Document 14064414

News Views:
State College
Student Council:
France, England Blast American
Hedging Tactics In Suez Crisis
Conference piled on conference
in the Suez Canal dispute and the
world powers were not much closer
to a solution. A Suez CanaJ Users
Association was set up by fifteen
countries, including the U. S., Britain and France. It was organized
for either talcing member ships
through the canal or finding an
alternative route around South Africa. At the U.N., France filed a
charge against Egypt's unilateral
action while Egypt complained
against the Anglo-French threats
of force.
As for the Canal itself, Egypt was
surprising the world by showing
that it was capable of running the
Suez with its own pilots. However,
the strain was beginning to show
on these pilots after their many
hours of overtime.
While all this was brewing the
three Western powers were having
their own arguments. Britain and
Commuters Club
Stages Soc-Hop
The Commuters' Club Soc-Hop
will be held tomorrow night in Page
Gym, according to Helen Cassavaugh '57, and Delores Peck '58,
Co-Chairmen. Gordon Hilton will
provide the music from 8 to 12 p.m.
Admission will be sixty cents per
person; one dollar per couple.
Chaperoning the dance will be
Robert Lannl, Assistant Professor
of Physics, and Mrs. Lanni; Charles
F. Stokes, Professor of Music, and
Mrs. Stokes; and Daniel Ganeles,
Assistant Professor of Social Studies, and Mrs. Ganeles. Dress will
be very informal, no shoes required.
Prizes will be given for the largest
and smallest feet.
Commuters' Club will also hold a
social meeting in the upper lounge
at Brubacher next Tuesday from
3 to 5 p.m., states Barbara Rohrer
'58, President. All freshmen and
upperclassmen interested in joining
are invited to attend. A special invitation is given to students living
in apartments, who are considered
Science Group Plans
Freshman Reception
Audrey Briggs '57, President of
the American Chemical Society, announces that they will hold a reception for freshmen on Wednesday at 8 p.m. in the upper It unge
at Brubacher.
The American Chemical Society
is made up of students majoring or
minoring in the field of Science.
This is a new organization founded
on campus last year.
This reception is being held in
place of the originally scheduled
one during activities week.
Greek Activities
Feature Coffee C o u n c i l
Hour, Reception
This week's sorority and fraternity news features many coming
events. Kappa Beta and Potter are
both scheduling social functions.
Chi Sigma Theta and Beta Zeta
have announced the names of their
new pledges, and Kappa Delta has
scheduled a coffee hour. The sisters
of Gamma Kappa Phi will spend
the weekend moving.
Nancy Louprette '57, President of
Beta Zeta, announces that pledge
service was held on Monday night
for Carol Houlihan and Miriam
Sanderson, both of the Class of '59.
Formal initiation will be held next
Carol Sutch '58 was pledged to
Chi Sigma Theta on Monday night,
according to Sheila Lister '57, VicePresident.
Kappa Delta will hold a coffee
hour for Kappa Beta next Monday night after their meeting. Libby Stapleton '57, Vice-President,
announces that Corrine Marro '59
was elected Sports Director, and
Gail Argetsinger and Barbara Hubiak, Sophomores are Co-Historians.
June Studley '57 announces that
Gamma Kappa Phi will move to
their new residence at 207 Western
Avenue tomorrow.
All this leaves Nasser in a relaKappa Beta will have a reception
tively strong position. Due to Dul- tonight for graduate and faculty
les' hedging, the Egyptian premier members at 8 pjn. at their house
feels no fear of any possible force which is located at 471 State Street,
used against him. He also has no states Peter Dykeman '57, Presifear of any boycott against thedent.
Canal. Although such action would
Potter Club will hold a Rock and
be costly to Egypt it would be tre- Roll party on Sunday from 3 until
mendously more expensive for the 5 p.m. at the fraternity house at
boycotting countries. For this rea- 415 State Sttreet, states Bernard
son, many of the small user nations Robbins '57, President. The party is
would not be willing to enter into open to all students.
a new route.
France both accused John Foster
Dulles of "selling them down the
river." They were, perhaps, a little
hasty in judging Mr, Dulles' intentions, but in view of Ills actions,
or ratlier lack of action they can
hardly be blamed. The one thing
that might have dissuaded Nasser
from seizing the Suez would have
been a strong stand on the part of
the U. S. against such a move. This
was not forthcoming. Instead there
was much hedging, for which President Eisenhower must share equal
blame, and Nasser felt safer to make
his move. I t was Dulles who wanted
to propose a solution to Nasser; a
solution he himself did not believe
in. Last week he stated that in the
area of colonialism the U. S. played an independent role from Britain
and France, prompting the London
Times to accuse him of "grave disservice to Anglo-American unity."
Mr. Dulles seems to be trying to
play up to both sides. He is giving
lip service to the cause of international justice while trying not to
occur the enmity of Egypt, an impossible task since they are on opposite sides of the fence.
Nasser's only weakness is his need
for outside capital to improve the
Canal for the use of newer and
larger ships coming into use. Only
the West and mainly the U. S. can
give him this financing and are
The Religious Clubs at State Coltherefore in a strong position to
lege have united to form a new orstrike a hard bargain.
ionization which will be called the
° f , ^ e I l g l 0 U ^ , C 1 " b s ' St'ates
David Goldberg '57, temporary
chairman of the new organization,
The following religious clubs are
(Continued from Page b, Column 5) members of the newly-formed ReGangemi, Robert Gardner, Eunice ligious Council: Canterbury, ChrisGies, Susan Goldfarb, Carolyn tian Science, Hillel, Inter-Varsity
Goode, Marilyn Goodrich, Leah Christian Fellowship, Lutheran StuCreenman, Deborah Harris, George dent Association, Newman, Student
Harris, Agnes Higgins, Barbara Clu-istian Association, and Westminster Student Fellowship. IndiviHillman.
dual membership of the Council
Gail Hoga.n, Margaret Howard, shall be composed of the President
John Jamieson Barbara Jolly, Har- and one member at large from each
riet Kazdon, Patricia Kovaleski, organization. Officers shall be a
Vilma Kuhl, Hartley Laduke, Ar- chairman, an assistant chairman,
line Leaning, James Linderman, and a secretary.
Theodora Luther, William Mackie,
Below are listed some purposes of
Janice Manning, Clark McCafferty,
Dennis Millspaw, Carol Myers, San- Religious Council as ratified by that
dra Outt, Carol Payment, Elizabeth group: "The Council of Religious
Pflegel, Herbert Piper, Amelia Pod- Clubs at NYSCT at Albany shall
ber, James Powers, Beverly Rahn, represent its member clubs to the
Dolores Reid, Anita Rosenblum, Do- administration, faculty, and Stuloies Russell, Richard Sanders, dent Association. It shall stimulate
Joyce Sandidge, Frances Skinner, students to affiliate with a religious
Juel Smith, Richard Sumner, Anne organization of their preference. It
Sweet, Patricia Terwilliger, Barbara shall focus attention on the activiThiele, William Turnbull, Joseph ties of religious clubs.
Canterbury Club will meet at 6:30
VanVranken, Marceline Waggoner,
Doris Warmuth, Margaret Weitzner, p.m. Sunday at the Cathedral Guild
Carl Wukius, and Graham Zeh.
House, states David Goldberg '57,
* c e i * « Siena Apology;
M o v e
Student Council's Wednesday evening meeting included committee
reports, an apology from Siena College, appointments to the Parents'
Weekend Committee and to Admissions Procedure for New Organizations Committee, Pedagogue report, defeat of the recommendation
to Student Union Board to exclude
uninvited outsiders from the Student Union, hearing of the Outing
Club inventory, and the waiving of
SkofU Olde*
We were at Bru dinner the
other night when our attention
was caught by a rather fantastic
scene. A group of boys was
gathered in round tabic fashion
enjoying a meagre repast. This
in itself was not fantastic. Boys
do eat in our dining room and
almost any place else they can
find food. It was only when we
gazed downward that the incredible became credible. One
particularly a t h l e t i c looking
chap was wearing a well wrinkled pair of khaki bermudas.
It's not that we frown on
oasual attire for men. If you
wish t o dine casually that's
probably an excellent way to
get in the mood. He possibly
would have gone unnoticed but
his feet seemed especially large
for a girl's. Wonder if he'll set
a new vogue in dinner dress for
men? If not it was a nice try
and made novel table talk.
The Mayflower
Home of Jumbo Sandwiches
President. The speaker will be Dean
Brown. Hillel schedules a buffet
and a dance
a t ohey
Sholom Synagogue, states Janice
Weinberg '58, President
Intervarsity Christian Fellowship slates
Mr. Paul E. Little as speaker for
their fall weekend at Camp Pinnacle, states Gene Arnold '56, President. Newman Club will meet in
Brubacher's main dining room,
Thursday, 7:30 p.m., states Bemice
O'Conner '56, President. The Reverend Clark Hunt will speak at the
regular weekly meeting of Student
Christian Association, states Doris
Vradenburgh '57, President,
the By-Laws of the Student Association Constitution dealing with
frosh elections.
Council passed the motion whereby a maximum of $25.00 be appropriated to the Classes"of '59 and '60
to be used for rivalry skits The
Convocations Committee renorted
t h a t a n e w r e v i s i o n h a s been made
0 f assembly seating so that all
-freshmen now have seats.
The Presidents of the Siena Senate Council and of the Sophomore
Class were present and made apologies for the recent Siena raid.
They stated that it was not organized by the college and hoped it
would not occur again but offered
little solution. When those who took
part in the incident are found, the
administration of Siena is to take
action. It was mentioned that more
friendly relations with Siena College are being sought through Newman Club.
The following were appointed
to the Admissions Procedure for
Harry Smith and Frank Favat,
Sophomores; Helen Betner and
Lloyd Seymour, Juniors; and Morton Hess '57. Appointed to the Parents' Weekend Committee were
Mary La Porte '59; Bill DeGroat and
Florine Skutnik, Juniors; and Richard Feldiman '57.
Beth Beehler '57 reported that
work on the Pedagogue for 1957 is
progressing in good order.
Student Council defeated the recommendation to Student Union
Board to exclude uninvited outsiders from the Student Union. I t was
felt that the Student Union could
enforce its own measures concerning the problem of outsiders. Council felt that the Student Union
should not be closed.
Council passed the Outing Club
inventory. The AMIA inventory was
not considered because no repres m ^ ^ ^ ^ C ^ a m ^ L
° that the By-Laws of the Student
Association Constitution be waived
so that the freshman elections will
be held November 9 to eliminate a
two week interval between elections
and Campus Day when the results
are announced.
The agenda for next week's Student Council meeting includes discussion of the Hospitality Committee, elections for a Senior member
to Inter-Collegiate Association, a
replacement for Camp Board, and
a train chairman, evaluation of
Student-Faculty Committee, and the
hearing of the AMIA inventory.
by Chester Field
Conclusion of Annual Campus Chest Fund-Raising Drive
Spotlights Dance A t Brubacher Dining Room Tonight
Brubacher, Sayles Convocation Features Traditional Committee Stages Chinese Auctions,Stage Weekend Inter-Class Rivalry Debate Today Seeks Commuters Contributions
Brubacher Hall and Sayles Hall
open their doors to Statesmen this
weekend. Hilltop, Ridge, and Sumnmob-onH
ri c,,.^_
elect wnitr,™
new officers
Ann Ridley '58, General Chairman, announces Brubacher Hall
will have Open House Saturday, October 20, from 8 to 9:30 p.m. A social dance, featuring Clyde Payne
and his Pedcats, will follow in Bru_
___room from 9:30
Hall's dining
pjrTTo'iiVsO a"m"VhIs"open"nouse
guests of Brubacher women.
Ross Dailey'58, General Chairman,
announces Sayles Hall will have
Open House Sunday from 3 to 5
p.m The officers of Sayles Hall
for the year 1956-57 are Ross Dailey
'58, President; David Call '58, VicePresident; Frank Cannizzo '60, Recording Secretary; Thomas Parrell
•60, Corresponding Secretary; Robert Kanipf '59 Treasurer and WilHam Mackie '59. Athletic'Director,
The officers of Hilltop for the
year are Thomas Thompson '59,
President; John Burton '59, VicePresident and Social Chairman;
Joseph Ketchum '59, Sports Director; Henry Hughes '59, SecretaryTreasurer.
The officers of Ridge for the year
1956-57 are Roger Hunt '58, President; Ronald Webb '60, Treasurer;
Decker Pardeer '60, Secretary.
The officers of Summit for the
year are Richard Willis '59, President; Gordon Seckner '58, VicePresident; Roland Ahick '60, Treasurer; Edward Slattery 'CO, Secretary; and Clinton Carpenter '57,
A non
~ l e S i s l a t l v e convocation will entering Page Hall. Upperclassmen
be held today a t 10 a m
in P a g e a r e t0 e n t e r P a g e
T h e a n n u a l Week l o n g C a m p u s C h e s t D r i v e C o n c l u d e s
through the main today announce Gayle Petty and Lloyd Seymour, Juniors,
announces Marilyn Leach '58,
Chairman of the Convocations
Committee. The program includes
the traditional rivalry debate between the Sophomore and freshman
classes, and announcements from
the chair and the floor.
Rivalry Debate
doors, and the freshmen will use C o - C h a i r m e n of t h e d r i v e . F e a t u r e s of t h e d a y ' s p r o g r a m
the Richardson entrance. The doors a r e t h e C h i n e s e a u c t i o n s a n d a d a n c e t o n i g h t a t B r U of Page Hall will be closed by Cam- b a c h e r H a l l .
pus Commission at 10:15 a.m., and
The last of the Chinese auctions will be held today
no one will be allowed to enter after from 11 a.m. to 12 noon in the main cafeteria and from
that time.
12 to 1 p.m. in the Milne cafeteria.
At the first auction dinners at the
Sigma Lambda Sigma fraternity
house, movie passes, a Spanish dinMiss Leach announces the four
ner, and cookies donated by the
The topic to be debated which faculty members who have been
Kappa Delta sorority will be aucw a s cnosen bv t n e
Sophomore Class assigned to participate on the Contioned off. The items for the second
Resolved: That having a wag in vocation Committee. The four memauction include faculty who will act
a s o u r i n A1
bany is not as painful bers are: Catherine Newbold, Assistas waitresses and waiters, dinners
a s a n incc,r
>y Pow scene in Tecum- ant Professor of Social Studies; Mary
at the Alpha Pi Alpha fraternity
T h e c l a s s of 1959 wiI1 t a k e t h e
Grenander, Associate Professor of
house, a Spanish dinner, and late
affirmative while the freshman the English; Charles Stokes, Professor
permission slips.
negative .side. Three points will be of Music; and David Hartley, Dean
awarded to the victorious class for of Men.
The final event of the drive is the
second event of rivalry this
,,.,,„, ,
dance tonight from 9 to 12 midnight
year. The criteria for judging the
The p l 0 g am for nex weeks con at Brubacher Dining Hall. An addebate will include content of the vocation which will not be compulmission of $.15 .stag and $.25 a
vvl11 b c
speech, humor, and cleverness of
presented by Forum
couple wil be charged. Bill Foote
presentation. Three members 0 f Board of Pohtics, states Lee DeNike
will provide the music. The dress
Myskania will be the judges for this ° a ' Acting President. Mr. Emment
for the dance is to be informal.
debate"Each~speaker will be'ailoted O'Brien, a newspaper personality.
Two stuffed animals donated by the
Ave minutes to present his side, and will speak on the political scene in
College Co-Op will be raffled off.
each rebuttal will be allowed three N e w Y o r k s t f l t e as it appears toAll proceeds from this dance will go
- O'Brien who attended both
Above students look at publicity to the fund raising drive. Co-Chairthe Republican and Democratic
men for this event are Ann Sheldon
Students are asked to follow the nominating conventions this sum- for Campus Chest drive.
and Marceline Waggoner, Sophosame procedure as last week when mer is of the Gannett News Agency.
mores. Students are reminded that
in order to be admitted to the dance
it is necessary for them to have
Student Council:
their identification cards; freshmen
should bring their student receipt
The Selective Service College
All those students who are not
Qualification Exams will be given at
living in residence halls, this inlocal centers November 15, states cludes those persons living in apartDavid Hartley, Dean of Men. This ments, private homes, and at home,
exam and or the class standing of may give their contributions for the
students is used by the local Campus Chest Drive at the desk
S t u d e n t Council's Wednesday ternity groups, and i music festivil
board as a basis for deferment located in the lower hall of Draper
evening meeting included committee composed of campus groups
from 9 a.m to 1 p.m.
from immediate military service.
reports, the appearance of a faculty
Mary Ann Schlotthauber '57 was
All students who have registered
member of Student-Faculty Com- electee! to Inter-Collegiate Association.
lor the draft and have not taken
mittee before Council, the appointthe exam are eligible and should
Next Week's Agenda:
Women's Athletic Association is ment of a committee to set up policy
lake the exam at this time stresses
sponsoring their annual Frosh Frolic on financial mallei's, and the elecNext week Student Council will D e a n Hartley. There is no preparatomorrow at Camp Johnson, an lion of a Campus Day Chairman, discuss Camp Board's rules and the , l l i n possible and delay may cause
nounces Ann Arvantides '58, Vice a new member to Camp Board and power of Camp Board, AMIA in- difficulties.
Oscar E. Lanford, Dean of the
ventory and the improvement of
Any freshman
or upperclass a train chairman.
AMIA, the changes in the ConstituApplication forms are available in College, announces that the New
woman is eligible to attend this
Council passed a motion to dis- tion, the appointment of a member the Student Personnel Office and York State Education Department
outing. Buses will be provided lor
to Student-Faculty Committee and must be postmarked no later than
has revised the requirements for
the trip and they will leave Pierce band the Social Calendar Commit- Hospitality Committee.
Tuesday. October 30.
ing of all academic subjects. ReHall at 10 a.m. and return to camp- tee which was found to be unnecesus by 4:30 p.m.
sary. A motion was also passed
quirements lor Commerce and school
The program for the day will in- recommending the more formal orlibrarians have not been revised.
clude soft ball, hiking, swimming,
and entertainment. Lunch will be ganization ol Student-Faculty ComAfter September 1, 1958, two
served tor those girls attending the mittee. Council passed a motion
types of certificates will be availFrolic. There will nut be any giwng Clyde Payne power to set up
able One is a provisional certificate
charge lor the trip.
a committee to plan policy on lifor wliich application may be made
Camp Johnson is a lug cabin lo- nancial matters.
after the fourth year of study and
cated just outside Albany that
There has been many complaints world ol diversion and joy? Sinct which is held for five years. A
W.A.A. owns, and uses for such
Dr. Karl Peterson, Associate Pr< about this here features and you w e l t j m , c | y mentioned
events as this throughout the school
roommates, graduate prior to September 1958
lessor of Music, told Council about should not complain so much 'cause that appears to be the mswer, but ''an apply for a provisional certificayear.
the accomplishments and goals of tills here features is wrote good
tion. The second is a permanent
Also you complain .so much about again
it's _ not.
mind certificate for wliich a fifth year of
Student-Faculty Committee.
have changed
decided our
to write
study is necessary lor application.
there big words and fancy
Freshmen To Nominate Election included the election ol
Ihing.s we use and so we promise about booze, but since tins is a
rather touchy subject we'll forget
Until September, 1958, there is no
John Stefano '58, as Chairman ol
tin' win ' • thing and start from legal
provision for a provisional cerAt Tuesday Meeting Campus Day; Charlotte Miers '59, wrote gooder from now on.
; crutch
tificate. However, the state has been
to Camp Board; and Donald McWe
The filth meeting of the fresh- clain '59, Traiii Chairman.
yes, there's a Campus Chest issuing emergency certificates good
avoid such cnalopropismic phrases D aOil,
man orientation program will be
n e this weekend. Give to the lo1 ' t l°l e» e >' ear a t " t i m e l 0 holders
held Tuesday at 10 a.m. in Page
bachelor degree. At present
It was announced by Richaid and omnipresent))' dominate the Campus Chest.
Hail, announce Ellen C. Stokes and Hinck '58, that last Sunday's Lead- somnambulance of the stratosphere.
the only permanent certificate ofDavid Hartley Deans of Women ershlp Conference was very suceessAbout a third of this article fol- fered is the one applied for alter
and Men, respectively.
till. Due to the small group, it was
Thus far, as any fool ean sec, 1( ws, and it's only fair to tell you live years of study, The requireAt this meeting a representative found to be much easier to define nothing has been said. However, we that we have no intention of speak- ments for a permanent certificate
of Election Commission will explain i l l R | discuss any problems concern- were asked to write a treatise on hig about anything specific. And arc now higher. In addition, the fifth
roommates, and if we can avoid why should we? Week after week year of study must include a minithe operation of State's election sys- ing student government.
this obnoxious rambling for five features must be written, and the mum of course work in the student's
tern, and nominations will be taken
Florence Skutnik '58, was appoint- minutes, about sixty percent of this strain is just too much. It's a shame major field.
for these class offices: president,
vice-nresid.ent secretary, treasurer, ed Chairman of Parents Weekend. feature WJH concern roommates, 'hat we have to say this, but there
nublicitv director songleader, and It is planned to include parents in ( W h a t on earth can be written <HI1
a time to get everything off
The changes in graduate study
cheerleader Nominations will also more of the Weekend's activities a b o l J t roommates?)
' c h e s t - < N o t t 0 b e confused with requirements and the effects of the
" the
•' possible
Campus Chest. Give.) We can us- new certification requirements on
be taken for Student Association of- this year. Some of
What is it that's found in almost ually get away with one rambling the present four- year curriculum
fices, which include two Student plans are: the corner stone laying
Board of Finance members ami four ceremony for the new dormitory, every room, that provides endless article a year. It will undoubtedly will be explained in a later issue
buffet lunches by sorority and fra- entertainment, and that provides a not happen again.
of the paper.
members of Student Council.
Teacher Discusses Student-Faculty
Committee s Goals With Council
Dean Releases Date
For Service Exam
W A A Holds
Freshman Frolic
Dean Explains
Certification Rules
Writer Exposes State Roommates!
Long Investigation Brings Results
Follow the crowd to
Come in and try your favorite
ice cream and candy specials
Religious Organizations
To Form Ecclesiastic Council
D ean s List
Oh, why m u s t I be civilized instead of being me?
I'd like t o be a beast an J kiss each p r e t t y gal I see
I'd like t o kick t h a t brain next door,
it's been my favorite d r e a m
And when I'm low I'd like to lie
upon t h e floor and scream!
MORALI W h e n you want to let go,
enjoy the real thing
Relax a n d enjoy a Chesterfield King!
T h e King of t h e m all for flavor that's real
For deep satisfaction you honestly f e e l . .
M a d e to smoke smoother by Accu-Roy
B e g . . . borrow . . . or buy 'em,
b u t try 'em today!
T a k e y o u r pleasure b i g . , .
Smok« for rtljl • • • tmoka Ch«»t*rfl«ldl
PAOft 2
Executive Power . . .
Camp Board Determines Regulations Judicial Body
Governing Use O f Camp Dippikiii Issues Decision
T h e Dippikiii C a m p Board m e t Camp Rules
Tuesday evening to discuss the e r e The following are rules governing To
ation of a new C a m p Board a n d the use of Dippikiii C a m p as deter-
J KafUtai RapfiA |
Repeat performance with new stars. This was the situ'
ation Wednesday night when the Association of Men's PALACE
Intramural Athletics came before Student Council to pre- The Best Things in Life Are Free
sent its inventory. It was again inadequate and, therefore, **th G^do,1? ***? £,ae- P^ 1 D*llynot acceptable tor the Council. The only recommendation
S a ! i £ S ^ J S ^ S t Council could offer was to go home and come back again Cai set in the flapper era of the
next week with a complete inventory.
1920's. it's packed with pop classics
c a m p rules, reveals Robert Levy,
G r a d u n t e S t u d e n t , C h a i r m a n of
C a m p Board.
T h e p r e s e n t C a m p Board recommends t h a t a permanent Camp
Board, consisting of four faculty
members and five s t u d e n t members,
be created. T h e board also m a d e
powers, duties and responsibilities
of t h e proposed p e r m a n e n t C a m p
such a s " B i r t h of the Blues," " B u t -
If this athletic board were properly organized and ton up Your overcoat," "Black Botdirected by capable leaders this advice might be sufficient, torn," and naturally, "The Best
Unfortunately this same advice was given last February S S P d o V f t o S S S S . SSZ
and we are still waiting for results.. It seems that AMIA to -Birth of the Blues." if you like
still can't produce the facts of last semester's inventory, musicals you'll like this one. The
A new AMIA board was elected Moving-Up Day. Supposedly it Was to be elected u n d e r a revised c o n s t i t u t i o n
second' feature is Stagecoach to
F u r y with Forest Tucker, Mari
B l a n c h a r d and Wallace Ford. This
one s in
' ^ l S c f ? P e ! You g o t t a llke
w e s t e r n s t0 Ulce tms
which would allow only men experienced in the operation
of AMIA to be elected. This was not done. Two officers
were carry-overs but the other two were elected at random STRAND
from the male enrollment of the college. One officer at ™ea ^ * ^awn ™th T Ri * ard
the present time is actually holding office illegally, since 2 £ , * ^ ™£ Shard" widl
the position under the constitution calls for a Sophomore mark is cast as a killer who leads
a n d h e is a J u n i o r .
Since their election in May the officers have held
three know
One and
of itswhat
still doesn't
who is
on fall.
the board
the duties
of the
board are. It is unqualified men like this who head this organization. This is the fault of three groups, Constitutional
Review Committee which does, not see to it that a criteria
exists which would prevent inexperienced officers from
being elected; the male enrollment, who elects incapable
officers; and the elected officers who do not accept their
responsibilities of knowing their duties and carrying them
out. And yet nominations and elections in the replacement
election for president of AMIA will take place in the same
fashion this wppk
iasnion mis weeK.
Since this situation is recurrent we suggest that
. j i . ^ ^ , i j i . A
- i '
the president of Student Association assume his duties
under Article V of the Student Association Constitution
which states: "The executive rpower of the Association
,, ,
j •
i. c
• i.'
J J.1
shall be vested in the President of the Association and the
as an executive, to step in and appoint a group or assume
personal control of AMIA and rewrite its constitution,
rules and regulations, take an inventory and hold sound
elections. He has the right to step in and reorganize this
We cannot permit this organization to continue, semester after semester, in its floundering steps. It is an
organization receiving money from the Student Association budget. We cannot permit this condition to exist
any longer. We must insist that the executive of our Association take action.
Once each year we are all asked to contribute money
for something for which there is no tangible return. This
once a year is now and this something is Campus Chest.
The theme this year is "Students Helping Students."
The funds from this campaign aid students all over the
world, and in our own country as well, who have the ability
and interest but not the money to further their education.
They want to become educated so that they can help their
own people to advance their standard of living, yet the
economic system in their country holds them back. We
at State are blessed with the means, or at least a way to
the means, of following our profession.
Give others a chance to help themselves and their
countries. Contribute today at the desk in Lower Draper.
Second Place ACP
First Place CSPA
October 19, 1950
No. 18
Members of the NEWS mulf may foe reached Monday and Wednesday fruin 1 to
11 p.m. and Tuesday from 3 to a p.m. ut 2-3328, Ext 11. Phones: Lawrence 2-S12U
Qchlotthauber 2-0612; Kampf 2-0870
The undergraduate newspaper ol the Ni;w York State College for Touchers;
published every Friday of the College >car foy the NEWS Bourct for the Student
I'utillr Relations Editor
Business Advertising Manager
Circulation Editor
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Feature Editor
tf»orts Editor
Consultant Sports Editor
Associate Feature Editor
WIM.AHIJ O a l - t T T E
Stall Photographer
All communications should be addressed to the editor and must be signed. Names
wi" be withheld on request. The STATE COLLEGE NEWS assumes no responsibility
for opinions expressed In Its columns or communications, as such expressions do not
nece»»anly reflect Its views.
™*™ C i t S ? movTe" w itS
English subtitles.
There are three kinds of lies; lies, d a m n e d lies a n d statistics,
w i t h Grace Kelly , COMPLAINTS
For those of you who complain of a lack of h u m o u r in this column,
and Bing Crosby, in
we should like to contribute—the popularity contests which are being
vistavision and technicolor, A re- eliminated
the recommended lists for each election. In order to put
make of "The Philadelphia story." this through,by freshmen
were allowed to vote along with the revered . . .
G r a c e Kelly plays t h e p a r t of a
A "recommended" system does not eliminate superfluous n o m i n a tions (why should i t ? ) , n o r does it g u a r a n t e e qualified nominees.
snobby society womarip wnile B i n g
T h e Railroad Hour h a s returned for all comedy lovers.
is h r
ak es
r * f* «"» ^"J^f. ™ , J*J PATRONS OF THE ARTS
Though a t the time of writing we don't know how m a n y Albanians
a reporter. An exceptionally good
will come to see "Charlie's Aunt," we also don't know how much p u b mus j ca i comedy.
licity was done around Albany—but we can surmise from the far too
may be small, no need
LE A m>
,^ . . . _.
,, ,,,„ ia„ ,,,
1984 with Edmond O B r i e n , MiMaybe if more Albanians saw some of our worthy expenditures a n d
an active
s t ustore
d e n t windows.
body, the Though
" W hHail
a t ' s Albany S t a t e , " would be
chael Red&rave anCj j a n sterling. a >y
frequent one. They've got to find out w h a t it is before they can
(in thisoncase
ticket lady)of t thhaet to less
the thenear-classic
be proud of it.
by seeing.
i got
*"••••••- ••
"Big B r o t h e r " will be watching NEW DEAL
It's always a good idea to deal your cards over the table. We all
it straight
horse's ismouth
T h e from
G a m m a People with Paul Douglas realize t h a t not all students are interested in school politics or a n u m and Eva Bartok. A science-fiction ber of the activities sponsored here—the thing is t h a t some people are
capitalizing on this lack of interest, i.e. rejuvenation of t h e S t a t e s m a n
mew literary magazine) and the unsanctioned committee for recommendations for Who's Who.
If the above mentioned needs explanation, it only goes to prove
things t h a t directly concern you are being done behind your back.
From the anxious athletic, some not so athletic, crowd milling
around Bru's storage room last Saturday, our interest was aroused. Could
To t h e Editor:
it be students gathering prematurely for the pep rally?
It h a s been "commonly stated"
A second look revealed right p a n t legs rolled. A clue! I t seems
that t h e members of Myskania have Outing Club was out for the day Nobody used the bikes but everyone
not taken an active part in the pays student tax.
work program at Camp
of evaluating the S t u d e n t Exchange Committee (how
°f considera - m a n yOnoftheyousubject
know what it is? J much has been said.
From the point of view of the common s t u d e n t a re-evaluation seems
P e r h a p s complainers are u n a - to be in order, since last year's exchange to t h e University of Connecticut
aware t h a t members of Myska- seems to have been nothing but a good weekend away from NYSCT. No
nia are in a judicial capacity; positive suggestions or airing of new views and ideas followed the weeksince this is their work, as end—could be it was the proverbial lost variety.
Myskania members it is not
In answer to t h e above situation, one of the better proposals heard
necessarily required.
so far is, "Why not exchange the whole s t u d e n t body?"
P e r h a p s complainers are u n a Enough of prepaid, valueless vacations for a few.
ware t h a t at least half of Mys- HAS HOMECOMING CAME?
kania visited Dippikiii
From the looks of last weekend, Columbus Day weekend, it is our
spring; one member was on casual and probably erroneous opinion t h a t Homecoming weekend should
t h e work crew to begin con- be held on Columbus Day weekend. We had a capacity crowd last
struction a t the camp this fall. weekend.
P e r h a p s complainers are u n a - QUESTION OF THE WEEK
ware t h a t duties of Myskania
T h e school has leaders and followers. T h e followers are ready to
members are quite demanding; follow, but what are t h e leaders doing?
t h a t many have Jobs and or
extra-curricular activities on
P e r h a p s complainers are u n ware
members are tied up with
practice teaching.
P e r h a p s complainers are u n a - lu:C0 a.m. Non-Legislative Convocation, Page Hall.
ware of the help t h a t other 9:00 p.m. Campus Chest Dance, Brubacher Dining Room.
groups, boasting greater m e m - SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20
10:00 a.m. Fi'osh Frolic, C a m p J o h n s o n .
bership, can offer.
2:00 p.m. Students for Stevenson Meeting, Brubacher Hall.
Possibly, complainers didn't menu 8:00 p.m. Brubacher Open House and Dance.
what they said; but perhaps com- 8:00 p.m. Kappa Delta Open House for S t a t e s m e n , 3H0 Western Avenue.
plainers are unaware.
8:00 pjTl. Sigma Phi Sigma Open House for S t a t e s m e n .
8:00 p.m. Psi G a m m a Open House for Statesmen.
Nat l.fmoiiie '59
Bruce Nortlii '59
3:00 p.m. Sayles Open House.
5:00 p.m. Beta Zeta Open House for Statesmen, 389 S t a t e Street.
5:00 p.m. Lutheran S t u d e n t Association Meeting.
7:00 p.m. Canterbury Club, Cathedral House, s w a n Street.
7:30 p.m. Council of Religious Clubs Meeting, B r u b a c h e r Hull.
10:00 a.m. Junior Class Meeting, Draper 111
10:00 a.m. Sophomore Class Meeting, Draper 349.
3:00 p.m. C o m m u t e r s ' Club £ icial Meeting, B i u b a c h e r Upper Lounge.
7:15 p.m. S t u d e n t Council Meeting, Brubacher Hull.
7:30 p.m. I n t e r n a t i o n a l Film G r o u p present* "Birth oi a Nation," D i a ller 349.
8:00 p.m. Meeting of K a p p a Mil F r a t e r n i t y , B r u b a c h e r Hall.
8:00 p.m. K a p p a P h i K a p p a Meeting. Address by Leonard Koran, Director of New York S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t of Correction Training.
so N
H £ h s ociet
F r a n k Sinatra
College Calendar
Hi Doll!
a g r o u p of orphaned
t h r o u g h Apache territory. T h a t ' s
plot, you take it from there.
with Edmond P u r d o m a n d I d a
showing is_strange intruder
Campus Chest
Sororities Hold
Coffee Hours/
Open Houses
T h e sororities on campus are
p l a n n i n g coffee hours and open
houses, and two have recently held
pledge services and initiations.
Libby Stapleton '57, Vice-President, s t a t e s t h a t K a p p a
pledged t h e following girls Monday
evening: J u n e Sprague,
Faye, Sheila O'Donnell, Leona P e t erson, J u n i o r s ; Laureen Dewey '59.
Tomorrow t h e sorority will hold a n
Open Houss for Statesmen from 8
to 11:30 p.m.
Mary Lou Meiser, President of
Psi G a m m a , announces t h a t they
will have an Open House for S t a t e s m e n tomorrow. Nancy Hughes '57
is G e n e r a l C h a i r m a n of this event.
Chi Sigma T h e t a will have a coffee hour for P o t t e r Club Monday
from 8 to 10 p.m., announces Mary
F u r n e r '57. President.
Paula Segal '57, states t h a t Sigma
Phi Sigma will hold an Open House
for S t a t e s m e n tomorrow night. T h e
t h e m e for t h e Open House will be
' F a s h i o n s in Music." C h a i r m a n of
this event is Rita Chrisman '57 and
Carol Leff '59 is C h a i r m a n of Decorations. T h e Intersororlty Council
representative for the semester is
B a r b a r a K a u f m a n '59.
Nancy Louprette, President of
Beta Zeta, s t a t e s t h a t the following girls were formally initiated
Monday: Joyce Scheiler and J e a n
Brenda B u c h a n a n and Ann Crocker. Sophomores.
Potter Celebrates Anniversary
Edward Eldred P o t t e r Club will
celebrate its twenty-fifth a n n i v e r sary the weekend of November 2, 3,
and 4, a n n o u n c e s Wilfred H i g h a m
'57 and Jack T a t e '58, C o - c h a i r m e n .
For the occasion, the sister of Edward Eldred Potter, for whom the
fraternity is named, will be flown
from Chicago to speak at the formal
Leroy Holmes
Ploys Where?
Music soothes the savage beast,
H's said. 11 you're not it beast don't
stop reading. This may concern you
anyway. We're here to exhoi'l the
wrl lies' ol Leroy Holmes. No. he's
not a detective. He's a bandleader
which is the reason lor the music
Legend has it t h a t as one malures, one learns to understand
and appreciate the rhythmic beat
dl a jungle tom-tom, or something
to that effect. Mr. Holmes' specialty
is not necessarily along these lines,
but lie may give you a chance to
prove to yourself and your erstwhile friends your m a t u r e outlook
on the liner arts He has the qualifications nr si> the record industry
claims. His band h a s recorded n u m erous hits such us " T h e High and
tin- Mighty," ' C a r a v a n , " and his
latest. "When the White Lilacs
Bloom Again." W h e n he's not recording, he practices lit various
major shows around the nation
which shows he's it striven- and always good for it hot beat.
Colleges a r o u n d t h e country seek
his appearances a t their social functions. They like him. It follows aim
ilarly t h a t you as a college student
will like him too. Result: T h e critics
and public like h i m but why are
we concerned?
Administration, Campus Leaders
Discuss Political Parties, Finances
By W I N I F R E D Y O U N G S
Last S u n d a y , S t a t e College's 5th
mined by the present C a m p B o a r d :
Myskania, t h e judicial b r a n c h of Leadership Conference opened w i t h
1. All activities t h a t take place S t a t e College's s t u d e n t government,
keynote speech by Oscar L a n a t the c a m p are subject to approval h a s handed down the following de- ford. Dean of the College. He laid
of the board.
cisions relating to freshman beanies emphasis on t h e fact t h a t t h e
2. Activities which a r e w i t h o u t and elections, a n n o u n c e s S a r a J a n e greatest shortage is t h e shortage of
precedent must be brought to t h e Duffy '57, C h a i r m a n .
leaders, and warned t h e t w e n t y board for approval. They may be Beanie Decision
five campus leaders present n o t to
defended at an open meeting of
"All freshmen m u s t have beanies confuse activity with achievement,
the board.
a n d wear t h e m by Friday, October
R i c h a r d Hinck '58, C h a i r m a n for
3. All organizations, unorganized 19, although their beanies were the Conference, then opened t h e session
groups, or individuals must fill out stolen or lost. T h e beanies will be
to a discussion of introducing
a registration blank in the S P O worn until November 21. Any fresh- political parties t o s t u d e n t governtwenty-four hours in advance of d e - m a n losing his beanie after Octo- m e n t a t S t a t e . Tliree major quesparture for approval. T h e only ex- ber 19, and before November 21, tions came u p in t h e discussion: (1)
ception to this will be for a group must purchase a n o t h e r one within Would t h e s e parties be j u s t for
going up just for a day. They may t w e n t y - f o u r
hours. Immediately spring elections or would they have
check out t h r o u g h t h e B r u b a c h e r upon losing a beanie, be sure and
a. A list of all people who a r e Myskania C h a i r m a n of Warnings."
going will be required.
Absentee Election
b. T h e n a m e of the chaperone or
Myskania h a s also decided t h a t
advisor will be required if it is a voting for the Who's W h o election
co-ed or mixed co-ed and male will be by absentee ballot, since
there is no legislative convocation
c. Day trips m u s t check back to scheduled for t h a t d a t e .
T h e freshman class is unique.
t h e Brubacher switchboard before
T h e class of 1960 h a s been d i a l It's been said before, but this
closing time.
lenged to a soccer game by t h e judweek it was proven even to t h e
4. All rules of conduct which gov- icial body. T h e g a m e is to be played
faculty when one of its sleepier
e m the conduct of s t u d e n t s on on Dorm Field a t 5 p.m. today,
components decided to take a d campus will be extended to camp,
v a n t a g e of a lull during a class
unless otherwise excepted in these
lecture a n d fell asleep. The prorules.
fessor, n o t to be outdone by t h e
Girls will be required to h a v e
actions of a mere frosh, p r o m p t written permission from p a r e n t or
ly removed t h e class to a n o t h e r
legal guardian to stay a t the c a m p
room in t h e maze of Draper exovernight.
b. There will be no hours but segDonald Rice '58, C h a i r m a n of
Curious to see w h a t the ofregated sleeping q u a r t e r s will be S t u d e n t Board of Finance, a n fending- s t u d e n t ' s reaction would
required. (We would iike to have nounces t h a t s t u d e n t tax cards will
be upon awakening from his
t h e camp a place where blanket be distributed t h i s week to freshmen,
m i d - m o r n i n g siesta, t h e ever
permissions would apply. And we transfer s t u d e n t s , g r a d u a t e
stua s t u t e professor sent back an
recommend an 11 p.m. bedtime.)
dents, and upperclassmen who reenvoy to rouse him from his
5. General rules of c a m p safety quire new cards.
dreams a n d report on the findwill be required.
T h e tax cards will be available a t
ings. His enjoyment of the sita. Fires will be built only in d e s - t h e desk in Lower Draper Tuesday
uation was short-lived, however,
ignated spots.
from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., W e d n e s for the only observable reaction
b. All papers, garbage and t r a s h day from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., and
of State's Rip Van Winkle was
wl.l be disposed of in appropriate T h u r s d a y from 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
to see if he h a d a n o t h e r class.
cans or pit.
S t u d e n t s a r e requested to bring
Reassured t h a t he was safe
c. Persons at the camp shall be their Treasurer's receipt card with
from a possible cut he again
in pairs or groups when away from t h e m when they come to pick up
rested his head upon the spongy
t h e major camp area. Under no cir- their tax card.
wood of t h e desk and returned
cumstances will anyone be left
to t h e land of Utopian college
A fee of fifty cents will be charged
to upperclassmen who are replacing
(i. All injuries and breakage of their old cards.
equipment will be reported in writing to the board via the SPO.
7. No fire arms or bows will be at, the direct orders of the board.
permitted a t camp unless on a n es- Birch bark in particular, shall not
tablished range or the prior per- be collected from standing or clown
mission of the board.
9. Violators of any of these rules
8. No living plants or animals can
be collected without board permis- may have their privilege of camp
Religious organizations have slatsion. No s t a n d i n g timber shall be use revoked. This applies to groups
ed a variety of activities fur the
cut (or defacedi at any time except as well as to individuals.
coming week.
Student Sleeps--Freud Flips
Board Distributes
New Tax Cards
a year-round program? (2) Would
this t u r n elections and s t u d e n t gove m i n e n t into sorority and fraternity
blocs? (3) Do we need a p a r t y systern or would expansion of our p r e s e n t system do? T h e conference voted to recommend to Myskania t h a t
they look into expanding our election procedure as it now stands.
After dinner, Evan R Collins
President of t h e College gave t h e
a d m i n i s t r a t i o n ' s viewpoint on s t u d e n t tax and SA budgets a n d on
t h e football controversy If' this college is to stay tuition-free SA m u s t
n t in t h e picture by some show of
thrift in t h i n g s like budgets And
t h e budgets should be i m p o r t a n t
enough to all of SA t h a t packed
assemblies would m e a n crowds of
people, not one group pushing a
budget through.
T h e administration vetoed t h e
football equipment (as soon as it
h a d a c h a n c e to, even t h o u g h this
was after 150 out of 1800 people in
SA h a d passed it) on t h e grounds
of Athletic Advisory Board's stand
a few years ago t h a t before i n t e r collegiate football was a t t e m p t e d ,
we needed adequate conditions (of
field and m e n ) , coaching, and officiating. President Collins said this
didn't m e a n t h a t t h e administration
was opposed to football, intercollegiate or i n t r a m u r a l , w h e n all t h e
requisites were met. Nothing was
said about how or when they could
be met.
S t u d e n t Board of Finance came
u p for discussion, too. Now t h e
Board h a s duties t h a t range from
s e t t i n g financial policy to clerk
work on I D cards. This wide r a n g e
m a k e s it h a r d for t h e m to do an
effective job on anything. T h e conference voted to recommend t h a t a
committee be appointed by t h e
P r e s i d e n t of SA to set policy on
financial matters, to be approved
by S t u d e n t Council, and t h a t this
committee look into a program of
financial expansion for the o l l e g e ;
this would be approved by Council
a n d SA.
Film Association
Religious Clubs
Sponsors Movie
Plan Activities
T h u r s d a y a t 7:30 p.m. in Draper
Korean Graduate Students State
Education Similarities, Differences
By J O S E P H
Sung II Kitn is a g r a d u a t e ol
Chosun University. When we asked
what differences there were education-wise between the two countries,
he pointed out t h a t in American
colleges, S t a t e in particular, the
women students are more friendly
than those in Korea. Kim went on
to clarify this s t a t e m e n t further,
saying t h a t the social system of Korea does not permit t h e mingling of
the sexes as we do here. T h e graduate s t u d e n t added t h a t co-education h a s been adopted in Korea, but
relatively few women enroll in
schools of this type. Chang pointed
out that, in general, colleges in Korea a i e run very much in t h e same
m a n n e r as American schools.
Both students arc a t t e n d i n g S t a t e
as recipients of American Korean
Foundation .scholarships. Kim, highly interested in athletics, is the
javelin throwing champion of Korea. During the Korean conflict,
C h a n g served as a captain in the
army of the Republic of Korea.
College Democrats
Slate First Meeting
President Issues Data
On Building Names
T h e r e will be a meeting tomorrow at 2 p.m. at Brubacher Hull for
nil students Interested in joining
the "Students for Stevenson" club.
This is a new group on campus
which has as its purpose the creation of interest in the national elections to be held next m o n t h and in
t h e basic issues of the party p l a t forms.
This political club will work
strictly on the college level, states
the three leaders of t h s group,
Kathleen Bonk '59, Dominick DeOecco and Richard Sauer, Seniors.
Evan R. Collins, President of the
Col ege, announces t h a t the letter
"X" h a s been dropped from the
usual room designation of " D X "
i Draper Annex I, since it is felt t h a t
the use of the word "extension"
only causes confusion. It Is hoped
t h a t in the future t h e buildings, including the additions, will be referred to only as Richardson and
Draper Hulls
Rooms in these two buildings will
be signified only by the first letter
of the n a m e of t h e building plus
the room number.
Last week we told you a little of
the background of Lissa Silva, the
foreign student from Mexico. We
now travel to the eastern hemisphere, Korea to be exact, to learn
some of the background of two
other foreign students a t State,
Sung II Kim and Sang Ho C h a n g .
Kim, a native of Kwangju City,
and Chang, of Taegu, are both
g r a d u a t e students at the college this
year. After completion of
graduate work in School Administration, the two hope to a t t e n d a n other American University to earn
their Ph.D.'s. In the f u t u r e the two
Koreans plan to return to the
leaching profession in their h o m e land.
T h e first in a series of discussions on the bible will be held at the
meeting of the L u t h e r a n Students'
Association on Sunday. T h e meeting will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. at
St. J o h n ' s L u t h e r a n Church, 1G0
Central Avenue a n d supper will be
served to all students who attend.
Dorothy Davis '59 states t h a t Mr.
Daniel Uzupan, s t u d e n t assistant
minister, will lead the discussion
for the group.
J e a n n e t t e Weinberg '58 announces
t h a t there will be a meeting of
Hillel Wednesday in Brubacher Hall.
Sliei a Lister '57 will lead the Israeli
lolk d a n c i n g on T h u r s d a y evenings
at 7:30 p.m. in Brubacher Hall.
A group to be called Hillel Israeli
Folk Dancers plan to be available
for e n t e r t a i n m e n t for charities such
as orphanges and hospitals in the
349, t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Film Group
will p r e s e n t "Birth of a Nation,"
according to Steve Jacobson '59,
President. T h i s famous American
epic of the silent screen tells the
story of the Civil War. "Birth of a
Nation" contains the first close-up
ever used in motion pictures, and
shows p a n o r a m i c scenes of the b a t tles. Produced by D. W. Griffith, it
was the first major feature p r o duced in the old Biograph Studios
on the Palisades of the Hudson
River in New Jersey.
T h e 1958-57 I F G film schedule
also includes "The Bicyc'e Thief,"
" T h e Young and the Damned," a n d
the F r e n c h film, "The Well Digger's
Daughter." All foreign films have
English subtitles. Admission to all
films will be by Student Tax Card.
N o n - s t u d e n t s pay $.50 for a single
admission or $1.50 for a semester
series of six films.
Board Releases
New Dance Rules
The Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship is having a roller skating
party tonight. All who wish to atT h e S t u d e n t Union Board has islUontinucd
on Pane b, Column 2) sued a new ruling, states S u z a n n e
Liebcrmaii '58, Acting C h a i r m a n
and Vice-Chairman.
"The following persons shall be
permitted to attend dances given
by Slate College organizations in
Brubacher dining room:
There will be a meeting of K a p p a
1. All S t a t e College students a n d
Mu, the national m a t h e m a t i c s frat- their guests.
ernity, T h u r s d a y at 8 p.m. at B r u 2. Invited guests of the organizabacher Hall, announces Doris Vra- tions sponsoring the dance.
denburg '57, Vice-President.
This excludes students from other
Edward L. Bauer, Associate Direc- colleges unaccompanied by a S t a t e
tor of Chemical Control ut Win- college student."
A rotating committee of SUB
throp Laboratories, Rensselaer, will
speak on the topic, " T h e Applica- members will be a t the e n t r a n c e of
tion of M a t h e m a t i c s to Problems dances to check Identification Cards
or S t u d e n t Receipt Cards, beginning
in the P h a r m a c e u t i c a l Industry
The W i u t h r o p Laboratories under tonight a t t h e Campus Chest Dance,
Miss Lieberman also says t h a t a
his direction carry out research on
methods development and do about meeting of S t u d e n t Union Board
fifty per cent of the routine c h e m - will be held in Brubacher Sunday
ical testing.
a t 7 p.m.
Kappa Mu Presents
Corporation Speaker
Charlie Chanf Moves Into Town; College Maps
Gambling Hits Cafeteria Crowd
Program For
Polio Vaccine
What can you buy with a nickle to the real reason behind this arti-
Convocations Committee Releases
Attendance Rules For The /ear
Marilyn Leach '58, Chairman of
D. Convocation Committee shall
the Convocations Committee, re- take attendance at all legislative
following rules which will convocations.
nowadays? Not much, in most cle. . . . If any beautiful girl gets The College is carefully considering
at convocations
cases, with one big exception . . . both late permission and a couple
E. This attendance shall be taken
the Campus Chest Chinese Auction. of free passes, I may consider auc- shots at minimal or no expense to for the entire year,
every student who so requests anand recorded in this way:
Five cents there can buy anything tioning off a date with me.
from a dinner at one of the sororinounces Elmer Matthews, Director
There shall be a convocation each
1. Each person required to attend
ties, to a wench to wait on you in
of Teachers Placement Bureau. This w e e k, the type to be determined by
Religious Clubs . . .
your dorm.
plan is still in the formative state the Student Association President. convocations shall fill out an attendance slip, provided by the comThe auction is held from 11-12 (Continued from Page 3, Column 4) S S ^ I Z l t n T J y l ^ J ! ! :
Seating will be established accordin the mam cafeteria. It is run tend meet at Brubacher Hall at tain information must be dispensed j n g ^ ^
followin& q u o t a s y s t e m :
mittee, in his class color.
on a timed basis, the last bid taken 7:30 p.m„ and transportation will and other information collected Seniors, 75; Juniors, 200; Sophogetting the prize. Most bids amount be provided, states Lucy Schneider from the student.
2. At the close of convocations
mores, 200, and all freshmen.
to a nickle, which gets us back to '59, Publicity Chairman.
Students are free to take advan
these attendance slips shall be given
the opening line.
I.V.C.F. will meet Thursday at tage, or not, of such a plan if it Attendance
to Convocations Committee.
Isn't it worth a nickle to have 7:30 p.m. in Brubacher Hall, when is offered. It should be pointed out
a member of the faculty wait on Miss Carolyn Willis, an Albany that many students may prefer to A. Those S.A. members who are 3. Convocations Committee shall
you hand and foot at dinner? You teacher, will speak on "The Scrip- receive their injections from their to fill the quota will be rotated audit the attendance slips on the
have a choice between Mr. Dumble- ture in Hymns."
private physicians, which is ap- every eight weeks.
day of convocations and warnings
ton, Mr. Carino, Miss Newbold, or
According to David Goldberg, proved by the College Physician and
B. The lists for seating arrange- shall be posted no later than the
Miss Sivinski. Or, fearful of the President, Canterbury Club will hold Administration.
posted twenty-four following Monday.
retribution they may enact in class, a meeting Sunday night at 7 p.m. At present, cards are being sent ment shall be legislative
you can buy a waitress from among at the Cathedral Guild House. The
Penalty System:
from the College which are to tions.
your peers . . . or a waiter, depend- guest speaker at the meeting will tions
ing on your sex.
A. Penalties.
be Harry Price, Associate Professor immediately to you at your local
C. All members of S.A. whose
Another possibility is the movie of Social Studies. The topic of his address for you to fill in your part, names appear on the Convocation
1. First unexcused a b s e n c e will
passes which are auctioned every address is "How Is the United The completed card is to be brought Committee Seating list are required
day, and even a late permission to States a Favored Nation and What into Mr. Matthews' office in Draper to attend all legislative convoca- result in a cut.
go with them. And this brings us Does This Require of Us?"
106 before Friday, October 26.
2. Second unexcused absence will
result in Pedagogue being removed
from the Student Tax Card.
leases t n e
3. Third and following unexcused
absences will result in a $1.00 fine
per cut.
B. Pines shall be collected at
an appointed place in the college
for a three-hour period the week
following legislative convocations.
C. If fines are not paid grades
shall be withheld at the end of the
State Director
TV txpenment
A. Legal excuses:
1. Class or job conflicts.
2. Student teaching.
3. Any absence excused by an
authorized college agent will be accepted upon presentation of the
written excuse.
B. Excuses will be heard by Convocations Committee at an appointed place in the college for a threehour period following legislative
A minimum of seven lists shall
be posted in the college on the
Myskania, Student Council, four
class, and Commons bulletin boards.
Local Chapter Selects
Conference Delegates
Peter Friermuth '58, Vice-President of the college activities branch
oi the local Red Cross Chapter, and
William Young '60 were selected by
the local chapter of the Red Cross
as two of the six Albany college
students to attend the fourth New
York State College Activities Conference at Syracuse University on
October 2ii and 27.
Qomnia Kappa Phi JtouU
reliability of our measurement inEducation f Au d 1 o - Visual), with
Alan Stephenson, technician, and
Edward Sabol, Coordinator of Field
Services, are in charge of the program, here at State. The first phase
is to be used for teaching Education
classes by channeling in scenes from
different classroms in the Milne
High School. The second phase of
the program might be used for
teaching mass classes in Psychology,
Mathematics, Spanish and Commerce.
With the opening date of November 15 fast approaching, the wrestling squad is lagging somewhat to
date. Captain Austin Leahy has announced that there is a dire need
for grapplers to fill the ranks of
many weight classes.
Any male, whether experienced in
wrestling or not, is urged to report
to Leahy in the Milne Gym on
weekday afternoons. Lettermen of
last year's team will be present to
issue instructions to newcomers.
Two vets from last year's squad are
rapidly getting into their respective
weight classes. These arc Wayne
Harvey and Don Bindrin.
Gamma Kappa Phi moved into its new sorority house at 207 Western
Avenue last Saturday, announces Barbara Davis '57, House President.
The Western Avenue dwelling; accommodates sixteen women, and presently is undergoing extensive repairs. The large rooms on the second
floor are being partitioned off, and a corridor is being constructed by
the collese, The former two-family house will serve as temporary quarters until June.
APA Squad Defeats SLS Eleven
In Last Fifteen Seconds Of Play
A surprising switch in AMIA football statistics took place this week
as the .scores of the games were
predominantly larger than the number of injuries .sustained.
With the accident prone players
laying down their crutches the football talk of the week centered
around the APA-SLS game played
on Tuesday. Definitely the best
played game to date, the outcome
could have gone either way. Scoreless all the way, the gridiron men
from South Lake found the game
ending 15 seconds too late for them.
It was in these precious few seconds
that Bill "Hiram" Walker found
John Spaargarden standing in the
end zone watching all the spectators
and hit him with the leather. It
was paydirt for the gridiron powers
of Madison Avenue as they ran off
the confines of Dorm field with a
big 6-0 victory. LaRochellc called
the plays for the SLS squad.
Club Over Humps
Monday's game was an entirely
different story as Potter Club walked, ran, and rolled over the hapless
Humps 29-0.
Tom Briefly handled the pigskin
as though it was all his as he pitched four touchdown tallies. In the
Sticklers are .simple riddle* with two-word rhyming an
sworn. Koth wurda must huvo the sumo number of Hy||„bluH. (No drawing*., please!) We'll shell out $2fi lor „||
we UBO-and for hundreds that never see print. So send
stacks oi 'em with your name, address, college and CIMHH
to Happy-Joe-Lucky, Box 07A, Mount Vernon N Y
to taste
I'Vi. and Sat, from l pin
Oct. :il-:;~'
Hob Hope in
©A. T. Co.
p R o D u c T o r <Jm Jv»wtie<vn <Ju6
Bun. from l p.m. Contin
Monday from 6:30 p.m.
Tne.- Wed.-ThutT
Bette Davis - Ernest Horgnine
Also —
(ilenn Ford in
Daily from 6:30 p.m.
that the
of the
Fraternity Jewelers
is located in
2nd Floor — 171 Marshall St.
Syracuse, New York
SYRACUSE 75-7837
College Florist for Years
Syracuse '37
Open Daily 10:00 to 5:00
Follow the crowd to
Central Avenue Near (Juail St.
Corner Ontario & Benson
Gregory Peck in
With the opening cage game set
for a far distant November 29 date,
Coach Dick Sauers is making sure
his hoopsters will have any faulty
vision turn into A-l condition as he
begins putting the group through
a daily workout.
Back from his winning contingent
of last year are seven veterans.
Heading the list is Captain Jack
Minon who will be starting his
third year as a varsity eager.
Holway Back
State hoop fans eagerly await the
performance of Gary Holway who
rewrote all the records last year as
a freshman.
Speedy Joe Anderson, big Don
Mayer, scrappy Tom Hoppey, steady
John Rockwood and rebounding
Dick Causey will also be vieing for a
starting berth.
Newcomers to the group include
Ken Burmeister, 6'3" sophomore,
John MeDonough 5'8" frosh, and
Tom Baugham.
Need Managers
John Benton, the cager's manager,
has issued a call for all those interested in managerial work. No
experience is necessary and all help
will be welcomed. Any person interested is asked to contact Benton.
DIAL 4-1125
T h e t h u g who blows the bank apart
I s often a bashful boy ut heart.
T h e clean-cut man with clean-cut grin
Is a p t to be a sinner within.
T o end this confusion, make it your goa
T o take off t h a t mask and play
your real role!
F o r real pleasure, try the real thing.
Smoke Chesterfield! You get much more
of w h a t you're smoking for . . . real rich
flavor, real satisfaction, and the smoothest
smoke e v e r — t h a n k s to exclusive ACCU-RAY!
Take your pleature big • • •
Smoke for r e a l . . , »moke Chesterfield!
CL-ltflfotl oV Myvti* TvUiWM Co.
Mary Campbell, David Case, Marcia
Cavanaugh, Albert Clarke, Shirley
Clarke, Richard Cox, Mary Delahant, Lynda DeLano, Harriet Dent,
Dianne Donovan, Sheila Eckhaus,
Nancy Edds, Ann Foley, Elizabeth
Foster, Richard Gascoyne, Anita
Gillingham, Joan Hagon, Marjorie
Donna Hampker, Ethel Hart,
Joyce Hawthorne, Carolyn Heineman, Barbara Hubbard, Florence
Hughes, Janice Humphrey, Sandra
Howe, Frances Jadick, Marit Jentoft-Nilsen, Mary Johnson, Teresa
Kerwin, Maija Kroms, Dorothy Laden, Joanne Lahtinen, Ellen Laine,
Judith Lauser, Barbara LeBar, Donna Lees, Donna McKean, Faye
McMore, Dorothy Madigan, Joan
Marita, Mary May ham, Nelson
Mead, Margaret Morgan.
Marilyn Mowry, Donna Moysey,
Mary Madiaan, Grace Nesbitt, Mary
Nottingham, Mark Nye, Herman
Ossman, Joanna Recor, Janet Reigle, Jane Reuter, Nancy Rlshel,
Jennifer Robinson, Joan Ross, Rhea
Schwartz, Marcia Seward, Stephen
Simpson, Elizabeth Spencer, Shirley Stone, John Trombly, Mary
Jane Trzpis, Katherine Updike,
Joyce Vernon, Frances Wdowiasz,
Paul Weaver, Barbara Wutch.
Last year a new scholarship was
offered by the New York State Education Department to those High
School Seniors with a major in
Math or Science. This scholarship
consists of $500 for each of five
years while the student pursues his
indicated course of study. The following- freshmen are recipients of
this science scholarship:
Mary Cox, Gloria Deutsch, Phyllis Engle, Sondra Ferreira, Neil Jurinski, Carolyn Knipes, Janice Sheldon, Carol Tome, Nancy Tooney,
Ann Weatherley, Elfriede Wirth.
Headquarters for
by Chester Field
The Conference, which deals with
activities of the Red Cross, is sponsored by the Onondaga County
Chapter and the Syracuse University Unit of the American Red
first quarter it was Briefly to Millet
on a 13 yard flip. In the second
quarter the versatile blonde from
Binghamton found Harry Millet anticipating his toss. Just for kicks
Tom let loose with the extra point
toss. In the midst of this and his
next TD pass to Benton the smiling
Saylesman took a break from the
scoring as his teammates came
through with a safety. Briefly to
Fierro made it 29-0 late in the
fourth and by this time the club
showed mercy on their foes by allowing Millet to flip the PAT. On
defense it was—who else?—with five
interceptions to his credit.
Wednesday's game unfortunately
came in time for publication. Vets
53 Kappa Beta 0.
No Footballs Issued
Dave Burroughs, football commissioner, announced that no footballs
will be issued overnight or on weekends until the two missing pigskins
are returned. Next week's schedule
is as follows:
Monday•- College Heights vs SLS
Tuesday—Humps vs APA
Wednesday—Vets vs Potter Club
Thursday—Kappa Beta vs SLS
Varsity Cagers
Begin Practice
Here at State we join with State
Teachers College at Brockport in
participating in an experimental
education TV program.
Varsity Wrestling In
Need O f Grapplers
Oscar- E. Lanford, Dean of the
College, announces the following
freshmen are recipients of the New
York State Regents College Scholarship:
Camilla Acello, Margaret Adams,
Frances Belknap, Richard Bennett,
Johanna Bonacci, Timothy Bower sox, Caroline Bylina, Joan Cali,
Dr. Almsted said that, "based on
accepted classroom standards and
reliability of our measurement instruments, students have iearned as
much or more (through television)
than is the case when traditional
classroom methods are employed."
The third phase or use of the television experiment would be to televise Biology experiments so that
all the students would be able to
have a good view of the experiment.
N y S Regents Scholarship File
Lists Eighty-Eight State Freshmen
Educational television has been
praised by Francis E. Almsted,
Special Consultant on Educational
Television for New York State. Dr.
Almsted said that "without reservation" television in the classroom has
demonstrated "outstanding and successful results."
This is a one year experiment at
State. The actual programming began on Monday, October 8, 1956.
The Mayflower
Home of Jumbo Sandwiches
Come in and try your favorite
ice cream and candy specials
19, 19S6
Which six articles will readers
of the October Digest like best?
You Can Win a Cash Award—
and Scholarship Money for Your College in
1. Norfolk's friend to troubled teen-agers. Story of the arthritic cripple to whom youngsters flock for advice.
3. How to sharpen your judgment. Famed author IJertrand
Russell offers six rules to help you form sounder opinions.
4. My most unforgettable character. Fond memories of ('onnie Mack—who led the Athletics for 50 years.
$41,000 CONTEST
Open to All College Students {Faculty, too!)
5. How to make peace at the Pentagon. Steps to end ruinous rivalry between our A r m y , Navy and Air Force.
6. Book condensation: "High, Wide and Lonesome." H a l
Borland's exciting story of his adventurous boyhood on a
Colorado prairie.
7. Medicine's animal pioneers. How medical researchers
learn from animals now ways to save human lives.
8. What the mess In Moscow means. Evidence that the
Communist system is as unworkable as i t is unnatural.
9. Master bridge builder. Introducing David Steinman,
world leader in bridge design and construction.
10. College two years sooner. Here's how extensive experiments proved a bright lOth-grader is ready for college.
11. Laughter the best medicine. Amusing experiences from
everyday life.
Nothing to buy...nothing to write
12. What happens when we pray for othors? Too often we
pray only for ourselves. Here's how we gain true rewards
of prayer when we pray for others.
13. European vs. U. S. beauties. W h y European women are
more glamorous to men.
.. .and you may find you know more about
people than you think!
14. Trading stamps—bonus or bunkum? How much of their
cost is included in the price you pay?
15. Living memorials instead of flowers. A way to honor the
dead by serving the living.
How well do you know human nature? Can you tell
You may find.. .you know more about people than you think!
Here's all you d o . S t u d y t h e descriptions (at right) of t h e articles in the
October Reader's Digest—or, better still, read t h e complete articles in the
issue itself. (But you are n o t required to buy T h e R e a d e r ' s Digest to enter
the contest.) T h e n simply list the six articles in order of preference—that
you think readers of t h e magazine will like best. T h i s will be compared with
a nationwide survey conducted among a cross section of Digest subscribers.
Follow t h e directions given below. Fill in t h e e n t r y blank, paste it on a
post card, and get it into the mail before the deadline. Additional blanks are
obtainable a t your college bookstore.
All entries must be postmarked not later t h a n midnight, October 25, 1956.
D o n ' t delay. In case of ties, the entry with the earliest postmark will win.
Just pick in order the six articles
you think most readers off October
Reader's Digest will like the best.
READER'S DIGEST CONTEST, Box 4, Great Neck, L. I., New York
In the space opposite the word " F I R S T " write the number
of the articlo you think will be the most popular of all.
Opposite the word "SECOND" write the number of the
article you think will rank second in popularity. List in this
way the numbera of the six top articles in the order of their
popularity. (Note:Uae only the numbers of articles you choose.
Do not write the title of any article.) Clip and paste this coupon on a Government post card.
Name of college.
'5000 cash 1st prize
plus $5000 for t h e scholarship
fund of your college or . . .
'1000 cash 2
16. It poyj to Increase your word power. A n entertaining
quiz to build your vocabulary.
17. Are we too soft on young criminals? Why the best way
to cure juvenile delinquency is to punish first offenders.
18. Medicine man < n the Amazon. How two devoted missionaries brill); medical aid to jungle natives.
19. Creatures in the night. The fascinating drama of nature
that is enacted between dusk and dawn.
20. What your sense of humor tells about you. What the
jokes you like, the way you laugh reveal about you.
plus $1000 for t h e scholarship
fund of your college or . . .
21. The sub that wouldn't stay down. Stirring sunn of the
U.S.S. Squalus' rescue from a depth of 40 fathoms.
Any of TEN $500 cash prizes
22. Madame Butterfly in bobby sox. How new freec linns have
changed life for Japanese women; what the men think.
plus $500 for the scholarship
fund of your college or . . .
Any of 100 $10 prizes
in book credit from your
local college bookstore
23. Doctors should tell patients the truth. When I hi' doctor
operated, exactly what did he do? Why a written r ird
of your medical history may someday save your life.
24. "How wonderful you a r e . . . " Here's why affection
and admiration aren't much good unless expressed; why
locked-up emotions eventually wither.
25. Harry Holt and a heartful of children. Story of a farmer
who singlehandetlly finds homes for hundreds of Korean
war orphans.
And if your entry is the best from your
college you will receive an extra award
—an additional $10 in book credit
at your college bookstore.
26. Our tax laws make us dishonest. How unfair tax laws
are causing a serious mural deterioration.
27. Venereal disease now a threat to youth. How V I ) . is
spreading among teen-agers and sane advice to victims.
1. Read t h e d e s c r i p t i o n s i n t h i s a d v e r tisement o f the articles t h a t appear i n
October Header's Digest. O r better,
r e a d t h e c o m p l e t e a r t i c l e s . T h e n select
t h e G t h a t y o u t h i n k m o s t readers w i l l
l i k e best.
28. Secy. Benson's faith in the American farmer. Whv he
feels farmers, left alone, can often solve I heir own problems belter than Washington.
2. O n t h e e n t r y b l a n k at left, w r i l e t h e
number o f each a r t i c l e y o u select. L i s t
t h e m i n w h a t y o u t h i n k w i l l be t h e
order of popularity,
from first to sixth
place. Y o u r selections w i l l be j u d g e d
by comparison with a national survey
which ranks in order of popularity the
0 a r t i c l e s t h a t readers l i k e best. K i l l i n
and m a d the coupon. A l l entries must
bo p o s t m a r k e d n o t l a t e r t h a n m i d n i g h t , O c t o b e r 2 5 , 1956.
3. This contest is o p e n o n l y t o college
students a n d faculty members in the
U . S., e x c l u d i n g e m p l o y e e s o f T h e
Header's Digest, its a d v e r t i s i n g agencies, a n d t h e i r f a m i l i e s . I t is s u b j e c t t o
a l l f e d e r a l , s t a t e a n d local laws a n d
4. O n l y o n e entry per p e r s o n .
5. I n case of lias, e n t r i e s p o s t m a r k e d
earliest w i l l w i n . 10ntries w i l l bo j u d g e d
b y ( ) . l<). M c l n t y r e , I n c . , whose d e c i s i o n w i l l be f i n a l . A l l e n t r i e s b e c o m e
p r o p e r l y o f T h e Header's Digest; none
6. A l l w i n n e r s n o t i f i e d b y m a i l . L i s t
of cash-prize winners mailed if y o u
enclose a sulf-uddresBed, s t a m p e d e n v e lope.
29. Your brain's unrealiiod powers. Seven new findings to
help you use your brain more olliciently.
30. Britain's indestructible "Old Man." What Sir Winston
Churchill is doing in retirement.
31. Are juries giving away too much money? fantastic
awards juries hand out because they confuse compassion
with common sense.
32. My last best days on earth. In her own words ;i young
mother, learning she hail cancer, tells how she decided to
make this the "best year of her life."
33. Foreign-aid mania. How the billions we've (riven have
brought mainly disappointment and higher taxes.
34. Out whoro jol planes are born. Story of I'M ward Air
Force base, where 10,(1(111 men bat lie w hid, sand ami <peed
barriers lo keep us supreme in the sky.
35. Life in Ihoso United Stales. II umorous anecdotes revealing quirks of human nature.
36. Man's most playful frionch tho Land Otter. IntereMiii|>
facts about (his amusing animal.
37. Why not a foroign-sorvico careor? How our Slate I ><•pnrtmont is making foreign service at tracli veto young men.
38. A new doal in the old flrohouse. How one town c,o|,
lower taxes, i/o u/ir prelection combining lire and police.
39. Crazy man on Crazy Horse. Meel the man whose
slut lie of an Indian will he I he largest in history.
40. Their business is dynamite. How the iniimifii,'lure o(
this ex |ilosivc has been made one of I he MI lest industries.
41. His best customors tiro babies. How u kitchen slrainer
tuid a |lint of mashed pens became the (lerber I'milncls Co.
42. Smoky Mountain magic. Why this, our mosl ancient
mountain range, has more visitor.-, ilian any other.
43. Call for Mr. Emergency. Meel I he Kniergeucy I'ohce
who get H million New Yorkers out of trouble.
w Digest
Its popularity and influence are world-wide
Facts And Figures
For the benefit of all those Interested, Dragnet has won out again.
We now have all the facts on the
situation of football and its stand
both with the administration and
Our story begins back in the
packed assemblies of budget last
year, when AMIA budget took the
stand. At that time, a line of some
two grand for equipment was included which, alone, was equal to
the total sum of the budget. The defendant, AMIA, with a strong contingent of members in the assembly was able to pass the budget
through the student association.
However, the line in question was
soon vetoed. The reasons for the
veto were that is is believed that
the students who participate in
football are not in tiptop condition,
the facilities are not the best for
playing, coaching is not on a high
par, and at times umpiring is not
quite excellent.
What can we do but agree?
Isolated Case
At the meeting of players in the
Varsity Keglers
19, 1 0 9 6
football league tills week, it was
agreed that the rival fraternity
Bobby Backer and company will
game between SLS and Potter Club
was an isolated case of exceptional lead a mob of Peds with a punch
brutality and sub-par officiating. into tomorrow's game in the NorthTliis has been proven by the fact lands when the terrifying scholars
that In all the other games thus from Albany State take on the
far, there has been a minimum of Plattsburg hopefuls on the northInjuries and officiating is much erner's home grounds.
better in most cases. This fact was
further proven in another rival
Bob made his season total six in
frat game this week between SLS Wednesday's thriller when he broke
and APA. Tliere were no injuries in the game wide open with three of
this game, and no major complaints the five goals scored in State's 5-1
about officiating.
win over guest RPI.
Around The Quad
Saturday last was a different
Rivalry sports take a week off, so story as the Ped faithful saw the
we debate it in assembly today. . . . Purple take it on the chin by a
Never let it be said that Adelphi 4-2 score from a scrappy Adelphi
gets more spectators out to a soc- squad on the winner's grass. Everett
cer game than State. They had to
resort to a pack of Cub Scouts last
Saturday. The least they could do
for us is to get Girl Scouts. . . . The
Peds finally did it by whipping RPI.
The Engineers went back to Troy to
concentrate on basketballs after
their 5-1 setback. . . . If you're having trouble with homework, come
on out and study wrestling in the
Bru date rooms and lounges. . . .
The big thing of the week was the
score the Vets racked up against
the KB squad, 53-0. and a-hump
we go. . . .
Weiermiller tallied both State goals
in a loosing cause as his mates
couldn't penetrate the bulk of the
Panther netminder Hyman while
Tito Guglielmone saved 12 in a
valiant effort in the face of a strong
yellow attack.
The State College Varsity Club
keglers continued on their winning
ways this Tuesday as they set down
the Hudson Valley Tech five by a
3-1 tally.
The Peds, who have yet to meet
their biggest foes—RPI and Siena—
were not able to produce any top
notch kegling yet. Their poor showing on the score sheet however was
overcome by the even lower scores
of their Capital District foes.
Nominations Start
For I M
Ross Dailey, Vice-President of
AMIA, has announced that there is
a vacancy for the office of AMIA
President. Nominations for this office will open today and will be open
until Thursday. Voting will take
place on Friday. October 26. All undergraduate men are eligible to vote.
Also, a vacancy for one freshman
representative to AMIA Council is
to be nominated and elected. The
nomination sheet will be on the
Kctchum Consistent
The brightest spot in this week's AMIA bulletin board.
rolling was the consistent performance of Joe Ketchum, last year's
frosh ringer on the squad. Joe's ef£p,a>U SfxaUitfJtl
forts Tuesday included a 171-171172 for a 514 triple. He was State's
only representative in the desired
The Spotlight becomes a little
"500" circle. His thirty frame tally brighter this week as its glow falls
also went as best for the match.
on the blonde quarterback of the
High single honors for the three Potter Club, Tom Brierly. Tom's
games were taken by HVT Ottati contribution to the Club's 29-0 win
with a 185 mark listed beside his over the Humps Monday perhaps
could be considered a ".somewhat"
Important one. Offensively and deHVT Tallies First
fensively the Humps found but one
The Hudson Valley boys were only obstacle to victory—Brierly. A thirable to enjoy the first game which teen yard pass to Millett, a 20 yard
they captured by fifteen pins. Their flip to the same receiver and a sucegos rapidly deflated however as the cessful extra point attempt made
Statesmen were at a 27 and 20 pin the score read Briefly 13, Humps 0.
advantage at the end of the middle Alter a safety it was Brierly to
and closing contests.
Benton for a TD; Brierly to Benton
Ketchum had the backing of Gary for a PAT; Brierly to Fierro for six
Adelson, Irv Peterson, Jim Loric- more. While resting he also interchio, and Tom Sullivan, who despite cepted five passes.
their low scores came up beautifully
Runner-up honors go to John
in the clutch.
Spaargaren — Hiram Walker's find
in the end zone—who caught the
puss that broke the tie between APA
and SLS.
Annual Fall Tennis
Tournamznt Begins
The annual fall tenuis tournament is tinder way and first round
matches are now scheduled. All first
round matches must be played by
tomorrow. The second round must
be played no later than next Saturday. If those scheduled to play do
not show up, a forfeiture will take
place so that the tournament may
progress as planned.
Krtckson Wins First Match
As this copy of the paper went to
press, only one match had been
played. In that match, Paul Brickson defeated Don Reinfurt In three
sets, 6-3, 4-6, 6-2.
53 N. Luke Ave.,
Near Washington Ave.
We Aim To Please
Gerald Drug Go.
217 Western Ave.
Albany, N. Y.
Phone fi-8610
Wednesday's game showed the
three star going to Lou Delsignore
with the second spot to Paul Dammer and the third to Bob Backer.
Bench bits: . . . Wednesday's
game was well covered by the press
and radio as at least three officials
from these places were present and
the game televised, in part . . . there
was some doubt as to whether the
players outnumbered the spectators.
. . . the Purple will come home to
face Middlebury on Wednesday after
putting a 2-1 record on the line at
TAKES TWO TO TANGLE. The RPI goalie and an RPI player Plattsburg. . . . don't look now, but
collide in mid-air in the process of sending the ball down field. Gordon't that the basketball season
Lazeroff tl.i and Robert Backer (r.) of State watch play.
creeping up behind?
State College
You owe it to yourself
to see our
44. Beauty by the mile. Mow landscape engineers prove
roadside planting is lifcsaviug as well as beautiful.
45. Humor In uniform. True stories of ihe funny side of
life in our Armed Forces.
46. Seven economic fallacies. The American Economic
Foundation explodes misconceptions about our economy.
47. Admiral of Ihe Oreek OH Fleet. Story of Stavros Nhirchoa, who huu won a fortune betting o n - and c a r r y i n g - o i l .
Girls Gone with WAA—
Sorry Boys, No Dates Today.
Have a Smoke,
Go to the SNACK B A R And try a Coke!
their money missed the action of
the tight game in which a total of
17 fouls were called on the two
Talented Joe Hickey again sparkplugged the Garciamen when he
rang up a marker prior to the lone
Sliakeup Brings Results
Adelphi score. Bob Backer got this
Joe Garcia shook his lineup well one back at the 18:20 spot to conbefore using in the hope that the clude the afternoon's scoring acwell-conditioned squad would come tivities.
out of the doldrums and pulled New Award
what looked to be a close game out
of the fire to notch the RPI win State College News this week inbefore a scattering of fans in the augurates a new procedure of recstands. Those who were not too busy ognizing the top three players in
in their homes or dorms counting the game with on award called the
the best ballplayer of the game a
three star award, the second best
two star award, and third best one
star award. Saturday's game was
the first in which this award was
given, the three star award going
to Dickranian of Adelphi, the second to Everett Weiermiller, and the
one star to Lou Delsignore.
Down Hudson
Valley Tech, 3-1
Peds Take On Plattsburg After
Breaking Even In Week's Play
Kampj Kamme+Ui .
2. The great Pilldown hoax. How this famed "missinR l i n k "
in human evolution has been proved a fraud from the start.
Reader's Digest
what subjects interest people most? Here is a chance to test your
judgment—show how good an editor you are—and you may win
$5,000 for yourself, plus $5,000 in scholarship funds for your
It's fun to try. Maybe you can top other students in
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editors of Reader's Digest.
Why do far more college graduates read Reader's Digest than
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Can you spot in a typical issue of Reader's Digest the universal human values that link scholars, statesmen, scientists,
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News Views:
Latest Israel, Jordan Battle Places
Americans/ British In Predicament
Sarajevo, Pearl Harbor, powderkegs that have set the world arlame
during the twentieth century. A
Jordanian fortress known as Qualigilya may well be the tinderbox for
another inferno of world conflict
and destruction.
Qualigilya, only eleven air miles
from Tel Aviv, capital of Israel, was
on October 10 and 11 the scene of
a retaliation raid by units of the
Israeli forces. Usually an outburst
of this sort could be written off as
a border incident, but there are
factors in this case that make it
Impossible to do so.
The factors that make this an
issue of concern are 1) Israeli and
Arab officials describe Qualigilya as
the biggest battle since the ArabIsraeli war ended in 1948. This
coupled with fact that neither side
attempts to play down the incident
as per usual policy constitutes the
first factor.
The second factor or reason is
that the conflict arises at a time
when the prestige of the Jordanian
government and King Hussein is at
an all time low with the people of
Jordan. The Amman or Hussein
factor of Jordan is faced not only
with the problem of a troublesome
border but they are also threatened
by the internal disintegration of
Jordan itself. Internal unrest has
already caused Ave Amman cabinets
to resign in the last ten months.
In the forthcoming general election
in October, Hussein fears he may
lose control of the governing houses
of Jordan.
The third reason that enters the
picture is the question of how
strong Jordan will be in the next
few months. Should the country
falter, it has stated it will call in its
Arab neighbors, notably Iraq to
keep Israel from gaining control.
The Israelites have stated that they
will resist any attempt of this
The fourth factor that appears is
the fact that the retaliation at
Qualigilya marks a shift of Israeli
military operations to the Arab
triangle. The important point here
is that the vulnerable Haifa-Tel
Aviv corridor lies directly opposite
it. Here the country of Israel is
only eleven miles wide. An invasion
at this point could seriously cripple
Israel by cutting it in two and capturing its capital city.
Qualigilya incident emphasizes the
different stands taken by the United
Nations and Israel on the subject of
dealing with attackers that cross
the armistice line of 1948. The
United Nations represented by Dag
Hammerskjold maintains that Israel
has no right to cross the truce line
not even to punish raiders.
The Israeli government claims
that the U.N. recognizes both the
right of self defense and reprisals
for premeditated acts of aggression.
They also stress that their appeals
to the U.N. for action went unheeded and that they must fight to
protect their people. Over half the
Israeli population lives close to the
danger line.
The quarrel has left both the
United States and Great Britain
on an island of quicksand. Great
Britain has two important military
outposts in Jordan that are essential
in the defense of the near east.
Should Jordan fall, Great Britain
would lose no matter who won. The
United States has vital pipe lines
for oil that stretch across Jordan's
wasteland. We face the same problem as Britain, that is, war will
destroy vital links in West's defense
chain of the near east. The question
facing Britain and the United
States is simple. Oil and Truces or
War and Final settlement either
CarlsonSuggests POlmf Oae* *jAe SxcAan^e
Higher Teacher Prom the Keystone, Bya chemical
Uses . . . Usually versatile as a
tonic for low spirits and a depresanalysis of a woman.
sive for high spirits . . . Is probably
Retirement Age Accepted
Symbol . . . Wo.
Atomic weight . . . 120. the most effective income reducing
William S. Carlson, President of
the State University of New York,
presented a plan to overcome the
present shortage in teachers, at the
annual meeting of the Association
of New York State College Faculties
last week. His plan was aimed at
changing the mandatory retirement
age for teachers.
Renewing his call for a re-examination of the university's faculty
retirement policy, Mr. Carlson
pointed out that the extension of
the present retirement age from 65
to 70 could, over a period of time,
increase the supply of teachers by
as much as 12 per cent.
In his speech President Carlson
was referring to the recent action
of the University of Oregon in raising their retirement age to 72. This
action Carlson believes to be "a
straw in the wind," and he expects
that "all institutions may be headed
in this direction."
Previously the mandatory age for
teacher retirement in New York
State was 65. Having reached that
age, despite his ability and despite
the serious shortage of teachers, the
teacher is bound to retire. President
Carlson's plan would remedy this
Commuters Schedule
Wednesday Meeting
Barbara Rohrer '58 announces
that the Commuters' Club Social
Meeting will be held Wednesday.
The meeting will be in Brubacher
Upper Lounge from 3 to 5 pin. The
program will include entertainment
and refreshments will be provided.
All commuters are invited to attend. The club is especially anxious
to meet the apartment dwellers who
are considered commuters.
Physical properties . . . Boils at
nothing but freezes at anything.
Melts when perfectly treated and
very bitter when not too well used.
Chemical properties . . . possesses
a great affinity for gold, silver, platinum, mink and precious stones.
Violent reaction if left alone. Able
to absorb a fantastic amount of
food. Turns green when placed beside a better looking specimen.
Occurrence . . . Found wherever
man exists.
Juniors Open
Queen Quest
John Stefano '58, President, states
that there will be a Junior class
meeting Tuesday at 10 a.m. in
Diaper 111. At this meeting nominations will be opened for Junior
Prom Queen. Further nominations
may be made all day Wednesday
until 4 p,m. at the Election Commission box in upper Husted. Friday, October 26, run-off elections
will be held for the selection of five
finalists. The queen will be elected
from among these five on November
9 and the prom will be held that
Those who signed up to work on
the 1956 Pedagogue will work Wednesday and Thursday at 7:30 p.m.
and all day Saturday. These meetings will be held in Brubacher.
Check with the main office for the
room number.
Donald McClain '59, President,
urges all Sophomores to come to
the class meeting Tuesday at 10
p.m. in Room 349 in Draper. Along
with the discussion, there are three
financial motions which are to be
considered. These motions include
funds for both rivalry events and
the class newspaper, The Gremlin
agent known.
The Minnesota D a i l y reports
progress on their Campus Chest
"Would you like to contribute . . ."
The underclassmen eyes the young
woman behind the booth coldly—
". . . to Campus Chest?"
She smiles femininely. His bow
tie smacks him under the chin.
Aw, plee-z-z-ze?"
Meanwhile back in the Commons.
"Hey, handsome."
The tall, suave senior slowly removes his pipe from his puckered
lips. Eyebrows atilt, he "Hmm?"s.
"Would you like to contribute . . ."
A pretty young thing trails her
fingernails down his arm.
". . . to Campus Chest?"
His lips go in a kind of grin, and
he speaks, and his words are calm.
Then, clink!
Get the point, "gang"? Let's
make with the "Clink!"
Smiles Begins Program
With Hallowe'en Party
Mary Knight '57, announces that
Smiles is starting off its program
this year by holding a Hallowe'en
party at the Clinton Square Neighborhood House October 31. Those
interested in helping Smiles for that
evening may contact Joseph Fosegan '59.
All students who wish to try out
for Smiles and have not signed up
should contact Mary Knight through
Student Mail.
The nominations for re-election
of Treasurer are: Freida Fairburn
and Connie Olivo, Sophomores, and
Sue Russel, Mary Ruffles, Juniors.
All voting members will receive
through Student Mail a ballot which
is to be returned to Miss Knight
within two days.
H J KaixaMi M ; Co . WUuVtu a.ku,. .V (.'.
YORK, F R I D A Y , O C T O B E R 2 6 ,
Students Elect Parade Leads Students To Bleeclcer Stadium For Oswego Soccer Game;
"Who's Who" Dance A t Brubacher Hall Tomorrow Night Climaxes Weekend Events
State College graduates are returning this weekend
Nominees loday
for the fourth annual Homecoming Weekend. The two
day affair opens tonight at 8:30 p.m. in Page Hall with a
concert, announces Eileen Lalley '58, Chairman. The other
scheduled events include a reunion of alumni, parade, soccer game, open houses, reception, and a dance.
The concert tonight in Page Hall features the "Songmasters," a vocal quartet. Music Council, which is sponsoring this vocal group, states that no admittance fee will
Members of Student Association
cast their ballots today to select 28
Seniors whose names will be submitted to "Who's Who in American
Colleges and Universities" as State
College candidates for the national
Vote Absentee
Sara Jiino Duffy '57, Chairman of
Myskania, announces that all balloting for today's election will be
done absentee since this morning's
Students may vote at the desk in
Lower Draper Hall between 9 a.m.
and 4 p.m.
Names appearing on the ballot
are: Carol Allen, Joseph Anderson,
Beverly Andy, Robert Backer, Beth
Beehler, Sondra Brill, Robert Burns,
Marie Calao, Marie Carbone, Jan
Champagne, Barbara Davis, Domin
ick DeCecco, Marilyn DeSanta, Sara
Jane Duffy, Peter Dykeman, Richard Erbacher, Richard Feidman,
Tito Gugiielmone, Patricia Hall,
Lenore Hughes, Barbara Hungerford, Alan Hutchinson, David Kendig, Betty King, Ann Kinsler,
David Kleinke, Marcia Lawrence,
Sheila Lister, James Lockhart,
Frank McEvoy, Mary Knight. Bernice O'Connor, Mary Pagidas, Clyde
Payne, John Reiners, Bruno Rodgers, John Rookwood, Mary Ann
Schlotthuuber, Nancy Schneider,
Paula Segal, James Smith, Peg
Smith, Elizabeth Stapleton, Trudy
StecnmtT, Joseph Swierzowski, Bet
ty Van Vlack, and Everett Weier
Dorm Field Events
Both contests will tuki place on
Dorm Field with the soccer game
commencing at 0:30 a.m., immediately followed by Men's Football.
AMIA rules will be used for the
football game Men playing varsity
soccer, basketball and junior varsity
basketball may not participate.
Tiie rivalry score at present stands
at 7-1 In favor of the Sophomores,
who defeated the freshman class in
softball and debate. The frosh
scored one point for their cheering
at the softball game.
be charged.
Tomorrow afternoon also many of
the sororities and fraternities are
planning open houses for graduate
students and alumni.
Tomorrow evening at 6 p.m. a reception and punch party for faculty,
alumni, graduate students, Seniors,
their dates will be held at Herbert
' s . The admission price for this
party will be $1.25.
° b Brown and his orchestra will
provide the music for the Homecoming Dance tomorrow night from
9H aP-m.
to 12 midnight at Brubacher
' Refreshments will be served.
All freshman women will be allowed to remain at the dance until 12
Committees for the weekend are:
Invitations, Marilyn Leach, Lorraine Kozlowski;
Gayle Petty, Donald Rice; Hospitality, Mary Shelton, Joseph Barton;
Promotion, Frieda Cohen, R o s s
Dailey; Clean-up, Richard Bartholomew; Publicity, Patricia Gearing,
Thomas Watthews, Juniors.
T n e Alumni Reunion will be held
tomorrow at noon in the Ingle
R o o m 0 f p j e r c e Hall. At this time
a ] ] r e t U rning persons will register,
a n d cof f ee W JU h e s e r ved. Faculty
attend this affair
immediately following' this reunion
forming in
tne paracje
W JU o e g m
o f B r u D a c n e r jjall at 1 p m
- p n o s e t hat will participate will be
( h e cheerleaders twirllers a band
Myskania members who' will be
spuonsored by
p i e r c e Brubacher and Saylcs Halls
and each claas'^hich
behind its banner. The parade will
terminate at Bleecker Stadium
where the State soccer team will
play the Oswego squad. The band
under the direction of Charles
stokes, Professor of Music, and the
entertain during
will the
sold by the Junior Class during the
game for $1.00.
Students Hear
Journalist Today
New Ballot
This year, the names appearing
on the ballot which are preceded by
an asterisk are those who have been
recommended by a committee com]X>sed of both administration and
Above, Eileen Lalley (center) points out the final program of Homestudent members. The others
3is appearappear coming- events to Donald Rice, Patricia Gearing, Ross Dailey and Marilyn
ing on the ballot were nominated Leach (seated left to rifrht).
by Student Association. All candidates must reach the quota, which Student Council:
will be determined by the number
of students casting ballots and the
number of people to be elected.
Tomorrow Women's Soccer and
Men's Football are scheduled as the
Rivalry events, announces Joseph
Anderson T>7, Chairman of Rivalry.
Both events are worth two points,
and combined cheering is worth one
point. Myskania will judge cheering; members of Women's Athletic
Association and the Association of
Men's Intramural Athletics will umpire the games.
WAA rules will be used for
Women's Soccer, and the rival
teams will wear different colored
gym suits.
Discover the difference between "just smoking" and Camels!
Alumni Return For Annual Homecoming Weekend;
Music Council Presentation Opens Activities Tonight
Rivalry Schedule
Spotlights Sports
You'll find Camels taste richer, fuller, more
deeply satisfying. The exclusive Camel blend
of quality tobaccos gives you smooth smoking.
You're sure to enjoy Camels, the most
popular cigarette today. They've really pot if!
Council Passes Inventory Motion,1956 Pedagogue'7 Goes To Press
Lee DeNike 59, Acting President,
announces that Forum Bpard of
Politics will be in charge of the
Convocation program at 10 a.m. this
morning in Page Hall. Mr. Emmet
O'Brien, of the Gannett News Agency, will speak on "The Political
York State." Mr.
Scene m
O'Brien a newspaper personality
a t t e n d e d b o t n the Republican and
Democratic nominating conventions
Democratic nominating conventions
this summer. This is the first in a
series of Convocation programs that
will be planned by various organizations. Forum will also conduct a
poll in the Convocation to determine
the political sentiment of the student body.
Explanation of Compulsory
Students wlt.i assigned seats who
do not
attend legislative convocations will be subject to penalty,
states Marilyn Leach '58, Chairman
of the Convocations Committee.
The students voted to have compulsory assemblies themselves last
••<— -'during
» - assemblies.
— > , , ; „ . . ™The
students also voted upon the penalties to be used if anyone with an
assigned sea*- cut a compulsory assembly. The penalties consist of a
warning for the first cut, removal
of the Pedagogue from your student
tax card for the second cut and a
one dollar fine for each additional
cutAny students submittini excuses
via student mail are asked to address them to Marilyn Leach '58.
excuse will
be accepted
the student
is told
Leach will not answer letters. "*
Student Council convened Wed- in a process of reorganization, it
nesday evening with Clyde Payne was reported, but will have to work
'57, President of Student Associa- out matters accordingly.
tion, wielding the gavel. Included in
Sheila Monahan '58 read the prothe agenda were committee reports, posed amendments to the Student
Camp Board report, Pedagogue re- Association Constitution. After dis;
ports, "-the hearing
of' Association
* - - - < - " - - of
- cussion, •-•
• • Council
• passed a
Men's Intramural Athletics' inven- motion recommending to Student
tory, discussion of amendments to Association that the amendments
the Student Association Constitu- be adopted. They will be brought
tion, and discussion of a proposed before the student body at the ConHospitality Committee.
vocation on November 9.
Council passed a motion to allow
Council also discussed the need of
the Parents' Weekend Committee to having a Hospitality Committee,
go ahead with its plans for the Over forty athletic teams come to
weekend. Richard Feldtnan "57 re- State each year in addition to many
ported that President Collins has guests. Also the committee would
expressed consent, and
, , that
, the, facilitate matters when visitors artentative date is March 15 through live. Council recommended Student
The tentative
three mema17. faculty
State includes
College Union
bers toBoard
act to
as appoint
tours of "'"'"
the school,
' ' '* and ath- Hospitality
letic events between parents and
students. The faculty is to give their
support, Also mentioned was the
fact that although this year the entire student body will be allowed to
invite their parents, in following
years only parents of freshmen will
be permitted to take pan because
of the increasing enrollment.
This article is the first of a series seen, doing a mere three hours ol
Appointed to the Student-Faculty
Members of the class of 1958 vote
Committee by Student Council was dealing with categorized students math homework is the worst sin
absentee today to select the five
Theresa Bell '58. Next year's Activ that fall under a variety of horrify- since Eve bit the apple.
finalists for Junior Prom Queen.
ities Week is to be held at the be- ing stereotypes. The series will preThe truth ol the stereotype? Too Balloting began yesterday, and will
ginning of the college year, and will sent the nature of the "type," the much
be managed by live chairmen and truth of the generalization, and pos- to endure. Of course it would be rid- continue at the desk in Lower Drapa coordinator, it was announced.
siblo remedies of the situation. This iculous to say that female mathe- er from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. today.
Robert Levy, Graduate student, weak; The female mathematics maticians become animalish . . . Second Election
read the Cam]) Board rules and an- major.
The five candidates who reach
jusl a coincidence, I suppose. The
nounced that at their Board meeting
This type is an animal with long monkey-like responsiveness might the quota in uxiay's election will
next Tuesday, the lakeside develop- lunny ears, she kicks up at any- be explained by pointing out that it compete against each other in a secineiil will be discussed. On November thing she hears . . . these song lyrics is lady-like to be polite, attentive, ond balloting to be held on Novem18. the Camp Board and Myskania come close to describing the typed and industrious—that is, it's lady- ber 9. The victor of that election
are sponsoring a guided tour lor female math major. Is it not logi- like to be monkey-like. The poor will reign as Queen of the Junior
tho student body.
cal that a woman choosing a career grooming of the poor girl is grossly Prom, and the four runners-up will
Beth Beehler '57 reported that generally associated with males exaggerted in the type, but is appar serve in her court.
work on the '57 Pedagogue is pro- would resemble an animal? And I
A t , nercentuaj' eve Another Twenty-One Candidates
of this
tills ooVncWence
^ * " ' "f P*""i»rhaos
„a.. h ans ~"The"""hign
The h i I
thei; live fingressmgg satisfactorily. The 1956 have actually seen too many ol
i o r s will select their
Pedagogue will go to press on Mon- category "kick up" at anything they
. c o d ( / ' hon{ev/ork
*, alists from this list of 21 candidates:
hear. .
"Good morning," says the e x a ( f f f e r a t e d h l l t U I . e s e n t neverthe- M a r y Bradley, Barbara DeFrancis,
Raymond Castillo '57 and Ross prof, and BOOM—out comes the . °°
Sally Harter, Gretchen Hurd, Joan
Dailey '58 represented the Associa- pencil, a twelve pound notebook,
Kopczu, Patricia Kennedy, Mary
tion of Men's Intramural Athletics and an expression with division signs
The remedy, If it is desired, is a Ann Kuskowski, Lorraine Kozlowat the meeting. The inventory was instead of dimples. Scraggly hair simple one. If the admittedly few ski, Eileen Lalley, Marilyn Leach,
read and accepted by Student and unshaven legs are pathetically women who fall under the exact Suzanne Lieberman, Patricia McCouncil. Council defeated the pro- associated with the lady logarithim type would read a little Freud or Grath, Tina Melillo, Marilyn Noyes,
posal of having a representative of . . . who wants to groom when there Kinsey, they may realize that there Mary Picciano, Gayle Petty, Beverly
Council act in an advisory capacity are three hours of math problems to are other things in life besides Ross, Florine Skutnik, Arlene Sluon the Bourd. The organization is toy with: And from what I have math.
sarz, Bernice Tyler, Ann Vincent.
Animalistic Attributes Associated
With Mathematics Major-ettes Juniors To Select
Queen Finalists