m, STATE COLLEGE NEWS. FRIDAY, MAY 9. 1 9 S 2 PAOt • MOVING-UP DAY PROCEDURE The following procedure has been outlined for Moving-Up Day exerthrough the Junior lines. left and center sections of and freshmen will follow cises tomorrow: C. The classes will walk out the balcony. the Seniors, in order, to I. Processional—8:30 a. m. of Page in double file, the Page Hall. 4. The freshmen in the center A. 1. Seniors will form a double II. Seating. couples splitting as they section of the balcony will line beginning at Minerva turn either right or leit to move right, down the right A. 1. Seniors in front, center and ending in the peristyle form a single line on either stairway, following the Junsection, main floor. leading to the Library. side of the path. The Sophiors, and fill in the section 2. Junior in the right section 2. Juniors will meet by the omores go through the Junvacated by the Juniors. The of the main floor and in Registrar's office and their ior lines. When everyone is freshmen in the left section the right section of the balline will extend into the out of the auditorium, the will move across the center cony. peristyle of Husted. Seniors in turn go through section and fill in the front 3. Sophomores in the left sec3. Sophomore lines will start the Sophomore lines and part of the right section of tion of the main floor and in the Annex area at the the Juniors go through the the balcony. the rows left unoccupied by foot of the steps to Husted freshman lines. the Seniors in the center IV. Recessional. and will end a t the Co-op in section. A. Myskania leads, going out V. Forming the Numerals. Lower Draper. the right center aisle, and 4. Freshmen in the left and The Seniors will turn right 4. The freshmen double lines center sections of the balforming a line on either and form their numerals in will start behind the Sophocony. side of Page Hall steps. the corner of Page Field mores at the girl's locker B. The four classes follow in nearest Husted. The Sophoroom in Lower Draper and III. Moving-Up. mores will form their numorder: A. l.The Juniors in the balcony will extend to the lower erals in front of the Seniors will move quickly to the Library. 1. Seniors will go down the near Western Avenue. The right, down the right stairs, walk by Husted Hall. B. At 8:45 a. m. the procession Juniors will turn left and and will fill in the seats will begin with the Senior 2. Juniors will follow the Senform their numerals in the behind the Juniors downclass marching down the iors. At the end of the Page corner nearest Milne. The stairs, who will have moved front steps of Draper, turnwalk, they will turn right freshmen will follow the to the left, into the center ing right at Western Aveand proceed down the walk Juniors and form their nue, then turning right at section. by Albany High. numerals in front of the the walk which leads to 2. The Seniors move left 3. Sophomores follow the JunJuniors near Western AveHusted, turning left at across the aisle into the iors, turning left at the end nue. Husted, walking toward AlSophomore section. of Page walk to go through bany High and then right, the Senior lines. 3. The Sophomores will move VI. Evening. up the walk to Page Hall. into the far aisle, up the 4. Freshmen will follow the A. The Rivalry skits will begin The Juniors, Sophomores, left stairs, and fill in the Juniors, turning right to go at 7 p. m. in Page Hall. Im- mediately after , the skits the classes will meet in front of Draper and take the following positions: 1. Seniors stand on "the steps of Draper. 2. Juniors stand to the right of the Seniors, facing the Library. 3. Sophomores face the Seniors. 4. Freshmen face the Juniors. The Step Song will be sung first by the Seniors. After , they have sung it once, they will move to their left a n d ' stand in front of the frosh. The Juniors will sing t h e ' Step Song once in place and then will proceed with their banner into the Husted side door of Draper, and will come out the front door of Draper singing the Step Song. The Sophomores will fill in the section vacated by the Juniors. After the singing of the Step Song, the Seniors will turn and walk down the sidewalk to Western Avenue toward Husted Hall, singing "Great Fires" as they go. C H E S T E R F I E L D -LAMEST SELLIHG CIGARETTE IH AMERICA'S COLLEGES 1 EX A S U ^ , •::ffl:;ffl;S:W:::tt^ «r6,n> Jfountam *«« § warn W&&. mm mmm SIGNED r . ' / y ' ' PROPRIETOR » m .mm?•%mm wmmm mm •?//*"•' 3TIRFIEID mmwmmm • • F State College Ne$l Z-456 ALBANY, NEW YORK. SATURDAY. MAY lO, 1952 & h/-mA •i-W/ fsterffe/d §y,/c "sterfie! "oorr, wmmmmmm Tf**J •^MUKii*;: CHESTERFIELD is MUCH MILDER with an extraordinarily good taste and N O UNPLEASANT AFTER-TASTE* *From the Report of o WellKnown Rejearch Organiialion i SMITH, CAROILL, |i EADB. '^fHKf VOL. XX*VI NO. 2 9 Lannon Emerges Victorious In Presidential Contest; Myskania Tapping Highlights M U D Actvities Peace To Head Silence, Shouts Heighten Tapping; College 'News' R a t i o S h o w s Women In Majority Today's Moving-Up-Day ceremony made known to members of Association the '52-'53 Myskania group. The new Myskania For Next Year Student will maintain the same number of men and women as the out-going Brown Eliminates Opponents; Wins Vice-Presidency Barbara Peace '53, who has acted in the capacity of Sophomore Desk Editor and Junior Editor of the State College News will assume duties of the editorship next week, as a result of the elections of 1951-52 News Board and as released by Grace Smith, retiring Editor. Electors Name Battisti To Secretary Position Results of the elections of SA indicate that John Lannon '53 will wield the gavel, Neil Brown will serve in the capacity of Vice-President, Mary Battisti, Secretary, while Barbara Newcombe will direct the group as .songleader. Lannon scored an overwhelming majority In the race for President by scoring 369 votes over his opponent, Harold Smith '53. In an equally overwhelming victory, Brown outdistanced his nearest rival, Chernol'f '53, by 300 ballots. McManus trailed Chernol'f by 19 votes in the balloting. Miss Battisti led in the race for Secretary of SA in the first distribution and maintained the majority of votes until she was elected on the fourth distribution. Dorothy Schatz '55 was the closest opponent. Miss Newcombe, who has served as Songleader of the Class of 1953 won the election after she edged out Evelyn Paulus '53. The Student Board of Finance will be entirely made up of new members. Coming from the Senior class will be Roderick Hilsinger, Anna Oberst, and Beverly Pranitis while Faith Hanson and Kurt Rosenbaum, Juniors. Composing the Student Facilities Board will be Elizabeth Coykendall, Edward Bonalntc, Seniors; Katherine Oberst, Madeleine Payne, Juniors; and Robert Inglis '55. Miss Coykendall is the sole returning member to the Board. group six men to seven women. Three persons from SA's suggested list were elected, while seven persons from Myskania's suggested list were named to the honorary body. After the classes had moved up and had sung the traditional, "Arm in Arm," tapping ceremonies were begun. A hush settled over the crowd, while the old Myskania members took seats in the second row of thirteen chairs on the stage. David Myron Shepard acted as the speaker and announced the names of the new members of the The former board increased the Judiciary, while David Karl Manly, Chairman of '51 -'52 Myskania, number of members on the board presented the purple and gold tassels. by two and also named two assistWilliam Twiggar Wiley and Joan Bennett were the first pair ants to board members. The offices of Advertising & Business Mana- to leave the stage to begin the tapping activities. From the stage, gers were combined into one by an Shepard boomed out the name of the first member of the incoming election of the board. Jordine Skoff Myskania, PETER B. CAMERON T E L F E R , new Pi Omega Pi '53 will serve as the Business ManJOHN LANNON '53 ager while Sheila Hill will act as President. Senior member to Student Council and past President of President of SA the Class of '52. the Assistant. BEVERLY JEAN* P R A N I T I S was the next pw.sun to be guided Name Blattinan Sports Editor to the stage by Victoria May Hade and Helen Pitcher after the pair Taking over the duties of the sports department are Abel Blatt- circled the auditorium twice. Miss Pranitis will be busy next year on inan, Sports Editor, and Doris D:- the Student Board of Finance, and acting as secretary for herty, Senior Sports Member. Eli- her class. She is Stale's choice for the Tulip Queen contest to be zabeth Piatt and Irene Brezinsky, held in Albany. Seniors, will serve as Co-Public ReIn a very solemn manner, Joan Marie Haggcrty and Victoria Editor while Esther MayaLeaders Chernol'f, Coan, lations kis and Henry Koszewski, Seniors, May blade left the platform to seek out the person who would fill Lombardi Guide Classes will act as Co-Managing Editors. seal number three. Shepard then announced the name of BARBARA A N N E N E W C O M B E , SA's new song-leader. Miss Newcombe has Also named to the Board are been active in D&A, and in musical activities at State. She will hold Jo.-eph Lombardi was chosen President by the Class of 1953. Muriel Woodman '53, Exchange EdMarvin Chernoff was elected Pres- itor, Mary Siegler, Circulation again the position of songleader of her class. JOHN R O B E R T LANNON, newly-elected President of Stuident of the Cla.ss of 1954 while Manager. Seniors; Joyce Surtes, Robert Coan was selected to head Feature Editor. Irene Eldred, Sally dent Association filled seat number four on the stage. Theresa Gerlg, June Huggins, and Catherine Porta and Robert Joseph Donnelly escorted Lannon to his seat. He the Class of 1955. Lynch, Junior Editors. Mary RedThe Senior members of next ing will assume the position of As- served as this year's Vice-President of SA, and as representative to year's Student Council will be Ed- sistant Circulation Manager. Student Council. ward Bonahue, Rose Mary Keller, The team of Harvey Lawrence Robinson and Victoria Marie Harold Smith, and Peter Teller. Release Newspaper Staff Baldino were the next pair to leave the stage to seek HAROLD The Junior delegation is made up Fulfilling the duties of the sports of Patricia Dean, Peter McManus, of the college newspaper are Joseph BACON S M I T H , representative to Student Council for next year. Madeleine Payne and Kurt Rosen- Luce, Philip Billings, Juniors, Stnilh served on Student Hoard of Finance this year. baum. DeWitt Combs, James Lock- Robert Ashficld and Walter LauROSE MARY K E L L E R , the third woman to be tapped for hart, Mary facovone and Marilyn der, Sophomores. From the class of Myskania, was brought to the stage by Henry Fen/on Smith and Wittschen have been chosen to rep- 1955, Kathleen Anderson, loan resent the Class of 1955 on Student Barnovit/., Joan Carlin, Alice Gaii- Joan Bennett. Miss Keller in today's ceremonies was named repreCouncil. quie, Dulcy Grant, Mary Johnpoll, sentative to Student Council. She has served as SA secretary, and Pedagogue, State College's yearJean Keller, Eula King, Doris Mo- has been very active in Student Council activities throughout her book will be under the guidance of Officers of the Class of 11)53 will han, Dolores Montalbano, Jeanne Veronica Price '53. who will serve be Anna Oberst, Vice-President; Moore, Kathleen Reslein, Evelyn college career. Suspense hung over the crowd as the team of Victoria Marie as Editor-in-Chief next year. Don- Beverly Pranitis, Secretary; Wil- Ruben. Marilyn Werbalowsky and ald Ptttterman '52, outgoing Editor liam Adams, Treasurer; Barbara Faith Wohl were named as cub re- Bahlino and Marion Lucille Gorskie, saw fit to circle the assembly also released the names of the N e w c o m b e . Songleader; Mary porters to the editorial staff. two times before slopping by the seat of RUTH ELAINE D U N N , Senior Board member-. Senior Burke, Publicity Diretcor; and Marwho served on Student Council in her freshman year. Student Failyn Adamlak, Cheerleader. members and Junior Stall' memcilities Hoard this year, and has been columnist for the State College bers. Other officers of the Class of News. ' . Julia Knrba was named as Business Manager; Muriel Woodman, 1954 include John Allasio. ViceWith only six more seats to be filled, David Myron Shepard's Photography Editor; Irene Dick President; Katherine Oberst, Treavoice came forth from the slage with ANNA ELIZABETH OBERST, Literary Editor; Joan Reilley, Ad- surer; Faith Hanson, Secretary; who was taken to her seat by Harvey Lawrence Robinson and Robert vertising Manager; Marion Beni, Jessie Ruynor, Cheerleader; George Dramatics and All Council and Josef// Donnelly. Miss Oberst was chosen Vice-President of her class, Personnel Manager: unci ('aniline Hathaway, Publicity Director, Music Council have released the and named to Student Hoard of Finance for next year. Cla/ulis, Exchange Keillor; all SenThe officers of the Class of 1955 results of then elections for new iors. Joan Ciirlln, Vice-President; officers and board members. Henry The fourth man to be lapped for Myskania was FRANCIS Appointments <>l Seniors to the are Angela Kavanirih, Secretary; Zoe Smith, President ol l),VA Council, PATRICK HODGE, next year's D&A President, and past chairman I'ed stall' include Maryanne Cnc- Anne Treasurer; Ronald announces that Frank Hodge '53 eel ti. Lit a Krumholz, Joyce Leon- Kosler, Laurie. Publicity Director; Lorraine will replace him as leader of that of Stale Fair. Marion Lucille Gorskie and Henry Fcnlon Smith were ard, and Martha Nevele/er. Hughes, Cheerleader; and Edith organization. Marion Newton, Pres- the team who sought Hodge in the auditorium to bring him to the From I he class til 1 <):>• I the In! Til lerlon, Songleader. ident of Music Council, states that stage. lowing weir selected Klcunnr HalJoan DeVinney '53 will be the new Seal number ten was filled af'er Theresa Porta and William iLski, Nell Blown. Soma Bush, Tva'ggai II Hey went into the audi 1 nee to escort JOSEPH | O H N Shirley Kdsull, Ann Marie Hug, Signum Laudis Honors Director ol the group's activities. Evelyn Kalusak. John Laing, SmLOMBARDI up to the stage. Lombardi will head his cl iss as FresJohn Laing '54 is to be the Treasart Macnol'.-ky, and Kliznbclh Ross. idenl next year, and during this .school year, he has ' State s Top Scholars urer ol DA:A and Kathleen Anderhen President Appointments In the stall of the son '55 will act as Secretary. The of Inter-Group Council and active on the Student Union Boa re yearbook from Hie Class ol 1955 Nineteen new members have been ELIZABETH JANE 1'LATT, • hosen as secretary for Commerce will be made nest year ibolh first elected to Signum Laudis, accord- new members will be Kathleen AnUeckwilh, Club, secretary for Pi Omega Pi, and Co-Public Relations Editor and .second semi steri by I he in- ing to the honor society's Presi- derson and Charles Sophomores. coming Senior Board, announced dent, Ruby Anderson '52. for the .Yni'.v, was lapped by Joan Marie Haggcrty and Helen Marie in today's assembly. Jean Hope Bean, Jeanne Hayes, Mlldelyn Meier '54 wil act as Pitcher, in occupy seal number eleven. John Lindberg, Viola Myles, Harry Secretary of Music Council while Joan Marie Hagi>rrtv and Robert Joseph Donnelly escorted the McManus, Whittle Lead Scott, Elaine Shainpansky, and Wilmonle Nash '53 will assume the last woman member of the new Myskania, ELIZABETH ANN COYEleanor Twccdie are the new mem- position of Treasurer. New members Frosh Guide Program bers from the Class of '52. include: Priseillu Join's from Wom- KENDALL, to the stage. Miss Coykendall was named to Student Nancy Whittle and Pol IT MeFrom the Class ol '!>.') Marlon en's Chorus, Milan Krchniak from Facilities Hoard for next year, representative to WAA, and named Maims, J u n i o r s , were announced Beni, Robert Berkholcr, Irene Bro- Men's Chorus. Seniors; Donald to Honor Council for WAA. this morning by Dean Stokes as zinsky, Anna Chrlstodulu, Helen Duelos from operetta, and Nell H E N R Y ANTHONY KOSZEWSKI, the last member of MyCo-Chairmen for the year 1952- Hagel. Ruth Herskowitz, Michael Brown from Orchestra, Juniors, 1953. Marjorie Al guire and Robert LaMarca. Ann McDougall, Barbara Elected from Music Council tryottts skania to be tapped, was chosen to fill seat number 13, and was Hughes, Seniors, will serve as Mendo/.a, Donald Stlne, Ann Stur- were; Alice Hiempel, Arline Lacy, brought to the stage by Henry Teuton Smith and Victoria Saldino, Guide. C h a i r m e n for transfer and ges, and Joyce Turner were accept- Juniors, Kathrvn Johnston and Kos/ewski has been active in IGC activities, and was chosen Cograduate s t u d e n t s ed info membership. Steve Cerniak, Sophomores. Manager of the News. Voters Determine New Presidents Price Assumes 'Ped' Editorship V ISSUE EDITORS HodgeDeVinney 7o Lead Councils Class Tabulations 10. 1B5£ STATE C O U . K O K N E W S . SATURDAY, MAY lO, 1 9 5 2 STATE COLLEGE NEWS ESTABLISHED MAY BY THE CLASS OF IBtS Good Luck 10 + 1 11 1 Apostolides 11000 B l a t t m a n .. 17000 B o n a h u e .... 13000 Brewer 4000 -Cohen 17000 Coykendall 71000 DeSantolo .. 12000 DeVinny .... 26000 Dunn 44000 Gazulis 6000 Goodell 11000 Hodge 72000 Hughes 16000 Jacobson .... 9000 Korba 28000 Koszcwski .. 38000 Lombardi 124000 Lubliner .... 4000 McCormick 14000 Newcombe .. 40000 Nielsen 7000 Oberst 71000 O'Connell .. 2000 Petfield 3000 Piatt 78000 Poole 1000 Pranitis 29000 Smalling .... 6000 Smith 41000 Sweitzer .... 5000 Vion 32000 Ward 38000 Weigand .... 4000 Woodman .. 36000 Wright 12000 Blanks 11000 Loss Totill la 11301 17301 16311 4000 17000 72505 12000 26903 46408 6000 11903 74709 17204 9903 28903 41010 86637 4000 14000 43010 7301 74612 2000 3301 82214 1000 29602 6602 43107 5000 33204 40709 4000 36301 12000 11000 39 2 11301 17301 16311 4000 17000 73505 12000 26903 46408 6000 11903 74709 17204 9903 28903 41010 86637 4000 14000 43010 7301 74612 2000 3301 82214 3 11301 17301 1631 i 4000 17000 73505 12O00 26903 47408 6000 11903 74709 17204 9903 28903 41010 86637 4000 14000 43010 7301 74612 5 6 7 8 9 4 10 11 12 13 13a 14 11301 11301 11301 11301 12301 12301 12301 12301 12301 17301 17301 19301 19301 19301 19301 20301 24301 24301 24301 24313 24313 16311 16311 16311 16311 16311 16311 16311 16311 17311 17311 17347 17347 4000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17000 17012 17012 73505 74505 75505 75505 76505 77505 79806 79806 84806 87806 86637 86637 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 12000 26903 26903 26903 26903 26903 26303 26903 26903 26903 27903 28131 28131 47408 47408 47408 47408 47408 47408 47709 47709 47709 47709 47925 48925 6000 6000 6000 6000 6000 11903 12903 13903 13903 13915 14915 11903 11903 11903 11903 11903 11903 77709 77709 78709 79709 79829 80829 75709 75709 75709 75709 75709 77709 19204 19204 19204 19204 19228 21228 17204 17204 17204 17204 17204 18204 12903 12903 12903 12903 12903 9903 9903 9903 10903 12903 12903 28903 28903 28903 28903 28903 29903 28903 28903 28903 28903 28903 28903 45010 46010 47010 49010 49142 49142 42010 44010 44010 44010 44010 44010 86637 86637 86637 86637 86637 86637 86637 86637 86637 86637 86637 86337 4000 4000 14000 14000 15000 15000 15000 15000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 14000 43311 43311 44311 44311 44311 41311 44311 44311 44311 44311 44359 46359 7301 7301 7301 7301 7301 7301 7301 75612 75913 77913 78214 78262 79262 74612 75612 75612 75612 75612 75612 3301 82214 82214 82214 82214 82214 82214 83214 29602 6602 43107 5000 33204 40709 4000 36301 12000 11000 39 29602 6602 44107 5000 33204 40709 4000 36301 12000 11000 39 30602 6602 44107 5000 33204 40709 4000 36301 12000 11000 39 ll.Villlltl !l.-|.'!OIIII !l."i.",(NHI .. Bailey . Bolz .... Hanson Hopkins Hull Longo .. Mackey Mousso Rosenb'm Semmler Blanks . Loss Total ... 98000 5 11800 980OO 6 14900 98000 7 30602 6602 44107 5000 33204 4070D 4000 36301 12000 11000 39 30602 6602 44107 5000 33204 41709 4000 36301 12000 11000 39 30602 6602 45107 6000 33204 41709 Bonahue Coykendall 98000 Dunn Herskowitz 8 Price Vion Blanks 34200 Loss 24000 15300 26600 17000 17a 18 24313 17347 24313 17347 25313 17347 25313 17353 26313 19353 17012 86637 17012 86637 17012 86637 17012 86637 30131 48925 31432 48925 31432 48925 31462 48949 19 20 21 86637 86637 86637 33674 33684 33684 34684 49949 50189 50214 52214 542S5 86637 29624 86637 19a 19b 26313 26313 26316 86637 86637 86637 32462 49949 33474 83919 24234 83919 24234 86620 26234 86820 26314 86637 26323 29903 49142 86637 30903 52142 86637 32903 56142 86637 33065 56178 86637 33065 56178 86637 33366 57178 86637 33575 57513 86637 15000 46359 16000 46359 47359 47401 50401 50401 50721 50730 53730 56043 80262 81262 83262 83364 86364 91683 86637 86637 86637 86637 83214 83214 83214 85214 85262 85262 P5262 86262 87262 86637 86637 86637 86637 86637 86637 86637 31602 31602 6602 6602 46107 46107 31602 31602 31602 33602 33638 33939 34951 36252 36252 36270 37282 39884 41724 41737 46738 56042 46107 47107 47107 48107 48119 50420 51420 54721 55721 55733 55733 57636 58076 58086 63086 65388 33204 33204 41709 41709 34204 34204 34204 34204 34276 34276 41709 41709 41709 41709 41721 43022 36276 44022 36276 45022 37276 47022 37318 47034 39318 48034 39330 50937 39450 51257 39466 51261 39468 54273 48488 54574 36301 36301 36301 36301 36313 36313 13003 1300O 13000 13000 13012 13012 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 39 39 116 116 39 39 36313 36313 36313 36349 37349 37349 37469 37473 37473 37473 11000 11000 11000 1116 1135 2135 11000 2135 11000 2381 11000 2437 11000 3437 11000 3478 MI iwiotMi IIMIHKI IKUKMI M I KMMM) 98500 981 X 100 Quota + 1 1 + 1 Lannon Smith Blanks Total Vice-President 981 X 100 Quota 1 + 1 Brown 98500 Chernoff 4 McManus 30900 Blanks 31100 28500 Total 49051 1 66300 29800 2000 38100 h 1 49051 1 52500 22500 20600 2500 98100 Secretary 979 X 100 4500 3500 11 COO 11000 116 1116 953000 953000 953000 953000 953000 President Qtiota 4- 1 48951 1 + 1 1 2 3 4 Battisti 31600 34700 40300 46600 Total 98500 DeviLt . 12200 lacovone 16100 19100 22900 30400 S t u d e n t Facilities Board—1954 2 Kroposki 14000 16000 1 3 13600 15900 18700 21300 15300 17300 20700 15300 17200 21100 23800 Bethea 12500 13600 14600 Schatz Blanks 8700 8700 8700 8700 Kotch 9300 10100 2100 5300 12200 5800 5800 Law 11500 12700 14600 Loss .... 5800 5800 3500 9000 4900 8800 12800 Martin 980OO 98000 98000 98000 Oberst 24900 27100 28500 Total .... 97900 97900 97900 97900 8a Payne 14000 15900 19900 Songleader 980 X 100 Bailey Rasey 11900 13300 14600 — + 1 49001 Bolz ' 5400 Blanks 5400 5400 Q u o t a 1-1-1 1 2 Hanson 32668 Loss 400 900 Newcombe 45900 50000 Hopkins Total 98500 98500 98500 PaulllS 35600 39000 Hull Ratafia 10400 5 6 Longo Bethea 15400 Blanks 6100 6100 Mackey Loss 2900 Mousso 21784 Kotch Rosenbaum 24124 Law Martin Total 98000 98000 Semmler .... 32800 39100 32834 Athletic Association Council 1954 Blanks 5800 Oberst 26100 29900 32764 Quota 980 x 100 + 1 49001 Loss 13624 Payne 16000 18300 20540 Total 98000 Rasey Blanks 5400 5400 5400 1 + 1 S t u d e n t Board of Finance- -1953 5800 Loss 2800 6962 1 2 980 X 100 Finnen 34100 42900 Tola! 98500 98500 98500 Quota 19601 + 1 Pox 20500 4 + 1 Student Facilities Board—1955 Mousso 27800 34000 1 la lb 2 Quota 981 x 100 | 1 49051 Blanks 15000 15600 Cohen 11300 13100 13496 14804 Loss 5500 Hilsinger 9500 11180 12159 12414 1 + 1 Hodge—Eliminated by preference. Total 98000 98000 1 2 3 Oberst 33000 19601 19601 19601 Conway 8800 9300 9600 Pranitis 16900 23260 19601 19601 Peder S t u d e n t Facilities Board—1955 7500 7600 Smalling 9100 9860 10366 11223 Finger 16000 18800 20800 9500 9900 10700 Webb 3500 Stopielo Blanks 12700 12700 12700 4653 4180 Hamlin ........ 7400 Strickl'd 11000 12480 13228 14900 Inglis 7400 10300 15100 19900 21600 23800 Loss 3700 Blanks 3700 3700 Miller 3700 9100 10000 10600 Loss ... 5457 Mullen .. 98100 98100 98100 4339 4339 10400 11100 11400 Total T o t a l ... 98000 981)00 7 98000 98000 98000 Webb 12800 14600 15500 3 12700 12700 12700 Conway Blanks Cohen 16077 Loss 1300 3800 Peder Hilsinger 17328 Finger Hodge Total 98100 98100 98100 Hamlin Oberst 19601 Inglis 41800 4 5 6 Pranitis 19601 Conway Miller Smalling Mullen Peder Stopielo 12200 13700 Webb 23600 Finger Strickland 18453 Hamlin Blanks 12700 Blanks 3700 Inglis 26900 28700 34500 B l a n k s 12700 Loss 6940 Miller 10700 Loss 20000 Total 98000 Mullen 12200 13900 15000 Total 98100 22300 14300 17 83841 24228 36301 3G301 36301 12000 12300 13000 11000 11000 11000 39 39 39 98500 16 83841 23228 Student Facilities Board—1953 985 X 100 + 1 32834 Quota 2 + 1 3 2 1 Bonahue 23200 24700 27100 Coykendall .... 22700 23700 24!K)0 Dunn 18300 19200 20700 7500 Herskowitz ... . 7000 Price 6600 Vion 16200 18500 20100 Blanks 4500 4500 4500 1200 Loss 400 Total 15 14915 83829 23228 ;illHI '.l.YiiKIII ll,VIINHI ll.VKHMMI.YIOOti Student Board of Finance—1954 980 X 100 Quota 32668 + 1 1 3 4 1 Bailey . 9500 9600 10000 10400 Bolz 4300 Hanson 17100 18000 18700 20500 Hopkins 11300 11400 12000 13000 9400 9800 10700 Hull .... 9200 7500 8000 Longo .. 6700 4600 Mackey 4500 Mousso 10700 10800 11200 12000 Rosenb'm 10500 11800 12800 13600 8500 Semmler 8400 8900 9000 5800 Blanks . 5800 5800 5800 600 Loss 800 3000 Total SA Tabulations III IBIS Class of 1955 President C l a s s of 19S3 P r e s i d e n t C l a s s of 1954 President 288 X 100 300 X 100 239 X 100 RATING—ALL-AMERICAN + 1 = 14401 + 1 = 15001 Quota = + 1 = 11951 Q u o t a = Quota — 1 1 + 1 1 + 1 1 + 1 3 2 20600 2 3 1 Lombard! 10500 12600 14400 Blanks 3300 Chernoff 13200 14000 15700 Coan Inglis 10500 10900 12900 Total 23900 Duclos 1400 12000 Leln 3800 4100 Render 11100 13000 Vice-President Lundergan 3600 Warr 2700 3000 400 400 239 X 100 Blanks 160O1 1600 1600 Blanks 400 Quota = = 11951 100 200 Loss 800 1100 Loss 1 + 1 1 Total 30000 3000O 30000 Coykendall 5800 Total 28800 28800 28800 Oberst 15500 Vice-President Vice-President 100 Poole 1700 291 X 288 X 100 h 1 = 14551 Blanks 900 Q u o t a = Quota = 14401 + 1 Loss 1 + 1 1 2 1 + 1 Total 23900 Allasio 14000 16800 1 3 4 2 Allen 5900 2100 2700 2800 Secretary Hopkins 8400 10400 Ashfield 5000 5100 5300 6000 6900 8600 11900 239 X 100 Blanks 800 800 Carlin 11951 Loss Quota + 1 1100 DeMichiel . 6500 6600 6700 7800 8600 9500 11600 4100 4300 4700 5000 5400 1 + 1 Total 29100 29100 Genser Hughes 3800 3800 4200 4400 5800 7400 1 2 3 Newman 1900 1900 DeVinny- -Eliminated by preference T r e a s u r e r 287 X 100 Orser 3900 4100 4300 4300 Platt 7000 8600 9700 Pranitis 9300 10300 12100 Q u o t a = + 1 = 14351 Peterson .... 1200 1 Blanks 300 300 300 Swanson 3600 3900 300 1 + 1 300 300 300 Woodman 3200 Oberst 22400 Loss 500 1000 1800 3000 5000 Blanks 800 800 800 Schweizer 5600 1300 B l a n k s 700 Total 28800 28800 28800 28800 28800 28800 28800 Loss 300 Total 23900 23900 23900 Loss BARBARA PEACE '53 Total 28700 Secretary Editor-in-Chief Treasurer 289 X 100 14451 239 X 100 Cheerleader Quota = + 1 All communications should be iithlressetl to the editor and Quota = + 1 = 11951 311 X 100 1 + 1 must lie signed. Name* will h<> withheld upon reiiuesl 1 4 1 + 1 Quota = (- 1 = 15551 1 2 The STATU COLLEGE NEWS assume* no responsibilit v 2 1 for opinions expressed In its columns or e immtinic.'ii urn, 3 1 + 1 1 Battisti—Eliminated by preference 28800 G-add 4800 5400 6100 6900 us such expressions do not neeessiirily ret'.ei I it.- v i e w . 8800 10000 11100 R a y n o r Adams 5000 4700 K a t z 3900 3100 3200 Blanks Bode ... 2300 Kavanagh 7000 7100 8300 11400 13800 Loss 2300 Bruno 4400 5500 6300 7200 9600 8200 9500 Total 31100 Liddell 7600 Cohen . McEvoy 3500 Ward—Eliminated by preference. , , Montalbano 4100 4600 Blanks 2100 2100 2100 PubUcity Director 2m x 10 Blanks 1200 1200 1200 1200 1200 Loss 400 1200 ° 400 2000 2200 4300 Loss Total 23900 23900 23900 Quota Quota = — - + 1 = 1440 1 1 + 1 Hagen One y e a r ago. on tl is t r a d i t i o n a l d a y . I was Class of 1953 S t u d e n t Council 9900 Total 28900 28900 28900 28900 28900 Hathaway 17900 T r e a s u r e r 239 X 100 h a n d e d a k e v ; not a I- ey of a c h i e v e m e n t , hut a 1000 Quota = h 1 = 4781 Blanks 289 X 100 key to open a door. In a short t i m e t h a t key didn I Loss 4 + 1 Quota + 1 14451 fit. T h e room had been c h a n g e d from t h e college lb 1 28800 lc Total la 1 + 1 4688 It) a place which seemed s t r a n g e , d e s o l a t e , anil Bonahue 3800 4598 4988 1 2 3 4 5 D e S a n t o l o 300 402 384 408 Secretary which g a v e m e t h e feeling of i n s e c u r i t y a s I npen2200 Beach 2100 2300 291 X 100 Hughes 2500 3298 3667 3799 1500 erl it for the first t i m e in S e p t e m b e r . 14551 F r a n c o + 1 Keller .. 5300 5300 4781 4781 Quota Garvin 1800 2000 It wasn't long, however, a n d t h a t key regained 1 + 1 S m i t h .. 3500 5264 5264 4781 1500 12O0O 12600 14000 16400 1 2 its fitness. T h e people were h a d Telfer .. t h e place had 8300 4781 4781 4781 Lawder 3400 3500 4000 4300 6500 7600 Blanks 200 200 200 200 Balaskis 5000 5100 550O 6600 7700 changed hut t h e s a m e views, t h e s a m e a r g u m e n t s Sage 4600 4200 Loss 275 362 362 Capris and the s a m e p r a n k s reigned a s t h e v had in t lc Vigilante 3300 3600 4000 4500 5200 10500 11700 14400 Total 23900 23900 23900 23900 H a n s o n 900 900 900 900 900 three former y e a r s . Blanks 900 8100 Livingstone .... 7100 11800 200 600 1100 2200 3900 Loss Songleader Blanks 800 800 800 I sat in the e d i t o r ' s c h a i r a n d looked out of a 239 X 100 Loss .... 900 2100 window. I saw this bit of t h e world which is our Total 28900 28900 28900 28900 28900 28900 Quota 11951 Total ... 29100 29100 29100 + 1 college hope a n d d e s p a i r , l a u g h t e r and tears, good Publicity Director 1 1 + 1 276 X 100 a n d bad, e n e r g y a n d l e t h a r g y , interest a n d bore Newcombe 20500 S t u d e n t Council Quota -f 1 13801 290 X 100 Blanks 3400 dom w h a t a m i x t u r e of e m o t i o n s a n d activities 5801 Loss Quota + 1 1 l exist within these walls. 4 + : Total 2 23900 :: l 3 Bergman 5500 6500 la In the m i d s t of all the c o n f u s i o n , you t h e \nc:\ ;> Publicity Director 4500 Bush 1500 1565 1665 1665 Burleigh Hoard and Staff of 1951-52 did not turn front .Bennett 2100 2152 2152 2152 Johnpoll 6700 7800 9800 238 X 100 reality. In s p i t e of t h e t i m e s when we were all 11901 DcSn^r..-?*.: -6700 5801 5801 5801 Kostcr 9900 11100 13100 Quota = + 1 2017 Blanks . 1717 2 DeRoos 1600 1000 1000 1000 tired and d i s c o u r a g e d , when t h e tension becam 1917 1 + 1 1 1200 3700 g r e a t e r as m i d n i g h t a p p r o a c h e d , you m a d e tinBurke 10700 12300 Donnelly .... 1600 1704 1704 1704 Loss 9700 Laing 500 552 decisions a n d t h e p a p e r c a m e out on t i m e . Wright 8600 726 Total 726 700 27600 27600 27600 Yanerella 2900 Mackey T o each of you on t h e Xews, to t h e H u d s o n Kve 3300 3430 3443 3743 Cheerleader Blanks 1600 1600 McManus uing Register a n d t h e H a g u e S t u d i o my t h a n k 1904 1917 1917 200 Payne 1800 Loss 14451 X 100 T o next y e a r ' s e d i t o r , you lost y o u r i d e n t i t y as Total 23800 23800 Rosenbaum ...3200 3330 3430 3530 Quota f 1 14451 Weiner 2000 2026 2152 2178 an individual t o d a y a n d b e c a m e t h e Stale Colli K1 1 + 1 1 Cheerleader Wilson 1600 1613 1613 1713 Bruno H900 Sews. I k n o w t h a t b e c a u s e of y o u r k n o w l e d g e of Zongrone .. 2300 2352 2352 2452 Hughes, L 237 X 100 isioo j o u r n a l i s m , y o u r a b i l i t y to keep the Sews staff 100 100 100 ^ 8 5 1 Blanks 100 Quota = + 1 Blanks igoo 28 28 1 Loss 28 Loss working effectively t o g e t h e r , a n d y o u r c o m m o n 1 + 1 Adamiak 13400 Total 29000 29000 29000 29000 sense, the State College Xews is in the best hands Stopielo 9300 7 Total 28900 for 1952-5.?. 6 1 0 0 0 Blanks O u Songleader Loss T o d a y , the key is y o u r s s y m b o l i c of a chal Bush 289 X 100 2578 2878 2891 Total 23700 B e n n e t t 2178 5801 5801 5801 lenge and of i n t a n g i b l e s . It's y o u r turn now you Quota f 1 14451 Dean 5801 2517 2717 3017 open a new d o o r , but look out t h e s a m e window 1 I 1 Alumni Counselor—1952 DeRoos 2217 1 2 3 that we thirty-five h a v e before y o u . (lood link 162 X 100 Donnelly .... 1804 ... .... DiAndrea 4100 4400 5000 Kditor n u m b e r M to you, to y o u r Xrws Hoard 8101 Quota + Laing Llttman 3600 4400 1 1 + 1 of us. a n d staff, from al Mackey 4400 4700 5600 8600 M c M a n u s .. 4256 4369 4669 4895 O'Neil Buffo Grace Smith 2800 2556 2869 4395 Ratal in Merry 6700 Payne 2217 4143 4443 4743 Titturton 13200 13800 15500 Blanks 900 Rosenbaum 3730 2291 2391 Blanks 800 800 800 Total 16200 Weiner 2278 1813 301) 300 3 00 300 300 Loss 800 2000 Blanks Wilson 1813 2591 2891 2917 100 Loss .... 100 100 J u n i o r Marshal Zongrone .... 2578 Total 28900 28900 28900 100 100 100 164 X 100 Blanks 100 Total 28H00 28800 8800 28800 28800 28800 241 241 241 Quota +• 1 : - 8201 Loss 28 29000 29000 29000 Student Council- -1955 8 9 9a 10 0 7 Total 290OO 1 2 1 + 1 288 X 100 Combs 4300 4300 4400 4500 4549 49711 Quota 7600 9100 K8 Keller 9 10 + 1 5761 Gerstman Oberst 4 + 1 3600 Bush Giljam 2 Pranitis 1 3 4900 6900 B e n n e t t 4 5 lacovone 5300 5500 5700 6200 5761 5761 300 Blanks 300 Dean 5801 5801 5801 Combs 4000 4100 4100 4100 4300 Karnback 1500 1600 Loss 100 DeRoos 3230 3233 Gerstman 1100 1100 1100 1100 1100 King Total 16400 16400 Donnelly Giljam 1000 1000 1000 1000 Lennig 2100 2200 2300 I.aing lacovone 4600 4600 4600 4700 4800 I,oekhart 3100 3300 3500 4200 4319 5047 J u n i o r Marshal Mackey Karnback n o o 1100 1200 1400 1400 Miller 2500 2700 2800 2800 2898 700 McManus , 5921 5801 5801 King 700 163 X 100 Mullin 2600 2900 3000 3100 3121 3628 1 8151 P a y n e 5108 5139 6293 Lenni", n o o 1700 1800 1800 1900 Sohatz Quota 1 2 Rosenbaum 5009 5089 5954 Look h a r t 2200 2300 2400 2500 2900 Theoboki 1 + 1 Miller 2400 2400 2400 2400 2400 Tobey 3000 Weiner 1400 Hughes Mullin 2300 2400 2500 2600 2600 Webb 7000 9000 Wilson 2600 2700 2800 3500 3549 3663 Lannon 800 800 800 6900 Zongrone 3430 3446 4200 Schatz Wittchen 3000 3200 3800 3900 3963 4791 Telfer 6100 100 100 Theobold 100 300 200 Blanks 300 300 Blanks 300 300 300 300 200 Blanks 791 Tobey 341 391 791 1300 1300 1400 1400 1400 Loss «4(i 200 Lost) 340 100 100 200 300 Loss .. Webb 2400 2400 2400 2600 2600 29000 29000 29000 Wittschen 2600 2600 2700 2800 3000 Total 28800 28800 28800 28800 28800 28800 Total 16300 16300 Total Recommended N o Blanks Tl. Yes 819 122 44 985 Keller .. 911 33 41 985 Lannon 893 52 40 985 Teller .. Quota = 953 x 1000 + 1 = 953000 + 1 = 86637 f»AOB S Apostolides Blattman Bonahue Brewer Cohen Coykandall DeSantolo De Vinny Dunn ...' Gazulis Goodell Hodge Hughes Jacobson Korba Koszewski Lombardi Lubliner McCormick Newcombe Nielson Oberst O'Connell Petfield Piatt Poole Pranitis Smalling Smith Sweitzer Vion Ward Weigand Woodman Wright Blanks Loss Total III 4TATK C O U L S a K N E W S . SATURDAY, MAY III f»AOK a 953000 953000 953000 953000 953000 22 23 24 86637 86637 86637 57387 67049 86637 24a 86637 25 25a 25b 86637 86637 86637 93386 86637 86637 86637 86637 86637 86637 86637 86637 86637 36941 66176 86637 72621 86637 74624 75956 77956 78887 78929 86637 86637 86637 86637 86637 63091 66405 73446 74778 83815 85481 86637 86637 86637 86637 86637 86637 8'G63'7' 86637 86637 60381 66453 68518 69480 84437 68400 70418 53554 55575 54887 58940 60864 56621 58621 58843 42780 47818 86637 86637 86637 71725 72443 86637 86637 86637 87034 86637 94835 86637 63906 85566 86637 65327 65383 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 11000 4530 6543 9555 10014 1722U 18812 19026 953000 953000 953000 953000 953000 953000 953000 Athletic Association Council 1953 Quota 979 x 100 + 1 48951 1 + 1 1 2 Blattman Bcnenati Carlo Coykendall Godell Hilsinger Pranitis Woodman Blanks Loss 16300 17100 17800 18800 21300 8900 9500 9900 11100 19400 20200 20400 22400 26400 34000 42200 15200 15900 18300 20500 21700 26700 37100 6200 7700 8800 9100 .......... ....,..,.'. 13700 14900 17200 19300 21500 25700 7000 7100 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 900 1700 2300 3500 8000 15100 Totals 97900 97900 TEMPERANCE 97900 97900 97900 TAVERN 97900 97900 *wl; FAOt 4 STATE COLLEGE NEWS. SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1BS2 Athletic Council Campus Greeks List Officers, Honoraries Slate Religious Clubs Adds Two; Carlo, Societies Plan For Coming Year New Officers Select Leaders Sororities and fraternities onState's honorary societies, Pi New officers for the religious Finnem Fill Posts campus have released the names of Moore '55; Treasurer, Evelyn Pau- a MU and Pi Omega Pi have clubs have been released by the the officers for the '52-'53 school ' ' announced their officers and memlus a m m a 53 present year's presidents. Elaine year. Beta Zeta Sorority's officers for t, e r s for n e x t; y e a r Topper '53, will be the new PresiStrecter Heads M A A ; Edward Eldred Potter Club will n e x t v e a r include: President, Pat- Leading Pi Omega Pi will be dent of Hillel; William Whitwer '53, have as its officers: President, Rob- r j c i a Butler; Vice-President, Joan P e t e r T e i i e r i President; Evelyn Inter-Varsity Christian FellowshipApostolides, W A A have as its officers: President John Stocker, Seniors; Treasurer, Wilma P a u l u S | V i c e President; Patrick Patricia Butler '53, Newman Club; The athletic organizations have Paul Ward, Vice-President, Robert Bevins '53; Secretary, Dorothea C a r l o > Treasurer; Catherine Castal- and Paul Ward '53, Student ChrisSeniors; Treasur- Cherubini '54. released their respective lists of Giammatteo, d 0 i Historian and Elizabeth Piatt, tian Association. officers for the coming year. The er, Lynn Lewis '54; Secretary, RobThe officers of Chi Sigma Theta Secretary, all Seniors. Assisting Miss Topper with Hillel results of the elections for Athletic ert Sage '55. for '52-'53 are: President, Kather- List of Officers of Pi Gamma Mu Potter's pledge committee will be lne Sinclair; Vice-President, MarAssociation have also been announRobert Berkhofer, Walter Schnel- will be Pearl Mintzer '53, Vicemade up of Chairman, Robert ion Howard, Seniors; Secretary, ler, Irene Dick, Seniors; and Eve- President; Joan Bolz '54, Treasurer; ced. Beverly Stein '53, Secretary; MarThe members to Athletic Associ- Creeden '53; other members, Fran- Margaret Guinan; Treasurer, Sus- lyn Knapp '52 will serve as Presi- cia Griff '54, Editor; and Debora dent, Vice-President, Secretary and ation for the coming year are cis Streeter '52, John Centra '54, an Stewart, Juniors. Phi Delta will have as its officers: Treasurer respectively of Pi Gam Bergman '55, Publicity Director. James Finen '54 and Patrick Carlo De Witt Combs and Edward CorThe other officers of IVCF are '55. Finnen will serve for a term of nell, freshmen. The Edward Eld- President, Ruth Poole, Vice-Presi- ma Mu. From the Class of 1952, Fred Donald Stine, Vice-President; Altwo years in this capacity. John red Potter Club Award this year dent, Elizabeth Coykendall, Juniors; Treasurer, Marlene Martoni; Bartle, Andrew Boyce, Robert berta Pymm, Secretary, Seniors; Ward, who has been a member dur- will go to Daniel Joy '52. The new officers of Kappa Beta Corresponding"'Secretary Barbara Hausner, Bert Jablon, Margaret and Benjamin Button '54 Treasuring the past year, will continue in Jackman, Thomas King, Gerald er. Also assisting the President will office throughout the coming year. for 1953 are: President, Abel Blatt- stempel. The Men's Athletic Association man '53; Vice-President, John J. Next year's officers for Alpha Labovitz, Samuel Manico, Marion be three cabinet members, Vincent Council will be headed by Francis Hanevy; Treasurer, Arnold Smith; Epsilon Phi will be as folows: Dean Rutz and Kenneth Wooster gained Aceto, Virginia Buschmann, and Richard Tenison, Juniors. Streeter. He will be assisted by and Secretary, Ralph Moot, Soph- Sandra R. Cohen, Sub-Dean, Pearl membership. Mary Coccetti, Morton Cohen, Miss Butler will be aided in NewMintzer, Scribe, Dena Kaplan, Gerald McDonald '55 as Secretary omores. The officers of Sigma Lambda Juniors; Treasurer, Marilyn Isen- David Gardinier, Evi Iglauer, Mi- man Club by Mary Ann Cossaboon and John McC'ormick '54 as Treas- Sigma for next year will be: PresIan Krchniak, Josephy Lombard!, Vice-President; Barbara Cumber' berg '54. urer. ident, George Smalling; ViceLloyd Loop, Barbara Mendosa, Tina Secretary; and James Finnen The Women's Athletic Associa- President, Neil Brown, Seniors The following officers will lead Nicastro, Owen Smith, Joyce Tur- Treasurer, all Juniors tion will be presided over by Aliki Corresponding Secretary, Morris Kappa Delta for the '52-53 school ner and Gilbert Waldman were Supporting Ward in SCA will be Apostolides '53. Her leadership will Hamlin, freshmen; Treasurer, How- year: President, Elizabeth Piatt; taken into the society. Nancy Evans, Vice-President, Marbe aided by Marilyn Burke '53, who ard Fenenbock '53. Vice-President, Joyce Leonard, ian Menzel, Secretary, Sophomores, will serve as Vice President of the Psi Gamma sorority, according to Seniors; Treasurer, Ruth Richter, and William Collins '54, Treasurer. organization. Audrey Burke '54 has Anne Sullivan '52, President, will Corresponding Secretary, Mary Ann been elected to the post o£ Treas- have as its President, Irene Brez- Reiling, Recording Secretary, Mabel The new officers for Intercolleurer of the Association and Zoe insky '53. Other officers are as fol- Schweizer, Juniors. giate Zionist Federation of AmerAnn Laurie '55 has been selected lows: Vice-President, Lois Porter The new President of Inter-Sorica have been announced by this as Secretary. Mary Pugsley '.54 is '54; Corresponding Secretary, Nan- ority Council will be Catherine Sinyear's President, Lillian Kaminsky. to be the new Office Manager for cy Parrette; Recording Secretary, clair '53. The organization will be headed by Mary Jane Dewey '53, has been a council of five. Phyllis Krahower the coming year. Coordinators are Frances Bethea, Juniors; Treaelected Press Bureau Diretcor acBarbara Stempel, Barbara Wolsle- surer, Joan Allen '53. '55 has been elected general chaircording to Maureen Davis '52, pres- man and will be aided by Joan gel, and Patricia Zylko, Juniors. Gamma Kappa Phi will have as ent Director. Assisting Miss Dewey Barnovitz, Roslyn Gold, Marilyn Kathleen Oberst '54 will assume its officers: President, Patricia is John Hanevy '54, Assistant Di- Werbalowsky, and Arlene Yanks, the post of Publicity Director. Three Wilkerson; Vice-President, Rose rector; Barbara Smith '54, Secre- Sophomores. representatives from the classes Mary Keller, Seniors; Recording tary-Treasurer; and Edna Standhave also been elected. Elizabeth Secretary, Marianne Frascatore '54; ley '55, Corresponding Secretary. Coykendall is to serve from '53 Corresponding Secretary, Joanne Debate Council has released the The following people have been while Karen Prindle and Donnu slate of officers and members, who appointed members of the organi- I G C Names Balaskis, Hughes will fill the positions from will guide the activities in debat- zation: Edna Stanley, Betty Mc'54 and '55 respectively. Marilyn ing for State College during the Connell, Barbara Devitt, William Johnson Co- Chairmen Burke '53 and Elizabeth Coykendall coming year. Joyce Leonard '53, has Limage, Milton Siler, Zoe Ann '53 have been chosen for the HonJoseph Lombardi, this year's been named President of Debate Laurie, and Merrill Goldman, President of Inter-Group Council, or Council. Council with James Thompson '54. Sophomores. has revealed the new officers for Vice-President. Press Bureau works in conjuncOther appoinmtents are Jo-Anne tion with the Public Relations Of- this organization. Eleanor Balaskis Doyle, Corresponding Secretary, fice in an attempt to recognize out- and Irene Johnson will serve as Edward Lehman, Treasurer, Rich- standing students in their local Co-chairmen of the Council during the coming year. Working with Director. newspapers. New members of the 1952-1953 ard Shaper, Publicity them as Secretary will be Mary LaStudent Union Board have been Juniors; and Edward Cornell, Revery '54. The Treasurer h a s ' been announced by James Coles '52, out- cording Secretary '55. Ronald FerPaul Ward '55, Director of Men's going President. Rudolph DeSan- guson has been named as an addi- Hughes, W o o d To Lead announced to be Sue Stewart '54. The aims of Inter-Group Council Frosh Camp, and Rose Mary Kel- tolo, Marie DeSeve, Julia Korba, tional member of the Council. Radio Council Program arc to help the student body to ler, Director of Women's Frosh and Beverly Pranitis, Seniors; were Camp have released the following chosen from the present SUB to be CC Votes Smith To Fill Tom Hughes has been elected to realize the problems of inter-racial information regarding freshman the Senior members of the new the presidency of Radio Council. and inter-cultural relations and to camp this September. Board. Junior members of the Grand Marshal Office Aiding him in his duties will be: develop in the student body a senRichard Wood, Vice President, and sitive attitude toward the prejuWard submitted the following Board, newly elected from the trydices that limit all minority groups. Owen Smith '53 will be the Grand list of staff officers: Assistant Di- outs are: Frances Allen, Shirley Marshal of Campus Commission Jean Rasey, Secretary. New members from the Class of rector, Peter McManus '54; Treas- Callahan, Barbara Cumber, George during the coming year. Other new urer, Harold Smith '53; Song Lead- Hathaway, and Mary Ann Reiling, officers on the Board will be: Jes- '54 are: Robert Becker, William er, Alan Sweitzer '53; Program Di- Juniors. Also selected from the try- sie Raynor '54, Treasurer, and Mary Floyd, and Sylvia Semmler, Arlene Yanks and Nancy Feder. Sophoretcor, Robert Hughes '53; Assist- outs to fill positions as Sophomore Lynn Morse '55, Secretary. mores, and other new members. ant Program Director, Marvin Board members are: Edna StandFran Allen and Frances Bethea. ley, Patricia Theobold, and Judy Chernoff '54; Athletic Director, Joy Longo Juniors, have been electVan Auken, Sophomores. Abel Blattman '53; Assistant Died to the Commission. Also chosen 10% DISCOUNT TC rectors, Robert Taber '53, and Wilto be Board members were: Gloria STUDENTS and rACULitf liam Walker '54; Water Front DiKneen, Mary Lynn Morse, RosaON RECORDS rector, Custer Quick '55; Assistant The Departmental Clubs have lind Gold, and Benjamin Freidman. Water Front Directors, George Sophomores. Faith Hanson, Junior, Smalling and Robert Comley '55; announced their slates of officers will "Portrait At Its Finest" serve ex-officio on the organi156 Central Ave. 63-0321 Steward, Gerald Mousso '54; and lor the year 1953-54. According to Jane Hatt '52, Irene zation. Blankets and Baggage. Walter Open Evenings Until 9:00 Brezinsky '53 will be the incoming Goodell '53. President of Pan Amigos. rtonald Neilson, Speaker, W i l l Cuide Keller has chosen these counse- Kanen '54 will assist her as Secre- Forum,- 3 To Fill Board Vacancies HOLLYWOOD COMES lors to assist her: Class of '53: Ali- tary, and Anna Marie Yanarella ki Aposlillaes, Marion Beni, Mil- '53, is to act as Treasurer of the 411 Douglas Nielson '53 will be the EAST TO TAKE dred Foote, Linda Hopkins, Bar- organization. new Speaker of the Forum Board bara Newcombe, Elizabeth Piatt, of Politics. Glen Armitage has anDonald Vocinger '54, has reTHE COLLEGE JEWELER YOUR PORTRAIT Patricia Wilkerson, Kathleen French Club's new officers. nounced three people to Board Wright. Class of '54: Frances Be- leased membership including: Lillian WclThey are as follows: President, 103 Central Ave. thea, Audrey Burke, Palmlna C'ala- Florence Friedman '.r>5: Vice-Presi- ler, Joyce Turner, Juniors, and brese, Frances Hopkins, Barbara dent, Paul Saimond '54. Forum will conWilliam Collins '54; SecreLaw, Margaret Livingstone, Made- tary, Williurd '55; Publicity tinue its policy of informing the OPEN 9:00 to 5:30 DAILY lyn Meier, Kathleen Oberst. Gwen Direct or. GeorgeReitz. Hathaway '54; and student body of domestic and inPreston, Barbara Stemple, Buz Coordinator, Ronald Ferguson '54. ternational relations through mock Evenings by appointment Weiner. Class of '55: Elizabeth Hi Math Club's officers will be: legislatures. Becker, Alice Gawqule, Mary Iaco811 MADISON AVENUE i' H A K M A C I S I S vone, Angela Kavanagh, Olga Ko- President, Mary Ellen O'Leary '53; 1 ouiulei 1905 Phone l-:Jll3(i monowskl, Zoe Ann Laurie, Doris Vice-President. Robert Cerwonka TELEPHONE 4-0017 Mehan, Virginia Oslund, Dorothy '53; Secretary, Linda Hopkins '53; 157 Central Ave. Schatz, Ann Vigilante, Judith Van Treasurer, Malcolm Blum '54. ALBANY, N. Y. Commerce Club officers are PresAuken. Sidney Feltman, Ph.G. ident, Patrick Carlo; Vice-President, Kenneth Eveiard '54; Secre- 217 Western Ave. Albany, N. Y. tary. Elizabeth Piatt '53; Treasurer, Phone 6-8610 Frank Mayer '54; Reporter, Ronald Koster '55. pa-US l-"!"'d minis Oil Dewey To Direct Press Bureau Debate Council Selects Leonard Directors List Camp Positions SUB Releases New Members For 1953-54 BLUE NOTE SHOP THE HAGUE STUDIO on© R. F. Honikel & Son Gerald Drug Co. % 25, IIOSJ.I.V.I a u d | j y <>•>* J<> EOiG-f' aNOIIUUTLL Corner Ontario & Benson Uial 4-112S College Florists for Years ssa-ij |0»idB3 %1*4 FLORIST & GREENHOUSE ONLLNIHd AX1HOUOH AxiNHaxvHd r a o a r n o o sad AX n v Special Attention for Sororities and Fraternities CAFETERIA HKKAKI'AST DINNER MIDNIGHT SNACKS REASONABLE PRICES 167 CENTRAL AVE. LUNCHES State Z-486 A D To Present French Comedy Next Weekend ews ALBANY, N E W YORK. FRIDAY, MAY 16. 1 9 5 2 Beanies, Bows Adorn Page As Myskania Changes Order; New Members Mount Stairs Amidst Cheers, Tears, Kisses Futterer W i l l Direct Ctst O f "Madwoman" May 23 and 24, Friday and Saturday, at 8:30 p.m. in Page Hall Auditorium, the Advanced Dramatics class will present "The Madwoman of Chaillot." The play is a successful Broadway comedy of recent years. It was written toy Jean Giraudoux and will be directed by Agnes E. Futterer, Assistant Professor of English. "The Madwoman," originally played by Martita Hunt, will be portrayed by Roslyn Lacks '52. Supporting her are Josephine, Ruth Dunn; Constance, Louise Petfield; Irma, Barbara Newcombe, Juniors; Gabrielle, Madelon Knoerzer; Pierre, Richard Gutta, Seniors; Ragpicker, Richard Scott; President, Walter Goodell; Baron, James Hughes; and Prospector, Louis Vion, Juniors. Paris, the Left Bank, will be the setting for the play. Sets were under the direction of Hughes. Miss Newcombe was in charge of obtainin 3 the costumes and props were acnuired bv Miss Dunn Sound ef Kan?iIglSwmbeScoSoned by William Hawkins and Donald Collins, Sarahwhile Brewer '53, handled Juniors. the publicity Goodell was responsible for tickets and progl ?:ms' , , Other members of the cast are: Broker and Sewerman, Thomas Hughes '53; Deaf mute, Henry Smith; Street Singer, Edward Kyle; grrsennt, Ross Federico; Robert Sanders, Seniors. The role of Dr. Jadin will be played by Harry Warr and that of the Doorman by John Jacobus, Sophomores. Rose Mary Keller will take the part of the Flower Girl, Policeman, Hawkins; Martial, the waiter, Francis Hodge; and Pedler, Sarah Brewer, Juniors. Prices for seats, which are reserved, are seventy-five cents and one dollar. Tickets may be bought at the bouth in lower Huested peristyle. ATTEND SPRING CONCERT TONIGHT VOL. XXXVI NO. 2 6 Concert Climaxes Music Council s Yearly Activities All Musical Groups Combine For Program Music Council will climax its activities for the year with its annual presentation of a spring concert to be held in Page Hall this evening at 8:30 p.m. All musical groups will participate in this concert. The orchestra will be under the baton of Dr. Charles F. Stokes, Professor of Music, while the choral groups, including the recently formed Mixed Choir of selected voices, will be under the direction of Karl Peterson, Instructor in Music. Orchestra To Open Program The program will open with a n orchestral presentation of Gretry's "Tambourin" from "Cephale and Procris," to be followed by "The Gypsy Baron Overture" by Johann Thirteen smiling faces reflect emotions of new Myskania members after tapping ceremony. Left to Strauss, Harold Johnson's "Mowls" right in the order they were escorted to the stage, they arc: Telfer, Pranitis, Newcombe, Lannon, Smith and the "Evening Reverie" and "French Miltary March" from "AlKeller, Dunn, Oberst, Hodge, Lombardi, Piatt, Coykendall, and Koszewski. gerian Suite" by Saint-Saens. For the first time this year, no "I was thankful for mv cane," she "To put it quite bluntly, Chorus Will Render Numbers News's could be seen dotting Page aid, "and the two helping arms." I was really in heaven Following the intermission, the H a l l Auditorium, only bows, beanies, M had Women's Chorus will render SmeTo be on Myskania arm-bands and led -ines shak ng , The * "announcement T r •oof 1names ,, s tana's "The Bartered Bride," HanA °»«" . ana lea ..ines, snaKing decided effects upon Pete Telfer and And in .seat number seven.' del's "Where E'er You Walk," and £ f ^ ' o i d S e T ? i h L T ^ f T ^ T " ' ' S V ?T Ann Oberst and Rosie Keller sum Chopin's "A Hymn to Music." Sevd they l l g h t Ca ddle The old o S e r of MyskanTa6 did mname, " h l Sonem lword, and "it took only up the feelings of all thirteen: "We eral solo parts will be featured in change, giving way to six new wirh men r ' J ° t h n ' \ J ° l \ h a " n ? " J t ? b e o n h i s w e r e e x c i t e d ' w e w e r e thrilled, and the rendition of Riegger's mountain and'le've'n"new" women'"who" emotions mo nted the , SS ' ^ i ' h a d n ' t been me!" we were grateful." dance tune "Skip To My Lou." xed" 0UI1 ea Ule sla e "to become , u . .'.. ' = he exclaimed afterwards. "Francis Tne the 36th Myskania. Patrick" was enough to send Frank whirlwind of events didn't Lhoralettes To sing lhe Amidst cheers, tears and kisses, Ho e's biological systems revolving stop with the excitement on the Choralettes will blend their t h e n e w members were welcomed varied presentation in in the wrong direction. ° tAage. At the first meeting of the wvoices J o e Lombard!, his ears numb to the held" last "Tuesday e sltl i c n B ewliile1 include Giordani's "DearHal Smith travelled his longest new Myskania r o a r a b o u t nim, h a d t0 be t. er were elected. ' . v e " ("Caro Mio Ben"), read when he walked up to the m g h t ' n e w o f f i ccers e d up the steps. Barbara Newcombe "Spring Song" by Williams, "Afterstage from first row, and Hank Pete Telfer will lead the group as glow" ("Beau Soir") by Debussy, was so nervous she dropped her Koszewski ran the gamut of emo- President, Rosie Keller is Vicecane four times. When Betty Piatt tions: fir-t shock, nervousness, hap- President, Ann Oberst will act as and a new modern arrangement of was called, she had to be pushed piness; then, bewilderment, amour, Secretary, Hal Smith will treasure "Polly Wolly Doodle" by Charles. out of her chair by her roommate. and. believe it or not, hunger! Next on the program, the Men's the money, and Betty Coykendall Glee Club will commence their porwill be Mistress of Ceremonies. Bev Pranitis was in a complete tion of the evening's entertainment state of shock for 15 minutes, and Now that the confusion has sub- with a Welsh Chorale, "Holy Lord Coy's legs shook so she couldn't ided, the new Myskania has settled of All," by Williams followed by two walk. Ruth Dunn says that Dave down to the business of being the Sullivan compositions, "The Long Shepard anticipated her feelings most honored traditional organize- Day Closes" and "When The Foewhen he wrote these last lines to a Lion on campus. campus. We wish the 36th man Bares His Steel" from the "Pirates of Penzance." The Statesmen Myskania a successful year. Signum Laudis, honorary scholas- poem: will conclude their contribution tic fraternity, will hold its annual with a rousing sea chantey "Old banquet at Brubacher Hall Sunday, Man Noah" by Riegger. starting at 6:30 p.m.. announces Charles Gruneisen '52, chairman of Choir To Present Finale the banquet. New members are to The finale of the evening will be initiated. combine the selected voices of the Mixed Choir in a rendition of four Dr. Don Orton, Director of EduSororities and fraternities have cation, will welcome the new memever favorite musical compositions, rnno ;n • d their activities for the bers. Raymond Champlin '52, is to Mendelssohn's "He, Watching Over Ahmed Shah Bokhari, Pakistan's remainder of the year. Israel," Christiansen's "Lost in the speak on behalf of the old members. delegate to the U.N., will address rhe events cf Si^ma Lambda Sig- His address will be followed by a an audience oi State College stuNight," Bach-Gounod's "Ave Maria" nal's formal weekend have been an- reply from the initiates, whose dents in Page Hall at 1:30 p.m. and in a final musical demonnounced by George Smalling '53, spokesman will be Ruth Hersko Thursday. Bokhari is being brought (ConUnued on Page 6, Column 5> Pre •.:;''in. The formal, "Spring's witz '53. Toastma.ster for the ban- to State by Forum and Student AsLast Spree," will be held at the quet will be Marion Gorskie '52. sociation. Knights of Columbus Hall from 9 Members from the class of '52 to p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday. General Bokhari, acting president of the Chairam of the formal is John Lan- be initiated are Jean Hope Bean, Security Council last month, has Jeanne Hayes, John Lindberg, Vioon '52. A picnic will be held at That- , », , T, ,, ,, T„ • ... been a college professor, Shakeseher Park Sunday afternoon. Neil pansky, ^ ^ ^ I ^and L 3Eleanor ™ " ' Tweedie. £ ! ? ! ™ ! h a m pearian scholar, radio broadcaster, Brown '54, is general chairman. poet, and playwright. He was a Marion Beni, Robert Berkhofer, leader in the struggle for partition Kappa Delta Rho's weekend ac Assembly today will consist of inBrezinsky, Anna Christodulu, of India in 1947, and he has repretivillcs have been announced by HIrene stallation of new Student Associaelen John Zongrone '54, President. A Hagel, Ruth Herskowitz, Mi sented his country in the U.N. for tion officers, a farewell speech by banquet will be held at Shaker chael LaMarca, Ann McDougall almost two years. retiring President William Wiley Ridge Country lub at 6:30 p.m. Sat- Barbara Mendoza, Donald Stine '52, and various announcements, it He is the holder of two university urday. The formal will take place Ann Sturge.s, and Joyce Turner are was announced at the Student after the banquet. A bus will leave the new members from the class degrees, one from the University Council meeting Wednesday eveof Punjab and one from Cambridge. the KDR house at 10:30 a.m. Sun- of '53. ning. The Council elected students He was a professor of English in day for a picnic at Thatcher Park. to fill administrative posts for the India in the 1920's and early '30's Thomas Holman '52, is general Eastern Colleges Science Conference and later became one of the leading chairman. which will convene at State next radio announcing figures in the Kappa Beta's weekend will begin Spring, and heard several committee country. with its fifteenth annua! formal, reports. AIIMKD SHAH BOKHARI the Crystal Ball, Saturday evening Herbert Thier '53, was chosen Bokhari has translated several Edward J. Sabol announced that in the Richardson Lounge. Dancing chairman of the Science Conference. English works, among them those all seniors planning to start gradwill be from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Assisting him will be a technical Shakespeare, Galsworthy. A picnic will be held at Joe's Ha- uate study this summer or in Sep- of c Shaw, nl eplied, "Sir Gladwyn Jebb, with a vice-chairman and an arrangements cienda in Nassau Sunday. Buses tember should secure application °* ; Wilde, and Henri Bergson of language for which I vice-chairman. The Conference will will leave the house at 10 a. m. Wil- forms in Room 109, Draper Hall. into Urdu. Short stories, plays,°and efelicity nvv him, has been pleased to call be attended by 180 eastern colleges liam Swart/. '52, and Konrad Maier Upon completion, the forms should poems in Urdu and Persian are also himself a tortoise and myself a represented by approximately 600 '54, are co-chairmen in charge of be left in Room 109, and final ac- credited to his pen. hare. He has, therefore, accused me students. tion on them will be taken when the weekend. A fluent speaker In U.N. sessions, of inipeluousness. He has also .said In a Student Board of Finance Potter Club will hold a picnic May degree requirements are completed and appearing with a minimum of that in the British Commonwealth report, it was revealed that the 25 at Lion's Lake in Nassau. Thomas for the bachelor's degree. notes, Bokhari was compared to a . . . there is room for many kinds recent D&A soliciting for the spring Men needing letters for military hare by Great Britain's Sir Glad- of political animals. This is prob- play was forbidden by the s.A. ConKing '52, i.s general chairman of the picnic. purposes may secure them in the wyn Jebb, in regard to the debate ably true, but if in the British stilution. Student Council voted to Phi Delta will hold u picnic for same office. Requests for .such let - on Tunisia. Sir Gladwyn thought a Commonwealth there are any os- support the Board in its decision to Its honorarv faculty members and ters can be made now, and they more conservative approach was t riches, I hey are not found in my equire D&A to return the money (Continued on Page 6, Column 3) will be forwarded Immediately. needed tor the problem Bokhari country." to the students who donated Signum Laudis Plans Banquet Bokhari, Pakistan Delegate To Speak Here Thursday Campus Greeks Slate Activities SA Will Install '52-'53 Officers Seniors To Secure Grad Study Forms