^ / ^ W
We re , \
Yes, the Department of Defense really does sponsor research right
here on the Albany State campus. The government's most perverted
instrument for destruction has planted itself right in our midst.
But there are other things to consider about this issue before we
crazily destroy anything, including our own raging minds. The
research projects being sponsored by DoD appears and are, quite
harmless when viewed in a purely scientific perspective. That is, one
can pass off DOD sponsored research as simply contributing to the
existing body of knowledge-the pursuit of knowledge for
knowledge's sake.
We must recognize that contemporary requirements necessitate the
funding of such pursuits. And money is scarce. However, the point
must not be lost that any orgnization that sponsors research will do so
only if that project will contribute to the organization's mission.
The Department of Defense is one of the few organizations that has
enough money to support many research projects that provide either
direct or only incidental contributions to its mission.
More to point (oh, how many points to consider), DoD would not
sponsor research that did not substantiate its own future missions.
It is necessary, therefore to consider exactly what that mission is.
We couldn't say. We sec the Defense Department as a conglomerate
industry developing exciting new ways to kill people at home and
around the world. We see the perverted development of chemical and
biological warfare, the perpetuation of the cold-war mentality
specifically through the development of ABM. We see the mentality as
pervading the character of all Americans, of the American society
collectively, closing minds to intellectual and spiritual development.
We must, in view of this, condemn Ihe taking of money from such
an organization. We cannot support even research that may be quite
humanly beneficial if it is tainted with money from an organization
that will twist the benefit into human horror.
Election Matters
The elections just over yesterday for University Senate did more
than merely elect 22 students to the Senate, they pointed out some
important matters which must be attended to.
The first matter for consideration is the role of Central Council in
the new University-Student Governance System. Obviously,
University Senate is now the most important legislative body on
campus; Council is now a less body and her place with respect to
University Senate should be made clear.
We feel it is highly important that there be some effective
communication between student "government" as it is now
constituted, and the students on the University governing board.
We urge Council to examine how this can best be accomplished. We
also feel a thorough examination of the entire structure of Student
Association government is imperative at this point.
Another development which was highlighted by the elections were
the ineffective methods of campaigning currently common practice on
We felt that the campaign for University Senate was, on the whole,
unsatisfying. Although there was a feeble attempt at communication,
it was for the most part ineffective.
We feel that something must be done to make the candidates more
responsible to the student body; as the situation exists currently,
there still is little discussion, really, of issues and next to no contact
between candidate and constituency.
In this election in particular, a knowledge of all candidates was next
to impossible. The space provided in this paper was not really enough
to allow all candidates to fully develop then points; yet, the number
of essays to read was almost oppressive.
The planned rally was another failure; its original concept was
faulty, but student response was amazingly apathetic.
In previous years, smaller scale operations were for more successful
than this years rally, one of the basic reasons for this was, again, Ihe
large number of candidates running this year.
All in all, one point comes through; Ihe candidates were for Ihe
most part, either unable or unwilling to reach the mass of students.
One understandable reasonf for this failure was that each candidate
had a constituency of 8,000 undergraduates. If, perhaps, the next
time, students are elected to Senate a ratio system could be used, (i.e.,
electing from living areas or classes), perhaps the contact could he
greater and more fruitful.
We urge council (or any other appropriate body) to examine these
questions and attempt to devise solutions which will produce heller,
more effective elections.
We have not printed the official ballot counts for the losers in Ihe
exciting race for Faculty Senate as we feel it is absolutely unnecessary
public knowledge (although it is available for anyone interested
enough), and such a display may, in some cases, be cruel. The
candidates can find out their position and toll anyone they please.
Central Council will probably have three cows, but...
yo« r£LLlN& \)S STUDENTS
THAT Wf DON'T ALfifr-AJiy rl/VOrV.'i
——'-'i^^F^r^usHMan />IGS?|
No Credit
State Unftwrrittf of New York i t Albany
Pass- fail passed by
University Senate
' SilS CALL Mf A O W A T K l w r
-/ - « — ., « M MI fc A Ut- FLV0
' >
j JL
CKAY, Nfl f/£E& ro GET
V i l Y OF mm f ^ s ,
TAkE me
Tr^ii™ .FAgcl
To the Editors;
On the front page of your October 17 issue,
you had a picture of the reading of the VietNam
war dead. Your caption for this picture read:
"Students deploring the death culture, listening to
the names of those murdered by the government of
these United States."
I object to this caption for several reasons.
Firstly, you have no right to editorialize your views
on the front page of our newspaper. ASP is
sponsored by funds from all of the students and is,
to the best of my knowledge, a non- partisan
publication. I do not object to the statement of
•our opinions but it should be in the appropriate
1 lace; the eitorial page.
I object to the caption, secondly, because it is
so foolish. I expect such nonsense on the front page
of Pravda with the example of LBJ, you can see that
dead Americans are very bad politics for the nem
who are leading our government. Beyond that, by
defaming our government, you are defaming the
A m e r i c a n p e o p l e f o r they p u t E i s e n h o w e r ,
Kennedy, Johnson, and Nixon into power. The
administrations of these men were and are a
manifestation of the will of the majority of hie
American poeple at the time of their elections. You
are calling the American people murderers and I
object to that very strongly. I realize that I am
lucky to live in this country with its opportunities. I
suggest that you think about this and refrain from
further childish impudence. Perhaps the United
States is wrong in its Vietnamese policy but that
doesn't make us criminal; just human.
I'm sure that ! am not alone in my views and I
hope that others will join me in this condemnation
of ASP.
I would like further to express the hope thai
t h e e d i t o r s of A S P w i l l s o o n b e c o m e more
responsible with their public trust.
Respectfully yours.
James Weslman
You're Right, You're Right!
To tlio Editors,
We are writing this letter in response to your
front page picture of Friday, October 17 issue,
caption reading: "Students Deploring the Death
Culture, listening to the names of those murdered
by the government of these United States." It
appears to us that the editors of the ASP were using
the paper as a means of expounding their personal
ideologies. We feel that the idea expressed in the
caption is as absurd as the idea of slating a similarity
b e '. w e e n t h e U.S. colonial g o v e r n m e n t under
President Washington with the Third Reich under
Hitler. It is not the U.S. government that is
murdering our men in arms, but the Communist
guerrillas and North Vietnamese regulnrs"People"
who hold life as a cheap commodity, who would
not stop short of "genocide" to meet their ends.
This issue in the "student's newspaper" is nothing
more than a group of student radicals expressing
their own views and not those of the university as a
Two concerned AMERICANS,
John J. Pavlis
Clary J. Hull
To the Editors:
A few remarks and questions to the author of
"Sanctuary" in your October 21st issue.
"Trouble" is an illusory term. On that much we
agree. But, if the University doesn't define trouble
in the context of established laws, then how should
it be defined? How can the University be accused of
saying, "You are 'in trouble' if you a human being
with peculiarly human habits?" That broad
generalization is not logically implied by the
statements: "you are 'in trouble' if you protest"
and "you are 'in trouble' if you smoke marijuana."
There is no general law against being human with
peculiarly human habits, but there is a law against
violent protest and smoking marijuana. The validity
of these laws is a question the University can and
should take a stand on, but the University can not
and should not choose to disregard these laws.
To whom is the remark, the "problem is with the
ridiculously antiquated education that does not aid
us in questioning our own morality or in
determining what our 'troubles' are," addressed?
This remark can't fairly and justifiable be directed
at the University, as was implied.
Flag Lowering
James E. Hertle
To the Editors:
oct 23
today on my way to a 6:30 class I witnessed the
lowering of the flag, as I watched I noticed a lack of
respect in the handling of old Glory, the fact that it
was cold out semmed to have more bering to our
S.U.N.Y. police officers than stand at atenchun.
hands in pockets and just genneral lack of respect
when the Blue Red & White touched the ground I
could not take anymore, could centreal councle
appropriate some money to purchase a bookelel on
the proper way to handle the flag and present it as a
gift to our security force.
The Albany Studont Press is published two times a
week by tho Studont Association of the State University
ot Now York at Albany. Tho ASP oditorial office is
located In room 331 of tho Campus Center. This
newspaper is funded by S. A. tax. Tho ASP was founded
by tho class of 1918. The ASP phones aro 467-2190,
Jill Paznilt it! Ira Wolf man
News Editor
Kttlhy I hue man
Associate News Editor
Anita Thayer
Arts Editor
Duryl Lynne Wager
Sports Editor
Daue Fink
Technical Editor
Pat Q'Hern
Assistant Technical Editors
Tom Clinuun
Linda Ktaszalt
Photography Editor
Andy Hochharg
Business Manager
Advertising Manager
Features Editor
dwelt liibah
Daniel Foxman
/furry Kirschmr
The Albany Student Press ev lines no responsibility for
opinions expressed In Its columns and communications as
such expressions do not necessarily reflect Its views.
TMenta), October 28, 1969
by Diane McNamara
staff reporter
In an historic first meeting with
student senators participating as
voting members the University
Senate (Faculty Senate) yesterday
approved the proposal for
Pass-Fail grading in all freshmen
classes immediately and to include
sophomores next year. After
approximately 35 minutes of
discussion the senators approved
adoption by a vote of 51 -31.
The meeting opened with the
introduction of the new student
senators! Dr. Finklestcin,
chairman of the executive
committee reported the results of
a faculty poll concerning the
pass-fail question. The results
were 190 in favor, 149 opposed.
The next report was from Dr.
Aronson, chairman of the
Undergraduate Academic Council
moved the adoption of the
proposal. Discussion followed in
which most of Ihe same
arguments both for and against
were brought up. Dr. Maurilz
Johnson proposed an amendment
to the proposal which called for
the pass-fail system to be effective
only alter the university had
changed its admissions policies
and not require grades of A,B,C,D
or E for transfer students from
other SUNY schools. This
amendment would have delayed
the vote on the pass-fail question
since admission policies would
have to be studied. The
amendment was defeated in a
voice vote.
and committee reports seemed to
favor adoption. He felt that
further discussion would be futile
and time wasting and moved the
question. The motion, which
required a 2/3 majority, carried
by a vote of 48-24.
The pass-fail proposal was then
put up for a vote and approved
5 1-31. The vote by the
undergraduate senators was 10
approving and 11 opposing with
one senator not present for the
vote. Thus the student vote was
not, in any way, crucial to
passage, as many had thought it
would be.
After the approval Dr. Charles
Reilly expressed his tregret that
the discussion had been cut off by
the manipulation of parliamentary
FOR THE FIRST TIME in the University's history, students are in a position of potential power,
rules. He felt that his rights and
as a result of the inclusion of 33 students in the Faculty (University) Senate. *
the rights of others to be heard on
the issue had been denied.
Di. Eson replied that the issue
had been discussed for 18 months,
that numerous task forces and
councils had considered the
question, polls had been taken
and just about all sides had been
heard thoroughly. As to the
by AraJynn Abare
precedent had been set last year unanimously ruled that, becasue
discussion being cut off he cited
when the Committee coordinated PSP Committee is a committee
the 2/3 vote required to do so.
November 15 will see SUNYA " a
massive l e t t e d
writing and not a "partisan political
For the moment the issue died
buses in Washington, after all.
p r o t e s t t h e group," it is not subject to bill
and the senate considered other
Supreme Court has ruled, by a proposed cut in state aid to 6768-73, (which bars SA from
business. A proposal for parking
three to two margin, that Student education." (bills 6869-119 & directly financing "any group
c o n t r o l passed after an
Association's money ellotment to 6869-115)
which advocates any specific
amendment by Dave Neufeld to
"assist in financing a fleet ofbuses
The monority Opinion of partisan political viewpoint.)
keep the restricted areas open for
to be sent form Albany to Justices Healt and Potskowski
general parking from 10 a.m.-3
Washingon," is constitutional.
stated that "PSP Committee,
The increased responsibility of
a.m. on Saturday and Sunday.
The Court's majority decision in...providing for the allocation of S t u d e n t
Association to all
The Senate next considered
(supported by Justices Lieberman, financial assistance to groups or members of the University, both
endorsement of a proposal by the.
Handleman, and Stephan) was individuals expressing a particular the minority and the mojority,
Committee on Student Conduct
based on the right of the Political interest or cause, did not act because all must now pay a
concerning disciplinary removal of
Discussion then returned to the students from residence halls. The
and Social Positions Committee to within the limits'* of its power.
mandatory student tax, was the
involvement in
Basis for this conclusion lay in last point ruled upon by the
of a c t i o n
cited a recent poll of students in endorsementwas overlook as
political and social controversies the argument that the two Court.
and questions."
"precedent seetting" bills and the
students discussed the merits of
pass-fail proposal and 224 were the committee proposal. It was
According to the Court, PHP more recent bus allocation,
Supreme Court fully agreed
Committee was acting within its sponsored by the PSP Committee, that, because students are given
pointed out that the Senate had
power by "coordinating the "do not merely coordinate the no, choice as to whether or not to approved and 80 were opposed, no authority over the proposal
efforts of 2797 petitioners" who efforts of a particular group, but pay the tax, their right to decide
and so those concerned should use
the issue.
are of a supporting nature."
called for SA's outlay of junds.
other channels. Endorsement was
how the funds will be spent must
approved in a voice vote.
Court stated
In another decision, the Court be fully protected.
question of whether the adoplion
A motion to adjourn was asked
The Board
of Trustees' of the pass-fail system was really for but before that could be acted
on student senators spoke on the
resolution concerning what types
He stated his belief that it polarization that they had felt
of pregrams may be supported by
wouldn't because of the individual during the meeting. Dr. Kuusisto
student tax was not considered nature of classes, but concluded
"under the jurisdiction" of the that he would vote for the system expressed surprise at this but
admitted that perhaps he saw the
court and no ruling was made.
because evidence cited in polls issues through a "different sense."
by Vicki Zelden
altered. Mr. O'Dwyer would like
Discussion then returned to the
Yes, Paul O'Dwyer will run to see a Department of Peace.
issue of discussion being cut off
again in 1970. Mr. O'Dwyer hopes
O'Dwyer thinks that the best
on the pass-fail question. Dr.
that the war will not be an issue in course of action is to have a
Perlmuttcr state that the vote
his campaign or in the primaries voluntary army as opposed to a
could be rescinded if anyone
coming up in June. Of course this conscription service. He does not
wished to act upon it in future
is up to President Nixon. And, as think that this is the perfect plan
Mr. O'Dwyer stated "we are all but he foels that it is the best for
Another senator again moved
waiting for Mr. Nixon to reveal his now. O'Dwyer definitely docs not
for adjournemtn, citing the late
plan for peace, but the purogative want the draft age lowered. It is
hour as the reason for the feelings
of silence is his." Mr. O'Dwyer his opinion that the young people
of polarization. A voice vote was
covered a wide range of topics in of this country must remain hero
taken and Dr. Kuusisto called the
his Sunday evening speech. He and be prepared to preserve our
meeting adjourned. Students felt
t h e w a r , the democracy.
that the vote was too close to call
moratorium, tho draft and other
O'Dwyer thinks that the draft
and asked for a hand vote. The
relevant topics of interest.
law must bo amended. The
motion carried and the meeting
On the war Mr. O'Dwyer feels classification
of conscientious
adjourned in an air of increased
that the war in Vietnam is objector must be clarified and
immoral, lie hopes that it will be broadened. Ho does not think that
Student Senators voting yes on
ended and that our boys will be conscientious objection should ho
the grading proposal were
sent home immediately.
for noncompliance to the system
Mr. O'Dwyer also feels that but rather for each to be able to
Goldschmidt, rCamp, Krause,
Vietnam must be tho last war. Me register his objection to a specific
Loopcr, Mathias, Neufeld, Staino,
wants no more
Vietnams. war.
and Viluno. Voting no were
However he does believe that in
O ' D w y e r commended the
Blumenslalk, Green, Kopp,
order for this to happen a peaceful actions taken by the
LaBarbera, Landcsman, Mirror,
complete and total change Is people on Oct. 15. As for the PAUL OIDWYER called for "no more Vietnams" and a department
Moribor, Schwartz, Spear,
needed in tho State Department November movement, O'Dwyer of Peace in a speech here Sunday.
Toppell, and Zipper. Nixon was
BO that national policy can be continued to page 2
On to Washington! Court
decision in favor of buses
O'Dwyer to run again
no more Vietnams
"Royal Hunt" opens
tomorrow evening
British playwright Peter Shaffer
chose to tell the tale of the demise
of a people in his play, THE
which he subtitles "A Play
Concerning the Conquest of
Peru." The play opens tomorrow
night in the new University
Performing Arts Center.
At the core of this drama,
which depicts the clash of two
cultures in the mid-1530's, is the
historical confrontation of two
indomitable leaders: the Spanish
Conquistador Francisco Pizarro,
played by Peter Hasler, and the
Inca god-king Atahuallpa, played
by Gary Restifo.
The empire of Atahuallpa
possesses an abundance of a metal
after which t h e Spaniards
lust—gold. Pizarro's relationship
with Atahuallpa, his prisoner,
develops from one of man against
god into trust and faith between a
man of truth and power, who
truly may be "god on earth," and
a broken soldier.
will be presented on the Main
Stage of the Performing Arts
Center tomorrow through Sunday
at 8:30 p.m., and 2:30 p.m. on
Sunday. Directed by Paul Bruce
C h a i r m a n of t h e
Department of Theatre, the play
employs a large technical crew
and a cast of twenty-seven men
and two women.
Also: Paul Holmes, Patricia
Jeff, P. Shawn King, Jay
Kuperman, Gary Maggio, Milledge
Mosley, Tom Muldowney, Fred
Onufryk, Gary Restifo, Douglas
Saucke, William Snyder, Michael
Steese and Robert Verini.
WONNE WARWICK bows to an enthusiastic and appreciative audience at the conclusion of Friday
evening's Homecoming concert.
Spontaneity and expression
personalize Warwick's style
PEACE, PEACE, PEACE, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace,
peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace, peace.
Candlelight Tales:
Over" sold over a million copies, captivating rendition of "Don't
Dionne has continually been Make Me Over." As she chanted
building her success to where we " Y o u ' v e L o s t That Loving
But true to the violence and
find her today: in demand by the F e e l i n g , " h e r countenance
hypocrisy of the early Christian
tennybopper in plaid bells to the expounded her sincerity as a
missionary efforts in the New
Tickets are now on sale in the
gentleman in the black tux.
World, t h e S p a n i a r d s kill box office of the PAC. Admission
The only complaint I have is
The evening began with a
Atahuallpa and defeat his "pagan" is $2.00, or free with Student Tax
unforseeable that after waiting patiently for an
people for gold, in the name of card. The box office is open from
60-minute delay. The audience hour I feel Miss Warwick should
their God. The victory of the 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. and from 7:30
demonstrated good manners by have performed longer than the
Spanish army against the Incas p.m. to 9:30 p.m. daily. The
not becoming rude but sat 45 minutes she actually sang. This
can only be subordinate to the number is 457-8606.
p a t i e n t l y waiting for Miss does not alter the fact that State
has never seen a more beautiful,
Following t h e swift and more talented, more sincere
succinct announcing of the new individual than Miss Warwick. She
H o m e c o m i n g Queen, the was aided by four professional
"Constellations" harmonized the musicians who did an excellent
soul-standard "Get Ready" and job of accompaniment.
Entering the world of Warwick
the Broadway classic "Sunrise,
Sunset." The "Constellations" was aided especially by her
impersonal world dispatched him oblivion. "Take me! Take me!" he proved far superior to what I had i m p r e s s i v e p i a n i s t , whose
by AH Hazzah
expected. Being Miss Warwick's smooth-flowing notes enticed I he
to be.
On F r i d a y , October 21,
At the end, he calls for death.
As the house lights were lit, the fill-in group, they managed audience.
"College audiences arc very
Experimental Theatre presented They have shaved his head, and he audience clapped slowly and left without trouble to surpass many
Michael Reynold's adaptation of is ready to die. Like Samson, his silently. A catharsis had taken entertainers State previously has receptive," said Miss Warwick.
"They come for a concert, not for
Gogol's DIARY OF A MADMAN. power is gone, he has only the place, and Michael Reynolds was hosted.
Performances took place at 8 p.m. strength left to bring himself unto Eurinirios
Their accompanying music was booze or anything else. That's
10 p . m . Both
somewhat loud, but this did not what I like. My performing for
standing room-only
distract from their graceful them has become very gratifying
dancing and soul singing. The for me."
I found Dionne Warwick's
"Constellations" set the pace by
The play is about a lonely
creating an anxious mood for the mimitablt! singing style and warm
Russian clerk (Reynolds) who
personality most satisfying. Bivj
upcoming Miss Warwick.
falls in love with his boss's
displayed for SUNYA students
the spontaneity, sophistication
Spot light—
Rejected, he goes insane.
and expressive mood that only the
queen of female vocalists could
To keep DIARY from falling
Miss Warwick slowly walked possess.
into bathos, Reynolds maintained
from off stage to her platform,
strict control over his part, The
singing in her most distinct
clerk's moods, anecdotes, and
manner "Aquarius." The din of
Paying highest prices lor your
moments of terror and misery
in the
pre 1965 silver dimes, quarters
were played, necessarily, in a way
gymnasium for three minutes with
or halves
the audience
Miss Warwick bowing to the
a p p r e c i a t e , empathize, and
hopefully identify with. Any false
Dionne's melancholy treatment
Any quantity all U.K.
move, and Reynold's spell would
of "Alfie" produced a mellow
have broken—for the clerk is
atmosphere as did her sensual
pathetic; yet he is also universal.
stylization of "The Look of
Love." Accepting people for what
call 472-2241 -Brian Tor daily
DIARY's total harmony was
LARRY EPSTEIN (right) and FRED 1SSEKS led a discussion on
they are and for the things they
quote or bring coins to Km
enhanced by the lighting effects conscientious objectors at the Golden Eye coffee house last Friday do is an important theme she
117, Alden Mall
and stage design. Having an amber
s u ccessfully conveyed in her
spotlight on the daughter, we
realize how she is unique to the
clerk. His empty room is pushed
Why settle tor lesB? Play pocket billiards on
back into darkness and forgotten,
Albany's finest tables.
as he adores and tries to reach the
*25 Brunswick Gold Crown tables
•air conditioned
| 'background music
And time goes on. The bells
'wall-to-wall carpeting
p|oM_ 'mezzanine lounge
continue tolling, and the music
plays, threatening. The clerk's
•the most qualified staff anywhere in metroland:
world suddenly collapses around
him. His delusions are shattered;
Joe Canton
he has nothing to be anymore but
U.S. National Champion
the king of Spain.
would you like to beat the man in your life al 5 ^ o ? ? ' M" V T * ,
" " CnamPion
"What strange customs this
Women's champion, Wednesday afternoon, at 2:30 „ v ° o . 8 ! * » ?
Wo 1
land has!" he cries. Even in an
for free induction,
at Albany', smartest and ' '
asylum he finds no sympathy. He
brightest billiard lounge. Lit her show you how
has committed the biggest crime
much fun pocket billiard, can be. Persona)
I Jh>* • " • P 0 " • o o d , ° ' " h o u , "* ' " "
of all: rebelling against hU
supervision of your game by Nancy after the
' p l " v " ' * ""* hou' °* p , * v — o n l v
308 Central Ave. Albany
c o n d i t i o n , he tried to be
instruction period.
| tood from 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Telephone HE 4-9703
something other than what an
_ _ — — — —
[ w-fcdtyt,
Reynolds' skillful
lends catharsis to
< \
GSA supports D.C. buses;
Senators, officers elected
spiritual defeat of their leader,
Pizarro, as he realized that his
friend, Atahuallpa, was as mortal
as himself.
includes: Mitchell Angel, Joel
Aroeste, Mary Baxter, Stuart Bell,
Phillip Bennis, Timothy Brennan,
George Brust, Alan Ceppos, Alan
C o h e n , Mark Copp, William
D o s c h e r , Daniel
Theodor Glazer, Jrii Guttman,
Peter Hasler and Greg Haymes.
Zezulinski and R. Herlit from
Graduate School of Public Affairs.
Representatives from School of
Education are T. Dodge, B.
Howitt, J. Knapp, M. Itzkowitz, A
Porter, B. Bollt, W. Arthurton, J.
Darcey, D. VanAntwerp, and K.
T. Mcgoey was elected from trie
School of Criminal Justice.
The newly formed Graduate
Student Association elected its
representatives on Oct 20 and 21
and thereby gained an important
foothold in the administration of
this university.
Elected positions include the
Graduate Student Association
Steering Committee, an Executive
representatives from each of the
s c h o o l s or colleges in the
University and nine positions on
the Faculty-Senate.
The election turnout was small
3 3 8 o u t of
approximately 2500 full-time
graduates students voting.
The elcted officers for GSA
Charles Stephenson, President;
Arnold Serotsky, Executive
Phil Fiel, Corresponding
Bernice Burns, Treasurere
Carol R e d d e n , Recording
Nov. peace strike,
Community action
strike. However, this organization
feels that only if the number of
A two-day student strike on protest days increases each month
Nov. 13th and 14 th was endorsed will there be any lasting effects.
by the Student Mobilization
For those people who wish to
C o m m i t t e e at their weekly take part in the Marches on
meeting Thursday night.
Washington there will be buses
After two weeks of formal
The purposes of the strike are: leaving Albany on Nov. 13th at
ruch, characterized by painted
to generate among University 4:00 p.m. and Nov. 14th at 12:00
smiles and obsequious manners students an interest in the March
noon. The cost is $10 for students
towards all those with potential
on Washington scheduled for and $15 for adults. AH those
balckball power, I received a bid
Saturday, Nov. 15th, and to interested should send their name
one momentous Sunday between
create a feeling of awareness and and money to the Albany Peace
the hours of 7 pm and 9 pm in the c o n c e r n
for t h e V i e t n a m center by October 30th.
Campus Center Assembly Hall., situation. Such a feeling is felt to
All bus riders must have a
The bast part of the day occurred
be lacking among many of the waiver, ticket, and identification.
between 2 pm and 9 pm, when
students here.
Waivers may be picked up at the
quiet hours forbade me to speak
The first day of the two-day Campus Center Information Desk.
with any member of the frat I had
strike, Nov. 1 3th, will concentrate
Further information may be
on t h e Albany community. obtained from Judy Blank or the
The following day pledging
Students will go outside the Student Mobilization Table in the
began. One night I delivered a
campus area into office buildings, lobby of the Campus Center.
speech in the Colonial Quad
factories and homes carrying
dining room on the advantages of
petitions and handing out flyers.
lifing in Troy. The dollowing day
The second day, Nov. 14th, the
I patrolled the academic podium strike will focus on the University
w i t h a "God Bless Nixon" c a m p u s . S p e a k e r s , movies,
placard. That night I cleaned the d i s c u s s i o n g
beer bottles out of Psi Gamma's demonstrations are being planned.
lounge area, dressed in a girls' gym T h e S t u d e n t
suit. The following night I was Committee feels that the Vietnam
k i d n a p p e d a n d brought to issue must not only be raised
Washington Park whereupon I among college students but also TITANIC SINKS IN ATLANTIC
proceeded to get mugged by two with the voters who represent
April 10, 1910 (Reuters)
St. Rose freshmen.
Nixon's silent majority.
The Titanic sank today amid
Hazing culminated the several
weeks of pledging. Here, however, Cimmittee has only endorsed Nov. scattered wreckage and crowded
I am sworn to secrecy. At the 14th for the student strike, the lifeboats. White Star Lines is anxconclusion of the inilalion rites, S.M.D. will leave it up to the
the President of the Frat patted students to decide if they want to iously awaiting word on passenges.
me on my dislocated hack, shook participate in both days of the So don't call, please!
my broken hand, and called me
I was deeply touched.
by Sharon Philipson
An ASP Feature
by Alan Lasker
T h e nine elected graduate
representative, to the University
(Faculty) Senate are Jereldine
Lippa, Lowell Roberts, Seth
H i r s h o r n , T h o m a s McGoev,
Wayne Arthurton, Fred Childs,
Marcy Boyle, Bill Howitt, Dennis
In a referendum vote, graduate
students holding assistantships
voted to approve an investigation
of possible unionization (119-60).
Support was also given to the
recent appropriation by Central
Council for buses to Washington
on Nov. 15 in antoher referendum
Executive Council members
elected are: S. STeinburg, E.
Garelik, K. Butler, J. Fox, K.
Kennedy, J. Lippa, O. Garcia, 0 .
N e m b a w a r e from Arts and
Ft. Young and J. Miller from
School of Business, D. Bolto, S.
Matley, J Winer from School of
Library Science, W. Cool from
School of Social Welfare, and A.
Attire: a flaming red gown. The
voice: commanding but gentle.
Internationally , famed Dionne
Warwick, only four years out of
college, highlighted Homecoming
weekend by appearing in concert
last Friday night in the
eagerly-awaiting capacity crowd.
Erected from the forces of
when "Don't Make Me
by tshmael Malowitz
The night of the candle light I will repeat the tale told by the
march from Draper Hall tothe Fraternity Brother.
Frat Brother's Tale
Capitol, I suggested to three of
The President of Inter fraternity
my fellow marchers that we each
tell a tale to make our downtown Council began the semi-annual
pilgrimage more pleasant. I Interfraternity Choker with his
promised to reward the narrator semi-annual speech. After telling
of the best tale with a free Walt's us that fraternity rushing is an
sub and a bottle of Pepto Bismol. inane (he meant "innate") part of
University life and wishing us
Unfortunately, due to lack of
good luck and good lushing (I
space, 1 can only set down on
think he reant rushing), I looked
paper one tale. Sincethe Sorority
Sister's soory is far too obscene over t h e list of the nine
fraternities in my rush book and
even for the ASP (perhaps with
the kind graces of the editors an their f u n c t i o n s
following Lhe Choker.
expurgurated version can appear
next week) and since the
Apple Pie Apple was sponsoring
financially needy student, who a blood drive at Albany Medical
secured a three dollar per hour job Center, while Beta Vic Looper
through the work study program, was holding an election. Krappa
only completed half his tale (he Beta, We R. Potted Club, Sigma
left the march, as we passed the Omega Beta (known as SOB by
downtown Flah's , to buy another friend and enemies alike), Theta
sport jacket, silk tie, and bell High Omega, and Up Your Sig
bottom trousers so that he could were all sponsoring beer parties.
appear well dressed as he did his The two State Quad Fraternities
t h e were showing stag films in the
CampusCenter Information Desk), Tower East Cinema.
After careful consideration, I
decided to attend the Sigma
Omega Beta beer party, held in
some suspicious
continued from page 3
apartment over the Central Artms
Concerning possible future
Bar. As I signed the rush book,
construction ut SUNYA, President
the plcggemaster thrust a paper
Kuusisto stated that even though
cup of beer into my hands. 1 soon
planning was being done for a
discovered that those drinking
west academic extension and a
from paper cups were rushees like
field house, there were real
myself; the brothers held mugs
problems concerning money
handsomely engraved with the
appropriations for these. He did
letters "SOB."
however, express hope that Indian
It took me quite some time to
Quad will be ready for occupancy
realize that SOB stood for Sigma
by the next academic year.
Beta. How could I go
President Kuuisisto also made
a jacket
several announcements at the h o m e
conference, lie said that he had monogrammed with SOB? The
Hi e t w i t h
t h e s t u d e n t neighbors would talk. After
representatives to the Faculty downing a considerable quantity
Senate and believed that many of beer, I passed out in a state of
constructive results would come d r u n k e n e x h a u s t i o n .
from their participation. But, ho regaining consciousness, I was
also said, that this in no way reassured that I had definitely
should limit the effectivenotss of earned an invitation to formal
the student government.
More Kuusisto
in Atlantic
tyafificftat U...
hSHWGTON AVE -ALBANY " 1 3 9 5301
Eve's 7:16 & 9:15
Sat. Cnn't. from 2 :;10
Sun. 2:30"f;30-6:30-8:30
continued through October
alt at...
Campus Center Governing
Pick up at Information Desk during week of
Poru nou"l PicMC'i Preienli
Alan I Fbkub u
Technicolor ' A Paramoynl Picture
^mmK^^UMmmmmm^ma^^^sit vtwrv vrr nifM- r
Helping one another to survive through education
By Andy Bernstein
Brave New World
Stony Brook Tops Danes, 2-1
The Albany State soccer team
hosted the State University at
Stony Brook on Saturday and
again came away still searching for
their first victory.
State fell behind midway
through the first half when the
ball squirted loose from a big
scramble in front of the Dane goal
and was kicked past the stunned
Terry Jordan, State's able
goaltender. Thus Coach Bill
Schieffelin's squad was forced to
play catch up, something which
they have become used to but
have not mastered.
S t o n y Brook u p p e d its
advantage to 2-0 late in the first
half when a Dane defenseman's
miskick was converted into a
score when an alert Long Islander
defenseman put the ball into the
In the third quarter, Albany's
determination from the start of
the second half paid off. Captain
Jim Shear scored, cutting the
margin to 2-1, after a beautiful
display of passing from teammates
Demetrius Michael and Gavin
Louder. This was the way the
score remained, however, with
State's tremendous second half
effort just falling short.
According to Coach Schieffelin,
if he had planned for everything
to go wrong before the season had
started, things couldn't have
h a p p e n e d better. Absolutely
nothing has gone the Danes' way.
Admittedly, a team has to make a
share of its breaks. The Danes
have not, yet by the same right,
they still have not received their
own. They have made simple
mistakes, leading to opposing
team goals but have generally
played good soccer.
Obviously, the team's weakness
is scoring. Thus far, they have
netted only eleven goals for an
average of only 1.25 goals per
game. The defense has been
basically sound and at times
outstanding. It is a shame that
their offensive teammates cannot
Meanwhile, the junior varsity
squad has been creating some
fireworks. After manhandling
Brooklyn by a score of 6-1 last
week, the Baby Danes shut out
Oneonta Saturday by a score of
1-0. Phil Call registered the Danes'
Blow Your Mind
by Jay Marshall and Nick Fataclas
This year marks the tenth anniversary of hte cohabitation of New
Yorkby the Jets (Titans) and the Giants. During this time, many
quarterbacks, both great and not so great have make their respectively
famous and nnot so famous marks in the record books. In the
cebbration of this historic year, we have decided to again test your
l.Name the first quarterback ever to play for both the New
YorkTitans and New York Giants.
2. What college player led the nation inpunts and kickoffs in 1963?
3.Who backed up Charley Conerly in 1959?
4.Name the three quarterbacks that the Giants drafted drafted in
1965 to replace Y.A. Tittle?
5.Who was the first quarterback to pass for 4,000 yards in one
6. In 1961, the Tiatns traded Al Dorow to the Bills. Name the
quarterbacks who follwoed Dorwo until the arrival of Namath.
7.In 1965, Howard Cosall made the follwing quote leading to the
acquisition of what QB? "In wake of the recent fiasco at Palmer
Stadium, the Giants are in definate need of a new quarterback."
8. Name the player that the Giants traded to the San Francisco
49ers for Y.A. Tittle.
9,When Earl Morrall was hurl in 1966, what quarterback did the
Giants acquire to back up Gary Wood?
lO.The Jets received tight end Jim Colclough form Boston for what
11. Name the three quarterbacks that the Jets drafted in 1965.
!2.What Giant quarterback played in the same Arizona State
Backfield as Cahrlic Tayler, Tony Lonick and Henry Carr?
13.Name the two Giant quarterbacks that played for "Ole Miss."
H.Who was the first quarterback to pass for over 3,000 years in the
IS.Who were the four quarterbacks that the Giants used in 1964?
Coming Tues., Oct 28
and Wed., Oct. 29
Featuring a great line of Bell-Bottoms, Frye Boats,
and Suede Skirts, Pants,
Jackets and...
Boston State Cops Title
Stonitsch Breaks Mark
The 3.6 mile Junior Varsity and
Bob Familant
varsity track team
Freshman division, was won by
sponsored the third annual
Albany Invitational Cross Country Colgate with thirty-six points.
meet on Saturday hosting a total They were led by John Jeffrey
of 29 Varsity, Junior Varisty and who finished second. The winner
was Bruce Fischer, who guided
Junior college contingents.
Boston State won its third Syracuse to a second place finich
straight varsity title with a total of with fifty-three points. Albany
68 points. They were paced by finished sixth among the nine
Tom Dempsey, Steve Perisino, competitors with 175 points. The
and Lou Prggiero who finished leading runner for State was John
s e c o n d , fifth, and
ninth C o m e r f o r d
respectively. The winner was Ron twenty-ninth.
In the Junior College Division
Stonitch who covered the five
mile course in a record 24:57. He the wimmer was Orage County
led C.W. PPost College to a second Community College with 59
place finich with eighty points. points. Suffolk was second with
State led by Dennis Hackett and 73 points, Cobleskill scored 92,
Tom Mills, finished eleventh. Canton scored 126, Duckess
There were over fifteen teams scored 132 and Auburn finished
c o m p e t i n g . Hackett finished last with 133. Oragne County's
eights with a time of 26:21. This Bill Wilber and Gerry Manlon
first and second
was the best time ever recorded finished
by an Albany runner on the home respectively. The winning time
course. Mills finished 46th and was.l8:03.
was awarded "runnere of the
Credit must be given to Coach
meet" honors for his fine effort. Bob Munsey the organizer of the
There were over one-hundred meet. The meet was well run unci
runners competing in the varsity a highlight of this years
"homecoming activities."
©irtonn Lamitkair Sk@pp©
great Caps and Hats, Fine Silver Jewelry,
C.W. Post's Ron Stonitschfinishingfirstin Saturday's meet
"The Great Norton Fringe Look"
Imported Scarves, 5 Inch Ties, Sunglasses,
Bangles, Hand woven ponchoes, mittens and gloves...
Skins and Furs
The Women's Intercollegiate
Tennis Team ended
undefeated season by defeating
Russell Suge on Thursday by a
score of 3-2. In other matches,
Albany defeated Oneonta 3-2, and
Skidmore 5-2.
On October 9 some of the team
members traveled to New Paltz
for the Women's Eastern
Belinda Stanton was the only
member of the Albany team who
made it to the second round, but
was then defeated. Georgann Jose
made it to the semi-finals of the
consolation match. The winner of
the women.* singles was Sally
Ride from Swarthmore, and the
Call IV 9 - 2 8 2 7
or IV 2-0228
I'l'limo Subs Minimum)
And a general line of funk!
8 pm 1 am
Sun & Other Special
Days, 4pm-1am
doubles team winners were from
Mary Baldwin in Virginia.
The organizational meeting for
women interested in playing
Basketball will be held Monday,
November 3 at 7 p.m. in room
125 in the gym. For more
information please contact Fran
Kilinski at 457-8971.
ud|Bu 'SUIJJHO 'poo/w 'a|11!J,
•91 e|11U I'l 3 u !JJ! J 0 uu *IO
pun AIJOUUOD foi4iiu,o in MOJIM.
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iSpauuo>i UIOJ, (i auoi|spioo noq
•H 11"-"°^ l4,,5I '/. "•U'>J!I'U. "IIW
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•cj ifojoj, Uliof 'n>iU|j,K|Uio| qot|
'oriDlips AJUOI-I -\, /wiiiiH oil-iooi) i:
poog RMQ Z dnasHojQ ,>.!') 1
1969 AT 7:20 P.M. AT THE
PLEASE CALL 869-0881
BETWEEN 8:00 A.M. and 5:00
In the entire world one corporation, one business
dominates the shape of the future, as it is now
calculated and framed. The name of the corporation
is International Business Machines. IBM! This
corporation employs more than a quarter of a
million people and of that number most are college
graduates (none are union members), who are
nursed, groomed, dangled, directed, encouraged,
threatened, converted by a society that requires this
human feed for its blueprints. The stock value of
International Business Machines is more than all the
gold ever collected in Fort Knox. Its activities
reaching into 105 countries and into the minds of
presidents, teachers and churches and parents and
sheriffs, govern much of the world's advanced
technology. This involves space, under the seas, on
the earth, in almost all of the universities and
individual occupations, governments, congresses,
general staffs, banks, industries... and the hopes
they engened in the hearts of man in his quest for
Who of those targeted for this "brave new
world," qho study in the American universities, is
really taught? The neglect of the student, paralleling
the neglect of the society from which he springs, is
the twin failure of the university ... for the
university is really the instrument that expresses the
will of that neglected society to prepare persons to
buttress it and extend it. The restrictive philosophy
of general education with its accumulated formulae
and its rigidly defined curricula simply explains why
higher education had better fulfill its responsibilities
to students, and to society ... and quick!
The world has narrowed, the time is fleeting, yet
the university remains parochial. In acknowledging
that the central fact of modern American life is
education and the central onstitution for defining
the quality of American life is the university, what
can we say to those in ferment when they know too
well that no matter how we worship the ivy and
how we measure the methods, they will be sucked
into the vortex of a programmed society that differs
only in degree from the sweatshops that magnetized
their ancestors in their struggle to survive.
The university is the instrument with which the
young define their own special qualities and their
own special growth. They measure the failures of
their elders, and the achievement, as Ihey prepare to
take their places in their world fractured by
violence, i s o l a t i o n and alienaLion. Their
understanding of what a university should be is so
much more profound than that held by the
faculties, the trustees, the administrators, the pitiful
state legislators and the elusive congressmen.
The upheavals in American campuses are not
effected by the terrorist enemies of the American
nation. In one way they are the incidents in the
contemporary record of our real social, economic
and political revolution. But, fundamentally, they
are manifestations of the emergence of the
university as the one focal institution in our modern
society. The military-industrial state is jealous of its
guardianship over it. An informed youth, aware of
the conditions necessary to sustain human life and
the democratic spirit, is determined to change it. He
knows that in the miasma that is our land...the
indifferences, the criminality, the special privilege,
the dishonesty of high office, the breeding of
ghettos, the poisoned environment...must be dealt
with by those who must inevitably take over that
land...the new generation. The university must,
above all. relate to the survival and happiness of that
birth and survival can coexist with the achievements
of man's sensory apparatus! Abundance, population
and America's future can only be directed with
intelligence and sensitivity by a generation educated
in its own fashion.
Schools must learn away from agression and
acquisition and the deep roots of conflict. Belief
once again, in the human dignity and the values of
the species must be revitalized. Universities must
not be poisoned by the national dictum that says
they must provide minds and flesh to counter the
Soviet space program, Swedish steel manufacture,
Japanese production methods.
Concentration on subject matter, heaped on
appallingly neglected generations has spawned a
banality and aimlessness that subverts the human
purpose. To embrace reason in our new schools
wem must abandon superstition and mindlessness dabbling and strengthen the university with a
relationship among students that will make their
lives worthwhile. The leaders of our land claim
insight as a result of greater experience. That is
spurious because the youth today in the colleges are
qualitatively different from other generations.
History has provide this picture so many times
before, it so easily ignored and betrayed just as
many times .
generation. Their prospects, their enduring, their
power, their minds, must be protected., guided,
trained by the universities...and those universities
must be entrusted to the young while the college
apparatus maintains honorable guardianship over
their humane endeavors.
Studies for Individual Growth
The concern for individual growth must be a
source ingredient in a new kind of school. The idea
of social action, the awareness of the interplay of
society's pulses and the ability to apply the
students' emotions and talents to the plotting of a
better social experience must be integral to any
university's responsibility. The role of personal
experience in its pure and connected forms is
critical to a higher form of education.
Students shall learn what they need to learn.
Curriculum must change from a series of prescribed
courses to a range of resources. Resources such as
aids, community service, books, geographical
involvement, on-site projects, other students.
Organized activities for new kinds of learning
i n c l u d e g r o u p courses, meetings, seminars,
community projects paralleling field work, library
study and conferences with faculty, independent
study in which students wit the assistance of a
faculty member designs and pursues an individual
program, and direct source involvement in learning
Studies can be selected from human behaviour,
societies, cultures, world problems, physical
sciences, mathematics, biological sciences, the basic
and profound arts (music, architecture, drama, art,
crative writing, literature), education, psychology of
the society, language studies, the American
community, the ghetto, the military, the university,
the industry, the future.
On campus daily work programs require
all-student participation. Work forms must be
plotted. Entire communities, assisted by visiting
experts, are connected to the plans and the
conferences as broad problems of communication,
survival, and municipal policy are faced.
Policy objectives, aids, blocks, criminality,
projection and competing philosophies in all areas
of national and educational life are explored.
Encouragement of social invention and inculcating
in academic life the desire to advance the knowledge
of self-worth into brave areas of needed change.
Students must reshape the quality of modern life.,
Not for spiralling profits or a new automobile. For
simple decency so man on this earth will not
obliterate himself and his chemistry.
New Values, New World
We here feel the inadequacy of the values so
many adults spawned for us; drives for possession of
things, academic definitions, myth of America's
good intentions. All this breaks down in the search
for a dignity to the life style. It seems papably
absurd to embrace learning conditions and
university functions while the history of its
bankruptcy is a record of catastrophe.
The old values, the old buildings, the old lessons,
the old places, inventions of another time, hold true
no longer in the great excitement of being young
today, and facing the new realities.
Each new generation of students must create its
own forms of learning. The range of possibilities is
enormous. With the dream-like abundances, so
indiginous to our geography and talents higher
education should be available and accessible to all
with the right to reject academic learning in favor of
more fruitful learning experiences if desired.
Choices are possible in the belt that sends young
people into computors and armies and auto and sted
and the myraid of mind furnaces that castrate and
weaken is stopped on route and the value system
that measure all the technocratic domination is
rejected once and for all. The younger generation is
in the process of synthesizing a new wisdom. That is
the real education.
The force shaping the university is that force of
technology controlled by giant,
impersonal bureaucracies. Instead of radical talking
about historical inevitability, it is now the economic
planners in the state department who cluck
truculently about the great leveling force of
technological development that will, in the same
time, assimilate all learning, all revolutions and all
cultural diversities into one grand, agressive,
Setting aside such rhetoric is the thing to cope
with. Shall universities yet be strangled by the
insatiety of socio-economic voraciousness or do we
believe that we as individuals can be changed... and
thence, society. Tied to the trajectory of traditional
learning-or are dead.
Helping one another to survive through new
belief in education is the task before us.
The main torrent in our national existence must,
inevitably, be education. Goals, however
hardly defined. The achievement of joy in life has
always been feared by high places and yearned for
by the brutalized and the denied. Western
c i v i l i z a t i o n , through its manacled officers,
suspicious churches, jealous rulers have eschewed
pleasure and joy as a threat to the goal-disciplined
designers of our culture. Matter, energy and massive
development of human resources in critical to the
s u s t a i n i n g of the national pulse. National
u n h a p p i n e s s has r e s u l t e d , here. National
unhappiness can also flow from the drive to ecstasy,
without goals. The great American script of 1789
opend up the vale of an ecstasy but the thwarting,
the rewriting and the extemporaneous exploitation
has evoked a new language in deceit. 102.4 million
people in our land have right to know just where
Tower East Cinema
in the State Quad Pole Room
If J©M (ssiirrt g© to
n§k5imgtoifiipj®M cam
d® §@inmsitkiinig rigkit
(formerly the Flag Room)
Oct. 31 at 7:00 and 10:00
k(Slf © If you are going
why not start here?
~begins 3 hours
before the buses leave
7p.m. Friday, November 14
to 7 p.m. Saturday, November 15
Nov. 1 at 7:00 and 10:00
(with Boris Karloff.
Peter Lorre a n d Vincent Price)
(with Vincent Price a n d L u a n a A n d e r s )
<fo to w.ti.uc.e.j.
public notice
public notice
Student Association
Supreme Court
Decision On the Bus Appropriation to Washington D.C.
(BUI CC 6970-24)
Under consideration is the constitutionality of CC 6970-24 challenged in a referral
presented to the Supreme Court of the Student Association of the State University of
New York at Albany, by Bert Devorsetz. The Court now renders its decision.
Re: Devorsetz referral: "Until November of 1967 Student Association had never
funded any group of a partisan political or religious nature. At that time Council enacted
an allocation of funds for the Young Americans for Freedom chapter organized on the
campus. This allocation was rescinded by a further paragraph of bill 6768-73. No religious
organization to my knowledge has evur challenged the aforementioned precedent.
Central Council has acted in direct contradiction of past statute and precedent. The
group involved will be the first six hundred students to buy tickets for the bus. The
march, not just the war, is a partisan political issue since there, in facts, different opinions
are argued by politicians."
The Court will now differentiate between a group and a committee.
CC 6869-14-Central Council Rules 1968-1969, Section VIII Parliamentary Authority,
Part A states "The rules contained in Robert's Rules of Order Revised shall govern
Central Council in ail cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not
inconsistent with the special rules of order of Central Council." Robert's Rules of Order
Revised, Article IX—Committees and Boards, Section 52—Committees, Special and
Majority Opinion
The Constitution, Article I, Central Council,
Section 3: Duties and Powers, part d states: "The
Central Council shall be empowered to provide
effective communication for relating students of the
University Community and with the broader
community as well."
Section VIII—Political Involvement of CC
6667-47 states: 1. "That it shall be the primary
responsibility of the P.S.P. Committee to study and
coordinate involvement in political and social
controversies and questions, which are above and
beyond Position Statements. 3. That it be the
primary responsibility of the P.S.P. Committee to
make recommendations with respect to any such
The Court feels precedent had been set in CC
6869-115—Action on State Cut to Education which
supported "a massive letter writing campaign to the
New York State Legislature in order to protest the
proposed cut in State aid to education. . ." and CC
6869-119 which transferred monies for the
implementation of this writing campaign P.S.P.
Committee coordinated. (The American College
Dictionary states on to coordinate: "To combine in
harmonious relation or action.") the efforts of the
student body.
On October 2, 1969 P.S.P. Committee introduced
into Central Council a petition, signed by 2,797
students, petitioning Central Council to assist them
"in financing a fleet of buses to be sent from
Albany to Washington" on November 15, 1969.
The Court rules that this action was an action
coordinating the efforts of the 2797 petitioners. CC
6970-24 was "above and beyond" a Position
Statement (see CC 6667-47 Section Ill-Position
Statements) and P.S.P. Committee was therefore in
its capacity to make recommendations to Central
Council in the form if a bill (CC 6970-24). In light
of the Constitution (Article I, Section 3, part d) and
CC 6667-47 (Section III) the Court rules bill CC
6970-24 to be constitutional by a vote of 3-2-0
(Justices Handelman, Lieberman, and Stephan
concurring, and Justices Healt and Potskowski
Minority Opinion
The Court does not dispute the power of Central
Council to actively relate student interest to the
community at large as well as to the University as
stated in the Constitution, Artice 1, Central Council,
Section .'): Duties and Powers, part d (as
aforementioned). The Court also agrees that CC
6970-24 was above and beyond a Position
Statement (see CC 6667-17 Section HI—Position
Statements) and that P.S.P. Committee has the
power to ". . .study and coordinate involvement in
political and social controversies and questions,
which are above and beyond Position .Statements."
Coordinate is defined by the American College
Dictionary as "To combine into harmonious
relation or action," i.e., to bring together. The
Court contends that Political and Social Positions
Committe in sponsoring bills CC 6869-115 and CC
6869-119 (which have been termed precedent
setting legislation) and CC 6970-21, providing for
the allocation of financial assistance to groups or
individuals expressing a particular interest or cause,
did not act within the limits of CC 6667-47 as
defined in Section VIII.
On March 13, 1969 P.S.P. Committee sponsoro-1
Standing states: "It is usual in deliberative assemblies, to have all preliminary work in the
preparation of matter for their action done by means of committees. The committee may
be either a 'standing committee', appointed for a definite time, as a session or a year; or a
'special (or select) committee', appointed for a special purpose; or a 'committee of the
whole' consisting of the entire assembly."
CC 6869-14 Central Council Rules 1968-1969, Section Ill-Committee Formation A.
Standing Committees, Part 3, states: "The following shall be cotfsidered the Standing
Committees of Central Council: a. Election Commission, b . Finance, c. Solicitations, d.
Student Ambassador, e. Student Tax." CC 6667-47, Political and Social Positions Policy,
states in Section II Committee, part 1, "That there shall be established a Political and
Social Positions Committee, as a standing committee of Central Council (P.S.P.
CC 6768-73 part 1, states: ". . .that Student Association monies shall not be used to
directly finance any group which advocates any specific partisan political viewpoint." and
part II, states: ". . .that the Budget passed for Young Americans for Freedom be
rescinded." The Court feels that the Young Americans for Freedom is a definite political
partisan group which espouses a definite political doctrine as stated in the constitution.
The American College Dictionary states a standing committee is "a permanent
committee, as of legislature, society, etc., intended to consider all matters pertaining to a
designated subject." The Political and Social Positions Committee is not a political
partisan group and therefore is not subject to CC 6768-73. The Court so rules by a vote
of 5-0-0 (Justices Handelman, Healt, Lieverman, Potskowski, and Stephan concurring).
The Court will now consider the constitutionality of bill CC6970-24—the
appropriation to Political and Social Positions Committee.
bill CC 6869-119 which related to a particular
interest or cause—aid to education in New York
State. CC 6869-119 allocated $385.00 to cover
expenses of writing letters to students' parents
asking t h e p a r e n t s t o write their state
representatives in protest of Governor Rockefeller's
requested reduction in aid to education.
On October 2, 1969 P.S.P. Committee introduced
into Central Council bill CC 6970-43. The Student
Association Brief stated that this "...petition of
2797 manes served as the Council's basis for
financial support..." The petition stated: We the
undersigned hereby petition Central Council to
support, for humane and moral purposes, the
anti-war march on Washington on November
15,1969, and, we also petition you to assist in
financing a fleet of buses to be sent from Albany
to Washington on the same date, so that those
whishing to do so may have the opportunity to
denonstrate against this unhumane and immoral
The Counrt maintains that bills CC 6869-115, CC
6869-119group, but are of a supporting nature.
Webster's Third New International
defines support: To uphold by aid, countenance, or
adherence: Actively promote interests or cause of."
By a l l o c a t i n g funds to finance
aforementioned letter writing campaign and the
buses to Washington the Court rules that bills CC
6869-115, CC 6869-119, and CC 6970-24 presented
by P.S.P. Committee are beyond the legal
limitations as set forth in Section VIII of the P.S.P.
Policy S t a t e m e n t and are
unconstitutional. The Court votes 2-3-0 (Justices
Healt and Potskowski concurring, and Justices
Handelman, Lieberman, and Stephan dissenting.)
Re: Devorsetz referral: "Furthermore Council has
acted in breach of its trust with the student body.
Since the student tax collected by the Student
Association is mandatory, not voluntary, the
Council is in fact charged with a greater
responsibility than it was when Student Association
was voluntarily joined. The Board of Trustees noted
this in their recent pronouncements (Court:
seeBoarcl of Trustees Resolution of May 16, 1968 •
.102.1 1)."
On a referendum held on April 28-30, 1965, 24%
of the student body (20% needed for a valid
referendum) voted 787 in favor, 91 against, and 6
abstentions (q.v. ASP May 1, 1965) in favor of the
proposed Student Association Constitution now in
use.) Article I, Section 3, part f states "The Central
Council shall have the power to determine student
tax, to establish general financil policy, to allocate
funds, and to have ultimate power of audit and
control of student finances."
The Board of Turstees relolution 302.14, gave the
Student Association the power to "fix and assess
upon themselves an annual fee." On a referendum
held on April 30-May 2, 1969 1070 people voted
(20% or 979 people needed for the referendum to
be valid) 563 to 507 (q.v. ASP May 6, 1969), in
favor of having mandatory student tax.
Henceforth Central Council has become a duly
elected body based upon majority rule and the
protection of minority rights. Minority rights are
protected by voice of dissent, election of
representatives to Central Council, and by appeal to
the Supreme Court of the Student Association.
Central Council has the power to dlelgate monies
and its misappropriation may be appealed. Student
Association (i.e. Central Council) has a greater
responsibility to all members of the University. Teh
Court is in agreement upon this point by a 5-0-0vote (Justices Handelman, Healt, Lieberman,
Potskowski, and Stephan concurring.)
Action not talk
goal of new group
by Liz Elsesser
Women's Liberation Movement,
a newly
organization 1B working hard to
achieve recognition on campus.
They are in the process of drawing
up a charter, as well as obtaining
literature and organizing publicity
Female status and awareness
were among the discussion topics
at yesterday's meeting. The reason
why there are so few women in
full time, high university positions
was questioned. Women are often
centered in home life, but this is
not by choice.
This organization feels that
women must act, not just talk. To
facilitate this, Women's Liberation
Movement has decided to sponsor
programs, literature tables, guest
speakers and films. Thought and
action on the part of women is
more important than legislative
Beginning with
problems, the Women's Liberation
Movement hopes to then branch
out to more important aspects of
the "feminine mystique." One felt
that the infirmary set up was
unfair and that women should be
issued birth control pills. It was
mentioned too that hours for
women on other campuses need
to be abolished.
On the national level, women's
status must unquestionably be
raised. The few women who hold
any sort of influential positions
nowadays, are often incompatible
to fellow females as employers
simply because of the competition
involved. The reputations of
women athletes and politicians are
not what they should be only as a
r e s u l t of i g n o r a n c e . The
"unfeminine" connotation seems
to usually appear.
Meetings of the Women's
Liberation Movement are open to
any university women-faculty
and students. Possibly in the
future, when the committee has
b e t t e r established itself, the
meetings will be open to all.
A b o r t i o n laws, birth-control,
alimony, and other related male
vs. female topics will be discussed.
The next meeting will be on
Monday November 3rd, at 3:00
p.m. in the Campus Center
fireplace lounge.
Press Conference
There will be a meeting of the
Campus Young Conservatives Commission on Oct. 3 1 , at 4:45
will meet tonight Tuesday Oct. 28 p.m. in PAC-B-28.
at 7:30 in CC 373
Dean F.J. Ticknor will be the
Open Meeting,
A l b a n y I n s t a n t Colloquium lecturer,
on "Has Imperialism a
Film-Making Society Wednesday,
Future?" Sayles Hall, Oct. 31,
October 29, CC 316, at 7 p.m.
1969 at 2:00 p.m.
by Judv Baldasain
The major portion of President
Kuusisto's weekly conference
Monday dealt with the Pass-No
Grade proposal discussed by
Faculty Senate yesterday. The
president stated that such a
system would enable freshmen
and sophomores to more easily
adapt to college life, but there
would also exist the danger of a
resultant general lowering of
standards on the part of both
faculty and students.
In relation to this question, Dr.
T h o m e , Vice President for
The YOung Peoples Socialist
Student Affairs, stated that he
was against this proposal, even League will hold a short and vital
though he was for the concept meeting on Thurs. Oct. 30. Room
behind it. According to Thorne, will soon be posted.
the current proposal was unfair to
students in that it did not allow a
student to know his academic
Fri. Oct. 3 1 , U.S. Department
of Agriculture interviewing majors
In response to a request by the
in a c c o u n t i n g ,
Non-Violent Action Group for use
government, political science,
of university facilities for a draft
psychology, sociology. Majors in
counseling center and library, Dr.
b u s i n e s s , f i n a n c e , statistics,
Thorne said that a go-ahead had
c o m m e r c e , m a r k e t i n g and
not been received but that a more
m u s t have 6
formal answer was forthcoming. accounting credits completed.
continued to page 2
O'Dwyer on 1972
continued from page 1
realizes that many will not be able
to go to Washington. However,
there is plenty to be done in local
communities, He urges those who
are not going to Washington to
work in their communities.
There was also a wide variety of
t o p i c s i n t r o d u c e d by the
audience. On the presidential
prospects for 1972, O'Dwyer says
that George McGovern is alright,
but there are others. He made a
strong suggestion that Harold
Hughes of Iowa has, in his
opinion, very good credentials.
O'Dwyer also feels that there
O'Dwyer strongly believer that
the environmental problems in the
as p o l l u t i o n
discrimination must take a greater
role in politics. As for whether or
not Mr. O'Dwyer feels that he can
win next November he replied,
"that is up to you in the
Wednesday, Oct. 29
CC 316
7 pm
with the help of
Preparation f o r
NOV. 5
9 P.M. EST
are any number of Democrats in
New York that are capable of
beating Governor Rockefeller.
Since the Chicago convention
O'Dwyer feels that some state
wide changes have been made in
the Democratic Party.
Paul Lieberman, Cliiel Justice
Jay Handelman, Associate Chief Justice
William Healt Jr., Justice
Edward Potkowski, Justice
Carl Spephan, Justice
The following positions are still
available on University Senate
C o u n c i l s
a n d
Committees:Personnel Policies
Council, Committee on Academic
Freedom and Professional Ethics,
c o n t a c t Terry
Mathias in Campus Center 346 or
call 457-3430,
T h e o d o r e W h i t e ' s award
w i n n i n g film
On Nov. 4 at 11 a.m. in Sayles
"China: Roots of Madness" will
be presented again this Wed. Oct. Hall Lounge, Mr. Stellenwerf of
29 at 7:30 in LC 19.
U n i v e r s i t y
Pennsylvania'sWharton School of
Finance and Commerce will meet
RYM II of SDS is holding an with senior students in economics,
open informational meeting political science and related
Wednesday, October 29, at 8 p.m. disciplines who are interested in
in H u m a n i t i e s 1 3 2 . David graduate study in governmental
A mobile unit from the
Mathews, SDS regional traveller administration.
Narcotics Association will be on
for upstate New York, will talk
campus Oct. 28, 29 and Nov. 12,
about current RYM II activities.
On Nov. 5 at 3:30 p.m. in 13 from 9:00-5:00 p.m. at the
Sayles Hall Lounge, Kenneth circle. The unit will display
S y r a c u s e Bode, Director of Research for various forms of narcotics. The
University - School of Law - the McGovern Commission, will unit is being sponsored by the
students interested in Admission speak on the Reorganization of c a m p u s Social Confrontation
to Syracuse University College of the Democratic Party.
The Deworsetz referral makes reference to the
Board of Turstees Resolution 302.14 as to what
types of programs may be supported by an annual
fee. The Court's jurisdiction "shall extend to all
cases, in law and equity, arising under the
Constitution, the laws of Student Association, and
enactments made or which shall be made, under
their authority." (Article IV, Section 2 - Student
Association Constitution) Resolution 302.14 does
not come under this urtisdiction, therefore the
Court shall not rule on this point.
Re: Devorsetz referral: "The issue then may
come back to whether the war or the march is a
pertisan issue, I believe strongly that it is."
According to the jurisdiction of the Supremo
Court (Article IV, Section 2 • Student Association
Consistution), the Court shall not rule or state its
opinions on the morality or political implications of
the war or the march.
So Rendered by the Supreme Court of the Student Association of Hie State University
of New York at Albany, this Twenty-Seventh Day of October, Nineteen Hundred and
Undergrads; does the
existential crisis really exist? If
you are interested in intimate
weekly discussions of these kinds
of questions, call438-6709.
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No Requirements
Why should a Political Science' or English major be forced to take
twehrei credits of math-science? Will the fact that he has fulfilled
univeristy requirements pacify the student who has not had the
opportunity to fulfill his own requirements? We think not.
The intellectually stimulated student is sell-motivated. He will taKe
courses that satisfy his intellectual desire; however, as of now, he must
also take courses that satisfy somebody else's definition of intellectual
desirability. This student learns nothing (maybe a few facts) from
these courses. Sometimes he is so boredithat his personal motivation is
decreased as a result.
With the coming of departmental programs university-side
requirements are no longer necessary. Departments may exempt their
majors from every requirement but the accumulation of 120 credits.
When will this universitylearn that the theory behind the necessity
for education is a theory based on individual self development and
self-help, not forced conformity for the purpose of common
Students forced to take poorly taught, uninteresting and irrelevant
introductory courses will not want to continue education. As a result
they cannot spend time with more mipd-expanding courses. They will
know however, that the purpose of the university is to get that degree,
signifying no personal accomplishment.
Faculty too, should be freed from taking courses which are a
"source of frustration and a waste of lime to themselves, departments
and students."
Students today, it was noted by Dean Morris, are enleiing
universities with "a level of instruction and sophistication not
congruent with the level of frehsman course offerings."
These introductory courses, however, arc made the prerequisit for
more interesting upper level courses.
Exposure to alot of disciplines is important. Forced exposure
defeats its own purpose and does alot more harm than hood. The
student will not become self-educated if external forces continue to
pull his mind away form himself.
Demonstration goodness
To the Editors:
I hope that the recent orderly demonstrations for
peace by the University students of America have
opened our mind's eye to their goodness. Far too
many adults are all too content with a superficial
and shortsighted appraisal of youth. 1 believe that
very many of these students have a much better
grasp of the facts and chronoly of the Vietnam War
than we do as adults. I believe that they more
sharply discern the contradictory statements of our
politicians, as their past statements relate to their
present actions, or lack of actions.
Are the reasons for continuing to permit the daily
loss of lives both civilian and military valid ones? If
there are valid reasons, in what sense are these
reasons valid? Granted the premise, that human lives
everywhere on this earth are precious, let our minds
and consciences come to deal with these questions
with only two objectives. One is truth, the other is
justice. What is the truth? How do we justify the
continued killing? What "will work or will not
work" in the mind's eye of our politicians has
nothing to do with the answers to these questions.
Damn the pragmatic to hell's door! In the name of
the pragmatic we have fiddled and fussed too long!
Too long have we hidden our faces from the fact
that it is possible to know the truth! The hour is
late. We must search our souls. Truth measures us!
Do we know that? Are we failing truth by turning
our backs, by not looking? • our fellowmen will find
it hard to forgive us. Is it possible that our students
have become more concerned with the answers to
these questions than we have as adults? Do they
have more anxiety in their hearts over these events
than we do? I am ashamed to say so but I believe
that it is true. If it is not true, than lor the love of
God let us prove it!
This very week past, the names of our fellowmen
who have lost their lives in this still continuing
tragedy, have been echoed and re-echoed from east
to west on the lips of our students in a personal
tribute, in a tribute to what it means to be a person.
Our dead will bless them God bless them for their
concern, for their insight-a person is sacred to
them! You and I Mt. Citizen had better believe that
they love us. The students have given us signs. God
help us if we no longer believe in signs for while it is
forgiveable to lose one's way - God help us if we
tear up the map.
Robert J. Moore, M.D.
330 New Scotland Ave.
Albany 8, N.Y.
To the Editors:
Your article on the New Democratic Coalition in
the October 21st issue of the ASP contains a great
deal of misinformation about the Young Democrats.
The first correction to be made is the distinction
Marcy Boyle
Regional Director, College Young Democratic Clubs
of America.
To the students of Albany State:
I am u linecht-cker for the State Quad dining
hall, who has a bone to pick with 60% of you. The
new foodserviee policies are well known to all of
you and apparently disliked by most of you, therein
lies my gripe.
Within the last two weeks I have witnessed the
most disgraceful behavior that I have ever seen.
No-one has deduced the fact that foodserviee
policies are NOT, for emphasis NOT, decided by the
student workers. Instead they are treating us as
lowly peons 'bo deserve obscenities, dirty glares,
or Treat ?
Friday, October 31, 1969
Stttt Unfocnfty cj New York it Albany
SMC: strike, march
and war referendum
by Roy Lewis
THE NARCMOBILE WAS ON CAMPUS this week hoping to educate us preventively. A typical University
student exits from the entrance. Education!
between the Young Democrats and the College
Young Democrats. The College Young Democrats
(CYD) is a college group and a separate organization
from the Young Democrats (YD) which is made up
of non-college people under the age of 35. The YD's
were recently disbanded by the Democratic State
Contrary to the information in your article the
CYD's receive no funds from the Democratic Party.
Although we are the officially recognized student
organization of the Democratic State Committee
and the Democratic National Committee, we are
provided only with office space by these groups.
Being the official student group of the
Democratic Party has not prevented the College
Young Democrats from taking positions at variance
with the Democratic Party structure. In 1966, the
College Young Democratic Clubs of America were
expelled from the Democratic National Committee
for the remainder of the Johnson Administration,
because of their strong stand against the Johnson
policies in Vietnam. At its annual convention in
June, the New York State College Young Democrats
refused to endorse the Democratic nominee, Mario
Procacino for Mayor. College Young Democrats, as
a group, have taken positions at great risk in the
past and continue to do so today.
The SUNYA College Young Democrats
appreciate the value of NDC-some of us are
members of NDC, or have worked with NDC. But
we can also see the value of CYD. Since we are the
official student organization of the Democratic
Party, the party leaders come to CYD, not to NDC,
to hear the voice of its student supporters. Indeed,
National Chairman, Sen. Fred Harris, will be
listening to the result of the National Convention of
the College Young Democratic Clubs of America to
be held in Nashville, Tennessee next week.
In short, support of NDC does not necessitate
opposition to CYD. In fact, of one supports NDC, it
is foolhardy not to support CYD, sii e CYD already
has a voice in the Democratic Party
grabbing, and shoving. The joke of lifting the
mealcard face-high and smiling stupidly and saying
"That's realty me" loses its flavor after 200 comics.
Being branded with obscenities can be taken only so
long. Being ignored to the point of refusing to show
mealcards, sneaking in while friends keep me busy,
etc., since it can cost a student his job, also wears
So the next time you get a "hard time" on the
line, remember how many times you and your
companions asked for it, and how long we, the
student help, refrained from giving you exactly
what your revolting behavior has so deservingly
earned you.
With disgust,
Gary Anderson
To the Pathos People:
To you who want mc to "die and bu b.'aten
fighting for a legitimate cause" in Washington: for
some reason you remind me of a Genera], calling for
troops to fight the Red Menace. Although you may
be radically opposed idealistically. you give me a
noble goal whose means arc just as morally
Maybe the Stones preach "violent revolution,"
but they also suggest that riot and violence is
Satanically inspired. And I cannot excape the
feeling that you will watch me bleed from the
television in your room.
Michael Lippman
The Albany Student Press is published two
times a week by the Student Association or the
State University of New York at Albany. The ASP
editorial office is located in Room 334 of the
Campus Center. This newspaper is funded by S.A.
tax. The ASP was founded by the class of 1918.
The ASP phones are 467-2190,219'!.
Jill Paznilt & Ira Wntfman
News Editor
Kathy lluseman
Associate News Editor
Anita Thayer
Arts Editor
Daryl Lynne Walter
Sports Editor
Dave Fink
Technical Editor
Pat O'Hern
Assistant Technical Editors
Tom Clingan
Linda Stuszaft
Photography Editor
Marty Benjamin
Business Manager
Chuck Bibak
Advertising Manager
Daniel Foxman
Features Editor
Worry Kirschner
The Albany Student Press assumes no
responsibility for opinions expressed in its
columns and communications as such expressions
do not necessarily reflect its views.
'Demon of the credit hour9
hurts a student's education
by Judy Novicky
"The key issue involved in the
question of academic freedom is
the proper relationship bclwen
the disciplines and real life
experience." Benjamin Dc Mott,
speaking Wednesday night in the
first of a scries of seminars
by the English
D e p a r t m e n t , feels that the
University community is basically
an arlifical environment which
needs to be "turned out to the
i in in c d i a c y of
In this way. DeMott explained,
"the lines between intellectual
growth and personal growth
would not be finely drawn."
I n his lecture
"Universities and Immediate
Experience," DeMott went on to
say that a University environment
in which life's
experiences are integrated with
the disciplines lends itself to a
flexibility in structure.
The former faculty-student
hierarchy is broken down and an
honest discourse dcvelopes among
and students. "The
fundamentals of these two forces
come out in the open."
DeMott feels that the "demon
of the credit hour and course
requirement" removes education
from the realm of personal
1 He cited the
comprised by the Columbia
faculty in the wake of student
u n r e s t last spring as an
unfortunate effect of this barrier
between faculty and students. He
' ' o p e n - m i n d c d n es s,''
"exploration," and "possibility"
on the part of faculty members.
" N o faculty
orthodoxy as the Holy Stone of
academic freedom."
DeMott went on to say that a
faculty which takes this united
stand, as Columbia has done, is
insisting on an absolute barrier
not only between faculty and
students but also between the
d i s c i p l i n e s and
Insistence on this barrier "leads
to a lock on the viability of a
University." DeMott feels that a
document of this kind is an
attempt "to keep experincc off
the campus."
Mr. DeMott is a Professor of
English at Amherst College. He
has written two novels, THE
VlAN. He has also written three
collections of essays: HELLS &
and his latest
here and to coordinate activities
with Buffalo State, Harpur and
Stony Brook in order to achieve
state-wide action.
The final order of business for
S.M.C. concerned their student
strike on November 13 th and
14th. There was considerable
dissension on the exact nature of
this strike with the ultimate
result being a motion calling for
Thursday, November 13th to be
reserved for further study and
Friday, November 14th, to entail
Campus action. The motion
Possibilities of community
a c t i o n such as door-to-door
campaigns, leaflet hand-outs and
S.M.C. collaboration with G.E.
workers were also discussed. Two
committees were formed to
investigate possible activities for
both days.
Dave Mathews, upstate regional
traveler of Rym II of S.D.S. also
addressed the group.
November anti-war activities
and defense recruitment on
campus were two of the topics
discussed at a lengthy meeting
Wednesday evening of the Student
Mobilization Committee.
William O'Kain opened the
meeting by reading a newsletter in
which the official position of
S.M.C. on the Vietnam war was
stated. Basically S.M.C. calls for a
total withdrawal of U.S. troops
from Vietnam now as well as the
immediate termination of U.S.
support for the Saigon regieme. It
was emphasized that this position
is considerably different from the
Young Socialists' position of
"cease-fire now."
Discussion ensued on a recent
ASP article dealing with Defense
Department funded research on
Campus. While the majority
seemed opposed to the presence
of these monies on Campus,
several members of S.M.C. made
Department funds are not solely
employed for military purposes.
O'Kain then called for a group
of volunteers to probe the exact
nature and amounts of these
Five scholarships of $1000 each
contracts for further discussion at
the next meeting. He reminded are available to students applying
S.M.C. members that one of the .o the Institute for American
established policies of S.M.C. is Universities for an academic year
"no war-machinery on Campus." at Aix-en-Provence, in southern
The possiblity of a S.M.C. France. The Institue, chartered by
u n i v e r s i t y - w i d e the University of the State of New
referendum on Vietnam and York, and under the auspices of
on-Campus military recruitment the University of Aix-Marseille,
was also considered. O'Kain cited founded in 1409, is designed for
a recent outcome of such a American undergraduates who
referendum at Harper University wish to study abroad and have
B i n g h a m t o n ) . credit transferred to their home
Apparently the overwhelming universities.
In addition to the above
majority of students there agreed
for an end to the Vietnam war as awards, 25 tuition grants and a
well as an end to defense and French Government scholarship
defense affiliated recruitment on of over $1000 reserved for French
majors, are awarded each year,
Applications should be made
The Student Government at
Binhamton has threatened to by airmail directly to: The
Institute for American
close the University if University
officials do not abide by the will Universities, 2 bis, rue du
of the students. O'Kain proposed Bon-Pasteur, 13 - Aix-en-Proto intoduce that same referendum vence.
Five French
Conservatives call for
end of mandatory tax
by Glenn Newman
The Young Conservatives C! ib
began circulating petitions calling
for Central Council 1o hold a new
referendum regarding die issue of
the mandatory student lax.
They contend thai there are
numerous reasons for reviewing
the mandatory lax policy. One
major reason is the use of the tax
money foi rental of buses to take
Personnel Policies Council of
I lie University
Senate still
representation so that it may
function with a full range of
views. Among the general topics
under discussion are academic
freedom, professional ethics,
faculty economic and professional
welfare, and the handling of
general faculty funds. If you are
interested please contact Terry
Mathias in CC 346.
people to the peace rally n
Washington on November 14.
Other points mentioned were
that since the tax was made
mandatory there have been no
significant reductions in prices at
concerts or in the lax itself as
were p r o m i s e d . They also
maintain that there has been no
increase in activities provided by
the Student Association.
flic Conservatives feel that
because of the closeness of last
year's referendum and the small
response to it (563-507 out of a
student body of over 10,000)
Central Council should reopen the
question lo further debate.
Petitions will be available on
dinner lines and a table will be set
up in the CC Lobby.
The petition reads:
We the undersigned hereby
petition Central Council for a new
referendum to be held regarding THE LIFE AND LAUGHTER OF CHILDREN was brought to campus by Greeks last night when they
the issue of a mandatory student sponsored a Halloween Party for youngsters from the city.