Document 14064377

imnun ..
ir«T$ COUPGt' mt>
•TAT* COLLIOt NEW*. FfttOAY. MARCH 4, 1983
PAOt «.
(Continued from Page 1, Column V
Dvorak, Anna Dvorak, Gerald Eggleston, Ada Elian, Arnold Elman,
John Ertle, Phyllis Parrell, Herbert
Pelkuse, Cathleen Pennell, Patricia
Finger, John Flanagan, Mary Forman, B. Merledene Fox, June Frankland, Vera Freund, Mary Furner,
Olina Fusco, Nancy Oade, J. Ruben
Garcia, Alice Quaquie, Patricia
Gearing, Joan Ginsburg, Arlene
Gngold, Barbara Gitlow, Roslyn
Gold, Helene Golda, Eleanor Goldman, Robert Goldfarb, Ira Goldstein, Marvin Goldstein, Richard
Gorman, Stanley Gorzynski, Helen
Grant, Arlene Green, Wilbur Green,
David Greenburg, Carol Greenhlll,
Tito Guglielmo, Diana Gura, Jean
Hageny, Joseph Hart, Anneliese
Hartnagel, Morton Hess, Richard
Hinck, Manfred Hockmuth, Margaret Hodges, Helen Hofmann, Rita
Honke, Sue Hoofkamp, Erwin Horwitz, Donald Howard, Mrs. Diane
Hughes, Michael Humphrey, Phyllis
Hurd, Caroll Hutt, and Evelyn Jessemer.
Also, Murray Johnson, Kathryn
Johnston, Anne Kammer, Robert
Kael, Barbara Keil, Raymond Kelly,
Patricia Kennedy, Margaret Kinsler.
Nancy Kittlaus, Sophie Kosek, William La Barr, Charles La Fontaine
Rta Lamboglia, Eleanor Landrio
MaryLePree, Walter Lawder, Marcia Lawrence, Marilyn Leach, Susan
Leiter, Nancy Lighthall, James
Lockhart, Jane Loman, Margaret
Lord, Cynthia MacKeen, Ann Man
Laeti, Maher, Mrs. Grace Manne, Laura Maresca, Delores Mariana, Bruce Marsh, Calton Maxson
Gerald McDonald, Carol McDuffee,
Nan McEvoy, Ellen McLaughlin
Mary Meiser, Frank Merlin, Jeanne
Merritt, Ella Mielty, Dorothea Miller, John Miller, John Minon, Joan
Mitchell, Francis Monahan, Viola
Moody. Joan Mooney, Barbara
Moore, Thomas A. Mullen, Teresa
Murphy, Thaisa Nelson, Evelyn Neumeister, Arnold Newman, Virginia
Norman, Gene Norrls, Doris Olechna, Alice O'Neill, Virgnia Oslund
Gordon Ostrander, Thomasina Pagan, Nancy Paglino, Mrs. Jeanne
Parr, Dolores Peck, Anne Persico,
Robert Pfeiffer, Richard Powell, Dolores Price, Luella Ptacek, Custer
Quick, Phyllis Razansky, Ann Reardon, Willard Deita, Joan Rendert,
Mary Rlccardi, Donald Rice, Carole
Rising, Malcolm Rogers, Barbara
Roney, Mary
Rooney, Roberta Rosenblaum, Elaine
Ruffles, Robert Sage, Sandra Sage,
Myra Sandler, Jean Sayles, Dorothy
Schatz, Sondra Schecter, Vivian
Schiro, Gilbert Schloss, Nancy
Schneider, Valerie Schneider, Lucille
Schneider, Joyce Schueler, Joan
Schultz, Richard Schwab, Marjorle
Schwartz, Cathel Scovllle, Paula Segal, Elissa Seligman, George Sangenberger, Conrad Sernlak, Selene
Shair, Frances Shair, Jean Shaw,
William Shipengrover, Carmlta Siaba, Myrna Sle^el, Benny Sllno, Fred
Silva, Gino Silvestri, Florlne Skutnlk, Jane Slezak, Margaret Smith,
Slgmund Smith, Thomas Henry
Smith, Ray Snider, Lorraine Spongier, Sheila Stanger, Edna Standley,
David Stark, Edgar Steele, Elizabeth
Steifeld, Alan Stephenson, Robert
Stimson, Carolmae Stosberg, Dorothy Studley, Helen Stubbs, William
Swenson, Pearl Szabo, Robert Talham, Barbara Tanney, Josephine
Testa, Ann Tobey and Joyce Tucci.
Also, Phyllis Vadney, William
Vanderllp, Harry Van Dyck, Virginia
Van Order, Evangelia Vergen, Anne
Vigilante, Ann Vincent, Carmelo
Vlrgillo, Lorraine Voepel, Elizabeth
Von Felbert, George Vorls, Doris
Vraclenburg, Whitson Walter, Nellie
Warnock, Virginia Watts, Everett
Welermlller, Robert Weir, Marilyn
Werbalowsky, Alma Wheeler, Carol
White, Jane Whltehurst, Nancy
Whitenack, Robert Wiggin, John
Wilcox, Hanna Wlfert, Margaret
Williams, Charles Willscy, C. Cynthia Wilson, Janice Wing, Marilyn
Wlttschner, Robert Woodrow, and
Dukene Zcrvas.
Dan's Uptown
Rice Bldg.
Fine Dry Cleaning
Tel. 62-1152
ZOII Quail St.
Student Council:
News Elects
Feature Editor;
Vetoes Motion
Fraternities .
(Continued from Page 1, Column 5J
The upperclassmen are Carmelo
Virgilllo '56, Peter Dykeman and
Stanley Sussman. Those freshmen
pledged are: Joseph Connors, Peter
Friermuth, Ronald Longte, James
David Miller, Lynn Nuson,
institutThe weekly meeting of Student
The State College News Board at
Council was called to order by Rob- ing some types of representative Brent Patten, and Franklin Roth.
meeting last Friday afternoon
ert Betscha *56, Vice-President of government at State.
a new member and rescindStudent Association and President The next topic of discussion cen- and Anthony Oliviero '57. Fresh- ed a motion on a special issue.
Pro-Terhpore. The exchange dele- tered about the revisions in the con- men pledges are: Roger Allen,
Clifford Davis '57 was nominated
gates from Buffalo State were in- stitution of the State College News. Robert Alward, Richard Bartholotroduced. Minutes of the previous These revisions were presented by mew, David Blum, David Call, and elected to the position of Featmeeting were read by the Secretary, Ronald Lackey, Executive Editor and William DeGroat, Warren Dunham, ure Editor on the News. Davis will
Sara Jane Duffy '57, and were ap- chairman of the Revisions Commit- Hubert Fello, James Fitzsimmons, serve in office until January, 1956,
Joseph Flynn, Donald Fowler, Wil- in accordance with the revised News
proved as read. The standing com- tee.
liam Gropp, Donald Gunnarson, Constitution.
mittees gave their reports and the
The assembly agenda was slated Richard Hinck, Robert Kopecek,
The Board passed thirteen to one
Assembly agenda was read,
and will be as follows: Inauguration Alan LeFalce, Leo Legault, Warren a motion made by Ronald Lackey
Student Board of Finance pre- of the newly elected President of Leib, Alan Levlne, Carlton Maxson, '55, Executive Editor, which read:
sented a motion, through Nan Mc- Student Association, Robert Coan Peter McGuirk, Ronald Pryor, Bur- "I move to rescind the motion
Evoy '55, that $91.54 be taken from '55; presentation of the exchange ton Rounds, Robert Schultheis, Paul made by Evelyn Ruben on December
surplus for WAA. Thomas Dixon '55 delegates from the teachers' college Sloand, Gerald Sullivan, Frank 6, 1954": The State College News
moved that the Council accept the at Buffalo; a choral Interlude by Swiskey, Thomas Watthews, Robert would undertake the project of putrequest which it did.
the Statesmen, directed by Karl A. Youmans, John Young, and Thomas ting out a four-page issue for the
administration in 1954-55 for the
The Freshman Handbook Staff B. Peterson, Associate Professor of Haresign.
purpose of informing prospective
reported that Council aid and give Music, and nominations for Mys- Alpha Pi Alpha pledged Glen freshmen of the virtues of State
suggestions on the improvement of kania replacement election. Twn Kronich '56, Howard Zimmer, Wil- College.' And the amendment: 'This
the publication. The New Types of financial motons concerning WAA iam Savage, Joseph Curley, John special issue will in no way be a
Government Commttee, under the and the News will be voted on and Chiparri, and Franklin Blesi, Sopho- statement of the News Board, but
chairmanship of Bruce King '56, a D&A motion will be presented. mores; Donald Bindrin, William of the administration through the
presented a report on the results The assembly will close with the Plimley, Robert Leirmoe, aul Dam- Board to the prospective freshmen.'
mer and Dean Cunningham.
of their plans. King led the discus- reading of the announcements.
Student Council Accepts Financial
Motion; A p p r o v e s Constitution
Got Everything i
State College Theatre Dramatizes "Girls In Uniform";
All-Girl Cast Highlights Two Night Stand A t Page
Z 460
"Girls in Uniform" by Christa Winsloe will be presented by the
State College Theatre tonight and tomorrow night In Page Hall at 8:30
p.m. Tickets for the three-act production may be purchased at the booth
in lower Husted or at the door the evenings of the performance. Paul
Bruce Pettit, Associate Professor of English, is directing the "Girls."
The all girl cast features: Praulein von Nordeck, Headmistress, Vera
Freund; Excellency von Ehrenhardt, Adrians Bosna; Countess Kenitz,
Marion Stern; Sophomores; and Grand-Dutchess-Patroness of the School,
Marilyn Leach '58. The Mistresses are: Praulein von Bernburg, Jean
Shaw; Praulein von Gaerschner, Margaret Coogan; Praulein von Kesten,
Eleanor Goldman; Miss Gibson, Helen Stubbs; Fraulein von Atams, Janet
Egnor; Juniors; and Mile. Aylaret, Jean Morris '55.
The Pupils include: Lilli, Judy Vimcnersteadt; Oda, Prances Monahan; Edelgard, Barbara Maaloe; Anneliese, Roberta Stein; Juniors;
Manuela, Paula Segal; Marga, Dorothy Alford; Use, Margaret Culligan;
Trieschke, Janet Champagne; Paula, Nancy Gade; Jose, Carole Allen;
Maria, Nancy Schneider; Grete, Grace Mueller; Sophomores; and Mia,
Joyce Meyermann '58.
Other roles are: Frau Alden, Dancing Mistress, Sondra Schechter;
Prau Lehmann Portress, Virginia Van Orden;Martha, Sewing Woman,
Maxine Adner; Juniors; Nanni, Nurse, Marcia Meiselman '57 and
Johanna, Sandra Faye '58.
Staging for the presentation is under the direction of Charles Crowder '57. His committee are: Richard Tinapp, Misses Egnor and Monahan; Juniors; Patricia Hall, John Reiners, Harry Roberts, Leonore
Hughes and Miss Alford; Sophomores. Misses Goldman and Bosna will
direct the Lighting Committee, assisted by Miss Schneider and Sheila
Strongin '57. Sound will be created by Marie Devine '56 and Tinapp with
the help of Richard Peldman '57.
(Continued on Page S, Column k)
ISC To Revise Election Systems; Religious Clubs
Sororities W i l l A u c t i o n Pledges Sponsor Special
Inter-Sorority Council is working set-up. Under this system the pres- / r \ n l ^ n
F i / o n f r
on plans to revise the present sys- ident and other officers of the in- L G n r S l I
L » 61115
tcm of sorority elections: they have dividual sororities would serve from
set plans for Help Week and are the second semester of their Junior
Student Christian Association is
sponsoring an auction for the Polio year through the first semester of holding a_ series of Lenten Chapel
Benefit. Two sororities have releas- their Senior year
services Tuesday and Lenten Dis
ed the names of new
pledges, states
The Help Week plans determined
Patricia Finger '.r>5, President of by ISC include projects for fresh- cussion, Wednesday. Canterbury
Club is slating a corporate commuISC.
man pledges at the Clinton Square nion breakfast, and meeting for
Pending approval of all the seven Neighborhood House and the Al- Thursday. An area rally will be held
sororities and final approval of the bany Home_ ._.
for Children
and work
,„,„ at Bruoacher tomorrow evening
administration, ISC will change the foi ' the Red Cross. Help. - .Week
--will sponsored by Inter-Varsity Chrlspresent procedure for electing soror- be the last week in March. Formal
im i..„t u'Mt i" " — ' - " --• Man Fellowship Association.
ity officers. The present system of initiation
of pledges will be April
SCA will hold a series of Lenten
May to May term of office will be 3, 1955.
altered 10 meet the demands of the Two members of each sorority are Chapel services, beginning Tuesday at 4 p.m. in the Unitarian
forthcoming professional semester. being
„.._„ „off this
,0 „week
o auctioned
and Church, on the corner of Washingin which Seniors will be teaching next, Monday. Tuesday and Wed ton and Robin. Students are also
off-campus part of a semestei.
nesday in the cafeteria. These girls invited, states Elaine Swarthout '56,
One plan discussed at the last will be waitresses in the men's President, to the home of Dr. Franmeeting of ISC would change the dormitory of the highest bidder. ces E. Colby, Associate Professor of
system to a February to February Proceeds of the auctions will go English, SCA's advisor, for Lenten
to the Polio Fund.
discussions, Wednesday at 6 ptn.
Friday, Sigma Phi Sigma will Students who wish to attend these
auction two of their members. Mon- discussions are requested to sign a
day. Psi Gamma: Tuesday, Phi Del- list on the SCA bulletin board by
Rehearsal scene from State College Theatre Production being- staged
ta; and Wednesday, Chi Sigma The- Tuesday afternoon.
The spring conference of the tonight and tomorrow night in Page.
Kappa Delta pledged five fresh- Student Christian Movement of
The Chairman of State Fair. men Monday evening. They are: New York State will be held March
Mary Jane Fisher '56. announces Helen Betner, Dorothy Erdley, Eve- 18-20 at Union College, Schenectady.
the concessions which won prizes lyn Moody, Mary Piccianno and The conference theme, "How to
and aggregated the most money at Elizabeth Ruffles, according to Iggy Make the Bible Meaningful" will
Komanowski '55, President.
this year's Fair.
be opened by Professor Krister StenConcessions which cleared the
Sunday afternoon Psi Gamma dehl of Harvard Divinity School.
most were: Hilltop House's "Horror pledged Cleo Milliman '57. In the
At the Canterbury Club meeting
Show" first with $39.33, while Sig- replacement elections Monday eve- next Thursday a panel discussion
The new President of Student -hall-type of Assembly meeting aftma Lambda Sigma's "Soak-a-thon" ning Sophie Kosek '55. was elected will evolve around the topic, "Scicame in second with $30.53. and Chaplain.
ence vs. Religion." This meeting will Council Association, Robert Coan er Page has been closed in two
Sigma Phi Sigma's corsage sale was
Gamma Kappa Phi pledged Edna take place at Brubacher Hall, 7:30 '55, culled to order the Wednesday weeks. In Council, the executive
third with $32.40.
body voted to give preference to the
Roger '53. Monday evening, reports p.m. specifies William Small, Pres- night, meeting of Student Council.
Eighteen out of twenty members auditorium of Albany High School
The Faculty Raffle brought in Miss Finger, President.
1 Continued on Page 6, Column 5)
were present for the entire meeting, for a meeting place for the Assem$307.31, and the Student, Council
Raffle cleared $54.97.
The meeting centered about the bly alter Page Auditorium closes,
main topics of: the place of assem- giving second choice to the smaller
The boosters for the official probiles after March 25, Better Gov Draper 349.
gram, selling at 25c apiece during
eminent Revision Commttee, the
the week preceding the event, netA short discussion was held on
ted a profit, of $01.00. "It's a Most
SMILES constitution, Student-Fac- the proposed types of government.
Unusual Fair," the opening show
ulty relations, Student Council It is Council's plan to select one
presented by Hillel. which was writBudget, the proposed Rifle Club of
-- the
-..- —..
«.„„., up
^ by
six ,plans~ drawn
Just a „eek before vacation every- the ;kit, "Happytown, U.S.A."
ten and directed by Richard Fold- one in the college will have a
and the formulation of today's As- New Types of Government Commitman '57, made a profit of $110.15. chance to view various and sundry
Interwoven throughout Is a neat sembly agenda.
tee headed by Bruce King '56. CounPrizes were given, at the Fair, to talent in the panoramic All-College system of plots and counterplots.
At a special meeting Monday ell discussed the new legislative
Gamma Kappa Phi for the best Revue production which, according There will be immortal scenes of night, of Student Council members, plans which include a representative
show, and to Pierce Hall tor the lo latest word, promises to eclipse romantic intrigue in
in ' Happytown, Myskanla, New Types of Govern- ' " " • ' "' ' "
best concession. Pierce, which had anything Cecil B. DeMille even there will be dancing sequences and ment Committee and Better Types body to be composed of 00 members. One plan calls for these mema hot dog and coke stand, had the dreamed of doing. Others claim that singing
sequences in Happytown— of Government Committee, the bers to be selected by classes, anmost gross profit.
it will be "Cinemascope less the and, well, Happytown will just be grout; decided to continue the town other calls for representation by
The total profit of $1.01)4.93 will screen."
jumping and jiving all over the
organizations, and another calls for
go to the Foreign Student fund
a mixture of the two factions.
These previews seems to clinch place come Saturday night, March
Mary Jane Fisher '50, Chairman
the success of the show. Joyce 19.
of State Fair, reported that the net
50, and James Lockhart '57,
Tickets for the grandiose affair
Frosh Camp Committee have molded
profit from the Fair was $1,004.93.
the skeleton of the will commence to hit the market on
The iaculty made the most money
Picks New Directors
lor the fund, $307. Hilltop cleared
will handle the in-flow of money.
Smiles will hold a reception for more than any student organization,
Whether one has one, or a hundred
Blame Swartout and .Samuel
Krchniak, Juniors, have been select- Dean Sets Deadline and one Student Identification 9 ,,.,,,. i n Brubacher's Upper Lounge,
SMILES constitution
Card.ed as Directors of Freshman Camp
admission will still be $.75 a T h e pU1-,j0Ses. the past accomplishhead.
for Women and Men. respectively, ForDroppingCourses
ments, the present, and the future was presented by David Kendig '57,
reports Dolores Montalbann and
And when the Pied Piper sounds will be discussed with a special em- and was passed unanimously by
Robert Sago, Seniors, last year's
Stitoents are reminded that March hls horn, his followers will come in phasis on looking ahead to new Council. The newly formed Rifle
camp directors.
21. Monday, is the last day on which droves that Saturday night. Boost- areas of work. The reception will Club also presented their constituAssisting Miss Swartout will be a course may be dropped without a ers ol the Revue hope that there close with refreshments. The re- tion but it was decided that the orJane Ann Loman '50, Assistant Di- penally, nolitics Oscar E. Lanford, won'! be a program as Statesmen ception committee consists of: In- ganization should be contained in
rector. Barbara Hungorford, Secre- Dean of the College.
scramble lor the unreserved seats. vitations, Joan Homan; Publicity, the Association of Men's Intratary, and Sara .1. Duffy, Treasurer,
Students dropping a course on, or Same boosters announce that there John Reiners; Refreshments, Mary mural Aetivties formerly MAA.
A icport was made from the StuSophomores.
befop' March 21, will be graded will be 1 Dough horseplay on stage Knight, Sophomores, and Decoradent Faculty Committee which statThe assistants at Men's Freshman "W" Those who drop a course after after curtalntlme, and that wildness tions, Carol Sanders, '56.
ed that the faculty approved of the
Camp will be announced in today's tins date will be graded "E", with on the part of the audience will not.
An imitations is extended by Exchange program.
Assembly, and the interviews for the lollowing exceptions: students be tolerated.
Elaine Swartout '56, President, for
Today's Assembly agenda as forprospective counselors are to be es- who during a semester are granted
Anything the All-College Revue
tablished soon.
a leavi -ol-absence or honorable dis- nets oyer $351) will go into an All- anyone interested in working at the mulated by Aim Vigilante '55, stands
Men's Camp is slated to be held missal from college will be graded College Revue Fund which was es-Albany Home or Clinton Square as follows: a motion from WAA and
Neighborhood Mouse to attend this one from Primer, a report from the
at Camp Orinsekwa-Sonnikwa, Fast "W" and students advised by the tablished two years ago.
meeting. Smiles is also planning an Better Government Committee by
Berne, New York. The location for Student Personnel Office to reduce
So buj til) the tickets and kick it Faster Party at the Albany Home. Thomas Dixon '55, Chairman of the
Women's Camp is still uncertain their class load will be graded "W", way
ovei the $350, m order that A detinue date and plans for this Committee, a skit from the All ColLast Fall it was held at Camp Van rogaroloss of the date of their withItilure productions can be done in party will be discussed at the reeep- lege Revue Committee and anSchoonhavon, Troy.
drawal from the course.
Hon, states Miss Swartout.
State Fair Nets
$1,004.93 Profit
Council Discusses Possible Locations
For Assemblies; Passes Budget
Janet Blair, Actress: "I have ihe fullest confidence in L&M'9 Miracle Tip .. . and LsMs taste
so good, I made them my regular cigarette."
All-College Revue Bit To Include
Noise, Horseplay,
•- ••.:•••: KVx •• •
John Robert Powers, Creator of the Powers
Girls: "I think L&M's iiller is far superior to
the others. Great smoke... wonderful flavor."
StatidsOut FROM M l THE REST!
STANDS OUT FOR FLAVOR. The pure, while .Miracle Tip draws
easy, lets yon enjoy all lite taste.
with L&AFs Miracle Tip for quality or effectiveness.
Patricia Morison, Musical Comedy Star: "I
love LsM Filters. Never dreamed a filter cigarette could fdter so thoroughly, yet taste so good!"
tobaccos, l.a.M t o b a c c o s . . . Light ami Mild.
America's Best Filter Cigarette!
LiGoirr ft M m i Tot<t"oa
Smiles Plans
Easter Party
STATJt C O U L t O t NEW*. PRJOAY, -MARCH .14. -1085
Faites Attention I
Today in Assembly the Better Government Committee
will present its suggested amendments to the Student
Association Constitution for consideration by the Assembly. The proposed amendments may be found on page
four of this issue. These changes and revisions represent
many long months of hard work by this committee and deserve the full attention of the Assembly.
In revising this very involved constitution, the committee has deleted many obsolete parts, reworded ambiguous phrases, and added essential provisions. They found
that much of the Constitution was out of date, necessitating the removal of many irrevelant sections and the addition of new, up-to-date sections. Appropriate changes
were made concerning duties presently assumed by officers or organizations under the constitution, and not
included in it, and others provided for, but not being
The work accomplished by the committee shows
thought and much effort, for which the Association owes
them thanks and praise. This revision and refurbishing of
the constitution may bring an interested and ambitious
audience to this week's Assembly, for a change.
A Widening Grin
SMILES is one of the many organizations on campus
with an inadequate staff and membership, but in this
case, a large membership is necessary to keep the organization active. The purpose of SMILES, as stated in its constitution, is "to provide services to the community, primarily through leadership of children in established Homes
and institutions throughout the community." It is virtually impossible to provide leadership without leaders,
which is SMILES' one big complaint.
The people who have attempted to reorganize and
rejuvenate this previously inactive group, have done a
commendable job with their Christmas part.' outside work,
and drafting a workable constitution. But they can't carry the burden by themselves. More interested workers are
needed immediately.
It seems logical to assume that many students would
be interested and willing to work with such a worthwhile, beneficial organization as this, especially in view of
the fact that this is a college preparing future teachers,
who are going to have to work with and teach children
before very long. It is disappointing to learn that out of
1,738 students, only 50 are participating in SMILES' activities. These activities at the Albany Home for Children
and the Clinton Square Neighborhood House are very important to the children who are on the receiving end. They
look forward to seeing us and welcome us eagerly. By helping the children, directing their activities and working
with them, we are helping ourselves to attain a better
understanding of children as well as valuable teaching
SMILES is having a reception Tuesday in Brubacher
Upper Lounge for all people interested in working with
them. We hope to see you there.
^ ? ^ T "•*";"":
News Views:
<:•':'.':'V v . v y - ; . - .
Laborites In Commons Demand
Three P ower Conference Soon
Et tii Brute?
To the Editor:
There's the expression "Do you
live in a barn?" for those people
who don't close doors after them,
but what's the one for those people
who put ashes on the floor, feet on
the furniture, and have no qualms
at necking in public?
Granted that psychologists allow
a stage for adolescents to beccme
rather "Bohemian," but let's not
carry it to the extremes.
Obviously this is all in relation
to the conduct of the offenders of
the "Student Union Board Rules."
The rules are posted though it docs
seem unnecessary since most of them
are common sense that should come
to intelligent college people. Why
not make the whole situation more
pleasant and do away with the need
"I've finished grading your mid-scm tests and I'm afraid I was a
for police badges in the budget by little disappointed!"
following the rules of courtesy that
apply in all public places.
To the Editor:
The policy of the State College
News is rather consistently not only
pro GDI, but also con fraternities
(and sororities).
As your editorial of March 4, 1955,
suggests, fraternities are designed
for the social benefit and enjoyment
of individuals within the group. It
is obvious by the continued existence of fraternities on campus that
they do perform this function.
Therefore, they are good for those
who feel the need for such relationships.
Consistent slamming of fraternities is based not on the over-all picture of the existing situation, but
on a few instances that are unfortunate.
Since flaws are characteristic of
humans; is it not reasonable that
groups of indivdiuals have flaws? In
an individual we overlook the flaws
in favor of the total character and
personality. Can't it be the same for
tororities and fraternities?
An Inactive Greek
KafUtcd KafxesU J
You are there
for anyone interested there will be a special Conservation field trip.
Hip boots will be a necessity and all people interested in ruining a
beautiful lawn should come. You exit at the Hawley Peristyle, turn right,
and observe the plot of ground which was once a "campus," and at a
later date a parking lot; at the pre.sent time, it would suffice for either.
Word has reached us (we are not embroidering on the FACTS this
time) but, we understand that the All College Revue is shaping up
slowly. However, by March 19 it should bewhipped up into good order
and a fine show will be in store for us. We're planning to go, why
don't you.
Under Discussion
Conclave held to discuss the need for a new type of government
since we are moving out of Page. Cool heads prevailed and it was decided to look for a new location, rather than set up a haphazard government in a few meetings. Temporary unavailability of Page seems
like an odd criteria for a new type of government.
Answer of the week
We asked It, so now we'll answer it. "What did heaven send?" The
Queen of the Junior Prccn, It seems that the general public hits not been
sufficiently informed along this line. The Queen of the Junior Prom
was Gladys Cook . . . and a lovely queen she is.
Somebody bad stole the
bulletin board from Brubacher Hall. No one knows what's going
on where or when. It seems that it wa.s pilfered (stolen) sometime between 7:00 and 8:30 one dark morning. Would the proud prossessor
please return it . . . no questions will be asked.
Lest we forget
Guess what? The Ides of March
are upon us . . . and we begin the
budget hassle . . . again. For the frosh, this is something new; for the
It's swallowed up a mass of Acad- Sophomores, you've been through it before; for the Juniors, you're going
emy Awards, it's gulped up a small to be paying student tax next year; for the Seniors, you're not. For
part of thore who want to see it EVERYONE the budgets are important . . . attention is paramount.
here in Albany, it's a must for you Exchange commission
to see, it's The Country Girl. It
bubbling over with information . . . patiently waiting to be heard.
did not take Cinemascope nor did As yet they haven't had a chance to enthuse on their trip but when
it take the beauty of Color to draw they do we can assure you that the news will come as somewhat a
the throngs. Just the best in drama shock to the student body and to student government. It seems that they
—no more, no less. The Strand has are a little ahead (about sixteen years) of us in government and various
it for you.
activities. Don't feel too discouraged though, for the Buffalo students
This show will probably push Bat- were impressed during their stay here . . . by, of all things, our acatle Cry out of the Ritz next week. demic airs and our publicity in the peristyle. There were other things
The last mentioned has only had that they were impressed by but . . .
a four week run. Emphasis on only. Excellent idea
The word's out. The whole town
congratulations are In order for the sororities on campus for the
ain't talkin' about the Jones' boy, fine work they have clone in keeping the Commons clean. This is a fine
either—they're whooping It up for example and let us NOT forget it.
The Detective, 'cause it's a mad,
house of fun at the Delaware. Soo Production
tonight and tomorrow night will be the theatrical weekend at State
this screen scream in its third week.
Now add The Long Gray Line in College. Don't miss "Girls in Uniform."
,\'J1 laallfe'l
tour of the flickers. Associate ???
BY T H £ C L A S g O F
Tyrone Power and Maureen O'How smart were the Sophomores?
Hara's name with it, mix well with
Which way did he go?
First Place CSPA
First Place ACP Technicolor, add the setting of West
Isn't anyone interested in a bus?
Point, put the icing in Cinemascope
March 11, 1955
No. 6 and you have a nice morsel of enMembers of the NEW8 staff may be reached Tuesday and Wednesday from T to tertainment. Here at the Palace for
11 p.m. at 3-3328, Ext. 11. Phonos: Cochrane. 2-7030; Lult 2-8613; flwleraowskl 2-3744; all who can't be squeezed into the
Goldstein 3-2S126; Lackey 3-0277; Moore, 2-3320.
The undergraduate newspaper of the New York State College for Teachers;
The Silver Chalice! Sir Galahad FRIDAY, MARCH 11
published every Friday of the College year by the NEWS Board for the Student looked for it. Maybe you are, too.
"Girls in Uniform," Page Hall.
If so, head for the Madison. Piper 8:30 p.m.
Editor-in-Chief Laurie a n d
R o r y ( h e y ! that SATURDAY, MARCH 12
Managing EdiUr rhymes! i Calhoun star in Dawn at
1VCF Area Rally, Brubacher.
Pablle Relations Editor
8:30 p.m.
"Girls in Uniform," Page Hall.
Business-Advertising Editor Socorro, co-hit.
Co-Clreulallon Editor
Received word that special re- SUNDAY, MARCH 13
Co-Circulation Editor
Eiecullve Editor duced rates can be yours for the
3-6 p.m.
Sayles Hall Open, 179 Partridge.
Consultant Editor Broadway play, The Dark Is Light
7:30 pan.
News Board Meeting, Brubacher.
Associate Editor Enough, starring Kathcrlne Cornell
Associate Editor
Associate Editor and the actor on the local scene TUESDAY, MARCH 15
feature Ml or now, Tyrone Power. This is a ma4:00 p.m.
SCA Lenten Chapel Services, Unitarian Church.
Sports Editor jor production, and the offer will
7:30 p.m.
SMILES Reception, Brubacher.
Junior Sports Editor run for the next few weeks. So,
Junior Sports Editor
"Carpe Diem"—seize the moment! WEDNESDAY, MARCH Hi
Staff Photographer Seat selections have been reduced
0 a.m.-4 p.m. Absentee Voting tor Myskania Replacement, lower Draper.
$1.05. Student Identification Cards
All communications should be addressed to the editor and must be signed. Numcs
will be withheld on request. The STATE COLLEGE NEWS assumes no responsibility for can be presented at the box office
9 a.m.-4 p.m. Absentee Voting for Myskaiiu Replacement, lower Draper.
opinions oppressed In Its columns or communications, aa suuh expressions do not way down the river there in New
necessarily rofleot Its views.
Canterbury Club, Brubacher.
York, or you can write for them at: 7:30 p.m.
IVCF, Brubacher.
ANTA Theater, 245 W. 52nd St. i Or- 7:30 p.m.
International Film Group movie "The Childhood of Maxchestra seats: $4.05; Mezzanine: 7:30
im Gorki," Draper 34i).
M » w « i < I Myskania To Conduct
Vote For Vacant Seat
Joseph Leese, Professor of Education, participated in the annual
Conference of the Association for
Supervision and Curriculum Development in • Chicago Saturday to
Myskania is holding replacement Ronald Lackey:
and rightly so, despise tyranny. Thursday.
Ql eat
Asia again, perhaps still, basks
Britain needs commerce, her
Edward Cowley, Associate Profes elections for the vacant seat on the
Scholastic Average, 2.93; Publicain the spotlight of world attention. life -blood. Perhaps if the American sor of Art in the Milne School and Honorary Judicial Board this Wed- t'ons: State College News, SophoSecretary of"State Dulles, just re- »eo'lle a s u r e d Britain of a larger Lydia Murray are attending the Cod
d T h u r s d a v b v a b s e n t e e more Reporter (2); Desk Editor (3);
turned from a trip to Southeast market, she would forget Asia and lumbia Scholastic Press Conference n e s a u y a n a i n u r s d a y W absentee E d l t o M n _ C h i e f ( 4 ) . class: Junior
Asia urges that we take a firm t l l e C o m m u n i s t "blackmail" mar- at Columbia March 10 to 12. They ballot. This seat was made vacant Prom, Decorations and Tickets (3);
stand and retreat no more unless k e t s - D u l l e s usually claims that con- will be accompanied by 17 Milne by the resignation of Charles Beck- Press Bureau: Member (3); Religwe desire to see major Communist f e r e n c e s a r e maneuvered by the So- students.
with '55 as President of Student As- ious Clubs: Canterbury Club (1, 2, 3)
expansion in that segment of the v i e t s ; i s t n i s a n admission of lack of
Dr. Edward P. Adkins, Director of sociation.
Publicity Director,
world The very day Secretary a D m t v ? W e n o P e not.
Education, addressed the teachers
The candidates for the position Thomas Mullen:
T h e stock marke
Dulles spoke,.,„„,.,„,.,
Sir Anthony
t s of bythethenation
the 7Pashley
School "ProfessionDistrict on include those recommended by Mys
... are being investigated
Sen- ofMarch
on the subject
Scholastic Average, 3.15; Student
called for Nationalist evacuation of t e
Election Commission
1 Cu
e Cy C m
allZatl n
f T eachi g
n m i n a t e d by StU
Quemoy and E l and the Labor- « ^ " J * " "
'T "
° ™,° °
? "
- ^ ™ Sen^AssociSfon °
(3); Class: Publicity Director (1);
it-s in Commons demanded a three
"stings, trading, prices was also member of a panel which
qualifications for the Mys- Big Four (1); Sports: Intra-mural
power conference. How long can a abeing
of the
subject "Federal
kania recommended candidates in- Football (1, 2, 3); Intra-mural Softmajor alliance of two great powers i n
ball (1, 2, 3); Other: All State Day,
exist if they have fundamentally
some Quarters of an impending radio program "Time to Inquire' clude :
Co-Chairman (3).
different views
views on the important c*
' ™ e advance news by'Walter on Thursday, March 10.
Dr. A. Harry Passow, a graduate
questions of the day? It is appar- winchell also has come under fire.
Marilyn Wittschen:
Scholastic average, 2.78; Student
ent that neither power is being mod- The market is quite unpredictable of State College, has been named
Scholastic Average, 3.15; Student
erate or reasonable. We naturally,
while GMC and Jersey Standard re- Teachers College at Columbia. As an President (3) ExchanEeProBram Association: Election Commission
ported favorable factors, cotton undergraduate, he was president of nele°nfp tr> Pinrfehnro- (<>•, rv,nir (3); Campus Chest, Co-Chairman of
hrnlro n i n o f v ™ , ^ c „,-, H™ h a l o o „ D „ H ( . „ H m t l . . n „ l „ H n n
„ m „ « , u „ „ ~o "B^Sa™
«> flattSDUrg (i) , C h a i r Dance (3); Junior Guides (2, 3);
with rising demand for finished cot- Myskania, and chairman of a Stu- J£JA "conference 6 C o m m l f c t e e (3); News Columnist (4); Class: Student
(3); Council (1, 2); Assembly Seating
ton and spring fashions.
dent Committee to
join wiDn tn€ Freshman Camn (3) Di c*-"-"-*"^**
v*.2); Rivalry Sports (1, 2);
hairman (
Again private industry has come Alumni in raising money to furnish r e c t o r Camnus Chest a 3) Pub" Sports:
Hockey (1, 2, 3); Basketto the fore with aid for the colleges a Brubacher Lounge in Sayles Hall. l i c i t v ' ( 1 )
' d Entertainment
i n i ! n t Co- ball (1, 2); Softball (1); Tumbling
The Chi Chapter of Kappa Phi of the nation. The Ford Foundation
At the request of the State Edu- D a n c e <3) State Fair" mSet-Up
(1); WAA Representative (1).
Kappa, National Honorary Educa- will give $50,000,000 over the next cation Department, Daniel E. Grif- Ordinatior (3); All College Receptional fraternity, is conducting a two years to the colleges and uni- fiths, Associate Professor of Educa- U o n Entertainment Committee <3i;
study to determine freshman opin- versities for the purpose of increas- Uon, has been placed on leave to j u n i o r Guides (2 3V Class' B ^
Lf „ ' t ' ,,,°
ion on the teaching profession and ing instructors' salaries. The grant assume leadership of the Coopera- P m l , . Cr, r h ' i r m '
the requence of education courses. must be matched by the institution tive Development of Public School S c r l p ' t Committee (2)
A random sample of freshmen is be- according to ts resources.
Day Skit (2); Campus Day Skit
ing selected from the Tuesday morn(2); Moving-Up Day Skit (2);
D&A Council: Affiliate (1); Meming orientation period to be interber (2, 3).
viewed by K Phi K members.
At n meeting of Inter-Fraternity
^ „
Councl Wednesday evening in BruThis study is in line with the
basic purpose of the fraternity to
i\an Mcfcvoy
bacher, freshmen appeal cases were
foster research in the field of eduS t u d e n t Association: Junior heard, and constitutional revisions
cation. Co-directors of the study are
, , , , , ,
Guides (I, 2, 3), Chairman (3); Di- were discussed and voted upon.
Richard Axtell and Sheridan Race;
It is common knowledge that our woman who has come from a proud rectory Staff (2, 3); Homemaking
Grads. Walter Decker, Grad, will co- college is a representation of stu- nation to study our teching methods Weekend (3); All State Day (3i;
Custer Quick '55, President of
ordinate statistical tabulation. Wil- dents from cities and towns scat- and ultimately to make the long Athletic Hospitality Committee (3); Inter-Fraternity Council, states that
liam Metzger, Paul Saimond, Grads; tered over the State. Then again, voyage home again. She is Hyun Campus Chest (3); Newspaper Col- three letters of appeal were presentd to the
Manfred Hockmuth and Marvin thero
not (ven
to hometown
this country.
are restricted
those whose
is Korea.
Shuk Shin and her proud nation is of
Class: Student
Board eleasing
the bids
(3) and Chairand
of fraternity
Goldstein, Juniors, will assist the
Within our midst is an ambitious
three particular cases of
Amercommittee directing the study.
irregularity having occurred in the
ican-Korean Foundation she has obTwenty-four percent of the freshThe qualifications for the Student bidding procedure. All three appeals
men who have been in college since
Association candidates nominated were turned down.
is priceless. Miss Shin realizes her include:
September are being interviewed.
task; on her shoulders and the
Quick also urges members of StuThe interviews are being conducted
shoulder of others is the backdent Association to attend Council
on two consecutive Tuesday morn7
breaking business of educating
meetings, which are open, and
ings at 10 o'clock. Approximately
youths who have known the sight
states that the Council will meet
twenty interviewers are meeting sixThe wives of faculty members will of war.
Thursday, and is appreciative of any
ty freshmen at each of the two ses- sponsor two movies for the benefit
(Continued from Page 1, Column If J recommendations or suggestions.
To receive her degree she began
of the Foreign Student Fund, FriThe Costuming will be supervised
The fraternity would like to see clay, March 18. in Page Hall, ac- her studies in Seoul at Ewha UniConstitutional revisions were coma follow-up study conducted two cording to Mrs. Robert Thorstensen, versity. This was before the out- by Karol Clifford, Gertrude Stron- pleted, including provision for the
year, from now on the same class wife of Robert Thorstensen, Assoc- break of the war. The Communists ski, Juniors; Miss Coogan; Barbara set-up of Inter-Fraternity Council
tu determine how much these opin- iate Professor of English, and Chair- invaded, and she and 3,000 other Bailey '57, and Miss Gade. Furni- for next year: President, Kappa
ions change.
man of Publicity for the movies.
students ebbed with the impending by
' " 'If™
^ J ^ " 6 8 * "Theodore
\ be
f^f Beta. Vice-President, Sigma LambMiss Vimmcrsteadt,
The Chi Chapter of Kappa Phi
"Trent's Last Case", starring ttide.
erson and Barbara Hungerford da Sigma; Treasurer, Edward ElKappa was founded at State Col- Orson Welles and Michael Wilding
drcd Potter Club; and Secretary,
After the war Miss Shin was chos- Sophomores.
and a Walt Disney feature in tech- en to come to Skidmore College to
le^e in 1927.
Alph-i Pi Alpha. This system of ofnicolor, "Seal Island," will be the supplement studies in English. She
Make-Up will be applied by: fleers runs on a rotary basis.
two presentations. Refreshments will spoke no English before this; now Misses Stern and Van Orden, asirs Council be
.^ilci in the lobby during the in- her diction would make any States- sisted by Misses Monahan, Hughes,
The purposes of IFC are to foster
man envious. This, actually, is her Mueller, Schneider, and Strongin. cooperation among all fraternities,
To Present Speaker
Mrs. Robert Creegan, wife of Rob- sixtli year of college, though Skid- The Business and Publicity is being to promote amiable relations among
ert Creegan, Professor of Philosophy, more served mostly as an orienta- handled by Betty Van Vlack and the students of the college, and to
Forum announces that on Tuesday is chairman of the evening. Other
Marie Carbone, Sophomores. The establish and enforce uniform regat 8:15 p.m. in Chancellor's Hall, the committee chairmen include: Tick- ing, junior college where Miss Shin committee is comprised of: Miss illations for rushing and other fracould pick up the customs of an
Hudson Mohawk Council on World ets. Mrs. Albert Mossin. wife of Al- alien
Stronski, Reiners and Miss Stern.
ternity activities.
nation more quickly
Affairs will be addressed by Repre- bert Mossin, Associate Professor of
sentative Sterling Cole.
Commerce; Posters, Mrs. Kendall
Miss Shin is a sole child in a famCote, a Republican from New Birr, wife of Kendall Birr, Assistant i l v r n n t l i v e c l i n S e o " l up [ ° the inYork, who was former chairman of Professor of Social Studies; Arange- vasion of that area in the second
the joint Congressional committee ments, Mrs. Perry Westbrook, whose v e a l ' o I l n e war. From then on her
53-A No. Lake Ave.
mi Atomic Energy, and now a rank- husband is an Associate Professor of dwelling wa.s in a small rural vilRice Bide.
ing minority member of that com- English; and Refreshments, Mrs. J. l a " e ' A s soon as the crisis was alle\
(Near Washington Ave.)
Fine Dry Cleaning
mittee, will present as his topic Roy Newton, whose husband is a
applied for scholarship
"JIMMY"—Hair Stylist
"America's Policy on Atomic Ener- Profissor of Education and Mrs. '"ighis.
Telephone 3-9749
Edward Sargent. Jr., whose husband
And if this college and your small
During Congressman Cole's chair- is an Assistant Professor of Educa- place in it gets you down, just thmk
manship, the Eisenhower "Atoms for lion.
of Hyun Shuk Shin.
Peace" plan was launched, the Dixon-Yates Contract was approved,
and major developments in the wea• RECORDS
pon., program took place.
Admission will be free to members
Thick Creamee Frosts — Ass't Flavors
while the customary one dollar ad217
mission will pertain to non-mem15G Central Avenue
1 ITS. Advance tickets may be obPhone 6-861*
tained by contacting Charles McOpen Evenings till 0:00
Harg '5ti of the Forum Board.
Kappa Phi Kappa
Conducts Survey
IFC To Meet
Thursday In Bru
Korean Student Attends
To Teach In A Seoul
Girls In Uniform
World Affa
Dan's Uptown
Felicia's Beauty Salon
Gerald Drug Go.
Blue Note Shop
75 St«te Street
Albany, N. Y.
Corner Ontario & Benson
Dial 4-1125
College Florists for Years
Special Attention
SororiUes and Fraternities
We also serve hot chocolate, coffee and
If you like, bring your own lunch
and visit with Rocky & Sam.
475 Washington Ave.
STAT* C O t X I O K NKWt. FRIDAY. MARCH 11, 1989
t h e Commission b y Myskania. T h e
Senior n o t becoming C h a i r m a n shall
act as Secretary of the Commission.
5 and 0 r e m a i n t h e same.
(b) Duties of t h e E.C. shall b e :
1. To apply qualifying e x a m i n a tions of t h e S.A. Constitution a n d
Section 2—Remains t h e same.
4. T h e m e t h o d of selection for from t h e incoming Sophomore class, By-Laws t o all those nominated for
Section 3—Remains t h e same.
of t h e
b o t h r e c o m m e n d e d a n d suggested t h e one receiving t h e highest n u m - a n office which would place t h e m on
Section 4—
New York State College for
lists shall b e devised by Myskania. ber of votes t o serve for two years, S t u d e n t Council o r Myskania.
Teachers a t Albany
(a) t h r o u g h (d) r e m a i n s t h e
5. T h e recommended a n d s u g - t h e one receiving t h e 2nd highest
2. R e m a i n s t h e same.
gested lists shall be kept s e p a r a t e n u m b e r of votes t o serve for one
To m a k e t h e necessary rulings
R e m a i n s t h e same.
(e) To c h a r t e r all boards, commit- a n d together a n d shall contain n o year.
to execute these duties. T o submit
tees a n d associations receiving s u p - less t h a n 14 n a m e s .
( b ) T h e B o a r d S h a n h a v e for i t s
these rulings to Myskania for a p T h i s Association shall be called p o r t t h r o u g h t h e S t u d e n t Associa6. M y s k a n i a shall publish b o t h c h a i r m a n a m e m b e r of t h e faculty proval and t o disqualify candidates
t h e S t u d e n t Association of Newtion budget.
lists a t least 18 days before MUD. appointed by t h e President of t h ewho break these rules. C a n d i d a t e s
York S t a t e College for Teachers a t
1. To review and, if necessary,
7. Members of S.A. may, within College
so disqualified m a y apply to S.A.
revise t h e constitutions of all o r -7 days, a d d other
for redress.
(c) T h e duties, etc.
ganizations receiving support from which shall a p p e a r as the S.A. sugARTICLE I I
4 t h r u 7 r e m a i n the same.
1. R e m a i n s t h e same.
t h e S t u d e n t Association budget e x - gested list.
R e m a i n s t h e same.
Section 4—Impeachment.
2. To a u d i t books of all organicept Myskania.
8 a n d 9 r e m a i n the same except
Old Section 4—Minor S.A. Offices
zations, receiving money from S.A.,
All regularly enrolled u n d e r g r a d 2. R e m a i n s t h e same.
n u m b e r changes.
u a t e s of New York S t a t e College
(f) T o oversee and m a k e provi10. T h e m e m b e r s of S.A. shall, every 3 m o n t h s .
la) Any officer shall be i m p e a c h 3 t h r u 8 r e m a i n t h e same.
for T e a c h e r s a t Albany a n d a n y
sion for all intercollegiate activities. one week before MUD, vote by prefed for t h e following charges:
Budspecial s t u d e n t s of this college shall
(g) R e m a i n s t h e same.
erential ballot for t h e nominees o n
1 and 3 r e m a i n t h e same.
get a n d to s u b m i t it to S t u d e n t
become m e m b e r s of this Association
(h) To approve or veto all r e g u - t h e suggested lists.
2. Violation of t h e S.A. Constiu p o n p a y m e n t of t h e blanket fee.
lations of C a m p u s Commission a n d
11 a n d 12 r e m a i n t h e same except Council.
10. To insure t h a t all contracts tution a n d i t s By-Laws.
S t u d e n t Union Board.
n u m b e r changes.
(b) This was (a) a n d r e m a i n s
signed by organizations financed by
Principal Officers and Their D u (i) To supervise t h e work of all (b) R e m a i n s t h e same.
t h e S t u d e n t Activity fee or by class the same.
s t a n d i n g committees a s provided i n
Section 2—
<x) All i m p e a c h m e n t cases shall
t h e S t u d e n t Council Constitution.
A. R e m a i n s t h e same.
(a) T o settle disputes a t their dues shall be approved by t h e
be tried before Myskania.
B. R e m a i n s t h e same.
(j) To direct t h e following social discretion between organizations u n - Treasurer before being signed.
Section 5—Succession to Office.
(Major a n d Minor Facilities SecC. A Secretary, duties, etc.
less b o t h organizations have agreed
la) R e m a i n s t h e same.
1. a n d 2. r e m a i n t h e same.
1. All-College Reception.
to a r b i t r a t e their disputes.
ib) Whenever any S.A. or class
Section 2—Campus Commission.
3. T o a t t e n d t o all assembly a n d
2-4. R e m a i n s t h e same.
(b) t h r u (g) r e m a i n t h e same,
(a) C.C. shall be composed of n o t olfice shall become p e r m a n e n t l y
S t u d e n t Council correspondence.
(k) To m e e t once a week except
(h) T o enforce a n d revise t h e
v a c a n t tor a n y reason d u r i n g 1st
4. T o r e p o r t a vacancy on S t u d e n t when otherwise provided for by t h e Activities Classification P l a n in a c - more t h a n 21 m e m b e r s , etc.
semester, new n o m i n a t i o n s for t h a t
Council t o t h e class if one of its President.
cordance with t h e By-Laws.
Section 3—Election Commission. office shall be held within one week
representatives h a s three unexcused (1) T o appoint t h e following offi(i) a n d (j) r e m a i n the same.
There shall be a n Election Com- a n d elections shall be held accordabsences.
(k) T o appoint t h e members of
mission t o govern a l l pre-voting ing to t h e m a n n e r prescribed for
D. A T r e a s u r e r who shall b e a
1. An auditor who shall check t h e Election Commission.
originally filling t h a t office.
member of t h e Faculty or Adminis- class books.
(1) T o approve or veto all rules activities.
1. If t h e office of S.A. or class
t r a t i o n appointed by the President
2. T h e same.
a n d regulations of Election ComPresident shall become v a c a n t durcomposed
of t h e College.
3. Deleted.
ing 2nd semester, t h e duly elected
C h a i r m a n a s follows:
E. A College Songleader who shall
(m) t h r u (o) t h e same.
Section 3—
1. Two p e r m a n e n t Senior members Vice-President of S.A. or the class
be chosen by the Association from
(p) O n petition of 100 members
Decisions of Myskania, except in shall be appointed to the Commis- shall become President.
t h e incoming Sophomore, Junior or of S.A. to investigate whether t h e r e
2. If the office of Vice-President
Senior Class. T h e duty of the Song- is sufficient grounds for i m p e a c h - cases of i m p e a c h m e n t , may be a p - sion by M y s k a n i a by Moving-Up
leader shall be t o direct the singing m e n t of a n y S.A. officer a n d t opealed by petition to S.A. S.A. shall Day of the J u n i o r year to hold of- of S.A. becomes vacant during 2nd
of t h e Association.
bring about such i m p e a c h m e n t be- t h e n have t h e power to veto deci- fice as members of t h e Commission semester, Myskania shall appoint,
sions of Myskania by a 2-3's vote. for one year.
someone to fill the office.
F. A P a r l i a m e n t a r i a n who shall fore Myskania.
3. If any other S.A. or class of2. Two J u n i o r m e m b e r s shall be
be chosen from t h e Association a t
(q) T h e same.
Commissions, I m - appointed to t h e Commission by fices, become vacant during 2 n d
large by the President of the AssoARTICLE VII
p e a c h m e n t , Succession t o Office.
Myskania by M U D of their Sopho- .semester, elections shall be held a c ciation, subject to t h e approval of
Section 1—
more year, to serve until the same cording to t h e m a n n e r prescribed
Myskania. T h e duty of the P a r l i a Section 1—
1. R e m a i n s the same.
for originally filling t h a t office.
m e n t a r i a n shall be to insure t h a t
T h e r e shall be a S t u d e n t Board time one year later.
(a) 2. T h e outgoing Myskania
i d and i d ) remain the same.
Robert's Rules of Order are followed shall submit to S.A. a list of n o of Finance which shall supervise
3. One J u n i o r m e m b e r shall be
Section 6—Class Board of Finance.
by t h e Association a n d by S t u d e n t more t h a n t e n individuals recom- the expenditures of S.A. money, in- appointed in December of his J u n i o r
ia> R e m a i n s the same,
m e n d e d for membership on Mys- cluding t h e facilities fund, in a c -year by Myskania. T h i s Junior will
ib) 1. R e m a i n s one.
cordance with t h e policies estab- serve until December of his Senior
2. Remains two.
year, a n d m a y continue on t h e
Legislative D e p a r t m e n t .
3. T h e outgoing Myskania shall lished by S t u d e n t Council.
:i. Deleted.
R e m a i n s t h e same.
submit to S.A. a list of n o less t h a n
(a) T h e S B F shall b e composed Commission, ex-officio, a t t h e r e 4. R e m a i n s four.
quest of t h e Commission.
four n a m e s whom they wish to sug of t h e following m e m b e r s :
5. and 0. Deleted.
4. One of t h e Senior members
gest for consideration for member
Executive D e p a r t m e n t .
1 a n d 2 r e m a i n t h e same.
ship on Myskania.
Section 1—Remains the same.
3. Two Sophomores, to be elected shall be appointed C h a i r m a n of
I Continued
on Page 6, Column i)
Better Government Committee Submits Suggested Amendments
To Student Association Constitution For Consideration By Assembly
Loss To Harpur Ends State's Basketball Season
WAA Holds
Coed Ski Trip
Suriyy, Scufl
Next Saturday
Behind all the gloom of last S a t - for a fine performance. Lee Negus,
urday's n i n t h s t r a i g h t loss, t h e r e Wayne Harvey. B o b Bosomworth,
was a lone bright spot t h a t we're and Don Bindrim plus their fine
mighty happy to write about. T h e coach must also be congratulated on
game and dance following, p u t o na fine wrestling exhibition. Appreas a polio benefit, netted $105.00 in ciation Is likewise given to the t h r e e
contributions. For this, m a n y peo- or four members of Varsity Club
ple m u s t be thanked. First a n d fore- who sold refreshments.
most, Bob Ashfield, t h e h e a d of
Our biggest t h a n k s , however, go
APRB whose idea it was a n d who to each and every one of you loyal
directed t h e affair. T o a girl who fans who t u r n e d out and m a d e t h e
did a tremendous a m o u n t of work affair t h e success i t was.
—Pat Corcoran—all we can say is We'd like to welcome a n o t h e r
" T h a n k s a million, Corky." W i t h o u t member to our staff. H e is P a u l
her t h e benefit could have never D a m m e r w h o h a s played varsity
t u r n e d out a success. T h a n k s also soccer for Coach J o e Garcia's hootto t h e hoopsters and their m e n t o r s ers.
Joe Garbarino's 39 Overshadows
Minon's Record Tying 30 Points
Jack Minon must have been wondering just what one
has to do to be the most talked of eager after the final
buzzer had sounded in Saturday night's hoop game against
Harpur. The freshman star found himself hooping in thirty
points, tying a Page Hall mark and at the same time conceding game honors to Joe Garbarino. Joe had a mere 39.
WAA will sponsor a coed ski trip
to Bellayre o n Saturday, M a r c h 19,
a n n o u n c e s Zoe Ann Laurie, WAA
President. Bellayre, one of the n e w In the midst of t h e t w o - m a n scoring
est ski centers developed and m a i n exhibition t h e S t a t e hoopsters w e n t
tained by t h e New York Conservadown t o their n i n t h s t r a i g h t loss,
tion D e p a r t m e n t , is located i n t h e
closing their 1954-55 season w i t h a
Catskills. I t s modern
low 2-16 mark.
r u n s feature practice slopes for t h e
T h e locals pulled off to a fast 8-2
beginners a n d a chair lift t o t h e
lead on McDonald's drive, a set a n d
m a i n r u n for the experienced skiers.
Roxy Cleaners wrung State's J a y - foul by Minon and Sig S m i t h ' s d r i v vees t h r o u g h t h e wringer last S a t - ing lay-up, preceded by Nels L a Equipment Available
night, downing
-,. . , , t.h e Jayvees
Roe's successful foul shot. T h e
o c . , T.
Lunches c a n be bought a t t h e 85-71.
I t was State's last g a m e for s t a t e s m e n m a i n t a i n e d their lead
Bellayre Lodge and equipment, skis, this season.
untll 10:29 of t h e perlod w h e n
G a r .
boots a n d poles can be r e n t e d for
S a n d y Bernstein led State's attack, b a r i l l 0 k n o t t e d t h e s c o r e a t 2 3 all.
t h e day.
with 18 points.
S m i t h ' s set,—State's t e m p o r a r y lead
Conley of Roxy was high m a n for _ w a s e r a s e d b y Reynolds' j u m p a n d
Buses will leave t h e school a t
18 foul shots.
t w o o f Gabarlno's
9 a.m., providing t h a t there is good t h e evening with 26 points.
Roxy s superior height w a s t h e H a r p u r t h e n n e d t n e i e a d for 6
deciding factor in the game, a s they m i n u t e s u n t l l t h e clock showed 4:25.
New Venture
controlled t h e backboards consist- J a c l t M l n o n p u t t h r o u g h a set a n d
t w om o r e fouls t o
T h i s ski trip is a new venture. I t D
P118" s t a t e to a
T h e I n t r a m u r a l Basketball League 62-35. Swenson h i t for 20 to pace is hoped t h a t it will lead to future Roxy G a i n s Early Lead
3 7 . 3 ( i l e a d B u r n e s ' f o u i a t 2:08 gave
proceeded almost through its sec- the winners. Young and McDougall outings of this sort. Sign up sheets
S t a t e never c a u g h t u p to the early the lead back to H a r p u r a n d it was
ond round of t o u r n a m e n t play this hooped 10 apiece to lead the losers, will be posted on t h e WAA a n d Roxy lead. A t half-time they were theirs to hold for t h e rest of t h e
week. T h e champion I n t r a m u r a l The P h a n t o m s hustled to a close MAA bulletin boards. F o r further behind 44-31. I n the last half, Ron encounter.
team will be decided in a series of 40-35 win over KB. Morlock scored information contact Anne K a m m e r Graves found t h e range a n d wound H a r p u r Holds Half Lead
double elimination playoffs s t a r t i n g almost half of the P h a n t o m s ' total o r Robert Levy
Starting t h e second half o n t h e
up with 14 points, b u t it was n o t
next week.
hooping 19 points. Milnarik was
enough to close the wide Roxy lead. short end of a 42-49 score, t h e
I n a seventeen g a m e schedule t h e s t a t e s m e n rolled back to w i t h i n
Sayles defeated the Black K n i g h t s high for KB with 14. I n the finale,
Jayvees compiled a record of seven t h r e e p o i n t s o f t h e l r opponents o n
r a t h e r handily last S a t u r d a y , 61-50. the Ponies beat down a surprisingly
/t MJftSI Ai-4 t
wins and ten losses.
Denio hooped 25 to pace the victors, stubborn Hilltop squad, 42-33. HopMinon's set and a J u m p by n o n e
while the Knights depended mainly pey led t h e winners with 12, while
other t h a n J a c k again.
on double figure scoring by K a n e . the scoring was almost evenly d i Five minutes later t h e Peds s t a r t e d
2 0 4 Verhagen
3 17
During the past week it was a n - Graves
0 2 14 Conley. R.
Sanders, and Fox. VanDerzee rip- vided a m o n g the six Hilltop players.
4 10 a n o t h e r drive as S m i t h dropped i n
VI Wessels
nounced by A.M.I.A., t h a t a l l b a s - Olson
2 18 a foul. Minon followed with t w o
ped through t h e Rousers. 45-21.
:i Conuley. J.
4 26
ketball m a n a g e r s a r e to c o n t a c t Brlerly
C u n n i n g h a m led t h e dorm squad Sayles l o p s Thurlow
18 Edson
20 more and added h i s " m u c h
with 16; Bloomer a n d Klme comMlllett
set. J o e Anderson's
bined to score 19 out of the 21 Rousbrought t h e teachers to within a
er points. The APAches forfeited to
point of Harpur's 62.
is i m p o r t a n t for Sullivan
EEP to complete t h e afternoon's Latimer hooped 12 to lead Thurlow. teams.
Minon Tied Record
Da Hey
T h e cagers then played evenTate
Overton hooked in 18 on a variety
S t e p h e n until a m i n u t e and t h i r t y APA Trounces Hebels
of shots to lead the Finks. Rice was
A sign-up sheet h a s been placed
30 11 71
34 17 85 four seconds remained. Here a t e c h Monday evening .started with APA n l S ' n f o r VanDerzee with 17. I n the on t h e A.M.I.A. bulletin board for
nical was called o n G a r b a r i n o for
trouncing the Ridge Running Rebels, tightest game of the week E E P d e - all candidates interested in Indoor
fb fp t p
tb fp tp disagreeing with t h e m a n in grey.
feated SLS, 48-44 in overtime. T a g - Volleyball.
4 5 13 Meade
1 6 7 Jack Minon was allowed t o shoot
gert scored 14 to lead EEP, while
4 3 11 Sockcr
3 2 8
t h e foul and tie t h e record of 30
Rodgers a n d Miller paced S L S with
Nominations a r e n o w open for Rookwood
2 5 9 Dupcck
4 1
Potter Gains In I M
11 a n d 10 points respectively.
Softball Commissioner, w h o m u s t Mlnon
11 8 30 Qarbarlno
o is 39 points by a Statesman in Page Gym.
3 8 12 Reynolds
2 10
be a Junior. Nominations should be McDonald
3 2 8 Byone
2 12 Centia and Walker s h a r e t h e record
In a Wednesday afternoon game, placed in t h e A.M.I.A. mailbox i n Mayer
Bowling By Taking 4
0 0 0 Thomas
4 4 with Jack.
Potter trimmed t h e P h a n t o m s , 66- lower Draper.
2 2 ti Murphy
0 8
for Potter and for t h e week a s h e Election for President of A.M.I.A.
30 31 91 Totals
In t h e Downstairs Bowling Lea- scored 34 points. Morlock was once will be held this morning from 10
gue, Potter gained lour points on
Utica College
with 15 points.
t h e sole candidate.
league-leading APA, as t h e P o t toms
termen bounced SLS, 4-0. Irv Hor76
witz and John Zidik shared high
scoring honors with 510 points r e 68
New Haven
spectively, while Swierzowski s p a r k 64
beams on Tito Guglielmone, high
led with a 219 single. At the same
Gaines Fid.
R'bds. Asst. Fld.% F . % scoring forward on the P o t t e r basF.
T P . Avg.
time, t h e APA bowlers bowed to
LaRoe ...
72 ketball squad. Tito swished in a n 68
KB, 4-0, despite Al S t e p h e n s o n ' s 494
73 impressive 34 points to lead Potter
triple. Thi' big guns lor K B were
49 Club t o a 66-35 victory over t h e
Arnie Smith, who split t h e maples
51 P h a n t o m s .
lor a 472 triple, a n d R o n Reuss,
... 18
who chipped in with a 203 single.
69 State's varsity Soccer team, h a s
In t h e third Downstairs League
.... 17
56 shown himself t o be a versatile a s
bowling contest this week, Sayles71
29 well a s a n outstanding athlete. He
men Clyde Payne and Leo Legault
36 should be a key m a n in Potter's
combined with 465 and 418 triples Gibson
0 drive for t h e I n t r a m u r a l Basket63
New Paltz
in beating APAthetics, 4-0.
14 ball championship.
Apathies Hold Lead
In the Upstairs League, the pacesetting Apaehies remained on lop
506 101
by fouling t h e Rousers, 3-1, T h e
Redskins were led by Jerry Stickel's
465 triple. T h e Rousers' Bill Small
captured high honors with his 41)8
triple. Making u p a 141 - point
h a n d i c a p , second - place
Caesar was told to "Beware the Ides of March."
squeezed by Hilltop 3-1. Hilltop's
J o h n Stockbauer wa i high m a n of
The Snack Bar warns you to beware the winds
Hie contest with a 116 triple. Van
of March—
Derzee lopped Sayles Hall, 3-1. J o h n
Kloberdan/, of Van Derzee nosed
Lest they keep you from its food and friendliness.
out Sayles' Roger Allen tor lop
scoring honors with a 465 triple.
JV's End Year
With 85-71 Loss
Intramural Basketball Tournament
Advances Toward Fin a I Playoffs
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Music Council's Spring Concert
Features Emmons A n d McGrath
Music Council will present a c o n cert M a r c h 25 featuring Shirlee E m mons, S o p r a n o a n d William M c G r a t h , Tenor, with t h e second half
of t h e p r o g r a m devoted to t h e stage
version of t h e Wolf F e r r a r i opera,
" T h e Secret of Suzanne", in English,
a n n o u n c e s K a t h r y n J o h n s t o n '55,
T h e p r o g r a m will consist of duets
a n d solos by t h e guest artists. T h e
duets will be "Ma qual m a i s'offre"
from Act I of " D o n G i o v a n n i " by
Mozart, a n d "Vicino a te s'acquesta"
from Act IV of "Andrea Chenier" by
Dramatics Class
Stages Readings
T h e Advanced D r a m a t i c s Class
Will present "Evening Readings in
L i t e r a t u r e " Tuesday a t 8 p.m. in
D r a p e r 34D. T h e r e is no admission
T h e first p a r t will be presented by
t h e following players: Helen Motyka
'55, Patricia K i p a n d Linda Niles,
Juniors, Donald Howard '57.
•In ' t h e second presentation t h e
•part of Electra will be played by
J e a n Morris; Orestes by J. R u b e n
G a r c i a ; Leader, Nancy Evans, S e n iors; Old M a n , J a c k Jacobus, G r a d ;
Messenger, T h o m a s S m i t h ; a n d
Clytemestra, Nancy Lighthall, J u n iors,
T h e chorus for t h e second p a r t
consists,'.of: Marie Devine, Helen
Stubbs, G e r t r u d e Stonski, T h e r e s a
C a r d a m o n e , J o a n Ginsburg, J u n iors; Susan Hoogkamp '55, P a u l a
Seigcl a n d A d r i a n a Bosna, S o p h omores a n d Marjorie Schwartz '58.
T h e prologue was written by
Nancy Evans a n d t h e chorus was
trained by Helene Golda, Seniors.
Giordano, Mis E m m o n s will sing
"Vissi d ' a r t e " from "Tosca" by P u c cini a n d "Leise, leise" from "Die
Freischutz" by Von Weber.
M c G r a t h will sing "Sco rldente i n
clelo" from Act I of "II Barbiere di
Siviglia" by Rossini a n d "Rachel,
quand du Seigneur" from Act IV
of "La J u i v e " by Halevy.
T h e opera, " T h e Secret of Suza n n e " will feature M c G r a t h
Count Gil, E m m o n s as Suzanne, his
wife, a n d Donald Duclos, G r a d , a s
Sanfce, t h e servant.
Miss E m m o n s h a s sung t w e n t y eight concerts in Brazil last s u m mer. She h a s also m a d e R C A Victor
and Concert Hall recordings. S h e
has also h a d a solo a p p e a r a n c e in
Carnegie Hall. E m m o n s h a s been
soloist u n d e r Toscannini a n d with
t h e Chicago, P i t t s b u r g h , Buffalo,
C h a t t a n o o g a , Albany a n d TJtica
He h a s also traveled extensively
throughout Europe, giving opera
performances in Geneva, concerts in
Paris and Rome a n d tours of G e r m a n y a n d Austria.
POtiHf 0<m 1U Ctckaivp
T h e Fordham R a m h a s m a d e a
serious study of t h e tastes of t h e
modern girl a n d h a s reached t h e
conclusion t h a t In order to satisfy,
t h e ideal m a n should: (1) Have a
car, (2) Be a pleasant conversationalist, (3) H a v e a car, (4) Be congenial, (5) Have a car, (6) Be a good
listener, (7) Have a car. Nos. 2, 4,
and 6 m a y be omitted If t h e c a r h a s
a radio.
| Religious Club
noting t h e instructions given t o t h e
United Nations Economic a n d S o cial Council to promote its use. I t
points out t h a t 80% of t h e Espera n t o vocabulary is derived from t h e
Romance, 16% from G e r m a n a n d
4% from Slav. Considering t h e fact
t h a t t h e r e a r e only 16 g r a m m a t i c a l
rules with no exceptions, why n o t
try your h a n d a t deciphering t h e
following excerpt written in Esperanto:
T h e Keystone J u n i o r College p u b Intelligenta persono lernas r a lication featured this sweet ode:
pide la i n t e r n a c i a n lingvon E s peranto. E s p e r a n t o estas la m o d Last night I held a little h a n d ,
erna, kulture lingvo por la t u t a
So d a i n t y a n d so sweet.
mondo kaj la praktika solvo de la
I t h o u g h t m y h e a r t would surely
lingva problemo..
you agree?
So wildly did it beat.
No o t h e r h a n d in all t h e world,
Can greater solace bring.
J u s t a reminder t h a t all exchange
T h a n t h e pretty h a n d I held last papers are stored o n a shelf behind
t h e m a g a z i n e rack in t h e u p p e r
level of t h e college library. They a r e
Four aces a n d a king.
availabble for a t least two weeks
T h e McGill Daily featured a n after we receive t h e m , so why n o t
editorial some time ago on Esper- take a look some day a n d see w h a t
anto, t h e i n t e r n a t i o n a l language, makes news on o t h e r campuses.
• » •
from Page 1, Column
All-College Revue To Enliven Scene In Page Hall
With "Happytown U S A " Presentation Tomorrow
Peds To Enter
Hearst Oratory
Tourney April 19
Any u n d e r g r a d u a t e of S t a t e , w h o
will not have reached t h e age of
26 by May 19, 1955, is eligible to
participate in t h e H e a r s t Newspapers' T o u r n a m e n t
of Orators.
The Stale College News Board is
sponsoring a local contest
which ;i winner will be picked for
the preliminaries a t Albany Law
School, which will lead into t h e
district semi-finals.
One s t u d e n t will be chosen in this
State, competition to be held in
Draper ."49, Tuesday, April 19, a t
4 p.m. The News, as sponsors, will
choose t h e judges for t h e preliminary event.
Speeches m u s t be original, a n d
limited to six minutes, w i t h o u t reference to notes. Quoted passages
may not exceed o n e - t h i r d of t h e
text. Microphones will not be e m ployed.
T h e Capital District T o u r n a m e n t
will be r.eld at Albany Law School.
Those schools p a r t i c i p a t i n g in this
district will be: University of Vermont, Williams College, Utica College, College of S a i n t Rose. R e n s selaer Polytechnic I n s t i t u t e , Union
College, Saint Bernadine of Siena
College, and S t a t e .
Skit Unites Talent O f A l l Classes
W i t h Student-Directed M u s i c a l e
LV \
i y\
Pictured above is a rehearsal scene from t h e All-College Revue
Faculty Wives Invite Students
To See Benefit Movie
S t u d e n t s interested in p a r t i c i p a t ing in the t o u r n a m e n t m a y enter
by contacting Alleen C o c h r a n e '56,
Tonight in Page Hall, t h e wives
Editor of t h e weekly paper, in person or via S t u d e n t Mail. Members of faculty members will sponsor two
of the newspaper staff a n d Board, movies: " T r e n t ' s Last Case" a n d
and past n a t i o n a l winners of t h e "Seal Island." states Mrs. Robert
Hearst T o u r n a m e n t , and t h e i m m e diate relatives of Hearst employees
are ineligible.
Amendments . . .
(Continued from Page ) , , Column 5)
7. Becomes t h e new number 3.
ic) i. R e m a i n s t h e same.
1. T h e second sentence is d e leted.
. Veto—Remains t h e same.
A m e n d m e n t — R e m a i n s the same.
Section 1—Elections.
ia) and (b) r e m a i n t h e same.
tci All elections for officers on
S t u d e n t Council shall be held in
S.A. meeting. O t h e r elections may
be held a t t h e discretion of Myskania.
(di t h r u ill remain the same.
igi Absentee voting time changed
to 9:03 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
(h) 1. Members of the S.A. who
do not have assigned seats in t h e
assembly at t h e time of t h e elections.
,2, 3, 4 are t h e old 1, 2, 3.
tit "in open m e e t i n g " is deleted.
Section 2 — Activities Classification Plan.
<b> Myskania shall determine the
category under which offices shall
be classified.
Section 3—Finances.
i a) Remains t h e same.
ibi T h e word or for "and".
ICI All g r a d u a t e students are to
pay a blanket fee, t h e a m o u n t to
be determined yearly, t h a t covers
in those
open to g r a d u a t e students, the
a m o u n t to be deeided by the a d ministration and S.A.
id) No board shall contract debts
the sum total of which exceeds t h e
a m o u n t of its appropriation for t h e
fiscal year without t h e approval of
S t u d e n t Board of Finance.
lei Financial Motions.
1. All motions proposed in S.A.
meeting providing for the expenditure of S.A. funds shall be tabled
for one week after proposal before
discussion a n d voting.
2. I n case of an emergency, this
procedure may be waived upon t h e
approval of t h e S B F In a meeting.
T h e motion m u s t then be carried
by 2/3 of t h e S.A. voting.
3. R e m a i n s t h e .same.
Section 4—Petitions,
ia) R e m a i n s t h e same.
(b; Delete "in open meeting."
t o t h r u (gt r e m a i n s the same.
Section 5—Arbitration.
ident. T h u r s d a y m o r n i n g , C a n t e r bury Club will sponsor a Corporate
C o m m u n i o n a t St. Andrew's Church,
to be followed by a C o m m u n i o n
Breakfast. T r a n s p o r t a t i o n will be
provided for s t u d e n t s w h o have 8
a.m. classes, a n n o u n c e s Small.
An a r e a rally, consisting of m e m bers of IVCF groups on t h e c a m p uses of schools within t h e area h a v e
been slated for 7:30 p.m. t o m o r row evening a t B r u b a c h e r Hall. T h e
following colleges a r e sending r e p resentatives to t h e rally: Union,
RPI, Russell Sage, Skidmore a n d
nurses from s u r r o u n d i n g hospitals.
Reverend Maurice Murphy will b e
t h e guest speaker.
T h u r s d a y evening a t 7:30 p.m. i n
B r u b a c h e r Hall, Lee C h e s t n u t will
speak on " T h e Atom Speaks a n d
Echos t h e Word of God." C h e s t n u t ,
known a s "one of t h e geniuses of
G e n e r a l Electric", will t r y to connect t h e atomic theory with t h e
Creation of t h e World a n d t h e B i ble, s t a t e s A n n K a m m e r '56, P r e s i dent. P r a y e r meetings will be held
in school a t 12 n o o n in R o o m 301,
Monday, Wednesday, Friday a n d i n
Room 300 on Tuesday a n d T h u r s d a y .
News Board
Lists Promotions
This year's All-College Revue will be presented tomorrow night at 8 p.m. in Page Auditorium, states John
Reiners '57, Publicity Director. The title of the production,
written by Joyce Shelton '56 and James Lockhart '57, is
"Happytown, U. S, A." J. Ruben Garcia '55 is the director
of the revue which is an attempt to unite the talent of
all the classes.
The plot of the show is a feud between the two leading
characters: Priscilla Prim, portrayed by Mary Ann Johnpoll '55 and Don Juan, played by Alan Weiner '56. Others
in the cast include: Arlene Yanks '55, Anatasia Drip; William Small '56, William Prim; Marie
Dramatics Class
Presents Plays
Tlie Advanced Dramatics Class
will present its first set of plays
Tuesday at 8 p.m. in Draper 349 r e ports J o a n Ginsberg '56, Publicity
T h e first play, G a r c i a
Lorca's "Blood Wedding", will be t h e
tragic story of an unconsummated
marriage among the Castillian people.
Thorstensen, wife of Robert T h o r stensen, Associate Professor of English, a n d C h a i r m a n of Publicity for
the presentations. T h e films will
s t a r t at 8 p.m. Admission to t h e
movies will be $.50, with the p r o ceeds going to the Foreign S t u d e n t
T h e blood a n d death feud conFund.
cerns itself with a mother's distrust
"Trent's Last Case," stars Orson 0 f her murderer son's bride a n d
Welles and Michael Wilding a n d climaxes on t h e wedding clay.
'Seal I s l a n d " is a Wall. Disney feature in technicolor. Refreshments
T h e following are in the c a s t :
will be 'old by t h e faculty in t h e Mother, J o a n Ginsberg; Death, Vera
lobby d u r i n g t h e intermission in F r e u n d ;
order to raise further money.
Strite, J u n i o r s ; Groom, Dave B e n Mrs. Robert Crcegan, wife of R o b - nett;
Sewart, Nancy
ert Creegan, Professor of Philoso- Leonardo's wife, Paula Segal; Bride's
phy, is C h a i r m a n of the evening. F a t h e r , Morton Hess, Sophomores;
O t h e r Committee C h a i r m a n include: Bride, Mary Margaret Jones; Moon,
Tickets, Mrs. Albert Mossin, wife Bob Boynton; Leonardo, Norman
ot Albert Mossin, Associate Profes- Chancer, freshmen,
sor of Commerce; Posters, Mrs. K e n dall Birr, wife of Kendall Birr, AsT h e evening will continue with a
sisiant Professor of Social Studies; group of scenes from "Desire Under
A r r a n g e m e n t s , Mrs. Perry West- T h e Elms," by Eugene O'Neill. T h i s
brook, whose husband is Associate play, directed by Marilyn Dinardo
Professor of English; and Refresh- '55, is set on a work-worn farm in
ments, Mrs. J. Roy Newton, whose the Mid-west,
h u s b a n d is Professor of Education,
and Mrs. Edward Sargent, Jr., whose
In this play an old man's family
h u s b a n d is Assistant Professor of problems arc urged on by a bitter
yearning for love and fertile land.
All profit will go to the Foreign T h e cast includes the following:
S t u d e n t Fund. This tund brings a Eben, T h o m a s Smith '56; Abbie,
deserving s t u d e n t to State each Carol Wegolowiske; Ephralm, J o h n
year to further his education.
Benton, Sophomores.
Devine, Prunella Prim; M a t t h e w
McMahon, Marty, J u n i o r s ; T h e o dore Peterson, Peter t h e Peddler;
Richard Erbacher, Sophomores, a n d
Sylvia Doody '56, newlyweds.
Tickets for t h e All-College Revue
a r e on sale in t h e peristyle between
Husted and Draper. They cost $.75.
Money to finance t h e Revue was
borrowed from surplus. This $350
m u s t be repaid a n d a profit m a d e
to finance next year's production.
Co-ordinator of t h e Musicale is
David Kendig '57 and Salvatore
Zaccaro '58 is Choreographer. O t h e r
committees include: Sets: J u d y Vimmerstedt '56 and Michael Maxian
'57, Co-chairman, Ruth F a i r b u r n
'55, Robert Burns, Mary Furner,
Richard Feldman, Richard Beaudin,
Barbara B a u m , Marilyn DeSanta,
Sophomores; Eileen Lalley, David
Blum, Patricia Augustitis, Patricia
Corcoran, Marilyn Leach, Marlene
Cosier, Susan Fusco, Helen Betner,
Pafan, C h a i r m a n , B a r b a r a M u r nane, Sylvia Doody, Juniors: Sheila
Lister, Ann Kundratis, G e r t r u d e
on Page S, Column 1J
In their regular bi-monthly meeting, t h e State College News Board
voted to promote twelve people to
positions on t h e staff, approved t h e
contract for next year and m a d e
plans for a Board meeting and s p a ghetti dinner to be held this S u n day, reports Aileen Cochrane '56,
Promoted to the position of Cub
Reporter on t h e News Editorial staff
were the following: J e a n e t t e Pietr a n n t o n i , Arlene Murphy, Michael
Strack ';>7. Promoted to Desk Editor
on the Sports staff was Joseph
Every student in the college is askPurcell '57, while Gerald Birr '58
ed to complete a form as to their
was promoted to Cub Reporter.
preference of residence for next
Mary Ann S c h l o t t h a u b e r a n d R i t a
year. T h e form requires all students
Interviews for counselors to Men's Lombogiia, Sophomores, were m a d e
except those who plan to live a t a
W o m e n ' s Busines-Advertising Managers a n d
sorority or a fraternity house to
F r e s h m a n C a m p will begin this Carol A n n Bell '57, Carol Edwards,
s t a t e three dorm preferences. T h e
Monday and c o n t i n u e next Friday, and Marie Betros, freshmen, a r e
forms must be completed a n d r e announces Samuel K r c h n i a k a n d the new Assistant Business-Adverturned to the S t u d e n t Personnel
Elaine Swartout, Juniors, Directors tising M a n a g e r s . Appointed to t h e
Office by Friday, April 1.
position of Assistant Circulation
of t h e respective camps.
All commuters should pick up a
Appointments for interviews for Manager was Joyce Meyerman '58.
form in t h e S t u d e n t Personnel OfT h e contract with t h e Record
both groups may be made by signfice on Monday. S t u d e n t s living in
ing up on t h e bulletin board out- Printing and Publishing Co., Inc.,
dorms or sorority a n d fraternity
side Draper 111, across from t h e t h e publishers of the News, was read
houses will be given a form a t t h e
Student Personnel Office,
I n t e r - and approved by t h e Board.
dorms, states Ellen C. Stokes,
views will take place in t h e S t u Plans were then discussed for
dent Personnel Office.
t h e Board meeting to be held this
A soprano and tenor, both of in- privilege of standing upon the stage Dean of Women, and David Hartley,
Dean of Men.
Women F r e s h m a n C a m p Coun- Sunday at 6:30 p.m. with a s p a - t e r n a t i o n a l repute, have been select- platiorms of Carnegie Hall in New
It Is hoped t h a t dorm assignments
selors are chosen from all three ghetti dinner before the meeting. ed by Music Council to comprise York and on many in the great
will t e ready before school closes in
classes and t h e r e is no prerequisite C h a i r m a n ofr the dinner is Esther the program for this year's Spring cities of S o u t h America.
', )6,
Relations highlight. Shirlee Emmons and Wilattendance at camp for a n y o n e Goldstein
T h e name Toscaninl can immed- J u n e . A room deposit of $20.00, payliam M c G r a t h will venture into their
wishing to be a counselor, because Editor.
iately be associated with that of able at the time assignment to hails
performance at 8:30 p.m. on Friday,
of the largeness of next year's freshM c G r a t h . He has been soloist u n - is made, is required of all those who
March 25, in Page.
man class there is a definite need
der t h e former. His tours have taken wish to ive in the residence halls.
lor people to try out if t h e respecTheir brilliant artistry will in- him to the concert stages of t h e
tive camps are to be a success.
clude operatic solos and duets; the Continent; his accompanists have
nge Students second s e g m e n t of t h e program will been the large symphony orchestras
List Names
The c;imps will be held S e p t e m ber Hi, 17. Ill, thi' weekend prior
S t u d e n t Council Is sponsoring an
For June Degrees
to regis!ration.
open forum Tuesday night at 8 p.m. opera, " T h e Secret of Suzanne",
Those devotees to operas and arias
wrote, and
a t Brubacher in t h e Upper Lounge. which
S t u d e n t s expecting to complete
will Unci this a sincerely refreshing
T h e open discussion will be conduct- whi'li will he presented in English, evening of e n t e r t a i n m e n t .
either their bachelor's or muster's
ed by the five exchange students iThis is in English so that the audience needn't bear the burden of
It should be noted here, also, t h a t degree requirements by the end of
Tlie Assembly agenda for today's who weal to Buffalo State Teach- currying
seats will be reserved, and t h a t the present semester, May, are r e meeting will be as follows: Tapping ers College two weeks ago.
tion books I.
e n t Tux Cards will be honored. quested to list I heir names on t h e
They will compare and answer
of the New Myskania
sheet on the bulletin board next
T h e celebrities will be ushered to the Registrar's Office in Draper
T h e only other participants t h a t
presentation of Primer motion; Ath- questions on such Important issues
letic Association Report;
Better as .'iiident-liu'ulty relations, food will be visible to the audience will into t h e Brubacher Lounge after t h e Hall.
Government C o m m i t t e e : discussion and housing, a new swimming pool be l h e accompanying pianist, S t a n - completion of the evening, a n d
Students are reminded to Indion proposed a m e n d m e n t s to t h e and a gym a n d many other facts ley a o n n t a g , and Donald Duclos, Statesmen will be Intimately r e - cate the way m which they wish
S.A. Constitution; A n n o u n c e m e n t s t h a t the exchange students were Grad., who will assume the rule of ceived by t h e duo who have made to have their names on their dipthemselves world-renowned. This ex- loma and what degree they will obfrom the floor and from t h e chair. able lo observe on their trip to the a seivant in the little opera work.
As lor the backgrounds of Miss perience alone should be a stimulat- tain notifies Ruth Lape, Registrar,
Alter next week's Assembly I he other Teachers College. Coffee will
Emmons and Mr. M c G r a t h : Em- ing and exciting venture. So don Miss Lape wishes this task to be
meeting will be held in Draper 340, be served after t h e forum.
All faculty, students and adminis- mons has made a good many plat- your high h a t s and tuxedos, put on completed as soon us possible since
Auditorium, because ol the fact t h a t
your best m a n n e r s , and talk with it will alleviate t h e rush a n d burPage Hall will bo unavailable after t r a t o r s are invited unci urged to ters lor the nation's leading record
the s l u r s on t h e 25th.
den a t uho end of t h e semester,
March 20.
Directors Request
Camp Counsellors
SPO Distrib utes
Housing Forms
Emmons, McGrath To Headline
Lively M u s i c Council Program
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