Newt Sponsors Capital District Press Meeting

News Views:
Newt Sponsors
Capital District
Press Meeting
Senate Votes Acceptance Of Tax
Extension Program - No Reductions
Carmen Jones is a picture which
If you saw "Girls in Uniform," you
is well worth the price of a movie might like to compare the Belles of
ticket. It's got Dorothy Dandridge St. Trlnians's with it. This latter
in it, and she's versatile enough to picture is a story concerning a girl's
Current chances for an income to the House where some form of
-— . , —
-..- _
Isles. On at the Delaware tax cut died this week when the compromise on the $20 cut must be
Collegiate Newspapers Oscar Hammersteln has written the British
Senate voted to accept President worked out.
songs and everything else. The while the attendance lasts.
tax extension program
For the fourth time, the Major
To Convene At State whole job is done u p in Cinema- Attention: Did you know that the Eisenhower's
Scope to give you that "This-is-no- strain on your eyes won't be as without the Democratic-sponsored peress discharge case has been
As the result of a motion made meager-production" feeling. After great if you sit in the balcony? It's reductions. The bill now returns dragged out by the Senate Investigating Committee. I t looked a little
at the meeting of the State College this big flicker escapade the Strand true, Statesmen; that screen is
like last
year's Army hearing, as
News Board Sunday evening, let- will throw Cry Vengeance on the slanted backwards up there on rVoAo.'sViiAiwA C r J / ~ f . . k
senator McCarthy called for a
ters were mailed out this week, in- screen
stage, and you're actually straining UlSTrlDUTIve
i A r / El
"Point of Order" before things had
viting nine area colleges to attend
Parker chases Bob Tay and not knowing it. We realize rlanS
/ V O O CleCtlOnS
hardly gotten under way.
a newspaper conference Friday, lorEleanor
through the Virgin West, trying smoke addicts are up there, but
In England, the seemingly solid
May 13, at Brubacher Hall. This is doggedly to hook the son-of-a-gun,
Our own hide-away, the Madison,
The Distributive Education Club Labor Party found itself torn by
the first local conference of this so she can claim him for a "hubby." has picked up The Violent Men and
type, State acting as sponsor.
But Bob says, "No, thanks, ma'am The Bamboo Prison for showing will hold an Important meeting internal strife. A move to oust
Ronald Lackey '55, Executive Ed- and the hunt is on! This is the gist these days. Both are good caliber Tuesday morning at 10 a.m. in Aneurin Bevan from the party
itor, moved: "That the State Col- of Many Rivers to Cross. In Cinema- movies worthy of your attention. Draper Annex Room 147. Election threatens to split the organization
lege News Board act as host to an Scope again, so that if the dialogue Speaking of caliber reminds me that of officers will take place at this into several factions,
area collegiate newspaper confer- gets pathetic by some quirk of fate the first film is a 6-gun Western time. Some nominations have al- Back in Washington, Democratic
ence during the second semester of the scenery can save the day. The which nevertheless is mature in ready been made, others are still National Chairman Paul Butler
the school year 1954-55."
chunk of femininity in the ragged form. Glenn Ford stars. The latter open and will be made at this stirred up a hornet's nest when he
meeting. Officers to be elected in- claimed the President would not
The invitation letters were sent edged runner-up, The Other Wo mentioned flicker is a real reveal elude:
President, Vice-President, run for re-election in 1956 because
to: Siena, Russell Sage, Saint Rose, man, is Cleo Moore. (She's the one ing thing; it tells of our kids in the Secretary, Treasurer, Publicity Di- Mrs. Eisenhower's health was failSkidmore, R.P.I., A.B.C., Albany who wants to run for governor of Commie prison camps—or how to rector, and Historian, announces ing. This brought a quick denial
College of Pharmacy, Albany Law, Louisiana, if you read the papers.) get indoctrinated in one easy les- Josephine DiNoto '56, Publicity Di- from Republicans for dragging the
Both shows at the Palace, by theson!
and Union colleges.
President's wife into politics.
Be seeing you! Be seeing movies! rector.
The News is undertaking the pro- way.
ject of forming a Capital District
Press Association, with a yearly conference as one of its chief features.
The aim will be to improve journalistic skills, in addition to improving student relations between
member colleges, states Lackey,
Chairman of the Conference Committee.
The program is being arranged
in conjunction with the Knickerbocker News, and is to include panel
discussions, speakers from area
newspapers, and a tour of the
Knickerbocker News.
Members of the committee in addition to the Chairman are: Joanne
Moore '55, Consultant Editor; Esther Goldstein, Public Relations Editor, and Carol Ann Luft, Managing
Editor, Juniors.
D&A Cooperates
Dramatics and Art Council is cooperating with The United States
National Commission for UNESCO
(United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization)
to promote March as International
Theatre Month, states Doris Mehan
'55, Publicity Director. For the past
five years theatre groups of all
kinds have participated all over the
world in I.T.M., but this Is the first
year a theatre group in the Albany
area has taken part in the program .
The purpose of I.T.M. is to promote an understanding of the ideals
set forth in the UNESCO constitution:
". . . to contribute to peace and
security by promoting collaboration
among the nations through education, science and culture in order
to further universal respect for justice, for the rule of law and for
the human rights and fundamental
freedoms which are affirmed for
the peoples of the world, without
distinction of race, sex, language
i,r reuJi.n, by the Charter of the
United Nations.'
In aoditbn to contributions from
the Statu College Theatre and tne
cia.-se.s in Oral Interpretation, D&A
Council has tnlisted aid from other
area theatre
groups, libraries,
.schools in promoting I.T.M.
playwrights, states Miss Maaloe.
The office of Hermann Cooper, Executive Dean of Teacher Education of the State University of New York, has recommended a change
of names of the colleges for Teachers and the Teachers College to the
uniform title of College of Education.
Dr. Cooper, In a memorandum for William S. Carlson, President of
the State University of New York, dated February 24, 1955, states that
both the public and the profession are considerably confused because
an assumption is made that the two different names either give better
status or certain inferred privileges to the colleges for teachers. "This
situation is unfortunate and should be corrected at an early date" states
Cooper. His office has recommended that one title be used for the eleven
teacher preparing units of State
University for the following rea- Z 4 6 0
sons: the degrees are awarded by
State University and not by the
Independent units; student recruitment is a program of State University and not a competitive program
sponsored by each unit; student
Religious Clubs are scheduling qualifications, faculty qualifications,
Lenten services, a model presenta- appointment procedures, curriculum
and procedures, and all othtion, and a skating party prior to policies
er professional matters relating to
Easter vacation.
these units are determined by the
Newman Club will open its retreat University; and that each unit is
tonight with Benediction and a con- either a two, three, four, or five
ference, and tomorrow at 8 a.m.curriculum college, each is distincMass and a second conference will tive in the area it serves. Cooper
be held. At 1:30 p.m. the men will states furthermore that the "Colmeet for a special conference, and lege of Education" is more fitting
for these units since they are now
at 3:30, the women's conference will
Music Council will present Shlrlee Emmons, soprano, and William
take place. Saturday's activities will integral parts of the University sys
t e m
McGrath, tenor, accompanied by Stanley Sonntag on piano, tonight
draw to a close with Benediction
in Page Hall Auditorium, announces Kathryn Johnston, President. The
Pursuant to the provisions of
and c joint conference at 7:15 p.m.
Dawn Saturday, a week from to- time for this event, the second in a series of two noted musicians or
The retreat will come to a close on
m lorrow, will find
t h e the Brubacher
Uba Cl
r mUS
™ ' ZRoom
H ' J^,,
. __?L
* „ a l g ! ™ p s , t o ? t a t e t h l s V^r wlli;be™8:F~p^
Sunday morning with Mass and ^ E d u c a t i o n f a w ^ h e ^ T ^ s t S s Game
hopping. ??,
Part one of the evening's perfcrmance will consist of Miss Emmons
Communion in the Small Grotto, fol- of State University have the power baggy-eyed NYSCT-ites eager to and Mr. McGrath singing "Ma qual mai s'offre" (Vengeance Duet)
oplowed by a Communion Breakfast
erated institution of State Univer- play rr.bbit. The reason? The Bunny from the first act of Mozart's "Don Giovanni." This section deals with
at Herbert's.
Donna Anna who, seeking help fran the advances of an unknown insity after consultation with its Hop.
Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship council."
Inaugurated last year It turned out truder, returns with Don Ottavio and finds that her father has been
that despite the inauspicious augu- slain. They make an oath to heaven that righteous justice may soon
will nold a Roller Skating party to- Faculty Council Opposes Change
of Dawn Dance Dave and the be achieved.
morrow night. All those planning to
A resolution by the Faculty Coun"Ecco ridente in cielo" from Act I of "II Barbiere di Slviglia" by
reactionaries a spring mornattend are asked to meet at Bru- cil of the State University College
Rossini and "Rachel, quand du Seigneur" from Act IV of Halevy's
bacher at (i:45 p.m.
for Teachers, Albany, dated Sep- ing spree can be a social success. "LaJuive," song by Mr. McGrath will constitute the second part of the
Campus sleepers unslept and slipped
tember, 1954 stated:
performance. The section from "II
in by the scads and squads.
An Easter Consecration service
Whereas, this institution holds a
Barbiere di Siviglia" deals with the
Will be held on Thursday at 7:30 distinctive place in the educational
Between the hours of one and five
Count Almaviva who is
K.m. at Brubacher Hall by IVCF.
program of the University in ful-a.m., a before-the-zero-hour hush
in love with Rosina, the
|i Hillel invites members of the fac- tilling its exclusive mission of pre- will pervade the Quad area. Then at
ward of the mean and suspicious old
ility and all students to attend its paring Teachers for the secondary five, the Student Union Board, who
Dr. Bartolo. In the gray light of
annua) presentation of a model school system
is backing the blast, will fire the
dawn he comes with a band of musPassover Seder to be held in the Whereas, its present title reflects alarm, and the main door of Bru
Any undergraduate of State who lcians to serenade his beloved with
Commons at 3 p.m. on Tuesday, a philosophy of education that has will be flung asunder.
the age of 25 tins aria. The part from "La Juive"
April 5. The purpose of the Seder permeated its history for forty years The Ped-Cats, pounding out the will not have reached
i s eligible to parti- is where Eleazar, a wealthy old He
is to acquaint, or as the case may - i t is a college for teachers, a place Payne-ful rhythms of wake 'em-up- b y M n y 1 9 "1 9 5 5Hearst
Newspapers' brew, and his beautiful
pate in
be, re-acquaint, students with the where broad and specialized train- or-bust jive will create an atmos- c iTournament
of Orators. The State to be daughter
Rachel are awaiting
background and significance of the ing in content is balanced against phere of frolicsome frenzy. In no
College News Board is sponsoring a frightful death, condemmned as
holiday of Passovei. As in the past, a respectable but not overwhelming tim . ., . l m
rocking a l o c a l c o n t e s t f r o m w h i c n a w i n . Jews to the fiery cauldron. Hesitatthe B'nai B'rlth women of Albany program in professional education •>? . f
ner will be picked from the prelim- ing, Eleazar again asks Rachel if she
Whereas, this
faculty haseaucdiion
nurtur- v/itl\ riotious raucousness.
will be on hand to serve traditional
ed and earned not only a distinction The SUB breadline will dispense inaries at Albany Law School, which is willing to become a Christian and
holiday food.
her life. She bravely says she
of title but a respected place free coffe and donuts in the Snack will lead Into the district semi-finals, wsave
o n e student will be chosen in o u l c i rather die with him than give
amongst institutions training secon- Bar. Some lucky bunny hopper will
u 3 llC) f a i t h
receive a door prize.
dary school teachers
t n i s preliminary event to represent
l c a o State, competition to be held in
Whereas, Its curriculum is design*•" —•- -»"• »»"»—»»»«
~«>»»-, w U V v . . ™ u ™ u<. ucm •" M i s , Emmons
will sinu thp third
ed for a purpose unlike the other will be the order of the morning. Draper 349, Tuesday, April 19, at 4 d , , t *™m™n e program sontainine
teachers colleges
Bermudas and jeans are fine but p.m. The
The News, as sponsors, will .™
* .£d , a r t'e „' f r o m^ pPuuc cd ldn li -nsl V ' TCo S "
Whereas, more conformity of title Just don't wear pajamas unless well choose the judges for the prelimin- oand
,' from " D i p ,
nrl „ L e
carries no intrinsic advantages and disguised
ary event.
Her spirits
The classes in oral interpretation would certainly do harm to the At 8 the party will break up and
Students interested in participat- crushed by Scarpia's cruel love-makof drama and literature, under the morale of a staff devoted to doing everyone will be sufficinetly wide ing in the tournament may enter
direction of Miss Agnes E. Futterer, a special task In a commendable awake to find his way back home by contacting Aileen Cochrane '56," ing, Tosca weeps for shame and
sings her famous plea. She has deProfessor of English, will present way
to bed to dream of his early morn- Editor of the weekly paper, in per- voted her life to art and love, how
their second evening of dramatic
Therefore, BE IT RESOLVED j n g lendezvous with some darned son or via Student Mail. Members can she deserve this cruel treatment
readings this Tuesday evening at 8 (Continued on Page 6, Column 1) bunny??
of the newspaper staff and Board,
and past national winners of the " J h f t h e m e for the first piece. The
p.m. The readings will be held in
Draper 349.
Hearst Tournament, and the im second number relates how Agatha
mediate relatives of Hearst em is anxiously awaiting her lover,
The program for the evening will
much alarmed at his absence. Openployees, are ineligible.
feature scenes from two different
•-,.-.-•-.— ..............
ing the window she looks out at the
Speeches must be original and „ u t l f u l s t a r l l g h t n l g h t , exclaims
plays as rendered by Doris Mehan,
limited 0 six minutes without ret,„.. w o n d e r £
£ '
Alice O'Neill and Evengiia verven,
There has been much confusion concerning the IPP erence to notes. Quoted passages
ejtpreSBlve prav'el.
Seniors, members of the advanced o m m e n d a t i o n f r o m H e r m a n C o o n p r FYPr-ntivo T*CZ„ Xf ""'"•
Exec ut v e D e a n
class in interpretation of drama.
T e a c h e r Frlnpnrinn t n X a t L l u 9 '
™y n o t exceed one-third of the
"Vicino a te s'acuesta" (Finale)
Participating from the class in in- leacnei aaucation to change the names of all the teach- text. Microphones will not be emThe
Act IV of "Andrea Chenier" by
terpretation of literature are Maribe held at Albany Law School. 1 Continued on Page 6, Column S)
lyn Erter, Gertrude Stronski, Kami eis colleges in New York State University College of will
The reasons given by Dean Cooper read as
Clifford, and Joan Qinsburg, Jun- Education
iors. The latter group have been and
not byThe
the degrees
units; Student
is Q j |
Fr\llsc P/z-in T
are awarded
by State
coached by Arlene
Morris and Nancy Llghthall, Sen
lors, also members of ghthaii, Sen- program sponsored by each unit; Student qualifications, ^
D i
TL • P
Religious Clubs
Conduct Services
Music Council Presents Vocalists,
McGrath, Emmons, In Page Hall
SUB Completes Soprano, Tenor Voices Feature
Final Plans For Opera Selections In Program
Dawn Bunny Hop
Hearst Oratory
Deadline Nears
Oral Interp Class
Slates Readings
Uniqueness Versus Uniformity
A D To Give Tryouts
For Third Presentation
The AD class will present its
third set of plays May 3. The class
is holding tryouts for parts this
Tuesday and Wednesday in Draper
349 from 3 to 5:30 p.m., specifies
Barbara Maaloe '56, Publicity Director of the AD class plays.
The program for the May performance includes: 'Across the
Board on Tomorrow Morning" by
Saroyan, directed by Joan Ginsberg '58; "Desire" by Picasso, directed by Eleanor Goldman '58;
"Right You Are" by Pirandello,
directed by Helen Stubbs '58. The
directors suggest that those who
try out for the parts read the play
before they try out.
These plays are modern experimental plays written by modern
Dean Of Teacher Education
Recommends Name Change
You'll SMILE your approval
of Chesterfield's s m o o t h n e s s mildness refreshing taste.
You'll SMILE your approval
Largest selling cigarette
in America's colleges
of Chesterfield's quality—
highest quality—low nicotine.
In the whole wide world no cigarette SATISFIES like Chesterfield
/A I Uxvrr
uj-nt-n Me
i v m i TOAACCO
the advanced faculty qualifications, appointment procedures, curriculum tOS/fif rOffV
10 I heir
policies and procedures and all other professional matters
relating to these units are determined by the University; smiles continues to carry out their skit, or their own. They'll be backDean Releases Rules
e a c h u n i t is e i t h e r a t w o , t h r e e , f o u r o r five c u r r i c u l u m ^ s k of bringing smiles to the un- ed up by the "professionals" of
For Spring Vacation
" a u
pnllpire a n d e a c h is d i s t i n c t i v e i n t h e a r e a i t s e r v e s
ana eacn
is this
in tne
died 11teachers'
seivts. colIn other
says that
all eleven
fortunates of the Albany vicinity state: Marty Ross, Mary Ann John-
for the
stag.e Home
tne bigfor
par_ and
poH Bobbie
p r a n C Hunger*
a r r e t t Dnve Greenberg,
ford. Anyone else
oil their voices or
^ ^
° ' ^
^ i ^ o ^ C ^ S
Zl"oSnl°^lor whatever have
accept the came students, Land conclude at 9 p.m.
w „„v John Relners,
you, , .should- contact
directors of the Home will Chairman of entertainment.
service mm
that r»™„t
cannot A
Oscar E. Lanford, have an equally-well-qualified faculty and carry the same imv
„ IBCe
,vea -uservice
Dean of
mv. iLCLivLu a suvicc tnat cannot
Anyone other than this who would
The regulations require all stu- r a t i n g s .
be measured In terms of money. We, like to go along just to see the ex
dents to be in attendance April ii
in turn, cannot comprehend how pressions on the kiH«' fa™>o „„,J
and 18, with the exception of those
T h i s IS n o t t r u e . N Y S C T a t A l b a n y is t h e o n l y grateful these people are to have thenr enthusiasm over the J S ?
students who are on the Dean's List teachers' college in New York State which grants a Bache- such " dy'1""1*'- BTOUP come and do should contact Marilyn ohenfeld '57
and those graduate students who
lBr e
have maintained an average of :i.5 lor of Arts degree and a Master of Arts degree in regular SUoh V1"1^ '7' thelf„"
she willmade
be able
to estimate sucthe
outm «Ve
Iceso Smiles
an outstanding
for the preceding semester. Excep- session. We do not accept the same people who attend
to cess of their venture with orphaned
tion to the regulations will also be
cream cand
other " H n ""' ' mem- children two weeks ago over at Bru.
given to those students who have other teachers' colleges in New York State nor do we of- eiUa3
llu,st klrom
s tnelr s t a t e Mends,
This effort should eclipse them all,
fer the same curriculum.
We have as highs s oac irating
ac' ' ' . wii ibe "delicious
been excu.sec
excused by either the Dean's a n [ j w
nf .A , n o v l e ' " S o D t m r l ( ) M v He*n"' because the fartli
farther they go, the
f ,, m e m b e rU e 0l f t h e AA
u ation
ifiice or the Student Personnel " " " ,
"~, ,
,'., ' "
i~, !
, , . , a& UH,UOll OI w b , n u
accompanying pro- easier it is m null Smiles "The oriffuse
Year". (Student
semce. Exceptions will be made in of t h e t o p r a n k a r e a d m i t t e d .
Th.j cream of the crop from the Council might be
slightly above on
iSes" of emergency.
'Continued on Page a, Column t>
Home are slated to run off a few the poll.)
College classes
' P6"0"" ^
at 11:50 a.m., W S n e s d a f ' K T s"a "m^e ^ " *
and will resume at 8 a.m., Monday
Two On The Aisle!
From The Editor's Desk;
from Page 1, Column l>
It is the only college for teachers in the
United States in that it gives students a
liberal arts education and prepares teachers to teach secondary school academic subjects. Our faculty is very excellent and outstanding, unusual for a teachers' college.
There are many distinctions between us
and all the other teachers' colleges, and at
present they are partly indicated by the
difference in the two titles.
If and when the names are changed and
the name New York State University College of Education becomes uniform for all
teachers' colleges in New York State, there
will be no difference outwardly between
any of them.. We will become "just another teachers' college" to the public, even
though our curriculum remains the same,
as it will. There will be no distinctions attached to us. We will lose our identity entirely. We will remain the same college
with a new name, but that new name will
change everything in the eyes of the public.
We students don't wish to have the name
of our college changed. We are very proud
of the fact that we are different, and we
don't want to be classed with the others
and lose our distinctions!
Tuesday evening in the Brubacher Game
Room a considerable number of the members of the faculty and student body gathered together to witness reports given by
the two Juniors and three Sophomores who
were exchange delegates to Buffalo recently.
In addition to listening to and discussing
the good and bad points of the school at
Buffalo, the group entered into a discussion
of Student-Faculty relations, a very timely
There was much criticism and discussion
on the part of both the faculty and students. The feelings of both were brought
out into the open and aired freely. We could
almost feel the barriers crumbling under
the weight of the remarks. A good many
constructive suggestions were made by
members of both groups.
This is the first time that the students
and faculty have discussed this problem on
such a wide scale. It is the first step in
furthering Student-Faculty relations—realizing and defining the problems clearly. We
are sure that there will be other steps to
follow, after such a successful beginning.
"Does your car have a heater, or should I bring my coat?'
/Capital Kap&tf,
Untamed h a s everything- for t h e Port of Hell sounds like a t u r b u l e n t
a d v e n t u r e - m i n d e d . Two m e n have a bit of confusion. T h i s is their c o - h i t !
vicious whip-fight, Zulu warriors
K i r k Douglas sits on a p l a t i n u m
use American I n d i a n tactics to ter- t h r o n e u p h e r e in t h e Albanian terrorize a wagon t r a i n , m i n e r s h a v e ritory. T h e kid first saw t h e light
a b a t t l e - t o - t h e - d e a t h war in a m i n - of day u p h e r e . . . now look where
ing town. All this and seven other h e is! S t a r r i n ' in M a n W i t h o u t A
major highlights spotlight this Cine- S t a r alongside J e a n n e C r a i n a n '
m a s c o p e p a n o r a m a . Ty Power a n d doin' a p u r t y fair job in a T e c h n i Susan Hay ward s t a r in Africa's epic! color western. At t h e S t r a n d , r u n At t h e Palace with a n insignificant ning with a story of the All-Americo-feature.
can, all-sports ace, Both M a t h i a s .
Bad Day At Black Kock reports S t a r s t h e kid in person!
for duty at t h e Madison, s t a r s S p e n ***What hoppened to 3-D!?**'
cer Tracy, a n d is a show worth t h e
See you! See movies! (Cain
half a rock t h e flicker house charges. coming.
Cloak and Tcabag Episode
To t h e Editor:
I n t h e a f t e r m a t h of the c o n t r o versy a n d misunderstanding brought
about by my action earlier in the
week, I feel t h a t I owe an e x p l a n a tion of my motives and intentions
to t h e faculty a n d students of this
college. T h e indirect cause of t h e
disturbance was the proposal by t h e
S t a t e University to change the
n a m e s of this and the other ten
S t a t e t e a c h e r - training institutions
to " S t a t e University College of Education a t . . ."; more directly,
the cause was agitation on my part,
urging a s t u d e n t protest.
T h e r e a r e also cogent reasons for
opposing a n a m e change, especially,
I feel, for t h i s college. They are
stated elsewhere in t h e News in t h e
resolution which I presented to
Myskania Tuesday night, and which
h a s since been accepted also by S t u dent Council.
T h e r e is one other question which
I m u s t clarify in regard to this m a t ter, a n d t h a t is t h e implication of
future curricular c h a n g e contained
in t h e proposed name. I have a t no
time m e a n t to suggest t h a t a revolutionary c h a n g e in curriculum was
inevitable immediately, should the
title be changed. We had t h o u g h t
t h a t t h e wording of the notices was
such t h a t it would m a k e clear Lhe
implication without infeiring t h a t
it would m e a n an automatic change
in curriculum. Such, it has since
been proven, was not the case. I do
feel t h a t there is an implication in
the title which would possibly bring
about some changes in future years,
in order to m a k e the college conform to its title.
Such changes
would, I feel, be regrettable in view
of the adequacy of our present p r o gram, yet I had no desire, and no
intent, to be t h e harbinger of u n w a r r a n t e d panic and confusion as
I have unwittingly become.
T h e t r u t h is t h a t those of us who
were deeply concerned about this
felt t h a t some point was needed
which would bring the entire question to the a t t e n t i o n of the s t u d e n t
body. It is now our rueful conclusion
t h a t , although s t u d e n t attention h a s
most certainly focused on this m a t ter, we did not adopt the proper
m e a n s of presentation, and have
succeeded only In creating m i s u n d e r s t a n d i n g where we intended enlightenment. For this confusion we,
and especially I, apologize sincerely.
Concerning t h e issue of a n o n y mity, I can say only t h a t we were
regrettably a t fault. We had not
m e a n t to hide behind a cloak of
unsigned notices any more t h a n we
m e a n t to spread misinformation.
Simply because we had no official
title, and because it honestly had
not occurred to us t h a t we were being unethical, the notices were not
signed. I want to emphasize t h a t
our intentions were a n y t h i n g but
malicious, and t h a t the f r i 0 h t e n ingly overwhelming reaction to cur
agitation h a s restated in embarrassment and regret on our part.
Nancy Evans '55
Gammon- Stated
to all those responsible for the All-College Revue.
T h e performance on Page stage S a t u r d a y n i g h t was
one of the best which has been witnessed around here
in a long time. State College can well be proud of
this production. T h a n k you for a fine performance.
T h e notice found on the Vets bulletin board this
week along with the newest in jokes. " T h a n k s to t h e
Common S t a t e r (State College News) for t h e kind
words of encouragement. I n ease you are wondering
if I a m suffering from insanity, the answer is no . . .
I'm enjoying it immensely. Signed by the Joke P u t t e r
Upper." Glad to see t h a t someone appreciates our
t h o u g h t s sometimes.
was evidenced a t the poor s t u d e n t t u r n - o u t a t the
movies sponsored by the Faculty Wives last Friday
night. If the wives of our faculty members should
try to do something for us (raise money for our fund
to bring a foreign student to our college), it should
w a r r a n t OUR support. T h e twenty or so students who
were there profited by the evening—saw two good
movies and were able to purchase delicious homemade
for your "spare" time will be posted shortly. Check
the bulletin board in Husted peristyle (upper) about
next Wednesday . . . Myskania posts the recommended and su sgested lists for next year's Myskania . . .
it's t h a t time again . . . the broad grin, the bright
hello, and the loquaciousness a t appropriate times in
conspicuous places.
brought to us by the Music Council tonight in Page
Hall at 8:30 p.m. Admission is by s t u d e n t tax card
so why not drop around . . . good e n t e r t a i n m e n t is
good for the soul.
Seniors to order graduation a n n o u n c e m e n t s . D o n ' t
forget . . . . vou could a t t a c h an RSVP to the a n -
nouncement "reply with small valuable present." Betget yourself into t h e Co-op before four o'clock today
T h e r e is still a n o t h e r week to order caps a n d gowns
for graduation, so . . . after four years, it would be
a s h a m e not to a t t e n d your own g r a d u a t i o n !
The off-campus teachers r e t u r n to c a m p u s Monday
morning . . . boy, these past eight would weeks have
gone bv quickly (if you weren't teaching, t h a t is).
ART W O R K . . .
on display t h r o u g h o u t t h e peristyles this week is
of an exceptionally good calibre, and so m u c h more
interesting t h a n bare walls.
Have you tried out t h e new ping pong tables or
TV chairs which were purchased recently? Life becomes more bearable every d a y !
t h a t you CAN get up a t five in the m o r n i n g . . .
just try it a week from S a t u r d a y for t h e Dawn
Dance . . . an event which shouldn't be missed by
anyone . . . more fun t h a n a
Help raise money for t h e Polio Drive? L a s t week
the sororities had auctions to help t h e Drive along.
This idea seems like a fine one to us, and one which
the boys could give a try, too, you see fellows, the
girls would like to have you come to their house or
dorm as well as go to yours. It m i g h t be something
which could be tried o u t a t some future time, how
about it?
Read t h e article on P a g e 1 a n d t h e n consider the
rumors and stories which have been flying a r o u n d fast
and furiously this week. Could this have been lessened
by more rational t h i n k i n g ? How quickly do stories
grow out of proportion (no m a t t e r w h a t the subject)?
Have you thought about this m a t t e r for yourself?
Cool heads keep people from getting burned up.
Where were you d u r i n g t h e air raid drill?
First Place ACP To t h e Editor:
As a Senior who last S a t u r d a y evening saw the
No. 8 production of lis type to appear on the stage of
Members of the NEWS staff may be reached Tuesday and Wedncsdoy from 7 to
11 p.m. at 2-3326, Exl. 11. Phones: Cochrane. 2-7630; Luft 2-1)612, Swlerzowskl 2-3744; Page Hall in lour years, I wish to make the recomm e n d a t i o n that in every All-College Revue, at least
Goldstein 2-26126; Lackey 3-0277; Mooro, 2-3328.
The undergraduate newspaper of the New York State College far Teachers; one faculty member be written Into the script.
published every Friday of the College year by the NEWS Board, for the Student
T h e perfoiuiance of Dr. Peterson was not only deAssociation.
lightful, bul also the affirmation t h a t this was, inAII.EEN COCHRANE
M»naKlnf Editor deed, an All-College Revue. This initiated practice,
I'uhllc Krlulluni Editor in my opinion, should become a custom.
lIuslnoa»-Adverllsin« Editor
Congratulations for a job well d o n e to those who
Circulation Editor
Eieeullve Editor worked .so hard
ConnulUnl Editor
A»urlul« Editor
Put Finger '5ft
Auorlale Editor
First Place CSPA
March 25, 1955
C l . u i u t t l i DAVIS
Junior Sport,
Junior Sport.
N o News Next W e e k
BUff Photographer
All communications should be addressed to the editor and must ue slgueu. Names
T h e r e will be no issue of the State College News
will be withheld on request. The STATE OOLLECIE NEWS assumes no responsibility lor
opinions expressed In Its columns or communications, as such expressions do not nt xt week. 'I lie Editors and stall are .starling their
necessarily reflect Its views.
Kapler recess e a r l ) .
Student Council:
Forum Presents
SC Forms Insurance Investigating
A D Plays, One Scenery, Music Egypt Orator
Good, One Bad Dubs Revue Hit March 29 AM. Committee; Accepts Debate Budget
Broken Barriers
Uniqueness . . .
The next issue will be Friday, April 22. It In doubt
about any further events between now and then, consult t h e publicity in school.
Highlighting t h e M a r c h 15 presentation of readings by the Classes in
I n t e r p r e t a t i o n , u n d e r t h e direction
of Miss F u t t e r e r , was the Euripides
Electra. I n addition to the smoothlycut production of t h e Greek tragedy,
individual readings were given by
four members of the class in I n t e r pretation of Literature. Patricia Kip
showed a need for more freedom
of expression hi her readings—a
less rapid, m o r e exaggerated differentiation in characterization would
have helped. Donald Howard showed poise in his reading of Marshall's
The American Dream—his fine conversational tone, well-placed, simple
gestuies gave a direct quality which
enhanced his reading. Helen Motyka showed t h a t a marriage can exist between poetry and d r a m a t i c interpretation—her. creation of a definite c h a r a c t e r and mood in Browning's Porphyria's Lover was in the
best acting tradition, yet it did not
destroy t h e poetry. Freer gesture
and more variety in facial expression would have improved her performance. Linda Niles wisely chose
a selection which was perfectly
adapted to her abilities. Millay's
Childhood Is t h e Kingdom Where
Nobody Dies called for a sincerity
of feeling a n d a differentiation of
mood—a childish, wide-eyed innocense and an adult view of life.
Miss Niles accomplished this.
T h e Electra was beautifully staged
in its complete simplicity. T h e
Draper stage has never
shown such possibilities as in this
performance. J e a n Morris as Electra was excellent. Her physical being showed the complex emotions
of her characterization in every
way. Gesttu-es, facial expressions,
voice—all were in the Greek t r a d i tion, and together they created an
Lighthall, J . Ruben Garcia, and
Jack Jacobus gave fine support. T h e
chorus was especially effective and
Nancy Evans' prologue was welldone in creation of mood.
Last Tuesday, t h e first p r e s e n t a tion of Advanced D r a m a t i c s Laboratory plays was given in Draper 349.
The plays were Lorca's Blood Wedding, directed by Marie Devine, and
O'Neills Desire Under the Elms, directed by Marilyn .Cinardo.
Miss Devine's play was unfortunately poor. T h e cast seemed to be
dying a painfully slow death, with
almost no exceptions. No definite
mood was established, and this is
of the greatest importance in any
production. T h e monotony of poor
performances was broken only by
the brief a p p e a r a n c e of Vera Freund
as Death. She had a definite c h a r acter; she was her role physically,
vocally, and facially, and most important, she knew where she was
going with h e r role. T h e latter seemed to be t h e problem with most
other members of the cast.
In contrast to the first play of
the evening, Miss Dinardo's play
had a definite mood, one to which
all the cast responded as well as
contributed. Sensitive performances,
showing a definite of
the c h a r a c t e r s portrayed, were t u r n -
Little needs to be said about t h e
production, "Happytown,
of last S a t u r d a y night. T h e show
spoke for itself and t h e cast r e sponded across t h e foots to t h e a u dience's glowing approval. I n short,
it was a t r e m e n d o u s success.
T h e impetus for any production
is t h e director, and, surely, t h e AllCollege Revue was f o r t u n a t e in
having J. R u b e n Garcia in charge.
His skill and experience are balanced by n a t u r a l leadership ability.
He was the unifying f iree responsible for welding together t h e t a l ents of so m a n y who otherwise
might have tried to stage separate
performances. T h e continuity of
Joyce Shelton's and J i m Lockhart's
script also supported unity r a t h e r
t h a n allowing a string of acts as we
have been accustomed to in t h e
If I had to a t t r i b u t e t h e success
of the Revue to one factor, it would
be t h a t here, truly, was an ALLCOLLEGE revue. Each of the four
classes and 1954 was well r e p r e sented, both on and off stage. It
was a pleasure to see some of our
d r a m a t i c s majors let go completely,
and more t h a n satisfying to recognize m a t h and language s t u d e n t s
backing t h e m up as committee
workers. Mr. K a r l Peterson's c h a r acterization of t h e minister m a d e
him a necessary and Integral m e m ber of t h e cast, r a t h e r t h a n a guest
conductor not connected with t h e
rest of the show. This is proof of
what good faculty-student relations
can be.
T h e set committee is to be especially congratulated for originality
and execution. Special lighting effects for t h e ballet and for t h e
sprites raised t h e production above
the a m a t e u r level. T h e general
lighting, however, was uneven in
spots and t h e changes seemed too
obvious and jerky.
T h e music, throughout, whether
band, piano, or record, was handled
so t h a t it was in itself enjoyable
and made a strong support for the
act built around it.
Weak spots t h e r e were, but they
did not hold t h e production from b e ing good; they kept it from beingperfect. Bubbles' part was suggestive of the vamp but lacked t h o r ough characterization. I sensed t h e
w a r m t h of Ann Logan, but missed
the spark and vitality she might
have had.
T h e size and enthusiasm of t h e
audience illustrated the interest of
t h e s t u d e n t body. T h e production
sets a high precedent for future reviews to aspire to.
Congratulations, State, you h a d
an All-College Revue!
ed in by Carol Wesolowski and T o m
Smith. J o h n Benton, as the h u s band, read his lines well, but was
the youngest seventy-six t h a t ever
existed this far north of the F o u n t a i n of Youth. All three performers
had a definite grasp upon the country dialect, although Tom Smith,
a t times, showed incongruity. Little
more could have been asked of Miss
Wesolowski and especial note should
be made of her line movement.
College Calendar
Mural, mural on the wall
Is my hamburger loveliest of them all?
7:15 p m . C o n f e r e n c e and Benediction, Newman
Club Retreat, Newman Hull.
8:00 a.m. Mass and Conference, Newman Retreat.
1:30 p.m. Conference for Men, Newman Retreat.
3:30 p.m. Conference for Women, Newman Retreat.
6:45 p.m. IVCF Roller S k a t i n g P a r t y , meet a t Brubacher.
7:00 p.m. Commmiters' Club Bowling Party, Plitydltim.
7:15 p.m. C o n f e r e n c e a n d Benediction, Newman
Retreat, Newman Hall.
8:00 a.m. Mass and Communion, Newman Retreat,
Small Grotto.
10:00 a.m. Communion Breakfast, Herbert's
7:00 p.m. Student Union Board Meeting.
H:00 p.m. Oral I n t e r p r e t a t i o n Readings, New Draper 349.
7:30 p.m. International Film G r o u p Productions,
Draper 349.
7:30 p.m. iVCF's Easter Consecration Service, Brubacher
Of course it is—
If you bought it in the SNACK BAR.
Forum will b r i n g two speakers to
State in April. T h e first of these
lectures will be Tuesday in Draper
349 a t 10 a.m. T. S. Krawier, C h a i r m a n of t h e Psychology D e p a r t m e n t ,
Skidmore College, will be t h e speaker, states C h a r l e s McHarg '56, P u b licity Director of F o r u m . L a t e r in
the m o n t h a m a n who broke through
the Iron C u r t a i n will visit S t a t e .
On Tuesday Dr. Grawier will give
a n illustrated lecture on Egypt,
where he was a t one t i m e a visiting Professor a t t h e S b a h i m University in Cairo. He also worked
with t h e supervisors of SoconyVacuum of Egypt. Krawier returned
to the States in 1954 via Europe.
visiting several psychological laboratories.
break t h e I r o n Curtain, Marshall
Mac Duffie, will speak April 21 a t
2 p.m. in D r a p e r 349. Mac Duffie
will give an account of his 10,000
mile, coast-to-coast trip inside R u s sia, based upon individual conversations, notes a n d photographs, all
"Mac Duffie Is an excellent observer, trained In government service during the war years and e?pecially equipped by his experiences to
understand t h e working of t h e
Soviet mentality," according to an
editorial in t h e New York Herald
Tribune, March 5, 1954.
A lawyer by profession, Mac Duffie, who Is a native New Yor.ier,
was educated a t Yale College and
Yale Law School. During World W a r
II he served as Chief of t h e Board
of Economic W a r f a r e in the Middle
East and Director of European Lend
494 X 100
'Around the Corner from State College"
MUD Head Solicits
Committee Members
Going Home tor Easter or Anytime
• Dependable
T h e c h a i r m a n of Moving-Up Day,
Nancy L i g h t h a l l '55, appeared before
Council to seek some suggestive a d vice concerning Moving-Up D a y
procedure. T h e m e m b e r s assented
t h a t possible sites for M U D be a c cording to t h i s order: 1. Albany
High School Auditorium, 2. P a g e
Hall Court or Page Hall S t a g e i n
event of inclement weather a n d 3.
Page Hall S t a g e . Also a suggestion
t h a t a n a m a t e u r t a l e n t show b e
presented in t h e evening before t h e
traditional sing was proposed by
Alan Welner '56.
A committee was set up to investigate different types of i n s u r a n c e
policies which could be used a t
S t a t e . Marilyn W i t t s c h e n '55 was
appointed C h a i r m a n and t h e following persons will serve on t h i s
committee: J e a n Hallenbeck, William Small, J u n i o r s ; J o h n Stefano
'58 and Clifton T h o m e , Assistant
Professor of Commerce.
T h e Debate Council budget was
presented by N a n McEvoy '55,
C h a i r m a n of S t u d e n t Board of F i nance, and Phyllis Blalow '56,
President of Debate Council. C o u n cil approved t h e budget with a m o tion t h a t S t u d e n t Council recommend to Assembly t h a t Debate
Council be allowed $896 as a lump
sum in t h e conference line. Previously, S t u d e n t Board of F i n a n c e h a d
expressed t h e opinion t h a t t h e conference line should not be a l u m p
sum line. T h i s budget will n o t be
referred to S t u d e n t Association w i t h
the two recommendations.
• Low Cost
One Way
Softies - Loafers - Low Heel Dress - Oxfords
Suedes - Leathers - Combinations
T o all those who i n h a b i t the
domiciles a d j a c e n t to Dorm
.Field, it was a chilling shock to
gaze out t h e windows Sunday
morn a n d view t h e t h r e e granite
sentinels t o t t e r i n g a t a t t e n t i o n
in t h e bog n e a r Pierce Hall.
night. hawks had s n a t c h e d up t h r e e
a n t i q u a t e d gravestones of mideighteenth century vintage, and
had proceeded to p l a n t t h e m on
our sacred Quad for presentation on t h e S a b b a t h .
Church go-ers gasped, late
sleepers went back to their sacks
to see if they were having a
nightmare, crusaders trekked
over wet e a r t h to view t h e oddity.
T h e question is: W h o done
did it? Pledgees from other
colleges on pledge missions or
ghoulish Albanian thieves!
Now t h e job is to find out
from w h a t resting-abode t h e
ancient stone slabs c a m e from.
This is indeed a grave problem!
I 1 - 24,701
1 I 1
Resulting f r a n recent elections to
fill t h e vacant seat on Myskania,
due to the resignation of Charles
Beckwith '55 a s President of S t u dent Association, Beckwith was r e elected to the s e a t on t h e judicial
who was excused from t h e first
p a r t of t h e m e e t i n g due to a c o m mittment.
P e r t a i n i n g t o t h e proposed change
of t h e n a m e of t h e college, Evan R.
Collins, President of t h e College,
appeared to explain t h e reasons for
t h e c h a n g e . Following t h i s e x p l a n ation, J o a n Carlin '55, Chairman
of Myskania, r e a d a Myskania R e s o lution concerning this change of
n a m e . Miss Carlin presented this
to Council to receive Council's a s sent. T h i s m o r n i n g in Assembly
the Resolution will be b r o u g h t t o
S t u d e n t Association. If S t u d e n t Association agrees to assent to t h e
resolution, t h e n a m e s of t h e three
divisions of government, Myskania,
S t u d e n t Council a n d S t u d e n t Association will a p p e a r on t h e resolution. T h i s resolution will t h e n be
forwarded to Dr. Collins who will
forward it t o t h e proper c h a n n e l s .
'Requiescant In Pace'
A sign-up sheet for persons wishing to work on committees for Moving-Up Day will be posted on the
bulletin board in lower Husted, a n nounces Nancy Lighthall '55, Chairm a n of Moving-Up Day,
T h e date for this year's t r a d i tional event will be May 7. Committees for t h e event on which people may sign are Publicity, P r o gram, Arrangements, and Evening
It is requested t h a t all students
plan to participate for if it is to
be a success all of S t a t e College
49400 must attend.
Quota =
Campus Casuals for the College Co-ed
At t h e weekly S t u d e n t Council
meeting, Wednesday,
Day sites were decided upon, a n
insurance investigation committee
was formed and t h e D e b a t e Council
budget was approved.
T h e m i n u t e s of t h e previous
meeting were read by Mary Brezny
'56, substituting for t h e Secretary
One Way
Plus U. S. Tax. Big EXTRA Savings EACH WAY on R o u n d - T r i p s
...and to hundreds of places
350 Broadway
the sensational
Phone 4-0165
Scenicruiserond the HIGHWAY TRAVELER
• f A t t C O U L t O B NEWS. FKIDAY. MARCH 2 5 . 1 0 8 5
STATE C O L L E G E N « W « . F H l D A Y . M A R C H 2 8 . 1 9 9 9
Albany State Plays Host t o Thirty Atfliates Exhibit Students, Faculty Present Ideas
Debaters In Tournament Finals Pec/s' Art Work A t Exchange Open Forum In Bru
conducted In the school itself at
-fefifciitfe College will'be host to stu- by the English Department two
The first item to mention regard- Buffalo, rather than at their Union.
dents ^frpm
high years ago. Paul Salmond, Grad, At April Show
ing the Exchange Open Forum Tues- It is also interesting to note, as
a t , £rie finals of the New
Ydrk : S t a t e ' High School Debate
Tournament, Saturday, from 9 a.m.
tfl ;4:30 p.'m., when the final presentation of awards will be made In
Brubacher Hall at a reception. Regional tournaments were held at
Harpur, Utica, Syracuse, Siena, and
Fordham to pick the state contesta n t s r d u t b f the three hundred debate teams that vied for places in
the Experienced and Novice divisions, •
Thirty debates will be held, each
three rounds, with student body
members as the chairmen and timekeepers,; under the direction of Theresa Barber and Margaret Oenser
' 5 6 . T h e winning school will attend the National Debate Tournament in Denver, Colorado, this June.
A reception will be held at Brubacher. at 4:30 p.m. at which time
the' presentation of plaques and best
speaker;-awards will take place. Tau
Kappa Alpha, national honorary
forensic society, will be host at the
reception. Phyllis Lyeth '55, General Chairman of the tournament,
will ; preside at the reception. Shields
W, Mdlwaine, Chairman of the
English Department, will present
trophies to the winning school. The
State Forensic League which sponsors the regional and state debating
among high schools was established
College TheatreCasts
For New Arena Play
Casting and crew sign-lips for
the final State College Theatre production of the current season will
be held in Draper 349 from 4-5 p.m.
and from 7:30-9 p.m. today.
The play is J. B. Priestley's delightful mystery-comedy, "Laburnum
Grove." This play will be given
arena style for five performances
starting Tuesday, May 17, and continuing through Saturday, May 21.
Castings are open to the entire student body of State College.
President of Tau Kappa Alpha, will
award plaques to the highest ranking individual speakers in the novice
and experienced division.
High schools attending the tournament include: Academy of the
Sacred Heart of Mary, New York
City; Acquinas Institute, Rochester;
Arlington High School, Poughkeepsie; Brooklyn Prep; Canisius high
School, Buffalo;
School, Binghamton; Chaminade
High School, Mineola; Christian
Brothers Academy, Albany; Columbia Central High School, East
Greenbush; Fordham Prep; Jamestown High School; Jeffersonville
High School; Newburgh Free Academy; Norwich High School; Our
Lady of Mercy Academy, Long Island; Peekskill High School; Poughkeepsie High School; Sacred Heart
Academy, Hempstead; Saugerties
High School; St. John's Prep, New
York City; The Marie Louise Academy, Jamaica; Utica Free Academy;
and Vincentian Institute, Albany.
The second Student Art Exhibit
sponsored by Dramatics and Arts
Affiliates will be held Sunday, April
3, in Brubacher's upper lounge. The
showing will consist of Statesmen's
accomplishments in the field of art.
The Student Art Exhibit, a new
idea at State, first appeared last
semester. Under the auspices of the
Dramatics and Arts Affiliates the
first exhibit featured paintings and
sculpture work. This semester Affiliates would like to have a larger
representation of work.
All Statesmen are urged to contribute oil paintings, scuipture, water colors, charcoals or any other
artistic works they have created
The public is cordially invited to
attend this exhibit. The showing
will be from 3-5 p.m. and refreshments will be served during the
Dance To Frocfure Dawn Peace;
Cats To Get Payne-ful Music
The "Bunny Hop" Dance sponsored by the Student Union Board
will be held Saturday, April 2, at 5
a.m. in the game room at Brubacher, announces Alice O'Neill '55,
President of the Board.
Kundratis '57, Co-Chairmen; Cleanup: all board members and try-outs.
Chaperones for the event will be
Frances Colby, Associate Professor
of English, Elnora Carrino, Assistant Professor of Modern Language,
The following committees have Richard Spalding, Assistant Probeen set to make final plans for fessor of Chemistry, and Mrs. Spaldthe affair: Arrangements: Thomas ing
Dixon '55 and Todd Cushman '56,
Dress for the dunce is informal.
Co-Chainnen; Refreshments: Philip Coffee
and donuts will be served by
BarteU '56 and Sheila Lister '57, the Board
and a door prize will be
Co-Chairmen; Publicity: Ruth Fair- given. Music
be supplied by
burn '56, Chairman; Band: Frank Clyde Payne '57will
his Ped-Cats.
LoTruglio and Edna Stanley, Seniors, Co-Chairmen;
It is requested that those who
Helene Natale '56 and Betty Van plan to attend come in the front
Vlack '57, Co-Chairmen; Decora- door of Brubacher wh'ch will open
tions: Tony Scordato '56 and Ann at 5 a.m. and no earlier.
day evening in the Brubacher Game
Room was the large turnout of faculty members and administration.
The agenda of the Forum included
reports from the five State students
who went to Buffalo on an exchange
basis, and discussion relative to the improvement of studentfaculty relations.
With at least twenty members
from the faculty, representative of
nearly every department, and the
administration present, the program
opened at 8:10 p.m., under the moderation of Theresa Barber '56, Chairman of the exchange delegation.
Addressing a three-fourth filled
Game Room, despite inclement
weather and other regularly scheduled functions, Miss Barber explained the purpose of the assembly,
and called upon the other four exchange delegates to give reports on
their activity while at Buffalo.
Jean Hageny '56, reporting under
the caption of "Odds and Ends,"
brought out the fact that at Buffalo health and medical services
are provided even to the dormitories through regular visits of the
health staff, whereas here at State,
we only have it so stated in the catalogue: pages 26, 27: "The college
physicians make daily visits to each
official college residence hall. In
this way, provision is made for
medical service to those students
housed in college residence halls
who are confined to bed by illness."
With respect to "Academic Work,"
Sheila Lister '57 stood corrected on
a statement that the faculty-student
ratio at BSTC is about 17:1, whereas here it is about 11:1. President
Collins stated that the ratio is practically the same here.
Frank McEvoy's summary as presented was in substance the same
as recorded in last week's paper.
Following McEvoy's discussion of
"Sports," Michael Maxian '57, reported on the "Union, Residence
Halls, and Food." He stated that,
tor the most part, meetings are
then stated, that their cafeteria
serves the purpose of our Commons, and that the campus school
children do not enjoy the privileges of the college lunchroom, as
they do here. The ratio of boys to
girls at BSTC is 6:1.
Subsequent to the report topics,
there was a discussion of means to
better student-faculty relations at
State. The purpose of the StudentFaculty Committee, operating out
of Student Council, was identified
and explained.
Among the suggestions brought
forth were: the possibility of both
students and faculty eating together, the connection of faculty advisors with all boards and commissions
operating under the budget, invitation of students to faculty homes.
During the final part of the meeting, faculty members broke the barrier of relative silence on their part,
and came forth with many interesting, possibly constructive,
sometimes definitely humorous recemmendations.
Along the line of further constructive suggestions, the following
were voiced: departmental meetings
similar to the annual (?) English
Evening, faculty and administrative
attendance and observance of the
assembly period, a Get-together
Week, a faculty reception, hobby
clubs, the use of an asterisk in the
Directory recommended to clear up
marriage status of both faculty and
students, a basketball game against
the faculty, and the use of the
Commons and lounges by the faculty
Tt was definitely concluded that
small group functions should be
basic to any relationship. With the
point that faculty members did
make a good showing, thus strengthening the conviction that good
and well-intentioned will does exist,
it was suggested that students adjourn to the Snack Bar with the
nearest faculty member, and the
meeting came to a close.
A P A Tikes I M Kegling Lead;
Need Three For League Crown
the season
r. •„ ., .
Zidik Hits 507
SLS had little trouble beating KB
and a 246 handicap 4-0. John Zidik
proved hisover
pins withina the
507 art
Joe Furcell helped his team with a
210 single in the second game. While
drawing a bye, the relieved APA
bowlers limbered up their arms in
preparation for next week's "big
vacation start at
the station!
T a k e the train for a fun-filled
trip back home . . . with your
friends along and room to roam.
No tough driving to do, and no*
waiting for weather to clear.
Coats less, too . . . you and
two more traveling together can
each save 25% of regular roundtrip coach fares on most trips
of 100 miles or more by using
Or, gather 25 or more heading
home at the same time in same
direction and you each sa ve 28 %,
even if you return separately.
No other cigarette is so rich-tasting
y e t so mild !
No other brand has ever been able to match the p u r e p l e a s u r e in Camel's exclusive
blend of costly tobaccos
one of the reasons why Camels are America's most popular cigarette!
II J. ItuyiluUU Tolui-iu I V , WlfllUw HIIIIII N (1
*blxcv(it fur tucal tmixl bctwtxn .\tw 1'urAWtuhinotoH ami paint* tnt4t of Lawutiler, /Ju.
Aik your Railroad Tickml Aaonl
about Group Mao Saving*
Players Begin Baseball Practice;
Slate Twelve Game Schedule
IM Pontes Bow
In Hoop Game
By 54-47 Score
The double elimination Intramural Basketball playoffs got underway
last Friday afternoon as EEP downed the Ponies by a score of 54-47.
Joe Kelly and John Lindberg were
the big guns for the EEP squad
scoring 16 and 15 points respectively,
"Newt" Owens scored 12 to place trie
loser.- offense,
The third team in these plavoffs
is Potter Club. These three teams
will continue to play until only one
team remains which hasn't been
beaten twice,
Although it looks far from springlike In the great outdoors, the
baseball season is rapidly approaching. State's hopeful baseballers started
practice Monday in preparation for the April 22 opener.
Pitching constitutes a large percentage of a team's winning potential, and Coach Hatha way's immediate problem will be to round out
the never sufficient pitching staff. Returning from last year will be John
Zidik and Tom Shumanski, right handers, and Joe McDowell, a southpaw. Zidik and Shumanski finished last season with identical record;
McDowell showed flashes of good
pitching form, but was not as dependable as John and Tom.
Who's At Third?
The second problem that arises Is
who Will fill the vacated positions
left by Joe Stella at third and Ray
Murphy in right field, who both
graduated, and the air force cadet
bound Chris Bogaiges at flrse base?
Other Veterans
Basketball still looms in the news
The other veterans on the team
as it was announced that Sig Smith
w . , v n e Overton, two seasons as
had been elected captain of next llf?.™*?™f. ™*£Sr
Hoopsters Name
Sig Smith Captain
For Next Season
" The h o o p s S from Romulus. New L& n1<^J^A$S&£
York, broke In with the JV's his f1° 1. O s r ( o dsf ei k ' n d* f f ™ 6
freshman year as he dropped in 200 P ^ " » „ n ™
^ * » e l a st year.
l>C9"n9 l l e a d S dldtC
points. As a Sophomore Sig climbed ° » » r "turnees are Bob Dreher
up to Coach W h a w a y ' s Varsity " t c b a r . j v h o at out most of last
with a broken wrist, Sig
team and he lived up to expecta season
' ourney ror Apri
Smith, who took over Dreher's
catching duties last year, and Al
«J°e Duran and Jean Hallenbeck, Scores
This year as a Junior, Smith out- Lederman, who served as reserve
Managers of IM bowling, have an- did his point production in both l n f l e l d e r o n l a s t y e a r ' s s q u a d '
nounced that Mixed Doubles Bowl- years
as he added 273 points beside Schedule
»ig Tournament will be held April
in 18 games.
. ,, „„ „
Sig, weighing 185 pounds and A P r " ^OntoM*
be $1.00
per the
Phis 'a fee
$.25 will
to cover
cost standing one inch shy of the six foot April 30—New Paltz
of ..wards Participants do not ne- m a r k l s a v e r d e c e p t i v e b a iipi a yer. May 2—Hartwick
cessarily have to be from the IM
state hoop fans recognize his con- M a v 5 _ U t i c a
hea^f • . „ .
sistency in hitting with one handers M
, n,„h„Z"*
Deadline April 4
May 7-Danbury S. T
and j u m p snots
The deadline for signing up for
state fans are placing the burden M».v 9—Utica
fowling tourney is April 4. All (,1 next year's efforts on Sig's May 13—Oneonta
interested are asked to post shoulders, and Coach Hathaway is M a v |g—New Palta
th r names on the AMIA or W A A
figuring on Smith as his key man
" ,«_»•_,t<.hlinrh
A wav
bulletin boards.
next year
May 21—Potsdam
May 25—Union
Chi Sig, Phi Delt Clash In Finals; Mav 27-p,attsbu"h
Six Teams Vie For Bowling Cup Summit Keglers
In a close battle last Thursday (,'hi Sig Beats Atleds
evening, Phi Delta succeeded in
Tuesday saw the BZ Leftovers for- Continue In First
topping the Brubacher team 30-28. felt to Phi Delta While Chi Sig's A
18 ^
16 M,
Helen Taylor scored 14 points for team walked off with their games
summit House retained its lead In
the winners while Janet Jungi led against the Atleds. 41 to 4. Leading the Upstairs Bowling League this
the State Street team with 15. Bea the winners were Jean Compagnone w e ek by downing the APAchies 4-0.
Engeihardt led the Chi Sigma Theta
A team by scoring 9 points as they
beat Peierce Hall 15 to 10. Judy Larson .'cored 8 points for the losers.
The Atleds, led by Ella Turner.
Sfx&U SfuULtfUt
scored an easy victory over the BZ
Our Sport Spotlight this week' Leftovers by beating them 15 to 7.
again falls on an IM kegler. Leo El scored 11 points for the winners.
Legault, although nosed out by sev- The Beta Zeta Regulars took their
en pins in Individual honors, made games from Lake House by a forhis kegling feats known by splitting felt,
the maples for 193-193-145-531. By r h i Helta Beats BZ
P n i De
deviating so much from his averh a scored again un Saturage, Leo and his Sayles teammates da.V uy beatingt the BZ Regulars
dropped Potter Club from the Down- hi ihd only game played that mornstairs League lead and possibly »»g 31-24. Helen Konefal and Mary
trom the league championship.
led the winners with 15 and
13 points respectively while Ann
Our runnerup honors this week Hamilton and Lou D'Andrea tied
go to Bernie Theobald who led the for scoring honors with 10 each. In
IM keglers on games of 167-177-194- the only other scheduled game, the
ALeds forfeited to Pierce.
-more fun. more friends
on the train7
For more pure pleasure...
f l m
In the tirst game this week, the
Sayiesmen needed to make use of
their fifty pin handicap to outscore
the Club 777-735. Leo Legault equalled his first game score of 193 to
secur-j the second game for the Saylesmcn
In the
game viethe
tims of the handicap and drew the
short end despite Bernie Theobald's
194 M n g l e
let your
And Pop comes through with
some spending green...
Cftn r e t f t l n
The Saylesmen upset Potter 4-0 P
taking 2Vi out of a possible
this week turning the Downstairs f o u r Points, as Potter will draw a
Bowling league upsldedown once bye and is certain of four points
again. With only one more week of m the event of APA and SLS splitbowling remaining, the situation Is f l n t r , 9 „ f W
.. 7~ "f "
t i n s 2 2 a flrst
now quite complicated.
" '
Place tle be^een
APA and Potter would result. If SLS
As a result of Potter's loss, APA, would upset APA 4-0, however Potwhile drawing a bye and four points, ft pe rr „„.,,,,
._,„_ .
regained first place. Potter is now c a s e * oSuLl Sd ewmoeurlga e c**™&™- In this
two games out, and SLS follows, 3V4
eain second place
games behind APA. Next week's at on dU lAl rPd A wl aoc"ld
slide all the way
encounter between APA and SLS Is
P beyond any doubt the most crucial E y e s o n S L S
ihus the eyes of all State bowling
enthusiasts are turned on SLS, the
team which can make any rival
champion but not themselves. The
pins are down and everything else
[s up to bowling greats like Joe
Duran, Tom Shumanski, Al Stephenson, John Zidik, Ed Rockstroh,
and their teammates. This all star
card, and the importance of this
game should certainly draw even
the most passive kegling fan. And
there are plenty of seats in Rice's
When you're flat broke
and feeling kind of mean...
lace bv
Shop Now At The
with 13 followed by Sidge Duffy who
had 10.
In a close game, Pierce emerged
the victor over the BZ Regulars
29-25. Judy Larson and Alice Lockwood tied for high scorers with 11
point seach while Marge Lidell and
Baro Devitt score 12 each for the
ironically, although on top of the
league, the Summit men were given
a 91 pin handicap. DiGesare led the
-Low average—Big Handicap" men
0 n games of 123-158-140 for a 429
triple. Bemarik followed with a
428. The big man in the match
proved to be Jerry "Moose" Stickle
who bounced the wood for a 477
triple including a 181 single,
HHtop Takes 4
Hilltop took their match from
Sayles quite handily as Keith Gilm o u r set the Upstairs League on fire,
Keith began with a 153 opener, added a 173 middle game, and 188 finale
triple. Prank Swiskey
f o r R 514
tossed in a 420 tally. The Sayles men
were again led by Hugh Pelio who
split the maples for a 424 score.
Roiucrs Lose
in the final match of the day, the
Rou.scrs dropped three to VanDerdee. Deane Cunningham led the
VDZ squad, who were aided by a
noteworthy 69 handicap. Deane hit
the maples for 433. Bill Small took
game honors on a 469 score. Bill's
176 single was high for the match.
Bowling Finals Planned
Chi Sig A and Phil Delta, with
a record of 6 wins and 0 losses each
meet Thursday night in the final
Bowling Finals
Jean Hallenbeck and Sue Barnhardt, WAA Bowling managers, met
with bowling team captains Wednesday night to decide the method
for the final playoffs. Various methods were discussed and it was decided that the top six teams would
bowl The teams bowled without
handicaps, each team trying to get
the highest total pins for the two
game series. The winning of the
trophy depended upon the results
of yesterday's bowling only, relative standings of the top teams prior
to the playoff had no bearing on
the outcome. Although the results
from yesterday's contest came in too
late to make this issue, the winner
has been decided from among the
Al Stephenson has been appointed
teams of Commuters, Psi Gam, by AMIA Council In capacity oi
Pierce. Park House, Phi Delta and President for the remainder of the
Chi Sig.
The possibility of paying IM
league officials has been discussed
by the AMIA Board. Tentative plans
pending the overcoming of red tape
would be to pay the officials about
urd i-q
$1.00 per game. This would offer a
greater incentive for officials to peritodAVijq 089S-S a u oifd
form their duties—a major problem
JO \va\fi I S'i am
of IM sports today.
lOB^UOO UB3 noA 'ipiBM
.moA" xij O) 1UBM 1 iBin
AVOID! ] s n oi noX 'iods
s\\X\ paip^BM 3ABIJ noA"
SlM BMg.
AM9 A Aotu
Dan's Uptown
Fine Dry Cleaning
T.L n - u i s
H:- •
t u r e of New York S t a t e College for N e w s V i e w s :
T e a c h e r s a t Albany, a n d discourage — — — — — —
t h e e n r o l l m e n t of those s t u d e n t s
(Continue* from Page i , Column %) whoso p r i m a r y interest is t e a c h i n g in
t h a t this body, t h e F a c u l t y C o u n - t h e field of t h e liberal a r t s .
cil, representative of t h e faculty of
4) As t h e first of New York's
t h e college a n d officially assembled, t e a c h e r - t r a i n i n g Institutions to g r a n t
does hereby strongly oppose a n y g r a d u a t e degrees, as a college w i t h
By M. A.
a l t e r a t i o n in t h e t i t l e of this Insti- a n a t i o n a l reputation, a n d as t h e
t u t i o n , t h e S t a t e University College .only professional school in t h i s s t a t e
T h e release of t h e Y a l t a P a p e r s
for T e a c h e r s a t Albany....
j / devoted to secondary school p r e p a r - Is still causing repercussions. T h e
And B E I T F U R T H E R R E S O L V - ation, we feel t h a t New York S t a t e s t a t e m e n t s of t h e "Big T h r e e " are
E D t h a t copies of t h e s e m i n u t e s be S t a t e College for T e a c h e r s a t Al- quite shocking.
Even F r e n c h m e n
presented to t h e P r e s i d e n t of t h i s bany h a s achieved sufficient i n d i - : cringed when they h e a r d of t h e
College for forwarding t o t h e p r o p e r vidual distinction to w a r r a n t differ- toast t o t h e d e a t h of 50,000 G e r m a n
entiation of title.
officers. T h e sellout p u r p e r t r a t e d
University a u t h o r i t i e s .
Approved by vote of t h e Faculty
5) Some of t h e recognition r e - by Roosevelt a t Yalta m u s t n o t go
ceived by this college h a s been based unblamed. O n t h e o t h e r h a n d we
m u s t consider t h e world picture toA resolution d r a w n u p Tuesday on its foundation In t h e liberal a r t s ,
day. Will t h e release of these s t a t e evening in t h e Myskania meeting signifying our acceptance n o t only m e n t s upset t h e delicate balance?
as a t e a c h e r - t r a i n i n g institution,
W e can b u t wait a n d see. I t is our
" W s , t h e m e m b e r s of the S t u d e n t but us a reputable college of t h e opinion however t h a t t h e d o c u m e n t
Association of New York S t a t e Col- liberal a r t s as well. I n view of t h i s should n o t h a v e been released a t
lege for T e a c h e r s a t Albany, wish fact, we feel t h a t It would be u n - this time. I t would h a v e been p r e to go on record as being opposed to f o r t u n a t e to impose upon ourselves ferable t h a t it be kept until all t h e
t h e proposal of t h e S t a t e University the academic restrictions necessi- p a r t i c i p a n t s were dead a n d t h e n r e to c h a n g e t h e n a m e to New York tated by the title "College of E d u c a - leased w i t h o u t h a v i n g been twice
drastically censored.
S t a t e University College of E d u c a - tion."
tion a t Albany.
For these reasons, a n d because we
T h e S e n a t e C o m m i t t e e on B a n k O u r reasons a r e as follows:
believe t h a t uniformity is n o t a l 1) T h e title "College of E d u c a - ways more desirable t h a n individual- ing a n d F i n a n c e h a s produced a
tion" is neither a p p r o p r i a t e for t h i s ality a n d distinctiveness, we a t t e s t strong political t o r n a d o . S e n a t o r
institution, nor adequately specific. our opposition to any c h a n g e of Fulbright's (D) "friendly investigation" caused W a l l S t r e e t to bounce
We a r e essentially a liberal a r t s col- n a m e for this college,
lege dedicated to t h e t r a i n i n g of
secondary school t e a c h e r s ; the i m portance a n d value of the liberal
a r t s subjects is as g r e a t to us as is
the importance a n d value of courses
in Education. Since 1905 it h a s been
the dual purpose of t h i s school to
both a
thorough background in t h e liberal a r t s a n d a n
a d e q u a t e preparation in professional
subjects, t h e courses in Education
being a supplement to a n d an e n r i c h m e n t of those in t h e liberal a r t s .
We feel, therefore, t h a t t h e title
"College of E d u c a t i o n " is a denial
of the essentially liberal a r t s p r o g r a m offered by t h i s school. T h e
proposed n a m e gives no recognition
to this liberal a r t s basis, as the present title does. We are a college—an
institution with a diversified c u r r i culum—for teachers, n o t a school
d e p e n d e n t on one particular field.
Change In Name...
2> This college h a s established a
r e p u t a t i o n as one of the finest t e a c h er t r a i n i n g institutions in this country, a n d as a pioneer in the p r o g r a m of combined scholarship a n d
t h e teaching a r t s . O u r excellence of
s t a n d i n g h a s been built up u n d e r
our present n a m e . Any change of
t h a t n a m e could lead only to confusion among both t h e lay public
a n d t h e profession.
3) T h e r e is c o n t a i n e d in t h e p r o posed n a m e a n implication of future
curricular changes which would lessen t h e importance of the liberal
a r t s subjects. While cognizant of its
existence only as a n implication,
we feel t h a t such a possibility could
destroy the essential academic n a -
April 2-18
*12 a d a y on this exciting
in the G u l f of M e x i c o
Here's where the college crowd will ';
gather during the Easter vacation.,.
• miles of white beach, moonlight aqne§f|p|fa>* golf, water skiing and, this'.
TOURNEY for coif""
JMmvmFomed Boca Grd..
1 $ i M ^ fighting tarpori, amber
ffish and some fQpj
p i f evening relaxatiafl^ere's '
ijant Tarpon Room, indoor mewinui contests and college song
Ifou'll be treated like a tycoon
2.00 a day, including breakfast
on,.. and dinner. >-.'",
g^T hotel
or c o n t a c t
Music Council...
Yalta Release Shocks Big Three;
Soviet Government Still Unstable
more t h a n a n I n d i a n rubber ball,
a n d we m i g h t add, all substances
h a v e a point a t which their elasticity s n a p s . Neither business nor the
Republicans should criticize w h a t
we h o p e is a n objective study. T h e
o u t b u r s t s of S e n a t o r s C a p e h a r t IR)
a n d F u l b r l g h t (D) quite disgraceful
a n d do n o t tend to install in t h e
American toward t h e i r g o v e r n m e n t .
As for the investigation itself, we
t h i n k it's very good.
I t is a p p a r e n t t h a t the governm e n t of t h e Soviet Union still is
not too stable. Ministers friendly to
Mr. Malenkov are still being dismissed. Recently P r a v d a p r i n t e d t h e
reply of Tito to t h e criticism of
Foreign Minister Molotov a n d t h i s
week a g a i n decried those m i n i s t e r s
who do n o t h i n g b u t criticize.
would seem from this t h a t Mr. M o lotov h a s finally reached t h e end
of his rcpe.
/ C o n t i n u e d from Page 1, Column
G i o r d a n o Will be s u n g by Miss E m mons a n d Mr. M c G r a t h for t h e
fourth section of t h e performance.
The*story of this piece is: Chenleri;
confined In t h e gloomy St. L a z a r e i
prlSiirv is awaiting execution. M a d - eleine, having bribed h e r way, is v
ushered into his cell. At d a w n t h e
d e a t h trumbel comes for t h e prisoners. W h e n t h e n a m e of a con-"
demned women is called, Madeleine
rushes out beside C h e n i e r a n d . dies
with her lover.
After t h e intermission a. little
cpera by Wolf-Ferrari " T h e Secret
of S u z a n n e " will be done in English.
T h e time of the opera is t h e last
century, the place is where royalty
reigned. C h a r a c t e r s in the selection
are Count Gil played by William
M c G r a t h , S u z a n n e , his wife, sung
by Shirlee E m m o n s a n d S a n t e , the
servant who is represented by D o n ald Duclos, G r a d .
fem w*CMfm
Sororities Release Slates Of Incoming Officers;
Three Formals Will Highlight Athenian Weekend
Hotel Ten Eyck,
Herbert s Host
Greek Proms
T h r e e sororities have scheduled
formal dances for this weekend. T o n i g h t K a p p a Delta and Chi Sigma
T h e t a will hold a j o i n t dance a t t h e
T e n Eyck. P h i Delta will hold their
a n n u a l formal in Herbert's tomorrow night. Sorority members a t tending t h e dances will be given 2
o'clock hours.
Elected To Run
Offices Under
Revised System
T h e seven sororities elected officers for t h e e n s u i n g semester a t
their regular meetings Monday evening. These officers will serve from
their installation to J a n u a r y , 1956,
in accordance with revised system
set u p by I n t e r - S o r o r i t y Council t h i s
K a p p a Delta
K a p p a Delta's new officers a r e :
T h e K D a n d Chi Sig formal a t
B a r b a r a Salvatore, P r e s i d e n t ; J a c the Ten Eyck t o n i g h t will be held
queline Darfler,
from 9 p m . to 1 a.m. Ed Green's
ALBANY. NEW YORK, F R I D A Y . A P R I L 2 2 . 1 9 5 5
Orchestra will provide the music.
VOL. XXXX NO. 9 Mary J a n e Meara, Corresponding
Secretary; J o s e p h i n e Guiliano,
General C h a i r m e n of t h e dance are
• C h a p l a i n ; J e a n Hageny, SongleadMary Dvorak '55 a n d Marjorie Keler; J o a n Lopat, P a r l i a m e n t a r i a n ;
leher '56.
Juniors. Ami
Kinsler, Recording
Secretary; E l i z a b e t h Stapleton,
Committee C h a i r m e n for K D and
T r e a s u r e r ; A n n Gilchrest, I n t e r Chi Sig respectively a r e : Norma
Sorority C o u n c i l R e p r e s e n t a t i v e ;
Roscoe a n d Linda Sokolowski, F a v Sophomores. Evelyn Moody, Alumni
ors; B a r b a r a Salvatore and Mary
Secretary; Sheila Sullivan, HistorRita Koniski, P r o g r a m s , J u n i o r s ;
Dorm Field will be the scene of tion and answer period will follow
ian; Lorraine Kozlowski and Ethel
J a n e t G a r v i n '55 a n d B a r b a r a Mur- an election rally Tuesday evening a t
the speeches and introductions of
S h a n d , Marshals, freshmen.
n a n e '56, O r c h e s t r a ; Miss Garvin 7:30 p.m., according to a release
Psi G a m m a
a n d B a r b a r a Maaloe '56, Arrange- by Mary Ann Johnpoll '55, ChairT h e Presidents of two fraternities
m e n t s ; Mary Ann Johnpoll '55 and m a n of Election Commission. In every office is allotted one dollar
Evelyn Neumeister '56 was elected
and six sororities have released t h e
for personal publicity.
Gladys Cook '56, Chaperones.
President of Psi G a m m a . Other ofcase of inclement weather the rally
This morning in assembly, in Page names of recently initiated m e m - ficers include; B a r b a r a Douglas, R e T h e Chaperones will be Mary will be held in the Brubacher G a m e Hall, the c a n d i d a t e s for SA Secre- bers into their groups.
cording Secretary; J u d y VimmerLynch, Supervisor in t h e Milne Room. C a n d i d a t e s for S t u d e n t Asso- tary will give a o n e - m i n u t e speech,
Si'una Lambda Sigma formally stedt, C h a p l a i n ;
School; Richard Spaulding, Associ- ciation offices and Class President those for SA Vice-President a two- initiated: Louis Cashon '56, A n t h - Critic; Juniors. R i t a Hohnke, Vice
a t e Professor of Chemistry, and Mrs.
minute speech and the candidates ony Oliviero '57. Roger Allen, Robert President; Joyce Piccard, C o r r e 1
Spaulding; and Frederick Moore, office. - and Class President C a n d i - for SA President will give a three Alward, Richard Bartholomew, D a - sponding Secretary; G e r t r u d e Wilddates
Assistant Professor of Modern LanThe
presidential vid Elum, David Call, William De er, T r e a s u r e r ; Mary Knight, ISC
class officer c a n d i d a t e s will be in- minute speech.
guages and Mrs. Moore.
candidates' campaign m a n a g e r s will Groa", W a r r e n
Hubert Representative; Nancy Hughes, S o troduced.
be allowed one minute on behalf Felio, J a m e s Fitzsimmons, Joseph cial C h a i r m a n ; Sophomores. J o d y
Phi Delta's formal tomorrow n i g h t
Candidates for Student Associa- of their candidate. Myskania, Stud- Flynn,
William Ambrosino a n d N o r m a n d y Pishko,
from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. will be a t tion President will give two minute
Herbert's. General C h a i r m a n of the speeches. T h e candidates for SA ent Board of F i n a n c e and Athletic Gropp, Donald G u n n a r s o n , R i c h - Marshals, freshmen.
formal is Arline Grier '55. C h a p e r - Vice-President will give one min- Association Board Candidates will ard Ilinck, Robert Kopecek, Alan Chi Sigma T h e t a
also be introduced.
T h o m a s i n a P a g a n '56 is the inLaFa.'ce, Leo Legualt, W a r r e n Leib,
ones for t h e evening will be Paul
ute speeches and candidates for
Voting will take place next Fri- Alan Levine, Carlton Maxon, Peter coming President of Chi Sigma
Wheeler. Assistant Professor of HisSA Secretary will be introduced.
Burton T h e t a . O t h e r officers a r e : B a r b a r a
tory; F r a n k Carrino, Assistant P r o day, in Assembly and absentee for McGuirk, Ronald Pryor,
Paul M u r n a n e , Vice President; Catherine
fessor of Modern Languages, and Candidates for Myskania. Student those who do not have Assembly Rounds,
F r a n k McCann, Alumni S e c r e t a r y ; Juniors.
Mrs. Carrino, Assistant Professor of Board of F i n a n c e a n d Athletic As- seals.
introSwisky, T h o m a s Watthews, J o h n Mary F o r m a n . Secretary; Sheila
English; a n d Milton Olson, Profesduced. Following the speeches of the
sor of Commerce, a n d Mrs. Olson.
Young and T h o m a s Haresign, fresh- Lister, T r e a s u r e r ; S a r a J a n e Duffy,
ISC R e p r e s e n t a t i v e ; Bernice O'Conmen.
Committee C h a i r m e n include: De- there will be a twenty minute quesnor, Songleader; Eleanor Roney,
inlores Mariano '55, Favors; Aileen tion and answer period directed at
F a c t o t e m ; Sophomores; a n d B u r flated: Oanmelo Virgillio '56, Peter netta Bromfleld '58, Historian.
Cochrane, C h a p e r o n e s ; Mary W. these candidates.
and Stanley
Sussman, G a m m a Kappa Phi
S m i t h , Juniors, and Mary Frenyea
Class presidential candidates will
Sophomores, J a m e s Lorrichio, Lynn
'57, P r o g r a m s : and Virginia Hil- give one m i n u t e speeches. CandiT h e new President of G a m m a
The Assembly today will meet in Nuson, Joseph Connors, Peter Frier- K a p p a Phi is J a n e W h i t e h u r s t '56.
fiker '56 a n d J o a n Van Dusen '57, dates for all o t h e r class offices will
Ann Ryan is Vice President; Lillian
be introduced. A ten minute quesreports Robert Coan '55, President a n d F r a n k l i n Roth, freshmen.
Gregory. T r e a s u r e r ; Linda Niles,
of S t u d e n t Association. T h e conKappa Delta freshman initiates Songleader; Juniors. Carol Lynes,
struction which was originally plan- a r e : Alfreda Aseel, Helen Betner, Lor- Recording Secretary; A n n Poulin,
ned and which necessitated the raine Ko/.lonski, Margaret Kraus, Corresponding Secretary; J o a n R e n closing of the auditorium will not Evelyn
Paglino. dert,
on Page 4> Column2J
on Page 6, Column O
Pettit, Associate Professor of E n g lish. Page Hall will remain as it is, Student Council:
Tickets for the spring production there will be no s t a n d i n g room, so it and there will be no enlargement.
of the S t a t e College T h e a t r e will be is suggested t h a t s t u d e n t s pick up
T h e original plan was to extend
distributed s t a r t i n g Monday through their tickets early, specifies B a r b a r a the procenium arch and remove the
Tuesday, May 3. All tickets are by Maaloe '56.
first few rows of seats from the
s t u d e n t tax and limited to S t a t e
The play Ls " L a b u r n u m Grove," a auditorium. T h e back wall of the
College s t u d e n t s only. After May 3 mystery play comedy by J. B. Priest- stage was to be pushed back five
all tickets not picked up by stu- ly. The cast includes: Marie De- feet in order to enlarge it. These
dents tax will go on sale, however, vine, Richard T i n a p p , William De- decisions had to be reversed for
events and $25 to be used in p r o students can still have them. There Alleume, J u n i o r s ; Charles Crow- several reasons, states Pettit. The
arc only 875 seats available and der, Richard W a r n e r , Nancy Gade, main objection to the extension of
Council ducing the evening show. S t u d e n t
Sophomores; Jacqueline P a c h t , Rob- the procenium arch was t h a t the meeting passed financial requests, Council accepted t h e r e c o m m e n d a ert Woyton and Norman Chancer, sight lines would not be good, and if scheduled a special assembly and tion and it will now be presented to
freshmen .Director is P a u l Bruce the arch was moved nothing could engaged in discussions over certain SA.
Discussion at the meeting then
Pettit, Associate Professor of E n g - be seen from the balcony. T h e ob- budgets with the result t h a t a comlish, assisted bj Marilyn Dinardo '55. jection to moving the stage wall m i t t e e was established to investigate ensued as to w h e n would be the most
The production coordinator is Miss backward was that, the cost would one organization under the SA b u d - advantageous time to hold a special
be $12,000 per foot, total
assembly. After deciding t h a t there
amount to $60,000. There is not get.
was no time in the evening free to
In response to an invitation ex.sufficient
aghold the meeting without interfertended by the State College News Tuesday, May 17, through S a t u r d a y , cover this expense.
Lighting with other organizations, it was
previous to vacation, approximately May 21. C u r t a i n time is 8:30 p.m.
hall '55, C h a i r m a n of Moving-Up proposed and accepted t h a t next
ten colleges in the vicinity of Al- every evening.
Day. A request was submitted to al- week's S t u d e n t Council be held at
Presentation of the play is to be
l a n s will convene at Brubacher Hall
lot $95 from surplus to provide for 7:30 p.m., Monday, a n d t h e Special
as representatives of the respective in the Arena T h e a t r e set up in Page
printed programs for the morning Assembly next Wednesday at 7:30
newspapers of the schools. This, the Hall gym. T h e play is the first to
p.m. I t was decided t h a t holding
first such conference of this type, be given in arena style during the
the S t u d e n t Council meeting Monis slated for Friday, May 13, com- regular session of the college. The
day would affect fewer people's o b mencing at 9:30 a.m. and ending in facilities being used are through the
ligations to other organizations.
the inid-alternoon. T h e News is act- courtesy of the S t a t e College Arena
T h e classes in oral interpretation
Due to a m i s t a k e in the facilities
ing founders of this association of S u m m e r T h e a t r e .
of d r a m a and literature, under the
budget it was necessary for Council
area collegiate newspapers, t e n t a direction of Agnes E. Futterer, P r o The annual
tively entitled the Capital District
fessor of English, will present their festivities will commence at 8 o'- to vote $72.97 from surplus to cover
Collegiate Press Association.
third evening of dramatic readings clock tomorrow evening and con- p a r t of recent S U B purchase.
At this point in the meeting a
T h e aim will be to improve jourTuesday evening at 8 p.m. in D r a - clude at. 11:30 p. m. in the Bl'llnalistic skills, in addition to imper 349, announces Patricia Kip '56. baclier Dining Room. T h e r e is no penetrating discussion took place
when the C a m p u s Commission Budproving student relations between
T h e evening's program will fea- admission for the affair and respecT h e All-College Revue netted a
get was presented. It was brought
colleges, s t a t e s
profit of $240.74, states David Kenup by numerous SC members and
Lackey '55, Executive Editor, Chairdig '57, Co-ordinator of the show. Richard Sheridan md '"Othello" by
T h e Party will carry a "Red spectators t h a t C a m p u s Commission
man of the Conference Committee.
Total income was $843.30. This
Hot. and Blue" theme. Music will was extremely lax in their duties. It
T h e program is to include panel consisted of money borrowed from
">.r> will read be furnished by the strains of the was pointed out t h a t warnings were
area surplus, $350, and the gate receipts "A Cup of Tea
re- not being given, posters were not
by Kat h e m i c Pedcats. E n t e r t a i n m e n t
newspapers, a luncheon dinner at of $493.
Emlle L. Vavra will freshments have been planned for being put up until late a n d someBrubacher, and a lour of the KnickT h e total expense of $603.26 can read "The T r a c t " by William Carlos this informal dress affair, also.
times not at all, and when they were
erbocker News.
be broken down into the money re- Williams, Judy Vimmerstedt reading
In charge ol E n t e r t a i n m e n t will put up they were not fastened propAt present the list of delegates in- paid to surplus of $350, and the "You Were Perfectly Fine" by Dor- be J a n i c e C h a m p a g n e '57; Decora- erly, plus a series of definite cases
cludes representatives from S a i n t expenses for the show, $253.26.
othy Parker, Barbara Douglass read- lions, Eileen Lalley; Refreshments, where C a m p u s Commission
Hose, Russell Sage, Union, P h a r The All-College Revue with an ing "My First Confession" by Frank S u s a n Licberman and Dolores H a m - failed in its duties. As a result of
macy, ABC, Skldmore, Albany Law, income of $843.30 and expenses ol O'Connor, Juniors, and Charles I. mond, Freshmen.
this enlightening discussion M a r Hudson Valley Technical, and Co- $603.26 made a net profit of $240.74. C'rowder '57, reading selections from
Ronald Alexander 58 and Robert jorie Kelleher '56 proposed that u
blcskill Agricultural a n d Technical The profit will be used to finance "John Brown's Body" by S t e p h e n Burns '57, have been designated as committee be set up to investigate
next year's All-College Revue.
Vincent Benet.
on Page S, Column lJ
Candidates To Deliver Speeches Greeks Initiate
In Assembly, At Tuesday Rally New Members,Pledge Freshmen
SA To Convene
In Page Today
State College Theatre Distributes
Tickets For Spring P r o d u c t i o n
Student Council Passess Financial
Requests; Slates Special Assembly
News Sponsors
ress Meeting
English Classes
Present Readings Frosh-Soph Classes
Plan Party Tomorrow
All-College Revue
Nets $240.74 Profit