STATE COLLEOt NEWS. FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 2 6 . 1 0 9 2 PAGE • Paris, Italy, Capri Afford Senior Greeks Schedule Frosh W e i come Excitement Sights, Knowledge Myskania Lists Frosh Restraints '53/54 Name Equal Number To Deans List (Continued from Page 4, Column 1) The penalties for violations of traditions are as follows' Pirst offense: Warning from Mvskania. Second offense: Warning from Myskania and publication of violators' name in the State College News. Third offense: Public apology before Student Association, (Continued from Page 3, Column t) .._ - a —,,.,——jajjgiaaasgs; • Miirie floffinun, Marltin Horn, Koslyn .lafcobfl, PMBCIINI Tones, Domi Knplnn, Junta Keek, Jeanne KltitJ, Muilolun KiuitTzi-r, I.itii Kriimluil/., Murguri't lii-oiiiiril, .IOHI-UII Lorn Im nil, Lloyd Limp, Kutli Loveuice, Ami MeDougftll, Barbara Mi'iiuosui, Ofiiee Myer, Wllmonte NUMII, MurtlM Xevlesscr, Barbara Neweomlio, Tiiin Nlcas'tro, Helen Onborne, J run U»boriio, Joseph rnsquurelln, Bertha PU'IKT, MnrU< Pruelilln, Dtiniel HobIIIMOII, Winter Si-liiiclli-r, lOilna Slierbor, ltiibi'i't Si.iHim, Jiirtlliif Skiifl', Franklin Sitiltli, .lattice Smltii. Tlti>ii!iiH Soule, .Uiliii Siifiinril, Vlriflniii Sfoinmol, Donalil Stint1, Juan Stoeker, Ann Stiirgcs, (Continued from Page 3, Column 1> Hubert Tuber, liitiiOii Taylor, Peter Teller, BlfrleUii 1'lilebe, Joyce Turner, filed, with all supporting docuGt.bert WuUlnmn, t'nrol Wnmlerusse, ments, not later than October 15, Mary Webster, Piltrlcln Wilkcrsoii, Dick 1952. Wooil, Miiryiimie Zllin ami Mclene KlniDr. Shaw also advises that the mernvan ami Miirinn Howard. Pulbright Program for foreign study CitiNN of IVOil: Niiol Aivit/.. Rose has now been broadened to include Seniors and lliTt.srh, Mitrllyii Itniilillii'til, PaillillU Western Germany. carl, JliiUeJne Clilnl, Ella Curtis, Bil- graduate students desirous of studyward Flebko, Helena Gohla, Charlotte ing either in this area or in other (iiminiiin, Audrey llwicock, .Maty King, countries covered by the Pulbright Kiiiinlii Lackey, Walter Lawder, Nancy LlUhthali., Virginia Nnrmnu. Tonl Pack- Program are urged to see Dr. Shaw, er, Luulla ptncek, Ann Kearilun, Wii- in Draper 339 at once in order that lard A. Rellz, Frances Slialr, Patricia the deadline for filing applications Theobald, Ann Tolioy, Bllnabetli Whit- may be met. tle, Anna IVIMIB anil Mary lima. Fulgright To Include German Universities Jeans, sandals, and sloppy shirts, with beards and long hair and their easels under their arms—or painting on the Seine near ancient Notre Dame Cathedral—or leisurely chatting in one of the innumerable cafes. "Paris is the most beautiful city I've ever seen." says Jean. "Without knowing a soul, a person can still have a good time because there is so much to see and do. It gets into your blood." Jean also spent Christmas vacation in Spain and three weeks at Easter time at the Riviera, Italy and Capri. Salt tears flooded the Atlantic Ocean on September 7 of last year, as parents and friends wished the 62 students sailing for Prance on the R.M.S. Moritania a "Bon Voyage." Among those students Jean Simon, who, after studying for two years at State, was taking advantage of an opportunity Sweet Briar College, Virginia, offers students of French to spend their Junior year studying at Prance. Dr. M. Annette Dobbin, on a leave of absence from State, also took the trip as Assistant Director of the group. After landing at Le Havre, the entire group went on to Tours for six weeks of intensified study, and then were split into small groups for the remainder of their stay. With a schedule that included three 1 p.m classes a week, one 10:30 a day, and one 2 p. m. a month, Jean had plenty of time for sightseeing. Living with a French family in Montparnasse also afforded Jean an opportunity to really get to know the French people. Montparnasse is the "artists' quarter" of Paris, and Jean describes the neo-Millet's hurrying through the streets in blue Council Will Air Civil Rights Issue (Continued from Page 1, Column l) mere academic interest. Every phase of our culture is effected by it. Tryout schedules for the coming debaters will be announced at this meeting, according to Miss Leonard. Refreshments will also be served at the end of this important meeting. iContinued from Page 1, Column 3) Chi Sigma Theta at 7 p.m., Kappa Delta at 8 p. m., and continue on to the Alpha Epsilon Phi house. Refreshments will be served at the houses. The other sororities will welcome the newcomers to open houses on Friday, October 3. Potter Club has selected Willis Bosch '55, as their new club historian. Monday evening they elected the following officers for the school year: President, Harold Smith 'oS, Vice-President, Peter McManus '54: Treasurer, Gary LaGrange '53 Kappa Beta liouse has elected the following officers: Douglas Nielsen '53, President; Konrad Maier '54, Vice-President; Kenneth Schoonmaker '54, Secretary; Ronald Reuss '54. Treasurer. A Sophomore pledge, David Howard, has been made an official member of Kappa Beta 'fraternity. The KB men have moved back into their house at 203 Ontario Street after a temporary absence during the summer. CHESTERFIELD FIRST PREMIUM QUALITY CIGARETTE TO OFFER BOTH REGULAR & KING-SIZE BOTH r e g u l a r and king-size Chesterfields are premium quality cigarettes and come in the smart white pack. BOTH contain only those proven ingredients that make Chesterfields the best possible smoke: the world's best tobaccos, pure, more costly moistening agents (to keep them tasty and fresh), the best cigarette paper that money can buy-nothing else. BOTH are much milder with an extraordinarily good taste and, from the report of a well-known research organization - no unpleasant after-taste. CONTAINS TOBACCOS O F l BETTER QUALITY AND HIGHER PRICE THAN ANY OTHER j K^ KING-SIZE C I G A R E T T E ^ ASK YOUR DEALER FOR CHESTERFIELD -EITHER WAY YOU LIKE 'EM lijfti '• 0)3 ; V;< •• m W # II m m I Ml § If B O T H are exactly the same in all respects. There is absolutely no difference except that king-size Chesterfield is larger —contains considerably more of the same tobaccos — enough more to give you a 2 1 % longer smoke, yet costs very little more. ft) m f U 6 & E T T » MYERS TOBACCO CO. LARGEST SELLING CIGARETTE in AMERICA'S COLLEGES • • • " " • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ^ -"T ' Buy CHESTERFIELD.Mvcft Ali7<fcr Jg II II State College Ne¥$ $y ' I II II Z-457 ALBANY, N E W YORK, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1 9 5 2 SION-UI* FOR ^>ACTIVITIE8 VOL. XXXVII NO. 3 Freshmen To Sign Up For Various Organizations In Commons During Traditional Activities Day S A T o uiscuss Big-4 Motions; Nominate ICA liUf-4 Features Include Soccer Contest, Sing, Soph Skit OfUHiOHGiAe Are you in favor o replacing Big-4's with an All-College Revue? Robert Inglis '55—No I I think that for a large part it is too much for a person to handle and it is necessary to have one person in charge in order to avoid split leadership. Patricia Byrne '54—I don't feel that an All-College Revue will bring Saturday is the scene of traditionout the more obscure talent in various classes but I would rather have a al Activities Day. athleen Oberst Reconsideration on the Big Four revue than a poorly put on Big-4. '54, chairman of the event, has anwill head the during today's „ , agenda , _, Kathleen Obcrst '54—1 was definitely noL in favor of an All-College nounced the schedule for the entire assembly. Wednesday evening Stu- R e v u e l a s t y e a r | b u t x t h i n k t h c entertainment provided at the Allday and the activities which are to dent Council discussed Plans for Co H e ge Reception showed what could be done. However. I feel that take place. Campus Day, and All State Day o n l y ., s m a l l g l . o u p w o u i d have the opportunity to participate in an AllAll organisations of State College which will be held Sunday, Octo- college Revue. b e r 19, will participate in the program. The Morris Hamlin '55—No! I am not in favor of replacement, but I clubs will decorate their booths beThe rest cf the agenda includes believe it is possible to have both. Have a shorter Big-4, then apparent tween 9-10:30 a.m. At 10:30 a.m. Inter-Collegiate Association nomln- talent could be used in Revue. This would give undeivlassmen n chance, everyone who is interested in either ations, nominations for Who's Who, Rudy DeSantolo '53—1 am not In favor of replacing Big-4'-, with an the extra-curricular organizations and announcements by activity All-College Revue or an All-College Revue with the Big-4. I think the or the departmental clubs should heads. Student Council President two can and should exist simultaneously. After all, almost every college come to the old Cafeteria. There John Lannon '52, reminded students 0 r university of any note has both school and class presentations. Why they will up for the different that assembly is still compulsory, must State be unique and deny its students these! organizations. TliLs part of the proAttendance will be supervised by George Hathaway '54—Yes! I am in tavor of an All-College Revu? gram will last until 12:30 p.m. Campus Commission. The assembly because we have seen the poor quality and results of past Big-4 efforts, seating arrangement will be posted We could have a greater utilization of ability with the talents of the '5G To Rcc.ivc Banner on the Student Association bulletin whole student body. The frosh have a chance to show their talent on The banner of 1956 will be preActivities Day and would have an equal chance In the Revue. The proboard. sented to the freshman class at KATHLEEN OBERST '54 duction would not place any more strain on the director than Big-4's. 12:30 p.m. At this time also the SA To Discuss Big 4's Junior banner will be hung up. The Student discussion on Big 4 elim- Freshmen who felt they were missing a chance in the Revue would cerhave the advantage over future frosh when they were upperclassscene of the banner activities will ination and the substitution of an tainly The chance of Blg-4's and an All-College Revue existing simultake place in the new Commons, All-State Revue will center about a men. taneously is improbable due to the already crowded social calendar and formerly Richardson Lounge. proposal by David Manly '52, on Oc- the extensive extra-curricular program we now have. tober 10, 1951. The proposal states, Varsity Meets Queens Nadine Watson '55—Speaking entirely on personal opnion, I do not ' T h a t the freshman and Sophomore At '. p.m. there will be a Varsity believe that an All-College Revue will ever replace Big-4 and therefore Big 4 production be discarded in soccer game. State will play Queen's f firmly hope that '56 will have an opportunity to enjoy the benefits favor of an All-State Revue; try- thereof. We can never have enough workers on a Big-4 and those who are College on Beverwick Field. on t.s for all phases of such a produc- enthusiastic and class spirited should not be denied the opportunity. An .Soph's Enact Skit tion to be open to all members of All-College Revue would be n popularity poll, a combination of nil the After the soccer game, there will Student Association of New York wheels. Let's not let State go "arty." Bring back Big-4's. A faculty tea, an open house, and be n period of rest until the SophoState College for Teachers; the preKaren Prindle '54—I'm in favor of Biy-4's for getting experience. An a date part;, are the sorority activ- more Skit. The curtain opens at 7:30 liminary steps in Lhe organization All-College Revue would be put on by the people already established in ities .scheduled for I his week end. p.m. in the auditorium of Page Hall. of such a production to be handled dramatics whereas the Big-4's encourage newcomers, in fact exclude the Potter Club has elected some new The :;kit, which is about an open by a committee composed cf the upperclassmen. officers. house at one of the local men's lour class presidents, the president John Orscr '55—As much as I think Big-4 did a lot to get the class of Student Association, the presi- together, The Inter-Sorority open house dormitories and a froshwoman's reI am in favor of trying an All-College Production to see what dent of D&A, and the president of it con do for school unity. Then and only then can we decide what i- M-hedule lor tonight is as follows: ad ion to it, Is under the co-direcMusic Council. All proceeds from best. Beginning at 7 p.m., frosh women tion of Nan MacEvoy and Prances such a production to be used by Stuwith names A-E go consecutively Vervnn, Sophomores. The story was Frank LaTruglio '55—When I came to State last year as a transfer dent Facilities Beard for such Col- student, to Gamma Kappa, Phi Delta, Psi written by Evelyn Ruben '55, and I found that working on the Big-4 helped me to make friends lege Union facilities as arc deemed and get to know better the lriends I had. Therclore I am in tavor an.I Gumma, ami Beta Zeta; those with the cast consists of John Orser, F-L, Phi Delta, Psi Gamma, BZ. I Continued on Page 6, Column 1) necessary and/or appropriate for the i u ) p e for their return and Gamma Kappa; those with Union by the Student Facilities Mary Ann Johnpoll '55—I am most certainly not in favor of replacBoard." ing Big 4's with an All-College Revue. Considering the spirit which ex- tvl-R, Psi Gamma, BZ, Gamma ists at State, an attempt to present an All-College Revue would result in Kappa, and Phi Delta; and those Forum To Conduct Poll with S-Z, BZ, Gamma Kappa, Phi Forum is conducting a Soapbox everyone making pretty much of a spectacle of himself. Big-4's are the Delta and Psi Gamma. poll to find out the student body's place where fresh talent is developed, friends are made and a good time choice of the Presidential candi- is had by nil. Sure, they're a lot of work, but you can see the results of Gamma Kappa Phi is holding u dates. Plans lor Campus Day have your efforts. It's the people who didn't bother to come and work for tea for faculty members Sunday The Class of 1953 has scheduled been made. Marvin C'hernoff '54, them who were the quickest, lo vote Big-4's down. If they wouldn't work at'le:"i"?n Irom' ;. to 5 p. m., states a sing rehearsal for today at noon has been designated chairman. Ross lor their own class, I don't think they'd be loo quick to work on an Patricia Wilkcrsoii '53, President. in Pape Auditorium, announces JoHark '50, is the Campus Day Skit All-College Revue. Two new members were pledged seph L..niburdl, President, The songs I'uliiiina I'alahrese '54—An All-College Revui would help unite the Diiector. Skits will be presented bv the freshman and the Sophomore school. It would also give the talented Juniors and Seniors a chance to bv Kappa Delta Monday nigh', to be sung Activities Day will be They are Joyce Leonard '53, and practiced nt that time. classes beginning at 7:30 p. in. in participate in rah! rah! State Activities. At a class meeting yesterday, the Thomas Dixon '55—I favor the return of liig-4's but the return of Evangeline Burns '55. Kappa Delta Page auditorium. will entertain Statesmen at an open Junior class discussed starting a Student Council has released the these frosh and Soph productions should not rule out the possibility of buns' tonhhl, from 8:30 to 12 p.m., ^hisfi newspaper and a summer names of the people on the fresh- nn All-College Revue. Most, colleges have nn All-Cllege Revue unci they slates Elizabeth Pintt. '53. President newsletter, A committee for class man banner committee. The com- seem very .successful. So why doesn't Slate try lhe Revue but still keep .Wlmliii Thompson '54 is chairman ''higs was appointed. The class has mittee Includes John Hughes, Sam- this UKIM essential part of rivalry. ilso adopted the orphan that was RdJlh Tittcrton '55—Definitely not! Overlooking rivalry, Big-4 gives cil- lie even' uel Krchniak, Richard Gallup, Germany ol the students a chance to have u little tun, and learn how to Psi Gamma will he • id a dale par • previously cared for by their sister ald Murray, freshmen. class of 1952, according to Marvin work una production wlthoul being embarrassed about their untried t.y wllli Union Salur Gerald Kline '56, Is the new direr- abilities. Considering its effect on class spirit; liig-4 does unite u class, p.m., states Irene lay night a! >l C'hernoff, President of the Junior Bresdnsky '53, class. Proposed plans for a Junior tor of Campus Day Athletics. The whether It be that lhe whole class is proud of llieir wol'K or even mad President, revue were also discussed. alternates are William Rock, James us heck about It. Ask '55. Concerning school spirit, a good All-College Sweet II, and Manford Hochmuth. will naturally help the college. However, A.D. has given the school u (Cnntinurd on Page <;, Column S) The Sophomore class has planned a lmyridc for October 11, as anpretty good name for dramatics already, To improve school spirit, how nounced by Robert Conn, President. about working on a new library—with .some books In It, and a new Those Interested will meet on the gym ilial looks like a college gym. Why not have n Ilig-I and all All-Colcampus a I 7:30 p.m. and from there lege Revue':' Give lhe college more than il has now. II can use it. lake a bus to Fuller Road. Nominal inns for ameinber of Student Council to replace James LockMyskania will challenge lhe fresh- liiirt. who Is now in the Navy, were The opening session of the SixBecause of luck of facilities aile- be offered on an lUvllve basis open men lo a soccer name to be played made nl a Sophomore class meetteenth Conference of the Association nl New York Stale Teachers quale' for lhe physical education to all fc-uphnmoros, and credit will October 13 at 4:30 p.m. on the Dorm ing yesterday. The election will lake College Faculties will be held Thurs- program planned for llii.s year, the be given lor activities nl the iMiliI, announces Peter Toller '53, place in assembly today. day, October I). The three day ses- gym requirement for the present rule of one semesler hour each se- Chairman of Myskania. The chalsion will be presided over by Dr. J. Sophomore eluss has been waived. mester. These elective credits will lenge will be issued today ill As - Correction O n H o l i d a y ; Wesley Chllders, President of tile The lii'shinim gym program re- not be credited to the basic uniclu- seinbly. ii I Ion require incut of 124 hours, bill Association and Professor of Mod- mains unchanged, M.skani.i has also announced that Most Classes To M e e t Physical education activities will will be recorded n credil hours in lie placed in the Myern Languages. "Education In A Due to a typographical error In physical uuncutlon World Crisis" Is the Conference skania mailbox In a sealed envelope. theme. Present Juniors and .Seniors who Af,er receiving one warning, a lust week's issue of 8tote College have nol completed their require- in lunar w ill gel a letter from My- News, there has been some confuThe following morning Dr. Chilments in So.'.homoro gym will be g.tnuiu. Tiie second waruln; will sion about attendance of classes (Icr.s will participate In a panel disexempt I ruin those requirements: In in: another letter from Myskania 1'ildiiv, October 10. Dr. Evan R. Colcussion, while Dr. WillUim K Vlcklins, President of the College, has however. IIHI-C still needing credit and the publication of the offender's iinnotinei'd I'ly will act as chairman of u group that Friday, October 10 At, its weekly meeting, the Student f,v,| |, lll be required discussion, "Thi! Work of lhe Stain lor Ulmn yin W name In State College News, Three W|U not be a Collage holiday. MemUnion Hoard discussed new methods |„ K . up iiusse elavses. SophoUniversity Center for Community llla ( warnings will obligate him to make bora of the faculty who plan to atStudies.' Dr Shields Mcllwuiiu1, to improve the Union. Rudy Do- m u r o l(VU1 requirements have been a public apology In SA Assembly, tend the Luke Plucld meeting will Professor oi English, and Mrs. An- Suntolo '53, chairman, announced waived only until such lime u.s fn- If a fi'i ih should receive lour warn- dismiss College classes for that, day. na IS. Love, Instructor In Health, thal four new Improvements have u (nti o s permit the resumption of lugs, lie will be unable to hold office The Milne school will not be in for that school year. session, tOontinwd on Page ,1, ColumnSJ (Continued on Paye 0, Columns) the program Greeks Pledge New Members, Plan Activities Juniors Adopt 1952's Orphan State Teachers Will Convene Administration Waives Soph Gym Union Will Sponsor Free Soccer Dance Myskania Team To Challenge 56 STATE COLLEGE NEWS. •TATB COLLEGE NEWS. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3, 18=2 PAota Reconsideration SiaUi 4*4eHdly Rid Common-State* By MITCHELL 8c KORBA Today in assembly the much-debated Big-4 moGROWING PAINS By PHYL PENNY tion will have its fate reconsidered., T h e motion In the last three years, State has been enlarged originating in Student Council on October 10, 1951, State College is a friendly college, though and people become aware of with the addition of new buildings and the expansion was passed b y Student Association in the assembly By virtue of its size most everyone his motives of old facilities (including the new cafeteria door). Plans are now in process for a new building adjacent of April 4 by a vote of 414 to 288, thus express- knows everyone else. This is very N o t everyone at State is a "Walt" ing SA's desire to replace the Big-4 with an All- nice. We even give other people a o r anything comparable. But let's to Richardson, the spreading of the cafeteria so that will include Every part of lower Husted, and a field State Revue. At the next Student Council meet- lasting impression of friendliness. f a c e j t j there are more than a few it Last year, for example, when the p e o p i e who are majoring in gossip. house on the present site of Summit House (St. Mary's ing following the vote the reconsideration motion Debate Tournament was held at a o s s i p j s useless except for idle con- to you Vets). These facts are both very creditable was made and passed. Since SA has expressed the State, our visitors were most im- versation, a n d college students to the present administration and a definite sign that desire to review its decision, we hope that the ac- pressed by the friendly atmosphere should be able to carry on an in- State is expanding and classrooms are becoming telligent conversation. No one ex- more crowded. For example, the . . . tion taken today, regardless of its direction, will which enveloped the "campus." Having a friendly interest in your pects you to discuss Plato, Thoreau represent a more thorough consideration of the is- fellow students is a wonderful at- or Rousseau while drinking a cup GYM sue at stake a n d the consequences of the decision tribute. However, there IS a differ- of coffee <n the Union, but your Where during the past two weeks, due to lack of that was evident in the initial consideration. ence between a friendly interest conversation can be constructive facilities and instructors, positive proof has been advanced showing the hopelessness of scheduling The traditionalists will argue that the Big-4 be and a gossipy interest in people, rather than destructive. Gossip can be injurious and, more Malicious prattle has hurt many reinstated because it is a tradition; the progres- often than not, malicious. Gossip p e o p i e a n d even ruined a few lives, compulsory classes for over half the undergrads. It is now time to redirect the whole purpose of the Physicsives will insist that the All-State Revue become isn't constructive and helpful; it someone gets a false impression of al Ed Department and to provide professinoal credita reality because it represents progress. You, Stu- was devised by those who lacked another, spreads it around and then ed courses benefitting men and women interested in better to occupy their l t . s accepted as true because it is physical education. Such an addition would alleviate dent Association, know that no tradition can be something tlme common knowledge. People are only maintained for its own sake if injurious to SA ac- At State W3 do have a "grape human; they usually remember the the crowded conditions, eliminate the teaching of basic fundamentals to advanced students, and the tivities; nor can a change be expected to be for vine" which is often more accurate bad things about a person long aft- wasting of time, energy, and instructors on students the better simply because it is a change. Likewise, than the News and usually "en- er the good is forgotten, whose interests and aptitudes lie in entirely differLet's keep State friendly without ent fields. it cannot validly be maintained that the All-State lightens" us faster. We can even Revue will or will not perform the tasks of talent, justify the existence of the "grape any "buts"— vine"—after all, you do have to LETS ACT organizational, and leadership development forwhat's going on around school. Another means of loosening the problem of classmerly assigned to the Big-4 since the Revue has know BUT, you don't have to know the room space Is to use more rooms at 12:35 p.m. on luHin' 9H 7lto loom not been tried; it has not proven itself either way. private details of someone's personFriday. (Subtle, huh!!> By setting up a system under By SY SEMMLER For these reasons, SA voting today will require al life, as spread by a frustrated which one representative for every fifty students much foresight. Don't prejudice your vote because Walter Winchell. would attend a Senate and on the major proposals, "Walt" has gleaned his tasty tidBizet's opera, "Carmen," produc- we could save endless bickering, incorporate the long you did or did not participate in your class Bigbits of gossip from various sources. 4's, because you, personally, enjoyed them or He can get his information by pre- ed by the famed London Opera overdue party system at State, and eliminate the present carryings-on which have resulted in the audithought them a waste of time. T h e outcome of to- tending a friendly interest in oth- Company is scheduled at the Strand torium being called "Page's Pit of Personalities." Spethe evening of October 21. day's balloting may not affect you personally, but ers and getting them to confide in A cast of 100 artists will be tour- cial Issues could be voted on by either the Senate's vote intelligently—your decision will affect many htm. His interest is anything but ing the country with the company. request or by petitioning on the part of SA. And . .. friendly. There is another manner 990 students could read their paper in comfort. a class to come. in which "Walt" can get his infor Their first American tour was In 19E mation which is more pleasant and >1ITEM: Art Kapncr sold 70 insurance policies less of an effort. He can arrive at Vera Crenny, mezzo-soprano, will 5-0, STATE Nice going so far, Soccer Team, and best of luck this week, bringing the total to 420. This repre- the Union at seven and lean against sing the title role of Carmen. Fran- against a powerful Queens team tomorrow. If anythe counter until eleven watching cisco Palumbo, baritone, will play sents SA support of the program. thing, our performance and schedule proves State the people who frequent it. During the role of the matador, this observation period, he can con- To accompany the singers Is a 35 is capable of playing Inter- Varsity sports against sume a few cokes and even carry piece symphony orchestra directed real rugged opposition—and who knows what else is feasible? on an extended conversation with by Tedore Cargiulo. some of his cronies. Of course, he Tickets for this performance are The Administration and the Athletic Department is mentally 'taking notes" the whole now on sale at the theater box- JUST WONDERING IF time. Naturally, "Walt" can stoop office. The sale of the Playhouse, only legitimate theatre pulled an irritating, but understandable, boner this The popular voices of Sara in Albany, might make Page Hall a natural for visitto ordinary eavesdropping on conpast week in the setting up of the Sophomore gym versations — this is too obvious Vaughn and Nat King Cole will be ing troupes and bring in Albanians and their money program. We will admit that they were in a spot. heard at the RPI Field House, Troy which could improve and add to the already good beginning at 8:15 on October 15 caliber of productions now sponsored by Dramatics Last spring the college set up requirements for Putting on the show with them are and Arts Council. graduation which made it necessary for SophoPlan Kenton and his orchestra, Qo4fUfuuucaiia*U mores to acquire two hour's credit in gym. The George Kirby, Teddy Hale and the RECOIL ON DAVID'S SLINGSHOT shortage of facilities was anticipated at that time Congo-garoos, Today in assembly, the Big Four motion will be and provision for acquiring outside facilities was For classical music lovers the reconsidered. The first big question, however, is whethAn Open Letter to the Editor: Chamber Music Society of Albany er the frosh should have the right to vote on somemade in the budget; however, during the summer, As former president of Kappa the cost of these facilities was raised to such a Delta Rho, it is my duty to an- has arranged three works of the thing about which they know next to nothing. We early nineteenth century period to price as to make it financially impossible for the nounce that 61 members have re- be performed at 3 o'clock Sunday in hope that In the very near future an amendment to the Constitution will clear up the frosh vote issue comCollege to obtain use of them. T h e situation was signed from active membership in the auditorium of the Albany Insti- pletely. that organization. tute of Hi.-tory and Art. Arriaga, further complicated by the scheduling, by mistake, As you know, Kappa Delta Rho Beethoven, and Schubert selections THIS AND THAT of classes in the gym from 8 to 9 a.m. while the has been on this campus since 1915. ill be clone. Congratulations to Alpha Pi Alpha for taking a Milne Basketball team uses the gym for practices However, we of the undergraduate w i. A s 0 n t the Institute two art dlsat this hour. These occurances are understandable; body feel that due to what we con- p i a y s are currently on exhibit. The long over due step and the best of luck in the future . . . Facilities Board has ok'd a TV set for the however, we feel that had time been taken to ex- stder racial and religious dlscrim- 0 n portraits of Lawrence McCoy Union. With immediate action, perhaps we could have amine the program which was submitted as the ination within the national organi- a r e being shown with the Karollk it installed before the Yankees romp . , . The Bruwe can no longer participate collection ot American paintings. bacher Dining Hall is now under SUB supervision solution, it might have been realized that, while ration In the afalrs of Kappa Delta Rho. Area theaters are now .showing and no longer will organizations be compelled to pay the plan solved the Athletic Department's probTherefore, we who have resigned s o m e 0 r the best productions of the the $6 advisory cleanup fee . . . How about making lem, it created so much confusion and so many have reorganized as Alpha Pi Al- season. a r.ul cafeteria out of the old Commons by adding conflicts with other student activities as to make pha, and shall continue as a local Victor Hugo's immortal classic regular booths?? . . . In regarding the "Who's Who" "Les Miserable" is at the Rltz. its operation impossible. A little more thought fraternity at State College. nominations, let's not make it sound like a polling Sincerely yours. A spectacular "Ivanhoe" with Liz of the delegation from New York . . . The Co-op is might have saved Student Association from the .lolin Zongrone, President taylor and Robert Taylor leading now selling everything under the sun, but the prices anger and confusion into which it was submerged Alpha IM Alpha Fraternity the cast is billed at the Palace. are still too near its temperature . . . And for those at the beginning of this week. It has been demwho want to know—th" one way road outside of onstrated in this case that a plan which works in Brubacher runs from Partridge to Ontario mow they're building the sign) . . . theory on paper will not always work when the Well, girls, the rat race has begun. Watch out for individual student's schedule is applied to it. The traps, and may the best pack win. Administration and the Athletic Department are QUESTION OF THE WEEK to be complimented upon the prompt rescinding of Hey, you want'a sit in my assembly seat? their action. We can only hope that this slop be carried further to the permanent suspension of Sophomore gym on the required basis. Boner . . . College Calendar STATE COLLEGE NEWS ESTABLISHED MAV 1818 BY THE CLASS OF 101B RATING—ALL-AMERICAN October 3, 1952 No. II VOL. XXXVII Mt'lli IO'I'H nf Ihi' NKU'K mill \VI>I|III>»I|II) I'l H; IV ffuiii x til ft IIIII.V hi' ri-iirlii'il TII.'KIIII,V 7 In I I |> iii in '.' :i.TJH. Kxi I I j : U . ' i i : 11, .ii nun ii, •_• 117 III: I\IIHM>\VKI<I. II KC1; Mii.vuliU, KtllUIIJ; lliidlimlij. Hi! llhT'J ; I'liiii, J ,Vil."i. Till' NlllllTUrilllllllll' lll'H'»|lll|>l T "1 I III' \'l'W V i l l i . S nil- ( i l l li'Ui' fur Ti'Hi'lii-m . inililUlii'il i'Vi'1'j l-'rlilio nf MM I "«»| i-itr ji'iir li.v i In- M'iWN It" i i.i Im- In M i n i , H I A»»,irlu! Inn IIAIlllAll.A I'l) A l l ' : IIKVIIV klls/I.Msul i : H l l i i ; i t M.VV.VKIN I'.lti:/. NHH\ i:i.i/.Aiii:i ii i MIDI, IH.ATTMAN - unit IS I I O I I I I < < \ .IOIIIHM: siiiiii' • M\mi;i.i.i:\ X M . I I K Ml H I M . WOODMAN JOVt'H NCHTKH IIU;M; £«BM FRIDAY. OCTOBER 3, 1 9 5 * I:I.IIKI;I> - - NAI.I.V OMHld ( ATllKltlNi; M M II - Killliir-lll-('lil..f ( II MIIIIIIKIIIII I'.i111<••' I I I MIIIIIIKIIIII I l l I'lllilil- llt'lltlilllln •-"-Cii-I'ulillii ••-"•••IMIIIIII Itoliitliiim ICilllnr NIMII'U Killliir Mi-iili>r S | , i n ' U Mriiilii'r It IIN I III'HH- A il\ itrOuliig Mil mi KIT - - - I lr< i i l u l l n i i M u n i i m r KXIIIIUKI' l o u t urn Killlur AhMirluli' Killtur KilllniA Killlur A I'ltlDAY, OCTOBER I 8:30 p.m. Kappa Delia open house for Statesmen. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 1 ACTIVITIES DAY 10:30 a.m. Sign up for organizations, Old Crininons 12:30 p.m. Presentation of Banner, 2 p.m. State vs. Queens Soccer game, Beverwyck. 7:30 p.m. Sophomore skit, Page Hall. i) p.m. Dunce, Student Union. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5 3 p.m. Gumma Kappa Phi Faculty Tea freshmen W i l l Divide For New Orientation Class Gibson Starts New Program For Instructors A new course has been introduced in driving training. It is a two hour course that orients the students in both pedestrian and vehicle safety, announces Dr. Thomas Gibson, Prolessor of Health. The student will practice teach second semester, for which he will receive two hours of credit. This new program of instruction for drivers training begins this semester. All those who are interested must see Dr. Gibson, before Monday if they wish to enter this course. The quota of the class is sixteen, and no one can be accepted after the quota Is filled. Langford And Hartley To Speak To Sections Orton Resigns For Position In Utah University To Assume Leadership Of Education College The resicnation of Dr. Don A. Orton, Director of Education at State College has been announced The October sessions of freshman by Dr. Evan R. Collins, President o! orientation will be divided into four the College. Dr. Orton will" leave sections, according to Dr, David E. about December 1 to assume his Hartley, Dean of Men. A copy of new duties as Dean of the College of Education of the University of the schedule will be posted on the Utah.. The University of Utah has bulletin board outside Room 110 in an enrollment of 7,500 students with Draper Hall. approximately 1,600 in the College; of Education. Dr. Orton has tieeri Each week the sections will report at State College since September to different rooms as follows: last Dr, Gibson announced the follow- 1950, serving as Director of Edunames A-E report to the Library ing requirements for entering the cation. October 6: Draper 349, October 13; class. They are: 3:35 to 5:25 p.m. Dr. Orton began his professionRoom 20, October 20; and Page must be free, the student has to be al work as a teacher In the rural Auditorium on October 27. On the a licensed driver for one year, he schools of Utah, and was a memsame dates those with names F-L must have the room to add a two ber of the University of Utah facwill report to Page, Library, Draper hour course, and he should be a ulty for three years before comthg 349, and Room 20 in that order. Junior or Senior, but some Sopho- to State. The third group, M through the mores might be considered. Under Dr. Orton's. leadership t l » name Scordato, will go consecutiveIf there are some difficulties that Department of Education has exly to Room 20, Page. Library, and might prevent you from taking this tended its graduate program, deDraper 349 on those dates. The last course, Dr, Gibson will talk the veloped a strong study council for section beginning with the name situation over and attempt a pos- Capital District school systems, and Sellers through Z will go to Draper sible solution, Improved its program to increase 349 on October 6; Room 20, October Dr. Gibson also stressed the point direct observation and experience 13; Page, October 20; and the LiA Frosh Little Brother shakes hands with Dr. Collins as Big Brother that there are many practical as- for beginning teachers in local brary on October 27. looks on at the Annual President's Reception held last Friday night in pects of this program. Not only does schools. Dr. Oscar E. Lanford, Dean of the the Lower Lounge at Brubacher Hall. it improve individual driving, it also gives the teacher the opportunity College, will speak on the academic of improving the skill and safety program, while Dr. Ellen C. Stokes, measures of other people through Dean of Women, will talk on peradult education classes and outside sonal responsibility. Dean Hartley instruction. will give accounts on student services. Directory lists will be placed on I T A. I the Student Council bulletin board result, there is not much interAmong the new faculty members action between students and facrOSn • O A \ t t e n Q i n Husted Hall, Tuesday, for correcin the Chemistry Department at ulty, and to get to know students tion, according to Sheila Hill '53, Editor, State is Dr. Hassan Bey. a native personally is almost impossible. It is imperative that every stuof Albania. Dr. Bey has a definite opinion Upperclass students are asked to dent check these lists in order to Dr. Bey has been here for three about the contrast in manners and The Slate College religious clubs years, but this Is his first teaching refrain from using the main read- correct possible errors in the name, which have scheduled events for position m the United States. Pre- dress between European women and ing room in the Library by Mary E. class numeral, home address, school next week are Inter-Collegiate Zion- vicusly he taught in Italy, where women in the U. S. In Europe, the Cobb, College Librarian, for the next address or phone number. ist Federation, Student Christian the classes are very different. Some women dress with what Dr. Bey de- four Monday afternoons from 3:35 Boomsliter Will Lead scribes as "chic" to attend their Association, and Newman Club. of the differences stem from the classes. There is also a noticeable p. m. to 4:25 p.m. The dates con- Discussion On Speech size of the classes in European Uni- difference between the modes cf cerned are October 6, 13, 20, and 27. ICZF is having its first reception versities. From 250 to 300 students Library instruction for the fresh- 'Continued from Page 1, Column 11 of the college year en Wednesday in each class is not unusual. As a dress of different economic levels. man orientation classes will be held who will act as chairmen of the Here, according to Dr. Bey, one can't at Brubacher from 7:30 to 10 p.m. Nurse-Instructors, are participating tell a woman's economic position by in the Library at these times so it in the afternoon. Also acting as Dr. Morris Eson. Assistant Profeswill be difficult for other students sor of Education, will be the guest Faculty Loans Obj ects her manner of dress. As to the mat- t.i work there. The downstairs read- chairman is Dr. Paul C. Boomsliter, ter of "chic" among State College speaker, announces Phyllis Krakowwho will head the discussion on our newcomer ing rcom will be open during these Speech. Included in this discussion er '55, General Chairman. For Foreign A r t Exhibit undergraduates, times. The Library will be open durthinks that something is lacking. ing its regular hours over the Octo- is Dr. Floyd E. Henrickson, ProfesAt the SCA meeting in the New A display of art objects from NorBefore coming to Albany, Dr. Bey ber 10 weekend. sor of Education. Commons at 7:30 p.m. Thursday a way, Sweden, and Denmark is be- lived for a while in New York City. film of animated cartoons will be ing exhibited in the museum case His reaction to the city was a comshown. Paul Ward '53, President, has on the second floor of Draper Hall. bination of confusion and disfavor. staled. This gathering will also hear These were loaned to the Art De- The freedom or young people ima talk by a local clergyman on the partment by Dr. Minnie Scotland. pressed him unfavorably, as did the Student Christian Movement Con- Professor of Biology, Dr. Caroline prevalence of moral crimes and their ference. Lester, Assistant Professor of Math- lax punishments. On the lighter side, Dr. Bey saw ematics, Miss Mabel Jackman, AsThe Newman Club meeting is to si-tant Professor of Librarianship, his first television program in this take place at Newman Hall at 7:30 Helen James, Assistant College Li- country. Most of the entertainment p.m. Thursday, according to Patri- brarian, Dr. David Hartley, Dean of he gets l'rcm T.V. is from watching cia Butler '53, President. Men, and Mrs. Hartley, and Mr. the enthusiastic reactions ot his Carl Peterson, Instructor ill Music, younger relatives. Mrs. Peterson. The exhibit will Dr. Bey appears to have made a To meet numerous requests, we now have A4ademo»se//e Opens and conliiui" until October 8. During very happy adjustment to upstate the following week there will be an New York and to Slate College. He a counter devoted entirely to toilet articles. Contest To Women exhibit of Scandanavian textiles. looks forward to the hunting season. The Art Department has also on Applications for undergraduate re pi eductions of different r women are now being accepted by display Theatre of Rubens, the sevenMademoiselle magazine for mem- paintings ALBAN" teenth century Flemish painter, on L N bership on Its 1952-53 College the portable screens in the second SIK WALTER SCOTT'S Hoard. The deadline for applica- lloor corridor of Draper. This exRazor Blades Combs tions is November 30. Information hibit will supplement the film about concerning applications may be ob- Rubens, which will be shown by the Shaving Lotion Tooth Brushes Color by Technicolor tained from College Board Editor. D&A Council on October 8. Mailamiiist'lle. 575 Madison Avenue, Anacin Toothpaste New York 22, N. Y. Albanian Native Joins Faculty Finds State s Classes Different Religious Clubs Schedule Events Students Will Check New Directory Lists F Library Classes Versatility Plus! Miniature Drug Store Now Open PALACE CHECK U S T OF NEEDS ; r v NOW "IVANHOE" Girls who come out among the top twenty in the three campus assignments during the year will be senl to New York next June In help write and edit the August College issue. Thej will be paid a regular salary tor the month, and traveling expensi s, H. F. Honikel & Son 1 I PHARMACISTS Phone 4-2030 01 niled 1905 157 Central Ave. ALBANY, N. Y. 75 STATK ST. Deodorant Kleenex Shampoo Bobby Pins AND MANY OTHERS Corner Ontario & Benson ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE Dial -1-1125 You May Still Purchass STUDENT MEDICAL EXPENSE POLICY WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8 7:30 p.m. ICZF Reception, Brubacher. THURSDAY, OCTOBER II 3:30 p.m. Tun Kappa Alpha lecturer, Harold Vaughn, Diaper 340. 7:30 p.m. Newman Club. 7:30 p.m. SCA general meeting, Richardson Louise Meet The President1. FLORIST & (JREENHOUSE <mflufff WOP Ct liege Florists for Years WltlTK Oil CALL ir-'periul Attention AWT KAI'NKK for Sororities and Fraternities 5-1171 "PlLd-J (/lucu a.<r t- :*~t'-~*< t PAGE • T A T E C O L L E G E N E W S . FRIDAY, O C T O B E R 3 , 4 Debate Council Slates Schedule For Tournaments Songs For Sale At Dormitories " W h a t ' s t h a t noise??? S o u n d s like singing . . . Let's go see." These may be often h e a r d words in t h e corridors of Pierce a n d Brubacher on future S u n day nights. T h i r t y - f o u r s t u d e n t s signed up for debate or discussion activities a t a Debate Council meeting held in B r u b a c h e r T u e s d a y evening. Joyce L e o n a r d '53, President, h a s a n nounced t h e coming schedule of d e bates, which includes more t h a n 100 encounters for beginning a n d e x perienced debaters. B e t t e r get your homework done early, girls, so you c a n lend a n ear to the frosh Saylesmen. Twenty-five of t h e m will be on h a n d in fair weather or foul to serenade you from both Beverwyck and t h e Dorm Field. Alan Welner and his "activated accordion" will provide background music for their novel songs. F r e s h m a n debaters will be s e lected for debate t o u r n a m e n t s held a t t h e Universities of Vermont, D a r t m o u t h , Colgate, a n d Hamilton. Among the larger tournaments which State's experienced debaters will be a t t e n d i n g a r e : University of Vermont, Brooklyn College, t h e E a s t Coast Regional, West Point, a n d t h e N a t i o n a l Debate a n d Discussion Conference a t t h e University of Colorado in Denver. Girls who desire to join t h e singing from their "lookouts" a r e welcome to lend their voices. T h e boys won't reveal their r e a sons for these serenades b u t it's bound t o be a good one. "So don't be late, girls, for your 10 o'clock date every Sunday. Numerous high school assembly debates are being scheduled. An a p p e a r a n c e by t h e British Debate team will be m a d e here December 9. State Enrollment Shows Increase Among t h e experienced debaters r e t u r n i n g this season are from t h e Class of '53; Joyce Leonard, Robert Berkhofer, and Anita Lilenfeld. O t h e r s Include Sylvia Semmler, Edward Lehman, Ronald Ferguson, R i c h a r d Shaper, J a m e s Thompson, Marvin Chernoff, JoAnne Doyle, J a m e s F i n n e n , and J o a n B a t h r i c k from t h e Class of '54; a n d Edward Cornell a n d Rose Steinberger from t h e Class of '55. Men s Glee Club Needs Members T h e latest available figures of the second largest enrollment in the history of t h e College has been released. T h e year 1950 was t h e largest enrollment with a total of 1623. T h e freshman class is the largest with 425 as compared with 329 last year. This year's grand total of 1601 enrolled students Includes 187 grad u a t e students and 38 special s t u d n t s and 38 special students. Last year's total of 1577 included 247 grads and 53 special students, T h e r e are still some vacancies in the Men's Glee Club. Dr. Charles Stokes. Professor of Music, a n nounced t h a t all those who are interested in becoming members should come Wednesday evening a t Rushing. T h e r e shall be unlimited 7:10 p . m . tc Room 28 in R i c h a r d son. T h e opportunities exist in all rushing except as follows: sections of the Glee Club. A. A rushee Is any regularly enMonday afternoon at 3:30 p . m . rolled male student at New York there will be a meeting of t h e Opera S t a t e College for Teachers, who Is Work S h o p in R i c h a r d s o n 28. T h e not a fraternity member. operetta to be presented this year B. No freshman shall be p e r m i t will be t h e famous "Mikadc" by Gilted to remain overnight (2 a.m. to 7 bert and Sullivan. a.m.) at any of the respective fraT h e Men's Chorus is still able to ternity houses. This rule shall go accept some tenors and basses. Dr. into effect beginning at twelve p.m. Stokes also invites any Interested of the first Monday after freshman camp. s t u d e n t s to join Women's Chorus. Department Plans Education Labs Dobbins Reviews tfacttltu 4WtVffflW French Problems Dr. J a m e s Wesley Childers, P r o - Tour Children s Homes Rulel any fraternity on c a m pr u s until one calendar year h a s elapsed from the date of resignation a n d then, only with the sanction of I n t e r - F r a t e r nity Council. F. On t h e night t h a t one fraternities has a regularly uled rush party, t h e o t h e r nity houses shall be officially to rushees. of the schedfraterclosed F r e s h m e n sign-ups for S M I L E S will get a preview of t h a t o r g a n i zation Sunday, just after Activities Day. At t h a t time, Doris Doherty '53, President of SMILES, has an nounced, the new members are to be taken on a tour of the Albany Home for Children. T h e tour, conducted by the children themselves, will terminate with a movie a n d a short talk by F r a n k M. Howard Director of the Home. L. G. Balfour Co. everyday. Additional replacement n o m i n a tions for J u n i o r Class Scngleader and Sophomore Class S t u d e n t Council member may now be m a d e according to Louis Vion '53, C h a i r m a n of Election Commission. Wrrte-in nominations for either J u n i o r Songleader or Sophomore S t u d e n t Council representative, tu supplement those m a d e in class meetings this week, may be m a d e up tc 4:30 p. m. Tuesday. All declinations must be m a d e by 4:30 p . m . Wednesday. Special blank forms for write-in nominations a n d declinations and a deposit receptacle will be placed under the Myskania bulDramatics and Art Council will letin board. show free films for all interested on Each candidate for the office of Tuesday, at 7:30 p . m . In P a g e Hall, S;udent Council representative is states F r a n c i s Hodge '53, President. required to submit to a test to qualify him fcr the position. These tests, T h e first of these films, "Rubens," given by Election Commission, m a . won first prize a t the Venice film us taken on Wednesday a t 7:30 p. iv festival. A study of the artist's tech- in Room 140, T h u r s d a y at 3:30 p. n . nique is given in the film. in Room 111, or F r i d a y at 12 n:>; i in Room 111. Failure to take such a "Looking At Sculpture" was made test or tc pass it will automatically to promote public interest in m u - disqualify the nominee. seums. T h e development of style a n d technique through the ages in sculpturing is shown. D&A Council Slates Three Cultural Films Albany High Offers Classes In Russian Plan to moot your friends there— T h e men living in t h e newly designated S u m m i t Dorm have done much work of reconditioning the building themselves. A reception room has been decorated, and rooms painted. S t u d e n t s having any special t a l ents t h a t would be useful a n d who are able to spend some evening each G. T h e r e shall be a limit of one week , . ^ . „ with , the childrn are urgently informal party a m o n t h a t the fra- needed by the organization, states ternity house c o m m e n c i n g at 8 p.m. Miss Doherty. A party shall be constituted by ten (10) or more rushees. I n conjunction with the principle t h a t learning is a t its best when you observe w h a t you are t a u g h t . Dr. Don Orton, Director of Education, h a s announced t h a t the E d u cation D e p o r t m e n t h a s developed a three-fold observation program for t h e Sophomore, Junior, and g r a d u a t e education classes. Four public schools in Albany will be open to Ehe students for observation, They are Public Schools 4, 10, 16, and 19. T h e r e will also be observation classes in Milne. Regular D. Persons not bid u n d e r Section members ot the faculty will also Instruction in the Russian lan- B., and who have spent one full conduct demonstration classes for guage is now being offered to inter- regular semester nt S t a t e may be t h e observers from the three classes. ested students. issued bids before 12:35 on the Monday before Thanksgiving. These bids Classes will be held at Albany shall be returned to I n t e r - F r a t e r I n t h e third part of the new program students will be placed In High School on Monday and Wed- nity Council before 12:35 p.m. on community agencies where It will nesday evenings from 7 to 9 p . m . the Monday following ThanksBi'vino h motiving be possible for t h e m to observe ad- Students will be Instructed by Nik- Day. olescents and the functions of the olai Mlkhallovitch Slniapkln. community a n d their agencies. This T h e registration fee for the course program will be under the direction of Dr. William Vickery, Professor is $2. For further information call Albany 3-2410 or 8-8722 after 5 p. m. of Community tudles, FRATERNITY JEWELRY TAVERN Several new a p p o i n t m e n t s were m a d e a t t h e C a m p u s Commission meeting last Friday, announces Owen S m i t h '53, G r a n d M a r s h a l . T h e last Friday of each m o n t h will be the meeting day of t h e o r g a n ization. Sayles, Summit Select Officers H. A regularly scheduled rush party Is one t h a t is on the social calendar for which written invitations may be sent. W r i t t e n invitations may not be sent for informal C. There shall be no oral or writ- parties. ten bids or suggestions of bids issued to any rushees until the day Formal Bidding set for official bidding as prescribed A. T h e r e shall be no voting for in Article VI. membership until ten clays prior to the issuance of bids. D. Any person whose pledge is broken for any reason shall be inB. Bids shall be issued through eligible to receive a bid from any I n t e r - F r a t e r n i t y Council before fraternity aurlng the following se- 12:35 p.m. on the last Friday of mester. February to all regularly enrolled students who have spent a t least E. No fraternity may issue a bid one semester at S t a t e College. to any m a n who has resigned from C. All bids must be r e t u r n e d to T h e Uist film, "Ai-Ye." is the story the I n t e r - F r a t e r n i t y Council on the Monday following the last Friday of the development of m a n k i n d . of February before 12:35 p.m. TEMPERANCE CC Releases Rules For Lost And Found fessor of Modern Languages, will speak o n October 8 about " B e n j a min F r a n k l i n ' s Efforts toward C o lonial Independence" a t East G r e e n bush ir. their Adult Education P r o gram. This Is his secona year of T h e Lost and F o u n d D e p a r t m e n t Her speech included t h e following participation. Last year h e discussed problems, which vitally affect t h e t { , . Q r e a t M e n a n d Q r e a t is under t h e supervision of F r a n c e s Allen '54. All articles found should France. T h e physical recovery since i s s u e s » be given to h e r or the a n n o u n c e the war h a s a d v a n c e d rapidly because t h e country is a good sound T h e Brookhaven National Labor- m e n t of this should be posted. Missagricultural n a t i o n a n d it has iron atory h a s announced t h a t Dr. A n n e ing articles should also be handled a n d coal mines. Also t h e E R P h a s R. Oliver, Assistant Professor of in this way. All a n n o u n c e m e n t s given F r a n c e t h e necessary credit to Physics, h a s been m a d e a consult- should be posted on the Lost and buy materials abroad. a n t of t h e institution. For t h e past Found bulletin board in t h e lower T h e F r e n c h people themselves a r e t h r e e v e a r s D r ' o l l v e r h a s worked Draper corridor, skilled and industrious workers, and t n e r e o n P u r e research during t h e Rose Mary B r a d t '54, Is in c h a r g e a great n u m b e r of people own their s u m m e r vacation. of assembly. Any questions concernown small businesses. T h e y are co This week Dr. Milton Olsen, D i - ing assembly procedure should be operating with t h e g o v e r n m e n t to rector of Education, a n d Roswell referred to her. check inflation a n d h a v e a sound Fairbank, Assistant Professor of economic system. Commerce, a r e p l a n n i n g visits to T h e country lags In one aspect several commerce g r a d u a t e s . though. T h e construction of housing R u t h Hutchins, Assistant Profesunits is proceeding slowly. T h i s is due to the r e a r m a m e n t p r o g r a m and s o r ,°f Art. , w , a t t e n d t h e L a k e the sound construction of t h e new Placid Teachers Conference n e x t building's, so they will last for ages, weekend. Officers representing two resiT h e different g o v e r n m e n t s of the This weekend, October 3-5, Dr. dence halls have recently been c h o fourth republic h a v e kept t h e social services a n d even added to Minnie Scotland, Professor of B i - sen, it was announced this week. them. T h e C o m m u n i s t s , one of the ology, will a t t e n d a district confer- They are Sayles Hall and S u m m i t political parties, a r e losing in popu- ence of Zonta I n t e r n a t i o n a l , which Hall, formerly t h e St. Mary's P a r k barracks. larity. T h e y are also decreasing in will be held in Montreal. influencing the labor unions, Howard Flierl, Assistant ProfesSayles officers, announced by J o Written in F r e n c h on some of the sor ___ of ._ Social Studies,, „,, spoke before seph Purdy, House Director, are walls is displayed the a t t i t u d e of t h e Schenectady U n i t a r i a n Women's President, F r a n c i s Hodge '53; J a m e s some, but few, of the F r e n c h m e n . G r o u p on September 25. He gave Fox '54, Vice President; DeWitt T h e sign says "U. S. go h o m e l " , but t h e Introductory talk on t h e topic Combs '55, Secretary; Samuel K r c h the government neutralizes this a t - of "land, food, and population." niak '56, Treasurer. titude by definite cooperation with the United States, O «l T Officers of S u m m i t Hall include T h e general a t t i t u d e of the people ^ I T I I € S | < Jerry Cline, President; Thomas is cheerful and hopeful. T h e governO'Laughlin, Vice P r e s i d e n t ; Michael m e n t Is spending money upon the Humphrey, Secretary; Walter C a r artistic and intellectual aspects of ton, Treasurer. All these men are the nation. freshmen. O n T h u r s d a y , October 2, a t its first general m e e t i n g F o r u m h a d as its speaker Dr. M. A n n e t t e Dobbin, Assistant Professor of M o d e r n L a n guage. T h e topic of Dr. Dobbin's speech was " F r a n c e in 1952." 9*Uvi 4*eUe*Hilfy Council Rui/uHf T h e following rushing regulations released by I n t e r - F r a t e r n i t y Council have been published due to the fact t h a t they have been revised and were not printed in the F r e s h m a n Handbook, STATE C O L L E G E N E W S , 1932 Budges Ring* Steins Jewelry Gifts Favors Stationery Programs Club Pins Kejri Medals Trophies Write or Call CARL SORENSKN 30 Murray Ave. Waterford, N.Y. Telphone Troy - - Adams 82563 • • RECORDS FILMS DEVELOPED Blue Note Shop 156 Central Ave. 62-0221 Open Evenings Until 9 Capital Press PRINTERS THE TELEPHONE 4-9703 STUDIO T h i s afternoon a proven P o t t e r team meets Thurlow for the latter's first trial on Beverwyck Park. T h e Dorm Field will feature a strong K B team playing S u m m i t House in Summit's first official game. M o n day, SLS is scheduled to play V a n derzee on Beverwyck, while t h e F i n k s wil ltangle with T h e Steelers on Dorm Field. Wednesday afternoon KDR took a 10-0 decision from the the Steelers. T h e g a m e featured h a r d drivingline play, highlighted by J i m B e n net of APA who almost single h a n d edly stopped the Steelers offense. Bob D r e h e r and Chuck Derwin played good ball for the losers. Both APA and the Steelers have strong a n d well-balanced teams, but APA locks like the team to beat in the Dorm Field League. KB Defeats Mustang's Tuesday afternoon KB routed the Sayles Hall Mustangs 24 to 0 as they displayed a fine running and passing attack. T h e KB backfield of Ryder, Wander, B l a t t m a n and Sturm, operating behind a big line, made t h a t team look like one of the powers cf the Dorm Field League. On Beverwyck, Tuesday, a powerful Potter Club romped over the Tri-City All-Stars. T h e frosh club was handicapped from the start, since they could field only eight men. Champlin, Brown Star T h e "Club" seems to have hit on a potent combination again this year. Ray C h a m p l i n appears to be in his usual fine r u n n i n g and p a s s ing forn\ Bob Brown, a new a d d i tion to the forward wall, snared three passes in pay territory. Soph field general for the boys from 145 State St., Bcb Sage, also played a fine offensive game. Don Nolan and Arnie S c h a u n b u r g were the outstanding players for the badly outclassed All-Stars. T h e "Club" is picked to repeat its last year's performance again this year. It is almost certain t h a t they can win t h e Beverwyck League, but the contenders from Dorm Field should prcve troublesome. Leagues Have Poor S t a r t Monday, the Dorm Field League got off to a harmless s t a r t as the Finks forfeited to S u m m i t House. The game was played out, however, and resulted in a hard-fought scoreless tie. O u t s t a n d i n g in this contest was the s h a r p passing of the Fink's Bob DeMichael and the stubborn defensive play of the h u s t ling frosh from Summit Hcuse. The s t a r t of the Beverwyck League proved as futile as the one on Dorm Field. T h e SLS-Thurlow tilt was cancelled because the field had not been lined. D. B. and R. W. Gerald Drug Co. Albany, N. Y. " P o r t r a i t At Its Finest" Phone 6-8610 HOLLYWOOD COMES EAST TO TAKE YOUR PORTRAIT 811 MADISON AVENUE TELEPHONE 4-0017 Cheerleading Held in Cafeteria Cheerleadlng practice h a s also started and is being held every Tuesday, Wednesday and T h u r s day nights in the cafeteria from 7:30 to 8:30. Notices for hiking, riding and ping pong will be placed on the WAA bulletin board. T h e r e are no organized teams this fall, so there is an opportunity for each girl to get in her fall sport credit en the day or days convenient to her. T h e sports are played in pick-up t e a m s so everyone will have an opportunity to play. Siyi+Uf Id ft Sftobtd. By BOB ASHFIELD . . . Soccer team looking great— Should have t h a t really good year . . . Basketball practice will probably begin about October 15 . . . Hear t h a t a certain veteran plans to go out again—namely Pete Teller . . . Seems t h a t Bob Brown might coach JV Squad . . . Peds should continue winning ways from last year . . . IM football j u s t getting s t a r t e d . . . 4 F r a t s a p p e a r to have strong aggregations . . . if talent was pooled a pretty fair gridiron squad could be fielded . . . Bowling will resume approximately Oct. 28 . . . only ten teams entered so far —hoping for 2 more . . . so two leagues may be formed . . . also hear t h a t intercollegiate bowling is out this year . . . a couple of F r a t teams should be bolstered because of this . . . Our Sports Editor took a quick leave of absence—reason—"Greetings" . . . Still predict Yanks will take World Series—in not more t h a n six . . . anyone for tennis? By D O T T I E MEIIAN Bouquets of roses a n d orchids to the a d m i n i s t r a t i o n a n d t h e physical education d e p a r t m e n t ! T h e faculty h a s seen fit to waive the S o p h omore gym requirement. T h e whole mess s t a r t e d w h e n t h e physical education d e p a r t m e n t discovered t h a t about one half of t h e Sophomore class was not scheduled to take gym because of conflicts with the new two hour education lab. O n top of t h a t , certain facilities p r o m ised t h e gym instructors were not made available to them. T h e only remedy seemed to be t o h a v e gym classes two n i g h t s a week. And then, loud complaints were heard from all corners of S t a t e College. T h e one-third of our s t u d e n t body t h a t commutes complained. The State College News' editors complained when they discovered t h a t the Scphs couldn't work on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings when they needed them. T h e s t u dents in Stagecraft and Elementary Dramatics (who are almost all Sophomores) complained since they are required to meet at school a t night for laboratory assignments. T h e s t u d e n t s in A.D. complained when they remembered previous experiences with t h e actors en stage shouting to be h e a r d over the roar of a basketball game In the gym. T h e m a n a g e r s of i n t r a m u r a l sports complained, and so on and .so on and so on. And in view of all this, the powers t h a t be waived t h e Sophomore gym requirement. We t h o u g h t t h a t they would, but only after going through much red tape, repealing m a n y laws, and in the m e a n t i m e producing much bedlam. We'd like to express further opinion and say t h a t it's about time. With so m a n y d e m a n d s being m a d e on our time in subjects t h a t pertain to our major fields of interest, or which further our professional training, a required course in gym seems not only unreasonable, but impossible! Moreover, there exists on this campus a well-planned program of individual and team s p c r t s in the forms of i n t r a m u r a l s , rivalry sports, and WAA activities. Since there are no physical education majors here, we can assume t h a t any interest shown in sports is for pleasure or relaxation. Surely, these activities can accomplish this end as competently as a gym class. With no qualms about being repetitious, we want to say. " t h a n k s again" to the administration for coming up with a delightful and workable solution to a mess. We hC'pe it is a p e r m a n e n t improvement, and not a temporary measure to rectify an immediate problem. !»AOE S State Again Host Team; Queens College Invades Hathaway Releases Basketball Schedule Coach Merlin C. Hathaway r e leased t h e 1952-53 Varsity Basketball schedule today. The roster i n cludes t h e same teams State m e t Again tomorrow afternoon State's last year when they won 13 a n d soccer squad will play host, this lost 7. time to a Queens College outfit. Hoping to continue their masterful 1952-53 Basketball Schedule ways, S t a t e will probably go along December 5 Maritime Home with the same lineup which comDecember 6 Oswego Home bined to m a k e t h e first victory look December 12 Harpur Home easy. S t a t e will be favored to chalk December 13 New Paltz Away up win n u m b e r two. December 17 New Haven Away !l Potsdam January Home S t a t e Rolls to Easy Victory Last S a t u r d a y a comparatively January 10 Maritime Home January 17 Plattsburg Home fair New England College squad saw January 30 Oneonta Away how soccer should really be played January 31 Utfea Away when the S t a t e s m e n mauled t h e m February 5 Willimantic Away for a 5-0 victory. New E n g l a n d nevF e b r u a r y 7 New Haven H o m e er displayed any of t h e power t h a t February 12 Willimantic Home they were supposed to have. In fact, February 14 Plattsburg Away there was a complete reversal. F e b r u a r y If P r a t t Home Goalie Telfer could have just as well February 21 Harpur Away brought his rocking chair along as February 28 New Paltz Home he had to exert effort only on seven March Home occasions to stop opposing shots. In e Oneonta March Home a further breakdown, only two could * Utica i.C March Geneseo Home have been classified as shots. Stella T u r n s in G r e a t P e r f o r m a n c e On the other side of the ledger, State's points were countered by Bill Adams, Tom King, a n d Al C a n n o n with King and C a n n o n each booting the ball past the goalie twice. Joe Stella was probably the outstanding player of t h e day. Stella A last call has been issued for e n - as halfback was constantly booting rollments in the Beginners Class to the ball downfield into scoring pobegin next Tuesday at Public B a t h sition. His defensive play was one 3. T h e course is being held Tuesday of the reasons why most of the a n d T h u r s d a y evenings from 7-9 for game was played in New England's t t h e next three weeks. The class is territory. C a n n o n ' s play, a l t h o u g h open to both men and women. Ap- creditable, could not be considered plication can be made by contacting on a par with last year's. King, Marie DcSeve '53, or by calling the Strickland, McCcrmick a n d B u t t o n also were key men in State's attack. Red Cross Chapter. Button was injured late in t h e first Later in October there will be an half and was forced to sit out the I n t e r m e d i a t e Class at Hackett J u n - remainder of the game. ior High School to be held on Mon- Fresh Look Good day and Wednesday evenings from New faces in the lineup who look 7-9. T h e class begins October 27 and like they will be steady performers is also co-educational. fcr Coach Garcia's squad are Jack Beginners Class Meets Tuesday STUDY Hughes, who played a good game at fullback, and Don Snyder, who covered a lot of ground on the wing position. Dick Pfiffer and "Rebel" Hockmuth made good showings in their soccer debut. Next weekend t h e team journeys to the North Country for two games. They will engage P l a t t s b u r g S t a t e Teachers College on F r i d a y afternoon and then take on C h a m p l a i n Ccllege Saturday before r e t u r n i n g home. Advanced Courses Offered More advanced courses including Life Saving and the Instructors Course are being scheduled for later in the year. T h e r e are openings for students holding their Instructor's tc aid in teaching these classes on a voluntary basis. F u r t h e r information may be obtained from Marie DeSeve, S t a t e College Unit Leader. Campus capers call for Coke F R E E ! Webster's Pocket Dictionary with each purchase of $1.00 or over. CLOTHES Statesmen Down New England 5-0 For Initial W i n Everyone enjoys the break b e t w e e n c l a s s e s . T h e l i d ' s off DRIERS LAMPS for a t i m e a n d r e l a x a t i o n ' s t h e m a n d a t e . W h a t b e t t e r fits Central Variety the m o m e n t t h a n ice-cold C o k e ? 313 CENTRAL AVENUE Below Quail Street —Open Every Night 'Til !>— ^fakari CAFETERIA OPEN 0:00 to 5:30 DAILY Evenings by a p p o i n t m e n t T h i s week WAA fall sports s t a r t e d with activities being scheduled on Dorm Field weekdays from 3:30 to 5:30 Monday and T h u r s d a y afternoons Archery and Hockey are t h e featured sports. Volleyball is scheduled for T u e s days a n d Wednesdays and is being played a t the n o r t h end of the field. Soccer will be held on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons a n d also frcm 10 to 12 o'clock on S a t u r d a y mornings. In W a s h i n g t o n Park there will be supervised tennis on Tuesdays and T h u r s d a y s . Swimming is being held as usual in the Jewish C o m m u n i t y Center Pool on T u e s d a y s evenings. An opportunity for lessons may be included in the swimming; program on Tuesdays if enough interest is shown. S-iHr With Mmkan 1052 Special Discount for Decorations 217 Western Ave. 170 South Pearl Street Albany, New York Fraternity Teams WAA Starts Take First Games Sports Program HAGUE ALL T Y P E S COLLEGE. F R A T E R N I T Y SORORITY PRINTING Thurlow To Play Potter; KB Vs. Summit House FRIDAY, O C T O B E R 3 , BREAKFAST DINNER M I D N I G H T SNACKS LUNCHES BOTHED AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COIA COMPANY BY ALBANY COCA-COLA BOTTLING CO, REASONABLE P R I C E S 167 CENTRAL AVE. UNDER "Col«" it a r»aiil<tred lrad»-mark, 1952, THE COCA-COIA COMPANY l»AOK • STATE COLLEGE NEWS. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 3, 1 9 5 2 Students To Sing Ten Year History Of Big Four O n Page Field, M a y Reach Concluding Paragraph lance In Uni nion Now thaf the time has come to State Special, presentations by the again review the question of Big g g etaasea, a ^ t a t d g a i pageant '£ /** D & A Affiliates To M e e t Today SUB Requests State Pennants (ConttouedfromPagel, Column 6) F o u r s - >' w o u l d b e w e l 1 t o u n c o v e r tersorority' presentation, and Dorm i n s c h ° o 1 a t a p l a c e t o b e a n n ° u n c " Is also an investigation to be unDonald Lein, Charles Beckwith, the long hidden history of Big p 0 ni e s constituted the events. The e d - Leanore Kotch 54, chairman of dertaken for the decoration of TernFrank LaTruglio, Doris Mehan, Pa- Pours. Frosh and Soph programs were the organization, announced the perance Tavern. tricia Finger, and Robert Coan, On October 1 1943 the State c o u n t e d towards rivalry. This week a suggestion box is bem a l n p u r p o s e of this meeting Is to Sophomores. The following people Big Ten was instituted as a means organize the program for the school inf. h l L n g " p ° n the Ontario Street are the heads of the committees: College News released plans by MyP " exit of he Snack Bar DeSantolo Janet MacDonald, Props; Nan Mc skanii and Student Council for a of obtaining money for the war efEvov" ^ e ^ C h a r i e s 8 ' Beckwith "Big Ten." The Big Ten, as its fort. The profit of $1800 was used - • — ......-yeai. a s i c s fa&t anyone who has an idea LiBhts' and Ann Tober Miscellan- name implies, consisted of ten so- to buy a field ambulance. are considering ior the_ improvement of the Union T h e Aff|]lates ious cial events spread a t intervals In 1944 the Big Ten was short- sponsoring a field trip to RPI for d r o P t h e i r suggestions into the box. The students will then go out to throughout the year from late Octo- ened to the Big Eight. The All the presentation of the First Drama George Hathaway '53, has been State Special and the Christmas Quartet's show. The activity will designated to investigate the possiPage Field for the Activities Day b e r t o t h e middle of May. An All Pageant were omitted. 1946 saw the take place on November 18 at the bilities of decorating the walls of sing. Barbara Newcombe '53, will exclusion of all events except the Field House. Anyone who Is inter- Snack Bar with cartoons. .'These direct the singing. While this goes Soph a n d frosh presentations, ested may attend. The organization paintings would be life size tarlcaon the bonfire will be lit. State Fair, and a Religious Clubs will take charge of buying the block tures and would also be used ,to decRobert Comley '55 will be at the program. The Big Eight was now of tickets. Transportation arrange- orate the four walls of trip game head of the snake dance and will Big Four c'.ue to the overcrowded ments will also be taken care of by room. lead the participants to Brubacher social .T.'.endar. D & A Affiliates, but the students In the future there will be a drive Hall. The route of the snake will be From 1948 until last semester Big w n o attend must help to meet the for pennants and banners. This as follows: up Western Avenue to drive is another way by which more Four consisted of what might better cost of the chartered bus. Cortland Place, turn right at CortVolunteers to work at the Pruyn have been termed the "Tiny Two.' decorations can be added to the land and follow this street to State Library and Clinton Square Neigh- Although State Fair has still conSnack Bar and the game room. Street and then to Brubacher. These pennants and banners are to When the snake arrives at Bru- borhood house Story Hour have tinued, it is no longer known as _ . been requested by Alice T. Hastings, p a r t oi B i g P o u r i a n d t n e Religious come from local colleges and unibacher which will be about 9 .p.m., until midnight. Gecrge Hathaway Assistant College Librarian. These C i U D S a l s o discontinued their Big versities. The Student Union Board is also seeking banners from the '54, is in charge of decorating the Story Hours will be held every Frl- Four Program, State of New York. A special emgame room for the gala event. day afternoon at 4 p. m. starting All that is left of the Big Ten, Tau Kappa Alpha, national lion- P h a s l s i s b e i n 8 P u t upon these colRefreshments are under the di- about November 1 and will continue a fter ten years, are the two shows le es w h o bel ° " g to the University rection of Catherine Cowell and until the College Easter vacation, for rivalry. Today will see the con- orary forensic society, will sponsor 0 Sl Pork This drive is also for Joan Bathrlck, Juniors. Any student interested is asked to tinuation or dissolution of one of a lecture Thursday in New Draper a11 New state Auditorium, according to Robert College students. All stuRonald Koster '55, is the chair- contact Miss Hastings cr Beverly state's oldest traditions. d e n t s w n o wtnlld llke t o Berkhofer '53, President. contribute man of 'the publicity committee. Dodge '54, chairman of the project. to this project are asked to give the Frances Hopkins and Kathleen Obstudents leading these Story The speaker will be Harold pennants and banners to Rudy Deerst, jun crs, are assistant chairman H o u r s m a d o a v a r l e t y o f a c t l v i t l e s Potter Club Releases Vaughn, a State College gradaute Santolo. and chairman respectively of the c o n n e c t e d w l t h s t o r y t e l l i n g i s t a t e s who spent this past summer in YuNames O f Officers Activities Day program. Miss Hastings. They may tell the goslavia under the sponsorship of stories themselves, have the children /Continued from Pane;, Column //1 'the "Experiment in International Lounge In Richardson act the story out, use puppets to Living." He will talk on his eight Potter Club elected Edward Me- weeks' visit inside Communist Yudemonstrate the stcry, or have the Becomes New Commons children sing songs connected with Carthy '53, and Joseph Derby, Jun- goslavia. Richardson Lounge has been of- a particular story. The children in tars, co-chairmen of their pledge The names of the new officers of ficially named the Commons and these groups range from the age of committee. The following officers During hi.-- slay in Europe, Vaughn Residence Council have been recan no longer be reserved for activ- 6 to 12. The leader may arrange the elected by Potter Club last week visited collective farms and worker- leased by Julia Korba '53, President. ities during the day, announces John activities to fit the age level of her a i e h o u s e officers rather than fra- owned factories. He also interviewed Vice President is Lu-Ann LivinLannon '53, President of Student particular group. ternity officers as was incorrectly Archbishop Stepanak while the lat- food, and the secretary-treasurer is s Association. It may be procured for stated In last week's State Coll.gc ter was being held prisoner in Yu- Mnrjorie Alguire, both Seniors. evening meetings, however, by signTwo students may work as a team News, states Paul Ward '53, Presi- goslavia. Members of this year's Judicial ing up on the calendar in the office in leading a Story Hour. Attend dent. The new house officers are Board are Margaret Smith '54, Aliki of the Dean of Women. The new ance every Friday is net required President, Harold Smith '53; ViceSlides taken in Europe will aug- Aposlolides, and Anna Oberst, Senlounge is located in New Draper, Interested students may come as of- President, Peter McManus '54; and ment the lecture. The program will iors. Korba is President ex ofRoom 149. ten as they wish. ficio of Judicial Board. Treasurer, Gary La Grange '53. commence at 3:30 p.m. Hastings Seeks Story Hour A i d TKA Sponsors Grad s Lecture Council Releases Names Of Officers OOO IBut onlyTime will Tell State College News There will be a meeting of the (Continued from Page 1, Column t) D & A A f f u l a t e s today at 3:30 p.m. b e e n d e f dedded upon There feCAMHS fir 30 dap A D To Present I ! WANTED !! nlghtwatchman. Must Laboratory Plays hateOnecokes. Must have handled ping pong paddels and billiard Tuesday In Page cues as weapons. Must enjoy be- The series of Advanced Dramatics class plays which will extend throughout the college year will begin Tuesday evening with the presentation of two plays, a hilarious comedy and a romantic tragedy, announces Frank Hodge '53, President of Dramatics and Arts Council. Strange Ending Concludes Tragedy The tragedy, directed by John Laing '54, is concerned with a love triangle. I t is said to have an interesting and surprising ending. The audience is incorporated into the play Itself to act as a jury to the characters. Those acting in the drama are: Roslyn Lacks '52; Diane Wheeler '54, and James Erlandson '55. Technical director is Marcia Griff; Stanley Hewlett is In charge of the House; Frederick Crumb is in charge of Fublicily; Margaret Eckert will furnish sound effects; lighting is under the direction of Norma DeRcos; Leanore Kotch is in charge oi' make-up; Doris Hagen is In charge of props, Juniors, and Janice Smith '53, is chairman of costumes. Comedy Portrays Marital Problems cultics of a man who is cursed with a wife who can not speak and later is afflicted with the problems of a wit's who .suddenly become:! talkative. The cast consists of: Frank Hodge '53; Madeleine Payne, Donald Voelllnger, Harry Warr. Marvin Chernoff, Juniors; Joan Carlin and Charles Beckwith, Sophomores; Ross Hack, Robert Betchum, Eleanor Goldman and Donald Murdock, freshmen. Committee heads for this play are: props, Frances Clllberti; Costumes, Doris Hagen; Technical Director, Norma DeRoos, Sophomores; Make-up, Janice Smith; House, Kathleen Wright, Seniors. CAMELS lire America's most popular cigarette. To find out why, test them as your steady smoke. Smoke only Camels for thirty clays. See how rich and flavorful they are — pack after pack! Sec how mild CAMELS are — week after week! An educational program featuring Dr. E. Dennis of the Sterllng-Wlnthrop Research Institute will be held in Page Hall at 8 p. m, on Thursday, it was announced by Dr. Margaret D. Beta, Assistant Professor of Science. For nearly ten years, Dr. Dennis lived in the Near East. During his slay he was affiliated with several ci I'.eges and was active In medical research, He will present a film entitled, "Impact of American Education on the Near East." This film Is narrated by Lowell Thomas and produced by the March of Time. Dr. Dennis will answer questions on the topic, and will show several color slides he lock while in the Near Easi. This program Is designed for all who are Interested in education. H will be .sponsored jointly by D&A and by the Albany Club of Sigma Xi. CAMEL leads all other brands by billions of cigarettes per year! m It appears that an unknown sum of unknown felons absconded with the machine. After intense study of the surrounding terrain, your reporter and Jr. G-Man, Spam Stade, has reached the following conclusions: Upon reaching the alumni quad, the thieves got thirsty, drank a coke, and abandoned Big Red to the surprise of the slccpy-eyed Brubacher girls on their way to breakfast. Saylcsmen are on the alert. If you're one of the culprits, this is your last chance. Better sneak out of town, along with all the Dodger fans. Creeks Pledge New Members The sororities have announced that there have been seven girls pledged within the past two weeks. Potter Club has scheduled a smoker for the freshmen and transfers. Gecrge Smalling '53, President of inter-Fraternity Council, announced that plans are underway to select a band for Winterlude, the sororityfraternity formal which is held in December. At the weekly meeting Monday night Kappa Delta pledged three new members. They are Phyllis McCormick, Mary Ann Hopko, and Patricia Dean, Juniors. At the Chi Sigma Theta sorority there was one girl pledged. Katherine Sinclair '53, President, announced that the new pledge is Donna Hughes '55. On Friday evening a date party has been scheduled with Siena. The chairman of the activity is Marion Howard '53, and Janet Canavan '54, is in charge of the refreshments. Ruth Poole '53, President of the Phi Delta sorority, has announced that the sorority has initiated Patricia Zylkc '53, and Ellen Baronnas '55. Three new pledges have also been added to the sorority. They are Dolores Mariano, Lorraine Voepel, and Saiah Hoyt. Sophomores. This Thursday evening at 8 p.m. Paul Ward '53, President, announced that tne Pctter Club will hold a smoker for the freshmen and transfers. All Sophomores interested in enrolling in elective classes in physical education may do so by applying: to Isabellc Johnston, Instructor in Physical Education, or Merlin Hathaway, Instructor in Physical Education, on or before next Friday, announces Thomas Gibson, Professor of Health. Classes will begin Monday, October 20. One credit hour will be given for each semester of enrollment in Physical Education. Classes for Sophomore women nre scheduled as follows: tennis, Monday and Wednesday, 2:45 to 4:15 p. m.; badminton, Monday and Wednesday, 7:30 to 9 p.m.; field hockey techniques and officiating, Tuesday and Thursday, 2:45 to 4:15 p.m.; apparatus and tumbling, Tuesday and Thursday, 7:30 to 9 p.m.; modem dance, Tuesday and Thursday, 7:30 to 9 p.m. "We're all pals together!" What better theme for a Sundayful of entertainment. And all for the benefit of no one else but the fun lovin' .students and faculty of our own Slate College. You'll know it's All State Day when the band r-rlngs forth, Al Peachy and his charming majorSophomore men's gym classes are ettes make their debut, and the facscheduled thus: tennis. Monday and Wednesday, 12:45 to 2:15 p.m., and Tuesday and Thursday, 1:45 to 3:15 p.m.; soccer, daily, 3:30 to 5:30 p. in.; ami apparatus and tumbling, Tuesday and Thursday, 7:30 to 9 p. m. Myskania Issues Frosh Warnings State Will Participate In Education Program *» VOL. XXXVII NO. 4 Soapbox To Poll / Religious Clubs S A Members Plan Conference, Political Choices Engage Speaker Heading the agenda for Student Student Christian Association will initiate its Student for Christ Movement next weekend. Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship will sponsor ii guest speaker on Christ—Tne Answer." Tonight in Brubacher A Conference of Student Christian Association to be held in conjunction with R.P.I., is initiating a Students for Christ Movement, Paul Ward '53, President, has announced. The theme is Social Action. The Conference will be held at R.P.I, in Troy, October 17 to 19. Chapel is being held each Wednesday at the Park United Presbyterian Church. Until further notice, it will be from 12 noon until 12:30 p.m. This e v e n i n g , Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship is having a guest speaker. Reverend Stansfield of Auburn, New York will speak on "Christ — The Answer." William Whitwer '53, President, announces that it will be held at Brubacher Hall beginning at 7:30 p.m. The State College chapter of IVCF has a program which includes Inter-collegiate weekend conferences, weekly Bible studies, and daily noon devotional meeting for prayer mission .study, and the discussion of vital doctrines. Tri-city monthly meeting speaker include prominent Christian philosophers, and clergymen. Association Assembly today will be a poll to be taken by Soapbox to determine student political preference in the coming presidential election. Also on the agenda are a continuation cf last week's discussion of the Big-4 reconsideration, and the reading of assembly rules by Campus Commission. Student Council this week elected representatives to ICA and accepted a constitution for Student Facilities Board. Council Elects Delegates The election of four members of Student Association to attend the annual Inter-Collegiate Association Conference was completed by Student Council Wednesday night. The representatives are John Lannon '53, Marvin Chernoff, Patricia Dean, and Neil Brown, Junicrs. Alternates are Beverly Pranitis, Louis Vion, and Ruth Dunn, Seniors. Lannon will act as chairman of the group. The ICA conference will be held at Buffalo State Teachers College November 7, 8 and 9. Representatives from eleven state teachers colleges will discuss extra-curricular problems and exchange Ideas. Student Council has submitted the following as possible discussion points: Compulsory assembly, State aid to athletics, and problems of student government. Student Council elected Ann Vigilante '55, as Publicity Director of Rivalry Committee. Miss Vigilante will be a non-voting member of the committee. Facilities lid. Obtains Constitution A constitution for Student Facilities Board, submitted by Elizabeth Coykendall '53, was unanimously aculty dance across the Dorm Field cepted by the Council. Also accepted by the Council was the formal reswith their young 'uns. Muscles will dominate the after- ignation of James Lockhart, now noon with a tug-of-war and softball in the Navy. game. Garcla's Growlers and Hathaway's Hecklers will rhumba onto the diamond to compete for the All State Softball Championship. And then—then the great moment arrives. A grand rush to Tempy's Tavern and . . . food! Majorettes will be tiptoeing about the tables Plans for the Eastern College Sciselling door prize tickets while a ence Conference to be held here artChinese Auction :s being conducted State, March 2(1 to 28, have been anfor the benefit of Campus Chest. nounced by Herbert Thier '53, ChairDon't stomp your feet yet, cause man. Most of the colleges of the there's a heigh-down comin' up. Eastern United States will be repReuben Merchant and his square resented. dance band have a couple of hours Features of the conference will billed for ya in the dining hall. include eminent speakers In the field Dat's all? No WhWen you're all of science, field trips to local induslagged out from blddln' and dancin', trial plants, exhibits, and papers on you'll be entertained in the lower all the natural sciences, educational lounge. psychology, and general psychology. The new All-State Day will help The executive committee for the you become better acquainted with conference includes Thier; Linda the faculty. This will mark the third Hopkins, Vice Chairman in charge year Student Council has sponsored of arrangements; Michael LaMarca. All State Day. Vice Chairman in charge of techSo, remember Slate Day's a- nical details; Elizabeth Piatt, Treascomin', there'll be dancin' that urer; and Patricia Dean, Executivenight--October 19—you'll be there, Secretary. All are Seniors except huh? Miss Dean who is a Junior. Students from any field who are interested hi working on a commit'55 Releases Schedule tee are requested to sign up on a sheet to be posted in the near future. For Hayride Tomorrow Merriment, Majorettes, Auction To Dominate Third All-Stale Day The names of freshmen who have received two official warnings have been released by Elizabeth Piatt '53, Chairman of the Warning Committee of Myskania. They are Sheila A faculty committee, set up to de- Milliard, Mimi Patterson and Dovise plans in order that students lores Price. from State may participate in AmThe penalties for violaticu- >f erican Education Week, has been rivalry rules, as released by Mysannounced by Elmer C. Mathews, kania, are a.s follows: first offense, Director of the Teacher Placement one written warning; second offense, Bureau. American Education Week a written warning and publication will be November 9 to 15. of the violator's name in State Col"Children In Today's World" is lege News; third offense, a public the committee's theme, chosen to apology before Student Association. Rules for issuing warnings are listpublicize the educator's view cl teacher training. Plans for carrying ed below: 1. The warning must be placed in the program include a possible man To Speak out television show, radio program, a a sealed envelope In the Myskania exhibit, and a college open mailbox not later than 24 hours aftIn Draper Auditorium book house in order that the public may er the offense has been committed. visit classes. 2. The warning must Include the "The New Educational Program following information, full name of Members of the committee Include the violator, date, hour, location and In England" will be ihe topic of a talk by Professor C. H. Dobnison of Dr. Vivian Hopkins, Assistant Pro- the name of the person issuing the fessor of English, Dr. Perry WestReading University, England, who brook, Assistant Professor of Eng- warning. ;i. A person can receive only one will speak In Draper Auditorium to- lish; Dr. Don Orton, Director ol warning per day for each type of day at 12:30 p.m., announces Dr. Education, and Mathews. violation. David E. Hartley, Dean of Men. Kappa Phi Kappu and SOAQ8 are The committee is interested in 4. Each warning must be on n Jointly sponsoring the speaker and obtaining students' Ideas on wliut separate piece of paper but, more invite all interested students and the college can do during American than one warning can be placed in faculty to attend, Education Week, states Muthews. one envelope. English fP~-••'••••• Ten exhausted Saaylesmcn rushed into the P.O. to place this ad. Their reason: they're tired of lugging their coke machine from dead center dorm field to the game room. (VSSBMpLy ASI Assembly To Continue Debate On Reconsideration Of Big-4s Sophs To Enroll Directed by Dolores Donnelly ™ In Optional Gym : the comedy treats the marital d Dennis To Show Educational Film AND ONLY TIME WILL TELL ABOUT A CIGARETTE.' TAKE >t?URTIME...MAKE THE SENSIBLE 30-DAY CAMEL MILDNESS TEST. SEE HOW CAMELS SUIT YOU AS yDUR STEADY SMOKE.' FRIDAY. O C T O B E R l O , 1 9 5 2 ing behind the eight ball. Call 8-0287 from 2 to 5 a.m. Directors Name Casts, Production Assistants; Rele se Plo Synopses ior Mildness and Flavor ONLY TIME WILLTELL ABOUT A FOOTBALL TEAM ! ALBANY, N E W YORK, Z-457 qdjIfUlflORY Thier Announces Conference Plans There will be a hay ride for the Sophomore class tomorrow evening. The wagon is scheduled to begin its tour at 7:30 p. in, In the lower corridor of the perlstyle between Husted and Draper, there Is a booth where any Interested Sophomore may obtain his ticket. The tickets are on sale at fifty cents per person. All those who are going on the hay ride should assemble in the front of Draper on the Western Avenue side at 7:30 p.m. 'Pea" Editor Posts New Picture Schedule All Seniors, sorority and fraternity members who have not had their pictures taken for the yearbook are requested to sign up on the l'ed»gogue bulletin board before Tuesday. Veronica Price '53, President, has. announced that Patricia Qarrett 'S3. Is the chairman of the art staff.