Document 14064428

I S , 1037
News Views:
Council Chooses Religious Clubs Slate Party,
UN Forces Occupy Gaza; Speakers; Hears Supper, Meetings, Speakers
Weinberg '58, President Brubacher Main Dining Room,
Nassar Violates Agreement Calendarkeport of Jeannette
Hillel, announces a Purim party Newman Club will present the last
Student Council convened at 7:15 to be n e l d Sunday a t 7 p.m. at the in a series of four lectures on marThe Gaza Strip dominates the was solved with the help of the p . m . M o n d a y with R i c h a r d Congregation Ohav Sholom on nor
Bernice CConPresident,toReverend
news again this week. Since the U.S. This week, the problem isjnore Hinck '58, Vice-President of Stu- Washington
Avenue. a t 7:30 p.m. in Gabel, L.F.M. of the Siena College
Thursday evening
Israelis moved out of the Gaza area complex. President Nasser of Egypt dent Association, presiding in the
faculty, will speak on the "Sanctity
and the United Nations Emergency has again thrown a monkey-wrench absence of Clyde Payne. The agenda
of Marriage." Everyone is invited.
Forces moved in, the peace that we in the wheel of world peace. He included committee reports, election
had all hoped for in this area has seems to make a habit of it. He 0 f Moving-TJp Day speakers, and
Student Christian Association
not come about. President Nasser wasn't satisfied with taking over the discussion of the Social Calendar,
violated an understanding between Suez Canal. He wasn't satisfied with
Before the meeting was called to
Miss Catherine Newbold, Assistant
UN Secretary General Dag Ham- his commando raids on Israel. He order, Payne suggested to Council
Professor of History, will speak before Student Christian Association
marskjold and Foreign Minister wasn't satisfied when World War for their consideration the idea of
_, , Thursday evening a t 7:30 p.m. in
Mahmoud Fawzi of Egypt by order- III almost broke out. Now he wants hiring a professional auditor to keep
The formation of: a Chess
Club Brubacher, according to Arlene
ing a civil administration into the the Gaza area too.
the class books. He felt that such
Gaza area. This order caused a dip- x\ 0 Way Out
a move would insure a uniform and at State College is anticipated. The M u r p h y . 5 8 ^
Newbold's topic
lomatic uproar in the UN.
How long does he think he can orderly system of bookkeeping.
meeting will be held a t Bru- w i l l ^ , . T h e y o u t h of the NetherThe Question
act like a world dictator? It is In the last twenty minutes of the bacher Hall tomorrow at 2 p.m. Any- i a n c j s . " Refreshments will be served.
One of the big questions of the a b o u t time for the United Nations meeting, the College Calendar and o n e interested in learning how to
week is "What will Israel do now?" t 0 c a m p d o w n o n n i m a n d h a r t i suggestions for its centralization P' a y <=hess l s invited to attend. Dr. Lutheran Student Association
The Israelis withdrew from the Gaza with so many people questioning the v,ere discussed. A committee out of Arnold Grava, Professor of Modern
Student AssoclnT n e Lutheran
area on the assumption that the usefulness of the UN, here would Council was set up to see Presi- Languages, will explain the funda- t i o n w m hold a supper meeting
Egyptian forces would not be allow- b e a g00^ time for the UN to show dent Collins to ascertain what ex- mentals and correct chess openings Sunday at 5 p.m. in St. John's Lued to return. The Egyptians had i t s v a l u e I t c a n ' t afford to let the actly can be done to consolidate the a t t n e f i r s t meeting.
theran Church. According to Doropreviously used Gaza as a base for Egyptians assume civil control over Calendar. The members of the coinThose who would be interested in thy Davis '59, Publicity Director, the
their attacks on Israel and the the Gaza area. An agreement was mittee include Suzanne Liberman starting a competitive college chess program will include a St. Patrick's
Israelis are afraid that they will do made and should be maintained, and Ronald Alexander, Juniors, and team are asked to contact Hugh Day party and the election oi ofthe same thing again.
There is no backing down.
Lauretta McGuirk '59.
Farley '58 through Student Mail.
The world is waiting to see who
makes the first move. Thousands of
Arabs have been demonstrating in
the Gaza area. Israel has charged
that Egypt is using paid rioters to
stir up anti-Israeli feelings. The
UNEF force fired tear gas over the
heads of an angry Arab mob on
Sunday. Egypt has protested to the
UN over the incident.
Red Sea Base
On Wednesday, reliable sources
reported that the United States
has asked Ethiopia for a military
base on the Red Sea. If the United
States obtained the use of this
base, it would have a protective covering to Egypt's southern flank.
When Emperor Haile Selassie was
asked about the possibilities of a
U.S. base in Ethiopia, he replied,
"Ethiopia desires to collaborate
with the United States but only on
an equal footing." Many approve
the request providing the United
States agrees to give Ethiopia more
economic and military aid. There
have been reports that even Russia
has gotten into the act by advising
Ethiopia that the U.S. wants the
base in order to store up atomic and
hydrogen bombs.
When the talk turns to tactics, rememThe Gaza Strip crisis is far from
being over. Last week, Israel was
this: troops who don't get a Lucky
hesitant over removing her troops
from the Gaza area. Tills problem
break soon become a Solemn Column!
Chess Players
To Organize
Mu Lambda Alpha, national modern language honorary fraternity,
is holding a banquet Thursday a t
Jack's Restaurant at 6:30 p.m. for
its newly initiated members, announces Mildred Ahlers '57, Secretary.
The new members are Barbara
Baum, Carol Greenhill, Carol Keysey, Marilyn Cohen, Marilyn Kriedemann, Rosemarie Sollecito, Elizabeth Steifeld, Seniors; Mary Picciano, Donald Rice, Janet Senez, Duckene Zervas, Judith Ambrosino,
Mary Crawford, Phyllis Hurd, Suzanne Llberman. and Charlotte Norton, Juniors.
Go4H*n <n
Parrot Garret
(Continued from Page i, Column 3)
why expect it from a fledgling publication? "To err is human . . . " to
criticize sublime,
Art Palazzolo '58
Dear Editors,
Last weekend, State College suw
its most successful State Fair. This
was due to inuny factors. Chief
anion',' these were the hard work
done by committee members, the
enthusiastic support of participating
organizations, an appropriate opening show, and the kind patronage of
the school at large
I'd like to thank all who helped
make State Fair the success It was:
the booster sellers and buyers, my
committee, the concession chairmen,
and all the crowd who came. I'd
also like to thank the faculty for
their enthusiasm and support. Apathy? What does that word mean?
Lorraine Kozlowski '58
Room sHoss
Sloppy Poppy
U. O f O R E 0 O N
Rocker Hocker
Vipvr Typer
UINL' Mrtus
Su/ili Junk
Luckies Taste Better
<JS/A. I . C o .
Ullliui 1 Of ( / % i^/iM<JKJ« o W W W ^ U ' / y W W
AMKK K ' A S 1 . B A D 1 N U
Myskania has recommended the
following Juniors: Mary Bradley,
Marilyn Leach, John Stefano, and
Jack Tate.
Myskania has suggested the following Juniors: Ronald Alexander,
Marie Dettmer, Warren Dunham,
Sally Harter, Richard Hinck, Rob- Z 4 6 2
ert Kopecek, Lorraine Kozlowski,
Eileen Lalley, Donald Rice, and Joseph Szarek.
The following budgets will be disNominations
Nominations for Student Associa- cussed this morning: Smiles, Outing
tion President, Vice-President, Sec- Club, Student Board of Finance,
retary, and Songleader will be tak- Typewriter Pool, State College News,
iincl Campus Commission. They will
be presented in Convocation by
Donald Rice '58, Chairman of Student Board of Finance.
FRIDAY, M A R C H 2 2 .
Spotlight Of Weekend Centers
On Brubacher, Pierce Formals
Class Presents
Announcements from the chair
Oral Readings will follow the business meeting.
An evening of readings from literature will be presented Tuesday in
Draper 349 by the Oral Interpretation of Literature Class, announces
Richard Beaudin '57, Chairman of
the evening. The program will begin
at 8 p.m.
Dorms Slate
This weekend the social calendar
v/ill be highlighted by the Pierce
and Brubacher formals on Saturday
evening from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
'News' Receives
Press Award
Marie Dettmer and Joseph Szarek,
Juniors and Co-Editors of the State
College News, slate that the paper
has gained a first-place rating in
the schools of education printed
newspaper class ratings, as anA selection from "Miss Brill" by nounced by the Columbia Scholastic
Katherine Mansfield, will be read
by Jean Thomas '58 who is coach- Press Association.
ed by Adriana Bosna '58.
The publications are graded withEmmett TenBroeck '58 will present in groups, and rated as medalist,
readings from Shakespeare's "Rich- "publications of distinction," and
ard the Second." Barbara Maaloe, first, second, third or fourth place.
LET'S TALK. Above, Joyce Meyermann and Suzanne Lieberman,
Graduate student, is coaching him. The Rating:
vice-presidents of Brubacher and Pierce Halls respectively, talk over
Included in the program is "The The rating received by this news- their formal dances to be held tomorrow night.
Little Prince" by Antoine de Sainte paper was earned under the editorExeuperey. This will be read by John ship of Marcia Lawrence '57, for
Reiners '57 who is coached by Carol the first semester of the present
school year.
Cloos '57.
Barbara Dutton '58 will read a
selection from "After Apple Picking"
and "The Fear," by Robert Frost.
She is coached by Agnes Futterer,
Professor of English.
Outing Club Sponsors Dance;
The final selection will be preThe News and the Rambler, a
sented by Dorothy Lindsay, Grad- literary magazine printed by theSchedules Trip To Adirondacks
uate student, and Adriana Bosna College of Saint Rose, were the only
Brubacher Formal
"Enchanted Garden" will be the
theme of the Brubacher formal and
music will be provided by Harry
Vincent, his trumpet, and orchestra.
Joyce Meyerman '58 is General
Chairman for the affair, announces
Ann Ridley '58, House Vice-President. Her committee heads a r e :
Decorations, Dolores Shimandle and
Carol Schew; Refreshments, Myrna
Cohen; Hospitality, Joan Anderson,
Sophomores; P u b l i c i t y , Rosalie
Walsh '60; Arrangements, Barbara
DeFrancis; Programs and Bids, Dukene Zervas, Juniors. Chaperones
for the Brubacher affair will be
Violet Larney, Associate Professor
of Mathematics, and Mr. Larney,
and Frank Carrino, Assistant Professor of Modern Languages, and
Mrs. Carrino.
Pierce Hall Formal
Suzanne Lieberman '58, Vice-PresGordon Hill and his band will Outing Club bulletin board in Lower ident of Pierce Hall and General
Chairman of the Formal, announces
provide music for Outing Club's Husted.
that "Cotillion" has been selected as
first Square Dance tonight, a n its theme. Clyde Payne and his ornounces Dolores Peck '58, Chairman Bicycles
chestra will furnish the music for
of the event.
The English traveling bicycles dancing. Spearing the various comBrubacher Dance
purchased last year by Outing Club mittees are: Decorations, Marlene
Kunego; Band, Anne King; ProThe dance will be held tonight in will be available to Student Associ- grams, Marcellne Waggoner; Rethe main Brubacher Dining Room ation as soon as the weather per- freshments, Helen Mansar, Sophofrom 8 p.m. to midnight. Admission
mores; Publicity, Shea Allen '60;
The Distributive Education and smaller groups. One group will visit is by presentation of a Student Tax mits. The sign-out system for theand Flowers and Coronation, Miss
locatCommerce Clubs are sponsoring
issue of the News,
their annual field trip to New York ed at 18 Pine Street; the other group
City Wednesday, announce Lewis will visit Saks Fifth Avenue located
Chaperones for the evening are
Acting in the capacity of chaperCarr '57 and Robert Bishop '58, re- at 611 Fifth Avenue. There will be Paul Lemon, Professor of Biology,
ones will be Mrs. G. Rand, Director
spective organization
presidents. guided tours conducted at both and Mrs. Lemon.
of Pierce Hall; Edward Shaw, Professor of Modern Languages, and
The one day visit will include tours places. During the two hour tours,
Mrs. Shaw; and Roswell Fairbank,
of the New York Stock Exchange, the students will be taken behind Future Events
Associate Professor of Education,
the Chase Manhattan Bank, and the .scenes to view the internal opAmong coming Outing Club events
and Mrs. Fairbank.
Salts Fifth Avenue.
is a hiking trip to the northern
Featured during the festivities will
The entire group will visit the The students will travel to New mountain region, according to Da- Legislative and Compulsory Convobe the crowning of a queen which
Stock Exchange which is located at York by bus under the direction of vid Kleinke '57, President. The trip
will take place at 11 p.m. Last year's
11 Wall Street and 18 Broad Street. Reno S. Knouse, Professor of Mer is scheduled for March 29 through
The students will be given the op- chandising. Besides Knouse, Carr, 31, and hikers will travel to theOpening of Nominations tor Student queen, Marion Keane '58, will have
the honor of crowning her successor.
portunity to view the activities on and Bishop, arrangements were Mount Marcy region of the AdironAssociation Offices: President,
handled by Robert Schultheis, Sam- dacks.
the floor of the exchange.
uel Sklar, and Margaret Rochford,
Vice-President, Secretary, SongAfter the Stock Exchange tour, Juniors; George Murphy '57, and Students interested in participatleader, Student Hoard of Fining in the trip should consult the
the group will divide into two Kathleen Coessens 'GO.
ance, and Student Council at
Large. Also Suggestions for
'58 who will do the recognition scene Aibany area
from "Anastasia."
to receive
Do you like to shirk work? Here's some easy money
—start Stickling! We'll pay $25 for every Stickler
we print—and for hundreds more that never get
used. Sticklers are simple riddles with two-word rhyming answers.
Both words must have the same number of syllables. (Don't do
drawings.) Send your Sticklers with your name, address, college
and class to Happy-Joe-Lucky, Box 67A, Mount Vernon, N. Y.
New Attendance System
A new system will be used in taking attendance. All freshmen will
sit upstairs. Sophomores will fill in
the left hand section, beginning
with the rows nearest the stage.
Juniors will fill in the right hand
section, beginning with the rows
nearest the stage. Seniors will fill
in the middle section. Attendance
slips will be passed out when all
are seated. They will be collected
during the Convocation.
A. E U G E N E
Marilyn Leach '58, Chairman of en. Candidates for Student Board
Convocations Committee, announces of Finance and Student Council a t
that there will be a compulsory Con- large will be nominated. Nominavocation this morning a t 10 a.m. in tions are to be taken for Myskania
Page Hall.
from Student Association.
Clubs Sponsor Annual Trip
To New York Wednesday
Why? Any private can tell you: Luckies
outrank 'em all when it comes to taste.
You see, a Lucky is all cigarette . . .
nothing but i'ine, mild, good-tasting
tobacco that's TOASTED to taste even
better. On the double, now! Light up a
Lucky. You'll say it's the best-tasting
cigarette you ever smoked!
Honorary Lists
New Members
SA To Nominate Today;
Attendance Plan Changes
O F I'lIiAIIK I T | |
Board Lists
Coed Finalists
Chosen Few Witness Competitive Feets
House Mothers Sight Strapless Charges
Tomorrow night the first round
ol the elimination trials for the 1900
Olympic Dance Team begins. After
training in the Bru game room
since September, the young hopefuls will be given the chain e to
show their stuff at last. These trials
will continue until the finals sometime in April. Those who have survived at that tune will qualify either
or Olympic entrants, financial wizards, or both.
Tomorrow night's trials promise
to be real thri.lers, with the ladies
of Pierce pitting their wiles against
the women of Brubacher. Unfortunately, the trials are closed to the
general public, Only a specially
Discussion o( Budgets: Smiles, OutThe finalists nominated by Stuing Club, SBF, Typewriter Pool dent Association for the State Coland State College News.
legs News contest seeking Stale
College's best-dressed co-ed have
been selected, announce Mane Dettmer and Joseph Szarek, Juniors, Cochosen few will be allowed to Wit- solute truth you can get, with the
ness the competition. Imagine the exception of a recommended sugEditors of the News.
scene. Arthur Murray turning green gestion, which is the absolute truth,
with envy at the sight of steps which also brings us to the next
The top nominees include Betty
never before seen in the outside point. The next point is, simply, that
King '57, Marcia Levine, Suzanne
world; John D. Rockefeller turning
Lieberman, Gretchen Hurd, Junwhite with envy at the sight of these dance trials do have a recMembers of the Class of 1957 will iors; Lynn Becraft, Barbara Neville,
money flowing out the bottomless
meet at 7:00 p.m. Tuseday. an- Gail Klienman, Marion Sciorlino,
well, otherwise known as the male Vyskie Plow has recommended in nounces Joseph Anderson, president. Roberta Devlin, Sophomores; and
wallet; and, housemothers turning his latest article, "Recommended
Christine Mazur '60.
The Senior meeting, to be held
grey with envy at the sight of eve- (suggestions and Vice-Versa on ForThe News will select from these
ning gowns staying up without mal Dunce Tryuuts," that attend- in the B r u b a c h e r Government
Room, will include a discussion of finalists the candidate who will
ance be encouraged.
plans for Senior weekend, which compete against co-eds from all
For those who cannot go, don't precedes the annaul Commencement parts of the nation in Glamour
If at all possible, it lias been suggested that attendance at these worry, there will be others. For Exercises of the Class. Senior magazine's search for the ten best
trials be highly recommended. A those who can, be careful. Some Weekend includes the annual class dressed co-eds in American colsuggested rcommendation is, ofpeople have been in their rooms banquet, the Senior Ball, and the leges. The winner will be chosen at
traditional Torch Night.
the next board meeting.
course, the closest thing to the ab- since September.
Seniors Discuss
Class Weekend
Let's increase the scope of government. Student Council took a step in the right direction when they unofficially
decided Wednesday night to send a representative to
Harpur to consider joining a confederation of student governments of the several State University colleges. This
makes us particularly happy, since this group plans to
take steps to insure the passage of the multi-million dollar State University Bond issue which affects us so greatly.
Congratulations, Government Roomers—this is what we
call increasing the scope of government!
Among the minor incidents this past week was the
release of Myskania's annual recommended and suggested
lists. These are people Myskania would like to see occupying the thirteen chairs next year. Of course, the student
body doesn't agree with the entire list. It would be a sad
state of affairs if they did. You see, back in the dark ages
of State College history, the student body didn't even get
a chance to vote for the "honorary" and "judicial" thirteen. The old Myskania simply appointed the incominggroup. A big week for politics, bigger ones to come, we hope!
"I Decline'
Just what is it with you? Are you the modest, timid
type? Are you lazy? Or could it be that calm, cool, sensible you have become overwhelmed with the fear of it
all? Tell us, non-interested one who has declined, could it
be that your superior self finds student government too
dirty for your immaculate soul to move into?
Oh yes, we forgot you are becoming a scholar for the
cause. Student government does take a portion of your
precious time, and it does take some determination, need,
and want to obtain for our college the best. And with all
the indications of this rampant "I decline" fad, we lack
the essentials of a responsible student body. It appears
a foolhardy thing to use the declination as a' weapon to
register your disapproval of the existing status of student
government. It accomplishes nothing more than to impress on most minds another cry for apathy.
If student government is in the so called dirty stage
here at State College, then it is your fault as well as ours.
If it is to become a responsible, functional body then it
is your duty to make it so by whatever means are justifiable. Whatever it is and whatever it is to become rests
with you. No one else can accept the responsibility for
student government. And yet, you continually dump and
side step the issue with puny little excuses or worse yet,
none at all. You forget your responsibilities and obligations, but demand your rights.
That isn't a pedestal that you are standing upon, but
just one big, tall disillusionment. Crawl into your little
burrow and pull your tail in behind you. Be happy, pat
yourself on the back—for you made the supreme .sacrifice.
First PlaceuJfpA
Second Place ACP
March 22, 1!).:>7
No. 7
Membem ol Hie NKWS M.ill may be n;uclU'd Muini.u unii Wr.iiu MI.LI itum 7 to
II p.m. and Tuesday from 3 uj 6 p m at 2-'.i'J2ii. K'xi II HiiontDeitim-i UUUIIH
Szurek 2-U870, Hitchcock 2-703(1, Kumpli 2-WIU
The undergraduate new.ipa.per of tin- New York s u i t Golirg,- toi '1 en hcr.s
published overy Friday ol Lhe Cu!le8<-' V-'.ir !»• im* NKWH tot the Student
. .
Co I.IIII.M in Cliiif
lixe.utiv,- Editor
I'ublk Itt-liUluiia l.iillur
Uukliwn AdverlUlnii iKdltor
Circulation Editor
Aanoclati- Editur
Automate EdiUr
A»«oelale Editor
.Usuclate Editor
One McutlL Opinion
Myskania's getting busier as the year progresses.
We're very pleased that they are, too. Yesterday, a member of Myskania directed a meeting for those interested
in revising the highly inadequate Student Association
Constitution. Monday, they meet with the Education Department to discuss the professional side of the college,
and last but not least by any means, they meet Tuesday
night at Brubacher with anyone who is interested to decide whether or not they have the right to do the things
previously mentioned! Let's have a big turn-out Tuesday
night; let's ask this Myskania what they feel future Myskanias should be!
FRIDAY, M A R C H 2 2 ,
Consilium Public Uelatlom Editor
Consultant llualncu Advertising Editor
__ Consultant Sports Editor
Stmr I'liotograliptr
All communlc-alioiLii should be addressed to the editor uud must be signed
Will be withheld on request. The 8TATB COLLEGE NKWS assumes nu roapoiitlbility
(or opinions expressed in Its columns or communications, as such expiessloiis do hot
neooes&rUy railed its views.
T o t h e Editors:
R e : "Recommended? Suggested?
SA n o m i n a t e d ? T h e r e ' s small choice
in rotten apples."
Sour Grapes?
I Missed too!
No. 15
To t h e Editors:
While t h e several p a r l i a m e n t s of
the world b a s e t h e i r procedural
practice on variant sets of rules,
t h e principle which is s u p r e m e is
t h a t of sportsmanlike a n d diplomatic behavior. I t h a s become i n creasingly evident, however, t h a t
this foremost p a r l i a m e n t a r y t e n e t
h a s been tossed to t h e winds by
certain members of S t u d e n t Association. Is it sportsmanlike to shout
out a false, unbased, prejudicial
s t a t e m e n t after the speaker h a s
been called out of order? I s it in
anyway diplomatic to call the question with only one speaker having
been allowed to speak on t h e issue,
and h e against it? Victory and d e feat are, by definition, complements
of the democratic system,
acrimony c a n result only from t h e
denial of individual rights.
It is evident t h a t I a m referring
to t h e m a t t e r of t h e F o r u m budget,
but in a larger sense this issue is
a small but introductory and pivital
p a r t of a super issue, the existence
of e x t r a - c u r r i c u l a r activities h e r e
a t S t a t e . F o r t h e past few years
we have been experiencing a period
of expansion. Everything h a s ext e n d e d together — t h e enrollment,
t h e plant, a n d t h e increasing d i versification of s t u d e n t activities.
We have laid aside the horse a n d
buggy and started to ride an everlengthening automobile as far as
t^p .-ize of our enrollment and p h y sical plant is concerned. Are we
now in the field of social activity
to pull this automobile with a horse
because oats are cheaper t h a n gasoline?
Malcolm Rogers '57
"Now, let's ask the m a n in t h e street.'
Gammon- Staled
"There are but two n a y s of rising in the world: e i t h e r by
one's own industry or profiting by the foolishness of others."
"Plain and F a n c y " was a theatrical as well as financial success. It's
a.:ort time we saw standing room only around here. The excellent B r o a d way script could never have been as well presented without t h e fine
spirit and cooperation of the cast, chorus, and crews. O n e complaints—
Let's make sure t h a t people with reserved seat tickets d o n ' t have to
stand or sit in the last row balcony in the future. Maybe numbering
the tickets would help.
It was good to sec decorated houses on P a r e n t s ' Day. C o n g r a t u l a tions to KB for their excellent presentation. Hope you all saw it. Next
year, maybe everyone will participate.
At P a r e n t s 'Day, we noticed freshmen, Sophomores, and Seniors with
their parents. T h e absence of the J u n i o r s was r a t h e r conspicuous. Could
be t h a t they're waiting for Moving Up Day. . . . Don't wait too long:
To the Editors:
In t h e first issue of t h e " P e n - it may not be worth it.
guin", an article, "Jazz a t S t a t e
College", written by myself, a p p e a r Hallelujah! Our prayers are being answered. Myskania is going to
ed which contained some s t a t e m e n t s
which I deemed valid a t t h e tune have an open forum Tuesday at 7:30 p.m in Brubacher government
room. We hope this will be an enlightening discussion instead of a
of publication.
sequel to last semester's "Comedy Hour," where any prestige Myskania
Since then, however, it h a s been
hud at the time or might have gained, went down the drain. This was
called to my a t t e n t i o n t h a t t h e
due to inadequate planning and the pointless discussion t h a t disheartened
p a r a g r a p h concerning the music d e everyone and enlightened no one.
p a r t m e n t and its facilities contains
some false information. For this I UNDERTAKINGS UTTERLY USELESS
offer my humble apology.
Convocation is becoming more of a humorous presentation t h a n the
Allow me to make a few correc- 'Penguin." C'mon group, let's settle down and act intelligent for a
tions. First of all, the music d e - change. You've only got a tew more m o n t h s to go. W h e t h e r or not you
p a r t m e n t h a s done all in its power agreed t h a t t h e money Forum requested was needed, it was sort ol
to properly a d m i n i s t e r the facilities ridiculous to pass the budget, line by line, and then defeat the entire
on Pago 3, Column 1) budget. There should be more Intelligent discussion on both sides ol
questions so people can understand what they're voting for or against.
Well, the lists are up again. HA! HA! HA! We'd sure like to know
what basis Myskania has lor the recommended and suggested chosen
ones. From looking at the names, we can sec reasons for people being
R a t h e r t h a n gi\e our inadequate on either one list or the other, or lor not being there at all. Some of
c o m m e n t s regarding the movies this the m a n y a r e : personality conflicts, attitudes of the nominees and the
week, we've decided to lei the news- nominators, just being a small tog and not a big wheel, the clean up
paper ads (In it for us.
committee group, a lew real workers, and the ones who can't see any
honor to run lor anyway. "Ability is ol little account without opportunity."
,'i Brave .Men with Hay Millund,
Ernest Borgnine, Frank
Advice in Myskania hopefuls: Should yon run? Y E S . . . but for
Nina Focli and Dean Jaggars. "I
one reason only
WIN first; then do this: Make the thirteen tools
can't go back to school. 1 can't face
t h e m ! " iAlia! So he's on t h a t list into an honorarj society with some real prestige and m e a n i n g instead
"Yuii can always tell about of the lrivalry i judicial and honorary society t h a t it pretends to be
them by the company they keep!" today.
P.S. To lhe present day M.vsKania, lo the hopefuls, and to S t u d e n t
' O r . who stole my beer while
Association: There doesn't have lo be thirteen elected, and there shouldn't
I. . . ?i T h e second feautre is Julie be this year!
with Don.'. Day. Louis Jourdon,
Barry Sullivan and F r a n k Lovejoy. QUESTION Ol THE WEEK
"What happened to Julie on her
Will lhe attempted assassination ol (he crown prince be .successful?
honeymoon. iSee how silly these
ads can getVi
Oh .Men, Oh Women! with Dan
Duiley, Ginger Rogers, David Niven
and Barbtua Rush. "It's all about
y o u - k n o w - w h a t . . . and ;ou know
it's wonderful " (Yah, Well we don't
even know what you're
talking in IDAY, MARCH Ti
ID 00 a m
Legislative Convocation in Pace Hall
about! i
ID :00 a in
Veterans' Society Meetin in Draper 349
8 00 p i n
G u m m a Kappa Phi Dale p-ntv •, in,.
. . .
A "twill terror show!" ' g u a r a n - 11
teed to make you wish you h a d n ' t ! )
They are: T h e .Man Who Turned to
Stone and Zombies of Mora Tan.
9 00 p.m. Brubacher Hall Formal Dance in Hn,i,.,,.i„., i
Kodgers iU. Haminerstein's Okla- II 00 p . . . . Pierce Hall Formal Dunce m Pierce Hail
^ ' ^
homa with Gordon MacRae and SI NDAY, MARCH U
Shirley Jones.
Friendly Persuasion with Gary (i
00 p.m Canterbury Club Mcttiim
,l, r ,
', A v L ' , m t ! Cooper, Dorothy McGuire, Marjorie li
Maine and introducing
This picture h a s been
'ESI) AY, MARCH ijfi
for four
00 p.m. Senior Class Meeting in Kiiih,,.!,,.,. «
Awards and rightly so.
00 p , „ . Oral Interpretation Class " S i n g s '
S ^ S ^ J ! ^
College Calendar
- '-'• ^
^ ^ ^ t ! ^ ^ -
For weeks we have read articles
on t h e need of a c h a n g e in s t u d e n t
government. We have h e a r d pros
and cons on w h a t we ought to have.
Everyone asks t h a t someone take
t h e a r g u m e n t s t h u s far offered and
.put t h e m into a practical form. So
far, t h e only constructive proposals
rendered have been questions, except
for those which are vague and a m biguous, or which have failed to
come into t h e light. Why should we
continue these tiring discussions
with n o organized, positive suggestions before us? Let's discuss something t h a t is on paper as a s t a r t .
I would like to offer a few answers
to some of these c u r r e n t problems.
I have a written Constitution which
offers one of many p a t h s to follow
in solving our present problems.
Practical Philosophy
Of course, t h e first question t h a t
would be p u t to me is, what is the
philosophy to be incorporated into
this constitution? This is a very
i m p o r t a n t consideration, not one to
be overlooked. But, this can be
formalized later. First, I would like
to show the general structure of this
proposed representative government
and t h e general problems it solves,
tor a philosophy of government can
be partly inferred from its s t r u c ture.
First it must be recognized t h a t
most s t u d e n t s do not have an overwhelming zeal to congregate with a
thousand or more fellow s t u d e n t s
i theoretically speaking i to discuss
a n d legislate on s t u d e n t problems.
They would much r a t h e r delegate
powers to a representative body. A
thousand people c a n n o t function as
a central governing body if there is
no interest.
S t u d e n t Senate
Therefore, a representative body
is needed to function as a s t u d e n t
legislature and to represent the real
interests of the s t u d e n t body. Let
us call this legislature the S t u d e n t
Senate. T h e Senators should come
from t h e four classes. Also, let us
give t h e S e n a t e all legislative powers and responsiblities. This delegation of powers eliminates the
present dilemma of three govern-
i Con I in uvd from Page i, Column 3)
under its jurisdiction. Naturally, the
d e p a r t m e n t must give preference to
those s t u d e n t s using the facilities
lor college credit. If any student
or group of s t u d e n t s wishes to r e serve a practice room, they must
do so with permission from either
Dr. Stokes or Mr. Peterson.
I feel t h a t the general tone of the
article was too caustic. T h e information contained therein was
exaggerated and, a t times, misleading. Again allow m e to apologize
for the article and olfer my personal g u a r a n t e e t h a t no other such
articles written by me shall appear.
Paul Erickson '50
m e n t a l groups sharing legislative
Executive Cabinet
We now need a n administrtive
force to execute t h e acts of t h e
Senate. Let us call this force a n
Executive Cabinet. T h i s Cabinet
would be headed by t h e four elected
officers, w h o would a p p o i n t any
additional servants as t h e need
dictates. In this way, we would
eliminate S.A. elections for such
subsidiary boards as S t u d e n t Board
of F i n a n c e .
Elect Fewer Officers
We don't need a n elected recomm e n d i n g committee. Also, more a t tention could be given by S.A. to
electing the principle officers. Fewer officers to be elected is a n a d ditional a d v a n t a g e in favor of responsible voting.
Function of Myskania
Do we throw out Myskania a n d
set up a new court system? Of
course not. We h a v e to save some
tradition, c u t at t h e same, let us
strip this group of all powers except
judicial. This judicial institution
should be a society of Seniors who
hear cases of violation against the
Constitution and laws of the S t u dent Senate, rendering decisions
and interpretations. T h e r e is no
other governmental duty Myskania
should exercise.
College Film
Group Presents
Banned Movie
I n t e r n a t i o n a l Film G r o u p will
present " T h e Young And
Damned" 7:30 p.m. T h u r s d a y in
Draper 349, according to Steve
Jacobson '59, President.
T h e Story
This Mexican film portrays a
story of juvenile delinquency a n d
the boys who r o a m t h e streets a t
night looking for outlets to practice
their violence.
Condemned by Legion
Jacobson states t h a t the film is
listed as "condemned" by t h e Legion
of Decency. T h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Film
Group feels t h a t the film merits
viewing by students not affected by
the Legion's ruling because of the
quality of the production and the
handling of subject m a t t e r . T h e
student body may see the list of
Legion of Decency ratings along
with information and pictures of
scenes from the movie. These are
located on the bulletin board in
the Draper-Husted Peristyle.
After the showing of " T h e Young
And T h e Damned," an open discussion wil be conducted on t h e
censorship of films.
Purpose of Organization
"The purposes of the organization
a r e to deal effectively with m a t t e r s
of s t u d e n t affairs, to p e r p e t u a t e t h e
best traditions and ideals of this
College, to promote the best of good
will and understanding between the
faculty and s t u d e n t s to the end
t h a t the work of this College may
be made of lasting value to the
students, to control all m a t t e r s
which a r e delegated to the s t u d e n t
government by the administration,
to work with the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n in
all m a t t e r s affecting t h e welfare of
the student association, to enact
and enforce such laws a s a r e d e e m ed necessary for t h e promotion of
the welfare of the s t u d e n t s a n d to
control and direct s t u d e n t activities
in ordev t h a t they may be conducted
for the best interests of the S t u d e n t
Association as a whole and to t h e
credit of New York S t a t e College
for Teachers."
Here is a start. Here is something tangible to work with. It may
invite support or over-riding criticism, but a t least we are a step
closer to the vitally needed change.
Our discussion need not be purely
hypothetical in n a t u r e .
ou you
Jluclzu Hay
Flash! A prominent member
of News Board recently received
a letter from the State Senate
signed by R. U. Serious, Secretary of the Inferior, informing
him (hat he had been chosen
from thousands to spend a n
exciting and adventurous four
year cruise through t h e lovely
waters of the waters of t h e Suez
Canal. He was also awarded a
stay a t the scenic resort a t t h e
Israeli Strip.
It was inferred in t h e letter
d i a l because of the recipient's
typing experience, extra pin
money could be earned if so
desired. The money in turn
could be spent for extra s p a m
rations. As t h e Spam-leader of
his group it was assured t h a t a
satisfactory elevation in official
title would be awarded. Everyone would be required to call
him Spam Spade.
This patriot's n a m e must be
kept secret for security reasons.
by Chester Field
Come With
to the
JAe Open Mind
W h e n my p a r e n t s came up last
weekend, my father slapped me
heartily on the back a n d asked,
" w h a t are you doing in G y m now,
boy?" My f a t h e r loves athletics. So
do I. So do m a n y people; athletics
a r e the greatest. My father wanted
to know w h a t I was doing in Gym.
Counselors are needed for t h e
k i t c h e n , waterfront, outdoor r e c r e a tion, a n d e n t e r t a i n m e n t .
"Quiet games a n d
I told him.
"Freeze, P o p , " I i n t e r r u p t e d , "this
is no joke. They really have u s g o ing for this noise."
d o i n g ? I t ' s golf or bowling isn't it,
l a d ? And I'll bet you need some
m o n e y to play and were afraid to
ask . . . h e r e boy here's—"
"C'mon boy," he said, "really, w h a t
My father fell back, s t u n n e d by
are you doing now? Football? Baseball? W h a t are you doing in good t h e shock of having t h e son h e h a d
so carefully coached in vigorous
old rugged college P h y s E d ? "
a t h l e t i c skills come to this fate.
"Well Pops, last week we played
Drop T h e Handkerchief,
" W h y ? " h e said weakly. " W h y
Says, a n d Buzz. T h i s week we t h i s ? "
learned the Tee Top Stomp, some
"Because,' I answered, "some day
real wicked dance."
"Ha! Wonderful sense of humor, I m a y be looking for a job and I
son, wonderful! B u t a r e n ' t you go- m a y end up working in a camp and
ing to tell me w h a t you're really a kid m a y come over and may w a n t
to play a game and I may not h a v e
a book of games h a n d y a n d I may be
able to remember one of t h e games
we learned in Gym."
Camp Director
Lists Interviews
"I never thought of t h a t , " a d m i t ted Dad.
" I t was great fun, but it was just
Joseph Anderson '57 announces
t h a t W a r r e n D u n h a m '58 h a s been o n e of those things," I added.
appointed director of Men's F r e s h " B u t w h a t do you do for vigorous
m a n Cam]) for this year.
exercise," asked F a t h e r .
All u n d e r g r a d u a t e men who are
" O h , t h a t , " I said, feeling very
interested in being counselors a t
c a m p n e x t fall are asked to sign m u c h like Abe Lincoln, "I h a v e to
up on the interview sheet on t h e walk about twelve miles from my
bulletin board opposite t h e S t u d e n t a p a r t m e n t to Brubacher Hall in
Personnel Office d u r i n g t h e week order to get to t h e class. T h e n I
of March 25-29. Interviews for a p - h a v e ten m i n u t e s to get back to
licants will be held in t h e S t u d e n t school. I r u n all t h e way."
Personnel Office April 1-5.
"Good luck, son," h e concluded.
in History
Under Napoleon III of France
in 1850 men's styles took on
the "hour-glass look" which,
in women's fashions persisted
through the '60's. This men's
style was more p o p u l a r in
Europe than in the U.S.A.
Ivy League
A.^k your favorite p a r t n e r
where his or her "IVY
CRKW" c a m e from and
you'll discover our sweater
all over the campus.
53 N. Lake Ave.,
Near Washington Ave.
We Aim To Please
Just, the thing for Coke
dates and classes.
Tun, black, charcoal, ivy
O u t after a deer?
Of c o u r s e y o u k n o w
Y o u m u s t get a license
Before y o u go!
Oh! After a
T h e n it's
Never mind
Catch the
MORAL: B i g g a m e h u n t e r s , a t t e n t i o n
take your pleasure B I G ! Smoke a
r e g a l C h e s t e r f i e l d K i n g a n d get more
of what you're smoking for. M a j e s t i c
l e n g t h — plus t h e s m o o t h e s t n a t u r a l
t o b a c c o filter. C h e s t e r f i e l d — t h e
smoothest tasting smoke today
because it's packed more smoothly
by A C C U . R A Y !
l i k e y o u r p l e a t u r * BIG?
C h e s t e r f i e l d King h q t E v e r y t h i n g !
*$b0 fit/fb (a Jerry A. hyu, Cue College, /or his
Chester Field poem,
$00 for every icat verse accepted for publication. Chesterfield, I'.O. Box 21, New York 46, N. Y.
O u««i>ti • Mien Tukwtg Co.
t h e licensed e a r first!
Polished Cotton Ivy's $4.98
Hey gals! Have you ever tried a PREP
SPORT SHIRT? Makes excellent "Ivy" tailored shirts with slacks and Bermudas.
Just Arrived!
from 34.95
2i.i Central Ave.
P0*m<j> Que* Ike CwUa^e
P r o m t h e Tower ..Light of t h e school hours, h e r pay check, and
S t a t e T e a c h e r s ' College a t Towson, P.T.A.
M a r y l a n d , comes t h e following:
No one else c a n smile so sweetly
in class one h o u r a n d give you a
What Is A Teacher?
"D"-slip the next, give you a n a s T e a c h e r s come in various degrees signment t h a t takes you all n i g h t
of l e a r n i n g w i t h more t h a n their to d o a n d forget to correct it, or
s h a r e of honesty, tolerance, pity, give you tests upon which a r e queslove, truthfulness, and homework tions not only polled from space, b u t
located immaterial to the subject.
across t h e e a r t h in little schools,
medium-sized schools, a n d in m o d ernized outhouses. S t u d e n t s h a t e
t h e m , principals employ them, a n d
practice teachers ignore them. A
teacher is a dictionary with a rollT h e new officers of the Veterans'
book on h e r desk, a spelling book
with a pencil in h e r hair, a history Society are Patrick Cahill '58, P r e s ident; Thomas Sullivan '59, Vicebook with a timeline in h e r h a n d .
President; and William Bonney '60,
A teacher h a s t h e patience of a Treasurer, announces Robert M u r tree (long-suffering), the kindness phy '58, the outgoing president. T h e
of a n u n , t h e s t r e n g t h of a circus new officers will serve until March,
s t r o n g - m a n , t h e will of a politician, 1958.
a n d t h e clothes of a beggar.
A meeting will be held today a t
S h e likes conventions, bright stu- 10 a.m. in Draper 349 to discuss the
d e n t s , holidays, staying in bed late, plans for the r e m a i n d e r of the soC h r i s t m a s gifts, a n d summer vaca- cial season. Plans for a "Buck Sotions. S h e cares little for grading cial" to be held in t h e near future
papers, scolding delinquents, after- will be taken up at this meeting.
Elect New Officers
\ Greeks Slote
Education Goes Continental
Buffet Dinner, Swim To Europe Tax Free
Open House
Is t h e r e anyone who
wouldn't like to see Europe? Is t h e r e
anyone h e r e who can afford to see
Sororities a n d fraternities have Europe? If you can, I'd like to meet
engaged in pledging a n d p l a n n i n g you; if you can't, there's a solution,
a way you c a n cross t h e A t l a n t i c !
T h e Maritime College h a s providJ u n e Studley '57, President of
G a m m a Kappa Phi, announces the
pledging of R i t a D e M e r s '60. G a m m a
K a p p a P h i is p l a n n i n g a date party
tonight a t 8 p.m. B a r b a r a H u n g e r ford '57 is in c h a r g e of a r r a n g e ments.
Marilyn D e S a n t a '57, last year's
B a r b a r a W u t c h '60 h a s been C a m p Director, a n n o u n c e s the folpledged to P h i Delta, a n n o u n c e s lowing new officers for Women's
J o a n Van D u s e n , President. P h i F r o s h C a m p : M a r i l y n Leach, D i Delta will hold open house for rector; Sally Harter, Assistant DiStatesmen t o n i g h t from 8 to 11 p.m. rector, J u n i o r s ; L e a h G r e e n m a n ,
I n charge of t h e various commit- T r e a s u r e r ; Carolyn Olivo, Secretary,
tees for t h e affair a r e : M a r g a r e t Sophomores.
Darzano, R e f r e s h m e n t s ; Ann H i t c h Notices will be posted in the near
cock, A r r a n g e m e n t s ; P a t r i c i a G l a r - future concerning interviews for
ing, Publicity, J u n i o r s ; P a t r i c i a Hail counselors.
'57, Clean-up.
Frosh C a m p for women will be
T h e men of Sigma Lambda Sigma held a t B r u b a c h e r Hall again this
will hold a buffet dinner in honor year. I t will be held a t B r u b a c h e r
of K a p p a De.ta Sorority, Sunday because t h e r e is no c a m p large
a t 6 p.m., a n n o u n c e s Alan H u t c h i - enough to a c c o m m o d a t e so m a n y
son '57, President.
people n e a r Albany.
Out-Going Director
ed your trip to Europe. All you do is
write 750 words on "Why I Am I n terested in Making this T r i p " due
immediately. It helps to sort of
connect the words, kind of m a k e
an essay out of it, you know how
it's done.
Now to let you down. T h e r e are
restrictions, as usual. F o r i n s t a n c e :
you have to be a male s t u d e n t (well,
t h a t limits it), and (here's t h e rubi
you have to finish your J u n i o r or
Sophomore year by J u n e and you
m i s t never have been on probation,
i Don't stop reading, a friend of
yours m i g h t get it!)
W h a t do ,\ou bring? This time
yourself isn't quite enough. You have
to have special clothes including
dungarees, whites and white hats
like the cadets wear. You'll be told
what else to buy. J u s t ordinary
things like m a t t r e s s covers, black
shoes, blankets, overcoats, pillow
cases, tilings like t h a t .
And finally, what'll you see? After
Albany ia sight in itself), there'll
be Dublin, Amsterdam, (of course
it's n o t ) , Bilboa,Genoa, Villefranche,
and . . . Hempstead Harbor and
City Island.
There it is. T h e opportunity of a
lifetime, s u m m e r in Europe a n d still
you're learning! Education's getting
easier every clay. If you're interested, c o n t a c t Dean Hartley NOW!!!
Council Host
To Debaters
CALENDAR says it's spring . . . but it ain't necessarily
so. The freezin' season may still come up with one last
blast. And when that happens, your cigarette smoke
makes a mighty Crisp Wisp! Of course, with Luckies,
you can forget the weather. Luckies taste fine all year
round—and no wonder! A Lucky is all cigarette . . .
nothing but fine, mild, good-tasting tobacco that's
TOASTED to taste even better. Forecast: You'll say
Luckies are the best-tasting cigarette you ever smoked!
•' ^ J'oy
Jungle Bungle
Duffer Stuffer
Super Snooper
Richard Clifford '57, President of
Debate Council, a n n o u n c e s t h a t Albany State will play host to t h e New
York S t a t e High School Debate
T o u r n a m e n t Friday and Saturday,
April 5 and 6.
This debate will be the largest
yet with 220 debates being held.
Needed for this event are timekeepers, c h a i r m e n and judges. Those
interested in .serving in one of these
capacities, should contact J o h n Yager '59.
It was stated t h a t Debate Council
will a t t e n d a National D e b a t e I n vitation at Butler University, I n d i anapolis. April 12 to 15. R e p r e s e n t a tives will be Audrey S c h m i d t a n d
Richard Cliffoi'd, Seniors; Corinne
Marro '59, and P r a n k Krivo '60.
"American Foreign Relief in the
Middle E a s t " is slated as a topic of
Last week Audrey S c h m i d t '57,
Lee De Nike '59 and F r a n k Krivo
'60 represented S t a t e a t the I n t e r Collegiate Debaters Congress
P e n n S t a t e . Topics discussed were
Mid-Eastern Relations and American Foreign Aid. Albany S t a t e won
c h a i r m a n s h i p of the minority committee.
Corner Ontario &
Kampf Komments:
Anyone For
Spring Sports
Spring, and a young man's thoughts turn to thoughts
of sport. We wonder, indoor or outdoor sport? Coach
Sauers has sent his annual call out for baseball candidates but are we going to be satisfied with having but one
varsity sport on campus during the spring? No need to
worry about indoor spring sport, minds turn to that also.
AA Board has issued a letter stating that a study to
And a new spring sport to replace the short lived track
and field issue will begin soon.
Golf, Tennis, Anyone?
The outlook for arranging some other spring sport
appears to be enlightening. In the fall of last year, AMIA
held a tennis tournament which was rather successful,
though weather hampered the final rounds. Tennis being
mainly a spring and summer sport, here's a definite opportunity for a new addition. Another sport capable of
becoming varsity level is golf. On campus there are a
number of students who have a high interest in the Ben
Hogan world, so why not put it into use?
If AA Board is going to consider any sport at all, the
interest must come from the student body first. In the
past few years, it's been like bleeding a turnip to get a
sport started around the quad. If opportunity is knocking on your doorstep, get out that racket or mashie and
do something about it.
Others Have, Why Not Us?
Buffalo State, Fredonia State and who knows how
many other State Colleges have golf on a varsity level, and
there are tennis teams on the majority of other schools
in the State. Albany State should be included.
Ridge, Gutterdusters, SLS Roll
For Intramural Bowling Crown
31 13
31 13
29 15
T h i s in p a r t was how the I n t r a m u r a l bowling league s h a p e d up before t h e final games were rolled
yesterday. As t h e S t a t e College News
c a m e rolling off the Hudson presses
twenty 16-pound spheres were rolling down the Rice Alleys d e t e r m i n ing this yer's I M kegling champs.
Ridge went into t h e finale looking
towards its ace, Decker Pardee, to
again come through with the big
one. T h e G u t t e r d u s t e r s again fell
back on a combination of h i g h spirit and fine team play to retain the
position they claimed all year.
Third place SLS, only two games
off the trail, prayed t h a t Dame Fort u n e would once again show its face.
In last week's action the Potter
Club took in a 68-pin h a n d i c a p
against t h e G u t t e r d u s t e r s but lost
all four when they failed to field
the necessary three men.
Ridge Over K i t
Ridge still shared tlie top |)erch
with tlie C D ' s as they downed t h e
KB quintet. T h e unusual feature of
t h e contest was the a p p e a r a n c e ol
a new hero for Ridge, K e m p t o n rolling 205 a n d 528.
S L S took sole possession of third
place in tlie loop as they downed
a competitive APA congregation,
In tiie second division m a t c h e s the
Vets clung to fifth place behind
APA. Hilltop and the Apaches tied
for the cellar.
Brubacher First
Team Victors In
Tuesday League
T h e Tuesday bowling loop came
to a close this week w i t h t h e first
t e a m of Brubacher t a k i n g league
honors. They were followed in order
by Chi S i g m a T h e t a , G a m m a K a p
Cons, Sigma
Phi, T h e
( a p a r t m e n t dwellers), a n d t h e B r u bacher third team.
P h i Delta Increases Lead
T h e P h i Delta keglers increased
their lead in t h e Wednesday league
this week by taking two points
from Psi G a m . Second place B e t a
Z e t a fell further behind t h e league
leaders as they d r o n e d two points
to G a m m a K a p . I n t h e third m a t c h
of the day, Pierce took b o t h points
from K a p p a Delta.
B a d m i n t o n Begins
Now t h a t t h e bowling season is
coining to a close, WAA activities
will lie t u r n i n g to
Shortly, there will be sign-up sheets
for t h e singles, doubles a n d mixed
doubles t o u r n a m e n t s . All m a t c h e s
in b a d m i n t o n will be played in Page
O n c e again this year WAA and
AMIA h a v e joined together to hold
a bowling t o u r n a m e n t a t the Rice
Alleys. See story elsewhere on this
Wrestlers Shine In 8 Team
Tourney; Two Place Third
The never-say-die grapplers of Coach Joe Garcia's 7-2-1
squad of the recently completed season added a pair of
third place finishes to their laurels last weekend at the
West Point Freshman Invitational tourney at West Point.
In both cases a second or first place just eluded the grasp
of the luckless pair of Farrell and Kane as both dropped
close matches in early rounds to put them in a loser's
bracket. The Ides of March came to haunt previously unbeaten Tommy Farrell as the Ped
s t a r dropped a m a t c h to his Army
adversary, Ed Strassburger, by a
second period pin, after being forced to move u p a class to t h e 130
pound bracket. T h i s leaves h i s r e c ord in t h e 123 pound class i n t a c t
a n d also m a r k e d his debut in t h e
130 pound division, where he later
won a consolation by a pin.
T h e m i g h t of the S t a t e College K a n e Loses One
Charlie K a n e , once decisioned for
keglers r e a c h e d a new low this week
as they p u t on a miserable showing h i s o n l y l o s s o f t h e r e g u i a r s e a S o n ,
against a mediocre HVTT t e a m .
About t h e only b r i g h t spot in a t h e c h i n i n h i s s e c o n d m a t c h o f
3-1 loss to the Tech men was a t h e day, also a t the h a n d s of Army.
final game victory, t h a n k s to a 209 H e later won two m a t c h e s for a
single bowled by the old s t a l w a r t s t r o n g showing in t h e overall r e c T o m Sullivan.
T h e first e n c o u n t e r would have
T ^ o f t n e heavyweights who
gone to t h e Hudson keglers even if c a m e a l o n g o n t n e t r i p did
t h e y h a d offered t h e T e a c h e r s a t h a n m a k e ballast in t h e car as
124-pin h a n d i c a p . Cable's 205, coup- J o e l S m i t h m a d e a s t r o n g s h 0 W i n e
led w i t h Sip's 193 effort, spelled w h i i e J o h n G r e m m e r gave his two
doom for t h e Feds who were led mopjxinents
n n n c n i . « a ctmnt,
^ n n
s t r o n g cscrap
in t h e initial contest by Sullivan's bowing.
Close—But Not Enough
T h e second g a m e went the s a m e
way. victory wise. Only t h e s t a r s
changed. F o r H V T I LaBelle tossed
To t h e People of State—there's
a 191 tally while Pardee's 180 going to be a bowling t o u r n a m e n t ! !
brought t h e S t a t e s m e n to within 15 In fact there a r e going to be three
bowling t o u r n a m e n t s ! ! ! — one for
maples of t h e win.
Desperate to avert t h e s h u t o u t novice women, one for
Sullivan t h e n c a m e t h r o u g h with women a n d one for mixed doubles,
his high 209 score to give the Peds Arid it's going to be r u n just like
point No. 1 for t h e night. T h e big the big people r u n t o u r n a m e n t s !
10 frame score gave T o m a 516 It'll run from Monday, M a r c h 25,
triple for t h e night, as t h e Ped through Saturday, April 6, a t Rice's,
q u i n t e t looked forward to evening Question?? Check with Alioe Meyer
the score this Tuesday.
or Tcum Sullivan.
State Bowlers
Bow 3-1 In Low
Scoring Match
l/Zoivlittf $0* Alii
Coach Richard S a u e r s announced
this week t h a t baseball practice will
begin in the gym on M a r c h 25, this
coming Monday.
At t h a t time there will be a general meeting of all candidates for
the varsity baseball squad. Tryouts
for pitchers and catchers will begin w a r m - u p drills on Monday also.
Coach Sauers has also requested
t h a t anyone interested in serving
as m a n a g e r of this year's varsity
see him as soon as possible.
Cortland Takes First
State College Tourney
With the absence of Albany State,
Cortland State Teachers College became the winner of the first S t a t e
University Teachers College basketball tournament held a t Oswego on
the weekend of March 7-9. Albany
was not represented due to a scheduled game with RPI.
Six Colleges Represented
There were six State Colleges represented in the tournament, Cortland, Buffalo, Oswego, Oneonta,
Plattsburg and the consolation winner, Brockport.
Cortland just edged by Buffalo in
tlie final, 61-00. Brockport took the
consolation award by nipping Oswego, 72-70.
Joe Merln of Buffalo State was
voted the outstanding player uf the
Are you a nosynote-poacher?
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gra higher
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Somebody ought to tell him
how easy it is to drop in for
supplies. We've
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So make sure you never have
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complete display
Open dally 10 to 5
209 Central Avenue
will be open SUNDAY, April 7, 1957
8 A.M. - U P.M.
This is a trial with a possibility of opening
permanently on Sundays.
News Views:
Student Council:
Religious Clubs
State, Federal Taxes Drain Elect Officers Council Discusses Possibility
Pockets Of College Students Two State College religious clubs Of Joining State Association
announce the result of elections held
last week.
The Ides of March, the assassina- pack tax on a $.22 item, or $2.19 in
tion of Julius Caesar, statesman, taxes on a fifth of "pain reliever."
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship
strength of his country. The Ides of Here are some examples of how elected new o f f i c e r s announces
April, the assassination of John Q. taxes hit our hackneyed, calloused
Public, taxpayer, strength of hishero: luxury taxes—fraternity pin, Lucille S c h n e i d e r '58. They are:
$20 plus $2 tax, total $22, or better President, E l l e n McLaughlin '58;
yet a ring (how sweet?), ring $100 Vice-President, A r n o l d Newman;
On April 15, Federal and State plus $10 tax, total $110. The trouble
income taxes will fall due. These is that Joe never sees the tax be- Secretary, Glenn Leis, Sophomores;
Treasurer, Irving Peterson; Prayer,
two assassins plus the "insignificant?" ones such as real estate, city, cause of a little gimmick called "tax Missions and Bible Study Secretary,
payroll, luxury, etc., are literally included." Let's suppose our little Lucille Schneider, Juniors; Publicity
"stabbing" the American taxpayer hero wanders onto a television givein his economical heart; the eco- away show. He hits the $64,000 ques- Chairman, David Marsh '60.
nomic heart being his wallet. Since tion (hooray, etc!). Too bad fellow,
Sverre Samuelson '59 states that
1950, the tax "rakeoff" has increased here comes the fellow in striped
from one out of every four dollars pants. After this rude fellow takes the Lutheran Student Association
his cut Joe is still left with $25,000, elected officers including: President,
to one out of every three.
less than half. We now conclude our Walter H e i n s '59; Vice-President,
tale of Joe Schmo, college student Herbert Witt '58; Secretary, Linda
Why the Taxpayer Complains?
about to embark on a well earned Matson '60; Treasurer, Gale KleinJohn Q. Public has every right to vacation. He is holding a new $50
complain. Here are some of the rea- suitcase in one chubby little fist as man; Publicity D i r e c t o r , Sverre
sons: 1) the federal tax collector he, "Whoa! $55 suitcase," screams Samuelson, Sophomores.
may not be taking more than in Joe. "Here's the tag, my, my, $55,
The Lutheran Student Association
previous years, but the question is, you're right, tax included." Well,
"Where the hell is the reduction Joe, as you were saying, these taxes will hold a supper and discussion
heard in every campaign speech for don't affect me, I'm independent." meeting Sunday, 5 to 7 p.m. at St.
Johns' Lutheran Church Meeting
the last ten years?" 2) The states
House on Central Avenue. The topic
are not even waiting until the taxfor the discussion will be "The Expayer gets his money but collect What Is Being Done
planation of the Symbols and the
their taxes in advance. (New York
The taxpayer screams and the one Service of the Church." Everyone is
voted a $35 decrease but actually it
will not apply until two years in the hearing about it is his congressman. invited.
future!) 3) Gasoline taxes have in- Congress, therefore, is bearing the
creased. 4) Auto license fees have bruit of the tax reduction problem. Canterbury Club
gone up. 5) Payroll taxes, personal Everybody agrees taxes should be
David Randalls '57, President of
property taxes have gone up. 6) cut, but how?
Canterbury Club, announces that a
Then there is the problem of the
Foreign aid and military spending meeting of the group will be held
"friendly man," the tax assessor. He v. ill be under fire as well as public Sunday at 6 p.m. at the Cathedral
inspects your place, revalues it, (im- works programs. Federal aid bills of All Saints in the Guild House.
provements, you know), then comes to schools and farmers are already
the tax bill (raised tax rate, too in trouble with Congress. The one
After a dinner and the conducbad).
lush field of aid will probably yield tion of an evening prayer, Randalls
some mighty bitter fruit, especially will speak to the group. The topic
Joe Schmo, Albany State Affected
when election times roll around. for his address will be "Symbolism
Many college "students?" read the However, the main problem of gov- in the Church." The remainder of
papers on this issue and commonly ernment spending and its reduction the evening's program will be destate "This doesn't affect me, I'm must be solved if there is to be re- voted to nominations for the offistill a dependent." Our boy, Joe, is lief. There is no other alternative! cers of the club for the coming year.
one of these "learned?" Individuals. "Hail Caesar, we who are about to Elections will take place in the near
Joe forgets that he pays ten cents a die salute you."
At Student Council meeting this mendous success. They recommend,
week different matters pertaining however, that future Parents' Days
to the interests of Student Associa- should be necessary only for partion were discussed. Elizabeth Silva, ents of freshmen and held later in
foreign student from Mexico, was the spring.
Clyde Payne, President, met with
on hand to observe one of Council's
Edwin Adkins, Chairman of the Edregular meetings.
ucation Department, to see how stuParents' Day
dents could constructively express
To all those who helped with the their views on the college education
State College Revue in any way, courses. Another meeting is planned
thanks are certainly in order, as
this new attempt netted a profit with Education teachers, members
of $685.37. Council members believe of Myskania, and Seniors who have
that the Revue should continue to done practice teaching. Questionbe presented on Parents' Day, which naires, which have been given to all
was also acknowledged as a tre-such Seniors, should be turned in
today for consideration.
The President of the Student Association
of Plattsburg
Teacher's College sent to Payne a
copy of an article which appeared in
their college newspaper slamming
Barbara MacDonald '58, acting the hospitality of our students at
Grand Marshal of Campus Com- home basketball games. It also commission, has announced the latest plains about the gym, bringing in
undertakings of the organization. such features as unmarked exits
Bulletin boards with the organiza- (and only two at that), and the size
tion name stenciled on will be of the playing court. Council realpresented to the various groups on izes that the only way to get a new
campus to be used in Lower Draper. gymnasium is to secure the passThe above-mentioned will be dis- ing of the bond issue before the
legislature, as explained in last
tributed by Carmita Siaba '58.
week's paper. Plans will be discussMiss MacDonald has also a n - ed for campaigning by Student
nounced that new lampshades have Council.
been installed in Draper Lounge Teachers' Association
and that the Commons was cleaned
There may be a chance to estabfor Parents' Day. It has been lish a chapter of the New York
pointed out that there are 52 seats State Teachers' Association here on
and 22 ash-trays in the Commons; campus. It is possible to send a repit is hoped that the student body resentative to the first meeting of
will co-operate with the Commission Students of Education Association
to keep the Commons clean. Smok- of New York State on April 26 and
ing is allowed only in the Commons, 27 free of charge.
Lounge, tunnels and cafeterias.
Miss Silva was asked to comment
Beverly Ward '60 has been named on the meeting and stated that she
to the Commission from her class. found it interesting, just as this
The group is badly in need of try- whole year has been for her here
outs from the classes of '59 and '60. at State.
Group Slates
Latest Actions
WINSTON scores top marks for flavor!
State College News
VOL. X L I I NO. 8
State College Theatre Produces "The Insect Comedy";
Dramatics & Arts Council Presents Two Performances
New Musicale
Talent Program
Players Schedule Satire
As Second Production
Barbara Hungerford '57, President of Dramatics and Art Council,
announces that the presentations of "The Insect Comedy" will be held tonight and tomorrow night in Page Hall Auditorium at 8:30 p.m.
Student Union Board in conjunction with Music Council will present
a "State College Musicale" in Brubacher Upper Lounge Sunday from
3 to 5 p.m., states Frank Favat '59,
Chairman of the event.
The entertainment will consist of
songs with lyrics written by James
Lockhart V)7 and music composed
by David Greenberg, Graduate Student. Ten State College students
will sing and dance to the nine
original numbers written especially
for Sunday's program.
The Program
Favat, lists the proceedings for
the afternoon Musicale as follows:
The program will commence with
Roger Hunt '58 singing "Blue
Reverie" and "Just A' Whistling in
the Dark." Next on the agenda will
be Frank Connizzo '60, Dolores
Shimandle, Richard Esner, and
Marian Sciortino, S o p h o m o r e s ,
dancing to "Honey Bea" and "One
Girl." After this the Co-eds will
sing "In Atlantic City" and "Honey
Bea." Joseph Ilardo '60 will continue with "Shirley" and "Sweet
Evelyn." Lockhart will then sing
"One Girl" and "Lonely Blues."
Next on hand will be Stephen
Hoover '60 performing "Ester." The
concluding number will be "On The
Road to Nowhere," sung by Barbara Hungerford '57.
The original play was written by Josef and Karel Capek in Czechoslovakia^ Jarko Burian, Assistant Professor of English at State
College, has translated the play into an English version.
The story is a fantasy about a philosophical vagrant, who falls
asleep in the forest and observes an interesting analogy between insect
life and human life. Typical human reactions are portrayed by the
butterflies, who flutter and make violent love; the beetles, who hoard
their money and live selfishly;
while the red ants murder the
crickets. Red ants and yellow ants
wage a war to determine which
shall have the right to travel between two particular blades of grass.
The lead character of the Tramp
is played by Norman Chancer '58.
Pi Gamma Mu, the National The other lead is the Professor,
Social Science Honor Society, plans played by Francis Ireland '60.
to present a Social Studies Evening. The Evening will be held May , h e t a s t
8 in the Upper Lounge of Brubacher
Members of the cast are: Carol
from 8 to 10:30 p.m. announces Allen, Janice Champagne, John
Charles Willsey, President.
Ertle, Lloyd Shaw, Seniors; Anas~,u c
•,, , ,_• ,_„ . . j tasia Perdaris '58; Brenda BuchanThe Evening will be highlighted
Judith Calvl
w i l l i a m Gardner,
by speaker, Dr. Louis Jones, who E l l z a b e t h M unson, Bruce Norton,
will speak on the subject of History C a r o l P a y m e n t , R u t n S c h a f f e r i V irBeyond the Textbook . Dr. Jones, i n i a s t r o u d t i G r a h m Z e h K l a u s
a former member of the faculty Kaufman, Sophomores,
here at State College, is a contribut'
ing editor to the American Heritage A c A
^ ° l Jn o,ht nh e c a s t a r e : Camilla
magazine and is currently Director
Anderson, Mildred
of the New York State Museum at Boyd, Elizabeth Brown, David
Chancer, John Griffin, Carolyn
Heineman, Doris Markowitz, MarRefreshments wil be served, and jorie Roberts, Jennifer Robinson,
in addition to the speech by Dr. Shirley Stone, Robert Thorstensen,
Jones, entertainment will be provid- freshmen
ed with Emu Polak '60 as Master of
I n c n a r g e of t n e LighUng a r e :
George Herrick '59 and Joan GinsThis is the first time a Social burg, Graduate Student; Costumes,
Studies Evening as such will be Janice Champagne '57; Sound, Jupresented at the College, and it is dith Calvin; Make-up, Joanne Mchoped that its initial success will Caffrey, Properties, Grahm Zeh,
establish a precedent for the future. Sophomores.
Honor Society
Part of the east of "Insect Comedy" pose above for the camera
NEWS Photographer, Bill Gillette.
Cottontail Bounces Down Trail
To Attend Annual Dawn Drag
It's unbelievable, but true. Danc- difficulty about using the rabbit
ing from 5 to 8 a.m. An hour when for the dance. When first approachmost people if they have any sense ed, the rabbit declined the invitation
at all are home hi bed sleeping.
Apparently, nobody cares about and took refuge behind the Fifth
having sense because everyone goes Amendment. "But I don't want it,"
to the Dawn Dance. How on earth cried the rabbit, "I'm not interested
do people ever expect to dance at in being in any silly old dance."
five in the morning when they have
trouble eating at seven? Yet, every- However, after some very spirited
one goes to the Dawn Dance. Okay, persuasion, the rabbit was convinced
Refreshments Served
then let's everyone go to the Dawn that he should be interested and
After the entertainment for theDance this year too.
accepted the invitation to personify
has been completed,
members of Student Union Board
If you go though, bring carrots. the theme for the dance. Now
will serve coffee and cookies to Carrots are a must because the everyone can go to the dance and be
those attending.
theme is the Cottontail Cotillion. amused at the rabbit's hopping back
The State College Musicale is Everyone knows that rabbits eat
specifically designed to introduce carrots, and everyone goes to theand forth. That is if you can see i.
at five o'clock in the morning.
and promote talent at State College. Dawn Dance, so bring carrots.
This is the first program of its
Last year, there were several
Why choose the Cottontail? Actkind to be presented. Everyone is
ually, there was a great deal of inches of snow for the Dawn Dance.
cordially invited to attend.
Not in Brubacher, of course; it was
outside. This year, the weather outlook according to the News weather
The housing situation for next new hall will probably be ready for
bureau is for pleasant weather. Of
occupancy by the beginning of the
course this can't be guaranteed year's first semester has been clari- next semester.
since snow is not an uncommon fied by the administration. Also inthing here at Albany. Especially in formation concerning residence hall Counselor Positions
conuselors positions has recently
Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of Women,
A group ol .students led by mem- courses was Education 22.
announces that next year there will
been announced.
2. As Sophomores, the present
bers of Myskania met with the EduWhatever the weather though,
be opportunities for ten or twelve
cation Department faculty Monday. Seniors did not appreciate the value drug yourself out of bed at lour Because the new residence hall on women to act as residence hall or
The meeting was held to re-evalu- of Ed. 20 and 21. They suggested on April (i, crawl over to Bru, and Western Avenue will not be ready group house counselors. Although
ate the undergraduate education more time on how these courses dance. Do the Dawn Drag.
for next semester, and because most of the counselors in the past
sequence here at State. Dr. Adkins, could helj) them in the near future.
College Heights will be done away have been graduate students, this
Director of Education, •started the
3. The oil' campus seminars were
with this summer, students at State will not be a requirement next year.
discussion by outlining the history ol more value than the on campus
will again be faced with n housing Any women interested in becoming
of the student-faculty evaluation seminars.
problem. Every student, whether or counselors are requested to file an
•t. Student teaching, for the manot he intends to return to College application available in the Student
Clyde Payne ',>7, then presented jority, was worthwhile.
next fall, is requested to fill out by Personnel Office before the spring
The laculty questioned each sluthe findings of a survey he had
April 5 a brief questionnaire con- vacation.
taken of the .Senior Class. Of the dent on their own areas. The Blue
ceniiu'4 hi.s housing preference for
Interviews for c o u n s e l o r s for next fall. Students who can live in
100 questionnaires distributed, 33 Slip oi preliminary teaching conwere returned. The findings were ference which was not used for all Women's Fl'osh Weekend will begin apartments or private homes or who
oil campus teachers will probably Monday in the Sludenl Personnel can commute are urged to do so
as follows:
Office, announces Marilyn Leach next your in order to facilitate the
1. The least valuable of all thebe reinstated next year.
Suggestions were made that the '58, Director. The sign up sheet for h o u s i n g of underclassmen. The
dcpiirt.'iienl attempt io initiate the interviews is posted across from the questionnaires will be available toThe Sophomore and Junior Classstudents in the beginning education Personnel Office.
day, in the residence halls for the es have activities listed for the comcourses, to a Philosophy of EducaAll women, whether they have at- present occupants, and in the Stu- ing week, according to Donald Mction along with a closer correlation
clain and John Stelano, respective
between observations and required tended Fiosh Weekend or not, arc- dent Personnel Office for those liv- class
readings. Myskania urged the ex- urged to upplj as a counselor. The ing oil campus or at home.
ploration of 16 weeks ol student camp will be held again at BruMembers of the class of 1958 who
bacher from September 13-15 be- Purpose of Karly Poll
Compulsory and Legislative Convo- touching.
huve ordered class rings must pay
It was noted that the attitudes
By taking a poll this early it is the balance of their account by
of the students towards the educa- enough to accommodate so many hoped that by the middle of May April 12, the last day of classes bePage Hull Auditorium :l(l a.m.
tion courses were fur from wholeAltendence Procedure
all students will know where they fore Easter vacation. A desk will
some. Students with ideas on this
Seniors—Center Aisle
Today Is the last day to sign up are to live next year. This will be set up m Lower Draper for this
subject can air their views through lor interviews for Men's Freshmen allow time for those who will live purpose by Thursday,
Juniors—Right Aisle
the Slate College News or Myskania. Cmnp, states Warren Dunham '58, oil' campus to locate quarters before
Sophomores—Left Aisle
Sophomores Meet
Payne also suggested that more pro- Director. The sign-up sheet is also the summer.
The budgets of State College News fessional organizations, such as a on the bulletin board opposite the
Sophomores will meet Tuesday at
It is expected that there will be 10 a.m. in Draper 349 for a class
and Typewriter Pool and as many campus blanch of tire New York Personnel office.
some crowding of students in themeeting. Candidates for office will
other organizational budgets us
lime permits will be discussed uiid show the benefits of the teaching
Interviews for Men's Freshmen residence halls until the new dormi- deliver cumpaign uddresses with
tory is completed. However, the questions to follow.
voted upon by (onvocation.
Camp will begin Monday.
Students To Finish Housing
Joint Committee Evaluates
Education Course Sequence
Camp Interview
Begins Monday
Sophomore, Junior
Classes List Plans
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