
News Views:
Far East Condemns Israel; QoundWaHtiHti"
Proposes Sanction Action
Israel Struggles For Life!
D u r i n g t h e p a s t week, t h e Middle
E a s t crisis took t h e spotlight in t h e
news. I n t h e United Nations, t h e
Afro-Asian bloc decided t o p r e s e n t
a resolution condemning Israel and
calling for t h e withholding of economic a n d financial aid.
T h e United Nations h a d previously asked Israel to withdraw from
t h e G a z a S t r i p and the Gulf of
Aqaba. Israel refused to withdraw
unless t h e UN gave her a g u a r a n t e e
t h a t Egypt would not regain control
of this vital area. W h e n Egypt had
b a n n e d Israel from using t h e Suez
C a n a l in 1949, t h e Israelis opened
a new t r a d e route through the Gull
of Aqaba. Egypt then seized t h e
strategic islands a t t h e m o u t h of
t h e Aqaba and c u t off Israel's only
a l t e r n a t e trade route. Israel is now
afraid t h a t Egypt will do t h e same
t h i n g a g a i n which is why she is
asking for a g u a r a n t e e before she
removes her troops.
Since Israel has refused to comply with the UN request, several n a tions h a v e urged to sanction Israel.
If this decree were carried out, Israel would become isolated.
Dag Hammarslcjold h a s urged the
G e n e r a l Assembly not to sanction
Israel. S e n a t o r s Bridges, S p a r k m a n ,
Kuchel, Knowland a n d Douglas
have all spoken out against the
sanction movement. However, t h e
Afro-Asian bloc is insistent. T h e
sanction resolution will not come
before t h e Security Council because
F r a n c e will veto the measure. If
t h e resolution is to be passed, it
will h a v e to be done in t h e G e n e r a l
Looking back over the actions
t a k e n by the United Nations in the
past, we wonder why Israel was
picked out as " t h e nation to s a n c tion," when t h e United Nations h a d
ample justification for sanctioning
o t h e r nations earlier a n d did not.
We wonder why t h e UN didn't
sanction Egypt when she disobeyed
a UN resolution calling u p o n h e r to
through t h e Suez Canal. We wonder
why the UN didn't sanction Soviet
Russia for its action in H u n g a r y .
Should t h e slaughter of men, women, and children be t a k e n lightly?
T h e UN took the time to approve
over ten resolutions on t h r H u n garian situation, yet Russia r'isregarded everyone of them. We wonder why the UN didn't sanction I n dia after she grabbed K a s h m i r .
Nehru speaks of peace. It is too
bad t h a t he doesn't practice w h a t
he preaches. India wouldn't even
allow a plebiscite. We wonder why!
Above all, we wonder why t h e UN
didn't sanction Red China who is
not even a member of the UN. Red
China's action in Korea, Burma,
Tibet, and Nepal left t h e door wide
open for a sanction movement. Yet
the UN sat idly by and instead of
hearing a sanction resolution against
Red China to the UN, we h e a r d a
resolution t h a t would have admitted
Red China to the UN if it had been
approved. It is interesting to note
I h a t the Afro-Asian bloc gave some
support to this resolution. T h e same
Afro-Asian bloc who w a n t s to s a n c tion Israel today!
Israel is lighting for her life. If
all economic and financial aid is
withheld, Israel will become a nation of t h e past. If t h r o u g h t h e
United Nations, one tiny nation,
like Israel, can be strangled into
oblivion, why can't it h a p p e n to
others? The" United S t a t e s shou'.d
take t h e lead to see to it t h a t t h e
nations of t h e free world remain
free. We should try to remember
t h a t we too were a small nation,
but we were given a c h a n c e to live.
Let's give Israel the same chance!
George Nader a n d Julie Adams
plus a cast of u n k n o w n s are grouped in a mildly a m u s i n g musical
comedy Four G)frls In Town. U n i versal should be given credit for
introducing t h e public to a group
of highly potential newcomers. J a n -
ice Rule a n d F r e d McMurray round
out t h e p r o g r a m with G u n For A
I n a n e a t c h a n g e of pace, W a r ners h a s s t a r r e d S u s a n ("I'll Cry
H a y w a r d and
("Lust For Life") Douglas in a light
comedy T o p Secret Affair. D o n ' t be
discouraged by t h e poor tag given
this solid h u n k of celluloid. It's
loaded with r i p - s n o r t i n g comedy
a n d of course Miss Hayward. Second on t h e bill is a time-killer
Tension At Table Uock with R i c h ard Egan a n d " B a t t l e Cry's" sweatT h e United S t a t e s Bureau of t h e
er girl, Dorothy Malone. You can
Census a n n o u n c e s t h a t it is offer- stock up on popcorn during this
ing a college s t u d e n t trainee p r o - one.
g r a m in statistics a t salaries of
$3,175 a n d $3,415 a year. Anyone DELAWARE
who is p l a n n i n g a career as a s t a t MGM's fine conversion of Irving
istician, and is interested in a Stone's novel Lust For Life is h e a d p a r t - t i m e or summer job leading ing for a second week here. Kirk
to Statistician positions upon com- Douglas is s t a r r e d as Van Gogh.
pleting r e q u i r e m e n t s for a B a c h e - This Technicolor production is deflor's Degree, is asked to submit an initely a must for both a r t lovers
application form obtainable a t one and art h a t e r s .
Be careful—this
of the Albany post offices or R e - movie has been playing to packed
gional Civil Service Office to t h e houses, so unless you check beforeD e p a r t m e n t of Agriculture Board hand, you may be turned away.
of Civil Service Examiners, W a s h ington 25, D. C. Upon request an LELAND
Two B films a r e placed back to
examination a n n o u n c e m e n t m a y be
back on this bill. If you really care,
obtained from the Board.
they're called Shakedown and LarT h e S t u d e n t Trainee in Statistics, ceny.
paying $3,175 per year, is available
to those who have completed one MADISON
Written on the Wind is the curyear of college within nine m o n t h s
rent a t t r a c t i o n h e r e a t the nearby
of applying.
cinema house. According to box ofT h e S t u d e n t Trainee in Statistics, fice reports, this one has become
paying $3,415 per year, is offered Universale top money maker of the
to those who will have completed past twelve m o n t h s . It's not hard
two and a half years of college to see why. Rock Hudson, Lauren
within nine m o n t h s of applying.
Bacall, Robert Stack and Dorothy
To qualify for either of these Malone are starred in this T e c h n i jobs you must be an enrolled u n - color epic. This is a n o t h e r involved
d e r g r a d u a t e college student. You ta'e of the sins and virtues of a
must pass a general aptitude test, rich southern family. Don't expect
and you must be working lor a col- a n o t h e r "Gone With the Wind.''
lege degree, which, when completed However, most of t h e footage conmust include not less t h a n fifteen tains above average
semester h o u r s of m a t h e m a t i c s and Yaqui D r u m s with J. Carroll Nash,
statistics of which at least six hours Rod Cameron ami Mary Castle is
are in statistics.
the second feature.
State College News
Bureau Offers
Statistician Jobs
T h e above picture was taken a t
one of t h e first compulsory convocations. T h e same picture holds true
today, m o n t h s later.
Union Board
Shows Slides
C o - C h a i r m e n K e n n e t h K a d e t '59
and M a r g a r e t Darzano '58 of Listening Hours under the supervision
of the S t u d e n t Union Board, a n nounce t h a t Dr. Wesley Childers,
C h a i r m a n of the Modern Language
Department, will show slides of his
recent European tour at the next
Listening Hour on Sunday, February 24.
Robert Reuss '57, C h a i r m a n of
K a d e t '59 was recently elected Secretary. Marlene F e r n e r '59 was elected to the Board a n d has been a p pointed Publicity Director.
State-Siena Basketball Game To Attract Huge Crowd;
Sauersmen Seek Fourteenth Win A t Oneonta Tonight
For the first time in ten years, State's varsity basketball squad will play Siena
College tomorrow night at the Washington Avenue Armory. This contest is expected
to draw more Albany area basketball enthusiasts than any other game played in the
Tri-City area this year,. The preliminary contest between State's JV and Siena's JV
will begin at 6:30 p.m.
The series between the two schools began in 1939. In the 1939-40 season, Siena
T h e X - r a y t e a m of the New York they do not need an X - r a y should n j n n P r i 7 h P n r p - w a r P e r i s h v s e v e n n n i n t s i n the initial encounter, 52-45. In the followS t a t e Health D e p a r t m e n t will be check with J a n e t Hood, College n i p p e d m e p i e w a i r e d s Dy s e v e n p o i n t s i n
twice in the two meetings of the schools,
set up in the Faculty Room of the physician, immediately.
mg season, the Indians emerged victorious
Monday, anThe X-ray
--'•--'- s-<•--"—
™._ ^
„..,,,„,,,,„ „,ni i a winning one game by only three points and taking the third game of the series by a
nounces Elmer C. Mathews, Assist- follows
1946. Even
Sy Fersh,until
a n t to t h e President. All students
wide margin of 62-27. Due to the second World
didn'tof resume
held many S t a t e basketball records until t h e present
Health Department Schedules
X-Rays For States Students
a r e requested to report on the day
1-2 p.m.—Aarons-Boul.
listed in the schedule below.
S t u d e n t s whose classes conflict
— Colao-Dixon.
w i t h this schedule will have the
X - r a y first a n d then report direct- Tuesday:
ly to their class as soon as com9-10 a.m. -Dodge-Fischer.
pleted. S t u d e n t s wno claim t h a t 10-11
• -Gundiach-Jatnison.
1-2 p.m. J a n s e n - K n i p e s .
- Knowlton-Lessler.
- L e s t e r - Maazarella.
D & A Council
Lists Speaker
gives you the break on f l a v o r !
WINaiuH-ttALb.M, H
Smoke WINSTON ...enjoy the snow-white filter in the cork-smooth tip!
day, the Peds couldn't stop the dominance of Siena
as t h e Loudonvllle I n d i a n s won their fourth and fifth
s t r a i g h t from the Albanians.
Statesmen At Peak For Fray
With the resumption of the series this year, Albany
Marilyn Leach '58, Chairman of Convocations Comwill be going into the game witli a much better recmittee, a n n o u n c e s t h a t there will be a Ion-legislative,
ord t h a n Siena. Prior to the S t a t e - O n e o n t a game in
and therefore non-compulsory assembly a t 10 am. toOneonta tonight, the Statesmen have built up an
day in Page Auditorium. This assembly will consist
outstanding 13-3 record while Siena has a reversal ol
of a pep rally in preparation for our junior varsity
our record, 3-13. prior to their Wednesday n i g h t
and varsity basketball games with Siena College tofray with Iona.
morrow night.
Coach Sauers' starting line-up w.'l depend heavily
Also on the agenda is a speecli by Coach Sauers to
on the results of the Oneonta game tonight. In an
the S t u d e n t Association. He will introduce the mema t t e m p t to get back on the winning side a l t e r last
bers of t h e team to tile students for t h e first time
Sati relay's loss to New Britain, Coach Sauers i.s
this year.
switching ills starting live to include Gary Holway,
These are the Cheerleaders who are supporting the
J o h n Rookwood, Jack Minon, J o h n McDonough a n d
team this year: Beverly Wylam, Marie Carbone, SenDon Bearden. Couch Dan Cunhu of Siena will probiors; Rosemary Salltinlcola, Arlene Slusarz, Beverly
ably start J o h n Obermayer, Bill Nash, Jack Weaver,
Ross, Marilyn Cavender, Sally llarter, Gayle Petty,
F r a n k Connelly and Red Singsheiin.
Junior*; G r a c e Pulmissanu, M a r j o n e Wemple, Hence
The Statesmen are out to prove t h a t they can break
Wallace, Denise Hurley, Sophomores; C a t h e r i n e Rosso, Barbara Kennell, freshmen.
the past Siena d o m i n a n c e and win what lor t h e m
is the biggest game of the current
campaign. Pictured above in t h e
wide - lens photograph
are six
members of the 1950-57 edition of
the S t a t e varsity; Gary Holway,
who has 311 points to date, J o h n
Rookwood, wlio lias an average of
17.33 points a game, Don Mayer,
p a r t u r e in order• to get un inter- when they're necessary. But I'm in- second on the team in rebounds,
Jack Minon, Captain of the Peds,
view. 1 'ollowing is the story us lie clined to think t h a t 1 deserved a and Dick Causey and Tom Hoppey
told it.
who may wurk Into t h e starling
T h e reporter told Minerva about I eople will never learn. Too bad
line-up tomorrow night.
her recent news-making
events, you have to knock some people over
Minervu shook her head in u know- the head with an opportunity to do Evenly Matched
ing nod. "Yes," she suid, "I know some good. I hope you have enough
Although t h e team won-lost recall about it and that's the reason sense to tell this story. None of this ords arc exceedingly diverse, the
1 decided to talk to .someone. I Just secrecy stuff!"
teams shape up quite evenly. Siena
T h e reporter assured
can't u n d e r s t a n d why so m u c h seundoubtedly h a s played the toughcrecy is being placed on my story. t h a t her words would be told. Beer
schedule, but they have lost to
For all people know around here, I
might j u s t as well have walked u p - Minerva if she had any solution to Hartwiek twice, while t h e S t a t e s stairs myself. Alter standing a r o u n d her own case and any other slm m e n recently walloped the same
h e r e for so m a n y years, I welcomed ilar cases. She replied, "I think the team. T h e fact t h a t Siena plays t h e
the change of scenery. But I s u g - whole place needs more interest, less majority of its home games on t h e
gest everyone m u s t have their se- secrecy, a n d someone to t u r n me spacious Artnory court gives t h e m a
crets. Secrets a r e a good thing around."
slight court advantage.
Why Must Secret Of Capture Remain Hidden?
Statue Reveals Refreshing Change Of Scenery
Time out for flavor! -and what flavor! This filter cigarette
tastes rich and full. And its pure, snowy-white filter does the job
so well the flavor really comes through. Winston is the
filter cigarette you enjoy— that's why it's America's favorite!
9-10 a.m.- - M e a d - M u r d o c h .
Dramatics and Ar' Council will
1-2 p.m. Qulrk-Salem.
present Walt Witcover, who will
speak on the topic "Getting the
Show on in New York" Thursday
a t It p.m. in Brubucher Upper Thursday:
9-10 a.m. Swc/.iex-Zwakhals.
Lounge, announces Barbara HungT h ii s e who
erford '57, President.
earlier dates.
S t u d e n t Union Hoard i.s sponsoring u coffee hour utter the lecture
Witcover is a t present a partner
of "Witcover and L u U Productions"
In New York City. He is also ,1
teacher of acting in New York Willi
his own studio. P a r t of his educational background includes receiving
his B.A. ulld M.A. at Cornell. He is
At lust It can be fold I Altel
a member of Phi Beta Kappa. During the wai' he served with the weeks of checking and rocheukiug
armed forces in Europe where he in order to verily t h e facts, the
directed several plays in Germany. story ol an interview that has
Besides teaching acting he has scooped every newspaper in the
also performed in a number of New country, can at bust be told.
Several weeks ago, a member ol
York stage productions and on television. Moreover, he has directed the News stall told of a .strange
olf-Broadway productions in New und enlightening interview t h a t he
York, and
numerous hud received quite by accident. It
seems t h a t he was about to leave
Two years ago he and Paul Pettit, Draper late one evening, when he
Professor of English, collaborated heard a voice call to him, T h e voice,
on the set designs lor State Col.ege's lie discovered, belonged to none
production of "Girls in Uniforms." other t h a n our lime-honored p a t "
'•••• ruuess, Minerva. Realizing t h a t ho
Witcover produced the
same play
off-Broadway a tew months after had r u n across t h e scoop ol the century, the reporter delayed his d e Its presentation here.
Cheerleaders Direct Rally
In Page Hall Convocation
Revival Meeting . . .
Politicians7 Paradise
Sororities, Fraternities Pledge
249 Freshmen, Upperclassmen
KafUtal Kxup&U
"Checking a second half State surge, the Siena Indians
dumped the Purple and Gold Tuesday night to t h e tune of PALACE
a 62-41 score. Siena jumped off to a commanding lead in Wings of t h e Eagle with J o h n
the first quarter and, substituting freely, held their lead Wayne, M a u r e e n O'Sullivan, D a n
Dailey a n d W a r d Bond. This is t h e
story of F r a n k "Spig" Wead,
This paragraph appeared in the News on February true
(the Navy's c o u n t e r p a r t of t h e
21, 1947—the last article to appear on a State-Siena bas- Army's Billy Mitchell), a n d h i s
struggle for Congressional s u p p o r t
ketball game until this year.
The game tomorrow is a big one for Coach Sauers' for bigger a n d better aircraft c a r T h e r e ' s t h e usual cornball
squad. State possesses by far the better record of the two riers.
aoout driving ambition vs. love, b u t
clubs, but it is generally conceded that the Siena Indians in the m a i n it is a n interesting a n d
have played the rougher schedule. At any rate, the revival informative movie. T h e second featof the local competition promises to be the outstanding- ure is P h a n t o m Stagecoach with
William B i s h o p
a n d Cathleen
game of the year for the Purple and Gold, and you can be Crowley.
A western.
sure they'll be playing their best brand of ball to win it. STRAND
Undoubtedly, Siena rooters will be out in full force T h e Big Land with Allan Ladd
tomorrow night at the Washington Avenue Armory. Our and Virginia Mayo. Yup— it's a
too. Also showing is Dance
home court, the tiny Page Gym, has been packed to the western
With Me Henry with Abbott a n d
rafters for each home game so far this year. The armory Costello. They're back again on t h e
is a big place—its seating capacity far exceeds t h a t of screen! Let's all go to t h e S t r a n d
Page. There's plenty of room for everyone, a n d the price and . . . O h to heck with it, let's
go to Cal's what d'ya say Joe?
is more than fair for this top attraction,
The game tomorrow night could be a memorable one MADISON
Zarak with Victor M a t u r e a n d
for this college, since State hoopsters have yet to conquer Anita Eckberg It's a movie about
the Loudonville warriors once, while they hold five victories Egypt a n d th< p h a r o a h s a n d t h a t
over us. So, why not be on hand tomorrow night to watch sort of stuff. Y'know, we j u s t c a n ' t
Anita floating down t h e
State College sports history in the making? Up to yester- picture
. . . but then. . . Hm? Coday noon, the Varsity Club had sold over four hundred Nile
featured is Reprisal with G u y M a d tickets to the game. That's a fair crowd, but it could, and ison a n d Felicia Farr. Another
should, be much larger. Tomorrow night, let's all—not western y e t !
only students, but also members of the faculty and admin- LELAND
Vigilante Terror with Wild Bill
istration, swarm down to the Washington Avenue Armory. Elliot
a n d Mary K a y Allen. T h i s is
Let's show our team that the whole school is behind them. a great week for westerns! T h e sec-
*fUm Open
"See the conquering hero comes!
Sound t h e trumpets, heat t h e d r u m s ! "
Tomorrow night, a t t h e Armory, we'll see our valiant t e a m engage in
a feat of cooperative courage a n d strategy. F o r m a n y weeks t h e team
has practiced h a r d to reach t h e top, a n d now we hope t h a t everyone
will be there to h e l p t h e m beat Siena. If you have a d a t e , come along
and bring "it." We've got a new fight song; let's all sing it. Whatever
the outcome may be, our spirit a t t h e g a m e is w h a t counts. Don't forget t h e S U B d a n c e after t h e game! Dig down a n d get t h a t dollar out
now! T o s t a r t t h e ball rolling, be sure a n d a t t e n d the p e p rally in a s sembly today!
Mr. Walt Witcover, Broadway producer a n d acting teacher, will
speak in Brubacher upper lounge, T h u r s d a y , February 28, a t 8 p.m.
Topic of the talk will be . . . "Getting t h e Show on in New York." Free
eats afterwards, courtesy of SUB, again. All prospective T a b H u n t e r s
and J a y n e Mansfields, please take note.
"Why is there so much mayonnaise on t h e sandwiches in t h e cafeteria?
"Why are dorm fees being raised?"
"Why do so m a n y freshmen have to live in a p a r t m e n t s ? "
T h e simple solution to these a n d m a n y other common problems lies
in t h e h a n d s of t h e S t u d e n t - F a c u l t y Corporation. Pretty stupid of us
not to bother to have a student, representative on this corporation;
don't you agree?
G O I N G . . . G O I N G . . . GONE
Now t h a t we've seen t h e climax and descending action of rushing,
it's good to sec relaxed faces for a change. F o r those groups who d i d n ' t
get all the people they wanted, we're sure t h a t a t least your sincerity
h a s made a lasting impression on t h e minds of the people who received
bids from you, a n d they h a d t h e feeling t h a t they were considered. A.s
for t h e new pledges, we hope you made t h e right decisions. Only you c a n
ond picture is a n old oldie, Boys know if you did. and if you are happy, there should be no doubt. F o r
Town with Spencer Tracy a n d t h e independents—"They also serve who only s t a n d a n d wait." . . . And
Mickey Rooney. Highly r e c o m m e n d - probably better, too!
ed to those who h a v e n ' t seen it, a n d
n.any who have, will w a n t to see it A PAIN IN T H E NECK
Various overheard c o m m e n t s indicate t h a t t h e forthcoming P a r e n t s '
Day isn't even worth bothering about. This could be so. but why don't
Wiiil it's back again for a third we try something before we condemn it? I t couldn't be t h a t any of our
weeK. Lust for Life with K i r k .students would be ashamed of their school, could it? . . . or are they
Douglas a n d Anthony Qulnn is sti.l ashamed of their parents?
packing them in a t the Delaware, MONDAY N I G H T MUMBLINGS, MAYBE?
i We h a d to s t a n d in the rear of t h e
Eeny meeny APA . . . Miney Moe E E P
t h e a t r e for 20 m i n u t e s before we got
Catch the S L S . . . By the KB toe.
Why no a n n o u n c e m e n t s in assembly? Seems to us t h a t in t h e good
T h e Wild Party with Anthony
Q u l n n a n d Carol O h m a r t . Also old days gone by, a n n o u n c e m e n t s were t h e only enjoyable p a r t of m a n y
assemblies. IVCF, anyone?
showing is Four Boys a n d a G u n .
We hear t h e KB cat is living in luxury. (Nine crates ..1' oranges?i
not recommended for
Could be t h a t Draper 349 will be banned lor six m o n t h s ; seems t h a t
young impressionable S t a t e stuI n t e r n a t i o n a l Film G r o u p is soon to present a r a t h e r "choice" film.
d e n t s ! However, a movie sure to Good excuse to c u t classes, h u h ?
arouse interest, T h e T e n ComWhen is " T h e P e n g u i n " going to s t a r t s t r u t t i n g a r o u n d ? We've been
m a n d m e n t s , is scheduled for a n i n - waiting for it since C h r i s t m a s !
definite r u n exclusively a t t h e Rite
starting March 2(1. W h e t h e r s t u d e n t QUESTION O F T H E WEEK
W h a t do t h e presidents of the freshman a n d Sophomore classes have
rates will be available is n o t known
in common?
at present.
This week we saw the first basic and progressive step
taken in the drive for revision in government and elections.
Election Commission, a board of five members which regulates all elections, has removed all restrictions from campaigning procedures. Candidates now are able to conduct
campaigns unrestrained from rules pertaining to expenditures, posters, rallies and speeches. It is now possible for
the individual to make speeches any time he is able to
attract an audience and he can run as extensive a campaign as he wishes.
It is not difficult to see that this one step could set
off all kinds of repercussions. One of the first possibilities
is how easily political parties could be formed. Any group
of individuals who feels strong enough to come forth for
a particular candidate or candidates has the opportunity
to organize into a political party. All it takes is a little
initiative and imagination. The problem of an uninformed
electorate who do not even realize that there is an election, without even hoping to know the candidates, should
no longer exist. Parties which utilize the techniques of
advertisement will have their candidates' names before Ga/Uao+i GarUeAt
the public at every turn—candidates who will have to
The cartoon caption contest sponpossess qualifications which justify their running for an
by t h e NEWS doses Monday
office. In other words the spotlight is going to force these asored
t II p.m. S t u d e n t s may submit e n individuals to be more capable, better informed and it is tries to Marie Dettmer, .Joseph
S/.areU, or .Art I'lotniU. Consult last
going to keep them on their toes.
issue of t h e MOWS for comHowever, more campaigning is going to necessitate week's
plete details.
one more very important feature. The voter will have to
be more critical in his judgment of candidates. It will be
his obligation to genuinely criticize the value of the material presented to him. He will have to sift the important
from the trivial, the just from the unjust, and the truth
from the pure fits of imagination.
the Editors:
The first step has hfen taken, the right is ours. Let ToMembers
ol Student Association
us proceed to use this privilege to its fullest extent.
should be well aware ol new plans
'o-mmutuca tio+U
regarding the revision ol policies
and altitudes at S t a i r with respect
to vital non-academic concerns.
Where can we, a.s students, assume
major responsibilities on consolidatfcSlAULISHED
MAY 1 9 1 6
ing man}, small commit lefts and
councils? What about centralizing
I H E CLASS OF 1 9 1 8
.oii.il weekends.' What about Resi'I'm independent!"
dence Council? Where r a n InterSci mill Place ACT t r a t r r n i f y - I n l r r s o r o r i l y Council be
First u ! i.e CSPA
Krol n.11', 22, I9.;>7
No. :i more elleclive? What, about grownV O L XI.II
up students being responsible to
M l i i l i b r l • '.I I'.r NKWH .i ill in.; . hr
W . I I I I . ' . M I I H i n . i n 'I • , , themselves lur a ehanueV How about
.'. i:i.(li
KM I 1
I I |) in tnul ' l u i - . i i . n 11oiii -I I O il |i HI
l i f t I N M I H\t l l l i t l
.January to J a n u a r y elections lur
H z . i r c k JIIH7II
l l l l r h n i t k 2 lii'Mi
all orgiuilzal ions anil S A oil ices?
N I l l l i ' l K ! iKlil.lli
lli-u . | i . i j i i ' l
ill II
VniK Hi,
Why shouldn't students have someljubJUhed
" m
ul ' H i - i s , ! ! . , ; ,
•:WK i l . , . m l l i . i
thing to sa\ about lonil III Hit' I K I l i . W , FEBRUARY
dorms, culelrria a n d snack bit/'.' 10:00 a in Convocation, Page Hall
VI \ l t l l 111 I IMI It
I I I I.ill!, i In i hii'l
What is t h e Student Faculty CorpI O S I I'll s/.AKIK
( V I ' . I I I I I H In-Chief
M i t l i r n I.MVKINIT
oration; where are their funds go- SAT!IRDAV, I'EURI'ARV M
1:00 p.in Natl.ami Intercollegiate Bridge T o u r n a m e n t , Urilbucher
I'ulilii lUlitlluna Keillor ing? Why r a n i we break the old
7:00 p i n s t a l e vs. Hiciia, Washington Avenue Armory
ISunluukx Ailvinllnliig I illlui
Clriululltiu I.illtui tradition ol compulsory assemblies? 10(10 p i n Basketball Dance. Hrubarher
M.Utl.lMi \< KI.IOIVN
Auuulittii Iilllur
vi w n i n / . i ' M H U K
Myskaula is p l a n u m ; a meeting
AsbimUlu l.illt
VVM » till m i n i s
iilllur Willi the President anil the Deans
:i 00 p.ui SDH Collie Hour, Dr. Childeis, Brubacher
A-.MMi.il, l l l l l l H
responsibilPout urn lid Ui
An m i a 1 ' i i i i M h
5 00 p.ill L u t h e r a n Sttuleut Association meeting, St. J o h n ' s Lutheran
Spuria M l t i n ities that the students are ready and
I mi .iilum I'ulilii Itelulluiib lilllm V.lllltlg to lake upon tliniiselves. II
I IIIIMIIUIK |tUkliif»n ItiVurtUliig l.illli.i
7:00 p.in Canterbury Club Hireling. Cathedral Guild House.
_ _ _ ^ ^ _ ^
C l I I I M l l l . l I l t S u m In l i l l l o i
for t h a t m a t t e r , lust a .strong view- TUESDAY, I'EURI AitY ill
si.ill riinliijriiliiiri
WII.I.AHII ( i l l I I I I I
point, be sure to makt tlicm known H:00 p.Ill, M.vskania Collee Hour lor Hee.ond Semester freshmen and
All (omnium'.ii.i'n • i>lio»l(l I'u nUdroMJil Ui Llie udilur mid nana lit Mgiiud Nuiiiua to any Myskania member. In this
translcrs, Brubacher,
M,ill be wlUibuld cm n;i|Ui:i.i Tim STATE UOLUSCJE NKWb UMUIIII-K im ris»|ioiii..bllHy
lor (jpiiiloiift i AJHI ...imI in ltd colmnm, or uuiniuujilcullonft, as MHII UXIJII ;,.ijwn.s ii,, jlt,i way. we can take Hie ideas a n d
III*.*:t>.>urlly rt-llt.'tl i'a v.l'Wb
us when we meet with the Adminis- (i:30 p.m. S t u d e n t Chcristian Association business meeting a n d dinner,
E m a n u e l Baptist Church.
II no p i n DcVA Speaker, Mr. Witcover, Brubacher
College Calendar
Sorority a n d fraternity rushing Sigma P h i Sigma
Edward Eldred Potter Club
came to a climax Tuesday, as 156
SigB e r n a r d Robbins '57, President of
a m a z i n g inexpensive endeavor, a c - women a n d 93 m e n pledged t h e
m a P h i Sigma, announces t h e fol- t h e E d w a r d Eldred P o t t e r Club, a n knowledging t h e fact t h a t within several Greek houses on c a m p u s .
lowing f r e s h m a n
Ellen nounces t h e pledging of t h e followour skulls there exist few barriers
B r i g h t m a n , Elaine Budoff, Sheiia ing freshmen:
to interfere with the passage of a K a p p a Delta
Deutsch, Sheila Eckhaus, Sally G a l - R i c h a r d B e n n e t t , R i c h a r d
n u m b e r of small particles. I n fact,
Ann Kinsler '57, President of lup, Eleanor Glickman,
F r a n c e s Owen Davis, T h o m a s Farrell, R o b one might conceive of a rather violent reaction occurring as t h e potent Kappa Delta, a n n o u n c e s t h e pledg- Greenberg, Maxine Grossman, C a r o - ert Fratancelo, Robert G i b h a r d t ,
ing of the following
freshmen: lyn
Kimmel, K e n n e t h Gifford, Alan Hayes, S p e n rays encounter a pure vacuum.
Margaret Adams, J o a n Alcorn, J u n e Myrna Michaelberg, Frances Off- cer Herbst, Alan Jaquays, Eric
Fourthly, t h e cranial
X - R a y s Alexander, S h e a Allen, Elizabeth
richt, M i r i a m Ptalis, Linda R e i t - Kafka, Charles K a n e , H o w a r d Lesm i g h t once a n d for all eliminate any Coogan, Rose Carbone, Patricia D e berg, E d i t h Rider, Arlene Samiof, ter, J o h n McDonough,
consideration of securing a school Member, R o b e r t a D o s h ,
Sheila Eleanor Schwartz, Rhea Schwartz, Milne, Douglas Penfield, Gregory
.psychologist, t h a t which 1 have per- Doyle, J e a n i n e Farwell, Priscilla
Sylvia Steinhoff, J u d i t h Weisberg. Pryor, Paul Risenberger, P e t e r S a petually m a i n t a i n e d is as necessary Herbst, Lorraine L a t t a , Nancy M c Ann Less.er '59 was also pledged.
varie, Patrick Sciallo, Arthur S t r a s to a large a n d impoverished body Gowan, C a t h e r i n e Martone, Joyce
sle, J a m e s Thompson, Robert Wila.s a dozen medical doctors. T h e Rosne.l, Shirley Stewart, B a r b a r a G a m m a K a p p a l'hi
liams. Also pledged were; Hugo Vigrays, famous for their sterilizing ef- Thompson. Also pledged were Rita
G a m m a K a p p a P h i pledged t h e giana '59, a n d C o n r a d Conero, E d fects, might hopefully sterilize t h e Lesko '59 a n d J o a n n e Marro '58.
following girls Tuesday night, a n - ward Ostremba, F r a n k S h a n n o n ,
minds ot all students against t h e
nounces J u n e Studley '57, President: and Robert Whalcn, Juniors.
ill of life, while rendering t h e m I'si G a m m a
Elizabeth Aceto. Judy Billharz, C a r impotent as seekers of t h a t breeder
K a p p a Beta
Mary Lou Meiser, President of Psi oline Byline, Mary Campbell, Carol
of all questionable entities, knowlP e t e r Dykeman '57, President of
G a m m a , announces t h e lollowing Dean, J o a n DeLeo, Olgo E c k h a r d t ,
G r a c e Engols, Patricia Fitzgerald, K a p p a Beta, announces t h e pledging
T h u s , I hope to have suggested a
Audrey Hall, Mary Havens, Flor- of t h e following: J o h n Anderson,
valuable extension of clinical serv- Beers, Levina Bright, Audrey Broadence Hughes, G r a c e Nesbitt, Marie Robert Battaly, S t e p h e n Hoover,
ice, one t h a t would serve us well.
Charles Huntress, Joseph Ilardo,
Geraldine Garner, Evelyn Gilbert, P a g a n o , S u z a n n e Palenik, Joyce
Donald Jackson, Anthony Miano,
Mary Gird, Mary G u n t h e r , Marjorie Pennucci, Nancy Rishel, Marcia
Zarzycki, K e n n e t h Ormiston, Michael Sabini,
Hamelin, Nellie Hemingway, Audrey Van
Philip Shepherd, William T h o m p Hurd, Dorothy Leizer, J e a n M e r - freshmen; Valerie Burns '59, a n d
son, J o h n Trombly, Richard True,
slion, M a r i a n n e Moran, Josephine Ellen Dosch '58.
freshmen; Edward Gallagher '59,
Pietruch, J a n e t Reigle,
and A r t h u r Clausen, Clayton L a Beta
Rutenber, Gail S m i t h , freshmen;
Valle, Juniors.
J o a n DuBois a n d Elizabeth Reed,
Nancy L o u p r e t t e '57, President of
Beta Zeta, a n n o u n c e s t h e follow- Sigma Lambda Sigma
ing pledges: B a r b a r a Kennell, A n Sigma L a m b d a Sigma h a s pledged
Chi Sigma T h e t a
gela Castagnella, Phyllis Mallory, the following announces Alan H u t Jerry Stickle and his band will be
C a t h e r i n e Antonucci. Joyce Ar- C a t h e r i n e Rosso, Carol Ruszczyk, chinson, President: Clark Baker,
leatured a t a dance to be held by thurton, G r a c e Barberri, Rosemarie Estelle K a u f m a n , Sara Espey, M a r i - J a c k Burton, F r a n k Cannizzo, WilS t u d e n t Union Board
tomorrow Bordinaro, Beverly Burke, Mari yn a n n e Barczewski, Sonia
Pelton, liam Cole, Fred Collins, Robert
night. T h e dance, to take place after Burns, J o a n Cali, Marria Cavanaugh, J o a n Novak, J u d y Pearlsone, Judy D'Andrea, Richard Godfrey, Roland
the S t a t e College-Siena basketball Catherine Delehant, Ann Foley, Metzgar, a n d Mary Milks.
game, will be held in Brubacher J o a n Hagon, Ethel Hart, S a n d r a
Also, Anne Fleming,
Lorrinda Hart, Arthur Labadua, Dotninick
Hail. T h e members of t h e Siena Howe, B a r b a r a Hubbard, Patricia
Houghton, Linda Matson, R h o d a Mancino, Stanley Myslinski, Arnold
team as well as those of the S t a t e J o r d a n , Teresa Kerwin, M a r t h a LesLevin, Nancy Dickson, Ann M c - Rothstein, J a m e s S p a n n b a u e r , Stevteam will a t t e n d t h e dance, accord- sick, Christine Mazur, K a t h e r i n e
Laughlin, K a r e n Masterpolo, Susan en Taylor, E d w a r d Vesneske, Donald
ing to Marilyn Darzano a n d Wil- O'Connor, Mary K a t h e r i n e P a c h a k ,
Po.lack, Clare Jerome, freshmen; Wager, Charles Weed, freshmen;
liam DeGroat, Juniors, Co-chair- Nancy Lou Ryan, Eleanor Stone,
Marilyn S a v e n d e r '58, and Eliza- David Donovan, P e d r o Lay, Reginald
men of t h e Dance Committee.
Lesnieski, J o h n Quirk, Sophomores;
C a t h e r i n e Tartaglia, Monica T r a s - beth Silva.
and Lawrence J. Baker, Sean MorSUB will hold a c o f f e e hour kus, freshmen; and Carol Alger '58
ris, Juniors.
Sunday, from 3 to 5 p m , in Bru- have been pledged to Chi Sigma Phi Delta
bacher Upper Lounge. J . Wesley 1'heta, announces Mary F u r n e r '57,
J o a n V a n Dusen, President, a n - Alpha Pi Alpha
Childers, C h a i r m a n of the Modern President.
nounces t h a t t h e following have
Edward J o n e s '57, President of
Language Department, a n d Mrs.
pledged P h i D e l t a : J o a n B a r r e t t , Alpha Pi Alpha, announces t h e
Childers will show slides of France,
Boyle, Shirley
Clarke, pledging of t h e following freshmen:
Switzerland, England, a n d Italy a t
J a n i s Clum, Irene Domenico, D i a n e Richard Bissell, Charles Bollenthe affair. Thursday evening in BruDonovan, J a n i c e G a e r t n e r , A n n bach, William Bonney, Clinton C o bacher Upper Lounge, Dramatics
Gilligan, Ellen Gruen, Donna H a r - vell, Richard Cox, David Fe'.dman,
and Arts Council will hold a coffee
ris, Diane Hoose, Frances Jadick, David Ferris, Charles Fowler, Richhour d i n i n g which a guest speaker
and M a u r e e n Kennedy.
ard H a t h a w a y , Joseph Hickey, P a u l
will be featured. Everyone is inAlso, S u s a n n e Kronmiller, B a r - Hooker, Neil Jurinski, Edward K e n vited to a t t e n d both of these funcb a r a Lessen, Carol Mallozzi, L i n d a ney, F r a n k Krivo, Decker Pardee,
tions, report. Miss Darzano and KenSteward,
Nicandri, J o a n n e Recor, M a r i a n Gerald Pickard, Roger
neth Kadef '59, Co-chairmen ol the
Silvester, Caroline Tripp, freshmen; Merritt Taylor, William Thiesen,
is already in evidence, especicommittee.
Carol Webers, Carol Bemus, Adri- Lee Upcralt, Ronald Webb. T h o m a s
al'y a m o n g t h e Sophomores who
I'iine Sitterly,
Sophomores, a n d Thompson '59 a n d T h o m a s Sullivan
are in the dire throes of the
'58 were also pledged.
Marilyn D a r z a n o '58.
slump so typical of their class.
One such Sophomore was r e cently t h e subject of amazed
stares a n d c o m m e n t s by n u m e r ous students who were engrossed
in finding their way to the colEdward
L. Cooper, Professor
lege for a n eight o'clock class.
nt Commerce, announces the rcWe were asking the policequin clients for Business Education
woman on the corner for direcstudents interested in joining Pi
tions to Western Avenue (you'd
Omega Pi.
be surprised how dark it is at
All those who are interested and
seven in t h e morning I when t h e
believe that they meet the necesSoph in question strolled by.
sary qualifications to become a
She looked charming in her red
member are asked to put their
checked scarf, grey coat, a n d
names and a transcript ol their last
blue plaid slippers. Yes, blue
semester marks, September, 11)5(1 to
plaid slippers. We laid her about
J a n u a r y , 1057, in all envc ope lo be
it and she was shucked at her
left with Cooper in Diaper 330.
mistake. She r a n home and
T r a n s c r i p t s should be submitted on
when we saw h e r next she h a d
,,r before March I, 1957 and will
changed her attire, a n d I must
be returned as soon a.s possible,
admit a blue scarf did go better
Qualilications for membership inHe strolled through a keyhole into my house,
with her outfit.
clude a minimum ol 15 semester
A dignified, well-bred upper-class louse;
hours in business subjects and Ii
smiled in a most superior way
• n u t .iter hours in education with a
said, "Man has just about seen his day.
p lint average ol either 3.0 in ComIf you'll take my advice for what it's worth
merce and Education and 21) average in all college subjects considerTreat insects nice, they'll inherit the earth!
ed as a group, or 2.75 in Commerce
Try to be beyond reproach
and Education and 2,5 in all college
In your dealings with the roach . . .
subjects considered a.s a grin p.
N e x t week, t h e traveling X - R a y
show will peer into t h e private lives
of S t a t e s m e n . T h e X - R a y people
do us a n a d m i r a b l e service. They
assure us t h a t within t h e nicotine
crusted walls of our lungs, there
l e m a i n s enough space to inhale a n d
exhale the smoke of the commons
until it is time for t h e next year's
X - R a y . I g r a n t t h a t this service is
indispensable if we are to be free
from t h e hypocondriacal worries
t h a t plague t h e weak mind, but a n
X - R a y of t h e chest is n o t enough.
T h u s I propose t h a t in addition to
this, we be compelled to undergo
a cranial e x a m i n a t i o n . T h e r e a r e
several advantages of including t h e
head in our a n n u a l X - R a y .
Firstly, it would be a n act of
considerable ease to lower oneself
in t h e m a c h i n e a n d thereby place
t h e head between t h e two plates on
which t h e chest was observed. Admittedly, m a n y of our heads are
somewhat larger t h a n our chests, but
should this p h e n o m e n a prove a h i n d r a n c e , the a t t e n d i n g nurse will
gladly submit a n u m b e r of insults
designed to deflate t h e ego and
shrink the head.
Secondly, t h e n a t u r e of diseases
t h a t t h r e a t e n t h e brain box are of
a far greater urgency t h a n the
microbes of mediocrity t h a t fester
within the confines of our bellows,
especially since our noble institution is concerned primarily with
growth of lung < though I would
fain fill my lungs before my mind
with much of t h e knowledge dispensed herein i.
Thirdly, the act of firing X-Rays
t h r o u g h our heads would prove a n
State Offers
Adult Course
In Geography
T h e H u d s o n - M o h a w k Council on
Educational Television a n n o u n c e s
t h a t a fifteen-week collegiate course
in Introductory Geography
W R G B has s t a r t e d as of February
4, 1957. T h e course is given by the
New York S t a t e College for T e a c h ers a t Albany of t h e S t a t e University of New York.
Howard Flierl, Associate Professor of Geography in the D e p a r t m e n t
of Social Studies, teaches Hie
course from 11-11:30 a.m., Monday,
Wednesday, a n d Friday ol each
week through May 27 except, on
April 15, 10, 17, 19, a n d 1!2 during
t h e spring recess of t h e college.
is a
course offered in the regular session of the S l a t e University's College lor Teachers for its u n d e r g r a d uate students, T h e televised course.
Geography 4, is designed to provide
adults with a basic understanding:
ot our world as t h e home ol m a n .
It studies in particular the distribution of population over the e a r t h
and surveys the varied relations developed between m a n a n d his physical environment.
T h e televised course is also e x I cried lo help the viewer in u n d e r standing and interpreting national,
international a n d scientific events.
It is one ol the .several phases ol
the program planned for the year
1057-5(1 which h a s been designated
a.s International Geophysical Year
T h e purpose ol the program is In
explore and to study the geography
ol both familiar and unlaiiuliar
a i e a s ol the world.
SUB Sponsors
At Brubacher
Pi Omega Pi
Set Standards
Stale Sheet
Albany, N. Y.
at the
Bedbugs, ants and spiders, too.
Don't forget . . . WE'RE WATCHING YOU!"
MORALs Well . . . until Louie takes
over, take your pleasure BIG. Smoke
Chesterfield . . . and smoke for real!
Packed more smoothly by
ACCU.RAY, it's the smoothest
tasting smoke today.
Smoke for rtol . . . *mok« Chesterfield!
$50 for every philosophical verse accepted for publication. Chesterfield, P.O. Box 21, New York 46, N.Y.
O U„*cU * Ui*[i TuUrcu I',,.
Clothes May Bring Fame
For Well-Dressed Dame
By R A R Y F I T Z P A T R I C K
If you a r e beautiful, shapely, a n d News offers you a chance for p u b wear clothes (this s t a t e m e n t e x - licity a n d fortune.
cludes males a l t h o u g h m a n y fall
T h r o u g h t h e aid of a n o t h e r p u b u n d e r t h e criteria m e n t i o n e d ) you lication, G l a m o u r Magazine, a s p e will undoubtedly be famous. B u t i n cial comimittee will select t h e best
case you meet only t h e t h i r d r e - dressed college woman (now do you
q u i r e m e n t a n d wish fame despite males u n d e r s t a n d why you're n o t
your handicaps, t h e S t a t e College eligible?) from S t a t e who will compete with candidates submitted by
colleges from all over t h e country.
Ten winners will be selected a n d
photographed for t h e August issue
of G l a m o u r a n d receive the coveted (?) "Best Dressed" award.
Tuesday evening a t 8 p.m., M y s - We h a d a n opportunity t o hold
k a n i a will hold a coffee h o u r in election by open ballot b u t t h e d e t h e upper lounge a t B r u b a c h e r Hall cision went to t h e more democratic
for t h e purpose of welcoming the idea of a secret committee. T h e l a t second semester freshmen and t r a n s - ter is secret a t t h e present time
fer students to S t a t e College, a n - mainly because it h a s not been s e nounces Robert B u r n s '57, Vice- lected. I n judging the contest, howC h a i r m a n of Myskania.
ever, the m e m b e r s to be, assure m e
At the coffee n o u r t h e new stu- t h a t all believe t h a t good grooming,
dents will be able to imeet D e a n s taste, a n d p l a n n i n g are more i m than
i although
Oscar E. Lanford a n d David H a r t - p o r t a n t
ley, a n d S t u d e n t Association of- bribes will be accepted).
ficers. They will be afforded a n will follow shortly. T h e contest m a y
opportunity to discuss S t a t e College begin a t a n y time so be sure to be
dressed a t any a n d all times.
Deans Welcome
New Students
Local Television Student Council Accepts
Board's Recommendations
Studio Offers
Part-Time Jobs
J a m e s Leonard, Associate P r o fessor of English, announces t h a t
W T R I - T V is offering p a r t - t i m e jobs
to a n y s t u d e n t attending t h e college who is interested in television
work. T h e p l a n as it is now conceived will consist of a half hour
p r o g r a m on Friday evenings from
7:30 until 8 p.m. T h e program will
feature t h e p a n t o m i n e of sneak preview records by s t u d e n t s interested
in this type of acting.
T h e coordinator a n d sponsor of
the show is Robert Reed, well
known television figure. According
to Reed, t h e television group will
consist of from eighteen to t w e n t y three people from high schools and
colleges a r o u n d t h e Albany area.
T h e a p p e a r a n c e of those chosen to
be televised will work on a rotation
basis with emphasis placed on t h e
talent of t h e individual a n d the
nearness of his facial c h a r a c t e r i s tics to t h e person to be imitated.
Anyone interested in auditioning
is asked to contact Leonard.
T h e regular Wednesday
meeting of S t u d e n t Council was
called to order a t 7:30 p.m. by Clyde
Payne, P r e s i d e n t of SA.
Committee reports were t h e first
order of business. T h e Convocations
Committee ruled t h a t m e m b e r s of
the Constitutional Review C o m m i t tee must a t t e n d all legislative convocations. As a result of this ruling t h e latter committee will have
to schedule its meetings a t a n o t h e r
Richard Feldman '57, Choreographer for State College Review, s t a t ed t h a t t h e rehearsals indicate t h a t
"Plain a n d F a n c y " will be a huge
success. T h e agenda for P a r e n t s '
Weekend was read a n d approved by
Council. T h i s a g e n d a includes a
general welcome to p a r e n t s , open
houses, a n d a music a n d readingfestival. T h e date set for this event
is Saturday, M a r c h 16.
Beth Beehler '57, Editor-in-Chief,
reported to Council t h a t this year's
Pedagogue will not be ready by
Moving-Up Day, but will be out by
Bridge Fans
MESSAGE to Botany majors: today's lesson is easy. No
spore lore, plant, cant or stalk talk. Just the fact that
Luckies' fine tobacco is A-l Puff Stuff! This information
won't help you graduate, but it'll cue you to the best
smoking you ever had. You see, fine tobacco means
better taste. A Lucky is all fine tobacco . . . nothing but
mild, good-tasting tobacco that's TOASTED to taste
even better. Why settle for less? You'll say a Lucky is
the best-tasting cigarette you ever smoked!
Do yuii like (i) .shirk work? Hero's Homo easy money
- s h i r t Stickling! We'll pay f2,r> Cor every Stickler
we print a n d for h u n d r e d s more lhal never get
used. Si icklers a re simple riddles with two-word r h y m i n g a lis worn.
Holh words must have t h e s a m e n u m b e r of syllables. I D o n ' t do
drawings.) Send your Sticklers willi y o u r n a m e , address, college
and i lass to I l a p p y - J o e - L u c k y , liox 07A, Mould. Vernon, N . Y.
Luckies Taste Better
( A . T. C o .
J w J*m*%ac&n Juwx*<r-&>nyMvnp A M K K I C A
M A N U 1- A l . 1 U l( lil<
Peds Beaten Polio Match Set; Peds
By N. Britain Topple Yeshiva For Fifth
Kampf Komments:
A Sportswriter
Comments On Page
June. The remaining
material will be completed a n d sent
to the p r i n t e r by m i d - M a r c h .
Nancy Schneider '57 read a proposal from Myskanlfc dealing with
concerning elections. These proposed
a m e n d m e n t s will be voted on by SA
in its next legislative convocation.
Council accepted t h e report of
Camp Board C h a i r m a n Robert Levy,
G r a d u a t e student, after a long discussion. T h e report included recommendations for procedure to be
followed by a p e r m a n e n t board and
suggestions about plans for camp
development. T h e C a m p Board recommended
the permanent
board have power to administer t h e
camp, to regulate policy of development, and to establish rules governing the camp. T h e Board also suggested t h a t t h e permanent C a m p
Board consist of lour faculty and
five s t u d e n t members. T h e faculty
members are to be appointed by t h e
President of the Co.lege for twoyear terms. T h e S t u d e n t Board
members will be elected by S t u d e n t
Council. T h r e e persons will b e
elected each year, two freshmen or
Sophomores for two-year terms, and
one from any class but t h e Senior
for a one year term.
Payne t h e n made reference to t h e
Election Commission's report concerning Moving-Up Day election
procedures. T h e report stated t h a t
there will be less restrictions placed
on campaign procedures this year.
A candidate is now allowed to spend
as much money as he desires in
conducting his c a m p a i g n . Restrictions have been removed regarding
unprecedented electioneering. However, t h e validity of these procedures must be ruled upon by Election
A committee
headed by Patricia Gengo '(it), to in-
The N a t i o n a l
Bridge T o u r n a m e n t for 1957 will be
played at B r u b a c h e r Hall tomorrow
at 1 p.m. Mrs. Edwin Marks will
supervise the t o u r n a m e n t .
East-West a n d N o r t h - S o u t h teams
are Mary K n i g h t and G e r t r u d e
Wilder, David Kleinke and Albeit
O a t m a n , and J o h n Klolerdanz and
Janice C h a m p a g n e , .Seniors; Robert
Pl'eil'fer '57 a n d R a l p h Wessellmann
'60; Bruce Piatt
58 and Philip
Batiin '57; a n d Bernard Theobald
'57 and Beverly Ross '58.
•Sixteen tournament h a n d s will be
played on 10(i college campuses.
The results ol State College p a r t i cipants' standings will be made
known iate in March.
State College participates lor the
!irsL lime in the a n n u a l cumpi u lluii which h a s been m existence
lor six years Last year Harvard .md
Uartmollt h A ere eo-ehanipions.
VI S . i g i i l l
V ill I I I -
\\ ,i
I slllll-
lished by Council.
Gerald Drug Co.
•117 Western Ave.
Albany, N. V.
The following passage is taken from the Oneonta Star
newspaper. "Albany State's bandbox gymnasium sank its
teeth into Hartwick's running attack . . . Coach Bud Getchell's cagers found 68 feet of floor—that gym is also
only 36 feet wide—too short for their steam roller tactics,
while the Albanians, trained to perfection in making use
of their shortcomings, played a deliberate type of possession ball . . . Hartwick used a three
,age Kegli
T h e pace was stepped u p in I n t r a mural action this week as both the
cagers and the keglers began to encounter increasingly more import a n t and cutthroat competition.
T h e bowling league still remains
a wide open affair with t h e G u t t e r dusters clinging to a two-game
lead t h a n k s to a h a l f - h e a r t e d a t tempt by t h e SLS bowlers who
handed t h e loop leaders four this
Ridge, meanwhile, kept pace to
the tpnrlprs hv •. 4-0 sween of Hillop Deck • P a 4 proved't i be the
whole show as h e ' n o t only rolled
the high single. 203; t h e high triple,
578 lone pin shy of league high),
but also passed Tom Sullivan in individual averages (174).
In t h e other matches, t h e third
place Vets split with K B as did the
Roi sets and EEP. a n d t h e Apaches
took their Senior APA brothers, 3-1.
Change to PaffC
Switching to Page G y m , the
closest game of t h e week came off
as E E P outlasted t h e Lakers in an
overtime affair. Pryor's 25 tallies
went in vain as Barbagelato's 19
proved lo be the big difference for
the S l a t e Street cagers.
SLS, meanwhile, wasted APA by
a 74-22 count. T o m Buckley and
Carl Maxson had t h e most fun as
they both dropped i n 19. I n the
final action the Cobras edged out
Hmms, 2-0. i PS.—forfeit, t h a t is.)
In games played Wednesday night
SLS downed the Square Roo.ts by a
(51-40 tally and Hilltop showed thenmight lo the KB cagers. Carl Maxson again led the South Lake frat
with 18 while Sean Morris hit for
13 tor the Squaremen.
Otremba was t h e key m a n in
Hilltop's win while Aarons enjoyed
a 15-point production for t h e Washington Avenue contingent.
SixtvU SfiotliCfJii
The S p o i l s Spotlight stayed right
m H u e Alleys this week as Decker
Pardee is our hero lor the second
straight week Decker, who either
never heard ol or else who doesn't
believe in Tom Sullivan's supposed
invincibility, leveled the maples for
a high 203 single and 57H triple to
help Ridge lo a four-game sweep
ol Hilltop. T h e conquest kept the
Ridgemen rigid on the fails of the
( l u l t e l d i i s t e i s who walked over SLS.
I'hone li-.KilO
Varsity Keglers
Vanquish HVTI
Sullivan. Sullivan. Sullivan. W h a t
other way is there to s t a r t t h e
week's varsity bowling club story?
This week it was 179-204-179—502
for Tom as he paced t h e Peds to a
4-0 sweep of the Hudson Valley
Tech keglers. T h e s h u t o u t also aided the locals in a j u m p to third
place, leaving ABC looking up to
the Peds to the tune of one game.
In the opener Pardee joined up
with Sullivan, as the d u o leveled
the wooden targets for 168 and 179.
Sweat Out Second
Not to miss out on the fun Dave
Oakleaf teamed up with the Ped
captain in t h e second encounter
which the teachers were able to
gain by a slender 23 pin difference.
The final two points again went
to the Albanians as Pardee, Adelson and Sullivan went all out with
games of 1K8. 186, 179.
I \2
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One pack for every two purchased up to
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Carl Sorensen, Manager
or visit us a n d see
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Write or call
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vv omen ({eaters ^ Kane ^^ their wm streaks
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lleadcpiai teis for
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Favors - 1'lau.ues - Cups - Medals
Stationery - Programs
Syracuse "19
Albany's final invasion of C o n By DAVE MILLER
necticut proved a calamity last S a t S t a t e set t h e stage for its final home series of three big m a t c h e s
urday as t h e Peds received t h e i r
third loss of t h e season. New B r i t a i n including t h e Polio m a t c h on T h u r s d a y , F e b r u a r y 28, by trouncing a
valiant Yeshiva t e a m by a 33-5 score on t h e loser's m a t last Wednesday.
led from t h e onset of t h e game a n d
T h e win was t h e fifth for the Garcia-coached t e a m against o n e loss
never relinquished t h e lead.
a n d one tie.
Paced by Ed Batogowski a n d Ed
T h e Peds wasted little time in s t a r t i n g t h e rout a s t h e first two
Nardi, t h e Blue Devils built u p a 28- men up, Joe Hill a n d Wayne Harvey, scored five points apiece t o m a k e
18 a d v a n t a g e midway t h r o u g h t h e
the score 10-0 before D o n B i n d r i m
first half. J o h n Rookwood a n d J a c k
a pin a t t h e 8:00 m a r k . Joe's
Minon did their best to get S t a t e
back into t h e game a t this point as L / C L / U / f
win c a m e by t h e p l n r o u t e whUe
they led t h e Peds to within t h r e e • i i
| x
Harvey won by forfeit. B o t h Harvey
points of the Nutmeggers with four
minutes left in the half, 28-25. T h e
going as t h e latter pinned h i s m a n
rest of t h e half saw a n exchange of
baskets and t h e score at half found
WAA Wednesday bowling league in t h e 147 pound bracket. T o m
New Britain a h e a d by two, 36-34.
action grabbed the spotlight a s far Parrell, t h e third member of State's
as women's athletics go this week, undefeated trio, did n o t wrestle.
Blue Devils Romp
as Lynn Becraft of Beta Zeta led
Bob Bosomworth held down t h e
T h e roof caved in on t h e Peds in h e r sorority to a 20-0 win over 167 pound division with a decision
the second half as Ryscavage a n d K a p p a Delta with a high game of over his adversary before newcomer
Tolis led t h e Connecticut squad to 173. I n o t h e r Wednesday action. Tony Miano succumbed to his o p a 52-41 lead a t the t e n - m i n u t e J e a n Nicniai paced the P h i Delts to p o n e n t for t h e only five points of
mark and a 60-50 edge with six a 2-0 score over G a m m K a p . J e a n the d a y for Yeshiva.
m i n u t e s remaining. Coach S a u e r s had second h i g h game of t h e week
had his players go into a full c o u r t with h e r 166. I n t h e third m a t c h T u t t l e Cracks Record
press, but the Peds were unable to of t h e day, Pierce and Psi G a m
p e n e t r a t e t h e Blue Devils' t e n - p o i n t split with o n e point apiece.
Al T u t t l e d i d n ' t even get a chance
lead. J o h n Rookwood a n d D o n
to work up a sweat before h e pinned
Mayer fouled out with two m i n his m a n in 25 seconds, a record for
utes remaining, a n d New Britain Chi Sigma T h e t a vs. Bru I I
Albany S t a t e in t h e quickie class,
was able to hold their spread over
a n d Joel S m i t h followed suit with
the Peds to 12 points.
a pin a t t h e 4:30 spot to conclude
F r a u d s receive a bye.
the carnage.
From the foul line, t h e Peds h i t
Wednesday Schedule:
on 15 of 29 a t t e m p t s while New G a m m a K a p vs. Pierce
Albany e n t e r t a i n s M I T tomorrow
Britain did much better garnishing P h i Delta vs. Psi G a m m a
a t P a g e Hall in a 3:00 m a t c h , fol19 of 30. G a r y Holway a n d J o h n K a p p a Delta vs. Beta Zeta
lowed by Clarkson on T h u r s d a y a t
Rookwood led t h e Albany scoring
T h e basketball program for t h e 7:30 a n d R P I one week from t o with 21 and 19 points respectively.
morrow. T h e Co-op will again d o n next week iists as follows:
ate prizes to holders of lucky n u m S a t u r d a y , F e b r u r a y 26
ber programs a n d this reporter will
10:00 a.m. Chi Sig I I vs. Lake
interview t h e 125th person to e n t e r
Page Hall at each m a t c h . T h e S u m NEW K K I T A I N
PG !•' T
Tuesday, F e b r u a r y 26
m a r y : Hill (A) pinned K a t z , 3:45;
21 B a t a g o w s k l 4 3 11
7:30 p.m. Beta Zeta I vs. Chi Sig I I Harvey won by forfeit; Bindrim (A)
Rook wood
111 Q a l l a g h c r
0 0 0
pinned Prager, 8:00; K a n e (A) p i n 2
8 RyscavnRe
8 5 17 8:15 p.m. Bru I I I vs. K a p p a Delta
0 Nardi
A 4 211 9:00 p.m. P h i Delta vs. E a s t - W e s t
ned Singer, 1:00; Bosomworth (A)
12 F r i n g l e
decisioned A. Wink; C. Wink (Y)
Thursday, F e b r u a r y 28
6 Tolls
11 10
pinned Miano, 2:05; T u t t l e (A) p i n Bearden
7:30 p.m. Bru I I vs. E a s t - W e s t
M c D o n o u g h (1
3 ZufTelato
1 '2 4
ned F r i e d m a n , 0:25; S m i t h (A) pin8:15 p.m. P a r k vs. Beta Zeta I I
ned Charney, 4:30.
2<i Ir, GTTotuls
3(1 III 7!) 9:00 p.m. Pierce vs. Chi Sig I
L O i Balfour Company
Fraternity Jewelers
is located in
The University Post (>lln e
2nd Floor - 171 Marshall St.
.Syracuse 75-7837
I Hi
652 7 t : i
till .lis
t h a t the
O F F I C E ol the
quarter press (that's 51 feet) in t h e
final quarter which brought points
from the foul line for the home
Now We Ask You
Thus, the fame of Page is spreading around the state. Let's dig into
this masterpiece of journalism. We
ask you now, how can a gym sink
its teeth into an attack, especially
our "gym"?
This attitude on the p a r t of t h e
Oneonta sportswriter is somewhat
typical of many minds of mentors
from colleges which S t a t e might be
able to play if we h a d a larger gym.
One thing which the writer said t h a t
we cannot agree with is the fact
t h a t the Statesmen played a b r a n d
0 f possession type basketball in this
game. Is it possible to score eightyeight points in a game and piny
possession type ball?
° u r Shortcomings
The writer hit t h e nail on t h e
head, however with his s t a t e m e n t
about our shortcomings. Ah. well,
there's always room lor umprovement on those dimensions,
Starting Monday, February 25, 1957, the CO-OP will
be taking orders for Graduation Announcements.
Prices are $.15 each with name cards ranging from
$2.00 to $4.75.
Cash MUST accompany all orders.
the DEADLINE is March 23, 1957
News Views:
Record ReuieuA
The present top ten tunes are being seriously threatened by several
recently released records which are
now racing for the big money. Guy
Mitchell has a two-sided winner in
his "Take Me Back Baby" and
"Knee Deep In The Blues," recorded for Columbia. "Love Is Strange"
is currently riding very high for
Mickey and Sylvia on the Groove
label. Johnny Ray will soon be
walking in the money with his Columbia etching of "You Don't Owe
Me A Thing." Columbia has two
more solid moves. "Who Needs You"
by the Four Lads is one; the other
is Terry Gilkyson's "Marianne."
One of the best records of the
rock and roll vein released in a long
time is Andy Williams' etching of
"Butterfly" on Cadence. Archie
B^eyer supplies Williams with one
of the most infectious backings
you'll ever hear. You should love
the hand clapping especially. Undoubtedly, this recording will be
around for a long time.
"Round and Round" is Perry
Como's new single for Victor. A
clever new slant on the prominent
love theme of most of today's songs
is a definite asset here. Como has
a ball singing this tune. He'jl really
rack up this time. Who knows, he
may even sell a million.
The Open Mind informs us that
a tremendous new LP by Bob is
out called "The Devil May Care"
on Durough. Durough, writer and
pianist, sings with an Arkansas accent in this album, creating a
pleasingly humorous atmosphere.
The artist tries to duplicate the
sound of musical instruments vocally. Very modern piano is also featured in this album. This disc is
rated as a very good buy.
Academy Award Nominations
This week the nominations for
the 1956 Motion Picture Academy
Award winning song were announced. The tunes nominated were
"Julie" for "Julie," "Thee I Love"
from "Friendly Persuasion," "Wind"
from the picture of the same name,
"True Love" from "High Society,"
and "What Ever Will Be, Will Be"
from "The Man Who Knew Too
Much." There's going to be a great
competition between "True Love"
and "What Ever Will Be, Will Be"
as we see it. However, it is our
opinion that the former will take
the top honor.
Re-elections Fill
Vacant Offices
Friday, March 1, elections for the
following offices will be held in
lower Draper by absentee ballot:
Treasurer '58, Handbook Editor '59,
Student Board of Finance '59 and
'60, and Vice-President '60, announces Jack Tate '58, Chairman of
E.ections Commission.
Election Commission is interested in a revision of election procedure carried on in the college. The
Commission would like to start
campaigning for class offices with
the eventual beginning of political
parties at State. Any suggestions
from the student body as to election procedures would be appreciated.
Classes Meet
Tuesday In Page
A tri-class meeting will be held
Tuesday at 10 a.m. in Page Hall
Auditorium, according to the presidents of the freshman, Sophomore
and Junior classes. There will be
open discussion concerning the
need and value of political parties
at Albany State.
In a similar meeting last week
discussion center£d around the possibility of a Student Senate or Representative type of Government.
Military Officials Discuss
National Guard Duty Plans
A few weeks ago, Secretary of
Defense, Charles "Bird dog" Wilson made certain statements about
the National Guard. In essence, he
said that many young men joined
the National Guard during the
Korean conflict to avoid being
drafted. The National Guard officials have rebuffed this statement
by pointing out the fact that anyone or all Guard units could have
been activated during the Korean
"police action" or any other time
when the U. S. so deems.
The Plan
Another point brought out by
Guard assailants is the observation
that the National Guard is not piepared for combat, if and when such
combat should occur. Pentagon officials have now forwarded a plan
which would aid in remedying the
situation. The plan would call for
six months active duty for all National Guard recruits after April 1,
Last week General Maxwell Taylor, Army Chief of Staff, appeared
before the House Armed Forces
Sub-Committee. General Taylor, a
former paratrooper, presented evidence which seemed to support
Wilson's opinion.
Last year tests were given to National Guardsmen, who were doing
summer camp duty, and to Army
recruits finishing their eight weeks
ZdUa*.'* Mote:
Because of the removal of the
State College News mail box in the
lower Draper peristyle, persons submitting news for publication should
send all articles through student
mail. Address all information to
either Marie Dettmer or Joseph
Szarek, Co-Editors. News submitted
on Tuesdays must be in the mail box
by 2 p.m.
of basic training. Twenty-five thousand Guardsmen from all twentyseven Guard divisions were pitted
against 7,000 recruits. Some of the
categories tested were scouting,
patrolling, defense against armor,
use of gas mask, dismounted drill
and night training. The test results
are as follows: 84% of the Army
recruits passed the tests satisfactorily whie 56.6% of the Guardsmen succeeded. Many things could
be unreliable on a test of this nature, but this basic inference stands
paramount: National Guard recruits would benefit from six months
of active duty training.
Earlier this week, Major-General
Willard A. Walsh, the President of
the National Guard Association, appeared before this same House
committee. Walsh said that the six
months' active duty training plan
would ruin the National Guard. The
plan would send 400,000 men from
National Guard Ground Units and
60,000 men from National Guard Air
Units into active training. Walsh
said that the Guard is designed for
men who must hold a civilian job
and others who are completing an
education. The active duty plan
would make potential Guard recruits, who fall in these categories,
shy away from the National Guard.
The National Guard is a front
line of our National Defense. Are
weekly meetings and two week summer camp sessions adequate to
maintain a high degree of "combat
readiness" in the National Guard?
How could it be? Add six months
of active duty training to these
other activities and then you're getting somewhere. With this added,
you are doing more than "scratching the surface." The inconvenience
it would cause seems justified if a
higher degree of "combat readiness" is attained.
Plan Dinners
Included in religious clubs activities next week are two dinner
and business meetings.
Arlene Murphy '58, S t u d e n t
Christian Association President, announces that there will be a dinner
and business meeting with Albany
Business College, Albany Pharmacy,
Union College, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, and Mildred Elley
Secretarial School at the Emanuel
Baptist Church on State Street,
Albany, Thursday at 6:30 p.m.
The Lutheran Student Association
will hold a supper meeting at Saint
John's Lutheran Church, 160 Central Avenue, on Sunday at 5 p.m.
Mr. Paul Fredrickson, a graduate
student now attending Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute, will speak on
"Knowing God." After the meeting
all students are invited to a square
dance in the Parish Hall. Music
will be provided by Donald Anderson.
Sandra Outt '59 announces that
the Canterbury Club will meet
Sunday at 7 p.m. in the Cathedral
Guild House. Transportation will
leave from in front of Pierce Hall
at 6:45 p.m.
Girl Scouts Give
Job Opportunities
Both college girls and women
graduate students can qualify for
summer work at Girl Scout camps.
Unit counselors and assistant
waterfront directors must be at
least 18 years old. Jobs are also
available in such fields as dramatics
and arts, and crafts. Salaries vary
according to qualifications, experience and training and also in the
length of the camp season.
Anyone interested in such a position may contact either the College
P.acement Office, or write directly
to Miss Fanchon Hamilton, Recruitment and Referral Adviser at Girl
Scout National Headquarters, 155
East 44th Street, New York City.
You smoke refreshed
A new idea in smoking...all-new S a l e m
Crvuti-tl />// H. J. llaynoldn Tobacco Conwawy,
SA Discusses Budgets;
Hears Election Motions
Student Association meets in a
compulsory legislative convocation
this morning at 10 a.m. in Page Hall,
according to Marilyn Leach '58,
Chairman of the Convocations
The Agenda
Included on the agenda are: a
report from the Athletic Advisory
Board; a motion to amend the constitution; a motion to waive the
constitution, discussion of budgets
to be presented by Student Board
of Finance, and a five minute preview of the State College Revue.
The Amendment
Nancy Schneider '57 will propose
constitutional amendments concerning elections: To change the by-
Of Finance
Plans Budgets
Donald Rice '58, Chairman of Student Board of Finance, announces
that second semester tax cards will
be available to those people who do
not have theirs on Monday from 9
a.m. until 4 p.m. They will be distributed in lower Draper. If students are unable to obtain them at
this time, they are requested to secure them from Josiah Phinney,
Chairman of the Social Studies Department, in Draper 300.
Open hearings on budgets for
1957-58 are now being held every
Tuesday at 10 a.m. in Draper 301.
All members of Student Association
are welcome to attend these hearings. Up to tills time, seven budgets
totalling $2,770 have been passed.
This is a decrease of $1,114 for the
same seven budgets passed last year.
Student Association Votes
Yearly budgets are submitted to
Student Association in convocation
to vote only on the total amount
approved by Student Bo'ard of Finance unless a particular line within a budget is questioned. This line
may be changed by a 2/3 majority
vote of Student Association.
The agenda for the Student Board
of Finance meeting Tuesday will be
a discussion of the Debate Council
and Campus Commission budgets.
Panel Speaks
On Teaching
Herbert Felske '57, President of
Pi Omega Pi, announces a panel
discussion will be sponsored by that
organization in conjunction with
the Distributive Education Club
Thursday at 8 p.m. in Brubacher.
The panel will consist of a group
of first year teachers, and the discussion wiil revolve about their
teaching experiences.
The Eastern Business Teachers'
Association invites all Seniors and
Graduate students to attend their
annual convention to be held in
New York City on April 18, 19 and
20. This convention offers an opportunity for future teachers in
Business Education to become acquainted with persons of their chosen profession. Those attending will
be able to make important contacts
and take advantage of Die free materials available to them.
A sign-up sheet will be placed on
the Pi Omega Pi bulletin board, located on the second floor of Draper
next to the typing room Please sign
this sheet only if you are sure you
will be able to attend. A hotel reservation will be made for you.
Names must be in Wednesday.
laws, section 1 (c) to provide for
absentee voting for all Student Association and class elections. Presently, the article states that all
elections for officers on Student
Council will be held in Convocation.
Section 1 (e3) would be deleted
should the latter be approved by
Student Association.
A motion to waive the constitution to facilitate the method of this
year's Spring elections will be presented at the same time.
Z 462
The Budget
A representative from Student
Board of Finance will present these
budgets for SA approval: Student
Council, Forum, Outing Club and
Smiles. The annual student tax is
based upon the total amount of
money appropriated by the student
body for each organization recognized by SA.
The Report
Joseph Swierzowski '57, Chairman
of the Athletic Advisory Board, will
submit the organization's annual
report. The Board directs intercollegiate athletic activities on the
State College campus.
The Revue
Members of the State College Revue production of "Plain and Fancy"
will present a preview of the March
15 and 16 production at the close
of the business meeting.
Convocation seating l i s t s are
posted throughout the school, and
those whose names appear on these
lists must attend.
- menthol fresh
• rich t o b a c c o taste
• most m o d e r n filter
Take a pull —it's Springtime! Light up a filler-tip SALEM and Imd a smoke
that refreshes your taste the way Springtime does you. It's a new idea in smoking—menthol-fresh comfort... rich tobacco taste... pure, white modern filter!
They're all in SALEM to refresh your taste. Ask for SALEM —you'll love 'em!
Salem refreshes your taste
' 9 4 »
Newman Club "March Gras"
Highlights Weekend Activities
Peds Provide
Dance Music
Students Watch
Revue Preview
Nancy Richards '59, Chairman of
Newspaper Publicity for the State
College Revue, announces
"Plain and Fancy" will be held
March 15 and 16, in Page Hall Auditorium, at 8 p.m. Admission to
the play is $1.00. Student tax cards
do not cover this performance.
Today in Convocations the singing and dancing chorus of "Plain
and Fancy" will do "How Do You
Build a Barn?" A dress rehearsal
will be held Friday, March 15, for
the Milne students.
In charge of the publicity committees for the revue are the following: Schools, Jack Kiehle; Radio
and TV, Nancy Monteau; Social
Clubs, Marilyn Darzano; Fraternities and Sororities, Edna Reger,
Juniors; Colleges, Jane Showerman
'59; State College, Marian Silverstein '60.
Members of the Finance Committee are Mary Bradley, Joseph Flynn,
Marilyn Leach, Lloyd Seymour,
Juniors; Claudia Ailcock, John
Yager, Ella Mizzell, Sophomores;
and Frank Krivo, Beverly Burke,
COME TO THE MARDI GRAS! Above, Bruce Norton, Bcrnice
O'Connor, and Shirley Varmctte, Officers of Newman Club discuss
plans for tonight's Mardi Gras Ball.
Why Waste Talent For Art?
Compete With Draper Painters
Here it is! The contest to top all
contests. Forget all about choosing
a caption for a silly old cartoon.
State College is sponsoring an art
contest. Anyone can enter and anyone can win. You don't even have
to have talent. All you need is the
ability to move a brush with paint
on it.
If anyone is interested, he or she
may sign up in Lower Draper. You
might have to iook a while to find
the desk because it blends so well
with tlie walls, but with a little determination and a flair for color
schemes, it can be found. All you
have to do in this contest is paint
something. That's all. Any style wi.l
do. Just puint whatever your little
heart desires. The only stipulation
is that the painting must be done
on the walls of Lower Draper. This
should prove to be no problem
tin,ugh, since it .seems to be the
If you are interested, and plan on
entering, here's a tip that may help
you to win. When you do your masterpiece, choose a suitable background. Nothing is more devastating
Veterans Society
Slates Meeting
This Friday at 10 a.m. in Draper
Auditorium, there will be an election meeting of the Veterans' Society, announces Donald McClain '59.
Veterans are excused from Convocation and may attend this meeting.
At this meeting those nominated
for the offices of president, vicepresident and treasurer will give
brief talks outlining their plans for
the group if they are elected Following the talks, there will be a
question and answer period.
Friday. March 8, will be Election
Day lor the organization. All veterans who have paid their second
semester dues are eligible to vote
in this election.
Students Elect Replacements Today
By Absentee Ballot In Lower Husted
Student Association voles today in
several replacement elections. All
voting will be absentee, announces
Marilyn DeSanta '57, Chairman of
SA will elect two representatives
to Student Board of Finance, one
each from the classes of 1959 and
1960. Candidates are: Thomas Hopkins, Doris Wallace, Richard Willis,
Sophomores; Owen Davis, Stephen
Hoover, Marie Pagano, Gertrude
Sufrin, and David Feldman, freshmen.
One member to Student Council,
representing S t u d e n t Association,
will be choosen from these three
candidates: Nancy Monteau '58;
Richard Bsner, Bruce Norton, Sophomores.
Members of the class ol i960 will
elect a Student Council representative from uie class and a class vicepresident. The uniors will elect a
replacement class treasurer.
The editor of the 1958 college
handbook, a Sophomore, will also
be elected today.
to a painting than a poor background. Take a good look around
before you start to work. The variety ol backgrounds you have to
choose from may make your choice
difficult, but at least you have a
choice. Think of the poor unfortunates in other schools who have only
one color to use for their paintings.
We have been blessed with a multiplicity ol colors beyond compare.
Their ravishing beauty and breathtaking blend are enough tu inspire
cnyone to creative genius.
There it is. You have all the information. Just sit clown and figure
out what your Rembrandt will be.
If you win, yours will be the honor
of picking the color schemes for the
walls next year.
Fair Slates
Poster Party
Loir.line Kozlowski '.r)8, Chairman
of State College Fair, announces
that a Poster Party will be held in
Brubacher Hull tomorrow from 1
until 4:30 p.m. The party is to be
for all the organizations which have
qualified lor the Slate College Fair
to be held on Friday, March 9.
There is to be a sale ol booster
lags starting Monday and continuAdvisory ing through Friday in Lower
State College Athletic
Hoard report.
Motion to amend Student Asso- Annual Event
Stale Fair is held each year under
the auspices ol college organizations
and the faculty. Chi Sigma Thela
Motion to waive Student Associa- will present the opening show In
tion Constitution.
Page Hall prior to the opening of
the concessions in the lower halls,
Presentation of organization bud- commons, cafeterias, and gymnasigets by Student Board of Finance. um.
These are to be approved by StuAll proceeds of the fair are used
dent Association.
to sponsor a foreign student at the
A yreview of the State College college. Last year, over eight-hunRevue production of "Plain and dred dolars was raised by the parFancy" by the members of the cast. ticipating organizations.
This paper will publish its annual
•This morning's Convocation is fair issue, Staid College Gnus,
compulsory. Check lists for those Members ot the News Board will
sell the papers at the lair.
who have seats.
Newman Club is sponsoring a
Mardi Gras dance tonight in Brubacher Main Dining Room from 9
p.m. until midnight, announces Bernice O'Connor '57, President of the
religious organization. The dance is
open to all students of State College. Tickets are fifty cents and
may be obtained at the door.
Pcdcats to Play
Clyde Payne and his Pedcats will
provide the music for the affair. In
addition to State students, guests
from Albany area colleges will be in
attendance. Among the colleges invited are Siena, Albany Business
College, St. Rose, Albany Medical
School, Albany School of Pharmacy,
Albany Law School, and Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute.
Bruce Norton '59, Vice-President
and Coordinator of the dance, announces the following committees:
Decorations, Gayle Petty; Refreshments, H e l e n Betner, Juniors;
Chaperones, Natalie Lemoine '59;
Invitations, Mary Pachak; Set-up,
Jack Anderson, freshmen; Clean-up,
Jack Ertle '57; Publicity, Barbara
Nardeccia; Tickets and Name Tags,
Ellen Dorch, Sophomores, and Door
Prize, James Lorrichio '58.
The chaperones for the dance are
Reverend Donald L. Starks, Newman Club moderator, Mr. William
Dumbleton, Associate Professor of
English, and the members of the
Newman Club Alumni Association.
Masquerade Theme
Because the theme of the dance
is built around the traditional Mardi
Gras celebration held in New Orleans every year, everyone is urged
to come in costume although this
is optional.
Holway Stars
As Peds Drub
Utica By Fifty
In making up for their defeat
from Siena, the Varsity basketball
squad paced by the phenomenal
showing by Gary Holway downed
Utica College on Wednesday night
by a 94-44 score.
Holway set a new State record by
scoring 40 points, lour less than the
combined Utica scoring. His 40
points came on 10 out of 29 field
goals and c! out of 9 foul Shots. The
record previous tu Holway's spree
was set by John Rookwoud at New
Pall/, earlier this year, when Rooky
scored :iH in an overtime contest
won by Slate.
Sharp Shooting
Utica v.a, caught under a barrage
of quick tallies as ihe Sauersmen
went right to work and took a 24-6
advantage early m the first half.
The score was never close
throughout tlie half as the Peds
held a predominate twenty point
edge. The half ended with the
Peds far out in front, 38-27.
Tlie second half held about the
same story as the Ulicans were unable to cope with the sharp shooting of the Peds and steudily lost
For tlie Peds this was their 15th
win in nineteen starts and their
ninth in row in Page.