'..<-•: .^>- a A SP A Free Press, | A Free University SAJT. ARE YOU A SELECT GROUP? Albany Student Press ALBANY 3 . N E W YORK S E P T E M B E R 17, 1 9 6 5 VOL. L I , N O . 2 4 President Gould Keynotes All-University Convocation Discusses College Role In Developing Maturity President Samuel Gould of the State University of New York highlighted Tuesday's All-University Convocation with a keynote address entitled " T h e Student and the University." In the speech he discussed the intellectual life of the University and how he hopes it will influence the student and the ^-institution. sonnel interrelationships with other students and teachers and \ He began with a short campus social events. welcome of the Class of "If the right right formulas 1969, und went on to call have teen used which Include suitable proportions of encouragement the University's New and pressure, the correct balance Campus a symbol of between subject matter and judgchange which will move ments, the proper amount of a s sistance coupled with a judicious the University "towards amount of aloofness when the stubecoming a major educadent tends to become dependent, tional and research centhe skill amalgamation of the contemporary and the constant — ter." Dressed in his academic garb, President Gould keynoted Tuesday's All-University Convocation with a discussion of the "Student and the University." Drs. Fiser, Thome Accept Positions As University's New Vice Presidents The University enters the 1965-66 academic year buttressed by the creation of two new vice president positions. To Dr. Webb S. Fiser, recently a professor of political science at the University's Graduate School of Public Affairs, lias been appointed vice president for academic affairs. Dr. Clifton C Thome, who was appointed dean of students on July 1, was elevated to vice president for student affairs. Both appointments were made by Dr. Evan R, Collins, president of the University, following approval by the State University Board of Trustees. Expanded Roles In his new position, Dr. Fiser will coordinate all academic matters at the growing University Center. Dr. Thome will lie responsible for all student living affairs. These newly-created positions represent important revisions in the University's administrative set-up. Both vice presidencies will bear more prestige and employ a larger role than the positions of Dean of Students and Dean of Aca- Dr. Thorne ...Elevated to Vice President of Student Affairs demic Affairs. Varied Background Dr. Fiser did all of his degree work at the University of Chicago where he earned his AB, MA, and Ph. D. in Political Science. Prior to joining the staff at the Graduate School of Public Affairs, Dr. Fiser taught at Syracuse University and at the University of Detroit. In 10D9, he was the principal planner for the East Side Urban Renewal Project in the City of Syracuse. He lias published a book on urban problems, "Mastery ol the Metropolis." sity College, and since July 1, as dean of students. He has written articles on automation and education, educational television t Dr. Fiser ...Vice President of Academic Affairs University's Existence Aware of Responsibility This mature person is aware of his responsibility and has "an unending curiosity leading to serious scholarship." He is a person who knows the value of privacy; Gould sald - triat the "real test of the educated man is what he can find to do when he is left to his own device with no gadgets to help him." Still another element of maturity "A university education is not merely preparation for life; it is life itself." He called the student the " s e lected, and ultimately the educated, core of our society and our hope for leadership in all aspects of life." Gould said that it is the function of the university to bring about an awareness in the student. This Is done through the classroom, per- Forty Organizations to Participate In Annual Day Tomorrow Activities Day, 196G, will lie held tomorrow, September 18 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the Alumni quadrangle. Co-chairmen Deliby Friedman and Gall Magallff expect a large turnout lor the annual event, Approximately forty campus organizations will participate in the day's program. Activities Day Is designed to acquaint stdents, e s pecially freshmen and transfers, with the various organizations at State and their activities, Students will also be able to sign up for membership in these organizations at this time, Several clubs will present special programs. Dramatics Council will give a one act play and Modern Dance Club will give a demonstration of expressive dance. Groups Present All exhibition of fencing will be presented by Fencing Club anil Headers Club will give a short presentation. Among the groups Which will participate in Activities Day are Freedom Council, Forum ol Politics, Debate Council, Christian Science Organization, Tryads, Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, Newman Club, lllllel, and Canterbury Club, Also, the International Student Association, Phi Beta Lambda, Biology Club, Les Innovateurs, Russian Club, Student Education Association, Headers Club, Special Event Board, and Central Council. Also, Circle K, Smiles, University Commuters Organization, Women's Athletic Association, Association of Men's Intramural Athle- given all this, a mature, independent, individualized person should emerge." Gould called the existence of the university a "major bastion against ignorance and the wellspring of ideas by which "civilization progresses." "In a democratic society we are committed to the belief that a university should be free and untrammeled in Its explorations and that the shadow of tiiought control should never touch it. "Adherence to tills principle is the best guarantee we have of the preservation and nurture of our democratic ideals." He said that a university's major responsibility to the student is to prepare him for the "sharing of the passion and action of our time and to place you (the student) squarely In the midst of both even while you are students. Preparation far Life Product of Albany Dr. Thome is a product of the University having earned his BS and MS degrees at Albany. He received his Ed. D. degree from Columbia University. He has served the University, teaching on Its business faculty, as director of graduate studies, dean of men, dean of the Univer- He then discussed the reason for the university and its duty towards the student. tics, Camp Board, Outing Club, Fencing Club, Chess Club, and Bridge Club. Arts, Communications The fine arts organizations will be represented by Art Council, Music Council and Dramatic Council. The Albany Student Press, Torch, Primer and W.S.U.A. will represent the communications media. In case of rain, the program will go on as scheduled, however the various exhibits will be moved indoors to Brubacher Hall, Students Interested in any club or organization are urged to attend the day's activities in order to become acquainted with the organization and Its members. (continued /'"(,"• 2) President's Reception Commences Tonight Over HnO friishmen and transfer students will lie Introduced to the Administration and student leaders this weekend during the President's Reception. The events will take place in Brubnch'r Lower Lounge tonight at 8 p.m. and in the Dutch Quadrangle Dining Hall Saturday and Sunday at 8 p.m. Tonight's reception will he for freshmen living in the Alumni Quad and group houses and commuters. Saturday's reception will be frosh living in the Dutch Quad and In motels. Sunday's event will lie for transfer students. Members of MYSKAN1A will serve as host and hostesses for the evening. They will greet each freshman and transfer student mid Introduce them to the members of the receiving line which will include President and Mrs. Evan R. Collins, Vice President for Student Affairs and Mrs. Clilton Thorne, Dean of the University College and Mrs. Robert Morris and Richard Thompson, Chairman of Central Council, Students will be received according to the first letter of their last name at the following times: S-Z 8:00 - 8:30 p.m. L-li 8:30 - 0:00 p.m. F-K 0:00 - 0:30 p.m. A-E 0:30 - 10j00 p.m. Formal dress is requested for all three occasions. Dark suits and ties are In order for men and dark dresses, hats, gloves and heels for women,. The Reception Is being given under the auspices of the Special Events Board, Suzanne Wade and Robert McOdare are serving as co-chairmen for the event. All freshmen U d transfer students are urged •} attend. I AttAH* rruoiHT w i s t Frlstay, September 17, I M S Work Stoppage Slows Progress AMrica National Theatre Opens Opens First Office at SUNYA The ten week construction strike over the summer has delayed completion of the dormitory tower on the Dutch quadrangle and the lower dormitories on the Colonial Quadrangle. Motels In the Albany area are once again being used to accommodate those students who were unable to move into the dormitories. Three hundred, students are living In the three motels, 200 men In the Thruay Motor Inn, 50 women in the Travelodge Motel, and SO women in the Holiday Inn. by Dion* Somtrvillt President Evan R. Collitis and Stanley R. Young, executive director of the American National Theatre and Academy, has announced that the first university-based office of the organization is slated to open at the University this fall. Representing ANTA when formal announcements were made were Young, Miss Peggy Wood, noted American actress and president of ANTA, and Miss Ruth Mayleas, National Theatre Service director for the organization. Present from the Unl- The new oHlce ls g part of the Men Only in Tower While conditions in the Tower versity drama faculty state University Theatre Service on the Dutch Quad are nearly com-' w e r e Dr. Paul Pettit and Center and Will work closely with pleted, now women will live there the N e w York s t a t e 'th« administrator-ripple-Community because of the presence of worktne aamimsirai!0r-aesig- T n e g t r e Association headquarters, men. n a t e Of t h e n e w Office, established here in 1960. Plumbing fixtures were Installed Professor Edward J. First of Many In time for the beginning of the Mendus, presently pub- As the first endeavor of Its semester but certain painting, carthe Albany office marks a peting, and work on electrical outlicity director and busi- kind, significant step in building co- President Collins carries torch in the solemn Candelight Cere lets still remains to be done. ness manager of the State hesive regional centers to stimu. The University has provided University Theatre. late local theatre activity, and is mony during which the class of 1969 was inducted into the Uni transportation for motel dwellers The importance of the occasion planned as one of many to be versity. and those living on the New Camwas Indicated by the number of opened by ANTA, the only nation. pus by a contract with The United delegates present from regional , __• ^ ^ chartered theatre organizaTraction Company, The University theatre associations. tion in the United States. owns two buses at the present They Included officers of the time and will purchase two more Mr. Mendus, the second regional American Educational Theatre As- director to be appointed, ls best shortly. sociation, the United States Insti- known at State for his design and tute for Theatre Technology, Eas- direction of "The Flies," "The Feeding Provisions tern States Theatre Association, Playboy of the Western World,' Provisions for feeding the stuThe addition of 114 new faculty members to the dents living in motels has also New York State Community Thea- a m ] "Beautiful People.' tre Association, and the New York His technical direction contri- University staff this year swells the total of general been arranged. Those living in State Council on the Arts. buted to the success of other pro- faculty to 500, largest in the institution's history. the Thruway Motor Inn and the Hailed by Dr. Pettit as the har- ductions as well, notably "Ring Travelodge will have breakfast binger of "a new era of coopera- Round the Moon," "Oedipus Rex," Dr. Evan R. Collins, President of the University, and dinner at the cafeteria on the tion between professional and aca- "Ghosts," "Murder In the Cathe- welcomed the new members while addressing the Dutch Quad. The girls at the Holidemic theatre," the new post will dral," "The Maids," and "Red general faculty in Page Hall on September 9. day Inn will have breakfast there provide all the basic services of Eye of Love." and dinner In the Alden-Waterthe main offices of ANTA. On the new faculty are Genoa. bury cafeteria. Background Purposes 39 doctors of philosophy English Professor An Ithaca College alumnus, he ANTA National in New York City first JJoined ( cont'd) Mrs. Dona Strauss, with a Ph.D. the "'"" staff "' of the then and three doctors of edls serving as a clearing house for s""" "';'ou "™ -•-"•-• from the University of Cambridge, theatre information in the upstate | t e College t h e ^ ^ s admInis- ucation. Dr. Collins wel- Is an associate professor In mathe- is a "passion for participation in back ten, members area. As regional administrator, tratlve secretary for me New York comed -. . matlcs. Last year she was on the the significant events of life." An Mendus' duties include the foster: stha'e Community Theatre Journal, alter a year of research, faculty of Birbeck college m Lon- educated person understands that w nl se ln as lng of expansion of theatre activi- , f, **> ™ « coordinator shares with others the "responwriting, and lecturing at donAmong those new to the romance he sibility for its (the world) mistakes ties in the northeast, and the fur- of the association's conferences, and abroad. languages department are Esther and its difficulties. therlng of cooperation among pro- „ H e is o„ the staff of the State home fessional, academic and commun "As his knowledge and wisdom tre, chairman of the PlaysTheafor In his charge to the faculty, Dr. Azzarlo, formerly of Caracas, Al6 University Summer Arena ity theatres. fredo Lueje-Marcos, and Andre grow, so also should there grow Collins referred to special proLiving. Committee of the Family A more observable result will and Children's Service of Albany, grams and concerns for both dis- Michaux. Mrs. Azzarlo spent last within him an Increasing urge to be the availability to students of and serves on the executive board advantaged and advantaged stu- year in Caracas and Mr. Lueje- help. The mature individual cannot a "living laboratory" to study of the United States Institute on dents but cautioned the faculty Marcos served as a translator in stand by passively while the imarts management concerning prob- Theatre Technology. "not to lose sight of the great Madrid at that time. portant and significant problems of lems of budgeting, promotion, subUnable to be present at the first his community, his country, and Assisting Mr. Mendus will be middle group which constitutes scription campaigns and audience Mr. Richard Abrams, holder of the university's chief concern." faculty meeting of the academic his world remain unsolved." building, while providing students B.A. and M.A. degrees from In- He said that in the aim for dis- year was Donald Homes, associate with counseling on Job opportuni- diana University, where he worked tinction the effort should be not for professor of management In the Awareness if Movements ties In the performing arts. as stage manager and assistant distinction alone but to be dis- School of Business, Mr. Holmes The individual should become stage director of the University tinguished "the better to consti- was in Vienna reading a paper be- aware of the movements taking Opera Theatre and the Cincinnati tute ourselves to do the job that fore the International Management place in the world. Summer Opera Theatre. Currently faces us and that job begins In the Conference. The final element of maturity, that Gould cited, was a recognition M • . n. • . teaching speech fundamentals, he classroom." "The new plant, extension of South American Educator of Individual worth. "If our own ls als0 asslpied t0 the U n l v e r s i t programs, qualities of outstanding To the School of Education fac- souls are precious to us, so too Center for Theatre Services. students and faculty — they all ulty has been added, among others, are the souls of our brothers for the act of teaching to Dr. Ernest Ranucci, formerly as- everywhere in the world." a p Nfl d exist conduct the act of learning." sociated with the Association of The task of the university is to Bl-Natlonal Schools In South bring to the students a "sense of I Seventeen Promotions America. action and the passion of the time In a special Newsboard election Dr. Collins also announced the Several technical specialists are and to give you the maturity to held late last spring, Joseph W. promotions of 17 faculty members; now members of the teaching body turn such action and passion toward Galu was elected co-Edltor-infive from associate professor to of SUA. positive and constructive ends." Chlef of the Albany Student Press. full professor, eight from assisAmong them Is Paul Andrews Galu had worked on the newspaper tant professor to associate! and who last year was with the WRGB/ The Mature University three and one-half years, serving four from instructor to assistant. WGY Broadcasting Company. John Gould attributed many of the as managing editor and senior Raised to full professor were Kowalchyk was formerly at RPI same elements that applied to editor. Walter Farmer, Frederick Trus- and Hugh MacGregor and William students as those that apply to the He graduated from the Univercott, Arthur Collins, Harold Howe, Spencer were with Honeywell, Inc., university. "The mature university In 1964 and returned this year and Margaret Stewart. and the U. S. Army Security Agen- sity has an awareness of responto do graduate work In English. Appointed to Associate profes- cy, respectively. sibility; it has a zeal to discover, With his election he became the sorships were Hak Chong Lee, Technical Additions to be curious, to search for the first graduate student to serve as Jon Scott, John Overbeck, Shirley iu u\? general administration truth; it has a commitment to co-editor of the newspaper. Brown, Alberto Carlos, Mojalr staff has neen added Edwin Reilly freedom that transcends any exGalu said that he "would like to Frinta, Aletha Markusen, and as director of the computing cen- pediency or compromise; It must expand the percentage of ads, reThomas Boehm. ter and associate professor of be able to explain Itself articucruit staff In preparation for three The four new assistant profes- science. Hi was previously asso- lately and It must pass on to the issues a week, and broaden our Miss Nathalie Lampman sors are Carolyn Rosenthal,Clara ciated witn the General Electric world whatever It learns or disdefinition of news affecting the ...University News Director Tucker, Suzanne Sroka, and Law- Knolls Atomic Power Laboratory. covers; it is a part of life, not University community." rence Cline. New to the expanded educational aloof from ltj it has deep concern Co-editor Joe Silverman called Miss Nathalie Lampman has television department are David for the dignity and worth of the the election of Galu "a welcome been named news director of the Variety of Backgrounds Kenney, formerly with Schenecaddition to the newspaper staff." University. She will be responsible The new additions to the faculty tady's WRGB; Statton Hlce, on a individual whether on the campus He said that "Joe's experience for press, radio, and television come to Albany with a wide var- part-time basis, who was with the or anywhere In the world. and knowledge of newspaper work coverage of University activities "And Just as the University lety of backgrounds and experience. Albany Public School System; and measures would be a great asset to the and events. you in your development, Her office ls located in the Pub- Dr. Stephen Temesvary, whore George Wiesner, formerly of the you as students have the right to ASP." lic Information Officer, Draper celved his degree from the Univer- New York State Education Depart- measure the University as to the sity of Heidelberg, Joins the de- ment. Hall. degree of maturity It makes eviof astronomy and space Library Hours Miss Lampman holds a bachelor partment dent by Its atmosphere and Us science, year he was at the of arts degree cum laude from the Institute Last actions," for Advanced Studies, Assistants The hours of Hawley Library University and ls now completing „ . are work on tier master of arts degree. Princeton. I s s u e s Hope for Future Student assistants are needed Monday through Thursday: She was formerly an assistant New to the earth and atmos- (or the Student Association for the He concluded that the greatest 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. editor with "Business Week" and pherlc hope he had was that students sciences ls Dr. Winthrop forthcoming year. The work as. Friday — 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. a member of the editorial staff D. Means who formerly was at the slgnments would Involve being re swiftly become conscious of their" Saturday — 0 a.m. to 5 p.m. of "Forbes." Australian National University. sponsible for the Student Activi' possibilities. Then they will " t o Sunday — 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. She also served as managing Among additions to the depart- ties Desk and serving as night come wholly awakened men and Head Librarian Miss Alice Has- editor of the "Hudson Dally Star" ment of Germanic and Slavic lan- manager the College Union, women, the kind America needs tings said that If students seem to and was an area correspondent guages ls Philip Fossa, formerly Studentsfur will be paid $1,25 per so desperately, the kind that can require more use of the library, for the "New York Herald Tri- of Holt, Hluehart, Winston, pub- hour. those Interested should combine thought and action and the hours may be extended later' bune" and the United Press In- lishers, He has a doctorate In contactAll Mr. Greismen in the Stu- bring us closer to (he Ideal of the in the semester. ternational, humane man In a humane world." lettre from the University of dent Activities Office. Additional Faculty Boost University's Staff To 500 Convocation Newsboard Elects IIT3Oil316 dill0CDI y To Cu-EditurshipL " T ... . „ T * Hews Director PHauy, September 17, 1963' Abel, Virginia G. Abrams, Richard L. Alcher, Helen L. Albrecht, Frederick Alexander, Yvonne M. Allord, Michele C. Allen, Karene K. Ambrosino, Timothy J. Ambrozv- Hedv H. Ames, Elinor J. Ames, Oladys May Anderson, Nancy A. Andrews, Joan E, •Arcuri, Michael A. Armao, Catherine M. Armbruster, Dorothy Arnold, Donald F. Ascarelli. David E. Ashley, George H. Ashley, Richard K. Auerbacfi, Marsha L. Auster, Douglas Avin, Laurel Ann Baer, Jon A. Bagg, Richard A. Bakeman, Anne S. Baker, Barbara A. Baker, Susan J. Banko, Bernodette A. Bankoski, Anja S, Bannister, Sharon Barfoot, Beatrice E. Barker, Catharine A, Barnes, Patricia Barth, Clara C. Bartholdi, Diane L. Bartlett, Joan I. Bashuk, Audrey Battistl, Angelo J. Baumann, Nancy A. Bazlen, Barbara K. Beahan, Linda S. Becak, Pamela L. Beck, Louise E. Bell, William B. Benyo, Patricia A. Berdinka, Mary L. Berglund, Carol L. Berinstein, Judith A. Bcrkmon, Howard A. Besemer, Susan P. Betcke, Ernest R. Beusse, Linda C. Bigness, James E. Bineares, Dimitria Birnback, Francine L. Black, Marsha K. Blatt, Harriet Bloch, Frances B. Blocker, Karen G. Bobbett, Ann F. Bochner, Henry Boh en, Judith Ann Bonadies, John L. Bonn, Margaret L. Beuchard, Jay W. Boyle, Leslie L. Brader, Barbara J. Brasholz, Carol S. Brignull, Judith A. Bronson, Deanna L, Brown, Edward C. Brown, Emily S. Brown, Robert H. Brown, Shelia A. Brownless, Barbara A. Bunk, Clara L. Burch, Charles J. Burdick, Nancy A. Burlison, Frederick Burton, Susan A. Bush, Sandra J. Cairo, Francis L. Caldwell, Ann I. Cameron, Roy O. Cannavo, Linda C. Canuteson, Ivan Capron, Mary J. Caravella, David J. Card, Donalette W. Carnicelli, Concetto Caroselll, Marlehe A. Carpenter, Nancy L, Carrol, Margaret A. Carson, Frank J., Jr. Cassel, Ruth A. Catapano, Mary C, Cazer, Corinne J, Cerveny, Marjorie A. Chamberlain, Gladys Chape, Suzanne K. Chicane, Carmen C. Cicero, Frederick J. Cipullo, Roselee M. Citrin, Linda H. Clark, Deniso M. Clark, Joan L. Clarke, Leono R, Clawson, C. Elaine Cloland, Kothryn M. Clowe, Vivian Lou Cochrane, Paul C. Colgan, William H. Collier, Richard L. Collins, Margaret E. Coluzza, John L. Conboy, John F, Conway, Patricia A. Cook, Kenneth W. Cook, Patricia M. Coon, Charles R. Coon, Wendy L. Cooperman, Harriette >S LIST Coppola, Richard A. Coppola, Anne T . Cornwall, Margaret T. Cornell, Diane Craft, Bette Anne Crondall, Phyllis A. Crandall, Donald H. Crepeau, Richard H. Crippen, Daniel F. Cropsey, Virginia L. Cross, Allan V. Crysler, Carolee A. Cummings, Edward J. Cunningham, Cathryn Cusato, Carl F. Cutter, Deborah A. Cuttone, Ralph J. Czech, Jerome S. Darby, Helen T. Davidson, Diane M. Davin, Martha E. Davis, Barbara J. Dean, Terry J, Deoring, Nancy A. Dell, Robert 0 . Demarest, Martin J. Ders, Jacquelyn A. Destafano, Kathleen Digney, Anne M. Dipasquale, Diane M. Ditosti, Carl G. Dolezal, Hubert F. Domkowski, Michael J. Donlse, Joanne C. Dorn, Mary E. Dowell, Janice M. Downs, Grant J. Doyle, Maureen E. Drake, Alan K. Drake, Kenneth J. Dubiac, Diane L. Dunleovy, Richard Dunn, Lee A. Dunzer, Rosemarie Dushin, Laurie Eames, Carol E. Earle, Kathleen A. Easton, Billie E. Eddy, Rosemary E. Edmonds, Philip W., Jr. Epstein, Lawrence J, Erdman, John P. Evans, Bonnie C. Evansburg, Roberta D. Eve, Dennis W. Farnsworth, Kathy K. Feldman,Yetta D. Ferguson, Donald C. Ferradino, Phyllis F. Ferrari, Arthur C. Ficorelli, Fred R. Finch, Kathryn C. Finkle, Lee J. Fiordilino, Robert P. Fisch, Arnold G. Fischer, Lewis R. Fisk, Carl P. Fitchett, F. Tracy Foley, Eileen A. Forst, Lynn M. Foster, Jo Ann L. Frahm, Raymond J. Frank, Anthony Freltag, Iris S. Freyone, Jennifer L. Friedman, Deborah Friedman, Richard B. Friesner, Margery S. Fromer, Martin Fuller, Charlene M. Furman, Holly J, Gage, Shirley B. Gambino, Salvatore V, Ganci, Frances A. Gardello, Jennifer M. Gardner, Harry W, Garhartt, Mary R. Garner, Douglas C, Gavagan, George R, Gaworecki, Barbara A, George, Claudia M. Ghinger, Judith J. Glfford, James P, Gillett, Mary Gilmon, John E, Gilmartin, Michael J, Ginsburg, Jack A. Giuffro, Dorothy S. Glasheen, Maureen F, Gockel, Edward H. Gold, William J. Goldberg, Rhodo C, Goldman, Jacquoline Goldsmith, Merrllee Goodman, Cynthia Grant, Robert B. Grou, Christine A. Gray, Nancy E, Gray, William M, Greene, Elaine S. Gregson, Krig Grevert, Carol A. Grossman, Miriam C. Gussow, Marcia A. m$ ALBANY STUDENT HISS Odorizzi, Richard J. Oesterreich, Patricio Oetken, Susan E. O'Hare, M. Diane O'Keefe, Elisabeth A. Oleniczak, Richard . Olivier, Vivien Olivier, Mary Ann M. Olsen, James H. Orslni, Carren A. Osborne, Robert T., Jr. Osgood, Edith D. Ostrowsky, Barnet Ouimet, Paul L. Outman, Kenneth R, Owens, Donna Y. Owens, John F, Gustafsoon, Ellyn A. Guy, James E, Hadley, Evan C. Haggart, Mary S. Halkewycz, Oksana Hallenbeck, William Hallenbeck, David J. Ham'm, Carol E. Harris, Barbara E. Harter, Raymond P. Harvey, Nancy D. Hayford, Paul D. Herman, Annilee Hermayer, Virginia C. Hemes, Arlette C. Hervey, Susan I. Herzog, Margaret A. Heun, Gabriele Hewitt, Lynn M. Hlllebrand, Margaret Hoffman, Ronald C. Holmer, Margaret M. Hooper, Faylene A. Horn, Stuart R. Horstmann, Karl R. Houghton, Elaine M. Howard, Patricia Hoz, Karen M. Hubbard, John E, Hughes, Michael C. Hull, Valerie Hunter, John M. Hynes, John L. Jackson, Patricia J. Jacobs, Ellen B. Janick, John J. Jardine, Charlene A. Jemal, Carole A. Jensen, Paul M. Jewell, Dorothy M. Johnson, Richard S. Johnson, Marsha G. Jones, Allen D. Jones, Beverly S. Jones, Linda M. Joslin, Roberta J. Judd, Robert E. Judson, Joyce L. Kapela, Gerald S. Katchuk, Edward G. Katje, Doris A. Kavanaugh, Cecile M, Keese, Charles R. Kehoe, Sandra A. Kelder, Sue Anne Kellner, Leslie G. Kelly, Nancy A. Kemp, Claudia H. Kenyon, Harry S. Kessery, Katherine M. Keyes, Kathleen F. Kiehle, Joan E, Kienzle, John F. Kifer, Shirley A. King, Bonnie E. Kleiman, Holly Ann Klein, Terry J. Klimek, John C. Klfng, Helen E. Klosner, David J, Knapp, Karen L, Knittel, David M. Koch, Rose M. Korradi, Maureen M. Kosby, Martin A. Koslor, Ann R. Kowall, Stephen H. Krautter, Catherine Krfvo, Stanley J, Laba, Lidia M. Laribee, George K. Lauko, Stephen J. Laundry, William D. Laurenzo, David A. Low, Gordon T. Lazarus, Cora S, Lee, Anna May Lee, J. Roger Lee, Stanley R. Le Fevre, Louis H. Lembckc, Marcia Leue, William M. Levenberg, Susan G. Lewis, Carole B. Light, Susan Ann Lindcmann, Charles B. Lindsey, .Bruce A. Lindsley, Lillian T. Lippert, Douglas L. Liss, Felicia N. Leder, Arthur B. Letz, Anita Loudis, Joseph A. Loveless, Margaret S. Lowe, Judy E, Lowenstein, Dahlia G. Luce, Di one E. Luczok, Gary A, Lupica, Marianne Luxemburg, Philip I. Lybarger, Ann L. Lyon, Terry E. Malakie, Christey L. Malone, John C , Jr. Moloney, Leo F. Manchester, Katherine A. Manny, Mary J. Marek, Diana M. Marshall, M. Elizabeth Marx, Jane L. Masi, Martha M. Matrese, Richard D. Matteo, Richard F. Matthews, George E, Mattiske, Arthur C. Mattox, Judith Maurer, Thelma J. Mayer, William J. McBride, Guy M. McCann, James E. McCleery, Rosemary McElrath, Naomi S. McFarland, Evelyn J. McGill, Nancy K. McKee, Sara J. McKinney, Beatrice C. McMahon, Kathleen A. Meeds, Alan R, Meehan, Jacqueline Meindl, Maryann Mendel son, Sara M. Mereno, Karran E, Metz, Jerry W. Metzger, Mary L. Mfchelson, Roberta H, Mihalko, Carole L. Miller, Katherine F. Miller, Michelle Minde, Susan K, Miner, Marion G. Mlsner, Jill Ann Mitchell, Robert E . Mitchell, Mardeene B. Moden, Charles J, Monte, James P. Moody, Kavin W. Moore, Nancy A. Moquist, Constance E. Moross, George G. Morris, Linda J, Morrison, Kathleen A. Mosclwskl, Genevieve Mullen, Roberta K, Mulvey, Elizabeth A. Myers, Louise E, Negri, Donald B. Negus, Leslie E. Nichols, SueH. Noble, Claudia A. Nuckols, Harry W. Nuessleln, William D. Packard, Susan Paddock, Patricia M. Poladino, Annette A. Palazzalo, Vivian F. Palmer, Richard W. Paolucci, Francesco Paskln, Stephen R. Patashnick, Harvey Paulsen, Joseph M. Peifer, Edward R. Perkins, James R. Peters, Ann M. Peterson, Robert C. Pfreundner, Susan E. Pimm, Geraldine M. Pmiazek, Judy M. Piotter, Patricia E. Pitcher, Delphine T. Piwnica, Sally Ann Piwnica, Victoria J. Planque, Edith C. Podolec, Barbara J. Pogoda, Linda D. Pohl, Henry S. Polsenski, Mildred V. Pomeroy, Judy A. Post, Walter H. Predmore, Sheila R, Probeck, Paula E. Protus, Katherine M. Putney, Michael Ouigley, Brian M. Rabatln, Marlene A. Radder, Marianne Rampe, Elizabeth J. Rarog, Carol As Rathgeb, Douglas L. Rausch, Barbara A. Rech, Joan E, Reckhow, Starr C. Reed, Maureen A. Regan, Edward J. Rench, Robert V. Rhodes, Donna M. Ribak, Brian Richardson, Edward J. Richens, Allison M. Rickmon, Cheryl R, Richter, Ruth G. Robb, John C. Robelotto, Richard A. Roberts, Linda Robinette, Anne M. Robinson, Stephanie Rogers, Charles D, Rosenthal, Sandra E. Rosenthal, Carol S. Rosinski, Richard R. Rowney, James R. Rupprecht, Judith A. Ruscitti, Aaron J, Rusnak, George Ek, Jr. Russell, Sally A. Rybaczewski, Eugene Rywick, Thomas Sofian, Gail R. Saki, Betty J. Saldin, Ellen L. Salmon, Paul F. *Sandner, Jeanne C. Suupp, Dolores L. Soyer, Barbara M, Schelnman, Lynn R. Scher, Edward M. Schonberg, Marcia E, Schutz, Jean K. Schwartz, Mortin D, Scott, Gail F. Scott, Ronald L. Seidel, Sara B. Selvagglo, Biagia S, Selwood, Diane I. Sennett, Yvonne Serapillo, Janice A. Setter, Mary E. Shaw, Gary F. Sheeran, Joan G. Shelly, Marlene Sherin, Jacqueline M. Sherman, Barbara E. Shirley, Margery A. Siegef, Ruth J, Silverman, Ruth C. 5llvestrl, Thomas A. Simmons, Nancy E, Simons, David J. Singerman, Dion*. E. Slsco, Dion* L, Slsco, Donna M. SUley, Lois R. Sklarew, Lorry D. ' Show, Beverly C. Slatkls, Susan Slay ton, Marjorie A. Sleeter, David H. Slocum, Thomas I, Smallon, David L. Smart, Frederick R. Smith, Heidi Ann Smith, Janet G. Smith, Keven L. Smith, Maria Ells* Smith, Patricia A. Smith, Sharon A. Solomon, Andrea J, Somervllle, Diana E. Spelrs, Sharon W. Spielmann, Gary Ls Spohn, Rosalie A, Spross, John F. Stenard, Richard A. Sterling, Henry A. Sternberg, Christine Stetler, Sandra S. Stevens, Judith N. Stewart, Gail F. St. John, Sarah E, Stoll, Manfred Stott, Patricia A. Strait, Julione M. Strassburg, Susan L. Sucato, Dorothy T. Sullivan, Charles W. Sullivan, Marcia A. Suss, Mary Anne Sutliff, Wllameto Sweet, Brenda L. Szczypkowski, Rosean Szymanski, Richard Tamaroff, Kathy L. Tanner, Kathleen M. Tanzman, Rosanne R, Tashjlan, Marium G. Taylor, Barbara A. Tebordo, lona M. Ten Eybck, Richard L. Thayer, Denyce K. Thomas, Elizabeth Ann Thompson, Richard L, Thomson, Sandra L. Thurheimer, David C, Titus, David K. Tokryman, Nellie A, Tomaszewskl, Bonnie Topper, Janet C. Torre, Michelina M. Torsillo, Nancy D. Townsend, Lilga B. Trapp, Barbara J. Traugott, Ursula I. Trovers, Maureen E. Treis, Sally Ann Tuccillo, Elaine Turbyfill, Susan L. Turtle, Elaine C. Tyler, Lenora J, Ulack, Anita M. Urso, Loretta M. Vairo, Rosemarie Valentino, Elaine A. Vandermeulen, Thomas Vandewater, Margaret E. Vonera, Patrick J. Vogel, Linda D. Voorhies, Candace F. Wade, Suzanne E. Waiting, Carolyn J. Ward, James G. Ward, Robert A. Watson, Dorothy A. Weaver, Sandra L. Weber, Robert F. Wobre, Elizabeth H. Wechsler, Andrea Weiner, Arlene J. Weise, Jon M. Weissmon, Eric F. Welch, Lucinda A. Welker, Douglas B. Welker, Mary M. Wentzel, Mary A. Werbln, Cheryl L. West, Charles White, John L. White, Lorraine A. Wleboldt, Robert A. Wleboldt, Barbaro C. Wlenk, Marilyn D. Wilcox, Betty J. Wilcox, Robert E. Wild, Melinda Williams, Martha L. Wilson, Robert E. Wiltse, Down M. Winslow, Margery Wltaszek, Mary A. Wolanluk, Laura M. Wolslegel, John N, Wright, H. Robert Yarfna, Susan B, Young, Doris H, Young, Richard J, Zakis, Martin Zowissa, Laurence J, Zellnor, Ellen R, -awe K'*i^^t<f^^^' &W>:®'V ,,--,;• p i ' s ^ s p j j g * ALBAKY ITOOIMT nwste^iw t-.-w.jSr* Summer Conferences Prepare Freshmen A total of 1270 members of the Clasa of 1969 attended the eight sessions of the Stammer Planning Conference held between June 28 ^and August X this T a r . The Summer Planning Conference, now inite second year, provided ^comprehensive orientation program for the Red Devils. Dr ' ^ ^ T T n K r s S Dean Of the University College, was Coordinator Of the SPC. H i s staff i n - eluded Mrs. Edith Gramm, Director of Alden Hall, and nine undergraduate Student Assistants. And please. Dear Lord, lot mo find a parking ipaca tomorrow! member in the organization. But many of you will find that you do not have enough time to devote to each organization. If this happens, you will become a vestigial member in eaoh activity you Join. To avoid becoming a do-nothing member, just sign up for a few organizations. Be active in only them and contribute as much as you can. If you find you have additional time to contribute to other activities then do so. But it is better to be active in a few organizations, than to become deadwood in many. Welcome Faculty When welcomes are extended by student newspapers, they usually center entirely on students. We wish to welcome our new faculty and our new staff members. No university community Is composed entirely of students; the community is made up of everyone from President Collins to a freshman to a kitchen worker. We of the 'ASP hope you will all be members of our reading audience and that you will feel free to express your opinions in letters to our editors. We extend a special greeting to the new professors, instructors and graduate assistants. We are enthusiastic in this welcome because of the position teaching holds in this university. Albany State has never been a "publish or perish" institution. The teaching of students and the counseling of students are of as great importance as publishing. We feel this is as it should be. Activities Day Welcome, freshmen, to our forever expanding University. Like most freshrmen you are eager to take an active part in the various activities on campus.. Tomorrow on Activities Day you will receive your chance to sign up for these activities. In your eagerness many of you will probably join several organizations. This is all well and good, if you are going to be able to be an active They were William Bate, Anne Bourdon, Edith Hardy, Vera Kominowskl, Al Smith, and Richard Ten Eyck, Seniors; Louise Myers, a Junior* and Sophomores James Economldes and Harry Nuckols. Each two and one-half day conference had an average of 158 students. All were housed In Alden Hall. The Conference began with a convocation led by Dr. Morris. Dr. Howard Maxwell, Coordinator of Academic Advisement, also spoke to the freshmen on the "Climate of Learning" at theUnl- " & the matador of thoaf^moon tht freshmen took a read. mg test and met In small groups with their academic advisor. Rotate in Group Events . In the evening, and for the next day, the freshmen were divided into three groups, each participating in the three major events of the Conference. The first event -Included Individual appointments in Draper Hell. Eachvfreshman had an individual appointment with his academic advisor, where he arranged his courses for the fall semester and talked with his advisor about academic problems. . In addition, freshmen were able to request appointments with the housing office, financial aids, medical office, and counseling service. Identification pictures and cards were also processed at this time. During the free time between appointments the freshmen toured Albany Student Press THE PROCESS WHICH began with on Individual appointment with on academic advisor culminated a day later in the completion of registration packets. Freshmen entered on an equal basis with upperclassmen as they were assigned to late night and Saturday courses. ^iiftnSi E S T A B L I S H E D M A Y 1916 B Y T H E C L A S S O F 1V18 do reac Room 5 of Brubaehsr Hall at 750 State Street, Is open from 7-11 p.m. Sunday through Thursday n i g h t . . JOSEPH W. G A L U - JOSEPH S. SILVERMAN Co-Editor.-ln-Chlof E D I T H S . HARDY Executive Editor LARRY EPSTEIN A r t . Editor RAYMOND A. McCLOAT Sports Editor E I L E E N MANNING Senior Editor JUDITH M. CONGER Technical Supervisor DIANA M. MAREK Business Manager DOUGLAS G. U P H A M Photography Editor KLAUS SCHNITZER Associate Photography Editor MONICA M. McGAUGHEY Advertising Manager SUSAN J . THOMSON Public Relations Editor Desk Editor Stall... Columnists Photographer Ellen Zang Joseph Mahay, James B a l l i n . Mike Farenell Llnford White, Cynthia Goodman, Deborah Friedman C. M, Corson, Grenda Miller, Carol Walling, Alice Nudelman ,. Bruce Daniels, Anne Digney, G, P. Minimus Walter Past, Robert McOdare All communications must be addressed to the Editors and should be signed. Name* w i l l be withheld on request. Communications should be limited to 300 words and ore subject to editing, The Albany Student Press assumes no responsibility fur opinions expressed In Its columns or communications, as such eie>rossions do not'necessorlly relloct Its views, Recreation On the second evening, the fresh* men participated in a social-recreational period. Activities included volleyball, football, badminton, folk-singing, or just getting acquainted. the academic facilities in the Draper area and visited the University Bookstore. Residence Meetings While one group was engaged In the appointments, a second group remained In Alden. There, men and women residents attended separate meetings led by a men's and a women's residence director. The commuters went to a meeting with Harry Nuchols and Louise Myers, the two Student Assistants who were commuters. At the end of these meetings, the second group convened for a discussion and explanation of student government by Richard Thompson, Chairman of Central Council. The third morning was taken up with the completion of questionnaires, registration forms, and an evaluation of the SPC. No matter what the scheduled .event, the main activity of the Conference was talk. In meetings, between meetings, at meals, in the halls, with roommates and with advisors, there was a constant flow of questions, answers, Information and advice. RICHARD THOMPSON, Chairman of Central Council, explains the history and organisation of student government on campus. Thompson emphasised the cole freshman participation would play in the structure of the new government. Change, challenge, and confidence — these three words, according to evaluations, spell for many freshmen the meaning of the Summer Planning Conference, nt At the end of each of the eight sessions, the freshmen were given the opportunity to rate every aspect of the Conference, from academic advisement to registration. Additional space was provided for written criticism on the most and least helpful aspects of the Conference. The purpose 01 such a detailed evaluation was to gather freshman criticism and comment of the success and shortcomings of the conference. These evaluations will be used to further Improve each succeeding conference. The overall rating ofthe conference Itself was high. Of the 12G1 freshmen who completed the evaluation forms, 88.0% rated the conference as "excellent" or "very good." E x c e s s of Lectures The next highest rating was received by the Individual academic advisement appointments, which 87,7% of the freshmen thought were excellent or very good. Probably the most common criticism of the conference was that there were "too many lectures." The opening convocation, for example, received the lowest percent of excellent and very good ratings (39.5%), hut 43.7% of the freshmen found It "satisfactory." Talks on the new student government and residence-hall living were fairly well received. - The frosh enjoyed the tour of the new campus, but when discussing the campus Itself, they voiced mixed emotions. One "lied Devil" complained that there.were "too many trees" on the New Campus. Tuition Foes for Flowerpots Another had the following comment to make: "Least helpful was the new campus tour. While It was very interesting, it showed me that my tuition fee of $400 might possibly be used for a $315 flowerpot, which is Indeed aggravating and stupid," Small group discussions invariably aroused comment, As one (continued page 6) if ;-.r" GROUP DISCUSSIONS PROVIDED o prim, opportunity for freshmen to ask que.ti.n. and ex pre.. k n „ „ T . J . l | r a P l • " • " " " ^ " ' i ( U q l a n d * • controversies which developed helped freshmen to know their fellow classmates. S.P.C. Emphasizes Scholastic Responsibilities, Freedoms Summer Conference Receives Praises Of Class of '69 Glass Houses There are interesting sidelights to most controversies. The witchhuntover The Torch is no exception. Now that The Torch is preparing its book for 1966, it is going through a process of evaluating the various sections of the 1965 book. The section that evoked the greatest number of complaints was the section on the fraternities and sororities. Of eight sororities, not one has paid its bill to the yearbook. The first bill was sent last April. Two notices were also ignored. Only KB of the five frats has bothered to fulfill its financial obligations. It is in this light that the ASP feels the Greeks are in a weak position when they speak of yearbook's responsibilities. The failures of the Greeks do not erase the few errors of the yearbook, but the Greeks could put their nonhouses in order. A third group was given a tour of the New Campus, including the power plant and the commissary. They were also shown slides of the annexes and of the Albany area. Each evening the freshmen met in small co-ed discussion groups. The discussions were led by the student assistants. "Welcome to Albany's community of scholars. No matter what you thought of yourself before, here at Albany we think and assume that you are a person who is coming to college to learn." With these words at the Opening Convocation, Dr. Howard Maxwell, Director of Academic Advisement, set the tone for the Summer Planning Conference. From the very beginning of the conference, the freshmen were treated as scholars. Each activity was geared to acquaint them with the freedoms and responsibilities of a scholar In an academic com,l munity. i Individual Freedoms "The freedoms that you will experience can be a misleading drug and will prove to be your most valuable lesson of the freshman year," continued Dr. Maxwell. "The test of real maturity will be the use of this freedom with responsibility. "The student remembers that he Is here In college to make of himself all that he is capable of becoming. He has an obligation to ills family, state, and nation, as well as to himself, to take advantage of the educational opportunities that are available here at the University." Dr. Morris, who spoke to the group earlier, outlined the responsibility which the University felt in helping students to achieve this feeling of community, "The State University of New York at Albany Is committed to the elimination of those causes which tend to annihilate the feeling of personal worth on the part of the individual," he said. "You will find that almost all members of this faculty, administration, student affairs staff, residence hall directors, and resident assistants are ready, willing, and able to discuss any matter of personal concern to you at anytime." your involvement In the government. "Your primary concern Is academic achievement. But there Is much to be gained from the many activities and programs available here. If you are to fully develop your potential, I feel, it Is necessary thai you seek out the avenue which can best fulfill your needs." The emphasis on Individual responsibility carried throughout the three-day program. It also formed the essence of the concluding remarks of Dr. Morris. "You are to be congratulated on your demonstrated intellectual ability. Your records are of high caliber — You have the ability to do the work here — there Is no doubt about this fact. "You will get out of your collegiate education as much as you put into It. However, as in any phase of a person's life, you will only get from your collegiate education In proportion to that which you give to It." THE TALK NEVER STOPPED, especially during meals. The good food was only a background for more conversation, more information, more friendships. Parents9 Brief Orientation Includes Convocation, Reception, Campus Tour Parents who brought their children to the Summer Planning Conference received their own orientation to Albany State. A convocation, reception, and tour of the New Campus provided a brief but important introduction of what to expect in the next four years. At the convocation both Dr. Clifton C. Thorne, Dean of Students, and Dr. Robert B. Morris, Dean of the University College, talked with the parents. They explained the purposes and activities of the Summer Planning Conference and Introduced several of the academic advisors and other administration. The emphasis, however, was on the changes which the student would experience In both his social and academic life, changes which the parents should expect and be prepared for. University Extends Help Dr. Maxwell also spoke of the University's willingness to extend aid, especially in regard to the University College, "We are experienced in helping freshmen through a year that will prove to be exciting and at times difficult. I think you will find that we can be of great help to you, but you must let us know when you do need help." This responsibility of the freshman to take the initiative was emphasized by Richard Thompson, Chairman of Central Council, In his explanation of the student government structure. "Through the Central CouncilCommission form of government, REASSURANCE WAS THE order of day, at Dr, Clifton Thorne the causes of Individual discontent can hopefully be eliminated, But prepared the parents far the new independence they would have it depends upon your support and from their soni and daughters, "This is a time when students' ideas change. This Is normal," said Dr. Thorne. "It Is a time when the desire for Independence is strongest. This causes problems for you parents and for the University, but this must happen If these students are to grow," Parents were urged to "cut the umbilical cord now," to "let them go, but encourage, support them." They were reminded that in college students should haveresponsibllity for their financial affairs and social lives as well as their academic work. Dr. Morris talked with the parents at length about probable changes in academic performance. "Parents have observed their young people climb to the top of the academic ladder and are proud of the academic achievements obtained by their children... But here In the Class of 19G9, there will be many such prize scholars." "You should not expect too much of your son or daughter, particularly during the freshman year. The competition is going to be keen and many students will learn the meaning of study for the first time." No Report C a r d s He emphasized the fact that the University would not send grade reports to the parents hut urged "that you maintain close contact with your students. "Some' students will fall, of course," ho said, "but It Is the Job of the University and the parents to provide the support so that each student does the best Job he is capable of doing." (continued page 6J Friday, September 17,1965 AHAWY 8TUPIMT M i l l ***<*0 Dr. Edith O. Wallace, a member of Albany State's class of 1917, retired at the rank of chairman of the Division of Humanities. Her association with Albany began with ier attendance of high school at Milne. Her name can still be found on a plaque honoring academic excellence. 1918 - IMS Miss Wallace completed an M. A. legree at Wellesley and Joined the Albany State faculty in 1918 when the name was the New York State College for Teachers at Albany. She taught English and Latin until 1929 when she was named department chairman for ancient languages. In 1938 Miss Wallace completed doctoral thesis at Columbia and was awarded a Ph. D. Her thesis was on the philosophy of Servlus1 Commentaries. She instituted such courses as Latin 8 — Roman Life, Latin 10 — Types of Latin Literature, and Greek Literature, a comparative literature course. Miss Wallace was a member of the first faculty council under the Presidency of Dr. Sayles in the late 1930's. She was elected to the council to a total of three terms. She was also the chairman of the Committee on Academic Standing, Dean Stokes promoted the construction of Sayles and Brubacher halls and encouraged the purchase of several small group houses. Another major area of her interest was honorarles. She has been very active in the Albany area chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. She encouraged the formation of many of the present SUA honorarles. Innovator Dr. Shields Mcllwaine retired from his position as a professor of English and comparative literature. He Joined the faculty in 1940 and served as English department chairman from 1948 to 1938. His undergraduate study was done at Southwestern In Memphis; his graduate work, at the Universit of Chicago. "Mack" originated the courses in English honors and expanded the program of creative writing. He S S °which l f r ' hhas L t hsince l ! 2 B become !il!lea : nlng, major social-Intellectual event. Mcllwaine taught the first ecological In the field of English In his "Southern Life and Literature." At least four courses of this type are now taught. He is created with beginning the present development of the Albany State English program and staff. The faculty member with tho shortest tenure to retire i s H. Carolyn Howard, professor of library science. Miss Howard has a Ph. B. from the University of Chicago and a B.S. and an M.S. in library science from Columbia. Miss Howard Is best known for her course In children's literature. She was acting department chairman before Irving A, Verschoor's appointment. Dean of Women Dean Ellen C. Stokes retired a the end of the summer session Dean Stokes earned bachelor'sane master's degrees from Brown anc T w o C u b classes will be held a Ph.D. from the University oi d Ur i n g the next week to Instruct Chicago. those interested In Joining the She Joined the faculty in 1926 s t a n 0 f the Albany Student Press. as a mathematics teacher. She-phe classes will be held Sunday served in that capacity until 1943 a n c | Monday at 7:30 p.m. In Bruwhen she was appointed dean of bacher Hall, Room 6. women. The classes will be taught by Dean Stokes served In this ca- Edith Hardy, Executive Editor of paclty under Presidents Brubach- t n e ASP. Miss Hardy was Coer, Nelson and Collins. Editor-in-Chief of the paper durPerhaps the greatest achieve-.i ng the 1964-65 school year. ment of her long tenure was the only basic introductory inforadoption of a policy of university matlon will be given at these responsibility for providing nous- classes, so that students may being, come Involved with actual work When Dean Stokes tookherposi- 0 n the paper as soon as possible. lion in 1943, there was only one All freshmen and .upperclassresidence hall, Pierce. There were men are Invited to attend the several group houses. classes. Further Information will be available on Activities Day. Cub Classes Tonight and tomorrow night Albany's famous Statesmen will be performing for the first time this year. Tonight's performance will be on the Dutch quadrangle, near Ryckman Hall. It is solely for the quad residents and motel Inhabitants. It starts at 8:00 p.m. Tomorrow night's concert will be held In the alumni quad, It will be strlctlv for alumni quad Attention The Student Assistants who spent their summer working with the freshmen, were highly enthusiastic about the Conference objectives and results. Said Rich Ten Eyck, a Senior, "The most important objective was to prepare the Incoming freshmen in the best way possible for entering the University in September. This was not social preparation to a great degree, but was academic and intellectual. "The discussions, the appointments, the conversations which the freshmen participated in were aimed toward a more thorough knowledge of the University, Its academic standards, and its expectations for the freshmen. The subjects stressed were serious and pertinent." .Louise Myers, a Junior, saw the value of the Conference in a different way: "The Summer PlanTHE FAST PACE of meetings, discussions, and activities was nlng Conference Is a reclproqal tempered with o relaxing hour of folk-singing. For those who trade of personalities and Ideas. ••"' h o d • " • W . volleyball and badminton gomes were in pro- When you extend your friendship and advice to the freshmen, they gress. in turn respond to you with the (cont'd) vitality of their personalities. And both of you become richer by the motel situation, reporting In the m e e t l n S Dr. Thome explained in greater tail> assignment of residence and detail the services which the Unl- roommates, and other aspects of q o n l n „ """"J' B " n ? " ' * „ STATE UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE * ^ * * * * * * * * * ALL TEXTBOOKS will be moved from the Commons back to the BOOKSTORE beginning Saturday-September 25 ^ " .anrskTcommen d C V n e h e ^ I Parents were also anxious n o w hhntU o w mmn/>h ucn n en . v "PPThnnR .. . . aids . . were ' **' He kUnnvi cnnnrHiwr mmo n financial covered W^K y " p orhaps (\\Q the greatest reward pointed out that "everv"student t h e l r s o n s a n d daughters should comes In knowing that you're doing llave The deans inted ut tnat s o m e t n l n has someone to go to "However P° ° e r e a " y worthwhile, that the N e w he emphasized, "Ultimately only t h e a m o u n t w o u l d v t t r y a c c o r d m e J,,°"'re h e l P i n ^ t o <*"** the student can do the Tob' The t 0 l n d l v l d u a l "*'<» and habits. University," said Smith, parents and University can't dn H o w e ™ r . they suggested $8 to $12 Added Miss Komanowski, "The it for h i m " per week for women, and $12 to Summer Planning Conference proHe flUn' tnikort win, l h . „„,.„,,. $ 1 5 p e r week for men. vided an invaluable experience to Z'ZfJlu!^! * Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m, to 4:30 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.nu to 1:00 p.m. Parents Orientation,,, H?"'- TEXTBOOKS may be returned starting Monday- October 4 a b f t the t S L S S i r S S . . „ w h a t d 0 the students do prUof C X i S d U r l g thB w e e k e n d s He exXZ" thf ^ " T * " ' " as *ed one will be determined™the developc nstruc on Drnhl»mi hf =nm ° " , worried parent. "Well," answered ment of each and every member of fh ?h!« t ™ « J S . i C a n , P U f , ' ^ , d D r - T h o r n e w i t h a s m l l e ' "the our newest class." the bus transportation available. Dean's list students study." He also indicated that some students would amost definitely be in motels. He added, "The University feels it is better to permit students to enroll, despite physical plant limitations, than to deny young people the opportunity to obtain a college education. IF I You have: your cash register receipt : your drop or add card "'"* The books are defective Monoy _ A Prime Concern At the conclusion of their talks, both Dr. Morris and Dr. Thorne answered questions from the parents Most questions concerned the Jf J „§lnna » VUIUUIIUIIS • (cont'd) . statea= " was at these " n B s where mutual problems ""? Weas were discussed. It was very comforting to find that many others had problems similar to mine." And another said of the discusresidents and will also begin at sions, "They made me feel as 8:00 p.m. though I were a part of the conUpperclassmen are familiar ference rather than Just another with the fine quality with which the student." Statesmen perform. The group, composed of twenty-four chosen Advance Orientation : by Mr. Karl Peterson of the music On tile value of the Conference department, does classical, sa- Itself, the freshmen had these FRESHMEN WFBF Am B . . i L cred, and semi-popular music, comments comments to make: "Other col- from the peopl | n ^ a . rlV"e s l T " " B , w ' u l " dlree,l>' d Dress at the two concerts Is leges give you a weekend before , | g9 n o d to Teduc. t•h« . ,nmoiK ' , ™ « meetings were de Informal classes for orientation, butasum"" * confusion of dormitory living. mer conference such as this gives ' '—" you an excellent orientation well In advance of college classes." "The conference both Informed and challenged me." "I received many new Ideas and changed many Photo Service needs phoIdeas I previously had." tographers with or without experience who are willing PINE HILLS CLEANERS to take pictures for the stu340 Western Avenue Mrs. Saffey • Bra dent newspaper, the ASP, CLEANING and EXPERT and for the yearbook, the TAILORING Torch. Small Income posslble. We Call and Deliver Statesmen Perform AtBANT StUfclNT PRESS Assistants Praise SPC Experience ^^^^imtil Members Hetire from University Staff The University began this s e mester without the services of tour of Its distinguished faculty members. The four members accounted for more then 125 years of teaching experience at Albany State. Friday, September 17, 1965 Irosn n)ee Tonight Photographers * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * MAKE all returns in the BOOK DEPARTMENT of the BOOKSTORE. Any books which are currently Out-of-Stock have been reordered MALE HELP NEEDED STUDENT UNION IV 2-31311 The ASP needs writers, reporters, if the Professor has given us an order. Welcome Backll WASHINGTON TAVERN Delivery will take 10 days. Welcome to Freshmu and other anti-prohibitionists paste up gals. * * * * * * * * * Western Auenue STATE UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE lltt ffffc; Frlsfcy, * f » f . t » f 17, I W j >4 RayView of Sports by Ray MeCloat , Peering out of my 16fty*tower abode out on the new campus earlier this week, I watched the spectacular movement of some 1300 freshmen letting their :•?' presence' be felt on the SUNYA scene.' Included in the formation were approximately 600 males, r e portedly In healthy states of mind and body arid v seemingly enjoying being outnumbered by members of the opposite sex. A typlal freshman class, • agreed? ' Now, being of unsound mind and body, what else does an ASP (that's the name of the newspaper) sports editor do but wonder how many of those :> sound specimens will lend themselves to the ause of bettering State athletics. Having already established the class as "typical,!' the answer is an unfortunate too few, far too few." Over the past several years Albany has been experiencing a tremendous growth in size, population, and prestige, all of which has been effected by the power of SUNYA's by word — transition. We are in the process of performing a transition from a State Teachers College to a State University. Academically and architecturally we are succeeding; athletically we are not. - / • • ' • ' A L B A N Y 3 , N E W YORK S E P T E M B E R 581, 1 9 6 5 Albany State VOL. LI. NO. 2 6 Central Council will hold its first meeting of the year Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in Brubacher private dining room. The main business of the meeting will be to organize committees to begin writing the final draft of each commission's constitutions. This final work has to government composed of a Supreme Court and several lesser courts be done before Central will probably be set up by October 1. Council can ratify the conMYSKANIA has been screening stitutions and make them people who applied for the Supreme and will send the list of nompart of the Student Asso- Court inees to Central Council for ratificiation Constitution. cation. Fall Sports P R E S I D E N T C O L L I N S G R E E T S freshmen during the President's Reception held Friday Night. Over 450 freshmen attended the event held in Brubacher Lower Lounge. Albany's top two runners, Dennis T u t t l e and Tom Robinson, led the line of runners in a race through Washington Park. Robinson and Tuttle both graduated, so the team w i l l be banking heavily on returnees Bob Flick and Ken Kirik to head an intense rebuilding program. Keith Munsey is coach. NOTICE Only the administration can correct the aforementioned faults; it could be a long wait. And with most upperclassmen well rooted in their college c a r e e r s , the great hope of Albany's athletic program lies in the incoming Class of 1969. What the men of the Clussof '69 can do is examine the State sports program, evaluate the sports and what you can offer them and what they can offer you, and, finally, decide if you can fit a sport into your academic schedule. If you have any questions about time budgeting, or if you wonder about your qualifications for making a team, just consult with your gym instructor. He'll be more than glad to help you. I can't imagine any freshman not being proud of being a member of the class that revived State's fine old tradition in athletics. That revival is long overdue in coming. Frosh soccer coach Bill Schieffelln has announced that candidates for his team should either see him In Page Hall gym or on the athletic field after 4:00 p.m. Joe's Cleaners 795 Madison Avenuo phono 463-4972 SPECIAL Any 3 items cleaned for the price of 1 Led a l l season long by Glens F o i l s ' Joe Keating, the State frosh harriers rolled to a fine 5-3 record. Keating won seven of the eight dual meets the team was in, and he was backed up by top notch runners Bob Mulvey and Mike Parker. State's all-time great Tom Robinson w i l l coach the frosh this year. wnftK fth@ m Diff< TOinicd 10% OH on Yarn if: Central Council to Hold First Meeting Thursday 1 The varsity boaters w i l l be captained by senior Udo Guddat of U n i o n d a U , L . I . , this year, a t the standout forward w i l l try and get the team in shape for a September 25 home opener with Quinnipiac. Also returning w i l l be last year's leading scorer Maurice Tsododo, goalie Anton Saleclccr, halfback Dick Szymanski, and forward Jay Moore. The team is short on experience. Scene til ?! Press Alb Hops With Frosh NO LAV-AWAYS Present this coupon to 10% Off on Yarn 212 Western Aue. at Quail Knit your Mother's Day and Father' s Day gifts now 10% Off 10% Off on Yarn on Yarn GOOD UNTIL 15 Off Worsted-Reg. $' 39 now $1,19 - 4 ot. open daily 10-6 p.m. Wed. 10-9 p.m. State University Theatre Announces Schedule for Upcoming Season be directed by James E. LeonExcitement and variety to ard. Tryouts, held last night and have become the keynote tonight in Page Hall, will fill the words to describe the up- roles, primarily male, and are the first step toward a four-night run, coming State University November 3-6, in Page Hall. Theatre season. Five ma- One of the newest concepts In theatre is being realized under Ross jor productions, five guest who will produce John artist appearances, and ap- Stephen, Cheever's novel "The Wapshot proximately twelve one-act Scandal" December 8-11, and again plays constitute the bill for from the 15-18, in the Studio Theatre in chamber theatre style. the 1965-1966 year. Stephen emphasizes that in this The first major production will foi;m of theatre, which Is essentially the staging of narrative fiction, what be Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men, The Albany Student Press will continue to sponsor its foster child from Colombia, Graclala Garcia, for another year. As was done last year, the ASP will conduct a drive for funds to help sponsor Graclala. Since lasl year, Graclala lias finished second grade successfully and will enter third grade in February. The school year in Colombia runs from the beginning of 010 Tony Amoro . Alox Lutmon Frank Appio AMORE BARBER SHOP Hours 8 to 6 phono 482-3956 • 848 Madison Ave OUR SPECIALTY RAZOR CUT Gerald's Drug Co. 217 Western A v e . A l b a n y , N Y Phone 6 - M I O Graclala Garcia . . . A S P Foster Child is presented Is a novel and not a play. Approximately twenty roles are available, and will be cast after tryouts October 5-7 at 7:30 in Richardson 290. Faculty Directed Muscial Perhaps-the biggest "first" in the new season will be the eight night run of "Stop the World, I Want To Get Off" March 2-5 and 9-12. The Newley-Brlcusse musical, widely acclaimed for its r e cent Broadway success, will be staged by Martin Mann in Page Hall as the first faculty-directed musical at State. Jarka Burlan's staging of " J . B . " by Archibald MacLelsh in the Trinity Methodist Church and Dr. Paul B. Pettit's decision to stage Aristophanes' "Lysistrata" outdoors are major steps away from conFebruary until the end of Novem- ventional theatre. The Greek comedy, a powerful Indictment of war, ber. Graclala is now ten years old and will be seen May 11-14; details on doing very well In school. She says " J . B . " are as yet uncertain. in her letters that she Is doing well because she likes to study. Trend The contributions which the ASP The trend toward longer runs in sends to Graclala are not unly money but also clothes, blankets, and toi- State University Theatre is populetries. The money is sent to help larly regarded as an Increase in meet Graclala's tuition expenses the demand for quality dramatics, for her schooling. and is generally a welcome pheUntil she was adopted by the ASP, nomenon. Graclala's parents could not afford Guest artist productions form an to send her to school. Mr. Garcia, important part of the year's perGraclala's father, Is still working formances. Beginning with an Octoas a carpenter, and lie earns $30.00 ber 8 performance in Page Hall a month. This barely meets the (title as yet unannounced), tlioy inoust of the family's necessities of clude the Compass luiprovlsational life. Theatre October 9, "The Legends The contributions of the foster of St. Nicholas" (a 12th century parents' plan make It possible for church drama) December 13, and the child to receive an education the Triad Dance Company Februand better earnings. While Mr. Gar- ary 18. cia is woi it ng, Graclala's mother Perhaps the most important guest tends to the chores of housekeeping. performance will be Circle In the She, too, is grateful for her daugh- Square's production of Sophocles' ter's foster parents. "The Trojan Women" March 13. Since adoption by the ASP, Gra- All guest artists will perform in clala has shown great physical Page. growth, Graclala has grown from an under-nourished to a healthy Student Directed Ploys child. Graclala's brother Pedru is Three bills of one-act plays tonow married and raising a family taling approximately twelve dramas of his own, round out the bill, To lie seen Two of Iter other brothers, Miguel and Carlos are now in high school, December 14-15, March 1-2 and Gulllermo, another brother, is stay- April 28-27, they are presented as ing at home, while an older sister, part of the direction class. The new season is one about Socorro, Is looking for work as a (oontimird fmgti 3} secretary, • >•• •••• ASP to Begin Fund Drive To Support Foster Child WSUA Dial KNIT N' TIME YARN SHOP Potter Club quarterback Wayne Smith i« about to take the snap from e . n t t r In an AMIA football game last year. Potter Club had far from an easy time winning its tenth straight title « At** forced the Club into a playoff. This yoar KB, as we as some independent teams w i l l provide plenty of competltlion as the league gets progressively tougher each season. • • B u s Strike? Turnout Smaller For a good many years now, Albany's incoming class has been "biggerand better" than the p r e ceding one. And yet, of late, the turnout for athletic teams has been progressively smaller (percentagewise). Perhaps increased academic pressure or apprehensions about intercollegiate competition has served to dissuade high school athletes from taking up sports in college. Whatever the reasons, the end result is always the same for school—poorer andpoorer teams. In part the school is to be blamed. Recruiting restrictions, lack of administration support, poor facilities, and general hardships on athletes have all helped to push State athletics into the back seat of SUNYA's transitional movement. Oh, granted we've changed our mascot from a penguin to a great dane, but nominal changes aren't the kind our athletic system needs. < Richard Thompson, President of Central Council, said that he hoped to have these constitutions ratified by October 15. He said that the two commission representatives on the council will act as a medium between their individual commission and the council in putting the finishing touches on the constitution. Thursday Meetings Thompson said that the council will meet every Thursday night until the work on the constitution is completed. He said hopefully, "If the theory behind the government works out, the council will not have to meet every week because lesser commissions will do all the work set aside by Senate." He said that he will try "to delegate enough authority and r e sponsibility so that members of the government do not become bored with their area of study like what happened with Senate." Thompson hoped that he could Instill In eacti level uf the government a desire to Initiate activities. He said "if they are willing the government will be put on its feet; if they do not, then the problems the government will face will be worse than Senate." The new judicial branch of the The Court will be composed of four seniors, three juniors and two sophomores. When the Supreme Court will take power, MYSKANIA will lose all its judicial power and will remain the guardians of tradition and the freshmen class. It will also assist and advise any campus organization that desires its help and screen nominees for the Supreme Court. The lesser courts will be set up by the individual commission areas. New Members Late last spring the twelve additional Central Council members from the commission areas were named to the council. They were Lynn Kurth and Sharon Teves representing the Commission for Community Programming, Carol Zang and Miriam Grossman from Religious Area Affairs Commission, Henry Madej and Doug Upham from Communications Commission, Lauren Kurz and Bruce Werner from Living Area Affairs Commission and Richard Thompson and Linford White from Commission for Academic Affairs. Also appointed to the Council from the faculty were Dr. Walter Knotts, Nell Brown, Dr. Ruth Schmidt, Martha Egelston and Dr. John Rosenbach. Mitchell Trio to Perform Saturdays The Mitchell Trio will perform in Page Hall this Saturday at 7:00 and 9:15 p.m. Tickets are being sold in the Peristyles, the dining areas, at Activities Di'yand at the Student Activities desk in Brubacher. Mike Kobluk, John Denver and Joe Frazler, of the Trio, combine Urban folk songs and satire to The Mitchell Trio ...During one o< their concerts musically express themselves in terms of contemporary feeling and thought. The result being a sound very distinctive from today's highly polished "pop" folk music. The Mitchell Trio enjoys recording highly controversial songs such as "The John Birch Society" and "Slngln' Our Mind," both have been banned by the television industry. Pleas for peace, tolerance, and good will shine through many of their, more serious numbers. (continued page 3) ;