*m Feds End Losing With Win Over Siena

PrlAly, May 7. IMS
Feds End Losing Skein
With Win Over Siena
by John Fleltman
- The Ped varsity diamondmen ended their five game
losing streak last Wednesday with an 11-10 slugfest win
over niehgboring rival RPI. • The Staters brought their
season record to two wins, six losses; the triumph was
the first for the diamondmen since an opening game
conquest of Quinnipiac, 9-3.
The Peds will play three
odorizzi blasted a triple, knockconsecutive road games, '"* l n MMMIO and McGurrin. Bin
„ 4 . . „ „ „ . . . x . n „ * „ j ! r _ *~
Ingino. then belted a home run (first
starting with Potsdam to- of t n e y e a r for Mbany)i pu\iine
day. Tomorrow they will state up 8-1
travel to Plattsburgh and In the fifth frame, Don Mason hit
Kimball cracked a single,
next week they will face aanddouble,
a squeeze bunt by Plzzlllo
New Paltz.
drove ln Mason. Don McGurrin again
State led off with two runs ln
STATE RUNNER it about to be tagged out at New Haven catcher is poised to do tha job in last week's the first Inning on a walk to Don
19-3 clobbering or tha Peds.
McGurrin and hits by Dick Odorizzi and Bill Ingino,
McGurrin again scored ln the
third frame via a walk, a wild pitch,
and another Ingino hit.
It was; however, a six run fourth
* * * * *
inning that won the game for Albany. The action began with Frank
The State frosh linksmen
Kankolenskl's single. Dick Kimball
walked, " P e p " Plzzlllo stroked a
were defeated by a powersingle, and an error on a McGurrin
ful Siena team, 14 1/2 shot scored Kankolenski and Kim3 1/2, last May 3 in a
Pel Frosh Golfers
Clobbered by Siena
* * * * *
home match. The frosh now
sport a 1-1 mark and will
be playingCobleskill today.
Gregg Hobinson, playing in the
number one slot for Albany, fired a
fine 78 over the 6300 yard, 35-3671 par Pinehaven Country Club
course, but lost medalist honors to
Siena's Charles Murphy, who shot
a - 74.
The other Ped linksmen were
Fred Nelson (83), Dave Drucker
(85), Mike Glnevan (8G), Bill Pendergast (86), and Carl Reynolds.
The scores of the individual
matchers were Murphy def. Robinson, 4-2; Callahan def. Nelson,
5-3; Klein def. Drucker, 6-5; Sondey def. Glnevan, 1 up; Pendergast
def. Zurawel, 2 up; Caimide def.
Reynolds 7-0.
A RayView of Sports
by Roy McCloot
Now that the spring sports season is in full progress,
a close examination of the teams will reveal two pointed
observations: the tennis and golf teams are enjoying
mild success and the baseball teams aren't. The p r e ceding statement isn't as facetious as a first reading
might indicate, for — let's put it this way — if wins
were words, ours would be HELP!
The frosh and varsity baseball teams have a composite
record of one win, 10 losses. More revealingly, the two
squads have scoreda total of 36 runs — and allowed 126!
Both teams have completed more than half their schedule, and now they must face the same teams again.
Again, HELP!
The question remains, of course, why? Well
we've attended several games in the last few weeks
and have been trying to fiture it out, and our findings
are not at all clear.
The varsity diamondmen seem to be lacking clutch
hitters, as they have stranded over 50 men on base in
their six outings. It is the "hittingest team I've ever
had" coach Bob Burlingame stated, yet he is not r e ceiving the timely hitting his players showed promise
of producing in pre-senson workouts. There are, of
course, several individual disappointments that every
sport has trouble explaining.
The frosh are plagued by a lack of depth that was
clearly evident before the season got underway. Coach
Munsey feels that he is just beginning to sense the positions each player is best at, and how he (Munsey) can
best maneuver them to attain the most effective lineup.
And then there's that murderous schedule...
Errant field has been u continuous handicap for the
varsity, while the freshmen have been huving problems
in keeping enemy batters from knocking the ball out of
sight. Also, barring speedster " P e p " Pizzillo, both
teams are completely devoid of speed.
We could go on and compiles a long list of weaknesses
the diamondmen have, but why kick a man when he's
clown? Instead, we'll just let u smile be our umbrella,
and fervently hope for a more successful "back nine."
WAA Results
Meeting with the demands to publish intramural sports results and
WAA sports news, the
sports department of the
ASP will feature weekly
articles on both these functions.
AMIA Softball League II commissioner Fred Culbert recently announced the standings for his league.
The are as follows:
Park House
Kappa Beta
The Club
1 1/2
Water bury
* 1/2 game penalty
*' 1 game penalty
The penalties invoked by the
league arc for a team falling to furnish u storekeeper awl/or umpire
for another League II game.
Musk Festival Commences Tonight;
Bond, Orchestra to Perform
The University Music Department will present iu- annual Spring Concert on two
evenings of this week. Tonight the University Concert Band and the University
Concert Orchestra will present the works of Bach, Ward, Schubert. Hoist, and
Sousa tonight at 8:30 p.m. in Page Hall.
The Orchestra,
conducted by Mr. William Hudson, will perform the Bach
"Concerto for D Minor for
Two Violins and StringOrchestru," and the First
Movement of, Schubert's
Symphony No. 8 in B
Featured as soloists for the orchestra will be JoAnn Krause and
Louise Myers. They will be enPhoto by SchnUiat gaged ln a statement and answer
BONNIE MASON, TULIP Queen for 1965 accepts her crown from technique with the orchestra, ln the
outgoing Queen, Maureen Glasheen. Bonnie, a Sophomore at State, fashion characterizing the music of
the late Baroque period.
will reign over many of the functions celebrated by the City of
Schubert's work Is also known
as his "unfinished symphony," being
left undone tocause the composer
felt he could never equal his first
Following the Intermission, the
Eand will perforin "Prairie Overture by Robert Ward, and "The
Second Suite for Band by Gustav
Beneath an aluminum icicled tree Hoist, and Sousa's "George Washington
Bicentennial March."
in Washington Park Saturday afterFeatured ln the Spring Music
noon, Bonnie Mason, a sophomore
at State, was proclaimed Albany's Festival to he held Ibis Thursday
1905 Tulip Queen.
evening, May 13, at 8:30 p.m. in
Pluifii by Upborn
Miss Mason's coronation marked Page Hall will be the various Uni- THE UNIVERSITY CONCERT Orehe.tro, conducted by Mr Ml.
the high point of the 19CS Tulip Fes',""• ""
tival. Neil Moylan, narrator, an- versity choral ensembles. The liarn Hudson Prepares their nroaram f„r ifcl. „ „ . _ ! _ .
nounced her selection as queen and
Maureen Glasheen, 1904 Tulip Queen Laurence Farrell, and presented by
and also a State sophomore, crowned the university Music Council.
The Collegiate Singers, a mixed
After being presented with her chorus, will he heard In bulb parts
crown, robe and sceptre, Erastus of the program. In the first portion
Corning, n, Mayor of Albany, gave they will sing Shaw's "Fanfare,"
Miss Mason the key to the city of Bach's "Cruclflxus" Mendelssohn's
"How Lovely are the Messengers."
In the second portion they will
Elections will take place today and tomorrow for
Elaborate and traditional ceremonies preceded the coronation of concentrate on lighter selections, popularly elected representatives to Central Council,
the new queen.
Including, the French folk tune
Saturday morning, women of Al- "Down by the Sparkling Fountain," and for representatives to Living Affairs CommisBonnie Mason
bany, dressed In Dutch costumes, Chopin's "The Wish," and the Eng- sion. The elections, originally scheduled to be held
...Reigns as Queen
scrubbed the Slate Street hill prior lish folk song, " 0 Soldier, Soldier." yesterday, were postponed for one day so that nomto the motorcade of the eleven
inations could be reopened for an extra day.
flutists to the park.
Women's Chorus
Women's Chorus will be singing ut Voting
will take
to ItsonrocogAt the park, the finalists were
nitlon as anattached
camthe Peristyle
Desk place
from conditions
entertained with a tumbling act and three movements from South Amer- 10 a.m.-3 p.m. on both pus,
a baton twirling and precision ican Nocturnes by Joseph Clokey,
Al that time It was stipulated
marching team.
and a lullaby by John Alden Car- days. Voting will also be that SCOPE was in no way to porMiss Mason Is a 19 year old resi- penter enlilled, "The Sleep That held In the residence halls tray Itself as representing the State
The SCOPE screening committee,
headed by Mr. John iiellly, after a dent of Delmur and a graduato ol Flits In Baby's Eyes."
during the dinner hour on University of New York at Albany.
Statesmen, the men's singing
week of conferences, has partially Bethlehem Central U.S. She is the
The Issue was raised again ln
completed Its selection of students third Tulip Queen in succession to group on campus, will perform Han- both nights.
regard lo Hie SCOPE buttons which
come from State and also the third del's "Verdant Meadows," Heath's
to be sent to the south.
Students are to volo for repre- also have SUNYA printed on them,
The six member screening corn** in a row who is a member of Beta "BeatI Beail Drums!" and two sentatives on the basis of their
The nine Council monitors who
English nines, "Shall I, Wasting In residence for the 11)05-00 school
uiiltee met with several students Zeta.
but as yet has only chosen two.
Miss Mason now begins a year Despair" and "Drink To Me only year. Commuters and apartment supported the motion maintained
Other students who have applied reign as Tulip Queen during which With Thine Eyes,"andSliaw's"What dwellers for nexl year are thus that Ibis could to construed as
will be re-intervlewed after they she will appear at numerous events Shall We Do With the Drunken Sail- asked to cast their ballots In the SCOPE representing the Univor.
have completed their application as a representative of the city of o r . "
Peristyles, even though thoy may slly, other members argued that
The Statesmen recently per- bo In the dorms at Hie present since the group had toon given official recognition, it had the right
Other finalists from State who formed at the Intercollegiate Choral time.
to publicize itself as SCOPE of the
Choices were made on the basis will serve as members of the Tulip Festival In Vermont.
Student lax cards will bo required University. The buttons did no mora
of such things as Intelligence, ex- Court are Margaret Uleiz, Diane
A siring quarts! ensemble will for voting. Students are asked to
perience,' sincerity, and general Floody,
- — . „ Judy
>uur Jordan,
play Haydn's "Allegro con splrito, Indicate their place of residence than tills, they maintained.
Jocelynn Kole,
character. The two whif were chosen Mary Komorny,
op. 74, no. 4, The students coinnmornv.
for the next year when thoy vole.
. ,
. • I.I.I • IIJIV.
to participate In the project are Bill ~ — *
posing the ensemble are Louise
Jtcsults of the elections will lie
Leue and Lance Nelson.
Myers and Barbara Lelhiuan, vlo- announced at Inaugural ceremonies
The registrar auuouuces that regTne next stop for these volunteers A
»• °
. llng;
,,John Meyer,
viola; and Carol lo be hold In Drubacher on Saturis training for
day, May Hi. Also announced at that istration for Fall and Summer s e s - the difficult ,tasks Accepting
""""nan, cello.
which they will perform durln I he
1000, end Friday, May 14,
time will to the Commission rem'nApplications by MYSKANIA are
sentatlvos to Central Council, The at 4 p,ui. Undergraduates who have
Festival Chorus
now available for those students
A combination of the choral en- Commissions' will to having organ- not registered for Hie Fall semesAmong other things there will to who are interested in serving on
ter by that dale will to considered
a required reading list of books the Supremo Court of the Student sembles comprising the Festival isational meetings all ibis week. withdrawn as of the end of this
'I'he other major order of busidealing with southern community Association are now available in Chorus will conclude the program.
semester and will have to request
life, southern political, civil' rights the Student Personnel Office, Draper They will slug two selections, Mas- ness of Provisional Council's last readmlsslon for Fall,
projects, and non-vloieut methods. 110 and the Activities Office In Bru- cagul's "Anthem for Spring" from meeting was a motion to rescind
Those who are In doubt about atStudent field director Bill Leue bacher,
"Cavullerla Hustlcana," and Hancampus. The motion, although r e - tendance at the summer session due
will, as part of his training, attend
del's "Coronation Anlliem,"
ceiving the approval of a majority to academic difficulties are advised '
The applications must to comconferences In New York for county
the Collegiate Of the Council monitors, failed of
pleted and returned to these offices
to pre-ieglstur. There is no penalty
by May 14 at 0 p.m. There are Sinters will to Laura Walker and passage because II needed a 2/3 for withdrawing from summer
itelnhard for vote.
Southern Christian Leadership nine positions to to filled,
Conference will provide training for
All students interested In apply- the Women's Chorus; and Nicholas
students who have started regisThe motion was made after a
all volunteers before they are a s - ing must have at least a 2.5 accu- Argyros for tto Statesmen, University Concert Band Instrumentalists heated d i s c u s s i o n concerning tration and have not yel handed In
slgned field work.
mutative average.
their packets are urged to do so imwill participate.
SCOPE'S alleged violation of the mediately.
State Coed Crowned
Tulip Queen for 1965
State U.'s Womens Intercollegiate
The ASP sports department Is
softball team won Its opening game of
the season on May 3, topping Cobles- looking for people who 1) are Inkill A&T 34-27 on the Milne High terested ln taking pictures for the
next two weeks of the spring sports
School field.
Linda Walker and June McGrath 2) photographers who might want
shared the pitching chores for the to take pictures for next year's
Staters. Other members of the team ASP 3) writers and reporters for
include Jackie Lent, Marianne Rad- next year.
der, Ann Schultz, Sue Pfreunder,
If anyone is interested ln filling
Judy JJpstanzo, and Barb Lynaugh. any of these needs, please come
Also, Maryl Pfeifer, Glnny Beatty, into the ASP office next Monday
Dottle Mancusi, Jean Tashjlan, Pat through Wednesday nights at any
McDowell, and Sue Foote.
Especially needed are People to
Albany's schedule for the r e mainder of the year Is as follows: help out the over-burdened photoHudson Valley, May 6, at Castle- graphers in the next two weeks.
ton; Vermont on May 17, and at home
against Oueonta on May 21.
ital Area Modern Dance Council Is
Wa feature
bringing to Linton High School on
May 8, 1000, the Norman Walker
collegiate haircuts
Dance Company. The performance
will commence at 8:30 p.m.
Tickets are on sale In Miss
5 minute walk from tha
Baker's office In Page gym for the
Now Campus
student price of $1.50. There Is a
limited amount of space for free
transportation. Tickets will be
1148 W.stam Avenue
available on Friday, May 7, (Today)
from 12:30 — 4 p.m. The show
promises to be un excellent one.
C M M , oiio 19 t completion of at U o i l I r-><-r of collaga )
, -. . compriiinf 350 outstanding Boyi. Girli. BrolhtrSisttr
•rid Co-Ed Camas, located throughout the New England, Middle Atlantic Stales end Canada.
. . . INVITES YOU* INQUIMES coanmine summer employmeni at Head
CeuMeler*. Croup Leaders. Speclahlet. Geaerul Counselors.
Write, Phonf, or Call in Ptrvm
Association of Private Camps - Otpf. C
MesweO M. Alssnndcr. fatcvllve
• SS Wast 41nd Straet.
N O . gO
f r'
the winners was, however, the fourth
frame. They tallied seven times on
three hits, two Ped erros, one walk,
and a hit batsman. The Staters rallied for a run in
the fourth and another in the fifth;
but Coblesklll's two tallies ln the
fifth iced the game for the visitors.
Ped Joe Gorman kept his hitting
streak alive with a 1 for 3 effort.
He has hit in every frosh game and
is sporting a .412 average.
Cobleskill 0 1 0 7 2 0 0
10 7 7
2 0 0 1 1 0 0
Sossie, Cjakowski (5), Doran (7),
and Rose. Egelston, Best (4), and
Gorman 5 17 4 7 4
Tarquini 5 19 1 4
2 .210
5 15 0
1 .266 STORY OF THE «A$0N~i7snow"n' clearly LaReau 2
8 2 2 1 .250 runner in scoring position.
hit safely, this time a base-clearing
double. Those were the last two runs
for State, the score now being 11-5.
Siena's tallies came ln the third
inning (1) trie fourth (4), seventh (3),
and eighth (2).
The winning pitcher for State was
Dick Kimball. He hurled 7 and 2/3
innings, giving up eight runs, eight
hits, six walks, and he struck out
Big batsmen for Stater were
Odorizzi (2 singles, triple, 2 RBI's)
and Ingino (2 singles, home run,
4 HBI's.
Diamondmen Lose Fifth
The State frosh diamondmen
dropped their fifth consecutive game
last Monday afternoon, bowing to
Cobleskill A&T 10-4. The freshmen
have yet to register a win in five
The Ped yearlings jumped off to
a quick 2-0 lead in the first inning
on a hit batter,asacrifice grounder,
a single by Joe LReau, and a twobase error in the Aggie outfield.
Cobleskill scored one run ln the
top of the second inning to close the
gap to one run. The big inning for
A L B A N Y 3 , N E W YORK
OX *-2*§».
New Yerlc 3a, N, V, i d
143 Western Ave.
Shop at Roy's
t pets'::i-Th- •"« — ^
Council Elections Start Today
Voting in Peristyles, Dorms
SCOPE Committee
Continues Selection
Registration Closes
Tuesday, May1|, 19«S
TiNKla* Ma? 11, IMS
Ni 3
Wrong Rationalization
A motion was made at Sunday night's Provisional
Council meeting to rescind recognition of SCOPE because it had violated a restriction that was stipulated
by the Council at the time of recognition. This restriction was that SCOPE should represent a vested group
of students and not the University.
The flagrant violation came when SCOPE distributed
buttons with both SCOPE and SUNYA written on them.
Nine members of the Council contended that these buttons indicated that the views of SCOPE represented
those of the University.
We feel that this is an absurd and ridiculous contention. The buttons only indicated that there was a
local chapter of SCOPE at the University. The New
York Democratic Party does not indicate that New
York adheres to the philosophy of the Democratic
It is assinine to deny an organization recognition and
thus deny it the use of the University's facilities for
such a supposed violation. Such an action, if carried
out, would have represented a complete misuse of
power by those who should be in the position to exThis U tht ono I us* when I have to rush to make tho march and I'm not quite sure, who's organized it."
'Misanthrope Provides Poor Climax
To University's Theatrical Season
g r c l s e
i t r e s p o nsibly
Young Sun': Daring Pbtibhiiig Attempt
vantage, but his grim seriousness
by Robert Judd and
and lack of humor prevent the poems
Stuart Horn
The rapid decline in the popular- from becoming more than personal
ity of poetry, which has occasioned outburts.
las of what passes, tnese
t o r mucn 01 tue tune, uw w»w» " ' V p„ m m B n t and concern in lltWhen Noakes steps outside the
by Bruce Daniels
days, for entertainment. The fault, seemed to regard their lines with much
« ^ J & $ $ & B & Romantic pose, his real talent can
The University Theatre's proand, as a result, the rhythm and » « " 7 s t a t e
His best poems, such as "Sonnet
duction of Moliere's "Misanthrope" but In ourselves.
of thn
the vm-oo-tmnnlnHnn
verse-translation hung
_k.,™« n.f
hune Unnoticeq BIDJBW.
on a Ship in the Mothball Fleef'and
seen last Friday and Saturday nights
Excei* uf Virtue
o v e r the performance like an unNoakes,
Jr., In publishing
what must "Yes, Chaucer, Yes" are highly
at Page.Hall, was a fltUng, If somebe Harold
a daring
what flawed, farewell to Albany's
adventure, has brought forth a book structured and unified by means of
me, suffers from an excess of Its our attention from the play with a of poems, "Young Sun," which rhyme, slant-rhyme, alliteration,
current theatrical season.
Although Mollere seems to be own virtue. Not content with merely distracting drone - a tedious exer- stands as a first step for Mr. Noakes and repetition. Realizlngthat Noakes
enjoying a "revival" of sorts (with staging the play and simply giving else In pure sound.
and perhaps as an Inspiration for ls capable of writing fine poetry,
one tends to ignore much of the
ploy'* Flaw
the New York production of "Tar- us the rare pportunlty to see it,
other young poets.
tuffe" and a flurry of college pro- Director James Leonard seems to
The play as a whole suffered, I
The volume, slim by even poetic other spotty writing.
As poetry, the volume l s a minor
ductions, Including one at this year's have bent over backwards to avoid think, from taking the current view standards, Is handsomely printed
Yale Drama Festival), "The Mis- making "The Misanthrope" a that "comedy Is serious after all" ^ a l s illustrated with pen and Ink success; as a publishing adventure,
anthrope" rounds out a year of rea bit too literally. By avoiding the drawings by the author's brother. we hope It is a major success.
Called Moliere's most "serious" temptation to play Mollere for gags Each illustration seems to echo a
markable variety in the University's
major presentations,
comedy, "The Misantrhopei' shows a l o n e ( t | , l s production went too far d o m i„g„t image pattern from apar- James Bond Fan Hnds
We have seen, in the space of a us a man raging against the hy- i„ the other direction - slowing. tirular Doem
Discrepancy in Article
few months, a striking demonstra. pocrlsy and back-biting of a corrupt , j o w n t | l e p a c e m& making "The
Romantic Themes
To tho Editorii
tlon of the possibilities of drama — society. Alceste, the hero, ls a man Misanthrope" a serious play with
For the most part the poems are
I believe I have found an error In
ranging rom the engrossing ritual- too brutally frank to be tolerated by extraneous touches of humor.
Mr. Epstein's article on James
play of "Dr. Faustus," through the the clever, superficial people around
in the Friday, April 30 issue
charming absurdities of "The Ti- him — but Mollere also takes great
ger" and "The Typists" and the care to show Alceste as an out- tear Alceste apart with laughter, and prosody. When the combination of the ASP. He statd that Goldhighly successufl experimentallsm rageous, grotesque figure. We are we would then have found our own works successfully, the effect ls finger Instructed his hatchetman,
Oddjob, to break one of Bond's
of "Ethan Frome," back again to ment to laught at him, but at the foibles unexpectedly exposed to crlt- original and pleasing,
Many of the poems present a fingers. If one consults page no of
an older, remoter form; the Classi- same time feel the essential Justice iclsm. This is what comedy can do
for us at Its best - and that ls, Byronlc face which often hampers "Live and Let Die," It can be found
of his ranting.
cal French Comedy.
the real poetry which lies beneath. that the villain, Mr, Big, commanded
Alceste, then, i s really two char- I'm afraid, what we missed.
Funereal lyrics, they deal with the one of his cohorts, Teo Hoe, to break
"Charley*. Aunt?"
acters: "Alceste One," (he cham'
traditional themes of tho young: the pinkie of Bond's left hand.
In the past,*Unlverslty Theatre's pion of honesty, and "Alceste Two,"
Vliually Maetortul
freedom, escape, death, death-lnAlso, how does Mr. Epstein know
selection of plays has been criti- who ls something of a monster,
Vlsually, "The Misanthrope" was life, and the perennial pessimism that Bond dies In Fleming's final
cized on several counts —especial- someone to be ridiculed, a figure of
James Bond mystory? Does ho have
ly, that the plays are neither In- fun. It would take an actor of exBut the lack of human communl- Inside Information? To tho host of
teresting nor intelligible. The most traordinary ability to mold the two tumes were a distinct asset, appealeffective reply to this "criticism" Into one — as well as a director ing to the eye and functioning well cation does not drive Noakes off my knowlodge, tho story Is curwas made last year by the "Old who felt the audience was capable in establishing the contrast In char- into tho well-trod grounds of ex- rently being published in three parts
Playgoers" who suggested, tongue- of swallowing more ambiguity of actor (Cellmene in the purest, most lstentlallsm, but turns him Instead in "Playboy" magazine, only Iwo
in-cheek, that we ought to see more interpretation than Leonard has Ironic white; Alcesto In somber to the well-trod grounds of Ro- parts being on the market al the
unfashlonable black).
presout time. Though I tend to agree
of things like "Charley's Aunt." given us.
'' The point, I hope, was well-taken:
" Llfo can hold no more/ for my with this speculation, It Is nothing
that the most valuable service colJohn Jay Moore's set was an ele- heart" or "I, Inwardly anguished, more than speculation — isn't It?
Actions Speak Loudor
legiate theatre can perform Is to
Dlmltrl Perdarls looked superbly gant but tastefully simple recreation scream nt my chains/ and cry in I wholeheartedly agree with Mr.
expose us to now or unfamiliar right as Alceste, moved and ges- of French Neo-Classlc decor. More frustration" and "I will travel:/ Epstein's appraisal of O. F, Snolways of looking at the world and at tured with professional assurance — than simply a realistic hack drop, Its make myself drunk/ with soelng llng's "007 - James Bond; A Heourselves through drama. It is cer- but whenever he opened his mouth, graceful, sweeping linos drew our foreign placos" are modern echoes port." It ls a must for all Jamas
tainly not to support us In our coin he was not Alcoste; ho sounded on- attention to tho action and provldod of "Chllcle Harold."
Bond fans,
I shall look for a reply In a future
fortable day-dreams or offer up a tii-oly too reasonable, too calm, too tho players with a perfoct frame.
Grim Sorlousnoss
Issue of ASP.
dignified. At times, ,the vohemencu
Technically Naokes shows to adMikn Jolitt.
of Alcosto's language would rldo
uncomfortably on top of Pordnrls'
confident manner. It sooms that In
trying to capture "Alcosto One"
E S T A B L I S H E D M A Y 1916
for the modern audienco, wo lost
As Cellmono, the delightfully unscrupulous coquette loved by Al- T h o A|b<J„y b , ul/( , n) P r . „ • (i loail-woukly newipop publlslied by Ilia riieJmil b o d y ' lbs Slalo Unlvairilfy of NHW Yotl
ceste, Anno Dlgnoy was a llttlo too „i Albany, Tin, ASP may l>. roacbod by dialing <
V 2-3326.
— . The
Th 'A5P
office, locofod In Room 5 of Bru
harsh and raucous to Justify all bachttr Hull, 750 Slalo Slrcol, I* open from 7*11 p.m. Sunday tlirouf/li Thurad
that attention paid her on the stage.
Coll menu could afford to buswootor
and more rofluod, but hero again, It
seoms that one aspect of character JOSEPH 5. SILVERMAN
Sporle Edlloi
Feature Editor
was ompliaslzoil to the detriment of Managi'M; Edllor
the whole.
Albany Student Press
P u t n a m ' s Performance
Tho bent performances worn given
by Arthur Putnam (as Orunto, Al. ...
... 1,11
cesto's foppish
antagonist), and
ilau Spainplnato (as Arsinoe, Coltinone's "friend" und rival), Both,
of course, are caricatures, without
the depth of either Alcesto or Collmenu - but zostful playing by Mr.
and Miss Spamplnato
Phalli by SiimlUrl brought these cardboard characters
to life,
Charles Bartlett played Phillnte
Alceste, end quite well, inaiiugiiiti (bettor than
portrayed by Chariot Bartl.tt, anyone else, I thought) to render
heavily accented poetry of Itlthenacted hl( part, according ta Mthe
•' . . . . ' ( . . I
' W i l b u r ' s t r a n s l a t i o n With g r a c e tfclt reviewer JWilli
graceful ^ convince,;
A r l i Editor
Pliolugrapliy Editor
*«»•'"•'•'• Manager
Assistant Am Editor
Deik Editor
, .,
Mike Purenell,
I iKecullvn Editor
Aeeuclfjto Fliologranliy Editor
U o t l n a i i Manager
'Steven Curtl will serve as EdltOr-ln-Chlef of next year's student
yearbook, the 1000 Torch, Curtl
was elected to the editorship In a
unanimous vote of the Torch's Editorial Board Sunday night.
Martina Tomenga will assist Curtl
In the position of Associate Editor.
William Colgan, Editor-in-Chief of
the 1005 Torch, will serve in an
advisory capacity to next year's
staff as Executive Editor,
Lois Tlerney and Susan Budd
will maintain their present positions
as Assistant Editors of the annual.
Public R e l a t i o n ! Director
Larry Boit
Ellon Zfinu
Lairy Y a i l i o w l t i . Jobn Flellman, Don Oppodltano, Carol Walling, Alice Nudelinon, G.P, Minima.
Nuncy Neldenbuuer, Suioiwo Chape, Cynthia (roadman
Anno Dlgney, Pool Joined, Brace Daniel"
Gory Woods, Waller Poet, Steven Kllng, Robert MeOdoro
William Slnnliold
D e a d l i n e ! lor advertisements, n o l l c e i , and communication! are Sunday night for the Friday l n u e , and Thursday night lor
Stova Curtl
...Hoods Torch
Work B e g i n s
Phaln ov Woods
THE HON. ERASTUS CORNING, Mayor of Albany, speaks al the Flag Ceremony held al the New Campus last Friday afternoon. Flags representing the twelve Dutch provinces, plus Albany's sister city
Nijimen, are now on permanent display in tho Flag Room.
VISTA Speaker
To Lead Program
Oa Poverty War
Curtl announced that he was already beginning work on the 1900
book and that he is anxious to take
on new staff members on "try out"
basis. He emphasized that the yearbook did not need a large amount
of student help, but that the students
who did work must be willing to put
in a "useful" amount of work.
Mr. Edgar May, deputy director
Plans for next year's book In- of VISTA, the domestic peace corps,
cluded an expanded Photo Essay will be coming to SUNYA this May
secatlon and Increased use of Four- 14th to explore the problems of
Color pictures. The book will fol- American poverty. The program,
low essentially the same format sponsored by Freedom Council, ls
Intended to deal with the work of the
utilized in the 1000 Torch,
Federal government in the field of
anti-poverty programs both existV o t o of C o n f i d e n c e
The outgoing editor, Colgan, ex- ing and tentative.
VISTA, created by one of the four
pressed his complete confidence in
Curtl and thanked htm for his efforts titles of the Economic Opportunities
on the 1000 book. "Steve proved Act of 1004, Is dedicated to sending
himself to be an Invaluabe worker teams of government volunteers to
and I'm sure he will continue to work In local anti-poverty programs
Improve the quality of the Torch in poorer section of the country.
Mr. May, a Pulitzer Prize winduring his editorship."
Curtl expressed hopes that he ning author and experienced lecturwould to able to Increase the rev- er, will to speaking on both Amerienues of the yearbook and speed can poverty and VISTA's work in
up the process of production. All relation to it. His took, "The Wasted
Greek composite pictures must be Americans" was one of the volumes
presented to the Torch before sum- Instrumental In helping to awaken
mer recess begins to facilitate the tlie nation to the extent and importance of the problem,
work In that section.
Ills researches in the field, his
He also announced that revenues
would be augmented by Increasing years of work with the federal govadvertising rates. The exact In- ernment, as well as his work In
crease will be specified at a later Journalism have made him an acknowledged expert In tills field.
Dutch Province Flags Hang in Flag Room
"This is a day of happy recollec
tlon; the- University as a guardian
of tradition and a proclalmer of
heritage and exists for the future.
This building, room and ceremony
represent It," said President Evan
R. Collins, during the flag ceremony held Friday at the new campus.
During the brief, simple ceremony, the flags of the eleven Dutch
provinces and that of the city of
Nljmegen were presented to the
University. They will hang In the
Flag Room of the Dutch Quadrangle.
David Hartley, Dean of Students,
served as master of ceremonies.
He said that there ls much significance in the flag ceremony. As Individual Americans, we are accused
of Ignoring the past, but today we
are looking backward to the founders
of this area."
"We are looking to a three hundred year friendship that could have
been closer, except for fate."
Maureen Glasheen, 1004 Tulip
Queen, also spoke briefly. She said,
"The flags are representative of
our Dutch past. Thoy have double
significance because they are links
to the past and present and of the
present to the future."
Edward Gardner of the Dutch
Settlers Society recalled the first
settlement of the area by the Dutcli
in 1014.
Mr. Gardner said that "as representatives of Dutch sr tlurs, we
are happy to perpetuate the memories of this heritage."
The Netherlands National Tourist
Office, which presented the flags,
was represented by Mr. Onno Leebaert, North American Director.
Pat Howard, president of Schuyler Hall, In accepting the flags said,
"Although we aro not the first setBiology Club
The new officers for Alpha Pi
tlers on this site, we have often been
Thursday evening, May 13, at referred to as pioneers; we have
Alpha for next year are the fol8:30 p.m. in Brubacher, two grad- accepted the pioneer spirit. The
President, Jim Wlngate; Vice ute students, Mr. Herd and Mr. Flag Room ls a place where we can
President, John Mormlle; Pledge- Blakemore, will give lectures on be reminded of our Dutch heritage
master, Lenny Portuondo; Treas- topics In biological sciences. Re- and of the challenge It presents to
urer, Glenn Schlecht; Social Chair- freshments will be served
man, Irv Carpenter; Recording Secrotary, Jerry Baker; House Manager, Jay Moore; Custodian, Mike
Bayus; Corresponding Secretary,
Tom Walenclk; I.F.C. Reprosentafrve, Mike Gilmartln; Publicity 1)1Jiectdr, Ed Klein; Song Leader, Jack
Glamor; Historian, Alex Krnkower;
sisirgoant-At-Arms, Rick Smart;
AtTteltlc Director, Stevo Zuhurak;
Parliamentarian, Don Mason; Alumni Secretary, Rich Vacca; Chaplain, Frank Stamkl; Alternate I.F.C.
Representative, Ted Avgerinos.
On May 2, loan, the Atld Jewish
Youth group held their annual elections. The officers for tho 1000-00
year aro President, Dnnlol Dubln;
Socrolary, Edlo Novins; Treasurer,
Evelyn Schaffer,
German Club has announced Us
officers for 1005-00. T'hoy am Fred
Muhlheiin, President; Nancy Ignoring, Vlco President; Boh Preckenrldgo, Socrolary; Justlnu Turner,
Treasurer, Barbel Eggers, Historian, and Esther llollmann, I'tihllclty Director.
Quality Shoes
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All communication! m a i l be addressed to Ibe Editor! and m o i l be elgned. Nome! will be withhold upon r e q u e i l , Communic a t i o n ! should be limited la 300 word! and ore !ub|ec! to editing. The Albany Student Preis o i i u m e e no responsibility 'a'
opinion! eaoreeseil'ln I I I column! or communication!, m I U C I I eaproiilane do not necessarily reflect I I I vlewe,
the Tuesooy Issue,
Torch AimoMcts '66 Editor;
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Bring Student Tax Card
Dkmoifcmi SplH Two Contests;
Top Potsdam, Bow to Plattsburgh
by John Fleitman
In varsity baseball action this weekend, Coach Bob Burllngame's Peds split a
pair of games. Traveling to Potsdam on Friday, the Peds rallied to beat their opponents 12-7. The next day State traveled to powerful Pittsburgh college, but
bowed 8-1 in a short five inning affair. The games gave the Peds a 3-6 record, and
taey have a chance to improve with five more games slated In the season.
•- T h e d l a m o n d m e n i t r a v e l
to N e w P a l t z t o d a y to c o m -
plete their bout of away
games. On Friday the Peds
host Utica, and then Central Connecticut on Saturday.
Action was seen In the first inning against Potsdam, as the Pads
blasted out three runs; they then
repeated the performance In the
fifth. With -the score already 6-4
In their favor, the Peds again scored
in Uw sixth and seventh Innings, giving them a 0-4 lead. The Peds
added three more runs In the ninth
Inning, Potsdam's attempt to even
the score, ended five runs short,
despite a three run seventh frame.
A Free
Did the Torch
Set You A f l a m e ?
Andy ChrisUan, iTfor 4 i n the
P l a t t s b u r g h ' s aTihada then
fame. *m«el«ed two home runs, stepped up In the bottom of thefirst,
? e P ? l z z U , 0 > * t0T*. »™» an unexpected triple followed
added Ave stolen bases to his sea- by a single Ued the score. Several
more Wls
' 2 ' \ri'
and walks put them up
Coach Burllngame said that Dan by tour and Burllngame decided to
Zen put on his best performance take out starting pitcher Jim Nass
in pitching this season. Dan hurled and put in Dick Kimball. The effort
the whole nine, giving up 7 runs, failed as the powerful opponents
allowing 8 hits, 5 walks, and struck- lashed out for three more runs
1 £
™ ..
K u 8 - l at the end of the first. AN ENEMY BASERUNNER IS thrown out a* first base i n recent
In the Plattsburgh bout, "Pep" The runs were scored on 6 hits and Ped home game.
Plzzlllo tied former Ped All-star 3 walks.
Gary Penfleld's record for stolen
bases. Penfleld's record Is 15 bases
stolen for the season; Plzzlllo has
AMIA League I commissioner Bill
tied It with five games left.
Gray recently released the standMcGurrln walked and stole sec* * * * *
ings for his league. They are as
ond to push In Pizzlllo. Odorlzzl
walked but didn't see nome alter
a double play on Bill ingino.
* * * * *
2 21/2**
3 41/2***
4 41/2**
AMI*, WAA News
MAY 14. 1 9 6 5
In a display of sheer talent and
power, the State varsity tennis team
scored a pair of shutout wins over
Potsdam State and Pittsburgh State
in a highly successful weekend.
On Friday, May 8, the racketmen traveled to Potsdam and r e turned 9-0 victors. On the following
day, in a match curtailed by rain,
the netman blanked Plattsburgh State
*& '"^T"' ^ . - ; - 6-0. •
In the Potsdam match, the netmen
won every individual contest and
registered 5 6-0 sets. The IndividI ? * . ^"
-,-*': ual matches went like this:
First Singles: Tom Slocum (A)
def. D. Me (P), 6-0, 4-6, 6-3; secA L B A N Y H U R L E R D i c k K i m b a l l w o r k s ball p a s t opponent i n a ond singles: Ken Zacharlas (A) def.
R. Ball (P), 6-1, 6-3; third singlesrelief stint against New Haven.
Howard Markman (A) def. B. Mil-
ler (P), 6-1, 0-1; fourth singlesStan Kerpel (A) def. C. Hallle (P;,
6-0, 6-0;
In the fifth slngles.Blll Enser
(A) def. B. Montross (P), 6-0, 6-2;
sixth singles, Guy Nicosia (A) def.
J. Sovie (P), 6-3, 6-2.
In the doubles matches, the State
team of Slocum-Zacharlas beat
Potsdam's Ille-Ball, 6-2, 6-3.
In the second doubles place,
State's Markman-Enser def. Potsdam's Montrolss-MUler, 6-4, 6-4.
And in the third singles, KerpelNlcosla (A) def. Haile-Sovle (P),
6-0, 0-4.
In the rain-shortened Plattsburgh
contest, Tom Slocum def. Harry
McNamus, 3-6, 8-6, 6-3; in the
second singles contest, Ken Zacharlas topped Ken Worthiem, 6-2;
in third singles, Howard Markman def. Howard Spring, 6-3, 6-3;
In fourth singles, Stan Kerpel def.
Ron Garrow, 6-2, 0-2.
In fifth singles, Bill Enser beat
Tom Macknall, 6-0, 6-1; and in
sixth singles, Guy Nicosia def. Mike
Bashaw, 6-3, 0-2.
Athletic Board
There will be open hearings for
Athletic Board for the purpose of
quostlons regarding next year's proposed budget. The hearings will lie
held Friday, May 14, at 1:30 p.m.
in D240, and again on Monday, May
17, at 3:30 in D240.
$6.50 and up
Intramural Softball
Alden Hall scored a smashing
18-12 win over Van Courtland Hall,
scoring all its runs in the bottom
half of the first Inning. Van Courtland tallied twice in the first frame
and scored 10 runs In the second
Tennis Team
The women's intercollegiate tennis team dropped a 4-1 contest to
Skldmore College. Only Ceclle Rubin scored a win for State, topping
Martha Hodgon, 0-2, 0-3.
PSI Gamma won the WAA basketball championship with a 10-11
triumph over Brubacher last week.
A T T H E O P E N H E A R I N G on
the yearbook h e l d by MYSK A N I A l a s t Monday e v e n i n g ,
t w o groups of students were
present those for and a g a i n s t
the 1965 T o r c h . Colgan defended his e d i t o r s h i p and the
b a s i s of his c o n c e p t i o n of
what the yearbook s h o u l d ref l e c t . A student is shown here
q u e s t i o n i n g t h e reasons behind several f a c e t s of the book.
yearbook and has gone
to President C o l l i n s w i t h the
i s s u e . The P r e s i d e n t ,
however, b e l i e v e s t h a t the quest i o n should be r e s o l v e d w i t h i n
the student body.
State to House Nationwide Hookup
With Nation's Leaders on Vietnam
A "teach-in" on Vietnam will be held in the Modern Language Annex tomorrow
at 1:30 p.m. The session will consist of a closed-circuit telephone "hook-up" with
leaders in Washington who will discuss the problem. Classroom discussion sessions
will follow with professors. The sessions are sponsored by the Forum of Politics
and several faculty members at the University. The national sponsor is the InterUniversity Commitee for Public Hearing in Vietnam.
The Committee is cooperating with American
Telephone and Telegraph
to set up the nationwide
closed circuit with the hundred participating cities.
Deputy Director of VISTA
To Discuss Poverty in US
Pulitzer Prize winner edgar May,
deputy director o( VISTA, the domestic peace corps, will lie speaking on campus tills afternoon on Hie
various problems of poverty in
America. Mr. May Is being sponsored by the Freedom Council as the
last of this year's series of speakers
on contemporary American problems, lie will be speaking In Page
Hall at 1:25 p.m.
. Mr. May will deal with the work
of the Federal Government In the
anti-poverty field, examining both
existing and tentative programs,
lie will deal al length with the progress, to date, of the legislation
enacted In the 1004 Economics Op-
portunity Acl of which VISTA was,
created as one of four tides.
Edgar May, although only 34 years
of age, lias won six regional and
national awards in the field of r e porting, Including a Pulitzer Prize
in 1901 for his series on welfare
procedure In New York State.
He is the author of "The Wasted
American," a book concerning
American poverty and the nation's
welfare controversy. This book has
been one of the several volumes in
the past few years that has helped to
refocus public opinion on the problems of American poverty after a
lapse of almost thirty years.
Public Wolfaro
Big Hit J)
on the
Draper Hall
135 Western Ave.
Ext. 129
Albany, IS. Y.
I'lintu liy Klinti
V A R S I T Y L I N K S M A N Doug Morgan execute* a follow-through in
practice u n i o n last week.
NO. 21
Colgan Defends
•1 game forfeit
**l/2 game forfeit
***1 1/2 game forfeit
Intercollegiate Softball
In its second game of the season,
SUNYA's Women's Softball team
copped its second straight win, 1711, In an away game with Hudson
Community College.
Albany trailed until the sixth Inning when a rally evened the score
at 10-10. A big 7 run 7th Inning
put the game out of reach for the
home team; runs were scored on a
home run by June McGrath, and on
a triple by Barb Lynaugh.
Linda Walker bore the pitching
chores for the State gals, and she
gave up only a handful of earned
runs, as Albany committed five
fielding e r r o r s .
State's femmes travel to Castleton on May 17 and will meet Oneonta at home on May 21 in the last
game of the year.
Defends Policy
Racketmen Twice Perfect
A F r e e Press,
Edgar May
... V I S T A Speaker
Before Joining President Johnson's War on Poverty, Mr. May was
director of public welfare projects
for the Slate Charities Aid Association of New York, a private health
and welfare agency.
Ho was one of the early members
of the President's Task Force on
till) War Against Poverty, serving
as Sargent Shrlvor's assistant liefore ascending to his present post.
VISTA (Volunteers in Service to
America.), is one of the major programs of the War on Poverty and
will play a major part in today's
lecture. Its purpose Is to enroll
Americans for one year of service
In local anti-poverty programs
across the nation. Voluntoers are
paid a living subsistence allowance
during their term of service and
then a lump sum amounting to $B0
per month for each month served.
McGeoige Dundy, President Johnsou's clnef national security advisor, and Dr. George Kahin, chairman of Cornell University Southeast Asia program, are scheduled
to take part in the program. An
invitation has also been sent to
Secretary of Slate, Dean Rusk.
National authorities ill political
science and international affairs
from leading universities will also
partake In the discussion.
Some of tlie issues that are expected to be discussed are the risk
of nuclear war in tlie escalation of
tombing North Vietnam and If the
President's proposal for "unconditional discussion" includes the
final unification of North and South
Vietnam as provided for in the
Geneva agreements.
One of the major points of controversy expected to come up is the
censorship by the administration
on all news from Vietnam.
MYSKANIA held an open hearing at 9 p.m. Monday
night in response to vehement student criticism of the
1965 Torch. About 80 students attended the hearing to
voice their approval or disapproval of the yearbook.
Monday was the first day of official distribution of the
yearbook, and some 1100 copies had been given out.
Al Smith, who chaired
-inioiiociuiil" Empha.ized
the meeting, explained that
its p u r p o s e w a s to allow
students to express their
views and to indicate
whether they felt that some
type of action against the
yearbook was Warranted.
Smith stated that MYSKANIA
would make some type of formal
recommendations to President Colli.is if tlie hearing seemed to indicate sucii a need. He then opened
discussion to tlie floor.
Individual comments on the took
--ranggd~4roin—"MMerly • 'Ut j g a s M n e ^
with "pictures un'the poinfof being
pornographic" to "reflects the University more truly than any other
Tlie dissatisfaction centered on
two or three major points. The first
and most discussed was the use of
the theme "A University on the
Make" and tlie "overabundance"
of pictures of students "making
out." Included in tills were comments about captions used under
certain pictures, especially in the
Greek section, and about the
"double entendres" that allegedly
ran throughout tlie copy.
Other students were displeased
with tlie choice of pictures and the
arrangement and amount of space
given to them. Several omissions of
activities or individuals were also
nointed to.
Reputation Damage
By far the most widely circulated
argument was that the yearbook
might damage the reputation of the
students or the school if used, as it
usually is, as a recruitment device
for prospective freshmen.
Other students, in support of the
yearbook, claimed that its primary
purpose was not as a public relations tool, but as a recap of the
school's people and activities.
William Colgan, Editor-in-Chief
of the Torch, was present at the
hearing, and answered the charges,
lie defended his use of tlie theme
"A University on the Make" by
pointing out that tlie phrase has lieen
in Hie American vocabulary for many
years and was used by Woodrow
Wilson in regard to the "middleclass man on the make" — trying
to rise in the world.
The yearbook theme, said Colgan
atiempts to portray "the,y||versjty
trying to rise in the world," Me
also answered charges that there
was too much of an emphasis on
students "making out" and not
enough on Ihe intellectual aspect of
the University by stating that by
actual number, only 3 out of more
than 400 caudids involved tlie former activity, while there were manypictures of students in class and
studying on their own.
Finally, he stated that his purpose ill editing the yearbook was
"to portray the University as It Is
and especially students as they a r e . "
V . tMWTHWW1 tiMor 1 -\ The discussion, was again opened
to the floor, and while accusations
continued, several suggestions for
next year's book were made. These
ranged from popular election of the
editor, to formulating definite guidelines and purposes for the editor to
conform lo.
Smith called the meeting to a
close at 10:30 p.m. Afterwards he
indicated that MYSKANIA would try
to take no immediate action of any
kind, hut would continue to explore
tlie issue, and would discuss it with
President Collins.
Inaugural Program
To Climax Voting
In Council Elections
elected officers to Central Council
and Living Affairs Commission will
be held tomorrow afternoon at 1
p.m. In Iiru Lower Lounge.
The program will officially commence with tlie entrance of the
thirteen black-robed members of
MYSKANIA. Joseph Mahay, recently
acting as Chairman of Provisional
Council will fill the Master of Ceremonies role and introduce the various portions of the program.
Next on tlie agenda will" be President Evan Collins, announcing the
names of the faculty members appointed to posts in tlie new government by the President. After the
President speaks, Frank Crowley,
former Vice Chairman of Provisional Council will announce the
elected officials from the Commission Areas.
Mahay will then announce all those
who have been elected popularly during the Peristyle elections which
took place this past week. Al Smith,
Chairman of MYSKANIA will then
swear in the new government officials.
The afternoon's ceremonies will
close with the singing of tlie University Alma Mater led by Sue
Nichols, University Songleader, and
the exit of MYSKANIA.
Several faculty guests have been
Invited to attend tlie Inauguration
Program, They will be Dean Ellen
Stokes, Dean Neil Brown, Dean Robert Morris, Dean David Hartley, and
Dean Norma Edsall,
SCOPE Recognition Withdrawal
MYSKANIA has recommended to p o l i c V . ^ ^ , , ™ ,
Central Council that recognition of izatlon shall lie representatives of
SCOPE be rescinded. The recom- SCOPE only, and not of tile SUNY
mendation was made Wednesday at Albany."
night in response to a referral
The group submitting the referral
made by Gary Luczak, Frank Crow- also submitted two "exhibits," One
ley, Deborah Friedman, Itlchard was a SCOPE flier which asked for
Thompson, and Edward Brovarski. contributions to send students south
Tlie referral charged that SCOPE "to represent the SUNY at Albany,"
h a d violated tlie provisions attached The other was a SCOPE button which
t 0 i t s l l l l t l a i recognition. Speclfi- a l s 0 n a s SUNYA printed on it.
MYSKANIA ruled that on tlie basis
c a l l y | t h e p r o v | s l 0 i i cited was,"that
t | l e activities of tlie respresentatives of these exhibits, SCOPE could In0 , t n l s g ,. o u p s n a | i n o t be con- deed lie "construed" to represent
s t r u e d | n a n y manner as general state.