••», »• ( '4\ STATE COLLEGE NEWS, FltlDAY, MAY 4, 1081 MOB* <>; MOVING-UP-DAY PROCEDURE The following procedure has been and center sections of the through the Junior lines. freshmen will follow the outlined for Moving-Up Day exerbalcony. C. 'lhe classes will walk out Seniors, in order, to Page cises tomorrow: 4. The freshmen in the center of Page in double file, the Hall. 1. Processional—8:30 a.m. section of the balcony will couples splitting as they A. 1. Seniors will form a double II. Seating. move right, down the right turn either right or left to A. i. Seniors in front, center - line beginning at Minerva stairway, following the Junform a single line on either iwciion, main floor. and ending in the peristyle iors, and fill in tne section slat of the path. The Sopho2. Junior in the right section leading to the Library. vacated by the Juniors. The mores go through the Junior ot the main floor and in 2. Juniors will meet by the freshmen in the left section lines. When everyone Is out the right section of the balRegistrar's office and their will move across the center oi the auditorium, the Sencony. line will extend into the section and fill in the front iors in turn go through the 3. Sophomores in the left secperistyle of Husted. part of the right section of bophomore lines and the tion of the main floor and 3. Sophomore lines will start the balcony. juniors through the freshthe rows left unoccupied by in the Annex area at the man lines. the Seniors in the center IV. Recessional. foot of the steps to Husted section. A. Myskania leads, going out V. Forming the Numerals. and will end at the Co-op in the right center aisle, and The Seniors will turn right 4. Freshmen in the left and Lower Draper. forming a line on either and form their numerals in center sections of the bal4. The freshmen double lines side of Page Hall steps. ihe corner of Page Field cony. will start behind the Sophonearest Husted. The SophoB. The four classes follow in mores at the girl's locker III. Moving-Up. n,ores will form their numorder: A. 1. The Juniors in the balcony room in Lower Draper and erals in front of the Seniors 1. Seniors will go down the will move quickly to the will extend to the Commons, near Western Avenue. The walk Dy Husted Hall. right, down the right stairs, B. At 8:45 a.m. the procession Juniors will turn left and and will fill in the seats 2. Juniors will follow the Senwill begin with the Senior form their numerals in the behind the Juniors downiors. At the end of the Page class marching down the corner nearest Milne. The stairs, who will have moved walk, they will turn right front steps of Draper, turnfreshmen will follow the to the left, into the center and proceed down the walk ing right at Western AveJuniors and form their section. by Albany High. nue, then turning right at numerals in front of the the walk which leads to 3. Sopnomores follow the Jun2. The Seniors move left Juniors near Western AveHusted, turning left at Husiors, turning left at the end across the aisle into the nue. ted, walking toward Albany of Page walk to go through Sophomore section. High and then right, up the the Senior lines. VI. Evening. 3. The Sophomores will move walk to Page Hall. The into the far aisle, up the left 4. Freshmen will follow the A. l h e Rivalry skits will begin Juniors, Sophomores, and stairs, and fill in the left Juniors, turning right to go at 7 p. m. in Page Hall. Im- mediately after the skits the classes will meet in front of Draper and take the following positions: 1. Senior stand on the steps of Draper. 2. Juniors stand to the right of the Seniors, facing the Library. 3. Sophomores face the Seniors. 4. Freshmen face the Juniors. The Step Song will be sung first by the Seniors. After they have sung it once, they will move to their left and stand in front of the frosh. The Juniors will sing the Step Song once in place and then will proceed with their banner into the Husted side door of Draper, and will come out the front door of Draper singing the Step Song. The Sophomores will fill in the section vacated by the Juniors. After the singing of the Step Song, the Seniors will turn and walk clown the sidewalk to Western Avenue toward Husted Hall, singing "Great Fires" as they go. LIKE THOUSANDS OF AMERICA'S STUDENTSMAKE THIS MILDNESS TEST YOURSELF AND GET WHAT EVERY SMOKER WANTS State College News Z-444 ALBANY. NEW YORK. SATURDAY, MAY 8. 19S1 Lannon Captures Veep Race; Dean Edges Competitors Donnelly, Telfer, Brown To Lead Class Activities Smith Receives 'News' Editorship; Board Increases To 14 Members OVER 1500 PROMINENT TOBACCO GROWERS A WELL-KNOWN INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH SAY: "When I apply the standard tobacco growers' ORGANIZATION REPORTS: "Chesterfield is the test to cigarettes I find Chesterfield is the one that only cigarette in which members of our taste panel smells milder and smokes milder." found no unpleasant after-taste." HESTERFIELD Cupyriglu mil, Liocrrr A Mruu TUIAUB CO. •4- h ^c*u 4 VOL. XXXV NO. 28 Kisses, Tears, Embraces Highlight Thirty-Fifth Mysk ania Tapping After a lapse of one year, the women have once again regained a majority of the positions on the Senior Honorary Society. T o the 1951-52 Myskania, there were elected seven women, with men filling William Wiley was elected Presthe six remaining positions. ident of Student Association for For the fourth year in a row, the 1951-1952. He defeated his nearest After the traditional singing of "Arm in Arm," a hush settled positions of Class President will be opponent, Manly, by a total of one over the Assembly as the retiring Myskania slowly filed into the filled by men. Robert Donnelly was hundred votes. Wiley has been a voted to head the Class of 1952 In second row of chairs on the stage, leaving the first row vacant, to class representative to Student its Senior year. Reelected by the be filled as new members were tapped. Council. Class of 1953 was President Peter As the tapping ceremony started, the first members of the John Lannon is the newly elected Telfer. The Class of 1954 chose Vice President of Student AssociatNell Brown to direct their next 1950-51 Myskania to step forward were Donald Paul Ely, who acted tion. The quota was reached in the years Sophomore activities. as speaker, calling out the names of the new members, and William seventh distribution when Lannon Other officers for the Class of Howard Engelhart, Chairman of the group, who pinned the new memreceived one hundred votes over 1952 are Edmund Leigh, Vice Pre- bers with the purple and gold tassles, symbols of the office. Rose Mary Keller. sident; Marjorie Farwell, Treasurer; After Gerald Ernest Dunn and Paid Elliot Kirsch circled the AudIn a closely contested contest for Patricia Devitt, Secretary; Mary Student Association Secretary, FaBuffo, Publicity Director; Mary itorium and stopped by his seat, the name of WILLIAM T W I G G A R tricia Dean was elected in the sevBorys Marks, Song Leader; Evelyn WILEY boomed out, and he became the first member of the 1951-52 enth distribution by the elimination Kamke, Cheerleader; and the Stu- Myskania to be tapped. Wiley, as President of Student Association, of Ann Caparis. Miss Dean was Pub. dent Council representatives will be licity Director for her class this Joan Bennett, David Manly. There- will guide the affairs of the Assembly next year. year. H E L E N M A R I E P J L C H E R , new President of Student Chrissa Porta, and Harvey Robinson. WILLIAM WILEY '52 Assisting the President for 1953 tian Association and member ex-officio of Music Council, was the Mary Borys Marks was elected as will be Ann Oberst, Vice President; next person seated on stage, as she was led to her seat by James AlStudent Association Songleader for Joan De Vnniey, Secretary; Harold the second successive year. This will Smith, Treasurer; Edward Lindsey; fred Warden and Kirsch. She was soon joined by H E N R Y F E N T O N be her fourth year as songleader for Publicity Director; Rose Mary Kel- S M I T H , who was escorted to the stage by Lloyd Joseph Purdy and the class of 1952. ler, Song Leader; and Marilyn Ada- Martha Jean Downey. Smith is the new presiding officer of Dramatics Four Seniors were elected to the miak, Cheerleader. and Arts Council, and has for the past year been a member of StuStudent Board of Finance, Victoria The new sophomore officers of dent Council. Baldino and Douglas Thome are 1954 are Alfred Clemente, Vice P r e returning to the board from last As silence once again settled over the Auditorium, James Edward Henry Smith has been elected as s ident; Madeleine Payne, Secretary year. The two new senior members are Josenh Dolan and Marlorie Far- President of D & A Council, and a n d W a i t e r R e hder, Treasurer. Lea- Jiusto and Lois Lillian Prescolt left their places on the stage, circled well W S X S e l S u S l t o the Marion Newton will act as Presi- nore Kotch was elected Publicity Di- the assemblage, and led V I C T O R I A M A R I E B A L D I N O to the rosdturient Board of Finance from the d e n t o f M u s l c C o u n c i l rector, Helen Kosinski, Song Leader; trum, where Engelhart pinned her with the gold and yellow tassle. Junto O t a T h e * new members Other D and A officers are Frank a n d Margaret Livingston, Cheerlea- Miss Baldino, retiring Vice-President of Student Association, will Hod e 53 T r e a s u r e r and Frances nre Elected Council for are Patrick Patrick Carlei Carlo and and Harold Harold Smith smitn. „ SW n s ' ,'54 S e c r e t a r.y . N e w m e m . nder. . a r e toR aStudent ext l p h Ad James direct the activities of next year's Women's Freshman Camp. She The Student Facilities Boaid will bei .. s 0 f the council are Frances Hop- Bennett, Dolores Donnelly and Pe- has also been elecetd to Student Board of Finance. have two Senior, two Junior and k J n s a n d N o r m a D e R o o S p S o p h o . . McManus After Miss Baldino had taken her place on Stage, Warden and one Sophomore representatives. Jac- m o r e s Purdy tapped DAVID E A R L MANLY, new Student Council repreueline Coplon and David Shepard K | * m » « A l m i i r * A s s i s t l n g M l s s N e w t o n o n Music C f f t L - « are the new Senior members. From C o u n c l l w i l l b c M n r y B orys Marks, J * H J ^ T V , 0 ! q . ' sentative from the Class of 1952. Manly has aslo been active in the the Junior Class Betty Coykendall T r e a s u r e r , a n d Jane Jennings, Sec- | e f t r T o H e a d G u i d e s activities of his class, The growing ranks were soon increased, as and Ruth Dunn were elected. The r e t a r y Members named from the HARVEY L A W R E N C E R O B I N S O N became the fourth man t o Sophomore member is Alfred Cle- W o r n e n . s chorus and Men's chorus Marjorie Alguire and Peter Telfer, join the group. He was conducted to the stage by Phyllis Mae Harris mente. are Joan DeVinny and Richard Juniors, were announced this mornJacobson. Orchestra elected Sophie ing as co-chairmen of the Student and Kirsch. Robinson has been active in most of the activities of *. U * % « J » Rugare to Music Council and Oper. Guides for the year 1951-1952. Both his class, serving during the past year as President, and will continue as a member of Student Council for next year. Uliernrian n e a Q S etta sent Louise Petfield. students have been active as studDAVID MYRON S H E P A R D continued the parade of men, a s . . _ The following tryouts were elec- ent guides in their sophomore year. t D - J - —- _ l l d Q t a r l l e c ' k v Music Council: Marie de A major task for the co-chairmen he was escorted to the platform by Jiuslo and Miss Downey. Shepr v U d g O ^ U C w V a i l Scve, Wilmonte Nash, Sophomores; will be organizing a new transfer ard has been chosen as the new Director of Men's Freshman Camp, Janet Canavan, Madelyn Maier, guide system for new upperclass- and will serve on the Student Facilities Board, Donald Putterman has been freshmen. men entering state in the fall. At last another woman was tapped. Patricia Anne Jai and Helnamed as Editor of the Pedagogue • muth Willi Schultze slowly circled the Auditorium and stopped beside for 1951-52. Assisting the Editor on the seat of JOAN M A R I E H A G G E R T Y , new President of Women's the yearbook next year is a staff of six Seniors. Marcia Walsh holds the Athletic Association. position of Business Manager, and Attention began to mount, as the Assembly realized there were the Literary Editor is Mary Anne only five chairs remaining unfilled. Descending the stairs once more, Fitzgerald. Supervising the photogDunn and Schultze maintained the suspense as they slowly moved raphy and art for the Pedagogue will be Theresa Porta, PhotograThe new editor of the State Coltoward the chair of R O B E R T JOSEPH DONNELLY, newly elected phy Editor, and Florence Kloser, lege News is Grace Smith, this President of the Senior Class. Donnelly is also well-known for his Art Editor. The new Advertising year's Associate Editor. work on all phases of dramatics at Stale College. After Donnelly had Editor and Personnel Editor are Board members for next year will received the congratulations of his associates, Miss Harris and Mary Kathleen Donovan and Kathleen Include Victoria Eade, Managing Jessie Eade paused beside a row in the center of the Auditorium as Cody. Editor, and Norine Carghlll, Public Ten members have been named Relations Editor. Circulation ManEly called the name of T H E R E S A PORTA, a new member to the Junior staff for the 1952 ager and Advertising Manager are of Student Council and Photography Editor for the 1952 Pedagogue. Pedagogue. The new Junior mem- Barbara Joyce and Patricia DarEleventh member to be added to the new Myskania was MARY bcrs arc Mary Ann CoccelU, Irene gusch, respectively. Next years BusDick, Caroline Gazulls, Julie Korba, Iness Manager will be Frank Ioele, BORYS MARKS, who was tapped by Miss Harris and Miss Prcscott. Lita Krumholss, Martha Novlezer, and Dorothy De Clcco Is the ExMrs. Marks will serve her second term as Songleader of Student AssoAnn Oberst, Elizabeth Piatt, Ver- change Editor. The other board ciation, has been chosen Treasurer of Music Council, and will be the onlca Price, and Joan Rellley. members are Donald Burns, the new Senior Assistant of Women's Freshman Camp. Sports Editor, and Robert Jacoby, As the atmosphere became more tense, with, the sense of comB a l d i n O , S h e p a r d T o S e t Senior Sports Representative. AsI--i %yy I A /* slstlng these board members will be petition becoming more keen, Miss Jai and Miss Downey descended 5 5 s W e l c o m e A t C a m p Muriel Woodman as Assistant Busionce again into the hushed Auditorium to tap MARION L U C I L L E ness Manager; Jordlno Skoff, AsGORSKIE Miss (iorskie is a Senior Hoard member of Forum, and Victoria Baldino and David Shep- sistant Advertising Manager; and has served as a columnist for the State College Mews. She was escorted ard have been named us the 1951-52 Donald Cook, the Assistant ExDirectors of Freshman Camps for change Editor. to the stage, and took her position as the twelfth member of the new Women and Men. Miss Baldino has Four Juniors have been chosen for Myskania. been a counselor for two years and tho position of Associate Editor. With only one seal remaining vacant, Dunn and Miss Eade GRACE SMITH 'M was Treasurer last year. Shepard These are: Henry Koszcwskl, EsEdltor-ln-Chlef slowly circled the Auditorium. Hardly a sound came from the has noted us a camp counselor. ther Mayakls, Barbara Peace, and Senior Assistant for the Women's Elizabeth Piatt. The new Feature audience as the two retiring members of Myskania solemnly by-passed Camp will bo Mary Borys Marks Editor from the Junior Class is the Senior section and once more entered from the rear of the Audi'1)2 The Secretary and Treasurer Irene Hrezlnsky. i e o t e d next November will bo tho torium, coming to a halt beside the thirteenth member to be chosen. will be Elizabeth Piatt '53, and Rose The Sports Staff will consist of Sophomore reporters. These include Mary Keller '63, respectively. James Luce, Sophomore; and Abel Hmiya Bush, Irene Oersorlltch, Mary Ely boomed the name of VICTORIA MAY EADE, who will fill the The stuff lor Men's Freshman Blattmun, Doris Doherty, Julie oKr- Ann Oossaboon Irene Eldrcd Don- post of Managing Editor of the State College News for the coming Oamp will be appointed by Shepard ba, and Thomas Mitchell, Juniors, nu Freehind, Sally Gerlg ' June year. She has been active on Press Bureau, and during the past year when he takes over his position as Competing for the positions of Hugglns, Joyce Liistky Catherine was chairman of the All-College Reception to (he freshmen. Dlm;l0, '• Sophomore Desk Editors to be se- Lynch, and Joyce Surtes. P UNPLEASANT AFTER-TASTE ''•' #TR#f :* Myskania Contest Requires 24 Distributions; Wiley Victorious In SA Presidential Contest Smith, Newton Lead Councils ffoSJto "I JM_ a #A« STATE COLLEGE NEWS. SATURDAY, M A Y 5, 1 9 5 1 STATE Student Association President Tabulations Vice-President X 100 9 7 5 X 100. + Quota 1 + 1 = Quota 48751 = + 1 + 1 1 Manly Robinson 2 38900 15300 ™>ey Blank «300 Total 97500 1 = 48451 1 1 43000 Abraham—Disqualified Babcock . 1700 Hughes, T 2500 5*900 g j £ « 1600 L a n n o n — . • • • ^ 0 0 32600 Lciubardi 97500 R o b e r t s Weigand Blank Songleader 4500 1400 20500 Toial 96900 1900 2600 6500 27500 33000 4500 3400 6700 27500 33200 4700 20900 7200 28900 33600 5000 21400 96E0O 98300 7600 30300 34700 38900 40400 32000 37200 22000 . 200 23600 700 28400 1300 BliOO C8900 96900 96900 96900 Total 966 X 100 Quota — + 1 + S t u d e n t B o a r d of F i n a n c e — 1 9 5 2 978 X 100 Quota = 4 + 1 1 ta 2 An:"srson 3200 5345 5640 Baldino 50100 19561 19561 E u r n s — E l i m i n a t e d by p r e f e r e n c e Dclan 78C0 I860 12520 3400 7530 7365 Everson .... 8100 18305 19385 Farwcll .... 7360 Gruneteen 4400 7130 McMillen . 22C0 4475 6065 Merry 29C0 5175 Tito i:c 15810 16505 Blair: 3160 2300 Less 74 74 1 48301 Secretary 97800 97800 97800 1 935 X 100 Quota 13100 13600 15300 .... 14300 15300 16900 21500 Krchniak .... 15600 Marks 43500 Petfield 7800 Pierson 2300 Blank Total 96600 19561 3a 4 5 19561 19561 19561 13175 13271 8431 8320 2054!) 19581 8890 8983 14075 9742 19561 9959 5a 1593!) 16931 19561 11663 19561 12215 6702 17443 3596 19420 5230 22622 8202 19561 9642 74 252 252 252 329 97800 + Quota 1 - 46751 97800 97800 97800 Buth 15700 16700 18900 Caparls 43900 46700 51500 C o l u m b s Dean 8000 Gerig Meyers 100 1000 4700 Payne Zyllto 96600 96600 96600 Blanks Total 1 2 3 7400 16900 10700 20800 5000 6900 16600 9200 7800 18000 11000 21900 8000 20100 11700 22700 93500 4 7700 17200 9800 19600 10500 100 900 93500 5 21900 12700 24400 24100 13600 27000 21400 10900 2200 93500 6 24400 4400 S3500 93500 7 28300 38100 29800 38800 27000 8400 16600 93500 S3500 1 7 in Bode Carlo D a - is Hils n g e r Krchniak R o b b i n s ... S v l a i r ... S m i t h , II. Elan): t.osi + 2 7200 20300 9400 9100 14100 20000 9210 rsoo 14000 1600 15800 13900 00400 1 3 4 5 6 22200 10000 10100 15000 24500 28000 36400 10700 17400 18700 16600 15300 1200 17600 17700 2500 19700 19300 4700 6a Quota 1 + 1 Donnelly 17 00 Total 17603 16000 14200 90400 90400 . 1 1 10101 MYSKANIA B e n n e t t .. D a n z i s .... Lade Haggarty J a c o b y .... Kloser M a g u i r e .. Manly Murks F i l e h c r .... Porta Robinson S h a r e r .... S h c p a r d .. Smith, II. B a r n e t .... Brown C a r g i l l .... C o p l o n .... Dargusoh F a r w e l l .. Federico . Fuller G o r s k i e .. H o l m a n .. Iole K u n i k e .... Kyle Pantelakos Peone K u t l e y .... Ryan S m l l h , (i. Thorne Blanks Loss la 28386 14000 83772 54079 48617 24924 22231 89910 78234 107000 36617 59003 10462 38234 42924 29462 16462 6462 41231 8000 11231 4000 19462 41921 6000 6693 3924 11231 7000 4462 6000 11000 5000 11000 63 lb 31407 14636 84408 54874 48776 25242 22390 89910 80778 89910 37094 60911 11098 38711 43083 30416 16939 6462 41390 8000 11708 4000 19939 12242 6318 6852 4083 11549 7636 4621 6000 11159 5(100 11159 159 140 2 31407 14636 84408 54874 48776 25242 22390 89910 80778 89910 37094 60911 12098 38711 43083 30416 16939 6462 41390 8000 11708 19939 43212 6318 6852 4083 13549 7636 4621 6000 11159 5000 11159 159 140 .'! 31568 14636 85639 54874 48776 25242 22390 89910 81778 89910 37325 60911 12098 38711 43083 30416 16939 6462 41621 8000 11708 Bonnett ... Dan/is Bade Haggerty . Jacoby ... Kloser Maguire ... Manly Murks Pllohor Porta . Shafor Hlu'iuird Smith, T, Barnet . . Biown Caralll Coplon Darausch . P u r w o l l ... F o d e r l o o ••• Puller . GorsKlo 21 22 52402 54402 89910 71311 65329 23 23a 4 31566 14636 86639 55874 48776 25242 22390 89910 81778 89910 38556 60911 12098 1187II 43083 30416 16939 6462 41621 8000 117 OH 31566 14636 87639 55874 48776 25242 22390 89910 81778 89110 38556 60911 13098 38711 45083 30416 16939 6462 41621 8000 11708 6 31566 14636 87639 56874 49776 25242 22390 89910 81778 89910 38556 61911 13098 38711 45083 30416 16939 6462 41621 8000 11708 8 31566 14867 90639 57874 49776 25242 22390 89910 82778 89910 38556 63070 13098 38711 15083 30416 1693!) 41621 41621 8000 8000 12708 12715 20989 44.242 7173 7473 7473 14549 7636 4621 6000 11159 5(100 11159 15!) MO 15708 7636 15708 7636 15708 7636 15708 7636 15708 7650 15708 7636 (,'000 6000 11159 11159 50000 11159 11159 159 159 1 10 140 11159 21939 21953 44473 11501 12159 12159 1215!) 1 4(500 6400 5100 5400 Dar-uuch Jae.:by Kvb Leigh Elnni: T o t a l .. 2 89910 8400 6200 6300 900 241) 9 31615 14831 89!) 10 57986 51042 252(13 22425 89!; 10 83391) 89910 38612 6333(1 13098 40143 15101 30416 16946 10 31622 14881 89910 57)18(1 52042 27422 22432 8991(1 84558 8991(1 38612 63336 13098 40143 45104 32575 16946 42621 42621 8231 8231 12715 12715 21953 11501 89510 92409 68260 89910 89910 68395 89910 89910 71655 89910 89910 72573 89910 89910 78531 14150 150 140 15159 15!) 140 1615!) 1(1(1 1-11 16159 159 140 220 10 23401) 7700 90400 004110 24532 2K559 108 10017 43628 13 32853 17881 89910 58986 52042 31422 22432 89910 84558 89!) 10 40930 64495 II 35012 18881 89910 5998(1 52042 31422 22432 89910 85558 899I0 41930 64495 15 35012 19881 89910 59986 52C42 31422 22432 89910 88558 89910 11930 70495 40143 41143 51104 5111)1 32734 33734 17177 18177 43628 41143 52104 3473-1 20177 43028 43628 754 886 16 17 35012 35012 19881 89910 89910 59986 62!, 86 52012 54201 32422 32422 24432 24432 89910 89910 89948 89910 89910 89910 42(189 43262 70195 71495 II143 62104 35893 20177 43302 69104 35893 20177 43628 168 82 18 35012 87 II 19 38012 9700 2500 21800 I I 21800 1 11251 I Burke ( oil s Parwcll Blank 8400 4(P0 10100 Total 22500 48461 70104 35(193 51468 55168 71104 73101 41907 42907 43628 4362(1 21953 44660 21953 51209 24112 26112 54209 55209 26112 27112 57209 59209 29112 59599 Quol i I 1 9600 .... 11700 1210 30271 61599 31278 61758 61917 89910 891)10 89910 58049 77123 89910 89910 89910 59215 84123 89910 891)10 891)10 66130 89910 89910 80910 89910 66985 89910 89910 89910 89910 78586 89910 89910 89910 89910 81880 899111 89910 89910 89910 89910 39910 89910 83221 83431 89910 ' 89010 ,56699 76101 45914 61930 71161 73887 76101 81129 82134 58921 63246 (14233 71352 82299 6-157(1 934(16 87515 93466 90515 89910 90515 15708 1215!) 15708 15708 16708 13159 13159 13159 1715') 21lil> 141 177011 Total 2110 ) ii;>!nii I l . l l l s l U T I i'i h S i l l p.I I'll H! i n k I n-. 89910 89910 l)HU(KH) DHOOOO DH9000 989000 9(19000 9(19000 srrni'.xr \SSOCJ 3556 141 4556 179 779-1 179 8794 I 7!) 1 Quota i 1 6500 !.'17II0 121100 13800 39IMMI '• :i Bullillllle < o.vUciiilall Dunn McC'unniirk sinki'I.laui I'l.-u lllank 287IK 35491 1602(1 1(1(16(1 2 2 0 9 8 ;ill),'ll 31934 2 4 1 6 622(1 4(1 -III i 31434 i I 1 2 3 1 la 18000 19901) 22600 2721) I 27392 21500 22400 25000 30800 31(14'; 20100 21900 24700 32400 31 I'll 11000 990(1 11500 1(1800 181100 20(100 1200 3900 112 1 I II.S.S Total 21900 7200 (.". i ( ' H e a d e r !02 X lilt) I 89910 89910 ('11•• i i i l i i n i ( li'lllt'llli Dili-lu;-. I'liilirli Kuinke Kyle PniHelukos Peone Rtitlity Kytui ( li .11 i ll(i|)|lc.S Kill/ Kl'UK Main Smith, a . Thorne OIKTM I Wiur 10967 179 12198 13205 13910 14045 18816 20604 179 179 273 402 402 502 10101 I I K iiniki' I 202(10 ' l i l:il 21120(1 1856 32111 844 588 1)89000 0801)00 9)19000 1)119000 9(19000 9119001) IIIIOOOO 9119000 1)111)00(1 Wi'ini'i lllank Total I '! 110011 11100 10000 101)00 15200 m o o ;i not) 31)00 1)70(1 9800 llillll -17(11) 1130(1 1130(1 11(10 540(1 5411(1 38(1(1 3(100 12700 13000 (1600 IIHIHI 350(1 3000 200 IIIIOIIO 3 12.: JO 10511') 15600 4000 l,")0() 51)011 6600 5500 1000 13200 I 3700 5000 6300 8300 9200 10800 13401) faille 4600 5001) 6000 Blank 200 24200 I I I 1800 2400 liy p i r l r i ' i ' i i r 2100 7100 3100 I'lll) 10400 6300 0100 (! 13400 I not) 18(100 lb 1521 2702 2 4521 3069 2391 1521 4 192 .1654 4521 5043 1715 KlftOO 113011 120011 921)11 I 1000 12200 63110 11400 1370(1 1-101)0 14'.!l)l) 1 2420(1 24200 3 4400 I 5500 6400 6300 7100 9200 12201) 5100 0200 7100 9300 4300 5000 500 1600 2100 24300 21300 24300 4200 14500 10000 || 2111)110 |; 2,i 7 62 619 62 Ja2 23 226UO 22600 M a y a. Illal 111 2830(1 36800 15100 14-100 I llllllll 17200 1(1800 21100 263(111 11200 1)300 700 10011 2001) 4200 5000 780(1 10(100 14100 17600 24300 OlillOO 06000 96000 96(100 II6IIOO 11600(1 '.16(10(1 \> S I vv II.I, Si ..I III I In O r I' I ' . . I. \ I , 1 I r.i ,1,1I 24300 1 10700 7800 13100 3 14100 15900 H a t h a w a y 1600 K o t r h I 15200 15600 31600 31600 Total 30800 Ht$SJ>»" 308 X 100 _ 1 + 1 |- 1 Bennett Cosgril'l' Itehrtir Blank Quota _). i 15401 Sc< r c t a r y I 1 16001 I1 1 5000 4490 1000 3800 4700 9800 3300 Callahan Hanson Mac key Martin Meyer.i . Payne Pi'cstnoni Blank .... 32000 1 5000 4600 3900 4800 10300 3400 32000 5700 5000 5 6700 5400 4400 5300 6000 11500 13300 100 600 32000 32000 6 8300 10500 7200 14600 18200 1900 3300 32000 32000 826 X 100 Quota I 1 4 Director I i 1 12301 II I Hnnahiie 3 7700 5900 108011 « i H hii 5(10(1 52110 4110(1 l.liidsey 92110 10300 700 12500 1300 24600 24600 llllKlli s. T Total 24600 Adams Bennett Hush Call Donnelly Fi'l'Kilsoll M e Ma n u s Miller l\'oo a Welllcl' Blank (1400 3400 4100 2000 3801) 800 3800 1901) 2300 2100 32600 6520 I1 I 6 ill 65.20 8414 •1207 3115 3808 6520 3811 4507 33 17 4009 6520 4115 4708 3818 4710 6520 5019 5111 6520 6621 5812 (ia 6520 6702 5860 (II) 6520 6520 5885 5415 6115 6193 6235 4100 1109 4310 4513 5516 6816 6520 6520 1000 2300 3100 100 1907 2305 3101 100 II 2707 3101 301 14 3901 301 14 4603 402 14 702 14 747 58 794 126 32600 22600 32600 32600 32600 32600 32600 32600 6600 3-11)0 4200 3100 3800 1 .OSS Tola! Souiilcadi'i' I Quota 1 122ll| - 1 <T Keller T i l .el I 18100 630(1 I'nl.il 2-1400 we <?/ X 10(1 i 121. Vtovtf- \c* SCfefcV «*«*, I I 1900 OHIO CViVb1 •3$%2t A?, w dsMeet SmSTSHOP 705/Hadi3onAv/c., Alb«3MU, HewYbt^ 40PEM DAILY A T I 24300 llll.ll .1 1951 Million ( "A Clean Place T o K n t " iillllselnl I mi X i i I on I Qllnlil Waldorf Cafeteria 0-101 i I iliiiii V-.-.H, L i t , l.illl.ii VSSIH iiiie *-•"" l.iiii.n ' '• \ - - n i i ci \ i t ' Director i, i a o i ' i in i i n , i n.iiniiiiiiK t .iii... l l l l l l l l II I llll l l , l | . l l l l l l l l S | , . , r | . . I ,1 sill |||,I'U M r i l i l n i II11 si in - - M no i i H I iilnil,HI Milium, i I tc l l l l l l l l I llll,II \ J i , 11 ..in,: I i l i i , , , I, II VI I s \| I I II N i l I'll II I \ I ' I I I Mill I\ | I \ IK.I I I l l l l N M II III H N S llillll || I I \ i l l | l \ I II l \ It l l l l I I II M i l l I II \ l i l t l I l l l l l l l l I II \ II, I II I II I' \ I l l l l I \ | i M i l . I s i | | 11(1 \ I l l l l I / . | S It h i t \ III \ m I M I S / I it si» i I M I I I li \l \ \ M i l s II M i l l M l V I ' I VI I in i n Publicity II \ . . i I, I- III ,1 I II. \ i \\ s 7900 ! it mil! i i-. 30900 30900 Student Council Total \ll,Mill.ill No I I i.l I i I u , 30900 1600 15801 Total 94800 10 1820(1 16500 12800 i 1 12151 I I 9 151(00 I.IVIII) 21300 1 2 4200 12300 13600 9600 11100 4800 5700 500 2500 i 1 ,. Bcni Bnwer De V l n n y Sinclair Sturm's Blank !43 7300 061)00 24200 I llillll 8 I-I'IOO 12101) 'HUSO Dod-£ 3 Livingston Oberst Smith Blank 2-1-1 X IIIU llllllll 7 13700 1171)11 1)1500 32400 T o t a l | ITl Trlli in 61 till (IIIOIKI 1100 Blank 4521 la 1800 2652 2316 1521 1-132 .16111 Blank I I 5 12500 111)00 17600 Total Total MATING—ALL -AMMMCAN I 1 1 1 191110 XXXV 15451 1 1 320 X 100 • I Total 'I ol a l + 1 + Quoin I I 1221)0 10700 16301) 411)11 I'2011 5300 11700 4800 !)()()() 9551 Hullo 1|\ Quota 250D 3000 16600 6300 2100 1900 246 X 10(1 .' . m i l l 7000 96000 4200 (Junta I 19100 Vol 16201 Berlin Bradt Clctnente Hopkins Reuss Thompson 4 Hiller Smith Director Klliuinali'il 32400 309 X 100 -4- 1 Quota 3 313 943(111 94300 114300 9430(1 12101 I 1 I (junta 14700 I'.iiiiirll (ialllvatl II iv'.'.er'.v Kaiser Mil illy Porta 1,'nlilnsiiii 2 la 75911 2lli:i() 11222 151 14 3 11134 756 4(1 1 2700 II !).iI M:ir!is V inoii]' 1 1 24400 8000 Cheerleader 316 X 100 ' 1 , 8991(1 242 X 100 •I I 1 989000 989000 089000 989000 989000 98900(1 32700 16201 1 1 Treasurer Quota I 1 Quota 943 X 100 I 119568 Tree surer I 111608 179 Total 1 + 243 X 100 I 226 X 100 3556 III rr/ox TA/WLAT/OXS facilities Hoard—1953 QIIIII i 78211 78184 23400 219 X 1011 O n la I'liMieily B r o w n ... Finnen . Hopp-^y Howlett Lure Seen larv Sorifleader 13150 95(1(10 il.i.'IOII (l.iHO'l ll.iHIK) Bmke Tot il Total 1(1708 17159 17159 17159 17159 17159 2l(i(l 3166 316(1 3397 3397 141 111 141 141 141 -151166 76118 77697 10551 1 12000 4500 4300 1 15708 765(1 31034 ( 16800 Publicity I'm l l l l l c s H o a r d 1954 960 X 10(1 65017 1 I 1 Qilola I i! Olicrsl 191 X Kill 1)58 X 100 89910 89910 736(1(1 . 22501 Dcvitt Mvle, Slii'W -15628 127 If Kelly 1 6600 Bi'vins (inzillis Quoin 43623 11701 1 + 1 1 10. !l I Oil!) 89910 89910 89910 63986 66986 71311 59432 60432 64591 32422 33429 3342!) 24432 89910 89910 89910 89910 89910 89910 89910 89910 89910 14652 46652 50883 71495 73733 75892 1 + 1 20000 3200 Kosinski 4700 P i e r s o n .. 1700 3100 Total Vice-President 324 X 100 Quota 1 + 1 224 X 100 Quota O'MOO 20 43243 .24000 225 X 100 1 24c \;ii 89910 89910 89910 65002 97806 42621 21953 14660 •iicllilli'.s H o a r d - 1952 89910 89910 77311 9240!) 6582!) 67226 11 12 31622 31622 15881 15881 89910 89910 57986 58986 52042 52042 31422 31422 22432 22432 89910 89910 84558 84558 89910 89910 39612 40612 63336 64495 131)98 180911 40113 40143 46101 48104 32575 32575 17177 17177 19100 96(10 211 X 100 Donnelly Wiley 4900 Vice-President 21800 Quota 3 Hindi nl Council 0(1901)0 989000 980000 989001) 989000 089000 24a 231) l 8a 31615 14381 89!) 10 57986 491111 25263 22425 8991(1 8300!) 89910 38612 63105 13098 38753 45104 30411) 16946 20939 13212 63 IK 7314 lliiliiiiin Total 7 31566 14636 88639 56874 49776 25242 22390 89910 81778 89910 38556 63070 13098 38711 15083 30416 16939 6462 41621 8000 12708 1993!) 20939 43212 13242 6318 6318 7314 7314 Iole Blanks LOBH | 11 19939 43242 6318 701(3 .. 989000 989000 989000 989000 989000 Total ItollillMIII 1 27000 14000 81000 52000 47000 24000 22000 117000 75000 107001) 35000 56000 10000 35000 42000 29000 16000 6000 41000 8000 11000 4000 19000 41000 6000 6000 3000 11000 7000 4000 6000 11000 5000 11000 Quota Preference f c o t t Total ! 1 Secretary Myskania—Recommended Yes No Blank T o t a l B a l d l n o .... 895 67 47 1000 989 X 1000 bv 324 X 100 1 = 16351 1 + 1 e,fcr Qll;:ta 90400 Quota 12001 1 + 1 Lannon—Eliminated Quota Songleader 32700 X 100 — + 1 I 30101 PAGB % President 240 X 100 88C1 Trca- urcr 100 Tela! 1 = 30104 4 2 1 218 X 100 97800 MAY 5, 1951 1954 President 176 X 100 Gro'.a Vice-PrrsHcnt 6525 172G0 3455 SATURDAY. i President 19561 804 X 100 1 + 1 Davis 3 NEWS. Class Tabulations i 1 = 19561 S t u d e n t E o s i n l of F i n a n c e — 1 9 5 3 2 Kosinskl + COLLEGE Mien ri-i'M-oti 2100 Hi7 ( e n ( n i l A v e . 12700 iiiiiin Willie 3000 li'lal 168011 OI'UN D A Y A N D NKJH' 1 8 A . M . 6 *<< •* STATE COLLKOE NEWS. SATURDAY. MAY 8. 1S81 PAOt 4 Sowutiml and QiafouuUtl Religious Clubs Haggerty, Brown Honor Societies The following are the newly electChi Sigma Theta Sorority held its elections for new officers. The ed officers of Phi Delta Sorority: Name Officers; Name Officers spring Secure Highest results are: Florence Kloser, '52, Marjorie Farwell '52, President; PI Gamma Mu, the Honorary So- President; Jeannine Burke, '52, Vice Jacqueline Sweet "52, Vice President; cial Studies Fraternity, announces President; Joan Reilley '53, Secre- Karen Prindle, '54, Recording Sec- Announce Award Athletic Posts that the following people have been tary; Anne Oberst, '53, Alumnae retary; Janet Norton '53, Corremembers. Jess Barnet, Ca- Secretary; Beverly Prantte, '53, sponding Seoretary Ruth Poole '53, Present Heads of religious clubs MA A, WAA List named therine Ballard, Robert Barron, Ri- Treasurer; Katherine Sinclair, '53, Treasurer; Joan DeVlnny '53, Inter- have presented slates of officers for their respective organlzatons for sororlty Council Representative, League Trophy Winners Spring elections for Women's Athletic Association and Men's Athletic Association have resulted in the election of Joan Haggerty, President of WAA Council for 1951-52 and Robert Brown, President of MAA. The officers of WAA Council are Phebe Puller '52 .Vice President; Betty Coykendall '53, Treasurer; Marilyn Burke "53, Office Manager, Audrey Burke '54, Secretary. Senior Representative Is Gwen Gallivan, Junior Representative, Rae Dlonne, and Sophomore Representative, Karen Prindle. The change in the WAA Constitution this spring resulted in the creation of new offices on the council for next year. The three coordinators are Ann Apostolides '52, Marjorie Farwell '52, and Sally McCain '52. Katherine Sinclair has been elected to the new position of Publicity Director. Honor Council for 1951-52 is com. posed of four Seniors: Ann Apostolides, Marjorie Farwell, Phebe Fuller, and Joan Haggerty. Two trophies were awarded for women's Basketball and Bowling. The Basketball trophy was awarded to Beta Zeta Sorority and Pierce Hall copped the Bowling cup. Newly elected MAA officers are Thomas King, '52, Vice President; Frances Streeter '53, Treasurer; Francis Rodgers *54, Secretary. Several trophies were awarded during the morning's ceremonies. The Angels gained the Basketball trophy and Sigma Lambda Sigma took the Bowling Cup. The Softball and Football awards went to the Finks and Angels respectively. chard Buck, Jacueline Coplon, Katherine Dando, Robert Remers, Lawrence Fanjoy, John Farley, Thomas Godward, Joan Haggerty, Elizabeth Havens, Julia Hewitt. Daniel Joy, Kenneth Orner, Vasiliki Pantelakos, Joseph Pierslco, Walter Robinson, Thomas Spencer, John Stvenson, J o . seph Sweeny and Kenneth Wade. The new officers for 1951-52 will be Jess Barnet, President; Kenneth Wade, Vice President; Lillian Kaminsky, Secretary; Joan Haggerty, Treasurer. Pi Omega PI has announced the following list of new members: Joan Eckert and Beverly Kuhlkin, Seniors; Barbara Anderson, Donald Burns, Victoria Eade, Robert Jacoby, and Neil Ryder, Juniors. At their regular meeting last Tuesday, Kappa Phi Kappa, Honorary Educational Fraternity, elected the following officers, which were announced today: President, John Peightal '51; Vice-President, Kenneth Lein '51; Secretary, Edward Treacy '51; Treasurer, Ronald Rockhill '51; Historian. Edmund Leigh '52; Dr. Carleton Moose was reappointed to the post of Faculty Advisor. Dessimoz Will Hold SMILES Presidency Muriel Dessimoz '52 will serve as President of Smiles for the year 1951-52. Mary Sweet, also a Senior, will serve as the organizations' Vice, President and Elaine Topper and Marguerite Pizzo, both Juniors, will be Secretary and Treasurer respectively. Virginia Maurer has been added to the board from the Senior Class; Barnct Succeeds Robinson Doris Doherty and Norman Kerper the Junior Class; and Robert As New Foium Speaker from Sturm will be the new Sophomore Jess Barnet '52 has been named member. as Speaker of Forum for 1951-52. The other officers to assist Barnet are Anita E. Lilenfeld, '53, Secre- White W i l l Direct tary; and Allan Youngs, "54 Treasurer. Commuters O f College The new Forum Board members Commuters Club has released its are Barbara Anderson '52, Morton Cohn '53, Lucille Roulier '53, and slate of officers for the year 1951-52, Thomas Eldred '54. Lucille Roulier according to Sally Tschumi '51, member of the Election Committee. '53, is the Editor of Soapbox. Reta Lee White '52 will be President of Commuters Club for the Lombardi Directs IGC; coming year; Donald Cook '53, VicePresident; Beverly Dodge '54, SecKoszews At a board meeting of Inter-Group retary; and Frances Allen '54, Trea. Council, Joseph Lombardi '52 was surer. chosen Chairman for next year. Assisting Lombardi, Henry Kozewskl Richtei Wins Frosh Math Award Ruth E. Richter has been named '53 was elected Vice Chairman; Norlne Cargill '52, Treasurer; and Fleta as the first winner of the Freshman Mathematics Achievement Award, Wright '52, Recording Secretary. Two new members were elected to which is awarded by the College Department. The the board from the Sophomore Clnss. Mathematics They are Mary Lavery and Susnn award will be given each year to n member of the freshman class. Stewart, ki Will Assist Inter-Sorority Council Representative. The officers of Gamma Kappa Phi Sorority for the year 1951-52 are: Gene Donovan, '52, President; Phebe Fuller, '52, Vice President; Alice Goewey '53, Recording Secretary, Margaret Smith, '54, Corresponding Secretary; Dorothy DeClcco, '52, Treasurer; Gwen Gallivan, '52, Inter-Sorority Council Representative. Joyce Leavitt '52 is the new President of Kappa Delta Sorority. The other officers elected for 1951-52 are: Joan Bennett, 52, Vice President; Julie Korba '53, Recording Secretary; Joyce Leonard '53, Corresponding Secretary; Joan Pearson, '53, Inter-sorority Council Representative. CC Elects Own Grand Marshal Under Campus Commission's new plan for selecting Grand Marshal, Kathleen Ryan '52 has been chosen to direct Campus Commission activities for the coming year, according to Virginia Norton '51, present Grand Marshal. Treasurer of Campus Commission will be Alice Cohen '53 and Secretary Faith Hanson '54. Other members of Campus Commission are Peter Bon, Elizabeth Coykendall, Helen Hagel, Ann Riley, Owen Smith, Marlene Southard, incoming Juniors. Sophomore members of Campus Commission will be Helene Alpern, Rosemary Bradt, Ada Cosgriff, Jessie Raynor. Signum Laudis Lists Top Honor Students Five new members from the class of 1951 and twelve members of the Junior Class have been accpted into Signum Laudis, the Scholastic Honorary society of State College. The two percent of 1951 to be named are Cecilia Battlsti, Frederick Knocrzer, Donald MacDonald, Naomi Schroeder, and Elsie Thorpe, Four per cent of the Junior Class were selected. They are: Ruby Anderson, Edna Blndermann, Donald Brooks, Raymond Champlin, Jacueline Coplon, Maureen Davis, Sara Dobbins, Marlon Gorskle, Charles Grunelscn, Virginia Mauer, Anita Racine, and Marion Rutz. Burke To Preside Over Radio Council Activities President of Radio Council for the year 1951-52 Is Jeannine Burke '52, according to George Kline, President. Other Radio Council offiCarter Residence Council President cers for the coining year have been New President of Residence Counreleased. They arc: Vice-President, cil is Miriam Carter '52. Miss Carter Joseph Persico '52; Secretary, ThoIs the house president of Kappa mas Hughes '53; Delta. Other officers of Residence 2:00 Coke Party In Commons. Other members of the council Council will be chosen In the fall. 2:30 Vurslty Baseball gnme, Bleeck- from the clase of '52 for next year er Stadium. nre: Joseph Persico and Vasllike 1:00 Rivalry Skits In Puge Hall Alpha Epsilon Phi Rcceivei Cup Pentclnkos; from the class of '53, Freshmen The Inter-sororlty Scholarship Thomas Hughes and from the class Sophomores, Cup, which each year Is given to of '54, Doris Hit gen and Jean Rasey, the sorority whoso members com- H:00 Traditional Sing In front of Draper pile the highest average, was won Awarding of Rivalry Cup this year by Alpha Epsilon Phi. The "Grout Fires". runner-up was Gamma Kappa Phi. ScUeduU Psi Gamma Sorority has announced the following as the officers for 1951-52. Anne Sullivan '52, President; Mildred Foote '53, Vice President; Mary MacFarland '53, Recording Secretary; Lorraine Migliaccio '53, Corresponding Secretary; Mary Ann Fitzgerald '52, Treasurer; Ann Adams '52, Intersororlty Council Representative. Three fraternities h a v e announced their officers for next year. Kappa Delta Rho Fraternity will hold their spring elections for new officers next week. The new officers of Kappa Beta Fraternity are: Joseph Friedman '51, President; Gerald Roberts '53, Vice President; William Taylor '53, Secretary; Edward Cummlngs '52, Treasurer; Mitchell Burkowsky '52, and Gerald Roberts, Inter-fraternlty Council Representatives. Kenneth Wade '52 is President of Sigma Lambda Sigma Fraternity. Other officers include John Lannon '53, Vice President; Kenneth Wooster '52, Recording Secretary; Harry Warr '54, Corresponding Secretary; James Perry '53, Treasurer; Henry Smith '52, and Louis Vlon '53, Inter-fraterntiy Council Representatives. Edward Eldred Potter Club has chosen Thomas Yole '52, President; Thomas King '52, Vice President; Kenneth Stevenson '54, Clerk; Paul Ward '53, Treasurer; Peter Telfer '53, Inter-fraternity Representative. The annual Ideal Potter Man of the Year Award has been presented to Reuben Warrell '51. jbepaltmeHtal Clu&d Sylvia Levine '53 has been named as the new President of Science Club. The other officers for the year 1951-52 Include Herbert Thier '53, Program Chairman; Barbara Wolslegel '54, Publicity Director; and Virginia MacDonald '52, Secretary Treasurer. Pan Amigos has announced the following officers for 1951-52: Jane Hatt '52, President; Irene Brezinsky '53, Secretary; Mary Ann Coccetti '53, Treasurer. Evelyn Rude.sheim '52 is the new President of Commerce Club. Patrick Carlo '53 was elected Vice President; Jaunita McMillan '52, Treasurer; and Alice Cohen '53, Secre. tury. The Reporter for next year Is Douglas Adamson, '53. Donald Voellinger has ben elected President of French Club for 195152. Other new officers are Robert Collins '54, Vice President; Anne Kohn '54, Secretary; and Walter Decker '54, Treasurer. Robert Smith '52, will be next year's Publicity Director. Math Club has announced the new officers for the year 1951-52. The results arc Daniel Joy '52, President; Shirley Wagner '53, Vice President; Maureen O'Leary '53, Secretary; Elsie Critchlow '53, Treasurer. Ruby Anderson '52 has been chosen to direct the activities of Classic-id Club for the coming year. Other officers arc: Vice-President, Marlene Southard '53; and Secretary Treasurer, Dorothy Schall '52. NOW IS THE TIME H.F.Honikel & Son Pharmacists Founded 1905 Phone 4-2036 157 Central Ave, ALBANY, N. Y. SAVE 10% 10% DISCOUNT TO STUDENTS and FACULTY ON RECORDS ON FOOD COSTS — SAVE 10% BOULEVARD CAFETERIA Maureen Davis will serve as Director of Press Bureau for the year 1951-52. Other officers include: Patricia Devitt, '52 Assistant Director; Mary Jane Dewey '53, SecretaryTreasurer; and John Hanevy, '54 Corresponding Secretary. Board members from the class of 1953 include: Julia Korba, Audrey De Graff, and Sally Swanson; from the class of 1954: Theresa Ajosa, Dorothy Presmont, Barbara Smith and Patricia Dean. Literary Board Appoints Bartle 'Primer' Head For Coming Year Fred Bartle, 1952, has been named as the new Editor of the Primer. He will be assisted by Edward Kyle, '52, Art Editor; Sara Danzis '52, Business Manager and Faith Hanson '54, Secretary. Thompson Wields Debate Gavel For 51-52 State College Orators James Thompson '54 was elected as President of Debate Council for the year 1951-1952. The other officers named for next year are Evelyn Erdle '52, Vice President; Daniel Joy '52 Treasurer; Joan Bathrick '54, Corespondlng secretary. The new member appointed to Dcbnte Council is James Thompson, 54. THE HAGUE STUDIO ALBANY, NEW YORK. FRIDAY. MAY II, 10S1 ftS/ir^j M 'T HOLLYWOOD COMES EAST TO TAKE YOUR PORTRAIT . . College Kmhlein Jewelry. OPEN 9:00 to 5:30 DAILY Evenings by appointment ALBANY, N. f. STATE COLLEGE CO-OP TELEPHONE 4-0017 TOMORROW i „ VOL. XXXV NO. 26 Music Council Spring Concert •*• p ft r ** - ^ • 'Ahi Wilderness' For Graduates l o Feature Choruses, Urchestra A P r ° S r a m designed to place college a f t graduates in teaching positions ^ Furroror T o Direct C«*t r JZ,l i « . O f Annual Production — « one summer session of study c ... r -^ Prrkflram D«+,V««* D « « , « « . . L Keticent Komeos i i i ins»liirj*e rrogram includes will be offered on the campuses of ^ O l O M t l G S , I T C H S /-* (• u / • I * m • fs . The Advanced Dramatics Class the State University Teachers Col' V . O n S U / 1 Tfe\QQnO V BA , MI P MH Z\o\»fk IflUt will present its annual spring play leges at Oneonta and Albany, ac- P | « „ A'jti!Mjijj»« * WIWIIWI.W Friday and Saturday, May 18 and 19, cording to Edward J. Sabol, Coor- I I d l l / V C u V I I I C S "Some day he'll come along—" . at 8:30 p.m. in Page Hall. This dinator of Field Services. During the _ _. If you're tired of waiting for5 Music Council will present its anthat some ladies n year's class has chosen "Ah! Wilder- summer of 1951, only the first year T - . f ' , u V-*«. " **?"» > *° s^ Spring Concert this evening at 8:3 ness," by Eugene O'Neill, as its pre- of the program will be offered. • O VjllTIClX / C d l Art Welgand. He's the answer ° P m - in Page Hall. This year's sentatlon. The play will be directed A college graduate who completes to prayers, Amen (Ah, men). Program will include a variety of by Miss Agnes E. Futterer, Assistant the first summer session of profesThe future activities of sororities Out of the goodness of his numbers including vocal selections Professor of English. sional study and begins teaching in and fraternities have been schedheart, Art started a Date J3u"^ t h e Women's Chorus, Men's Glee club „,,„ . __(._„,„ f u f„«Qi. QV,H a public elementary school in Sep- "led. Among the events planned are rcau this week. Everybody can - a n d „ Choralettes under the diThe play pom ays the mats ana fcember w i l l b e j s s u e d ft r e n e w a b l e picnics, banquets, and formals. sign up at his desk outside the rection of Karl A. B. Peterson, Intribulations of adolescence and then t e a c h i n g l l c e n s e The ] i c e n s e Commons, but it's the gals who structor in Music, and orchestral u K a p p a D e l t a Kno,g f0).mal w e e k . f! r * « r ! J L w p r i ta iSw b e ^ w e d annually upon comple- end will begin with a banquet at get the choices. They can state numbers by the State College Orhood. It was 11 st Presented in 1933 fc|on Qf & w i n t e r > s t e a c h m g ^ Herbert's tomorrow at 6:30 p.m., actheir demands. chestra, directed by Dr. Charles F. s u m m e r s e s s i o n of n ?hJiI°d n tooTnP!'0?to Prescribed study, cording to James Dunn '51. PresiDo you have a "peppermint Stokes, Professor of Music Tne ?. t l e ' n 7 , , t i wni D ^ L n i ! W n e n the total requirements have dent. The formal dance will be held personality"? Can you tango? orchestra will open the proWest Coast with Will Rogeis play- b e e n m e t | a p e r m a n e n t l i c e n s e w i „ a t t h e N o r m a n s i d e Country Club Arc you an intelligent French & r a m w l t h f o u r numbers. It will ing tnac pan. tomorrow at 9 p.m. On Sunday at Major available to do homework render "Zampa Overture" by Harbe issued List Cast of Production Sabol announces that the require- 10:30 a.m. KDR will hold a picnic Tuesday nights? Arc you willing old, "Funeral March of a MarlonThc following students comprise ments for the permanent license at Thatcher Park. The newly-electto take a date out on the Schcnette' by Gounod,^ "Slavonic Dance" the cast of "Ah! Wilderness": Nat nre: (11 Successful completion of ed officers have been announced. ectady road, hmmm? by Dvorak, and "Minuet and Farand Miller, Edward Kyle; Essie, Sara four summer sessions; (21 Comple- They include Kenneth Rutley, PiesIf you have any of these re°f e " f r o m "L'Arlessienne Suite" Danzis; Arthur, David Shepard; tlon of 24 semester hours in required ident; Thomas Holman, Pledge quirements, men, go see Art. by Bizet. Richard, Henry Smith; Mildred, education courses; (3) Completion Master; George Volz, Treasurer; He'll fix you up, but with no Chorus to Render Folk Songs Dorothy Simon; Tommy, Martin of six additional hours; and (4) Sue- Robert Daly, Recording Secretary; guarantees. The Women's Chorus, composed of Blumenthal; and Sid Darrs, Ross cessful teaching experience in the and John Knitt, Corresponding Is Saturday night your loneeighty voices, will offer folk songs Federico, Juniors. Also included in elementary school terms interven- Secretary, Juniors. liest night In the week? Here's fi'om several countries. The numbers the cast are Lllv Miller, Georgina ing between summer sessions. Potter Cub Plans Banquet your cure. For a date with State, will include Deems Taylor's CzeqhMaginess; Belle, Patricia Graff; and Edward Eldred Potter Club has see Art. oslovakian folk song, "Waters RipBartender, Edward Stearns, Seniors. £> I f*\ planned a banquet for tomorrow at Pie and Flow," the Scottish "FolOther members are David McCom- j O D l l S V— f l O O S © 5 p. m., according to Paul Carter '51, . low Me Down to Carlow" by Lesw lie Bel1 ber, Thomas Holman; Muriel McV* ** *•* President. It will be held at the ' C ] A -.-,_, _ - * , - . _ ' ' , T u t u Maramba," a BraPetit Piu1s zilian Comber, Joyce Shafer; Wint Selly, Q 1 1 ' Restaurant. Potter Club UI M i T O n Q 6 S number by Howard D. McRobert Donnelly; Nora, Dorothea KetDfQSQD lO/7 VSS has also scheduled a picnic for Sun° Kinney, and the Irish "Kitty of Harding; and Salesman, Marvin ' day at 12:30 p. m. at Lyons Lake. f-'mnl Affll/lflAC Colaine" by Tom Scott. AccomFoons. Juniors. The results of the election for Kappa Beta will have a date party llflCll rACTIVlTIGS panists for the Women's Chorus are Pri c lla Committee members arc: Sets: Student council representatives for Jtomorrow at 8 p.m.. according to . s = , ' , c J o n e s ' 5 3 and Irene Cerd freshmpn hnvp ose h S e r U t c h 54 Robert Donnelly, Dorothea Harding, the Class of 1953 have been released P Friedman '51, President. The 0 lannedu class e v i to cUmax the ' Juniors; Georgina Maginess '51; by William Engelhart '51, Chair- KB alumni formal weekend will be- >£'",f '. A Q n ' the Senior ac L lTs th eC heoi r ah , e U e s ' S c l e c t l o n s ' ln w l t n a and Henry Smith, Costumes; Dor- man of Myskania. Rae Dlonne, Rob- * banquet Saturday, May t l l t l scheduled for OrnriimHnn 8 tocn girls in Choralettes othy Simons and David Shepard; ert Hushes, Alan Sweitzer, and 19^ a l 4 »•m- tor the alumni at W e e k ' e the class n i r n i c h n i i h n n wl intgh tHneel me n wPUcher '52 accompanyi n sin Outside Publicity; Joyce Shafer Louis Vlon. Sophomores, attained Oliver's. The banquet will be fol- * V !? commencement S four program and Donald Putterman, Juniors; positions on the Council. lowed by a formal dance at 9 p.m. ' Baccalaureate ServirP is th P numbers. They will render "Sea Lights; Thomas Holman '52; Tic- Tabulations in the Lounge. To terminate the r l „ t p V e ^ t hVornminr nn w « * Moods" by Tyson-Treharne, "Amkets and House: Marvin Poons and 245 X 100 weekend events, KB will have a pic- '™/l™\„ „ P , " t u qc h „it,p £i aryllis. My Fair One" by CacclnlFlorence Kloser, Juniors. Quota . 4901 nlc Sunday, May 20, at 10 a.m. ^ f g It to scheduled for T a y I o r - " T h e S n o w " ^ Robert Mc4 t- 1 SLS To Hold Formal Dance riesment. it is scneauted foi L . , „Wond f % „ „ h y Release Ticket Prices J * " n whit'eman-Grofe s c h e d _ Sunday, June 10 at 4:30 p.m. Seats may be reserved with stu- „, Kc ,„"" ^,", . „ " , ;..„. u l p r t „ formal dance according tn Pant «2e Hma I 1 -t h°e n Wednesday, June 13 w" 1 "-" 1 ' 1 " wioie. 7 dent tax tickets. Additional tickets J ' " ™ „ ™ *™ « ° ™ Kenneth Wade S President which p i c n i cP a tSeniors will hold their Glee Club to Close Program may be obtained for $.90 and $1.20 " " ^ ""• 3,f" ^ '"°' ' " ^ m " a k e nlace tomorrow at 0 n m Thatcher Park. The folThe fifty-voiced Men's Glee Club outside the commons. ggomaek 329 4 7 408 K ^ S T , M a y ^ 0 at ^ ' n g day is " - banquet which T^0^°^^ '™° Las, year's Advanced Dramatics Vlon 3400 4.77 4862 « H 10:3^ . . . S I S wK, have a picnic ^ Z ^ u J ^ T Th^Senio S t h ^ ' D ^ S e l 5 J J ^ SZl Class presented "The Swan," by Blank 37 74 158 a t Thatcher Paik. Ball will take place at the Aurania C a i n . and two selections from popuFerenc Molnar Miss Futterer has Loss 76 76 138 Kapna Delta, according to Sever- g j ™ »*»*"£ ^^at ™ lar shows-"Hallelujah" by \1nfor many years directed the Adb Kuhlkin 51, Piesident, will have ^ Orchestra will cent Youmann from "Hit the Deck," a vanced Dramatics plays. Totals 24500 24500 24500 24500 I Continued on Page G, Column 1) pi . 0 vide the music n d "Students March Song" by cla ss Da , " A • r r\ T r n I r\t T ' y activities will begin Romberg from "The Student k | kA New Myskania Awakens rrom Dream lo bense Keality Ur lappinq; b eers rs ' ' r r ai Disn A m o r o u s ivianirestdiions Manirp<tation< in In rPaoc Dnrino ceremonies Ceremoniec ^ ' s p ' oav y /amorous a g e t/urmg You could almost hear a pin drop, but Myskania wasn't worried about pins. They lmd other cares: would they trip lightly down the stairs, or just trip? What If the new members didn't "embrace and kiss" like the headline said they did? But they needn't have worried, "Kisses, tears, embraces" did high- light the tapping—also knee-tremblng. Bill Wiley was "Surprised, confused, amazed, and happy." Helen Pilcher was grateful for Jim Julsto's arm. When niter the ceremony lie nsked If she needed his arm, said Helen, "f couldn't get along without it." It took three tappings to get HeniTS&Vmi l i i ^ ^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ••ufAhfiMtJM I ^ . Y l a B S S M B H ^ H "™—=^^^^ , 1 I " - 1 - ^ i f Costume Jewelry . . . Nule-l'uper . . . Stockings . . . Stationery Compacts v P,ons U New Comedy, New Program ^-» ^ — T mmW GIFTS for Torch-Night and Graduation I.^liters . . . Modern Library l*tmlis . . n f i mmmfX i'MwrZm •? fjm, SAM J u l f l i M M l\Wm . , ^ ^ ^ ], ^ ^ _ - ! • mM I WM I I H I I I H I a"'«S«4HBn)BaBHi " P , f T " r ^ W P 'Ksi'-U \l ™ 1 ^ B \U'i ii U Y '^I^H (*.'! Mw[ H L; I -fctA I « ^ **t*M A - T N 811 MADISON AVENUE "MEET AND EAT AT THE BOUL" MEAL TICKETS Davis Accepts Position As Press Bureau Head Z-444 'Portrait At Its Finest" PHONE I-191S IM-IM CENTRAL AVENUE Supporting Miss Pranitis in New man Club will be: Joan Reilley '53, Vice-President; John Finnen '54, Treasurer; Patricia Butler '53, Secretary. The Newman Award, which is given to the Senior who has done the most for Newman Club, was also made. Working with Miss Pilcher in SCA next year will be: Charles Abraham '53, Vice-President; Nancy Worden '53, Treasurer; Marjorie Wells '54, Secretary, according to Anne Braasch, President Vice-President of IVCF for the year 1951-52 will be Elinor Boice '54. Other officers are: Secretary, Marie Goodermote '54; Treasurer, Donald Stine '53; and Social Chairman, Jean Welch '52. TO BUY BLUE MOTE SHOP 1S6 Central Ave. 8&-0221 Open Evenings Until 9:00 the coming year. President of Hillel Is Evelyn Shor '52; of Newman Club, Beverly Pranltls '53; of Stu. dent Christian Association, Helen Pilcher '52; of Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship, William Whitwer '53; and of Christian Science Organization, Andrew Sim, 54. Other officers of Hillel for the year 1951-52 are: Vice-President), Morton Cohn '53; Secretary, Ruth Shair '52; Treasurer, Arlene Blum '52; Social Chairman, Helen Alperne '54; Co-Editors of Hillel News, Elaine Topper '53 and Joyce Surtes '54. ege New!r flKl ^^^^^ ^ ^ _ j 1 i^^I^B $5.50 FOR $5.00 Mombem of Myskania r»r li»51-r>2 who are pictured above In order i»f tlielr Upping arc from loft to right! William Wiley, Helen Pilcher, Henry Smith, Victoria Halilliio, David Manly, llurvey Robinson, and David Shepard. Front row: Joan Ilnggerty, Robert Donnelly, TheresA PorU, Mary Borys Marks, Marlon Goreklc, and Victoria Eade, wltn a reception for the aiumm, pnnce.- Robert stuart '53 wm act as accompanist for the group. Son |or.s Hil11 on and guests at Brubacher Saturday, June 10 at 3:30 students win be admitted to the p m In t h e evenln(,. at 8 p m t h c production with their student tax ry Smith back to normal. Even his class skits will be given in Page tickets, didn't stop his trembling Hall. The evening performance will , , „ . , , , k , R ] leature the Class Prophecy and Will. C L I D I ^ o u c n and covei was Vickie mi p o „ o w i n g U l e Mt KCleaSCS t h e s, d ^ a D O l dlnos motto. On hearing her name torchlight service will be held in she slouched in her seat and pulled front of Draper Hall. 1"^ f, I f , • down her hat. The Commencement will take L / T d r t IfllOriTldtlOn „„. . .„ . . . , ,, ,. . . , p i n c e Sunday, June 17 at 10:30 p.m. y L j ,, . nt thc Alumni Quadrangle The A bulletin received from Edward Mt,, f Mnn V- " n c 1 w a l k e c l u u t 0 t h e s t n e e main sneaker is Fimenn 7neke t J - S n b o 1 ' Coordinator of Field Seron clouds of air. After Harvey Ro- m a l " sPcakei is Eugene Zuckeit, reV eals that Maior General blnson stood nn he hnri n sipkenini. Assistant Secretary ot the Air Force. ! 1L ,' ' ' , ... llV , o , u l l , s o n SUH)(1 U ' P' ' " nan a sioicenmg ,.„wn „i,,„.| , t;„,„.i„i Lewis B. Hershey, Director of SelecHnnn 7l unt ll> ar. Did they really call his name? ' ' ' m o a b ' Zuckeit was Special service has announced Mav Consultant to thc Commanding 1,„5 1,9°5 1, ! l s t h.'.e j ai«ioui«,eu may Strong embraces were Dave Shop- General of the Army Air Forces s l'o n o f a deadline for submlsard's trademark. He almost crushed during World War II ' PP>^atloiis for the Select[ e Helen Pilcher. Joan Haggerty was The freshman class ha.s scheduled l , Service College Qualification never so thirsty In all her life. „ picnic, according to Alfred Cle- Test. All postcard applications must Twentv minutes passed before Hob '>"'""' '53. President. The picnic will ljl ' postmarked not later than mldIWIUIJ niniuus passed ixioie Jioo .,,,.,.,,,!,,,,. ,,,,.,, o,,,.,,. niiilil ot this date. Donnelly recovered. Terry Porta re- ; k l ' P • ' " ' ' l a l k SntuiA l i ( , u i ( ) n b h i n k s fm. t h c Q u f t l . memlicra n general roar while a lla> • Mll> U l l t l l ) a m ' ilicatlon Test, results of which will sea ot faces gave forth with conb e l l s e d by Local Draft Boards in grntulations. btarr W i l l UlStriOUte considering student deferments, Mary Marks couldn't believe it. K. , i Li I " l a y b e o b t l l l n e d n ' o l n "M> nearest V V/ She felt numb and faint. Contrary X e a r D O O k N e x t W e e k Local Board. The tests will be given to expectations, Mlmi Gorskle, didn't at various colleges (including State do a ballet, but walked up sedately, Students may obtain copies of the College) on May 26, June 16, and 1050-51 rcdUKoinie. which has been June 20. The applicant is to write When number thirteen w u flnu ly , d f • ^ P r o g r e M publish- to his Local Draft Board requesting [' p1Hc1' a l , **Bhod relief Said Vic- , , n A l b a n y , Monday, SSS Form Number 107, as soon as 0ompany l t u ,MU "' " " ' so l m ' " , v ! Mav 21 to Friday, May 25, accord- Possible. 1, sl " Monday new officers were 1 U |:'lo.loan Mitchell '51, Editor-inin recapitulating the requirements elected. Dave Manly will wield the chief. The books will be distributed General Hershey stated that the gavel; Vickie Baldlno Is Vice-Chair- outside the Commons from U a.m. applicant: (1) Must be a reglsniiin. Vickie Eade will read pro- iQ 4 p > m , trant who intends to request occuceedlngs; Helen Pilcher will handle Members of the Pedagogue staff pational deferment as a student; the money. Mistress of Ceremonies wiU distribute copies to students up- 12) Must be under 26 years of age lfi J o i l n Haggerty. presentation of a student tax at the time of taking the test; and on So a new Myskania Is In office ticket. Additional copies, priced at 13) Must have already begun and to carry on the traditions of this $5 each, may be ordered at that plan to continue his college or imisociety for the thirty-fifth year. time, Miss Mitchell has announced, verslty studies. C ane