Saturday, May 6, 1941 ALBANY S t U D I N T PRESS PH«2 KiJlFolkU. or, thffourth eime It's round The music of the Holy Modal Rounders, progressive old-llmeyor rockaMUy depending on your own bag, Is hard to talk about because It strains the credibility. For Instance, they play a marvelously dirty, funky, greasy "Hesitation Blues" and a version of the 1962' rock-pop piece "Mr. Bassman." Their more Incoherent songs were psychedelic before anyone started using the word. Stampfel and Weber, who make up the group, also strain the credibility. Stamptel has played with Mac Grundy'S Old-Tlmey Wool Thumpers, The Strict Temperance String Band of lower Delancy Street, the Merry Order of St. Bridget String Band, the Temporal Worth High Steppers, and other aggregations. He says his musical lnsplra-, Hon comes from Grandpa Jones, I GOT MY ORDERS ONE WAY OR T'OTHER THEY A L L GET IT. Other ThinpTw Spring is here, Spring is here, life is skittles and life is beer, skooby doo, ringalingadingdong! We, the staff of the ASP, would like to formally announce that according to the calculations of Dr. Harry Crull, Television personality du jour and P r o fessor of Astronomy, due to the fact that March 21 has come and gone quite awhile ago, we can assume with some degree of authority that Spring really is here. Although frost and snow arestillbeing experienced, the weather bureau of Al bany was quick to assure us that this is perfectly normal. However, on April 29, 1967 we did see the sun, and we are going to use that alone as a prior evidence that Spring does exist. We would here and now like to state that our position is definitely in favor of this event taking place, even if it does not occur until May. Because, mainly, Vet's Field and the Lake area are awfully uncomfortable in those nice dark evenings if it's cold. We mean like beer in the park is boss. And other things estions It has come to our attention that none of the names of the buildings on the Academic podium show a hell of a lot of imagination. Like, how much imagination does it take to name the education building the Education Building? First of all we must have the Lester end to the paper if better ones cannot be found I Margaret Dunlap To the Editor: Sara Klttsley I want to write in and tell you Just what I think of your lousy rag of a newspaper. First of all you never On Referendum get your stinking pictures wltti the right captions, and even if you do To the Editors! I am Just writing In to say I was they are the same pictures that you surely pleased to hear how about ran the week before. There Is absolutely no Imagina- well the students there at the State tion in your story writing. All that University of New York unit at Alyou are is an annotated Campus bany reacted to the Vietnam referClipboard. As if to make It worse, endum. It certainly does myself, the stories defy ail rules of Jour- and all my buddies down at the nalistic tradition and tear no r e - Pentagon a world of good to realize semblance to the correct usage of that somewhere a campus Is can the English language. be duped by u s . " Yesssiree. The editorials are always Inane It doesn't matter that the referenand poorly written and are only out- dum was deceptively written so that done in mediocrity by the editorial although a student might not approve cartoons. Don't you ever make any of the present action in Vietnam effort to get columnists that have (both North and South of course) lie anything to say, or does anyone who could still Indirectly support It by submits something get it printed on voting not to condemn the U.S. forthe editorial page? mal policy, The sports page is unreadable Because obviously our formal polwhile the Arts page shows all of ley Is not expected to have any the sophistication of a fifth grade correlation with the actual action educatlon. In addition, there has not taken. Thus, the student may be been a worthwhile feature spread tricked Into voting a pro rather since September. ">e BOO, Tricky, (By the way the In conclusion, about the only good President has asked me to secure thing that we can say about the paper the names of the committee which Is that It Is not printed during the drafted the referendum for future summer As two concerned stu- recruitment of Pentagon staff).>••• dents, we call tor the Immediate Then of course there was iha resignation of me editors and an beautifully misinterpreted editorial ASP Bites WILL YOU VOTE? Press ALBANY, NEW YORK extension of a superiority complex. (Well-deserved...M.S.) He has filled a library with books by Sartre, Camus, and Kierkegaard that he read in public, but given a choice, he will always pick Jack Douglas, Marquis deSade, Alan King, and Paul Krassner (editor of the Realist). does just what he god-damned pleases anyway. He holds the World's Championship for being able to alienate someone on 7 seconds flat. _ His motto is "Clean mind — - 9 Clean body — Take your pick I" He can be every bit as romantic as Jackie Vernon. He equates wit with cynicism. He was voted Teacher's Pet by his high school class in one of the greatest pieces of satire ever r e corded. His taste in clothes runs somewhere between careless and tasteless. He Is a good cook, but feels that doing dishes will give you disease. He likes slapstick comedy and he didn't like Dr. Zhivago. He saw Sound of Music 176 times. His favorite expression is " G a ^ cocken often yom." Don't ask anyone what it means. Guess. He was a disc jockey on WSUA for two years. He hates work but loves money. He used to get high on one glass of beer. He ran for class office only once and lost. He rejects authority because his mother wears Ben Franklin glasses. His brother is mod and plays the drums while his sister plays the clarinet. That's why he never goes home. •* He drives a four speed off t h e ' floor but usually gets in reverse when he wants first. He likes the song "Pied Piper" by Crisplan St. Peters because he think it's sung by a religious sandwich. He has dandruff. He's going to school in the south next year becausu he hates cold weather. He's from Port Chester, New York but he usually Just says he's from Westchester hoping they'll think he's rich, He murders goldfish. He likes fish sandwiches. j He thinks he can think only If he has a cup of coffee In front of him. He drinks it when It gets cold. you printed yesterday. Personally, the brigades and I doubt that you meant that referendums of major political crises were useless as such, except that this referendum was not detailed or designed to be sent to the "policy makers in Washn e always asks at least DO people Ington," However, all your readers for their opinion before he makes seem to have misinterpreted you, aI1y major decision but then always and the whole thing makes you come out sounding like you are In favor man ish tana A Kick in the put the Christ on a shut-up and do-nothing policy which frankly suits me and the ha iyla ha leh back in Chrysler ASP Pentagon fine. Please place us on your mailing nikoll ha lay los? list. We haven't been reading the The KITA is published yearly by the inmates of the New York "New York Times" since they financed that lunatic Salisbury, and State Home for the Bewildered. The office is open from 4 to 5 are really in neod of good stimula- on alternate Tuesdays. The phone number Is 382-5968. Don't , tion and news-coverage. call. Enclosed is a Pentagon good rnerNutty Meg and Not Fitsley it award with five gold stars suitable garbage collections / o r j r a m i n g . Perhaps I can even stop Large Burdon Don Pettysano StewLupert, o v o r o n m y n e x ( visit home. Which l e a ( j s me t 0 close on one sorepotnt, Tool philosopher, social critic, u 0 y, an old soldier can't even come moralist, anything home ( 0 | , a v e a COUple of casual but photographer conversations with LBJ and Elsen. Glen the Sap Napoleon Cromie hower and make a couple of per- Smdrty Marty Troublemaker assistant Schmuck budding dictator 6 U a s i v e speeches Oust a pari of my Silverjtw Linda Van Put-on j o b ) t o tlie folks lack home, Loose Bruce Neverwas Hasbeen General' Westmoreland pimp Gary Schitte p , s . Don't believe anything you hear Business mangyer a b o u t Vietnamese women and chlldren, TUESDAY. MAY 9. 1967 V O L . L l l l , NO. 23 Council Invalidates Elections Due To Several 'Irregularities' by John Cromie Central Council suspended its operation on Gentle Thursday by declaring the popular election of Its members and of the members of Living Area Affairs Commission invalid. This declaration concerns only the elections of April 24-28, 1967. The main reason for the invalidation of the elections is that the elections were not conducted in a "just and proper" manner as called In the Student Association Constitu- Around The Counter Intelligence Maddox School of Education. This is to show all of our budding educators the value of education and how it is necessary to obtain as much education as possible or you will never obtain a position "The opinions of some men are to be .regarded, of prominence in this world. And of other men, not to be r e If we are ever to remember the most garded." —Plato exciting event to ever happen on this campus, the canceling of a full day of THE TRUTH ABOUT classes for the first time in about a MARTY SMARTY million years, it is obvious that we Smarty Is a guy you hear a lot from, but most of you know very must have the Plague Physics Building. little about him. Now for the first This will also commemorate the most time In print, we have the exclusive story of the REAL Marty Smarty. salient feature of the plague. He has an evil mind but he's To honor the greatest mathematical NATO. concept since the Roman numeral, we He once had a car which he called suggest the Pope Pius Mathematics the Mayflower. The name, he says, because of all the girls who came Building. We are speaking, of course, is across in It, That's closel of the Rhythm method. On the walls of his apartment he For obvious reason, we could have the has large posters of Allen Glnsburg and Marx brothers. These r e Election Commission Security Building. placetheones of Batman and Alfred E. In honor of her tremendously suc- Newman. That should give you an idea of his tastes. cessful beautification programs, the garHe reads Marvel comic books °age depository will be named for Lady while he eats every meal (even Bird Johnson. breakfast). His favorite meal is a bowl of Of course we must have the Dr. pretzels and kool-aid (red). Timothy Leary Chemistry Building. He sometimes doesn't wear socks. Next we have the Edward Durell Stone (That's when you know when all of Business Building, because that's what his underwear is dirty.) He cuts down fraternities and sorhe gave us when we paid him for the orities because he never could make designs. the grade himself. He was rejected at every sorority he tried. How about the Jacqueline Kennedy He is a sloppy kisser. Physical Education Building because Although he reads three newsshe's been a real sport lately? papers every day, he never reads Anyone with further suggestions may the New York Times, the one he deposit them in the Lady Bird Johnson always carries around with him. Although you may think that his Depository outside the Humanities Build- biting satire is a coverup for a ing. •- basic insecurity, it really Is an COMMUNICATIONS Charlie Poole, the New Lost City Ramblers, Little Richard, Lenny Bruce, Donald Duck and various roots and herbs. Weber, by his own account, was ordained Into the Free Catholic Church and has performed a marriage which is still valid. His poetry has been published In the village periodical F*ck you (bu# without asterisks). Weber says that he grew up on the streets and had adventures. They often sound like drunken chickens or sex-crazed alley cats and seem to be having a hell of a lot of fun doing it. As folk singers they are the most eclectic of anyone I have ever heard. They combine old-tlmey, blues, blue grass, rag, and 1920's pop. Its no wonder' that they got together In the Fugs. In person the Holy Modal rounders are an assault on the senses. Folk you. tion. The alleged Irregularities In the election were mainly results of a poorly organized method of screening applicants and of running the election Itself. Dr. Richard Kendall presented the current opinion when he stated that "the Information presented to him made him doubt that the elections were proper," There was no time allotted for the self-nominations to be screened before the ballots were made up. When It was found that some of the persons running were not qualified the word was sent out to cross their Cleveland Presents Letter To Student Association STATE FAIR, the culmination of a highly successful Campus Carnival Week wos held Sat. Almost $1,000 was raised for Ambassador Program. A letter similar to this was presented to Central Council members Thursday night from William Cleveland. actions is now yours; I hope I have your support, I would close with one point—if toying with temptation Is a crime and Justifies the voiding of the election, then I am guilty and the elections are void. But, If people are to be judged on their thought then I have done nothing wrong and the elections are valid. William Cleveland names off the ballots. Some of the people in charge ot the elections In the quads were not Informed of the changes. Consequently some people were deprived ot their vote and the election was not properly run. ~-^ k Also Involved In the rationale behind the council's action Is the fact that all the ballots of the election were not kept In a central and s e cure place. Although it was brought up, the Council decided not to Invalidate' the class elections and MYSKANIA elections. The main reasons for this action was that the Council had no power to act upon this measure according to the laws of the Student Association. It was stated by Andy Mathias that the moral Issues concerning a person should be left out of the discussion. The elections, by act of the Council, will be open only to those students who nominated themselves previously and are qualified to run. The election will not be under the supervision of Election Committee but of MYSKANIA of 66-67. Voting will take place on May 10, 11 and 12 from 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. In the Coat Check Room of the Campus Center. Fellow Students, During the March elections for class officers and MYSKANIA,Iwas studying In the Student Association office. In the same office In the closets were the ballots and ballot boxes for those elections. For a moment, temptation overtook me and I found myself at my desk with Elections for seats on Central Mathias, Patricia Matteson, Elty a pile of ballots. I started through Council and Living Area Affairs M e n a c l i i e , S u s a n Sammartano, the pile marking the ballots for '58 Commission will be reheld this Charles Young and Andrew Zam- class officers and MYSKANIA; forweek. The previous election was belll. Only three seats are open. tunately, as I wrote, the realization of what I was actually doing came declared Invalid by Central Council Paul Butterfleld, David Cumlast week because of several voting mings, Diane del Toro, Thomas to me. irregularities. The elections will Ebert, Gregory Hicks, Carol Jonke I clearly recognized the mistake Dr. Donald Donley will lecture a follow-up session. be held May 10, 11 and 12 from 9:00 and Jeffrey Mlshkin are seeking the to 4:30 at the coat checkroom. In- three seats for the Council from the which I was about to make and on the area of communications as Thursday's program hs been deplaced the marked and unmarked it affects group interaction Thurs., auguration will be held May 14 at Colonial Quad. ballots in my desk drawer. In this May 11, at 8:00 p.m. in the Cam- signed as a result of this question8:00 p.m. at the Campus Center naire in order to present a program The two seats on Central Council action I made a value Judgment pus Center Assembly Hall. Ballroom. on communications open to all from the State Quad are being sought which I felt at the time and continue The lecture is a follow-up s e s - newly-elected and experienced camThe following people are running by Vic Looper, Dotti Mancusl, Carol to feel was best for myself and sion to the "highly successful" for Central Council from the Dutch Mowers, Craig Springer, Margie Student Association—the elections Leadership Training Workshop held pus leaders. Quad: Sue Archey, Ro Cania, Dor- TouraJlan, and Natalie Woodall. Donley Is a professor In Educawere never tampered with. last Feb. at Dlpplklll Camp. een Frankel, Thomas Guthrie, PhilC. T. Company, Carol Ilettie, JuThe purpose of the original work- tional Administration and executive ip Hoffman, Paul Lleberman, Terry dith Mills, Mike Parker, Christine director of the Capital Area School Later that night after I left the shop was to foster leadership Hoot are competing for Commuters office, Vlnc.en Abramo, the Vice- through understanding and to "en- Development Association under the for the three seats. President of Central Council, was courage interaction among those University's Center for Research and Field Services. Six seats are open for LAAC from looking for some tape. In his search, student leaders who attended." Dutch Quad. The following people he came upon the ballots In my desk. A questionnaire was later sent The program will include active are running: Pamela Doscher, Delia The following people were then out to determine the success of the audience participation and will be Gelson, Philip Hoffman, William alerted that the ballots had been workshop and also to determine followed by a coffee hour and InJones, Susan Levenberg, Donna Le- found: Vice-President Tliorne, Mr. areas of Interest In preparation for formal discussion period. vine, Cherle Levy, Terry Mathias, Brown, Klleen Tracy, and Margaret Mady Mlxson, Edward Hedelberger, The sum of $980 Is a just indica- Stephanie lilce, Madeline Schnabel, dunlap. tion that State Fair weekend, though George Taylor, Ellen Tolkoff and Since It was obviously a student plagued by Inclement weather, still Connie Valis. affair, the students had to make the proved to be a moneymaklng sucNelson Atkin, Paul Dreslln, Hob decision. They decided that since cess. Much credit is due to the Stale Fair Co-Chairmen Sharon To- D'Elena, Diane del Toro, Thomas no Infraction had actually been comback, Jim Small and Joe Zanca as E'bert, Adele Endlokofer, Susan For- mitted, that It was In the best Interwell as Miss lluckhalter of Student mal!, Jay Handelman, Shannon Ila- est of Student Association that the zen, Cheryl Hester, Bob Holmes, incident be forgotten. Activities. Carol Jonke, Phyllis Leltner, Nancy Friday night's Kitchen Sink Dance, LePoro, Fran Litz, Bob Mulvey, Weeks later, knowledge of the though poorly attended due to rainy Leda Sanzel, Susan Sutton, and Barweather and conflicting social func- ry Weinstein seek the six positions Incident went beyond the original students. A group of these students tions, featured the mustlc of the In- from Colonial Quad, » to whom the Information spread vaders with occasional breaks for The candidates for three positions have now decided that tlie Incident contests and auctions. The presence of representatives from Psl Gumma, from State Quad are Mary Coffey, should lie publicly aired along with Vic Looper, Dottl Mancusl, Bonnie other deficiencies in the election Alpha PI Alpha, Alpha Lambda Chi, de Lancey Hail Gamma Kappa Phi Mattlce, Veronica Sharp, Craig procedure, Today's ASP carries the and various Independent groups, in- Springer, Margie TouraJlan, Joanne entire story and requests election reform. Further, It has been brought cluding IFO, at Saturday morning's Wahl and Natalie Woodall. Tlie six positions from Commu- to my attention that a referral has parade-motorcade did an admirable ters are sought by Jeff Brewer, been prepared for presentation to Job of waking up the two new quads, Tht moneymaklng trophy at the Grace Fortunate, Wlllium Grolner, Supreme Court requesting the inCarney Kopa, Joe McCullougb, Marvalidation of the Class, MYSKANIA, Carnival was won by Delta Sigma PI by their turning over $134. The Jorie Miele, and Itosemary Thom- and Central Council elections. son, other four trophy winners were 1 feel qulle strongly that as memKappa Delta, Fair's Best; WSUA, bers of the Student Association, you best publicity; Class of 1007, best GET YOUR TORCH TODAY decorated; and Brubacher Hall, most AT THE FUTURE BOOK- deserve to lie alerted to tlie entire original booth, Thre staff mem- STORE AREA, BASEMENT situation. I ran for the presidency of Central Council because I feel bers, Dr. Steuer, Miss Rose and Dr. Clark served as Judges. Con- OF THE CAMPUS CENTERI that my contributions to this Student Association Justified my re-elec- PANTY RAIDS WERE .toged Wednesday night gratulations are also due to Joanne TWO TAX CARDS MUST BE tion; I would hope this Is the reason Dutch and Colonial Quads, and the girls r.cipr by boys en both Wuhl and Kay Adell for winning the ocated on Then. I was elected. The judgment of my j 0 "J Miss and Mr, State Fair Contest, PRESENTED. Condi, LAAC Elections To Take Place This Week Campus Carnival Activities Finish With State Fair Student Leaders To Attend Lecture On Communications