lenny
Marks (the four originators of the
action) along with Mat Heyman
and Phil Chansky (president and
vice-president of Walden Council)
made a list of eight demands.
They wore:
1) Two fresh choices of meals
every day for dinner (with the option of serving leftovers as a third
2) No recooking of leftovers into fresh meals. (This was in response to the fact that leftover
meat and sausage are often used as
"fillers" for such meals as la•agntt.)
3) The wearing of hair nets by
female food servers.
4) Fresh desserts.
5) Posted menus.
6) Both food lines open on
continued on page 3
Coffee h o u r will b e held w i t h
s e n a t o r O r u e n i n g from 3-4 in CC
3 1 6 o n T u e s , Mar, 3.Americanipolicy in t h e Middle East will b e discussed.
All a r e invited.
Sigma A l p h a E t a will m e e t
T h u r s d a y , March 1 2 , 1 9 7 0 at 8
p . m . in H U 3 5 4 . Dr. Daniel Ling
f r o m McGill University Project for
Deaf C h i l d r e m will speak o n Deaf
E d u c a t i o n Research.
All P R E - M E D s t u d e n t s / ' h o
t o o k Biology 101 with Dr.
a n d w h o will be seeking recomm e n d a t i o n s from h e r for medical
school should see Dr. Rollins as
s o o n as possible.
Is Democratic-Socialism relevant in c o n t e m p o r a r y America?
An o p e n discussion s p o n s o r e d by
League at 8 p . m . T h u r s d a y , March
5, in CC 3 7 0 .
T h e Biology Club presents J o e
O ' C o n n o r speaking o n : " T h e Biology oi' T h e r m a l A d d i t i o n t o the
A q u a t i c E n v i r o n m e n t " o n Thursd a y , March 5 at 8 : 3 0 p.m. in BI
2 4 8 . This m e e t i n g is of interest to
all P Y E a n d F o r u m m e m b e r s . All
are w e l c o m e .
A p p l i c a t i o n s for the year program a t the Hebrew University in
and Tel-Aviv University are now
BVE liable in t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Stu
dies Office SS 1 0 1 .
Intercollegiates t r y - o u t s Wed., Mar. 11
in G y m C, at 4 p . m . Dressed for
a c t i o n , sneakers a m u s t . Q u e s t i o n s
directed t o Coach Mrs. Mann
7 - 4 5 3 5 and
R o s e n b a u m 7-8794
W o m e n ' s Intercollegiate softball t r y o u t s March 16 at 4 p . m . in
G y m C Dressed for activity.
There will be a m e e t i n g of all
groups participating in S t a t e Fair
'70 on Wednesday, March 11 at
7 : 3 0 p.m. in H u m a n i t i e s 2 5 4 .
One representative from each
group must be p r e s e n t . F o r further
call: Pat
Dutch Quad Board is sponsoring Beer Cheer I I - s t a r r i n g Mich on
T h e College of General Studies
March 6, 1 9 7 0 , 7 : 3 0 - 1 0 : 3 0 . Donaand t h e D e p a r t m e n t of Physical
tion is $.50 Dutch Q u a d m e m b e r ,
E d u c a t i o n are offering a 3-hour,
other $1.00.
non-credit course in Driver E d u c a On S u n d a y , March 8, 1 9 7 0 ,
tion o n Highway Safety. Proof of
G u i t a r c u p , from 7:30 t o 1 0 : 4 5
having c o m p l e t e d t h e c o u r s e m u s t
will be sponsored by D.Q.B. donab e provided before a road test
tion $.25; free with S t u y v e s a n t
a p p o i n t m e n t will be m a d e t o an
t o w e r tax card.
a p p l i c a n t for his first driver's license.
J.H.K. loves I.B.R. 8 / 2 3 / 7 0 .
T h e course will be given March
2 3 (6-9 p.m.). F e e for t h e course
is $ 5 . E n r o l l m e n t may be m a d e by
check payable t o S t a t e University
of New York at A l b a n y and sent
t o : College of General Studies,
1400 Washington A v e n u e , Alb a n y , N . Y . 1220.'), Ad 2 3 9 or call
Experience and Interest in Office!!
Where were our opponents
when we brought you
-Psyche-Deli at State Fair '69
-Fire and Foam on October 10
-Night at the Races November 1
-Project Kids
-Campus Viewpoint '69
-Richie Havens
-Red Cross Blood Drive
Where are our opponents
while we are planning
-Project Kids
-Mayor John V. Lindsay
-Fire and Foam II (April)
-Niqht at the Races II (April)
-Parent's Weekend Concert
(May 9- The C.T.A.)
-Campus Viewpoint 70
-Red Cross Blood Drive (October 6, 1970)
Where were our opponents when
we held class council meetings
every Monday at 6:00 PM to plan
events and receive suggestions?
Tom LaBarbera
Rich Friedlander
T h e D e p a r t m e n t of G e r m a n
and Slavic Languages will s p o n s o r
a speech on " C o n t e m p o r a r y Soviet Press" by Professor N. Poltora t z k y , Chairman, D e p a r t m e n t of
Slavic Languages, University of
Pittsburgh, Wednesday, March 4,
1970 at 8 : 0 0 p.m. in CC Assembly Hall.
A w a t e r safety I n s t r u c t o r course
s p o n s o r e d j o i n t l y b y t h e Colonic
Recreation Department and the
Albany C h a p t e r of t h e A m e r i c a n
Red Cross, designed for persons
seeking s u m m e r positions in aquatics, will o p e n at Shaker High
March 1 8 , according t o t h e ann o u n c e m e n t from J a m e s Kirker,
director of recreation t o d a y .
A t t e n t i o n : In t h e past t h e r e has
been p r o b l e m s with the public address s y s t e m s provided b y t h e
University, especially for left political groups. T o insure t h a t t h e r e
will b e p r o p e r l y functioning a u d i o
e q u i p m e n t on T h u r s d a y night for
t h e Kunstler r a p will a n y rock
group with e q u i p m e n t and e x p e r t ise please c o n t a c t any m e m b e r of
t h e New Left organizing c o m m i t tee or call 4 6 2 - 6 0 0 8 .
3 : 3 0 - T u e s d a y , March 9 - O p e n
meeting o n Day Care Center for
University c o m m u n i t y m e m b e r s
including administration, faculty,
staff a n d s t u d e n t s with children.
Clifton T h o m e will r e s p o n d t o
W o m e n ' s Liberation F r o n t demands ( p r o b a b l y in Campus Center Assembly Hall) for setting u p a
free and a d e q u a t e l y staffed d a y
care c e n t e r for infants and children of University c o m m u n i t y
Vice- Pres.
[>[> BOOZKJ <]<]
1078 Madison Avenue
Delivered FREE!
by Dr. Richard Ellis
O n e of t h e greatest social p r o b lems facing us t o d a y is t h e loss of
h u m a n a n d e c o n o m i c resources
t h r o u g h traffic a c c i d e n t s , a n d it is
to this fact which I address this
brief article. Unless a major break
t h r o u g h in t h e n u m b e r of high
school pupils w h o g r a d u a t e from
formal traffic safety e d u c a t i o n
p r o g r a m s d o u b l e in the n e x t five
years, t h e t r a g e d y will c o n t i n u e to
increase in severity.
Federal a n d S t a t e G o v e r n m e n t s
and local s c h o o l districts are making an all o u t effort to m e e t the
challenge, b u t they need our coo p e r a t i o n . T o m e e t t h e needs of
the high school p u p i l , schools are
doubling t h e n u m b e r of teachers
in their p r o g r a m s and the few
schools w i t h o u t p r o g r a m s are employing new teachers as fast as
they are available. A n d that brings
us t o t h e crux of the p r o b l e m - t h e
p r e s e n t s u p p l y of qualified teachers does n o t m e e t the d e m a n d and
needs of the local s c h o o l districts.
T h e r e were at least twenty-five
traffic safety e d u c a t i o n positions
in New York S t a t e which were
n o t filled at t h e beginning of the
1967-68 s c h o o l year.
University J u n i o r s and Seniors
w h o have driver's licenses and are
enrolled in p r o g r a m s leading to
give every c o n s i d e r a t i o n to enrolling in t h e elective preservice
p r e p a r a t i o n p r o g r a m (TSP .150
and T S P 4 5 1 ) for teaching trafficsafety e d u c a t i o n . A prospective
c a n d i d a t e for a local school district position w h o has dual certification (a major field plus approval
in traffic safety e d u c a t i o n ) has the
advantage a c c o r d i n g to school administrators, and t h e r e f o r e it behooves s t u d e n t s to prepare themselves a c c o r d i n g l y .
T h e total p r o g r a m is explained
in the u n d e r g r a d u a t e catalog and
the School of E d u c a t i o n Bulletin
{page 138) a n d you are invited to
c o n t a c t the D i r e c t o r of Traffic
E d u c a t i o n in t h e Physical Education Center, R o o m M-1H.
Free Coffee and Danish
Changed to
Every Wednesday from
2-3:30 p.m.
Dale Padnick
by Bob Warner
five gubernatorial
candidates for the D e m o c r a t i c Party
n o m i n a t i o n s p o k e in a panel discussion at the l y t h Annual Political Conference of t h e W o m e n ' s
Division of the D e m o c r a t i c State
C o m m i t t e e held at the Hyatt
House in Albany S u n d a y night.
Before the candidates were introduced,
Minority Leader of the S t a t e Ass e m b l y , s p o k e , "We c a n ' t afford
(he luxury of being responsible
for si Nixon in Ihe While House
and a Rockefeller in Albany for
the next four v e i n s , " he said.
Slcingut c o n t i n u e d . "We can carry
the b a n n e r of victory for all the
people of the s l a t e . "
T h e c a n d i d a t e s a t t a c k e d Rockefeller for his indifference to the
p o o r , the c o n s u m e r , t h e comm u t e r and the drue; addict.
J o s e p h Ellinger, a B r o o k l y n att o r n e y s p o k e firsl. He scored the
h e r o i n e p r o b l e m heavily. " I f elected G o v e r n o r , " he said, "I will demand Ihe death penalty for all imp o r t e r s and wholesalers of heroine."
Et linger also called for immediate withdrawal from Vietn a m . He criticized Rockefeller's
handling of u n e m p l o y m e n t . " U n e m p l o y m e n t in Ihe g h e t t o s runs as
high as 30%, yet the G o v e r n o r is
blind lo the p r o b l e m . "
T h o m a s .1. Mackell, District Att o r n e y of Queens, talked mostly
of drua; a d d i c t i o n , which he calls
our mosi pressing p r o b l e m . "1 am
infuriated by Ihe hypocrisy of the
G o v e r n o r \s (drug)
Mackell also cited the p r o b l e m s of
poor race relations, lack of housing, o v e r c r o w d e d s u b w a y s and
c o m m u t e r railroads, and inequity
in the American lax s t r u c t u r e .
T h e t h e m e of E u g e n e H. Nickerson's s h o r t speech was u n i t y in
t h e D e m o c r a t i c Party a n d t h e urgency of deposing o u r inept and
pledged to s u p p o r t any o t h e r of
the four c a n d i d a t e s for t h e Democratic gMbernatorial n o m i n a t i o n
should h e ose. He w e n t o n to criticize o u r tax s t r u c t u r c . " O u r taxes have been unfairly collected.
The low and
middle income
groups have been called to pay
most of the t a x e s , while Gov.
Rockefeller p r o t e c t s his fellow billionnaires and m i l l i o n n a i r e s . " T h e
deplored Ihe s l a t e ' s c o u n t y jails,
" T h e y turn out m o r e criminals
than they take i n , " he said.
Howard J. S a m u e l s , an u p s t a t e
industrialist and former Under
Secretary of C o m m e r c e , said t h a t
his P a r t y ' s first priority is " t o
bring integrity back to New York
Stale G o v e r n m e n t . " He called a
D e m o c r a t i c victory in New York
i m p o r t a n t to the entire c o u n t r y . "
Samuels also a t t a c k e d N i x o n . "It
is i m p o r t a n t Lo have a D e m o c r a l i c
victory so that New York S l a t e
will n o t be an o u t p o s t for Ihe
policies of the Nixon administr a t i o n , " he said.
William vanden Heuvel, a New
York a t t o r n e y a n d former aide to
Robert K e n n e d y criticized t h e
Governor for his lack of c o n c e r n
about the c o n s u m e r and t h e commuter. He also talked on the heroine p r o b l e m . He said that French
President P o m p i d o u , if he were
really a friend of ihe United
Stales, would s l o p (he e x p o r t i n g
of heroine from Marseilles into
this c o u n t r y .
afternoon, the
Continued by page 11
Campus Center
Senatorial candidates Richard Ottinger, Paul O'Dwyer, Theodore Sorensen and Richard McCarthy (left to right)
appeared at the Thruway Hyatt House Sunday.
MYSKANIA Elections To Be
Held Wednesday, Thursday
MYSKANIA elections are being
T h u r s d a y in the C a m p u s Center
Main l o u n g e . T h e T a p p i n g cerem o n y , i.e. w h e n t h e winners are
a n n o u n c e d , will be S u n d a y at
2:00 p.m. in the C a m p u s C e n t e r
Ballroom. All are invited t o attend.
MYSKANIA is c o m p o s e d of 1:1
s t u d e n t s elected in t h e spring of
their .Junior year. It has existed at
this University since 1917 and is
Ihe highest n o n - a c a d e m i c h o n o r
s t u d e n t c; in receive Al
Thought for Food: Students
Protest Food at Alumni Quad
Continued from page 1
7) I m p r o v e m e n t s in the quality
of breakfast eggs.
K) An a t t e m p t by food service
not to run o u t of featured items.
These requests were i m m e d i a t e ly agreed to by Corbiey w h o said
al o n e point that if he were a
health inspector and had seen the
Walden kitchen a week ago, he
would have " p u t a padlock on Ihe
"I have yet to hear an unreasonable d e m a n d from all of
you since you came in h e r e , " he
told the six representatives.
He went on lo say that he
would check on Ihe situation immediately and thai if there was no
i m p r o v e m e n t , he would " r e t i r e
from food service." "I was o n e
good chef in my day before I was
d e m o t e d to a food service directo r , " he said.
In a d d i t i o n , it was agreed to
hold a m e e t i n g T h u r s d a y night to
evaluate the s i t u a t i o n . T h e feasibility of e x t e n d i n g w e e k d a y hot
breakfasts to H;,'U) a n d S u n d a y
c o n t i n e n t a l breakfasts to <):.I0 will
also be, discussed, as well as t h e
possibility of set ling up a grievance c o m m i s s i o n , w h e r e s t u d e n t s
could voice their c o m p l a i n t s .
D o w n t o w n s t u d e n t s are urged
l o a t t e n d the Walden Council
Meeting t o m o r r o w night at 6 : 1 5
in Ihe Alden Ree lounge.
T@W(gir Emsit
The Marx Brothers in
7 & 0:15 i n LC 6
Admission 2S( with state tax card
Patroon Lounge
Candidates Discuss
Issues at Panel
Thursday Night Movies Presents
Sue Levey
All faculty and students invited
Boycott leaders said the boy
eotl of the Walden cafeteria was
suspended until further notice,
but did n o t rule o u t further action
if the situation does not improve.
though MYSKANIA is essentially
an h o n o r a r y b o d y , it has o t h e r
n u m e r o u s ceremonial functions of
University. Among
g r a d u a t i o n , opening C o n v o c a t i o n ,
I n a u g u r a t i o n . They also serve as
Freshmen class guardians, screen
n o m i n e e s to Ihe S u p r e m e Court
and assist Central Council in interpreting the aims and ideals of the
University by making policy statements.
All those eligible may n o m i n a t e
themselves for M Y S K A N I A , b u t
since it is an h o n o r a r y , those nominal ed must u n d e r g o a rigorous
consideration of their qualifications by the MYSKANIA Screening C o m m i t t e e . The C o m m i t t e e is
designed (o represent the numerous organizations of the University in which s t u d e n t s participate.
Before Ihe actual consideration
of nominees, a list of criteria was
d r a w n up so thai each c a n d i d a t e
would be judged as equally as any
o t h e r . T h e criteria included cont r i b u t i o n s to S U N Y A , leadership,
jrff r
reliability, good j u d g m e n t ,
tiative, b r e a d t h and d e p t h of part i c i p a t i o n and quality of t h a t participation.
C a n d i d a t e s t h a t t h e Screening
C o m m i t t e e considers qualified t o
run were presented l o a joint
meeting of Central Council and
M Y S K A N I A for approval. This
list was passed in its e n t i r e t y and
is n o w being s u b m i t t e d t o the stud e n t s t o elect the 13 s t u d e n t s
m o s t qualified for M Y S K A N I A
HI 7 1.
S t u d e n t s w h o have had Gerry
Wagner, especially in previous
s e m e s t e r s are invited t o talk with
Dean P e r l m u t t e r , T u e s d a y , Wednesday a n d T h u r s d a y a f t e r n o o n s
b e t w e e n 12 and 1 :30 in t h e Campus C e n t e r Card R o o m .
At t h e request of President
K u u s i s t o , Dean P e r l m u t t r r is reviewing t h e RPA d e p a r t m e n t ' s decision d e n y i n g Gerry Wagner t e r m
Rodoers Cfiin^an
VOTE Todas
MARCH 3, 4, 5,
Conflict of
on the Wall
Liberated Mixer
on the Wall
for Statewide
call Judy
by Wednesday
T\ Were
neoi ore.
ore. worse
worse tlVifns
Churns n-uet-a
r»<Ml y<A\r t<rvi4-r\fau.!i'«mi +-$
Tas««\ **Hv,Waterbvrf Ha.u
IV; U ' ^ c n f\\t*rnte
A l b * o V *•*•
Freedom To Speak
ed" person did not know when or
Well, we're going to do our part
where to get applications.
in bringing people together, too.
It seems to me that something On Sunday night I, March 8th,
is lacking. If you were so interest- there is going to be a mixer, but
ed, why did you not contact the one of a different type • one unStudent Association Office to find like the usual mixer, with all those
out when these elections would zombies and their drunken friends
To the Editors:
I feel that some clarification take place? The Information Desk walking around looking for an
and explanation is necessary re- at the Campus Center could also easy make....
This is going to be the first
garding the Election Commission have directed you to the proper
ad that has appeared in the last people, but aside from you taking LIBERATED MIXER in our
few issues of the ASP concerning the initiative, the members of school's history: 400 freaks are
campaigning for Class Officers of Election Commission of the Stu- bringing blankets, incense, kazoos,
the Junior Class. The reason for dent Association have tried to in- and many other strange surthis is two-fold. Class Officer form the student body. An- prises...Virgins will be offering
elections are held in conjunction nouncements have been made themselves up for life; Potter men
with MYSKAN1A elections; there over WSUA, the Campus radio sta- will be burning their jackets and
is no campaigning for MYS- tion for the three weeks around running naked with us; and many
KANIA as it is felt that the people the deadline; the ASP, the campus other strange people will be dropshould not be elected based on newspaper and central medium of ping in to play, and to do their
the campaign they can run, but communication for the Univer- own thing.
If you play an instrument, or
rather on their accomplishments. sity, has also had the information
It has been and is felt that a candi- in it for the three issues around anything that sounds good, bring
date for Class Office who is also the opening and closing of the it. If you're in a rock group, recite
running for MYSKAN1A (as is the nominations. And to further aid poetry, play folk music, or do any
case this year) should not cam- the student who neither reads the other groovy thing, and would
paign at all sinccwhilepampaigning ASP or listens Lo WSUA, an aver- like to help us out, call Kathie at
for Class Office he might be given age of 15 Flyers were hand on -157-8791. We also need people
an unfair advantage in the each quadrangle in such promi- with any experience running light
MYSKANIA election by having nent and busv places as the dinner shows, or anyone with any light
his name well publicized directly lines, and the mailboxes. All this equipment.
We need people, because this
prior to elections. In the same was done Lo insure that anyone
vein , it has been and is felt that who reads, gets mail, or eats event (and many others, if this
works out) is for the people. If we
in order to insure the fairest posYel, with all this publicity, you can gel the groups to play for
sible class officer elections, that
free, we'll try not to charge admisALL candidates for Class Office
from the Junior Class refrain from You say thai our answer of sion, for money is not the reason
this is being clone. We want
any campaigning whatsoever.
It is hoped that the advertise- have known" is unwarranted and to bring people together, and
ment in today's ASP will be read irresponsible. Yes, something is ir- show that il can be done here. So
responsible, but I really can't go SUNY, prepare to lose your virin light of this letter.
along with your conclusion thai it ginity!
is the answer that is irresponsible;
I know of no other way to infor- " T h e Committee for Music
Jeannette Beckerman
mation to the students other than
Election Commissioner
through the two main media of
communication on campus, and
hanging posters in prominent
Places. It then becomes the responsibility of anyone "interested" to pursue the issue from
To the Editors:
One wonders when the administration of this concrete asylum
Jeannette Beckerman
will read the handwriting on the
Answer to Letter by Jay Glasser
Election Commissioner
wall? If the events and frustrain Friday's Issuetions of the several hundred people attending the Thorne-Chesin
Dear Jay,
news show (3/2/70) did not demIn your letter that appeared in
onstrate anything to the moderaFriday's ASP you seem to imply
tors of that spectacle, then we are
that the publicity for the nominaquickly headed (if not almost at)
tion deadline for class officers was
the politics of mass action.
not sufficient; you as an "interestMost of the damage has been
To the Editors:
clone to the student body in terms
Believe it or not, a very unusual of disaffection and ambivilent'e;
happening is in the making here at however, the former state does
LSUNYA. AS many of you know, not necessarily result in the bagin the last few months, a small gage of the latter. Several hundred
sense of community has been people gathering on a Monday afgrowing. Look at Gerry Wagner - ternoon for a "news conference"
he is one of those responsible for indicates much more than whebringing many of us together; and ther or not William Kunstler will
now this professcu, who did such have "official" use of the gymnaa good job, is being fired. Gerry is sium.
a threat to the University; the adWhat does it take to make the
ministration is afraid of him
administration realize that thev
not only fail to understand students, but that they also underestimate their intelligence, sensitivity, and needs. When the buildings of other universities disappear
in the smoke and flames, our administration perhaps feels secure
that "it. can't happen here." But
when the fuel of frustration finally is ignited by the sparks that the
monarchical hierarchy has created
and kindled, then ultimately what
will the administrative leaden
have to show for their efforts o;
student placation?
Yours truly,
John J. Fleitman
Nobody is better qualified to
judge how well we are taught than
we ourselves. The administration
and faculty are all bogged down in
their red tape and petty rules
about tenure and such. Just because someone published in DC
Comics, does that make him a better teacher? Why don't you stop
getting uptight about small things
(not even done by one of our
members) and fight the big insult
the Administration has directed
toward you by refusing to listen
to you as an intelligent, rational
human being?
Tony Cheh
Student Power!
Dear Editors,
This is a reply to Thea Gentile's
letter in the February 27th issue
or the ASP. I work Tor Student
Power, and feel that the problem
is not whether someone gave the
finger to Thea, but rather the student apathy on campus. You may
note that many students take it as
a personnl affront when you ask
them to sign ;i letter or a petition.
Others, in spile of the fact that
they feel that students need a
greater voice in this school, still
refuse to sign because they don't
want to get involved.
We didn't present people with
only a petition for Gerry Wagner,
but also with a letter quoting the
declaration recently affirmed by
the University Senate that "sLudenls are entitled to be consulted,
and their opinions and desires
weighed in the formalinn of decisions on academic matters," as
well iis expressing support for Gerry.
We told the students that if
they could cross out the sentence
about Gerry if they disagreed with
our stand on him, but felt the
need for more student power.
Basically, the issue is the student's
say in his own education, and Gerry Wagner is merely the current
focal point.
If to sit in a class three times a
week, listen, Lake notes, and pass
your tests, is "learning," then all
that is necessary for "learning" is
a textbook. Hopefully, part of the
learning process is lo question and
not be satisfied with answers that
are fed to you, to search for some
truths by yourself. We don't need
more big-name faculty who can't
teach, but more people like Gerry
who make us think.
Dear Editor,
As a member of the class of
1971, I am aware of the tradition
that juniors seeking class office
will not campaign due to the conflict with the Myskania elections. I
feel that this tradition is outdated
and undemocratic. This year there
are thirteen positions open on
Mysdania and fourteen nominees,
thus the election is not that significant whereas in the past with a
larger number of nominees it may
have been. Secondly, in an election for class officers the ideas of
the candidates should be made
public. They should he allowed
and encouraged rather than discouraged to reach their class
through any means possible. What
is the basis of an election without
campaigning? I have no idea, unless it is not to perpetuale that
which has existed in the past
whether it be good or had. IL is
abhorrent in a university community that the flow of ideas is
curtailed and il is even more abhorrent that this flow is curtailed
during aan election. I would be
glad to see the class of ' 7 1 , my
class, to break from this oppressive tradition and conduct their
campaign in a democratic manner.
Respectfully submitted.
Alan Jay Zaremha
The Albany Student Press to ill
withold the names of letter
writers from publication if reqties
led io do so, but we do not print
letters which are unsigned. Letters
of this hind arc held for cue
month. If not claimed by the
author in this time, they are
thrown out.
On Passing the Bullshit:
One commonly observed
characteristic of a political animal
is his willingness to grant license
to those of similar viewpoint
while seeking to repress opposition opinions. Troy Assemblyman
Neil Kelleher's attempt to prevent
attorney William Kunstler from
speaking on this campus is true to
this characteristic. It is unjustifiably repressive.
Kelleher, seeking to enhance his
popularity in an election year, has
chosen to appeal to the lowest instincts of the electorate regardless
of the infringements on the liberties of Mr. Kunstler and those
who want to hear what he has to
say. As in most 'book burning'
type episodes, the Assemblyman
seems to be pre-occupied with
symptoms rather than causes of
society's illnesses.
The SlINYA administration has
responded wisely to the situation,
defending its policy of allowing
students to schedule speakers
"with a wide range of social opinions." We, the students, on this
by C.U. Tuesday and Victor E. Today
Once again it is that exciting time of the year at SUNYA when 50
or 60 people go out and get their fraternity brother, suitemate, etc.
elected to office. Right now elections for class officers, MYSKANIA
and Alumni Board are upon us. Soon elections for LAAC, Central
Council and University Senate will be in order. Many criticism have
been made abou elections at Albany in the past. Since little change
has come from these criticisms they are worth repeating again.
II. seems strange during the year when there is a lot of work to be
done by various groups that there are few people available to help.
Yet, when elections roll around suddently names start appearing all
over Ihe campus and people are mysteriously interested.
The academic podium littered with posters is an example of this
and of the Albany State campaign philosophy - - "stay hidden, don't
say anything and plaster your name all over the place."
This so-called name game campaign has been in evidence in most
elections on campus for years. Attempts were made during the University Senate elections to break this philosophy. Candidates were encouraged lo express their views so when some candidates did make a
positions statement it looked like improvement was being made. Yet,
instead a new even more dangerous trend was started. Candidates took
stands on platforms that were irrelevant to the offices they sought.
How can the peace symbol be equated with running the internal affairs of the University. Is a man to be elected to office just because
there is a peace sign on bis posters?
There are many ramifications to this and other problems in our
elections. As it stands now, turnouts for voting in elections have been
quite small. Thus the power block vote has become a dominating
influence. The dorm, fraternity and other types of related groups go
out and vote for an individual because be is a member, not because he
will do the best job.
It is up to the individual voter to get out and vote. Before he can do
that however, the candidates must make themselves and their views
available to their constituents.
We must strive for larger voter turnouts. Perhaps by going Lo each
quad and the Campus Center.
The bloc vote must he disintegrated and all the people whose names
appear so suddenly must be kept aetive;win or lose. Only then will we
be on our way to having a more active and less apathetic University
student body. Find out who the people are. Get out and vote.
asp staff
by Judy Banks
On Bureaucracy or Passing the Bullshit yesterday, as I he
chairwoman of the Student Mobilization Committee to Rncl the War,
called the principal of Milne School to reserve Page Hall Tor the annual
Rites of Spring on March 15.
Upon giving my name and the nature of my request lo reserve
Page Hall, I was cut short by the principal's response- "I was lipped
off that I would get a call from you people. You can't have Page for
your lawyer follow; you'll have to have him speak on you own
campus. That trouble maker won't be speaking here." His entire
manner of speaking was antagonistic anddefehsive.
I cut through his tirade against Kunstler to explain my request for
the Rites of Spring on March 15- the principal, the wind taken out of
his tirade, still questioned me about who the rec|iiesl was really for.
When I expressed objection to his antagonism and hostility, 1 was
told to calm down and not get nasty. Page Hall was ultimately
obtained for March 1 5 for the annual Rites of Spring celebration.
The key to this entire episode is twofold: 1) on Friday afternoon
President Kuusisto promised the sponsors of Kunstler thai if the gym
was not obtained they could definitely have Page Hall (which
illCidontly is far too small). This was a bullshit tactic, lor Ibis
university no longer has authority over Page Hall II has been turned
over to Ihe Milne School. So the offer was hollow withoul any
Also when Ihe principal of Milne was contacted and heard jusl ,i
mention of reserving Page Hall, he jumped to the immctliale
conclusion having been "tipped o f f that it was for Kunstler, unci
consequently refused. A direct contradiction! And yet another
example of the bullshit fed to the students by the bureaucracy in
administrative positions.
campus not only have a right to
entertain speakers of various viewpoints, but the obligation as well.
Implied in this policy, is a tolerance towards speakers with whom
we may disagree. Let us not follow the misguided steps of Mr.
Kelleher and seek to silence the
voices of spokesmen for opposite
opinions. Should a spokesman of
the political right seek to speak at
SUNYA, it is our obligation to
show him the courtesy that the
Troy Assemblyman obviously
lacks for proponents of the left.
It is imperative that Mr. Kunstler or any other advocate of a political position (whether it be popular or not) be allowed to speak at
this university. The acquisition of
truth is among the primary
functions a university must concern itself with. If ideas are dangerous, il is only because of failures in existing reality. It is besl
Lo be exposed lo all shades of
opinion, and let Ihe individual decide what is to be considered
The Albany Student Press is published two times a week by the
Student Association of the State University of New York at Albany.
'1'he ASP editorial office is located in Room 334 of the Campus Center. The newspaper is funded by S.A. tax. The ASP was rounded by
the Class of 191H. The ASP phones are 457-2190, 467-2194. If no
answer, 457-3430.
Gary Gelt and Anita Thayer
Managing Editor
News Editors
Arts Editor
Sports Editors
Technical Editors
City Editor
lllisiness Manager
Uiverlising Manager
Photography Editor
Pal O'Hern
Nancy Durish
''arot Hughes
Linda Waters
Robert Familant
Dave Fink
Tom Clingan
Linda Slaszah
' i " r D' Kirschncr
Clinch llihali
Jeff Hodgers
Marty Benjamin
All communications must bo addrossed to the oclitors and must bo signod.
Commlnicotions should bo limited to 300 words and oro sub|oot to editing.
Editorial policy of the Albany Studont Press is determined by the EditoivinChief
Editorial Comment
inees for President and Vice-President to those who
Muscle Flexing
have Iwo semesters of Council experience. By re-
Student power Hexed its muscle, passed out flyers, and descended on Monday's press conference
about 700 strong. "We want the gym"—and. by the
end of the conference it became very clear that Ihe
gym would be made available Thursday night for
William Kunstlcr's speech, in spile of the administration's hesitancies.
Throughout Ihe Conference Vice-President of
Student Affairs, Clifton Thornc maintained that il
was simply a conflict between Iwo student groups,
on of which-AMIA had scheduled Ihe gym first.
However, as representatives from various intramural
teams rescinded their right to the gym. it became
obvious that Thome's assessment of Ihe situation as
conflict between Iwo student groups was totally inaccurate,
The conflict was between a tremendously large
group of students and Ihe administration's desire to
play down a controversial speaker who had been
opposed by various stale and local politicians.
Student power was the issue and student power
vas the solution. Power lo the people.
. -r
scinding this proposed amendment at last Sunday's
meeting. Council not only rectified what should
have never been passed in Ihe first place, but also
revealed Ihe dubious capabilities of many of Council's members.
We accuse the author of the proposed amendment and the eleven people who voted for it of
gross misjudgmenl. Terry Mathias maintained thai a
transitional period in which the new President could
"learn I he ropes" would suffice. Although Mathias
spoke as only a member of Council and not as its
president, how could eleven people, who have never
been President themselves, still vote for such an
amendment? Did they realize that the only limitations placed on a nominee for President of the
United States are citizenship and age?
The rescinding of Ihe bill was brought about because Council decided to restructure their system,
giving Ihe student body more direel say than ever
before. On Thursday Council passes what we consider to be an anti-democratic and poorly thought
Games Council Plays
out bill and on Sunday rescinds that bill for a newly
Central Council committed a grievous mistake structured government. Inconsistent to say the least.
last Thursday when it narrowly passed a proposed When will Council stop playing at government and
constitutional amendment which limited the nom- finally come of age?
C. G.
Ik-rap hit fHsfs J
Draw Your Way to
an of joAfane
In The
Call 457-2190 or 2194 anytime, or drop in
at Campus Center
E «
D .
"Steame of overcrowding, tht room hat been .changed to the
Assembly Hall."
. ou man* to hear Kunsller and believe that thti is an ittue with
profound implication, confront President Kuusisto with us al 2 IS.
Monday. March 2 in the Patroon Lounge. "
"We're going to the Ballroom."
"Student Power!"
"We want the gym!'
"We'll ttkt it over!"
H i
photos by martin benjamin
"Bill Kunstler may soon be in Jail and that doesn't mean a damn
thing to you but to us it does.'"
We want lite gynil"
•We'll take it oner!"
"The Administration has not stepped in with administration fiat
when two student groups are concerned. "
"What about the gytHl"
'"Indent Power!"
'It 'a quite a change from the usuid eozy group.
"It holts lltte the gym Is going to be oural"
Football Very Probable!
Athletic director Dr. Alfred C.
Werner announced today that,
pending approval of its proposed
1970-71 budget by the New York
State Legislature, State University
at Albany will field a club football
team this fall. The budget would
include provision to hire an additional physical education department member. Dr. Werner
currently is seeking a man who
would coach football and lacrosse,
in addition to his teaching assignments in the department.
A six-game 1970 schedule has
been prepared in anticipation of
the u n i v e r s i t y ' s first intercollegiate football pregram. Throe
home and three away games have
been lined up for the fledgling
gridders including home contests
with neighboring Siena College
and Hudson Valley Community
College. Home games will be
played on the field encircled by
the running track behind the
physical education building. Permanent bleachers on the steps of
the building will accomodate an1
estimated 2,200 persons and
temporary bleachers may provide
additional seating.
Road contests are scheduled
with Towson State College of Baltimore, Md., Marist College, and
State University College at Plattsburgh. The season will open with
a home game against. Rochester
Institute of Technology on Homecoming Saturday, October 10. Only Hudson Valley, a two-year
school, and Towson State, which
played a club schedule last fall,
will field varsity teams. The other
foes, however, all have experience
as club teams.
The addition of football would
bring to 11 the number of men's
intercollegiate sports at Albany.
Varsity programs currently are administered in cross- country soccer, basketball, wrestling, swimming, track and field, lacrosse,
baseball, tennis, and golf. Junior
varsity squads in cross-country,
soccer, baseball, track and field,
golf, and tennis; and a freshman
team in basketball also compete.
A sailing club, open to all men
and women at the university, has
fall and spring intercollegiate competition.
The schedule:
October 10 RIT
October 17-
October 24 October 31 November 7-
Towson State
Marist College
Plattsburgh State
November 14-
Danes Rally for 89-77
Win Over Utica
by Jay Marshall
Last Saturday night, Albany
State borke a three-game losing
streak by downing Utica 89-77.
Albany's offensive output topped
the previous single game high of
77 registered against Central Connecticut two weeks ago. The victory assured State of finishing
with at least an even record for
the season, marking the fifteenth
straight season in which Coach
Sauers has had a winning team at
The Great Danes have been
plagued by poor shooting
throughout the season, however,
Saturday night they shot an excellent 50% from the field, including
2-1-37 in the second half. Jack Jordan led State with twenty-five
points and guards Jack Adams and
Jim Mastorson each added twenty-two. Forward Al lleid picked
up eight assists, the single game
high Tor the 1969-70 season.
Tonight, Albany travels north
to meet Oswego State, which is
1 1-10 this season. The teams have
several common opponents, if one
wishes to compare scores. Oswego
has been defeated twice by Cortland in close games while Albany
tost to Cortland by two in overtime. Both squads have defeated
Oneonta and new Paltz by fairl>
large margins and both were de
feated by Ithaca. The Danes hole
an 18-14 series edge over Osweg<
including a 62-54 win last seasoi
at Albany. The Lakers leadini
scorers are 5-11 Larry
Miller THE STATE Wrestlers completed t h t i r '69-70 dual meet campaign last
and 6-2 Stan Yankowski, avering week w i t h t w i n victories over Harpur and Marist.
seventeen and sixteen points respectively. This is STate's last
road game, the season's finale is at
home Sat. night against Brooklyn.
Swimmers to Compete at
RIT Friday and Saturday
Basketball- There will be a meeting of all students who are interested in trying out for the varsity
basketball team in 1970-71 on
Tuesday, march 10 at 1:15 p.m.
in Room 209.
The playoffs are about to begin lost its first four games and is H-l
and all eyes are focused on League since that time. If any team has
I. There will be two playoff games the momentum going for them it
to decide the final standings. The is U.F.S. There should be plenty
Brothers 1 and Potter Club ended of action upcoming in the League
the season in a dead heat for first I playoffs.
In League IV the playoffs shape
as did UFS and the Bruins for
third place. The Brothers defeated up as follows. In Division A, it
the Club twice during the regular will be the L.A. Jams (9-1) vs. the
season, and arc hoping to do it Harriers (7-3) and the APAthetics
again in the playoffs. However, (9-1) vs. the one-eyes (8-2). In Dithey dropped their last two deci- vison B, the Golden Rods, the
sions, to the Bruins and U.F.S. only undefeated team in the
after winning 12 straight and they League at 8-0 vs TXO (6-2) and
may have lost their momentum. the Fulton Follies (8-1) vs. the
Potter hits won all its games ex- APAches (7-2). The winners moot
cept the two against the Brothers Thursday for their respective divi1. It should be a close contest. The sion titles.
Bruins and U.F.S. split this season, the Bruins winning early in Golf- There will be a meeting of
the campaign, U.F.S. winning re- all students who are interested in
cently in double overtime. U.F.S. trying out for the varsity and Junior varsity golf teams on Monday,
March 9, at 4:15 p.m. in room
until 4 a.m.!
3 sub minimum uptown
2 sub minimum downtown
Volleyball - Tuesday, March 3 is
the last day to enter a team in the
AMIA volleyball Tourney. Entries
can be obtained in the AMIA offiee.PE 134.
State. As was to be expected, the
score was 67-33 in Oneonta's
favor. During the process of their
victory, Oneonta established six
new Albany Pool records one of
which, the 200 yd. breast stroke ,
bettered last year's SUNY championships mark by almost a full second.
Looking back over this first full
varsity year, Coach Brian Kelly
states that he was very pleased
with the amount of improvement
the team has made. Even though
the team had amassed only a 1-11
record, the actual experience of
varsity competition will make our
team, which is a largely freshman
contingent that much stronger
next year.
As far as next season is concorned, Kelly has done some personal recruiting which will definitely strengthen our young team.
Three promising candidates who
have already been accepted to
next year's freshman class are
Gary Canter, an Individual Medlay
swimmer from Poughkeepsie
High, John Dos Passos, a Butterflier from Bethlehem High, and
Leonard Van Ryn, a free-styler also from Bethlehem.
The State swimmers will finish
their season this Friday and Saturday at the upper New York State
Swimming Association Championships at RIT. State's hopefulls will
be their bight point getters Andy
McGrorty, Pete Gerstenhaher, and
Jaik Schubert, With outstanding
performances from the entire
team, we might finish somewhere
in the bottom five placos of this
twelve team championship meet.
by Bob Rosenblum
Soloist: Don Ferrar, Trumpet:
Bob Brookmeyer, Piano and
Trombone: Buddy Clark, Bass:
Zoot Sims, TenonGerry Mulligan,
leader, baritone sax, and piano,
and concert jazz band.
Although west coast jazz is
pretty much part of the past it is
still interesting both musically and
sociologically. It is the first time
that a new direction in jazz has
been dominated by whites rather
than blacks (although Miles Davis
• a black trumpet player has often
been credited as its unofficial
leader). Its music has been characteristically introverted, and
morose rather than angry and extroverted. As a result it can become rather limpid and boring
But the Mulligan big band has successfully eluded these pitfalls,
thanks largely to the presence of
one of the most fluent saxophonists, Zoot Sims.
Side one opens with "Go
Home." A .slow chorda!, bluesy
piano introduction leads into a
Four Brothers sound slating the
four bar melody against a trombone-sax pigment. Mulligan slips
in a simple but enthusiastic baritone sax solo and steps back for
Zoot. With a warm and bluesy heginning Sims builds through a scries of counter riffs by the trombone and trumpet sections. The
whole band enters and Sims
finishes a not completely con
elusive solo.
"Barbara's Theme" was nicely
scored by composer Johnny Man
del with semi-Ell ingtonian trumpet and reed voicing around Mulligan who states the counter melody on his baritone. Ferrara's
muted trumpet solo stands the
test of repeated listening, as he
makes good use of varying
rhythmic approaches. Mulligan returns with a short buoyant solo.
The chart sounds a little like a
sound track, but it's nice.
"Theme From 'I Want to Live'
" reminds me of a snake-slow and
lazy with a writhing melodic line.
This also has a baritone lead
which makes for an interesting
sound, but it is too repetitive
rhythmically. Mulligan's sax solo
is dead and Brookmeyer sounds
like a joke although he becomes a
little more inspired when joined
by gowl trumpet riffs. Mulligan is
back in a duet with bassist Clark
which transofmrs into a series of
exchanges. Nice ideas, but no
It is on side two that this volcanic beauty erupts. "Red Door,"
an up tempo number, opens with
Mulligan and Sims in the lead.
Sims then breaks loose with a
hard driving solo, with an extra
drop of blue to fit the mood.
Brookmeyer moves to the piano
bench and plays some nice cool
stuff. A bass solo then emerges at
a fast walk and Mulligan suddenly
attacks with simplicity and honesty • his best solo on the album.
Sims breaks hack in and the two
begin exchanges that evolve into
an incredible exhibit on of contrapuntal simultaneous invention.
"Come Rain or Come Shine" is
a beautiful ballad. The test of a
great jazz musician is his ability to
play a ballad. Zoot seems to relish
the challenge, taking his time,
carefully fitting the melody to hia
personality and to the full background arrangement. Full, bluesy,
touchingly melancholic, Sims
soars into an implied stop time
that sounds like a description of a
smile after the tears are wiped
away. Then Zoot returns to the
original tempo with sprinklings of
the melody and a hint of doubletime, as the mood alternates from
melancholy to happy. What a
statement of that touching melody!
"Apple Core" is an up tempo
vehicle for Sims. As Zoot breaks
loose from the baritone-tenor lead
he launches into his best uptempo
solo on record. His use of spaces
and perfectly placed accents is
pure wizardry and shows he is not
ignorant of the legacy of Charlie
Parker. The stop time device is
used here as Sims plays some
striking figures that breaks up the
audience and as lie launches himself back into tempo he extends
one full throated note that seems
lo be an acknowledgment of the
applause, and then skips around in
a way that would make Lester
Young very happy. A tensely
emotional statement of the theme
leads to a stunning coda that delivers the knock out punch.
Zool Sim has not recorded in a
few years. This album leaves the
islener w n i i f l e r i r i i ' w h v n
Film Competition
and Festival Announced
A national
student rfilm
n i l A n a I clnrlm.)
l 1 ~ * com
petition, a film festival, and an institute, all in honor of silent film
pioneer D. W. Griffith, will be
held at the University of Loyisville, Louisville, Ky., the week of
May 1 1.
The Film Festival is open to
filmmakers from anywhere in the
United Slates. No institutional affiliation is necessary to enter any
of the five categories. A total of
$2,500 in prize money will go to
the winners. The money was made
available by co-sponsor WAVETV,,which will also award al least
one summer internship position in
its Special Projects Department to
entrants who evidence special talents.
The five categories are dramatic, documentary, animated, experimental, and silent films.
Rules for the competition and
entry blanks are available by contacting the D. W. Griffith Student
Film Festival, the University of
Louisville, University College,
Belknap Campus, Louisville, Ky.,
•1020K. Deadline for entries is May
1 9 7 0 . The
T h e judging
III did nt! will
Will ttake
l i n t ! sessions
KPfMinnft in
in filmmaking
n i m m n b i n n o,
place May 11, 15, and 16.
ducted by a national expert on
During the week of May 1 1-16, the cinema.
concurrent with the competition, the cinema. A public showing is
the University of Louisville will planned for the outstanding films.
sponsor the D. W. Griffith Film
Applications and information
Festival and Institute. During may be obtained by writing the D.
mornings. Institute registrants will W. Griffith Film Institute at the
participate in discussion and prac- above address.
Th« mamban of ME V at homa in Rom<
PA C MEV Happening
by Warren Burt
by Warren
Burtit happened
With the six musicians of MEV
and their synthesizers, prepared
pianos, organs, drums, and other
instruments in the lead, the over
two hundred people in the PACs
Experimental Theatre gave themselves up to an evening of unbridled joy and music making.
The tone was set for the whole
event when, as the audience arrived, the MEV members were already at their instruments doing a
little improvisalional thing known
as "Foreplay." The oilier sections
of the massrvw improvisation were
knownsas "Rounds," "Les Moutons de Pan urge," "Sticks," and
"Sound Pool." Of these, "Rounds
"Moutons," and "Sticks" all have
Ji structure for the MEV group
"Sound Pool" is totally free. And
total, beautiful freedom was what
wanna BALL?
choose the ALTERNATIVE...
teonard MARKS
Gary 'Berson' RICCIARDI
class officers
Keg at Papa's
Theatre, tennis and r i d i n g f a c i l i t i e s are on
campus as well as modern residence
halls for men and women.
[S '73
Liberal Arts and Sciences, Pre-Professional,
Pre Engineering, Business and Education.
Education, Arts and Sciences, Palmer Graduate Library
School, Arthur T. Roth School of Business A d m i n i s t r a t i o n .
• I SAND n
Art and Theatre Workshops
JUNE 22 JULY 24 and JULY 27AUGUST 28—Day and Evening.
Open House
8 - 1 1 P.M.
Sat. Mar. 7
Stag Party
2 - 5 P.M.
Mar. 11 Wine & Cheese Party8-11 P.M.
Keg with BZ
at Yezzies
Fri. Mar. 13
Visiting students from accredited colleges welcome.
8 - 1 1 P.M.
Thurs. Mar. 5
3 - 5 P.M.ij
it was. AEveryone
making their
own noises, sounds, and musics
(irrelevant word!) and joining in a
joyous communal happening that
before it ended, included not only
music, but dance and drawing as
well. And on the macrocosmic level, if anyone else was tuned into
it, there was yet another beauty.
For all these sounds being made
and collectively tossed into the
pool formed a really pretty sound.
Now it would thicken up, now
thin out, now soften up, now get
louder, louder, louder.., .
It was beautiful - musician and
non-musician {more irrelevant terminology!) alike joining in a spontaneous celbration of life. And
that was the important thing, I
think - bring music out of its stuffy environments and make it a
more spontaneous activity
Tues. Mar. 3
Please vote —
we ore concerned...
Squash - AMIA Squash Tourney
will be organized Tuesday, March
3 at 4:15 p.m. in P.E. Center 123.
The tourney will be double elimination.
GAn%A lew A CH3
cuss OF '71
Greg Thompson
Wayne Schult
Carol DilNapoli
Tom (Rocco) Pekich Treasurer
by Harvey Malkin
The Albany STate Swimmers
closed out their regular season
against an Onoonta team which is
one of the best in New York
West Coast Jazz Band
A _Zoot Sims Showcase
Finally w
300 Centra! Ave. Albany
Telephone HE 4-9703
For additional information, summer bulletin and application
Phone (516) 299-2431 or mail coupon
T o w e r East
Friday and Saturday
7:30 only
LC 7
Summer Session Office, c, w. Posl Center
P.O. Greenville, L.I., N.Y, 115*18
Please send ma Summer Sessions information bulletin.
! | Undergraduate I I Graduate [ I Clay i ] Evening
March 11,1970
8:00 pm
If visiting student, from winch college)1
Class MSmig§
Order your class ring now for delivery before Graduation Day .
T h e S e n a t o r i a l candidates
called Goodell an opportunist, and
inconsistent in his voting record.
Paul O'Dwyer, a New York City
attorney and candidate for Senate
in 1968, attacked NAM (Nixon,
Agnew, and Mitchell). When asked
about Congressional powers over
the war, be said thai Congress up
until now has been neglecting
their right of either declaring or
ceasing war in regard to Vietnam;
he said that Congress must exercise its power in order to end the
Deadline May 1, 1970
GradMa{tn@ini Aira©Mim<s@inm©irait§
Orders for graduation announcements and personal name cards will be taken
between MARCH 5jand MARCH 20, 197010NLY (LATE ORDERS WILL NOT BE
ACCEPTED). Your ORDER FORM and the COMPLETE PAYMENT must be brought
or mailed to the STATE UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE', 1400 Washington Avenue,
war. O'Dwyer also severely attacked Goodell's record for its voting
inconsistencies. Goodell voted
against cuts in depletion allowance and voted against the Gore
Amendment which would have
raised the minimum income tax
reduction from $600 to $800.
O'Dwyer also called for a volunteer army and a cease fire in Vietnam.
Richard L. Ottinger, a Westchester Congressman, said that we
have to reach the silent majority.
Ottinger also attacked Goodell's
record. While he was a Congressman from Jamestown, Goodell
voted against rat control and the
food stamp program. Ottinger
scored the paradox of inflation
and unemployment which he
maintained Nixon
nothing about.
Richard D. McCarthy, an upstate Congressman who is Chairman of a Democratic study group
on environmental problems,
Albany, N.Y. 12203.
Graduation a announcements and personal name cards may be PICKED UP at
the Bookstore on or about May 15.
When you know
it's for keeps
Samples of the announcements and cards are on display at the Bookstore.
Seniors ordering announcements who do not graduate will be given full credit
for this merchandise.
(Please order in multiples of 5: ie., 15 20 25 etc.)
Engraving plate supplied by Josten's
Engraving plate supplied by the student
THANK YOU CARDS (24 cards and 24 envelopes)
All your sharing, all your
special memories have
grown into a precious and
enduring love Happily, these
cherished moments will be
forever symbolized by your
diamond engagement ring.
II the name, Keepsake is in
the ring and on the tag, you
are assured of fine quality
and lasting satisfaction. The
engagement diamond is
flawless, of superb color, and
precise modern cut. Your
Keepsake Jeweler has a
choice selection of many
lovely styles. He's listed in
the yellow pages under
. S.23 ea
11.60 per box
When mailing order please include b'Jt SALES TAX and S.25 HANDLING.
It If C
Democrats State Views
In Panel Discussion
Continued from page 3
Democratic Conference held a
similar panel for its Senatorial
candidates. Arthur Levitt, State
Comptroller, delivered the keynote for the conference. He called
for lohg range planning, greater
discipline in fiscal planning, andsaid that the Republican Administration in our state has "wasted
the present and mortgaged the future."
A c a d e m i c Mdgmlisi F©ir GradlM&fti@iBi
Face Kunstler
talked mostly of pollution and
germ warfare.
The Congressman^
a one-time supporter of the repeal"
of capital punishment said that
now he is dubious of his original
position and added that he could
see imposing the death penalty on
Theodore C. Sorensen, an attorney from New York City and a
former aid to John and Robert
Kennedy talked about party
unity. Sorensen also attacked
Goodell's record. He said that
Goodell supported Goldwater,
Nixon and Agnew, and now is obligated to Rockefeller for his appointment. Sorensen attacked the
crime problem. He said that crime
must be fought at the roots-the
prison and judicial systems and
the social ills in America. He also
said that the federal government is
not meeting its responsibility on
Ihe drug problem. He called for
action against those countries that
export drugs. He called poverty
and hopelessness the root cause of
drug addiction.
Continued from page 1
,i I I H I '-.
11 wax
Mil ii m
", i m i m
J 1 1 » 1 1 &ai„
H i m «r
i I f mmm,
,ii3? wm
Council accepts gym
expenses of iCunsder
Last night in a special meeting
Central Council decided that it
would assume responsibility for
William Kunstler's speaking here
Thursday night. After extended
debate Council voted in favor of
a motion by Dick Wesley and Dave
Neufeld that Student Association
assume the responsibility of all
operating and security expenses
involving use of the gym. This was
estimated to cost about $250.
The $1000 speaking fee for
Kunstler who is being sponsored
by the Student Mobe and New
Left Organizing Committee, is
coming from the Social and Political Concerns Line of Community Programming Commission
Ken Stokem suggested th«
move of having S.A. maintain responsibility for the event, through
Political and Social Positions
Committee. He pointed out the
precedent set by S.A.'s funding
the buses to Washington. Vic
Looper supported the suggestion
saying that S.A. should definitely
take responsibility for the event.
Lenny Kopp stated that he was
certain that P.S.P. could do a better job of conducting the operations involved.
Stokem further pointed out
that with the amount of student
interest shown in this event the
$1,250+ was certainly less expensive than any concert we could
contract with similar attendance.
i: ••• \ w
/ \ i • i i
!•> \
i /.-M'
Auditions for Wed., March
4th, 3-6 p.m., in the PAC Main
Lounge. Needed: 1 male actor
for speaking and visual part, and
1 female actress for visudal part.
Preferably black and young
looking $25 per day for approx. 1 week. Week of March
15th shooting. Further info:
Margaret 472-8776 or Mary
Orders will be taken at the Bookstore for the rental of caps, gowns, and hoods between
MARCH 16 and APRIL 17, 1970 ONLY!! The Bookstore WILL NOT HANDLE any orders after April 17.
The following information is essential:
2. Permanent address
5. chest size (or weight)
3. Degree being received
6. Cap size (or head circumference
Please specify what part of the regalia you wish to order.
Bachelor candidates wear only a cap and gown;
Master and Doctoral candidates wear a cap, gown, and hood.
PRICE SCHEDULE (plus 6% tax)
Doctor's cap and gown
Doctor's hood
Doctor's Gold tassel to rent
Doctor's gold tassel to keep
If black silk tassel is kept, $.75.
j 50
PU\m- vend new ?0 N.iqf U n l l f l .
,1't I ,„.~ I? |„,.|r- !„ll [Olur l.jl-i,-,. hot!, for oM, ?'.L
lie « p.iijc I r . J u i Kc-ii.ilo Boul j l hall i«
Regalia will ae distributed during the week of June2,1970 Regalia can be picked up at the Bowling lanes.
Regalia must be returned to the pick up site before 1:30 p.m. Sunday, June 7, 1 9 7 0 .
Regalia must be returned in the rental box or there will be a $1 charge.
° NlY
room 320
Sport coat & tie
We appreciate your cooperation
I M « c»«n
All Juniors MUST sign up now
to bavo their pictures taken
for TORCH '71
taken level 1" above the ears..
9am-8 pm Monday thru Thursday
9am-4:30pm Friday
9am-1pm Saturday
4. Total height (in heels)
Cap only
Bachelor's cap and gown
Master's cap and gown
Master's hood
< ««, ..HOLES >
1. Name (first and last)
as an alternative, but Kaufman
•aid "nearly two thousand were
! expected."
When he telephoned. O'Reilly
Assemblyman Kelleher had also
demanded additional police supervision of the speech if it were
S held.
B Dr. O'Reilly however, left it un
clear as to whether SUNY security
police would be supplemented
with Albany city police. He said
Friday that "to his knowledge"
no additional precautions were
being taken, but also noted that
"we have very few security police." In answering -Kelleher he
had stated that the university does
"everything possible" to protect
students and community members.
One reason for the outbreak of
violence in Santa Barbara was the
tension created between administration and students over the
firing of a teacher. The same issue
has developed here along with the
general demand for more direct
student faculty control of the university.
"Why do you have the power
to decide who uses the gym!"
Kaufman cued at the conference.
"Student Power!" was the echo
from another student.
Asked whether he had one reason to expect violence Thursday
night, Dr. O'Reilly stated:
"All I know is what I read in
the newspapers. Mr. Kunstler has
been at places where there have
been demonstrations which sometimes head to violence. As to whether he was responsible for them
or whether they occured by coincedence, there is nothing in the
press to make clear. Certainly,
no one has charged him with inciting the riots and we can't say he
was responsible."
Asked whether he expected violence, Kaufman replied "Do
%2 Sitting fee
Election Commission would like to
remind the class of '71 that it has
been traditional that there be no
campaigning for class officers.
Call IV 9-2*27
or IV 2-0231
(Throe Subs Minimum)
Street dress
8 pm 1 am
Sun & Other Special
Days 4 pm- 1 am
The Establishment is Alive and Well in Washington
March 11, 1970
8:00 P.M.
• r
by Al Sinia
5) The dropping of all disciplinStudents and administrators at
ary charges against students stemthe University of Buffalo braced
ming from political demonstrafor a confrontation this morning tions.
after three days of waning vio6) Institution of an open admislence. So far, there have been sions policy for Third World and
seventeen arrests. All arrested working class youth.
7) The granting of the right of
have been released on bail.
Today, Acting President Peter self determination to all college*
Regan declared the university (including the experimental eduopen and ordered classes to be cation colleges the administration
held. However, a student strike is frowns on)
8) The removal of all police
still in effect and plans call for a
from the campus-including cammoving picket line to be set up at
pus security • and the institution
7:30 this morning. "Today we
of a student patrol to insure nonwill see whether the strike is a sucviolent action.
cess," a student leader told the
9) The granting of a democratic
voice to students in choosing a
The anticipated picketing is in new president.
direct violation of n court injuncIn addition, the Student Assoction, ordered by Regan answer- iation has requested the adminisFreshmen from Alumni Quad boycotted Saturday night's dinner in an attempt to obtain edible food.
able Thursday, which specifically tration to absorb the cost of all
prohibits any disruption of any damages arising from the disturbuniversity activity-including clas- ances.
spontaneous, sporadic demonstraBuffalo Police Commissioner
So far, Regan has refused com- tions and meetings.
Frank Felicelta has cancelled all ment on the demands. He has not
RPI President Richard Folsom
One fourth of RPI's student
leaves and days off. He claimed to recognized the student strike comA problem that has troubled body has demanded a change in has announced that he will have
be prepared for "any eventuality mittee or their demands.
both student leaders and adminis- the administration and an im- no immediate statement for the
of violence in the city." County
Nevertheless, yesterday's scene trators is the increasing involve- provement in the library facilities. students. A letter asking alumni,
police also stood at the ready, contrasted sharply with the ment of radical Buffalo high
The resignation of the Dean of faculty, students, and adminisequipped with helmets, clubs, and bloody confrontations of last school youths. Thursday and
Social Sciences and Humanities trators for recommendations on
tear gas grenades launchers.
week and the events over the Friday nights, fourteen and fif- was sought in protest against his the student request was however
Yesterday, there were no inci- weekend.
teen year-olds were seen smashing firing of "key" faculty and the sent by the President.
dents of vandalism or violence.
windows on campus. And a fire forced resignation of other faculty
The student group voted SunPresident Regan opened the uniFriday, over one thousand stu- destroyed one hundred books in members. The antiquated library day night to continue peaceful
versity-but cancelled classes. City dents marched on building and Lockwood Library. It was started
was to be replaced several years activity and scheduled a rally for
police massed in downtown Buf- briefly seized five-including the by molotov cocktails thrown by
ago but construction has inex- Thursday to further their cause.
falo, ready to again move on cam- adminstration building.
high school students.
plicably been delayed.
pus in the event of renewed trouble. Twenty police cars were spotAs
And early Saturday morning,
ted at a golf course in Grover vandals caused $7000 worth of most of the violence had subsided.
Cleveland Park, adjacent to the damage to UB's administrative But with both sides apparently
records, housed in an annex of heading for a renewed controversy
There was also a strike solid- Hayes Hall. Incoming freshman on'the holding of class, the future
arity meeting held in Clark Gym applications were included among appeared uncertain.
in support of the strikers.* Over the documents burned. However,
four thousand students attended all records after 1963 are on miand voted nearly unanimously to crofilm and located off campus.
endorse nine students demands But extensive damage was done to
which have become the focal records prior to 1963.
point of the dispute. These are:
Students who have had Gerry
1) The removal of Acting PreBut aside from these incidents, Wagner, especially in previous
sident Regan
there were no massive confronta- semesters are invited to talk with
2) The complete and immediate tions to equal the bloody battles Dean Perlmutter, Tuesday, Wedabolition of the university's police and students fought Wed- nesday and Thursday, afternoons
ROTC program
nesdayi and Thursday nights. At between 12 and 1:30 in the Camfilms:
Pollution of the Mohawk
3) The aboliton of THEMIS, a one point,
Regan had stated: "Be- pus Center Card Room.
military research project.
fore this thing is over, marshall
4) The meeting of all the de- law may be declared." It was Kuusisto, Dean Perlmutter is reOur Environment and the Stream
mands of the black athletes, doubtful such extreme methods viewing the RPA department's de(These include changes in recruit- would be taken now. The empha- cision denying Gerry Wagner term
ing athletes and the hiring of a sis has apparently switched to renewal.
black coach),
Wednesday March 4
7:30 PM
LC 4
1st, 2 n d , 3 r d , 4th P R I Z E - $ 5 0 0 EACH
HELP! Keep the "more exciting" beer from falling through the generation gap!
All you have to do is design a poster that looks a little more contemporary
than D. W. Griffith. Go as far out as you want with color or form or style. Just
don't get hung up on Madison Avenue thinking.
Do a poster that really has something to say! It could win you $500.00. The
odds are with you . .. with 4 chances to win!
1. Competition is open to all persons 18 years
of age and over. No proof of purchase or other
consideration is required.
2. Competition period, March 1 thru May 3 1 ,
1970. All entries must be received by May 3 1 ,
3. Winners will be reproduced in full color lithography, 2 0 " x 2 8 " . All entries must be 2 0 " x
2 8 " , either horizontal or vertical.
4. Each entry must show or depict, in some
manner, somewhere in the design the Genesee
name or logotype, or a Genesee package (Genesee Beer, Genesee Cream Ale or Fyfe & Drum
5. Entries will be judged on a basis of originality, art technique and suitability for reproduction, without limitation as to theme or content,
subject to final approval of State alcoholic beverage control agencies.
6. Each of four winners will receive $500.00.
Winning entries become the property of The
Genesee Brewing Co., Inc., and will be used in
the sales promotion activities of the Company.
7. All entrants will receive a set of the four
winning posters.
8. Each entry must be identified, in upper left
hand corner of the reverse side with entrant's
name, address, age, and address to which entry
should be returned after July 1, 1970.
9. Judges will be Leo Kaplan, Artist, Rochester,
N. Y.; John Sidebotham. Creative Director, Wm.
Esty Co., New York City; Suzanne Moatz, Design
Major, Syracuse University School of Art.
10. Employees of the sponsor, members of
their families, and sponsor's advertising agency,
are not eligible. State alcoholic beverage control
regulations also prohibit participation by retail
or wholesale licensees and members of their
11. Competition is void where prohibited by
State alcoholic beverage control regulations.
A wall of admirers enclosed William Kunstler last
night after he finished his address to an overflowing
crowd of six thousand students in the Gym. The
defense attorney for the Chicago Eight had just
completed his speech at a rally which also featured
John Froines, one of the "Eight," Guerrilla Theater
performed by members of the New Left Organizing
Committee, and introductory remarks by Norm
Levy of the History Department.
Bill Kunstler addressed a crowd mainly composed
of his people last night; he gave us a glimpse into his
newly-acquired world, and did it with a sincerity
and concern that were the distinguishing feelings of
a night which was markedly devoid of violent
The Defense, led by Kunstler and Len Weinglass,
had to decide upon how they would conduct the
case. They could attempt to merely defeat the
government's case of conspiracy and intent to incite
to riot - which Kunstler called the "easy way out."
Instead, they chose Ihe more important, more
demanding route: " t o educate the jury and the
Kunstler spoke on a variety of issues; he was
interrupted many times by enthusiastic applause. As
he stepped to the rostrum, the cheers and prolonged
applause of the audience all around him, the
Chicago 8 attorney raised his fist in a "Power to the
People" gesture which was immediately repeated
throughout the audience. After the applause died
down, his first words were: "I've said it before and
I'll say it once more: To hear that is worlh every
day of 4 years and 13 days." (a reference to the
period of time Kunstler was sentenced to for
contempt of court in the trial just completed).The
crowd once more avidly clapped its approval.
And so. Ihe defense was conducted on three
levels - They would attempt to show "Number one,
that the government's case was a pack of lies;
Number Iwo. what the life styles of the defendants
and their cultural allies was about; and Number
three, ihe reasons why they came to Chicago in the
first place, " t o bring an end to the Vietnam War
Racism and poverty."
lie attacked Neil Kclleher and his 28 'colleagues'
m the Assembly who attempted to pass a resolution
which aimed al barring Kunstler from speaking at the
University. According to Kunstler "lie was trying to
do. in an ineffectual way, what Daley and the
Chicago cops did— use the power of the slick lo stop
the people." Had he succeeded, intimated Kunstler,
"The Stale University of New York would have
been very sorry tonight."
The defense incorporated hundreds of different
witnesses in this attempt. Tim Leary, Allen Ginsberg, Julian Bond, Jesse Jackson, Richard Goodwin,
even singers Arlo Guthrie and Judy Collins among
others, were part of Ihe defense. "Judge Hoffman
did not allow Judy Collins lo sing 'Where Have All
the Flowers Gone?'-- there was to be no singing, no
laughter no warmth, no embraces, no sign of life in
Julius Hoffmann's court!," said Kunstler.
Kunstler launched into a discussion of the
Trial— its meanings and its ramifications. Il marked,
he fell, the passing of the movermenl ftoni ;i period
of "protest" 11%0's) lo a period which he termed
"one of resistance" (the 1070's). "There are three
stages in a society undergoing a change of
life— protest, resistance, and then rebellion. Wc are
now in the second of these stages."
In a haunting allusion to the repression of (he
early years of Nazi Germany, Kunstler equated the
violence of Chicago (and public and governmental
reaction to il) lo the burning of Ihc Reichstag,
(Germany'sParliament) in 1933.
"Chicago became, to the ruling class of Ihis
country, what the Reichstag fire of 1933 was lo the
leaders of Nazi Germany. Blamed on the "Jews and
the Communists," the Reichstag fire was actually,
according lo Kunstler, set by the Nazis themselves.
"Il was a device used lo unify the nation into the
Third Reich," againsl those who slood in the way of
the goals of the Nazi ruling class.
In Ihe same way, the violence of Michigan and
Balboa Streets "became our Reichstag.
carnage of Augtisl 28, 1968" and Ihe trial which
grew out of il were actually "attempts of the new
ruling class to cripple and destroy those who slood
in Ihe way of a state which destroys and inhibits
free will." The defendants were a representative
Vol. LVII NO. 8
Kunstler: an early act from 1967, aimed at stopping
men like Martin Luther King from travelling to
other states to participate in demonstrations, had to
be reincarnated in order to pass the Civil Rights Act,
which had gained urgency because of the murder of
that same Martin Luther King. And so, this law was
ihe pretext used for the political trial of the
decade. Though R a m s e y Clark, J o h n s o n ' s
Attorney-General, refused to prosecute anyone under the law he firmly felt was "unconstitutional,"
Nixon's administration, believing that "The way to
keep political power is to crush dissent" decided to
go ahead and indict the Eight.
But life could mil be thwarted, even by the
judicial system. The trial's effect went far beyond
the conviction rendered. "Our trial has become a
symbol," said Bill Kunstler. It states, unequivocally,
"This far and no further do we go." The era of
resistance has begun."
sampling of "those who stood in the way."
11 was not by chance thai the specific "Chicago
Eight" were indicted. "They were carefully
chosen," according to Kunstler. "The government
needed a black militant-a Panther- so Bobby Scale,
who had been in Chicago for a total of 16 hours the
entire week of the Convention-was the choice." The
attorney then pointed out the specifications which
Ihe other seven defendants fulfilled-slrcssing (he
fact Ihat they were fil to the charge, not charged for
their actions.
Kunstler then discussed the background of the
"Anti-Riot Act," under whose provisions all eight
defendants were charged with the infamous
'conspiracy.' He indicated thai the bill, discredited
earlier, was reincarnated in 1968 by Strom
Thurmond, among other southern Senators, as the
price for Ihc passage of Ihe Civil Rights Act of 1968.
The irony lliis highlighted was bitterly described by
However, Kunstler fell that the resistance need
not take the form of violent confrontation on
campus (alluding to the problems at Santa Barbara
last week). "Broken windows and red paint on the
Justice Department don't advance much - they
merely give the 'establishment' something to point
to." Kunstler also maintained that campus uprisings
usually the culmination of long feelings of
bitterness, frustration and anger."
And then William Kunstler took up his last attack
on Assemblyman (Ass.) Kellcher. "Maybe he's right,
maybe wc are dangerous," cried Kunstler. "But to
what? The War in Vietnam? To a system of Private
Enterprise which dooms a large segment of our
population to a life of nothing? Values which revere
banks over babies? 1 hope to hell we are!"
Mobbed by a rush of students, Kunstler concluded "If that's what you've shown us, if that's
what we're dangerous to, then, Mr. Kellcher, you've
done us all a favor!"
continued on page 4
State Uniuersity of New York at Albany
Friday, March 6, 1970
Kelleher Petition Signed by 29;
Cain Calls Citizens to March
b y J . Stephen Flavin
T h e r e will b e a m e e t i n g of all
groups planning t o p a r t i c i p a t e in
this year's STATE FAIR o n Wedn e s d a y , March 1 1 , in H u m 254 at
7 : 3 0 p . m . At least o n e representative from each g r o u p m u s t attend. F o r further i n f o r m a t i o n call
Pat S c h u m a n n 4 5 7 - 4 0 1 2 or Pat
O'Hern 4 5 7 - 4 9 9 7 .
week's graffiti! please note:
T h e editors of the
apologize for o m i t t i n g o n e very
i m p o r t a n t item on t h e March prog r a m : F L O W E R POWER P A R T Y
o n S u n d a y , March 7, a t the Center
at 2 : 0 0 p . m . Everyone interested
in helping t o m a k e the gorgeous
flower decorations for t h e International Ball is invited.
C h a i r m a n of t h e American Ass e m b l y o n University Goals and
governance, will speak t o d a y at
2 : 3 0 in Draper 349 in an informal
lecture sponsored by Chancellor
G o u l d ' s panel on University Goals
a n d Governance. Myerson is a
former President of the University
of Buffalo and is a b o u t to b e c o m e
President of the University of
Open meeting on Day Care
C e n t e r D e m a n d s . All s t u d e n t s ,
faculty, a n d staff invited to come.
S h o w s u p p o r t . M o n d a y . March I)
in LC 22 at 3 : 3 0 .
s o p h o m o r e s for the English Honors Program arc n o w being accepted by Mr. K n o t t s . Those interested s h o u l d s u b m i t a s h o r t letter of
application to him in HU 3 3 3 b y
March 10. For s t u d e n t s wishing
information a b o u t t h e H o n o r s
Program there will b e a n informational meeting on F r i d a y March 6
at 1:10 in HU 1 2 3 .
B E N E F I T C O N C E R T for unclerpriviledged children of the
Capitol District. S p o n s o r e d by the
university Concert Band c o m m i s sion, Friday and S a t u r d a y night
March 13 and 14 at 8 : 3 0 in PAC
Main T h e a t r e .
A m o n g the performers will be
the S t a t e s m e n , Findlay Cockrell,
Dennis Helmrich, Marjory Fuller,
William Hudson and o t h e r s .
D u t c h Q u a d Board is sponsoring Beer Cheer U - s t a r r i n g Mich o n
March 6, 1 9 7 0 , 7 : 3 0 - 1 0 : 3 0 . Donation is $.50 D u t c h Quad m e m b e r ,
other $1.00.
On S u n d a y , March 8, 1 9 7 0 ,
G u i t a r c u p , from 7:30 t o 1 0 : 4 5
will b e s p o n s o r e d by D.Q.B. donat i o n $ . 2 5 ; free with Stuyvesant
t o w e r tax card.
T h e Center for Inter-American
Studies will accept applications
until F r i d a y , March 20, 1 9 7 0 for
the Semester Abroad Program at
the University of Guadalajara. Application forms may be o b t a i n e d
from Assistant Dean William Derrick, SSI 10, or from the Center
for Inter-American Studies, Draper 1 4 5 .
On F r i d a y , March 6 at 8:00
p.m., Mr. A b d o I Baaklini, a graduate assistant
Comparative Development Studies
Center and PhD c a n d i d a t e in Political Science, has lived througho u t the Middle East, will speak on
" B e i r u t : An International C i t y . "
As former Academic Counselor to
s t u d e n t s in the USAID program in
Beirut, Baaklini will describe life
within the city's international
MYSKANIA tapping and ann o u n c e m e n t of new members and
class officers will be held o n Sunday at 2:00 p.m. in the Campun
C e n t e r Ballroom.
T h e New Democratic Coalition
will m e e t Tuesday March 10, at
8 : 0 0 p.m. in CC 3 7 5 . Where d o
we go now?
Any junior or senior w h o
1. a 2.75 overall c u m
2. fulfilled the calculus seq u e n c e and taken one course
above Mat 214
3. a 3.2 cum in their m a t h
is eligible for membership in Pi
Mu Epsilon, the Math h o n o r a r y . If
you are qualified please c o n t a c t
either Dr. Martin (ES 113) or Dr.
MacGregor (ES 121) for t h e necessary forms.
Geography Club will
meet Wednesday, March 1 1 at
p.m. in
LC 5. Harry
Margulaas of Rutgers University
will speak on ' t h e Use of Psychology in Urban and E c o n o m i c
G e o g r a p h y ' The University comm u n i t y is invited. Refreshments
will b e served.
n e x t m e e t i n g of PHI
L A M B D A (business c l u b ) will b e
Wednesday, March 1 1 , at 7 : 3 0
p.m. in R o o m 229 of t h e business
Building There will be a film and a
guest speaker from t h e New York
T e l e p h o n e C o m p a n y . E v e r y o n e is
Westchester) will a d d r e s s a preteach-in conference this evening at
7 : 3 0 in the g y m n a s i u m . T h e preteach-in is a s t a t e w i d e effort lo
prepare for the e n v i r o n m e n t a l
teach-in April 2 2 n d . Congressman
Ottinger will e m p h a s i z e the goals
of the April 22nd event a n d suggest long range p r o g r a m s which
environmental activists m u s t initiate to gain public s u p p o r t lor
environmental reform.
Mr. Ollinger's speach is o p e n In
the public.
Central Council will hold its
meeting in Dutch Q u a d F l a g r o o m
T h u r s d a y March 12, 1 9 7 0 . All arc
invited to a t t e n d .
Ill(i-1 VII' Sunroof, one men
Teachers. er. $150. Ivan.
Stereo amplifier.
70 watts; I
Jobs. Recreational
Jobs; Yearround Jobs; Summer Jobs. All S" speakers.
P.A.. 2
and trades. Enjoy a anil a turn/able
Cull 157 SHOO
a vacation while you earn. HurLeather
bells, custom
ry! The best jobs are
early. Write: "JOBS" P.O. Box lo
'175. Dept.
CP 198-1,
Lodi. •WlSXiS
Calif. 65240
I '20 base
'.'ango V.M. Valve $:iti0.
Help wanted:
about $100. Ilerby.
purl lime job. Must have use of
car and enjoy talliing with single
girls. Call Charles Shapiro
Project or
Single. Zoom lens, still.
thread. $H0. 271 -Stll'ii; after S
Do you need u good
groupf 'Innocence'
is buck after
J.H. is the sweetest person in
two months in Vermont.
if you
want a GOOD
the third floor clique,
•1115 t:nt:t;.
tape recorder.
stereo record player end ampli
fier. excellent condition, buy all
for 'h original price buy separately, call. 185 twin:
Gail You're
my book Love.
X Co. welcome
Kl lu Pill' Then die
Now Try The Best!
Dial 4821906
FREE DELIVERY (three sub m i n i m u m )
Call A. S. T. 7PM3AM!
'We're going
For lots ol reasons: II croalos
light-hearled convorsalion,
c l o c o r a l e s d u l l p l a c e s and
makes other people envious
They'll wish Ihey had one
What more could you ask ol
a lamp?
-ol your lamps
I want lo be first on my block to own(Quantity!
Limps arc I/' tall and bavo molded, lull coloi plastic shade.
I've enclosed a chock oi money order lor,,....
(}W 'lllU.l |HISt|
Check payable lo Coll lb Lie.hl No cash or slamps.
Allow 4 '."ooks dollveiy < Piicn mbioct lu chaiigg mtlmul nollca)
Turn on your own lor a mere
twelve dollars and fifty cents
Not a had price lor the light
ol your lilo
lo Coll 45 Light, The IIIOWIIIB Company, Box 1800, llallimoie
Maryland 21203.
-Tins oliol void wlioio piulilljilml by l.iw
A p e t i t i o n designed t o s t o p
William Kunstler a n d any m e m b e r
of t h e Chicago conspiracy from
ever s p e a k i n g publicly at a n y state
funded institution
has been signed
b y 29 R e p u b l i c a n A s s e m b l y m e n .
T h e r e s o l u t i o n , co-sponsored
b y Neil Kelleher of T r o y a n d J o h n
Gallagher of New York City is
c u r r e n t l y in Rules C o m m i t t e e a n d
if acted u p o n early, will c o m e to a
v o t e o n t h e floor Monday or
T u e s d a y . Personal c o m m u n i c a t i o n
with Kelleher revealed t h a t if the
is ruled
unconstitutional it will never reach the
floor and never be voted u p o n .
S U N Y A presents K A N Y A D A N a
1969 color movie with English
subtitles, March 14 S a t u r d a y at 7
p . m . in LC 1 8 , Admission is $ 1 . 2 5
classified ads
Self-nomimation forms for UNIVERSITY SENATE
will be available March 9th-March 16th at the CC info desk
I'm freshmen • (> hours of V
loi uppercluasmcn-K Ml cum
DEADLINE: MARCH 16th, 5:00 pm, CC 346
' A b u s i n g t h e Privilege'
T u e s d a y evening.
U . S ' foreign
Kelleher was available and very
willing to e x p o u n d on t h e issues
Gru en in g Contrasts Am eric an
Policies on Israel, Vietnam
by J. S t e p h e n Flavin
Gruening said.
And the war goes o n , . , a n d
K e n n e d y is n o t as guilty as
on...and on.., Armed with a verita- J o h n s o n as far as o u r involvement
ble k n o w l e d g e of U.S. foriegn
in V i e t n a m is c o n c e r n e d . K e n n e d y
policy a n d a quick wit, t h e veneronly sent 'advisors,' it was J o h n ah1e
S e n a tor son w h o "lied to Congress and t h e
G m e n i n g of Alaska fielded a oanation and got t h e blank check t o
rage of questions and c o m m e n t s
send t r o o p s . " S e n a t o r s G r u e n i n g
concerning his speech on t h e wars and Morse were t h e only t w o
in the Middle East and Viet Nam.
Senators to vote against the Gulf
" T h e r e is no c o n n e c t i o n be- of T o n k i n R e s o l u t i o n •
tween the war in the Middle East
Congressional hearings into t h e
and the war in Viel
N a m , " incident disclosed t h e fact that
Gruening began. " T h e t w o are
the Maddix, the ship allegedly on
separate, Israel is a d e m o c r a c y , an
routine patrol was in fact, a Pueboasi-, in a desert of dictatorships, a
lo type spy engaged in a hostile
ha' •). for .lews all over the world.
act s u p p o r t i n g S o u t h V i e t n a m e s e
Israel deserves our h e l p . "
in North V i e t n a m e s e waters attacking N o r t h V i e t n a m e s e shore
Israel, according lo Gruening, is
and ship installations. " T h e N o r t h
lighting a defensive war - a war of
Vietnamese were correct in firing
survival. She does not have the
on the Maddix. T h o u g h she was
m a n p o w e r or resources t o connot hit or a t t a c k e d in self-defense,
quer the In Arab nations aligned
J o h n s o n used this as his excuse
against her on all four fronts. Our
for b o m b i n g t h e N o r t h
aid to Israel should he given to
re tall ia lion for an incident we
c o u n t e r b a l a n c e military it id to
provoked!" Gruening continued.
Arab nations from Russia, F r a n c e ,
" N o good at all has c o m e of
and Libya- "We do not give the
this war. As a result, this war has
Israelis the w e a p o n r y to defend
destroyed our c o u n t r y ' s image in
themselves they pay Tor it! They
the world as a peace-loving and
have d e m o n s t r a t e d their ability lo
treaty-abiding n a t i o n . T h e war has
defined themselves
we need not
destroyed the faith of y o u t h in
send t r o o p s ! "
g o v e r n m e n t . Also, t h e war has
limited funds necessary fur doGruening slated that we were
mestic priorities. T h e most tragic
" n e v e r invited." This was a civil
of these is the loss of faith by our
war which we helped precipitate.
youth in o u r g o v e r n m e n t . This,
President J o h n s o n says we wenand our loss of prestige may never
asked by the Vietnamese lo milibe fully r e s t o r e d . "
tarily s l o p c o m m u n i s t aggression
It we pull o u t , Won't we be
There i» nil ice unl of a request liy
the Vielmimcs • anywhere tin us
responsible for the b l o o d b a t h thai
will follow? Without h e s i t a t i o n ,
In aid lie-in
Grueiiing fired the a n s w e r , " T h e r e
Our ilivcilvei leal there hi' ciiii
tinned, run*
iiunici In every
principle ,.)' , in- overall l i n d e n We hi i.iillMinly support
.i M . K o\v h.lined < 'line
sive designs mi .my c o u n t r y .
Gruening further p o i n t e d o u t :
•'If Congress
n had d o n e their
h onievvork,
I hey
realized that Ho Chi Mini) was
also a Moscow trained C o m m u n i s !
w h o feared I he ('hiiiese and a
policy of nun involvement in Vietnamese internal affairs OL- even
foreign aid lor llo would achieve
our objective of Chinese Communist c o n t a i n m e n t
' T h e Domino Theory, (one
c o u n t r y falling lo llic c o m m u n i s t s
would lead lo the fall of a n o t h e r ) ,
ihe excuse used hy Presidents
J o h n s o n and Nixon for our presence in Asia, is hull. Our o w n
presence and failure to achieve
victory t h o u s a n d s of miles from
h o m e should show that if Ihe
Chinese did take over Asia a n d try
l o fight us on Ihe beaches of
California, they would fail, t o o , "
is a b l o o d b a t h going on n o w ,
o u r s ! As long as Nixon is Presid e n t , the war will n o t end.
Nixon's plan to end the war, a
helped Nixon to be elected, is full
of l o o p h o l e s - if t h e S o u t h Vietnamese are n o t successful in
handling 'their war,' e t c . are our
means of keeping o u r t r o o p s 'over
t h e r e , ' T h e only way lo end the
war is to pull o u t , n o w ! "
T h e war in the Middle East can
only end when the Arabs rescind
their national policy of destruction of the Israeli S t a l e . If people
of differing cultures can live harm o n i o u s l y , it was not d e m o n strated by the rival factions which
rudely i n t e r r u p t e d the q u e s t i o n
a nd
Gruening's lecture.
T h e main focal point hinged on
the Palestinian q u e s t i o n - or the
case of Arabs living in sections of
Israel before it was m a n d a t e d as a
Jewish stall'.
G r u e n i n g claims these h u m a n
pawns are not allowed to settle in
o t h e r Arab lands by the respective
Aral) g o v e r n m e n t s so Ihey mey be
kept an "Exhibit in m a r t y r d o m . "
Many nations, including the U.S.,
have offered lo pay the bill for
relocating these p e o p l e . Some
may not wish to leave their
h o m e s , however ll is analogous to
whites in this land of "fellow
i m m i g r a n t s " Idling blacks to go
back lo Africa, and we'll fool Ihe
which influenced his c o u n t e r -Kunstler resolution. " K u n s t l e r is
s e n t e n c e d t o jail and is free b y a
legal gesture. It was the judge's
right t o e x t e n d t h a t freedom, t i m e
n e e d e d t o appeal the sentencing.
I n s t e a d , K u n s t l e r is engaged o n a
speaking tour which has lead t o
rioting. He is abusing t h e privil e g e . " Because of the convictions
of conspiring t o Hot a n d the riot
at Santa Barbara following a
K unstler s p e e c h ,
should he restrained to prevent
further v i o l e n c e . "
No 'Cheap Publicity'
K e l t eher expressed
over people's rights t o speak freely b u t c o n c u r r e n t l y is "responsible to t h e d i s t r i c t " from which he
was elected. He staled t h a t " 9 5 %
of the people from m y district
which have w r i t t e n in are in favor
of my s t a n d . "
"1 am not seeking cheap publicity. I d o n ' t need it. 1 was elected
by a margin of 1-1,000 v o t e s . "
P r o t e c t i o n of his c o n s t i t u e n c y was
t h e principle reason given for his
s t a n d , not publicity or politics.
Kelleher a d m i t t e d being contacted by n u m e r o u s individuals on
the c o n s t i t u t i o n a l aspects of t h e
resolution baring free speech and
confessed, " h a d San la Barbara
b e e n different, I w o u l d n o t have
been involved. In t h e
s h o u l d similar e v e n t s o c c u r , I will
go a b o u t it in a different w a y . "
A s s e m b l y m a n Kelleher will n o t
attend either the Kunstler speech
or t h e a n t i - K u n s t l e r d e m o n s t r a t ion b y t h e Disabled A m e r i c a n
V e t e r a n s . " T h i s w o u l d be a c h e a p
political t r i c k . "
N o o n e from t h e Rules Committee would c o m m e n t upon the
legal i m p l i c a t i o n s of t h e resolution, b u t t h t y are sending a copy
to t h e ASP for clarification.
Flashlights for Freedom
J a m e s Cain, f o r m e r s t a t e director of t h e Disabled A m e r i c a n War
Veterans, an o r g a n i z e r of t h e
a n t i - K u n s t l e r d e m o n s t r a t i o n and a
Watervliet Arsenal s t a t e ^ ' w e have
of causing any
t r o u b l e , we j u s t d o n o t agree with
him ( K u n s t l e r ) . "
He e x p r e s s e d
" a t t e m p t s being m a d e t o undermine t h e A m e r i c a n g o v e r n m e n t
by g r o u p s in t h e F B I a n d U n a m e r ican Activities C o m m i t t e e lists."
Cain called u p o n all " o u t r a g e d "
citizens to c o m e t o Fuller road t o
c arry ing
"flashlight as a t o r c h , a s y m b o l of
PYE Lectures to Discuss
Population Growth
hy Donna A r n o l d
In an a t t e m p t t o e m p h a s i z e the
i m m e d i a t e p r o b l e m of o u r growing
Overp o p u l a t i o n C o m m i t t e e of PYE
has decided to s p o n s o r o n e week
of evening lectures and discussions
which will begin M o n d a y night
March 9 t h . T h e series entitled,
" B i r t h C o n t r o l : F r e e d o m , Love
and Survival," will be held in L.C.
No. 1 1 Monday t h r o u g h T h u r s d a y
nights starting al H:00 p.m.
On Monday night a speaker
from Planned P a r e n t h o o d will give
a talk on c o n t r a c e p t i o n . Fat her
Paul S m i t h and A s s e m b l y w o m a n
Krupsak will be t w o of the members of a panel discussing " T h e
Religious question, or, Does G o d
Endorse the Pill?" on Tuesday
Michael Rosenzweig of the biology D e p a r t m e n t will give a Ice
hiii Thi
ure was presented by lure entitled " P o p u l a t i o n exploIhe Capital District Chapter of the sion, or That Kill Y o u ' r e Stepping
American Professors for Peace in on is M i n e , "
the Middle East.
A n o t h e r panel discussion with
Dr. Hood and l)r Neller, t w o
m e m b e r s of the c a m p u s Infirmary
staff and two faculty m e m b e r s
be held T h u r s d a y night lo
discuss " C a m p u s Klhies, or T o
Screw or not lo S c r e w . "
O n e (if the items to he discussed al this t i m e will hi' the
possibility of c o n t r a c e p t i v e s becoming m o r e readily available to
t h e University s t u d e n t s by the
Since most w a t e r and air pollution is being caused hy large ind u s t r y , many people can't see
how they as individuals can do
a n y t h i n g to help prevent it. T h e
p o p u l a t i o n explosion is a n o t h e r
of our environ men I which can he alleviated
only hy the c o n c e r n and action of
The Overpopulation Committee
Is hoping that, hy presenting this
series covering t h e m a n y sides of
the birth c o n t r o l question, the
Planned P a r e n t h o o d d i s t r i b u t e s information a b o u t birth control
s t u d e n t s will b e c o m e m o r e aware
and o v e r p o p u l a t i o n
of and involved jn the situation
and will t h e r e f o r e be m o r e anxious to help as individuals in
p r o t e c t i n g their e n v i r o n m e n t .
T h r o u g h o u t t h e week t h e r e will
be l i t e r a t u r e on this t o p i c available at t h e P Y E table in t h e
C a m p u s C e n t e r l o b b y . Any c o n t r i b u t i o n s received will be d o n a t e d
to Planned P a r e n t h o o d .
For more information about
the O v e r p o p u l a t i o n C o m m i t t e e or
next week's series, c o n t a c t Sally
Feucrslein, 1 5 7 - 8 0 7 2 .
Local Group
Gives Advice
on Abortion
Knrhy Rcilly
R e c e n t l y a g r o u p of area clergymen established t h e capital district c h a p t e r of t h e Clergy consultation
Service for
Pregnancies, part of a national
n e t w o r k which c o u n s e l s w o m e n
desiring a b o r t i o n s .
CCS will aid a n y o n e , married or
not, w h o desire assistance. Several
alternatives are discussed in c o u n seling but t h e Rev. A n d y S m i t h ,
Chaplain at RPI &. s p o k e m a n for
the g r o u p , m e n t i o n e d thai w o m e n
w h o consult CCS have usually
decided that Ihey want an abortion.
If this is t h e case, CCS will
provide i n f o r m a t i o n
E n g l a n d ) w h e r e safe, legal abortions are p e r f o r m e d .
Although the group operates
" t e c h n i c a l l y w i t h i n t h e l a w , " they
are actively w o r k i n g t o repeal t h e
o u t d a t e d S l a t e a b o r t i o n law, allowing only f b e r a p u t i c a b o r t i o n s .
They favor leaving t h e decision
totally o p e n t o t h e w o m a n & her
T h e r e is n o fee for t h e consultat i o n ; a n d a p p o i n t m e n t may be
arranged by calling 105-1)977. All
t h a t Is necessary is a d o c t o r ' s noto
certifying t h e leughl of t h e pregnancy-
. We, the members o f MYSKANIA 1 9 7 0 , having served o n e year as
the highest non-academic honorary at S U N Y at Albany, feel a vital
and pressing need for consideration of ourselves and our future as an
organization. Through the course of t h i s year, w e have suffered m u c h
verbal abuse concerning our role in t h e university; our awareness of
the feelings of the s t u d e n t b o d y has caused us t o redefine t h a t role
and t o offer t h e following evaluation a n d r e c o m m e n d a t i o n s .
MYSKANIA is c o m p o s e d of thirteen highly indivualistic people
w h o were elected for their various a n d diversified c o n t r i b u t i o n s t o all
s c o p e s of university life. A natural c o n s e q u e n c e of this wide-spread
p a r t i c i p a t i o n is t h e inability t o m e e t for the p u r p o s e of working as a
group. As a result, the function of MYSKANIA is c o n s t a n t l y in
q u e s t i o n . This, in t u r n , has caused us to question o u r own role,
considering that the past traditions oT this organization may no longer
be relevant to the present university. A further c o n s e q u e n c e is the
lack of respect accorded to MYSKANIA by t h e s t u d e n t body at
We have, therefore, c o m e t o the conclusion t h a t n u m e r o u s changes
are n e e d e d , while maintaining the basic purpose of M Y S K A N I A of
serving as a non-academic h o n o r a r y . Although we have been guardians
of tradition, MYSKANIA needs t o recognize its changing role in a
changing society.
In due consideratin of the evaluation, the following recomm e n d a t i o n s arc hereby m a d e t o Central Council:
1) MYSKANIA shall be a non-academic h o n o r a r y with ceremonial
functions only (e.g. C o n v o c a t i o n , G r a d u a t i o n , T o r c h Night, etc.)
2) It shall be c o m p o s e d of thirteen m e m b e r s h o n o r e d for their
o u t s t a n d i n g c o n t r i b u t i o n s to t h e University, their leadership, ability,
character, reliability, good j u d g m e n t , and initiative.
3) T h e members shall be selected by a screening c o m m i t t e e t o be
r e c o m m e n d e d by MYSKANIA 1 9 7 1 .
-I) MYSKANIA shall no longer concern itself with screening for
5) MYSKANIA shall no longer select freshman class guardians. It
r e c o m m e n d s t h a t class guardians shall assume their function in the
form of a Freshman Advisory Council, possibly consisting of S u m m e r
Planning Conference Assistants, officers of the s o p h o m o r e , j u n i o r and
senior classes, and any other interested people.
6) MYSKANIA shall be responsible mainly for furthering the aims
and ideals of the university c o m m u n i t y .
81 P¥£
FRIDAY NIGHT (tonight)
Kuntsler Draws Thousands
continued from page 1
J o h n Froines did speak also,
a n d was well received b y the
crowd, though undeniably overs h a d o w e d by Kunstler.
A teacher
Froines was o n e of the two defend a n t s found innocent. He spoke
before Kunstler early in the rally.
F r o i n e s ' speech dealt more
closely with his impressions of the
trial. He saw the entire process as
a " g r o w t h p e r i o d " and stated that
concerning the 7 defendants and
their two lawyers " w e ' v e all gone
through c h a n g e s . " " I n the process," he stated, "Bill (among
o t h e r s ) has b e c o m e a different
T h e trial changed Ihings in a
more widespread sense, t o o . T h e
m o v e m e n t was different since Chicago; "a lot of kids who never
knew before learned how to fight
in the streets of Chicago."
T h e ton years since 1 "-GO - what
Froines termetl I he beginning of
the m o v e m e n t - saw an educative
process taking plaee. "We've bec o m e educated we've found out
what America is really a b o u t , "
according to J o h n Froines.
An appeal was m a d e by Ihe
NLOC for m o n e y to help o u t in
the appeal proceedings - costs of
which have been estimated as high
as nearly half a million dollars. In
an o u t p o u r i n g of s u p p o r t over
$ 1 8 0 0 was collected 1
In all
the evening was an
u n c o m m o n o n e . Fear of violence
b o r d e r e d on paranoia, yet even
the media grudingly a d m i t t e d thai
t h e crowd was fantastically well
behaved. T h e speakers seemed
pleased with their ausience, and
the a u d i e n c e pleased with the
For a night at least, over
I (),()()() (media estimate) members
This "patch"
of the university
shared a c o m m o n experience - and
a happy one.
Bill Kunstler may still go to jail
- J o h n Froines and the other six
defendants t o o - b u t their impact
by Bob Warner
T h e University Supreme Court
at a special Wednesday night meeting invalidated the Class of '73
elections. T h e basis for the c o u r t ' s
decision was the fact t h a t the
election machine for Class of '73
officers was " j a m m e d with paper
upon which were names of writein c a n d i d a t e s . " T h e court, in its
unanimous ruling, declared t h a t
Election Commissioner J e a n e t t e
Beckerman was "within legal jurisd i c t i o n " to invalidate the election.
In the Commissioner's own
words: " U p o n investigation, I
found that there were papers
stuffed in the spaces for write-ins
for President and Vice-President.
On these papers were written " J a y
Glasser" and "Alan Pallat."
A further complication arose to
augment B e c k e r m a n ' s problems.
Freshmen who wanted to vote for
their class officers could n o t , after
the election b o o t h was closed
d o w n . But they did vote for
M Y S K A N I A ; t h e r e f o r e , their tax
cards were p u n c h e d , a n d subsequently they could n o t have
voted s h o u l d the b o o t h s have
been o p e n e d again. This would
have been unfair t o those who
w a n t e d to vote for their class
Therefore, the S u p r e m e Court
decided t o invalidate t h e election
on the basis of voting inconsistencies. " F o r reasons of incons i s t e n c y , " the C o u r t said, "...and
t o make elections just a n d equitable, the S u p r e m e c o u r t rules that
the Elections for t h e Class of
1 9 7 3 be void and i n v a l i d a t e d . "
T h e Election C o m m i s s i o n e r has
suggested t h a t the new election be
Elections from Mar. 2 3 - 2 5 .
Supremo Court Invalidates Election
Statu University of Now York
at Albany, Student Association, Supreme Court. Decision on tho Validity
of the Elections of tho Classes of 107 1
and 1973 of March 3, 1970.
R E : The roferral by Jeanette Beckerman, Election Commissioner, concern'
Incj tho eloctions of tho Class of 1971.
Tho Supremo Court finds trial tho
evidence presented is not justifiable
enough to void the eloctions. The
Court also feels that Eloction Commission conducted itsulf In an equitable
fashion. The Court so rules by a 4-0-0
Licbcrman, and Potskowski
R E:
Jennet to
concerning the elections of the Class of
The first pari of the Beckerman
referral states that at 3 p.m. of tho
staled date, an oloclloti machine was
jammed with paper upon which wore
names of write-in candidates. According to hill CC 1.970-bO (Election Pro
ceduros) Sot lion v i l , Elect Kin Commissioner Beckerman was wit inn loyal
jurisdiction asking tho Supreme Courl
In invalidate the eloction (6970-60,
Section VIII-lrio<|iilaiitles). I ho Court
so rules by a vole ol 4 0 0 (Justices.
dents of the Class of 1973
allowed to vote for M Y S K A N I A elections, using the original procedures for
voting. No attempt was made by the
Election Commission to list the students w h o voted for M Y S K A N I A , so
that at a f u t u r e time they could vote
for class officers.
For reasons of Inconsistency in voting procedures, the aforementioned incident of j a m m i n g the voting machine,
and to make eloctions just and equitable, the Supreme Court rules that the
Elections for the Class of 1973 be void
and invalidated. The C o u r l so mles by
a vote of 4-0-0 (Justices l-lanclelman,
Hoalt, Lleberman, and Potskowski concurring).
Tho Court recommends I Hal F.lccl
Ion Commission sol up a now l i m e and
placo for the eloctions to be relield, in
consultation w i t h I ho candidates on
the ballot. The ballot shall consist ol
the same candidates as previous, and
the application
process mil bo it:
opened. Directions lor write-1 lis ill all
bo e x p l i c i t l y provided lor.
So rendered by the Supreme C u m !
of tho Student Associ.ihon ol itie Stale
University of Now York ,ii A l b a n y Urn
f o u r t h Day Of March, Nineteen Hun
died and Seventy.
wtfsimnce (XJ
Three Ring Circus
We w o n d e r if Barnuni and Bailey staged this
w e e k ' s class officer elections since il a m o u n t e d to
little but a three ring circus with each class vying for
main a t t r a c t i o n status.
Let's begin with the s o p h o m o r e class (we'll save
Ihe best for lasl). T h e present class of ' 7 2 placed an
ad in the F e b r u a r y 27 ASP and paid lor it with class
m o n e y . S u p p o s e d l y the ad reminded s t u d e n t s a b o u t
the o p e n class council meeting; large
bold print at Ihe lop ol' Ihe ad were w r i t t e n the
names ol Ihe lour class officers. T h e y justify this
irresponsible spending of class funds by saying that
C a m p u s Clipboard carries a notice of the class
council meeting every week. Lei us add that the
ASI' does not carry a paid advertisement of the
meeting every week nor does clipboard list the
names of the class of '72 officers.
Let's move on the second ring of our three ring
menagerie: the class of ' 7 1 . T h e ASP carried a small
mil tee in h consecutive issues reminding the class of
'71 " t h a t il has been Iradilkmal that there be no
c a m p a i g n i n g . " O n e slale of candidates h l a l a n l l y
broke this tradition by not only placing a large ad in
Ihe ASP (by the w a y , what are y o u c o n c e r n e d
a b o u t ? ) , but also placing their g r o u p picture above
it. T h e i n c u m b e n t s placed a game called " u p with
the posters, d o w n wilh the p o s t e r s , " as if toying
with Ihe morality of the issue.
N o w for the class of '7.1. Il seems t o us that the
tapering of a write-in c a n d i d a t e ' s name in the voting
b o o t h could only he a p r e m e d i t a t e d action. Flection
Commission had every right to r e c o m m e n d Ihe
invalidation of an election which appeared to be
deliberately bollixed u p .
After analyzing ibis campaign one fact b e c o m e s
evident-few, if any, of the nominees deserve the
office they were seeking.
G. G.
The Thaw
A t h a w is c o m i n g . Al'lei years and years Spring
may be coming even here. A c o m m u n i t y is blossoming. Inherent
in Ihe concept id' c o m m u n i t y is an
active interest in everything that affects or t h r e a t e n s
ihe c o m m u n i t y , Il w o u l d be fun to sit around and
bask in our new found sense of c o m m u n i t y , but
there are Ihings to be d o n e . Decisions are being
made a b o u t
us bin without
us. Il is lime for a
change and lime for acliou. Let's wake up and play
ihe game for real.
A. T .
by Richard F r i c d h m d e r
All students, raculty, and staff Invited
Mon., March 9
Wom"ci>Wt»OffH|KfS orll +
lay I landelman. As 1
Administration answers demands of
Women's Liberation Front
LC 22
is h the works...
A representatfue from each participating group and
anyone interested in helping with the project should
attend a meeting
Wednesday, March 11, 7:30 in Hum 254
For further Information call:
Pat Schumann 457-4012
Pat O'Hern 457-4907
has left few of us u n t o u c h e d a n d , after last night, m o r e of us
are m o r e a w a r e .
Frosh Class Election
Invalidated by Court
lleall, I icherr
incurring)Mdoncu had been brought on
hoarlng that after the class ol
bad been been suspended,
the world's best
beer drinkers!
Hill Kunstler hits eoine ami
l><im>. His ideas seem sick to many*,
others think thai he knows what's
Perhaps il is nol Kunstler who
is sick , however. Perhaps Ihe sick
ones are Ihe p e o p l e who hied lo
slop him from coming and Ihe
people who h i e d lo bring him
hurt1 any way I hey could.
There are
points to hrillg out about Ihe
proceedings Ilia I went on the
week before Kunsller came. T h e
various a t t e m p t s made lo slop or
lo insure Kunstler's visit were
perhaps, more u n d e m o c r a t i c than
Kunstler's most radical Ihouuhls.
Kiwi let us lake the Slale As
s e m h l y m a n Neil Kelleher Mr Ke|
leher tried lo s l o p Kunsller front
speaking at all As long as Mr.
Knnsl ler is not under arrest lor
LryinR lo incite a riol there is no
lee,al reason why he should nol he
allowed to speak.
T h u s , Mr. Kelleher, a stale fug islaLor who believes In Ihe principles of American d u m u e r a c y , in
guilty of trying Lo prohibit freedom of speech. Quite a d o u b l e
s t a n d a r d . What h a p p e n e d to t h e
old saying, "I may not agrue with
what you say but I'll defend l o
Ihe death y o u r riuhl to say it "7
Next I here are s o m e serious
<lueslions to be asked of our
student b o d y , What would have
h a p p e n e d if the gym was nol
going lo be given up by (.lie
baskelball players'' Do Ihe stud e n t s (thai c o n s t a n t l y show concern over m i n o r i t y riff his
Ihe.riuhl lo force a smaller g r o u p
out of t h e gym against their will?
Would there have been an att e m p t e d t a k e o v e r of the uym if
Ihe players h a d n ' t yielded?
Kven t h o u g h the basketball
players were in the minority they
had a right to Ihe uym. This
should have been realized, since
lhere are dangerous implications
made Monday a f t e r n o o n a bo til
Ihe majority d o m i n a t i n g the minority. After all, w e r e n ' t tho very
s t u d e n t s that w a n t e d to seize the
gym the ones w h o always protest
for m i n o r i t y rights. A n o t h e r interesting and d a n g e r o u s d o u b l e standard has a p p e a r e d .
T h e most dangerous of all is yet
to c o m e , however. It. deals with
s t u d e n t power. T h e conflict here
was truly b e t w e e n student groups,
not with certain athletic officials
as s o m e may c o n t e n d .
T h e conflict was sell led by
s t u d e n t groups in a m a t t e r of
several hours. If Ihe riuhl people
( s t u d e n t s ) had been c o n t a c t e d
firsl it may have even been settled
s o o n e r . If an administrative fiat
would s t u d e n t s bo in? What would
have h a p p e n e d to our so-called
s t u d e n t power m o v e m e n t ? Aren't
t h e very people who asked for an
a d m i n i s t r a t i v e fiat the same people t h a t have been tolling the
a d m i n i s t r a t i o n to bug out of our
affairs. An e x t r e m e l y dangerous
d o u b l e s t a n d a r d can be seen here.
It could have o p e n e d Ihe door for
m o r e administrative power over
s t u d e n t s when we as s t u d e n t s
want m o r e s t u d e n t power.
Il seems in these three cases the
parties have chosen t o follow t h e
law or a set of rules when it fits
t h e m and lo disobey these principles when they d o n ' t like them.
Yet, is this only characteristic of a
few people or can it be seen
consistently t h r o u g h o u t our society?
Dear E d i t o r :
Last w e e k , while on a visit t o
the C a m p u s , I n o t e d with interest
a n u m b e r of s t u d e n t s wearing
PYE ( P r o t e c t Your E n v i r o n m e n t )
b u t t o n s . T h i s is great! I am certainly pleased to observe this visible c o m m i t m e n t by s t u d e n t s at
S U N Y A t o the p r o b l e m s of pollution, clean air, a n d related environmental m a t t e r s . I also observed, while in t h e C a m p u s Center, the seemingly inconsistent
bahavior on the p a r t of m a n y
s t u d e n t s wearing P Y E b u t t o n s .
Care for t h e e n v i r o n m e n t is evid e n t l y " s o m e o n e else's p r o b l e m . "
T h e air was thick with s m o k e .
T h e r e was miscellaneous trash
( u n e a t e n food, half e m p t y cardboard c o n t a i n e r s , a p p l e cores a n d
related junk for sanitary land fills)
strewn on the floor and left on
t h e tables, despite t h e ready availability of trash cans.
II is well-known that s t u d e n t s
have, in recent years, u n d e r s c o r e d
the " h y p o c r i s y " of t h e s o c i e t y ,
when describing America's social
s y s t e m . Perhaps, it isn't l o o m u c h
to h o p e t h a t in the s u p p o r t of t h e
PYE progranv-whieh seems to indicate a change in emphasis in
s t u d e n t a c t i o n from
groups t o a clean envtronment--we
may observe consistent,
nonhypocritical behavior by s t u d e n t s .
Very truly y o u r s ,
Vap ors
To the E d i t o r s :
Re: Picture front page of the
ASP by Benjamin.
I n o t e t h e c a p t i o n under t h e
picture d e p i c t i n g
t h e services
building is as follows: " P o l l u t i o n
control seems l o he w a r r a n t e d o n
o u r own c a m p u s as indicated by
the ' m y s t e r i o u s vapors' rising
from the Services Building."
This "pictorial e v i d e n c e " in
reality is n o t evidence of p o l l u t a n t
" v a p o r s " arising from said building. It however, from o t h e r evidences in the same p i c t u r e , indicates a relatively cool t e m p e r a lure. I n d e e d , cool e n o u g h t o
readily c o n d e n s e the water vapors
(a p r o d u c t of c o m b u s t i o n ) u p o n
c o n t a c t with the a t m o s p h e r e in
t h e region of the stack, in t h e
same m a n n e r thai water vapor
condenses near the s p o u t of a tea
k e t t l e . T h e i n t e n s i t y of t h e color
of t h e c l o u d is indicative of t h e
t e m p e r a t u r e a n d the
a m o u n t of w a t e r vapor p r e s e n t .
It is t r u e , however, t h a t w a t e r
usually coalesces a r o u n d a p a r t i c u late n u c l e u s (ice crystal, s o o t particle, sea salt, e t c . ) a n d t h u s perhaps t h e r e is a reasonable emission
e x u d i n g from t h e stack which
could be m e a s u r e d in t h e form of
particulates. T h e cloud by itself is
n o t sufficient b u t is indicative of
potential p o l l u t i o n .
Dr. G. William R e y n o l d s
Associate Professor of Science
To the students:
A S P ( F e b . 2 4 ) has b r o u g h t t o light
t h e reasons w h y Albany S t a t e
University d o e s n ' t offer sports
s c h o l a r s h i p s a n d is therefore playing college division s p o r t s . This
article explains what m u s t be
d o n e in o r d e r t o i m p r o v e our
a t h l e t i c s t a n d i n g in intercollegiate
s p o r t s . T h e r e are three main
s o u r c e s for scholarship m o n e y ;
t h e s t a t e or university itself, t h e
a l u m n i , a n d t h e s t u d e n t s a n d interested groups.
T h e state at this time d o e s n ' t
offer a n y scholarships for s p o r t s .
Most of t h e b u d g e t m o n e y is tied
up in e x p a n d i n g a y o u n g g r o w i n g
university or helping the n e e d y .
T h i s is the t o p priority as it
should be. Hopefully after t h e
dust settles a n d the university
m a t u r e s funds can be set aside for
intercollegiate s p o r t s .
T h e second alternative is for
the a l u m n i t o help o u t . Until
recently Albany was only a teachers college with a m i n i m u m of
g r a d u a t e s each year. In recent
years this has c h a n g e d ; Albany is
now a university graduating app r o x i m a t e l y 3 0 0 0 each year going
into all walks of life.
T h e third r o u t e is t o the current s t u d e n t s themselves, the ones
w h o have the m o s t t o gain. If
t h e y ' r e i n t e r e s t e d , part of t h e
s t u d e n t tax could be used t o w a r d s
scholarships. Many will n o t agree
to this b u t t h e issue can be
d e c i d e d by a s i m p l e election. If
this proves unsatisfactory t h e n t h e
s t u d e n t s w h o m a k e use of t h e
t e a m by w a t c h i n g them play
might w a n t t o c o n t r i b u t e t o improving the t e a m .
R a y Neidl
asp staff
T h e Albany S t u d e n t Press is published t w o times a week by t h e
S t u d e n t Association of the S t a t e University of New Y o r k at A l b a n y .
T h e ASP editorial office is located in R o o m 334 of t h e C a m p u s Center. T h e n e w s p a p e r is funded by S.A. t a x . T h e A S P was f o u n d e d b y
t h o Class of 191H. T h e ASP p h o n e s are 4 5 7 - 2 1 9 0 , 4 5 7 - 2 1 9 4 . If n o
answer, 4 5 7 - 3 4 3 0 .
Gary Gelt and Anita
Managing Editor
News Editors
Arts Editor
Sports Editors
Cily Editor
business Manager
Advertising Manager
Pat O 'Hern
Carol Hughes
Linda Waters
Dave Fink
Tom Clingan
All communications must be addressed to the editors end must be signed.
Cammlnicotions should be limited to 300 words and are subject to editing.,
Editorial policy of tho Albany Student Press is determined by the Editors-inChief.
• * *
are we dangerous?
i hope to hell we are'
John Froines
pliotos by
martin benjamin
William Kunsller
aiidy hachbem
lvalter silver
William Kunsller and John Frames
Norman Levy
• •#""
<> M l
milium Kumtler
William Kunstler
FRIDAY, MARCH 6 , 1 9 7 0
by Susan Hyrcaj
D o n o v a n is god. I use a small ' g '
becasue m a n y p e o p l e a n d things
are also god. B e a u t y is g o d , and
D o n o v a n is b e a u t y . As Phil Ochs
says, " H e is o n e of the few writers
w h o s e aesthetic is his o w n person."
State Defeats Oswego 64-56
Season Finale Saturday
S t a t e University at A l b a n y will
c o n c l u d e its 1 9 6 9 - 7 0 basketball
season S a t u r d a y evening, March 7,
as host to B r o o k l y n College at
8 : 3 0 in the University G y m . T h e
game will be Dr. Richard S a u e r s '
3 5 0 t h in 15 years as head coach at
the university. A 6 : 3 0 c o n t e s t between t w o t e a m s of A l b a n y basketball alumni will p r e c e d e the
varsity feature. A freshman game
previously s c h e d u l e d with Cobleskill A & T has been cancelled.
A m o n g the m o r e than 25 alumni expected back are r e c e n t graduates Scott Price ' 6 9 ; Larry Marcus, Tim J u r s a k , and T o m D o o d y
' 6 8 ; and Lonnic Morrison, J i m
C o n s t a n t i n o , Mike B l o o m , a n d
' 6 7 . AllAmerican Rich Margison '69 is
leaving for E u r o p e and will be unable to a t t e n d .
In League IIA, the Knieks led
by Barry Feinberg and Mike J a r r o
M e a n w h i l e , E O P II d o w n e d Potter
5 1 - 3 7 . R o n Spratt with 1 :i points
and C. Harris with 1H starred for
the w i n n e r s . T h e Knieks and the
Brothers then s q u a r e d off with
the latter c o m i n g out on top
4 3 - 3 7 . Harris scored 20 while
J a r r o had It). League 11B play
featured the N A D S knocking off
both S T B , 5 0 - 3 9 , imd
4 --7 --IB
Season Ends
-17-39. In a n o t h e r g a m e , PUD edged
League III
scores were as follows: In the A
division, VC Z o o over STB 34-2K,
EEP beating t h e Capitals, 3 9 - 3 2 ,
the Zoo whipping Poller 17-12,
the Capitals d o w n i n g both STB
and the Z o o by forfeit. In the B
division, W a l e r h u r y I I , the C r o u p
3H; Brothers 2S, EEP 2 2 ; Brothers
59, Waterhurv 2H; Ihe G r o u p 16,
EEP 3 7 .
In League IVA: the LA J a m s
defeated Hie Harriers 11-26; the
Apa I belies w h i p p e d EEP 3 1-21;
and the LA J a m s got by the
Apalhetics 3 1 - 2 5 . In League IVII
action t h e G o l d e n Hods heal T X O
13-29; and t h e Apaches defeated
the F u l t o n Follies 2 0 - 2 3 ,
Softball - An AMIA organizational
meeting for softball will be held
T u e s d a y , March 2-1, at 1:00 p . m .
in PE 1 2 5 .
a f t e r ftlks gmirffiK
T h e varsity swimming and wrestling teams at S t a t e University at
1969-70 seasons this w e e k e n d ,
Friday and S a t u r d a y , March 6 and
7, in multi-team c o m p e t i t i o n on
t h e road. T h e wrestlers will participate in t h e S l a t e University at
Bingham ton Invitational and the
s w i m m e r s in the Upper New York
C h a m p i o n s h i p s at R o c h e s t e r Institute of T e c h n o l o g y ! RIT).
In addition to Albany a n d host
B i n g h a m t o n , the wrestling m e e t
will include Union College, Mart*
wick College, Si. J o h n Fisher College, RIT. Ithaca College, and Ihe
University at Buffalo. Coach J o e
Ca rein's Greal
their dual-m;ilehseason last weekend with a 32-10 victory over
Marisl. T h e m a l m c n ' s 3-H mark
was the best in three years and
with a y o u n g team, hopes are high
for a bright future.
Al least 12 teams, including
RIT and Albany, are e x p e c t e d to
c o m p e t e in the s l a t e swim meet.
O t h e r e n t r a n t s are Syracuse University, the University of Rochester, Si. B o n a v e u l u r e University,
RP1, Uobarl College, Union, Nia
gara University, Ithaca, Cansim
College, and Buffalo. Syracuse is
ihe defending c h a m p i o n and favorite Brian Kelly's Albany team
won o n e of I 1 meets in its first
varsil v season.
^ « ^
Jim %uti
lack Adams
M i
AMIA playoff's began Monday
night. In League I semi-final
action t h u s far this week, J o h n
Q u a t t r o c h i ' s 27 point outburst
and eleven p o i n t s from backeourt
p a r t n e r Bob Rossi led Potter to a
solid 61-41 win over UFS. Jim
S o l o m o n led the losers with 1 2. In
the o t h e r game, 1501' I, paced by
Carl J o n e s ' , Robert Wrights' and
J o h n Harpers nine, Ion and eight
points respectively, whipped the
Bruins 4 6 - 1 0 . Boh Cole n o t c h e d !>
for the Bruins. T h e Brothers will
now m e e t Potter for the League
' / ? > - 7iMCui<j
On S a t u r d a y , Captain Jack
A d a m s will play his last varsity
basketball game for Albany State.
Adams is a native of Slingerlands, N.Y., where h e a t t e n d e d
Clayton A. B o u t o n H.S. (Voorheesville, N.Y.). There he played
baseball, and football in addition
t o basketball. Al B o u t o n Jack
averaged 19 points per game in his
senior year.
11 points per game. A d a m s is
k n o w n for his quickness a n d arching j u m p s h o t .
Among his athletic accomplishm e n t s , J a c k is m o s t p r o u d of the
fact t h a t ; he was selected t o t h e
A l l - T o u r n a m e n t team in the 1 9 6 9
Christmas T o u r n a m e n t , and t h a t
he was o n a team selected t o go t o
the N C A A small college Regionals.
At Albany, Jack has majored in
Math and minored in E c o n o m i c s .
Some of his a c c o m p l i s h m e n t s off
the court have been; recipient of
the Warden Scholarship
elected to Who's Who in American
Colleges and Universities 1969
and he is the Vice President of
Potter Club.
As a freshman, A d a m s averaged
IH.9. He is playing his third year
of varsity ball this year. He averaged 10. points per game as a
s o p h o m o r e , 9 per game as a junior
a n d is currently averaging a b o u t
T h e m o s t m e m o r a b l e games for
Jack w e r e , the 70-71 victory over
LeMoyne at the N C A A small college Regionals c o n s o l a t i o n g a m e ,
the victory over RPI in the 1 9 6 9
Christmas T o u r n a m e n t finals, and
this year's win over Siena. Jack
has been on teams which have
beaten arch-rival Siena 3 of A
T h e i m m e d i a t e future will consist of fulfilling s o m e t y p e of military obligation, as Jack c a m e up
no. 5 8 in the draft l o t t e r y . After
t h a t a career in s o m e field of
m a t h e m a t i c s is h o p e d for.
Sport Shorts
There will be a meeting of all
persons interested in trying out
for the varsily and junior varsity
golf teams this spring al -1:1s
Tuesday afternoon, Mareh 10, in
20!), physical
There will he a m e e t i n g of all
candidates lor the MI7U-7I varsity
basketball team al -l:lfl Wednesday a f t e r n o o n , March 1 I, in r o o m
200, physical e d u c a t i o n building.
Softball • An AMIA softball umpire meeting is s c h e d u l e d for
T h u r s d a y , March 19 at -1:00 p . m .
in PE 125.
AMIA Wrestling tourney entries are clue M o n d a y ,
March 9. T h e t o u r n e y is scheduled
for individuals and teams and will
be held Friday, March 1:) and Satu r d a y , Mareh 1-1.
AMIA S w i m m i n g
meet is s c h e d u l e d for T u e s d a y ,
March 17. E n t r y blanks can be obtained in the AMIA Office, PE
Mid-City Shopping Center Menands
(across from Topp's)
The Rathskeller
Fusion of contemporary rock and Jazz
Saturday March 7
9:30 PM - 1:30AM
Sponsored by Campus Center Governing Board
Planning to spend the summer in
Europe? The total cost for the use of
this car in Europe is much less than
trains, buses, or taxis. Travol at your
leisure and save yourself luggage
problems, aggravation, and money.
C o n t a c t : Greear Wasaon
Wuterbury Hall rm. 166
soprano sax
alto sax
Ienor sax
baritone sax
soprano flute
alto flute
The New Donovan Outlook
Reflected In His Music
T h e S t a t e University at Albany
basketball team clinched its sixth
straight winning season T u e s d a y ,
with a 64-56 decision over Oswego. T h e victory left S t a t e with a
12-9 record with one game remaining. T h e victory also assured
Coach Dick Saturn of his 15th
striaght non-losing season.
T h e Great Danes featured a
well-balanced a t t a c k with four of
the five starters hitting d o u b l e
figures. Captain Jack A d a m s led
the t e a m with 15 p o i n t s followed
b y J u n i o r forward Jack J o r d a n ' s
14. J o r d a n also c o n t r i b u t e d 12
r e b o u n d s to his fine scoring
T h e Danes excelled at the foulline hitting o n 26 of their 31
c h a n c e s ; J o r d a n hit o n H or 8,
while Oswego only capitalized o n
10 of their 20 chances. The loss
evened Oswego's record at 1 1 - 1 1 .
D o n York
T o m Wad-jo
electric bass
Mark G a l e o
Appearing Wed, thru Sat.
He n o w believes in a " n a t u r a l
h i g h " r a t h e r t h a n the chemically
induced high of drugs. B u t having
e x p e r i m e n t e d with Mexicun agriculture himself, h e s h o u l d be able
t o u n d e r s t a n d p e o p l e w h e n they
get their highs t h r o u g h grass a n d ,
sometines, later m a k e the transition to the n a t u r a l high.
After these lavish w o r d s in
praise of D o n o v a n , it m a y seem
strange t h a t I d o n ' t care for his
album "Barabajugel." It has some
good material o n it, especially
" A t l a n t i s , " " W h e r e Is S h e , " " T o
Susan on t h e West C o a s t , " "Barabajagal," a n d even " I Love My
S h i r t . " T h e o t h e r songs are w o r t h
their weight in plastic, and t h a t ' s
a b o u t how sensitive t h e y are.
T h e a l b u m I have in m i n d as
being his best is " D o n o v a n in
C o n c e r t . " Many p e o p l e d o n ' t like
c o n c e r t a l b u m s because of the
applause b e t w e e n n u m b e r s and
the disadvantage of live rather
than s t u d i o recording. H o w e v e r I
like t h e idea of getting a w a y from
all the m e c h a n i c a l , c o m p u t e r i z e d
gadgetry and r e t u r n i n g t o t h e unprocessed, h u m a n music. T h e inconvenience of a little clapping is
really only as distracting as you
m a k e it.
" Y o u n g Girl B l u e s " is beautiful
in t h e s y m p a t h y a n d e m o t i o n
b r e a t h e d i n t o it. It c e n t e r s o n the
loneliness of a y o u n g girl trying t o
cope with a p h o n y world. T h e r e is
a reflection of depression througho u t the song. Even the everyday
things seem t o be against her.
{"Coffee o n , milk gone. Such a
sad life and fading.")
" C e l e s t e " is a highly personal
revelation of t h e individual experience of living, It tells of t h e
changes and transitions
made in a difficult stage of life,
and the anticipation of experiencing m a n y m o r e things with t h e
help of a n o t h e r person.
It also tells of t h e dilemma of
capLuring and expressing the fleeting ' h o u g h t s and insights w h i c h
slip through our minds. "My songs
are merely dreams, T h e y c o m e
visiting my m i n d . We talk awhile
by a c r o o k e d stile, Y o u ' r e so
lucky to catch a few."
Donovan has evolved from a
simple eighteen-year-old b o y in
laborer's b o o t s , d e n i m j a c k e t a n d
miner's cap to a c o m p l e x being
whose m i n d has b e c o m e his essence. His music has h e c o m e m o r e
involved and sophisticated, growing from a single guitar a c c o m p a n iment to a carefully blended potpourri
T h e m o s t expressive lines are,
"All our sould are deeper than we
can s e e , " and " E v e r y b o d y is a
part of everything a n y w a y . " It
makes us realize that we have a lot
Yet, in a way, utv simplicity
remains. To q u o t e J u d y Collins,
" H e sees things: he d o e s n ' t tell
you a b o u t the w o r l d : he creates
Children's Theater
To Present 'Captive' Arts Page Policy
To Undergo Revision
Folksinger John Lipman will appear at the Golden Eye Coffeehouse
(820 Madison Avenue) tonight at 9:00. Admission is $.50.
F o u n d a t i o n s of Children's Theatre, a course offered by the Dep a r t m e n t of T h e a t r e at the S t a t e
University at Albany, will p r e s e n t
Charlotte B. C h o r p e n n i n g ' s " T h e
Indian C a p t i v e , " directed by Peg
LeFever, a graduate s t u d e n t in
Performances in the Performing
Arts Center S t u d i o T h e a t r e will be
held on March 1 :l at 7:.')0 p.m.
and March IS at 2 : 0 0 p.m. T o u r ing p e r f o r m a n c e s will b e held o n
March 1-1 at 2 : 0 0 p.m. at the Phillip Livingston School and Marcli
20 at 7 : 3 0 p . m . at the L y n n w o o d
Elementary School.
T h e c o s t u m e s and scenery are
being designed and c o n s t r u c t e d by
the s t u d e n t s in the class. Authentic c o s t u m e s and sets will he used
Chicago Trial Writer
Due Here Saturday
A local Albany native, George
C. McNamee of Loudonville, has
edited a t r a n s c r i p t of the Chicago
trial of the 7 men accused of conspiracy to incite a riol. T h e h o o k ,
Tales of Hoffman,
will he p u b lished in p a p e r b a c k by Bantam on
March 2. T h e e d i t o r a n d his coeditors will be at Ihe Bryn Mawr
B o o k s h o p , Arcadia Avenue al
Western in Weslmere on March 7,
to sign copies a n d discuss their
m e t h o d of p r o d u c i n g ihe volume
of looking-inside-ourselves t o d o
as well as a c o m m i t m e n t t o bec o m e a p a r t of o t h e r p e o p l e ' s
lives. Best of all is t h e line w h i c h
m o r e or less s u m m a r i z e d
p h i l o s o p h y of life: " Y o u can have
everything if you let yourself b e . "
Profits (jo for scholarships for
young people in Bryn Mawr College in Pennsylvania, ll is o p e r a t e d
by Bryn Mawr a l u m n a e of the
To reach the b o o k s h o p , travel
out Western Avenue lo approximately opposite Ihe e n t r a n c e lo
the Stale Campus gateway. T h e
shop is on the left side, about a
mile short of Sttiyvesant Plaza
Shopping Center.
t o recreate the e n v i r o n m e n t of t h e
Seneca Indians in 1779.
The y o u n g Indian captive will
be played by nine year old
D o r o t h y Cockrell.
T h e Bryn Mawr B o o k s h o p is a
non-profit s h o p t h a t sells s e c o n d
hand are rare b o o k s of all t y p e s .
. £o«dy HiinterJ
It has, in t h e p a s t , b e e n the p r a c t i c e of this page t o p r e s e n t o n e review of a c o n c e r t , play, film, b o o k , r e c o r d , or e v e n t . This p r e s e n t e d a n
opinion w h i c h was n o t , in may cases, t h e o p i n i o n shared b y all of a n
Tickets m a y be o b t a i n e d at the
Performing Arts Center o n t h e
S t a t e University C a m p u s . Prices
are $.50 for children and $ 1 . 0 0
for adults. F u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n
may be o b t a i n e d by calling the
Box Office at 4 5 7 - 8 6 0 6 from 11
a.m. to 1 p . m . M o n d a y s t h r o u g h
T h e r e f o r e , in o r d e r t o present t h e readers with b o t h sides, a second
review, w r i t t e n b y a different r e p o r t e r , will be p r e s e n t e d w h e n the ediror feels t h a t t h e r e is a need. This will n o t mean t h a t t h e first r e p o r t e r
was in e r r o r . It will merely p r e s e n t a n o t h e r o p i n i o n . T h e reader m a y
decide w h i c h he feels is m o r e a p p r o p r i a t e .
This policy
shall be i n s t i t u t e d Tuesday with a s e c o n d look at
Princeton Chamber Orchestra
To Perform At PAC Tonight
by Warren Burt
Tonight, the Princeton Chamber orchestra, u n d e r the d i r e c t i o n
of Nicholas llarsanyi, will a p p e a r
in the Main T h e a t r e of the PAC.
This o r c h e s t r a , called " o n e of t h e
finest orchestras of its kind anyw h e r e , " by Eugene O r m a n d y was
founded in 106*1 by Mr. llarsanyi,
and is c o m p o s e d of t w e n t y players, with a repertoire which includes Baroque, Classical, R o m a n tic, and C o n t e m p o r a r y L i t e r a t u r e .
In its past four years of tours it
has b e c o m e o n e of the most
sought after orchestras in the
United States.
C o n d u c t o r Nicholar llarsanyi
was born in Budapest and c a m e l o
t h e United States in 1938 on a
teaching fellowship. During the
war he c o n d u c t e d tin' S e c o n d Ser-
For two hours on March 7, for
11 to 1, George C. M c N a m e e ,
Mark Levi no, a"d Daniel Greenberl will be on h a n d
ut the
b o o k s h o p . T h e y will a u t o g r a p h
Social Research in New York
"We formed a crash s y s t e m to
yet the book o u t , " Mr. McNamee
reports. Working with t h e same
p r o c e d u r e t h a t Lhey used in primary
McCarthy, they enlisted v o l u n t e e r
typists to c o p y the w o r d s t h a t
they saved from the transcript.
vice C o m m a n d S y m p h o n y , a n d
after the war j o i n t e d the Lener
Q u a r t e t , a n d then in I0-1H, returned lo P r i n c e t o n , where with
the N c w J e r s e y T e r c e n t e n a r y Festival,
C h a m b e r O r c h e s t r a in 1 0 6 1 .
For t o n i g h t ' s p r o g r a m , the orchestra is performing pieces b y
L o c a telli,
.J.S.Bach & Elgar. T h e program includes the Boccherini Cello concerto, for which the soloist will b e
Marion Davies, principal cellist
wilh the o r c h e s t r a ; and for t h e
Back Violin C o n c e r t o in A m i n o r ,
the soloist will be Helen Kwalwasser. T h e c o n c e r t s p o n s o r e d by
Music Council, will take place at
H:,'10 p . m . , a n d will be free with
s t u d e n t tax.
We're the different
Abu Tabid (drummer)
Oh. 1 he dingy routine of burgers,
Start Your
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'Praise the Lord and
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'How a Reporter
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Prepared by Farid, one of the
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culinary magic. Now he's just a
short camel's drive from
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by Bill Bruns,
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past Route 155. Look for the
"Salim's". Indeed, we are the
Friday, M a r c h 6
2:30 p m
Come to 14th floor StuijueMfit toioer for a tide
Nov. 14, 1969
{Copy available
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different Abu Tabul. Come and
enjoy our difference.
Compliments of the
Episcopal Diocese,
A Little
Bit of Baghdad-
Farid's our chef and Kebob 'a our specialty.
Council to Undergo
Power Separation
PYE Discusses
by Lesley Weinblatt
At last Sunday's special meeting of Central Council on the Student Association Constitution,
Council passed a motion that rescinded action it had previously
passed at last Thursday's meeting.
Lenny Kopp brought up the motion that struck down Mike Lampert's amendments to the constitution that provide for two semester's experience on Central Council in order to run for Student Association President.
Kopp claimed that Lamperts
amendments were not in keeping
with the progressive spirit with
which the constitution is trying to
deal. Carol Tibbets argued against,
the move saying that prospective
candidates would have no conception of the immensity of the
job of the presidency, unless they
had had some council experience.
Ken Stokem and Lenny Kopp
pointed out that the qualifications
would limit the filed of probable,
possible candidates for President
and Vice-President to something
less than 10. Kopp further argued
that you can't have n representative government without a representative president.
Chuck Ribak argued against
this saying that the school is n dictatorship anyhow. Dick Wesley
supported Kopp pointing out the
dangers of a credibility gap. Kopp
made the final comment before
the vote saying that the students
must be given the right to express
Kopp moved for a roll call vote,
the result of which was I I -l-'l.
Following Kopp's motion's success, Ralph DiMarino made an
amendment that called for tho
Qsiss Eimigg
Order your class ring now for delivery before Graduation Day .
Deadline May 1, 1970
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Orders for graduation announcements and personal name cards will be taken
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Samples of the announcements and cards are on display at the Bookstore.
Seniors ordering announcements who do not graduate will be given full credit
for this merchandise.
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THANK YOU CARDS (24 cards and 24 envelopes)
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When mailing order please include 67r SALES TAX and $.25 HANDLING.
president to be elected by a majority rather than a plurality vote,
removed the president's position
as presiding officer of Central
Council, made the vice-president
elected by a 2/3's vote of Council
rather than a plurality vote of the
Student Association, and made
the V-P preciding officer of Central Council.
Lenny Kopp immediately attacked this as "...still trying to
stick to the past with an elitist
government." Di Marino said that
this was just a step towards further separation of powers in Student Association. This opened up
a whole new concept in the area
of the Constitution dealing with
the officers and their powers and
separation of powers between
Central Council and an executive.
To facilitate freer discussion on
this new concept Council moved
to a commitlee of the whole.
As a committee Council attempted for Lhe rest of the meeting to work out a viable, working
method of separating powers.
General consensus was I hat there
would be a separation between a
president and vice-president at
Student Association and chairman
of Central Council.
It was undecided at this time
how and what powers would be
divided and added except that the
president would probably live veto power over Central Council
bills with a 2/.Vs vote of Council
overriding that veto.
Previous U- adjournment Council formed a committee to be
headed by Vie Looper and Lenny
Kopp to look into formulation of
the separation of powers further.
Summa foU
Jin ¥©w Qwmdusitmn
Orders will be taken at the Bookstore for the rental of caps, gowns, and hoods between
MARCH 16 and APRIL 17, 1970 ONLY! The Bookstore WILL NOT HANDLE any orders after April 17.
$3.00 for 2
The following information is essential:
1. Name (first and last)
4. Total height (in heels)
2. Permanent address
5. Chest size (or weight)
3. Degree being received
6. Cap size (or head circumference
taken level 1" above the ears.:
Please specify what part of the regalia you wish to order.
50<C each duplicate
Bachelor candidates wear only a cap and gown;
^ D O N ' T WALK
Master and Doctoral candidates wear a cap, gown, and hood.
$1 .SO
Doctor's cap and gown
Doctor's hood
Doctor's Gold tassel to rent
Doctor's gold tassel to keep
If black silk tassel is kept, $.75.
Proposed Changes
in Parking Policy
by David Pock
"Whereas, lhe present parking
policy of SUNYA
first against students and stilt fur
titer against resident students he it
rcsolred that the Senate repeal the
preferential parking policy. "
Steven Villano has introduced
the above bill in order to make
residence hall living more like
apartment house living. He thinks
that since resident students arc
paying approximately $600 per
semester for room and board,
they are therefore entitled to decent parking facilities rather than
commuters, and the rest for residents. Students from Alumni
Quad who drive to school are
viewed as residents and also have
We appreciate your cooperation
Huge Discounts en Winter Stock
(liiaptrr VH
DM.1 10 TO * P.M. WED.. THURS. I FRI TILL 9 P.M.
the "back of the lot" facilities
they now have.
The preferential parking policy
now in use sets aside the first few
rows for faculty, the next few for
to park in the back. In place of
this, the hill would institute a
parking policy of a first-come,
first-served nature, except for the
first two rows which would be reserved for those with a special
medical parking permit.
Many residents use their cars to
drive to work or for student
teaching. Villano does not believe
that they will all park in front of
the lot as opponents of the bill
state. He also points out that commuters don't pay $600 for room
and board. Villano doesn't own a
Bloodmobile Drive
The inventory of blood needed
to meet the requirements of the
hospitals in lhe Capitol area has
reached a critically low level.
About .1700 pints of blood are
needed for the month of March,
and 1600 pints of blood are need-
Call IV 9 - 2 8 2 7
or IV 2 - 0 2 2 8
8 pm 1 am
Sun & Other Special
Days 4 pm- 1 am
• $5.50
. ..$.50
. $2.25
Regalia will te distributed during the week of June2,1970 Regalia can be picked up at the Bowling lanes.
Regalia must be returned to the pick up site before 1:30 p.m. Sunday, June 7, 1970.
Regalia must be returned in the rental box or there will be a $1 charge.
9am-8 pm Monday thru Thursday
9am-4:30pm Friday
9am-1pm Saturday
(Throe Subs Minimum)
PRICE SCHEDULE (plus 6% tax)
Cap only
Bachelor's cap and gown
Master's cap and gown
Master's hood
Pollution- real and visual- the Troy Theater
ed to treat the sufferers of hemophilia (Bleeder's disease.)
In order to meet these demands, the three major faiths of
the area are sponsoring a Bloodmobile drive at Temple Israel on
New Scotland Avenue on Tuesday, March 10 from 1-7 p.m.
If possible, donors should call
for a appointment at IMH-1533.
An appointment is not necessary,
however and anyone who shows
up to donate blood will be welcome.
The diverse topics of sterilization and this weekend's pre•teach-in conference were the subjects of the Wednesday night PYE
The meeting began with a discussion on sterilization and featured two guest speakers. The
first, Ken Lucowiak, a graduate
itudent in Biology, approached
the subject from a physiological
standpoint. He traced the concept
of sterilization to its inception in
the late 1800's. At that time, it
was used mainly as a vehicle for
publicizing the philosophy of Eugenics, the development of a purer
race throug compulsory sterilization of the lower classes.
Lucowiak added that population
control wasn't taken into account
at the time. He went on to give a
detailed explanation of the actual
biological process involved in sterilization.
Following the lecture by
Lucowiak, Dr. Richard Brown of
the Physics Department addressed
the meeting on the legal and social
aspects of sterilization and abortion. He announced that Senator
Earl Bridges has sponsored a compromise abortion bill that has yet
to leave committee. Dr. Brown
urged that all in favor of liberalized
abortion laws write their congressmen in support of bill
The subject of this weekend's
pre-teach-in conference was handled by Sue Cypert, conference
coordinator. She made a desperate
plea for beds to accommodate the
•100 people expected to convene
to discuss the teach-in scheduled
for April 22. The weekend will
feature several lectures and workshops, the highlight of which will
be a lecture by Congressman
Richard Ottinger on Friday evening at 7:30 in the Gym. Miss
Cypert urged that anyone who
will be able to provide a bed for
the weekend should contact her
The Albany Student Press
wishes to correct a misleading
omission found in the lead story
or the Tuesday, March 3, 1970
issue, e n t i t l e d "Kunstlcr's
Coming Arouses University" by
Neill Shanahan. The quotation,
"The place he slwuld be right
now is in jail, "should have been
attributed to Assemblyman Neil
Kelleher. The ASP realizes thai
this omission could have been
misinterpreted and regrets this
Placement Service
rVtsooalllBd, Professional Placement of Shttl
If you want to spend a worthwhile and fun summer.
Call Free
PRIMER contributions
will be accepted at CC Info Desk
March 9 • April 1 0
Monday thru Friday
by Al Senia
The following two articles should be taken as a warning by students in the University community.
Caution and precaution should be everyone's guidelines for the campus drug scene. Dr. Thome has
continually reiterated the policy that the University is not a "refuge for lawbreakers." The most
important fact to remember is that under current university policy, R.A. 's are required to act as
policemen. As far as drugs are concerned.they are not advisors to be taken into the student's confidence.
Until this is corrected, it is the student's best interest not to discuss drugs with his resident assistant. One
should never, in any circumstance, show drugs to his R.A. Resident Assistants have no choice but to act
as policemen when given the option.
State Quad
Campus security, backed up by
state police, swooped into
Anthony hall on State Quad late
Wednesday night and arrested two
students on a variety of drug
charges. Between $2,000 and
$5,000 worth of drugs and equipment were seized.
State police were called into
campus at the request of campus
security, following consultations
between the security office, dorm
directors, and Miss Norma Edsell,
Director of Residences. She notified Dr. Thorne of the action.
Presumably, he played a role in
the decision.
Quantities of marijuana, hashhish, LSD, mescaline, and opium
along with a variety of pipes,
scales, and cutting instruments
were confiscated. It was believed
to be the largest haul of drugs,
narcotics, and refining equipment
ever found on campus.
The arrests came after the dorm
director became convinced that at
least two students "were possibly
involved with drugs." He refused
to comment on how he reached
that conclusion, but it is believed
that one of the resident assistants
who was very friendly with at
least one of the students, went to
his room and told him to "cool
it" as far as drugs were concerned.
The student apparently "cooled
it" a little too much. He spread
marijuana, LSD, and an assortment of other illegalities in front
of the R.A. to show proof he
would stay "clean."
Unfortunately, for the student,
the R.A. had no choice (under
existing University drug policy)
but to inform the dorm director.
The dorm director called Lt.
Henighan in Security for consultation on legal procedure.
Two directors then visited the
students' rooms and asked the
two to go through their belongings. The choice was theirs and
they agreed. The drugs were
found by the directors who notified Lt. Henighan.
Dutch Quad
Two weeks ago this Saturday, This step was supposedly taken to The two students were arrested
there was a party on the ninth prevent the students from panic- and the drugs sent to be analysed.
floor of Stuyvesant Tower on ing. There was a report of a
Dr. Thorne stated yesterday
Dutch Quad. For a short time, student trying to leave and being that he could not allow the
exits were blocked, elevators were manhan died by an R.A. However, University to give santuary to
halted on the floor, and six Resi- Dr. Thorne
stated that his re- lawbreakers and also pointed
dent Assistants guarded the stair- search
indicated a student out that law enforcement agenways. No one was informed as to attempted to kick an R.A. in the cies have the right to come on
what was happening; the director groin. No drugs were found. One campus at any time. "The law is
claimed later he was looking for student and his dale were su- on the side of the stale police,"
candles. At the presidential press spected of possessing a quantity he said. He indicated that future
con- ference the following Mon- of drugs, they voluntarily went visits by slate police could be
day, both Kuusisto and Thorne downstairs with the director and expected.
claimed to know nothing of the then emptied their pockets in
incident. After speaking to many front of the director although
people (including Thorne) the they were not asked to. They then
true story finally came to light: left the building. It should be
There was reason to believe drugs noted that no arrests were made
State Universtiy of New York at
were being used at the party and a blither by security or state police.
near-bust occurred. Two state In fact, neither entered the build- Albany is the recipient of a $1000
policemen were at the security ing, except for Lt. Henighan who education grant from Eastman
building, ready to lend assistance was in the lobby of Stuyvesant Kodak Company. The gift, which
to security in the event of a bust. Tower for a few seconds. Nor was is unrestricted, is part of Kodak's
It seems a number of students had Miss Edsell or Dr. Thorne notified educational aid program which
been complaining both Lo security of the incident by the dorm direc- has been enlarged this year to
and the student affairs office tor. The major issue seems to be include grants for publicly supabout the increasing frequency of that slate police were on campus, ported institutions.
The grant to SUNYA is based
marijuana and drug use on cam- ready to make arrests. It is also
pus. One student apparently significant that there was little upon Kodak's employment of a
of the institution. It repphoned security gave a tip about a cooperation from any segments
planned drug party that Saturday of the university in our attempt to resents $250 for each year of the
night in Stuyvesant Tower, and discover exactly what did happen academic courses taken by the
volunteered to obtain informa- in Stuyvesant Tower two weeks former student during a normal
four-year period.
tion. Dr. Thorne went to great ago.
Some $483,000 in unrestricted
lengths to explain that, both for
Because of the large quantity of
moral and legal reasons, the uni- drugs involved, it was decided to direct grants goes to 84 privately
versity does not employ student call in the B.C.I. (Bureau of Crimi- supported colleges and universities.
drug informers; nor does does it nal Investigation- state police)
encourage such activity on the
part of students. At any rate, the
dorm director, who was new to
"Two for the Road"
his job, was notified and went
77 Capitol steps from Albany
upstairs to investigate. R.A.'s
barred the exits while the eleto liatdiuin , Long Island
vators were halted at that floor.
Kodak Grant
Two weeks ago a proposal was Club, the inter-disciplinary course
presented to President Kuusisto Environmental Forum, and the
that there be a Moratorium on the Atmospheric Sciences Research
alteration of our natural campus. Center. And several years ago we
The proposal was made at the took a major practical step in
President's weekly press con- environmental imporvement by
ference by Edward Shaw, a converting to the use of natural
SUNYA student and a member of gas for heating.
In an effort to be assured of the
both PYE and Environmental
Forum. The proposal asked that wisest possible use of our natural
financial resources while
there be "the absolute guarantee
that no further cutting of trees or reamining committed to our plans
shrubs or plants, or alteration of for educational service to the peodrainage, or introduction of new ple of this State, I am taking the
roads, etc, will be done until a following steps:
hearing is held at which Environmental Forum students and pro1. I am sharing with you inforfessors in addition to PYE mem- mation on the current trend in
bers and other interested parties campus environmental concern
of the University Community are with this letter;
2. I look forward to a closer
In a reply to this request Presi- planning and development reladent Kuusisto has sent letters to tionship between your office and
our campus in matters of environElwin Stevens University Architect, Clifton Flather, Administra- mental concern related to contive
Anthony struction;
Adinolfi, General Manager State
3. I am requesting that I be
University construction Fund.
informed (with a duplicate inforThe text of the letters is as mation copy to be provided Mr.
Walter M. Tisdale, Assistant to the
President for Planning and Development) at least 10 days to two
The current concern with the weeks before any new conneed to protect our environment struction work is undertaken on
from further careless despoilation this campus involving moving
evokes considerable response from earth, trees, bushes, plants, or
some students and faculty mem- major drainage patterns;
bers on campuses across Ihe
4. I hope that representatives of
country. Quite properly, these your offices may be able to share
members of the academic com- with interested students and faculmunity are calling for the Univer- ty members here at SUNYA an
sity to lake a leadership role and insight into your procedures and
to begin with its own campuses goals because prejudices, rumors,
and their immediate environs. Jusl and lack of information produce
as some people have questioned misinformation, misconceptions,
the propriety of the University's and ill-will where this can well be
growth in urban settings at the avoided; and
cost of additional facilities with
5. I am encouraging the dewhat seems to them to be a lack velopment at SUNYA of a Camof concern for man's basic need to pus Forum to elicit opinions from
enjoy natural beauty and -above and Lo allow for discussion by Ihe
all- Lo survive. They expect us lo academic community on issues of
weigh needs lor physical growth major concern.
and change against any possibly
permanent destruction of nature
In the interest of good comconceivable involved.
munications on this campus, I am
sharing this letter with the
The Slate University al Albany
is one of several campuses in the President of our Student Central
system whore such concerns are Council, Mr. Terry Mathias, and
being voiced. In the past all of us the local student campus news
have assumed that the need to media (the ASP- Albany Student
provide facilities to satisfy the Press--and station VVSUA).
rapidly growing educational deThank you for your help and
mands of our society was self interest.
justified. Some, however, question
this assumption and expect ecoSincerely yours,
logical questions to be considered
Allan A. Kuusisto
at every stage of the development
of physical facilities. SUNYA has
become a center for environmental concern in the learning,
teaching, and research of students
and faculty associated with the
PYE(Protect Your Environment)
Intensive Summer Programs
in Israal, France, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany,
Puerto Rico, and Canada.
All Levels: beginners, intermediate, and advanced study
for credit.
The best and most sensible way to meet language
For more information, inquire at the Office of International Studies, Social Science 111.
On Wednesday, at 3:30 P.M., elections for class officers
for the Class of 7 3 were voided. By that time, only 302
Frosh had voted out of a class of 1700+, even though the
election was half over.
Now, the Class has been given a second chance. Meet the
candidates!Find the issues! And on March 23, 24, and 25,
get out and VOTEI Show some concern over your classand prove that student elections are not a farce. MAKE
« F P f ? . o d q e r 5 (<-< Pfte*"> e N T
To* CLMGftrJ
Kuusisto Statement
on Environment
*•< T « A S « I U S .
Each Sunday
at 7:00 PM
Campus Center
The Church
of the University
Vol. LVII No. 9
The State Unfowritp of New York at Albany
Up against
the wall
Tuesday, March 10, 1970
by Mark Belkin
Students attending the President's news conference were expecting
President Kuusisto to make public the recommendations made by
Dean Perlmutter concerning the renewal of appointment for Gerald
Wagner. The students involved in the Student Power controversy were
promised they would be informed of Perlmutter's decision today.
President Kuusisto refused, however, to honor this commitment and
would not make public the Dean's decision.
The students were tired of wait- growing. A member of the Stuing and being doloured everytime dent Power organization said, "We
they attempted to use the "proper want an answer today."A student
channels" for change. Jeff Wasser- shouted out, "What if they re-hire
man, a studen* active in the move- Gerry for a year?" Someone rement to save Wagner had previous- plied, "That's to pacify students
ly arranged an appointment with
for a year. We don't want some
O'Reilly and invited the concern- bullshit tenure cat who's busy
ed students present at the press publishing instead of teaching."
conference to join him.
The students seemed to feel powOne hundred and fifty students erless since all legal efforts they
decided to converge on the admin- made were ignored by the Administration building. The students istration. Ed Shaw said, "Students
wanted Vice-President O'Reilly are treated like shit. They don't
(who now had possession of the give a damn about us."
recommendation's content).
Finally the meeting with the
Students manifest the need for student power in University decisions as about ISO 'sat-in' in front of
During the first few minutes in student spokesmen and ViceVice President O'Reilly's office in the Administration Building.
- -silver
the Administration building it was President O'Reilly ended. Wasserdecided that Jeff Wasserman and man told the students they were
Richard Arrizo should be the only allowed to read two parapolicemen for the students.
graphs of Perlmutter's statement.
Before entering O'Reilly's T h e statement recommended
office Arrizo told the students to "that Mr. Wagner be given a year
"be cool." Steve Berger, speaking term, continuing his present salary
through a bullhorn, emphasized level," and "since he is not fulfilldiscussion of the problem as a tory, top priority." She also asser- the need for the students tO "be ing the role he was assigned originby Aralynn Abare
legitimate and proper one to be ted that "day care is more impor- patient." Many of those present ally, that he serve during 1970-71
wanted an immediate decision. at the rank of lecturer."
"To commit or not to commit" solved."
tant than a field house."
was the question at yesterday's
A few students felt it was a
The remainder of the meeting
"A commitment means no- One student shouted that waiting
open meeting, sponsored by Wo- was devoted to opinions from the thing;" said Dr. Seth Spellman, for O'Reilly "is a tacit admission partial victory but this was overmen's Liberation, with Vice- over 200 students, staff, faculty assistant to the President in Social that they have the power." Still a whelmed by voices shouting "no
President Clifton Thorne concern- and administration in attendance. Welfare,"the question is too com- majority of the students did not victory."
want to take immediate action
ing the establishment of a child
Dean Perlmutter's recommendplex for a 'yes' or 'no'."
care center.on campus.
Dr. Harry Hamilton, director of
John Kaufman, a leader of the against the administration. The ations could still be overridden by
EOP, questioned the obviousness New Left Organizing Committee, concensus seemed to be that the Vice-President O'Reilly and PresDr. Thorne was to report at the of the proposal's soundness which charged the administration with students should wait until they ident Kuusisto, although Kuusisto
meeting any progress made on the is based on the "highly question- "dishonesty" in dealing with stu- could regroup and plan future has stated previously that he
strategy for dealing with the would not "buck the findings of
demands submitted Lo him by able" assumption that the univer- dent affairs.
Women's Liberation two weeks sity should provide a day care
the Dean."
Professor Ceile David of Social administration.
ago, but the group wanted, as center at all. He asked about the Welfare noted the "bills before
Bob Norton, an instructor in
It was obvious that the issue
Sally Pollock put it, "a commit- possibility that, in the long run, the current legislature to provide was now more than Gerry Wagner. the department of
Rhetoric and
ment", i.e. a "yes" or " n o " as to the center might become an incen- more day care centers."
Bill O'Kain echoed the belief of Public Address and a close friend
whether or not Dr. Thorne hacked
tive to overpopulation. He also
The session ended with the many students when he said, "the of Gerry Wagner, told the stu[he effort. He would not give it. cited the university's "high num- scheduling of a meeting of Dr. issue is now Student Power, a dents not to take immediate
Thorne, Dr. Spellman, Prof. David, demand that affects every student action against the statement. He
"1 really don'L know yet wheth- ber of other priorities."
on campus." While the students wanted the students to leave the
in addition to three or four
er or not the university lias the
Sally Pollock, a leader of Wowaited for Arrizo and Wasserman administration building because
responsibility for these young- men's Liberation, expressed the members of Women's Liberation to relay the information given to any foolish action would probably
sters," he said in a later interview. hope that the university "make and Ed Taubman of Educational them by O'Reilly tension was be harmful to Gerry. Norton
Policies Council, for 1:30 today.
"however 1 favor a full and open women for the first time in hisclaimed that this concession was a
partial victory and "Gerry would
be happy" with the concession.
The fate of Gerry Wagner is still
unknown and the students still
have no legal channel for assuring
that their voice is heard.
The Student Power organization is planning a meeting for
claimed that the United Traction
by David Peck
today at. H p.m. The momentum
and Transport Co. (bus line) is
Students from all over ihe stale one of the largest polluters of
of the movement seems to be
packed into Lecture Center 21 Albany and that Corning is progrowing and the students' deterFriday nighl to hear Mayor
mination is escalating. A student
-ibly personal friends with the
13rust-Us Corning and Congressman * ners of Ihe company. He anssuggested that the students are
Richard Ottinger open the state- wered that diesel motors cause
"tired of being deceived by the
wide PYE Planning Conference, only one-tenth of the pollution
policies of the S.U.N.Y.A. adminOver ;!()() students came to that a ear does. Corning then left
istration in the same way the
SUNYA last weekend to make the meeting.
American people are being depreparations for the April 22
ceived by Nixon's policy of VietCongressman Ottinger, who is
nationwide teach-in.
running for the Democratic SenaMayor Corning stated
torial nomination this year, told
The text of the paragraphs of
the teach-in will be the "largest the audience that the Water RePerlmutter's recommendations redemonstration in the history of sources Committee of the U.S.
leased to the press follows:
Ihe W'irll" He stated that Albany government said that we will be
1. That Mr. Wagner be given a
has "nihod the dollar signs on out of fresh water in the year
year term, continuing his present
sewage plants." He also inplied 2010.
salary level.
that the Tobin Packing Co, Inc.
Ottinger said that "One day
That he be counseled and
shouldn't be attacked as a pol- we'll tip the balance of nature and
assisted in the completion of his
then it will be too late." The
dessertation during this time and
internal combustion engine causes
A member of Ihe New Left
especial attention be given to his
Organizing Committee stood up two-thirds of the pollution of the
course load so that he fulfills his
and charged that Corning has been air," he pointed out,
obligations to himself and his
polluting Albany for thirty years.
"Nixon's program on the enfamily.
He answered that he "Takes vironment is, in my opinion, a
2. Since he is not fulfilling the
Skip Counts and friend in a quieter moment at the somewhat
second place to no man in his love complete fraud which provides
role ho was assigned originally,
for his environment."
niether muscle nor money. We overcrowded President's Conference yesterday. The "cozy crowd" is
that he serve during 1970-71 at
apparently still on vacation.
Another member of the NLOC
Continued on page 3
the rank of lecturer.
Child Care Center on Campus:
Administration Not Committed
Corning, Ottinger
At PYE Conference