IYOT AHAHTSTUOWTMIM -fti»# Dane Losing Skein at 7; Plattsburgh Next Game A RayViewof Sports kg ftc» McClMt ;* This Sunday, April 24» the first AMIA track meet of by Mike Connelly the year will Ibe held on Vets Field. If this meet Is as siena's Indians handed Albany State's Great Dane successful as last year's two, we feel that an Albany n l n e ltfl ^ v e h l h straight l o s s Tuesday, 8 - 3 . A four run State track, team will appear o h the athletic horizon, m a r g l n on Saturday failed to stand up a s Potsdam State within the year. won 6-5 and in Friday's home opener, the Lakers from Stale Golfer Bill Kane Last y e a r ' s two m e e t s , which revived a tradition that Oswego State handed the Danes a 6-3 setback. The wtnetf for a number of y e a r s , showed the i statesmen host Plattsburgh tomorrow at 1:00 esa had been by-passed Vanity Linksmen firwnt D a n A s o u t h i t t h r e e singles. A perfect throw to tremendous interest and available talent that would be - j ^ threat uar.es ouuiu ^ pUte bjr Moore cut ott v^r BowtoUtica the basis for a SUNYA track team. Siena 10-8, but three double potsdam run most ot last year's With_only a week and a half s notice, last year's p l a y s b y t h e Indians erased Potsdam scored the ^ [ " e "in wWith ..„ ,„highly u n m05 , OI msi first AMIA track meet attracted sixty-two entrants ^ threats. Tom Egelston |» the sixth ™ " ^ " " J L f ^ gone, successful (io-2) varsity linksmen representing six teams, t h e meet was witnessed by a a n d Denny Elkin were the Kttmg'hero for the Danes with faces gone, acoach Docbuilding sauers' year golf team rugged this large crowd of enthusiastic spectators who supplied „itchers for the Statesmen, two singles and the triple. Despite season. The team lost Its first match of Mlentv of e n c o u r a e e m e n t f o r t h e p a r t i c i p a n t s . Danes only scoring was In s e v e r a l g 0 0 d scoring chances, the con- mandThe Jayi nMoore as Staab scattered their the year last Tuesday when Utica p l eThe n t y . 0times 1 e n c oand u r a distances i p u i o m iu±were m o Vtruly n . remarkable v ^ not put across the flfth n i n g w combined h e n R a y c l to a n f score r l n i s t tying a t e s m erun, n could College handed the Danes a 6 1/2sidering the short notice of the meet and the condition a run, and In the ninth when Clan- nine hits. 2 1/2 loss. _The only State wins and Goldych scored. Moore Oswego Spoils Opener of the field. As you all know, one way or another, Vets frtnl were turned in by Mike Bloom, In was State's most potent batsman in the home opener on Friday, the second man slot, and Bill PenField is better suited for woodchuck hunting than it is with a 2 for 3 performance. Oswego handed the Danes their fifth as fifth man. Ray McCloat for a track meet. The 100-yard dash was won in a fine Clanfrlni and Pep Plzlllo each had straight defeat. The Statesmen led dergast, halved In the third slot. two hits, and Andy Christian, Dom 2-1 after three Innings as Plzlllo 10.5 and the 220 .in a snappy 22.9 The mije was cap- Martlno, and Hollis Tomaselll each singled, stole second, and went home Utlca's John Guomo was medalist with a fine 77 over Plnehaven Countured in a 4:50 (later improved to a 4:32 in the second had one apiece. on Christian's single. try Club's windswept 35-36-71 laymeet) and the half-mile in 2:05. And the other statistics In the Potsdam game, the North- Inglno walked and left-fielder out. He defeated Albany's Bill Kane, countrymen got off to a quick lead Martino singled Christian home. In were equally as good. with a run in the first on a single, the second, Plzlllo made a diving 3 and 2. Bloom won his match over Ron One can only imagine what the results might have a stolen base, and a double, but the tab of a grounder at second to save Lazenby, 2 and 1. Paul Cataldo deDane Dlamondmen came back in at least one run. been had the runners had ample time to condition them- the Statesmen's lead did not hold feated Fred Nelson In the fourth selves for the meet and had they run on a cinder track. lead. second frame to take a 5-1 upThe slot, 3 and 2. Pendergast won his however, as Oswego came right match on the 18th hold, one up. For weeks now many, of the runners have been prac- Third baseman Bill Inglno walked back in the fourth with three runs, Ron Rlchter defeated Bob Platner ticing on their own for this meet. With all the frater- to open the Inning, and then scored and two more in the sixth, to take a of Albany, 6 and 5. nities expected to enter teams and several independent and ^a single i by^ Ray^Clanfrlni. ^ ^Short_ «The Danesmen « State's golfers meet Siena in an rallied in the ninth squads as well, we can only feel highly optimistic stop Jay Moore then singled Kanko- .to score a run on singles by Ingino, away match next Tuesday. On Satlenskl home and scored himself as Martino, Kankolenski and Clanfrlni, urday, the linksmen travel to Hamilabout the meet. ton College for a revenge battle Plotrowski slammed a triple to left but it was not enough to offset the there. It is our sincere desire that Albany develop a track and scored on a wild pitch by Pots- three run lead, team in the immediate future. Track is the greatest of dam pitcher Dick Staab. all individual sports, and all of you can remember the Potsdam Ties Score spirit and enthusiasm created by track meets in your Potsdam chipped away at the lead, high school days. Also, varsity cross-country coach scoring a run In the fourth on a R. Keith Munsey, who we are sure would pilot such a single, a double, and a scratch Inhit. The visitors came back to team, would have the additional recruit attraction of a field tie the score at five-all with two track team to interest prospective runners. Infield hits, two State e r r o r s , and Once again we are appealing to the student body for support of this program. This track meet presents the Sports unique situation of affording sports fans the opportunity to take a short, yet positive, step toward the formation S c h e d u Ie$ of a much-needed and desired new team. If you don't want to participate and are still interVARSITY BASEBALL ested in showing your support of such a program, attend April 23 Plattsburgh the meet, cheer the runners, tell athletic director Mer- April 27 Utica 29 Siena lin Hathaway (who will most assuredly be there .— April April 30 New Haven measuring the turnout, spirit, talent, etc. — and weighing May 5 RPI» the merits and possibilities of a Dane track team) that ^ay 7 Utica* New Paltz you are in favor of starting a track team. May 10 13 Qulnnlplac* The meet will start at 2:00 p.m. By 5:00 p.m. the " j *14 Central Conn.' fate of an Albany track team will have been decided. May 18 New Paltz Mav 20 RPI What's your decision? April April May May May May May VARSITY TENNIS 23 Plattsburgh 29 RPI* 4 Oneonta* 7 Utica 10 New Paltz 14 Central Conn.* 18 New Paltz* 1:00 3:00 3:30 1:00 3:00 2:00 3:00 FIRST DOUBLES TEAM of Tom Slocum and Ken Zacharias prepare to do battle in home match with Potsdam. They won the match. Netmen Split in Two Matches •Away game NMtes£|gft)^ STATE HURLER TOM PIOTROWSKI executes follow.fhrough in home game against Potsdam. Piottowski lost bid for first Dane win 6-5. STUYVESANT JEWELERS 'Home of Distinctive Jewelry and Gifts' Omega Bulova Wallace International Sterling The Albany State Great Dane tennis team opened Its 1900 season by splitting its first two matches, as It was edged by Oswego State, 5-4, In the opener last Friday, and then Mere are the AMIA I960 basket- shut out Potsdam State, 9-0, the ball all-star selections as picked next day. Next meet for the Danes by the captains of the teams; Is tomorrow at 1:00 when they face Plattsburgh State at the New CamFirst Team: pus tennis courts. For ward--Denny Elkln (APA) Forward—Joe Home (Celts) In the Oswego match, the netmen Center—Warren Manix (EEP) split the 0 singles matches with the Guard—Wayne Smith (EEP) visiting Lakers but then faltered In Guard—Kirk Ellis (Kb) the doubles, losing two out of three. Second Team: Forward—Andy Christian (EEP) Zacharias and Slocum Visitors Forward—Ken Zacharias (APA) Ken Zacharias and Tom Slocum, Center—Lance Anderson (KB) playing numbers one and two, r e Guard—Ray McCloat (EEP) spectively, easily won their singles Guard-John Nauinowltz (Celts) matches. Zacharias had no trouble {15< OFF ANY LARGE • Good Only April 2 5 , 2 6 , 2 7 PIZZA Large Assortment of Pierced Earrings Diamonds Set Whlle-U-Wait Watch and Jewelry Repair Headquarters for College Jewelry Student Charge Account Available Stuyoeiant Plaza .MA'MM I Call 434-3298 ' S < PIZZA •HAMA TI0NS BEGIN TODAY IN COMMONS defeating his opponent, Larry Smith, by the score of 0-0, 0-2, and Slocum had an easier time with Oswego's Rich Hughes, 0-1, 0-0. State's only other singles winner was number five man, BobDobrusln, who defeated Larry Cole 0-4, 0-2. But the Doubles matches were a different story, as only Dobrusln and Tony Glaser were victorious, winning 7-5, 0-4. Zacharias, Slocum and Tom Walencik and Guy Nicosia lost two squeakers that enabled Oswego to win the match. Shutout Potsdam The Potsdam match was a breeze, as every State player won his match, not losing a single set in the process. Zacharias, again playing number one man outscored his opponent, 6-3, 0-0, while Slocum whitewashed his rival, 0-0, 0-0. Walenrlk, number 3 man, handled the Hawks' John Abrains, 0-1, 0-1, and Nicosia defeated Potsdam's Jay Matter, 0-2, 0-2, Dobrusln remained undefeated by outpointing his opponent, 0-0, 8-0, and sixth man Tony Glasor finished Hie shutout with scores of 0.0, 0-2, The Danes also swept the three doubles matches and now stund 1-1 on the year. I Press Alb ALBANY, NEW YOgK Stow Columm \,ri ffefott VOL jiff; NO. 18 APRIL 27. 1966 Last Council Session Discusses Service Award, Music Council by Sara Kittsley In the last meeting of the 1965-66 year Central Council voted to rescind the act of the rider passed at the April 14 meeting concerning final approval of Music Council's budget. The rider was passed In response to student criticism over Music Council's policy of presenting only classical music. Discussion arose over Line 1 of Music Council's constitution which d a t e s that Music Council will only present music of the highest caliber to the University. The rider would have held up any spending or contracting of money to Music Council until Central Council had approved a breakdown of the proposed artists. order to make plans to set up a new organization which would a r range events in other music fields. The 1)111 was voted down In spite of an amendment "which provided for the omission of the appropriation clause. Service Award Action was taken on the Service Award BUI introduced by President Richard Thompson. The bill provided for a $100.00 award to be given to a senior who has contri- buted outstanding service to the University, and was defeated in a 9-10-4 vote. Discussion arose over Council endorsement of a new Faculty Guest Policy which would eliminate the need for chaperones in University events with less than 100 men and women involved. Except for those specified groups the chaperone policy would remain the same as the one in effect now; however, the Council, did not endorse the bill. Princeton Professor Accepts Position as Dept. Chairman ported by the National Institute of General Medical Science, aimed at analyzing the mechanisms of cell, movement and protoplasmic streaming. He is best known among bioADORISSING CONVOCATION: Dr. Evan R. Collins, president logists for the "frontal contraction Special Events of fne.Universlty, speaks before audience in Page Hall during theory" of ameboid movement pro- • Following a discussion centering Sunday's Honor Convocation. around the fact that money has a l For the past decade, Dr, Allen posed in 1961. Well-Known . _j,',_. ready been appropriated to Special has been a member of the faculty The new chairman is well known Events Board for popular concerts of Princeton University, where he next year, the rider was rescinded has taught cellular physiology at for his work in modern physical in 21-0-3 vote. It was also pointed the graduate and undergraduate lev- microscopy, some of which he has out that it isn't Central Council's els. He Is also a trustee of the conducted, at Princeton under a r e place to- act ascensor to Music Marine Biological Laboratory in search contract with the National Council. Woods Hole, Massachusetts where Aeronautics and Space AdministraA later bill Introduced by Helen he has engaged in summer research tion. His efforts and those of a numStoll near the end of ttie meeting since 1950. ber of collaborators, including Drs. proposed to appropriate $700 from At the present time, Dr. Allen is num Laudis Achievement awards Presentation of awards James Brault and Robert Moore, ranking among the top ten in Music Council's $4,000 budget In on sabbatical leave studying at the have led to the development of difto recognize and honor stu- for zoology department of the Univertheir class are BriaAmorosi, Adele ferential interference microscopy sity of Cambridge, England witli the dents who have achieved Endlekofer, Sheila Fleet, Leslie Gilaid of a fellowship from the John and more recently Jiplmse inodula-^,-^ dersleeve, Kathleen Goodman and academic distinction high- James Krustangel. Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foun- tion" microscopy.j$jl|f§fc Dr. Allen is a fnemft' of many;. • lighted the University Hon- Also Included are Carolyn Mossdation. He also held a Guggenheim professional societies^' including ors Convocation Sunday af- man, Peter Shirley, Robert Smith- Applications for a position on the Fellowship in 1961 as a visiting The American and International SoJohannsen, Pauline Stevens, Bar- Supreme Court are now being a c - scientist at Osaka University in cieties for Cell Biology, The Soternoon. Japan. cepted by MYSKANIA. All applibara Welnsteln, Jane Winer and ciety of General Physiologists, The Four awards, In addition to the top Career Begins cants must have at least a 2.5 qualten scholars in the freshman and Christine Zawlsza. Dr. Allen received his education International Institute of Embryolity point average. They will be The top ten sophomores Include ogy, The Biophysical Society, and sophomore classes, were announced Caravella, screened by a MYSKANIA screen- In the Providence public schools, others. at the convocation. Nancy Deering Karene Allen David Brown University (A.B. 1949) and ing committee which will interview Richard Collier, Anllee Herman, Author of 50 Articles was announced as the Slgnum Laudis the University of Pennsylvania (Ph. Scholar. The Shields Mcllwalne Cre- Helen KUng, Sheila Predmore, Mar- each applicant. He is co-editor of one book and D. 1953). His scientific career beianne Radder, Ronald Scott, Carolyn ative Writing prize was awarded to Representation on the Court will gan as a National Institute of Health author of over 50 articles on fer. ^ Kathleen Earle. Claudia Noble was Walling and Robert Wilson. tillzation cell movement,protoplas- " Other awards listed in the pro- be four seniors appointed In May of post-doctoral fellow in the labora- mlc streaming, mitosis, precise given the Ada Craig Walker Award. their Junior year, three juniors ap- tory of Prof. John Runnstrom at Charles Keese was announced as gram are the Crlppen Prize to Jac- pointed In May of their sophomore the Wenner-Gren Institute in Stock- thermal measurements, and on the the recipient of the Wheelock Schol- queline Sherlln, the D.A.R. scholar- year, and two sophomores appointed holm, Sweden, where he studied theory and practice of physical opship award to Claudia Noble. arship. in their freshmen year. physical changes during fertiliza- tical measurements with polarizing The freshmen who received Slg- Patricia Paddock and John Klenzle tion and early development of sea and Interference microscopes. Dr. were recognized as Arvie Eldred Allen has presented invited papers Anyone wishing to apply may pick urchin eggs. Scholars. Carol Hamaun received up the application forms at the StuAfter two years at the University at symposia In Tokyo and Nagoya, the Music Faculty Award. Japan; Pallaza, Italy; Stockholm, Donald Arnold was given the Na- dent Affairs Office, the Student As- of Michigan, Dr. Allen moved to Sweden; Swansea, Wales; and Leitional Association of Accountants sociation Office, or the Residence Princeton University in 1966 where den, Holland. he began a research program, supAward; Janet King, Frederick Al- Office. Two concerts by the New Christy brecht, Tleszen Awards; Thomas Minstrels, a well-known folk group, Silvostrl, Wall Street Journal will highlight Campus Carnival Award; Richard Szymanskl, Craig Weekend, scheduled for May 20-22. Springer, James Warden Memorial The weekend, expanded from the Awards; Susan Lynk, Accountants Residents of the Colonial QuadElections for Central Council and ls, Charles Young, Seymour Zacliar, annual State Fair, will also Include Awards and Nancy Carpenter, ProLiving Area Affairs Commission Three will also be chosen from this ranle will vote for six of the folthe traditional Fair on Saturday and fessional Award. lowing; Nancy Broderick.NlckDugo, will begin today at 10 a.m. In the group. a picnic at the Mohawk Valley Camp Next year's residents of the Alum- Karin Jacobs, Nancy LePore, Robert Dr. Jerrold Zacharias, professor Commons, Voting will take place on Sunday. Tickets will go on sale at the of physics, Massachusetts Institute during dinner in the quads as well ni Quadrangle will elect two of the Mulvey, Judy Osdohy, Carla Jane Peristyles on April 2d. Non-mem- of Technology, spoke to the group as during the day In the Commons following! Grace Fortunato, James Smith, Craig Springer, KathrynWHklns. Krustangel, Tom Merlo. bers of the Student Association will on "Authority and Responsibility," through Friday, There are six places to be filled Candidates for Central Council Commuters will vote for three be charged $3,00, while student a s - He began his speech by saying, " I sociation members will be asked for don't intend to be solemn. I guess from the Colonial Quandrangle are of the following; Vincent Abramo, by Commuters for Living Area Affairs Commission. The candidates Richard Alkens, Douglas Davis, SolI never a m . " Roger Barkltr, Charlene Carson, a $.50 donation to meet the weekomon Finn, Martin Goldsmith, Jef- Carol Hettle, Harold Lynne, Joseph are Donna Gavel, Carol Hettie and end's purpose of raising funds to Zacharias also pointed out that frey Mishkln, Craig Springer, and Mahay, Michael Poplaski, Klaus Harold Lynne. send a SUNYA student abroad for It was possible to have small groups Helen Stoll, Voters will select three Schnitzer. Dutch Quadrangle Residents of foreign study. studying under a faculty member names. Candidates for Living Area Af- next year will elect six of the folThe site for Saturday's Fair will Nominees' for positions on Central fairs Commission from the Alumni lowing: Anthony Casale, Sharon be the New Campus parking lot, It within a large university If the facwill be held from l:00-4s00 and will ulty were Increased with Hie student Council from the Dutch Quad Include Quad are Grace Fortunato, Linda Johnson, Linda Marie Klein, Anne body. He favored experimentation Victor Cohen, Judy Harjung, Sara Jacobs, Shannon Hazen, Gary Matt- Law, Madeline Mlxson, Frank Petclose with a dance and hootennany. Entertainment will be provided by within the university in order to Kittsley, Madeline Mlxson, FloRle- son and James Whiting. Five of rone, Aileen Schlef, Rena Sussman, Connie Vails, and Seymour Zacliar, Pete Nicholas and the 'Invaders.' Improve and progress In all areas. gelhaupt, Aileen Schlef, Connie Vai- these will be chosen. Dr. Robert D. Alien-has been appointed professor of biological science and chairman of the department of biology at the University. Outstanding Students Cited at Convocation MYSKANIAto Accept Court Applications New Christy Minstrels To Highlight Carnival 54 Candidates Seek Positions —•rr-""T^«!W^WJT •P^f •' Ny>t- '•i < ! ••••• Wadno.day, April 27, 1966 ALlAMYtWjyWTWlll^i ' ' Wurzburg Program to Enable Students to Travel, StBa> "A Year in Germany 1967-68" is being spohsoredby the University in conjunction with the State University College at Oneonta and the Central European Area Studies Program at the University of Wurzburg. The p r o g r a m iS d e s i g n e d tor UDDer c l a s s m e n a n d j * _ „ * . . J „ « + D i n «w> Although the program cannot guarantiee that the.following esfimates will remain accurate because t e a c h i n g and l i b e r a l a r t s fields It Is intended to fit into the general scheme of overseas study currently being developed under the auspices of the State University's Center for International Education and World Affairs at Planting Fields, Oyster Bay, Long Island. velopments either in New York or In Germany, it is unlikely that there will be entire any significant change. The cost should be around graduate students in the ™ f tne possibility; of uritorseen de- She threatened to take everything off if I didn't take her to the cast party. _ , —| W n r k r n i t l H I P n i l P 0f l fffflll 1% U U I I I I I I w l l U " , . . WKen the year b e g a n £ t ^ n f c e r . many people were dubious abou the new government. Its uniqueness fostered many fears that it would not work. Central Council and its various component parts entered the^year^ w i t h h e of Central Council. When he entered office, he faced the nroblem that student government had ? ™ ^ c h X t s effectiveness and pres* had b e c o m e gub]ect ^ ^ £ atudents. £ * m hag ended ^ w ^ ^ has , that this change lnen^e W{j teel legacy ^ . < H ^ « j g ^ ^ . e ^ S i a S i W S S - § a „ be attributed in large part to the ^TeiCyelearder9hlP * S t ^ ^ r l E s i S n c i l S m e ^ S ^ ^ S v f S c a E l t y t » S 2 £ ? idealiSm' " ^ Ta!tt^rfect mantohead the g 0 V e r n m e i r t a n d i t will be difficult to finTsomeonetofill his shoes, 1 £ D D A nntMiMAntl«ilinnf> f^f nCUOmlllCllUdIIUIIO With elections for Central Council and Living Affairs Commissionbeginntngtod a y f t h e A g p w o u l d 1}ke to reC ommend t h e c a n d i d a t e g w h o l t f e e l s i s best suited fQp t h e , ^ s i t i o n . T w o r ^ ^ d ^ c r e f S ( T !h6 ^ SKTNlA°ISnf etl tax problem. MYSKANIA elections, etc.) a 1 h r t e s t r a n d 0 routf work of government were also handled efficiently without loss of interest by its members (there was always a quorem) and the student body. The crowning achievement of the year was When they were able to convince 86% of the student bodytopay student tax for this s e m e s t e r . Central Council We would like to congratulate Central Council and its commissions on a year well-done. We feel that much of the credit for the success of the new government can be attributed to the effective leadership °f< DinhirH T h n m n m n niUldlU I llUlliUdUII T .,' Colonial Quad-Sol Finn, Jeff Mishkin, Craig Springer Dutch Quad-Sara Kittsley, Aileen Schlef, Connie Valis, Flo Riegelhaup Alumni Quad-Jim Krustangel, Grace Fortunato Commuters—Joe Mahay, Klaus Schnitzer « Vinnie Abramo, Charlie Carson .. Like, the new government structure when the year began, very few people. knew about Richard Thompson. He was a darkhorse candidate for the presidency /^SM^ Living Affairs Commission Colonial Quad—Nick Dugo, Nancy LeP o r e , Nancy Broderick, Judy Osdoby, Bob Mulvey Dutch Quad-Rena Sussman, Sharon Johnson, Anne Law, Anthony Casale Albany Student Press ISffflKaUySJ 'tm*y ESTABLISHED MAY 1916 BY THE CLASS OF 1918 $jiL. «%fi^ Th* Albany Student Press is a semi-weekly newspaper published by the student body of the State University of New York at Albany. The ASP office, located In Room 5 of Brubacher Hall at 750 State Street, is open from 7-11 p.m. Sunday through Thursday nights. The ASP may be reached by dialing 434-4031. JOSEPH S. SILVERMAN Editor-in-Chief RAYMOND A. M c C L O A T Sports Editor LINDA D U F T Y f e a t u r e Editor MARGARET DUNLAP News Editor BDITH S . H A R D Y tsecutive Editor LARRY E P S T E I N Arts Editor SANDRA R O S E N T H A L Business Manager DON OPPEDISANO Associate Spans Editor WALTER POST Photography Editor g L E E N MANNING SsnJCf Edl'or NANCY F E L T S Associate Editor C H A R L E N E M. CARSON Public Relations Editor Oesk Editors Sue Chape, Kirsten Hustei Advertising Staff Bruce Kaufman, Loura D e C a r o l l , Assistant Business Manager .' wte"t«n Ken Bernstein, Columnists L O R R A I N E R. B A Z A N Technical Supervisor ,„„ Ptiotographers.. ••«•. , Michael Purdy Malcom Provost. Richard Kase, Mark Cunningham, Nancy Miadenbauer, Bob Wenter, Bill Schriftman, John Spross, Linda Bregman, Steve Curti,: irol Allschlller, Linda Dufly, Sara Kittsley, Marc Poletlo, Madeline SchnaluJ ....Diane Somerville, Jane Schneider, Harry Nuckols, Douglas Kalligeb, D. Gordon Upham, Bob Merrltt, Roger Borkln Too Moon Lee, Lewis Tichler, Stuart Lubcrr, Robert Stephenson All communications must be addressed to the editors and should be sigrtea. Communications should be limited to 300 words and ore subject to editing, The Albany Student Press assumes no responsibility for opinions expressed in its columns as communications as such expressions do not necessarily reflect its views. $1799, .'-".'.'.'..''•;'.' Courses' Ottered A total of as' marry asj.9 semester'.'_ hours can be earned rover both the summer session and the. regular academic year,' bur slhce' students Thirty Students Admitted A total of approximately thirty are advised to take a relatively specially qualified students will be light load in the period November 1 admitted. It Is expected that they through August 1,;:30 hours;is a more likely figure.' ' ' . will come from Albany and Oneonta, but applications from other branches Travel flme-l_ of. the State University are welThe student will be allowed free comed. time to «Mlve-work-travel" during The participants will be assisted the period August' 1 to October 23. by two resident faculty directors This period is contingent upon inthroughout the year, with the sup- dividual requirements and. desires. plementary services of a third If the student wants he; can either American professor during the work in Germany.; or travel with orientation period in Wurzburg. German students throughout Europe. Housing and meals will be with For further information on the German families or in dormitories program, contact Dr. Thomas Barwith German students. ker of the University's history department or Dr. Richard Whltoomb Eligibility of the Universlty'siGerman Depart, The program is open to students ment. ' -•• • of greater academic potential because of the difficulties of studying In a foreign environment. However, Dutch Quad Board the means of selection will be kept relatively flexible, and various fac- To Present Lecture tors will be considered in balance. The Dutch Quad Board will preProvisional acceptance will depend upon the following criteria: sent the second In its "Last Lecforeign language aptitude test, a ture" series'Wednesday, April 27 review of the student's high school at 8:00 p.m. in the Dutch Quad Flag and college academic record, three Room. The speaker willbe Madame letters of recommendation, a per- Wolkonsky of the Russian Departsonal Interview by the director, ment. All students and faculty members consultation with the student's present currlcular adviser and a bio- are cordially invited to attend this informal program. graphical sketch. Costs The ultimate cost of the program should be no greater than the expense of attending a State University unit for the equivalent period At Third Annual Delta Sigma Rhoof time. Tau Kappa Alpha National Conference the University was represented by two members of the Debate Council, Harriet Tucker and Simon Slnnrelch. Miss Tucker, president of the University's Council, was Initiated into the national debate honorary, Tentative plans for freshman Delta Sigma Rho - Tau Kappa Alpha. class activities were made at an Dr. Samuel Gould, President of the executive meeting of the class offi- University System, was named one cers April 13. Among these are plans of the outstanding alumni of the year. for participation in State Fair. The class will sponsor a pizza booth In cooperation with the Class of '68, and will also present a skit. Tentative plans have been made for a freshman-sophomore beer | „ H U S t e d H o l l F f l ' d o y party for the Saturday night of the Howard Irwin, c;s. of the Chrisfair. The two classes will also spontian Science Board of Lectureship sor a faculty tea May 16. Fall activities scheduled include will discuss the "Dynamic Theology a picnic and beer party on October of Scientific Christianity" Friday, 28; and a sophomore weekend which April 29 at 1:25 p.m. in Husted 150. Irwin has been a Christian Science will be held April 7-9. Anyone interested In working on practitioner since World War II, these projects would be greatly after serving with the United States appreciated and should contact a Military Intelligence Service in Europe. class officer. Prior to that, he was a teacher in public and private schools of California. He is a graduate o( the University of Southern California. Debaters Attend National Conference Freshmen Activities Planned by Officers Christian Scientist To Discuss Theology Sociology Club Formed on Campus Logos Popularli, a newly-formed organization on campus Intended to provide a context within which people interested can operate; will sponsor a panel discussion on the recent Eastern Sociological Association Conference which will be held Thursday, April 28 at 7:30 p.m. at the Central Arms Tavern. The club Is planning other projects such as speakers on a variety of topics, a .sociological symposium and recreational activities for next year. Logus Popularil is best characterized by its uniqueness in relation to other academic clubs in that Its members feel that an academic club should not only serve to increase a student's knowledge of a particular field but should also strive to provide an Informal setting for communication between ciub members. •: i j f ^ M f t ' i r w i i i "•;: Christian.Stance Lecturer -WeeWadey, April 27, 1966 A L l A H Y t T U W T M I H M.H , , Discusses Variety of Topics In Interview with ASP,WSUA towwcljisiye In an exclusive pre-speech Dre-soeech InterInter. the th» South <^„,h copying „™,,i„„ the >h. de A*. facto » . „ . . .Keg-' ..._' yls^'WimtneASP^ndWSUA, James regatlon methods of the North In an Farmer voiced his opinion onawlde attempt to escape regulation, variety of topics closely and vaguely President Johnson came irtder related to the Civil Rights Move- mild criticism from Farmer: "He ment. is better than his predecessors, Farmer... concentrated on the but not good enough" ... "he often necessity for better job opportuni- compromises,. sooner than he ties and Increasing literacy while should." He also expressed disapanswering the first pair of ques- pointment In governmental "timidtions placed before riinv -'.'-' ity" In enforcing the Civil Rights fa. .later replies, Mr. , FarmerLaws of 1964-and 1965. disavowed any Intention of running for public office, although "he has V i e t n a m War received encouragement," and Farmer voiced personal and orvoiced the opinion that he was to ganizational views on the Viet Nam repeat at his speech later that day, conflict. He personally foundlt"un">*.'.. J1.?.. J5 uneasy about the ap- fortunate that the war was e s proaching summer. ' calated," and also found our very presence there regrettable. He eu stated that there was no official ..,-,;'.,i; F ° * Shifting Farmer believes that the "focus CORE positron on the war, adding of the civil rights movement Is shift- that any organization such as CORE ing from the South to the North," that needs and is seeking "a.wide anti that the South Is resentful that base should not narrow lt by taking lt has so far bore the brunt of the a position." attack. He foresees many areas In He also commented on the fact .. Building Better Bridge by H a.r. r. uy SJ...I N u c k o ll s_ Wm The hold-up play is a very handy device which can be found in use by all good players. It is most commonly used When playing a no trump contract, but on occasion, one finds a use for it in a suit contract. In today's hand, South won the opening lead with the ace, led a diamond'to: the dummy, and finessed the jack of spades. West grabbed the kind of spades, and since his partner had played a, high heart on the first trick, he continued with the jack of hearts. Now, East was smart. Holding three diamonds, he figured that diamonds would run and that his side had; better get their tricks while they could. So he overtook his partner's heart and led the queen of clubs. Of course, the defense now collected two club tricks in addition to the heart and the spade. Down one. "Too bad, partner," said South, "Everything was wrong." North told him that he should have made it anywajfjNSrth was right. :,. Watch "wh^t happens if South lets .the-heart queen hold the first trick. The "defense is helpless. East can never gain the lead to give his side two club tricks. If West continues hearts, the ace will win the second trick and now when the spade finesse loses, West can not make a good lead. South can now throw two clubs on the long diamonds' and give up the ace of clubs at the end. Yes, fans, South can make an overtrick if the ace of clubs and king of spades are on side, but the contract was four spades, not six. Let's make the one we're in. < ™ S J 10 9 6 H72 D A K Q8 5 C43 SK 8 4 N SB,., i H Q J 10 5 3 HK864 D 10 6 W E D J7 3 S CA8 5 CQJ762 SAQ732 HA9 D942 CK109 mat Vietnam . . . . . has ,. taken the civil rights movement off the front pages, and this has resulted In "decreasing funds and participation." He hoped that some of the funds could be replaced with Federal money. Later In the interview, Farmer gave some opinions on one of his favorite topics—demonstrations. He called the demonstration at the 1964 World's Fair "a symbolic act that got action." At this point one of the' Interviewers questioned the success, of that particular demonstration In gaining sympathy. He r e plied, "a demonstration is not to gain sympathy, lt is to prove a point." In the Flag Ream in Colonial Quadrangle. Each flag was yVarfh^ a different peried in American history. Malcolm X When asked what he thought the Impact of such men as Malcolm X was, Farmer thought it was a "tremendous Impact," and believed that Mr. X was "moving towards the mainstream of the Civil Rights Movement at the time of his untimely death." Farmer saw the problems of the future as extensions of those that exist today. "More public works, more professional and semi-professional jobs can be created and must be. New Honorary Being Started Flags Displayed at Colonial Quad Traces Development to 'Old Glory' The Flag Room In the Colonial Quadrangle has been completed, and a set of ten flags are now flying. They represent the flags of our country from the time of the adoption of the first flag of our country, St. George's Cross, to the most recent version of Old Glory containing 50 stars. A list of the various flags follows along with a brief description of the historical significance of each:. 1. The St. George Cross was the first English flag used In North America, 2. The Pilgrims of the Mayflower took the Cross of St. George and superimposed it on the flag of St. Andrew and created the "Kings Colors.' 3. In 1707 the "Kings Colors" were placed on a field of red, and this was called the "British Red Ensign" or the "Cromwell Flag." An honor society in sociology, tentatively called Beta Rho Sigma, is currently being formed on campus. Recognition Is pending from Alpha Kappa Delta, the national sociology honorary. Requirements for membership Dealer: South Vulnerable: E-W are student be enrolled at the University next September, must have THE AUCTION SOUTH WEST NORTH EAST completed 12 semester hours in IS Pass 2D Pass sociology with a B average and must 2S Pass 4S Pass have an overall 2.5 average In ail of his studies at the University. Pass Pass Anyone who feels that they fulfill these requirements should contact Continental F l a g OPENING LEAD: Q of Hearts Martin Schwartz at 462-5206 or 4. During the Revolutionary War thru student mall. the "Continental Flag" was created by replacing the King's Colors with a pine tree. 5. The "Massachusetts Colony Flag" appeared on armed vessels during the war. 6. The. Southern colonial State* created the famous "Snake Flag" or the Gadsen Flag, with the inscription "don't tread on me." "Grand Union F l a g " 7. In an attempt to acknowledge their allegiance, but asserting the desire for justice, the Colonies created the "Grand Union Flag," with 13 stripes, but In the Kings Colors. 8. The "Betsy Ross Flag" was officially adopted by an Act of Congress in 1777. Some believe that George Washington helped design lt. 9. Shortly before the War of lilZ, two new states brought the total to 15, and so the numbers of stars and stripes was Increased to 15 also. 10. In 1818, Congress passed a law establishing a permanent number of stripes on the flag, while adding a star for each new state. 10? DISCOUNT on FILM DEVELOPING Please leave all films with the cashier, Biology Honorary * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Initiates Members Theta Gamma Chapter of Beta Beta Beta National Biological Honor Society held its fifth annual initiation 'banquet Saturday, April 16 at Jack's Restaurant. Dr. William Johhsori,: chairman of the Department of Biology at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute discussed the "Ciirreht' Theories of Muscular Contraction" as the guest speaker. The new members of the society include:' Burton Aim, Nancy Burdick, William Ingmlre, John Janick, Catherine Krautter, Hane Krlstoff, Margaret Lewis, Francesca Paolucci, Rosalie Spohn and William Siillwell. Also, Dr. Richard MacMahon and Dr. Henry Tedeschl were initiated as new faculty members In the honorary. To be nominated for Theta Gamma, a student must be at least a second semester sophomore biology major or minor; completed a total of at least ten credit hours In biology with up average of at least 3.0; have art oVerallaverage of at least 2.5; and must be presented to the membersljip iipon recommendation of the faculty of the Biology Departm e n t ;:',;-'''-,'.'-.. '': . The next meeting of the society will take place on, Wednesday., April M at 7i30nj|)". in,iruUacher,Hall, at whiclTtTme nominations for officers for 1966-67 will be held. "Who is so great a God as our God?" sang the Psalmist. As our understanding of God's greatness TYPEWRITERS continues to grow, we grow too. It can lift up a man's whole life. You are invited to hear a Christian for K M T \'b V {&7/t. Science lecture on this subject bju HOWARD H. IRWIN of the Board of Lectureship of The First Church in Book Department of Christ, Scientist, in. Boston, Mass. The title is "The Dynamic Theology of Scientific Christianity." Chnshan science leclirel XXXX XXX XXXXXX XX XXXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXX XXX XXXXX XXXXXX XXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XX XXXXX XXXXX XXX. XXXXX 50 per month $11.50 for three months ALSO USED AND NEW TYPEWRITER FOR SALE I Friday, April 29 1.25 p.m. in Husted 150 STATE UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE Draper Hall 135 Western Avenue Ext. 129 Albany, N.Y. ' •id •"'• "'Tys.-**-" *" 4LIAWY STUDfWT M l * i» • < J-j f t C . * \V-I'. <" tifraatkr tmHlt 1 I'sFiidt Orgaiist the Involved to maka tht flaal Pre-Vue tha oatstinatnf eciaatea that it deserves to be, "•'"$•'?£?$,'•' .',"• Dletlegulshed Orsaiilst tan* S*rnpno** *erles will take With this factor In mind, the pleee at three o'clock In th» Fellowship HOMM ol Iht Ftrit Prts- Pre-Vu* Committee his obtained byterlan Cboreh which is located the services of John M. Hodgtns, distinguished Canadian and British at SSI State sUtat. Sine* Mr. Cartta la conducting organist, at present In charge of hi* final concert with tht Symphony .' music at St. Peter's Church. an Hay 2, a vary special effort has Mr. Hodgtns will give a thorough been put forth by all the members analysis of the works to be' played at the Monday night concert, Beethoven's Ninth Symphony and Bruckner's Te'Deum. Tour ol Canado Mr. Hodgins' choirs have toured A Can>*, l «he IWted SUtes aBd'OWei' WILL YOU Britain, and ware a sqmmaf'/jmr placement at Westminster Abbey 1* London. MM A Free University • •."••$ Rare Opportunity All In all, this promises to be an extremely rare opportunity for all of the many music lovers In the Capital District area to be able to hear this knowledgeable musician In an Informal atmosphere. BE COOKED? ALBANY, NEW YORK The meeting is open, to the public. Mrs. A. Mosely Hopkins of Loudon* vllle is In charge of the social hour Theatre Productions Conclude This Weekend which will follow the Pre-Vue. Drama Directing Class To Hold Auditions Auditions for the final set of dramatic direction productions will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings, April 26 and 27, at 7:30 p.m. in Richardson Studio Theatre (Room 291). These three one-act plays will be the last dramatic productions of the school year. is directing "I'm Dreaming or Am I?" by Luigi Pirandello, and Anne Dlgney Is directing "The Bald Soprano" by Eugene Ionesco. There are eight male and six female parts available. f: Throe One-Act Ploys Auditions are for any of three one-act plays to be presented. The plays are to be directed by three drama students, as a course requirement for the Dramatic Direction class (Speech 112).. Mary Temple is directing "Manny" by Walter J. Vaifc, Joyce Davis Aspects of Production Students who are Interested in any aspects of dramatic production are requested to attend auditions. Assistance is neeced in such technical : aspects as lighting, sound, costume and make-up. The plays are to be presented on May 24 and 25 In Richardson Studio Theatre. STAMP OUT Everybody's talking 3bout it. Everybody's doing it. Operation Match. It's camp. |a;carnpuf; It's the modern way to meet. It whammo's blind dates. " ijrtea'at.Harvard. The original Operation Match—featured In TIME, LOOK, f'.thsl co'nrting May GLAMOUR. Already there are over 100,000 ideal dates in (^computer's memory bank. Now's the time to line up your Spring Fling. Jjfbur IBM'7090 Computer'(the world's most perfect boy /girl matcher) select > ideal dates for you—right from your campus area. (Now a gal can really choose t^e-'kjnd of guy she wants, not just wait and hope he comes along!) '•' Jan. send: us the coupon b e l o w . . . we'll send you the Operation Match Qucntlfaiive Personality Projection Test Questionnaire. ^nsyyer'the questions about yourself, what you're like, and what you like..Return tjje questionnaire with $3.00. Then we put our :7090s memory bank to work. It reads' out the qualifications of every member of the opposite sex in your college area; and programs 5 or more ideal dates for you. You receive names, addresses, and phone numbers. Guys call the gals. You're just a telephone apart. \ Also, your card is kept continuously active. You receive as many dates as the . 7090 finds matches; The sooner you apply, the more dates you may get. Let the 7090 take the blinds off blind dating, Get modern. Get electronic. Get set quick with your ideal dates. ,,* L Dear IBM 7090... I am 17.or over (and 27 or under) and I want to help stamp ftts* (Mblind'datej. So.mall ma my questionnaire. Quickl ,.. •.» ..•••: ;."", ZIP CODE MdTCH Compatibility Research, Inc.; / 671 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge/Mass. 02139 "Gypsy" and"J.B." will conclude their respective runs at the University this weekend. "ADVENTURtS OF A PLAYWRIGHT:" More Connelly, prisewinning playwright and novelist, delivers lecture in Pog* Hall _Fridoy. ''•-.. '•; "Gypsy" opened last nfght In Page Hall and will run through Saturday, April 30. It is the tenth annual State University Revue here at Albany State. The "musical fable" contains many well-known tunes by the team of Lauents and Sondheim. Music lovers and drama fans alike will remember S o n d h e i m * s academy award-winning lyrics in "West Side Story." by Diane Somerville A full and vigorous theatre department such as that at the State University at Albany cannot fail to produce a full and vigorous season of plays. This it has done. Neither can it fail to produce students eager to try their own hand at the theatrical experience, eager to put the theory they are taught into practice. This, too, has it done. The opening on Thursday night of "Gypsy," directed by John Fotia, marks the tenth annual student musical. And it IS a student production, from start to finish, from choice of play, through casting, down to the Smallest technical detail. The undertaking, it goes without saying, is nothing short of monumental. It means time that might be far more profitably spent;., in studying or sleeping. It means missed suppers, frantic; phone calls, and snatches of music that just won't quit for at least two months out of the year. Patience and Talent HIND DATES! $3 VOL,LI, NO. 19 Friday, April 29, 1966 For a few, it means more than two months. The director of this year's revue has proven himself a more than fit successor to the tradition established by previous directors like Lee Liss and Bob Steinhauer. Fotia began working on "Gypsy" in August 1965 and has scarcely stopped since. His patience, enthusiasm, and talent have, understandably, called up similar qualities in those chosen to assist in the task — people like Alex Krakower, Carol Rosenthal, Carla Pinelli, and Joe Nicastri. Not Always Easy Certainly things were not always easy, and not always so congenial toward the revue as is the case today. For several years a "stamp-out-the-revue" movement was the order of the day with the music and drama departments. The fact that this era appears to be at an end is a tribute to the showmanship and maturity of all concerned. And certainly no one connected with the revue can deny the debt owed to Mr. Robert Donnelly, tech director of the State University Theatre, whose advice has been invaluable. COACHING "MAMA": John Fotia, director of "Gypsy," coaches Carol Rosenthal, Mama, during one of the rehearsals of the play. The State University Revue will conclude its three-night run tomorrow night in Poge Hall. Mayer Wins 4-Year Fellowship, To Study Latin at Columbia William Mayer, senior Latin major, has been given a four year fellowship to Columbia University. It will include the payment of tuition and fees for four years as well as $2,000 the first year, $2,200 the second year and $2,400 for the last two years. Mayer will receive his B.A. In Latin with a minor In Classics In June. He Intends to do his graduate work In Latin and Greek. The first year of graduate study will be spent on the Master's degree while the next three are spent on a doctorate. College teaching Is Mayer's ultimate goal. He also has received a New York State Regents College Teaching Fellowship and an honorable mention for the Woodrow Wilson Fellowship. As a member of the Commission on Community Programming, Mayer took an active part in the student government. He thinks that this new form of government is working well and feels it Is a great Improvement over the former Senate. Served on Committee At the beginning of last semester, Varied Activities During his four years here Mayer Mayer was a member of Dean Brown's Committee on Campus Wide has participated In a variety of acActivities which worked on coordi- nating freshman activities for the first two months. He was also head of the House Committee for the Honors Convocation this year. Mayer has a cumulative average of 3.7. He is a member of Slgnum Laudls, Alpha Theta Mu, the Latin honorary, and Kappa Phi Kappa, the education honorary. He Is president of the latter two organizations. Prize Winner Mayer visited France and Germany for two weeks last summer as a result of his participating In the "Price is Right" television show In September of 1964. Since he won a trip for two, he took his mother along with him. Music Department Presents Recital Today in Richardson Pinelli Heads Cast Music Liepartment will present a Heading the cast of "Gypsy" Is Miss Carla Pinelli as Louise who faculty recital Friday, April 29 at 1:30 p.m. in Richardson Hall 390, goes on to become the famous Gypsy Rose Lee. Many undoubtedly re- Will Hudson will play the clarinet. member Miss Pinelli's performance He will be assisted by Margaret In "Stop the World I Want to Get Anderson Stokes, pianist, and Charles Bowman, clarinetist. Off." The program will consist of a Carol Rosenthal plays the part of Louise's domineering mother, Concertino for Clarinet by Carl Maria von Weber, Duos for Two Mama Rose, who Is constantly pushing June, Colleen Hanna, towards iClarlnets by Wolfgang Amadeus Mostardom. Joe Nicastri portrays zart and Sonata No. 1 in F Minor Herble, the agent who loves Rose. for Clarinet and Piano, Op. 120 by Others in the cast Include BUI Johannes Brahms. Hudson was a student of Anthony Mayer as Uncle Jocko, Walt Dpherty as Krlngeleln; Diane Somerville as Glgllottl, first clarinetist of the Agnes, and Judy Jawitz, JudyRellly, Philadelphia Orchestra and faculty and Adele Preziosi as the three member of the Curtis Institute. strippers who give Louise her start. Hudson has performed with several professional symphony orchestras, and In 1958-59 he fulfilled his draft Ambitious Attempt Director John Fotia has stated that obligation by touring Europe as the show should be one of the most first clarinetist with the famed U.S. ambitious to be presented by the Army Symphony Orchestra. revue. The crew is headed by Alex Offered Scholarship Krakower, stage manager, who also While in Euri.je, he was offered plays two roles a scholarship to the Yale School of "J.B." Music, from which he graduated In Meanwhile "J.B." continues Its 1961, remaining for two years after run until tomorrow evening after that as a member of the conducting opening at the Trinity Methodist staff at Yale. Church on Tuesday, April 26. Carl In 1963, he joined the faculty of Cusato has the title role of J.B, in Archibald MacLelsh's religious the University, as director of the band and orchestra program. play. Others In the cast include FloStudied at Curtis Institute rence Kaem as J.B.'s wife, Sarah; Miss Stokes studied at Curtis Scott Reagan as Nlckles, and Ed Lange as Mr. Zuss. The latter two Institute, also at the American Con. servatory of Fountalnebleau. represent Satan and God. Concerning his winning of the fellowship, Mayer said that he was exceedingly happy ana surprised. Without this financial aid, he would have been unable to do graduate work. Herbert Tonne Joins Faculty, To Teach Business Education Herbert A. Tonne, newly elected president of the National Business Education Association, has accepted the position of professor of business education at the University in September. Revue Stronger When the many drawbacks are considered, it seems amazing that anyone at all offers to work on the revue. But people do. In fact the revue as an institution is stronger and more vigorous than ever, and has grown steadily since its first tenuous beginnings, "in 1957. Possibly the people who keep the reviie [alive are latent masoohists; but more likely, they simply realise how very much there is to be gained — and even more, to. be given — in suoh an endeavor, v Whatever the oase, ten years of progress will mark ••Gypsy's" opening Thursday night: may we prophecy at least ten years more of the same — and a successful run to Fotia and company, §§§§=-; tivities. He has been a member of Dramatics Council for three years and is currently president of the organization. Last year he held the office of vice president. This year Mayer has held a part In the "Wapshot Scandal" and Is now performing In "Gypsy." He enjoys Drama but says he wouldn't want "to make a career of It because It would take the fun out." Mike Mastrangelo, Jeff Cosman, Eugene Farlnaccl, John Zlmar, and Jeff Mlshkin also appear. Mr,-Lange, who appears as Mr. Zuss, is also the play's assistant director and Linda Anderson Is the stage manager. Dr. Jarka Burian, the director of "J.B.," creates an atmosphere of immediate excitement. You are aware that something is going to happen. William Mayer Voting Ends Today Voting In the elections for Central Council and Living Affairs Commission will end today, Inauguration of the newly elected officers will take place Sunday at 2:00 p.m. In Brubacher Lower Lounge. Dr. Tonne lias been chairman of the business education department at New York University since 1920. He holds a Ph, B, from the University of Chicago and an M.A, and Ph.D. from NYU. ard works In their field. His "Principles of Business Education" has been the authoritative text In the field. In 19011 he was the senior author In producing the third edition of "Methods of Teaching Business Subjects." lie has also written over 300 articles for a wide variety of periodicals and publications. In 19U12 Dr. Tonne received Gregg Award in Business Education which is presented eacli year to the person considered to be the outstanding business educator In the United States. Leadership Roles Over the years he has sponsored 76 candidates for the doctorate in lie holds leadership roles In eight business education, which is lie- organizations other than the NBEA lleved to be more than any other and is also pastpresldent of the Eastern Business Education Assosingle person. ciation. At the University, Dr. Tonne will Published Several Texts Among his publications are sev. concentrate on developing graduate programs In business education and era! texts which have become stand. on research. CASTING THEIR VOTE: Two students pick up ballots in the Commons to vote in the elections far Central Council and Living Area Affairs Commission.