Document 14064405

News Views:
Democratic Party Faces Crisis
Over Southern Integration Issue
State Quartet
Participates In
Cornell Show
The Democratic P a r t y of the
United S t a t e s is facing a crisis t h a t
will either m a k e t h e party stronger
or destroy it. T h e decision it faces
is whether to a c c e p t t h e manifesto
of t h e S o u t h e r n Democrats or to
assert itself once a n d for all against
the Calhoun element of t h e party
which is living in a century t h a t
has been gone w i t h the wind for
more t h a n a h u n d r e d years,
Supreme Court Decision
T h e Democratic P a r t y , if it is to
challenge its o p p o s i t e
spearheaded by the most personally
popular President since Theodore
Roosevelt, m u s t unify itself. T h e
Supreme Court decision for the d e segregation
schools ciearly b r o u g h t out the insecure unity of the Democratic
Party. T h e introduction of this political manifesto just before a presidential election shows how fanatical the belief of white supremacy
is still prevalent in the South despite t h e fact t h a t a war disproved
tnis theory. T h i s
Stressed despite the acknowledgm e n t of most S o u t h e r n e r s t h a t the
tconomic upward movement of the
Negro will continue and t h a t , in the
course of decades a changed and
improved status is almost inevitable.
ed for a prize for c a m p a i g n contributions. Lyndon J o h n s o n , Senate
floor leader, tried to hurry it
through, but a bribe a t t e m p t and
unwanted publicity resulted In a
presidential veto. All is not, d a r k
though for the Southern Democrats;
they still have the t r u m p card, Senator Eastland, C h a i r m a n of t h e
S e n a t e Judiciary Committee which
p r e p a r e s all legislation dealing with
civil rights for presentation to Congress. Tlie Democratic P a r t y m a y
find t h a t it is in the position of
the Republican P a r t y in 1948. T h i s
was t h e incident of t h e special session of Congress where Harry T r u m a n dared the Republican Congress
to pass measures the Republican
P a r t y was using as a platform. T r u m a n knew the Republicans did not
have t h a t m u c h s t r e n g t h . T h e D e m ocrats will have to do some quick
thinking on this m a t t e r . Your cane,
Mr. Butler!
J a c k H i g h a m '57, C h a i r m a n of
the S t a t e College U n i t of t h e A m erican Red Cross, announces t h a t
the Saylesmen Q u a r t e t participated
in the First Annual Bailey Hall T a l e n t Show last weekend. The Saylesmen, consisting of Ronald Alexander, Robert Bosom worth, T h o m a s
Brierley, and Joseph Barton, Sophomores, organized last year and have
given several performances here a t
S t a t e . T h e talent show was held
in Cornell and was sponsored by
t h e Cornell University Unit of t h e
American Red Cross. T h e purpose
of this show was to raise money for
t h e Red Cross' campaign fund.
Carol Russo, a pianist from the
College of S a i n t Rose, and a group
from Albany Business College which
presented a .skit also participated
in the t a l e n t show. They accompanied the Saylesmen on the trip.
H i g h a m also states t h a t the S t a t e
College Unit of the American Red
Cross is seeking canvassers for the
fund campaign. T h i s campaign be-
Sororities, Fraternities Schedule
Host O f Events For Weekend
K a p p a Delta, Sigma P h i Sigma and
Psi G a m m a Sororities are planning
Open Houses for S t a t e s m e n t h i s
weekend. Alpha P h i Alpha and Sigma L a m b d a Sigma Fraternities will
serve breakfast tomorrow m o r n i n g
at their houses following the Dawn
Dance for members and their guests.
B a r b a r a Salvatore '56, P r e s i d e n t
of K a p p a Delta Sorority, h a s a n nounced t h a t their Open House will
be held tonight, from 8 to 11 a.m.
T h e General C h a i r m a n of the affair is Elizabeth Stapleton '57; Arr a n g e m e n t s , Norma Roscoe '56; R e freshments, B a r b a r a D u m o n t '57.
Eleanor Bogan '56, President of
Sigma Phi Sigma Sorority, a n nounces t h a t their Open House will
be held tomorrow from 8:30 p.m. to
12 m i d n i g h t at 840 Washington Avenue.
Evelyn Leuffen '50, President, a n nounces t h a t Psi G a m m a is holding
gins this m o n t h . Any s t u d e n t who
is interested :n helping the Red
Cross in this a n n u a l drive is asked
to contact H i g h a m by s t u d e n t mail
as soon as possible.
an Open House for S t a t e s m e n t o n i g h t from 8 a 11 p.m. Rita Honke
'57, is c h a i r m a n of the event.
T h e president of G a m m a K a p p a
Phi Sorority, J a n e W h i t e h u r s t '56,
has announced t h a t t h e following
girls have been pledged to the sorority: Sally Eggleston '58, Florence Albani, B a r b a r a Dressier, and
Sonia Yakobizyn, freshmen.
Whitson C. W a l t e r '56, President
of Alpha Phi Alpha F r a t e r n i t y , a n nounces t h a t a breakfast for b r o t h ers, pledges, and dates will be held
at t h e fraternity house tomorrow
morning. Edward Jones '57, is Social C h a i r m a n of t h e Breakfast t h a t
will be served a t 8 a.m.
Richard Vanslette '56, P r e s i d e n t
of Sigma Lambda Sigma F r a t e r n i t y ,
a n n o u n c e s t h a t a breakfast will be
pledges, and their dates at 8:30 a.m.
tomorrow morning.
Livingston Smith, President of
Kappa Beta F r a t e r n i t y , h a s a n nounced t h a t Harold Affsprung, Associate Professor of Chemistry, h a s
joined the fraternity.
Tills manifesto h a s also shown t h a t
the Southern Democrats will chance
a split to press home their views. The
Southern congressmen have everything to lose and little to gain by
a third party split. T h e 1948 c a m paign oi J. S t u r m T h u r m o n d should
have driven h o m e t h a t point to
them. Harry T r u m a n , by moving his
platform to t h e left on civil rights,
destroyed t h e foundation of t h e
Dixiecrat P a r t y thereby rendering
it harmless.
The N o r t h e r n Democrats have
m a d e it clear t h a t they will stand
firm against this outdated, timeworn dogma of trite. They realize,
along with a few S o u t h e r n liberals,
Senator Estes Kefauvcr
I D I of
T h u r m o n d C h a t a m of North Carolina I D I , t h a t t h i s is a nation, and
not a confederation.
Chi Sis, KD's Spring Formals
Highlight Weekend Activities
Soph Class Elects
Editor For
A D Class Presents
Tuesday Productions
Pledges Choose "It Pays To Be
As Theme Of "Help
Satisfy Yourself'with a Milder, Better-Tasting smoke
packed for more pleasure by exclusive AccuRay
Freshmen Nominate
A t Tuesday Meeting
The next edition ol the Gremlin
Gazette, the Ireshmaii class newspaper, will be out Monday, according
to Donald MeClaln 59, Editor.
As a result of the 1956 S t a t e
Budget, the S t a t e College for T e a c h ers a t Albany h a s received an a p propriation of $1,550,000 for the
construction of a new library, specifies Evan R. Collins, President of t h e
College. Since this is a state s u p ported college, our building program
is subject to appropriations from
' 9 4 »
I he State legislature.
State building programs are conZ-46 1
A L B A N Y . NEW YORK, FRIDAY. A P R I L 13, 1 9 5 6
VOL. XLI NO. 8 ducted in three stages, t h e planning,
construction, and equipment stages.
An appropriation is necessary before each stage can be undertaken.
Planning money is used to hire a n
architect to plan t h e project. This
is followed by the construction stage
S t u d e n t s p l a n n i n g to a t t e n d t h e
which is the present s t a t e of the
S u m m e r Session should first secure
the approval of D e a n Lanford, who
At the present time the plans for
will issue s u m m e r session program
the library have not been completed
because the site for the building is
P r o g r a m cards for t h e Fall sesChi Sigma Theta and Kappa Delta Sororities are holding their annual Spring- still being negotiated for by the
sion will be available at the offices
State. The building will hold 150,000
of D e p a r t m e n t chairmen according Weekend this weekend. Included in the array of events are their spring formals, and volumes as compared with the presto the following schedule: G r a d u a t e informal parties. Kappa Delta is also sponsoring a jazz concert at their house Sunday. ent. 55,000 volumes in the college
s t u d e n t s and Seniors anticipating Tonight Beta Zeta and Phi Delta are holding open houses lor Statesmen.
and Milne libraries. T h e r e will be
g r a d u a t e study in the Fall:
desk study space for approximately
A-L—Wednesday, April 1H a.m.
1,000 students which is an increase
Orange Suite tonight from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., announces Thomasina Pagan '56, President. of 700 seats from the present buildM-Z—Wednesday, April 18
General chairmen of the social events are Mary Furner '57 and Marie Dettmer '58. ing. The building will be broken up
A-L -Thursday, April 19 a.m.
Chairmen of the committees are: Programs, Doris Sterzinar; Band, Sara Jane Duffy; into several small reading and reference rooms. T h e r e will also be
M-Z T h u r s d a y , April If) p.m.
Favors. Mary Elizabeth Gaiss, J u n four office rooms for the DepartSophomores:
iors; and Chaperone.s, Mary Ann
ment of Librarianship, and seven
A-G Friday. April 20 a.m.
Gerace '.">8. Mrs. Aubrey, House. i n d e n t workrooms for the library
H-O Friday, April 20 p.m.
mother; Mrs. Rand, Housemother of
P-Z Monday, April 23 a.m.
Plans have also been proposed for
Pierce Hall; Neil Brown, Director of
the use of the present library buildSayles Hall; Violet I.arney, AssociA - G - Monday, April 23 p.m.
Theresa Barber '56, C h a i r m a n of in",. It has been considered for a
H-O—Tuesday. April 24 a.m.
Ellen C. Stokes, Dean of Women, ate Professor of Mathematics, and Myskania, announces that W a r r e n student social building which would
P-Z Tuesday, April 24 p.m.
and David Hartley, Dean of Men.
All s t u d e n t s should secure regis- announce that housing preference Assistant Professor of Chemistry D u n h a m was elected Fresh H a n d - include a cafeteria, snack bar, game
room, and lounges.
tration instruction sheets in the forms are now available in t h e S t u and Mrs. Spalding arc chaperone.s. book Editor.
Construction of a new dorm will
R o t u n d a before going to their De- dent Personnel Office All students
ibis season.
Bosom worth 777—Eliminated.
p a r t m e n t chairmen. S t u d e n t s will are asked to secure and complete
plans have been approved. Construcreceive their cumulative index via one of these forms and to return it will be held at the sorority house
tion will not begin for at least allCorcoran 1000 11000—Eliminated.
s t u d e n t mail prior to registration. to the office on or before Friday, at 8:30 p.m.
ot her month as bids for construction
F r e s h m e n will receive two copies, April 20. These forms will be used
1800 1900 2300 2800 3200 have not yet been advertised. T h e
Kappa Delta Sorority is holding
one to be taken to their major d e - to determine how many students
dorm will house 200 students and
partment, advisor for program a d - will need rooms, what halls they an informal party at the house towill have no dining room facilities.
visement .
would like to live in. and what sysDunham
2200 2400 2600 3000 4100 nI'his will provide for an L-shaped
highT h e following courses listed in the tem will be used in making assignElected.
building parallel to Brubachcr and
1956-57 will not be offered in the m e n t s lo the various halls. Residents light of their weekend will be a
then extending perpendicular to
1400 1400 1500 •Eliminated. Brubachcr out to Western Avenue.
Fall .semester: Education 131, Edu- of Brubachcr and Pierce Halls will
cation 214M, Education 308, Educa- receive and return their forms at Herbert's at 7:30 p.m. General chair- Skut nik 1100 1400 1600 2000—Elim. F u t u r e plans include a similar dorm
man of the dance is Ann Kinsler
338, M a t h e m a t i c s 215, Music 30, tin dorm.
on Partridge Street, and a separate
1500 1500 1500 1500 1500 dining hall.
Music 40, E a r t h Science 5, E a r t h
Van Der/.ee Hall and College '57. Chairmen of the c o m m u t e s a r c : Blanks
Science 0. Physics 100. and Physics Heights will no longer be available
Money h a s also been appropriated
200 400 900
for accommodating students. This Favors, Marilyn Stilwell; Programs
lor the planning stage of a h e a l t h
9700 9700 9700 9700 9700 and physical education building. T h e
means that housing will be short unless several possibilities under con- Juniors. C h a p e r o n e s lor the dance
The following are Associate Edi- college also has money for the gradarc:
Arsideration materialize. Albany S t a i r
ing and draining of St. Mary's
Florine Park which will include 12 tennis
houses a larger percentage of stu- nold Gruva, Assistant Professor of tors: Pairicia
dents in residence halls than any ol Modern Languages, and Mrs. G r a v a ; Skutnik
Leach, Joseph lourt.s on Washington Avenue and
i hi' other State Teachers' Colleges John Tibbetts. Associate Professor Szarek. Frank Swiskey, Lorraine a single level area for recreation.
with the exception of New Pallz and
Koslowski, Normandie Pisbko, Soph- Consequently, College Heights will
Potsdam, both of which have large Sunday afternoon from 3 to (I p.m. omores.
be torn down this summer.
A session of F r e s h m a n O r i e n t a - temporary buildings.
sorority house.
tion will be held Tuesday a t 10 a.m.
Student Council:
At I his time, Hie chairmen of the
Beta Zeta's open house for S t a t e s various d e p a r t m e n t s will meet with
men is tonight from 8 to 11 p.m. Phi
s t u d e n t s who intend to major in
Delia is also holding an open house
their department to explain the relor S t a t e s m e n tonight al 8 p.m.
quirements and suggest programs.
T h e following week, students will
Marjorie Jelley '57, announces Clean-Up, Joan Newman; Pre-Clean
consult the c h a i r m e n of their major that the Advanced Dramatics Class
d e p a r t m e n t s individually to make will present laboratory plays m
Carol I.iift; Refreshments, Virginia
up a program for next year.
Draper 349 Tuesday evening at 8 Hilliker; Arrangements, Mary Smith,
T h e schedule: Commerce, Milton p.m.
Seniors and Knt-ertainment. Nancy
Student Council, in their meeting
The laboratory assistant working
Olson, Director of Education iComBarbara Hungerford 57, will di- Schneider '57.
Wednesday evening, heard commit- in the machines room in New D r a p mcrcci. Draper 341); English, Shields rect "At. Liberty" by Tennessee Wiltee reports, approved the new Co- er, will be Fred Gentile '57. He will
Mcllwaine. Professor of English, liams. "Lady of the Larkspun LoMis'- Salvatore also announces
Richardson 20A; Latin, Edith Wal- tion" I) Williams will lie directed that. Kappa Delta pledged Margaret Chairmen of Campus Chest lor ncxl be there for two hours per day and
lace. Professor ol Latin; M a t h e - by ,Iuiii. • C h a m p a g n e '57, and Clif- Neil, Claudia Alleolt, Mary J a n e year, approved I he laboratory assist- any student may use the machines
matics, Ralph Beaver, Profe sor of ford Odets' "Waiting lor Lelty" will Youngs and Barbara Hubiak. fresh- ant for the machines room, voted on in the room al those limes. T h e
the Dramatics and Arts Council limes will be announced later. GenM a t h e m a t i c s : Modern Language, J. lie directed by Paula Segal '57.
men, Monday night.
Budget, approved the Assembly ag- tile will be paid from l a n d s a p p r o Wesley Childers. Professor of Modenda, and voted to recommend the priated from surplus.
ern Languages, Draper 202; Social
Myskania motion presented to them.
Studies, Josiah Phinney, Professor
Council heard the D r a m a t i c s and
J o h n Slefano '58, C h a i r m a n ol Aits Council budget which was preof Economics, Page Hall. All Science
tilt* College Camp Board, reported sented al $2,952.00 and which CounMajors will meet with Minnie Scotthat a hearing will be held April i il (lit lo $2,842.00. They cut out
land. Luther Andrews, and George
28 and 29 al which a Stale Forester $105.00 and voted against the StuMurphy, Professors of Biology, PhysBY ART I'l.OTMK
and Conscrvationisl will discuss the
ics, and, respect ivrl\, in
It happens every spring and it receiver sinks into a complete shell possibilities ol the camp. This meet- dent Board ol Finance recommendI lusted 150.
ation lo cut out $1,000 from the
ing will be npi n to all of si udeiit Guesl Artist line.
Any .students who have not yel
decided on a major .should see Dean now but U is new and lresh to the ol e n t e r t a i n m e n t arc conducted end- Association, A plan Was also pro' f i e Assembly agenda for today's
Stokes, Dean Hartlev or Frances freshmen and it is tolerable lo oth- lessly in the Commons and the posed whereby a lax ol one or two
Thomson, Assistant Professor t Per- ers because it, strikes nostalgic Snack Bar. These perfoimances are dollars would be imposed upon the Assembly will lie as follows: Nomchords ol balmy spring memories. l a t h e r enjoyable to criticize and students and be placed in a separate inations for Student Association O l sonnel i, as soon as possible.
II could be baseball and it could be Ihe.\ provide another rationalization hind lo be used lor buildings ,.' ileers, Financial motion for the lablove bill linal Greek pledge week out, ol studies, bill the poor nomads the camp
oralorv assistant, the Slate College
is what we speak ol
thai come all the way Irian Union
Council approved Gaylc
Petty News and Hie Typewriter Pool budThe pledges hate il, the Greeks anil Rl'l just lo play ping pong are and Marilyn Leach, Sophomores, as gels, discussion of tin' Myskania moare slightly embarrassed lo d i r c d it, annoyed to the point of nervous Co-Chairmen ol Campus Chest tor tion lor penalties for culling Assemblies, and Announcements.
and the independents scorn it II is breakdowns Alter all, should you next year.
done because if is tradition and eider a stranger's home to watch
T h e Mvskania motion, approved
T h e only tryouts for the Moving- tradition is more powerlul than television, would you not be annoyed
by S t u d e n t Council reads as bilwhen they dined?
Up Day skit will be held al. 7 p.m. pledges, (Ireeks, or independents
lows II will be presented today m
m Brubachcr Hall, announces J o a n
Whal is accomplished during Help
The sororities are finished . . . Willi
Assembly lor consideration by the
Ginsburg '5(1, C h a i r m a n . Opportu- Wei ks'.1 Valuable surveys are taken Help Week The fraternities are out
Association. "1 move thai allcr one
nities are available lor all singers, lor one tiling . . e.g., how many lo break all record.-, and a few backs.
uiiexciised absence from Assembly
heredancers, and actors Sign-up sheets people believe in uiterdigilalioii be- Pain will be experienced, destruction
per semester a warning will be givhave been posted in lower llustcd, fore marriage . . . al least a few in- ol property will be done, and indi- after, as an editorial policy, no let- en lo the student. After the second
and members ol all classes arc urg- quisitive people learn thai inter- viduals will lie embarrassed and
printed lines will lie published in ciil. the Pedagogue will lie removed
ed to participate This year's skit dlgilaliun means holding hands
menially upset. Independents! Radiand lor every cut after that a $1.00
<)| course ego-building love letters cals! Police! Shall you stand back Hie (oiiiiiuinii ations Column. I b i s line, payable to the Convocations
Will be a humorous musical comedy
based on an original script by Rich- are written lo a select, group oi and permit these atrocities to go on? margins or approximately :>io winds. Committee will be imposed Appeals
ard Feldman '57. T h e skit will be frustrates, but then these love let- You'll better, or you'll never get This policy is necessary due to lim- may be made lo Myskania by any
presented on the evening of MUD, ters are usually lo trite, cliche, and in t h a t fraternity you're planning to ited space conditions.
student who thinks his penally has
illiterate t h a t the mulu-complexed crawl into at your next opportunity.
been unjust."
May 5.
With Freshmen
A freshman class meeting will
commence Tuesday, April 11, at 11)
urn. in Draper 349, announces J o h n
Yager, President of the freshman
class. T h e purpose ol this meeting
Is to m a k e n o m i n a t i o n s lor class
officers for 1956-1957.
Chai rmen Meet
The present a d m i n i s t r a t i o n
prepared not to let this m a t t e r slUle;
nor could it even if it wished to do
so. T h e President will shortly propose to Congress t h e following: (1)
Funds to set up a new assistant
Attorney General in the D e p a r t m e n t
of Justice in c h a r g e of civil rights
cases and <2> a bi-partisan commission to study Negro charges of
The Democratic P a r t y may still
have a chance to compromise its
differences, but this is unlikely.
Both sides know t h e one which gives
In will be finished as far as party
politics go (in a national level. T h e
Solid South is in control of Congress and they do not intend to release it. T h e i m p o r t a n t committeeships are governed by seniority
which m e a n s the Democrats are
also in control of this phase of national government. A committee
c h a i r m a n can pldgeon-hole or just
forget to present a bill to Congress
for action, or else they can push it
vigorously. A good example of this
is the Natural G a s Act t h a t the
Democrats wanted passed to be us-
Edward Sabol, Coordinator of
Field Services, a n n o u n c e s t h e following instructions for registration
for the accelerated summer session
and t h e regular fall session.
P r o g r a m advisement for t h e a c celerated eight week sumimer session
will be conducted according to t h e
following steps: T h e program m u s t
first be approved by the advisor in
t h e s t u d e n t ' s major field, and secondly, two copies of the program
card m u s t be filed with the Office
of the Registrar. At t h a t time, s t u dents returning for the Fall semester will also file their anticipated
address as of August first.
State Legislature
Gives Money
For Construction
Housing Forms
Now Available
Democrats C h a n c e Split
Sabol Releases
Instructions For
Class Registration
Council Recommends Myskania
Motion For Assembly Penalties
M U D Skit Director
Announces Tryouts
Editor's Note:
A touch will tell y o u . . . an Accu-Ray Chesterfield is more perfectly packed . . . anil that means
Chesterfield satisfies the most . . . burns more
evenly, smokes much smoother.
To the taste, t o o . . . Chesterfield packs more
pleasure. Firm and pleasing to the l i p s . . . mild yet
deeply satisfying to the t a s t e . . .Chesterfield alone
is pleasure-packed by Accu-Ray
MILD, YET THEY gcitiAfr/...THE
ft 1***11 * Mriu TotMxn Ca
Animals And Animals
Within the mind of each individual there
is a standard and grouping of values. Some
things are held very high on this scale. We
not only stand in awe of these heights but
we also respect them. One of these high
values is justice and impartiality.
This is one of the qualifications we assign
to each individual on Myskania, the Judicial Society of the college. All freshmen
stand in awe of the honorary group but
with each successive college year of a student, the members become more human, as
opposed to divine, and less respected in the
eyes of their fellow students.
Unfortunately this attribute of impartiality has been betrayed. Even Myskania has
fallen to a vote which might be construed
to have been cast on personalities rather
than on concrete qualifications. This was
evidenced by the absences in this week's
list of their recommendations and suggestions for their replacements.
We have this question to ask the present
Myskania. Are you serving the judicial
function for which you were founded? Did
you consider your decision from an impartial viewpoint?
During our trips around the school this
week we have readily noted some of the
effects of sorority pledging. We have seen
stuffed animals, knee socks and various and
sundry articles in an attempt to see which
sorority can sponsor the most ridiculous
looking pledges.
We have noticed little response to the
appeal for workers for Pedagogue, but there
will be an awful hue and cry when the
yearbooks do not come out on time. In
fact, we fail to notice anything being done
by the pledges which even closely resembles
constructive action.
The big problem with pledges seems to
be a sort of misplaced allegiance. All other
activities seem to fall as pledge duties assume gigantic importance. Pledges give up
much time performing their duties—time
which could be spent for better purposes.
The first allegiance any student has is to
his school. If you don't believe this statement you don't belong in college. Sorority
or anything else is secondary to the welfare
of your school.
Get Well
The purpose of sorority pledging is supWe think that the Editors are expressing posed to unite the members of a sorority,
the feeling of the entire student body by but has any thought been given to uniting
saying that we are happy to hear that Dr. the members of the student body? With
Murphy and the men in the laboratory with this college growing at the present rapid
him at the time of the explosion are im- rate, more thought will have to be given to
proving rapidly. We also wish to commend uniting the school. As for what projects
the four on their attitude and high spirits could or should be pursued, we leave that
during their prolonged stay in the hospital. up to each sorority.
I would like to use t h e school
paper as a means of expressing my
t h a n k s to the students who sent
cards and best wishes during my
recent sojourn in bed. As future
teachers I am sure the s t u d e n t s at
Albany recognize t h a t little things
like this are among the additional
compensations t h a t teachers enjoy.
I was particularly pleased to hear
from students I had not had in class
nor to the best of knowledge had
not known by n a m e . Perhaps I
might realistically admit t h a t only
those who had not had me as a
teacher could sincerely wish me a
rapid recovery.
Sorry as I am that I missed the
Faculty Show, f can't help but feel
t h a t it was a break for everyone
since they had an opportunity to
see Dr. Johnson who did a terrific
job. Incidentally, this was not the
first time he bailed me out. When
we were at Cornell together he took
over in a similar situation. T h e
sucess of State Fair as well as the
Campus Chest drive last term leads
me to t h e topic t h a t I was to write
about before my illness. T h e lack
of informal study or contact between student., and pro lessors.
I came to Albany almost two
years ago, because I was sold on the
college, the faculty, and the grad-
uates of the school. I was born and
brought up in Albany and my contacts with the college go back a
number of years. I came to Albany,
not because I wanted a job, but
because I liked the situation. I still
like it and hope to be here a long
time; .however, there is one attitude
0 rsituation in the s t u d e n t body I
would like to see changed, and I
believe t h a t the change depends on
the student leadership that lias
shown so successfully in t h e many
worthwhile activities at the college.
It is, however, a challange to the
entire student body.
Based on my experiences it the
College, I am bothered by the feeling at Albany thai is known as
"apple-polishing" i veterans can give
it a better term, but I am not sure
it can be p r i n t e d ' : when a .student
talks to a teacher other t h a n in the
classroom. My experiences may be
different from most of my colleague, an I t hope ' h a t '.hey are.
1 do feel t.iat there is less contact
between the faculty and u n d e r g r a d uates in informal puisuit of knowledge and wisdom. 1 am talking
about the idea of faculty and student ., meeting togi ' h e r socially or
the facility letting their hair
to show that they are h u m a n beings
although it is probably related
I 91 B
First Place CSPA
First Place ACP
April Li 195(1
Minibt-T.i "I On. NEW a
' ill i
I 1 p III lit 2-3.12II Kxl I 1 Choi,,S c h l o U l m u b e r 2-WVl,
uncliirtir.iUuuur .,, ^ . p . i p n
published every Friday ol t h e Ci
r lillj]
(• HUllliMl
Hi, n , l
M4KCIA M W I t l . N < l :
MAHV ANN s r i l l . O T T I I A I III It
JOYCE M l : V I . K M A \ . \
MAIUK 1)1.1
IOSi:i'll S/.AI1I.K
J O S t f l l slVII.H/.OVVSKI
The People s Choice?
(u-Kclllor In ( lili-f
I n l . l l l l i i r In ( b i l l
I'ulilir llrlatlniu Killlnr
( In iil.itlini
i l m u l i l b r a d d r i ' s M - d I n li,i- I - I I H O I
1 la- H I A I R C U I . I . h ' d K
will be uillilii.-ld mi r.-rili:-.'.
l o r ( J j l l l l . n i l , , i : X | , . , ' , , (1 In it . i u l u n i i , . ui < iillllll 11,11 .|i I n n , .1
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I illhii
Stair riiuliiiiruidii'i
liu l i ' . p u l i , . b l l a y
X|;n'.M,luns do ma
Forum Delegate Reports On
Richardson Annex Construction Nears Completion;
Model UN Assembly Session Houses Theatre, Sound Studios, Offices, Classrooms
Marcia Lawrence, Richard E r - Nations General Assembly. T h e sesbacher, Charles McHarg and Peter sion was held a t S t a t e Teachers
McGuirk were the delegates t h a t College, Indiana, Pennsylvania.
represented Forum of Politics a t
T h e conference started Wednesthe
day evening, March 28, and lasted
until Friday noon, M a r c h 30. Each
of the 40 colleges attending, represented a member country of the
T h e new addition to the Richardson Building will be ready for occupancy in September,
Evan R. Collins, President of the
College. T h e addition, which h a s
been under construction since the
Fall of 1954, will house offices and
rooms for the English, Education,
Religious Clubs
Sponsor Events
Pledge Duty!
By MON.YIl.W and
Summer is icumen in
Singe Sophomore!
The Handbook tells us thai IWyskiinin members arc chosen for their
demonstrated abilities to act in a judiciary capacity and for the honor
attached to the office. One glance at this year's group leads one back
to the Handbook to check for typographical errors. You wouldn't know
that a third of the cult existed il they did not sit in view of all every
Friday morning. II look-, as il these silent p a r t n e r s arc barren of ideas
and defenses of past le nslat ion. Odd that people would accept
the noinin iLion, only to sit absently in Assembly. Not at all odd, though,
t h a t Myskie has lost a lot of respect. T h e posted choice of heirs to the
l.hroiic'si hows but a lew happy exceptions to the long, downward spiral.
Perhaps .State cannot get thirteen people ol high quality in one class
Perhaps seine true leaders of the class of 1957 have, for some unknown
reasons, been passed over. Perhaps there ought to be a lot of soul-searching on the part of the candidates.
Pre-registration takes on a bright aspect this tune around wove
yellow catalogues, a professional .semester, and nearly everyone is a
am talking about the
informal whole year closer to graduation. .Summer school, anyone???
learning situations or conferences ELEVATION IMPOSSIBLE
outside of the classroom unless
The Chain ol Being is out ol whack. Class consciousness becomes
they are ordered, assigned or ar?
even more pronounced. We head toward a completely non-democratic
ranged by the teacher.
I hope to see the day at Albany highly stratified society. They won't let pigeons in classrooms.
when most students will not worry CREDIT WHERE (SOME) C R E D I T IS D I E
about what their colleagues will
We are happy to see some ol the ( P e e k activity. T h e service prothink if they ask the professor a
question after class, in the hall, or jects now being performed by fraternity and .sorority pledges is a step
in his office f hope to see the day in the direction of sanity Ol coiiise, there are still the door in
when most students will be more the Union, and other such attacks on the dignity <>( mar,
interested m seeking more answers, I'SELESS . . .
raising more questions, and chalDon't look now. but again we have compulsory assemblies without any
lenging more s t a t e m e n t s t h a n they
are in whether or not their peers means of enlorcing compulsion, thanks to the elforts of the Rock Island
will brand them apple-polishers. To Line. W l c l i e r you call it "Convolution" or "Assembly." it really doesn't
me the person who would brand m a t t e r S t u d e n t Association business will still be the responsibility ol
a n o t h e r as a apple-polisher or the the Oligarchy of the Interested. Let's hope this new plan noes through.
person who would allow himself to In the meantime, watch out for low (lying budgets.
be branded as such is really loo
immature to belong in an institution LET'S CHEER
The .slimmer session catalo :ue .slates thai Saint Mary's Park is being
of higher learning. 1 hope to see
the day when the leadership of the held by t h e . s t a t e lor future use a- an athletic field. At first we thought
.student body will lead in creating that this v as the usual line ul cab one finds m all college catalogues
more informal study situations be- Hut what we were to find out later is that the money ha., been approl l i a t e d lor preliminary constniclion over there. This dues not mean
tween students and faculty.
we'll see a varsity football team next year. Hut. it nothing, else, s t a l e
Let if be clear that I am not students will soon l a n e some decent tennis eourl.s and the like lor exsuggesting that students come to tensive no i a-intii'id spurts programs, as well a.s personal recreation,
the faculty lor answers, but to Hooray!
mutually pursue knowledge, a l t i tudes and discuss problems.
M he bubonic p i , c u e was considered great lor its tune. Il was niittin'.
People turned black. Il spread quickly in in to S t a l e dues
it up modern; we u-e polka-dot
And carry the scourge from this lair
city home to Last Overshoe, Ne.v York
To the Editors:
Are the students ul our institution
trying hi become so progressive that
they dii nut wish to restore a prolilable tradition'. 1 II stiflicienlly s u p ported by student enthusiasm, Doctor Peterson, ol the Music Department, feels tliitl some of the faculty
would reinforce that support
"priilltable tradition" is the production ul an operetta
Until several
years ago it was an annual event.
Hrilii'ing the operetta hack to .State
College would give undents practical
experience in music, drama, production, and staging
II we built a
ri'i niI ul lull, il would also mean
presl ige lor our school
Doctor Peterson has suggested
that w e should be pr< pared in I art
work in September
lie lecls t h a t
,i rehear ,al at a speed ic I line mice
a week would yield best results,
even though .nine inii'ht lire ol
the prn|ecl before production lime
in the spring ol 11)57
Will Slide College students express enthusiasm for this opportunity or will the operetta remain one
ul the many discarded traditionsV
Ethel Hull '58
7 IK) pin
Stale final Tournament ol New York Slate High .School I'mensic League.
H-ll pin
Beta Zel.ii Open House lor Statesmen
Phi 1 lella ( (pen Hon. e lor Slatesnien
II.nil pin
Chi Si uiia Thel.i Formal, Ten F\ck Hotel
1 III) pin
Oulllig Chili Hike Trip, Upper l.oinii'.e liiubachei
7 lit) pin
Kappa Delta Dinner Dance, I lerberl':,
S I M I A V . Al IC 11 IS
II til a III ( iilllcrblliy ('lull Trip In Joideiiwllc
;i-ti p in Kappa 1 lella .la//. Coin ell
a 7 p.Ill Albany Lullit ran Student:.' A .social inn Supper M e e l i n .
J o h n ' s Lutheran Church. Hit) (lenli al Aw nuc
7DO pill Tryuills loi Mu\llig-l)p Day Skit, lirubacher
II) (K) a m Distributive Education Club Klcollun ul ( il liters, DM7
I'lcslilllali ( II II III,it lull
HIM) pin
Advanced Dramatics I'lins, I>;j)!i
7:15 p.m. Pie-rally meeting ol al. candidal is lur SA ollices, Ilrubiiener
7 110 Student Christian Association Meeting, Hrubaehei
and Music d e p a r t m e n t s . P a i n t i n g
and t h e installation of electrical
fixtures will begin soon.
T h e first floor of the building will
house E d u c a t i o n offices
Stagecraft s h o p which will connect
directly with t h e stage level of Page
Hall. T h i s will facilitate the moving
of sets to and from the auditorium
T h e English d e p a r t m e n t will occupy most of the second floor. A
little t h e a t r e with a small seating
capacity will be used for play r e hearsals and the productions of the
Advanced Dramatics and Oral I n terpretation classes. T h e width of
the proscenium arch is twenty feet,
and the stage area behind the arch
measures t h i r t y - t w o feet wide and
sixteen feet deep. Occupying the
rest of the floor a r e four sound studios for recording and broadcasting,
dressing rooms for men and women.
These rooms connect directly with
the Page Hall stage on the balcony
.Stale represented Argentina. Each
college had at least four delegates.
Canterbury Club will visit Holy- These delegates were assigned to
Trinity Russian Orthodox Monas- caucuses which discussed current
tery a t Jordanville. New York S u n - U.N. problems. T h u r s d a y the deleday. All those interested in going gates cnet in conferences and workshould meet in Brubacher at 11:30 ed out resolutions which expressed
a.m. Sunday morning, announces the foreign policy of the nations
they represented.
Some of these
•Joan Van Dusen '57, President.
resolutions dealt with such topics as
The Albany L u t h e r a n S t u d e n t Implementation
A In rge Music Rehearsal room, a p of
Arab - Israel
Association will hold a supper meet- Truce, Establishment of an I n t e r proximately the size of Draper 349,
ing from 5 to 7 p.m. Sunday at. St. national Finance Corporation, Uniis among the rooms found on the
J o h n ' s L u t h e r a n Church, 160 Cen- fication of Togoland Trust Territhird floor of t h e addition. T h e
tral Avenue. A discussion will be tories, and the question of d i s a r m a room will be equipped with three
held on Dating. Edward Van Amer- ment. After much heated debate
sets of c h a i r s : auditorium seats,
oncen, President and Dorothy Davis and many concessions, the resoluwhen the room is used for guest
Til) will tiive a report of the tions were modified and adopted. A
speakers, etc.; s t u d e n t desks, for
S l a t e L u t h e r a n Student Association Plenary Session ol the General Asclasses; and straight chairs for the
Workshop which they will be a t - sembly wiis held Friday morning
use of musicians in rehearsal. Lotending nt Syracuse University this and Die resolutions received their
cated next to this room is the Muweekend.
sic Library which will be utilized
final vole. A Conference Critique
Student Christian Association will was held to determine how well each
as .storage space for musical instrumeet. T h u r s d a y at 7:30 in Brubach- college had represented the country
ments and other equipment of the
er. T h e topic for discussion will be in which they had been assigned.
Above Mary Puiririas and Warren Leih a r c viewing one of the four Music d e p a r t m e n t . There are also
the Evaluation of S.C.A. A report The session was concluded with a sound studios on Hie second floor of (he R i c h a r d s o n addition.
several small music rehearsal rooms
ul the Spring Conference will be speech by Mrs. Franklin D. Rooseon the floor.
given by Barbara Rohrer '.ill.
velt mi, "The Responsibility of the
T h e total number of offices in the
Inter - Varsity Christian Fellow- U. S. Citizen al Hume and in the
building is fourteen. These will be
ship will hold a meeting Thursday, U.N."
occupied by the English, Education,
al 7:,'i() p.m. in Brubacher. Dr. Lee
and Music d e p a r t m e n t s . There will
Chestnut, eminent Atomic Energy
T h e delegates tell Hint by reprealso be three standard-sized classexpert and scientist, from OK. will senting foreign cuunlries they gainrooms which will be equipped with
lecture on "The Atom Speaks and ed a new insight inlu the problems
green chalkboards.
Echoes the Word ol Cod" Slides thai lace the U.N. We are pleased
will also be shown.
lu say that during the time devoted
r.V.C.P. will hold Us Spring Week- to the evolution of the conference,
end at C a m p Pinnacle Ibis weekend. S t a t e recehed no adverse criticism
Camp Pinnacle is Inc.lied in Vnot'h- for the way in which we represented
es\ die, iino transportation will be Argentina. We believe that the deleprn\ ided. Joe Bailey, Editor ol HIS, gales acquired many new ideas for
will speak on "Present Tense, F u t - future use hv Foruuii on Ibis campus
ure Perfect " Anyone wishing to go
Tickets will go on sale next week
nil this trip contact Ann Kaintner
in lower Husted for the activities
to be held the weekend ol April 20,
Results ul Hie IVCF elections:
L'l, and
22, sponsored
by the
Pi.- idcnl. Gene Arnold '."Hi: ViceJ u n i o r Class, announces Sara J a n e
president, Mien McLaughlin: Area
Duffy, Class President. The events
Represent;! live, T h a i s a Nelson,
are open to all classes. Miss Duffy
Si iphoiiiiii'i's: Secretary, K a t h e r i n e
specifies that there will be an imMiiiisei'.; I'i'.iM'i' and Missions Secs i a t e Collect' will participate in
portant class meeting in Page Hall
retary, Alma
today before Assembly.
Treasurer. Austin Naumaii: Publi- the New York S t a l e Intercollegiate
Mock S e n a t e which will convene
city, Gail Kline, freshmen
Friday night will feature a Sadie
April lit) in the Assembly chambers
Together wilh Lloyd Seymour, lliey (ry out (he new staye of (he
Hawkins Square Dance at Brubachol Hie Capitol, announces Charles theatre on (he second floor.
er. from I) to 12 p.m.. tickets costNelson "5(1, C h a i r m a n ol the Mtx'k
ing 15c per couple and 10c stag. A
parly at Larry's will take up S a t u r T h e delegation from S t a l e will
day night. Sunday afternoon will be
consist ul Malcolm Rogers, Dominick
highlighted by u jazz concert, featDeCeccu, and Richard Santa', J u n uring the Seneca Stumpers from
iors, and Lee DeNike '59, as SenaC. E. Reeves, Assistant Professor Ballstoii Luke, Canisius High School, Hobnrl College. Tickets for the jazz
The lie i lake trip sponsored by tors, and Charles Nelson '5(i, J u d i t h
concert will be 25c.
ul English and Director of Forcii- Cardinal
( Hit in • ('lob ,\ ill ::u mil luinurruw I.awson
toMiss Duffy also announces that
T h e trip will he led by Hetty Kit- Juniors, and Grunii Cohen '59, as
Cathedral Academy, Cathedral High
morrow Debate Council and Tau School,
I a.s 'ali The i: roup w ill meet nil Sal - alternate, S t a t e will providi
School, the Junior rings will be here next
unlay at 1 pan in I he upper lounge Sergeant-iit-Arms with Charles McChaminide High School, F o r d h a m Friday, and may be picked up at
ul Brubacher. and will return m Harg '5(1, as Sergeant, and Eniil L'llll high school debaters. The oc- Prep, Hudson High School, [lion the ticket booth in lower Husted
casion is the second a n n u a l S l a t e
from !) to 4 p.m. Additional orI line I nr dinner at t he dorms.
I'ulok '57. a.s his assistant.
Finals T o u r n a m e n t
of the New High School, Jamestown High, Jef- ders will also be taken at this time.
Tin . w ill be a . bun contlit inning
Two bills will be submitted by York Stale High School Forensic
trip hi .suburban Albany In order to
Mary Louis Academy, McQuad Jesuit
i|llallly lur a w eekelld t lip, a person the representatives from Stale. One League. About lilly-five debates will High. Milne High, Ml. St. Michael
inmust ha\ e I;tki ii a day trip. This
Academy, ML St. Mary's, Neww ill also utter a chance In acquaint come lax exemption for the first rounds. These rounds will be held
persons wilh I lie fear system, brakes, ,$lii() ill interest income and the ,,i 7:30 p.m. tonight. 9 a.m., 10:30 burgh Free Academy, New Rochelle
and vein Ic ree.ulal ions concerning oilier would increase the pay ul a in , and 1 p.m. tomorrow . The topic High, Norwich High. Ossining Jr.
under debate will be. Re.sulved: High. Peekskill High, Potlghkeepjurors.
tile Use ul t 1111 III:' Chill bikes
who look
A . I • • 11 -11111 heel lur use of bl- Governor Ilarrimaii and Mayor That government .subsidies .should sie High, Regis High, Sacred Heart
e,\ cles diiriii:; I he w eek w ill operate Corning ol Albany are expected to be grained according lu need to high Academy. St. J o h n ' s Prep, SI. J o - courses 2(1 and 21 during the 1954-55
a Ii Ii ,w
i 1 ' 111 oilier lu procure addre.sS this Senate which will last school gadual cs \\ ho qua Illy for ail- seph's fnstilule, St. Patrick's High. academic year were refunded a to< 111 n u in 1 training.
Saugei'lles High. Ullea Catholic Ac- tal ul approximately $825 in March,
i bn \ d o . I he burrow IT must sign up until April 121!
ademy, Utiea Free Academy, Wnl- announces David Kendig '57, Chairnil I he ( nil in
('lull In HI ltl ill i A
'I In.s eoiilerence I organized by a
Two hundred volunteer* Iroin I he kill Central, Whitcsboro Central, man of tlie Education Book corntin nihil' ul ( K' will h:i\ e charge ol cuiiiinil lee ul Colleges in t he Albany
•Indent body are needed to act as
issiiiie hlc,\ eh s each da\ ul I lie area w hn il meets I lll'oiighoiil t be
Vuieeiil lan Institute, and Xavier mil tee.
chairmen and tune keepers No exThe money refunded to these
w eek I !e will | nisi I lie I lines ul I he y ear Nelson Is I Ills y ear's chail High
perience is needed Judges will be
students came from resale ol books
li.l \ w lieu 111 Will Issue hikes '1 he) man T h e Mock Senate was organdrawn I rum coaches, hicillty. varStudent
tournaand pamphlets originally purchased
mil.I he taken nil! then, and only ized six years ago b\ a group ul
sity debaters ol SCT, Union and ment is Richard Clifford '57. (ither by l liein when they began their
I hen. mile s I he person 111 ch.i rge l.s Stale students and, since I hal I line,
S a n , i Coliege.s, graduate members cliaiii.iien are
Timekeepers, Bar- Education courses.
asked Inr ul l u r ,11 coimnudal inns has gn iu n into a stale-u ule orgaiio| I cams and : peaki r.s will he filed bara S a l v a t o r e . Rooms and Schedheh a e I he I line nl n - l i l a i i lie i H i izat inn w liicli includes si iidenl.s I rum
Since some of these students
al a reception in Brubacher Lounge uling. Shirley
Reception, failed to claim their refunds. $276
Each lake ha . a number and w ill L'.'i New York S l a t e colleges
at :l 45 p i n . Sal unlay
Vinihe i sin d . n i • ui 1111 • In I hal miniwhich was made in the resale, reThe Senate meets in a thrcc-da.\
The mi tuber schunl.s w bleb will be nieisteill, Seniors; Reception, Froida verted back to the Education deDii The Inn I'.iw ei is responsible lor
I hal s| II , lie hike (hi) in ' I he t line ses mil each spring anil provides a attending this tournament are. Acol the Sacred Heart ul
i I i 1 •:.i h bike is lo lie le- 11Mill 11 on S t a l e issues tor college ademy
I nt lied daih at I he I line ..el lip by .student s The meetings are conduct - Mary, Aquinas Inst Utile. Arl ngloii
ed a i Insely as possible like High School, Hingliaiiiloii Central
pi I illl
III i l l . I I I T
Al "MIXTION — I U T I T V , STl D I M S A, (IK \ I ) l 'AXES
I, Brooklyn Piep, Bui ol-II ill-,
('hei k i IIII in ' ( ' b i b llulli i in H o a r d ul the New York Stale S e n a t e
Juniors Sponsor
Weekend Events
State To Attend
Mock Senate
Bicyclists Plan
Saturday Trip
Debate Council, Tau Kappa Alpha Sponsor
State Tournament For High School Debaters
Ed Students Receive
$825 In Book Refunds
tin I in I hei a n d m m e specific III Inn A d d l e s
all i[iiesllon.s lo
S u e It.n nil,il I ul R o b e l I I e\ \ . S e l l ha
Spiinn, is IK iv, the (grass is it/,
Gerald Drug Go.
217 WeNtvrn Ave.
Albany, N. Y.
Phone (i-8(110
Conic and join lis, in a li//.
ro.MPlflSINCi 250 oiitsl,indiii ' Hoys, Girls, Hrollier-Sistcr Si Co-ed
camps, limited througboiil the New England and Middle Atlantic
Slates and C a n a d a .
Invites your Inquiries t nni I'lniiin Summer employment us
counselors, Instructors or ailiiilnlslraloi'v Positions are available in all areas of runi|)hlK activities for children,
55 West I2iul Street
Unoni 7 III
New York .'l(i, New York
niiPT. {
Political QoteoevUl
fire on Kefauver. T h a t is pure conjecture however.
Possibly a more serious error on
the Tennessee Senator's p a r t was
his charge t h a t political bosses a t tempted to do h i m d i r t in the Minnesota primary. Whether or not
Estes' charges are true, he has a n gered and h u r t the Democratic
F a r m - L a b o r leadership in t h a t state.
Senator H u b e r t Humphrey
Governor Orville F r e e m a n have
been embarrassed politically and
the latter's hopes for re-election in
1956 m a y have been threatened. I n
Minnesota the major Democratic
problem after a tumultuous p r i m ary will be to restore unity and cut
down the discord Kefauver left in
his wake.
sons for this cloud of uncertainty
about Nixon is t h a t the Democrats
would have a fixed a n d preferred
target at which to aim political
barbs until election day.
T h e iperson who suffers most from
the uncertainty of course is Mr.
Nixon himself. T h e t h r e a t of a
boom launched for strategic purposes might catch on and settle
m a t t e r s then and there to Mr. Nixon's disadvantage.
The G O P strategists hope to keep
the Democrats guessing until the
convention. T h e fact t h a t faces the
Republicans though is t h a t Nixon
will be called upon for major
speeehmaking but as Vice-Presidential nominee he would c a n y more
prestige t h a n as a cabinet officer
or other official. Nixon i.s an energetic, hard working
who will be utilized to campaign
around the country for hard pressed candidates in Congressional and
Gubernatorial elections.
T h e expected political moves were
and are still being m a d e after
Eisenhower's a n n o u n c e m e n t of his
availability for a second term. The
Democrats are seeking to m a k e the
President's health and the farm policy of the administration as major
issues of the campaign. The Republicans will run on the a d m i n i s t r a tion's record for the past four years
and the theme of peace and prosperity. The Democratic slogan of
"The people don't want a part lime
P r e s i d e n t " initiated by Paul Butler.
Democratic National C h a i r m a n , will
in lime prove one of the biggest
backfires in Democratic history.
T h e Democratic P a r t y in 1956
faces a crisis which may make or
The decision of President Eisenb r e a k its s t a n d i n g a s a d o m i n a n t
hower to r u n for re-election h a s
p a r t y in contemporary American
m a d e the Republican P a r t y u n r e politics.
strainedly jubilant. T h e r e is not
t h e slightest doubt t h a t the RepubAdlai Stevenson, candidate for
lican convention in August at San
the presidency in 1952, smooth
Francisco will n o m i n a t e Eisenhower
functioning a d m i n i s t r a t o r and brilby poular acclaimation.
liant governmental theorist, a r e m a r k a b l e orator, but cursed with
The role of the Vice-President
w h a t seems to be a n inability to
accentuated by President Eisenarouse a complacent
hower's illness i.s a big question
F u r t h e r , Stevenson was labeled in
m a r k 'o the Republicans. T h e r e are
the public eye as an organization
several possibilities, most notably,
c a n d i d a t e by t h e 1952 Democratic
Vice-President Richard Nixon, s u p convention. M a n y believe the 1952
ported by high officials of the Old
Guard wing of the, T h o m a s E.
steadily decrease with his entry
George Humphrey, SecreAverill
libinto s t a t e open p r i m a r y races. Stevenson's fine showing in the Illinois eral governor of New York, is a tary of Treasury, and Gov. C. Herprimary, however, has revived his third contender for the Democratic ter of Massachusetts. Eisenhower
hopes for both nomination and nomination. Despite protestations h a s stated t h a t he would not enelection. T h e crucial points in Ad- ol "inactivity" the Governor is dorse Nixon as his r u n n i n g m a t e
lai's n o m i n a t i o n campaign will be known to be ready and willing if but still h a s not m a d e definite
future primary m a t c h e s with Estes the nomination is tendered to him. s t a t e m e n t s to t h a t effect. T h e r e a Kefauver in the Florida contest of In his corner also i.s Carmine Dewithin
May 29 and the California test of Sapio. a political manager with the liberals
J u n e 5. The results of these prim- political know how of a Jim Farley. P a r t y .
In addition to Governor Lausche
aries, considered together, may give Harriman will be presented to the
a clear analysis of the major con- Democratic convention as the fav- the names of three other possible
tenders' vote getting abilities in orite .son of New York's 94 m a n dark horse candidates appear from
states t h a t are of a nearly oppo- delegation and his hopes for a the fold. These are S t u a r t Symingsite political climate. The prediction presidential or vice-presidential nod ton, former Air Secretary and libfrom here i.s for a Stevenson vic- remain fairly strong despite the eral o n e - t e r m senator from Mistory in Florida and a neck and neck a n t i p a t h y of Southerners toward souri; G. Mention i Soupy) Wilhis program t h a t embraces a .pow- liams, four-time governor of Michirace in California.
erful civil rights plank with vigor- gan with tremendous personal p o p Estes Kefauver, campaigner ex- ous enforcement. Nomination of ularity in his home state and a fine
traordinary, is a candidate fortified Harriman might well drive the liberal record; and Senate Majority
with an overwhelming urge to be Southern elements, liberal and con- Leader Lyndon Johnson of Texas, a
the next president of the United servative alike, from the party con- popular moderate Southerner, whose
States. His "common touch" a p - vention.
modesty and heart condition conPresident Eisenhower has frankly
proach to electioneering makes him
A number of other dark horse strain an ambition to be president. told the American people t h a t he
a serious t h r e a t for the Democratic candidates enter the Democratic picDemocrats are hopeful of effect- was classed as a 'recovered panomination. In campaign technique ture. Looming foremost among them ing a change from four years of tient." T h e judgment of the most
Kefauver seems to be Stevenson's i.s Frank Lausche, a moderate con- executive lethargy in domestic nc- talented men of the medical professuperior but in politics in general, servative who h a s been five times lion, indecision and wavering in sion coupled with the fact t h a t Mr,
he, like the Illinoisian has several governor of the major state of Ohio. foreign policy, and social noting in Eisenhower made his own decision
strong liabilities. P e r h a p s the most Lausche's m o d e r a t e views make him administrative leadership t h a t have may prove a definite boomerang
i m p o r t a n t of these is a program a candidate around whom the bonds slowed the advance of American to fne Democrats.
overburdened with promises t h a t of compromise between Northerner democracy and economic progress
The Democratic attack on the a d will be extremely difficult to live and Southerner might well be
up to. In rural areas these ear- drawn. The nomination of Lausche for four years. The Democratic ministration's current farm policy
pleasing but economically question- might well portend however the d e - Party is for "peace and prosperity" has provided a tender point lor both
able promiS''s may ultimately back- cline in the influence of Northern too, but it h a s the p r o g r a m and parties concerned. The current farm
bill is a hodgepod of
the "guts" to put it into action.
brought about by a Congress controlled by Democrats who refuse to
help in any way Secretary of Agriculture Benson's ultimate plan of
removal of all price supports.
T h e Democrats admit t h a t this
will be flic end result of the fact
t h a t farm population and the small
farm is declining but they refuse
to accept the inevitable. They m a i n lain this .stand though they do
realize the United States will be
better oil' in the long run.
The Democrats are attacking current U. S. foreign policy but the
fact remains t h a t we are not i n - ,
volved in a police action such as
Korea. A police action t h a t was disastrous because of limitations imposed by a piano playing a d m i n i s tration. Quality not quantity i.s the
formula, G e n t l e m e n ?
The next Congress, especially the
Senate, would appear to be even
more firmly entrenched by Democrats. T h e r e is little chance t h a t
Republicans can unseat Democratic
Senators Hill, Hayden, Sma tilers,
Fulbright, J o h n s t o n . Long, or even
renegade Wayne Morse. While some
Republican incumbents, namely the
.Senators, Miliken, Welker. Carlson. Duff, f'ase. and Aiken m i g h t
l:e returned, many more scats are
in doubt.
California, Connecticut, and Illinois, will depend on tin- national
trend, however Republicans do not
always find it healthy in these
Wiley and Capeharl will probably
face primaiy troubles, the former
against the McCarthy cull in Wisconsin, the latter caught in a hitler figlP between the forces of J e n ner and Governor Craig of I n d i ana, It remains to be seen, which
group Capeharl will plug himself
Republican control of Congress
would seem impossible, and in view
of some of the present Republican
voting records, this is probably the
best break Dwiglll Elsenhower could
tWhen Spring's in the air
And you haven't a care,
Enjoy pleasure rare-have a CAMEL!
Last Wednesday the S t a t e College tion hurt the boys just a bit. T h e
baseball squad finally got a chance teams injuries so far have been
to go outdoors for their first batting minor, with aches and muscle pulls
practice. Led by veterans Sandy being i he most serious.
Bernstein, Al Ledderman, and Luke
Veterans Come Out
Sanders, the boys hit
The bulk of the veterans came
Stadium and knocked
ball out on Monday a l t e r vac ation.
around for quite sometime.
Among those this reporter saw were
Coach Suiters thinks the pitchers John Rookwood, Bill Harris uid
are coming along fine in their several others. The squad as it
training, but, that the Easter vaca- appears m the early spring tr uning
Pleasure helps your disposition.
If you're a smoker, remember
more people got more
pure p/easu/o dom Camels
llinn liom any olhei acjnietl
No other cigarette is so
rich-tasting, yet so mild!
With the return of clear skys and
snow - cleansed ground, the track
squad of Coach H a t h a w a y began
hitting the turf on Page Field In
order to work out the kinks for the
coining season which is due to open
May 5th against R P I .
Some fifteen to twenty track and
Held enthusiasts turned out for the
first week of post-Easter warm up,
seems to have a lot of potential.
T h e Peel squad should feature an
exceptionally tight infield and n
fleet outfield. Sauers states. "If the
boys will just hit the ball they're
going to lie all right."
Season Opener April 21
Opening clay is not far away for
the Peds, therefore its quite certain
they will be working twice as hard
t h e next two weeks. T h e season
opener will be a double header
against Hartwiek College. The first
game of sixteen i.s slated for S a t u r day. April 21, at Bleeker Stadium.
T h e admission to the game is free,
as are all S t a t e home games and
the entire student, body is urged to
come out and support their team.
State's varsity keglers moved to a
fourth place tie and to within a
game of the third spot, by crushing
their Union rivals 15-0, last Tuesday
evening. The Peds scattered the
woods for a mediocre triple ol 288!).
lint n was enough to overwhelm the
cellardwelling alley - dusters from
Union, who could put together a
total ol 2088. Both squads had their
best games in the final when the
locals racked up 84a to Union's 727.
T h e locals were lopped by veteran
John Zidik and "rookie" Joe Ketclium. J o h n grabbing high triple
SOMETHING TO SMILE ABOl'T. Pictured above arc (he members honors with a all total followed by
of the champion Potter Club basketball team. I'ronl row: Kv Weicr- Joe's 500. including high single 1111
T h e box score lor S t a l e :
millcr, Al l . i d c r m a n and Sandy Bernstein. Hack row : .lack Peacock.
Dave Star!'., Tito (i iglielmone, and Krv Horowitz.
14K Hit) 15:1 4(il)
172 1411 1!)1 509
I(j8 174 Hi!) 511
1(15 125 174 4(>4
l.'iti 142 15H 4:)(i
With the snow oil the ground and stop llieiu lor a minute and tell
the sun finally breaking through, them you'd like to see the AMIA
the time i.s finally here for all spring budget include appropriations for
athletes to begin their bus\ sched- tackle loot ball Show them you're
ules. We'd like to lump the gun a interested.
( l a s h Inevitable
little and write ol our favorite IM
I'hev cannot tuslify it's inclusion
fall s p o r t - " t o u c h " football as it is
in the expenditures on their say so
so erroneously labeled.
alone They must know you're beWe're just wondering whether this hind them il you are. They must
fall we will find the same old occur- know who will stand behind them
ences. Everyone talks ol tackle
when the inevitable clash conn's
and that's about as far as it goes. with those in student government
Meanwhile the injuries due In the not interested in it.
inevitable rough play and
II next l.ill we find ourselves still
miserable playing conditions ol our
so-called "athletic fields" increases. iisiic t he "injury - inviting" touch
system don't point that linger ol
More Protection Needed
accusation towards anyone else. ReOne of the big reasons the soccer verse that digit 18(1 degrees and
team swit bed their home games you'll find the true person al fault.
to Bleeeker i.s Ilia; Die terrain ol Silence is golden—hut it won't give
Bevcrwyck is too rough and too us a tackle football loop.
many injuries were sustained. I.s the
need for protection greater lor the
IM players t h a n it is lor the soccer
players? Man for man it's five or six
times as great.
The question comes up though
TiS Western Ave.
what can we do but talk'.1 Willi
Name B l a n d Watches & Jewelrywhom does the power of act ion lie?
30'; discount for Students
As things stand now the iniatlon ol
any action must begin with one ol
the four AMIA ofl'K els who could
include appropriations in next year's
budget for the sport
Tiine Is ICipe Now
We .strongly urge and appeal to
Central Avenue Near Quail St.
you to act now w hen I he hud i t s
arc being reviewed and when there
April l.l-ll
is tune, not next fall when the
monies have been appropriated
Tin: BOTTOM or Tin:
What can the rest ol do' 1 The
Van Johnson - Joseph I'otlcn
next t line you see Jim Sweet. Ilool"
MAN W 1 T I I O I T A (il N
iStefailo, Ray Castillo or Hob B.u k> r.
Robert Mitchell - J a n Sterling
78!) 755 845 2389
till!) 692 727 2088
To the Sports Editor:
Promises. . . . Promises. . . .
As the student body should know
by now. a sport new to S t a t e College commonly called TRACK has
begun activity on a club basis with
a plan for a definite move-up to
varsity status next year. It received
an allotment of $1700 for its a c tivities. It was started, by the way.
because nearly forty men had signed
up for uniforms.
Now that uniforms and equipment
amounting to over $80.1 have been
purchased interest seems to have
died considerably
At this point I would like to speak
directly to the men ol the student
body. "What precisely is holding
you back? We now have everything we need financial backing,
equipment, a reliable coaching stalT.
inter - collegiate competition. . . .
Plans have even been made to tear
down College Heights and to drain
and level the area including St.
Mary's Park for a recreation field
which could be used for TRACK.
The money for this plan h a s been
appropriated. Don't you of the student body realize t h a t , with all this
money beiilR spent on TRACK now,
if interest dies at Ihis point any
new movemen to widen t h e scope
of sports on this campus will meet
with (he disfavor of the State officials on t h e financial committee'.'
Please help!
and immediately began to circle the
field in preparation. There is still
a strong demand for more track
enthusiasts, and any S t a t e u n d e r g r a d u a t e s t u d e n t interested in securing a spot on the State team has
j u s t to report to either St. Mary's,
if interested in field events, or to
Bleeeker Stadium, if interested in
track events.
Official Practice Pops Monday
T h e first official practice is scheduled for Monday afternoon, both for
track and field, since the jumping
pits will be ready by Monday. Anyone washing to m a n a g e the squad
should contact Coach H a t h a w a y .
A big bright point for all those
interested in track is t h a t since this
is the first year for track at S t a t e ,
the best time in each event will go
down as a S t a t e College record. To
add to the interest for track, intermural type events will be run for
those wanting to get their names in
the record books. There's room for
plenty more on this year's squad,
and all donations will be gladly
I M Softball To Begin;
Two Leagues Set Up
This Monday, barring snow of
course, the intra - mural softball
league will open a new season,
under the direction of commissioners Don Rice '58 and Pete Dykeman '57.
I will be split up into the Albany
League and the S t a t e League. The
former wil consist of Potter, Pogos.
APA. APAchies. Sayles and the
Rousers. SLS. Vets, Ridge. Terrors,
KB and the Potter Sophs will comprise the latter.
The games will be played on Page
Field and either Beverwyck or
Dorm Field. Referees will be provided by the teams on a roundrobin basis, and starting times will
be 4:15 and (i:30.
Attention Smokers
MONDAY, APRIL 1(>, FROM 11:30 -1:00
El i
7 Hour Laundry
:>0K Q l b \ I l , STREET
S H I R T S - - 15c
Flllll ,V Fold Wash - - 10c per lb
58 N. Lake Ave.,
Near Washington Ave
:i B.AltBIKS
Wu .Aim To Please
11. mi
li :i() p in
Sal I rom 1 p in ('out in
Sim.-Mon. lues.
April I5-Ili-17
I leiil \ Fonda • ,billies Cagney
Kl HI I W H I I O I T A ( Al s i :
,I.Hues I lean
Sun 11 iin 2 Coin hi
I ,,isl i umplete how at 7 p ill
Moll . I lies I ri mi II p ill
I. i I complete show al 8 ptn.
Wed. Sal.
April IH-:il
Win Holdcii - Roslind Russell
Weil T h u r s E n 'rom (i :3() p m.
Sal II -in il 1 p.ill Contlll
Peds Annihilate Foes;
Union Victim O f Sweep
Newly Organized Track Team
Begins Practice On Page Field
Varsity Nine Begins Outdoor
Training For April 21 Debut
It's a psychological fact:
Board Sets Weekend Conference
To Acquire Ideas For Camp
Victims Recover
From Explosion
P l a n s for a conference to acquire
ideas for t h e development of the
Warrensburg campsite were p u t into effect a t the Tuesday night meeting of t h e College C a m p Board this
week. T h e conference will bn held
S a t u r d a y a n d Sunday, the weekend
of April 28.
Four qualified camp authorities
will be invited to a t t e n d the conference and express their ideas.
These four will consist of Dr. Arthur
Howe of Cortland S t a t e Teachers
College, Mr. Clayt Segors of the
conservation d e p a r t m e n t , one other
An explosion o c c u n e d March 22,
about 5 p.m. in t h e storeroom of
Husted. T h e four persons involved
were George Murphy, Professor of
Chemistry, Robert Levy '5(3, J o h n
K a a r '59, and J o h n Flagler, a Civil
Service stockroom assistant.
person from the conservation d e p a r t m e n t , and t h e district forester.
T h e tentative schedule of events
set up by the C a m p Board consists
of a n all day visit to t h e campsite on
S a t u r d a y by t h e authorities and the
members of the C a m p Board, a
d i n n e r S a t u r d a y n i g h t after t h e
r e t u r n from Warrensburg, a meeting afterwards to set the agenda
for the S u n d a y conference, and a
discussion on c a m p i n g ideas for the
700 acres a t Warrensburg. Sunday
afternoon there will be a general
meeting which may be attended by
anyone interested in the camp. T h e
four authorities will give speeches
a n d a n open discussion will follow.
Finances for t h e conference are being t a k e n care of by t h e S t u d e n t
Faculty Association.
T h e final two faculty members to
the C a m p Board have not as yet
Myskanla, in its meeting Tuesday been appointed. O t h e r discussion a t
evening', moved to recommend to this Tuesday night's meeting centerStudent Association t h a t the com- ed on the acquiring of the title to
pulsory legislative convocations be the land. Due to the general mixenforced by the following penalties. up of affairs concerned with clearEach student shall be allowed one ing the title, it may still be someunexcused absence per semester, time before it is completely cleared.
and if they cut once again, Pedagogue will be removed from their
student tax card. Any absence after
t h a t will result in a fine of one
dollar, payable to the Convocations
Committee who will place it in the
Convocations fund, lo be used for
the assemblies.
Attendance at these Convocations
will be taken by the Committee by
means of slips of paper handed to
the students at the beginning of the
Convocation, and returned a t the
end, signed by t h e student to show
t h a t he attended. T h e Committee
will then compile the slips and notify
the absentee s t u d e n t s of their fines.
T h e s t u d e n t will receive a warning
after their first cut.
Failure to pay the fines will result in t h e administration withholding release of grades and or
This recommendation will come
before S t u d e n t Association today
for discussion and possibly for a
vote. If passed, these penalties will
not go into effpet until next year
Mysk ania
T h e explosion, as well as can be
reconstructed, n u n c as a result of
an a t t e m p t to transfer phosphorus
to water. T h e slicks of phosphorus
were being stored u n d e r xylene.
When exposed to air, phosphorus
readily ignites. T h e first transfer
was conducted without incident, but
when removing a n o t h e r stick of
phosphorus from a jar, the volume
of xylene was lowered, thus leaving
the tops of the phosphorus sticks
exposed to the air. When smoke was
detected issuing from this jar, a
Co2 fire extinguisher was brought
into play. However, the j a r exploded about table height, burning the
four people about the h a n d s and
Dr. Murphy and associates are
recovering nicely and should be released from the hospital soon.
13, 1 9 S 6
POfUwf Owl
*lUe CxcUoHqm
March 10 was a "number one d a y "
for s t u d e n t s of H o b a r t a n d William
S m i t h Colleges. As t h e result of a n
intensive food survey made by Saga
Dining Halls, Incorporated, the students were served their favorite
foods. T h e survey involved food
preferences of almost 3,500 s t u d e n t s
fed by t h e organization a t 9 colleges
throughout the East and Midwest.
T h e menu included frozen orange
juice, assorted
cereals, oatmeal,
scrambled eggs, toast, coffee, tea,
and milk for breakfast. Lunch featured hot beef sandwiches with
gravy, french fried potatoes, toss
salad, and ice cream. Dinner included an entree of steak, mashed
potatoes, frozen peas, h o m e m a d e
rolls and apple pie with cheese.
From, the Herald
Yale h a s raised the requirements
for being named to the Dean's List
because today's s t u d e n t s are getting
higher marks. T h e purpose of the
revised regulations is to preserve
the prestige of the Dean's List
which in the past 10 years has
grown to the point where it contains the n a m e s of almost half the
u n d e r g r a d u a t e s in Yale University.
T h e Spectrum recently printed t h e
following bits in its college life series :
1. F r e s h m a n — T o g r a d u a t e with
an A average.
2. Sophomore -To g r a d u a t e with
a B average.
3. J u n i o r T o g r a d u a t e with a C
4. Senior To graduate.
1. F r e s h m a n - T h e y know everything.
2. Sophomore—They know something.
3. Junior—They don't know a n y thing.
4. Seniors—To err is h u m a n .
A few collegiate quips and quotes
from the Central Michigan Life:
A coed who was practice teaching
at, a junior high school, showed
two films to her class one day. J u s t
before the second film was over, a
s t u d e n t nudged her and said, "I
t h o u g h t you would like to wake up
before the lights go on."
.1 6 1
At B A N i
- Soph
FR l l ' A t
stures U
a asses
For Sunday
Affi re
li!'-: W
d a
••• I
r l l i l l l '. . i-
is sponsoring an a r r a y of events:
included arc a S; lie Hawkins Dance, open
ja/z concert, annoij
's .Sara J a n e Dufl'v
I ' a t i h a c l ' ' • r •; 111 n l n o com l i o i n !i
lo 12 the
l i o l d m o a S a d i e i l i v , k i n s D; nice which i.~
ite M u d ills
l he ,'irsl Sadie n, t w k i n s
i ui
I•:, ,t
jororities Initi •
Mid a n d
ini t i e ( l a i n 111'.'. V, l i ] |j(,
ale now a! the d. sk
'I l"i S In Mat; and
j -r [ i ; ! )
: . ' > > • * • : < '
I , , l l , ,••
c .:a:
resen t Fi! M
Marilyn De S a n t a '57. Director of
Women's Frosh Camp, announces
that interviews for counseling will
begin Monday. They will be held
daily in the S t u d e n t Personnel Office from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday
will be the last day. Sign-up
sheets for interviews are posted on
the bulletin board opposite the office.
A large and competent staff will
be needed to make a success of the
C a m p program. All women are eligible to try out and are urged to
do so, states Miss D e S a n t a .
Other officers of Frosh C a m p a r e :
Nancy Schneider '57, Assistant Director; Marilyn Leach '58, T r e a s u r er; and Elizabeth Stapleton '57, Secretary. Faculty committee members
are: Ellen Stokes, Dean of Women;
R u t h WouLschluger. Assistant Professor of Education; Helenjane Coujjan, Assistant Professor of Physical
Education; and Anna Love. Assista n t Professor of Health Education.
Today is the last day to sign up
for Men's Frosh Camp, announces
C a m p Director Joseph Anderson '57.
Th; sign-up .sheet for interviews Is
posted opposite the Student Personnel Office. Interviews will be held
Monday through Friday in the S t u dent Personnel Office.
'•OK. mi
otlight Centers O n Red Devil Activit
s daefse nawkins Uance, Jazz LornC ®' Iff*
art v,
a wirman Lists Hobart's Seraeca bto rs ay
Camp Directors
Slate Interviews
n <
ears ftevue tin ana 3 i
u d g e t Assemb!
I'. .
in; \ M
i i . • i -. i t ,
Chemical Society Plans
Russell Sage Parley
T h e S t u d e n t C h a p t e r oi UnAmerican Chemical Society a n n o u n ces t h a t there wil be a Symposium
a t Russell Sage College. The event
will take place on S a t u r d a y and will
begin at 12:30 p.m. The event is
sponsored by the Educational Committee of t h e American Chemical
The Symposium will be composed
or the following e v e n t s . Registration
at 12:30 p.m., speech by Volney
Wilson at 1 30 p.m., and student
speakers at 2:30 p.m. T h e program
will be concluded by a coffee hour
a t 5 30 p.m.
So good to your taste because of L&M's
superior tobaccos. Richer, tastier—especially selected for filter smoking. For the
flavor you want, here's the filteryou need.
So quick on the flruw! Yes, the flavor
comes clean—through L&M's all while
Miracle Tip. J'ure while inside, pure
while outside for clearier.better smoking.
fin A £.
n q!'11 b h
i venin 5
l ' 1 .1, 1 • 1
* M r m TOBAGO CO,
•I. . I r . l
.1 , : , l - , l a i a