Document 14064476

Parking Stickers The Snow Falls Outside And
Primer Editor Announces
April Deadline For Articles Not Necessary A Student Discusses State
For Student Lot
ary publication, will be edited by
Miss Blum, Daniel Bresnan '60, LitI remember we were in the com- wrong. This school's just out of it."
erary Editor, and Rhoda Levin '60,
"All wrong, huh."
mons. It was a late, lazy Friday afBusiness Manager. T h e staff is seekDolores Russell '59, Grand Mar- ternoon. Outside the school it was
"You know it, baby. Dippikill,
ing creative writings in the nature
shal of Campus Commission, an- snowing heavily. My defiant and Myskania, Rivalry—all bad. All
liter- of short stories, poems, and essays
that are not of the term-paper type. nounces the opening of the Student iconcoclastic friend was discoursing messed up." He sighed a long sigh
of pity for the school.
Parking Lot to any student enrolled on the merits of the school.
Open Meetings
"Well," I said. "You must know.
"I mean this school Is just really
Being on the inside of all these
Constitutionally, the Primer must
bad," he said.
things makes it easy for you to sea
hold open meetings once a, month. will no longer be required.
"Where?" I asked.
how badly things are going."
Due to late organization this year,
It has been decided to have meet- Reasons
"Oh, no, baby—not me," he laughstudents working the thing. Mess all
ings every Tuesday night In BruThe decision is based on the fact over because some cats think they're ed. "You got the wrong man. You
Jay Lesher '61, President of Inter- bacher. At those meetings, the gen- that the parking lot is never filled smart enough to run the school." He wouldn't catch me In one of those
national Film Group, announces eral policy of the magazine will be although stickers have been Issued paused. "This school is pretty bad. extra-curricular activities. No, sir.
that the following films will be pre- determined, and works will be read to many more cars than the theo- Don't know why I keep going to it." I'm strickly a study man, Dean's list
sented during this semester.
and selected for publication.
retical capacity. If the situation be"Take the newspaper, for in- man all the way. What do you think
Feb. 13 Solid Gold Cadillac
All students who are Interested comes acute in the spring, however, stance. Run all wrong. Everything I'm here for? To do extra work?"
Feb. 19 Murderers Among Us
"That's different," I managed to
in writing for the Primer are en- the sticker regulation will once but English majors. Lotta clutter.
Barely interesting. Imitating each say. "I see now."
couraged to submit their works as more go into effect.
Feb. 20 Desk Set
"Yes sir. I'm a study m a n with
soon as possible, but not later than
Mar. 5 To Be Announced
enough intelligence to know that
the deadline. Articles may be sub- Location
Mar. 6 Captain's Paradise
mitted at weekly meetings, the first
"Or take the Senate. That too's this school is really being messed
This parking lot is located at the
Mar. 11 Carmen Jones
of which will be held Tuesday at corner of Thurlow Terrace and run all wrong. Nobody knows what up by these cats."
Mar. 19 Beauty and the Beast
I looked outside and it was still
7:30 p.m. in Bru, or to any of the Western Avenue, opposite Draper anybody else is doing. Nothing getApr. 9 Odd Man Out (British)
staff members via student mail.
Hall. In time, It Is hoped that the ting accomplished. Chaos. Waste." snowing heavily. T h e tops of the
Apr. 10 T h e King and I
railings in front of the school were
"I see," I said.
The Primer will be distributed be- new State College Library will be
Apr. 17 The Bad Seed
built in this location.
Apr. 23 Duck Soup (Marx Brothers)
Apr. 24 The (Jreat Man
May 14 Call Me Madam
T h e deadline for submitting
cles for publication in the
Primer is April 6, according to
Blum '59, Editor.
The Primer, State's annual
State College News
80l N
" **e l o,
DIAL 4-1125
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State Votes Today, Monday For Officers;
Cast Machine Ballot In Conference Room
IFG Releases
'59 Schedule
From 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. today and Monday voting for Student Association and
Class Officers will take place in Lower Draper Peristyle. Below is a complete final
list of candidates for each office. Running- for SA President are Juniors, Robert Helwig
and Douglas Penfield; the only candidate for Vice-President is James Dougherty '61.
Nominees from the Junior Class include: President: Paul Hooker, David Mead,
and Penfield. Vice-President: Rhoda Levin, Mead, Nancy McGowan, James McHugh,
Marian Silverstein, Lee Upcraft. Secretary: Sheila Doyle, Donna Harris, Josephine Pittruck. Treasurer: Catherine Antonucci, Rose Carbone, Miss Doyle, Miss Silverstein.
Senators: Elizabeth Aceto, Robert Battaly, Miss Carbone, Ann Foley, Charles Fowler, Patricia, Gengo, Edward Gillie, Paul Harris Steve Hoover, Audrey Hurd, Jean Knapp, Nancy
McGowan, Joyce Penucci, Josephine Pietruck, Nancy Rishel, Susan Updike, Louis Voit,
Rosalie Walsh.
Sophomore class nominees: President: Richard Altimus, Donald Donato, Thomas
Rourke, William Pasquerella. Vice-President: Daniel McNeill, Bradford Mundy, Louise
Turtiatore. E l a i n e Roinuntow.a:i,
Lorna Wilson, Luuis Wolner. Secret a r y : Catherine Cartwrighf,
Kaisparian, Nancy Rubin. Donna
Steele. Treasurer: Michael Coyle.
Lucille Jacobson. Lillian Menders,
Shirley Moscrop, J u n e Perry, M a n • • • ^ » » - » —* • • • w • f
Jane Sheplrvd.
„ , . , . , , „ , ... iii-vnt-..»
., ,
,, ,,, ,,,
, '
Heals. C a t h e r i n e Casacell, J a m e s
I SUggC'St
a unless S t u d e n t implications t
chain and
re- '';'•
Deixler,O rSaamn d rUutlrin.
i H.-iL- m , .J>I
or c i i s t nouses,
, action a of
fraterG o v e r n m e n t saM-iies the :i"cds of action which c a d s;:into the
,„,,],,, ,,i| v ofc-tudent
aware nity
and sorority
i d fsudlin t U,l s 1JU1
t u 'puso
p i e moreGovernStudent \ s - - c i c i ' i / i n will !o-u the pride in S t a t e College. It .s obvi- '"'ranees Fleck. Barbara < ikuiysirwicz. Ijt w a , l t l s luipnening on campus tics lur mar;-' •,! students,
minimum' of upport il now leeeives, ous thai one ,,i the major defied- ^ - l v m Horowitz, Joan H tywoud. a n d , , , S ( . 1 T l . •!„,,„ m , h e , „ s . a m l
\ inifecti - and encies in Student Government is J " s e p h m e Hebsun, Lucille Jacob-on. | n u s t t , ( n r i e n ! w;u possible.
Guest Spctikc.-.s Mid
and become i '
] i u . n , b v |, 1U |, IIS1 . ihis eiu<it-point N(-'"' Courses of Study
inoperative. If this h a p p e n s , the absence of adequate 'even m a d e - Sue J a m e s . Gary Jochvin, J o h n
s t u d e n t body will not only ohininate quate i m e a n s 01' c o m m u n i c a t i o n .
Johnson. J o h n Jones. J a m e s Kelly, p) tl t iuriii coverim: C a m p Dippikill,
In recent years there has been
the responsibility of c o n d u c i n g its
A .Minister of Communications J o b ' 1 Lewis, Barbara Libous, Eileen Residence Rules. Loans aim Schol- an upsurging d e m a n d for more and
own activities, oat it will have no would be responsible lor dispersing Muinott, Daniel McNeill, Brenda a r s i u p s , Cue,- Speakers and New enlightening speakers. I would like
freedom in enncsing' its u.livities. to all groups on campus what (ran- Peacock. J u n e t e r r y , J o h n Rovston, courses of s t u d y , Internal College to .•„•(• additional sums of money
This need not h a p p e n ! !
spires in the various area., of stu- S h a r o n Sanders,, Mary J a n e S h o p - Development. Minister of Finance, provided to.- euest speakers, guest
dent activities. T h e Communications berd, Charles Singer, D o n n a Steele, introduction to College an i Cabi- artists and other outstanding culr ''! n \
, , , .«. tiv,t .v,ovone Minister would also act as i liaison J o h n Sullivan, William Thompson, | l e t
l u r u l a c t i v i t i e . i for the college. Also
i oo 1101 . m . i i s i ai.a, cvcijuiic
. , , , .. H
, .,
Louise Tornatore, Deborah TTaver, ., ,,
,„ i m i l e ill enlleues in th> T i ™
must be interested in the mechanics b e t v u n the Admini i.itioi .incline
( ..liege Camp
o L L O l k | = t f l l n U1- I l 0 > "
of s t u d e n t - o v c n i m e n t T l v basic s t u d e n t body. An informed s t u d e n t Diaiim Woudvuuu.
,, j s n ) y (vt,Un._, t l m l Wl , s l l J u l d Albaiiy-Schenectao;, area to send
iieuedieiit for the success of stu- b o d J ' i s u n e i n which it is extremely
freshman Class nominees: 1'resi- make a great"!- effort to develop the representative, to a conference in
dent guvenime.d is' AWARENESS t U " i c u l t l0, 1 ' • i !' l U n < t o L > , x l s '' !
David Brooker. A i t h u r Brv- camp by the most suitable and ag- Albany to study possibilities for and
entM ossttu do el n t a d m i n i s t r a t i o n h a v e ac> Angela Contie, Robert Stein- dents may c a m immediate enjoy- '•»0I'<' speak—,; can be brought to
what's going
on in Sinterest:
t a t e College.
^ r , ^ . ^ ^ ^ ( ^ ^ . ^ r i . t . u b ] e m e u n s „ l J S M b i e so t h a t stu- ^
UJJ u coo,-i-.iUvc eflort whereby
in- i l , R u , | thel l umembers
u l *he presfor
better hauer.
terest s t n m i l n e , • irticipatioir par- lknowledged
" » ' s ' i the' "need
"a "<=<"*:i
n u u u , Elizabeth
^ " - - " J " " Tinney.
'"""-.IVice- mevi
trom tnese facilities. I am in the area and costs ol mor" ; n u g h t coinnuinicatlni system and the col- /Continued
on Pwj, ti Column 4/ lavor of floatiii", a large loan lor a l t e r speakers can be met.
ticipation stimuiaies success,' and lege
administration reinforced this
this development and s t a r ' pro1 strongly believe that we should
success stimul ites pride.
system at the open meeting at Bruceedings immediately.
continue to mvesrigate and m a k e
.Minister of ( omiiiunieations
baeher Hall last T h u r s d a y night
Residence Rules
on P/IIJI: 5, Ooluran5>
I propose a 1 abinet post of Conn when the F a c u l t y - S t u d e n t CorporTile residence rules oil this campation was discussed. The adminisus are now obsolete. I wouid like to
tration suggested that the only way
sec a cotnmittee •-et up to investi10 eliminate student grievances is
gate residence rules completely and
to make them known.
make definite re. omniendal :ons for
S u a e , then, we know we ci 11 solve
changes t u d e n t problems through an elfecLoans And Scholarships
ti\e commtmu ation system, v.e have
T h e r e is a delinite need fer more
satisfied a need ol the student body
scholarships, fellowships, and loans.
and eliminated a major reason lor
I will look into the possibility of
the inefficiency ol student governobtaining
ia w opportunities
scholarships and lellowships ::i edH> DAVID I OTIUKINGHAM
will be held in m e n t ,
A bridge
( l a s s Presidents H1011I1I
ucation and student loans, and to
Hi,. 111 pai
.. . iu ^ ^ senate!
provide a more extensive publica' " l l , s t important thing tor you
tioii ol the above.
''• keep in mind at (he polls is you
'I'hnrsdaj from ;:<•> 10 p.m. I h e a l , , ( , n iu .^ol
{ |i;(V(, ; i h v i y s
I also recummonci t h a t v.e draw a l 'e choosing the people who are to
fair is being poasored by S t u d e n t making class pre., dents a i l o m u t i c
up a Capital Loan Corporation to - M ' n ' ' >"11 with the needs you can't
Union Board uiaiei the cliairiuaii- voting members ol Senate. It is oblend money 1.1 cooperation with ->atisty Individually. To accomplish
ship ol Janice ( i r a h a m 'lib.
vious t h a t (lass ' . o v e r n m c i r s now
lor ""*• People 111 government must
The ol the bridge session t-'tljoy the title ••non-entities" bosome othei leisible m e a n s 1 tor the have delinite goals in mind,
is in c u e st Hid-: 1 « a chance to pla.. t Cmttinw d on Pdjyi a, Column
1* I at."on 11
bridge in a bi i.'ce t o u r n a m e n t a t You have probably seen the platmosphere betoi e 11K actual t o u r n a lorin ol the Bed Political Party. It
client lakes pl.ic •• However, any
bods down, essentially, to these
bridge ent liu 1 i.'.i may attend the
ses:,ii 11 ev en il oe doesn't pain on
l o expand the seiwces ol student
playing 111 the : • iniament
1 >\ eminent .
Robert t'leiler. u h o Will direct,
Lo or am/.o tile Senate, so that
the National Uridge Toiirnanielil
'pp,. following
lollowmg people ha',
l)r dome.- I'l Allen, Jr , Slate hid l.isi, intelligent action can be taken
scheduled lor Li to 2\ at
ucal ion Commissioner, announced when it's needed,
proposed lor membership ol 1 lit
Hi uli.u hei, v\ ill l\ e a talk Iu I hose
I lie names ol seventy additional
To ^rr the Cabinet become an
,, lt:l
attending Hie b i u ' r e session about ' '
Chapter ol I'l (iaiiiina Mil, the
winners of Regents college teaching aid to the President administra11 ii- rules ol li" linn ii.11.lent ami ol National Social Science II .Horary
ls lively;
duplicate bud • Tins will be a , . nization: I. eoniird Delue, Clriul;
\ alaed at JUi.nUO, and Is good lor
l o lollovi through on student ree.'banco foi all I.CA t o i i r n a i n e n t j . l a y - W l U m n i H m . | a , , i | u , M | . s
Ireiuh know I two years.
A s 111.111 \ Ol
er.s lo leal 11 In
the National Bridge
T h r e e mil ol seventy ol these I'riiu'iuless
K a t h a r i n e Aldous am a , audi lale loi l l i o ' o i l l c e ol
These are the principles t h e canTomiianieui is 1 '.I'l
.,1 d Arthur Lazii- Vice-Pli sideiii ol l i e Studeill Asso- sehnlui'shlp winners are Iroin AlPrances
baiiv S t a h ' Tlie', are Mary Kit/.- oulatos of the Ped Political Party
The uiiriia ie.1, ,s open to and, - , „ w l l / „ j u „ h „ s . and Mrs. Susan n a t i o n .
puiriek, Ronald Ktolseth and Joseph intend .0 lollow in meeting those
graduates tu u 1A 10 ess,
an in H !.alar/.ek.
Diverse Interests And Ideas
S/.,,ek. Clraduates.
specific needs we see now, and those
» » ' " • » " " " ' " '" . " '
' : h m l . .L, . „ , . , „ . , „ „
I V , 01 the u.nners, Miss Kit/.- which will arise 11. the future.
,'hg.ble 10 p a . i ' . i p d e ,
n u , m i , a Initiation
w h e n I speak ol s udenl ,, c it, 8
or. ; i ,n./.alh,n is the way we
a.livitles (,. ol.Hli s t u d e , , a i d
1, ent, I am 1. lei •ring to Stum lit As^ ^ ,,.,
. l l . , l l l I 1 p l l s h " . 1 more cite, in e student
L.A m , m b e l , s u , , h , u r .
.""" V I'''
' I T ' ' * . ,
g a m / a . i o n are t„ be initialed at r e l a t i o n as a y.h.le. e v e , : pe.sun
lortv-lhird and lorly - a „ u r n m e n t Here a, Stale. By workpla), but are m , oglhle lo. awards. U u , a | i m l a ] , ) l u l , l l u . t o l p | o . u n m u (H>d <-''«.'' ^ ' " \ " ' " envebea-s. Be- ^ . ^
..,, logellier. 11 will no longer take
llly U l l l u
C o n i c , l u n t s will p)a\ a set of six- Mu sometime 111 May.
' ' " s e t e i a l alow, ol stu u J , e . l t | t , m l m , , Cornell University
Auk., lo gel issues out in llie open,
teen h a n d s una a I be supei', Isb 11 of
dent interest inc..ulllig the '<'t»!'iu- 0 r | e i „ u f Scliolarsliips
01 10 gel some delinite work done.
Uu- T o u n i a i n . n l 1«Hector. A pluque IHM'u.ssiuii
live branch ol aa,. 1 i.menl, publicaI I , , « • |Kopla who have organized
r] ., u> j ^ ^ , , , , , , , . , , | ) r o v u U . d ihese leiWith the n a n a
ul the lour licllt'lXll order to discuss oppoi tunitles U u n , s ' " , H1".1 , l .'''\ t ',.. , L ! ! " ' m " i ~ l l l W s l u P S upon reioiiuneiulation of and worked with llie Peel Political
I J ( , : d u1
e ell
dual c.iMipus .nan,p.011s will be |,re- for fureign sluiiv and travel, the . '
' , , ,.
' , , , , . ',11 . . '
' R' S ts. u»d were u P.nty h a u denionstruted their in,,1'iiteil lo each c . T g e entering the cngaliiwition as sponsoring a Social
^ '
result ol an intensive study which terest and ability in representing
Studies evening, Wednesday, F e b From my . x u e i i e n c e on S i n d e n t indicated t h a t colleges and univer- >ou
So. 11 \ uu want active leaders, hard
Ih Anyone iiile.esleu 111 playing in ruary 25. T h e time h a s not yet been Senate this past year. 1 h i v e a c - sities would be lacing a serious
...e tournament should coiilai 1 Miss announced. Members are requested quired a working knowledge ol the shortage ol teachers within a few workers, and more services, go to
(Vraham or Mrs Merlin H a t h a w a y to watch the News lor further tie- function ol ibis or" .nidation as well years because ol the Increased en- the polls and elect these candidates
ai B i i i b u h o i Hall
falls ol this event.
on /Ju«y< li, Oodumn I) rolluient of students.
oi the Ped Political Parly,
Penfield Proposes Changes
Helwig Creates Cabinet Post
To Keep Students Informed
Runs Alone
SUB Plans
College Card
Pi Gamma Mu
Bids Member
Backs Party
State Students
Win Grants
We hesitate to call the student body a bunch of nosey
individuals, liars, thieves, and careless busybodies. However . . ,
This week we requested activities sheets from about
thirty individuals. These were to be handed to us personally or put in our Student Mail by 5 p.m. Tuesday.
Many of them were. Many were late because the students
"forgot," Still others were placed in Student Mail and
never found by us. We'd like to believe that these lists were
placed in the mail, but if they were, what happened to
them? The mail placed in those boxes is directed to the
person to whom it is addressed, not to anyone who cares
to read it, censure it, and acquire it. If the mail drops on
the floor, for heavens sake, pick it up. That mail may be
important to some people, as it is to us.
Now that we're on the subject of Student Mail—are
those boxes ever cleaned out? The Smiles meeting was two
weeks ago!
Who's Aware? . . .
By G c b h a r d t & Pasquerclla
Will you please excuse this column
this week. We were forced to write
amid the speeches, singing find
other bunch of total nonsense t h a t
h a s existed in the Student Union
this week. If these sororities would
spend o n e - t e n t h of t h e energy to
do something constructive t h a t they
have used in presenting the garbage
this would be a much better school.
And we emphasize the word garbage.
lip Periscope - - A motion picture
epic filmed entirely within the confines of the Atlantic Ocean. J a m e s
Garner, of "Maverick" fame sheds
his cards and spurs, dons a scubn
outfit, and proceeds to botch up
an otherwise perfectly good movie.
Edmond O'Brien tries to save the
flick from fallia? on its face, but
Two came running-.
just, a t t h e point where it might
turn into a good movie, O'Brien
drowns and t h e movie sinks with
Co-flop is Mark of the Hawk.
Filmed in the h e a r t of the dark
continent, this hunk (if celluloid
should have been thrown into the
By V O I X G S & B U R M E I S T E R
Congo River.
Sheriff of Fractured J a w - It's a n other Ed. 21 reject tans. J a y n e
"We lire too much in platoons . . ." Alfred E. N e w m a n
Mansfield is her usual uninhibited, HA!
u n d r a p e d self. She plays a school
Huge crowds, handshakes—headaches to come. More .specific predicm a i m met. t h a t catchy term read- tions next week.
ers i unable to make ends meet on
h e r paltry salary. She takes a job A D I E I
A fond farewell and a happy hello. It h a p p e n s every semester.
in a dance hall nursery to supplement her meaner income, i By the I'RAV, BOVS, REMEMBER
After Monday the drinks will be on you!
way its one of those modern dance
halls featuring e n t e r t a i n m e n t for I'I,EASE DON'T EAT THE DAISIES
the whole family.i It is there that
and above all. don't try to .sneak them out of dining rooms - ui.e ,s
she falls under the influence of the ,\ou work there.
ends well with J a y n e being saved
Given a chance to discuss with a concerned a d m i n i s t r a t i o n the 11aus
by Mickey Harti'.ay, who appears
on the screen, dinner jacket in hand. ol our campus hie. the biggest gripe we come up with: "I don't like ti ,
cafeteria.' The profundity of this plight really moves its If you dm.:
A must for the whole tribe.
like the "atmosphere" in lower Husted, try lower Hawlev
T h e T r a p is the co-feature and M VACCILI.ATE M I C H ?
portrays Richard Widmark as an
Lucky •girls, you may exercise your prerogative without penalty till
up and eommg young dentist work- March 20 but (roof-orl courses are a thing of the past, w h a t with T
ing on a new method of tooth ex- scores, medians mid nil that.
traction (through the ear' It takes A NEW NAME
him a whole two hours to perfect it.
How about cidhng our basketball team t h e elevators? Alter all to,-.
and when he succeeds. . . . Have you seem In be having their tips and downs
ever built yourself into a story and LOT, PARKING
couldn't t-ni\ it? Well that's what
An area set aside [or parking cars where you need a permit, to p a t ,
happened this week We will sic
on next week fans.
ENC'HANTINO ' W ^ ' N T ' 1 ' '"" *"* ^ ' ^ ^
'"'" > U t '' P t ' n " "
Reading the News this week you've undoubtedly noticed a predominance of personal opinion. Never one to
Qamman - State*
vary from an established pattern, we'd like to offer a few
of our own.
In the first place you'll observe the prevalence of
typical campaign procedure, give the voter what he wants
and tell him what he'd like to hear. For instance, everyone it seems is deeply concerned with making the student
"aware"; not to cast aspersions on noble causes—but how
many of our beloved students want to be aware? Beyond
knowing what Common-Stater is inferring and understanding the current joke, the "average" State College student
doesn't really care.
Unquestionably more people are interested in student
government this year than in previous elections. You've
only to look at the long lists of candidates to be fully
cognizant of that fact. But how many of those candidate's
are running with serious intentions,' and how many are
"aware" of what's going on themselves?
We don't really believe that the candidates know what
the voters want. The issues presented are thing voters
should want, of course, and should be interested in. But
there's a plurality, the well-known "they," who don't even
know there's a camp, a cabinet or what-have-you.
Furthermore, how many of our distinguished candidates have investigated these thorns in the college's side?
We couldn't help but notice a "Junior Class Senator"
candidate who would plan our paper for us, and set up a
Student Communications Commissioner; we think it's a
Rumpkins, bumpkins, pumpkins. Our carriages didn't m a k e it I- .•
lovely idea—but where will all the news come from for
an SA page, when will the Senators write it, and just what
N ! \ T T V CHI! I ) ' " ' " ' f a i r ' V " ° d m o t h e r ' s h a < l a " i c e "'>"' !'<- I'"' Pi'"'"
Go-mmunicaUostsi Mommy, it 1 graduate from college and get on a faculty, can w,
happens to the Minister of Publications?
bin c ii new dining room''
Our presidential candidates are both proposing exK) THOSE WHO EXPLAIN
tending communication, but we ask—how? Who reads IdI Ihc
FACTS Senate meets Thursday. Pap,.,- distributed Friday
have had the opportunity 11 u.bulletin boards or every word of the paper? Arc you going week to observe tin worst sorority
to talk to everyone individually? Again we say many peo- Hell Week, that I have wit nesserl in
Last, week ue had our fortune told from the cigarette a.sla
the three \ cars that 1 have been heiv
ple don't want to be aware!
1 he Union, commons mid eafetei ia
This year's campaigning seems aimed toward the stu- have been plagued Willi v\ eryl Inn;: X E V ^ ' E M ^
dent who isn't interested in school politics. But this is ranging (nun goldfish in Huia- saviiTg'yom- pennies ?* " " P " « * 8 , » « " - « * »»"««. she dances tar,
the student who never picks up his student mail, never Hoops I his writer lias to admit t hal II I C I D A T i : DON'T HESITATE
lor the I list In
M . r
a Monvotes, never looks past the S.I.S. list on the bulletin board. day
:, :
, l lr
S'l.nide pleasu:,.:,,, ,„„ ,„,,
mm nun.1 I'I i
ii. i • .;s prm . .ding
He won't know you're advocating making him aware, and ed to lie \ i • on .1: i m in,in ,'.',' ' '' " ' ' ''" l I" '"' ' '' '• " >I'" '*'
i '.i , <t p l o t s 'i- „, |,
if he did he'd probably beg to be left alone.
l hen on it 1 i i n nod i r ' o , contest • n v \ s it'{ii,i.i<i
' '
lo sec whle] - o
it \
, ,1 i en i lis
'.'"' l ! " ' ' h l , l A I " ' ' ' - ''id gyre and ,.,„ |,l.- 1M „|si
Our point then is this: isn't it rather futile to attempt pledues
I Mi die a -..Mgninents :•"'" ,',';'"„
'"' " " '•' i'"tifree/,e
. , ,t „,r. think < o. , para.o a
communication with people who just won't be communi- A leelin:.the
'onln.-ing. try our e c u . , ! weather
russmeni is tell
cated with? Couldn't campaigning be more effective if w hen someo ,, e ' i i•mi
I hue: stands oimv \M:KI: si iti II-'
'i. light w
it were directed toward efficient operation of government up mi a chair .ca
"•'•inert t h e C o - o p I;, i ,,,, ,.; ,,,, n „ , ,„,,, ,,„ ,i
,i ten nun
for and by the decision makers? Shouldn't a good contest UK 11 ISM I lal ion ,.,, Ihc o ,:. ug nl ,i t'ONs e i l. 'iI l t II!i n Tk so rl " , l HAI I ' '' " '''''fir N I C E U ' I IKK Wl- I.IKI- II
| his embai i,, ,..|.i it I urninvolve some meaty, controversial, practical issues so that St i tl la tIie Inc.
W i l l i all ii
n ,|„ ct ,p
the "aware" voter can make his decision on the basis of p l e d u c l i ail t , isii i " l ' c11 ,i, h, (e) l l . i\ >| i.' I n .(l: i id,- l.-.lii '
i-. i
M .-.nil •
iiliuli \ :, eoninioii
( i NIL'
•ll M
his personal convictions, instead of on personality? And i h e r o o m I' . , . , ' , ' 1 1 ; , .| ., :., n
I I Nl I
i . I i MIC '
finally, shouldn't a candidate know what he's talkinir i h e , I' V i l l a '
II - ', •
let s d r o p (•' i" •. , . l i e , i n u r s e nil
i ll • Ii
I'd allll r e p .• i I , • l,. w j l h | , | a \ |
1 1
F u s t Place CSPA
Vol. XL1V
13, 1950
No. 2
Mrnil>rr.> i,l 'M- Nl-JWK -a,ill n.,o, |„- r t ii ned Tn. Mlao HI.i WciliihMiay from 7 to
1! |j in tit 2-3:120, exu-iusion II
Phones B p e i n i T a-.'>S4.t5. Traskus 2-11126, Ornhuni
2-:sa^G. Dougherty ti-5657.
'I'm; iiiHlrriu;i(lmtle newspaper ol i,t- N> v. YorK Blate Culle^e for Tencheris; put)
ashed every Kr.tlay of the College year by tin NEWS Board tor (he Siml.-ni Asioclatlon.
Oo-EUitor in-Clilef
Sports Editor
Public Relations Editor
Business Advertising Editor
Circulation Editor
_Consultant Sports Editor
hUlo College Phott Service
All oojiuntinli-aiiojis .should be ,uldic,s/,ed to the editor and must be signed Niirm-s
will ht; withheld on rerjuoit
The STA'CE OOLLfcOE NEWS assumes no responsibllty
for opinion* exprts-sed .n its columns or coinmunlcatlons, aa such expreiitions do not
ncces-sarlly rtflect Its views.
T h o m a s It. (ilbsim, l'mlessm
of Sufcty and Health Education,
a n n o u n c e s v a c a n c i e s in the
Drivers Education class for lie(jinners,
Interested s t u d e n t s should
contact Professor Gibson as somi
as possible a n d s t a r t driving
lessons immediately.
These lessons are ulfered without cost to any s t u d e n t of S t a t e
9 p.m-1 a m
Kdwiird P.,tu-,- h Club "8a H r u b a . h e r
SAl'l 'ItDAV, IICBItl'AKV 11
2:30 p . „
Wrest HUB SI.UC yS l"arli-igl,-| Hckmsm, P „ K , .
I) 45 p in Basketball s.'i.,te v, Pratt I'age
3:00 p i n
KI> [onimi iniu.m,,,,
(iarniriH Kup formal initiation
6 ,M
» I'm
CanU'ibury Clluh, St. Andrew's Parish Hull
MONDAY, H . B H ( , \ I | | |ij
" i ; ! ; " " - 5 ' ' 1 ' ' : v " " " •«"' SA, Class Officers.
K ^ ^ r l 8 '
Conference Hnom ol
« .ii) p.m. Kogei Wanner chorale, Page Hull
7 30 p i n . Basketball JV vs. Hlena Page
THURSDAY, U : i H U ' U ( Y 80
7:30 p.m. I P G Murders Among lis, D340
8:00 p i n
Sub HrulKe .Session, Upper Lounge, Bru
Experiment In I n t e r n a t i o n a l Living
T h i s program, entitled the Experiment in I n t e r n a t i o n a l Living,
makes it possible for students, 18
to 'A0, to spend the summer in one
of many different loreign countries,
from Mexico to Russia. T h e purpose
ol this program is to create International understanding.
T h e c o in in u n i t y ambassador
spends about (i weeks in the cuunT h e Roger Wagner Chorale as they will appear Monday evening in
try of his choice die has a selection of 3i. He spends a m o n t h liv- Page Hall a t 8:30 p.m. The presentation by Music Council is for t h e bene
ing with a family and about three fit of all State College students. Admission is by student tax
weeks touring the country by bicycle, plane or bus. During this time
lie visits historical sites and lives in
\ ontli hostels.
IFG Presents
Probing Film
„ .,,,
, „ ....
romght al i.M) and cJ:.k) p.m.,
IKC1 will oiler T h e Solid (iold ( a d iliac in Draper U49.
Thursday at 7::i0 p.m. in Draper
IFG will present
A n i o n s ' l ! s , a story probing into Germany's war guilt and condemning
Na/i atrocities committed both before and during the war,
Despite the title, this film is not
a liiuirdei' mystery, but the story ol
Dr Hans Mei'tens 'Ernst Borcherti,
a helpless alcoholic living in Berlin,
He is intent on murdering bis forII ii i- commaiider, Bruckner (Aiiio
This lllli: is a graphic picture ol
the city's sta ii.nit rubble, and star.,
Ihlili'.','inl Knot and h'rnM Bore-herl
Page Hall will be the scene Monday evening at 8:30
p.m. of the presentation by Music Council of the Roger
Wagner Chorale.
This world famous Chorale has appeared with the Los
Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra in presentations such as
Beethoven's "Missa Solemnis" and the Verdi "Requiem."
They have also provided music from a fourteen voice group
singing the theme for the "I Married Joan" TV series to
a two hundred voice group thundering "The Messiah" in
the Hollywood Bowl.
Applications for Albany Community Ambassador to one of 20 foreign
countries during the s u m m e r of
1959 are available from Bruce Norton '59, or from the Albany C h a m ber of Commerce, 74 Chapel Street.
T h e applicant imi.-J be from 18 tu
HO years of age. T h e Junior Chamber
of Commerce, who sponsors the
program, pays for the necessary ini-cciiliilions, Ins passport, and films.
He or she must be free during the
iollowing year to give between 50
and tin talks to oiganizatiuiis reeuestin.'. ins services.
Roger Wagner Chorale Appears Here Monday;
Program Includes Stecher, Horowitz, Pianists
I'si (Linima
i s i I.,(IIIMI.I
a bulletol supper
T h e sisters
Psi GSundav
a m m a atall the waiters who served at formal
dinner Eleanor Beers 'lit), is Chair-
have I u.lll. ho u s , r icllt\ and al- •
Post, will also attend
1 he l o t K r
the 1 rateriiil
out tor the
s e m i \- a. nwill
n u a lcome
man it the
G a m m a Kappa Lbi will hold a
inn mil mil ia Hon :-'tu;il.r. it U p in
a n n o u n c e s Joan Anderson ail
Picture-' for the composite v, ill be
taken Molida\ at the house Girh
are asked to sign up with Nancy
,, , , .,.,,
/ , , . , „ , ,,„. t , . l l l l l l m Kappa
p h i f n | . [ h l . , > r i l . ,^ l ) . ( l l . l
I'hi Delta
Norma Mariocca 'til. was n-imalh
initiated into the sorority recently.
a n n o u n c e s Harriet Dent '(>(). Publicit,v Director lor the sororit\
Edward I-.'Idred 1'utter Club
T h e Keel Jackets ol Vincentlan
Institute will be the featured band
when Club 'Cli, Edward Lldred Potler Club's lormal rush party, takes
O U T Uruba her dining room from
'•> p n i i- 1 a.m tonight, aiinounees
Mel loiiouvli
Girls alteiidiin' the ill.or will
I,'(' . coiiiinlltees
mg,t . Alan
Ii .rill
Band. Riehai
d Scat
Robert Geb!i •e.-.liuienls,
Arthur lit.Slra-sle.
.Juniors; I J, ('oral ion. John Jon,'
and Flowers. J o h n Dcl.uisi "JU
Zdilate' N*lic*
It has hern evident in the last
three issues of the STATE COLLEGE NEWS that the urade of
paper being used is not the renuliir Kiadc. This new paper will
be used for all eight pane issues.
Siv page papers will be on K'OSS
paper as in the past. The reason
for this is that the cut of paper
used for si\ page papers is unusual and the printers r a n not
use the surplus in an> other
When din present siipplj of
KIIPSS paper is used up we will
use the grade of paper that today's issue is printed on.
The Mayflower
20 ( ) Central
All You Can Eat $1.50
College Calendar
Second Place ACP
OKI b u i l d i n g nlnck.s ll tin- s n i o r i i H s, a n d i r.i ici m i ie.- ir, ,d ,, includli'nin ,m ofliecv
leel i! lie, i ss 11 \ in i-inh.u'i .i.*
mil d e g r a d e
in-w m e m b e r .
I h e n let t belli do It in tile colli l u e s
|,I t h e i r ( a g e s insti a d ol tl i.-pl., \ m
In Ma- flit lie .sliidcnl b o t h I h e i r l . i c .
ol i n t e l l i g e n c e a m ! m i l l i n e r s Sill -,-.
t h e r e Is s o m e ul h e r m e t h o d Im
o-- idled iippercla.', im-ii I,, p-M'i i ISII HI DAY, II.UKI \ICy |;i
i lieu p r i i n i l ive e m o l ion.-,
H 00 a in -a inn
Vol leg | t , r SA
\ (.nek
Albany Group
Offers Travel
For Students
WOK 111 X5c
l i l t l N t i WITH
Roger W a r n e r ' s Chorale has also
gained fame tnrough Capital R e eordings of "Songs of Stephen Fostor," •'Impressions of Brazil," and
F r a n k Fuvat '59, President ,f Music Council, tnnniinces tlui tlie pingram Monday .^veiling will Include
the -Mass in C, Minor by Williams.
••Trois Chansons
by R a v e . Dew• e n s Two Spirituals. Monteverdi s
Hear the Murmuring W U U T S , and
"Two Sea C h a n t i e s " by W a g n e r and
Being featured with the Chorale,
will be Stecher and Horowitz, Duo
Pianists who will present piano selections during the program.
Roger Wagner has said of ms
: r o u p . •'The' Chorale is a going
concern which is in a position to
neuiile •md oru'iin Pious
'' ,
! '
witli music whi'n lliev want it.
•ul this conn t-y in more t h a n 'i0
T h e group has appeared t h r o u g h cities giving concerts. Since U v i
when Roger W.. lier louiitled 1 >s
chorale, it has done major c h o r d
work in appearances with in u n ol
the nation's most prominent sy:nphonic organisations,
Guests a p p e a r a n c e s have
i),,|.|i made in Europe and t h e ensoluble h a s been highly acclaimed.
, n a d d l t | o l l to t h e l0Urs W a g n e r
]K() c o n d u c t e d c n 0 , . R ] s y n c h r o nlzatlons
n u m b e r
. . D e s i r e e t » "The E g y p t i a n "
„ He »
t.ontrlbu{ed s o n g s for B i n g
..Any|hin„ Goes„ . m d ..Wert,
No Angels,'' tvich Humphrey Bogart.
Steelier and Horowitz, t h e p i a n *tswill play "Variations on a
T h e m e by Haydn. Opus boa
i'Ul>ear;in; in a small 'own
m C a n a d a , t h e two were m a d e n o n , ,••,,•<• r'-mndin'is as a result of their
<>•>>> i-.uii.iu.ia is as a i t s u i t ui iiii.a
: 111
' ' performance to appreciative
o a h e n r e s T l v v have been roin..i.tinncts. i n \ na\e uctu cum
outstanding of pcrTickets for
for their
tne performance
fomiances throughout the n ition.
Ro'-eer Wagner Chorale will be on
sale today and Monthly from 9 a.m.
to ,i p.m. Admission is by .-dutlciil
tax card.
The Facade
This has been a miscellaneous kind wild look t h a t 1 meant business. He
• il week Sn much has happened immediately
succumbed when
around this place t h a t it just might threatened to send him to t h e I.e.
wake everybody up So. s h h h h . folks , las.-> then in progress.
He reluctantly told me his story.
Instant Everything
His croup had heard about some
Hill r\. hui n . bo> s. I he lime :.- sureahsfic pictures hanging in a
i a io A ii, a sn ie"A product is on
dark cellar and he had been ordered
:!,e market with specials this week
',, iiive-liuiite Ih- is resiiny quietly
oiih Instant c, , nradeship! Just ,iw\
i'i the oil Gel la A an lung I he 7 Up
i iishing. bid.-, and pletlging
:nai bine blink nil anil oil
i in l\ and t hen- >., ,ti are . . nisi ant
Veal Art
: • lend.
Quite si'i'lo'.;.-!. 'here as some real
Now, I h u e , be si I ions, dunk id
. n ban:: .o ; in lla Draper Art G a l all the nasi;, looks Bnl who sain
Id y A i rip i • -i
these works, by
thai there is anything wiolig with
Slate ('i,liege
' udeiit - would be
instant product?
w t t h 'In ilii,, : .'",r 11:ulb.
Vea. now lr;, I II illicomiuil \ on:
-ell Gh. well, lreetioin ol the prt s •
and all thai stuit
T h e State ('allege News has re,-i-ned lop secret messages lioiu a
uatii nal art organization We should
not reveal this (espivialU since we
i.',.t it b\ luicci, but yuur ever alert
rcpoiler Aill -pill the bean.-- anyhow
'I Ins in g.uii/.alion i the name ol
wlin h we are not permitted to releali has sent spies to this school
ll seems that they have received reports about some very interesting
wallpaper here
'Phe other titty 1 spotted one ol the
spies leading the signs on the wall.i.l t lie Low 'er Drupel perl.-l.vle. I nilan ilialch i c i h / e i l thai soiucihinc
was UT.\ wiong He wa the uiih
• OK- iciuhii' llieni
] stealthily a|i;ii o.icheel bun while
drawing in} t i n . I s
-it I rum Us
slmidiler In ilsli-i ,1 idw,i}s cariw one
Ihere to waul oil tn\ iAi-1 cnlh.lsiasln .iiliuli els, ale. i|iilcli\ pistoliwupped Ihc cui
1 brandished t h " rod in h u n t ul
Ills c\c- and lie totlltl tell b\ lu\
News Adjusts
Error In Date
Contrary to the report m last
week's Slate College News, the time
during which course.- may be dropped
shortened, not extended
According to the Academic Countil ruling, the hide will now be t h e
end ol the tilth week of classes,
courses dropped Ijelore tills Will Hot
ia graded, bill courses dropped allei
tin- dull will be graded V. '
llowiwoi this ruling will become
in September, ami due.i,. I a p p h to the pte.-eiil semesti I
l-'or this semester the Until dale
:oi til i >; i( illlg .1 course Is .March Lin
a.- talcd in the College Cataloyue
I list ,ui. e,-, when students, because
1 nl,,i cseen lil'i'llllistances. should
,e .dloWfel to ell JJ J a course alter
this date will be haiulletl by the
Dean'.- (illlee or the S t u d e n t P e l . nun I Glllce.
— For Faculty, Students and Graduates —
The Association of Private Camps
. . . comprising £50 outstanding Hoys, (litis, Brother-Sister a n d
Co-lid ( a m p s , located throughout New I.ngl.uid. Middle Atlantic
S t a t e s and Canada,
. . . INVITES voi'K INQI lltiKS cunoerniiig summer employment
us Counsclolrs, Instructors or Administrators.
. . . I'OSITIONS in children's camps, in all areas of activities, ajre
55 West *£nci Street
New York U, N. V.
The list of candidates for MysDonna Lee Harris—Rivalry (1,2); (2); Debate Council Treasurer (2); Publicity Chairman for J u n i o r vertising for Winterlude (3); Alpha
kania and their qualifications are Secretary of Class (1, 2, 3); Com- Class President (3>; Parliamenta- Prom; Junior Guides (1, 2, 3); Epsilon Honorary (3); Student,
as follows:
merce Club CD ; Student Guide Cap- rian of Student Senate (2); Kappa Freshman Newspaper; State College Guides (1, 2, 3).
June Alexander—Rivalry skit (1, tain (li; Student Guide Co-Chair- Phi Kappa (2, 3); Vice-President of News (2i; Frosh Camp Counselor
Philip Shepherd — Election Com2); Pedagogue (1, 2); Co-Literary man (2>; Frosh Camp Counselor (2, the Pennsylvania Interstate De- (3); Moving-Up Day Skit (2); Chi- mission (2); Chairman of Election
Editor, and Greek Editor (3); Cho- 3); Secretary of WAA (2); Treas- bate Congress (3); Frosh Weekend nese Auction (3); Ped Political Par- Commission (3); Kappa Mu Epsilon
ralettes (1, 2, 3); Collegiate Singers urer of WAA (3); Tennis Manager Counselor (3)
ty (3).
(3i; Music Council (1, 2, 3); Vice(1, 2, 3); Women's Chorus (1, 2, 3); (2);
" Alpha Epsilon (3); Pi Omega Pi
President of Music Council 13»:
MUD skit (1. 2); Junior Guides (1. t3); Finance Chairman of State
Commissoner of Intramural Basket
2, 3); All College Reception (2, 3); Pair i3); Business Manager for tl, 2); Secretary Frosh Camp Coun- ate (2, 3); Student Council (1); ball I3I; Junor Guides (3).
Activities Day Skit: Co-Editor (3); State WAA Conference (2); IntraDesk Editor (2», Associate Editor C o - C h a i r m a n of Homecoming
Elizabeth Spencer—Class NewspaState College Revue (2, 3); Frosh- Murals (1, 2, 3).
„ . , , , . ,
(3>, Delegate to the Associated Weekend (3); Frosh Camp Counse- per (1, 2i; Associate Editor of Frosh
Soph Rivalry Sing: Judge (3);
RiRobert Helwig-Class President P r e s s conference in Chicago (3):
Handbook (2); F r o s h
Campus Chest; Chinese Auctions:
Chairman (3); Junior Weekend: tl, 3); Staff at Frosh Weekend; Rivalry: Frosh-Soph Skit (1, 2 valry Skit (2); Student Guides tl, Counselor (2); State College News
Co-Chair2); State College Revue (2, 3).
Co-Chairman of Arrangements (3);
(1, 2, 3i, Co-Editor-in-Chief 13
m a n o f publicity for Campus Chest
Catherine A n t o n u c c i — Class Revue; AMJA,
Student Guide i2); Delegate to AsJudith
Paul Hooker Class Vice-Presi- t3).
Treasurer (3); Campus Chest: CoCommittee; Frosh Skit; Student sociated Collegiate Press Confereiu e
Chairman (3); Chairman of Social dent (2 Chairman of Frosh-Soph
R h o d a Levin—Freshman Skit (11;
Union Board tl, 2, 3); Area Student (3); Ped Kangaroo Court (3)( RiCalendar (3i; Cheerleader (2, 3); Dance (2); Student Senator (3); Banquet Co-Chairrnan (1>; Editor Union Board Conferences (2, 3); valry (1, 2).
Rivalry tl, 2i; Frosh Camp (1, 2, Chairman of the Senate Constitu- of Class Paper (D: State College State Fair Committee (3); Assistant
Monica Traskus—Author of Frosl,
3)7 Cominerce 'chib'Tl, T.l);
WAA ^ L P ™ ™ ' 1 ^ . l ~L„P,™Sh , C a ™ P News,"cub Reporter i l l : Activities Managing Editor of the Pedagogue Rivalry Skit iD; Parents' Day Con,
Chair(1, 2, 3).
11, 2, 3); Soph Skit; Arrangements mittee (1); Publicity Committee lm
Joan Call—Student Council Rep- Junior Advisor of Freshman Rivalry man (3); Senate i2, 3); Chairman and Chanerone Committees for Jun- Homecoming (2i; Rivalry Commit13);
of Senate Rules Committee (2); ior Weekend; Homecoming Com- tee (3); Junior Prom Committee
resentative (1); Secretary Student
Association and Student Senate (1. (3i; State College Revue (1); Stu- chairman of State Fair Boosters mittee I2I.
(3); Associate Editor of the Frosl:
, 2 l . A s s o c i a t e Editor of Frosh
2); Class Vice-President (2, 3); Par(2); State College News
Douglas Penf.eld—Varsity Base- Handbook
Handbook i2i; Chairman of MUD
ents' Day: Chairman (3); Hand- Singers (1).
(1, 2, 3), Co-Editor-in-Chief (3i.
book: Associate Editor (2); State
Stephen Hoover—-SMILES (1, 3) Programs (2); Co-Chairman of ball (2); Rivalry (1, 2, 3); ConvocaCollege News (3); Rivalry (1, 21 Rivalry (1, 2); Statesmen (1. 2, 3) Publicity for Campus Chest (3); tions Committee (li; Intramurals
Marcclla Van Lcuven—Rivalry 1
Student Guides tl, 2); Frosh Camp Moving-Up Day Skit (2); State Col- Junior Prom Publicity (3); Bust (1, 2, 3); Senate tl, 2, 3); Acting 2); Cheerleader i2, 3i; Studeni
Chairman of Ped Political Party Guides (2i; Junior Prom DecoraCounselor tl, 2); Finance Commit- lege Revue (2); Collegiate Singers ness Manager of Primer (3).
(3); Albany State Representative on tions Committee 13»; Homecomin.
tee; State College Revue (3); Mov- '2, 3); Outing Club (3); Rivalry AsArleen Luick—Class Publicity Diing-Up Day skit (2): Campus Chest sistant j 3 ) ; Publicity Director of rector i l i ; Class Paper il, 2): Soph Maritime Cruise to Europe (2i; Var- Committee (2, 3); WAA tl, 2, T
sity Club (31.
Frosh Weekend Counselor (2, '.i
Junior Weekend (3).
Skit. (2i; Election Commission (2.
David Feldman—Student Guides
Miriam Ptalis—Student Senate (1, Directory Staff <2i; State Fan
Earlvn Huntress— D &-A Council 3 ) ; W A A Publicity Director c 21;
(2, 3); Frosh Weekend (3); Class 1, 2, 31; Activities Night Skit (1,2); redagogne i2>; Chairman of Pub- 2i; Junior Guides tl, 2); Rivalry Committee.
Newspaper t l i ; Rivalry (1); Intra- State College Revue (1, 2, 3); MUD jjcations and Review Committee Skit ili; State College Revue PubRosalie Walsh—Student Board Mural Football (li; Frosh Hand- Skit (1,2); Banquet Chairman (D; ( 3 ) : Alpha Epsilon i3>; Secretary licity 12, 3 ' , Associate Editor of Finance tl); Rivalry 11, 2i; SMILhs
book Editor (2i; Pedagogue (1); Rivalry (1, 2); Rivalry Committee n j German Cltib (3i
Frosh Handbook (2i; Campus Chest (1, 2i; WAA il, 2i; Music Conn,:,
State College News 11, 2, 3); Feature (3i; Class Newspaper (1, 2); Stu- N a n c
Publicity 13 >: Advisor to Frosh Sing ili; Class Paper (2); Activities Day
dent Guides tl, 2, 3i; Student Facy McGowan—Frosh Weekend (3i; Parents' Day Committee (3); 12>; State College Revue i2i; Ken
Editor (31
(3i; Chairman ,Counselor
2<; Junior Advisor to Chairman of Decorations for Junior ate (2. 3i; Student Guides -li
Ann Fleming—Frosh Skit Com- ulty Committee
he Frosh
Co-Chairman of Prom.
mittee i l l ; Frosh Banquet Commit- Campus Night (3i.
Moving-Up-Day Skit (2i; State Fan
Dennis Johnson—Varsity Basket- Campus Chest (3> Senate (3i; Sectee (li; Student Board of Finance
Marian Silverstein—Rivalry (1, 2, '2, 3i; Election Commission (2, 3i
retary of Athletic Advisory Board
U); Student Senate (2); Cabinet ball (2, 3i; Varsity Club (2, 3i.
Frosh Weekend (1, 2, 3); Class Book Exchange 12); Co-Guardi.ui
Teresa Kerwin Primer d» Ad- ( 3 '^ Senate Constutional Commit- 3i;
Secretary I 3 I ; Rivalry Committee
Speaker for Moving-Up Day (1); of Class of '62 i3); Campus Chest
(3); Homecoming Committee (3J; vanced Dramatics U); Student e i3>; State College Revue- Chair- Moving-Up Day Skit (2i; State Col- <3i; Frosh Camp Counselor ''iMoving-Up Day Committee (2).
Guides (1, 2); Pedagogue (2, 3); As- m a n of Ushers (3>.
lege Revue (1, 3i; Publicity Chair- Junior Weekend Committees; ('••
Patricia Gengo—Student Council sistant Editor i3); Frosh Camp (2. David Mead—Rivalry Debate (1, man of State Fair (2); Co-Chair- Producer of Albany State Ra<
U); D and A Council (3); Student 3); WAA (2); Frosh Handbook Staff 3i; Class Banquet Committee (1); man of State Fair (3); D&A Coun- Group (3); Parents' Day i3); Hone Guide; State College Theatre Pro- i3); Rivalry <2>; All College Recon- Class Parliamentarian i l l ; Rivalry cil (2, 3i; Student-Faculty Commit- ing Parade Committee (3).
ductions; State College Revue; IFG; tion (3); Class Paper (3).
Sing Committee il>; Senator <2, 3i; tee i2, 3i; Intramural Sports (1, 2i;
Charles Weed—D&A Council < 1
State College News (21; Junior BanFrank Krivo — Constitution Re- Vice-Chairman of Student Union Women's Chorus (2, 3); Collegiate
quet: Chairman of Arrangements view Committee (1); Debate Coun- Board (2, 3); State College Revue Singers I 3 I ; Art Editor of Frosh 2, 3i; President of D<fcA i3); Slate
cil (1, 2, 3); Frosh Camp Counselor (2); Freshman Class Guardian (3); Handbook (2); Co-Chairman of Ad- College Revue (1); State Colles-'e
Theater (2, 3e
the Co-op's
1st Pre-Spring
D&A Council When, Why, And Where
President Addresses Senate; Elects Officers, Our Elections Are Held
Answers Student Questions Presents Ploy TODAY and MONDAY!!By That's
Voting Machines in Lower Draper
right. Voting for Student Associa-
The last Senate meeting was dignifled by the presence of President
Collins, who came to explain to
the student body, if 70 or so students can be considered the student body, the recent furor concerning our tax status.
The mam purpose, and at the
moment the main problem of the
Student-Faculty Corporation is providing housing for a burgeoning student body.
It seems that most problems can
be traced to this source. We just
do net have enough space to live in.
The Faculty-Student Corporation
was formed to do the things at college that cannot or should not be
done by the State. The Corporation
can operate anywhere outside of the
realm of systematic instruction. In
the course of its operation the Corporation has accumulated a sizeable
amount of money, around $192,000.
Frozen Funds
Much of this is in frozen funds
that the Corporation cannot touch,
such as money belonging to the Student Association. The Corporation
handles our funds for us because
it is a legal Ixidy and we are not.
This is done with the understanding
that the Corporation will exercise
control over the Student Association
When the Corporation bought
houses to use as dormitories, it applied to the city of Albany to be
exempt from the local real estate
taxes. (The college was already exempt from federal and state taxes.)
Never being refused or granted the
exemption, the taxes have not been
paid since 1954. These unpaid taxes
amount to $35,000 and constitute a
leln on the titles to the property
owned by the Corporation. The suit
now in progress was initiated by the
Corporation to clear the titles,
The case will probably not be decided for many weeks. If the case
is lost, the corporation will have to
pay the back local real estate taxes,
An interesting note here: if the college is not declared exempt, the fraternities that bought their houses
through the Corporation will have
to pay their own taxes in the fuurc.
President Collins is not only open
to suggestions, he invites the students to offer their ideas. This
should provide the new Senate with
a golden opportunity to use any initiative they may have. Speaking of
the new Senate, elections are today
and Monday. The Red knight and
the Brown knight are entering the
lists for SA presidency. . . . Looks
like Old Dad will have some new
members for his Almost-Was Club,
for various and assorted reasons.
The following students have been
elected, and will serve as officers of
Dramatics and Art Council for 1959.
They are: Charles Weed 'GO. President: Brenda Caswell '61, VicePresident; Susan Updike '60, Treasurer; Arleen Emery '61, Tryout
Chairman; and Patricia Gengo '60,
The Contrast
Tickets for "The Contrast," the
second State College Theater production, directed oy Robert Harper,
Assistant Professor of English, will
be on sale from 12 noon to i p.m.,
Monday to Friday, February 27.
For the first time in State College Theater history, a major production will be presented in the
Little Theater, February 20 to 28.
The Little Theater is located in
Richardson 291; since the capacity
is limited for this production, 100
tickets for each of 9 performances
will be available. Students are urged
to obtain their tickets as early as
possible in order to insure seats for
a performance.
tion and Class Officers will take
place on these two days. Why don't
you cast your ballot?
Most of you don't care about student government. Yes, you hear
about the Senate, Cabinet, Myskania
but what does it matter? The President is trying to get a salary but
so what!
If you don't care what your governmental bodies are doing, you
should at least care "who" is doing it. Once a year you're called or
to vote, but you're too busy to
We have a representative government here at State. Students are
elected to represent you. At least
give them the satisfaction of knowing that you bothered to east a
vote .Show them that you care.
Voting Machines
Voting machines have been obtained for your benefit. The polls
will lie open both days from eight
to five. Again for your convenience.
Who can you vote for? All students are eligible to vote for Student Association President, Vice
President and members of MyskaThe play will be presented at 8:15 nia. The classes of '60, '61 and '62
p.m., with one matinee performance will vote for their class officers and
ten Senators (from each class).
February 28 at 2:40
is only the beginning of a W I N S T O N
It's what's
up front
t h a t counts
W i n s t o n puts its
up f r o n t . . . f i n e , f l a v o r f u l
t o b a c c o s , specially p r o c e s s e d
for filter s m o k i n g
Specially Priced
1050 Madison Avenue.
Next to Madison Ave. T h e a t r e Phone 89-6292
99c each
2 for $1.75
• Itll
Where can you vote? The machines will be set up in the counseling rooms in lower Draper. Members
of Election Commission will supervise the voting.
We have made posters, written
letters, used the verbal technique,
and now resort to writing an article
in order to get you out to the polls.
Now it's up to you.
Remember! Your future government leaders will be dealing with
problems as the college camp, student facilities, academics, rivalry,
and most important — the STUDENT TAX. All of these matters
pertain to you. They all affect you!
What are you going to do about
Today and Monday. These are the
days you can voice your opinion in
student government. See you at the
Helwig . . .
(Continued from Page 1, Column 2J
cause of inadequate inter-relationships with S A. government, o n e
hand doesn't know what the other
one is doing, as 't were, it seems
logical that the executive of the
class should be familiar with the
1 unctions of Senate since all legislation passed oy Senate affects the
classes. Clas.-, presidents should be
on Senate!!
"Buck Socials"
There are many things that can
be accomplished by a dynamic executive. I think there are functions
which could be incorporated in the
social calendar to provide the student body with a more complete
selection of social activities. It is
entirely possible to arrange chaperoned "BUCK SOCIALS" on weekend nights and provide dancing and
beverages and "just plain fun." The
proceeds from the "buck socials"
could be used for such things as:
1. Presenting more small jazz
groups on Sunday afternoons.
2. Installing an F.M. system in
the cafeteria.
3. Supplying and supervising volleyball and badminton on
Dorm Fif Id.
4. An S.A. picnic at Dippikill.
These are time of the ideas that
could materialize if I am elected
and receive substantial support from
the student body. I'll write half of
the platform; you, the students,
write the other hall
Who knows, we -,iay even be able
to check the tire extinguishers.
Penfield . . .
(Continued from Page J, Column S)
recommendations fir new courses of
.- ttidy in our college.
Internal College Development
I will recommend that the existing lire orotectiun facilities be
hecked, so i ' i t improvements can
be made wlv le ret essary.
1 would Ilk • to see State' College
tied in with the local Civil Delense
effort and to improve our own existing facilities for adequate protection.
.Minister On I ina ice
The Cabinet Minister on Finance
.should have (he power t'. grant
small .sum , oi in- nev i lilsiei.d of
tie Sen,ili- Finance Committee)
and make him and any of ids subnrdinates re-.)-oiis'ble to the Senate
through the President, lm- ,ill actions taken.
Introduction To College
1 will see In II "Kit the '..'..slunun
class has the opportunity to evaluate their ! ( ' ,>icr;i.iin and that definite change, are made whore they
The Cabinet will consist of Ministers oi i-.naiue, Organization,
Publications, Special Days and Recreation It will be their duty to assist the President ul Student Association in any way possible.
I sincerely hope to be able to
contribute to the better under, landing and practice of student government and to istablish and maintain
an atmosphere of school spirit and
interest on tampm; It is my belief
that I can establish the above by
increased efforts to keep the entire
student body mure i n f o r in e d
concerning nil aspects of student activity on campus.
13, 1959
Area Churches To Observe Pi Oswego Pi Elections Open Today . . .
Universal Day Of Prayer
Business Society
from Page 1, Column S)
President: Harold Brink, Clifford
Demorest, Elizabeth K n a u t h , Susan
One study group will meet T h u r s MacFarlane, Paul Turse, L y n n
day nights a t 7:30 p.m., with t h e
Western. Secretary: M a r t h a GolenRev. Robert Garvin, Associate Minsky, Millicent Gerick, J a n e Havens,
ister of First Presbyterian C h u r c h ,
as leader. This group is scheduled t o
The Beta E t a C h a p t e r of P i O m - Mary Hay, Carol Hogan, Diane I s meet T h u r s d a y night.
ega Pi, National Honorary Society rael, Mary P i t r i c i a Jones, Rochelle
Another study group, with t h e in Business Education, recently i n - Kellerman, Carol Lambert, Barbara
At Madison Avenue P r e s b y t e r i a n Rev. T h o m a s H u n t e r of Clinton itiated 23 new members. Members Manse, Sorca O'Connor, Madeline
Church, s t u d e n t s will take p a r t in Avenue Baptist P a r i s h a s leader, are chosen from the incoming Senior Rutledge, S i u n n Ryan. Treasurer:
the morning service. T h e L u t h e r a n will meet Tuesday n i g h t s a t 7:30 class on t h e basis of outstanding M a r y a n n Calderone, J a n e t Eskolsky,
scholarship a n d leadership i n t h eBrigitte Handy, Barbara Hudson.
S t u d e n t Association a n d t h e M e t h - p.m. beginning this week.
business d e p a r t m e n t . This year's Linda Humphrey, Gordon La Hart,
odist S t u d e n t Fellowship will have
A third group will meet Sunday president is Ralph Spanswick '59.
special services Sunday evening.
J o h n Pierce, Barbara Porr, Madenights, beginning t h i s week, under
Initiates from the class of '59 a r e : line Rutledge, Marvin Ward. NomFor Episcopalians, there will be a the leadership of F r a n k Snow,
corporate communion Sunday m o r n - Campus Minister. T h i s group will J a n i c e Bennett, J u d i t h Bunt, Val- inees for F r e s h m a n Class Senators
ing a t the regular 9:30 a.m. service not discuss t h e topic previously erie Burns, Nancy Catalfamo, Bev- are: Mary Beth Andre, J a m e s BakGary
Falway, S a n d r a
Goldstein, er, Marybelle Blackburn,
at St. Andrew's. A light breakfast mentioned, b u t instead, meetings erly
will follow t h e service in the parish will be centered a r o u n d Bible study. F r a n k Haber, Andrew Krotje, Carol Blauvelt,
Lupinskl, Anita Mac-Master, Amelia Brooker, Arthur Bryant, Susan Byhouse.
Canterbury Club
Podber, Susan Savard, Patricia Shaf,
Student Christian Association
Sunday, C a n t e r b u r y Club will Richard S h a n d s , Merritt Taylor, ron, Maryann Calderone, Frances
Cicero, Natalie Clark,
T h i s semester, SCA is r u n n i n g a meet a t 6 p.m. a t St. Andrew's B a r b a r a T h o r n d i k e .
Clowry, Juditli Cobb, J o n Curtis,
series of study groups which are cen- Parish Hall, 10 N o r t h Main Avenue.
Clifford Demorist, Lawrence Dubitered around t h e topic "Faith, Sex, The topic for the evening is " W h a t
New members from t h e class of
a n d Love." All students a r e wel- Kind of Christ Should He B e ? "
'60 a r c : Louise Armstrong, Shirley net, J u d i t h F a r r a n , R u t h Goldman,
come t o attend these discussions,
Members are reminded of a Com- Clark, Susan Hanssen, Donna H a r - J a m e s Gray, Alice Harron, Linda
which are being held a t Brubacher munion service every Wednesday i is, Norma Fieble, J e a n K n a p p , Humphrey, D l a n n e Israel, Patricia
Kadick, Elizabeth Klein, Nancy J o
morning a t 6:45 a.m. d u r i n g Lent.
David Marsh.
Sunday, P r o t e s t a n t a n d Episcopal
students, here a t S t a t e a n d t h r o u g h out t h e world, will be observing the
Universal Day of Prayer. I n keeping with t h e occasion, various
churches a r e holding special services, for s t u d e n t s and faculty.
M . l . Llt-Jf
Lucky Strike presents
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(Continued from Page 1, Column Si
as t h e Cabinet .ireas. When I a m
elected, I will propose thai, the e x ecutive branch help organizations
fill out their ranks, especially those
organizations which a r e n o t functioning a t all or which fail to a c complish their stated purpose.
Student-Faculty ( ommittee
I would like to see an efiective
Student-Faculty Committee organized to look into a n a s of mu'.nal interest and to act in a n advisory capacity to the President anti Senate.
At t h e present lime t h e Student
Association li ;s a surplus cl over
$."..500, obtained through s t u d e n t tax
of past year:'. (Plus approximately
$2,000 more from the most leceru
budget.) Unless .some major type oi
capital construction is desired by
the students before budget, lime, I
would propose that at least S2 SOU be
turned back into the next budget.
This would accomplish one nl two
things: it would either lower next
j e a r ' s tax or provide more service.-,
and still keep t h e preseiv rate oi
taxation. Either policy will benefit
the students as a whole.
Thinklish: D R U N C L E
rhink/ish: F E Z I D E N C E
In my senatorial experience, I
have served on a budget committee
and feel it is an to a potential
Vice-President to be familiar with
the financial set-up, since the VicePresident also holds t h e position
of Student Asr.icliuion Treacurci.
English.. e
Klein, Linda Levinson, Lily M a n i leve, Sue MacFarlane, J u d y Nissim,
Richard Nottingham, Sorca O'Connor, Ellen Obst, Rosalie P a t e r n i t i ,
Gordon Pierce, Robert, Lee
Rogers, Marilee Rogers, J a n e Rosenberg, Linda Ruch, J a n Ryekman,
Anne Smith, Marshall S m i t h , Merton Sutherland, J a n e Szurek, Elizabeth Tlnney, J o h n Wallave, R i c h a r d
x<j»uMi/>tu — (Jvvuvico is our middle name
Athletics And . . .
My experience on t h e State College News Board has brought me in
close contact with publications and
communications o:i this campus.
Through my affiliation with them
I have learned much about m e operation of the vai i- US organization1 am actively engaged m intramural athletics a.i.l I hav-' become
aware of the problems in this area.
For example, I i >ivc clefini'e ideas
about, football.
. I'm in :avor oi
it. Arc >on? 'th:t!'.s what v.i must
lmil out ! I pro| ,' e thai ,i sul've;,
of the studeni body be taken io see
what t h e geni ral leeling is. II t h e
reaction is lavoi aide, I would like
to see planning .jcgun for i n e inauguration oi intei collegiati lootbail here on I 'lis campus.
Please Vote I1
As I liuv" defined student government, I v, mid include in.pi uvemenl.s in each oi a n as Tins
program would naturally carrv ovei
into any other area t h a t uu ;hl be
m need il help from Stllden: Association. It ;s on experience l o s t I
would base my Ulcus and actions a.s
Vice-Presldenl a n d it is i nly in
continuing I t do this t h a t would
make me a true representative oi
your student association.
Education Club
To Organize
There will be an organizational
meeting ol Hie Sl.lldi nl Education
Association ol New York S t a t e on
Monday in the .Student Conlen nee
Room ol the Caleteria at 3 p in T h i s
oigallizatlon is composed ol those
students who |oined Hie National
Kducalion Association and t h e New
York .State 'leaehei's Association
The' purpose ol this meeting is to
begin the organization of a HHANYS
chapter on campus. A key ligure in
Hie founding of SKANYH c h a p t e r s
throughout lhe stale will give background material and suggestions loi
chapter formation.
FRIDAY, F E B R U A R Y 1 3 ,
'Fire / iway7 Cry The Sauersmen As They Prepare
Encounter V/ith Pratt Cannoners In Page Tomorrow
Peds Take Hobart, Lose To Oswego;
Meet New Britain On Wednesday
From This Vantage Point:
Unofficial Sport;
Honored Victory
State cagers will play host to Pratt tomorrow night on the Page hardwood in venture of their twelfth win in sixteen starts. This will be the lone Ped appearance of the
The world of sports again comes into focus after a month a t home; the team will return in March to play their last two games of t h e
hectic week of posters, speeches, rallys, more posters and s e a s 0 n against Harpur and RPI. The Cannoneers, who fray with Union College tomore speeches. Due to the amount of confusion and other n j g h t in Schenectady, hold a 12-3 record. I n view of the fact that a majority of the
interests being pursued this time of year, I will not at- visiting team have played together for the past four years, Sauers stated t h a t Pratt will
tempt to editorialize on any particular subject. It would p r e sent very tough opposition. State will try to redeem last year's loss to the Brooklynprobably get lost in the shuffle, so instead I'll forge ahead
ites with the help of Holway, Cohen, Baughan and Baumes,
the Peds' regular starters. "If they have height, I'll also
with the real purpose of this paper in mind and communi- _ _, _ - ^
start Howard, but as of now I'm still undecided as to who
cate those things that I feel will be interesting to a good F F P
the fifth man will be," said Sauers. Leading the yellow and
majority of you.
black squad will be Captain Dave Anderson and Tony
Un-Official Sports
KA-kl/M-Iti/ ^ - f
Razziano standing a t 6'5" and 6'3" respectively.
There is one "sport" here a t State t h a t is not con- / V l a | O r i T y W l
What's New
trolled by the Athletic Department, is not listed in the
. .
college catalogue, and is not governed by a set of common P I Q Q n
H O n O T S
Denny Johnson, who was not a member of the squad
rules. Hell-Week, however, really is a sport. It can be so • , N ^ V / | ^
last week was re-enstated by S a u e r s
classified because it developes sportsmanship, provides
. . /f
this week prior t o t h e New Paltz
exercise, stirs up school spirit, and is composed of two ^ ( h p b a s k e t b ; i l l scheclule d r a w s / y C / 0 S C / O
game. The Ped mentor also stated
different segments. Sisters vs. Pledges.
"Jack Bearden h a s been dropped
t 0 :i close t h e r e seem.s to be a promWhat do you say ex-pledges. Did you have fun this mencc of the letters "EEP" in the A n s- 7/*kO Q ]
from the squad for violating t r a i n Week11
And, What a b o u t last n i g h t ?
I'llbet t h a t Was quite
names of league leaders. P o t t e r Club / \ / 5 ( ^
h n s flve e n t n e s i n t h l s y c ! , r s lnt, a
You have
,, ,
i i jwon a victory,
i J
• j j The fact mural s e t - u p . and each seems to' win
that you have completed your pledge period and are now t . very week . T h l 8 Wl.c!t t h c crEEPers
eligible f o r i n i t i a t i o n is, i n fact, a g r e a t Victory.
- 7 1 '
s-* I
ing rules."
On t h e road
week t h e
C llh Sauersmen lost to Oswego 71-62 and
recorded t / C U l , UVJy
the following
even, ,, O V^IUU
, , ,,.,, m
g b7-D7. Hobart
Don Cohen
Io supplement l i s y e a r s basket- . °. .
' '
height on the backboards taking
ball schedule the junior edition ol U v elve rebounds, a n d Holway w a s
CI-EKPCI-S Edge APAthetks
F r o m T h e S p o r t s D e s k : I s a w F r a n k i e F a l l a c e p l a y ^ On
^ d t oh e wninth,
n e din "at hclose
e ~ A Pgame
A l ' i ;tin
e t o t h e Cagers have been a t work con- top notch in t h e scoring part with
1 ii n
c< i i
, ,, , ,
_ j CrEEPers downed the APAlbetics
b a s k e t b a l l . . . S o m e t i m e s h e f o r g e t s t h a t h e IS a l l o w e d b n S L . o r e o f ] 8 . 1 5 H i g h m . i n o f l h e s t n n l l y ,. a c king u p win a l t e r win 16. Gary played h i s best offensive
t o u s e h i s h a n d s i n t h i s p a r t i c u l a r s p o r t . . . T h i s w a s a l s o K i i m o w a s j j m Dougherty with Yl ,,, i\m\ themselves with a 9-5 record - a " 1 L ' " ' U l e > ' e a r I U Geneva when
that you will always remember.
true, but it is also very serious.
I t i s O n e a n d t h e SlEEPers
Hell-Week is a "sport" wins,
one of the rare times I have seen Owen Davis wear shoes points for the APAthetics. The APA- C i l , u l u a t c Holl GraveS, coaching the Hobirt* statesmen'^'paT^oward
while engaging in athletics . . . Creepers vs. APAthetics Relics nvc st.11 hoping ^ ^ ^ " . ^ ,,,„„ , llis v ,. u , slllted t h a t llfU51. scoreU fom.' d e c i s i v e b a s k e t s a g a l n s t
. . . 4 0 m i n u t e s Of p l a y e n d s a t 1 8 - 1 5 . . . G i v e s t h e l a t t e r ^ l i e u ' t h e y lose and posse.-s Hie type Howard's withdrawal from the JV's h i s Hobart friends, a s a passing
n d i s p the
u t e dSauersmen
p o s s e s s i o n embarK
Of l a s t on
p l a ctne
e . seasons
. . T h r e e rougnest
m o r e g a tasK
m e s ,,f
spirit' that,
makes a suceessiul lhl
,,,. ,U(
, „,, u . ,„,,,, l n i , Varsity, most ol r L ' c l u iem to his first college.
before theOswego
on the Tseason's
task SLS
, lu , JU(n.llJlll
, u l l !all ,,„ Uu . slK)llku,r,s s t a , c r a c k e d u p i t s e l e v e n t n w i n
at theembark
State College
o u r n a mroughest
e n t . . . Coach
Betters league.^
om Men
night, overwhelming the
Sauers is hoping to better last year's fifth place finish . . . 1(Ai»' on the ninth, SLS outscored ||i(,n hn Wallace. Pat Spicci (both NWednesday
,ie also playing with t h e ( ; w , P a | l z Hawks 75-54. Don Cohen
Denny Johnson returns after "being absent" for three '] r old Men, 58-28. High nnurwas
paced the Peds with lie) lioints and
„ ,.
j,°-_ ,
,, .. T
,,_ „
,, ,I'ele
, ! , . „.Spina Willi
, lu ,|)oillts lor SLb. ' ' " " "s ^ " " , J l m G r m i "ncl R o « c r HI rebounds, his season's high. Hoi-
g a m e s . . . D e f e n s i v e w h i z , J a c k B e a r d e n , h a s b e e n d r o p p e d I n .mother contest a t Page thai Casey. T h c Gravesmen lost their way seconded with 12 points and 15
f o r b r e a k i n g t r a i n i n g r e g u l a t i o n s . . . D i a m o n d m e n h a d same night t h e Goobers A C . beat |.,.st u ,,, n i . t 0 a powerful ABC varsity rebounds. Shooting percentage for
,, , ,
.,i t ' ! " ' '"Kin —
m a n68',forfrom
better think about getting into shape . . . Baseball season "
" ' Beatniks
in Ibis came
by a was
F r e e ol
d m 54-35.
a n of
, 1 (,,m . 9 1 ,. i ,n , businessmen
was ST.
is a lot nearer thann you "might imagine.
12 markersoi r u' ' ' " U i e l "'• s, " a l t l 0 lM'hig t h e Hawks
was lfreshman
Harvey Henry,
u o . i iGoobers
i.- i l . . . who
M-.,C i.'ni.iiinini
t h e loul
Transfusions Victorious
twenty minute score to a n loialing 16 points. T h e JV's won'
Finally on the same night. Uuily's overwhelming 54-27. The Peds b e - ' b e preliminary 62-45.
I),inkers went down in defeat to the r ; m i i - hot in the second hall how- s „ ,..„„. .n..,,,.,,
Transfusions T h e . o r e sheet read ,,,.,. , , „ . „ ,,
,,,„,., u
'<"*• A 1 ^ n •
( . ;j
aJ-,-)2 in 111 \or oi t h e latter High
I lie lirst ol the lour trips awuitscorer ol this contest was J o h n Points t o bring t h e percentage to ,,,,, t h | , u . a m will be next Wednesivfotlder with HI point: for the wc- 45 High m e n for Stale were J i m day a.s lhe Sauersmen travel to
Cireen a n d Pat S p i c n both hiltmg meet the New Britain "Blue Devils."
On the tenth the SlKKPers emerg- 21
'They're a strong t e a m " slated
Album's inatmen will be looking Fabitis. New York, will lead oil theid victorious over the O'Cirady's b>
Sauers, who scouted t h e team's
lor t h e win thai will make their meet in l h e \'l'.i class followed by t ,,,,,.,. ,,|
Hi. K B edged Kapsi ' "«'> " ' " A l s 0
: aine against North Adams. "They
s e a s o n a l r e c o r d even at 'l-il w h e n Kal/.el, D a v e I'aiisi . Biolsi, Paul j ..' ., i S , . „ n
heighl under the boon a n d
• •
. , , . . . • ,
I » , . . ! . ,
versify lomorrov a. 2:31. in Page K , , s l e r will be in l h e 177 pound T L
T J . I "','"'
' ! ' " A " ' " " i , B ' i :' ^' 1 U b B 2 " ° 3 ; U " V '"',"1 " " f i'"
?° T ' 1 5
Hall's c w „ For t h e P e l s 1. will spo, The Peds Mill have no heavy- "
" 4
„ ,
^ ' ' i ' l1"',''"'1 v ', " " l r i ; 1 " U , t a " " ^ " ' A " i b t ' ' ; " ' " Uy ' I ' ' ' ' " " J l ' n ' V Ryb'
a,c:,n a c h a n c e at a 5-3 m a r k for i ' ™ i , l , w i n c h will cost I h e n , live * ' " ! 1 )\ f':fJ- K' ' ; ' " ' " " V ' : '" » " " • " ' " » W a l l a c e w h o s p r a n g u p - ' • - . a . e r a g i n c 1 C
il..- seas,,,,, s h o u l d t h e y beat O s w e g o p o . n t s , lail will l a n e t o d e p e n d o n M , U l " " ' " " " ' Kuh,ili" " L i l k " " " n l : ' " " ' 1B ^'b"U„d.s
.Hid I Tun in in t h e next ten days, pins in at least three ol these spots
'. Inch
would be a tremendous lor a u in
, !:.i'. 1 on nl lor .1 loam h a n d i c a p - Seek Kcvi'ilgc
p. 1 l)', .1 si r i l e nl in nine , loss ol
This mali h will he the return enCliaiiie Kane, and t h e illness ol g a . ' . i i n n l ol a colorlun m.ilcli in Uu
coach Joe Clarcia.
New Jersey s q u a d s holne cym, II.
The Scratch League is now holdv, Inch I cull 1 is llaii'tl among ' b.
Ilinlsi St.liter
ing 11 ue io loi'iu w n h no change in
plaver , and spi cl a l m s a , the I'eib
s t a u d n u s this week The Has-lieens
'Hie Peds may have a winning , n | j | , ,, , „ „ ( ) | | , | ) ( , U 1 „ | , , , , , , . , , , , „ , ,
hold iii'si b\ u i i u e ol a 3-1 deleat
e o l i i b i n a t i o n .1 l h e \ - o i n l o l o i n o r - s q u a d Iroin KDH l o r a w in II could
over loui'lh-pluce Sl.S. KI3 remains
row i i l t e i i i o o i i s mi'i'i Willi J;ij Kal vu>11 , „ . U u l t , h l . N ,.„ ,,. r s ( . w l , . s .,,.,.
a close set olid by beating APA 3-1,
" ' ' ' : < l f i l u i s boll. Kal/.el a n d | ( „ ) k i „ K , •„,. r ( . v l . l l R ,, ; l n l | |,.,j | „ | , r „ .
and one point behind K B is t h e
Lou Biolsi, who replaces lniurcd Don |ClI(|<>li>lt Hue I III star uliu was
liiitlt rdllsliTs who look lour from
" M ' 1 " " o n IU make ,|,.,i),j l l i u . t | |, v ( h a r l i c Kane Iwo
the Poltermen. 'MILS week lhe men
their nulla! appearances 111 Hull years ago lor lhe lirst ol I luce losses
fioiii l'otici weni down to their 27lh
11 , , i , i i \ c weight classes
j „ j , ^ ,.„||,,(,j a i,. c;ijici 1, want to
deleat 111 28 s t u n s by 528 puis. T o m
Joe Hill, scrappy co-captain Iroin w j n t | l i s „„,. i n the worst way. ' l i n y
Sullivan held lhe spolllghl oil l h e
1 ally a 2-li 1 ecu. d into I he malcli
alley's with Ills (ill triple.
I'lie 1'cds liually cracked their
loss streak al three ionics lasl Week
Scratch League Staiulings
by Oi leal mg a lough Clark; on team
*A<^ 1/aul, Jlnch
IliaI i .one dan 'eroush 1 lose Io w 10Los I
ln order 10 increase iiileresl in lhe h ] | | , |J( , „.,. ,,„ , V l | ; j , , . , , „ „ u ,
iM k ,:,U
lr;l 111
f '"
, ' l l H ' • s U l " ''«« ' l r - .,1 lhe lire and won b\ a 10-U score g
cide.l 111 coordination with t h e Co- , , • , „ , „ „ „ . n i l l , . , 1 ( . , '
° ! ' ' " " l ! r ' ' " l n ' ' ' '•'"•'•'"' ' " '•'«•"•A pair ol l o r l d l , ,„„• In each I
' ' ' " • ' I" PC'son, ,,.„. sing lhe varsity ; , n n h l | l , , i U ) d e c i s i o n s s c o r e d ' b \ J o e
;'',""•'•> l , v l l " ' "uiiowesl margins , M a , 1 ( , 1 ) ; i U , , , 1 U h c ,, s , , , , „ ;,., , „
W i n e ...our a n s w e r s o n t h e llll-ins U | ( . , . „ , „ , „ , . ., , „ „ „,.„,.,.,, , j y 1 ) l ; ;,
' M '"' w
' I U | " ' " l l l l s M v l l " n " ' ( . ' C o n n e r whose lust year ol w r e s ll,r
1 1
' ' '"'
' " ' " ! ' ' studeni U l l l l , h l l s l H .gun 1,0 bear iruil us lhe
Battling How h i s
mail box on the S l a t e College News
1 M ) u m l l . r IB jaodllcing on the ami
I think that all t h e men In t h e
'"'"I'"-'" ' ' " ' " ' I '»' " " ' ' - l ' <""' l i m i 1,a,s deiuulelY become a l o n e
carton will be awarded lor each | ( ) |)( . twk(nn.a
Handicap Leugue would like to conwil„
g r a t u l a t e Join) Eckclman o n h i s
Alter tomorrow's match in Page
marriage lust Sunday. J o h n is t h e
gym at 2 III), the Peds go U) Oswego
1'u.ul Turse a t t e m p t s a sit-out, but his opponent seems t o have hiiu founder a n d present h e a d of t h e
n, | a t u n „ . l.akers ill a 2:00 m a t c h
1 Entries must be in before hair belore returning to finish the sea- tied up. Turse a freshmen in his first year of wrestling went on t o win Handicap League a n d bowls weekly
son against Union February 25.
the m a t c h .
lor Varsity.
lour o'clock loday.i
Peds Seek Third Victory In
Clash Tomorrow A t Page
Has Beens
Hold First
Second Inaugural Day
Takes Place Tomorrow
A^cOU 0{ State
I t is perfectly conceivable t h a t if
a n instructor of this institution a n n o u n c e d in class t h a t t h e world h a d
j u s t come to a n end, t h e s t u d e n t s
in his class would merely copy this
bit of information into their already
well stocked notebooks without a
I m p o r t a n t Criticism
One of the biggest criticisms on
t h e p a r t of t h e i n s t r u c t o r s is a lack
of, a s they p u t it, "intellectual aggressiveness" by college s t u d e n t s . It
figures t h a t s o m e t h i n g m u s t be
wrong when instructors h a v e to
practically beg s t u d e n t s to open
their m o u t h s in class. I t does not
seem to me t h a t all t h e s t u d e n t s all
t h e time consider the verbalization
of their professors as gospel or t h a t
they completely u n d e r s t a n d all the
ideas a n d conceptions p u t forth.
T h e r e must be a reason or reasons
for t h e lack of e n t h u s i a s m a n d reasons more specific t h a n t h e usual
excuses about being "a silent generation"
or the other
" W h a t ' s the use we all are going- to
be blown up anyway." G r a n t i n g the
universal validity of these claims
t h e n why go to college in t h e first
place? Why not j u s t stay h o m e and
be silent and wait to be blown up.
No, these reasons are feeble to say
t h e least.
Discounting Excuses
So, if we discount the general ex-
Grads Hold
Dance Party
Saturday, February 21, is the date
of the party being held for all g r a d uate students and their guests. This
event is to take place a t 8:30
a t Carmen's Hall, which is located at
562 Clinton Avenue, j u s t west of
Clinton and Lake.
Tickets may be obtained from t h e
Co-Chairmen, Robert P a t t e r s o n a n d
K e i t h Olson, G r a d u a t e s . T h e d o n a tions for the tickets is $1.25.
T h e r e will be refreshments, d a n c ing, and informal fun for all who
cuses on t h e grounds t h a t we a r e In
college to learn a n d accept t h e r e pothesis t h a t discussion a n d debate
are a n essential p a r t of learning
a n d t h a t n e i t h e r are we so brilliant
to grasp all t h e conceptions proferred without clarification or so stupid
as to placidly accept everything we
are told, we t h e n have to look for a
specific reason or reasons for the
present lousy s t a t e of affairs.
o f course it's possible t h a t t h e
behavior of some of the elder m e m bers of t h e s t u d e n t body give examples which lead freshmen into a
state of a p a t h y by t h e time they are
Sophomores. I n other words if you
use up all your energy outside of
class you won't be too m u c h of a
m e n t a l g i a n t in class. And if freshT H E J U N I O R P R O M QUEEN AND H E R C O U R T : (1. to r.) P a t r i c i a Jones, A n n Fleming:, B a r b a r a
m e n are in classes with upperclass- Hubbard, J o a n Call, Queen, Angella Castig-nello, C a t h e r i n e Antonucci, J a n e Havens. Miss J o n e s a n d Miss
m e n who never say a n y t h i n g it is Havens were F r e s h m a n Representatives.
logical to assume t h a t they will
think this is the accepted procedure
and will hence keep quiet,
P e r h a p s some of t h e blame rests
with instructors. But whatever t h e
reasons a r e t h e situation needs
Union College Photographic Society Offers
Invitation To Join Intercollegiate Contest
This is the first of a series of
proposed articles concerning as
the title says, "Affairs of S t a t e
It is t h e purpose of this series
to five the s t u d e n t s a chance to
voice their opinions concerning
a n y t h i n g of popular interest a t
State College.
Any article in t h e same vein
as this one—or with opposing
views, may be used.
All such articles should be
placed in t h e s t u d e n t mailbox of
David Feldman by Tuesday afternoon a t 2 p.m.
A t t e n t i o n : C a m e r a Clubs a n d
Photographers. T h e Union College
Photographic Society extends an invitation to p a r t i c i p a t e in the 1959
Northeastern Intercollegiate P h o tographic Contest. T h i s contest is
scheduled to close April 1 to a l low more time for colleges to p r e pare an entry.
A trophy will be awarded to t h e
winning college entry.
prizes for the ten winning entries,
and honorable mentions, will i n clude photographic equipment, m a terials, and photography magazine
T h e judges for this contest will
be chosen a m o n g p r o m i n e n t m e m bers of the p h o t o g r a p h i c profession,
Rules of Competition
1. T h e N o r t h e a s t e r n Intercollegiate P h o t o g r a p h i c Contest is open
to all s t u d e n t s .
2. T h e only official photo organization on S t a t e campus, t h e Photo
Service, will be responsible for e n tpri11
" t l l c S t a t e College entry.
3. A preliminary screening is n e cessary since only 10 p r i n t s may be
submitted from the college.
4. P r i n t s to be considered for entry should be submitted to the S t u d e n t P h o t o Service a t the S t a t e
College News n o t later t h a n March,
T h e selection for t h e final entry
will be arranged by t h e P h o t o Serv>c05
- I f t h e c o n t e s t a n t desires, the
" L ° Service will assist in the prep a r a t i o n of the final p r i n t which
is to be submitted.
(5. Complete Rules of t h e contest
may be obtained from t h e S t a t e
College News Office.
Judging- Date
T h e date when the entries will be
judged is scheduled for April 4, 1959.
T h e best entries will be exhibited
for a period of one week following
t h e contest a t Union College, Sche
nectady, New York.
Tomorrow afternoon, in P a g e Hall,
a t 2 p.m., t h e information concerning the election results of last week
will be a n n o u n c e d . A total of 939
students took p a r t in this year's
election for S t u d e n t Association and
class officers.
Tradition of I n a u g u r a t i o n Day
T h e ceremonies will begin with
t h e singing of t h e Alma Mater. J o h n
Yager '59, outgoing President of
S t u d e n t Association, will t h e n a n nounce t h e election results which
concern t h e Junior, Sophomore, and
freshman classes.
Immediately following t h e individual class election results, the
Myskania results will be a n n o u n c e d
individually by Constance Olivo '59,
C h a i r m a n of Myskania, and P r e s i dent Yager. T h e new members of
Myskania will t h e n be escorted to
the stage by t h e outgoing- members.
After t h e new Myskania members
are tapped, Yager will a n n o u n c e the
results of t h e Vice-Presidential race.
Before a n n o u n c i n g t h e results of the
Presidential election, however, t h e
"Farewell Address" will be given by
t h e outgoing president.
A n n o u n c i n g SA President
T h e new president of S t u d e n t Association will receive t h e symbolic
gavel froun t h e old President, a n d
t h e n take t h e o a t h of office given to
h i m by t h e outgoing C h a i r m a n of
Myksania. T h e new president will,
in turn, administer the o a t h to t h e
new Myskania members, Senators,
a n d class officers.
College Theater Initiates Production Tonight;
Slate Early American Play For Richardson
A new innovation is taking place in the State College
Theater. For the first time in its history, the drama group
will be presenting a play in the Richardson Little Theater.
"The Contrast," an early American play by Royall Tyler,
will be held tonight through February 28 at 8:30 p.m.
There will be nine performances of this production, eight
of which may be attended by students. The February 28
performance has been barred to State College students
upon direction of Dr. Ellen Stokes, Dean of Women, who
feels that this performance would detract from State Fair
College Has
New Registrar
Dr. Elmer G. Mathews, Associate
Dean and Assistant to the President, a n n o u n c e s t h a t t h e new Registrar, Mrs. E s t h e r Cook, will take
charge of t h e Registrar's Office lor
Albany S t a t e College for Teachers
M a r c h 30, 1959.
T h e Director
Previous Experience
T h e new Registrar, who resides in
Preston Hollow, New York, obtained
h e r Bachelor of Arts Degree from
Skidmore University in Pine and
Applied Arts. Before her a p p o i n t m e n t as Registrar for Albany S t a t e ,
Mrs. Cook was formerly employed
at the United S t a t e s D e p a r t m e n t of
Agriculture in t h e Delmar office.
Diane Weber Davey, who served
BETSY ROSS being proposed to by George W a s h i n g t o n ? No, Carol
as Registrar, h a s already left her
position in this college. Her work is Stephenson a n d Robert Anderson in a scene from " T h e C o n t r a s t " opening
now being done by Dr. Mathews.
tonight in Richardson Little Theater.
Robert Harpur, Assistant Professor of English and a newcomer to
S t a t e College, is the director of this
play, which should prove still another treat for d r a m a enthusiasts.
Harpur, the director of t h e MerryG-o-Round
Sturbridge, Massachusetts, also directed a play off-Broadway
year. Harpur's direction of " T h e
C o n t r a s t " should prove delightful
to those interested in good theatre.
T h e Cast
T h e cast for " T h e C o n t r a s t " includes: Norman Shapiro, grad; Gail
Anderson and Robert
Seniors; Donnalee Anderson, Earlyn
Chuck H u n t r e s s and Charles Weed,
J u n i o r s ; and A r t h u r J e n k i n s a n d
Carol Stephenson, Sophomores.
Senofe Votes To Pay President $200 Semester;
Recommends Budget Appropriation For Next Year
T h e Plot
Best Place
To Eat
Gerald Drug Co.
217 Western Ave.
shown the Fisher
Body beauty of Chevrolet's
lowest priced series for
I'hone G-3010
Fraternity Jewelry
Badges, Steins, Rings
Jewelry, Gifts, Favors
Stationery, Programs
Club Pins, Keys
Medals, Trophies
171 Marshall Street
Syracuiie 10, New York
lira bach
to 10%
6 engine
in the
in a gallon
It also
F u n d of $500 to our present surplus
of $5,740, rounding it off to $6,000
a n d depositing it in a Savings Bank,
thereby collecting interest. At prese n t the money is in a checking a c count, and, as every good business
major knows, earns not a penny.
T h i s is an intelligent proposal and is
one t h a t should be followed up by
t h e new Senate.
Besides voting a "Compensation"
for this semester, the S e n a t e also
included ill t h e bill a strong recommendation to the next Senate to
include an appropriation of $400 in
tin; next Senate budget. This appropriation is for next year
Knotts Lectures
To IC Today
H e r e ' s a n e n g i n e t h a t a l w a y s Bcems a b l e to coax e x t r a
miles o u t of a t a n k of r e g u l a r - g r a d e g a s , I n fact, if y o u ' r e
o n e of t h o s e d r i v e r s w h o keep t a b on t h i n g s like gas
m i l e a g e , you'll s o o n see for yourself t h a t t h i s n e w H i T h r i f t 6 gets u p t o 1 0 % m o r e miles a g a l l o n .
A n o t h e r t h i n g you'll liko a b o u t t h i s l o 5 - h . p . 6 is t h e
e x t r a p e p it gives y o u for p a s s i n g a n d c l i m b i n g hills. T h b
Residence Council
Dolores Havens reported on the
Residence Council
made in revising their rules. Must
GIM-SLS Invited
is d u e t o h i g h e r t o r q u e a t n o r m a l s p e e d s .
I t m a y be h a r d t o believe a n y t h i n g t h a t looks and
m o v e s like t h i s '59 C h e v y c a n be s u c h a s t i c k l e r for
e c o n o m y . B u t — w h e t h e r y o u pick t h e H i - T h r i f t 6 o r a
v i m - p a c k e d V8 — t h i s is j u s t
one more
t h e ear t h a t ' s w a n t e d for all
its worth. S t o p
d e a l e r ' s a n d Bee.
The smart switch u to the '59
O R 5-7837
Carl Sorenson, Mgr.
The Student Senate
many people last week by throwing
tradition to t h e winds and voting
the SA President a "compensation"
of $200 lor this semester.
T h i s could mean one of two
tilings, either S e n a t e has suddenly
come alive a n d decided to use t h e
power given to t h e m constitutionally, or else they were lulled into taking a radical step by an old and
a p t debater. Actually, there were no
solid arguments against the bill, and
t h e ones for it were very convincing.
No, J o h n Yager will not benefit by
the bill.
"Liberal Arts in the Machine Age"
will be t h e fopir of Dr. Walter
K n o t t s ' speech to the members of
Hii; Four i'lind
S e n a t e is a t t e m p t i n g to make the Introduction to College Course
money by combining the lily Four in Page Hall today at 1 p i n . Dr.
of the progress lies in the area of K n o t t s is an an Associate Prolessol
of English at the College.
Albany, N. V.
" T h e C o n t r a s t " draws h u m o r from
the false foibles and follies of young
America. T h e nine c h a r a c t e r s in
t h e play are reminiscent of a nation
t h a t was a t t e m p t i n g to develop a
culture and s t a n d a r d s .
Best Place
To Meet
now—see the wider selection of models at your local authorized Chevrolet dealer's!
Mouse? Maldy Mervin? Money
Money? (no but you're (feting
More & More? That's a stupid
slogan! More & More what?
More & More lime, More and
More people, More cfc More participation reaps More & More
money for More & More students. Get it! Got it! Good!!
Veah They go on sale Monday. Be sure to gel one.
Let's see More & More of you
out fur this year's STATE FAIR.
. y°u know.)
M & M ???
It is expected t h a t Or. Knotts'
sjleech will be ol interest to members of file college other t h a n those
in the IC Course. Therefore, the balcony will be open to upperclassinen
a n d faculty. Freshmen must sit
G r a d u a t e of
Dr. K n o t t s earned his Bachelor of
Arts degree at the University of
British Columbia and his Ph.D. from
H a r v a r d University. He was first uppointed to the faculty of State College in 11)53.
T h i s speech is one of the series
being presented to the IC Course by
members of the faculty and guest
In a
Some of the characters are affectstronghold like Albany, progress
ed and superficial, while others are
moves slowly and quietly.
n a t u r a l and sincere. These a r e the
T h e End
people t h a t one will not easily forT h e final meeting of t h e '58 Sen- get.
ate was held Wednesday. T h e busiDimple, the American who is tryness at h a n d consisted of a finance ing to affect the English, and C h a r bill to a p p r o p r i a t e $100 from sur- lotte, who places excessive value on
plus to send representatives to the the fashions of the day, can never
Eastern S t a t e s Teachers Conference be forgotten. Nor can one forget
in New York City.
" t h e true blue sons of liberty,"
A reminder ido you really need Colonel Manly and his servant J o n to be reminded? i of Inauguration a t h a n . Maria, t h e s e n t i m e n t a l feDay, 2 p.m. at Pane, and bouquets male; Letetia, the chatty sophistifor John Yager.
cate; J e n n y and Jessamy, servants;
will all be remembered for their
In Memoiiain
contrast and wit.
Mention ol t h a t n a m e inspires
this t h o u g h t : ask for a lot, don't be
disappointed with little, and never
lose sight ol your ideals. This seems
t.i l o n e been Mr. Yager's formula.
It will lake a big man to fill John's
shoes, and whoever you may be lots
ol luck.
Special Matinee
To accommodate S t a t e s t u d e n t s ,
there will be a special m a t i n e e p e r formance February 28 at 2:40 p.m.
T h e evening performance on t h a t
date will be open only to the general
public. T h e m a t i n e e performance is
also a new addition to S t a t e College
Tickets are on sale in lower D r a per peristyle. Since there a r e only
99 seats for each performance, s t u dents are urged to obtain t h e m soon.
High Schools
Compete For
Science Prizes
Teachers Association of New York
S t a t e announces its annual Science
Conference for junior and senior
high school students according to
Robert Lanni, Associate Professor of
T h e exhibits will be shown in H u s ted Hall and parts of Richardson
April 18 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.
No T e a m Entries
T h e r e will be no team entries
allowed this year in the four c a t a gories l h a t are planned. These c a t a gories are: biology, physics, e a r t h
science and chemistry.
Several Divisions
T h e r e are junior, intermediate
and senior divisions. The three top
winners will gtj to the Slate Science
Congress in May. T h e winners there
will get college scholarships.
T h e winning exhibits will be
judged mainly upon originality. T h e
exhibiting students also are expected
to explain and answer questions
about the displays.
Schedule Frosh, Sophomore
Class Banquets Tomorrow
Tomorrow, Page Hall, 2 p.m.
Alma Muter
Class Election Results
Tapping of Myskania
Vice-Presidential Results
President's Farewell Address
Presidential Results
O a t h of Office
President's Inaugural Address
S t a r Spangled Banner
Tomorrow, Jack's (1:30 p.m.
Sophomore Class B a n q u e t
Tomorrow, Herbert's, 7 p.m.
F r e s h m a n Class Banquet
In continuation with the original
plans for I n a u g u r a t i o n Day, the
freshmen and Sophomores will hold
their individual class banquets tomorrow evening.
Herbert's will be (lie scene lor the
Frosh Banquet which will commence
at 7 p.m. T h e theme will be March
Lothar Walter Sohull/e, Associate
Professor of Science and Director of
Admissions, will be the guest speaker at the class banquet.
C o - C h a i r m e n for t h e event are
Marshall S m i t h and Frances Cicero.
O t h e r commitee chairmen a r e : Susan MacFarlane, Tickets; Hassel
Kopen, E n t e r t a i n m e n t ; Gary Blauvelt, Site; Teresa DiSunone, Decoralions; Anne Smith, Publicity.
Dean of the College; Dr. David
Hartley, Dean of Men; Dr. Ellen C.
Stokes, Dean of Women; Rosalie
Walsh and David Mead, Class G u e r dlans, an- the guests of the class.
T h e Sophomore Class Banquet will
be held at Jack's at (i::)0 p.m. It will
feature dancing until midnight with
music by the Starlighters.
Edward Haynes Sargent, Associate
Professor of Education, will be t h e
guest speaker.
Members of the various committees for the affair are Patricia Flynn,
Barbara Gludysiewicz, Melvin Horowitz, Gail Kasparian, Richard Robinson. Heidi Berbery is in charge ol
Tickets for the banquet are $1.00
per person. Unless more enthusiasm
Dr. F v a n R. Collins, President ol is shown for the event, it will probthe College; Dr. Oscar E. Lanford, ably be cancelled.