Document 14064391

News Views:
Vote Against buropeamzation
/ J
Results In Saar G O V t K C S I Q n a t l O n
The world political spotlight is
focused on Europe currently with
f n ^ n l ^ ^ P r f Vh?ZeP™meni
ing place there. The goveinment
of Premier Johannes Hoffman of
the Saar resigned this week because
T V ? l S X T l £ £ P £
"Europeanization" plan which was
supported by his pro-French government. Major factors in voting were
the unpopularity of the Hoffman
regime and the basic ethnological
ties to the Germanic people as opposed to the French. This vote will
probably increase tension between
France and Germany and heap more
burdens upon the already shaky
shoulders of the Faure government,
One can not help think of 1935
when a similar election ended in a
similar vote. Let's hope that two
powers can settle this difficulty
reasonably and that there is not an
epidemic of intense nationalism in
either country.
The Geneva Conference of Foreign Ministers is again tackling the
problems of German reunification
and European security. The Western powers will demand a treaty
signed by the Big Four and a
united Germany which will provide
safeguards against aggression. It is
strange that a nation we would
have "agriculturallzed" ten years
ago is now being wooed by both the
East and the West, engaged in a
titantic ideological struggle. The industrial strength of Germany and
its strategic location in Europe may
well be the factors which tip the
scales in years to come.
Asia seems to be shining with the
light from new democracies on her
underside even though broad expanses to the north are in eternal
darkness. South Vietnam has deposed Emperor Bao Dai in favor of
a republican type government headed by Premier Ngo Dinh Diem. By
an absolute landslide. Diem sue-
Frosh Apologize
To Sophomores
Judy Vimmerstedt '56, Chairman
of Warnings Commission of Myskania, announces that the followingfreshmen received two or more
w a r n i n g s from upperclassmen:
Richard Carey, four and five warnings; Edward Wever and Richard
Barfield, three warnings; and Donna Divens and Barbara Forsythe,
two warnings. The Chairman of
Warnings Commission also announces that Richard Barfield, Richard
Carey, and Edward Wever will make
their apologies in the Sophomore
class meeting on Tuesday, November 1.
The upperclassmen have given a
total number of one hundred nine
warnings to the freshman class so
Freshmen who receive their first
warning are warned that such a
violation is not to be repeated. A
second offense means that the offender Is to have his or her name
published in the State College News,
and a third, an apology before the
Sophomore class.
Commerce. DE Clubs
Give Hallowe en Party
Bruce Wise '56, President of Commerce Club, announces that the
Commerce Club will hold their annual Hallowe'en Party in conjunction with the Distributive Education Club, Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in
the Brubacher small dining room
this year. All commerce students,
whether or not they are members oi
either club, are Invited to conic.
The committee chairmen for the
affair are: Entertainment, Rita
hamboglla; Refreshments, George
Murphy, Juniors; and Publicity,
Robert Bishop '58.
In addition to this activity, Commerce Club is scheduling n membership campaign to begin November 4, nt which time memberships
will be solicited from all commerce
students. Membership In the Commerce Club Is open to all majors
and any student taking 3 hours ol
Business Education.
ceeded in unseating the Emperor
governed the nation as well
" ».V°" e could from the French
' _,._....„..
. ,,
Riviera. The United States and the
Republic of France have already anS=me^^^ThPu°srtit0fPrSy
will survive. Another colonial peoP'es have shown great judgment in
their voting behavior; this may well
be a major lesson for Britain, France
and the other colonial powers to
We might mention in passing that
the United Nations celebrated its
tenth birthday this week. This body
born in the mind of Franklin Roosevelt is, as he was, either loved or
despised; it is the debating society
of Robert McCormack or Cabot
Lodge's instrument for world peace,
I am reminded, however, of a speech
by Bishop Sheen in which he reminded his audience that peace has
two spellings with two somewhat
divergent meanings.
wno has
s a
"Smiles" Admits
" '
" *
Homecoming Weekend Welcomes State Alumni
On Friday evening, November 11, (David McKay Co., 1955) was pubat 8 p.m. in Draper 349, Wesley lished in June of this year. Many
Smiles has accepted seven new Childers,
of Modern Lan- State College students and faculty
u a e s a n Professor
d Mrs
will show contributed to this publication,
membeis this
this week
week, according
accoiding to
to K S 'm 5 K o d 'a cChilders
Mary Knight '57, President of the Western Europe. The first part of
Robert F. Creegan, Associate Proorganization. The successful tryoute the program will include England, lessor of Philosophy, wrote a chapfrom the class of '59 are Freida France, Germany, and Switzerland, « * n e " t . 1 "„ .. „„?,"*••J™»h» Lr/-°
Bachman, Verrity Pulliam, Elizabeth the second part, Italy An invitation
„ ,.,
„ ,
is extended to all students and fac- | U™s t ,b e e n
\ , , [ T u
Ruffles, and Barbara Rosen. Those u , t m e m b e r s o f s t a t e college t.o atPublished by the PhilosoP h l c a l Library, New York.
f r o m t h e c l a s s o f . 5 8 i n c i U de Frank tend this program
Mer.ey Todd Pulliam, and Jeanne
Benton, Assistant ProM
Allen H
oi B o l
Barns. Candidates for Smiles are e ,
Languages announces that a*****
°%J|'ec£ntly w r o t e a n
awarded voting membership after there will be a permanent faculty B ir t l1o l0e entitled
The Taxonomy and
° , ^ o f . T*? F ' e a s , w m c h w a «
a c h l e v l n g t h e required trvnut hours advisor for each of its language students. Students will find the name Published in the October issue of
t h e semester.
language Parasitology.
of t n e h . a d v l s o r o n t h e
Miss Knight also s t a t e s that bulletin board on the second floor
Dr. Benton also spoke to the AdSmiles is adding another service in 0f Draper Annex. This new program irondack Mountain Club. Albany
the near future. The organization vvill help students and faculty mem- Chapter on "Natural Areas and Inplans to accompany Albany public bers to become better acquainted dustrial Civilization."
school students who are interested a n d g i v e the student more personal
on excursions to places of civic in- help states Dr Childers
Edith Wallace, Professor of Latin.
terest. These trips shall take place
Williams, Assistant Professor
on legal holidays when school is
Edwin P. Adkins, Director of Edu- of Ancient Languages, and Mary
not in session.
cation, spoke to the Research Soci- Goggin. Associate Professor of Anety on October 24 on the research cient Languages attended the New
Smiles also supervises many other project which was carried out in York State Federation for Language
activities for the benefit of children Setauket, Long Island, in 1954. A Teachers at Union College Saturday,
living in the City of Albany, states history of Setauket entitled, "Sctau- October 23. Miss Williams gave a
Miss Knight.
ket, the First Three Hundred Years" paper entitled "Pax Nobiscum."
S m o k e Tomorrow's
better cigarette
State College News
Crowning Of Queen To Highlight Red Devil Prom;
'Autumn Leaves Theme Of Formal A t Circle Inn
Parade To Soccer Game Jazz Concert Teddy
Features Floats, Queen; Presents folus;
Closes Weekend
Dance, Concert A t Bru
Sunday, Homecoming Weekend will
officially close with a Jazz Concert
states Dominic DeCecco '57, Chairman of Homecoming Weekend. The
Jazz Concert which is being sponsored by Music Council will be held
in the main dining room in BruThe Homecoming Dance at Bru- bacher from 3 to 6 p.m.
bacher from 9:00 to 1:00, will be
the main event of Saturday night's
According to Barbara Murnane
Homecoming activities. Music will '56, President of Music Council, the
be furnished by the Campus Ser- afternoon event will feature a sexanaders from RPI. Freshman girls
will have 1:00 hours. Admission will tet group from the Capitol District
be by Student tax. Proceeding the area under the direction of Mickey
Homecoming Dance, an informal Folus. Special guest of the jazz
get-to-gether will be held at Her- group is Colman Hawkins, tenor
bert's for Seniors, grads, alumni,
and their dates. Juniors, Sopho- saxaphonist, from New York City.
mores, and freshman will be exFolus at one time played with the
cluded. Admission to this get-toge- Woody Herman Band. Hawkins has
ther will be $1.15 per person.
been featured with such artists as
The final event of Homecoming Gene Krupa, Glen Miller and Dizzy
Weekend will be a Jazz concert at Gillespie and has made an appearBrubacher, Sunday afternoon at ance at New York City's "Birdland."
3 p.m. A sextet, under the direcAdmission to the Jazz Concert is
tion of Mickey Folus, an ex-Woody
Herman member, and featuring by Student Tax; otherwise a fee of
Colman Hawkins as special guest, fifty cents will be charged. Miss
Murnane stresses the importance of
will furnish the music.
presenting your Student Activity
Committee chairmen are: Invita- Card, for you can not be admitted
tions, Sara Jane Duffy and Trudy without it or fifty cents.
Arrangements, Lenore
Each year Music Council presents
Hughes and Richard Erbacher;
Hospitality, Mary Knight and Bru- a Jazz Concert. Last year Council
no Rod.gcrs; Promotion, Marie Car- featured Max Kaminsky and his
bone and Richard Feldmnn; Pub- Ivy League Jazz group. A part of the
licity and Decorations, Dorothy Al- Junior Weekend, which will be held
Today is the last clay to vote in ford and Robert Backer; and Clean- next semester, will be another Jazz
the elections for officers of the up, Robert Burns. All these com- Concert. Next semester's concert will
class of 1959. The elections, which mittee members are Juniors.
be sponsored by the Junior class.
opened yesterday, will close at 4
p.m. today, states Theresa Barber
'56, Chairman of Myskania. The
balloting is taking place in the lower peristyle between Husted and
Draper. The voting is by preferential selection.
The results of the election will be
announced on the evening of Campus Day after the skits In Page Auditorium.
The slate of officers to be elected
is: president, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, songleader, cheerleader, publicity director and lour
delegates to Student Council.
Election Commission held a pep
rally for the candidates last Tuesday evening in the Brubacher game
room. A short speech was given by
the sole presidential candidate. A
cross-question period followed which
gave the student body a chance to
learn the platforms of the candidates.
Homecoming Weekend will open
tonight with the Junior Prom at the
Circle Inn, announces Dominick
DeCecco '57, Chairman of Homecoming Weekend. The coronation
of the Junior Queen will highlight
the evening. Music will be furnished
by Teddy Wilson's band.
Saturday afternoon's Homecoming
Weekend events will include an Alumni Faculty Reunion, a parade,
soccer game, and open houses. The
Alumni Faculty Reunion will be
held at Pierce Hall at 1:00 p.m. The
parade will start at 1:30 p.m. from
the front of Brubacher, and will
proceed to Bleecker Stadium. Included in the parade will be the Junior Prom Queen and her court riding in a red Chevrolet convertible
furnished by Don Allen Chevrolet,
Inc., Myskania floats, and the classes marching in a group. Everyone
who has a car is asked to join in
the parade. At 2 p.m., State's
soccer team will play the University of Bridgeport. Before the soccer game, a relay race will be held.
During the game, the Junior Class
will sell chrysanthemums at $1.00
each. The Varsity Club will sell
Homecoming Weekend Programs for
ten cents each. Following the soccer game, all the sororities and fraternities will hold open houses for
the Alumni and grads.
Frosh Elections
To Close Today
Juniors To Elect Prom Queen
Students Welcome A t
Teacher's Conference
Students arc welcome to attend
the First Year Teachers' Conference
to be held today at Brubacher Hall
from :t lo I) p.m.
At the conference Dr. John R.
Newton, Professor of Education, will
discuss, "Rending and Your Class,"
unci Ur. Edwin P. Adkins, Director
of Education, will speak on, 'Ho
You're a First Year Teacher.''
Later, the conference will bleak
up Into smaller groups to discuss
individual problems with qualified
Wilson Makes Eastern
A t State's Junior Prom
Above are the five candidates for
Junior Prom Queen who were nominated ut the class meeting', October 'J.'i. Standing, left to right, the)
are Carol Allen, Trudy Stemmer,
Margaret .Smith, Belly Van Vlaek
and Mania Lawrence.
Voting for the Prom Queen will
fake place today from 9 tun. to 4
pin. In the peristyle in lower Husted.
The Queen and her attendants
will lead the parade to Bleecker Stadium for the soccer game tomorrow.
They will ride in a red convertible
for the occasion.
The Junior Class brings Teddy
Wilson's Band to the Circle Inn tonight to provide the musical background for "Autumn Leaves," the
first formal of the year, announces
Michael Maxian, '57, Vice President
of the Class and General Chairman of the Prom. The Junior Prom
will be the highlight of a weekend
which will feature in addition, a
jazz concert, presented by Music
Council on Sunday, and various
Homecoming Activities.
Chairman of Junior Prom
Today, the Juniors will vote absentee in lower Husted for the Junior Prom Queen. Nominated in class
meeting were, Carol Allen, Marcia
Lawrence, Margaret Smith, Trudy
Stemmer, and Betty Van Vlack. The
votes will be tabulated by Myskania,
and the Queen will be crowned in
splendor at the stroke of twelve.
The Queen will receive the crown
from Angela Kavenaugh, '55's Junior Prom Queen. Two freshman
pages, picked by a committee from
the Junior Class will lead the regal
Sing For Rivalry
Opens Assembly
Bids for the Junior Prom are now
on sale in lower Hus;ed for $3.75
per couple, and will be sold at Brubacher Hall tonight. They will also
be sold at Circle Inn during the
The Legislature of the new representative government will not meet
today at 10 a.m. as was tentatively
scheduled. Instead, at the same time,
there will be a meeting of the entire Student Association in Draper
The meeting will be a business
meeting to present u financial motion for a money appropriation from
surplus for a dance and refreshments for All-State Day. Since it is
a financial motion it will be automatically tabled for one week.
Rivalry sing will be the next item
of business at the open meeting.
This will be the first special session
of the Association to be called under the new system of representative government.
Teddy Wilson, long America's outstanding Jazz pianist, organized his
new band last summer on the West
Coast. Critics reactions were generally enthusiastic. The Junior
Prom will be Wilson's first appearance on the East Coast. The sale of
bids is far exceeding the sale of bids
for the Prom last year, at this time.
Committee chairmen for the Prom
are: Tickets and Programs, Morton
Hess; Decorations, Janice Champagne and Margaret Smith; Arrangements, Paula Segal; Publicity, Elizabeth Stapleton; Business
Coordinators, Marilyn DeSanta and
Betty Van Vlack; Coronation, Nancy Schneider and Marie Carbone;
Transportation, Robert Backer.
Student Council:
Council Calls Special Assembly
To Discuss School Camp Purchase
Student Council, at its meeting
Wednesday, heard committee reports, revised the rivalry schedule,
further discussed the college camp
plans, approved another non-budget
organization, elected the voting delegates to the ICA Conference, set J
tentative date for the proposed
Leadership Conference, passed several financial motions, set the agenda for a business assembly Friday,
and set a special business assembly
for Dednesday evening ut 7:30 p.m.
in the game room.
Richard Vnnslette '50, reports that
the Student -Faculty Committee met
Monday when they discussed Public
Relations with the local newspapers;
if was suggested Unit all news items,
ideas, etc.. be channeled through
one administrator.
Bruce King '50, states that the
camp in the Wni'i'ensburg area is
available if we wanl II. It was suggested Ihal a group view the camp
site Thursday and that a still larger
group make the trip Sunday. An
open hearing will be held on the
camp Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the
Brubacher game room. After the
hearing, there will be a discussion
and vote by the Association to determine future plans.
The Society of Critical Thought
was approved by Council as a nonbudget organization ns presented by
Edward Tipton '58.
Marilyn DeSanta '57, Robert Betscha '56, Richard Bartholomew and
Marilyn Leach, Sophomores are to
be Albany's voting delegates at the
ICA Conference.
Student Union Board presented a
financial motion of $106.00 for the
financing of an ICA dance; Sara
Jane Duffy '57, amended the motion to add an additional $30.00 for
a 12-piece band. This was passed by
The tentative Leadership Conference date is December 4 from 2 to
(i p.m., stated President Betschn.
Student Council stated to the AllCollege Revue Committee that there
must definitely be a Broadway
script for tills year's revue.
Follow The Leaders . . .
The News wishes to call the attention of
every organization that is facing problems
of leadership and apathy; every class that
is trying to find unity; and every member
of Student Association who believes that
spirit and constructive action are results
of a past era at State College, to the work
accomplished by the Junior class this year.
Among other things, they have originated a Junior Weekend, plans for a revamped banquet, and a completely new and
different Junior Prom. They are probably
the only class in State College history to
be chided by Myskania because they wanted to do too much. The officers inform us
that these new activities and events have
been planned, as any new activity and
event is planned, primarily to create class
spirit and unity. Their success can be measured by the response from the class. To
date, class meetings have actually been
crowded; the class as a whole, not just
certain individuals or factions, is working
on Junior projects, and last week, an almost unheard of event took place. The class
voted unanimously to commend their leaders for the excellent job they were doing.
It is a remarkable record for two reasons. The annual "Junior Slump" has been
as much of a tradition here as the Rivalry
Sing. And this particular class of '57 almost faded from existence in its Sophomore year, due to a supposed "lack of interest." The rebirth and success of the Junior class should explode the commonly accepted myth that there is in all parts of
State College student life, "lack of interest." We believe that spirit and interest will
always arise under capable, enthusiastic
leadership. The Junior class is fortunate
in having such leadership, and we commend the leaders, and the class as a whole,
for the excellent work they have done this
Tonight, not just the Juniors, but the
entire school will have the chance to journey a short distance to the Circle Inn. The
News advises that if you have not already
done so, that you dust off your formal, or
semi-formal attire and plan to attend. In
addition to seeing the Junior class in action, you will probably have the most enjoyable evening you have had here at State
College, in a long, long time.
*7!4e Una^iiaJUe
Progress . . .
In an effort to clear up some of the confusion which surrounds the first week of
school in September when so many freshman receptions are scheduled, and Activities Day in October, Student Council has
appointed a committee to investigate and
come up with some solutions. Last week
the Improvement of Activities Committee,
composed of three Council members, presented an excellent plan which, if put into
effect, would solve many problems.
Basically, the plan states that Activities
Day be reorganized as an Activities Week
in which two organizational receptions
would be held each night of the week. The
committee has combined all the organizations on campus into ten groups in order
to limit the receptions to two each night
for five nights.
For instance, Pedagogue, State College
News, Primer and Press Bureau would become the Publications Group and would
hold a joint reception one evening in the
Upper Lounge of Brubacher while another
group, say the Religious Clubs, would be
receiving freshmen in the Lower Lounge.
Each organization would be entitled to a
reception and would have an equal chance
to present themselves to the freshmen.
This would also eliminate Activities Day
as it stands now—with all the organizations spending time and money preparing
booths and displays for a pitiful number
of freshmen who do show up. Instead, the
frosh would be given a chance to "sign on
the dotted line" at each of these receptions
and would better understand just what
they are doing. Revamped, Activities Week
would be culminated with the traditional
banner presentation and Sophomore skit
in Page Hall.
This committee has done a commendable job and has accomplished something
that has been badly needed for some time.
They are continuing along this line and
are now in the process of reworking the
Social Calendar for next year. It is encouraging to see that Student Council is awakening to the many problems caused by
overcrowding, existing in this college and is
attempting to do something about them.
Days are long, boring;
Nights are longer, sleepless.
T h e r e is nothing to be
seen, felt or heard;
Life is a complete void,
a vacuum.
Then, suddenly, you realize
Nothing is wrong;
It's just a n o t h e r slump!
Since time immemorial a problem has and will face (ad infinitum)
the species commonly called Man. This problem has been given the
n a m e of the "slump," and is defined by Webster as ". . . a marked decline or falling off, as in attention, interest, activity . . ." Often used
by us procrastinators as a .seemingly legitimate excuse for neglecting
duties, the slump creeps periodically into the lives of most college students. There are the freshman slump, the Sophomore .slump, the Junior
a n d Senior slumps, and do and behold!) I recently discovered t h a t
there is the graduate slump, a slump which out-slumps all other slumps.
I am convinced t h a t the .slump was conceived at Albany State, but
if I am wrong, who will dare deny t h a t it has found a permanent residence here? Frosh fall into this lethargic state when their lust for home
overcomes their sense of duty and their allegiance to Alma Mater;
Sophomores have usually forgotten about home, and are still too unsettled even to consider allegiance. Rivalry no longer has quite (lie same
delicious flavor it had last year. So, look out. Mr. Slump! Here come
t h e Sophs!
Juniors are completely lost . . no home and no Rivalry ilhut wonderful tool used for unification and making new friends). Having been
given the task of searching for something new . . . the acquisition of
the "professional a t t i t u d e " um attitude, by the way, which can be found
only With a considerable degree of difficulty), the Juniors find themselves quite frustrated and are easily flapped m that, web of lassitude,
t h e slump.
Practice teaching divorces Seniors from S t a t e ; the Seniors much
prefer grading test papers and attending teaching conferences to former
college routine. As soon as his class fails to grasp a point upon which
t h e future teacher dwelled at ureal, length, lie t I.e. the Senior), too, is
a ready victim of the slump.
One might think t h a t graduation would be the terminal point for
t h e slump, since the ever-hallowed bachelor's degree has already been
obtained. Alas and alack! It's not so! With a new, firm set of convictions and a strung desire to further his education and obtain another
degree (more money, you know!), the ex-Senior emerges the following
September as a grad student. Too much work ol an academic nature
over the past lour years soon serves as the impetus lor the mail's becoming submerged in (he darkest, most dreadful of nil slumps. "I wonder," says the grad, "If (his slump business will never cease? Is life
n o t h i n g but one slump alter another'.'" What i;, (he answer? I really
d o n ' t know; I'm completely stumped by the state of languor called the
slump I
/Capital KapesU
Old Favorite At S t r a n d
Since I'm of the opinion t h a t
K a t h e r i n e H e p b u r n can do n o
wrong, it's no surprise to m e t h a t
she does a fine job in S u m m e r t i m e .
T h e story itself deals with an old
maid on a holiday in search of love,
which is not a new idea by any
means, but K a t h e r i n e and Rossano
Brazzi, who plays her lover, both
m a n a g e to rise a bit above the story,
and make s o m e t h i n g quite p l e a s a n t
out of it. T h e story is set in Venice,
and for about two hours you see
every building, every canal worth
seeing in Venice. Gondolas, too!
Adventure At Madison
W e a t h e r b e a t e n J o h n Wayne, and
sarcastic (but lovely) Lauren B a call, find themselves in China this
time, embroiled In love and a d v e n ture. The movie's very vivid title,
Blood Alley, is probably the most
exciting tiling in t h e whole show.
Horror in 1149
Next T h u r s d a y evening al 7:30
p.m. tlie I n t e r n a t i o n a l Film G r o u p
will do its best to scare you to d e a t h :
White Zombie, with Bela Lugosi
(listen for voodoo d r u m s ) , and Lost
World, a work about prehistoric
monsters and such. T h e n there's
The Fall of t h e House of Usher,
t h a t old Poe classic that chills one
so. and a Salvatore Dali piece entitled Le Clilen Aiidulou, which I
understand is very gory indeed.
Reader, you'll sit right on the edge
of your chair.
Star-Crossed Lovers al Delaware
T h e Delaware's new film Is a
poignant costume d r a m a about two
youngsters who fall in love. However, their families don't approve of
ihe match and the story end.-, tragically Not a very new story, eh?
but very well written indeed. T h e
lilin is none oilier t h a n Komeo and
Juliet and the color Is gorgeous,
even ll the actors don't always
make it.
Myskania: Its Birth And History; Co//ege Begins 'News' Board Delegates Attend
Thirty-Eight Years O f Tradition Initial Planning N.Y. Press Association Conference
One score and eighteen years ago, 1947 and Myskie left t h e stage first
" W h e n they asked who was dead,
He s t a m m e r e d and said,
I don't know—I just came for the ride."
Since its conception, Homecoming Weekend h a s never been what
could conceivably be considered a success. T h e responsibility for this
failure, must, of necessity fall upon t h e s t u d e n t body. T h i s year a greater
homecoming t h a n ever h a s been planned. T h e only way it can be a success is through our active participation. Hence, for those of you who
have trouble reading between t h e lines, we would like to issue the following plea: G O ! ! ! ! !
Is anyone missing a small bear or a large raccoon? T h o u g h the
"hood invasion" a t Bru has been repulsed, a new wave of m a r a u d e r s
in the form of freakish furry creatures h a s t a k e n up t h e attack. Really,
w a t c h the lock on t h a t cage door! We don't w a n t our beloved grads to
be devoured by these monsters!
Speaking of monsters, we have seen a weird preview of things to
come in the n e a r future—tomorrow in fact. I t seems t h a t thirteen of
State's familiar faces will be emulating c h a r a c t e r s from a science fiction
story, a n d will "float" down O n t a r i o Street with the greatest of ease.
Anyone with an interest in creative ideas and innovations for our school
functions c a n n o t afford to miss our own parade.
Something has finally been clone to alleviate the private wrestling
m a t c h e s in Bru's date rooms. They've m a d e it a Varsity sport! This
brings the total to five, and once more proves t h e athletic d e p a r t m e n t
is growing right along with the colleges and with the trends. Attention
all you manifesting ones—why not a t t e n d and learn some legal holds?
N.B. (No one bothers)
I.P.C. smoker—Marching band—I.C.A. Conference—"Get-together"
a t Herbert's—approach of Thanksgiving—the Hallowe'en home g u a r d C a m p u s Queen—crummy commons—Vets "buck social"—Panther Mountain Dam—Junior Prom—doughnuts sans holes—brilliant illumination
in the library)?)—200 signatures, (2 down, 198 to go).
A few choice experiences from first semester s t u d e n t t e a c h e r s :
T h e one whose student, when asked to use "primitive" in a sentence,
told her t h a t the "primitive" was 99 square inches.
T h e s t u d e n t teacher who, in an effort to s t i m u l a t e imaginative use
of vocabulary, brought in a twisted h a n g e r and asked h e r students to
describe it. She got such grand eloquent replies as, "Looks like a bent
h a n g e r . " Seeking to chastise the students, she told t h e m they'd never
be able to go home and tell their p a r e n t s w h a t they had seen in class.
"Sure we will," came the rapid reply. "We saw a crazy teacher."
Big band, little band, or string q u a r t e t ? ? ?
College Calendar
3-9 p.m. First Year T e a c h e r s ' Conference in Brubacher Hall.
9-1 p.m. J u n i o r P r c m , Circle Inn.
1 :Q0 p.m. Alumni Reunion, Pierce Hall.
1:30 p.m. P a r a d e to Bleecker Stadium.
2:00 p.m. Soccer G a m e , S t a t e vs. University of Bridgeport.
4:30 p.m. S o r o r i t y - F r a t e r n i t y Open Houses for Alumni.
9-1 a.m. Homecoming Dance at Brubacher.
3-6 p.m. Jazz Concert in Brubacher.
7:30 p.m. C a n t e r b u r y Club Meeting at St. Andrew's C h u r c h .
7:15 p.m.
7:30 p.m.
4:00 p.m.
SUB Meeting in Brubacher.
Psychology Club, Brubacher Upper Lounge.
SCA, Combined S t a t e College Chapel.
7:30 p.m. IVCF, Guest Speaker in Brubacher.
Myskania was b r o u g h t forth upon
this campus—conceived by President
Brubacher, and dedicated to t h e
proposition t h a t Myskie would take
F u s t Place CSPA
First Place ACT
November -I. 1U5S
No. HI)
Tho unclornruiiuiUe newspaper ol tho New York Slate Oo]lo«e for Teaolieu;
published every Friday oi the College year by trie NEWS Hoard lor Ilia Bludent
V1111 *
followed by the classes In descendW i t h t h e yearly increase of s t u ing order. T h e Commons a n d C a f e - d e n t enrollment a t S t a t e College,
teria were investigated a n d improv- t h e condition of overcrowding h a s
ed by the T h i r t e e n Muses of S t a t e , r e a c h e d a point where it is neces-
sarytoexpand lts present facilltles
^ ^
^ ^
' S£^^2K^v£! ^ » ^ T ^ * ? B !
newspapers, a n d t h e yearbooks from
seven of t h e S t a t e T e a c h e r s Colleges
were present
mu. „ „ „ . ' . ,
T h e confeience was opened on
„ .. ,
. ..
, .,
yertlsing cost, a n d the role of t h e
faculty advisor in relation to h i s
publication. F r i d a y afternoon, t h e
conference broke up Into three
smaller groups—literary magazines,
newspapers, a n d yearbooks. Dr. M u r p h y from t h e Syracuse School of
J o u r n a l i s m spoke to the newspaper
group on "Techniques of J o u r n a l ism." He also evaluated each newspaper, pointing out the weak and
. ,r„
,. ,
strong points of the paper. Friday
M , . , , , „ „
folo f Marilyn
I n t e rD e S a n t a '57, coordinator evening, t h e r e was a banquet
; C o l l e g i a t e Association Towed l y i y h o r r b u s T n e M " m e e t i n g !
I l T , , , ,to be
? held
, „ , here
, . , next
S- a t•u r d-a y morning, Mr.
™tZ'?ZT^T "' , " ' a n d 1 2 ' L o u a l k l e o f t h e S t a t e University
w a ^ formulated
^ r o f J ^ a en d »f"
« ° n s Office t h e
e nnd aH h°a s^ been
a c - «group about
ways of strengthening
cepted by t h e local commission. T h e t h e relationships among t h e various
agenda reads
S t a t e schools. A panel discussion on
" W h a t in t h e estimation of each
Thursday, November 10
publication is the role of the faculty
3:00- 4:00—Registration
advisor," followed. Out of the seven
4:15- 4:45—-General Session
schools represented, Albany was t h e
5:00- 6:45—Discussion G r o u p s
only one t h a t did not have any fac7:00- 8:00—Supper
ulty advisor for any of its publica8:00-10:00—Discussion Groups
following rules were adopted: a quor u m of S t u d e n t Association constituted those in assembly; no class
president may serve more t h a n two
~ » « v e terms, and the resignlng S A
P r e s i d e n t automatically r e lin uished hls seat
°n * * * • » » *
Also the following a m e n d m e n t
was proposed by Myskania and a c cepted by S t u d e n t Association: No
member of Myskania, excepting the
nresirient m
' a s s president,
a y c™o nn --
™ n ^ f w 5 e!'°UP T ^ V ' T
K ^ J ^ t o S t a ^
this time "Myskie" h a s i n a u g u r a t e d
m a n y innovations and its m e m b e r ship has been expanded to thirteen.
currently be a representative to S t u - struction. T h e architect h a s been
W r U n g
council, i n 1955 Myskania n i l - J ^ t e J n T " * ^ ' ^
ed t h a t all proceeds from t h e Jazz
Concert would be returned to s u r T e n t a t i v e plans for Hawley Lip]us ,.ather t h a n be uged b y
b r a r y call for its conversion into a
cafeteria and commons. Tills will
Sorority—Inter - F r a t e r n i t y Council not only provide larger accommodafor their winter formal,
tions for these two facilities b u t it
will also free the a r e a in lower
T h e most, impressive feature of Husted. This a r e a can t h e n be conMyskania is witnessed around Mov- verted into additional laboratory
ing-Up Day each year. T h e m e m - snace
bers of the retiring Myskania walk
around the assembly and " t a p " t h e
T h e n e x t unit to be erected will Friday, November 11
incoming members. T h e new m e m - be a Field House, t h e plans of which 9:00- 9:30—Breakfast
i 3 e r s of Myskie are t h e n escorted to h a v e been drawn for a considerable 10:00-11:00—Assembly
11:30-12:30— L u n c h
the stage by t h e retiring officers.
12:30- 3:30—Discussion Groups
Membership to this honorary j u Also on the present building a g - 3:30- 4:00—Free T i m e
diciary group is determined by t h e e n d a is the future construction of 4:00- 7:00—Discussion Groups
quality of leadership exhibited a n d a new Milne School and D e p a r t m e n t 7:30- 9:00—SUB Dance
the ability to execute judicial duties, of Education building,
Saturday, November 12
9:00- 9:30—Breakfast
9:45-12:15—Last General Session
1:00- 2:30—Luncheon and Guest
2:30- 3:30—Board of Directors
All S t a t e College s t u d e n t s i n t e r -
Let's look a t the record. I n 1917
Myskania led the first weekly a s sembly, wrote the Constitution for
S t u d e n t Association, and provided
a State College News Board and a
News Constitution. In 1918, Rivalry
was initiated "because the college
needed an unified spirit." I t was
during these years (1918-1923) t h a t
Myskania devoted its time t n a m l y
to college traditions. First we had
the tradition of frosh using t h e rear
and side doors; then came the B a n ner h u n t and t h e b a n on frosh
wearing high school insignia. In
1924 the Seniors began wearing caps
and gowns on Moving-Up Day. Also
in this year, with the increased e n rollment came a drive to campaign
for residence halls. In 1926 Campus
Commission and Debate Council
were organized, and in 1927 rules
for revoting were set up. T h e years
from 1931-1938 saw t h e i n a u g u r a tion of Activities Day, a collegewide Red Cross drive, a n d t h e ini t i a t i o n of discussion groups between students and faculty for the
purpose of settling s t u d e n t probipms Tn 1041 Mvsknnin went tn
icms. i n U4i MjsKania went to
war and victory drives went on the
program. 1943 saw the first all-wornan Myskania, and in 1945, along
with V-Day, came t h a t confusing
preferential voting. Beanies were
ushered in in 1946—frosh were to
wear them from the second Monday of first semester till T h a n k s giving recess. This year also marked
recommendations and suggestions
from Myskania regarding its successors. Additional nominations were
to be made by the S t u d e n t Association. T h e seniority rule prevailed in
T h e
and the State
8 °n
A s of n o w t h e U n i v e r
J * * t n e ^ n i t f t o T coT
s t r u c t e d a t the college,
first of t h e s e b a d l y
new buildings will be a new library.
T h e
Legislature last year voted t h e
> s a l ' y funds for designing t h e
yea^sTession w V v o t T t h e n w e s s ^
f™ tfho
„ „ f „ „ , con„"•/
a, p™p r, o™p rriiaat iHomn for
h e actual
h a v e
Peterson Selects New Collegiate Singers;
Members Begin Plans For Christmas Sing
Lee Hazeltine, Marlene Ferner, P a t
Hickey, freshmen.
Second Altos are Joyce Shelton,
J e a n Hallenbcck Seniors; and Sue
Carmichael, Gail Hogan, and Carole
Waldron, freshmen.
T h i s production is going to employ t h e use of a woodwing set, a
new concept in scenery design for
S t a t e College theatregoers. T h e play
is also going to be the first presentation in the new Page Hall.
Frosh Apologize
To Soph Class
Class Presents First
Literature Readings
The Baritone section boasts J a m e s
Lockhart, Peter Booke, Donald B u t ler. Peter Spoor, J u n i o r s ; Joseph
Mroxowski, Sophomore; Hartley LaDuke, Gene Scott. Harold G a r n o ,
David Palmer, Jim Owen, Michael
Van Vraiiken, and Allan Pryor,
English lt>2 presents the students
with t h e principles of interpret!!tion and practice m analysis of va
rinus types of literature witli a view
to reading them aloud with unders t a n d i n g and effectiveness with admission only with the consent of the
58 N. Luke Ave.,
Near Washington Ave.
We Aim To Please
t ^ L * S * £ ^ J ^ * ^ ? ^
groups as spectators m a y do so.
Topics will be posted as to time and
room on the doors of the B r u b a c h e r
? n , i x r o o m s ; s t u d e n t Union Board
" ' sponsor t h e dance to be held
Friday evening from 9 p.m. to 12
midnight. Music will be provided by
Clyde P a y n e ' s Pedcats and all
S t a t e s m e n are cordially invited to
Buffalo and Plattsburg have r a t i fied the new constitution, m a k i n g
Brockport the only S t a t e Teachers
College which will not be in a t t e n d ance. O t h e r branches of t h e S t a t e
University have been invited to a t tend as non-voting participants.
Agnes Futterer, Professor of Englisli (Theatre) and her English 162
Class, will present Tuesday evening,
November 8, "the first series of
Evenings ol Readings from L i t e m ture, under her production and direction. T h e cast consists of Linda
Sokoloski and Audrv Wyant, S e n lors; Barbara Hungcrford, AnneBelle Persico, J u n i o r s ; and Betty
Lee S m i t h '58.
Joe's Barber Shop
K a u f m a n , Ivan Gorodoulin, a young
m a n of importance—Norman Strite,
.. ...
wealthy widow, the d a u g h t e r of a
m e r c h a n t — M a r j o r i e Jelley; M a s h •
enka, h e r n i e c e - N a n c y Gade, J u l i i 0 r s ; Yegor Kourchaev, a Hussar—
William Savage '56; Golutvin, a m a n
w i t h o u t an occupation — Richard
W a r n e r Maniefa, a seeress—Edith
S t r a c k ; Matriosha and
companions to M a d a m e Tourosina
P a u l a Segal, Juniors, a n d Frieda
Cohen '58; Mamaev's m a n servant—
Paul G a n n o n ; and Grigori, M a d a m e
T o u r o u s i n a s man s e r v a n t — William
Hershfield, freshmen.
prised of Joseph Kelly. Senior; R o b In the First Soprano section arc ert. Stimson, Edward Jones, RichP a t Atwood, Aileen Cochrane, Sen- ard Erbacher, J u n i o r s ; Robert Sisiors; Shirley Canavan, J u n i o r ; Jody cho and Harry Cooper, freshmen.
Ambroslno, Marie Harrlgan, and
Second Tenors are Phil Bartell.
J e a n Thomas, Sophomores;
Birgltta Gottlow, Vivian Clowe, Mu- G r a d ;
riel Barber. Roberta Mullarkcy, P a t - Tom
ricia Allien, Ann Crocker, Miriam William Savage, J u n i o r s ; and Paul
I.oomis and David Youst, freshmen.
Sanderson, freshmen.
For First Altos, lhere are Evelyn
Heals, Senior; Barbara Davis, J u n ior; J o a n Shul'elt, Sophomore; and
ICA Formulates
Meeting Agenda
State College Theatre Lists Cast
For January Production In Page
J a r k a Burian, Assistant Professor
of English ( D r a m a t i c s ) , a n d Director, announces the tentative cast for
the J a n u a r y S t a t e College T h e a t r e
J .
r ..TM
production of " T h e Diary of a
„ , , „ , . , , „ ,
by Alexander O s t r o v sky. T h e cast consists of: Yegor
Gloumov, a young m a n — George
V a n d e r h o u t c n '59; Glafira Gloumova, his mother—Barbara H u n g e r ford '57; Stoypka, their servant—
Paul Powelsland '59; Neel Mameav,
a wealthy gentleman, a distant relative of Gloumov—Sal Zaccaro '58;
Kleopatra Mameva, his wife—Elizabeth
old m a n of importance
dig and I a t t e n d e d t h e New York dress of welcome by the president of
S t a t e College for T e a c h e r s Press As- t h e association. Following this, a
sociation conference a t Plattsburg. representative from each publicaRepresentatives a n d faculty advis- S X u E ^ . J L
its 38 years of existence, Myskania
h a s not been engaged in any civil
wars, but has certainly given a new
birth of freedom to S t a t e .
i n 1917, a Faculty Committee a p pointed eleven s t u d e n t s to serve as
the first Senior S t u d e n t Council.
These students chose t h e n a m e of
Myskania—a secret m e a n i n g known
only to its members. Five members
were chosen by the faculty and the
, .
.. Myskania itself.
. ,The
T h e Second Soprano group is comprised of Mary Stowell, Margaret
Hamilton, Margaret Slebbins, J u n iors; Mary Bradley, Doris Ster/.iner,
Sophomores; Claudia Allecock, Dorothy Harper, Elizabeth Holbrook.
Dalton, Tacy
O r u n n a Cohen, freshmen.
lT7 fTT thfyears .I 9 5 3 / 1 9 5 5 ' t h e
After a careful tryout period, Karl
A. B. Peterson, Associate Professor
of Music, announces those who were
successful in qualifying for the Collegiate Singers. The group is now
planning for a sing at C h r i s t m a s
time. Those arc the n a m e s of the
students who were accepted:
T h e following is a list of w a r n ings issued by Myskania, announces
Judy Vimmerstedt, C h a i r m a n of
Those freshmen who have received
their second offense are Kathleen
Bonk, Gabrielle Cogen, Antoinette
D'Alfonse, Harold Mayo, Rosemary
Hanselman, William Hershfield, and
Phyllis Romano.
T w o f r e s h m e n have received their
third warnings. They are Carole
Christie nnri P n m i o a 0 „ r p i h . emu,,
s t o r n lias rece ved he^ sixtl war /
> v e d nei sixth w a i n m,"
These warnings bring t h e total
niunber issued for this year to one
hundred and thirty. Those students
who have a total of three warnings
will present their apologies to the
Sophomore class during the regular
Sophomore class meeting.
Here's two gems from the Rens
selaer Polytechnic. An R.P.I. Soph
almost bird-dogged his date.
" T w a s t h e n i g h t after the Sage
And all t h r o u g h t h e gym
Five h u n d r e d young freshmen
Were looking quite grim.
Their dates were dancing to music
With, eager Sophomores, out making
A doll in my a r m s ; her frosh all
I was just getting set for same oldfashioned petting.
W h e n out by t h e stairs there arouse
such a clatter
I sprang from h e r lap to see w h a t
was t h e m a t t e r .
And w h a t to my wondering eyes
should a p p e a r
But a sexy white jacket and cute
purple squares.
He insisted I leave, for to stay was
a sin,
Since soph-o-mores weren't allowed
to be in.
I protested (as a member of class
Until I was formally "given the
My advice to this lad from class
She's your date tonight—BUT T O M O R R O W SHE'S MINE!
Der Failen Forden
"ein smalllsch Fodren mit motor
whinen und gearen grinden ben
e n ein stoppen light. Der Chevrolate
n ' " i t powerpaken 1st pullen
up beseiden und dropen en low.
Arch. Der m a n en Fodren 1st crouchen in sea ten und gripen der wheel.
Himmel. Der light ist chagen und
gripen der wheel. Himmel. Der light
ist changen und der cars ist offenwl
not beaten
° "oen.
- Ist
'•"" der
" c * Chevrolaten
' ' P o r d e n ? N e l n ' M l t duelensmoke n l m d r u b b e r b u r n e n . der Chevrola ten ist leaven der light. Mit
screamisch whinengrinden der Forden is throwen ein connectenroden
und failen mit outdraggen der Chevrolaten. Der exploden ben awfulisch."
. . . a good lesson for all G e r m a n
This Weekend
Greet the Grads at the Bar
75 S t t t e Street
Albany, N . Y.
News Views:
Religious Clubs
Russell Endorses Ohio Governor Plan Meetings
Tuesday evening this reporter a t - classmates, some of the frosh
Lausche For Democratic Candidacy S t Tu dher enet ofC h rSitsat it ae n' s religious
tended t h e F r o s h election rally in didates are r u n n i n g because
Association, I n By DAVID K E N D I G '57
week, Georgia's
S e n a t o r party organization and the e n R i c h a r d Russell, a n influential con- trenched Republican machine, which
servative m e m b e r of t h e Democratic h a s elected Republican Senators
P a r t y , a n d a c a n d i d a t e for t h e D e m - consistently, both which have little
ocratic Presidential n o m i n a t i o n in effect on Lausche. I n the latest
1952, s t a t e d h i s personal choice for election, Lausche swamped Charles
t h e position in 1956. Russell s t a n d s Taft, Bob Taft's brother, by some
behind F r a n k Lausche, who is serv- 425,000 votes. Lausche has proved to
ing his f o u r t h t e r m as Governor of be a conservative independent, who
Ohio. T h e possibility t h a t he may frowns on organized labor in polibe t h e "compromise c a n d i d a t e " of tics. He was strangely mute during
t h e liberal a n d conservative wings the last two Democratic Presidenof t h e p a r t y m e r i t s more t h a n a tial campaigns.
passing glance a t Lausche's record,
I n this progressive Governor, with
I n 1932 h e rose from a municipal a strong organization from a s t a t e
j u d g e s h i p in Cleveland to become lominated equally by interests, t h e
Mayor of t h e city. P r o m there, d e - Democrats may have their next
spite t h e opposition of his county's President.
organization, h e achieved t h e p a r t y ' s
bid for governor. Elected i n 1944,
his a t t e m p t a t re-election failed.
1946 was a Republican year anyway
you look a t it. I n 1948 he was r e t u r n e d to office a n d h a s never left
Dance To Close
Soccer Season
Lausche and the Democratic P a r t y
a r e peculiar bed-fellows. I n the past
few years, outside interests h a v e
dominated t h e p a r t y and its central
issue h a s been a negative one, n a m e ly to purge t h e late Senator Robert
Taft from his S e n a t e seat. I n t h e
last a t t e m p t to d o this, they n o m inated a S t a t e Auditor to do the
job. Joe Ferguson was swamped and
his explanation for the resounding
defeat is somewhat typical of his
insipid character. He said, " T h e r e a son I got beaten so bad was t h a t
t h e Democrats didn't go out and
vote. Of course if they'd voted, I
m i g h t have got beaten worse. B u t
you always have t h e consolation of
thinking you would h a v e won." I t
is a credit to Lausche's ability t h a t
he did n o t s u p p o r t Ferguson, indeed
he h a d deep a d m i r a t i o n and respect
for Taft. Lausche h a d a t t h a t time,
and h a s now, an effective personal
organization which h a s enabled h i m
to a m a s s amazing voting power to
overcome both the lack of a strong
B r u b a c h e r ' s g a m e room. T h i s colter-Varsity
u m n was originally to describe t h e
and C a n t e r b u r y Club, p l a n activities
e n t h u s i a s m shown by t h e candidates
for n e x t week, according to t h e
and voters—there were two c a m president of each organization.
paign posters on t h e walls a n d t h e
C a n t e r b u r y Club will meet a t n u m b e r of frosh p r e s e n t was highly
this column
S a i n t Andrew's' C h u r c h for evening disappointing;
prayer this Sunday a t 7:30 p.m. intended to r e p o r t the n u m b e r
T h i s will be supervened by a discus- and type of questions asked by the
sion meeting, states Carol A n n Key- frosh of their candidates—one frosh
ser, C a n t e r b u r y ' s Publicity Director. asked a question; the rest were asked by t h e upperclassmen. It appears
IVCF h a s scheduled a speech by t h a t t h e r e c e n t upsurge of interest
Roy Shaffer, a s t u d e n t of Albany shown by t h e frosh in State's a c Medical School and a former t e a c h - tivities is only superficial If the rally
er a t a Kenya, Africa mission can be used as evidence.
school, for Thursday, 7:30 p.m. a t
B r u b a c h e r . His topic, "Teaching a t
Evidently, from t h e n u m b e r of
the World's Crossroads," will in- candidates for office who did not
clude discussion if contrasting cul- present, themselves to their fellow
tures, religions, and the influences
of political upheavals, relates Ann
K a m m e r '56, President.
G e n e Arnold '56, President of
SCA, and Miss K a m m e r announce
jointly t h a t their clubs will hold a
combined S t a t e College Chapel, 4
T h e r e will be a Soccer Dance p.m. Tuesday.
sponsored by the Student Union
Board Saturday, November 12, from
9p.m. to 12 midnight in the Brubacher dining room, announce Betty
Van Vlack '57, and Gerry K a n e '59,
co-chairmen for the event. The even i n g will feature t h e a n n o u n c e m e n t
of next year's Captain, the most valuable player, and the crowning of a
Housemothers and faculty may
Soccer Queen, who will be chosen
pick up their activity cards in D r a by t h e entire soccer team. Music
per 300-A, the office of Joseph T.
for t h e occasion will be provided by
Phinney, Professor of Social S t u d Clyde Payne and his orchestra.
ies, Monday to Friday, specifies Sue
Other c h a i r m e n for the dance are
B a r n h a r t '56, C h a i r m a n of S t u d e n t
as follows: Decoration, Tony ScorBoard of Finance.
dato '56, and Walter Barbash '56;
Miss B a r n h a r t also states t h a t
Refreshments, Helen Natale '56, and
Patricia Colway '58; Chaperones, the committee is at work investiHarlow C u s h m a n '56; Clean-up, gating the problem of tax cards. On
J a m e s Owens '59; Arrangements, the suggestion of purchasing a l a m David Hardy '57; Flowers and Cor- inating machine, several estimates
onation, RoseMary Santicola '58, have been obtained. T h e lowest oi
and Sue Lieberman '58; Band, Sheila these is $680. Meetings will be held
Lister '57, a n d Everett Weiermiller cm Wednesday in Draper 300. To
'57; and Publicity, Mary-Ann Koz- a p p e a r on the agenda, contact Miss
lowski '58, a n d R u t h Fairbairn '56. B a r n h a r t by s t u d e n t mail.
Faculty Receive
Activity Cards
Myskania Elects
Frosh Leaders
forgot to decline or merely because
they want to show t h a t they have
t h a t old class spirit. Some of t h e
candidates probably had valid r e a sons for being absent, b u t certainly
this could not possibly hold true
for t h e a p p r o x i m a t e one-third who
did not show up. T h e election rally
is a n i m p o r t a n t p a r t of c a m p a i g n ing for office. Are these absent c a n didates really interested in holding
a class office?
Freshmen e 1 e c t freshmen class
officers, not upperclassmen. It was
appalling to see but one f r e s h m a n
ask a question of a candidate. Sure
ly, after six weeks of activity at
S t a t e College a bigger percentage
of t h e frosh in a t t e n d a n c e a t the
rally could have asked questions
Myskania, t h e Honorary Judicial
Body of S t a t e College s t a t e s t h a t
four new frosh leaders have been
chosen to lead Rivalry events a n nounuces T h e r e s a
Barbara '56,
During the interrogation period
for S t u d e n t Council candidates, only
one question was asked, and thai
was asked by an upperclassman. But
perhaps t h e frosh knew who they
were voting for before the rally. Ii
is feasible t h a t they are following
along in t h e m a n n e r which seems
to be the tradition at State, n a m e b
voting on popularity and not on
David Youst was selected to be
Director of Pushball.
leaders in the C a m p u s Day Track
and Field E v e n t s a r e Steven J a c o b son for the men's events and T h e r esa Vitale for the women's.
T h e only thing that can be said
for the freshmen who found .something better to do from 7:31) to 8:31)
Tuesday evening is t h a t they surely
will be the first to complain when
their class government hits a Miag
T h e skit director for C a m p u s Day
Apathy is beginning to be a trite
from t h e freshman class will he word at State, at least In the u p p e i classmen. but no more suitable worn
Paul Ericson.
describes elections. II the freshman
Rivalry Softball has been cancel- class is a p a t h e t i c toward elections,
led this year. T h i s action was taken and w h a t else can we assume aftei
by a vote of S t u d e n t Council and the rally, we have hit the bottom
the Rivalry Committee. T h e game If a class, after only six weeks ,ii
had been originally postponed due S t a t e can show so little interest m
to inclement weather. No replace- their elections, we can be sure that
m e n t event will be scheduled in the our own brand of Miss Rheingolo
list of Rivalry events.
contests are here to slay for awhile.
B O T H GO FOR T H I S C I G A R E T T E ! -
Coach Sauers Picks Basketball
Squad Of El even For Season
T h e m o n t h of November is upon
us once more and with It, a n o t h e r
bnsketbal season is about ready to
open a t State. Under the coaching of Richard Sauers, the Peds will
feature a team of speed and moderate height.
Practice For Week
After a little more t h a n a week
of practice, Coach Sauers has cut
his squad down to eleven men.
Among t h e eleven selected for this
year's squal, Coach Sauers h a s seven
veterans of last year's team back.
They will all be fighting to better
last year's dismal record of two
wins and sixteen loses.
Feature Speed, Height
Mixed in with these eleven players, are ingredients of speed and
Varsity Bowlers
Swamp RPJ, 5-0;
Take 2nd Place
State's varsity bowling quintet
surged past Siena into second place
by sweeping all five points from the
lowly RPI keglers last Tuesday at
the Siena alleys. This was the second consecutive sweep by the locals,
bringing their seasonal mark up to
16-9. topped only by ABC's leagueleading record of 24-1. This week
it was senior Al Stephenson who
led the team, scattering the woods
for single games of 170. 216, and 173
for a total of 505. Veteran J o h n
Zidik came out second best with a
triple of 517, including singles of
182, 193, and 142. Not far behind
in third place was Joe Clements who
blasted the maples for 504
Sfzatit SfiotlitjJit
140 451
168 509
142 517
Sporl Spotlight Ibis week falls on
173 565
175 474 Joe Anderson, Poller Club's specdv
halfback. R u n n e r u p honors go lo
Hob (iranados, rugged halfback of
the Veterans team. Joe starred on
Friday againsl the Humps when he
used his speed lo carry the pigskin
lor a forty yard touchdown run on
a naked reverse. Joe also grabbed
One AMI A sport was eel ling ready an aerial ill the end /one for six
to begin operations Ibis week while more points as his team went on to
win 25-0,
another got well under way.
Basketball Heads Post
Sheet For Cage Year
T h e basketball signup sheet a p peared on the AM1A bulletin hoard
and many captains quickly got I heir
teams posted.
Commissioner Joe
Pureed, assisted by Carl Maxson
and Jim Fitzsimmons. urges all captains lo sign up I heir teams before
November 8.
Monday Practice
Set For Matmen
In Milne Gym
/A/1 Football League Ends Play;
Potter/ Hilltop Capture Leagues
There were two games played in
IM football this week. On T h u r s day a strong Veteran h a m toppled
Sigma Lambda Sigma as they scored
when Palmer recovered a blocked
punt in the end /.one. Luke S a n d e r s
passed to Howie Caldwel for the
extra point lo end the scoring in
a hard fought name at 7-0. In the
other league games Sayles gained
a play-off berth .stopping Van Derzee Hall by a score of 8-0 as Hoot
Hit 7!)3, 7!)8
Stefalio threw an aerial lo Bob
T h e Peds cleared the alleys lor Sischo for a touchdown. A safety
only 793 and 798 in the first and ;.' counted for two more points.
third games, respectively, but they
Poller Over Humps
were good enough to win as the
Engineers hit only 716 and 731 in
As I he playoff started on Friday
the same games. Both teams bowled Poller Club romped over the Humps
their best in the second contest, but 25-0 J o h n Rookwood tossed three
the Statesmen won easily. 920 to 815. touchdown passes to Joe Anderson,
The locals gained the two points Bernie Baker and Paul Victor. Anawarded for high total pinnage by derson also scooled forty yards lo
a comfortable margin of 241) pins.
height. Spunky Joe Anderson, Denny
Dempster and Keith Olson will be
Coach Joe Garcia, State's m e n t o r
relied on for speed, while Lew Carr,
Don Mayer, J o h n Rockwood and Sig of wrestling, h a s issued the call for
Smith will be relied on for height all men interested in t h e m a t sport
to report for practice beginning
under the blackboards.
Monday. Garcia stresses t h e fact
At this point in I he season, if is t h a t this is a conditioning program.
only possible to say t h a t there is
As of now a ten game schedule
great potentiality, and need for improvement. With new blood file is in the m a k i n g for the newly
Peds could just set. the hardwood on formed varsity sport. Garcia will
be assisted this year by Bob Dreher,
one of his better wrestlers last year
The tentative schedule lor 1955- when he headed t h e Wrestling Club.
56 stands as follows:
Practice Monday
Dec. •> R.P.I.
T h e place a n d time for t h e initial
Dec. 3 New Paltz
pacticc for newcomers is listed for
Dec. 8 Hartwick
4:00 P . M . in Milne Gym. All interDec. 9 H a r p u r
ested grapplers are asked to report
Dec. 13 Onconta
lo the coach at this time or a t their
.Ian. a I'tica
earliest convenience a t his office.
.Fan. II PlattsbuiR
T h e ten weight
Feb. 3 Oswego
listed are 114 1 -, 123, 130, 137, 147,
Feb. 7 Uticii
157. 167. 177, 191. a n d heavyweight.
Feb. 10 P r a t t
Both the 114 lb. classification and
Feb. II New Haven
the heavyweight are option weights.
Feb. 17 Onconta
Feb. 21 •Maritime Acad. Home
Some of last year's m a t m e n out
Feb. 25 New Pall/.
to gain s t a r t i n g slots on the varsity
Mar 2 Plaltsburg
sport are W a y n e Harvey, Bill Gropp,
and Leo Legault.
Mar 3 Potsdam
T h e box score lor S t a t e :
(iranados Stars
Hob was outstanding m all fields:
againsl Sigma Lambda s a u n a last
Thursday. His accurate passing, key
blocks and end runs accounted for
much ol the yanlai'e gamed by the
Vets as they downed I he South Lake
Meanwhile Table Tents was well 1'ralernitv 7-0
under way as I he indoor spurts enthusiasts began a wild scramble in
upset, topseeded Hill Rock and Harry
Millet, last year's c h a m p and r u n ner-up.
pay dirt on a naked reverse. Baker
scored the lone extra point on a
line plunge.
Ridge Forfeits
On t h e same day Ridge House forfeited to the Veterans. SLS and
Sayles Hall played to a scoreless tie
in a strictly defensive game on
Tuesday. T h e following day Hilllop tripped APA 13-8 in a closely
played contest. Bill O'Connor passed to Mike Flahive for one touchdown and was also on the receiving
end of a pass from Flahive. O'Connor also connected for the extra
point to end Hilltop's scoring. For
APA, Dave B u r r o u g h s recovered a
blocked kick in the end zone for 6
points and a safety accounted for
APA's oilier two points.
T h e final League S t a n d i n g s :
Poller Club
. , 1 2 2
Vetera ns
' j point penalty for lack
of reIs
VV. 1.. T.
1 1
1 1
1 2
1 2
3 V
' j point penally for late
scoring report
207 Central
Gerald Drug Go.
tit Y N O I o n r o b A C c o e n . w i N * T O N - t * l EM, U c
t/i£ p.alu-drawing
Ped Booters Encounter University Of Bridgeport
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Doubles i " Tennis
For those who prefer their tenuis
on u bigger scale Ed Wilson '58, has
announced the beginning of a
doubles tennis tournament. Wilson
reminds all participants that first
round play must be completed before Thursday, November 10.
In the singles tourney Jim Hallord went to the linals and waits
lo play ellher Jim L o r r a i n e . Hank
Storch. or Dave Cireenberg who are
lagging in the quarter-finals
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('olU^c i'liiriit
Last Saturday a tough Oswego soccer team handed
the Albany "11" their fifth setback of the year at the former's field. The game was marred by a strong wind which
was blowing across the playing field toward Lake Ontario,
causing the team with the wind at its back to have an
Just ten seconds after play began the Lakers with the
wind at their backs, passed the ball to Bill Thompson who
SuAvffi, £ayi . . .
T h e time is fast approaching
when the S t a t e booters will wind
up a n o t h e r campaign. One always
reads and h e a r s of the individual
players and how well they played,
It's very seldom though t h a t one
hears a n y t h i n g of the people behind
t h e t e a m — t h e coach, t h e m a n a ger, the trainer and t h e publicity
m a n . We'd like to give these i n dividuals a much deserved plug.
First, to Joe Garcia for t h e m a r velous way he h a s handled the Peds.
Each year he seems to lose the key
men but year after year he goes
about rebuilding and comes up with
a fighting team.
To Don Canoniea much credit
must be given for his handling of
t h e JV's. A top Booter last year he
has helped m a n y a new Ped Booter
through his skill.
Walt Barbash, State's fine t r a i n e r
is a n o t h e r unsung hero who goes
about busily getting and keeping tire
men physically fit. The Booters certainly know how good it is to h a v e
a guy like W a l t around.
T h e guy handling the m a n a g e r i a l ship this year is Frosh Ken K a d e t
who seems to be doing quite a good
Finally one guy t h a t must not be
overlooked is the guy pushing t h e
pencil for APRB and getting S t a t e ' s
n a m e all over t h e State. He is n o n e
o t h e r t h a n F r a n k McEvoy the third
of three APRB heads who got their
start, writing this page.
Freshman Girls Vote
Today For Council
Freshmen are reminded t h a t this
is their last chance lo vote for t h e
girls who will represent them on
WAA Council. Voting will be open
to all freshmen girls until 3:00 t o day. Balloting will take place a t a
desk situated near the WAA bulletin
board in. Lower Draper.
November 16 has been named t h e
dale for the WAA Cokcr a n n o u n c e s
Oina Hilliker, WAA president. T h e
i wo freshmen elected to Council will
be Initiated at lids time. C o m m i t tees are: e n t e r t a i n m e n t , Lee Hazelline; food, Mary Ann Schlotthauber,
initiation. Alice
Sophomores. All Slate College women are invited.
registered t h e first Oswego goal.
Fifty seconds later Lynn T h o m p s o n
of Oswego got a ball up into t h e
wind and it sailed past Ped goalie
Tito Guglielmone for t h e h o m e team's last score of t h e day. Albany fighting t h e wind as well as
an excellent offensive a t t a c k held
t h e ball in n e u t r a l territory until
Ed Jones passed to Ray Costillo who
relayed the ball to Bob Backer a n d
Hustling Bob" nailed the first a n d
last State tally. Bob h a s been playing fine ball for t h e Peds all season. At the end of the first quarter the
the score was Oswego 2, Albany 1.
G a m e Grows Hough
T h e game proceeded to get rougher in the second quarter with both
teams playing h a r d for the ball.
S t a t e with t h e wind now a t their
backs had many scoring opportunities but were unable to get the
ball past Oswego goalie Bill Peterson. Albany dominated play for the
entire period which closed with the
score remaining Oswego 2. Albany
T h e second half began with Oswego moving the ball into Albany
territory but unable to collaborate
and score a goal. Albany beginning
to realize their plight, started pressing t h e Oswego defense and carried
the ball into Oswego territory where
it remained for almost the entire
period. W h e n the Lakers did get
t h e ball in Ped territory it was
quickly cleared by fullbacks Carl
Maxson and Al Ledderman. Goalie
Tito Guglielmone also proved to be
a thorn in the hometeam's side.
Mid-way t h r o u g h t h e period Bob
Backer sustained a leg injury a n d
had to be taken out of the game.
Coach Garcia was constantly shifting his team in order to bolster the
defense and offense as was needed.
Albany Presses
In the final period the Peds, with
t h e wind a t their backs pressed the
Laker defense. Several State plays
narrowly missed clicking, the closest
being a shot by Wendell Fowler
which missed by inches. Another
shot by Ed Jones glanced off the
Oswego goal's crossbar
"ahs" and " o h s " through the large
group of spectators. In spite of their
fine play, however, the Peds were
unable to score and the game came
to a close with the final score Oswego 2. Albany S t a t e 1.
Peds Face 11. of B.
Tomorrow at Bleecker Staium.
the Peds will be out to win a Homecoming weekend game against an
excellent. Bridgeport University "11",
who will be out to avenge a 2-0
setback suffered last year.
What About Jewelry?
The HA HP has a Selection of
State College
Cuff Links and
Tie Pins
'State College News' Places First
In ACP Rating; Shows Advance
The State College News received
a first class honor rating for second semester last year from the Associated Collegiate Press. This rating was awarded to the News after
comparing it with other papers on
the same classification. Separate
features of the paper were scored
according to merit. The News was
rated superior for its editorials and
In commenting on the superior
marks of the paper the judge complimented the editorials for being
strong, timely and carefully planned;
and leading opinion and not follow-
SC Airs Plans
On School Camp
Monday night there will be a
meeting of Student Council in the
Government Room at Brubacher.
This meeting will replace the usual
Wednesday night meeting.
Wednesday night at 7:30 p.m. in
Brubacher's game room there will
be a general airing and discussion
on the possible uses of the surplus.
The current surplus is $17,637.
Also at this meeting, the possibility of purchasing a College Camp
will be discussed. The camp is located near Warrensburg. N. Y. Yesterday, a group of students went up
and viewed the property, and at this
meeting, they will give their reports. Members of the administration will be on hand to answer any
questions pertaining to the camp.
One of the features of this camp
is a pond located in the middle of
the site. The name of this pond is
Dippekill. It is three-eighths miles
long and one-half mile wide. There
are 700 acres included with this
pond for the cost of $10,000. The administration has checked into the
details carefully and approved the
possibility of our purchasing it.
Sunday, another group will make the
trip to Warrensburg to inspect this
site. Warrensburg is about 75 miles
north of Albany on Route 9, just a
short distance from Lake George.
This site would serve as a frosh
camp, and afford a spot for various
athletic events.
ing it. The superior printing can be
attributed to the printers in Hudson.
In keeping with news standards,
the News was rated excellent in
such things as coverage, features,
sports coverage, typography and
makeup. The short news features
are written in the best professional
style, whereas the "Common-Stater''
was warned against using pointless
and non-essential material.
The majority of the physical properties of the News were considered
excellent. Pictures on page one were
well placed, however, the display
below the fold could be improved.
Pictures could be used more frequently throughout the paper. In
general the typography of the News,
according to the scorebook, is attractive and easy to read.
Previous to this new rating the
News was second class. The judge's
final comment was: "You are doing better this semester. Let's go
Dominink DeC'ecco '57, supervises Marie Carbone and Richard Feldover the top next time." The only- man, Juniors, as they put the finishing touches on the floats to be worn
other rating higher than first class by Myskania in the parade tomorrow. Mary Brezny and Robert Betscha,
is All-American.
Myskania members, wait patiently.
Ann Ryan '56, Vice-President of
Gamma Kappa Phi, announces the
following pledges: Claire Hample,
Ann Carl, Sophomores, and Carolyn
Rivage '57.
Phi Delta has pledged the following: Marian Keene and Margaret
Mooney, Sophomores, states Jean
Hallenbeck '56, President. Patricia
Gearing '58, was appointed publicity
director. An Alumni Luncheon is being held at Wagar's Restaurant tomorrow at 1:30 p.m.
Kappa Delta will have a coffee
hour for Kappa Beta after their sorority meeting Monday evening, announces Barbara Salvatore '56, President. Evelyn Neumeister '56, President of Psi Gamma, states that Sigma Lambda Sigma will be guests for
n coffee hour after their meeting
Monday evening.
2. SUPERIOR TASTE L&M's superior taste
comes from superior tobaccos — especially
selected for filter smoking. Tobaccos that are
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On October 23, 24 and 25, Sheila
Lister, David Hardy, Juniors, and
Anthony Scordato and Jean Compagnone, Seniors, accompanied by
Mrs. Merlin Hathaway, representing
Student Union Board, attended a
conference of the Association of
College Unions, Region II, at Potsdam State Teachers College and
Clarkson College of Technology.
Topics discu.ssed were "Effective
Programs that meet the Education
Responsibilities of the College
Unions," "The Extent of Student
Control of Union Operations," and
"New Ideas for the Union Program."
General meetings were held to discuss these topics at which representatives from twenty-two different
colleges in Eastern New York and
Canada were present. A new feature
this year was separate meetings for
State Colleges, large universities,
and small universities to discuss
their separate problems. The delegates were also taken on tours of
Potsdam, Clarkson, and St. Lawrence.
Smoke, America's Best Filter Cigarette
Bonfire, Dance Week end To Include Discussion
Terminates Fall Groups, Speakers, Banquet, Dance
For the first time in eleven years sixty, and guest delegates are exSoccer Season Albany
will play host to the Inter- pected from Farmingdale Agricultural and Technical Institute and
Highlighting the dance will be the
announcement of this year's Soccer
Queen. The most valuable player of
the past season will be announced,
and the '56 Co-Captains will be
named. A photographer from the
Knickerbocker News will be on hand
to take pictures of the Queen and
the most valuable player.
Collegiate Association conference,
announces David Kendig '57, President of ICA. The Conference opened yesterday with a reception in
Brubacher and a welcoming address
by Evan R. Collins, President of the
The delegation, including the Albany Commission, will number about
The second series of laboratory
productions by the Advanced Dramatics Cla.';:i will take place Tuesday,
November 15, at 8 p.m. in Draper
349, announces Carol Allen '57, Publicity Director for this series, Marilyn Erter '50, will direct scenes from
La Rondo, translated by Arthur
Schnltzler. Scenes from Anna Christie, by Eugene O'Neill, will be directed by Charles Crowder '57. The
purpose of the lab plays Is to give
students practical experience in
Erie Technical Institute. This delegation includes the 10 State Teachers' Colleges in New York State.
Topics to be discussed are: State
University Problems, Student-Faculty Relations, Finances, Entertainment, ICA Improvement, Fraternities and Sororities, and ICA Alumni
Association. Representatives from
the State University will participate
in a discussion of the State University Problems, Sororities and Fraternities, and a discussion on Public Relations, in the first session
this alternoon.
SCA Registers
Sing Participants
Peter Booke '57, President of Student Christian Association, announces that S.C.A. will hold the
fifth annual Christian Sing December 11. All group houses and Commuter's Club are invited to partiThe Soccer Dance will feature cipate.
many unusual decorations this year.
These participants must have
The soccer balls and the refresh- their
choice of two numbers and
ment table will be covered with al- their registration fee of $5 in to
uminum foil, and red and blue light- Booke or Doris Vradenburg '57, Viceing will play on black velvet drap- President of Student Christian Aseries. The Queen's garland will con- sociation, by this Monday.
sist of fall flowers, which will also
Potter Club, Pierce Hall, and
Sigma Lambda Sigma were last
decorate the banquet.
year's winners. However, a house
The following chairmen have been must win the sing for three conselected: Chairman of Decorations, secutive years in order to keep the
Tony Scordato '56, and Walter trophy. Phi Delta, winning the sing
Barbash '54; Refreshments, Helen for the first three years, has retired
Natale '56, and Patricia Colway '58; one trophy. The winners are decidChaperones, Todd Cushman '56; ed by judges from the Capitol DisClean-Up, James Owen '59; Ar- trict.
rangements, David Hardy '57; FlowA coffee hour, sponsored by Stuers and Coronation, Rose Mary Santicola and Suzanne Lieberman, dent Union Board, is being held imSophomores; Band, Shelia Lister mediately after the Christmas Singand Everett Weiermiller, Juniors; in Brubacher Lower Lounge.
Publicity, Mary Ann Kuskowskl '58,
The Student Christian Association
and Ruth Fairbairn '56.
recently held elections and the following arc the new officers; Booke,
Tomorrow the soccer team will
Miss Vradenburg, Vicemeet the University of Panzer in President;
the finale of the soccer season at President; Terry Bell '58, Secretary
Bleecker Stadium at 2 p.m. Tonight and Treasurer; Clinton Carpenter
the Junior class will sponsor a bon- '57, Chapel Chairman; and Joyce
fire commencing at 7:30 p.m., In St. Olln '58, Publicity Director.
Mary's Park.
A D Class To Present
Laboratory Productions
'• LiGcpri & M u n i TOBACLO Co.
Administration Answers Queries
On Financial, Technical Aspects
Nine Colleges Travel To Albany
For El eventh ICA Conference
Chaperones for the dunce are:
Merlin Hathaway, Director of Physical Education, and Mrs. Hathaway, Director of Brubacher Hull;
Joseph Garcia, Assistant Director of
Physical Education, and Mrs. Garcia; Richard Sailers, Assistant Director of Men's Physical Education,
and Mrs. Helen Coogan, Assistant
Director of Women's Physical Education.
Speakers Highlight
Psychology Meeting
Student Union Board will sponsor
a Soccer Dance tomorrow night
from 9 to 12 p.m. in Brubacher's
main dining room, announce Betty
Van Vlack '57, and Jerry Kane '59,
Co-Chairmen of the event. Music
will be provided by Clyde Payne and
his Pedcats.
1 . SUPERIOR FILTER Only L&M gives
the superior filtration of the Miracle Tip, the
purest tip that ever touched your lips. It's white
. . . al! white . . . pure white!
Two sororities have pledged five
girls and others have scheduled coffee hours for local fraternities.
SUB Attends
Potsdam Session
The Rev. Herbert S. Mekeel, Pastor of the First Presbyterian
Church of Schenectady, will speak
at a meeting of the Psychology Club
on Tuesday, at 7:3o p.m. on the subject, "Religion mid Personality,"
announces Erik Buck. President of
the club. The tentative meeting
place is in the Upper Lounge at
Brubacher Hall.
This talk will be a follow-up to
a previous talk given by Alfred E.
Kuenzli, Assistant Professor ol Psychology, on the subject, 'Religion
and the Social Sciences," states
Homecoming Committer Prepares Sororities Pledge
Floats For Parade To Bleecker Members; Plan
Alumni Luncheon
Assembly Airs Views
On School Camp Purchase
These discussions will take place
in the Activity Rooms at Brubacher
and all students are invited to attend and participate in theses sessions.
Tonight the members of ICA will
be guests of honor at a banquet at
Herberts. Entertainment will feature students from State.
After the Banquet, there will be a
dance sponsored by Student Union
Board in Brubacher Main Dining
Room from 9 to 12 p.m. Music will
be provided by Clyde Payne's Collegians. The SUB Dance is open to
all State College students.
Saturday the last general session
will be held from 9:45 to 12:45. A
Luncheon will be held at Brubacher
for the delegates from 1 to 2:30 p.m.
Guest speaker will be Edwin R. Van
Kleeck. Assistant Commissioner of
ICA has been in existence for
ten years. This year it is operating
under a new constitution, which was
passed last year at Geneseo. The
purpose of ICA is to foster closer
relations among the State Teachers'
Colleges, and to reflect to the State
University, the feelings of the students of the member colleges as a
whole. Materials from the leading
colleges in the United States and
information on the State University
will be on display in the Upper
Lounge of Brubacher.
Last Wednesday evening a special assembly was held
in Brubacher to discuss the possible uses of surplus. The
main point for suggested expenditure at this time is the
proposed purchase of a school camp located north of Albany in the Adirondacks. Dr. Evan R. Collins, President
of the College, and Dr. Oscar Lanford, Dean of the College,
were present to represent the administration and answer
any questions possible in regards to its physical make-up
or problems of purchasing it.
The discussion of the camp opened with a report by
Bruce King '56, Chairman of the Surplus Committee out
of Student Council on the technical aspects of the camp.
King told the group that the camp consists of approximately 700 acres near Warrensburg, N. Y., which is about 75
miles north of Albany. The area the camp encompasses is
undeveloped woodland with a lake located approximately
in the center. The cost of the campsite in its present condition is $10,000.
Possible uses for the territory were mentioned in the
report. Those listed were possibilities of use as a field
Rush Season
To Open With
Annual Smoker
Fraternity rushing for freshmen
and transfers will open with the
annual Fraternity Smoker to be held
Monday evening. The reception will
take place in Brubacher dining
room at 7:30 p.m., announces Richard Tinapp '56, President of Inter
Fraternity Council.
All Statesmen who are interested
in fraternity life and its relatonship and importance on the campus
are urged to attend. Each of the
four fraternities will present entertainment and will give a history
of their organization, fees for members, and a statement of the purpose
for which the organization wus founded.
Cigarettes will be provided for
those attending. Refreshments con
sisting of potato chips and coke
will also be served.
Committees for the Smoker are
as follows: James Sweet '56, Alan
Hutchinson '57, Refreshments; Livingston Smith, Whitson Walter,
Bruce Wise, Seniors, Joseph Taggart '57, Prospectus; Tinapp and
Taggart, Publicity. Master of Ceremonies for the evening will be Alan
Weiner, '56.
station for the Biology department,
recreation, a base for the workings
of Outing Club, a center for a Camping Education program, a workshop
for the Summer Theater Group, and
with expansion of facilities it could
be used as a frosh camp sometime
in the future.
In response to an inquiry as to
the operation of other State Teachers' College camps Student Council
minutes were read which included a
survey of these units made three
years ago.
Discussion followed on the development of the area. It was pointed
out that the cost of erecting buildings might be defrayed by using
student and faculty labor. In this
way it was felt that the project
would help to tie the students and
faculty of the college closer together.
The fact was also brought out that
the development of the camp would
not be completed within a short
period of time but rather a slow improvement. This means that the
camp could not be used for a fresh
camp immediately. President Collins pointed out, in response to the
suggestion of a mortgage to pay for
the construction of facilities, that
the interest would make it unprofitable in the long run.
Following the pointing out of the
fact that the camp is easily accessible a straw vote was taken to sample the opinion of the students present. The results of this small group
was almost unanimously la favor
of the purchase of the site.
Student Association Will Choose
Campus Queen In Tuesday Voting
Weekend To Feature All-State
Night, Annual Campus Day, Skits
Saturday November 19, Campus
Day will be celebrated. This is an
annual event intended to give frosh
the opportunity to display their
lull colors unci "arouse in them a
spirit which will grow stronger until June." Starting at 10 a.m. there
an tiack and field events on Dorm
Friday, November Hi. in honor of Field. In case of rain these events
All State Night, there will be a will be played in Page Gym.
Square Dance in Brubacher Main
Dining Room trom It to 11 p.m.,
Included under these events are
announces Margaret Smith and the Football and Softball Throws,
Frank McEvoy, Juniors, and Co- the 511, -141). and the 100 yard dishes.
Chairmen of the event. The music Also such events as en Old Clathes
tor this "stomp" will be provided Race and a Wheelbarrow Race arc
by Lese Young and the Harmony scheduled
Ranch Boys, a band of no mean
Saturday night, the Campus Queen
repute. Entertainment will lie furnished by both students and facul- will be announced as well as frosh
ty, and refreshments will be served. officers and the winner of Rivalry.
Everyone Is invited so if you can These events are all scheduled in
do a "dosey-do" or a "grapevine Page Hall, and afterwards Class
twist" without fracturing any of Parties will follow. Let's keep up
Above are (he five candidates for Campus Day Queen,
your members, bj al! means come with tradition and turn out en
take place from 4 a.m. to 9 p.m., Tuesday,
to the dance.
Is Lola B eligible for Campus
Queen? How close was the Gallup
Poll in predicting the frosh class
elections? Is a Square really square?
Who is going to win Rivalry. For information to these timely topicsread on.